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What’s up what’s going on oh my God there’s people in here already what’s up people oh snap let me look at this let me look at the chat Dragon cats first what’s up Dark Angel how you doing I just responded to one of your comments Dark Angel

Interesting Dragon cat W did you hit like no it’s pretty funny what’s up people Ivory’s here Jax dude what’s up just Wing hello hello miles Minecart Red Bull’s here what’s up guys meech with the croissant real toilet what’s up remember me of course I do real toilet I

Mean no of course not who are you uh shark hello RPG what’s up dude poly whs hey I remember you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah poly whs you were here for uh different twitch streams yeah I’m pretty much only Minecraft or I’m pretty much only uh YouTube streaming now what’s up

Goats let me pull this chat up uh on my other monitor really quick okay chat titles on blue equals W what you had a good day I did I did have a good day real toilet what’s up real toilet it’s sleepy time I didn’t know it was sleepy time but what’s up

Guys uh if you’re not watching this live this is of course first uh kind of episode of Minecraft Monday but it was just I wanted to designate a day to play Minecraft and I chose Monday you because if you’re a genius like me you would have realized that oh my God I call

Myself a genius and then I mess up like that that’s kind of I mean that’s Instant Karma if if anyone else is watching but Minecraft and Monday both start with the letter M and I thought boy I’m silly I’ll do Minecraft Monday because the letter

M I know you can applaud in the comments you can say that’s pretty G genius that’s hey if there’s anything that’s genius it’s that and I’ll say yes yes it is okay right now I’m organizing I haven’t really I have not really organized this world much because I’m

Always trying to do something uh in each short and organizing takes me a long time so I I really haven’t organized that much but for those of you who watched the shorts world is this the short world yes Dragon cat this is the short World thanks for making me mod

Says wing of course is this the same world as chicken no this is the shorts World we’ll do a little bit of a tour and for those of you who don’t know the shorts World I’ll give you a little bit of a rundown but there is a playlist on

The channel it will take you about an hour to watch because it is about 60 episodes of shorts all in order so if you go on my channel you can probably find it quite easily I believe I put it on the homepage my channel but it’s a

Playlist called the shorts world where I was going to do a short every day until I died but that was my plan before I had like other plans that was my plan when I was like I think I’m just going to be a Minecraft Channel but then I decided I

Really would be happier in life if I did variety so I’m going to do variety but I want to have a little respect to Minecraft because that was my first like 10,000 subscribers were due to Minecraft so I was like we’re going to have a Minecraft We’re I can’t speak I haven’t

Had enough Coke Zero today so I said to myself we’re we’re going to have a Minecraft Monday so we’re going to stream Minecraft on Mondays until 17 weeks from now when I give that up too because I always change plans I’m very inconsistent with some things but I am

Very consistent in the fact that I always change ideas and make new ideas and new plans all the time that’s true uh climbed 200 Subs since yesterday bro I’ve had a wild couple weeks um but yeah &em candy colors Earth planet space infinity infinity craft what dude you just Infinity craft in

Chat that was crazy um great alliteration thank you toilet um but stop for people have requested them before he has wait what’s up uh qu have you played po world yeah I I we streamed pal world with Logan loogan a little bit but I haven’t uh gotten back into it knock back one

That’s why I left that there I want a new pickaxe I think I want to build a I think we’re going to going to go back I think we’re going to go steal bookshelves I think we’re going to go on a little bit of a trip and steal bookshelves from the um from

The dude I am my brain my train of thought is wild we’re going to steal bookshelves from the thingy whatever the thingy is called you know the thingy you use it to go to the end the stronghold we’re going to steal bookshelves from the stronghold but quickly we’re going

To go buy some extra carrots look at my staircas case here see I like the stream because now I can actually show you everything and I have time 1 minute every day it wasn’t just it was just not cutting it for me anymore you went to the end you got

Elyra how long have you been on this world oh I’ve been on this world uh since the beginning of the year I’ve been posting basically one day one day of the world every day just just is what I’ve been doing since the beginning of this year but then I I changed uh last

Friday was the last episode episode I think it was Friday or Thursday perhaps what’s up pig everybody say hello to Pig Noah’s here though P Patrick’s here Gil mesh is here Ivory’s here the coding hamster’s here yes I remember you of course people are like you remember me and I’m like yes it’s

Been like 46 hours I remember how could I forget a hamster this is very loud in here I bet where’s my farm guy Farm guy you’re a fish farm guy hello I would like all of this thank you you want to sell me a fishing rod uh steep prices my man steep

Prices who’s got the pickaxe which one of you got the pickaxe you you got the shoes and stuff do I have shoes on I do this time you you also sell the shoes you pickaxe ah do I have any hidden monies around here I must have some monies put

Around here somewhere that’s some monies I knew I had some monies around here thank you I was almost out of that one all right let’s hide the monies back in here no one take the monies out of here please anyways back to checking chat for

A second do I remember Jack’s I think so do you remember me um monies yes of course haven’t been one of your streams like a month poly worlds no I remember your name from I I just remembered your name cuz uh when I when I read your name I think of the

Pokemon so I was like yeah I remember that um but yeah you over on Twitch I believe uh money is kind of surpr I will not dinner bone hello hello hello making sure I say hello to especially the ogs but trying to say hello to everybody it’s very important um no one be

Surprised if this stream has less views than the infinite craft streams cuz I’m I’m blowing up so to speak um because of infinite craft a little bit right now so if people are not joining the Minecraft Monday that’s totally fine not everyone has to um um my real goal though would

Be if everyone who watched the channel for whatever reason if they were like not a fan of Minecraft but I always tune in for moldy schold Minecraft Monday you just kind of have to because this is going to be I’m going to be playing this

Game in a style where even if you don’t play this game you can still have fun because we’re just going to like explore and you know do stuff and maybe some big builds I don’t know like what if this chicken what if today’s goal is to just build this chicken an entire

Castle well now he’s dead so we can’t do that but you know it could be a thing Red Bull make fortnite Friday a thing you’re not wrong uh if I don’t have something planned I’ll do a fortnite Friday but if I have something like fortnite’s a hot day you know what I

Mean like it’s a hot weekend day kind of it’s like leading up to the weekend for Friday night that’s a hot night you know so if there’s something trending I might want to throw the trending thing on that day so I’m not going to promise a fortnite Friday but I like fortnite a

Lot like too much some would say mildly addicted to fortnite some being my girlfriend and she says you know you got to stop and I say no I don’t and then she’s like you do this is a lie she never said that she supports me

Wildly um but I thought it was funny you know kind of a stereotype oh can you believe the the girlfriend disagrees with me ah you know like normal people say that kind of stuff normal people got issues to be honest with you they really

Do uh I’m sorry but I I’m going to go you’re going to go dark angel no hey if you’re still here Dark Angel though did you have a question about YouTube I think you commented a question hopefully my comment helped you um moldy when will you fight the Wither

I’m going to cheese it I’m going to bring it to the end and put it under the portal I hope you realize this um that way I can feed it snowmen you know can we give that’s not a big hole but I was reading chat and that scared me can we

Give the chicken a gravestone what chicken I don’t even know what you’re talking about don’t even know what you’re talking about uh prices have risen quarter recent what are you talking what are you talking about man um charity is helping you what do you mean I forgot about this right

Here too bad I don’t have to do this normal cross anymore cuz I have the gifted power of Flight Training you in in moderating that makes sense pay attention rehat later if I pay attention right now I’ll never re chat I could try to scroll up

Like at certain times but I don’t want to Mis chat you know charity is a she just Wing oh I was going to say that but I didn’t want to like be wrong or something so I was just like I’ll let this fly um get it right dang nutshell dang

Wing is trying Wing is trying I don’t think Wing meant any disrespect um Ivory you said that uh already not spamming wait what what did Ivory say that’s spamming infinite crash really popular right now that’s how I found your YouTube actually I was watching people play and you popped up my home screen

Yeah you can look into the um statistics a lot on YouTube as a Creator and the statistics were like hey we showed your videos to like hundreds of thousands of people’s home screen and I was just like that’s cool where were you doing that you know when I made Minecraft for a

Year and it’s like we tried we tried but you’re not the best Minecraft player in the world and I I went YouTube do you know who you’re talking to and then YouTube was like we do do you know who you are and I was like that’s fair

That’s a skeleton that is a skeleton coming to kill me but that’s okay we live on the edge that’s another skeleton ow hold up ow quit it dude what is that red oh that’s the thing I blocked can we review the footage I blocked I totally blocked that can you

Stop can you stop thank you can I eat this pumpkin M do you should do a speedr running stream I don’t know how to speedrun that well I don’t know the the weird like tactics and statistics and whatever people use I should really put this on it’s so pretty

No oh my god oh it’s like every it’s so beautiful oh my God oh my God can you believe this can you guys believe this dude what dude what’s up soup dude look they’re so pretty it’s one of every color no hey man you’re messing with my beautiful

Experience right now okay can you like can you like die for it thanks no don’t try to get out you’re fine keep swimming keep swimming hold up guys this is very important I need this I don’t need that I don’t need that go back inside go back inside tiny one go back

Inside pumpkin go back inside oh wait I can just do this okay hold up we need we need more of that we need we have six so we have enough for we have enough buckets for three now we need a little bit more iron we need to

We need to get the fourth we need to bring all these guys home I helped you get fire in your last stream thank you real toilet real toilet where’d your name come from are you like the owner of a toilet company can you hook me up with some fine porcelin by any chance

All right this this this I need okay I have enough Cobblestone do I have any I don’t have any wood I’m going to need some tree I’m going to need a touch of tree really quick I loved your last stream I appreciate it not every stream is going

To be that wild of course but that stream was was quite intense it’s a good stream oh hey a tree exactly what I needed dude three aelott four I mean shark speaking facts Dragon cat is about to start Streaming Dragon cat you trying to compete you trying to compete my guy get back inside the water I’m just joking though that’s great that’s pretty cool what am I doing wood I need that okay now I need that okay very good at the game okay I

Need that okay I need that and that okay I’ll take the cool Bush I can take the cool Bush home what’s down there danger you guys think probably probably like one two hours okay how long will I be streaming for uh you’ll probably be good if I’m not on

Minecraft anymore I’ll be on some game I meant to leave the house just to get books but now we got friendship and family in the form of s dudes this needs to hurry up well I can I can read chat a little bit now a little bit extra at

Least they’re roll on sale every Tuesday that’s fair enough moldy had one moldy has like 40 million subscribers we will all know as OG’s that’s true that’s true you will be all known as OG’s you got to eat dinner peace out well I already read

That one and yes I’ll be on for a bit uh dragon cats live amazing moldy did you see the fortnite event I did not uh unless you mean the big hand with Pandora’s Box I saw that if that’s what you mean yes I did indeed I saw

That um you’re my favorite YouTuber what gilam mesh That’s crazy dude favorite color Axel I like the blue I like this one I also like the yellow and the brown they don’t have a brown one here I wish they had all of them instead of the baby

If they had a brown one that would have been cool I like them all you know I like a variety you know star MC hi what’s up dude all right that’s four buckets now we can get them one no come back come back cool

Two I got the Pikachu I need to get the small one he is mine we now have all four we have mastered all four elements my first axle I think was the brown one I think I was debating on naming him coffee or mocha so I think I

Think we got all of them so I’m actually happy that’s pretty cool 17 mins what are you talk about 17 mins Uno do quro sinko I know I’m pretty good I’m pretty good interesting subscription I mean I’ll take my number going up okay let’s get out of here let’s not

Die I don’t know how to say the last one D is but you spelled it in a way that kind of confused me probably the right way my shield broke oh good Heavens oh the heavens are good and I need to run I should have brought a bed what’s wrong

With me well that’s why I killed that sheep earlier in order to get it a a spider a spider dog help the spider get the spider dog dog you’re really not doing your job are you scared of spiders did they not hit those hey dog come

Back bone what you didn’t want it all right oh that’s great okay are the dogs fine are the dogs fine I think they’re fine he’s just chasing this guy away where you at yes stuff three bones hello dog yes now I have two dogs or do

Puppies is there another dog am I blind what’s going on with the eating um cool you should have a whole Army of dogs I should have a mold Army of dogs Chicken Chicken’s favorite animal in the game by the way in case you guys have not noticed I got an

Email my cell phone bill is due but I don’t have any money oh you’re sitting that’s why you didn’t do your job you were on your break 10 in Spanish is Das that’s what I thought you should make a server I probably won’t to be honest with you I

Got to move there’s a spider I got to move I heard him creeping along with his little spider legs how do I how did I get over to the thing I remember the general area but there’s so much powdered snow this is obnoxious I need to get through the powdered

Snow okay powdered snow great okay amazing nope I can step there I can step I can step on all this mold you remember me from live about fortnite or something yeah Dingus Dingus I I do I do this is interesting right here why am I tired it’s cuz I don’t

Think I had enough Coke Zero today good thing I have one right next to me favorite Minecraft biome Uh like planes simple Plains or the mangrove I like the mangroves a lot I like the red wood I like hunting for frogs you know I like pretending I’m a guy on one of those TV shows where like they care about animals Michael O’Brien or Michelle I don’t know

How to spell uh it’s one of those two though tell like that mangroves are sick they are they are they are sick we should get them some medicine that’s a joke from third grade uh got a nice ring to it moldy you should get Lo to play with me uh or or

Or the Royal me me as in moldy um oh tiny Fox oh we woke him up uh well this game is this right here is just um this is like a you know like a private private game just solo single player so he’s not going to play with me

On this but if he wanted to join the chat I wouldn’t be totally against it birch trees are mid here’s the thing I don’t really take too kindly to the tree racism I don’t simply simply put I don’t I think you can have a favorite but everyone insulting Birch

It hurts my feelings you know I’m just like Birch is fine I don’t see too much wrong with Birch it’s useful as a builder as someone who likes to have style having different materials to build out of is quite useful you know I don’t know if it was a

Meme I don’t I just don’t know you know I don’t know if it was a meme or what but it’s quite useful when I first started playing Minecraft I was very thankful to the Birch oh I didn’t mean to jump in here with him dogs can you not get hurt please I

Just wanted that can I get that please okay good thing a dog wasn’t there W do you are one of my favorite YouTubers I better be one of your favorite YouTubers that just means you have good judgment I agree with you birch logs suck dang Mr

Creeps I mean I don’t really like the logs for building anyways cuz it’s like unless you’re going to make a like a bad cow looking rug then it’s kind of like other than that you can’t really do much so you’re not you’re not wrong maybe I maybe I should go back on

My opinion maybe people can have negative opinions on things hm yeah know to think about that one I’ll get back to you on that right now try to not hate Birch too much but it might be sound criticism I’ll have to consult my attorneys no no I’ve been watching the show Suits a

Lot it’s it’s the show that me and my girlfriend are kind of binging right now it’s a good show least fave wood Birch all right [Laughter] uh guys know need the 10th person to like hey everybody hit like right now I cannot believe we have 16 people in here

And according and according to someone else in chat that we don’t have 10 likes what’s going on huh we had 20 people in here at one point you guys see at the top left of the screen in my notes it says hit like why are we not hitting

Like huh do you want bones you do interesting what about you bone amazing I got one more bone who won to be a good guy you did that’s fantastic got a lot of dogs now it’s 25 what is the likes are the likes really 25 toilet toilet what are

The likes at bro we have 25 I don’t see it I just have chat up oh my God danger moldy will be reading chat and fall into a hole and lose his progress it’s possible all right there’s the The Little Shack I have to go down oh my God

Hi so we found it at least I knew where I was going I wish I made uh oh dark Angel’s back hey what’s up man oh my God it’s 30 it deserves to be 10,000 10,000 likes on every video I have I don’t care how you guys get it but get

It tips and tricks hello moldy fan account what’s up dude do you make shorts did you screenshot from the the stream that yeah or a video perhaps cuz I got my new hoodie on in that one it’s funny yes tick uh tips and tricks yes oh Obama

Prism yes like the pyramid yes yes yes of course you don’t have to spam it though we don’t take too kindly to spam here in The Moldy moldy chat we have real conversations moldy last stream no one was commenting when it was like 30 watching although 15 are watching and everyone’s

Commenting means you’re being stream sniped I don’t know what that means explain to me how that means stream sniped just because people weren’t commenting explain how what that means your new chair came in heck yeah I hope it’s comfy moldy small guy in the banner yeah the tiny moldy I remember that gilges

Thank you for the like update bro last stream the chat was going crazy it was dude the last stream was was pretty nuts a 100 duck siiz horses subscribed that’s wild I wonder if that counts for as as one subscriber or a 100 cuz they’re they’re duck sized but

They’re horses too it’s kind of confusing when you think about the math let’s go get those books that we no longer have room in our inventory for I want to keep those we’ll get rid of that we’ll get rid of that we’ll get rid of

That we’ll get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that I kind of want this but not really uh I don’t need that we’ll keep this this is what we’ll keep okay now I don’t have my shield so we’ll just put that in our off hand do we need

This bow probably not right I don’t need that stuff it’s junk all right let’s go get these bookshelves stream sniped people are focusing on beating you in game watching your videos wait beating you in game instead of watching your videos and winning the game knowing your location I no I know

What stream sniped is I call it screen peeking I know what it is I just like because there was a bunch of people in the chat but not many commenting in the chat does that mean like there was like a group did it I left stuff here I guess does that mean

There was like a group that was like hey here’s a guy in this rank everyone join and go get him like do you know what I mean like was it an organized attack is is what I’m pretty much asking cuz you were like there were a

Bunch here you said it almost like you knew more than I knew you know what I mean hey moldy thanks for the home I enjoy the floorboards soup you’re not allowed to live in my floorboards okay I want you to know that you’re not allowed if you are a termite I’ll have

To accept it but I don’t think you’re a termite when you replay power world we can play together maybe if you want I don’t really play with people because it’s it’s weird to like pick favorites out of chat um but in general you watch the chat and you

Give me ideas and stuff you know it’s it’s still it’s still quite fun doing it that way what’s up dog another subscriber we need 10 million can we hide in your walls I would I would suggest you do not hide in my walls pretty please I’m saying please you know what I

Mean so it’s like come on I’m saying please stuff stuff I love stuff I don’t care about that stuff though bookshelves getting bookshelves I just realized I have silk touch on my on my axe I didn’t plan for that I guess I don’t need the four books

Let’s just get all the bookshelves like this this is very efficient I don’t have to waste wood when I get home now Mason you don’t need to spam okay bro you got other stuff to do in life right you probably have like something to study

For but Mason did say hi earlier and I missed it maybe he’s just upset hello Mason the numbers Mason what do they mean guys play Call of Duty when was that on Black Ops 1 what are you playing uh what are you streaming Dragon cat why are you growling why did my dog growl what’s up who do you see oh it’s not my dog that’s a zombie villager and he didn’t growl he graned sure you have enough books you think I have enough books I’m

Getting every book I’m out here to get every single bookshelf if I can fit it in the inventory upstairs and downstairs you have enough books you’re telling a nerd that they have enough books they’re not going to agree dog don’t push me into the spider webs please do you remember me decoding hamster

Didn’t you ask this bro you asked this of course guy with dementia comes in do I remember me moldy you are my favorite streamer that’s wild too I’ve only been streaming like a month it’s pretty wild that I’m your favorite streamer I appreciate it though it doesn’t work what doesn’t work

Creeps oh you guys are trying to get the fan Discord working Ah that’s probably what you’re talking about getting bookshelves getting bookshelves who else is getting bookshelves today it is Minecraft Monday I’m a little tired I apologize m Monday the first episode is kind of kind of

Relaxed right now but we’ll do some other stuff we’ll do some other stuff but I at least wanted to get on and and get a couple little tasks done real quick can I get out of the spider web dude dog what are you doing up there you climb

Ladders crazy so many more books so little time Dragon who is mold Zilla who is mold Zilla Mason says I love your I love your awesome do you mean do you mean the other spelling of your but either way I appreciate it is it okay if I make your stream a background

Music yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course totally I do that with like half the stuff I watch that’s totally fine I am not insulted at all if anything it’s a compliment to be like this is a good background music totally fine with that skeleton

Rattles keep your eyes open keep your eyes open doggies especially it’s very dark and scary right here where’s the bookshelf with the chest on it it’s like right over here right shouldn’t it be like right here here it is another armor trim we got piercing three mending power and piercing looting to

And quick charge I’m not the best I don’t know that much about Um when you have multiple enchants on a book I don’t know how you pick one of them cuz I I I’m pretty sure you can’t have all of them right you have to pick one to use wonder how you do that I don’t remember how to do that

I’ve played this game for years but I I’m I’m one of those guys who plays on and off also I’m really a sucker for like the early game I like spawning in and like surviving in the woods a bit I get too powerful I usually get bored is this another book it’s another

One I got room moldy who smells in this stream who smells in this stream Lan’s not in here no I’m kidding Lin’s great uh I can’t smell anyone from here my nose is a little clogged I got the sniffles like I always do you get all that’s on the book but

Sometimes it’s not like compatible right like sometimes you can’t have everything like protection and knockback for example you can’t use both of those right so like in that case you would get one of them correct could you say something funny for my edit dude this is a good edit oh wow you

Should hit like you should on this edit cuz boy it’s good like that is that what you want does anyone watch my hero I watched my hero Academia that’s one of the few animes I’ve watched and by few I don’t mean my definition of few because I

Think I’ve watched a I’ve I think I’ve watched a good few right but some people are like that’s only a little few and I’m like no it’s it’s a bigger few but whatever some people are like how have you not watched 9,000 animes and it’s

Like dude cuz I’m only 80 years old how could I have like don’t have the time like how could I have possibly done that cuz it’s like what anime do you want to watch do you want to watch this anime that was like a limited series and has

Seven episodes and they’re all an hour so you actually do that in a weekend or do you want to watch this anime that has 7,000 episodes in its part one and then it’s like but then there’s also baruto and then you have to watch that too and that’s another 20,000 it’s like dude

What I don’t what that’s crazy is it like that like people do that a lot what’s your fa favorite what favorite anime what’s my favorite anime h hello Mason I’ve said hello to you bro hello how you doing hope you’re doing fantastic and if you’re not doing fantastic change something you know

Start doing fantastic one piece be like does one piece do that does one piece have like one piece pirate ship awakens and that’s like 700 episodes and then it’s like one piece the second piece and that’s like another 700 episodes you know what I mean is that

How they do it what hits what break these what what break these is what I said what breaks these quickly is what I meant to say two Piece One Piece the seven piece chicken nugget combo three piece it’s just a good it’s just it’s just funny it’s just funny to me how

Many more bookshelves to fill this five all right now I got like a maxed out inventory what can I drop for another stack of bookshelves I don’t need another stack of bookshelves though let’s be fair but they’re definitely worth more than the eight Spruce logs I

Have so we can we can get this you know what’s funnier than 24 piece 25 you get more protein too so that’s good tell Patrick he gets more protein there Mason said you’re the best I know also the wrong yor again bro but I mean like it’s fine I’m a

Terrible speller so like no shade but that’s an easy one bro is going to enchant the floor heck yeah but what if I make an enchantment table and then I’m like I want to make another one I’m going to need all these and then what if I make like 17 more

Going to need them you can’t tell me I’m wrong better safe than sorry 100% better safe than sorry look almost another stack this wild they should add grammarly to YouTube live they should add grammarly to neuralink so that people can be smart finally including me by the way I’ll

Take I’ll take them up on that all right come on dogs we need to go home any loot we can find a bat the bat upgrade by the way I’m I like it parts of it I don’t like parts of it I do like did I take all the

Stuff out of here gold horse armor I can find a different as Alia Bush more of this one sec muting my mic okay I was talking to my girlfriend she is here to say hi to all of you crazy people who think that my girlfriend’s in

AI listen does this sound like an AI hello does that sound like an AI I am an AI no come say come say hey I’m not an AI say hey everybody I’m not an AI hi I am an AI no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no she’s trying to make me sound she’s trying to make me sound silly right now don’t say you’re not an AI that is not in my programming okay hey okay listen I know you’re trying to be funny I get it good joke funny funny

Haha but like joke aside you’re real you are real and you love me right my wolf fell from a high place no no I have more they’re wolf Expendable but honestly I’m sad why why wouldn’t you take proper care of him I did who pushed him one of you guys pushed the other

Wolf who pushed the other wolf who did it who did it huh H someone did it someone pushed it I’m upset $50,000 on a check I’m upset clip moment no who pushed him who pushed my dog play GTA 5 I’m good I’ll play GTA is what’s the

One that’s coming out GTA 6 right I’ll play that when it comes out there going to be dark gray wolves in Minecraft no he’s just like it was just like glitched he was wet or something he shouldn’t look like that something’s just glitched with him are you wet

Dog dog your tail is not the highest I need to feed all of you we need to get home chicken oh look some food for my dogs this is some food for my dogs right here okay let’s uh drop the potatoes pick up a bunch of

Mutton we need some more mutton make a server I’m okay bye girlfriend that’s real bye bye she’s leaving the the room bye girlfriend that’s totally real you’re real right she left no I’m not real you’re not real she’s real she’s just joking I fed some of them all right

Let’s keep going AI detected no no real she’s as real as me I’m quoting you on that moldy what are you quoting me on shark what you quoting me on Broski but you’re not real what I’m real what are you talking about chat did push the dog true sir you are a PNG

Listen listen to me listen I can be a PNG and real pngs deserve respect too okay what’s up Spritz what you doing who’s Spritz why you got a check mark my guy who’s spr sprits Spritz can I read properly for once you got 300K bro that’s cool wow you almost at

400k hey that’s pretty cool but you said yo what’s up man how you doing on your on your page there’s just this this the foru you know how you have foru on your account there’s just this dog looking Pikachu creepy thing 7 million short 7 million view

Short just this creepy dog comment Wars or something that’s interesting I like the pink and yellow hat I like that uh that color palette it is a good color palette face reveal at 100K Subs you I’m on screen right now guys I don’t know what what the problem is people are like

Face reveal and I’m like bro I’m I’m here is my camera not good enough quality for you guys are you guys just trying to call me poor but like in a cryptic way that doesn’t insult me very much is that what’s happening cuz I’ll have you know it’s

Still insulted me and I feel bad yeah nutshell gets it like guys he’s on screen duh isn’t that a video of how the dog failed to get skin treatment what what you got some really good underrated content man thank you I appreciate it I’ve had I’ve had so many channels I’ve had

Channels since I was like eight I just keep well I mean that’s that’s most people’s story though so it’s not it’s not original or anything but but I appreciate it I’ve tried many times this was just kind of the this was just kind of the Hail Mary kind of idea I was

Just like you know what moldy SCH moldy let’s go let’s hit it let’s go hardcore let’s do whatever we feel like doing which was like Minecraft shorts for a year apparently but then infinite craft was just like oh okay it had craft in it you

Know it had craft in it so I was like do craft I do Minecraft I could do infinite craft and then YouTube was like hey bro good infinite craft keep it up proud of you and I was like what how do you find a 2d

Camera what do you mean how do I find a 2d camera go to the 2D camera store come on you knew that you just wanted me to say it but you knew that I’m sure what do you what do you make Spritz what do you make you make

Shorts here’s a what do you make let me look at this really quick bro is the little dog Pikachu your character bro what is that your character I I clicked on a uh one of the tier lists I think and yeah cool math games tier list it was featuring stick animations so this

Isn’t you stick animations isn’t you the cat dog Pikachu isn’t you that made me laugh though that was funny oh what you say in Chad hold on the same tons of channels before I made this channel decided to do some my channel blow some higher call yeah that’s great that’s killer man that’s

Awesome moldy respond can you make a 10minute all Wind video did I not make a 10-minute win video check my account I think I have a 10-minute for just win I think I was going to make 10 minute of um Spritz is a w am I saying his name right Spritz yeah

Sometimes I’m dyslexic Spritz you got any advice or any questions or anything but um yeah I think I have a 10minute of of just win I’m planning on doing a 10-minute of human to see if you just use human for 10 minutes like we’ll get to human

Really quick we’ll start a timer and then we’ll only touch the human thing and then we’ll see if we can uh get out of human but first i’m going to test of course dog don’t get hurt guys guys got to be careful jeez but uh we got to make

Sure we can even get out of human if human and human make human but all I’m not against uploading maybe I’ll do five minutes maybe I’ll do some five minutes and I can make more quickly that’s that’s true you got all 50 states in infinite craft once I thought of that

Too but I was just like that’s going to be crazy uh down to give me some advice on there yeah I got Discord uh I only have Lan and red Cipher on there currently but yeah I’ll add someone else I don’t mind um I’m also in Colin and samir’s channel

They have a they have a thing for people to get Vice on but it didn’t do as much as I was hoping it would but yeah 100% um if you have Instagram can you DM my Instagram or I can DM yours perhaps the uh the Discord cuz if I say the Discord

Obviously as you know I will get too many invites to Discord so it’s dark again we must Slumber I retracted me saying Slumber I’ll just say sleep I’m going to nap right here can you make a 1H hour version of wind I don’t know if it’s

Good I don’t know if it’s good to make an hour version we’ll see how cuz I just uploaded a 40-minute video we’ll see if it was too long I lost my sense of direction this way but yeah uh Spritz let me know if you want if you want me to DM you on

Twitter or or Instagram or if you can DM me on either just let me know so I can look out for the DM and then yeah I’ll I’ll chat on Discord for a minute that’ be awesome I’d appreciate it dude soup what happened to soup what did soup

Say broke my ankle but that’s fine I don’t have Instagram but my Discord server is in my channel description you can add me from there okay that that’s fair enough that’s fair enough I can do that really quick Channel descript description Discord Spritz Squad Okay let me see got a fan art Page look at that Superman Pikachu wait so is the is the Pikachu character you I’ve been here I opened this so they didn’t get trapped that’s a sign I’ve been to this Village before 8 minutes equals 1 hour stream what do you

Mean wait on a second second before live what do you mean you’re a second before live what what are you talking about who did I miss by the way Tiger Tiger you said hello hello tiger is that a British thing or is that just a new thing people

Say you British yo tiger you British be honest with me be honest with me do you hail from the UK Tiger Tiger be honest with me charity by the way I’ve no you were here I don’t know if I said hi yet hello welcome to the

Stream tell me why why you guys singing that song Ain nothing but a something tell me why I’m three episodes into the new avatar the Last air bender by the way I don’t want any spoilers and I also don’t want any and I mean any I don’t want any criticism because I

Simply don’t care I just want to enjoy it is it 100% the best no are there problems sure I don’t care I don’t care I just want to enjoy it it’s a show I used to go to the movies to watch bad movies and this this show is not bad I

Give it so far like seven eight out of 10 but I used to go to movies to watch I used to go to the movies to watch bad movies just because I like watching I just like watching the movies hanging out with some popcorn hanging out with

Some like red vines or something you know which I don’t really I don’t really eat the Red Vines my brother likes Red Vines though Wy please tell me if you can do a build oh jar got his message removed that was quick Spritz you said something a second

Ago one sec it’s a long story it’s basically the plush thing I found on the boardwalk I took a picture of thought it was funny I started this Channel and use it as my mascot cuz why not yeah that’s kind of how the best hopefully you’re still here that’s cuz I’m answering now

But cuz it was a little late but hopefully um not hopefully sentence retry th those are always the funniest ideas the best ideas when you’re just kind of like ah why not I’ll I’ll go with this you know it’s just funny like I I’ll go with this you know my

Character I kind of made really really quick a little derivative you know but still it’s it was just kind of a winging it winging it had fun I feel like if you stress too much it kind of takes fun out of it you know so if you don’t stress

Too much about making the content it’s just better so I like that I like that origin story that’s funny jari Reddit we haven’t had a stream with all the mods together at once someday someday I’ll try to make some kind of like event and then everyone will be

More inclined to show up and I’ll make sure it’s like mentioned and scheduled very early you know much ahead of time then it’ll be good you don’t want mods to abuse their power yeah be a little bit uh be a little bit slower with the deletions and

Stuff but you know all right just send me a request on Discord I got to go but I can message later hey yeah of course I joined uh I believe I joined I believe I joined um I’m going to assume that your account is a similar

Name cuz I see other people in here there are quite a lot of people in here but I’m assuming your account is a similar name to your YouTube so I’ll look out in a second for it but thank you appreciate it cool that you came to

Stop by it was a it was a little bit of a surprise nutshell do you watch Spritz do you know Spritz two streams in a row we’ve had check marks yeah it’s Spritz Shorts YouTube gotcha me find it really quick how do I go to like members of

This can I go to that I can go to that right directory channels privacy settings server I don’t really use this app to be honest uh this show memory list found it found it did you put me in the YouTuber role or something that’s cool or I just went there instantly

Maybe it’s maybe that’s everyone maybe everyone gets put in that role here we go I think it’s a bunch of dots oh you sent a request oh you sent it okay I just found you as you said that too except DM okay I found you all accomplished we found

Him I thought you should get it cuz you’re past the sub minimum and you make good content hey I appreciate it thank you I have been noticed we found the house did I pass the house did I go too far hilarious but there’s the house good

Thing it’s large made of dirt and easy to see yeah but moldi is special I am special in the brain too that was dumb I’m tired guys give me a give me a break my content is going to be not top tier right now I’m tired I

Woke up today relatively early had a good time and my weekend was just chalk full of stuff so sometimes I have busy weekends so I was kind of tired but I woke up today and I know this is riveting this conversation right here I woke up today and I did chores I did

Laundry I did some sweeping I built this coat rack uh coat rack with shelves that I got from Amazon I built it all by myself and I hit I squished my hand in it so my hand hurts I squished my hand in it cuz it has like shelves for like shoes and

Backpacks or whatever it goes by your door and I squished my hand in it and it hurt a lot and it’s bruised now good job control V are don’t don’t patronize me telling me good job for squishing my hand my moldy please what’s up jar what

Are you asking me please make cool big Village we will over time we’ll make a cool big Village over time what I want to do though okay so I need to put all my bookshelves away I want to reorganize stuff I want to change the look of the house too I

Don’t like the big plus sign so we’re going to take down we might take down the house and replan the house to be honest we need to have the dog sit in the dog cave they need to chill over here goal for today I don’t know dogs

Sit sit come here sit sit stop don’t go do you want to guard the entrance you can guard the entrance go here you can guard too okay I want moldy to be verified and get millions of subs and likes hey you and me both bees and jeans you and me both

One of the best names by the way what’s up I’m BJ bees and jeans it’s just hilarious it’s it’s just funny I changed my profile picture to my cat I can barely see it he’s all is it super zoomed in can barely see that poor guy good guy though good

Cat cats are so cute for real cryptic cool kid gets it he gets it they are replant the house did I say that did I say replant I may have I wouldn’t put it past me to use crazy words that don’t make sense I need uh to use some wood need to put

Some chests down inside where’s the wood do I have wood where is it nope wait yes I do okay maybe not dogs uh with people who are subbed a long time ago maybe jar that is maybe I’m not quite Luke the notable though I don’t know if I’m going

To be naming every animal instantly lightning is everyone inside get inside there’s lightning it’s dangerous it’s dangerous it’s dangerous is my cat high or something she’s scratching the couch like crazy and has Zoomies that’s just being a cat they do that from time to time it’ll wear off in 10 to 15

Years all right let’s put a storage wall somewhere over here which we have a storage wall we could do a storage this could be like a little storage Nook or should this be an enchantment table Nook put the Storage storage Nook here this is better for an enchantment table actually storage Nook

Goes in here okay let’s say that’s that going to have to make it a little bigger M why don’t you tell a story to the chat we are babies so no scary ones so I was walking down this dark Road right and then this demon came out and he’s like

Bro that’s a cool hat and I said no get away from me demon and he said whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m just homeless and I went I don’t know I F I felt some Demon Vibes right right and he says okay you got me

I’m a demon he was 27 ft tall red with spikes coming out everywhere so I was like you’re going to say you’re homeless and he’s like yep and I’m like do you don’t look homeless you look like a demon and he’s like how’d you know and

I’m like well I have eyes right and I saw you and he goes fair enough you know it’s pretty much how it went it was my demon story did you guys like it it was pretty scary bye moldy nutshell do you get too scared peace out though peace out though

Nutshell have a good day moldy I’m back from editing the edit of you are you now that is pretty interesting what did you edit I I’m aware it’s an edit of me but what you edit what should I how should I organize this I don’t I didn’t like that you

Didn’t like it was it too scary I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to be that scary at least the demon complimented you at least at least he did that much yes let’s do what should we do so I don’t know how to organize these I really got to get

Better at organizing these I need to have like a a way I organize consistently like I always organize the same way I need that I just haven’t come up with that yet um this is going to break in a moment but keep it for now should I use Cobble in here I don’t

Think I want to but I made the stairs with Cobble we can upgrade stuff later I suppose I just needed to scoot this wall over by one to make it work then it needs to match up with this okay or should we go open concept no we

Can’t because this is this is going to have chests on here on the wall so we can’t go with an open concept concept for this why are you growling huh a Salesman no do you remember me asking to do something funny for my edit I do I do

Remember did you make a did you make a video you said you’re back from making it did you upload it can we see it Aiden plays you do Minecraft on Mondays yeah this is the first one this is Minecraft Monday number one so I’ll be doing Minecraft on Mondays from now

On where I’ll be checking in in this world you know what are you reimagining re re what re uh what what yes please watch it all right I’ll check it out let me see man I’m really sorry I’m so tired I might have to go get a

Coffee I had one earlier that’s the sad part I had a mocha Frappuccino today I think they’re called that skeleton you guys like my farm I I do pig we need to bring pig into the building he’s been he’s been sitting outside for a while moldy likes coffee I sure

Do The Moldy fan account has two videos all right go to channel two videos bro okay I’m watching the video really quick Hold Up Guys bro the music surprised [Laughter] me all right hold up I’m commenting on your edit all right not a bad edit gonna say

I’ll be honest not a bad edit not a bad edit what’s up Guardians how you doing Dolan 88 moldy moldy remember us when you get famous I’ll do my best I will do my best skeleton rattling where you at skeleton you’re under here I can’t have that I can’t

Have that bye what did Guardian say was he just spamming soup I can’t just give you a free shout out but what I can do if you if you have any question if you want like a little bit of advice I’m not against giving small bits of Advice what do you make soup let me go to your thing let me go to your account again I apologize for being tired you you make memes you make weird memes you make some like deep fried memes this is some deep fried memes man try making memes on Instagram memes

Go well on Instagram too all right I’ll put my bookshelves here cool where should I put my other stuff trying to get 50 Subs so I can start streaming um all you have to do is make shorts I’d say shorts are the the best to grow like from nothing I would say do

Shorts also you could stream on Twitch I believe you don’t need any qualifications to stream on Twitch and then you could just make shorts out of those streams and then if you really want want to stream on YouTube just use the shorts you make from the streams from twitch to get you enough

Subscribers to stream on YouTube you just do that not a bad plan because then it’ll give you practice for before you start streaming on here you’ll be already in the streaming mode you know what I mean that’s my two cents at least where did I put the other ax a

Lot do I have any Enchantment books I need to Rego over my organization but I need to do it like when people are not here watching cuz it’s boring also not when I’m so exhausted why am I so Tired I was fighting that yawn for a minute I don’t know where my Subs came from I have 40 I’ve never posted do you join a lot of chats and comment a lot on things cuz people will go to your account just from that taking my watch off it’s a little

In the way okay moldy you made everyone yawn I apologize Guardians what’s up with the tiny face are you okay charity deleted one message and just Wing deleted the other message like at the same second dolphin did the face what’s the face for Guardians being annoying a little bit don’t you start dolphin

Dolphin no dolphin not the face dolphin no squaky also why am I here when jar leaves I don’t know what you mean squaky shorts don’t work what do you mean squaky let me see what kind of shorts you made you got 100 Subs what are you talking about short

Stone work you got 64 views and 178 views they work you only made two you got to make a bunch consistently and the algorithm will learn what kind of stuff you make and then it’ll slowly start to show your videos to the people who would like to

See your videos you know what I mean uh oh what did control VR do what did they do where do I put plants do I have a plants thing I do you can go there where do I have my precious metals I’ll put the dripstone in there

Plants precious metals you can have that as well these are like Precious items and gems pretty much we’ll put the well horse armor can go somewhere else maybe put horse armor in here that works that works do not mess with the mods ever this drama is crazy a little bit a little bit

Su a dragon do not mess with the mods ever charity I’ll give you a small piece of advice when you tell people don’t mess with me a lot of people take that as please mess with me so they’ll be like oh yeah I’ll show you and then you’ll

Just have a lot more work so like moderate without the threats you know what I I mean you know what I mean moderate without threats but the threats are the best part but they’re the best part what’s up Abraham Lincoln happy to see you here exactly I put them in timeout makes them

Scared look control VR is sad or he’s he’s sorry they’re sorry they’re sorry but good advice true y chatty came back bees and jeans frowny face bees and jeans why the frowny face you know what I’m thinking guys let me know what you think this was the shorts

World you know this was the shorts World fake account to what did fake account do do the face no not the face no not the face they’ve had two timeouts fny fake account 2 did the face again oh no oh no it’s so scary anyways I was

Thinking what if I delete this world and make a new one what do you guys think cuz this was the shorts world we could retire it brand new world brand new stream brand new world you know what do you guys think no clean says no I’m just such a sucker for the early

Game don’t delete it goofy wait you Wing you said no and yes what are you talking about which what are you talking about don’t delete it but do a new world yeah I guess we don’t have to delete it we can keep the shorts world I don’t have to delete

It you know we could keep it start a new one if you want but don’t delete it fair enough stop saying face early game is good I would keep this world with start a new one yeah that’s what I’m thinking I just like the I like

The feeling of new world and we should have a Minecraft Monday world right this is just for anyone who who didn’t see this is this a saved copy of this world cuz I wanted to do some experiments with the chickens do you have a job outside of

YouTube I do I do have a job outside of YouTube I just recently got enough like views and stuff to get monetized but I’m not monetized yet I have to like apply for it so I haven’t made money on YouTube yet um but yes I have a job outside of YouTube how about

World where you can’t get iron tools well then I would just get trades I would just do stone tools trades and then get diamond tools but I’m not trying to make like a nuzlock for my world I’m just trying to have a stream World moldy I have sub moldy I have been

Subscribed since 1K heck yeah man it’s pretty cool you should take um well I don’t know how to you could take a screenshot of you being in this chat or something or save it I don’t know BR the chat isn’t updating it should be you could possibly have clicked on it or something

And then sometimes that makes it not scroll I’ve done that before do you guys like the chickens though look at them look at these guys I was planning on uh making a video where I killed all of them which just it takes so much time which is kind of the

Point what how are you getting hit by crits with the diamond sword with fire and you’re not dying how this was kind of the stream World honestly but I’d rather make a brand new one brand new start be good plus we’d have to clean up this infestation of chickens peace out

Charity sorry to see you go peace out oh there’s a hole there got scared you’re being trusted with the chat Wing can you do it but also who else is here dinnerbone still here right dinner bone said chick chimpin chicken chimp chimpin do you not have enough beds you

Guys have enough beds you guys just still want to sleep cuz there’s demons here we understand this was such a wellworking iron farm and I could never get the one in the shores world to work like this one it was very sad well I watched last night’s stream

Now I’m hooked to your streams I appreciate it sou my streams are pretty good I might play some fortnite should the first M the first Minecraft Monday be me deciding to make a new world and then playing fortnite not going to lie pretty good we could interrupt the game with one game of

Fortnite see if I get my energy back just I’m just so tired why are a bunch of hands poking a turtle dolphin was there something you need to tell us about the turtle is he okay Red Dead Redemption 2 bro I don’t have it you going to buy it

You going to buy it for me I think I do have it actually I might have it Red Dead Wednesday what that’s crazy moldy I remember that I found your YouTube on Sunday from Philippines you told my friends to sub to you hey heck yeah you got you got me some subscribers

From the Philippines that’s awesome that is awesome dude I want to travel infinite craft says shark games Lego fortnite maybe control says fortnite Friday I’ll be doing fortnite Friday probably Lego fortnite Maybe Lego fortnite what was this message wait wait wait who who muted uh insert name here

From saying cigarette worm what was the problem with cigarette worm password game please password game’s crazy what’s your Minecraft user I don’t I don’t know what is it it’s the same as my name I think um wait i’ Monday for you moldy what’s that mean what are you what are you telling

Me right now bees and jeans what are you telling me you got muted yeah insert name don’t whoever whoever muted insert name I don’t think he need I don’t think he did anything wrong he’s okay I’m pretty sure ins name’s been been a pretty good chatter for a

While take it easy Take It Easy Mods don’t go too crazy don’t go too crazy mods it’s okay it’s okay two more likes till 50 hey everybody like we got 36 people in here I bet to if you didn’t like hit like right now please do it

Um why am I so tired I think I’m going to go get coffee really quick or something go take go downstairs and take a shot of espresso here Coke Zero ready ready there Jay the circle you’re the 49th like again what do you mean were you 49th like yesterday or

Something moldy maybe mine hunt or or Roblox what is mine mine Hutt what is that guys vote for honest a true true true true true true he’s honest though true true true true true Can I edit this let’s grab this edit this okay me go over here let me edit this Okay 55 likes heck yeah excellent connection heck yeah dude heck yeah all right infinite craft sharks games today not an infinite craft day I’m sorry well we’ll probably do an infinite craft challenge towards the end honestly but I’m trying to get my energy back uh can you stream games with Gore

Or is that a no no I’m not sure people stream Call of Duty all the time and people get blown up in that game all the time so probably Sims 4 bro I haven’t played Sims in so long Bea jeans got to go cuz uh science

Class dismissed but I have class so bye homie oh peace out no worries yeah pay attention in your classes dude no problem I think next I think next week’s Minecraft Monday for anyone who is hoping on Minecraft I think next week’s Minecraft Monday we’ll start a new world

We’ll have a stream world that we build I like that idea better I’ll keep the shorts world as a file you know I’ll keep it you know what I mean we’ll just keep it and we can we can visit it if we ever want to so pig doesn’t disappear but yeah moldy Minecraft

Mondays Neil fun infinite craft wday Wednesdays and fortnite Fridays it’s true it’s true M Hunt is a Minecraft server basically make public smps I don’t really I don’t really care about s smps too much when I play Minecraft I simply like the uh just simply like the uh single player it’s

All I really care about should I get this car should I get this car this car I like more this car is better simple it’s nice I like it m I have a clip of you how do I show it to you you have a clip of me how do you

Show it to me did you upload it because I can just go to your channel if you uploaded it oh that’s blinding me I opened my window to have some light and it reflected and it got me so it’s got me so good holy holy God what fortnite season did I start

On this one I started on this season this is my first season I say now I played way back like season 1 but I played like a little bit probably got to like level 15 or something and then I hated it like I I was just getting demolished answer me moldy Wednesday

Infinite craft streams we’ll be doing infinite craft more often than any other game next to fortnite Minecraft is going to be Minecraft Mondays but I’m just exhausted right now and I came up with the idea to make a new new world and I don’t want to make the first I don’t

Want to start the world and be really tired during that so this is just going to be a chill stream it’ll just this is just turning into a chill stream pretty much um so yeah this will just be a chill stream but started preseason 1 I think I

Started preseason 1 too I think that’s what it was but I don’t remember exactly it’s been a minute mly shorts Saturday everyone’s just looking for alliteration Can You Feel The Thunder oh my God what’s that mean what does it mean mean what do we do what does it mean

No he’s lí is in the launcher bro doesn’t close his launcher maybe someone should open a fan server I think there is a fan server oh was on when was only save the world I don’t I don’t remember I’m not to Sure legal company would be so good

I’ll probably get it I’ve been asked to get it a million times I think I’ll probably just get it what’s in the item shop right now Lady Gaga these guys this guy these guys this guy do I remember you from yesterday of course I do local gamer with the

Charmander of course Peter Griffin bark bark bark yes yes of course I’m only one to run Duos with me I would but I am going to do solos because I’m too cool chat broke probably restart your page I don’t chat’s working fine for me chat broke on my screen oh no it just

Moved as far as I know it’s moving there it just sped up a little bit hey I I see it it’s working for me at least do I remember real toilet from last stream yeah bro people always asking me if I remember people of course I’ll upload a clip real quick

Heck yeah gorilla tag what what are you talking about gorilla tag did I put gorilla as a tag did I do that is that me is that what you’re telling me what are you telling me what are you telling me with Gorilla tag I don’t know what you’re telling

Me is Minecraft Mondays a reference to an event I mean it’s just going to be Minecraft on Monday why didn’t I get a notification with the live you tell me I don’t know Devon yes I do do have the battle pass but no I don’t know why you didn’t

Get the notification sometimes it’s just sometimes you know it just it just be like that stuff doesn’t work properly all the time sad you know sad guess who’s back Charity’s back apparently can you play Infinite craft after fortnite I think I will I have a couple challenges that I want to

Do I just didn’t want to ruin the first four I didn’t want to ruin the first Minecraft Monday by being tired so this one is just kind of like this is chopped up as a hey don’t be tired but I just had a crazy weekend I’ve got a sleep

Debt is what it is I did not sleep enough this this whole weekend moldy if you see this randomly say Bob with no context well I read it so I ruined it I ruined the joke because I read it I apologize and hopefully I do better next time

Let’s go for a game see if we can get get some wins get a murder what happened to Penguin what did he what did he type friend on fortnite please you don’t have to penguin might not have known that I don’t accept friend requests you don’t have to mute him instantly it’s

Okay how do you upload a clip uh it’s a clip of H I’ve never made a clip let me see let me go to my channel let me see let me see let me see um can you download it and upload it is that possible hide in the bush with a shotgun

It’s a fair choice you do a server stream on Hypixel or something uh maybe but probably not moldy who are your Ops bro I don’t know what that means what does Ops mean opponent who are my opponents whoever is in the game who tries to kill me with an auto shoty

Probably those are my opponents why is Slim’s a mod what do you mean why is Slim’s a mod he’s been a mod for a minute might have an issue why do we have an issue what’s the issue what’s the issue moldy me make a new edit I’ll check it out

Sometime I’ll probably make a um I’ll probably make like a little list for me to see personally of people who make Clips or edits so I can just check out what they make and what they see is funny so I’ll keep track can check those every now and

Then penguin said moldy what’s up dude just trying to get noticed how you doing Minecraft mix up Mondays with moldy Minecraft mix up moldy what uh who who said we have an issue though Wing what was the issue never mind okay now I want to know what it could

Have been now I’m just curious that guy messed me up did you see that shot he was pretty cool too bad I’m doing dance heart if you see this true true true true true true true do random anything that chat chooses on Friday I think I’m GNA stay away from that

Jar I think I’m going stay away from that do whatever they choose and then they’re like buy this $70 game and I’m like I’m poor I don’t want to do that do I have P so do I have the weird thing it was a first discovery it was probably

Your first discovery no I don’t have your first discovery that’d be wildly like improbable you know where’s the sub button somewhere near my name probably or go to my channel and then sub from there probably we need a weapon one of the best weapons if not the best weapon a beautiful

Weapon in the distance I see it is that a blue Auto shoty in the distance distance oh my God I’m so happy with this setup I don’t even need to go into to the uh bunker but I will and not bunker but whatever this is

Called I call it a bunker I think what what is it called that’s a sniper right heck yeah yeah I’m going to say I don’t need the pistol we got a subscriber thank you agent double A7 St we putting you a timeout what dolphin do dolphin if you’re annoying the mods

Come on man I thought better of you come on hey dookie Pooky what’s what up Giga Chad how you doing also don’t ever call me dookie Pooky again he thinks he’s going to get me he has a shotgun too but I have a blue shotgun Dead’s 20 okay people are too different

Locations we got people and I’m tired infinite craft but you choose one of the elements and you can only use that element and you craft something else you have to mix that with the chosen element I mean that would be kind of just what I did with the 10 minutes of

Of one element kind of because I kept spamming that element back in place I see what you’re saying but I feel like you would just kind of like it would be just kind of my video I already made plus I only I just add everything to

It how did I not hit that first one though to be honest hey have you guys seen that sniping is actually broken I’ve seen these uh I’ve seen these shorts where people are getting hit by snipers but like they really shouldn’t have been hit oh you thought you had a sniper you’re

Like you’re I’m got I got this I have a sniper over over under I die right now too good come on bro push man push come on oh the poor guy’s running away the poor guy thinks he’s getting away the poor guy man dude he’s poor and he’s a guy the poor

Guy and I’m really tired the poor guy there you to emote on someone for 5 seconds any thoughts on the new season coming up I hope it’s better than this season I’ll be honest with you this season has been inconsistent uh sniper by the way I’ve only played this season pretty much so

Take my ad take my criticism as as that but it’s pretty much been like relatively awful sniper physics they’ve just always I I feel like they’ve changed Am I Wrong have they changed that’s been annoying okay fake account to deleted by slimes what is this he just keeps doing the face give

Him like a large timeout if he keeps getting timeout if someone gets two timeouts make the third timeout like 24 hours two timeouts that are short and a third timeout make it like a day or two days or something because like we don’t need to be annoyed all the time but um

Anyways this season yeah I feel like the um I feel like straight up the sniper got like edited and the bullet drop was different and that really bothered me but then what else oh and other than that it’s pretty much do you have an auto shotty yes then you win the

Interaction and like obviously not every time but like pretty much every time there are times I’ve had like a gold AR and the guy has a blue Auto shoty and I win but pretty much pretty much doesn’t work I’m one of your favorite YouTubers thank you I appreciate that I am also

One of my favorite YouTubers so we have that in common can I get over here can I get over here without failing apparently not a Little Rock we need that that’s good we need that thing okay pow pow pow pow okay good good some gold we’ll take

That be helpful not annoying I guess I don’t know me nah okay moldy name one song I should learn on my acoustic guitar I don’t really know I don’t really know songs that that go on the acoustic guitar have you considered twitch I started streaming first on

Twitch I just wasn’t the biggest fan um mainly because I just have my people here you know my followers My subscribers my mold Army we’re pretty much already here and then some people people here don’t like twitch or don’t use it or don’t have it and it’s like

Eh and I’ve just always been loyal to YouTube my whole life kind of you know so I’m like he I’m just more comfortable here in general many reasons but I’m chill with it I’m here imagine an oldy molding moldy bre bread got to go eat peace out slimes go have your snacks

Literally all I see these days is timed out for 60 seconds fair that guy’s better the guy running is not as good so I want to get the guy that’s there what bro this shotgun the sniper doesn’t work anymore sniper doesn’t work anymore let’s go look at this good weapons over

Here I’ll take that kind of want that as well honestly sniper is not working for me anyways so do I even need it how did I miss how did I miss this beautiful piece of material do I take the sniper no I I won’t take the Red Dot sniper I don’t

Need it do I need the do I need The Medallion oh I want this do I take the med I think I don’t take it it’ll just tell people I’m here but maybe I take it in a little bit that guy’s still fighting over here well someone died out there I marked it

As if Lin’s here he’s not what did Wing do wing wing uh don’t be harsh like that Wing did the Emoji dude not mess with the mods dude my mods are going crazy that was ridiculous because I was one reading chat and two didn’t have my

Shotgun out of course dude he sniped me before he went over the hill what even is this guy’s character this guy’s character is I clearly have played this game too much that’s what his character is kind of annoyed what if moldy smoldy were to join the popular popular band gorillas

What if he were that’s that’s a crazy thought what if I was what if I was going to join gorillas you guys going to stop me huh play po world when you’re done with fortnite not today I don’t really have the energy to start a new power world

Game I’ll probably not play power world for couple weeks or so I was going to play it this week but right now I’m tired to tomorrow I’ll be streaming infinite craft and fortnite I believe question can you give us a fit check of course of course I got a gray t-shirt on

Underneath my red hoodie who deleted that who deleted what I don’t see a delete message retracted oh he looks like he deleted it himself um I uh I have a great t-shirt under my hoodie it’s uh it’s got a cat being fist bumped you know like the cat is doing a

Paw and a hand is fist bumping the Paw right right insert name told a joke what’s the joke messes with mods that’s a joke yeah I I’ll allow that that’s funny it’s okay mods we’re going to upgrade all of you guys 1 ounce of being sensitive okay I

Mean it you guys mean a lot to me I care about you and all that stuff but hey one one ounce less sensitive just 1 ounce that’s all that’s all you guys are doing amazing but just 1 o just 1 o I don’t know who who’s doing it most

Of you guys usually you guys are like on top of it and crazy like someone will say something crazy I’ll look at it it’ll be there for a quarter of a second and then it’ll be gone and I’m like oh that’s amazing the mods are crazy on top of it you

Know but just don’t be a don’t be too don’t be too harsh but also but also only be nice twice if someone’s annoying three times give them a long timeout if you give like two timeouts and then they’re still annoying permission to be harsh because that’s obnoxious people who get warnings and

Don’t learn from the warnings kind of garbage you know what I’m saying like learn from the warnings you’re good you’re good Wing you’re good I’m not targeting anyone in particular I should go where should I go I was going to go there and then I was reading

Chat that’s fine if all you want to do is have a neutral time that’s okay I’m being targeted I just got here man it’s like Junior High all over again it’s like I just got here they’re like we hate you and I’m like why is it my haircut yes

Oh I like how I got the small Shields after I used the big shields Certified gas station moment I mean technically you’re not wrong you’re not technically wrong don’t remove anyone’s mod though oh yeah it is a bit much but we’re going to need the

Mods um for one if I stream all the time sometimes people can’t make it uh and then also like when we have 10 million people in here like yesterday we had like 110 or something at the peak so it’s like we’re going to need a a decent amount you know mans is a

Philosopher which one hey mods can I show you the link via link of your video you’re saying of the video uh the clip you made pretty sure people can click on your name go to your account links are a nogo I’m G I’m going to go with links being a no-o in chat

I’m aware your link is probably fine but in general I’m going to make that a rule like that’s links are a nogo will this bring me into the city it’s probably not smart to take it into the city though look this guy’s getting the uh the

AI now I can run in and steal his hard-earned labor bro what you shotgun me through the tree man where you even at man bro you shotgun me through the tree my guy like what kind of ridiculous not going to lie that was a bit ridiculous is that an auto shoty it’s so

Beautiful so beautiful there’s a hacker among the server what do you mean I’m playing I’m playing with a hacker what are you talking about am I playing with a hacker guys do I do you guys know something I don’t know random what you talking about man bro what Gold kind of kind of kill not going to lie it’s not a sniper of course not someone told me this had a buff did this gun really have a buff can you break the floor in this no good amount of gold good amount good amount of gold

Okay there’s a hacker in a few minutes ago very fast that you didn’t notice it flew in wait in on YouTube or in the game you’re telling me someone’s hacking in the game right and allow by the way spam too allow some spam three or four of the same

Message be like you know maybe like maybe like that that might be kind of the limit you know unless it’s like a paragraph three or four of the same paragraph stop if it’s a sentence will allow it if it’s like a little Emoji 3 or four or if it’s W’s or something will

Allow three or four just in general but like other than that if it pushes that then it’s like okay stop but yeah time out for like h L 10-second timeouts don’t really do anything or whatever in my opinion so do like two three minute timeouts do a

Couple of those and then after that point then be like okay we’re we’re doing like maybe even like a two-minute timeout then a 10-minute timeout and then like a day timeout cuz three strikes you’re out you’re out for this Stream So a day it is you know got people up there oh chest

What’s your favorite game I don’t know fortnite person is that guy the hacker a these poor guys there I helped him out I mean I can’t help you out too much oops they’re gone holy God there fine he’s there let me get this Shield that I saw a moment

Ago let’s use it really quick rules for mods one don’t get your feelings hurt we are strong true true don’t hide people from chatting the face it’s Funny whoops I was not even looking at the uh storm can we go car can we go a little Bit he’s going to follow me oh I hate how the physics work for driving when you look Around real toilets St your idea moldy do you have any moldy items in your pantry per se my dad buys bread he doesn’t live with me anymore but he never really did to be honest but my dad buys bread that’s definitely moldy and he’s just like moldy moldy and I’m like no it’s

Gross stop it yeah you wish bro you wish this guy out here shooting at me he wishes where’s he at where’s this guy at where’d you go he still up there what is that oh all right well I’m annoyed he stops shoots at me like twice and leaves

Lame I saw it on the tree you just passed what what’s on a tree I just passed when did we start playing fortnite a little bit ago I’m just tired don’t want to ruin Minecraft by being tired what’s on a tree though I passed is there a guy chilling on a tree

Do we got Bush Camp dad in a tree that was a hit that was a hit whatever hey who popped this tire I’m out you guys can fight Dolph F’s birthday was two days ago heck yeah happy birthday to dollan berries everywhere I go I see the

Berries this is safe I am safe now people are firing near me really it’s a guy in a car bro switched cars to my broken car no you don’t have to kill me you’re fine oh you wanted The Medallion okay whatever let me just do a little bit

Of let me just do a little bit of skill hiding saw the hacker undo the wheel that’s why undo the wheel maybe apply for MCC Rising I think I did there’s that guy he’s having his fun I want to try the re enforcer because people said it got buffed but I

Just don’t trust it I’ll try it beginning of game oh good lord people are having a good time up there apparently where they at well he’s up there other guys fighting him back there that’s cool think I heard someone this way too but maybe not the enforcer is unredeemable yeah it’s

True people fighting underneath apparently oh good lord how bro what I had a gold one gold dude you had green what that doesn’t make any sense it straight up doesn’t make any sense all right insert name here those are the kind of jokes where I’m just like they include key wordss that I’m

Not a fan of if you could keep those words out of the chat that’d be better yeah no worries no worries some people’s like level for jokes is different my level for jokes personally is not not too low like it’s you know it’s like I’m pretty accepting but like in the

Chat I’m just trying to have a good chat you know what I mean can we not watch this guy sit in the trash can please are you going to play Infinite craft real soon we’ll see we’ll see just asking we’ll see me reply to this comment really

Quick oh wow that’s a lot lot of comments man cool sandwich 111 really like how you start your day I think I’ll try screaming into the void too sounds fun it is it is fun I’ll be right back guys I’m going to go to the bathroom when I get back let me know

What you want me to play a little bit more fortnite move on to infinite craft we’ll see I’ll probably play at least one more one more game of fortnite but we might do some craft I got some ideas wash my hands no promises hello I am back it is I moldy SCH

Moldy I took a shot of espresso cleaning off my glasses what’s up chat how were you mods how was everyone any people misbehaving let’s hope not right oldy smoldy a Godly entity now speaking the truth rules for mod Turtles egg spam not a bad joke but probably going

To get the M the mods mad at you definitely if you’re posting it more than once dolphin dolphin looks like you’re going to get a timeout probably watch out um Isaac says Minecraft it was Minecraft let me change the title Okay let’s do that all right let me know if the title updates if you guys want to re uh refresh just the mods I’ll let them refresh and tell me don’t worry about that burp guys it was a gift from God I don’t know how to support someone

Please tell me what do you mean Epic Man how do I support Channel moldy um I don’t qualify well I qualify for it now actually soon I’ll have a membership and soon I’ll be able to take donations and stuff I have to apply for it number four subscribe to moldy mold

You’re on the right track dolphin you’re on the right track can I play fortnite with you please uh Isaac I’m doing solos right now I appreciate the invite though the best chance you have to play fortnite with me is become super super cool and Famous and then I’ll beg to play

Fortnite with you and then you and then you can be like no I’m busy and I’ll be like harsh d i get it he’s drowning help him hold on to these bullets they float actual rules burp thank you insert name here I appreciate those rules dolphin’s playing with fire I know

But you got to respect it a little bit you know got to respect it just a bit just a bit you got to be like kind of funny that’s why jar is not permanently banned Jar’s been annoying consistently for like the whole time right but once in a while he’s

Funny Kristen says we love you I appreciate it I love myself as well why does Knight stands wait what why does Knight stands fortnite I don’t know you’re asking like why is it spelled wrong I’m not sure that was a lot of damage I can get him bro he got me almost that’s

Crazy oh this is all garbage ah at least it’s purple uhoh let’s get out of here we’re going to get creeped up on in a second Auto shotting we need some health guys we need some health can we get a little bit of Health that’s a little bit I

Suppose guy’s like right next to me I swear I’m leaving it for a second I’m not chasing him just seeing if he saw my footsteps if he’s going to come for me oh I pulled the trigger right there man did he hit the AI he did what’s that something good r

R we don’t need that dude the the bounce pads don’t work I saw it in action for someone else they don’t work I’m going for the win I’m not going for the the just raw kills right now so I’d like to get some health I pick a battle with the wrong

Guy we’re going down can the tuning stop glitching by the way what is that Shield Maybe where can we go for a little bit of Health where am I going this isn’t to health this is to get a vantage point and kill these guys what’s going on

Moldy I thought you didn’t want to fight I thought you were trying to survive no I want the blood I want all of it is the other guy even in here did he fall did he leave did he go cry to his mother is he gone I don’t see

Him moldy can you be my dad then dolphin with the camera it’s funny good meme someone’s falling that’s always what you want he looks like he’s op should have been a hit that’s a hit okay I’m thinking we’re good I’m thinking we’ll do some Band-Aids

By the way can I get a sniper with a real scope moldy can I share you my joke you can share the joke sure as long as it’s an appropriate Joke did you drink Red Bull did you drink Red Bull to get wings did he h I’ll take that I saw someone fire out here huh someone fired this way right am I crazy there’s a lot of unopened chests too still wild a blue it’s better than a purple pump I’d

Say by far I’d say that’s an obvious choice right there honestly unless I go for like one pump shot and then I switch but not really in the mood for that can we fix that these weapons when they spawn need to be reloaded can we fix that should I keep the six

Minis people tell me to keep the six minis but I am always like health pack man it’s like well what if you’re not that hurt six minis will give you the chance to win more it’s like I guess I don’t know I really can’t tell you papa

Moldy I have a question shoot shoot partner shoot go ahead send it what’s the question huh what is it space b says hi what’s up space b before you ask yes I remember you how you doing space face be what makes this time special what do you

Mean just in general what makes this time special it’s all will’ll get it is special because it is finite Wing don’t say his name like that you’re going to make him want to do it more true dolphin quit it quit with the the spam Yelps or the welps you’re just getting

Like you’re funny sometimes man just be just be chilling funny we’re all in this together I don’t want to have to I don’t want to have to suspend you till the next stream like that’s not fun you know much rather just be fun Man the free loots crazy yeah

Right oh you can chill out on the hand oh that’s op it’s pretty op someone put a fort up here is he in it he is well goodbye my fort Now where’s he at though we can chill for a second and read chat I suppose he was like I’ll run out the

Door Papa moldi yes what is up soup how you doing is another hacker where bro why is there always hackers Guardians what you talking about there’s hackers what you talking about wait was Wolfie here someone went visible to the to the this direction of me can he parachute invisibly can he do that

Uh-oh no but there’s a guy down there where’s this guy at man oh well that killed me dude stupidest thing to ever happen in this game absolutely dumbest thing to ever happen in this game don’t laugh at me dragon cat don’t say bruh don’t say LOL guys you’re

Supposed to be on my side you’re supposed to be on my side l l a third L dinner bone dinner bone I thought we were Bros can I an can you answer my question I didn’t see your question what’s the best type of Chip I oh I see it now best type of

Chip it depends on the day I I hate saying the best I hate when I say there’s a best I’ll tell you what comes to mind when you say best type of Chip really big and fresh basic Lays potato chips are great barbecues are also really good sour cream and onion Ruffles are

Great blue Doritos Takis bro Takis takis are good Isaac just comes in disrespect so we can’t spam face but L well it’s like why are you spamming face like spamming L three times when I die is kind of funny and there’s a reason for it but if you’re spamming the

Face then you’re like doing it to like annoy the mods you know what I mean and I don’t even know why they didn’t like the face but like just in general like don’t take offense dolphin I think I think you’ve been decent in chat I guess

You know right except for like one thing you said and I think I called you out on it and you were like oh I’m sorry so you’re good don’t worry about it don’t take no hard feelings we’re good everything’s good sour cream only real flavor sour cream is pretty bomb flavor

Not going to lie when are you going to play Infinite craft uh when I get a little bored of this which after that death man I’m I’m kind of kind of real annoyed but I’m not necessarily bored I’m kind of inspired to win I want to play a game where I neglect

Chat a lot because then I might be able to win but I I can also hide for a moment and then he shot me trees inside just subscribed what’s up trees inside are there trees inside me is that what you’re trying to tell me do I have trees inside me tell me right

Now is it cuz I swallowed the pumpkin seeds do I have a pumpkin tree growing in me moldy schoy doesn’t know that pumpkins don’t grow on trees I know I know they don’t I was testing you guys this is not great what happened I’m just trying to make chat great again neglect us

MTI if uh if people are are if people are deliberately spamming and deliber deliberately being annoying just give them large timeouts make chat better by people being annoying getting large uh punishments you know what I mean but also you could warn them you could be like hey you’re going to be

Banned you’re going to be timed out for like an hour if you keep being annoying and if they’re like oh I’m going to be defiant now because I make the rules everywhere I go it’s like okay well then here’s a 2hour ban moldy might not even be streaming at the end of

That nice spawn not the worst I guess h money I had people at work um someone was like asking YouTube advice someone was like should I stream and I’m like if you want man and I just told him I was just like make videos bro where is this

Thing can I be good at the game just for just for one day oh my God oh my God we’re getting murdered you Tred to climb up here man it was difficult just try what was shooting me is this an AI there’s no way an AI sought me out

Like that unless this guy was getting chased by an AI whoever went to hit me how about perab ban perab ban on what who do you want a Perma ban I would prefer perab banss go through me but I can always undo them do I remember you from yesterday I

Think so Gabriel there was a lot of people here yesterday to be fair but I think I do your profile picture looks familiar did I just see someone right outside the window right there did I just see someone right there I hear someone walking right there like that

What was that was that a leaf or a person that’s a guy he thinks he’s smart he thinks he’s him he’s about to find out he’s not him you leaving he left have you ever watched Harry Potter that was one of my favorite movies growing up when I was

Like when I was like tiny small tiny I dressed up as a tiny small Harry Potter and then people at school were like it’s not Halloween and I said this is the new me and I don’t care and if they didn’t accept who I was

I didn’t care I knew who I was I was Harry Potter why does this guy want me so bad let’s go to an angle where they can’t see me very well probably right here probably be the best they want me but I don’t want them

I don’t care about them I want them to leave me alone one time it was Parade day for Halloween and everyone laughed at my robot costume everyone who laughed at you they’re not worth being your friend anyways you know there’s a there’s a quote I wanted to say yesterday and I

Couldn’t think of it but it goes something like if you’re you like let’s say just you’re out in the world right you do something you want to do and you’re worried if people care right you’re worried if people care if the people if they would matter in your life

Like if they’re worth anything in your life the people who matter they won’t mind and the people who mind they don’t matter that make sense you were post Malone for Halloween 2023 it’s not a bad costume space be I respect it flamy you own the yummiest yummy

Yummy water on the entirety of a yummy water that’s pretty good dinner bone was Bob Ross another fire costume there you go 7 minutes got it don’t quote me on that I I didn’t make it up it’s not my quote someone else someone else said it

I just don’t remember who I don’t even know if it’s attributed to anyone is that the right word attributed word of the day would you guys watch me do do daily puzzles like wle cuz I’m illiterate and I’m trying to get not illiterate so I’ve

Been doing those a lot I wonder if you guys would watch that you were Draco in fifth grade I’m not going to criticize you for identifying with Draco a lot of people like Draco that’s fine people should I move into that building I wonder what the rent

Is was that a person did I just see a person people that way too people approaching behind me I wonder if they’ll see me almost definitely will we’ll see we’ll see hold up Wing don’t be happy when um when charity leaves Charity’s an OG Wing you weren’t oh okay

Misunderstanding we are all friends again oh my God how many people are there bro what are you talking about dude how many people were there just out of no there out of nowhere there was just what was that 172 there was like 46 people there out of nowhere dinner bone I swear

To God at least it’s lowercase L’s but what was that that was insane charity don’t feel bad you’re good you know I mean if you want to take a break it’s you know it’s up to you take your breaks but like in case someone like annoyed you or offended you

You’re okay don’t worry it’s all good at least you didn’t die like I did just now kind of terribly garbage right there yo almost 15K what am I at cuz when I looked I was at like 14200 something are we doing infinite craft in a little bit I’m getting really

Annoyed at this game so we’ll do a little bit of infinite craft I also still have my note saying Minecraft Monday let me change that okay the note is updated moldy got jumped dude for real for real it felt like I got jumped I’ve been jumped a couple times

In not in IRL I was about to say in real life what am I not online I have been jumped IRL I deserved it probably every single one of the times but yeah I was going to start defending myself no I deserved it but yeah I mean for someone who says

IRL ironically or not unironically you do you get jumped I don’t know man it’s where it depends where you are are you in your own backyard having fun you might be safe are you in someone else’s backyard without them wanting you there don’t know I’ve been jump sometimes in in

IRL like written out that that’s a lot funny so non viwer evolved into viewer viewer evolve into subscriber subscriber evolve either into jar or mod I don’t even know what you’re talking about jar why is CLA obsessed with you I don’t know man I don’t necessarily know if he

Is if you put yourself above moldy in mod dude someone’s got the that looks cool actually I kind of like how that looks from afar that looks cool guess what I found I found the weapon that wins me the game we got it boys we got it let’s get

The ammo and not the not the terrible weapon run that back again it’s an anime let’s get him get that out of my inventory get that trash out of my inventory hello will you give me Health Shield potion I’ll take that thank you sniper I already have the same one

So we’re set we’re good another Shield potion amazing now I can hide and heal hey moldy I uploaded the clip on my YouTube also heading out soon all right insert name here I’ll check it out I’m busy not dying right now but I will check it out I

Promise I’m always interested to see what kind of Clips people make so yeah I’m totally totally going to check it out now it sounds like I’m lying because I’ve said it so many times I’ll totally check it out wink no I will do you for color or color without

The u i don’t know what the U is for but without the u i don’t know why I have these in my inventory just to mess me up apparently take that grenade let’s drop that let’s make sure this is organized no I should take Auto pickup on

Off I agree with everyone thinking that right now where’s this guy at on the roof it’s fair I think it’s Bender too where you throwing nades at bro h so I said have you had a good day I had a good day did I say something wrong did I misread

That I had a good day moldy when is stream ending I don’t have a particular time planned for 10 it’ll end when I get too tired but I’ve woken up a little bit my caffeine consumption has helped oh I needed to reload that whole time

That would have been bad if I ran into this weapon I’m pretty sure that guy is like right there let’s see is he in the roof maybe are you hiding in the roof can I not just not see it maybe no he’s not in the roof but now I am and I like

It I feel safe in here I like this maybe we’re here now can I get first place by hiding in roof maybe maybe if you go outside and water shower Wednesday on weekend colors do you think smell last Monday next year Onyx are you trying to destroy my brain with these magical

Questions what’s going on here why did he shoot the AI what’s this guy’s problem I see why people stand behind this this is a really good view oh cool I could have thrown that better in real life think they’re still up there yep they are uhoh they saw that unless they’re not looking

Anymore what’s your mother’s main name of Social Security that’s a good question no one came in here yet huh I like how I see tutorials for this game and it’ll be like o that’s pretty it’ll be like how to hit weak points in fortnite like these and it’s like what

Do you mean you just what you just hit them you really need a tutorial on every single action ever in life like I get the people who watch those videos are like seven almost like in a few weeks be seven so like I get it you know but like

I understand the clientele but like people who make the video it’s like you got to make a tutorial out of everything well we did it for views you know it’s the grind respect it okay I do for the most part but like really that guy went fast what’s he got

Zipline he’s in there just so all of you know where he is I marked it for you guys are you going to do a face reveal I’m on screen right now I forgot that that person was hiding right here no idea where they are now it’s the

AI do you stream every day I just saw you yesterday and now today I can’t say I stream every day I would like to if I have the time I will that should have been a hit that should have been a hit that should have been a hit and it

Was oh look they’re doing the Porta bunker now I know exactly where you’ll poke out what bro what what did you quick scope me my guy you quick scoped me are you for real why are you 11 another try hard skin ridicul ridiculous honestly ridiculous I should have just used my

AR oldie the triangle on the the triangle on the top helps calculate bullet drop yeah but they changed the bullet drop clack do you remember when I started playing fortnite and I got good at the sniper and I was actually killing it with the sniper and and then they just they change something

And it’s so I can’t unlearn what I learned let’s play Infinite craft now I’ll tell you what no but very soon I want to get a good game I want to just have one good game where I don’t hate existence you know what I mean I just

Want one good game where I don’t hate existence let’s do the most tryhard skin I have this this is tryhard right correct am I right it’s tryhard correct I think it is it’s because your sniper had Barrel lug Barrel lug a silencer or the other thing just anything on the barrel is that

Increases the bullet drop floor cat floor cat yes I think they might have done a little something Onyx can you play fortnite with me I I just play solo or with lí speaking of which lí wonder what Lin’s doing today I don’t think I don’t know what he’s doing today where’s loan

Bean loan Bean you can upgrade weapon correct can you make Customs I might make a custom game sometime we’ll see the little moldy the little moldy in the corner is in bed with the chair cat that’s funny I didn’t know that but that’s funny let me go let me go check that

Out oh that’s funny he’s just hanging out with him it’s very cute hold has a clone indeed indeed dinner Bone’s got to go hey no worries dinner bone you’re good man hope I see you another time he’s still chair cat in my mind just retired I agree it is chair cat just

Retired floor count L lore is that you’re saying lore he used to be chair cat plain and simple now he’s floor cat but he’s still pretty much chairat he’s just chair cat sitting on the floor he’s chair cat but Retired hello everyone smash like indeed I agree what if moldy is the clone shush we don’t need any of these conspiracy conspiracies Junior what’s up man I’m doing great glad to see you back I do remember you I just didn’t see your previous chat until till just now sorry but yes

Hello draa mini in the corner that’ be funny space b says hello again hello space b all right this time this time we’re winning moldy fan account is a clone true what’s this bro I wasn’t going to do anything to you man God I hate the Thirsty people in this game come

On couldn’t find anything till that one chest and then of course there has to be a guy of course I really don’t like the luck in this game to be honest with you you’re subscribing Gabriel I appreciate it sprayer yeah honestly Customs you know what you know what I’ll do I’ll do a

Minute of Customs great game yeah pretty good it’s a pretty good game you know I think I did pretty fine that time not going to lie I think I I think I killed it that game let’s do a match uh match or two of my favorite game

Terminal gun game moldy Customs on the weekend uh that would be good for people to play we could try to do something like that yeah the one day I can’t sorry clack you got to make a match with a code um I’ll have to look into doing

That come on lag quit it the lag scares people a someone’s at 31 love it and then everyone else is at like five the guy in fourth is at five bro mold smoldy too good confirmed guys stop getting stuck on these stupid chairs no No take care of chat while I’m gone no lag you guys know about this you thought and you were wrong hey what’s up ah baloney all right that was kind of lame but whatever that’s what happens when you get stuck with the one shot gun lame lame lame

Lame bro bro I pressed the trigger bro you good I know bro I’m so good what that was a head shot I am a trained killer and I can tell you that was a head shot I can also tell you that I’m not really an expert bro you seriously haven’t killed

Me yet I deserve this kill you got a no scope close I know but that’s so lame I’d rather get shots like that try hard W wamp dude wamp w win already man you were at 32 when I joined what what where’d you even come from wamp wamp can we change

Games what do you mean change to what no oh my God I died can you believe it how did I die how can you even believe that I can’t believe it what dude there was an arrow in my own arm what was that great just just just have the kill man I

Was doing something God these people this game mode actually makes me regret playing this game dude this arrow thing is trash it doesn’t feel like they go where they should be going yo what’s good what’s up Autumn torch what’s up dude you should be dead by now that was a

Headshot wow w w bludging someone instead of getting a kill with the gun that they should have gotten a kill with because they’re too bad so they have to go for the bludgeon that’s fair this guy here wraith with 20 assists I feel your pain moldy kind of sucks at this game

Dragon C why you got to be mean huh why you got to be mean people are supposed to you and in order to get good at something you have to first be bad at something this is the first season I’ve played and I bet all these people that

Own me have played for like 20 years so it’s like what do you want me to do magically be better than people with years more of experience than me I have to practice Dragon get owned bro what you had like one Health I bet ridiculous what are you talking about

With my bullets huh where were they going you know great I think I won that one but whatever dude why do we only have four people in here hey can I stop painting pictures around this guy BR bro what are you talking about with this bullet dude that was

Obnoxious that was straight up obnoxious your longest live was 7 hours on this game or what cuz my longest live on twitch or on not game but on u YouTube I mean my longest on Twitch was 16 and a half or so bro with this RNG random bullet spread man Bro that bothered me that bothered me that shook me to my core bro you had a shotgun you know what I mean like bro what oh okay yeah that explosion in your face it’s not a one hit kill why would it be that would only make sense

I I see that guy up there trying to steal my kill I see it what why do I have why did it show me why did it show me another magazine if I couldn’t shoot out of it why did it show me that did you see that it had like a

Whole other magazine right there what the heck was that just something to fool me great you really got that kill you really did it you did it so well you’re so good so good at the game oh Customs I’m in customs man this is customs oh look my internet died somehow

What’s going on it’s not me it’s never been me but now I can’t move bro that’s cool that’s so cool this is so cool it’s twin mag but why can’t I shoot out of the twin mag why is my internet dying can’t shoot out that window bro get out of town that didn’t

Kill you what I pulled the trigger man Dragon cat don’t L don’t L bro it was not my fault legit I couldn’t do anything about it cool someone’s shooting at me from behind did they shoot my bullet cuz I got my shot off right there man my shot

Got I got that shot off hey what’s up bro the bullets in this game suck I’m going to give up on this game honestly and I’m going to go to a game where the bullets work more and it’s I’m going to go to like Call of Duty or or something

And then I’m going to be a nonstop winning this game it’s like bullet go where I wanted to go to the points man like the bullets should just go to the point I get there’s like realism or whatever but it’s too much it’s just go

To the point just go to the point man the bullets # fixure game fortnite yes they should they won’t though you’re silent after you do something kind of cool because you want to pretend you’re built like that but you’re not oh cool fantastic oh you’re going to do the pickaxe aren’t you

Cool I give up on the gun I’ve been given which is the whole point of gun game pickaxe shouldn’t be in gun game the game is rigged for sure for sure it is 100% I back up that claim oh I’m sorry I’m sorry for the shotgun in your face at close range

Didn’t kill you I’m really sorry about that at least you’re disfigured are you guys both pulling out your pickaxes cuz you don’t know how to get a kill with the gun you have can this gun fire at a slower rate of fire it was too fast it was scaring me with

The too fast a rate of fire bro what bro what what are you talking about hey ice cream where does your head start and where does it not where does it not start huh ice cream that was a head shot but whatever that was a head shot but whatever

Everything I do is a head shot I don’t see how these aren’t hitting like I get how they’re not head shot maybe like maybe if it’s opposite day or something but like how are they not hitting like they’re not even hitting that was a hit right come

On I love how I have 500 more damage than the guy next to me all right n see I got I got I got cursed cuz I was like I’ll take out the pickaxe like everyone else does and then I got cursed should have hit that hit and it

Should have that should have hit I wish I could become a Coke Zero this is bad yep I knew it that’s mean what happened what was mean why you guys being mean just have fun what’s up with you guys BRB got to do dishes that’s

Fair oh great he has like one Health and it’s time to get the kill stolen oh great oh great oh great oh that was great oh that was so great do you guys agree that that was so great wasn’t it just like the greatest thing you’ve ever seen since bread that was sliced

Dude only shot you through the brain love how you kept moving fantastic come up behind me come up behind me I’m I invite you to come up behind me come up behind me come up behind me you know cuz you can’t kill me if you’re in front of me unless you got

An auto shotgun then you can kill me at any time where is this guy man hold up I got the lava gun hold up die man that was like the full clip of the lava gun what more do you want for me um that was a

Hit bro what you know what I’ll give this one to you he got me with the lava gun that should have killed me it’s lava man like what bro hey guy that looks like a professional dancer can you go away oh that was only a shot from a one

Shot uh hunting rifle into your flipping throat bro but whatever Battle Royale Customs I don’t know what you’re talking about this is a customs game I don’t know anything more than that to me this is a custom game am I not am I missing something here I love it when they have one

Health love it when my left trigger on my controller doesn’t work and I’m not I’m not zoomed in I love it love it because then it makes everything go faster than I expect it to and then I can’t aim properly love it love the free kill let’s get it

Love how that’s not going to hit him I love how an RPG blew up 2 in from his back and he has like no health and it didn’t kill him love it does anyone else love it wait he doesn’t use keyboard no bro I got a controller in my hand don’t you

See I just got to win this really quick so we can go to infinite craft and be happy for once really that didn’t hit you well good thing that did oh my God bro how many hits do I need to get to the center of the Tootsie

Pop worst gun worst gun crossbow worst gun c c crossbow can’t talk Costco worst gun it’s not a gun it’s a place to shop Costco custom what is what word am I trying to say crossbow bro terrible oh you got a shotgun just take the kill man

Wow you suck you’re really you’re really bad and I have to get had 40 hits with this to win interesting what’s interesting bro that I thought was a hit who’s here someone’s here someone around here bro what speed does this fire at snail it fires at snail man there’s so

Many people here just just hit someone by accident at this point well that’s obnoxious at least the other guy is stuck on some weapon apparently play the storage on Roblox what what’s the storage on Roblox is it like storage warwards do you buy shipping containers full of stuff who’s

Shooting me one of these thousand of people that are behind me is it one of them oh cool he shot me from somewhere I couldn’t see him cuz that makes sense bro bro what are you dude this this is the worst thing in the game this thing is

Obnoxious and then he’s going to get killed from someone else now I weaken him and then someone else kills him that’s kind of how it goes you know leave while you’re ahead I’m not going to leave I got to win dude this weapon is trash I get a miraculous head shot with

135 damage they’re not dead I know that that’s not enough damage to kill but I get it like what more you want from me I want like 15 more damage from you oh of course you do bro bro now someone else kills him someone else kill of course of

Course why not and the guy caught up and guess what he’s going to do he’s going to get he’s a th damage under me guess what he’s going to do he’s going to get a miraculous kill with that with that stupid crossbow cool well I need to get a

Million shots with this apparently oh and he got got it woo we got it moldy moldy for the win too good I thought that was a hit oh cool oh because your guns do a th000 damage from any distance that’s fair I did I forgot that you had the gun that’s better I

Should pick that one my bad that’s my bad where is this guy bro he’s behind me of course he is of course he is why not you know he said earlier five 5 minutes instead of 10 SEC what I don’t know what you’re talking about whatever come

Here oh you don’t want it you’re just going to run that’s fair run away run away cuz that’s lame right oh you’re so cool dude OB that’s obnoxious this guy and I’m getting killed from every direction now dude that guy running right there that bothered me so much him doing that

Bothered me so much down to my core seriously bothered me so much can I not spawn in the Burger King during rush hour what’s going on infinite craft yeah soon soon bro I swear I I don’t spawn me in the Burger King twice man there’s too many people here

What was that why didn’t I zoom in great I needed like two kills for the last hour and a half and now someone else is going to get it because I’m the unluckiest player on the planet dude who sniped me during that did you get me somehow what are you talking about who

Hit me foot lettuce Burger King the lettuce of the foot awesome awesome awesome so so cool so so cool mold do you have to stop I don’t want to stop I love how I had a thousand more damage almost than the guy I love that what’s this game mode called This is gun

Game on Terminal moldy take a deep breath it’s okay nothing’s okay ever nothing’s okay ever I read philosophy and I can tell you for sure that this game is the reason that humans should never have been I’ll tell you for sure this is the reason how much do you have to hit these

People with these trash weapons how are you at four bro how are you at four it’s been 12 seconds and one of the guns is this that does damage like you hit someone with a thimble from 80 yards and you they somehow they die oh what there we go stole that kill

What’s up banana someone over here cool cool cool I’m just climbing everything who already has the most damage by the way me except for that second someone else got some but like dude I’m just out here doing all the damage oh my God if that guy took that

Kill I would have had the Burger King foot lettuce all day I would have had to cool I’m glad you just spawned too and took my kill that’s so cool the game was like Hey this guy has one Health we’ll put you right behind him so that

You can take this guy’s kill that’s awesome that it did that oh awesome oh awesome okay good that one was actually awesome cuz I got the kill moldy cookie clicker to tomorrow or you have to I’ve decided to never do cookie clicker now oh I’m sorry did I take your kill like

Everyone else does in every single match of this game because everyone beats me and has five damage done because all they do is take the last Health from everyone cool that’s not a sniper shot to your neck from 10 ft away that wouldn’t kill why would it doesn’t sound

Like it would you know what I mean like just just in general seems unrealistic for that to kill you bro what does this pistol do shoot Nerf bullets Cookie Clicker is easy with cheats I’m going to let you think about that sentence and come back to me when

You find out why it was dumb dude 23 he’s got 23 kills he’s got almost double my kills but only 50% more damage than me why cuz he just steals my kills that’s why it is though well of course of course it is man it’s if you cheat anything’s

Easy that’s what cheating is bro that’s the whole point I want this to be easier so I’ll cheat that’s the whole idea it takes the point out of the entire thing it’s called gun game terminal yeah if you just look up gun game you should find it you should have like a little

Little thumbnail of this map bro get out of here with the amount of kills I got I’m a download a virus please please don’t why why would you are you just having a boring night and you’re just like I’m going spice it up with a computer virus oh my computer’s

Locked now I better call some guy who’s not with Microsoft cool cool that’s kind of funny though not going to lie Cookie Clicker is just Force Grandma to make cookies fair enough cool guy behind me why not private matches soup what are you talking about private matches man it’s

It’s it’s a private island or whatever they’re called there it’s a it’s a game mode Island in fortnite I don’t know you I don’t know what information I need to give you I believe that was a hit but whatever I guess I’m wrong again what what are you talk dude the arrows

In this game terrible fle Royale code is just in the Stream I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t have a code for this I just I just go to it cool time to reload again for an hour great I’m glad everyone else’s bullets kill in a second this dude’s at

39 kills already that honestly cheating not going to lie cheating cheating he has to be there’s no way he barely has more damage than me what is he doing for real like what is he doing double my kills but not even 50% more damage doesn’t make sense doesn’t

Make sense he’s got 25% more damage than me and practically double the kills all right guy dressed like a professional dancer I swear if I didn’t get that I would have like lost my mind I’m losing my mind I’m losing my entire mind the guy below me who has 800 more

Damage than me I feel bad for him oh my god dude all right I give up no I give up don’t don’t UNP me game you don’t have the right look for his name in the feed or the scoreboard also make sure you’re in na

West well I’m out of it now so sad day excuse you moldy opinion on Star Wars I think all wars are bad don’t War you know what I mean like the movies The Saga I’m aware I’m familiar it’s it’s fine I’ve got nothing against it mold’s

Slow Dragon cat that’s not nice I’m not slow I am super fast super charged up thoughts on Chiefs winning the Super Bowl I think they scored more uh I think they scored more points than the people they beat that’s what I think about the Super Bowl they were supposed to have me

Performing for the Super Bowl and they said they said no to me and I was like bro favorite Harry Potter Booker movie Prisoner of asem man you think the 49ers should have won they should have scored more then I bet you know right like you know what I mean

Moldy Cookie Clicker tomorrow you have to no I don’t jar I do not uh mini moldy used to make videos but either clone or robot no wow the NFL like the NFL like Usher more than me yeah I’m kind of annoyed you know like how could they do that right make

Alabama we’ll see Earth only Earth only to what because we’ve done Earth we’ve done Earth only what should we do earth only to what though say waffles please Doge for life you know what I’ll do it for you waffles are you happy that took a lot

Out of me I better apply to make memberships and stuff because I’ve been saying I said waffles just now for free that could have been five bucks not going to lie not going to lie you listen listen up close I said waffles for free who does that who who does that except

For a guy who works at a place who where you can buy waffles right and then people go hey I’d like to order some waffles and then the guy goes okay waffles I get it but you know what not even that guy because he gets paid to be

There you see what I mean can you make Mickey Mouse please it’s not on the agenda today I’ll tell you honestly it’s not on the agenda today if it comes up by accident I’ll let you know try to get Harry Potter maybe IHOP they sometimes IH hop yeah I do from time to

Time if one of my legs hurts C dot I don’t know who C dot is bro make the Maya at word are you saying make the word infinite craft I tried I wasn’t able to I had infinite I had the infinity in Minecraft and didn’t do it

Which I’m kind of annoyed opinion on In-N-Out Burger it’s fire yes it is fire I had In-N-Out I had In-N-Out yesterday it’s fire some guys went to uh some guys I work with we went in and out it’s amazing you got to get the fries a little bit overdone though you got to

Get the fries well well done fries Red Bull’s got to go hey peace out man peace out have a good day turn notifications on if you haven’t turned them on already just to make sure you you know you don’t miss anything but hey peace out have a good night make skibby

Toilet space b why do you want me to make skibby toilet bro Wing you like In-N-Out in-n-out’s good Kristen you have In-N-Out or not in- and out you have infinite craft not bad pretty good make gorilla tag what is the what’s the obsession with Gorilla attack why

Have I heard that before imagine an infinite craft mod where it’s a top down and you can mine the craft two things you what craft table put two things I see what you’re saying I see I think I see what you’re saying jar is secretly like super smart I

Bet sometimes he pops out with these like random paragraph super quick when I was younger I used to get the In-N-Out sticker books stained with grease those were the days real toilets got to go peace out real toilet sorry that you got to go man peace

Out let me change the title to now we’re on infinite craft of the Stream Save I wonder how I can edit the uh why can’t I edit the thumbnail you know why not I wish I could how do you get mod uh I’m not looking for too many more right now but pretty much just be in chat a bunch but also don’t ask for it

Much if you if you ever get a 1 million play button then you can say out loud can you say out loud for I love waffles I’ll be honest with you I don’t know if I’ll remember to do that you’ll have to remind me when I’m at a million

No you’re good Wing don’t don’t feel bad I just didn’t want like I I totally don’t mind that you asked a lot Wing I just didn’t want it to be a way people got it because if people were like oh Wing asked a bunch and then he gave it

To him it’s like yeah it’s it’s kind of an exception you know I was going to draw you a 10K play button you still can you could draw a 15K or a 20K I wouldn’t mind uh 100K play button drawn it’d be cool Gabriel said let’s start you’re not wrong you’re right

You’re right now what should we do though let me come up with an idea we could do just human for 10 minutes we could do that we just have to get human really quick and then we’ll start a timer for 10 minutes let me open my timer make air out of

Water you make make wind out of water it’s difficult to make wind do we have a Discord server I do not but the fans do have an unofficial one you can see that link in chat look around your room and try to make that thing my room is an empty void of

Negative particles of a PNG human is life plus dust or angel or or devil wait what oh it’s life plus dust or Angel plus devil he made wind out of water last stream yes I did indeed how can I get okay how can I

Get so we got how can we get to human really fast let me look up how to get to human really quick because I just want to be at human and then start I want to have the least amount of stuff on the screen too try to make sand out of wind

It’s an interesting idea kind of I’ve been slacking on making uh shorts I need to make I need to make more Clips funny moments I need to make some more Clips hopefully some of you guys make Clips just to keep the algorithm here in me making Clips you know I got a

Hangnail it’s really bothering me all right really quick I’m going to look it up life is Venus plus steam I don’t have anything right now let me let me figure that uh infinite craft human recipe okay okay key elements to make human right okay fire and wind is

Smoke it says fire and wind equals energy that is not energy man water in Earth is apparently mud it’s plant bro what are you talking about okay let me do this fire wind okay smoke okay water fire steam okay Earth and wind dust okay Earth Earth on Steam is

Mud Earth on Dust is planet okay what’s next what’s next water smoke on Waters fog okay fog planet Venus okay Venus mud atom Venus Adam okay that’s how you make human fenus Adam Adam Eve human okay so now we got human fantastic I’m going to go to the

Bathroom really quick and then we’re going to start 10 minutes just human we’ll start filming that so everyone’s going to be nice in the chat and say nice things to the YouTube video okay we’re going to say nice things to the YouTube video one sec guys

Okay what’s up guys I’m back sorry for the wait go night mode here’s the thing all of my infinite craft videos all of my infinite craft uh videos on my channel have done amazing and all elements from water didn’t do that didn’t do that well compared to my other ones maybe it’s

Because it was much longer but it’s also the only one I had with dark mode so I’m thinking I don’t do dark mode I’m going to see if that helps anything else how’s you toilet moldy I’ll let you type that without typos Dragon cat go night mode no I don’t want to go

Night night mode I don’t want to go night mode someone spamming emojis that’s fine sigh poor Dragon cat you got to go control VR hey peace out man no worries I’m here because of the infinite craft videos Star you’re here from the infinite craft videos let me ask you an

Opinion the video I uploaded today that has dark mode was that better did you like it better or no I missed one letter it’s not that deep you missed it’s ironic that you missed one letter on that as well what made you want to become a

YouTuber uh I love attention and I can’t stop talking no I’m joking uh I don’t know I watched um I used to be I used to want to be a stand-up comedian and I realized the parts I liked about standup comedy was just the talking

So this is kind of this is kind of a more achievable version I think and also you get the comfort of your own home you get to play games it’s easier to do this I I would I would say um but that’s not necessarily why I picked it I’m just

Comfortable in it honestly didn’t notice a difference but it’s possibly just it’s probably just my autism plus I already had a headache LOL so I do you do like dark mode I do like me some dark mode as well star I agree I agree uh nice fighter judging by the

Items in list seems like Adam plus Eve is the quickest way to make human yeah as far as I know this is the quickest path to human Venus says autism gang heck yeah do you have school in real life me not anymore I I was signing up for college a year ago and

I I just ran into like Financial issues signing up for the college and so I was just like you know what maybe it’s not for me right now and I did this YouTube for the last year instead and year year and a halfish and I was just like you know what YouTube

You know what and now hey I got lucky recently with some videos and now I can sign up to be monetized and maybe I can make this a real thing you know we’ll only see but as long as all you got I mean we got 38 people in here do you

Know that that one thing let me talk to you 38 people really quick okay and then I’ll start I’ll film this uh 10-minute YouTube video but but real talk real talk for a second right what’s up energy you said yo you came in and said yo what’s up but um see if it

Changes anything in terms of algorithm stuff star knows what’s up um but real talk for a sec okay this is some moldy smoldy Real Talk Brock Butler don’t spam too many emojis the people are going to get upset uh just clean Wings spamming some to college is crazy I thought you

Were like 17 I’m like I’m like 85 years old but um no so the real talk what was the real talk I was going to say we got like 40 people in here do you know that statistic where it’s like you’re like you’re like four jumps away from everyone or like

Whatever it’s called like you’re like oh it’s like oh if you jump 20 times you’re you’re close to anyone like my my cousin right my cousin could have worked for your second cousin your second cousin’s dad or something you know what I mean like that kind of

Thing or it’s like yeah whatever it’s kind of like that that’s what basically what I’m saying we got like 40 people in here if all of you tell your friends that you think might like my content if you’re like hey this guy’s content is pretty okay you know and if they tell a

Couple friends then boom I’m at a million subscribers you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying the mold Army is growing you know and I would say that I would say that everyone in the mold Army is a recruiter that’s what I’ll say you’re all recruiters that’s

What I’ll say you know you don’t have to be but you know I’m just greedy for Success you know Daniel is doing sleeping emojis that’s fine you can do sleeping emojis Karim hopefully I pronounced that right what’s up now I got you all ping everyone in my Discord server heck yeah Venus Venus

Gets it rip I got to go right before the bid the vid peace out peace out Dragon cat sorry that you had to go ear net whatever your name is how you doing hello wave what’s up you just described a pyramid scheme shush nice fighter shush don’t sell me

Out shush shush it’s not a pyramid scheme it’s it’s an army we’re an army do I have a Discord server I do not there is an unofficial fan one though that the fans have I literally have no idea what you guys do in there I’ve no clue hopefully

You just go mold’s cool and then the other people go he is and then I’ll post something and and then you guys will be like he posted go like it but you guys probably send memes in there or something I’d imagine May get official no I’m good I

Don’t I don’t I don’t really need the group I think the official Discord group should just be this chat you know what I mean cuz like I’m just going to be in here you know what I mean I’m just going to be in here talking in the chat like why would

I need to be in two different chats I have like a life too outside of this you know what I mean I got to do other stuff I can’t just chat with everyone all the time be crazy star you’re such a humble streamer in parentheses you totally don’t want to

Take over the world no I don’t I don’t star don’t even put the thought in their mind they’re going to figure it out okay starush try to make the alphabet someone made that and went flipping crazy moldy has a baby by the way no I don’t I have

A clone I do have a tiny clone but I don’t have a baby mini moldy he has a baby do you see the mini m a moldi i can’t speak do you see him on the hi I just got to hear what’s happening what’s up tiny Rock we’re about to we’re about

To film 10 minutes of just using human to see if it goes anywhere if human on human doesn’t do anything which I don’t know if it does I don’t know if it does uh I if human on human doesn’t do anything we’re going to just kind of

Trash the video or maybe I just put human on top of human for this entire time maybe you know but we’ll see it does it does stuff okay wait tiny rock it does make stuff or it does nothing do a make a fuller sentence so I understand it does it does don’t worry

Okay make your hat red but this is my white hat that I’ve always had just Wing is bad cop uh oh if human onum doesn’t work just upload a vid with nothing just me talking for 10 minutes right of course it makes another thing all right we’ll see what it

Makes I thought you were bald this whole time bro it’s a hat I’m not bald don’t you see how it’s a hat it’s a hat don’t you see on Mini moldy it’s easier to see on Mini moldy moldy SCH moldy the irrelevant content creator thrives on pushing boundaries and challenging Norms

With his unique brand of humor whether he’s parting uh popular culture or poking fun at every day did you just ask chat GPT to describe me really quick irreverent content not irrelevant can I learn to read all right guys we’re going to start in a second let me hit record it takes a

Second to record because the thing lags sometimes but okay here we go you said no dot dot dot I’ll take that as a yes what’s up YouTube new video right here we’re going to do just human for 10 minutes as you can see on screen I earned human really quick we’re

Not going to touch anything above human right so if we make something something it’ll go underneath human and then we can use it but we’re going to see 10 minutes how far we can go with just using human just an experiment so 3 2 1 timer started okay at 10 minutes we’ll

Stop now does human Unum does it do anything here’s the Moment of Truth family all right this is cool we can get somewhere I actually never tested it well I probably did and then forgot okay so again everything under here now everything under human we can use now

Now so I’m not going to like change the sort or whatever just so I make sure I’m I don’t mess up okay so we got Rebel Rebel human so you already we got pirat so we can get into water we can get we can this is actually way more fun than I

Expected wow okay Captain Rebel that makes Pirate again pirate parent Captain Hook Rebel Captain Hook okay you go pirate a little bit let’s try let’s try simple things on top of simple things you know okay parent on parent is child child teenager adult parent teenager adult child baby human child pirate

Peter Pan okay Peter Pan on pirate is going to give Captain Hook could have could have known that one what about this just hook okay parent hook pirate I don’t know about that one to be honest with you but that’s fine sorry about the sniffles I sniffle forever Captain

Human family Captain pirate everything’s pirate pirate ship Peter Pan Captain Hook I should have known that one adult pirate ship captain of a pirate ship pirate okay fishing rod bro what we got fish oh my God we’re out of here we’re going wild we’re going Hog Wild Captain fisherman fish what’s fish

On Fish it’s shark right shark on shark can we get shark NATO got whale shark on whale Megalodon Megalodon on whale shark on shark whale pirate Mobi dick Ahab he’s a captain whale Mooby dick nope shark moob dick why not whale whale Ahab M dick Captain Maybe dick M dick ah

Pirate okay went in circles a little bit let’s do fishing on fishing what if we did human that human fish is mermaid pirate treasure pirate Captain Hook whale okay we’re two minutes in we’re honestly not doing bad we got we got eight more minutes we got Jonah was he the dude

That was like what he didn’t like fish people were like eat the fish and he was like no I ordered chicken strips was that that guy shark shark shark shark shark fish and fish is fish bowl no fish and fish is shark see fisherman fishing fisherman fishing rod fish

Megalodon fish shark M dick okay we went to fish kind of got stuck with fish let’s do fish and move all this in here okay siren Ariel not bad okay shark Theus that’s that’s what you always want you always want to get the shark Theus guys you always want to get

The shark Theus okay siren siren siren what’s a siren on a siren it’s a mermaid that’s kind of lame whale on a mermaid Ariel insulting okay princess princess parent Prince Rebel prince prince okay I guess they’re just all Rebels pirate Prince pirate princess captain Captain princess was was what weird okay getting

Into the royalty is possible what if we did fishing princess it’s a mermaid what if we did love okay king queen queen love marriage pirate marriage divorce can you get divorce just from Human that’s not very surprising honestly what’s a royalty what’s royalty love princess what’s a royalty divorce

Queen interesting okay well wedding what if we shark the puss a wedding shark the puss it ruined the wedding and there’s no more wedding it’s just shark the puss that’s fair I could understand if a shark the puss came to my wedding I’d be like dude you weren’t on the guest list

We don’t have chicken for you and then someone raises their hand I’m not that hungry you can eat my chicken shark the pus and the shark Theus is like Yay you can eat my chicken that would that would probably happen and I’d be like man that’s you

Know everything worked out and then my fiance would be like bro it didn’t work out why do we have a sharkus here ruining my special day and then I’d be like it’s our special day and then they’re like no it’s my special day and then it’s and then we get

Divorced no the argument that that ruined it all the argument oh wait I’m okay VR in chat just said my grandma just did a backflip dude congrats Splitsville bro we’re at Splitsville behead what hey it glitched again it’s so annoying Poseidon Trident aeriel who what if hear me out here what if we

Splitsville Ariel a mermaid what if we Trident Triton what if we Triton M dick Poseidon what if we Poseidon Splitsville Trident kind of makes no sense what if we what if we take away the head from Ariel she’s just a mermaid make her make her a princess make her a princess make

Her a princess make her a princess okay let’s go with this time two head skull skeleton okay that’s fair honestly skeleton kid a ghost that’s so sad teenage mut ninja turtle from just human bro in five minutes we went from Human to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

That’s kind of cool ghost on ghost okay what about a ghost pirate it’s a captain what about a ghost Captain it’s a pirate what about Peter Pan but a ghost Tinkerbell we got Tinkerbell guys what if we give Tinkerbell a fish she’s a mermaid what if we love the mermaid it’s

Arial circles okay we wi circles Casper the Friendly Ghost right what if we behead Casper he’s a ghost again what if we bead a head you just have a body that makes no sense corpse gotcha the singer Splinter zombie okay can we get a what it called can we get a new

Discovery from just human maybe honestly I was thinking that would have been one Turtle how did you go from Human to Turtle don’t know man but I did and I’m happy I did what is that is it just a different spelling of the thing I already had turtle and Ninja Turtles

Just Ninja Turtles Casper Ninja Turtles Ghostbuster turtle ninja ninja Ghostbuster Slimer kind of gross right is that a YouTube channel that makes slime I’m going to run over this slime real slowly if you behead the Ninja Turtles it’s Leonardo okay I’m going to run over this slime real slowly okay with my car

Zoom in on the wheels we got Squidward of course we did and if you squid ninja what’s the body of squid ninja Squidward corpse Squidward Squidward Splinter Squidward Splinter Ward and I’m going to run over the the the Slime and then we got Squirtle dude we got a

Pokon from Human we made Squirtle bro what that’s wild actually kind of cool not gonna lie kind of cool squiddle why not ninja squiddle okay Leonardo ninjas whatever that was Ghostbuster Slimer ninja Slimer turtle turtle turtle okay what was I saying I’m going to run over this slime with my car and

For some reason it has 27 million likes don’t know why but it does you want to know why why cuz people are crazy and that’s all they watch some days and it’s like dude what like I’m all I’m all for well I can’t call them crazy you know

Why because I’m crazy I was crazy once I watched videos of people putting sand in glass and then I what did I do they well well I just kept watching and then what did they do they would uh they would pack the sand it was colorful sand and

They would pack the sand more densely into the cup and then they would pour a different color sand on top and they would pack that more densely you know they would pack that more densely into the cup and then I would be like dude this is amazing content and then I would

Look at myself in the mirror and go I’m watching this content of people packing sand into glass more densely over time and it’s different colors and I’m enjoying it I must be crazy I tell myself in the mirror I must be crazy and then I think crazy oh my God I was crazy

Once I was watching YouTube videos where they were packing sand in a blob ninja and and they were packing it over and over just tight Tighter and Tighter and packing the sand and then I said what that’s crazy I thought I was getting a new discovery and then I’d say what

That’s crazy and then I’d look in the mirror and I’d go I’m crazy for watching this and then I’d be like crazy I was crazy once I was watching these YouTube videos where people were packing sand colorful sand more densely into this glass tube and then I was like oh my God

We got this first discovery Splinter darkk tanamo Co that’s great I’m so happy are you happy I’m happy I don’t know I don’t know I was happy once it was before my parents left my parents left oh they left before I was happy oh I was happy once 10

Minutes all right guys that’s cool we did it let’s uh let’s say what are what are our honorable mentions well first we got Splinter Duran whatever the heck okay let’s put uh Squirtle funny let’s go Squirtle Squirtle funny squirtle’s good Splinter Man that’s deep I know I’m going to zoom in here’s a

Little tip for making content I’m screenshotting this for the thumbnail so here’s just a little tip I’m screenshotting this for the thumbnail right now where did it go did it not screenshot properly oh there we go then I got to save it make a new folder for this for this real

Quick that’s definitely going in the in the thumbnail 10 minutes just human and then it’s like we got this somehow what else is cool for the thumbnail what do you think guys oh I need to do an outro for the YouTube video by the way boy let me full screen this again for

Continuity sake let me zoom out a little bit for continuity sake that’s crazy that we got those things isn’t it that’s pretty crazy 99 items that’s wild all right hit like subscribe comment what you want to see next peace out thank you if it’s Tuesday have a good Tuesday

Guys all right that was just for the YouTube the video I’m not leaving stream is still happening don’t worry don’t leave don’t leave we’re okay um Splinter ninja is kind of funny squid Squid’s funny squid turtle ninja these are all good items these are all good items Splitsville is funny divorce is

Funny go with this we’ll screenshot all these real quick for some reason they’re not working properly I zoom in to get better quality screenshot by the way in case you want not following Squidward is a good one it is right we’ve got almost 4,000 items well I I keep

Restarting I’d like the stream to get to 69 every everybody stay in don’t leave hit likes right now everybody hit likes right now and everybody hit the little Emoji heart thing really quick hit it a bunch and then YouTube will be like people are really enjoying this send it

To more people and it we’ll get to 69 people that’s how you get to 69 people I know this to be sure okay hit likes hit likes and do do the hearts and then more people will come we went down in in views what we can do it

Though we can do it I swear it’ll work it’ll work just got to keep it up I’ll hit it too look I’ll even do it can I hit hundreds I can hit hundreds I can hit celebrations okay anyways let me save this screenshot put in that new folder I got

Okay okay now I want to upload another challenge so let’s clean this up I think 10 minutes of human is a really good idea I think it’s pretty good if you hit the heart you if you hit the heart you eat rocks what that’s not true I don’t believe that for one

Second we just lost six people that’s fine all right you don’t have to spam the hearts anymore I think people when you tell them hey don’t leave people are like I’m going to leave to be funny it’s okay it happens new video yeah that was

Uh that’s going to be a video just human for 10 minutes that’s going to be a good clip good video uh do 10 minutes of trying to get the most countries you’re not wrong but I I don’t know I’m going for more simple things I I’ll go for more

Difficult challenges in a little bit I’m kind of just more going for like the fun like I got human let’s see what we can get out of fun going for the countries is like I mean you’re it’s a good idea I have it written down to be honest with

You it’s in my notes of different ideas but you know um I don’t it’s not I’m I’m not feeling it right now what we could do what we could do what are the other videos I I made recently so recently we did all the elements from water that’s pretty good

We did that today or well that uploaded today all elements from fire did very well 73,000 views in two days wild that’s a wild um fire for 10 minutes did decent did decent Taylor Swift speedrun did all right just Earth for 10 minutes did amazing just water for 10 minutes that’s

The video man that’s that’s where a lot of you guys came from I bet that’s that’s the crazy one right there remember the notepad thank you um but yeah you know I’m sad absurd trolley problems only got 1,800 views I’m a big fan of charlee problems I

Think it’s a really funny thing but that’s okay that’s okay what do you guys think what do you guys think we should do by the way if you’re not subscribed with notifications on please do that but other than that what do you guys think we should

Do H more trolley problems John gets it do you remember me from last night I think I do yeah actually I have an auto clicker on the hearts appreciate it appreciate it speedrun to ginger gingerbread boys is this a little self-interested you know Minecraft what

Do you mean Minecraft I I sped I already have a video on my on my channel speedr running to Minecraft did you guys not know that I already have that Taylor Swift Arlo I already did Taylor Swift you shouldn’t have skipped the rest what are you talking

About Sonic husky what do you mean shouldn’t have skipped the rest no go back to Minecraft I need to get off soon I’m thinking one more Challenge and I might have to get off for the night yo sholders I’m back that’s a funny uh sholders is a good honestly a good

Nickname to for fans of the mold Army uh true moldy fan right here that’s me hey heck yeah star appreciate it if I get lethal company when I will I play with viewers if I’m able to do like a public Lobby maybe I’ll consider it lí really wants to play lethal company so

It’s possible I’ll play lethal company with viewers if I’m able to like just have a public thing you know speedrun to YouTube maybe I could try I could try I think it’ll take longer than I want it to I’m thinking like another 10minute idea and

Then I think I’ll edit both and I think I’ll post both tomorrow because I want to see what I want to see like will it damage the algorithm for me if I post two videos in a day I want to know because I I really have just been doing

Shorts for this year doing long form is not my expertise wow two subs wow that’s wild 10 minutes of only wind not clack I have that I already did I did that that’s on my account I did 10 minutes of only wind I just do I just do 11 minutes now

Of everything I do just fire for 11 minutes we did 10 minutes before guys now we’re doing 11 minutes that’d be funny you should try animating moldy it’s the new thing what animating moldy what do you mean it’s the new thing nowadays what are you talking about 20

Minutes you’re not wrong the uh the video I uploaded that was 20 minutes did very very very well recently so we could do probably do 20 minutes we could do 20 minutes is good I have 20 minutes left I could do 20 minutes I was going to be like I only

Have 10 minutes I could do 20 minutes what did the best 20 minutes of just water 10 minutes of just water got over a qu million views absolutely insane so do we do 20 minutes of it just to see if we can get this mold Army growing even more what do you

Think one decade we could do a decade on I think we’re going to do the 20-minute challenge but before we start uh my girlfriend is here to say hi hello see not a robot Not A Robot Bros mic cut out no I muted to talk to the girlfriend really quick I’m sorry

Guys I should have said something we want Harry Potter we want Harry Potter maybe maybe insert name here it’s not an AI hi brail seems like a fun idea no I don’t want to do Harry Potter right now I want to do a fun challenge of like 20

Minutes of something or something Harry Potter is a fun challenge Harry Potter is on my list I didn’t want to do a speed run right now now my cat is screaming in here I don’t know if you guys heard Apple or Samsung product Harry Potter Harry Potter hello mold’s

Girlfriend hello hi I’m mold’s girlfriend hi all ele Els from wind that’s a good idea too but that will take longer than I than I want it to or it could I could do it in 20 minutes if I got lucky wind is the hardest one to

Get so honestly I might be able to have her do a Capia to prove she’s real she has trouble with those for some reason sometimes what or are you good at them are you good at them what the the Capia things to prove you’re real what is that

You don’t know what that is oh are you talking about the thing the to prove that you’re human yeah so like if you’re a robot click that it’s funny how you didn’t have much understanding of what that was cuz I just don’t pay attention to that and also I’m a program so you’re

Not a program why are you saying this you’re making it look like I have an AI girlfriend why you doing that why you doing that you’re real what are you doing all elements from Plants that’s kind of a cool idea honestly start with plants get to every element that’s pretty

Funny do a cahoot maybe someday I think we’ll do the all elements in a little bit like tomorrow hi moldy GF what’s up not just brother’s here Na’s brother wo Na’s brother’s here what’s up replace her Ram dude she’s overloading I can hear it dude she’s got like 50 gigs of ddr5

RAM she’s fineing she killing it she BEC self aware how do you change your voice so well I’m just good what’s your time zone 10 million right now do 10 minutes of plant someone say 10 minutes of plant wait what about 10 minutes to just plant

I like 10 minutes to just plant what are herps that’sa mhm 10 minutes of just life interesting does she have RGB lights she wants me to put them up all over the house I can tell you that 10 minutes of just human we just did that

Insert name here were you were you not here we just did 10 minutes of human we we did it just now I wonder how much I’m looking at one of my stats really quick that’s pretty good it’s not bad still going still kicking okay strange did it do better this last hour okay

Okay one two three four five six seven eight okay yeah it’s not it’s not been up much I’m just checking the stats of today’s video okay Lacy Jones is here get the most pokemon in 10 minutes not a bad idea too all elements from all elements too easy give me something

Harder all elements from Human that’s pretty crazy it’s crazy how you got over 250k views yeah dude that’s it’s wild that was the spark I needed and I think now we got the ball rolling and now we can become an amazing big YouTuber and get 100K Subs by the end of the year

100K Subs by the end of the Year by the way or I’m deleting my channel it’s gone deleting everything on it and my channel 100K views by the end of the year that’s what’s happening mhm did I not tell you guys that before oh my mistake seven minutes nah for real heck

Yeah man W streamer heck yeah gingerbread boy I appreciate it super I’m so w That We’re Not Gonna delete the channel because we’re just gonna make it we’re going to win try to get the Mickey Mouse cast and infinite Craft only using Earth that’d be too much stuff for a

Thumb the for a title that’d be too much for a title you got to think of this like a Salesman if you got 99k would you still delete is 99k under 100K what do you think big pillows plain interesting all elements from Earth no I think we’re going to

Do uh Gage from only twerking I’m okay um what was the idea we said we were going to do we were going to do 10 minutes or something or 20 minutes of something should we do 20 minutes of just fire 90k is basically 100K you’re

Not wrong we’ll see what we get to moldy what’s my Facebook password I don’t have Facebook plants right want to do 10k of plant or 10 minutes of plant at the rate you’re growing you’re definitely going to reach 100K hey I hope so man with your help notches brother with

All of your help I can get there based on your other content your stuff already done 10 minutes it’s just element so what about 10 minutes it just plant I agree Star by the way star I don’t know why but I I I like your uh I like your

Chats you you seem like you get it a lot of you do but Star right now is shining for some reason maybe it’s because they’re a star heyo I don’t know uh ding is cool moldy moldy please don’t leave though the past two days in 27 minutes became my favorite streamer please don’t

Leave we got what how many months what month is it it’s the third month right just became the third month we got 9 months to become to get 100K got nine months I have to give myself this challenge in order to do crazy craziness in order to go Hog Wild you know Panda

Lover no I’m not leaving Panda Lover I’m not leaving I just have to get 100,000 by the end of this year nine months right did I do the math wrong we’re on the third month is 12 months in a year we have 9 months months nine months to

Get 100K easy that’s easy peasy we just have to speed this up it’s because I get hyper fixated on content Creation in YouTube for like a month or two information stuck with me fair fair M do like all jokes aside are you actually leaving 100K by the end of the year

We’re doing it I won’t be leaving I won’t be going anywhere because we’re going to be getting 100K closer to 10 months it’s March 4th well I mean if you have 12 months oh yeah it is yeah we have 10 months yeah you’re right my brain was doing brain stuff for a

Second so you’re right um yes we will we’re hitting 10 we’re hitting 100K heck yeah you know what’s funny too new Mr Beast I’m not going to say true but true my my goal for the first year by the end of okay so the previous year right my goal last

Year was to get 10K but I didn’t have the added stress of of like and then I I have to delete the account you know right if I don’t and I was close I was at like 9,300 or something by the end of the year I was pretty

Close but if I make it even more intense we’ll get there it’s also nine times harder to get you know it’s nine times the amount of Subs to get from 10K to 100K is 90k obviously right let’s stop Dilly dallying what challenge we doing get the asteroid belt

Clean Wing is still here mold army yes mold Army thank you Lacy Jones mold Army true true true I won’t be here in a month and six days what’s up what’s up Christian Kiren Kristen what’s up Spritz yo stream’s still going heck yeah Spritz we’re uh trying to decide should

I do 10 minutes of Life Spritz you’re YouTuber should I do 10 minutes of life should I do should I see what we can get in 10 minutes using life only life so we’ll get to life really quick and then use it or plant 10 minutes just plants what should we

Do what should we do kai said hi cutie patootie thanks kind of you know I am kind of cute like not going to lie like hey hey not being arrogant not being arrogant just look at me fire right it’ be cool do life okay 10 minutes just life

Okay I should have the welcome I like that it’s nice I would want to see what comes out of that yeah right be a good one watching the stream living room by myself sister says you’re boring then your sister’s not my clientele you know what can I say I think she’s boring

How about that huh how about that am I going to include the chat yeah everything on screen um but if anyone says anything crazy lame uh I want the mods to let me know and then I’ll have to block out chat completely so no one

Do no one ruin it for everyone no one ruin it moldy Doritos or Cheetos Doritos by far it depends on the Cheetos though flamin’ Hot Cheetos pretty darn good with with lime pretty darn good right you know hello be nice of course be nice okay the white puff Cheetos are top

Tier the white puff Cheetos are pretty top tier not going to lie I heard you I said I saw hello hello moldy moldy why did you have to specifi disclaimer this go the mold Army used blah blah blah figuratively to C CU I don’t want people to actually go out and

Grow mold don’t actually grow out and grow don’t go out and grow mold you know with lime yeah you can put lime lime’s good dude yacht or Lamborghini I would never have any use for a lot a yacht so Lamborghini you just need to add Subway

Surfers just start thank you Lacy I was I was about to say all right let’s find the I need to find that the life recipe really quick unless anyone in chat knows it okay let me see so you go earth wind right Wind Fire for dust nope that’s

Smoke how do you do what the heck man this is wild wind fire smoke okay smoke Earth and smoke volcano not what I want this this tutorial looks very awkward I I don’t understand it add some Family Guy Clips at Minecraft Parkour Spritz gets it how often do I

Stream I’m going for every day but it’s going to be closer to four or five times a week probably wind Earth Wind Earth dust good night moldy good night Dingus good night Who had who knows how to do the mods can I just mod it in and then take

Away all the other things for these kind of challenges that might be easier because what’s what’s going to happen is I’m going to have all these things up here to get to it and then I’m going to like earn one and forget that I earned

It you know what I mean I know it’s Venus and dust but is there who knows how to do the mod I might take a minute to do the mod really quick seven minutes can you be mod no one no one asked to be mod anymore I’ll think

Of it myself don’t don’t be sad though seven minutes you’re one of the you’re one of the better guys in chat I would consider it but I just don’t want everyone to ask and like now if you ask and I give it to you then everyone’s

Going to ask you know what I mean who wants mod no not who wants mod I must have misspoke who understands how to add the mod to neil. funs thing to get to like delete all these right and to add just you know what I mean there’s a mod to do

It froggy Pon cool mod is Dom backwards I think I’m going to what’s five plus 5 you can’t I don’t know man I don’t know man mod is Da backwards Iris what you saying you just you just be like backwards words delete them in Chrome devs tool what’s Chrome’s devs

Tool what is that how do I get that I’m not smart you guys think I’m smarter than I am I’m out here being dumb the odd for the ad for uh for the Autism test is funny right click inspect all right hold up I don’t know what that shows right click inspect

Okay iris is out here being smart and what what what after that star is also out here being smart good night clack morac Brando says my brother has autism okay uh click on the button what button delete the lines of code on that button what button what someone smart

Help find the element highlights the buttons and delete them find the element that highlights those buttons oh I see what you’re saying if I hover over them should it show it just delete the text oh I see should be in this yeah okay infinite craft logo

Cool I think I’m figuring it out maybe we’ll see it’s a canvas in here sidebar no in this nope in this nope all right here I’ll show you guys you guys help there’s nothing on here right this is just normal stuff is it in here click on the cursor on the top left

Moldy this you guys are so smart Okay so I’d have to do that for a lot can I add one like that easy is there a way to add one of these really easily right click delete right click delete oh this is so much better people out here being smart

Cool can I add one game over 10 minutes no elements what do we do what do we do copy and paste I guess ah true I could do that though hold up I think I can do that let me go to my whoops I closed both have to redo it of course I

Will hold up give me a moment guys I’m sorry okay maybe just get the one you want and then delete the rest yeah I’m thinking that too but I H I probably have it in my other one right I just sub five minutes ago and here I’m troubleshooting for the

Stream life comes at you fast it does Iris it does life is crazy sometimes I want to go to my other one how do I go to my other one man how do I go to my other one loving the vid so happy to be here hey thank you I appreciate

It sometimes you can’t succeed in getting Life True apparently not right now we need background music New plan we’re just gonna earn it and then we’re going to delete everything else who knows how to get to life after the 10 minutes you’re going to end the stream this time yeah I think I am W music thank you Nelly okay wait someone’s got the life someone’s got

Life put out okay Earth Earth Wind thank you BLS thank you so dust DUS and dust wait dust plus wind right Sandstorm plus dust wait we know Sandstorm plus dust we needed Sandstorm and then we need what Earth Dune Sandstorm no dust and Earth Planet Sandstorm planet is that it Mars Mars

And Mars is planet Mars and Earth life Okay cool so now we do we do the inspect all right we do the cursor thing we go here we delete we delete we delete we delete we delete we delete delete delete delete delete delete delete okay cool that’s awesome I close that it stays

Awesome that’s cool this is all thanks to you guys now I got a now I got a million more ideas now that I can do that dude we’re out here uploading daily uploads for like the next month now with this ability to change this stuff this is awesome I’m

Going to have so much fun doing the random I’m going to I’m going to get like a random item and I’m going to be like 10 minutes of just I I’ll get like what what’s a good one I’ll get like engine 10 minutes from engine stuff like

That dude I’m doing 10 minutes of every single item that’s that’s that’s the thing that’s the moldy SCH moldy way you know okay 10 minutes just life bro it’s the meaning of life true I have to do a YouTube intro so 10 minutes of crunch crunch rep Supreme

It’s a pretty good idea 10 minutes of love not bad okay recording is starting what’s up YouTube brand new video we’re going to do 10 minutes from just life so what I did was I earned life and I deleted all the other stuff so this is kind of find out the meaning

Of life in a way you know but we’re going to do 10 minutes we’re going to see how crazy you can get with just life okay we’re going to start in a second 3 2 1 okay timer started right so we’ll put out a ton of life and see what we

Can get can we get the other elements uh uh no you can’t it you just get life over and over guys guys did you prank me you guys pranked me this is all you get this is you can’t do anything guys what did we do you can’t do

Anything you can’t there’s nothing you can get out of life you can’t get anything out of life guys you can’t you can’t you can’t get anything do I have to be here for 10 minutes guys you can’t do anything life is a dead end you it brings you nothing we’re

Stuck post it as a short got it I will oh man all right let me save that video that’s ridiculous I’m so sad I went through all that setup I mean it’s no big deal like I don’t care it’s really funny but uh time oh man

10 minutes to just mold it won’t be a good title but I I like the thought this was what can we get with just life okay Grim what’s up Grim all right let’s refresh this we got to find a different item oh they all come back if you refresh

Interesting I wonder if they’ll come back if you earn them we’ll we’ll have to see I guess do life and death how do we get death Phoenix life and black hole rebirth death Big Bang life big bang human oh that’s a fast way to human honestly what about God does God work

God on God God on God doesn’t do anything either Jesus on Jesus doesn’t do anything speedrun death that’s kind of funny that’s a funny idea life and wait what was it life and black hole life and black hole is death death on death is grim reaper this will get

You Scythe on Scythe do something sickle I don’t know if you can get out I think it’ll you’ll go in circles with that I think the best items to do 10 minutes with is literally just just these right 10 minutes of human we did we did that we did 10

Minutes of human 10 minutes of just everything pretty much all elements from Earth um I did all elements from water and fire all elements of earth I’ll do too I think 10 minutes of skibby toilet that’s pretty funny Discovery speedrun I think I’ll do a dis a discovery speed run too tomorrow

I think tomorrow I’m just going to stream pretty much all day if you guys want to watch like a seven hour stream I think I’m going to stream like a full day tomorrow because I I don’t have anything else planned really make fortnite uh did I not stream did I not

Make fortnite Lan made fortnite if you guys go to the channel that’s on my count you scroll down on my channel my buddy’s Channel’s on there if you want to subscribe to him he’s made a few infinite craft videos recently um 10 minutes of vampire dude vampire is going to go

Nowhere um wait can you do can you do it after 2:30 what time is it now for you so that I can kind of adjust to what you mean by 2:30 speedrun to the Avatar I do like have you watched the Avatar it’s a good show I’m on like episode 3 so no

Spoilers do not spoil the Avatar 10 minutes of house moldy you rem moved the channels tab in the account page no I didn’t what are you talking about I see it when I go to it let me check I totally see it hold up it’s there it says channels I like Logan

What are you talking about it’s right there bro am I crazy 10 minutes of number one speedrun Star Wars I just got doomed by accident I should upload that it’s 9:39 where is he wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did he answer me hold up 1939 okay so it’s

7:39 right now now it’s 7:39 for you fair enough so you’re not too different than me okay I think I’m going to do it a lot earlier but it’s G to like it’s not going to end before like let’s say you get home at 2:30 I’ll probably be

Streaming till like 400 or 5 your time so you’ll you’ll you’ll get there for the second half at least at least probably foggy said how’s the day going pretty good my girlfriend’s really hungry and I was supposed to feed her like a half hour ago so I’m going to get

Off 10 minutes of mod I don’t even know what you mean of mold maybe you meant maybe I don’t know 10 minutes of Homer Simpson be pretty funny I’mma head out moldy hey peace out Gabriel I’m about to get off too so don’t worry about it don’t forget to

Water your girlfriend true true true true true true true I have to she’s very tall already though so maybe I’ll cut back on the watering are you watching live Avatar or the anime I’ve watched the anime like five times six times maybe I grew up with it I I love it um

I’m watching the live action I’m like three episodes in I think I’m going to go watch one more episode before bed I think that’s what I’m going to do hopefully see you tomorrow yeah the question marks I’ve seen a lot of suggestions with the question marks I’ll

Probably do those too those are those seem pretty fun we love you moldy thank you I appreciate it I take it to heart speedrun to live action go feed your girlfriend I will all right guys peace out uh everyone who helped with the explaining the uh how to delete stuff in

This game thank you for that I think it was Iris appreciate it means a lot now I have a ton more ideas so that’s that’s honestly a big help I could have Googled it but lazy so thank you for being here in the in the chat blue circle isn’t

Question mark black hole or Singularity don’t wor uh water your girlfriend and put her in the sun I’m about to but I can’t water her too much because she’s a robot you know Sparks uh peace out wing peace out star peace out Circle uh peace out BLS peace out Iris

Christen peace out peace out space b peace out gingerbread boy peace out uh Merck did I watch Marvel endgame oh yeah dude like three times it’s one of the best movies ever in my opinion uh peace out everybody have a good night peace out Na’s brother peace out Nelly peace

Out Lacy peace out peace out peace out hopefully you join me for tomorrow is going to be primarily infinite craft maybe some fortnite if I get bored but primarily infinite craft I got to film a bunch I want to upload videos every single day so we’ll see and tomorrow’s

Video will come out about the same time as today’s so peace out guys and it’s going to be what we you what you just watched me film so if you were here for it you know give it some watch time you know help me out but anyways peep out PE

Peep out peace out bye pen the penguin

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Minecraft / Fortnite / Infinite Craft!’, was uploaded by MOLDYSHMOLDY on 2024-03-05 03:55:56. It has garnered 1473 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:00 or 16080 seconds.

COME JOIN CHAT! Today MoldyShmoldy is going to be playing MINECRAFT! #streaming #vtuber #funny #live #gaming #entertainment #minecraft #fortnite #infinitecraft

  • Server Mapped, Minecraft Trapped: My Epic Adventure!

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  • 3 Mini Farms in 3 Minutes: Easy Peasy Minecraft Squeezy!

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  • Fixing Minecraft Like a Boss

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  • Davi Abdala Explores Minecraft’s Spooky Side

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  • Drain the Rain, Skip the Sponge: Water Woes Unplugged

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  • Coal Speedrun Chaos

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  • Zombie Torture in Minecraft! 😱

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  • SCARY Ben 10 in Minecraft?! 👽💀 | Carnitrix Mod

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  • MINECRAFT vs Roblox: First Time Play!

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  • InfiniteRex Minecraft SMP: Join Now for FREE Diamonds!

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  • Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender Dragon

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  • Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shorts

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  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

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  • Zephyr

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  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

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  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

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  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

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  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

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  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

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  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

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  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

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  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

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  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc

    eventyretmcEventyretmc.dk Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Enventyretmc.dk Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra Evenentyrtmc.dk staff team Eventyretmc.dk Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

    The Bluemoon SMPWelcome to the Bluemoon SMP!The Bluemoon SMP is an old server some friends of mine used to play, but since the owner stopped paying for it, We decided to bring it back relive the memories and hopefully create new fun memories for new players.This is a Vanilla Server with simple plugins like TPA, and Home, Currently still working on the server with the plugins, but right now everyone is welcome to join and have a great time with us and hopefully play the SMP for fun, for content, for war, or just to be there!Hope you enjoy this SMP! -… Read More