🌙 Ultimate Relaxation: Knarfy’s Late Night Minecraft

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for for I oh my goodness Elemental VR with the $10 already what the heck man what are you doing what are you doing hey to you too I’m going give it a little heart because I think I can do that it’s kind of cool hey guys it’s late here listen listen guys listen it’s late here okay and by late I mean 9:02 p.m. that’s late right that’s late where am I I live in the Central Standard Time of the US oh my chat stopped oh it’s still going never mind oh goodness welcome welcome you can’t see or hear anything that sure is unfortunate that sure is unfortunate it’s 4 in morning for you dang bro dang bro oh guys you know what I figured out today this is this is so this is so cool e n is CST is so much better look at that I could put chat messages on here but I’m going to delete that one because I don’t want it there [Laughter] gone that’s so cool it’s so cool also you can see both twitch and YouTube here oh my gosh Elemental VR what is what’s going on there man why 50 bucks is too much W NY thank you hey everybody leave a little like on that that’s sick that was sick that’s very sweet thank you and mon with the two appreciate it appreciate it uh twitch I’m going to struggle probably to see whatever’s going on over there but I can’t I can kind of see you you’re you’re over there somewhere can I pop out activity feed I can I can put this over here so so twitch if you do anything I can also do things I can also see things I need to remove that one there we go nice uh wait narie can you shout me out no never get that message off the screen it’s lunchtime in in Australia dang man what that’s crazy well listen uh it’s not it’s not nighttime here so sorry this is so cool hello how are you I’ve been loving your videos I’m good how are you how are you doing I’m good dude we’ve been enjoying the videos we’ve been we’ve been having some fun with the videos bro it’s been a great time it’s been a great time uh fun fact freaking most recent video is like my most popular video I’ve like ever made or like the the fastest growing video I’ve ever made it’s 4: a.m. here can’t sleep to the street is Handy hey cool Robin thank you for the two appreciate it appreciate it can you move to EST it’s better I don’t know if I don’t know if EST is better but you know check out this message dang crazy message crazy message wait English or Spanish uh I prefer enchanting language uh thank you very much the Minecraft enchanting text that’s what that’s what I prefer you know that’s the best way to bypass that you don’t have to you don’t have to respond to anything you don’t have to do a thing you don’t have to do a thing shashu I see your message but I’m not going to read it on stream $5 thank you Hannah thank you me it’s close to morning where I live so I was confused I see light night stream that’s fair see I I uh I like doing these and like saying that it’s a late night stream because it is it’s a late night stream for me but maybe for you it’s not you know wait what what do you mean wait [Laughter] what wait what what what do you guys say what is chat today narvy are you Sigma what does that mean I don’t even know what that means bro what am I going to do today that’s a great question uh we’re going to do some cool stuff and by cool stuff it’s work that I just need to do and it’s 9: so I figured I’d stream and just have some fun you know I’d just enjoy it I’d just enjoy it you know it be it sounds great uh Logan thank you for the 279 appreciate it monat with two more do you think you’ll hit 1 million by 225 I think so I think we I think we have a good chance at doing that honestly I have a good I have a good feeling because like I recently hit 800k and if you look down there if you’re not subscribed a go subscribe but we’re at like 850 something right now so like we’re we’re kind of killing it but my like top priority right now is the second Channel which uh is approaching 100K and right now it’s actually at the place it’s at 880,000 subscribers right now it’s like at the place right now where uh I went full-time on my main channel so like my second channel is just kind of it’s kind of going bro it’s kind of going which is super cool it’s so fun so I’m I’m really excited so the second Channel we’re starting to starting to kind of P P more content too so if you aren’t on the second Channel if you haven’t been watching the second Channel definitely somewhere to look um so that’s a fun spot to go good stuff uh $2 Nur youf furry I am not sorry sorry to to ruin I a lot of people see listen see a lot of people think that like this skin is like a furry skin which I get it I get why people assume that and people think that but it’s a polar bear but it’s also intentionally ambiguous like I don’t I don’t I literally kind of leave it up in the air so that a you guys can kind of decide yourself B fan art is all over the place and fun and C then people comment about it so it’s great so that’s why I do that um it’s great it’s awesome but yeah thanks thanks for asking I guess I don’t know oh mother flame with the 10 this is my first ever live stream I’m glad it’s you hey thanks appreciate it hi hi vixio how’s it going W idea hey thanks I almost lost your message in the chat Chad is going ham tonight chat is going I dude I will never get used to how look at how I don’t know where to point look at how fast this is going I will never get used to this like this is just you guys know it’s been my dream since I was a kid to do this like I grew up watching people like DanTDM and uh a couple like Preston and like all these big creators that like are still creators now but like I this was a dream man this is a dream and this this is where I’m at now you know like that’s that’s crazy that’s crazy bro that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s [Laughter] crazy oh this is insane are you edible nari no at least not that I know of haven’t checked though not sure I want to I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know Elemental view with two more thank you appreciate it appreciate it what’s your sexuality I’m just straight I’m I’m just a I’m [Laughter] boring H Shashi with the five appreciate it also love to take my rent no don’t don’t give me your rent I don’t need it I don’t need your rent you need your rent more than I need my than I need your rent don’t do it keep your money don’t throw money at me I don’t need it I promise I promise I don’t need it I’m okay I’m okay best chubby YouTuber ah you think that you know I have put on a little bit of weight in the past couple months but yeah it’s great it’s it’s a good time it’s chill it’s chill it’s a chill time you know oh my gosh 500 Canadian Is that real just a massive dump of my money to my favorite Minecraft boy he loves to break it every chance he gets but how are you doing today how are the videos a lot of people want to be in the video and you must be a bit tired from the amount do you ever burd out and what would you recommend for a first survival Style in Minecraft dude thank you that’s freaking insane I definitely did not need that at all but I really appreciate that very sweet uh how are you doing how are the V videos I’m good today you know it’s a little bit rainy outside I feel like I’m doing like a just chatting stream right now like everything in all my categories say Minecraft but I guess I’m just doing just chatting right now um yeah gosh how am I doing today I’m doing well and how are the videos the videos are good we have a few in the works uh the main Channel we’re slowing down a little bit because the the videos that we’re working on are big videos where we’ve got some big stuff in the works um I’ve got a really fun one coming very soon that’s going to be super sick um but yeah the videos are going well the second Channel we’re cranking out stuff it’s going to be a great time it’s going to be great it’s raining outside it is raining outside here which is pretty cool or at least it was I don’t know if it is anymore I haven’t looked outside in a bit so yeah I appreciate that a lot of people want to be in video must be a bit tired from the amount do you ever burnout yes absolutely in fact the past couple weeks I’ve been trying to get over some burnout it’s a struggle but I think I’m kind of I’m kind of falling back into the into the rhythm of things I feel like the the SMP which if you haven’t been watching the SMP stuff uh that’s a really fun thing to watch that is that has been helping a lot for me so that’s been a blast um but yeah I have I have been feeling that burn out a bit I’ve been feeling that burnout a bit but yeah thanks for asking appreciate it would you recommend for first survival style survival style it’s a good question what do you mean by survival style you know cuz like you could do like like like a build style or like a play style or like you know full combat you know you could do all sorts of things bro you could do all sorts of things there’s some the beauty of Minecraft is that you could you can do anything you could have any style you want and it’s fine and it’s fun it’s enjoyable you know it’s cool it’s fun that way it’s a blast so honestly I don’t know if I can give you like a specific specific answer on that but yeah go do what you want to do medieval is really easy cuz Minecraft really lends it to it Elemental VR I see you’re 99 oh my goodness you’re just a donating a ton if I donate $50 will you just scar us randomly in the Stream Ace Legend will I jump scare you no there the point of this is to chill out you know Vibe a little bit it’s a great time oh that’s the wrong that was the wrong comment but uh all of them are disappearing where did it go where did it go NY my door is opening who’s coming in do you like you like the new Minecraft update yeah I do eeve love girl I do oh my goodness my chat is moving way too fast hold on let me catch up on these messages let me catch up on these messages mlee Carpenter oh my goodness thank you wait oh can I do how do I do uh can I do like uh filter oh wait can I like I’m trying to figure out how this works trying to figure out how this all works um this is a new chat system that I’m using so I’m really getting used to it because then I can show it on stream like this I’m still getting used to it it’s very it’s very confusing okay hold on all right okay mother flame also want to say thanks for all the laughs you’ve given me your videos help me when I had a hard day at work a thank you so much Mr fun I’m so glad that’s our goal that’s our goal we want to make you laugh we want to make you laugh Elemental VR give me string cheese I actually have string cheese in my fridge like I actually I actually own string cheese and Sawyer is obsessed with it it’s great fre $2 English or Spanish uh Minecraft enchantment table language I said that earlier Nar is a silly goose yes I agree I am a goose in Disguise and you have no idea I am a legend I am subbed by the way thank you thank you thank you dude you donated far too much you and tals X fries AKA Little Jeremy bro you guys are crazy y’all are crazy thank you appreciate you all okay I need to like actually start doing things bro it’s 5: a.m you say night Hey listen listen it’s 9:15 p.m. here okay it’s dark outside my window you can’t convince me that it’s it’s not night time cuz it is mle Carpenter with the the membership thank you appreciate it appreciate it let’s actually get back in game here let’s actually let’s do this so oh my gosh the George show how’s it’s been on the second Channel with a weird strike thing every time you feel you know what the past two videos that hasn’t happened I appreciate you asking about that actually the past two videos hasn’t happened so I’m hoping fingers crossed that it’s fine that we don’t have to worry about it I’m hoping hoping praying that is fine we will find out can I move this [Music] under I’m G to make this a little bit bigger so you guys can see that a little bit better there we go yeah I appreciate you ask me about that I you know I I thought I don’t know what was happening there honestly I was a little bit confused by that um because it just it’s just not wax what is this honeycomb honeycomb you know I was just confused by it for anyone that doesn’t know I when I’ve been uploading videos to the second Channel every single one of them just gets like held for review for some reason and I don’t know why they did was it was doing that for the longest time right now it’s okay so in theory hopefully we won’t have to worry about it again and the videos can just upload and be fine because sometimes those would like push our schedule back which was not fun but now we’re now we’re okay appreciate you asking about that elements of VR am I a pro absolutely you’re a pro you can totally buy your way to be a pro I don’t know and of course $2 just to say skibby Riz of course of course okay so here’s my thought with this I’m trying so I got I got a couple things that I got to work on here um first of all I was GNA do why did I walk why did I wax the fully o listen listen listen I had it out I don’t have any other answer for that okay listen listen it’s not that deep it’s just it’s just is what it is okay I try all right okay I tried oh man um what was I even saying I was can I stare at the camera for a few seconds what am I Hold On hi that’s all you get that’s all you get off the that’s the rock get off the screen get out of here you want to see the cat huh he’s sleeping in the other room maybe later maybe if he comes in here maybe if he comes in here what’s what’s my what you guys are crazy Elemental VR is coming for my string cheese apparently so that’s cool I apparently can’t filter uh I can’t why can’t I filter the why string I can’t filter I can’t see the freaking this is the worst this is the worst day ever this is the worst day ever man this is the worst day ever Elemental you are absolutely amazing though I really appreciate you thank you for that and L O with the 99 let’s go baby let’s go okay I was in game I was in game hey what’s up narf I didn’t realize I clicked on that but it’s there it’s there all right I was doing stuff but then people got distracting so I’ve got a couple things I need to work on tonight uh one of the things here is uh building this I’m sorry if I am not getting all the donations if I’m missing donations I promise it’s I’m sorry I promise it’s not um but I I wanted to try to build a house for the server that was one of the things that I kind of wanted to try and the other thing is I have another video that I need to develop some stuff for uh and I don’t remember which um comments I need to do but I’ve got like some stuff I got to do on that that’s not as fun though that’s not as fun though that’s not as like chill you know there’s some funny ones though there’s some funny ones though a lot of those I got to figure out off stream though cuz those are a long are a long time string cheese or Mallet string cheese bro for real string cheese for sure how old am I I am 24 I am old for sure too old for this game not really guys did you know I’m on famous birthdays I don’t know why that’s weird to me but I’m on famous birthdays apparently who would have thought you know who would have thought cool house color palette yeah thanks that’s kind of what I was thinking I was like this is this feels like a good just kind of pet mix for me to kind of experiment with so that’s kind of what I was thinking um let me TR let me look up Minecraft trial chamber inspired house a first thing that pops up is cringy gold let’s go what a guy first thing that pops up is cringle video Let’s Go uh none of these are good none of this none of these Google Images has failed me you failed my Google Images uh Minecraft copper house I mean there’s some options right like they’re not bad oh that’s actually you know this roof is kind of nice it’s this roof is kind of nice right here you know it’s kind of nice I don’t mind that um I want to just do I want to like a I’m looking for like a Manor though you know like that’s kind of nice that’s not too bad doing something like that with these blocks I could probably pull that off could probably pull that off yeah let’s do this I think that one’s good let’s do that one this one’s seems professional right that one looks great right it’s great let me actually move this as like a full there we go that one’s great it’s great it’s great hey Kyle thanks thanks for the thanks for the raid appreciate you how’s it going what’s up Kyle how you doing how you doing Pongo the mango with the the resub hey thanks appreciate it appreciate it this is nice I I like this this is a good start this is a Good Start that’s a good start what do you think what y’all think what y’all think what do you think you like can we join guys this is a single player world this not how this works guys is a single player world there’s literally nothing here you thought system Z was my dad people think he’s my brother even though he’s not we just look similar that would be crazy if he was my dad no I’ve had my dad in a video before he’s he’s been in a video before he’s in one of the breaking Minecraft videos I don’t remember which one but one of them he’s in there one of them NY can I be your [Laughter] dad guys chat is crazy today y’all are crazy today you’re all C crazy today can I use your name for a mod I’m making uh depends on how you’re going to use it but uh maybe if it’s bad then no what’s my opinion on colors yes I approve of colors I approve you know I approve can you me ens using name is Elemental blur YT see I it’s even with the money I try to keep my friend request this is the same thing with Discord and I apologize for this I’m sorry but I try to keep it very simple because the moment I say yes to one I have to say yes to all of them and then I don’t have any like dedicated friends and I everything is just Spam and Chaos so unfortunately I cannot say yes to that because other people would be also asking that so I’m sorry why do you all want want me to yell potato no I’m not going to yell potato bro you can’t tell me what to do who do you think you are huh who do you think you are who do you think you are there so many viewers on Twitch right now too 98 let’s go baby let’s go I also can’t even see my viewers on there we go yeah I don’t know if I need to see I don’t need to see my viewers at all I don’t need to see my viewers all right Chad let’s let’s chat I I called you Chad all right Chad let’s do this let’s freaking do this Chad this looks really nice I kind of want to base it kind of off of this but I don’t want this to be like the whole thing obviously you know like I kind of want to I want to come up with my own sort of format here too so okay let me do let me get some grayscale oh it’s already there let me just Boop okay that’s fine let me grab the wood uh that three four and now that’s there and copper uh that and three four boom okay now I’ve got these little block pallets which is kind of nice today I’m using axom for this by the way which is kind of nice uh kind of a wonderful wonderful thing for sure kind of a great thing kind of a great thing I’m not going to lie pretty great time I’m finding your house cuz I need string cheese bro go to the go to Walmart they got all sorts of string cheese bro go there they got more string cheese than I’ll ever have all right um I’m going to start with like a five we’re going to do a little bit of a modular system here I think be kind of nice this is just going to be the the start of the the this sort of system here I’m going to do a little bit of like texture boom okay that and then we’re doing some of these bricks in here I don’t know how this looks are there cracked tough bricks there’s not you can do chiseled tough bricks though which isn’t bad that’s kind of fun I kind of wish there were like tough columns you know but there’s not okay what else do we have in the tough world you know oh we have regular tough stairs actually didn’t know that I kind of kill it’s kind of neat uh and then I can do that and then this can be a window now glass I’m just going to do this because I got to keep this like generally buildable in survival and I think you can can you do can you make those you can okay sick so I just need to mine a ton of tough is the plan sick I can do that that’s not too bad I’m going to do the triple window here I think that would look better and now I can do a I can do a floor in here out of spruce and then it now listen this isn’t the full house yet we’re going to do some more in here don’t worry don’t worry about it Chad I know you were worried about it I know I know you were worried you were very stressed it’s I can tell I can tell you need to calm down chat you need to calm down a little bit all right calm down a little bit chat calm down you you you’re too excited about this stuff you know too excited chill out chill out chat I getting string cheese by the way your fridge is eating your cat what does that mean what do you mean what do you mean I see Garrett I know I know Garrett yeah I I thought that was the whole house you got me freaking out I know I know I’m sorry I know I know I’m sorry Garrett I know I’m sorry look it look it you see Garrett was stressed Garrett was freaking out man Garrett Garrett was freaking out it’s all right Garrett don’t worry we it’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be great all right um okay so now we’re going to do this I’m GNA copy clone boom boom and that clone to there right I think so so we’ll do the two this is okay this is actually turning out way bigger already than I thought it would be that’s not [Music] ideal uh hold on chat let me let me let me do something here I need to open this program up here again H there we go I need to like copy oh copy that uh um what guys I don’t understand how OBS Works custom browser docks here we go apply close did it work I don’t know if my change worked for my chat love you n you always make my day thanks I appreciate yet you probably won’t see this but good night good night everybody say good night everybody say good night everybody say good night okay this is already way too big um this is already way too big this is this is way too big um uh cuz like here’s see here’s what I was doing this was my thought process here was like this space was like down here you know like this little area but it’s not it’s not really working the way I thought it would no your cat is eating my house what mother flame what candle set does your favorite I don’t know I don’t I don’t use candles enough to really have a good favorite favorite candle flavor you know yep mle Carpenter my mod is good good okay everybody say good night to them too cuz they said good [Laughter] night oh chaos so this is what I was thinking there but this is this is already too big I think um let me remove that let’s do this hold on um uh how does this look oh it’s got like a full thing going on there okay wait so let me do like three two I’m going to do two two and then I’m going to do this and then we’re going to clone this guy there and then it’ll be one two three and then one two two three boom okay got it good and then it’s this sure we’re going to roll with that I think and then that’s kind of inside more yeah but that’s even honestly that’s like that’s still too big I think it still feels really big still feels really large dude father I crave violence looks like hacking what do you mean I’m not I don’t know what you’re talking about hacking that’s I wouldn’t guys if you haven’t used axom yet it’s a great mod it’s a great mod so good why is my fridge in your room what what oh Asia’s here what’s up what’s up Asia how you doing uh this is this is the start of my house for the SMP hopefully I want I’m going to use a lot of tough is my hope uh yeah hopefully this will look nice I don’t know I’m not sure yet I’m not sure how I feel about it not sure not entirely sure yet um how did they do this one you know okay so they continue doing more stone work and stuff down there so I’ll do like I’m going to figure out the these like you know arches in a moment but I do kind of want to figure out how this is going to look first yeah okay so now what if I just did exactly the same thing here and then we go in a block so we do a three and then we do that’s not that’s not what I meant to do something like this I really love these tough bricks dude these these tough blocks like the new update looks so good dude so good so nice so nice bro okay so like that and then I think we’ll do I need a door so I’m going to go in one I guess we’ll do a door like a double door double door cuz then oh wait but that now it’s like a it’s like a level up though because of these okay interesting interesting oops this is going to be a process to build on the server though this is this is going to be wild this is I’m not going to lie this is going to be wild um but it could look so cool so it would be worth it you know just so much tough it’s just going to be so much tough and also probably a lot of copper that’s kind of what I’m anticipating now but it’s fine you know it’s fine I didn’t need to be sane right I’m not sayane anyways uh do this and actually what if I do that that’s kind of fun do a couple Spruce doors in like that oh you know what let’s do stairs up on top like that yep and then I’ll just do build all this out with the bricks and then I’ll texture it with regular tub sick cool okay this is big this is this is very large um this is very large um okay um there we go okay is that right yes that’s right okay so that’s the general gist of that that’s not too bad I don’t I don’t hate that honestly okay no that’s not there we go boom boom oops boom that’s not it nope nope nope nope no there we go boom there we go okay okay okay all right whoop boom and I’ll just place these two okay this is not too shabby I’m not going to lie I don’t hate this this is the start this is the start uh boom boom yeah all right so this is like this is huge this is way bigger than I thought it would be uh this is way bigger than I thought it would be oh my gosh be with the 500 thank you love your videos thank you that’s freaking insane dude did I see the latest big Dono yeah just now that’s insane dude thank you appreciate that that’s insane everybody everybody everybody say thank you guys you guys are you guys are crazy tonight this is probably the most donations I’ve ever gotten in a stream like ever so I appreciate you guys I don’t need it keep your rent be able to pay rent guys don’t worry you’re fine I don’t I I’ll survive don’t worry it’s okay subscriber else love your vids you like baseball put this on screen can I wait if I can find it I absolutely will oh man it’s just it’s uh my chat’s moving too fast I can’t get it I can’t get it fast enough oh my gosh wait that’s okay that’s awful I don’t like that sound that sound is supposed to play every time there’s a chat message that pops up but I did not want that happen Okay hey new member incursus Schmid that’s a crazy name that’s a wild name okay this is really cool but this is really huge um this is way bigger than I thought it would be which is not necessarily A Bad Thing uh it’s just gonna be it’s just G to be a little bit crazy when we’re trying to like actually build this on a server also I need to get rid of these um let me do stack that way and then uh texture this up a little bit more and then untexture this bit a little bit give this a little bit more like actual texturing okay yeah because now we have a wall here I don’t have to pay rent take more money that’s not that’s not a better motivation it’s not a better motivation but thank you I appreciate it I do I do genuinely appreciate it guys it does mean a lot it’s just funny because like I’m five guys don’t worry okay I’ll survive I’m I’m I’m well off man I’m good I’m good keep your money please please makes me feel bad why am I doing this what the H I didn’t know you could do that’s actually so handy okay that’s so sick all right I’m learning new things about Axion this is sick all right um okay so this uh we can do more windows I think let’s just do like let’s do like a window here and it’s the three so yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and then one here one here one two three we’ll just do windows like everywhere because windows are nice seeing is nice and then I’m just going to do that and then I’m just going to clone it to oh didn’t mean to do that oh nope I didn’t mean to do that finish wait okay this second Point okay there we go okay now oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wait I didn’t mean there we go okay okay uh ah what is happening okay okay there there scroll okay now let me just bring it over here okay confirm okay confirm great that worked all right cool uh and I guess I can rotate that and just do more windows this is kind of a weird corner but that’s not the end of the world um me tired me too McAn Carpenter me too me too I agree hey OA K thanks for the raid appreciate it Hi man how are you here raid love for day 20 2,172 in a row dang man congrats go eat was working more my Crystal River Place STS of glass nice dude huge thanks for thank you for that thank you for that brother appreciate you appreciate you okay let’s see now finish that I need to clone all of this so now that and I got to flip it and confirm okay uh oh that not supposed to happen didn’t mean to do that okay all right hey kendle’s in chat hi hi kendle how’s it going uh your videos are polar bar excellent be bar Polar barent Polar everybody everybody try to figure out how oh that’s the that’s the wrong message hold on it does say hi though hi hi hi this one polar beelin get it because you’re a polar bear yeah how do you pronounce that everybody type your pronunciation of polar barolin in chat please I need I need your best okay I need I need your best how do I do it how’d you become so successful on YouTube time time and consistency time and consistency Polar beell Polar barent yeah yeah that’s yep yep polar balent that’s good yep okay polar bear silent [Laughter] sure what type of Base am I trying to make essentially like I just want like a big a big Manor so here let me let me show you what the world looks like here um so over here this is my failed attempt at a uh a beginning house um so this is this is the same seed as the server um so this is this is kind of where I’m at right now on the actual like main server and then there’s this big old open area here uh voo and Craig are in this area down here but I’m probably going to take this sort of just area of land to turn that into like wheat fields and then turn something up here into like a big Manor so my struggle is that like this is kind of a corner but I’m probably just going to end up taking out like this entire Mountain um and just kind of build like a big a big Manor here on the hill and then uh have something back here you know so I guess I kind of have to make each side kind of a front side if that makes sense hopefully so I don’t know I don’t know and I really like your content appreciate what you do want to start fabric modding got any tips well you know fun fact fact I actually don’t really know how to code I use M creator for a lot of things uh so sorry I don’t really have a lot of tips I’m I’m much more of a filmmaker and Video Creator that’s kind of my my forte so um yeah I’m not a ton of help but uh I would say go watch tutorials on YouTube because there’s a ton of them and they are really good so highly recommend they’re very good very very good I’m also just going to [Music] slightly turn this down because I bet it’s probably pretty loud but also it’s kind of a Vibe I’m sure so I’m just you know what let’s go to there why not how’s that how’s that how’s that uh this try to fill in these little gaps boom Oh that’s not the right block there we go and this one and boom good nice uh any tips for a starting YouTuber um keep going you know what that’s that’s genuinely my tip just keep keep working at it um the thing that I learned is consistency is key thumbnails and titles will sell your content that’s huge uh and cons just keep going uh I was told the phrase you don’t become the boss of a of a company in the in a day and that is the same with YouTube takes time takes time commitment and work so that’s what I would say um just keep at it keep at it and you’ll make it you can I know it’s possible because I did it I’m here I it was my dream and uh here I am so I know it’s possible I know it’s possible it’s very much possible boom boom boom that’s not it okay yeah this is this is not too shabby I’m going to just do the same thing here okay boom boom boom sick um what is your recommendation for software to safely use mods and stuff like that I accidentally put a virus on my computer a long time ago adding a mod highly recommend modrin this is what I use the mod rinth launcher freaking awesome I uh am in contact with the uh the uh one couple of moderators on the team they’re fantastic modrin is fantastic they uh make sure to very strictly they they they make sure things are good um so highly recommend them I release all my mods through modrin because they’re great and they have a Minecraft launcher so I highly recommend that and then it’s just as easy as like literally you hit add content and then you find the mod you want and you hit install and then it’s there and you’re good so highly recommend that’s what I would recommend that’s what I would recommend that’s the goal that’s the goal got to eat bye Oar Rock have fun thanks for chilling um what else what else what else me tired me too shrimp animations with the five bits hey thanks I appreciate that thank you bedtime story uh I don’t really know a good bedtime story I’m not going to lie to you this is I’m not going to lie to you guys this is way this is way larger than I thought I would and I don’t know how well it’s going to fit up on that hill but maybe it’ll be fine what if I just clone this whole Space right and then I go over here flip it and go back here that’s a good chunk of space what if I [Music] go oh shoot I didn’t oh no boom boom and that block that block uh yes is that correct that’s correct okay cloning that way and then I can go to there that’s that’s still so big that’s still so large dude oh man it’s just so much it’s just taking up so much space that’s not terrible though okay I don’t mind that I don’t mind that that’s not terrible uh and then we can do let me move this section here out a couple blocks and then this we can kind of fill in I’ll just kind of easily fill that in like that sorry I’m focused now um I got distracted and now I am focused once again uh like kind of this I’ll just do one up there like that fill all this in and then now this is a nice little extra side Tower Space it’s kind of [Music] okay I don’t hate it do I hate it I don’t think I hate it I think it’s great this is my first donation to a YouTuber but I like to say that you are the only one that I will watch through the whole stream a thanks that means a lot that’s very sweet can we call you northbear what does that mean what does that mean crafty Master man’s here hi hi crafty how you doing how you doing uh clone there we go this to here and ude that and now we clone it flip it around boom oops and confirm finish and then now we remove all of oh I can just select this can’t I boom boom delete boom sick sick let’s go do I have any wereable merch actually funny story we are in the process right now of completely revamping the merch store um it’s going to be just completely different we’re we’re completely redoing all of our designs we’re doing some new stuff we’re doing some new products we’re doing a bunch of stuff um so the weable merch will happen uh at some point eventually uh but we’re just it’s taking some time it’s taking some time all right we’re getting there we’ll get there at some point we’re just we’re working on it we want to make it really good want to make it really cool also my designers are also college students that are busy so Life Is Life is busy man so it’s fine give us some time we’ll get you good stuff you’ll get some really cool stuff soon it’ll be really fun it’ll be really fun I’m a good builder thanks guys appreciate it I try I try um okay so this is I really want to just like do exterior work here like the exterior is going to be huge for this um that’s going to be a prime piece for this um let’s look at the reference material again so I need to do a little bit of extra work oh you know what these can be doors I think this these could actually be really solid as doors I’m going to do that do I have a door in my no Boop grab that boy boom and do these tough brick stairs tough bricks okay so we’ll do stairs here boom so now we have a side door and I’m thinking we do just we just have a door on all sides I think that makes the most sense um great boom boom perfect so I think a door on all sides just because it’ll be kind of up on a up on a hill is you know that would be kind of Ideal so oh my gosh be be on YouTube and on Twitch bro hi again bro what are you doing what are you doing in twitch chat now what’s going on what are you do you jumping between and just giving way too much 50 50 Subs bro 50 Subs 50 plus subscribing themselves what is today guys you guys are you guys are the best this is definitely the the most I’ve been donated to on a stream before so you guys are awesome I really appreciate that it really is it’s very it’s very sweet so thank you and the subs are great too because they actually uh like benefit the community which is which is what I would prefer I feel bad taking everything stress man you know I guess I can just do it here there we go kind of a I want that to look just more visually appealing you know that’s not bad though I don’t I don’t hate that can I do like a this this that’s terrible yeah yeah okay this is this is nice this is nice boom and we’re just GNA we’re just going to Cap all these off like so boom yeah also doing this over on this just so things match I think this gives it a little bit more depth which is great yeah oh oh that oh that eats into that I didn’t realize that ah here we go wait this is this is okay actually this is okay actually okay that’s fine uh oh wait uh uh boop boop I need to do this block here okay that’s not too bad oops move that to that there and then fill that back in okay cool that’s not too bad all right sick now let me clone that boom boom sweet sweet hey Gable scum with the membership thank you mother flame favorite song favorite song you know I don’t know if I have like a favorite song um I listen to a lot of just random music my music taste is uh what I consider to be cinematic hopeless romantic is what I call it so it’s a lot of like sadly breakup songs and and cinematic stuff not because of any personal trauma I just like cinematic stuff because I have a film degree so I’m a bit of a bit of a sucker for a good uh good vibe you know so I don’t know if I have one dedicated like favorite song though I back in the day and I still am a huge fan of them but switch foot I don’t know if you guys know who they are but they are phenomenal they have one song meant to live that’s just got a banger guitar opening it’s just so good that’s one of my favorites not gonna lie highly recommend that song meant to live so good dude okay and then I guess this oh cancel okay and then I guess this can just be the two oh but I guess it should be lower lower like that boom okay that’s not bad now I need to clone that though over to there and over to there and over to there great and now I need this this is all decorative now oh whoops boom and then I got that one now I need this to go right there perfect okay so this now all has like the Arches and everything around it that’s kind of nice that’ll help us transition into the next layer which will look pretty good and I think um let me look here go to survival mode just for the sake of being in survival mode so it’s 1 2 3 four 5 six blocks tall which I really like um I think it’s kind of nice does film degree go over music theory you know to tell a story with minor thirds or perfect octaves not necessarily but it does talk about um at least mine was a lot of uh communicating emotion through music so that and that’s a that’s like partially with like the sort of like theory of it but it’s also just like listening to it and if it feels sad it works for a sad moment that kind of thing and then I editing music is all a whole a whole ordeal so that’s a whole time but yeah that that was part of what it covered was was um that sort of feel so it’s a good question too thank you for the vi appreciate it also music ma’am with the $2 worth the best Minecraft user ever thank you I appreciate that I appreciate that okay um let me just so this isn’t as like expensive when I’m in the world do this I’m gonna try do I like that do you like that chat do you like this do we like like maybe verticals on those maybe trap doors oh I like the trap doors actually the trap doors look pretty nice and then we can do four five like six six seven let’s do seven this is going to be a really tall I think this is going to be eight block ceiling oh well I guess we need a floor too so six seven block ceiling just kind of nice yeah yeah yes I’m seeing a lot of yeses I like it I think I’m a fan I’d say I’m a fan sure let’s roll with it you know I think it’s nice okay eight block ceiling that could actually be kind of nice so I’m kind of thinking like this because this is going to be like a run I’m getting your cat and string cheese Elemental VR how much money are you donating bro like calm down calm down oh man thank you but calm down dang um the 20 of something I don’t know what that currency is but hey thank you if you like then say whatever that is thank you appreciate you appreciate it I appreciate it means a lot means a lot okay uh I need to really just like hunker down here and focus you know focus on up I think I need to do oh this this though this is kind of an awkward spot but I don’t I don’t think it’s too bad oh but I got to continue these huh okay so I guess I’ll just do that so this corner will be a little bit weird Oh shoot that’s all this corner is a little strange maybe oh here let me just continue this one back and then this one will go up yeah that’s that’s probably smart yeah yeah I think it’s all right because then this can go up sure because I was also thinking like the trap doors here like that cona Conor strange you know Kor strange mother flame including this message I’ve donated a lot you have you have thank you seriously I appreciate it appreciate it y’all are the best um trying to think how to do this section cuz these I think I want to cap like that but maybe this is just like planks cuz this whole middle section will probably be planks and such oh but they did [Music] lighter ooh do I have like a lighter block I could use I guess I could try let me try aaca planks in here ooh actually you know what ACAA with Spruce is kind of a combination I didn’t think would work but kind of does let me try this interesting oh you know what it probably should be ins set though yeah yeah kind of do that and then uh and I guess with the floor in place it won’t be too bad so interesting that’s that’s interesting that’s interesting oh yeah chi I see you trying to use the command in in YouTube chat I don’t know if the YouTube bot’s here is the YouTube bot here oh it is oh sick I can’t even see it in my uh in my chat sick I didn’t know that thank you chi appreciate it yeah if you guys want to join the Discord it’s there twitch worked okay yeah yeah I can see it in twitch oh because I’m com I’m combined over here that’s right right yeah I don’t think it works on YouTube for some reason but yes you can you can join the Discord with there also I think the the invite link is in my description and I think you can use discord. nar.com if that’s easier for you chi um stack okay oh that’s not no I don’t want to I don’t want stack cancel I want to clone you boom boom and then I think it goes there and there yes yes yes excellent uh okay done there and then we just do blocks here boom yeah yeah okay so now we have oh I can put the um I am understanding I’m understanding now what this could look like okay so we’ll do that um this block won’t have a cover on it but it’s not too bad it’s not too bad it’ll function as it’s supposed to so it’ll look decent and then one there okay cool cool cool very cool this is nice actually I’m kind of excited about this okay clone this over here okay this could be really interesting this is going to be a really unique look I think what did I do over here I haven’t done that part yet H that is awkward maybe I need to do this differently yeah I’m gonna have to do this differently huh okay um let’s do this here and then we have a longer section of wall there okay yeah that’s kind of a bummer that’s okay that’s not too bad that’s not too too bad that’ll look semi-natural right that’ll look natural I think it can look natural I don’t know I’m not sure I’m not [Music] sure oh boy okay okay and then back over here and there and rotate and there yeah yeah yeah yeah okay sorry I see new I see new messages coming in but hold on let me let me Focus here for a moment uh confirm that’s right yes that’s correct okay finish I kind of don’t mind the acacia here which kind of blows my mind because I don’t know if I ever would have thought this combination of Acacia with stripped spruce would work you know use non-stripped oak logs too I could what would it look like with oak logs here instead in the color palette you know oh I don’t know if these belong very well together I don’t know if I like that very much um about stripped Oak strip out could be fine but it’s feels like a lighter accent next to a bit of a darker middle piece which I don’t know if I like that could work these have similarish tones let me try going into this editor skip um can I like oops how do I box select okay yes oh can I control R here we go okay Spruce strip Spruce log change it to Spruce log and then strip through wood with Spruce Wood oh but they didn’t change their Direction dang it but I don’t hate the look of that why am I having second second thoughts on the colors up there all right chat what do you think do we like the darker on the top or do we like the lighter on the the top what do you think chat what do you think what do you think mmud sadri YouTube wisdom uh thumbnails and titles drive your content consistency is key and you won’t become the boss in a day so just keep going those are my little little things okay A lot of people are saying darker someone did say copper but I want to use the copper for the roof so that’s why I’m trying to keep this to like wood types feels a little bit better claer claer said Comfort streamer I’m your comfort streamer also be just gifted another 50 gez man gez man twitch is going ham over there twitch is Twitch is eating well today twitch is eating well tonight all right I’m seeing a lot of dark um so that’s what this is so this is what the darker looks like my cat has a command block what do you mean darker yeah could you give me some tips on building in Minecraft oo um you know the the best tip I could probably give you is is just keep going until you feel like it looks right and I know that feels a little bit arbitrary but genuinely just like continuing and until you feel like oh that feels right is nice so I I kind of like that cuddly little Panda teddy bear late night building I’m about to go Z you’re the best you’re the best cler yeah I think that’s what I would mostly say be is just it’s it’s mostly about continuing do that and then also using inspiration like I don’t think there’s anything bad with like taking a little bit of inspiration from other uh images and stuff like I’m I’m using this as like my general inspiration I’m obviously not copying it block for Block but that you can see the inspiration very much tied in here but like now I’m noticing here like this is a great design feature in this in this spot over here with the uh the like stairs and slabs here kind of holding up the wood like that I kind of love that so that could be something where did it go so that could be something I could use is uh that sort of like support system which I do really like it’s kind of nice so maybe that’s what I do here is I can like move all of this I need to get that out too to here oh but that’s going to be weird here maybe do that okay I can salvage that that’s not too bad ah it’s still a little weird though maybe see but like that’s kind of what I would say is like it’s taking that inspiration to to go off of my point there of like taking a little bit of inspiration and then using that to adapt your build to make it look right you know and keep going with it that could be kind of nice extruding blocks yes extruding blocks which I don’t mind honestly I actually don’t mind it boom and then now I need to do that like this and now um because this is kind of how these looked before uh oh wait oh right right right right right right right right boom and boom and boom and boom boom yeah guys this music is such a Vibe I’m I am thoroughly enjoying this music right now thoroughly enjoying this music right now okay yeah yeah yeah that looks right okay so now what they did is just a a line of these here boom boom like that and then use a little bit of honestly I wonder if dark oak would fit here since it kind of matches those oh oh oh oh oh that could be [Music] cool uh oh but I probably want to do a slab here at least and then do slabs slab s interesting oh that o i don’t hate that I mean it’s a little bit more saturated what does it look like with Spruce oh I actually you know what since the spruce kind of matches I think I might actually just leave it a spruce I don’t mind that have your plush is it edible yes eat it go for it do it do whatever you want what could possibly go wrong you know for legal reasons that’s a joke don’t actually eat the plush it might not end well you may not enjoy um what does that look like yeah I just don’t know if I like that section right now but I don’t know how to fix that necessarily you know I fixed it that would do it that would do it that would that’s yeah that does it for me that’s great that works for me and I think I’m only going to do these extruding blocks on the front side I think that just makes the most sense oops whoops there we go also these these logs are all just wrong they’re all just in the wrong spot boom boom here we go boom there we go okay yeah yeah that’s not bad we ever seen the movie The Last Unicorn I have not not seen that sorry Elemental VR is crazy bro Elemental VR over there is going crazy bro crazy guy over there um okay so I don’t hate that I don’t know if I like that it’s not bad though because it’s not like continuing over so I don’t I don’t think that’s too bad yeah yeah I like that I’m okay with that I’m all right with that I don’t mind that at all yeah this just feels like an awkward Junction there so I think what’s going on there right now is probably fine I think I’m gonna just have to leave it like that I guess you could what if I move that over one and then oops do that what do you think Chad you like that I feel like that kind of ties that together decently well right yeah because then we can put like a window in there I think that I kind of like this better yeah that’s kind of what I’m think of too yeah yeah yeah I’m good with that I’m going to I’m going to leave it like that uh also I need to clone it over here Boop and also I need to delete all that perfect perfect and the back is probably not correct but it’s fine it’s whatever yeah okay okay all right right you know what I could also do I can also probably move all of this up one yeah and then I can do this same little bit like this kind of like that yeah okay I like that I think that’s a good move I think it’s a good move I think that’s a good move boom delete the excess that doesn’t need to be here boom sick this looks so bad from the inside right now this looks so bad from in here it’s fine it’s fine the mov is from 1982 it it’s a wild ass trip dang man that’s crazy it does s I think I’ve heard that the title before The Last Unicorn but I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so that’s good should I give you all my money King narfi no don’t don’t do it you’re not allowed to I forbid it I forbid you to do not or I shall be sad I shall be very sad actually I will not be sad I will be very happy about it but I will not I will not be happy about it if that makes sense doesn’t make any sense but sure that’s it’s that’s the that’s what it is now don’t give me moral of the story don’t do it don’t do it please please don’t okay um this is not bad at all I do not mind this at all one bit I think it’s quite nice in fact I think it is quite nice quite nice can I have your YouTube no you can’t have my channel Bruh Bruh I like my channel you can’t have it it’s mine oh gosh this is all stacked up now this is all doubled up whoops delete all this extra stuff that doesn’t need to be there cool this is this is really cool I actually really like this right now this like that for some reason this color palette it’s just really nice I think it’s just cool let me do this I like the overhanging I’m not going to lie I think the overhang actually works pretty well in my favor here I think it’s pretty cool the other thing this has is like a nice little accent piece like that I don’t think I can quite do that [Music] here but I don’t hate the overhang I think I’m just going to leave the overhang the way it is I think we’re going to leave it like that think we’re going to leave it like that who ever do VR content yeah I’ll do a little bit more probably at some point I just need to think of a good idea to do it VR Minecraft VR is hard to to find a good space for so it’s a it’s a struggle but I’m hoping to at some point I think it’ll be fun I’d love to do more okay let’s do this and then stack it I’m just going to go all the way and then I can replace the ones that are here and then this is going to be a whole different situation that I’ll figure out in a moment hopefully something like that and then clog you to there there there there uh oh that’s not it to there there there there yeah this is going to be a whole ordeal isn’t it I think I need to do like a an overhang here too something like that I’m sure I think [Music] so I think that’s fine right this music is such a Vibe I love this music dude okay and then this is all just trap doors this is going to be a lot of spruce and a lot of tough so far I’m going to have to gather so many materials for this build dude I’m have to gather so much of this oh oh boy lost half of my Apple cash should I donate more no stop it stop it it’s insane dude stop it clone this bro is the goat though not going to lie you and B are just crazy bro all right this goes here nope not there at all I was just completely wrong love to see it okay that’s going to be an awkward corner but that’s not too bad that’s fine I’m just gonna have to live with that probably that’s okay I think that’s fine right that’ll be fine that’ll be fine okay now going to literally copy the entirety of all of this to the other side clone and [Music] boom and is that correct is this in the right spot it is not is this in the right spot yes yes that is in the correct spot confirm finish oh oh look at this thing look at how crazy this build is so far wow wow okay so now this has like the sloping roofs and stuff so the reason I liked this sort of like stage design is you can do more with the roof so that’s going to be a really interesting process as well it’s going to be fascinating texture the ACAA it’s not a bad idea actually it’s actually a really good idea probably with some of the stripped uh let me do this oops um just do a little bit of the something like that because I’m also going to do some windows in here this is going to be a lot of C oh my gosh but I don’t I don’t hate this this actually looks pretty nice I’m just kind of doing randomized designs for all of these which is kind of neat I don’t you know it’s kind of fun let’s do like that kind of an interesting wave pattern in some of these and some of these we’re going to do like some big old windows cuz this like middle section will probably be the more like pretty part of this build the second floor boom sure I’m just trying to like make it generally mix man mismatched I don’t know you know like maybe it’s fine sure sure oh no uh there we go okay wait I need to fix that up there we go okay decent decent decent turn on a heavy Shader boom I’m trading your TR string cheese for my apartment by the way nice feel I’m living on the streets now no please don’t how’s this with the Shader that’s kind of nice with the Shader it’s pretty also like the windows dude look at those windows look at that I need to turn off this so nice dude so nice this is the interior has nothing thing but it’s nice right right Elemental should be an admin guys this isn’t a Pay to Win chat this is a this is a regular chat this ain’t pay to win this ain’t pay to win I’ll leave the Shader on for a little bit honestly it’s kind of nice it’s kind of fun it’s kind of a fun little extra piece um okay okay what else what else we need to do here I kind of want to do something else for the floor uh um what do we want to do for the floor on this second floor here I could do like mud like a mud brick floor I just want something that like let me turn this off real quick just to kind of goes with this this is just so I can see the color what do you think potato texture the bottom floor yeah I I don’t know if I need to for that right now why can’t Elemental be an admin because I said no and also it’s not pay to win sorry sorry not sorry everyone say hi to the Crickets that get stuck in my window while I keep jumping towards the glasses to see the stream oh my gosh oh my gosh okay what do you think mud what do you think I like the mud bricks I don’t mind it honestly I think it’s it’s kind of fun it’s kind of a you know it’s a it’s a unique block that that’s not used in a lot of places so I think let’s let’s roll with it you know let’s roll with it let me turn the Shader back on let’s roll with it you know oops oh I guess that’s fine okay boom boom boom boom okay just trying to get this into every little nook and cranny I can what is a cranny you know anyone know what that is maybe I don’t want to know what it is maybe we just let the mystery linger you know maybe just let it Linger The Mystery of the cranny okay uh that works that’s nice okay yeah I think that’s kind of nice I think it’s kind of fun it’s Unique it’s Unique not really a normal thing boom boom boom yeah let me set it to oops set to noon so we have some like regular light in here yeah yeah this is kind of fun my goodness I don’t know what 10,000 IDR is but thank you K cesio cesio 64 appreciate it living in the streets now with a phone using Cricket I think I should move back into my parents house and my status is amazing wow that’s a story in a nutshell right there dang bro that’s crazy that’s insane I don’t know what to I don’t even know what to say to that all right okay so now I want some big old windows in here what do we got in okay let me just do let me just grab some some of this some of this action some glass panes and we’re just going to get some big windows in here 3×3 window oh whoops boom and boom boom cool and then uh I guess I can like I can toggle replace mode which is kind of nice yeah oops oops replace mode is not my favorite I’m not going to lie there we go it’s really handy sometimes but it’s just not it’s not ideal sometimes you know not ideal sometimes okay uh something else we can do is we can use white stained glass to kind of like I don’t know like roughen it up a little bit it’s kind of nice kind of a little extra depth to it especially with the connected textures it’s kind of fun it’s kind of nice I don’t mind that bring us the cat we need cat now he’s he’s sleeping bro you want to disturb the poor boy Slumber okay turn off replace turn on replace that’s kind of cool not going to lie pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool uh clone boom that’s pretty cool I like just the big Windows all throughout I think that’s just a fun Factor oh but these These are going to need the the single windows let me do that yeah boom boom boom and I’m GNA do top oop oops top bottom sure that’s kind of fun that’s kind of neat oh I’m also realizing now these actually are too [Laughter] tall o uh okay I’m going to do this that’s better actually oh and you know what actually let’s do this let’s make this a little bit more weird you know let’s make it a little weirder make it a rounder window that’s kind of cool I like that boom oh that’s weird there we go yeah okay yeah I don’t mind that you know I don’t mind that boom boom boom boom boom beautiful beautiful is go gorgeous is gorgeous you guys all want the cat I don’t even know I don’t know where he is guys I don’t know where he is he’s sleeping out there somewhere I don’t know where he’s around somewhere but if he comes in here he will want attention but if he doesn’t come in here he doesn’t want attention it is not for me to dictate what he does apologies instead I shall build this and I need to rotate like that and this is probably not going to be much of a great window but I’ll have it there because I can sure and then I’ll probably just copy and reflect this again on the other side okay now I’m gonna copy this and then do the same setup here yeah cool cool I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it a lot it looks very nice it is it is quite nice all right so now the struggle is going to be oh you know what no that’s not what I meant to do I think I need to delete a lot of this right now I just need to or actually I guess I could just copy and paste each wall I’m GNA do that clone there to there boom okay that and then flip it around boom finish and then this to there include those boom boom I think that’s all of the windows in now officially great excellent that looks pretty cool this will be pretty neat this is pretty cool yeah yeah I like it I like it looks so good dude looks so good can’t go back to my parents cuz they live in Brazil I’m spending my last few dollars on you so I am a legend bro stress stress oh boy I should texture the mud I could but I I don’t know if the floors is needed as much because I’ll probably be making these into like rooms and such eventually so he’s probably fine this is dark and spooky down here though what so like right now the goal is really just the exterior once I actually like have the exterior finished then like I’ll have interior work I can do but I probably won’t do the interior until it’s like on the server so like the exterior is the main goal here which is nice it’s pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool okay um now I think I need to do a bit of that’s not what I meant to do bit of this for a transition to the roof okay so the way that this house does it is with a spruce sort of like Edge to it and then it goes into the copper which I like I think it looks nice I don’t know if I’ll do the split design like this maybe I’ll just do different portions of it with different types of copper like for example the roof on this section being probably the like the bluish copper and then like the main roof being the the orangish copper I think that could look pretty nice and honestly H okay so they do a lot of insets I’m trying to think through what the best way to accomplish this is um maybe like this is like a little sort of Archway there cuz we’re using a lot of arches so I think that kind of works yeah because we’re using the stone arches and stuff so I think I’m going to do that I think it works oh you know what can I do that and make it look [Music] natural I mean it’s not bad these ones are just so small oops sure at scale I think it could [Music] work I don’t know that I like it though let’s try something else try something else trying to think the best way to do uh an archway like this maybe it’s not even an archway maybe we literally just do that like we just do simple like maybe it’s like this and it’s three you know like a simple small not an archway at all thing you know like maybe maybe that’s what’s best I don’t know I’m not sure I don’t know man I don’t know man I’m seeing pigeon uh pigeon go to bed I’m staying awake until see you read this if you actually do read this and good night everybody say good night to Pigeon everybody say good night to Pigeon do it BT calm down do a face [Music] reveal never not g to happen you can’t tell me what to [Music] do all right um and pigeon said good night back good night all right um whoa is that what Murphy looks like take off my mask have you used world edit yeah but I I like axom a lot more for many reasons that’s what I’ve been using by the way Axion never your cat stole my plane to some stuck in the streets of Washington state oh my gosh Elemental VR is going through like a whole like TV show of of like things happening I don’t even know I don’t even know how the heck do you make your transitions uh Fusion in Da Vinci resolve lot of key frames lot of key frames see now I’m like maybe this is smart to do these oh but then those spots don’t work I guess I could do like [Laughter] no I don’t like that um I’ll do that yeah probably in probably one there honestly something that goes all the way around maybe eh yeah it kind of has to be in the archway oops Yeah I just realiz I’m going to be grounded for this tomorrow but I don’t care cuz I give my money to you K the best Minecraft player ever bro don’t do that to yourself dang man it’s not great don’t do that to yourself makes me feel bad I don’t want you to be grounded uh those two yeah I think it I don’t know how I feel about it honestly I think maybe I need the wood above it to be like this too I think it needs to just ex I need the logs to extend out across and kind of finish this up like these edges up and then I can feel like it fits better I don’t know we’re going to try it we’re going to try it we’re going to see what it feels like dude my PC right now is like not making any sound but I’m running a Shader and streaming to two different websites what that’s that’s freaking insane I have 4090 but I didn’t know it was that powerful like oh my gosh good Lord usually it does spin up the fans so I’m like okay I you know I don’t I don’t hate that do I hate that I don’t hate that it is a little weird because it just is bright let me uh uh yeah that but that doesn’t work like that okay let me let’s try the dark oak maybe dark oak actually is the call maybe this is the play maybe we figured out the play here is that the play is that the play what do we like more do we like the dark oak or do we like the Spruce not going to lie kind of liking the dark oak right now kind of liking the dark oak right now what do you think what do you think the lack of high speed for your fans might be because nothing’s being generated that’s a good point actually because it’s not actually like generating any extra chunks or anything dark oak Spruce dark oak seeing a lot of a mix dark oak easily Spruce dark oak seeing a lot of a lot of mixed a lot of mixed responses here I’m not going to lie I feel like the dark oak ties in a little bit better so I think I’m going to roll with the dark oak yeah cuz I want this part to be invisible like the point of that is to to very much be not an accent you know it’s mostly just supposed to be a uh like a a a as if it’s part of the wood so that’s that’s kind of what I’m feeling is the the dark oak I think I’m going to roll with it I think I’m going to roll with it it’ll make my job harder when I’m trying to actually build this thing in the on the server but worth it worth it right worth it because I got to find more wood y hooray so much stuff to do on this on this one build but it’s going to be cool okay it’s going to be worth it I promise um yeah yeah I like the dark oak I’m I’m happy with this actually I think the dark oak is probably the the best call here and I wonder if can I do this and that looks better that does look a little better yeah that does look a little better okay boom this is such a Vibe right now I am vibing away okay this goes here and then the stairs go there nice boom let’s go like this it’s not it there we go boom boom that’s pretty nice ooh that’s nice that’s that’s fun honestly I like that I like how that looks I think that looks pretty nice I’m very happy with the dark oak honestly yeah that looks really good that dark oak looks really solid yeah I like it I like it a lot I’m a fan I’m a fan of how that looks sweet and then we just copy it right there boom and then uh I’m just going to copy paste this window system again as per usual okay yeah yeah that looks good that looks really good honestly I’m super happy with that that’s cool and then honestly like this this sort of overhanging perspective kind of helps because it it like I don’t know it feels like it gives it a sense of scale like it just feels feels like looming you know what we’ll be on the inside this is all going to be uh this is going to be an actual full survival base once it’s on this the server that we’re doing which you haven’t if you haven’t seen that there was a live stream my previous live stream before this live stream was that live stream which was really fun and we’re doing another one on Thursday which is going to be really fun it’s going to be great it’s going to be great it’s going to be great by the way n your cat is flying to the gru airport in Brazil Delta 1 by the way okay should I go to bed move the watching on my iPad in bed or fall asleep watching up to you all good options all good options all solid options all right so now this is where we get a little more fancy CU we got to do some stuff like this so this is going to be this is going to be interesting it’s going to be different so how did they start this they’ve got like uh like that so they started like this going up and then it goes up [Music] more kind of like that and then it goes like this okay make this nice and tall it’s going to be very tall so now we’re going to start doing two two like this couple like that and then we’ll start doing uh one two three one two three boom boom cool and that won’t be too bad because even with the two blocks up like that I think it’ll still look really nice so that’s kind of cool it’s really tall but that’s kind of what I like about this one honestly it might be too tall maybe we shrink it down a little bit um uh wait hold on shrink that down maybe I just do oops like that all just ones yeah that’s nice that’s kind of cool have you played gorilla tag the VR game I have I’m not very good at it but it’s [Laughter] fun it’s kind of cool okay this is fine right I’m not sure I like how that was looking see this is where vertical slabs would be handy you know like that would be super convenient maybe I’ll do this that gives it a nice Point sure sure and then it does that and we’re g to stack oh but I shouldn’t stack it actually because I’ve got to do uh shoot man okay I’ve got to just do this clone it to the other [Music] side and then it’s got to be oh gosh this is going to be okay all right I’m going to do let me do like the the first initial like points and stuff here first and then we’ll kind of fill in the middle pieces uh okay so there’s this and then do a couple like this and then I’ll do one two boom Oh but this is going to be now like this oh yeah you know I don’t hate that yeah oh but it’s but now that this is ah but I have to make it too uh H that’s kind of unfortunate honestly I kind of have to make it look like this because then yeah all right well trapo trick again oh but it’s it’s going to be slightly that kind of sucks I don’t like that we’re going to move this out one more oh gosh I didn’t mean to do that gonna move that out one more yeah no I like this more uh this is what we’re going to do this is what we’re doing I’m going with this now yeah that looks better and honestly uh fence post yeah yep that looks great I don’t mind that sweet also I guess I can do because this whole section here uh I got to stack it though this whole section I guess will go all the way across because then we’ll fill in the middle section with the copper but uh I guess this I kind of want to remove these then it has a little bit more of like a Define point on either end yeah I’m going to do that okay and then I’m going to just clone this bad boy out like that don’t worry this will all make sense eventually or it won’t who knows it might not what ver do you play on I play on the valve index I play on the uh the quest I’m a quest guy I like the quest but I I hook it into my PC that’s why clone so I do I do wireless wireless streaming from my PC to my to my headset which is always fun [Music] boom and then boom okay so those will look like that this is kind of cool I’m not gonna lie this looks pretty good okay let’s do this boom boom boom boom boom I guess I should just start right away with the two just go right up like this come on boom yeah okay and then this clone up to there sh right over there and then oops I need to do stack stack so now oh gosh okay maybe not that all right so stack goes I’m GNA go all the way just so we have that point of contact between these yeah okay so now comes an interesting task because this is not going to be filled in fully how this do it they had that you know what we’re going to make these steeper we’re going to do this I’ve got to extend this up a little bit because now yeah I’m gonna have to extend this up okay let me delete this whole section like that because then this [Music] now ah shoot oh but that’s why that did that these little offshoots are making it hard I’m trying to think like [Music] how I don’t know man I don’t know because like part of me is like I’m thinking through uh I’m thinking through like how they designed this roof to both go continue all the way down to the side like this but also to be able to like get I think it means I have to extend this out a lot but that’s going to look weird with this just one point like this so maybe I need to do a double thing here this is going to be weird okay so now is that how this should work though I’m really just trying this is fine man this is fine right this is fine h i really just has to extend down to like see uh okay let me let me apply all my brain power to this let me apply all of my brain power um all the brain power that’s left how did they do this one so it’s the stairs that go up into the thing so it just has to get to [Music] here uh let me grab my my copper blocks real quick here [Music] you still have brain power not really it’s a it’s it’s dway it’s dwindling ding that’s not a word what am I it’s ding bro my brain power is literally ding right now is ding like quazy I’m trying to think so these will probably go like that so I’m thinking the the green will go kind of across like this is this green or is this what is what color is this what color even is this that’s not the right block like this and then that will extend all the way across mint green seafoam green yeah kind of like a tealish me do these two all the way across yeah I like these these are kind of nice this kind of nice uh and then clone from there to there and then it goes back boom and then this needs to now oh shoot can this work oh man that’s not great though I don’t like that that much okay maybe this need needs to extend out one more and now now it aligns cuz it needs to like get to a point where it caps off that end you [Music] know I think that might have to be the play roofs are hard oops that’s not what I meant to do at all that’s not what I meant to do at all okay wait let me oops oops no no this to here delete oh that’s not [Laughter] that wasn’t the right button at all free cam all right delete oh man dude this is complex my brain my brain is not ready for this ultimately I could just do like a flat roof in in some spots you know ultimately uh clone okay so now this looks decent sure and now this can be I’m going to do like a little window or something up here a little bit of little bit of texture action there and then we can use the new copper traps doors there little Mark points there oh but we can also use copper bulbs this is where we get fun that we turn on oh that’s kind of cool neat I don’t hate that that looks pretty cool and then I guess you do like some of that do some windows up there okay chisel copper that’s actually a good point actually I forgot that chiseled copper even existed I forgot that that was a thing that’s kind of cool think it just like oops something like that that’s a little nicer actually I don’t mind that sure sure yeah it’s kind of neat I’m still trying to think through like I guess I guess horizontal would be oh gosh did I delete all of that oh right right right right right okay so this now oh I control Z that’s why boom so now oh the roof is always such a complex element and i’ never remember that it’s so complex yeah I’m going to get rid of these for now okay okay okay I don’t hate this yep I like that I’m liking that where’ my copper strap doors go bruh they’re gone there we go that’s kind kind of cool I to play other games of Minecraft in the future not on the channel probably because I like to keep video games um to myself as well I like to legitimately play some video games sometimes so I like to not um play them on the channel because then that means it becomes work so I try to keep those to myself or to me and my friends so that’s what I do and then stack but something like this I love doing live so this is fun oh but you know what what if I did this across like that yeah I like that I like that boom boom that’s kind of cool okay all right I like this I like the direction this is going oh but there’s a problem there and a problem there shoot I guess I can’t use those right where they were like that okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s whatever it’s okay it’s okay I guess I could see these matched up I guess I could just match it directly you know it might just be worth it to do that I think I’m G to do that I think I’m GNA do that it’s fine we’re going to redo this whole section it’s going to be really easy though don’t worry okay and then got to match these up oops like that great and then clone all of this again all the way over here and now I’m G to stack this all the way down stack this all the way down stack that all the way down boom and final one boom yeah yeah I think that works I think that fits I think that fits pretty well I guess I could put Spruce down there there yeah I like how that looks actually okay yeah looks nice I think that works pretty well I think it looks pretty nice LOL thought I saw you at Starbucks working yeah I don’t work at Starbucks I work here I’m a full-time YouTuber boop boop okay clone and then flip it oops no there we go and boom this is all the like little refined EDG you know that just kind of like tie this together for some reason feels so nice looks so nice and I think these edges are also just wrong yeah here we go yeah nice okay so that is good looks good I actually genuinely love that that actually looks really nice okay so that covers up all that section and I think what we’ll do you know what this actually could work out totally fine I think I was worried about it because I didn’t really understand how this would look once these pieces were in but I think this will actually look pretty clean when it’s all together like this me do me match all these yeah this is that’s the wrong way that goes [Music] there and then stairs stairs stairs stairs I guess I don’t need to do that because this will be just blocks here I’m going to do turn that on I put a copper door up here I guess I could do like a great too that could actually look kind of nice as like I don’t know almost a vent into the house I don’t know if that makes a lot of sense but I don’t hate the idea of it [Music] there kind of thinking maybe just regular copper blocks yeah that looks better that’s all right okay let me grab a regular can I spell copper please regular copper trap door there oh that’s kind of cool I like that aesthetic of the the roof like this I just deleted my entire inventory but that’s fine um oh wait let me extend this out as well that and now I’m just kind of like letting this meld into this kind of like that and I think I’ll do I’ll just kind of let the stairs hit the wall like that I guess yeah like oh like that yeah okay I don’t mind that I don’t mind that at all this is a little weird but I don’t I don’t think it’s too bad I don’t think there’s much else I can do with it so I think it’s kind of just has to be like that I think it just kind of has to be like that okay that works pretty well let me think through now um this piece here I’m kind of thinking maybe we go for a kind of a rounded thing almost like I don’t know how well that could work but if I start doing like the slabs and just have the slabs go around over the top like this you know yeah something like that and then I clone this whole thing kind of like that and then finish that middle piece off yeah right is that correct that is in the correct spot yes okay yeah I like this Wonder this round roof is going yeah I’m I’m not super sold on it yet but I I think it can work let me [Music] try this you know kind of like [Music] see oh whoops kind of just extend that in like that and then now I need to fix these pieces is up I think I’m just going to continue these in I think that makes the most sense yeah I think that works all right honestly I don’t I don’t hate how this is looking yeah yeah uh yeah because now there’s just all this extra copper in here oh shoot I just try to delete all this because none of that’s supposed to be in here I like the look of the round roof honestly I think it looks kind of nice because now this can mesh with both sides and doesn’t have to look like this which I think is helpful U but I can also put a spruce slab shoot maybe I can’t maybe I got to do this oh that’s not bad I could PR spruce up there like that as a cap and that works cool and I’m just going to extend this all the way across and into that other side where we will promptly fix the errors yeah I think that works I think that works pretty well and then this Central roof will kind of take over the middle slot yeah I’m happy with that this is so much copper this is so so much copper hopefully I can steal some from trial Chambers I can mine some I don’t know what I’m going to do to get this much copper man but it’ll look good I think it’ll look nice you know I really want this to just look so cool you know and then I I forgot to put trap doors on this side there we go yeah okay and then the middle section gets filled out with the blue copper as well uh boom boom boom boom boom and now I just go up oh that’s not that’s weird why wasn’t that a stair that’s supposed to be a stair weird I did that wrong okay and so now take this flip it put it there cool and now we stack oh but that’s also include that okay wait there right yes Zoom too far boom so now that’s taking over that side which is what I wanted and now this will take over this side cool that looks neat I guess there’s just a lot of like little refining detail now um I guess it’s like yeah like this little pieces little bits yeah oh that’s all broken on the other side too boom boom boom sorry I’m not reading chat I’m very very focused on just getting this refined uh yeah yeah sick dude I really like how this is looking uh this is going to be because my plan is to hopefully install this install this build this on the actual server that we’re working on but uh it’s a lot of copper it’s a lot of copper oh I see Alpha dragon you raid but I I didn’t see it when it came in sorry but thank you if you’re still here appreciate it appreciate you appreciate you heck yeah also violent Danielle with the one month tier one appreciate it appreciate it y the best I’m gonna grab wait what is this setup symmetry I guess I can just here we go okay just going to delete each of these lines okay delete delete delete delete it’s [Music] working this is this is going to be a lot of just like details in here I think that’s going to be the struggle in here that will be the struggle it’s getting there oops I don’t know what it did there but that was crazy okay this now oh because these are stairs oh right right right right right right right oh cuz now these are all right R fig that delete oh man this is just a a slow and steady process okay I think it’s there’s so much so many blocks man so many blocks welcome to minec my right uh those two oh my gosh it’s just so dark now in here I can’t see anything there we go okay that’s a little bit better oh man yeah it’s just the inside of the roof now is just all a little bit weird it’s just all so wild this is so cool though I’m not going to lie this looks really good delete delete that okay that’s pretty nice there’s just a one more one more section in here this is a copper roof that is that is for sure I will say I wonder if they did they make the changes to Copper uh because you can do like you can grab a block of copper and like cut it into like oh oh it’s back to normal right you do eight slabs four chisels of copper is this the new changes because it it used to be like super broken I think if you read chat what what what do you want what do you want we’re striking all right well you guys enjoy you guys enjoy it’s been two and a half hours it has it has how long am I going to be streaming probably until I just get this this roof done and then I’ll wrap up but we’re almost there YouTube is striking weird yawning I agree I am also yawning on yeah I’m also yawning twitch I feel you all right boom [Music] boom we’re getting there how many years have I been playing Minecraft gosh man that’s a great question it’s been a it’s been a lot of them I’ve haven’t playing Minecraft since I was a kid which was a long time ago okay now that’s not correct oh there we go um I’m just really trying to figure out what the best way to do this is I’m just going to do like a little line of these bad boys how about that why not that you know oh that’s kind of fun I I can do depth heck yeah little bit of depth with some stairs sure a little bit of depth that’s kind of fun okay great step in the right direction okay um I’m just going to do this down because that’s kind of nice this is such an ambitious project like this is such an ambitious project but I think it’ll be worth it you know I think it’ll be really cool yeah okay now kind of want to see what the bulbs will look like if they’re all lit too have to individually can I block a redstone it y okay that’s kind of cool not going to lie I like that cool whoa that’s actually kind of sick I actually kind of love that kind of love how this is looking right now yeah little bit of depth with these nice that’s cool and then honestly like that’s kind of cool that’s kind of sick actually I love these trap doors on top of the um the bulbs because it just looks so different like it just for some reason I like I like that that’s so cool yeah nice so much copper so much copper so much copper so many copper things oh honestly I do kind of need a window here too huh okay we’re going to pull out these blocks here these blocks got to go and we’re going to grab these and then make a window yeah that looks better I like having a window there nice wow this is insanity U let me look here and then go all the way up okay now this needs to go over here boom [Music] tada this thing is crazy looking oh I haven’t completed that yet I need to complete that boom boom I needed to go like right there and that flip it [Music] around boom boom done Perfection that’s crazy let’s put the shaders back on just add a few hours at the time give it a little bit of a a nice sort of sunset going on yeah a little Sunset action in here oh yeah oh yeah that looks nice that looks so good besides your cat do I have any kids no any asymmetrical all symmetrical so I think the exterior like this part at least the base of it should be symmetrical which so that’s what I’m doing here is it’s all symmetrical oh my gosh [ __ ] with the 20 thank you appreciate it um this I think needs to be symetrical and then we can go in later and decorate it with like Vines and some other sort of just like points of interest uh and that can kind of be a little bit more scattered and it doesn’t have to be necessarily directly perfectly aligned but yeah what mod am I using I’m using axom which is an excellent building mod it has completely replaced world edit for me not going to lie it’s kind of cool so yeah this is kind of neat sad you didn’t see my first generation oh love the build yeah with the 20 I did I I see that now what am I going to build this on uh okay so why is my brain out of it so it’s called that time I spawned in an empty world and if you look at my previous stream on this channel that’s the server we’re going to stream again on Thursday it only opens once a week empty world SMP yeah Dash to one it’s going to be fun can you make the mod pack public uh this one well it’s just like a bunch of for me my version is just like we it’s all different versions so like different mod packs so this is what mine is if you want to pause and download but it’s also like a bunch of the mods are linked in the description of that stream I think I did that let me pop over there real quick so if you go to this stream the the empty World stream which I did you can go into the description and there it is the mod list Isa right there hooray so if you want that you can you can grab that I don’t think that has everything in it but it has pretty much most of it so that’s that’s where I would say go if you’re looking for the the mod pack that’s where I’d say like every time I ask it it always gets covered by other questions do I like cars I like cars cars are cool they’re neat I’m no no like I’m not obsessed with them or anything but they’re cool they’re kind of nice it’s fun uh okay I want to do one more thing here and that is get a good block for the floor up top uh trying to think what to do for the Lord there could do dark oak cuz then that sort of matches the the spruce and that could be kind of nice little dark roof for the the ceiling here I kind of like that let’s do it so so many different blocks in this build this build is going to be an insane insane gr for materials I’m not going to lie but it’ll be really cool and that’s the goal that’s the point of it and there’s still a lot to fix in here like this is all kind of kind of Jank also I’ll probably just end up like building the exterior and then figuring out the interior after the fact because I don’t I don’t even know where to begin on the inside you know I don’t even know there’s also just so many windows on every single wall that I could possibly put them on so there might there might be some opportunity for me to remove some windows but this is a good first sort of iteration of this which I kind of like so let me like extend out all of this and then go there and then go confirm uh okay first point there second point there I’m just going to extend out these these fields I could have just done a you know a whole world that was um grass but like it was a redstone ready world so oh my gosh you can’t see a thing over there that’s fine all right this is cool this is neat I don’t I don’t hate this honestly this looks pretty cool this looks neat look at that with the Shader on it too that’s cool just gonna post a nice little screenshot of that on the on Twitter that’s [Music] nice that’s nice and late night building is a Vibe boom sick all right well that’s pretty much it for me then I like this this is cool this turned out nice there’s a lot of opportunity for flexibility inside lot of flexibility with the build itself I like it it’s kind of nice kak ke I made a car for you and put it in Minecraft would you be willing to check it out depends on the quality and uh but I I also don’t know if it would fit a video but if you’re if you’re wanting me to join something else like I I might be down it’s kind of fun we’re VAR 1.21 1.21 all right well I think that is going to be it from me I’m tired where’d you get your shaders modrin also modrin uh how do you clip into the walls that’s also an Axion feature you can noclip you can you can uh Zoom through walls pretty easily it’s an option you can select all right folks both YouTube and twitch thanks for watching appreciate you all um it’s been fun it’s been great it’s been a good time I’ll see you guys next time uh thanks for watching also enjoy this new little graphic I made isn’t this cool that’s that’s my actual handwriting I wrote that I wrote that myself all right good night peeps go get some sleep if you’re in the US and if you’re not in the US uh have a great [Laughter] day woo for e [Music]

This video, titled ‘Late Night Minecraft To Fall Asleep To’, was uploaded by Knarfy on 2024-07-09 05:05:36. It has garnered 34001 views and 1829 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:27 or 10167 seconds.

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#knarfy #minecraft #chill

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

    Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java Minecraft Java | Medieval Mod Introduction Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when new mods are introduced to enhance gameplay. Today, let’s delve into the medieval mod that brings a touch of history and fantasy to your Minecraft experience. Medieval Mod Overview The medieval mod, available at CurseForge, transports players back in time to an era of knights, castles, and dragons. This mod introduces a variety of new elements, from weapons and armor to structures and creatures, all inspired by the medieval period. Key Features: New Weapons and Armor: Equip yourself with swords,… Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

  • Crafting Feast: Minecraft’s Emotional IQ Buffet!

    Crafting Feast: Minecraft's Emotional IQ Buffet! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan entertains with humorous refrains. With animations that bring joy and delight, Each video a treasure, shining bright. From funny classroom moments to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, set free. Read More

  • Villager Scam: Free Items Hack

    Villager Scam: Free Items Hack The Easy Way to Get Items for Free from a Villager in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how to get items for free from a villager in Minecraft? Well, it’s actually quite simple! All you need to do is follow these easy steps: Step 1: Approach the Villager First, approach the villager you want to get items from. Make sure you have the item you want to give them in your inventory. Step 2: Give the Villager the Item Open your inventory, take out the item, and place it in the villager’s hand. Then, simply ask for the items… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft with Friends! | Modded Survival Ep. 1

    Conquering Minecraft with Friends! | Modded Survival Ep. 1 Minecraft Survival Adventure with BarışYTB and Friends BarışYTB and his friends embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure, where they aim to establish their own colony and kingdom while facing various challenges to survive. Join them in this thrilling modded survival series! Exploring the World of Minecraft The team starts their journey in a lush green area, contemplating where to set up their base. They gather resources like pumpkins and explore the surroundings to find animals for sustenance. It’s essential to vary their diet to avoid hunger in the game. Unique Gameplay Features As they progress, they encounter different elements… Read More

  • Dynamite Testing: Minecraft Science Delight

    Dynamite Testing: Minecraft Science Delight In the world of Minecraft, a PC test was done, With dynamite explosions, just for fun. Artemi and KlaDiamond, a duo so bold, Testing the limits, with stories untold. Starting small with just a few blasts, But soon escalating, the experiment lasts. Artemi’s computer, put to the test, With each explosion, they gave it their best. From matches to dynamite, the sparks did fly, But the PC held strong, reaching for the sky. Fifteen dynamites, a challenge so grand, But the computer survived, with lapis in hand. A hundred dynamites, a test of might, But the PC endured, shining… Read More

  • Dive into the Beat

    Dive into the Beat The Enchanting World of Minecraft Music Discs One of the many captivating aspects of Minecraft is its music. From the soothing melodies that play as you explore the vast landscapes to the eerie tunes that accompany your adventures in dark caves, the game’s soundtrack adds depth and emotion to the player’s experience. Among the various musical elements in Minecraft, music discs stand out as unique collectibles that players can find and play in-game. Discovering Fan-Made Music Discs While Minecraft offers a selection of original music discs composed by C418, a talented musician known for his work on the game’s… Read More

  • Mind-Reading Mayhem in Minecraft Dungeon

    Mind-Reading Mayhem in Minecraft Dungeon Minecraft Telepathy Dungeon Part 5 In the latest installment of the Minecraft Telepathy Dungeon series, 656 members take on the Telepathy challenge. This unique challenge tests how well players know each other by requiring them to place the same block at the same time. The excitement is palpable as the participants dive into the dungeon, ready to showcase their telepathic connection. The Telepathy Challenge The Telepathy challenge in Minecraft is a test of coordination and communication between players. In this challenge, participants must guess and place the same block simultaneously, demonstrating their ability to think alike and work together… Read More

  • Secret Illegal Base in Minecraft

    Secret Illegal Base in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Illegal Hidden Bases and Build Hacks Delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft with a focus on illegal hidden bases and build hacks that have captured the attention of gamers worldwide. From unspeakable Minecraft secrets to insanely rare items, the game offers a plethora of exciting features to explore. Uncovering Illegal Minecraft Build Hacks Discover the most illegal Minecraft build hacks that have been proven to work, providing players with unique opportunities to enhance their gameplay. From secret underground bases to innovative construction techniques, these hacks add a new dimension to the Minecraft experience…. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Director Ao’s House Renovation in Minecraft World

    Crafting Chaos: Director Ao's House Renovation in Minecraft World In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Mengxuan Renovation School, where building skills come alive. Director Ao’s house, a masterpiece in the making, With every block placed, a new chapter in the remaking. 1 million guardians, a formidable force, Can they defeat the Ender Dragon, stay on course? In one second’s time, a challenge so grand, Only in Minecraft, where legends stand. Mengxuandada, the hardcore MC player, Crafting videos with style, a true innovator. Sharing insights and trivia, with a playful twist, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams exist. So leap into the verse, let the story… Read More

  • “Spicy Minecraft Memes” 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts

    "Spicy Minecraft Memes" 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3t47ta576ZhRpy5rafBSC9rH7AH4Y1D8&si=yxTckySu4muaJ3aF Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad… Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-obsidian-can-cry 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/airstrike-mod 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/back-weapon-slot 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/instant-sleep 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-sharpness 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/autoharvest 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!

    EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft/ WDW – Firework Show’, was uploaded by LegoMaker961 on 2024-06-17 04:12:07. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. From The Minecraft DLC: Magic Kingdom I don’t own any of the rights to anything. The Music in the show is owned by The Walt Disney Company. U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,… Read More

  • MineLett Network

    MineLett NetworkMe complace presentarles MineLett, un servidor que aspira a crecer junto con su comunidad. Nos esforzamos por estar atentos a sus inquietudes, quejas y sugerencias para mejorar constantemente. Actualmente, MineLett ofrece la modalidad de SkyBlock, donde encontrarás una amplia variedad de características. Además, estamos emocionados por las próximas actualizaciones que traerán aún más emocionantes características a la experiencia de juego. ¿Qué estás esperando para unirte a nosotros? Ven y diviértete con la comunidad de MineLett, ¡ayúdanos a crecer juntos! mc.minelett.com Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: Join our Discord server About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. Get more information about us in our server! Join Us: First join our Discord using the link above, then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More

  • Vampirism semi anarchy

    The version is 1.19.2 forge. The list of mods is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/fwvxqhquz7tho5bbnjjx8/AO57NhpPsCqqKjcDSgdr2vw?rlkey=mm7lkhy82yetknju6x09y1cgl&st=fd3v0yd8&dl=0 Sundamage is disabled to allow for more natural combat between players and to allow people to skip the night if there aren’t many people on, also it uses pre 1.9 combat Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Stealing leads like a boss😎

    Looks like someone is really on a leash with those leads 😂 Read More

  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

    Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem Welcome to the Bnuuy SMP, where Minecraft dreams come alive, From Warden encounters to Skeleton Horse rides. Besieged by Pigllagers, facing a three-fer scare, But don’t worry, our players always have a flair. Debris Beginner’s Luck, a Chicken Thief on the loose, Bunny Wrenches and AFK Saboteurs, what’s the use? A Death of a Friend, a YEET in the night, Hot Potato games and Axolotl Zoomies in sight. Stranded at Sea, with Chimkim by your side, Each moment captured, each adventure a wild ride. So join us on the Bnuuy SMP, where the fun never ends, With Minecraft highlights… Read More

  • Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥

    Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥 “Why did the Minecraft Troll Face go to the party? To mine his own business!” 😂 #dadjokes #minecraftmemes Read More

  • I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!

    I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai survécu à 2 mois de guerre sur un serveur ANARCHIE (cheats autorisés) [3b3france s3 – Ep5]’, was uploaded by Xederma on 2024-07-11 15:30:13. It has garnered 19640 views and 1171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:44 or 2324 seconds. Already a Minecraft server in anarchy is difficult, but then if it’s total war, it’s even worse. But is it worse for us or the enemy camp? Official server Discord: https://discord.gg/2kY7BMppyN IP: join.3b3france.fr (1.20.1 JAVA) – Playlist of this season 3 to see the previous episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlXQVVeX5G9mYvv44REJPcPF4uxuUxMnn Subscribe and feel free to comment… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs Maizen

    Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by zenichi_maizen on 2024-02-08 08:00:35. It has garnered 37957 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:04 or 964 seconds. JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fyp

    CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 biggest Minecraft Servers #shorts #minecraft #fyp #viral’, was uploaded by CraftMasterRiley on 2024-01-16 00:09:25. It has garnered 1761 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2024-01-04 04:00:05. It has garnered 2223 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua Bach Gaya… Read More

  • World’s Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲

    World's Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Prayag Ishu on 2024-03-09 13:33:02. It has garnered 17336 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #minecraftbuilding minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Twist – Gingershadow’s Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

    Shocking Twist - Gingershadow's Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-02-18 21:00:03. It has garnered 3273 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:40 or 2740 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v28) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRWuFOjtHAU No – https://www.youtube.com/@InmoYT Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/@Zaro STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shorts

    Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-24 12:00:16. It has garnered 24215 views and 867 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts Frosty does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2024! Today… Read More

  • Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+

    Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Cow Crusher for Minecraft 1.20+ Java edition(TUTORIAL)|Marshallcraft’, was uploaded by Marshallcraft on 2024-03-29 05:15:01. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. Hi guys in this video im gonna show you how to make a cow crusher for minecraft 1.20 java edition.I hope this video helps you a lot. Stay tuned for more videos. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!

    INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-04-09 16:02:57. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use…. Read More

  • PrimeNetwork

    PrimeNetworkPrimeNetwork Türk bir towny sunucusudur amaç altın toplayıp kendi kasabanı kurmak ve diyer kasabalar ile anlaşmalar veya savaşlar açarak en güçlü ulus veya kasaba olmaktır oyna.primenw.online Read More