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Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Hello foreign good evening depending on what times are you in welcome to the Stream first off let me put up this commands um um hello everybody I hope that you’re all having a you had a wonderful weekend and it’s a Monday I know so you’re having Monday blues but I do gen Jenny

Hope that Monday is doing well for you too anyway uh let me just see who is here uh show your henna YouTube and Ruby welcome to the stream welcome welcome I hope you all had a lovely day or have a lovely day ahead of you welcome to stream so it’s it’s been a

While since I hopped into Minecraft I’m not gonna lie to y’all I hopped into Minecraft about 6 Plus pmgse time and I believe ryujin and Chiba was in Minecraft when I was there uh I know some of you are actually in the Minecraft server right now

Um and I was I I told them that it is okay if you want to be on Minecraft while I’m streaming there’s nothing wrong with it um and basically it is um our server so you know um um oh I heard so I hope everybody’s having a good day so far um

Just updating how I how things are going how how things are going right now I’m very afraid to enter the game there’s already a completely different Road there is and I have first I’ve realized there’s some places in the Where it’s laggy I thought it was only for because of mobile users but apparently not because I’m using my PC and there’s you some parts where there where it’s kind of still like laggy and I’m not sure why uh but Riptide uh will be trying to fix the problem

Um I reckon it’s because of the amount of glowstones used at that specific place so it is what it is I can guide you around again I’m actually planning to walk around to see how the how much has a server changed because when I logged in earlier it was like

Why is the server so different there’s more occupants as to what I’m gonna say cheese have a lovely day of you welcome to the Stream um also uh another thing is excuse me I just want to update your uh what’s going on so far um after my

Kinda erupted uh one week break that erupted a one week break I’m not gonna lie to you I actually felt kinda what do you what do you call this can I like insecure when I was like on my one week Breakers I was afraid that I will lose touch and streaming

And like and and in general I felt like because I wasn’t working much or anything I I did work obviously I did work but like I I felt like I I was afraid that I was gonna lose touch and in terms of screaming um not just streaming but there’s a lot

Of things in between but I I in a way I I did think that it was a very good break that I had uh because I felt like I really need it uh uh because I know I’ve been saying because a lot of time but like today I have

Officially finished recording a specific You know a specific um recording and I’m not gonna lie to you that recording is one of my hardest I’ve ever tried it’s it’s definitely one of the hottest and I’m surprised that uh because I spent a one whole week a break because I spend

One week a break I was able to spend more time into working on the projects that I have in mind and yeah like I for the first time very very long time I felt pretty it’s not satisfied but I felt like there there are parts of the recording that

Everybody liked and it’s very very very um unexpected because I’ve never really as you most of you all know uh like SMS of your nerve that I struggle with um having to be satisfied or be proud in terms of confidence I I don’t have it’s almost zero I would say and for the

First time when I was like listening to the recording like when I was recording obviously it took me a lot a lot of time a lot of takes but like when I listened to the overall recording I was like yeah there are some parts that it’s like I really liked and that is

That’s uh is that’s why you’re you were excited yes that’s excellent because why I was excited yesterday was because there there were that specific part that um I never thought I could pull it off and I somehow did and it was like um and today I have officially finished it

That’s probably also the reason why my voice might sound a bit more attack not a lot but like a tad bit different um it’s more of like a lower tone kind of voice I guess compared to my normal time probably because I literally spend the entire day

Recording like entirely and I at the moment I finished I literally jumped right into preparing um the stream so yeah he’s happier yeah I don’t I don’t think it’s that point where you’re gonna be like very have like I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think it’s to that

Point where you feel that way but like I spend a very very long time and working on it and hopefully it will be released on March hopefully maybe uh Quinn welcome to the stream welcome welcome I hope you have a lovely day or have a lovely day of you welcome to the stream

Um but yeah Christopher are you alive it’s improving a bit more amazing I don’t know I I just felt like that was a whole time there’s all time new like I said I’ve never really been really like liked any of my you know stuff that I worked on and for the first

Time getting to view it that way it’s so weird it gets me out strangely but at the same time it I found a bit of satisfaction I don’t know I don’t know how it turned out to be honest um really really I I don’t know but it’s

One of the hardest project for me to pull off it definitely is like that project is whoo it’s it’s really one of the hottests I’ve never really targeted that kind of project before and I’m going insane but um yeah so it’s a good thing that

One week of the one week break that I got was very good in a way that since I’m able to work on the on that specific project a lot and Um and you know like I got to kind of like have a freshen up myself I guess is that what you call it like something like fresh refresh myself in a bit so [Laughter] Can you feel it now Mr cart what do you mean but yeah that’s like an update um

But like I said my voice might sound a little tad bit off it’s because I’ve been recording the entire past two days or technically yeah the past two days I’ve been spending my entire day recording so my voice might sound a bit scuffed but it

Is what it is it is what it is everybody so my voice might sound a bit not just scuff but like a bit on the rougher end compared to like the normal higher turn it’s more of a more subtle tone um what off you should sound like Kai I

Don’t know like to me when I’m hearing myself talk it sounds a little bit different I don’t know it could be just me it maybe it’s just me maybe I’m not used to it because I S like I said I spend the whole time recording myself so and it’s in a

Different range I never record before in my life so maybe I’m not used to hearing myself like this now this is what I meant that I was afraid that was gonna lose like loose touch in like that one week break translation from cute people’s language his voice will be as confused always I

Don’t know this sound this guy sounded like Kai what do you mean by that YouTube what anyway um without further Ado let’s hop into Minecraft um I will be looking at tutorials on how to build some stuff because I’m very new not I’m not that I’m very very new to

Minecraft but I’m I don’t invest a lot of time into Minecraft that much it’s been quite a while since I’ve been playing Minecraft so Um since Minecraft is more of like a zatsu kind of way I I guess so we will play Minecraft what we chit chat okay so without further Ado let’s hop into Minecraft wait first off let me get oh excuse me let me get the music on

Uh how’s the music for everybody is it okay I kind of want to make it a little tad bit louder because it’s a bit soft in it okay and then let’s put Minecraft Minecraft me let me just set it up real quick chocolate pie what’s the stream welcome

Welcome I hope you have a lovely day or have a lovely day of you welcome to the Stream so we are on the Minecraft it’s Minecraft Time Minecraft so let’s see who’s here uh Ruby and Eugene they are the three of them are in Minecraft right now at the

Moment uh I need just letting you know I will be out tapping quite a lot just so I can refer to the Minecraft so you know it is what it is so I hope y’all can bear with it a little tad bit um let’s first um let me first reposition myself I

Realize I’m so big on the screen okay there we go you turn that in Minecraft how I don’t know Ruby what the wait what were you talking about I don’t know what you were talking about okay okay um so I have not been on Minecraft for so long

And from what I had what I seen technically there are quite a number changes and there are some lags here and there so there’s still some places that are not occupied so it is what it is oh Jesus Christ what the frick wait how do I what what huh what how bro huh

Oh okay right so there are a lot of places there are one kind of get four by a team no uh there there’s a lot uh uh vacant house at the moment but it is getting filled up what is this Ruby hello what you do realize you can’t close the door with me

With Siri modify this place oh wait I can ignore claims there’s no point in here oh you modified place which is hello Oh what you modify a place interesting emo kids um Edge lot right welcome to the stream welcome I hope you have a lovely Zero have a lovely day have you welcome to the stream welcome to come so wow I didn’t I didn’t expect this that’s so nice Okay because uh the house

Normally like I would just um I I have this split this entire Place uh beaut this like the the the standard house that you have when you come into the land so you have you are free to change it however you want oh my God like I’m just gonna tell you

In advance there are kind of some parts where it’s gonna lag unfortunately I still haven’t figured out the problem uh neither has Riptide so we’re still looking at it but these are people’s Tasha’s house wait who’s Tasha I have no idea who this is but okay Mikasa whoa what what Is this what is this what is this what is this place huh what what wait hangers what wait it said house it flow huh foreign huh what The huh so confused foreign [Applause] wait wait wait so there’s two ways of what the frick is it [Laughter] what is this okay so confused but okay you’re insane uh Kudos oh so this Cruise it’s a book wait day three I’m finished with my phone wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait give me give me a second Cruiser I was wondering how to get people to get to the Sea people here are so nice maybe beautiful lady yeah I don’t know what’s going on okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

Let’s pretend we don’t see that okay okay next house uh you those house her house stolen by YouTube What do you mean what what Huh YouTube’s house is empty what that’s Riptide house oh it was originally reptile’s house okay okay okay if Kai be at my house you have a lovely dear happy lovely day I have you thank you so much for coming whose house is this wait oh it’s lie

I’m still confused why does light have this is it leggy for you all by chance like I can tell it’s a bit it’s not smooth I don’t know why lives a huge basement with Mobs wait he did he did I don’t see anything though whoa there ain’t anything

A little bit lagging but it’s okay I don’t know why like I think because there’s too many things going on here so it’s like a bit laggy Roy wait what actually thank you for helping since I’m very lost sincerely wrong I know this is yumisa’s house this is Yumi says house Oh who’s there down what oh huh what what I’m so confused I know that this place is [ __ ] with YouTube I Believe [Laughter] What the uh uh you too is your house a farm at this point kind of feels like it with his glass I was almost gonna like I was like I’m making a fall down okay there’s water what the freak oh really hello hello okay that’s my phone I forgot to mute my

Phone again Hello hello Who never write so rich mom on TV okay let’s have a look shall we what is this wait what is this Santa’s friends and someone’s been naughty this year huh what what is this so good what this is dangerous oh oh Eugene has a king-sized bed hmm a swore

You ever heard bunker here don’t you foreign wait wait hang on a second oh wait no no I’m sorry that was that wasn’t on purpose we enchanted books do you have they’re pandas hello hello Bender I don’t want to hit it I can’t pet it because if I pair it’s gonna I’m gonna hit the panda I don’t wanna do that so wait what the [ __ ] what what’s spiky what what circum like how do I go up again how do I live

Wait wait okay okay okay okay okay yeah so pretty whoo even made like a little Pat kind of pavement oh it’s so laggy it’s so lacking it’s Cactus oh fit them I don’t have anything to fit him what do I fit them Bamboo wait how do I fit him How do I fit him that’s like kind of request again wait how do you fit him yeah you do realize I’m in creative mode so I can create it not you don’t have to give me I just fit him Okay it’s so cute oh you got a baby it’s so suck hello little one hello you want one [Laughter] thank you here you go it’s so Rio do you Regine do you want Nick the nym tag I can give you name tags if you want oh by the way thank you for your bamboo do you want name tags okay name tag I’ll give you three so you can name those three if you want you won’t oh accident

Eugene Beauty I’m out of here I’m out yeah anyway [Laughter] s wait how do I go up [Applause] Next what is this happy ruin you wait who’s your mom what is this wait what oh Mari huh [Laughter] I whoa I’m lost wait this rise please oh wait let’s look at 12th one first okay looks really simple nothing much changed what what what is with your whoa oh

What is with your and Underground I have so many questions what is with your with underground like wait what is this what does this do what whoa wait huh hang on whoa what the heck is that what are you what the f are you a cow with like mushrooms I had what what

Are you huh What are you why wait wait why is there look at the cow the cow is just gnawling oh milk it how do you milk it I if I hit it it’s gonna die like one hit KO there’s no way I can milk it wait what there’s more 12 foot wait Huh what what is this what what is this I have so many questions how do you even go out oh I was wrong no foreign What’s a gold battery for was it for wait you can’t hit me you do realize what’s a glow Berry for eign foreign what is going on About rib tail oh reptide oh yeah Sir poor Excel Auto like like in that tiny space Wait there’s not just one one Huh Where am I like me house is down oh so this this was ry’s house what you connected yeah it’s like this you’re crazy these days isn’t really lovely uh I had I have a ton of work I hope that our uh my streams or everyone and everyone’s or

And everyone’s uh interaction if you could able to help you out with you know turning your day to being a better one sorry I was moving around Bye Mike Gwen thank you so much for coming I hope you love you there have a lovely day I have you thanks so much for dropping by bye hopefully I get to see you on an extreme too now leave my house alone Kai okay okay this is getting wait wait wait wait

Here’s your blueberry right right this is your glow bear there you go Back take it back take it back take it back right take back your glow bearing take back your glow berries right why why haha okay wait is this a what do you mean I’m poor I I have infinite amounts I have infinite amount to produce stuff Oh this is rock this yes what do you mean fake amount see there’s more what why are you all living underground huh oh Foreign [Laughter] Foreign [Laughter] Foreign [Laughter] oh my God that was so funny it was so funny wait whose house is this is this chili Butler’s house Titanic hang up wait wait wait wait wait why what the Kairi wait from Kingdom Hearts Lena tsunami Caesar wait why why is this Panda having a different color what does it have a different color orange [Applause] is so cute why is it not in space you are real [Laughter] are you do what that’s so cute red pen brown panda oh so Brown is

Oh what are you swimming round and round stop stop stop I wanna oh look at Saba why wouldn’t it you have all the rare is this the werewolf wait what hey it looks like a banana Angel welcome to the stream welcome welcome I have a lovely deer have a

Lovely day of you welcome to stream welcome you’re all crazy wait is tsunami sniffing me you’re sniffing me wait how do I live wait I’m lost how do I get over here wait where where’s how do I get out What what wait Oh wait wait oh wait this is Thank you okie dokie shall we oh you’ll make this Free stuff donation netherite Spawn there oh You said it’s here too so wait so many things have changed I’m just so irritated it’s kind of laggy but might well thank you so much for hopping by thank you thank you I really really do hope that work will get better soon and not the very best way for your work

Don’t forget to see you later uh in the next stream bye-bye thank you so much for coming once again spec is Cafe wait she finished it Cafe where honey wait why is everyone coming in now so cute wait whoa two girl whoa this is so nice so Ria finished it Oh wait I’m lagging so no entry I guess don’t even think about doing it um she came from wait what’s this it’s just like Oh hello wait what where is this is like a garden Whoa Laughs wait stop [Laughter] Hello hello Mike Wait what Oh Jesus YouTube why would you stand there and just hello Wait there’s more Cobblestone Jerry a lava forms origin of the surf what what could you I’ve only been away for like what a couple of months no not even months it’s like weeks I’ve only been away for weeks and you’ll have already what is this I’ve only been away for I literally been away from like a week sorry not a week a couple of weeks man you underestimate a sky no it’s like wait what the frick what hang on a second wait wait there has to be a problem here how do you what the [ __ ]

One second hang on a second why wait why are you doing a door like this foreign would be all the public facility wow like that’s crazy oh that’s Mr Showman hello oh it’s not on purpose oh yeah oh wait you’re trying to sleep right Dwayne you just let me in your bed I don’t know if you can sleep through the night I don’t know are you trying to sleep or you know what Wait it’s been a while it’s been a while wait wait it’s been a while don’t judge me okay there we go I’m not hacking okay this is technically my survey with rap time Okay okay I’m sorry it’s what is this it’s just like a Utopia it’s not a frog What is this this so this is insane We’re Not Gonna We’re not gonna talk about that one I know who would beat that well technically not be summoned what’s that What is this okay this is very creative this is very very creative okay this is this Aries welcome to the stream welcome welcome I hear you have a lovely chair have a lovely day ahead of you welcome to the train well thank you you’re waitress there anyways oh that’s you here I’m not doing it swag that’s very very creepy So what else is this what what is this why is there a bunch of NPC me wait wait wait why is there a fudge of MPC me oh that’s the current skin and there’s the PNG skin back then they’re all staring at me what the frick is this

Okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Look at this what it’s not like the others hahaha One is not like the added kaiko not for sale what the freak why do you hear everything it looks like a ritual or something because you’re holding different so Just oh reaching one of this right I’m praying because wait why is there a cat named after me what What Okay wait hello worship more cow what is this a person what is this supposedly Pumpkin farm what what is this it’s empty wait what is this what is this supposed to mean what is this supposed to mean huh what is this is this like some kind of a train station they look like someone I kind of not remember who oh so it looked yeah so

It’s a train station then what’s this why are you here bruh I I think it’s okay this is the place I’m so confused what the frick is this like in the middle of nowhere what is this this is kind of the thing that has been lagging this ever like the moment I came

Here I get lag like what is this is this kind of like War Mario kind of thing I don’t know welcome to the stream welcome welcome I heard you had a lovely day welcome to the stream welcome welcome where is this it’s like okay so so you

Know like our land is really really big right like there’s that what the frick is that human traffic portraying what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is causing a lot of lack I’m not kidding you this wait where’s the villages wait what what hey

Wait wait wait wait wait wait why are there so many villages you what’s going on What this is what is this what is this so confused enchanted book protection three one oh you so you actually just treat them father man because we need mending um but there’s a lot of things and it’s causing a lack in it I don’t know I think this is the thing

That’s calling a lag I’ve done that I didn’t find mending oh no okay so um I was when I so that’s kind of the twerk wait what’s what’s this what do you mean warning baby wait what what is this what does the fox say Golan oh What the wait wait huh What Huh what the frick is this so there’s an iron form oh wait oh wait wait wait now I see the fox that’s so cute hello that’s so cute too many villages traffic in when you’ve gone for four weeks or it’s only a month then what is this supposed to be is this like

A free kind of farming place or something lag yeah we’re having lags for some reason um anyway while when I came in here when I Was preparing for the stream so there’s a sauna right uh Eugene was like wait didn’t we already had a sauna because like I was talking about

Building a hot spring and then routine said like we have a hot spring already I was like since when and when region came here I was like and and routine was like saying oh this is a sauna and it was like brah it’s a sauna not a freaking hot spring

I was like bruh what this is this is so freaking Sona and so here we are so here we are um but um [Laughter] but um since we have a sauna so considering I was planning to be a hot spring I was thinking to build a dumb dumb is on TV

Nobody’s gonna know nobody’s going no um so now I’m planning to build a hot spring the thing is I need your help in deciding should I build it slightly more to the front and then kind of remove this a bit more or should I just build it on the side

That’s that’s what I need your help with where should I be like this site at the front so it’s kind of accessible for Um the hot spring with the sauna I mean clear that well whoever who’s clipping it have fun you’re gonna get out of town sigh you’re gonna prefer an aside because at the side will be like here like here I am springing my bunker too I mean like a public hot spring you know Like the front will make sense but the side does make sense as well so I’m kind of having a dilemma and it’s not gonna be that small it’s not small if you think apparently because I’m following a tutorial so this hot spring is gonna have um what is it called a bathtub dressing

Room in a washing place apparently that’s cool so it is what it is so Maybe yeah okay maybe I should put it inside um So uh I don’t know how specific I’m gonna make it so let me just a legit hot spring yeah because I was looking at the tutorial for it and I was like hmm this looks doable I was three days playing up at 7 and leaving the wall when the introduced to see

Wait no they brought you to the city that’s crazy oops my bad no it’s not on purpose [Applause] um let’s see it says Oak plank so let’s put oh planks dead oh dead bring Coral box I don’t know what this is Okay okay I see okay it’s time to view so like I said I’m I’m really following a tutorial so I will have to like go in and out because I have zero clue how this works there’s so much and I mean so much math involved

So let me see uh we have one two two three three two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so I have fourteen from the side like what here wait like what wait one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven four whoa whoa huh

Two three four five six seven eight nine nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen okay I’m just gonna put this so that I can tell like the number of blocks so it’s easier for me to see here we go so we’re gonna start from the Tom no from assault wow okay wow

One two three four five six seven eight eight up eight um two three four five six seven eight eight um one two three four coral Coral coral Coral I’m so confused I’m doing this first first time not only people who built this like on their own time one two three four

But I’m building it on stream so that’s kind of a lot of pressure like because it’s on stream and not off stream you know wait what there’s two huh oh wait I guess then you put five okay okay that’s my mistake my mistake Okay uh whoa I’m really so lost I’m like huh she can literally see me like confused flying a tutorial it’s hot I can understand suffering so I can’t laugh so even in Minecraft We’re mapping exactly you got this guy what do you mean you’re enjoying my suffering inquiry trust I don’t even trust myself

The Vlog looks so nice and strange that’s because of the I think it’s called the resource pack uh starting at one two and then two One two three and one two one two three one two one two two go now buy here bye bye baby bye bye bye thank you so much for coming I hope you have a lovely day have a lovely day have you uh and I hope to see you on the next

Stream too bye bye trust issue your sufferings are source of strength confusion exercises why are the best kind thank you Ruby thank you thank you I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and have a lovely day bye bye so we kinda foreign [Applause] kinda getting it Because I’m looking at the tutorial or at the same time I think I’m kind of getting this and this is the worst part is this is the easiest part one two three four five and one two three here oops here two two one two three planks one two three Thank you we I’m lagging too much in Minecraft I could see live what happened earlier right now huh wait what do you mean Woody huh wait what we what what oh okay then feel all this like that And then here No wait what is mine Okay now we have to make holes uh I could see your character in crew while he’s got in your limo what Chris eh I trust issue with Minecraft tutorial of course last time he told me David we said balls sorry moving around really loving the Chill Vibes but suddenly I’m

A hippo too take everyone bye-bye thank you so much for coming I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day and hopefully you enjoy your stream thank you so much for coming and I hope to see you on the next train too at the very best and what

You’re doing and once again thank you so much for coming bye-bye everyone is confused such a nice atmosphere what what kind of what do you mean not his atmosphere you mean sir what do you mean what do you mean like that Okay so now it’s not supposed to be broken so now I just have to make like holes over here according to a tutorial that is ah let’s Okay that was not intentional let’s make some holes I know I’m cheating by playing in creative mode but it is my seven you

Don’t get to say anything [Laughter] no I’m just joking because I have to build this I’m trying to build this as much as I can and I don’t have time to grind a Minecraft like most of you so it is what it is so okay I got the layout foreign I’m I’m literally dedicating myself to doing this I could choose not to do this and you’re telling me foreign [Laughter] foreign Foreign This what what what’s the point of doing I have so many questions what’s the point of doing it like that foreign wait no wait wait wait wait wait wait okay okay Did I put it wrongly wait foreign I’m so confused wait This is why it’s so stressful to do this on stream than off stream wait what again wrong way yeah what the Zero welcome to the stream welcome welcome and cc2 welcome to the tree welcome account I hope you both had a lovely day and have a lovely day of you welcome to the train welcome welcome to summon me I was just talking about like riptidecons like badass or anything

Like like Ben me specifically because like we are both the we are co-owning the server so foreign I’m so confused so like this why what why does it have to be so complicated what is that freak is that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait sir Foreign I’m confused because this is actually my first time following this specific person’s tutorial I’ve never used their tutorial before so this is very very new to me like I don’t what I don’t fully understand how this person’s tutorial works what the frick Oh oops is it too fast that you need to go back to see what you miss every 10 seconds or just the way they do it’s the angle the angle is a problem and it’s not too fast it’s just like sometimes this person doesn’t really say like

Whip wait like which paw is which part if they just like continue right out I’m like bro I I can’t I don’t I don’t get it unless you you stay it you know that kind of thing The anger is hard to throw exactly I get you yeah people get me it’s not just a me problem it’s like it’s a thing but you know it is patience is key and I genuinely think that you know it will turn out great I think maybe not but we’re we’re going somewhere we’re going somewhere trust the process in a

Trusty process with with The wait what Oh okay okay okay okay Foreign Actually should I use a different material should I make it like a Docker color because it it told me to use Cobblestone but it won’t stick to the theme of it being dark we could make it like deep sleep I don’t know hmm should I do a dip slate or a cobblestone

Like Cobblestone like dips like Cobblestone or Cobblestone what do you think like the dark lemon there’s a lighter one maybe it’s not it’s not that difficult and just for young brings wow wow I hate that kid really ain’t got lies it’s it definitely will be will our Lord

I don’t know I don’t know zero you’re oh as well not just me follow your palette I guess if wait let’s let’s have a look let’s have a look shall we uh cobbled not copper Can eat your help should which one looks better which looks better deep it would Cobblestone which looks better I personally think the Deep might look better maybe I got disconnected internet problems deep Maybe I don’t know like I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m thinking what do you think

Deep or Cobblestone like the normal one or the deep sleep Lyrics is there a grand policy he’s like great grandpa if I’m Grandpa he’s like great great grandpa sorry about that foreign Is this a hot spring it is it is we’re currently viewing it These are your congratulations Said that you’re like the deeper one does yours said that you’re like the depot one let’s let’s stick with deep slate Cobblestone is that better Mr cat Welcome to the stream and goodbye just drop by to say hi good luck on the stream go get some sleep have a nice

Evening everyone and see ya bye bye Mr care bye-bye thank you so much for coming I hope you have a good nice day and good night rest you definitely deserve it and hopefully I can see you in the next stream or next time bye bye thank you so much for coming bye bye

Have a good night sleep normal one looks good you mean the cobblestone wait now now I can’t decide hang on a second now I can’t decide wait do I use the Cobblestone that the dogs the Deep Sleep cover soon we’re trying to go for I need now deciding Wait what if that looks sweet you said no thank you one or the other hello I can’t tell which routine save me Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene look at the the the dip slate or the Cobblestone which looks nicer dip slate cobison or Cobblestone which one’s nicer the Deep looks great even without shoes

Or something really I know I’m like confused I’m in dilemma deep sleep true okay majority has picked has spoken most expected to say deep you like deep ones so Cobblestone looks cheap oh my God what is this you mean so what do you mean by that

Use them both like no it kind of looks very I don’t know it doesn’t look it didn’t look right okay let’s since we’re gonna use uh deep sleep combustion and slabs so I believe the slap sir in case love Surfer wait where am I where am I

Was like wait where am I who am I what am I so So we let him be for real what huh says what do you mean sis okay wait sir we got this gonna dig another hoe okay All of it did we dig all of it that’s not what I meant to do with warmth okay so all of it okay okay so I dig all of this here change it with this The Minecraft YouTube and Minecraft Pro guys age is showing too much because of the tutorial what do you mean what do you mean I know it sounds wrong but I did I meant just Dark One nothing says I don’t think we meant anything says here What Okay so all of this hoes are to be filled with this apparently I have zero cool why I’m just following a tutorial so oh wait I missed out I missed out I missed out here too okay What okay wait this is this is where my brain will start to question foreign this this is gonna get tough okay wait Okay praise that’s a disintegrate no it’s not to that point Ria welcome to the stream welcome welcome I heard you had a lovely day welcome to the stream welcome it’s been a while it’s been a while what is this deep thing uh we’re talking about deep slay because we’re having

Difficulties between the Deep sleepover Cobblestone Cobblestone and Cobblestone itself how are you how are you all today I’m doing fine how are you doing today that sounds like a very textbook uh English textbook like um hello um how are you and I’m fine thank you like excuse me like like this English

Textbook it’s kind of English do you think so because it felt like that English lesson 101 I can’t be the only one felt that way I’m fine thank you and you exactly you get me you get me okay so what Oh okay I’m fine thank you I’m doing great guys I’m glad to hear him guys here Oh so I’m literally falling step by step I’m so sorry I’m like out tabbing so much because I’m I’m I kid you not I’m literally all tabbing a lot so that I can see okay I I I I’m not trying to make like mistakes so I can see how to properly do

The hot spring because it’s a public facilities for everybody so Elena welcome to the stream welcome welcome I hope you have a lovely day or a hat I hope yet I love I love you there have a lovely day have you what was the stream welcome welcome Okay so foreign When you find a tutorial watch it and think you can do it fairly then when you do it for real it’s so difficult actually it’s not that difficult it’s harder when you’re like streaming because you have to pay attention like you have to like do a little consideration where you like constantly

Alt tap is it like too annoying and stuff it gets in your brain and that’s all I can say easy damn you what’s that call again no not gay uh trapdoor I believe it’s called trapdoor I think it’s called the Trap Team It is chapter It’s difficult when you’re all hello what no cause you were behaving right now I’m questioning Wait what what okay here one stop wait is this hot spring yeah I’m trying to make a hot spring I love the fact that I’m already I’m like doing it and and you are already like you already like knowing what I’m doing without even me saying anything because it’s not all y’all want to talk it’s hard for us to be very friendly wow I really love the fact that like so many of you all like could already guess that this is a hot spring without me saying anything this shows a lot it means that like you’ve played a lot of Minecraft because you’ve watched a lot of Minecraft Foreign I’m not that bad compared to zero okay because I made my own hot spring in that Village I create the before that is now gone gone what it’s gone says anything that people is looking zero oats can we use Sims 3 in the hot spring I mean you can Once it’s open for services Oh we’re gonna through the ancestor deserve its own statue Like that yeah the wide deal yet so painfully oh no but at least you build a lot of stuff in this server you think so Huh foreign foreign he hasn’t been on the Minecraft server for a really long time too longer than me to be exact then we’re gonna have what the frick is this um No way Sorry about that uh what what drink water later but even though you spend days in games you make this server and see me before talented practice exactly this server hasn’t even been one year ago and you’re already like decorating it as if you’ve been here for a very long time

I can’t even understand what a person getting a start playing Minecraft for that long you too I know you’re playing Minecraft for a very very long hour that’s crazy for real using YouTube play for a very very long time too it’s just me being angry addicted to game memories oh foreign [Laughter] Okay so we have a let me get a trip Here A new wall I love like the fact that you’re all like like no what are you talking about but yet like everyone knows what you’re talking about Foreign Your future architect what is that wait what is that what do you What is that wait is it a hobby we it looks like one oh it is a hop okay foreign yeah I don’t use Harper I I told you that I don’t even know like the basics of Minecraft I I don’t know like hurry up you know I love you like play

Minecraft to the point where I know what is what foreign What what’s the wait Oh here huh Twine What Happened cry me aside the beautiful Village it is what it is okay technically I already have those achievement way before but like I guess because like when the achievement is there I wasn’t like really I it didn’t register Wait what The [ __ ] I forget what some kind of trap thing what’s that what’s that thingy foreign How Wait wait What do you even Go like it’s I can’t Explain we wouldn’t judge your face I guess he can’t wait and stick yourself for Minecraft slat and then Hot Spring wait what is this cool What if the reason why it’s not working is kiss foreign Yep I I I figured out um button so we need a button bruh What the frick is that push plate [Laughter] what pressure plate why would you have it supposed to be a person brings like a body of water like a smaller coming out from the ground yeah technically spring um hot spring it’s made from like water from like going to D really really deep down

Into your water you probably can have it I guess does it make sense Natural hot water from Near by lava a volcano yeah yeah that’s like the CL the easiest way you can find Hot Springs Basically Hot Springs are not supposedly man-made it’s supposed to be like literally natural hot spring that’s probably like because Japan has a lot of volcanoes so in that so that’s considered probably one reason why Japan has a lot of Hot Springs but why it’s spring jump straight to Lava instead you’re

Gonna end up dying because it is what it is it is what it is hot spring is so nice I’ve I’ve not been to Hot Spring but I’ve been to Asana I think that was like so way back I kind of want to visit the hot spring for once foreign Concentration it’s like taking a hard bath but natural hot water yeah exactly because maybe it could be seen more common in spring or maybe use as heat air during spring no it’s not it’s neither of those I guess foreign you know what now I’m curious why is why are Hot Spring Hope

Hot Springs Foreign They didn’t really blame why but they did tell me that there’s such a thing called warm spring and there’s a difference and the most easiest difference to return is warm spring has a lower temperature than hot spring and that it is Oh it’s called hot spring because it’s from spring water So the naturally high temperatures of the spring water makes the water unsafe for baby so I think twice before you dip your toes in unfortunately there are other options at the park that makes it possible to submers in yourself with therapeutic Waters at safe temperatures oh so there’s another thing called like why

Hot Springs are formed if what a peculates deeply enough into the crust it comes into contact with hot rocks and can circulate the surface to form Hot Springs uh and apparently Japanese Hot Springs called Onsen so Onsen is Hot Spring hot water spring which is a natural hot spring bath

And thanks yeah I was right thanks to it’s plenty of a volcanic activity Japan has lots of them Onsen Onsen is a jail terminally heated beneath the ground and raises to itself is bubbling hot so I was right Alicia welcome to Spring what kind of spring what is the stream well come on

Hey have a lovely you’re gonna have a lovely day ahead of you welcome welcome to the spring my so it’s cold winter [Laughter] I’ll go again one day I hope you have boots here because skin allergy I mean if if your skin is sensitive to it then please have

More can I see more information other than what he needed I’m curious I’m very very I’m a very curious person so so you know the more you know exactly the more you know this is how knowledge comes is how you become wiser he raised nightmare to me because I

Can’t see hot water to math oh yeah that’s true that’s true welcome to the Spring’s way I mean it’s almost spring technically speaking it’s Irma spring Eugene why are you hiding there I can see him Regine I can totally see you what kind of spring we were talking about Hot Springs

I love hot baths it is kind of you know I’m testing a hot spring it’s not open yet routine it’s not open see if it’s safe it’s not open yet One layer okay doesn’t lava underneath safe I know we eat a lava what are you what is hello behave what a nice idea no if you I can’t see you you can’t see me it is like you’re telling guys like everyone can see see it is what it is Okay so Okay only oh people can see me huh What they mean are the oh people can see that’s not what I want to do it’s not why don’t stop oh such good PSG I mean if you like it then it is what it is ancient imagine a whole erupting volcano it’s only appearing behind a whole spring no foreign huh Sorry What I’m what what Make it super hot so nobody can get in playing with me to cook us what nice way to go with the love of your life by Saturdays what what the you you huh if you’re ready to get some meds I think almost forgot please get your medication it was what more trapdos

Where where are my trip Foreign What If I use some hot springs wait what do you make an extreme top it’ll be hot spring stream why may I ask why oh wait free talk in the new Hot Spring what why that’s so weird I mean it’s not impossible I mean that’s very much possible but

I thought if they want to play Minecraft oh you’re referring to you Misa oh wait this and then oh barrels Yup hmm oh my God Here we go foreign what Wait wait wait excuse me I felt like there’s gonna be another sneeze coming in but like it’s fine now Why [Laughter] thank you why you’re just Gathering stop the scattering there is nothing to just go to okay report Foreign please there’s absolutely nothing for you to stop what should I put oh foreign Foreign [Laughter] I hope you had a lovely day and maybe forgot that you’re like not it’s like it should be evening for you but welcome welcome I hope you had a lovely day and welcome to the stream what do I put oh guys hello zero I saw at zero

Very tough schedule why are you just guttering too stop tuscular employees what do I put oh hello Eugene would I put should I just put tulips sit bruh what do you give me wait what do you give me a [ __ ] call for what’s happening oh what Can I put like a tree here but I don’t know Foreign That looks so dead there’s something in the book what how do you let’s go rich they look nice I don’t know it’s like okay then what we’ll leave it like this for now Is there any religion mending I do not know cheeri Bella welcome back welcome back welcome back to the Stream food nice guy oh wait it’s called fence isn’t it foreign What was this here again was it this one I’m pretty sure it is it was a wall fancy what where huh one two three Foreign I am boss no okay this is this seems really off to me but they said to trust the processor this is gonna seem really weird to me how do you extinguish a fire but by chance anybody know how to extinguish a fire how do you extinguish bottle water shovel

I know there’s a tutorial never took me water Anyway no I use like a bottle of water oh splash foreign oh oh see that’s how it works okay it could have been more specific to you what a bottle of water you didn’t tell me what type of bottle what are you talking about and trusting the process here hmm Holy what okay then we have more fence oh my God a man okay okay it’s something okay what the freak is wait a minute what wait is that like a belly foreign Okay so then we have light I think okay and then and then what’s what’s six uh

I’m learning everybody I’m learning okay so we have this Wait is that a slab or it’s like a break Well that looks like a brick to me Foreign Oh Jesus what do you mean your skin there’s no break other than break blocks and slats my guy box spring no I I’m looking at a tutorial mic since I’m looking at a tutorial I’m trying to figure out how to make it work so I’m I’m literally looking at tutorial

I’m like what’s that I was like looking at what the freak is that okay Jesus foreign Kai’s skin is what do you mean what do you mean Speaking of jumpscare I’m actually not looking forward to the Resident Evil stream wait once my Resident Evil stream again it’s on a Saturday and it’s at 8pm so guys favorite block is it because it’s always oh my God I hate it here correct your gameplay yeah I I was I I

Didn’t promise to play a horror game and I was like I’m gonna choose whatever that comes up first and it’s Resident Evil uh what was it Resident Evil 7 biohazard that came out first and I I had that it’s a free scary game um I’m afraid I’m afraid let’s get

Escape I heard it’s I believe in you can’t I don’t believe you I heard it’s really really scary and I’m like oh it’s not scary because I I I I I I’m doubting that I’m doubting on that Like I can’t Horror game guys here in China no Gary please have fun everybody bye bye bye uh you miss I hope to see you later everybody at the very best and what you’re doing bye With my hands I’m worried okay support there What the heels Foreign Wait how do you whoa Wait wait wait what’s up what’s a block for Alex bamboo I’m thinking do I want to add bamboo as well but [Laughter] it is what it is should I have bamboo shall I make bamboo Let’s add bamboo inside bamboo fits the team okay how do I what oh Bamboo Faron whoa Yeah I’ll use a bone meal in a bit but like I’m looking at how to how do you use a bamboo fountain what a wait Thank you You hate it I love this foreign [Laughter] Foreign Whoa wait how does that work s I can’t Hmm What is that thing What is that block that What does anybody know what is like that is that it’s like a whole Bush or something at that you can stick What was that rose bush or something it’s definitely not that what is it wait is it just called bush it’s kind of like a bush like you could you could stack it one top on the of the other like like stacking blocks like that but it’s it’s a plaque I don’t know what’s it called foreign Like any type of leaves oh it is Mistresolved Bruh I was like Mari welcome to this dream welcome I hope you had a lovely day morning welcome again drip leave I I wait any any type of leaves work right wait lie Why is on Street where the tree dance Harrow Harrow one always asks me questions lifting chairs bruh someone’s spamming my achievement just remember to call it something there is no worries it’s a slot okay wait so I need a backtrack a little bit in the tutorial Because now we solved the trees thing so that’s it work for any type of leave oh okay okay it does it does he does what what pain I have wait what do you want what yeah but like why foreign Foreign Foreign like this it’s so trippy forgot where my house bruh show you what consistency welcome welcome my yeah lovely day I have a lovely day if you walk into the stream welcome laughs wait what light you stream I went down even created the past few months I’m sad I can give you something to work with like if you want I can give you something to wreck with if free lame myself studies foreign Foreign okay wait excuse me that was such a weird sneeze I ever had Yumi says sings signs thank you no that is such a weird sneeze like the way it sneeze is like like it’s like it’s not even like a prophecies you know it doesn’t feel like it probably stopped

Using everybody there’s nothing to tell scattered as a proper sneeze you know exactly what I meant foreign use what what what do you mean what pronounced oh what pronounce like what pronouns do you use uh is asking yeah he sneeze bruh I’m so confused I’m Fanboy and kindness why why

What the freak why would you build it and then destroyed the next end what what the frick is that foreign night grand night why were you using granite I’m so confused damn fingerly why what the freaking huh foreign here Not grenades granite what do I use grenade here for and then not stairs I never won Seas man who gets that much that’s so much process I don’t know that was pronounced as granite because she doesn’t pronounce its own rules whoa wait really it’s pronounced Granite not grenite

Okay that’s so new to me fighting and doing a native English speaker wow that’s crazy you’re like you know like when ghosts needs they sneeze very cute you know when boys needs they sneeze cute too but when Dad sneeze they sneeze had cheer that’s that’s true good night that seems it’s different I

Do have a dad sneeze I’m not gonna lie to you I do but for some reason it doesn’t show anymore imagine him sneezing Pikachu Pikachu that’s these are awesome like the impact of it holy cow [Laughter] you have a dad sneeze you’re capping I

Do I do I I can I can sneeze tell me my house is pretty why I I can’t have I can have a dead sneeze okay when I’m caught like very off-caught it comes out naturally I kid you not it has a natural like naturally it just like sneezed really really loud foreign

Foreign I thought it’s grenade okay grenade is different light hello are you liking my stream why are you you’re definitely liking my stream aren’t you you are what do you mean a skull emoji every time I sneeze Like you’re lacking in my stream all right like please get away foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] was therefore you were blocking the way [Laughter] Okay so now we need this and then There is here expecto patronu well I just left the key I mean life hasn’t really been on uh hasn’t really been like I haven’t been talking to light very frequently these days because our times don’t really not really our time but like our schedule are very very different you know we go here

So he’s like we haven’t really like gotten in touch very often these days unfortunately I guess hmm one two you need a fence again where exactly What I’m definitely I I know I kind of screwed up somewhere but I don’t know exactly where so we’ll just improvise Foreign but you can also put other Fire by breaking your shovel that’s okay It’s a cake I mean we won’t mind do you know if that villagers are expert swartzman really Wait I hope you had a lovely day or have a lovely day ahead of you welcome to the stream welcome welcome okay okay more fans I believe defense here A fence here Oh now it’s shooting game why is it sugarcane why is it sugarcane and not bamboo foreign [Laughter] what do you mean the courtroom you mean the one with the four NPCs in it foreign why would that Foreign purely because I want it to turn out really nice foreign What what retro are you talking about more more bamboo okay okay so I can choose to put bamboos at a bag or not I guess I will win the whole life I guess you know what maybe not not now it’s never ending beds oh like you’re never hanging pen pew pew

I love your like to adjust it’s okay I’m stuck in the abyss pew pew if you like a never-ending pan Did you have a cart room and saw his house out of your NPC what huh Okay foreign Hmm Um pressure plate pressure point foreign Foreign Why are there so many more things like I thought we were like done with it and it’s like no no we’re gonna add more stuff like what like why So what are you just gonna hurt me have patience can there be monkeys in this hot spring or cubby borrowers I don’t think that’s possible Oh this is where the magic happens everybody are you ready you ready you ready apparently this is where the magic happens bruh yeah nothing happened oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait maybe because the wall that I’m using stop It’s because of the war it’s supposed to fear up on its own but maybe because I’m oh I mean it’s it it is filling a bit hello No the thing is yeah Oh my God let me let me in let me in Bruh let me in Wait wait where’s the fence I need Airy fans okay What Huh Foreign Huh Yeah foreign Wait what Am I doing this Roy Wait Foreign Foreign doing this right this is so scary because like you see that this this leveraged water what thank you Stop pushing me stop pushing me water wait wait foreign Foreign think about this Correct What hello possible welcome to the stream welcome what color my hey FM lovely day you have a lovely day ahead of you what’s this dream welcome welcome was the most hottest part for everyone it’s because it’s like it’s so weird That’s not playing this poor guy swing for it’s open it’s an it’s a hot spring but excuse me it’s a hot spring foreign So this is where it’s gonna get a little bit a little bit different I thought it might be a pawn entry prices leprechae Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign That is it this is it I can choose you at like other stuff like the bamboos around if I want to if any of you want to but that’s basically it huh This is it Maybe I should put a sign or something Thank you That’s all that if our own twist Foreign Thank you Foreign There we go Foreign The opening let’s go it’s free for you it’s free for all Yay we’re done with the onset oh my God that took the life out of me what a volume It’s free actually got my fireworks it’s freonson let’s get wait I should put pressure plate shouldn’t I so it’s easier for you all and let me get a pressure point There we go you can go in and out with yay oh my God we’re done we’re done we’re all done I spent three hours to make this what what whoa this project could have easily redone it within like what 30 minutes but like I was like how do you even do this

There aren’t much decoration to be honest uh the show reason is because I I guess part me didn’t want it to be like too I didn’t want it to be too much I guess in a way maybe I felt like a layer goes a long way I I guess So Thank you how’s that how’s everybody Can I try feel free to go ahead if you want so this is supposedly the changing room but I guess it’s it’s kind of a little theme is it I don’t know I think it’s okay should I change it to Red instead wait let me let me change the Bandit to red

The stick similar to the theme no shoes allowed okay we got red I think a red looks better there we go first class yeah the red looks better the red looks better yay the red looks better No [ __ ] yeah let’s go my first Beauty after a whole month Gotta remove the army How how is the hot spring why are you eating in the hospital why are you eating in a hot spray no shoes why because no you know you can customize Batman right I don’t know but the thing is if I were to customize the Batman it’s going to be hard to

Customize my logo in it so it is what it is Power of red what do you think it’s a very good time isn’t it like I spent like three hours like just three hours I mean if you have a hot spring I’m happy with it breathing like a boss I’m happy wait wait let me let me I want

To take a screenshot wait let me let me This routine want to be in a shot you wanna if you want to be in the shots for your free year Okay wait where where how should I take this should I how should I take this wait how do I take this should I take it like this Or should I get closer this I don’t know like this you can see reaching in the back Okay I’m gonna take one shot like this and another one like this they’re reaching foreign There we go Okay Okay Eugene do you want to take it first do you want to join the fur the opening [Laughter] do you want to join the opening and take care of the opening wait how do I oh okay wait that was oh okay like where do I stand wait I’m so confused wait foreign There we go okay Wait how do you Regine regime can you try to come into the frame are you able to commentator for him I don’t know it’s gonna be so hot because I think it come a bit closer wait or do I wait wait wait I always just oh Jesus

Don’t don’t push me okay wait wait how do I Okay say cheese Okay thank you okay uh let me just show y’all like this there you can actually see it there you go I struggling from technology should have okay I took so many look at these mom asked me to tape it yay yay you’re the opening okay wait let me just take another photo here

Regine look at me foreign there we go done The Offspring is free right my stream is ready it is free it is free we haven’t seen as a person feel free to come in wait everybody who whoever want to come in to get in the shot come into

Minecraft right now I’ll let you take the shot for the opening oh no oh no wait wait should I make it a day wait let me let me let me let me make his day time to buy some swimsuit yeah it’s free whoever want to come in to be part of

The opening day come into Minecraft and we shall take a good photos again coming coming you’re all equally excited as I am aren’t you that is joining wait that’s a taxi law and not will what do you mean well I’m buying some shorts again that’s straight fog no

It’s okay you’re able to comment anytime like the the hot spring is always going to be here so feel free to comment and whenever you like the bamboos are growing so tall already Opening day of Onsen and oh God like the face it’s free Eugene free [Laughter] one never right wow Get it together for a group photo of the opening of answer can’t go make it hello [Laughter] wait should I teleport YouTube and do you want me to teleport you here Foreign actually makes more sense it does so we have the hot spring and then we have the sauna and we have like a playthrough to rest this like an end at this point this isn’t it this is an end it’s an end because of binding Honestly this is this is an end at this point it’s like a a yeah it isn’t it The next project if I’m gonna build a Minecraft it’s gonna it’s gonna be a very big one because Laughs it’s like a warm-up for me before I hop into a bigger Butte I guess We try and teleport wait Maria and YouTube Do You Want To Be teleported here I’m lagging to be honest I’m standing there okay okay let me TP you here Okay we’re gonna have to push push push I can’t push okay you’re all here you’re all here I I don’t think you’re gonna lag uh when you’re here okay group photo group for uh let’s go give me let me let me sort point of view okay everybody good for oh wait where’s rear

Wait where did Rio go Ria went missing Ria Okay wait wait everybody centralized himself okay wait where’s that I hate you oh yes yeah okay okay say cheese why is Syria Come a Little Closer [Laughter] what is real so full okay everybody say cheese say cheese this way look at the camera say cheese one more one more

Okay okay let me see if I can okay let me change a different angle I’m taking so many okay okay everybody thank you thank you okay they’re just standing there now Chris thank you from all work what do you mean Lena welcome to the stream welcome welcome I heard you feel lovely do you have any love each of you welcome to the streams foreign

Welcome to the opening look at how many screenshots I’ve taken enjoy the Onsen few free to decorate the exterior with if you’re like I’m glad I keep popping my hand in the Stream it seems really nice thank you it’s an Onsen everybody it’s a nonsense everybody

Wait let me add one more uh spot for the steam because it seems really lacking to be honest let me oh yeah that seems cozy [Laughter] Foreign No wait foreign [Applause] [Laughter] Yeah it nice now we ain’t clean Wait why is this not steaming again Enjoy the steam foreign You don’t have to worry because this is open throughout so you can feel free at home hop in and see and check out the the places that you told me to like hmm welcome to the Onsen oh no it’s raining hey it’s free what do you mean pay up take my non-existent black

[Laughter] whoa one never right that no way mate that’s not how it works okay Kai is just like it’s free yeah it’s free I’m not asking for entry fees or anything it’s a hot spring for a reason I’m taking the fees Eugene what kind of business are you making huh what what type of business are you making oh foreign okay everybody say bye bye say bye bye that’s crazy everybody’s saying body stream why are you walking around Richie all right this is where we’re gonna say bye in Minecraft okay

Uh we’re gonna hop out of Minecraft Okay okay With that let us go to a very cozy room showing and let me Let me change it too because we you oh my God that was crazy oh oh sorry about that uh I was moving around I mean there we go welcome back to the Cozy room back in reality it seems how’s your spying kite foreign and like you know explore the Minecraft

Server I would make a lot of sign and be like sure oh my God please show photo of me well fairy world gaming my mind possible thank you so much for coming I hope you feel wonderful and for the rest of the day uh have a good a good evening if

It’s night time for you thank you so much for coming I hope to see you in the next time bye bye a video come on the next room too anywho If Video enjoy the Minecraft it’s basically just you know uh it was just kind of like I don’t know I

Hope everybody had fun uh I will sense uh the screenshot I’ve taken uh I’ll post it on Twitter and on the Discord Service uh Minecraft uh okay so I will show you I will send to the description’s Minecraft channel uh feel free to check out the the screenshots that I’ve taken

And I’ll put you on Twitter as well some of the photos we enjoyed especially seeing other people serve I can so I can you’re too War what anyway I really really do hope that your Android Minecraft uh I most are tired and stream Minecraft it’s because like I said foreign But basically uh I I hope that you’ll actually enjoy the stream because like I said before uh I don’t play no I actually press the mute button but um I I I don’t really play Minecraft really really often uh even when I do I only like play using

The basics mechanism as you can really tell like I was just doing the I was just being like the Onsen and it’s like just being the onset was like taking so much Abby I was really like confused like what what else what [Laughter] uh but yeah like

But hopefully you’ll have fun and like um I have fun building to be honest it was it was it was pretty funny uh and we’re I learned a couple of new things I guess like I didn’t know you had to use like uh leaves to create like the block

Stacks if for for your stack up like the bushes or something yet I thought it was just named Bush but it was apparently called tree so I was like what uh so it’s like really really confused um but it it is one in this one um and hopefully you’ll enjoy the

Onsense onset the Onsen like the hot spring um since it’s open for like public uh it’s not like a new pay or anything um and I I literally Brew it next to like the mansion that’s the sauna so I guess because uh there’s a sauna right next to the

Onsen there’s the Onsen itself and then there’s like a separate area like a receptionist place and then you know you know foreign Noises it’s all worth it lots of good stuff I don’t know like I wasn’t that that frustrated but it’s just more of like I was confused because like like I said I’m very new to Minecraft uh in general I only know how to view like the basics of the basic stuff so you

Know it’s kind of like confusing to me um but it is kind of you know I rely on the tutorial apparently some part of the tutorial is kind of messed up well technically I didn’t mess it up so it’s it’s my fault on my end um but

I guess it kind of turned out pretty well maybe I think it did I don’t know if you think it did or did not oh see I should have uh I hope you enjoyable telling you what you might be eating enjoy yourself um it’s tutorials for I I don’t know it

Could be just me it’s real cute Kai what do you mean uh but I I generally hope that you are enjoying the Onsen and hopefully in the future if uh when I do have a time I will try to hop into Minecraft whenever I can and maybe do more Minecraft stream

Because apparently it’s not just fun for me but I feel like it was interesting um just the only thing that I was concerned was the fact that I had to out tab a lot in back and forth so I might do something to count for that

So instead of using my PC to look at the tutorials I might look use my tablet to look at my tutorial uh so that you wouldn’t see me out tabbing that much and because I’m constantly like I I felt like it could be annoying to some people the necessary reason why I I

Think that that that might affect the experience that you’re having hope you’re feeling better now I I am actually feeling better uh in terms of mental wise I I’m not feeling that stressed out anymore I guess and at least I got one of my projects done and I’m actually starting off uh

Another my project Um yeah that means basically there’s a lot of development that’s going on in the Pro upcoming projects and yeah uh so I actually shared to Eugene uh when I was paying for this stream I actually [ __ ] uh or chibos in there but you better keep having to walk in and log out uh

But I was I shot that um I actually auditioned I miss College I heard you had a lovely day by the way Riptide the leg was so bad I think it could be the the uh villager place that could be a problem I don’t know why but there’s only like specific place that’s lagging which is really weird Um but uh as I was saying um I’m I actually uh addition to for a role for a uh voice acting role in a Indie RPG game yeah I auditioned but I most probably wouldn’t get in but I just auditioned for you know experience

And I was curious how to how it it looks like Um I can’t tell you too many details into it because uh uh I mean some of you may or may not know with the with how I’ve been sharing some tweets recently but it’s a very small in the RPG game I’m just doing it like for experience if

I can get in then it is what it is if I earn it is what it is um but it’s one step it’s one step to my goal to learn to expose myself into voice acting and yeah like um the thing is when I read the character I instantly went like Lamar because

Uh we’ll wait for more info but I’ll have the best luck and the thing is I I I don’t think I would get in even if I do get in I don’t think I can talk about it until they release it again so um I can’t talk about it but um if let’s

Say I don’t get in I still think I would probably um talk about it but the thing is uh the reason why I even think I would get in is also because um oh welcome back to our welcome back um it’s because I’ve seen the people who

Are trying to apply pharaoh and they have experience well I don’t um n and uh some of them have a very big following I’ve already seen uh but most of them are auditioning for the female role I’m auditioning for the mirror um so when I when I was reading the

Profile of a character the male character that was auditioning for I said that I went in cinema is actually because um Wait I I just thinking right now makes me laugh because it’s it’s crazy it’s it’s like easy okay okay okay so the role uh is like basically um they were looking for um this character and this character is supposed to be a very Posh and confident uh character and I was like

Okay that’s definitely uh an opposite of what I am and then the accents that they were looking for they have no restriction but they were saying that they prefer like preferably British and the pitch is to be mean or low um and like the thing is the character is supposed

To be like a very Posh uh sulfur cream Butler or something I I think if if I remember it correctly if you know you know if you don’t you don’t okay um I’m not gonna go to uh into details but like when I when I saw it I was laughing

Because they were like preferably British accent sounds like I went like that man and I actually asked uh it is like I took a risk for fun like I was like hmm I saw this and I was like should I go for it and it was

Like over it and it’s like hmm and I shared her details and it is like hey you’re over there looking for a British accent like preferably it was like my I don’t really have a posh English accent in general like I didn’t have a Podge Podge British accent my my accent is

Like very mixed and then everybody’s just like bruh your accents is very English you know it’s a happy Monday I’m so glad to hear that uh it’s getting better for you 12. they won the accent yeah they wanted the British act like I mean like preferably

And they want like a British accents hmm but it’s like uh so when I when I auditioned for the row uh they they so they they kind of like to take it in one take so we have maximum three takes uh in general but uh

They only need one take so I and one take is referring to one entire the recording and the thing is they don’t want you to edit uh they want it to be as raw as possible it’s better if you don’t edit into Parts because they want

It to be set one entire file so it is very challenging for me because I’ve never even when it comes to song covers or like Um voice acting in general like I’ve never really record in one hairline with different emotions so the they gave me like three lines so um the first line was uh very they were looking for like a friendly enthusiastic line so and and my the character is very

Posh uh very confident and they want they were they’re looking for preferably British accent so I I did my best I could uh that’s the first slide and then the second line um excuse me the second line they wanted to sound amused like and they’re like chuckling lines

Involved in and I was like huh like from friendly and two is this uh and twists enthusiastic to amuse and then the final line was like supportive and gentle to like come down the female character to make it sound like you’re you’re comforting um the other character and it’s like

Bam Bam Bam like three different emotions all at once in one take and I was like what and that was the first time that was the first time for me um but it was really fun but the last line was actually the last line the support and uh gentle line honestly it’s the

Line that I was most confident in because it was like if I remember correctly it was something like around this lens like uh something like this it’s not exactly it it’s like it’s kind of like um I’m comforting the uh other character so I and then they

Want me to be supportive and gentle so I guess the line was something like Wait let me think about it wait what’s that line like so in line with something like um it’s gonna be okay like I’m right I’m right here by a sign so let’s go through this together shall we like it’s gonna be okay like the kind of thing like like very gentle softspoken

And supportive that kind of thing I guess I don’t know like that line and that emotion to me was like the easiest for me to pull off like I could instantly switch into that and I was like hmm I don’t know but I don’t really think I would get in because

Um from what I’ve seen there I I’m guessing there’s like a lot of people uh like trying to apply for it uh actually today was like the last day but I think following the person’s time zone there’s like I think I believe like six more hours before the submission end and

Just from the replies I’m looking at um they’re they’re I think about three quarter are auditioning for the female main character and then there are a couple that are auditioning for the male character and then there’s this there’s a couple uh I’ve seen um day like they have um they have this very

Very big uh uh like a very very big following and a very very big um real audio and stuff like that and they’re only voice acting portfolio thing I have it’s like the two um the two videos um I’m not gonna stick them because if you

Know you know if you don’t you don’t um but yeah If I would start retreating something I would do something that no other that ever before model in traditional but very includes and all the streams are with accent would be funny right I mean that’s not that’s not impossible that seems fine but yeah like um

Yeah I have fun visiting for it um I submit like yesterday so it was what it is what it is um I’m not putting my hopes up into the voice acting thing because like I said there there were a lot of there are a lot of applicants and if they’re not

Looking for they didn’t find my tone of voice Etc very suitable then you know it is what it is you know it can’t be helped but at least it was kind of like uh experience that I could go through like you know I gained experience this one it was fun um

The the funniest thing was how I stumbled apart to this audition where I was just going through it yeah like half a week I was like it was like okay it was like in the middle of night I was like looking at like it was generally like in the middle of the

Night I was like look at a Twitter I was like half a week because I was like half asleep kind of thing like I was so sleepy I was like um laughs and I saw it and I was like okay let me send it to DM to me personally and then

I’ll look at it the next day and then I look at it next day I was like hmm this looks like an interesting row the legendary VA plus 100 again I don’t know it’s it’s actually fun the energy you run the risk of losing available feature

No I I I I generally don’t think I would get in um especially with the current wave I generally don’t um maybe maybe because like I don’t think I did good enough and probably I might not be suitable to what they’re going for for this wave that they’re kind of like calling for

Um if I don’t get any news from them for like a month or two uh preferably probably this the highest chance is after two months if we can get a news two or three months you didn’t get the news then you’re basically not in um and I’m not gonna be disappointed if

I don’t get in because like I said it is what it is you know I could just you know do better in the next round and could this continue to you know audition if I really don’t get in anyway one way or another you know like I said it is what it is

[Laughter] very good Individual stream I don’t think it will come to watch like small Indie YouTubers in general I don’t think staff or management team will look for anyone in this small indivity they’ll probably look for the bigger ones thank you for years there’s something right we’re always here to support you

It is what it is it is what it is I would definitely miss you I what are you talking as if I got in or I’m I’m in a company already I’m not I’m still Classic’s work I’m still here even if I do end up in a company I do

Generally generally hope that um I will still be able to see some of y’all uh it’s different sometimes you can still hear his voice you can’t keep the Buns on we are preparing okay it’s you don’t have to prepare because we have your mouse I remember the time kind of beautiful hearts right

Okay listen listen listen I I if I’m not wrong um previous live uh you know like people with uh past lives they can still have their thoughts their streams their their stream Bots uh the video contents up um as far as I’m aware but it really depends I guess maybe Um but um if I do end up being in a different Persona or like a whole different mall or something like that if you can recognize me um and you know come and support me Stu even if I may or may not see your name or recognize you

Um it will greatly meet it would really mean a lot to me because at the end of the day kaisix worker this v-tubing Channel this channel in general is like it’s the straw for me and I would never have been here like I would never hit a big

Number and never in my life would I’ve imagined that um not even one year and I’m already over like what 800 Subs and it’s like it’s insane to me because I Jenny thought that it would take me like a year to at least hit 500 or so

Like I’m not King you like last year I was like at the end of the year I hope to get hit 100 Subs maximum 200 and I was like bruh you’re gonna give me a break but yeah uh it’s coping either way we’ll all find you if it does happen Kai I wonder

They’re like I generally do hope to see some familiar faces even if like it’s hot too I do see Jerry Jane genuinely uh want to see some familiar faces in a new persona if that happens if that ever happens which I highly doubt it will happen

Gonna get in the world I can take the shoes YouTube just say it is what it is I don’t know like what what is actually gonna make you recognize me let’s say one thing that I kinda don’t know pretty fine guy as long as you continue doing your fashion

I mean I I genuinely generally you think I wouldn’t get into a company anytime soon so probably at least for two more years or so I’ll probably just end up still being Classics Walker at least two years or so that’s what I think um uh we’re just we’re inspectors that were

For all year round anyways the agreement laugh what do you mean by Grimlock love you mean like this one Kai noises are easily recognizable what do you mean it’s recognizable rub time hit your freaking dare expect this forever what do you mean cute maybe a stream Atmosphere or just some

Familiar feelings from you your voice why me we’ll see you wait it’s my voice really that recognizable I I don’t think so your voice shall be angry what a big guy yes it’s it’s that recognizable I I don’t think my I genuinely don’t think that I have a very

Distinctive accents there because it’s so amazed it’s like it’s not politics it’s not that Posh it’s neither that casual either I don’t know my first chat here I see your voices you make though I don’t know it’s just weird because like to me it’s not that unique because it’s not like it’s

Gonna like stand out it’s not gonna it’s not very distinctive to the point that oh you you’re a classic walking that kind of thing out there like I I don’t think so I don’t know it’s super wreck myself I think in love is the most recognizable my laugh

I mean there’s a couple of my life there’s the Wii’s laugh that a lot of people like to put as a cat alive or cut your life because it’s like vulgar’s life because vulgar like a cow laughs it’s not even an accent it’s your turn huh what do you mean my two huh

Uh like we used to like we’re used to it so much and maybe that’s the reason um Maybe it says voice Kyle yeah My friend Ruby asked if you’re a British calling huh okay here’s the thing a lot of a lot of people when they come like this is not the first time like I I believe a lot of you have have seen it before like um

Like a lot of you have seen it before uh on stream they’re like whenever I talk and then they’re like fish timers that they just came into a stream for the first time or something like that they’ve been like are you British or are you English or something I’m like

I I’ll be like I’m not British for sure I’m to be honest I am Asian okay I’m not European I’m Asian okay so that makes it even more reviewer in it bit out of this accent but the pure reason I have this accents is probably because the education system that I grew up in and I don’t know like Like uh the people around me tend to talk in Americanized like very very American Americanized way or like American accent but I can’t seem to really grasp that American accent uh can you like it’s hot it’s kind of hot and then they’re like people uh who ask if I’m from Australia

Because I say might uh probably because I say mate or like uh the tune and because some people can’t distinguish between Australian and British accent um if I don’t use the very Courtney British accent when I say like without a t um it would probably sound Australian but I don’t know why

I fluctuate everything this show it is what it is I mean I can pronounce it rather than just bottled water I can just say like bottle of water bottle of water yeah I could say like that but I can’t but I it’s kind of like

A habit you know it’s like a it’s like integrated into me like I had to say like bottled water it’s crazy someone needs to draw Kyle thank you if I see someone chat asking your instead I know it’ll be you the man no there’s so many people who have like

Very British accents like anyone could immediately tell they’re British or not always where from your British you sound British mate oh yeah there’s so many people asking about it uh American accent is pretty hot not gonna lie actually no not really um a lot of people have like a very

Americanized or at least Canadian or American accent and in the wall to be anxiety compared to British accents uh I guess it’s because but people tend to Envy others who have British accents is because I don’t know people like to think that British accent is very Posh very I don’t know

Yeah very Posh very elegant or something yeah let me get it make it sound really high class it’s or something along that line but to be honest British dip off is real like okay for some reason um I don’t know especially if you have like very Irish

Or like very Cockney accents you you’re probably gonna or like Scottish uh you’re probably gonna have difficulties with um playing some games that has voice recognition like requires voice recognition uh if you’re not seeing the clip where Mr has like the HD buff one uh I believe it’s uh I was watching that

Game or something like that um the game couldn’t recognize his accent because he has a very thick uh Cockney accent whereas for Vox when you play it and hit and mind you’ll be above British uh Vox has no problem with it so I guess it’s more of the accent

Depending on what region you’re from everyone sees that you sing well no no no no no no no no no I don’t know American or English English I speak German English I mean that’s your English if it’s caught you there Riptide huh you try Kai it’s okay

It’s hot like bottle water it’s like easier for me to say than bottle of water like it’s it’s way easier for me to say bottle water because like if you I feel very restrained and to read it as butter of water like the kind of way it

Feels really restrained of me and it’s my turn increased like raises up everyone’s with the smelly face uh my murika accent’s about to shine what’s smoothie car accident what I’m sorry I might be very bad with uh geography but where what’s murika accent well to be fair involved to sound Porsche

Wait what it involved what do you mean by that the mouth the legendary British evolve clip yeah it’s Tuesday in it yeah it’s Tuesday yeah today is Tuesday well I mean I can pronounce it’s Tuesday or Tuesday Sounds too rich from you kind of War uh America against America oh oh okay do you know this British accent is more comfy to use I don’t know yeah kind of gonna Tuesday yeah what’s what’s what’s what’s what what what what about Tuesday okay okay so so I don’t know if some of

Your could realize this there are times Thursday what’s oh like okay wait wait so so he direct I stole so okay wait so here’s the thing um I realized this after I’ve only thought about it after like zero mentioned it before like for some reason uh there are times when

I’m when I’m agitated I speak in a more British accent does it make sense like if I’m very very agitated or like I’m excited I I I kind of go into a very like a more distinct British accent like a talk fashion or something I don’t know like I don’t know

More British a year Tuesday what do you mean like I don’t know there’s there’s some times where like I go I suddenly my pronunciation could become more British sometimes but there are times where we know your ex flyer or something if we can’t understand you it is speaking today’s language [Laughter] but like

Um what I say that is because like I believe there is one stream where zero is like talking like say I believe that if I say this particular word uh Kai’s accents will become more British and you get British debuff or something like that and I’m like um I don’t know

Looking forward to hear if Kai is extra British buff during horror games listen I don’t think I would get any more British um in the horror games I don’t know there are times where I might slip into American accents as well I guess maybe maybe not I don’t know

We’re against morons I’m not looking forward to it because it’s like this coming Saturday uh I have to play the Resident Evil 7 uh bar hazards I’m very aware that it’s a very scary jump scare full of jump scare game and it’s very gory I I think it’s it’s very gory

It’s very uh atmospheric I don’t know it’s also I know it’s a very hot game as well because it’s it’s kind of there’s a lot of there’s like very it’s stressful card game because it’s like very time it plays around time I believe um uh lemon welcome to the stream welcome

Welcome I hope you have a lovely day or a hat I hope you had a lovely day or have a lovely day of you welcome to the stream welcome welcome I love Resident Evil game we’ll find out you didn’t know whoa in horror games there’s no place for an

Accident we hear only screams I feel so energized finishing this week when that stream is weighing oh no I don’t know like okay when I play horror games it’s not just screams it’s like I make sounds there I don’t know they’re very very random like there are so many

Random noises coming out every time I play like horror games like the best example I could give you is if you were to watch me play um hollow life era yeah I believe horror life era is the one game that that is like during the Halloween month

Last year like October I believe last year um Whole life errors in one game that I actually finished and was scared from start to finish like I get you not [Laughter] [Laughter] always good for help no more guy noise oh yeah screams and just sounds we can hear that even in not horror games so man it’s not image

My sleep schedule is so uh fluffed out right now I’m sorry it’s okay it’s okay I love to watch someone suffer at horror games but I hate to play them myself so that’s why you’re watching me plan it we already doesn’t uh we all don’t even sleep

Wait we all doesn’t even sleep great too so remember we said this also uh just to say if anybody who would like to contribute in doing like Um do you want me to change to make a hashtag for it I’ve been thinking about it for a while now because like there’s nothing wrong with using College art hashtag at the moment because like it does con consolidate everything like all they are if you want but like either I mean I thought about it but I felt like I don’t think our channel is that big to the point that we have to separate like the thumbnails the assets and the lack of lack of you know for like about what fan art I don’t think there’s a there’s like a necessary to

Do it I don’t think it’s necessary to it to be honest but like what do you think do you think I should do that because hmm either it’s a guy still why not Kai’s Tom kaiso [Laughter] I have an asset in uh progress client oh really I’m curious there what could it be sounds good I mean more organized more appealing I mean I I mean like I’ve been thinking about it because like uh they’re they are friends has been like mentioning about it but like even Korea

Has it too uh people want this but like I personally think it’s okay to just have like hashtag Kai’s art oh have a good night’s day and good night rest uh I hope you definitely deserve it and I hope to see you on the next stream too I hope you get well soon

As well and thank you so much for coming and I hope you have a good night’s sleep and good night rest bye um here’s it why not watch that hashtag before different nail designs for guys but like but like um I don’t think our channel is that big to

Have the need to separate like I know a lot of YouTubers especially a bigger ones they separate their like their whole life um they separate their oh because they have a lot of about him like they have a lot of fan on um so in a way it helps them when they have

Like different hashtag to for them to look into what they need specifically but in our case I genuinely don’t think we need that many hashtag I think you know um kiss like we don’t really have a lot like we don’t really have a lot of specters in the

First place like you know we’re a small channel so we don’t need like a different hashtag so I mean I I don’t think we need different hashtag but e who cares are not big ones hashtag is enough for now yeah yeah it’s easier for

Us to like look up and access to it you know if you actually take a nap here right now I’m tired 24 7. please take a nap or have a good night’s sleep well have a good night rest okay well sorry about that and yeah have a good

Night rest uh do you take a nap when you’re tired okay you definitely deserve it I believe you’ve worked really really hard these days too um so yeah I think about it but it’s too early it’s okay to have like a power nap or it’s like a short nap like uh two

Hours now that’s fine too there’s nothing wrong with that if you’re if you’re really really tired please please I would rather you take it take that nap rather than pushing yourself to the limit to the point that you’re gonna end up collapsing so please go get some rest uh and I will

Be getting some rest immediate actually I will probably get one uh immediately after stream because either wake up really really early the next day in the morning and I’ll be out for the entire afternoon ah I’ll be out in the entire afternoon and then when I come back home I have to

Start preparing for the stream for a Genji impact um to be honest I am debating on where I want to stream um what I I would like to stream against impact or not there Like I’ve been wondering Hmm should I or should I like change it hmm he’s sleeping Am I Dreaming it is when it is but like uh oh so it’s Korea’s birthday wait speaking of that let me just drop curia Newgate Foreign so if you don’t know Um can I have a good day and good rest good night’s here I go to bed a little sleepy all right have a good night sleep a good night restroom you definitely deserve it oh so I saw you all and the video that you made for curia uh like uh on behalf

Of Korea I really really thank you for all the efforts and drawing and making a video for especially specially for his birthday um I believe that he will enjoy it really really much and yeah I hope you have a good night’s day and good night rest you definitely deserve a good

Night’s sleep and I’ll see you hopefully I can see you in the next stream um or maybe in the nearby stream in the future anyway thank you so much for coming have a good night rest bye bye um but yeah um I’m still thinking if I want to

Stream Genji into more uh I’m gonna change it I’m dying don’t die um but yeah if you don’t know uh today actually in Jesse time zone or KSC uh as Korea follows um it is currently his birthday today so on the 7th of February It’s Curious

Birthday so please do feel free to wish him a happy birthday I believe he’s gonna have a belay 100 day celebrations that Sudan plus birthday stream one tonight at 10 pm Jesse time or Casey time if you’re following kst time um so if you’re free to wish him a happy

Birthday I may or may not drop by his stream uh while I’m streaming online I don’t know uh I was too concerned about it but like I’ll probably drop by a little tad bit to wish him happy birthday and still fly so uh please do once again uh wish

Him a very very happy birthday um it is his birthday it is his special day so you know it would mean a lot to him if you want to be able to wish him a very happy birthday [Laughter] um yeah why that’s good but like I’m proud of how far Korea has

Come and it’s over uh 100 day and for him and it’s already it’s growing very he’s growing very very very very very very very very big and a very very short time and I’m very very proud as a friend as a very good friend of his like I’m

Really proud of him you know um now that it’s getting over it I hope that you get at least a tad bit wiser a little tad bit bright a little bit a little tad bit less breadier Um you know get a little bit more wiser and stir-fire but you know he’s a very very talented guy as well too I’m looking forward to what he has to deliver in his route is in road down into a Content green and as a YouTuber and as a friend you know

Connie sounds like he’s the guardian angel of curious [Laughter] baby girl gang baby wavy no he’s he’s constantly the baby girl let’s break yeah okay to me is he can be sometimes he can be accidentally insane sometimes but I guess it’s part of him growing up uh in a way

He’s still growing up and uh he’s still young um he hasn’t really been through a lot of tough part of life I guess maybe maybe not I don’t know but like I I mean he is I heard that he would get wiser I mean he is slowly learning

Um some things along the way of life and picking up new skills and stuff like that like I’m very very proud of him and like very very happy for him but at the same time I really hope that he get wisest of the bit more um isn’t that normal between good friends I

Guess yeah What do you mean I sound though from roommate to Father real quick [ __ ] no I mean my friends and I insult us a lot I mean if it’s like friendly uh Friendly Fire something yeah like friendly argument is fine but you know sometimes um sometimes um you know some people might get too

Comfortable and step over the line I mean it happened not to me but some other friends before but like and not I’m not talking about curia but like there are some times that um I may do that too and some people may do that

Too and at the end as long as you know that you’re at wrong and you apologize for it there’s nothing wrong with that yeah um taking care of Korea since behaving you mean what Hello Father God imagine I fell friend and I know you’re my friend best friend I love that yeah

That’s funny that’s what happened to me and my closest friend for hundreds of years that happened to us too like I believe uh this is a story where I actually fell down and it’s a very shallow dream uh I fell and like one of my legs uh I can’t

Remember which League one of my league uh fell into the drain I don’t I don’t even know how I felt because like I was so sure that I stepped over the drain so I would have fallen but somehow one of my foot fell into the dream too it’s not that deep it’s not

That shallow either so like my Lake one Lake was dangling uh because it went into the drain like a hole and then the other Lake was like balancing me up from the drain so like I wouldn’t fall in and then that was funny um I didn’t have any big injury but like

I scraped my knees and kind of like you know so flat um my family just like she was she was just walking and she was like like the next room I slowly disappeared and like she was like huh and then when she turned me she turned around she saw me

In the dream and she was like she she was like I’m sorry like she was like trying to control laugh it I was like I don’t want to laugh just laugh it out okay and then help me out and then she was like she was she immediately uh

Bashed out laughing it was like laughing out loud like literally the mouth like she really went like very very mad and she was like she was dying from laughing for like a good couple minutes and she was like I’m really sorry Kai but like it’s too funny

And then she helped me up and when I get out I was like yeah I knew you could laugh at her and then we just both end up laughing him out and and it was so funny it was so funny like uh so this demon will always have one

Who Dreamed a Hitman Laurie what Andres yes yes a very good friend of mine it’s the street I actually have a video of how we all have to each other I gave my friend a cookie and then he fell off the chin just time up and holding a broken cookie

She knows the first priority of seeing your friend in a difficult part funny situation I mean I’m not gonna lie it wasn’t that I have a very good pain tolerance but it wasn’t even that bad in the first place it was like it was not like it is a very

Dangerous situation because it’s not like a very deep drainage it was like a a drainage like I was pretty young at a point in time I was I was pretty short at a point in time too hmm that’s really funny so yeah Sorry I was replying to uh kyria go fight a dream for making an iPhone the thing is I don’t even know up to today I don’t even know how I fell in because I was very sure I stepped away from the I stepped over The dream like literally I think if you can laugh at each other without someone getting upset you know that it’s true friendship there that’s true like not a lot of people has like genuinely friendships like that you know bad death perception um but yeah as if it’s more stream I think later

Since it’s already past 12 way past 12 for me um I was supposed to stream I was supposed to stream uh attention but I’m kind of considering to change a different game like stream a different name I don’t know I might change it up um I don’t know um Foreign Looking at steam right now like I haven’t played against him for a really long time but at the same time I don’t know because it’s at eight and Kurio stream is at 10. I mean I I was I was still like like through like I would talk to him on stream while I’m streaming technically horror no matter what you stream please let the time at 8pm so I can hop into my

Lunch break I will be I’ll be streaming at 8pm don’t worry I’m thinking if um Apex as well because I haven’t played Apex for so long but like I haven’t really played Genji neither I don’t know people here should I play Apex but like I’m not good at it I I don’t understand Apex good enough sure that’s good do a well um I don’t even know if I want to start in a new game I actually have a couple a new game

Oh yeah speaking of Resident Evil 7 biohazard I have Resident Evil Village as well I’m torturing myself wouldn’t even have that um I don’t know there’s so many Village a year let’s go I don’t want to play like The Village at one first because I I heard that the game like

Because a village is eighth I I think and then seventh is bio has it so I have to play bioheads at first before I came from playing Village in the first place so oh no do I want to start a new game or do I

Just want to play a game that I’ve been playing now hmm He Uh I don’t know I don’t know I probably think about it like after you think about it at like tomorrow and see what I want to what am I feeling it for uh if if I still end up just because the string engine it is what it is you know yeah

Or should I just play veterans it’s like a freaking horror game on his own I don’t know I was thinking about it I think about it I’m the least person talking about what games you play because all I can think of is horror bruh why are you all tuska doing in the

Popping sound nice and I have to cook for my dad and myself oh no I hope I I hope you’ve enjoyable time cooking but please please do be careful and not get yourself bent or injured around I’m growing at another stream too so um my 12 of my but you recovery I hope

To see you in extreme too bye bye thinking noises why are you just getting that should I do FPS should I just stick to genjin I don’t know like you know there’s so many choices but like so what answers you know it’s crazy As you’ve got and make it a day off then no laughs no [Applause] no Even so that he’s still confused and struggled bruh they are bug no I literally said to make up for last week I had to stream every day today and then next week I could like have a day off for sure I’m cooking chicken wings and Country potatoes right out of the freezer lemon

I mean let’s do you know gotta be careful everything’s in oven they’re washing Um What should I do oh no foreign Last week they didn’t exist it didn’t work like that play chess oh there’s an option I mean I I I I don’t really know how to play chess but you know Majong you know I’m actually curious wait where’s their Mahjong game like how to play an actual Mahjong

Because I don’t know how to play uh actual majung like my mother walk in nurse has a play and like during Luna new year she’ll play like a her relative or taking our relatives she was like I don’t know should I give it a try like is there a

Does anyone know if any Mahjong or like chests chest chess game I believe ninji Sanji had a mahjong or something like that Mama collapse no she’s not here maybe some death star games like the RP stream Rubik’s Cube I forgot how to solve a Rubik’s Cube if that makes sense

I’ll I’ll look into it I’ll look into it everybody I’ll look into it I’ll look into it tomorrow and let you know no okay here’s the thing my mother like Mama Walker does not speak English [Laughter] she does not speak English language okay so you can forget about having collab hahaha and cam bruh oh consider it okay I’ll think about it uh I was thinking about it I’ll take into consideration and then we’ll see we’ll see I don’t know the stream right now because it’s really

Really late and I’ll probably only have I say three three four hours of sleep if I don’t go to sleep now so yeah see I’ll probably go out to sleep um or any language is tough okay it’s Jeff they’re saying all games my brother please uh okay I’m going off now um

Thank you all for coming uh if it’s morning afternoon for you I hope I was able to help you to line up your day and start off the day really well if it’s night time evening for you I have a good night’s sleep a good night rest um you definitely definitely definitely

Deserve it and hopefully I get to see you on the next stream and I’ll update you on what I will be playing and tomorrow after I do my more research once again thank you so much for coming I really really enjoy uh building Onsen and um hopefully I might do more Minecraft

Stream in the future I hope you all had fun with me as much as I did and yeah bye bye everybody thank you so much for coming and and I’ll have a good night’s sleep and I hope you have too bye-bye Thank you Foreign Okay thank you Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【ZATSU MINECRAFT】 LET’S SEE WHAT’S NEW + BUILD SOMETHING! 『EN VTuber l Kaissics Walker』’, was uploaded by 『Kaissics Walker l EN VTuber』 on 2023-02-06 18:58:29. It has garnered 232 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:44 or 16964 seconds.

Haven’t been on Minecraft for awhile~

Developed by: Mojang/ Microsoft Studios Published by: Microsoft Studios

Credits to Raelice for developing VTchaos! https://www.youtube.com/c/Raelice

VTchaos allows chat to interact with the VTuber’s model through a list of commands!

List of commands for VTchaos! Make sure to type exactly as the following: !headpat !hug

Discord server is finally OPEN! Walker Headquarters Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mxuqtZsWnV

Minecraft server is OPEN too! Version 1.19.1 IP: theforest.mcserver.io Mobile + PC version is available!


【THUMBNAIL(S)】 Minecraft Respective VTuber(s)’ models Respective Artist(s)


『Welcome』 Let me bring you to the abyss~

『DONATIONS』 https://streamelements.com/envtuberlkaissicswalker/tip https://toon.at/donate/kaissicswalker

ー Donations are the best way to support me directly for my future streams and projects! Every donations are appreciated greatly to better improve my streams! On a quick note, thank you for helping me out too!

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『THRONE』 https://throne.me/u/kaissicswalker/wishlist

ー Thank you for sending me a gift via Throne! I shall use the gifts well and use it’s purpose to the best that I can!

ー PLEASE TAKE NOTE! By donating/gifting you have agreed that you will not file a charge back. These will be disputed. All donations/throne gifts are final and non-refundable and you are donating/ gifting under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback.

『HASHTAGS』 General ― # Kaissics LIVE ― # Walkive Art ― # Kaissart Clips ― # KaissClip NSFW ― # KaisSUS

『SOCIAL MEDIAS』 Twitter ― https://twitter.com/kaissics_walker Instagram ― https://www.instagram.com/kaissics_walker

Mom:https://twitter.com/novic_0 (Novic) Daddy:https://twitter.com/Haildi_ (Haildi) Logo ― https://twitter.com/RawrSoda_Media (RawrSoda Media) Overlay(s) ― https://twitter.com/RawrSoda_Media (RawrSoda Media) Alert(s) ― https://twitter.com/lightescence Music(s)/ BGM(s) ― https://dova-s.jp/ (Sachiko Kamaboko/DOVA-SYNDROME) Assets ― https://twitter.com/ArgamaWitch , https://pixabay.com/users/koimermaiden-20102989/ , https://twitter.com/RawrSoda_Media, https://twitter.com/sayonanii


『CHAT RULES』 1. Always be respectful to one another, the liver, other livers and members of chat. 2. Do not harass, bully or otherwise purposefully upset or attack any member of the stream including myself. 3. Don’t bring up any other livers unless I bring them up first. Similarly, don’t bring me up in other streams unless the liver does first. 4. No spamming, trolling or discussion of controversial topics. 5. Keep all chat relevant to the stream. (Unless I’ve have brought it up, otherwise) 6. No spoilers or backseating unless I’ve personally asked for it. 7. Directing NSFW requests or comments at me is fine (however there is a limitation in the case where I shall decline), but you will immediately be banned if any comments are directed at other livers (unless brought up by me or collaborators) or members of my chat. 8. All languages are welcome in this stream. (Preferably EN/CN/KR/JP) Harassing or calling out anyone who speaks in a language you do not speak is strictly prohibited and will result in a timeout followed by a ban. 9. ENJOY YOURSELVES WITH ME!


#minecraft #vtuber #walkive #kaissics

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • EPIC Indian Gamer Moments in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • Stealing Elytra in Minecraft SMP

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  • Crafty Creations: 25 Minecraft 1.21 Build Hacks Galore!

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  • Wojtrix Snipes Pedro

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  • Surviving Minecraft’s Hard Mode Debut

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  • Unleashing Satan.JAR in Minecraft

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  • Realistic Minecraft Mod Madness

    Realistic Minecraft Mod Madness Minecraft Realistic Mod: A New Gaming Experience Experience Minecraft like never before with the Realistic Mod! Dive into a world where the boundaries between the game and reality blur, creating a unique and immersive gaming experience. Realistic Graphics and Environments With the Realistic Mod, players can enjoy stunning graphics and lifelike environments that bring Minecraft to a whole new level. From realistic lighting effects to detailed textures, every aspect of the game is enhanced to provide a more immersive experience. Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics Not only does the Realistic Mod improve the visual aspects of Minecraft, but it also enhances… Read More

  • Insane ASMR Gaming Updates – Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!

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  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

    Join the Ultimate Chaos at our Anarchy Minecraft PvP Server! If you crave unbridled freedom and intense battles, this is the place for you. With no rules and no limits, you can build, destroy, and fight to your heart’s content. Our server features a unique lifesteal mechanic, adding an extra layer of strategy and intensity to your combat. Forge alliances or betray your closest friends in a world where anything goes. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a cunning strategist, our server offers the perfect arena for you to test your skills and unleash your creativity. Experience the raw, unfiltered… Read More

  • CosineCraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

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  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

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  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

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  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

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    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

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  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

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  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

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