【MINECRAFT】just doing some chill things w/ @EliraPendora & @PomuRainpuff【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】

Video Information

Foreign Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign what happened is everything okay hello hello everyone oh [ __ ] sorry oh my God I’m just trying to get get myself together hello everyone oh so you might be asking why am I starting in the nether well I was working on a little something as you can see and uh you’ll start you’ll

You’ll see why in a moment oh my God okay um where am I right here foreign I forgot to add it in my what’s it called in my you can’t get me [ __ ] um in my description and in my title but we’re going to be playing um with pomu and alera because they’re

Both on the server right now and you can guess from if you’ve seen both of their uh thumbnails or you know a pin message then you can kind of guess what’s happening um turns out I am not doing just chill things um what’s gonna happen is pomu and I are

Basically going to relive our trauma because look at all these gas tears because alira has not experienced what we have experienced um I’m trying to think of what I need to do right now because I have this I have some potions of night vision bear um extra food like torch things

And then like Signs and stuff I actually should probably make some more torches right now even though like I think we’re just gonna well at least for me I’m gonna just use potion of night vision um I could make more I don’t know if they both have already um but let me

Wait let me adjust something there we go okay let me go to the bath house oh my God can you guys let me pass through I don’t think they want me to whoa okay I’m just gonna run I’m gonna go to the bath house to see if

I can Brew some more night vision um I I was considering doing um I was considering making some or bringing some like potion of swiftness but um there’s not really going to be a point because the entire time we are just gonna be crouching um also wait

Somebody gifted right because I saw in the preachy thank you for the 10 gifted thank you thank you okay what happened does it work oh oh yeah let me turn my let me unmute the mic just in case if like one of them is around then they can hear me

Yo I have so many shulkers just like sitting everywhere I really need to sort this out I don’t know I feel like I haven’t been to the bath house in a while maybe it’s because I haven’t played and I’ve been in the mountains foreign These I can put back because I don’t need them right now let me move the food and this wait do I already have oh I made fire resistance already huh well I might as well um do this while I’m here I think to make night vision I have to use golden carrots

That is what I’m going to assume foreign let me put these in here okay before we go on our adventure alira is gonna sort through some stuff um but I was saying in there if anything we can just join BC okay I’ll just do one just to see

Because that’ll be bad if I just made a random potion huh oh I’m pretty sure this one is night vision yes okay cool I need more redstone I need to transfer some over here um I doubt we’ll need that many but I’m just gonna make it anyway just so that everyone

Has enough because it’s much easier to see in the deep dark if you have night vision okay so I can give some to pomu some to alira and then I have some extra space if I if we like loot anything oh I’m I’m honestly so nervous let me switch out silky over here

Because you know you know yeah it’s just not ideal it’s not a fun time in the deep dark okay let me mute my mic then and then but there is a thing called Discord uh Ellen thank you for the 10 gifted thank you thank you you’ll save from last time oh [ __ ] hi

I didn’t think you’re gonna join that fast I saw you join in the corner of my eye oh [ __ ] the overlay from oh wait wait we played Ballard together but we didn’t hello I’m at the guardian Farm I’m mending some stuff okay yeah I was just there I’m did you break the no

I always fly in oh yeah guys right well I don’t think it’s her because she’s using the Skelly Farm to men I use a skeleton Farm today yeah wow it’s a silly Farm here with your skilly head okay yes let me take this Fortune just to see

Oh my God are we gonna fight the warden I drew an omikuji and I got Misfortune uh yeah our Fortune I’m not gonna die it’s your turn [ __ ] no did you die I died last time I lost all my stuff no way I have never died to the warden

Time to pay for your crimes no it’s not my bath house in the in the tree oh this way okay am I eating a bow oh my God everything I got scared the potions of healing are now like red yeah they’re different everything’s different well that’s why we’re here to um help you Look at me let’s go I hope this is the right portal I’ll wait for you in the train sleep safe What’s what’s part of this is not safe oh everything what no no the the the the path to the bath house yeah it’s scary he hasn’t done anything to make it safe oh um um excuse me [ __ ] throw all these fireworks in the train slash g set oh yeah oh my God we’re sitting on the train I’m on my way I’m going through another I only have my booties okay I’m gonna bring a bunch of carpet oh yeah we have to go to the wool Farm yeah we need carpet why lots of it oh because that’s how the warden won’t hear you oh that’s what you used to muffle your your steps if you like jump anywhere

Yo [ __ ] ow [ __ ] you stop no I’m gonna hit the okay [ __ ] were you fighting you a pig there’s three of them is are they in the bathhouse path oh okay did you soon thank you for the gifted thank you thank you oh my God there’s three people in the server

Oh my God oh they’re super chat oh there’s three people we’re all here oh my God why are they of these guys what’s happening home is about to die before even getting to the deep dark oh my God I really am gonna die I really gonna die holy [ __ ]

Um where in the nether are you I’m an independent [ __ ] okay okay I killed it was like six this weird lady is talking to me on the train wait okay so I saw you changed on stream I see the glasses now you wanna see the glasses it’s like transparent overlaying on top of your eyes no it’s so cute what

I don’t uh maybe you don’t have something enabled something enabled no way I put my hand you put your [ __ ] back on sorry it’s just my default face in Minecraft you know yeah oh my God I see them hi How do I say it so cute how do you like this Galley so much I don’t know look at it it’s so cute yeah oh my God you guys can sit next to each other oh how do I sit slash sit yeah oh my God F1 and oh [ __ ] I took a screenshot

What is that mask keyboard smash nothing wow oh hold on um what’s going on okay can you move no worries like a little further wow oh are you f uh fying F I think [Laughter] what’s happening yeah I think I’m good how do I get up oh [ __ ] we’re stuck here

We can’t move all right well see you guys later Let’s press shift what you can oh you’re right put my head back on time I’m scared I had to use the sneak here oh sneaky get it you have to use the sneak key sneaky gotta be laugh please laugh oh I wasn’t sure if you I know I thought

You were talking to your chat no no press here for omikuji what’s she get great miss Sports did you put it back in the in the hopper or whatever in the hopper yeah oh okay I got great Fortune here we go I have half blessing damn

All we have to rely on is pomu’s half blessing wait what did you get me I just got misfortune I don’t know I don’t know what to tell you oh there’s like what what is this called I can hear myself when I talk in your mic

What you can yeah sometimes if I’m loud speaker’s up that’s why oh we’re good okay good oh yeah there’s potions of Health if you want in there oh damn it looks like blood yeah right yeah it does EW we’ll do a splash heel okay I have like

I have a lot of fish regeneration oh wait let me give you guys this too how’d you get all that official era take some night vision from the shelter there was oh thanks there’s a it will help very much how’s the audio for everybody guys I

Forgot to ask oh yeah can you hear everybody we’re talking to the two two quietest people I don’t think hey sounds good take a three from here I took third okay I took three as well okay okay let’s go get carpet so cute yeah time to get carpet I’m really afraid like

Oh yeah your stream title is just chill Minecraft right that’s what right and then I changed it and I put in parentheses lamou psych Mouse psych oh we we just talked about it yesterday how you you’ve made your stream title chill Minecraft and I was like it will be

Chill once we go to the deep dark how much do you know about the deep dark I know about deep no no not that one um basically when you’re when you’re in the deep dark you can’t make any sound um you can’t make any sound walking um placing blocks yeah eating

I’m gonna die I’m gonna die to the pig oh you gotta hit the button there we go yeah you can’t eat you can’t do literally anything what what that’s why we need the carpet because if you jump on carpet it muffles the sound You can eat it just just not by the sensors Well no we have to no I’ll bring that under chest it’s okay I have an under chest okay okay wait we should color code which carpets we get so we know who’s been where oh okay that’s kind of fancy okay I’ll be blue what carpet yeah okay

So then I’ll just get this and this one too oh [ __ ] I have a lot of black wool in here nice I would say like keep some as carpet and keep some as the block I just won’t bring this I’ll just leave this here and do not bring your best gear

What we’re gonna die [Laughter] it’s true it’ll be fun so the thing is I actually built like a little house thing nearby so that in case if we I didn’t go inside I just I’m in the area I’ll bring another I’ll bring another Ender Chest so we have two

Or no we just need the one right what what’s so funny oh I did it oh you’re so silly it’s gone are you so silly today no you know the other day I was trying to make oh my God what was I trying to make in Minecraft I I was like

I was like how do I make a sign and I was like this should be so easy and you know what I did I put three I put three blocks on top and two sticks underneath and I made a pickaxe and I was like yeah yeah I would do that wouldn’t it

I was on stream trying to make a sign and then I made a pickaxe thinking that it would make a sign I was like hmm yeah that is the most basic formula in this game pickaxe is literally like the logo of Minecraft I know I was trying to make a

Sign and I was like what are you looking for so many things I know what you find let me turn on my AC carpet and then I’m ready wait so I should put my strong stuff away maybe let’s bring it for now I’ll bring my

Sword if I lose my sword it’s El Bozo but like I can remake the El Bozo what yeah me oh okay [Laughter] you’re so [ __ ] oh God I’m not gonna bring it down don’t bring Skelly don’t bring Skelly oh a portion of instant health I didn’t take any while we were there though

[ __ ] I forgot oh should I bring another Shield ah Shield won’t do anything I should make a shield we have to go through a little bit of like not the deep dark before we go to the deep dark okay oh yeah the mobs don’t spawn in the

Deep dark I made a little really um oh easy because you got the warden like how fast is the warding gonna show up though well I guess you’ll see I can tell her okay more than one [Laughter] laughing like this you know what [ __ ] it I made a shield is there shielding another good thing to put on The Shield thing to put on a shield can you enchant a shield no you can you can I just put mending I’m breaking equip equip it let me see yeah because ookies were shining when I saw it

Earlier that you could do that you could do Unbreaking too what I never knew that oh my God I didn’t bother putting on breaking because I figured having mendings enough what what I can’t go oh you have to enchant what the [ __ ] wait what’s going on why why are you

Laughing where are you where are you bro the what the brothel oh um I’m not even inside what the [ __ ] foreign [Laughter] He wants your chicken this is so in character for the game it’s in character holy [ __ ] I didn’t know that could happen oh my God all right well now we know are you undressing the receptionist and they don’t call it the brothel for nothing Well then don’t mind if I do you just have to take oh no haha where us later awesome what are you looking for someone said you have to Enchanted at the book right here so this what is this oh no e love is merely Madness why meet me in the library what what

The [ __ ] where did you find this it was just in It’s just in this chest like in the middle because it was random [ __ ] oh by drops either you know oh god oh what oh do we do it here is there more time to go to the library oh no

What is he doing what’s going on in the library wait I wanna know have you been to the library recently Robin oh yeah you can put it next to uh dish the fish very right now I don’t know where you are I don’t see you guys watch this foreign love is merely Madness

Yeah it’s a whole book all my life I’ve been wondering where can all my efforts have I gone oh my God I assumed that it was all for that person but in the end was it all truly just for my own sake love what is love

Some might say that it is a chemical in the brain however I choose to believe that love is even more baffling than what scientists could ever offer explanations dissertations fragmentations of poetry and thought we may never know but as I write these words on this page I cannot concentrate

I cannot put down my quill the story whose words will never be enough to convey a certain feeling but an endless infinite query of insane ramblings going in circles and circles Insanity truly I am insane to even Ponder but if I were forced to force truly forced to write one calculation one

Equivalent to love it would it could only be surmised as this love is merely Madness yes you probably would get the joke if you played white day what oh interesting okay I see don’t you have something some secret over here hey what the [ __ ] man yeah I’ve been there

It’s literally the most the mo oh you’re going to the sexy Zone holy [ __ ] you know what I have never been in here you welcome to the Forbidden texts read at your own risk oh beautiful oh my God there’s more in here Pinkie Pie has a kid what the [ __ ]

Holy sh I don’t know I don’t know if I want to read all that i o Pinkie Pie why must you lie look me in the eyes Watch How I Cry you know that Pinkie Pie from the popular series My Little Pony friendship is Magic has a baby well it came to a

Surprise to me as well it was a rainy day in Ponyville I was checking my Facebook and Pinkie Pie says she has something to attend to I thought nothing of it as I trust Pinkie Pie a lot as my friend I’m however curious creature so I question her on where she was going

Pinky responded with oh I’m just gonna go make some cupcakes with one of my friends I nod it in silence I knew what she meant ah I thought to myself she’s seeing that guy again recently Pinkie Pie has been meeting up with this guy from her work [Laughter]

Can’t believe she’s choosing to spend time with a guy who’s this whole reason for the parody music video white and nerdy over choosing to hang out with me and rank 800 League of Legends Diamond one Maniac on and ADC oh I said to her any friend in particular you’re gonna meet thank you

For those um no not really just some work friends oh well you have fun now exclaimed and just like she jumped out the door now you might be wondering why I just let her leave when I know where she’s going and when she’s hanging out with and I lied about meeting well

That’s because I placed a camera tracking device and microphone in here watch every move she makes 30 minutes wow the camera I said to myself confidently I grabbed my device and look at the screen but immediately I don’t know how to spell regretted it there you are standing beside her I

Turned on the audience Weird Al was comforting turn my camera around it’s a 360 degree camera I built myself with extreme intelligence and Diamond one League of Legends macro knowledge massive [ __ ] energy the camera pans wait a minute I say inside my massive brain is this a hospital

I Pan the camera more down a baby is laying in the blankets I wish she in the hospital while looking at a baby and why was she with him suddenly everything went silent to massive eyes lock onto the camera lens I [ __ ] your best friends oh my God um

Um I don’t know if I can say this is the word confidently I [ __ ] their best friends coochie Get Wrecked nerd l loser wow your mom then after that is your dad then I’ll send you the tapes [ __ ] you prick oh I gasped how did he know the camera was there how

You how did he oh how damn did he go overall I rated My Little Pony friendship is Magic a 7 out of ten Weird Al proceeds to [ __ ] my parents take a few points off the potential 10 star review thank you or maybe he should have not titled it

That Pinkie Pie has a baby because it would have been a really crazy reveal I think so too I think it should have been called like we really are in the Forbidden text like my best friend’s lover I don’t know something like you know just here no not actually

There’s one more bookie you have to read it me I think yeah we all read books now who want me the dirtiest book ever and ever by PR I wonder who that could be uh a lady with two huge bazangas was bouncing down the sidewalk one day

Her boobs were so big and her butt was also big she looked like a sexy sexy all the men what oh my God when they saw her foreign she was so sexy [Laughter] but one day she had to go to the store to get some melons she asked the cash where are your

Biggest smell it right here and reached for where’s the rest of it too big mountains the sexy lady was so happy wow that was actually so wholesome it’s prettiest book ever ever yeah that lady was bubbly bubblingly boobing down the street I look forward to your contributions to the Forbidden texts

What else do this is down here I can’t believe he wrote 14 pages 14 last pages oh yeah don’t forget to everyone thank you rewind is it real yeah oh my god um I think I need to get out of here [Laughter] oh my God we haven’t even gone

Again oh what a nice view oh wait it looks so pretty from here it does actually soon to be slime farm Minecraft what a detour wait are we I know are we ready you know what that’s right uh deep dark fantasies everybody ow I just jumped from there and I took it

How’d you do that oh not gonna survive in the deep dark oh wait we need a water bucket I just really remembered that to get down there oh okay I have one um I’m gonna bring another okay I don’t think anything in the deep dark could be scarier than what I just

Had to read the MDS row down that was crazy that was a lot I’m never gonna look at Pinkie Pie the same I know I’m never gonna look at him the same hahaha where did I put my buckets you guys oh wait I put them over here I love Pinkie Pie

I have extra oh you do uh it’s too late I’m already running it seems like a story he would be into whoever that M Ria sky is what yeah whoever that is whoever that guy whoever that guy is got some problems yeah actually I’m gonna bring two water buckets doing them so dirty

I think I don’t know he exposed himself true okay are you ready are we missing anything honestly I don’t even know anymore I don’t know what we’d be missing I have a sword okay I have my sword I have why why fireworks I have wait why are you going through the

Because I made a little yeah oh okay we don’t have to fly nice Toby fly uh oh I didn’t bring my golden booties that’s fine we’re gonna We’re Not Gonna Die right what don’t say that’s how we were no I mean like right here in the middle right oh

Unless unless oh I already hear them they’re already mad oh my God okay if we were following you where are you going yeah they’re following the path this path yeah follow the shrooms no turn around dirty the shrooms I it is here what are you I’m right here oh there’s a lure

What path oh my God We’re not gonna make it we’re so [ __ ] or not I have carpet yes we’ve got carpet and a sword end up sword travel is so much faster than another wow when did you [ __ ] make this literally um yesterday actually yeah it must have been yesterday oh What happened the hogland oh Vicky piggy sounds that sound either oh that’s what this house was I flew right past this it’s a big cat respond when while I’m here just gonna all right respawn Point yeah set your respawn point oh my God you guys oh my God you guys Oh so what does the deep dark look like do you have shaders on it’ll look pretty it can’t be scary I’m gonna practice nice nice nice chicken you can walk I didn’t bring her no I didn’t bring a shulker wait I brought my under chest it’s okay

Uh I have an empty one yeah I haven’t two empty ones nice um I’m gonna bring the under chest with us down there though okay I don’t get up down there okay oh my God Isn’t that scary pretty darn scary it’s pretty it’s pretty scary pretty darn scary but it’s Minecraft hey guys this is the entrance over here oh there is water yeah but like the question is are you gonna make it you’re gonna die for that okay girl go come on what did you call me

[Laughter] do not call me what I am not okay where did the water go you’re making water it’s going down whoa holy [ __ ] you guys are already going okay [Laughter] we’re so this is why I got misfortune it’s so over wait oh no I’m going down very slowly I’m coming to meet you

Oh my god I didn’t even set my respawn point no do you want me to TP you no it’s okay I was at the bath house oh okay I’ll just run oh God it’s already starting well there’s a dead chest put down a little There oh [ __ ] there’s more minutes oh sorry okay I stole your EXP yeah oh whatever not on purpose obviously these dummies is this the deep dark nope not at all I think it’s actually this direction foreign [Laughter] You [ __ ] there’s a lot of hogs over here [ __ ] oh what’d you what is that what’s that oh freezing The Shield I think so yeah for using your Shield oh this guy’s got a little ball hey wait come on we’ll have to find it we’ll have to explore a little bit I think

Are you almost back I’m back wait let me set my spawn okay okay the water’s still there yeah we just fall yeah I have time make sure nothing’s creeping up behind us uh did he do it oh there’s a drowned oh my God [Applause] oh gross you guys are so stupid [Laughter] you’re right I’m scared scary okay um where is it what way is it I don’t know I don’t remember well I guess we’re just gonna have to search a little bit you have to F around and find out I know

Where are we oh wait I see it I see it I see it I see it see that over there right yeah yeah yeah you can see the glow too oh my God oh my gosh we’re insane we have to get through a little bit of the deep dark

Before we get to the city too okay so it’s gonna be wow knowing you all oh what what are you insane I’m gonna die if I do that I know me too horrible creeper blows you up me there’s no way to get down aliro we have to jump here we go

Wait let’s make a little let’s I’m gonna put ouch um I’m gonna set up this area I’m gonna put uh the Ender Chest here for any oh [ __ ] I have no more does anyone have any torches me yeah I have three stacks here I can give you oh wow oh I just made it I just made some I forgot I had what’s it called

Stop it don’t sneak up on me Nasty oh ouch what is going on oh my God oh my God oh [ __ ] sorry this is our fire except me are we good all right um start no Misfortune here I’m just walking around setting torches down Okay so this place isn’t dangerous as hell every time we come back

If we ever come back if we make it out alive what do you mean oh I’m talking to you don’t listen to my conversation you’re in the cold we’ll make it live oh yeah there’s over here too you can get down oh my God diamond oh my God someone want to get it

Where is it right here Oh I didn’t bring my pickaxe oh I have my fortune one oh um I guess I was gonna say I bring oh it only gave me one you can have it bring a silk touch if you want to like bring something back yeah oh Neil I’m gonna put away my uh like

Trash can I put it in your chest too yeah it’s your stuff yeah and the Ender Chest and uh can we walk sure yes where are you right here think put it in the Ender Chest you can add it to my Kami Sama collection mm-hmm okay this little thing here does not

Have a sensor um I’m lighting up the area a little bit more because I don’t trust okay anything up here there’s a catalyst over there okay it’s not a that’s a creeper over there like there’s a walk line it up for now you can For now yeah oh there’s a sensor oh my God oh God wait let’s get it right here I’m not gonna bring my what’s it called oh why I’m too scared to go down you guys okay I’m gonna leave those I’ll bring my pick oh yeah wait I gave you guys night

Vision so you can see better if you drink it oh yeah that’s right that’s right should I drink it over here whoa whoa wait it’s not gonna oh there you go okay all right here we go oh wait I don’t need anything else what the sensor you’re whispering to yourself

I can’t hear you in the game I know but it’s still scary I’m gonna turn my bgm down a little oh yeah I was gonna change my bgm this is something sassy no oh oh okay that’s just a bat so like it just it just builds the

Suspense I know try running near the sensor that’s what my chat’s saying yeah because they’re oh yeah this one diamond in there that’s crazy oh there’s a lot of sensors here as long as there’s no Streaker we’re okay what just just keep crouching Elyria just keep crouching the water is

Um making them go off keep yourself crouched yeah keep yourself crouched I can’t tell if there’s a sensor or not see one oh I should drink my thing come over here you see this it’s a sensor oh any sounds yeah any sound you make it will glow

We can’t make like a little we can actually I have my silica touch ax easy cool but if you just break it normally you get exp same with a normal pick same with all this skulk we have to keep going down it’s deeper oh my God yeah that’s where the city is Okay the soccer went off but it didn’t there’s nothing you went down here before okay yeah there’s no Streaker yet oh if there’s more sensors over there that are like next to each other yeah wait let me drink my thing too whoa I know the world’s fantastic what’s happening I’m scared

I see a catalyst I see two catalysts I don’t see any streakers I’m gonna go kill these okay triggers or uh what’s it called sensors I’ll get this one it’s okay what was that oh that was a bat I’m gonna get this catalyst I love being babied okay

We just gotta make it a safe way down wait does this not lead to the city this way This oh do you see it is there a pathway um no I don’t see anything you have to go the other way we have to go back ugh or I’m gonna try to try this way how many tries I think we have like three before the warden wakes up

Over here no don’t don’t jump don’t jump oh you see I’m Crouch jumped I crouch jumped too was it me I had three now it’s two wait what Set It Off let it set it off maybe it was me okay okay man that Misfortune is really good

Oh [ __ ] it’s it’s definitely I think in here I heard it how are we supposed to get down no oh [ __ ] maybe from here are you scared okay I love how we’re so quiet Yeah it’s just a sensor though sensors aren’t sensors are bad only with streakers around there’s a lot of sensors over here those are catalysts though look how my [ __ ] sensors there are sent below oh my God is there anything over here I think we’re lost

Oh it goes down more here but but you have to break we’re just trying to find the city oh I see what you mean okay I’m gonna do it okay okay we’re safe there’s a Streaker there’s a tree crew next to a sensor I’m looking I don’t know if we can go

Past anymore oh should I destroy the Streaker is that the only one yeah I’m gonna go check yes okay destroy bro I’m gonna get rid of this destroy all right be careful though there might be another one hidden in the walls it’s a dead end here yeah it’s a dead

End that’s what I’m saying but I just wanted to get how you doing alira I’m so confused we’re just trying to find the city I have no clue yeah I don’t she wasn’t there when the Shrieker went off maybe we should yes maybe we should mine where the where it was safe

Oh yeah yeah As We Know is this where we came from I think so yeah it is yeah yeah how do you guys like the music huh oh my music is so low laughs yeah we gotta let it Lira have the whole experience right so music is funny with

This I don’t have scary music I’m gonna wait this is where okay follow okay follow okay wait huh I’m just relaxing yeah this is where we came from up here pretty [Laughter] wait where am I going nah this is not the way maybe we should dig from down here then

Oh I’m gonna get that guy he’s stressing me out why is my screen flashing oh probably because your potions yes wearing off all right let’s dig from here maybe oh oh who the hell is that ghost me it’s because I know there’s none here Oh my God Hello whoa whoa what the [ __ ] oh my God that was by chance you’re crazy absolutely by chance now I can drink without being scared oh my God I’m at this cave wow wow I can’t tell what’s dark anymore because of the potion oh yeah true anyway wow so pretty

Fun find well half luck my half luck true laughs I’m gonna take these buds nice yeah take them these butts these butts hmm shall we dig down from I don’t know where the city is exactly I know from apart in the deep dark around here you can see it

So I’m gonna go back up and look in the other side the one the side with the water okay um no I didn’t use my half lock I still have it oh oh gosh that scared me oh my God I just wish I brought more of these

Night vision I think we’ll be oh my God what nothing we’re fine I think I think once we’re in the city we won’t need the night vision as much maybe yeah I think because it’s a little bit more lit up gosh everything is bright wow can’t get over it so beautiful

Okay do I just go in the water you guys what do you think oh I’m scared of the sound oh in this water yeah to the other side maybe we could build over there uh I don’t have any building blocks I just have some deep sleep oh we have Wall

Oh I made it all into carpet oh [ __ ] down the wall I can give you oh give it to me Yaya if you want right here thank you yay why did I make it why didn’t you guys stop me chat why did you stop me I made three stacks

Of carpet and three stacks of wool she’s so smart she’s a genius yeah I was saying to keep carpet and the block oh shut up [Laughter] okay surely it’s this way because it goes down it’s good what I don’t see it from here either

What the if I go in the water will it will they hear that or am I safe they’ll hear the splashing they will well it doesn’t really it doesn’t go down what the hell wait what is this oh there’s more here oh there is yeah there’s lava oh be careful

Oh I see the Shrieker there’s a Streaker in the distance in the distance what’s a Shrieker yellow over there this one right here you can walk by it and find out yeah I’ll go walk by it wait where do you see it though I only see that thing like connects to the lava

Oh I see it right there yeah they summoned the warden oh so they yell in the word wait I see another Streaker down here they yell and they’re like warden’s like who’s pissing off down here yeah down here hold on oh [ __ ] if I put a block I have to be careful Um it’s like right over in there oh my God I’ll see if there’s another one I’m watching Pomo okay I think there’s only one watching pomu’s Adventure all right I’m taking it down [Laughter] it’s the half look what sorry it’s because I’m watching and I got great Misfortune oh no hey great

Um I’m gonna get rid of it how do you reset your counter she’s gone okay you have to wait like a while was that enough time in between this is not we only have one chance hold on I’m getting rid of these step on it

Is this far enough from the lava so it won’t catch on fire oh gosh I mean it looks like it would be it was so scary you guys I’m not afraid of afraid of death today truly stuff is so squishy oh there’s so many no there’s one more Streaker over here okay

10 minutes holy [ __ ] God damn to reset no way this one over here every 10 minutes one reset oh yeah I see it yeah I’m I’m afraid of getting rid of it it’s close oh I see it yeah it’s close to too many oh down here is like a hole I don’t know

If we’re meant to go down here though maybe it’s scary go over there I’m looking over here I think you can get it that wait there’s an is there any other streakers around there’s one right here look yeah I see that one oh wait where oh no yeah that’s the one I’m talking

About if we time it we might be able to get it at the same time hold on let me make sure there’s nothing else over here well guys there’s only only this one hold on I’m double checking all right I’m like a GTFO moment oh wait

I see another one time I see another one behind alira oh yeah all the way up there yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I think they’re far enough away all right okay you ready wait which one do you want you want me to get rid of the one back there

Yeah okay okay wait hold on rare enough away what up there yeah that’d be so [ __ ] up if they would all be too close together yeah it’s gonna go off no it’s not guys it’s it’s okay famous last words no it’s not it’s okay

Wait I have to how do I get over there you guys we can’t get rid of the sensors first we gotta get rid of the Streaker first I don’t know if I can get up to the Shrieker oh all right I’m just gonna get rid of this guy yeah okay three two one

More than fine have faith I’m getting rid of the sensors right now They’re all going off at the same time I know they’re icky that’s so cute they’re little like little bugs they’re so cute oh oh maybe if I get close enough I can mine it from here hmm have faith in the half blessing um tentacles a little tentacles

Finger won’t hurt are you okay oh yeah you’re my toggle sneak oh no my screen wave night vision no I have a few more you do I got to bring I got rid of the one over here I think I have like three more or something oh wow

It actually helps so much because I can’t see the Shrieker now without it oh that’s that’s pretty bad oh wait no way maybe if I go up here where I first saw it why is that that thing’s not it a thing the Shrieker how did I not trigger it oh

I just can’t see it without the knife Vision I just I just broke something right over here underneath can’t see it yeah I have night vision now it’s the city fast damn I was about to just start walking because I thought we were safe I told you there was one right there

I just lied for a second oh my God everybody again it’s because of your shaders oh oh I see another Shrieker over in this area uh I might be able to get it there’s a zombie there no no this is the fair about those didn’t spawn in the deep

Dark I thought so too that’s a catalyst oh if I shoot an arrow will that be safe I’m gonna try it should I drink my potion right here I’m gonna try it I think you can okay yeah killed the zombie laughs you gotta kill the streakers stuff you made sure planetarium with

Um the floor has this if I’m out of this would be work and scary I don’t I don’t know where where the city is where am I yeah I went up I’m gonna go this way zombos [ __ ] up and there’s another Street crew down there and maybe this is wearing around

Oh hey hey Chad I don’t know what the I don’t know what the city looks like so let me know there’s a there’s a Streaker down here you want to get it let me see where are you at girl you have baby girl I don’t know oh I see a

Shrieker over there are they too close no okay I’ll get this one I just killed one over there too so yeah that’s a Shrieker over here yeah yeah on the left it has like the magic portal on it yeah yeah yeah I should have brought a pickaxe I had no

Idea that there was so much [ __ ] in here you can use a normal pickaxe do not have one I didn’t bring anything oh it’s okay oh [ __ ] hold on is that a cat that looks like a catalyst all right I’m gonna kill it I’m gonna kill it I think we’re safe actually

No we’re not um oh wow that’s lava whoops uh um do you guys think that’s close enough or whatever I got rid of the one by me okay there’s like two over here kill them at the same time I think oh oh my God it’s so close

I know don’t go over there stupid just like GTFO how do I make a box it in with wool yes wool box it in so like I’m afraid zombie so like okay I’m gonna do it okay okay all right wait but what about the other side okay is it still fine no

I have no idea I don’t know does it have to be on fully fully full okay I think I’m gonna destroy this one ilira if we die here I’ll protect you it’s not fine it’s not safe oh [ __ ] well then what the [ __ ] maybe oh this one we can do the wool

Wall yeah this one can be like a complete box yeah oh [ __ ] no I can’t unless you break this oh now is it is it okay now chat chat is this okay wait but then this one is not safe cover the sensor what’s up yikes okay

I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m gonna walk him try running to see you guys are terrible oh my God why do I only have four bars of armor uh because I don’t have a hat or a body box it in it is boxed in what are you

Talking about it’s boxing The Streaker do you think that it ends so I have to do this one too what do you think of that’ll be do you think there’s more over there like that okay I’m gonna test it you guys you’re gonna run yeah I’m gonna break this this sensor right now

Come on if I touch this will it be bad I’m scared oh where’s that oh I think I see where you guys are I see the the wall sorry I made all my wool blocks into carpets I feel like an idiot right now only responds to sound oh so I can just

Walk past them yeah I’m just walking yeah so if you stop crouching you’ll be not okay maybe oh yeah there’s a Shrieker right here so don’t oh my God where are you guys don’t make any sound we’re just walking I think I’m gonna break it okay if I die I die

No no no if you die we die as well oh I see you guys hello there’s so what’s it called in here uh I think you know it’s walking how where the hell is he I’m so confused right now he’s not good at home oh my God

Um why does it sound like yeah in here a what I was like maybe is it ambient noise probably something like the first computer ever made was breaking down for the first time I don’t know where it is I’m sorry um I wonder if God can help us [Laughter] oh mine shaft

God sees all after all right guys got an eerie noise could it be over here and shaft when God told me about this place before oh okay oh there’s a zombie villager what nice shot oh my shot oh my God it’s dark I can’t see oh yeah pretty dark

Can I not hit this normally oh over here this goes down this guy is really dark inside of the deep dark can I can I hit him yeah hit him hit him oh okay I got rid of the sensor so I think we’re good or the Streaker I think we’re good for now

Creeper oh man no he’s up there uh let him be okay where’d you go oh I think I’m back at that amethyst oh really no I think this is a different amethyst Geo [Laughter] oh this is a different amethyst geode guys this place definitely has an ancient city

I found another g-hode no way yeah oh my God I don’t have any more night vision so me neither oh you were I’m the one that has it I’m jumping around now where are you jumping to just seeing dark I think we might have to dig down but

I’m scared to dig into it like I said it’s scary oh God what depth are we right now we’re negative well we were negative 40 something before I know it’s probably deeper deeper deeper but there was negative 51 is usually where it spawns um

There was a way oh there you are yeah I came back oh not usually always sorry my bad are always always coming back to 51. always okay well maybe we just go to that 40 level and then take a tunnel honestly the tunnel would be good because then we have an Escape Route

That’s true I’m walking very slowly back oh oh that’s right I have sneak oh yes your soul speed yeah uh look at her go I’m also coming oh my God this is the right way oh no yeah it is All right be careful here because I don’t think this point is safe even though I did the thing okay so not there we’re at negative 26. oh my God we got it yeah we gotta go back up to go down I think I’m coming oh my God God just super tatted

Oh God yeah he said I’m so involved with what I’m doing no one is willing to use their special powers for bad while I’m busy or it’s a good thing no one is is gonna use their special powers while I’m busy oh God I think

Um I don’t know if you have a special power you should use it for your own personal gain because at the end of the day it’s you that matters oh hi guys we want we want Lira to experience the ancient city yeah yeah where are you I’m behind well we’re behind spider

I just saw alira hi oh there’s more diamonds hi what’s warning Did you get the Shaker over here in here I think so okay yeah I’m walking I’m walking yeah okay I think it’s safe here it is safe except for oh [ __ ] was that you No One Is Safe it was me because I moved my mouse and it hit my keyboard

Not godly I got Lee still pretty Godly oh [ __ ] watch out okay I don’t think there’s a Streaker I heard a scary sound well she probably heard was the sensor yep oh I see more diamond oh this is zombie there’s a zombie on your we don’t want zombies

I don’t know why that scared me so much there’s a creeper On your lawn people there’s a creep oh this is a hole that goes down this okay I’m going in oh oh okay it says guys so then no should we just Dig Down um maybe what does God say amen um I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick um just watch my body

Just watch my body I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick okay where’s your body oh right behind you probably are you putting me up no don’t do that you’ll be safe I’m oh my God the Thunder scared the [ __ ] out of me oh my God I’m going to the to the bathroom

Oh okay okay got it I don’t have a pickaxe let me uh I’m going to the bed I’ll be right back here’s your blue wall thank you don’t look I’m going to the bathroom okay okay okay I said don’t look I’m going to the bathroom oh [ __ ] sorry I couldn’t help

Myself I’ll go over here I’m feeling kind of Saucy after Pinkie Pie has a kid oh I have this for you okay going to the bathroom um okay I’ll look away now okay I gave you each a potion I have I think I have one left you through it

Was for her yeah okay hold on to it until she comes back okay from the bathroom in which she is at right now I should pee I feel like it’s been enough time it probably reset I think so too that doesn’t mean you can just shoot wherever oh okay

I was like damn you’re just gonna shoot now just because no I’m killing things [Laughter] I’m playing Valerian oh movie came gone you don’t play Valerie what do you mean to the bathroom oh is it hard to walk there I’m gonna pee Diamond foreign wow welcome back anyways um I think okay so I was Consulting my tarot cards uh-huh and they said to go back to the beginning where we were okay yep we’ll just wait for it I don’t know how to get back it was right under our noses I know

And I I had a feeling I could smell it out it was pretty close I had a feeling There’s a spider coming at you spider spooky spider oh zombie spooky we gotta go back to that I mean to where we started I think so this way uh no no not this way we’ll get away from a zombie zombie is on your your lawn I washed my

Hands by the way guys me too how did we get here tell me when I have to start crouching again uh just start crouching maybe now was it up here oh they’re running on the Crouch this work thank you washing my hands is the fun part of going to the bathroom

Oh is it over here I think it’s over here yeah I see my purple wall okay nice oh you gave us a get a night vision ookie oh I have it oh thank you the zombie is not stopping following me oh oh come here oh my God he’s oh sorry

Dumbass here here here there’s another zombie I don’t know oh I should drink that too back to light oh yeah Watch out there’s the Streaker over here what oh that one over there yeah the one we couldn’t get it it’ll be okay right yeah just just Crouch wait There She Goes There She Goes watching her Crouch [Laughter] There She Goes oh she got oh this way wait oh I could

Have reset that doesn’t mean we want to take any chances There She Goes oh yeah this is the water yeah this is the water this is the water I’m gonna go to the other side there’s a Skelly man up there so don’t go to him

Oh [ __ ] that scared me I think we should still Crouch oh oh there’s a bat okay okay you’re finally harder skull normally am I crouching you don’t have to crouch in the water oh I was crouching that’s why oh my God [ __ ] what [ __ ] is Scully oh my God It’s false okay then when they say no Mom spawn in the [ __ ] deep dark it’s down it’s down down okay go down down oh diamond I think oh wait this is diamond yeah oh my God I’m gonna set him on fire holy [ __ ] it’s spread what have you done what’s spreading what have you done I’ve got so much diamonds what’s spreading my mid luck spreading is spreading it it’s spreading that was mine okay five minutes corruption if you put your mouse over the

Achievement it tells you why okay so maybe also awesome bird that there might going on around here so we got a mob near a catalyst so we gotta go down 10 because it always spawns at negative 51. always always okay always always that’s what they’re saying wow this amethyst is

Like a safe place I know it feels like a safe room just like Left 4 Dead I’m scared here get rid of some of the Steep slate there throw the bones away on the five Royal okay guys I was gonna say Persona 5 but these two haven’t played in so I said

Left 4 Dead because it was a more relatable game all right I’m digging down from here okay oh never um I’m trying to like get okay here you’re trying to what I’m trying not to get this guy oh okay yeah that guy’s a little silly okay it’s gonna be our super cool uh

Arrow entrance into okay the ancient city it has to have cooled down now right like yeah I feel like it’s been 10 minutes yeah we’ve been searching for a minute it’s quite a while foreign I’m carpeting each level what are we at okay 46 it always spawns at negative 51.

Okay such a beautiful colors green security okay yeah and the next can be green beautiful okay I’ll put green oh oopsie thanks almost Fearless yeah it’s like Taylor Swift she’s fearless too that’s the name of one of her first albums I don’t know why I’m making this thing so humongous

Oh that was you the shulker scared me okay what are we at 49 . only two more negative 51 here we go here we come Among Us Among Us but one of my someone in my chat said someone in my chat said LMAO come out sassy sauce

Sometimes they get those like I don’t know if you guys watch those tick tocks it’s like people who are like doing like um guess these five or answer these five game trivia’s right and you get a prize or whatever they just like ask random people on the

Street who are like I don’t know anything about games oh yeah he’s right I’ll give you a dollar yeah they’re like okay what and then he’s recently I saw when we was like you are the Imposter what does that make you and the boomers are like what the hell are you talking about

[Laughter] okay we’re at negative Negative where is she oh our carpets touched oh my God in the middle oh purple in the middle yeah wow that’s so cute should we just dig um yeah maybe what if we all strip mine in a different direction um yeah I got my hand [Laughter] she she’s doing it

Wait here I’ll give you look at her girl I gave you a pick oh hey I’m almost done okay thank you what no what if we die it’s fine no it’s not oh my God all right I have to live this no matter what now guys did you find it [Laughter]

Um oh my God me I don’t know why that scared me what is it oh did you find it um Maybe I started walking why oh oh yeah good plan good plan here I’ll put him on the walls oh sorry I think I just tried to steal from you I’m being robbed oh

Oh indeed oh you remember this place stop talking back to me you remember here you remember this we gotta like welcome to the ancient city Just to notif just to note that this is where we are oh is it because I put down a torch Maybe a warden approaches always so it wasn’t me it was still your fault somehow because you didn’t properly tell Lira that she shouldn’t put down torches for night vision

I have one more okay I’ll just be blind that was strike one yeah that was strike one I think it’s fine because this place has it’s still like there’s lanterns at least you can do it you can’t see any streakers in here I don’t know if that’s a good idea

Would it hear the nether portal I wonder oh candles yeah take them right Lira amethyst alira don’t open any chests okay okay don’t do it I’m trying to look for shriekers there’s one next to where we came in but um yeah everyone’s telling me to open the chest

They are I think your chat wants you to die open every single chest you see don’t do it I do it oh no my night vision is gone oh no my intrusive thoughts all right ilira we have to see the warden you have to see the warden oh it is pretty dark

Where are you guys wait I think I see them I see another amethyst is that an amethyst amethyst they’re off to see the wizard oh my God I can’t even see your names you want me to CPU yeah is that you down there nope that’s just a rock hard chest there’s no

Chests here I’ll find a chest for you no oh wait come here come here Lara come here come on come on they’re by the candy low as I can yeah come here come here yeah yeah yeah come off here there’s got to be a chest up here there’s a Shrieker right there no

[Laughter] she just walks past him like it’s nothing okay I’m gonna destroy it okay oh damn who’s afraid of the deep deep dark me where’s all the CH oh there’s another Streaker right here damn that was really close too I know whoopsie whoopsie Daisy okay I’m gonna kill it get him

Get his ass okay I’m gonna get this guy too then yeah I get his ass yes wow that was close what kind of what do you get from coming to the ancient city there’s like special things in the chests like you can get sweet swiffs sweets it can get a special enchantment

Swift sneak yeah oh is that the one that you have on your shoes yeah yeah whoa can you find the warden normally like can you just walk into him or because does he have to be summoned he has to be summoned damn oh look they’re both nice of Minecraft

How awesome if they just let him walk around too she doesn’t deserve that privilege yeah but there’s any like kind of you know I see him with me like like kind of thick I’m not answering that okay that’s the other question for you he’s huge right he’s hella thick thank you Chad

I don’t know where you guys are we’ll come back for you okay little baby lost ookie he’s super thick yeah okay we’ll go down here what do you guys think is he thick an absolute unit yeah he’s a big guy right yeah he is pretty thick here before what are you around Where am I oh I see your purple I see blue carpet that’s not me oh I don’t know what I’m doing um you can’t be me I see the big portal and I came down it oh what the [ __ ] okay is this wool I think there’s some wool yeah there’s

Some wool in here wait so you went down it and went you know you just decided to [ __ ] off like what happened oh I see you I see you me I see someone I see someone it’s me it’s not me oh hi okay I see you okay

What if I just jump down do it [ __ ] do it hell yeah I’m good I’m gonna kill that trigger or this thing right here it’ll never light up again there’s a chest can you do that open the chest wait let Lira open it oh yeah you open it oh yeah oh nothing happened

Open it I can’t because you’re shifted [ __ ] to [ __ ] firework in the deep dark wow it’s so pretty [Laughter] I’ll do it again oh oh my God you’re insane she’s doing it she’s doing it I feel like this is like it’s not gonna be shriekers or maybe

There are and we’re just not seeing them but like this fragment yeah you can get a special creepy music thing you should take what’s in the chest no take it take it I’ll put a torch to note that it’s been looted oh my God I’m getting out of here

I heard it I’m getting out of here is [Laughter] where’d you go like four of them the leader wants to die just like hey Warden come over here yeah I’m behind you a little thick okay let’s go find a Shrieker then let’s summon the warden for real

Okay are we ready for this we’re gonna do that shouldn’t we put everything in the under chest first oh I just didn’t bring it oh there’s one over there an under chest no the Shrieker oh wait then what how about we put carpet to like note the way back we

Yeah yeah we can go back and put our stuff away and then come back yeah let’s do it because because I don’t want you guys losing this stuff we just got it’s crazy she dies she’s done with Minecraft forever no I’m not because I put my lecture away so I’m not done with

Minecraft rapper wait looky where did you go I’m right here where is here in uh oh oh you’re making a little pathway okay yeah so when we make the grave mistake of summoning him we know where to go we’ll have this it’s gonna be a good mistakes nothing nothing at stake

Where actually is the way back um is it over here oh yeah I see my purple staircase God I put up oh my God we can do you can do it you put a carpet down wait I think you can put carpet down and it won’t here right oh yeah you can

Yeah what if I set off a firework I think that’s a difference yo if you set off a firework I’m running away I’ll do it after we put everything back okay because I don’t want I don’t want to be the reason of loss of Elijah oh yeah you

Have yours on you why’d you do that okay you’re a bad [ __ ] that’s why damn ah big oh it’s over here oh that was like the one thing I couldn’t lose or else I would quit Minecraft how did you go off oops why is it going off oh I wasn’t sneaking

Oh my God well good thing we found the entrance I wasn’t sneaking I thought I was I was holding I was holding it down well good thing I didn’t set up a firework if I had set up a firework in that moment it would have been over it would have been ogre for so over

All righty it’s just up here I’ll go get it and I’ll bring it back down okay a zombie wow I’ll wait in the amethyst okay oh diamond where is he oh he’s up there [ __ ] [ __ ] get away from me it sounds like we’re having a tough time over there ah oh my God

He wants to mind know my knee he wants to know me where’d he go oh she can’t even hit me this guy sucks come here [ __ ] I’m on my mom he’s ugly ugly yeah damn okay I’m coming back with us do I’m dirty and uh get rid of this bye bye

I’m on my way sounds so nasty so wet they’re so big moist okay I have a bed for our spawning point yay and I have Ender Chest for our Ender chestinians oh here’s your here’s your here’s your pick 22. okay I’ll give you back the pick thank you no thank you

Oh no let’s keep this uh I’m just gonna use a fireworks I’m just gonna keep my shulker box right here I think me thinks don’t forget to take off your armor oh [ __ ] I got a strip you do strip and make the bed okay all primed and ready to die absolutely No sword no Shield no clothes let’s go die hold on the whole time what’s wrong what’s wrong let me just put everything away yeah everything everything man it’s like this room up a little bit we got ourselves a nice little safe amethyst Haven in here I know I even put

A sign with the with glow ink yeah yeah yeah I brought it with me you never know when you need to nobody very good I’m ready I’m like running oh my God your sweater is like a beige so it looks like you’re naked [Laughter] wait it’s right here you could do it

There’s some shriekers up there wait no never mind yeah there’s a Streaker up there there’s one here and then we skedaddle it’s hide and seek wait where am I gonna go I’m gonna go this way hide and seek yeah do you think the War Room will kill me like your Shield oh

Whoops do you think the warden will what do you think the warden will kill me Maybe oh someone said we probably shouldn’t do it close to our safe base you know what that’s that’s true yeah that’s a smart idea that’s a smart idea let’s go over to the to the lava definitely Oh what’s this stuff I like this stuff wait Lira where are you going oh okay okay we said not by our base is he here no no he’s not here oh he said he advances really one more I think I don’t see anything one more yeah because he hasn’t spawned

Yet yeah you’ll hear it he’ll crawl out of the firework right in front of the Streaker yeah yeah do it do it let me see close to the center yeah yeah what what it doesn’t do anything oh new meta holy [ __ ] laughs oh wait he draws clothes okay so the Third

Is your screen fading oh god there he is [Laughter] where are you guys going there’s a Lyra she’s down there she’s behind she’s literally Another one oh my God where did you go oh God oh God oh God oh God there’s more than one oh my God damn oh I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him where are you I’m kind of close to where we were originally I

Found another chest oh I’m right here there’s a Streaker right here oh my God we just took it what was I supposed to do wait there’s no he can oh he’s sniffing he’s coming here because you open the chest [Laughter] I can hear oh I just wanted to see did

You see him yeah he crawled out of the ground in front of me and hit me in the face and killed me oh that’s what he do What if I get everything out of the chest and then run back Okay we’ll see if I can sniffing me he’s a hero Here are you like right where’s that other guy oh my God right by there Luton run oh my God you can see it in the subtitles he’s sniffing I know oh my God I can’t he’s whining you can’t you don’t have them turn on I think you can turn them off

I think I’m good I think [Laughter] Oh my God where is he oh my God it’s like massive damage by jumping himself holy [ __ ] there’s more that’s so cool uh he’s going to the safe space no way yeah wait how are you watching them I don’t know I’m just I’m just oh you’re alive

Yeah I came back to life and I’m just crouched now there’s like five of them wait don’t let him go into the safe space I made it to the safe space with the loot oh [ __ ] that’s why they’re here I think I’m so [ __ ] dead I don’t know where they are they’re just

Around me everywhere I hear them around me as well oh my God okay there he is oh [ __ ] don’t save me I thought there’s one like right over here [Laughter] oh my God [Laughter] that was so [ __ ] funny oh my God I can hear them still oh holy [ __ ] still here and they’re still here they’re still here we need to get we need to get a respawn over here uh oh we might be pretty [ __ ] they can respawn yeah they’ll like move location that’s

What happened to me let’s put all your stuff inside at the ender chest and then run away we have too much stuff We’re right he’s still whining maybe we’ll be okay if we’re not we’re not in the deep dark yes we are never mind [Laughter] Um let’s just stand still well blocking the entrance with wool help will that do anything I can run out there and see if he’ll spawn out here no as long as he doesn’t notice us they won’t shoot that attack at us someone who might chest it they are tempted by our smell [Laughter]

Is next time you guys ask me for a heartbeat ASMR I’m just gonna play the warden track they’re gonna think you’re dead and you’re dying your heartbeat is so slow your comatose I’m like oh Nightcore the nightclub remix [Laughter] heartbeat ASMR cause every time and every time

I am kind of scared yeah I’m gonna put stuff away oh [ __ ] oh yeah Sniffy snuff snuff okay let’s go out this way and see maybe if they’ll respond yeah let’s do it they wouldn’t what other option do we have at this point wait how will we get out of this cave oh good question oh yeah it was water yeah oh wait maybe

You can bring the under oh no it’s too late yeah it’s okay I don’t hear them anymore but we’ll see if you like see easy Wow We Beat It hello Wait where’s my water there’s more loot in there though there’s uh oh you want to go back in yeah you want to go not right now there’s a Skelly man shooting somewhere we can go back in the morning is kind of fun you think so he’s just a guy or many guys

I think I summoned one while I ran out because I because I had to loot hey he’s going after you it’s been a while since I fought with my fists [Laughter] I’m dying oh I lost all my carpet I’m at four hearts no no well that wasn’t me hey where did we come

In from um I think it was over this way we just didn’t put oh [ __ ] there’s another Skelly man be careful I didn’t put no it’s not it’s not oh yeah it does go up though oh got it yeah is that oh my gosh what is that oh the Moon This is the wall never mind that went oh it went more yeah it’s over here oh no it’s night time oh you have a house though yeah I think I’ll be able to breathe and make it up here oh I can just leave oh yeah just stick your head out a little bit

Is that down there oh those are glow squids nice everybody oh [ __ ] wow what a great mission Oh [ __ ] get out of my way me first [ __ ] lock the doors I’m so slow no no no no no guys yeah oh smart not the two of you just watching me [ __ ] creeps I tried to cancel wow well that was a fun time oh my God

It’s been almost two hours or it’s been over two hours holy [ __ ] what’d you think you think it was a good time it was pretty yeah I didn’t know Minecraft had scary things like that though I feel like I was more scared of this the screaming thingies then of the warden

Well the warden one kills you so much you can never Escape him you should go back and try shall we go back now yeah wait do you have a pickaxe in here nope them um No we are in Minecraft we can make one why are there no trees around here I have I was smelting iron oh yeah oh I’m taking the donkey with me donkey will come on donkey donkey sounds just like the warden I don’t care we’re friends now the iron

Is in the chest I really look naked from the back [Laughter] the only thing I don’t have is food where are you doing right here wait you took all the sticks I made six yeah because they were my sticks oh I just made a stick I have many planks um

I still don’t know the crap what’s the recipe for for what a pickaxe yeah three on the top and two sticks three on the top it’s it’s how a leader makes a sign oh I made a sign look like a sign number of people’s phone numbers anymore

You gotta do the cooking by the book I can’t go end up crazy not into the cooking I think I have um why don’t you have a cake don’t break it down [ __ ] why don’t you have a under chest in here okay because I didn’t think about that yours is still down there so dude I know

Should I jump oh maybe that’s not the whole oh this isn’t the hole oh you’re right I can’t run fast now here earlier I’m gonna try jumping earlier take this real quick oh well if you’re gonna try jumping I just want to die oh here take it

And then you’ll make it I won’t okay even though I have great misfortune oh [ __ ] I’m back down there um what oh yeah our spawn point reset yours okay well we’re all right all right I’m coming okay okay hurry up wait I fast traveled I first traveled is it down this hole

Oh it is I don’t know because I’m already down here I I was asking you the whole that you just went down oh yeah yeah this one um wait a minute I can see you get more of my torches and uh you know I should have only brought one toy stupid

Are we going the wrong way uh uh how do we get there here I’ll come I’ll come meet you I think we can oh okay what oh my God look at this little light Beacon that you can see going in it’s kind of cute are you guys okay where do we go I’m

Coming I’m coming you sliced them in half and then I ate his skin ew oh what the hell oh [Laughter] I almost died Hey oh thank you oh no I believe I’m in a half heart um oh my God this is craziness you have food in this shelter oh I might actually oh you do yeah I’ll just take as much chicken as you want or pork pork chop

I only took a little bit so what is our goal here what are we doing we’re trying to get him to use the the beam oh that’s right so we have to dig a hole away from him once we summon him that’s right okay all right everybody wake up Gordon okay Oh wait I don’t need seven I only need one I should reset myself oh whoops is he still here you got him okay I’m gonna run away from the yeah you have to go and hide delira ah another one oh [ __ ] don’t not the toggle up here there’s another Shrieker right there

Okay dig away yeah dig oh [ __ ] he’s right there okay um I’m digging right here all right you see me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he just punched me what’s in here oh my God I just watched that happen in front of me he’s not he’s walking past me

Oh my God he’s right outside my door fried outside my door come here [ __ ] you can’t get in here you’re too big you’re too chunky did he beaten you yeah he’s beaming you right now I’m I’m watching from outside [Laughter] you die oh [ __ ] um uh guys yeah

Don’t worry I’m watching to the Ancients how this way don’t worry I’m watching I’m gonna turn my overlay off too so it’s like a movie let’s say this way wait he’s just gonna find you again though earlier right um what’s happening I’m telling you he’s thick where are you are you guys kissing

[Laughter] right here no he’s coming for me now all right there’s a little hole you see I think him and I just made out for a while and then I think so too and then and then he realized what I was just gonna keep going and said I can’t

Deal with this Forbidden Love can’t believe he would let your difference if I go this way he took his time with me that’s what I’m saying treating you tenderly it’s like a lover wait that was actually crazy I know I know I’ve never seen for why You know what he reminds me of that was [ __ ] crazy he won’t be able to hit me I’m so glad I caught that on stream Dick makes you move baby do it like you do are you gonna be I’m heading back down oh okay he’s leaving me alone he’s sniffing for me you’re sniffing sniffer I’ll make it a little easier for you we’re just like oh my God not that we were [ __ ] around in the

Ancient city I know right where is he okay [Laughter] no he’s looking at me I’m he’s looking at me I’m in this hole oh he’s looking at you he turned around looking at you looking at you why why is it looking at me am I more stinky than you oh there’s

Another one right here but he’s stuck failure is right here I think he’s stuck up here oh no that’s a shame all right time to get loot you can’t break blocks oh my God grab cat grab cat oh [ __ ] I think they’re coming for me he’s leaving me

Doesn’t want to beam you that’s what I’m saying I’m waiting he smells I don’t know where I’m at right sniffing he’s groaning he’s taking notice or taking notice of me no I never thought that I would have such an intimate moment with the warden I’m telling you he’s Still now you guys are making out like I don’t know I feel betrayed like oh don’t feel don’t don’t feel betrayed he doesn’t even my love story I thought you didn’t want it be together yeah he’s right in front of the entrance what yeah punish him

I thought you didn’t want to beat it wow wait one second I got you um it’s so difficult for me I’m sorry if I just walk away can you beat me now he doesn’t want to be in me I have to stand up say Scotty at the end of it be me Scotty

Oh oh my God a slime a slime a slime spawned here wait ing okay I got all my my goods if I hold this oh it does is this the optimal way to get loot right I’m like I’m like looking for other chests and [ __ ] I already got

She’s not noticing me is he noticing you there yeah we’re fighting oh my God you’re gonna be there for hours Meant to be killed [Laughter] oh my God he beamed you you did sonically charged streets well okay I’m kind of oh my [ __ ] god so like I think he won’t find me maybe I’m I’m gonna look for loot oh my God he’s following me ew he is attracted by your smell please

You need to tell him that you’re sneaking away from him and I’ll punch him in the back of his head you need to tell him that you’re in need oh my God thanks girl he threw me [Laughter] yeah what you gonna do can he climb think so oh yeah

Yeah oh I see a chest is that the one you grabbed maybe is it close ish where things were it’s above did you go up there’s like a there’s like a [ __ ] Shrieker in the ground it’s so scary I can’t even get there because I don’t have blocks

No I there’s a staircase oh my God takes notice of who it took notice of me I want to turn subtitles on I can’t hear I can’t I can’t see [ __ ] Unless I go down here turn subtitles on guys it’s in the settings I can’t even go down there you know what maybe I’ll just go somewhere else and just because I leave the end uh go back to the entrance bless you thank you Warden Heartbeats this is the

Craziest thing I’ve ever done in Minecraft sorry I covered those subtitles unless I can move where they are on the screen I’m covering my subtitles wait how do I go down but I don’t give a [ __ ] because go down oh I found my purple I want to beat up the one I can see better that now that I’m away I know right is he still around did he leave I don’t hear him anymore how far are you I’m pretty far oh wait is he still around 500 punches oh no you can do that

Oh you’re near me I heard that he went um 250 hearts holy [ __ ] why is he so where he’s still there I can distract him okay I’m gonna get to the entrance I just want to put the stuff that I looted into okay I’m at the entrance I’ll

Distract them okay not yet not yet not yet oh oh why does he sound so close okay I know into the entrance oh but he’s not ran away from the entrance okay I’m on my way I’m almost there I think damn I guess let me know when

And then I’ll run I have a new Warden boyfriend he’s just that’s why he’s like getting angry wait am I going the right way you guys ow this [ __ ] is shooting me through the entrance am I going the right way where am I I’m lost I think um I think I’m lost

I am going the right way okay are you still in here yeah [ __ ] oh my God I see him up there up there are you near yeah I can see him up okay um I’m walking around I had only I had no Hearts left okay okay yeah yeah yeah I’m coming towards the

Entrance wait who am I seeing over here me I’m jumping I’m trying to distract them how did me falling I see him oh my God I’ve got this I’m distracting him did you make it yeah I made it yay in here like in the hallway oh [ __ ] well I’m not in the house um I just summoned another one this is I think they love you I think so too um sorry for calling your man stick earlier um

You know I I didn’t mean it oh there’s two chests here and there’s a million shriekers all right ookie is on looting Patrol there’s three Trust just Camp because there’s four shriekers next to me do it anyway do it do it anyway and do it oh my God you know what

Am I running so fast through here there’s no consequence but it’s running I think I’m insane it’s gonna it’s gonna spawn them in though next to me well you are I’ll come distract them I have no nothing to lose now unlike past I’m past the lava I don’t know where I am um

Past the lava I’m um oh I’m by alira hey I just ran here there’s one nearby now wait what that’s me [ __ ] [Laughter] um I was waiting for you guys to wait are you distracting him yeah okay are you oh come on [ __ ] [Laughter] okay I’m coming back

Oh oh wait is he too big to get through [ __ ] but the chests are up there he’s sniffing me ew oh there’s water but the chests are up there up here oh they’re up like with him you know what I’m gonna open this one instead here I’ll just keep running

Around over here oh my God uh someone just a spawned can’t get me all the way up here over here over here oh wow he moved fast he’s raging this is so fun okay Now oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is fine spawning the spawning the guys once you have nothing to lose everything is fair game yeah he’s noticing something sniffing he’s sniffing where are you alira I don’t know I’m running around running and running oh my gosh someone in my chat

Said I thought you liked it rough you know what boy I don’t want to know don’t don’t continue that sentence I don’t want to know you’re not wrong foreign guys I’m in a hole she’s in a hole there’s a man of the hole she’s out of the hall that’s supposed to be

The tar thank you for the 20 gifted thank you thank you [Laughter] all right there’s a guy over here too certainly if we just run around that’s what I’m doing how many how are we a lot you’re sniffing yeah I’m gonna go back for that I think

There was like two pots of region oh he’s oh dummy he hurt himself in confusion that’s a thing he fell off and like hurt himself yeah he did okay run run run I can’t see anything I can’t see oh I see you oh my God oh my God okay get the chance

Oh [ __ ] oh no that’s a lira never mind tell us in this tunnel though oh [ __ ] he comes back there he comes all the way around [Laughter] all right I’m going [Laughter] I ran around the whole entire perimeter oh there you are me I think I’m gonna actually so I can oh yeah

I think I’m gonna call it here actually okay I’m gonna go to bed I’m still in here whatever this is oh there we go I’m sleepy too yeah keepers that’s fine strippers creepers eaters I’m glad that you had fun in the ancient city it was so much fun in the ancient

City we’ll have to come back again yeah and now we know where it is yeah yay we have basically everything back from our old server hey hey are you gonna die are you gonna are you still going in I’m still in here I found my dead chest

I caught a little dead chest and it just has one gray wool a singular gray wool I probably picked it up when he like punched me I think he’s gonna kill me I’m gonna put it right here foreign yeah I think this guy is trapped up here he hasn’t laughed

Come on kill me pretty yippee I can’t lie it actually looks lighter on OBS than it does on my own screen it was weak only one and a half hearts oh my God one more [Applause] hey yo oh I’ll protect you no goodbye [Laughter]

Oh why is my score so high for nothing I haven’t done anything That is what the Heart Will Go oh My God foreign there’s two of them here I died um they’re here for the spit roast what and I’m in the middle okay okay have you been going out with two different wardens and they just found out okay doesn’t even want to answer she doesn’t even want to answer I’m running

I’m running running running I don’t know where though oh I don’t know if I’m going the right way hmm what should we what oh this guy is still whining up here um I’m gonna head back okay oh no I’m taking my wait a minute wait a minute wait a

Minute you can get yourself out if you want first I’m gonna take it I’ll get my stuff out when I get back [ __ ] oh Yeah don’t break the bed I was I was climbing up water wait did you respawn I respawned back in my little house oh okay then we can okay let’s go let’s skedaddle Okay I’m going back to the main Hub yeah how much did you get down a pickle none [Laughter] happy birthday happy birthday oh is it this one um I don’t know no I think it’s this one over here or I guess it doesn’t matter oh [ __ ] there’s a zombie coming [ __ ] ah

Did you bring your um Ender Chest dead okay Wait where’d you go zero up okay happy birthday to pickles happy birthday dear pickle Okay stay I think I went up the wrong way oh you keep going never mind oh I can turn my bgm back up the wrong way um no wait I’ll come back down did you say baby right here oh where’s here there’s a scary man too okay I’m going back down zombie

Where are you on a little ledge what I went up that water that you went up yeah the stream was so chill right wait which water um the first water no you have to go with the other water oh I see you they seem oh yeah I do do you see me [Laughter]

Holy [ __ ] there’s so many things probably an hour though oh no okay I’m coming down I’m gonna be brave oh [ __ ] [ __ ] just go up the wall yeah yeah just go up the water I make money Right my right what happened to the ax Barbie they’re transforming once I may make my move oh no no what is it he’s going to sacrifice himself oh yeah oh you got away what does it always nighttime when we got here time flies when you’re getting killed true holy hell we’re home

The way she she flung herself into bed hey I was tired I’m a little yippee you know what I’m saying all right there’s your uh what’s it called choker stuff everything I own in Minecraft yay [Laughter] my other silk Yaks after a great run-in with death I go right back to what on

The mirror I feel like if I close my eyes I’m actually gonna fall asleep do it again make the noise okay I wish I could zoom in right now I like that and I open my eyes now yeah oh you just wanted me to say it again yeah that’s all oh oh there’s my I was like where’s my head job well done yeah that was crazy that was some crazy [ __ ] oh There She Goes you know how yeah

Yeah you just go into the so smart Pig oh no Pig which Pig little baby oh there he is big thick comes hello all the loot I go the right way hello yeah you okay oh [ __ ] Pig actual pig pig pig pig pig no pig pig nothing big no Pig

No Pig no Pig no Pig you have your little gold booties on [ __ ] bye I’m so much eating burp eating burp that’s what it says she did it in real life oh my God I don’t know how to burp all right I’ll make sure to finish this little hub so that you guys can come back if you want to I want yeah on your own

For the the little pathway and another that’s quite handy handy yeah super quite handy quite handy more than quite even there who stripped my vlog oh foot log from my house I see no stripped no strippers my Vlog has been oh my God it’s been declosed wasn’t me yeah you like that

It played strip poker with someone in Lost my house is an l well guys um thanks for letting me uh hop into your little Adventure thanks for coming and communicating to God With Us that was so fun yeah God thanks to not only pomu but also God yeah we were

Able to go to the ancient city and have fun Claire got to see the ancient city and the warden yeah she got to see the Asian City and then some I know she could I watched I watched the whole day down throw down between you and that Warden that was crazy

I’ve missed that I’m gonna have to watch the vine please someone someone uh uh timestamp it yeah someone please send me a clip of them you know my first moments with uh with him oh my God it was more serious than I thought you were wait did you see it happen on my

Stream no I was just watching I was just watching it from I was standing oh you were nearby but someone said oh my gosh oh my God okay I’m gonna watch the lyrics why some more time stamp it please it’s definitely something What this is a beautiful relationship that you form now I have to go back yeah every Thanksgiving [Laughter] it’s pretty serious well I’m gonna go to bed oh I’m gonna talk to my chat later okay Bye I’m gonna build a little bit of pickle and then call it a night okay are you going back to the deep dark I don’t know about that I do want to finish building the little Hut though okay I’m gonna go bill for a bit and then go talk to Chad okay For League I mean see you later bye I don’t know what she’s talking about um I need to put this on my thing there oh I forgot about that outside oh my God yo I need to calm down after that that was a lot more than I bargained for a lot more that happened than I thought Jesus Christ

I don’t even have levels to uh to enchant it um okay uh I’ll just put this back here yeah now it’s comfy building time right right um man I low-key well I think it’s been too much time now for my dead chest in the deep dark

I was low-key thinking like oh should I go back to get the stuff but I think it’s been too much time um yeah let’s continue and finish up that build because it is quite simple I just have to finish up with the oak logs I don’t want to do anything crazy because

It’s meant to just be like a little hub for if people want to go to the ancient city I did not expect that moment with the warden I was truly I couldn’t I was speechless because that’s not how it went down the last time I went to the ancient city so like

I don’t know how much how much how I’m supposed to take this five gifted thank you thank you got my adrenaline spiking for real oh my God that was really insane but also that was so [ __ ] fun well now anyone who wants to excuse me now anyone who wants to experience the

Warden or the ancient city they can uh they can go they can go and have a good or bad time depending on you know who it is no the meat fell oh well not the Super a potential wedding present for you in the warden that’s very kind of you um um

Yeah I want to finish this little home and then we can decide what we want to do next if we want to call it a night or homeless so I feel very thankful for pomu because she this was her second stream of the day and she didn’t have to but she did

I just thought it would be more fun so I was like yo let’s go I’m using complementary shaders foreign let me plant some closer to the house wait I think I’m going away from it yep it does look like a cat I didn’t really intentionally make it like that I just

Thought one gigantic triangle would be kind of ugly yeah let’s plant some over here so that I have to go all the way out there again foreign Oh hmm okay I don’t think I want to do that actually I think I’m going to use normal planks I didn’t realize where we were at thank you oh good night to anyone who’s leaving thank you so much for stopping by thank you for staying and watching all this [ __ ] go down

Now we’re doing just chill things oops foreign no it’s uneven one two three that’s good enough whatever sorry I’m like a little crazy about that stuff oh my God guys leave me alone I can’t even sleep because you guys are over here thank you okay um oh God do creepers and not

Die to sunlight that’s such a noob question but where’s the other one right there we go um well after that experience I don’t think I’m as afraid of the warden as I used to be I mean now that the warden and I have a special relationship but um

That kind of gives me some ideas foreign foreign two Dimensions apart the story oh God foreign oh [ __ ] that’s a great idea I can put this story in the hidden texts in the Forbidden texts that is such a good idea holy [ __ ] thanks for that um what do I do here

Um okay I think I have to take that there we go then I have to do the same thing on that side how many pages is going to be if I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how into it I get foreign oh my God not you guys coming up with a

Ship name foreign there we go foreign okay oh my God whoopsie oh my God I’m so jittery after being in the ancient city foreign peace um maybe I’ll build from out here whoops foreign okay okay foreign it’s turning out so well thank you it’s very simple but it will suffice oh wait

I almost forgot so that nothing weird spawns foreign sounds really cute and I know how to make them now all right I have a better idea yay we have a roof above our heads lovely and we have windows so nothing can come through um okay oh someone dying right outside

That’s what you get for trying to kill me oh wow he’s using he’s using the shade I’m gonna get I’m gonna have to get some lanterns or something because just torches is pretty ah [ __ ] [ __ ] pretty boring yeah that’s what I thought go back out in the sun foreign I wonder if

I think I’ll make a path so that people know which hole to go into otherwise you know it’ll be a little hard to find foreign is it just straight this way it is okay cool that makes things a lot easier foreign foreign oh bye pomu I was about to type good night

But she was too quick I’m gonna do a little Landscaping because I don’t want to use too many stairs um wait foreign foreign thank you for the raid whoa magenta loves purple purple loves magenta hello thank you so much oh Angie sorry my throat Angie thank you so much for

The 50 gifted holy [ __ ] thank you thank you oh my God hi Dopey I hope you had a good stream hello everyone how long do you think Dopey would survive in deep dark foreign the same time as me and then someone else said one second we got some varying answers over here foreign

Magenta thinks purple is really sweet and cool love you let’s go oh my God you’re so cute thank you so much purple thinks magenta is very very cool as well um yeah if you’re if you ever come back online on Minecraft and you want to go visit the ancient city now you can

Foreign Okay um yeah I think it looks okay now for now nice little hub for when people want to give their lives to the ancient city and the deep dark foreign there’s a lot of stuff here too that we didn’t get to look at but I think I think I’ll explain explain

Explore I think I’ll explore that drip Stone area um another time because I think I’ve done a lot of [ __ ] I think a lot of [ __ ] this stream oh there’s another hole here you know there’s a lot to explore at apparently foreign I think this house looks pretty good for uh

For just like a little a little Hub there’s another Emerald over there whoa there’s free emeralds over here okay thank you I should definitely light this place up a little bit better okay um oh I have so many sticks here okay cool foreign let’s do more there we go

I’ll put some spare in there oh wow what an adventure I’m like kind of exhausted now well let’s I want to look over here though oh just a very high cliff I flew over here in the beginning so I’m glad I made an Ender I mean

Another portal so I don’t have to do that anymore I’m gonna get this sheep actually maybe I can make another bed foreign yes foreign there we go um let me think maybe I’ll put some stairs here so that people can go in and out oh we actually there we go thank you

That’s better it’s a little more integrated into the wall I like that more is there any other way that we can make it look a little prettier hmm there we go so it’s kind of like a nice purple carpet when you leave the portal and you’re like oh I’m here

It’s a nice purple carpet leading to your death oh trap doors sounds really nice foreign oh my God it looks yeah it looks a little fancy looks like a little fancy TV maybe I can put those there as like a shelf and I can put pots on top oh Pullman joined back

Miss wewa oh um oh yeah the snow the original purpose as to why she came into Minecraft how do you make a composter again oh just slabs oh only two I didn’t know I’d be decorating but I can’t help myself I have the need to decorate Apple

Which one is it it sticks first and then this foreign that looks nice can I put this I can fill it with the the leaves to make it look like soil there we go Apple oh that filled a lot uh I don’t think I put dirt can I up a wheat wheat seeds

Flower there we go yeah it looks like soil now um um yeah this place is looking a little bit better looking a little better and then maybe over here we can add like chairs and tables foreign oh hmm that’s a bit High foreign foreign I’ll put more purple carpet too

So it’s like a little area to rest your feet oh maybe I should sleep first uh-huh I don’t think I can craft a piston right now not just yet um the bed I could probably make it a little bit better over there but for now let me try and get more Oak foreign

Oh that’s a good idea I saw someone say replace the wood underneath with wool blocks foreign that is so cute now looks like a full like carpet thing wait I kind of like the look of that like it gives a texture oh I want to make it a little

I don’t make it like so perfect though foreign there we go I think that’s better maybe I can do it remove this one yeah there we go a little bit of texture not too much though it’s like make it a little natural what was I doing oh yeah I have to make

A sign Boop oops everything must be cute it must be foreign I should write something here actually um Welcome to the hmm what should we call this place I was thinking of calling it The shulker Shack or something or the shulker shed but maybe something about the deep dark

The bone Zone oh my God foreign I could call it just a deep dark Hub but foreign oh you know what I’ll do welcome to the calm before the Park welcome to the com before the deep dark there we go yeah I kind of want to add the same plant thingies

On the outside as well um yeah what only one God damn time to get more Oak foreign yeah I’ll do that too um oh perfect okay two foreign foreign yeah I think I’ll leave it like that I don’t want to go too overboard foreign foreign there we go

I want to add lanterns like right here and then same for here I want to replace that with lanterns so for now let me just do that Apple thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you yeah that looks better and more welcoming I don’t know what to put here but maybe

I can put like maybe I can put armor stance or something smooth stone slab I see and sticks okay I can just use silky and get some Stone foreign God everything is so deep everything is just like a big hole that I cannot grab stuff out of very easily

Is this another one oh it’s not okay cool I’ll grab a bit just in case um and then to make smooth stone I have to put this into the furnace or can I just put it in the stone cutter oh my God it looks so cute from far away foreign furnace okay

I’ll do two so I can make two armor stands like right there or maybe um maybe what I’ll do is I’ll put barrels around here so it’s like a storage area and then put armor stand I don’t have barrels here but I have them back at home

So I’ll just I’ll just travel to get them I don’t feel like making more barrels when I already have a lot I have to check if I had my I took part On My Feet oh I should eat dinner soon as well whoopsie I just got something engrossed in the

Game and you know after everything that happened I I was tired but then I had a tiny bit of adrenaline and I think that’s what I’m going off right now I wonder how elia’s build is going what is your name for gold boots come from the top part

It’s just Kareem for like pig’s feet I don’t actually like eating pie um but I love well some I haven’t had pulled some in a while barrels one two three four one two three four five I think Eight is Enough Um oh I had a composter there oh well oh yeah I love uh Sunday as well oh yeah let me get some lanterns thank you for reminding me I think four should be enough for the inside and outside at least um and I can make more later if I if I want to

Hmm iron bars I don’t know what I’d want that for foreign what the [ __ ] foreign I just want to make armor sets so that I can actually put stuff onto the armor stance man I really want to I want to be able to catch up to the super chess stuff after stream but

I think I’m just getting really tired so I might have to save it for the next stream which probably will be on Monday maybe foreign hmm what a great sight to come back to foreign Foreign Oh wait oh unless aha okay um oh okay um I can put the two up here and then I don’t know what to put over here in a random like just Oak foreign there we go this place is looking like a nice hub

I didn’t think I had it in me to make an actual like nice Hub but here we are all right I have to put some signs outside oh bro bro excuse me this is not a place for you what the [ __ ] are you kidding me right now can I

Where are you oh my God you’re right there still oh Jesus [ __ ] oh I was clenching so much Jesus Christ how the [ __ ] do you get in here bro no that’s not this is not a place for you welcome back to the calm after the deep dark there we go

So that when you go out and you do your [ __ ] then you come back and you’re like oh welcome back to the calm okay I think that’s enough for me today so we can end off in here so that next time we we know to do oh my God

I’m so tired now holy [ __ ] anyway thank you guys so much for coming to tonight’s stream I’m going to edit the title so that alira and pomu are in here um and I will see you again tomorrow not tomorrow actually wait sorry let me look at my schedule for for the coming week

Uh I’ll see you guys on Monday I’m gonna try and play um Q remastered because I I don’t know what the the fuss is about but you know I keep seeing people play it and they’re losing their minds so I’m gonna try it also um but yeah thank you for joining us

Today Jesus what a day um oh Luca stream is about to start new outfit more outfit toggles and old drafts let’s go customers redirect there we go um oh I missed a gifted Mumu thank you for the five gifted sorry I didn’t read it before

Okay I’m gonna go for real I’m gonna get food I’m gonna feed my child my my furry son none of that came out right which just shows how tired I am anyway so you guys uh see you guys on Monday bye-bye okay bye Um But um Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】just doing some chill things w/ @EliraPendora & @PomuRainpuff【NIJISANJI EN | Uki Violeta】’, was uploaded by Uki Violeta 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-04-23 05:55:19. It has garnered 52768 views and 3585 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:13 or 14353 seconds.

surely I won’t go crazy, since I just came back (lmao sike this whole stream was crazy)

– ✦✦✦ –

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✧ Fulgur Ovid https://twitter.com/fulgur_ovid https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGhqxhovNfaPBpxfCruy9EA

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  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

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  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

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  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

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  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

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    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

【MINECRAFT】just doing some chill things w/ @EliraPendora & @PomuRainpuff【NIJISANJI EN |  Uki Violeta】