【MINECRAFT】wow! what this game?

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Foreign Hello hello hello hello wait why is this look weird wait what is this wait ew Hi Hello welcome to minecraft what a weird game am i right this game is so weird i’ve never heard of minecraft before all what a strange bizarre turn of events goomba plays minecraft instead of some weird whoa cool it’s like a castle what’s that Osana cause the the balls hi so yeah i was gonna play a weird game but i decided i wanted to play minecraft actually instead Well i was actually torn between three games minecraft core keeper and then another one the weird one i was gonna play and so i decided to oh the dongle oh yes the dongle so i decided to uh play minecraft because there were other people that were gonna play minecraft so sam is online

Yeah i’m gonna join in a second i’m gonna have to audio check because my audios have been excuse me my audio is a bit weird i do want to see if someone needs help though because all you guys are asking me like what goomba has planned today in

Minecraft and i was chuckling to myself like having a plan in minecraft a minecraft plan and not just jumping around and hoping that somebody wants to talk and or needs help also i’m still banned from minecraft chat because i was looking up how you’re supposed to fix that and it says you

Have to go into like your xbox account and i immediately lost all the motivation to fix it at the moment so hopefully nobody says hello to me in minecraft chat otherwise i’m screwed i’m screwed i’m gonna feel so rude hello eena fix hers does she have to log

In though sana said hi hi oh wait someone said hi where did she say hi the sign i know i’m banned i think she does we can join we can join oh let me get my bearings i haven’t logged into minecraft in a well since last time

I logged into minecraft so i’m a little disorientated is the music too loud i’ll join bc i don’t think i think when you’re i don’t know why why didn’t minecraft or why did microsoft do that did microsoft do it in minecraft i don’t know why that

Happens like i can’t did you see it on my stream You can’t chat and you want to collab uh you can talk to people you know that’s also a way to collab you don’t always have to use text chat unless you’re anti-social let’s hop in but i also have to make sure that this works oh she’s

She’s muted oh no i’ll join anyway let’s see Hello maybe she can hear me hello unless i’m muted i’m not really sure okay oh man minecraft i miss minecraft i want to play more in minecraft i don’t really know what to do do you ever have that feeling with minecraft hi hello did i scare you did i startly

Wait could you hear me i didn’t i saw you were muted and i i’m sorry uh hold on you’re muted on my side for some reason even though i can i see your voice coming through obs but obvious says i’m sorry no still can’t hear no sana

What are you doing by the way oh dango i called them on i see it i’m at the bottom of it I am okay why is Wait can you say something again okay what is going on why does it do this it’s it’s coming through i see it i just don’t know why you can’t be heard oh wait i think i know oh my word okay i got it i don’t know why but

I don’t know why but like discord decides to like you have source or discord you have obs right you have sources and then you have the mixer it comes through it comes through on the mixer but for some reason the sources get hidden and that mutes everything i don’t even know

Why i’ve never hidden a source before an audio source Yeah i think i need to do like a spring cleaning um big big big space brain are you at the top of the dongle up up up you need uh the rest light of it um i want your help i can help wait she’s still muted sorry keep keep talking keep talking

Yes it is yes sssl i love girls um no bottomless teeth i don’t know what’s going on you don’t know what’s going on jeepers criminy crumbles okay wait they could hear i’m so sorry i’m so sorry i’m so sorry okay Um I think we’re good i think i got it okay wow in here we’re good yeah yeah oh yeah okay come on what were you saying before that what are you saying what was i saying before that oh yes um like i think i can pretty much

I was thought like doing the dango would take a long time but i always done but actually you know how you made that super super amazing pretty secret hideout near the onsen yeah really little grotto thingy hmm um i don’t know where to get a lot of

Blocks and um yeah when mimi and i have a have a barn kind of want to make a waterfall like you did hmm i’ll show you once i find you are you a child i’m the lost child i will be your wait wait depending on your answer to this question are you looking

Are you looking to potentially hire me is this is this a is this a job offer or are you just asking for i have nothing to offer about my love can you i mean that’s i’ll accept that as payment is this she doesn’t know she’s ripped off because she already has it

Wait i have one wait what do you need i’m sorry my brain is like yeah i’m turned on right now okay wait start hi sana wow what are you building What did you look at she needed help with hello oh that’s not you hello one more time i’m a lost i i am i am a lost child i need guidance i know i need a mommy i cannot get a minecraft mommy you a minecraft motherly figure what is it

I’m at the onsen i thought i saw you jumping around over here um i was just there but i didn’t see i don’t think anybody has changed out of them they’re so cute do you think do you think we lost our clothes i wouldn’t even know at this stage oh naked models when

Can we all just be nude minecraft minecraft uh as i say but youtube can’t possibly censor us for that that’s how we do bikinis there we go hololive swim minecraft edition ah big brain dude that is actually hold on i can’t can’t wait for your big mama swimsuit minecraft swimsuit

My big mama minecraft swimsuit where you going with that What can i help you with today okay okay sorry um come this way come right this way come in hi hi i open the door for you oh cute i am in the door for you and i am too lazy to close it i got it sorry leave it open oh cute kitty Thank you thank you Wait you waterfall here like on your melons oh well i kind of want it to fall under but probably starting from around near the top of the hill top of the hill oh where the cow is okay so um if i go up oh like maybe we can build part of the

Mountain outwards if we need to but like starting from here to go through um this water source and then on part of it i say um i want to break the top off so um down here it’s kind of like an aquarium a secret aquarium is it built or is it

Um i don’t know how to get any of the blocks i don’t know where to get any of the vlogs so you got to help me i would like all the coral and seaweed and stuff and fish yeah there’s there’s just gonna be dead fish in here i only have that fish

I can help with that wait wait that’s what this is what does this did you do this all in one street um like a bit of stream and then one stream yeah pretty much and then um if mary comes over we can introduce the llamas and bring them out

Like put them here because they’ve been stuck inside my house for so long rama wait snowy and what sweet sweet soil soil like brown stuff oil mate soil so oil soy soil like soil salts it was like interesting sleep so do you say soy mate

Well i guess if you if you milk the llama maybe um it comes soy milk comes out oh we can build the mountain out if we need to but yeah going down here again um i guess i don’t want to also make it move down eventually to here as well i think

Especially when you look from the ground floor of um mermaid’s house it would look pretty i think is this something that would require a blueprint would you like me to make a blueprint in microsoft paint or would you like to do that so that i make sure that i don’t whoa

What is this it’s gonna be the animal saw oh yeah down here i hear a lot of zombies and stuff there i can kill them and kill them oh do you know why this sounds like this because i built this and i left a lot of empty space i think underneath ah

I think i buried a lot of empty space for the zombies to spawn oh they’re your fans chum buddies are zombies i’m sorry yeah it’s like it’s like you totally forgot about them they became i zombies to eat them why what did young buddies eat i know you’re like chompers like fuzzy they’re

Your emergency russians right essentially yes yes they’re edible right no um in order for them to like live in stuff in order for them yeah what do they eat i don’t know what do you guys think they’re nature they said brains brains oh wait they’re watching the wrong youtuber for that

There’s no brains here sorry guys i need a different food source for that one brains and doritos uh yeah i have i’m sorry i have no brains to spare just to say you guys are looking in the wrong place yeah though a waterfall would be really pretty here it’s a really good mountain

For that i think yeah and you want like no wait okay so you want me to collect blocks first what can i do for me to work maybe you can show me where to get them as well because i’m curious i’ve like don’t do anything to just make stuff okay yes

I totally remember exactly where that is when would you like to go now um yeah sure wait i probably want to put some stuff in the chest okay you have an oven they can boil an oven i have a stuff it’s like if you tell me

An oven i’m not sure if i’m supposed to search oven oh um actually i think it’s called oven i think mommy’s got one i can just use maybe if it’s got stuff in it it does i got it i think it’s called oven oven It is not i think it’s called a furnace oh i have i have a furnace inside my house but there’s no fuel wait i i do have some lava i got it though don’t worry oh room cave Okay what do i need to bring to go swimming Just your body area maybe a boat actually would be useful boot okay oh also silk touch i think you need maybe i’ve never touched the silk touch ever i think people bonner was trying to get us up touch um x wait not axe pickaxe for me

And um she took the whole stream to find a diamond and i never touched any yet oh yeah so yeah i never used it i just know like user to pick up stuff there i never needed the need i just always to get all my materials i just lose your

Leech off everyone else oh i mean that’s how i am that’s minecraft for you i flip that away and it hasn’t caused me trouble yet so i mean no there’s no problem with i do that borrowing without returning all the time in minecraft i’ll just borrow this real quick i learn

Like mother like torah oh god i had a skeleton wait i have a silk touch you can use um i don’t know where i put it though But also a phoenix tin do you have emeralds anywhere i think i like traded ow ow ow there is i traded so many um clay wait not clay i traded so many bricks over there so i’m not sure if i have any left i’ll go have a look um

Oh i have emeralds you can use these let me go see if i can find you a silk touch i don’t remember how to do it you want to get a pickaxe and then you got to get the silky silk silk so wait do i have silk and i’m just

Stupid where is it i have no idea chad do i have silk touch I forgot what i was looking for um emeralds emeralds emeralds i have emeralds let me see silk touch book you have fortune um We need to go get the silk touch book i know where that is how do i get there i have protein emeralds all right uh if you have stuff to do here i can go get you one real quick it will be um so fast potentially oh what should i do

Atlantis is is it close i might as well just go there um you you won’t be able to collect you need the silk touch in order to get the coral and stuff but if you don’t want coral and you just want fish then ah i want coral yeah then you gotta use

The silk touch okay thank you mommy i got you why but i’m sticking i’m stick i’m committing to this um the mommy it feels weird but you’re just sticking to it is that what you’re talking about oh maximum uncomfy don’t like it do not want what if i call you mommy how does

That feel no Mommy sorry mommy sorry ah it feels weird because i’m just i’m just a kid just saying i’m a choke i’m just saying with your kid i’m like three years old mentally well i know 1 billion billion is all about mentally i’m like 3 years old i mean i understand i am too yeah

Oh all right pickaxe Oh my god Have you ever heard the llamas go uber they do i think they do they go ooh and once you realize that you can’t unhear it it’s five emeralds for silk touch wait what i need a book oh god don’t laugh at me sana have you seen yeah card captor sakura Is my favorite magical girl series please help me i have catch you catch me stuck in my head and it will not leave isn’t that a good thing yes but also no because it’s been several hours i know now it’s stuck in my head happy jingle How do you make a book um you’re right and oh i’m good mama just alana just spawned from um like really high up in the middle of nowhere yeah yeah it’s just it’s just a sight to behold one magical minecraft a llama spawn a one in one thousand

Chance to watch a llama spawn actually actually it does does this mean i’m pretty lucky i should i should i think so it’s like tiny oh wait wait like when they say it down that’s good wait is it stuck in the sky yeah it’s kind of like stuck in the sky

It’s on like my dang it what yeah yeah you know how i was building the dango really high up like huge huge dango yeah like you choose huge angers huge tankers yeah that’s just a llama on top of it right now let’s live in the high line ah it’s friendly

I don’t know how i’m gonna get it down there because um down is death well it’s called natural selection sometimes but this llama is not like the other llamas this llama wants to fly um no i don’t know who’s good who’s got diamonds one-eyed pawn it’s so expensive what’s the deal it’s

It’s still it’s Where do you get a diamond pickaxe shoot it down the chat says you shoot it down shoot it down this is a no-fly zone i am a peaceful minecraft of player i i’ve never held a sword before actually actually i have i like murdered um a merchant to get two llamas but

You don’t want me you know you don’t want me to hurt me it’ll hurt me i can’t i can’t hurt no he he said ubu i can’t possibly harm him now the only deadly curse curse of the ooh well i have silk touch for you but you

Need a pickaxe to put it on do you have a diamond pickaxe you’re willing to put it on um i don’t think i have but i’ll go have a look um it’s pretty cheap though i think if you’re just gonna use this to collect uh coral then

I mean i guess an iron would work this is just five mm i just have to get it uh silicata enchantment yeah um yup i got an iron picks up pickaxe yeah the screen is this anything in the chest what do you guys have left for borrowing purposes goodbye

I want to see this freak rama oh halloween i’ll go back i’ll go back to the llama it’s like um Didn’t fall down did it um legend perish they seem lonely oh no hello boys i’m not like the mansion um it’s not like the merchant clothes this is like llama then where’s the merchant i did see the merchant he was standing by your dongles but i don’t know where you went after that

Ah how did how did i end up here i want to take over home oh give me this look at me like that and look at me like that i’ll start looking at your nostrils like the eyes give me a second long live the king stop that fact stop being mean to

Get stuck I try a bird Take full damage um oh that’s a good question because i know people use the boats when they’re jumping off big cliffs the this is for um water is laziest i don’t have any water ah how good is your also the ping might get you the ping not the pink Just had to fix it fix my do you have sub mode on right now yes i do okay right here do you see him it’s um oh it’s spinning How do they spawn so far apart because the merchant is all the way down at the uh at the stone base i gotta take you home now it danced hello sir are you missing a llama your crotch is on fire oh wow oh wow small drip leaf

Seems like it didn’t go inside the boat wait is it isn’t it if you uh hit the merch and he raises his prices yeah no oh it is okay i think i need to beat him up some more he should actually it should be he raises his prices if you

Hit him a few times but when you bring him to the brink of death and he lowers his prices is like a ah about please like immersion right that’s like so logical we should ask minecraft devs right you should have to like learn how many hits each merchant takes

Depending on their color of their loin cloth you can get like a few hits in before they drop their prices but if you kill it then you’re out of luck and like the really rare ones might vary Oh whoa that’s oh can i make this wow wow parkour wow yeah it’s like so far unless um i make a path down the staircase i can go down and get a leash you can like pet it or something how many llamas do you have um good question

Do you really like this llama i really like this llama like how much the summer is special how special Um it wants to fly what’s the point that’s special and i also want to fly so i relate to this llama is just like me if i was a llama So you really like this llama He’s in the book do you have a problem with that no no no he’s just like judging me no no no i’m not judging you i’m just Debating how valuable its life is at this moment llama bleeds angrily well excuse me llama who’s trying to eat my lunch oh i have to be quick he’s in the boat be ashamed if he slips what if i tell you that i can exchange you this llama’s life for two new llamas

Can the llamas fly i don’t think so we can ask it has to be this llama venus it has to be this llama we have fate you’re old fate where are you does lama fly he’s in the boat by the way why can’t he how do we get the fight down

Oh i’m in the boat you’re in the bird i’m not in the boat Take this llama bleeds angrily what do you eat Um step out of the boat do you think they eat wheat i should have got some but i was in a hurry why why would you need to hurt i haven’t run in control okay Like yeah okay they do eat weed thank you oh Hello i love llamas wait do they talk to each other are all these guys gonna spit on me wait a minute oh my goodness yeah oh no the rumor mill What’s worse a rumor mill or a puppy mill you’re very fit yes it just fits if the llama fits let me go see if the other llamas are there because there are other llamas oh no this door is not made for llamas Come here i have two more llamas before they despawn oh wait also let me give you this your enchanted book of enchantment i have your yeah thank you don’t do that again i’m down here wait where are you where are you there you are i can care for the llama you can trust

Me okay who is safe right now ah you forgive me it was great I wouldn’t have got an area safe without your help oh yes so i appreciate it yes okay wait where are you you’ve disappeared again where are you how did you Um went to the direction where i thought you were but you weren’t there so because i was following you where are you wait i’m okay okay i’m going to go back to uh Because it’s dark and it really brings some comfort i don’t know how you move so fast all right all right here you go how do i throw this like that book um what do you do do you have to go somewhere or do you just Oh yeah you need a yes exactly that um okay i have one if at the bakery perfect i think you can also name your pickaxe too if you want these guys share the berries they eat they need food oh wait bakery there’s bread yes i have lots of bread yummy i like bread

Oh and phyllis dedicated coral weapon coral crunchier cookie Wait for the order okay oh no something’s wrong with this fox oh that’s right where did you get the pink llama the like cupcake llama oh you just get it um wool you give it clothes and then you can yeah and then you can dress it up

The pink one looks really cute it’s like cotton candy it’s like i gotta think of what what to give ue what color is bringing out oohs seriousness awareness wait if there’s more leaves uh i don’t know ooh would look good with pink sprinkles llama fashion

Can you put a saddle and uh clothing on there i don’t think you can put a saddle on them because i tried writing them i don’t know All right so just for decoration well i think so he can ride something but um they don’t go anywhere they just go wherever they want they’re free uh-huh i want to carry it on maybe maybe i’ll give away light blue whatever whatever light blue pattern there is that would be cute image

In my um you hear that you’ll never forget me or my face you need a new wall i think i have no wall i have nothing zero wool absolutely i think like you have to get tenderloin into carpet and then you just yeah you just make it wear the carpet it’s like

Wearing a blanket And how do you put it on them you just put it on them i think firstly gotta be friends with them i always forgot i have to feed the llama Friend with a llama yeah and then and then you can choose what it was i mean like um you wouldn’t want someone who isn’t your friend to choose what you wear mr llama though you are my domesticated animal i own you you will wear what i put you in mister

You will eat what i give you except my offerings um i think they require a lot of weed so high maintenance and i i’ll give you my stack so just try to feed the just try to keep feeding it and feeding it and then well here i’ll swap you this for that You want to we wish you hey sure Yeah they eat so much and then i think you have to ride it and um if you’re friends then you can see love hearts fly do you love me oh he’s mad he he’s bleating angrily wait do i need an empty hand I think yeah um i don’t remember Oh we friends I think once your friends sit doesn’t this they spawn anymore i don’t know if he likes me oh there he goes You like spin this one spinny spinny i knew this was the one i’m so happy i did oh wait love hearts oh ew now he looks at me though okay maybe what’s that now i’m sure we’re fine all right let’s put something blue on mr rama hi um play carpet

No blue wool i think i know where i think there’s some here though hold on let me grab there might be some nearby so we don’t have to go all the way back from the um this thing oh this might be concrete actually bummer oh yeah i was looking for a wall

And it was concrete there’s green they look really really close what about lime green this lime green here you can have a look what pattern you can just like um give them all well give u all kinds of colors and like see which one looks best Maybe there’s carpet in um the chest and heel hey i wanna go see what green looks like on there does the blue carpet match the blue drapes what does that mean How do you put it on i don’t remember it does it oh yeah you have to click something or um i i think you have to write it for us i’m so sorry about it you still love me oh no oh no is it is it trying to kill you hit

The wrong button now he’s spitting at me chris you went on top i won’t give up i won’t give up it’s spinning it’s cool you can hate me all you want llama but at least you look really cute okay let’s do this all right Oh i like this one it’s like green it’s like it’s like christmas colors it’s mint flavored you sell gelato what is this let’s name you gelatoni Oh also known as wants to fly it’s a little bit emotional it’s just it’s just like it’s like mario it’s a llama mario mama He eats too much my goodness explains why i like sweets so much right because wheat’s pasta essentially oh i guess i really like pasta as well hmm wait i want to look up the llama patterns Did you see it did you see the dark green one um i think i saw them a really long time ago but i don’t remember them anymore oh do i have enough yes yes yes yes here’s something my chat knows exactly what we’re doing maybe not my day could they say

Oh my gosh you’re gonna like this well maybe you like it i don’t know i hope this works i hope this is not why no although i will say italia on the llama italiana llama whoa okay daddy oh my god oh man creeper what’s up creepy creepy creeper i thought of luigi luigi

Where’s the wait can i borrow his leash will he despawn if he’s deleted oh yeah you can get take the leash okay okay wait wait a car i don’t know oh you have it i got it okay wait do you have one you also have the white thingy that’s a potato wait

Oh oh i’ll be right back hi i have another llama i know where mario is you need to befriend it as well i think so wish me luck i don’t think they’re gonna like me no matter how much weed i give them although i have all the way that

You gave me so it should be all right unless they decide i’m gonna agree more and see if they grow fast oh hello i’m going to separate you from your birth sibling is that okay you’ll never see them again do they despawn faster if you separate them okay

We are the new family now i’m your new family now hello you want some weed Hello mr llama we don’t like me hello would you perhaps consider me a friend oh friendly llama oops how can i sit on him just leash in oh wait wait wait wait say goodbye to your brother or sister sibling i missed a spot did he spawn look at that just like that

Just like that you’re an only child you don’t have to share any more christmases think about the positives no more christmas sharing you only have one the sibling just died like literally this llama just the other one just despawned entirely oh i feel oh no heartbroken

I feel slightly i don’t know i should say surprisingly less remorse than i expected so it’s fine but i have another llama now I don’t know where to get cactuses does like bunker rainy have cactuses i i don’t know actually i i know where to get them in the desert but wait are you someone in chat was like did did she kill mario no he despawned it’s different oh What a good rama i am a lost child Uh where is the llama oh i think uh separating him from his sibling was too much to handle it i never got to see it it was very cute oh your lies well anyway you want to go to atlantis to get some stuff let’s go man i wasn’t expecting to despawn that fast

I thought that they turned don’t respond as long as you’re around them but oh i mean i didn’t you didn’t have the hearts because i don’t know ow oh yeah no hearts that could have been it everything guru touches dies that’s that’s kind of that’s so sad everything the light touches dies

Well actually if you think about it that’s true right everything dies so essentially everything that the sun touches will die eventually eventually um i’m just following you we’re in the wilderness that’s on there that’s 2022 armor right uh okay we’re going this way I think i remember how to get there wait a second huh that wasn’t training because the llama along with this phone didn’t die it just just went somewhere it’s dark he went to the The big rainbow he crossed the giant llama rainbow to be with his sibling is uh separated at birth what does a baby llama look like baby llama is the fluffy i hope so i hope it’s cuter than like baby owls no offense movement um but I don’t actually remember what they look like anymore but i do remember that very long legs very few feathers or maybe it’s maybe flamingos i’m thinking about there is a really cool owl that has a really long legs so um sadly it’s like wait like longer legs than normal owls because

Owls in general like longer like the like the legs are super long like probably the size of the body if i remember yeah and sadly sadly the alley is um no longer around but i thought that was a really cool owl wait is this your house what

Is this your house oh no it’s mine’s my house oh okay i thought you invited me over oh no i’m homeless currently i’m currently in the minecraft housing limbo i caused it myself though so don’t don’t don’t take pity on me i know it’s hard not to but

Refrain from pity oh you might we might die and it’ll be fine okay you’ll protect me uh you have three homes shut up jen no no no why is it dark why is it dark why is it dark why is it okay step one of another is never be frightened

All right i have no armor well that’d be okay it’s not like yeah wait whoops my bearings let’s go wait wait this is different well it’s so dark wait why is this different why is it spicy does this just work this was sealed off i hope we’re okay

But uh we may not i think we’ll be fine it’s this way oh maybe you’re fine you have like empty wait do you also want fish Oh we need pockets certainly like a lot of buckets Damn i had a lot of buckets you want to go back and get them or do you want to um because that’s something since it’s like really close we can just like make buckets i think okay Boo kids i can also organize my stinky inventory because wow it’s bad oh yeah the iron farm in his iron farm you know we have it in atlantis You know we know do you like uno um i’m bad i do know that okay i guess i like you you know more than it’s scary you like wait what uh uh hard who knows all rng oh i have bad luck oh if you can play bingo though you can

Play uno do you like bingo yeah i have bad luck whoa who um did someone like organizing inventory well there you are there’s a granny hey how’s it going it’s going ahoy how’s it going minecraft playing minecraft oh we’re going fishing yeah girl’s gonna girl is gonna teach me how to fish oh

I want to watch give me a second you sound like you just woke up i always sound like i just woke up wake up it sounds like cranny just woke up i thought about going to sleep though maybe in 30 minutes good okay you can um

I got the ponca rooney do you think you can bring some buckets yeah how many buckets oh oh it’s a party over here party party what am i hearty are you hardy har our hearts uh oh wow chest i didn’t look for stuff hey hey listen

Listen the rule wait where are you mate the rules with the borrowing is that you can’t do it to people that also do the same tactic i can borrow from other people because that’s that’s fair oh diamond my diamond don’t touch where is it nevermind it’s snowball uh

Wow a diamond was in that chest like just in the middle of nowhere for the taking wow no that’s like lucky no beef that noise huh is that a tummy rumble i have a tummy rumble you want this as well i don’t know if you can use this oh wait where are you

What what uh this isn’t the like the little the little corals but you can still use it maybe it’s like ow whoa hey oh my goodness what gives all i have is a stick hope you’re ready hey get him here get him girl oh i am a

Professional excuse me oh why is he got so much he’s like throwing me what is this you want holy critical hits but he’s still not dying mine is less you would think bludgeoning a zombie with a stick would do that’s a really strong stick he’s healing i’m just kidding okay we’re good

He’s dead hello hello hey is that clover yes hi are you guys up new i have lost i haven’t got inside Say god bloody damn it bloody damage april fools all over again [Laughter] did you see in android cronie coney while you’re here yeah it was so amazing yes well amazing all right i’m ready no i’m not Going ready but you forgot me no no i was coming to collect you i just need to cut a tree this will protect us i’m sure all right should i put armor from the community chest is there anything there yeah that’s there take some

Get a sword there was a lot last time i looked it’s just lots of beets lots and lots of beets i should see some in that iron i don’t wear boots on bare feet what okay i’m not gonna i mean yeah okay okay okay [ __ ] buckets mine is the rubber

Does that look a little does the raw rabbit look a little or a rabbit rabbit it kind of looks like a heart doesn’t it it’s like a heart but it’s just been melting a little it’s like a melting heart and the pose is a little poke suggestive yeah is it there you

Might be weird I didn’t even see the rabbit i didn’t see the rabbit i don’t see a heart shape oh you’re so pure i see it i haven’t like did you say a dump truck I think we must go i must go and ask we must go let’s go collect the buckets from cronie we can go all the way back and stay kara’s been alone in minecraft for too long looking at the raw rabbits so i think you can i hope he’s way too

Uh dangerous take the my rails wait where where are you from are you also over by the i’m at my house okay i know where that is mine court uh how many buckets you need um as many as you can all of them what are you guys all of them what are you

Doing oh there’s a stable there’s a stable like maymay’s in my house um at the back of it there’s an aquarium that i just want to fill with stuff but i don’t know where to get it is taking me on a tour Aquarium redemption after we killed so many fish in the museum aquarium i don’t remember that it’s for the best yay that never happened no four all right ready it feels anyone need hot potatoes i mean but baked potatoes potato hot potato hot potatoes okay wait do you know the wiggles like potato potato

I haven’t heard that in papa potato why berries again in the beats section okay sorry they look the same they’re practically the same i’m sorry i think you’re just being where’s the ho going backwards oh i get barfy if i go backwards but do not let’s not get barfy going

Backwards i’m going on transport and stumbling oh i don’t but now that i think about it if i barf then it would go in your face that’s romantic but i didn’t so i i was good it was good because that was good wait Okay cronie’s in the bunker baroni oh My bros wait how do i get out of here that’s why they call it yours i don’t know i can’t get out of my bunker i don’t have any no come on i stopped i waited no i didn’t is this for pushing um am i going to go save you

Well they’re working out will you save me oh really okay it’s okay i have a backup exit actually don’t know how to get inside and out your bunker i go through a way that i mocked you marked it how um Um i forgot where i came out from uh one of these buttons do something Oh what happened to all the cows there was so many now there’s none did mummy come through here like on the under the tree farm there was so many oh my god what happened what did something happen to my cat my cow farm what happened what happened oh this isn’t it there’s

Only a white fox now oh no i’m stuck i can’t tell that’s genuine concern or it’s genuine how did they get out oh that What that’s how they got out is that why there’s so many cows in the wildlife now i was thinking about that there’s like so many cows everywhere my cows where where is the last time you saw a cow well oh yeah i’m sorry you guys can go fishing

Without me i have to take care of some things it seems i want to help no no it’s okay i don’t want to distract you guys from your adventure i just need to take care of this oh god my cows oh there’s lots of cows there’s another cow over here

Where i need a lead i need a cow collected i don’t have any weed i i have late uh give me a second mr cow would you like some wii okay we’re all gonna have to see a leap of faith here jump okay he’s fine we’re good oh sorry thank you this way

There’s a lot of cows um on the tree farm as well i thought you just sort of kept them there or something no oh who would do this who would who would put dirt blocks and let my cows free it’s the time how dare they scrub phone

It sounds like you’re um your bunker rainy mates is that movie are we blaming moomin is it all i’m saying is every time i’ve turned my back and there’s been a cow and mummy was there when i turned around there was no more cow who made to try oh i can’t believe it

I got three i smell it wow there’s many cows yeah there’s so many calcium is there any weeds i don’t have any wheat uh there should be some meat in there Come here boys wait we should interrogate mummy will she log in all right we’re going to move um snow and soil to the new home not before an investigation can you please one at a time your cows are stupid well yeah they’re not meant to be smart cattle brains come on

These ones they were smart enough to run away that is true that’s true not as smart as pigs though oh yeah pictures are smart the chickens are smartest dogs all right three cows are in the pen thank you god you’re following me guess i’m starting from scratch two cows it’s adam and eve

I got it oh adam and eve i wish i was clever enough to come up with cow puns brad oh hello my cows come here mr mumu what’s like a typical cow named owl busy oh hello oh cow holy cow come oh i was just trying to find some wheat

Searching oh the wheat the wheat is um near the cow farm it’s so oh that’s bad so there was a key to the bunker roni i haven’t even used it yet but it’s gone he is gone wait there’s a key like an external key i think so ow

Hello boys isn’t that what you were doing with muna making your spoon oh i remember seeing a picture of that i know it’s looking at my weight look at my wings my weed is better your superior seed look at my weeds no ow where are the cows supposed to go

But there’s so many cows what pen and then oh i’m making cow babies i didn’t mean to but i am mother nature there’s a baby cow now you have one more cow but you made the baby i encouraged them to make the baby uh-huh no couch baby’s cow can’t save this cow

Oh is this where they’re supposed to go very different outside if you haven’t seen come on would you guys like a bed i would love a bed can i share it with you i have one bed it seems like we all have to share i’ll just leave let me know

Wait but i’m so close to getting all these cows home or two okay there’s just two more it’s just two it’s just two more there’s just two more there’s just two more yeah phantoms yeah beat me up i don’t care how many cows did you have like how many are we looking for

It’s like you couldn’t tell the difference between one cow one cow and another cat they sort of melted into each other oh dear my helmet just broke love that’s like what zebras do why zebras have stripes so when you look at them it just looks like one big zebra mass

Yeah the cows are still looking at my wheat i see them put it away i need the best weed are you guys just not going to sleep it’s like i’m sleeping with my wheat i’m like hugging it with the cows they’re looking for some cronies push them in let’s wait to choose someone

Um um what am i supposed to do push the cows in push evil push push stupid cow okay close good yes now make babies all of you okay good i’ll sleep next day they’re making babies apparently all right i’ll go get a little bit Um if i was a bed where would i be um Okay granny puffed whoa the baby cows The cowlings no okay i’m gonna leave cows i’m gonna take my weed with me make babies sleep i did see like quite a few cows like really far away like there were so many when i was um when i was making the barn there were a lot on the hill

They were just like randomly there you should sue for damage of property yeah i don’t know who Caused the damage you have security you don’t know who oh who could have possibly but i wonder if they were just like fed up of their living conditions and just decided to escape when they had the chance they decided to fly the coup that doesn’t make sense it’s the best

Place on earth until it isn’t i am looking for cows lost cows i don’t see anything looking for you must have gone away but they’re having trouble getting through the door they’re a little bit too wide to fit through the door oh lots of cows here oh four cows you’re like the the

Have you guys seen that video of the guy he’s playing is it a trombone he’s like playing ward on the trombone and all the cows come running over the hill oh yeah i love that video have you seen the one where they’re playing jazz music to the cows yes yeah

Wait father where are you going can you play jazz music journey is the stairs oh can you play saxophone i can’t oh i would love to can you play any instruments piano kind of oh there we go what about you what about you guys i love these cows flannel plays kalim brah

Oh yes kalimba i don’t i don’t play any instruments anymore i used to play oh i used to play a bit of violin oh i played the food too oh cute the flute is a really gross instrument it’s like such a gross that’s the queen such a i think it’s such a graceful

Instrument but yeah so you have to clean it yeah it’s so gross um i applied to learn trumpet but i was the only one um in the entire school who couldn’t make the trumpet sound oh it’s like yeah so i tried out for it but i couldn’t do it appropriate prepra

I remember watching somebody clean a clarinet and they hadn’t cleaned their reed a reed is like the little piece of wood it’s like a little flap of wood the size of your pinky uh and they hadn’t cleaned my reed in a while and it got moldy and it was like

Green and hairy and i was like that is disgusting imagine squidward’s clarinet oh that’s probably clean does this raw rabbit look weird to you fauna it looks like a heart i see a face in it actually face how do you see your face yeah it’s like just like a rorschach rose

The face looks like this yeah but angry okay it looks like i just feel like it’s on it’s like you know it looks like it’s all it’s on its floors all four twerking or something somebody said yeah i see it looks like a tooth yeah kind of looked

Like a tooth the cow’s still the same i wait as supreme i am now the cow princess Cattle mommy no look at my wheat my wheat is bigger than hers my weight is finer green than yours exactly don’t look at her we just temporary look at my weight i’m one with the cow what do cows smell like like bad bad are they musky though like a dog like

You know dogs have dog smell i know cows probably smell like you know barn yeah but i’m smelling them we’ll find out it’s really missing you okay i didn’t look cute i know that i’d rather smell you girl can you differentiate the individual barnyard animals like oh this is

Definitely a chicken smell this is a donkey smell this is cow smell if you go by poop yes but i don’t know about like if you smell if they were clean and you smelled them i don’t know Then they’ll just smell like shampoo aren’t you guys so cute have you seen like blow dry cows they’re so cute ones with long hair fuzzy cow Perfectly groomed cow they’re blending into each other so much they’re making like uh a tartan pattern oh don’t put them in one space too much that actually kills them later on they’re trampling themselves yeah but right now i think it’s safe i think though they’re just so hungry for the sweet

Sweet wheat yeah there’s so many babies they should eat the grass imagine if they can eat the grass and then they just they just multiply infinitely yeah if you use bone meal on grass it made it long too it was like i feel like i feel like if gross

I feel like if the cows would eat the brussels mistake your hair for grass full for oh no maybe it’s for the best then yummy it’s like how the foxes ate all the berries and then there were a million foxes yeah i mean like fonda’s hair doesn’t taste

Like grass it kind of tastes like um lime sherbet and how do you know tasty Should i be concerned you’ve been nibbling her hair in her sleeve is not the only one who needs to go on trial we got a hair nibbler what’s wrong about it is it true that your body doesn’t actually digest hair if you eat it so it’ll like ball up in your stomach

Yeah i mean that’s what happens to cats that’s right i know if it’s um different stomach stomach acid like if you have weak stomachs acid so i don’t know um like for example rabbits have to eat the poop over and over again to digest it properly oh yeah no eating poo poo

Do they know they do aren’t they cute adorable animals no having second thoughts you wait i want to see fonda’s house where is vana why do i have to roll a rabbit why am i holding the royal rabbit you put this in my pockets twerking rabbit sneaking in a raw rabbit

So you think of me down your pocket what you look like a raw rabbit sometimes oh i’m in the bakery oh the bakery while you’re at the bakery sorry i’m stealing some bread oh hey you guys want some baked potatoes i have baked potatoes red because my wheat

No my baked potatoes are great you gotta try and give me one second i brought like three snacks into the potatoes i’ll leave some potatoes i want potatoes now yeah that’s right come over to my house everybody would rather hang out in the rain outside my bakery

How do you get in your house in the fountain um my house where are you guys at the baby bakery i’m having a potty dancing in the rain where’s the bakery oh i see it Cronie never leaves the bunker this is her first time i think the sun isn’t out yeah i would go blind oh nice cape coney thank you it’s invisible what does it have on it hourglass oh wow very fitting time or it could be a very delicious or a bow tie wow

Yeah sideways bow tie it’s an hourglass i like wait have you noticed cronie if you turn an hour class on his side you get a ribbon oh x-files music playing Hourglass hourglass that makes me think of the dentist did you guys used to get those like mini colorful oh yeah all right you have to like where’s your brush yeah oh how about the toothbrushes that sing a song to you i had kiss i had montana [Laughter] look

Is that a waffle oh no a potato taste potatoes potatoes for everyone wanna rock it roll on them do you guys use electric toothbrushes yeah i do because my dentist made me buy one salesman dentist well they didn’t say it had to be theirs they just said buy one

By the way they emphasized that also has my name on your product i saw your screen where you put these in the bird what’s that here no okay i don’t think so cupcake it’s cute i love that animation what does she know ramadan she is uh wait what did you say is wow

What are we doing i don’t know what are we doing why are we just out in the rain like this because everybody is so attracted to the smell of fresh bread that they’ve blossomed where is it red where is bread can you read i’m sorry that sounded mean it’s right around the corner

Big sign you can’t miss it you’re so mean my feelings i’m so sorry cronie how will i ever listen to submission real 100 not clickbait guru hates crony [Laughter] did you find the hair corny okay you did nice what did i find the bed oh

And she didn’t find it like i gave it to her out of oh this is oh my god oh this is a oh this is a barrel oh flowers cookies cookies flowers barrels bakery has it all cake oh amazing please boxes yeah llama sheep horse drama what does she know uma does That show is popular wait is it even a show this is just an app right it’s an ipad she doesn’t know it yet i i know i know how to get out it’s just i’m scared that i might let them out by accident i’ll close it

Three two one i think these boxes are kind of distressed oh it’s free oh this is green it’s holding gravel or something why is that chill through a little [ __ ] what do you have in your mouth drop it come back whoa oh Little stephen oh my god oh he’s on the run come here swiper no swiping oh Left side of the bakery I don’t know anymore he’s done he’s under here he’s he’s he’s where is he oh he’s right here he’s under the house what [ __ ] this get there they’re impossible to get out so yeah um Where is he he’s right here he’s under the floor yeah yeah over here it’s like trying to get out anybody have a pair of tongs Well i guess that’s its present now it’s even worse oh no oh i see it said thanks fall for getting in there in the first place i mean we need to call the fire department our fox save the baby how do you even get there you can dig

Into it and i have no idea that the fox is always um yeah whenever they get lost their mothers and fathers they always ran under the bakery long ago how do you say [ __ ] it’s like in the blood oh [ __ ] out oh oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] for [ __ ] it’s out for [ __ ]

Who is that oh who was that who joined who could that be who can we come on come here fox hey mummy oh my please i hope you’re doing voice chat may hello mom how are you are we just pretending like movies in the voice chat right now wow that sounds so cool

So you just spawned at a um at a tree house let’s go say hi mummy’s here she’s telling us all about how she let the cows out wow what moomin Oh looks out there Why would you do that moment doesn’t seem so cute she is pretty cute maybe we shouldn’t put her on trial after all no can we put her in jail she can’t keep getting away with this punishment must be punished Rabbit we need to get mermaid to take the raw rabbit test oh oh well what did chronic try throwing then then a miss and then look down at that’s the raw rabbit who’s that the raw rabbit sana i don’t have it oh we were throwing it around and stuff i

Don’t know who has it anymore i don’t wait i do have it huh yes what does this look like very important question no pressure eat us up In detail what do you see the fetus can you eat it um Uh actually no it looks kind of cool i don’t i don’t want to eat it it looks too neat [Applause] inventories Okay i put all the foxes back nice coney to the rescue thank you guys oh thank you coney saved the deal stockpile on wheat How do i get into my house that’s a good question i don’t have the key one of my foxes escaped it ran right at me jumped in my face and looked the fog lights are acting up today they’re very it must be a full moon we’ll often die in the wilderness then oh

Wow that’s target tough love tough love i don’t deal with rejection very well oh well i reject you know yeah does it have something to do with this lamp lamp one lamp no just okay just give up it’s okay hi no no it gets easier when you give up you need

A key to get in yeah i just don’t know where the key is i don’t know you can lock your place up i don’t know me too but i mean you can always just dig in it’s amazing dig straight down from the top no that’s destroying it you could just destroy it no

It took so much effort okay don’t destroy it don’t destroy it i can’t help you fine it’s like so good that even you don’t know how to enter oh don’t you need a clock you’re out did yourself cranie no i didn’t do anything minecraft Cat get out of the way going i’ll eat it where is it mouth oh it’s yours i think my cat Oh yeah you’re waiting for me sorry i’m just putting I have a place to organize stuff it’s so cool i saw a video and the top floor has no safety rail i know it’s awesome it’s because you can oh that sounds amazing bonnie what you doing Farming yeah i haven’t i have a lead for you let’s go take this home would you like to help yeah if you need help yeah i want to help just planting come on for now you like my hair planting yeah it’s violent snowy they sort of seen the light after a very

Long time i keep hearing soylent and they all know what you’re saying they always they’re always yeah except oh silence okay but they’re always like clawing to that corner uh i wonder if they haven’t seen the light it’s like they haven’t seen the light that’s happening it’s really nice oh my

Gosh when did you do all this starved for vitamin d ah i didn’t like just spit off the bit oh snowy let’s go home so cool thank you is that a protein powder yeah yeah yeah replacer oh drink was it snowing come on you can fit them ah come

On i thought i bought a llama diet before you have the key i have the key oh you have the key And some old lady came and started hitting me with potions cronies know there was an old lady was she trying to sell you something is that your bouncer what what where are you i’m not bouncing on the punch No don’t Where are you i’m doing a loop Stop it die die she’s back there very shield teacher nice careful really strong old lady why am i dying you’re poisoned i mean where should you put them you’re going to die i might die did you find the old lady i killed her you killed her

What it’s like that’s a big one over here as well how long am i going to be poisoned for here is some potatoes you eat it’ll go away eat cronie and be together they might not be used to the sunlight after being in the dark for now i’m good

All right go back in the dark and they should go back in the dark okay that was so scary anyway do you need a new key cronie yeah that’s the key yay [Applause] the little lady might come after you i don’t know what happened to me did she

Say okay i’ll kill her again wait how did she spawn was she like like a dog wait what i don’t know i know it’s probably just in the dark and i started getting beat up i’m like yeah probably because you didn’t buy her potions or something she wanted me to join her

Mlm left the door open to ramen how’d you open the door i clicked this oh my god and it’s about to be night perfect what if you remove it then there’s a keyboard i should i should add some water in like what try the key i’ll do it next time oh right

Where did i probably need the key in your hand i don’t know i’ve never tried it before this is your house you know how to unlock your wait put the box the magic lake don’t see them abracadabra oh what is happening Oh wait try without the butt what the button is just a is it just a button i guess it’s just a button it has to be named you trying to wonder i think we need hard hats i think this is a little dangerous okay you want to be my guest you can go

There wait cr what does that mean name cree throw the key on the berry bush cronie which berry bush there are so many berry bushes which berry bush jet spray brush throw it out of there i’m gonna try one try this one behind the tree okay

Oh what a curve oh wait is it my winner no oh wait wait wait wait wait wait stuck in there this did it open wait try again i do this closest one to the lantern the one closeness to the land these are both equally distant from the lantern come on

The double one next to the lamp the tree behind you the tree behind me at least this one my lead isn’t going anywhere oh are they stuck no that’s kind of stuck i think you know what it’s nice to sunflower this one there’s a lot of sunflowers never mind

This oh he has it this one i’ve already tried this one this one wait wait something happened wait what what what i hear something it is moving i hear something what what is moving though huh mermaid is here with me ruby knows how this works oh how it works well the key

I know the key word which one do you which bush do you throw it in you can get it now oh i can’t oh wait i think he took it again oh wait ah no more berries um what i got a berry you don’t know what to throw the key into

Name it ki roni oh oh oh how did she do this is this masterful minecraft is it i know genius how do you how do you you have do it oh there is an anvil can we go name it that’s what you’re trying to say there’s one at the bakery right

Wait don’t you need a name tag to name it or this one if it’s equipment do you need a name tag you just need xp oh okay 31. awesome That’s like how are you trying to get into it it’s a bunkerini it takes a big brain to figure this out hold on um where’s the entrance again wait wait a second i’m gonna feed the baby oh moon cows mommy did you let all the cows out by the way

No i did not then who is it who could it be the dirt block someone must have left it i did not let the cows out i would not do something so damaging oh i was like freaking enderman i was wondering why i was so quiet because

It’s usually loud over here yes like has to be packed here you guys can figure it out with the key no there’s a button you can push but we didn’t do it with the key i have i have the clock you do have the clock oh come here

We have to name it isn’t that supposed to be called ki roni okay i can do it for you okay i gotta see how this works save me first okay those are berries just take yes Oh i i just gave you potatoes yeah and i ended them because i eat okay give there’s a cow where you going where are they going though are you guys going what i mean why are we going to a shady area oh okay you guys are going to a shady area so

You can get in right jimmy’s gonna show her her big brain show you her big brain are you gonna murder crony mummy are you pulling a dory like do you actually not know where you’re going sorry no it’s okay this is a cow they’re just going to be like in every single backdrop

It’s like everywhere you look well something’s going on there’s just a cow in the background you know i was just gonna run away but you followed me as if you thought i was leading you somewhere wait didn’t you say follow what are you gonna do with the key

I was running away that was the joke i was running with the key but then you followed me because you still trusted me oh all right ready yes never mind something changed give me the key you have to name it you have to name it

Where’d the aim be i want to see how this works it’s a wireless key like a car park or wow oh spider where i want to kill it and take its eyeball first man oh wait what was that great bakery this is a rabbit test did anybody else say something else oh yeah

Oh i said it looks like a heart all right yeah right away like a love heart and i said that it looks like it’s on its forest oh hey [Applause] looks twerking it looks like it was working body like what porky torque work cat said it has a dump truck it’s got a

Dumpy zombie hmm pretty involved oh game like oh yeah yeah over here wait is it does it have to be capitalized oh okay probably it has to be the exact spelling i i got it key capital keto probably right okay let’s try it what if it’s not though i don’t know hello

Hello okay You want to come or not oh thank you man holding the door for me where am i going where are you going i we’re going to see minecraft tick yeah minecraft coding hey nice oh best radio oh i just realized i was like oh hey nice lo-fi music to listen

To and i just realized we’re the radio okay are we the Oh does it still work i think so and then if you take it out you um oh oh oh oh the way it is enough oh my god did someone die no i think everyone’s alive okay oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is a bird The door is dangerous you look fresh with me oh [Applause] who’s doing this why i’m not going down there i’m not gonna get stuck here wait get up huh come with me sonic can come sorry cronie okay everybody oh no i’m free wait where are we going wait where is this prison okay

Hello my game crashed oh no no no no can someone let me out what hello bye cronie bye thanks for showing us the macaroni okay the name tags are i can’t see the name tags where are you guys going wait mermaid hello no oh okay so actually i think

I’m going to call this stream a day okay on my side wait before you go can you at least let me out i i want to like watch how it looks wait also can you give me my keys anna wait i have it yeah are you serious

My game crashed it would take a while oh okay you have food in there right i think what should i do well um with that i’m going to call my stream off but i’ll like restart minecraft i’ll stay i’ll say in bc i’ll restart minecraft and like give you the key how

About thank you i’m gonna take a nap soon so why do i have to keep While we were down together are you still alive do you wish that i’m not where are you where are you guys thank you to the people who came to the stream today oh great okay Oh okay where are you guys would like to have a word okay give me a bit tell me where you stop minecraft many come here Where are you do you really want me to do stream sniping no that’s not allowed that’s not enough that is allowed i’m gonna i’m gonna [ __ ] right now no close you’re cool okay strictly forbidden i don’t know i think this is the wrong way where why

Where i don’t know i can’t x i’m sorry okay what is the goal here what is this ah don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about let me hold my left arm a lady Is it too risky wait where are we going you’re you’re a bigger brain than me are you sure i hate sauna i think someone comes from here on earth yeah i don’t know what’s happening i [ __ ] it oh because you trusted me i do that way what are we doing i only

Trust you in this little world wait what are you guys they left me there okay okay okay we’re gonna come help you kanye no it’s too late i like games i need help still alive i am okay um she says she’s alive but does she feel alive yeah do you feel alive

I’m about okay i’m gonna go for real thank you for the fun Tomorrow yeah This door you went through the back door what about this behind you you didn’t come rescue me why why why i thought you were right [Applause] Oh isolation i said hello can you help me why did you and you made my roommates angry why who made the angry andy oh no no no no no no no no no stop stop I’ll just leave andy please where’d he go oh oh he’s feeling a little bit mad do you want me to collect your stuff or do you wanna i’ll get it i’ll get it he’s still mad why are you so mad at my man even though i’m dead i might have

Accidentally made eye contact with one of them oh it was probably me I have empty inventory i can grab all this does it yummy wait where is my stuff on there What were you just trying to do i was closing the door behind me i don’t live in a bar really yeah ow um [Laughter] okay wait did you guys pick up my things i have all of your stuff thank you i’ve eaten all of your insides where are you oh i forgot to

Inside okay after i finished planting hello don’t you dare even think about planting that berry hey what’s the deal here i don’t know your your big ender dragon head is too big oh sorry here look at this do you want your stuff or not take it the shark brain is too big too

Apparently the gravitational pull is just too big wait wait stand there wait wait [Laughter] so i fixed it i’ll see you in court what else did you have do you have these uh i think this is this is good do you want some more food i think that’s are you missing There you go Are you force-feeding potatoes yeah is that animal abuse [Laughter] potatoes I need more jungle logs so can you guys this isn’t enough when you guys when there’s no more stream can you remind me to be a brave girl and to show you all something okay of course yeah it takes courage yes okay we won’t judge i want to see it

I want to see how you feel about it is it art i’ve seen words it’s a meme did you make it no i don’t know what you think of it i’m testing your sense of humor okay now i’m going to switch oh wait buckets right oh no yeah this was an example

But i can take them i think however many you have i have 29 buckets perfect actually on the second thought okay no there you go i need some of them for lava or actually i can just make more of them what am i thinking here you go well i

Mean if you want to share it yeah i’m a giving person wait how many can you also whenever i’m in the poncaroni i just have a desire to destroy oh no why would you do that we were sharing similar thoughts except i was thinking of destroying something that

Was probably not wait that’s a huge enderman oh he’s floating sorry is it enclosed spaces make you turn destructive or i don’t know it’s just all so perfect it’s too perfect it’s like when you have like you know that slime and it’s like your perfect slime

Straight out of the box and it has all the the cute clay i don’t know if you guys like watch slime slime videos oh like you buy something squish it yeah have you ever made slime before i feel like i did as a kid but not like the good slime like though

Wait what do you call it the one that’s like no it’s like the one you do in science class because when you smack it hard it’s hard and then when you touch it yeah that one oh awesome name oh black we can walk on that you can walk on that

We should make a giant bucket of it sometimes ah bathtub of ooh black that’s a blue black What if it gets stuck to you though yeah that’s the point oh gosh it would be so claustrophobic if you’re in a bathtub of it because you can’t get up fast you can only get up slowly that sounds like yeah i don’t know how i feel about that actually

Wash it all off oh normal but how a normal bus the bath bomb so fast i’ve never used a bath bomb before oh thank you yeah yeah smelled them before but i’ve never actually done it yeah crunchy you like flower petals and sparkles and yeah hydrated uh

Flower petals you put in bath i used to have that oh you always get i think oh gosh wait how i’m trying to hold on no for some reason i remember them getting in my mouth but i don’t know why did you put them there yummy i don’t

I just remem i think i was a very small and i like i don’t know why they ended up in my mouth but i remember the face nevermind tastes like how they taste What does it taste like like so oh pink flower flower Flower petals what are you thinking of you guys where do you guys buy your bath bombs do you like lush i like lush what that’s what it is [Applause] no lush is gray they’re great for bath bombs they go to you by your back mom’s crony yeah from there oh yeah i wasn’t judging or anything i was like oh nice sorry they have shower jellies that are jiggly you can squish them They are doing some type of thing for shark aware like shark conservation i think shark themed plush oh bath bomb does it turn the bats of red blooded or something oh is actually a great idea what the heck but that probably would go against the like conservation trucks yeah that’s cheap fantastic

Blood in the water the bath bomb smells like copper hmm delicious what does the shark smell like they see fishy ocean not slimy slimy no they have rough skin right yes like sandpaper like it yeah feels good are you slimy yeah oh no i’m not a shark

That sharks right i heard dolphins um feel like rubber slimy is that true i feel slimy sharks i wanna i wanna pet sharks that’d be cute i’m right here no why why no not you why not me like i wanna pet lemon sharks they they

Seem really cute i can be that for you you know it’s okay just anything anything why are you so opposed to the idea what’s why do you wanna do you wanna be pet is that it i don’t mind pet the shark tail yeah all right no just close your eyes you won’t know

The difference between me and the lemonade i can oh my god you can’t since when you’re some kind of shark yeah this is when what happened i can it’s different it’s not the same it’s not the same how do you know yeah you never touched one before right yes i

Do you want me to touch [Laughter] you could have just said yeah okay great that sounds cool oh oh anyway i’m gonna go after building buckets i i i have to sleep and brain overload bucket brain clean i’m gonna sleep think about touching my tail consider the offer dream about it dream about it

Actually why do i want to dream about it i even dream just think about it yeah just think about it yeah i feel like i have better things to think about but maybe what could be better no no no do you want me to dream about you i mean

Like what do you want man you want man what do you want from me i’m just here trying to vibe and try to take care of my bunker man man man why can’t you do both i am doing both ladies chad says cronie has a stream in 30

Minutes is that true or moment who has a stream in half an hour me okay which is why i’m gonna take a nap oh oh a power nap i see yeah makes me feel happy oh can i watch i’m sorry why why do you want to watch everything hey who wants a bed

It’s a blue bed though oh wow is it your bed yeah it’s my bed perfectly if you guys need it oh i’ve got i think we’re bidding i have 29 buckets Oh i don’t think i gave that to you 29 buckets i raised you i gave that to you no i already have buckets i’ll let you touch this but you can’t pick it up what happens if i pick it up mine i i i mean just who wants a bed does

Anyone need a bed not it’s not it’s not a bedding it’s not an auction i’m just asking why why are you doing this to me you’re giving it away i don’t know i thought you guys made me take a nap right [Applause] why wait are we bidding sharing the bed

Or taking the bed taking the bed oh you have a tongue yeah all right what’d you call me what no what did you say i’m gonna go to sleep at the moment no i really don’t know what i just said okay nothing i say oh nothing i say oh

I’m gonna go to sleep i just need to put this stacks of hay bale back into my cow farm sleepy midnight yeah did you guys take a nap i took a 10 minute yeah oh it destroyed the rest of the day i can’t nap anymore oh that’s weak i know

You know i took a five hour nap the other day and it was great that’s just anything else and then i woke up at 12 and i couldn’t go back to sleep so i stayed up until 6 00 am or 7 am and then i went back to sleep oh

That’s a classic move right there yeah i know you guys should do that sometimes it’s great What is that you’re pathless yeah oh wait no uh like you isn’t it usually every three hours you see no no you sleep three hours and you’re up and you sleep there’s like different intermittent fasting but with your sleep schedule no no i don’t do that i sleep for eight

Hours maybe seven hours i don’t know and then i wake up and i eat then i i don’t know and then i cry and then like no i don’t cry i i stay up for a bit for a few hours and then i go back to sleep sounds productive yeah right

Sometimes i do productive things sometimes sometimes what are you doing nothing are you kidding me stop watching me i’m observing stop observing i’m sorry i i get self-conscious you’re so gorgeous though no don’t do it i know i know i know i will lead you to that movement and i’m gonna disappear no

Okay i can probably take a ten minute nap [Applause] [Applause] You guys have a sign off you came up with half of the guys you guys just say bye what do you want say what no fauna has fun well and see who made her [Laughter] what do you say girl bye okay well i guess that’s bye bye have fun hi then

Don’t do what i wouldn’t do bye Bye Oh Yeah well actually no we’re going to wait till christmas just to be sure just in case close the stream cronie she says she’s sleeping but close to stream who knows bunny what let’s see american doesn’t if he’s watching the american dinosaur started let me start it up morning usa Is this the crony summoning ritual yes the sun in the sky has a smile on its face and it’s shining a salute to the american race oh boy i can’t finish it because then people will know i haven’t memorized oh oh no anything but that it worked oh my god oh okay

Oh my gosh [Laughter] oh bye my goodness he’s watching i knew it got him blizz She might be gone now i don’t believe it the only other way is to just start breaking things i was gonna say that was gonna be a good way to break stuff oh did you know the family guy one was the other one family guy yeah you know that’s the american bad one

I think i know the family that i see what is the family my thing it seems today that all you see there it is is violence oh we could just light the trees on fire that could bring this whole place down to the ground flatten it

It would burn up all the inventory too oh dear all the all the chips and the cows oh no and the pigs and the foxes too destructive I think she’s gone though i’m gonna even have fun i’ll help we should let the cows out again oh let the cows out i think she’s gone i’m gonna do it i’m ready i’m letting them out she’s she’s oh no there’s a merchant ah oh hello sir

He’s invisible we should kill him and steal his llamas oh oh i could give them to sana you get to keep the rains i think so well i know oh now those are the llamas died no they should drop the reins oh no he smiled

Wait but he can’t get out if he’s in there but we might accidentally kill the cows yeah but i mean him he’s he’s our prisoner now he can’t leave he’ll never refill his even if he wanted to yeah Wait he can get out with this you just hop out danny i think so is he smart enough i don’t know that’s the real question that’s stupid tree house he honkey killed both of his llamas by hanging them oh my god geez caught in 4k well then would you want to show us Are you able to wait 20 minutes of course okay we might have someone um what about that meme oh the meme yeah yeah can i show chat i don’t know uh well it’s copyright you can tell them what to look like no there’s too many people judging my humor i can’t do it

I’ll flash it really quick on the screen baby wait no you can’t smell it like at all but no it’s too many people judging i just want to know if you guys find it funny is it a dog falling down the state that never mind no wait i have a video

I have a meme like uh playlist on youtube do you okay nice i think i have a video with the dog falling down the stairs comedic no it purposely like uh i don’t know explain it on purpose though the dog does it on purpose right i have something oh

Your chat mentioned something else um this isn’t what i wanted to show you but oh um i don’t know that’s a lot of people to judge i there’s a zombie it’s killing her take his stuff right show us the means be like what person disney tarzan there’s a youtube channel that just has

Tarzan doing his yell but not just tarzan it also has mulan and sophia the first doing at the taurus danielle and many other characters outside of tarzan doing the tarzan having out but that’s all that’s the purpose of the channel is to collect every tarzan can they add the nanashimumi tarzan you ah

Yeah can you do this daniel get is whoa you didn’t do that yep no it was your great idea no i brought it up i’m not i’m not something into it i just think there’s a no one understands me i think it’s hilarious it’s all nice you gotta everyone he’s

Got an intended bow watch out get him Does george of the jungle also make a tarzan yell am i thinking of george i might be thinking of george george georgia in the jungle watch out for those trees there’s in like monkeys oh there’s a creeper there’s a creeper be careful oh man This shame the cow blew up the entire bungaroney if only someone was there to kill the creeper someone who has lush powers over time to stop time before the creeper kills their cattle oh no oh no oh no what are we to do oh no oh oh oh

Well you could lead it into the stairwell and then just leave it and once it despawns it might actually despawn I think you can but how would you do it without it exploding yeah prank he’s such oh it would blow everything up oh if it’s thundering then i can charge a creeper with my trident and he goes like spider i’m gonna get the spider spider i want more string spider

I’m gonna go kill it we should make something for crony what should we make her i don’t know that’s our thing what do you make a minecraft player that can make everything Um Let’s try any ideas we already made something but i wanted to show you once you know oh okay yeah really special i think so she’ll love it you guys made it yeah yeah when um last week yeah yeah was it off stream no no no oh the world was watching

What if she saw it then though no no Can we see now do you think she’s sleeping now she must be sleeping now 10 minutes okay first we have to go to the phone first her stream starts in 15 minutes though yeah so she could come and check so maybe she’s awake setting up for her stream

Yeah with us on in the background crony let’s go to fana’s house okay well then now that we admitted that we did it on stream if she really was listening she could just go and watch the archives and then the private how do i get out of here go the long way Let’s find this house this way this way this way i’m on the hill i get a witch hill the hill with the flowers almost almost there like this oh yeah wait i can put new carpets on my alpacas i need to move private on the alpaca

Yeah you can dress them up i think i put the creeper one on mine or not mine i should say yes i saw it yeah as long as i put a creeper one on the pink one is really cute so this is a lime green lime green is also really cute

Isn’t that a creeper or is that just regular green uh that’s dark green oh cute little fox was sleeping oh that’s so cute Oh you’re lucky the pink oh cute llama Oh that’s cute oh my god llama oh A peace offering they’re just in the rain yeah they’re going to smell like wet ones they’re fine they’ll dry off i guess i need to finish my house oh it’s so cute though only in the kitchen the rest is like i just moved in that’s all you

Need yeah i think that my pet chickens are fighting usually they’re in the same corner but today i found them and they’re like this i think they’re fighting they stuck oh you mean like silent treatment fighting yeah 15 minutes oh and he’s slower i’m so sorry i’m just so eager i know i am too i want to see you want to take a bath yes i do oh oh cute axolotl for 15 minutes wow really and on the show for us they’re beautiful that’s giant though so

What kind of things you talk about in the bathtub i don’t usually talk in the bathtub you watch videos in the bathroom yeah watch video or read reading that will put me in there that would put me to sleep and then i might drown it’ll be bad That’s so long since i took a bath i know moomin we need to get you a bath bomb in the bathtub ooh i’ll get you the bath pillow and the bathroom cranes the bath candy yeah yes oh yeah that’s why i’ve been taking a bath because it’s always i

Don’t know i always think it’s so uncomfortable i don’t know i don’t know yeah my back always hurts if i try to take it back yeah it hurts my butt if i sit too long in the bathtub yeah oh yeah your butt bone your tailbone yes oh you could try to float yeah

But i guess it takes effort you float easily i don’t know anymore it’s been a while since i took it back oh take showers it’s super long showers though i don’t like showers i always take super short showers or super long baths yeah like showers are too cold really turn their feet up

When you get out like just in order to shower you have to convince yourself like you’re gonna be warm for five to ten minutes and then you’re gonna be cold is it really worth it that’s kind of the same with the bath you don’t you get out of the bus like

Piece by piece though like i get him maybe i just get out really get out stand up like put one foot out of the bath yeah exactly that’s so slow that’s just suffering at that point no more no i guess you could just get a towel warmer

Oh that sounds so luxurious oh my gosh who’s exist yeah yeah give them i want one nice you put blankets on too luxurious when i take showers i uh like i take a long shower then yeah i get cold so i grab the towel and then i squat for like 30 minutes

Oh i want it i just sit in the shower i just sit in my towel for like 30 minutes afterwards it doesn’t on your phone you have your phone with you or you just sometimes sometimes i’m just thinking cleaning the back of the shampoo bottle

No i usually don’t i can’t see when i take a shower usually why why blind oh no glass glasses like foggy and contacts are you wearing your glasses in the shower i’ve sometimes i have worn my glasses in the shower but they get super foggy you can clean them i guess

In the shower i don’t know they get rusty oh i don’t think mine are but if you don’t have your glasses on then the world is blurry and then you don’t have to like focus on things so it’s easier yeah sometimes i like that yeah exactly like if you have problems

With eye contact at the store and then you don’t wear your glasses and you can’t see the eye contact and then there’s no worries i think about conversations a lot having conversations actually now a lot of the time i think about like things to say on stream then i never actually say

Anything that i think about in the shower the same do you have like arguments with an imaginary person yes yes imaginary interviews with yourself in the shower you were both the interviewer and interviewee yes all right i have a lot of arguments but i work with my family in my head but

They never nothing happened and then and then we resolve in my head and it’s like i carry on about my day have you ever had it had a dream about someone where they like wronged you in your dream and then you’re mad in real life yes

Oh my gosh i’ve had it i was actually thinking about this today in the shower i had it okay there’s this girl um in my school and uh she really liked anime but i was like i didn’t tell anybody i didn’t tell oh hi i didn’t tell anybody i liked anime

Because i didn’t talk to anyone but right anyways i thought she was cool because she liked anime and i secretly liked anime but she got made fun of a lot for it back in the day in my head i used to think of conversations i could have with her

And then today in the shower i was thinking about that how i used to think about conversations with her and that i never actually had anything why not it was kind of sad and talk to people oh no people e conversations really small talk yeah like weird tarzan memes

Just kidding i’m just kidding i love you it was brave send me all your memes i think that’s funny that’s good stuff dude i don’t know how to i don’t know how to cheer people up sorry son means that’s the best way wow i do that too

Like oh no that sucks anyway have you seen this video of many chickens at once going gobble gobble exactly oh i hope you guys like me and my sunday i’m i’ve been trying anticipation i aim too i shouldn’t have done this because now you’re excited for it you’re gonna see

It and be like that was so stupid why why why wait i can show you one of my favorite tubes wait wait wait wait yeah me and cher can i will show you one that i’m also slightly self-conscious of please okay wait let me let me work it down so

I guess i don’t want can we please i don’t know what you say have we reached the point in our relationship where we can send our deepest darkest memes i have been reporting them for so long oh no don’t hoard them i just look at them before i go to bed thinking about

I wonder if they would like this one i showed you my meme please respond is it a hollow life meme oh who is something that’s with all the lives no that’s fine it’s not even not even anime do you have one that you think is yeah

Nice i don’t know if i have one in my brain but i can probably find one if i’m just going something like folders recently that makes you laugh really hard oh oh there is one i can’t show it on stream though i know that’s the worst part that we can’t show

Our names on all the clubs i wish we could we could do a like a uh everybody comes and shows it’s like a show-and-tell but instead it’s funny we think it’s funny so it’s embarrassing for us if nobody else thinks it’s funny but yeah i have a lot of cursed videos i really

Like cursed videos first videos like i think they’re funny but i don’t know sometimes they’re just weird and strange that’s how i feel all the time i wait i i’m always scared to send I although i remember I remember when we shared i shared asmr videos with cronie and i used to i’ve liked asmr videos for a long time but i always pretended i didn’t because now when you say you like asmr everyone’s like oh yeah sure that’s not weird you know like right like even a few years ago

Okay here’s the thing well a few years ago you would never even admit it to your closest friend that you liked asmr isn’t that the weird stuff where people suck on those uh toy ears in your ear yourself yeah but i i i think we were i think

I think maybe it was fun of coney and i were sharing asmr videos and cronies shared one that was like not from a big creator person it was like one with like 30 000 views and it’s like it’s a lot but i’ll offer you know asmr and it was like 10 years

Old i was like cronie this is my favorite channel for asmr how on earth did you find it how did you know about it it made me feel so happy though connection connecting over niche internet nation asmr That’s the yeah but yeah anyway i like memes is pony starting yeah uh i just realized i’m climbing the line yeah spider-man my target how you all were floating i just accepted it okay Um you want to show the little girl yeah come here ma is her stream actually started is it is she on the loading screen oh she might be on the loading screen yeah have it open for now though we could go um it’s your house fauna actually sorry Oh i mean you’ve seen all of it can i cook meat in your furnace or you’ll be mad hey i have potatoes do you want potatoes no it’s so good my cronie herself i love cronies big potats and crooney what kind of first sorry am i the one

That’s put all these torches in your house did i do this trail okay just making sure nobody will spawn in here Cody just waiting until we hear lovely kronichiwa Is there i don’t know i’m curious i want to see we can walk been there very slowly yeah maybe by the time we get there started that’s true that’s true all right inside she’s streaming now rp walking no she’s not we’ll be really slow just like that yeah yeah yeah yeah wait

We go this way Oh have you ever seen those videos that are like a walk through skyrim and it’s just someone slowly walking through skyrim yeah don’t you have to like just touch the joy-con too yeah Your loading screen started gotta wait until she’s actually in her game you pick up the piece One second be careful dangerous but did you refresh the stairs i have her stream gently now don’t break any any ankles here oh no she’s falling down the stairs i broke my legs i can’t go on no we must take a break we have to assess the city get rid of the evidence

Okay let me just eat some potatoes and i’ll be okay cronies for berries oh thank you have you ever broken a bone before speaking of broken bones not a crack in my bone ew i’ve never broken my i think i did boy hey uh hid in my head

And i had no staples in my head suddenly that was the worst injury i had i think yeah what are you trying to say smart yeah very normal brain normal brain that’s how you got so witty staples bad boy can fit so much cursed knowledge in it oh that’s true

I didn’t break any bones though but i uh i knocked myself out with my own kneecap oh no yeah what are you doing i don’t really remember but it was like do you ever you move so fast and then you don’t realize what’s happening until it’s already well like

I don’t know how to describe it yeah sorry i don’t know okay crony’s stream started but i want to wait until she is actually okay we have lots of stairs left so um i need to mute her though sorry otherwise i can’t think but uh when i was younger

My mother al was taking off my shoes and i was sitting in a chair right and then the i don’t i guess she was pulling my shoe too hard and the entire chair fell over i don’t know how but i cracked my bone in my hand oh my gosh yeah

That’s like a little fast for a bit i dropped or an ipad fell on my foot like the corner of it fell on one of my like right where the toe bones go from like your foot to your toe like those little thingies and i had a big like black and

Purple and just the ugliest brews i’ve ever seen and i was like i think it’s broken mom and she’s like nah you’re fine just need some ice put it up and it hurt like years after too like just to touch it i was like oh this doesn’t feel really great

Did you just live with a broken toe i think i did i think correct something oh he’s my metatarsal oh yeah i dropped a joy-con on my toe once ow which it doesn’t sound like that would be that bad it’s just a little joy-con but i dropped it from like full standing

Height in the missile target locked onto my toe and hit it and i had to you know when you get a bruise under your nail how it has to like grow out yes yes and toenails grow so slowly yeah it was like eight months i had a bruise on my toenails we’re twins

I had it so i wore shoes that were too small for me right and i was walking around a lot while wearing them and uh i took them off and i was like gosh my toes really hurt and they were like really red and oh no then the next day they were

Red underneath both like big toenails wow and eventually they were bruised and it lasted for like a year did they fall off though no they don’t fall off your nail just has to grow out and as your nail grows the root like the blood clot moves

When you cut your nails they’ll be under your nails yeah trim them it’s really gross oh i lost a fingernail in a pool once oh oh oh no wait like the whole fingernail yeah because i had a rock i think find it a rock fell on it

And then i was at like a swim class and my my fingernail fell off in the pool and i was like teach him my fingernail fell off i was i had to get out of the pool they didn’t want me in the pool anymore did it hurt

No but afterwards like having a finger without a nail it’s like the raw exposed yeah sensitive skin yeah she’s like they’re watching the pool anymore when i was like joke’s on you lady the pool i’m already in the pool a piece of me is already in the bowl forever forever finding that one

Too small to fit through the Filter is that this is that crony her stream started but she’s not gaming i heard what she’s doing what are you guys watching connie no i haven’t muted oh i’m not oh my gosh it’s happening to you too just the ghost again i did i heard like she sounded like

It was very quiet oh honey did i do that konichiwa I don’t have eating cake All right well if she’s eating cake then oh it’s dark down there it’s eating cake oh yeah be careful it’s so dark also only okay this door there’s a chicken behind it oh and we don’t want the chicken to get out so you’ll have to go out of time

Okay i’ll let you go first i’ll go first okay one chicken is kind of far away Oh oh it’s purple this is absolutely doing here did an enderman put it there not even me honest oh it takes forever Talking about milk i guess okay i don’t think i think she’s i think she’s good okay this way oh the purple carpeting does it mean something oh no okay what happened redstone why why hi why did you choose purple though does it have a meanie There was no red oh how why this carpet’s been disappearing but what did it do i don’t see any lava it would yeah well redstone is like a contraption so what are you guys building oh i don’t think we actually i think it’s just a redstone block

It’s just a redstone or under the carpet why cause we were too lazy to get rid of it oh okay hey chickens what your chicken is on the other side of the wall i hear lava there’s lava as well chicken and lava chicken huh i don’t have time for this okay could it

Be lana no that was the chicken are there more chickens maybe there’s a whole colony of chickens i also have closed captioning on so i can see when they’re sound around me oh yeah i see two skellingtons do you remember this ladder yeah before yeah uh yes right outside the mummy

Inside the tree yeah yeah oh yeah suspicious what’s in the box Oh a diamond well diamond oh i’ll take this yeah oh sure no i’m just kidding i’ll choke go ahead be good are you gonna eat it that’s cute what’s that why i’ll go in go safe this is a safe place yes bun are you lying it’s safe

Look there’s even rails on the fire it is safe here with us it is safe you’re safe here are you emphasizing how safe it is it usually means it’s not safe i disagree i think it means it is safe it’s very safe extremely not safe it’s not safe what is wrong with it

No listen is it safe it’s so safe it’s so safe here all right it’s so safe here mrs gower It’s cute i like the purple ombre come here okay going down the stairs i’m here why go that way okay go down okay why It’s wood wow would you look at that it’s just what am i supposed to look at remove remove a block of wood all i have is my diamond i’ll do it for you oh it’s a house oh Foreign Is this a trap is this is this fake did you build the entire bungaroney over Oh why are you so quiet Guys what did i do What what did i miss what did i say what did i do you want your obsidian back you’re safe here ah so safe i’m very confused but cool tunnel i got a keeping secret oh yeah i’m really good at keeping secrets oh i should probably put this back here then

Oh that doesn’t look good wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait put it back agura um i don’t have a bit of Is she gonna need this wait what is she not gonna need so aggressive what happened who are you people broke i couldn’t worry if anna i will fix it What are you doing lana it has been fun perfect she’ll never know she’s gonna know very good it looks And what am i a part of now what if i just what if i just agreed to without agreeing to anything welcome to the family So she doesn’t know you guys built this no no no so you can like go and like collect the dander under her bed and she won’t even realize it exactly wow i thought you guys were planning to i don’t know throw me a pool of lava or something

That’s pretty stressful why don’t you make a lobby we can listen and we can sit there so you can listen to her yeah you just live in the bunkeroni walls like little mices little masses talking about asmr yeah all right that’s the asmr room but you just listen to cronies free

Crony asmr all night long asmr while you read a book wait okay actually girl stay there okay i’m staying hey there fawn up i’m here all right all right you can come oh okay you look at me okay follow my lead hey what’s up guys That’s what has to happen okay whatever you guys want i’ll do it it’s fine i won’t tell a soul where’s the bed though oh there’s a bed i got it i got it are you planning on building any other like you could it’d be funny if you guys like kept

Building around the bungaroni and she had no idea there’s like a thriving metropolis behind her walls and she has no idea what else can we add i don’t know get out of something really impressive i don’t know last week like a giant cavern with a statue in the middle like a huge cavern Although there might be one under the bunker only already because of the new world generation would it be creepy to do like a a one-way mirror like the crony viewing you know i don’t know the crony viewing oh like behind the painting behind this painting has she already has a secret uh

I don’t know how you get in wait go find it oh you can jump in there you go like you’re in this is a shrine mario 64. Oh yeah there’s a strand there what is this for a shrine wasn’t there a shrine here all right that was a crony shrine that she made first where’s your carpeting wait what wait there’s something else here right there’s another secret the box is screaming are so disconcerting they sound like they’re dying

They’re fine it’s been a while hi everybody you get a berry no you get a berry you get a berry you get a berry you get a berry wow you get a berry you get a berry they’re not hungry anymore at least one of them i like when they spin in the berry

Bushes me too so happy Oh i made a whoopsie uh i made a whoopsie i made a whoopsie monday wait it’s fine but wait no i don’t know what it is i don’t know what it is i also need a chat i don’t know what it is i don’t know what it is but where do we go

Cat’s snitching we’ll patch the hole don’t worry about it i’ll patch the hole with myself she won’t even know i’m kind of worried that it’s gonna blow oh why can’t i get it this one which one this one oh okay that looks normal right no one will know no no

Is everybody just building secrets in connie’s house apparently want to build like a like a crony viewing room so she feels like a like like a test subject like it’ll just be like like a laboratory behind whatever like does she have a bathroom oh um i wonder if she’s just the one annie

Uses i don’t think she has her own because i think it could be right back one way i could be the gift you could gift her a bathroom and then do that oh and then and then you can have like diary entries of like like day three and then day 345 cronies

Wait wait i haven’t i have one idea like what if we made something like the fish tank but we make it so that instead of like wool in the back it’s like tinted glass tinted blue glass so you can kind of see through it but maybe it doesn’t look

That suspicious and there’s like a little window that you can like go down to and step out and look through the glass yeah How do we get behind the we can actually do it here because it looks into her bedroom that’s pretty yeah she might notice if we replace the wool though however you move for animals and just memorize exactly which fish she has so if they died i don’t think we

Need to move them i think we can just replace the back panel with the glass yeah i don’t understand mine so we could even do clear glass so imagine you expand the back like two more blocks and then you put like a layer of glass so there’s an air pocket in the back

Oh like a secret door to enter the air pocket and you can watch her In my laboratory with documented details yeah oh my gosh there’s a bunch of signs everywhere detailing cronies yeah her habits yeah oh my gosh like books books and books yes entry number 320 tony has reorganized her chest once again repetitive behavior I just think it would be really funny if crony like woke up one night and she just saw like a glimpse of someone like going up a ladder and out of the tank is someone’s face behind the seaweed there’s this one block somebody’s very very distant in the back of somebody’s face A crony statue with roses around it that’s ah yeah i don’t want to call her cause her mental distress though mental minecraft distress and why are we doing this i think we’ve already crossed that line when we so made the tunnel okay i think i’m gonna stop playing

Though for the day so unless there’s something you guys want to do or i don’t think personally i’m not ready to start a project today but i would yeah okay another time homebrew courtney is playing minecraft tomorrow oh i think i think it’s on your schedule what are you playing uh this week

Yeah this is a scheduled one i think um yeah tomorrow is it tomorrow oh we probably can’t work on it though she’s gonna see her name tags well i feel like i don’t know should we plan something for tomorrow when she plays or should we just let it be

Be quiet let it die so that the the cheeky chatters forget about it we even stream it they might you might give it away uh-oh give everything away i’m just kidding well it would be really funny if we convinced crony to help us build something without her realizing where it is

How will we do that though i don’t know if she would realize if we let her from the tunnel starting at oh right oh then you would get her because i didn’t know where we were i honestly didn’t know where we were yeah and you said like a replica right

I did actually i didn’t know i was like oh my god i was expecting us to be over more towards the actually i have no idea i didn’t expect this to come up here though yeah you don’t think it’s that close right but the bunker on is huge

Like we came from fauna’s house feels so far away yeah wow though maybe She might figure it out nah as long as we don’t dig in the direction of the bunker oni yeah i don’t know what we would have her build down there how would we explain what we’re building to her i don’t know oh yeah what would we have you in build zombie apocalypse room

I don’t know i don’t know wow wait it would actually be really funny to actually build a replica of the buncaroni that would be so much work it would imagine she went down there and she just like found a replica of her her house be like a glitch

We made an entire like underneath or above her but yeah wait i have an idea what if what if here because eventually she’s going to see her right i mean we should uh-huh what if you just built our exact replica and another one after that like it just

Keeps going you’re going you’re going it’s the same room and then she doesn’t know which one is the real one anymore that’s pretty good or is that she doesn’t have that much stuff actually no she doesn’t really happen We can just ask for stuff from her and then they can be the things that fill the chest for her replica room yes all the potatoes the back rooms yeah exactly the back room we should do that i would be down yeah that’s pretty easy it’s just this little things

Nice paintings the uh above uh we’ll have to get the same fish and stuff right yeah yeah i don’t know maybe it’s not a big deal if they’re slightly different fish that’s true Yeah because eventually she will be like our chat will say something we would be like hey what’s this oh what if she finds it tomorrow um yeah we need to distract her tomorrow no no no no we could start like four hours before no that’s so mean no uh

What time is she starting oh she’s starting an hour after I don’t know maybe we can plan this off stream just a little snitching yeah don’t get any more details yeah good idea all right guys we’re gonna go then thanks for watching minecraft yeah yeah thank you bye bye bye goodbye bye Do

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】wow! what this game?’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2022-05-11 03:49:36. It has garnered 559316 views and 32831 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:13 or 12673 seconds.

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    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More

【MINECRAFT】wow! what this game?