🔥 Insane Speed! Fastest Skeleton Farm in Survival! 🏹

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hello everybody what I sound like Kevin aore there what was it hi friends hello that’s how it kind of sounds okay what is up everyone I want see who’s first in chat my best guess I’m guessing had will be first or Mr fancy had or Mr fancy will be first Mr fancy and had holy sh I called it right I called it right I said it’s going be Mr Mr fancy your had and it was Mr fancy and had were the first in chat that is absolutely crazy if I don’t know my chat I don’t know my chat am I right am I right holy that was actually awesome just put this down just like this you guys can still hear me pretty well all right there we go what’s up Joker fan how you doing Landon Goram yo what’s up Landon gorm how you doing bread boy hi Rabbit Man crazy keyboard razbar um rabbit man you can unfortunately not go on any signs unless he’s super chat or member because if I do it for one person then everyone’s be like we did it for them you can’t do it for me it’s going to come a whole thing so we can’t do that um but what he’s talking about are these people on my signs golden rimu John K Landon gorum oh wait he’s in chat Brandon BBS purplish Professor pickled Mr Mr fancy who’s in chat and spydero were my first eight uh super Chatters in Minecraft and then all these other people look tell me if you see your name tell me if you see your name there’s had Landing gorm again Joker fan don’t we saw your name and then here’s the second floor second for actually goes crazier who would have thought here wait go to the second floor come on also we need every single person who’s spamming likes in the chat right now you’re in to call Mr fancy very cool you and Caleb are going to race to see was first so these eight are actually uh what are they called uh members so white plays gtag s had void plays Mr fancy Izzy ucn guy saphorix and these are the two people who have gifted Subs right there we love that hello Raul welcome back I remember you I hate creepers can we sleep he goes hi I remember you bye okay peace out see you later also I literally was only in this world for like 10 minutes today cuz I was checking on something look what I found look what I found and trap myself look what I found and trap myself you’ll see you’ll see okay let’s kill all the creepers cuz I hate creepers dude he almost dodged my sword look at this look what I found today what’s this little dirt box you say quick little peek who’s that little guy who’s that little guy okay we’re out of here okay I have a sneaking suspicion posted a new video that’s awesome also yeah we need every single person who spamming likes in the chat good did you know your brother’s name is Grant too that is awesome that is very cool I did not know that good to know what did you post Joker fan apparently who was it I can’t remember someone was posting clips of me and they actually got some good views someone came in was like they got you got like a few thousand views or something hi baby KCK out with Mr Francy on another sign thank you so much Mr oh now I got to spin the wheel as well we go left or right so we go Mr fancy spin the punishment wheel and here we go W everyone give that a like in the chat I’ll be giving that a like right now I already got 12 that’s sick thank you guys fortnite emote I’ll do the wiggle I’ll do the wiggle you guys are like this one too the wiggle is one of my favorites I’m pretty good at it too I would say ready for this okay ready oh bye baby okay you ready I’m pretty good at this one I’m going back all the way up so you guys can see the full full range of motion someone say oh you can’t see my knees though it’s the best part I’ll let do [Music] it I go crazy with the wiggle I oh Sor okay I’m done I’m done no more no more no more dude rate that out of 10 record a Zelda 2 is the kingom playthrough it’s awesome dude I go brazy on my uh okay I remember there being a very oh no no no okay so here’s what I’m going to do I kind of want to go to um sorry I kind of want to go to Gordy’s hole one of my friend Gordy’s holes let see 10 out of 10 n out of 10 10 dang I kind of hit that one didn’t I I kind of hit that one didn’t I I’m seeing some tens I’m seeing a 10,000 okay so I’m going to my friend’s Gordy’s hole because he I believe Maybe I’m Wrong swore I saw a spawner somewhere in here unless I’m just remembering incorrectly I remember like bumping and going into his skeleton spawner being like bro I need I already remember this for later also let me sorry let me go to my second monitor I’m opening a Google sheet right now and I’m writing down all cuz now I’m starting to like expand my builds if some would say and so now I need to write down um all my landmarks so I never lose them again does that make sense wait I wrote down the oh I’m actually angry now wait I wrote down the coordinates where’ they go sucks that really sucks yeah maybe that’s who the hell I am and then I’mma do wait no so that one’s there that one’s there so we go Desert Oasis and I’m going to have coordinates and I’m going to do skeleton Farm wait where’ those go dude I had coordinates here oh I’m angry now I know I said them in the Stream at some point and I kind of remember them I think it was like 1200 you know anywhere underground and then I was think it was negative 600 or positive 600 I think okay I’m going to my friend come on oh wait shoot I might die I’m going to my friend Gordy’s hole um also we need everyone new in the chat new old heart spammer any like you your first stream if you’re an elderly woman if you’re a newborn baby if you’re a little baby the rapper if you’re you know you got to put one heart in the chat if you don’t know how to do that click watch live at the bottom and then click one little heart in the bottom right just to know you I your love I don’t make the rules okay so that’s a lie I might actually make make the rules but the issue wait are you serious right now okay I remember there being a spider spawner I swear but I remember not being in the I kind I don’t what when did I travel over here oh it’s cuz I was fighting slimes and I kept running back and forth cuz there was a few slime chunks in between here and there okay I swear there was one like that hear something wait wait wait pause the music did I hear skeleton I think it was lava dang it it was lava that sucks oh ow how do I get back up I don’t want to look gross though maybe I just do a a staircase to the top no cuz I don’t want to how do I get out of here without making it look gross for my friend I might just have to let these despawn whenever he logs back on sorry Gordy if you see this K music back on then wait where was I wait where was I where was I even going why did I need to come up here again cuz I was going One Direction and I really liked the direction I was going but now I lost it what hi [Music] Reuben I heard Ruben just got on I swear I’m hearing [ __ ] dude I don’t know what’s happening I swear I’m like is this where I first started okay I wanted to follow this path right don’t like this song it’s time for sippy on the what are you talking oh some water yeah we do need some water hi everyone new say hi I’m new in the chat how you doing today also hi calebs how you doing okay which way was I even going again wait this is not where I first came out right oh no it was I remember there being a Cave System where I was like that’s actually kind of gamer there is one really close to your base really where can you show me ricards hello hi laau hello nette I will be at my base in foran okay my friend said there’s one really close to my base wait that would be so cool if there actually was uh oh wait let me hide something on screen sorry get off for okay sorry we’re back yo I’m back but hi everyone new how you doing Pro Gamers hello I love chatting with you guys I love shat with you guys you guys are so cool okay sorry what’s good screen is black sorry I had to turn it black because of uh I had to hide something really quick I got to message that I had to hide not hide from people but I had to respond to it but I was scared if I opened that application it would be on my main Monitor and not my second Monitor and it was on my main so it was for work so I was just like ooh can’t be leaking any private documents or anything like that oh what this guy do the mega creeper blew up here guys guys the modded Mega creeper blew up here that looks like the biggest creeper hole known to man it does not look that does not look natural who did that the r with the song kind of goes together very well sorry this is like one of those like nonchalant nights like in Animal Crossing where you’re kind of in like the nightclub you’ll hear like the pattering of the rain but some guy would be going crazy on whatever instrument he was playing it’s this is literally the perfect Vibe everyone go play Animal Crossing city Folk I think it was it was on the Wii go to like the bar or whatever like kind of near the Aquarium kind of thing um where you turn in like the animals and the fish and stuff like that and go to like the nightclub there that’s the perfect example I could find that actually I can look up and I thought it was the Mega creeper so my friend Luke was playing with tnt and he um apparently just was blowing stuff up but I’m look that up once my friend shows me the skeleton spawner I’m showing uh I’m showing I’m so glad he logged on if this is right here that’s so sick it’s like a 100 blocks for my base okay I can I can utilize this for whatever whatever I need I’m going to be able to work this sorry I’m not talking okay okay so I need to watch the um the video I think room’s going to type though let me get rid of all this I know I need to like clear out this entire area so I might as well start breaking while he’s typing oh that is not what I should have done it’s going to be a pain to get out no I can do it it is okay isn’t this a myth like everyone puts all four corners surrounding it but actually don’t you only need to like one torch next to it everyone’s like you have to put torches on all four sides for it to stop but I I don’t actually believe that what is up Jacob void pleas do I do I remember you of course I do you my homie okay we need everyone to say hi say hi I’m new in the chat if you’re actually new and say I just subscriber cuz I’m having like a smiling time okay gr stop talking I’m trying to be like never mind please have a subscribe ring if you’re having a smiling time o that was bad I’ll say it okay watch the video first gr maybe that would help we’re the best YouTuber thank you wish that’s a really cool name Ishu Ishu oo okay hi Dro hello [ __ ] what do you think of tornadoes uh pretty cool I actually not going to lie they’re pretty cool I think they’re pretty cool words got hydrated it’s the weirdest way to say that h hi everyone Hi everyone J lunar hi wait pause photo shoot dude nowadays streams are actually getting so not like confusing but like almost methodical cuz it’s like I have my chat I have my second screen open with my uh you know fan funding with like super chats and all that so I don’t miss one and I have the uh I have behind that I have my um uh my Google Slides or my Google keep for like all the things I need to remember during stream like I have a bunch of different things on stream where it’s like okay here’s what I do if I ever get a sub do the punishment wheel do this do this you know um and like C and then I have Google Sheets open with coordinates and stuff it’s crazy they’re turning into rocket science by the end of like dude in a month my monitor is going to have like 40 tabs open chat here over here I’m going to have like Google Keep Google Slides Google I have like a slideshow going I have like it’s going to be so bad I’m going to have so many tabs open you hello better than Mr Beast oh okay hi RL and ethn what does that mean rocket league and what is that actually rocket League fortnite rocket league and fortnite is that what that means cuz I love rocket league and I like fortnite fortnite’s fun I play with my co-workers and stuff General fun videos hi wait why is this got null on it wait efficiency 5 is called null wait wait do you see that wait no F5 ain’t the old one it was fortune 3 it ain’t fortune 3 what Unbreaking it’s not not break it’s mending why does mending got n on it do you see that so you see how this says mending and look right here at the bottom of the screen it says null it’s crazy L my brother called you st it why doesn’t bro get rid of the water what are you talking about I I’ve been sing this down all stream Ali welcome back how you doing Ali welcome back I need some water I need a sip I need to turn on some YouTube so don’t trip uh interesting sorry I don’t want to give this guy free clout but farming 10 million melons to beat Rec wrap interesting that’s interesting sorry I have to think about that video concept as an idea it’s like this guy did it originally doing it so cuz he wasn’t able to do it trying to like one up him I have to think on that cuz honestly just recreate the same like thumbnail pretty much like beat for beat uh almost very similar title all youd have to worry about is this the video editing right and like producing a good story sorry stop thinking me and my like villain pose I’m like H that’s an interesting idea CU if you could just exactly almost recreate of like a viral video but trying to beat the original video because the original video failed it’s like attempting this challenge pretty much cuz they were bad all you had to worry about is the video editing and the storytelling sorry okay sorry skeleton Farm dude we literally went down every F like perceivable brain thought and then I typed in skeleton Farm okay what is it I already have that stuff wait I forgot I actually probably should have just not done that okay so water I’ll do the elevator let’s go kind of far just in case bone meal bone meal sorry why am I talking like that bone meal oh it’s perfect it’s a Time save time save for sure time save for sure set all the gravel dip to the bottom hello John K how have you been I love chatting with all the I love when people come back and I can chat with them that’s probably my favorite thing of all time who’s going to be here tomorrow so I can know when so I know who I should remember so I can remember to talk to them tomorrow who’s going to be here tomorrow who saw that genius stall in the air yeah right I just mastered that technique in one gesture I mastered a whole technique you guys have never even seen before sorry if I’m better I just mastered the technique of all techniques you guys oh my gosh I’m you don’t get it you don’t get it guys all right you don’t get it I’ll say it what’s he doing there I’ll have to use every tool in my tool box to beat him okay what’s he doing what the he what is that what the hell oh sorry dude what was he doing what was he doing oh my gosh I have not been on this world in like months it felt like and um no and I forgot I had respiration 3 on my helmet that’s I forgot how bad not having respiration on helmet is it’s atrocious that might my least favorite feeling in the world World actually the non- respirating helmet it’s like come on at least respirate me once or twice you know it’s like what sorry ready I’ve mastered the technique y y’all have never even heard of before holy am I leagues above everyone else helicopter helicopter that’s actually really funny jger fan and Caleb 3 two 1 two then we go 3 1 and then we go 3 1 then we go 3 one we 3 one [Music] oh what the what was that who saw that I like half created life half created death there did you see that without letting go that’s like heaven or hell in an image you know it’s like what does that even mean sorry I’ll stop talking temp sppy sppy I am big thirsty look I created heaven and hell for half a second that was so sick they were in purgatory that state probably felt like infinite time but it was no time at all sorry these are like 3-hour conversations not 27 minute in conversations you know wait should I put my speed run timer up CH let me I just like having a timer up to know exact like you guys know how long I’ve been streaming for I know how long it’s just kind of nice to see you know you ever think about that sometimes things are just nice and it’s like okay it’s nice I don’t know I have to explain nice things to you it’s not my job I took that so serious no no the chat doesn’t get it here’s here’s what nice things are I was kind of like what was that what the [Music] hell I really thought you didn’t know for half oh I’m so glad I caught oh my gosh I would have cried if I fell to my death right there can you do the the log in and log out you probably can on a realm I don’t feel like you can how am I still Underground when I just saw the light of day am I in a mountain if I am I’m going to be mad and stay I see a lot of yeses okay I’m put a speed on timer up I no no no please catch please catch please catch please I almost caught I almost caught please please H oh wait half delay half delay half delay half delay have to oh wait why don’t I just do that that was really dumb I was let like I I don’t know why I was let to go pro on that syrups syrup’s having a little bit of late night midnight snack some would say it is midnight actually it’s 12:55 so technically still the same hours midnight why is midnight only like midnight why can’t it be for the full hour that’s how I kind of think about I don’t call it 12 I call it midnight like someone be like what time is it I say midnight 55 like that’s what I say in my head I have to go wait no midnight only means 12 you know can we just call everything midnight cuz like who who cares if it’s 12:50 or 12:00 a.m. like it’s is and it’s the middle of the night no one cares no one uses middle of the night time you know what I’m saying it’s like who’s the only people using middle of the nighttime are Gamers and uh drug dealers cuz they’re like meet me at 12:55 you know oh genius how am I I just saw the light of day okay gr’s hug this corner wow I did very good tonight guys with this sorry no need to Pat on my bag what am I doing oh what’s up like it’s like just only Ed Sor why do I sound like Jerry Seinfeld what’s the matter what’s the deal with bananas you got you got orange juice you got you got lemon juice where’s the banana juice wait I was under wait what was that light of say then I just saw a fake light of day y’all never heard of the fake light of day sorry okay I’m putting the speed timer up I’m putting La split up because that’s my favorite okay it’s about 30 minutes and I’m 31 minutes I’m going put the timer exactly to what I should get it to how do I have edit the start time [Music] how do I just like change the time of the timer start time right there okay ready 31 nope that’s too many threes gr 33 wait get off my back get off my back get off my back there we go they’re off my back okay sorry I was so rudely interrupted 331 make that 332 I missed the one 33230 click okay yep and then I go huh is that wait is that milliseconds oh yep I was an idiot loser we might miss the 32 we might miss the 32 but that’s okay that’s okay it was that it splits how do I do this then is it 32 then how does that look let’s do 32 5530 no what happened 3255 30 3 25530 3 25530 wait what why is that not working why is that not working oh there we go there we go there we go oh I missed the 32 dude I’m the slowest dude of all time how did I miss the 32 again how did I miss the 32 again we’ll do 33 30 30 wa we’ll do 33 33 33 is that too hard don’t miss it don’t miss it don’t miss it don’t miss it come on I got it perfect on the dot I don’t want it no I was just kiss my fingers that’s what was happening those were good on the dot I don’t think I could have been more precise I don’t think I could have been more precise I could not have been more precise that was me that was trying to feel how precise it was I need a time out I’m so tired I’m sleep deprived I’m going crazy dude right the hair right the hair also who’s having a good time I’m having a great time can we hit 19,000 subscriber Rings tonight there’s zero chance I’ve seen you do it before but there’s zero chance I’ve seen you do it before RJ Bruce hello pause okay wait who remers when I said this like an hour ago who was here an hour ago when I said this I got to go back go back go back go back like a 3p not alies not photo fans what song was it I think it was this one yep it was this one all right listen this song remember the slider Grant oh [Music] wait maybe it was this one maybe it wasn’t well let me just do a few more no it was this one ready listen to this it’s the second time they showed me that right Crap video trying that’s trying to tell me something Animal Crossing Cafe uh what’s the what’s the Animal Crossing new Leaf or city Folk City Folk um Cafe music right there found it I think I want to see if I’m right or not [Music] it’s beautiful it’s so nostalgic [Music] pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows I’m feeling that so I got that weird like like you’re coming home but doesn’t feel right you know it’s like the end of Pokemon it’s like yeah you beat the game but like you’re either done or there’s so much more to do so it doesn’t matter you know it’s like happy sad like the questioning is well a little bit in there do you feel [Music] that this is a 10 hour version this song’s so long [Music] incredible sorry no was not the same Vibe but I know what I’m thinking of though maybe that’s not even the right song One More second I guess you can just see I guess you could look at my Spotify if you want it’s really curs [Music] [Music] I’m dance right now are you feeling that okay Animal Crossing City full Cafe music cuz that maybe wasn’t the one the museum perhaps uh [Music] [Music] bro how did I find that oh wait wait wait wait that matched perfectly [Music] ready [Music] wait wait I I had it lined up earlier [Music] [Music] they coming back [Music] ready it was led up for a second it sounded so good it sounds so bad now just sounds like a metronome wait [Music] this one hit or this one [Music] hit are right now what up like I’m getting put in a trance [Music] this ain’t the thing I’m looking for who’s Brewster wait I think this might be it it’s the same song where am I looking for maybe I should just do a play through with that game on stream that would be kind of fun you guys hear it though you have to hear it a little bit and I think what I’m actually thinking of is more better like closer Le related let me go get the things I need and get the things out that I don’t need you fa me I wish I could play you guys all my favorite songs on stream but I can’t do it I cannot do it because of copyright I hate copyright sorry to get all political on you but I hate copyright I mean it’s not even political it’s the least political thing anyone’s everever said on stream probably and I’m like I’m so sorry I’m just apologizing for it also oh my gosh remember last time so remember how I said I was on the I was on the world for 10 minutes earlier I’ll tell you why in about one second when I can get out of here so these zombies stop moaning in my ear like that call them moany Myrtle you know what I’m saying you know what I’m completing an animal crossing game takes 60 hours bro you ain’t never you ain’t never seen me play Animal Crossing have you seen my Minecraft speedruns you ain’t never seen me play Animal Crossing I’ll say again you ain’t ever seen my Animal Crossing people come from around the world to watch me play Animal Crossing where were you where were you play F at Freddy’s that’s interesting mayhaps I would think about sorry stop talking like an anime protagonist skip skip that bit oo I like this song We’ll go back to music box so a little bit of a chill Vibe before the you’ll hear what I mean wait how I got the gold Norse armor get that out of here get that gone get that out of my face D It’s like a rich evil villain from a Disney movie right there get that out to my face okay get me out of here sayara okay sorry stop talking like that Tiffany is cute you will sub to me thank you well I didn’t mean to say that I got baited I got baited I did not mean to say that have I even known any Tiffany in my life where was that hole again I lost the hole I can’t believe oh I found the first hole I know I made a second hole though watch this oh no what’s happening oh wait wait I’m going to die water bucket get it out get it out oh my gosh oh my [Music] gosh did I trick you how was my acting I get Breeze balls mayhaps some point now I got all my stuff so what’s next what am I talking like an anime protagonist uh so what’s next stop doing this your hands need to go down and stay down gr okay wait pause photo shoot pause I need something really quick give me 13 seconds it’ll be so fast I’m I’m like literally two clicks away I just can’t oh okay yes wait no wait what I’m confused wait what I’m okay I think I did it let’s watch this Farm okay bro he lost and found a hole you know me I’m always nope nope nope don’t finish that sentence Oh wait I can play music you’ll need a zombie or skeleton spawner if you want to build this okay why does everyone do that I swear I put one torch on top and it’s been fine swear okay make sure there’s four block space between the spawner and the wall only four I went way crazy on that thing then through the whole wall like this oh my goodness man this is too hard this is too hard fill all the holes so I got to get rid of holes now oh that ain’t going to work that ain’t going to fly today buddy dig down three blocks dude why don’t I just start outside the build you’re actually just you’re freaking me out make the whole floor three blocks lower why’ you say it like that then just say dig down three blocks on every square or just like oh that was trippy I thought I was looking down the next part I recommend you making infinite water source okay thanks for letting me know buddy I sound really angry but I was actually pretty I was pretty happy that me no it was kind of early on it feels kind of late but it’s okay please incredible now get rid of it it would have just been easier to bring down four buckets this guy who does he think he is oh genius actually call this guy a genius going to that whole mine 10 blocks down if you tell me I’ll do it once 10 blocks down make yourself some room oh I would like some room I always feel a little claustrophobic real or not real time to make our killing area don’t say it like that who is this guy place a double chest with the hopper what do you mean by that this the mobs can’t escape bro I ain’t an idiot I understand how these kind of droppers work play some ladders at the same time are you trolling are you trolling my ELO were you like put the ladders down so you had a way out oh wait what wait what what’s happening why is he doing this is that for easy access in and out why do you have this break the wall temporarily why do you have this why do you have this remove the top torch and place a slab on top okay now I remove all the Torches so that’s the thing it’s like oh now I have to remove all of them where they want spawn so you didn’t need that formation this guy’s got some weird whack mod on with that lighting get that out of here why I just do that originally I’m faster and stronger I could have done it boom so it’s done okay also I didn’t get copyrighted for playing that you laugh you lose video by Isaac why but I did for like literally like a week later for for showing Breaking Bad so I honestly think it’s like if it’s Creator made I’m allowed to watch some of it maybe I can’t go crazy and watch the full thing but I think if I’m doing reactionary content to it it might work okay so let’s start off with what he said go four by4 that freak okay ready I’m so angry at him one two three four so I was off by one block good job Grant sorry not I’m really not that angry oh wait this actually genius the Wall’s already made its own for like sort of like anchoring if that makes sense okay so that’s four right one two three four perfect then I go one two three you’re one off again Grant how do you feel come on Grant what you doing what am I doing guys tell me what I’m doing I actually forgot what am I doing and that it’s perfectly there as well okay wait I didn’t I got to do the math that looks like four already one two three four then we go one two three you’re one off again Grant congratulations let me count one more time you go one two three 4 one two three four what I forget to break this out one two three four perfect stop st was an acent I’m using okay last one we go one two three four one two three four oh I may want to come over then this is the deal I can’t refuse oh this is different than that video oh I’m just going to do this and we’ll see I might get confused if I look at two different builds I might forget okay get out all the Cobblestone I just mined up start building the walls out fill that hole and then the little the little guy was like make sure to go down three blocks why do you say it’s like weird like that is that just me maybe I’m the one that like got some weird energy from that but like the way he like oh wait how am I going to oh that’s over then this hole should be closed up for good no more use I stopped talking about that okay it’s gone oh I forgot to put down more Cobblestone I never noticed that Cobble dup slate is very different than the other I feel like it’s turned a little bit like it’s the same texture but it’s turned so doesn’t fit in perfectly easy access in and out okay rasar rasar no one heard no one heard that no one heard that where you at baby I swear I just heard you meow I swear I just heard her me just like this three right yeah how I missed the wall you miss that hour oh my goodness we are literally at an hour I’m so happy I’m glad you guys like talking to me that’s what like the best part of my day people like listening to what I have to say and like chatting with me it’s awesome I mean that’s me in real life as well I don’t know it’s just I can just say whatever I can spit ball for hours I talked about this once on stream where it’s like I can just say I can talk for like like my job is to just talk for like as long as possible and that’s what I want to do 24/7 but I’m unable to because like you just can’t you know because everyone would hate you but it’s optimized for YouTube you know what I’m saying it’s crazy think about that what people shun you for in the real world is off is YouTube optimized don’t let others hold you in a box that you I’m just kidding I’m just kidding okay you said a big the hole under there big big the hole and go 10 Deep no why did I say what I add on I should have sto that TR to make it better and I made it worse I tried to make it better but I made it worse okay okay good already did this one place some torches okay you only need one four blocks I already did that three deep I already did that too F in the H easy peasy dig down three and actually just go all the way to the side I don’t know why he did it like that why he split it into two boom wa for the next part out of water source blocks how could I have forgotten the most useless part of this whole entire uh tutorial cuz I only needed four I needed one more guys I literally needed one extra water source from here that’s all I need you could have just told me to get an extra bucket I have like 20 buckets in a chest doing nothing right now I mean nothing to nobody my life’s no good who’s heard that quote before okay then he say go to the middle and dig 10 Deep right I already do this part this the most useless part of all time take two buckets out of what so why didn’t you just say one bucket and then just make a water source and then just fill it four times that doesn’t make sense what is this guy this guy’s on something go that hole 10 okay so I already did one did I pause I don’t think I did so one two 3 four five 6 7 8 what are the odds of that what are the odds of that that I just see to go 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and I was like I was like was building to it and it was the biggest fall known to man what was that bro it all that for nothing no I’m just going to play I’m one level down below it it’s fine it’s fine just cuz I missed just cuz you didn’t get a hole in one doesn’t mean you sto playing real or not real and I’m not talking about Minecraft Bro cook the smell no you guys know how sad I get when he say I don’t cook you said man you burnt you over you overcooked man my cupcake C did not deserve that kind of heat it did not deserve that kind of heat I mean I was number one on I was in Number One op so maybe I I literally started the fire and then M that’s what dude I literally started the fire and I’m mad that the whole Forest is burning down that’s what that is okay I did my area down 10 blocks now what do you need for me guy make yourself some room why do you say some room the worst that’s like going to a cookbook and being like throw a a knob of garlic throw a pinch of salt thr it’s like that’s not a measurement oh hi z z hi how you doing I’m like hey hello wait what’s the lyrics Zer you’re so cool everyone give that some La I give the like right now one two three four five I got to spin the punishment wheel now it’s over also Z I now have a membership if you’d like to join that no pressure If you don’t want to it is $5 a month um but if you click on my channel and click join you can join the membership um like I said there’s L zero pressure but I just knew the people who support me I think you were here before I had the membership maybe yes it was so I just wanted to let you know we time chug water I got to do half this water bottle then bro like emote from CL Royale true you ready little bit of water ready doing half I think oh oh that don’t feel good sping all the hearts Emerald thank you you’re my favorite person in chat I was L just about to shout that out because I’ve seen so many hearts and I’m loving that are you guys liking the stream I’m liking the Stream So Sick So Sick oh hi baby Mrs kitten is here do I show you guys my cat okay let’s fill out this room make some room I said let him go sorry I don’t know why I did that wait where’s where is a tutorial video oh right there oh yep yep I remember he dig through down I remember the step now oh what dig through down oh don’t do that one GR all [Music] right oo who heard that kind of go crazy I remember I’m going like this all right look what oh no it’s like you did exactly what I did oh slabs Oh I thought there were slabs but I didn’t want to be that guy and put him down and have to pick him back up you know I’d rather be wrong about putting him down than be wrong about having putting him down and then having to pick him up cuz I needed extra work that’s right mine some ladders up that’s right this guy he’s like put some ladders here it’s like for what reason he’s like this arbitrary like let’s use this arbit like system when I could have just done it earlier you know wait get that there we go okay going go up and then he said break these temporary blocks wait how much damage will I take incredible just what I was looking for where my cat oh her paws are just fully in the water she just has both Paws In The Water right now why did you do that it wasn’t like she was like dipping her pot in like she usually does she Lally just like stood in the water she want a little pedicure what was that baby daddy everybody look at my cat that’s the sound of you falling in love with her [Music] I’m giving you a little like romantic music it’s like a [Music] movie ooh dude who heard that I just cooked a Melody dude who heard that Melody what is that Melody who heard me cook who heard me cook look that’s like an old 1980s Disney like dog dog in the Hound kind of movie or like maybe not fox dog in the Hound oh lady in the [ __ ] that’s what I’m thinking of when they’re eating the spaghetti did you guys hear that I cooked a Melody up was that you did he say you heard it CK I cooked that Melody up for dinner and you were like okay I you heard me place should join the Opera Emerald you heard me dude that was so good t 10 cooked bro dude make a sick Orchestra of that bro Indica you said join the Opera dude D that SI hi welcome back Indica how you been join the Opera hi baby chat loves you do you know that do you know that you’re so sweet and then like ready oh you’re okay look you’re okay okay okay okay okay you’re okay look you’re okay you’re okay baby see I knew you would like it once you sat down she has this weird thing where she like every every transition phase she gets a little spooked and then once he gets down he’s like wait I’m having a good time like look oh wait wait wait [Music] ready oh you want to get out of here baby okay I’ll put you down I’ll put you down there you go you can have your phone in the window now go give yourself a pedicure I don’t care you deserve it after that performance Fluttershy hi I’m like hey hi hello dude that song’s so good okay let’s watch this goofy ass step again cuz I remember it was kind of useless oh oh I remember he goes to the side and he puts more ladders what and then he goes to the top and breaks all the Torches put a slab on the top yep that was the most useless step in all of human history history who’s going to solve this mystery like young cage um got a his uh no Hy means like a even not even a close to a slant rhyme Pistol Pete it’s another slant rhyme what are you talking about gr you’ve lost all your potential history oh yes oh wait no get out of here get out of here no that you do need all four you do need all four I was wrong I was literally wrong my whole my whole flow just got stolen right there my whole flow just got stolen right there cuz I the whole stream I’ve been saying man man this game is dumb cuz honestly like you had this fake goofy off act and I was wrong and I’ll admit it but don’t liquid it ooh heat or heat genius look ready oh my God what are they shooting at stop fighting each other wait that’s kind of cool though please say you’re shooting at each other yes I think one’s shooting at least how many bones oh my God oh my God oh just a sound board stop you got to stop I did this guys all me look to your left look to your right who built this your boy your boy cook this one up in the kitchen and it be it ain’t be burnt it ain’t be overdone it’s perfectly just right look how modifying that meal is sorry why am I talking like that wait I I need more buckets of water how do I get out of here I flamed the infinite resource pool and got rid of it too quick and that was my demise now I go to the do I go to the top and take those two buckets of water and that’s what I do okay come on Grant just got to be quick about it got to be quick about it you’re faster than the skeletons remember they call you lightning for a reason cuz you be striking faster uh and then they hear the thunder wait how do I get down I’m stuck wait oh oh I’m stuck I’m actually stuck okay we’re good okay and then we make an infinite water pool right here who was my demise it was my downfall no how’ I do that give me all the the water just give me all the water I go back up and place the two waters oh I think there’s going to be an issue that’s an issue that’s good that’s in the right spot this one in the right spot get them right in the middle get them oh the gold armor the gold armor look at the drip oh wait no don’t get in there don’t get in that hole don’t get that hole they be getting that hole I’ll say it there we go I’m in a my friend say something so funny in chat I get that all cap dude he cooked on that joke everyone say Reuben W joke you cooked perfect players don’t exist a are you call me perfect I’m so glad that that was there and then look at this watch look at this ready it doesn’t work as good as I thought it did that is so loud too I want the snar DR why can’t I hit these guys those are the thickest ones and I can’t be hitting them never mind I can’t say that well I can’t say that it’s like family friendly obviously I shouldn’t look at those bone I already got 40 bones I got 40 bones I got I got a whole stack of Bones already what you got what you got nothing you ain’t got no bones I got a whole stack I ain’t going to cap I ain’t like that oh no why I say that like with like the the Cadence of like a villain oh no so that’s an issue so maybe that’s a nope I can’t miss it no that’s why I know what I’m trying to say let’s push this back push the hairline bag one little bit got little bits you got big bits that’s uh isn’t that from Rick and Morty Rick and Morty everyone spam Hearts everyone you the goat Emerald you the goat I love Emerald Emerald you’re so cool thank you for telling I want to spam the likes we need all the hearts in the chat we need all the hearts in the chat hey everyone I got a bone to Pig with you what what bone you got a pig with me what bone you got a pig with me what’s up Anna you new hi in hardcore hi I beat the game in God full nether in hardcore nah you did country balls so many hearts you’re making me cry you making me happy Emerald you’re so cool sorry I was looking for my cat but like oh she over there she having a good time on the window oh she look kind of scary oh sorry there was the Bell was reflecting light and it kind of looked like her fangs were out but I knew they weren’t like they were like they look they were glowing in the dark dark and or red but it was just the reflection off the corners of the bell of my RBG lights wait yeah myg lights right RGB oh I no one CLI that no one C that no one CLI that no one heard me say any of that I K you guys this guy’s this guy who made this Farm is the ain’t the ain’t the guy I would be trusting to run a farm you know it’s like come on what’s your is your information faulty I had more slabs I could have brought them but you said no you know what I’m saying it’s like is that my fault wait why don’t I just do this full block here and I can’t put a full block here but the second slab will be arriving soon and I think I’m free oh you’re joking me push the heroine we got to push it back again the barber going to make me bald the barber going to make me ball I got to push it back again okay I got okay give me one second let me open Discord really quick I turn off my monitor monitor monitor no okay sh sorry sorry sorry I’m back monitor’s back on people we got to push the hairline back again my bobber making me bald on this one my B making me bald on this one no it’s the one thing I didn’t want it’s okay I’ll just I’ll just have to push my hairline to the side one no wait maybe I could do the reverse maybe I can do the reverse okay I’ll do the reverse pushing it all the way to the left dude this hairline going to look so bad this hairline going to be a zero out of 10 okay this should be it right wait no I’m confused where was the water now no it should have been here the then we push the hairline back here we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 oh it’s all lopsided oh it’s Lop oh actually it’s kind of asymmetrical it kind of lines up better you see how like these walls line up and then these walls line up so if I pull this up if I pull it up some more we don’t want to pull the hairline up anymore brother I’m about to fall off his head bro you should not be pushing that hairline back anymore I gave him the box Cut bro don’t give me no tip I don’t deserve no tip bro bro I gave him the box I gave him the I gave no whole Minecraft Steve lineup what was that oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I got now I got to go up it’s so bad we got to just like distract people so what we’re going to do is is we’re just going to make it worse by like giving him a mohawk that’s so funny if I have to push it back again I’m going to cry dude if I have to push it back one more I’m going to cry okay I think I’ve dodged the bullet now I think I’ve dodged the bullet now I don’t think I’ve hit I think I’m done with the water that’s good dude that was so funny though oh no drats I waited too long strats I’m not a villain from the 1980s what [Music] the not going to lie do a flat toped hairline what’s that even mean that ain’t a real sentence with a flat top no one heard about a flat top before Leaf gaming Hi how are you how’s everyone in chat right now give me one second I got to I got to p second chat hi everyone how you doing today and if you’re enjoying the stream drop yourself also who was just my 18,300 follower who was that you work as a lumberjack that’s not real probably are you capping or is that real Is that real are you cing oo you know what sounds good right now guys oh no eggs on toast egg on toast sounds so good eggs on toast sounds so good Good Ship transport it’s called cargo that car is called shipment [Music] what sorry I did not mean that to so so drat I feel like I went harder on his because I was I I just slow down the RPM but like 25% I drug that into Premiere and pulled out the rate stretch tool and just guess I made at like 75% but you got like 70 you got like 73.2 five or something instead cuz it was like slightly Off Pitch dude that was so funny dude that was a deep joke only only video editors get that one ially caught the other one wait I just crafted all my spruce and the stairs and I had to use dark oak and I might give me one second let me cl to the top and I open the message okay open the message with that I’m laughing like I’m why was I going so slow I could have swam up this8 times faster dude I literally forgot I can go faster it’s like come on man who’s paying you to lose Martin G gaster isn’t that like something isn’t that like maybe undertale or [Music] something WB gaster I don’t know maybe that’s like I feel like that’s also that might be like the person who wrote um what’s the one with Leonardo DiCaprio and he’s holding up the drink and he’s like at the party great gats be no William gaster or something like that something like that is with undertale someone else let me know eggs on toast sounds so good right now but I probably can’t eat cuz I got work in the morning after stream are you serious right now okay okay well you’re done actually I should probably like this place up if I know it’s here so the the oh wait no it’s a spawner so it’s infinite never mind never mind never mind no one listen to me who’s gaster who’s gaster gaster wait where did all my water go oh it’s right there how do I lose all my water I had like eight in my inventory and then I lost it all somehow I gambled it gambled it and never got a penny of it back how did that happen oh oh if I die I’m it’s over oh if I die it’s over wait just go like this dude I was looking like a superhero there for a second that’s like me jumping off the ground and like trying to explode the ground below me so it’s like if I don’t make it I’ll just die so I have to put my all you know it’s kind of like one one of those types of types of jumps cuz I was trying to break the block below me you saw that it’s like this is my last chance if I don’t give my all I’m dying it’s all or nothing it’s the only shot we got sorry sorry I’ll stop talking early 2010 quotes a no okay we’re good why that’s like when like like that’s like one of those like Instagram videos where it’s like oops typed the wrong Emoji it’s like it’s like when it’s like my reaction my friend says this and it’s like all like laughing and there’s like one like singer emoji and then like laughing that’s literally what I just did when I was [Laughter] like came out of nowhere what’s Omni player that sounds like magical that sounds like ooh what’s that you know what I’m saying oh if I have to place one more dirt or one [Music] more deep slate I’ll have be angry I can steal that water right oh incredible oh incredible now I have a spot where I can never fall below’s okay what the [Music] oh my god oh everyone say w is’s part of s’s Army now you you paid to protect the little Queen princess king over there she’s just she’s just watching over her kingdom right now she she’s being the guard she’s not one of those Queens who like after she gets power she stops doing all her old responsibilities she’s like oh even though like she doesn’t need to do it she still does cuz it’s her work ethic it’s like damn she could has higher guards she has guards but she’s still doing the watch it’s like dang that’s power that’s real power sorry what am I talking about what am I talking about okay you got to stop you got oh I’ll take this water thank you [Music] no thank you and then I go d d d it’s like I want to play valerant so bad valerant sounds so good right now can I get out of this Cobblestone area I would love and appreciate if I could maybe just get out of here forever Mark what is up how you doing Mark I’m doing pretty good I’m just I’m a little hungry I’m not going to lie I need some eggs on toes but I probably can’t after this thing it’s a little late I got to be heading to bed if you play valan I don’t know what I do what do you mean by that llama what do you mean by that hi llama how you doing no okay I did a Mr Beast thumbnail right now dude I literally was trying to um I was like hoping the water would reach me I did the Mr Beast like lost in Anar like thumbnail or like surviving 24 hours in a cave or something or like a buried alive oh the night sky of course I was on a mountain okay that’s actually not a bad spot why did I need to go up to the top again I to get one slab doing good nice that’s a good Mark [Music] oh yeah that’s nice I’m only an hour and a half in it’s over guys it’s over are you a math problem what’s the RIS just tell me cuz I’d like to do you that’s my guess sorry you should not be saying that on Stream So I do the mo face do I look good me do I look like a [Music] model dang that kind of look good I’ll say it you got to be your number one fan cuz if you ain’t your number one fan you’re number one I was getting one slab I keep getting off track I keep like this is like when like you’re trying to go to the zoo where your grandpa keeps trying to drop like crazy knowledge on you like lore and it’s like dang Grandpa where did I come from you know what I’m saying that’s kind of the vibe I just got from that what’s up from Germany hi I love age of History what do I mean Bella thank you I’m was so thirsty mountain of Steal it’s a pretty good idea no one rated my Mee face now one person red my mewing face also Lama what do you mean by you don’t know what I You’ do if I started playing valerant again it’s the best time in my life when I was playing valer but also the worst time in my life I never actually even heard your my hand hurts Emerald thank you for doing the likes for spamming the likes in the chat the heart you know everyone knows the hard spammers deserve the most love wait where’s my water thing at is it on next to this tree perhaps I remember being on the edge of like the Cherry Grove right dude I’m really close I can tell did I lost my whole what is that it no dude why don’t they add like a dude they have to update beacons I’ll say it beacons need a new update um they should add like tons of cool new cuz we’ve had they’ve added a few new effects in the game they add a few new effects to beacons I think darkness to set scary traps for your friends um um you could do like hunger so your hunger never goes away while you’re running around in that area cuz it’s kind of upsetting when you have like when you’re so that would be kind of like a safe space you you would die pretty easily still but it’s not like you’re Invincible it’s like oh if your hunger is all the way up it’s kind of like peaceful mode May a lot slower than peaceful mode but it’s like you’ll never stop regening the whole time and your hunger will never go away away after falling and taking damage or running genius okay Xander can a mod time out for 1 minute please I know there’s got to be one mod in chat I don’t know why I was like thank you my Lord why was I like assigning that to you okay sorry there’s got to be one mod in chat I give you guys 15 seconds where’s my hole I lost my hole shout out llama everyone I asked the mod to do something and I was in my head I said whoever does it I’m going to shout them out so everyone say w llama’s best mod I found my hole as well when things are going good for the for the stream things are going good for my hole as well I’ll say it maybe don’t say like that though so shout out llamas in the chat I just realized that because of certain circumstances like being next to water I’m going to have to go down into water which is upsetting L’s best mod You’re So True uh good games fan o good games fan What good games do you like cuz I’m a good game G and I love good games are you talking about video games board games like what are you talking about I love board games I’ll say it am I good what are you talkinging about but I’m doing great right [Music] now okay that that guy thinks he’s all big and mighty but he ain’t going to do nothing to me I’m stronger I got diamond armor I got Thorns dude if he shoots me he hurting himself you know what I’m saying it’s like he only hurting himself with his accusations you know it’s like he ain’t doing nothing to me sorry where am I going oh I don’t even know I get talk about life D that’s deep I pulled out my shovel for one gravel dude I just had a million thoughts I went on every possible timeline that crazy D I literally just like saw my future oh I did it wrong I counted wrong I got to we got to push the hairline back I’m sorry brother the hairlines got to go the hairlines got to go oh I’m so sorry the hairlines got to go I’m so sorry the hair Line’s got to go oh it’s all over the whole head’s gone now at this point oh oh what happened what happened this we got to go bald we got to go bald how do I miss even why do those things despawn if you walk out of the radius sad thought there’s going to be a billion on to challenge for a Dono do the Dono and I’ll take your challenge I don’t do it the other way around cuz I’ve been scammed like 150 times that way what the how did he hit me wait we got thorns on that guy you can’t open with a double I got to go up to the top again but this time can be much faster whoa Leaf gaming that’s genius you want to don’t know you but where’s the butt oh almost ran into that [Music] hole oh yo K you’re real go bald at 19k 24 hours I’m time the person out for 24 hours how that one last one get through what do you mean by that Untold kite what do you mean by that what do you mean by that what do you mean by that by the your comment that you just said above no one’s okay you don’t get what do you mean by that does trans count as gay what do you mean by that your answer very very be we’ll see don’t ask no no I’m asking your answer better be a good one oh did I forget to put the slab back down I did it’s okay where’s my black stone I know it ain’t this far yeah damn it to me in Discord Where’s my water at oh I almost died cool gaming setup thank you that means a lot yeah he likes the setup can you ask something what is it I got to shout out this person in the chat oh the heart spammers we love the heart spammers who just keep those bad boys coming those are the people who keep the stream alive literally I’m going shout out Emerald cuz Emerald is the number one heart spammer today shout out Emerald I’mma shout you out literally like all the time as much as I can remember Emerald all the rest of stream shout out Emerald cuz I want Emerald to you know except you know get some appreciation from everyone in chat for how good they’re doing wait I lost my water again I literally put blocks down so I couldn’t lose it how’ I do that I literally put blocks down oh right there oh nice okay yep that works oh actually this kind of works kind of nicely actually I’ll take it oh wait I might actually cut this entirely off that looks kind of cool oo that looks kind of cool so it’s kind of like separated in halves I just want to pick up any items you see so soles that solution why sweeping Edge not hitting these guys oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh two a half stacks are you camping on a stack right now or Nah how far away can I be for this to spawn cuz I don’t want to have to AFK here that is so sad that’ be a cry moment what time is it I so much with stream left no where the skeleton at where the skons at bro they Haven spawned for an hour it’s over this Farm’s over maybe a little bit more he sing hundreds I see him I see him say oh Mike I’m seeing the hundreds where the skons at where are they at dude why can’t I find them it’s over wait smooth Sandstone I’ll take that I think I needed one more wasn’t it no now I need one more maybe there was going to be one stuck in there STS guess the block challenge no I don’t want to copy that one guy that one guy found a good Niche I’ll let him I’ll let him explore I don’t want to take his glory that’s him like I don’t want to go in there and like walking on his territory he’s doing something good right now I don’t want to like Step On His Feet you know what I’m saying he seems like a really cool guy he seems kind of like me in a way where he’s like he kind of just found like a really good Niche and he dove into it and it’s doing really well and he’s doing really well for himself and I’m happy for him I don’t want to like like want to do that you know I don’t want to steal any of his cloud and I have learned a lot from his shorts actually I’ve watched a lot of them trying to figure out way I like shots how they’re composed I like the way he kind of like organizes his videos it’s really interesting so shout out him I just don’t want to steal his flow you know what I’m saying it’s like bro that’s all you that’s all you you got that you’re doing so well for yourself keep it up King keep your head up you don’t going to be making big one day brother wait Bella what was the question Bella what was your question again Bella what was your question again can I do a dropper upwards is that allowed can you put droppers upwards dropping place including up or down yes yes okay guys wait wait wait please say there’s at least one block right here okay perfect okay let’s do this let’s do this let’s do this I’ve never done this before but I’m excited I’m going to be excited wait how do I do this wait how do I do this sorry should has different questions chat I’ll be right back I have to pee Al let me make my timer a bit bigger that thing tiny we don’t want no tiny time we want no big we got big oh that’s too big that’s a little big actually maybe it size that baby down just a tad just a tad right there yep right there that’s perfect that’s good that’s good spacing as well that’s perfect spacing okay I’m going to go pee really quick guys okay I’ll be right back I need all the hearts to be spammed when I get back all the hearts I have ton of people in here saying hi I’ve subscribed ask each other questions in chat it’s going to be awesome d for for hi Baby you’re beautiful [Music] little [Music] Harmony sorry we’re done we’re done who am I tell me who I am who am I tell me who I am incredible why I come up to the top again oh I speaking out droppers and [Music] stuff how do I get up two blocks with the Hoppers how do I do that okay wait so look think about this Hoppers they they shoot up one but then I have to put it down and then goes dropper and then up wait can you do like a wall of droppers wait oh an item elevator item elevator yep yep yep yep item elevator okay so I still need a dropper I need okay this going to take a second BR I had so many genius ideas this stream and I haven’t written any of them down why have I not done that I’ve thought about a billion different ways to do everything how you make a dropper what’s the one that can do the water no no what’s one I can throw the items that’s a dropper right yeah because the dispenser puts the pumpkin on the head so it’s the dropper let’s look up The Dropper recipe me looking to the right like I could see my eyes were closed oh that’s so easy wait does someone have ice I don’t want have to go get ice I don’t want to go have to go get ice wait un Kai I’m opening Discord right now I’m reading your DMs okay okay I thought okay I dmed you back on kite do I have ice ice okay [Music] ice water elevat wait no I need a I need I need a droper then wait but how do I do droppers how do I do like the I need to watch YouTube video how to make a water elevator how to make a item water elevator three item elevators yeah yes please in this video I will show you how to make three different item elevators now let’s begin with a simple bubble elevator place the items inside his chest and a dispenser or a dropper will shoot them up and they will go in the chest up here now let me show you how to make the simple bubble elevator L what I’m looking for exactly what I’m look for you go higher to the 10 blocks too you can go as high as you want to so first depending on where you want to build this place St your soul sand block okay I don’t actually need that go higher to the temp I just need the Redstone from the back the redone from the back please H from the back show the back this guy’s a gentleman he ain’t showing it from the back a or oh he kind of showed the side he might be able to get a little bit of aest get okay so uh I can’t do it okay this guy’s this guy’s got oh wait wait okay perfect okay all the way in here 10 a block in here as some redstone dust on top 10 on the front side okay perfect so uh okay ready so I see the Redstone it looks like a repeater and a dispenser let’s make the clock comparator in here pointing into the dispenser a repeater okay dispenser repeater can I make an item order here too okay no spamming no spamming can a mod time him out can a mod time him out going to mod time him out Fireblade dude can a all time out please okay looks like I’m have to do it myself oh W llama W llama everyone say w llama in chat thank you llama you’re so cool dispenser nope repeater and comparator M craft repeater recipe let me get everything out of my inventory I don’t need all this beagle hi welcome back Julie hi Charlotte hello welcome back Mig hello s Mike is that all my stuff that’s another chest full of just trash Iron’s nothing of to me anymore sorry I’m kind of that guy now wait did I ever finish the end of that video okay that’s the end of the video do I have it nextra I want some more chests maybe I just put it in this chest okay no spamming no spamming [Music] trully what time is it okay [Music] give me some water water tastes good stone is it a cobblestone oh my gosh it’s Stone can you put [Music] Stone in yes or no please say I can do this why am I so upset how was I so upset that was like the most minor inconvenience of all time 1 2 3 four five 6 78 genius I could count to eight and then I can craft a furnace put it down put it there put it there genius [Music] sorry why might keep two buckets on me why might keep two buckets on me and you’ll see why you see might see me go two buckets on me for a reason I don’t got two buckets for no reason I’ll say it dude I just had to I just had I just had to dude I need to get unbanned on Tik Tok all right I might die you did that never mind wait what was I doing again why did I run in there oh I was put the names on the wall of the people who became the members and oh I never did the I never did the spinning wheel for I’m told Kai I’m sorry here we go that sucks that sucks I have to do a painful video idea like mine for an hour straight or or fish for an hour straight or something like that that [Music] sucks you subs thank you s Mike you guys want to see something you guys want to see a cool talent I have you ready for this pause the music ready wait wait can you hear that wait wait stop stop stop stop stop [Music] stop is that pretty [Music] cool is’t that pretty cool dude that sucks that sucks get in the there we go that kind of hurt that kind of hurt I hit my cheek a lot put the names on the science SC what have you been doing okay so we got we already got Mr fancy I already put that one down and so zation so we put zation here and then we put Untold kite up here oh I need a whole sign in pink and you want a whole new sign until kite that’s crazy that’s how math Works yep sorry I just understood math for one second sorry that was really cool actually I just saw all percentages wait should I come to your build you’re my PC is going to crash because of heart spammers let me put on to kite oh always so word I kind of forgot so let’s go the long way let’s sleep and then go the long way [Music] for I don’t want when I’m gone when I’m sorry you’re a miner what’s your favorite thing to mine my favorite thing to mine is either diamonds or netherite diamonds are satisfying netherite is like I’m so glad this is over you know a you’re going to hit 100K thank you John dude I wish I wasn’t banned on Tik Tok wait where was I going over here whoa oh I like this kind of green old area look at this this looks good this looks good when I got the beacon too this looks good this looks sick this looks sick now what’s this what the what is this oh a little Skelly Farm little Skelly Farm oh that’s cool that’s cool wait no I don’t think I think I should go down here wait where do I go where do I go where do I go where do I go where do I go where do I go where do I go why is this so far wait what where’s your Skelly farm at you Lally lied to me where’s the Skelly like where’s the end part at oh what wait what I got baited oh so it goes over here it goes shoots up through a water elevator and comes down and gets one hit and then he just yep that’s super cool that’s super cool that’s super [Music] cool this is really cool very cozy what was I doing again oh item dropper water is so good guys oh my water or my music I’m level 68 that’s awesome okay what am I getting guys I need repeaters and comparators Tak me an hour to remember that you put one in the middle and then you put then you get this Stone actually and then all the time all the time I got to remember that St dust you see this you see this chat how was I banned on Tik Tok cuz they said I looked young isn’t that crazy qualified they were like you’re under 18 right no I’m almost 22 but that’s okay wait let me get some tips really quick I’m really hungry oh I do want to hear a joke Mr banana also everyone to be spamming likes okay comparator comparator I’m glad I crafted the extra Redstone torches no Circle hello got that Monster High I’m glad I also smelted the extra stone work ahead cuz it’ll come to work out in the end wait where was I making this again oh yeah over there where’s the opening hole for [Music] where was it again it was like right here bro how do I lose it again where for and here’s why I grabbed the extra buckets genius no is I forgot to make a hopper oh no okay right there y llamas you’re right if chat does anything weird want you timeout for a minute I’m to the point right now we just like just weird people in chat we I don’t think we can handle them bro I should have made this Farm in like 10 minutes it’s taking me like four hours for for that for for for for what I going to the top for signs I got to remember that you’re banned you’re bannned I just been that person forever girl wait why did I need this why I do this that was useless for [Music] for for for why did that happen llamas why do you time out s19 gamer oh least it was you didn’t see anything in front of that for like an hour what happened all the way in here 10 a block in here as some rest uhoh uhoh oh m parator in here pointing into the dispenser a repeater Redstone Dust all the way in here in here don’t think this works let’s see if this works what is working no no no no no wait wait wait wait pause I some rone dust on top turn on the front side Crouch and place a hopper oh my gosh I was going the wrong way I think actually I don’t think it matters wait what am I doing H now would I do this correctly how do I do this I think it’s impossible to actually do this right now oh that sucks m [Music] m-m m we got to figure this out somehow for stop what do I do guys I don’t know what to do what am I doing m that’s a good helmet okay how do I get a redstone signal to not interfere for wait what am I doing what’s the point of this bro looks like he saw himself what am I doing this video isn’t working an a chest on top you can also place two chest like to now let’s place the item inside wait I’m actually kind of dumb I think wa what’s happening all the dispenser a repeater Redstone Dust all the way in here 10 a block in here and some redstone dust on top turn on the front side Crouch and place a hopper now I’m confused on the front side Crouch and place a hopper and turn a chest on top you can also place two chests if you’d like to now let’s place the item inside and the dropper shoots it inside the bubble elevator I’m really confused on how this build is working okay but just one thing missing just here then a block a repeater place a comparator in here P into the dispenser let’s connect the clock place a comparator in here pointing into the I can’t do this though that’s the issue wait what how do I do this wait how’s that getting powered wait oh I think that saved it I think that saved it actually oh yep let’s save the run one accidental mistake that’s why you happy little accident happy little accident wait no I I don’t want it there I want it like mhm and and then set this up why is this always going off oh I know why wait look at this okay ready I think if I place this down it works what I think this is what it’s supposed to do okay let’s just see if this works okay should be working now I believe I really thought I was going to get this done a slime farm done and the tree farm in one stream you ready if I go like this it should work right oh are you kidding me is it working wait why did only one thing go under the dropper why is it like stuck wait why was this why is this not working now okay pause I think I just saw it work yeah that worked okay ready I just saw it work it’s because of this I think that’s it that’s only it maybe no it’s not working like in the video oh I put the tortilla chips away guys I think I got to end stream in 17 minutes oh my gosh we’re about to get to I wanted to get to 18,500 but that’s okay how do I do this how do I do this I’m hold my cat for a second look at this cute way I learned how to hold her today ready she might not like it cuz of the bright light but that’s okay oh you love loves getting this part of her neck scratched it’s her favorite part to get scratched she’s like slipping into my hand all right baby oh look she’s doing a little when I learn this as well look watch I go like this and I go hi baby she’s on her back right now look at her look at her lay on her back on me isn’t that so cute oh okay do you want to get up now okay I think she started looking to the light too much look how cute that is she loves laying on her back on me that literally leveled me up okay how do I do this honestly I just realized something this is worthless oh this is worthless this is really worthless I just realized this is all worthless I didn’t need to do any of this guys wait I swear I got rid of that water I figured it out okay can this go away as well dude I figured it out okay I’m going need a few Hoppers and chest I’m just going to make a ton what’s good nav do you see how cute syrup was laying on my chest isn’t that so cute for think that’s all I need that’s a lot of [Music] chest is baby what’s my Discord it’s the second link in my about section on my YouTube channel the second link will send you it’ll be like discord. two and then it’ll send you right to my Discord server and that I’ll let you know when I go live when I upload shorts also speaking of I’m uploading a short tomorrow isn’t that awesome [Music] I haven’t thought about this song in like 80 years and then we go yep that’s three double chest and a half chest genius it might be enough it will be enough to clean it moreful than you would want [Music] I know my sisters used to really like Lady Gaga though the Lady Gaga doll have you guys seen that video before so funny I created The Lady Gaga doll so funny one of my roommates showed that to me back in the day okay look and I can his AFK here I am my uh it’s G me XP too I got to level 70 since being here that’s crazy I was at 68 I think that’s crazy can get out of here just got to had a sister I have two did anyone see anything coming on the way up the water I didn’t have online class that’s cool maybe during work I AFK there and get all the bone meal I’d ever need because you guys don’t want me sitting there for like an hour this guy thinks he’s got the moves he’s ain’t got nothing on me have I really been double tapping W all stream wait wait whoa whoa whoaa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no where’d he go the captain the captain we the captain is that the captain Oh you don’t run oh that was the scariest experience of my life okay I’m throwing everything out I don’t need like you or bad dropper I’ll keep that okay I there being torches in one of these chests there we go dude we’re one subscriber who’s going to be my subscribe who’s my 18,400 subscriber We Are One away who’s it going to be will it be you let me know if it’s you why did I say that like why did I say like I was like asking you to prom let me know if it’s you I love to go to prom let me know if it’s you you know it’s like D wel con I don’t even like logic why do I know that forgot my friend got off Minecraft that’s sad um [Music] hi everyone oh who was my 18,400 sub let me know I should probably trade these glass before I trade more oh it’s okay don’t really guys I can start like upgrading some villagers actually oh I should really work on the the Aesthetics of this at some point maybe I do that for the last hour I need craft more actually that’s good okay I’m going to work on the Aesthetics of this build I need it oh wait guys my back my back hasn’t hurt that bad recently it’s still kind of HS but like it’s at one10 of the strength oh my gosh thank you for reminding me catnap I don’t know if you were trying to but like it did no spamming Jenny uh can a mod take care of that this time out for one minute if anyone spams all timeout good for letting him know Joker fan dang it dude oh that song is so good I don’t want I don’t want I’m so me up F me up F me up me up me up me up sorry that sounds so bad it’s a song by Soft go look it up because your friend is already dead where that Sandstone at where the Sandstone at I swear I got the Sandstone out where’ it go oh I know where I put it I put it in the other chest thought it was genius but that turns out it was [Music] missing right there dink found the Sandstone that’s all I have all too to ask is with me all I want is a expect too high my best what can I say all I myself at the end of the day oh so good dude all I want is for that to be [Music] okay and I miss the days night o I know all the lyrics [Music] ay after come easily key change that song is so good that song is so good something with me is a good guy expectations too high [Music] best oh we need some hearts in the chat right now we need some hearts in the chat why did I come back up oh I remember why but it’s smooth wait no it ain’t nice try I triy to sneak past but I said no [Music] this is kind of waste but I don’t [Music] care she was there I can I can put one glass wait why’ I go back to the top why’ I do that uh uh if I broken any glass yet let me know if I broke any glass like I’ve broken some on accident the game wants be get off just happened I’m might have to get off stream now do I need a one minute nap true yeah what what a game doing blood is so sleepy thinks he broke glass true actually for the last little bit of stream should I play another game would you guys rather have me end stream or play a different game let me know what’ you rather have me do wait where my cat go oh I want want to put her on my lap but I can’t cuz she’s looking out the window she’s doing her job she really takes that job seriously she’s Lally always like I need to know if enemies are approaching I have to protect Grant it’s really cute and then she like looks back at me longingly like are you happy it’s really cute you’re doing a good job syrup really [Music] cute rocket League block game no rocket League maybe I’ll play rocket League who’d watch me if played rocket League I don’t think it’s going to work guys okay looks like we’re doing rocket League oh oh my gosh updates for both how do I pause the is really like your stream thank you s oh my gosh almost 300 hours on uh just on my PC and I’ve put like over a thousand on my PS4 I think time to brawl High I wish I could sign into my Hest see I can find my my steam stuff let me hide the the monitor really quick do I play A League of Legends game no no one wants to watch me play League of Legends valent doesn’t work on my PC I would play valent but it doesn’t work on my PC let me sign on my phone actually I’m signing out on my phone okay let me try this really quick oh my gosh I did it [Music] okay I did it I did it okay wait do I have to download the game it’s really quick to download oh no I didn’t press that button wait pause replay no I didn’t mean to press that like 30 seconds ago oh life split timer is dead or okay no no no llama don’t spam don’t abuse your power don’t [Music] spam llama you you will remember something though you will remember something though llama it’s done downloading you will remember something llama who heard that sound effect who heard the sound effect oh who saw that who saw the little Glimpse who saw the little Glimpse how many how many what okay ready guys do I have to restart the music is very telling let’s restart let’s see how long it could take me to get back to here how do I reset R is reset right uh I think I hid that reset R I turned it off somehow oh yeah enable reset button okay let’s restart and let’s see how long it takes me to get back to there okay anyone know what this game is so I move around as this little character you see this see this little character I bounce around this little spinner little spinner you do big jumps or you can do little jumps and you have to like readjust and like so after you do a little spin you do like a double jump okay ready I’m going set the timer let me get live split open this is going to be good guys this is going to be good this is going to be good you ready for this oh who’s going to stay until I get to exactly where I was ready this game is so hard okay ready three wait wait this new song new song new song I like this one ready go come on Grant you got this you got this you smarter you better okay ready this game made me so angry back in the day I used to rage at this game like for hours I used to be so bad at it and I still am I’ve not gotten better oh there’s a little and if you fall on your head you lose all momentum and you you start to try and climb higher and higher and it’s really hard except I’m pretty good at it I would say who is this little freak this guy can’t even get over this guy can’t even get over this watch this oh no and if you fall down you get double bounce on the floor uhoh come on make it make it make it you got it you got it little Readjustment and then it’ll shot and then it’s over and then one more and then I’m over little 360 go up there Hill this hill is actually pretty hard cuz if you lean also if you lean too far this is what happens oh do you see this oh oh so if you lean too far like I’ll show you do you see that I can grab the ground and then lean too far and then I hit the ground right so if you lean too far you hit the ground and you go all the way down the hill unless you’re a master like me take a little spin here that’s fine little bounce up off top over back come on come on you got this grant oh the wind pushes you back it’s really annoying this honestly is probably the most annoying part of the Run come on you got this wait something happen oh no I remember no so hard this the wind blowing on you to get the angle right is insane so if someone’s floating in the air like that means they paused the [Music] game oh that was bad that was bad it’s okay watch we’ll bounce right back up and then we’ll bounce right back up and then we’re back we bounce down then we bounce right back up then we go through this hole come on you got this grant there we go so this place kind of looks a little safe right correct but it ain’t well and it’s safe now but it gets really bad in a second it’s probably the hardest jump in the first five minutes dude I got I used to be really good at this game there we go see that could have been bad look so you dangle off this little Edge right here right look ready and you have to go do a little 360 on top grab that little sliver and then go up this tree insane then you go that’s mine oh come on don’t fall off the edge okay we’re good then you go over the tree and then you launch yourself like this right I remember oh I’m actually smarter I’m telling you I used to play this game for hours guys I used to be addicted then you’re over on grapes grapes is mad annoying watch this ready and then you go down up dude I’m actually going to I’m actually going to be the where I was like 10 minutes ago and that that probably took me months of trying that legitimately took me months not months like almost a year of grinding that game and I can get it done in 10 minutes now but I can’t get any further come on come on come on this is fine ready this is fine just grab and then we go over perfect then we go down hit this corner this is fine if I fall I go all the way down if I fall I go all the way down oh this next part’s probably like the hardest part of the whole run I know I keep saying that oh actually I’m still pretty far out oh see look I fall down and then I got to play safe then I go to the corner and then I fall down some more and then I’m back to the beginning of grapes see that’s how easy it is to lose like 40% of your progress in one misplay it’s literally so precise it’s so precise it’s so like you have to get the angle perfect or else it’s just like not going to work for oh this the hardest part so there’s this there’s this honey and if you hit the honey you slip look I’ll show you so there’s some honey right here oh no oh no see you see this little like yellow stuff on the right like I’ll hit it watch I’ll hit it oh I don’t no don’t go up there get some height over and watch I’m hit this yellow and I slip ready oh oh see see how you slip oh I gotta put the I got to put the the sound effects on I turned off sound effects because I was getting angry I turned off all sound cuz this game was making me angry the sounds are honestly the worst part of the game it gets you the most angry okay ready wait what happened to the like the screams I think I got I think I turned them off here I definitely turned him off occasional music yes skate music character sounds no other players dude I got I got so angry I turned everything off oh my goodness oh yep yep look listen to him slip wait list that slip ready get rid of this music y I’ve never heard that before Oh look and there I am 1,7 and 7 what 17,000 500 in the world I only got to 75% of the map okay ready yep woohoo yaho yep y on these mushrooms up here they give you double jump like they jump higher it’s fine I’ll fall down and then I can make it right back up dang it it’s okay one more one more wait I got to do this y this game is so hard and then I go this fine and then I go back down no no no no I lost so much progress I can’t end until I get to pineapples maybe that’s maybe that’s a bad thing to say I have work I probably should have been done like 30 minutes ago on stream yep also this is not what I usually play guys you play Minecraft but you’re enjoying it let me know let me know if you’re liking me playing something other than Minecraft you’re having fun watching me you know show you my skills in another game this would guys this would take you just grapes alone would take you probably 3 months to master and I can do it in minutes y dude I’m a you got this watch this watch this ready no ready watch this watch this I can go crazy ready no I want to go crazy I want to go crazy ready Yahoo y yep no okay I’m not going crazy I go crazy over here though ready wo there we go y only Pro Gamers can do that it’s okay watch we go down and then we go up and then we go straight and then we go just get that grape nope not like that just hit the grape this like perfectly oh what a save everyone say what a save in chat everyone’s going to say what a safe who saw that incredible like just the tiniest of micro adjustments to get over that y ready it’s okay it’s okay don’t look back look forward you guys see that yaho yah yaho it’s okay no woo Yahoo yep woohoo Y no yep Yahoo yep woohoo yep Yahoo Yahoo ow yep come Ono yo yah yah okay we’re back yo I’m back no oh yep y yep no yaho yo woohoo Yahoo wo one more one more ready shoot left perfect ready ready yo let we go no don’t slip I got this it’s okay yep that’s it no it’s going to make me slip but it’s okay oh it’s perfect that’s actually what I wanted okay ready no way see there’s honey like right on right below that pineapple we got to get on top of this pineapple and it’s officially time that’s when I get off oh no it’s okay I can I can recover I can recover I can recover I’m the gamer we go up let we go right hug right then we go no no it’s okay hug right hug right and then we go up and then we go y y That’s it time I did it I did it guys oh my goodness 14 minutes to get to where exactly where I was when I practiced for a whole year pretty much that’s criminal we we quit and we end stream and I eat some food and I go to bed W or W it ain’t no l also let me know if any of these games seem interesting for you to for me to play on stream in front of you guys uh aim Labs Among Us balloons tower defense six there’s Counter Strike crab game Destiny frame H Halo infinite halo the Master Chief Collection kunker mind Knight Paladin Pogo stuck raft Realm of the Mad God splitgate Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Uno and that’s it balloons guys want my balloons account I have to install it how long does that take yo what is up r how there we go here comes the sun Uno reverse o Uno reverse is so fun Arnell hello how long is this going to take oh not long at all too loud wait what wait what happened I didn’t do that I didn’t do that so loud okay perfect I’m I’m I’m yo I’ve played before you know I’ve played before I have one second uh which one level 109 okay we’ll do 109 use okay we’re in chat we are in wait sorry let go look at this I’m level 109 look at this I got a few black borders I got one two I got a silver borders a bronze border silver silver black border silver pretty cool black border black border black border what time is it I have 20 minutes left on stream we’ll start we’ll start with some balloons we’ll play balloons why not should we try shrimp let’s try chimps let’s try chimps it’s the hardest one okay start with saer right here all day all day right here s will go crazy I’m getting so many achievements okay this perfect double speed that double speed that and we’ll do we’ll do auto start perfect okay the second we can get a what do we do what do we do I think we do one of these oh you guys can’t see that sucks I’m sorry all you can see is Sada um let’s do one of these we’re doing long range and we’re doing what’s fire I think Fire’s first path right we have one heart so if one balloon leaks we lose yeah okay was right if one balloon leaks we lose the game we cannot let one leak okay St your last St before to day I watch it over 30 minut repeat oh my goodness thank you Zena that means so much to me thank you Zena watched my sh for so long that mean that literally helps me infinitely more than anyone ever knows okay wait wait wait I didn’t think about this okay I have my ability I have my ability but if we get I need to get 650 before we get a lead balloon if we get a lead balloon before that I might lose wait we should put the sound on the hero’s kind of the hero’s kind of annoying but it’s okay nice I was going to say it kind of feels silent in a way there we go now we can deal with lead balloons but you know once around 40 comes along what what do we what’s what what’s what are we supposed to do oh you’ll see oh you’ll see my friend boom We Go bomb Tower right here right we go double extra range right put that’s a strong oh wait and then we just go straight to we go straight for reload we go straight for reload look at this it’s barely going to reach in there I think I think if I time this out correctly I barely got it right maybe I turn the volume down even some more it’s still kind of loud that’s my skills grow legendary okay 1,190 should be good for the round 40 Monkey Village next we’ll go Monkey Village next maybe we play Monkey Village a bit more defensive this time that’s good maybe I put it will that hit the tack shooter if I hit it I got to get as close to the T shooter as possible I would love for that ATT a bigger radius what happens oh yes I got in there I think wait no I didn’t I barely didn’t that sucks it’s okay go middle and we go top okay one more middle and we’re good who likes me playing other games does anyone like I feel like I kind of like can show a different side of myself you watch my short thank you Lizzy Studios that means a lot who commented dude if you go watch my most recent short right now and go comment on it I’ll L read through all the comments and like at the end of stream and I’ll like look at them and like heart my favorite ones let’s see I I see a few people commenting on it actually that I’ve seen in stream let’s go that’s good and now you guys you guys aren’t even ready for the best character in this game the engineer monkey goes crazy ready Sentry faster oversized Nails pin now the best cheap monkey look at this you guys won’t believe me but it’s this actually wizard Fireball then we go wall of fire puts it in a bad spot we target it right here incredible so they have to go through it once and then they go through it again look oh it almost worked perfectly how I wanted it to okay save up 3,000 get a MOAB assassin now just get rid of all the big balloons the front sounds like ASMR true these games show a lot more of you other games are hard what do you mean by other games are hard thank you Jugger fan for saying that that means a lot that means a lot that you like me playing other games you’re like the only person who said something so thank you then we have two more two more ideas two more big big brain plays so put this mortar as close as far away as I can do you see that then we do the same no we do different now we do the same and then we go Target strong so that guy’s kind of getting rid of like the big guys as fast as possible and then I have two more tricks up my sleeve which I want you to see the power okay then you go there a monkey where is this one right here look at this you’ll see is it called monkey helicopter helicopter helicopter oh strategics I love that you said you like other games I’m looking I didn’t see that he said other games are hard that’s all I saw okay you grab this helicopter get the helipad out maybe we get a ring of fire then we go Pursuit which is top and then we go Moab beautiful popping a much true dro so this thing now this helicopter will push back the biggest wait oh this is such a bad can you guys even see the game easily can you guys even see the game easily or is it covered by chat cuz I can move it up or something you’re having a hard time oh he is going crazy in the front he’s going crazy in the front he’s doing everything up there [Music] okay then we do down draft which is that one so we go Pursuit down draft so now it the downdraft will push balloons closer to the beginning so the moad Press pushes balloons close to the beginning down drafts push pushes the balloons back to the beginning and then I think we just do that and then I think we do one more thing I think we get a mortar right here and then we aim it at the front so it has like that’s where most of the popping power is does that make sense and then do we do big one or Burnie stuff I guess we could do both okay this is good look I’m just going to move it I’m going to move it wait how do I how do I not how do I not make this window accessibility no how do I not make this full screen I’m pressing f11 yeah how do I not make this full screen and I can’t press home or else I lose guess we just keep going I mean there’s only 40 rounds left sorry guys I didn’t just hear me talk okay I’m going to try and save up as much money as possible and you’ll see why oh wait I didn’t even get this sorry an enemy R from Battle how does this one work Boon pops and increase burning stuff damage oh that’s incredible didn’t even know it did that wa the to go here and then read this one devastating explosions pop seven layers of balloons any type increasing bur burning damage even more that’s crazy dude route 80s where it’s going to get really hard this is fine Mass waves of balloons is actually probably my worst thing right now until it gets to the back once it gets to the back it gets hit by Sada it gets hit by this ring of fire get it’s get hits by this uh wall of fire wizard monkey it’s over actually I’ll do a really cheap wall of fire wizard monkey at the front perfect perfect see those little balloons those are on my side now those are my team you saying I was going to save up what was that for okay what do I save up for that’s thing you not oh I’m really hungry now D go welcome back Twix [Music] soup how much is this 34 th how much [Music] is that 28 out let’s do 34 ,000 okay I got to save up 24,000 goals we can just chat now guys I’ll read chat now cuz I can’t do anything drink water thank you Zena an enemy R from Battle [Music] I got the goated strategy maybe I play uh a chest game right now okay guys there’s only 25 rounds left either I either win or lose we’ll have to see what it is oh that’s getting kind of far actually okay Captain when’s the first round that it’s 95 I think 95 is the first round with the with the ones that look like sharks the ddts is that what they’re called an enemy from battle in our victory uhoh that’s getting really far actually okay wait wait 29,000 we’re so close all we need is 34,000 more or wait no no we only need uh 4,500 more and it’s over so I’m going upgrade this engineer monkey he’s going to shoot he’s going to put down these like senty cannons dude they’re called Sentry Champions actually oh wait shoot I you okay 1,500 more 1,500 more 1,000 more 500 more and we win you put on these centry Champions look what they shoot they shoot laser beams and explode look at this come on come on look right look right here you see that you see those those are pretty cool now I’m going to save up and see if I can get a necromancer or a prince of Darkness it’s a tier five uh NE Necromancer it’s insanely good okay that wave was really easy the power an enemy from Battle wow I already have 11,000 gold okay there’s literally 15 rounds left almost my back wait I’m L there I have it this one looks like a troll this looks like my Backup backup just in case anything slips through I just need a thousand more literally just a th more okay we got it look see you see these big balloons in setting back now those things can pop like big big balloons dude it’s crazy okay what do I get now I have 10 Rounds I have 10 rounds until the big guys come this one looks like a troll maybe I do this yeah this looks kind of good block it at the beginning and let’s go laser cannon and we’ll go faster [Music] Barrel wait wait wait oh I forgot I have the old guy there now I have the new guy there now okay never mind I forgot I was like we lost we lost may I go hydr cannons actually I’m go Hydro cannons look at that let’s try and get as much big popping power as we can at the front oh sniper actually I’m going to go sniper en sniper really good faster fire let’s go let’s goge caliber target strong perfect he’s really strong we have too many mods in chat now sorry wait oh we we literally decimated those guys those are the guys I was scared of wow they are nothing you mean nothing to nobody I’m just going to do a bunch more sniper monkeys where sniper at okay we go right here with sniper time we go fast firing but this time go shrap no shot he’s targeting is there targeting weak incredible and then I still think I keep him at first that’s crazy these are so good okay four rounds left guys and I win I get a black border look look look look who’s going to be here for when I get the black border that’s so sick wait wait wait okay that didn’t get close third magic monkey third magic monkey I’m not even trolling wall of fire that one’s in an okay spot but why not just put it in the perfect spot the light then we go uh-oh GL uhoh I think I lose I think I lose come on come on hold hold hold hold oh my gosh I got through it I won wait wait wait wait wait wait come on come on come on come on please we did it we did it oh I had to slow that one down okay round 100 round 100 finally they send their chion I have a lot of money so I’m just going to waste it where’s the snipers at where’s the snipers at am I am I blind sniper just blow through the money just blow through money don’t even care okay ready I probably should have been doing that better uhoh this is fine this is fine we win we win ready who’s going to be here who’s going to be here ready that’s fine got rid of those two then we well I got a micro I got a macro uh the mortar wait here he goes we win ready we went I got black border baby can we go home look at this ready now I got black border ready right there black border baby right the front and right there baby I a goat I a goat first try black border crazy isn’t it okay wow that looks really good okay let’s quit the game let’s get out of here I’m ending stream you guys with the best I’m going to eat and go to bed goodbye go watch my shorts and if you comment right now after I’m done eating I’m going to go through my comments and read them really quick before bed and I’m going to Heart all my favorite ones so go comment on my most recent short my most two recent shorts three four five however shorts you comment on you have a higher chance of getting hearted but make sure you watch all the way through and leave an actual valuable comment like something funny about the video that relates to the video or be like man this is awesome I love the part when this happened or I sometimes have like like funny jokes so you can like in the in the in the comments if I see those ones that relate to the videos the most and are kind of funny and are good insta

This video, titled ‘Recreating The Fastest Skeleton Farm in Survival’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-06 10:40:14. It has garnered 10134 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:51 or 14511 seconds.

Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER!

#minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock

  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

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  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

    Captainchu's MC Takeover Welcome to Conquerors MC [S1 EP1] Embark on a Nuclear Adventure In this exciting episode of Conquerors MC, players are introduced to a world filled with possibilities. Imagine using nuclear weapons to create chaos in an Earth SMP setting – the thrill is unmatched. Meet the Players Join @frosty_studios, @JakeyIsaac, @ZayFeeR, and @gm_tabby_cat as they dive into a world of Minecraft like never before. Together, they explore a vast world map, establish countries, recruit villagers, build colonies, and even delve into the realm of civilization. What’s Next? With so much already accomplished in this episode, one can only wonder… Read More

  • MineLove Rewind: Part 9 – Remember Me?

    MineLove Rewind: Part 9 - Remember Me? In the world of Minecraft, love is in the air, With animations and music, we all share. Do you remember me, in this part nine? Bringing back memories, in every line. Adikop and Nieulotni, their voices so sweet, Bringing us back, with every beat. Love is love, in this virtual land, With emotions and stories, all so grand. Join us on Telegram, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we can be free. So let’s dive in, and explore together, In this world of love, now and forever. Read More

  • Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge!

    Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge! Conquering the Hardest Achievements in Minecraft Bingo Welcome to a thrilling Minecraft adventure where four friends take on the challenge of completing some of the toughest achievements in Minecraft Bingo. Join in on the fun as these Brits navigate through the game, facing obstacles, and sharing plenty of laughs along the way. Struggling Through the Bingo Board The group dives into the world of Minecraft Bingo, a unique twist on the classic game that adds an extra layer of challenge. As they work their way through the bingo board, each achievement becomes a test of skill and teamwork. From… Read More

  • Froggy Fire Frenzy: Alex’s Magma Quest

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  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun!

    Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you a flag design that truly jives. A caterpillar flag, easy to make, With colors and patterns that will surely take. Start with a green flag, a canvas so bright, Add a white creeper pattern, a true delight. Green diagonal divisions, left and right, Creating a design that’s out of sight. A green diamond, a light gray border too, Each step carefully crafted just for you. For insect shops and banners, this design is key, Bringing a touch of Minecraft artistry. If you enjoyed this tutorial, give it a… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

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  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

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  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

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  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

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  • BakSoo MC

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  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP! discord.gg/CommunityCraft!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.communitycraft.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

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  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

  • Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!

    Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[4k60fps] The Pink Sheep (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by SandDucc on 2024-08-18 21:47:42. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Like so we can DESTROY the Algorithm Minecraft, MinecraftShorts, MinecraftShort, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft viral, Minecraft trending, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft survival, Minecraft Hardcore, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft builds, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft noob vs pro, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft wither, Minecraft boss battle, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft epic moments, Minecraft clips, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft crafting, Minecraft… Read More

  • Real Minecraft Myths Revealed

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  • Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4

    Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Diamond Mining | Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | Tamil Gameplay’, was uploaded by Javi phoenix on 2024-04-12 13:42:47. It has garnered 985 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. We Are Making Only Gaming Video Kindly Support Our Channel Like Share And Subscribe Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MYj3pmeJ Telegram: https://t.me/javiphoenixT #javi_phoenix #minecraft #minecraft_tamil Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FAIL?! Not Enough TORCHES! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft FAIL?! Not Enough TORCHES! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Not Enough TORCHES… | Minecraft: Vanilla Let’s Play Ep. 17’, was uploaded by Gunthrek on 2024-03-06 21:00:14. It has garnered 47 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Dive into a world of endless possibilities with a brand new vanilla Minecraft let’s play! Join me as I explore sprawling landscapes, craft unique tools and build incredible creations. From humble beginnings to grand adventures, witness the journey unfold block by block. Stay tuned for epic builds, exciting exploration, and everything in between! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gunthrek Discord: https://discord.gg/urceY2NegX Buy Gunthrek’s Gear:… Read More

  • Insane 24/7 SMP Server | Join Now!

    Insane 24/7 SMP Server | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Joinable Minecraft Server SMP | 1.20 Java Survival Server’, was uploaded by CraftMan on 2024-04-08 07:46:06. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:55 or 3295 seconds. CoreCraft SMP Server Address: Version (Java): 1.20 Join discord to get server access Discord: https://discord.com/invite/99fwfBAWq5 Channel: CoreCraft-Access Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/craftman91 Merch: https://streamlabs.com/craftman91/merch Ignore : public smp for java 24/7 public smp minecraft pe public smp for mcpe minecraft smp ip and port best smp servers for mcpe survival minecraft bedrock server ip and port 1.19 herobrine smp ip… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft hack! Build a smiley face with eyebrows in seconds 🔥” #viral #gaming

    "INSANE Minecraft hack! Build a smiley face with eyebrows in seconds 🔥" #viral #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a smiley face with eyebrows in minecraft #minecraft #popular #shorts #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by PRANJAL INDIAN GAMER on 2024-03-07 12:30:41. It has garnered 2634 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. how to build a smiley face with eyebrows in minecraft #minecraft #popular #shorts #gaming #viral how to build a face with eyebrows in minecraft how to build funtime freddy in minecraft minecraft how to breed pandas in minecraft how to build a face with eyebrows in minecraft #minecraft #popular #shorts #viral #gaming how to… Read More

  • SHOCKING Mr Minecraft REACTS to Fan Comments! 😮🎮🔥

    SHOCKING Mr Minecraft REACTS to Fan Comments! 😮🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘What were you guys saying?? #camman18minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Mr Minecraft on 2024-04-21 20:00:03. It has garnered 551 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #shorts SUBSCRIBE OR ELSE!!11!!1!! ignore this- camman18 does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.18 challenges in 2022! Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But… Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Insane Minecraft Cheat! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Insane Minecraft Cheat! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:25. It has garnered 159 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Insane Drawing of Satoro Gojo in Minecraft!

    Insane Drawing of Satoro Gojo in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘drawing satoro gojo #music #song #newsong #tseries #minecraft #myfirstlog #funny #myfirstvlo’, was uploaded by Shreyan gaming on 2024-02-19 04:27:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Boring SMP – semi-vanilla SMP 1.21, vanilla mechanics, claims, shops, QOL

    Welcome to Boring SMP! A new survival multiplayer server with tweaks to enhance the vanilla game. Our Features: Land claiming to protect your house Shops powered by a diamond economy Regular community events Warp stones for easy teleportation Bucketable entities for convenience Many crafting tweaks for an enjoyable experience Join us at boringsmp.1e99.eu (Discord). Read More

  • Minecraft server armsmc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: armsmc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Template Mystery Spicy AF

    I guess you could say this meme is like a hidden diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Exposing BFF’s Secret Lair at Every Rank 😂🔥

    Exposing BFF's Secret Lair at Every Rank 😂🔥 When you finally find your friend’s secret base in Minecraft and they’re just standing there like “Surprise! I’ve been waiting for you to find me all along!” #plot twist #minecraftmystery Read More

  • Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy

    Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy Minecraft Speedrunners Revolutionize Strategies for Faster Runs When it comes to Minecraft speedrunning, every second counts. The community of dedicated speedrunners has recently made significant changes to their strategies, allowing them to complete the game at lightning speed. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Minecraft speedrunning and explore the innovative techniques that have been developed to achieve faster runs. Challenges and Evolution Speedrunning in Minecraft presents a unique set of challenges, requiring players to navigate complex landscapes, gather resources efficiently, and defeat formidable enemies. Over time, speedrunners have honed their skills and optimized their routes to overcome these… Read More

  • Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP

    Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP Minecraft Anokhi SMP: Survival Adventures Unfold Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft Anokhi SMP as survival instincts kick in and players navigate through challenges and surprises. In the latest installment, our adventurers find themselves in a sticky situation as they attempt to stealthily visit a fellow player’s house, only to be caught in the act! Caught in the Act As the players sneak around the virtual landscape, trying to maintain a low profile, tension mounts as they approach their target. However, their plans are foiled as they are discovered by the homeowner, leading to… Read More

  • WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java ’24 🤯

    WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java '24 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024’, was uploaded by GameGuide on 2024-09-24 07:24:25. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How To Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024. How to Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024. https://youtu.be/fiizydEHmWE https://youtu.be/5MOsvRImOLM Master the art of crafting a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024 and unlock the world of potion-making! This guide will walk you through every step, from gathering essential resources to setting up your Brewing Stand for your… Read More

  • Escape the Irritator in Minecraft

    Escape the Irritator in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-25 12:00:21. It has garnered 1966 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft… Escaping this terrifying horror minecraft creature in my from the fog world is very difficult. Me and my friend try and survive the irritator in my scary modded minecraft world. Discord Server ➜ https://discord.com/invite/HnGCtUynYz Socials ➜ https://solo.to/frosty Hashtags ➜ #minecraft #minecrafthorror #wendigo #scaryminecraft #minecraftmods Video Inspired By @Vivilly These videos are Minecraft Horror videos where I try and survive a… Read More