【MINECRAFT】insane demon continues to build castle for 20th stream in a row【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】

Video Information

Oh now So I’m going absolutely barmy i’m going completely insane i’m dare i say it freaking it today there’s so little left of me i’m i’m made i’m i’m made of beans and will be dead within the next five minutes hello everyone welcome back to the [ __ ] minecraft jesus christ

And thank you for the chain of supers wishing me of we’ve known each other for so long your heart’s been aching bud you’re too shy to say it oh jesus i’ve never in my life run into a longer s just chain of problems all at once never in my life

Have so many unique things happened all at once to delay something also unfortunately we cannot have shaders because optifine has not been updated to the most recent patch so that’s just something you’re gonna have to cope with i’m afraid believe me i’m i’m coping with it as well

I’m coping with it as well moy and chen thank you very much for the super so to describe what happened so i believe i was running into some uh performance issues i i installed my vr yesterday i love it i had some fun i played gorilla tag by

Myself it was weird i played gorilla tag and i was hopping around and i was like yay this is fun i didn’t know it just kind of puts you in a server immediately and i was there oh sonny’s on here hello sunny i am live i’m streaming

I didn’t know it just puts you in a server and so i was hopping around the jungle and there was this there was just like two blokes in there and there was this one older sounding guy and like a 12 year old boy and he and he was just

Like nah mate now i’ve got bread in my bread bin man i am going to get some [ __ ] bread hello hello i hope you are good so that was that was a strange experience but then when i logged off i found that my entire gpu was just

Lagging to [ __ ] like it just couldn’t handle much of anything that was going on and so this morning the same thing persisted while my vr headset was plugged in the rest of the computer just refused to cooperate and so beyond that i basically had to unplug the vr headset re

Like and restart my pc restart my entire pc and then when i got back there were there was a new series of issues there were new things going wrong so what else was it like then i i booted up stream like only five minutes after i was supposed to which

Really wouldn’t have been so bad and then suddenly stream labs crashed and i was like well brilliant okay well i guess there’s that and so i had to restart and then when i restarted i noticed that streamlabs was in fact still open i it was just invisible and so the stream

Itself was technically open like on youtube but streamlabs wasn’t broadcasting anything but not only that i couldn’t shut it down because it was still technically open but it was invisible so there was no x button to press right and then to add to add more spooky shenanigans to

It while i was trying to get it set up while i was trying to get it loaded i noticed that my waiting room you know the please wait screen with me on the beach that appeared for like five seconds in the stream preview on youtube i was like

I don’t even have obs open at the moment how is that happening and then it went back to the thumbnail and right after that my entire taskbar on the bottom of my window on the bottom of my screen didn’t respond i couldn’t use that to open anything and so

Eventually i i then i’ll tell you i’ll tell you what i opened task manager right and i tried to shut down obs the process at its source you know it was taking up like two gig of ram or whatever it was tried shutting it down and it literally just said access denied

It was like no i will not shut down and be restarted [ __ ] off i was like okay and then after that i tried shutting it down again and the not responding message like the access denied message that lo and behold just came up invisible it was just a blank white outline

Literally i was like babe please i need to restart you so i can stream and it’s it was just the giga chance like no access denied and then and then i think that might have been the last thing i think that might have been the last thing so i restarted streamlabs

Restarted this restarted that and now finally oh yeah when i eventually did restart streamlabs i couldn’t interact with it the window was just frozen and i couldn’t move it anywhere and it was the same with minecraft as well unbelievable but i think me being the tech genius that i am i

Think i have managed to solve all of these problems and now we’re in for a lovely cozy minecraft stream where we can just kick back relax and chat so yeah thank you guys for all the supers today it’s been really lovely to see i’m gonna go get gonna go grab some meat

From the the slaughter farm is there wheat around here oh i’ll just pill for some of that there’s they got plenty all righty let’s get back let’s get way back in the mine so i’ve decided i’m in my new place right also by the way oh my god it’s so hot

It’s so hot and my place does have air conditioning but it’s weirdly slow like it doesn’t really do all that much it’s like built into the place you know so it’s not like i have a giant ac unit sat somewhere it’s kind of in the ceiling which sounds fancy sure

But you know my target point for the ac is at 21 degrees and in my office it’s [ __ ] 28 degrees celsius right now it’s very wary it is very very warm i’m i’m melting no there’s not there’s not really much left of me at this point i’m just sort of

Becoming a puddle what this is oh that’ll be an auto farm that’ll be an auto farm where it like washes all the crops into a hole yeah i guess that’s more more of celen’s doing let crabs grow push button collect in chest on right easy peasy oh there he is

Oh sticky keys i’ve turned that off in here hello gamer oh apple tesco check this out oh what no hey don’t do it hey i will stand in front of this cat don’t you [ __ ] dare sonny briscoe what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what what was that a threat

Was that some kind of a a scare tactic i have a cat what’s he gonna do with that hey Oh my god that was the last thing i expected soft boy sonny briscoe to do what on the bloody hell what on the absolute wanker oh god feronia thank you for the super are there any restrictions for emo pictures using editing posting on twitter um i’d say it’s fine yeah no if

You want to make memes out of the of the emotes go for it i it made me really happy to see that also i changed my wallpaper you know from something else uh when i when i showed my setup and i just the fat boy image is what i had to hand

And it’s still my wallpaper so i’m really narrow rip gloves frosticus i said i thank you for the supers guys i set that as my wallpaper as like just oh placeholder but it’s still that and i’m really happy to see that so many people have gone for

The tiled fat boy wallpaper makes me pretty pleased let’s just go mining and chat about stuff i just fancy hanging out with my babes there are these they’re these they’re they’re these really sexy uh people that i’ve met in the last six months they’re called kindred and like man i

Can’t believe i get to hang out with them right now i’m kind of nervous hehehe so what do i have to talk about well not really a lot um uh oh sad news most likely not going to be able to do the um gloria thank you for the super

Hmm i’m glad you’re feeling happy most likely not going to be able to do the uh the mario 64 stream unfortunately have um it was only available on that day i have an induction at my local gym so i’m going to be going there to get

Myself sorted out get myself back in the grind because to be honest i really apart from the ring fit stream since i debuted i’ve been working so hard i’ve completely neglected to keep to keep working out i’m not in great shape at the moment uh but hopefully i can get back in better

Shape i have this plan but because i have fewer obligations outside of stream at the moment and my streams are in the afternoon my plan right now is to dedicate my mornings to taking care of all of the real life stuff that um that otherwise would be stressing me out if i

Had to keep up with it elsewhere so i’m gonna wait i’m gonna this is all a tentative goal you know what i actually could do is ask you guys to hold me to it you know what i mean because i know this would be really healthy for me if i figured it out

I really wanted i really want to be able to have a better sleep schedule and i know i can do that now no matter how much i want to stay up late in hop con with all my friends there’s an extent to which your health is more important than

That um or at least maybe i’m thinking that because i i don’t know maybe i don’t know maybe hop conning is more important but anyway i’m thinking i want to be able to go at least three or four times a week early in the morning so sort of like maybe

Seven or eight and then that’ll leave me an hour an hour’s time to you know to work out and stuff and then i’ll have a whole and then it’ll only be like nine and i’ll still have a ton of time to get ready for stream respond to messages

Play games in the morning that kind of stuff and i’ll feel like i’m actually keeping up with stuff my house uh i’m still not really fully moved in um there’s still of a few things i have to do setting up my vr yesterday my cable management is uh is

In a bit of a mess i was so excited to get it all set up that i just there are cables all over the place but it does work it works extremely well and so tomorrow to make up for me having to cancel the mario 64 stream i’ll be doing members hereditary

And i’ll be playing fanath help wanted in the afternoon as well because [ __ ] me i’m so excited to play that game with a genuine setup like one that genuinely works should i describe to you hold on we’ve got a bunch of supers let me thank these gristle thank you for the anchor

Super why is your logo on the ending stream missing i’ve just neglected to put it there um i’ll try and remember to put that back thank you gristle pilcat thank you very much uh hitomi and grace lee lee thank you for the arca yeah but my setup for my vr when i first

Played health wanted health wanted yeah that’s true help wanted in my first in my first ever vr stream i think it was like one of my first gaming streams it was like right after my very first stream which was smash i had so i found a really old tripod in

The back of my house and i set that up on my bed on top of a box so there was a a plastic box with a little tiny tiny tripod on it that had one of the base stations on it and the other one i just

Balanced on top of my computer which was really probably not a very good idea for the prolonged health of the base station itself but that was the my only option and you can kind of tell why in that stream my controllers like the game kept losing tracking of my controllers and they kept

Flying off and jamming into freddy’s [ __ ] thorax oh my god all right i guess we just on we go are we at bedrock level now baby trying to do a tunnel yeah yeah i’m just yeah yeah i was i was feeling like a box akuma at that point

Got that new google box vr but now i love i love that my my index it’s really [ __ ] good the controllers are nice my hands don’t really fit the controller i twisted the little straps all the way out and i’m st and they still kind of like clamp down

On my hands pretty nasty but i i can cope with it to be honest meowi thank you for the super can you use the new emotes in discord they said you’re the one to give some issue well in that case [ __ ] go for it use them in any way you would like

Gbp thank you for the super as well a little bit of a minecraft sudan also i’m sorry we can’t have shaders um they’ve yet to update optifine to 1.19 so we just kind of have to cope with this for a little bit hmm i got another delivery today um i’ve got

Two things coming in today two big things coming in today uh first of all i had a box delivered from uh this lovely company in the uk called gusto and gusto they uh it’s a cooking company it’s a cooking company where what they do is they’ll send you a box with a

Recipe and all the ingredients you need to make that recipe and i’ve had a subscription to them for a little while and it’s really like helpful i’ve learned quite a bit about cooking from them even if making the recipes themselves like making the recipes themselves and

Following a guide is in a way sort of stifling to your creativity but what i like about it is the fact that you learn how to make so much stuff that you wouldn’t have learned how to make otherwise so for example those burgers i made on stream is pretty close to one of

Their recipes that’s just sort of how i learned it i’ve learned how to make how to make a cranberry jam i’ve learned how to make creamed leek i’ve learned how to make oven cooked chips triple cut chips all of these different types of chips and

You know which oils to use and [ __ ] like that it’s been [ __ ] great and so that got delivered and a beautiful circumstance a beautiful circumstance something i’m very pleased with salsa thank you for the super i’m very pleased with what was it that happened tonight you’re getting here i have ordered my roomba

All right i don’t think it was that offensive i have ordered my roomba and it’s arriving tonight so i will finally finally the kindred roomba will be able to slink about my home sucking up the dust that i leave behind as if you would as if you would want for

Any greater privilege i’m out of torches oh right we i don’t know i’ve got this this this this great affliction this curse i love streaming minecraft a it’s a nice way of having some regular content without worrying about much else of what you’re doing but also whenever i play minecraft my only want

My only desire my only true love is simply to build my [ __ ] castle i there really there really is no there really is nothing else i would rather be doing that castle is my it’s my life force you are my fire the one desired that’s how i feel about the castle god

We need to like you know what i’m gonna do and i want you to hold me to this because i have i have the rest of the entire data stream we have the rest of the entire data stream i want to finish the main body of the castle today

I am sick and tired of this place being just sort of an open top courtyard with a couple towers i want this castle to be livable and we’re close we’re very close so instead of getting distracted by minor details oh [ __ ] i said i say that and then suddenly i’ve had an idea So uh recently i was thinking about like oh how am i how am i wait wait wait wait one two three four five one two three four five okay there we go we got a super from natalie m i wish i had more words to say but thank you my

Lord hmm that’s good thank you kitty ng thank you ignis thank you gotta go to work good luck a smite guild god god i’d love to play smite on stream i used to play smite so [ __ ] off and i’ve said that on minecraft streams before it’s a really really fun moba and

Very much more accessible i think than the other ones or cooling mat for dogs to deal with heat that might work thank you very much for that pill can i i’ll i’ll i’ll um i’ll give it a google i’ll give it a look all right so this is how we’re gonna do it

I think i think that we should give the castle one more tier of height level it off and then have a smaller main hall on top of it that goes even higher above the towers and then within that there will be one central tower and at the top of that will be my

Bedroom right rightio let’s okay so we’ve got this tower as a means of getting to the roof so let’s turn all of this into brick let’s turn all of this into brick we’re getting [ __ ] close now one of these days we’re gonna have the shaders we’re gonna be able to look upon

A finished castle where you and i can live eat sleep [ __ ] everything it’s gonna be brilliant i need to add like we’ve got the banquet hall i need to add like oh we should all wine cellar as well maybe in the back of the dungeon in the back of the dungeon

There’s just there’s just a it’s like oh yes while you’re being tortured you can have a glad you can have a glass of wine hey yo what do you mean a oh you’re the ones who were telling me to make a [ __ ] sex dungeon this is nothing out of the ordinary this

Is completely ordinary mazda mono thank you for the super hello hello natalia and aris barakos that’s very sweet hold on which way am i going is it this way yes all right and i drew you holding a phone because i came up with the idea of replicating the

Fireplace phone call scene but instead of hearing harsh reality i want you to hear heartwarming words Yeah exactly we that’s very sweet thank you you guys put put together so many interesting projects i really i really can’t thank you enough ah there is an enemy there is an intruder i’ll give this i’ll give this one more layer then we’ll go in by another one

Come here you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] god jesus wasting my precious deep slate ah ashley thank you for the super and jade oracle thank you very much plans to be so so today gone good i wouldn’t want you to be clamshell thank

You for the super the cooling mat will stick to my ass what do you mean there’s nothing to stick to ah that was close ah well fine hang on a minute have i [ __ ] this up hang on a minute hang on hang on hang on no no we should be fine um

Yes we leave we leave that there we leave that there and then we bring it and then we sort of bring it in i really like what i’ve done with the dining room i think it’s nice we’ve got to get some paintings for that shirt i’m going to get some paintings over there

Okay Um [ __ ] i don’t know mate uh well on that side it goes up all the way so Hmm all right let’s get rid of that let’s bring it in by one yes okay this is what we’re going to do so on this side i will build up by one and that will be a marker and then i’m going to pop over to the other side

Feather falling don’t fail me now love that hey who said you could be in here [ __ ] [ __ ] daddy long dick just landed in l.a and allow mild peace and ichikowashi thank you for the super i’ve also been thinking i’ve also been thinking i was thinking this morning i wouldn’t

Have been able to because uh it’s not updated for the current patch of minecraft on which the server is vr minecraft trying to build this giant scaffold in vr oh boy that would be fun okay sam thank you sometimes i worry sometimes i worry that if i don’t have the perfect body type

People won’t find me as attractive and that would hurt me tremendously Yes okay from here vr minecraft i should tell you guys so i’ve had vr before as you know i had an htc vive uh and vr minecraft it affected me very personally when i played it because i’ve been playing minecraft for years at that point and i was like hey

Vr minecraft that ought to be funny it would be a bit of a bit of a joke a bit of like a haha you know i’m in minecraft and i booted it up and i was emotional what the [ __ ] did you say we just can’t smack it too hard we

Accidentally rip a new hole yeah thank you um i was emotional playing minecraft vr because having played the game for like almost a decade at that point i put the vr headset on and suddenly it’s like yeah the blocks that on my screen these blocks look like little pin pricks on my

Screen in vr they are just right in [ __ ] front of you and you can lean down and you can sniff the grass and you can and then caves become scary and it was like minecraft is real buddy it’s [ __ ] scary man it genuinely is it’s [ __ ] terrifying but also beautiful in a way

All right there we go figure out what i should do for the rest of this jilan thank you very much for the super and enriquez haven thank you very much as well Gorgeous Right um what am i doing i feel like we should just start with this section here so i think what i’ll do we’ll just go straight across yes that’s the plan we’ll go straight across have we checked your setting usually the most basic ac has two settings one for

Temperature and other is mode see it’s very it’s a very strange system so it’s i’ve got like there’s like a little monitor on the um in each room like a little phone type thing that has like a few buttons for um for the ac and it basically just says oh set which

Temperature you’d like the room to be and the ac will take care of it well the ac doesn’t really take care of it at all the ac just sort of like it vaguely goes in the right direction but not really that quickly it’s it’s a little it’s a little frustrating

Okay this is where we do it yes yes oh we should do a stained glass window here holy [ __ ] i’m a big genius makemegenius.com what the [ __ ] stained glass window here oh i don’t make my life easy but good lord am i ever just good at architecture [ __ ] me

Is it okay to talk about cool music and supers yeah you can use um and especially in sort of like a minecraft stream where the format is sort of free chat you know you can just bring up anything you’d like and if if i don’t

Want to talk about it i’ll ignore it but if i want to talk about it i’ll i’ll continue to talk about it i like music a lot i’ve been listening to i’ve been listening to the guilty gear strive soundtrack recently and i’ve been i’ve been i’ve been having a lot of fun

With that i think it’s some pretty it’s a pretty pogon music in that game okay yeah this is how we’ll do it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah guilty gear strive has some banging [ __ ] music it’s so good my favorite i think is war of the spark

Or armor clad faith but i love disaster of passion as well uh yes and then we’ll do uh no stairs one up from this okay i like armor-clad faith because it’s the funny joker song where he says society oh yeah i love metal i mean my my preference is more

Uh you know my preference is more dark synth wave but dark synth wave i think is a lot sort of derived from metal in a big way you know you know i know carpenter brood who’s one of my favorite artists he had his start he had his start as a um as a

Metal artist and then sort of made the switch to synth [ __ ] off [ __ ] off mate [ __ ] boom all right stairs need stairs oh i’ve built myself up got no stairs [ __ ] me all right bob wendy k listen to kid bloom i’m glad you

Like it yeah no i i i don’t know where i found him i found that song does it make me wrong on like uh spotify radio or something i was just like damn you know i really enjoyed it molly kane morgan mullen longshot chan i

Do need to make my uh thank you guys so much for the supers i really really do favorite soundtracks are last of us in skyrim how do you feel about them answer that in a sec i really do need to do the whole spotify playlist because i think that’s a really sweet idea

Just getting to connect with me and my music taste analog thank you for the super well good i’m glad you can relax we’ll be streaming for a while you know just playing a little bit a little bit of mince raft and then if you fall asleep you fall asleep

It’s like i’m really there Can we do it any faster than this probably not let’s just relax he told me i was wondering uh how would you celebrate if it was halloween meowy thank you very much for the super as well how would i celebrate halloween well to be honest i am a believer that trick-or-treating

Has no age i’m a believer that you can trick or treat no matter what kind of person that you are okay i don’t want people to be under the illusion that you need to stop trick-or-treating when you get so old it’s fun to show up at someone’s door

And be like oh give me sweets you know i think trick-or-treating trick-or-treating being something for kids is a scam invented by people who don’t want to give up their candy um but to be fair i have kind of i have i say that but i have kind of outgrown

Trick-or-treating a little bit so i imagine what i would um for me at least i like i like halloween parties i i could be a bit of a party animal to be honest oh this is all this is a good idea this is a good idea yes we swap it around yeah

All right i like halloween parties i like punch bowls i like that kind of [ __ ] ah yes and meowing where is office fox in the asmr akumaverse timeline that’s an oh do you think i planned this [ __ ] out and again i mean maybe i’m just throwing

You off the trail maybe i have the whole thing planned out let’s say yes let’s say that the office vox is in fact a prequel so that no we are not ntr’ing boyfriend vox who might i remind you is just me that’s just the real me

Because that asset that i use that’s my real drip that i ha i have that outfit and i wear it a lot at least i would be wearing it more often if it wasn’t so [ __ ] hot we’re not ntr’ing boyfriend vlogs everything is fine okay to do pull the flap too

Yeah [ __ ] it’s a prequel bite of 83 [ __ ] every single one of the um every single one of the akumavs characters wants to be the end game apart from officer i realize we now have office and officer which can might be a little confusing let’s say for the sake of confusion um

Office vox is called mi boss and officer is still called officer he’s called he’s called um boss akuma if i ever did a proper teacher one i would be akama sensei Actually no let’s not do it like that sort of cut that that mi boss yes i am the boss the whole asmr dilemma is uh is pretty interesting because even i feel like in some place have i gone too far in some places i don’t think i’ve gone too

Far but it’s definitely it’s definitely very risky uh i’m just sort of wondering where the cap off point is He knows um yes let’s just do that here goofy role play stream when i would like to do something funny at some point i’d like to kind of take a step away from the super serious like we’re [ __ ] asmr to something a little more something a little more light-hearted

I mean boyfriend vox was a good step in the right direction but also that was still very like soft and sappy and all that kind of stuff i’d like something that’s genuinely just [ __ ] hilarious and i guess one of the funniest ones would be me doing the whole um

The the smash asmr where i was just playing smash the entire time and and the enjoyment and it was listening to me mold in in high definition yes all right that is fine yeah we’ll figure this out this will be fine let’s make a dent here yes perfect lovely oh

Let’s go tile with that yeah anything that’s showing above the surface let’s make that tile actually we can just do that here lovely stomach hey that one’s nice even if my stomach goes a little blurbly shannon thank you very much dolmek thank you did i finally smile when i decided

To become your desk why do people enjoy the idea of being beaten the [ __ ] out of that that i don’t understand then i kind of get the appeal of beating the [ __ ] out of somebody so knight to vox asmr And that’s a good one regards to kisses where do you like giving kisses the most hand cheek uh and in return where do you like receiving kisses fantastic [ __ ] question kuroneko celia and ruby the wolf thanks ruby um where do i most enjoy giving and receiving kisses that is a pretty

Nice question actually um oh let’s make this all time that’s a pretty lovely question um gosh i don’t know nothing nothing quite quite beats a kiss on the lips all right and i know it’s basic but it does make me feel quite soft you know nothing quite beats that that kind of

Intimacy but if you were asking about where sort of unalternatively well well well well god see i’m trying to think because for me it immediately progresses into the un into the realm of the unsafe so there’s no real like also i need to figure this out hold on

So that goes but that goes oh okay so one in from there is where that starts okay so for me when you ask or where’s my favorite place to be kissed i would say well it’s from my chest down my stomach and further past that uh but if my favorite

Place to give kids is to be on the inner thigh definitely oh wait wrong way [ __ ] inner thigh bait yeah of course i’m based of course i know what i’m [ __ ] doing you don’t get this good at asmr without without some knowledge um what a [ __ ] where the [ __ ]

Although okay i have to admit though in more of a sweet sense a surprise kiss on the cheek will get me very very very red red-faced very quickly it has to be a surprise like if it’s just sort of like if if if you sort of

Gesture for i’m like oh yeah yeah but if it’s if it’s a complete surprise and someone just kind of leans everything away and i’m like oh you know i’m like oh wow is that right now yes there we go all right back to breakfast yes this would be fine

Kodachan thank you very much for the super baba baba boy either funk thank you for the super thanks for the brain rock it’s a shame i don’t know i feel like at least at least if you have some experience it’s a shame to know that maybe well

I mean just just because just because the thought of getting inner thigh kisses makes you soft doesn’t mean that you haven’t been used to receiving them i should hope that you’ve all or at least there’s a whole can of worms if you’re an adult and you’ve been

Around i should hope that you’ve had the luxury because it would be a shame it’d been a while has it oh it’s a shame because i think i don’t know i wouldn’t really i wouldn’t really blame men for it but i think sexually a lot of men aren’t really taught to

Provide for women you know what i mean not a lot of them really know like the key differences in in like what each sex finds pleasurable and uh it just sort of leads to what i would imagine to be a lot of a lot of very loveless marriages

But in the same way i think a lot of a lot i think a lot of women aren’t really taught aren’t really given like um at least at least socially aren’t really given the privilege of expressing what it is that they that what it is that they would like

So just sort of winds up with both people feeling a little disappointed the man is like what am i doing wrong and the woman is like oh i wish he knew i wish he knew what i wanted to do i think this is correct yes hi nice yeah nice double kill How the [ __ ] could i forget about neck kisses hop i mean let me let me let me be honest with you guys i i don’t know how i forgot that i really [ __ ] like being kissed on the neck my middle thank you for the super ornella thank you very much

Yeah i like that [ __ ] whoa i don’t know i think i think my neck i think my neck is pretty sensitive i just oh wow this is really coming together isn’t it look at that okay we’ve got to build this um this part of the castle up as well

I mean to be fair who doesn’t who wouldn’t enjoy enjoy a fat smooch on the on the neck um one two three stairs gotcha wait one two three stairs that just looks so much shorter i’m going insane there we go what is the perfect moment to hold someone’s hand in a romantic sense

That’s a very good one and yanya thank you for the super vampire asmr i’m gonna have to do it eventually aren’t i perfect moment to hold someone’s hand in a romantic sense good question um i mean it varies doesn’t it you know it varies based on the situation

Everyone progresses through sort of uh the stages of intimacy at a different rate um i feel like hand-holding is pretty appropriate on like a first date you know what i mean or at least if the first day is going well if it’s going well you feel comfortable and everything like that

It’s that’s the moment where sort of you um where the where the couple kind of realizes oh this is going to be a really fun day you know maybe a fun day fun evening whatever is if you’ve chatted to the person you’ve met up pretty well and

Then things seem to be going well and then that’s kind of like the moment you hold hands to them like oh oh oh this is going well okay you know although usually hmm it’s difficult to say i think you’ve got to be you’ve got to be fairly like um confident in your prediction

If you think it’ll work then again i would say it doesn’t hurt to ask because um you know i think some people are going to be really confident and say like hey you want to hold my hand and i’ll be like oh yes please but then sometimes

It’ll be one person not being sure if the other person is into it and then it’s a whole like it’s a whole anxiety thing and it becomes a disaster if you’re feeling i would say if you’re if you’re more of a confident person just going just going ahead and asking

Won’t hurt and then in that instance you know if they if the other person is like oh no no not really then that sort of sets the tone for the rest of the thing you know it’s like oh maybe this isn’t going so well after all but also if

Then again that then comes communication right then comes like oh are you feeling all right now like yeah no it’s fine but you know maybe not right now then obviously things are going fine and things might happen later but if they seem uncomfortable then maybe it’s time to call it off

And a reminder that if a date doesn’t go well it doesn’t mean that you’re not desirable i think a lot of people you know especially people who don’t go on dates often they are under this impression that like you know if someone if someone agrees to

One and then it goes wrong that means that you [ __ ] up no it doesn’t doesn’t mean that at all sometimes a person can rethink what what it is they want out of the situation sometimes a person can rethink the sort of person they are sometimes they can

Rethink like oh maybe this isn’t what i was expecting maybe personality differs a lot you know from the initial stages to when you’re actually on a date so it’s not your fault if things don’t quite go right okay i mean maybe it might be your fault you know sometimes

You can really [ __ ] up but also you shouldn’t immediately blame yourself and sort of throw yourself in the can and become an insult or anything like you know we could do with a lot less of those uh is that right yes no what my stairs too high up i’m confused

So from there but just it’s just two okay okay we do have that right gotcha no matter how rough the landscape can be when it comes to finding someone to love remember that you you yourself are inherently worth loving for all of your good and bad qualities combined all right

I would i would hate for any kindred to be under the illusion that their only purpose in life or their only value in life you know isn’t enough for most other people and i feel like i don’t know especially in our day and age the process of finding yourself in a

Relationship is a lot more cynical than it used to be i’ve been around i’ve known a lot of people who’ve been in different relationships over the course of a few hundred years and it changes a lot i think that we’re now in in sort of a state of mind where people

Can be very cynical and they can be very sort of aggressive when it comes to finding it they can be very aggressive yes but they can also be very defensive when it comes to finding a partner and what that can often result in is um oh

Wait i [ __ ] this up haven’t i hang on god it’s really cool to see it coming together but i feel like i [ __ ] up the deep slate bit uh like the tile bit um No no we’re good we’re good actually we’re good yes yes we’re all good everyone is special in their own way and you might run into someone who’s sort of i don’t know maybe a little cynical jaded you know takes the piss out you makes you feel bad but that doesn’t mean

You’re a bad person it just means that you know you ran it you ran into someone who’s a bit nasty and we all do that from time to time i need some water i need some water i would have had tea today but i got water instead lovely Shine thank you for the super i think i’m a mess but this world is beautiful because you and the kindred are in it exactly well i’d like to i’d like to sort of say that i think the world is a lot nicer of a place than it can seem

Um there’s this pretty there’s this pretty sad like misconception that we’re living in like a worse time than uh than we though than we have before and that and that just straight up that is just it ain’t it it ain’t so that it that isn’t that isn’t true at all

We are living in a much nicer time uh than we’ve had for a long time and there’s a lot more life and love to find in the world than youth and i think people realize it can be so easy to to to take one personal failing and kind of

Use it to define your world view but there’s a lot there’s a lot of really really good stuff to find out there you know and the thing i would like to say is that just because you know it’s it’s being a kindred that’s given you like a bit of a more positive

Worldview that doesn’t mean that the kindred are the only ones out there with a nice worldview there are lots of people to find out there who are really pleasant to hang out with you just kind of have to go looking sometimes i don’t know i think when i iris thank

You for the super uh evan lee and ibuprofen can i snap my fingers yes i can click my fingers and i can also like crunch my knuckles and everything wait i do that a lot shimu bunny hugger ibuprofen evan lee iris ivy and nez i don’t know when i think about

Streaming like i’ve been told in the past that i’m like a very good sort of um friend therapist you know what i mean like when you just know someone who wait a minute i [ __ ] this up wait a minute wait a second [ __ ] this up i’ve been told that i’m just generally

Very good at making people feel better when they’re down and i and i and i really enjoy the opportunity like someone comes up to me and they’re like oh i’m upset and then i get a chance to kind of like give them a talk and everything and i

Don’t know like when i when i think about my my ambitions for for stream sometimes i think that it’s just a chance to like also the s key on my keyboard is [ __ ] busted i really need to get a new one I think about as a chance to spread that in a bigger way you know and i can’t be everyone’s personal therapist but at the very least i can like chat to people at length about what they’re going through you know what i mean i can chat at length about what i’m

Going through i can sort of normalize a discussion about mental health i can do this i can do that a lot of things i can do i can do all sorts [ __ ] you put it in the right place yeah bastard i’ll kill you wow this is coming together isn’t it look at that

Yes yes it looks like an actual structure now rather than some kind of well i mean this there’s still got a way to go here but this is a big step in the right direction i believe i’m gonna i’m gonna crack my back lovely crunchy at starbucks i like a caramel

Frappuccino because it’s i’ve got a sweet tooth what happened to my f3 key oh i found it i found it it fell off while it was in moving but i found it it was in the same box it just sort of popped off but i found it oh you’re asking all these romantic

Sappy questions karen lee haruki mochi thank you very much all these sappy questions what song would i slow dance to god i don’t know i don’t listen to many too many slow songs i listen to intense intense fast-paced synth synth music um i don’t know i feel like my answer would

Be pretty generic glad you guys think my back my my back cracking is crunchy wouldn’t have it any other way and keep joking we can add details to the rest of the castle as and when we get the opportunity i went down there to make deep slate tile stairs and i just completely

[ __ ] forgot um yes oh these are the same on each side or are they nope this one is uh just one too high okay yes perfect no well it’s okay i mean thank you for the super but you don’t need to like i don’t know there’s like

There’s like lots to catch up on well i always i always feel happy when i find a youtuber sort of years oh god water i feel pretty happy when i find a youtuber years after they’ve started because what it means is i’m finding them in their prime you know what i mean

I’m finding them sort of in a state where is that right probably not to be honest um there we go i’m finding them a when they’re when they’ve already learned a lot about how to be a youtuber and b um i found them with uh a big backlog as well you know

A big [ __ ] backlog so for me for example i’ve streamed almost every day apart from my week break last week i’ve i’ve streamed almost every day for six months that’s like mental maths that’s like 180 streams almost c-clips thank you thank you thank you um i haven’t actually started yet i’m in

Talks to start i am i’ve uh the therapist i originally wanted to contact uh was all booked up so i’m uh chatting to a colleague of his at the moment and i’m hoping that i’ll be able to find one and get an appointment uh within the next week or

So but it’s been a lot there’s been a lot to kind of keep up with recently but i will get there i’m pretty dedicated to getting to it because i think i i don’t know i don’t mean to be i don’t mean to be um the kind of person who sort of thinks

About oh i reckon i have this or have that because you know we don’t want to self-diagnose but i i reckon i have quite a bit of undiagnosed [ __ ] going on so it would be nice to sort of get that figured out lunamis thank you very much

Oh i’m sorry you’re not doing well luna mist well you’re welcome to hang out with us until you feel better okay yes i can make the sex playlist definitely the sex playlist is just the star wars cantina band music on a loop there is one song in the sex playlist oh

[ __ ] off i just got up here all right so this is just stairs this is just two two stairs two says don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t [ __ ] let it be you all right i’m going absolutely [ __ ] barmy it’s just yeah it’s just how bad can i be

I’m seeing my [ __ ] altercation with sonny briscoe jesus christ hello son you quite alright i don’t think he is all right he seems to be used to be having some kind of a problem good evening love oh good evening so sorry lovely to see you yeah okay on and i think you’re right

Like that’s probably one of the reasons why i’ve kind of gone without therapy for such a long time is i figured because i was such a caregiver that i didn’t really need it but you know i think i definitely do it’s sort of the same thing as what a

Lot of therapists say is that they wind up becoming therapists because they have problems of their own you know do do do do Yes yes hmm i don’t know hardest thing about this the resources aren’t the hard part building in survival mode the hardest part is not being able to [ __ ] fly and you’ve got to like keep digging around the building to get anywhere So yes from there two steppy two steppy from the thing good too steppy [ __ ] you morgan mullen thank you for the super ezekiel mirages thank you perfect stars cantina for a good time definitely and i i did i did know that i did know that it’s called jizz and uh the um

Uh the the the musicians the musicians from star wars the big the big head dudes with the saxophones or those weird instruments jizz whalers incredible Oh ivy i’m sorry you stopped meeting with your therapist if you feel as though you’ve still got work to be done you should do your best to find another one never give up i’m excited to have this finished Hmm Thank you for the super lovely to see you uh have i [ __ ] this up oh no there are no stairs here what the hell what the [ __ ] why are there no stairs on this side what the [ __ ] hammond and i have realized a critical flaw in our building strategy

Does it like does it change halfway around what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that allowed what the [ __ ] domex thank you for the arca super one of six hi sweet boy ladies and i just wanted to congratulate your new house we’re sending this to a rainbow collab

We love you very much and just wanted and i just want you to tell me why ah thank you aries thank you very much and william chen thank you so much hey nothing but a heartache tell me why tell me why oh i see a ch

Oh god this is going to be more just [ __ ] oh it’s going to be more figuring out [ __ ] on a different side i really have not made this easy for myself have i alright so it goes down by one and then all right i never gonna hear you say i wanna away

Mossy thank you for the supra as well yeah it makes sense it makes sense that therapists would have caretakers of their own how else would you wind up with sort of a passion for caring for others if not um wow i mean i imagine you could but

Ah but what what where do we start it oh i’m gum losing it i’m losing my [ __ ] mind thank you for the rainbow guys i’m losing my [ __ ] mind mate oh no i feel like my singing has improved quite a bit it used to be a lot worse

Way worse all right so it’s right here gotcha How far down does it go right okay okay hey really have not made this easy for myself at all tammy thank you for the super hmm that’s good i can’t read your name but thank you as well and margaret thank you very much how do i feel about vegemite oh my god i

Have a story about vegemite oh so a number of years ago i was getting drunk with some old friends of mine uh and i had too much i had too much to drink don’t make thank you for the kisses pilchard thank you i’m not going to vocal classes now and cheerleading thank

You very much my favorite place in my new house is um the living room because it’s very spacious nice view um yes i was getting drunk with some friends of mine i had had too much i was just sort of hanging out you know having some i was i was having some vodka

And uh at some point i became too drunk and i was sort of feeling emotional you know i was like i i had a i had a lot of problems and i just sort of i was talking to my friends and i thought ah you know oh everything sucks i’m sad oh where

Where where where i was sad it’s sort of like when you’re drunk everyone hits the point from being les there’s always a one drink difference between being buzzed and drunk and being miserable uh and i had hit i had hit miserable and so i just sort of started doing that and i was

Leaning over a couch like oh where oh where it’s not fair wow life’s not fair you know all the usual and then one of my friends comes up to me and she says this all right vox have some of this and i thought oh maybe this is medicine maybe this is

Maybe this is for me there’s a spoon with a little with a little black paste on it and i thought oh maybe this will help it was vegemite and i fully put it in my mouth and i slurped it off and i went and i spat it out

And that’s the only time that i have ever tasted vegemite and i imagine it is the last time that i will ever taste vegemite i was taken advantage of in a state where i was intoxicated and emotional and i was made to drink or eat rather vegemite a terrible circumstance

You just hate to see it i can’t [ __ ] remember what it looks like on the other side you know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go down i’m just gonna build up so it’s like two stairs and then it’s how many slabs it’s one two one two three four slabs on each side

That’ll tell me how much space i need gotcha painting thank you for the super as well kazutu thank you good luck with college and yishan thank you very much for the arca super can you say happy birthday to me happy birthday sean i hope you have a lovely day Would i consider having some flowers and plants in my new house i definitely do need to get some plants yeah just something to look after other than myself anna thank you for the arka super you really inspire me to have a more positive view on life fox i hope i can

Meet someone like you irl one day although you’ve set the bar pretty high on a less say so note service top asmr in this in the near future hopefully ooh mirror thank you that is something i reckon i could do butler asmr would be the perfect place

Of kind of bringing that out i reckon yui thinking about this i’ve been thinking about this for a while if we can afford and want to get the same things you showed us like the cologne or knife would you feel uncomfortable maybe not the exact same thing but the same

Brand oh you i think that’d be fine i always find it really charming when people want to get the same things that i have i can’t remember i think it’s dalstrom the knife that i have my cologne of choices blazing mr sam um obviously i have balenciaga shoes i have

An i have an alexander mcqueen necklace there’s some gucci sunglasses and a gucci belt if you want to get i want to get any of those things you know just to look like me or just sort of feel like you’re a little bit closer to me then

[ __ ] i love that i think that’s very sweet more than welcome to yui the least i can do to repay you for all of the wonderful crumbs you have offered over the years hang on two three four one two three four and then it’s just stairs okey dokey lovely

All right there we go now i just have to figure out how these connect to make it symmetrical and we should be fine uh yeah definitely go out definitely don’t go out buying gucci and alexander mcqueen if you’re if you’re struggling financially there are wiser things to purchase

Saku thank you for the super i have a lot of things to do update resume find better job how’s things not what sharp slack not worried about finishing but it’s taking up my entire week what do you do to push yourself through it gonna apply to be the elden lord instead

What do i do to push myself through the i don’t know i just kind of do it you know i really don’t have many like stress management techniques or or anything like that i just i just sort of like do it you know i just kind of

Said stare two one two stare one gotcha okay i just sort of do it like every week i’ve got a load of stuff going on what i would say what helps me take advantage of a friend who is more organized than you so what i always say

When i when i’m a person you know especially in my line of work my attention is required of me quite often and so what i tend to do is i will if someone asks hey would you be free for this i will say yes absolutely i would love to do that

Please remind me please remind me a day in advance because i will forget i always always always forget every single arrangement i ever make i’m committed to doing them but i forget so what i always ask is just yo uh yes thank you i will do

That and i will do my best to do it please remind me and then if they do i’m all good you know obviously it’s not foolproof and google calendar definitely helps a lot uh but other than that you know i think it’s fine i’m a very busy busy boy i’ve got a lot

Of things going on in the day it’s it’s frustrating but well i don’t know i came from a place where i wasn’t really doing much of anything at all so i think it’s a nice change to to be very busy for a while oh we should pivot we should change what we’re doing

Let’s finish this section and then what i’m gonna do and then what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go downstairs let’s light this place up let’s get some lava stuff going around here i love my dishwasher it’s a very very [ __ ] good dishwasher really good really really good like it

Does a very thorough [ __ ] job i i’ve put in after i made a steak a few a few nights ago it wasn’t very good i think i oversold it i overseasoned it um but i made a steak and there was like a spoon with like the butter on it and

Everything and it was really sort of caked up couldn’t get it off with um with water put that in the dishwasher it comes out absolutely sparkling thing is though it makes my cutlery taste like [ __ ] dishwasher liquid there’s like a hint of dishwasher in everything i eat now it’s probably

Terrible for my health but i don’t know come on do it yeah i’ll do i’ll do pig sama thank you for the super violet draw because and my enchant thank you very much Mmm soap yes bbq bacon burger yes i’m a very uh When i was your age it was rare to not die from just being 35 years old I wonder that’s the thing i wonder right i’ve looked like this for many from for many centuries but what i’m wondering is will am i am i just permanently frozen in this state or will after thousands of years will i eventually start aging you know am i immortal or do i just live

For a very long time maybe i just haven’t lived long enough to tell maybe one day when i’m 10 000 years old maybe finally then i’ll resemble an old man and i can finally live out my dreams of being the perverted old man from dragon ball that’s the exact kind of grandpa i’m

Going to be milky for silvia may i see my pink eyes of course you can You prefer washing your dishes by hand well i appreciate the pick-up line it was pretty good but also first of all first of all like there are a lot of kitchen implements you can get [ __ ] over better than a sink a sink your hands gonna like go into it

And what if there’s water or like old dishes in there you have to clean it all first that’s rubbish just use a worktop or something you know something that’s actually designed to have people on it doing dishes by hand is not the one i’ve been doing that for

Too long too long have i suffered doing my dishes by hand i deserve i have earned the right to stick my dishes in the dishwasher and just let it do them for me overnight um how far around does that go i see okay so just there nice all right

We’re getting there guys we’re getting there just a little longer now there’s a creeper in my dungeon mercy me what’ll i do i want to get down there and show them out just gotta make sure he doesn’t hurt the [ __ ] fox that would make me quite upset sorry lanton the time has come

You were good for a while hey hey there we go we go how does one do this [ __ ] oh my god here is k obsessed over my hand silhouette any spoilers no uh ellie thank you for the super rip gloves oh my god all right

Light getting wet and wild just do it in the [ __ ] shower it’s a lot more fun good you go ashley thank you for the super anita silva thank you again you have a map you’re getting lost in my eyes ah if you like getting wet and wild

Come here on sunday because i am going to be in the bath again Looking good akuma castle looking good hey yes [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i’ve had enough just like that it’s done lovely it’s done fantastic well not quite we still got uh well we can just cover this up with a bit of tile i reckon yes This castle is going to wind up being wildly asymmetrical i reckon hey there we go it’s possible to purchase a good ac for myself probably i might i might i might chat to landlord people see if they can sort it out for me maybe my maybe my unit is

Just faulty or something maybe i don’t know how to use the controls on it or something i don’t know i don’t know maybe it’s maybe it’s all fixable am i gonna am i gonna build a jail in my castle well allow me to show you downstairs oh

Vox my my vox’s wet ripped gloves now don’t do it don’t do it there you go told you not to do it that ought to be fine for a bit allow me to show you downstairs ellen sire and ellie thank you we got the torture chamber here with whatever this implement is crafting

Table and we’ve got the jail over here this is the holding cell luca stole the door here you guys are chilling out and then we’ve got some smaller cells here in case anyone decides to test me mood nerd i’m glad you could come stream is better for having you in it righty then

Let’s first of all we got to finish this side of it god there is so much work to do in this bloody castle there is so much work to do it is such a thankless job to build a giant castle for oneself such a thankless job indeed i like this though

We too thank you hey for sylvia what a kiss what a surprise oh you’re welcome we give lots of kisses out here kisses are a common commodity when it comes to me um Hey look guys come on it’s looking like more of a castle every day and that is symmetrical too a rubber duck in the asmr stream positively positively i’m getting i’m getting a little oh i’m getting a little woozy i don’t know what to do with myself i think i need to

Take a break from building i’ve been concentrating too hard i need to do something silly let’s go and get someone near the right shall we let’s go and make some more bets it’s a shame no one else is on the server nez thank you aka my castle has plenty of [ __ ] it’s

Got you [ __ ] in it have i eaten lunch no uh i have had breakfast i reckon maybe the two i do have some noodles in the in my kitchen that i can quickly grab i wish i could take you all with me because it’s literally just around the corner from here

It’s not like i would have to call an official break i should be like hey guys i’m gonna go get some noodles gum nuts thank you for the super i will have fun with the blocky game indeed you guys have i ever shown you how good i am at doing armpit farts

It’s a it’s an acquired art but i feel like it just came very naturally to me i’m quite talented ah phoenix jihang thank you good an echo thank you watch and learn i’m very good i’m very good at those very consistent possibly possibly while i’m building i just start thinking about kindred and

I’m like I don’t think i can do it with my other arm oh wait no almost hang on no there we go do you feel uncomfortable with people calling you daddy outside of the asmr streams not at all so originally originally i i think i think what happened with the whole daddy

Thing necce and nicole thank you and anna as well have a calc what the [ __ ] i think originally what i think what happened is debut happens right teaser and immediately you have um the luxium teasers you have you have ike saying i didn’t sign up for this and you have

Mister saying how mysterious and have all of this and at the end of the trailer you’ve got me well speak of the devil and everyone as a joke is like daddy sorry daddy sorry daddy sorry and i think for me originally it was also a joke

Right it was also like ah that’s funny and then after that i think um especially in non-english speaking circles you know we’ve got a lot of fans from around the world china japan you know all sorts of places i think it genuinely just maybe due to language barrier maybe due to

Something else it became what am i doing out here it became a genuine nickname like it was just that’s how people refer to me with no sexual connotation whatsoever it was just oh yeah that’s daddy and i’m fine with it i i think it’s a i

Think it’s i think it’s a fun nickname it’s very short snappy easy just easy to you know it’s like i used to be like um call me daddy as a choke but bro i don’t think it’s a joke anymore yeah at first i was like oh it’s a bit

Of fun and now i’m like oh boy i’m learning to enjoy it yeah i went on i went on quite a quite a personal journey where originally i was sort of pretty uncomfortable with everything and then over time i just sort of learned to enjoy it and uh yeah here we are

Simulating [ __ ] in asmr streams so you are all very very welcome to call me whatever you’d like and if that’s daddy go for it i haven’t i take no issue whatsoever i think it’s hard there we go 23 red whoa he’s escaped come back here mate shine thank you for the super

Air conditioner it feels like it’s kind of picking up speed now it’s getting a little cooler in here which is which is nice Give offering proper way to show respect crouch and walk we don’t have bronze in this game offering hole what do you what where do you where do you throw it there’s a piston oh it’s probably got a minute let me see if i can game the

System i have a pork chop i have a mutton can it detects which item in it is it broken yeah i could [ __ ] tell um tokito thank you for the arca super will the snap happen on the 24th you mean the blip um i don’t know i don’t know

To be honest uh i wouldn’t blame riku tasmi if uh if of every member of luxian to bestow the infinity gauntlet upon that he chose me you know i think i’d be a very responsible wielder of the infinity gauntlet i think i would only use its powers for good you

Know rather than wiping out half of all life i think i would um you know create choose to create infinite resources as well um so yeah also holy [ __ ] tokito three aka supers what the hell everyone has a different concept of what they need for safe distance what i’m

Curious about is where is the furthest do you expect to go you might do the sex part of your rp asmr for example will you put it in will you go as far as making baby guns um oh yeah the baby guns from [ __ ] um that was that was insane that was insane

Just me being scared out of my mind and then suddenly equipping a child what that’s a question i’m trying to answer myself i don’t know i don’t know where the line is i don’t know how far this is going to go um my i think my current strategy is to just

Do whatever i’m comfortable with you know there are lots uncomfortable with and occasionally i’ll listen back to clips from my asmr and be like damn i was good at that you know i feel pretty confident about it um just do what i’m comfortable with work within my own restrictions

Because i feel like simulating a full-blown sex scene is a little beyond me at the moment um but i i genuinely think that probably the best thing to do is to just kind of chill and wait until um Until i get bunked properly because i imagine it will happen one day and then when it does it does and then i’ll know so and then and then that’s where the line is right Until i get bonked uh proper i will just keep pushing the bar i’ll keep i’ll keep limboing lower and lower and lower until eventually my back hits the ground and uh i get a community guideline strike or some [ __ ] i mean as far as i’m aware we’re not in

Violation of any community guidelines strikes i don’t think like i don’t think we are Time lots of beds to go mining in the nether with lots and lots of beds indeed hey perfect let’s go also and uh tokito you had another arca super very important to understand the needs of both parties at least after knowing the lord’s boundaries some quieter kindreds can think about whether

The content is suitable for them the most basic protection for each other yeah i’m not sure like because what i do what i do now is that with each asmr i try to kind of give some time at the beginning for the more sassy stuff to

Begin and then in addition to that i also i also try to um uh you know there’s the disclaimer in chat and everything as well and uh of course what the hell did someone break my nether portal oh god you know there’s the disclaimer and also

If and even though you can’t watch that in the vod you then if you watch the vod for the first time it will start at the beginning of the vod so you’ll have time to recognize what it is although i’m thinking maybe another precaution i can

Take is probably to like have a screen that shows at the beginning you know so that way it’ll catch vod watchers as well who might not be comfortable with what’s inside the biggest thing for people to understand about asmr and that i think i need to clarify is that it is

Improvised you know i don’t have a script i don’t have like a direction things would go sometimes in asmr i plan to be say so becomes massively sus like the doctor one sometimes i plan it to be suss and it turns out to be say so like

The whole um sleepy bedtime one so you know it just sort of goes in whichever direction i think is most fun and uh yeah you know it really isn’t that deep the best thing that i can do is just sort of make make sure that people are thoroughly warned

So i might uh i might just include i might include a uh a little disclaimer um sort of that’s actually in the stream itself like just a little screen like with some text that says warning you know so that way stream watchers can see the pin message and um uh

Vod watchers will see the disclaimer at the beginning oh damn how far down does this go oh cave hello treacle dumbass to end up earl’s baby all right where are we have we come out in some opposite half of the nether bro i already killed you yeah

My my main strategy is just to do do the right thing you know make sure that i’m we’re not subject to any uh uh to any sort of gray areas so that we can all just have fun enjoying the things that we enjoy momo of course you can sleep

Well you know let’s um let’s go back and see if we can’t like because like why the [ __ ] is our nether portal centers here a nether bottle translates so or is relative to a place in the real world so our we haven’t moved my nether portal so it shouldn’t

Have taken us somewhere else surely i am confused i am confusion oh i’m lost i’m lost uh there it is there it is the lost has already happened i’ve become the lost immediately and without without regret hey this thank you for the super that’s true that’s true and there are a

Lot of times where i’ll see someone say something that they want me to do and i’m like you know i i can use i can use lorax as well you dreamt that i streamed with germa and you told a joke that made him so angry he put on a clown noise and yelled

Honk honk he ha well i guess i guess i’m just gonna have to stream with germa because i want that to happen germa is an incredible streamer can you imagine that the germa vox akuma collab i’m collecting a small like [ __ ] fortune in netherright trying to just find my way out [ __ ]

Get me out of here come on there we are all righty then i am lost again ivy and lily thank you for the super ivy of course you can have a kiss good luck with your work and lily thank you very much take a little break and going on a vacation you

Haven’t done for a long time i’ll miss you oh goodbye lily i hope your trip rejuvenates you and makes you feel happy and healthy and boys love and taxation thank you for the super working on your report your uk division i’d like to ask your advice on the proper pronunciation the proper pronunciation

So inventory variants deferrals schedule 11 bonfi all right where the [ __ ] am i now where the [ __ ] have i got to where the [ __ ] did i get to jesus christ where the hell have i gotten off to where the [ __ ] am i going who the [ __ ] am i oh hello you missed My picnics mend my pickaxe please it is please my son he is very sick and down there i mean that’s too far for feather falling certainly i can go down there that’s fine get on that further down we go the closer we’ll get to another right

Oh don’t you dare don’t you dare push me swaying push me push me where am i going this time oh just where have i gone off to oh how did i end up here bloody [ __ ] all right like i genuinely i was planted in a random location in the nether my portal

Is in the middle of a [ __ ] hole all right listen i can find my old netherite farm or sort of the mine we were going to if i use coordinates so okay we’re not too far well not too far okay so it’s this way gotcha all right this is doable

So it’s in this direction specifically gotcha i can do that i can do this it’s easy easy easy peasy sylvain thank you very much all of your asmr streams are fun can i ask you which one is the most satisfying my favorite is the doctor one mm-hmm

Aaron thank you very much for the super as well what was my favorite asmr so far hmm i i think i did really well on the office one um but i wasn’t having as much fun personally because it was just really hot in my room uh so i guess

That’s gonna be an affecting factor in it um honestly it might have been the doctor one to be honest i had a lot of fun doing that and the first boyfriend one as well was really nice too because there was no pressure to be to be sussy but then again sassiness

Happens um organically for me like it’s not something i need to force myself to do oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t don’t do it don’t do it don’t let it be you don’t let it be you aha all right we must be close now we must be close now okay um

What the hell where am i now first boyfriend asmr was really really fun uh dr asmr was really fun officer was a [ __ ] great time very cathartic to be honest to just smack the [ __ ] out of people very cathartic to be honest just do whatever the [ __ ] i wanted on stream

So it must be down ah brilliant all right so we’re within range of a portal now yuki thank you for the super yuki yes um so all of my asmr are purely not entirely but somewhat improvised where i’ll have a prompt and some elements set up beforehand but uh

For a large portion of them yes i i come up with ideas sort of on the move and uh decide based on what kindred tell me they would like me to do and i’ll listen to chat and come up with fun things to say based on that yeah foxy berry

Dragon asmr oh my celia thank you i’d have to grab some like some coin you know what i mean i have to grab some coin trying to make some stairs here i have to grab some like some some money so i can be like

I guess if i was to do a dragon asmr i would be like smaug you know i’d be like i’d be like hang on let me let me let me do this they’d be like who are you and where do you come from barrel rider and i’d be like tinkling money the

Entire time i’d be like hang on i got my wallet where are my keys are my keys i don’t know my keys i don’t think i have any coins in my wallet either and i might not just be tinkling money being like who are you and where do you come from baggage queens

I don’t know i reckon if i did it i would struggle not to be thinking about lord of the rings the entire time but i would certainly try let’s say i’m a humongous dragon hey yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re not so close to the lava buddies take a few steps back you [ __ ]

Anyway um but yes i’d be sat there and i’d be some humongous dragon and you’ve walked into his lair and he says any any any and he’s like he’s like i haven’t smelt you before who are you and where do you come from [ __ ] glam rock freddy asmr superstar

I need you to perform maintenance on me or i’ll go a little sassy and i’ll and we’ll [ __ ] maybe you can be like a world of warcraft style dragon where i’m like human but with a dragon form or whatever i transform into a handsome young dragon dragon themed man but then cowardly

We should [ __ ] a real dragon with a dragon-sized penis all right what layer guys remind me what what depth i got to be at for netherright fifteen thank you guys ten all right here we go blackstone very nice 13 14 15. here we go oh he’s some food

There’s a food in me god damn there it is baby there’s some [ __ ] eggs do i have inventory for i do not hang on first bed of the day there’s more let’s [ __ ] go baby let’s [ __ ] go all right so where did where did i make the hall we had 15 12

Uh 13 14 15. okay so 14 15. perfect easy oh and it’s for of goodness gracious me it’s all gone to [ __ ] great googly moogly i guess we’ll have to pivot ah no ancient debris around here goodness me no couldn’t fathom it couldn’t fathom it milord no ancient debris for miles not

From miles and miles around panic thank you and nez thank you asmr which i ask you to do impressions i can do a bunch of those i can do a bunch of those the lane oh thank you they ask if we still have a chance to have a date

Stream i miss when your body was stuck in the car i would like to do another date stream yeah i feel like the asmr is a modern incarnation of that but i can definitely understand from the perspective of someone who doesn’t enjoy the saucier things in life it might be a little

Frustrating to only have one and not the other i’d like to do another date stream i’ll i’ll have a think about it all right and nothing around here i love your artwork by the way lalanne it’s very cute ladies thank you very much casually to

Ask if it’s okay if you can take off your harry and let me borrow it for a while all right simply because you are so nicely why not there you go why not alrighty and don’t mind if i do that’s a whole ingot right there baby do i like chokers absolutely i think

They’re very attractive why do you think i put one on vauxhand yoni thank you very much for the super sometimes yeah sometimes i’ll say something sometimes i’ll i’ll say something and i’ll think of an idea of something to say in an asmr stream and i’ll be like oh this will be good

And i say it and then i watch chat go like and then i what i just sit back and i’m like that was me after i blue balled everybody on the um in the officer one once when i implied that something was about to happen and then i just cut it

Off i was like oh [ __ ] fishing anything around here any ancient debris at all no rats what was mean oh grow up oh i can do what i like let’s be honest well i mean what’s a better way to live free in someone’s [ __ ] head that was my entire plan

Also you just got to obey youtube’s [ __ ] community guidelines and that’s what i did i’m a good boy i’m a good boy get me out of the lava i’m a good boy i would never break the rules and so when it was implied we reached two hours i

Was like all right time’s up thumbs up sex time wait a minute implicit off screen you know to be fair what i’m doing is i’m actually giving fuel to fanfic writers and fan artists to imagine what would the sex have been like you’ll have to imagine it then

You can you can treat me like a barbie girl touch my hair and dress me everywhere in any way that you would choose isn’t that better than having it happen for real i’m teasing you another spore stream maybe maybe i’ll get [ __ ] spore galactic adventures jump jungles

Yoshi no thank you cat thank you lynnway thank you you don’t live you don’t live rent-free i’m actively paying your rent yes you are yes you are janice a2z thank you very much for the supers guys hibiki thank you for those i could sleep you’ve been busy from the last week and

Missed you a lot i missed you too hibiki i definitely have to do another um zatsu scape at some point because i don’t know i just i just really i just really miss playing the game i’m thinking uh i might give up on my well not give up but just sort of retire

My ironman account for a little bit and go back to my main because there are some goals on there that i want to achieve and i feel like i might um i might sort of have more motivation to play the game again if i played my main and then i could work on

Some other goal like maybe woodcutting or just getting another 99 maybe slayer slayer would be a good one i’ve never been very i’ve never been very motivated to do slayer even though it’s a very good money maker no debri linwood thank you for the super oh you got a tooth i’m sorry

Rose vox’s beard and ivy thank you very much the red rope shown around your neck um is the red rope shown around your neck and feet wrapped around you in a turtle or diamond pattern binding sabrina clothing thank you very much um i will neither confirm nor deny

If you’d like for me to look like that i mean who am i who am i to take that away from you you can you shout your name like how leroy jenkins charged into that one dungeon oh what a classic what a classic gamer moment that was

Went down in history they even added him to hearthstone leroy god such an incredible man time’s up let’s do this oh my god he just ran in the hell i didn’t go anywhere nothing happened what the [ __ ] the black stone yeah we better but we to change course all right um oh

Don’t mind if i [ __ ] do only one only one okay okay oh wait i’m sorry i didn’t arrive late i’m sorry that i have no cake to feed you with no debris all right we got five that ain’t bad we got five not bad at all let’s head back And you never know we might notice a little bit more on our way back how did you [ __ ] get in here so sorry thank you for the arka super i saw your tweet about the vr you have planned to make a vox tv vr model

Yes i would like to i actually i don’t know who it is that makes those vr models but if i can commission them i will i want to have a funny little funny little vr box and i want to [ __ ] around with my friends and get full body

Tracking and everything i i booted up vr the other day and god i had so much fun i i need to say where back when i had my v more permanent vr setup i played beatsaber a lot i was really addicted to beat saber and i was actually pretty good at it um

I mean i tried it again and i’m out of practice definitely but i mean i don’t know if you guys i’ve be i i i could comfortably beat any song on expert and i could comfortably and i was comfortable beating a few songs on expert plus as well

Yan chestnut thank you for the arkansas you worked really hard today my internet is 4g so we found solen’s farm interesting my internet is 4g but my heart is for you thank you i love you too michelle mobile thank you for the super i’ll see if i can pencil you in

Oh look at that look at that beautiful castle oh it’s gorgeous oh it’s fantastic oh oh Any plans on another sleepy asmr maybe maybe i’d like to do that sort of um because that might that i could sort of run like a bit of a zatsudan maybe i could just do that sort of whenever see clips sadena and rip gloves thank you very much

You can beat my big saber don’t beat it don’t beat it please that sounds painful so you know i love you too echo thank you for the super and alicia thank you very much Okie dokie what are we doing now never right we got another right where’s my that’s we got a uh you shall not cook you are also a foof of a toot as the one of these had coal in it oh [ __ ] one red thank you very much for the super

A chance of a quest to acquire mangrove wood mangrove trapdoors might look like the mask on the walls if you ever decide to dive into interior decorating i’m going to be honest both of those sound like these nuts jokes i’m on high alert at the moment [ __ ] oh ah sorry stretch

Now where did i leave my other ancient debris lynn thank you very much There’s my smithing table i did have another ancient debris knocking around in here but i can’t remember where i put it there it is oh another right scrap rather we go wondering what i should do should we upgrade armor perhaps pilcat thank you very much spoiling a little bit about its progress

It is being made uh and we have actors on board we have um a completed script and we have the art is uh almost finished its planning stages so probably probably i would say uh difficult to say but definitely this year it is a quite a sizable project and i’m

Very excited about it i i i wouldn’t i wouldn’t dream of spoiling it i would never dream of spoiling a single thing about it i just i hope that none of you see me differently how do you make this is it gold nugget how do you do it there you go

Well i won’t i won’t say more than that and that’s more than i should have said um apparently my hands and knees aren’t the only thing all falls for you compared to your rice purity you’re rocking a 22. fair enough you’ve been around yeah yeah thank you for the super oh

Sorry something really bad happened but i hope you feel better soon do we make a netherright sword do we make armor hmm chest plate does look good although i kind of feel like the sword would be a better idea pilcat and sardonic thank you very

Much oh the new mom is was the warden added in this patch i didn’t even know oh you know what i was thinking i should probably do a stream i should probably do a stream where i play um not play what i do is i go through various different quizzes

So i was thinking what i would do is What i would do what the [ __ ] am i trying to say what i what i would do is go through rice purity which i’ve already done a bunch of times uh mbti aneagram love languages and any others any others you guys can think of what happened to the brilliant stream we

Just never got poems for it um i just never responded to our email but you know you never know it might happen eventually should i go for sword big five personality test that could be good the bdsm test already done that but then that was a while ago maybe you guys

Have changed my mind on some things who knows i’ll definitely do the bdsm test again looting two sharpness two and let’s see if we can’t well i’m on level 16. let’s see if i can’t get something um oh yeah i forget because this has mending on it

Right i don’t want to break another right thingy yeah my uh when i did the bdsm test before in my minecraft stream with uh with mister the results are very one-sided i’m very aware of what i like oh rip gloves you’re a funny one

An iq test oh my god i feel like my iq would be kind of low honestly i’m not good at math not good at science not good at like recognizing patterns terrible at puzzles my eq might be all right though but then how do you how do how do you

Put a test on an emotional intelligence surely that’s like not something you can test ordinarily wondering if i can add some enchantments to it no you can’t like re-enchant a sword um channeling loyalty punch sharpness three oh efficiency three piercing hmm let’s have a look

Let’s have a look at what that is in the shop oh multi-shot depth straight up nope protection for 33 emeralds [ __ ] that [Applause] mangrove wood is a new update interesting maybe i can have a look for it it sounds nice this service existed for a while so we’d

Have to explore for quite a distance [ __ ] come here come here give me a taste give me a piece of that that’s what i thought all right uh i’m gonna just i reckon all um i don’t want to give up daddy long dick just landed in l.a

Or do i hm let’s make a new diamond sword or a bit of a masochist are we ooh interesting that’s great to hear oh enriquez haven that’s very sweet as well tech speed i can type pretty fast i’ve been typing a long time [ __ ] i played runescape when it

Came out [ __ ] i was selling lobster outside varrock west bank decades ago my typing is fast as hell although my current keyboard is actually pretty broke i’ll do a typing test when i get a new keyboard this keyboard is a little busted i don’t know what happened to it to be

Honest it just sort of like started rusting up on me the instant i got it i’ve got a load of desk space i could probably get a bigger keyboard okay and i’m sorry you had a horrible final exam so invented thank you for the super little keys

Look he’s a blessing of course you can of course of course of course Let’s grab some diamonds damn okey-dokey let’s make a new sword sword See what we can enchant it with kinoko thank you for the super ichigowashi i’ve nev i’ve never met zezima now unfortunately my middle thank you for the superstar i always knew of him i never met him and yes maybe my typing maybe my typing is fast because i’m just so good with my

Fingers but i mean you know who’s to say really ivy really that’s that’s very is very interesting did you also know that it actually says gullible on the ceiling any plan for purely aftercare asmr that is an interesting one then maybe you could play that back to back with a more saucy one

Okay let’s see what enchantments are available on this bad boy hang on not that one this one sweeping edge what does sweeping edge do guys raise this the damage dealt to mobs from by each hat hit from a sweep attack so sweeping uh sleeping edge three if i

Do a sweep attack it does 75 percent more damage that ain’t bad not bad at all sabrina clawton thank you very much they always put you in a zen state ah consider doing a guided meditation hmm that is a nice idea i used to listen to guided meditations all the time

Yuko thank you for the super as well oh congratulations on your anniversary that sounds lovely uh i think i’ll stick with daddy long dick yes all right av forks thank you very much yeah i used to listen to this guy what’s his name i think his name was aja shanti

He did like these these these guided meditations and stuff like that he was just a dude who seemed to have some some very bizarre life experiences and like talked about uh shamans and [ __ ] like that i i never really understood any of it he was very spiritual i just

Listened to her and i was like wow it’s very relaxing oh use guided meditation would be really good what it’s like or maybe hypnotherapy you know or i can be like and now you and i are winding down into a different realm of pure unavoidable and beautiful relaxation allow yourself

To let go of the stresses of the day allow yourself to remove yourself from anything that may be worrying you and remember that in this time there are no dangers there are no stresses there is only yourself there is only time i want you to imagine

That you are at the top of a long staircase and at the foot of that staircase there is a place that you desire to be we will begin by taking one step at a time take the first step down the staircase feeling yourself descending further and further into a realm

Where you feel more relaxed take the second step and feel as though the stresses and worries that you experience in your day-to-day life are further away than you remember them being with the third step you begin to feel your body weakening and untensing as the rest of life

Begins to feel easier to manage on the fourth step you notice that you aren’t as worried about the things that might have been worrying you today as well on the fifth step a minecraft zombie starts making a lot of really loud noises and kind of ruins the whole experience i’m sorry

Yeah i reckon i do well with that if i had a script i was remembering i used to have a hypnotherapy cd because i used to have um really bad anxiety and couldn’t sleep uh and i used to have um i had hypnotherapy for a little bit and that was sort of

What the little cd they gave me to sleep with was like it was like winding down into a realm of relaxation all that kind of stuff it’s a little weird but you know it works when you’re listening to it 49 [ __ ] i enjoyed in your last stream when you call us a puppy

I know you did already thank you thank you very much jericho thank you very much for the supers guys lovely to see it kamaki thank you [ __ ] i’m mimir pilcat thank you for the super just finished moving to another place two very energetic cats i like cats very much i i can’t decide

If i want to get a cat or a dog at some point i can’t wait for one day to be on stream and say like hey guys welcome back to the stream i have a guest and then i bring up and then i’m like say hello to [ __ ]

[ __ ] boy and then you hear like both would be hilarious but i don’t know if i have the space for that my new space is big but it’s perfect for one it’s big for one person more than that i feel like it might get a little cramped

Nez read the fnaf law to you it was in the early 1970s that william afton and his business partner henry emily decided to found the fredbear’s family diner but do you see this william guy well he’s bad news william afton i don’t actually can’t remember my mind’s gone blank

His name is william grafton i need some iron please oh Hey all right i’m hungry but i don’t want to leave stream alone jade oracle oral co interesting giving good night kisses uncle papa sparks by coldplay i’ll give that a listen i can’t really remember that one will i name my pet kindred now i’m named my roomba kindred

Should have arrived a little bit ago actually let me check [Laughter] yes the roomba is here what i want for lunch i have some noodles i have some noodles so i would need to like pop in and i need to like you know boil the kettle and everything

And that’s like more time that i want to spend away from people you know it gives us strength i’ve talked to other members of niji about this it gives us all a lot of anxiety and we start to get hungry on stream because it’s just the thing that when you take a

Break a lot of people stop watching the stream and that you know for us we have to worry about that we really do have to be pretty considerate of oh i’ve had an anvil in here this whole time jesus christ Let’s get some diamonds zillion thank you very much for the super and shannon as well astica thank you i bought a monkey doll because baba is so cute i hesitate to name and call him baba it’s a cute way to call xiaoha would you like to give me some advice

I’m not sure what else you could call a monkey okay okay there’s another significant monkey character in uh the campaign so baba’s ex-wife is called bingi and ba and and bingi’s new assistant who is also one of baba’s best friends is called nug as in like chicken nugget

So either of those is good and the king monkey is called gumbo you can call him that if you want bingie yes b-i-n-g-y that’s his ex-wife bingi and nugg have the same dynamic as cronk and isma from the emperor’s new groove bingi is a very talented but very

Frustrated sort of engineer and then nug is a massive himbo who’s a lovely person but as a sidekick to the villain it’s [ __ ] fantastic yes this implies the existence of a monkey wedding and a monkey and a monkey divorce too all right netherright sword lovely

Baba had a wife yes but then they wound up entering some legal trouble you’ll learn all of this in baba’s debut which i have been preparing for for a little bit and hopefully you’ll get a chance to see it soon he’s nervous poor baba monkey divorce lawyer it implies monkey

Divorce lawyers it implies monkey court it implies monkey a lot of things i would also like to say not as a spoiler but one of the main dilemmas that we faced near the end of the campaign was who baba was going to end up with bubba [ __ ] more than anyone else in the

Entire dnd campaign which is fantastic to me i i wouldn’t have it any other way no no no i’m not me me personally i am single baba my pet monkey he [ __ ] baba has been married and is now divorced ugh More mining just need to relax for a bit and allow of course you can get some get some rest and chew foil i thank you for the roses what would baba’s rice purity scorpion you know to be honest it’ll probably be lower than mine obama’s been in trouble with the law [Laughter]

It’ll probably be vastly lower than mine that’s very interesting baba would be in the negative apart from like those few at the bottom that are very like horrible with that innocent little face yes yes baba’s been around ah he did steal a ps5 yes you guys know the image uh the meme of

Like the dude who’s who’s taking a selfie and it says divorce selfie and there’s just you could see like one woman next to him who’s ignoring him and then of what looks like a divorce lawyer behind a behind a desk just looking very like offended by the whole

Situation i want to i want to redraw that with baba a rice purity test for baba that would be excellent i will definitely do that ah get the diamonds Is there an application to join baba’s harem possibly you never know i don’t think i don’t think he’d i don’t think he’d uh he’d really be interested in turning anyone down yes buoyancy baba has been married and divorced it’s insane celia thank you for the super Is baba single and ready to mingle well i shouldn’t i shouldn’t spoil the ending of the story did i see the fan art of the officer and me french kissing i did and it was extremely hot what is baba’s love language oh my god i don’t know

What are the five love languages let me check let me have a look five love languages i know there’s i know there’s quality time and there’s physical touch and there’s all of that there’s words of affirmation acts of service receiving gifts quality time and physical touch um for baba i don’t know

Baba bdsm test maybe not hmm thank you very much to jilan for the super nyla thank you very much Is barbara a top or a bomb i’d like to imagine he’s a top he’s too self-centered he wouldn’t want he wouldn’t want to see himself in that way even if he had interest in being a bottom i don’t think he’d want to let himself he’s got an ego bubba

Projecting well i mean you know he is my character baba’s top three favorite positions now you’re taking it a little too far does baba have kids no not yet anyway maybe he will eventually what about me for the love language i haven’t taken the test in a long long time

Not in a long time although i think i think my love language is quality time i think in my love language is quality time but i’m not sure maybe it’s changed i must have taken it like a good five or so years ago and things change in five years

Baba’s maya’s bro baba is is pure unfiltered entp absolutely that’s baba 100 at entp either entp or enfp he’s either a whimsical an artistic entp or a very selfish and and and guarded enfp i think one of those one of those tnf is kind of like on the border because he’s an

Artist he’s a bard he loves music but also um but also he can be quite cynical and he’s very sort of brutally honest to a fault there’s a point i won’t tell you which character it’s with but there’s a point during like the one of the final fights

In the campaign where baba just goes off on somebody he’s like you [ __ ] [ __ ] like he’s he’s just he just lost his mind when someone said something that pissed him off what about you last time i took the test i was enfj Baba’s bds everyone’s asking about baba’s bdsm test results oh god who’s baba for people who don’t know while i was away i’ve been posting pictures of my of this monkey plushie that i have um bitter girl thank you very much i sleep well so for those of you who

Don’t know who might be joining us a little bit late baba is a character in a d campaign that i was a part of very shortly it finished uh just a couple of weeks ago and it took place over the course of a good few months there were

Quite a few sessions to this d campaign and my character was a barred rogue hybrid called baba he was a monkey and his backstory for those of you who aren’t aware is that baba uh is a pretty genius inventor and he while going to this monkey university called the school of

Um well it’s the school for ultimate simians abbreviated as simply as sus uh the school of sus he um he went there met this beautiful young young young monkey and they fell in love her name was bingbi and they worked together on this unique type of musical instrument

Called the gods bongos and gods is an acronym it stands for gyro operated drums dash sword this was because baba’s parents wanted him to become a rogue in life you know their family come from a long line of rogues but baba was interested in music he aspired to be like his idol voodoo

The bard who was a big long lanky lanky chimpanzee who is a very proficient musician and a guardian of the aggressor isles where monkeys are from and so baba thought well i want to respect my parents but i have to be a bard and so he worked on this weapon so

That he could be both he could work as a bard and also as a rogue with this belt that manages to hold both weapons and instruments all at once and it was a beautifully crafted piece of a piece of handiwork a beautifully crafted invention however while they were making it together binky

You know also a very talented engineer who helped him build it but while they were doing so and while they were in love baba’s eyes they sort of he he let his guard down for a little too long nekosaka thank you for the thank you for

The super he let his guard down a little too long and then at the end of it he realized that bingi she had put a patent on the gods bun goes behind his back had told him nothing about this this this is not a spoiler this is all

Backstory this is all baba law and you’ll get you’ll get his version of it when he does his debut and so full copyright ownership of this musical breakthrough belonged entirely to bingi and none to baba baba was legally labeled as a fraud he was shamed out of the school of suss

Shamed away by the king of the of the egrestal isles to retreat to the untouched town which lay in the center of the four different realms of this land and where there he realized that he had nothing left he’d given everything to this one woman that he loved and she’d taken it all

They divorced and baba was left in rags with nothing but the original bongos around his belt and now he and now at the start of the adventure he sits in a tavern getting boozy and hoping to forget about the pain that’s baba’s that’s baba’s story that’s that’s that’s that’s where it begins yeah

But baba’s story does have a happier ending and you’ll hear about it one day i want to do a whole stream which to be honest the campaign is so long i might wind up just being sat there doing a whole like 16-hour audio book reading um

But if i write something down you know i’ll basically just read it like an audio book like a fireside chat while i beg and this is the story of baba the bard nexus thank you very much agent uh asteriskey thank you for the super there was once a failed attempt at making a

Not safe work pinball machine it was called zingy bingy well i guess that’s what she was named after can i kin baba absolutely baba respects anyone who kills him definitely you can you could even you could even change your pronouns to be like barbara i think he would understand that

My pronouns are baba babas baba baba self bubba kenny’s rise up it makes me very happy and it also makes the other members of the campaign super happy because obviously it was just you know some some friends sitting around a kitchen table some friends sitting around a kitchen

Table you know with little to no resources to make it with and now suddenly baba’s getting a load of fan art made of him it’s really cool baba has his own fans he’s probably got more fans than me to be honest baba’s your new oshie yes i have a

I haven’t had much time to get ready for baba’s debut so it’s not it’s still in the early stages but i want to be able to do it soon i think it’d be really funny okay lots of iron interesting I really want to get lost there’s not much to find down here i’ve already got enough diamonds to last me a lifetime kamiyoshi baba oh my god yeah can you imagine that like if there were any kindred who had their own dnd campaign and they had a cameo

From baba showing up at one point that would make me so happy it’s also funny because i’d start we had started this campaign um i believe i believe after i had debuted and people started calling me daddy i now only just realized that baba means means father or

Dad or papa or daddy in chinese which is really funny so it means that even before debut people were calling me daddy technically when they referred to me as baba i’d be like yes is baba my oshie nah he’s my mate he’s my buddy i’m not his oshie and he isn’t mine

We’re just equals [Laughter] god baba but the thing about barbara is that like his his eyes are always they sort of built in such a way that they’re always looking at you they’re always like it looks like he’s always staring at you and so there are the amount of times

Where like the dm would be going off doing some description of something and uh the person sat next to me would see that i would kind of like i’d kind of like my favorite part of the campaign is the fact that i just got to cuddle this monkey plushy the entire time

But there was this there there was this moment or like a lot of moments where i’d kind of have like his mouth under my arm like i’d sort of like hold him close to me and i would put my arm over his mouth and his head would

Kind of duck forward a bit and so the person sat next to me would look over and see bubba giving them a [ __ ] kubrick stare baba at the peak of his derangement i think this isn’t my cave i actually think i got a picture of that at one point i zoomed in

While we were at center parks and i took a picture of baba and he was doing a kubrick stair it was really scary abyssal flower thank you for the super planning on meeting the warden in minecraft okay i mean that would be an interesting break from building um how

How difficult is it to find the warden where is he lily you dreamt about me and baba doing asmr together that is a dream come true i reckon barbara be good at asmr does baba have cake he actually does recently um uh the the member of the

Campaign who made baba’s coat sort of um stitched it up a little bit better so that it was kind of like more form-fitting but what it did is it squished some of the stuffing so that it looks like so bubba actually has a really fat ass now

The stuffing sort of got squished around his waist and it got pushed out at the back so yeah baba’s got a really fat butt yo bb thank you for the super big kiss before i go to work of course you can good luck at work today

I want to see the cake all right i’ll get a picture of baba when i get the chance i’ll get the picture of baba’s cake thank you for the super enjoy the time you read poetry will there be more i definitely need to do another reading

Stream i’ll try doing one next week i think that’ll be nice i’ll try and figuring out something i can read the biggest problem is the with a language barrier and also the fact that works in public domain tend to be old you know it’s it’s it can be quite

Difficult to find works that have english that’s easy to understand you know for people who don’t necessarily speak english i mean we ran into that with um i can’t remember what it was we read it on the first date stream but it was very complicated english like i was confused

As well and i can imagine that it must it might have been a little overwhelming for people you know oscar wilde oh picture of dorian gray now i would do an entire reading of that book if i had the chance it’s a wonderful story not wonderful it’s horrifying but it’s very good

All right let’s get back to building i reckon fredonia thank you tommy reeves we read edgar allan poe as one of the first stories that we one of the first streams i ever did it was on christmas day i read um i read some edgar allan poe we read the

Raven we read um uh the black cat all kinds of works like that ivy thank you very much for the super i actually haven’t read the little prince um if i had the child if people wanted me to i guess i guess i could give it a go

All right let’s get this part done hi fellas i’ve decided i am too hungry i am going to go quickly brew myself some noodles so i’m going to go put the kettle on i’ll just kind of like run back and forth and keep chatting to you guys while i make it okay

I’ll be back in just two seconds guys okay the kettle’s on you know what i’m gonna do i’m just gonna turn my noise gate off so that you guys can just hear the sounds of me making my noodles i reckon that might be fun hold on there you go

And also a miracle new microphone the mic was the problem the buzzing in the microphone is gone because i’ve got a new one so now i can move it around without worrying about it okay guys listen listen i really like this new place because the doors are like

Super heavy listen it sounds super fancy listen oh fancy Ah goodness me it’s not quite as hot out in the corridor oh fancy it’s nice having my own space i got to just stand up and walk around we no i’m gonna go get i’m gonna go get bobber as well we’ve been talking about baba so much today might as well

Here he is I’m just gonna sit him on the sit on the desk all right kettle’s boiled so no funny i’m back i’m back and i got baba i got some noodles and i’m ready to continue the adventure yes everybody you’ve met your oshibaba here he is in the flesh baba what do you

Have to say the noodles aren’t finished they are currently cooking uh right here they’re in a little pot okey dokey thank you very much thank you very much okie dokie i think i want to transition into tile for this next part okey dokey this is looking good it’s looking pretty good

Ayakon thank you very much for the aka super yeah reading asmr would be pretty good i’d like to go back to one no no what do you mean i’m a summer cute silly man shut your mouth shut your mouth i ain’t cute at all

I may i say this on every asmr stream it will never change it will never change the way you guys see me i guess i will just be adorable forever oh well i can’t have it all i can i suppose i can cope i suppose i can cope with being cute

It’s not all bad hmm yeah celia you you liked the the shakespeare play i did with pumu it was a lot of fun i really really enjoyed that stream we spent ages like like working on how the [ __ ] we were gonna do that it took a

While but we got there i i really really enjoyed that one i thought it was super fun yes all right shut up slack ignis good luck at work don’t be goofing off spending your hard-earned money on super chats oh yeah there we go there we go oh [ __ ] i’ve fallen

And i might be able to get up hey guys is this what good [ __ ] sounds like okay wait it’s not making any sound you can’t hear it never mind i just got my noodles i thought it was gonna be like will there be another scp reading stream

Oh you never know that might be a lot of fun i’ll have to see lynn thank you very much rip gloves thank you lynnwood thank you chan thank you [ __ ] dudes be afraid to moan but i’m ba but i be in your ear like vox akuma when he sees a microphone

I got some spicy noodles i’m a big fan of spice i like spicy things i like spicy people you guys are spicy ellen sayer my thank you who wears the sunglasses i do i do bubba doesn’t need them he’s used to hotter climates i’m not gracie lee thank you for the arca super Benny benny thank you for the super as well would you ever consider doing a sherlock holmes reading stream it all depends on what’s in or not in the public domain so i would have to check but if it is i mean i’m pretty sure those are some old books you never

Know we might be able to do some sherlock holmes gifted members from benny benny thank you very very much for that and the arka super lovely to see that thank you so much hey where this is relaxing you’re sort of accepting that you’ve got

A lot left to build and so you just kind of get stuck in you know what is a movie that genuinely scares me hmm well horror movies in general they tend to sort of like they make you jump and they thrill you but then after that they don’t really do much i’ll tell

You one thing that genuinely [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me though not really that scary of a film what what’s it called scary stories to tell in the dark the pale woman from that film jesus christ what were they thinking putting that in a film for kids

Holy [ __ ] i am a grown ass man right everybody knows this i’m a grown-ass man a very old man at that scary stories to tell in the dark innocent though like whoo spooky halloween kind of thing and then all of a sudden you have this one scene where what is it

That happens this kid like he hears the prophecy he’s like you’re gonna die when you’re caught in a red room by yourself and they’re like all right well we’ll well it’s like all right well um you know okay so we’ll both will both go into the room and you can stay out here

Where it’s safe and he’s like okay and then suddenly boom boom the red room the lights in the room that the kids stayed in turn red and this big fat lady with a terrifying face just starts just appears doesn’t run doesn’t run just appears in different

Corners of the room and there and every time he turns a corner it’s that and he stops he stops trying to run he just stands there and this woman hugs him and he’s consumed by it and it’s never brought up again that scared the living [ __ ] daylights out of me

Why would you put that in a film i mean yeah it worked it’s scary but an nc16 film kind of aimed at kids you know i was expecting it you know like it is it is a spook it’s kind of spooky it’s got some jump scares in it but it’s like

Appropriate for sort of teenagers to watch you know did that that caught me so i left field i was like you know it’s it’s really scary and i had nightmares i did that film gave me [ __ ] nightmares it did It’s called scary stories to tell in the dark spooky [ __ ] film with this pale ass lady in it scared the [ __ ] out of me Nah she didn’t look funny she looked [ __ ] scary nah that was scary but then again i think what everyone finds scary is different there was a really good series actually on youtube um a couple of years ago um by a group of a group of film reviewers i can’t

Remember who started it um but it was like a lot of youtube film reviewers like ralph the movie maker yms all those kind of people it was like what scared you when you were a kid and a lot of them took it really seriously and they kind of delivered a really interesting

Little series of reviews on films that scared them one of my favorites was ralph who said yeah no i watched genuine horror movies as a kid all the time i watched it all the time i watched silent hill i watched sore i watched everything none of it scared me do you what did

Scare him barney the purple [ __ ] dinosaur scared the [ __ ] out of him no matter how how how hardened he was to horror barney the purple dinosaur just just just i think that’s the funniest [ __ ] i’ve ever heard and then for yms it was what’s his name

Uh it was the goo monster slime anyone barney the purple dinosaur is not scary i can imagine finding him mildly creepy when you’re an infant but also if you’re good against actual horror why is barney scary barney was my oshie of course he was i guess who can issue whoever did those

Illustrations clearly hates children exactly right stars are shine thank you all those years ago when i was a kid i was very sensitive very sensitive to anything scary if i read those if they were out when i was when i was when i was a baby good lord

Wouldn’t have been able to sleep for weeks how am i doing this then i guess we’ll just go up a little bit higher yes baby baby demon baby vox scared by scary stories to tell in the dark hey gremlin thank you very much uh any more time yes

Let me crack into my noodles and have it cooled down a bit Oh wow oh god i was hungry so anyway thank you very much yeah yeah the teletubbies get the [ __ ] out of you damn cruise pool thank you ichigo ashi thank you i mean dusk till dawn is about like vampires isn’t it if you’re like six i can imagine that would scare you

Yeah we’re really getting there with this aren’t we making a load of progress today consider that option uh because you’re in that room in the ac doesn’t work probably because you’re way too smoking hot thank you rib gloves uh maybe maybe i am maybe it’s hot in here or maybe it’s just me

Sit up in my lap baba yeah it’s probably just the heat in general to be honest like no matter how fast my air conditioner works it we are in a heat wave at the moment we are if you shut all your windows the heat will pass through the windows if you

Shut the blinds then you’ll trap all the heat being generated inside don’t do that hmm i’ve also thought uh you know how with uh sort of uh japanese or asian castle architecture you sort of have i’m unsure of how you’d describe it they’re sort of like um the tiered roof almost

You guys know what i’m talking about um i’m thinking you see everywhere that there’s like an extra layer we’ll add one we’ll add like one of those sort of side roofs on the side uh and then one on the front as well i think that’ll give it because right now it doesn’t

Look very japanese inspired it looks more european and so i’ll definitely try and add a little bit of that flavor to it if i can can you guys tell me what tell me like is there a special word for what those are it’s 44 degrees centigrade that’s hot more noodles

Okay baba you better sit over there i don’t want to drop any on you you’re an expensive monkey i don’t want to get you damaged he’s also one of a kind that’s hot uh avap thank you for letting me know yeah i’ll i’ll chat with um landlord and

See if i can’t get anything figured out mabus flick thank you for the super i am having a lovely day it’s nice to hang out with my kindred eating and moaning not quite i mean these noodles are nice but they’re not that nice they’re good but they’re not like orgasmic

Mina lunamis thank you very much yeah it’s not quite food wars but they are good it’s just a pot noodle it’s a bombay bad boy pot noodle okie dokie so i reckon from here what i’ll do is i’ll run around and add stairs and then we’ll start building a roof

Amir thank you very much i’m sorry you’ve got a fever but i hope you feel better soon lovely just delightful any cup noodles good in the uk if it’s good cup noodle it’s probably imported to be honest there are some really nice asian supermarkets here that have um imported noodles don’t do that

Hang on i hope i’m hungry i hope these have cooled down a little bit perfect temperature lovely which noodles do i usually buy i like i like mama i like mama uh chicken cup noodle that’s like my comfort noodle if i can get it um there was this old brankle big bowl that

They stopped selling at my local market a little while ago but now that i’ve moved i’ve got to find a new market so i’ll have to see if they have any big bowl i like fur i like i like fur if i can get it as well

Yeah mama noodles are very very nice nissin as well um i like garlic chicken uh flavored noodles i like sesame chicken flavored noodles let’s get going with some of these indomie is very good i hadn’t tried it before mika um showed me it but it’s really good

Although i did have to eat around the egg i’m not the biggest fan of egg ow got some broth on me damn ah that’s nice there are three creepers on the kitchen [ __ ] off i’m getting an idea get an idea for a collab stream i’d like i think i might have mentioned

This before i’d like once the castle is finished so restart five minutes no i’d like to do a um you know eva no name thank you very much to the supers i’d like to do a dinner party here i would like to invite every as many members of new gn as can come

And i want to sort of have a bit of a murder mystery or something silly that happens like there’s just some random [ __ ] that transpires and i shall be the gracious host of the castle something happens to me oh you gotta figure out what happened that might be fun

God it’s [ __ ] hot in here ah ever tried spicy korean bulldog i have it’s not that bad i have quite a high spice tolerance so i mean the spiciest the spiciest part of bulldog is when it comes out of you it’s spicy on the way in and spicy on the way out

My [ __ ] burns secret passages off stream oh summerley thank you for the super that is a very interesting idea oh my goodness because i mean look at this there can be so many [ __ ] rooms in here so many rooms for passages to pass between we’re almost there

After this the entire castle will have an interior i only just realized that’s that’s kind of a big big step forward oh we should i need more noodle i need more food i’m hungry ah good soup i think i’ll go out for dinner tonight yeah i think i’ll go out

Try some new food go online see if i can’t find some reviews for a nice place and just kind of turn up and have something brand new thank you for the super you can double click a block facing the block you want um Oh really is that how that works hang on huh i think i i think i may have misunderstood the instruction double click uh maybe with the torches out of my hand oh the mouse oh that’s cool [ __ ] you [ __ ] sharpness two on a nether right sword still takes three hits to kill the

Creeper [ __ ] me onyo one of the noodles ran down me no last time you’re in the uk you tried spanish tapas i haven’t had tapas in a long time hmm makilol middlemaster no worries thank you very much for the clarification ah is it back up seems like one person is on there what

The hell have i missed this did somebody join no it’s just me can we be that noodle yes just drop down my humongous chest dribble pathetically onto my trousers where i’ll then pick you up and devour you oh this looks good oh this looks good oh

This is nice oh this is very nice deep we’re getting there gamers we’re getting close the castle will be finished before you know it and then we can actually move on to the inner rooms oh it’s gonna be a beautiful glorious day it’s gonna be a glorious day when the

Castle itself the whole thing is sound and beautiful from the outside and then on the inside who knows what you might find so yes tomorrow we will finally be having our hereditary watch along quite early and i was originally not going to do a stream that day because i had plans but

Those plans fell through and so i am going to be playing i mean the plans fell through because i got my valve index and i’m [ __ ] excited so we’re gonna jump straight back into fnaf help wanted and actually try and make some progress in the game ugh

Tomorrow is a horror day indeed it is what the hell guys i’ve gotta i’ve gotta tidy this place up gotta light it up i want my torches i’ll figure out a more permanent lighting solution later on god it’s so big it’s so big i built that this game is great i’ll build that

Engineer tf2 engineer thank you [ __ ] dare there you go thank you very much to dina for the super or diner i recently worked in a government department i’m still in the adaptation period to get a little anxious oh you’re gonna get there eventually okay all of these things all these things are

Just a part of life and everyone deals with them in their own way at some point so please try not to worry too much and remember that you know the world is gonna be kinder to you than you think it is good luck okay getting boobers deleted soon oh cool

Tattooing my chest but need help deciding on shapes hearts stars or normal circles normal circles well first of all congratulations and uh second of all hmm well i mean you know be being as into myself as i am i i wouldn’t be representing my best

Interest if i didn’t say maybe get a vox akama demon oshie mark tattooed to your chest that would look pretty sexy i’m just going to be honest harry potter casts a spell titus deletus benny benny thank you super can’t watch horror films oh no i’m sorry but i hope

Um i hope you can enjoy also there will be trigger warnings in chat because apparently hereditary is a really just horrific film it’s just awful which is what i want i want to watch something that’s terrifying but you know some people don’t know they need to be warned

And benny benny 20 more gifted memberships thank you i was tempted to ask ask people to include their pronouns um in their youtube name if they would want to so that i know whether to call them a good boy or girl although i know a lot of people like

Sweet thing as sort of like a more gender neutral term and i like it too believe me don’t you [ __ ] do it oh you rat [ __ ] you attention seeking [ __ ] tension sneaking little [ __ ] all right oh it’s so close to being finished do you know what i kind of want to put

Some glow some glowstone up here just like so we can light up the place from from below kathy choo choo i have to go to what oh no make sure you bring an umbrella you are you prefer you prefer i call you daddy fat [ __ ] chance keep dreaming

Ever will you ever watch my resident evil stream there’s only one daddy in this house although i admire the attempt all right what am i doing now glowstone yes Where would i have left glow star i know i’ve got some just have to figure out where the [ __ ] i put it um i probably just walked past it like a thousand times um wait is that it closer that’s perfect perfect when there’s more there’s more more close to fantastic that’ll be enough

I don’t have time to organize my chest i’m an architect i’m trying to bilge bilge like water smooth like butter i’m excited i have some more nudes delightful yes eva punk can’t bring myself to get rid of vox’s sweet thing hmm i could say you’re a good boy in that

Case but if you like sweet thing then by all means i’m not really i’m not i don’t really have a taste for any i mean well it’s not that i don’t have a taste uh it’s not that i don’t have it oh no for a particular pet i think that was my

Keyboard [ __ ] up honestly it felt like it i have taste for pet names people would want to call me when it comes to you you can be called whatever you would like we are so close oh my goodness stained glass is an idea yeah i want to

Add a stained glass window to the front i think that’d be pretty pog Kindred you are my superstars None of you are sus do not worry there we go we’re almost done please tell me i’ve got more yeah i do yay forgetting to use the middle mouse thing already lovely [ __ ] ideal mate did it turn and that is the roof the roof of akuma castle is complete frozen mushroom good night

That is your job sir oh thank you very much this place is looking pretty fancy i have to say A lot of monsters chilling out around here you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god literally right as i was feeling the satisfaction of having finished something oh god all right i guess i guess our next step along the along the path is figuring out what the [ __ ] to do about

All these monsters and i’ll light this place up hey yeah yeah yeah wow this place already feels fancy now that it’s all inside just gonna figure out how to light it up all right don’t need that don’t need that all right the yami thank you for the super you

Know attempt to draw me with shoto later oh you’re more than welcome to i’d love to check that out thank you all right you sons of [ __ ] come out with your [ __ ] hands up that’s what i thought [ __ ] oh and of course he’s chilling in the walls that’s where they’re coming from

Oh that’s right yeah yeah you guys hide there yeah you stay there stay there [ __ ] jesus christ jesus christ temporary [ __ ] solution there we go i have one less brick than it ah look at that look at that look at it it’s it’s one brick left [ __ ] me mate oh

All right i’ll just grab this one ah just going to need a small army of torches where i put this over here wasn’t it it was outside yes let’s light this [ __ ] up and i don’t mean i’m gonna shoot it because that would be quite upsetting after i built it um

Uh mika nagi thank you very much for the super good night my lord i actually have an exam the day after tomorrow and tomorrow i will try to review half a book in one day [ __ ] good luck with that that sounds like a good good golden set for yourself

Instead of having my hands go up can i make something else go up well listen listen i’m only asking you to put your hands up so i can tie him up hmm and that seems adequately lit let’s just do but a bing and then yes that should be fine so i’ll just

Do a little loop of the place all right yeah this is all right it’s resolving itself quicker than i thought it might oh god it’s so weird that this is all indoors now it it had been like an outdoor [ __ ] play area for the longest time coincidence thank you for the super i’m

Glad chichi thank you very much as well i really like the sound of your tongue licking in asmr because it’s my weakness it makes me sensitive good good i’m glad that i that i figured out what your weakness is i like making you feel a little bit weak hmm

A chandelier oh yes definitely gonna add a chandelier in here at some point similar to the one in the uh in the other place Pochi thank you for the super would you consider creating a garden so we can put our two lips together ah sounds like a good idea okay thank you very much for the super i mentioned before i’m on a diet congratulations i love you too that’s really wonderful news congratulations with that

Setting goals and achieving them is really inspiring well done all right i guess i gotta go get some more Ash and devil he him all right well you are a good boy well done i’ll just use dirt for a bit actually no uh just in case i want to use this as a part of the architecture later let’s just stick with brick it’s gonna be just a long snaking brick

Pathway going around the castle but i’ll clean that up later thank you very much laughing almost there i think this place should be almost lit up enough yeah all right we’re gonna we’re gonna go one more layer up and then we should be good

Here you see i did i did the did the middle mouse trick i’m a gamer now [ __ ] call me dream because i’m asleep mig gaming i’m always mcgaming this is just how it works okay celia i’m gonna be completely honest uh a lot of people thought that was

Supposed to be like a condom sound that was actually me trying to find something in the moment that i could use to make an unzipping noise my jeans were not to hand i did not have a pair of jeans to unzip at that present moment and so

I just needed to grab something and i grabbed a little packet of something i thought maybe this has a zipper on it and it didn’t and so it was just a crinkly sound and people thought it was a condom funny how things work like that but apparently people found it remarkably

Attractive that i that i that i just sort of made and tried to make that sound and they were like oh my god he’s getting his penis out he’s pulling his [ __ ] out you know the things your minds think of oh i’ll tell you really who’s pulling his [ __ ] out

All right i think apart from that little blotch down there should be all right ah it’s beautiful oh it’s beautiful and i can already start to see where the different floors are going to come into play so i imagine this here is going to

Be sort of a main hall so tiers one two and three all not going to build a floor there but that right there start of second floor third floor stuff like that beautiful oh it’s gorgeous thank you very much summer good night and pill cat as well so we did it raw yes

You had my raw my [ __ ] raw dog [ __ ] in your mouth how did it feel all right i think that’s pretty safe as far as i can tell and the next step would be to add lava sconces around here to sort of make it a

Look fancy and b give it sort of like that forgery um fantasy look and then i mean the dining room is done i guess after that we’ll build next time i imagine will be the main hall we’ll build carpet we’ll build stairs we’ll build a chandelier all sorts of different things

Wow it’s really coming to our head isn’t it we’re almost done pilcat thank you nabi my butterfly thank you very much for the super good night too big you couldn’t put it all in all right ivy yes you can be called a good girl now well done oh jesus

Oh my back oh that was a good crunch that was very crunchy will i be a lonely lord well no i’ve got lots of places people to hang out in here we’ve got the dungeon for you [ __ ] and then later on i would like to sort of build a

Tower going up from the roof that’ll be my bedroom god that does look good doesn’t it that does look really nice oh [ __ ] i love it oh it’s brilliant oh it’s glorious oh it’s beautiful okay um i think i’m going to leave it there actually i’ve done pretty much what i wanted to

Do today i’ve finished the main body of the castle there are some details to be ironed out but uh today is a hot day and i’ve got a load of other stuff to do there are multiple streams planned i’m doing two streams tomorrow two streams

The day after uh asmr on sunday a load of [ __ ] to do so i’ve got and i’ve got to set that rumor up that’s gonna be nice so i’m gonna take a break for tonight but guys thank you for joining me again for another minecraft stream i had a

Really really nice time it was great to reconnect and tomorrow members will be able to enjoy a hereditary watch party and the day aft and later on that day i will be jumping back into vr and playing some fnaf help wanted so hopefully you guys enjoy that

And i will see you all another time i love you guys and i hope i can see you again soon goodbye You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】insane demon continues to build castle for 20th stream in a row【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】’, was uploaded by Vox Akuma【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-06-22 16:23:34. It has garnered 165360 views and 11443 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:30 or 13470 seconds.

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【Hashtags】 General – #VoxAkuma LIVE – #VoxPopuLIVE Art – #Akurylic NSFW – #Akumasutra Memes – #AkumaMatata Fans – #Kindred GROUP: #Luxiem

【Credits】 Logo by https://twitter.com/OrihimeVT Overlay by https://twitter.com/HiroshiVtuber Controller by https://twitter.com/yapyapyapiris Intro BGM – The Glory of Combat by Julian Surma Gaming chair by https://twitter.com/LGssVT_0616 Emotes by https://twitter.com/chiikadayo


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Welcome to the clan! We do things differently here so please read these rules carefully. These show not only how to behave on stream, but should serve as a guideline for if you wish to call yourself kindred.

STREAM ETIQUETTE A. Please keep chat relevant to the stream and do not spam, troll or discuss controversial or offensive topics. B. Do not mention another streamer unless I bring them up first, nor should you mention me in any other chat unless I am mentioned first. C. All languages are welcome here, and you will be timed out if you ask people to stop talking in a certain language. D. Absolutely no spoilers or backseating unless directly asked for. E. Do not trauma dump in any way. If you use a supa to do so it will be deleted and I will ignore it. If you are struggling, please seek professional help or call someone, help is available, and you aren’t alone; https://www.helpguide.org/find-aelp.htm

RESPECT When engaging in other parts of the internet, respect those spaces and, if presenting as a kindred, do so with the politeness and kindness you would show other kindred. No matter how much you love being a kindred or love me, never use your passion for this community as an excuse to flame or attack others. If you do so, I do not want your support. You’re also welcome to ship me with anyone you like (with their permission of course) but please remember that your ship is only a fantasy and not to let it influence your world-view.

RESPONSIBILITY You are welcome (even encouraged) to treat these streams as a source of warmth, happiness and community. If you associate these feelings with me and develop an attachment, that’s okay too. However, if you become too attached to the degree that it becomes unhealthy or parasocial, I trust you to seek help and to find happiness elsewhere. If you can do this, it will not offend me and I will be proud of you. You’re welcome back anytime as long as your engagement is done so with regards to your health.

ACCOUNTABILITY Learn the difference between criticism and hate. Ignore hate, and if it’s in our chat, we’ll remove it. Honest criticism however is welcome and I trust all kindred to listen to criticism and assess it fairly. There is NEVER an excuse to bicker, fight or become defensive when someone wants to help. However, if you’d like to give criticism, please save it for YouTube comments after stream. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⏰【Luxiem】

【Vox Akuma ヴォックス・アクマ】 https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma https://www.reddit.com/user/Vox_Akuma

【Mysta Rias】 https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIM92Ok_spNKLVB5TsgwseQ

【Ike Eveland】 https://twitter.com/ike_eveland https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4yNIKGvy-YUrwYupVdLDXA

[Shu Yamino] https://twitter.com/shu_yamino https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0rzBZV_QMP4MtWg6IjhEA

[Luca Kaneshiro] https://twitter.com/luca_kaneshiro https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Gb7Uawe20QyFibhLl1lzA

■ For more information, visit: ・ NIJISANJI Official YouTube (EN): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JS… ・ NIJISANJI Official Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nijisanji_en ・ NIJISANJI Official Twitter (English account): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World ・ANYCOLOR Official Website: https://www.anycolor.co.jp/ ・ NIJISANJI Official Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/ ・ NIJISANJI Official Instagram: https://instagram.com/nijisanji_en ・ NIJISANJI Official Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nijisanji_en?… ・ NIJISANJI Official Facebook (English account): https://www.facebook.com/nijisanji.of… ・ NIJISANJI Official YouTube (JP): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX7Y

▽ Guidance for minors https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for-minors-en

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts The Hidden Secrets of Minecraft Mobs Unveiled! Are you ready to delve into the mysterious world of Minecraft mobs? Buckle up as we uncover some mind-blowing secrets that will leave you in awe. From teleporting boats to deadly encounters, the Minecraft universe is full of surprises! 1. The Enigmatic Shulker Boats Have you ever wondered what happens when water meets a Shulker boat? Brace yourself for a teleportation extravaganza! Pour water on a Shulker boat, and watch in amazement as it magically teleports. Who knew these boats had such hidden powers? 2. The Curious Case of Naming a Vindicator… Read More

  • Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs

    Minecraft Backrooms Devlogs Welcome to CraftRooms II: A Minecraft Backrooms Experience Step into the mysterious world of CraftRooms II, an immersive Minecraft experience currently in ALPHA 0.6. Explore the depths of the backrooms, but be careful not to no-clip through blocks in the wrong places… Meet the Team Behind the Scenes Shoutout to the talented individuals who have brought CraftRooms II to life: EnderAnimations: builder, texture lead, co-owner scubadiverxy: lead builder, command lead, redstone lead, co-owner xPB14x: sound design, builder, playtester Waterbolt Productions: playtester, builder skeleton: playtester rycritter grog: playtester Features and Elements Immerse yourself in a world filled with: Poolrooms: Dive… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.6 RC1: News Unleashed!

    Minecraft 1.20.6 RC1: News Unleashed! In Minecraft 1.20.6, a hotfix is near, To fix trader llama issues, have no fear. Data upgrades causing items to disappear, Wait for the fix, don’t shed a tear. Slicedlime here with the news so clear, Bringing updates for all to hear. Critical issues, we must adhere, To make Minecraft a game without a single tear. So hop on in, join the fun, In Minecraft, there’s always something to be done. Stay tuned for more updates, we’ve only just begun, With slicedlime as your guide, victory is won. Read More

  • 2000+ FPS in Minecraft: Big Mistakes!

    2000+ FPS in Minecraft: Big Mistakes! Boost Your Minecraft FPS: Common Mistakes and Solutions BharatMC Network: Explore Exciting Game Modes Join the BharatMC Minecraft server to enjoy a variety of game modes like LIFESTEAL, SURVIVAL, PARKOUR, and BATTLE ROYALE. Connect with friends and dive into the ultimate gaming experience! Server IP: PLAY.BHARATMC.FUN Discord: [Insert Discord Link] Optimizing Minecraft for Maximum FPS Are you struggling with low FPS in Minecraft? Follow these tips to boost your performance: Graphics Settings: Adjust settings like Chunk Render Distance and Smooth Lighting for optimal performance. Mod Installation: Explore mods like Fabric 1.20.1 for enhanced gameplay. Gameplay Optimization: Fine-tune settings like… Read More

  • Shader Mode Day: Minecraft’s Universal Pack 1.7 Upgrade

    Shader Mode Day: Minecraft's Universal Pack 1.7 Upgrade In the world of Minecraft, shaders shine bright, Bringing beauty and magic to every sight. With moving leaves and clear water so clear, The aesthetic effects bring joy near. For version 1.20 and beyond, this shader’s a gem, Enhancing your gameplay, a visual stem. Join the discord, stay in the loop, For more updates and fun, in the Minecraft group. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with all your might. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In the world of Minecraft, let the fun begin! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build: Japanese Teahouse

    Sneaky Minecraft Build: Japanese Teahouse Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Sukiya at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures and creations in the survival mode. In this episode, the focus is on crafting a Sukiya, a room designed to enjoy the elegance established by Sen no Rikyū, within the confines of the ancient Komayamadera Palace. Recreating Elegance The Sukiya, known for its refined aesthetics and connection to nature, is meticulously recreated within the palace. The intricate details of the interior design, inspired by the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, add a touch of authenticity to the virtual… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Fun and Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and vibrant community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the latest YouTube video by Sara Gull, you may have noticed the energy and creativity that Minecraft brings to the table. Just like Sara Gull’s channel is all about life refreshment and benefiting others, Minewind Minecraft Server offers a similar experience. With a focus on fun and community, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity, build amazing structures, and connect… Read More

  • Implant Reversal: Coworker’s Scheme Backfires

    Implant Reversal: Coworker's Scheme Backfires In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of revenge so sweet, as the story is told. A coworker’s jealousy, over breast implants, Led to a feud, with harsh words and rants. But our hero, with courage and grace, Stood up for themselves, in the workplace. Calling out the lies, and the deceit, Gathering allies, to make the truth complete. With statements gathered, the truth came to light, And the coworker’s actions, were shown in full sight. Fired for their harassment, the tables turned, A reverse uno card, the lesson learned. So let this tale, be a lesson to… Read More

  • Crafty Smiles: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Fun!

    Crafty Smiles: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Cube Xuan brings laughter, for you and for me. With memes that are hot, and smiles that are bright, Every video he shares, brings joy and delight. So come along, and join the fun, In Cube Xuan’s world, where laughter’s never done. Subscribe and follow, for more each day, In the world of Minecraft, where happiness will stay. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. But why stop there? Imagine taking these innovative building techniques and secret tricks to a whole new level on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players who are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to… Read More

  • Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2

    Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2 In the world of gaming, we take the stage, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that engage. From Roblox Murder Mystery to Death Ball fun, We spin the finest rhymes, our journey just begun. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers at heart, With passion for Roblox, Minecraft, and BTD6 art. Join us on our channel, subscribe and see, The gaming world through rhymes, wild and free. In Murder Mystery 2, the action unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. Dancing and battling, in every round, We face the challenges, with victory bound. From the Sheriff to the Murderer’s hand, We… Read More

  • Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls!

    Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls! “When everything goes wrong in Minecraft, just remember: at least you’re not being chased by a creeper in real life!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #memes #майнкрафт Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna! Are you a fan of intense gaming showdowns like Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an experience like no other. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see what all the excitement is about. Subscribe now and let the gaming fun begin! #minecraft #gaming #playgame #player #minecraftserver #adventure #community #subscribe #minewind Read More

  • Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed!

    Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed! The Luckiest Seed in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with the luckiest seed ever discovered? In this video, the Minecraft enthusiast MontifinyXD uncovers a seed that promises thrilling gameplay and exciting discoveries. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft 1.21 and explore the wonders of this incredible seed! Exploring the Luckiest Seed MontifinyXD, along with their team of skilled players, sets out to explore the vast landscapes and hidden treasures of the luckiest seed in Minecraft. This seed is packed with unique features, challenging dungeons, and bountiful resources waiting to be discovered…. Read More

  • Get Ready for the END in Hardcore Minecraft Day 9!

    Get Ready for the END in Hardcore Minecraft Day 9!Video Information oh man okay here we go we should be Live come on are we live streaming are we live streaming all right we should be live we should be live boys oh my God finally okay there we go right just give it a second let a few people join oh man here we go look at this cake guys look at this cake 9,800 subscribers and that’s all down to you guys by the way that’s all down to you guys thank you thank you all right there we go so hello everyone and welcome back to… Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantment Glitch in Old Minecraft

    Ultimate Enchantment Glitch in Old MinecraftVideo Information पहले के माक वर्जन में अगर हम लोग या कोल्डन के अंदर पानी डाल देते थे तो वो या कभी या उससे बाहर आता ही नहीं था लाइक आज के जमाने में अगर हम लोग इसके अंदर पानी डाल दें एंड देन यहां पर या इसके अंदर हम पानी वापस निकाल भी सकते हैं हम लोगों को या एं चेंट करने के लिए इतनी ज्यादा एक्सपी की जरूरत होती है बट पहले के माइक वजस में इससे भी ज्यादा एक्सपी की जरूरत होती थी लाइक आज के जमाने में हम लोगों को अगर इं चट मेंट लगानी होती… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #Vincenzo

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #VincenzoVideo Information This video, titled ‘#newshorts #vincenzo #smooth #youtube #best #bestplayer #mincraftcraftswordstand🤩👍#new’, was uploaded by Zymon_gamer’s_yt on 2024-03-10 16:39:11. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft, minecraft in hindi, minecraft house, minecraft gameplay, minecraft videos, structure, ujjwal, minecraft mods, history, techno gamerz, creeper, raid, mobs, update, nether, sea, monster, red, dragon, fit, fitmc, server, anarchy, hack, grief, spawn, battle, tour, oldest, 2b2t, builds, client, dream, incursion, herobrine, tutorial, hacked, flying, mojang, glitch, exploit, redstone, campfire, live, smp, parody, furnace, blast, technoblade, house, memes, piglin, song, hoglin, forest, 1.17, anchor,… Read More

  • Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!

    Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!Video Information for [Music] hello hello yeah I was just checking it Scrooge I do not have any additions I downloaded the version that you saw that you that you found yeah no addition the very same version as you did you okay did update your essential try that as well if you didn’t update your essential oh yeah it’s a very beautiful menu Jor like actually one of the best I tried getting the essential tried getting the essential thing right where you saw the ascend no not the essential where you saw the Ascend oh give me a… Read More

  • Hack Your Way To Victory – Minecraft 100 Day Challenge EXPLOSION

    Hack Your Way To Victory - Minecraft 100 Day Challenge EXPLOSIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-06 18:30:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡 Survive… Read More

  • Escaping Zombies and Surviving in Toilet in Minecraft! 😱

    Escaping Zombies and Surviving in Toilet in Minecraft! 😱Video Information which of these toilets we will choose with you today subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hi guys with you zomack unusually interest in our column pick the right colored toilet yes we have five characters participating today this is Speaker woman and the rabbit bonsa Sonic ban ban and Ben let’s get started and go from the very first toilet and you support with likes and subscriptions we see each of these characters and go to a restroom like this let’s go to Ben’s look guys Ben’s upstairs great… Read More

  • DippyBlether Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    DippyBlether Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information hello hello hello hello so uh okay um M hat has just left uh so yeah this is our new series hello everybody Welcome um so I’m really excited about this because this is the first time I’m actually playing um a survival map um and it’s a Sky Block thing so um well sort of Sky Block so so if if I went through that hedge behind me there would be nothing but there will be all sorts of all sorts of chunks everywhere and they will have different things on them and you can get different… Read More

  • Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target Gameplay

    Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dead Target Killing The Infinities Zombies Horror Gameplay’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-01-13 02:44:32. It has garnered 32 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. call of duty modern warfare warzone minecraft call of duty modern warfare 3 modern warfare 2 playthrough call of duty modern warfare iii call of duty modern warfare 3 gameplay gaming modern warfare ii modern warfare 3 warzone urzikstan walkthrough gameplay call of duty modern warfare 2 pc warzone 3 warzone meta ps5 holostars holostarsen vtuber call of duty warzone mw3 warzone… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: Weuo

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: WeuoVideo Information all okay and we’re livebe YouTube Don’t tweak okay what is good Tweakers and geekers okay what is good gangsters this is 30 yeah so we’re back I’m chat I’m gonna go the uh back with another stream hard there you I’m go get some yeah I’m so um what’s the game plan for today um well villagers uh just animals and a house I would assume mainly sheeps and cows we need those especially cows cuz if we get milk we can go L that Monument uh I do want to go show you do we have… Read More


    DEAMOPThe Best Ever Minigame Server, With Games Like UHC, UHC Duels, Survival, Build battle And Much More!! You Can Purchase Ranks and such at https://deamop.tebex.io/, And You Can Apply For Staff At https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfE-Ig43LuUT33hu2uZ8Hq1f9jy5I0yC1V-bNfzwS440-JY-w/viewform DEAMOP.minehut.gg Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla 18+ whitelist discord

    Welcome to our 18+ Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a new and engaging Minecraft experience, join our whitelist server today. Our community is thriving and full of exciting opportunities for adventurers and builders like you. What Makes Us Unique: Active Moderation and Dev Team Shopping District and Hermitcraft-style Plugins Frequent Events and Community Challenges Respectful Gameplay Environment Server Details: Hosted on a Paper server in the UK Whitelisted for 18+ players Freshly launched and ready for you to explore Apply now to join us: Discord Read More

  • ObsydiaMC

    Obsydia is a survival server that is community driven and community focused with dedicated staff and multiple plugins to enhance gameplay. There is so much more we have to offer, and we hope to see you here to try everything out soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – If only your trades didn’t suck

    Minecraft Memes - If only your trades didn’t suckLooks like this villager needs to work on their negotiation skills in the marketplace! Maybe they can offer some better deals, like a 2-for-1 special on enchanted diamond swords. Read More

  • Hot Dog or Hot Cauldron in Minecraft 💗🔥 #shorts #meme

    Hot Dog or Hot Cauldron in Minecraft 💗🔥 #shorts #meme Why choose between a dog and a cauldron in Minecraft when you can have both and create a potion that turns your dog into a magical cauldron-fetching companion? Minecraft just got a whole lot weirder. #MinecraftLogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house builds? Do you enjoy creating unique and modern structures in the game? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine taking your building skills to the next level in a community of like-minded players. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, learn new building techniques, and explore different design styles with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on creating amazing and unique houses, Minewind is the perfect place to hone your skills and get inspired by others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve or… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Basics

    Minecraft: Mastering the Basics Welcome to Minecraft: A Beginner’s Guide Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft? In this guide, we will cover all the basics you need to know to start your Minecraft adventure. From placing blocks to moving around and even some cool tricks, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to navigate this creative sandbox game with ease. Placing Blocks and Moving Around Placing blocks in Minecraft is as simple as right-clicking to place and left-clicking to break. With a variety of blocks at your disposal, the possibilities are endless for building and creating in this virtual world…. Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic Battles

    1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Aspen forest’s tails the awesome two-tailed Fox the best friend of Sonic the Hedgehog oh I’m a little baby Tails this is adorable still I can’t wait to get bigger and stronger but before I could even think about that I was hit by a crossbow bolt and wounded I turned and saw a big scary armored Vindicator coming through the trees towards me well well well if it isn’t Tails I’ve been searching for you you and your little Lo speed to have a friend have had it too good… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stream Experiments

    Insane Minecraft Stream ExperimentsVideo Information your Li deepface ands in the furnace this is your goal that makes it all worth it this is your your let’s go dos can keep you down pushing deep until your drown or they can keep you up strong focused on the now glass half full or has it been EMP out well that’s all up to you and your mind do you doubt anything everything not a thing make my thoughts work for me manifest what I need what I want what I see I could be anything I get trct all the things that I… Read More


    💔 INFINITE HEARTS DUPE GLITCH IN SURVIVAL SMP 😱🔥Video Information हाय गाइज कैसे हैं सभी लोग वेलकम बैक इन अदर गेम वीडियो सो गाइज आज की वाली वीडियो बहुत ही अच्छी होने वाली है क आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं अपने जो हर्ट्स हैं उसको डूब करने वाला हूं एक तरीके से वैसे व मैं करने हु भी सर्वाइवल में वाला हूं कोई एनी मेंे क्रिएटिव या फिर कोई प्लगइन वगैरह नहीं डालने वाला मैं सिंपल इसको सर्वाइवल में करने वाला हूं तो यह जाने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक देखें तो सबसे पहले अभी तो फिलहाल मेरे पास 27 हर्ट है तो काफी ज्यादा… Read More

  • Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John Hall

    Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John HallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Piano | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-13 16:00:27. It has garnered 2722 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes, and… Read More

  • Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱

    Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱Video Information Espera espera Espera espera Pero cómo Que Minecraft ha trabajado que Minecraft ha metido algo nuevo al juego me cago en la oficialmente Hoy es Día Nacional de celebración de Minecraft moan que ha trabajado ha hecho algo con su vida Y es que lo que ha hecho es meter un nuevo arma que la verdad que bueno es un poco a ver alegrarnos tanto por meter un nuevo arma es un poco rar uno pero bueno es que si nos vamos a la última snapshot de Minecraft y creamos un nuevo mundo con las actualizaciones de la… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT SMP ACCEPTANCE?!? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Application The Best Smp [Warriors Smp]’, was uploaded by Glich527 on 2024-02-26 15:03:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS IS MY APPLICATION TO THE WARRIORS SMP I WISH I GET ACCEPTED ignore Survival Mode, Creative Mode Builds, … Read More


    CRAZY AMD CRAFTY MINECRAFT BLOCK! #21Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EPISODE # 21’, was uploaded by AMD CRAFTY on 2024-02-07 00:07:03. It has garnered 41 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:17 or 557 seconds. MINECRAFT MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT SKY BLOCK FISH AFK FARM #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilding #gaming #minecrafthouse #minecraftfarm #minecraftoneblock #minecraftmemes #minecrafthousetutorial #gamingvideos #gamingshorts #gamingcommunity #gamingchannel #gaminglife #gamingvideo #gameplay #games #gamer #game #gamers #gameshorts #viralgames #viralgaming #viral #vuralvideo #reels #reel #viralshorts #viralreels #minecrafthungergames #minecraftsurvivalisland #minecraftmods #games #live #gaming #amongus #gameplay #gametv #youtubegamer #livegaming #gamereview #gamecommentary #livestream #youtubegaming #gamer #ps #twitch #gamingcommunity #youtubegamingchannel #xbox #playstation #playfortnite… Read More

  • 5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!

    5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!Video Information Minecraft maps are getting kind of insane and nobody’s talking about it how do we go from this to this oh yeah in this video I’ll be testing five-star Maps throughout Minecraft history ah 2011 the world’s population just reached 7 billion people and Minecraft Beta 1.7 just added Pistons to the game this was one of the first Maps making use of them in a very creative way and I think we all know what to expect on the other side of this Temple door the question is is will I pass the test oh um hello… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft’s Safest House!

    Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft's Safest House!Video Information darling you have to see this look what’s here hey where are you and here you finally found you look what a castle let’s go to it let’s see what’s their interesting beat you and I found after all never been in such a thing and to be honest I’ve never seen anything like it before it just can’t be why are there locks here there shouldn’t be any let’s go in then who the hell are you people get the hell out of here right now do you realize what I’m doing right now do you want… Read More

  • ZuberCraft

    ZuberCraftCome join one of our 3 worlds with your friends! We have a survival, creative, and skyblock world that you can play on. Our goal is to build a fun energetic community! Occasionally we will play minigames as well and do server wide events. Join our discord to get in on all the action and join our community! Read More

【MINECRAFT】insane demon continues to build castle for 20th stream in a row【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】