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Video Information

ladies and gentlemen welcome back to something brand new I’ve never streamed on this account before but this is the account where most of the streams are going to be happening now today we are starting a brand new Minecraft adventure the OG game one of the greatest games of all time Bar None it’s too easy it’s kind of like that but yes we are going to be creating a whole Minecraft city it is going to be on Creative but I want to have a Minecraft city to rival the gods this is what our city is going to be looking like like this in the background hold up let me get up a better image there’s got to be a better image somewhere [ __ ] sorry I’ve being watching the side man that’s crazy all right Minecraft city get up an image this is what I want our cities to be starting to look like someone like this this is what we’re going to build it might take 3,000 streams but hey we’re here for it some like this [ __ ] I mean boys I can’t lie I’m not a great Builder I ain’t going to be able to do that but you guys are going to learn you guys are going to learn with me I’m going to be taking things from the internet but mostly it’s going to be from the cranium hopefully you guys will be able to help me build some good [ __ ] as well but yeah I am ke for it who doesn’t like a good old Minecraft world but yeah this could be a th000 episodes long it could be two episodes long just depends how much you guys enjoy it but yeah I’ve been having a hankering you know when you’re in the Minecraft mood that’s what I’ve been in lately and I just want to build some stuff so straight away we’re going creative easy as that what is our world going to be called oh I for for got to say our world is going to be called flap City I’m up to the name suggestion because flap city is a bit it’s a bit of a dodgy one but I kind of love it at the same time it’s kind of like that but yeah we’re going with flap City our population is currently one just me but as once we start building houses start getting some airports in start getting some big sky scrapers we might get the population up okay we’ve got zero houses zero shops and zero Industries that’s what it means so yeah flap city is wank right now now it’s nothing but eventually [ __ ] K might have it own football club might have everything so that’s what we need to do today we’re going to start our world creative as I said we’ll just start with um easy difficulty because I don’t want too many [ __ ] things flying around world what is that oh we need we need to come up with a world name I mean come on man God it’s just a god world we might as well just call it God world is as easi as like that um we could do a super flat world I don’t know if I am going to do super flat we’re going to have to see it’s either going to be super flat or we’re just going to do a default but I think Super Flat’s the best and if we do need to make some mountains or like River or something like that we could do that I think that’s the way to go um but otherwise if we do like a normal thing we’re just going to have to clear it out anyway so I think Super flight’s the way to go if we do need to make a river or something we can do that and this is way too short what four [ __ ] deep we don’t need that so I’m actually going to go with a snowy Kingdom but just [ __ ] just just get the [ __ ] dirt just get the snow out of there and that gives us a bit more room to work with below so if we want to make like a basement to hide children that’s not what I meant hey relax you guys know what I meant right but yeah if we want a basement to um under a house or something we can do that if we want to make like an underground mine we can do that you guys know what I mean there’s plenty of possibilities we’re making a whole [ __ ] City I don’t know if it’s going to be a modern city a medieval city we could even do a combination we could have modern and then medieval and we could have castles and [ __ ] I’m not really sure it’s probably going to look really [ __ ] but hey again you guys can help me more game rules experiments I don’t really care about that Gold World commands on yeah just in case I need it Lads I think that’s the sty of our world I think I think we’re good create new world K here we are all right this is well I was going to say this is very flat but you guys already knew it I like the grass all right first things first let’s build let’s build the entrance to Flap City I mean come on man not really the entrance but let’s declare it you know it’s like putting a flag in the moon so everyone knows what it’s about what the [ __ ] is that saved hot bar oh I appreciate that that’s blessed all right sign let’s put a sign on top of that [ __ ] actually let’s get a pink sign to make it look nice flap City cuz you know flaps are pink all right here it is ladies and gentlemen flap City Bang Wooh and right now I’ve got nowhere to I’ve got nowhere to sleep I can’t even lie so we’re going to do a pink little bed as well this is where your boy sleeping right now I am the only one in this city the only thing around here is slime why the [ __ ] is there slime everywhere that’s going to piss me off but I think first things first we need to make a road and we need to make a house where I’m going to live we’re going to have a house where I’m going to live first I think that’s the first thing and then maybe we might build a town hall next but I’m not going to build a giant house for me I’m just going to do a nice little house so first things first I think we need to make a road and I think the best thing to make the best material to make a road is Stone and then maybe some concrete some white concrete to make it through the middle I think that’s probably the best thing to make all right Lads let’s let’s start making the road let’s start off well um we got to dig it out should I do we’ll do four wide I reckon hopefully you guys get what I’m trying to do here if not it’ll be a bit embarrassing but yeah all right hopefully this don’t look too bad Co [ __ ] boys just just even the even the feeling of playing Minecraft is absolutely orgasmic yeah does that look good I’m I’m a big fan of that that’s not a bad Road let me know if the game volume is too low too loud just let me know I I should be all right damn I haven’t played Minecraft on PC of an ages I’ve actually been playing on Playstation which is actually [ __ ] bot but yeah this is the beginning Lads eventually when we look around here there’s going to be skyscrapers there’s going to be houses it’s going to be crazy but right now we w we won’t go skyscrapers straight away um we’ll start off this is probably going to be not the poor version but this is going to be a nice little estate oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up a little bit oh no I’m thinking something like this boys and then the the other side is going to be also Stone like that like that oh damn bro here we go here we go now we’re cooking with gas bang there’s a first bit of Road I’m liking this and then of course we’re going to have to design cars pretty much I’m going to have any mods I am just going to build a city with the base version of Minecraft no mods no anything special we’re not going everything has to be handmade so I can’t be I can’t fill in this whole thing with concrete if I wanted to but this is a good little start hey does it look like a road I guess so we’ll take it for now but we’re going to make it a little bit bigger once we do this a little bit then we can start making a house which will be [ __ ] lovely cuz you know your boys been sleeping in the [ __ ] rain slime making weird noise I’m not comfortable I need a roof over my head I need something AIT a bit more gorgeous I feel like the game volume is quite loud still hopefully that’s a bit better for you guys let me know if it is but it just it just looks like it’s very loud bang [ __ ] yeah fill that in oh that’s just orgasmic When You See It folded in and again we are going to have to make some layers we’re just going to have we’re going to have to put some mountains we’re going to have to do some highways this shit’s going to be getting intense bro I’m going to be sweating at at some points during this but it will look good I’m telling you damn I’m so ass at this I’m so slow it’s kind of crazy but yeah my mom’s making spaghetti for dinner tonight so I’m chuff with that I can’t even lie boys I’m starving I don’t know how long this first stream’s going to be but there will be some long streams and there we go that is the start of flap CD here it is ladies and gentlemen the beginning all right now we’re going to make a foot path I think slabs on the foot path maybe yeah I think these FL these slabs might look the best we’re just going to use these slabs for like the curb so you know no one runs off the [ __ ] road and hits me I’ll be pissed if that happens I can’t even like her I’ll be [ __ ] bricks but this looks good all right let’s see how this looks I was going to do the roads black but I feel like the roads being black is a little bit too dark maybe it might look better I probably should have looked at actually some more let me actually look at some more photos cuz I could have already [ __ ] it here yeah no they oh they’re using gray concrete maybe that might be better but I feel like the stone look yeah see this is black and white we could we could have done that but I feel like that’s very dark and this is also black and white [ __ ] have I already [ __ ] up early on I don’t know we’ll keep it like this for now and then the if so if someone talks in the chat they can let me know if it looks ass or not but for now we are keeping it like that you know it’s got a bit of a stone look it looks like there and then we’re going to put a little foot path next to it maybe out of I don’t I feel like grav gravel’s too close to the to the road if I could spell gravel see oh we could yeah we could even use the light gray concrete mix um we’re not going to use that we’re not going to use Granite that looks [ __ ] [ __ ] we could do a wooden pathway that’s not really um maybe Stone we could use some of this stone bricks I know we’ll see what looks the best let’s just dig it out first yeah yeah do that for me dig that up for me good girl all I was thinking maybe this cuz it’s a little bit darker H I feel like maybe having the Black Road might just look better in general I can’t lie chat I can’t lie at all all right this slime’s actually starting to piss me off all right Lads I think we might do a black Road oh I don’t know yeah we’re doing the Black Road it just stands out a little bit more so let me get some black concrete we could even do this Blackstone actually looks like a bit like like gravel I guess I mean like oh I don’t hate that actually that looks good I reckon all right well [ __ ] it let me just I’ve already made a failing already great start great start to the Epi uh great start to the city but hey don’t worry Lads this is not going to be the first of failings it’s going to we’re going to make so many failings probably won’t even be able to complete this [ __ ] but oh well it is what it is at the end of the day just keep moving bang I need to get so many [ __ ] I need to get way more CLS there you go baby girl fill that in how how did you fill that in so asly all right there is definitely a quicker way to do this hold up let me get Grand heart e that’s not ideal at all bro all right fill this in I don’t know if I’m going to like this actually it start to look a bit ass but oh well it worse comes the worse I can always fill it in off stream just make it just full black concrete but it works for now yeah good girl fill it in I’m liking this a lot but yeah I don’t know why but you know every every I don’t know one or two months you just get urge to build something in Minecraft and I just got that urge lately so I was like [ __ ] it let’s do a whole a whole series around it try and make a whole Minecraft city I’ve seen some people do it before but you know I I want this to be an 800 episode kind of stream thing you know streaming as much as I can if I ever feel like building some [ __ ] I feel a bit creative in the mindset we just hop on this do a little stream bang that’s how we do it that’s how we do it around here but yeah let’s just keep moving oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] that [ __ ] up bang oh hey it’s all right that that’s probably going to get okay oh my gosh I’m actually really ass at putting this in it was not me to take this long to to start off doing a road oh my fingers already getting SW bro and I’ve just [ __ ] started I’m not a proper gamer I play with the controller so much more all right we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re almost done fill in this last little corner I don’t know if this is going to look good I was trying to get like the the cement kind of look with it but can’t just you know what it’s not bad it a bad it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen now let’s sort out this I don’t think I don’t think I like this bit I think the LI concrete that I saw before was actually better I don’t know why I [ __ ] put a com out put put a com before it this light gray Yep this is what I wanted I think this might look a little bit better yeah that that’s kind of what the pathway looks at in front of my house it makes that sand noise which you know I’m not a big fan of the sand noise but it does the job okay that I thought that was going to be the quickest way possible it just was not bang I like that I like it okay flap city is changing we also need to put some light because when it gets dark time I’m going to be scared in my house so yeah everything needs to change but we we’ll get to that fill that all in baby and then last bit and then now this is the first bit of Road how long I’ve been streaming for 14 minutes this is taking me 14 minutes Lads yeah it’s going to take me a lot of time but I actually do like the start of this we are going to have to put some lamp poost in um but yeah I think now it’s time to start the house so without further Ado let’s start off with putting a little pathway I think just doing like this pathway probably looks the best for now so let’s get a shovel out you know netherite because we’re in Creative I can do what I want just start doing this I reckon I can that that’s just a nice little pathway um and then I think I want my house to be made out of wood you know nothing too fancy hey I’m happy to live in a wooden house I don’t need anything too crazy maybe plank I think planks are going to be the way to go are we just going to do some ordinary planks or we going to spice it up in life maybe I maybe I could spice it up in life hey the first house isn’t going to be too crazy it’s just what I’m going to live in um actually have no idea what I’m really trying to do right now I’m I’m kind of just going off the Dome actually I think this one might look better I can’t lie all right we’ll do that then bang I’m actually upset that it looks like that all right maybe underneath we need it we need to put these there we go spicy already I’m already chuffed with that okay and then now fill around now I’m kind of having a little bit of a balcony ting to it so this is just going to stick out a little bit more and this will be the balcony to the house like that did I even do that right three and then we need to fill this bit in more perfect and bang there’s my house ladies and gentlemen we’re start we’re starting off cooking with gas beautiful all right now let’s get some fences in here I think just some normal Oak fences oh I’ve already got a treat um actually can’t see can I can I reset uh options can I reset this thing back to daytime so I can see I’m not going to do this all the time but I actually just can’t see right now advancements a I know how to [ __ ] play the game Co well not really but yeah controls video setting skin easy language resource packs [ __ ] actually the best yeah this is what I want to think all right how do I turn this thing back to Sun this is what I want to know music sounds [ __ ] you surely you can do it yeah I want to I want to full screen this [ __ ] yeah let’s get everything there what what the hell was that not full screen from the start that’s my be um options video settings oh how the [ __ ] do you you know what [ __ ] we’re just going to go through the full cycle I don’t even care I I I can live with that man I I don’t think it looks too bad and then wrap that around actually we might not even have to do that bang and then you’re going to have kind of like that that’s what I’m thinking from the start so this is just going to be the veranda and then we’re going to have to build out here a little bit but I might have to use a different brick I actually might use a bit of cobblestone for for some of it again we’re just starting off with the basic blocks this is the first house we’re not going to use [ __ ] I don’t know netherite to start off with but hey the hustles there right um do do we want to use cobblestone try to think what else would look good we could even just use Stone like the stone bricks stone bricks always look good to be fair these things they they’re always nice to look at they’re always pretty sey oh yeah yeah yeah oh wait I think I’m cooking with some and then we’ll get the spruce logs wait this is Spruce right yeah that’s Spruce all right then we’ll get the spruce logs ah [ __ ] I needed the fence all right I think we’re I think now we’re actually cooking with gas boys oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now I see it I see it oh [ __ ] man the zombies are out they at to get us all right we’re going to do this I’m [ __ ] with this I’m [ __ ] with this indeed yo bro can can the spider not in [ __ ] my my my face no I need you facing up like that there we go bangi and then do it for the back ones to the back to the back nice all right now I actually might get that going back a little bit further a [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] witch maybe I shouldn’t have maybe I should just go peaceful but oh well it is what it is hey right now we got a suffer in the dark I need to start making torches and all that good [ __ ] hopefully you guys are still all good to see if not I can turn the bright brightness up but I think you guys are not that um think we might do something like that maybe one short and then very nice bang all right let’s just get this part actually sorted with so I want I want to move it back to around here I think would be the good spot bang now we’re really doing something special here I I think just keeping the oh we probably don’t even need to keep the fence after this after here because there would just be [ __ ] there but very nice all right let me get some lanterns out because I want to be actually able to see feel like lanterns are the most realistic thing to have right now um I don’t know maybe some glow stone as well N I think lanterns will do for now we can just put them on here make them look nice yeah I’m I’m big fan of that big fan of that all right okay okay okay now I’m kind of stumped and I don’t mean to say like a tree stump because I’m holding that that’s that’s a terrible joke don’t even listen to me so these two um why do I want the floor to be what the [ __ ] was that is that just the witch again God damn that scared the [ __ ] out of me man the way scared the [ __ ] all right what I’m I’m I’m trying to cook but I’m not cooking all [ __ ] this thing all right maybe we’ll just use Cobblestone for the floor once once you get in there bro that Witch is actually scaring the [ __ ] out of me I can’t even lie it’s it it ain’t a friendly thing I’m Legit about to kill you I can’t even lie I don’t want some [ __ ] laughing next to me all the time all yeah what so so you don’t listen all right we’ll get the doors going do we get the spruce doors or do you reckon something darker actually it’s that I’m actually so close to killing this [ __ ] um we could do the jungle I think maybe just the spruce nah that kind of looks I don’t think I think I don’t think the spruce maybe the darker ones all right it yep there we go I think that does look pretty good bless all right and then around town put these on top um actually i’ would rather if you look like that to be fair my bad I might have to crash to do it how the [ __ ] do I crouch I thought it was control maybe shift it is shift all right my bad bang and then all the way bless I think [ __ ] I don’t know [ __ ] it’s been it’s been a while and then wrap that all the way [Music] around E I don’t know if I like that I don’t know if I like that at all maybe maybe just this and then like that [ __ ] I don’t know if I like that either but we’ll just continue see what goes on I might have cooked here or I might have just fully [ __ ] it and I think maybe these at the bottom should be the sprues oh actually no I got even better idea we’ll do like a little we’ll do something like that mhm mhm mhm and then that’s just going to be a full window if you boys see the vision it might be all right and then we we’ll just see I don’t I don’t need a huge house you know it’s just me by myself sadly I don’t have a wife and kids to put in this house so it’s just going to be a one a oneman house but you know I’m still I’m still want it to be pretty decently sized I don’t know if it’s going to be a full Square um maybe I might do another window like that at the back here to be fair so that’s kind of just like a big tube kind of thing maybe this is where my room’s going to be okay now we’re cooking now we’re cooking and then there we go and maybe once we get here we’re just going to make it a little bit shorter and then maybe you know get some curves to it as well let’s let’s just I might I might legit go peaceful just because these mobs are going to piss me off they might just do it and then cut it off around herish I don’t know if this is exactly going to be the house but I just want a little layout I see this is this is kind of what the house is going to look now if you look at that shape kind of looks like a weird trapezium kind of thing it looks like ass but hey you never know boys I might I might have just done something so nasty yo realness it’s been a long time I’m sorry for that good to see you here my brother welcome to Flap City my man um sorry I I I was just so focused on my building but yes this stream it is on the second Channel but that is because I’m making a whole Lego a whole Lego City [ __ ] a whole Minecraft city realness welcome to slap City my brother we’ve also this is the place a population of one hey don’t worry realness maybe I could build your a house and you can live in here as well but yeah I am the only one living here right now I’m about to build my own house flap City it’s starting off po this is all we’ve done so far we built a road and this is going to be my house and that’s all we’ve done but trust me this City’s going to be something crazy you better be you better you probably better you know come from excitement but um actually maybe don’t maybe do [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’ve already [ __ ] it I’ve already [ __ ] it but yeah we are building our first house we build the road but I’m telling you one day it’s going to be a lavish city of greatness and I hope you can but yeah I I appreciate you coming back in the Stream it has been a long time since I’ve seen you last and that is 100% my fault because I have not been streaming lately but I feel like playing some Minecraft and I feel like streaming it to the lads so yeah that that’s that’s what we’re doing really maybe we might just put that back on top actually [ __ ] control shift sorry oh that was complet the wrong thing shift shift but yeah bro hopefully hopefully you Chang to look at this city in its full Glory right now it a it ain’t close to its full Glory I can’t even cap but yeah and then the inside’s going to be Cobblestone this is actually going to be the garage so I kind of need to make out kind of need to get rid of this I think for the garage I think that might look all right for the garage God damn all right bless now we need to fill this thing in okay now let’s have a look frun on oh I’m a big fan I’m a big fan I don’t hopefully you guys are seeing the vision right now you might not I don’t blame you cuz it still kind of looks ass but yeah all right I think this is going to be the garage so I am going to have to make a bit of a driveway in here but bless damn exactly right realness Godly damn what do you think of the house so far and be honest is it ass please tell me it’s ass I mean please don’t tell me it’s ass that that could kill me but yeah what you let’s let’s get some glass panes in up in here glass panes uh do we maybe we want a bit of light gray we don’t want like full oh actually need spruce wood as well so I don’t know why I got rid of that yeah I think the light gray looks better than just the white ones actually no I disagree maybe just get the normal glass panes yeah much better much better I don’t know what I was thinking with that [ __ ] B I got unlocked a new recipe it’s what I do and then now the front of the house is just going to be full oh no these are just going to have to be full glass [ __ ] I keep ruining my own [ __ ] man oh no how long have I been streaming for 30 minutes and I made bar not even half a house yeah this is going to be a long ass series boys but lock in but yeah Ruess man I I could make you a little house next to me um oh [ __ ] I could do that is is the music too loud for you realness um because I could turn it down I don’t know how loud it is but it is actually quite loud for me right now so I’m I I’m going to turn that down Down video settings uh music yep master volume and can I get the music down a little bit bro it’s [ __ ] bursting my ears I’m about to bleed it’s pretty good but it would be better with a dog welcome him to your house oh 100% 100% I need to get a dog in there bro make a little dog kennel oh wait so can you is the music too loud or n it’s good bless that is not too loud H we we’ll do maybe this type of thing wait if I do it like that oh no it don’t connect yeah we can’t be doing that bang I do like the look of that actually okay okay I didn’t know I was like that and then at the top we’re going to make it look sweet and sexy bang but yeah a dog is a definitely need we need to get a doggo in here I’ll make a kenle out the back for it 100% yes sir all right I don’t know if I love it but I don’t hate it so we’ll take it I feel like it’s a bit too pointy it kind of looks like a penis I don’t know how I could make that look better maybe I like penis man ohy [ __ ] all right let’s fill in the top here and also going to go through here um [ __ ] [ __ ] how do I do that am I really going to have to I don’t want it to look like this it’s just for the top ones and we’ll get rid of the bottom six bang wait maybe I get the dog in now no no I I got to at least finish the house to get the dog in bro I can’t have it in a [ __ ] environment actually I don’t know if I like I don’t know if I like having it like that I I think I’m just going to leave it a bit more wide open yep I think that’ll look better bless all right now for this part do we continue this like that as well yeah might as well um and then this is kind of going to be shift no how the [ __ ] do you do that I feel like there’s a better way than doing that n you can’t all right all right all right all right all right all right bang all right and then we’re going to and then get rid of that layer okay okay now this is going to be the garage oh [ __ ] cooking it up and then the garage I think might look all right looking like this I think I don’t know if this is going to look good but just oh no that won’t look good then all right we do these just make a full one yeah no this is what I wanted I think this might look good as a garage nah it doesn’t [ __ ] oh wait hold up I think I know what might what might make it look so sexy you won’t [ __ ] believe it all right and then one more it’s missing something I think it might be too big for a garage I can’t lie what was if I did this top this top like that yeah that looks much better and then trip wire this is what I want if I could put this on here as well hold up boys yeah boys I’m a genius glass plane somewhere oh so in the in the you reckon in the garage make some glass panes like this youing like that I don’t mind it or do you reckon it looks better like this yeah I think maybe glass panes could be better I think you might be right realness this is why you’re here because you’re the bloody genius I needed that thank you oh but it kind of just looks like someone saying hello what do you think glass paines J or N double nah I don’t mind it it looks it doesn’t look terrible and then hold up let me let me just see what it looks like without the glass paints I think it might look better without the glass paints or you saying put glass paints like all across oh like that maybe oh fully glass paints maybe like that Oho I don’t hate that you know I don’t hate that what do you think all right now we’ll work on the rest I want it to be I want I want to have a lot of sun going through a lot of natural light you know what I’m trying to say but the walls inside are going to be different what are they going to be made of obviously wood still n surely not that Birch um that’s better than before you reckon yeah I I agree it looks a bit actually from inside could probably just do that just so it doesn’t look as funny cuz otherwise just kind of just sticking through yeah I really do like that actually that looks very nice okay well the the the garage is going to be on a lower level than the rest so the rest of the house is going to be at this height and then it kind of it’s kind of going to cut off we’re going to have a war through here so the the garage is going to be a little bit lower but it’s chill oh [ __ ] I think I’ve done that wrong I have done that wrong all right let me get the the spruce log back trip wire we probably don’t need that again a perfect now I think the floor is just going to be something light like Cobblestone or something it’s not going to be something crazy again we’re going to get to the craziest [ __ ] but for now all right I’m sick with this [ __ ] slime I keep hearing I don’t need that in my [ __ ] ear get out of my ear so we’re going to make it peaceful get all this slime out of here see oh [ __ ] there’s actually nothing around here except bunnies we got a couple snow bunnies R [ __ ] well that’s nice it it gets rid of the [ __ ] noise appreciate that all right let’s fill in the floor of my room I’m going I think I’m going to make my room through here but for now we’ll just fill it all out and then we we’ll change it around um but yeah for for now let’s just fill the floor in I’m probably not doing this how professionals would do it but hey I’m not a [ __ ] professional I don’t know what I’m doing here Co all right all right oh it’s turnning night time so we need to get some more light in here we need to get some more light up in here boys it’s getting [ __ ] scary all right but yeah ruiners have you how have you been man you hopefully you’ve been good hopefully life has been trending you well up in Canada I believe um I could be wrong I could be wrong you you do live in Canada right [ __ ] it’s been a while since I’ve talked to you so I might have forgotten but I think that’s right let’s go let’s go I I remembered I’m proud of myself bro sometimes my wearing’s ass but that’s just how much of a goat you are that I remembered yeah I wanted to put lanterns on the floor I appreciate that dog bang here we go okay and then maybe maybe the inside can just be wooden planks or maybe something like this I do like this this type of wood it is quite nice is there a darker type yes this is the one that’s a good [ __ ] that’s a good good [ __ ] all right maybe we can just do the inside like that and then obviously we need to put stairs here so we’ll just put them up here oh they’re not they’re not all going the right way [ __ ] they all need to go the right way otherwise it’s going to look [ __ ] stupid that is definitely not going the right way all right maybe I do need this just to make sure they are all going the right way that looks dumb [ __ ] but yeah glad to oh [ __ ] my bad for the B but yeah glad to hear going well man it does make me a happy boy do I like that I do like that actually it also gives you know a bit more color to the build something a bit different not the same old same old type of [ __ ] sco and maybe just even for a bit more color uh land we probably don’t need a door again um could even get the bottom doing that now it’s the interior so we don’t have to go too heavy on the interior zo what the heck how you going man good to see you again we are playing Minecraft hey let me introduce you to the stream we are playing Minecraft we are going to be building a full Minecraft city our goal is to make it look like hold up let me get me the image up our goal is to make a SE look like this or this or this brother something absolutely crazy I can’t even lie but for now we’re looking like this so it’s not too good but eventually it’s going to be crazy um we’ve got currently a city’s called flap City I am open for suggestions to make the name better boys so if you do have a better city name hey I’m happy with it but for now get City skylines instead oh City skyline slaps I definitely will play that eventually but for now I want to build a m City man I I I’m just loving Minecraft but City squad Alliance does slap I probably will have to play that at one point just because I love it but hey I’m hungry to build I just want to play Minecraft and for some reason I want to play a city I want to [ __ ] build a city so right now we got a population of one it might take like 3 years but it’ll be worth oh 100% it’ll probably take more realness I can’t lie but hey if I’m ever bored and I’m like oh I want to play some Minecraft I’ll just stream it you guys can join it and it’ll be sick I’ll build a house for all you guys Zoo in’s house ruin his house I can do that and yeah hopefully the populations and [ __ ] will go up as long if you Haven fun oh I’m [ __ ] loving this bro even I can’t lie boys my my building is not the best so I’m going to have to ask tips for you guys and um yeah you guys might have to help out but as long as you know I got you guys it should be chill as [ __ ] you guys you guys got me all the way all right and then we can do something like that I think that looks good bang but yeah Z what do you think of the first house right now this is where I’m going to live you know we’re not building the town hall straight away this is where I’m going to live we got the garage we do need to connect that but it’s looking all right it’s looking all right indeed bang let’s get some stairs up here what stairs do I want do I want just normal Cobblestone stairs what the [ __ ] did I put cap locks on by accident oh I defin I did all right [Music] stairs [ __ ] let’s just put a weir stair well not a weir stair but we can just put that I think that’ll look all right yeah that does the job nothing too crazy uh put those across and then we bam and then hey just for a bit of just for a bit of [ __ ] decoration get the spruce stairs hold up I’m trying to cook here just get a little Arch going let’s go looks good so far thank you so much Zan that means a lot I appreciate it um your dog’s name should be diabolical creature damn I don’t know if uh that is actually I do like that name to be fair I can’t even lie that name is pretty tasty I might I might go with that diabolical creature again we we we can’t we can’t um spawn him in until this house is complete we need to make sure he’s he’s living in a good home which you know I I will have to log on and feed him every day that’s just a guarantee but let’s fill this all in I am probably going to have to put some um some windows and [ __ ] in this place but hey it’s looking nice for now it’s looking nice there we go along here um as this is all one corner maybe I might just do that I’ll see if that looks good it might this could look ass by the way but it could also look all right I don’t hate that you know I actually don’t um yeah it’s going to have to be like that oh well okay okay bang oh no this is and then we’re going to we’ll add the windows in later don’t worry it’s not going to look that [ __ ] ugly but we’ll add in some windows living in luxury oh 100% bro we need to make sure that dog is living well is we’re going to make a kennel for the young bloke um yeah he’s going to be living nice but yeah I can’t lie it’s so much more peaceful without the [ __ ] zombies but there’s actually nothing around I’m feeling a bit lonely I need to spawn in some Villages around around here maybe build a farm get the [ __ ] um the dogs and cats screaming screaming they won’t be screaming don’t worry boys that sound a bit sus but now we’re going to put some windows in this otherwise there will be no light at all so maybe just like a little three one three is that right oh that’s perfect bang I might make them a little bit bigger just to O I do like that all right and then maybe we could even could even do something like that I’m actually a big fan of that but I will have to chop him down I just realized I will have to chop him down one what do you guys think and then this part this top part will all have to be wood I did [ __ ] up a little bit there but hey it’s all good jman yo sorry bro I was so in I was so [ __ ] in depth on my building but Gman welcome to Flat City my brother we are building a full City again every every person that logs in I’ll give him a quick tour of what’s going on this is I want our city to look like this this is what we’re going to try to build this is the very first episode and our City’s looking like this um welcome to Flat City again if you guys have any better names than flap City you’re more than welcome to suggest them but flap City the first thing that’s came to my head and I’ve just stuck it and I’ve just stuck with it we’ve got one population zero houses zero shops and zero industrial [ __ ] so we’re not looking good right now but we’re starting to build our first house so yeah I’ve been playing a new game just to see if I like it oh what new game have you been playing Z I’ve been playing random shitty games that I see on Steam oh for real like three games guys what games have you been playing Let Let me let me know are they do they actually slap or they just all ass would suck if they all [ __ ] ass but yeah bang let me see how that looks oo I do like that I do like that I’m a big fan yeah that looks nice okay now we we’re going to build we’re also going to put a little thing here just a little one nothing too crazy right bless all let’s let’s finish this bit this bit open that up as well what oh yeah we might just do one little one here just to get the sunlight in Supermarket simulator and it slaps oh bro I want to be playing Supermarket simulator ruiners how much does Supermarket simulator cost is it cheap or is it all right I might have to look at it i’ I’ve been I’ve been um I’ve been trying to see random shitty games I could play for a stream by the way boys I did forget to say I think I’m only going to be doing my FIFA streams on diabolical dentist and then just the random game streams something like super market simulator are going to be on this channel now so my main channel is just strictly FIFA and then this channel is just random games as you guys might be able to see I’ve been playing Skyrim The Walking Dead Batman Arkham Knight so I think I’m just going to do that just because it would make a bit more sense for me at least because sometimes I’m like oh I don’t know what to stream so yeah I think that would just make life easier and yeah hopefully it’ll be better for you guys as well I’m hoping I’m hoping and then we can do something like that hopefully you guys aren’t too mad about that but it should be good you should have Villages and houses and stores name them after us oh 100% that’s what I’m going to do G don’t worry I’ll build you guys houses you guys are going to be living in luxury you guys are probably going to be living in better houses than me which is probably a little bit sad but hey you guys deserve it you you guys are the legends without without you guys I would not be [ __ ] playing this right now so yeah well I mean I would not be enjoying this as much all right bang ski and then can the front to oh no cuz there’s a gap that looks [ __ ] unless I do it like that that’s not what I wanted that’s not what I wanted at all we could do it like that no we couldn’t no no no no no but yeah don’t worry I’ll build you guys Main is nice houses um that that will be soon to come 100% get the villages in I’ll get the sexiest Villages I can find for you guys don’t worry that sounds a bit sus but I’m telling you it’s not it wasn’t all right I don’t know if I like the look at that window it does the job this is going to be my bedroom is going to be this part I think I’m trying I think it will be we’ll have to see so you know all the ladies can watch me or three of them and then this whole side’s just going to be wallage I got to have a kitchen a living room bro I still need to you know have a nice house the games I’ve been playing is called with the waves but I don’t think it’s your type of game what type of game is it like is it a fighting game um I might I’ll still give it a look 100% I’m willing to give any game a game a look but I’ve seen like the [ __ ] there’s there’s a lot of games on sale right now I’ve seen the older SC the older Scroll games are on sale but you know I’ve been playing Skyrim so I’ve already got it all right we filled that all in all right boys I’m I’m I’m actually tired of [ __ ] building so I’m just going to have a little snooze all right bless now we’re good bro I’ve been sleeping outside so I can’t wait to move in here oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up again I only want it to be this tall bless bless bless bless all right that looks good and then now we’re going to have some big [ __ ] off Windows um how am I going to do this I don’t want like a full one well if my bedroom’s going to be in here we’ll do something like that oh no I want paints I definitely want pains hearing glass break just gets my ass shivering story combat and gambling what the hell is zo that’s like my three favorite things you just said story combat and gambling what the hell I love a bit of gambling CH that sounds good you should play Elden ring oh 100% I am definitely going to play Elden ring one G one day I think I need to play the Dark Souls Games first because zoin is Dark Souls um like do they are they the same story as Elder ring but I know they’re like they’re the same type of game so I feel like I should complete Dark Souls and then get to the big Big Boy a [ __ ] Elder ring but I definitely do want to play it I saw K and that play it um I saw bits and piece of that and it looked pretty [ __ ] well look [ __ ] but it looks so good it looks [ __ ] in like the way that I’m probably not good enough to play it but [ __ ] it I’m I’m ke to give it a go oh [ __ ] that ain’t going to work like that I really wanted it to work like that maybe this one’s just going to have to be two not not Mak me happy like that it still works all right just like fortnite you gamble your money away just to get a shitty skin and there is a story to it that doesn’t that’s not too bad how how much does it cost doing with raids I might have to do it with a way sorry damn I’ve never played Dark Souls or Elder ring in my life okay so you just want to see me cry zo I see how it is I don’t blame you but yeah if ever play Elder ring that will be one of the I kind of want to leave story story games to like actual YouTube videos instead of streams just cuz they’re easier to episode but stuff like Minecraft um like some other games where there’s not much of a story you can kind of just play chill relax I’ll probably stream more but Elder ring is definitely a game that I play on stream just so we can suffer together it’s free oh [ __ ] I didn’t know it was free oh like Elder ring Dark Souls are called soulborn games Souls born games yeah I I’ve played one of them I’ve I think bloodborne bloodborne I think the name of the game is I played that for a little bit and then I got [ __ ] confused and it was so hard and I just gave up but yeah they’re definitely something I do want to have a gee at all right and then I think for this part we might even just do that hold on boys let me let me let me let me cook somethingone outrageous around here and then that’s just going to be an opening ion and there will be like a little balcony then we’re going to have a backyard where you know the dog’s going to be yeah my PC is really bad you can barely run Google God damn hey don’t worry my PC before this was wank it kept shutting down everything I tried to do so I worked and eventually saved up to buy this one which is a bit more of a beast it runs the stream Pretty smoothly I can’t lie so yeah it’s it just takes a while but once you get a good PC bro it’s orgasmic Game Changer Elder ring is the easiest so you should probably play that first huh Elder Ring’s the easiest is Elder ring easier than Dark Souls you got to be kidding me well when did my face get so red I’ve got [ __ ] AIDS did I get burnt or some [ __ ] or my face always like that God damn boys you your boys are making me blush car and that took 2 hours to complete one of the side bosses that you first come across that’s what I’m saying and he’s saying Elder ring is one of the easiest [ __ ] boys we’re going to be dusted well I’m going to be dusted all right let’s fill this in um don’t know why I sang like that I kind of just want this to be Stone it’s kind of just like a garage so maybe even like some gray concrete might even do the job yeah some like gray concrete I think we could even do dark gray we’ll do light gray right fill this in it doesn’t have to be too perfect it goes Elder ring it goes Elder ring Dark Souls 1 then Dark Souls 2 bloodborne and last and last least is that like in how hard it is or is that like in the story order there’s no way you’re telling me Elder his ring is the easiest blood yeah bloodborne is what I was playing that was so hard bro are you tell me blood the second difficulty order bro I never want to play lastly Sako in my life they’re all Standalone oh okay so you don’t there’s no like story to them you can just play them whenever you want okay that’s kind of good well then [ __ ] looks like I might have to play eldering first then which I didn’t want to do but if it’s the easiest [ __ ] c um do I like that yeah I think it just gives a good garage look I guess nothing too crazy is Red Dead pretty hard I don’t think I think red Dead’s actually pretty easy I think red de is just more like a bit more of a marathon meaning like it’s just a long game so you just have to enjoy and enjoy the longness of the game but I do definitely want to play Red Dead and again I might stream Red Dead just because it’s so long I probably should have stream Skyrim that probably would have been smart but I don’t think Red Dead is too hard yeah Red Dead is very story braced the main reason Elder dead is easy it is open world and you can grind to get better builds oh okay so you can just go to other [ __ ] instead of going straight to the boss that does make a bit more sense yeah I don’t think Red Dead is to too difficult I think it’s just like a fun story based game which I do want to play eventually I do actually have the game so yeah definitely going to start playing eventually oh we’re coming up to an our stream all right I’m going to have to build a car in here because there’s no way I’m letting myself have no whip I need to have at least a bit of whipp you should stream Red Dead 100% stream Red Dead would actually be mad there’s definitely some story games that I will stream like Red Dead Elder ring um and then of course horror games just because I feel like horror games are just better to stream so you guys can be scared with me and help me out as well but other than that I think I might just stick to um like you youtubing the rest but there’s definitely games I still will stream for you guys 100% because you know I do miss streaming it is a good time 100% night of the customers killed you what what do you mean to killed you like is that scary or what are you trying to say all right I think now it is time to build the roof I think I think that’s the way to go so I think I might just uh Oak I just a normal Oak that might just do it is that going to look ass we could even do yeah let’s do let’s do spruce then fine that probably would look better it’s it’s a pretty dark house so we’ll just keep the Dark theme to it Bang have you played Star Wars Jedi Fallen I have not played that I’ve never played a Star Wars game I don’t think except Lego Star Wars and that went off ladies and gentlemen that was a screamer I’m literally like spitballing games right now oh consumers is is it like a horror game Ruess or what type of game is it oh no keep spitballing games to me G man any games that any games that you want me to play at all whoa what happened I did not mean to do that my bad boys I accidentally pressed it I thought my my Minecraft just crashed I was like no way the world’s already gone oh I would have cried it’s very frustrating how is it just like a [ __ ] hard game like Elder ring and [ __ ] like that but yeah if Lads of like always if there’s any games you want me to play please suggest 100% as always all right fill this Bish in actually oh yeah yeah yeah fill this bit I better say I don’t really want to fill the garage into the same thing as this but and it is turning night time so we need to get the lights we need to need to get the lights up in here cool all right there we go all right let me see what it looks like from the front I still need to cover this up as well but from the front Lads I’m pretty chuffed there’s BTS in my house no no no no no all right we need we need a lantern up even if this is not where I’m going to place him I’m not having bats in my [ __ ] house it’s crazy this is crazy up in here get out of here all right I’m killing them with a netherite sword I don’t even need anything that powerful but they can’t be doing this to me um Cobblestone we’ll get rid of the slab get out of my house I’ve been playing Batman Aram are they surviving in a nether W they all survived a nether sword shot no no way don’t make me [ __ ] you up bro but how strong are bats are taking a netherite hit like that damn all right I don’t want any bats in my house ever that’s crazy I just heard another one oh yo what’s up fuer bang never again I kind of feel bad because I’ve been playing Batman lately but it’s just not on you can’t be doing that Lads I keep hearing them it’s driving me crazy all right don’t worry we’ll we’ll kill them eventually but for now it is what it is all right we’ve almost done with the roof I believe okay [ __ ] me don’t actually [ __ ] me maybe do I don’t know all right last one bang well hey at least LS we’ve got some coverage now I didn’t have that before so that that’s just a huge achievement in my life bang put one up there now we’re going to hang these a bit more strategically actually we’ll just leave them there now it’s time to do the roof I don’t know what I want to make the roof out of um what should I make the roof out of chat I have to go to a soccer match right now by I hope you get that dog in the house oh 100% I’ll show I’ll I’ll have to um I’ll I’ll definitely do the the dog and next stream that you jump in I’ll show you the dog don’t worry the dog and the kennel will be done today but bang this is the start of the first house I am going to do the roof but yeah hopefully you get the dub hopefully you do get the dub in the soccer match realness score a goal I know you will you’re a [ __ ] beast let’s go you see that lusen lost I was actually very upset that they [ __ ] lost I was I was actually very keen for them to um go for an unbeaten season but it wasn’t meant to be they actually didn’t play that good I saw I saw a um an Instagram post for um that lus were like so good all season and then as soon as the whole and then as soon as the whole world started watching they played ass which you know it kind of was true actually so yeah what should I make the stairs out of I’m not going to make the stairs out of wood it’s going to have to be like stone or something maybe we could do a dark a dark roof trying to think how that would look I don’t think that would look that good maybe even just Cobblestone just keep it simple see you realness have a good game man enjoy enjoy thank you so much for uh joining the Stream like always um stairs what do you guys reckon I should make the the the roof the hatrick in Europa League final for Atlanta was Sensational oh 100% now they Atlanta in the Europa League with different type of Beast I don’t know where they got it from but they beat Liverpool they beat an underfed lusin you got you got to [ __ ] respect them they they deserve it they’re [ __ ] blessed up um I think maybe just Cobblestone who do you think is going to be the New Brighton manager uh Pep Guardiola no I actually have no idea to be fair I could not tell you I would love to see like Jose Mourinho or some [ __ ] just someone random that would be so funny but it won’t happen but it would be cool I think we’re just going to stick easy with Cobblestone I think it’s just the way to go really so we’ll just I want I want like a bit of an overhang you know what I’m trying to say baby okay no not like that something like this all right can you is it possible to do what I’m trying to do here no no no no no no I need you to be like this bang and then that’s what I want this might look ass this might look really ass oh I don’t know about this one LS oh no I need I need that there here we go [ __ ] how am I going to do this and we might just have to start doing that as well ah [ __ ] man I just realized I don’t know how I’m going to do this I’m I’m just going to have to think on the spot which is not my it’s not my it’s not my spark I don’t do that [ __ ] like 0.4 XG for Freeman’s hatrick yeah it’s [ __ ] crazy there was some absolute I actually haven’t watched it back I haven’t watched it but I my mates were telling me about how crazy it was and what a [ __ ] he fair play to him hope hopefully he comes to Aral you know what I’m trying to say k he probably won’t he’ll probably I don’t know we I want Arsenal to sign a striker Lads were you happy or sad that Man City won the title again I was obviously I’m an Arsenal fan so I was upset but I I was actually I was rooting for anyone else but man city except Tottenham obviously but I just did not want to see Man City win again it was [ __ ] boring we were turning into the Bundesliga Lads but as soon as I say that Leverkusen did win this season so hey don’t maybe don’t listen to me I don’t know what I’m talking about all right then we need that overhang again baby hopefully this looks half decent all right let’s see what I’m cooking up you know what it ain’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen except this this is this is like too much oh I think I know why do I know why I don’t know why I think I might know why cuz I need like that no oh hold up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you go here hold up boys I think I’ve just done something so special here shh the devil no no you need to like [ __ ] sometimes stairs are pain in the ass what the [ __ ] are you doing no I need you to like spin no ah Harry Kane is a curse oh 100% I feel bad for him and actually got ballondor potential just how well they’ve been playing I hope Harry Kane does win the ballondor to be fair that’ll be sick there it is that does look a little bit better I still not 100% sure but he actually could win the Balon door this season especially if he goes crazy at the Euros now that would be nuts but yeah I feel bad for Harry Kane he’s like oh let me go to Bayern Munich that’s an easy League trophy they [ __ ] [ __ ] it for the first time in ages so I if I was him I would I would probably quit I can’t lie but he won’t quit who do you reckon is going to win the Balon door this season but lads who do you guys think I just don’t want it to be iné it’s not his time yet it’ll be Bellum or hurricane but if France win that Europa if France win uh the Euros you never know could be in bars there we go that overhang is looking nice it’s looking very nice huh huh oh [ __ ] there we go and then here we go oh almost yeah yeah come on oh my gosh boy we’re on fire oh I [ __ ] it we were on fire bu and one more oh so close oh no I had it oh no why did I do that oh legit had it okay bang let’s go stairs are legit the worst things in the world I [ __ ] I hate them oh my gosh wait we had 26 views on this stream since when holy doly bro I was that concentrated on actually playing Minecraft I did not realize we had so many viewers God bless anyone in this stream holy [ __ ] doly I’ve just been so focused on Minecraft this was probably a bad idea boys because when I play Minecraft I don’t talk I just lock in get a boner and get excited I’m a bit I’m a bit of a weirdo that way but yeah hopefully you guys are still enjoying the stream and uh yeah hopefully you guys are enjoying the Almighty flap city is going to be something crazy but for now it’s this but it still looks good I can’t even lie it’s a good start it’s a very good start all right now we’re almost done wapping it around whopping [ __ ] but yeah if you guys you’re on that dualingo grind oh zoin what language you trying to uh learn let me guess Spanish that’s that’s just a random guess but I feel like Spanish if I could learn if I could learn any um if I oh [ __ ] if I could learn any language it would be Spanish or Portuguese it’s pretty they’re pretty similar that would be pretty sexy cuz then I could you know just chat to L Messi Ronaldo I mean Ronald can speak to English I mean Ronaldo can speak English so I could already do that but you know what I’m trying to say [ __ ] chat if you could speak Spanish oh I know doing that sick what level are you on a duelingo I think I got I got got up to level like 50 and then the free the free [ __ ] ran out so I just gave up but yeah that’s not what I wanted at all come on come on you can do it a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do I keep doing that all now I just need them to join up I don’t know if it’s possible what I’m trying to do maybe that might make it better come on [ __ ] I just wanted to no it might just have to be a [ __ ] whatever we’re just going to have to do it like that then that’s what I wanted oh well that will do that will do yeah no that looks [ __ ] [ __ ] come on please just snap oh well that that that will do all right [ __ ] it we’re just going to have to do it like that then boys it still looks all right to be fair it still actually looks pretty good so I’m not going to get too pissed about it but I am a little bit it still hurt [ __ ] there we go boys now we’re lubing it up God damn chat what do you guys think about the what do you guys think about the house dubs dubs and what do you think about the road do you reckon that’s do you reckon that’s the best um [ __ ] thing we could use or do you reckon we use I could I’m also tempted to use just black concrete just straight up just to you know but I thought it gave like a nice little road effect you know what I’m trying to say all right we’ve done that now we can fill we can fill this roof all in which is going to be lovely to do can’t wait to do it we’re almost there we almost finished our first building God damn how long have I been streaming for an hour and 12 minutes and I haven’t even done one building God damn Yep this is definitely going to be like a three-year project Lads but get came for it get locked in you know get some popcorn flap city is going to be on top again please give me more names Jessica sh the beginning of the city hello streamer hello Jessica how are you thank you so much for joining but yeah the the beginning of the city 100% Jessica this is the start of the flap City but it’s going to be huge it’s going to be skyscrapers it’s going to have all type of stores what whatever the [ __ ] you want and uh yeah if for for my long time people that um join the stream I will build them I will build them houses and The Villages inside the H it’s [ __ ] snowing are you chill I’m freeing my dick off can I please get some can I can I please turn the snow off oh no [ __ ] man the snow A okay I should probably come up with a bit of a warmer system around here cool I’m working on a city in Minecraft world too I think I’m going to call it Jessica City hey fair play Jessica city does kind of slap it is definitely a better name than mine it’s better it is better than flap City well let me have a gaze flap City Jessica City yeah I think Jessica city is definitely on top can’t lie and I’ve got a whole population of one so yeah how long have you been working on your city Jessica it is you’re probably a better Builder than me so I can’t lie you probably you probably been me in that department can I get this snow out of here man oh [ __ ] it’s getting in my garage no cover up the garage it can’t I can’t let it touch in my garage then I’ll have to clear it out how long does this snowfall bro this snow is really coming down bro I can’t even see 3 in in front of me which is a big distance let’s be honest my city is dying in City skylines what did you do to it I I will definit play City skylines on stream again zo that’s a banging game it’s pretty much like what I’m doing here just you know easier I guess everyone is dead what the [ __ ] have you done to your city zoan just earthquakes and [ __ ] oh no I did not want that to happen I recently started making it I have like a shoe shop I have some little skyscrapers damnn a shoe shop that could be the way to go there’s going to be every shop there’s going to be a strip club in mine um don’t worry that’ll be you know in the in the sus alley but yeah I I’ll definitely still have to make a shoe shop I’ll have to make a mall I have to make everything look nice that is not together how I wanted it to just realized that what the [ __ ] was I trying to do here oh I don’t think that’s going to work either yeah that’s going to be the exact same oh no that works there we go bang all right perfect but yeah the shoe shop [ __ ] that that that must look pretty nice Jessica city is far more advanced than the [ __ ] flap City I can tell you that much but oh my gosh I did not know it was that bad I can barely even see my house anymore I need to light this place up I can’t I I need this start I need this place to start sunning get rid of the snow all right we’re we’re almost done with the roofy lads and lad LS come on I want to get this inside my I want to get inside my nice warm house we need to do an interior I don’t know how in depth I’m going to go with most Interiors but because it is my house I’m going to go pretty in depth with this interior it is the first house after all so might as well go pretty in depth but I’m still going to put a bed you know a kitchen inside every house I just don’t know if I’m going to put like plant pots and [ __ ] um but you know you never know we might do that we’ll have to see all right we’re almost done my finger is getting sore from [ __ ] spamming I’m joking I’m a gamer it doesn’t hurt at all bam there we go that is the roof I think I’m going to make it I feel like it’s a little bit flat we need to make it one Higher bro you can’t even see the [ __ ] road everyone’s going to start crashing oh no that that was just white concrete that was my bad I I’m mistaken it for oh that’s not what it is where is it there you go thank you so much oh now we’re good now we’re good all I’m Frosty let’s get inside bro much better nope there we go I actually don’t mind it’s snowing I mean obviously I can’t wait until it stop snowing can I stop the weather um is it possible to stop the weather because if possible I would love it to stop snowing I’m pretty sure there is a way but I forget how to do it access accessibility uh [ __ ] I have no [ __ ] idea video settings languages skin skin no that would not be it resource packs what the [ __ ] program up oh I don’t even know oh no wait what what did I do did I accidentally do a resource pack I have no idea but yeah video settings I think oh [ __ ] you’re a lightsaver I would love to stop oh stop saying all right video settings smooth Lighting on full screen fancy ah [ __ ] I don’t think it is good that that that that good good idea I was not thinking about that zoan but I don’t think it is in here controls no what the [ __ ] would it be in controls X I have no idea oh well hopefully when the sun comes out the snow will go away and I could actually see my city but hey every good city has we could make a snow thing we could make we could make a snow Mount bro get skiing when the season is right all right actually makes the city look quite a blessed oh Jessica 100% we’re going to make a house for everyone in the Stream um I I’ll look up some houses in real life and um just whatever house you like the best I’ll try to make it look and whatever your favorite color is I’ll make the house like that as as well I think I’m actually going to use some Cobblestone slabs for this bit just to make it a little bit higher Bang all we’ll just do it like that bang There we go just get a bit more height to it just follow it all the way around baby that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about but yeah whatever your favorite color is or like favorite block in Minecraft is I’ll make your house out of that unless it’s a [ __ ] like diamond block actually [ __ ] if it is a diamond block fair play you’re just going to have a hella rich house no worries 100% once I build my next house I’m going to get you guys opinions on what to do and um yeah hopefully you guys I can’t lie my my building is not that good so don’t expect like a [ __ ] blessed skyscraper or a blessed Mansion this is this is one of the best HS I’ve ever built let’s just say it that play I’m not I’m not that nasty at building like you guys Jessica I’m sure you’re way better a building that I am and that’s just a guarantee um all right we’ll go around here actually yeah [ __ ] it we’ll do that all right and then we’ll do it one more higher so just fill this all in and then hopefully that should look all right actually there’s a if there’s a balance on my house I’m better [ __ ] punch it I wish it would stop snowing now like I like the snow at first but now it’s annoying me how long is this snow going to last all right well we get oh [ __ ] yeah no I think yeah I think once we’ve done this layer I think the roof is tall enough we don’t need to do too many more perfect and then that looks like the the the roof would be done dunski I might put a chimney somewhere you know come on just get a bit more detail Details Matter in a city like this every little [ __ ] looking cranny needs to be covered with something I can hear the llamas bro they’re [ __ ] spinning on me I mean they would be all right we’re almost done the roof we just got to fill in this this last little part and then we can finally start doing the interior and all that good [ __ ] how long have I been streaming for almost an hour and a half and I’ll built this little [ __ ] house let’s go hey let’s not forget about the road that you won’t be able to see now because of the snow but still looks good but if you guys do know how to turn off the weather definitely let me go because I have no idea how to do like commands and [ __ ] um uh I I think there actually might be a way hold up I’m going to search on Google with you guys so you guys can help me um how to set set weather to to normal in Minecraft bang open the chat window the easiest way to run a command Minecraft yeah yeah type the command slwe clear bang that’s all we need to do all right that I could do boys easy as all right T to type I assume yep slash W weather clear Bang there it is just like that can I do slwe sun I think I might be uh set no how do you do how do you change it to daytime holy doly boys I’m I’m I’m loading on the Fly uh how to set Minecraft to daytime slash time set day now that I can do all right slash time set day W and hopefully that’s going to melt otherwise if that does not melt we’re [ __ ] then boys but yeah I can actually see stuff now that’s a big dub all right that’s a big help please tell me the snow melts otherwise I am will have to clear this all up and I will cry I will cry I will do it but there we go boys I can’t lie we are absolutely cooking now it’s sunny it’s gorgeous there’s no more snow around town I love it how is there still snow spawning oh wait no it isn’t there was just snow before what it was only snowing in this area are you kidding me it was only s in this little area on my house I’m pissed all right we got one more thing to fill in bless gorgeous all right I like this I car boys I really do like this and just add in some a bit some bit more features I’m going to put a chair up front I feel like a chair on the balcony I feel like it’s the way to go maybe along here we’ll get some stairs going um maybe just a normal Oak chair I feel like nothing crazy and we’ll get some signs now we can start doing the decorations the good stuff you know what I’m trying to say can you use a command to get with a can you use a command to get with us snow I don’t know but I’m going to play Minecraft Bedrock on switch I’m working on the end project on my 40 almost megabyte world yet it’s Big Damn holy doly that’s crazy 40 megabyte world that is huge is that with the shoe shop and the skyscrapers well [ __ ] yeah fair enough but yeah you can use uh you can use a command to get rid of the I don’t know how to get rid of this snow I feel like I might just going to have to do it myself which is a little bit annoying I thought the sun might get rid of the snow um let me actually see if there is a command to get rid of the snow your world was 100 megabytes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s crazy how to get rid of snow blocks Minecraft I don’t Minecraft Java I don’t know if that’s possible oh so I need to just use torches around the place [ __ ] let me let me just see if that actually does work wait did it say lanterns I could just put lanterns around the place so by torches let me see if this works melt melt this Bish melt this stuff let me see if that works and if not well then I’ll be sad and then I’ll have to clear this all myself which would suck ass all right all right all right now we are in the interior of this place and I can’t lie this place ain’t looking too good first things first I want to work on my room so we’re going to hop I can what do I want to use for the wall I can I I actually quite like this block in here it looks nice no I want strip spu give me that spru all right just keep going all the way up um to about here I think that’s that’s a good place to to cool it off this is where I this is where I’m going to sleep like a king in here Lads bang that is totally not in line I did not mean to do that on purpose but I actually don’t hate it it just gives it like a bit of different hey it’s all right me and my friends build a lot I can tell God damn 100 megabytes me I have a n i have 9 GB left on my switch we we might need some storage shoting 100% storage is is a must damn you might either have to delete some games or delete some worlds that that is going to be rough to choose which ones you’re going to do all right we might we might just leave it to do two bang like that and then this is going to be the entrance woo okay beautiful let’s see if the Torches work on top because then I’ll just place them all around the place you know what they did work they did work fair play all right get rid of the snow I might I might do this off stream to be fair that would probably bit be a bit of a smarter Choice and then every time snow comes because it will come again I will probably just um I’ll probably just have to say SL clear weather or weather clear or whatever it was something like that cuz I don’t want torches all around the place yeah that that that that world isn’t in 100 Megs po one house out of hundreds of houses in Sky Cobs for a city exactly right this is just the beginning this is where I’m going to be living and then next we’re going to start building other houses I think I might this is just going to be like the house place where I’m going to start building your guys’ houses so you guys you know can enjoy it this flap City and then we’ll eventually get to the skyscrapers the nice stores and everything like that but for now what this is what we’re working with and I feel like I feel like we need we need a picture frame here it’s looking a bit dull picture frame is it just a frame no not a picture frame [ __ ] what am I thinking of a painting that’s what I’m thinking of God damn oh you can actually pick your own thing [ __ ] I have no idea give me random I don’t actually know what I want God damn I didn’t want anything that big that’s crazy yeah the skull okay that really brights up the place you know what I’m trying to say [ __ ] no not really all right now this is going to be my room and I don’t want my room to be Cobble this is looking ass let’s get a door in my room I need some privacy up in here all right will we use what what would I want my door to look like I would want like a Pink Door whenever you realize you’re got to make hotels with almost 500 rooms yeah that’s going to be stress I can’t lie that’s going to be stress po but for now I don’t want to think about that I’m I’m actually getting a bit anxious just thinking about that but for now we let’s just enjoy this this part of of making mine uh for some reason your boy has got has got that double door for his room you know how it is actually I don’t need that right now I want to make I I don’t want my [ __ ] room to be concrete or Cobblestone I want to have like um wool you know something a bit more comfy huh all right now let’s get that wool going what color wool do we want in my house what color what what color is my carpet now my carpet’s like cream I don’t want a cream [ __ ] [ __ ] um chat what color what color wool should I make for my room what do you guys think pink purple red orange don’t say orange because I’ve got orange hair that would be slack I know you dirty dogs are like that oh that’s that good Aqua godamn but yeah what do you guys think what do you think is the best color I’m thinking could even do a combination Something Beautiful around here I mean white white and gray is kind of the boring color looks all right does the job or we could just do a little light blue my favorite color is pink or purple so we could just do that think we might do purple [ __ ] it let’s do purple let’s go oh yeah that’s already that’s just screaming coziness to me uhhuh there we go bang now we can do it that actually looks nice I like this I like where this is going now I want some I can’t lie your boy is kind of Rich so we’re just going to I want to be sleeping like an absolute King so we’re just G to put some go you guys are GNA see what I’m about to do real quick you guys are GNA love this well I hope you’re gonna love it otherwise I’ll be a bit upset but [ __ ] all right maybe maybe we might have to do a little bit closer something like that get a bed going can I add a Jolly Bee I’ve never had Jolly Bee in my life but don’t worry I will I definitely have to look look it up what it looks like because I’ve never seen a Jolly Bee I live in Australia sadly we don’t have Jolly Bee kind of wish we did but um yeah I will definitely try and make that we we definitely need to make some good [ __ ] oh I don’t know about that but we’ll go with it we’ll definitely go with it and then let’s put some oh that’s not what I wanted what what are they called I forgot what it’s called I’m trying to find looks nice you like the gold plates hey we need to be we need to be resting like a king uh um can’t it’s not iron bar bar no ah it’s like something they can swing of I thought it was iron [ __ ] it ain’t iron yeah I need to add a jolly be all right my first shop then or like my first fast food place would be a Jolly Bee I was going to go with a KFC or mackers you know the the goats ones but if you guys want a [ __ ] Jolly Bee I can do a Jolly Bee I can hear the bloody LL and oh this is what I want to oh it’s just called a chain of course it’s called a chain all right and your boy is going to be swinging from the top ropes you better believe it you better believe it your boy is levitating and I don’t mean je leaper actually I don’t want it like that then can I get some slabs under here then yeah this is what I want I want I want to be levitating [ __ ] shift and then you just have to jump up oh that was not even close damn okay this is nice I like this and because you know I’m just such a smart person we’re going to get some books up in here I’ve actually I haven’t read a book in [ __ ] years but we’ll just put a book up there put some books in there okay ah this thing next to me is actually annoying me I will have to kill it there we go bang all right I’m getting assault I’m killing this thing it’s actually annoying me did you see how angry I was I couldn’t even [ __ ] ride it no I wanted to sword get out of my get out of my [ __ ] house how strong is a llama it’s just taking a netherite sword like that where is this invisible dude you’re annoying me I can’t even see him yeah I got you now ah I still can’t even kill him in Creative he’s over here there we go all right he’s dead [ __ ] me that annoyed me all right all right I’m going to head out see next stream 100% zo see you next stream hopefully next stream this will be all done um let’s put some barrels up in here this will be my little stash my little stash there we go beautiful and then I feel like there is something missing we we can put an we can put an armor stand we can put two you know if I’m feeling real Rich we can we can use the gold one [Applause] and then if I’m feeling I want to flex on some [ __ ] oh let’s just search up armor then nope we’ll just go here uh yeah we’ll get the netherite armor out because you know that’s just crazy I don’t think I’ve never found NE I’ve never oh actually damn I didn’t know what I just did now that is the ultimate armor I’ve never seen anything better God damn I can’t wait I caught the stream on the first episode of the city I can’t wait to see what it looks like and I’m going to build a house for you in my city thank you very much Jessica I appreciate it hey if you want to if you have Discord and you want to join my Discord you can send it to me and I want to see what house you built for me cuz that does sound pretty Bless but yeah Lads this is my room do you think I need to add anything more I feel like I am missing something but I can’t I don’t know what it would be I’m missing something along here maybe I could put like a um [ __ ] maybe just chest maybe put put chest like that damn I don’t know feel like that just gives us something nice maybe maybe I need a painting at the back here nothing too big just you know a nice little one bang oh yeah that does spice it up a little bit I do like that oh you know what actually I’m not going to do that we’re going to put stairs here but yeah I am also glad glad that you um that you caught the first streamer I do appreciate that comment of course um um let’s get the FL flower pot thank you very much um Rose let’s get a red FL oh [ __ ] let’s not get a [ __ ] dead flower up in here uh where the flowers at I think the flowers up in here that was a dead selection where are the flowers at yeah they would be in here uh mushroom do we want some shrooms in here yeah we’ll gr some shrooms bang right and then we can just put a pressure plate on the next one this is where I eat my food you know what Lads yum yum yum yum yum all right say less now that is my room dunky W it’s looking very good all right now we got to do the kitchen I believe I feel like the kitchen’s the way to go do I put the I’ll put the kitchen next to mine all right so I want the kitchen to go around here as well [ __ ] it’s all right it’s right here to replace easy as oh I swear if bat spawn now all right now what I want oh I’m got an itchy nose oh no it’s game over itchy nose I want and then I want I know it’s kind of a generic kitchen floor but I feel like this is kind of the way to go now I feel like I might oh that I’ve already [ __ ] it how have I already [ __ ] it oh no no that’s that’s where I need the next white one like that yeah I feel like it looks like it’s got a bit of grit to it as well bang now we’re cooking up with the kitchen oh no not there there there bang bang oh easy as this is live right now 100% Gerald of course it’s live right now remodeling your super your super mansion 100% Silla man uh Cinderella Man how the [ __ ] could I mess that up but yeah this is what the mansion’s looking like e this is the start of the city as I said it’s [ __ ] snowed so you can barely even see the road now but don’t worry I’ll fix that up next stream but yeah this is what our first house is looking like this is where I’m going to be living but um yeah don’t worry about it I’ll build houses for you guys and then we’re going to build a j super Mansions we’re going to build whatever the [ __ ] I want currently there is a population of one right now pretty cool thank you very much JD I hope I hope it would be pretty cool but um yeah don’t worry in a couple more streams it’s going to be [ __ ] sick and then they’ll be [ __ ] everywhere and then hope he will be very cool and maybe I could even build a house for you for you to live in put a villager in there and call him Gerald there we go all right but we are building up the kitchen now we’re doing a bit of a chest board floor for this one I feel like it’s just a bit generic but everyone knows that that’s that looks like a kitchen okay it just looks like a fat CH a fat [ __ ] um a fat chess board but it’s all good uh what do I want the counter to be it’s actually a good question I have no idea uh quartz maybe this could be the counter I don’t hate it actually yeah that’s not too bad all right Bang and then we’re going to have like a little a little Center counter top bang ski all right here we are we’re cooking with gas and then I also want you got to have a sink in every good kitchen 100% bang there’s a sink um what else do you have in a kitchen you have a [Music] fridge uh one of these bad boys that is not what I wanted oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh yeah how am I going to do that oh hold up I need to get an actual door we’re just going to have to use this one then bang there’s a fridge okay food oh 100% we need food I should probably just put chest behind that actually that would make more sense but yeah food Gerald you be hungry B some KFC don’t worry we’ll make a KFC later all right our kitchen does need food you are right and then we’re going to put some some barrels up here I guess for like little compartments bang and then we’re going to do that put that in the corner and then put another one out here and then get some nice little flowers to go with it we’ll get the blue one and then we’ll get a sunflower in there as well [ __ ] gorgeous you can’t put a sunflower in there what the heck that’s crazy sorry I just burped and then we’ll just put a red one in there easy as okay okay it’s not too bad at all and then just for a bit more light we’re going to put some chat what is your guys favorite does any um let me know what your favorite color is and I’ll I’ll put a candle in the kitchen for you guys damn 62 views your favorite your favorite color is ref I don’t know if there oh red okay my bad all right we’ll do some red candles then let me get some Flint steel as well bang my favorite color is green okay okay well we’ll put we’ll put some green candles in another room then easy as but that is the kitchen Lads is there anything I’m missing um maybe a little button I don’t know what I putting a button there for but I don’t know adds a little something to it [ __ ] there we go k oh [ __ ] we we need to we need to make a piss I need to pee somewhere your boy’s going to have a bladder of oh don’t want you don’t have to say sorry Gerald I know I know you meant red um no worries all right we do need to go to we do need to make a toilet because we do need a pier somewhere so that is what I’m going to do where’s wood uh bang the pis ain’t going to be too big where do I put it we can put over here now I want to put it around here we got plenty of space around here how big am I going to make this Bish oh actually no we’ll do it here we don’t need no toilet needs to be too big really and it’s got to be right across my room so it’s just going to make ni it’s going to make life very nice all right this is this is how big it’s going to be it’s going to be a very small piser actually now I’m seeing it but hey when you got to go you got to go here it is okay it’s very dark in here okay let’s get a lantern going B yo what’s up all right you need you need Max security on a toilet so I’m gonna get an iron door and then a button that is not a button oh I’ll put a pressure plate actually then it’ll make it look like a mat bang okay all no don’t close me in thank you pit picture or something in the house Mar that’s a good add paintings definitely need to add some paintings oh oh yes that’s what we’re missing this is why I need you guys here otherwise my house is going to look ass all right let’s get a random painting going I think there’s a big space here that we could add a painting yeah I like that I like that and there’s also a big space around here we can even have two maybe three May four [ __ ] I I don’t I don’t want two of the same paintings there I think that does make is that do you reckon that’s too many paintings maybe just that oh and then if we get if we get this block we could just extend this I think that might that looks better I can damn that’s nice do you that looks a bit better chat I think that looks very nice also when you mean City do you mean a medieval one or a modern one Pao the good thing about this is I might make D different sections so maybe one maybe different sections different districts I don’t know what I’m trying to say here but maybe one section is going to be modern and then one section’s going to be medieval I don’t want to limit it like only having a modern city I want to make as many buildings as I want in a many different buildings as I want so yeah we’ll probably start off a bit more modern and we start and then yeah I definitely do want to make some castles just because I love making castles and I also want to make some Modern skyc Skyscrapers cuz I want to make that as well we’re so this is going to be a bit more modern and then maybe over there we might make um medieval one and somehow connect it I don’t know how exactly we’re going to do it yet but hey I guess that’s the point oh I was actually meant to make Landes out here or like seats out here but we can do after all right perfect now we actually do need to put somewhere where we need to piss when you got to go you got to go hey a little white toilet I don’t really want to have a black toilet or anything like that and you need to somewhere to wash your hands why of course uh boof no wait no water this is what I wanted do I have two cauldrons I just put yep uh and then let’s put a painting I keep getting rid of the same thing that I actually need so that can be the mirror oh okay is that what you need you kind of need a bath but boys I’ll put a pool in my backyard that’s how I’m going to bathe idea type slash give NPC spawn egg wait so what what what does that what does that do it makes houses look like they have people in them oh really [ __ ] that’s nice couldn’t I just put a villager in there or is is this actually better well I’ll definitely do that when I finish this house but this house is do you reckon I do it now I wait I’ll wait a little bit longer but yeah uh I I think we can’t can’t really put anything more in here any it would be way too cramped if I try to put anything more and all right I’m also thinking for this bit over here I’m about I’m hopefully better to cook somethingone absolutely filthy and you guys will be the first people to see it I was thinking about it before and it could actually be nice that’s not what I wanted how maybe we just do that first that is not what I wanted hold up bang like that and then like that okay okay and we get a button like that and then a rail rail line that kind of looks like a keyboard I guess and we could even put a flower pot next to here oh I’ve already got one ready let’s go and then put uh let’s put it is there a green flower in this game cuz uh Jessica CU favorite color is green so yeah we could do that gamer ER hey good job thank you very much I appreciate it hey I’m I’m happy that you guys are liking my builds I’m telling you I’m actually not that good at mine oh wait that kind of looks like that kind of looks like a toilet no not like that we could even do it like that I don’t know it kind of looks like a poo like a not a poo it kind of look like a toilet but now I’m looking at it it’s not as nice as I thought maybe we’ll just go back to the stairs oh well it was worth a try is that a computer yeah it was trying to be a computer I don’t know if you guys thought it was good or bad but okay do you reckon that that looks like a computer and we’ll get a flare in here um let’s not type it up there’ll be [ __ ] in here what color should we get is there a green flow I don’t think there is a green flow we’ll get an orange flare in here bang it’s good thank you very much and then what chair do I want an orange chair that’s kind of Bodacious wait what color is my chair I got a bit of a red chair okay well if I got a red chair we can do something like that you weak hey and put some signs in it get the red signs as well done now that I like now that I really do like and then uh nope painting uh I kind of just want like a little one like one just to fill up here okay no that is not the painting that I want to C oh all right all right maybe we could even just do three nice something different no something different no something different there’s no way there’s only two all right well that that that does not look too bad yo I can give you a modern furniture and Med and a medieval Furniture add-on if you tell me your version and addition uh o how do I actually check my version in addition um oh I did not mean to do that my version is Minecraft 1.2.6 does that help and my it’s the Java Edition so yeah that that is what it is and then we’re going to go back in I didn’t not actually mean to do that but he it is what it is get rid of the snow inside my beautiful garage I do need to make a car inside here which is actually kind of difficult but now Lads this is going to be our loung room you got to have a place where you need a loung room so what place oh maybe we could even just do it here all right all right I I see the vision all right so it’s going to be like this can I put some trap doors maybe maybe that might give it a little bit more of a look bang not like that not like that no oh I [ __ ] it okay I’ll be I’ll be right back I appreciate I appreciate the help from everyone today been absolutely legendary um I just want some black concrete I kind of want to make a little bit of a TV oh does that look like a TV I feel like it looks like a bit of a TV especially if we get some paintings which I somehow got rid of again that looks like a TV God damn all right I’m actually proud of myself this is actually not looking this is actually to [ __ ] right now and then just just so you guys can see the TV put some the glass again man the glass again yeah that TV kind of slaps I know that TV kind of slaps I can’t lie bro yo N More what do you think of the the first house wait oh just in case there is any new viewers to the Stream what do you guys think of the first house and the road but it’s all snowed in so I need to get rid of it damn the Minecraft music’s going loud right now put two levers on the make a couch all 100% put two levers on the top for innus I’m [ __ ] broken the glass again that that could slap all right let’s get the levers thanks for the lever C all right get them going different ways oh actually AR them might even look better if they’re like that [Music] yeah bang okay boys this is tur into some nuts all right and then now a couch what is I’m trying to think oh I legit just searched up the couch what the [ __ ] mod did I think I had bro house looking bless yes sir that’s what I’d like to hear thank you so much for the lever advice bro it’s a game changer all right let’s get the stairs going all right what what color do you reckon we make the couch copper now that’s just going to hurt booty cheeks when you sit on the copper couch so maybe not the best we could we could use this this green couch I mean who the [ __ ] has a green couch but yeah a red couch again Gerald I know R your favorite color but you reckon red for sofa okay damn okay maybe I’m wrong [ __ ] we’ll make it oh that that is right in front of the TV we’ll make it for wide actually actually get everyone get everyone in there bang let’s go just r a little bit of sexiness on there all right bam okay and then when you go straight in you’re just happy because you see the sexy couch I’m a big fan of this all right and then just to give it a bit more we’ll put some barrels around the place over there um maybe not Barrel I feel like we’ve used that too much there we could put something here I don’t know what to put here some more paintings big couch yeah I like a big couch and we might even put another seat over here I can’t even lie I don’t want to use another red stairs we can use maybe maybe get maybe get a purple couch going [ __ ] I mean like a it’s going to be more of like a a seat more than a couch this one let’s get the jungle wood going see how that looks all see if this slaps real quick bang you know what I don’t don’t actually hate that should we put another one here N I think that’s good you know there’s always like a there’s always like a little side one I’m a big fan of this all right boys this is sted to look like a proper house Godly damn I mean my room is looking cozy I might actually have asleep all right beautiful oh wait oh yeah I can just sleep till the morning all right boys we deserve it after this hard hard session you got me a furniture mod godamn I was going to say I was going to use no mods but if there is a good little furniture mod it could be the way to do it yeah and the interior is looking sexy all right Lads I think our next mission should be oh actually I want to put some more couches out here or like some more seats out here so we’ll just do that real quick just to give it a bit more spontaneousness is that the word I was looking for hell yeah the house looks very good my phone is about to die but I put it on charge because I refuse not to watch the screen I will watch the live stream because it’s so good everyone needs to subscribe Jessica thank you so much you better make me blush and cry at the same time which I’ve never done before so I appreciate you so much hey I’m glad you guys are enjoying my first [ __ ] Minecraft city stream don’t worry they’ll be coming thick and fast hopefully hopefully I’m not too busy with work but I should be defo good um but yeah hopefully I’m going to try do them mostly every day um if not it’ll be every second day so make sure to stay tuned and uh yeah do you want me to send the URL or you just want me to tell you the name um tell me the name and I’m going to write it down I reckon that’s the way to go tell me the name and I’ll write it down and then uh o actually I got a got a little idea going on boys we could just do this in the corner and get some flowers going like some big boy flowers I keep doing that I know what flowers I want as well Gerald said his favorite color is red so we’re getting some big ass red flowers where are they I want the flowers that I was looking for these ones and I feel feel like they’ll look nice with the house boom Oh the house is looking sweet and sexy both Jessica on top 100% do uh yeah oh P just send me the name um just send me the name in the chat and um I I’ll I’ll definitely use it all right we’re going to have to put some lanterns in the sky Now cover the whole place I think above the kitchen I might even put some glowstone up here glow stone where is this bit right here thank you very much is that is that right on top yeah good yeah perfect all right lovely now I think our next mission is to make a car somehow we’re going to make a car and again I think in the garage there should be some glow stone in the roof it still somehow seems so dark up in here there we go all right perfect now we’re going to see a car I don’t know how good all right I’m going to search up some Minecraft cars I’m not going to copy it but I’m just going to get some inspiration and you guys can see which one you like the best there we can get the orange mobile over here sh okay that’s looking sexy all right [ __ ] let me let me write it down okay um [ __ ] i’ running out of space on my paper oh wait there’s some over here don’t worry I’ve got the paper here I already had some on hand I’ve got food all over [ __ ] all right Mr oh that Pen’s broken oh I’m panicking I’m panicking oh it’s over here don’t even worry about it probably make the car out of wool yeah I feel like that’s the way to go 100% all right Mr cray fish furniture mod easy as brother thank you so much Pablo for investigating you found it on N my Minecraft website and just like that maybe next episode we might have a mod we’ll have to see I’ll definitely look into it and if I like it I’ll download it um but yeah thank you so much for doing that probably make the car out of wool I think I think that is the way to go 100% obviously we’re not going to have a [ __ ] car like this because that is a mod and I don’t really want to have um car mods I feel like it would be better to actually make cars on yourself we could have this little [ __ ] right here I think this might be the way to go Lads I kind of like it it and this is a car that I kind of Drive in real life I can’t lie I’m a short bloke so this is the way all right I don’t I don’t want it I’m going to make the car green I think I’m going to make the car green cuz that’s jica his favorite color so let’s let’s go with that [ __ ] again we’re about to add one building to Flap City ladies and gentlemen um not every not every um house is going to be in depth as this one but this but because it is my house of course we’re going pretty in depth all right I’ve already forget how to make that car I can’t even lie we need black concrete and then we need green wool and concrete what’s the closest to that wool okay probably this one yeah yeah I like it all right we’ll see how we go with this this could turn out very [ __ ] I can’t even lie but or it could turn out [ __ ] fantastic all right and then like that and then like that e was it that big I don’t remember it being that big and then there’s some Juke boxes at the front I believe yep yep yep all right I think we’re cooking with gas yo I got to go good luck on your seed thank you so much thank you so much Pao I appreciate you um hope to see you again and thank you so much for the mod short blog what do you mean N More I’m a short blogger real life trust I’m 5’6 ladies and gentlemen remember it um get that in your mind hey it’s all right if you’re short because I am as well um all right that’s going to be the wheels I’m actually just making this on the spot it is probably going to look ass at first but glass we’ll get some we’ll get some light gray glass no I need that I probably need that as well Bang it looked way better than this hold up did I make it way too thick all right I am going to have another look I can’t lie otherwise I’m going to [ __ ] it up completely how did this guy make it look so oh he did it too long wait what the [ __ ] how did he do that so what I’m going to do is I’m going to add some details before continue building in Bedrock Edition will and I’m going to add some details with my city like maybe trash can oh trash cans I like that a trash can car yeah no that’s [ __ ] sick all right let me let me get a real evaluation on this car again all right we we can build that with ease boys I’m telling you that is ease it’s definitely not easy but okay all right now let’s get back onto the craft oh I see what I did wrong it’s like this this okay I they’re not going to see this block so that it actually doesn’t matter there and then oh where the [ __ ] the the green gone the green concrete a garbage truck I don’t know how you’re going to do a garbage truck exactly that is pretty if you managed to do a garbage truck Fair [ __ ] Fair [ __ ] I can’t do that oh he’s also done it off the ground that’s why it actually looks good all right let’s get the slab I I am I am kind of fully copying this bloke but the cars I make an exception because they’re hard to do like this I ain’t cheating I’m just not good okay and then get the Juke B back out godamn can he even make a garbage truck in Minecraft I wouldn’t even know where to start I can’t even lie I would not even know where to start with making a garbage truck I got rid of the GRE green concrete again are you [ __ ] serious I’m so ass all right get rid of the lever the lever was a big hbot thank you for whatever sweetheart commented that all right yep flower pots that’s what I wanted I’m actually so focused it’s crazy this is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be God damn but it does look good I I can kind of see the vision a bit more now I’m looking at this and then put it like that are you going to drive the car I mean I can go inside it I think but I probably won’t be able to drive the car sadly I know there is mods where you can actually get cars and drive them around but I don’t know if I want to do that it kind of I want to be able to design my own cars design my own garbage truck if possible which it probably won’t be but hey it would be cool to see all right there we go oh maybe we could even get use the different green concretes to make you know a bit of a a bit of a bless effect so like these two are going to be like that okay okay I don’t know if this is going to look good or bad but you never know something’s happening and that’s all that matters I didn’t want I actually wanted a bit of a different glass get some gray glass in there no I probably still wanted to use that actually but it’s gone now [ __ ] all right get that get that bit of a gray color back in God damn it’s almost taking up the whole bloody it’s almost taken up the whole the whole world really wait wo yeah that’s what I wanted oh just search up Green Green carpet that’s what it’s called that’s my bad all right let go around here how do you feel in the top can you just do that like a [ __ ] does it need to be on something it does have to be on something assume you can just do a slab get me out get me out all right claustrophobic man okay okay what do you guys think you playing on PC yes sir I legit just bought Minecraft on PC 2 days ago legit only for this there was no other reason why I bought this um because you know no one else plays on PC with me but yeah this this is the only reason I bought Minecraft on PC so I could do this stream because I could have played on Playstation but it would have just been slower playing Minecraft on Playstation is just [ __ ] AE with a controller but yeah it is on PC and then get some snowballs okay okay and then I’m pretty sure you should need a sign for the number PL I want to get a bit of a dark sign what is my number PL going to be chat um we can make it up in flap City you can actually just write full sentences on your number plate that’s how it works here we we don’t do any of that you know whatever you want I mean no you can do whatever you want what should the number PL be the the hog the hog mobile I have no idea but I’m driving it so you know that’s a lie you want to call my car Pizza weirdly I don’t hate that it’s not one of the it ain’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life I did get rid of snowballs when I’m not done with them oh I I need something red A does that look better cuz like you know breaks not really but we’ll take it it’s actually not the worst thing I’ve ever seen you want a pizza car I I don’t I don’t hate the pizza car all right the back will say the pizza car I will have to make Domino’s or like a pizza place soon I feel like there should be something back here just not sure what it would be I want the carpet again get that green carpet just to cover up this back even though I don’t really need it it’s still nice maybe I could just get Quartz a redstone block oh my gosh I should sign you what the [ __ ] you’re this guy’s a genius how did you even think about that oh yeah that’s the one that’s the one that actually looks a bit sexy and I’m nervous all right now let’s get a quartz block and I think I could make this back look a little bit better you know there’s you just need a nice back just something that you can slap you know you you guys know what I’m talking about that’s crazy but yeah all right I actually need the wool again all right carpet I keep getting rid of [ __ ] that I need juke box I don’t think I’m going to use that I think that looks better at the back there we go what do you think of this beautiful hog what do you guys think of the car unliking the car is a bit bigger than I thought it was going to be but hey when the garage goes up it’s going to look crazy bang and then you know just to make it um what what is what is the buildings called constru ah [ __ ] I forgot what they’re called you use them in like survival to to climb up because you can climb through them but I want them in the garage it’s going to annoy me I think you make them out of bamboo Hulk oh it’s a Hulk car it is W car let’s go teror blade W car all day let’s go oh we got 90 views all over on this first stream that is crazy Bang all right uh what was I what was I going to say I could even put the number amount of cars on that um on that slide scaffolding that’s what is scaffolding God damn I want scaffolding and I feel like that just adds a little bit more I don’t know if I want to like that but it’s going to be like shells where you can put [ __ ] on I doubt you can shift and actually put like plant pots on that um let let me see I don’t think you can but if you can it actually might make it look good shift oh you can oh well that is a game changer like that and then I want some frames you you boys better believe we got that diamond ho just laying around never spend diamonds on oh well [ __ ] I’m that rich for that I do um and then we’ll get an axe in there and for some reason your boys just got a stone axe we’re kind of poor I I rasted all my diamonds there and then what flower do we go for uh none of these all right we’ll go with a beautiful purple flower bang put a cactus in the pot okay [ __ ] you’re right oh my gosh nope I’ve just broken two blocks now I’m sad Cactus it is I forgot I forgot you can do that all right now let me fix this I don’t need to take a piss thank you Stone bang bang W all right now that is the garage done ladies and gentlemen what do you guys think just adding a little bit of extra detail the car is nice you love me that’s the first person that’s ever said that to me thank you so much Jessica I don’t I don’t know what else to say brother I mean sister I don’t I don’t know I’m nervous but thank you so much I do appreciate your support anyone that is in this stream I appreciate you you you got you absolute Legends each and every one of you so yeah I definitely do appreciate you go I’m actually stuttering from you saying that Jessica but yeah it actually does mean a lot that you do say that thank you so much but yeah we’ve almost got 100 views on this stream which is absolutely again I’m lost for words damn I did upgrade to Legend bro for real just out of nowhere all right well we’re just going to do like a little a little balcony I guess I don’t know if that’s the right word but [ __ ] it we will we we will use that just so you’re you’re off you’re done bang I actually might even change that to this as well just so it doesn’t look as stupid and then get some stairs running off it except over here we’ll just keep those like that bang wo and again the last the last three is Gucci there we go ladies and gentlemen and then we are going to have to put a gate there it’s crazy Marcus yo what’s up Marcus how you doing all right now actually I did forget I do need to get rid of all this [ __ ] [ __ ] snow which is going to take a while I’ll do that off stream don’t worry Lads I’ll get rid of the snow stream because it’s going to piss me off what if you had a doggy oh Gerald don’t worry we are going to make a doggy we’re going to make um we’re going to make a doggy at the back we are going to make uh what are dogs live in we’re going to make um something for them to live in I can’t think of the name but yeah we we will make a place for a dog to live and your boy is going to be earning a dog and I’m going to name it Nina Mo because you know he’s the biggest dog here oh oh all right uh I think we should just make that cobblestone as well a kennel [ __ ] need no more this is what well it’s going to be your home so you better you better know how to say it but yes we are making a kennel for a dog that is the word I was looking for thank you so much for the backup thank you so much for the support all right we’re just going to use Cobble that Top Dog 100% Alpha Dog all right we’re just going to fill that in so that’s just going to go straight on to the road just like so easy as bang now we are talking ladies and gentlemen all right now our mission is to build a fence around this house fence it off and put some [ __ ] in the back like a kennel I might build a pool and once we’ve done that I would say our first house is complete and then we can eventually say that we’ve got a house complete in flap City the top dog but yeah for now LS I think I am going to end this stream what an absolute crazy stream 2 hours and 20 minutes and almost 100 views you guys have been absolutely legendary thank you guys so much stay tuned I should be streaming for tomorrow after work so um yeah pay attention for that and hopefully we’re going to we’re going to finish this first house and um yeah then we can move into another one and I can make make houses for you lot I can make a Chipotle I can make a jolly be all that good stuff but yeah there you guys so much goodbye see you next time and this is pretty fun 100% is pretty fun thank you Jessica so much for watching a lot of the stream oh man bye don’t worry Gerald will be back again I appreciate you guys so much um but yeah we will be be back in Action don’t you guys worry about that but yeah I think this is the perfect time to end it we are at a pretty good place save and quit thank you guys so much and remember of course look at flap City the best I’ll see you guys next time peace

This video, titled ‘The Beginning Of The City! – Building A Minecraft City – #1’, was uploaded by More Diabolical Dennis on 2024-05-27 08:20:07. It has garnered 1934 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:37 or 8377 seconds.

Building Minecraft City Stream! Discord: https://discord.gg/WkpxQEPm

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  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival Experience! Embark on an epic journey with classes, skills, mobs, bosses, and more. Enjoy PvE survival with a twist! Descend into massive dungeons, battle mobs, and solve puzzles for exclusive loot. Fly on dragons and explore colorful biomes. Engage in a bustling economy with player shops, auctions, factories, and farms. Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks. Enjoy new textures, models, and sounds without the need for mods. Join us for a free-to-play experience with no P2W elements. Experience a decade-long online presence with active staff and a non-toxic community! Screenshots and more… Read More

  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

    SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)My server is located in VietNam (Asia): (Cracked)Language: English, VietnameseServer Feature:- Simple voice chat 2.5.15- Mythicmob x ModelEngine and more custom mobs- Be able to become Vampire/ Werewolf- World generation- Realistic Season- Magic, Vampire, Werewolf- Custom ResourcepackImportant: I host this server on my own laptop, so i can open my server up to 16 hours. Hope u have fun!Discord owner: Imokenpii#8209Discord server: discord.gg/7grRgBBZjH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

    Minecraft Memes - It really do be like that sometimesIt’s like Minecraft knows when you need a mental break and just hits you with that peaceful music and scenery to chill out. Read More

  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

    Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Everything you need to know about the BREEZE!’, was uploaded by WisdomOwl on 2024-06-15 19:57:49. It has garnered 417 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. This guide tells you everything you need to know about the breeze in Minecraft. This mob shoots wind abilities that launch you into the air. And as of uploading this video is a new mob found in the trial chambers. The goal of this video is to educate players that need to learn about this mob. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. โ–บFor Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MxZpatreon โ–บ Join My Discord server here: https://discord.gg/pW9e5N3PPR โ–บMy YouTube Channels โ€ข Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_aohDsELT4r68oJLudC3A โ€ข Extra Gaming Content: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZed โ€ข Non Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacRose โ€ข Solo Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mxz.gaming โ€ข VOD’s Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZUncut โ–บ Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whistlerooo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whistlerooo/ Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ˜ณMinecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ะšะฒะฐะนั‚ on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! ๐Ÿคฏ

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘ะšะฐะปะปะธ ะฃะดะธะฒะธะปะฐ ะ‘ะธะฑัƒ ะกะฒะพะตะน ะกะฟะพัะพะฑะฝะพัั‚ัŒัŽ [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou ใ€MINECRAFT COLLABใ€‘block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68&t=11369s ———————————————————————— [ะ”ะพะฝะฐั‚ะธะบ ะบะปะธะฟะตั€ัƒ] https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vtkir ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. ๐ŸŽฎ Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST โ€˜Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened ๐Ÿ˜ฑ)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/rex_magnusyt?igsh=NTltOW55ZGMyMjV0 Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned axlotolcraftmc.world Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ™ #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mistalunchbox Live on Kick: https://kick.com/mistalunchbox MERCH: https://store.streamelements.com/mistalunchbox Discord: https://discord.com/invite/f7dVvqcGrj Read More