【MINECRAFT 1.19】exploring the new update with Selen!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】

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Do So Hello everybody hey guys hello hello we were like in mid conversation she’s like switching over i’m like oh yeah okay yeah whoops i forgot i forgot we were actually supposed to be streaming i’m sorry about that i was like saying something about a fortress and you’re just like oh okay switching in three

Yeah well never mind remember that conversation we’re gonna have yeah we ought to stream that pokemon yeah yeah that very secret top secret you know conversation not for your ears yes if only you guys knew for those who were wondering why we’re at disneyland and why i have 29 blocks

Of gold let’s just say luca was having a fun time with command blocks yes yeah right wait where’s your block of gold i put it at home oh yeah he made a button where you press it it gives you a block of gold and we just kept pressing it we did not stop [Laughter] we’re almost to minecraft too we’re at 1.19 yeah all right yeah and so also we got a question for you guys yeah uh also we need to go i need to go restock on food because i used it all up on our command block adventure but

When when a minecraft server updates to a new world does it does the area we’ve already explored uh implement the new changes or do we have to go to new new new uh blocks yeah we have no idea how this works yeah we have no idea so

No oh my god there’s like 50 things chasing after you select i know i’m so what are you doing you’ve let everything into the town it’s it’s okay it’s okay oh my god they will die when the sun goes up oh my god it was like a creeper five zombies okay

All right so apparently we actually have to go explore and load in new chunks um so we gotta go to new chunks to find uh i’m gonna steal this guy’s carrots like i’m [ __ ] hungry right now like you could have literally asked i have so many carrots here you know what

I’ll replant the carrots i’m gonna be nice you left some in the water that’s all right it’s just enough for me we gotta go to new recipes you never wait what you never picked up a carrot no no for the new no no wood knew wood oh

Yeah go in the water go in the water Is there wait there’s new wood yeah where did you not get them what did you not get the recipe thing where is it it just popped up and said new wood what did you pick up nothing i just it was for the boat the boat yeah oh yeah yeah no no no i

Got that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i was gonna be like the [ __ ] you talking about oh you mean the bow the guy’s the the chest right the yeah well yeah yeah yeah look at all my axolotls oh yeah we helped pomo get some new

Axolotls they’re my they’re my yeah family i’ve got the white one where’s the white cat there he is the only white guy in here no there’s several now i’ve been breeding them oh [ __ ] you’ve been expanding the population of white ass watch this they come to me come to me axolotls

Come to me [Laughter] That’s a lot of them holy [ __ ] i know i just have like no music playing in my minecraft stream oh my god look at all of them they love me yeah they are they’re gonna oh my god i have jazz today this is like a [ __ ] war over there they love me

It tickles you that poem has upgraded from cat lady to axolotta lady i don’t think there’s ever an upgrade from cat lady [Laughter] you can’t get any higher than that you get high higher than that but you just saw your cats puma what the [ __ ] have

You seen all of sunny’s cats look in here look at this [ __ ] this is insanity go through there go through there holy [ __ ] [ __ ] these leashes why is they leashing the cats what the [ __ ] don’t tell sonny i but not ocelot i don’t think i think he’s going to

[ __ ] kidnap my ass a lot of glasses oh i should yeah yeah this one i accidentally claimed because i fed him once and he’s now mine all right wait wait let me see if i can claim oh i they don’t like tropical fish goddamn picky i know they’re picky right

What the [ __ ] regular cats will like tropical fish yeah cats are you so i’m not the cat lady of of niji sanji anymore yeah but sunny is like everything he’s like a dog dog man and also a cat man too that’s true that’s true but he murders his dog so i

Don’t know about that yeah he talked he always talks down the stream about how much he lows i don’t know if i could say that but he says it on stream yeah but then like feels weird saying it ocelot [Laughter] who’s who watches him knows what i’m talking about

Say insulin say it say it but he keeps saying how much he loves taking his dogs to the farm downstairs oh my god are you okay i don’t know i feel like every time i watch him he he punches something and he punches something oh my god And then everyone in this show would be like yeah bye and like yeah like cool So then indeed look at the cow farm that is no longer oh yeah apparently someone broke the cow farm and no one wants it no one will admit to it i posted yeah no one would admit to it i posted in the discord i was like who broke the cow

Farm destroyed all the cows we’re gonna yeah yeah someone [ __ ] killed all my cows and uh and then they didn’t even fix it it’s bad it’s bad admitted to it too that’s like the weird part no one said anything yeah yeah what okay and if you press if you press the button

It goes in okay was it supposed to be like that someone said i think it was mister mister it was mister well mr didn’t admit it at all wow how did he break it what a little [ __ ] i can’t believe it yeah like how did he

Break it i break it there’s two steps to do it’s the easiest thing i don’t understand how it broke And then they took everything in here no that was me i’m gonna be we have to find cows yeah we got we this is like another thing we gotta do okay let me pull up some music real quick and then we just got music yeah because i was too busy looking at uh

Looking at the cows it’s all right i have a playlist it’s a horse oh bright and exciting background music okay this is an exciting day ooh is it yeah we’re gonna be finding we’re gonna be discovering new things together yeah we’re gonna find mangroves and

And uh let me i just realized i haven’t like and let me put some stuff away and then we’ll start art oh it’s on fire in the middle that’s what happens yeah what the [ __ ] how does that happen how do you break it like that

What the [ __ ] how do you blink it like that if you press the button i think the water will put it out i think there we go oh yeah but you’re not supposed to do that [Laughter] i don’t know how all you do is press a button you break it he [ __ ] it up so badly it doesn’t make any sense oh my god like i i don’t get it no it wasn’t the update it was like this before a couple days ago yeah yeah like this before uh

He broke the redstone oh my gosh i gotta like figure this [ __ ] we’re gonna figure this [ __ ] later we’re supposed to be going on an adventure we can still go if you want to do it later but we can i feel like fixing the cows thing is the bottom of

Our priority yeah i have i got a lot of meat from it so yeah and i can just get bread too oh yeah we have a lot of bread anyway and we have a chicken farm anyway yeah there’s still a lot of chicken in there

Yeah i also have like a ton of meat on but it’s like raw meat i can’t believe i have to cook my own meat now because because of that i made this so i don’t have to cook my own meat i it’s literally the easiest farm to use

Well not the easiest maybe because you can fall in but it’s like literally two steps okay all you have to do is press shift like just press shift The [ __ ] keep destroying the land around me what the [ __ ] keep like going to my land to take my sand i don’t know why everyone is concrete that’s why basically living in poverty at the moment and you’re still coming in to take my sand like jesus

Yeah this is a little this is a little oh my god look at this it’s messed up dude yeah that’s what i’m saying and then they destroyed it too like what the [ __ ] there’s barely anything to protect your house from like an incoming storm one storm and this is gone

I’ll be the first one to go out this is this is crazy though over here oh my god is destruction i know that’s what i’m saying i’m like what the [ __ ] i barely am living in poverty and they’re already [ __ ] thinking everything i have like what’s up town of technology

The town of technology is ruining my life all right i’m ready for our adventure oh i can make some golden apples actually oh goodbye blocks of gold oh good plan good plan where’s my block of gold you just had it yeah you just had no

I know but i’m not worried my chest are not organized all right all right how do i make a golden apple it’s a faulty design the trap doors are burning because of the lava and the middle block is the only air for the no

No no no no no no no no no no no no it used to work it worked it worked for months it worked for months and there’s no reason that one day it would just stop working unless someone broke no yeah someone broke it yeah there’s no way there’s no one

There’s no way because it worked for months and then suddenly it doesn’t because minecraft felt like it yeah that scene it wasn’t the update you guys it was broken before it was yeah yeah yeah it was broken before you guys were born oh wait that would mean that it is a faulty design

I’m sorry it was broken it worked before you guys were born all the way till you lived okay you’re you’re making less sense are you okay celeste are you feeling okay i’m not feeling all right is it because of the cows is it because of the sand

The towels the cows the cows and the sand and everything and the worst part is like we can’t use shaders because our shaders haven’t updated i know i was just like please optifine [Laughter] you know what what do you mean you can’t [ __ ] update it after two hours like

Four hours after the update come up i thought they were minecraft pros like yeah yeah pro would have got that [ __ ] out in a day okay should we just go straight until like new chunks load in is that how it goes i don’t know where to go i don’t know what’s been explored

And what hasn’t been i feel like the back side hasn’t been explored as much right people don’t go this side more than people always go this side and this side but people don’t go that side well that side is where the end is the end is oh so you guys went that side

Yeah i mean there’s probably areas past the end that we didn’t go to we can actually you want to just um we can we can use the nether portal to get there oh that’s true that’s true yeah let’s just use another portal and try and figure it [ __ ] out yeah the

Thing is nina also explored a lot because she was doing her like her portal [ __ ] too that’s just for a while uh hopefully there’s just like watch the entire server has already been explored and we can’t yes there’s no way there’s no way i like how our our little

Uh operation over there hasn’t been organized yet it’s still a [ __ ] yeah it’s uh no one has volunteered to help me so what what the hell where the hell are we going i would wait what the [ __ ] i hope you wait where the hell are we i mean what

The [ __ ] where are what happened what [ __ ] where are we who did this what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where are we homo we didn’t play minecraft for a couple of days and then everything [ __ ] broke like with another reset because of the there’s no wait what It does that it does that no Wait wait where the hell are we where are we oh i don’t know where is this portal i don’t recognize anything i don’t know either i see no signs of life oh my god someone said this act this could be the update oh my god okay

Up the [ __ ] up the portal let me take this i wanna i want these actually hold on i’ll bring my silk pickaxe back all right all right uh um what hold on i wanna i wanna go get those right i’m so confused i’m gonna go get them you’re so goddamn confused right now

[Laughter] all right we need to find a mangrove swamp we need to go we need to find uh do you think the allies or whatever the heck they’re called they’ll be because we found a lot of strongholds so do you think um i don’t know if it’s there if it’s you

Said fortress right yeah no no no the the strongholds like the the the enemy villagers or the enemy whatever the [ __ ] they are the pillagers yeah the pillagers yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a fortress oh that’s a fortress oh my gosh i don’t oh sorry fortress i know everyone is spawning the

Allies or whatever i have no idea what do we do what do we do how do we okay let’s well i know how to get there but let’s go test out the other nether portal too and see where we are yeah because if because if if like the new update these alleys are

Supposed to be in the fortresses like the the woodland mansions and the outposts oh yeah but then uh would they would they spawn in because we found a couple of them so we’re just wondering if uh they would spawn in or not They are in woodland mansions so the one yeah okay i know where one is yeah yeah i’ve seen one too it’s like i don’t know you’re the one not in pre-existing loaded terran oh and we need to find a new one oh [ __ ] we need to find

Oh good we need to find so many new chunks yeah we do we gotta explore i brought a lot of food with me so we uh bookcases i i why the [ __ ] did not put this away i didn’t put away my bookshelf i probably should have grabbed more arrows but oh well

Yeah my another i’m just gonna put my bookshelf here i don’t really need it anyway um um where’s my other pickaxe i’m gonna go look at this wait oh i forgot to put my pickaxe away wait a minute i think i lost a pickaxe during our disney adventure uh-oh

Cause i only have my stone pickaxe the one where you drowned yeah the one where i drowned i think i forgot to pick up my nether right pickaxe oh [ __ ] oh oh oh that’s not good unless luca picked it up he might have not realized oh i put it

Away oh okay okay thank god okay i’ll take the golden one i’m gonna i left it at home okay i actually picked up my stone nether why do i have my stone pickaxe what the oh yeah because it’s unbreaking yeah might as well keep it okay let’s see where this nether portal

Goes guys yeah i’m gonna go back home where this is this is um it’s broken it’s reset as [ __ ] are you kidding me right now so we have to fix it in our files to get it back oh god we’ll let finance do that oh my god

Uh banana can fix it for us wait she’s a minecraft pro all of our pathways and everything well how does that like how does the jp server do it because i guess i feel like i feel no they said it’s something to do with our files and stuff so we gotta like

Replace the files or something Where the [ __ ] did i place my oh there it is where are you i’m just putting away i’m getting my nether right [ __ ] back okay oh [ __ ] whoops oh no whoops i got stuck in the in the hole all right there you go all right all right which area we which

We gotta figure out what direction we want to go i mean we could easily get some obsidian and make a new portal inside there well wait up inside where inside like the reset portals uh because we might as well since we it’s like easier to load in new chunks that way oh that’s

True that’s true yeah we can just uh run really far in the yeah just hope we don’t fall yeah yeah [Laughter] about not falling baby we might die on this adventure no no we’ll be okay i have six on me takes obsidian i have you know 44

Oh you have 40 wait you have a lot yeah 50. okay you know why i have 50. you know i don’t remember a lot from my time here i remember a lot of stuff that i’ve done here anymore wait where are you are you at your house

Yeah yeah i’m at my house should we do it on the industrial town or yeah we can do that well actually your town the uh the town over here has a better portal spawn i think because we can run through it this one the other one we’d have to dig

Oh yeah you have london steel i do actually i have linen steel on me i’m gonna grab some potions oh yeah do you have like uh you should get the fire resistant potion yeah just in case we fall while we’re doing this cookie has some at his height All right guys adventure let’s go the warden biome is not another way it’s outside it’s outside yeah you just gotta dig in the caves for it yeah yeah yeah and you have gold uh it’s all right we don’t need it we might need it actually strength invisibility well he’s blind oh it

Doesn’t matter oh you know what i’ll take it i have do you have gold on you um you literally have like yeah though okay i have gold on me because i need to make uh either a gold helmet actually or uh i need to make some gold outfit while

We’re doing this just in case the warden is blind that’s what’s yeah we just gotta be unshipped and we’ll be fine yeah yeah right yeah yeah yeah we don’t make any noise we should be fine yeah yeah you can shift and be fine through it Well if we don’t make noise shift is silent so there’s apparently something there’s a new enchantment too that makes your um that makes it your shift like faster what it can smell you someone said oh smell this what the [ __ ] i took a shower just then

Well maybe you didn’t oh did you shower today actually no well we’ll know we’ll know who the warden’s chasing at no no it’s gonna be like it’s gonna be like oh shampoo and shampoo yeah fairy sweat who’s someone in the shower i shower after stream because i sweat so much

Because i’m nervous exactly now you’re building up your sweat are you the gold oh yeah yeah here you go i oh my god so my chat was like ah yes the natural must god he’s gonna he’s gonna think i smell good he’s gonna be like someone sells suspiciously good and that’s you

All right here’s the gold back okay thank you yeah put all my pads all right there we go because i have like uh enchantments on my boots i lost my boots i don’t know where they are and i’m very sad oh [ __ ] back to grinding skeletons i guess they’re even called they’re called

Pulmu’s feet so whoever took them they like chopped off your foot all right which way are we going i don’t have my uh coordinates up so i’m following you oh uh i don’t have anything either so i hear a ghast uh okay i do have gold on so we’re going to 2000 right

I guess wait wait how many blocks should we go out chat i have no idea i don’t even know where the hell we are oh gosh just oh god i hear gas i know be careful we got to go a thousand at least 2k we have to go at least 2k blocks

Okay we gotta mark this coordinate real quick yeah we do you have i don’t you can pull it up right okay i screenshot it i got you okay okay okay because i need to plug in my other keyboard for that [ __ ] oh my god function i’m relying on you you are you you’re

Men you are useless what do you mean i’m useless i just i have the i’m literally have the obsidian okay okay okay let’s try and not get killed by hog lens i guess or the whatever they’re called going through all right watch out don’t fall don’t fall [ __ ] 2 000 blocks remember okay

2 000 blocks this way baby oh god why is this so dangerous it’s called the nether for the reason i know at least like now at least we can guarantee a new chunk like this god this is scariest i know here hold on ready oh wait i only have wood on me

Here hold on hold on wait we’ll go just [ __ ] every arm here for some blocks oh that’s true we’re dominating i’m like what no i don’t got him oh [ __ ] he sees me oh that’s not good that’s not good oh my god the first journey is trying to get

Out of here apparently did i kill him i might have actually gotten him nice wait which way are we going this way uh i’m just checking to see if he’s dead oh my god there’s a guy on a chicken guy on the [Laughter] yeah i didn’t know that i didn’t know chickens can live here i’m so confused someone must have thrown an egg down here there’s no way there’s power no one’s been anywhere except um wait they actually spawn like that also i may need oh my british is all the way

Up what the [ __ ] why is it look so dark down Here you want some blocks why am i giving you blocks you literally can just farm it yourself yeah i’m dumb just dig down i’m so dumb it’s fine okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re okay everything’s fine yeah we’re just doing fine we just woke up we’re fine

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think homer you’re awake longer than me though [Laughter] all right let’s keep going let’s keep going all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Nope i don’t i don’t even have i just realized i’d even craft myself a shield oh he’s gone okay nice there’s the fortress this is a new fortress or it has to be the old one oh god there’s okay if it’s the old fortress shouldn’t our

Like our system be here i guess they reset the entire nether yeah yeah cause like none of our stuff is here no But i wonder if my other portal is here from from where it’s at the end or like the way to get to the end oh yeah that’s true because i know where it is it’s over this way i feel like uh there’s more goldstone yeah this is all

The same it’s just reset just our stuff is gone but the portal might still be here let’s see Please please it should be oh no it’s not here it’s not oh they this is yeah i guess we have to go on the other end to find yeah to reopen it i guess yeah yeah same seed so the locations are the same oh i never saw the fortress when it was

Like completed or like not not torn apart so yeah i think but someone said that we can fix it by locating in the files which is what’s going on the lasers don’t worry if nana will do oh my god there’s so many up there holy [ __ ] yeah

Wait which way are we going for the two oh my god holy [ __ ] they’re [ __ ] accuracy i’m just trying not to catch on fire but we’ll be fine okay i think we need to go past the fortress yeah so we’ll just go straight here right yeah we’ll just go straight here

This way yeah we just need to get out for the thousand it’s all right and faster there you go okay she’s behind me now and then there’s the wait where are you i went past the fortress you got hit no i almost did wait where

Are you here i see you i see you yeah yeah okay okay yeah we can find the blaze spawner now so true i couldn’t never find it before did they like broke the blade spawner no they hit it they hit it what what i don’t know why

Why did they hide it this is a dead end i thought i would leave but we have to go straight though might as well okay dig so then dig i’m digging i’m digging i just hope i don’t dig into a lava pocket that would be unfortunate wouldn’t it

It would be so i’m keeping my distance right now you make it so oh my god it’s so dark Oh i hear gastly like oh he’s like in my ear as a torch i was like is that lava pocky i dug but you just put a torch how long are we 2 000 blocks how dark is your game i don’t know my brightness is all the

Way up hold on let me pull up the let me pull up the screenshot i took and so i can see what our blocks were um minecraft screenshots Okay we were at uh negative 37 negative 48 and now we’re at negative 241 negative 189 so like nothing okay i guess we keep going straight yeah i just keep going straight all right here i’m gonna put some torches here so we can hold on i’m marking our area to get back all

Right oh [ __ ] where the hell is this guy where’d you go are you in here i went straight oh i see you All right there we go straight straight straight straight at least like okay now we can’t go straight anymore um yeah there’s a little bit of a problem with our straight strategy i mean why why were we only going straight anyway because we had to go 2 000 blocks to

Load in a new chunk apparently okay how do we get to the other side it’s like up here this way This is the chillest music for the nether me too I feel like we’re gonna have trouble getting back yeah i’m not really properly putting down torches so um we’ll let future us handle that yeah oh someone said make a bridge it’s too long i think to make a bridge though yeah what if a ghastly comes in and [ __ ] us up yeah

That’s pretty bad ah there’s so much fire chill out oh wait the spot yeah this path is safe it is nice yeah yeah yeah there’s oh [ __ ] i almost jumped into that that would not have been good what’s where what the right side what’s the right side right here into the pits

I was trying to honey hop and i accidentally hopped right almost that would not have been good also there’s a lot of patches here so then if you if you had died and left me in here i would have been quite upset huh i think i would be more upset with

All my [ __ ] that i have in here another night doesn’t burn yeah but i still get down there to get it it floats oh wait there’s a tree biome here which one oh i was searching for one because this is where you can find a enderman easily All right this is messed up i can’t believe our entire i can’t believe the entire nether reset i feel like that’s something they would have you know figured out oh there’s another how not to happen you know yeah There you go there’s a ward forest oh there’s enderman close them right now for your ender pearls actually i think i have some pearls on me too what how like right now well not on me right now but like because you’re collecting them for the end right yeah online

There we go i’m making staircases all right i’ll wait for you here there you are i see you don’t kill that enderman no if you have ender pearls we only need a couple more yeah but i don’t think i have a lot i think i have like one or something oh

Well i have two that i need to put into the portal so i think that makes three left after that Oh god oh i don’t like this we’re not gonna get back are we no no no we’ll figure we have our coordinates so we know how to get back oh my god oh [ __ ] there was an enderman right here it would be unfortunate if you [ __ ] slapped me and i fell in

How did you get down hold on i’m trapped um i dropped down there i think you just make a bridge i’m gonna just i’m gonna go around this way this is safer i’m a baby wuss wait where are you oh you went around this yeah i went the easier way

Going back is overrated yeah totally all right gotta how many blocks now are we um negative 117 negative 592. So math-wise how many is that i’m too lazy to do math it’s like 100. oh [ __ ] what a block down you only win 100 blocks right well are we going 2 000 blocks in the nether is that what you mean yeah they said 2 000 blocks in the nether oh

You guarantee a new chunk yeah um yeah uh we haven’t been like only a hundred blocks oh my god oh my god we should have thought this through a lot we should we should have thought this through on our butter i had minecraft planned and you’re the

One who said you want to explore the new update together yeah because you’re planning on playing minecraft on the day that minecraft is updated so of course update was happening yes she didn’t she like scheduled minecraft on the day the update was going to happen and i was

Like oh pomo are you going to play the update she’s like update i just like wait they’re good at the minecraft updates coming out when i’m like on the day you’re streaming minecraft poems [Laughter] One block in the nether equals eight blocks in the overworld apparently I don’t think we’re getting there i don’t think we’re getting back we live here now for real we live in the okay which biome do you want to live in the ancient ruins the mangrove or the forest what biome should we live i don’t want to live in the

Mangrove because it’s the swamp that’s true swamps are kind of icky yeah i don’t want to live in the ancient ruins because the watch out i see hoglands or whatever they’re called Someone’s oh wait there’s another fortress here what from another one nice oh i’m gonna mark these coordinates okay They’re hoglins now what are they what are they called actually do you think we oh there’s a gas leak around here a ghastly a gas oh sorry where’d you go there’s pokemon here up here i’m here right above you oh i see you hey here here there she is i see her

Where right there on the right side she looks like if your rendering is like not that high you might not see her oh yeah mine’s like 12 blocks yeah you definitely won’t see it i usually keep it so low for shaders yeah but now we can’t play with shaders sad yeah play like

More peasants we are the normies where’d you go oh i went up okay hey where are you um somewhere i see your name i actually don’t know how i got up here oh there i already forgot how i got up here that’s okay i’ve been trying to

Keep track um yeah i’m not doing such a hot job but you know you’re the brain of this operation i’m the i’m the the force right the muscle right um who has the bow yeah but who has the pickaxe i have a pickaxe too i just don’t want

To use it you haven’t been mining a pair is yours enchanted yeah mine is efficiency five oh nice mine is efficiency or like i don’t like how should we go around well there’s the fortress still here whoa there’s like an entrance wow yeah this fortress is like super huge

Yeah which way do we want to go around and then go straight from there like here yeah yeah yeah i’d say so we gotta make our bridge though yeah I’m gonna connect off of yours and i’ll place down a little torch here so we’ll know where to go yeah we know where to go Oh my god watch out watch watch out run run knocked off the bridge i’m not gonna do that gator we spent so long trying to get the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i thought you were on my side it’s been almost an hour in the netherlands god damn

Just for you to knock me off yeah just forget me you could find your own way back selena Oh what the [ __ ] i like chopped the thing and then a pig came out at me where where are you i’m i’m running away from the pig oh [ __ ] where’d you go how’d you get over there oh here we go okay okay we’re good we’re good we’ll ask

That we brought best to we can make our own beds after we get out yeah yeah exactly we’re going in wrong no you can’t sleep in the nether yeah but then now we gotta find sheep now we’ll totally get to a place with sheep easy Okay um let’s mark this because this is pretty hidden oh god slim to lancelin all right mining forward for us and going forward i’m not gonna have any more torches soon i have some torches on me i have 13. and i have some coal if you have wood i

Have a lot of coal on me okay i do have wood i got a stack of coal just in case we also have a lot of wood in here we’re literally yeah we can easily make a portal whenever too if we want to go to the outside world monday night get more materials You can make wool out of string What you can they’re from spiders you make spider wool i feel like some freak has gathered enough like uh webbing from spiders to make i feel like some freak has done that irl would you just gather a lot of webbing from spiders and just make clothes out

Of it okay we’re out 102. negative 102 negative 1078. so we just need to go another thousand basically okay we’re almost there then um yeah i’m almost there yeah yeah yeah i mean halfway is like almost right yeah yeah yeah is it that that’s halfway holy [ __ ] what kind of mountain are we

In what the [ __ ] we’re gonna draw it’s gonna be like a straight drop off at the end isn’t it no what the [ __ ] what is this what is this hole nice nice you kind of holding our dick into um can we get up there can oh we get in one Where are we at where are we at oh we said there’s bulletproof vet yeah i don’t think we made it to anywhere you know the higher we are the less we’ll bump into lava is that the truth yeah that’s the truth wait is this the right is it straight yes

Yeah yeah yeah straight okay okay okay okay because like i’m worried we went like left or some [ __ ] we’re still going straight right yep okay we’re at negative 100 or sorry 1169. all right now it’s a drop down but we could i told you you could

Cheese it a little bit by going this way and I’ll make sure we don’t [ __ ] up it’s all this just so we hopefully now we have to find the dark the dark deep dark or whatever it’s called yeah i mean we’re loading new chunks 2 000 blocks and then there has to be a new chunk yeah there’s no way any of us

Have explored that much in our world yeah but how do we find the the deep dark we just gotta dig down isn’t it called the deep dark am i wrong is it i don’t know i think it’s like ancient ruins isn’t it jesus christ what the [ __ ] is this

What is that is it another drop down yeah i’m gonna see if i can make i’m just gonna make a bridge okay i’m connected to the side to my left i wanna see oh There we go is the biome and then ancient city is ancient ruins is the uh yeah yeah yeah yeah i want to find an ancient ruin me too All right it’s a drop down of course it is of course it is i mean if i wanted to i could just mine the left to get to the other side but i’m [ __ ] lazy now oh laziness we’re not going back we are a hundred percent figuring away back home oh nice

I’m collecting your rocks now oh my god my entire inventory is just nether right now i don’t need this wait where do i put this room one-way trip we’re we’re just gonna get the new update and we’re gonna go home off-stream One-way trip the one-way ticket baby this is this is what they meant when they said spider-man no way home yeah yeah this is a lending poll no way home who’s tom holland I actually don’t know Oh we close are we close to a thousand what if we just make a big yeah what if we just well no we’re about 700 blocks away but what if we just make a big room in here and make the portal in here i think we’re far enough honestly really i

Feel like we should get maybe we should get to 500 more and then like 1500 yeah 1500 times a is 12 000 bucks holy [ __ ] there’s no way if we’ve explored 12 000 blocks no that’s like how much it would be equivalent to and like there’s no way any of us in the

Overworld have explored 12 000 blocks that’s just [ __ ] crazy teleport with host power later um i i was just reading chat um i didn’t say we would do that but i mean if we you know celeb and i know neither of us have that kind of power yeah none of us

Have it but if somehow luca orphana gets on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s a potential that you know it could happen it could happen off stream okay we’re almost to fifteen hundred all right luka’s an admin yes you guys you know he built part of disney using using

Creative mode i’m gonna i’m gonna call him out [Laughter] okay okay okay let’s let’s make a room now okay we’re calling him revealing his deep dark secrets you know as a competitor i’m gonna reveal it because some people are gonna see his disney and be like oh

My god he’s done so much hey there’s another rack what the [ __ ] there’s another one right here what i’ve never had another rack can i want it here i’ll give it to you it’s right up here oh my god oh my god another rack oh there’s another one here yeah there’s two here

I’m working you can have those two i already have i have a ton of them from my farming adventure please don’t believe that’s bedrock oh that’s bedrock whoops yeah it’s bedrock it looked like another right it’s like it looks very similar okay it looks very nice

I’m so excited my first ever oh my god we would have like explo like open it up and been like wow look at all this netherrack [Laughter] A speaker here i’ll give you the obsidian you can make it why do i have to make it i [ __ ] dug and you do something i think you already did so much oops i messed up [Laughter] good job well then here what’s up make a proper like okay

Here i’m gonna break the block you’re standing on okay all right here we go all right I am watching yeah you’re watching you’re witnessing you’re witnessing i’m witnessing a true power here yeah you are that should be enough right oh no it’s too short i don’t know definitely not enough maybe i should have done it i’m gonna be talking i’m witnessing hold

On wait the bedrock’s not gonna get in the way right no no no no okay we’re fine you’re witnessing oh hold on i need to be taller i’m witnessing right now yeah you’re witnessing oh i’m stuck just stay down i know all right here we go all right here we go uncharted

Territories this could be where we die all right here it is no we won’t die do not worry okay first here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go where the what oh what what was whooshing along subspace bubbles [Applause] [Laughter]

Oh my god all the pillagers are down below wait there’s the alloys [Laughter] oh [ __ ] you he’s following me he’s so cute okay okay kill him okay he’s following me too oh my god we did it we have an album [Laughter] uh what do you want you want some meat oh he’s holding my bread wait don’t hold my bread anymore wait wait wait wait

How do i how do i give it to you we need cookies cookies a lead oh god we don’t have any leads oh no wait wait wait there’s some items on the outpost right i gave him my bread he’s just holding my bread so cute that’s so cute give it an item i’m

Trying here come here i gave i gave him bread no stop following me he’s flying away come here come here come here give how do i give it to him oh do i like right click no don’t fly away alloy how did you give it to him did you right click

Yeah yeah yeah yeah right clay right please let me go back over here oh my god so cute he’s way he’s flying so far please come back down come back down oh he they’re untameable apparently okay okay okay they’re so cute he likes me mine’s not flying away from

Me he likes me no no no he he’s he’s staying there i gave him what the [ __ ] okay okay get out oh where are you going buddy no no i have to kill the pillager next to me we are in the middle of nowhere yeah but we have allies though

Is it ally aloy e-l-l-a-y i don’t know scared my god Uh you need chocolate chip and stuff we need chocolate chip okay we’re definitely not making any yeah we need a lead then we need string i think so is there any string in the uh pillagers i don’t think so i saw wheat i saw i’m going to check wait hold on uh

Please don’t fly away please don’t fly away please come down i’ll give you more bread wait so they don’t have gollums anymore they have uh i’ll give you bread don’t fly away they have out these things instead uh there’s dark oak dark oak log wheat and tripwire hooks

I cannot believe our portal is right here how did that happen no wait we could trap them and then we’ll come back and get some cute i’m going to trap my alley okay spawn if i trap them try dropping my steak i i tried before but it didn’t he didn’t pick it up Please stay down i need to trap you that guy is fine how are you trapping him with what i’m trapping him with i’m just gonna okay i’m giving him bread and see if he’ll stay still maybe can we trap them in a boat wait wait

No no you’re not supposed to fly over it i’m just trying to [ __ ] put make a cage around him these guys keep spawning god damn it shut up leave me alone to figure out how i’m gonna we gotta trap them and then we do like he won’t see spawn

I don’t know that’s the thing i don’t know if they’ll just spawn but we have nothing else to hold them in though yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna try a boat i’m gonna try a boat uh oh yeah they’ll enter boats okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay

Uh i’ve made a crafting table they won’t despawn they said they won’t despawn okay okay boat boat where’d he go where’d he go buddy buddy a buddy oh there he is yeah there’s bread right here ally let’s go buy some bread come here come here some bread right here

Are you gonna fly down i feel like i’m talking to my cat come here wait what is that wait what what did he do he delivered an item to you ah that’s so cute wait that’s actually so cute what the [ __ ] oh my god

He said oh you got him you got him nice nice oh yeah i got him in the ball i got him a boat okay i’ve trapped him okay i like how people in my chat are like you freedom just to trap him again where’s my guy

Where’d he go oh that’s not him that’s a blue oh my god a boat okay okay i’m making a little cage around the boat let me come here okay i got i got mine in the boat okay okay i’ve got to get him i gotta get him

Oh wait is he in the boat Throw down more meat i think he’s i’m trying to okay i got him i got him got him okay i’m making a little hut for my guy okay he doesn’t need apparently he doesn’t respond so i’m just gonna make a little hut then to make sure no nothing gets into him

Yeah you will be safe my friend will be safe do not worry this this little hut is for your safety okay and it won’t it won’t catch on fire because it’s yeah yeah okay i’ll leave him a little window oh coordinates i saved the coordinates okay

You say the coordinates okay okay we got we’ll need to get some slime and uh slime uh some slime and string to lead them back home oh that’s right yeah i wonder we like do you think we could tp with them if fenana luca comes back because then we have to explore

Oh my god leave me alone oh [ __ ] torch inside to prevent mob spawns oh [ __ ] you’re right i forgot to put torch inside out oh you can’t tp okay we gotta actually figure a way to get back with him in another then oh wait what yeah you can’t we can’t tp with them

We’re like 12 000 blocks away [Laughter] this is bad i do it for them though do it for her it’s gonna be dark soon oh let’s find some let’s find some sheep yeah we gotta find some sheep uh Let’s see i did torch i did put a torch in it you guys i put a torch in it i’ve put one in there we named them i wonder if we could name them oh i put a torch in there see it’s fine yeah see i put torches in mine too can

You breathe i don’t think so you can only find them And if he dies he dies He’s so sad i don’t want my diet to die what the [ __ ] i’m not i’m just saying if they die then how would you get one back you know we gotta find more is that the because i know they have new tree biomes too yeah the

Mangroves no no no that mangrove is just the swamp right no it’s there’s there’s like a normal tree biome too what really yeah i’m not finding sheepson me too it’s just pigs it’s just butas i found a spider i mean we might as well kill a spider

For some string yeah we can make this spring a string into wool apparently since that’s how minecraft works and we need lead too do you have uh wait do you have looting on your on your sword uh no i don’t i don’t have like not back okay yeah you should have

It then yeah oh birch update stuff got cancelled never mind oh what yeah i was thinking about like i remember they talked about birch update stuff Wow there’s so many blue flowers here what the hell you know this is crazy The pillager post might be the safest place at the moment [Laughter] sheep where are you there’s donkeys there’s pigs where the [ __ ] are the sheep where the sheep oh god ouch oh god i’m good thank you i found a sheep i got a sheep oh gosh

Kill it i got it oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i found another one you’re not sorry this is called survival of the fittest okay i got two how many do i need i think we need like six three right well i mean only one of us needs to sleep

Oh that’s true yeah donkeys only one more sheep are there so many donkeys no spawn at night are you serious right now but okay but we they have no idea before yeah yeah so they’re i mean see there’s chickens here there’s a lot of chickens here there are yeah

Where do you see chickens at over there on the other side those are flowers no no no no no no no no no over here oh i was like i know what i saw like a celen is losing it for real i saw allies and i’ve been i hope i’ve

Been in another for 80 years oh [ __ ] run ouch it’s just all skellies All i see are ellie’s pomo there’s more spiders and there’s cows oh okay nice nice you can turn the spiders into it yeah i’ll wait for you to kill the spiders cause you have more loot here just kill the skellies for me yeah i’ll kill there’s like a ton of

Spiders here i’ll try and kill those skellies okay wow oh okay uh huh I’m gonna oh yeah i can put my nether right how do i um there’s like just creepers cows oh wait that’s fine Oh food oh wait thank you hi oh sheep oh you did there’s so many hello everybody hello hello holy folger rated yeah hey vulgar hello hello focus chad we’re we’re we found look at the little things we found you guys yeah okay okay we well you don’t it’s

Just me right now you see [Laughter] uh hold on let’s go back to our our um where we spawn here you’re here it’s back here yeah we found allies we we’ve spawned into an outpost yeah we spawned into an outpost somehow yeah we’ll look at yours

Right here the little guy is in here yeah look at that freedom just to trap them again look at him in there oh my god oh my god they did not like that Get rid of them okay yeah oh yeah yeah uh hold on i want to see there you go look at this Oh my god enderman oh yeah yeah kill these guys so they don’t accidentally shoot him yeah now okay we’re just trying to find some more uh stuff some more new stuff yeah yeah we gotta go to the mangrove let’s um maybe if we just go along the ocean we can

Find it right oh true yeah yeah yeah they’re so cute aren’t they guys i know and we can oh and there and the mangroves have slime right so we can get some blind balls too potentially yeah at night yeah we get some lead and then we can lead them back home

And then we just have to um find a dark cave and then we’ve got everything yeah we’re speed running the uh update [Laughter] honestly i thought this would take us much longer but we got so lucky we got the [ __ ] so [ __ ] lucky how did that happen i don’t know

Honestly i was like really worried i was like oh nope we’re gonna die here before before we can’t even did you get the bed back no we can just make a new one yeah yeah it’s really cheap poker don’t look don’t look [ __ ] he has to know yes

This is this is you know when you grow up this is what happens he literally just raided you and you’re killing his comfy dog i’m sorry i’m sorry this is the real world this is the real world this is what happens he kills sheep oh there’s a there’s another portal here

Or a broken portal rather than a broken one yeah yeah all right what’s in it um boots fire protection boots and whoa what the in the light weighted pressure plate wait do we want to activate this just in case well i guess it does feel like we don’t need it because our our

Nether portal is in such a good spot those are more sheeps more sheep yeah thank you for your sacrifice and one more thank you okay we have enough for another bed nice yeah that was under bed what’s with the fire got the whole club on fire i don’t think that was really

We just gotta find the mangroves It’s just all grass it’s all grass i think we should go along the ocean i think it would be faster if we like put go out in a boat and did that yeah i’m gonna make a boat then i need a tree do you have any wood on you

For yeah i mean we’re literally outside so then i know but let’s try it on you i mean cut down your lazy yeah you’re here so then cut down the tree but you’re here [Laughter] fine i’ll cut a tree down i’ll do deforestation again i guess i’ll ruin the forest yeah

Wait but you live in the forest you want me to cut down all your trees it’s okay i catch the forest on fire oh what kind of fairy are you what the [ __ ] [Laughter] you’re not an environmentally friendly fairy i love the environment oh that [ __ ] burn the environment how is that love

It’s you know the real world is you know okay both i want a mangrove boat oh it’s red wow oh [ __ ] yeah hold on i want to look in there that area looks cool i’m making my boat right now okay how many like look at this cave you guys

Oh my gosh you’re already out there you’re already gone gone oh there’s nothing in here never mind all right let’s sail the ocean blue for mangroves wait where are you i’m oh they’re next to you my sense of direction isn’t the best right now i mean we truly have no idea where we

Are so what oh this leads to and nowhere yeah anyway go to the left side make chest boats oh yeah we can do that can’t we oh yeah yeah now we can like store our stuff now too yeah i love this new update oh we’re exploring uh sunken ship here and

There’s also an underwater oh wait is this a drowned yeah drowned temple oh what the [ __ ] there’s a lot of good [ __ ] here yeah you’re watching it oh i can okay i’m marked you might as well yeah look out here there’s like an ocean yeah let’s go where’s our mangrove where’s our

Streamer look streamer lucky i mean did we i think probably we wasted all of it on just that one you know it was worth i feel like that would have been like the hardest thing to find honestly i thought that would take us the longest to find because we gotta find an outpost

Yeah we used it all you guys outposts are maybe they’re not that difficult to find yeah but like but um spawning into one like that is kind of crazy into one yeah that’s what i’m saying we literally spawn into wait oh my gosh i like turn in a circle okay i saw that

I thought you saw something that like made you stop going this way we are at okay we’re going down on the uh oh dolphin push me push push push push push following you push me you have food for him can you feed the dolphins i think yeah yeah you

Can feed like fish or some [ __ ] right maybe that petra’s meat oh yeah at least petra just regrow her meat every so often when you chop her come here come here come here oh he’s too fast come here don’t move don’t move what’s that over there there’s like a stone thing over there

Huh what’s that you see that oh what is that is that an above ground drowned temple yeah what the [ __ ] is that how’d it do that was that all the drowned are drowned what the [ __ ] is where the [ __ ] is that um yeah there’s a little thing in here

Oh it’s a drown temple yeah it’s just above ground because they’re stupid oh there’s a treasure map in here oh nice we need that right yeah we need to find treasure along with all the other [ __ ] we’re trying whatever the sea of oh yeah i have the c

I have the c so we can make more conduits yeah i’ll take that there we go i don’t need all this netherrack i’ll just keep some of it though just in case you have like a ton of them [ __ ] dropping all my another part of the sea

Heart of the sea part of the sea there’s like zombie meat in here too like i guess some guys were they dead dead oh okay that’s all i thought i could do that do what nothing what did you do what did you try to do what’d you try to do nothing yeah

Nothing oh try it if you were throwing tridents at us someone is yeah trying to kill us yeah yeah yeah one word Onwards we go oh yeah adventure so true you guys so true oh yeah uh let’s see our treasure map oh we’re heading towards the treasure oh we are all right i might as well just go [ __ ] get the treasure yeah Another right looks so cool i know all right i want some nether right if only selena didn’t debate me you know there’s an easy way to farm nether right right yeah i go to yeah go to i forgot what coordinate it is and you just far you just dig and that’s it so

It’s like diamonds basically yeah yeah there’s like a specific coordinate you have to dig luca did a lot because i kept [ __ ] bumping into luka’s pathway for another because he dig a he dug an entire pathway for it we need to go this way or this way maybe this way

Is it right here over here yeah you can also farm it with tnt you just blow a bunch of blocks no we’re going too far down oh which way is it is it this one right here Am i stupid that’s okay we’re both stupid am i stupid you can use tnt because they don’t blow up oh yeah or bad that’s what i did i used cnt with bow and arrow because we have a tnt farm anyway so i figure it’s just easier yeah i think we

Need to go this way oops i’m stuck on you okay We can’t see the map oh you guys can’t see it sorry wait they can’t see the map now they can because i was blocking it with my body guys what do you mean you don’t want to look at pomo’s body what do you mean you want to look at the map gosh

Guys only want one thing and it’s a buried treasure map yeah are you guys wearing guys gold diggers [Laughter] Photography is hot we got it i love finding unexplored places colonizing them i love discovering the new world [Laughter] it’s like i love the 1400s exotic women truly need to cancel [Laughter] trading hey girl you want to trade some spices where the hell is this thing is maybe around the other side Maybe it’s maybe it’s around i don’t know i’m getting lost yeah i think we need to sleep now oh it’s already night it’s fine it’s fine you go to sleep you go to sleep i’ll find this treasure you have the bed fomo you have the bed you can make it your

Own did you not get wet you’ll have walls no i’ll let you have all the water here at the looting here here here here there you go okay where is it i threw it in the water the [ __ ] did it oh my god it’s like sunk

In the water you guys where do i go is it around this area i’m gonna make the bed so it’s daytime for us okay oh there’s another nether portal here Oh it sinks how does wool sink oh yeah we’re right here we’re right here okay i found out here okay let me i’ll i’ll sleep real quick i told you guys i knew what i was doing you know did you though yeah i told them i showed them all

All right yeah i definitely need you to sleep there’s like a zombie villager coming at me die stupid oh he’s in the water now um okay i don’t think he’s going to die anytime soon where are you here i’ll come to you I went around this area i’m like going around see a lot of zombies dying there i see you yeah here we are where the broken nether portal is okay okay let’s kill these creepers Maybe they’ll blow it up for us okay never mind do they get more experience now because do they i have no idea i’ve gotten a lot more experience from just killing zombies maybe okay um actually it’s like why are you behind you no it’s right here it’s right here right

Here alright let’s dig i have my another right shovel i don’t have a shovel so you do this thing all right don’t worry the muscles here yeah i’m gonna go check out this uh where is is exactly just down yeah but if you hit if you hit uh what’s it called then

Um like cobblestone yeah if you hit that you’re gone it’s only in sand okay i’ll just look around then okay so many creepers what the hell oh my god golden apple Think uh you’ve gone too far it’s like yeah yeah i feel like i’m going to go this way this way this way this way yeah okay if you hit if you hit the sandstone too it’s too far yeah this is all sandstone oh there it is i found it oh

It is it’s oh there’s a heart of sea right here there’s a bunch of emeralds i want everything yo what the hell oh you want the emeralds here i’ll give you four no it’s okay you can take them um i have some i’ll take the gold because i’m carrying gold uh i’ll take

Let’s build uh let’s build a boat that can track the heart of the sea then and there’s water breathing potion i’ll take that too how do i make a boat that can i’ll just take the chest you just combine the boat and the chest together i’m pretty sure really oh [ __ ] well then

This is hard okay chest bolt yeah that’s exactly it okay you have the whole chest you took it uh not yet i took the chest so all these items are gonna despawn in the chest now it’s okay uh here just make it i have the boat here here here the boat

If you want to give me the chest i can i can make it here okay chest this son of a [ __ ] No okay there it is chest boat let’s [ __ ] go i know i’ll put the heart of the sea in there too yay poor like wait however how do i use it i’m putting the heart of the sea the emeralds the gold nuggets and how did you open it

Just open it like wait what you have to someone has to be on it and then you can i feel like right no no [ __ ] you press [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah oh wait yeah there are important [ __ ] in there yeah yeah put the bed in here too but the emeralds

And then the potion of water breathing yeah i’ll keep my other potions i’ll put the obsidian in there oh yeah yeah i’ll put the flaming steel in there too oh and the whoops and the uh the treasure map i don’t need any more i’m gonna hang it on my no i’m gonna

Hang it on my wall we’re hanging it yeah it’s our adventures oh yes true our wild update adventure yeah Okay you can’t break the boat anymore too because if you break the boat all this stuff is gonna fly out we just have to stay close is there anything was there anything else in there that you didn’t grab or well i i didn’t get the

Iron yeah yeah i got it all oh you got quartz in here that’s that’s that’s a commodity that’s a commodity in the even the sport yes really yeah because everyone’s trying to make uh quartz blocks and stuff [ __ ] just [ __ ] go creative mode like fanata i know nana’s a cheater

We’re littering in the ocean but that’s okay i didn’t even realize quartz was such a commodity i have so much of so many of them i could basically sell them to the ems you should milly is always wanting courts and she has so much diamond like oh [ __ ] yeah i’m gonna sell

Some quartz to her then i didn’t even realize i’ve been using them as like scrap metal but i guess if we don’t if we don’t like reset or if we don’t what’s the word fix our nether another the netherlands reset so yeah but then our pathways are all gone

Though i know all just free makeup we had like i guess so but nina’s gonna [ __ ] cry the amount of time she spent making those pathways now we don’t tell her guys we don’t tell her what happened she’ll she has to come back to uh come back from her trip to figure out

What happened yeah and i’ll be a while ago so confident going in there being like oh yeah like i’m ready to go back into the nether and she goes in and it’s just gone we’ll just be like oh yeah like you’ve been gone for like months nina and

Some [ __ ] happened in the nether we don’t talk about it we don’t talk about it all right destroyed everything let’s find mangroves mangrove let’s just go this way i guess she spawns in the the badlands what’s the badlands oh yeah that’s the the where you get the

Clay the terracotta oh right oh my god oh we lost that spawn oh yeah yeah we lost that’s what i’m saying we lost the terracotta spawn aw man uh this is like kind of a dead end oh not this way not really there’s like a little hole right there there’s a pocket

Kind of what is that oh that’s lava hey nina you get all the courts in the world but you lost phase of work in the netherlands i’m sorry about that i was using her portal though to go get fish for the uh for the axolotls whoa

Wait what how because it was right next to a uh tropicals area oh okay we lost that who’s in yeah oh this is maybe a dead end actually for real oh there’s sunflowers hold on i want these oh i feel like i’ve seen the sunflowers before me neither not in this server

Look at our adventure we’re finding so much good stuff i know for the en server yeah look at all of them oh there’s something purple there’s like purple flowers here oh i mean purple not orange sorry purple and orange almost the same color Okay i have 10 sunflowers i got some orange tulips oh this must be a flower biome then right is it i guess so because there’s like sunflowers in there’s like colors we haven’t seen before gallium yeah oh look see there’s like purple flowers here yeah yeah it’s allium it’s an allium

I don’t know minecraft teaches me what flowers are i was born from a flower and i don’t know [ __ ] [Laughter] your boy were you born from a weed or something look it explains everything why you want to destroy the forest you know it’s dandelions are called weeds but everyone likes them okay

Everyone [ __ ] plucks them and makes a wish yeah people like that is here too there’s a white tool up here and there’s pink tulips wait where are you i’m like here it’s like a bunch of different colors here there’s pink i got pink recipes i got white tulips

Too nice nice we should put these in our in our boat I have no idea where the [ __ ] you went me too again we like we like like this is not even a huge biome and we’re already lot lost Oh there’s like what’s this is that uh i got a oxy eye daisy oh i think i’ve seen that one before i’ve never seen that one oh i see you yeah daisy you’re far that’s the one with the yellow center right uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i’ve never seen that before

Wait what’s this i found an azer blue it too oh there’s so many sunflowers there’s like a lot of different flowers here celen’s got two lips on her face Why are you so i’m so quiet if there’s like flowers we haven’t seen before oh there we are We just gotta find our way back for sure yeah i think we can find our way back yeah we’re explorers we’re conquestadors how questa doors wow we’re here Look at that are we bad people are we the pillagers no no oh yeah you’re right wait do you have the bed uh the bed’s in the boat [Laughter] we need the bed what do you mean we can just go back to the boat the boat’s not don’t look

I need to throw away some of my flowers i guess i’ll pick it up okay because i have i needed one more where’s one more [ __ ] squad name now [Laughter] Don’t look at what don’t look just don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t look don’t look don’t look don’t worry about it yeah don’t worry about it i need to eat some of this lamb all right let’s put our let’s keep on onwards towards uh mangroves we will find our mangroves

We’ll find it we’ll find it first off we gotta find our boat i told you i literally just said i know we’re gonna be you know what it is it’ll be easy yeah yeah yeah we just look in the ocean and then we’ll find a boat you’re going the wrong way

Okay how would you know you don’t know which is the right way i am literally going the correct direction how would you know that you just said you don’t know i know where it is i said i know i said i know oh okay [Laughter] i actually have a sense of direction unlike some both dragon both dragon sisters have no sense of direction at all all we gotta do all we need to know is to go we don’t need to know where we just gotta go okay i’m [ __ ] my boat What the hell why’d you kick me off [Laughter] there we go put some of the flowers in there okay i gotta eat this fish too wait uh let me hold on i have more stuff to put in there we go okay just we can take some of this out later

If we need more space yeah we can also put another chest in this boat oh choo choo chill yeah on two chests two chests wow wow mom how come they let you have two chests yeah i should literally i should ask your mama that for real though [Laughter]

It’s all right it’s all right one day you can have a chest like mine really yeah i’ll recommend you to my surgeon oh okay you felt inadequate next to next to lira right and so you had to go get it get some confidence boosting

Work done right no no i had to get some removed too much confidence you know [Laughter] yo you know that hurts your back right yeah i i totally know that feeling i know that feeling more than anyone else yeah yeah yeah you want someone you want me to give you some of mine

Okay this isn’t this is a topic for off stream uh this is a dead end also so all right we can’t i mean we could like with our boat though yeah it’s true we could go like go back i think it’s easier to just find it

On on boat yeah yeah because it is the it is like near the ocean someone says is this how is this girl talk is this how a girl’s talking about Not gonna lie i have had like girl talks like this with friends irl just being like please give me some titty like some of yours [Laughter] hey listen up guys and insight to girl talk right here i’m getting like gaslit by my boob size though because no one

Seems to know how to draw my my chest in fan art it’s either so big or so flat what if you well you’re a fairy you can like like you know grow certain sizes you know you could drink it that doesn’t apply to my chest though

You don’t have powers on the chest no i don’t i only can i can only grow like taller taller unfortunate yeah you haven’t learned the skill yet or it’s just your fairy powers aren’t strong enough i mean fairies aren’t like that we don’t have that kind of

Magic i know that but you can grow grow bigger or smaller so shouldn’t you be able to do like specific parts no it’s just a whole body thing it’s a whole body thing oh i’m a pad user oh man i mean that makes sense too some of the fan art though is definitely

Like you know it’s not bad yeah it’s too too like too much is being shown for it to just be padded yeah but you know like those cosplays where people would have like fake boobs oh yeah yeah you could be wearing those that’s true that’s true yeah yeah and

Cause you have your neck thing that hides it too yeah right that’s what they do though they purposely have like a necklace thing or something to cover up the the neck area where the the fake boobs cross over oh i’m learning so much about my own anatomy

You thought you could fool me pomo i know you yeah uh dead end i mean we could go left side yeah exactly oh there’s a bunch of pumpkins oh hold on i’m gonna eat a snack someone was like how do you know so much about this you know kill a kill everyone

[ __ ] used it for killing okay i know exactly what you’re talking about too yeah she made like the person who like did it made like a whole [ __ ] video yeah i know exactly what you’re talking about because of the underboob and everything was yeah yeah yeah yeah ryuko yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah it was like a huge thing on the internet at that time and i know a lot of like guys who cosplay girls do that too oh you remember do you remember there was this famous guy cosplayer who did like really good like female cosplays and was like Talking about like that that boob thing i believe his name i don’t remember his name i remember he was like popular around the time too oh someone was like saying sneaky no not sneaky sneeze i’m not talking about snakes who is sneaky he’s like this league of legends pro player that does like

Female cosplays oh he has an only fence wow it’s actually interesting because his like girlfriend helps him with the cosplay his girlfriend’s like a famous cosplayer and he and she helps him with his cosplay so she like makes them and he wears them yeah he wears them for my

God wow get a relationship like that man yeah like relationship goals yeah seriously get a get a guy that would cosplay your female your waifu wow they can be like my boyfriend is so handsome and beautiful [Laughter] 1.19 real yeah luca our new server got upgraded oh yeah luca we’re lost oh yeah we are so [ __ ] far we’re stopping wait unless this is that mangrove yeah i think so i think so unless it’s jungle is this jungle or mangrove that’s the question she has mangrove right

Is it let’s see let’s see no it’s jungle oh it’s jungle yeah i see i see coke wait that means no we can make we can make cookies we make cookies yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they come out we need cookies anyway yeah yeah

You know what it’s good streamer look we need cookies for our yeah this is like the barest forest i’ve ever seen in my entire life i know there’s nothing here you you just found the only coconuts uh like not coconuts you found the only cook oh i found more cologne you did

Just look on the what’s it called ones the jungle trees this is jungle yeah this is so bare there’s nothing here yeah there’s no this is a negative streamer luck yes our streamer like only goes towards our allies apparently when are we gonna get coconuts in minecraft anyway i know right

I feel like you know honestly like i’m just happy they’re actually updating this game before because you know like this game was never updated when notch owned the game uh he never updated the game and then microsoft bought the company and they’re like we’re gonna finally have updates guys

We’re gonna add new content for after 10 years like it’s perfect as is [Laughter] my creation needs nothing i say yeah uh there’s a on this side too there’s more this is a little more oh a parrot parrots pants oh my god green bird bluebird

Oh my god oh my god where where over here i want parrot where are you you have so many parrots shut up celine i’ve seen your [ __ ] house i’ve seen your house i only have one parrot this is this guy is mine this guy’s gonna grow my hair

I’m [ __ ] getting some seeds i’m getting seeds too no no you do not need more you do not need more of these i don’t know where you are that’s the first one i have one you only need one okay you can take one i’ll take one i’ll get i’ll

Take one you take the other which color do you want equivalent what colors do they have green and blue green or i want the i’ll take the blue okay he’s like a full blue boy okay where’d you where’d he go oh i lost him uh i only see the blue one so i

Think he’s mine um here come here i see the green one okay okay hold on i’m putting down my bed and sleeping okay okay How are you bringing back the bird uh on my shoulder follow us yeah they follow they follow yeah if you tame them they follow okay but i found out that they can actually get like stuck in the water getting all of these birds wait where are you are you still on the

Same island no i went to the other side oh that’s wild come here come here come on bird Bird please oh there’s bamboo here too oh nice oh it’s the bamboo jungle that means panda bears maybe we could take home some pandas oh my gosh we’re a panda we’re we are colonizers we’re taking everything we’re doing there’s no morals in minecraft hey that’s my bird go away

Wait where’s my oh where’s oh my god did you lose the blooper no he’s in there use your eyes i found him i am using my eyes i literally hold on where did he go oh there’s more poco you’re too far you’re he was back towards the other way

Okay i’m finding my blue bird okay maybe come on where where’d my guy go he’s my guy blends in it’s ass fine bird where are you i hear you oh there you are okay where are you oh yeah [Applause] my bluebird okay okay go here i’ll help you here’s

Over this way to say oh i see him i see him okay i have more seeds if you need it i got it yeah we have bird buddies now too there’s an azalea tree there must be an azalea tree oh we have iron to steer it yeah there’s two actually there might be

A lush farm under here hi buddy 14. all my birds are named after dragoons yeah mine are the alphabet a dragoon one dragoon two dragons name him the end you’re so right though come here yeah there might be a lush actually though i’ve had this trauma of looking for lush caves after seeing a tree like this

And not being able to find the lush cave deep trauma from that But we already have a lush tape close to us so it doesn’t really matter well i didn’t know that before oh how are we going to get these guys back they’ll follow us so we might lose them though i feel like a lot i feel like we’re going to lose them

We’re going to lose them we just gotta just don’t jump real quick will he hide in the boat uh i don’t know they actually i don’t know we could push i don’t think so i don’t think they can be in the boat hold on you stay hold on come here come

On you go on the ground go on the ground land stay okay i’m gonna do i’m bringing my boat over here well i should do that all right you stay too hey no no no no no no no no fly don’t fly stop stop stop getting my shoulder you stay there we go

I’m heading over to you because there’s a boat now teleport but i when i was when i brought back like you know my [ __ ] pack of birds i lost some along the way because they only because you had so many no no no no no no i lost like

My first trip i lost four because they didn’t tell they got stuck in the water and i couldn’t find them anymore oh yeah they wouldn’t teleport okay now i also accidentally killed a couple with with uh with a creeper because it spawned next to me and then it it you know

Well that might be how you lost them not by no no no that’s another batch i had like three batches my third batch of bird hunting was the successful one All right where do we go how could they land it on he’s on your shoulder mine isn’t mine’s [ __ ] drowning in water right now those dragoons are dumb [Laughter] don’t sit down she doesn’t mean that she doesn’t mean that yeah who killed who got who killed their friend who

Killed their dragoons with a creeper huh i’m not making you mean that dragons okay get on my shoulder oh my god dragoons come on cooperate come on jacob look at my shoulder is that my shoulder no he’s flying away I just need you on my shoulder okay there we go is it on my shoulder yes okay there we go it took a while but we did it okay let’s keep going all right omodachi is so cooperative so take it back gator i know what you [ __ ] said about me so no [Laughter]

It’s okay we’re just special dragons oh there’s another one right there another blue bird and a bluebird i don’t think we can should we get more birds how did you take back so many did you have leads or something no i [ __ ] i told you it i

Had three batches the third batch was the only successful okay let’s just keep going the way we’re doing then there’s a lot of trial and error i wanna see a panda we don’t have a panda oh wait do we do what we do yeah no lucas panda in the panda bath

In the sauna Oh that’s right that’s two that’s right uh let’s go this way towards anywhere what is that thing right there sticking out of the water what is that yeah you know one thing we haven’t found is a uh we haven’t found like a desert um temple oh and i found a desert temple yeah

Yeah yeah oh this is drowned be careful yeah i found a desert temple um where i got the cactus oh yeah yeah yeah i don’t remember what i looted from there luca are you in chat You said we have oh thanks thanks for joining my chat just to [ __ ] prove me wrong appreciate it dad the fairy lady called me dumb okay i know we’re dumb she accepts you that’s all that matters right it’s okay dad accepts you for who you are

There we go i don’t need this kelp ah it’s cause like they say like streamer like chad oh wait this is a tropical biome but where’s the where’s the coral reef yeah i see a little little puffer fish right there we’ll figure it out later oh god they’re coming they’re coming towards us

Yeah you guys are cute you’re cute and dumb it’s that’s okay that’s okay i’m dumb too guys yeah the reason why you’re dumb is because i’m also like like oh there’s the coral i’ve cultivated my chat like chat or like streamer like chat right like you really

Chat does that mean we’re pretty dumb too pomodachies Probably [Laughter] wow this is pretty oh this is pretty what the [ __ ] yes so much yes wait okay are those coral what what are those blocks yeah they’re coral are they like coral blocks yeah yeah yeah oh i’ve never been to the tropical before what Yeah i got luca and elira to get me the coral stuff this one’s like not so picked over unlike the other one oh so hold on i want to oh my gosh this is a huge tropical ocean i i mark the coordinates Whoa what the what that was me oh it’s you [Laughter] i am big brother no you’re the washing machine for the window who’s big bro then um our parrots our pair pomodachies no my parrot is not a pomodachi it’s just it’s not the poem it’s just a

Parrot yeah it’s just a parrot and we’re the pomudachi’s in the minecraft world I don’t know what do pomodachis want to be yeah i bet you the polinachis want to be your parrot yeah what do you guys want to be pomudashi’s i’m asking this is your one chance to get it have right get it right they don’t even have a choice they have to make sure

They get it right you guys want to be axolotls yeah axolotls oh there’s a ship oh oh yeah mangrove i know right i feel like so hard to fly i feel like it’s gonna be even harder to find the uh what’s it called still the uh what was it

Where’s my bed oh [ __ ] i don’t have a bed anymore wait what the [ __ ] what did you do with the bed i think i left it somewhere i have this one in here yeah there’s one well i made my own i left it somewhere oh hello oh hey he’s on my bed

The parent wants to sleep with you is definitely not a point yet hey guys you guys are goofy yeah you guys could have been the parrot you slept with pomo well don’t say that open open why isn’t it opening sorry i mean slipped on top of pokemon why isn’t this opening

There’s a treasure chest in here but it’s not open it is oh is it because like there’s something on top of it no then i have no idea what the hell why isn’t it opening you guys Lag i’m just gonna bust it open uh i think there’s lag there’s lag oh [ __ ] [Laughter] i just got [ __ ] time now what the [ __ ] oh god i’m gonna be dead in the water shh please no please no please oh no please no please no oh god oh god oh god

Oh my god no oh no i’m loading it i’m loading in okay i’m still alive i’m yeah i’m alive i’m under the water live okay there’s nothing in here except books i wouldn’t would you [ __ ] up you did that and you died for books i died for reading so then it’s a difference

And that’s why reading is a mistake here get on the ground get on the ground little bird oh his name is oh wait is there another chest shouldn’t there be one right in here oh here it is i got it We found what a diamond oh yeah let’s go do you want this chest for your boat or no uh yeah we might as well take the chest for a boat you think you can take it all right yeah which one has the books uh the one at the bottom the one closer

To the surface has oh yeah yeah and a lot of iron here wait we can do this wait why are you doing my boat dragoon wait oh no not like that we need that can i not get the chest the [ __ ] are you dumb where did the chest go did it float up

Uh I don’t see it i have the chest in my pocket well your bird’s in your boat right now maybe you don’t want to yeah but i can just destroy the the what the oh pomo you took the chest apparently you have a chest on you no what oh

What the [ __ ] where did the chest go what you must have got stuck on one of the blocks it’s not a buried treasure map though because it was blank right okay it’s blank right oh hey you’re bird’s in your boat too yeah yeah i see him

Get out of the boat bird what do i alright look it’s blank you guys what do i do right click it there we go i’ll put some i’ll put some i don’t need to put anything i’m right-clicking it i’m right-clicking it i’m right clicking it wait

Oh i have so much sand in here there’s nothing on here where’s the x I’m gonna put cocoa beans where’s the x Wait how are you gonna get your bird out of your boat um do you break the chest i guess it’s time for him to die Aren’t you glad for modashes it’s not you it’s math number 24 you guys it’s map number 24. oh here i was going well pomodachies [Applause] thank god you weren’t the parrot yeah thank god you weren’t the parent you guys live another day yeah yeah guys i like you well then i’m just gonna

Take celen’s bird wait what you gonna take my bird these [ __ ] triggers oh oh it worked on top of it yeah my guy is smart unlike dragoons [Laughter] you didn’t even know you could do that when you were ready to kill him you were ready oh wait uh that’s more jungle dang it

I saw you were [ __ ] ready there has to be a lush cave under here because there’s so many azalea trees this is true but we don’t need a lush cave we need the this area is crazy you got bamboo forest you got coral reef i’m gonna save it there we go

That’s a bamboo we have a bamboo farm so yeah we don’t need that yeah actual rose session oh we do we just need the macros how are we gonna bring oh we gotta bring back frogs too wait we can bring my tadpoles oh you can bring out tadpoles yeah yeah

Yeah and then we can yeah yeah cause like the frog well how are the frogs gonna make babies we can scoop up the tadpoles and then grow them up to be frogs oh and then they can make babies yeah yeah and then and then yeah we don’t need to get the

Frog itself we just gotta get the tadpoles tadpoles when i was a kid i had a friend that would scoop up tadpoles and bury them in dirt wait what the [ __ ] did that kid grow up to be a [ __ ] serial killer probably i should have you

Know i was a kid so i didn’t notice the signs but thinking back on it um okay what else what a [ __ ] up [ __ ] did your friend do i don’t know man you just remember the tadpole yeah because it was so disturbing embarrassing [Laughter] oh where what is this what is oh we’re at africa yeah africa ah savannah down in minecraft oh my god we have to find a mangrove we found every [ __ ] biome so far except i know right we found some of the rarest ones except the mangrove please where are the mangroves

It’s just supposed to be like a swamp right yeah it’s a swamp yeah that’s what i’m saying like how is a mangrove a rare bite are we just like missing it like we’re just uh we’re just like we passed through a mangrove maybe i don’t think so i know what i’ve seen

The pictures of what they look like i feel like yeah yeah but maybe like at one point we just didn’t roll our boat at a certain direction and missed it i think it’s bad rng yeah how do you really frost we haven’t even seen a swamp though i know

We haven’t uh seen any swamps yeah we’re kind of going back to where we came from but are we kind of ish we’re like going in the direction can we row a boat in here or is that dead end i don’t know let’s try it let’s try it

Yeah no dirty water yeah we haven’t had any dirty water yeah get in okay that means you need to get in the in the pool so then in the pool what does that mean oh my took a shower you still have your natural musk on it like a natural bust

Maybe you need to get into the pool for eat free bath that’s fine i’ll sell it afterwards exactly free fairy bass yeah i feel like this is going to turn into a dead end yeah me too this looks like it they did no don’t say that it’s fine

Yeah we’re dead end right now is it wait no there’s more yeah keep going keep going more to it oh there’s a cave cool oh oh oh oh oh wow it’s not a dead end oh my god what the [ __ ] there’s a giant cave system here holy cow yeah

This place is wild i hope our allies are doing okay they’re just chilling fortress that thing we built oh wait wait terracotta yeah oh my god we literally have found every biome [Laughter] [ __ ] terracotta isn’t there an achievement for finding all the biomes well i i don’t know i mean if there is

We still we’re still missing the ruins biome oh that’s true what was it called uh what’s it called deep dark the deep dark deep dark yeah we still need to find a deep dark save the coordinates whoa look at that it looks like a whoa wait there’s this towel oh the temple yeah

Oh my god let’s go i found a temple wow this place is wild looking look at that it’s like next to the terracotta too yeah and we’re next to the tropicals yo this place is amazing maybe we should make this i should live here you know

What else i’m gonna make a uh we should do a what’s it called here another portal yeah we should actually i’m gonna what the hell dolphin stop it there’s like a lot of good [ __ ] here yeah i’m gonna make another tiny villagers tiny shitty tiny tiny village like desert villagers they’re called children

Celeste there’s children oh my god i mean it’s so i’m not wrong though i mean technically yeah i mean like tiny humans could be our children watch out come here So many cats okay get in the boat no no it’s just bread these guys are poor they just have bread now you’re judging them yeah they’re oh my gosh this tiny tiny villager get up i’m [ __ ] There you go nice okay i made a portal so all right how am i supposed to rob them if they have nothing oh wait i’m gonna go through it i have to go through it right oh they literally have bread cactus and books that’s all they have in their town

That’s so sad okay i’m in a there’s a a forest the crimson forest oh you’re in the prison forest nice okay all right i looked at all their chests and oh where’s my bird Where’s my bird where did your bird go are you is your bird not on you no oh no you lost your bird or maybe she’s he’s in the boat he could be trapped in the boat no i think he is um he went through the portal

Oh my god why do you just have brandon cactus please oh there he is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on come on He’s fine in there he’ll be safe he’ll be safe in there that didn’t sound very safe just then Okay still brandon cactus we’re in the emerald I looked at all the chests i looked at five to six chests and it’s just bread cactus and some occasional books or wheat what’s over there wow this is wild that’s a terracotta oh yeah but there’s a thing over there that’s this thing yeah Yeah this place looks cool right look at this thing this tower looks like a finger pointing up i like the the minecraft generation there yeah what is that oh wait i think that’s temple right it should be an interesting temple right it’s a watering hole oh it’s a wall this fell A dragon can dream what Sorry i already explored my my desert temple i miss my bird what did you do to your bird did you just leave it in the nether yeah because there was a hog coming at me you’re just gonna you just left your bird like that he’ll be fine

Probably all the bird did for you what did he do for me new company companionship friendship squawked squawked growled hissed yeah [Laughter] thank god it was in the pomodoro cheese yeah aren’t you guys you guys should be grateful now you guys should be honestly the axolotls are like the most well treated

Pet that pomo has owned in minecraft that’s not true i still have my other pirate i like him more oh oh my god favoritism this place is so cool the terracotta yeah i’ve never seen them structured like this We should head back though we have one thing on that we’re looking for saline we just we just need to find technically two things yeah but we have to dig for the other thing we actually have to explore for this one is easier to find hopefully maybe supposed to be easier

Yeah i just want to bring back some tadpoles yeah actually we actually have turtles too i have like a bunch of turtle eggs i just never bothered to hatch them what how do you get turtle eggs i was exploring i watched two turtles banged and then stole their babies

Would they just do that yeah you you feed them grass they lay eggs and then i stole the eggs yeah and now they’re my babies so i’ve been keeping a bunch of turtle eggs in a chest do they make baby turtles yeah they make three eaters you just

Plant the eggs on sand and then they they’re there forever what oh how do i get back oh there you go yeah just like real life this is why turtles are in danger don’t do what i do let’s steal the turtle eggs don’t steal yeah this is i mean that’s basically why

Turtle sea turtles are endangered because people keep [ __ ] stealing turtle eggs you’re part of the problem i’m part of the i’m part of the system i’m part of the system okay let’s see if i can get my bird back so then come in here and and get my back

So i can get my okay all right so i can get your back yeah we gotta we’re gonna rescue him we’re gonna all right all right dragoon you’re gonna stay here okay you’re not gonna be like that parrot that went in and got stuck there forever it’s not forever stuck he’s just um

Okay come here come here all right get on my shoulder is he on my shoulder i think so all right i’m heading back see oh i’m going back heading back i’m heading in i’m heading in oh you’re back already all right i’m getting back in where’s my face oh he’s back yeah

My bird is so smart he did it immediately come here where are you going where are you going i mean but he did go in though so because he followed me he caused the problem oops dang it i jumped come on come on let’s say hey that’s

Your boat this is my boat yeah come here come here go come here come here come here come here get on my shoulder oh my god is it my parent on my shoulder uh no he’s in the water he’s dumb [Laughter] come here get get come here come on

Come on yeah my shoulder why are parents you know i did mine first your pair is just looking at you you’re yeah he’s just like how could you he’s like he’s judging he’s having ptsd right now yeah i think so too actually here i’ll give him some seed he’ll be happy oh never

Mind and then you oh you gave your parent ptsd from the journey wait is he on my shoulder yeah he is okay easy All right here we go on the road again wait this looks like floaty temple here yeah i think so that looks like sea turtle we should just follow the coast yeah i’m thinking i’m thinking that too yeah all over the coast we’ll eventually find a oh there’s a bunch of squids over there

Yeah wait which coaster oh you’re following this coast okay where were you falling oh in this coast too but you’re further away look at all those tiny villagers [Laughter] oh they’re so tiny they’re so tiny tiny adult villagers you know they’re babies or not they’re wearing the same clothes how do they make babies if they’re not given bread by us uh They just die i guess I guess i’ll die i guess i’ll die yeah it’s weird like we come in and then suddenly they wanna [ __ ] like do we we’re just that good looking yeah they’re just like damn they never knew it and unlocked like some instinct inside of us where are you going son you

Don’t have to be so literal you don’t have to follow every curve you’re the minecraft pro here i’m just here no i’m not at the moment you’re the brain i’m the muscle pickles wait did i get the pickles I thought um i thought you were supposed to hear the brains here what happened how would have i ever been the brains of anything but out of the two of us you’re clearly the brains here oh my gosh this terracotta land is like it’s big yeah yeah it’s big yeah

Well that’s good because i was afraid the other one was gonna get like you know colonized a little bit it was gonna like nina was going ham because she’s so obsessed with making yeah the glazed stuff because she has she has like a a little thing on her in

That area where she just puts in the terra cotta and it makes it on fire like it does it automatically you know oh generator yeah yeah so she’s just always making she’s just always changing it into the colored stuff the auto smelter yeah yeah yeah we are truly niji imperialist

There’s no morals in minecraft it’s fine [Laughter] like how we freed the allies just to trap them again i know we are your saviors now stay inside that the jungle or is that jungle did we loop back to the jungle no because the jungle was flat i

Remember it was like a smaller island no it extended though there was another part was there mm-hmm i don’t even remember come on where the hell Where is it wait is it is this the same jungle we were i think so yeah no is it no this chunk just loaded in for me like uh i think we’re in the back side of it the back side mm-hmm i feel like we go

Further away from this we are looping to another area we’re not lost if we have no destination yeah like we don’t even know where we are yeah and we don’t even know where we came from or where we’re going we’re not lost yeah we’re not lost no need you lost here

Everybody’s stopping yeah yeah we have no goals here wait wait wait was that the is that wait wait wait in front of us is that jungle you can’t see what’s that oh no it’s just the savannah oh yeah this is the savannah it’s just a savannah oh my god it’s new though

It’s new because this huge chunk just loaded in for me Who got sleep though you got your bed yeah oh i didn’t mean to do that yes we have some new pickles it’s just a nightmare tonight i’ll just watch you sleep One second one second one second What you doing there’s some zombies heading your way what really no he’s dead oh i just watched him burn why didn’t hold on i want my pickle okay okay okay now let me get on top let me get on top let me get on top let me get onto the water and my

[Laughter] you you cultivated this i’m trying i’m rowing away Where are we are we going this way are we going in no we’re not going okay are we are we going in no no that’s a dead end though yeah i think so too believe me look we’re leaving this effect it’s it’s exactly as it was we haven’t

Yeah i’ll look at it i’ll look at it i’ll dream about i’ll do it dream what could be right what if there’s a village in there that i could steal from and pillage the new genghis khan you know apparently when they say he like he like banged a lot of people that

Like apparently a lot a lot of people have like one percent of his dna or some [ __ ] Oh wait hold on hold on is this forest or is this mangrove come on i think this is forest right i can’t tell once i see the trees i’ll know ah it’s forest i’m pretty sure oh yeah one fourth of asians are supposedly related to genghis khan khan [Laughter] Look he he did a loss That was like the original gigantic i don’t think that’s it i don’t think yeah i don’t know if we want to say that that’s going to think that’s the right word for what he did is going a little far he went a bit too far And one in every 200 men alive today is a relatively jesus christ how many things every day like did he just now all it’s like that mulan scene right now all of china knows you’re here but now all of china knows that you have a relative in wait okay

I tried i tried for something but my breath is my brain short circuit in there i feel like for him he like basically like it’s it’s like a schedule he’s like ah yes 5 p.m time to make another baby that’s that’s isn’t there like uh something like the

The woman’s clock or something that’s the baby clock the baby why do you know so much about this no isn’t that a thing though that people are just like i have a baby clock or something baby what the [ __ ] mangrove swamp spawn can spawn near jungles or deserts okay

Oh then we should just ride around the jungle here i feel like we’ve been around this area so many times i feel like this is no but this is a new jungle no these are new chunks i’m pretty sure okay cause like they spawned in for me Maybe Okay uh i mean no we gotta do this natural promo i was gonna say we do have a way to figure out where it is we do but we do but we want to do this natural yeah it’s all about the exploration because when we do find it we will be so [ __ ]

Happy yeah our hard work yeah yeah we’re gonna cry and we’re gonna gonna cry with me right pomo right um yeah i’ll cry with you yeah cry together it took us like 80 years wow how how how we’re gonna get back that’s a thing for another stream how are we gonna get back

I think is the easier part not gonna lie but really because we have like oh look there’s spider webs up there wait what spiderweb yeah this is uh this is a look there’s a this is a mine shaft wait what the [ __ ] why is there my shaft

Out here in the open look it’s all up here too what what the heck yeah how did it spawn like that how did it spawn look at this all outside yeah what the hell jesus christ this my shaft is huge though someone said they spawn way higher up and mesa mesa biomes oh

Look at that oh there’s a chest over here oh i’ll take that oh bird be careful too cause there’s no uh oh hello golden apple really a lot of like mobs here too oh wait my parrot okay i don’t want to be here because i feel like my parrot’s gonna die yeah

Where’s my pirate hair’s just flying above you there’s one here too oh name tag oh we can name our parrot oh you name them you took it on anvil you took it i mean i could make one i mean we could find another okay let’s put our parrots outside here

And then we can get another i’m pretty sure there’s another name tag in here somewhere yeah probably yeah let’s just name them now but when they die we actually feel their deaths i already searched that one we feel their deaths their deaths actually mean something because we named them yeah

We gave them we gave them life uh where are my oh here hold on i’m gonna stick with you until i feel like i have too many torches left so i gotta make some more i have a couple yeah i used up mine i’m gonna farm a

Little bit i have like a lot coal on me i just need like wood i hear zombo wait what the [ __ ] oops uh whoops i made some buttons accidentally oh my god i forgot the the torch porch thing why didn’t you just type in torch what i always do

Yeah the torches are such an easy craftable thing so i just Easier for me just do that but then i [ __ ] up because i forgot how to craft it oh yeah i guess we could put our beds down for respawn but no i need more uh what’s it called yeah oh there’s a skelly man oh [ __ ] oh my god you scared me

There was a creeper here yeah like a lot of coal here though let’s get some coal real quick yeah i’ll get some coal because there’s a lot of wood around us anyways where are you salad i’m scared i am follow the torches let’s try to make sure we’re still

Exploring minecraft where are all the where are all the here’s some cool the chess i know right there’s like two of them but this is a really big mine shaft we saw there was definitely more of it on the outside yeah but i can only found like i haven’t

Found a single chest though I’m a ton of like uh what i’ve tried i think i lost you i’m back where you were before where are you i am just exploring oh i found our chest i see you maybe i found diamond and a lot of torches this one myself Uh i see where you are Well there’s more i only found one more chest but didn’t have a name tag that’s okay i think there’s a spider spawner nearby though you hear them i hear spiders once you find a mangrove are you gonna look for a woman grove in a children grove yeah

Oh there it is i found the spider spawner i’m leaving someone’s asking if i’m gonna farm the gold i don’t think we really need gold we have so many blocks oh i see a creeper i see a creeper where are you so late i already looked at this chest though

Maybe i can shoot him oh he’s gone come here coward fine i don’t see this string off me oh there’s another chest here nice all right our mission is just to find another name tag Oh there’s blueberry oh not a nametag i got name tag for you i’m stuck um did you blow up the name tag um no no i got the name tag i got glow berries wear glowberries they glow that’s oh wait i found another chest i keep finding golden apples what is this

Got raw goat gold okay where are you i’m you’re right below me yeah this is claustrophobic i don’t like it i see you i see you i dug a little bit for you all right i got i got a name tag for us let’s go let’s leave yeah let’s get out of here

Our goal was just to get name tags anyway here are only zombies you plant them and they produce light do we own glowberries yeah yeah no no we have a bunch you get them from uh what’s it called caves too oh okay lush caves is this a way out uh

There’s something here yeah yeah here we go i know like it’s this way this way uh this way you have a sense of direction yeah i got you i’m just going we’re out i know yay and we need okay and we gotta sleep too yeah all right oh our parents oh our parents

Here i’ll go to sleep i’ll go to sleep okay okay i have my name tags for them uh which one okay here we go and i’ll put my domino what uh Okay all right not niji lost i know where i’m at yeah see we’re not lost at all yeah i need an anvil i have a 64 iron on me too yeah i have a lot of iron also so Um here let me put down my crafting turbo I can make it all right you guys are gonna be named if we produce you you’ll have more emotional attachment oh we need blocks oh that’s right iron blocks we need three one yeah Oh thank you three okay and then and oh and there’s just gonna be a random anvil in this location you’re not gonna take it home you’re just gonna leave it there why we don’t need it all right where your name yours um i don’t know uh i’m gonna call you dragoon wild for

The wild update oh yeah you’re white or wild dragoon okay wild dragon do i name it oh or do i name it the end uh yen sounds [ __ ] ominous Oh wow okay we’ll name it oh [Laughter] Oh All right get on my shoulder dragoon wild dinah his nickname the wild d the wild d wait what is yours oh yeah the wild dragon or dragoon yeah yeah let’s commemorate the wild update exploration Let me put some stuff in my chest too yeah i’m running out of space which one’s yours and which one’s mine i think this one’s mine is mine’s mine mine’s just empty so oh not minecart with a chest i don’t need that Um the diamond the raw gold the glowberries i have a lot of flowers so we’re gonna have to start putting stuff on your chest you can put stuff in my chest i have a lot of room the king of d oh that could have gone wild

Here i’ll give you my warped planks too i have a little bit of wood so okay all right onwards here we go all right onwards wait is my bird on me remember it on me yeah yeah yeah me okay yeah all right which way did you just leave that

Minecraft or minecraft that minecart okay yeah we’re leaving the video when the creeper blew up oh Oh and wild the together spells wood you want to see our wood you want to see our wood yeah our wood in the wild [Laughter] and if we go this way we’re going back right no no this way no this is new this is we’re going new area okay i hope you’re right

I’m like oh yeah see there’s a village over there let’s go let’s go pillage it i thought you said look in africa what happened you said you just wanted to look at oh my god what is that what is that rock up there is that a new type of rock

What which one this no is that dear deirdre or whatever is it oh maybe i’m just not used to it without a filter or a thing pretty sure that’s the yeah right okay i’m going full speed blasting [Laughter] give me your [ __ ] we have trees what the

[ __ ] give me your stuff come on let’s go how do you pillage with oh my gosh they’re hiding in their homes right now you know well they have a bed hiding in their homes they’re like run publishing it’s pomu the killer i’m okay [Laughter] how dare you shut that door on me spare

Your life today and thus uh villagers one-fourth of all villagers and minecraft share a little bit of pomude oh my god there’s nothing here they have a bucket i’ll take that they have nothing and you’re still robbing them yeah oh this guy shut the door on me i’m not promo

Oh you have nothing oh my god this guy is just shutting the door on me every time i open it he did that for me too oh emerald’s nice oh and a saddle yeah i got saddle too i think they know i think we’re in a problem here You have no profession You’re even taking these jobs yeah i’m taking their jobs i’m destroying their crap i’m destroying the craps oh keep missing [Laughter] oh they got banners and stuff can i go in here oh they have pants why are you both in here in their pants because they’re a family

Did you go in here oh yeah i did they just closed the door on me i’m taking all their saplings so they can’t plant anymore so they can’t regrow their their girl their their their their village yeah oh here hold on [Laughter] Oh man oh my god don’t write you about you in the history books poem they will he’ll remember the name pomo rain puff when they say pomonification i didn’t know this was what they meant She came running in green green monster on her shoulder it was just a blur of yellow yellow green we couldn’t see what happened at all it happened so fast she took the kids [Laughter] for her army for her army is my bird on me yeah is my bird on me yeah

All right let’s keep going i feel like we care more about the birds in the village because we do wait well that was weird i thought i saw something at the bottom there okay all right do you know where we’re going yeah we gotta go this way okay

Unless it’s a dead end again well we’ll see does this count as the desert yeah yeah it is a desert biome there’s dead trees there bushes uh oh wait oh maybe yeah we’re okay i’m in a circle right oh yeah let’s finish them again [Laughter] hey guys we’re back you thought we were

Gone no time to rebuild the seek and destroy method too bloodthirsty you got a taste of it now you can’t stop genghis palms oh my god look at the great cow moo fries again this is why everyone is a little bit palmu [Laughter] um maybe you go in here maybe yeah all right Wait is this where we came from yes it is i think oh yeah yeah this is where we came from i think we go like yeah we go this way instead uh this is where we came from too though is it though yeah we came in from here

Then we have to go this way then like we go straight from this way right here you lead the way you lead the way i lead the way oh my gosh i’m the most lost one out of all of us lead the way slan cause like we okay so this is the

Village we village yeah yeah so then we go straight then it should be a new area right cause we didn’t go straight is it that a dead end uh is it i think so oh it is yeah unless there’s a unless there’s a hole here

No it’s a dead end so we gotta go back yeah we have to go back yeah this area is a bust yeah all we got was a village yeah we should put another portal for this village i’m back every once a year once a year you come back not respects [Laughter]

You’re like i’m here to collect my taxes you know what i was only planning on doing this stream for like three hours because i have another stream later yeah but we i just really want to find this [ __ ] microphone yeah i know that’s i want to fight our goddamn bankroll

That’s all i want to buy now yeah we can find the ward in another day but yeah we can always do a part two of the warden the mangrove we just that’s all we want is this a dead end don’t tell me maybe not no it’s a dead end [ __ ] hell man We gotta go this way then we gotta sleep though we gotta sleep okay let’s find a place uh i got my bed Here i’ll go to this beach watch over my body i am watching i’m watching i’m watching you sleep yeah you’re watching me sleep i’m watching are you smelling my hair yeah yeah okay come back bird okay come on i’m just oh you’re being pomodacious right now oh

Come here oh my god the skelly man is riding the spider wait where where did you guys everyone saw that right i don’t see it hold on hold on go this way hold on let me get mid let me get my bird off here come here

Over here over here here over here over here where over here over here you take your meds move oh i see i see a skully I see a skelly no pomo you’re crazy yeah homer you’re crazy there’s it’s only a skeleton over there pomo are you okay are you okay it happens so fast He’s watching me like mocking my existence he’s like you thought i was on a spider it’s a real thing it does happen it happened you guys it did it did it don’t don’t don’t lie to her you guys saw it right you guys saw it guys don’t lie to her don’t enable her

Let her know the truth it’s called a spider jockey the spider jockey it’s real what if we like leave our chest here and we just go inwards yeah but our stuff yeah but we we could just mark it though maybe because it’s it spawns in a jungle right well someone said

Someone said jungle and desert but i feel like i’ve seen i’ve seen uh i’ve seen swamps spawn anywhere yeah that’s true but like we’re near a jungle biome right now can we head straight here why don’t we head straight here and stop following the coast okay

And see where that leads us maybe that will spawn a new chunk for us yeah all right you got a dolphin following you nice i hope the dolphin pushes me ahead offense are scary if this chunk is new or old i feel like this is where we’ve been

Right because we followed along the coast here yeah but mangrove swamps do not equal all swamps wait there’s now different kinds of swamps yeah there’s two swamps there’s mangrove and this one the regular shop here here turn this way go this way yeah but that’s where we came from though right

I think we just need to keep going uh this way you guys don’t have a map no we we’re we’re winging it yeah we’re winging it we could we could technically cheat but we’re not going to i think at this point we should cheat [Laughter] puma what happened i thought we’re doing

This natural because it’s been three hours celen it’s been almost three hours what is about the adventure i’m hungry [Laughter] Which way should we go left to right go through here does this lead anywhere let’s try this way okay oh oh that was my parrot gurgling aren’t even the parrots hungry yeah you won’t eat until we find the mangroves parrot now help me out dragoons don’t worry wild dragoons i’ll

Feed you this isn’t this isn’t my pomodaci they’re fine um thank god they decide they didn’t decide to be a parrot thank god they’re lucky i feel like we’ve been here oh i think we have we had to backtrack a little bit yeah because these chunks are not

They’re not loading in so i mean they’re like naturally loading in like maybe we go this way yeah that’s what i’m trying to do maybe the left side is new i mean we could make another nether portal and head straight again oh my god and then we magically end up at

We magically land yeah and end up in in the in the mangroves yeah just like before we we just head straight i think it’s time to cheat is it really is it really time to cheat all right give me the coordinates [Laughter] negative three thousand one hundred and twenty negative eight thousand four

Hundred okay give me a sec let’s just i mean let’s see if we can find land like if we just head straight and see where it takes us okay okay okay we’ll we’ll do that yeah this trunk loaded in we haven’t been here okay see see this is a this is

A loaded in chunk It’s just a desert though yeah but it’s supposed to be close to deserts remember yes true we can follow the coast of here there’s another broken nether portal yeah we haven’t been here i know oh wait what’s this yeah there’s so many holy [ __ ] okay we’re taking these suckers home yeah

Okay we gotta keep them in there though because then we have to trap them again cookies here i’m gonna yeah we just mark it yeah i marked it watch out i don’t want him to shoot my parrot yeah you marked it yeah all right we found another outpost

Allies l.a yeah we can free them later we’ll free them later yeah yeah just me to figure out okay now there has to be the mangroves close to here it has to happen it has to be it has to happen for the ultimate streamer luck yeah we just keep fighting allies yes i

Put in my title that i want to find them you manifested it maybe if i change the title finding man girls do it right now you have the power i’m doing it right now time to find some man okay okay nice nice [Laughter] there we go okay okay maybe this is it

This okay this is it this is it this is how we do it this is how we do it oh there’s another africa yeah have we been to this africa because it’s not loading in yeah these are places we’ve been to I feel like because these chunks are naturally loading in instead of oh my god we’re going back to the same village no no no no i wouldn’t do that your like natural instinct is to go back to that one oh there’s a sea tuple here oh like i’ve seen that sea temple before

Not this one look you see it oh yeah i see it that means there’s gonna be we haven’t passed by guardians oh that’s true the thing is this chunk is like naturally lo i don’t know that it’s because like i was here what if someone else explored here

Oh wait no that wouldn’t make sense though because yeah the allies allies yeah the allies yeah there’s a lot of forest here there’s a huge jungle here why are we finding so much i used to struggle so hard finding jungles and now it’s all i can yeah it’s like everywhere yeah oh

My music stopped my mind let’s see allies is a strange name it is alice yeah i thought it was alloys me too a second i’m just readjusting in my chair so i can get comfy Oh where are we gonna cheat when are we gonna wait wait wait but we’re manifesting mangroves yeah but hold on when’s my collab yeah when’s your stream i don’t remember it’s in two hours it’s in two hours okay we don’t find it in an hour mark

We’re going in an hour wait you mean wait wait oh it’s in okay we don’t find it in like 10 minutes yeah yeah 10 minutes yeah yeah in 10 minutes we’re gonna pull something up yeah just a little bit just a little bit it’s okay it’s just it’s fine it’s time

To fix it okay yeah it’s okay [Laughter] i really want to find it ourselves but yeah this is being it’s being stubborn i found a lot oh these are new chunks this is new chunks okay okay where are okay i see you shut up parrot my parrot is growing oh

Wait wait wait wait wait wait we vomit where go straight straight this way this way this way this way this is mangroves i think so shut up shut up wait is this mangroves it is wait is it it is i told you it’s all about the titles baby

We actually found it holy [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god wait what is that a mangrove propagule what okay my bird’s here so don’t chop my bird yeah my bird’s here too placing my bird here what’s this here i’ll place my bird i think we need

To sleep hold on let me sleep yeah we do i’ll sleep in the mud what is this i can’t believe we actually did oh that’s the sapling oh okay okay what is that mangrove oh yeah okay i got i got some of that where’s the froggies

We gotta go to the swamp area to get the froggies okay bird you gotta stay here i need to stay here i put my bird down okay okay i found i found the frog uh i found the frog no i found the swamp okay okay okay where are you uh

Here okay here you go oh my god that’s all we needed i just had to change my stream title wow you had this in your power the entire time and you just didn’t do it celene god damn i didn’t know i had this power pogo i didn’t know this i had such immense

Power feed on the tree what do you wait how do you find the frogs oh we get frogs yeah are they in the water tadpoles we’re gonna wait we’ll hear them they they go like all the cords yeah yeah i know they make sounds wait what’s this Do you sink in the mud like how do i feel no the mud is just normal um You make like blocks with this too the mud oh i don’t have any uh oh it sounds awful the squishing sounds oh my where are the this is a tiny mangrove though you sank two pixels in mud oh like soul sand oh oh i don’t see any frogs Pogul let’s go bring back some tadpoles what can turn into clay oh yeah how do we where’s the frogs yeah where are they where are they wait wait i found what is this where are you where he is there he is Where are you you need a slime ball oh how are we gonna find slime ball i don’t even know where you are oh wait can we scoop we can’t scoop out frog we need to scoop up the babies you can’t find you right now i have no idea where i am

I have no idea either Um i don’t think we can bucket them right uh i’m lost i think we only buckle up bucket uh we can only bucket tadpoles well i mean you might be able to find oh my gosh i don’t know where you are i don’t know where i am either i’m gonna

See your name tag i’m just looking in water now is it what did you find one in water yeah yeah yeah yeah i don’t know oh please don’t tell me left no he’s still here he’s still here does he sub does he have babies around him no those are fishies

I just found one frog though one singular frog one the last frog in existence swimming i don’t even know where you are i don’t know either i’m looking for frogs i want to show you the frog i found yeah i can give you my coordinates you’re right that’s true

That is true let me plug in my other keyboard Um how do i what’s the button for coordinates again it’s been a while three three okay i am at uh one nine four four uh nine zero two nine nine one nine four four one nine four four and what and nine zero two nine oh he’s riveting wait what though no this way

I’m just looking at him i showed you my frog please respond [Laughter] I must see the froggy headphones no there’s just all i see are just one singular frog oh wait i see you see me you’re here there he is he’s riveting oh oh i’m stuck oh my god he’s huge i know i’m trying to see if we can find another

Frog so we can breed it [Laughter] if there’s tadpoles nearby we can kidnap these kids how do you how do you tell are tadpoles just as big no they’re just oh i see more frogs i see more frogs over here over here there’s two there’s two oh my god he’s hopping oh he’s walking he’s walking out [Laughter]

Oh my god there’s a couple look at him wow there’s a little one underneath here oh my god look at them jump yeah this mangrove is actually bigger than i thought i don’t have my bed anymore so if it gets dark we’re kind of screwed yeah what kind of bit [ __ ] we

Did it we found the map we grabbed the van girl we did it everybody we did it legit we did it two yeah we almost did though we’re y’all close to cheating See if i could find um just slimes do slimes uh spawn in mangroves this type of swamp so maybe yeah should we just wait until night time and then maybe we can get some slime balls yeah well we could let’s go uh okay they say slimes at night no

I’m not sure yet people not okay we they said to wait until night time and then they’ll spawn slimes how do we get how do we get oh gosh i’m stuck how do we get there we can breed the frogs what get what the tadpoles

We get a bucket we gotta breed the frogs to make it i have a bucket i have a bucket so and oh yeah they’ll lay eggs and then we can just touch the eggs oh my god i’m like lagging or something They do spawn though oh wait tadpole spawn apparently but i guess it would be easier to it would be easier probably to uh grab them okay i found my bed okay well we don’t we’re gonna see if we can get some slime balls and then because that’s the way to breed them

Oh you can’t still touch the eggs okay then we gotta actually find tadpoles naturally they have a bucket on i have yeah i have a bucket we can’t take eggs wait yeah but we can take the tadpoles though only tadpoles and buckets okay okay i’m looking around i’m gonna see if i

Can yeah i’m gonna grab my bed but just in case like we get into a little trouble the mangroves uh i don’t need a moss carpet so tadpoles do spawn chat because they do we’ll just try to find the tadpoles then there’s fireflies in this update oh

No no they took it out what they were going to put fireflies but then they were like oh i forgot the reasoning but it was something about how far oh yeah because they wanted the frogs to eat the fireflies but then there people were complaining about how fireflies are actually really toxic to

Frogs so they didn’t want to make it so that uh it was like an inaccurate information okay okay yeah but then i feel like you know they could just keep it but just not have the frogs eat them yeah where are you at i’m i don’t know so what did the frogs

Eat then they eat slime oh okay okay that’s why we need slime got it Yeah yeah yeah kids would be feeding frogs fireflies yeah yeah yeah i’m back where the frogs are so i feel like i feel like kids there’s a little heart it’s hard for kids to get [ __ ] firefly no it’s not i used to catch fireflies all the

Time yeah well i never seen a firefly before what maybe it’s like a like amer american forest thing maybe I’ve never seen a firefly before irl they’re cute they’re cute they’re very easy to catch they’re cause they’re so slow oh yeah because the slowest ever they’re glowing dumpy where would they wait chat dude temples actually naturally spawn or do we have to breed them chat

I’m like someone some people in my chat were saying they do spawn i’m kind of going in a little deep yeah i’m like looking around the i just see like They say tackles don’t spawn so your chat might have lie yeah question mark wait the ball okay you need the tadpole egg spawn yeah i don’t expect tadpoles to spawn without yeah yeah eggs so it’s really just a matter of the egg spawning or not yeah

Yeah with the eggs spawned in or do we have to breed them ourselves oh i see you you do i don’t see you don’t bring back oh we gotta breed we gotta breathe breathe the fries okay the slime balls hopefully we get slimes then yeah hopefully they spawn in here

Oh they spawn like because i don’t know if they spawn underground or if it’s in the spawn but they spawn a spawn above ground in swamps typically all right let’s hope that they do where’d you go i don’t know i just saw you i i never saw you I never i never saw you wait wait you can’t catch frogs i thought they were too big for the bucket i mean if an axolotl can go into a bucket i feel like a frog should be able to but you know We are very far from our home i don’t know you guys know that we are there’s no way we can go back to our slime farm not at the moment we can put him on a boat but yeah i don’t oh i see you i see you

I see you see me yeah i’m in the water i’m in the water okay all right all right okay only tadpoles can go in the bucket yeah okay all right let’s see slime spawn i heard zombies but not slime great well then i’m gonna eat oh i want some lamb

They decided not to include a bunch of cool stuff they showed us which would make this update good but a bunch of weird features the whole wild update isn’t that wild i mean it’s so cool but it’s so cool i think the coolest thing is the uh

What was it called i keep forgetting its official name i see a zombie coming at you turn around i i hear the zombie i got him where are birds uh i know how to get back to them kind of okay i don’t see any slime not a lot of moms spawn yeah

But it’s nighttime maybe they’re underground wait what is that oh a village a village found a village oh oh no of course hello am i sleeping people i don’t even know where she is it’s not the same village isn’t it why do you go back [Laughter] i can’t sleep because uh

We’re looking for you’re looking for slime so yeah yeah i just love how i i just see you laugh and switch slowly oh nice wait what do i not need i mean i don’t need a lot of this stuff but what do i feel like giving up

I don’t think there is any slime spawning above it’s a new village yeah the [ __ ] is this bgm what the [ __ ] what did you put on is your music like some like old chinese like instrument music um Yeah china oh my gosh the bgm is literally called china market it like china syndrome or something or no no it’s like some it’s like a korean uh bgm freebie because i was like i’ve been watching like korean crafters like arts and crafters oh nice a lot of

Them tend to use this channel for bgm and i was like you know what sounds nice free to use free is free baby yeah free is free exactly just like all this loot free is free you know what maybe there’s maybe because this is a mangrove maybe

This is a swamp chunk right it should be a swamp chunk i mean if it’s a swamp shot just dig down oh god there’s a bunch of drowned in here if it’s a mangrove is a mangrove chunk a swamp slime chunk A slime spawner chunk because if it is then i could just dig down was that you or was that i can’t tell that was you for that was a mob that had enchantments on uh if it’s a black armor then it’s me because i’m never right i’m afraid to go in there

Where am i i’m in the in the mangrove i know but it’s scary in there it’s oh i see your name i see you actually save screenshot okay oh it doesn’t work the same as slime chunks oh we gotta wait till the full moon how do we know if it’s a full moon

You look at the sky forehead [ __ ] i can’t even see this is that the full moon no that’s any wait it’s an eclipse oh unlucky [Laughter] no moon at all wait it was oh my god it really is an eclipse yeah it’s a new moon oh it’s a new moon so we

Have to wait until it’s a full moon okay so then i think this is where we how many days so it’s a full moon we found we found the mangrove the house on the mangrove we found the mangroves the next stream we’ll fight in the next stream we’ll find the silence

We’re staying here right until yeah yeah yeah or maybe maybe someone can bring us slimes yeah oh look there’s uh i mean jungle stuff too hello yeah it’s like next to us wait where’s our birds huh i don’t know have no idea i left them i left them like next to the

Bed but then you took the bed so now i don’t well the bed was our guide no no no the bed wasn’t we’re very far away from them yeah they’re by the boat so we find our boats we’ll fly yeah here let’s try this way

Maybe oh no this is to the village oh my sense all right the next distribution is you watch the next time in the pomus len adventures we’ll we’ll have a slime on us and we’ll have a bucket of tadpoles yeah yeah you’ll see you’ll all see you’ll all see

You’ll all see we’re just gonna get all of those things off stream and then bird rescue do you think our birds are safe yeah they’re safe i had them sitting down oh that’s right okay and like they won’t attack the birds they attack us wow it’s next to the boat so we just

Gotta find this is the jungle i know i’m in the uh i don’t know where we are i don’t know where we are we just gotta find we just gotta find the uh our boats and then we’ll find our birds yeah but okay find the boat so then

All right i’ll find the oh there’s a drowned here yeah he’s been chasing after us for a minute where the heck are our boats At least we get to see the frogs Where are we actually that’s what i’m saying oh wait i think maybe this way this mangrove is bigger than i thought i thought it was a tiny mangrove i mean we’re really back to the village oh yes oh you gotta stop pillaging them they need to regrow i know i know

We’re trying to We’re trapped wait maybe this way i think maybe my way too wait where’d you go oh the sun is rising nice oh nice yeah i found the original frog oh i know how to get there from the origin oh wait i see you okay i know how

To get there from the original frog i know how to get it okay back okay nice nice nice the original frog that’s stuck there so i said i’m really excited for pokemon edibility part two minecraft new update part two and house part two part two we have a lot of part two

We yeah we have uh we never finished uh river city girls we never did the pokemon edibility okay follow me one day just keep just keep hoping guys one day oh hold on there you go honestly though this one will definitely get a part two because we’re stuck here this way

Yeah we’re totally stuck here we’re stuck here and the only way we get back is if we play minecraft so and we need to get our allies too yeah our whole journey to get them back home here we are see oh and wild dragoon and our what was it called again the deep

The dark i don’t know why i could never remember the deep dark the dark web we will find a deep dark on our next minecraft place you guys yeah we’ll do it we got two out of three though that’s pretty good yeah we got two or three we

Got the allies and the i’ll change my title to uh time to find the deep dark deep dark fantasies yeah so then we’ll we’ll instantly find it after Are you sure you can’t pick them up okay sorry yeah i’m pretty sure you can only fit them in a boat though or with let the lead i remember why is he all the way out here where are you going you’re lost yeah only uh you need to feed two frogs with slime

Balls to breed them i’m kicking him [Applause] i’m pushing him he’s so confused he’s so cute yeah and then we can find the ancient city too yeah yeah and then we’ll die by the warden’s hands yeah we’ll die well there’s another one over here yeah he’s chilling oh

Man we were so close to frogs and why we have so much trouble literally two right now they’re literally right there he jumped towards me hello guys hello hello there hello did they drop and we killed one frog legs can you eat the frogs oh how does it taste frog legs really I mean there’s so many frogs it wouldn’t hurt yeah it’s just one frog okay so do it do it slim do it should i do it yeah do it did i do it all right i’m sorry frog i’m doing this for pomo [Laughter] get away wait he doesn’t drop anything oh oh wow you wasted his life for nothing wow it was the thrill of it is for the thrill throw the kill [Laughter] man that’s such a waste we could be eating on tree frog right now i know

Right we could be eating so many legs right now yeah yeah i heard it taste like chicken i feel like every time someone’s like it’s like an animal that you haven’t really eaten like frogs or something yeah it’s always like it tastes like chicken yeah but not everything can

Taste like chicken how does it taste [Laughter] yeah that frog was tanky as hell it survived another race yeah he really he flew too he was ready to come back on land and be like busy yeah he was like he’s like i’m coming back i’m gonna [ __ ] kill your kids this guy’s a survivor though he’s cool

Yeah he watched he watched me kill his his his brother Hey you’ll live you’re late for us right yeah oh he doesn’t want to make tadpoles for us no hey you’ll make tadpole for us right and then we can kidnap your kids and yeah oh and every time you start talking about that he literally jumps away he’s like please no please no

Please let me be a free frog i just want to be a free frog i’m gonna go eat now so lynn all right geez good luck with your collab later thank you thank you thank you for joining me on this journey yeah yeah and then we’ll do it part two

To get to fine yeah pomo installed no way home no way home right now some way home maybe yeah well we’ll do it somehow yeah we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out okay have fun yeah thanks for joining me too yeah thanks for letting me know what happened

I’m just gonna i was just gonna do [ __ ] i don’t even remember what i was gonna build i was like yeah what the heck that’s the new update yeah i was i was a fool and now we have frogs and allies and allies too yeah and and pomo you pillaged a lot

Today i did i’m proud of myself yeah you probably you you you ruined a lot of family that’s okay it makes them stronger they’ll live they’ll recover and you know they’ll recover and then you’re coming back you’re gonna come back yeah and then i’m gonna wear this yeah that’s yours

And do it all over again all over again you’ll never know what come what hit them you’re coming back to see the next generation of poems that you’ve you created yeah they’ll get so used to it they’ll be like they’ll soon start to look forward to it like once a year

They’ll be like the great the great pomu reckoning yeah whoa this is whoa the mangrove log looks so cool i just mango log yeah yeah oh this one i didn’t even get a recipe for it yet yeah me neither i i was only picking up whatever these are the rooms the roots

They grow up yeah you gotta like dig above the roots here like here yeah yeah oh it’s like blood i wonder what tree farm works with this right now it actually looks like like it looks like meat looks like steak or something i know right it does like the wood is red yeah

Hmm i’m probably gonna wear carpet oh wood carpet what carpet yeah yeah meat log the meat the forbidden meat oh yeah yeah look at this one oop look at that oh my god that is bloody that is right i know that looks like [ __ ] raw it looks so bloody yeah interesting

You know what we can oh what did the stairs look like It’s a crafting tape where do we have a crafting table where did it go a crafting table uh i have one oh yeah yeah let’s see i want to see like the other word for it or what’s it called this mangrove vlog man grove you gotta turn it into planks first

Yeah yeah yeah yeah what can you do with the room what can we do with the roots what’s it called roots we can make it into a muddy mangrove root the [ __ ] is that what can we do with mud i think we can make like that’s what that is a muddy humming packed

Wait what can we do with mud though oh we can’t there’s like packed mud if we have wheat oh yeah what does the door look like oh yeah we can make a mangrove door and a bow and everything online oh my gosh what the [ __ ] let’s put this down hold

On and this is what a skinned wow actually looks kind of nice oh it doesn’t look bloody look at the door Let me see if i can we can make clay with the this i think hey look at this door oh whoa that’s kind of fancy wait what’s the traffic doors look like what’s the trapdoors look like let me try it trap door oh my gosh there’s a hole in

Between oh oh yeah oh that’s the hold on i got it look look look you got it it looks kind of fancy yeah it’s like fancy tiles yeah yeah you see through it i kind of like that we’re gonna find like people in the assange are going to find this mangrove

Swamp and then you’re just going to say a door you’re like we found it we found the man group and then you see a [ __ ] door and our everything laid out Oh i like yeah these are cool windows too yeah i like these actually is there anything else specific i know you can make a bow um anything else but there’s the stairs but i imagine they look the same as like oh we should get saplings wait

Sapling is that not the prop prop pogo oh yeah is it is the is are these the the seeds for the trees yeah i think so but i don’t know how they grow we can watch that later the mangrove propagal is that oh those are okay then yeah we

Don’t need to find them we gotta grow these later well there you guys go your little uh what’s it called our are uh oh my god our demo of all the new minecraft remember to like and subscribe yeah like and subscribe like and subscribe we don’t have a poke

Button is that from you oh no that’s for me i accidentally made a button instead of sticks Oh you put it in my way we’re not gonna keep the oak button i don’t wanna just throw it in the ocean yeah yeah samples and everything yeah yeah yeah like the samples must be planted in water okay okay okay then we can do that frog lights wait what do you mean frog

Lights oh if you i think like if you feed a frog some slime it it spits out oh magma cubes oh there you go we if you feed them magma cubes they drop fog lights oh interesting we got fine magma cubes they’re in the water we can find those easy

That’s true hold on hold on we’re gonna feed hold on we have one last mission you guys one last question is a full moon no it’s not no it’s gonna be a while because oh wait yeah it’s gonna be a couple of days before it’s a full moon

We’ll just stay here off stream until it’s a full moon magma cubes magma cubes okay i’m just gonna i’m gonna take my boat and i’m gonna search i’m gonna search for magma cubes right now yeah real quick i’ll come back i’ll come back okay okay i’ll wait here yeah away here

Looking after our bird god damn it grab the button again [Laughter] let’s throw in the ocean it’s glittering it’s glittering goodbye I put torches so you know how to come back thank you okay this is gonna be easy we just gotta find some real quick yeah yeah magma queue is the easiest thing to find in this entire area okay i found some oh [ __ ] wait what that was fast i told you so fast

Hold on i’m gonna sleep first Uh but don’t we have to bring them over yeah i’m gonna go get it i’m gonna go find it i’m gonna go mine it they’re my magma cubes what do you mind is this not a magma cube right here oh okay wait magma cubes not mag but blocks yeah

They have to be alive alive what do you mean oh it’s a magma block yeah oh you bring the yeah that’s what i’m saying i was like how are you fighting macbook oh the ones that are alive yeah it’s like the slime one but magma how do you bring that alive though

I feel like you i thought they were just freaking dirt i was like oh yeah oh they eat dirt that’s so cool yeah okay all we have to do i think we like we leash a frog into the nether and then bring them to a magma cube oh let’s do

That right now okay i mean we don’t have lead though we don’t have slime balls for lead oh that’s true yeah i was like how do we do that there’s a creeper in the woods oh no it’s next to your birds oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s how one of my batches died maybe

We should end the stream so one of my badges died that’s not one of my dragoon batches died they know my bed you guys chill oh my god all right park don’t worry guys part two okay we’ll figure this out i mean technically we could just stay

Here off stream until a full moon and kill some slimes yeah that’s true if they appear we don’t know yet if they do you say they appear in the full moon so all we have to do is just stay here until a full moon shows up yeah i gotta

Go eat man i’m hungry yeah yeah i’ll stay here until full moon get some slime for us and then i’ll just uh i’ll get some tadpoles too yeah yeah or should we like keep the tables for the next stream we’ll say different times well i probably am going to play

Minecraft before next stream though so okay but would you stream it though or are you no i just like to get to get back here uh i’d just find my way home you gonna leave i’ve done it before and you’re gonna travel all the way back here no um

Here i’ll leave the bed here so if you do play or whatever you can spawn hey i’ll leave here i guess like you could we’ll figure something out yeah we’ll figure it out yeah we’ll figure it out how we’re gonna do this yeah i mean i could just not play i could

Just not play we could have we could like schedule a gorilla minecraft session and we should yeah we should do another portal here hold on yeah oh yeah that’s true i have it in my trust oh there we go and i don’t want you i want wait do you have uh

I have a flint okay okay i know it’s in my boat okay i’ll do it right here i think it’s in your boat and i think i put it in your boat on mine Wait no where did i put my flynn and steel i put my boat schedule a gorilla Oh yeah i did okay let’s put some mangrove stuff in here oh wait all right i got my flinders steel okay i’m connecting the dots okay there we go thank you now we activate it where does it go nobody knows where does this portal go one last surprise everybody we’re in the fortress

What the [ __ ] we’re on top of a goddamn fortress be careful oh my god what is it where is our portal look so lin where are we oh where are we [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] oh we need to get down there okay where’s our frogs they’re down there they’re down there

Okay i think we can jump i think we i’m gonna jump so and i’m gonna jump i’m gonna run and jump okay okay okay here we go ready yeah yeah i’m watching i’m watching ah okay i didn’t jump i just ran all right how the [ __ ] is it

Over here is our other thing still over here our other portal is it i don’t know What the [ __ ] portal oh my god i’m so confused i’m so confused how did how let’s put some blood blood blood okay um that was that was weird that was that was weird that was well we’re live barely we found a fortress yeah yeah we found another fortress

We have to disable the others wait the one that we just jumped from oh okay well then we could do that later yeah we’ll do that later morph and disable it yeah yeah that was yeah i almost thought it took us like some [ __ ] new dimension or

Something i know i was so confused i was like did it take us like to somewhere new like where are we someone said it’s probably because there’s lava in that location oh i mean well there wasn’t there was it was the it was the fortress yeah but they saying like maybe like

This would have connected to lava so they took us or maybe maybe maybe fascinating interesting all right we’ll figure out how we’re gonna do this part two later figure it out we’ll figure it out all right thank you everybody for joining us thanks for joining us on this crazy wacky adventure

Yeah we found two out of three you know yeah that’s not so bad i mean it took us like two hours to find two but you know yeah yeah it took us like five minutes to get the first time look look i had all i had to do was change the

Title apparently yeah it just changed the title you had the power i had the power but i didn’t realize that the power i had until now next we go into the deep web the deep web yeah yeah yeah we’re gonna get slapped by the warden yeah yeah and die

Well maybe you die i’m just gonna run away One of us has to run faster than the other we both run the same speed maybe we should get faster i can what do you mean faster i can b-hop just as fast as you i can be on faster no i could be hot faster i could be up faster no look

How fast i’m going from look how fast i’m going how fast i’m going i’m going to look outside look how fast i’m going give me it look at me you had a head start no no no that’s copium that’s copious no no no no no you’re copium right now yeah yeah

Are you copying right look at me i’m ahead of you now no i’m not even going that way you’re not even going that way yeah i completed i’m slow i’m in the tower faster oh yeah i don’t care i at least completed it i completed it before you

I never want to look at that tower ever again you have did that tower like nine times already yeah but there’s only one head and that’s fine yeah yeah it’s true all the heads are gone now oh you’re like sorry i think harry got the last one oh [ __ ] nice she

Was the last one to finish it to get ahead everyone’s doing it now yeah everyone’s doing it when the when the dragon head’s gone apparently like there’s no more items in the prize area oh no yeah because of you know you and i returned all of it i told taka i i

Took like six electras and i i took six electrodes and i put it back in the chest oh my god i didn’t talk about it too i was like i did and then he made a he made a no prize and exit just for me because i can’t

You [ __ ] it up you made it do more work because of it because him and him and i could like speedrun it so quickly yeah yeah he his his the record right now ninja sanji is like seven minutes seven minutes yeah i got like i got it down to four fourteen minutes jesus

I don’t know i i don’t know if ike’s better on it though i think he only did it like two times i don’t know i don’t remember because his record was 17 minutes on his second second attempt god damn yeah luca did his in like less than an

Hour i’m just glad i beat it that’s and i got the head that’s all i care about yeah me too i’m glad i got the head too yeah i honestly thought it would take me days to do we gotta get the head here we have to get the head here yeah

We have the portal we can do it yeah i think we can we just gotta [ __ ] reconnect all the portals oh no no no i know how to get to it it’s easy it’s really close to our place that’s what i mean you gotta reconnect the portal

Wait i never no i never uh i never opened it oh you never open it no no i mean like the nether portal to the fortress didn’t you guys find it no no i found it on land first so i know how to get there okay okay

As long as you marked it we’re fine first off wait it’s almost nighttime again oh it’s a half moon wait it’s almost a full moon i’m going i’m going to i’m okay i’m going to go eat i have i have now an hour and a half to eat look at look hey hey

I know faster though we sleep then the next day it’ll be more it’ll be a full moon right yeah yeah i think it’ll be i mean it’s half moon it should be the next day it would be the i mean we could talk zach dawn for another night

No now i want to go eat i know that he is so hungry i haven’t even bought the game that we’re playing tonight i don’t even know what we’re playing oh you don’t even know what the [ __ ] how did the mlp planning go like what the [ __ ] you guys don’t even know what

Game you’re playing what the [ __ ] it’s like do you even know what you’re doing with the other collab with uh the other thing that millie’s planning because your schedules are all like what is millie doing oh she said it’s like some sort of dating thing i don’t know

Yeah i guess i’m getting a girlfriend with a lira i guess we’re we have a sunnies part of it too wait who’s the oh natural red wait there’s uh wait what wait is sunny picking what yeah cause he’s part of it too you know no just it’s just um

I’ll be picking alera that’s the that’s the question but what if but what if your you and alira are the contestants and sonny’s the one picking then i can decline right i’ll pull a tomodachi life and i’ll be like wait the only guy right that’s part of it unless it’s

A lyric who’s picking do you know who’s picky i don’t know what’s going on nothing has been told instructions unclean actually because i think he’s like the only only guy part of it what wait alira is picking Luca’s in it too wait millie settle there oh see there we go that’s fine okay so alira is picking and everyone else is the bachelor so i’m gonna woo her over what if alira doesn’t pick you then i’ll kill myself [Laughter] i’m alive myself i’m a dragon sister but we’re just bro

We’re just yeah we’re just bros though everyone in ocean law would be so mad that everyone ships you with banana everyone shoots me with everyone i feel like i just [ __ ] with so many different people and i’m just like i’m just trying to game right now i’m just gaming i

Don’t have time for relationships i’m a gamer i’m just here to be your bro dude gamers gamers don’t date okay about like management scripts right to your stream just yeah a little bit yeah okay so i talked about it too you know how like i met like um you know okay so

When we like asked when they asked us like how do you want your scripts to be like i would be like i wrote that i would like it to be like a bro you know like a best friend but then they don’t write it did i write my own skits because i

Realized this is not this is not best friend bro yeah they always make mine about food every i’m like i’m like can i not have a script where we go out to eat and they’re just like yeah next script is about like my latest is about food in my in

The one and then my latest one they’re just like i trick i trick the viewer into going to a restaurant i say we’re going to the beach and then we go to a restaurant [Laughter] oh yeah yeah not about food but technically going to a restaurant isn’t about food you’re going somewhere so

Funny like maybe they just feel like that’s what everyone can connect on but i’m like yeah it’s just like i think i’m like i know like alira’s scripts are always about going to a cafe oh really yeah yeah because i uh i uh cause remember when they were

Public at first like the scripts were sent yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and i was like look when i was writing my own script i needed ideas on like what to base it on yeah yeah and i remember looking at a lyric script and almost all of them were

Just about going to a cabinet so it’s not just me okay good i don’t feel like i don’t know everyone is about food like like everyone has one segment about food i’m just so hungry i’ve never been fed in my life is anyone paying our scriptwriters subliminal messaging like you know

Trying to be like please feed us please help be the us the writers and writers please oh my god okay i’m going to i’m going to actually eat now yeah keep like oh i suddenly have a bunch of messages in my mlp wait wait wait it’s all about the game

You’re playing now then oh it’s because i asked oh um It revealed the game oh hold on I’m holding i’m holding no hold on wait what i’m holding what mellie is telling me to talk wait what is this what say say non-sex stories what what millie what she’s watching the stream i’m confused i don’t know what the [ __ ] hold up i’m so confused is this about the

Stream the dating show stream normal stories no no no normal story normal stories yeah okay i don’t know i have no idea what’s going on wait so so tonight’s stream is not a game you guys are just talking about no it’s supposed to we were we had a game

Um i was asking if we got a permission about it okay but yeah cause i i that’s because that’s why i’m just like i don’t know what game we’re playing because the one that we initially asked about i’m not sure if we so that’s why it was kind of up in the

Air what we were playing because we were still waiting to hear back i know there’s a uh a game like it’s i know what game you’re asking it’s like a sandbox right i i don’t know yeah uh i saw the i saw the game that millie asked i think it was

Millie to ask it or luca luco was asking for and it says there’s another sandbox game you guys can’t get that i know another game that already has perms oh maybe oh wait let me send it to you it’s just like the last time mlp did the collab

It was all done like 10 minutes before i know you guys were trying to get one game working and it didn’t work so you guys have to move on quick to the other one yeah i remember that all right where is let’s see yeah she’s uh management is

Still trying to check for it but there’s this other game guys because it’s basically like your game but like um because they they’re asking for a sound like lucas asking for a sandbox game and i know another one wait this one classic mlp whose channel i don’t even know whose

Channel it’s going to be on it’s just not my channel because i did the last time so i don’t want it on my channel i’ll send you the i sent you the steam link uh okay i know we have oh it’s on millie’s channel everybody it’s on millie’s channel millie’s channel all right

Luca and millie are both watching oh wait we have perms for this yeah we do well you do this will be fun i think you guys would have fun with this billy This seems fun okay thank you son thank you yeah because i know we have i’ve asked about this game before in the past okay cool and i didn’t wasn’t i was i hadn’t like a back burner being like when i’ll ever use it but you guys can use it thank y’all

Hey look it’s almost night time we can wait until night oh my god actually what time is it like in game i don’t even know like look at over there it’s the sun setting okay this is it it’s not i think oh i see it yeah yeah this is it

This is it i’m so hungry might get a full moon so [ __ ] hungry celyn’s not letting me leave we were solving your your mlp problem luca said this game is kind of pog as i’m saying i know you guys would like this i’m pretty sure like this game will fit you guys yeah

I’m so hungry everybody so hungry if we can eat the tadpoles we’ll move i have so much i have so much food in my inventory but nothing to eat irl i’m just dying just think about the tadpoles this is it we’re gonna make it okay i’m not gonna make it selena i’m gonna

Die here on this bed i’m gonna die i’m gonna go back to sleep i’m gonna go to sleep i’m gonna go to sleep i’m gonna go to sleep [Laughter] oh it was not even a full moon anyway it wasn’t even it’s a it’s like a crescent moon it’s a quarter moon quarter man

I will die here i will die here okay thank you everybody for watching us you guys thank you thank you thank you all for coming to our journey yeah that was quite the journey we just been hopping around here for the past like 15 minutes yeah we basically had

Like an impromptu exactly done oh betsy what the [ __ ] was that it’s a oh shoot a crossbow yeah you shoot crossbow you want it yeah i want to try all right here’s the arrow it has literally one arrow [Laughter] i knew it oh betsy the old bad scene all right thank you everyone we hope you enjoyed this thank you guys for hanging out with us and part two that will eventually happen that will eventually happen i’ll stay here so we could we could do it and maybe we’ll figure it

Out we’ll figure it out yeah yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll get yeah yeah we’ll talk about it later on stream how we’re gonna do part two yeah thank you guys i’ll do a little blasted on with my dragoons yeah and i’ll see you next time [Laughter] we left at the same exact time oh my god man i am so hungry what if i attack her right now uh Thank you guys for joining um i actually didn’t expect i i thought this was gonna be a solo stream um 100 but um celine asked uh the other night she was just like are you doing the update can i join you and i was like yeah so um what the hell is that

What is oh i think that’s fugi um so yeah it was exciting to uh i don’t get to play minecraft with celen very often so i took the chance i know i have like a ton of collabs this week i try to like you know if i have a collab

I try to do a not like a what’s it called a uh you know what i mean a solo stream on top of it too but yes sorry my brain i have no brain cells left because i’m so hungry i even ate a snack earlier but i think that’s just

It’s just dinner time for me so i’m gonna go eat dinner i wish um we had more time to chat i only have an hour to get ready for the next stream though so um yes thank you guys um uh i do have a super chat reading this week so i know

It’s mostly metal gear but um uh my ketchup i’m gonna i’m gonna ha it’s gonna be a ketchup themed uh super chat reading Yes and uh yeah um i don’t really have anything else to say i’ll be on millie’s channel in an hour we’re playing i guess we’re playing this game that’s celen um Uh that uh celen sent us it’ll be it’ll be a mystery a mystery and until billy makes the waiting room so i’ll see you guys later at the peepee it’s baby sorry we couldn’t talk for longer um tomorrow i have tomodachi life and millie’s millis thing on her channel

Which i don’t know what’s gonna happen with that i have no idea uh And uh Yeah okay awesome everyone thank you thank you thank you thank you see you guys in an hour Do So

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT 1.19】exploring the new update with Selen!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】’, was uploaded by Pomu Rainpuff 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-06-07 23:16:56. It has garnered 63171 views and 5210 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:24 or 13824 seconds.

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TASG PKZ = Ikuzo but with Pomu!! Stream: #PomuLive Art: #PomuPaint Meme: #bigppmemes Fan name: Pomudachi Oshi mark: 🧚🍂

✨———✨ RULES

THANKS FOR WATCHING!! 1. Please be respectful to everyone! 2. No spamming, trolling, or discussing controversial subjects 3. Please don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first and please don’t mention me in other streamer’s chats 4. Please keep comments relevant to the stream 5. No spoilers! 6. Believing in fairies is a must!!!

✨———✨ 【Follow Lazulight!】 Elira: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow Finance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw Lazulight Original Song – Diamond City Lights (Official MV): https://youtu.be/ZnP0cKNPE04

NIJISANJI: 【NIJISANJI Official YouTube (EN)】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg 【Reddit】 https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/ 【Official NIJISANJI Site】 https://www.nijisanji.jp/en/members 【Official ANYCOLOR Site】 https://www.anycolor.co.jp/

✨———✨ CREDIT

Thank you to everyone who has made gifs for the loading screen!! Emotes: @walfieee , @Ellem__ Chatting & Gaming Overlay: @p_a_r_a_l_l_e_l BGM – DOVA-SYNDROME, Ikoany


▽ Guidance for minors https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for-minors-en

  • Love is in the Minecraft Air

    Love is in the Minecraft Air Minecraft Love Server: A Musical Journey in TuneScape Network Embark on a musical adventure with TuneScape Network’s official video, “Minecraft Love Server.” This creative masterpiece brings together the talents of musicians NextTheFox and TuneScape Network, with the brilliant idea and production by TuneScape Network. Exploring the Musical Landscape Immerse yourself in the melodic world of “Minecraft Love Server” as it takes you on a journey through enchanting tunes and captivating rhythms. The collaboration between NextTheFox and TuneScape Network brings a unique blend of sounds that perfectly complement the Minecraft universe. Key Features: YouTube: Watch the official video on TuneScape… Read More

  • Wild Waterpark Adventure in Poconos!

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  • Shady Mods and Boat Rides – Minecraft Ep. 59: German Build

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  • Blind Crafting: Minecraft’s Whiteout Fright

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  • Blazing Mob Farm Madness

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  • Minecraft’s Tricky Trials Update Released!

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Trapped in a Rhyme!

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  • Mobs vs TNT: Minecraft Logic

    Mobs vs TNT: Minecraft Logic Minecraft Logic (ASMR): Mobs vs TNT In this hilarious and entertaining Minecraft Logic video, we delve into the timeless battle between mobs and TNT in the virtual world of Minecraft. Witness your favorite in-game creatures facing off against explosive blocks in epic showdowns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The Clash of Titans From creepers and zombies to skeletons and spiders, no mob is safe from the destructive power of TNT in this ASMR-filled adventure. Whether you are a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, you will be enthralled by the chaos… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, Version 1.21, the players cheer. Mark your calendars, the release date is set, Excitement in the air, you can bet. Join us on Discord, if you have any questions, We’ll guide you through, no need for suggestions. Check out our playlists, for more gaming fun, From Lokicraft to Free Fire, we’ve got a ton. Crafting and Building, Among Us too, We cover it all, for the gaming crew. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, For updates and news, we’re here to deliver. So dive into Minecraft, with joy… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

    Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update – Exploring the New Features It has finally happened, the full release of the version of Minecraft 1.21 called “Tricky Trials” has taken place. The update turned out to be very large and interesting – and today we will explore all the new features in this update. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the exciting additions and changes that come with this update. Additions: Blocks Chiseled Copper is a decorative variant of the copper block, generated in a new structure called the Trial Chamber. It can be created in the workbench… Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat & No Grief Paper 1.20.6

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP This is a small whitelisted community dedicated to the classic Minecraft experience. Join us if you share our passion for the game’s core essence. What Mystmoor offers: Friendly staff ready to assist Authentic vanilla gameplay with sensible enhancements Promotion of immersive builds in the Overworld Challenge of Hard mode Strict measures against cheating and griefing No pay-to-win system Visit our website and join our Discord to start your journey with us today! Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Poopsock

    Poopsockrules of the server1. no lagging the server, ill leak your fucking coords. I don’t care.2. no hosting shitty moooomoooo bot clones that noone fucking likes, ur annoying for that shit Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Meme (Credit: just.kobyyy)

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a blast processing its feelings! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: NAILEM in da house! 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Meme: NAILEM in da house! 🔥 “Hello everyone, it’s me, NAIL! Just your average Ukrainian Minecraft meme enthusiast here to bring you some short and sweet laughs 😎 #NAILmemes” Read More

  • 99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail

    99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail Exploring the World of Minecraft with Chu the Pup Introduction Chu the Pup, a popular content creator, embarked on a thrilling adventure in the virtual realm of Minecraft on June 9, 2024. The stream, titled “Slime Hunt Day 99: Still NO SLIME 🫠,” promised an exciting journey filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the World of Minecraft As the stream began, viewers were transported into the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where Chu the Pup delved into the vast world teeming with possibilities. From towering mountains to lush forests, Minecraft offered a playground for creativity and exploration. The Quest for… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!

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  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

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  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

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  • Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with Creeperr

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  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

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  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

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  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

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  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

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  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

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  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

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  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

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  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

【MINECRAFT 1.19】exploring the new update with Selen!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】