🐰 Cute VTuber builds EPIC MINECRAFT world! GONE WRONG

Video Information

So So Hello hello Hi hi hello hi how are you guys how are you hi why am i laughing why am i hey hi hi everyone hi okay how’s everyone doing how’s your one day ah three i need some tea i i need some tea i waited uh okay now i like i actually took uh two

Sips every stream my store is really dry so i i i had to say families right here there i had to ah uh dry them you guys are good nice i’m fine i’m doing really good uh we get so many new subs so uh welcome if you’re new if you’re

New what’s your welcome there is nothing let’s see i always have black tea i like to use the bestie i love i love black tea i need to sip no yum yum yum people who were in there yesterday next to me is some beautiful feather if you haven’t seen it yet look

It’s free right i’m gonna do uh reviews of every time i get a new fan right uh i’ll put them upstream for now they still stay here yeah so today we’re gonna build sky castle i mean olivia castle maybe not maybe not maybe it’ll be we’ll see well we’re gonna build anyways

I i did some uh i did some upstream surprise but i’ll probably need to go out and get some work because uh i’ll probably not have enough okay uh let’s let’s move let’s move to the game oh i don’t know i see i see your message if you can’t stick around this snowfall

No problem sorry okay let’s move okay okay let’s see will gain show up no yeah you’re done is it good for you guys okay hold on i have a image of what i want to make i need to play it next okay we’re ready hi okay it’s only time it’s it’s spilling time

Texture pack and information is in the description this texture pack right now they’re using is john smith it’s john smith it’s really pretty ah ah we’re finally here welcome finally here so this is what we have we’re going to build the castle right on top of my old house

I now will remove the church because it’s not it’s not it’s not doing it for me it’s not doing it for me so how will i do this i don’t know i don’t know um supplies supplies more than random supplies i think i took everything out of my chest

Maybe i need some more stone but it’s let me see i can use teeth ah oh yeah there’s more here no i think that’s it okay how are we doing this i don’t know i don’t know how long have you been playing minecraft do you mean streaming or playing just like playing

I’ve been many years okay i’m thinking um for now i want to start off with building the uh i call it the ground i’ll do it with dirt and i can always change it i can always uh turn it into stone or anything different um like ice yeah

I rip the benchy rubber church it will This will be difficult i will die okay because i’m 29 levels if i die be happy like me at least show some don’t miss Okay um okay let’s see i won’t i i’ll do my best not to die honestly uh so i didn’t even bring water with me how am i supposed to go i didn’t even bring a shovel with me okay hold on i just looking what is the right height i think

Would this be high enough The chase isn’t down i’ll be back straight it’s not done i’m so sorry i’m so sorry tonight i know would i be able to land in that water should we no i’m not trying it no okay um i’ll shoot well well this is the only way

I i can’t jump the water is too far away can’t jump in if you’re playing doesn’t switch with drifting joycons you’ll already be six feet under goodness okay ow shovel me too my body a bed a bed do i have wool for that i need walls i wait no Yeah church can wait i will make i’ll fix it next time i promise i promise what one two three also need to make a crafting table get in there okay Okay There’s a whole ribbon next to you you want to jump in no one except why what why not why not why not uh like what should we start with i’m just looking all of this uh still by the stone uh i i’ll take it with you torches oh chest chest

I need to build some what why can’t i take half of it how did i do it again oh after ever since sturdy valley i the controls are so messed up for me now well it’s just going someway guys there you go perfect let me place something down in here

Okay so we can just walk up just like that yeah who wants to play better than ever please please oh you know what i’m just gonna do it i don’t want to count my deaths please why it’s always about death why every stream always about death why why you tell me tell me

Why mommy lie ay nothing ever fall out of my bed right now oh you messed up 41 how does that work you know what i actually trust her i want to die i have some faith i have some faith in me i didn’t even check how if this was the right height that’s

Why i went down didn’t i i’m thinking i’m thinking maybe maybe um this this seems like the right height i will have to expand this right now a bit but uh this will not be the final ground uh it’s just a start it starts just gonna be flat and i’ll add

Things to it later on bring a bucket of water with you i have one you have faith in me thank you thank you i i have nothing in me at least no creep is here every time she dies she gets an achievement what would it be called the achievement i one day okay

Yes let’s make it a big speaker what are you planning on putting in your sky castle everything it’s not gonna be very really big but uh if we need more space i will build another little island i’m i’m planning on moving my what’s up enchantment room uh an armory a bedroom a stream

And i need to get all my animals up here as well Why is going to make be made of dirt it’s just this is the bait this is the base this oh this is the base i’m just expanding it right now it’ll look better later on fine is he trying to return to heaven i think this is a bit big enough is it

No wait maybe one more moment this bothers me okay there you go a peaceful day on a floating dirt platform it’s peaceful for now it’s peaceful right now okay i think this is big enough oh i need a place for my chest so this little this little you know perfect place okay

This makes no sense every time you die you get a cookie so no cookie for you but the one cookie okay i need to make an axe i have alright hold on now it’s diamond that’s the lace you know how i die all the time when i try and get diamonds what tilt

Craft you feel okay uh let’s see i don’t need this one i don’t need this one uh i don’t need this we’re gonna start off wait oh yes here it says your main are your main are your main source of food i approve and respect your commitment to the character i see you

The character the kid the captain what do you mean but what it was you’re telling me i’m not real are you telling me i’m a character i just like kids what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with that okay that was the money from going hi it’s going great

Okay hold on i am losing it hallelujah start oh okay i’ve got this ready i’ve got this ready i actually need birchwood now that i’m up here i’m like oh wait i’m missing something what we can make the base of stone can we shall we exactly character this is me it’s me

This i am all i i’ve always been like this where do i start i have my i have my image next to me um this is too tiny come on you’ll distract me uh sky gets it sounds hard to build it is hard to build but i like the challenge you know

Okay i let’s okay let’s see one one two three four five one one two three four five one one two three four five and one and now i also want it to extend on this side so hold on huh i’m confused with my own build right now

Oh i can’t keep up with the chest right now ah okay i’m sorry okay i need i this needs to be bigger it needs i need more dirt i thought i had enough i don’t i don’t have enough what a stream be without preparation where’s my water wait

No i can’t jump in the water from here hold up there’s my water and now i don’t want to stop my crop up so okay it’s not that bad oh Huh i i didn’t die i’ve never seen anyone do that before i have i must have some doing in here i remember well see three steps okay oh you know what i’m for this stream i will use my diamond axe but just for this stream feel feel privileged

I didn’t use it otherwise i made it but i’m not easy i should have yeah i should have placed a water pile on the ground bye bye hi hi hi i am already stressed now okay i’m thinking one two three it just needs to be wider it’s all about counting basically

Raise your hand if you’re having an exist exist potential crisis i am i raising my hands please don’t predict my falling i will fall like one two three one two three i’m not sure if this will work out the way i want to but we’ll see

Okay we can tune up the the base into stone i’m thinking or should we do it all wait i’m not sure might we might do it from stone just to get some depth of the building me the stall give me the stall give me this stuff yeah here we go there’s my stairs

A stack of these why is it raining yes that thing is pretty right it’s really shady it’s all in the description if you have questions of what i use will make my skin you want to see my skin this is my skin i can step on you from here

How i feel this is pain okay wait how do i train again like that okay okay i’m thinking i’m thinking we might change this into stone one two three four oh and then one two shoot one two three how am i doing this again now what we want is we want windows in

This one so right here there’ll be always okay so i place i place it here i’m already panicking i’m already panicking nothing is not always fun step on your snacks i will step on your snacks and then eat them and then i’ll eat them nothing you can do about it

You can’t stop me either okay like this what you want to do you want to place a block here and then stare here and you kind of want to do the same right here you want to like this it’s quite easy right very easy very easy you’ll do the same

Basically at every corner like this and this as well as in the middle this and then one here we’ll build this one in and then we have a window here and what i’ll do on the side to make it look pretty replacing oh goodness i am panicking

Okay we’ll do the same on this side so where the trapper is just like that ta-da pretty right oh it looks horrible what did i miss for the past 15 nothing i decided building and idea how big it’s going to be it’s going to be like uh around this size

We have to start with the base here like this these still will also be a stone this could be an opening inside of the house where you walk through Like that try to mark out where all the windows come like here comes the window here comes the window i’m not sure if i’ll do it in the correct way though i why do i decide to build in streams it never works i panic i i’m so impressed i’m so stressed

I don’t like this at all Let me get this stretch this is so graham crabs and angels yes exactly oh okay i need to grab another image that i have i can’t i can’t find it now where did i have it uh there it is yes that one is much more clear okay we can continue

Okay uh let’s have a look oh i am doing it correctly i am so amazing but there’s one thing that okay so we’re gonna switch it around we’re going to replace and place the trapdoors on this side i know remove these and place the trapdoors oop place the trap there is right here

There you go then we need one more here and that’s kind of how it’s supposed to look like right now is this going to be zero fall stream yes we’ll do the same with all the other ones so this is kind of uh almost oh i saw i saw all my levels

Flash before my eyes so there you go i should do the same with this side Here we go so we can do the same how did i do it on this side okay yeah i have to remove this i was becoming one faulty yeah almost fell there uh slaps the slabs what’s this the trappers here the window they’re right here is the thing again so that means

This and the one here and one here not like that like this wait yeah okay i was like oh my god wait i’m doing it wrong i’m doing it correctly then here again like this and then we can place the trap thirst right here easy right easy it’s easy

Why are you guys talking about food i had spaghetti i had that yesterday but we we ate leftovers i wasn’t that hungry though you know what else i had i i gave i bought we went to this um cake shop me and my mom and i bought my parents cake

My uh i had my mom had cheesecake my dad had something with lots of sugar lots of sugar and i had carrot cake and you might think wow that’s so typical wow you’re such a typical look at you trying to be the typical rabbit but actually carrot cake is my favorite cake

I know i know but it really is my favorite cake i i love it so much guys yes i’m i’m not even kidding like i’m not even kidding we’re so close we’re so close to membership i am freaking out i didn’t expect it to go that soon but because

You guys watched my videos we can have it soon and the emails the emails are almost done and and the batches are already done i just i just want to share it to you i don’t sing a song i promise i will sing a song only get the main machine okay

Luck with practicing for your sex saxophone right yeah good luck with that uh i will buy uh a okay crazy one for everyone okay it’s time for my tea Ah welcome welcome uh yeah this time is from kingdom hearts you are very smart i i have i have a my own background music but everything ever okay listen everything’s my debut i’m so stressed whenever i hear that song come up because it reminds me of my debut

And my debut was very stressful it took me literally it took me like like two weeks to get used to streaming uh so it’s uh i it’s um every time i hear my my background music i’m i’m stressed now i’m panicking but uh i’m working uh with someone on the new background music

Ice cream cake i love your province community post welcome thank you vinnie free community post thank you thank you the same we did before but then in this little what is this called a little thing the sticking out thing of the house how are you calling don’t know and then one

Like that see it’s quite easy it’s quite quite easy i’m thinking yes it works it works like this hold on one here one like this okay we do need to oh my goodness extend it uh oh it’s gonna be so big guys i feel like the island is gonna be too big

Why is there always fbi’s in my chest why are you why are you here i’m legal don’t worry i’m legal all right here one and here one this won’t make this will be equal but you know what we’ll do here you like the door this will be a doorway

So it will work out in the end let’s do this one and then the chill item we stop it’s what is it called a trap for it this is like spruce spruce wood is so handy all i do is honestly all i do with this word just make trapdoors

That’s all i do uh i am illegal you not see my debut ah did you not see my debut you didn’t see my debut huh i see i see i see i am old you should know you should know you should know can i suggest the game yes of course i

Actually uh in my district i made it uh uh my admin my what am i saying my moderator made a channel where you can uh suggest games to me that i can play on stream because i will forget them if you type them here i’ll say oh that sounds great

I’ll check it out but i’m sorry i forget i’m sorry i’m sorry i forget okay i can’t tell i have a short term memory is that how you call it short memory the way i stated i was legal i am legal don’t worry veiled uh let’s place this it’s all about placing it

Randomly guys don’t think about where you’re gonna place it see it looks it looks a bit weird but it looks more natural this way you know it’s like oh we tried to fill this house we ran out of stone so we grabbed more stone we ran

Out of that stone so we grabbed more stone i i played stardew valley i played started yesterday you love my voice i love you thank you um okay this the base of the house now gets difficult because because now because now we start with something

So what basically what we want to do is put all these these stairs down right this stairs what we want to do right now is place so how far again hold on uh we went to place what’s it called oak oak uh let me see like this

We want to hey let’s just hang over one okay you see i know no one is filming with me but i’m just explaining because why not you place it like this and then you place it one more over the stair like that easy right i know

And you’ll do the same thing to continue like this and then ah stand here one down like this don’t look too small right but you can’t to me i am of age i am of age i’m fine with that don’t worry like this and like this i mean

She kind of made a little bit out of oh oh i did this i did i i did yeah i did it it was just a practice it was just a practice why do you have to say it i have to say it in front of everyone

I did i can’t hide it i did do that okay like that i am a bit skeptic about this part so what i’ll do is i’ll continue with the rest of this build Illuminati do i have ludon or something do i i am a bad artist i’m not saying i’m good i’m bad okay so uh what we want to do if you place it like this you want to place just like that easy right one three four did i count that right hold on one

Two three four you have four and what you want to do then four five so five and then like that i think we needed nice i was shy i deleted the post it’s not there anymore haha oh you full two is this five six why can’t i count this is hold on

What am i making see i didn’t even count right i’m making a sky house you stick up the evidence oh why what’s this a thread is it a thread is this a thread instead what are you trying to do Hey now we have to get down from here because i want to show you guys the rest we got the front ready wait except this one we’ve got this ready might you might be if you make fanart i’ll put i’ll sometimes i don’t know why you do these things

Oh i don’t know why i do these things what was i going to do now oh yeah i’m excited okay we need stairs below my nose is so ready yeah if i get too excited my mic decides to not work anymore uh there’s my dirt there you go

So what we’re going to do now is i i better time for my thoughts every time she screams to protect her ears be happy it’s doing you a favor so what we’re going to do now guys islam we’ve got a button place it on the oak and then

Stir and you place it right here easy right easy super easy super super easy dick uh so i can make fire off of kira in on in on what in onward make feta whatever you want i don’t mind guys i don’t mind i don’t mind let’s see oh

Oh i forgot i forgot we need to post this in the middle here are you coming of course i’m coming to may’s birthday what do you think um what else do we need to do now oh yeah this is the plate this is the time where we uh

This other kind of wood type would come in handy wait i’m doing it wrong ammo yes no like this i think i messed it up oh i think i freaked out my soup yeah there you go the travels the travels are coming It’s not equal let me have a look why am i always messing up the belt why why is i mess up the build let me have a look it’s wrong what you know what it’s fine it does it it’s fine i don’t know what’s going on

Why is it look like that you know what it’s fine we’re gonna place more chapters right here like that what we want to do is we want to place another wood here we need to do that we need to get more wood it’s time to go get the foot guys

It’s time to get wood but do i even have one do we even have that kind of wood here i wait i up my body hey what huh what are you kidding me i come on no are you keep it this is unbelievable now why i i dang it i dang it

Oh it’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine race fight why why did you do why did you decide to do that why aren’t bones here this game don’t wish for me to die i know i know some of you were like i wish she i wish she died there

I should have done a flip here right next time what are they doing here again oh yeah what i don’t have i don’t think i have any off uh i have two we got it that’s all we have guys but we need it what do your rings do they fly of course

What else would they do let’s play let’s plant some let’s plant them let’s plant some already fat you finished fanat already i can’t check i’ll check soon perfect we need to we you don’t need too much of these maybe we do okay like ah you don’t want me to go haha didn’t i

Watch i will go exactly like that because i won’t die it looks like a flower a bone meal cute right oh yeah there’s more there’s some more we don’t need to leave i’m hungry i actually didn’t even finish my carrot cake i wasn’t even that hungry

So it’s waiting those days in the fridge so you know what i’m gonna eat after this dream it’s a it is a challenge i will not die i can’t i can never play minecraft without dying i don’t think there’s been one stream why didn’t die in this game

They have it’s like it’s like they’re playing You wanna hug i will give you a hug and a kiss mwah here comes my hug hug i have my microphone just so you know i don’t i i that’s the sound good evening hello welcome back i’m happy to see you i’m happy to see you okay i need more bridge with here

Ah the background is giving madness sergeant unfortunately angry give me your a your kid is it in is imaginable you’re cute this isn’t measurable yes i have saplings with me and um i have two trees at home that are waiting to drop the sapling so that’s no problem

I will i don’t have to like here and i don’t get lost don’t worry right right there’s my house oh my goodness look how it looks it looks horrible but it’ll look better i promise i promise if i don’t die i’ll call you senpai for a whole week and if you and

I will say that you are the king of zero deaths oh challenge accepted the alarm didn’t work well i’m so happy you’re here now i’m so happy now oh wait i literally moved past the trees on let’s plant somewhere i want to have um we need quite some I kind of don’t even want to take a two day break because i’m having so much fun streaming but i know it’s good that i i i take my breaks i don’t think it’s healthy to work seven days a week but there’s so much fun stream you know i will um

What i do so when i don’t stream i post clips i post clips so uh and he was just working on clip he told me maybe you’d be planning soon if not i have something prepared he hasn’t seen yet play some more let’s go for two stacks i

Think two stacks would be all right for now did you ever fight fire thinking of hearts he was the secret boss i haven’t because i um i actually never played kingdom hearts one until uh a couple years ago i’ll be seeing the word senpai learning discord later

I wanna die i’m telling you have faith in me i knew this had been doing a madness you were mad madness there’s I like hear someone speak when i play on the play by the way it’s nice to thank you so much you are nice you are nice thank you thank you i thought you brought us your name but thank you so much wow that’s for you thank you

How many mods need a rabbit angel girl what’s that what does that mean vacation no right the heroes it’s super cute it’s really it’s me eating a snack it’s me just um i have art i have art official art of of where the inspiration comes from i’m eating a uh a sweet bun

Hello really some reason you’re in my recommendation answer that and now i’m here yay y’all shouldn’t she all should tip more so we can see the animation again interesting plan interesting plan you’re selling you’re singing i chilled i was supposed to put on a new donation goal but i

Yeah i should tell that words i keep forgetting that um i can actually i can actually put that in my streams huh i’m always you’re always invading people’s recommendations yes i know it’s almost like i’m going home yes did work your donation showed let’s sleep on the rabbit hole for the

People who’ve been here since the very beginning this is the original haul and it’s not gonna torture this night of bad what’s sleeping here tonight thank you i wanted to say white white white white there’s a birthday or seventy for yourself can we get seventy kisses seventy kisses

That’s a good plan i agree thank you perfect thank you okay um um how am i counting that you want 70 kisses he was 70 i need to i need to come how am i getting up here again i shoot i need to make some letters

Let’s make some letters a lot of kisses guys what about seven what about seven is seven good enough i can’t kiss everyone in the stream guys you know what i’ll give you guys 70 kisses in sunday’s asmr stream how about that one i can give you a big one now just for you

This thing this is not enough lettuce Let’s make oysters just a little bit more like that this should be enough if not really please hope you enjoyed it hope you enjoyed the kiss thank you guys so sweet okay what were we doing again uh yes let’s build up again here yeah i’m so happy with the animation uh

He is in my description if you guys want to check him out he did such a great job he’s he’s really amazing he worked so fast on it uh are they i’m sorry i actually don’t know they’re pronounced the woman they but they are fantastic

I forgot the rest of my stuff can i go down there no okay so so what are we going to do now is that although what i have here no there’s more here we need to make some uh fins rain come pins ah i need many fences i think the thing

I make the most is a fence and uh a trap for it It’s good for you too it’s so sweet wait i’m doing it wrong i’m doing it around wait wait wait don’t don’t do it like i did it’s supposed look it’s supposed to be here like this hold on i’m What am i doing here at 6 a.m why didn’t i sleep questions i can’t dance so and then here and then and then we’ll do the same and we’ll place like that one two three and then here one but what we need space for windows so what we do

We remove these two when away at my stream i usually think for um like two to three hours it depends how much like oh it depends like am i tired how like am i really having so much fun that i just can’t stop we need to switch this around Do you feel like you’re being watched by 72 people the thing is i used to feel very nervous when so many people come but i guess i guess eventually you’re like you feel you feel confident i guess what makes me feel i don’t feel like people saw me people watching me i just

Okay like this and then here come the windows of course it looks a bit weird right now don’t worry That’s what you put in the corner here hold on yeah like that i guess you don’t really don’t really think about so many people watching you i just i don’t know i don’t think about it every just having fun stepping wait i don’t know i wish i could read your

Comments but uh i can’t read japanese oh man aside from the site so let’s fill this up let’s now go we finished this site a piece of it they were asking me how i am i am good i am amazing thank you i am doing amazing

I need to put my dirt on this side oh what’s up the the sky the sky that was mean i’m sorry i never know what to say people ask me you gotta think that i will i will i promise you okay i’ll promise you i will sing the dova king song

I know the lyrics i love that song i buy it oh Of course when i mention sky when i die what if i subscribe if i die oh okay Stop happy I think i woke up my parents i’m sorry ah quick of course when skyrim is mentioned i die it had to be like that this time is haunting me is this all i had to wear to me i just stupid i was gonna say i vibed to that song and then i died

What are you doing creeper shot please so why did i please don’t even mention the levels please i am all i feel is pretty i hate it the dark souls stream when joke on you dark souls stream this friday except this friday dark soul stream ah you wouldn’t expect me saying that huh

Did you didn’t expect me to say that why are you just to suffer you mean why am i stopping why this i don’t get it it’s i’m not even doing it on purpose like every time every time i play minecraft or skyrim i die i

It it’s supposed to be all fun but i can i keep them done i’m gonna go ahead and sucky julie got me Yeah uh we have we we should thank animus because he got me the game so i can play on stream so what was that oh cara about not dying what’s that case i wanted to see the house but it’s looking very pretty thank you you know what else is looking pretty you are

You are looking pretty i’m just saying even if you’re in your pajamas right now i am also in my pajamas i bet a bit you didn’t expect that off but you didn’t expect me to say that but i i always do pajamas like why would i stream in anything else it’s comfortable

You know Okay the buttons okay check let me see ah you in your pajamas i knew it i knew it i just knew it why am i keep doing this wrong is that well that’s not good english is why am i keep doing things wrong why do i keep

I blame it um um uh english is not my main language like this i will be down for 80 of the time working from home straight i bet it is i’m also in my pajamas um since this is my job oh yeah of course the windows i was like

Something’s wrong here it’s doing this Uh we need i gotta go sleep well have an amazing amazing night i hope you sleep if you can’t sleep count bunnies I don’t like the way this is looking it’s so looking at the signing be too symmetrical so i’m going to change it i got to do the same thing at the other side i i like symmetrical but sometimes it’s uh let’s do it like this are you a freak i

Never mind i didn’t say anything i didn’t say anything hold on Wait no hold on this is wrong right wait yes it is hold on i see you chad i see you i see you’re leaving i gotta go i’ll be back okay i hope you’ll be back i hope i get consumed until i consume sleep forever what does that mean what does that mean

Chapter here ah the sun is so great why is it so great why is you so grateful okay can we make another challenge yes yes you can make another challenge i’m fine with that okay let’s move to the other side now you can also clearly see where the flooring will be

Look the flame will be right here this is the second floor the it’s the room oh you shoot that it’s uh this will be the probably the bedroom it has quite some space as you can see it’s i think it’s quite big okay go see wait hello what are you building i’m

Building my house it’s not that it’s not particularly sky cause i like a tiny bit it’s not sky castle sky house but still it’s kind so i don’t have to feel bad Okay one two three one two one one One i want it to be symmetrical on the other side i’m here and i can summon luck devil’s what do you mean devil’s luck you know what kind of stream you are in you know what i am but dare you i did speak of that men in my stream

Will you ever get a pc spec reveal of course if you guys want to know my specs i will write it down for you guys i’ll put it in the description you have some nice building skills that’s so sweet thank you thank you um okay let’s continue there’s one more fly we

Have to do I kind of need more dudes songs people usually ignore me sorry i said things don’t worry i i try and talk i try and speak what hold on i try and read all okay we need and now we need i have so why did i do that i have so much uh

Okay well it’s fine uh oh it does look very symmetrical nothing out of place i know i like it i i’m not if you want the site to be married you still need to move one one implant column to the left side whoa oh i think it’s symmetrical right I freaked up here what yes i did i did it wrong on this side let’s go sleep what and how many subs we are once Another one what do you do okay they’re moving honestly no one can hear me up here is the link almost 4k i am gonna cry i’m gonna cry This will look amazing when it’s done i hope so why am i placing like this wrong like this i i i i hope it’ll look amazing when it’s done i know what it will look like i filled this out many times before i built this so many times before

One i kind of want to make the roof right now so um what we’ll do is the ribbing is quite simple guys let me make a new crafting table Creepers can die i said it i don’t regret seeing it why did you do that oh there you go so real guys it’s very it’s very easy so look look you see this still look easy easy beginning right like that what you want to do is you want to start

With this side this will be the front kind of one of the fronts you want to place a stair like that and then another stair but then a plank so it’s basically plank stare blink stair easy right super easy that’s like the best best way to build things

And then on top what you’re going to do here is you’re going to place it upside down wait do i want it like that no wait no wait i know what to do uh i freaked it’s down i need to go down never mind the room in the moment now hold on

I am out of ah sp off okay woman uh we need to go down again all right i was i was so ready to show you guys my roof tutorial um well i can read check now hi i’m chira i am you’re not neil yep i see you before don’t lie to me

Don’t lie to me i recognize you i recognize all of you you’ve been here before i don’t know you’ve been here before i can show it like this way see uh uh block slap block slap it’s not a sl it’s a stair it’s a stair box there block stair blocks there yeah

Wow this looks amazing i sleep well casey well thanks so much for coming i’m here too what will what do you what do you what oh goodness can i read what do you what what do you got to make me stay you have 10 seconds um that’s that’s what you get when you

Stay my stroke was good enough don’t put me on the block bye bye someone someone was like someone joined my stream and i was like oh hi who like hi who is this who are you and then i think who said it wasn’t a unique someone said like this is the perfect

Moment to advertise for your channel and i just don’t know what to say what you want me to say is i looks like i die a lot yeah welcome what what do you want me to say what you want me to say I just don’t know i just don’t know what to say to that stuff i don’t know who am i i’m giving out many kisses right now i know the pressure the pressure like who are you what do you mean who am i why are you asking me that’s crazy

Do you know me you shouldn’t be because i’ve never been here that is the truth right i haven’t seen you i recognize i recognize most people when they’re here because they come a lot of people uh my my my dailies are here i did is that while i’m calling my buns in here

And many new ones too but old buns are also here i know they are you’re not doing good if you’re not too good you get kissed i’m completely are you fresh see nash and i always say have the same minds there is no escape you can’t leave

Once you were bombed you were always up on it you love it goodness you’re loving the stream i love you i love you i love you how much do i have guys that’s enough we’ll see let’s see deathless stream first time no i i died why i really was hoping

This would be a stream and no death but i can’t escape it i can’t it’s let’s first figure out this cute small rabbit angel girl ah i’m new i’m trapped here as well up you can’t lift you can’t lift oh you’re cute you are cute you have a new subscriber it’s me thank

You i just i never knew this would be my faith i would uh it’s like more and more reasons to believe me come up every stream and i’m sick of it i was white i was working on this um okay i forgot to you’re working on the roof here

I’ll continue with this side so thanks how many times oh wait hold on i need to meet this one first welcome to the new buns piece of advice beware of the plastic bag it’s not plastic i’m sick i am sick of this it’s not plastic it’s sharp i’ll use it

I’ll use you don’t want to give me your snack wait wait you’re not giving me your snacks you’ll regret that you’ll get that the anime wait sorry the enemy what what what circular sleep or what’s right i don’t want to get back tonight waking up please go ahead and sleep you don’t have

To apologize for me bully is just another form of love that is true the animation looks even better with at least three digits please animals take it easy okay we’re back at what i wanted to say wait just be yourself you don’t need to think so much

In what you say and fear it will come actually i already said what if you’re freaking out i wish you could be with great interest i love you thank you it’s dark but what i wanted to say is now that you’re at the top you place this this block here you’re going to

Place an oak like that and then grab it with me a button it will continue there will be something underneath there don’t we but simon says this is kingdom hearts one traveling star travistan terrence trevor travel trevor i can’t i don’t know what that word is

I don’t know what the word is reverend’s severance town i’m getting a stroke and pronounce the word hey my friend sims for you and i just don’t get the hype well i don’t get it either but i’m faithful now you’re afraid i love him uh okay

Yeah okay i was looking let’s finish off the roof if we have the rift the rest will be much easier okay let’s build up up we can connect these two already with each other right come on place the block uh do you use a reference to build or are

You using your imagination i use references but eventually when you build more and more uh the ideas that start to come naturally to you you start to look at them to your own builds this one for instance was a big inspiration so i used a reference for this one but

Eventually it’s like oh yeah i know how to make it but i actually seen so many uh people using the same references like the same little ideas in their field yeah i think references using references is important when you want to build something it gives you inspiration and then then

And then for the finishing touch guys right here a stair and then but it looks like this yeah great explanation now i can finish this site back i’m switching it up did you find it did you find it that’s also a good idea to do guys

Um i don’t want the roof to be perfect so i’ll be placing some random blacks right here like right here instead of a stair you place a block so it looks a bit uneven that makes the it makes the roof look a bit more interesting santa looks like a viking house i love

Viking houses and i love fighting so that makes sense oh okay now that that’s done the only thing i always add to the roof here is quite simple there you go and right here will be the fireplace but i’m not having any materials with me to make that yet so

This will do for now yes guys i am liking so now that we have the roof finished all we need to do really is try and uh finish the rest uh uh cheetah can give me that even though i basically laugh at you dying by falling maker for five minutes

Straight i’ll give you a bit Do you hear that it’s it’s me headbanding you uh it can also be me slapping you i’m not saying which one it is okay so now foreign we start with the base of this this Two of these another window it’s right now the window there you go and now we try and go back a little bit block we removed these two so now we have a window then for the finishing touch ah for finishing touch ah wait no i don’t like that we’re just gonna put

This one what this one here and underneath here guys i’m gonna put this thing oh and now that we’re here guys wait i i don’t have my lanterns with me hold on we got a place just a a a stick a fence and we gotta hang a lantern on

It so i need to get some lantern keep now to bring stuff with you the sound of that coming from my headphones sounds more like an electric drum oh well it’s a headband a head slap off i am new to your channel so what do you think about devolution you mean the

Big bang theory or you mean evolution i am almost a question okay evolution is i don’t know what you want me to say i mean evolution is something that simply happens like animals and people adapt to new places ah yes the lane there was the plane

So now that we have this uh i what i always do here is a plant i forget my plans but it’s fine we should do that later and then i have to use my nice wood for this one unfortunately no i don’t like it either but twice like this I hate the skin i love your voice so calming and i was gonna say thank you so much that’s so nice to hear oh where are my wings why do i need them huh i freaking game you know what it’s fine at least it was only twice at least there was only twice

Oh i mean at least now i can grab my flowers Wasn’t everything i had with me nuts not where’s the rest with the chickens mr stuff unfortunately you can only fry with your junk i that’s you wait guys it’s my b it’s my b bye ma i love you b ma okay where’s the rest of my stuff honestly

Up there oh you see it it’s on it’s on my roof thank you i like to know it’s right but i just i didn’t even see you said that who said my wings are fake excuse me excuse me fake these are real thank you How did you get them uh yes how did i get my wings i was i was gifts to be an angel it’s a it’s kind of uh it’s so it’s yes i did i can thank you well will when i i’m going to i’m working on a new outfit

Uh as well as basically a little new new kira which means new music uh nil overlays new everything uh and um i will explain my whole lore and how i got my wings so you have to be patient yes you’re still waiting on the lord i don’t want to rush

And like say things but basically i was born and rabbit i was born and rabbit so when i was training to an angel how that happens will be explained later on but when i was straight into an angel i got gifted this week hello hi what’s up i up my freaking flowers You got your wings at the barking market yeah are you not mixing missing anything max you’re not missing anything don’t we i forgot my stupid flowers okay i’m missing i’m missing stuff am i not okay um oh yeah okay i know what to do until i finish the house so probably for

A while i’m thinking i don’t yes i’m definitely missing stuff hold on hold on it’s fine you know it’s whatever it’s whatever you just get a new subscriber ma that’s a kiss just for you so there it is i lost my fences i need to go back a quick Guys i lost my feelings thank you you are looking amazing where is the nice shiny tail where’s my stuff well i don’t know that’s back from cappuccino i like i love culture where is it i know but come on it’s my face well i can get my firestone yeah

These lily of the valley are my favorite minecraft flowers i know you don’t care but now you know Unbelievable hmm let’s go back up oh let me see why i keep going up and then i’m like what was i supposed to do Chill youtubers are the best i love chill features as well but everyone is the best everyone has their own amazing qualities and then now let’s place a flower good morning good morning nice morning good morning this bothers me why is you’re not in the middle oh well uh we need more mistakes

The tiredness hits me hi ronnie did you finally wake up did you wake up good morning what’s up so cute that’s for you because you sucked As you can see i should bring my shadow i keep forgetting it don’t apologize for being like as you can see guys you see this light this means another level of the fourth it’s that easy it’s the third i usually for the the third floor i usually make an alchemy room because it’s

It looks like it’s just so cozy and cute like that Why is confusion do you have a set of human ears i don’t have human ears i can show you do you see on the side here you see any ears stop getting stuck see no see no ears see there’s no ear there you want to see this one it twitches Ah my voice is low i’m sorry i’m sorry that it’s slow i don’t know what to do about that just that low it’s ah is it is everyone having that problem because i think i might ah if there’s every problem with the audio please tell me this is the regular audio though

Uh okay so same as this side one two one two i’ve got my volume on maximum i i’ll hire myself i’m sorry when i when i watch my streams back usually the audio is quite good uh background music software i’m so sorry i’m sorry is this better

All right go man thank you guys for telling me just tell me please because like especially when uh when clips are being made it’s much better if the audio is correctly so if there’s any if there’s a problem please let me know why did i do this why is it getting dark

So quick hold the freak on we need we need my pants no you’re not sounding needy at all are you crazy if the audio is too low tell me like i that’s what i want okay then we have i need more of of this of this one two three being

Uh one three point eight seven that’s amazing oh my goodness almost finally changed the cake yes they have the same artists as pekora no i wish i don’t think they do any others oh let’s swim for now please a lantern here for the bedroom guys this is the bedroom

And then this is where the starch subscribe to you deserve it that one is for you well i need some someone less can’t wait to change the cake before so excited that’s how it looks like right now yeah oh sorry i can’t play i’m so excited for membership as well

I’m so excited for the membership i can’t wait the emails are almost done i’m just excited i want to share it with all of you this field looks awesome i know that you want thank you so much you look What’s he doing here what was it why am i here crested moment that took me a while ah remember we got a lot of grass last year for the country because we’ll be making a bunny now let’s i need some oh i don’t have a lot of coal it seems like it

I don’t worry you can’t be remembered it’s no problem This osaki also can’t really almost die a lot i die a lot i die a lot yes i try a lot sorry i’m not talking much to be making myself look i saw it i saw you said that didn’t change all three everyone used to buzz females because i can’t oh

I feel so bad for you aidan What oh yeah uh we need to be patient with the glass it’s going to take a while ah yes as long as you show the support oh yeah split the sand i i’m so dumb but i i don’t have any coal never mind Ah thank you for working for my brain working for my brain help being my brain being my brain thank you all right i gotta go to bed good night i sleep well we’ll slip up are you falling going amazing see you want to touch me what she’s been doing

What’s this with said animal views goodness never doing that again you can’t you can’t touch my wings but only if you wash your hands first wash your hands first and don’t just just just pass it okay did i have my glass i didn’t even look i like white plus I think 48 is enough i’m not sure if not we come back yes ultra clean ah for you’re not getting in my house can we head back to you yes you can yes you want to pet my head now donna you want to fix my head now

Yes wash your hands before you pet squeeze can you fly with the wings i can’t i can’t i wonder what happened we have almost three times i know right we have like two times more people i i fell on it okay it’s time to place the windows what i should clean

Up where is the shovel playing up yes we can clean this up i think no wait no wait we’ll wait i see what we’re missing i kid i would watch somewhere but it’s midnight yes i same year but let me sleep have fun sleep well and uh have an amazing have

An amazing sleep i hope uh account bunnies we can’t sleep You say you’re from really yes serena’s help me don’t mind myself that’s that’s for you because you suck i’m just marrying how this rabbit has some amazing still skills she makes it look easy thank you if you built a lot it wants it it will it’s pretty easy

I love placing the windows it’s like it’s side that it’s almost over oh freak ronan is jelly you can get one too much is why am i being so difficult there you go i need to i need to remove all of this but oh you can do this at the list

Oh yeah there was something wrong with the rules hi i only have comments more like new bunnies yes so let’s uh what’s up i have stone with me but this is not the stone i need so there you go i need to camp i freak oh

What was i gonna do now oh yeah the roof because the roof looked a bit funky because uh see there’s a little gap here it’s not supposed to be like that now i fixed it Where is my shop there’s my shovel so are we subscribers bun buns yes i call you bun ones you are my little buns it’s the the fandom name i yeah that’s it up now that we are now it’s time to no this one is done now

It’s time to work on the last little house thingy that we have i sleep well have a have a nice sleep do you know how long night i do know i do know it yes okay so the last one that we need to do is this tiny one here Oh let’s remove this like a sweet snack made of flavored marshmallows did you know that my favorite snack is actually a marshmallow so this makes a lot of sense but wait what are you trying to say are you a marshmallow i’ll eat you this is the toy

Oh and now we go slip again i need to stretch my neck oh goodness Oh look at this boy guys the neck pain is real is that a king of hearts background music yes yes it is i’m zoning out oh why is there left too soon don’t apologize that’s fine don’t apologize All done all done hold on what am i doing there we go no wait now wake it okay this is done it’s time for windows right here oh wait okay let’s remove the dirt from here it looks a bit a little bit off i’m back sex has been played oh yeah of

Grace welcome back i hope i hope you had a nice play session what did i what did you miss nothing no nothing ah oceana it’s fine the jameson streams it’s good to see you back though i haven’t forgotten about you okay we’re basically going to copy what we did here what’s up

It’s a easy it’s going to be the same one two and then this and that one here and this and that one here oh goodness it scared the freak out of me i thought i was going to fall down again Uh i am in uh what what cet europe time basically that’s it watch it again see it right if you join the discord you can just my schedules posted there and you can also be notified when i am life if you want to of course you don’t have to

I’m just saying you can We need more buttons there you go yeah you’re cute you are cute there’s a discord if one of my mods want to do a little bin he’s just great if this is this possible i also have a twitter if you want to follow me yo sorry this is shameless plug women

I’m just happy you’re here Let’s get some chili taco let’s cereal yeah okay ah let’s see if we should make it the same height i’m having a look here uh we need some more elk Yeah i know it’s my stream but i would feel bad if i’m like oh guys follow me here here here like i’m just happy you’re here okay let’s get to my wit i i’ve got this Let’s go get some more plates ah alright why is this guy still here going ah no okay okay okay let’s uh oh i hate trees like this why did they look like that Ah i should at least have a vacation in that place what you mean you mean the sky house oh my goodness guys look at it i i promise you i will make the i’ll make it look pretty but i’ll probably do that upstream it’s gonna take me so long to do the whole

To do the whole uh the whole the whole ground thing i’ll see what i’ll do i’ll see how i do the body is shaving the tree here i don’t know it’s fun i feel welcome i want to post the progress on twitter though i want to be like

Oh you beat the stream this is what we built yes okay how much do we have uh is this enough i don’t think so let’s blend so much trees lights points points blind splint lamp Plants huh got a dentist appointment ah sleep time female watch the rest of life thank you for your chill fives have amazing sleep if you can’t sleep not bunnies i’m not even at the dentist i know uh because um because i have i have uh actually very bad teeth uh

I mean my teeth they look good like uh they are not like misfortuned or something i had braces uh when i was a kid but they look they look uh very straight like they look fine but it’s um i am very sensitive for cavities uh and sensitive for anything

So uh that’s why it’s uh annoying oh look at this They keep growing when i plant them i don’t like mushrooms i actually hate mushrooms they are the most disgusting thing ever i’m new here welcome though i thought you were gp and i have to use hundred percent of my brain to understand a slim of what you’re saying turns out i

Can chill here 3.9 we’re almost dead sorry Easy insane we can almost they can almost change the cake we can almost change the cake we’re gonna celebrate with some painful dark sauces friday i’m back for joining your discord thank you for tuning i hope you enjoyed stay hope erin’s nice to you Almost karaoke stream time yes i’m excited to sing ah yes you guys waited very long for this but almost we’re not there yet we’re not there yet i’m new here hi welcome karaoke stream is oh my goodness it’s when we hit 5k Oh yeah i’m so excited oh oh yes of course here i’m like what are we doing uh working on this spike okay let’s sleep first before you continue with the other part of the house Yeah is there my teeth you hear it let’s get the last awaiting I know it sounds like something else about hd i promise you uh cup of tea watching the sunrise Oh i think for you to start screaming someone’s if not really carry a history hey what’s with what’s what what’s what’s casting me without without um without my teeth huh exactly nothing exactly this is relaxing that’s okay why did you see today well it’s always the same

It is black tea i love black tea yum i know it’s it’s so close to 4k already kids buttons one two three i thought i made buttons i guess that’s enough more buttons white buttons one more buttons do you take milk with your tea i do but uh lately i have been without

A tea in my milk what seeing my milk milk in my tea um but i love it three things i required for an average kids to me can i self tea and something goes all the technical side of things please stop please Yes it’s almost okay i’m gonna cry i’m gonna cry Up there you go Built up here stop it’s not a slap it’s a stair i don’t i put honey in my in my tea and i don’t uh i only put milk in my in my coffee yes uh hi how are you today i am amazing i am really doing great i wasn’t feeling

This fall last week so i’m very happy that this week is going wait how are you doing what what do you prefer with tea honey or milk i mean honey is needed in my tea because i like it but not but that’s too much honey like a spoon all right come on

I like a spoon a spoonful is nice the actually again okay okay i’ll explain so for my tea i only put in uh a little teaspoon a tiny teaspoon of a tiny teaspoon of honey but i do i do like to put milk milky there sometimes

And for my coffee i like my coffee with a little bit of milk yes ever put lemon juice in your tea i have i have it’s good but but um not my thing i’m not british i’m not i’m not british why am i building up this one

Yes best way to drink your coffee i agree people hold no offense i love all of you but people who put um people will put them sugar in their coffee you don’t like coffee if you put sugar in your coffee you don’t like coffee i don’t know what to tell you

I can’t it seems i am oh no i’m not out of it okay let’s go uh what did we chill here i think it was this weight how are we going to do this side here just the same uh um Gomez i am thinking uh i hate coffee and only drink it when there’s so much sugar it can’t be called coffee yeah no offense i just if you drink your coffee like that don’t think you like coffee then this is the right way right Yes going i’m sitting for someone goodness i just want to finish the house for you guys is it am i doing this correctly ah wait no this size is not correctly i always i am confused no i did it correctly i’m stupid okay well i’m stupid i’m stupid i’m stupid stop it

It is like that this is for the roof uh okay so 10. Let me have a look how this i had the one if i had one dollar time for every time i smiled at this stream i would have enough to give everyone a stream a thousand that’s so cute just kind of looks a bit off doesn’t it why am i confusing myself so much

I’ll i did it wrong damn it i knew it i did it too wrong completely i have to remove all of it now like this is too long See this happens sometimes especially now that i’m getting tired i miss i knew something was wrong it’s no problem we’ll fix it i will finish this build i will finish this Build it’s supposed to be here like that oh blah Blah yes now it’s so perfect one If you need to sleep go to sleep it’s 12 30 where you at yeah i mean i don’t have to wake up early tomorrow like not never really but i just want to finish the build for you Guys let’s cover it up with this but put this back here like that i am afraid to jump down here i’ll kill it and now that we have it like here wait wait perfect what do we put in here i don’t know but i’ll yes i know my office supported i know

But i’m having fun hello nina what’s up hello what’s this up the sky Ever smelled coffee beans it’s bad coffee beans are amazing uh it’s very good for your smell it resets your smell actually you can’t sleep i told you count bunnies if you can’t sleep across the place unbelievable uh I love to escape so much i love this game wow game is so amazing wow gave me so much fun why why do i feel like this what’s surrounding me unbelievable ah interesting interesting why is it always deaf that follows me around i it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s

It’s fine there’s no it’s everything’s good everything’s good don’t count my death it’s not three times i never died i never died i don’t know what you’re talking of i don’t know this death he speak of stop touching my dick what is this okay all right i am running out of Maybe this has to be enough we’ll see i’m kind of thinking how i’m going to do the roof but i think i have an idea Over okay okay shall we just continue i think we’re going to continue like this yes that makes more sense in my opinion to continue to continue it like that yep the most passive aggressive i’ve ever heard oh i didn’t die exactly what do i need to talk about All right see that’s kind of the thing how am i gonna do that right here i guess like this they’re just following the line of the Roof oh i need i am in need definitely needs a forward no i’m honestly astonished with how good of ability she can be that’s so sweet thank you We gotta go down guys we get we need to get more weight unfortunately uh what is death but that that turn the the what the what’s the deterioration of cells in the process of life hold on hold on i’m not in school i like how she tries to peak looking at

Monitoring from other side while it doesn’t even say anything it does you guys are on the right of me so if i look this way i read intent if i look this way i’m playing game but if i look like this i’m reading 10 it hurts my neck but you know

Oh i just got back i got another kiss thank you so much ah thank you so much of course there you go thank you so much i’m gonna have to bed watch the rest when i wake up nice to meet you kita i sleep well if you can’t sleep count bunnies

Thank you thank you davian thank you so much that’s so sweet to you oh i made your peeking to see at the stairs if it’s right oh i’m going oh it’s the sky stream oh my the last one oh yeah yeah it was so fun i got chased by a i got

So we went up okay maybe i should not spoil anything but it’s fun the last time yes about two days ago was so much fun honestly i had a good laugh out of it if you remember correctly if i add up the time she died in skyrim and the time

She died the minecraft then she would have died at least 96 times ah i never die what are you speaking of this death don’t know what you’re talking about oh let’s play lorraine i’ll explain Looking forward to your next stream take care take care and have an amazing sleep ah 51 should be enough look at that did you design your avatar yourself uh i don’t know whatever time means i i i’ll spawn like this but um to answer your question yes yes yes i did it’s Do you like to watch movies what’s your favorite genre horror i love horror movies but i also really like reality action yeah that’s what i like uh and then this and then and then this and then this and then this ah and it’s meant for it yes i do

If she says it didn’t happen did it happen or maybe foreign i just love um just love it imagine realistic peter i’m thinking of the bun in the lunacy you want to see realistic here i have an image of myself hold on hold on i’ll show you

Hold on stay with me stay with me chad i’ll show you where is it this is me i don’t know why it’s not why it’s my snow tng but um that’s me yes that’s me uh it’s my my uh uh my art mama after this image of me yeah i

Excuse me i i feel kind of cute i’m not gonna lie i look kind of cute yeah i’m so excited because one of the emotes uh that i have uh looks like this kind of all the batches look like this too stare at the bun left yeah that’s it

I i just i love this it’s so cute can’t believe it’s me it’s a baby pic yeah it’s is it is when i drink back into bun form it’s just what they look like i don’t know why my proof is so fat and big see why is it so big

Why is it so cute why do i look so cute okay enough I love it i just love it Yes bye okay hey i just i just love that i love me yes i’m gonna draw that place yes i’m good uh and then like we did before this then a button and then i hey i finished bye bye yes i know we forgot this side

That was such a nice jump i shoot now uh well it’s worth my crafting why do i lose all that stuff all the time oh man i’m not looking at the chat ah unfortunately i have to leave the stream for now but i loved it so much goodbye eyes

Have a good oh wait you’re not sleeping goodbye thank you for coming thank you for coming that’s what it is okay we’ve got this oh we need to please not forget to place these here i’m not sure if i done it at the other side no i haven’t

Ah uh thank you kira so much for being my comfort streamer i’ll stay up and watch mwah thank you let’s face it thank you that one i did though uh oh i watched the whole minecraft let’s play things i can’t say it’s not that scary huh

And i can’t say it’s not that’s crazy oh did i said minecraft let’s play i didn’t even know if that’s what you meant Okay let’s um let’s go up here let’s close this there we go and let’s uh place a list in here all we have to do now we have this kind of outside cap and i’m not sure if this is what you want to place there but

I think i’m placing it there anyways and let you know it will look i’m sorry okay this is done this could be a perfect place for my bed now that i think of it oh let’s make some stairs to the to the next floor let’s build them here

Like let’s place them right here let’s close now let’s go up oh they find my crafting let’s place one here and one here okay all i need to do now is uh close this front off that’s not how you say Osaki I can’t be japanese but i’m sorry i think okay oh oh goodness stop stop stop i think apex while having you know the screen but now the surveys are down aye that sounds that’s bad that’s it let you watch me uh yes we’re almost at the end uh i’m

Just trying to figure out what we’re gonna do with this side it’s organic just copying the other side honestly like easy pop-up let me password and then and then we have uh we need we need what’s this called a slap like this and this and this

And then here we can place this and then this and then all we need to do now is place this i think that’s the last part of it i’m not sure let’s see if we can make stairs here as well stare here here uh well how do you build like that i was

Missed off the roof but you built this perfect geo perfect but thank you very much look now we have a little staircase not quite not like it’s not taking up too much space this is the attic uh uh this place is absolutely perfect this will be storage this will be lots of storage

And then right here we’ll have our alchemy uh like our alchemy for plushies and stuff it’ll be great and this will be the bathroom we’ll do this the next time i might honestly i might do a little if i feel like it i’m not promising anything but uh maybe if we hit 4k

Today i might do a little celebration stream tomorrow a tiny minecraft stream where you get some cake and we finish the inside of the house i know it’s my day off tomorrow so it will not be a long stream but if i decide to maybe

Now maybe if i if i hit 4k before to marvel it’s already tomorrow maybe if i ate five 5k 4k uh i’ll do it somewhere else you know before then i’m so excited it’ll be fun okay um we’re almost there guys wait hold on i think we’re there

All you need to do now is um i want to make this door here but at the same time i want to make it here but it’s time no it’s time to close it up officially i need to make it or hold up That’s the last piece of the house i’m forgetting things because it’s so dark now we are done now we are done now we’re done i i i wish i could fly up to show you guys i can’t but i i can try something hold on i can try I kind of want to add salt this is what it looks like right now i kind of want to add something uh like a little um a little look on the sideway like like uh i can’t do this place right here i kind of want to make a little extension um

So like a little uh extensional piece with another window we also need to place the campfire but um i’m leaving it like this right now i will work on the a small tower that sounds so good i might do that i want to build another tower a little bit higher like here

But um yeah i think say hi you’re so late to finish the whole build yeah uh i’m happy with how it looks um i i have to work on the whole island thing obviously because now it’s flat um i i want to build clouds under it but i need something for the clouds

Uh uh like maybe snow i have to think about that and i’ll definitely do that off camera and use my wings link um so yeah that’s how it looks like right now uh i’ll put many like i’ll i’ll put like a tree and stuff next to it um

But i have to think about how i’m going to build this whole thing underneath uh i don’t know what i’ll do it so i love it i love you i love you thank you so much Uh i thought actually we would die uh five times the stream but it was it was once so i’m uh three times can’t you speak uh let’s yeah oh my goodness this was so tiring honestly it was a lot of fun but i’m so tired right now let’s remove this

Uh let’s release this and uh next stream uh we’re gonna build uh the church men this jelly surely wasn’t built totally freak i did three hours guys holy quick three hours it’s kind of big right like um it’s um it is big i’m thinking this can be a general area so like little

Little dining table here my furnaces and stuff i can place i can place just here and then on the first part the first part is for my sleeping i think i will sleep here uh because uh i can place the bed perfectly here this is like the perfect little milk

I think uh yeah and maybe some armory this is perfect for an armory um you broke the stream length record no yeah it was three hours right i didn’t break it i think and then this is the alchemy space this is always my favorite place in the house because

Okay no i can’t remove okay uh because uh we do alchemy here um i’ll place this here so i i could just step over it uh so that would be great documentary yeah bathroom dining anything yes yes time to say time to go down time to do backflip in the water Ah i’ll fix it it looks horrible but we did we did it nice we taste ah amazing amazing can i step up okay there you go i’ll step on you there you go let’s go back that’s Ah Man this was fun stream what the freak thank you guys for coming i tell every single one let me add it let me add it let me add it right now oh one more There you go let me move myself kawaii thank you so much thank you thank you let me see thank you so much thank you let me put them with the wrist i like being like this all right let me move this one here okay there you go huh

Like i said tomorrow i mean today i mean before you wake up if we hit 4k i might do a little surprise to you on my little surprise thank you guys so much for coming it’s so much fun um happy to see many new faces here i hope you enjoyed uh I see muscle kid on the top right yes Look at it i can’t believe it’s so okay look at it my mom made it macerated it’s a buff it’s buff kira i love it i love it amazing thank you guys so much for coming thank you for the donations oh my goodness oh my goodness uh like

I i’m going to put on a donut thingy what is it i don’t know what is it a goal a call next stream i’ll add the donations of today to deathclaw so it’s beer okay thank you for coming thank you for coming okay time to say goodbye and say goodbye Bye Oh I love you foreign You

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Building Stream [VTUBER]’, was uploaded by Usagi Kira Ch. うさぎきら on 2021-03-10 00:20:08. It has garnered 2925 views and 393 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:52 or 11152 seconds.

hi hi buns ʚ₍ᐢ ̥ ̮ ̥ᐢ₎ɞ ♡

today we will finally be building my new home.. a.. sky.. castle ;stress; ive brought this upon myself and i already regret it );


Version: 1.16.4 Texture pack: John Smith Shaders: Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1 High. Minecraft skin by @siakki_ on Twitter ⭒༝✧━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━✧༝⭒

❀ Donation Page https://streamelements.com/usagikira/tip


ʚ Viewer Rules ɞ

𐐪𐑂 Please be respectful 𐐪𐑂 Do not bring up unrelated topics, keep the comments relevant to the stream. 𐐪𐑂 Do not bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. 𐐪𐑂 Please listen to the mods ! 𐐪𐑂 Do not spam


ʚ Socials ɞ

❀ Twitter https://twitter.com/UsagiKira_

❀ Discord https://discord.com/invite/KtCghjDZ4t

❀ Carrd https://usagikira.carrd.co/


ʚ Credits ɞ

❀ Live2D + Rig + Loading animation @Masarudottocom​​​ on twitter

❀ Logo @Ywuria​​​​​​​​​ on twitter

❀ Overlay @Kidakupo​​​​​​​​​ on twitter

❀ Stinger @Eternal_az​​​​​​​​​ on titter

❀ Alert animation Kishiro_kun on Fiverr

❀ Backgroundmusic @Colorghost​​​​​​​​​ on twitter

❀ Endcard @Daefny​​​​​​​​​ on twitter

❀ Endcard Animation Alfatrii on Fiverr

For business inquiries: [email protected]

#usagilive​ #usagikira​ #vtuber

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

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  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/W8kAVQJECz Read More