🌙Play Minecraft with Moon Sister!💖💙

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I’m going to tell everyone that we’re starting Okay I just posted yo yo I just posted welcome everyone to my stream welcome welcome my name is Lexi I just posted a funny thing to you TT so hopefully we get some people to join because I would love that that would be super duper fun I’m going to be playing some

Minecraft today I can’t wait to explore the world together and hopefully build a house right right let’s build the house hi Z hi green party team welcome good morning or good evening I hope you’re all doing well and Minecraft server um you may also join me if you wish to

Play with me but uh but uh it’s only 10 people so I’m sure we probably I’m sure we can accommodate for everyone so just let me know if you like to join Hi l y have Bulbasaur thank you thank you lordy wait that’s not a bulur it’s oxal

My bad that’s so cute though I’ve never seen that type of emoji before that’s super cute I like it it’s so fluid I hope you’re all doing okay by the way how are you all doing over here it’s 700 p.m. and it’s it’s been kind of cold

Today and it’s been the type of day where you kind of want to stay warm and leave your socks on or wear a long pants and a sweater is very Cold yo yo I’m being playing I’m going to be playing some Minecraft Hi D welcome am I okay yeah I’m okay how are you okay are you Davin Welcome to My Stream by the way do you used to play um Pokemon unite by the way I wonder if you did

That I don’t know you sound familiar they sound like um your name is like a friend I used to play with in Pokemon is it raining over there ooh that nice cuz some rain will bring out some humidity with the cold it’s been it’s cold and it’s kind of like

Winry cold so it’s like wintery cold and dry so like after I take a shower like I feel warm right but after the shower I just pretty much like cover myself with moisturizer cuz it’s so Dry that’s the best feeling to be honest m hold on let me activate our redeem so we’ll have redeems on the stream dein used to play Pokemon that’s so cool yo I remember Devin if you played Pokemon back then I remember this is probably super embarrassing for you de but I remember

That your account was hacked in Discord your your account was hacked in Discord and you are like spamming links everywhere it is so funny we were panicking the whole Discord was in panic when it happened and we’re like oh def go hot it is super funny sorry that’s a that’s a little

Embarrassing for you isn’t it yeah yeah but yeah how are you all doing have you all had some breakfast or some something to eat for dinner I had dinner like just literally like like last hour I had dinner I usually have my dinner at 5:00 but I’ve been having it a

Bit later lately just cuz it’s a bit more comfortable for my schedule and like today I had some steamed chicken and some and some r rice but the rice is not regular rice it’s been like given some seasonings and the rice is really really yummy and then I pretty much have that

With like um a ginger a ginger sauce hi Charlie welcome oh you want to do the shake ofba No Welcome Charlie how are you doing oh yeah I have a Discord the Discord link you can just find it on my channel you can find it on my Channel or you can just type in the comment to find the Discord that’d be super duper easy hello hello Charlie hello good evening good Morning no no we thought it was funny and we thought we we were just like panicking it’s like oh all those link things was just funny when it happened wa I don’t know it was just so funny cuz we weren’t expecting It I don’t remember I don’t remember what happened though after that like it was like it was just like a panic for like a whole day but that was it was a blur after That hey everyone I’m going to be playing my thing you know and remember if you want to join just you have to let me know cuz I have the link for joining but it can only it can only support like um if like say 100 people want to

Join if say 100 people want to join everybody would have to take turns like that would be oh my God 100 people joining would be amazing but everybody would have to take turns if it’s like That Charli you don’t know much about English oh no um that’s okay Charlie Moro welcome though welcome I’m so happy that you’re here and I’m about to start my game so you can have a look here we go actually no hold on hold on before I come I need to update some sorry

Sorry yeah I’m so happy cuz like school holidays are about to start really really soon so we’re going to have so much fun and we can play a lot of cool games in the in the school holidays oh my God there’s like a million Minecraft versions I don’t know

Which one to choose I’m just going to choose I don’t know Minecraft Minecraft 2011 I don’t know I guess I choose that One oh my goodness I can I can sort of read what you say uh let me see let me see let okay esam H esam yes you did you are very you right very well um here uh B um channel uh welcome to my channel um okay is

Fr okay I hope I do well it’s a bit hard to say it wait wait wait what my Discord link is not expired there Discord L is right there why C expir is it I I be shock if it was expired I’ll be shock there’s about 500

Of us there’s no way we’re expired no way right here where okay okay come join the Discord if you like and here we go all start in yay okay welcome to my world it’s called Lex world I’m pretty new to Minecraft by the way but I’ve seen

Videos so I I kind of know what’s up I’m not pro though I’m not bro but I know how to punch trees that’s all I know how to do and we’ve got you um here I’ll give you the Link what is your name here here I’ll give you come join now you can join Just as long as there’s not like a 100 of you it’ll be fine oh God is that a zombie hey hello red hello and welcome zombie zombie zombie it’s on fire M oh oh my God it’s not dying this it’s just not dying it’s oh there it goes boom burn burn burn zombie get away from me yay okay W those some really tall trees by the way this place is so nice I like it it’s so

Nice am I I’m on the ice right now okay I need I need to cut some trees down punch some trees hiu I hope you enjoy all our keys punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch oh why why is it like that that looks so sussy punch punch

Punch oh I I see someone join the real who who that be please please introduce yourself and say who you are please please tell me who you are if you join the room you’re alive red I thought you were dead Dre I thought I had to whip out my my magic

Spells I I thought I had to use my magic spells and use monster reborn on your lifeless dead body cuz cuz you know I wouldn’t use human reor I use monster reor cuz you’re a monster you’re not a human I would have to use my special monster b

Spell and then that way you can come back and watch the streams I’m playing am I on Bedrock I am on Bedrock yes I’m on the Bedrock version I’m on a server hello hell hello uh how do you say hello in Spanish hola H hola first H my name Happ is Charlie 25 gamer wait who’s that then who’s curs boss I’m so confused I thought that be you I say in the chat hello who are you you Cur boss who are you who are you stranger are are you are you dangerous oh okay Zach okay

Yay okay hi Zach I am so sorry I thought you were somebody else I thought you were Charlie okay okay Zach Zack welcome welcome okay I’m punching trees I’m punching Pun how do I make some Tools I make some Tools wait wait I’ve seen that before that’s the crafting table ah look at all the stuff we have here on the left we have we have wooden pickaxe wooden axe ax that’s all we need to cut some wood wooden sword snow spruce wood ladder Spruce PL sword and shovel wooden hole a

Sticks crafting table and the campfire how let’s make our tools then oh wait what okay look it’s doing it for Me um oh wait a second I need I need Oak planks I need Oak planks okay Okay I just made a bunch of old planks W I made a bunch of old planks all right now I’m going to make the Shovel we got the shovel and we want to have the wooden pick Axe and also the axe do you feel like we need a sword why not right we saw some zombies before so yeah we have a sword as well campfire what is that we need some

Coal for campfire it’s cold in here it’s cold I don’t know about you but we need some we definitely need something to warm up okay let me clean this up a little bit rotten flesh ooh Why do we have rotten flesh what is that for you dig that hole oh my God Cur

Boss you dig the hole oh my God why did he dig the hole so deep where are we trying to go where are you trying to go to are you trying to dig all the way into the deep depths of H yeah be careful ly be careful you a monster shows up okay I’m going to go down there it’s actually getting pretty dark here it is kind of dark here I can’t see I’m going to go back up there for a Moment there’s stone tools in a chest oh wait how do you put I yay I what am I doing oh St ax thank you thank you for the St thank you for the stone pick Ox thank you for the stone sword I’m going to touch please Out ch ch Ch chop chop Chop hey you can’t join why um I don’t know there’s no member system is there is there a m system no you can just Jo yo Zach it’s getting nighttime it’s getting darker this SK this guys are turning Darkness no we should build a house or a small Campire let see let See this area will be our house One sec one Sec okay let’s build our house here is it is it is it too tall it should be fine Right zombie zombie zombie holy holy punch it punch it yo yo actually got you yo I am almost done I’m actually almost dead right now holy that’s so close let’s build these walls must protect ourselves from the zombie Invasion oh God oh God there’s lot of them oh we’re just being SW by them Now Gosh okay you distract them you distract them Zach and I’ll build the house oh God is it it’s climbing the Walls oh gosh what no wait is skeleton actually got me where though I I seriously didn’t see any skeletons somehow skelet got me yeah that’s not fun you my items are going Out my they’re all gone oh God the zombies this is a Slaughter this is just a Slaughter the zombies are getting us this is like the beginning of Attack on Titan they’re attacking us help they’re all attacking us they’re in our maze okay I I must to pick up my items

Yet oh god oh gosh oh God I have like a zombie two zombies and a spider chasing me run seriously can I climb up these trees okay okay I’m I’m safe in the trees I’m in the trees oh my God oh my God oh my God where where am I I’m in the

Trees I’m in the tree curs boss I’m in the tree I’m literally just hiding from these zombies they’re out to get me how do you open up the inventory in this game is it how you press inventory how to open Inventory oh my god curs boss is trying to solo those zombies you know that’s like pretty much impossible yeah I don’t know how you would do that like the zombies will just get you it’s okay though it’s it’s is almost daytime now and the sun will save

Us it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to be safe Soon wait if you know how to open inventory please tell me I can’t even open it I cannot do Emojis I’m pressing all the lons how oh wait what did I press there oh I pressed e e for inventory it’s e it’s e yeah yeah yeah Yeah okay let’s see I have a stone pickaxe I have your stone pickaxe I picked it up from the house L of random items spru logs dirt did you kill a spider I even got like a spider Eye okay okay is it safe to get down There oh what do I know of course it’s not safe there’s literally two zombies waiting for me look they’re they’re still down there they’re just camping can I punch them oneone of them is shooting shooting arrows at me God this is so dangerous oh God oh God oh God what have

I done they’re starting oh god oh oh God no oh no oh no oh no oh no they almost got me they almost got me H I’m not going to be able to go down there I’m just going to have to hide yeah I don’t know how do I get down there without

Dying if I just rush down and like put some walls up maybe but I don’t know I don’t know there’s three zombies on me I mean like it’s it’s good enough that I’m like distracting them though right I’m distracting the zombies from attacking you so like so that don’t grab you and

Then like you know pin you through a wall if they pin you to well you you would definitely not survive from these zombies as cute as cute as they look and even though oh they come for you they’re coming for you run run C run okay I I’ll Lo the

Wall really it just attacked me as I jumped down I was going to build a wall we must restore wall Maria no y hey yo oh my God I was trying to restore W Maria oh my God I pick out my items got pick my Items I hate that I hate dying ow that zombie looks yellow it it looks different that zombie ain’t normal what what in the world is happening it’s not even next to me oh God oh God okay okay okay okay I’m safe now what in the world how is it climbing the

Wall how is it climbing the wall how W I don’t understand I have a I have a shovel I’ll punch it with my shovel Night okay good good get him get him yay yay yay yay that was so tough oh my gosh here here I’ll drop my stone pickaxe you can have one too you get it you say w Maria you see well Maria you happen to have uh do you have A oh I see somebody who that me who that me here have some food hello hi M ni hello hello I’m B to you too hello hi hi Hi here do you have some tools to pick them up from the box and you can have some tools MH which one are you who are you m ni are you on the are you watching oh oh what a creeper got you how did that happen okay yay welcome or

Welcome I’m try to loler these wols Let’s get rid of this Dirt there’s an ax in the chest oh thank you that we’re building our Fortress don’t let the don’t let the zombies invade us again I found out there’s a way to make stairs in this game I saw it before I need so much wood for that though hold

On I’ll I’ll make a doorway just Temporarily D what is your Discord name I have a feeling that if you can’t join the Discord there might be an issue or something with like um just tell me a Discord name I’m getting lots of wood right Now all the w we can prepare for the winter when the night that’s about to Come yes yes we have to prepare for It I’ll make a door a spruce door now we have a door and we have a Stairway this is just for Me Okay our home will be protected Now yeah yeah our home is protected now we have a decent Wall this is such a tall wall I doubt any zombie will come through It there’s a piggy that’s stuck over there what the heck just spinning in circles Yay yay we’re kind of set now now I just need to make like okay what are you doing there all right yeah yeah I’ll make a other door on side so we have like multiple doors oh oops putting down a door I’m putting down a door

Oh no wait did I destroy one of the doors accidentally I think I destroyed one of the doors unless yeah never mind it is good okay make one more never mind it’s here I found it you can’t seem to put the door right there we go that’s better that’s better that’s better

Should I make these holes for like Windows yeah it’s good to have some windows oops you go to door so we have a double door yeah that’s what I wanted I actually haven’t been to the m yet should I go let me have a look ooh look at what’s what uh cursed

Boss has made here like a small mining basee how cool is that what hi Charlie hi welcome are you going and Join oh where do we go where do we go where do we go Hold on I’m going to make I’m going to take some tools CU he made some what am I Missing maybe I should make some ladder I need I need a lot of sticks for a Ladder we’re going to go delving deep right so we need to have lots of letters are we digging down Okay are you literally going to dig straight down if you do that let me build the Staircase there it’s slightly better See that’s better okay yo yo you’re just digging down all right all right tidy it up a little bit I’m getting this thing called diorite I like St let’s keep digging down chat let’s go deeper it’s so dark though does anybody have a light oh my God it’s so dark I literally can’t

See it’s super dark in here that’s better yeah you do that that’s so much better wait my camera is all messed up hold up maybe I’ll should change my camera real Quick letter yay hey there’s like there’s oh I’m sorry there is some stuff up there what is that there’s some coal up There coal I’m mining some coal that’s going to help us make our our fire Right I feel like I want to bit deeper though yeah let like Deeper I’m going so deep oh I hope I don’t die I am so deep right now I’m so deep right now yeah I got ladders though I’m okay I’m okay I still got ladders I hear Monster that’s Better I just found something wait wa I found I don’t know what that is do you see that what is that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is that what is the iron iron okay copper this sounds good this sounds good that’s for for armor is it Forever nice Raw iron o there’s a lot of stuff here I just Lally found some coal in the corner oh oops I just broke my tools Let me let me have back then I just broke my tools Hi Jacqueline or is it Jackie hi Jackie welcome welcome Jackie my name is Lexi um yeah it’s a Minecraft bedrock look at all our recipes wo look what do we do what do we build I need I need another

Pickaxe if you have the iron can we make an iron Pickaxe O we got the SM iron okay how are you doing Jackie welcome by the way did you just find like a big a really big tunnel or something what is this that looks like water wait I you know what this is this is the lake you literally dug into the lake

There’s a lake over here yeah wait a second let me go back up Here if you walk outside just if you literally walk outside a little bit there’s literally a lake out here oh God oh God oh God spider die so yeah you should probably you see there there’s a lake out there it’s the lake maybe maybe it’s the Lake all right I’m I’m goinging back down there oo oh wo wo that’s a lot of water there a lot of Water I think it’s just the lake to be honest I don’t know I don’t know it could be could be something Else hello hello Hello there’s a lot of water coming in there I just popped the water yeah yeah I’m pretty sure that’s just the lake we should dig dig deeper now I’m going to go get some more ladders so we do That CH in the woods Chop Chop I’m just choing the On help creeper it’s notu up on me it’s gone now hey hey hey I found a Cave I found a cave it’s really dark it’s an underwater cave I don’t know if I should go there just yet I don’t have any lights so would be super dark for me why went there I need some torches it’s so dark I can’t see you don’t see the

Water why what’s wrong with your eyes you want to feel the water here I’m going to make some torches um give me a Moment Torches campfire candle does anybody know how to make torches I don’t know how to make this for yet I’m just going to make the lad It Yo I just made 45 ladders let’s go deep let’s go super duper Deep I can search on the search Bar okay so there’s another Ler help help there water I’m I’m barely Floating I’m barely floating oh my God don’t go down the ladder it’s a death drop now it’s literally a death drop there’s water down here oh go there’s a lot of water Where where’s the water even coming from oh my God oh my God don’t die yo I don’t know how to get up there there there and then this this will save us yep yep There’s a lot of water Here imagine that water being lava triple kill we would have all died oh look m is doing something to it this is nice this a lot matter now Something’s Happening I’m doing some underwater Cing it is very dangerous you can run out of Oxygen you m flower underwater Okay let’s go to cars it looks like it sounds like C found something yo is there a C I’m like literally stuck by the way this is dangerous me let’s get out of here let’s get out of there it’s too dangerous where is oh he curs is over there he’s over there Somewhere okay we’re going to where you Are Okay oh you found gold H this care system is not that big it looks like you’ve completely mined it out wait wait what is this though come here I found something I see something green what is that what’s that Bo yeah what is that doing there I see something green let we go oh you’re going

There okay I’ll help you with that oh I’m Sorry oh look like leaking Water no sorry I accidentally clicked you Oh yes we need some fish we need some fish we need some food oh I’m going to have a sip of water everybody as well you’ve been watching me for almost an hour or playing with me for almost an hour have some water okay yummy welcome hello and

Welcome I’m going to find the entrance again see where is it oh okay over here and they’re over in there Okay trying to make like a pathway to it oh it’s kind of annoying going up here see what we can Do Oh this is the water thing okay Yeah that’s that looks like Water Did you find an ancient City how deep are we it’s like oh my goodness you went super deep here Oh what is that is that ancient City what is that it looks Weird I don’t know what that is is there’s a big bad guy there what the Hell don’t let’s go walk and dig Down like the starway is really annoying unless you’re okay thisway though I guess my must dig down then how do we get rid of this water how do we get rid of this water it’s just stuck in a cave somewhere yo a zombie in the house hey yo Help no I just got destroyed the zombies just got me hi car welcome welcome Welcome I don’t know who left the doors open it wasn’t me or maybe was it definitely wasn’t me though All my items are gone oh wait here it is there was a creeper there was a creeper I see who’s in the server right now okay well that creeper just blew up everything like our base is like partially destroyed right Now it’s partially destroyed that’s so sad oh my God I need tools Again okay Oh okay I guess you put a some sort of rock on It watch out watch out Yo oh my God watch out watch out all right picked up a lot of your items I’ll put them back in the box for you I’m putting them all back in the Box oh the iron the iron could probably do something with it right how about we like make something with Iron here let’s make a bucket with the Iron I’m going to make a bucket to get that Water wo whoo wo wo wo the creeper literally outside St curse It careful this creeper is literally outside I kind of want to just block this off holy crap they’re literally outside there they’re literally outside it’s so Scary I’m cleaning up the snow I’m eating the snow this snow is not yellow so I’m going to eat this Snow Yummy not bad not bad are we going to make some snow cones is that a thing yeah okay look like this makes some Snow oh good morning toity over here it’s 8:00 so good evening and eating that yellow St it it it’s definitely not pineapple flavor is it is it pineapple Flavor okay I’m going to go down Now I don’t like these Stairs I’m digging down so we don’t have those weird Stairs the messages show up to the stream like I’m sorry is there a bit of delay sometimes I didn’t notice that the delay was that slow it’s not that bad is it it’s all right I’m sure we’ll get better here I have the iron ingots iron ingots okay I’m going to make the

Bucket okay okay I made one bucket I put all the iron Bucket all the Iron’s in the storage YouTube 30 seconds ooh I chose in the settings if you are interested I did choose so um I did select it so it was the Smallest I’m trying to get rid of this water right I don’t know I guess I just dump it here oh what have I done I shouldn’t dump it here it’s a lot of water I want to dump it and the like dumpy dumpy okay I just dumped the water in the Lake the chat’s working much better now crumbling on thank you by the way if you want to since you new don’t forget to join my Discord there’s like 500 of us in a small Community I’m picking up the water but it’s like not going way am I missing something we supposed to plug up every hole like This water must be coming from Somewhere it it’s going away yeah it’s Disappearing oh I should pin my Discord in the chat how do I do that Oops I have no idea where the water is coming from how close everything Here the water gone now yeah it’s gone now so that that’s how you do it that’s how you deal with the water although I probably should build some ladders I totally forgot I had some ladders before but I died remember those zombies just showed up I don’t

No oh Ty you going to charge the phone okay no worries that’s all right you can get some some drinks or something while you while you’re charging Isn’t that Cool where’s the ladder ladder ladder oh I need more W I need more wood for ladders um I’m getting some wood first Then Oh okay think I heard that is there is any mod available to help right now no mods Available I just had my Check I pinned it I pinned it just now cool everybody should be able to join now that’s awesome thank you I know you could pin something like that over There Okay I’m coming there now so it looks like C found another cave system down There where could are um put this one Okay Here oh you’ve gone very deep Down oh this is a really big one this a really big Cave System Wow I see lava is it lava it is lava I have laa Now oh wait wait wait wait you just jump down okay wow is super dark in here watch out watch out there’s a monster Than to come out like so Easily Okay okay I have I picked up some iron Again okay there wait wait I’ve lost I’ve lost you oh wait I see you I see you okay wait wait a second you’re like how did you get down there did you jump Out yeah you’re really F I’m still exploring this game I’m still really new hi Pizza head welcome Hey I see water again No the water’s pushing Me I I plug the hole I plug that hole w why is this cave so dark though okay oh I see you now yeah Yeah okay I follow you you’re have a shield I’ll have to follow what in the world is that it’s a pink spider get away get away oh I’ll smack you you’re pink spider wait wait do you have can I have torches I need some torches I only have like thank

You that’s much better now thank C oh my God May NE just got blown up by a creeper 24 iron Cur curs found 24 iron so far I see them like kind of like everywhere like this one here wait that’s not iron that’s something else it’s like red and stuff oh what Oh Redstone I found some red stone let’s get something then oh it disappeared Oops Oh this Loops this loops around okay yeah yeah this place kind of loops Around one second blow my nose okay I’m back I’m Back thank you you need an iron pickaxe you’re you’re right we Do I found I found gold gold gold gold we come back to the gold later I suppose supp we go back to it later yep yep wo watch out there’s a long a really long fall from this side there’s a really long Pitfall go Nothing There are we like stuck here you want to go back up there I have ladders like free ladders not enough need more we got to go back up somehow are we Lost How about you get some food if you’re too Health get some food Yeah I just heard a zombie they they are in here somewhere The zombies are in Here oh wow this cave just keeps on going and going I don’t have any more torches I run out of Torches I run out of torches we need part we need the iron pickaxe let’s get the iron Pickaxe o I have no idea how to get back there let’s let’s keep searching me back must be here somewhere There’s like a pathway up there holy crap what in the world is that yo hey yo I see something Big here here over here over here it’s coming it’s coming run what it w oh my God what is that no holy crap how did you do that yo hey yo that was buppy buppy how did you do that oh my God you deserve a jelly donut you deserve a jelly donut that’s

All I know let’s I got to make you jelly donut Now y that was way too close here I’ll explore Downwards in celebration I’ll explore downwards but I’m lost I am now lost Okay I don’t want to go further I’m really Lost I don’t have any torches too so it’s a little bit to Difficult oh wait I can make some torches wait a second let me some torches Nothing there oh just Loops And was this SL that big monster oh that slime monster split into like so many little slimes how do you get back up by follow me get back Up let be some Way oh no don’t tell me more L this is a pretty big Cave System though to be fair it’s a really easy e to get lost here okay oh skeleton wait so it is up there oh Okay there’s something up there there’s like yeah thing a Person what the heck it’s attacking me oh my God I got them I got them oh no I have all your items now I’m going to have to try to Survive try to survive and get up There may we can just like a Staircase like this Wait buing Staircase This place is so dangerous oh my God I don’t even know how we got here like there oh God oh God I just hurt like skeletons I’m not sure if this was the way we went back this is like some other path there’s there’s zom me there’s on

Me something is shooting me I got to go back down there something is shooting me oh God this is not where we came back from like is there like it’s up here it’s up here we got to go up here uh yeah build it build a Ladder hey yo something is hit I’m poisoned I’m poisoned I’m Poisoned oh my God I’m on I’m literally two health I just climbed up I just use Spruce block for get back up oh my God I made it I made it back up I remember this I remember the a Lava we made it back up we made it back up and then maybe this Way yes yes we did it yes I have everything I’m coming back up just wait for Me okay I’ll give you some Tools There Cobblestone Cobblestone can you take me back up I am so lost I need to go back up first I have like one heart Left thank you hi Al is welcome and good Morning hi m r welcome welcome welcome I’m happy to see you that is your first time here I am going to start hiding things up here it’s so Messy C okay there’s some food Let’s make a chest Again oh I tried to make a fridge but it didn’t work I just made two chest I try to make a a fringe Anyway the cook cot is Here the cook cot is here I need to move this Box You’re moving the Box Temporarily maybe for now we’ll just have him side by side Yeah just like that for Now Hey oh w w w I’m almost dead oh my God I’m almost De okay you open the boxes first then careful careful I’m putting this stuff in the boxes be careful be Careful oh I have I have a shield is that your Shield I have your Shield is that an item guess I’ll use a shield for now I own this shield now I guess okay okay the shield The Shield is yours I put in the box at the top in the Box Isn’t this nicer much more Tiny Face even though I eat I’m still like oh wait never mind never mind never mind I just saw it go Up it’s becoming night time Outside Getting dark we may cut some trees before far it’s too Dark Does anybody have Cobblestone does anyone have CBL Oh thank You I want to build some Furnaces I have a lot of iron ingots right now I wonder what I should make with them you said that we needed to make some pickaxes before right so we can actually get some of the stuff like like we found all those random stuff but we couldn’t actually get

Them um okay let me make some sticks iron pickax the iron pickax is Ready two of them already in the Box I feel prepared now I feel like I have a lot of things to keep me Alive here I Go so from here go this way oh Just seeing P me Much better now feels feel Simpler yeah simp There I’m I’m in the cave with the red stone everybody come over here to where I am with the Redstone cuz I’m just like I’m just ready now I have like all the items but I need to get Them Oh okay so from here we need to really make like a pathway so that we don’t get lost killing monsters oh okay cool yeah that’s cool that’s cool there’s a lot of monsters here who like a mini Creeper I don’t know what that is but this looks like gold raw copper my bad no it is not gold it’s copper I saw you I see you freaky monster Cool got you I know that in this game you can build bows I want to try and build one when I have enough item wait what is This raw iron raw copper what is This oh it’s iring I thought it was the red stone You got a bow from beating up a skeleton that’s so cool okay okay let me find you where are you where are you all where is everyone everyone I don’t know where you are this place is dangerous cuz there’s Lava m I’m like in a different part of a cave though I’m I’m really in a weird Spot no get away get away get away I’m in the cave that’s the best way to describe it I’m I’m in the really deep cave oh w w w w wo W zombie oh my gosh the zombies knock up on me yeah yeah I’m coming back I’m on two hearts y we have to get back I need food I’m going to find some food need to get food need to get

Food let’s get some food before we Die which way was it oh no this way yeah yeah that’s the that’s my Telltale part this one this lava tell see where you Are Where do we go up here where we go for food can we do Farming Okay I put all my items back up here I got a lot of iron 2 I need2 Iron so much iron though just like yeah everywhere and copper what do we do with Copp copper this we’ll heat up the copper as Well oh you have a farm Cool I’m finally safe I I hi finally take the side relief as I’m safe now in the Surface hi wolf been Morning hi Hello hello Hello let’s go a long cabin that would be nice and cozy a winter long cabin wouldn’t that be nice with a fireplace And yeah are you give me some food I see it now thank You Thank you for the Food you got vs oh I haven’t built a house Yet You only got in Minecraft cuz you play Life Ste servers okay cool the beds look Different the beds look kind of different Yeah what happened to the third one it’s fun wait hold on this this bedroom looks kind of kind of Gary let’s make it better Let’s put a proper Staircase Oh Careful Going to make some Planks Would be nicer if we sleep on a wooden FL Setting up the floor floor on L those servers if you die you lose one of your permanent Hearts oh my God doesn’t that make the game super hard to play because eventually you’ll have you’ll have only one heart Then Oh you have some hearts added let see oh that’s the outside yo that thing came out of nowhere what in the world they’re coming in oh my God they’re pouring in There’s a bunch of stuff down here oh oh help help there’s a there’s a Wolf be careful I think the wolf is actually helping us though wolf is is a Friend I can tame the wolf okay See Oh I’m not to close this by the way no spiders spiders spiders spiders maybe I’ll do the renovation when it’s not night Time it should be fun We should be okay how do we make windows by the way know Help I just oh I just found I have lots of draw copper there’s lots of Rock Coer N oh you got obsidian that’s really Cool Oh is that the map W anation I have Some You see the animation when I do it I haven’t bothered with them that’s Okay I’m in l I’m in I’m is the day time hey No no no oh my God that thing almost got us again this place is just full of creepers like I don’t Know I don’t know if it’s a safe place for a Bedroom what did you say about enemies we need to put torches around the house so enemies don’t spawn oh we can do that is that why spawning because we don’t have torches oh all right I’ll try to put some Torches hi hello hello hello welcome how are you doing come Join something just shot me something just shot me there’s a skeleton up There M that was Close See if I can make some furniture like a table or something crafting table cartography table there’s a lot of weird Tables sniffing table yeah there’s a lot of weird tables out there We can also make some armor make some iron Leggings everybody want armor I’ll go for Armor hel just Like there’s iron armor now that that sunroof over your bed is like so the spider can come in and attack you when you’re Sleeping I’ve been meaning to make the the ceiling a bit taller actually hold up W Out This is nice and P yeah and then we’ll put Windows here Eventually why is the new helmet adorable is it can I see Uh how much sign for like 20 Windows enough for 20 Windows Oh my God you look like you’re wearing like adorable armor that’s cute yeah even with the pink Shield I like that everybody look that is so adorable right Hi H trees welcome good Morning everybody don’t forget to don’t forget to take a water break and drink some water please okay get your bottle of water and then have some Water so yeah have your little water H I hope that looks a lot more nicer yeah doesn’t that look a bit nicer now Right what if I cut the stone let me see That looks that looks kind of nicer but I wonder if we can have like brick or something let me see is there a brick up where’s construction brick wall there’s a brick block oh a mix Block you don’t look inating no tomato nior you look different now that’s really cute remember you said that there’s monsters outside well how about we build oh oh they’re attacking me right Now okay they were attacking Me yeah get them get them why don’t we build like torches Outside N Are you’re both smelting Sun okay Yeah Dark Hello give need my bucket yeah right Here yes don’t pick up the bucket right There oh I have my glass now thank You I have some glass now thank you yeah Let’s put some windows so we’ll make like oops like these I can’t tell which is better stone or Cobblestone I feel like Cobblestone actually looks kind of Nice Hey you’re on the purple bed let me trying to sleep thank you dark how are you doing I’m sleeping now I’m sleeping yay hey Time H this is my nicer leaving need to do oh Renovations yeah okay I hope I don’t die into that Archer though what the hell The Archers the camping it’s okay I’m just going to hide here it won’t get me I just hide in this but this is why it’s nice to have

Windows cuz now we can actually see like what’s around The skeleton is dead good job good job good I’m planning to put some torches around around the house like this I’m still planning it out though not not ready Yet Do you have any torches that you can leave in the box or or if you need the Torches I guess it’s okay if you need it for like Expedition and Stuff hi K welcome I’m doing good come join come join in in Minecraft with Me I’m building my house I’m Renovation finding some monsters to kill okay Let’s build a door Spruce Door Oh wait that’s the server wait how do I do It That’s the real you can now Join Y your wolf is kind of just stuck there this being chilling is this supposed to be doing something is he supposed to be taking up for a walk this Wolfie here is just chilling here being Chilling yeah he’s just taking a seat it loves that corn you should build it a bed never mind I moved to my Ved it moved to my bed though oh no I hope the wolf doesn’t make a Mess hi Swan Welcome I can CLE the wolf yeah the wolf keep me safe keep me Cozy it’s making a roof I don’t know what what a good roof might look like so I try this try a wooden roof it doesn’t feel tall enough though I feel like I need one extra block High do you know that we need lots of wood You want to go into the mines Again so we can get some more Wood we have some Try to find you um are you in the are you in the Cave in the B room oh I didn’t see I swear I passed by so many times but I didn’t see you there that’s a good hiding Spot if you’re a wolf then you better go wolf W you better how if you are a wolf How go like that no go Like Yeah Claing I’m clapping Too that’s all CL that was a that was a beautiful Performance You don’t have any Mission I’m sure you do you just hav’t uh set it up Yet I don’t even know how I got one I just pressed um my buttons randomly and I found it Anyone have torches safe Time sleepy time sleepy Time how are you Spard yeah oh you want that the bed Separate you want the V SE um I’ll have to make an extra room We can make an extra room yeah give me a moment I’ll get some more Wood there’s plenty of O around here it’s really nice and this no the smell is Pretty right I love this so M they’re my Favorite It surprised me too I thought NE was going to sleep next to me like before so I was Surprised Okay Which might be the second floor hello I see you hello I see you Waving I see you and the Wolfie Oh it’s a bit dark Here oh no we need torches let’s go get some torches yeah how how do you feel about that let’s get some Torches Hold up I’m almost Ready Okay I’m Ready hi hey good morning hi shower Dragon yeah good morning this is Minecraft come Join oh I’ll have a hydrate I was drinking water just before too so don’t forget to drink some My the weather is really cold it was important for me to drink something WR I’m going to sneeze Come back come Back are you ready let’s go get some Stuff How are you this is where all the Torches are I see I should take them oh crap where where are you going where where has a where has made a NE G and person are you over there I see your name I see your name I see you

Yo all right I’m right behind You oh watch out for the lava is this oh this look Like nice nice nice we found Go oh this is so scary I’m like literally next to it I’m next to the lava it’s going away Though it’s going away yeah yeah oh it’s dark down Thank you for the Mana yummy Yummy we really need to find coal are we too deep in the caves is that why we can’t find any coal we that be why You can smell L and oh use my LS okay wait so you smelt logs but how do you get the thing to smelt the logs it’s not long to make charcoal but we got to find some coal first then right oh you use planks I did not Know we’ll come back thereat let’s let’s Explore More I saw curet here before where did you go curet I saw you were here before Right oh there you are Yeah okay let’s go He heard like a bat Noise I wonder what it was May being that way okay which Way let’s see which way now How about you bring us to somewhere New oh this way you haven’t been here we don’t have any torches though should we make torches like going so deep with no light how scary is that honestly Oh okay this Way lava lava no I don’t have any Water wait you have a bucket remember you have Buck it you can try to D yourself with the lava I mean Water I’m I’m finding some rock copper On some ly ooh that’s that’s fancy St it’s fancy Oh what did I I don’t know what I did the light this Ty of this is dirt why is there dirt down here this used to be all Cobblestone suddenly I find dirt how strange is that there’s a lot of weird small caves oh what is that what is

That what is that made Niel what happened to you are you are you okay oh What oh you’re one block mining what is that’s a new strategy I’ve never heard of that wow everybody is this like I I I can’t be the only one who doesn’t know that like this is new to me one block mining this is Crazy we already found some random stuff Here oh I accidentally made a two block put this there uhoh cuz I made a two block flap flop Flop oh okay wow break that for a second and then I’ll I’ll make it a one block again my B I didn’t know that would happen This looks so funny you Know there’s a lot of stuff here one not find I use the best You do this all the time this is so new to me this is so cool it’s such a good way to find stuff Mining let’s Go I hope we find like oh gosh where we’re so far away though Wait we so far away oh my God we’re ages away we’re like I don’t know how far that is it’s super Far uh yeah I guess so it’s a little bit long Though it’s like it’s like we’re Swimming Jess see even would have the swimming animation chat what do you think about one block mining is it cool the first time I’ve ever done it it’s definitely interesting I know fire take that spider thany you got yeah do one block mining here it’s better so it’s not so far away I’ve never seen it done that way I know right this the first time I’ve ever done one block mining like I’m looking at this it’s like is that a trapo

It looks like a trapo doesn’t it like a sideways trapo trappy trappy trappy ooh I found Something what is this Redstone the heck oh what the heck a y my my pickaxe just broke luckily I had another one but yeah that’s unexpected though I have so much Redstone I have 37 redstone dust but do I even know what to do with the Redstone I even know what type of

Redstone things to Make rock Hopper let me see let me see what’s in There It’s very dark it’s a little bit too dark for my taste I’m going to go up and guess some here some Letters We’re way way deep but somehow it’s like we missed the the most RAR stuff such as the diamond where they Me so much raw copper so much R oh look you’re your farm is coming along but the water Froze I’m going to get some like try to get some Charcoal h did you just drop wait did you just drop an iron Axe I just got an iron A oh thank you what is that is that like a weapon or is it for um other Stuff well I got some stuff cooking up Now I see a bow there’s a bow Wait a second Let’s make a Sign oh I need some Spruce planks Okay oh what is this berries did you plant berries there like a bush of berries Outside oh cars EC um I’m trying to make Some I’m trying to make some tools right now I don’t remember how to do it I need like stones or something right I need some sticks and I need some St Yeah SP Have charcoal Yay all right I should have I have those UMES now that’s way easier compared to like trying to you know like trying to um find stuff is way Harder Yeah it’s turning back ibody you see like I can already see spiders outside can you see them oh May the witch got you that’s like the second time the witch got Someone be Careful water break everyone let’s drink some water drink some water drink some water and do some [Applause] stretches I hope you feel better after That you got s a sh candy drink oh that sounds so yummy I wish I had that the sweetest drink I had recently was th milk Tea I wish I had that candy drink though that sounds so Good monster oh I don’t believe I’ve ever tried that it’s like good it must be let’s explore out a bit we actually haven’t done much out here come do you see me I’m exploring Now Is this a big this a b Lake this is seriously a big l oh my gosh did you fall down I saw you and then you disappear oh you’re out there okay Oh What a Beautiful Lake just making Beacon tell us where we have to go oh gosh oops What are you doing a little piggy No hello piggy oh I see you is that R villag Is I saw murder murder of the Piggies I saw the big bad wolf just just spashing those Pigies wow this like is no joke Seriously this is all water oh wait Okay what that purple thing little purple Thing little purple thing went went running Away oh I see the Village there’s nobody here no no villagers no NPC wait what hello Oh we can do some training get some Arrows Emerald Emerald It’s scary how they all kind of stare at You You going have a blast Furnace oh wait what’s this an underground Cave this is like a let See can we take their trap doors or will they get Mad you want to get Mad I just put your trap doors I hope that’s okay ster trap doors M wait where are you where’s everybody oh there you are I’m heading to you hi hi Grim welcome and welcome Raiders Raiders welcome my name is Lexi come join me play Minecraft Minecraft is very colorful it’s like this by

Theault you didn’t kill anything wait are you sure are you sure you didn’t kill anything I really want to steal this is it okay is it okay oh I can’t even break It I just I just borrowed their their their B Thank you for the R I hope you have a nice week for the night thank you so much welcome welcome Raiders yeah just St chilling playing Minecraft you’re super fun welcome Raiders welcome if you would like to join me just let me know and I can share the

Link I just realized the wood here is actually of different quality it it looks different somehow the wood here is a bit more darker has a a nice darker shape to it like I’m looking at it and it’s like it’s different right oh it’s the same Spruce logs

Though I guess it just looks different cuz there’s no snow on it that’s why I look different oh what just attacked me this thing attacked me what is that Oh I’m very trees attack you maybe you going to kidnap a villager okay okay how do you do that oh is this a trap for Them is that a villager trap hole you go here and then you go like Bo SS you going to drop Yourself these are dandel so pretty collect some Dandel O why do the villagers have so many trap doors are we staying here um let’s uh stay here let’s stay here cuz if you go back it’s too Far wait how do you Still how do you take a villager I got a boat that’s so funny you’re on landine but you’re on the Boat oh No I I don’t know how to happen what the Heck what the the zombie just came out of Nowhere at least at least the wolf said hello oh you got my stuff that’s good thank you oh gosh it’s getting night time should I just rest me is coming Back There’s literally a zombie right Outside we’re going to have to put a fence or Something It’s pretty funny how this zombie is just waiting out there just just looking at me cuz I’m on my bed oh what’s this one what is that is that a box that’s so cute Oh yo they got creepers okay I’m going to hide inside now we got Creepers Okay let’s See one moment I need to get some water one moment [Laughter] Moment He Y The zombies on the Door care Creeper creeper this place this place is just being destroyed by monsters left and right okay I’m going to continue my my tunnel let’s go Momy I found something hey I found Something Let me get some torches it’s really dark down there get some torches though if you can come down here there’s there’s skeletons and there’s Zombies e that zombie was eating some rotten flesh Oo is this the other cave isn’t this literally the other C yeah please wa this is a different cave it’s super dark here though I don’t Know wait I’m just, He Back I’m hoping I find another huge K I think the wolf hit Me Real quick Oh thank is that Armor thank you Need y this is so Cute I’m going to put some flowers in our room hold on oh flowers can only be put on grass okay Then you just found some caves let me See y I don’t know we can find diamonds in the Stream that’ll be so cool you need a special pickaxe for Diamonds oh I found a green block am I in water GRE block what is That yo did you die curs oh no the zombie got You I had some food cooking Salon I’m ready to go down again I don’t know where you are cursed I don’t know what Castle I mean cave you Found I’m just going to dig down I hope we can find a really good C or something human thank you for the fall thank you for The oh Gosh welcome how are you all doing suddenly it’s super Dark how risky is this I don’t see anything I haven’t found it like a cave or anything like that You Now W I haven’t hit Anything I’ve run out of letters there’s nothing down There Welcome inum and welcome aquatic how’s it going hello hello Hello I still have 32 more ladders so I’ll keep going we could mine horizontally you say I guess we could Yeah yeah let’s do that then let’s how about we mind Horizontally Oh I just found I found something blue I found oh I found diamond y I found diamond you see I Lally found some Diamond over Here okay you keep going that way I guess if you want to have a look is right there Y This must be the perfect dep for the diamond person you’re looking for Revenge are you after you died but where are you going to go you even know where you Died we can try to look for you oh gosh this super dark here I’ll have to follow you cuz I just ran out of um and this the Torches oh thank you that’s a lot of torches I’ll try to go this way The zombie got you oh my God you it oh okay I’ll come back up we’re coming back up now so we can S did you find where you Dro your Items I hope we can find item yeah we’re almost There what is that is cute I wonder who L that message I’m in BDS no I’m in BD yeah are you Here H in h In just look a the Water Maybe it’s not B Time Something is that a skeleton that looks like a Skeleton there’s skeletons outside like wait wait they’re trying to open the door get away you stinky onom Me there not even nighttime anymore it’s already Daytime I have lots of ladders keep Going we must go Deeper to find a Diamond Letters oh I found I found something weird a different type the Stone what is That it’s like unbreakable this is very scary I’m at the bottom of the world Oh help me help yeah I’m I’m literally at the bottom of the World help you what happened to You what Happened I’m going search for diamonds and they must be hiding here somewhere at the bottom of the world the diamonds what did I tell you what did I tell you look oh you scared me oh my God oh my God you scared me oh my God oh my God I found a monster just spawn out of nowhere yes yes we found diamond I got one Diamond let’s keep digging this way then Roo the creepers are scary they blew up our house L I’m just making a tunnel just keep digging this tunnel yo that mask is so scary though for real that looks so ominous y that thing is so scary for real M mama oh wa stop chasing Us you think the last is cute are you sure it look really scary on my Screen here’s more lava what oh Gosh Oh I don’t know maybe the lava is infinite over over there my tools are broken have to go Upstairs it might be infinite lava Yeah something is definitely up There oh look look there’s something up here there’s um yeah maybe so we should go up a little bit go up a little bit and then like go to the right but let me get some tools First this is the longest elevator Yay I need a Pickaxe what do I do with diamond just put diamond there not sure what to do with them what is the first thing that we should build of our Diamonds Ra gold raw copper out of ir yeah Out T Fish I got some Beres thank You where’s cursy I’m trying to drop foodd H the left button I don’t mind it’s Okay Nine zombies sure is a lot oh God how do I break this Cobblestone how do I stop on the ladder I can break the Cobblestone oh that’s not possible is it press F on the ladder what oh oh okay let’s go up here and then dig to this side I got a great feeling about this oh this is too high up sorry Now oh CS found an enchantment book yo what did I tell you see we found something already I just have a good feeling about things was did I tell you though that Cool Ding ding ding ding ding When will we find another C I wonder if there’s like an item that tells us how to find a cave may need Compass the compass will help us when it nothing here I’m just keep going oning pickax breaks there’s seriously nothing looks like C found an enchantment for like um fire

Resistance is that fire resistance like lava resist means you can step on the lava without Dying We’re just being chilling this we’re just literally cing One Direction like a b one option this this hoping to find something just a sliver or Something oh Diamond diamond diamond y we did It we got maybe like 10 diamonds now in total let’s go This upate how many gems how many gems must I Spend I I oh wait I have one pickaxe left my bad I just saw it it it there’s gravel where’s some gravel Here what is That Yeah I don’t yeah yeah yeah me too I don’t have any sh we can head back cuz my pickax is about to break anyway Lush cave where are you though Person mus where where are you let’s let’s go fight some zombies let’s go fight Zombies yeah is that a nice F Oh definely let’s check it out 13 diamonds in total Now what a great discovery good G maybe we should we should look for a gunpowder and go like gunpowder mining how do you feel about that like that seems pretty good Right go let’s go get some Gunpowder let’s gear up make sure you have your Weapons oh what the heck what the heck there’s a villager right outside I’m on fire oh good good let’s go find let’s go find a cave or something let’s try to kill the the creepers H hot chocolate me it’s too late in the night don’t for me to have any Caffeine you know that cave I was I’m trying to remember in a Cave we’re at the Villager town that matter Oh what is This hello hello farmer 15 beatroots for one Emerald oh I’m sorry are you going to be okay Let’s help you up Okay help you okay she looks really stuck now come on come on got this just keep wling that way you keep Ling There there you go where are you going where are you going where you going you you’re hiding Okay Oh no my pickaxe is Broke oh thank you thank you I got it You’re punching when you fro Stu really Why let’s Explore More that looks like the Villager yeah this is the build your house is a death trap there’s there’s so many zombies at night stupid amount of zombies This lake is huge we really need Something I guess we’ll keep going this way just to charer It oh Oh hello cute Kitty this like is so long Oh I might have found another villager it looks like another Villager Hello There’s like two Villages so far oh oh come over here it’s another Village it has a cave Oh no it’s a water Cake has a water of caves oh my God what is That like a Big Rob What another a really random there nothing nothing There these villagers are so demanding with their Trades they want 15 beatroots for one Emerald can we head back it’s getting Dark go back definitely this side has oh wait wait there’s BS Here yeah two BS are here could probably just stay here and Hide you feel like we should camp out here so we don’t Die we’re really far like all the way out the second village we definitely should just there monsters nearby monsters Nearby they’re literally outside the window pretty Freaky We we’re sleeping The We’re in the bed now who’s going to sing a la la for Me what you going To King if you were going to sing a l what will you sing Though we you sing um Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Rocka by Baby not happening oh c is The let’s make our way out then just be just be extra Careful we got this we got this oh the robots fighting the the Spider oh my God where did he come from Where did my creeper come From no I can’t believe it the creeper just like insta killed me I got blown up oh my God I’m sorry me do that go we should have just stayed in the house oh wait I guess I respawn here now may don’t let go get back in the

House come back in the house if you Can oh get back in the House I have a train of monsters oh my God I literally have a train of monsters following Me yo the zombies are literally cing me right now with their evil spiles and their blushing cheeks we’ve come to spread the Cooties oh God oh God I’m getting overwhelmed there’s too many there’s too Many I’m I’m running around the house He get inside the House oh my God No no not you too wait did I close the door for you I’m so sorry wait this one has armor what the heck this all me had armor oh I’m back in the house no here here I’ll drop my Stuff Here some food as Well Sure that’s all of It y that was so Dangerous nighttime is so scary in this game like Like the zombies they look cute but they definitely have to kill You oh the pickax is mine oh is it okay okay thank you this one night time me have a look like oh yeah definitely is where is It well come over here this house is a lot bigger yeah this house is better in some ways oh look at that we should harvest the um the the Food can you make a Sickle can can you make a sickle too I’ll have a look um here I have a crafting Table wait how do you cut the the Food oh okay yeah yeah this daytime it’s daytime let’s go do it oh watch out for the bush oh you just punch it I guess you just punch it yeah I don’t Know I guess you just don’t do anything other than just punching it let big on Bra okay I’m heading back Now I sure was somewhere here potato I hope it’s okay sitting their Potatoes maybe I should plant something in return right Let’s head back Yeah oh this is a true test was it this way or that way I’m sure it was this way where need you go from the base I don’t remember Jumping is this the wrong Way I I personally don’t remember Jumping okay yeah I guess we’ll just follow the ice River imagine if I had like ice skates or something that would be cool Oh yeah oh that’s so Fast that’s that’s so cool can I have fun oh oh no let me try oh my God oh my God it goes Crazy oh no how do I get back On uh okay I don’t know how to get back on the ice there holy that’s a bear I’ll go get him I’ll go get him oh no oh no the little baby bear is left Now that’s so sad what do we do with the baby bear do we kill him we take him Home Oh no baby Bear I must I must put a box around him protect him Now put a box oh you got a back yo this is so slippery though this is so slippery oh God oh God oh gosh a very slight movement just like moves it so quickly oh wait which Way which way L Okay my way oo this is super wait no no no it’s definitely the other way yeah coordinates oh gosh where did you go where did you go go n n oh you’re there okay There’s no River Here Uhoh uhoh wait a second wait a second I can’t see where are You oh you’re there I don’t remember going this way but Okay how do I get the V Back oh I got it okay this is so dangerous this is why we need to build like a tall Beacon or Something oh we found you we found you cursed where have you been this entire time we finally found you it’s getting dark the zombies are coming CID I haven’t seen you in so long oh God oh God okay let’s let’s let’s move Swiftly I I hope it’s this way I I really don’t Know oh there it is our humble abode okay we need we need coordinates this is crazy I would have have gotten so Lost I’m plopping because that was that was exceptional navigation skills oh Z Me okay I’ll pull all my stuff Back I came back with like 49 potatoes that was worth it yeah 49 potatoes that was Worth Have some meat as well let’s make some Food how do you do that we how do you make into flour I Guess the boat goes Zoom I know right it’s so Fun I didn’t expect it to go that Fast it’s pretty cool Yeah oh I just make some Bread there bread in the Box we should try to get some clocks and compass that would be Good Oh we need to make a we need to make a bunch of stuff like smoing table and things like That Mine cart need a mine cart yeah course so cute Wolfy See if I can make some Furniture Sure can you make chair in this game no Ch Thany wait what did you do no i k Wolfie we need a new dog now Okay I’m going to take a break here Though I’m star to feel a bit EAS That a new dog be careful don’t kill your dog don’t kill him don’t kill him okay she look so cute the Doggy yeah a good boy who’s a good boy you’re a good Bo now WF thank you for the follow ghost everybody sleep everybody sleep so we can save oh we’ll wait for night time Cirs you need your armor you look very very different without the Armor Oh you prefer no armor okay Okay I would have never guessed That although I did die one shot anyway with full armor so I don’t know I don’t know if armor makes makes really much of a difference if the creeper is about to get you they’ll get you there’s no surviving a creeper a creeper Blast they’re literally jump scares I mean like at night time they attack you and there’s no way of knowing that they’re coming to get you unless you know what you’re doing just true I’m starting to feel dizzy I hope night time comes Soon M So many of these trees are just like half cut they’re just floating in the air like that’s so weird how are these trees floating in the air like that I don’t know right oh we from the Creeper explosion Yeah I love how fast that boat goes it just goes like this thing is so much Fun oh wait we should have a race you want to have a race Let me get there’s another boat in the house let me get it everybody grab a boat I got one there’s one in the House We should set up like a race course that would be cool everybody get on the boat come on I everybody get on the look at he’s just spinning spinning like like so fun AR she going to get dizzy oh do you need wood you need some wood I have some

Wood okay you got it okay okay let’s let’s race are you ready oh they’re all spinning oh gosh oh gosh I accidentally pressed Something race race there are you Ready no oh no it looks like carsa took the lead and then I’m Crashing oh gosh oh I’m making it out here oh No I Cry crash I crash okay yeah that’s so funny now we got to set up a like let’s make a racing Course let’s make a race course that would be Cool like I don’t know I just like use dirt or something to line up a a racing line yeah just use this ice here and it will make like a racing line yeah I I’ll get started hold up Oh I don’t have any dirt with me I’ll have to pick up some dirt For Oh how that’s so cute how did you get the little Bunny I’m making a Grand Pre Now I’m going to need a lot more wood Dark wait is it night time let’s go to bed I’m feeling Dizzy oh what Zomie somebody right outside the house and the skeleton There’s a Zombie outside a Skeleton he’s leaving now okay Everyone Sweep sweep Sweep s S Yay we made it for another Night Doggy yay everybody we’re going to be sleeping now and getting some getting some rest I’m starting to feel dizzy thank you so much for playing thank you for Playing I hope we can play again next Time thank you for playing me Mery I wish I had more emojis I need to have some for the club maybe I should have like a I don’t know something else I’ll have to look yeah it’s so much fun we’ll play again next time okay we’ll play more we’ll play More got to find more C and I want to fight the that boss that you mentioned what was it the boss early on that you mention my own puppy show me how I don’t know you need to have like a leash or something we’ll play more next time sure of It thank you so much again everyone and I hope you all have a lovely day or a good night May the May the Moonlight keep blessing you and I hope to see you again next time bye by Bye by Bye by good night good night in Sweet Room

This video, titled ‘PLAY WITH VIEWER MINECRAFT💙🌙!donate !merch🌙🍑MOON SISTER💖CUTE FUNNY💖🌙🌟| !dc | !socials | !yt’, was uploaded by CelestialLexi on 2023-12-05 15:32:41. It has garnered 27 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:23 or 18683 seconds.

I’m here to find that one person who said my crescent moons look like ripe bananas 🍌

✨ Hi!! If I made you smile please consider subscribing!!✨

[Socials] ————————————————————————————— Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/celestiallexi Twitter: https://twitter.com/CelestialLexi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celestial.lexi Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/celestiallexi Discord: https://discord.gg/twilightacademy Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@celestial.lexi


(◕‿◕) Hi!!! I’m Lexi, the Goddess of Fate, waifu, mommy, i don’t care! I’m a little shy comfy streamer and seiso even if people don’t say so (¬‿¬ )

I love games! I mean I REALLY love games. Even if I’m not online I promise you I’m playing something somewhere ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა , and yes I have no self-control! ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)

Please share your favorite games with me or ask me to try something new!

Credits: » Model (Art): clivenzu » Model (Rig): KiraOmori » Stream Overlay: patellacoop » Banner (Champ Pick): NekotamaAnime » Banner (Cafe): スライム » Chibi Panels: patellacoop » Starting Scene: uwumedia » Emotes: CaoSheep, kan0matsu, WullNar

#VTuber #ENVTuber

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft Box Boss

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft Box Boss In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan is the master, the creator of dreams. With humor and joy, each video brings a smile, Child-friendly content, going the extra mile. No pirated copies, only originals here, Cube Xuan’s channel, bringing laughter near. From animations to songs, each video a delight, Subscribe and join in, let your worries take flight. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft rules, Cube Xuan’s channel, the place for cool jewels. Stay tuned for updates, in rhymes we reply, For in this world of blocks, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and adventurous Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join, Minewind is the place to be. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. But why should you choose Minewind over other servers? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling… Read More

  • Gone: Mob Vote in Minecraft

    Gone: Mob Vote in Minecraft Minecraft Updates: The End of the Mob Vote? Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The popular game has retired the Minecraft Mob Vote and is gearing up for some major changes in future updates. Let’s dive into the details of what’s to come in the Minecraft universe. Retirement of the Mob Vote One of the biggest changes in the Minecraft world is the retirement of the Mob Vote. This event, which allowed players to vote on new mobs to be added to the game, has been a staple of Minecraft updates for some time. While the Mob Vote will be… Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy

    Nova AnarchyNova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server… therefore there are no rules besides what can bypass the small anti-cheat, no doxxing, and certain things that hurt the server! Come join and start your adventure today! There is a playertime based ranking system. nova-anarchy.us Read More

  • GroveSMP – SMP, Ranks, Chestshops, Playerswarps

    Welcome to GroveSMP! GroveSMP is a Minecraft SMP server where everyone can enjoy a variety of features such as ranks, lands, custom fishing, jobs, and more! Server Details: Java IP: GroveSMP.net:25565 Bedrock IP: GroveSMP.net:19132 Join our Discord for early access: discord.gg/2S6F88sJJR Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” #minecraft #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Ultimate Chunk Loading Tutorial

    Ultimate Chunk Loading Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Force Load Chunks – Chunkloader Chunk Loading Are you looking to keep certain chunks in your Minecraft world loaded at all times? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will explore how to force load chunks using a chunkloader. What are Chunks in Minecraft? In Minecraft, the world is divided into 16×16 block sections called chunks. These chunks are loaded and unloaded as players move around the world. When a chunk is unloaded, it stops processing and can cause delays when reloading. This is where chunkloading comes in handy. Chunkloading with Chunkloaders Chunkloaders are devices or mechanisms… Read More

  • Chunky Survival: Hardcore Mode

    Chunky Survival: Hardcore Mode Minecraft One Chunk Hardcore Survival Challenge In the world of Minecraft, challenges come in all shapes and sizes. One such challenge that has been gaining popularity is the One Chunk Hardcore Survival Challenge. This intense gameplay mode pushes players to their limits as they strive to survive in a limited space with heightened difficulty. The Basics of One Chunk Hardcore In this challenge, players are confined to a single chunk of the Minecraft world, which measures 16×16 blocks. This restricted space presents a unique set of challenges, as resources are limited and dangers are ever-present. To add to the… Read More

  • 💰Unbelievable: NEW Elemental Only Server!💥

    💰Unbelievable: NEW Elemental Only Server!💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining an ELEMENTAL ONLY Server…’, was uploaded by Cash on 2024-07-11 15:00:21. It has garnered 1325185 views and 12240 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:51 or 6171 seconds. Today, Cash and his friends look back at all the times they were turned into ELEMENTALS in Minecraft! What is your favorite moment? Watch to find out! Merch: https://cashandnico.com Socials: https://solo.to/cashtv #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Ultimate Evil Minecraft Fails #shorts

    Ultimate Evil Minecraft Fails #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft 🤣😂#shorts’, was uploaded by DEVIL GAMING on 2024-05-22 12:28:00. It has garnered 12592 views and 218 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft 🤣😂#shorts #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts #gamingshorts #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #minecraftlogic #shortsviral shorts Hamid t gaming spider-man ultimate techno gamerz balveer bhutiya kahani hay hay hay hay hay hay hay hay how to apply online driving licence sabse bada ladka short video sonic exe song techno gamerz robloxwwe shots रियल माइनक्राफ्ट minecraft techno gamerz free fire shorts hamid t gaming serbian dancing lady maizena minecraft video… Read More

  • Isaac’s Terrifying Ultra Hardcore Minecraft Updates

    Isaac's Terrifying Ultra Hardcore Minecraft UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Updates are SCARY in Ultra Hardcore Minecraft | Stream Highlights’, was uploaded by IsaacDumpsDirt on 2024-07-20 02:46:14. It has garnered 9 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:38 or 878 seconds. This is a stream highlights video of my second Minecraft Ultra Hardcore (world 2) stream. This is a minecraft series in the version 1.20.6 where I am playing in ultra hardcore mode. Ultra Hardcore mode (UHC) means that I do not regenerate health once I lose it, so in order to regenerate I need to use items that give… Read More

  • Insane Micropig Builder: Surviving in Coastal Village – EPIC!

    Insane Micropig Builder: Surviving in Coastal Village - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Coastal Village in Minecraft Survival – Limelight 12’, was uploaded by Micropig on 2024-05-05 09:26:56. It has garnered 731 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:31 or 631 seconds. 🎉 I built a Coastal Village in Minecraft Survival which will be filled up with minecrafty stuff one day, maybe even villagers 📝. I really enjoy building in Minecraft and the creative aspect, this was a lot of building in Survival Minecraft was a real challenge collecting all the materials needed I even did a bit of building on a… Read More

  • Insane Gear Unlocked in Hardcore Trio Ep 3!

    Insane Gear Unlocked in Hardcore Trio Ep 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Trio Season 1 Ep 3: Op Gear!’, was uploaded by RealRandom_boy on 2024-08-01 21:55:17. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:57 or 417 seconds. I got Op gear!!! Yes i wont be out of this series anytime soon! Ignore this: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Speedrun with Chat Controls! SuperMcGregs Streams

    Insane Minecraft Speedrun with Chat Controls! SuperMcGregs StreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrun but Chat Controls the Game part 1/2’, was uploaded by SuperMcGregs Streams on 2024-09-24 14:00:02. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:17 or 6977 seconds. 26:44 Gameplay start Feat. @markenator Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/supermcgregs Hi, I’m SuperMcGregs! Welcome to my VODS channel. I like to play video games and stream them on twitch. I am a variety streamer. Need a server? Use my link to create a server for your favourite game https://bisecthosting.com/super. Don’t forget to use the code SUPER… Read More

  • 💀SHOCKING Minecraft 483 Tricks! Subscribe Now!🐯

    💀SHOCKING Minecraft 483 Tricks! Subscribe Now!🐯Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft please subscribe my YouTube channel 👻🤍🐯🤡😈💀☠️🐅👹🎃♥️’, was uploaded by mr.minecraft483 on 2024-06-12 11:45:02. It has garnered 405 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Mr Thyme’s CRAZY Minecraft Changes Revealed!

    Mr Thyme's CRAZY Minecraft Changes Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Added Your TERRIBLE Ideas to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Thyme on 2024-07-26 17:29:45. It has garnered 653 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:09 or 849 seconds. all resource packs, addons, and datapacks created by me with the exception of: Swagcasters 90s car pack (test version0.0.7) by Swagcaster Create Mod by simibubi Legacy4J by Wilyicaro special thanks to @G1ppied for command block and function help Read More


    OMZ vs FAN GIRLS: EPIC MINECRAFT HIDE & SEEK!Video Information This video, titled ‘OMZ vs CRAZY FAN GIRLS : EXTREME CAMOUFLAGE HIDE and SEEK in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-07-22 14:33:44. It has garnered 23798 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:12 or 1212 seconds. 🥰This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz FAN!😍 in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: OMZ vs CRAZY FAN GIRLS : EXTREME CAMOUFLAGE HIDE and SEEK in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy Crystal) 🔥 Press like… Read More

  • Magic Moon

    Magic Moon¡¡¡Bienvenidos y Bienvenidas a MagicMoon!!! Cuando Magic Moon se alza en el cielo las reglas cambian… La Luna Mágica ha imbuido al mundo en una magia ancestral. Explora las maravillas que trae para ti el overworld, lucha contra los jefes en otros mundos y preparate para convertirte en el mejor aventurero. MagicMoon es la llave para desbloquear un mundo oculto lleno de posibilidades infinitas!!! Ven y desvela los los secretos de la Luna Mágica. Si lo sueñas todo es posible!!! space.magicmc.xyz Read More

  • MoreCraft – Semi-vanilla SMP, Discord Community – Java & Bedrock – Whitelist – 21+

    About MoreCraft MoreCraft is a small Bedrock & Java server for adults (21+). We understand that life can get busy, so playing 24/7 is not required. We recently reset the server and there are plenty of opportunities for new players to join in. From a shopping district to mini-games, there’s something for everyone. What We’re Looking For: Players aged 21+ Active Discord users Enjoy a sense of community Kind, respectful, non-griefing players Apply now: Application Form Read More

  • ✧ ᴇᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ ᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ ᴘʜɪʟɪᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱ ✧ ᴊᴏɪɴ ɴᴏᴡ! ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ | ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ | ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: pinoypixels.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Creeper’s Got Style

    Well, at least the Creeper can rock that green color better than most people can! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024 Welcome to Minecraft Live, where the fun never dies, Join us on September 28, for a big surprise. From Mojang HQ, we’ll bring you the scoop, New features and updates, to make you whoop. For ASL, BSL, and audio descriptions too, We’ve got you covered, for a great view. Tune in at 1PM EDT, don’t be late, For Minecraft Live 2024, it’s gonna be great! Read More

  • When you spot a hot mob in Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    When you spot a hot mob in Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you see a mob in Minecraft and suddenly forget how to run in a straight line, zigzagging like you’re in a game of Minecraft dodgeball. Read More

  • 100 Outrageous Game Facts

    100 Outrageous Game Facts Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Gamer’s Paradise Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. With endless possibilities and a vibrant community, it continues to be a favorite among gamers of all ages. Unleashing Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its ability to unleash creativity. Players can build intricate structures, explore vast landscapes, and even create their own mini-games within the game. The only limit is one’s imagination. Building Blocks The game revolves around placing and breaking blocks. From simple houses to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting Minecraft episode by Swordartgamer1063 where they are collecting woods from their tree wood farm in their survival series. Watching players explore, extract raw materials, craft tools, and build structures in Minecraft is always fascinating. If you are a fan of Minecraft gameplay and enjoy watching survival series, then you definitely need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of exploring a procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain made up of voxels alongside other passionate Minecraft players. Minewind server IP is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Join now and immerse yourself… Read More

  • Sneaky Love Prank

    Sneaky Love Prank Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this article, we delve into the exciting realm of GamerFleet, a community that brings together gamers from all walks of life to share their love for this iconic game. Discovering GamerFleet GamerFleet is a hub of creativity and camaraderie, where players come together to build, explore, and conquer challenges in the vast Minecraft universe. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, and OcTogamerZz, GamerFleet has become a beacon of inspiration for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide…. Read More

  • Flowser: Minecraft RP server ending tomorrow?! 🔥

    Flowser: Minecraft RP server ending tomorrow?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘La Fin Du Serveur Minecraft RP Sera Demain …’, was uploaded by Flowser on 2024-08-17 00:04:07. It has garnered 3173 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:06 or 9546 seconds. ➤FOR DONATIONS! : https://www.donationalerts.com/r/flowser Read More

  • The Haunting Minecraft Mod

    The Haunting Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Horror Mod Can Hear You…’, was uploaded by Kiply on 2024-08-31 13:00:00. It has garnered 651972 views and 8282 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:45 or 1785 seconds. This Minecraft Horror Mod Can Hear You… ❤️ Subscribe and 👍 LIKE to support the channel and see more videos like this! ✔️ FOLLOW ME ON OTHER STUFF 😀 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/okiply Discord: https://discord.gg/kiply Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyrakiply Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyrakiply/ Edited by: @Editor_Ethan In this scary simulation challenge we find the horror mod a quiet place and the giant dweller worm, and the boiled one in… Read More

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  • “NEW Minecraft 1.21 SMP Live – Join Mr Offline NOW!” #PojavLauncher

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