【MINECRAFT】 I need gunpowder midnight

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[Applause] thank you [Applause] Thank you Foreign Foreign Thank you foreign Thank you [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] Late night rests or almost morning risks why aren’t you sleeping with okay so I slept at like okay maybe not it wasn’t 9pm it was like 10 p.m I slept it I took a nap at 10 pm and I woke up at like 2 45 and I was just like fudge

I’m screwed so might as well stream I did do a members only poll oh yeah how are you guys doing what time is it over there by the way for some of you guys I bet it’s probably a weird time for many of you I have to I don’t have two campfires

Right yeah one more one more one more one more oh I don’t have enough sticks Sorry wait let me just I’m doing my thing while doing this surprisingly I’m almost set up 3 30 in the afternoon wow it’s a very interesting time 2 30 a.m or 2 30 p.m I see some AMS are you guys okay are you guys okay if you guys have time to sleep after

Anyways good morning for the PMS well that sounds like a pretty fun time is it like Friday over there right probably have the day off or something Okay anyways today I’m gonna try to make a creeper Farm I have a guide a YouTube guide right next to me that I I’m currently trying to uh make sure I have everything uh I need the cats I realized I need a cat nap I I’ve heard that Kyla has a creeper

Farm and this is the new new server by the way but one I don’t know where it is too I don’t want to really want to depend too much on Kyla so I want to try to make one I’m gonna use uh for those who are curious what

Guide I’m using I’m gonna be using this guide I don’t I’m not gonna pin it just just because you know maybe I might Make them some people confused but cats are not effective snowman ones are better well that sounds even harder to find though I am close to Snow Mountain so Maybe no that and that was fine it was good I was reading manga and then I kind of fell asleep I’m pretty sure Midway

Okay uh you can build a snowman Do You Want to Build a Snowman how snow and pumpkins is all oh No no it’s not that song would you like to learn more I would like to learn more wait uh let me just make sure I have glass I have glass right I’m looking a hopper check water buckets check building blocks slabs might not have enough actually no I

Should have barely enough slabs but I should have more somewhere uh yeah I’m just in case I’ll grab a bit more I’m trying to be very organized here if you noticed chests got two of them you stacked two snow blocks and then a carved pumpkin on tip oh how do you make them stay though like it’s actually organized for once the part that’s scaring me is the 130 trap doors I’m like really

130 of them are you kidding me is what I’m thinking uh extra blocks what what are extra blocks maybe I should have extra Cobblestone just just in case Um trap doors carpets they can’t jump over blocks even carpets how do you oh so I could just build one inside the farm where the cats are supposed to be I could do that would that work did you guys see the guide that I linked would it work

It would suck if I spent hours on this and it didn’t work or or if I accidentally exploded Midway I don’t know but we’ll try an attempt will be made carpets okay any carpets huh of how make carpets how do you make carpet oh okay I might not have enough wool

I might need to go some sheep hunting yeah I don’t have enough wool wait maybe I should make a sheer uh sheer cheers oh I spelled it wrong don’t lie don’t mind don’t lie just hold it And I guess I’ll find pumpkins somewhere seemed like it would have pump pumpkins Stuff I don’t need bones spider paper I don’t know oh Mom oh yeah I gotta return radson I also always have so much junk in your inventory it’s just how it is you know and to be like that Um 5 AM Minecraft stream yup good morning I wrist and shine keep forgetting to use that phrase Oh yeah how do you tame no I I don’t I don’t have to worry about that okay I’m good I’m good glass I have glass right you know it should be fine I think I have everything I just need need oh wait I have silk touch right yeah I have silk touch

Okay be good and it’s morning don’t worry we’re in the middle of a snow mountain I’ll find snow blocks like right here Huh do I need a shovel maybe I need a shovel oh no does it have to be a silk touch shovel shoot do I need to go visit silk touch shovel oh okay dang it I don’t have silk touch here right nope I know Army left me mending thank you Mommy um

Okay let’s go let’s go find some silk touch then the snow feels like Silk where’s my books didn’t I book somewhere book a book to read I mean died near your house is that what happened I thought I had books you can craft true what was the recipe for book again leather paper okay I only need one book Guess I’ll keep the paper foreign That’s the chat experience the Minecraft chat backseating experience something that I actually kind of appreciate because I I’m not best Minecrafter out there in this world you don’t need silk touch only four snowballs oh really oh thank you thank you thank you thank you it’s already night time What was I trying to get snow for again wait wait wait can sir I need to refresh my money from my memory real quick what was I trying to get snow for again and you know for once there’s nobody in this server that’s when you know you’re actually

Streaming at a very interesting time uh uh oh yeah snow blocks yeah okay okay really only seven And what was I gonna do with these snow blocks again wait I did not like it oh yeah snowman snowman snowman okay yeah Oh yeah I remember now I need to straighten this area a bit like when I have time If you guys notice I made I made some dark staircases over here which kind of cut off over here because probably because of the creeper exploded or something while I was gone make a snowman for infinite snow would the Snowman not despawn It can die if it rains well it never rains here I think it’s always just snowing I’m gonna sleep I should probably sleep in real life too but I won’t because I am bad girl duh okay I was thinking about where to make it I’m thinking like not super near my

Place I would think something down Hill so nutty I know I was almost gonna say so nutty uh Take that Where’s my gun powder didn’t I have gunpowder somewhere stored oh there it is okay I can just use okay let’s find a good place to start oh and I have to find sheep it shouldn’t be too hard I’ll find them somewhere right you know I’m just gonna take a walk in the park

Hopefully I’ll find one Sheep sheep adoco meh Snowfall snowman creeper Farm uses a different design you can’t use this design the design I I posted in chat would it not work Maybe it won’t work It won’t work okay thank you for letting me know Nikes I’ll just make us known that near my place just so I can have more snow but meanwhile I will actually have to find cats to kidnap or catnap then could I just make some someone’s cats breed and take their kittens that

Actually sounds like a better idea than finding cats from scratch Just notice cronies castles sticks out of its the land I’ve never been here to be very honest would crony have cats you would think she would she loves cats no cats Zeta has plenty of cats do you guys know where Zeta lives bafana on his near my neighbor oh she has sheep can I share your sheep Oh wow I’m hungry oh lead lead didn’t I have lead somewhere Don’t you go anywhere Oh wait wait wait no okay there we go oh it’s wow your your hair grows very fast Oh it’s gonna be good just eat something real quick That’s some wool I need more I need more now where’s her cats fauna do you have cats I’m going to hope that you have cats and how do you breed cats is it bread I don’t think it would be red but maybe bread who knows

On the en server can you bring cats to another server I don’t think so Fish oh it has to be fish okay rodson’s turn Okay there’s water right in front of me People who come in while I’m fishing or be like what happened to the creeper Farm yeah raw fish don’t cook it gotcha The JPS have have more than one cat Arona is Early morning fishing yeah don’t people like fish at like five in the morning fishermen wake up early right because I guess fish fish are early early birds early fish how that’s the one thing keeps me from ever wanting to go fishing it’s because like I think especially in

Japan the fish market like opens up like super early in the morning and they start like making bed not beds uh start auctioning big fish Like Big Tuna you’d be surprised at how expensive those tuners get I’ve never seen it in real life I’ve seen any YouTube videos it sounds fun yeah except I don’t think it’s in tsukiji anymore appreciate they moved it’s still called The tsukiji Fish Market but it’s not in tsukiji anymore

But why I don’t remember why I’m pretty sure there was a good reason for that they moved in 2019 it’s already been four years well foreign There’s lots of fish on FFF it’s okay I’m not it’s probably going to take a while to get to ssf I don’t even know where FFF is in this server is it inside the tree it can’t be Ian server yeah it’s okay I don’t need that much fish right And I kind of wanna Another rare fish rod which happened a lot off stream before I Zen lost I got two really good fishing rods before I then lost off stream was better than rodson I remember as I’m hoping rodson will give me a good fishing rod eventually part of the reason why I’m fishing now too You then lost both yes I did Fought his neck Neck be branching out What do you think fauna has a long neck I don’t think so truly I know her her Halloween model is definitely long neck but you guys think her neck is a bit thicker oh come on I don’t think that’s that what are we how does my neck look I can’t I can’t see right now oh wait no I can’t see I feel like my neck is actually long too especially in like you know how I have like a choker thing going on in my default outfit without the choker I think it would look pretty long

The choker gives illusion that it’s not that long not a bad thing yeah I don’t think it’s a bad thing either obviously Oh no it’s getting dark already why is the day so short just like how the days are getting oops okay how many do I have now seven fish that enough to get to two baby cats oh look it’s Kyla Oh There she is what is she playing like a husband or something Kyla shintanani Deja Vu I feel like we’ve had this conversation before okay it’s getting dark let’s sleep if on his place What’s another way to say respect reverence Admiration reverence is fine am I spelling it right Okay Would Kyle even know that word true but it’s the case you can she can learn new words I can smell that you love Minecraft right now I’m happy your guidance led me to enlightenment I thank you Lead you to a Lightroom and oh You know for a second I thought she said I thought she wrote I thank you booze of you and I was like what’s a boo and I’m running because of you And she uses the emotes God I don’t know what I’m gonna do with rots and flesh give me a good item Minecraft oh saddle I don’t need more Saddles I have more than enough saddles should I take the fish though Street Fighter 6 beta is today oh oh is it

Oh I should have oh I think I missed a fish just now I’m currently waiting on um on possible Starship Trooper green perms possible the pens depends if we get an answer So excited for that I did actually a member’s poll on what you guys wanted me to do tonight after I woke up it was between uh Minecraft Uh what was the other one EDF or Cod continuation And as expected I guess Minecraft won is again it’s a good excuse for me to actually be productive on stream instead of off Although EDF sometime soon though probably in a weird time though E can’t go wrong with Minecraft yeah this should be the fish right Cats won’t reject babies with 12 fish right Oh God I thought that was Kelly live for a second no it’s just statue Kayla let’s find baby I mean kitten cats need to need more energy honestly I’m using more brain energy than I’m comfortable that I’m comfortable of today eyelashing it’s everywhere you would think okay’s place would have Neko This is a chicken farm oh I need to know where the slime farm is in a new place Stray cats doko or I’d have to go find a village the only thing is I can’t fly with cats on me right I can’t store cats I just realized does that mean I have to find cats near my place how am I gonna bring cats you can you can fly with cats

Can you fly with cats they teleport oh okay that’s convenient They’ll teleport to you okay okay as long as I have them on a leash right okay then then that makes everything so much easier now I just gotta find them oh speak of the devil okay uh they’re sitting is it okay for me to make them uh you know run around what if

I lose them okay these two are very close maybe they’ll Those are domesticated they have to be wild you can’t breed other people’s cats I guess that’s kind of rude but I mean you can’t damage you guys look just like each other you’ll make cute babies come on You can’t unseek them okay where am I gonna get wild cats off hand right click my pockets are full I can’t offhand click wait I have to find a village poof found a village when I almost got lost once Ask her to unsit them is she around nearby if she’s nearby Maybe that’s okay you know what I’m gonna go find my own cats So let’s get the views up it was a village like not super far away from my place I just don’t remember where it was so that’s great okay you guys have the coordinates for my house right and I can I guess I could just look at my house right now Thank you unusual Irish dream time I know oh there’s a why is there a turtle over here did it did it run away just be in my house minus 200 minus 1 500 yeah I’ll just I’ll just aim for that okay oh it ran away didn’t it how

Oh no I have two no I have to no no I still have one more egg that doesn’t want to hatch for some reason okay let’s try go um toward Negative X maybe let’s try and go negative Negative X positive Z Foreign I’ll find one somewhere off in the distance Oh wait I should have brought a bed holy shoot that’s a lot of pork Porky pork pork Shouldn’t you have four eggs I don’t Oh you mean are you talking about the turtles no I think it was three if I’m not mistaken did I bring a bed shoot I didn’t bring a bed okay I’m screwed wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s uh

Let’s go back for a second you have enough wool true I should have enough wait wait My pockets are just kind of full 24 7. don’t need this Oops Thank you Iris POG face was I making the POG face I like these coordinates but so in the way oh sheep sheep sheep sheepy sheep sheep sheep oh grow more hair Okay oh more sheep eat wool not enough The coordinates are nice but there’s too much on my screen it’s really hard to look at cutest POG face ever really thank you I never really found a Pog face to be something technically cute Sheep A sheep sheep I feel so kind to nature for not killing them I feel like the kindest Soul right now This is a weirdly shaped Terrain wanna come down to me sheep is that a bunny oh it’s a buddy bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny I kind of want the bunny’s foot mainly because it looks like a rare item that I could possibly use in the future Sorry bunny I also want your leather just because Kind to Nature right from the get-go I know nice nice okay I guess I’ll I’m in the show curve oh no my chokers being more and more unorganized by the second Foreign I’m sorry nature is cruel Okay you know I’ll I’ll spare the rest of them okay oh what’s that is that someone’s place Oh and where’s my ow Is it that dangerous Well it can’t be that bad Careful of the guys with the axes I feel like I’ve been here before Kino say ooh pumpkins I’ll take actually no it’s a girl I don’t have to take them Oh there’s a lot of them it’s okay I have a I have an undying you guys hate each other I just go inside there’s nothing here guys oh can I bring that dude along with me oh yeah kill him for me littlewood loot will be at the top floor I feel like this is already looted though foreign I guess I’ll bring this this rainbow color that looks cool oh no I don’t have space Trip wire hook no idea what I’m supposed to do with that but okay I don’t need this nautilus shell potato potato dark oak Throw a cobblestone it’s extra blocks hit the crossbow true do they use regular bows too How’s the Snowballs oh not shell is more precious than the potion really I get these so often I never thought they were precious okay I guess I don’t need the dirt Oak slab Micah One chest and no gold horn pillagers suck is what I’m assuming Chad is telling me okay let’s find a village then this ends up being an Adventure episode in the end What was this Cool natural nether portal except there is no nether portal is gone All this is for My is that a village this looks like a village do you have cats Nicole Neko I will hate you if you don’t have cats how dare you not be a cat lover oh okay Stone Golem over there I kind of want that stand maybe I’ll take it from them I’ve come to catnap catnap your cats They spawn so you can also just wait really Meow meow shooter I’ll you know what I’ll stay I’ll stay the night oh be is that a b yeah this would be okay it looked different for a second Interesting house where can I sleep the night One lucky villager will have will let Iris sleep in their bed wheat Nekodoko Nickel meow lucky villager I get to stay awake yeah you know what sure I can be my respawn point what an honor I know Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy brush my teeth uh brush my hair and uh and I’ll leave this city I don’t remember the lyrics yeah okay I’m sleeping what about over there I want to go with go over there got the white clowns You get to stay the night okay Lucky now your bed is uh blessed by the iris come on there’s no cats do they actually spawn after a while nickel spawn please Foreign Villagers eating pig how dare they Village might be too small really it doesn’t I mean it looks fine not super small Come on I’m waiting if it takes too long I’m going to start burning this Village down One villager here I only see this dude are you lonely would you perhaps like me to put more bed here only one dude yeah there’s only oh no there’s two dudes there’s two breed them could I put them on a leash I can’t put them on a leash How do you move villagers If only I had bread Oops didn’t mean to break that Only two word didn’t have more wheat wasn’t there like at least one more wait somewhere no Um Oh he took the seeds okay Thank you for the gifts Should I buy weed from him no it’s probably expensive I don’t want it ah I mean there’s there’s a wheat belt right there I mean that’s so true all your wheat belongs to me It’s for the future of this Village You know what I’ll take more wheat Bread breed two Villa Two villagers I know it’s so tiny you wonder how they survived this whole time I guess it’s the bond they’re bonds I think their bonds should um evolve into something something more than it is already wait I can’t feed them

Why why do you not want to eat are you not full are you just working what is it You’re gonna need more beds oh thank God there’s wool in the house except I need I need to cut some trees tree tree cut why are there more than two houses then They’re bonds they need to be stronger Pockets full Uh no no carpet carpet carpet Moss carpet that’s a thing Oh Okay this should be enough thank you for the gifts what I was gonna do something shoot what was it oh yeah bed bed bed Should I just find another Village would that be faster Oh I don’t have enough space again okay Where should I place the should I place the beds near where they are they’re both Farmers oh yeah this is it is foreign Why won’t they eat they have to like not be working or something in house foreign I don’t need this why do I have it almost broken crossbow Um It’s probably more valuable than some other stuff though I don’t eat this week give me the book okay Oh look hey are you ready are you ready to no no you’re not ready yet they’re both so close to each other just drop them drop the bread is that how it works Throw your bread was that how it works how do you ever throw bread again without having to always go to the menu screen Q Do you need the bread take it take it take it this brings me back old memories You guys should have enough bread for babies I demand you to romance each other like now like right now yes Will it work will it work I think it’s working guys I think it’s working Come on try again Put a bed right here foreign I’ll go make some more bread wait there Was foreign Did I not place the other bed oops Foreign It’s time for new life well that’s where you’re coming out of I should make a better Road for you your house is too far from your partners they need three beds I’ll share one bed do they need a roof guys Back to work guys when I mean work I mean you know bread business where did they go is it too early for them This is why you guys you guys are not safe you need to close your goddamn doors Hide Your Kids how’s your wife They’re nowhere to be found You know ring the bell true true Realized my Minecraft volume is super low wet Have you assembled I see one of you where’s the other one he’s not interested come on take it take it take it take it you take take Okay Will you guys be in the mood even though it’s still daytime Bgm got louder not game audio no game audio sounds got louder too I just raised my overall system volume no worries or maybe maybe you’d maybe maybe I’ll lower it a little bit more I don’t think privacy is in their dictionary oh there’s a house up there too only that’s high it’s a very weird place to have a house should I try fly up there why not Thanks What is the Golem up there oh never mind it’s not a Golem it’s a roof out They’re not in the mood are they I like push them toward each other probably cover that hole you need more bread here here not interested this is awkward how is it awkward the natural process of nature I’m just speeding up the process come on you know what bell bell thank you See see they’re both they’re both staring at the bed okay okay good good good no no no no no no no no no no yeah yeah okay okay now just I did feed them you should try to check out how to make a villager farm it’s really really easy only takes you 30 minutes to focused really you can make villagers by scratch you know what I’m gonna go to different villages you guys are screwed goodbye Take your beds back that’s true How can you just give up like that I don’t know they’re taking their sweet time I want hurry up and start actually making my creeper Farm you know what Cindy hinda you get to keep it dripping up on your feet and bread breed plan yeah I’m sorry not all Iris projects succeed

You see Looking for sheep because I donated some beds I need it’s one out of ten success right it’s that low You would think it’d be higher well I guess I guess that makes sense never mind it’s just like real life I don’t know any more sheep nope you’ve completely forgot about the creeper Farm objective that’s why we’re doing this I’m trying to find cats foreign Otherwise I’ll never be able to return Big Village a big Village oh I love the I love the color of these houses it’s very cute it’s like cherry wood big Village Nicole I’ll take a map I guess Empty Village There’s a there’s a Salesman Oh but someone opened this door it might be a villager I mean there’s a stone a stone dude is here that’s a good sign right wait I heard a meow wait wait I heard a meow if I was not deaf I think I heard a meow

I missed a cat wait where to go how do you tame cats again fish right or is that is that just to breed them wait how how fish again how did that work again I heard a meow I swear I heard a meow wait That’s all Oh these villagers look interesting they look a little different it’s really cute I love their clothes they all have eye patches what are you why are you why are you wearing something so different are you do you not have a role No no no no you you get yeah yeah yeah sure cute huh it’s a higher pitch voice United I have fish Crouch and wait oh no it’s turning nighttime I I’m worried that they’re gonna die Oh yeah sleep first yeah okay Wrong fish it can’t be salmon does it have to be clawed I do have Cod too but I didn’t think there would be a difference Any fish right I’ll switch to Cod just in case but hi hi hi hi hi hi the baby Village is kind of cute They run if you move or turn sharply okay I’m gonna stand here like a statue until one of them comes to me hi It though survino feed it I’m trying to is it too far I’m right clicking I think I’m ranking clicking on something else the grass is in the way There we go that’s one one down I’m gonna bring your your girlfriend your future girlfriend I hear a different cat It’s gonna be love at first sight I swear One is enough but you need two right think about the Minecraft realism here I hear it I don’t see it I think it’s a black cat though What is not enough yeah even I know that oh no no I don’t want to feed you anymore and you you come with me Is it this maybe it’s the same cat the whole time is only one cat I thought I saw one more somewhere cool you know They have their own River going Is You can breed your cat with kylas really if even if they’re sitting would it work Yes oh okay your girlfriend’s very far away but I’ll take you there do I need to bring a leash with me do I need to put it on a lead I don’t want to hurt you just fly no he teleports okay okay uh oh I’m very far away okay what were the which direction what what was my chord on this again can someone type it uh my house Don’t make it sit okay don’t fly walk you’re cruel this is a nice Village though it’s a very cute Village I love it I hope you guys survive in this cruel tough World minus 200 minus one thousand five four hundred fifty okay that means positive eggs negative Z foreign this way Hi oh wait what was it again uh minus 200 was it Oh I remember you guys you guys hear the or the village that’s gonna perish because I don’t exist too fast and too high why it’s not that fast right The cat the cat what does a cat does a cat just kind of disappear if I go too fast foreign Which way am I supposed to go again uh negative Z Negative X what was it uh Negative X positive positive minus five thousand minus 300 minus five thousand minus two Negative X positive Z Foreign Wait how slow do I have to fly then what about when I cross the ocean what am I supposed to do about that Um thank you both you have to vote it Really you got a bonus Foreign to make her cats stand up and let her and let me breed them she wanted to stick it uh I said oh wait here this is my cat right my cat’s still around it’s just stay it’s stuck in the village Magica this is the preciousness of life okay let’s go slowly then okay go slow and low okay okay uh what was it again positive x negative Z was it no no negative yeah positive X positive Z minus 200 okay positive X negative Z let me let me let me copy this

Just don’t put it Positive x negative Z this way okay Need to stop like every 50 blocks that’s very little The journey for the survival of this cat Yes you you are you’re a sticky note at right now right now that that is what you are okay oh there it is okay oh Only one cat apparently that’s enough as long as I breed with someone else’s cats We’re taking the long way foreign I don’t have the wood for boats oh maybe I do maybe I do I might have enough Thank you I only need one cat I can multiply them later you Need you and I I don’t miss you and now I Ponder laughs Will I be able to will I be able to spawn past here no okay let me try see the limits of this nickel Okay okay okay it comes it comes okay we did weird foreign Making my way downtown Before I can pass La la la la la done staring blankly ahead making my way making my way through the right Ow I miss you and I need you now I won No negative negative Z [ __ ] uh positive x negative Z this way okay this way Neko okay Neco alive is this 6 a.m oh it is 6 A.M foreign Negative Z so you’re just your owner just wanted to take a quick bath I’m scared about like falling into one of those those holes that I fell into early early on in my Minecraft adventure I think the same hole like Kiara film and that that weird hole that and we have no idea how that happened hole in EN server Oh Who knows where there could be another hole just like that No Foreign I guess it can be boat time will the Cat come with me you have to like place the cat in boat or something Push it to the boat okay okay let’s go back You sit I push I don’t want you to push you into the water accidentally Hey hey Put it I’m trying to drowny cat I’m not okay now you get on boat there we go okay it’s on it’s on boat okay okay we good we good nice uh put it there I’m scared about the the jump scares that happen when you’re above a sea Temple That’s the thing I’m scared about it Foreign Now positive X Guardian s you’re getting far true wait wait Let’s see Thank you I believe That the heart does go on oh wait no no wrong way I’ll do this one Sounds like someone’s preparing to spit at me I believe the cat will survive with that song True bad omen What’s up I’m going the right way right just gotta wait just gotta worry about night time I’ll be fine foreign I see a temple up there could always Uber something that is true should I maybe I’ll meet I’ll think about it a little bit later on Come on good luck Minecrafting oh thank you Kyla foreign Okay oh I forgot it’s night time yeah yeah Hurry up and become morning Suddenly very hot all of a sudden Ly That looks like a farm foreign To get oh there we go how do I get the cat off the boat by the way guys You break the boat it can swim okay Foreign Right okay you can swim in God okay follow me positive Z positive Z Where is it where cat cat s sitting There we go cat you don’t have a name you’re just cat your sacrifice the rest of your life span for my creeper Farm s oh we could have him breathe wait is my cat this might be my cat actually I don’t know wait Have you had our chromium more cats Don’t name the cat yeah I’m not gonna name the cat because I don’t want to get too attached to it okay okay Foreign yes yes kitten will the kitten follow me it looks like my cat though wait how are you there we go okay oh I ran out of fish it’s okay I’m not stealing anyone’s cat no worries It’s just I just let them Mingle what did you show on stream it’s okay animal animal mating videos are totally fine on YouTube right you see it happen very often why are these all these trees floating what the hell happened here um wait coordinates Okay kitchen’s following too positive Z positive Z Thank you You see them often huh no I don’t no no I don’t know I’m just saying it’s a fact foreign Actually no I have to go next positive X positive X okay okay how okay kitten came which means okay there we go there we go I see it I see my house foreign You will grow up into a wonderful cat I mean you already are a cat I mean adult cat that will give you all live your lifespan for the sake of my elytra and the world it’s obviously a flying of our iris is a better than a non-flying iris the snow will kill them Skin they just go inside the house and we good Hey hey Powdered snow they’ll sink that’s scary um I guess I’ll have them teleport then I’m just gonna land where was you sit sit sit for a bit sit for a bit I will go investigate which way was I’m pretty sure it was this way the Flatland yeah yeah let me flatten some land beforehand Oh yeah didn’t it did they release another server yeah I think I know yeah they did I’m pretty sure they did release another server hang ing We can flatten the land over here What are the questions this time foreign There’s gonna be another stream to answer those on the official channel for something probably you know I didn’t know those were those are for the stream until we found out that we were going to be looking at those during this during the um announcement stream we’re like oh we’re gonna be going

Through the results what were the what was the most uh interesting question for you guys worst driver I feel like Fonda would win that because of her um infamous uh Euro Truck stream it’s probably gonna be funny that went pretty viral Bethany yeah most likely you’ll be fun in Maybe I think it’s only um for it’s for Ian like who in Ian I do say I don’t think I’m the best driver either but Can you drive no I don’t trust myself behind the wheel therefore I did not bother to to try to get a license I don’t even have a permit that’s one thing I love about Japan you don’t really know need to know how to drive you can pretty much go anywhere with The train though there are a lot of places that are just much more convenient if you have a car like there’s some there’s some like family restaurants that are much nearer like freeways and stuff or the road very far from stations Let’s make it wider this way Yeah I gotta make some torches I gotta make some coal Foreign appear out of nowhere what is the gate over there I see a light up feet over there Being able to get anywhere without a car is real Freedom yeah Do you agree I heard like traffic can be really ridiculous in certain areas because you really can’t do anything without without a car foreign whose place is that the coconut and City parking too the only thing um one thing that’s very uh common is parking in Japan can be very expensive

Oh it’s someone’s mind Foreign Place right you can teleport no I can’t who said I could teleport I never want to live in a city really I mean maybe not a not a not like la like crowded if you’re talking about parking but What you did on Valentine oh oh oh yeah yeah I can in the virtual real world in in a virtual world I can I like a birthday cake too This is the birthday cake I thought it was everything was only near the beetle scared okay birthday cake is very cute Let’s make some more torches foreign Again There it is it has to be a little bit bigger So thank you for the translations I appreciate it I know sometimes I spit out random Japanese here and there well okay just break this Oh my God I’m actually building something guys aren’t you proud of me something that will be functional it’s been years was the last time I did that this it was a melon farm hey okay let’s make some coal maybe I should mine Some Coal oh but I

Don’t have the I don’t have the Torches right now I don’t know if the melon form was really actually that helpful for the server Ian server at least torch torch no torch and what let me empty my shelter from unnecessary stuff Foreign I threw away so many Nautilus shells thinking they were useless until you guys are all like oh you should keep them thank you for the knowledge is there a slime farm by the way guys um in this new server because I do want more slime balls for the future

But I don’t know where to get them I remember the slime slime farm in the JP server was really in a very uh inconvenient place like I just don’t remember it Nearly where’s Lily not far from the center of town really near where you are do you guys have coordinates near Rolex hello I would like to visit a slime farm while I have the knowledge from chat Let’s go there then since it’s pretty nearby anyways Who might is it this which is the mansion e okay Oh is that is that you know I don’t even know what these are what are these keep going left left Under the cake under the cake wait this is connected to the beetle well I’m just I don’t know anymore or is there two beetles Look towards the big glass building big glass this mushroom Orbit tentacle oh I just it just looks like a mushroom to me Okay I’m here under the cake under the cake under the cake So like right under the cake that’s a cool Tower those wings Laughs The Shack There’s a shack I’m trying to find the shack Aquatica I see it I see it I see it Waiting space and gate like I was in English You don’t have to have to put in a tip if you don’t want to is kind of how the wording is in English I would say foreign Did I forget my shelter foreign I forgot my shulker didn’t I’m so dumb okay I think this should be not uh Okay let’s go back which way was it again I think it was like this way yes Oh wait this is this is sweet season it looks sort of similar just nicer so I get confused okay Okay Finally yeah Please stay small you’re so cute that’s so cute I need wood I need food Where’d the baby go did the baby just die wait wait you want to knock out oh the other one I heard something it grew up already now where’d it go You stepped on it You can step on them It was dead no it grew where’d it go though if it grew where to go you know um it’s in the corner where to the right now there’s always two I mean I’m trying to find the third one the other Corner oh oh you got that you’re fireguessing me

You’re not allowed to fire gas to me like that so today There you guys trick me I almost I almost had a heart attack no it’s inside shut up stop lying okay I need wood let’s sleep first Sleeping with the cats I’m bonding okay So let’s destroy some trees I already actually destroyed a decent amount I think I need to destroy more Late night more like morning stream at this point yeah Maybe I should just mine for Cole or yeah mining is probably faster but I should probably make at least some torches so that I can carry it around with me while I mine 4am is always considered morning no it’s not 5 AM is when you start calling a morning right At least that’s how I I think I call it morning at four nah I sleep at four usually like later than before I actually super five but I don’t want to stay asleep at five so I sleep before Foreign Yeah you know what I’ll make some torch I hear I don’t know why that surprised me so much When it’s daytime Foreign Around this oh yeah Minecraft is scary as an Outlast confirmed honestly kinda you know I played some off stream after that took forever to kill the snitch off stream like how many times they gonna play the snitch but it was it was fun it’s a whole lot of rooms end up going AFK hi hi I know

Kinda foreign I don’t think this is me guys Or maybe it is me Are you holding your totem no I’m not I’m holding a fire wait no where’d my where’d my torch go did I drop my torch okay Order it oh my God my car placed it at your house did I why did I do that probably a slip of a button Maybe it’s Army that looked underneath my house now she has some sort of Minecart thing going on It’s too dark I’m holding the toad and no worries I would like more totem so I’m running out of them and I feel like I they’re very necessary I don’t want to lose everything again otherwise I’m gonna cry I will cry I’ll do it cold cold out that where should I just dig around here maybe

Anywhere right pretty much or is it too high Frog frog oh that’s cute they look so Derpy I love it Don’t Go Far Below this Is I need I need a proper pickaxe you know I’m gonna make a diamond pickaxe because I’m rich Who made that um Our progress I got most of the stuff I need now I just have to actually Build It Up I just need any coal Diet And you can put a breaking on it I’m breaking two why not uh Do I need a I need an anvil don’t I Anvil should I make an anvil caps lock is on What do I have the iron iron Yes I do Foreign Just sipping my drink Foreign No mending book actually I do have mending okay Huh cute what is that is that like turtle poop or something Where’d I get that from turtle poop it grew wow Piece of the turtle shell it means you’re super cute you know I actually thought that for a Split Second skewed to the Shell I learned so much English Um achino Is it not possible to make torches with charcoal away it was just the wrong recipe 16 16 That was a torched spear a long torch excuse me okay Foreign I’m gonna have to break some of these anyways when I make my little enclosure I don’t like how it’s very close to uh oh wait maybe I didn’t make this in the group spot I think this is right underneath the cave This might be right underneath the cave guys um oops right above a cave excuse my English oh God above is that a problem I have to dig down and perhaps mayhaps it might be a problem fill it fill it with the future okay I guess I guess that’s what okay you

Know what I’m actually gonna start making it now got it oh yeah my shoker How long into The Stream until I finally start making it three hours in wait wait I started at 4 30. actually it’s only been has it only been two hours oh that’s not bad considering what I did during these two hours is very a very Hefty amount of uh stuff that happened

In two hours that’s not bad okay okay hat search I expected the cat search to take at least three hours good progress good progress It’s brass very in the way Okay Let me just play this video real quick what do we do first what do we do first Start by building the structure 5 13 5 okay okay one two three four five six One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen thirteen huh is that really five Um okay so including this is five right two three four five And then this this one two three four oh One two three four five And then thirteen one two three four five Thirteen eight one two three four five one Link to tutorial here I’ll place the link again one more time using this tutorial if you guys are curious Foreign Two three four okay okay and it has to be how many blocks high three blocks high is it is it three blocks high too high it’s only two okay thank you Foreign I can’t believe my eyes I’m actually making something I don’t know how people thought so while doing this I’m just concentrating I’m using all my brain energy on this right now okay and then there we go now what okay okay I’m watching the dude build it okay very fast speed Place carpets in the following pattern uh Oogie okay

Wait um I think maybe placing where’d my where’d my shulker go is my choker outside did it wait where did where did I put my shelter it’s over here okay Ah no no we put we place the carpets first okay We could be good we still got time let me just place this here so I can get inside Um maybe I’ll I’ll have this build around here for a second uh just so I can see how it looks from above Check out let’s go I never this is my first time actually building a scaffold Um Three um am I aiming wrong click on ground okay this should be high enough oh wait I know the video is playing without me I wasn’t watching maybe this was a little too high but we good so I have an elytra okay um place the cart with them to try again with carpets carpets supposed to look okay okay Here here two blocks away Foreign That’s the middle line oh Aha two blocks away from each other so like this I’m looking at this image and I’m just like Cool cool Yeah okay okay yeah yeah oh cool Okay okay okay I’m on the right track foreign ly sleep Screw it Okay Is this all of it I think that’s and let me count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve Thirty fourteen fourteen one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 okay okay this is all okay okay I got

It I got it um let me double check from how it looks from above above Ah okay that that look that looks fine probably I wanted to crouch and I ended up yeah don’t shift I can’t I can’t shift on this please don’t spawn in here Enderman okay now I bring the cats uh He got him Enchanted pants laughs kanji Iran do not need um It’s Galore Oh kitchens I hope the other one grew up did it yep it did okay Do they have to stand up wait maybe they have to stand up can they sit how was the dude bringing the cats read more first true I should do that before I might possibly lose them all okay so isn’t this oh well let’s not think too much about it um Need fish I need raw fish oh wait didn’t I have raw salmon somewhere oh no foreign I don’t think it’s there it is will three be enough let’s see you you thank you Okay No on your bed don’t don’t think about it Get off of my bed miss the timing really damn it Too slow really it’s got to be is that short of a time frame oh yeah I need to go fishing foreign bring some milk for those who are curious what this is I I ventured in here um off stream is a pretty big cave you go this way This was before I Zen lost yeah in a big it gets even deeper if we go this way Did I do this on stream I don’t remember if I did it on stream no I think I did it off stream I don’t remember maybe I looked it over it a little bit more off stream I don’t remember I didn’t no I didn’t lose it over here I

Didn’t lose everything over here I did it on stream did I I think it was a different game you guys I think it’s the cave that that was like underneath the water no not that one it’s similar but it’s not that foreign sure I did it off stream Once you start mining you don’t see an end to it yeah good morning good morning it’s Minecraft Saturday I wish I got controller vibrations going so I know that there’s a fish stuck on the net without having to look at my screen the whole time water graphics look so nice on OptiFine though a man I don’t need more name tags don’t you try to rail reel me into naming my cats Minecraft Saturday gonna be a thing I don’t know Hmm At this time too please weird it’s weird as hell time It’s a long fishing line I I have this punch that may be fishing from far away is supposed to help with getting better stuff but maybe it’s just my own made-up superstition could have given the name tag to Coyle’s donation box true but I I I’ve only

Gotten now it’s a little too late it doesn’t change anything for real never mind how dare you your hunch is wrong Hunchback of Notre Dame I want to watch that movie again but usually but that movie just makes me sad foreign Why is that you know he likes the princess but the princess just ends up being with the prince you should watch Starship Troopers again would you like I would like to know more man makes me want to watch the continuation of it but everyone’s like oh the original’s the best Oh shipping reason yeah Yeah Starship Troopers was kinda sad was it wait wait let me think was it I know you got NTR oh wait yeah I guess it was kind of sad wait wait wait you literally cried did I yeah I did wait now they think about it yeah the ending

The Sensei the Sensei death made me cry yeah the girl died yeah I didn’t expect the girl to die oh no spoiler alert let’s get the old movie and the other girl lived I know how dare she I was totally expecting her to die In fact I’d rather have her die than the other dude that she ended up ntring with he ended up being a pretty good guy toward the end of the day how dare she survive I know what’s her name Carmen was it even when she was supposed to she didn’t I know

He went out like a boss I know that made me really respect him it’s a pretty cool way to go not a cool way actually no it really sucked getting your brains you know sucked out but I mean it was it was a Chad move okay

Should I take these puffer fish is it worth it uh uh let us sleep first Have you ever seen Austin Powers of course rainbow I still I love the the Health examination segment I can’t I can’t stop laughing I can’t stop laughing even thinking about that scene usually it was the scene that me and I think Mama’s also loves to death the Apple again apple juice I haven’t seen Spaceballs though I love the the whole Shadow giving birth part Spaceballs is so funny oh really Next members watch along I think it’s almost time for me to do a member stream too Another one that I actually really like that I might want to re-watch is the ice skating uh ice skating movie what was it called again Something blades Will Ferrell one yeah Blades of Glory yeah Blades of Glory I personally found that one pretty funny I don’t know I was just really dumb It’s like the joke Yuri on Ice yeah pretty much foreign like we have to do this this top Seeker move that could possibly get us killed It has never succeeded even what was it called again the flying Lotus I think I think it was called The Flying Lotus they watch this video and the failures of applying oh no it’s the Iron Lotus never mind I noticed it it cracked up at that part I was shocked what it was showing me too yeah because like basically they had to win this competition because they were I forgot why they wanted to win but basically it’s about these two male um figure skaters that both get banned from the sport for bad sportsmanship was it So and the only way they can continue is Skaters is if they stop doing individual skating and instead pair up together and do pair skating they were banned from single City to duels yes exactly I’ve seen dodgeball I think I’ve seen it long time ago I don’t really remember it much I remember it being pretty pretty hilarious too Dodgeball was pretty darn funny wasn’t it I I think it was funny I just don’t really remember too much about it Lots of rent I think I remember that part actually how to kill you I think I remember that part actually oh I need to watch Swiss army man I’ve never watched it but I’m really curious about it foreign Man sounds like fun they’re made by the same people that did uh the most recent uh super award-winning uh everything everywhere all at once I think it’s about the same people Same directors yeah the amazing thing about everything everywhere all at once was the fact that they only had like 10 10 effect staff like eff EFX staff which is ridiculous like how basically they kind of just did most of the effects themselves sfx and sfx staff whenever you look at movie credits

There’s always like hundreds of them lined up they were all self-taught too I know foreign Don’t look like it’s just made by a small group of people Over Zoom do they do it over Zoom maybe they did passion yeah that’s genius also really probably cuts down costs too A movie gave me actual emotional damage it did give me bad dreams that’s for sure it was a good movie though it’s just very very wacky and dream like honestly Richard they did that because one time they asked uh outside like sfx staff to like company to make their effects and they felt like they could do better for lower cost or something they were just like you know what let’s do it ourselves this time I forgot what

Movie they were talking about but for something in the past it’s got my 2.0 merch let’s go This should be enough fish yeah this should be enough fish okay Wait I was wondering what that floating block is and then I noticed it’s probably fauna’s tree laughs It is very gorilla stream honestly it feels like I’m doing two streams at two streams in one day even though not really oops I wanted to open the video okay Foreign oh yeah feed them stand up it’s time For you too get along immensely get along why aren’t you guys why are you guys so far from each other Stan where are you sitting get to know each other a little bit more even though you guys are probably you’re you’re you’re you’re the parent one of you is the parent uh I should probably just carry fish and they’ll all come crawling to me right No no you don’t have to get along with the turtle turtle get off hola Why are you are you sitting I told you to stand up you hey hey there we go there we go one more one more make one more one more can you do more no you can’t do more I guess not maybe it’s too early foreign okay you have done your duty It is now time for you to say goodbye to your parents for the rest of your life Let’s sleep first Say goodbye to your parents you newborn Okay maybe I should I keep the door open or will it will they Make it stand true Wait okay Come out okay and then we fly Am I going too fast there we go nice nice a word bite where’d my leads go It’s okay I’m gonna hope you guys come in here there we go nice nice nice and you’re supposed to stand I think over here You’re supposed to sit over here you know you you flew with leads oh it’s okay so stay kimiwa Me no no no no no no no no no no no no What’s that here follow me follow your owner yes yes yes Make you sit down first Yeah okay fold it And then and then what was it again make them Place each cat on the furthest carpets okay yeah yeah I did that I did that deep four deep in the middle was it afterwards Six four okay I need to bring them water buckets too Trapdoor Oh wait okay Um two foreign oops [Applause] is this four deep one two three no one more Pockets are too full Okay okay okay Fill this I really need to empty my pocket Imagine it What Sushi I wanted to eat the salmon but the game won’t let me have we learned nothing we’ve learned nothing no yes I will never learn how to organize never it will never happen Okay um let me just follow the Okay so Trap doors right Place trap doors In the following way okay foreign how high the highest block This looks different from the trapdoors in the video I’m gonna hope it’s the right way like that right Foreign It’s fine okay should be fine And then I’m watching the video it’s just different what it should be it should be this why are you wearing the pumpkin hat because I don’t have space okay now I place Should wait let me let me check place the water on one side okay Okay and then dig seven nine Seven and then go down one block at nine one two three two three okay so four more Seven forward one down one easy Four five one two three four five two more Okay I should probably put some light Um and then nine right I’m starting to not see anything hard to okay can I fly out of the water Okay Thank you I’m making progress guys One two three four okay one two three four five six seven one two okay foreign Six six seven eight and nine okay let’s count this one two three four five six seven eight nine Probably dig this okay This is a new version I mean it’s a guide that was uploaded four months ago I’m assuming it should be fine All assumption Should be okay for a few versions you know what Make a small room at the end how big does a room have to be is there no No requirement no requirement no dimensions got tits below it okay okay so we can just How big does it have to be Here Thank you again Make it a little bit bigger This down should be should be lower should be lower maybe can be a little bit lower he made a five by five one two three four five One two three four This two under not three yeah yeah it’s got the windows in it Is it night time already in case I’ll sleep here damn it you won’t let me Know Let me bring my choker with me yeah Iris be like and I’m just I’m using my brain here okay Okay Maybe I don’t need a creeper Farm after all maybe I could just do this every single time I see a creeper So where’s my fish where’s my Boy God I don’t have food with me there’s another one Um I should probably get rid of something I just don’t know what I’m supposed to get rid of oh we’ll think about it later foreign Everything you don’t need for building wow you’re such a genius it’s so true okay eat please I should have brought my cooked food thank you Put it in this should be fine right it doesn’t have to be tall one two three four five Okay what it is Just ruins her campfire and hot broke It’s a weird place to put the campfire Place double chest and Hoppers connected to the chest How do I get out of here though if I do this I’m watching the video and it’s like oh and then I make a path oh okay okay and then I find my way out okay I trapped myself in here gotcha um let me watch that again place two campfires midair I need to make I need to make the slightly bigger than um And I think about it I don’t think it has to be three blocks down You can only be it doesn’t yeah maybe I should I should cover the Toe just so oh yeah okay yeah genius genius I got it fine fine yeah I’ll give you guys I I’ll I’ll give you guys the points for that yeah yeah sure you guys have the better idea I know okay you don’t have to rub it in uh Cobblestone floor time it’s gonna look disgusting but oh Wells No no it’s okay I’m just joking guys you don’t have to take me seriously okay oh this looks disgusting rub it in all you like okay now I just placed two campfires okay Where’d I put them I mean look at this again I just need to make sure I do this right

The first time Cobblestone aesthetic is like acquired taste that doesn’t sound good Koda Place a double chest poppers connected to okay okay Hopper Hopper hopper Hopper grasshopper foreign like this huh is it wrong campfire is wrong wait wait wait what what’s wrong with it how do I is it is the direction wrong wait Have fire and then place the chest right and then oh Hoppers oh The Hoppers are wrong Is the campfire wrong what it looks this is exactly what the video tells me to do aim aim at the chest if I aim at the chest it just opens like this Like this is it right now Okay campfire is wrong how is it wrong one block too far are you talking about the depth of this is this supposed to be The water has to connect wait wait let me look let me watch this video again oh yeah you guys are right okay In that case let’s redo this just like that They will get stuck there Yokai campfire needs silk touch I got you I got you bro I dug one two deep one too far is that what it means one two three four five six seven eight nine it’s nine though this is weird see I did the Kawaii That means I have to dig one down here like like this Okay okay what would I do if I did this off stream I would have screwed myself over Now it should be fine right so Okay yeah okay wait And then Hopper shift there we go okay Now let me play this video again Ohio Okay so probably should block this off Let me watch this again surround the campfires with glass Okay hi okay Wait does it have to be one block apart be right next to it right right next to the fire okay okay Where’s my glass ES let’s go Hi I’m stuck now I leave the bottom part open right okay and then make a path to ground level and find my way out of here Yay Freedom sleep Thank you am I are you telling me that I have to I should get rid of the torch Where where did I come out of again Not night time you’re supposed to be dormant Meek little spider because this morning makes no sense Where’d I come out of I should have marked it Why didn’t I mark it Where’d I come out of it you can go back in the hole but then there’s glass and surrounded I’m just gonna I’m gonna burn to death other side is the other side Oh Wrong that oh other side is in this side okay Oh I can’t find the hole Where’d I come out of It You just left the whole where yeah I know I know I was just a bad memory memory loss Supposed to be nearby here should I scaffold and find it why you need to sleep properly I don’t think that really matters I don’t think that’s the point or the case of this current problem It’s close to the side right yeah it wasn’t too far off The ground level of the building This is where it is okay Okay I got out now what foreign Watching the video Cover the entire farm with slabs Okie Do How do I get out of it though actually no I don’t have to worry about that oh it’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be floating up okay Hold on Wait wait uh foreign somehow get out of it before before I actually goodbye cats you’ll never see light of day again oh wait I should probably I should probably get rid of the the Torches right oh I’m getting hungry yabbit Wait till you’re done how do I get back inside though if I cover the whole enclosure Oh God hand-eye coordination Break the wall that is a very simple solution true you are right I wonder what I was thinking too hard about it In that case let’s keep it bright for a little bit longer out of kindness I woke up too much see my Oshi streaming have fun with the farm thank you thank you very much link yes I know right it is a weird feeling to be playing Minecraft at this time on Stream app is off stream I don’t stream though not all the time

Happens all the time just not all the time man I should have made I should have cut this up into stone or something like the stone brick brick stone it would have looked nicer 15 of the time it happens all the time got it okay How to get inside here again You know what it’s okay Yeah a bad headed hand-eye coordination Foreign Would ask me are you okay with my shaky hands no I am When I’m nervous it gets worse but even when I’m not really that nervous yeah still does that My dad’s like that I think it just kind of kind of passed along Ah shoot Foreign So what’s what is the problem with having the keeping the tortures here though does it just lower the spawn rate I guess Are weak arms inherited that’s more of a me problem they don’t spawn at all oh okay gotcha I’m watching the video just to make sure I know how it works now I place trap doors underneath the slabs does it matter what direction oh that means I’m supposed to go inside Okay does it matter what direction it’s in oh I have to bring my my stuff then oh wait wait wait I forgot I’m heading toward my impending doom Get closer than it I would I would hit my head against the wall if I flew Uh let’s sleep I’m gonna bring food In in Minecraft No I have raw food that’s not food that’s that’s death not food do I stick oh wait I’m so blind I do have steak I hate how blind I am but I came back anyway so let me put some stuff away Foreign How is this supposed to look like no we good bye okay let’s go back we’re almost done I think Trap doors good morning Probably go inside Break with this okay oh it’s 8 am wait I just said it was 6 p.m oh it’s not bad when did it become 8 am foreign Holy sh shoot I love you mataka Uh Okay okay Does the direction matter of the trap doors I don’t get how the mechanism works but that’s cool no it doesn’t matter okay fix the water does it have to be fixed does it break when I do that when I when I build stuff on it it should be fine right you deleted one of the water sources did I

I don’t want to go back inside oh shoot Let’s grab some water Mizu omijuana Check but if I check I have to find my way out again maybe I should make a whole so I can like fly through it you know what let’s do that you know I’m just gonna make a hole over here in case I fall I can just fly through this hole

There goes that uh Just break the wall but I have to dig upwards again it’s a pain I always close the roof later okay uh Water source let’s go or you know I can fall I can fall now now that there’s a hole I can check Oh yeah you’re right one of my water sources disappeared Fly would you fly Me Oh miss you I see it I see my ribbon okay there we go now it’s back in Action okay I’m totally gonna Foreign I don’t want to break my water water you know what ah No you should stop getting out of context I didn’t want to place blocks and break the water Trail again congrats shut up so okay um oh yeah trapdoor trapdoor I gotta do this again um Trapdoor Greg knit I’m gonna fall into the hole aren’t I I can just imagine my it’s still falling into that again falling a bit down here before well so so low now the ceiling Yeah I do have to break the wall don’t I break the wall just break all the walls Iris I should have done this a long time ago okay wait had another stone slab I just realized how dumb I was okay So much easier Into plus one Put it there let’s block it off again okay good morning guys good morning rise and shine I rest and shine more like I’ll break the wall over there too Foreign What’s the hope so what is the mechanism of putting trapdoors over here foreign Creepers are short so they can spawn but no skeletons oh okay so so that it would only be creep creepers only not holding it okay okay Let me double check This farm would be screwed over screwed over if I didn’t have chat thank you I appreciate it it would have been a non-functioning farm okay now I can just uh and take off the Torches right and close it up you missed one wait wait where did I miss Where’d I miss

Where did I miss it missed a spot people oh there yeah yeah you’re right okay Oh the carpets for the spider not a hoodle This side is okay not okay there we go I missed a spot over there aha a hot chat you didn’t see that cover did you no I’m paranoid we did she did oh did you oh did you no you did you guys said this side was clear at least some

Of you guys did Yosh Yosh foreign That’s a lot of guys okay goodbye cats nice knowing you you will have fun with the creepers here right that means a creeper spawn here right that’s scary have fun wait why why is it where’d that come from huh You’re not needed here Okay Foreign how can I tell if it’s working oh wait no no oh yeah not wait no it’s still not done yet now to make for higher rates Light Up The Farms surroundings yeah okay I can skip that for now build a scaffolding Tower 115 blocks high do I have to count that

Build an AFK platform at the top not Hotel Hey okay okay it doesn’t matter where right where I scaffold There’s my stuff uh It needs to be Center was it 100 wait 115 blocks high no higher no less right And oh 64 plus 64 is 128. minus 13 so we take away 13 right okay Two three four five six seven eight nine ten seven thirteen Aha On my or my effing God she did the math okay wait let me watch this video again I need a piece slab okay okay Genius and genius foreign Maybe I should bring my glass with me just in case I’m going to pierce the heavens or I can bring my uh blocks sure okay what is it I just have to be careful I don’t fall it doesn’t matter how big the upper room is right How do I get out of the glass though foreign You scaffold down oh you’re right foof okay let me watch this build an AFK platform at the top Surrounded okay okay It really doesn’t even have to be a room it could just be a platform Stop crouching okay There we go REM is better this is more safe want to make it bigger we can make it bigger room to prevent Phantoms okay let me get bigger might not have enough glass though you know what I’ll make it small for now I’ll bring more glass later it’s gonna be tiny as hell

Uh on it oh there we go I don’t have enough glass you said this already but I I really don’t have enough glass ah what it is I guess it doesn’t have to be glass oh God this is gonna look ugly as hell wait wait wait wait wait thank you

Fishing AFK room sounds fun I’ll do a better job I swear for now though it’s just gonna be a little containment room that’s gonna um but yeah if kid fishing is like a memo Okay let’s see if anything spawned ow Replace Cobblestone with glass or slabs got it uh strong hole okay I have more glass at home hey there’s one I think it’s working one I need to light the place up more More than zero it’s a start it act I mean it’s a it’s a sign that it works you know that’s what’s important one level Farm like this will always be very slow oh really oh well 64. it’s one stack I should make more glass when I can Well that really stands out Make more levels how do you oh yeah torches I need to farm some coal I should have I should make enough room for a bed at least okay no okay I don’t need this sleep you’re right but we’ll we’ll handle it don’t worry the glass being uh transparent really messing me up right now oh some of the glass fell conveniently anything next upon his neck Okay what exactly is happening I’m building my platform for the farm and I’m using all of my brain cells on this right now maybe my mouth might be open I don’t want to think about it okay I want to make a bigger bottle of glass Foreign what you consider close close Eagles nose touching the screen all right talk about me touching my smartphone foreign slab it let’s slab it it stopped raining Slapping time I don’t know something about that just sounds wrong Thank you okay moms don’t spawn in here right should I put something a light source or something AFK for five minutes is what it says I feel like I took five minutes building this I love watching my Oshi slab Nothing can spam not spam I mean nothing can spawn out up here gotcha Put a torch on here just oh I can’t oh you can’t place a torch on the slab didn’t know that Should I go down Oh God it’s infested wait maybe I should Let’s wait for morning I got it oh yeah I gotta make I gotta make torches soda Yeah I didn’t definitely need lights I need a lot of lights coal um let’s let’s finish this off by by actually uh lighting up the place something that shouldn’t be too hard Some sticks Thank you don’t die don’t die please don’t die I come in there I don’t know how that happened uh what should I feed it I need to heal it uh what do turtles eat do they do they eat the apple here’s an apple no no no no no no oh

Sea grass I don’t have sea grass with me Splash healing potions oh I have instant heal somewhere where is it Which one which one was hurt I forgot which one I’m gonna assume it’s you I thought it was gonna break it has to be splash why can’t it just splash naturally splash splash let’s go mining Real quick where’s a good mine Ow ow Foreign I’ll just get some coal shouldn’t be that it should be okay right Now oh I should probably not go too deep and the fact that there’s no stairs on this you have to jump Um oh can I dig through it is it okay if I dig dig more I don’t mind This is why I built a farm guys I’m wasting so much unintentionally I hear magma I don’t like that okay won’t be able to tell the difference Hooray a huge chunk of it For some reason I thought that lava just started flowing out of there 23. This should be enough right to cover the hole oh wait there’s more There’s a lava outside maybe I’m not so sure Okay Should be enough now I just have to kill some trees kill okay that was a strong word never mind ah We delete some trees yes that’s the word I don’t need the the coordinates anymore thank you Sacrifice for the well-being of my elytra Ordered it wow that’s tall Oh Uma your parents are doing great by the oh baby grew up grew up in the warmth of my house put it there Foreign such a good mother yeah and I need to make up for the fact that I you know trapped its parents and in darkness forever uh with a bunch of creepers because I guess pre-coopers don’t like to explode in front of cats Thank you now let’s cover this place I should probably cover the hole over here too foreign Why do I hear a fireplace oh wait no it’s the one underground okay Grass is very much in the way how do I make it so This Grass doesn’t grow anymore get rid of nature Just remove it what if it grows back Oh all these holes I’m just gonna block it off with andesite so I know that there’s a hole underneath this makes it easy to easy to see How long is fun on break I know she went on break but it’s rare fur to go on a break so many torches yes why won’t Hear what it is oh he’ll be back before you know it Okay let’s see the fruits of this uh of this thing this this thing the creeper Farm I love treating my creations with mad respect Girl It’s only three there’s only three guys You’ll have a stack tomorrow okay you know what we’re out of King there right now um that’s what we’re doing actually gonna AFK I’m gonna zotsu up there I’m gonna I’m gonna Read Super chats up there Wait a back a week and you’ll have 20. Maybe this should be for my use only or something otherwise I don’t think there’ll be enough to share until unless I have Kayla crazy maybe then huh okay ah so cozy it should work be patient okay worry of King where oh wait I’m why am I so sad okay creative King

How long was I sad for not for long right Three hours since you saw the three okay we good Should I do you guys think I should switch screens we could we don’t have to but we switched screens to the usual No this is fine okay okay time Even if I followed the guide step by step I still would have screwed up sucks honestly how intricate the art is of Minecraft How have I never noticed Iris design has heterochromia how have you not it’s like half of my identity I think how it’s right in front of you look at my eyes and tell me that you’re lying I want to zoom in wait zoom in chat chat zoom in maybe don’t zoom in too much okay oh yeah Excellent thank you very much for the recipe for chat link I can fix her sleep schedule yeah no I don’t know Jokes Aside is this the first I’ll accompany you anytime but I’m as confused as your circadian rhythm what’s a circadian rhythm I’m assuming this is a very medical term

Thank you very much I am going to destroy my sleep schedule even more after this but it’ll all be good I hope Your internal clock yep is that what it is it’s just a fancy way to say internal clock your body clock I guess Okay Thank you 97 thank you early bird catches a worm and early Iris catches the creeper yep three creepers so far he’s on tan thank you I take it back you’re not constipated I’m sorry and I pawned the phrasing but it was legitimately nice to hear that you got

Better at meetings yes thank you yes I blame your wording too I’m much better at at regular meetings yes I’m gonna have a meeting with uh uh my my tax agent sometime soon and I’m but I’m not excited about that because I don’t know eighty percent of what they’re talking about whenever I have to talk to them um no no no it’s not the IRS this is my tax agent

Automatically you guys think something bad is gonna know it’s for it’s for it’s for for the future for me yes I I am a good citizen I pay my taxes no worries You’d be surprised how much taxes we pay um where was it okay this is a name thank you thiero thank you sleep what what is that uh not not a big deal we don’t need sleep I once watched this anime where there’s this alien that like gives mankind all these really

Convenient all this convenient alien technology and people are happy about it until one day the alien’s like hey don’t you think sleeping is a waste of time I’m gonna make it so you guys don’t have to sleep anymore and then all of a sudden the upper uh upper people the upper

Level people in humanity were like WTF [Laughter] we’re like WTF this is this is not going in a good direction upper echolon Yaya enemy was called I think some of you guys might know what I’m talking about it’s did I pronounce that wrong how do you pronounce it Echelon it’s echelon A I don’t know how am I supposed to know French it’s not really even English is it okay maybe it’s English but I don’t know Hmm Okay so does anyone know what anime I’m talking about anime of this is this is white haired bichy uh uh Alien Boy comes and Potter the right answer yes I’m pretty sure it was a CG anime Wow that’s a really hard name to read the alien’s name Oh no um you’ll be disappointed if that’s what you’re looking for it’s 2017 Oh I thought it was older Tiara thank you Amira Shiro thank you we are a bunch of insomnia idiots Aristocrats staying up at past midnight watching your stream thank you Iris you’re welcome and I’m sorry for your sleep schedule it’s okay insomnia will live with it we’ll just have that fishy white haired

Alien give us a technology so we don’t have to sleep I remember his argument was being like you know why would you waste one third of your day doing nothing but sleeping you could be more productive that way imagine how much Humanity could evolve the food if we didn’t have to sleep and

I kind of agreed with him though sleeping feels nice if you can sleep for a long time it wasn’t really a problem for me like a couple years ago recently I’d have a hard time falling asleep but I used to be able to sleep like all day Sleeping is nice until you have bad dreams um abdax naviganti thank you and Iris midnight Midnight stream this is gonna be something yeah midnight uh I don’t know for some abuse it might not really be midnight what wait how long is the term midnight for you guys

12 to 3 12 to 4. either I think it was like 12 at least 12. between 12 to 459 is what 12 to 1. no that’s too short of a window come on Midnight is midnight so what what any minute after midnight is just what late night for you Soca This is the middle of the night I mean yeah yeah I guess technically Grumble dog thank you I guess the only things shining right now at this hour are the stars and street lights in your area and of course the Nephilim you see in the mirror you

Know I’m scared of opening my window or opening the curtains to my window it’s gonna be bright out and I’m just gonna be like what WTF am I doing with my life no actually no no I’m doing great things I’m I’m being productive yes I wasn’t

Just building a creeper Farm no I was I was streaming it and that makes a big difference But does it yes it does if I did it off stream you guys would be like shame on you Iris staying up until 6am I’m like no 8 A.M my mind crap no 9 A.M on Minecraft Dang what are you doing with your life but if I stream and all of a sudden it’s like yes content Uh okay Uh where was it okay I’m Henry thank you oh good morning Iris what a wonderful day for a morning Street halfway to 5 am just I see we’re living dangerously tonight yeah I don’t even need Red Bull guys I just slept in a weird time for like four hours

Um Kenner and thank you hope is where when I can finally catch an Irish live stream after a week of being unable to despair oh no this was one end of one sentence unable to despair is when the when the only reason I can catch this

One is because I haven’t slept at all I guess it’s true that there are really two sides of the same coin yep reminds me wasn’t there like this anime that literally just depicts that I forgot what it was called I I don’t think I actually watched it like I I watched

Wait I know I’m mixing this up oh yeah no is that supposed to say it’s literally that like the the ending of that is literally that you guys really need to look up the ending for accessible sense it’s it’s crazy like how the main character is supposed to uh represent despair meanwhile the

Other girl the the main heroine is supposed to represent hope they’re yin and yang they’re the part of the same coin yeah I don’t know what chapter the anime ended with no I actually don’t have any idea I don’t even have an anime like a proper full anime list I don’t keep

I should keep track just to see how many minutes of my life I’ve wasted on anime but yeah I don’t yeah I’m waiting I’m waiting to see if I can get an answer for my perms we don’t I don’t know yet depends if we can get an answer from yeah

Yeah Chef knew how it was gonna end since I’m pretty sure the end of season one yeah which is crazy it’s all been planned and once again thank you very much Kenner for the pink Super Chat uh Luis Miguel thank you my merch has arrived safe and sound

Before I need to leave my day has already been made have fun in today’s dream arigato Rose uh Chachi thank you Renee I like hunting you looks like you got bit by the colorless summer virus not that it’s bad no slim only Minecraft takes so much time hey wait can I can I

See it can I see how how how I was doing wait okay Vitamin E let’s check let’s check it out okay yeah let’s let’s guess how many gun powder do you think is in that chest now it was three how many do you think there is now let’s guess before we look I’m gonna guess I’m gonna guess 10.

Four no of course there’s gonna be more than one plus one there’s already three in there okay I think I think there’s seven more oh no truth oh you guys underestimated the power of the of this Farm yo it’s working it’s working okay let’s go back up and read super chats again [Laughter] what’s up so just go normally it takes a long time okay Um Send loss from climbing that’d be a pretty dumb way to die dumb ways to die so many dumb ways to die Definitely not how the song goes Okay AFK again um a water elevator would help I mean going down is easy going up is a pain in the butt how do you even make those water elevators I have no idea how you do those Soul Sand where do I get those the nether maybe I could make the nether

Nether as in oh this nether foreign that is made of only source blocks what does source blocks mean Kyla probably had a ton somewhere maybe I’ll ask her one next time I see her on where’s my Super Chat tab oh there it is okay touchy thank you hi fructose corn syrup kfp artificial

Sweetener thank you very much working from home with you in the background oh oats cars some of this I hope your work went along smoothly I hope you were being very productive while watching the stream oh Jay thank you San yay thank you sarahling thank you thank you Bishop

Thank you it’s called me thank you thank you very much I’ve been listening to this Rock Band by the name of beast in Black they have an entire concept album about the berserk manga titled Berserker there’s even a track on the album called Zog The Immortal I haven’t I haven’t

Read a single chapter birth Circle yet for a circuit and I should because I hear so many good things about it the only thing is I heard that berserk is suffering it’s it’s very depressing is what I heard that’s what keeps me from being like yes

I need to watch read it like today you know I heard it’s suffering non-stop pain first circle is for what those who think Game of Thrones is too cheerful I’ve never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones it reminds me of how one of the first stale nailist nail salons I

Went to um my nail is told me about how much she watches Game of Thrones started talking about Game of Thrones to me for like a whole hour and I was just like uh-huh I don’t watch this I don’t I don’t watch this but cool

It was a private nail salon so just like one lady she was like yes I watch oh oh you speak English oh you’re from the states oh oh do you what how what do you watch on TV and I’m just like I like watching Japanese TV shows and she was like I

Like watching Game of Thrones I’m like I haven’t watched a single episode of that but I’m glad you enjoy it yeah no nail appointments take a long time the one thing I liked about that nail salon is that she had TV and cable so I would watch stuff when I wasn’t

Talking to her Oh is YouTube dead are we back Okay good it’s just a Split Second the most you missed was me saying ah oh Alexander thank you um discordian thank you wallet thank you for real my day was terrible I tried to not care about seeing you streaming Minecraft right now truly brings me an illegal amount of joy and happiness at

The end of my day love you love you too thank you and uh you really like Minecraft no no Minecraft is a lot of fun I do Wonder though do you guys enjoy watching watching me play Minecraft if that’s the case I’m happy to hear that sometimes I just do random stuff that

Has no goal in mind I usually have like an end goal somewhere but it’s just a far off goal that I sometimes wonder if I’m actually making progress stuff like this you know actually finishing a project of one stream is pretty fun I did prepare a lot off

Stream though to be very honest like all the most of the materials I already had it had from the beginning even then it still took me like four hours making it I was cooking yeah I’m glad you guys enjoy it cooking some creepers yes I can just see the the Box filling up to the brim With gunpowder I’m so excited fly everywhere not giving a damn about my gun powder stock foreign It looks insane what en merch are you talking about the ones that came out like wow the the the the the council wrist merch in the myth merch connect the world oh did it did they announce it not the keycap right um let me look at this right now so I

Can be updated with what is out in the world right now ah yes Cute cute hoodie I love the design when I saw it too it was a really cute hoodie Personally love it would definitely get one oversized I want a sample foreign I hope you have a better day ahead of you it sucks when life sucks um and skill I’m thinking you Harris you looked into Fatal Frame at all Fatal Frame yeah the second has the most terrifying ghost stroller Grandma so if you can face down someone else with Advanced age to be cool

Who are you calling Advanced age Fatal Frame yeah we have perms for that one Fatal Frame game I know it is something I want to look into I have been trying to not spam uh horror games in general I know at one point my my channel was almost gonna become like a

Horror game channel but how much Resident Evil and horror game in general I was playing so eventually I do wanna I do want to get into field of Fatal Frame hmm it does look fun it makes it sound like a bad thing I don’t know I don’t know if it’s if

It’s a good thing I mean it might be an okay thing but you know maybe a variety is the spice of life right at least that’s what they say Noir thank you learning the importance of sleeping in Minecraft is true character growth also rip today’s sleep schedule but I hope you’ll be able to get rice later appreciate you always thank you yes no worries I will sleep I’m going to shower after this and sleep

Actually no maybe that’s not a good idea maybe I’ll shower after I wake up I don’t know Kaelyn thank you now foreign it’s almost coming off though it’s there but it’s not really there anymore and I’m sad Maybe I’ll have natto rice or something for the morning and have natto and rice in the fridge Young um Biking um Sorry I think I used the wrong word in Japanese to explain not to kinase I call it germs and I guess I guess that’s different it’s not germs it’s it’s healthy bacteria for some reason I thought I came meant bacteria in English maybe I was wrong The Viking doesn’t doesn’t definitely mean by Paris Young Children Uh where where was I super rich should we try reading uh did I mean killings just in case I’ll read it again then last thing oh wait nice to hear your voice in this lasting before I sleep and the first thing in the morning yay good morning hope your

Throat is feeling okay though oh that’s fine it’s fine it should be fine I I shut up for the rest of the day Once it hits like past like if I do something that’s like around seven hours then I kind of want to rest it up a bit but usually if it’s it shouldn’t be too bad I am actually taking it decently easy in general with voice usage recently

I think part of it is because I was able to record a lot when my internet was down remember that ah but yeah I’m gonna be like really busy in in the next not not right now I’m not right now but like I’m gonna start becoming really busy probably like around July

Yeah probably after after two year anniversary I’m gonna be really busy so I’m glad that I was able to record a lot of stuff during that week of Horrible internet it was a horrible time but I was very productive and I’m really really hoping that I can get that stuff out slowly but surely within the year Prep for the concert too yeah that that and um and stuff stuff so I am doing my best to enjoy life well it’s not extremely busy I also have to finish my signs oh oh no it’s fun to sign but I sent them an image of the next signs that I drew

And I’m gonna hope that they say yes because I did a I I signed like half of the stacks already I wanted to do it while I had time Yeah give me the rejections uh three all everything I have to send back including I think the rejections is all something you send back and I think it just goes poof somewhere out in the world or burned I wonder what happens to them uh Gomer zomer thing yep Speaking of animal mating videos on YouTube you ever seen that one with the turtle and the boot huh turtle in the boot okay you know what I’m not I’m not gonna look further into this before the chat gets a little yeah what boot like a shoe Thank you that video is funny that way I’m curious I’m curious now but I don’t wanna I don’t want you guys to see the reaction on stream whip Oh you mean turtles and shoes I think Buddhas and shoes like like in general just shoes these Turtles are addicted to [ __ ] I’m not gonna watch it no I just I just saw the thumbnail and I was like oh San Diego Thank you very much I wanted to apologize I just realized that your virus is not nice I’m only but a fan of you in other towns you’re laughing Joy brings balance this that is what equals to be Iris wait wait let me let me get this straight um so

Your virus is is is not nice but if you balance out that you buy with the joy and laughter it equals to be Iris Therefore your virus still does exist I guess it’s just um not nice I can’t tell if this is an apology what do you mean he’s reached Enlightenment yeah all in all it’s it’s yeah it’s yid and yag it’s it’s it’s the despaired Hope or no there’s no despair in me I mean you know There’s no there’s no bad in me there’s all it’s all good stuff I think I get which where where are you coming from them therefore my name yeah my name is Iris yes my name is Iris not not your virus a virus is just I I refuse to admit that that is part of me it’s just me with my um

My English memory being iffy sometimes 80 percent of the time the other 20 is maybe I don’t know something up with my brain I don’t know but Foreign Ty thank you check my phone with half opened I saw your live I thought I woke up in the afternoon my soul left my body for a few seconds no worries fun will stay young lady your sleep schedules all over the place it is seriously is even during that week when

I had no internet I was still sleeping at like 4 or 5 a.m actually even worse sometimes is bad I I don’t know how to fix it I don’t know how to fix it guys I just I tend to really like steak you know staying up

Late I don’t know it just feels I like how the day feels long Nope thank you just don’t just don’t it’s hard make it sound easy but it’s hard nope thank you very much to the pink Super Chat William and Jay thank you good morning good morning good morning yeah it is thank you surely no one will notice me

Watching Iris at work at this hour how do you guys just get away with that I hear this so often about how you guys are watching me while you’re working or listening to me while you’re working how do you get away with that you just like is it like me when I was

Uh Typing on my tiny little laptop in the back of the class and switching tabs whenever a teacher passed by behind me like that this audio only oh I thought you did that yeah I think we all did that if you could use your laptop at school pretty sure a lot of us did that I saw so many classmates playing Tetris in front of me I was probably reading manga or something If I didn’t have someone sitting really close next to me or anything Thank you love wireless earbuds I love wireless earbuds too until I lose one of them or until their battery starts being shiitake Don’t bug me Iris bunk They have a very short lifespan yep reminds you have how my dad got me um the very first Apple airpods that came out I really like them but the battery just died within a year like a year later literally I put my ear I take my airpod out of the charging case

Put in my ears two minutes later it dies I think it was also because of the first edition maybe it’s better now I now have the airpod pro ones that I used maybe a few times I haven’t been using them recently so I’m pretty sure yeah the airpods that you got me were that they were for my birthday yeah pretty sure got it for me and my sister I don’t know what my sister did with hers Elf Foreign I just got back from part of my training and my sleep schedule I got from training makes me of just in time to watch a stream I feel like you got some training too yes I have a lot of training I need to do with my sleep Um how do you read this name Thank you Good morning good morning all right Iris and shine Ball foreign yeah I know there’s a lot of like cheaper earbuds wireless earbuds out there I’ve never tried them because I’ve only owned the the pair that that died within a year and then the new one that I bought um like about a year ago

That I’ve only used a few times I end up always listening to things on speaker or I mean if I really want to listen to stuff I just I’m usually listening to it in front of my PC so I have my headphones on

And I can also just use oh yeah I play a lot of Rhythm games and wireless earbuds and Rhythm games don’t mix so I end up always using either just playing it on speaker or I use wired earbuds because yeah the wireless just the lag is not good really yes yes

Is is impossible to full comp I mean it’s not impossible but it’s very hard to pull a combo with wireless earbuds music doesn’t sync as nicely the delay there’s like slight lag and even the tiny lag can really change the game so You know late I just realized something that has nothing to do with the stream Wait I did yeah So I’ve told okay no this is nothing don’t don’t worry about it I just I just realized that um Foreign I’ve got the subscribe oh okay okay thank God foreign Foreign Foreign okay sorry for all the Japanese I was just talking about how um I thought I might have accidentally forgotten to trade my uh pity stones for an idol and Idol Master Cinderella girls yep because it was a gotcha fest going on a few days ago and I spun a lot Foreign one time I bought like the so every year in that esteve specifically uh at their on their anniversaries they sell this ticket that you can use to trade with your with an idol you want it includes um limited edition Idols the ones that we actually want the limited edition Idols

Once you get to a certain point you don’t really give a shiitake about the normal ones I know so they usually cost like about maybe they only sell one ticket per year you can only buy one ticket per account every year it’s like maybe like 40 bucks USD And uh one time I bought the ticket and there’s like a There’s a time frame that you can use to that there’s a limited time frame to when you can trade and I totally forgot about that and I let the ticket expire it was only like a week or something it only lasts a week once you buy it once you buy the ticket

And I was basically being an indecisive person I was yeah because I really there was like so many different Idols I wanted and can only trade for once I was like thinking thinking thinking I log in the day after it it expires and I’m just like [ __ ]

I let it expire and I was so upset upset yeah I hate how they put the time frame on that I really wish at least they made it I wish it was at least a month long so um Thank you This is now Everybody Thank you Italian Someone’s like why are you wearing a kimono what’s wrong with the kimono it’s cute I want to use it and that and also because I mean you know it’s normal at the usual outfit and this two choices if I’m not using that I’m using this Uh Thank you Foreign Goes the more apparent it is that you need to go to bed they say being too tired is like being intoxicated and Minecraft is a cool cruel mistress to those unawares mistress wait Minecraft is a girl I know it’s I know it’s just wording but

I love the way you phrase that thank you cruel mistress saying makes you stay up all all night wow that is a very cruel mistress Minecraft is not a mistress Minecraft is my wife you tell them you tell them thank you today’s 5-20 which in Mandarin

Sounds similar to Blaine I think right I think that’s how you read it it’s my first time day off on Mill military but I might only be able to catch up on some vods however I miss you your voice in your streams oh I’m glad you have days

Off in the military I hope it’s treating you well love you too Take care Bishop thank you infrared thank you I was awake and early in the morning by a bright light shining Upon This World it must have been because Iris was streaming oh do you start hearing Heavenly music and trumpets when I start streaming or I guess the loading music is what you

Start hearing yet Um or maybe it was some sunrising I’d like to believe Osiris yes no of course it was me nothing else it can’t be anything else but me Renee I like on thank you very much to the red super chat link have a good breakfast slash brunch Iris your outfit

Merge arrived during the stream and it’s great I remember that your anniversary one was the first one I bought from hololive awesome quality all around keep being cool and cute Take Care thank you I’m glad you guys liked it please use the tote bags the the reversible tote bag is really nice

Thank you I’m happy to hear the first I was your first thank you hopefully thank you thank you I’m proud of you you built a melon form and now you’ve built a creeper Farm you traveled the Nether and got an Elijah what’s next maybe spider farm is actually a good idea

So at the same time I’m like do I need that much string hope Railway hope Castle a railway sounds like I need to know how to read a map a little bit more before I try to make one hope Castle is something I I kind of want to try make

But I’m gonna need a a blueprint maybe I’ll ask one day I’ll ask for designs on Twitter or something like someone designed me a castle and I’ll make it exactly like that if I yeah what some some JPS do they ask like they’re listeners they’re fans for a design I’ve seen it once on Twitter They’re set fans usually submit to a tag yeah maybe I’ll make one of those tags one day when I feel like I’m ready And I know I know some some like don’t some IDs have like a personal designer and that’s why their their buildings are so So Glamorous Hope Castle hope Railway uh hope a beacon hope Beacon how does that how do you I don’t even I don’t really I still don’t get how beacons work in that game in this game foreign anyway it works you genius congrats such that by the way Iris two point number just so

Cute thank you can you believe it it’s already been like half a year since I was 2.0 time flies but at the same time I’m I am also just as surprised of the fact that means Iris 1.0 also lasted for like a year and a half almost a year and a half yeah

One day 2.0 is gonna is gonna be longer lived I guess and then I’m just gonna be like wow time flies again She lives on in clips and and in you know you can still look it back on Old vods yes Iris casual when one day one day I’ll also be excited for when that day comes one day Mjd7 thank you great work on your farm today better than zero gun powder also I did the Holo server early and put you for like 85 percent of the questions thank you wait is that should I say thank you I don’t know what the questions are so I need to see

What the questions are before I I decide Patrick Ace thank you look up went to the bathroom saw you live stayed awake this is my life now hey at least he went to the bathroom that’s a step though please do sleep with you if you’re tired and sleepy Don’t force yourself awake the VOD is here for you

Most of the time Henry thank you congrats on your progress and uh three creeper spoils hey hey it’s at least 20 now I think you’re ready to turn your Tofu House into a nice Castle after this GG thank you for your stream and thank you oh no even if I make a castle the Tofu

House will stay it’s gonna be a tofu house it’s still gonna stay until the house I think the main thing about trying to make a castle is getting the materials for it Furious treatment thank you thanks for the stream didn’t expect to see you stream when I woke up yeah I think we all didn’t expect it even I didn’t know that thank you am I the luckiest diversity credit ever I wake up to an Irish stream and now that I’m off to bed

I get to watch another and on my birthday no less happy birthday Nolan I hope you’re not pushing yourself too much and best of luck with the farm thank you I just want to stream when I can there’s gonna be a couple days because I’m gonna be busy with like like what I

Said meeting with my tax agent and whatnot I won’t be able to stream in the afternoons definitely for some days so I want to stream what I can And no worries I’m not pushing myself you you betcha we we good we good also more more house building meetings ugh yeah not house building house renovating meetings oh At this point I’m just like whatever I’m just like whatever as long as it looks nice I’m good Those meetings last a long time too you’d be surprised at how long the meeting lasts just to figure out what color lights are going to be installed or how many cabinets I’m gonna be in the upper covered or whatnot how big the sink is gonna be honestly anything is better than

The house the house it was a house it was it was pretty ancient make sure you could be picky now though that’s true no I I do be picky about certain things of course but certain things I’m just like like for example it’s like what color door I’m like I

Don’t care as long as it looks nice oh and what what shape door there’s there’s like 50 different door designs choose one I’m like whatever whatever What wood would you like to use for the door I don’t Know anything anything yeah And the lady starts bringing out all the different wood samples and the fact that the wood samples are so tiny so you can’t really imagine how it’s gonna look on like on like a big wall or like you know it’s tiny those samples they’re like they’re like the size of your hand

I’m like how am I supposed to figure out if I like this or not from the size I mean of course it’s better than nothing but It’s like it’s it’s very the the image of it is very different if you look at it in like small pieces and versus a huge piece of you know wood or even wallpaper you know tiny tiny samples like I can’t imagine how this this pattern will look when

It’s printed all over the whole wall kind of hard And it looks really different in pictures it’s hard to reference something um and once again happy birthday no then I hope you have a great one with lots of cake Matthew K thank you I watch it from Midnight to 6am every day and it is the best oh no foreign

I hope you get to sleep after that at 6am you know honestly I sleep at 6am a lot of times recently It feels nice as long as you don’t have to stress about waking up in in within five hours you know which happens a lot but you know I’m used to it it’s fine Thank you so please do take care of yourself though Klutz thank you thanks for the head pets I’m shyris thank you thanks for streaming at this time I missed the first two hours because my sleep is as bad as yours but now I’ve got something to watch later yay content Is good man I don’t know what why I don’t feel as tired as I thought I would be I’m I think it’s adrenaline but I’m gonna be so sleepy after this I can just tell the adrenaline’s gonna run out within 30 minutes just watch imagine the Year this stream

Started at a pretty rare time but now it’s close to your normal and it is oh my goodness hope you get a good one a good day’s rest today thank you as for Starship Troopers I heard the third movie isn’t bad what about the second one though also the uh Trader of Mars

Seed 3dcg movie trader of Mars I’ve never heard of that one it’s my first time hearing it adrenaline from what you’re just sitting no no no there’s emotional adrenaline guys you don’t have to actually be running around and panting and sweating all over the place for adrenaline You could just be you know hyped up mentally and like you know when you’re streaming you of course there’s adrenaline because you know you have to you need the adrenaline to talk for hours that’s called anxiety I don’t know anxiety sounds so negative it doesn’t feel it doesn’t feel bad you know

It feels it feels productive and nice but until until you start getting really tired Make way thank you rookie thank you if you stay up until normal sleeping times you could slip fix your sleep schedule just a thought yeah I know but I’m not confident I’m not confident in staying up until my normal sleep schedule that means I’d have to stay up for at

Least like 15 more hours I’m gonna need a lot of Red Bull if I want to try that Maybe 14 more hours if I’m being a little bit more lenient Just make me sleepy I remember when I tried to power nap right before the Mario tournament the Mario yeah the Mario Maker tournament I power napped like 20 minutes and it just made me feel so groggy afterwards like I don’t think it was a power nap it like it was just stressful

Being like Oh when is alarm coming off oh I can just imagine I could just hear the alarm going off within three minutes oh but I’m gonna try to make the best about these out of the rest of these three minutes keep your eyes closed oh I’m starting to

Doze off and then beep beep beep and you’re just like [ __ ] you start wanting to curse the whole world and then you slowly crawl towards your computer being like Testing time for to see you this if everything works you know yeah then we won so it it all was worth it in the end but Um foreign Foreign Foreign Of it so far like a couple parts of it it looks amazing you can make anything right like make anything Um foreign It does seem like really fun to play But I feel like if I start playing it I won’t be playing anything else and we’ll spend 90 of the day on Zelda I don’t know if that’s productive Um where was that Evan thank you Ohio just wake up wait what my ocean is about to end the stream she started the stream at midnight many minutes ago our oh she always surprises her yeah hope your sleep schedule is fine but let’s go thank you sure thank you

What a pleasant surprise to catch is streaming during the day I loved listening to your stream while working thank you good luck with work good luck with getting away with listening to this is how you’re working too is this a Friday over there it’s probably still Friday over there maybe I

Should have done this late night Shenanigans like during a Saturday over there it’s Saturday over here so but you know this was just a happy little accident so I couldn’t think that far Rick salandy thank you very much for the red super chat again link oh wait sorry I think I skipped some

I’ll just read this one first if you took a nap in quotes at 9pm and woke up at 1am it was actually 10 p.m sorry I lied it was not night it was dead I thought it was nine but then I remember I realized it was 10. um

Why not just go back to sleep nine to five for eight is a very normal and healthy schedule I don’t know it’s just hard to go back to sleep for me recently once I wake up I’m just like oh ooh I’ma start reading manga or something you know I know it’s not so

Easy anyways trials yesterday uh but this stream I was doing my part yes I’m glad I’m glad we all did our part hoping for permanent success good job today thank you yes I’m hoping I’m praying for perm success hoping that I get an answer next week sometime next week but I don’t

Know that might be a little too hopeful seems like a lot of times we just don’t get answers I’m crossing my fingers though foreign Wish list the the game itself Over Racer thank you very much for the recipe for chat link five two zero well I mean thanks for the very sudden and weird time but very productive and fun Minecraft stream good job Iris glad to see you did a great work the farm is working

We weird time sleep and wake up it’s okay I just need more nap later yep that’s what I do I just nap midday um Thank you got the iris 2.0 merch in the mail today let’s go thank you very much for your support and I hope you like it uh Gordon thank you Congrats on the creeper Farm proud of you fun fact mob spawns in a 128 block sphere around player so by standing 115 up you’re forcing them to spawn in the chamber or in areas caves nearby if they’re dark that makes so much sense That’s why it’s 115. very specific whoever did the math for this whoever experimented enough to know this like how how did they do that Kudos but how um bloody Emperor thank you very much the pink Super Chat welcome to Iris starting stream went back to sleep listening to Iris then we’ll cut to

Ira’s voice again which is nice not to mention was that I lost of on having what for breakfast what for breakfast and looks like it should be not to Gohan with raw egg man I should also get a raw egg into that and just slurp it up is good

I know that probably sounds nasty for some of you but it’s great just mix raw egg with shoyu and then natto and it’s just so it kind of turns into almost like a puddle Who puddly though so I put a lot of rice into it so it doesn’t get too wet Thank you foreign thank you I mean not nutritious but I mean of course it’s not enough nutrition for like the whole day but that’s just breakfast right as long as you get your calories and and not to canals is a lot of nutrients by the way

I feel like natto a day keeps the diseases away is kind of a thing Just don’t eat too much of it I know there’s some places in Japan where you can there’s like natto all you can eat where basically you have like two hours you can eat as much nacho as you want they sell like different types of nachos and packs you have to mix it

Yourself though Literally like yeah it’s like I’ve never been to one I’ve seen YouTube videos and I’m tempted but at the same time I don’t know if I can eat that much natto it’s also not good for you to eat too much at once but it’s not dangerous no it’s not that’s

Definitely it’s definitely not dangerous but not something you should do every day if it’s only one day it should be fine but you know Mine is Lots of salt though I feel like in general a lot of foods have salt in it like a lot of salt in it not just that like like a lot of stuff have salt in it it’s kind of hard to avoid salt unless you go for like no MSG Foods no those healthy

Organic no MSG ones which is definitely a lifestyle I think but it’s just really hard to find Yeah um foreign You put down a lot of slabs and I hope you have you have a lot of good celeb uh hopes fixing your sleeps goes well more sleep less things for you thank you yes I’m gonna slip a lot not slab a lot to love a lot uh Jay Ritz thank you I just

Watched normally if boss doesn’t really mind what I watch or listen to the at the office as long as I submit my deliverables at work on time oh that is a nice bus you have if you can just do whatever you want I know some people are just really like for example

If you work at a restaurant or work at a place where you have to wait for people to meet you you know need your assistance you have to like stand there or be in front of the register or something even though there’s nobody around and if you

Start like touching your phone you know it’s not it’s not good you know your your boss tells you you’re working you have to stand there and guard and just stare at the stare at the ceiling or something you know don’t you dared touch your phone or watch TV or anything

You know like you have to stare at the ceiling and do nothing hmm which I get is you know it’s a job but it’s nice whenever I hear about how some some bosses are I guess nicer and let you do other stuff if you have nothing else to do Eric bothasa thank you Still at work when the stream started it was a good surprising great experience to do something nope I will debate on if I eat something if I’ll eat something after this yes thank you it feels weird to be reading super Chats on the screen may I say Rick silente thank you

That reminds me daily is that a virus is perfect um uh okay thank you Good communication maybe not perfect communication but good communication yeah it’s dailies um noodles thank you just woke up after 12 hours of sleep having gotten a wink of sleep almost two days due to school work well I’m glad you were able to get those 12 hours of sleep then

After seeing the time you started your stream all I could say is Rip body clock and sleep scheduling up rip rest in peace I hope you recover one day plan thank you very much for the pink super chat again congrats on the successful operation of Creeper Farm I hope you

Have sweet dreams out when you sleep after also I will pray that you don’t won’t lose your health amidst the busy skills throughout the upcoming June in the hot weather yep I’m going to avoid the hot weather like it’s the plague as much as I can at least as much as I can

Um rookie thank you thank you very much for being super chat have you ever thought about reenacting your debut stream in 2.0 uh um sounds fun but at the same time I feel like I’d start I I don’t know if I could do it seriously

I don’t know if I could do it seriously I don’t know if I could descend three times on purpose guys but that wasn’t on purpose that’s why I was you know I didn’t even know you guys saw it I thought you guys didn’t see anything that’s why I was able to put on such a straight face on the third one being

Like haha you guys saw nothing it was all just on my side but no you guys saw everything I only found that after after the Stream because I didn’t have like the uh Not the I I didn’t have uh The mental capacity the room the leeway to actually properly read comments on my debut stream it was one of one of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life interview was also actually maybe interview beats debut but very close small Um Yeah interview was never it was nerve-wracking especially when you get through a certain amount of it you know next interview next interview and you’re just like oh it gets even more stressful as the process goes at first you’re just like oh you know if things go well yay that’s kind of how it

Starts and then once you get through certain stages of it and all of it and then it starts feeling real and then and then you start getting super nervous yeah That’s really audition tapes I mean you you record that so I mean of course you don’t have to really be nervous about that because you record it and you and if you’re recording it that means you you know you’re happy with it when you send it out you wouldn’t send them

Something you’re not satisfied with you know I want to hear your say so voice again how did I talk again was I talking like this I think I was talking like this it’s not a big difference I would say but I’m pretty sure I talked like this during my first week of debut

Slow was it slow I think I was trying to keep my talking slow in the beginning yeah I think I think my mom told me that like you know talking too fast might leave the audience behind or something so you should talk slow like slow and steady and it’s like not

Not necessarily slow slow but slow in my own standards Yeah there’s no way I could I mean you know I could I could do a different voice too if I really wanted to but if I went with that I don’t think I’d become a streamer that streamed for more than four hours all the time foreign Do the voice again wait S using the ad it’s a different mic too that’s the thing also like um I had this really really not bad habit but very consistent habit of saying yes after I said something like yes I agree with myself yes do I still do that I don’t know if I

Still do that maybe unconsciously I do but it’s not as frequent I think compared to before he’s also made um all of the image soundtracks yeah it was much more breathy right I was talking about all the soundtracks yeah it’s changed to I do now that you mentioned I probably do

Overuse that phrase a lot that’s coyote then uh I do say that blah blah blah trying to act all smart I try to sound as intelligent as possible so you fake it till you make it let me just say too Stop it don’t you don’t have to mention any further I will I will start feeling very self-conscious hmm Yeah it is what is everyone using TNT for anyways all the time that they may need to make farms for to flatten mountains I guess Another right mining is that something you can only get with TNT I didn’t know that laughs Oh where was I oh okay mjd thank you right now thank you this is a bit late but I just saw a video of the sjhu project Eva one Ultraman and Godzilla all combined into one Megazord pilot by Kamen Rider it was unexpected and awesome really are you are you

Cereal I need to check this out full-on crossover foreign Project Character two universities Coming night at the contact yet oh wow oh Godzilla was a Mecca this whole time you just kind of deleted his limbs all of a sudden and became a torso [Laughter] Godzilla’s head is now it’s just at the chest videos this is trippy it is It should probably be the most ridiculously op robot ever but doesn’t look strong from how it looks oh and comment Rider pilot said hey I like how the Ultraman beam just turned into a sword because he’s just letting out the beam the whole time What’s going on Yeah foreign Thank you for sharing it’s very unexpected foreign Thank you uh what’s the plumber is doing I’m reading super chats while while AF King to see oh let’s check out oh yeah wait let me just finish reading the super chats we’re almost done anyways um excellent do you thinking again you don’t use yes as much I kind of miss it

You use okay though still and some other fillers you could do a whole linguistic on the list and Analysis could be fun oh no let’s not talk about the fillers no you’re gonna make me self-conscious and I’m gonna realize how much filler I add into my zatsis um wolf named Koga thank you You can do a collab stream with ls you can get the omila to help you with your deep voice omela yeah she’s she has a really nice deep voice I remember that whole deep voice talk we did last time thank you hey Arisa on the lines of great sci-fi Fifth Element is incredible

I remember watching filter element like a couple years ago it was really good I remember I should I rewatch it though I don’t remember I said remember four times in a row already um I don’t recall the specific moments of the movie but I should go back to watching it now

I’m really self-conscious guys Learning to learning how to speak like Iris when stutter a lot I feel like I stutter a lot guys and I really want to fix it but it’s just how I talk I don’t know do I I feel like I stutter a lot mid-sentence You don’t do I not maybe it’s not a lot If it’s just sometimes I don’t mind but you speak like a preschool teacher uh thanks where’d that come from really do I I would like to see a comparison Are you calling yourself are you calling yourselves preschoolers is that what it is Mom and Dad Save the Earth is corny and great Johnny Mnemonic is what became the game cyberpunk even has Johnny Depp and his classic wait Johnny Depp was he in Philadelphia no right I don’t I don’t think he wasn’t The main thing I remember about the fifth element is the is the girl the orange-haired girl That was cute And there’s so many movies I want to watch with you guys I have to look back on the stream to see what other recommend what recommendations we talk about that I might have forgotten already thank you for the recommendation though should do a movie watch along again Alrighty let’s remember is Washington had a lot of recommendations I know it’s kind of hard to remember all of those I’ll probably do another poll or something do you want to make a community post for Rex oh that’s actually a really good idea I should actually do that I should do that yes

Instead of a poll like right off the bat I should ask for recommendations and then do a pull pulls Galore in in the family I swear to God Alrighty thank you very much for all the super chats now let’s see how how the farm doing Okay how many how many do you guys think is there now Okay 50. I think there’s more than 50. I would say maybe one stack is definitely full I would bet one and a half stacks almost 150 let’s see hey I was kind of right one and a half stacks got a hundred that’s not bad I’ll let it fill a bit more

Iris made a working farm are you proud of me are you proud of me Mommy Ow oh God it’s already 10 ma’am guys really is like the time I stream sometimes Foreign God I love how I have three listings of the same server Pinky gets a different server all the time that’s why I name it like this is all the same service I swear to God um oh God I just realized this word to God is also a a phrase that I like to

Use very often oh no oh no self-consciousness levels increasing drastically okay and hint thank you very much Super Chat hi Irish today’s my birthday happy birthday and happy birthday to him happy birthday to him happy birthday to hit in I hope you have a great one

Alrighty I am going to sleep or I don’t know eat something I’m hungry and I’ll see you guys again soon Iris And good morning by the way Falling I’ve been down here before almost like I’m back home Gravity Honest mistake is so my my secret ending of uh scene am I game room is next to each other and my singing room is right above that so it’s kind of easy to accidentally press it yeah I have like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty and 21 22. why do I have 22 scenes holy moly wave oh oh this oh I did delete a lot of stuff though even that oh okay okay ah you know Okay okay uh virus told you I could I could teleport yeah

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 I need gunpowder midnight’, was uploaded by IRyS Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-05-20 03:23:30. It has garnered 76664 views and 8116 likes. The duration of the video is 05:52:45 or 21165 seconds.

To fly infinitely and beyond

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    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

【MINECRAFT】 I need gunpowder midnight