💔 1.20 HARDCORE: Day 438-448 “Surviving 100 DAYS in a DESERT?”

Video Information

Mm-hmm and just like that real live good to see you everyone how are you doing today we’re surviving another 100 days in Minecraft in the desert it’s so good to see it’s been a long weekend everyone we had we had a we had a rough weekend

So how are you doing combat one but in Archie and colossal let’s go uh so good to see you guys no more waiting time right no more waiting time um day 438 we still living in the desert we haven’t died I’m I’m surprised uh baymax is still a not up

Still recovering from a long weekend getting a drink we’ll be back soon also colossal I’m in voice chat you were expecting the music and the slow start no not today not today straight away into it I I am learning how to be that’s not very tall a better content creator

I’ve noticed that I was watching DanTDM during the weekend he doesn’t have an intro in an outer it’s just like starts and finishes so we’re gonna do a DanTDM and we’re gonna start and finish that’s good oh man it feels so good to be back here

I have not um come down into the basement for a few days uh mainly because um and everybody’s been sick at home it’s very very sad um but as I said uh to some of you guys already and I tapped on this code it seems like everyone is fine now like

The kids are almost back to normal it feels so good no it feels so good it’s just so much easier it’s so much easier to deal with um with everything when the kids are having a good time you know ah so it’s been tough it’s been tough but I

Think we’re getting the we’re getting out of the the worst patch and and the the kids seem to be okay so Ah that’s all I that’s all I ever I wanted you know it’s just so much easier when the kids have better now

And I think I have a little bit of um of um of a cold so that’s why I’m not gonna push myself to too hard I’m gonna take my take care of myself and we’re just going to have a two hour live stream uh probably for for a while

You know just we’re just gonna take it easy and see how it goes okay Captain Kai good to see you how are you doing how’s your weekend I hope you guys enjoyed your weekend my weekend was just being in bed taking care of the kids officially when they they had to you

Know do the business like vomiting and stuff anyway let’s not talk about that yes I’m scared um so slow start is that Pokemon ability know that I I haven’t played Pokemon in a while to the point that my phone was saying um do you want to uninstall Pokemon go you

Haven’t used it in quite a while like for real I got that during the weekend it’s like okay whoopsies oh you are sick now no what what happened to you no actually that is not good that is sad to hear man um closer fun fact I have 100 percent um on fortnite

And 16k oh 16 kill death ratio so every 16 kills you die once is that what it means bro that’s crazy bmx6 is still a solo lab man it makes it gonna take about five minutes to get up to wake up yeah absolutely not yet also captain cat oh

There you go you were asking you were asking about it uh Captain cast’s question of the day ion I’m only aware of three Pokemon oh so I’m gonna go with my girlfriend’s answer chairman there’s a good answer approved approved your girlfriend has been approved know that she needed our approval anyway but

Um yeah she all win rate let’s go colossal and then we got Pokemon go because I didn’t like the idea of walking around with my phone in my hand yes no that you that’s that’s not a good idea um in a lot of South American countries not at all not at all

If I if I ever play Pokemon go in Chile I will play with my phone and sat on silent and like super hidden somewhere so I will not make any sounds I will only do go out to get uh Pokey case or something like that but no it’s not a

Game designed to be played in South America I believe your phone will be stolen from you very quickly unfortunately unfortunately but my favorite Pokemon hey is this guy is this guy over here can you guys see it it’s too bright it’s a student it’s doing transparent

This guy here used to be on top of my microphone not anymore I love meows the fact that he told himself how to speak because he wanted to impress a lady cat that’s just amazing to me guys deserves um I don’t know all the respect in the world and also it’s a cat

You know be any better than that right cannot be any better than that which of the days is actually lunala oh is this one of the new ones uh what generation is that because I am not a um aware of that name I’ll have to Google it right now

I play one game and one with 16 kills new season so I’m not going to play so yeah that’s a good idea hello everyone Sis how’s it going dealcraft little craft is so good to see you wow did you guys know that I woke up at five in the morning the other day

To join dittocraft’s building a village five in the morning sacrifices were made totally worth it dude it’s a bad idea anywhere you can literally get hit by a car oh yes okay I get what you mean like I think it’s the sound it’s assigned to be a played in towns like

So you you go out into town with a group of friends imagine having friends when you play Pokemon go with your friends and then you all stop and do a raid and do you all stop and and spin the pokestop that’s what I think that Pokemon go is assigned to

Okay you guys be wondering what are you doing exact clay aha I’ve been practicing my my beat ups uh impersonation it’s sure enough Garcia got a sheep I love videos fire daddy Tara good to see you oh man it’s so it’s so good to see you from your familiar faces again guys

Now being sick is no fun at all right fine Daddy oh especially when the kids are sick it makes everything more complicated man it’s been rough but it’s so good to see you also generation seven does it look like like a moon because Luna and Spanish is Moon

How do you say luna in um and Portuguese probably the same Luna how do you say Moon in German guys you will never believe what I learned on on that day that I was playing on the on the side on the server digital Craft Server I

Learned how to say copy and paste in German you guys want to know how do you say copy and paste in German apparently there’s a lot of German words that just straight English man in Spanish we say piano and back now for real estate shop let’s go

To see your captain captain Kai I haven’t been able to watch your video your finale it’s been on my on my page so many times but because I’ve been sick I’ve been sleeping a lot and and not watching a lot of stuff and also spending a lot of time like taking care

Of the kids and and also suffering and being miserable I I saw yourself time my kids need to do something and so I haven’t been able to finish it so what I’m gonna do is just wait until I’m gonna have a really long session so I’m gonna start with a couple of

Other videos like random videos maybe or Minecraft random videos and then watch your one a couple of times and then watch more like I’m gonna have a one hour uh session so your video can be recommended to other people I guess this the thumbnail looks cool so

I think it’s going to be a great video man you watch mellow stream last night she’s so cute so cute I love the way she streams it’s a very very very um very chill I really like that uh was melo’s mom on The Stream she’s so cool man she sometimes um

Talk to mellow and if you say something about melo’s mum mellow will say something to her mom and then the mom will reply or stream is so cool she is such an awesome mom yeah the other day she was saying something and then I said oh hello say

Hello to mellow’s Mom and just like and she replies you say oh hi hi stream she said and then I said mellow’s mom is amazing and then Melody it’s amazing and the mom replies like oh thank you so much streaming I think she said it was so cool it was really cool to

Hear it seems like a really nice person yeah it was so much faster still craft yes and this week I will do another build to stream uh for the community that has the bedroom Edition oh actually did you hear that did you hear that actually you guys were really welcoming you know

Even though I didn’t speak the same language all the time like you guys were very very kind really appreciate that and I got my first camel ride it was so good it was so good I will never forget it no like for real the community was so welcoming

Even though we didn’t speak the same language for a lot of the time it was fantastic what an opportunity to to join somebody else’s community and just go and build something I built a couple of things I was taking care of no not taken care of I was

Um so you could sign up for different tasks different jobs in the in the area so I can I volunteer to be part of the market area so I was helping build a market it was fun uh Captain guy says I watched some of your videos on your fight daddy Terror

Channel for the first time in a couple of days love it it’s it’s good right Captain Kai I really like the way it’s just so inviting and relaxing it’s almost like you’re sitting with a friend and your friend is like I’m gonna read you the future man it’s so good I really

Like the Vibes five daily Terrace so good yeah my kids are feeling better thank you so much for asking yeah they’re like almost back to normal which is great I’m feeling a little under the weather so that’s why I’m only streaming two hours tonight and we’ll see how that goes I

Might I might be streaming two hours for for for a while okay so I’m starting nine p.m and finishing at 11 P.M so thank you so much guys for understanding hmm yes do you yeah you know this oh I look somewhere young so much younger dude am I like I’m like 18 now

I’m not 19 anymore thank you God for understanding Captain Kai I looked at my time and I was like 8 45 and I was like OMG isn’t vote streaming but then I looked you standard line yes just for time combat one but says hello sorry I’m late never

Apologize for being late how are you doing girl but one but how are you doing good to see you long time let’s see that’s cool but Captain Cassius I’m doing good just finished my work weekend and now I got my four days off during the week reschedule I know LOL

I also build a shocker fan oh that was that those take a long time by the boy they’re worth it right could also remember when we built a shocker Farm it was great man the best Pokemon is Whooper another one that I don’t recognize let me be right

Here and I’m just going to check all the Pokemon you guys are mentioning what are they called so General Crafters I uh if we have English people we we try all to make the people feel welcome and also speak English yeah that was correct I felt so welcomed it was great

Absolutely they’re so good hey Carlos is laughing here we had so much trouble with that anyways who was first Archie with number one but also with number two say travel number three very nice and combat one word with number four very good all right what are your your Pokemon the Pokemon of whooper

Pokemon sounds like oh that guy it’s like an axolotl is it is a water ground Pokemon yes it looks like an axle full for sure for sure lunala Pokemon yeah it totally looks like she has um moons on her wings psychic legendary Pokemon ghost psychic and Ghost type

Is there masket for Pokemon Moon Yeah fair enough fair enough yes she has a yeah moons everywhere and stars okay that’s that’s a little dark in a way but it’s cool I like it I like the way she has like stars and moons and Chris and moon and

Dark and and like at the same time it looks good it looks good yeah so my favorite Pokemon is it Meowth also the question of another question for you guys um what is it called a conspiracy theory is in Pokemon in the Pokemon series Nurse Joy

You know that that lady that is if in every single Pokemon um Healing Center is a Nurse Joy as optional Pokemon Nurse Joy as a clone a Nurse Joy is a real human wow we have uh divided opinions 40 votes for Pokemon 40 votes for clone and 20 forward vote for real human

I think I think I think she’s a Pokemon I don’t know why but I think she’s a Pokemon dude it’s like um the Mr mime very human-like and and like like Meowth learn how to speak um English or Japanese whatever you whatever the the main languages man suspicious suspicious suspicious suspicious yeah

Schools good I am in football American football yes we lost our first game oh that’s okay that’s okay it’s all about uh participating right it’s all about participating hey oh this is rain how you doing red yes the nurse joists are economically just all cousins but

How do you get cousins to be exactly the same apparently Joy is another name but last name right foreign all the same age exactly looking the same and and it’s just no no it cannot be it cannot be real humans yeah when the next one absolutely this is fun

No I haven’t yet I combat one but I’ve been a little busy but it’s on my list yeah you could use four days off wow yes yes if you don’t beat fight Daddy I feel you man after a while man yeah your your body starts feeling it yeah and it’s

Just um it’s tough man good morning says uh ursus’s fireplace good to see you how are you doing ursus are villagers phones I know where she is lost his colossal they explain it in the anime what what’s this fireplace we’re talking about Nurse Joy in Pokemon what do you think she is

A Pokemon a clone or a real human a religious clone I think so because they are not born from a mother and a father they don’t have mothers no fathers these are we can call them I don’t know what’s the word for for yeah um

For for a type of I don’t want to say animal but some animals in in In in real life like usually um organisms like uh germs and and small things they don’t have um male and female so yeah um yeah oh oh little craft it’s uh a Barton is one of your friends barking oh what’s this fireplace from Austria let’s go unfortunately the only thing I know from

Austria is Arnold Schwarzenegger and uh The Sound of Music that’s my limited knowledge of Austria so I’ll apologize if that’s all I know maybe not the best no maybe not the best example of that what was just like yes oh same with Officer Jenny Officer Jenny is another one yes So true are we so what is it what is it colossal can you explain it to us what does it say in the anime about Um Officer Jenny I was going to say villager Jenny Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy yes hopefully one of your channel starts getting picked up by the algorithm so no more need for a job oh that would be so great Captain Kai wish I wish you all the best

Deal craft I wish you the best ah bye daddy I would just wish you that that could happen to you guys very soon it’ll be so so um so good also uh so we have fire Teddy Captain Kai and dittocraft I I want to make a series on YouTube where I interview

Um fellow Minecrafters and and I’ll have a a whole questionnaire questionnaire about I don’t know so an interviewer roughly around 10 minutes like questions about um what made you decide to to start playing Minecraft a YouTube channel what’s your what’s your why you know things like meaty stuff

Like if you’re feeling uh if you’re feeling down then your video is not performing what did you do to get out of that you know so I’m going to I want to bring more depth into into Minecraft by in having a raw interview I don’t know call it like roll or

Interview or something like that raw diamond interviews and asking you guys like the real important meaty questions about not just Minecraft but life in general and I would love to have you uh be part of the show The Voice show yes I want to do a um what is it called

A talk show yes would you would you participate it would only take about 10 minutes I will probably do it on of a Discord record that call over Discord and then come up with something fun in the background or even more so prepare a a Minecraft world a server

That you guys join and we have proximity chat enabled and then we can just talk to each other for about 10 minutes maybe while we while we do something in Minecraft like like Harvest wood or go mining or something like that I would love to have

You on the board show if that’s possible I’m I’m imagining it would be so cool to have like in-depth conversation with my fellow Minecrafters that would be so good man yeah Lucas is one of my team members that built the map for me and the big YouTubers together with Jin and Dr

Zoidberg oh very nice very nice okay I want us all to be able to do YouTube full time that’d be great man yeah that’ll be really fun let’s go you like the idea let’s go yeah we met uh what’s your what’s your name in Game um fireplace I don’t remember

I’m very sorry your name might not be the same one in on in Minecraft yeah you’re in let’s go thank you guys oh you guys will be the first interview we’ll set a time and then yes I would love to have that let’s go guys let’s go

Did you give me the the camel right okay also says it says it said cousins but not clone but then it said in the games they are also that so no clue oh colossal I’m not sure either I’m not sure I just came to say I just care I just came to say

Hello to wake up in four hours see you guys okay combat one but take care dude I will participate but there are certain hours I wouldn’t be able to be a microphone because of my girlfriend’s being asleep yes small apartment so I can’t block the sound no yes absolutely like for this

Oh you’re the bear dude we killed you a couple of times to make a a rug out of you I am so sorry I am so sorry oh I need to find that and and take a screenshot so everybody understands oh yeah so in this case uh Captain Kai I

Will if I had to get up at crazy hours in the morning I’ll do it like I I don’t care I want to get this done because I really I’m really interested to see the the real the real Minecraft is behind it yeah he’s not sorry though is that really

Oh colossal has been converted to one piece Let’s uh let’s go yes yeah I’m doing it again how’d she knows me really well so Russo’s fireplace he is a bear a brown a bear you know ears and and poles and all that a brown bear and I made a shop

And the shop needed something in in the middle it looks very empty so Jen suggested to kill this bear use his head and turn it into one of those carpets and animal carpet on the floor you know those the one I mean like there’s just skin or fur

We did that to him sorry not sorry it looks so good though it looks so good I wouldn’t do it in real life but in Minecraft I look great if I dated Terraces oh this is random but in my two most recent videos if you

Look really close at my face you can see where I got in a fight with the bedroom door oh really oh no I want to see dude I want to see now I want to see what’s going on there my daddy Tara I want to see latest videos okay let me see it

Okay guys we’re gonna do a little bit of a detective work huh fire Teddy hurt himself on the door where oh is it is it on the cheek there is it on this area of the cheek there can you see my mouse oh I think that’s where it is

I didn’t notice but yeah I can see it now oh I think that’s it it’s there I wish I could zoom in always again detective work this I feel like in uh in one of those TV shows enhanced an enhance the image there on the cheek

Right cheekbone I got it right I got it right I know not that I’m happy that you got hit doesn’t get hurt I’m happy that I was able to to find out and uh hopefully you’re doing okay man oh wow rough wow what happened was it like early in the morning

Or late at night and you’re like man I feel so so sad that’s so sad I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s not that I wanted to laugh at you at all I just wanted to see bro yeah she she did it oh it’s a she what’s this fireplace you

You are you’re a she bear I’m so sorry you’re a she-bear sorry I feel even worse if it was a Hebert I’ll be like yeah okay just chop his head off but a sheep beer no I’m so sorry it was hilarious oh tell us all about it

We’re in the fight oh Rude the door one his head can catch a break oh rough oh seven excited to do a Lo-Fi I’m gonna watch them again oh yes this is this a song I fought the door and uh the door one I thought the door and the door what

I’m so sorry that’s not the original song by the way oh Dr Zoidberg is that how you say it Dr soybrid from Futurama then yes My favorite episode ever oh man he is like you have to do Revenge yes um the The Legend says that fight Daddy’s house there’s no doors anymore they’re all burned he burned them all [Laughter] welcome from Germany Dr sweeper I am learning German I am learning I

Learned how to say copy and paste in German copy and paste yes I’m badly winner I’m doing better huh I could have to pee and somehow the door was half open it did hurt oh bro and you go like full on I’m committed to go to the restroom and then I’ll Whopper

And just like what kind of dream is this wow bro that will be so hard settle good to see you everybody please say hello to Saro and also doctor also is a friend of Daryl craft and uh and uh does she you bear who’s this fireplace oh

Who’s this fireplace means that you is that the Bear in front of the fireplace oh oh bye bye shadow yes I understand ah let’s go oh that’s such a good episode oh did you see what I had what happened to us outside oh right so why do I have so many of

These uh you would ask and I have the answer right here I have the answer right here let me grab some of some more of these I have the answer right here we will we will need maybe more Sandstone let me use we still have some uh we’re gonna have some smooth Smooth

Operator we’re gonna have smooth operator and then we’re going to craft some of these wait wait that’s just sandstone and we get cut Sunstone yeah something like that there we go let’s just get yeah let’s just get the full stack two full stacks and then we’re going to grab a lot a lot

Of wood Maybe let’s start with the jungle planks let’s put this back I don’t need that many arrows right that’s a little bit of Overkill not either and the cheers we’ll start with that and right here I’m going to make up some buttons and you were like what

What is food doing what is Fort doing with all that amount of stuff uh you’re taking a beating dude you’re taking a beating right here we go we are going to decorate we’re going to decorate look at this so some of these houses uh look very

Very plain as you can tell and when I imagine um the desert like I imagine different countries in the Mediterranean Mediterranean yes and there’s lots of colors and lots and lots of lots of um different uh type of houses but they’re all roughly they look the same and they’re

All very close to each other so I want to do something like that like for example this this house looks kind of cool but let me do let me do this so I’m just this is a proof of concept you guys let me know if you if you like it and if you

Don’t like it that’s fun it’s my stream no I’m not kidding can you imagine look it’s my stream anyway we’re gonna go one two and three or maybe maybe more maybe more let’s see let’s see I’m gonna go around two and and cover these up and then Place buttons everywhere I’m

Pressing shift because I don’t want to fall down I’m a I’m a coward security cat like that so if I if I go here and then we we take a little a little look we might be able to see different houses with different patterns and different colors

And we’re going to fill this hill with houses like that we’re gonna filled it with the houses like that I think um for some reason I think I like the other version better I think I like this version better it looks a little too too similar okay

But this is what we’re going to do we’re going to um decorate this as much as we can and hopefully get a nice looking area here what let’s play we can and because I don’t really like the way the village looks it’s a little um sad you know it’s a little sad

So I would love to have a village that is a little bit more pretty to look at there you go and then we’re going to have a heaps of these builds all around this this Village so to make it a little bit more like home and we’re gonna patch these

Holes and and all that kind of stuff we’re gonna make it this area a nice area and um on the and one hour and 24 minutes that I have like that I’m just going to decorate as many of these houses as I can and make houses too

Hopefully you guys like the idea if you don’t just let me know straight away if if you have a a better solution or a better idea well if you come up with um your own designs yeah just let me know and I will go over that we’ll go with

That I’m going to change these colors up to a more pinky pastel sort of thing I don’t quite like this two terracotta builds right next to each other so we’re going to do a little bit of decoration it looks like that and we’re going to breathe a little bit more more of these

Villages so this Village could be an oasis in the desert you know what I mean so you could be absolutely magnificent and wonderful and beautiful see there’s those two builds like looking a little less less junky you know so we just need to build more and then we’ll be good to go

We’ll be good to go um hopefully hopefully you like the idea yes I was kidding what’s good to saddle oh dude I thought you were actually coming to say hi and leaving but that’s okay Sarah good to see you man welcome Mello how are you doing

Uh it’s very good to see you somebody was watching your live stream mellow very very nice ideal idea still all the block from the other villagers to expand this one I like that I like it so much that is such a good idea listen in houses and stuff stuff and then bring

Them here man that is so mean I love it I like that idea I really like that idea okay what uh what do I have the most that block probably I have lots of that block and then we’re going to um cover it with sand like that okay so first things first I’m

Gonna patch this big gap here I don’t like it at all I don’t like it at all it gets it gives me the creeps gives you the creeps I think it’s it’s too too high I mean two two two um intrusive you know it’s too interesting so I’m just going to cover

This up maybe on this layer here we go I I really don’t don’t like it so you’re going to um cover this up so we can have a sort of a flat area so we can build some more like I really don’t like this I really don’t like this there we go

Cover all this and then we’re going to cover it with sand it’s not such a such a big area so we should be we should be able to finish soon and then we’re gonna go and steal from the other Village oh that’s a brilliant idea I absolutely love it

I love doing that random things in Minecraft that are not quite legal I should I should make a video of like things that in Minecraft that should be illegal like stealing villagers and and and turn them into I don’t know it’s just it’s just mean man just me I like it

Great stuff man yeah you’re both both are your mod teamed at school my dog’s in my room hiding from the microwave what is that they don’t like the sound or what’s going on that’s weird they don’t like the microwave sound well some microwaves sounded kind of loud but um really

Tell us more tell us more that’s how it’s supposed to be yes but stealing from from villagers who oh what what did I massage it there you go oh that looks so much better man ah that looks so much better here we go how does this place up This is this is a little satisfying to to my taste it feels really nice to be able to to cover a gap that it was giving me anxiety that I will fall down into that into that hole uh I don’t know it’s just it just makes me

Makes you feel safer and a part of me wants to feel safe I think that’s a good feeling right when you’re a kid and then you just want someone to to hug you that’s such a good feeling man that took you feeling so let’s do that let’s make sure that everything is nice

And is safe then we can we can grab some more blocks from that it should be okay how many stacks do I have that’s the last stack oh right um more more blocks more blocks here we go uh I’m glad you’re good Melo Melo I also joined um stream that was fun

That was so good to see that um yeah more people are joining it’s just so good I really like the what is uh the Synergy is that a word that um that it can’t be created in Minecraft like some people from uh from my live stream

We’re able to go and see mellow’s live stream which was pretty cool that was pretty cool we were able to support each other um also you know seeing mellow and diddles craft Jam live stream was pretty cool it just makes it feel really good that you know we we can’t be supportive

Of each other by by being in other people’s live streams you know that’s what I really like about the Minecraft Community it can be really inclusive and talk to each other and there is I think there’s some misconception in in Minecraft that um if you if you watch one Minecraft

Content creator you probably don’t watch any other Creator and that is not true um so we tend to be a lot of a lot of people that I’ve seen they seem to be on a on a race to get subscribers or a race to and and then hating each other for all

You still in my viewers sort of thing rather than I’m happy that your your content is doing great you know that kind of style and then people are getting a little mean I think about other people’s success but at the same but you know I just we all watch more than one um

YouTuber you know so it’s not like we’re stealing each other’s views or something like that is the opposite we create a community together so I think that’s something that needs to be uh changed something that needs to be uh get better at it we need to get

Better as a community to to be more inclusive and also to to enjoy each other’s content that’s one of the reasons I think I want to do the interview thing because I want to really see who who we are as a Minecraft community like what happened when you

When you contact with your favorite content creator gets um a lot of you so you get a viral hit that you’re happy for them or you’re angry like that would have that should be me you know that kind of thing I’m really intrigued and to see looks

Kind of nice that looks kind of nice day 441 here we go uh just like the Beeps in the microwave got it oh they’re making it they’re making it short had to expand a village then show you taking down the other ones that’s a good one you you dog logs the kitchen every

Kitchen sound because it means food right it’s probably right it’s like what is my what is my owner doing I went through this you know that’s cool dude different dogs do different things that’s quite cool man I love dogs they’re fun they’re fun here we go just

Making sure that’s all the sand I have but at least I’m not gonna fall down anymore which is which is such a relief and my shovel is almost dead so I no more sand for me no more sand for me just can I get a few more before my shovel dies

And yeah that should be that kind of looks good I like the a different color do a little bit of a pattern there that doesn’t look man-made and we’re good to go you know as long as it look doesn’t look man-made I really like it like when we were talking with uh

Captain Kai random sometimes is really really good you know and then I can get rid of that but that shovel is not going to uh take it take the job so we might have to do a couple of stun shovels oh we have iron shovels let’s do that

Let’s do that let’s do that and get a lot of a lot of sand from that pile here so we can make a couple of houses there oh wait I don’t have to do that I can do the sand thing like this way better excuse me sir

Dude how can you be so rude man I’m right here go away that’s faster there you go that’s much faster there we go thank you thank you I love doing that and then get rid of that and get rid of that yes okay here

You go this is so this is my project for today hopefully you guys don’t mind this is satisfying I really like doing this that’s how I gather that gather sand ALS with the food is absolutely smart oh airfryer oh the airfryer all the Cave of Wonders in Allerton

Aladdin that’s a clever idea man I like that it’s like the what is it is it a a a lion’s face I like that cool that’s gonna be on the on the list on to-do list we will add that to the to-do list to do sounds funny we will add that to the

To-do list I really like the idea actually colossal so I’m taking inspiration from from a Reddit post that I saw and there’s a guy that transformed a village and I I thought it would be really cool to do something similar not the same obviously it’s come up with my own twist

On uh on the idea that was too quick ah there we go that’s nice that’s nice how are we doing how are we doing let’s have a look on the damage we’ve done yep so far so good so far so good that would be a good

Place for for a house or something like that like that and what do we have these here let me just get rid of these thanks oh sorry dude oh no oh no it’s the Iron Golem gonna get upset with me did I hit that dude or did he just took full damage

Oh that’s Kimmy that’s give me for a second there oh no I think we’re good I think we’re good um oh that really scared me because I thought the good the dude was gonna come and and get me you know okay let’s get rid of some of these

But that the Iron Golem was going to coming for me yep I like that for some of these so if I can use them for building and then build a couple of houses here it doesn’t look so empty ideally we want all the houses to be on

Different um levels so it looks like totally is being a village built one house at a time like one here and then one on the next level and one on the next level and it kind of like all together in one single group of houses I think it would be a good idea

Oh yes I I didn’t I I did think of that it’s gonna be a little dark under there you’re rightful Daddy tell me about someone who did that is what sorry I missed that sorry Archie I was just ranting about something similar to what you’re talking about on Twitter oh

Were you what did you type on Twitter okay let me go and see Twitter I haven’t been on Twitter for like ages man I don’t really go in there anymore so it’s a dark place man it’s a dark place one of the one of the reasons I don’t go there

Is that a lot of people say oh look how many subscribers I have like that’s fine don’t don’t chat I’m okay not knowing how many subscribers you have is it’s fine you know I know it’s a it’s a it’s a milestone When You Reach like a thousand subscribers 10 000 subscribers

That’s cool but it’s just like I don’t want to see it all the time you know just like it’s fun all right uh Captain guy Captain guy official now 16 hours ago Randall thought any anyone else tired of the climb the latter mindset with Minecraft content creators and peas nowadays instead of

The grow together mindset oh oh yes yes what why are we so focused on growing the channel maybe we don’t want to grow the channel maybe we just want to play the game and and forget about it you know 72 YouTubers that’s not bad actually we probably shouldn’t open a

Can of worms like that oh tell me about someone who did that oh oh yeah I get it I get it actually oh the to-do list I like that sorry I read it so loud it’s so late I’m shopping down suppress for your houses good luck with yours trees

How do you okay it won’t be mad yes like the 50 lighting Stone on mine and Colossus world what happened when you guys what happened said you have there actually let’s just say this stuff runs very deep and they might not say something out loud but their actions and behaviors change significantly

Oh yes there was a domino effect that’s what I say I see I’ll be brother right now okay see you soon see you soon seven minutes before Um seven minutes before what time is in Brazil town uh six almost seven seven in the morning almost seven in the morning yes it’s rough and I don’t like what’s going on at the moment in a lot of a lot of channels yeah it has become almost like really competitive

When it used to be like all about yeah growing together you know like for example something I I did on the blockbrink in s p I’m not gonna say anything bad don’t worry don’t worry but something I did on the Block break in s p I always tried to

To go and comment on everybody’s videos but not everybody did that you know I’m not saying that that was a rule I’m not saying that that was not supposed to anyways what I’m saying is that I think it would have been nice um do you have that from everyone

Rather than just a few like obviously not a lot of people have the same amount of time and stuff like that and I totally understand that but I think I would have liked for more people to watch each other’s videos and and like oh this person uploaded a video let’s go and

Watch it together you know have like viewing parties and and like being really happy about it but I didn’t I didn’t see that like I caught I tried to comment on every single person’s video uh button I’m not saying that I did it to to get the same

Um treatment you know what I mean I didn’t do it because oh I’m going to I’m going to do this to get this you know I didn’t do it for that I did I did it because I wanted to collaborate to cooperate and to be supportive um

And there was just a few of us that end up commenting on each other’s videos and it was just like almost like the group got smaller smaller and smaller of the ones that will comment on every single video you know so it’s a it got a little ouch that was so hard

And I think it would have like a little bit more Um a community since you need a sense I think I would have like a little bit more of that um that feel that it’s a I really tight in this community someone uploads and everyone goes and watches watches the video straight away you know I know it’s impossible the time zones and everything

But um I think that’s what I will do like for example if sagecraft and colossal start making videos I won’t be like the first subscriber I’ll be there every single time and I’ll comment on every single video you know yeah I I tried to do it on Captain Kyle

On fire daddy Darren and then I tried to do it on every single person’s videos then I just tried to comment as much as I can and just be supportive because that’s that’s who I am I want to be someone that contributes a lot if it doesn’t

Have if it doesn’t get back to me that’s fine I’m not doing it because I want it back but it would be nice you know that’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you you get a lot of lighting storms why is that Jake the M sport

What did you get so many on your world what’s going on oh what’s this what’s this oh good talking to the disc that’s so cool oh okay standing on a on a that was colossal standing here you should post that on our disco server that’s cool man

Pelosi was standing on off on a lightning rod on a rainy day no idea oh I’m terrible at the commenting on video staying low I watch everyone but I’m a lurk I am been getting better about it that lately oh okay makes sense makes sense um but it’s something I’ve been working on

I’m not saying that you should each person consumes uh content differently uh but yes I was I was lurking for a Lurkey for a very long time I never commented on any videos because it’s like especially when I watch hermitcraft it’s like why do I bother you know why do I bother

Commenting here one No One’s Gonna See my comment not just me and and it’s not like these uh super big YouTubers one one I’m gonna see it they’re gonna care about it the the more more than likely they’re never going to see it never gonna hear about me at all

And it’s gonna get buried about uh millions or other over you know thousands all the comments so it’s like they don’t really need my comment why would I why would I comment on a big Channel you know I was thinking about that why why would you comment on a big Channel

What do you guys think you’re the first YouTuber I talked to oh did you did you ever comment or or interacted in any other way then subscribe it and liking do you did you like comment and subscribe kind of person or not really interesting um um because we’re all different and well

Consumed content differently I’m really interested into seeing seeing this here we go first building coming we’re gonna do a tiny little build here it’s gonna be cute it’s gonna be cute we’re gonna do one two three four five one two three four five five one two

Three four five we’re gonna do a tiny little build here a 5×5 and then one two three four yeah one two three four that’s it two three four and then we’re just gonna go around one two three four yeah like that a very tiny build like that

And then we’re gonna do another one with a different color yes you’ll see you’ll see you’ll see actually we don’t need these ones at the bottom we do need the the blocks at the top though so it looks like some sort of um Structure to it like the ones at the top definitely cool very nice very nice and we’re going to uh make hundreds of them maybe 50 of them maybe 50 of them uh we’re gonna do a pinky one pinky-ish one put the sand there we don’t need sand anymore at least not for now

Quickly that was a meme man good to see you how are you doing very nice to see you yeah finally got diamond tools what was your name before I know you changed your name I can’t remember your old name man so sorry okay we’re gonna do

Uh how do we do this one let me think two two and then we’re gonna go one two three four five six seven that’s gonna be a chunky house chunky boy junky boy and then we’re gonna go all the way back until we reach the spot of the house

And then one two three four five let’s go six and seven so almost like the house is completely covered it’s gonna be in the sand yes yes that’s that’s the feel I wanted very cool like all the houses are like and crouching on each other very cool and then we’re gonna do an

Orange one I’m gonna get we’re going to do an orange one move we should build the orange one maybe we do a a little staircase going up maybe the orange one could be right right here instead okay let me clear a little bit I’m gonna do a little stick it’s right

In the middle yeah I used to think that but then I was watching Exuma stream and he was talking about his comments a lot so now I’m starting to comment on hermit videos Lord yeah I think I I have on a few but I still feel like

They’re not gonna see it but I assume avoid it I think is is a a bit of a different Um scary he’s a bit of a different Um a person I feel yes I feel he’s like slightly different uh well sorry we’re gonna do the orange one I’m gonna do yeah one yeah one two three four one two three four five yeah then it goes in there and then that goes in there

Two three four five and then it just joins with this house here yeah something like that something like so it says all the houses are like somewhat connected to each other I like that I like that and then I might change some of these blocks so it looks a little bit better because

You know this is okay but I think I want to change maybe the top blocks excuse me can I come inside I know there’s a there’s another way there is the way up as you get up in this house get up and this is another scary house man look at this

I’m gonna have many villagers already died in there that’s scary stuff bro yeah same same as this guy and then that’s following me oh yes it all fell down man this this let’s do something for for these guys they’re completely trapped oh I’m making it worse

I’m making it worse guys you can come out now voice voice came out of the hole that if I if I touch that it’s gonna go berserk Come on okay let’s let’s cover this up I don’t like this either this area is does not conduct uh produce Joy oh look at this guy he’s completely trapped in there and now I’m trapped no let’s not get any of this you know here please need to go to sleep let’s go

Bring some more blocks and cover it all that dude this is a sinking place what is it called uh quicksand everywhere oh maybe I come in once in a while normally don’t like as I forget to Yes it happens you can’t remember either yes oh Jin good to see you sorry it took

Forever I was so concentrated I’m a bad streamer sorry how are you doing Jen thank you so much for the invitation I was talking uh about it already it’s been it’s been so good uh talking about um what happened on that day it’s so good

But I think I should join the server so I can look around LOL then leave I might allow people to to come in and and have a look on a what is it called no no server account what is that what is what is that called Bart

Yeah I didn’t leave that’s that’d be pretty fun oh that’s a big oh my very teddy oh uh we were talking to to us five places and how we how we sacrifice her in in the name of building something that’s so sad it was so sad apologies have been made

Apologies have been made but it’s such a good decoration it was such a good decoration oh that guy’s still there man that guy’s still there it’s like help me sinking sand sorry mate that mister okay I’m not gonna go under there is that that looks like a terrible idea it’s gonna go no

No hey hey let me close this up like that now we’re gonna have mobs in here oh yeah yeah this this is a mess I don’t like this dessert everything I touch turns into dust and crumbles let me just cover this up and I want anyone to come near here dangerous place

Dangerous place put another torch in there is this um sorry dude you’re gonna have to stay there there is no place for you up here in the land of the living and I run out of books so sad is and then we just can cover it with sand wow

What a mess what a mess I have created and then sand and we cover the wrist with sand so it doesn’t look too bad that kind of looks okay make it look like it’s not handmade it should be okay there you go there we go now this is not

So bad oh this is the entrance is it yes okay we are up here now that’s beginning to look really cool thank you Melo you like Sumo it’s similar to me in a lot of ways I’ve noticed from a streams he likes Underground Music a lot and

Let’s talk about Big Ideas a lot like Food For Thought type start yes some of his live streams are like that it’s pretty cool man who Sonny gamer good to see you excellent well it just started raining so hard I can’t hear the stream really all right

Let’s let’s turn the volume up uh Ruby storm good to see you the best chef and the culinary arts how are you doing dude very good to see you mate Adventure Mode no at the um when you cannot do anything it’s spectator mode that’s the one you should be as a spectator

Oh can you say hi to Doc he told me he was he has you as a podcast running oh I talk to Zoidberg he told me he wants to die in a very strange way told me he likes susanoo so sad I can’t get up there you go

That’s that’s he told me that’s how he wants to die unfortunate okay here we go let’s join the house and I really like closest idea that we’re going to go in and do that we’re going to uh Steel what there we go and go like this like that I guess so

There right here and and maybe maybe that yes okay cool so so the village will look something like that and then yeah we’ll start taking shape once we start building uh like the houses and stuff do I have more pink yes because I need more for this area here

So I want to make the pillars yeah pink it looks like I don’t know we’ll give it a go and then we’ll see what it looks like at the end that looks slightly odd I don’t like that I’m not sure if I like that

I think I have to leave it for now I it looks slightly odd slightly odd in a good way though slightly odd in a good way like I don’t want him to be super exact and precise and all the same you know so we’re just gonna go and change it up a bit

Nice do we have any more sand nope we have sandstone we’ll do that over that I think I need to do this too at least it looks like it’s going somewhere and then it can be engulfed by the sand yeah something like that okay and now so it’s gonna go something like that

Let me just place this here so we’re gonna have a window in a different block underneath same as this um so this house is gonna be wonderful it’s gonna look like if it’s attached to it would it look a little weird it might we’ll have a look we’ll have a look and

See what it looks like after and then just completely cover it another blocks I’m gonna grab a couple of doors and then let’s see let’s have a look um those doors will not be the best idea let me have a look we do a door here and maybe a door here yes

Let me get another block for the bottom part and then we’ll see what it looks like at the end 444 is a nice number who said four four oh what do you have a problem with causing features to implode every single time I I hate my life man

Every single time I I dig a hole in Minecraft there is a big gap I don’t know every single every single time there’s so many times that I died because I’ve been digging and then everything crumbles on top of me it’s terrible man it’s terrible yeah this is the best decoration ever absolutely

I’m doing great man thank you so much for asking now Ruby storm uh it was good to just buy a a blanket because the door oh the door blanket listen is it cold in uh in Bali at the moment dog like others start to die yes he experiments in other people is that

Right my kids are so much better Sony Gamers thank you so much for asking they’re almost back to normal to the fact that they they’re willing to play a little bit more and not so sick and not so grumpy and and groggy and and wanting attention 24 7 that’s really tiring

Like minty had to take care of them most of the time because I’m getting sick too but also um every time I wanted to take care of for the little one the q2q it’s not even two he didn’t want anybody to touch him just mommy you know and he will just you put

Arms out so you can actually give him a hug or pick him up if he was crying or something like that and he will totally move away from you and start crying even harder so it was really tough to be able to to actually help oh it’s just a little frustrating

It was a little frustrating but it’s been good it’s been good oh you can do Sandstone with I didn’t know this you can make Sandstone by combining four sand I don’t think I knew that I don’t think I knew that something like that and then we might

Need to do other ones so we’re going to do the bottom like this maybe some of the owners just to swap a little bit and let me see if I can get some of that that looks like Cobblestone what is it called yeah sandstone

Like if I do this let me just grab some more sound more Sandstone I didn’t know you could do that did you already order chocolate from us from Austria like horses oh what oh talking about chocolate did you you saw the website I sent you right oh I’m trying to get

Uh um gin to try some chocolate from New Zealand it’s gonna be great it’s gonna be great stuff all right so those are the the idea for the houses I have and then I’m going to do buttons on the top like this around to the houses like I saw some floating stuff right

There and then so all the houses will have this the same sort of vibe and they will all be different like that and maybe that one at the top maybe that needs to go one higher but we’re gonna leave it there we’re gonna leave it there let’s um Oak Maybe

Go we’re gonna go up do you go to do you guys like the the idea for the village I get some Birch for these walls oh yeah that’s a good idea it’s a good idea I know there’s no roof yet but um so if I do like that

And maybe another roof like this let me see what it looks like with a yeah I like that I like that maybe not this one maybe this one can go in there and then we maybe put a couple of blocks here we need to close the roof

I might use that block instead for roof like that and let’s have a look yes yes I like that I think the doors needs to be outside and those doors are really clashing with everything and let me get some Birch on the walls I think that would be a good idea good

Suggestion dude that’s so mean bro oh let’s fight Daddy’s the least favorite Minecraft block saw me nude assuming I like clever though kind of clever uh Birch you said Birch right um the Birch stores actually might turn turn out well then Birch into into the walls themselves right let’s have a lot

This is not your house no not yet not yet don’t do it don’t do it first let’s put these in here and then you’re saying Birch on the walls let’s try this yes good one absolutely absolutely I like that very much let’s try that and then we put

The cut at the bottom so it looks like that and then we put maybe a fences windows because I don’t think they have Windows yes or trap doors maybe we’ll we’ll see we’ll see yeah why not yeah why not I like where this is coming it’s a good idea

Go make a couple of oh no no there make a couple of gaps very nice very nice and then we do a bigger it’s all about randomness yes you know what else I’m gonna do I’m gonna put some some sugarcane around it maybe some bamboo

Just to for a proof of concept let’s see what it looks like after we do this we just got some of these we’ve got some of these guys [Applause] satisfaction guaranteed so nice and then we’ll see what it’s um like over here uh water bucket you’re back excuse me

No no no there yeah running water I don’t like it good to see you uh yeah it was you Archie I thought it was um sagecraft sorry it’s a great idea man really like the idea um I do that and then I put sand in here and I planted these stuff here yes

I like that and then some bamboo yeah I was going to plant the bamboo inside the house no not inside the house on the side yeah can I go no it has can you go on the sand yes sand it is excuse me I need to get some sand please excuse me

I’m gonna do three random spots some sand in there and then bamboo shoots yeah yeah I like that I like that it’s on bamboo everywhere so it looks like it’s has lived in a little bamboo patch here bamboo in the in the desert not very cool but um

I like the fact that it’s turning into a green Oasis that’s what I like and then down here maybe when it’s low when it grows it looks like it’s been hiding somewhere like a little patch of a bamboo and another one there absolutely so when it grows it’s gonna look over the hill

Yes I like that good one just lurking satachi absolutely I’m taking it easy man I’m taking it easy today so take it easy guys just chill relax sit back you don’t have to type you can look as much as you want this is amazing lurker absolutely I like

It reminds me of the vibe I got from Mambo season 4 base which I love this differently obviously a similar Vibe oh let me have a look Mumbo season four base season four uh I’m trying to see what he did ah okay okay all right was this one in the in the mountain

Hmm very good it looks cool is this the one in the mountains I use a lot of different colors or is it a different one oh will you build a farm sausage so much as the Drone yes I was wondering yes because you build the drones and lots of

Pharmacists and that was the driver was insane dude yeah Mom what about um the the orange one what is that called occasion maybe some acacia maybe that’ll look better yeah the bridge those are too plain absolutely agree with you the running water will drive me crazy

And this contains so it should be okay should be okay huh I don’t like that we are running water it’s just something about it just unnerves me uh do you still have a boat somewhere foreign we’re still okay with the amount of carrots we have but we’re gonna run low very quickly

Training with villagers would be a must soon be a must we did have um where did it go about where did the boat go huh do boats this spawn if you leave them in the water probably did man two was around here I didn’t take it to the other side that’ll see it

Unless I did no let’s go and see if we can find some acacia wood I’m totally looking for my boat no Lee I’m looking I think I’ve lost my boat all right bamboo boat for the win with a chest on it it looks so cool raft owner let’s let’s go during the day

A bamboo door I tried a bamboo door but it was it’s like out a little bit um too much I didn’t quite like the yellow one on it so I think I will go with um orange so I’m going to go and explore and see if I can find some

Camel what are you doing some Acacia Maybe yeah it was my favorite Mambo base as Captain Kai I feel if it felt the most a Mumbo to me very different than other Minecraft bases yes I really like that one Mambu always goes for something that is almost not real

Which which I quite like which I quite like like of course I like for example at the moment I’m doing something that is very real that good Beyond different areas of of of of Minecraft you know you can find them in real life and things like that but uh part of me

Really likes um builds that they’re not real like the Big Apple um and things like that oh let’s not go there I’m guessing this is just a jungle so should we go that way or maybe not there’s a lot of food in here though food Nice be really sad if I die here by jumping into big cool Birch ah nope have we seen Acacia anywhere do you get Acacia on those no hmm let’s go and explore for a little bit make sure you listen let’s not keep lost so our village is that way

Oysters okay let’s go wow that’s so lucky the cool entrance by the way I like that yeah my base is looking good really send us a screenshot on Discord so we can see it and we can be the judges instead of you oh we can tell you if it’s good or not oh

I’m kidding I’m kidding it’s gonna be great if you if you made it it’s gonna be great now should I leave the trees floating it’s no one’s gonna be here ever No One’s Gonna ever see these trees it just leaves them floating you know

I can be a monster and no one can see it I will not I some people say that that’s integrity what you do when no one is watching oh like for example do you put the trolley back or the shopping cart back where you’re supposed to go or you just leave it

Just leave it right next to wherever you found it or just like whatever some people believe like the shopping cart experience or the trolley or the trundler however you want to call it makes a huge difference makes a the person’s character because it’s what you do when no one’s watching

And also it’s not illegal to leave your card whatever they are shopping carts Base Are you supposed to return them but no one is saying or you should return it now otherwise you get a fine because it’s almost Um a volunteer effort voluntary effort it tells exactly what kind of person you’re gonna be or you you can be if there were suddenly no rules in society from from how you if you return or not the shopping cart that is very interesting um a theory very interesting Castle six season two

We must stick my second favorite is that your favorite season I don’t think I’ve watched um that far back I think my favorite season was a Plastic Fantastic by iskal85 when he was doing plastic plastic fantastic rain dog was was doing uh was was he doing the computer on that one

And I really like how Mambo in iskal interacted that was my favorite I I got converted to hermitcraft by seeing those guys playing and having so much fun I was like I want to do I want to do that I want to have a group of people that I play with that I

Can have as much fun as Mumbo in in Escala having that was it was so good to see man I was just I enjoyed that season so much when concrete was introduced to Minecraft it was so good so good I really enjoy that what did I I did ask you something Sony

Gamer can you repeat it please sorry I’m I’m not doing very well today I am I’m still a little sick I’m only streaming for two hours so I’m more than likely missing out stuff like my brain is not at 100 so can you please ask me again sorry dude

Oh actually that would be a good challenge man I like that Archie said that next 100 days on a dark oak forest I really like that idea you because this is a tough environment it’s always dark always thinks lurking behind your back I like that very clever man

Mambo is the god of redstone not really it’s pretty good but the god of redstone is probably a mango or name bomb those guys are Next Level man there’s been a lot of times that Mumbo has replicated a video from from El mango El mango

But um yeah I agree Mambo is uh pretty clever the way he’s packaged is um this is bran yeah it’s quite clever quite clever if I could if I could meet a content creator and squeeze his brains be mumbled is a good inspiration a really inspiration for me

Um the way he has grown his channel the things he he does or how he does it and his um work ethic I really like um what he does I really like what he does okay is this which jungle is this jungle which Village is this one I’m a little confused excuse me

This is not my one check I quite like this one with the with the orange breaks it the orange sand breaks the the monotony of the sand and the other blocks there are quite similar colors I like that is it that way I think bro oh this could be bad

Have I am I getting lost don’t get lost oh no oh no am I going the right way do I recognize any of this do I recognize this have I been here oh no oh no I got lost this is not the right way for sure if I’ve been here

This is uh lit up no we’re over there um is this where am I a camel is that my camel oh maybe I’m on the other side of the Hill I’m running up the hill oh why do I get lost so easily camel you you lead me home man lead me home

Do I recognize you you I recognize what this family of camels is it my family of camels camels please show me the way that’s not it that’s not it uh hello I’m still down oh be careful be careful please just kidding today it’s getting dark

I might have to go to sleep on an improvised Village oh no tell me this is a place I recognize please no this is not my house oh villagers go hide I hide still in your bed dude oh no ah I like when people do non-realistic stuff in Minecraft and just focus on

Shapes colors Etc thanks a lot yeah I agree my favorite builders on hermitcraft will probably surprise people who are your favorite ones huge test of characters at the shopping carts yeah no judging but if you have a mean thing to say keep it in your pocket it depends

Sometimes you have to tell the truth of what’s going on otherwise people never change and you have to set boundaries you have to say something if you don’t like something otherwise they’ll keep repeating it for you yeah we have coins in our shopping carts so

We have to return them or we don’t get the coin back oh yes so you had to put a coin and then you go you can actually get it out and then you put it back and then you get the coin back oh wow did you see the new song anti-human no

What song is that Sony gamer every season overall will be probably season seven like most people would say and I will argue the margins are a lot closer than most people would suggest is this always been epic yes I agree that’s just seven plus yeah it’s a great video about the purpose

Which examine best red Stoners in my opinion it’s impossible to put a title on who’s the best because however you decide to judge it will be it will change the results yes because you can say but what do you do redstone for and then you can say maybe Tango Tech is

Is one of the best because he’s um always pushing the boundary so what can be done on vanilla Minecraft in terms of uh the game he builds the mechanics and how much kicked out so good okay so um definitely this is not the way and I don’t remember the way home

So what do we do we go back to the forest where we were oh man this is no good you guys remember where I was that way maybe let’s get let’s have a little exploration that we I would never let there live there I hate orange oh do you

But what about the the contrast is it is it like no never you never do that oh I recognize this this is a bad place where my my boat got under the water and I had to that was annoying okay I’m not gonna do that excuse me I recognize this

I recognize this very nice oh I’m glad I like the contrast though but yeah the orange you wouldn’t that’s funny I may hop off not feeling the best I’ll see you tomorrow bye I’ll try and watch the rest of the stream later thank you colossal uh what’s going on are you are

You coming down with a flu or something foreign I hope you’re feeling better man take take a good break and we shall see you tomorrow hopefully take care man yep yeah thank you for the best wishes for call so that’s a that’s great thank you so much guys you guys are the best

All right hopefully this was worth it we went all this way to get some orange strap doors orange doors uh well I’m here I’m gonna get some some of this for these guys acacia wood so two of those and then we get the acacia tours like that

And then we’ll see what it looks like with Acacia tours I think it’ll be better okay let’s uh let’s get some bread to these guys one two three one two three Maybe time baby time nope baby time where you going hey hey maybe Tom baby time do you guys need privacy

Some Spanish guitar Some Spanish guitar and no need no need no do you guys need more baits I might need some more baits oh Did you see the divorce just like nope we don’t want anything to do with each other Any more baits do I have wool oh no I don’t think I do I need to go and steal more bits yes absolutely let’s let’s go and do that no I don’t know they have cobwebs string they have string you can make uh we can make two two will do

There we go let’s go and play some strategically get this Castle Rock create and one of the new houses why not they probably have mobs inside uh hello uh torches inside the new house and it’s gonna be at a two bedroom you can move the bed if you’re if you’re

A couple and if you’re not a couple you don’t move the bed okay there we go right there’s some more beds now guys you can do your business there you go some foodie please feel free yes and where’s another guy Hello hello oh this is that the same guy no this is another one food no wow they don’t really care about each other anymore I thought these guys were all lovey-dovey and stuff but apparently not going inside that’s okay hey there’s a brittle why they’re so rude man I’m giving you bread

What are you doing so far away mate get some bread they don’t care they don’t care look at that they left the bread on the floor rudeness level 200. I’m gonna steal the bed the bed the Bell internet here by the entrance And then ring the bell where do they go okay does this guy lives there and then other guy lives over there oh the guy took the house yes he likes it approved um let’s change the doors he likes it I think that will look better let’s have a look absolutely

Is that better for sure or sure hello hello nothing scary anymore let me light this place up a little bit and we light up the beach sander Thomas I see you how are you doing uh so good to see you Santos so good to see you ready

Hey are you guys uh willing now let’s see if we can get them some some bread yes and your friend is over here friend yeah and do the roar here we should we should have uh no don’t say that don’t say that would you have a get together

There you go get together guys what come on come on this this bridge for everyone I should turn them into Farmers actually so they can um do the thing come on guys you can do this look at that it’s raining bread hallelujah it’s raining bread yes yes yes yes

Do they like the house do they like the houses they want to live here and bring more people into this world yes approved they like the village so the bills are good the bills are good enough fantastic fantastic I have one more door here we go wow that house has

Transparent walls oh there was one experiment in Chile a few years ago is that there was a lady living in a in a glass house that’s shocking that’s shocking oh that was that was like 20 minutes ago sorry Archie I’m so bad at reading the chat today

Orange needs to be as little as possible [Laughter] thanks for sending me the song Sony gamer Captain cast is my list of best Builders from hermitcraft will be ether generic b Beatles uh extreme avoid Mumbo sometimes Keralis sometimes scars and terraforming yes and Archie says the only orange thing

That I can say I actually like looking at in Minecraft is shroom lights right but they’re mostly yellow right is that because you you’re tolerate them I was sad so I missed the status you may be okay yes my baby is okay thank you so much for asking oh thank you so much

Melo for for stopping by we love you sorry that I’m just reading your message about 20 hours later yeah my baby’s okay thank you so much Santa Thomas is almost back to normal um having fun and eating and drinking like normal yeah yeah it’s fine

100 days is 33 hours what would you do if somebody annoyed your sister what Sarah doesn’t make sense man well I showed up a little early just wanted to wish everyone a good day and night thank you so much for our daddy appreciate it I’m just finishing in

About nine minutes so more than likely you’re not gonna miss anything uh thank you so much for being here hopefully your cheekbone gets better and and take it easy at work man don’t don’t burn yourself out please don’t burn yourself out please so the anti-human Mike Sony what is it

I’m not gonna watch it now because I might have copyrighted music but what is it uh Mike Sony says please on Discord at least one my friend uh yeah and more animation coming oh very nice very nice animation is so cool I’ll watch it after the Stream

Did you guys like um OJ meow’s redesign I voted for number one I think everybody voted for number one on this code no worries and I also I asked Archie first of all I didn’t know the spinosaurus existed and then I asked who win in a fight the Spinosaurus versus the T-Rex

And Archie says in water the spinosaurus land the spinosaurus what what one is better absolutely I agree I agree so much better it looks derpier and and a hand-drawn the other one looks a little bit too too great you know just hear the song Looking art I did I did

That’s crazy cool man I really like the way the way you you guys draw the ones paid the man with a thousand shovels I have a question well Spade what do you do with the shovels what are you something sorry the men with a thousand shovels

Oh shall we choose it to shall we try to do the the 100 um shovel challenge we have about six um six minutes left we can do it in six minutes they can see it on Discord as funny gamer but you’re doing a great man oh

Heads up to this community there is a poll on my channel for the favorite deck yes I voted no and there will be another I’ll be giving away a cop of the winners a cop what oh fine dad you’re gonna get sniped too yeah that’s a from a police job they

Everybody can see it on Discord man the Spade challenge yes all right 448 date 448 let me see if I can do the the space challenge okay I’m just gonna try uh very very so I’m gonna create a new world the Spade challenge survival normal just normal just like that yeah

Houseman TP went into town oh oh I will give away a copy of the winner so how do you know if you’re like if I vote on your On your poll can you see that I voted or you have I had to put my name in it while was on King’s stream yesterday and never came back oh oh how rude 1K 1 L 1K Spade challenge well you should make a short of this and we’ll

Make this like a thing yes absolutely all right this is the wild Spade challenge I have to make a thousand shovels in a Minecraft day all but I only have five minutes left I’m good I’m just gonna test it I’m gonna test it I think I have a theory

You Miss King’s date night stream oh yes or during the weekend I’m usually away from the computer away from everything why would they what did they play oh this is a good this is a good place look how here we go I have one day to to make as many

Shovels I think I can do it in in less than that so there we go so this is one way to do it and then what’d you do I’m just gonna use this so I’m gonna use that then a crafting table like that and then I’m just gonna do sticks

And you have to keep them right so you had to do chests too I’m gonna do that and One X to start with I don’t think I should go in and make um iron or or other tools we just go with wood you know that’s a that’s another thing for the

Challenge so you you need um what is it you need to keep the shovels because I thought I can craft a thousand of them and then just check them out but apparently you have to keep them Dinkum so that’s that’s where it gets complicated I just want to see the technique I’m

Just going to I’m going to make it maybe not not on this one but I I want to I want to get um The Challenge I think you should be able to uh keep them or drop them you type keep it more drop them

I voted but I have no idea what it is oh do you you have no idea what that is that’s okay I missed the also well Spade it would have been so much cooler and easier to follow if you had a day counter at the top or like how many days

Or like a explain Minecraft day is 20 minutes I have 20 minutes or a Minecraft day to to get this Challenge and then and then have a countdown at the top was like yep I know he’s making troubles shovels but how long does he have left you know

Just something that I would have just for me you know I’m a I like things seeing things um would have been better for me is OCD or whatever it’s like saying it should you should send there that I might need and I’m think for this challenge maybe sometimes one bunch of these things

That might not grow really quickly though it might not grow very quick so I’m just going to check the wrist and there’s some food do you need food on this challenge too Okay so there we go now what do I do do I build chests for this

How many chests do you need to have how many shovels in it okay and then there we go we have 17. there we go and then I use that sticks and then we have more there we go how many chests is that at the end of the of the day wow

Man this this is this is interesting this is a very interesting um challenge man I like it I like it there we go and then uh keep going I think the best way to do it is just uh get get this little Trace man uh vote look up solgaleo

It’s a sound counterpart for lunala oh oh that sounds light also when when sun and moon came out they had those two they had one each man that sounds like fun I want to see them I want to see them so badly now I’m doing this challenge just want to see

Do you need 30 30 HS right okay so I would definitely not be able to do it and now I just want to have a look so is it worth getting the sticks maybe the food is getting is worth it would these guys grow in the time I have

For a day probably not and lots of sticks okay okay this thing though this is this is tough challenge man I like it I quite like it all right so that’s all I have time for for today so we have one chest um let’s see maybe we do that yeah two double chests

And statistics how long this has been six minutes and then I need and the and the Minecraft day is 20 minutes so I’m already down a lot oh it only has uh 14 minutes left to craft as many as I can and I’ve only done two chests

Oh this is this is hard man wow and then can you see how many shovels you made crafted 110 like that yep vtrc vert FN sorry I’m just I’m just doing a challenge before I go to sleep my friend I’m so sorry that you just arrived

So while Spade came up with a challenge if you can make a thousand um shovels in in one Minecraft day our Fortress all right yes got it 32 so could I could not make it yes possibly interesting now another question uh well Spade do does it have to be the first day

Because I can set up something else for the for the next day you know first day you you craft good good armor get all the chests or do you have to craft the chests at the same time because that will slow you down a lot that’ll be really cool if you can

Actually because if you if you do it on the second day the first day you just gather wood as as a maniac and then the second one is just craft them that would be too easy right it’s a fresh world first day okay that’s a good challenge what do you

Think uh btrc that’s that’s like a lot of fun is it worth it getting a different X probably not would it be faster not considerably I’m gonna be a monster I’m gonna leave that tree hanging floating there interesting so what I’ll probably do next time if I do a challenge I just go

Like a maniac filling my inventory of wood and then go and craft everything and then craft it on a on a deserted island or something like that so you don’t need you’re gonna get mobs coming to to bite you in the bum that’s another thing that’s another thing that could be quite

Quite annoying there we go so half of those all of them need to go in there we’ll do that and then that’s a lot more far out it’s heaps there we go one two three four five six almost seven chests that’s that’s rough man that’s a hard challenge how many did you get

That’s crazy cool I like it 175. 20 in well that’s cool man I like I really like it I went through about six Stone ones yeah X you need nine stacks of logs to win this challenge okay another stack of Vlogs and then you just interesting

I think that would be the way to do it just get get all I’ll go and get tea thank you saddle appreciate that I think that’s a great idea so you get nine stacks of logs do the 76 chests and then 500 for shovels interesting only nine stackers logs It could be done wink Very interesting um thing I’ll see if I can I can do it tomorrow I really like that idea right everyone time is up have a great day tomorrow for for those who are going to sleep soon like colossal and well Spade and myself and also sagecraft the people on this

Side of the of the world and if you’re starting your day hopefully you have a great day I would love to see you tomorrow for more Minecraft hopefully we can get more done I’ll probably stream another just two hours to to start with I’m still a little under the weather so

Hopefully we can we can get things done um yeah we shall see we shall see so I wish you all the best have a great day in a good sleep and I shall see you tomorrow to wear this all right no Ultra string outro screen or anything we just gonna go okay

You’re just gonna go so you want to say bye bye to me you have 10 seconds thank you aren’t you for being here hopefully you enjoy your your relaxing time here it’s a pretty chill today man lots of lurking going on thank you Sato take care Santa Thomas thank you so much

For stopping by I appreciate that thank you so much guys yeah we’ll see you next stream thank you Captain Kai thank you wild Spade love you guys the best beer in the world which is fireplace thank you so much for being here you are amazing absolutely I love your skin all right

Bye-bye says craft take care and have a great day everyone love you and leave you bye-bye

This video, titled ‘💔 1.20 HARDCORE: Day 438-448 “Surviving 100 DAYS in a DESERT?”‘, was uploaded by Vaud on 2023-08-28 23:20:14. It has garnered 223 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:50 or 7790 seconds.

Episode 36: SURVIVING 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore! #minecraft #hardcore #familyfriendly #minecraftlivestream #livestream #livestreaming

LORE: “Inspired by the transformation of the desert into an oasis of creativity, Vaud’s journey took an altruistic turn. With the same determination that had fueled the building of the oasis temple, sandcastle tower, and beach paradise, Vaud set out to improve the lives of the villagers who called the desert their home. The humble desert village underwent a metamorphosis, blossoming into a thriving community that thrived amidst the sands.

Vaud’s first endeavor was to enhance the villagers’ living conditions. The modest huts were replaced with comfortable homes, complete with proper furnishings and enchanting decorations. Stalls and markets sprung up, offering a variety of goods for trade and sustenance. Fields of wheat and carrots began to flourish, offering a steady source of nourishment for the grateful villagers.

But Vaud’s improvements extended beyond the realm of survival. An ornate community center emerged, a hub of learning and connection where villagers could gather to share stories, trade knowledge, and deepen their bonds. Workshops and crafting stations were established, enabling the villagers to pursue their passions and refine their skills.

Yet, Vaud’s ultimate vision was not only about the present but also the future. In the heart of the village, a school arose, where the young and curious minds could be nurtured and educated. This educational sanctuary promised a brighter tomorrow, where the villagers could thrive as architects, artisans, and adventurers.

As the sun set on another day in the desert-turned-oasis, the once-struggling village now stood as a testament to Vaud’s unwavering dedication. The lives of the villagers had been transformed, from the basics of shelter and sustenance to the embrace of knowledge and community. Vaud’s legacy was etched in every corner of the village, a reminder that even in the harshest of environments, the power of creativity and compassion could turn adversity into a masterpiece of hope and unity.”

This family-friendly livestream is free from swearing and cursing, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Our community in chat is incredibly welcoming and kind, making sure that no one feels left out. We genuinely care about each and every viewer, and during this livestream, we’ll be focusing on creating a strong connection with our audience. Don’t miss out on this exciting episode filled with Minecraft adventures and an amazing community spirit!

Join me in this Minecraft 1.20 Update Let’s Play in Hardcore mode! Hardcore Survival Episode 36 – TRANFORMING A DESERT VILLAGE Crazy as it seems, Minecraft Hardcore builds will be here, also Minecraft funny moments during a livestreams with funny Minecraft clips galore, would we lose this Minecraft challenge like Philza Hardcore world, or maybe we’re in the path to Breaking Minecraft Hardcore World Records, who knows, but what I know is I will have as much fun as Tommyinnit, and even we might be able to discover new Minecraft secrets or things you didn’t know about Minecraft while we do some Minecraft Mythbusting, or “For Sience” is what I called them, Let’s dive into Tips and Tricks about surviving in a Hardcore world, and why not, let’s turn this Minecraft 100 days into a Minecraft Hardcore Guide of surviving and thriving. Get your enchanted armour on, and keep mining and crafing!

Timestamps: 0:00 Getting blocks 26:29 FireDaddyTarot vs Door 31:37 Transforming a desert Village 1:26:29 Acacia Wood 1:36:16 Getting Lost 1:54:59 1K SPADE Challenge

Watch the whole playlist of YouTube videos:

💔 1.20 Minecraft HARDCORE Mode Livestream series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsXJPE-TnopCUUEiEzFZ0e5n

🥝 Binge watch a whole VAULT HUNTERS Livestream series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsUs3RMR4Lv4divbccsDNM_1

⏩ Not enough time, and you prefer YouTube shorts? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsU6GiZuXvhGfKe8EEJ5HT2-

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    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/5610/841/Poggy%27sLum- Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

    "INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIND A MOB IN 10 SECONDS! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Pillager on 2024-07-07 19:21:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftshorts 360 #minecraft 666 #minecraft ost #minecraft war #minecraft zoo #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2024 #minecraft … Read More

  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) veneziaplay.mine.fun:25688 Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cqy417wtulqmjfb/افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من+MCRIS+KL.zip/file _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 https://streamlabs.com/aiaamarenijisanjien Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK]https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/iluna-debut-celebration/products/all-purpose-voice-aia-amare 【1ST STEP GOODS】https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/first-step-goods/products/first-step-goods-aia-amare Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 https://youtu.be/ekwnJHHK_o0 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGwVwmwHqcc ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1607993747/vtuber-asset-fully-rigged-blahaj?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ocean+vtuber&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&bes=1&dd=1&content_source=f362f0de1ed9f48fae94741d11b9004e4ed6c7cf%253A1607993747&organic_search_click=1 ・Overlays: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1631728641/animated-aesthetic-stream-pack-for?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Animated+Aesthetic+Stream+Panels&ref=sr_gallery-5-19&pro=1&bes=1&dd=1&content_source=f1b28a71e75486c9f2c5081dacee00500443c05e%253A1631728641&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 ・Schedule: https://ko-fi.com/s/dbc9fcadb3 ・Mira Emotes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1741926107/twitch-discord-emotes-chibi-girl-20?click_key=557b4353ad3e3decd88cb358b5dd144f3d4ffd22%3A1741926107&click_sum=90cf17b2&ref=shop_home_recs_17&sts=1 ・Shonkey Emotes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1401094977/24x-twitch-emotes-shark?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=shark+emotes&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&sts=1&dd=1&content_source=2aa2cea17f44a1b1dc81a05155c8e3299070a3f0%253A1401094977&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE FAITHFUL PACK! 32×32 for MCPE 1.21

    🔥ULTIMATE FAITHFUL PACK! 32x32 for MCPE 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Texture Pack Faithful 32×32 For Minecraft Bedrock || MCPE 1.21’, was uploaded by Mharavin (Mv) on 2024-08-06 07:36:18. It has garnered 1026 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:09 or 309 seconds. Latest Minecraft 1.21 texture pack!!! Released in July 2024!!! Download: Texture: https://www.mediafire.com/file/grlifqks0xpph5k/Faithful_32x_-_1.21.mcpack/file #Minecraft #MinecraftTexturePack #MinecraftMods #MinecraftResourcePack #Minecraft1.21 #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftCreativity #MinecraftArt #TexturePack #ResourcePack #MCPE #MinecraftBedrock Read More

💔 1.20 HARDCORE: Day 438-448 “Surviving 100 DAYS in a DESERT?”