🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥

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[Music] yo zukes first yes sir yes sir [Music] how you boys doing today how we doing how we doing yo what’s up DOI what’s up Professor welcome welcome welcome what’s up Zilla oh we got everybody joining hold on okay buy him a dinner all right all right we’re going to start off stream solid we’re about to drop a um overgrown grass what’s up Michael what’s up Jake hope you both doing good um me not watch my own stream and murder my internet let’s not slip up this time what do you mean what are you talking about what do you mean slip up that never happened you’re imagining things what the sigma I’m sorry guys please please don’t leave is JoJo on jojo genius already gone no not the yeah abbreviated with the sigma is some outlandish work I don’t know who did that yesterday I think it was [Music] lands but yeah WTS is crazy didn’t you just type that yeah I caught on already what the believe do not say don’t join my chat room and say what the believe dude come on now bro chilling with 2.5 or 2 point yeah yeah I’d be chilling uh I need to put some of this away I also need to go to My Island and take all my junk out of my chest what’s going on Andy hope you’re having a good day can I have some I actually am thinking about doing a giveaway if we hit like if we hit 20 likes on the stream I’ll do a giveaway like 20 mil on the Discord dude look at this chest hubba hubba everything organized again uh JoJo you want to do M5 or no let me know no no no M5 okay what about M6 you you a big M6 doer big on some m6s is that you M3 brother what I’m down why not die ahead actually true I’m fine to grind towards that um I’m at 250 I know I do uh masterm on C at 34 uh I mean I don’t think I did M3 until like C at 36 probably part of me JoJo what’s my ethnicity uh think of the widest person you’ve ever seen and then think wider you got me everybody be sure to drop a like on the stream would be much appreciated apparently that helps I don’t believe it though because that Terraria video has like a 50% like to view ratio what happens if I don’t like the stream that’s that means I’m going to get you you don’t want to find out what that means is that you on your Tik Tok yeah just pushes it to the recommended I’m down 200 million kmets yikes dude lock in I’ll sub for one mil dude I’d get 1 point or 2.6k more subs if I just offered one mil per sub that might be the method actually you might be on to something Andy hold on let this guy cook why on planet Earth are you rrolling f6s what is wrong with you or M6 you roll M6 no dude at least reroll M6 uh yeah or actually I don’t know um I’m not sure actually actually I think most of my Subs are from live streaming I gained a healthy Chunk from like my three big videos Freak The Big Three it’s just big me pow let’s see from the time charm [Music] video from the time charm video I got 130 subs from the melon video I got 20 subs from the Vampire Slayer video I got 80 subs from the nether W video I got 50 Subs so I I say it’s about half and half all right JoJo party me put us in something anything I don’t care why who is small hog funky is this you are you small hog okay no how did you change your name do I not have tofa on your account I could have sworn I did no oh I’m must have took it off when I changed the password small hog is a wild username it used to be big hog bro self snitching all right JoJo party me put us in something I’m bored I’m bored or let me know if you even want to run anything Bro went from lying to leing on me he did dude sorry if you guys hear me sniffling uh I’m down to do set man I’m down to [Music] do I’m preing nowadays okay okay okay I see you oh time to get carried you had the OG cold you’re like patient one that’s going to eat we got leave on in the cut is Sir uh no I don’t Andy I don’t feel like doing all that a li detector test is your true DET intention for the younger generation uh no light detector test sounds expensive I’m not about to get that one old dude in here that’s a lie anybody in here do anything fun today oh my God doy for my goat oh Master mode floor 3 um I didn’t know we were doing Master mode I would have changed my setup uh I’m going to die by the way o o ooh ooh oof oh whoops that’s not what I meant to copy um this may not be a Dungeons [Music] day my FPS is dead and my internet’s dead what the sigma went to a grad party nice yeah I’m wrong class wrong armor wrong reforge I’m all the wrong I thought we were playing floor 7 I don’t know what this numb nuts is doing put it just an M3 why is my FPS so low dude jeez creers okay how do I turn off this top right map anybody know what mod this [Music] is anybody know what mod top right is you should fake funny clips dude I should start clip farming like jinxy that might be the method actually and Bing dude viewbotting like uh what’s his face uh neon I just take every popular streamer and combine it into one is that the method all his views are already bought yeah wait you’re saying that all My Views are already Bots if I was viewbotting my most recent bid would have more than 30 views yeah you looky might be fake Michael I can believe that no you good J all right boys let’s lock in we’re dropping a handle tonight I’m at like one in 500 odds 1 and 580 6 that’s some chill stuff I can do that in my sleep that’s just like a a point two something like that I don’t know you are a you don’t call me a bot dude or you’re asking no I’m not a bot I’m real yo what’s up James welcome to the stream hope you having a good day man welcome welcome okay I have 260 runs all KidMed no scroll no handle I’m so do man it’s not even like it’s unreal how do I am call me N9 months no never mind that’s a that’s an odd joke to make I’m doing good that’s great too J I’m doing good I’m I’m tired that’s what I am I had such a long day yo what’s up cookies I going got a lock in on me I need that JoJo lock my sheep at firstus hand like 1277 runs great googly moogly what happened to Bro RNG meter or is that before RNG meter four meter makes sense D I’m skitso none of these mobs are real uh why are why is my FPS solo I really don’t get it got eeman carries do I need e drag um I mean yeah it probably helps I hate Eman Slayer D got to be the worst thing um I might die and throw by the way I’m really laggy fair warning attention fellow dungeon Runners Guinea Rose die no last time I invest didn’t die I ended up losing uh like 80 mil hey what’s up Tommy welcome to the stream hope you having a good day welcome welcome yo someone send me a mod that increases my FPS I don’t care if you rat me at this point I just want more than 50 FPS got Patcher yeah uh what is it like entity coing or something render distance to four dunks oh yikes I’m turning it up believe this 16 please download my mod it’s not a rat please dude you cooked him so hard he changed his name zil apologize oh what the oh I’m getting shot by that arot trap oh I just wanted your last name I got you that’s fair enough yeah people finding me bro it’s got Ops did I twitch RA in Game of ghost I sure did I did not see it either what the melody this is going to be my first s+ run in like four runs got an dude I have an i7 12700 K it should be more than enough to run Minecraft one of his Hobbies was Goat Simulator dude I’d let him hit dude I’m about to drop a handle everybody’s going to be mad at me because I’m doing like no terminals I got no secrets and I died they went home together I believe it dude we got Chad triggers yeah I do it’s that thing where you wither cloak and it’s like rectangles and not creepers I don’t know um Sky tills maybe supi maybe supy if I had to guess I’d say supy super Sky TS that’s probably why your FPS is bad maybe I don’t I don’t know if I use anything like important in chat triggers I use a dungeon map in chat triggers I also have two dungeons Maps can you stop freaking everything Doki you and judge are the freakiest dudes I know I won’t even lie stop no handle [Music] Bo okay I got seven Secrets I got more than small hog it’s all that matters is the music a good volume or can you guys hear it am I a good volume I think I’m a good volume oh dude what’s this downtime L party host SMH very ever so slightly higher yep I’m cranking it all the way up how about that oh did I miss did I miss spooky Festival got to get maintenance on my setup oh yeah I did no that’s so loud [Music] ow all right that’s [Music] better maintenance is crazy oh I’m so laggy what’s my cat’s name um I don’t know where a lot of my cats are I had a bunch of cats but now only have like two around I think most of them died i’ cuz a lot of them are pretty old but I have a like a partially blind cat we named it Skittles he chills in the backyard with my [Music] dog hey how you know I got cats hold on you you be spying on me hold on how bro not that bro had a zoo on me I did oh who’s adding me I hope you feel better we need you back why did I just get added in this I hope you feel better I need you friends dude it’s on your Tik Tok What Tik Tok are you talking about which one are you referring to you just talking about the shade awesome one your link tree which one do I have in my link tree the one with 1.3k which Tik Tok is all my LM tree can you PV me uh yeah I can one second uh let me finish this run I mean it’s not like I’m doing much but hold on I lock in I to go on those sinks hope you’re having a good day man dude I’m so laggy man I’m so laggy that’s good to hear that’s my full name on it what oh s+ gone w who is that guy who Tik Tok do I have link to my account oh wow I just got nuked I’m so laggy man come on who is eigor my account is shade awesome uncore yeah who is eagor is this not s+ that I saw yeah I don’t think it’s s+ yeah the eagor is not me and those are not my animals he’s kind of a handsome fell I wouldn’t mind being eagor eigor is a crazy name though I would not want to be named eigor eore the rapper really that’s B on there dude did I really just not check it that’s crazy yeah I don’t know who that guy is I mean got name shade awesome from me yeah it’s just at shade awesome I guess I thought I had the the at shade awesome but M shade awesome underscore if I’m not mistaken okay that’s really funny yeah I have no clue who eigor is guess I’m going have to edit that why is my why am I so laggy I don’t get it like what did I what did I do wrong to deserve this lag no I don’t understand it changing I can’t understand this think I deserve some coins for that yeah I got you bro just visit me my IGN is shade awesome underscore I’ll be there in a minute I don’t know about y’all but I got 8.08 th000 secret so yeah get on my level oh my Tik Tok integration has expired okay that explains it don’t say that nugs [Music] please yeah me too JoJo I’m really laggy I don’t know if it’s just because I’m streaming or what my internet needs to lock in dude or else I’m cooked I don’t know why I’m so laggy my internet was chill just last night or just earlier it was chill but my accounts think I’m a 17K Secrets Jesus I’m not even at 17K on this account I’m a Crow owner of a five secret per run [Music] [Music] account AK secrets in one run oh yeah I actually did huh that ought to increase my average a little bit secret duping is crazy I was too scared to ever try that CU I saw that one like streamer get B um I guess I’m just stupid and forgot the Wither Essence uh can we get like enough Secrets extra to where if I die uh it don’t matter pretty please cuz odds are with my ping I’m going to die do not g all right maybe that’ll be enough this is not local mil in my area dude I’m right here I’m pushing 43 kids divorced I’m watching a slideshow right [Music] now dude this is bad yikes 2.5k ping is crazy is the stream laggy at all is this just Hypixel I don’t think the stream is laggy almost Savage dude I had a one found your old Discord and your YouTube bio yeah you did do that I remember changing that I had like a 1eh hour drive I had two grad parties today I had mine and one of my buddies and I had like a 35 minute drive to his grad party and on the way back my GPS was being so weird I um it like took me like across a bunch of back road it took me down one road that was just a dead end it was like uh continue straight for 2 miles and then it was like turn or turn around and then I like was looking around and there was just a sign that said Road ends in 100 or 1,000 ft and he just told me to turn around and get back on the highway I don’t know what was going on but uh like a 35 minute drive ended up taking about an hour got anything for me to do on Sky Block fishing fish it fishing 50 Diamond Hunter oh you’re 16 out of 18 hey oh yeah nice uh I’ve done a little bit of trophy fishing I’ve like put like 4 hours or 5 hours in total and I’m sitting at like 14 out of 18 to Gold I’m missing mold fin OB fiscated three slug fish and lava lava horse oh I’m dead here uhoh oh no way I didn’t die there that’s crazy doing it so I get Gill Splash yeah I want Gill Splash are you fishing 50 already no got you I got you dude I just want to drop a handle so I can get three Bill purse and then call it a day is that really too much to ask for think about it is that easy you have rolled on your Island which roll I have a few rolls on my Island Recon oh dude wher helmet and boots in the same chest I think it was a custom one uh I’ll check I have I have a bunch of custom ones you’ll have to say which one um Island management is ranks we got friend wall guildmate Island owner dedicator RAC certified gamer YouTube sub 3x Champion certified racist racist cring and sus onx Champion donator unlucky staff lean Master Omar it was Omar dude that’s my goat and Lance had a Shader Baer hey doie hi doie how do I how do I give someone an island drink again Island ring no Island ring at there you go there’s your a custom one Leon [Music] that’s not a good bug yeah you’re cooked good luck getting a job now good luck going to college dude my fingers are so cold hey man my tag says Island owner and that’s true so what does that say about your tag dude my nose won’t stop running stop running cat your nose you’re so right my bad I’m going to blow it right quick whoa whoa dude y’all know that one meme where it’s like um where it’s like the Hotel Transylvania and the one like redhaired kid was like sorry Dracula I was late I was doing stuff and then Mavis goes I’m stuff and then Dracula goes haha Jonathan you are begging my daughter youall know that one you know what I’m talking about I see don’t call me shade rossome hello what is your deal man all right don’t call me that he’s like hey Dracula sorry I’m late I was doing stuff it’s okay I am stuff says Mavis OMG Mavis no and he goes ha Jonathan you are banging my daughter and like his Dracula boys you know what I’m talking about or no all right hold on I’ll pull it this right here you guys sayy Dracula sorry I’m late I was doing stuff and bis goes it’s okay I am stuff and he goes oh bis no he goes ha AED you are banging my daughter in it’s Dracula voice you feel me you picking up what I’m putting down chat you following try to keep up it’s very don’t say that’s dank dude are you stuck in 2012 saying dank in 2024 is some crazy work don’t see is this good to a machine gun short bow hello your deal F in B this song’s so heat [Music] dude I feel like if I was in like the Mario World I’d low key be a Koopa Troopa I feel like I give off Koopa Troopa Vibes wait is it going to do it oh lame yo what’s up x 17 welcome to the stream man hope you having a good day welcome welcome whoever this is is struggling with this room [Music] this doesn’t look like Master mode oh you’re actually so right this is not master mode can’t believe I’m click baiting everybody right now if I was y all I don’t sub I had to watch ads yeah thank you for the two the2 cents loser appreciate it I don’t know what the uh conversion rates are it’s like I get like $4 per thousand views so whatever one view of that is 004 cents so you just gave me half a cent by watching that ad thank you I appreciate it say you’re broke I am broke going to be homeless no maybe homeless but never homeless that’s not that’s just not true either got to be homeless and holess I’m cooked dude Hey cap yeah so straight through my lives huh dude don’t say that people are going to get the wrong idea yeah last time I tried I got my feelings hurt oh my God uhoh I might be dead here I might be dead oh sorry guys I was sping at North partk try to look rich type though but isn’t real might be right she may not be real but the feelings certainly were yeah what are we talking about Michael come on dude lock in are you die in F7 um I suck at the game yeah one of my buddies tried setting me up with a SI 16-year-old he was like yeah I can set something up and I go wait wait wait wait how old is this girl cuz he’s like 20 he’s 21 maybe so I was expecting it to be like some old head and um like I I was expecting her to say like or him to say like oh she’s like 20 like all right that’s chill but he goes she’s 16 and I was like 18 and 16 isn’t crazy when is her birthday she turns uh 16 in February that’d be 19 and 16 see that’s some crazy work right there 19 and 16 is federal right there don’t say gamees game you’re both cooked I’m removing your mod Leon yeah I me pedos are actually like the gross like one of the grossest things like sure I make I make jokes here and there but if you are like genuinely attracted to miners pulling a mini lad #n all Minecraft youtubers well you are pretty gross so it checks out thanks man go outside shower dude I don’t play this game like that I do go outside I I was outside for like 8 hours today I’m tired you can hear me sniffly from how long I’ve been outside I’m straight [Music] congested slpl time okay my profile hold on I’ll do SL playay time local maid Cafe dud I wish I was just add like a that two grad parties are that one of my buddy’s grad parties and my grad party today um okay let me add context my profile is like 4 years and N months old play time’s 2596 how many hours are there in a year a lot like 10,000 no like 4,000 like 4,000 accurate oh we don’t talk about my rust Play Time M yeah dude I have a fourth of a year in 4 years almost 5 years that’s not that crazy and I’m sure at least like at least 500 of those hours are AFK if not more convert me to Christianity got an ad about praying help to praying app to help me find God yeah turn you away from foraging turn to Christ not the devil AKA trees and viewer strong oh yeah we got big black Trans in here now it’s a party I got the forging guards yep and I’m the one that needs to shower and go outside why am I so laggy about to lose it dude I’m about to get [Music] nuked it’s officially a pizza party let’s go oh no JoJo’s selling JoJo That was supposed to be my death dude come on lock in I’m the one that’s supposed to die here it’s a pizza party get it get it a pizza party get it get it cuz Pizza Hut do you get it went outside today to go do peer beads with friends I don’t know what that means uhoh cat one 100 slice oh yeah basically iro oh yeah I know what you’re talking about I used to do that a bunch dude I got my Mom a Mother’s Day gift today I gave it to her hold on I’ll pull it up you guys got to let me know W or L son for the gift a video where you download a rat and use it on an ALT yeah you’re so right I should do that she didn’t get it of course she didn’t dude of course she didn’t [Music] that does not surprise me at all oh I’m about to die [Music] oh dude I need my allergy medicine to lock in I should not be this sniffly after 30 minutes takeing me it I don’t think I’ve already built up a chemical resistance to my new allergy medicine oh yeah I hear you lucky maybe I just need to lock in maybe I am cooked this isn’t s+ is it how would I rate myself I feel like I’m a perfect five like if you think of an average dude you’d see me or shouldn’t get told is no or like e why do you look like that you did sell JoJo lock in dude am I ripped God no re no whatever JoJo you should work out I plan to start this summer I already got a gym buddy lined up the issue with the gym membership’s 40 bucks a month that’s some outlandish stuff that happens to me as a Dodge a bullet well likey like he’s inspirational tonight dude getting philosophical on me someone’s got to grind on YouTube on me dude I had to make 40 bucks a month from YouTube y’all think it’s possible clip farming is the way yeah but the issue is I want to do something that I actually enjoy become famous YouTuber then you’ll get girls easy you’ll be a you they’ll be clout Chasers or gold diggers yeah that’s the issue I I just want a girl that genuinely likes me back yo what’s upera welcome to the stream uh you’re on my friends list correct or in my in the guild I see your name in my chat a bunch like my in-game chat I think you’re on my friends list but it’s going well Mr emero I’ve been chilling uh it’s just AAA I think you’re on my friends list I’m pretty sure you’re on my friend’s list I are you on right now whoops yeah right here Emerald Arrow Master mode catacomb floor five I think there’s a ghost in my apartment my showers just started running out another room dude freaky a ghost why is bro in the shower uh any advice on exorcism see if Bros chill first it’d be kind of sick to have like a chill Little Ghost friend can you accept uh uh yeah my bad buff Mikey my goat yo lucky I’m Reviving The Guild one player at a time team just threw so hard rip must be chill yeah that’s true well wel to the dead Guild yeah hey aaa’s back AAA dragon’s back so that’s something can’t KB livid into Portal dude just get an LCM LCM goed um I was going to say something uh what was I going to say I think I get kicked from it maybe I don’t know if you were like if you if you like didn’t log in for a long period of time maybe I personally didn’t kick you I don’t kick anybody I really don’t even do much I don’t know why I’m km start more philosophical discussions in Guild chat dude like super late last night someone was like I don’t know who it was but somebody two people were like really getting deep into a discussion last night like 2 a.m. in Guild chat I don’t know I don’t know I don’t remember who it was oh yeah I think it was garlic sorry that I keep muting I’m sneezing glassic garlic Behavior it was garlic and someone else I don’t remember oh he just or right you did rejoin right yeah BR back in dude I’m feeling a handle this run I can feel it I feel it in my gut yo high levels in the chat what type of purse you sitting at nowadays high levels oh where did he go where did his messages go am I skitso oh message retracted that was hallucinating for a second you got a guild uh yes not mine but I mean I’ve been in it for long enough I’m Co GM just because of how many people I’ve got in there I don’t I don’t be like moderating or anything but it’s just AAA if you want to join it dude JoJo stop freaking necron when when am I going to get a handle dude when is it my turn to be happy dude why is my nose running so much reconnect wrong I can’t grasp the coins firmly grasp it welcome back arol welcome welcome Hey man where’s the split at okay there we go gate wow better go catch your nose dude I wish I could it is too far gone though I don’t I don’t know maybe maybe in a dungeon there’s no timeing I just remember I just always see your name in chat been a year and a month though hey cool about a year and a month ago is when I was like really into streaming so maybe then cuz I’m just now like streaming again dude we lucky and high level beefing every time with you two there’s not a moment of Peace Cricket girl what does that mean is there some context on that one wow take it to DMs get a room you two yesh PR soundboard that’s kind of funny yeah oh that’s that’s evil also really [Music] funny if I ever get over this 10 viewer average Plateau I’m really going to post I’m really going to start at only fans if I go like four streams in a row where I average more than like 10 to 15 viewers oh I’m getting freaky on camera it’s kind of sus I’ll do what I must do ending stream when I joined is crazy that’s actually really funny [Music] I just need to start uploading dude I don’t know what to upload I have a video idea but uh I tried doing it last night but it like didn’t go well at all cuz it was so dead I need to do it like in the middle of the day I was going to do like um had a bizarre flip in 2020 4 yep yep okay all right you guys can stop cheering now and I was going to do like I was going to like showcase like the website that I used the mod that I use and then I was going to do uh like a test at like 10 mil 50 mil and 500 mil to see how much like money I made in like a 30 minute time period dude lucky I have so many images of cats saved it’s like a guilty pleasure of mine I just see like a silly fella and I just save it or like screens shot oh dude my ears are clogged stop freaking the floor please Jojo Jojo Jojo can you hear me JoJo can you hear me come freak my Bedrock chest freak my Bedrock chest okay ready a okay never mind it didn’t work you’re not freaky enough leash your cat pigs all right I got you hold on hold on I’ll send you like the the four most recent ones I got they’re not like my cats or anything that’s so real our last DM was 92423 a picture of a Cappy bar I’ll throw that one in there throw a picture of a guinea pig in there too for you got this guy chilling in a bucket of water got this guy with the oranges yuh got this guy this guy who else I can’t breathe we got this sad looking fella got the ah so sorry there you go there’s just a peak into the dark demented mind of shade awesome did they send okay yeah they did hold on let me let me share with share with chat all right so we got this guy this guy’s a personal favorite I really freak with this guy and we got this guy I personally discovered this guy had a local petmart got this guy this was my profile picture on Instagram for a little bit we got this guy this is oay or o on Instagram I follow him there’s this guy he’s just chilling there’s this guy he’s kind of sad there’s this guy he’s very sad this guy he’s apologetic dude this person just asked me to play Roblox with them and that I’d get more viewers last time I tried to play something else on stream besides Minecraft I averaged two concurrence and one of those was me and nightbot okay three then cuz one other person was in here I remember I think it was zil maybe that’s my go right now right there y’all don’t know nothing about Zs me and Z go way back what boots why am I on 20 FPS what the freak dude come on I guess I just got to uninstall chat triggers dude nothing much they’re probably like worth a billion coins oh my God you guys see my game what’s going on oh I’m getting I’m getting hacked as we speak am I dead no okay what isnet host oh those are only like aund something mil what rat did I download Beats Me pal your guess is as good as mine should net software be using or not net host be using 3 gabt of ram where is this last mob at there we go that’s not normal well what can you do well I’m afraid that I’m going to end it and it’s going to like close Minecraft or close stream or something we’re both oh onion rings there goes my music I’m on Wi-Fi oh all right there’s music back all right we chilling now oh whoops my bad chat I was trying to fix something uh yeah I have an ethernet cable I just don’t have it plugged in right now um what the sigma is that guy doing up there oh I use it but uh 28 bill I use it but for some reason I lag really hard in game on like on only some games I run like 200 ping Oh wrong chat you live in Texas so it should be good yeah that’s I don’t know it’s cuz it’s like a Wi-Fi extender into a hot spot not actually a hot spot that’s the main main issue I I think that’s the issue cuz I would or not a a Wi-Fi extender into an ethernet cable is what I meant not just a straight Ethernet cable so I think that might be the problem cuz the issue is my like uh my modem or my router is all the way across the house so it’ be kind of obnoxious to run ethernet cable all the way through the house and I don’t want to like make an eyesore in my living room for my parents um my internet like sucks basically I had another hype um two hype that’s chill two hype is some chill stuff three hype that’s where it gets crazy that’s where you’re doing too much a non-sc scrolled one nope JoJo lock in do I have a job no I’m getting one as soon as the summer starts though I’m going try to at least cuz in five seven 8 days I am no longer a student have you ever had one yeah I had one about 5 months ago I had one I worked at State Farm was a little Insurance boy there I got another one full scroll nice why you saying that yep shade from State Farm that’s me that’s your boy hey good Rex Pet is I didn’t even know that was a pet I’ll keep it a stack 50 with you full full price oh yeah you got them for like 200k I remember that now someone accidentally put them up for like lowest they could go equ what a Max G drag for melee [Music] sheesh Supermarket simulator uh it seems cool I don’t want to buy it though I couldn’t tell you honestly assume so are yall waiting on me okay no totally buy everything off my ah yeah I got you if this guy buys this for 92 mil that’d be so high if I paid 70 7 for it 1039 that’s not even bad maybe I might get it I don’t know no it’s efficiency 10 H does this one tap uh does this one tap iron block and gold block Jade low raller is back kind of dude I made like 500 mil in one day last week lowballing I got a hype fully scrolled for 1.63 build I got a Chima 3 dark Claymore for 600 mil sold it for 830 I got a nekron handle for 750 and sold it for 8:30 I was kind of cooking last week but this this week has been kind of slow some chill stuff dude low balling is so like I just like lowballing I know it’s like kind of scummy but I mean they are accepting it so it’s like kind of in a moral Gray Zone but I don’t really care cuz it’s Sky Block I have so much stuff to sell bring stuff some stuff to me I’ll low ball it like 10% I think is what I usually go for for items over like 200 mil dude this guy is taking his sweet time what the flip isn’t efficiency 10 gold pickaxe like 2x cheaper then uh efficiency 10 Pioneer pickaxe I two we old profiles fit oh yeah I got you check wardrobe is it this profile or which one peach I got you uh y’all can go ahead and do a run if you want oh 4.6 bill in two weeks what the flip dude that’s crazy sheesh didn’t know you were a dog at the game more in the island chest holy moly dude had a 33 in a week is kind of outlandish Tim five Claymore holy moly in a chest how much nowhere should a profile with 340 hours probably like 1 to 8 Bill if not less no we check like 16 Maybe 16ish see if it actually loads I don’t think it’s going to load I’m might check in my server uh 16.3 it says I don’t know why this website doesn’t work little more weird sorry if you guys are annoyed at my sniffling I really can’t help it so you had like 21 buildt uh my Peak was 17 I hit 17 then I spent a bill on Jerry boxes and then all my a lot of my I I items devalued and I at like [Music] 15 e [Music] B man what a [Music] name oh HBA hubba I was actually kind of really hoping he would buy this all right let me go do my dailies super quickly I’ll get back to dungeons D dung dude I cannot read holy moly this the nice mayor this is not match mode gameplay leave me alone the control not doing all that two slugish not doing all that GAR Duke I can do that blaz hash I can do that hot tier I can do that click bait I’m sorry guys a five M worth than 50 mil Pur I don’t see why not are you saving it for anything specific mutilated Blaze Ash do I have any of that there’s mutilated Blaze Ash at we got tentacle meat who what playing with a tentacle [Music] meat yes me uh you can put it you can like upgrade your dragon Essence shop [Music] yeah I mean but I mean it’s nothing crazy personally that if I just had 50 mil I’d just sell it never check me I got you one second let me kill this Felder right quick there we go straight up nothing got you got you high levels I need a video idea what should I make a video on that’s going to get a trillion views dude 29 Bill Pur what does that put you in is that top 10 yet you top 10 purse dude I hate Frozen Blaze so bad I don’t know what it is about Frozen blades but like just seeing it makes me upset I don’t know if this is a hot take ban me ban me if you want or what is it cancel me if you want cancel me if you want but I don’t freaking care I know this is a controversial opinion cancel me if you want y’all see that do on Tik Tok um oh what’s his name good griefs that dude is py uh you like that 42 B out worth yeah it’s crazy give me all of it no boss uh which set of crimson I have burning and hot M uh Mage crimson and I have burning and hot like uh melee crimsin both bad B why is it equipping my flying fish refrain Legion 3 crimson dude I made it when I was poor leave me alone leave me alone I don’t use my Crimson I don’t even have a melee weapon dude been a long time since I’ve had a claymore been maxing out dude I watched a video of this guy um he’s like a Newber Sky Block YouTuber but his video was genuinely very entertaining and it was him getting forging 50 like the way he edited it was just like genuinely captivating like who knew I like me little little me Mr foraging hater would watch a foraging video you seen pow liner no I don’t really dble dabble in too much block content really at all yo what’s up tiny welcome to the stream hope you having a good day welcome welcome welcome he’s funny uh I’ve heard that name a bunch before I know he’s he’s been around for a minute let me drop a god roll right quick a some chill stove two Sentinel skin Warden Helms in the past week uh is Sentinel the changing one yeah I’ve flipped some Sentinel Warden skins I’ve I bought one for like 10 or like 97 mil and sold it for 120 go ter is in the dirt yeah so like God roll uh Aurora is getting there dude it’s like barely 200 mil for a god roll piece it’s 153k yeah that makes sense he’s been around for a long time I think he’s one of the OG Skywalk YouTubers if I remember correctly I I RC ma maniple Lifeline weird a god roll stopped uploading I don’t blame him dude I don’t blame refraction either this game will burn you out so quick Goodra meta I just want to get enough um I just want to get enough uh rep so I can do a comp did H per on to dirt yes sir for infernal comp so I can get magic findind equipment that’s all I want sway is streaming almost every day I don’t know how he does it dude I mean then again if I was like number one netw worth I’d stream every day mag M Equipment sucks well I just want it for my magic mine set up that like six extra I wouldn’t you’re right yeah yeah you’re right on me I’m I’m lying on my Toms I’m lying W makes a new profile every month dude I just don’t like to grind like that like I I could I don’t know I just yeah I don’t know I mean if I was averaging like this sounds like shallow but if I was averaging like 50 to 100 viewers per stream I would 100% stream every day the biggest problem is the streams when I get like four concurrent viewers and it just like that just demotivates you dude or when you see no progress that just demotivates you like crazy as well I know it sounds like shallow but I’m just being honest with yall uh yeah I see that high levels also you should come in maybe maybe maybe I think that’s all my dieses all let me do my um whatchamacallits let me do my H what’s it called dude the pearls Jesus I do my daily pearls right quick me pearls that clim that clim that all right uh Hey 10.1k rep pretty much there I like 20 more days I’ll get on and drop you 20 mil I don’t really need it man you can keep it you’re chill am I going dude I got to lock in lost by dying uh 600 mil I have the screenshot [Music] somewhere what’s the what’s the button to open up your screenshots miss out on Rose ey What’s it add dude JoJo told me not to invest so if these like shoot up to like 60 mil I’m killing JoJo uh I’d be willing to shoot a giveaway up in the Discord for 20 Mo if you want to do that I’d always be happy to throw a exclamation mark giveaway in the title sniper 2025 mil nice I want the wheel giveaway yeah dude when we get like an influx of viewers again I’ll do wheel giveaways when we get back up to like our normal 15 to 20 concurrence maybe dude I don’t know what it is but I should have don’t see any new people in the streams because I’m on YouTube maybe I mean what do I stream on though twitch is a nogo I mean I’d already that twitch’s discoverability is worse I’d actually strongly argue that unless there’s like a specific category for Hypixel Sky Block if you just stream to Minecraft you’re actually finding a needle and a Hy stack I don’t know I could stream to twitch but like I’m already monetized on YouTube that’s the issue like I work so hard to get monetized on YouTube 15 people streaming on Twitch I guess that’s true I don’t know I don’t know maybe I’ll try streaming on Twitch who knows last time I streamed on Twitch I got like three concurr whole stream and then it’s like I um what’s it called I just completely forgot what I was going to say I mean I’m streaming under the tag Hypixel Sky Block on YouTube I’m streaming under Minecraft Hypixel Sky Block and shade awesome how much is in my sacks 46 mil that’s not bad yeah I don’t know I mean I know the method is probably just to upload on YouTube and stream on Twitch I know that’s the meta upload to Youtube stream on Twitch upload Clips to Tik Tok uh pardon me Emerald hold on let me change my setup um orus and also I don’t really um I don’t want to like inconvenient inconvenience like my longtime viewers like I owe them more than anything I don’t want to go to a platform that they’re not going to be able to comfortably watch from like I think it was X17 double if I couldn’t really watch when I streamed on Tik Tok I guess I if I wanted to do variety twitch would probably be the move oh my bad I forgot I didn’t accept your invite paron me again sorry should I queue on my main profile go for [Music] it I don’t know though I’ll probably figure it out in the summer or when summer starts there should fit holy moly hubba hubba great googly mly Celestial necron on this SK is crazy I’m going to run some floor FES maybe for about 20 minutes 25 minutes I don’t think I’m going to call it summer is the time to pop off I mean if you think about it Summer’s like permanent now it’s like I’m graduating you feel me dude cuz literally I know the method I I stream to Twitch record it upload like a comp uh like a edited version onto YouTube and then I upload like four or five clips from the video on Tik Tok it’s that easy I’m just too lazy like if you do that there’s like a solid chance you at least get a decent bit of traction uh I’ll find I’ll fund a discre way if I can give you the money to pay out yeah yeah got you giveaway slash giveaway create duration three days winners one prize 20 [Music] mil post is at high levels boom start at giveaway Joy comma also I’m live right now so join for baby some giveways smile swap on major so right thank you appreciate the warning sure that level 38 burs looks a lot better than like 33 age um if we hit 20 likes I’ll do a I’ll do a live giveaway 20 likes equals live giveway give a w give a want the message it’s kind of Stormy outside I think that’s why I’m lagging 30 Bill purse giveaway in the works hubba hubba 30 Bill purse is crazy did I ping the right giveaway roll two entries and like two minutes is crazy want the sigma for yeah 30 mil Pur beat that got a big baller in chat great googly moly at FSA l so you live kind of in Northeast Texas kind of yeah yeah kind of hey man how you know that it’s my chocolate factory low that’s where the storms are yeah oh yeah oops dox myself oopsy daisies North Texas is the worst part IO you ain’t never been to Houston before then oh you’re talking about storms okay I thought you’re just saying like in general the worst I’ve never seen more homeless people than when I went to Houston yeah last week was pretty rough try going to California I mean I don’t think Texas has that big of a homeless problem I don’t think I I could be very wrong I feel like there’s like definitely worse stes are my sniffles like really audible I’m really sorry if they are I’m trying to hold back but I also don’t want to sound congested because I know how annoying that is how far was Houston about four hours like three three three to four hours dude why is like nobody entering the giveaway what the skibby I should probably take off my Mage Armor yeah is this like a crazy good party am I like out of place what the what are we full yeah we’re full okay I I like making like the informative videos back to like the not knowing what to make for videos but I like making like the for informative videos but I feel like a lot of the times I’m just like not educated enough and that video just ends up being kind of poor like poor quality and rushed CU I really like don’t play the game enough to know like all the like small details you know what I mean and also I don’t like doing money-making method videos cuz even though they get views they just feel kind of scummy high high levels he he oh no yes okay we got it eat sour worms never eat sour worms uh give or take roughly Southeast roughly very roughly like do not like take that to a te you feel me picking up what I’m putting down oh brother want the uh we finish this run and are you down pretty close yeah what’s the nearest big city that I’m close to or like named City that I’m close to I got a bump on the tip of my tongue and it hurts got a bump on my would assume D well yeah but like Nam C obviously doubtless obviously yeah man why’ that one guy leave come on man think that’s a wrap I would agree Gun Barrel Athens Tyler Palestine um yeah no none of those well GG go next how would I know if you’re lying that’s the fun part you don’t I could have been lying about being four hours out of Houston I could have been lying about being southeast of Dallas I could be lying about living in Texas no I’m just kidding I’m not lying in Texas that part is true for sure I could be lying about the storms I’m not even real I’m so sleepy why is bro shock wait what what is that one what is that one colon colon face Dash Das Fusia Dash wide Dash eyes uh let me hit lands up right quick for the info everything has a price all right donate 100 right quick and I’ll uh I’ll tell you drop 100 and I’ll drop my ADD want some chill stuff you know some slight you know me dude why are my allergies being like this I don’t get it no I don’t understand it you’re changing I can’t stand this can’t take this damage you’re allergic to Sky Block dude maybe I might just be dude dlion rings do I have a face cam I do not but I wouldn’t be against getting one I mean I’ve already face revealed on Tik Tok Tik Tok Miss big stream uses a face cam that’s true definitely agree with you on that L to dungeons makes sense on steak dude gaming stry gamble your life savings be like uh what’s his face uh boss man Jack I ask for juicers I beg you guys for juicers that poor guy dude I couldn’t imagine being a LOL cow but I wouldn’t be against getting sponsored like sponsored money to gamble but I like don’t actually use any of my own money I just like get sponsored and use like fake balance and then like make crazy videos and then people Depot under my code and I get like free money that’d be kind of heat cata 11 with skill average of 44 is kind of crazy um why can’t I kill this skeleton WTS dude WTS [Music] think I found a Mac R yeah that wouldn’t be surprising and I’m about to start macroing that’s a joke you should get a soundboard I have one I have like the soundboard thing on Steam it doesn’t work with my current mic for some reason um one YouTuber I watch ironically a gambling YouTuber he has a soundboard whenever something happens he has like a cheering sound effect say memes instead of so I can say memes instead of you to keep your sanity yeah maybe that might work is that the method or no what the sigma I feel like if I got a soundboard I’d be too annoying with it and you guys would stop watching that’s one thing about a soundboard it can get really overused really fast um I’m lagging WTS dude lock in Oh Brother is that my last K my father there that I burnt on that garbage W TS I hate you yeah that’s valid I deserve that I’m hot him six you PV me you look at my PV you see taming 50 mining 60 enchanting 60 carpentry 50 combat 60 fishing 50 Alchemy 50 rev 9 Terra 9 spin 9 Vamp n cata 40 boom hotm six I know what WTS want the sigma oh why am I host I didn’t want that take that b give me that I’m joking I’m joking oh that man done got boned uhoh oh dude how did you get mining 60 without hot him well I got to like mining 55 before hotm exist or no I got to like mining 50 before hotm existed I think that’s a really good place to call it believe it or not or never mind we’re already in another one uh mainly just snow minions though I had snow means for like the first three years of my profile oh man chill no man dude I hate Shadow assistant why does he take so much damage oh my Tims he shouldn’t be able to two shot me someone dropped 500 I’d get foring 50 oh dude I don’t want to say that actually I wouldn’t do that $750 and I’ll get foraging 50 like my AR my arrows don’t even hit him like I shoot him and he just like Dodges them I really just don’t get it man they don’t get it yeah I would grind to forging 50 for uh 750 dude I can do M5 it’s just this lag in these unbalanced mini bosses like there’s no reason at 750,000 effective HP should a mini boss in a glorified floor five two shot me almost one shot me that’s just unreasonable um I wouldn’t do that you get like 50k XP an hour and just paon fish you’re still streaming yes yes yes thank you for the runs Mr Emerald Arrow this guy want the 92 mil work for for oh dude are you serious how did I fat F in my MW I purposely placed it so far away all right I’m going show you how to low ball they call me lowball awesome this is never done before on YouTube never done lowballing has never been done live what you do you hit a colon o uh low balling two 7 [Music] bill 50 mil plus and um if you search if you search like lowballing H pixel Sky Block Live on YouTube Just a picture of a cricket shows up true story uh don’t listen to this Z2 guys he’s clearly a schizophrenic that is the works of a Madman in [Music] chat okay Bobbies are dead all right so when nobody visits you CU your message sucks you restart in the beginning Lobby add a bunch of underscores just to be extra annoying and then then you go back to the other Lobby I got a lwig stream dud lwig is my goat uh you do that and then if nobody visits you you give up yep time to give up right boys I’m about to drop someone called a tier 7 if I drop it I’ll do a 100 Mil giveaway one tier 7 someone call it any tier s uh guess like which one specifically and if I drop that specific one I’ll give away 100 Mil sharp seven okay I’ll be fine with that I’ll be fine with that is this guy here for a lowball wait hold on okay sharp seven sharp seven or power seven lock one of them in First Strike five all right youall got to come to a general consensus of one tier s sharp [Music] seven I don’t think this guy has something over 50 Mo I could be wrong why am I so laggy dude come on what that’s not over 50 mil I hate to say it dude what WTS is my ping dude come on Lo [Music] in I short with the sigma dude it’s growing on me like WTS bro come on dude WTS you kidding me dude WTS it’s growing on me dude this is the new thing thing this is the new lingo you don’t know a young an old fell like me could keep up with Y youngsters to that I’m like WTS of course I can keep up I’m sorry I’ll stop I’m so [Music] sorry do a du lingo stream I got you the brain Ringo yes sir oh boy dragon Trac survive no dude I did leave the visitor pin open oh no nope don’t think I got anything all all right boys I think that’s going to be enough for me tonight I did it though two streams in a row over two hours we’re so back aren’t you guys hyped before you can say no I’m ending stream hope you all have a good Rush yall night but uh Peace Out Boys hope youall don’t call me a part-timer not cool hope you boys enjoying the stream though uh hope to see you the next stream and see you

This video, titled ‘MASTER MODE DUNGEON GRIND (Hypixel Skyblock)’, was uploaded by ShadeAwesome on 2024-05-12 05:18:27. It has garnered 74 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:47 or 8267 seconds.

#minecraft #hypixelskyblock #shadeawesome DISCORD: https://discord.gg/shadeawesome DONATE: https://streamlabs.com/shade-ar7MK1

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    🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Public Smp Live Free Join’, was uploaded by HR NITIN GAMER on 2024-06-04 16:36:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT IP-HRNITINGAMER.aternos.me port-38157 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! Read More

  • Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥

    Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист в разноцветных красках искупалась кисть сами начинают руки рисовать ведь талант не спрятать И не потерять может творчество мо моё вызовет сомнение только не справляюсь я с этим вдохновением Может вам покажется This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Secret Bases At Different Ages🤔🤯(Masha And The Bear) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-06-18 12:46:58. It has garnered 16530 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerz

    Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerzVideo Information केलिए मिटने वाला है और हम अपना बदला लेने वाले हैं तो गाइ भागने के लिए तैयार रहना इन थ्री टू वन लेट्स गो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो लेट्स गो विजय भाई शायद This video, titled ‘Minecraft server distroed 😂😂🤔😙😙#technogamerz #proboiz95’, was uploaded by Teddy bisht on 2024-02-19 12:24:45. It has garnered 515 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775Video Information go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

    EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely… Read More

  • Can You Guess Who’s Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #Sharingan

    Can You Guess Who's Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #SharinganVideo Information [Music] ding ding [Music] ding This video, titled ‘Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime @narrowdude333′, was uploaded by NarrowDude on 2024-03-04 13:39:54. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime ‎@narrowdude333  Title: The Enigmatic Eye: A Minecraft Build Guessing Game Introduction: In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can build anything from simple houses to intricate landscapes, there exists a game that challenges players’ observational skills and creativity – “Guess… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shortsVideo Information [Music] everything’s perfect here and the sun is shining hey everything’s perfect here there’s nobody crying I got a bad feeling about This video, titled ‘Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aakib Playz on 2024-04-16 12:29:01. It has garnered 12937 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft Inspired: @PROTER Song: @JagwarTwin Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, parody, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and… Read More

  • CLE2 Gamers

    CLE2 GamersWelcome to GraceCraft, a warm and welcoming Christian Minecraft server where players of all ages come together to build, explore, and share their faith in a positive and inclusive community. Our server is founded on the principles of love, respect, and fellowship, creating a safe space for players to enjoy the game while embracing their Christian values. At GraceCraft, you’ll find a family-friendly environment where kindness and cooperation are celebrated. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a wholesome atmosphere, making it a perfect place for players of all skill levels to engage in creative endeavors, survival adventures, and collaborative projects…. Read More

  • ZynnCraft – Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join the ZynnCraft Minecraft server at ZynnCraft.fr.to Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win experience Join our discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/XtN3SSTPOV8?si=lZBR6ObeDC2SgYeq Server Overview Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, offering a classic Minecraft experience with unique twists. Now on version 1.20.6, supporting Bedrock players! Join us at ZynnCraft.fr.to and be part of our community today! Read More

  • Minecraft server survi.ar

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: survi.ar (GL HF) Read More

  • Zenith MC

    Zenith MC🌟 Join Zenith world/nation building Today! 🌟Looking for a unique Minecraft experience? Join Zenith MC today! We host building competitions, pvp events, and boss fights!🔹 **No Mods, Just Plugins:** Enjoy a seamless gameplay experience with custom plugins, no need to download mods!🔹 **Custom Items & Resource Pack:** Explore a world filled with exclusive items and a stunning custom resource pack!🔹 **💰 Thriving Economy System:** Trade, earn, and thrive in our dynamic economy system!🔹 **🌍 Growing Community:** Be part of a vibrant and welcoming community that’s growing every day!🔹 **🚀 Launching July 15th at 3:00pm PST:** Join us from day one… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper-Approved Minecraft Memes

    I guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that score of 70! Read More

  • Unleash Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21

    Unleash Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21Video Information how to fly in survival Minecraft a new glitch has just been found that allows you to fly up walls with wind charges and with a little practice it is very easy to do to do this glitch first get right next to a block then place your Crosshair right above the bottom of the block and hold down right click to throw wind charges while pressing W to move forward like how you should subscribe to help me move forward towards 100 subscribers by the end of the summer anyways this glitch is very hard to do… Read More

  • Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance

    Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance In the world of Minecraft, a glitch has been found, A multiplayer duplication trick, spreading around. Enchanted items, duplicated with ease, Using a trade plugin, the process is a breeze. Trade your items with a friend or alt account, Then unenchant them, creating a new amount. Stacking enchants, making items more strong, With each duplication, the power grows long. But beware, the glitch may break the game, Creating sharpness levels that are insane. So try it out, and see what you find, In the world of Minecraft, glitches unwind. Subscribe for more glitches, tutorials galore, Join our Discord community,… Read More

  • Super Dog Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Damn!

    Super Dog Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Damn! Why did the Super Dog villager say “Oi Oi Oi” in Minecraft? Because he was trying to start a bark-ic revolution! #bombastic #minecraft #memes #funny Read More

  • Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans

    Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans Minecraft Speed Builders 2024: A Hilarious and Fast-Paced Competition Get ready for an epic Minecraft Speed Builders showdown in 2024! Watch as players race against time to construct magnificent structures in record time. This fast-paced mini-game will test your building skills and provide endless entertainment. Join the Fun in Minecraft Speed Builders Step into the world of Minecraft Speed Builders and witness the intense competition unfold. Players go head-to-head, striving to build structures at lightning speed while the clock ticks away. The excitement is palpable as participants push their limits to achieve victory. Challenging Building Skills Building in Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Themepark in Magic Steve’s Realm 7 @MagicSteve

    Insane Minecraft Themepark in Magic Steve's Realm 7 @MagicSteveVideo Information hi everyone um what’s going on yeah uh we are in Magic Steve adventures yes Magic Steve adventures in the magic Steve Rome um sorry if we’re a bit Rusty this video uh we haven’t recorded for the past few days but we’re back finally also sorry uh that the last video ended really abruptly um yeah it it yeah we had very little time left so anyways uh let’s get on with today for today’s video we’re going to be doing some roller coasters so we’re going to start with this roller coaster called Water’s Edge also… Read More

  • I Cheated with GIANT in Minecraft

    I Cheated with GIANT in MinecraftVideo Information I’m going to cheat in a build battle against my friends using SL slash giant I can turn this tiny dragon into a super giant dragon wo this looks so awesome are you ready oh no I can’t let my friend see this there you are are you ready to build Spongebob and beat L you guys won’t win my SpongeBob is going to be super cool wait axie I thought you were building with woodo no I’m with you in this build battle come on let’s get started on SpongeBob actually we don’t need to build Spongebob… Read More

  • Ultimate Anarchy: Entropic SMP JOIN NOW!

    Ultimate Anarchy: Entropic SMP JOIN NOW!Video Information we made a server with we’re calling entropic SMP and it’s completely vanilla and AR Anarchy the reason it’s Anarchy is because a lot of people on YouTube started making so many repetitive story lines and predictable plots and abilities have been copied and pasted so many godamn times the YouTubers that are part of it don’t even have any chemistry each other so I’m making the entropic S&P public we’re looking for members that are active and have a good personality the server and if you’re interested make a 15 a 45C application in the Discord link… Read More