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Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign I’m back with my buns to be honest I kind of missed my bandsama uh so today I decided you know what I want to go back I want I wanna I wanna put my hairs on a bun and I want to stick a sword up my head and so here we are

Scottie Scott uh how are you guys and the buns are back everyone’s using the bun Emoji no not the Cabbage Emoji the button emoji I also missed the Buns right right the buns are the buttons are one of my uh strong assets like I think the Buns to find myself I don’t really

See that many of YouTubers but buns as big as mine so I do feel like this is like my most unique trait other than the sword up my head yes I’m doing great how about yali I’m doing great I had breakfast a full breakfast uh um breakfast yeah

We’re talking about here right we’re talking about the hair we’re talking about the hair guys the hair okay it certainly is thank you and yeah so anyways today we will be playing in the uh dying today we will be playing in the Ian server harimi Olympic and mind the end

Server so the en server uh is going to merge with the JP server big buttons but flat never mind cheese sauce I see you and I will remember you but thank you so much for the pink super cat I like big Bunsen I cannot lie thank

You Mr plane a very uh bold of you to share with us so yes today we will be playing in the answerver because soon the the Ian server and the JP server they will merge and when they merge a lot of people will be coming back and forth right and so I

Kind of want to volunteer and um prepare so that everyone can have a great time to be honest I don’t know what I want to do in the Ian server I just I just want to mess around anyways uh first lose Emily nice buns thank you

Thank you very much all about them buns on exactly two results exactly so yes um so let me um cover just real quick because there there is something that ah my phone I forgot to put it out I forgot to silent it there we go the phone is silent and we

Are ready I’m going to cover the screen real quick because there is something that you guys should not know you guys probably already know but but I’m just going to close it anyways yo is your voice okay my voice has been a bit raspy ever since hanukku yeah

And we are in the Ian server last Uh we we left off when we were making the the what is it called the farm yes hmm okay but but it’s nighttime so it’s best if we sleep yeah okay I’m okay it’s just Hanukkah took a really big toll on me basically get us anybody’s old house is

My is my little in I just I just sleep there and I heard that whole Council made a made a base camp kind of yeah uh let’s go finally I can see you in live and you see a new Emoji Silverwood in school yeah a lot of you guys have

Silver audience now it’s so crazy how time flies so fast I watched a little of uh Bass wait what’s this this is new what’s this oh what’s this what is that is that a a card inside a cart oh it’s a candy cane it’s a it’s a sugar cane

Where is that bamboos like it’s a farm sugarcane farm I see oh this is new I never I never it’s been a while since I visited the en server oh made by mamatory right get us invite’s mom visited man to be honest when when they were visiting I had the

Highest urge like join the like join Minecraft and I was like nah I don’t wanna I don’t wanna disturb the mother and daughter bonding time Pro Gamer mom maybe I should drag my mom into Minecraft too once we have the ID server oh so this is the ah so this is the

Councils there’s a lot of flower yeah and from from um stream I learned that this one in particular flower like a flower oh yes flower and what makes it funny is just how cronie says it currently just says it like flour in the most monotone voice ever flower flower

So this is Derby’s camp C to be honest I see a lot of potential here it’s really smart that they chose to make like a mountain house it’s really really cool like to be honest I uh in the pre-chat people were like oh my gosh Ali are you

Going to renovate the uh the whole council’s um base I’m like nah they can work this out themselves they need because because let’s say I renovated then if I renovate it they won’t have like and it uh they they’d feel bad if they were to like change stuff right I kind

Of don’t want that also right I I I almost forgot I promise that I’ll be speaking a little Vietnamese today yeah so I’ll try a little of Vietnamese uh two Vietnamese uh foreign Indonesia hey I I tried my best I hope I hope my pronunciation wasn’t too off

Is it is it nice Vietnamese was it good I hope it was good also let’s take a visit uh to oh our Escape her horse um Iris foreign Did she get drink of Santa she has lots of dogs now Jefferson Brian Jeff Olina okay one question this is death this is definitely this is Jefferson why the heck are you Brian what the heck are you Brian where’s Santa though Iris after all this trouble

I spent like 30 minutes trying to get Santa for you and what I’m at soup code gas I mean geese she killed Santa Unforgivable everyone time to go Santa hunting nope now we know what to do now we know what to do in a Minecraft room like another one another one yes

Actually we won’t make this one let’s make like let’s make like at least five of them or you know we could always make 11. all representing the hollow en I need food let’s take the berries thank you thank you thank you need food ow okay there we go

Harvesting the berries then once we eat once we have breakfast we’ll go out and we’ll look for Santa unforgivable how there she like calling Santa is not an easy job Iris what do you take me for I’m your senpai so harvesting berries now we just need to make an army of Santas

Seven months let’s go I love you Ali love you too thank you so much for being a zombie for seven months is this new medium it’s good it is you guys like it let’s get more berries while while we’re at it and then let’s uh let’s go get some iron

Is very important from Ina senpai’s Farm here before look there’s throats everywhere wait what’s this this is new oh that’s so cool what the heck who did that I’m gonna build those she did Tech upgrade Rose man this is really nice there’s Foods now like you’re not just yandering around aimlessly

This is really really nice hmm But That’s supposed to go to Amelia’s in my sky Temple Sky Temple that thing over there is that is that the sky Temple whoa so many things happened okay and then and then uh and then uh I know if we can take stuff from the community

There’s rotten flesh nothing here food I’ll be taking these thank you and uh what else do I want to take I want to take a pudding materials Etc I’ll take this thank you water bucket thank you uh-huh I don’t know oh I have lots of leather

Oh oh it’ll be easier to make Santa now thank you and then we have a we have a building blocks hmm we’ll take this to renovate iris’s new house oh iron element curse of Vanishing Unbreaking I’ll just take that I already have the normal one so cursive Vanishing and breaking uh

I’ll take this I’ll take some some kicks and uh yeah I don’t need pants who needs pants am I right oh snap snazzy look at me okay so how do you make a stand again a stand here it is you need a smooth stone slab what a coincidence we have quite a lot

Of cobblestones here not that many though we might have to go mining after this and we might need wood where do we get wood I need wood oh right my my crazy cancer to office forgot I had this oh cobblestone’s awesome nice going no this is gravel

Hmm now all we need is cool and uh what else do you need I’ll take this too just in case uh uh oh past Ollie you are the best Thief it’s my own stuffs it’s from the crazy consensu it’s mine how am I stealing stuffs all right we also need red dye

Where’d we get red dye all right all right we can get some from the iron farm right right right right did you see the sauna Ollie what sauna that sounds like Osama and fauna ship is that is that their official unit name sauna puppies gonna take loads of them made a sauna together

Really I want I want to see I would like to see can you guys direct me to the sauna maybe after we sleep let’s sleep real quick foreign cave gotcha after we sleep we go to the council cave and check their mouth then we make more Santas yes

All you play sauna equals Olivia how do you guys get that conclusion what is that conclusion hmm yeah behind it this is kind of nice zombies will pop out guys gotta make some light there we go at least this way and nothing will suddenly come out and nothing will scare them looking out

For my kill highs hey where’s the sauna behind oh oh This is nice it’s like a tiny cabin ow Sana was here that’s Michael Heist oh this is a nice sauna do you guys know that that scene from Frozen Yoo-hoo Big Summer Blowout oh yes and we have the sauna Big Summer Blowout hey cozy this is nice but if we open

Ah yes this is really nice they did a great job wait let me let me just why why am I stepping on myself stop it Ali Ali why are you stop stepping on me Ali Ollie I I can’t okay anyways uh this is really nice I like

How it’s in the middle of the woods too it’s like let’s say someone got lost let’s say someone uh accidentally followed the real then what they do is they walk and they’d be like oh what’s this and then they can think like a little sauna break that’s really cute ah husky that’s cute

Anyways time to renovate iris’s house not really renovate but like put Sanders in it girl this whole server is softer rails it is because cereals right there and we’re right here we’re off of the Rails I’m sorry I’ll stop is it okay if I change like the whole

Thing to Cobblestone I wonder if Iris would like that but for now Santa for now we make another furnace because apparently she’s cooking some cod an extra furnace for my dear kill High okay is that Sudan time that’s done times that’s done time can you not mess with her house

Is is putting Santa messing with your house are supposed to expand into basement room ooh ew what should we talk about in a meanwhile you know I’ll stream like when I’m not streaming I come up with so many topics that I can talk about on stream but when

On stream and I want to talk about it suddenly my brain dead hmm man what did I want to talk about again all right yesterday yesterday I had a yesterday I had a collab with iron Mouse and she was just so sweet can can you guys if you guys watched the archive and

The VOD basically we spent how many hours is we spent one hour just flirting at each other it was just so wholesome and mind you before before the stream started we were also standing by in the uh we were standing by like we were getting ready for like the stream one hour before

And she was just as wholesome like she’s not only wholesome on stream but I’ll stream she’s super wholesome like a man man it was it was it was really sweet of there yeah oh hello yes yes Mercy seems like a really nice person she is she’s really really nice and and and uh

It’s it’s an interview but I didn’t expect her to like um talk a lot about I didn’t expect her to like compliment me that much you know like she was just giving me love in that stream and it was just so so sweet of her

Like I I thought it’d be like a normal interview you know but but it’s mostly love hmm oh and also drink it during the uh the stream I wonder if you guys uh I don’t know if you guys know so during this stream I uh she she told me uh well she didn’t

Really told me but I kind of already knew she um she simps for uh one of the hey hey one of the hollow Stars boys right I’m sure you guys know who I’m talking about and uh when we were talking about her Oshi I dm’d him I was like hey

Right now I’m having a collab with this girl called iron Mouse she really likes you she really really likes you and then he was like oh oh does she uh I do know because I saw a clip of everyone’s talking about me and I’m like yeah I’m collabing with her right now

And he’s like oh oh okay I’ll uh and then and then he said oh I actually saw a clip of you guys together nice right like that happened and then I I I I told him yeah she really really really really really really really really likes you foreign excuse me Brian

And then he was like you know what it’d be really nice if I could talk to her one day but I can’t speak English I was like no no no no even without even if he’s even if you speak Japanese he’d be really really happy like oh really um it

Has a lot of dye so hmm like I think it’d be interesting to see them interview each other you know foreign I think it’d be an interesting collab stop pushing me Jefferson I’m just trying to make Santa’s for for Iris that’s so pretty this is why you don’t defy Santa Iris

I’m not giving you coal I’m giving you Santa I know I just wanted to put this here I want to put this here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there we go now we can put hats on them

How about a ceiling fan right it’s high enough for another ceiling fan should we should we add a ceiling fan laughs so evil hey I can’t wait to see the look on the iris’s face thank you um how do you do this again right there we go we need more leather

We need more leather and we might need more Santa um Jeff can you can you like stand up real quick no that that’s okay too okay what if I just put sand all over the place oh it’s night time let’s sleep first excuse me Jeff Lina this is this is but snow

I I wouldn’t go that far I’ll just put Santa in probably a ceiling fan and that’s probably it I don’t want to scare my Iris too much put a snow golem should I it’ll be like an a thing where every time I go to Ian Minecraft I go to

Iris’s house and put more Santas foreign let’s go get more leather though a job steals by Holly I apologize ow okay leather leather leather leather aha leather can I take everything now I’ll just leave this mini yay hi Santander I love it under her bed will her bed break though will it break

Will that break her bed he died this scares me nope nope nope going up yeah yeah those um I don’t really like swimming in Minecraft because when you’re like underwater you can’t see anything and that scares me oh about about about thank goodness who whoever’s boat this is I will be stealing it

As for the sake of humanity and Iris there’s another cave over here there’s a lot of caves so so so ocean law Oceana oh there’s a sauna and here’s iris’s house and that’s that’s uh when I was building Munoz and Vine I keep falling I’m guessing no one wants to clean that up

Back home oh we got Stone already Sam so um Mickey Mouse sanitizer Alan he’s at when Santa hat coming right up Oh dear I have too many Santa hats now what do I do no that was not a part of the plan uh oh oh that’s a little bit too much uh oh what do I do with all of these hats everyone already has a hat

She kept it though she she kept the sand outfit I’ll put Santa hats over here Christmas hats for everyone name them give them to the council that’s actually a good idea that’s actually a good idea we’ll put Santa in in in the council room also thank you let’s go 2D Council

We’ll go to the council and we will put Santa hats we don’t the Santa will be naked though like the Santa will only have hats elbow hello everyone what a lovely day effect Christmas a man this one should be good and then we’ll make more stands uh stand

We have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven stands is it possible all right we we need more stone slabs boom already have two so nine boom boom hahaha oh no oh no this one’s correct why is this one cracked

No no no no you have to be perfect hahaha [Laughter] what have I done so um this is the the whole myth oh Council and in the middle of course Iris all wearing Christmas hats you better watch out you better watch out you better watch yeah

A south end of fun and it’s on okay okay that that is that’s like and this one can I like put it a weekend [Laughter] anyways let’s start doing our job now it’s time for us to do our job you gotta put these at the end of the uh the railroad

Santa Claus is Coming to Town I’m sorry [Laughter] laughs love you thank you no ceiling fan should we make a ceiling fan should we make a ceiling fan you know I’m going to steal some sand that’s from iris’s place and put it all over the place maybe I’ll put one over here put

One over there okay we have enough here so we gotta put some over there take bets to the spawn I don’t think they need beds I just need to put mine carts over there mm-hmm Iris happy to see Santa Claus I’m happy to see the present from Santa

Taboon but it’s signed to all Santa with lyrics how does how does the the song go again I’ll look it up and then we can write the lyrics okay so yep as I expected no mine carts at all over here I kinda this is a Monumental place so I do not

Want to make any altars to it it’s already as good as it is I kind of cleared up the the place like I kind of took all of the the grass and the flowers I’m sorry about that that that that is my way anyways time to take some Santa back

I’m going to try and put Santa like everywhere in the server buenos the Panzer Express maybe put food there too why didn’t you guys tell me how how do I go back but I want to go to Iris first I’m gonna put Santa I’m gonna take some Santas for me

Sorry I hope you don’t mind me taking some Santas foreign there we go should we should we put signs okay we have six signs how does the lyrics go like again how does the lyrics go like again I know I know but you better watch out you better oh watch out

And then what what comes next you better watch out you better watch out you better not cry you you better not not cry okay and then what comes next you better not cry ow sorry you better watch out I’m telling you why is that why better oh better not pout better not pout

I’m telling you why laughs excuse me Brian I think I’ll be taking this one so that it’ll look there oh you better watch out you better not cry better not pout I’m telling you I will never give you up Never Gonna Let You Down never gonna run around and

Perfect perfect I am I iris is going to love me so much [Laughter] my job here is done now I will proceed to put Santa all over the place while also putting some food and uh what but I don’t have any food holy shall oh can I take your leather you’re looking good

So come on give me give me I want your leather I’m gonna die I want his leather too like kiwi dripping hey what’s up ow okay no I’m not going to fight that we saw you know what I’m just I’m just going to proceed putting his hands all over the oh yeah hopefully

Hopefully uh Iris isn’t awake it’ll be awesome good job one over here we can we can put one over here Santa to welcome you yes I’m gonna put one uh on the on the spine server Santa okay no no no it’s supposed to be this close everyone it’s supposed to be this close

It has to be this close so that whenever someone comes in they’d be like why aren’t there so Many Santas hey move move forward thank you come on let’s go let’s go let’s go also please don’t spam Derek lab uh they’re clapping right please don’t spam them with me and Santa everywhere

Grace Temple no no no we’re going to put it at places like like it’s going to be the first thing that they see just because Santa will be right here mm-hmm this is so stupid I’ll I’ll put some berries here there you go maybe some iron who knows you guys might want iron

And some cobblestones there we go a good gift for whoever wants to come into the holy Yen server is that really Santa oh boy oh boy yes it is you left the door open for a monsters there won’t be monsters it’s not open look the door isn’t open what you talking about

I’m a good senpai why does Santa have no pants I’ll let uh um I don’t know why does Senpai have no pants I wonder why all right we’re going to put this this up nope that is funny pants are for squares panda Santa so if you go here you see Santa

And if you go a little bit over here you’ll see Santa Again yes yes like I’m also not wearing pants look I’m not looking pants so so why should Santa wear pants wear the pants was getting out out where the pants was gang hell yeah let me no pants for life hey

What am I doing so anyways what do we do now I kind of want to check out the new steps we’ve seen that one and we’ve seen this one what else do you want to see what’s new guys what’s new adapa the the beds are still here phoenixden Phoenix in

Grab me the conduit grass Temple uh which way to grass in my temple that’s her house right is that the temple where like Council cave I’ve seen council’s cave Grace Temple who where direct me and Phoenix sound renovations passed her house I think passed her house so we go inside

Ooh this is really fancy for my sweet shark girl from Kiara since it’s present we’re not going to open it so past her house there’s nothing here I assume there’s nothing there nothing here over here past her house it’s further out from that building that one oh is that the temple

Yes there ah I see over here I need food I don’t have food what the heck this is so cool um eh wait the pillars the pillars are so cool what the heck oh oh it’s shaped like a trident oh oh this is dope why do I hear heart beating coming from

This place what is that thing what is this Is kind of creepy what is that they can’t do it what’s the con do it let’s see breathe underwater Oh really oh my God you’re right my God you’re right I’m not suffocating I didn’t know something like that existed in Minecraft also attacks hostiles and water oh that’s pretty neat

This is a this is a nice Temple it’s it’s still it’s still it’s still not finished yet I I’m I’m assuming because there’s still a lot of dirt over there of course I said my needs me she knows where to find me I can help be careful you’re a zombie doesn’t attack me

And what else do we have what else do we have why is there a boat over here for a little boat oh is it sunken ah um cute I’ll make another one I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m a Psy I’ll I’ll make another boat good thing I have Rich there we go

Wait where’s the sunken both again all right the both sound here so I’ll put the boat over here there you go a new boat to make it up Anna is getting really late so scary close your eyes and just swim forward because it’ll take too long if you I hear dolphins

I don’t see the close your eyes Yeah scary okay we’re good awesome a little bit scary that was scary that was super scary I don’t like that yes so anyways I’ll be staying at Tina senpai’s house this time sleep on her Hookah Hook a bed hookah hookah the cat is watching me as I sleep

All you won’t like slip knots again nope nope friend hello friend what you got there in your mouth I I think you like this better no you don’t like that um I should have chicken that I can give you but the thing is I don’t have chicken

I watched a few of my senby’s play subnautica and mind you that scared the living heck out of me subnautica is just too much terrifying so what do we do now um what do we do so that we can prepare the server for like new new new people please don’t take out stuff

What’s he gonna do about it I took some stuff out Can’t stop me I’m an idol zombie But something for the whole Council what should I make for them I wonder um what should I make for the whole account so like they already have you already have their base camp over there where is it after your base camp already but the thing is I don’t know

What to do I’m gonna get some food first wait I can get some food in the community test I’ll just take some from there do you need a food farm of some sort but they can take the food farm from like yeah you know what there’s not that many

Food farm here like there’s the kfp but you kind of gotta cook yourself there’s not there’s no food farm yet get a cow Farm something like pickle dumb um oh wait this is not the community test foreign food food wait where’s food again food I’ll be taking baked potatoes can I take

Baked potatoes I like baked potatoes visit Phoenix then should we visit Phoenix and how do we get to Phoenix and guide me where where face your fears place of Nautica Ollie have you guys not seen me play Hanukkah and now you guys want me to play go to

Hollow go to hollow okay right use the ice Highway it’s that thing I assume so how do we get there it’s really dark when I swim doesn’t make any sense I hate it so much like if it wasn’t so dark then I I I might be able to swim but

It’s so dark doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t look that dark though oh touche oh but they don’t have any good thing I have my crafting bench right over here I can just do this make my own uh what is it so Adam you know what I’ll make one too

Just for the homies in Casey in case you guys need one build your own house I kind of don’t want it this is a uh I already built my own statue and I kind of don’t want to build my own house oh no if you want to go down we go here right

There we go so oh is this Phoenix then why are they on boats ah why are they on why are they on boats what that’s who Shawn Mendes what oh where’s is this Shawn Mendes I’m in love with the shape of you if it’s simple like a magnet do are you Shawn Mendes

Dang other iron guy Aerosmith Eric the cleric and her pearls XP potions I I see oh wait that’s that’s that’s it’s here wait um Shawn Mendes and Ed Sheeran I I am how did Shawn Mendes’s song go again you make me crazy I love it I’m addition baby there’s nothing

Holding me back yeah they are that Shawn Mendes I mixed I mixed them up for Ed Sheeran oh that’s so cool what’s that I’m sorry I’m Indonesian oh this is actually really nice must have taken a while to make this actually if we go in there’s a lot of torches

And Shawn Mendes I think that’s a pretty llama put Santa here too you guys want Santa here too I don’t think we have enough leather to there’s there’s green and there’s red does it like lead anywhere like the green is that it sparkly sparkly this leads to this place what is that hey

That’s that’s a lot of iron golems my friend goodness what why do you guys need this many iron golem got an egg make beef didn’t work stop kissing this is a public area something else wow wow okay cool okay this Diana this is something for sure Phoenix Sun is crazy wow Michael oh

I see I see can we can we take some are we allowed to take stuffs here wow like like wow but this one’s black where does it lead it leads us back to Shawn Mendes of course there’s so many YouTubers what the other iron guy so you’re the

Great iron guy nice to meet you my guy I have a have a poppy like do do they all have names man Gary hmm there’s nothing here is that is that it for a phoenix wow I just walked past Shawn Mendes to which one which one can’t jump

Why is there a kids in here thank you so much for these Super Chat which one is shot in the boat with a name tag you’re not Shawn Mendes are you Sean oh oh so you’re Shawn Mendes Sean you’re going to get in a scandal you’re not supposed to be alone with it

With a with another person people will make assumptions one-eyed Iran a hello Ron nice to meet nice to meet you Ron this is driving me crazy I want to go back sorry you know that that that’s not the uh how do you go back wait this is the one right right kill

And then I’ll use this again the commute now we can man Phoenix then it’s something else I don’t want to ever go back so scary thank you beware of sharks yeah I don’t I don’t really like it when it’s all dark blue like that it’s so scary the deep blue scares me

Now you guys know one of my fears Lisa get up hot wings that’s a lot of stuffs I’m not going to take them because I’m a I’m a good girl hi now let’s start brainstorming I wanna I wanna give gifts to the to the hollow Council Oh Daddy gave them Santa’s

I gave them 10 Santa’s that’s more Santa than Iris could ever what else can I do for them I wonder because I don’t want to like I don’t want to add anything to their base because I think they’re going to add it themselves you know don’t want to

Remodel anything or else they’d feel oh my gosh I’ll just invited this I think it’s best if we don’t touch anything like I don’t want them to go all um hmm give them tools food armor okay got it tools food armor I wonder if they have food I already have food though uh

You kind of have they kind of literally have tools too give them a local potato field how do you get potatoes maybe a little Pond not too far from them or gift items hmm they wanted a trash can too they want the trash can uh we gotta look for a

Magma for that make chicken noodle cooker you know you know I’m not you know uh I’ll let you guys in on a secret uh chicken farms and all those guys that’s something that I’m not a pro that I’m I’m a pearl at decorating stuffs like for example I’m a

Pro at making textures for like roots or like a let me just show you it comes to Minecraft I’m more of a of a decorator instead of a builder you see this road this road right here I was the one who made it and that’s literally the only thing that I can do

I can only decorate and make it look nicer by adding bushes and stuffs so note that any decorated nicely thank you also I’ll let you guys in on another secret right now we’re working on our hello ID server right once it’s ready we’ll be sure to have a soft opening and

Show you guys how the server looks like hmm yes yes yes yes and uh I I took a really big part in in the uh in the making of the roads and a lot of other stuffs like you guys would know when you see it hmm

The whole ID server like I have a distinguishive way of making roads right like Amelia senpai put more Jazz into this but for the base I was the one who made it and uh this is this was when I first started decorating now if I I can’t wait to show

You guys the whole ID server it’s going really well hopefully we can show it to you guys soon mm-hmm I decided we’re gonna be polished AF exactly especially since we have winners in by rainy Andy me I take pride because when I was anybody is really good at making

All of the fancy machines and Jazz she’s really good at it and raymie she’s she’s she’s really really good at you you saw her fishing house right her fishing house was so aesthetic she’s good at making things um naturally aesthetic like a cabin and stuff she’s

Really good at it and me I’m good at decorating roads so I hope you guys look forward to how the whole ID server will look like hmm imagine when you three partner up and make something together right I can’t wait to see you guys except that OCD trigger please rainy

Make a road to council and iris’s house a road okay let’s make a road to their house that is one way so first of all we go here let’s take the Birch we might need a lot of birch and we need sticks uh and we need lots and lots of iron

Shovel for now let’s make five yes five like this is a dirt road right a little spoiler Hawaii is going to look really lit I think we can make a road like over here we can like but the thing is there’s kfp oh we can cut this thing down

Let me let me just put this down and make a little ax real quick boom you can cut this down and then we can make the road okay awesome take this it’s like it’ll be a little detour so so excuse me it’s accident time any questions guys I am open

For some free talk as we make a road for the hollow Council in Iris maybe you can um Foreign how’s your sleep schedule Ollie you’re asking me that my sleep schedule is not going too well if I have to be very honest all right we can just do this so that they don’t have to jump it’s y’all you know yesterday I didn’t sleep for like 33 hours that was a week

For the whole 33 hours and that was a new record for me I didn’t think I’d stay awake for 33 hours okay this should be okay right no 33 not 23 30 33 oh yeah and then we can make a little bunch of stairs over here Michelle

If I ask you to give Chad a good night kiss when you end the stream today would your answer be the same as the answer to this question yes yes yes you must rest but I don’t know it’s just it’s just that even if even if I want to I can’t dress

It’s like insomnia and my passion to work can’t sleep at all sleep at night I wish I could but sometimes I just can’t it’s weird sorry meds yeah maybe I should start taking meds it’s not too healthy to keep up with this lifestyle yeah I do think I need meds so

I think we should get rid of this tiny Mountain over here like get rid like maybe you can cut it down just a little bit so they can be an addiction an addiction how can miss be an addiction they put you to sleep try with a 10 minute snap

I’ve been taking a lot of naps actually but like if you tell me to sleep that’s kind of hard like I always wake up right five minutes after so weird I wonder why like it’s not like I ever have trouble sleeping it’s a bit weird okay

There we go that should be good right efficiency in the torties maybe we get rid of this mm-hmm lately though when when I do sleep I’ve been getting a lot of really good dreams let’s go to sleep what’s up man oh that’s not that that is quite a scary relationship not gonna lie

A road let’s make the road nice and simple nice and clean because right now I don’t have any ideas to make a road what’s up okay there we go all nice and smooth but we kind of gotta change the the uh the uh the stones to dirt

So that we can dig up more roads yes there we go any other questions other than my sleeping schedule my sleeping schedule is correct I don’t know what else to tell you guys so we’ll put these kind of need to replace all of these two just to make it look really nice

So what do you think about Minecraft 1.18 haven’t played it yet because like all of the servers like even This Server is 1.17 right the en server the JP server everything is 1.17 so I haven’t really tried anything beyond that beyond that yeah like I kind of don’t want to play

Minecraft if it’s alone I kind of want to play in a server it’s not fun if you play alone had any interesting meals lately interesting meals oh yesterday actually during rainy’s um birthday stream like the the holiday clap I ate this really really nice steak it was medium rare

It tasted really good but during the Stream I felt really nauseous and I ended up throwing up I don’t think medium rare is the way for me at a house flipping stream I I kind of I kind of threw up like there’s this one moment where where

I didn’t talk at all I think it was like for like five minutes I went to the bathroom that time I wanted to try medium rare steak I mean because if if you watch MasterChef usually the judges be like uh I like it medium rare and stuff right

Hence I thought to myself you know what I want to try medium rare or how good the tastes it does tastes good but the thing is I threw up afterwards where is the way though I don’t think I’m ready for air like even for medium

Rare I threw up I I don’t know what I’d do if I have rare in degree with your tummy yeah my tummy’s like what the heck try medium well yeah that’s usually what I order like ever since I was little if I if I were to have steak my parents would

Always order for me medium well maybe that’s why maybe me because ever since I was little my parents kept on feeding me medium well so much that I’m only used to medium well Maybe hmm only good raw meat and Sushi actually you guys want to hear something sad I actually love Sashimi Sashimi

I love raw sushi like if you guys were to ask me Ali if you were to eat the sushi what’s your favorite Sushi I’d answer a Maguro I really like raw fish sushi but lately I haven’t been able to eat it in a way it’s not that I can’t afford

The sushi it’s just that I literally can’t eat it every time I eat it I throw up it’s sad I wonder what’s happening to my body my body has been pretty funny lately is it a Zombie Thing is my intense signs intentions rotten it’s sad because I actually love sushi

I really love sushi but every time I eat it I get nauseous like At first I thought oh maybe it’s because I’m eating at the uh at a restaurant that I’m not used with uh used to because usually if I eat sushi I eat from this one place but then

It kind of changed it like I kind of changed the restaurant that one day so I was like huh maybe I’ll just eat restaurant for from from from my usual place next time then but even when I did eat from my usual place I still got nauseous it’s crazy man

I can’t eat sushi anymore it’s so sad Alexa play despacito pregnant am I pregnant like uh I get nauseous easily now like the only thing that I can eat is literally the things that are fried for example if it’s Nasi Goreng me going or like fried chicken anything that’s already

I can only eat cooked things now sad it really is to eat my favorite foods anymore I got there with mouse installed it’s sad really I’m evolving but backwards don’t even eat salad Ollie actually I do eat salad I like salad like lately um Ellie my little sister she’s been recommending me

A lot of solid restaurants like vegetarian restaurants and they serve like this really tasty salads and sandwiches it’s really good but really what what kind of sadness me is that I can’t eat Sushi or steak the way I want it sometimes life just doesn’t work in your favor and it’s sad

You can try soup dishes Lunch time it’s almost lunch time but I kind of already ate I ate at like nine like 9 40 I ate before stream I’m still kind of full I had a a muffin scrambled eggs and uh had uh breakfast wrap also uh had a little of tea that was nice scrumptious

You should try Vietnamese food I would love to I’d love to taste food from all around the world like that’s actually the only reason to why I travel like the only reason I travel is because I want to eat their food but now I can’t travel anymore because the pandemic sucks foreign

I’d love to food travel food travel is like the best thing ever it’s so fun but you know what I really like about traveling in the in like the 21st century now in the 21st century you have a DPS on your phone so you can just like wander around get lost and then

And just like take your time can just explore aimlessly and then you can go back the GPS I think it’s neat sure it can be dangerous at night though yeah right because we never know what’ll happen just one two three one two three okay

We covered most of it in dirt now all we need to do is dig I mean make the road yes oh look outside but the the trickiest part is if we want to make a road for Iris like that’ll be super tricky because iris’s house is like in the middle of a cliff

Ah stairs for Iris we could do that there we go a nice road for the holy Council hopefully they won’t get mad for the with the with with all of the uh Santa’s you know what I’ll put some Santa flowers does he know how they love flowers thank you flour flour flower flower

Flower there we go I hope this will make them happy let’s dress up we’re sleeping on Messina’s Fountain is I’m guessing this is smoomy and this is Coney or base which bed shall we sleep on today hmm we’re sleeping on base there’s a flower here too imagine waking up to all of these

Flowers on Santa like like if you wake up this is the first thing that you wait this is the first thing that you see Santas and flowers oh that’s something that’s something there we go now the only thing that’s left is uh iris’s house the stairs are going to be really steep here

Super steep we can make the stairs here it’s a little idea it’s already stairs to be honest let’s just tidy it up a little bit and we can block this get it block because Minecraft is full of blocks And we can make this a little bit shorter so that we can make more stairs over here so like after you go you can like go there I don’t like how it’s not balanced like you see these these have like walls but this part doesn’t I think I’m just going to do this

There we go this is better it’s like a reformed stairs there okay now we need our we left our crafting table upstairs hmm I think we’re going to get rid of this so that doesn’t get in anyone’s way there’s already a road there so all we

Need to do is just connect it with that road okay time to make some stairs whoo get some cobblestones I only have Cobblestone still so I guess we’ll just have to settle with this I hope this is enough fail stairs because if if you use these

And you kind of have to jump like with stairs you don’t need to jump you can just run up like I think it’s like the same amount of speed like maybe it’s faster by only one second oh why why is it upside down don’t stairs are faster all right good have some stairs

Okay we we might want to make a bigger Road over here too like this place is pretty cramped but uh for now let’s put some torches boom boom okay boom boom there we go now very sorry flowers but you’re kind of in the way I’m gonna put you here and put you here

There we go and we can dig up like like this part can be like cobblestones a little more over here so like they can renovate this anytime they can destroy this enemy time but for now we make them a road over here as well boom there we go a road

To both iris’s house and to the whole Council so but we’ll just put that there if you don’t put a sign saying they can they probably won’t right I’ll make a sign then Michelle it too thank you got three signs you you can renovate the road later

Oh feel free to renovate the road I think that that’s what I’m going to say feel free to renovate the road feel free to renovate the road there we go you can change the settings of this there’s that that sounds weird you can renovate the stairs to your liking

Well I think we’re going to connect this make a connection maybe make it a little bit bigger like I I I like big roads not a fan of small teeny tiny roots this one is pretty new and it kind of holiday to put flowers everywhere so is this good

You like big girls and you cannot lie um big girls are nice I wonder if to be honest they can build something here I’m looking forward to if they actually built it this place looks like a good place to this spot not place this spot this spot looks like a good place to

Build stuffs like I don’t want to build I’ll just leave it to them this is the the council area don’t want to touch it too much just hope that they elevated I’m looking forward to whatever they built yes I will make a house for you ollie

I kind of already have a house you guys want to check I have a house in the Halloween server I don’t know if you guys know we should already casually backseating the council I’ll show you guys my house my house yeah I could build stuff under it like I couldn’t make

A basement or something hey I saw that one clip where mume was morning over our Graves movement he was like oh no the whole ID and then she forgot that quote the it’s a bad day for a raincoat we were so cute it started raining that that was that was a nice clip

Wait what’s this villager homes proceed with caution villager homes but there’s no villagers huh okay what do we do now she’s still wholesome for this world you can say it out again hi hi so now what do we do I wonder if there’s anything else that’s new that I can like check out

Water scares me a lot like I like swimming swimming pools but I don’t like diving like snorkeling is still kinda pretty but I don’t like deep diving deep diving is hella scary Sky Temple sky maybe we sleep first then we can head to the sky Temple more Cottage core hmm

That this might be a bit mean for me to say but I’m trying to save up the cottage Square to win hola ID server comes up I want Hawaii server to have the especially Cottage Square a theme so I kind of don’t want it there’s no Sky Temple there it’s the sky Temple

Foreign it’s unfinished it’s unfinished oh this is really high up people with the the phobia of heights might get freaked out because I know I am and I’m not even scared of heights oh so this is where you see side this is where you go goodbye cool world and do a backflip oh

Do a flip wait no music is there no music okay for this one I’m going to turn off the medium real quick I survived and there’s a tropical fishy not that is fun did a creeper blow up the space I assume it did and a flower field the flower field is

Always so pretty there’s lots of flower wait there’s literally so many flowers who planted these or is this like the innocent by plant all of these or are these just normally here flower There it is it’s a biome naturally made oh this is a biome like a flower field volume I didn’t know something like that existed I sincerely thought this was man-made there’s love over there we can make we can make a trash can for the whole Council where’s my bucket

Why did I throw it out away this is really necessarily pretty lots of flower whoa what’s that Ohana bees Food all up bye Oh my kitty and we take some lava may I take some lava oh do you think love exactly but if we think like the whole thing I wonder if that’s okay I wonder did someone plant this or was this just making you share like uh pick from the source it’s natural right

So like I won’t I wouldn’t be ruining anyone’s uh lava Fountain if I were to take the source right so I’ll have a bucket it’s natural okay cool I was scared if I accidentally took someone’s lava fall where are we supposed to go now also I want to talk a little bit more

About this about the whole ID server like I’m not supposed to spoil too many stuffs but I just want to say that the spawn point is like the best spawn point I’ve ever seen in my entire life foreign hmm like I’m brave enough to say that I

Think the whole ID server would be one of the best what are your mischiefs I’m going to give them a song and then we also need a a trapdoor let’s make a trap door do you make trapped organ trap iron trapdoor for the safety of our cool highs there we go

It’s a it’s a disposal bin trash can yes yes if the whole ID server comes out you will often play there I will because you know the thing about uh the JP server and the Holo en server is that first in the whole JP server there’s a little bit too many things

Like like there’s a little bit too many things that I can’t bring myself to create anything if that makes sense foreign like we have privileges to make anything we want a bet they have almost everything there so like there’s nothing that I can build or

Do and I feel bad if I were to alter anyone’s uh creation you know as for the Ian server as the YouTuber there’s still so many things that you can build here a bed but I kind of feel bad for the en members you know I kind of don’t want to

Take away their server if you get what I mean Ollie fire what fire there’s no fire what will the trap door burn I don’t think it’ll burn should I change it to iron iron trapdoor I’ll make an iron chapter so that it won’t burn in that’s not a trap door trap

And how do you make a button oh you can see that okay should we do this do this okay functional assigned to maybe you’re right we should put a sign so that they know that it’s a trash can uh lava oh no no no no no no no no no no no

What happened is this safe should we move these I’m waiting to move it to like over there I’ll I’ll move it over here I I I I I apologize you’re not this the beds will burn the beds will burn should we make it like hmm oh oh there’s something over here

It’s a cave huh who knew like if it’s one like if it’s that deep it will nothing will catch on fire right this should be okay right now okay okay awesome like it it’d be it’d be pretty chaotic because if suddenly the whole thing gets under Fire I don’t want that uh lava

Disposal Ben there we go functional and it gives light because like if there was no Lava it’d be pretty actually it’s really really dark what the heck a lever might be more functional lover lover foreign there we go closer to bed totally safe for everyone it’s not that close look it’s like

Diagonally close but it’s not that close hey it’ll be fine this is made out of iron it’ll be fine right it’ll be fine right what if someone Falls but no one won’t oh wow how is that sound did a zombies accidentally got caught into put it next to the furnace should I put

It over here but what if Santa burns this is okay this is okay I think I think it said Beacon Michael hi are safe Michael eyes are safe it’s all good there we go huh worst case it makes good content hopefully hopefully it doesn’t turn into

Content hopefully they can use it uh for the way it’s supposed to be yeah um do you need a wall and a door so that monsters don’t uh walk in and explode should we put some like glass but I think they can handle that themselves I don’t think we should mess

Around a bit too much yeah I don’t think we should mess around too much it should be good it should be fine there we go maybe put a block on the second block it will be a good idea block on the second block what does that mean

They probably want to renovate the cubes themselves exactly which is why I don’t think I’ll be doing that oh I guess it’s that’s all for Halloween server why does Ivy not have a server we do we do have a server it’s just that we haven’t showcased it

To you guys yet we’re still getting it ready and uh I can’t say that I am the self-proclaimed Mindy self-proclaimed like like I don’t have like an official title I’m the self-proclaimed uh Natural Art visualizer director natural environment Master yes will it be connected to hmm

We don’t know yet we kind of wanna build the server first then we’ll think about it you know yes and I can’t say anything else uh the natural art visualizer director environment master and also I think there’s going to be a lot of uh adventures in the whole ID server

Because me and Anya yesterday we were trying out the uh we were trying out the server right I was teaching Anya how to uh how the how how the controls work in Minecraft and the things that he needs to know like jumping and skipping like I was teaching Anya and we

Accidentally found a treasure map I think it’ll be really really fun hello ID Minecraft it’s going to be cool yes on your plate Minecraft she did offstream hmm can’t we see more Adventures so that that’s the only spoilers I can give you guys anymore and I’ll get

Uh smacked by the whole ID looking forward to it thank you anyways I think that’s all for today’s stream is this is a short two-hour stream but it was fun uh hello Ian server was really really fun I got the Explorer phoenixson I got that to to do new stuff

Met new things put Santa all over the place and it is nice I’m really looking forward to today but hold TP and hello Ian is finally merged yep that is all for me thank you so much for coming to the stream everyone I’m not ending it actually I’m going to have

A donation meeting after this so anyways gonna end the game yeah yeah let me go here now we’re back here hi Super Chat reading time thanks for the same and thank you for coming everyone makes me happy a lot of you guys came today even though it’s really early in

The morning well it’s not super early but to me it’s pretty early look at it I’ll be reading the super cast firstly is from ghosty Chan video TV in case I oversleep thank you and then foreign never mind yeah keep that to yourself that’s what I thought thank you and the

Next is from Mr plane I like big buns and I cannot lie what is it with you guys suddenly singing this song but thank you and the next is from uh okay Russo all about them burns on exactly thank you and then from figail yo is your voice okay my voice has been

A little bit cracky lately yeah khaki and kokioli Because of a lot of stuffs happening behind the scenes wink wink please look forward to it okay and then next is from the snorling’s nice booty thank you and then next is from the Ironhide they’re gazing at the Buns respectfully thank you and then from RM 46 I accidentally deleted

My operating system let’s go currently restoring it while watching you what’s an operating system I have no idea what that is but anyways thank you so much I hope everything is going well on your part hopefully you get to restore all of your system Windows oh Windows like Windows

I’m not I’m not I’m not the tech Idol so I don’t really know much about these stuffs but I do hope that everything’s going well for you thank you and then next is from uh favorite flower yep flower indeed and then from Casita thank you for the flower and then from Soul

Silver 132. hi Ali I’m very very sick right now but it makes me so much better being able to watch your stream I hope you take care I hope um you can get well soon be sure to drink lots of water and leave and eat lots of food

Yeah food is the venison food is the medicine to any sickness that’s what my mother told me it’s okay if you don’t drink medicine as long as you eat a lot and drink a lot you should be okay even if you don’t feel like eating you gotta eat that is the best medicine

Yeah eat a lot thank you and then next is from uh Luca fabis uh no pants no Masters no pants at all thank you and then from Russell ozomi kfb I don’t have anything to say I’m just happy to be here ah thank you I’m glad that they

Enjoyed the stream and then from hidesan yes and then from Prosthetics no oh my God I love all of Ollie’s costume oh my God Nickelodeon ribbons and dangle here oh my God you’re the most adorable ever oh my God I want to pinch your cheeks so much hi fresh good morning

Thank you oh you’re so cute oh my god oh there he is thank you fresh you’re so cute and then next is from it was fast but I hope all you have fun with ID later keep going thank you and then next is from Derek whistle like wheeze like

We say like what’s up like I hope I’m pronouncing your name right I’m very sorry team Santa love La exactly thank you the next is from resty hi and hope you have a wonderful day also Santa thank you Rusty everyone give it up for Rusty he is the MVP for every Minecraft

Thing he makes a lot of uh art and we use them for thumbnails today I’m using uh uh the art made by skin C underscore xza yes he is he makes Minecraft animations and that art that you guys are seeing on the thumbnail right now he made it himself and there’s

An animation about it too you guys should check it out thank you and then from uh TK evil zombielaf yes thank you and then from Luke fabies I’ve noticed an alarming lack of akasupas in this chat early fans of the most energetic and multi-talented YouTuber in

Whole life can’t be Destiny no no no no no first of all thank you so much for the red super chat but please don’t feel obliged to send me any Reds any donations and any support that you guys give me I appreciate it a lot so please

Don’t feel obliged I’m just happy that you guys are here to watch me so it’s okay it’s okay use your money to treat yourself okay hmm they’re not being stingy they’re just cheating themselves uh first before they treat me and that is what I like that’s what I

Like that’s what I like thank you congratulations 800kmaster 200k more for the crazy family to build thank you yeah we’re we’re going super fast I think it’s only been a week since since uh since 800k right and now we’re already at 8 10 it’s scary we’re going super fast

Calm down everyone I haven’t thought of a way to celebrate 800k yet hmm it’s okay it’s okay oh Rosa please please please do not send any supercast remember your promise you said you’d only send it on special occasions do you not send it do not send any any red supers Rose them hey

Already 111. God dang you guys are so fast thank you so much I don’t know what to do I’ll stick to my promise you better roast them you can’t think about it after a hundred thousand okay Jesus Christ what is that thing and you thank you next is from um From Leon three more months to Christmas let’s go let’s go next is from in hinder not singing just poor and it is okay please be sure to save up your money everyone be sure to use it and spend it on yourselves first before you spend it on me thank you

And the next is from Matt bear oh I saw your stream with iron Mouse you were really cute oh thank you iron Mouse is cute Mossy was cute and she’s the sweetest thank you and then next is from uh steady new Roshan thanks the best I

Can do right now I’m afraid no pink is already a lot to me like if you convert like like I don’t want to talk about money that much but I just want to remind you guys that the money that you guys give to me when converted

It it it it it it it gets a lot you know like like if you guys like let’s say you guys give me a dollar a dollar is already enough for me to to like get lunch seriously so for you guys to send this much it’s just so many for me especially when

Converted to rupiah so so please don’t feel obliged to to send any okay hmm foreign like I don’t need that many okay so it’s okay for real for realsies for realsies a dollar one lunch with randang and rice right and sometimes for the free sweet tea hmm

So so don’t don’t worry about it guys thank you so much for all of the super cats I appreciate it a lot you deserve it here’s five lunches then thank you that’s a lot of lunch get some nicer lunchality thank you anyways I’ll be reading the next ones um

From uh somber by the way thank you so much for the red and pink supercast and every single Super Test I appreciate it a lot I will put it to goodies I swear and then next is from Samberg apoc I’m so glad that those don’t look like story

Mannequins it’d be it’s the stuff of horror movies it’d really be scary if the mannequins look like mannequins thank you access from 900 you better watch out I think she can fly you better get out before she turns you into pie Iris has to send it to town what is that

You better watch out I think she can’t fly you better get out before she turns into two pie Iris has descended to town thank you and then from uh uh Buddha the stitches you will get stitches like Ollie none like stitches you’ll get stitches like God I like my stitches I think my

Stitches are pretty cute I don’t think I think so hmm thank you and then next is from a fake bear and look respectfully thank you and then from the fat rosique I don’t know what to say but yeah hope you’ll have a good day ahead thank you

Next is from Luke Bobby is he must burn a pair of pants at the temple as a sacrifice to the conduit nah I’m good anyways thank you next is from a fake figure and before Iris fled all your thumb in the JP server right right thank you and then next is from

Zakari zwick it’s a little book of family reunion that that that’s funny thank you next is from msor thank you you didn’t really write anything in your super cat but I appreciate the donation yes thank you and the next is from Luke fabies welcome to Phoenix in such a perfect town here

We have some rules let us lay them down don’t make waves stay in line and we’ll get along fine Phoenix Sun is a perfect place that does sound like perfect place thank you next is from principle of flame this BTM sounds like N64 menu music

Does it I I’m glad that you guys like it uh or do you guys want me to change to the old bgm like this one I forgot the name of this one but do you want to go back to the immortal Hotel I guess it’s been a while since we went

Back to the immortal Hotel yes I love both cute Ali I’m missing more at a hotel the new b gym is up to you yes yes yes okay let’s see where c i here it is let me do this and then I’ll put Immortal Hotel into the BTM Immortal Hotel um let’s see

Recordings identity voice Immortal Hotel here it is So loud Ah Sorry about that I’m very sorry I I was as surprised as you guys are man it’s been so long since we used Immortal Hotel nostalgic right this is the good stuff not loud enough I think this is loud enough oh she better feed him on yes I did the

Classic love of this song right thank you the next is from a Taylor Potter and watching her club with iron Mouse last night was so cute you two are so precious no she’s precious but thank you next is from here Next is from one who is sent if I ask you to give Chad a good night kiss when you end the stream today would your answer be the same as the answer to this question yes I’ll give a good night kiss to you guys after I’m done reading all the uh the

The uh Super Chat and thank you so much for the red super chat that’s a lot of uh that’s a lot of lunches I can get a lot of lunch with that Super Chat I’ll be sure to put it to good use thank you so much for doing

Super chat again and then next is from a soundweep day they’re literally drugs Ali lamou well true my decent not drugs but like medicine That always tells people to sleep do what you want to do medium hair depends on the quality of the beef if it’s poor quality you can get sick I see maybe it has the reason why I got sick maybe the beef wasn’t a fly Vlog you thank you

And then next is from uh culidi exercise before bed has proven useful for Sleep perhaps another RFA stream is in order RFA I have a huh hmm you’re not sure why not when I won there though I kind of already promised I promised the office and my chest tomorrow not tomorrow next week

I also promised Hanukkah next week too um you’re so so collab in order there’s a lot of things that’s going to happen next week the next week’s Tale I’ll try I’ll try uh my best thank you and then next is from uh Mystic Evan sorry Ollie no raw food

For you except brains I don’t even eat brains but thank you and then next is from one who is sent hey note I just want to say that you’re you’re uh you’ve inspired me to become a polyglot I was going to stop after Japanese but I love

It when you speak and I find it so cool when you switch between languages on the Fly you’re too cool Ali okay that’s all I wanted to say you didn’t need to say it with a red Super Chat I’m glad but I don’t I don’t switch my languages that often actually like

If you think about it I mostly speak English but sometimes when I’m feeling really frustrated I speak Bahasa because like for example yesterday when I was playing Hanukkah I got really frustrated that I use Bahasa but other than that I don’t really switch languages that often only Like even if I speak Japanese Japan is usually just a small phrases Uh right so hmm I don’t know it just comes out naturally when I’m mad when I’m mad I just switch back to to Bahasa it’s weird place the teals in the town for keeping up with your Bahasa Wait why why why why did the BTM stop what happened I forgot to put it on Loop there you go Yes Foreign You’re kidding what seriously I want to watch thank you where on Whose Channel S Channel they are playing chess oh my God wait wait wait wait I want to listen I want to listen I gotta okay foreign is it whose turn is it um Yeah the the Pines can do that man I want to watch this I want to watch this so bad uh hopefully but but but it’s like they have a time limit we gotta get the we gotta get the donation reading fast okay I’m going to speed run through the donations next is

From uh wingless I don’t always got your stream slide from the other side of the world but I want to say that I appreciate your content your connection to the community they always make whole life a better place ah thank you thank you so much thank you so much for the donation and

Thank you for coming to watch and the next is from Giselle it’s all good luck beers of flag that I’ve heard one I’d put it outside LOL thank you and next is from retro Tempest hello I’m here to drop off money so you’ll be able to buy

Some ice cream let me know what flavor you get and enjoy I uh I’ll get chocolate thank you and then from zai Wix there’s a chance that they will fall since they are new to the game what game but anyway thank you next is from a Jackson v9 what’s your favorite part of

The map and hello Ian I really I I really really like I really like the main part the main part of the map it just feels homey no like you get to have a Cali senpai’s house in the basement and then there’s also the nether portal innocent boys and

Girls senpai’s house girls and boys house right at the bottom hmm I really like the main part of the the Halloween server thank you and then next is from oh no there’s a lot of super chats you’re still playing right please keep playing please keep playing I want to watch so bad

I wanna watch it so bad I wanna watch it thank you uh next is from wait wait where is it from uh from Jackson v9 oh what’s your I already answered next is from TK maybe the real treasure is you Ali to Anya probably thank you and then

From Elijah mask hey I misplaced my Ollie four what’s Ali for but thank you and then just watch it I think they’ll play once you know what live reaction let’s go I’m going to watch him right now it’s innocent pie is a turn right now right What’s happening the pieces I really really tell I I need to and they’re moving a lot it’s kind of yeah exactly No it doesn’t have any oh oh that’s nice but but you’re going to like uh-huh that’s um what I do is that who’s who’s the black one again like I yeah I’m commentating I’m so sorry like like the one this is black they can like move

Their night and they can like stare the queen And I don’t think because that way like it’d be cool if they could like foreign you know that’s actually a free Pond right there you see the the White Pond next to the Black Knight yeah yeah that’s a free Pawn take it take it yep good job nice job being a senpai Oh you’re threatening iris is now curtaining iron senpai’s night that is a threat you might lose that is free foreign to be honest it’s okay to be defenseless to be honest no one’s threatening your king unless uh you know Senpai decides to move her Queen in front and not really [Applause]

Oh right she can also think wait no no no no no you can’t take it because there’s a knife guarding it oh this is like get the queen get the queen this this is a good game for Ina senpai Fiji DD not FF GT foreign Man I don’t want to watch more chess it’ll be fun it’ll be fun okay that was irises what did I accidentally call Iris the Senpai no no no no no no no I I meant Iris I’m an iris okay I I just I just meant Iris is not understand

I want to be sent by no no no no no no she is not a senpai should I call her Irish School hi Iris go high yeah um God dang it you know I I was so excited from that match that I accidentally typed FF instead of GG

Hello test tournament win I’ll do my best okay if you’re having a collab with Reese Senpai the afternoon this evening yes please look forward to it uh thank you next is Rama next is from a volchuk1001 love your content all you hugs from Brazil by the way you were amazing at Iron’s

Mouth oh thank oh thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank you and then next is from Yen way uh pitching in for Dr visit fun chronic illness are a huge pain I hope you feel better soon chronic illness what chronic

Illness do I have I’m I I think I only have insomnias of now I don’t think I have any other illness thank you how experienced is seriously with chess this is somebody that says she knows nothing about Chess which is why I’m going to teach her all about it and then

Next week most probably I’m going to ask you’ll be sitting by to play chess with me foreign next is from Center Solis if you play stairs on top of this side of the block the stairs will be flipped upside down P.S Ali models sheets win foreign thank you

Thank you so much it makes makes me happy to know that I’m someone’s favorite because there’s a lot of girls in the whole life and I’m glad that I became someone’s favorite out of all of the 43 girls 43 46 how many are there of US 49

I forgot you next is from uh a frog’s like a one dollars equals quick lunch oh yassi see you even one dollar one dollar here it can get like one really nice lunch so early all of your donations means a lot to me uh and uh even if you guys like only

Give me a dollar or two dollars they still mean a lot so thank you so much I’ll be sure to take uh I’ll be sure to use it wisely thank you next is from uh your stitches are cute Ali thank you and then from TKA let’s go oh I misread that oh

Actually I know is like a meal is served in a box that’s what we call Nasi kotakir what’s foreign Oh oh so nasikatak is like wrapped into a pyramid ah I see I see I see I see here in Indonesia we have this thing called nasikotak which is uh it’s a meal like this but we put it in a box instead of wrapping it into a pyramid um

Yes yes yes thank you and then next is uh from buggers craft here’s about this crafts familiar oh you’re the one who makes animation buggers craft hi hey thank you next is from uh from The Middle howdy I’m dogs order of the dim sail dummidom as the owner of dim cell

Dimmadome I Dr madome wish you your best wishes ma’am yes wow it’s still dividend him as the owner of the stem cells wow thank you next is from Alexis hinojosa will there be a Halloween specials theme I don’t know yet I don’t have plans as of now There won’t be a special uh like I haven’t planned a stream yet but there is Something Thank you and then next is from games wiser thank you for Minecraft it’s me Demo that’s right talk to madome order of the damn Sail timidome don’t give it I’m still here everyone give it up for dog Tim with him the owner of dimsdale dimitum

Man I I love this chat and then next is from Minecraft stream turned into a watch along man if they did more tests I I would literally turned this into watch along I really would time to Bonk boom Here we go and then next is from Iron mouth and have a great day Ollie thank you the club with iron Mouse is really really fun I hope that I can play with her soon and then next is from uh s17b32 thanks for the expert commentary on the

Chess match Ollie maybe you should Iris and python just from you so she can beat innocent fight next time no it’s just Iris I I miss it okay I accidentally said Senpai because Ina Senpai was there man man no it’s not Iris sent by sis Iris sure she’s ironed by the holoca council

But not to me but anyway thank you and then from Android uh hashtag Android number 80 um wait what Android 98. here about you and your Mana or other family members an amazing lunch oh thank you Android and thank you so much for the very big pink

Super Chat like man that’s going to be a very expensive lunch I think I think I’ll just uh I’ll gladly accept the Super Chat thank you very much but I think I’m just going to buy this a nice lunch not an amazing lunch like can you imagine

A 50 lunch man that’s that’s Cuisine right there for a whole family too thank you next is from a super mega waffle you’re an angel Ali I saw your scene with mousy last night who do you plan on meeting next I plan on meeting a lot of people

If I have the permission to meet everyone then I do that seriously thank you so much and last is from Yen way could we get another uh watch uh watch along of the Amelia Cara test match someday you know if they’re up for it I could commentate

Maybe I’d give them an invitation hey guys you guys want to play chess I could commentate and stuff like maybe I could like teach them or you know I’m going to teach racism by Chester here and next week I already planned a date a test date with the office

What if I teach them both chess and then I make them go against each other that could be a series I’ll be teaching chess and making people fight for each other like okay I’ma go to you and then you’re going to fight this kid that I coach the other one

That sounds like a thing then we can bet on the winner sounds good Minecraft but like on it yeah like Connor sounds like a plan maybe I’ll do that actually yeah if I’m surprised no one would want to join have to think of another prize kill

ER thank you so much for the donation and that is all of the donations for today it is I think I’m going to get ready for tonight’s uh chess lesson I’m going to get ready and then uh once I’m ready I’ll be I’ll be putting

Up the waiting room so that you guys can stand by I think it’ll be fun teaching the assistant by chess so hmm it’ll be versus three suit like I feel like either big Bane or big dumb brain chest Arc everyone remembers that test match when a million akiara did I mean

People uh it took me a while to get a hang of Chess too you know I wouldn’t say that I’m the best at chess I’m not good at chess either I just really like chess that’s all so anyways thank you so much everyone for coming I’ll be giving you guys a good night

Kiss now Mm-hmm good night sleep tight sweet dreams hope you have a wonderful night good night what’s so crazy bye bye Bye bye thank you

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】ADVENTURES IN THE EN SERVER!!!【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】’, was uploaded by Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID on 2021-09-11 06:03:15. It has garnered 114807 views and 11983 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds.

#OLLIEginal #Kureiji_Ollie #holoID #hololive [Support Ollie] https://streamlabs.com/kureijiolliechhololive-id


✨Hololive ID Gen 2 6 Monthsary voice pack is out!! Buy them here!!✨ • https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3018154https://www.geekjack.net/hololive-indonesia-2nd-id

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Don’t forget to follow Ollie’s sisters!!! 【Anya Melfissa】 • Channel: https://t.co/Up4HqrcnSG?amp=1 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa

【Pavolia Reine】 • Channel: https://t.co/aKgza8DGQf?amp=1 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/pavoliareine

Generation 1 【Ayunda Risu】 • Channel: https://t.co/3AI0d4Vkbo?amp=1 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu

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【Airani Iofifteen】 • Channel: https://t.co/ATHpGQeH2b?amp=1 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/airaniiofifteen

● Overlay: • Seha’s twitter: https://twitter.com/SehaCh?s=09

● BGM: Track : AKUSARA Music provided by Donkgedank • WATCH: https://youtu.be/kR_BhZstN_E Track : KAWISWARA Music provided by Donkgedank • WATCH: https://youtu.be/GdkgW8q5TBkhttps://youtu.be/cY8aVT6H02khttps://youtu.be/e6PmaG4qqZ8https://youtu.be/YVzk3bqEu6ghttps://youtu.be/4El8obbItts

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  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More