Video Information

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay fellas all right so we’re getting that set up let’s turn down the music a little bit server is just starting up there we go wait what the flip all uh I’ll give you the IP oops there you go let pin that make sure that’s pinned there we go watch more ads okay let’s let’s hope it works there we go it does work okay okay let me change up BS real quick fellas and we’re good all right so we have the museum right here oh shoot oh where am I going okay there we go you chill with fabric mods I’m not using any mods I’m just using some shaders and some animation effects try to make it look better but they’re pretty cool I don’t I haven’t used any mods except I think once I don’t know they’re little confusing and or I’m just kind of not the bad not the smart oh wait what this is cool it lights it up oh but yeah I’m not the best when it comes to modding so I been staying a little bit away from it I have way too many fabric mad M I feel you like uh so I play bone Labs hella fun game 100% recommend it and I got like 20 mods that are all active and I love it mod mods are definitely a lot of fun okay let’s just make sure no fell spawn here okay can’t spawn now bud can you I agreed I played it but only half the mods I downloaded actually worth dang speaking of VR games I really hope that uh the people who made I think it was Lea frog or something uh whoever made uh blad and sourcery updates it cuz it’s so much fun but like there hasn’t been an update in so long it it’s not it’s not very good still a good game though I’d recommend it all hoping I have enough uh smooth Stone I don’t okay that’s fine I still need the arrows put the Torches should we got some people I got some messages I’m G respond to you are trying out some all I think this Project’s going to look really cool when it when it’s done I mean like come on it’s a museum you need a Muse [ __ ] oh I hate creepers bro oh you’re getting shot I should have wasted some Rockets quick scope oh you’re dead where am I going y let me place my lanterns in peace there we go let’s place down some are some right there some right here okay now they can’t spawn the IP won’t work uh this is for Java I could send you the Bedrock IP though that is the better AR IP yeah I’m on Java oh should have let me check some stuff okay yeah while this thing is off I don’t know why it’s not working uh you might have a space in it or something Sho but I do not know why that’s not working I’m sorry three on my way bud give me a sec I’m going check some stuff on my end all right three dang it’s a lot of smooth Stone and there’s going to be so much quarts oh I’m not excited for that you’re dead but you’re dead sorry all right yeah I think it’s going to look pretty good and I’m really glad that we hit we got 900 today cuz we’re so close to hitting 1K which would be insane like that’d actually be crazy if we hit 1K I think I think we’re going going we’re definitely going to like later this month 100% And I doubt on my mind we’re hitting 1K by the end of this month cuz we’ve been accelerating at a huge rate guessing you’re playing on P PC right I am but I there is a Bedrock there’s Bedrock like you could join on bedrock and I do believe I I put the Bedrock just sub thank you evened it out to 130 that’s what I’m talking about all right let me make sure this is up one all right but yeah you can it’s on PC but you can also join on Bedrock if you P if you use that uh the sour spider Bedrock mine Hut if you use that one you can join on Bedrock I’m about to blow I think I’m just going to remove that sub sound effect cuz like it’s just getting a little obnoxious what do y’all think wait where is it uh sub delete valid it’s not valid uh but how do I join you put that link in and then uh yeah so if you’re on Bedrock you put that link in you put the Bedrock Link in and if you’re on Java you put the Pinn Link in dang there’s so many zombies okay all right hope to see on the server can y’all not I’m trying to build my museum I think the I might use deep slate tiles is it possible to join on Nintendo I do not know I do not know how Bedrock works but I’d imagine you should be able to I can’t get it started in my Prime message uh my fault I can’t read uh I can’t get in at St message see you later I guess all right see you later bro hey I hope that [ __ ] works though but all right see you okay how are they spawning up there okay can you get this place done and led up I didn’t think I’d also have to light up this julan like I just put slabs though that’s pretty smart well that looks so cool thank you thank you I’ve been I’ve been building it for a little while hopefully I’ll be I’ll get it done this stream or the stream after the stream so either way I’m getting it done pretty soon oh yeah I’m from Mega bases you need a stone cutter or not Mega bases just like really big builds you definitely need the stone cutter it’s so helpful oops honestly I think that might look better what if I do like this and then another one oops okay let’s get 16 I guess oops okay that’s not supposed to be there okay let’s let’s just use some quartz there we go honestly I kind of like that I don’t even think I should like put another Le block cuz then I’ll kind of cover up the quartz design on the second floor so I don’t think I’m going to do that I think I can join nice very cool all right like this okay let’s this and I am going to remove the Cobblestone but that’s just an outliner so I can know how what to build my margins in stuff like that so don’t worry it will be it will be removed just not right now and that’s going to be like uh the second to last step first one I mean the really last one is I used all the Sandstone I had okay let’s have some quartz left uh let’s put this back and this back don’t even have enough Rockets okay let’s go get some gunpowder from this place hopefully we still have some we do 44 okay why the bone meal let’s just combine them all together that’s an easy way to get rid of them it’s already full okay I almost put I almost put my bow in that would been bad anymore gunpowder I’m going to leave now there we go we got a good 51 that’s pretty nice okay so stalker’s definitely going in right he he deserves it he’s been sting he’s been cooped up for too long okay I’ve had it up to here you know he’s just been stuck here rotting in that little cage he he needs to be free okay and I don’t mean like outside I mean like a bigger caged area in my museum okay I don’t think we have to go too far I think we just have to say dead ahead and then we get to the uh what’s it called the desert they I already have a big area already excavated oh shoot that could have killed me um I I need to stop trying to like be good at the game CU I’m not oh Mylanta I’m about to die just from Pure stupidity oh and here’s my quy are you guys okay just need all this yep just all of it we need all of it come on all of it need all of it okay then we go this way right let me go this way again out inventory space which is good that’s how you know it’s working okay we don’t need the random bow yeah let’s carve out this whole area damn it just says un unable to connect to World okay uh you know what port you’re using cuz I don’t really play on Bedrock anymore right uh but you should still be able to trying to remember what port code you need should probably probably tell that but uh there’s a port you need for every server and it’s the exact same so I don’t get why you need like specialized ports or like a thing if you need if it’s just like the same but there is a port code you need anything is like I don’t even know here I’m going search it up for you I got you okay it should be n it should be uh 1 n 132 one sec I’m G just copy paste this yo what’s up [Music] Aiden hello why aren’t we in stream VC because I’m feeling ramb buunk I’m feeling okay I’m feeling like a bad guy you know what I’m saying I’m I’m feeling like the bad guy from pun Fu Panda 4 I hav wait have you watched it yet it’s out I think right let see you know I wouldn’t know I haven’t watched it but I’ve seen some uh some ads about it and it looks fun June 6 so no it’s not out wait no that was the first [Music] one Panda March 8th so yes it is out today oh cool it just came out you know I haven’t seen it right but I really I I shouldn’t say really want to but I kind of want to yeah all bro can you was pretty bad though oh [ __ ] yikes yeah can you join the server real quick so I know like people are able to yeah I’m joining right now okay I just gotta wait for you know Minecraft to load yeah did some big advancements in my mum it’s likeing sick stalker will finally have a home I’m so I’m so glad I’m so proud oh nice yeah we do have to make sure that that he can’t die though yeah I’m going to take off all my armor cuz you know Thorns right but that’s about it that’s the only problem but we can’t put it on him cuz he already has armor on yeah bro we should try to give him diamond armor I don’t know how we will be able to swap the armor but okay yeah uh dispensers maybe let me let me try to make one okay okay how do wait you need a bow Cobblestone and Redstone I think okay thanks I’m pretty sure you can use uh broken ones as well okay all you said thanks I got I got you bro I got you I mean it was only a little bit of Google it wasn’t that hard but I hope you’re able to join the server okay I’m in all right nice yeah I forgot I have heaps of Cobble that I quarried out of the Earth how did you forget though like you mind every single block I know I know yo what’s up blade what stream about we just playing Minecraft with View it’s all it’s all cool question mark question mark I can’t decide whether I want to I’m Jaden you I’m sour yeah I know I’m pretty cool a signed at Birth actually it’s my real name okay I can’t decide whether I want to keep the shap haters or not cuz like I’m only getting like a Max of 30 frames you’re at the same time they look so cool okay yo let me join you yeah okay all right all see you another hope you see you wait yeah I would go for the frame rate more [Music] usable my real name is Jen my real name is undefined at this moment I’m not telling yall yet and that’s just for my own personal uh P information that I do not wish to share as of yet bro who keeps taking the stuff what stuff like where did the hopper go which Hopper how do you do it Hopper uh it depends on what version of Minecraft you’re on uh but on Java you just put the server IP in but for Bedrock it’s a little more confusing and I’m not too sure how to do it but I can I could probably find you a video or some wait uh Aiden do you have any redstone on you per chance red stone I don’t think so damn okay I’m going to you mind if I rans sack your house 1.20 Java yeah it is 1.20 just got to multiplayer and you got it oh yeah Point 44 my fault for for 20.5 to come out though yeah y bro you mind if I yink some of these apples uh no I’ll only take half how do I have any Redstone oops it’s not really we haven’t really been focusing on it so we don’t really have it oh that’s fair oh wait no I think I have some it’s just in my potion crate and not my Rich’s crate okay that makes sense oh that would make sense let me turn back up my stuff because I turned it down so that way I could run better with the how do I join you go to multiplay so if you’re on Java right you go to multiplayer you put like add server then you paste the server IP and then you click whatever name you want it to be playing on my P oh if you’re playing on your PS5 you’re not playing on Java you’re playing on Bedrock which is a very different story yeah a completely separate thing uh but we I’m playing on Java so for Bedrock what you want to do is you want to uh paste in that uh so if you scroll up you’ll see the port I should probably pin it but that’s like a lot extra stuff all so I got that you’re going to get the port you have Windows 11 well does it say Minecraft Bedrock or Minecraft Java I put right back a I see in a little bit got a Lev okay now we’re going to see if we can change this boy’s armor can we can I’m giving him full diamond yeah I play on Java on Windows 11 okay okay if you’re playing on Java here I I’ll show you I’ll show you what to do so you’re gonna so you’re going to go to multiplayer proceed add server whatever server name you want and then oh shoot then you’re GNA uh forgot copy and paste something else then you’re going to go to the address put this in and it click done is it a Shader or uh my shaders that’s all uh that’s all my stuff I can’t uh you’d have to apply it yourself you have to get optify it’s a whole thing so I would it’s it’s not a really big thing you need to do I’m a sub all thank you bro thank you we’re hella close to 1K that’s going to be that is going to be really cool getting 1K yeah every sub helps so thank you I only get this guy like leggings cuz I already have diamond armor hold on let me try the other Port all right all right I hope it works bro else uh I’d probably watch a video on it cuz I’m definitely not the best one to ask bye I’m out I subed wait I’m out I’ve sub bye all right bye see you later blade see you later fella uh but uh what’s it say Alie Alie if I am pronouncing that I hope you do join I can’t wait to see you on the server that’d be very cool okay let’s take all this yeah I can make a new set later I need to go mining cuz I have no Diamonds oh I should give him a diamond sword too oh be sick bud this is the tankiest zombie that’s ever lived this boy is a beast but could kill me in a heartbeat he wanted to but he would never do something like that yeah look at that killer intent bro it’s the most power powerful zombie BRB going to go watch a vid all right all right we got to split up the coal okay while this is smelting I will start I guess beginning on the pillars so it goes one two three four five six I can do oops o and that Ls up perfectly okay and then if you do like I didn’t even plan this out to look to like be like that oops here we go shoot we got another sub thank you probably that one fell up but it just updated yeah two out of 10 it’s great what did I do wrong here’s rent well there we go now it all looks good okay we can get one pillar that’s it okay let’s go get the others three four five six Oops I messed that one up but it’s okay oh wait I could just do this in save time okay what I do am no you’re not sorry oh man my internet shut off shoot getting some Thunder or something oh just disconnected for some reason huh my fault press the power shut off button on your device it went over there and reset that oh sorry expected it would be you yo is that racist racist what no yeah why’ you expect it was me racist why are you all right I’ll just e out of oh yeah bro you should look at stalker now um okay oh wow how did you do that the dispenser yeah he’s what happened to his old old armor it’s right here except for his gold armor I don’t know why that didn’t like corate yeah oh now now he’s he’s a strong boy now yeah uh do you have any deep SL beep slay um I should but I might have used it all during the on the end oh no uh yeah I got like two 64 packs oh sweet that is that’s all right how much do you need all of it oh okay I need the floor for my Museum oh um why can’t I M drop it all right whatever there we go thank you I think I might have a little bit laying around somewhere hey hey Aiden oh wait no I don’t have to do more uh okay never mind I thought I would have to do more uh destruction so I could get the floor but I don’t but there are so many Z zombies cuz we have this village zombie keep popping up and is not fun yo bro what’s the best floor Block in your opinion best floor block yeah like the block for like just for floors and it’s not really good for anything else um I don’t know cuz I think it’s deep slate tiles it looks so good on Floors but it’s so ugly on everything else I like deep slate tiles I have it on my walls oh well really that’s really more it’s just my walls but I don’t know oh Aiden come and see how how much that two those two stacks helped out what go in the museum figured it out oh let’s go oh Alie I’m hoping to see you I’m hoping to see that whatever your username is Jo join the server all Aid Aiden go to the museum cuz I need way I need way more it’s it’s a big base and that’s how much it did oh wow yeah yeah yeah we’re definitely going to need more yeah but you’re doing the work to get it cuz I ain’t doing nothing yeah yeah I need mega projects to keep me entertained yeah I can tell [ __ ] you why there so much Cobblestone who was trying to smelt out this Cobblestone I don’t know I haven’t done I don’t know I know it wasn’t you I mean are you making a mega project no I don’t know who is though oh it might be uh Xbox gamer he’s making like this gigantic base okay yeah might be him hold I’ll be be right back all right yo what’s up hope I’m pronouncing that right should we have some more Quartz in here all can I join 100% if you’re on Java use that uh use the one thing I uh the pinned message that’s the uh one thing I can’t think that’s the IP that’s the IP yeah you feel free to join stop hitting me bud okay let’s throw some stuff away there’s zombies everywhere yeah what did I say uh say you’re feel free to join and the pinned message is the IP to the server so you can join the zom yeah there are zombies everywhere especially by my base cuz we have the villagers set up it’s just like it’s horrible get oh I swear I do not care too kindly for these zombies you know they’re not my these little dead Fells they’re not they’re not very nice they just keep killing you that’s four that’s five honestly I don’t even know how many blocks it will break I me a little cook I’m hoping it’s a little bit at least a lot I don’t even know what I’m saying at this point man like blocks to cook things or just run it out if none I could run over and like steal some logs that I mined a little bit ago from another person’s base not i’ break it like just take some of the logs back to make some what’s it called bro oh my Lance the charcoal this memory loss is like getting to me bro it’s not even memory loss it’s just brain functionality oh this is horrible did you join no not yet but you are 100% allowed to let’s put some much Cobble away let’s go M for some deeps late oh there you go now you did I’m guessing that’s you very nice should I actually leave there yeah let’s just don’t really care about the ores that much unless they’re diamonds of course so I’m just going to mine around them where am I I’m at my base right now we just chilling actually I’m in the mines more like I’m going to get five stacks of of Cobble deep SL then we can head back up a keep going can I use night vision or no okay that’s tough is that like uh is that like an exploit or like uh a glitch with OptiFine cuz as long as you don’t like have an actual hack client then you can [ __ ] I just stumbled across a cave that’s fun how do how do I do it how do I do it and can I come to your base what do you mean how do you do it how do you do what there’s hell lot iron here some diamonds though cuz I’m I’m like I have so much iron oops so that’s pretty wasteful okay we only we almost have four Stacks oh we got another sub that’s a w thank you thank you for whoever subscribed the night vision thing yeah I know I do not how know how to do the night vision can I come to your base yeah for sure it’s a it’s a long walk though so if I were you I would start making I get decently looted up like at least full iron and whatnot so you could start the track that’s just what I would recommend oh we got 3 three no way got another sub that’s very nice we’re almost halfway there to the sub goal daily sub goal or way more than halfway there to 1K which is also phenomenal here it is and there’s so much stuff you can craft with deep SL that’s pretty cool but can I come to your B oh no I think think you already Sav that and I’m just repeating it but yeah you can unless I haven’t repeated it just trying to spam click oh that’s not working very well 34 okay okay now we at five oops there we go that’s what I’m talking about fellas the first exhibit’s going to be stalker cuz he’s pretty cool all let’s finish this up let do twos okay now I’m kind of regretting plac see all these lanterns down like yeah the mobs weren’t very nice but having to remove all of them was also wasn’t very nice am I the owner yeah yeah I’m sour spider in sour spider’s web yeah okay I’m back nice bro I got four Stacks like four more stacks of deep SL tiles and it’s still not enough oh my gosh yeah what except for other than stalker what other exhibits should there be um skeleton maybe but yeah skeleton okay I I’m gon to test something real quick because I have will it oh it doesn’t oh no I was going to get like de Emerald or something oh okay that would be really cool okay I need to go back into the m L all right a different what was that nothing all right I’m going to go find another Pig H wait why pig farm oh okay already have one so might another yeah there we go oops that’s Granite can’t M that oh shoot I need to that slapjack said that uh the short series we were doing was so good idea remember was a Oh shoot I’m reading that wrong okay short series you’re doing was such a good idea remember when I when I hit 1K I to hit 1K and I still remember you don’t worry I won’t for you just like I don’t for I didn’t forget my boy M didn’t forget my boy Ned Flanders no were you around for mist and Ned Flanders or no I don’t know [ __ ] okay shoot let’s go just get I might have been but I can’t remember okay my mod never came back with the milk uh I think so okay I need to come back it’s getting late I don’t have enough food that’s fair pigs are incredibly difficult to find yeah yeah they are for some reason I actually no bro imagine if you could just like pick them up that’d be cool I’m pretty sure you can and April fo update yeah it’s an a froze update that’s a little too silly for my liking they’re so silly no I’m not okay put the milk away yeah put the milk away now you do that bud for sorry buddy but I couldn’t find another cow wait what do you mean another cow I meant pig I meant pig oh dang get him put him on Tinder bro let him find a match uh I fixed the uh netherite problem what do you mean ugly netherite the ugly netherite problem oh okay nice uh I just Leber do you want me to donate to netherite to you uh no I’m good I’m waiting actually I can turn my stuff into netherite I’m just waiting okay wait how many diamonds do you have uh I don’t know let me go see I’m thinking of a trade proposition a conversion with netherite to Diamonds per chance F31 oh how much would you give me for two ingots five two five diamonds for two ingots yeah I say that’s that’s are you CU crazy no you need to find eight ancient debris yeah you’re cuckoo crazy but you’re you’re you’re crazy for Cocoa Puffs little bro no I’m not yeah you are I could find five diamonds easy oh let me see this message hold up I’ll be right back all right so it just like ceases to exist okay that’s that’s cool let me see what this guy’s talking about can I join this kind of saw some oh we need him to One V one Bandit okay oh yeah that’d be so silly oh crap wrong oh no what does he mean so in like 50 servers right now damn that’s a lot I don’t yeah this guy’s new this guy’s I like the subscriber house of falsities let me check let me check that because I feel like I responded to most of the me of most of the comments when I I got back 12 or 13 I did not add 12 or 13 I added 11 I counted perfectly in my mind I promise you that okay I count them though so they’re wrong thank you I count it as well in my brain they thought i’ would be the Capper no I would never where are the pigs I don’t know wasn’t asking you sh like it wow nice how did you get those so fast probably from mining oh yeah oh there are two other people oh you need to teleport them wow I’m a silly guy I’m a silly guy not 18 yet that’s a question I will not say every anything I will just type that AO p uh no comment no comment oh shoot here H six out of Seven Subs that’s so coincidental I mean seven seven out of 10 Subs very cool where are the pigs I don’t know keep even asking me that keep telling you that I don’t know so R toal question okay if you say so s is one of the pigs oh man I didn’t even do nothing mean hey mom joke for Mom that was not a mom joke but it’s all good we got a hell of sandstone where is it was no you’re insulting me oh man oh man that’s so mean ban this guy ban him no no no I’m not very happy I’m kind of sad now don’t fall into the depression that can kill you no don’t do it don’t do what I know the sun setting please a pig where where he’s at spawn you’re not going to kill you’re tweaking you’re tweaking he’s at spawn oh that one don’t kill that one yo yo what’s up Hamilton what’s up I’m so good thank you thank you I try to be I try to be I think this bait this museum is looking so good though where is another Pig Over Yonder yes found it yep I knew you would come on Pig let’s go me put in my off hand chicken okay so leave it alone don’t kill them we still need we need to breed them so that way there can be more isn’t he at spawn yeah I know what he’s talking about oh let’s not go that way wait did you go to spawn and set up a mini base for everyone me yeah no I’m setting up Farms okay that’s a decent idea though just so like people don’t instant die from mobs just setting up like a mini base feel like that no Pig come [Music] back [Music] [Music] Hur are you pig you must go back before night time I don’t think the pigs need to sleep but I think they’re pretty fine on the room stop giving them bedtime okay that’s just I just don’t want to get out whenever there’s mobs so that way it’s easier to get there I know I’m Josh and yeah it’s definitely um Hitman no not Hitman I meant Xbox gamer who’s doing it like his whole base is made out of stone bricks okay I want to go to the pool place uh what block C them should I wait should I give him the cords or no um n okay okay I’m sorry what’s up lxy C sorry I chat on the wrong server it’s all right it’s all right I know at least for me if I jump into a server and I’m just giv loot then uh I’m not it’s not very fun it’s a lot quicker but it’s less fun cuz you don’t you didn’t accomplish anything yeah you didn’t actually do anything to get that you just sort of got it yeah not being trapped easily in the jungle that’s fair getting blown up by a creeper that’s I feel like he’s speaking from experience right here yeah I me to got to go collect everything on hey what it’s for horses Bud oh yeah hey it’s for horses they horses e dumb ass not in Minecraft did they do Fe him a hay bale oh yeah oh hay bales forgot about that bro my roof is one block off what the flip wow no Pig get back here okay that’s not nice but you should not be saying those words okay I’m struggling getting up here okay another Pig wow wait where’s the base that’s what I need to know how’s the mam going it’s going pretty well although I’m not really good at the game so I keep on falling and it’s more or less just annoying than it is like making it difficult no creeper stop it oh Phantoms I’m just gonna go up to sleep cuz I’m not trying to fight them wait the cat can hiss what yeah whenever there’s a like a creeper nearby or like enemy mobs right that’s fun bro where is the base did you forget the cords I won’t say yes but I’m not going to say no you’re tweaking you’re on a whole another Lev bro you’re on you’re tweak all right but I’ll send him to you where the other one go the what okay it’s over there Pig other Pig I mean get over here yeah this way I think I’m going to say it’s this way but I’m not 100% sure just subbed thank you thank you let me update that we had eight out of 10 now we are about to get our daily sub go which is phenomenal and we’re about to get 1K as well which is also great so honestly it just dubs all around yeah Aiden I can’t wait till you start again neither can I like my PC is so bad that even my mom looking for new computers and she doesn’t even actually know computer stuff oh why don’t you just tell her about it then I have I complained to her a lot oh about computer parts and whatnot no not computer parts just how bad the computer is oh how bad yours is okay yeah another Pig wow why am I finding so many pigs now oh wait that’s how it always works yeah soon as show open every year yeah you don’t need them anymore yeah is that the way or no Discord notification I don’t know what that is but whatever I keep on falling just so good luck have fun thank you thank you another Pig oh my gosh I will have fun cuz honestly I think the server’s going pretty well yeah can’t wait for the next one when we add like minor mods that just sort of help we had what type of mods like just not like huge mods that like completely overhaul the game just like you know small mods that really want just help Small Things yeah use FEA falling so you won’t take as much damage I got feather falling I got hella good armor but I still be taking damage he’s oh he’s talking about another server hey the server probably the new a new server probably won’t be in development for like at least a couple months [ __ ] yeah it’s going to be a little while until we open up the next server yeah CU you know we’re still trying to cash out on this one yeah what are the Cs oh dang I a think of is water that’s fair yeah I’ll send you the cords pretty sure that this is the way okay I’ll sent you the cords okay it’s going to be [Music] enough oh it is perfect and I cannot hit the Neo jump okay yeah I’m going the right way this way follow love me pigs okay more No No Pigs Left Behind come on no where are you going um I’m at the base right now I’m not talking to you okay bud if you say so BR what take these there we go now the roof is done okay okay let’s get a let’s get a high fly can I come to your base now like I said I fully recommend that you make your own or make some with others cuz right now we’re in like hyper late game so you would kind of just get stuff handed to you you already have a XP farm and whatnot so yeah I’d recommend that you make your own but if you really want to you could come to ours I am going to go get some quartz though for my uh for my museum shoot where’s the other person aen he’s he’s somewhere he’s doing his own thing I’m getting PID all right so I have no idea where the heck I am yeah come on pigs let’s go this way bro the uh the uh the resource pack you gave me makes magma cubes look super cool like the animation oh I haven’t gone into The Nether and checked it out yet you should it’s really cool don’t list all right I will once I get these pigs back all right no Pig damn why are you guys just keep leaving so insulting bro what did the pig do yeah nothing didn’t do anything and you’re just being mean say sorry no what you’re not legally allowed to do that yes you are um I think I am actually I wolf my fault my fault I have bones please no I don’t have enough bones damn more skeletons I’m I can’t wait for the new dog variants yeah yeah they look they look pretty cool that they pretty I mean like really cool I like him this one’s your favorite let me look at him again you put him in the disc in the uh on know the sun setting come on where’ you send it um I don’t remember which one I sent it to here you should post in the uh the Discord real quick okay let me just see which one I sent it to um since both you and slack were able to say probably fellas yeah was fellas shoot okay yeah let me check cuz you brought up the black wolf and then I sent the things that I was using for my video oh yeah it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I think we only need three I think I’m going to like the Ashen the chestnut or the woods wolf those look the coolest oh okay yeah understandable no Pig get back come on you must hurry son is no oh I just threw away my only my only netherite template into lava ah not cool not cool it’s fine we just grab another one can’t we I mean we can but like that’ll be a lot of work yeah I think someone has one I could buy one from someone hopefully do you have one no I have I no oh I think uh I mean I might in my Ender Chest but I think squ has one so I could just you gave one to him yeah I don’t think he used it though so I think I could still borrow that just to make a duplicate yeah creeper get up here pigs come on you must avoid the creeper oh my gosh I I’m back at hitman’s me Xbox Gamers no no you killed all my pigs who who did what happened Le my gosh what happened creep on my damn it’s fine I need more food anyway yeah [Music] what was that me falling I was very scared Pig come on we can do it we can make it no the number is going up where’s Home my gosh sent you the cords okay it’s this way I think yeah this way gosh better Leed so I can move faster yeah you don’t have a lead or did you just not bring one I didn’t bring it okay man quartz mining is easy and hard at the same time because you need like a bunch of it but it’s really common yeah he set me on Fire come on Pig stop running away ah almost died okay once I get a 10 Rockets I’m heading back no no no no no no not again yeah that’s what I thought Stupid Creeper yeah I don’t like him it’s this way oh my gosh two nice nice nice where’ the pig go it’s right there no how the heck do I keep coming back to the Xbox Gamers thing I do not know you just keep coming back to it wait his like what do you mean his base sky base know oh his hotel okay yeah where’ the pig go how is it going right now yeah I agree with him can someone sleep I’m in the nether I need I’ll die oh wait uh Xbox Gamers place has a bed you can use does yeah kind of stuck in a tree oh shuck in a tree uh and I need food Yik I can’t the entrance isn’t easy to get to with the pig oh okay that’s fair oops almost dieded there it’s not fun how did you almost die well I jumped like I almost jumped off a cliff into lava that almost kill me yeah definitely did you did you say good job to yourself nope that that’s him talking to himself yeah I know no no okay would you say good job too I’m also watching the stream oh okay that makes sense all thank you thank you thank you yeah no not happening and I found a bath here might be able to get that template back it’s fun hey buddy oh yeah maybe you st in here we’ll take the Gilded blocks down I feel like I could use that and the magma cream oh crap baby zombie trust me can you sleep I’m not sleeping in the nether I’m not I’m not that dumb no how did that do so much damage my oh yeah some of them been getting power like op make sense I don’t know where I was but it was somewhere over there I should be able to find [Music] it I’ve already been here I think so okay sorry beat saber F I just need to find my stuff yeah it’s fair the end port end portal I mean hope I can find it oh here it is I lose the pig or is it still around it somewhere oh here it is all right uh before glad you found I need lose like all of my levels but that’s fine I can just head to the Enderman Farm yeah it gives you like 30 levels in like 30 seconds it’s really good uh it always it depends on your sword oh yeah actually it depends on how good your sword is and how fast you get it yeah if you get to level 30 really fast I it takes me a bit longer oh yeah that makes sense I only have sharpness on knockback online and only sharpness to oh okay nice wait why don’t you up why don’t you upgrade it uh I want to wait same thing that I’m doing for uh netherite I want to wait till like I get like really good stuff like I want to get all of my enchantments like ready before I do it guess it makes sense I’ve already been here before NOP Pig get back here both of you both of you come back here one two and bam yeah I almost died then okay not very fun not fun not fun at all what the what just blew up no idea please don’t die please don’t die the hopper was in there okay it was broken but it was just put into the other Hopper I always forget that I need to look before I do that we got we got nine out of 10 Subs very cool we how many Subs I’m at 938 right now right now oh that’s good really close really close I am and don’t aren’t you able to get mon soon I’m might able to get what soon monetized that’s that’s a different story because I need uh watch hours and I’m pretty low on that I’m a quarter of a way there it’s not the best oh okay you’re there on the subscribers but you’re not there in watch hours yeah yeah you got you hit the nail hit the nail on the head there which is like dang 4,000 watch hours that’s a lot you mean 4,000 yeah 4,000 oh wow and 3,000 for a partnership which is like come on man not very nice Mr YouTube Mr YouTube Executives pretty sure it’s been like that for a very long time though yeah it has it has but still not very nice you know it’s kind of mean yeah true kind of hurts my feelings man no I don’t but okay to kill all of these guys shoot I think that’s good oops this a little taller than should be all my L I can’t I can’t I can’t three two oops okay all right the pillars are fun to be finished up I think okay which is very good yeah yeah I I think they’re they’re almost the most expensive part actually they are the most expensive part move your head why I can that’s what what are they yapping about tell them to stop the ypp say hey but stop the yeah trust me it works every time okay um I need to work with the villagers on the Bri D what what for more villagers there we go look at though yeah that’s good that’s good definitely I like I like to see some teaming outside of our own yeah well that reminds me of this one Australian kid I played Minecraft with was like his name was like mini pro or something but like I haven’t seen him since one two three six seven eight nine there we go go ahead oh you want me to look away okay what oh night time they’re going to sleep why are they going to sleep oh yeah that’s Sun this set yeah okay so I think it’s block I think it’s like two blocks and then some slabs let me check on the Villager what you guys doing they’re right on SP go ahead wait what do you mean go ahead are you watching them you creep you creep creep you creepy you creepy I’m just making I’m just making sure you know what you can’t say that you can’t say that gray cat I need black what races oh my gosh is that racist you racist I’m not answering this question Aiden I already have a white cat and is there a racist on This Server yeah no Aiden he’s the racist not racist what do you mean you’re not racist you are racist racist I’m not racist I bet you like to drive cars bud I I bet you like to drive cars racist yeah I do actually like to drive yeah racist you did isn’t there confirmed evidence of you saying that you’re a racist is that or am I tweaking what isn’t make child already what wait B is this the handmaid’s tail is there PVP there is PVP it’s allowed maybe it’s not encouraged but I mean if you die you die if they die free loot you know um yes I guess I don’t know I I honestly wasn’t even listening I don’t think you were talking to me anyway I was talking to chat tell them that there is in fact player versus player battles there are yeah you could do PV I’ve killed like 18 people what do you mean there’s no PVP you didn’t know there’s PVP oh yeah you’re right you’re tweaking I thought you meant like actual fights oh my gosh do we need to give you more bread now you got to give them some time giving them more bread cuz now they have an extra bed Red Bread an extra bed now all right fine I’m leaving yeah go away creep creep eventually I’m going to set up the farm I’m going to use your children for it just you wait what that’s slavery you racist slavery you racist I don’t have a basement I live in a tree you’re a racist Aiden here I thought you were different here I thought you wouldn’t be a racist but no you just you just come out here and your those actually are have trades and stuff and the sil won said a trap no I’m I I didn’t set up the farm yet I’m just waiting they not talking to me yeah no they were not yeah I know child you know who’s really cute Bud okay unpopular opinion but Rockefeller is such a Pooky bear who is that I mean if you don’t know Rockefeller you don’t know rocket Feller I can’t tell you oh okay he’s so cute bro I love Rockefeller he he did so much for America so much good for America you should be thanking him is there keep inventory no no no wow what do you mean wow what do you mean wow wonder how many times I’ve died damage [Music] dealt okay 23,000 let me take in 4,000 distance dispensary searched okay that’s kind of weird yeah there are some weird ones I’ve killed three Axel 61 blaze a thou over a thousand Enderman oh my gosh oh right the farm 37 72 skeletons and they killed me once that’s a good kill streak yeah killed three shers killed a villager I have never killed a warden but they’ve killed me twice yeah I mean you’re not supposed to kill the warden anyway almost a thousand zombies they killed me once I I have killed a player I killed several yeah let me kill you what let me kill you no oh okay two hours of sneak time that’s fun four raids one 38 player kills my gosh a murderer lock me up oh I should make a prison oh yeah after you’re done with the museum obviously no no no no while while while while yes make a prison I know this guy there be a is there is there are we going to make a story in this in this server we get have a warden as the warden no this is not going to be like the dream SMP but okay I don’t know why you want it to be like that you fruity I never said that bud oh wait that was a question you said is this okay my fault yeah are we going to turn it into a story no are we are we just going to make a story well there’s viewers in it so it be it’d be a little difficult to do that yeah yeah true true you know what you should do you should help me out with uh with what the the prison yeah no not the prison my my museum um sure I guess okay can you I feel like there’s something that I need to do but I really don’t remember so uh I’m just going to help you you should get me some quartz like a lot of quartz like a full inventory full of quartz where are you I’m my base where’s the child there’s the child who Okay e oh my gosh my fault I’m a little silly all right quartz yeah I wonder how many quartz I Min how much how much 3,000 Sandstone is crazy bro three ,000 700 quartz or that’s crazy that’s [Music] AOW okay they they’ve met up I’ve picked up 16,000 Cobblestone I and I’ve picked up over a, five almost 1,500 Stone oh wait no we just hit we just hit our sub goal let’s go 10 out of 10 Subs that’s a w that’s a rap oh yeah that’s sure D times you bro I use my pickaxe over 22,000 times that’s how many blocks I mine go oh no I don’t have any blocks I love the statistics they’re so much fun oh my gosh that was that was way too close what I almost died oh don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that yeah I’m not going to okay good at least I don’t plan to trust me that will kill you yeah I know cuz I almost died shoot well well I’m glad you’re not okay like I said previously that [ __ ] can kill you and it’s really deadly yeah I’ve experienced that what do you mean you’ve experienced that I’ve died before in real life you a zombie you a [Music] zombie oh my yeah I’m a Zombie oh my goodness oh my goodness bro I feel like Taylor Swift I’m just I’m just using my Rockets to fly up and down like 80 times my gosh just like Taylor Taylor Swift that is just like her bro I don’t I do not know why [ __ ] be glazing Taylor Swift bro she ain’t that good I know like that [ __ ] is a out of 10 yeah it is not that good yeah and especially for how much people be glazing that [ __ ] like damn it’s not that far honestly it it doesn’t most songs of hers doesn’t even make the white girl make my white girl playlist okay if I’m being honest wait Aiden Aiden do you not have a white girl playlist no I only have one playlist damn what what what one playlist I think so why bro not 100% sure hold on let me let me look open up Spotify let’s see how how many I have so you just have like bro I have like eight I have like seven playlists why what do you because uh sometimes I feel like listening to seven different types of music why are you just listening to one I have two I have two okay that’s bad but it’s better okay we got we got 11 out of 10 but I’m not 100% sure whether I count that yeah but you you’re you’re a different breed you’re not human Le bro you’re alien or something that’s why I’m black you’re black no obviously not okay I didn’t think so oh crap lava lava no no no stop it lava bad lava damn h no stop it no what are you even doing anyways getting fors like you told me to oh thank you really should be doing something else which [Music] I I think I think I think you’re helping out the world perfectly by getting me quartz ooh ancient debris see and there’s the plus you know there’s the plus side of it yeah that’s two oh crap more lava stop it lava stop it let’s see bro where is the quartz honestly I I use my elytra to just fly around I’m just mining around you’re just mining like a huge area you’re just goofing around got him wait what do you mean why are you mining why don’t you just fly and get all the ones on the surface was probably smarter that way my PX doesn’t explode yeah yeah you should do that but like I I didn’t bring my elytra just fine but why yeah I haven’t upgraded it yet bro mining is like 10 emeralds how you put a sign you got to crouch okay yeah we definitely need to to mob proof this joint yeah it’s getting annoying it’s getting so annoying Zen I don’t know okay we got 12 out of 10 very cool what’s up buddy you dancing or something what do you mean why are you making them dance I’m looking at the Magma Cube oh my fault you’re just be just be moving damn does do it be gven yeah with that energy like if I put on some music I put on some music it’d be dancing did not know M cre were like that I know right I brought all I need is that quartz and I’m almost done with the exterior all right is the floor done in on the inside nope that’s the interior it’s a lot of work we really we really need to find a nether War Nether Nether waste biome why cuz it is getting quite annoying having to deal with the ass out those Deltas oh yeah that’s why I just flew to the place like OG nether that’s what I did oh yeah oh no there are two CU I have a bow this time oh sho I’m might have to turn all this into Slims over there yes it is how do I whisper on PC uh no idea I think it’s a right oops wrong guy there we go now I got like the little Rim I guess all done bum died how much did you want me to get a full inventory would be really useful full inventory that’s going to be difficult to get yeah I’m going start mining though too especially since this especially since this nether waste biome I believe is so small and not vast and open like the other ones that like the one that I would want to look around for um quartz all right just try your best just try your best okay um never mind I found there underneath crap from where Show Yourself who are you talking to the gas that is currently invisible because of my own choice of stuff something The Entity rendering oh okay so I can’t see it but it can see me oh that’s bad which is annoying yeah have to navigate through the stupid Delta it’s definitely annoying it’s the worst biome oh for sure at least in the nether I don’t know what the worst overall I think it’s the worst one in total yeah that’s obvious but like I don’t know what would be the worst Overworld biome I would have to say uh the ice spikes uh completely unusable and massive yeah that are jungles oh yeah yeah but those are good for treeh houses oh you want some glow stone that’ be really cool yeah I should actually start getting some as well because they will be used in the museum especially since you have silk touch on your um yeah shovel oh cool a fortress what oh a new one yeah cool yeah although I don’t really feel like exploring it because we already have one I have no need for Blaze rounds go away you die now there’s a lot of quartz this is good oh yeah 64 packs nice bro remember Were You There When elytras were like practically useless cuz like you can only Glide I didn’t I knew I was there yeah and I tried it and since it didn’t work I was I stopped using them and then my brother told me about the update about with the fireworks okay oh oh some bone blocks I can use to my museum little Dino oh yeah I fell level 25 where what I hear a gas you do not like you no I hate them damn so much hostility they they got they earned the hostility did they kill you a bunch or something annoying how can I still not see you there you are you stupid monkey oh yeah run away honestly there another one what why you chasing oh crap stop it okay let me from a piglin I’m pretty good on that no get back here oh you despawned you didn’t disappear yeah that’s what I thought right I really need to add power onto my bow it’s so weak right now damn you don’t have it yet no yeah know definitely get it I can’t even level it up for you cuz I’m at like 46 right now I’ve been mining so much quartz oh my gosh yeah I only need power onto my bow and then it’s finished it’s fully maxed out and really ready I follow uh I need to go do something real quick I am going to be back see you then we are back all right for [Music] [Music] there yeah there we go all right there we go oh and we got a and we got two subs that I was gone very cool oh yeah Aiden there is something I want to speak to you about uh about the server but we could get on that later just some stuff that I’ve been alerted of okay all right okay I have four 64 packs is that good that’s pretty good that’s pretty good I could get I could get a stack of blocks with that unfortunately only a stack only a stack oh wow yeah cuz you need four to get one I but it is expensive bro yeah for no reason too bro then again quartz is just so common and with from where over there okay so it is on the edges chick oh chicken jockey nice cool where’s the way oh out what do you mean okay for getting the safe coordinates just got a zero just expect that I’m just going to zero zero yeah um okay and then you should be able to remember your way back if not you might have dementia I’m not going to kill you cuz you have a son but leave me alone bro leave me alone go back to your son all right so if y’all uh when y’all spawned in did y’all spawn in that little wooden box with all like the stuff in it because I’m really hoping you did because it did set World spawn there so you should have been but I don’t know if y’all were okay okay okay just making sure just making sure all right there yeah that’s all I needed that’s all I need thank you okay looks like we need six 12 18 more okay uh okay I’m thinking so if I have a stack more I’m still going to have to do a lot of mining which isn’t very fun oh yeah sorry PE bro okay I did get it definitely don’t want to be walking around this place have soul and whatever makes me go faster yeah soul speed there we go honestly it’s such a bad enchantment it it it um it does damage to your boots which is really bad oh really yeah at least in Bedrock cuz I got it me and my friend had an OP server or World on Bedrock but oh when I used to play byebye gas go ah there it is what’ you find it back nice way home wait so how many uh how many how much quartz do you have um should we got another sub four stacks and 39 okay okay that’s not that bad not that bad at all good job uh I don’t really know which way to go I’m G say that it’s this way I don’t remember which way is back I might have to do some more terraforming though which is not going to be fun but it’s okay like you likes to terraforming I basically have like I’ve terraformed so much like yeah sure I really want to show I really want to see a picture of like my base before and after started terraforming everything yeah it’s like you would have to go back into your old streams yeah it’s like the Industrial Revolution but in Minecraft yeah but hey we have a I mean like all the Commodities that are taken care of and now I’m just using Lu like doing stuff for luxury like can using using quartz which is hella expensive yeah everyone wants Swift snake why because for easier ancient city raids I mean I guess but it’s really difficult though like I hate not really what do you mean not really he’s going to bring wool idiot okay what would that have done like oh wait can I get the quartz it cancels out the noise can I get the quartz please oh yeah forgot about that bro calm down let me give it to you I’m not even doing any damage CU I’m I’m half clicking yes you are bro I’m on three hearts calm down oh my fault my fault my fault my gosh hey oh I have five Stacks very cool I can finally feed my family he’s on five and a half don’t listen to him I don’t know what you mean you don’t know how many hearts I’m on I’m not streaming yeah you are I’m not you are no I’m not you’re literally streaming right now l no I’m not yeah you’re not I lied I like lying it’s fun yeah I know how would you be able to tell you what are you talking about bud you what you Ying about would I be able to tell that I’m not streaming oh no this guy he e e why do the villagers look so weird what the [ __ ] what they look so weird what do you mean the villagers they look weird oh did they turn into a mirror and showed you what you actually look like it’s kind of mean man new Mo an where bro who’s getting hunted by Phantoms me I’ve slept I bro sleep been on the been on the building grind I know that I don’t think you do did all my where all my co go okay I’m just going to say it right now I think I have the best builds on the server yeah that’s that’s probably obvious yeah yeah I’ve literally only made these houses these my two houses and the Enderman Farm yeah I made a church which looks super cool and I love it yeah and and you’re also currently making a museum and you’re about to make a church I mean in a prison I don’t know about the prison part it it has really low functionality if I were to make it so I don’t know about that one yeah true it sort of just be there yeah be cool looking but it just be there see one two yeah so need one two all right I’m going to give you guys some more bread so that way we can make another child so that way I can make the thing uh the uh so I need seven time six villager farm what’s seven time oh I can’t do math 40 mean No 7 * 42 right yeah 42 42 I’m so smart yeah you totally didn’t have trouble with that just now I it took me like five seconds little bro okay pipe down I can I can play back stream and count the seconds good job you passed kindergarten I guess Le weird flex but all right bro all right whatever oops is that what your mother said [ __ ] Oops why because cuz you’re I don’t know I like making fun of you duh I know that yeah yeah my fault my fault bro bro my friend has been like watching too much YouTube shorts or something bro he must have watched like an anti-bulling video cuz when I made fun of him bro he just said are you done like 18 times oh my gosh I’m I’m just going to start telling the bullies his deepest darkest secrets so they could bully him better you know they’ll get so much character development I’m I’m honestly doing him a favor yeah character development character development is incredibly uh important yeah it is but am I going to be any character development you’re going to be the same forever yeah and we don’t want that yeah yeah for sure it is really important cuz you know you don’t act like a seventh grader or third grader or fourth grader in your job yeah so it’s always good bro my friend’s trying to make me hop on enlisted ah I think I’m gonna play a little bit more stream though because I haven’t gotten I think I’ll get to three get to three hours then I’mma hop off actually that’s going to be hella late how many hours am I at right now okay I think after I finish these pillars I’m going hop off all right where where’ the bread go I don’t know bread where’s the bread not there I guess oh here it is I need to make another bed before I do that and make a terrible mistake two three I think I’m going to end stream and then we can uh yeah yeah hold up put be right back all right let get 24 actually do 36 wait what okay I’m not going to have enough to finish this let I buy some off the one guy but those are really expensive six is not going to be enough I’m need way more emeralds okay uh let’s go over here see if there’s anything okay I’m back nice I’m almost finished with the pillars so you can have a little look around it’s it’s going pretty well good um let me go did I make the bed no I didn’t make the bed I forgot to read the pigs how could you freaking do that huh I know right there we go max out the Fletcher that’s fun oh yeah nice okay hopefully this is enough [ __ ] all of my armor is just like being destroyed I don’t want to put mending on it why not because it could like I’m not putting it proper I’m not properly putting on it putting it on for the armor I’m just putting it on sort of not like preparing for like the other things I’m going to to add what you did you’re doing a lot of preparation I didn’t I just got protection four and stuff I just did like a huge mining sesh got a [ __ ] ton of diamonds and yeah you’re doing a lot more than necessary I think then again that’s just what I think and you do not have to follow what I think I want to like not get the too expensive thing that’s fair but okay you know what this server needs what capitalism capitalism I think that’s taken care of by me I think with the Villagers and stuff oh okay all right well like I said after I finish with my roof and whatnot I’m I’m in stream and well I finished with the roof and everything I think it looks snazzy so yeah I’ll see youall next time yeah

This video, titled ‘🔴playing on the minecraft server🔴’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-09 00:57:16. It has garnered 60 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:00 or 9840 seconds.

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    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Silenced on CivMC: Codey’s Minecraft Saga

    Silenced on CivMC: Codey's Minecraft Saga CivMC: Unraveling the Intrigues of Minecraft’s Largest Civilization Server Protests and Persecution in Anisso Former Secretary of War for the principality of Anisso, Monster, faced heavy persecution for speaking out against his government. Sentenced to hard labor in a Nether Penal Colony for spreading “misinformation,” the international outcry led to his exile to Aronia. The protest in Anisso’s capital, Sasso, further highlighted the growing dissent within the nation. Communism and Military Ambitions The rise of communism in the Imperial Federation and a military leader’s plans to create a socialist police state using Pharmaceuticals have stirred controversy. The use of… Read More

  • Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast

    Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast Unbelievable Places On Earth! Explore the most extraordinary and mind-boggling locations on our planet that will leave you in awe. From underwater cities to gravity-defying waterfalls, these places are truly unbelievable. No Gravity Zone Imagine a place where gravity seems to have taken a vacation. This mysterious location challenges our understanding of physics and leaves visitors in a state of wonder. Underwater City Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover a hidden city beneath the waves. Explore the ruins of a forgotten civilization and unravel the secrets of the deep. Tree Inhabited by Goats Witness a tree… Read More

  • Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness!

    Bamboo-Powered Super Smelter Madness! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 31: Super Smelter & Mushroom Farm Introduction In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, our favorite streamer Doc Brennan embarked on a mission to enhance the quality of life in his base. With a focus on creating a super smelter and an automatic mushroom farm, Doc set out to streamline his resource gathering and processing. Super Smelter Setup Doc’s decision to build a super smelter stemmed from the need to eliminate the manual smelting process for his projects. With a vision to integrate the smelter seamlessly into his storage system, he meticulously… Read More

  • Old MacDonald’s Cow Chaos

    Old MacDonald's Cow Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 6) – Old MacDonald Had 2 Cows Join Solomon, also known as PCG, on his daily Minecraft Survival Let’s Play journey as he navigates the world of Minecraft in a relaxed and engaging manner. Dive deep into the world of Minecraft with Solomon as he builds, explores, caves, and works towards collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. To add an extra challenge, natural regeneration is turned off, requiring health to be regenerated by eating golden apples or using potions. Building and Organization On Day 6, Solomon focuses on… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World

    Join Minewind: Build Your Medieval Dream World Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an amazing YouTube tutorial on how to build a compact medieval house in Minecraft. The attention to detail and creativity showcased in the video truly blew us away. It got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could showcase their building skills and creativity on a larger scale? That’s where Minewind comes in. With its vast open world and dedicated community of players, Minewind offers the perfect platform for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and build, explore, and create to their heart’s content. Imagine being able to… Read More

  • Touring a Modern Minecraft SMP Base

    Touring a Modern Minecraft SMP Base Exploring the Modern Beta SMP Server in Minecraft Embark on a journey through time with the Modern Beta SMP server in Minecraft! Step back into the “golden age” version of Minecraft from 2011, beta 1.7.3, recreated in Modern Minecraft for Java and Bedrock Edition. What sets this server apart is its server-side approach, eliminating the need for mods, launchers, or resource packs. Simply join and play to experience the nostalgia of Minecraft’s early days! What is Modern Beta SMP? Modern Beta SMP is an SMP server dedicated to recreating the essence of Minecraft’s beta 1.7.3 version within the modern… Read More

  • Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends!

    Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends! Exploring Multiplayer Options in Minecraft Java Edition Are you tired of dealing with the hassles of using Hamachi or unreliable free servers to play Minecraft with your friends? Look no further! With Essential, you can easily invite your friends to join you in your world, complete with modpacks and all the fun features Minecraft has to offer. Setting Up Your Multiplayer World Essential provides a seamless way to play Minecraft Java Edition with your friends. Simply create a world in Minecraft, install the Essential plugin, and invite your friends to join you. No need to worry about complicated server… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Manhunt with INSANE Mods!

    Surviving Minecraft Manhunt with INSANE Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft Manhunt With The Most OVERPOWERED Mods!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-06-10 19:00:25. It has garnered 9504 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:09 or 12609 seconds. I Survived Minecraft Manhunt With The Most OVERPOWERED Mods! Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Minecraft – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrYnLkVfvVf0Qy0YOUQdk2A Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Mods/Addon 1.20+ (Insane Tips💥)

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Mods/Addon 1.20+ (Insane Tips💥)Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 Most Useful Mods/Addon For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20+ ( Must Watch😳)’, was uploaded by LightGamerzZ on 2024-05-13 12:29:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Top 5 Most Useful Mods/Addon For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20+ ( Must Watch ) ➜ In this Minecraft mod showcase, we explore … Read More

  • Hvappel

    HvappelHvappel is een compleet Free to Play server waar je items inruilt voor crate sleutels, en ranks krijgt door playtime te hebben, of items hebben! hvappel.nl Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore SMP Beta Semi-Vanilla Hardcore

    Welcome to Minecrafthardcore.com! Experience one of the first actual Minecraft Hardcore multiplayer experiences. Join us for beta testing and be a part of something truly unique. Visit our Discord to see the current work in progress. Read More

  • Cubixity – Worldbuilding | GeoPolitics | Roleplay | Java AND Bedrock

    Welcome to Cubixity!We are a newly formed worldbuilding server that is focused on building history. This server promises minimal admin intervention, and when needed, a friendly, unbiased staff team. Come join Cubixity and experience a true worldbuilding server. There are no weird plugins, this is a pure worldbuildingBecome a powerful king ruling an empire spanning the globe, become a humble bartender, become a rich merchant and travel the world, or become a bum living in the slums of your local town.What we offer:A server at the beginning of history : This is a newly formed server that was only launched… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Just killed a drowned, didn’t drop its trident smh”

    I guess that Drowned just really wants to hold on to its precious trident, even in the afterlife! Read More

  • Nether portals with dial-up internet be like #minecraft #meme #shorts

    Nether portals with dial-up internet be like #minecraft #meme #shorts When you accidentally step into a dial-up internet portal in Minecraft and suddenly your game starts buffering like it’s stuck in the early 2000s. #slowpoke #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Review!

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Review! Exploring Minecraft Texture Packs: Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through texture packs. Among the recommended options is the Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 pack, known for its detailed textures and improved visuals. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft texture packs and how they can elevate your gameplay. What is the Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 Texture Pack? The Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 texture pack is designed to maintain the original look and feel of Minecraft while enhancing the overall resolution and clarity… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Thrive! #MinecraftServer

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Thrive! #MinecraftServer Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching the latest YouTube video from Jack ki Olly🔥, you may have noticed the fun and camaraderie that comes with playing Minecraft. The sense of community and adventure is what makes this game so special, and Minewind server encapsulates that perfectly. With a vibrant and active player base, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. From… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Timecharm Hunt on Hypixel!

    Minecraft's Ultimate Timecharm Hunt on Hypixel!Video Information This video, titled ‘The QUEST for Minecraft’s SUPREME Timecharm! (Hypixel Skyblock)’, was uploaded by ThePharaoh on 2024-07-14 22:55:15. It has garnered 741 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:01 or 2041 seconds. Join me on my journey in the Hypixel Skyblock Rift Dimension to obtain the first of eight special time charms. If you enjoyed, make sure to subscribe, like the video, and join my discord server! Q: Have I quit the pit? Nope! This video is just an experiement to see if skyblock videos do well on my pit channel. More pit videos… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Recreating Australian Grand Prix in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Recreating Australian Grand Prix in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Australian Grand Prix in Minecraft | FC1 2024’, was uploaded by AdamsApple on 2024-03-25 09:57:54. It has garnered 923 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:01 or 6721 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/adamsapples FC1 IS BACK for a new season of racing. This 2024 season brings a bigger field of 25 racers, and live races on YouTube! Today we are live at the Albert Park Circuit for the Australian Grand Prix! My links: Discord – https://discord.gg/paeBnG8Csd Twitter – https://twitter.com/AdamsApplesPie​ AdamsApple is a channel for innovatively dumb Minecraft ideas to come to… Read More

  • “Lost in Minecraft: Day 24 Madness!” #gamingfun

    "Lost in Minecraft: Day 24 Madness!" #gamingfunVideo Information This video, titled ‘2 Week Minecraft Phase: Day 24 (in-game days) #minecraft #minecraftgaming #memes #gaming #funny’, was uploaded by Queezy99 on 2024-07-17 20:15:02. It has garnered 3202 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “GODXPHAHORAH: My Loyal Minecraft Companion” 🐶❤️ #shorts

    "GODXPHAHORAH: My Loyal Minecraft Companion" 🐶❤️ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Loyal Friend In Minecraft ❤️ @godxpharoah #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐗𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐇 on 2024-01-06 12:20:12. It has garnered 2634 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. A Loyal Friend In Minecraft ❤️ @godxpharoah #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts created by- @godxpharoah keywords- Minecraft Minecraft tutorial minecraft builds minecraft building minecraft tutorials minecraft design minecraft interior design minecraft build tips minecraft building ideas minecraft simple tutorials minecraft easy tutorial minecraft shorts minecraft short tutorials minecraft building video top 5 minecraft builds 5 minecraft interior designs 5 minecraft designs tags-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures Begin Now 🔥 Mad Mads Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Adventures Begin Now 🔥 Mad Mads GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE START OF SOMETHING AWESOME || Minecraft ?? #1’, was uploaded by Mad Mads Gaming on 2024-05-19 18:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #coop #cooperative #gaming #coopsurvival #cooperativegameplay #minecraftsmp Channels featured in this video: @darkbeast2336 Read More

  • EPIC NEW SERVER – HyperWorld MC Day 1!

    EPIC NEW SERVER - HyperWorld MC Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – Survival Multiplayer Day 1 – NEW SERVER’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-08 09:48:44. It has garnered 50 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:16 or 5716 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/t5ZNc9wkpn IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hyperlethalnova twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HyperLethalNova Music: Inception by Karl Casey @ White… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE || PUBLIC SMP LIVE | JAVA + PE | 24/7 | FREE TO JOIN’, was uploaded by Kraft Squad on 2024-02-20 17:36:34. It has garnered 283 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:25 or 14905 seconds. —————————————————— ★ Hi, I am KRAFT SQUAD – INSHORT – KRAFTY★ ★ I am NooOoOoOoOB ★ —————————————————– ★ Social Links ★ Discord: https://discord.gg/XN3CHRG7Y2 Instagram: raghav_13804 E-Mail: [email protected] —————————————————– ★ Edits ★ • 🟢 Highlights 😀 ★ My Potato PC ★ device specifications processor – i7 12 gen graphic card – RTX 3050 RAM… Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!

    Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft insane ghost 👻😲’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-10 13:20:40. It has garnered 473 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips and tricks, Live insaan new minecraft part, Beastboyshub minecraft, Techno gamerz new minecraft part, yessmartypie speedrun, Himlands new video, himlands season 4, yessmartypie himlands, Techno Gamerz hardcore, loyal smp new video, loyal smp ip, mr… Read More

  • INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. Primrose

    INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. PrimroseVideo Information This video, titled ‘LOOKING FOR AXOLOTL | Minecraft w/ Primrose’, was uploaded by ChuChu on 2024-07-16 03:27:35. It has garnered 110 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:48 or 16848 seconds. I’m gonna have 0 DEATHS 🌸Donations🌸 https://streamlabs.com/chuchustreams Primrose: https://www.twitch.tv/primroseevt 🌸Join my Lovelies🌸 Discord: https://discord.gg/Wvp9z4bfuJ CREDITS: Thumbnail: Chuchu 🌸Viewer Guidelines and Rules🌸 1. Be respectful to Chuchu and the chat members. Offensive language, hate speech, bullying and excessive trolling is unacceptable. 2. No controversial topics, No spamming. 3. No backseating or spoiling unless asked by Chuchu or mods. 4. Do not mention other streamers… Read More

  • CraftMVM

    CraftMVMNajlepszy serwer MINECRAFT ip do: CRAFTMVM.pl The best MINECRAFT server ip for: CRAFTMVM.pl Owners: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 Wlasciciele: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 CraftMVM.pl:8267 Read More

  • Slapstuck SMP Vanilla+ 1.20.4 Java/Bedrock+ VoiceChat, Terralith, Dynmap, Graves, TreeCutter

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Looking for friends to join and play in our small SMP world! Both bedrock and java compatible. Features: Terralith world gen mod /home and /tpa commands Tree cutting datapack Claims system Bonus Features: Voice chat available Dynmap for online world viewing Join us: Java IP: play.slapstuck.net Website/Dynmap and Bedrock IP: https://slapstuck.net Stay Connected: Join our Discord for server announcements: https://discord.gg/K8sCPb45Sg Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Salty gamers dissing glow squids

    Why does no one give glow squids a chance? They just want to light up your life, but instead they get dragged down by all the iceologer haters. Give glow squids some love, people! #JusticeForGlowSquids Read More

  • Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune

    Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune In the realm of Minecraft, we find our delight, Crafting worlds with blocks, under the moonlight. Updates and news, all in a rhyme, Spinning tales of adventure, every time. Join us on this journey, full of fun and cheer, As we explore the depths, without any fear. Meditation and wisdom, intertwined with glee, In this world of Minecraft, we are truly free. So boost your luck, with every rhyme we share, In this world of creativity, beyond compare. Embrace the joy, let your spirit soar, In the realm of Minecraft, forevermore. Read More

  • Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft

    Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft “Super dog is here to save the day in Minecraft, but first, he’s gotta get his groove on with a little ‘Oi Oi Oi’ dance party! Watch out creepers, this pup’s got some bombastic moves!” Read More

  • Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft!

    Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez. This channel offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to thrilling fighting games and everything in between. Whether you enjoy the adrenaline rush of Hill Climb Racing or the challenge of hidden object games, there is something for every gamer on this channel. 🎮 Supporting the Channel If you want to show your support for @ricplayzgamez, there are several ways to do so. Consider sending a “Super Thanks,” participating in a Superchat during… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Update: Insane Challenges!

    Mastering Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Update: Insane Challenges! Surviving Minecraft Hardcore in the New 1.21 Update: Epic Challenges! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the latest Minecraft update, version 1.21, as players dive into Hardcore mode for the ultimate survival challenge. From new features to unexpected obstacles, this update promises an adrenaline-pumping experience like never before. Join the journey as players explore new biomes, battle fierce mobs, and unravel the mysteries of Minecraft 1.21. Will they emerge victorious or succumb to the dangers lurking in the shadows? Exploring New Biomes The 1.21 update introduces players to a plethora of new biomes, each with its unique landscapes and… Read More

  • Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] – Minecraft Castle Build NO interruptions!

    Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] - Minecraft Castle Build NO interruptions!Video Information This video, titled ‘VSMP Minecraft: finishing my castle with NO distractions!!’, was uploaded by Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-07-09 21:31:11. It has garnered 1026 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:34 or 11554 seconds. I’m Scarlett Flameheart, VReverie Gen 3 Guardian’s sweet and spicy flame knight 🏰 here to protect you! Support me: https://streamelements.com/scarlettflameheart/tip Clipping is 🆗 and appreciated! MOD CREDIT: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/82495 ◇◆◇༺♥༻Rules༺♥༻◇◆◇ 1. Kindness is so slay of you. Please consider your words before speaking. 2. Ignore those who break rule 1 or those who spam. My sword will take care of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Stream

    Insane Minecraft Building StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Streaming: Minecraft Buildings’, was uploaded by Berserk 308 on 2024-04-22 05:30:45. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:36 or 4956 seconds. Hi everyone, I’m Edoardo and this is my first channel. Games, Vlogs, and many more topics will await you. I recommend you subscribe to the channel, leave a like, share my channel with all your friends, and activate the notification bell to remain updated for my future videos. If you want to follow me, I’m on: Instagram: edoardo.minuti Facebook: Edoardo Minuti Discord: Berserk 308# 0308… Read More

  • Join us to fix Minecraft’s major issue – Frogsplat

    Join us to fix Minecraft's major issue - FrogsplatVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Can Solve Minecraft’s Biggest Problem, Together.’, was uploaded by Frogsplat on 2024-06-21 19:27:26. It has garnered 22029 views and 1689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Let’s do this 🙂 My Discord server! https://discord.gg/vdJrS5dz Music: (non-minecraft) Jet Set Radio – Recipe for the Perfect Afro Saddyowner – Cover of Minecraft Cat https://www.youtube.com/@UC5_PdagggsYOzTT2C4ASSkg Read More

  • Insane Gaming Madness with SonicFan13!

    Insane Gaming Madness with SonicFan13!Video Information This video, titled ‘Random Games live!’, was uploaded by SonicFan13 on 2024-02-23 21:47:15. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:53 or 8813 seconds. There were no free Minecraft sites, so I found Baldi’s Basics Read More