🌟 EPIC Egg-scelent Minecraft Gaming Stream 🥚

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today we’re playing some more Mighty crafting and today we have some plants as with every day which seems suspicious but anyway we have some plans as I just said and one of them is going to be making an egg Farm or chicken farm because if you can tell we’ve had a bit of a food shortage famine you could say food UNH having much you know just not much food okay not many eggs not many supplies not not enough omelets being made so today fellas today we’re making an egishe we need food otherwise we’re going to die so obviously I don’t know how to make one of these nor do I remember how to make one of these so I’m going to be search up on my phone a tutorial because when in doubt pull the tutorial Out Mr BB big word that’s true that is true so yeah by the way I just posted the channel of streaming on the Discord server which everybody should join by the way it’s so cool very epic people like memes that’s all that’s all I can say it’s pretty swag over there though so once again do check that out got to say 10 out of 10 same with the music 10 out of 10 in Minecraft Alex’s Farm do not [Music] enter h h anyway I just walked in here for some why did I walk in here oh yeah I remember the shield you can enchant the shields apparently by the way or not I think it’s supposed to be with books then right I was never really bookmart the lag hey Eric how you doing oh yesterday we got ourselves Cactus which I’m very happy about now I’m going to quickly search it up here how do we make an auto cactus farm cuz we got Cactus growing but it’s not automatic cuz I remember you could like hook it up with some stuff put string on top of it and you know would be pretty swag it would be pretty cool oh literally like this yeah are you sure that’s [Music] it oh my God fish fish why a breaker did it break it ain’t working [Music] why ain’t it working huh when the chest is not chesting dude oh you just flooded your you blundering fool you’ve done done it now oh God the damage is irreparable oh no oh goodness this is horrible I cannot believe this event how why is this just a C I’m going to drop a St a now it works should I check this there do we the cactus is deleting anything I Chuck at it what the hell what the [Music] hell what what the what sorcery is this what the f what what the what what the what [Music] the ow ow ow ow ow stop [Music] [Music] three viewers in 2 minutes Pro fell off I don’t know where everybody is probably school oh eler eler eler Elbo Elbo oh you’re going to break it that’s not very nice that’s not really Christmas Eve here I will do it again I’ll be back no Oo we need to get a villager in here just put him to work do we have any like local Villages though we kind of pillaged every village hry me I got to take a mive d what the [ __ ] what does he mean by this okay simple invite you foolish fool invite you Sensei po invite you Mr sh invite you I don’t know where everybody is man I gun oh hey ow ow that’s not that’s not very nice that was really that’s taking it too far man you could have broken my pants [Music] I’m running into the bathroom I think he’s running to the bathroom something tells me now pantaloons I’m going to make new armor now I wonder why man I got to go to the freaking mines again I hunt again okay and I’m wasting I’m wasting every single second of my time and my days you know got like another complete set of half broken armor actually I could combine these where did you go where you go I go what are you talking about we talking about HH what you on about can we repair our boots and helmet with this Gizmo can we do [Music] this I’m not sure man I don’t know if it do anything how it’s green right now it’s green now it’s green it’s still green the the lagg it might be fixed now though now excellent Farm hello in Spanish hello Jason let’s just search up egg how to make chicken farm chicken farm Minecraft automatic chicken farm in Minecraft 1.20 tutorial guys I think we found it no what where hell YouTube broke the I don’t know how I broke YouTube forat thing who’s placing this do down blocks everywhere huh anyway chicken mom cooks chicken no nether chicken I I think it’s interesting find out how to make a mob farm we do Jason but we do need to get a spawner however yeah watch this video 7 people in 7 minutes nice people are coming yeah they’re on their way ity a minute for the Cavalry to arrive oh Cactus it’s grown the cactus is epic now look at that wowe wow I love cat I love undertime slopper why did I reference that I love slopper no you don’t need a spawner for a mob farm I think so oh you mean like the the tower in the middle of nowhere yeah yeah we can make that easily why not what’s stopping us huh anyway wow this is so swag guys this world is coming together so nicely I’m going to need some wood though bro he just killed a spider what the flip sh bow return he’s trying to he’s trying to profit off our balls what the [ __ ] what why is he trying to steal out bowls like you know the thing you put soup in why would he do that that’s taking it to far sorry I’m going to just chop some of this tree down okay for reasoning beyond your comprehension wood for AR I’m probably the poorest in the server I think Oreo is he’s been like ransacked like three times I don’t know how or why that happened but he just did there’s blood at his house his farm is dysfunctional his base is in TS I don’t even know what happened man or kind of just left and take come back I’m really upset now I’m going to also make a um an automatic uh cactus farm the cool type though no no no no no no no no no hippie Ty poop are are we going to play C thieves I downloaded it sure yeah heck yeah uh probably after the stream then here I mean I have I need need to go to sleep freaking early early now chicken farm tutorial okay he’s got 64 chicken okay okay that’s a lot of why what do you need so much why do we need leave me alone why do we need so much four Hopper I don’t even have enough for that how do we make four Hoppers I if I had iron if only I had iron green your back is anyway that’s like five 20 iron 20 that’s like all my iron fine guess we’re doing just that not glass no I I know a chicken farm Bozer green I’m so glad you’re back I missed you how how where have you been oh Minecraft that’s true but where have you been I missed you man how you doing how you doing okay I need four four chests get on that wood grind back to logging about to log off we stuck in a dungeon who dungeon why dungeon where’s all my wood missing blow blown up in action Sensei poo just got nuked oh my [Music] lag Speedy there’s a compact version we only need one hopper I mean this guy is using four Hoppers and it’s super efficient so we’re going to use that yes cuz I post that clip of you missing having crystal blue let mystal blow out of this let myow oh he’s got chests Don’t Mind If I Do how many three one more one more I need to keep my BL I don’t have any blue what are you talking about I have no blue I have no blue hello K welcome I got no blue I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re talking about your giberish there right now we need eggs a whole lot of eggs then now we’re going to get those eggs we’re just going to need them though speaking of bamboo yeah chop it down if you need it it’s going to grow back eventually as well that’s the CH good thing about bamboo also we’re going to have to make an iron farm we don’t have any iron and it really annoys me sometimes okay foris foris and then two more chests hor I’m stuck on a dirt Tower because of zombies cuz I don’t have a bed where abouts are you W uh two more chests is that a dispenser how I just to do down minute dispenser how do we make one of those need dispenser boy Spenser here boies boy Spenser here is that a dropper or a dispenser that’s a dispenser we need a bow 721 okay bow and Redstone I just so happened to have a spare bow in my inventory baby you no need a dispenser can I not make it what the hell you mean I can’t make own dispenser what the hell you mean you what do you mean I can’t make no dis spender there we go okay boom okay dispenser then we need two chests face turquoise drinking coffee face turquoise drinking coffee not this again the face blue smiling has turned into face turquoise drinking coffee oh you’ve broken my can you stop hitting me God damn get sit down I can’t do nothing okay red stone repeaters two and then one with three eyes purple crying face blue one eyes no no you know what I mean you know what I mean right guys Spenser Redstone my YouTube crashed oh yeah I’m just that cool I crashed your YouTube I guess excuse me you need why does it need regular Stone Face blue wide eyes face blue wide eyes face blue wide eyes face blue wide eyes o yeah sh no wait if I change games it stops the stream anyway maybe you got something in your no 10 glass do we have 10 glass I need 10 glass right now we have 10 glass right here look at that 10 glass okay do you have any polished Stone by the way asking for a friend here we have brick e we bull we’re building on a brick where are you Jimmy no thank you for giving me 10 eggs thank you for the 10 eggs you slapped me okay I took it as an assault you know I keep getting hereit and you you keep on breaking my armor man I don’t appreciate that no way it’s you just St placing R blocks everywhere okay bro okay bro thanks bro I got Tri oh swag he’s going to be he’s going to be the what’s his name Poseidon how do I make the the other Redstone thingy red store do we have any quartzes any quartes does anybody get any quartes chat I need qu I need right now who one qu quitus one stack can I borrow a rod of disappointment yeah go ahead dude take it I need qu oh wait shoot yeah I’m saved it’s daying where’s the qutis it’s my rod why you trying to touch his Rod bro never mind creeper uhoh oh there’s a creeper right there look out look at right there it’s a freaking Creeper snipe that Bozo I need a I need a single bit of qu do you have a spare there should be a spare um fishing rod in the uh the chest also let him use the rod of disappointment nobody’s going to like steal it I’m about I’m about to steal Jimmy’s I’m about to steal Jimmy’s diamonds guys he’s got full now he’s multiplied man his his stuff is Multiplied that is so cool what to say Jimmy well played help me save me someone I’m 721 okay I need qust though I just Oran I organized Jimmy’s chest I leave I refuse to elaborate that’s a iire this please sir where’s where’s foozy when you need him huh oh no this thing is on its last leg man what is this the orb what are you building what you up door what you cooking oh you better be making a wizard tower you better be making a wizard tower dude please make a wizard tower I’m begging you right now know when I need one quartus I am he’s making a wizard tower that’s amazing dude let’s go whyus need one quartz by the way uh hold on uh you’re going to join the stream yeah where going to join the stream why it’s upset SOS he needs one right now well we’ll help you out I need to build a chicken farm can you wait please don’t me [Music] notus I thought I saw a creeper I’m actually seeing things [Music] now any c cus it works the automatic Cactus form Works help with [Music] what I’m going to go to the nether quickly I hope I don’t die a horrendous death that would be horrible I need one quart I’m out of there woo through the portal Oh shoot what wait wait wait I’m going to die are you joking why who five creepers five creepers what the how many arrows is that p i nearly died I oh my Lord PL who let the skeleton out the closet bro how many times I got to tell you stop playing skeletons out the goddamn closet how deep who’s been mining for netherite who I need to know this man it goes down did they walk in or something I don’t know I actually don’t know it’s all fenced off L elbows are what a shame he goes down bro cap he’s just not having it somebody’s been strip mining for netherite but who somebody’s having evil plans baby we I need qu this any have any not me hand orange covering eyes hand orange covering eyes okay now it’s over oh oh oh oh moments before disaster moments Jesus Christ h i see why that’s an issue in the ne okay well strip M of Steve heck yeah I need quadas and I’m getting it the safe way there is no chance I’m going above surface I’m here welcome ghost Shar how you doing man I missed you how you doing don’t mind me I’m just mining for qu this mining away I don’t know stop when tomorrow tomorrow dude by the way we could play so after the stream if you want I’ll organize it in ch or like in the Discord here get the gallion crew going you know what I mean hey now drink the cola I play fortnite play Minecraft see work what did Discord AR if you go into the description of any stream so like this one for example there would be a a link to the Discord yes I’m joining heck yeah same what same bro I’m I’m striving bro I haven’t eaten in real life and game sad face I can just invite you to my crew because I have you added ghost shark and I know for certain you’re joining please live space well we have a Brig already do we have enough for a gallion though that is liquis do you guys want to do fishing I’d love to do some fishing yeah I was thinking of that swag all right back up the T the gas I’m hearing voices okay get I see the portal hter CO’s grinding heck yeah dude I’m hearing voices okay let’s try not to get killed by skeletons nearly that was really close maybe you got something [Music] in my need bed bed got me eyes purple crying SRA what the hell you mean oh oh I already hear voes same bro you’re just like me for real you’re just like me for real now we’ve got the materials the minerals uh let me make sure I’m going to open up the guide again so I need more where the F chest boom chest one more chest oh no it’s still playing the nether music I feel so unsafe can you stop why are you just mining the base man just stop okay two chests we need one more chest do I have one more chest or not [Music] I need to find one more Chase did not just take my armor I joined this let’s go Arc let’s freaking go man no problem Sensei no problem bro I’m going give it really n booster that’s crazy I swear that costs money I had one when I died unfortunate I’m going to I’m going to go bro this this poor tree there’s a there’s a what boom scroll on down where’s the chest boom done okay we have everything besides the slabs so I’m going to make some slabs now oh mob farm sounds fun dude got to say I okay BL right now I watch all right dude who broke the secret for we get ENT with me there’s a Metallica concert on uh the 22nd and 23rd of in Minecraft in fortnite sorry Jesus Christ epic cool I might as well be there man I love Metallica man who broke the where are the fences not the fences the signs or whatever can somebody make me some signs [Music] don’t dig the boat fishing up signs bro I need the signs right now how do you make name tags you can’t you have to either fish for them or find them okay you want to fight yeah sure suck as for the signs nicely [Applause] [Music] [Music] there we go there a signs I’m stuck again all I’ll save you dude I Need a [Music] Hero what I mean you attacked me onstead of asking for the you attack me first so not my fault hold you been taking stuff from my chest as well I’m at 495 all right I’ll try and save you dude need fix this Wigan no no no yeah okay I think we just stop building now my mother is a huge Metallica fan epic so how many slabs do I need again nine 4 five I like let’s go tiger let’s freaking go man thank you for the likes very soon we’ll do a rotten flesh giveaway rotten flesh giveaway hype hype hype hype hype hype okay uh let’s get building go the tutorial it might be audible so St about the collection Sy okay okay okay cats or dogs B off make the freaking cats or dogs what do you mean cats or dogs I’m a cat person hey Daddy you trying to sign in yeah authorize it bash me somehow for some reason it goes to my phone as well I see else I think oh swag really right chicken farm hopefully there won’t be a chicken coup what happened here there’s like a pit what has been happening I prefer to eat CS [Applause] okay I’m going to stop building this next to my house Galax system construction on the way may you got something in your nose beh with [Music] a maybe you got something in your nose I love time slopper but you could have specifi which one I I don’t like eating either man build this simple Redstone clock what’s your most headed song I Don’t Know hate Taylor Swift I guess just realized I’m a cat yeah what the flip you eat yourself what the SS oh what h eat yourself now nuh nuhop can I like disable the clock wait no right now what is this 5x where’s have the EG bro what the okay it’s funny cuz the first thing everybody that does is check the chest man like what the sus Crouch and place Hoppers done yeah is that it Place three temporary blocks and place the glass around I mean he’s flying in the tutorial man I don’t have that I don’t I can’t do that two we one iron or One log huh says I like no no no no no no get away get away get away I don’t like to eat cats tiger I don’t I don’t need anything okay I mean Kit Kats he here love to eat Kit Kats okay wait this next one is going to be a bit tough lava bucket stone block no I don’t never said that I never said that ow God damn it I love undertime slopper okay wait okay wait hold on I don’t care about your fine diamonds app mate running from the government relatable relatable quotes man on I’m just I’m just game this game get a little crazy okay what is this such Contraption I don’t know okay wait so he says don’t forget to place this block all of them what i is blood running through all the governments I have Oak question mark I too asked myself the same question sometimes one CH I’m S I need more eggs man I’m out of eggs whole L of eggs running out hey bombs on the train what are you on about okay wait so is that supposed to be on hold on just a damn minute wait hold on in some chickens using seeds w Wait the chicken farm takes priority right now okay bro it’s very very very complex no you bastard just get lost man honestly I spend time building and you try to break it God damn it I need lava puty mate that’s what I’m saying dude cro what are you doing tiger why you do that poo yeah oh shoot she me timbers okay now we need chick Alex you have any chicken EGS okay if any of that stuff starts breaking I know who it is so yeah where’s unit unit Senai get him M Ratt the boys self Waring yeah where is self Waring Cory 4C 567 I wonder man yeah I remember sorry I just dunk I need CH egg do you CH egg I’m an OG you are an OG shark you are a real one [Music] dude maybe know okay I’m going to need to get seeds at some point we need to breed up the Cho eventually these bozos oh game lag okay no chons though God damn yeah but Sensei glass is annoying as get rain Mak zombies alive me sad purple cry wait where are you again what’s your cordance I’ll save you bro Dad Dad if you swear and YouTube picks it up it’s bad just refresh I’m refreshing for the past half an hour hey bro hey bro 496 yeah I got you is that the first coordinate what hey bro I made Egg Farm where God damn it it’s gone Su mean Su what does that mean I already made that I’ve literally already made that already done s but better 496 I’m on my dude I’m going to save you w don’t you worry nuh-uh Alex nuh-uh you’re like 400 blocks away why what the hell oh god oh no man why do you rebuild the Pillager Tower but I’ve already built it Alex so who cares just leave it man just leave it [Music] well we’ve built the excellent Contraption now we just need to save Wyatt so 496 damn up here is that you up there let me let me let me get my binoc Killers why where are you mad there’s like several Towers boy what the hell boy oh that’s him that’s him oh my God I’m coming to save you man don’t you worry I’m here oh my God guys should we make a barrier on the outside so we have a town Pro probably they spawn at oh my God they do be spawning you at line dude there’s so many of them what are we going to do I mean maybe we don’t make a barrier I’ve got a gift for you I’ve got a gift for [Applause] you pretty please can I have the gun powder okay dude [Applause] sure I don’t know why I’m making those noises there’s an evil dark Spirit there’s an evil dark spirit’s possessing me my God Evil dark Spirit okay now we just need CH where am I going to get CH I have no there’s Boney here there’s bones oh my God Jimmy I’m forever in your de no problem [Music] I’m back sorry oh my goodness I’m I’ve drank so much iced tea in my life I can be British face fate worse than death exactly exactly bro it’s not an egg Farm it’s a chicken farm that’s what it is it’s for meat and Feathers that’s why I buil it that’s why I build it bro it’s not an egg Farm yet I need to get eggs and you’ve taken all of my eggs I need more eggs I have an egg Farm okay well make the Egg Farm I need the meat and eggs not a meat farm yeah but we need Meat Farm because yeah maybe you got something you know not know I’m making the meat farm because otherwise we’re starving over here no CH because food yeah Kate gets it Kate understands and I don’t even think Kate’s in the server does a like thinker hey bro sinc I feel pretty bad bro Aimbot you know as a reparation I’m sorry I apologize profusely I’ll also give you a a stone shovel just to help out I’ll give you rotten flesh giveaway baby we’re going know not know chicken I’m stuck no oh wait shoot I’ve broken the I’m not really a thinker today was it that no it’s not that oh God damn it I I may or may not have just DED messed up everything how was he just killed by a be hold on you could have just yeah I could have now that I think about it BR hey why uh if you just go into the bunker you can um you can just grab a bed there there should be like one in the chest or something okay what where that uh just in the wall you’ll find it just in the wall somewhere oh it’s it’s just up there got the it’s the crafting table AR where you’ll know it when you see it excuse me what is that small drip Leaf Chuck Norris had a staring contest with the sun now we have the moon what Chuck Norris Chuck Chuck Norris wakes up from a nightmare wait what was it what was it Chuck Norris gets into a fight with somebody in a dream check Norris wakes up the other guy wakes up and he has a bruise on his eye you good I’m good drug how you doing man how’s life how’s the sub count how many Subs you got could I have some coal not b right Dr love to hear that as always 869 that’s cool we are we taking that he’s boogying where’s the other chicken we’re missing a chicken so down a it it’s okay drunk you’re easily getting 1K though don’t you worry dude keep on doing your thing so where does the egg go in this contraption three in here oh swag why late stream it was not late Bagel it was not late you were late I was on time today actually I was I started streaming at 7:30 it was on time today for Granny’s at 87,000 views oh my Lord oh my goodness gracious can I have some coal no take 30 locks yeah what why are you stealing stuff Sensei help with what with what with what with what ghost but you need help with that I have 146k total views awesome dude I like how every time I stream right like there’s just an audible me like spamming my controller to hit stuff it’s very it’s very clearly heard you know it’s pretty funny I got to say I love one time slopper potato yeah the zombie a potato amazing we could have started another Farm oh chickens no no no no please I’m sorry I do better what’s going on here chicken chicken chicken I’m sorry to help please helpy please God I have 16 on no no do you have a house nobody does who vote to overtake speeded country my chickens no we’re down to two now that’s over me why do you want to overthrow my country what have I ever done to you huh I’ve only done I’ve done nothing but good God damn it chickens chickens chickens they’re all running away get back here you scandals God help I please I don’t want to die um I’m Lo speed let’s go tiger I’ve got a bodyguard as all you don’t want to mess with him you don’t want to mess with Ark he’s going netherite mining he’s already cracked out of his mind he a PVP he’s he’s one of the best he’s my right-hand man yeah that’s what that’s what I like speed you have four chickens I gave you three no I’ve only had one chicken these are two I only have one chicken in my farm help me I don’t want to die oh Shar I think he needs to pray today dude then God will help you out go build one I gave you three you gave me three thank you dude thank you thank you so much thank you CH go in there good CH ow ow that you get seat CH make baby CH more CH let me break this wait now it’s why ain’t it working I remember it was working before this this Farm do I need to put a do I need to power it why isn’t it working did I build it wrong why anything Ain working HH the video said just place a block no wait wait hold on but a fortnite right now let me show you okay Alex go ahead show me supposed to make a clock cuz the guy no no no cuz the guy in the video said to just place a block there no wa that’s not it no no let let me just do it the cave noise oh wait wait wait give me all my stuff back wait I’ll do I’ll do no no no no Alex it doesn’t work wait cuz look he puts it there no way give me my give me my Redstone back give my red stone read my last comment sorry Dr I’m just the mill something I love every stream of viewers that I hop on just uh a show of how many Subs I have on that day for like 5 minutes wait what oh yeah yeah that is true man you on sub and Di please going I have that gun powder yeah D come here DNT yep I need one Redstone Redstone Redstone Redstone red stone Redstone Redstone Redstone Redstone give him my dude he just he stole my Redstone and dipped I cannot believe this you have Redstone [Music] dude you do man I pretty please going I have that [Music] gunpowder just chilling in here got the Redstone red stone oh my goodness thank you thank you dude thank you bro but that don’t work it was just working a minute ago why don’t it work now 12 people watching epic dude got to say 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 Swagger do I have to like break the block and then power it or something cuz I wouldn’t be surprised if I have to Speedy look wait that’s on no I know but like this is different in the video he shows it but it doesn’t work oh now it works here we go I don’t know what I did oh got you but why wasn’t it working before though works better but it should be working if I wa wait why wasn’t it working before though where was bed I forgot you just have to find it cuz in the video it just works let me see this again wart I don’t know huh it’s a mystery we’ll never solve this H I guess I’m just not good enough At Redstone to understand o bro you doing that for you’ve messed it up now no no just leave it dude oh my God this is z problem no wait let me solve this myself cuz it worked it worked for a second it worked for a split second and it stopped oh that have a nice day bro all right all right Jo you to man sorry I’m just trying to I’m trying to solve this yeah give us an update tomorrow on your stuff dude I’ve used Redstone for years yeah but like there’s a tutorial man it gives us a tutorial but ain’t working you know what I mean you know what I’m saying I’ve never understood this mumbo jumbo anyway no no I do trust you I’m just trying to figure out is there okay wait I’m going to go to that video in the Bing oh no no no I know I know why I know why look at this wait look at this it does it does work it does work wait it works okay it does work no no we don’t need to do it’s fine it’s different though it doesn’t like switch on and off it works though it does [Applause] work we good now we solved it want to break from the ads you tap down 30 second ad you get wait what was it what was the meme I have the video on my phone hold on do Hung okay wait it’s solved now okay we’re good we good now we have infinite chicken I made it he made it chat he did it he done did it okay swag that is actually epic now we’ve solved the puzzle we’ve done it and now we now we stream ourselves fishing for the next half an hour you guys ready this riveting gam playay I sure as he cam he made with his J do you want the Cort no I’m okay bro we’re good for now we’re never going to run out of food again by the way never going to run out of feathers we good this is beautiful stuff right here right here ow sorry no chickens you joking okay well we got to give him like 20 years probably you know we we’ll get the food eventually you know but I mean you’re dead it’s okay why you’re not all good let’s see what’s let’s do a world tour right now yeah let’s see what’s cooking in the furnaces okay okay I see what he’s doing see what he’s I see what he’s building wizard tower you know I’m really interested let’s see over here the church the cool place Cool Kids house bullish won’t work by the way baby animals don’t give anything no no that’s they grow up like it doesn’t kill them they grow up and then it does stuff yes I am no what do not enter do not enter was I supposed to enter this oh so he has been stealing stuff why are you stealing stuff Sensei yeah why why is he stealing stuff that’s not really nice of him man I’m disappointed no look how many trees there are we’re making old New Forest over here where the fizzle did my books go I think I know he did it I know he did the crime oh I picked up a bed on accident hold on arite no AR you’re good AR you’re okay I need to return this bed speak you check out my house yeah sure bro where’s your house I just reset all right okay bed so have full HP all right dog you know your house can I live in your roof the roof has a very important purpose of which I cannot disclose in this current day or time so for now no just there no you cannot live in my attic at some point probably yeah actually the roof is where I put my bed actually in the m at the bottom okay do you have string yeah we have some I’ll get you some string string forite is the only game where you can play Ride the Lightning while being a t60 power armor yeah there should be some string in here yeah there’s a bunch in there if you need [Music] it you take all the locks yeah he did I think here I need four there’s there’s actually a whole bed in here W if you need it whole bed right there waiting waiting for you bro he’s got Diamond holy zoinks he Zed out okay wait let me just reorganize everything [Music] Stone will’ll put here all is pretty good right now I got to say truly a resource moment of all time ow thank you oh my God how many seeds is that that’s an orb billion seeds dude that’s crazy you read my comment don’t think I did no I I don’t see your comment I have been reading comments bro I see Chon in the distance let distance I’m dripped out he is Arc is actually dripped out dude okay are they going to start laying X might as well just grow them come on dude ntity cramming go crazy I think they’re going to die tomorrow when I wake up they’re all going to be gone due to mysterious unknown causes but please can you check on my house yeah sure if your arm Lo smelt it you get stuff back all right oh by the way that reminds me once we get armor Smiths and we level them up like a lot okay basically there’ll be like this option to buy diamond armor and if we get to that stage in the game we’re going to be really rich okay we’re going to have enough money for God knows what right and basically you can take the diamond armor and you can smelt it down into just whatever can I live in your walls we’ve got somebody living under my base uh so I think that’s already taken up wait where is your base W you said in the mines right how deep in the mines are we talking I ain’t seeing nothing down here here can I get the carot yeah sure ask Alex from though he’s a bit defensive over his carots you know bro I came back for for my effing stuff yeah that’s under I want to live in your walls okay I mean there’s not really much space um deeper how far down is it tiger Jesus Christ M do not enter the church oh shees he’s been excommunicated from the church shiver me timbers bro how deep in the M you live at Y8 Jesus Christ that’s nuts bro he’s got a drug Farm in here what the heck he’s growing drugs he’s growing drugs what this is nuts man I’ve got to say where’s your bed oh it’s this is the secret compartment oh who you sleeping with man there’s no beds in here it’s just a disorganized thing he’s got a p a bunch of Pillager bound banners everywhere I’m scared aex there’s another room in here we’ve got a lot of accommodation man we’ve got so much accommodation you want to come down here and live have at it it’s Vault for a reason you know you know because we’re so far down underground or into the side of a mountain nobody will get hurt if there’s ever ever a thermonuclear disaster Alex going to have a Kat kakarat K carrot now let’s check on the farm please Queen close my door never mind I’m sorry tiger okay I’m going to see with the egg is oh I don’t care about the goddamn give me my I mean you stole from the church so now the church has to take back you know you don’t mess with the church oh there’s a lot of ooly booly spawning I don’t like this scary stop hitting me stop Thermon nuclear Predator nuke locked laughing in minus launching in minus 9 what ah you buzzos I need need to restock my food man ow that’s what I’m saying we have a food problem and it’s a big one it’s not a small one seven five wait wait you skipped yeah there we go it does work yeah so basically the way this Farm works is that there’ll be a oh thanks bro basically way Alex look at this here look you see the baby chicken wait come here there’s a baby chicken in there yeah it’s living it grows up and then it dies and then we turn its meat into cooked meat thank you bro I’m sorry now we wait Cho chicko chick Cho I need to kidnap another chicken real quick I mean uh just borrow this chicken maybe get back get your ass back here chicken no he’s just rejecting me oh where where where where where whoa whoa going where that ow come here going no no no no no no please you good dude get out please are you good Alex having a bit of trouble with this chicken man he’s cing a bit of trouble oh my God there’s so many creepers ow I see why there’s a pit here now this is creeper territory man blue or that’s epic bro okay that was a bit strange Cho come here right now Cho we need to put you in the machine 8537 22736 491 93736 that’s my IP address I’m sorry I’m sorry Mr Shar why is there a creeper in my house Sensei get the heck out of my house man if that creeper blows up your heads on a spike mate why are there so many creepers no we need cats man we need cats we need cats I’ll n this Ser I know you you how does he know me he knows me so well no okay wait on who’s replyed to me should play you should play egg chess yes you should I forget what you did yeah 2015 what did I do huh PL okay hold on pause pause for a second no one knows no no no no no one no one no one no one no one knows what I did in 1943 what do you doing 1943 where were the minions during some specific time forgot what years they were I’m not that best I’m not that good at history okay I’m sorry where the hell did this guy he’s got coal he’s a coal miner he’s got black lung oh wait okay the creeper just uncovering coal deposits I got to say that’s pretty swag maybe you got in your make more chorn infinite chior Farm there’s like five chicken in each other the Battle of Britain ah the Battle of bur they need add wine to Minecraft I want to get drunk I do hey bro oh he need some more blocks we live like above a geod gets World War II pts oh no don’t some box do you know the country of that yeah I do it’s cool country I remember when Germany fought against them in uh in football um you need to search up the clip it is so funny quite devious I just had a creeper blow up I’m about to blow up definitely no bad word yep yep no bad word at all yeah no bad words you know we don’t do that here oh my God Auto smelter when Auto smelter when shat there’s a be be we better behave around the bees man God knows what they’ll do what word of the bad could it possibly be I’m wondering too Jimmy’s a real one he’s patching it all up dude thank you bro thank you for your service B come to Food Market sure Alex in a minute let me just mine this coal what does that mean bagel oh [Music] okay I’m very hungry give me the Apple help me get my stff somebody where where are you dude oh I got you what time do you end the stream I don’t know sometime soon the mines the mines the mines which part are the mines I don’t want to get struck down by the wrath of Zeus man that’s the last thing on my bucket list today yo the full Market was weing what are the prices 10 iron 10 iron we we have more food than iron that’s a scam yeah we can end the stream at 10 also why is Nick a 30 in uh fortnite Never Back Down never what I’m I’m in interested in buying this for 1,000 how much please I don’t know it’s 10 iron for a whole Farm I don’t holy crap but I’m quitting wait wait AR where where did you die which mine man which mine Arc I’ll help you out bro bro a which M prefer thisp where are you though which mine bro man that lightning is dangerously close to my house Scotty going to help out AR light man how far down did you go shiver Me Timbers and now his skin is working by the way really acting like church employees what do you mean what what does he mean by this chat what does he mean by this oh God sing with me sing for the years you will not deny me my three bird solo [Music] pretty pleased can you end the stream at 10 sure dude can I buy for 1 billion is it gone we wasting time over here I Free Bird yeah [Music] get down there man he’s dead please can get me that add on maybe no I like have no Aron myself I need I need more Aron you know do you remember what Y coordinates he died at ARC ow bro there so many why the hell there so many D there ain’t nothing oh there actually bro stop with Alex was Slam by a phantom No look at a PVP no I suck at it I’m out of the PVP me ar oh he fell again oh no I don’t want to I don’t want him to the stuff uhoh wait where was it was it like down where we were mining all those years ago dnie I can still hear lightning I’m like 50,000 Leagues Under the the Rocks man and I can still hear the lightning like it’s next to me it’s like five stories above me man God damn uh do you want to oh oh oh my God ah I’m not going to type messages while I’m on the ground man BL uh wait Lord wamp wamp join the Discord is a shield by type I I don’t think I can [Music] wait Ark where have you gone I’ve lost Arc chat yeah nobody likes Taxman ow he was racketeering everybody where are you AR where’d you go AR I’ve lost him I’ve just I just saw him a minute ago but I’ve lost him man I was diping I didn’t see where he went I’m a thanks man what you lost a sorry Ark man I’ll get it back for you you can take the diamonds from my chest to make a uh Diamond chest piece if you want I’ll go mining for diamonds at some point the baby zombie oh my God I’m out of here there’s baby zombie no no no no no no scary children are scary that sure what do you mean [Music] Alex there’s a bit of hot blood between everybody in the server now uh-oh uhoh what’s better gold Aron uh Aron far better than gold okay that’s bit dangerous now it’s safe you shush I fold you like a pancake he’s about to he’s about to scramble him like an egg before folding him like an omelet oh no excellently roasting people where’s the Vian where have they gone they haven’t been in the Stream for like two days we need status report I see you too y [Music] you stole from us yeah that is true you did steal from them me to ghost can I use iron to make iron what I I don’t have any iron though that’s the thing I’ve ran out all the name of making chicken if we can make an iron farm somehow I am going to be so happy man we’re going to have infinite iron it’s going to be actually epic you know once we have infinite iron you know what we can do we can make all the Contraptions we want we can make anything we want we can make any tools we want and we can mine as many diamonds we want did you know Metallica is my grandfather quar what does he mean by this Metalica what does he mean by this okay AR you go mining dude I know he had I still had your 64 [Music] Oak we have two iron spells in chat holy zoinks we need to go like mining for iron at some point we need to go to another expedition to the outer worlds I’ve marked a few points of interest like you know while I was like looking for cactus right I found a few really interesting things I need iron so go fast as you can okay that basically as I was saying I found some really like interesting like points of interest while I was looking for coal not coal Cactus you remember our epic pilgrimage we made our epic journey journey of a lifetime basically right we found some really cool stuff like cool Ravines cool mountains and you know all of that is like Prime area like prime location to just go mining you know so if any of you guys want to go like an expedition a mining Expedition we can do that I’d be actually really happy to do that with any of you lot at some point not right now cuz we are running a bit low on time now on this stream but it’s going to be super fun if we [Music] do okay how’s the chicken farm going six eggs let me put some more in here so we can up our egg Cent Farms zero egg zero birds from six eggs what the what the sometimes I confuse myself now how’s the farm looking how’s it looking nothing has grown yet there’s still little crumb crunches still man what the how long does it take for a chicken to grow okay I need to get some more wheat seeds actually hold on just to do hiy hiy darn minute you scare me why you on my roof why ow you know that hurts man oh I forgot somebody lives I forgot somebody lives under my base no no no no you lost your chest plate no what do you mean how how have you lost it that’s not cool another creeper why are they everywhere they are actually going to creepers are absolutely everywhere wait AR why did you die by the way do I have any dirt I should have some now we got 26 bro there’s like so many creepers we need to actually get cats for everybody because if we can do that we can like tactically put them around our compound and prevent like any creepers from causing trouble C okay I’m so mad wait we just stopped going into caves then wait stop going to caves if you just keep on dying just take a chill pill maybe like do something else for now have fun elsewhere I got a cat let’s go we need two though at least so we can make a cat Army God damn it oh the freaking Bird’s stuck what a Bozer the fing board oh get sniped mate get sniped now this this cool thing cool plan I had if we do this this all becomes fertile and then we have it like going down here so either it’s a secret entrance which it probably won’t be or it’s uh it can just like make everything here like fine you know in terms of farming so might get a crafting table I’m going to make a shovel and a hoe and I’ll show you what I mean shovel and a hoe so just building tips right here cuz obviously this is going to be a farm right so this has enough just barely area to cover that okay so that’s going to make this all fertile and make crops grow a lot quicker and it’s going to be irrigated even up here as well so it’s super cool you know and then another cool thing you can do is you can go over to whatever chest where you store your building mats for me I have this one and we can take like a spruce some kind of spruce slab or just any slab and then you can go ahead oh boy and you can go ahead and put that above it like that so it covers it and it looks cool and then eventually we’ll have wheat so you won’t really notice like the little Gap there in between it so it just looks good so it’s just a win-win everybody wins in this situation now I’m going to leave this in here this in here we have some corn flour no there we go seeds so I’m going to start growing them in whoever’s base is down there just cuz well we need it and then I’m going to have to start repairing this cuz this just there’s just so many pits man weed farm no stop no no no stop revealing my plans what are you streaming we’re streaming Minecraft right now tomorrow uh tomorrow we’re doing sea of Thieves at the beest of many let me you over here can I join yeah sure of course polman’s going to be there by the way then uh we’re going to do uh sorry let me just process this information a gallion we’re going to have a gallion crew of polman that’s going to be fun so basically we’re going to do a so tomorrow and the day after we’re going to do uh what’s it called Minecraft again cuz you guys really like Minecraft and I do too it’s very fun I’ve got to admit what the hell is going on up there I hear that St I mean it looks cool now I guess yeah I like it just need to light it all up so no creepers spawn down here and I don’t get jump scared again yep Spruce oh my god there so many bones by the way once again my dad pointed out again like he does every single stream is that there’s 12 people watching and only how many likes again Dad eight eight likes you could have heard him just then so uh yeah don’t forget to like it’s really important that you guys like cuz once again it helps me like combat the algorithm algorithm is really against pushing small YouTubers like myself and by liking the streams or the videos or whatever anything you like that means YouTube will like say hey this guy’s got likes let’s let’s make more people see his content and then all of a sudden we get like more people watching the streams and more people watching shorts and overall it’s just a win-win for everybody I get good content I give out good content I mean and then you guys get to see good content and I get subs there we go you know I’m a very good person when it comes to speaking English I’ve got six Cactus oh somebody’s been oh my goodness thank thank you somebody a very kind individual has been cutting the cactus as well while I was gone thank you now uh this stuff I Found You by some natic sure I hear he’s here yeah a lot of You Found Me by some nka it’s just four for me lol I think I need to think I need to refresh true Spruce juice loose F spu MUSC that’s a lot of rhyming right there hey y y I think I can get I’ll get you some iron stuff right and we’ll just help you reget everything come to see the food market Captain yeah we’ll get you like iron stuff full iron gear and then we can go mining you know I’ll get you diamonds and stuff it’s real unfortunate you died though we’ll get all back there don’t you worry I promise since left the game same Leaf same is that Waller white in the thumbnail wait I need to see this myself I don’t know what that is hey that where the hell that what’s in the thumbnail [Music] come see the free market is that what want now so you completely finished school now yeah of course you am dot dot dot dot dots please I’m begging you I’m begging you I know I know yeah bro yeah I’m completely finished with school I’ve got College though like starting September what the hell that’s pretty swag dot dot dot stop dot dot dots I’m scared stop okay let’s see any Foods cooked yep it works the farm Works chat the farm is amazing Peak efficiency right there look at that no no no no leave stop stop I’m glad that the farm works in the boat the boat what you talking about yeah I don’t I have Beach root seeds no this house has been nuked like several times that’s growing so that’s pretty cool what’s going on man that border chicken he got turned into a cooked chicken I let him cook in the lava that’s how we do things around there I want to char Jimmy yeah oh guys rot and flesh giveaway rotten flesh giveaway rotten flesh giveaway I got to go for a little while but I’ll be back okay okay surprisingly nice for a recent year 11 the year 11s in my school are ruthless I I’ve got to say the same thing in my school yeah everybody like every year 11 is not very friendly but you know run flesh giveaway I guess I’m guess I guess I’m just different I guess I’m just sigtigma I am so sorry uh oh that’s no we’re reparent give it give it oh oh yeah I need to repair my shield my do hickey needs repairing I take back what I said 2 minutes ago what you mean what what did you say 2 minutes ago [Music] huh what you mean huh rot and flesh giveaway who wants rot and flesh giveaway guys guys I’m feeling generous why is the music so nice you know write write music for a funny block game and I deliver this stuff me okay D you win the rotten flesh giveaway the rotten flesh giveaway there you go what if we use rotten flesh as a currency cuz it’s like you don’t have much of it got like at least have like a stack at most you know ever sitting in a chest we use that as a currency oh but wait after we make the mob farm inflation’s going to hit hard man from like it’s going to be like from like one rotten flesh for one bread it’s going to be like two stacks you know for one piece of bread it’s going to be insane I keep getting errors oh man yes zebra agrees zebra agrees with a rotten flesh currency a has left the game oh man oh more eggs okay we need more seeds though I want to make an auto uh farm at some point I just join the game he’s back CH oh my god oh Shing me timbers he’s escaping the little crumb cruncher has escaped I need a Single Seed please iron Jesus is on my side today come here here we have other currencies as well yeah some point we’ll have how bu I say new currs equals and the dragon egg you know I don’t want to duplicate them you know I really want to just keep the one so we just have like one like egg that just keeps on exponentially getting more and more valuable it’s like an nft and then it plummets in value as soon as somebody duplicates it hey bro oh we need to make some more not make some more horses we need to tame some more horses that would be pretty cool also that reminds me I need to cook some more Cod I don’t know how taming horses and cooking Cod I don’t know how those like are interconnected with each other but we’re just going to roll with it you know fish and horses are the same thing think about it excellent yes quite okay we’ve got another chicken you know I’m keeping a mental note of where all these guys are so I can like kidnap them later in my golden van cuz I’ve kidnapped 100 chickens so obviously you know please say it’s laying egg disappointing Speed blod Xbox Live this is our like farming thing where is the god rod please don’t tell me you’ve lost the god Rod oh okay W I got to go for a bent but I’ll be back all right dude when are we going to play up because I might just quit this Minecraft shmp we can play it tomorrow we’re going to stream up tomorrow so if you get here early you might be able to join you got three clown fishes hey what is it for an item frame again item frame it’s one leather okay I’ll be there let’s go there [ __ ] AR you’re rushing I think like I know like the stuff is going to despawn right but take it slow okay cuz like you know the slow torsus always wins okay you got to be like taking your time if you’re like panicking and rushing you’re going to mess stuff up you know mess stuff up please say it’s being so you can steal The Offspring back what anyway just like take it slow that’s just the best advice for any game if you die don’t panic just go back get the loot get out wow wow wow wow wow [Music] wowow okay I’m going stuck cooking do you think I can make like a beef Farm like an automatic beef Farm does sound like an interesting thing where’s that chicken we saw earlier don’t tell me he’s wandered off chicken I need to put you in a Contraption since has joined the game oh we’re full Ser still boomman as always love to see it the cat is walking up hell look c p the rank system present civilians civilians Knighthood yes the nights of Speedy dog server how much chickon do we have who took the chicken who took the chicken who took the chicken who did this who has committed this heinous crime this crime against humanity who has taken the chicken I’m so mad anyway got to cook some more stuff H the cat is come to say hello to my dad my my objective in that server take over the entire world you what speed betray speed I wasn’t supposed to say it that to everyone wasn’t I a you know Leaf I I just have this feeling you know I’ve had this feeling like you’re going to betray me at some point I don’t know why you know I’ve just had this like second thought do you know why that is may I help in taking over the world please leave now don’t tell me he snuck into his base Spruce is all I need just stop taking stuff from the church mate be yeah behave man behave AR like drown huh mustache man tried PL better come back and see 63 Cod cooked and ready to go where is the door why is the door just missing yeah also that yeah we shall make a great team frowning evil face emoji he’s so evil Leaf Crush I’ve never expected you to be so evil then death is only the answer what is going on over there there’s some kind of anime fight happening dude he had like a monologue and then it just ended up like that Chon yeah that they’re stacking up slowly eventually all build up which is pretty cool God damn it there we go I need an oak door orphanage donations here what is going on there’s a lot of Creeper holes oh wait this is actually a really cool idea just to plant trees we have our own forest we have our own Oak Farm basically instead of planting them up on the hill like I was doing you know I was a bit silly for that I cannot lie but now we have the people at church being absolute Chads and planting it like just close to the base so if we need if we ever need Oak we can go and cut it down we can go logging we can log off that’s crazy oh guys I have a riddle fuel I’m red and I glow in the dark when you hit me what am I we need to make bomber I’m good with red one hello oh my God you finally made it how you doing long time no talk SL C I guess sea of Thieves am I right guys now the door’s pretty swag actually it was better like like that yeah I like it like that I’m busy okay okay I see how it is you still haven’t sent me the recipe by the way for the noodle things speed a dog when I literally save my entire plan take over the world speed dog when I type the Emoji yeah I was super mad when you typed that now take it too far we we going to make a gallion yeah we’re going to take over the sea th server man good night I’m going to go sleep it’s late all right simple man see you oh sorry about that yeah I see how it is leviathan I see how it is good night Bel but again I’m busy man okay fair apologies now how much rotten flesh rotten flesh giveaway happening when it’s the eclipse what where’s the moon where’s the freaking moon man my ship’s my ship’s name is going to be so epic oh that’s still gallion name huh epic swag also thank you to whoever’s been cursing the cactus I am so done I lost all my wood and Stu are we going to play today yeah we can play today yeah we can play the Sea of Thieves no I only have as sleep all right we should take over the seas of Thieves without finding players cuz I’m scored no don’t worry I’m pretty good at PVP don’t you worry also Jimmy I’ve got you a carrot a single carrot I’d like to make a donation once again there’s like so many things spawning despite everywhere being lit up I don’t know why Jimmy is still on the server is he mining let’s see how many diamonds he has I bet he has 10 in his chest I’m also pretty bad at PVP well we can all improve you know the more you play the game the more you improve at fishing place all right got you bro I’ll leave the the carrots in your chest actually yeah are we going to be Reapers probably yeah if that’s okay with you guys right also because I’m feeling generous Jimmy rotten flesh giveaway should we should I get S or subnotica I guess s because that means we can all play it more people can play it I mean yeah all also do I have any wood on me I’ll make a stone pressure plate can I do that no I cannot gives more money I think okay can I join the gallon sure in fact I’m so busy that I got to go mod right away sorry for the short for the short Vis it all goodan hopefully we’ll see you tomorrow when you have more time Perhaps it is the weekday you know you know you are working look at that chick corn it’s like it’s like you know when you leave chicken in the oven it’s like slowly cooking like rotisserie chicken it grows up it explodes and then obviously you got yourself a nice cooked chicken right there being being a Reaper yeah we can either be a Reaper or we can be order of souls cuz I need to get to level 50 with the order of souls because once I’m level 50 with them I’m a pirate Legend oh yeah bro no I’m on summer vacation projects all right my bad my bad bro Corrections assigned bye see you Reaper I got walked on keyboard real kill the there we go there’s a baby there’s a there’s a child in your house there’s a child in your house look out dude how speed we are doing so right because I forgot all you just said yeah of course don’t worry tonight yeah tonight we BL out tonight we’re going to rule the Seven Seas man wait a second wait we’re making we’re making a cherry blossom Forest hell yeah this is so metal all right we’re going to play that so right after the the stream ends I can’t join tonight I’m in brit I’m in Britain as well mate at when time tonight uh cuz I want to play with Arc as well cuz he’s new to the game but I just immediately after the stream that’s when we’re going to be playing so bro this is so cool I don’t like there’s like there’s like a zombie or two like a three or four or five that just spawn in the darkness the darkness is where all the ooly boo are AR is so funny it is pretty funny yeah um I’ll stream more of it I think after we beat Minecraft here theight will be the night that I will fail for you what qu oh my God there’s another wall I need to get more dirt this so many holes we need to fill up man me and my friend left so hard while playing it yeah it is pretty funny by the way that reminds me I will I know I just said this but we will be streaming uh AR as soon as we probably finish Minecraft I need to get deck back on AR dex’s also been busy hasn’t been online for like a week on Game Pass maybe we can play together perhaps make could like Dre some beer oh which one the Ark Ark has like a limit and once again it cost money so either we play the free one and you guys have to like stay within 100 m radius of me or we find another server I the great Papyrus shall teach you how to make spaghetti Minecraft maybe when I get money no chickens from eight eggs [Music] yo wait that I don’t know he just hit me off the thing Bro One V one okay that’s not cool man what the is he cheating no oh no bro BR my boots are about to break I ought to click your Shield brother that is insane also you nearly broke my boots you’re going to break my boots right now man wait wait don’t stop I actually don’t have any Iron Man for this have you have you heard about the master ug controvers yes no wait wait can you stop cuz I’m actually going to oh my God what is going on my horse my horse my PO ouch man my boots my poor boots that’s the final boss until I get every ending in the game nice I need full iron now cuz my boots are [Music] broken does anybody have four iron actually I’ll just do it myself hold on okay if he’s hacking he’s not hacking I think it’s an AO click oh got to go all right leave Crush see you tomorrow bro I do swag no it’s fine make it myself I’ll go [Music] mining oh bro you’re going to break my game who I need so it’s me you who else is joining the crew so it’s you and me Kaiju then we’ve got a AR who’s joining us and then we’ve got uh I think one more who wants to join us for up we have one more space whoever types first me in chat is going to join we have one more space for the SL thing okay bagel’s joining us they take a while to grow up man they’re taking the time you know gy Blakey okay I just taking well to oh oh ch ch oh my God bagel’s goingon to be joining I keep on thinking it’s AB C lights oh my [Music] Lord thank you for the Cho [Music] back same bro same I got to say I agree with you fully on that statement me to fight right now me right now oh yeah 63 C Cod yeah still there thankfully nobody stole it right [Music] H okay wait I’m so quite new to short that’s fine we’re in a gallion nobody will mess with us I join please maybe whose dead decaying body is this whoever is is somebody’s taking all the loot it’s gone it’s going to go it’s going to go right now oh he’s got a leather cap on he’s got a sing cap on holy zoinks guys okay wait let me get my uh my thingy where is it there it is my stone ho this should be grown by now right nope it is not imagine a solo gallion I ran into one while doing hourglass the other day they were insane at like fighting players but like into terms of Naval they could not handle it I’ll join as soon as I see on so ghost we already agreed on who’s joining okay I’m sorry hate to break it though you I hate to be that guy anyway I need to ow okay burn me ouch man you’re going to break my armor stop no I don’t have enough iron for the helmet dude you got to stop hitting me please I shouldn’t have put the ho away I’m going to play tomorrow though yeah yeah on the stream we’re going to play I made the idea though okay ghost tomorrow you’re joining Bagel is joining tomorrow and poultry is also going to be there okay we’ve got the spots we’ve got the spots oh God the max is like four players if I become like big enough on YouTube I can convince rare like the people who made sea of Thieves to give me like a Creator code and then we can make our own servers eventually one day which I think is really swag let just got to grow well I said I would like to be that tomorrow well poul Tre is already greed on spat man plus people other people want to play you know so just yeah I’m trying to be fair you know idea uh Co CH okay we have 1 wheat which I’m going to just put up here he stole my spot I’m going to force my sister to sub how are you going to force them they’re going to like you’re going to have the iPad in front of them you’re going to like just like force the hand to subscribe real I’m joing before him I’m going be early okay I’ll Ser help until until I’m in your game that’s a good Shout by the way eventually we’ll make some cool stuff let me check on the Chon Farm you know yeah Chon Alex I’ll give you a trident I make alliance with you yeah good idea good idea how many there was like multiple chickens in there why wait can you stop hitting the chickens man oh one more chicken let’s go what time will stream start tomorrow 7:30 p.m. you care as always as always dude what’s up in here I’m just going to keep tabs on what they have so if anything goes missing we’ll know they pretty organized though iron gold diamonds yo fish fight what Fist Fight okay I was about to say how you going to like fish fight oh no the logs are missing I like the logs oh wait they have my seven watermelon seeds I mean who cares we’re going to grow watermelons at some point by the way you’re not taking anything from them bro hey my helmet’s about to break please don’t hit me I’m begging you I need my helmet okay we also have cocoa beans also where is the melon I had there some watermelon slices I had I just I don’t know where they’ve gone give him a diamond let’s go Jimmy donation to the [Music] church I remember I gave it to Alex the melon is he growing it cuz I don’t know where they are so there’s no space for me listen I I I honestly don’t know what if we do this first come first Ser whoever joins first just joins okay how about that where’s the melon gone speed how do I how do I join your same server so if not in your crew I have no clue no clue man [Music] yes also where’s the jungle sapling cuz we had a jungle sapling or something somewhere that up right but wait where’s the jungle sapling cuz we we planted a jungle tree it hasn’t grown somebody took the jungle thing and it’s just gone now cuz now we can’t make Coco yeah but poultry has a guaranteed spot though so I’ll invite like poultry like at some random time and then uh you know I need to add speed though and Sal no no if I have you on Microsoft I can just invite you and I’ll watch you 30 to 60 minutes before stream can I feed them cocoa beans will they no they don’t okay I’m a bit upset about the uh the jungle logs though how they’ve gone missing it’s obviously quite annoying anyway we are running Jesus Christ sorry myate headset is being a bit silly but I am running a bit low momentum in terms of what to speak and it’s pretty late so I do hope you enjoyed the video smash the like button and subscribe leave a comment down below and see more of these kinds of videos or if You’ like to see anything else in particular there are three links in the description so check those out two of them lead you to a place where you can support the channel one to a place where you can join a Discord server which I would highly recommend joining once again I do hope you enjoy the video smash the like button subscribe good night see you guys tomorrow 7:30 p.m. UK time as always every single day good night see you goodbye

This video, titled ‘🥚 Egg-scelent Adventures | Minecraft 🌟 #Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EggscelentAdventures 🐔’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-17 20:47:53. It has garnered 149 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:19 or 7699 seconds.

🥚 Egg-scelent Adventures | Minecraft 🌟 #Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EggscelentAdventures 🐔 Join us for Egg-scelent Adventures in Minecraft! Explore the world as we hunt for eggs, raise chickens, and embark on egg-citing building projects. Experience the fun and creativity of crafting with eggs in this unique Minecraft journey. Don’t miss out on the adventure! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and donate to the channel following the links below.


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  • Unleashing Herobrine’s Ultimate Power! #Minecraft #Animation

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  • Pixelated Forever

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  • Earth-Lifesteal. Earthsteal. 1/1500 scale Earth. Steal hearts, risk death. Under new management. Conquer and have fun!

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  • Ultimate Jukebox in Minecraft 1.7-1.20

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  • Old MacDonald’s Cow Chaos

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  • New Heart Nether Portal Found in Minecraft Maizen!

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  • 🚀Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed!🔥 #shorts #viral

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Astronaut Tutorial in 60s! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Astronaut Tutorial in 60s! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Real Astronaut Tutorial in Minecraft | #shorts’, was uploaded by Itz vedant gaming on 2024-01-11 11:15:00. It has garnered 7474 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Real Astronaut Tutorial in Minecraft | #shorts #shortsfeed #viral #trending #gaming #minecraft Yotube channel @Itz_vedant_gaming_ Tag :- minecraft minecraft astronaut astronaut in minecraft astronaut in the ocean how to make astronaut suit in minecraft minecraft tutorial minecraft astronaut tutorial make a astronaut in minecraft astronaut how to make astronaut in minecraft how to make an astronaut in minecraft how to build an… Read More

  • “LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!” #valorantindia

    "LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!" #valorantindiaVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] हे हे [संगीत] [संगीत] हेलो हेलो गाइ वेलकम बैक एवरीवन टू अनदर स्ट्रीम ऑफ वलरेंट और आज अपन वापस से वलरेंट में आ चुके बहुत टाइम बाद आई मीन आई गेस हो गया रहेगा एक महीना लोर को लेके तो आज अपन खेलने वाले वापस से रं वालर में हम मचाएंगे कमाएंगे और थोड़ा बहुत रैंक पुश करेंगे क्योंकि अभी फिलहाल लटू है ट्राई करूंगा प्लट वन जाने का उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे डायमंड वन उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे एेंट वन वैसे अपना गोल है एेंट वन बत होप से हो जाए आई गेस आई… Read More

  • LamboShiv – INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shorts

    LamboShiv - INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [संगीत] तो गाइस दोबारा से आ चुके है अपने यहां पर m की [संगीत] बोट कहां लगा भाई तो चलो लग गया भाई मेरे को लगा कि यार काम ही नहीं करेगा भाई तो बोट तो लग चुका है तो इसको यहां पर अब बारी है इसके अंदर ले जाने की अगर मैं यहां पर एंड में गया तो ये वाला This video, titled ‘THIS MINECRAFT TIK TOK HACK BLOW YOUR MIND 😱😱 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by LamboShiv on 2024-04-07 03:06:23. It has garnered 5213 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54… Read More

  • “Insane UHC Minecraft anime – You won’t believe what happens!” #clickbait

    "Insane UHC Minecraft anime - You won't believe what happens!" #clickbaitVideo Information je suis là je su là c’est poli ah de grille MGA frérotin je suis forme adulte là what the fuck This video, titled ‘Pov : Le mec ne veut pas drop #minecraft #anime #uhc #bleach #bleachuhc #gaming #clips’, was uploaded by walkinou on 2024-06-12 13:00:29. It has garnered 878 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in Minecraft

    100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in MinecraftVideo Information verschiedene Ressourcen die ich nutzen könnte ich habe meine Waffe nachgeladen und mich darauf vorbereitet falls es innen Parasiten geben würde und mann ich habe voll ins Schwarze getroffen Alter das war ein Dungeon und es gab auch Parasiten ich musste sie bekämpfen denn wenn ich sie nicht bekämpfen würde würden sie versuchen mich anzugreifen und ich würde eliminiert werden This video, titled ‘Ich überlebte 100 Tage in einer PARASITEN-APOKALYPSE in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by GEPIXELT on 2024-05-28 22:00:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds…. Read More

  • SHOCKING Trick! EASY Way to Get OptiFine 2024 – Download Now!

    SHOCKING Trick! EASY Way to Get OptiFine 2024 - Download Now!Video Information hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of tech it simple. in today’s video, I’m going to show you how to download optifine on your device. optifine is a free videogame utility software, that enables you to run Minecraft much faster. it is a popular optimization mod. this program supports hd textures, and various configuration options so you can customize your game the way you want. go to your web browser, and in the search box type in optifine download. click on the very first search result, and you can choose to show all the versions by clicking… Read More

  • 🌋MagmaCraft Season 2! Vanilla SMP HermitCraft VoiceChat

    Looking for New Members! If you’re eager to play Minecraft 1.21 with an active community, join MagmaCraft SMP! We offer a fun and interactive experience with optional voice chat. Who are we? MagmaCraft SMP is a fresh server looking for new players. Season 2 has just started, so now is the perfect time to join our community! How to join? Simply click 👍 to join our Discord server and fill out a quick application. We’re excited to welcome new faces! What we offer: Fun, active, and friendly community 24/7 Minecraft Server with lots of RAM Voice chat for a more… Read More