【MINECRAFT】a completely chill and normal, non-building stream【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】

Video Information

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you foreign Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Can you guys hear the music okay Yes okay oh also Mr zoo and Tatar thank you both for the five gifted thank you thank you it’s very quiet oh There we go it’s a little bit louder hi guys welcome to my new flat land no I’m just kidding this is the server look now we’re a part of it too en server foreign exciting finally so once I go through here Kai thank you for the 10 gifted thank you

We’re gonna go into the en server I haven’t really been on that much since the the integration So I’m excited to get into the server and you know show you guys some stuff that have has been new it’s the back still oh my God it is still the same okay I was just wondering all right guys are you ready let’s go in Boop Yay oh [ __ ] Steve what I can explain whatever it is I didn’t do it hi Hoxie sky’s the limit oh he’s using the elytra what a baby um so before when I was on the server I was working on just trying to I was just trying to fix this oh my God what’s

Foreign like what what is going on Wow we really do have a zombie problem okay so anyways what I was saying before we were interrupted um I was working on making the nether portal a little more accessible so now I don’t have to jump around I could just go up

I don’t know why it was making my life so hard before but it is what it is um oh I have to answer him Double space and then right click your firework careful or you will probably die Anyway um yeah that’s what I was working on and since we are now integrated with the World server um creative uh creative mode is no longer an option anymore so no more custom heads and stuff Um so let me just put this black stone back since I don’t need to use it anymore Yeah this is just gonna be a chill stream I’m not gonna really build much um I started organizing actually into these I need to put item frames though but look I started to organize oh my God X please Where’s the blockstone um What the [ __ ] Hmm um what the hell where’s where did I put the black stone am I crazy Oh okay here it is um there we go Oh my God okay you know what let’s actually start with this so for those of you that did not see I have been visited by the HOA first they gave me a congratulations and then they said JK There’s a Zombie infestation please fix or you’ll be

Fined after two finds you will be deft and to that I say [ __ ] off HOA listen thanks for the the free signs um but actually though I have been trying to fix it off stream but it’s so difficult oh [ __ ] respo thank you for the rainbow

Oh my God I think it was a rainbow Supa um yes I’ve been trying to fix it off stream like I did all this to try and find where the [ __ ] zombies were and you know what it turns out if we go down here there’s a huge Cave System right below

So that’s that’s where the sounds originated in at least right here so I’m assuming that the other areas are also part of the cave system um let’s see let’s go over here I heard it right like oh okay it’s in here it’s in this wall All right guys we’re taking care of the problem Is it down oh my god look okay you know what I’m glad at least it was at least it was easier to get to the problem this time okay um let’s make a little stare let’s do this and then Uh Here we go wandering Trader okay a lot is happening right now only one thing for the five gift did oh my God what the [ __ ] what is this okay there’s nothing here cool um but there are zombies somewhere oh down here why are they so why are you

So loud for being so far away from source goodness yeah I love a good little zombie infestation so now they can’t say I didn’t do anything Okay this led to nothing which you know what I prefer to be honest um let’s actually get this diary because now I have use for it dyrated oh Ah I see Well done never mind let me cover that [ __ ] up I knew it connected I knew so I guess apparently there’s a Cave System underneath our little underground base who would have thought all right let’s make more torches because now I’ve used all of mine Okay um see this is good we’re just you know we’re just doing normal stuff I haven’t gotten the itch to oh Puffy and also eggless Stargazer thank you both for the gifted memberships thank you foreign so nice Luca actually uh commissioned it so now we can use it I believe I was

Looking at I was watching hexiza stream earlier and he’s also using this bgm Why is everyone trying to like show up in my face right now Okay Oh I do want to show hexy the uh what’s it called the planetarium at some point um but he’s he’s uh too busy trying to uncover the hidden cult or uh cults on the server Um all right so I don’t know if if you watched I think pomu’s stream or something um I have this this wall of paintings uh you can actually go inside but there’s nothing in the chest and up until now I put one cookie I think I might start doing that just make little secrets everywhere if you can find the secrets good for you you get a cookie um anyway Let’s uh try and figure out what we’re trying to do so um I’m not gonna okay I’m not gonna

Build but I will show you guys what I have been working on okay so it’s not anything crazy I didn’t build I didn’t build anything big oh there you [ __ ] are like where the [ __ ] is the wandering villager you don’t even you don’t even have anything good will

You have purple dye so maybe I’ll keep you around but you know I’m not gonna do you any favors sir okay So I the reason why I was making this the nether portal a little more accessible is because I want to do something oh my god [ __ ] I just got here [ __ ] hoe Jesus okay so we’re in the nether now foreign and I went a little bit away and I did this

It’s a little ugly right now but this is what it looks like and I did a new uh oh my God please I made a new portal Because I’m trying to thank you find Open Water what the [ __ ] can I rest please oh wait you turn into a zombie as a Zombie Pigman Perfect all right you’re not gonna kill me anymore oh another one hello um but yeah I I made a new portal

Because I wanted to find Open Water and look at this Open Water and guess what I want to build a bath house I’m not going to build it right now because I said I wouldn’t but this is the area that I’m planning to do it um and I was gathering materials so in

The tutorial they use a lot of wood stuff you know that’s that’s a given and build you know but I wanted to change it up and use diorite and also warped flanks to make it fit the aesthetic more of like my new area what’s this huh what is this whoa

Wait is this a ruined uh another portal what is this yeah kind of like Spirited Away that’s what that’s what I’m aiming for what the [ __ ] excuse me whoa what is this hello what the thanks oh my God a dolphin oh no don’t don’t don’t swim into the the magma What the hell cool flint and other stuff curse advantaging a golden hoe you always gotta have that one uh um blast protection curse of binding should I I don’t know oh wait can I do this okay um sorry let’s continue what we were doing so yeah I wanted to build the bath

House around here um it’s a good it’s not too deep the water so whoa okay Dolphins Grace there’s look at that this place is perfect for a bath house there’s dolphins oh my God wait hello you can swim so fast now look at this cool okay so there’s Dolphins here ants and

Turtles so I think this is the perfect place to do a bath house but yeah like I said I’m not gonna build a bath house yet because that’ll be crazy right that would be so crazy if I started building immediately and didn’t do what I said I would would not do

Um but yeah I wanted to actually work on making this connection to the other uh thank you for the gifted membership thank you thank you oh wait again uh thank you both for the five gifted earlier oh I didn’t see sorry at last anyway um why are there so many of you good

Morning okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay um I want to make like a Bridge or something that connects the two can I not have a moment of Peace Jesus um to connect the two another portals that way if people want to visit the bath house they have a safe way to come and go

That’s my aim um where did I okay I want to get this okay only three goddamn so let’s go back to the original yeah you [ __ ] thought this is like a breeding ground for these piglands Jesus leave me alone go through life or death just to bathe

Not really that’s why I’m trying to make a nice safe Bridge you know All right Let’s put these items and sort them where’s my quartz chest I think I’m actually gonna put the diorite and stuff back because I’m not gonna actually make any of this yet oh yeah I was gonna use calcite too because calcite looks like marble hey I’m gonna

Put those away I have this random [ __ ] now okay let’s put this away to Um okay that’s iron stuff gold stuff let’s put gold stuff in there uh Flint I don’t even know where to put Flint what the [ __ ] how do I sort Flint um oh I’ll put it with the iron because you know flint and steel I don’t know where to put this one either Uh I’ll just put it at the in the potion section Oh my God there’s even zombies on this side too I can’t mine here though because there’s water maybe if I It’s so close too it’s like right here the [ __ ] okay it’s definitely below no what the [ __ ] um excuse me what is all this Ruckus oh oh [ __ ] okay here we go found it oh my God are you for real Wait I don’t even all up there oh my [ __ ] God are you for real don’t you [ __ ] me all right you weren’t gonna jump down before and then you saw me getting close and then you jumped down oh my God and they called your friend too [ __ ] Holy [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] jump scare [ __ ] rude ass [ __ ] wow like this [ __ ] up so annoying I see it’s because there’s this and it’s all dark over here oh I accidentally flew okay cover this [ __ ] up with torches gotta do it over here too oh my god well you know at least we know where diorite is

Oh my God this goes deep There’s all this underneath my base holy no wonder why there’s a zombie problem you know what as long as if I get the surface zombies it’s fine I’ll uh I’ll explore at some point Moss Did that just appear how did I miss that I’m confused okay well uh Foreign here we go all right um boop boop okay oh my God that was so much you know what I’m gonna do I don’t need this we got one potato from a zombie cool and now we have all this granite and Cobble for what Um okay here we go we can put this here potato I I guess I’ll just cook it oh yeah I had stuff cooking I forgot I’ll cook the potato um see guys I’m I can do normal Minecraft wow that was fast as [ __ ] I’ll keep it and I’ll eat it or something

Um yeah I can play normal Minecraft I don’t have to always be building something I’m just gonna put Granite there I have no idea Um oh let me sleep because he probably needs the Foreign the light I don’t have a bed it’s so cold I have a double bed in my base here Um okay I’ve already lost my train of thought um should we go get him You know what I don’t wanna I don’t want him to come over here just because you know I want him to be near me but I’m gonna let’s make him a bed because then at least he can hold on to it Actually look I can just steal one from this from the village sorry guys but I need this I’m doing a favor wait it’s so cozy here what do you sell fortune one you’re not even worth it um I saw somebody say he’s in a cave wait where are you

Let me put the hoe away anymore I’m in my little hole how do I get to your hole let’s get him some berries too what the [ __ ] I don’t even know you could put a bed on sweet berries right in front of the Billy Billy logo okay okay um let’s go

I need to find something some way to repurpose the castle since I’m not really living there anymore he’s here what I heard that where is he What oh a black horse I’m here Is it that is it one of these foreign Oh oh [ __ ] She really wants to show me his hole I mean say less but uh what okay Let’s let’s go I spend five hours on my hole all right let’s see it oh my God it’s right here my little hole in the ground hex this hole of course it’s not much but it’s honest work Let’s give them some food in a bed Um what else can we give him I’ll give him half of my cookies I’ll give him you know I’ll give him this flint and steal in case he needs to like defend himself um okay now how do you get out how do you get out I mean I love your whole but

I need some air foreign You know what it’s funny I don’t even have normal blocks Foreign Foreign I don’t know where but I have gunpowder somewhere let me go let me go to my old home and see if I could get anything I’m gonna live in that little hole I wanna like I gotta make it pretty I there’s something in me that just like I

Need it to look pretty Oh I guess I don’t have gunpowder here um I need to make it look pretty what if I used what do I do what do I do I can’t resist the urge like what if I use amethyst I make him like a little amethyst cluster home I don’t know is that is that too crazy foreign

Project yeah yeah just a tiny one would you like me to make your hole pretty I gotta ask for consent first foreign why isn’t he answering me Wait what’s more what’s more like hex floor thing for the 10 gifted wait a minute I didn’t see this before Flora thank you for the 50 gifted oh my God 60 gifted in total you’re you’re crazy thank you um okay he still didn’t answer me uh maybe not amethyst

I think I’m just projecting um but maybe I can do like diamond or like a diamond cluster that seems more like hex um you know what seems more like heck’s another right but I I don’t have netherrite like that to just make Okay we have a little project we have a little project what do we have in here I have pumpkin pie oh I got all this amethyst I’ll come back in exactly one hour and see what you have made oh my God I’m I’m being timed now okay okay let me just um okay

Maybe what I can do is do something with deep slate Um oh let me take that call too oh my God what do I do what I do I want to make something I gotta make something I don’t know if a little cluster is gonna cut it anymore oh my God the secret rooms the paintings are gone that’s okay

Oh do I still have stuff in here I do [ __ ] yeah okay there’s nothing in there All right guys I don’t know if just a little gem cluster is gonna do it anymore so I need to do something else someone tell me uh tell me give me some info you know I’m still I’m still getting to know him so I don’t really know what he what he likes

What his interests are she likes rain oh interesting I love rain He’s edgy I could do something maybe with like light blue stuff Foreign Okay um Okay I like the I like the somebody said a pond pond with fishies what if I make like a nice what do I make like a deep slate pond I don’t even know if that’s possible okay I have all this deep slay Posh deep safe okay let’s just make a couple of things

Let’s take half polish deep sleep We could do some stairs I’ll just take a couple and then slab take a couple more um actually I’ll just leave the rest like that deep sleep brick if slate brick slab okay maybe this is enough to like start something out oh water elevator oh yo I could make him a water elevator

I just thought of something Wait it’s thought of something I don’t know how I don’t know if I can make it in one hour but we’ll see um where’s my glass hello ah here we go let me add that there okay I’m gonna take the glass I’m gonna take okay I’m gonna take all the glass And then hmm wait wait let me think let me think let me think let me think about this Okay okay um okay I think I have a rough idea of what I want to do Let’s just see if I can do it um and also I’m gonna have to move his stuff too Because um it’s not really a whole it’s not really that deep so if you truly wants the experience he should make it a little bit deeper Okay so I’m gonna start Sorry for doubting you What Did he think that I was not gonna come and make his hole pretty okay one two three four one two three four five okay so we could start with this um I want to make it bigger Actually we should make it too big I don’t want to like you know cost too much attention so let’s do something like this we’ll make it like a little star shape oops And then okay um and then we can have one entrance be the drop the whole drop and then one entrance be the bubble elevator back up so if I [ __ ] okay this is the middle Okay one two three four one two three four so this is the middle right here if I do one two and then one two so one entrance here and then one entrance here So then what I can do from this point is make a tube of glass I think that’s what I’m gonna do yes I think that’s what I’ll do okay so if I do this Oh [ __ ] his Trust okay um well he’s gonna have to not mind What’s Happening Here okay okay now we know where the entrances are Foreign it’s like two entrances in a little star okay this is getting this is cute this is getting cute I like it We just have to oh is that a cave we just have to go a little bit deeper foreign you know what I should have done is brought like uh scaffolding I have to be careful not to like um okay what the [ __ ] what is this oh my God is this his cave

He’s just been marking it with dirt oh my God we need to help him we need to help him okay um this will be our means of getting out okay it’s like this Thank you Okay I don’t know how deep I want to go but probably a bit deep This might be a bad idea But you know I’m risking it all for him foreign you know what don’t mind if I do wait I don’t have enough room [ __ ] [ __ ] no give me the iron yes okay here we go so we’re gonna do all this as glass foreign We can have this as the entrance um Foreign I really should have brought some other blocks but this is where we are now I’m just gonna do this let me change this out so that I can properly and then I’m just gonna keep going up with dirt until I reach the top not efficient but better than nothing This is so claustrophobic and I kind of hate it but you know what this is for this is all for him so I don’t mind oh Oh well that was easy Okay Oh [ __ ] Foreign Oh [ __ ] I used all my glass no okay I need to I need to make more foreign Have access to it just trust um what do you got here not much okay wait how do you get another right sword with sharpness 5 and sweeping Edge 3. hmm Looks like someone has some sticky fingers Um I’m gonna go get some wood from over here I’m just gonna make a temporary chest so I can put my stuff away I’m so glad I have a project now I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do during this stream but now I have a goal

[ __ ] how do I not have wood here okay well I’m just gonna go here then surely someone has wood over here nope I guess not um I guess we’re gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way Foreign Double chest okay foreign I’m getting a little bit sweaty I think that means I’m getting into the building so let’s let’s do this let’s get some sand I need to get more glass I underestimated how much glass I needed see I build all these things but I never replenish my my inventory

Actually let me see if there’s anyone we can borrow from actually I’m gonna take this no one uses no one uses that but me um hmm nope I’m gonna go into Nina’s and maybe she has glass or sand Nope sand or glass glass thanks [ __ ] um all right foreign Okay Now let’s go back in here what was I up to yeah I’m over here now Foreign okay I thought it was tripping foreign Oh my god look we’re at the top okay so this hole is not like terribly deep which is fine Huh That looks wrong Okay there we go there we go um okay so now I’m gonna move his stuff I’m gonna move it into this double chest um and he can you know keep all this stuff if he wants to foreign I gave him half the cookies You guys think everything I make is beautiful that’s very kind Um all right so now let’s go we need to get into that hole and then make a connection or like find a way to Okay so there’s one space between so this is where the glass is one space glass So it’s probably here is where the hole is going to be Um space glass hole Foreign I swear if I’m wrong I’ll be so sad I was right I’m so good at this this is it right yeah it is okay cool amazing Okay Let’s do all four corners and then the other four Okay foreign Foreign I’m freaking out you see I’m moving my mouse wait There we go I was confused foreign Mm-hmm Damn I made this hole a little bit deep that’s okay you need the thrill you need to feel that you’re dropping oh Foreign so let me Oh so close so close okay um let me take this out you know what I should also do is make this a little bigger it’s a little it’s not that tall I want to give him a little space a little space to put his head Foreign Okay let’s go up Nina I’m gonna use more uh glass from you I’m gonna sleep in his bed Uki Violetta is sleeping in rainbow I’m sleeping but gay Foreign foreign she got a bucket Maybe I have a bucket I got a bucket with fish that’s not helpful I have all this glass here whoops sorry Nina I’ll return some um oh I got a bucket right here okay cool Oh whoops why’d I do that okay That can be the entrance and then this we can make the uh the part where you go up foreign there we go Foreign Yeah that looks a little bit better I’ll fix it up um okay Foreign because if you go in the water is going to flow so I have to put signs here [ __ ] okay Okay I understand it’s almost time to move into your new home um I’m actually gonna let’s take all this stuff out I want to make this seem more like so my so my thought process right now is like we turned this little star-shaped hole into a star-shaped pond Foreign and that way when you go down you can see the water and then there there will be fish and stuff and then maybe um I can put like do I need to put one more layer maybe not I could put a trap door and then hopefully that will leave the hole open

I’m not sure Because if I put another layer the water there’s gonna be it’s gonna come through the water and I want the water to rest on top of it hmm maybe for this one I can make it go up Trap door should work okay I feel like it’ll work but you know what else I feel like if I put fish the fish are gonna like drop into the hole unless actually no because it’ll shoot wait this is the entrance so I have to block this off but if the fish

Fall down they’ll fall into water so it’s all good it all works out what is that oh I don’t like that I don’t like that foreign Okay um yeah it’s unsatisfying foreign yes yes okay sorry I’m getting a little carried away okay I’m gonna move this let’s take this out I’m gonna move everything eventually down there but for now I’m gonna Thank you and then for here we can put a door that leads to his cave because the door will stop the water um I don’t like this so I’m gonna have to take I’m gonna get rid of it I’m just gonna make like Hold on I’ll do this and then maybe I’ll do this so that it’s not like super even I don’t draw actually um or at least I don’t think I draw well Foreign Foreign Okay nice actually let me cover this too um okay cool no terracotta is showing except these okay foreign bucket so now what I need is kelp I need kelp and Soul Sand foreign oh my God he is you know what I need someone to I need hex to have a skin

Immediately is so scary watching him walk around as Steve with the Trident it’s honestly terrifying I’m running out of fireworks there’s more in the chest no do I have is there kelp in here yes there is hopefully 16 is enough Soul Sand Yeah it’s like [ __ ] Herobrine do I have Soul Sand in here Yes I do okay this is gonna be great I hope that he’s happy what’s he doing was he running backwards okay um how do I uh foreign First and then I go down um oh I need signs I forgot um there’s yes okay I can use these two Okay Um Let’s put the signs first let’s put the dirt let’s put the kelp is that exact foreign wait do I need one more hold on hold on Is that enough or do I need one more I think I need one more I think I need one more cow one off damn it use bone meal oh yeah yeah true or I’ll just get I’ll just get some kelp down here I have kelp right there’s kelp here seagrass

How do I tell which one is kelp they’re all seagrass Oh my God I just need one more oh look Garfield he’s still here Mondays okay I can’t tell which these are all sea grass Why is there no kelp here it’ll grow oh I forgot I moved my bone meal thing away what is he doing oh my God Um okay you’re right I’ll just use bone meal has been an hour is he checking out his new place already I hope not okay I knew there was one bone in here okay do I just bone meal the top oh [ __ ] foreign Okay It’s not working The dirt Okay you know what I think it’s actually fully grown so what I’ll do is I’m Gonna Fill this area with water soon and that way it’ll be one more layer up and then that I just need that one extra layer okay guys we are getting there we’re getting there foreign Let’s do sea lanterns let’s do sea lantern and then I’ll also use a warped trap door foreign I hope he has a good time Do I have any no I just have a birch one foreign Obsidian in there um okay I think I’ll have to go back to my place and actually get some materials because I want this to be I want it to be nice okay one warped trapdoor foreign turn And then I’m gonna use a jungle door foreign actually you know what instead of set of the warp trap door let’s use a jungle trapdoor Foreign There we go and then I need to put dirt around here so that stuff actually grows otherwise that’ll be weird uh okay maybe if I put random dirt in different pockets Because I also want people to be able to see where the stuff grows foreign Okay random spots like that and then I need to put sea lanterns I’ll put one in each corner one two one two Foreign I know I was trying not to make this that even but now I am foreign I can’t help it guys I can’t I think this is even right right Okay and then I’ll put one in each of these little corners why is this not oh that one’s not even why oh it needs to go one more out I’m one more in foreign okay so it’s like this now right and then these have to be replaced there we go

How silly of me to think that I could go without making it symmetrical oh God okay that gives me peace of mind Okay Um oh I need that And this And then foreign Just so it’s easier I’m just gonna make an infinite water source like right here foreign I know normally I say not to mention any other livers in the Stream unless if I mention them myself first but please let me know if hexi needs time needs help finding the planetarium I thought it was being pretty clear with the coordinates but I apparently not he found it oh okay

Well I hope he enjoys Okay so now now we fill first I’m Gonna Fill the corners foreign okay actually that’s fine I’m just curious to see he loves it yay okay I’m glad I’m glad people are enjoying the uh the planetarium After All My Blood Sweat and Tears went into that [ __ ] place and then thank you to Aya who helped me with the final touches Um What is this one weird space all right it doesn’t it’s okay foreign I need to like really fill it up if I want it to be properly filled butter thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you Foreign are you filling it up with water I’m making a pond It’s gonna be hexy’s pond foreign I saw someone said a kelp can help you fill it but I’m In Too Deep I’m just gonna manually do it now oh you’re right I could just take from the top now Oh my God you’re a genius LOL meanwhile I’m here being a [ __ ] idiot oh um hello wait did I just [ __ ] this out no okay so there’s certain blocks that I cannot take from Um this one foreign Oh my God I hope he [ __ ] likes this what if I just Okay I could take from above the glass like right there yes okay helpful helpful yes okay Foreign wow this is actually close enough to the conduit so you I I just can’t drown that is so nice also the water looks so nice from underneath foreign Okay we’re almost done Is that it oh my god look wait oh the conduit makes you see better wait for real is that an update I can’t tell okay so now what I’m gonna do is I wonder if I can do this and then This is not really an optimal way to get inside but it’ll have to do for now okay that one little bit of water that’s all I needed Yay it works it works guys Um I think I’m gonna put more sea lanterns underneath at least Like I’ll do Oh there is some water spots I didn’t see Oh okay there’s some spots that you can get conduit power from and some not okay uh right here I thought I was done it’s okay at least I made the water uh the water elevator foreign All right that is much better okay Let’s make more spots where I can add um so I’m just gonna put I’m just gonna start putting kelp foreign That’s a thing I didn’t know that you could put on sea lantern you could put on Cobblestone too as long as it’s underwater that’s crazy okay you know what let’s put put this [ __ ] everywhere I had no idea foreign I said I was going to make it a little edgy let’s make a little edgy with this crying obsidian what if I put them here oh that is so cool ah look at that Foreign I have like just enough Hey that looks nice I it’s like just edgy enough okay okay um she can keep this one Now let’s put his stuff down there um yeah it’s not that great like going down here but it’s okay um you can put that there we can put the bed here Crafting table I put the chest next to the bed foreign Okay and then I think what I’ll do is well I was going to try and put the Deep slate like around it You know what I think I’ll do I’ll do the Polish deep slate stairs [ __ ] that’s not what I meant to do Is you can put water in the stair oh that is kind of nice actually I think I’ll put stairs here like that yeah I think that makes it look a little cool no like look I’m gonna do these first and then we’ll see what we can do with the other sides later foreign Foreign It’s so cute but now what do I do with these parts these parts I’m not so sure about thank you I have more but there are different texture I could do this Foreign yeah I think I’ll go with that no I sounded so devastated when that when I just did that That one spot just doesn’t work oh there’s a little Gap here you see that there’s like a little dip right here I don’t like that Thing is still wrong foreign what is it I still see some like faint little squares um I’ll leave it for now well I did say I did I did ask if I could make his whole pretty and that’s what I did I completely renovated it

Um I hope he likes it when he comes back Not really sure what to do now um I could put um you know what I could do is put lights around it so it looks like a star and then put trap doors on top because I have enough lanterns to do that Foreign Foreign Oh just say one and I’ll check it out okay well we don’t need these torches anymore right here Yay oh my God it’s so pretty foreign Spruce sign I can put a sign like here oh can I put a sign on top of the entrance oh it just stays in the water never mind um hmm I could put like a block there and put

The sign up and be like Haywire pond or something oh in the middle yeah like here there we go it’s connected but then you can also walk through the middle and then I’ll put this right there and then I’ll put a sign Wait There we go Now I want to make it like the planetarium where it’s like cyan colored and now I need to put like other stuff in the Did I write hope oh God okay glow ink okay I can’t put the puffer fish because he’ll die Or maybe If I just put one but one puffer fish it’ll give him that sense of adventure puffer fish are so edgy right that’s what I thought all right cool we’re on the same wavelength Okay um and then I need this to get like another fish Anyone got cyan dye I wonder if there’s a maybe Albin has Extra dye light blue I could use light blue okay I’m just gonna use the light blue because his hair is kind of light blue as well right okay now is there any spare fish can anyone spare fish do I have fish in this Pond over here I forgot this Pond is pretty boring

Because I just made it to make everything look pretty Did Salon build anything here nope Oh yeah I have to check this out too with you guys I didn’t even I said I was gonna look at the new stuff and I didn’t and I just started building typical me And now we can make an attachment from blueberry bird blowberry Bridge to go towards hexis hole did I write oh no I didn’t it says hole okay who hasn’t made me think I was crazy and then light blue whoa that’s light blue wait that’s that doesn’t look like blue to me That’s fine you know whatever I’m not mad at it all right so first let’s get in here and put the puffer fish it’s probably about actually no this is a bad idea I have to put other stuff in here first um I don’t have fish And I don’t know who has fish so there’s not many fish on the server Or at least in these parts any fish over here Foreign yes foreign I mean an achievement sorry oh wait where am I going wait is the puffer fish gonna kill the salmon no okay well I guess we’ll find out he’ll have to get more fish on his own because yeah wait Are you kidding me Bruh foreign I don’t think we can have fish Guys I don’t think we can put fish in here wait let’s watch are you gonna kill it oh my God he’s not okay the puffer fish is peaceful is the salmon alive you know I haven’t heard it flop around or whatever okay okay now let’s cover up this water source

Because it looks gross Foreign Wait if I go in here Okay I think I think I’m good right okay And then to use this new water elevator he can you can uh transfer all his stuff going up and down Foreign you have Bubble elevator now go down go bye Look at that it works yay foreign Chest you can trance support it yourself via bubble elevator the buffer fish the salmon oh wait wait the perfect fish is alive okay cool cool you know what the puffer fish is all I really care about there’s a little puffer fish in the pond go look for it Foreign You can Boop it Foreign It’s not so bad the thrill of Adventure and death Foreign She can now have his fun with his new hole and I’m gonna I’m gonna show you guys the subway station because I forgot to do that before look at this wait what is this actually I actually don’t know what this is oh my God cute is this for the subway is this for the train station Oh I’s bookstore oh okay oh my God it’s so cute I’m so glad people are finally building around this area oh my God yo I need to fix this I need to fix this I can’t I can’t have it be here like this this is so ugly it’s been here for so long

Um wait where’s the subway oh it’s on the other side I’m dumb Come on they were the five gifted thank you thank you I feel like I’ve missed people’s gifted memberships because I’ve been so focused on renovating hex’s hole but I hope hexy likes it here we go look look it’s Subway entrances look at that and then they made a nice little Pond too wait

Oh my God it’s Garfield’s face I didn’t even realize the guardian of Garfield close to the public on Mondays wait this is amazing I I feel like pomu made this good good [ __ ] work girl And how there’s like orange and yellow flowers and the little Garfield cats this is so cute honestly I think there needs to be some like uh glowstone though because you know people should be able to see Garfield in the light I mean people should see Garfield in the

In the dark in the night um in all his glory anyway look at these subway stations so if you go down here look oh my God Luca oh my God Luca lucar lucar I didn’t know he worked part-time at in the niji Ian Subway where does this go Wait is there a way to like get out well there is wait but if you go through there if you go through here is there meant to be water because you just go in and then you fall and then it hurts all right anyway let’s look at more of the

Oh we got the little behind the scenes of the subway Where does this go oh oh there’s more oh there’s three entrances It’s a work in progress yeah I can tell no offense oh cute nice nice Sorry I’m a little bit she There’s a downstairs is this like bathrooms oh my God there’s another downstairs what’s this there’s more rooms are these like waiting rooms wow a hallway to Nowhere this is how you get into the back rooms but look at the these quartz bricks really gives off subway tile feel what is this oh [ __ ]

Whoa where am I oh the train wait this is actually so cool It’s a niji it’s a niji train how do I get inside I want to get inside I hope they add buttons so that you can get inside the little cars So cute Express yeah so cute are these the bathrooms yes okay the bathrooms are a little a little tip to be desired maybe I should help them design the bathroom Wow You know I kind of want to help make it a little pretty this is really good property of the HOA oh pantsma butma V2 head buttma Digma V7 whoa look at all the oh okay hmm they’re they’re being awful trustworthy leaving everything out like this this is very out in the open uh you know I’m just gonna you know what I’ll leave it there I’ll leave it there for now Is there anything else that’s new actually let’s check the clock tower I don’t know if anyone has Like done anything in here or signed the book No one has signed in that’s okay Maybe people visited and they just forgot to sign in People don’t know how to sign in go come on guys it’s simple it’s the simplest Minecraft mechanics the tip is still here safe and sound so I’m thinking for the five gifted thank you thank you Wow it looks so nice from up here oh [ __ ] foreign Okay originally I wanted to build that little bridge in another that I was talking about but I’m glad I got to build something else unexpected that I didn’t plan on building foreign Foreign oh yeah I can explain this so before the integration I wanted to make sure that I would be able to have some amethyst clusters so I think eventually I kind of want to make a an amethyst cave or something so if I place these around

Um it should it should spawn some in right they’ll grow I think um also Lynn thinking of the five gifted thank you thank you hopefully I’ll look it up I’ll look up what budding amethyst really does Moco thank you for the gifted membership thank you thank you uh all right let’s

You know what maybe someone should tell hexy to be careful if he’s just standing outside like that he could die but I don’t think it was the five gifted thank you thank you she could she could just die out there if a zombie spawns or something or a creeper

So I hope he knows that I’m thinking about what how to I want to take advantage of the what’s it called the landscape because everything is so red maybe I can incorporate uh maybe I’ll incorporate quartz Crimson If I place it oh okay okay so if I place it it just literally stays the same I don’t know if I want that because they’re like everywhere already um okay foreign Yay I’m glad I’m glad he enjoyed it Okay let’s go to let’s go to the nether foreign let’s see what I can come up with because I also have not really a plan for this nether Bridge but I do want to make it safe that I think you can you can have it safe and still make it pretty so

I’m gonna try Oh my God why were you waiting for me [ __ ] die Jesus huh bro These guys gotta chill okay let me let me do some Landscaping over here um foreign there’s so many of you oh my God oh my God that’s right [ __ ] run away okay yeah get over here [ __ ] foreign You’re lucky you can move through a one block hole Hello all right um where were we right here so this is pretty [ __ ] ugly oh my God what the [ __ ] there’s a family over there I cannot come in here without fighting for my life okay this is why I see this is why I need things to be safe My God like please okay I think I want to make it straight and then bye maybe I want to go this way and then to the left [ __ ] you didn’t die or was there to oh one did die down there it was just the second one bro bro Where are you oh my God you went through the [ __ ] portal okay I’m always like oh yeah I won’t wear gold I can just kill whatever comes my way I think I probably will I feel like I need to wear gold now look at all this look at all this [ __ ] okay so

This is the portal to the area that I want the bath house to be so I’m gonna let’s try and like Mark It Off So I can start the bridge um I think I’ll make it oh [ __ ] I’ll make it like as high as foreign Or should I leave one space in between foreign I think I’ll leave one space I don’t like how like tight it is Okay this is the same height oh my God yeah I I think it’s better like that no okay and then Hmm I’ll go up one more And then I don’t know how to like what I should do to you know covered the top The brick is gonna be too much maybe I can no yeah I could do slabs and stairs I just need to mark it out now one two three I’m gonna go by three Yeah I try to get over here [ __ ] One two three oh bye hexy Look at him just waiting there okay I need more um all right what does someone say if someone in the chat warped fungus He said warped fungus will scare them away yes okay you don’t say less oh my God what is chasing me bro oh there’s one right here give me I have more at home what about the what about the like pigs the Hogs is there anything that scares them away probably not I’m gonna go get some warped also I see your Super Chat oh [ __ ] you distracted me with distracting me with either You know I’m thinking about him I’m thinking about him and how sexy he is I have seven [ __ ] okay I’ll get more at some point I can if anything yeah I can just bone meal a little area because I I have some of that grass with me I have some warped nalium so I could get more warped fungus later oh wait quartz I forgot I ran out so I need to do more Wait where’s I really need to start labeling these because now I’m getting confused okay pillars what does a chiseled one look like I don’t even know let me just do one just to see oh That looks so cute I love I love it Um but for now I need to make pillars here we go this random leather and stuff that I that dropped on me okay let’s Wait and then what should I make the foreign I could make combination How do these look next to each other I don’t really like them both together maybe I’ll use oh I’ll use the brick to I’ll use the brick to make the walls around and then that means I have to I’m gonna mix it up with bricks and also Crimson planks

So that it looks like it’s still integrated with the land Is that oh another one can I just hold it and they’ll run away nope It’s not working he’s already he’s after me he’s still after me poor foreign Gifted thank you thank you oh it works on them you know better than nothing can I put it here nope and put it right there Haha [ __ ] that’s what I thought bye Foreign Okay I need to make fake land here now because oh my god look he survived good for you foreign Foreign Foreign Oh [ __ ] Okay this is a little better now I still have to [ __ ] it’s not enough okay that’s fine Foreign this way and then it can start turning over there one two three okay I need more of that foreign oh my God yeah you dare come over here [ __ ] Foreign So now what I’m going to need is for nobody to dig the ground because it’s like a one block thing foreign Foreign Uh Foreign Maybe I’ll have it come out here and then this is where it turns this way oh they’re fighting wait I’ve never seen this before it’s gonna win oh oh oh okay we know oh now you’re coming for me Now there’s two oh wait hit the other guy oh nice thanks all right now This is nice actually Oh my God I can’t wait until it’s done I don’t have any more quartz though which means I’m gonna do some borrowing you’re right I should make Windows oh my God please everyone calm down [ __ ] oh my God I went through the wrong way There’s Merchants at trade courts yeah but why do that when I could borrow from a certain Fox mom Like she got so much what’s she gonna use it for she’s not even here look the gays are being smiled upon another wonderful day to be gay Foreign Um thank you everyone and and the church said gay men Oh wrong way All right let’s do half let’s get more quartz pillars foreign brick brick Brick she’s a brick Owls is that how that goes I don’t even remember um and then I’m gonna take glass because you guys reminded me that windows are a thing What should we use white stained glass nah let’s use clear glass we gotta see what’s happening on the outside Foreign Gotta see the chaos chaos I call it fun Chaos foreign chaos I think about our lovely lady surfing I find the Rhythm in the chaos how the [ __ ] did you get up there what the [ __ ] foreign And now you’re stuck there good job you you have to live with your mistakes Yay this is nice now you can see a little bit of the outside shut the [ __ ] up that’s what you get and there’s no one to help you down surely not me Okay there you go see now you’re free [ __ ] and I gotta live with your mistakes come back come back oh anyways let’s continue Oh wait wait it’s continuing this way excited oh [ __ ] okay that means this has to be sectioned off uh I didn’t think about this That seems right right that seems okay I can make the window a little bigger but I don’t want to foreign Imagine like you’re running for your life and just when you get away just when you think you’re safe all of a sudden it gets quiet and then you hear oh yeah and then your life just flashes before your eyes That’s my favorite thing about her she just won’t stop singing like go off And then especially when she alts it’s just one big belted out note which I’m not gonna do right now but it’s amazing it’s great thank you for blessing our ears foreign I feel like that’s really all of it there’s like other stuff she says with uh the other skins but I don’t remember yeah she does a lot of humming thank you excuse me what the [ __ ] hi can I help you did he just nod all right let me get you out of that

Tough spot oh my God 19. oh thank you so much for the rainbow oh my God thank you so much What the [ __ ] foreign So sweet thank you so much Foreign Okay I said I wanted to put some Crimson planks let me see how does it look oh it actually doesn’t look that bad oh hello Yeah I kind of like it wait why is everyone saying gay man oh because of the rainbow I’m just gonna I’m just gonna randomly put them in places yeah it looks pretty good I was wondering how it would be but this is actually quite nice I think I won’t change the pillar oh wait this one needs a window too foreign Foreign for you I don’t think I like this Mm-hmm oh now I have extra brick Foreign too high oh I did I build all of these too high Oh it’s just those two uh but now I have to get up Good things silky is around so I can keep my glass Okay I think for now let’s stop because I’ve run out of materials oh my God I can’t even go home all you were guarding the nether portal let me leave I didn’t realize how much time has passed Let’s go ahead and sleep I feel like we got a lot done today I wasn’t sure uh how much we would do but we did a lot actually so I’m I’m proud of that okay also wait I just realized did you guys know that this could happen if you right click on carpet

Sit on it Did you know that I had no idea That’s crazy anyway let’s switch over and chill Okay Foreign Let’s go ahead and pull up everything I want to make sure that I don’t miss anything Foreign So while that is loading everyone water break first Hmm what’s going on with that thank you arigato all right my throat is lubed I’m ready to read um all the donations loaded Let’s go ahead and read the ones that came through from today’s stream um thank you all for the donations today thank you foreign Floor Mr Zoo Gracie Aaron Scott and tumau welcome back everyone Mama thank you for the super thank you thank you uh koyuki Welcome to the ukiverse CJ bin shiu Sushi uh yua Lou Joyce Aoki and hinoka welcome back everyone orenji thank you for the super thank you thank you

Pepe Welcome to the ukiverse uh Garcia and Belle welcome back as well Um I don’t know if I said this before when it happened but risma thank you for the rainbow Supa thank you thank you there’s I feel like we’re was that three rainbows today oh my God I’m overwhelmed Um snow welcome back as well thank you for the super and Uki fever thank you for the super um and apple pie and nididine May um welcome back everyone thank you thank you kuzu and Ellen thank you both for the super thank you thank you oh yeah wishing luck wishing everyone’s

Luck if you are spending time with family this holiday season especially with family members that you would not like to be with I’m sending you all my Good Vibes all of my all my strength and mental fortitude to go through those situations um do you and Teddy welcome back as well

Karaman thank you for the akasupa thank you thank you uh Kiki Amber Aki Anar and Mumu and Genie welcome back everyone uh homework thank you for the super I think you thank you Uh flamby cheese flora and dongni thank you all for the Zupas thank you thank you Um Dina welcome to the ukiverse thank you foreign polka thank you for the 10 gifted thank you thank you uh Lone Wolf titing Connie uh Elise Dayo and Haru welcome back everyone Gia thank you for the super as well thank you thank you Um Hikaru and what is this memory nemudi um welcome both to the ukiverse Um uh shun Ming thank you for the super thank you thank you and shushu thank you for the super as well thank you so much um Jessica Eugene and Michi Mochi welcome back everyone 15 and now thank you all for the Zupas thank you thank you and suratan and Haru welcome back everyone

Mallory thank you for the super sticker uh and peachy Welcome to the ukiverse Chee thank you for the super as well Lynn Lilith and yen welcome back both of you Chad thank you for the super thank you thank you I couldn’t help myself I had to build I didn’t build anything big though I just like you know I just helped helped someone out

Um bunny welcome to the ukiverse amagure uh Remy etio UC Dak Doom uh and shokora welcome back everyone I don’t know if I said this already uh kenma I think for the five gifted um unwar Welcome to the ukiverse um Aki Jenny Sophie and adelhide

Thank you all for the super thank you so much Silver Siana Alma and foreign welcome back everyone wait let me just make sure that’s right oh Timmy and then also 19 thank you again for the rainbow Supa thank you so much Uh meow meow Ophelia Yoshi and Rey welcome back everyone JoJo Tracy machima and Jesse thank you everyone for the supas and the super stickers Um Belial welcome back to the ookie verse as well Kai thank you for the akasupa thank you thank you uh suzu thank you for the super as well Samantha and mumi welcome back And moogie and sofu thank you all for the Zupas thank you so much um wish and Taylor welcome back Brown and Lisa thank you both for the super thank you thank you a header welcome to the oogiverse afua and all the welcome back Kai thank you for the

Akasupa once again thank you thank you um D-Day welcome back as well Lisa darksy utatane koru harui and Khan thank you thank you everyone for the super thank you so much uh futon and Corey welcome back uh Layla adelhide Luther Michi and sunny bear thank you all for the Zupas thank you so

Much uh amuletia Mia Nana Asahi welcome back everyone uh kikurage and omura thank you both for the Zupas thank you thank you Dolby thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you um fuzzy naval in 19 thank you both for the Zupas as well thank you so much foreign Fever and big Vic welcome back everyone and Vivian thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you um oh here we go uh and tiara thank you all for the Zupas thank you thank you uh Kim nembi thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you lonely um Nikota Millie ziti Sean and say welcome back everyone uh chili thank you for the akasupa thank you thank you uh albizi me sarila toru uh viviane RJ mitsuru and osimam welcome back to the ukiverse everyone thank you guys so much WoW you guys seen a lot of stuff today thank

You so much I really appreciate it I always appreciate and am thankful and grateful for all of your love and support thank you guys so much um I didn’t even realized I played Minecraft for three hours but that’s just how it goes I’m so tired now I was actually eating

Before I started stream I had a little left over so now I think I’m gonna eat those leftovers Um all right to be honest I haven’t really prepared much for tomorrow’s karaoke um so I’m gonna try and practice tonight because there’s some easy Christmas songs and there’s some that are really hard so I’ll have to work on that Um other than that I also need to prepare for the the hand cam you know I haven’t even tried out my new camera to see if it actually works and picks up stuff well so we’ll see oh [ __ ] and I have to take my fake nails off

Because if I wear them with the gloves it’s gonna be weird it’s gonna feel weird and I’m not gonna be able to cook okay I have to do that before everything even if I hate going outside um all right I think I’m gonna redirect to finana because she’s having the niji

Ian slumber party there’s a mostly oh it looks like everyone in the call so far is a Luna and xla But yeah driving a slumber party I think they’re just like chilling and playing games which is you know what people do at slumber parties so okay Let me get this ready Ah this instrumental is so good especially with the sleigh bells it really puts you in the mood for the season all right before I go um hit ski Luna watermelons omura and Lilia welcome back everyone and yet welcome to the ookie verse thank you guys so much for all your love and

Support as always I really appreciate it I can’t wait to see you guys for tomorrow’s Christmas karaoke which of course will be unarchived um and I saw that somebody made me a new stage asset thank you so much I am going to use it I’m going to use it very very well

Um you know what I also need to find there’s not one person that one artist who does art of um what is it the light sticks moving I forget who they are I’m gonna have to ask because I know some people in EN have it I wanted to so let me commission them

Let me give you my money Um all right cool thank you guys so much again and I’ll see you tomorrow I’ll warm up and stuff hopefully I don’t sound like [ __ ] because my throat is being a little weird and my nose is running um but yeah Um it’s okay to kiss you guys because I can’t give you a sickness through the screen it’s okay I I’ll keep my sickness on this side hey thank you guys so much thank you thank you thank you you’re just really ending huh Christ whoo all right bye everyone bye-bye I’m from I’m I’m Um from Um Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】a completely chill and normal, non-building stream【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】’, was uploaded by Uki Violeta 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-12-23 06:08:47. It has garnered 76789 views and 5077 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:42 or 12522 seconds.

I will not build anything crazy, I definitely won’t

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking Minecraft’s Creative Potential with Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the latest Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to discover a world of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your creations from ordinary to extraordinary! Exploring Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that add an element of mystery to your structures to jaw-dropping landscapes that will leave you in awe, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Minecraft, Cops And Robbers Alcatraz.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can experience thrilling gameplay, interact with unique mods, and join a vibrant community of players from around the world. That’s where Minewind comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. After watching the “Then/Now in Minecraft” video, it’s clear that the world of Minecraft has evolved and grown over the years. Minewind is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re into survival games, building, or exploring haunted places, Minewind has something for everyone. Join… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we explore the latest and most intriguing developments in the world of Minecraft. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of AI-generated Minecraft content. Have you ever wondered if AI can truly make Minecraft? The possibilities are endless, and the results are truly mind-blowing. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can AI make Minecraft?” the creator delves into the realm of AI-generated Minecraft videos and images. The video showcases the incredible advancements in AI technology that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming and content creation. From AI-generated Minecraft… Read More

  • NightCraft Central Europe Edition

    NightCraft Central Europe EditionHello!How nice that you want to join the NightCraft Central Europe Edition. This server is based on a 38000 x 26000 block map of Central Europe. The server is a Geopol / Roleplay server with mods such as Create, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism, Farmers Delight, Nuclear Science etc.The server also includes Simple Voice Chat so that you don’t have to sit in Discord if you want to talk to the others on the server.Since the server is a Geopol / Roleplay server there will be things like regular elections, private companies, economy based on a coin mod and more.We are currently… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: lmao, spicy edition

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: lmao, spicy editionLooks like this meme is really making the grade in the world of Minecraft humor! Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble! In the world of Minecraft, we find our delight, With Cube Xuan leading the way, shining bright. Eggman’s world, a place of fun and play, Where creativity and joy have their say. With beats that make the table shake, And rhymes that keep us wide awake. In this world of blocks and mobs, Cube Xuan’s humor, a true heartthrob. So let’s dive in, without delay, And let the Minecraft news come our way. With rhymes that sparkle, and emojis that gleam, Cube Xuan’s channel, a gamer’s dream. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest!

    Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest! Minecraft: Defeating the First Boss of the Twilight Forest Welcome to a channel dedicated to the incredible world of Minecraft! In this video, we will explore all the exciting aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploration, survival, and adventure, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your own virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Main Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a Circle Survival Base Tutorial using Minecraft build. While the video itself was engaging and informative, it got us thinking about the importance of finding the right Minecraft server to truly unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned builder looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn and explore, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • OMG! Lifeguard Falls for Me | Gracie’s Love Story

    OMG! Lifeguard Falls for Me | Gracie's Love StoryVideo Information are you ready for the slidee parkour yes I’m so ready to learn W help me bro what is that oh crazy there’s somebody out there in the water surrounded by sharks oh no we have to save him I’m going oh good luck I’m going to stay here wait a second guys I have some weapons I can help fend off the Sharks oh no there’s so many of them oh let’s get the Sharks help me help me I don’t want to be eating today don’t worry I’m getting the Sharks I’m getting the sharks okay… Read More

  • Dying in Hardcore Minecraft Ends Stream?!

    Dying in Hardcore Minecraft Ends Stream?!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] H hello hi happy Friday it’s it’s the Friday yep end of the week are you ready for one last swim maybe long stream maybe short stream probably short stream uh probably wel good in everyone how are we all doing today hello hello hello hello shut up hello m f mom Pizza hi hello Mr z i do mon devil I said helloo M thank you so much for the I really really appreciate it thank you thank you I appreciate it uh thank you SK wait thank you thank you skull… Read More

  • 👑 Realistic Prince Tries Insane Tiktok Hacks! 🔥😱 #viral #minecraft #clickbait

    👑 Realistic Prince Tries Insane Tiktok Hacks! 🔥😱 #viral #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying Tiktok viral Hacks ! 😱🔥 #realisticprince #minecraftshorts #minecraft #hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by Realistic Prince on 2024-01-05 12:19:08. It has garnered 2037 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft adventure in new 1.19.2 dimension!

    Insane Minecraft adventure in new 1.19.2 dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world survival 1.19.2 live episode 12 | kết thúc hành trình aether + new dimension |’, was uploaded by ApollisGDVN on 2024-01-13 17:15:14. It has garnered 88 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:33 or 4053 seconds. livestream on youtube by OBS studio, no micro sound quality 720p, 10~30 fps gameplay Mod forge i’m used: ( tổng cộng : 38 mod ) -Aether -Aquamirae -ava -awesomedungeonether -azurelib -bygonenether -cave+dweller+reimagined -celestisynth -citadel -deep+blood -deeperdarker -dragonmounts -geckolib -GOATMAN -illageandspillage -L_Enders_Cataclysm -libraryferret -mermod -mutantmonsters -mutantmore -obscure_api -piglinproliferation -player-animation-lib -PuzzlesLib -sculkhorde -SmartBrainLib -sons-of-sins -spore… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!Video Information सो अभी के टाइम पर youtube2 एडिशन के लिए कोई ऐसी परफेक्ट एसएमपी अभी तक नहीं बनी है बट अब से मैं शुरू करने जा रहा हूं एक पॉकेट एडिशन एसएमपी उस एसएमपी में आप में से कुछ बंदे भी जॉइन हो सकते हैं बट उसके लिए आपको लॉन्ग वीडियो देखनी होगी उसमें मैंने बताया कि आप कैसे जॉइन हो सकते हैं सो चैनल नेम के नीचे जो लिंक आ रहा है उसे दबा के लॉन्ग वीडियो देखो This video, titled ‘I STARTED🤩MINECRAFT PE SMP#shorts #smp #shortsfeed #minecraft #tecnogamerz #viral #vrminecraft’, was uploaded by Siz Gamerz on 2024-01-11… Read More

  • INSANE HACKS – Moving the Warden SAFELY!

    INSANE HACKS - Moving the Warden SAFELY!Video Information the warden is a big scary monster and we should be terrified of him right a he’s just so cute I captured one of these wardens in my Mob Zoo in Hardcore Minecraft and along the way I had to come up with a pretty good idea for how to move them safely since my world was created in 1.16 and I have updated over the last 3 years my nearest ancient city was thousands of blocks away so I had to come up with a foolproof design to safely move the Warden such a far distance now… Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft Power Stream – TheSlayer350

    Unreal Minecraft Power Stream - TheSlayer350Video Information think I press the right buttons everything [Music] set [ __ ] are you I’m live hey what’s up what’s going on sup rck sup Apple how’s it going sorry for the major inconvenience earlier alarm didn’t go off I wasr and I was snoozing sound and sleep had a really good dream too and then I woke up and like something is not right so I I check my phone I’m like my phone isn’t on so that mean my alarm didn’t go off crap it’s 9:20 so yeah I hope you’re doing all right all right Rick you… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattle

    Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden #minecraft #mobbattle #shorts #short #meme #video #viral #memes’, was uploaded by Minecraft Bedrock Edition Battles on 2024-01-10 13:42:11. It has garnered 998 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Like and Subscribe. If you like this Short 1v1 Mob Battle Want to see more more battles, check out my Channel right now. #Minecraft #minecraft #Short #Shorts #ShortVideo #short #shorts #minecraftshorts #meme #memes #Meme #Memes #viral #video Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending’, was uploaded by Prince Arena (137) on 2024-03-24 00:34:45. It has garnered 846 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. (Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending if you guys enjoy the vedio pls leave a like and subscribe the channel domsto. Copyright Disclaimer : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use… Read More

  • Stormcraft

    Stormcraft_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ Storm Craft __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Stormcraft is a community-driven survival minecraft Network, our motto is ‘for the players, by the players’ and we stand by that every minute of the day. Our Network currently has: Sanctuary (SMP) , Islands (Skyblocks) , Creative , Missilewars and Anarchy The community we have built on Stormcraft so far is amazing and we couldn’t be happier but we hope you’ll find a new home here on Storm Craft. Looking forward to having you join us mc.stormcraft.net Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – Anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy IP: hardcoreanarchy.gay New anarchy server with three months of uptime and over 450 deaths/bans. “Hardcore Anarchy” provides a platform for those who enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Are you up for the challenge? Check out our badass leaderboards website here to see who is the biggest degenerate on the server. This server is not pay2win, so prepare for the elements when you spawn because there are no protected areas. Think you have what it takes to survive? Join now and test your skills against the toughest Minecraft players. Can you outlast the competition and become… Read More

  • DuckyBlock

    DuckyBlockWelcome to DuckyBlock! 🐣We are an 18+ Minecraft server for adults, cross-platform for both Java and Bedrock! Join us on any platform you have Minecraft on.In order to join the server, you will need to join our Discord to have your age verified. You can join our Discord server here: discord.gg/wuuxK9nY83Some features!👍 Always updated to latest version🗡️ Survival🏡 Land claims⭐ Slimefun🆙 McMMO⛏️ PyroMining🎣 PyroFishing🧑‍🌾 PyroFarming💖 Inclusive communityWhat are you waiting for? Join us! Hope to see you online soon. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft memez r lit 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft memez r lit 🔥Looks like this meme is definitely mining for laughs with a score of 9! Read More

  • 2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch’s Inside Scoop

    2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch's Inside Scoop In Notch’s temple, secrets unfold, In 2024, a story untold. Minecraft’s past, nostalgia in sight, Exploring the depths, with all our might. Crafting memories, block by block, In Notch’s temple, we unlock. Old Minecraft vibes, a journey through time, In 2024, the past will shine. So join us now, in this epic quest, In Notch’s temple, we’ll do our best. To uncover the truth, in every rhyme, Minecraft’s legacy, for all time. Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

    Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft! Minecraft Server Experience: Building a Beautiful Home Exploring the Angkortoch Server Embark on a journey to the Angkortoch server, a vibrant Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. Join fellow players in crafting, building, and exploring the vast virtual world. Features and Events Discover the plethora of features and events that await you on the Angkortoch server. From gold shovels to home villagers, cleaning tasks to house building challenges, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic Minecraft realm. Gold Shovel Unleash your inner miner with the gold shovel, a tool that promises efficiency and style. Dig, mine, and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

    Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky DuckVideo Information we’ll check the tower for emeralds I’m not here for you creepers all right um oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh oh [ __ ] well cyber I it seems that I found him it seems I found him it seems that I have found him oh [ __ ] dude he is fast he is fast oh no oh no back back up yeah what you going to do oh [ __ ] he’s fast on the water too what This video, titled ‘Why is he so scary!!!! #shorts #minecraft #gaming #scary #minecraftmemes #herobrine #funny #mcyt’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-03-31 15:47:57. It… Read More

  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More


    🔥JOIN HARSHAD'S CRAZY PAPERMC SMP PARTY NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Harshad Is Live playing PAPERMC SMP random games | ANYONE WANT JOIN | MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SERVER |’, was uploaded by HARSHAD GAMING LIVE 009 🇮🇳 on 2024-01-10 22:17:08. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:01 or 8401 seconds. Have a good time ! WhatsApp link :https://chat.whatsapp.com/IpBMTZaq7GsFsmNDz40fPX Welcome to our Live Streaming if you like this then Please 👇 Subscribe | Share | Like #MINECRAFTLIVE #MINECRAFTLIVESTREAM #MINECRAFTWITHSUBSCRIBERS #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #livetaid #MINECRAFTINDIA #minecraftivewithsubs #minecraft #memes #Youtube #dankmemes #fortnite #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #gamer #minecraftbuilds #dank #youtube #lol #funnymemes #memesdaily #edgymemes… Read More


    INSANE!! Buying HIGHEST SCHOOL RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY!’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft3535 on 2024-02-28 11:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY! Read More

  • Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!

    Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!Video Information pai o que que é seru homem da casa o homem da casa é quem manda é quem resolve tudo e é quem tem a última palavra eu quero seu nome da casa igual This video, titled ‘#naoflopa #roblox #lulucagames #games #robloxmemes #memeblox #pkxd #memesroblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by ♡JuhEpicGaming♡ on 2024-02-19 19:07:28. It has garnered 7685 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

【MINECRAFT】a completely chill and normal, non-building stream【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】