🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello oh I didn’t put the game on screen that’s what I forgot oop oops forgot to get the actual game on screen hold on oh [ __ ] anyway hi hi I guess give me a minute to figure out how the [ __ ] I’m going to get Minecraft on here why isn’t it working amazing start to the stream H hold on hold on also let me get chat pulled up on my phone I haven’t had to do that the last couple days cuz um I’ve been playing like stuff on my other monitor right right cuz it’s just like console stuff so hold on actually let me figure out how to get the game on screen I don’t know why it won’t show The Source maybe if I close the game and reopen it I probably should have tested it I should have tested this before before I went live it’s on me I guess in the meantime I was I don’t think I have to do an intro for this game right this is just one of those that doesn’t like need any introduction it’s [ __ ] Minecraft this I’ve been playing this game for for years dude I think like probably 2012 2012 I want to say like the pocket edition let’s see if I can get it working anybody who’s on the server is is going to see like me leaving rejoining a couple times probably uh where is it where actually where is it let me do a quick search hold on let’s see I’ve done this I think not on an actual stream but just like in a Discord call uh let’s see maybe it’s an ingame setting possibly an ingame set what the [ __ ] um oh [Music] no no that’s I guess in the meantime you know what until this works there you go I’ll just put the schedule back on screen for like the third time [Music] um I don’t know why it’s not working uh video God I really should have tested this [ __ ] before oh god oh I think I made sure everything else was ready and then the one thing I didn’t like check was if the game itself would like show oh I think I have to do it in windowed mode I think that’s what I think that’s what it was I think this is what I had to do last time hold on I think I got it um full screen off it’ll just look a little weird on my end it should show now hopefully oh yep I think I think I got it if I remove I might have to just move it a tiny bit hold on shift it down there we go should be fine and then I’ll see if the game audio works there we go it’s on screen game [Music] audio is on I might just turn it up though yep no I think it works there we go God there okay now we we can start the stream now there on the game it might not look too good I don’t know I might end it looks a little weird but uh it’s daytime now that would just be stalling until it turned daytime I wanted to say um for the thumbnail I did log on this was yesterday or the day before I did log on just to get a screenshot of my house which I this the exterior pretty much just stolen from like a YouTube like tutorial to be honest and when I went to take the picture I straight like I went out of my way to clear out all these torches and [ __ ] so that it looked nicer I’m like spinning like 5 minutes in game trying to line up a good shot of the house but yeah exterior is one thing I’ll do a little tour I guess there’s other stuff around there’s like Christian’s house Rosa’s house is like over that Hill villagers over here with like every trade imaginable for some reason we have like three floors right bunch of [ __ ] there’s like a little pool okay I don’t know what all this stuff is more villagers just a bunch of them I think just every enchantment that we’ll need is just right there and I’m glad it’s right in front of my house readily available but yeah take a little take a little tour around couple crops this isn’t very important I got a couple sheep Right Stuff two entrances there’s like a kind of basement I mean it’s above ground but basement area and then main entrance up here couple cats pig that I almost forgot was here Ken his name’s Ken Alex named him for me couple stuff here couple things little balcony which I I learned a building technique from that video the hanging signs the new hanging signs from 1.20 make for really nice like railing like it looks really good also the Collision that’s the thing I was worried about cuz like you could just walk through normal signs I thought the hanging signs you just kind of run through them but they they do actually just have Collision there’s that there’s downstairs more [Music] cats I never named this guy okay that’s what have more cats Terra Oro Gigi I got a cool fireplace which do I have anything I can do here do I have anything I can like smell so the basement no I will I will I’m getting there so the the f um the fireplace here I don’t have anything to smelt right now but I turned it into like an auto smelter where like this left Barrel is the input so you put like all the like raw food or materials in here put coal in the other one flip this little lever and then there’s a bunch of mine carts that roll back and forth there’s a bunch of furnaces down there and then I went out of my way to make a little like little elevator item elevator to bring them up to the output chest allergic to cats a yeah me me too just a little bit I just get like itchy but honestly worth it sometimes so there’s the basement here’s the part that I actually when I say like the the exterior of the house and everything is pretty much just stolen from a YouTube video yeah this this is whatever I kind of just did like the placement of the furniture or whatever down here is all the original stuff bubble elevator going down and then the basement that I did not finish building all the materials are just like sitting in here I’m probably not even going to use most of that stuff but bunch of stuff walls everywhere got like I think I want to turn this area into a auto smelter like the one upstairs because um there’s a big open cave that I can just stuff a bunch of furnaces into and make like a whole thing there’s a bunch of [ __ ] like uh potions enchanting room designed there’s a little grindstone and even a chest for more storage or not a chest a barrel for more stuff there’s like crafting stuff I just want to have like everything I think the the goal for the basement was to just make it so I would never have to leave right but unfortunately I never finished it so that’s what I want to do a storage wall supposed to be here a bunch of chests I want to make a big ass map this one’s probably going to take a little bit make a big map of the server and maybe I think have a little book here with a bunch of coordinates for like important stuff just so I don’t forget it uh there’s the upstairs which is definitely not complete uh Armory with no armor I have some you know I have armor I just they added um I think in 1.20 they added a bunch of like armor trims so you can actually like customize the armor and there’s like six I think it’s 16 different designs that you can find out in the wild and I want to get them all that’s the goal I think I miscounted I think there’s 17 I think this is 17 armor stands but that’ll just be the one I’m wearing now I just have like a like a plain one that’s fine and then this side’s supposed to be a big ass area for all the cats and any other pets I get and then my room down here the one upstairs is apparently not my room this is my room now like I said I plan to never leave this place again once it’s done uh oh I forgot to put a lantern up there damn I don’t think this is complete either the walls are kind of empty you got what I need though I mean bed storage that’s it pretty much all you need there’s one one more area and of course I have like stuff marked you know like oh nothing actually I think this is the one spot where I didn’t I didn’t come up with something uh downstairs going to stuff downstairs leading to somewhere else and on like my little like blueprint that I made these just go downstairs not to a certain point but just to until I hit whatever I want to go to like there’s there’s this huge Cave System under our um our houses and I want to make like a downstairs that leads in there problem is I don’t know how far away it is so it’s just until I reach it but anyway down here is the farm Hall which like yeah I don’t have to leave got wheat carrots I think [ __ ] that I don’t even need I mean potatoes and sugar cane right melons pumpkins I don’t think I’m ever going to need bamboo or like cocoa beans or like probably not cacti Nether Warts yeah know I might use that and then I think these were for Animals yeah like animal pens down here too it’s kind of a to move them down though um I think at the end here I wanted like an indoor fishing pond or something too like I got like ambitious with this [ __ ] indoor fishing area like [ __ ] I think one of these supposed to lead to a mob spawner I found two of them like right under my house pretty much so I’m probably going to have a pathway to one of those don’t know what else to do with it to to do with like the this area but that’s the plan so far I think I I have when I say I have like a little blueprint it’s like a list of stuff I want to add and then something I built in Creative cuz I’d go into a creative world and like you know try and like mess with the designs for these before I build them in survival oh [ __ ] wait I forgot to go over like the centerpiece little aquarium I want to get um not just any Axel but I want to get like the super rare like blue Axel modle I want to put them in here oh yeah yeah one to one I forgot yeah you said that you gave me that idea being a one to1 Recreation of the fishing mini game place from uh acarina I can see it honestly that like it’ll probably fit down here to be honest I think the blueprint thing I think I have it in Creative I might just like uh single player I think it was in here probably in here I don’t think I did anything else but um that’s like what it’s supposed to look like when it’s done not really it’s not exactly the same I it’s a little mismatched right so I have like this thing’s the same pretty much right crop stuff just turned into an entire area of the base right this is the same this is basically the same right got like pet stuff I want to get a dragon head from one of the N cities and put it like in the potion stuff potion area shulker boxes would be nice too right the Armory is like a shitty version especially with the armor stand like off that one’s off but uh yeah this and then I think I had the idea I think it’s outside I have like an area for music stuff I want to have like parrots and stuff too cuz they dance to music box to like the music I think the enchanting room is the same except for the barrel there other stuff there’s the storage wall right this is more or less what I want it to look like I want to have more storage than I know what to do with so and then the room kind of what it’s going to look like when it’s done something like this I think and then you know bubble elevator going back up that went nowhere what else is there there’s like the shitty house like when I went to make my house at first I was like when I wasn’t going off of a tutorial I was just trying to make it myself making like an exterior spiral staircase and [ __ ] like I went way too far I want like it was like kind of a bit trying to make the house as ugly as possible but then it actually was just too ugly straight up so I didn’t do it there’s the furnace the fireplace that’s like upstairs in my house in the basement upstairs in the basement okay upstairs on the like the ground floor uh where the fireplace is this is basically what it looks like uh behind behind it and then it’s kind of a little bit underground there’s like some Moss carpet covering up some stuff on the outside some like really shitty Redstone going around and then the mine carts that are not there I want to show it off cuz again I don’t have any uh I don’t have anything to actually show with this but it would go like here and here there’s two of them right here uh there’s like the item elevator I don’t think I have any uh I’ll just grab like a stack of this stuff right I just want to show this I’m not going to sit through the entire thing but the iron you know goes into that one and it gets like put into the hopper go into the other one you know get the coal little lever here you flip them and then they just roll over the furnaces right and then eventually once they’re fully smelted they make their way around here this is probably using more parts than I need to but you know they make their way around and then up this little elevator and then they end up in here it’s cool I wish I could have shown It Off in the actual survival world I just don’t think I had anything but um what else is there Armory I think that’s what I meant for it to look like when it’s done there’s the furnace area in the like underground that I thought would be cool I think it’s up here I don’t I’m still messing with the design of like Oh either you put stuff in here or like maybe up here and then it makes its way around like through the big ass cave right that way I can fit like way way more furnaces in neat I think and then here’s the blueprint it’s hard to tell what you’re even looking at with this one this is some [ __ ] that like only I could decide if you didn’t see the full thing like I could explain it like the I just use the different walls to represent like different parts of the base so it’s like the bubble elevator that takes you down is here there’s the crafting stuff the furnaces and then you know furnaces would go around and into the cave got like enchanting I think these were mixed up oh [ __ ] I think I actually built it wrong I think the enchanting room is supposed to be over here and the storage is supposed to be this way so the furnaces could just funnel in I think I changed it cuz the storage is going to be over here I think the furnaces can just go around there’s like the upstairs the Armory and like the pets in my own room and then the downstairs with the farming area and stuff and then these just go on until I reach whatever I had a plan for the nether portal cuz we have like this huge and when I mean huge I mean like huge lava pool under our houses is there anybody else on the show oh uh this is huge [ __ ] lava pool under the like some of our houses and I might just go show that now I might honestly just go show that forget the rest of the base there’s a lot of enemies around I think it was this way I know it was like between my house and Rose’s house there’s like a big there’s like a ravine that you can like jump into and you can basically reach it just from there so just going around Rose’s house I think it’s like right next to it I want to show that off before before I actually get to like actually doing stuff I think the Ravine it’s not this one it’s like water pouring down into it yep you can just jump like pretty much all the way down oh yep there it is I think we have like a Cave System we have like a a mines entrance that leads to this area you know you make your way down I think from like over there make your way this way and then you get to find the absolutely G normous lava pool wait [Music] skeleton sorry about that okay I can show it now when I say like huge lava pool I mean like huge lava pool I want to build something over this I want to make like the downstairs area in my basement kind of lead down here I want to have like um I think the idea was to have like a big hand coming out of the lava and it’s like holding the nether portal I just think it’d be cool that’s the idea I don’t know how long that’ll take to do or like what I’ll even build it out of but yeah me get out of here let me actually go back to my base now go in now you know what yeah yeah you know what yeah I’ll go in let me just like I don’t want to like break my armor I’ll just throw away like I don’t think I need like oh wait no no I don’t think I need this okay yeah you know what we have keep inventory on actually just a really fast way to get [Laughter] home okay I got to decide where I’m actually going to start with this what I’m definitely going to need Terra cot I think that’s like most most of the blocks I’m going to need I have a little bit I don’t think I have that much much uh no I don’t have that much I I might just oh no I have a bit I might need colors like color die I don’t even know where to start [ __ ] this stream was not planned out I really starting to realize in my head I’m like oh yeah I could just play Minecraft and then just let it go like happen from there uh-uh I think this one needed a little bit more planning this is going to be me like running around for an hour terra cotta I think I could probably start Gathering animals for for the farm Hall I could probably finish that up because there’s not much to it aside from the fishing pond that’ll be like a future stream if anything that’s definitely not happening today um I probably will need a lot of grass I guess which one of these has oh I don’t I thought I had one with silk touch never mind I’ll just go get animals for the thing I don’t remember how you make Le is it like I think it’s slime and God I know I don’t remember I think it’s slime and string I might be able to look it up okay yeah slime ball and some string I don’t know where to get slime balls from do I have any I’m just probably check I will be what the [ __ ] okay hold on I should probably I should organize my uh inventory at least a little bit first um I could yeah I could benefit from organizing my [ __ ] at least a little bit more there we go I don’t know where the where where to start unfortunately cuz I have probably not enough terra cotta for the entire build so I I might just go get some of that uh let me check where check where I can get that stuff I know there’s a badlands biome like pretty far far away I just don’t remember where I think it was okay okay I think a decent ways away let me check where I yeah okay that’s pretty for do I have a boat I should I have to cross a lot of a lot of water to get there uh I could probably just make one to be honest put some stuff [Music] away oh there’s a boat here we go I don’t know how much building I’m going to be doing on the stream I think it’s just going to be gathering resources to be H I should clear out my inventory so I can actually get the stuff I think that would be a good idea I have anything I guess I have some open storage again it’s just it’s just filling my chests up with like nothing I guess maybe down St I have more I’m talking about like having oh I should organize my my storage and then I just do the exact opposite I just throw [ __ ] in to like random chests do I not have any like planks two whatever okay I’ll just you know what yeah I’ll just throw stuff in R chests I don’t need most of it right now uh I think I could just come this stuff up later keeping the keeping the horn I don’t think I’ve ever left the horn the goat horn behind cuz I could just I don’t even remember where I got this thing just make a random ass [ __ ] I don’t remember where I got it but I’m never losing it all right let’s go should probably put the boat in my hot bar I’m just like almost walked around it with this boxing ring that uh Christian was working on before can’t wait to see what he’s going to do with that I remember he got some like command stuff he’s been working with like commands to get stuff working for that so it could be really cool right I I think I think it’s this way through the forest through the forest until we just reach water and then that’s like most that’s like most of the way there go around yep hop on a boat just go it might take a while I should probably just fill in this section with more commentary right I said this game didn’t need introduction but it’s like I don’t know there’s not I don’t know how much I have to say at least how much like interesting stuff I have to say just not finishing that boxing ring it’d be really cool if you did though but um yeah I don’t know I think I don’t know how much like interesting stuff I would have to say about like oh yeah I’ve been playing Minecraft since like 2012 yeah I played the Pocket Edition except actually oh [ __ ] okay never mind before that I think it was um they like Pocket Edition light they like the free version of it it was like really [ __ ] it was like really shitty there was like no survival mode wasn’t really like all that cuz you got like infinite like wood planks whatever you got like weapons that wouldn’t lose durability like tools that wouldn’t break so like there’s not much survival to it you already have the blocks to make like a little house I think there’s only zombies like that that the only enemy type was zombies am I going the right way yes there is a drowned throwing a trident at me what the hell is that noise no actually what is that noise where is he I hear him throwing stuff oh I see him wouldn’t it be crazy if he dropped one no he didn’t drop is there another one where’s the other one I can’t see [ __ ] is it this guy no I just see the Trident now is he back here there’s a guy all the way back here what the [ __ ] what is this why are there so many TR what was that what is that what the [ __ ] was that why did they have like 20 triy to circling them what the hell okay anyway I’m going to keep going I don’t think I’m facing the right way no I’m not um this way no other way I don’t remember which way I’m even going God this way yeah I played light I played light for a while until eventually like I managed to convince my mom to let me get like the full [Laughter] game I think the game was like six bucks before I think on like the Play Store the app store or whatever it’s a good game like what’s your the full game like that it really was a the last game one thing I did I don’t miss it but I I did actually kind of like looking back was just how small the the worlds were like you could probably mine one out completely if you if you tried am I going the right way let me check if I’m not Str from like you could probably get rid of every block in the world just leave nothing except for Bedrock I think I remember in those old ones they had like the invisible like World border or whatever it’s not even like you could see past it it’s not in this like in uh in this game like in Java where you see the border and then like you can see stuff on the other side it was literally just a wall basically like there was just nothing after it I think I remember in Pocket Edition you could like actually get over it and like in some version some like older version of it you could get over the wall and just walk on nothing I don’t think it worked in survival I feel like you’d probably die I think you’d start taking damage but um I in creative mode you could just just walk on it like you could walk on it not just like oh yeah you can go over it why is there a witch okay I probably should have not gone out at night time this guy’s an enchanted bow okay Jesus this switch is hitting me with like every status effect I’ve ever seen holy [ __ ] God damn jeez okay anyway keep going I’ll just leave that there there’s a raid oh [ __ ] wait a raid that was never finished this doesn’t look like the start of a raid you know what why not okay I’m indicator oh I forgot I can’t put up my shield for that my Shield’s broken was the last one was this like the last wave of the raid do these start naturally or did somebody like come here last time I don’t have any arrows oh [ __ ] it says there’s one left I just want to get like the hero of the village thing I guess where is he stuck in a hole somewhere I think he’s like down here there a Creeper down here I can barely see down here the [ __ ] is the last guy did you like fall down here H over here maybe just genuinely no idea where he is now you know what I’ll keep going I think the raid ends if it take if like you take too long anyway so who knows I’ll just leave it I going to make sure I’m even going the right way still yeah okay I’ll make my way down I survived this okay like I did not prepare at all for it I’m noticing a theme I didn’t prepare to like go out and get stuff I didn’t prepare for the stream I don’t know what I’m doing I’ll get just I’m just going to end up getting like one type of block and then be like okay guys that’s the end I think we’re done W yeah today’s a wee ball day that’s [ __ ] wee ball there won’t be many more of at least there won’t be any more like this I feel like this is like too much this is too like off the cuff to the point where there’s just nothing it’s just oh [ __ ] oh the game’s the game’s not working the game’s not showing in OBS I can’t find it and then it takes me like maybe five I don’t even know how long it was felt like 10 minutes just to get it working stumbling through this one how far away is it still I think it’s just no not that way it’s straight ahead if I remember correctly the bad lands are just like right ahead I don’t know what other I know I need like different colored terra cotta which I’ll just get di for those but I don’t think I need any more like red or orange like any of the natural ones I think I’ll just get regular ass Terra just regular ones cuz I don’t think I learned the hard way cuz I’m like oh let me just get like a few stacks of each one and I just filled up my inventory with like way too much red terra cotta that I didn’t need right and then I have to find out that you can only die the normal like the regular one different colors and not ones that are already like orange or yellow or red so I guess I’m getting more I don’t know if I would have had to come back here if I if I had known that before okay right up there there will be nothing left of these bad lands by the time I’m done no it’ll look way uglier by the time I’m done that’s for sure oh I no yeah know I’ve been here is this the normal one I think this is the normal terra cotta yes this is far enough away from everybody’s houses I think like if it looks super ugly I don’t think it matters too much much I’m going to try not to like completely [ __ ] it up but I’ll just get like a just a few Stacks just a few few rows I should probably start from like higher up I actually climb up or like come down like up there and then I could just like I don’t know if I spend all day doing it and then it turns nighttime I guess if I want to go home I just like die to a zombie or something right what keep inventory does to a [ __ ] what keep inventory does to a man like I don’t I don’t care about actually surviving normally I’d like run away from all the enemies but it’s like oh you know I’m like thousands of blocks away from home you can just kill me I don’t lose any of my stuff I think I don’t need like gray terra cotta unfortunately let me make room and get rid of this stuff yeah I’ll just take from up top it’s less noticeable if I take everything just a little off the top wouldn’t hurt God I was going to talk what did I oh God I was going to talk about like just to fill like the the silence here I was going to talk about like previous streams cuz again I don’t know how much I have to talk about like anything that’s going on on screen right just other streams that I’ve done in the past like two weeks just kind of like a little little week and review except it’s the beginning of the week so I guess it’s like for the other ones right I was going to mention I was going to mention something about yesterday’s and then it’s I’m running like it’s running through my head I’m like what the hell did I even do yesterday I forgot I feel like that’s going to be like a common thing this week just cuz there’s so much going on just like what did I even do what even happened yesterday but no it was the Zelda it was the Zelda stream I don’t know you know I did that in 40 minutes I guess right I didn’t expect to beat it a single time for at least like an hour or two hour and a half I do it within the hour so I guess I just I like panicked a little bit right I’m like what do I do now oh God like do I just do it again like I didn’t want to end the stream after like like 40 minutes I didn’t want it to be the shortest stream on the channel I think I mentioned yesterday like I want to stream for longer but like it doesn’t help that I’m going live at like 11:00 p.m. like L as soon as I end stream I’m usually just going straight to bed which is why I only go for like 2 hours I think two two and a half hours like maximum I could probably do more but eh like there it’s a mix of like I have to cut myself off and also like I’m epe all I got to go to bed right got to get my definitely not 8 hours got to get like however many hours in I hear a zombie uh what else is there I’ll just go over like other ones just stuff I haven’t talked about that I’ve thought about like personally about those streams but just haven’t of course said out loud there was uh what was before that smash one just the random smash one just decided to do that on a random like Sunday at an hour earlier than than my usual time at least I actually like hit the goal that I was trying to do the first time around though of actually getting a character into Elite and of course it’s Little Mac of all characters oh [ __ ] that was a fun one though I feel like there’s a lot of stuff I don’t I haven’t gotten to talk about with smash I feel like that’s a game that I have like a lot to say about a lot of it not good but a lot of it really good it goes both ways um and I think I I’ll probably save some of those topics for like next time I play the game right I feel like there’s a lot I could say I could say some uh actually speaking of I I saw earlier on uh on Twitter I think I mentioned it in the the first smash stream right how they’re they added like new content back they added like new content into the game nothing like crazy not like a new character or anything but a couple of like Spirits right little challenges you can do they added new ones and it’s like holy [ __ ] it’s like the first time this game’s been updated since 2021 right and it was just some random like some random weekend in January 2024 adding in like four new spirits to the game they announced earlier today they’re actually adding more uh I think a couple days from now they’re adding a few more I think it’s three this time three or four it might be just four like last time but um nothing really stood out to me except for one one of those characters that they’re adding is a spirit cuz the other ones are like oh it’s like this baseball game that I know is like pretty popular in Japan so I guess it would make sense to get content in the game they had the other game that Atlas made 13 Sentinels is getting like spirits in the game but the one that got me the one that really stood out to me is zagas from Hades being added to the game not as a character that would be really cool if it was a character but like as a as a spirit that you can like I I wonder who the challenge is going to be for it actually cuz usually they try and you know they make you fight a character with some like gimmick for the fight that’s supposed to be like a reference to the game or the character itself and the character is always just somebody from the roster representing that um every single one which is honestly really impressive considering there’s over like a thousand I’m pretty sure you have to fight there’s like challenges where you fight at least like seven or 800 of them I think that’s really impressive that they managed to think up that many like variations using the same the same like I say it like it’s not a lot but like 80 character roster for 800 Spirit battles is kind of crazy but uh I wonder who they’re going to use for the zagas one I can’t really I I don’t know there’s like a couple that come to mind they’ll probably just pick something lame like uh like Mar or something I don’t know who it could be black or red skin Marth with the Hades [Laughter] Spirit probably just Marth I think it it would be kind of neat if it were a different character oh I almost have a full inventory damn like I it’ probably be something like Mar maybe Ike just a sword fighter but yeah I just think it’s neat that they’re adding more I think it’s like a weird thing to think where it’s like oh they could be oh what are they cooking what are they cooking when like they keep adding new content to the game or like if it happens like if it happens a third time now I’m just going to start thinking they’re like gearing up for like actual content maybe a new game or like an updated uh version of ultimate cuz I know it’s like a usual thing like rumors going around of like oh switch like an upgraded like switch model right like a switch to but I think now there’s actually some like basis for it that I’ve seen where it’s like other games where the developers claim or like something gets leaked or something they claim they’re developing something for like a new switch model so they might actually just release a new one at this like at this point it’d be cool if they made a new Smash game or maybe not a new one but like like a smash ultimate ultimate edition or some [ __ ] right and they’ add like a couple more characters they treat it like um like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe where it’s the same thing with a couple things fixed like the battle mode having actual like unique maps and then they add like a few more characters you know I think that’d be neat it doesn’t have to be anything crazy like I’d just be satisfied with that let me just get this last stack of Terra Oh no I got it okay can I drop anything else singular glass bottle oh what happened the game holy [ __ ] I tried to throw it out my cursor went way too high up okay I probably throw out like the singular Arrow sitting in my inventory too the iron axe with no durability yeah you know what just get a couple more the iron axe with less durability I’m watching the preview just to see what the hell me throwing out an item looked like like I think I accidentally like minimized the game I don’t know what that was okay I’ll get a few more like I probably don’t need this much but I think it would help having more than I need is is better than having to go get more later right How It Go like oh [ __ ] I’m getting shot at I was say How does it go like i’ rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it something like that you know what no I I’ve gotten enough I’ve had enough I don’t have a shield I probably should have made a second one my other one was like close to Breaking anyway I’ll just run away from all the skeletons why are there so many I was about to say why is that guy holding a bottle but I I remembered I just dropped it on the ground okay get out of here just trying to run around and get some more yeah I don’t know back to like the smash thing like it’d be cool if we got another not necessarily a new game but just like an updated version of of ultimate would honestly be enough for me again like I have my gripes with that game but hey more characters yeah more characters right that’d be kind of cool maybe like a proper story mode would be nice there stuff in here red there’s nothing nothing I need right now I’ll leave that for someone else how much more am I missing not much more actually making a mess out of this Badland just taking from random spots is honestly worse than clearing out an entire area of it do I have enough yet is there enough yet oh [ __ ] almost okay almost enough uh what other streams I want to talk about like random ones I guess I’ll just go in backwards order I’ve already been doing that right what was before the T of the Kingdom one or not t of the Kingdom the smash one that was before the ters of the Kingdom one um there was the random smash one f z it was F zero that one uh okay there’s the obvious which is just like my internet straight up dying on me I think I have enough terra cotta I might just explore a little more I don’t know or just let one of these guys kill me eventually maybe if I jump down from really high up I could actually die fall damage but uh what was I talking about fzero that stream I think it’s all right I think this my opinion for most of these like after I end the stream you’re like yes that was all right I guess you’re like damn that one sucked that was terrible I’m like ending the the Zelda one and I’m like damn that’s going to be way better as like a 10-minute video than a 2hour stream I think the FZ one would not benefit from that to be honest from like being turned into a video it was just kind of all right and my internet dying did not help I don’t know I feel like I could do more commentary I’m like it’s happening right now where it’s like oh I could be saying more I feel like that’s one thing that I’m like really bad at still is let me put this stuff away is like actual commentary most the time like I I have my moments right where’re I’ll actually Beyond a topic like right now and I can talk but as soon as I run out it’s just silence for a minute until I you know something else pops into my head uh do I have enough room for all this stuff probably not should probably just make another chest I’ll go do that real quick and maybe I’ll make an axe oh there’s all this stuff I have to clear out later um I just make an iron x one with durability I know like what enemy was I think it was zombies that dropped them earlier I know they dropped or no it was the vindicators it was the vindicators from the village uh I should sleep first like I get on a topic and I just like I can roll with it you know I can actually kind of entertain I can entertain somewhat at least there but it’s like sometimes I run out of [ __ ] to say and it just feels this silence doesn’t go on for as long as I think it does I know that but it does feel like a long time I’m just sitting there thinking of what else to talk about I think I should get better at that that is that is one thing I could be better at I could probably just say everything on my mind but honestly like I know that’s what people say like oh yeah just talk just say whatever the [ __ ] pops into your head that’s the thing I am I am saying what pops into my mind the silence is part of that too sometimes head empty sometimes head empty sometimes I don’t say [ __ ] that’s I’m just not thinking anything uh I will replant this if I can I’ll just wait for a sapling can I get them from like breaking the leaves I don’t know if I can actually I will do is drop this and this the f-zero one I mean it’s fun it was a fun thing to play I just don’t know I feel like that’s me being hard on myself I know the whole thing of like oh you’re your own har like your own harshest critic is yourself right I’m glad to hear like people enjoy the stuff to be honest it makes me feel better about it I’ll end the stream and be like damn damn that [ __ ] sucks or not that bad but like damn like oh I could have done better it’s always like I could have done this better I’m glad people are enjoying it though I think I said it last I mean I said it during the last like few seconds of last stream I was on the end screen already but it like I do it for fun I do like the YouTube stuff for fun I just think it’s neat right streaming is surprisingly fun to do and I’m hoping that I’m getting better at it I think I’m getting better at it the future God but um what is it like I don’t know I said it like I said it at the end of the stream right I do it for fun I’m glad people are enjoying it it’s like a nice bonus that people are watching and like makes me feel even better that people are enjoying it on top of that is this thing not going to drop a sapling at all okay you know what yeah no I’ll just I’ll go to the not necessarily the future of the Sonic series but uh something somewhat on topic still um that I think I’ve mentioned like twice already the Sonic Colors play through that will continue that will absolutely continue as soon as episodes 2 and three get put out there this thing is not going to drop a sapling is it I was hoping to actually replant this tree [ __ ] yeah I want to I want to finish the game I like I said I don’t want to like do it too quickly I don’t want to do it like right now because episodes 2 and three aren’t technically out you know it’s like finding I was about to say it’s like finding a like a YouTube series or something like where everything in the middle is just privated you know what I mean like you’re trying to watch something in chronological order trying to watch like I don’t know exactly that a play through and like a few of the videos somewhere in the middle are are gone deleted or whatever and it’s just like well [ __ ] right how am I going to finish it now I know episodes 2 and three are like didn’t drop a sapling out there if you look for them like a couple streams ago but I want to put them on the channel like for real right oh there’s a sapling okay I think that tree was like right here I can make a chest for all the Terracotta but yeah like I want to play the game soon and I have a lot to say about the I a lot to say about the DS version of the game I’m probably like I say it as a bit it it is a bit kind of where it’s like holy [ __ ] this guy doesn’t shut up about it but it’s true I don’t like it sounds like a bit but it it at the end of the day it’s really not I play it off like it is one but half of the [ __ ] that pops into my head while I’m playing it it’s like oh yeah the DS version did this better or whatever right make chests so I can store block and I’ll just store them down here like I don’t know put these here I just grab any extra like these yeah there’s the colored ones here you can’t recolor like that’s final I wish I knew that before at least I know it now okay I think this is all the Terra Cotta I have and we’ll probably ever need and then some oh wait no there’s a little more I guess I could start building how do I get I think just straight up green die for the no not the ground I think I just wanted to put grass there I might need silk touch to like move that around um what else could I talk about I just want to go down the list of like the streams what else is there there’s the first one there’s the first one there’s the the one that was is supposed to be just chatting and just got turned into monster hunter that probably will happen again I like I would say oh I apologize for going off like staying from the plan and just turning it into like game I’m obsessed with it will happen again hopefully soon not as in like I’m going to turn a around like stream into Monster Hunter out of nowhere but like hopefully I’ll play Monster Hunter again soon on stream do I have is it dirt in here yes did I have more grass blocks I may have had like one there was one upstairs isn’t one of these yep the first stream is something I think the plan for that one was just like is strictly just chatting maybe play a game afterwards that’s like that like why on the schedule was just chatting slash like gaming we will play it two days two days from now is Thursday right hopefully Thursday um or hopefully you get like M you get your adapter on Thursday I’m fine with playing it on Thursday I know I said that as like a no stream cuz I’m busy but the only way that I that I stream on Thursday I said this like I said this the other day on stream too the only way that I actually stream on Thursday is if we do Monster Hunter like I think I feel like I’d get home and then I’d be like out of energy and not like wouldn’t be able to stream or wouldn’t really feel like streaming no if we do Monster Hunter like I’m out I’m up right I’m there I will be there no matter what hopefully we can at least uh clear out the the last two I think it’s two monsters for the base game I think it’s just two we go is there water in there I don’t okay hopefully we finish the story cuz I definitely want to stream uh iceborn iceborn stuff cuz like it that’s a lot of content iceborn is like probably I think it’s longer than the base game by like a pretty decent amount right um is this enough to this sheep might have to move in a second hopefully we can get to C too that would be cool cuz I I think I remember for I know they added it at some point as an update um the Quest for C tooth before was just like you break the parts and you get stuff but I think at some point during iceborn they they decided to update it so like it’s a quest to actually kill it right okay these guys can like be free for a minute I happen to have just enough dirt oh move you’re free you’re free you can you can get out what is he doing there we go you’re free for like a second unfortunately I don’t need these guys leaving or more specifically I don’t need them despawning so I keep them there um I will feed you grass block though and then eventually this will spread but yeah I want to stream iceborne I don’t know like I I would love to do all that stuff uh with all of us if we can and I’d stream that but also side quests I would definitely stream myself doing side quests like if we progress enough to where we have like a bunch of new stuff to fight I definitely just do streams where I go and like Arena Quest and stuff like that actually actually I saw somebody earlier today like I saw like a random YouTube video and I recommended it was um it was a modded Arena Quest so it’s not actually in the game but um it was like Elder Dragon Battle Royale was the name of it and it’s like a bunch of the arch tempered it’s a bunch of like the arch tempered elder dragons it’s like five of them right but it’s not like the like a usual Arena Quest where like you fight them in order like you kill one and then the other one comes in after like a a minute or two like this was five Arch tempered elder dragons at the same time they’re all just in the arena as soon as you as soon as you load in I think it was like king um they had like the variant of nante that you fight later in the game they had like a few of the ones from oh they had ustra and then they had two more from iceborn which I think is velca they had like the ice dragon and then they had namiel which is like the water one that I haven’t really seen much of I don’t really know what he does other than cover the ground of water I guess I think it just slows you down sounds really annoying to be honest let me get how many emeralds do I have actually more specifically how many emeralds would silk touch be do we have it here I hope we do oh yep one okay cool is it just one book or no one emerald and one book I wish it wasn’t modded yeah I kind of want to do i s like I do it with like a hunting horn too I think that’s the craziest part he goes in there with like a hunting horn and he takes out all five of them which I guess it’s a little easier cuz a lot of them just have turf wars with each other so they were mostly just fighting each other he was just going in to like finish them off I think the only one that doesn’t really have tur Wars is uh Ken where are my emeralds are and my like million bajillion books sitting in that Barrel I would love to do that Quest I don’t know if I’d mod the game for it but if be really cool also speaking of this every single stream has to have Monster Hunter brought up once now that I think about it look at this silk touch does this work I think I’ve seen people do this can I just like a no I have to put it on something I thought it’d be funny if I just like oh what if I broke this with the silk touch book and it dropped it okay let me put this on something I’ll put this on like uh should probably put it on a pickaxe yeah I’ll just put it on like an iron pick or a diamond one um where where the [ __ ] is my nville I don’t remember I think it’s downstairs I think it’s downstairs yeah speaking of uh Monster Hunter I found out about another monster not in world I I think it’s really interesting finding out about the ones that aren’t in World cuz there’s one in Rise that was uh really cool that I saw that I found out more about uh maleno which is like not I thought it was the final boss for sunbreak for like rise’s DLC expans mention but it’s not there’s another one but there’s lur involving those two so it’s like maleno and then the final boss I think his name was like gmor or some [ __ ] or something like that but uh mileno I heard like one I like looking at like lore stuff like little trivia about the monsters but also their music which is usually how I find out about them is by like their themes coming up in my little YouTube recommendat or something and I’m like damn this shit’s good I listen to melanos and it’s really really good cuz it has like they use like organ they have like an organ in there and like the trumpets and and there’s like there’s like a choir and everything and it sounds really good I’m not going to play it on stream I feel like that’s like derailing a little too much but it’s a really good uh really good theme and then it led me to like look into the monster a little more right uh what was I doing let me get grass for the farm Hall that’s what I was doing like mzo is like this big bird uh dragon wyvern thing kind of like uh I think I saw somebody compare it to like VCA okay this should drop a grass block yes I just grab a couple of these oh okay not that one not that one that’s ugly um [ __ ] okay maybe not from here but uh maleno has like these little I think it the entire design of maleno is supposed to be like a reference to like Dracula right cuz he looks like his wings form around him like like a cape like a cloak right it has um these parts of its uh I don’t know if they’re scales or they’re feathers or whatever but they kind of like they come up next to its face they look like a like a big collar like a big like uh like it’s cloak like Dracula’s [ __ ] thing it also like sucks the life out of other monsters canonically it’s a vampire right it’s literally just a vampire and it’s really cool but [Music] um I look into the lore and it’s like oh it’s super it’s like really aggressive it has like these little creatures that it it um lives with symbiotically right these little like bird guys that actually are around its uh its neck they live on like its neck it looks like a bunch of feathers and then they they actually come out and they’re like these little bird guys and they help him like hunt down monsters and it’s really cool and then I I look into it more and it’s like oh maleno is extremely aggressive because it has a rival monster called gu gmag gorm and it’s super aggressive to basically take all of the resources to prevent its rival monster from becoming stronger it’s aggressive because it’s keeping another creature at Bay basically I thought that was sick as [ __ ] that’s raw like that it’s really cool and like it makes me want to play Rise but again like I’m just playing through world now I probably shouldn’t hop on another game I think I said the same about uh Generations [Applause] I wanted to play that one cuz it has like every monster ever pretty much I just thought it’d be neat but um yeah I’ll just stick to world for now I think one day I’ll play them cuz there’s other stuff I want to see there’s other monsters like vrax maeno right um misun is another one that’s really cool kind of stupid in concept where it’s like oh it just like throws bubbles basically it just creates bubbles but it’s like actually a really cool looking monster it’s kind of intimidating it’s like pretty strong like makes me want to play some of the other games cuz none of those are in world I wonder if I wonder if people could mod them in like I wonder how how big the uh modding scene is for for world oh hello just building uh making my Minecraft base and though actually I don’t know this is just straight up Spanish I probably shouldn’t say [Music] um Minecraft I don’t know the Monster Hunter for a bit I said J said yeah I’m just stalling for time at this point right you know it’s almost been an hour and a half right it’s like oh I can ED soon um I should probably get to work on what other stuff would I need what other colors of terracotta would I need I think I wanted it to be like pink or white I’m not sure maybe I should just make green for like Farm area should probably just stock up on that stuff um right um what what other stuff would I I guess a bunch of chests right I just get like a bunch of wood would probably be like the play all right let’s move if I have inventory space I’ll just go to like a really far away Forest just get a bunch of wood for chests uh no okay it’s not night time yet I’ll just wait just go to like a really far away forest or something but um what was I saying earlier about oh monster hunter that’s what it was uh the the modding scene I wonder how big that is cuz I’ve seen okay well I haven’t seen but I’ve heard of mods that like give the monsters like extra parts or something right I’ve seen a mod that gives monsters hats it gives every monster a little hat like a little cowboy hat I think that’s neat but I wonder if there’s mods to like straight up add like new ones you know not like a reskin of a of like an existing one but like straight up uh a new one right like if they added malano to world or something I don’t know if if people know how to do that yet or like people can do that at the moment right I think it’d be really cool though it would be really neat that is all that is all I’ll say on on that before I I go off on another tangent right uh I will hope that these drops happen things later and then replant I will get more I think I can I say like oh I always go on a tangent about monster hunter or something right like that is the current like hyperfixation that’s the obsession right I got to find a new one at this point man I got to find something new to talk about I just think those those guys are so neat and I can’t wait for the new game happen I should have these in a another hand here here and I don’t know how much longer I’ll go for this I haven’t built a single [ __ ] thing um I think I’ll just get materials for a little while longer I’ll probably just talk for a bit right I wasn’t intending for this to just be like a oneoff thing where I just play Minecraft for once you know I think it’d be neat if I just kept going like even not just like outside of just building it’d be neat to like I don’t know go off on an adventure go find like a thing be cool to like bring the server back just a little bit we get we do more stuff right be cool the boxing ring if that ever gets like I don’t I don’t know it’d be really cool if we did stuff I don’t know like I’m just talking now this isn’t like a promise of like oh yeah we’re going to do more stuff right oh I speak Spanish yeah know I didn’t mention that I’m just used to everybody like knowing me at this point yeah I’m my parents well I guess I am too but I was born here but my parents are like my entire family is from Cuba and so this the only language I speak around the house is Spanish basically my parents know like very little very little amounts of well not enough to speak it like normally speak it regularly I guess is the word I’m looking for they’re way more comfortable with Spanish so I just you know picked it up from them I think I I learned cuz they don’t know much English so it’s like where did I learn English right I think I learned it like I think I think my my mom has told me like I’ve learned through just watching like cartoons like on TV which I think that’s I don’t know how I don’t like I think about it and I think that’s like strange it’s like odd or did I plant anymore if I’m just I’m just getting more saplings and there are trees okay like I learned through watching [Music] um I don’t even know specific cartoons but just like not just anything that’s on TV right that’s like a cool thing to think about is that like being able to learn a language like that I would say easier to learn I guess if you’re really young cuz you you’re exposed to it way sooner in that sense but you could probably do that now I think I’ve seen people learn like Japanese through it sounds like a little stupid but it’s like just watching anime without subtitles like they start picking up stuff and it like I’ve kind of picked up on stuff too like if I watch something if I watch something subbed I’ll understand maybe two words out of an entire episode but that’s something I guess didn’t really learn it from watching but just from like dualingo but yeah you pick up on stuff here and there I just think it’s cool is like another way to learn it it’s not strictly like not strictly learning through some app or like course or something right I just think that’s cool language is like a really cool thing I’ve always thought about like oh it’ be it’d be kind of cool if I learned more right cuz I already know too what’s what’s another one I I know two and I’m like learning some Japanese I should get on that with dualingo again like I’ve been keeping the streak up but it’s just doing like Kani lessons which at this point I’m not learning anything new it’s just review of everything I know already everything they already taught me but uh I think I did the lesson I did today was like a full one so I I want to start doing like fullon lessons again so I can learn new words and stuff and how to form sentences cuz at this point I can introduce myself and maybe order food I can order food that I can’t eat I can order sushi yeah I want to learn how to like hold a conversation you know a lot of what I’ve learned is like it’s the way it’s formatted is like it starts with like you learn stuff that you would want to know as like a tourist where it’s like oh how to order at a restaurant or how to shop for clothes how to introduce yourself to people how to ask like what time it is which is like fine but I want to know more I want to learn more I got to get on that yeah I like the um the idea of just like oh well I can already speak two languages how how about I learn more just just add another one and is not as easy as it sounds so I’ve been learning Kore yeah that’s that’s cool no that’s neat like you just pick up on stuff and also like the courses help obviously the courses are probably the main thing that um that you learn from of course cuz it just straight up this means that right but it’s also cool to learn it from other stuff like I’ve um when I’ve been doing like the Japanese stuff I’d always once I learned like the characters not kanji I can’t read a lot of kanji still but like hiana and Katakana I like I’ll see if I’m scrolling Twitter and I see somebody posts in Japanese some like Japanese artist post something I try to read the caption I can at least like I it takes me a while takes me a little bit but I I can like sound it out and I’m like okay they said that and then I don’t know what it means still so I just hit translate regardless but um like I don’t know it’s very much like oh I’m learning new language and then I just every time I see character from that language it’s like oh I can maybe read this or like oh I can read that some stuff I can read and like actually know what it means right but I don’t know it’s cool like I’ve learned some stuff I definitely be learning more especially if I if I wasn’t just doing kanji lessons all the time but I will get on that I think another one I would want to learn like I I always think like oh which I think at this point probably shouldn’t be thinking about it cuz Japanese takes like a long time to like get fluent at but like oh what would I want to learn after I feel like maybe not spoken language but maybe like ASL I think would be a neat one to learn that might actually be really useful right like spoken language is one thing but sign language it’s another thing to add I just think it’d be useful it’d be nice to to know probably won’t need it probably won’t need to use it like ever but hey you never know uh let me do it some more I’ve been going for fair amount of time all Gathering no building stream do I have enough probably not yet no uh this might be enough for the chest that I need for storage I don’t think I need this much I’ll head back now something not yeah yeah I know like most people consider like oh like different spoken languages like I guess some of the more common ones would be like French right Spanish stuff like that but I just think sign language is a neat thing like for be versatile I know there’s different types of sign language as well it’s not just a universal thing either I don’t know how much I guess American Sign Language I guess is what it means I don’t know I’d probably want to learn the one that’s that like is the most common one right just in case I ever need it probably won’t need it I just think it’s it’s neat to know cool party trick if anything um let me make all the chests I can start making the storage I want to make it right over here I think this bottom part could be lined with barrels I think the chest these are each going to be double chest that’s like one four by like five so like 20 20 large chests I need 40 chests damn 40 of these things there’s 30 and I get these and I can clear this out and I don’t remember remember what I made the actual walls out of cuz those are still going to be visible H [ __ ] what were they made of hold on let me hop back on the creative world I think it was chest rooms like up here I think this is just gray light gray concrete oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s not even terra cotta [Music] okay I think that’s all it was like great concrete that I make the walls out of and these are all LED I think that’s okay that’s fine that’s okay um I’ll just use like a temporary building block like regular ass oak wood I got enough of this stuff um it goes far enough back I want to move this torch to like back here or maybe here there we go I’ll build something for the stream before I end so I think these would be barrels and then it would be chest on top of this walls going this way I don’t know how much room it would take up I think I need to make the roof out of slabs I probably should have gotten Spruce Wood in that case it’s okay though um I guess I’ll just fill this in for now I’ll replace all this stuff with the concrete once I get it so I guess I just do this I’ll leave the roof open just cuz I don’t have the slabs right now it’s kind of a mess it’ll be fixed eventually oops I don’t have my axe see I’ll just build this hold on I want to cover that up there we go I’ll just fill this in with chests and then I’ll do the barrels next time probably I getting a little late do this leave the top open I think that’s enough um fill this in a little I think it was just on top of this went up to four so I think it only goes up to here yeah this way we go oh wait forgot I can’t shift for all of those here and then one of these might end up facing the wrong way I might make a little hole to prevent that so I don’t I’m going to be the only one to notice it and I’m going to hate it okay yeah so I’ll fill that in properly oh wait a minute I think these are supposed to be pushed forward one would I oh okay no I’ll fix that I’ll fix that right now those were supposed to be brought one forward that’s okay do that real quick and then I’ll actually like move on to the outro for the stream I don’t know how much longer I can put off building anything actually big I think I would want to plan stuff like if I want to build a whole room I should probably plan that out properly so I’ll just move these forward and then I will I will end stream or like do my little outro let’s move these it’s going to be like an absolute mess right now but it’ll be functional which is really just what I need had a DI for a minute but I’m oh well well I’m ending soon uh it’ll probably be a couple more minutes though the chest go here this is what I was supposed to do is Mak them like this okay do this there so it’s actually pushed up it’s supposed to be a wall not like pushed way in um I want to do this I don’t know exactly how I’m going to get out of oh wait no I don’t need to do all that what am I doing I think I only need to make the hole to make these and I fill it in swap back to these yeah and then not the top ones don’t open I’m supposed to put slabs there but the other ones do I have a [ __ ] ton of storage now I got a ton of storage going on here uh I’ll like clean it up next time or maybe even like off camera just to make this look nice uh I’ll get barrels to make down here for this bottom row but right now it’s a functional storage area yeah and then eventually like I said I want to do like a whole furnace like Auto smelter thing where it just goes like around through the cave and it might even like funnel into one of these storage chests I think is the plan now label it oh God I don’t even know what the put yeah I have a chest uh I have a I have a sign uh stores stor storage there we go labeled it uh I’ll do like the item frame stuff once I actually know what to put where and probably once I get like the furnace stuff set up or at least know which one of these is going to get funneled into so I can label that properly but that’s that I think I mentioned earlier the hanging signs is the railings I don’t know I just looked over here and I noticed that I have it here too forgot the Collision like I said just nice you don’t like run through them like a normal sign it’s cool all right I’ll probably probably end stream in a minute here I would go for longer but I feel like it it just takes planning at this point right it would just take a lot of planning to do that so I’ll probably throw up you know like the boom throw this up on screen yay schedule again tomorrow bug snacks because fun little game that I haven’t played yet I’ve seen a little bit of so you know there’s that I’ve seen a couple of like the little creatures the little guys you can find they’re cute pretty sure most of them I think all of them I mean it’s called Bug snacks right I think they’re all based on like different foods you have like Bunger he’s a little Burger guy little Burger guy and he has like I think his legs are like fries little curly fries you have like the strai like a little strawberry guy strawy I don’t know I don’t know what they like how to pronounce him Thursday no stream unless unless Monster Hunter world how World Saturday yeah I haven’t gotten the game yet I I’m thinking about it still I know I’ve seen a lot of like discourse about it online and personally I I don’t know I don’t know about any of that [ __ ] so I don’t know I might I’ll probably get it soon cuz it it it looks fun and I’ve had it on my wish list for like at least a year or two you know it just kind of sucks that it comes out it’s like oh [ __ ] like oh this game these developers suck which a fair criticism because I think they did steal a couple of like assets for the game a lot of the like pal designs are like way too similar to some Pokemon so maybe I don’t know I’ll probably get it I don’t know if I’ll stream it at some like I don’t know about this week how World Saturday I mean if you guys want it you know maybe Friday Ultra kill because that the sick ass game for a guys that likes movement Shooters like I’m surprised I just haven’t played this one yet that’s like the this is like the movement shooter this probably the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of people and then Saturday pal uh I mean Saturday maybe a stream possibly uh Sunday gunpla gun plug kit I want to build it already there isn’t any I I just think it’s like oh it’s like really similar you can make you can like draw the conclusion that they sold the ass set I think there’s one where it’s like it kind of looks like a superior and like the face shape and like the poly count and everything like really close where like it would take effort to like if it’s not done on purpose like it a huge coincidence but I don’t I don’t know I don’t know about any of that I just want to play the fun game it looks fun and I’ve wanted it for a while so I yeah I’ll probably just get it yeah there’s the schedule and then I will close the game as well close out of Minecraft there we go that’s the stream uh tomorrow bug snack Thursday Thursday again I don’t know there’s only one way I stream it’s Pokemon but [ __ ] up with and with guns yeah that’s the appeal that’s why I wanted it it’s insane that every time they especially recently like every trailer they put out and then like every they’d put out on like Twitter it’d be like oh here’s like the little pal deck like little pokedex entry for this guy this little guy and it like shows them and their design and like how they move around and then the very next shot of the video is I’m getting like gunned down by the by the players like that just throws me off every single time just throws me off every time with that out fail see I don’t know I’ll probably get the game at some point and then stream it if I get it I I will I will stream it I don’t know if I’ll no okay I was about to say I don’t know if I’ll stream if there’s like a tutorial or something I don’t know if I’d stream that part but I feel like at that point after getting past the tutorial I’m just going to want to keep playing the game I’m not going to finish like the the beginning section where they teach you the ropes and then be like no no I’ll save this for a stream actually no I’ll just I’ll just do that properly I’ll just do the whole thing um so yeah I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll do something Saturday but if I do I either pushed one of the upcoming streams back to Saturday or it’s power worlds that’s if I do anything so yeah I don’t think I have much else to say you know I’m kind of glad like I mentioned earlier right I mentioned like oh I I always like sometimes I have something to talk about like a topic or something but most of the time it’s just silence like that’s how I feel like I could do better but honestly what was I so scared of I I I I think that like language topic was really good I think that one I got a lot of mileage out of that one right that was like an interesting one that was a pretty cool one I got the flex a little bit I didn’t mean I didn’t mean for that I just think it was a really funny coincidence that uh that somebody who spoke Spanish was in chat so yeah I got nothing else to say I think I’ll go to the end screen in a second so yeah I’ll see you tomorrow that’s about it bye-bye [Music] adios [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Getting back to work!’, was uploaded by Gamer Garden on 2024-01-24 18:11:58. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:16 or 6676 seconds.

I’ve got a lot to do, and there’s no better time to start than now!

Starting & ending screen, and overlays made by yours truly: AngelGG PNGs made by our wonderful friend: @/Rathsaris on Twitter!


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  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

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  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

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  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

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  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More