💎 Let’s Play Minecraft Survival | EPIC Minecraft Seed! First House! [Episode 1]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is bison and welcome to the first episode of a brand new let’s play Survival Series we are on a 1.12 snapshot 17 wo6 a this is going to be the start of a new era folks minecraft survival building adventuring exploring combating all that kind of

Stuff what good stuff is going to be within this series so guys let’s go ahead and create ourselves a brand new world now before I started this episode I went on the mic reforms and a person by the name of keep on digging came up with a list of a whole bunch of

Minecraft seeds that have every single Minecraft biome within 2000 blocks from 0 0 so if you go from 0 0 2000 plus in any direction you’re going to find every single biome within Minecraft it’s going to be amazing so there we go regard to seven four eight nine seven nine four

One you can copy and pasted from the description of this video if you so wish but there it is people wants like survival and here we go we’re just going to call it Minecraft Survival totally original series name but oh well I’m not super fast

I just might play the game that’s all I want to do I just want to play the game now guys if you’re are is excited for this series as I am then leave a like rating just head below the video or wherever it is it may be on mobile

Devices or wherever click that like button my friends if you’re excited for this series to start because I sure AM I really really am poke then we all thought about brand new world we have spawned in a tiger flash tiger by and by next to a forest Prime and what’s even

Better is if we can shed over this way look at this we’ve got to make a tiger by him I mean how amazing is this we’ve already found one of the rarer biomes in Minecraft a mega taiga biome it is an amazing look environment is a place

Where we could get puzzle and everything is absolutely you know it’s amazing I’m really really hard I really am because not only do we have every single micro biome what that means is it won’t be such a headache to find any of the binds in Minecraft it said you know 2000

Blocks in n direction from 0-0 and boom you found it you found it that’s one of the things that I kind of found a bit problematic in my party plays minecraft letsplay that I had gone before this one is that some of the biomes were literally like 5000 blocks away or 4000

Blocks away and it’s just crazy I don’t want to be travelling those kinds of distances I want to go ahead and I want to do epic things with this world okay now in terms of the things I do want to do in this world while I’m going to be

Going out and doing exploring adventuring combatting while I kind of stuff it is mostly going to be a building oriented series in that I want to sort of like little new settlements all over the place and yes I’m going to say I have drawn inspiration from wells

Night kingdoms series which by the way if you have a Jedi already I would HIGHLY advise you do so if you want to building inspiration it’s a fantastic builder but say yeah I I want to do something similar I want to do something similar I have a bunch of settlements

Linked up with was like roadways and all kind of stuff source building would be double OS I guess without the creative mode oh man I’m sorry I really am I don’t even know why I’m still beating down these trees with a freaking 6 i am i’m a numpty i shouldn’t be doing this

Should i really shouldn’t let’s just go ahead yeah there we go there we go nice let’s get that one done we’ll take out this little bit of wood right here and then we’ll get straight on with making ourselves open I need to sew a piece of

Wood on the floor and there we go a all of the achievements and there’s another one awesome let’s check this down let’s get ourselves a little bit of stick egde let’s do this let’s get ourselves an axe and also a pickaxe of course because you know those are like the two

Quintessential two tools to start minecraft with so yep that is amazing let’s say yeah if you’ve never been on this channel before then a very hearty welcome to you guys you know you know official introductions on the line my name is Python or learn in real life as

Craig yes that is just common knowledge done well your face is my real name is Craig but yes known on the learn on YouTube spies and I love minecraft I’ll be playing it since December 2010 so you know the end of this year 2017 it’s going to be seven years me playing this

Game I mean there’s been no other game in this entire world that has gripped me for as long as minecraft has the next game probably gripped me as much as this game as is terraria and I’ve got like 1400 hours in there to re-record the steam

But say yeah I love this game I really really do there’s so many cool things about this game that just keep drawing me in even when I take a break out I’m always hyped to get back to Minecraft and playing it and it’s just like oh man I just I get that itch

You know you know I mean like it’s almost like an addiction you know you stay away from it for a little bit and then you come back all nice and refreshing it’s just like man I should not have stopped playing this game but so yeah anyways we’re going to solve a

Whole bunch of wood which is amazing I’m going to go ahead and plan down some 2×2 spruce trees right here and so let’s do a little bit of this here and we go for looking good got some more screws sapling to Kentucky dam there and a yeah

I think I think the time has come to suppose some animals that is right folks and while we’re doing this were actually going to go to Hard difficulty that is like a boom oh get one shot son oh wow Oh nobody boom destroyed five five that’s a pretty nice amount now I want

To have a bit of a look around just to see what kind of animals we do have we do have sheep which is amazing oh this is a nice little place isn’t it ah it’s like a little sort of Rivini type thing like a valley that’s kind of nice okay

So we’ve got cows over there we’re going to we’re going to fairly decent amount of animals around here you’ve probably got all of the animals that we need pig cow we’ve got chickens and then of course we got sheep I’m glad everything that’s amazing I’m actually

Really happy with the sea so far huh oh man now if you won’t say yeah a link to the guy I mentioned at the beginning of this episode if you want a link to his monk reforms post where he goes ahead and lifts a whole bunch of seeds that

Have everything within the 2000 block radius and you know just check the description folks it’s going to be their budget overseas go ahead do what you will with it make yourself something awesome make an epic world set me in your screenshots of epic stuff that you’ve been building on your world so I

Guess that’s that’s where I draw inspiration form not only from other youtubers but from you guys as well I’m also because your guys’s feedback and suggestions all that kind of stuff and yeah alright so let’s get your place down there we can make a sauce

Red for our very first night there we go fantastic we’ve got you’ve got a bet on our very first day I’m actually really happy about that okay the only thing that could possibly put the icing on the cake is if we found some cold now if we

Can find some cold we can have some torches on our first lines rub so we can actually see what exactly is going on inside this world and that would be amazing what was that ah what I hear you I use everybody as a cave around there I don’t think it’s a

Dungeon though because I can only hear is singular zombie okay fair enough it’s only like cave openings around I mean you know we we heard that zombie right there but it wasn’t exactly an opening anything although this looks a bit more promising doesn’t it oh hey there how are you doing today man

Oh wow okay so I got a little bit oh hi hi how are you doing hopefully you’re all good is there you know I’m not going to calm down there not just yet unless you were manage to find your way up in which case I’m going to be kind of

Scared I really hope you don’t do that I know zombies are pretty intelligent let’s be honest and you know the fact that they can have on their way to you is actually kind of creepy nobody oh yeah oh just shredded there brother are there’s a whole bunch of

Guys down there another creeper like you see a skeleton down there as well oh man it’s like a pit of death I don’t want to be going down the pit of death folks that would not be a good idea on our very first episode getting killed in

Your first episode is not a very good thing let’s be honest it’s pretty embarrassing in fact to the point where I feel like I should any let’s play right there so yes but so anyways as you can see just giving ourselves a little bit more coal coal is always good to

Have and yeah man have I got a lot of ideas for this what I really really do my friends I I’ve got like a whole a four sheets of paper just full of ideas for a new minecraft survival lets play folks and I’m so I really really AM hard

Don’t really hope you guys are digging this as well the reason why I like I’m just trying to think of the reasons why I love vanilla minecraft so much it’s probably the most accessible way to play Minecraft in the entire world I mean yeah you could play modded there’s more

Packs out there but it’s not accessible to some people because some people might not have beefy enough computers to like play it whereas vanilla minecraft I mean pretty much anything can run it you can you can play on your mobile devices on tablet devices and yeah it’s just everywhere it

Really is everywhere that’s why I love it it’s accessible to everybody and it’s what I no one loves the best than in the Minecraft world just playing vanilla minecraft good old vanilla you know I’m saying so yeah right there we go we’ve got a thousand torches on our first day which

Is really really nice indeed let’s chuck this down and get ourselves a thoroughness there we go you can get chucked down there oh we got a nice little stockpile of food folks I gotta say I’m pretty happy with that all right let’s get you place down there let’s put

A put a bit of coal in there and let’s get some of that going and now we should be able to craft ourselves some upgraded two lights might be a good idea wouldn’t it and we hope you know but that may be a sword that would be a good idea right

Especially for surviving our first night and I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t make the other two tools as well I mean you know just the axe and the shovel and there you go all right fantastic so these things I’m probably going to use as a furnace fuel now so

That is fine and dandy the thing I love most about this is even if the wooden tools I’ve like no durability you could still check it in the furnace and that we still smelt one item no matter how much durability adds so that’s kind of nice isn’t it yeah

Alright so for quick modern a little bit of steak egde let’s put you in there buddy and let’s get ourselves a little bit of bit Oh mate I wish I could tame you but I don’t really have the resources to do so ah is that like on like Lord I could go

Ahead and okay I can bloom and do this come on hey hey buddy come here come here you can all like make them breeze when they’re not tamed buddy hi fella I’m going to try and push them over okay I’m gonna try and push on my viola I’m going to experiment with it

Alright we’re going to see if these guys can breed even though I haven’t tamed it okay here we go so there you go let’s let’s get you going come back you son alright come back to your bro you want all the way over there oh man it’s just how these

Guys are going to be today hmm I’m just trying to I’m just trying to breed some I’m just trying to oh okay I think I’m going to give up on that there’s there being a bit of a pain so yeah alright so let’s get you place down

In there let’s pick these babies back up and I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t get on with making our very first base this is going to be a momentous occasion my friends get first place going I’m looking forward to it ah question is where should we do it

It has become a night time by the way can I can I sleep yet no doesn’t look like it this looks like a pretty reasonable place right yeah it’s fairly flat I mean I can’t complain too much about this terrain why oh it’s pretty deeper than it yeah okay right so let’s

Get us all some spruce without real quick and we’re going to make ourselves a pretty basic looking house actually that’s just that shift it along just a little bit so like that 1 2 3 4 let’s maybe do a little bit of this and let’s place you down there and let’s get you

Placed down in here ok all right I think now is the time to sleep there we go fantastic not going to get enough episode books not happening no way it is going to be amazing I’m so hyped I really am alright come on let’s keep going so

Here’s what we’re going to go and do let’s get ourselves a little bit of plank egde going a cobblestone we shine a little bit more because I’d be able to incorporate it into the design a bit better I don’t know we do have some mossy cobblestone in these vines right

Yeah look at that what’s it called I couldn’t maybe incorporate that into the floor we have a 12-block space we’re going ahead and place them down a cobblestone / mossy cobble floor okay so we’ve got a theme for this space already worked out so let’s just randomly place in some of

These things so yeah that seems pretty decent I’m liking that yeah like an item dude okay so let’s get you placed in here you placed in there you placed in there should we almost doubled your face yeah let me nicely reason why not like this seems like a pretty decent idea so

Here we go just get some more this going I’m thinking maybe just a simple fence window what do you guys think I feel like that’s a decent idea I see even go down there there’s any more little boulders around here yeah but some up here fantastic let’s go and grab some

More we could probably place on the bed inside the new basis realm now which is really really awesome okay so here we go I know but I don’t know the Wolves they’ve taken all the Sheep down oh no I can’t even do anything to protect them

Apart and kill the wolves and I’m not going to kill wolves because the wolves they’re like dogs I can take him down oh that’s not a good sound is it Oh No oh those poor sheep the poor sheep who did give their life on episode 1 supplies and GB and its associated

Wolves even though they’re not quite associated just yet so yeah another thing alright anyways let’s go out and place this down here we’ve got ourselves some furnaces let’s place one there and one there we should be able to make ourselves like three chests as well and there we go

Three chests yep fantastic alright so you can go there one can go there we’ve got the double doors that are going to go right here so here we go should we go the double doors go real quick I feel a that’s a cool idea and we

Go all right let’s get you placed in and I think the time has got my friends to get us off a bit of a roof going here alright so we’re going to start off with some stairs real quick something like this a pretty basic hop style roof unit

That’s a pretty decent idea yeah that’s looking decent maybe we can put some slabs coming off it just to give the house a little bit more depth I feel like that’d be a nice idea I know those sheep are you going to be my first

Resident ain’t got em but it you go in there and there you go I’m gonna resident that’s amazing I’m actually really really happy about that I’m pretty stoked right now Oh brilliant okay so six stairs probably need a little bit more than that so let’s just set back in here get

Ourselves a little bit more of this and a little bit more still yeah that’s looking pretty decent and let’s start paving down or placing down the the roof or the ceiling of this place and we go I think we’re going to need even more stairs still maybe we can get some of

These going as well all right come on buddy I need I need some space man you’re not giving me much personal space either here we go I’m and it’s going to be amazing I first a little house already done folks and yeah alright look another net up taking us

Damage hmm all right well I mean I guess there’s not really any reason why I can’t just do that look at our man we’re going to solve the basic legal house right and I think you finish it off like I said we’ll give ourselves a little bit

Of a window kind of dealio so let’s just head up here and we go home and the first hour is almost done so – this looking pretty decent isn’t it look at that it matches in with the theme of this place really well doesn’t it ah amazing

Really really happy with it okay so let’s just get in here and all we need to do now is make us solve some fences so here we go there’s a bit of this I don’t even think we’re going to need very many I’ve got nine but I don’t even

Think I’m gonna need that much yeah there we go all right mr. chief all mr. sheeple our freaking house has done a pose of a base it’s done oh my god a perfect plant oh I will score so proud when I get my first base done on any

World folks ah feel so good I’m just thinking maybe I can do something like this I mean I don’t really done this kind of thing before where I’ve just placed a random torch kind of sconce on top of the support but maybe it works maybe it doesn’t let’s just have a look

And test that theory out uh yeah I mean it’s not the best-looking thing in a while but I guess it will do for now oh no sorry I’m so happy right now folks it’s like it’s like gaining your first ever place it’s amazing right we can

Find use for these things now there we go the raw mutton can go in there there any more like drops and stuff yep but some down there any more dead sheep about any more sheep remnants oh man looks poor sheep ah it’s the only bad thing about spawning was like all

Animals nearby so just get absolutely murked it’s crazy you can go in there you can go in there and we can get us on a stick out through the other item there we go and yeah that’ll just about do it for this first base right here let’s get you

Out and let’s get this out and then will pretty much be done with this thing my friends so as always if you guys have any suggestions or upcoming projects we can maybe do on the series so if you have any feedback regarding this first house why is and

Leave them in the comments area below and of course drop a like rating if you have enjoyed this episode so far and you excited for the new series I mean I really really am I really am so hard I’m always so right when it comes to starting me minecraft vanilla series

Because it’s like it’s like a blank canvas isn’t it is brilliant it’s a beautiful way to do things man ah really it really is brilliant I’ve got big plans for this world and hopefully you guys will stick along with me in you know helping me shape this

World to be amazing eventually but so yeah I think ladies and gentlemen on that note it is going to be time to end this very first episode of this family Minecraft Survival Series right here I want to thank you guys for watching if you did enjoy the episode and if you are

Excited for more food of course be sure to drop a like rating and hit that subscribe button if a you’re new around saying you want to see more and if you just want to know one features videos right in general but yeah it’ll just Iraq back that up folks I hope you guys

Enjoyed the first episode and hopefully you’ll stick by me for more episodes to come but thank you very much for watching folks and I will see you guys later

This video, titled ‘💎 Let’s Play Minecraft Survival | EPIC Minecraft Seed! First House! [Episode 1]’, was uploaded by PythonGB on 2017-03-01 19:00:07. It has garnered 426330 views and 6625 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:24 or 1164 seconds.

💎 Let’s Play Minecraft Survival – In this first video of my Let’s Play Minecraft Survival series, we’re exploring and building a small house in an EPIC Minecraft seed! I love Minecraft Survival Vanilla and I hope you guys will enjoy this Let’s Play Minecraft Survival Series too! 💎 MORE Minecraft Survival (Catch Up!) – http://tinyurl.com/MCSurvivalLP

Follow Python… ● Subscribe on YouTube! – http://tinyurl.com/PythonGB ● Follow on Twitter! – http://twitter.com/PythonGB ● Check out my 2nd channel! – http://youtube.com/PythonGB2 ● Follow me on Mixer – http://mixer.com/PythonGB ● Check out my website! – http://pythongb.com ● Send in your fan art! – pythonfanart[at]gmail.com

★ MORE Minecraft Videos! ★ ● Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 5 – http://tinyurl.com/HermitcraftS5 ● Minecraft Updates In A Nutshell – http://tinyurl.com/yael55au ● Minecraft Plot Busters (Creative Showcases) – http://tinyurl.com/PlotBusters

Welcome to my Let’s Play Minecraft Survival series! I aim to just play Minecraft Vanilla and make Minecraft videos for the fun of it in this Let’s Play! We’ll do pretty much anything, adventuring, exploring, building and battling. I aim to build a bunch of settlements that are all linked together with roads and such! ——————————————————————————– ★ THIS EPISODE’S LINKS ★ ● MC Seeds Forum Post – http://tinyurl.com/AllBiomesSeeds ● Welsknight’s Kingdoms Series – http://tinyurl.com/MCKingdoms ● Building With BDoubleO – http://tinyurl.com/BDubsBuilding

♬ Background Music ● OUTRO – “Taswell” Above music is by C418. Check out his stuff here… ● Volume Alpha – http://tinyurl.com/VolumeAlpha ● Volume Beta – http://tinyurl.com/VolumeBeta ——————————————————————————– ★ Series FAQ ★ ● Q – What is the seed for this Minecraft Survival world? ● A – The seed for this Minecraft Survival world is 274897941 – It’s a very special seed in that EVERY SINGLE biome that exists in Minecraft (in 1.12 anyway!) is within 2,000 blocks from 0,0 in all directions!

● Q – Why does your hotbar and grass look different from normal? ● A – I altered the GUI and textures very, very slightly. This is part of my custom resource pack, the “Python Pack”, which you can download here – http://www.mediafire.com/file/3pboj817mb77236 – Due to lack of permissions, I can’t include the Sun, Moon or Custom Sky (when Optifine is installed!) so it’s just the grass and GUI that’s altered in the pack!

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    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

💎 Let’s Play Minecraft Survival | EPIC Minecraft Seed! First House! [Episode 1]