🌋 UNLIMITED Resources HACK in Minecraft Volcano Block with JeromeASF 🤯

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to another awesome Minecraft live stream today we have all the mods volcano and we’re going to be ending off the day with a little bit of a classic my favorite mini game that we play

Cookie Camp it’s going to be a great time today we have made a lot of progress especially at the end of last volcano episode if you guys remember cppy was the hero of the day with his magical chickens that poop out all sorts of goodies so for instance like you have

A gold chicken here he poops out a lot of gold you wouldn’t believe it the lapis chicken poops out lapis and the Redstone chicken poops out diamonds actually be fair do we not have a diamond chicken yet I don’t think we have a diamond chicken I don’t think we

Got a stack I was going to say we need a stack of diamonds to make a diamond CH stond well we had the automated machines over here that Willie was helping us out with but then he died yeah did die we never saw him again let see how many

Diamonds do we have we actually have 21 diamonds just in Will’s automation machine Alone um what about in this thing do we have enough to make all right I’m stuck amongst my chickens all right that could be a good goal for today is build a diamond chicken then could you give me a

Caret it’s not doing it hold on oh wait it’s this button right y than I forgot my button’s different all right I got to figure out which of these things actually works for I guess this would be what are you trying to do Drew um I’m

Trying to figure out which of the two machines would get us diamonds because there’s two machines set up that go into one thing I believe let me see I can just pull up sifting well this has an emerald mesh with gravel and both of these are emerald meshes so I think if

You put it into any of them as long as they’re powered which all of the coal generators seem to have some leftto over so as long as you put it into something with the correct seed that work well I think this one in the back is the only

One that doesn’t have anything so let’s put there we go the coal goes in there and now yeah it’s pushing through there and this coal or iron generator followed by this coal one here for the seeve all right that’ll do donkey I hope okay do we have any apples an odd

Question apples yes we do hey shout out to 100 people watching by the way hello that was quick Rd zg thank you for reminding me dude it’s uh wait Marty Marty’s in the chat sorry hi Marty Marty Marty that’s a great website dude I like that website um but yeah Rd zg

Made a good point Netherrack chicken dude that’s what we need to do today we only need I need to expand my chicken area where’s the cobblestone generator there it is I just need the front of the house yeah I just need to expand it so I need to make slabs do you

Mind cap if we have you make a Netherrack chicken I I’ll get the stuff but a Netherrack chicken and a diamond chicken oh dude that’s that’s easy it’s easy okay cool then let’s get going here Bu from Empire let me see only be the strongest so just drop one Redstone

Piece in there in the bucket of lava and that will make a Netherrack all right we’re going to have this in no time which is great for seing stuff this guy why is this why are you still stop dancing on there oh wait it’s think how slow these pipes are the fluid

Pipes oh yeah they can be a little slow actually to be fair I think the problem is that it’s pulling it out of the fired crucible why would it not be pulling it out of the basic fluid tank that has all the stuff already in

It huh chat do you know what uh how to Who Do What uh can I break if I broke this and just put it on that side prenium Apple yeah here Jerome I got you I got you a green apple it’s a granny smith those are actually my favorite app

Granny Smiths are the best I’m not even going to lie can I can I keep him Jerome can I keep him no Luke can I keep him no Luke don’t come near me he might blow up oh my God Luke grabbed a creeper Luke is holding a creeper this

Entire I didn’t know you could do this please don’t break it accidentally no I just accidentally placed one punch this rock okayy have look behind you I am busy can I keep him Dylan Reese the3 that Floppy Fish bomb on C shout out Dyan ree good to see you again my

Dude don’t I need to like be somewhere for that I’ll do I’ll stay be somewhere safe because Steve needs the infernium essence oh yeah yeah yeah that’s big I mean I think we’ve got infernium Essence covered with four of those chickens but here’s a be surprised I was going to say

He runs through the stuff pretty quickly figure can’t have too much no more fishes jumping oned mom called the doctor the doctor said fish fish fish fish stucking on your bed what you don’t you didn’t have bed fish I think he’s got a problem in there just opening the

Door you don’t have bed fish you don’t need fish a bed what sort of Italian are [Laughter] you hey yo what happened okay I think this is just a normal chicken collect egg chickens I need more chicken faes Chambers tried an experiment didn’t work out what happened

What happened Steve uh I tried to turn the diamond into diamond dust didn’t work out all right I have 51 I made it into diamond dust oh why would you uh also our storage system is full anyone to fix that I need no that’s all Willie and

Will’s not here yet how is the storage system broken no Jerome Jerome Jerome jome jome don’t do it remember I lose everything storage system is working for me I lose everything Jerome I lose Everything oh uh you said you have diamond dust right now uh I do have dust yeah you can turn it back into a diamond with a crystallizer I need Tall Grass okay that’s what we have it was only four diamonds I figure but like in case you

Needed them you can turn them back cuz I I mean unless you don’t want the diamond dust then I’ll actually take it cuz I can use it for stuff yeah it’s it’s in the storage system oh Big I just needed diamonds and I was trying to find a way

To duplicate the diamonds we already had it didn’t work out tan with a$ 30 uh St Dr buddies how’s every I’m doing great what about you just got back from my ant say goodbye oh I’m sorry to hear that that’s never F so I can get tall grass so I can just

Keep making more and more chicken Things She Said Jerry walk the plank walking the plank is is much more than that that’s that’s a a Floppy Fish bombing walk in the ceremonial why would you want me to walk the plank anyway D come on I know we I know we were friends

DVD thanks for the 25y old stream dip I hope drops likes steak dropsy do you like steak oh dear oh dear dear dear I know I’m going to make Cappy mad with this one but that’s okay this hasn’t stopped me before but uh wait Dr check the

Description oh why is 30 makes someone walk the plank instead of uh you know what Tegan you’re right I I’m going to change it now but that is supposed to be walk the plank all right I will walk the plank this time and change that up okay if anybody has seeds I would

Appreciate I have it down as last week as well so it just never got updated I’ll update it now please please friends come ring the bell period the Bell is Cap listen I know I know we’ve had our differences but you’re not going to come to my funeral come on that’s not

The real come on keep this up I won’t come to your way you got to go all the way up go go all right all right guys wait JM you got to go all the way up what is that I was near I don’t know what that

Is up there I don’t know what that is either but you got to go all the way up I think Willie was doing something with that wait no leave that stuff up there alone all right here we go there goes my hero Kronos with a $75 stream tip said

Hello friends hello Kronos and that is a spin of the wheel let me get my stuff back and I’ll go spin that magical steak clear there’s no clearing the steak now this the well I can’t put it in the system cuz it’s full oh we have way too much in the

System to begin with anyway stick all right let me go okay I know why the storage system’s full is it full of steak while it can physically hold that amount of items uh steak is filling up every crevice possible so it there’s no physical chest for it to go into that’s

Why it’s full filled with meat we need Willie to save us we need more logic cables and chests are there any in here all right I have the magic wheel ready let me get the to fresh out of logic over here dropsy yeah but if you

Guys want to fix it that’s that’s all you need to do you just need logic or we just get rid of the steak or get rid of the steak but I don’t think Drome would appreciate that here it is guys put it there the first wheel spin I am

Oh my gosh starting it over the 10 come on Kronos oh my goodness ever since we started the wheel it was like the first day was super nice to me and now it’s just been brutal dude like hitting me with a 10 to start the day that’s rough thank for being our C

Live stream Kronos it’s not rigged Luke stop telling him it’s rigged Rigg rigged rigged oh that’s an elevator I just noticed huh yeah it’s no I just saw you vanish and I was like duh DVD with a 25b or Euro stream tip sorry said Luke Make It Rain steak all over the

Island well as you wish how do we get more diamonds cuz that’s what we’re super diamonds are just a low Drop chance right now through the seing we don’t really have another way to get them at the moment I am making more chicken chicken cap do you need some food

Oh my God it’s raiding steak oh my God obviously God is answering my prayers having some rough times over there Jerome God please Mariah Carey [Laughter] real that is hot that is very hot Colin said look up ra Chicken in Nei okay um okay now I need one why is

There steak everywhere Luke well you see what had happened was what had happened was that is very very hot Cronos thank you for being our Capital live stream we couldn’t do what we do each and every day without fans like you thank you bottom of my heart up here now

We’re we’re we’re switching to wind I don’t know if there is a nether chicken actually chicken okay I’m looking at uh Blaze chicken bone chicken that’s so sad why is there no nether chicken chicken is there a seed chicken copper chicken creeper spawn egg Diamond chicken dirt chicken geez D

Chicken that’s so disappointing let’s put all my stuff away then because I was going to I I was goingon to use it for there’s a gas chicken that makes me so sad there’s a lava chicken magma chicken ancient chicken Nether wart chicken obsidian chicken how does a lava chicken work exactly lava

Buckets I guess so there’s a Soul Sand chicken how is there not a Netherrack chicken let me see if you had the lava chicken uh lava chicken spawn egg uses it makes scrap no I have no idea honestly I I don’t know chicken vibranium chicken what it’s just a chicken in like a

Wolverine costume wow okay so there’s no nether chicken but there are other chickens we can like make strides into okay what’s the mobile pad thing called like the transportation tab for this uh portable storage terminal that’s it glad I could help you out there I

Feel like I lost mine I don’t see it anywhere lose it in lava when you jump ship like a coward but I was I didn’t have a choice Steve I had to walk the plank like a coward actually isn’t in there I I have no idea where it went might have to make

Yourself a new one ch yeah what the heck another Quest done and done lava chickens give lava eggs which function like a lava bucket okay okay glass obsidian dirt chicken uh it doesn’t work on these Luke String Chicken experience chicken silicon chicken quartz osmium bone okay

So what’s going on with this why is this okay I’m guessing it’s because this is probably it’s maxed out probably because it doesn’t have anywhere to go right because this no that’s working maybe is it working it takes from there and it’s just getting stuck in here so many questions what are you

Trying to do I’m just trying to understand why this isn’t operating I’m just going to put slam coal into everything everything I guess put a little bit into every single machine it’s the only I can think of there we go that’ll probably do the trick all right now what quest do I want

To actually work on now so because we get out the diamonds just yet and because we don’t have that I will probably or Netherrack chicken I will go and do this Quest all right I need a prismarine chicken you got 64 prismarine to throw around I do not I only have 13 where

You huh where do you get it from uh sifting something I wish I could tell you but I genuinely I don’t know what I have to sift for it but something for sure okay so I might work on basic storage here although did someone already do this why

Does have a check mark next to it but not bigger reactors does that mean if it’s a grade out check mark does that mean that we didn’t do the quest before it or something uh so if the quest up to it have been done but it’s a check mark

Check marks are kind of like honor System quests you just mark it complete whenever you’ve like done all the stuff beforehand and like read what it’s telling you to do cuz it’s definitely some form of like automation or like setup those aren’t like real quests that’s just explaining how everything previously connects

Together okay well let me try uh let me try this one out here okay PL I have an iron chicken for sure right I defin there’s no way I don’t have an iron chicken yeah here he is that’s my guy all right where is this chicken this chicken yeah yeah that’s

The log chicken yeah I decided to work on our storage uh quests nice dude I’m kind of looking in the RS noou are those things that are set up over there yeah I figured as much it look they look like that but one of each tool all right put this in the middle

Here then everything will be fine that’s the first time I’ve crafted an iron pick I guess maybe you just need this one first then functional storage okay so I just got to click yes that’s why got it okay so that auto did all these and then an iron

Sword nice think a lot of this stuff will had done already for us R cap look out behind you what’s up a lot of junk uh stuff’s coming out of the uh Luke guys watch out watch out watch out Luke opened up the uh the Theo it was already open what do you

Mean well I mean I hurt my chickens standing there with kills my chickens I will accidentally the whole server what yo what I’ll accidentally the whole server on purpose you heard him he’ll do it whatever it is he’ll do it now I need put all this junk

Away did I get cows to spawn I did do I have two cows or shout out the almost 400 people watching by the way thank you guys thank you again Kronos for being our captain of the live stream put all this away and then we’ll

Be can we kill it all set oh yeah it’s gone all right can’t believe I only have one cow oh someone made me a gold upgrade or did I randomly get that as a quest item might have just got it at some point let

Me see I think I got that as a claim from a quest that’s so funny so we just got an extra one then word okay um free Quest down oh there’s a leather chicken that’s wild I mean we don’t have the leather needed but that’s kind of

Cool oh and here goes all of our diamonds nope never mind someone stole all of our diamonds what do you mean somebody sto what happened all the time we had 20 of them in there didn’t we yeah now we have 13 that’s not enough to do the quest I stole

One be honest that’s how I knew we had 20 who took 20 diamonds do uh don hes drop leather I think they do there’s a chance yeah for horses I don’t remember for donkeys but I know for horses there’s a chance they drop leather cool donkey Steve just dropped two leather no

You killed you are you all alive drop or not d uh donkey Steve wow how could you see how you wait can’t you um can’t you make more donkeys yeah but uh I prefer cows no you can’t oh that’s fair but cows can’t be be sheared what can’t be

Sheared okay so now I need to make a atlas said he’s the current bidder for the M he well dude you know what whatever it is thank you man I I I just put the stuff on eBay there that people want to they can grab them then yeah

That’s pretty much it I don’t know it does support the channel appreciate you buddy the chest so that we have storage space again Steve who’s Shirley Luke now’s not the time I’m Unbreaking X I’m busy right now Luke I need more diamonds Steve we’re slowly but surely

Working on those to jro Captain I had the beginning of the episode and now they’re all gone but actually though we are a couple short and it’s kind of annoying um I put every Diamond I had on me back in that storage system I know we just

Need uh 22 for this Quest and we have 19 so we’re three short but cheraki with a $75 stream tip once the wheel spin thank you and Kronos for being our captain of the live stream good seeing you as always Mr cheriyaki that’s only a four which is Ghost Pepper

Rigged I get rigged rigged rigged rigged anyone rigged you guys who that this was rigged I heard it was rigged Mr hot with a $30 stream tip said fish question mark always buddy oh my shout out to Mr hot he’s been around forever and ever and ever oh no no no no

Luke l l Luke Luke I’m trying to do something here there we go number four is just ghost pepper is not the hottest compared to like the 10 that we just had there we go let hope to be hot actually though hey dropsy so four and 10 are off the wheel

Now why would you do this no book I am magic now oh boy it doesn’t show the projectile or anything oh maybe it’s cuz I have particles turned low because of yeah yeah we have particles off from because of the ash it’s called poke Steve do you still need this inferium I

Got five whole Essence yeah put it into one of the storage bins there’s uh there’s an inferium one it over there yeah over by where all the steak is I hear what you said but I dropped it in your inventory instead you know that doesn’t surprise

Me konos the $75 stream tip said rigged oh Cronos Cronos cros thank you for being our captain the live stream Cronos let’s spin it again then fine you think it’s rigged watch this how’s that for rigged one jalapeno sounds pretty rigged to me you like that Krotos one with an extra side of rigged that that’s what rigged looks like I wonder if we have any glyphs just laying in the inventory nope you’re weak Kronos you will not survive the winter oh my God now cor is mad he said definitely rigged calling it right now

This one’s going to be a two this one’s going to be a two I’m literally calling it so I need archwood in order to make a scribes to oh my God it’s a two you did not just call that you’re ridiculous I did just straight up call that konos I am omnipotent

Do we have a flint mesh laying around no but they’re easy to make you just need string and Flint okay still string in that chest and then six Flint uh Jam what are you using the diamonds on uh is it a diamond chicken no oop sorry that’s a I was going to but

Then I got bored and started doing more quests and so I was going to do um a diamond upgrade for the chests but I can put it back for now I mean it doesn’t you you can do whatever you want to do my friend oh my

God dude Kronos is very angry with a $75 stream D let’s see it a third time and then cheriyaki with $150 stream DP so we’re going to repeat this that’s three more spins oh my god dude they want their Revenge you want your revenge here we go

Three spins you guys are crazy none of them are going to be 12 though um oh uh anytime you guys need an ore uh tell me which one you guys want smelted up and I’ll take care of it from like the pieces cuz I can get uh double

Or quad out of it through my machines five no they finally got their 12 in there yay not Rig okay so now oh my God and 11 jeez oh um cap can I steal one your uh yeah I need to throw some of this stuff away like things went from good to bad so quick and I just hand it 64 of these guys yeah what were you trying to make

So five is just ghost pepper powder 11 and 12 are ghost pepper Carol rer pepper scorpion pepper caps times 2 and caps times three respectively for 11 and 12 perity Shard prismarine Shard Prosperity Shard uhoh oh all right here’s number 11 no it’s not a thing I was looking at the

Wrong thing hey buddy you’re going back in there sorry you only live because you’re strong chick all right this is where we’re about to go downhill 11 and 12 I’ll see you guys later it’s all downhill from here boys and girls oh God no no oh okay

For doing 11 and 12 could someone please tag Willie in here we need the help we need tech expert Willie oh chiak said I achieved my goal your goal is sick your goal is sick and here’s number 12 oh oh my God no oh that’s bad number 12 was bad um is it

Matthew daily wants a steak bomb on Steve he said can you do mega ramp or face to face with GTA mode on jeez that sounds miserable does doesn’t it all so Sky Ride has recently reopened at Bush Garden Tampa okay and free for bad solders $5 for everyone they charge per

Ride oh my God that is so hot why the hey Luke could you clear all the steak out could you clear it again sorry one state clear per customer Steve clear it Again sir this is a Wendy’s oh my gosh uh going on over here oh I’m working on ours novu I just made yeah I just got cascading archwood logs so that I can make a I’m dying right now guys that is so hot quest line just letting you know you should stack

Up a lot of those archwood stuff like like a lot of it are just grow it cuz it helps the ambient stuff you’re going to need it often okay okay cool cool cool well you also watch out watch out watch out stuff uh growing in general I got her

Um cuz the way our znovu works is everything that grows is called source and that’s kind of like uh what magic is in that mod so you need stuff growing in general so that you have the magic to work with Okay so just more dirt so I can

Continue more trees that you need archwood logs anyways and then Stu of course um has anyone gotten any like rose dye or anything like that I need red dye basically Rose just red dye I don’t think we have have any yet uh if you grow beetroots you can

Convert them into red dye okay you C to name all your chickens Rigg flowers yeah we yeah name them rigged thank you I don’t know how to get flowers at the moment just bone me this dirt what dirt you see dirt the dirt that’s like in front of the house just bone

Meal the grass and then you’ll have flowers gr different it’s a different yeah this is po dirt this is vivid grass you can’t bone meal there’s some over by my old Farm area just bone meal over there uh that’s um it wasn’t giving me any I’ll be completely honest with you just grow

Some beet there’s no way we don’t have beet seeds they’re probably in there somewhere uh beet me be yeah there’s 46 beet seeds yeah man you can just craft them in the rose red and then make a chicken plus you can shift I managed to get one Diamond so far from sifting

Gravel we’re on the nice in my auto Jesus there’s a little fly flying around me right now and it’s making me they’re the wor they’re the worst it is making me mad dude dude my older sister can just catch flies out of thin air I’m

Just like bro how you the new son yeah for real she just be like the new son Mr Miyagi is my hero hey drum you want to check out the AA system I don’t think he’s here right now he said we’re going to have to hold it

Down he showed up in camera for like a split second oh there he is did you meet all of Cap’s uh chickens uh these that are set up here currently right now I do not why are they all called rigged I’ll kill all of them cap I didn’t think about the

Consequences I’m sorry you never do I’m sorry it’s so true you get you get out of there I’m just going to expand the underneath just in case there’s an incident where I you know fall through the uh Hey for real though guys thank you even though I’m dying

Here cheriyaki and Kronos are captains of the live stream without fans like you guys we couldn’t do what we do each and every day and you guys have been huge supporters and fans of this channel for a long time um I appreciate the heck out of both of you thank you

Guys what is next in mechanism well this I can Mark is complete that is done there we go and we got 500 people watching let’s go hey let’s go that’s big that is big dropsy is invisible huh you are invisible oh not on my screen like I’m not ghostly form I’m going

Ghost okay yo dropsy Phantom she was just ask if you can make or trees I’ve never heard of that before what’s an or I’m working on making diamond seeds right now which should ultimately help us out with the Diamonds oh Orchard you’re thinking of Sky Factory okay so yeah I just need more

Slabs oh goodness Steve have fun with that one it’s part of the quest line so I know it’s a long way to go though have fun you think it’s that far away well diamond seeds you then uh have to put it into a separate machine to then get

Diamond Essence and then from the diamond essence don’t tell you combine a bunch of those uh hold on it’s is it eight or n oh no you need nine Essence to make one Diamond BR we have a lot of Blaze D all right I’m going to try and get an ender pearl

So I can make the Ender drawer oh God it’s gone horribly wrong already as it always does huh Jerry I fell into the W lava oh I didn’t mean to click that well by the way chat has anyone seen Alan guo is he alive okay so now I’m becoming a chicken wizard

Someone put Willie in the game please we need him yeah please I mean not I’m crushing it over here oh okay just going to keep expanding my magical chicken farm honestly the chicken Farm’s such a big help well not even that I’m gonna get learn spells

Steve SOS spell I put an SOS in the Discord for Alan guo a we haven’t seen him since the incident dude I feel bad you should feel bad I mean what let him ever since the incident V Smith with a $5 stri hey buddies hope you’re having a great day

I’ve been sick since Friday so my weekend was bad I feel like I’m dying in an alarming R I’m sorry buddy hopefully it’s like a cold or something you know is it just is it just a cold hopefully something you’ll get over soon what is the infusion

Alter I’m working on making that right now what mod is that from uh the same one with the essence I had you make those chickens for nice yeah I hope you feel better Vernon said I think it is okay good good good no one likes getting a cold but you know what

That’s there’s worse things right I’ve been lucky enough I haven’t been I haven’t been getting as sick that often lately lately okay well I can’t really work much actually don’t say that how could you say that immediately after you just got done flying you’re going to get sick now

From the flight I’m G to get all of you sick over the Internet e might not be able to get you physically sick but you’re going to be sick of me all right I need to find a good quest line that would work well for somewhat of my brain stature you

Know I want leather paints they’re wind s let me see I thought you about they give me 20% speed buff Jerome you should try the create mod yeah I think you’d enjoy it Jerome I am being fully transparent here that is the easiest one left you’re lying the

Hardest one not that is the easiest one left it’s not that bad you are literally the bigest took the other one that’s not so bad but I can he can take over uh like the magic if he wants and I can no I’m I don’t do magic I’m learning how to use a

Wrench yeah you’re that legitimately that’s the easiest to do I have the plumbers wrench I’m clogging everyone’s toilets what’s new what’s new okay so I’m just gonna do that and then I can plant this and this and this and this and this and this and this there we

Go purple and blue ow ow ow Suffocation help coal chickens to Auto se oh that’s right we should use we have a coal chicken I should be bringing some of this coal all of the coold chickens Drome that are in what used to be my or area uh take and

Use I’m not going to be I got yeah you need a you need a net two or three over there yeah you could set them up to Auto if you use a uh Whatchamacallit a like a hopper oh the entire system is there there’s a hopper there’s the chamber and the

Chicken you just need seeds and you can take the coal generators you can take all of that just use it I don’t think I can trust any of you guys now why is that think about all the times that you guys have lied to me about stuff don’t even start with me

Jerry don’t even ask me who put a thousand steak in the storage controller Steve what what chocolate all I heard was my name what happened nothing Ste nothing Jer let me know if you need any help with the create stuff I’m at your disposal thank you thank

You all right so can I use some diamonds to make diamonds question mark use some Diamond what do you mean by that I’m making diamond seeds to try and grow diamonds faster but I need four diamonds in order to make a diamond seed I just can’t believe which one of

You put so much steak into the storage no no no that that steak is not equipped to our storage unit is it no but in this thing H I took I thought that it was only equipped in here yeah but if they’re remotely connected to the terminal then that’s

The thing I don’t know if they are ours noou I got the CLE out this all right I’m taking four four diamonds thank you Jerome for your business hey now I’m going to try my best to make some more diamonds good luck you guys should be able to put stuff into the storage

System again um okay Engineers goggles what does this do these goggles allow you to see your Contraption some more detail unlock conjure Mage Light Glass string and gold plate which is an engineer’s hammer and gold okay nice I will get to working on this glass no I I don’t think that they are

Remotely connected so you just have a thousand plus steak in another area well I had taken I was trying to take it out of the portable storage unit and put it over here and then I got overwhelmed by the 21,000 stake that was over there that I

Was having to take out stack by Stack so I stopped I see but the only reason why I say that they’re not connected is because the prosperity shards weren’t in there but they’re in they’re in the cubes over there where I just okay so it’s going to be a second

Until I can get a mage Spellbook I think aari asked a really good question if you and all the Buddies were stuck in a deserted island and you can only survive by eating one of the others who would you eat we want is that a good is that a good

Question do we want to field this one like for real Jerry no cuz I’ll tell you straight up it’s not Steve I was going to say the same thing I was GNA say I take no offense to this bony over there man golly I take no offense go

Oh man oh my gosh that’s funny it’s probably not Jerry either pescatarian tastes like like water or something like that what think we taste like fish if if something eats only fish like historically they taste bad oh hey I got something for me what other things apply to that bears uh for

Instance uh bears that only eat berries have a much better taste supposedly than ones that eat fish really Jerry I think you missed a uh I did I apologize Matthew dily I’m so sorry buddy Sky Ride is the only ride that Bush Gardens charges for I got to be a tester for

This weekend before it opened because I work at Bush Gardens can you time out Willie dropsy chooses who gets a steak BM yeah we give Willie a little time and I we’ll put him 5 minutes in The Penalty Box be the way that he is no

Drop if I Steve he’s just going to reput it back into the system but you know you’re using the system right now so hopefully you don’t sabotage yourself all right I have a question Dro so you might be able to help me out what’s up

Uh can you come over here for a split second you’re lucky I could look up and see you cuz I did not know what here was over by my garden why no work uh Diamond see um do you have to activate it with an item drum you’re the worst that’s a

Good question it’s typically a thing in this like some type of wand or like stuff you uh put together let me check something okay so in order to make a new oh buns that didn’t work the way I wanted it to a torch trome trome yeah is uncalled for okay I

Need to make the stresser that’s what you do to me what stress me out man what the heck name four times where I’ve stressed you out every single day where you ask this morning 7 A.M this morning when you 12:07 and approximately 42 seconds ago what dropsy understands I’m stressed out right now

I’m stressed out than about [Laughter] it truly past the age of 18 all I know is stress all right okay andesite casing I need to do so you D that’s cool you take some kind of stripped wood and you put a andesite Alloy on it Luke can you get rid of the

Steak what steak I I actually cannot get rid of the steak I don’t see any steak Luke get rid of the steak Steve hey man if I had a choice I’d have a diamond chicken for you why don’t you choose to do it because I don’t I can’t just choose to

Have diamonds Jerry I you know okay isn’t there some couldn’t we set up what do we saive to get diamonds um you know well I’m just saying like if you want the diamond chicken we need to get diamonds somehow and that seems the most reliable way is that those those

Are spawning under my trees yikes yikes how do I have the hores make more hores uh cap I don’t know how I did that but can you F5 for me carrot uh I’m not seeing anything carrot oh I put a chicken on your head nice carrots Mega torch guys seem like it

Okay how do I make a stone axe what what like a Minecraft stone ax is that what you’re asking no oh wait there’s I have this girl please tell me that’s a joke what what bro what did Drome do this time I did it guys I built a SP

My chicken how get another cow how get another cow how get another cow I have to I think you have to clear out this area and wait for it to spawn from the uh delightful dirt oh is there too many look at me go Chad I’m killing

It I’m doing smart people stuff and thank you again guys for all your love and support without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day your love and support is greatly appreciate it thank you to our captains of the live stream as well so thank you all so

Much you guys are great are re-releasing it in theaters and I kind of want to go hey tan with a $25 dip with a steak bomb and on Steve great choice oh my goodness I’m gonna have to keep an eye on these trees all right I need slabs

And then smooth Stone which is just little one okay so just need to smel stone stone stone well once I’m done with the steak bomb I’ll be able to test and see if this works that’s not hard at all you know let me take this to the

Quicker one what was the quicker furnace again dark green yeah dude Luke you were the worst I was I was having the steak bomb Go off into the uh L lava so Luke put a pillar of Cobble in front of me so that it would just lag the server for no reason you

Just puke it in your own face Kronos the $25 straight say something that the first thing I did upon realizing while I was see if I had power to time out Willie dude that no that that’s awesome that’s why you’re in the position you’re in jome can you read the last part of

That oh s oh my good Luke was prepared for that he was ready to go plent of lapis over here there’s nothing wrong with being prepared for the job right Luke it’s good stuff yeah absolutely do you mean add nearby add Source nearby to increase craft speed how do I add cut it

Out just dirty in the place up I don’t know I’m not the one puking steak all over the place Steve it’s got a point there Steve about to be puking steak everywhere five wood two planks and red wo thing we should have gotten a lot oh

My goodness you’re not even in get out of here he picked me up and started throwing the steak everywhere this guy he was like a mobile steak weapon there’s so much steak Ste weapon if you know how to do it hey Luke can you get rid of that

Steak sorry I’ll get back to you in three to five business days dude what did you sleep on the wrong side of the bed today no I told you I I I made like extra strong cold brew coffee oh yeah you’re not a coffee drinker

So okay so I have a source gem now dope me neither Luke all right fellas we got a new Resident moving in who Mr M uh I’m gonna stick him over he needs a Here uh Dr where are you I’m over here I’m hanging out stre come to me got a new guy moving in same old thing what did they do what did they do drum knocked him into the lava immediately was it a cow scared he scared me that guy was terrifying

Dropsy oh wait gu just came out of the sky Market he falls from the sky right the market a now we can buy a ton of the stuff we could be missing nice I think you mean could buy a lot of the stuff yeah him him again ridiculous I’m the ridiculous well that

Didn’t work oh well sorry dropsy we tried it’ll come back eventually yeah bro why does he just disappear Emerald muncher Willie with 12 $25 stream tip to summon himself oh my goodness Willie that’s hilarious Willie said I’m ready tag me has risen hello William okay bud welcome I guess welcome

Mr Steamboat must have been easier to fit in with your wallet being so ly Redstone check bow apparently if you replace the market dropy he’ll come back Source jar it’s honestly hilarious Willy oh my go except any glass blocks okay so I need glass back oh I did that backwards thank you Jonathan

Jonathan all righty and that is the b a cannon check I’ve made a lot of stuff already but I’ve not like actually used any Contraptions that makes sense like I’ve been like finishing a lot of create quests but like I’ve not been doing anything with the create mod yeah once

You get to the more complicated crafting stuff it you’ll need it you can technically use an engineer’s Hammer to like get plates and stuff like that but automation you know who’s that oh it’s my cousin AO nice Source jar bam more site uh so drum if you want I can get as

Working on some automation for some nether uh yeah either that or if you want to get us the diamonds we need for the diamond chicken either one would be of pretty big priority yeah I can show you something about getting infinite lava uh Willie I don’t know if you know

This or not but we’re we’re in a volcano you you’ll see what I mean have have you have you stepped outside yet will is it the hose thing where you just lower it into the pool yeah I’m aware yeah yeah okay so I’ll just get that set up we can get some

Nether going keep your wildy like stuff away from my magic how do we get oh yeah that’s right just right click the ground right to get antide Pebbles okay so how do you anybody got any logs that I can steal don’t we have a check the chicken oh yeah that’s

True all right whatever I’m going to be completing a lot of quests very soon so do Source jars just feel like fill passively or do I need to like tear down these trees and grow new trees in order to get uh so Source jars specifically have to be close to

Something that generates Source like specifically so this is like the natural form and then there’s a couple of different um kind of like bobles I guess that generate source so one of them is like a volcanic Source link that’s what I was using before with the coal I’m so sorry tan with

$125 stream TI that is that is actually brutal bro he that’s so tragic Oh No Tan chose vitalin today again and blamed it on Frankie Frankie told me to do Brank wow I I have a feeling the conversation was like should I do it and then someone was like no you won’t do

That and then they did so they’re blaming someone else for it yeah that’s that’s that’s how I feel that one went BR someone bring this man back please that is so that’s gutting any happen to have rotten flesh uh negative uh I do in this machine here I love the well gu I’m

Getting banned okay that’s fine oh Willie we needed him I think the only one to blame here is Willie for abandoning us at this point yeah man dude that’s got to be such a bummer like a dude I was so looking forward to having him too like I

I like having will with these Tech packs cuz he actually knows what he’s doing jopy I brought you a present un like that blade guy that has no idea what’s going onen L yeah Luke never dude oh you need rotten flesh I think this guy has it

Swear to God that is not going to be a thing you my uh no oh well there you go I like how blade I took him from his home I can’t believe I’m asking for that’s why I was putting on Armor I was going toight do you have any

K genuinely I do not have any kelp weirdly enough for whatever reason for an andesite tunnel I need kelp I wish I could help you I straight up have no idea why I need kelp but I need it that’s so funny uh well good luck yeah I was to

Say how do we get kelp let’s let’s take a look here uh oh you could see sand in a string it’s a keep in mind it’s a water logged seeve so it’s got to be a seeve that’s in water and then you SE through it oh good call dropsy I would

Have just been doing that a 100 times over and getting angry I know that’s why I said so you know me so well you would have said oh a SE and then be like why isn’t this working within 30 seconds exactly that’s yeah gravel and dirt bucket of Water gravel coal is probably way better for this since I have like autogeneration of coal although I do need more seeds we have some buckets in the storage unit if you want to use use them oh I got a ceramic one right here yeah okay we have iron ones

Um who threw all their stuff in this Center Fountain like a like a madman oh uh I was finally able to reclaim my stuff that was there so what I did was I accidentally clicked it and it exploded and I didn’t have storage space so I just left

It I don’t want to hear remember all the times you left stuff on seves I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah yeah let’s talk about that drum when did you even get up here when did I get up where why is there steak in my chest up

Here this is going to be a new game called hide the steak all right grab bam I don’t really need Redstone so much Hammer’s good and now we need to bring that down to sand and then seed it I’m pretty sure what’s the Builder okay here it is

Stone wand right yeah that’s had a better wand at some point probably did and then broke it I had to guess the uh last version of resource chickens was op compared to this oh this one not nearly as good yeah like the other ones just like you didn’t

Have to feed them and this one you have to like constantly give them seeds yeah this one you actually have to care about their well-being yeah it’s Preposterous what what do you think I got into those business for cuz I love chickens nope I mean you love the taste of them

Probably oh chickens taste delicious look all I’m saying is if they didn’t want to get eaten why would they taste so good you know wa like oh my God why would they taste so good now I’m going to have Chick-fil-A o I can’t tell if it’s a water log seed

Or not but I’m I guess yeah so now quests make a vinyl poal Source link so what counts as a natural source link is that like flowers and stuff like that yeah flowers crops stuff like that and does that just happen while it’s grow not like passively while it’s

Around that while so progress in it growing is what gives it source so like when a tick passes and it like changes stages like growth stages that generates Source it just being there doesn’t generate it it has to be constantly like growing okay then would would it be good

To put it near my wheat yeah you could take care of both at the same time and fill up Source jars that can store it in the mean time and then anything that’s near those that can use Source will pull from it okay I mean I’m hoping that this

Works you see water down here not sure how close be what the heck now I do and then you like Harvest all of them and let it like maybe I can’t use the shift grow thing hey I got air seeds or is that someone else hey nice got just completed that

Quest how come mobs aren’t spawning in that far off area kind I actually need them for once the mobs aren SP I didn’t touch any uh game rules so I’m not sure oh is it because it’s not nighttime shouldn’t be it’s dark it’s about to be night

Time I’m about to complete like collect up yep there it is an influx of random junk that we probably will never need yeah you say that like don’t don’t say that cuz you will come back to it yeah guys if you look every type of SE or string mesh whether it be Emerald

Mesh Diamond mesh any kind of mesh mesh mesh mesh they’re all 5% for kelp so makes no difference what kind of thing I’m using it just is uh unlikely and then I’ll probably just plant the kelp to grow it does it like can I just put it at the bottom of a

Huge tube of water Steve you I was going to say it has to be tall but it can grow yeah I mean Steve knows everything about kelp so I’ll probably just do that can you B um genuinely I don’t know Steve you’re supposed to know everything about kelp I

Agree I am supposed to know everything about kelp but that doesn’t mean that I do know everything about kelp alchemical Source link Source stones gems you can get started by crafting Source stones but how do all right I’m building kelp Towers over here good Lu soldier in honor of Steve you mean

It well it’s your thing Steve yeah oh I can I can use the source to make crafting these Source gems much faster I get it yeah so how tall can Kel up 17 blocks cuz I want to be where the tall Kel grows watch it pop up straighten Rose [Laughter] underwater Oh my god dude haven’t heard that version yet I mean it’s all about Talent obviously Colin said use a builder’s wand to do this all in one go oh okay is that right next to the watch of flowing time Colin I okay I need to look up how to make sour

Stones sour jums you put a amethyst Shard or a uh amethyst block into that uh inv chamber you got well I was a it’s not the source gems I need it’s sour of stone like I just don’t know how to do that do I just put stone in there oh uh

I think it’s a crafting thing if I remember that’s a beautiful little Forest you got there thanks it’s blue and purple cuz like I click on Source Stone and it doesn’t really give me maybe if I click control on okay so I just need Stone around the source gem God yeah I

Was going to say remember crafting I thought you were talking about Source gems ohy it’s not that it’s like faster per se but I would use amethyst blocks just so you get four at once oh you can just do straight up blocks okay yeah anyone got any

Ice why’d you say it like that because we’re in a volcano oh fair I understand we was getting it nope do we have power RF there do so we can make it with a blast chiller blast blast chiller I’m always a blast look like a whole lot of

Stuff yeah I’m not doing all that yeah I also need packed Ice Dude you can bone meal kelp good good good um so actually if you wait long enough for another uh wandering Trader there’s a chance he could have ice there you go I now have 32 kelp and

I have two little kelp Farms growing nice right now I need to cook the kelp right I’m going to run the bathroom quick while that’s cooking blast chiller is a thing yeah wow no I don’t I was just looking into it to see if there was some cheap way I could help

You unfortunately no yeah it’s it’s a lot I’m just skipping over that quest for now eventually we’ll be able to deal with that like I’m sure we’re going to find ice somewhere oh who got fertilizer Essence that’s awesome okay so I am now make stone but magic rock hit someone with never wake

Up oh I got fire seeds no that’s a quest Arcane pedestals okay that’s easy to make bam there’s so many quests in this quest line there’s so many seeds arane pedestal bam man it’s not letting me shift click it in there that sucks Bam Bam I’m G make two of these bad boys

I’m half tempted to just help Jerry along so I can get the deployers hello gentle Scholars hello actually I’m doing some decent stuff with the where am I what is this oh you’re you’re having a meeting oh oh oh oh you put wait no Dr please St away no don’t do it

Oh there he goes meeting adjourned wow I will say the most annoying part about these chickens is just keeping up with the seeds oh I need to make eight of these bad boys yeah the most annoying part of the chickens is the seeds far enough into create though I’d

Love to make a automated harvesting machine oh yeah yeah yeah I’m actually carving my way through a bunch of these I’m I’m pretty proud of myself I’m happy dude like you’re crushing it I’m learning how to do things did you ever think that I’d be able to do things C always believed in

You it’s more like I say about my parents believing in me dude I can’t even blame him like YouTuber job back then though like YouTubers back then has got to be the most Wild Thing for parents to even try Ryan come to terms with n they were always they were always

Super supportive they were all like yeah but like if it had been me my parents would have been like yeah but when are you going to get a real job bro my mom’s lowy like that still dude what do you mean bam bam I need build more belts oh

You need a lot of kelp for all this stuff I’m GNA assume that these eight pedestals are I didn’t realize kelp was such a big part of the create mod cap you didn’t give me any idea I never used it in the last one that’s a new development there is this like a

Different like your mechanical belts weren’t made with kelp because that’s what it has here oh the mechanical okay the mechanical belts yeah I didn’t use those too much except till the end most of my also sometimes mod packs change recipes so you might use use it

More here than cap did in the past oh okay uh do we have any coal yeah we got co uh could you Chuck some into the storage unit sure I guess I got to Mad gaming said my friend keeps finding my MC base how do I stop him next time you go to

His house just destroy his router Jerry’s advice is to Upper his router okay don’t do that though I don’t I don’t want to get in trouble you yeah don’t do that he’s gonna do it he’s gonna do it yeah he’s gonna do it follow for more tips and

Tricks how do you win in Hunger Games in the early in in the early 2000s uh develop a lifelong Vendetta against the developers no dude it’s all about cheating okay so now I just want to do this and this and then this bam I’ve got 10 pedestals now I

Just completed the Arcane pedestals Quest I need a lot more andesite Alloys huh there we go lenar Chessie so many of the Creer mod gives you no rewards yeah that’s because you’re supposed to make a million billion different things dude I was taking that bullet why does it know rewards though

They’re just like oh congratulations oh what do I win nothing get out of here like Mr Crab I love that Prett much you just gave me my 1 millionth dollar oh that’s awesome what do I win nothing get out of here iconic scene oh wait this needs something in it

Wait what does it need ritual brazer there we go Brazen Brazen brand okay okay so now we’ve got nine Arcane pedestals and a rual bra here all right guys we got this we’re doing big things and thank you again Kronos and cheriyaki both for being our captains of

The live stream and for our big fans as well like Tegan and Willie who have stream tipped thank you everyone you guys keep this channel alive and without you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day so thank you for the bottom of my heart and just keep being awesome

The apparatus Block know you were a Miley fan are you not what do you mean why would he be a fan of Miley obviously he’s a fan of Hannah Montana right Hannah Montana it’s Hannah Montana you don’t know who Hannah Montana is you’re singing her song Noe I only know

Miley okay uh oh Frank O Conor’s back what’s up dude $75 Hammer he wants the sauce fine buddy the copper bring it six it’s not bad actually oh we already did 11 actually got to remove that too and it broke and it’s gone all right so that’ be hot that six

So all that’s left is really three seven8 okay so 78 n are actually pretty hot still I thought there were rituals thank you frco Conor everyone’s saying rigged guys I already did the 12 today what do you mean I did 1011 and 12 today how is it

Rigged yeah I don’t know why when I accidentally misid that on Google and did the backslash Obama came up but so now I need to make an enchanting Apparatus okay I need one of our very precious diamonds did anyone ever say what wece to get diamonds it’s a rare drop from grab say it’s just a rare drop from in general like the percent chance goes from a 1.2 to a 1.6 from like Mees up it’s not it’s

Not that different I really don’t want to take our last Diamond though Frank that number six is still hot I had a nice break in between hot sauces there then you’re ruined crazy I was czy I was crazy once yeah Jinx you think a Water Wheel Works in

Lava uh probably not but you can just build a pool of water and place it horizontally with one source block okay but like in the real world would it work uh no oh have a good day Frank he said I did my deed for the day goodbye bye Frank thanks for stopping by

Dude there he goes en chanting apparatus now I I need the Arcane core this is all the stuff that I’ve been working with while doing this I need just one more Golding it okay is there any other quests from here put these away reward collected all

Right now the rest of the stuff I’ll just grab or the rest of the rewards I’ll grab and just dump in the chests over here okay so all right guys we’ finished about half of the create quests that doesn’t mean we’re halfway done just means that

We probably finish like half of the easy ones like what is polished rose quartz o oh you need to use sandpaper on rose quartz in order to get that yeah what is okay nether quartz and Redstone mhm okay nether quartz and Redstone I mean how hard could that be Redstone is

Easy the quartz is what you’re going to have problems with if you had 64 quartz I’d say make that chicken uh good call Cap but also someone had eight ROP Quartz in there for some reason so that but yeah I do think a quartz chicken a great idea dude

Yeah so you make sandpaper and then you have to manually sand it down it does not look like we have a lot more quartz sadly I’m guessing that because that comes from a Netherrack and probably probably probably seeing NE would have you know so I don’t think it’ll work out okay well

Sandpaper how do we make you paper and sand I feel dumb okay well sometimes that’s just how it be you know sometimes it really yep you know people don’t think it be like it is but it do okay there we go lots of paper we all about that

Paper all right there we go got a couple of these going not many now like right click with the paper can be used to refine materials proc can be automated with okay applies polished items held in the off hand or lying on the floor when looking at

Them an Arcane core must be placed beneath this block I see it’s pretty cool actually the polishing right it’s very like satisfying there we go I just polished a bunch of these put them away now I can move on to the next thing look at that good stuff

Okay uh reminder guys we got cookie Camp coming up in about 20 30 minutes so yeah my favorite mini game of all time for all the other mini games that are your favorite because they’re all so good true look I like Lucky Block Stu Lucky Block is fun

Uh which one do I want to do I guess I’ll start from here and I’ll just uh I’ll go down do these mechanical Harvester okay we got a little bit more involved here then get the engineer’s Hammer we need some anite casing I to go get some iron I need a stick

Okay so would you say Dr Manhattan is a god Raiders and Recorders I don’t know enough about Dr Manhattan he’s very powerful though I think I know that uh he can technically he’s shown sign of like omnipresence I guess okay so like what that means is he can be in multiple places at

Once that’s pretty sick actually what like what’s his stick like what what do he do uh he has the power to manipulate reality and the flow of time he like got exposed to radiation and it like deconstructed him and reconstructed them into some sort of like Atomic

Being and uh he’s kind of sound Godlike yeah I’m not sure if he’s all knowing but he is like he can be in multiple places at once and interact with himself in those times without causing any like problems like you would expect in a Time stream sort of way oh

Okay he’s sounding Godlike yeah he might be a little bit but Bam Bam Bam Bam all right pedestals must be within three blocks yeah let’s see what are these mechanical so or saw was so um okay we need one two three wonder if it’s ever going to have

Me actually do stuff with these or just build the stuff for the sake of building it I don’t know seems like just just heavy on the building stuff does it have a train Quest like the one from stone block 3 did oh check again no I’m not seeing trains at all luckily thank

Goodness yep no we might be okay okay mechanical drill so I just need to make some more casing again I think was pretty easy right you just do that that that yeah this is not bad what are you all working on uh I made a separate like flux hammer

And seeve area and I’m making an upgrade for it so that it works faster oh that’s cool I’m still working on the seeds nice cap I’m a magic man I’m a magic man these seeds just take ages man so like I I think I need to move my source jar over

Here breast have bre okay always those weird things where you’re like do we even have that it’s zinc and copper so it’s very possible we we have a lot of zinc pieces no recipe dropsy tell me what I’m doing wrong over here cuz you’ve done this what’s

Up uh I’m at the pedestal part I’ve got source and I’ve got the enchanting apparatus with the Arcane core and I’ve got I’m trying to make a Dominion wand um does the stick like actually go in the middle or yeah try okay cuz cuz sometimes the order does matter oh okay that makes

Sense yeah Oh see now it’s going okay press Okay will ta I’m a magic man oh my God go nice dude I just don’t know what to do with this magic item yet I would say scares some kid at a birthday party okay so how how do summon how do summon the minion wand is used for controlling creatures you might

Encounter in the world each me responds different differently to the wand so make sure you read up in the war notebook so I need a mob to try and control maybe I can like use it on one of my chicken stored entity Vernon thanks the $5 stream tip would you be interested not

Now but sometime bit in the future of a buddies vers mods party animals you guys don’t even know how bad that would end for you you don’t you’re not ready son you’re not cap cap would cap would throw hands dude give me a shovel I’ll put him

In the ground let them dig their graves themselves oh God my no no no he needs to let him know how it is you’re not ready I’ve received legitimate talking toos about the great plunger incident that was that was that that one was uh awful listen man you can’t give me a

Plunger and not expect the to get not get plunged is all I’m saying party animals just like I’ll show you a party animal brass okay so I got to smell all the brass dust down amethyst Golem charm wh spr wixie charm star bule charm oh I need to

Make I have a starb there’s a star bunkle Shard around here I think I can do that oh I have yeah I have star bottle charms all right I need to get eight Brad sing and then I’ll be able to smash those down I’m going to have I’m

Smelting up 64 of them so we’ll have extra brass so if anyone ever needs brass again we’re good brass becomes very very important which dry working on power you guys should totally start working on applied energistics for better storage said William thank you Willie I I can still hear his voice

Sometimes I miss Willie oh what I agree I remember when Willie used to hang out with us those were the days stored entity so I used the star bule charm now what storing items at zero in locations but how do I mean I summoned them but now

What well each so each mob especially ones that are like specifically in ARS noou like can do different things like they have jobs that complete he’s a little guy yeah but he’s got to be directed yeah but like he’s not just gonna do it whoops I punched him that didn’t do anything can

I okay so I’ve got a Dominion one I can store the I’m starting to get the starting to get the hang of the stuff over here finally nice what do you star bun ooh okay so he’ll store items there so can I can I drop him something oh look at him

Go look at him go he’ll just pick things up what you m wait wait you have a squirrel that’ll like do things for you yes yes yes yes what I want to see the the squirrel okay okay so check it out check it out okay so we’re going to put them over

Here okay and I’ve got them set up to like like grab stuff and put it put it in a chest over there so we just like okay that’s adorable yeah what if we made a legion of like grunt squirrels dude right that’s yes yes yes I can make two more I can make

Two more more all right I finished the deployer and in case to chain drive oh okay that’s seem silly easy a little bit of that and then pretty much just put wood boom that take the casing that what was it was all right perfect done a lot of this crate stuff is like

Really easy to make it’s just annoying you have to still all right we need another electron tube want squirrel we’re going to need a lot more rose quartz for crate aren’t we for the electron tubes and all that yes one of the most important ones is

The deployer which you need to make a brass uh hand I think yeah I already did that actually I built a deployer yeah so with that as long as like a certain thing away and you hook it up right you can have it just Auto like auto click a

Button for you passively oh that’s pretty red that’s what I was doing all in stone block 3 and gear shift Wonder don’t they chose to make andesite like the uh big Ingot of choice like their custom inot no he’s good at his job question we him go who’s good Cappy’s

Dog I mean he’s a dog I guess yeah I need to another enr chamber you said that kind of reluctantly cap what you don’t love I mean he’s obviously a squirrel but like now how do I I think squirrels are technically part dog if you think about it amethyst Golem

If you really think about it how do you see like it won’t tell me how to make the amethyst Golem charm though new problem oh that’s not too bad need more iron but cap your chickens are the best oh I know what to do I’m going to set them

Okay I’m actually going to set them to gather seeds and wheat and stuff like that and put it in the chests oh that’s this is so good so I can just stunkle will store items here here it’s full but like Bam Bam now I’ve got three star bunes oh

Wait star bule take for this inventory sorb store items here and thank you again chat thank you so much to our captains of the live stream you guys have been absolutely amazing um thank you for just your tremendous generosity keep this Channel live we got Kronos and cheriyaki the

Captains we also have some other people like Teegan and Willie who’ve streamed up and Franco Conor just Matthew daily Mr hot thank you everybody for being so awesome and and wonderful without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day and we’re excited about

The cookie Camp that’s coming your way in like 101 15 minutes guys it’s going to be wild so get ready move a bit faster Okay so this is awesome I’ve automated the collection of like seeds and stuff on my farm that’s sick nice wonder if they’ve updated party

Animals it’s been about a month since we last played it’s been a minute I I could see them totally updating it like infrequently I like I said like monthly like I believe it if they like a new map or something nothing crazy but I think I’ve finally like gotten a

Grasp of what I need to do here we’ll have diamonds in approximately three to five business days enjoy what you guys up to guys working hard over here all right Depot a waiter ejector okay gold l a fine this should be an easy one Chad I’m proud of myself like we

Have done a tremendous amount of the create mod tab already like so like we we’re contributing big time right now great I think it’s only a matter of time before we beat this game guys if we had Willie on here instead of him slacking you know and actually helping

Out with things you know you’re crazy what I do what did I do wrong now I I think we have a lot more than you think no P if it wasn’t for the lack of diamonds I think we could have Su premium gear right now but the diamonds are what’s holding us

Back I just want to get the automated thing actually working well but I think the problem is it just burns through a lot of coal we’re back at 23 but I keep forgetting to bring coal back and forth once I finish this rope pulley thing I’ll I’ll go back and get

It there we go all right then so there upgrades in this y yeah mhm okay you have to make the nuclear reactor against a Delta BR we’re not letting Colin have any opinions on the way that that’s run uh C the coal chicken is not coing anymore need seeds yeah I need seeds

Here I’ll put some over there there is uh other coal chickens though like they should have some coal just on standby oh you have other coal chickens nearby yes there’s like a stack in here if you need it okay yeah I wouldn’t mind having a little bit to use but otherwise I got

Some more coal working okay nice thank you yeah because we need like a lot of stacks there all right well we have 24 diamonds so so long as nobody like picks away at those diamonds we should eventually get it it’s just going to take a long time but we’ll get there

Mechanical I’ve been avoiding stuff that requires diamonds right now I’ve just been self-sufficient ever since I took those four diamonds I’m just all the diamonds I use are coming from the diamond crops does that actually produce a lot how many do you have not many I’ve

Probably made about six of them so far but I’m reinvesting them into making more seeds n okay I love my little guys how many how many squirrels you got working for you now I got three squirrels working on my farm oh my gosh

Dude nice I can oh my God why is there a million gold dust in the well not a million but like who made 100 Gold Dust what did you guys need that for uh I did Elum uh are think a brass dust no I it was gold cuz I searched

Gold in the chest oh I don’t know about that then okay I accidentally jumped on it my bad Oh no you’re okay we we we we there we go ton of windmills so I did all the left side of create all the middle of it now we’re onto the right side

And we’re inching our way forward mechanical press it’s going to take a lot more iron to make that thing surpris it’s not more demanding with all the stuff you need upgrade would it be copper upgrade or the gold upgrade do you need to use copper upgrade first on a chest for which

Thing uh I’m looking at storage upgrades okay but I don’t think it I don’t think it’s going to work like that okay how do you get do you maybe need the iron upgrade and then the copper upgrade yeah easy so you just need flint and wood in order to make a regular blank

Upgrade hey good morning Joshua hi Josh hi J hi done cooking so now we do this for the blank upgrade then we surround it in iron and we get an iron chest upgrade for my farm over there p Aman what’s up dude with a $75

Stream tip he said my head this is for my head hurting trying to figure out the $500 donation what it does I have no idea what it does yeah Steve and I don’t even think Steve knows either and what is it also showing my dad with the hot

Sauce wheel is well D I’m sorry your head hurts my go-to is always did you drink enough water today $100 Dono even I forgot what that was I feel like we have something for it oh my gosh n it’s been Relentless the wheel today really has been hasn’t it thank

You peeman appreciate buddy we’re going in on number nine now it’s not rigged that was the highest one left on the board out of all of them guys we’re doing 9 10 11 12 today you guys are crazy you guys are rigged and just tell your viewers to rig

Jerry they’ll figure it out can you say that oh my God it goes thank you for one year of membership Aiden white I appreciate you I’m doing good except my mouth’s not on fire how are the rest of the budi’s doing today I’m doing great I’m doing pretty good all

Right dead to be hot hot TOA that is actually very hot oh my gosh do more at once faster no no I was mess up okay there on that hit a wait oh my gosh that does work fast what works fast I um I made another area using that flux

Hammer and flux saeve and I made a diamond upgrade for it from like the diamonds I got from this and it’s it’s working it’s working faster than my windmill can produce power for it though I think there’s just enough that like it can her tick yeah it’s it’s it’s the exact speed

Of my windmill so I can’t give it any faster upgrade that’s fine it processes uh quite a lot of cobblestone a second Wild Card uh thank you dude and honestly I don’t remember those old days I had an eight game winning spree in bedwars that must have been before people took it

Like Mega crazy seriously sweat you know status that does make sense yeah or you could have just been that good no no which would then beg the question what happened to Jerry I was never good at the qu but you’re a Minecraft Legend Len you can do things that aren’t

Good and still be a legend well dried Kel block right luckily I made a bunch of extra Kelps so I actually can make that pretty easily pulley check another one down I don’t know about like today but next episode within like even like 20 minutes I would say I think I’d be able

To beat the crate mod for us nice jez that was quick I’ve been just hustling I think even the viewers are probably surprised hey Willie’s a supporter now what’s up dude hey you Mr Willie Wild Card ask what mod back is this and it’s available

On curs for it is and it’s all the mods volcano Edition yep that’s where we found it e a blaze cake I don’t know what that’s about I don’t like that all right we’ll keep going down this way what is this a mechanical mixer okay so I need five iron plates

Four well you’re surrounded by lava but the game won’t let you use it for power oh you actually can’t use lava for for that makes sense I I get why they wouldn’t let you but I didn’t realize that you couldn’t make like a magmatic generator or something there’s like a steam engine

You can use but like I’m not sure if that translates the RF makes sense I feel like it’d be a little too easy if they just let you do whatever you wanted oh absolutely all right here we go brass funnel oh electron tube time I really hope I have enough electron tubes make

It through all this you said tube okay brass tunnel nice yeah there we go not many quests left for this not many quests left at all brassing it on that so just trim that thr that on there and look at that guys another one nice anite casing and a shoot okay so

Go not entirely sure what half of these things do but I imagine if we’re going to be automating stuff they’re needed more than likely yeah either that or the crate mod is just like not needed but it’s one of those like here’s one way to automate because I can see it

Doing that too you know what I’m saying like it might just be like yeah like this is here this might help you well yeah I mean sometimes they do just have loads of ways to make things work right and so they might you know it’s could

Just be one of yet a million ways to make things actually function all right what’s this mechanical arm oh yeah that’s can pick things up off a conveyor belt for you that’s actually pretty sick I do any Arrow I think I could do any Arrow yeah a Batwing and a

Feather oh I need to make my copper ore Hammer again feather a Batwing look at this chat I got this i got this and I can take one of those each copper or hammers last a good amount of time yeah I make a clock and then

I so I’m going to need four of these wood air Essence a Precision mechanism oh okay now we’re getting into the complicated stuff here so in order to make that you need a recipe sequence all right well sounds like next episode I can ask Cappy for help on these because there’s only two

Quests left with oh wait no three there’s three quests left with create oh yeah I’m definitely one help dude well I think this might be a good place to switch on over we’ll call quits on this section we’ll head on over to cookie Camp everyone super cool though

We got a lot done today I like I said I’m three quests away for beating create and I’m sure Cappy will be able to help out a lot because he is a genius with the create mod he beat it for the last pack for us yeah I really liked a lot of

The applications for it it seemed like dude you were getting so into it I mean you were doing all sorts of cool things the train was fun It was fun when it worked when it worked at the end getting it ready though you know your face still just feel so bad for Willie for trying to play the game with us and then immediately getting yeed oh my gosh now friends this isn’t your everyday cookie Camp yeah um when you

Spawn in you’re going to spawn in with a class orb uh there is a shop dedicated to each class except for the last one on the right the ranger class wasn’t working for me so I just didn’t uh we’re we’re ignoring that one so once you

Spawn in just right click with the or and uh pick what class you think you’d want oh what do they all mean one of them is a gun uh don’t pick the gun one that’s the one that doesn’t work oh I picked the gun one okay you’re got that

Was it’s okay Dr you know um here cap TP to me um so Jerome the leftmost one is the Assassin then the next is Paladin Berserker and Mage I’m just try to pick the far right one that looks cool bro and then use this again oh man there’s a

G man this G looks really the berserk class o okay should we all pick a different one you don’t have to and if at any point I feel like it would be all right if you are just having a terrible time with your class I could just let you reroll

So how do we utilize this rat what did you make walk the plank what was that Don know I don’t remember okay well you can me again next time Steve yes 80 is a walk to plank is it actually yes I think so cuz for you it’s literally a uh lose your entire

Inventory plank um cap so all right fair enough um so you can only use the equipment from uh the class if you try to use the special abilities of the other class’s equipment it just won’t work so yeah okay so how do you use those special abilities uh you either right click

Shift right click it’s all listed in the uh description of the items that you can buy oh cool okay MH hello so I am Berserker bro uh I’ll choose oh drop okay Berserker bro um The netherite Gauntlet if in two hands it gives resistant what yes so I also comboed this with the

Epic fight mods no who hurt you it was me Jerry one of these days I’m going to sneak it in and then he’s going to try and do normal combat and someone’s just and he’s like what’s going on the hands like what’s up who is the Heathen that broke one

Single glass block that I just happened to stop flying over on my command station and fell Steve all right how do I know which class is which uh it goes assassin Paladin Berserker Mage don’t pick the gun one I’m pick the gun one bro uh so if I did pick the gun one

Oh did you no I picked the Paladin okay I was going to beat you up I just ch the far right one I’m going to beat you up anyway all right I’m almost done everyone setting this up and’ll be good to go all right I think this is all good let’s

Do this thing Batman Batman all right we’ll separate up good luck to you guys I’m kicking zanite out of here Point yeah all right let’s do it dropsy here we go chat we’re going to get the win yes okay rabbits are spawning nice nice nice oh I remember this map this

One’s a great uh one because you got the hilltop up here and you hit people off and it’s fun see if any of them have culture and class and dignity where are you I see one of them I see one of them cap is crafting something of course he is Red Alert Red

Alert also do we have any uh steak oh he’s got a sword I’m sure we’ll get there I just jumped off jump off yeah Luke why you staring at our chest here Luke bottom left chest sir oh okay L was just staring into one of our

Chests I don’t see Cappy so I guess you didn’t come all the way over to to cause problems chat I think it’s perfectly reasonable to try and spawn he’s here just Spa a warden on them they Steve deserves it especially because their team’s already cheating hold on I’m

Coming to help fight cuz I got to wait for cookies anyways we might be able to hit him off a cliff will with a $30 stream tip said here’s some help for yall I’ve been playing Power a lot lately and been enjoying it would love to play with you

One day dude if we ever get back to it it’d be awesome to have some a and people on he’s still running oh no uh well we got we need 25 beacons from Luke otherwise we we from puke wait where did where’s our Beacon deposit uhoh Luke where do we deposit the

Beacons uh did that I that’s not good well thank you Willie for the $30 stream tip like I said we’d love to have uh the mods in there with us we play oh my God no come on oh wait no PE but sorry I only saw the first part of that I I

Thought it was dropsy Cappy cheats so we put him in timeout that’s three minutes of timeout yeah he just too so that’s good throw him in the brg Luke Cappy’s going to the BR rig for three minutes thank you peeman distracting I don’t know what happened to the signs but I think they

Might have all broke I’m going to put the signs upstairs I just stole eight cookies from Steve I stole eight cookies from the Steve guy nice yes yes so what do you what at what point do you start only buying tier fours as soon as getting a stack of cookies is easy I

Get tier fours so like there isn’t an exact time because uh it varies how far ahead we get based on like how many are stolen or whatever but there you go I just put all the cookies I stole right in there thanks thank you peeman for putting him in the Penalty Box for

Cheating guy deserves it oh oh my gosh oh Steve Angi with his cheated in wood sword hey guys another cheater better better stick him in jail throw him in jail don’t do the crime Steve if you can’t do the Rhymes it’s rat battle in time what if that was actually a stream

Mount a rap B that’s a rat battle [Laughter] one okay oh you put you want to try the beacons yeah they’re up there now oh you left them on the floor I mean huh oh no I just meant the beacons you got oh yeah I put them in the top chest

Here all right uh deposit wait depit we now have half a heart advantage over them yeah oh I haven’t picked up any Sak yet let’s go narwhal god with a $50 stream tip say sticky Steves now in jail let’s go naral got it peas you guys are awesome and Willie thanks for help

Us out peas with a $50 Street and put the cheater with the other one that means both of them are in jail for 3 minutes so had three to caps and then well cap already got out of jail so now he’s back in with stinky Steve yeah yeah don’t be

Sorry they deserve this all right I’ll sit at their base and steal from their cookies you’re Jordan with $25 hope you’re having a good day I am having a good day now we’re crushing them why did the cow go to outer space he was looking for the steak

Nebula why why have you done this nice well that’s good I don’t get it I don’t get it what’s the steak nebula I don’t know I filled up their chest with steak of course he did you should fill up their inside chest with Stak too oh

My gosh dude no all right yeah maybe all I’ll let the steak bomb go a little longer just just so you you know get some steak in the chest there we go that of those chest down you know I’m saying got a little bit of that

One I have a feeling by the way that as soon as they are out of uh jail that they’re going to immediately come for our rabbits cuz we have more producing oh they have to they don’t really have a choice but if we get some weapons going oh it’s

Ogre uh let me I say let me get a few more your ones and I can uh get some gold for you so you can get like your base stuff if you want to tell me how much it is I’m also coming home with two and a half stacks of cookies from them

Oh big I’ll get my first tier four then would really be rolling yeah there we go you say two and a half here we go wait oh my God bro oh my God we are like a couple seconds away from getting two tier fours massive I got you Drome thank you yeah I

Thought that was pretty standard stuff oh no C said I was role playing I’m not role play okay uh Jerome genuine question what else would you call that farting okay but you’re doing it in a text chat in Minecraft oh Luke’s here he’s about to teleport him out of jail isn’t he you

Got 30 more seconds he’s getting ready to coming home with another two stacks all right big that held them back big time to start oh 100% those early game timeing outs mhm there go thank you that’s another tier four paddling all right they’re free be ready

Be on the lookout I’m going to say I’m going to get you gold tell me what you need all right um for me the gauntlet Hammer of hammerites all right here’s 36 do what you want with it whoa Who who okay let me see how good the

Armor is okay and if you need more I can get you more real quick hold on here’s another 27 enjoy Also where you got the last one uhoh Cap’s coming Cap’s coming drum Cap’s coming all right all right I’ll be fine be fine he definitely just took

Some I don’t know itely just oh thank God he didn’t take the gold you left out there for me yeah I was just kind of hoping okay if in two hands gives resistance if ability stun is active has chance to light fire oh my gosh

Dude let’s get out there oh this is GNA be crazy uh lot can I request a chest upgrade please yes sure thank you a chest upgrade yeah it always starts off with a single chest but I always eventually need a double chest for for the cookies Cy got

Destroyed man is that the better armor one jail make puny Lane par with $100 stream tip let’s go s jail the cheaters oh my my goodness oh my goodness well all right I’m going to take this time get rabbits up there oh there he goes there he goes Sp oh they are so toast I’m go over their side and steal their stuff let’s go Lane killer Nation with $100 St Ste and cap get for cheating so sick so I guess put it at their not in the don’t put it in the jail with them

Luke would been funny you make God cry what Dr why was kicked for you make God cry oh I don’t know they’re going to have a nice Warden waiting for him courtesy of killer Nation thank you killer Nation appreciate you buddy I put it in their

Home is that okay yeah dude that’s where it should be okay uh dropsy I’ll be coming home soon with like four stacks of cookies oh big they uh they spawned rabbits in their jail so they could get cookies while they were in jail it’s actually pretty funny and I

Was like dang that’s kind of smart you know what got us there can’t can’t fa that killer Nation though for real thank you thank you Lane par thank you everyone you guys have uh been coming out in big form for this cookie camp have to help out the gang take down the cheaters

Yes I can’t wait that warden’s going to be so annoying for them he was hitting me a couple times so I left but I got six stacks of cookies I was going to say he’s not trailing you though right nope no he’s stuck inside our house we’re good we’re good we’re good

Oh my [Laughter] God Samantha at least the $4 stream tip when back at base switch that one that’s chat M failure oh I was the only one who didn’t did you get that too how am I the only one who didn’t get kicked all you

Do yeah Luke what did you do no you what did you do you did something that you were the only one that survived I don’t know but if I find out I’m going to do it again all right Charizard time let’s hope for the best here Charizard Charizard oh upside down whoopsies Dratini

Odish finen Herer Bominable snowman oops wrong one king Gambit Scyther capsid Pidgeot ex oo huge grab guys that’s so sick thank you Samantha for real thank you all right have they died of that Warden just yet uh they’re not out of jail yet but as soon as they are oh

They’re still in jail oh there oh there there they go yeah there they go and Cappy has died ah good times chat good better time there they go oh I was about to go over there to Anno more but mjp with a $40 stream tip to open up another pack of

Cards let me go upstairs to some safety here he said how’s everyone doing I’m doing great my guy especially now that all the fans are coming out in full form to help out me and dropsy get this W over team sheets a lot yeah hi Luke what’s up

Huh I always enjoy watch your streams and Dr yeah they’re bringing the warden what do you mean to bring the back uh so the warden is on the crest of the hill at the moment I would not travel much further all right well I’m inside the house on the Upper Floor opening these

Cards up but thank you mjp for being a big fan of the streams for such a long time dude it’s awesome I’m just gonna and get my gear to and Cay doll all right I’ve got a bunch of those Cay dolls sadly they aren’t mega mega rare

In this pack but that’s okay we’ve got a Pidgeot ex today so far so prob be so upset about such an awesome pull love that these are the obsidian Flames cards which means there is a chance that there’s Charizards in there oh jeez uh the is making his way

Towards us I’m going to see if I can bring him towards them all right I’m bringing them towards them yep the only problem is I don’t know how I’m going to lose him I don’t know how I don’t know how we’re going to get rid of cuddles oh yeah cpp’s

Here oh Cappy was here and then he just got smacked around just like Roblox boxing literally oh no oh no literally Roblox boxing oh BR God just crushed him you’re going to you’re going to you’re going to awaken something jome oh poor Cy and he had extra he was a Berserker

Class too so I got all the extra gear from him now oh nice oh poor cap poor cap Bey man tiny hand uhoh C is here now yeah oh my gosh oh W dropy the warden’s very angry he sure is I’m going to bring him over to their

Side without my stuff on me yeah please do because I think the rabbits are attracting him right now from making noise I punched him all right good job C’s here so watch out yep dropsy you should be able to oh yeah you figured it out nice yeah it’s got to cool down

Though all already I got him the warden’s taking his cookies on the ground but that’s fine Steve’s here and he mad yeah oh no Stevie Stevie Steve mind if I get the best armor by the way I’m still using the iron oh yeah so as soon as you make it back I’ll

Definitely have the gold back on me I’m just getting stacks of beacons right now hello I am back oh hello uh died because of that would a cuddles do to him hi you look green I am uh here take two stacks of gold ingots and do what

You want with it thank you you’re welcome um I’m going to turn in some beacons make us stronger what class mod is this Luke yeah I haven’t seen this before um we actually have used this in the past but it got updated um it is called RPG

Uh modern weapons I want to say oh okay cool dead V with a $30 stre give Cappy some beacons you think 25 beacons will save them now sorry dry but Cappy has a special place in my heart oh oh that’s fine what about sorry Jerry what what the heck

Go I I am not offended do not worry that cherry guy though I don’t know he can hold a grudge Willie with a $25 stream tip stick bomb on Cappy also to and I have been really loving the house t on Roblox since I watched you guys dude it’s awesome I’m

Not just saying that I like genuinely I enjoy it like thoroughly it is a sick game thank you for distracting the cap guy by the way oh poor Cappy he is trying to use Hammer but he is nothing he is a weak man he doesn’t even have

Hands whoa oh my God hands oh my God what what what Steve did some kind of a frost something explosion attack that put me at one heart wait how I left dude I left I got out of there oh I mean I figure uh Mage Samantha Elise with an $80 stream tip

For 50 beacons for The Blue Team or 100 Beacon 100 beacons sorry 100 beacons for The Blue Team kation Jerry I would have helped earlier but I fell asleep I’ll make it tomorrow to help you out dude let’s go what’s the lineup tomorrow uh the lineup tomorrow bedwars pixon Bingo

And Hunger Games big lineup there a jam PR day yeah jam-pack stream day thank you Samantha appreciate you and oh I got I got you beacons already I got you H 100 beacons already toss them on there is the steak ever gonna did you forget about them [Laughter]

Yes so I was like wait a second that was that was a little while ago oh my God you kind to divert his attention Raiders recorders as I’m going to stream on Wednesday yeah of course oh my gosh unfortunately missing on the first few streams so I’ll be having my shift

Manager classes all day hey was for a good cause Willie yeah oh no oh no ice Shard Steve’s coming at me they’re both coming at me I’m bringing them home oh okay where you at which side are you coming from your left my left okay oh they stop following me oh well all

Right I say I got the fire wand and the wind uh Slash I figured that would be a good set of a mage weapons all righty heading on over again see if I can poke the bear we’re crushing we’re over a thousand up on him though but what how

The hard work did they kill him they killed cuddles didn’t they was going to say he’s he’s dead he’s got to be dead why would they do that I don’t know bro Steve’s Ice Shard attack we need to figure out what that is I saw one that

Has ice Shard as a passive ability but it’s just a melee weapon like that’s it it’s a I think it’s a paladin it’s a paladin ability oh okay then I then we it slows you and does eight hearts of damage wait oh my God yeah wait this is

Cracked why is this here it’s like impossible to fight him when he does that it’s a long cool down no it’s not it’s only 30 seconds that’s nothing yeah it’s not a long cool down Luke your could beat someone up in 30 seconds a long cool down is like 2 minutes that is

Not a long cool down messed up his attack there no I’m I’m committing to being a mage but what the heck dude 30 seconds isn’t a long cool down at all all I’m leaving him I’m leaving him Killer Nation $30 stream said thanks Jerry I’m going to try and sleep for uh

Work tomorrow I got up at 2 a.m. see you tomorrow see you tomorrow dude sorry I have to wake up at 2: a.m. for work that’s nuts yeah have a good night dude 2 a.m. is nuts and also gave us 25 B let’s go oh thank you see you tomorrow killer Nation

Awesome stuff dude all right 25 beacons where they Dragon wrecker thanks for the $30 stream tip hey Jerry I know I’m sorry I know love your videos they always baby smile also I love your Jerry tower on House of Horror it’s yeah dude house TD help me level and cruise through the

Levels here are some beacons for your team yeah for real it’s like honestly such a good starting Tower Dragon Wrecker like the the Jerry Tower in the house TD they gave me my own Tower in the game which is cool and uh it’s actually really good you just it’s free

You just use the code I think it’s either Jerome or Jerome ASF and you get the tower for free um and it’s like such a good starter Tower like you could straight up use that to get through the first few levels oh that’s pretty massive actually yeah because then after that point

You’ll get some earns hopefully that’ll let you summon new towers and so it’s a good way to start your game no Ed for the future ref trying to fight his big brother any time I get cap on the ropes Big Brother Steve just comes in with his fre oh my gosh oh my

Gosh y here’s Big Brother Steve trying to use his Frost attack on me thanks the $10 stream Death Angel what a stream tip question mark I’m not sure what you mean by that buddy but thank you thanks for being here uh you’re not being followed so it’s still just you hanging

Out what’s my active ability is stun okay so by right click I st nice oh I was going to say use that on Steve dude before he gets a chance to use his yeah true Steve’s is infuriating though yeah hey they only got 500 beacons though we got

2,000 oh man because of our regen it’s actually pretty tough to kill me I cap maybe lose like five Hearts cuz he uses active I immediately just got it all back already oh dang I Mage doesn’t have a region like that all of mage’s stuff is like here’s cool down [Laughter]

Oh oh my gosh Le I’m distract you a bunch from doing what you’re doing yeah exactly I’ll say it’s worth cuz if it’s just sitting there then they’re not making more I pulled them both off it now I’m just going to go to the other side here oh actually probably also pretty

Strong too because of the regen and strength too wait and we wait when did we get saturation added or semi armor I don’t know but they both I don’t have to eat anymore wait that’s massive oh I have saturation too actually dude big more inventory space for

Cookies Cab’s active also does like five Hearts it’s pretty good oh cppy back oh here comes Big Brother [Laughter] Steve oh my gosh chat we got him on the ropes here Nathan is what is the most famous landmark in Utah I feel like that’s a Steve question

Yeah right most famous landmark in I know they have lots of like beautiful n like nature there’s a lot of national par or national parks that are like popular right yeah like natural landmarks and parks and monuments and but uh I don’t I don’t know any of them

Like offhand a name if you said a name of one I’d be like oh yeah like I’m sure I’ve heard of them I could not tell you which ones are in Utah but I know that they have national parks there Javier said the Grand Canyon the Grand Canyon I thought was in

Nevada like near V I mean I guess it’s big right maybe it stretches I thought it was in Arizona or uh New Mexico wait where is Grand Canyon what am I an American cuz I don’t know where I don’t know where the Grand Canyon is oh it is in Arizona I thought

It was really close to Vegas but I guess maybe Vegas is near Arizona well I mean Nevada does border Arizona so I’m not going to fault you there entirely huh closest airport to Grand Canyon why was I thinking it was near Vegas weird anyway Dragon Wrecker with a $50

Stream tip said jail stiky Steve he’s big poopy diaper man dude now you can wait don’t kill him you can you if you have any act or like distance ones it can kill yo you should get uh um he just tried to take out your rabbit rabbits bro hey

I’ve been kind enough to not do that to their side cuz I know for a fact I can don’t make me go over there Steve there we’re good we’re good we’re good Willie said don’t know if you’re a Marvel guy but they just dropped a Deadpool Wolverine movie no way that’s actually well not the movie The Trailer the trailer but check it out ju mini one that they did at the Super Bowl then the full one’s

Online I’m I’m excited bro I just stole so many cookies from them I think Cy’s coming over by the way oh okay ow I just got hit through the yeah why is Steve in jail all the time he just killed our rabbits brh what some of our rabbits are dead

BR bro that’s like the one rule we have they cheat all the time look at this guys they cheat with the wood swords they cheat with that J if you want to do the same buy the Berserker Hammer no I want to win with I want to win with honor and dignity

Bro if you want to help me out where out back there got killed cat bro our rabbits our Rabbits 15 reputation points the town will remember this cap is getting negative reputation points it’s going on his permanent record yeah I just bought 32 tier fours so it should be fine BR it’s so sad the rabbits didn’t do anything give me all your cookies I just stole a bunch of their

Cookies get out of here you scram hands made of paper konos a $50 stream tip said jail Captain cheats a lot Yeah You’re really showing them what’s what Nate Blanchard thank you for being an ultimate supporter let’s go dude for a whole month thank you buddy appreciate you Nate Blancher thanks for being a one month member of the ultimate supporter style and variety hope all well with you

I’m about to foot of snow good luck with the foot of snow dude that’s nuts that’s a lot of snow stay safe and make sure you got all your water and food and stuff like that stocked up in case you get snowed in or something that’s crazy dude stribling warrior with a $25

Straight di steak bomb on Cappy also Utah has five national parks The Arches Bryce Canyon the canyon LS Capitol Reef and Zion’s Nation Parks all of them are amazing to visit nice yeah yes I knew they had a lot yeah Utah looks beautiful Steve’s doing his wait put a shield

Up ste’s putting up Shields I’m just throwing their cookies all over the place doing a test I’m just stealing from him thank you Dragon record for being a nemon member they’re awesome dude beny said I haven’t seen you in years hey well thanks for coming back

Out thanks for being here or is it Binky beny Binky do you take any [Laughter] Cookies there you go dropsy a couple cookies I put in there for you from courtesy team Jes thank you C courtesy of those guys they’re really [Laughter] nice St I want to see if I can get us 5,000 Steve missed his Mega move oh big take

Him down that is big gota wait 30 seconds for that recharge to be fair though our fight is still going on you know what I’m just going to take all his cookies and run that’s fair get out of here punk took all of his cookies I wonder why the hunter class is broken

Luke um it’s not necessarily broken it’s just they have um uh rifles as their weapons um and they just don’t fire like doesn’t work so I thought that would be lame to keep it in oh I mean yeah it’s kind of the definition of broken like yeah it’s not broken it’s

Just their main aspect mechanic doesn’t work so what you’re saying is they’re broken Dragon Wrecker with a $50 stream tip I’m the Juggernaut kill Kappy jugga juga choo choo this is for cheating which is uh 50 that’s jail a player all right throw in the bridge three minutes

Let me get home let me get home to at home no one’s no one’s rushing you buddy cap I’m genuinely sorry hey cap cap Hey cap Hey cap he cap SP you are so ridiculous SP it’s what they get for cheat oh my go Steve hit me with his Mega attack

There but I don’t think he expected to and then he ran away even though he had me like two hearts alrighty five minutes remaining guys um I’m working I I I want to see 5,000 beacons then I’ll then I’ll uh I’ll good there do you actually think we’ll hit

It uh I’m going to try it’s going to be I’m not going to lie it’s going to be kind of close but I’m going to try did you [Laughter] just so Sten the Libby oh he missed his Mega he missed his old big stun stun and kill him he’s so done he’s so

Done yes yeah oh oh no now it’s begun oh now it’s begun because he being that guy who just keeps picking up his stuff before I can pick it up oh Steve I’m going to keep killing you unless you let me take the stuff you lost it you lost you pun me big

Let me put in some layman terms for [Laughter] you oh hey Cppy whoa that that one that dragon recer with a $60 stream said kill Steve choo choo yeah yeah get them out of here Yes insult the injury we’re going to ruin them you know how earlier we were like yeah we’re having good days uh half of the buddies are no longer having good days well that half doesn’t deserve good days Who dang dang I feel bad for them I just stole like a whole inventory it’s worth of cookies Cy angry Cappy tried to smash Jerry but Cappy don’t know you think Jerry weak because he run bring it this is what you want Captain I need backup dropsy huh you

Might actually win this one huh oh where you at hi he’s on fire oh that looks painful uh the chest is full let me uh yeah uh I want to try and see if I can get to 5,000 exactly I have a couple stacks on me right now so let’s see where that

Puts us the spam shift clicking makes it so much easier yeah what a game CH all right 820 so we need two uh 180 more I have a bunch uh I think they are killing our rabbits uh yeah that cppy cppy broken br even in death they know only

Cheating 70 more beacons then we have 5,000 guys ow cap hurts ow ow ow there you go out of here there we go well all right I’m about to buy the last 70 beacons here oh big okay I was hoping we had enough we should have but

There we go exactly 70 beacons I have enough to buy more but 5,000 time to terrorize them for the next minute and a half I think this was a record I really [Laughter] do yeah th000 points that’s just silly Luke can I have a goat horn absolutely you can which do you

Know a specific one that’s good idea huh oh it’s uh uh oh God can you read out the names uh dream yearn call admire feel seek sing and Ponder I’ll do that second one oh Ponder oh what what yeah that one it sounds like a call to Arms

Charge attack get him watch out for Steve’s attack it’ll come from the sky 50 seconds remaining I don’t know st’s going to have time to use his attack one more time so be on the lookout yeah no he got me oh they’re both on fire oh my gosh 20 seconds

Remaining up the hill I go ouchie hey stop that Jerome you have to punch at least one of them please I don’t have enough time quick quick punch here bro G G and dragon record thank you for the last second $80 stream tip and insult to injury also last stream tip

Also jar will you do a robl game p lazy to where fans can join I think I’m me to say please to where fans can join maybe in the future maybe um we don’t usually do uh Roblox live streams on the channel though I’m sorry but you never know

Could happen one day it could be a cool Roblox game that we want to stream or something Roblox Fight Club roblo I’m just kidding I’m just kidding he said for where we can play with the fans cap you’re just going to pumble or fans under the ground for an hour on roox

That’s what he does in the morning oh my go morning ritual I beat up 5-year-old Dragon record thank you for the $80 stream there to end it off thank you everyone so much for watching we hope you had fun if you did then stick around for tomorrow’s live stream I’m

Glad to be back let’s have some fun everyone peace out bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Creating UNLIMITED Resources In Minecraft Volcano Block’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-02-12 23:18:08. It has garnered 24310 views and 893 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:00 or 10080 seconds.

Creating UNLIMITED Resources In Minecraft Volcano Block

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  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

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  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

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  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

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  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

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  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

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  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More