🔥 JermsyBoy’s EPIC Minecraft Creative Academy Planning! 🔥

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e [Music] e [Music] of [Music] yo yo yo yo how you guys doing sure our normal music how is everybody doing been a while since we streamed I feel like uh yo uh Snoop carson.com Pride Quinn Bailey Raven monster yo yo yo uh okay are we G to have to ban you [Music] Bailey uh yo I was just literally thinking about something I wanted to talk about about right at the beginning of stream but I forgot what it was now shoot um yo yo yo uh enjoy the last vid in years time I’m sure the channel will uh 2x 4X the size it is now I appreciate it glad you enjoyed the video a lot of people seem to enjoy the video it’s so funny every time I’m like editing a video and I’m thinking like H man this isn’t great I’m not loving this it almost always turns out to be verely uh highly received which is interesting and I don’t know what to make of that but I’m glad people are enjoying it um it’s it just crossed 10,000 views so that’s cool hopefully by the end of the weekend it’ll be at 20 thank you Raven I even got it’s so weird I got comments from people that like I never um like people in the community that I are like content creators and I know but I didn’t realize they watched my content um that’s true Quin and I’m like by the time I’m thinking that I’m already like almost a month into working on the video and I’m just so over it so that’s that’s probably really where it comes from I’m sure maybe Carson when I made the uh the roads video like a year ago I thought that was the most boring video I’ve ever made and it’s now the most viewed video on the channel actually I think the I think the resource pack video actually took it over again which is crazy let me see um let’s go to this [Music] boom okay yeah the resource pack video from four years ago took this video over again that’s crazy it’s about to be a 180 that’s so weird like I haven’t updated this video or this resource pack probably since this video really curious this is so stupid why do you have to do that for every single website now like is Cur fors really having an issue with Bots maybe uh little taste of germ yeah 2020 where’d that go 20 funny four years still getting still getting uh views it probably doesn’t even work anymore crazy although it is 116 and I think that’s a pretty like barely good version for mods I don’t know maybe not probably just totally made that up um love it when my bus driver fainted mid drive then jmy streams when I’m back home that’s scary I just hear that’s crazy though there was a there was a news story I heard the other day of a bus driver a school bus driver that um the bus I don’t remember I don’t know what the like leadup to it was but the the bus there was no kids on the bus thankfully but the bus somehow caught on fire so instead of just stopping the bus and getting out the dude literally jumped out of the bus and it veered off the road and crashed into somebody’s house and burnt half their house down what’s up with the bus drivers have bus drivers fainting you got bus drivers diving out of the of a moving vehicle how crazy is [Music] that um builds are actually fire thank you Bailey I really love that you place blocks on camera bed that oh Pride didn’t me to do that I was scared you know what that’s fair Pride that’s fair [Music] um your natural tendencies ow I just have like a pink in my [Music] neck uh welcome to the stream [Music] though so in the last episode I got a lot of feedback of people saying they really want me to continue in this [Music] area my um my plans my plans were to do one more video like finish up this interior in the survival world well in here it’s not even textured yet my plans were to finish this um add like trees and foliage and any other stuff there was a tower here that I was going to going to build but decid Ed against um and then that was going to be it we were going to move on to something else probably building up this Village and then just cover in this area in foliage but the reception of the last video people really don’t want me to move on yet and to be fair I’m not super I don’t know what exactly to do here but I’m not super ready either so we’re going to try to figure out some stuff to do tonight and this is going to sound crazy but the first thing I want to do is redo this building um it’s only been like a couple months since I built it but it really doesn’t match the style anymore and I got a lot of comments saying I should also redo it so think we’re going to be doing that we do still have the dungeon but that’s not going to be a huge project really uh I think we might get it started in the next episode though cuz I got an idea for for something to do there yeah but that stuff almost feels like by the way we’re going on the mountain ignore this thing this was just get to get the height it’s not going to look like this it’s going to look more like this eventually um but this stuff almost feels like a a different project like just the style is so like completely different so we’re going to be uh we’re going to redo that that building and we’re going to kind of expand it to be more of an l-shape to fill up this space here and then I’m thinking potentially we might move the road yo lores wow we we might move the road to wrap up and around to there so we have more space to just fill that area out maybe build another building here um the reason I didn’t initially build more stuff is because this space that we have up here is so small like I don’t want to expand the cliff out any further than this already don’t really want to build stuff over here because that’s going to kind of mess up this view with the bridges or the bridge have destroy a building that fell off the cliff uh adding to the overgrown worn feeling H that is a cool idea where could we do that though I mean this Cliff is pretty filled up I did think about a small build maybe we could do that here I thought about doing like a smallish building here that like small uh Foundation that’s kind of tall cuz that wouldn’t really screw up our view from here see Cliff side could do something here potentially I don’t know um remember you said you were going to do Walmart across the valley true yeah yeah I think we’re going to go with a empty strip M instead what Pride said we’re just going to flatten this mountain that I made and we’re just going to do a strip M over here um but what do I want want to work on today also had another idea that I’ve kind of had in my mind for a while now but I haven’t known how to do it really because doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but thinking about having a bridge like a just a straight Bridge coming out straight flat bridge going all the way out over this like Valley here but I leading to what I don’t know put over here I think it would definitely look cool but I really don’t know what it would be leading to another man of course I mean could be another Tower could be maybe not a bad idea by duct made for shipping ores out of a uh out of an amethyst mine H and even toall our Tower we did raise the build height what did I raise build height to I checked in the episode but I ended up cutting it [Music] out that doesn’t work why doesn’t that work oh what I thought [Music] that it works a lot faster [Music] oh that’s it 5’11 I think I did guess that right then um I know I mentioned the extended build high but I didn’t mention what it was like I actually went up and checked I stacked up uh what was it oh I think coal ore cuz I was I needed a bunch of coal so I stacked up as high as I could and I went to build he but I cut that out of the video um yeah I am going to do the world tree I just haven’t quite figured it out exactly yet have you build this so well and haven’t got notice by her gra yet I don’t know I’m not too concerned about it though um [Music] Divine Tower yeah that’s kind of the idea I mean that was kind of sort of the inspiration for this this stuff I mean that would be a tall if we went I mean obviously not all the way to build H but I want to just see why I do that I want to just see like a super tall tower just see what it looks like dormatory yeah yeah so that’s the idea for if I build another building here that would be the idea for that dormitories like right there this is not what we’re going to do but I just want to see what it looks like area with the hands what in Elden I don’t remember y with the hands h can’t remember hurry a Manor wait have I been here oh yeah I was there super super early in my my play through so I don’t remember I don’t remember that wait do I maybe I I think I vaguely do yeah okay yeah yeah yeah I remember that okay oops Yeah I went to this place super early on in my play through because I was uh I was exploring R Lu area for inspiration for this project and this is like right up the road what was the why’d you bring this up just asking um can you make a video sometime maybe a short on how you make your fall sey look at trees I love them so much um that’s not a bad idea maybe Build Another Mountain Hill build a Manor over there like dorms and housing for professors interesting I don’t know I mean there’s really there really is so much potential for like stuff we can do only thing is I don’t want to overdo it you know uh Taurus is what we want what the what wrong one no it’s not the wrong okay um let’s go with that and then no am I trying to do this no what H am I crazy why is this doing this feel like this didn’t do this before okay weird go all the way down and then let’s go up super [Music] high that would definitely be too tall I don’t think I want a tower there you know we could we could just build like a bridge that leads to nothing like I was like I was originally thinking and then figure that out later that really wouldn’t be so [Music] bad that bring up terrain look OD yeah like I did here would probably be there there’s some nice nice rocks it’s guys can you believe it’s almost been a year since we were here working on this on stream how crazy is that be kind of odd for a while yeah but I mean I don’t know I don’t think it’ be too don’t think it’ be too big of a problem uh let’s undo that so crazy all right all right Pride okay how do I need to do this it’s been a while since I’ve used archon I guess I don’t need to do that yo wig how’s it going oh we need to lower this down we’re going to do this uh so my idea was Bridge coming out here we build up the cliff a little further this way and then move the road so it leads up to the just the side of this bridge here or this road I guess CU that feels kind of like feels like something I’ve seen in Elder ring before okay um let’s maybe start from like here because the cliff will come out a bit let’s bring this back a little bit I mean this is like a magical place so if something doesn’t make sense we can just blame magic um Arc no wait is it wait what am I no it is Arch yeah yeah Arch white magic for all my problems too yeah it’s an easy how [Music] out let’s go nine wide yeah good oh why does it do that I forgot that that does that wait that’s not nine that’s 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so I have to go 7 two three four five six seven eight nine okay you guys pretty good I think that’s good undo I mean I don’t remember the perimeters for this arguments just have to figure this out five is the death of the this okay let’s turn that change that to I mean we could change that later make it seven for now six is something five okay that’s how many arches there are that’s what we need whoops let’s also make this like 10 NOP even further uh let’s make this like then D yeah that’s what we want okay that’s too many too many arches why are all the wait they’re all different s wait are they they are I don’t remember having this much issues with this brush before or this tool there not something for this in uh axium is there I don’t think so same but the Arches are different this one looks thinner than the rest man is insane like the fact that this kind of thing is even possible well it should be better okay I guess yeah that is what it is yeah they’re all seven and oh this is not that’s 19 and the rest are 20 what’s this one oh great 20 let’s undo this oh God I forgot about this stupid bug um or undo just leaves some chunks how did I do that oh that’s why I left it okay never mind wait so is that 19 because is that where that was Jesus okay um yo P thank you appreciate it everybody’s been uh been enjoying it got any tips on making a build more immersive um it depends on what exactly you’re talking about like for an interior I feel like just adding something I found is just adding more and more stuff like really especially if you wanted to feel like really lived in you got to just have stuff stuff everywhere like with this place I design the whole room all the shapes and everything I mean just like this uh I designed the whole room all the shapes and then I started adding like some overgrowth over there there’s some pots hid some of these uh the pink things SP blossoms so we got these particles all over the place added all these cages except this one is broken I should have added some like Rubble around it maybe but maybe it’s fine uh a tree route coming in the carpet here instead of just going straight down the middle it’s kick to the side a little bit make it feel a little bit more real Got dirt in here got a little bit of grass growing up in some spots candles all over the place and wax dripped onto the ground stack of books for kind of no reason uh calabras uh but some of them are broken some of them are just straight up missing I really find that type of stuff helps me make an area feel more immersive some loose change dollar bill sit on the ground kind of the same thing with this one but I went a little less uh intense with it in this room the Shadows I think help a lot I think they do a lot of the work so these I mean you can see these walls they’re very plain I guess they’re not very plain but they’re like there’s no texturing or anything cuz the Shadows just do all the work but same thing in here we just got stuff stuff everywhere uh so yeah hopefully that helps that’s something that I feel I didn’t really pull off super well in this interior which is why I’m more okay with redoing this building like that area is okay up there is okay this room room is actually okay this room over here though pretty boring not great kind of uh oh I have I wonder if I have that in the real world that load Stone I think I do uh how you get that like in kind of stuff to spawn proof keep in the dark [Music] oh what mod I think it’s I think it’s just gamma utils yeah you probably could do it with tweo but it gam utils um how you get that stuff that like stuff are you asking me how I get it or are you adding to the the list of things to add cuz how I get it you can just bom it find it in caves um that actually is another good point though with um making an immersive build I think I mean I I feel like not lighting everything up is a good way to get some good immersion but of course you want to spawn proof everything so glow liken is a really good way doesn’t glow too much it still annoys me a little bit that it glows but uh that’s a good way to keep things dark and really make the actual lights stand out without losing uh or without letting mod spawn man I think we really need I cleared out all my texture packs earlier so I don’t have it anymore but I think we really I might need to make a light map I know I talked about it a while ago but think a light map like making the lights more orange would be really really cool they pretty orange up there there a cemetery there’s not it’s not a bad idea though oops noon okay what am I doing here um are you going to make the interior of the other building also look ruined which one the one that we were just in that one probably because I’m going to be redoing that building anyways Cemetery for the dead students true wouldn’t that seem off with the soul lanterns though that is true was thinking about that wonder if there’s a mod that adds surely there’s a mod that adds different color lighting right but it’s probably uh they were using some back in the day and they were pretty intensive on the the frame rate’s moan going to add colored lighting true we are going to have catacombs that is true some get rid of the complete darkness under the cliff uh no because I like it that just adds to the to the depth I feel like I know there was one back in the day maybe around like the 112 version but I don’t know I’m just thinking how how I want to do this darkness is the point yeah exactly if it was all lit up then I’d have to texture it the darkness on this island this is what I I was trying to mimic like Shadows but uh like on this one I don’t have to do it because we got the Shadows I do think I am going to be doing some stuff under the cliff here not necessarily amethyst shards or anything but I think we’re going to be doing something under here don’t really have the idea fully worked out yet but and I don’t want to ruin this this shape so need to do a lot of thinking on that like a shrine or big statue of the person who founded the school so long ago ooh that’s a cool idea I don’t know if you’re suggesting this but do it on the bridge like have like a like in the middle somewhere have like a big circular area and a big statue on that ooh that’s it yeah I don’t think at the end I think a bridge I think just in the middle of the bridge cuz I do like the idea of building this out to another Mountain eventually DM’s brain activation this is the first time first time that’s ever happened I love that idea though send the bridge just one or two more arches so the path can go under it the bridge will extend eventually I want it to look cuz we’re not going to be building we got this mountain to build first we’re not going to be building a mountain over here anytime soon so I want it first I want to make it look like broken like it’s supposed to lead to something maybe even have like bits floating and then eventually we’ll build that up and build uh a connection there so it’ll eventually go over the road but not for now oh man amethy growth is a very cool idea like I love the idea that just crystals encrusting over things like mold yeah that’s there’s actually a lot of that I don’t know how many of you actually play played El the ring but they’re in the ray luceria magic Academy in the game um what’s it going to say oh there there’s like crystals just like growing on stuff all over the place so doing more of that just throughout the entire place would be cool legit I’ve been planning a white arched bridge for a while I can’t believe you stole my idea oops you should still do it though because I want to see how you do it um had no bites on my PC so probably keeping it sweet good um now we can uh spend some more nights hav on westeroscraft till 4:00 a.m. exploring okay I’m just I’m just thinking right now while reading chat how exactly I want to do this um what do you have have school dormatory underground with Windows poking out right under the cliff toop um that okay that was actually my idea for what I was going to do Under The Cliff but uh yeah actually do I have screenshots I found there was an area in Elden ring that was kind of similar Vibes to that see I can find it oh here’s a good uh example of what I was talking about like the crystals just growing on everything I wanted to do a room like this with skull maybe we still can since we’re expanding the area now but I really struggled with figuring out how to do it properly these are like a stack of uh heads basically dude I want to build something in the nether that looks like this so bad all right see you later Pride thanks for stopping by flying oh yeah flying candles yeah duh yeah that would make sense yeah I found this area too which I’m pretty sure inspired bdb’s uh throne in the last season of hermitcraft is kind of funny I think he even had like curtains hanging down like this didn’t he or no that was for the tree of Whimsy yeah curtains like this I thought I had I guess this is the closest thing but this isn’t really I was thinking like some darker builds underneath the cliff this was kind of the stuff I wanted to do at the in the end but I kind of realized that it’s kind of just the same thing as what I’m doing now boy in the near future J is going to turn his whole world into a modded Souls like adventure map with boss fights that would be sick I love this game so beautiful here we go this is you can’t really see from the screenshot but this is like in a big cave and there Cliffs all around this place dude imagine I’m kind of rethinking our underground area too for this area okay that’s it I’m kind of thinking maybe we do build like an underground city would be pretty sick cuz I found some crazy underground stuff an Elden ring recently and it’s got to be pretty inspired to do some stuff weeping Peninsula builds weeping Peninsula I can never remember a lot of the names in eldering I can’t type either weeping Peninsula let’s see ah um is Santa Claus an elder ring yes Flintstone is what gives the magic and Elder ring R area is actually built on top of a giant vein of it which is what gives the school its Magic Properties ooh okay that’s cool I didn’t know that it’s really hard I have a really hard time keeping up with the lore in the game hanging cage with an Ender Dragon in it and the Ender Dragon is withered away so it’s just a skeleton but the crystals started to take over FRS of the skeleton in the cage and such that sounds crazy that sounds cool but I don’t know how I would do that it would have to be massive I don’t think we have the room for that unless I may just like a big custom model but I I don’t want to do that really to do like an old underground area with ancient artifacts and other Magical elements like in the College of Winter Hold from Skyrim SK idea would fit so well in something like that remember that place I don’t know if I ever got there um oh that’s cool Pyrex thank you that’s really cool um Scarlet leg the nether build you just mentioned you look at the ceiling there’s a giant crystal really I I didn’t notice that interesting I need to play more elen I was just playing earlier and I uh kind to rage quit um but yeah I need to play more my knowledge on Elden ring is probably way more than anything I learned in school that’s funny I a build like you with a program Ed I would try to build uh green Gods above and below ground oh is that the um that the bank yeah I don’t really know anything about Harry Potter but the Lego set of that is cool uh yo kai welcome to the stream okay exactly do I want to do [Music] this what I’ve been trying to figure out for last 15 minutes let’s undo this let’s yeah let’s undo this let’s [Music] um I canot figure at a good oh hang on maybe am I missing some there yeah perfect nice okay now let’s do that back to 10 oh that still looks awful guess this is I guess I’ve never tried to do this on a straight line before have I aside from this very small section here uh if go to noon the underground city with that long elevator that takes you down you can find a similar ceiling to what I talked about uh to what you talked about build with the skull yeah let’s let’s look that up oh yeah yeah I was showing screenshots of that that earlier pull it up again yeah I’ve got this screenshot even took tons of screenshots in this area because I was thinking of building something like this in the end because I felt like it would kind of give that Vibe a little bit but I just decided against it because the style the build style I wanted to do was basically what we’re doing right now but you know what I’m thinking thinking now maybe that’s not such a bad idea cuz people seem to not want me to move on from this yet so I don’t know um let’s do this that’s our size I think we have to do some math I guess or we can just reshave these by hand probably be the best way to do it let’s go there we’ll just do this and then we’ll copy and paste it to all the other spots plan on making a Dwarven City in my world uh inspiration by the DW dmer Ruins in Skyrim nice I never got very far in Skyrim just wasn’t I don’t know was it for me not really not super super into Bethesda games can’t can’t get into them I don’t know why G to go for gold or copper we kid do why does that have [Music] those 90 yeah I got you now all good that is not the center okay yeah I think that’s something I realized I think we uh definitely got to add more more crystals around the area [Music] probably that ow Gothic arches oh is that look that’s like the um the pointed ones right yeah yeah yeah that’s true we should do that very true very true um I saw a trick to do those what was it [Music] it’s like putting two circles together oh yeah shave here okay so if we double the size of this this um how you get that beautiful Cloud the better clouds mod um if we do 36 right I think so let’s just Center that on there for some reason why not can’t Center it that’s okay okay then we do wait why didn’t I try that again put that there and then put that [Music] no I’m stupid [Music] there crazy doing this all wrong probably so that would be the shape would be better put the point in the middle but let’s try this first God this by hand the we’re probably going to need to make this change it and make an odd [Music] number yeah that’s not working [Music] that’s not right uh the playlist I’m listening to is jazz Essentials on epidemic I didn’t even realize I had a uh [Music] a for that still steeper and make single BL point middle yeah okay let’s [Music] do that no let’s make it smaller rather than bigger that’ll be good we’ll just redo everything here why don’t we take this actually let me look up I think it was vanan that had a thing yeah oh wasn’t quite for this though [Music] okay okay okay think think I understand I do this 45 33 might be to get rid of the this second can just break it by hand Corners there do that and then that and then you get rid of this this still seems to smooth of a slope and that would need to be different h why am I doing wrong here I feel like where did that go um think I missed some messages Al ring is my favorite game of all time it’s so awesome that you’re building based off that when I saw your video I was was like oh that looks like it’s from Ellen ring nice yeah I’m I love I love Elder ring especially the um I mean I’ve always loved Brum sauce um level design I think I genuinely think they’re some of the best if not the best in the game maybe Le all the [Music] why am I doing wrong here I think that shape feels pretty good [Music] I think that’s about as close as we’re going to get on that [Music] scale and then we can smooth it out with the walls somehow oh this going to be tough gives me Church Vibes well it is gothic so proba why a little rounder you think [Music] I feel like that’s pretty close to the well [Music] maybe this should be a little thicker [Music] here that looks weird the walls in here uh yo uh diet that is that right or is it delet welcome to the stream that and then mojing here’s something for you give us smooth quartz walls please please that’s all I ask along with yellow leaves and vertical slabs and uh maybe like some shingle blocks and some like like a dark tan block and uh Delete okay try to remember that viewer build reviews on tips and tricks viewer build reviews on tips and tricks I’m not sure what you’re saying what you’re asking bloodborne comes uh close but something about the open world is a little better to me but as far as style and atmosphere bloodborne wins I have heard that bloodborne is the best Souls from a lot of people Souls light game I would love to play it someday but I don’t have a PlayStation think diagonal one block one block one block part of the arch that’s the end at least one two block Arch right now looks I have no idea what you just said sorus love your send in pics ability check out and then give tips to help Etc I mean we kind of do that already just like in the Discord not really like an official thing but had several people in the past post something in Discord and ask for feedback during the Stream is this close to switching to modded n I’m not really I don’t really have any interest in playing with mods that add blocks because then I can’t play with uh the latest version yeah join the Discord by the way if you haven’t already yeah even just some lighter wall block something like these don’t have the lightness right especially with that shadow really needs to be I mean once we texture it it’ll be good as we’ll just texture di around it but don’t forget to smash that like button guys ring the bell subscribe if you haven’t already have you guys been getting these like Minecraft YouTube is save or Minecraft videos are saving YouTube videos and you’re recommended lately I’ve been getting a ton of them and it’s always funny always a little ironic because I mean not to be mean but always people I mean the videos are always like well under a thousand views maybe it’s just like the uh the algorithm of what I’m watching because I do like to try to find good like smaller channels to watch but uh yeah it’s pretty interesting and they’re always talking about like Minecraft YouTube has changed so much in the past few years and it’s like everything’s the same now which is true I mean kind of not really even that’s not really even true that opinion kind of annoys me a little bit because you got people like Lowes who are doing stuff totally different than everybody else um I feel like almost everybody is like trying new stuff right now but anyways um I don’t know oh yeah they’re always saying stuff like that like Minecraft YouTube every video is the same now every video is over produced which I mean is was a thing for a while I feel like but they failed to realize that now they’re all just making the same videos and they’re they’re just doing the same thing that they’re complaining about funny um could be a prequel wait oh I heard Elder ring is a prequel to All Souls born games each ending leads to the world of a different Souls born game that’s interesting interesting watch your world tour video and became a fan uh hope you’re doing great and keep up the work keep keep up the good work thank you random dude on the internet appreciate it you weather it with the bottom of it be in the arch then you won’t have to deal with trying to use lighter walls true true I mean that’s how it did everything else in this this place basically seen that in the case for Hardcore Minecraft videos but it’s kind of the opposite more like Hardcore Minecraft has changing for the better saying that hardcore is becoming less click bating more experimental cuz that’s kind of the yeah that’s kind of the same same thing they’re saying a little bit uh yeah I’ve seen Flow State [Music] I think lores did a video with them is this here let me show you in case you don’t know what I’m trying to do trying to create this shape in the middle or if it’s the right that’s fine too is that does that work I think it’s close something still feels off about it but I can’t say what because I might get in trouble no don’t know maybe a bit taller I mean it will be it will be taller I just cut out this section so we could just focus on this then we’ll stack it it’ll be a lot taller o liked my tweet oh oh oh okay we got this funny thing in the uh going on the Discord right now there’s been some leaks coming out of the Minecraft movie and for some reason it’s only been literally only been trees like tree props from the movie so I said the only thing I keep posting the uh oh more pointy H I think I see what you mean yeah maybe but uh I said the only thing I’m going to post that leaks from that movie is going to be uh is just going to be trees only leaks I want to post is trees there was one rock did I post it I don’t remember I thought it’d be really funny though the only thing that leaks from this entire movie is trees mess that up there like that maybe that’s not too bad if only we had vertical walls though it’s such a minor thing but the the walls not being perfectly half of that block is bugging me you’ll never notice it though I’m so interested to see what the the costume design where the movie is going to be like do a pattern maybe do the pattern of block and wall all the way up like the last two uh blocks um I’m not exactly sure you mean right he no bucket required I don’t is that blue shirt and jeans okay there I guess I mean like is there going to be any CGI element to it at all like are they going to make them look blocky somehow I don’t know cuz the trees are all blocky whoops [Music] wonder what creepers creeper creepers will look like going be I’m really interested to see what the animals and creatures are going to look [Music] like yeah I don’t know I don’t know Jack cab I mean definitely wouldn’t look good but what I don’t know I don’t know where I was going with that I kind of imagine it’s probably going to be like a um Minecraft story mode situation where it’s just like an alternate just like a I don’t know I don’t even know what you would call it alternate story timeline I don’t know I think it’s probably not going to be Canon to the main real game go to here stack all the way down okay interesting oh but we don’t actually we don’t want to stag it that many times because I think think I want to do that statue thing like right there Jack block Wait I messed it up again there we go maybe not that big maybe 19 go man I can’t talk yander I’ve been uh I’ve been trying to find some other like I mentioned earlier I’ve been trying to find some other YouTubers to watch lately like building YouTubers and I’ve been really struggling to find anything got a couple couple smaller building YouTubers that I like but they don’t upload upload a super at all so I started rewatching the old some of the older building with bebs episodes and man they are super super enjoyable like like 2014 like starting around 2014 the Flow State the Flow State no all right jabab um it’s bad bad it’s a bad channel name but I like wheat I think is he the one that built like that uh crazy like Cliff Island thing recently I think I’ve been watching his his channel heyo bills I do know I do know that name yeah wheat’s cool I am subscribed to pay bills I don’t wait oh I’ve been on the wrong capture this whole time uh I guess I watch his videos I can’t remember and of course the best part is crafting the netherite I don’t really remember much about this guy but I I mean I’ve watched all his videos apparently I guess I like [Music] him there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] um let’s get rid of this tree let’s do it like this [Music] [Music] okay smear this down now okay good good good okay how what is this one two three four wait is that an even number boy that’s annoying okay let’s undo all that yeah uh really like dukon Reds du conia Rising [Music] um series is survival vanilla Minecraft with Conquest texture pack yeah that was a really good series always loved the duon stuff he came back for a little bit didn’t he but I did he did he stop doing YouTube again I think he did that’s a rip indeed all right easy fix and then let’s move this [Music] to there okay wait did I okay good UND did that tree removal all right that’s good that’s good and then then one two three four five six all right see you later Carson thanks for hanging out okay that is pretty sick let’s replace this orange with white so we get the full effect uh this is a mod called Axiom yeah yeah that’s nice boom and then maybe we just for now we’ll just cut this let’s break it up try to mimic the effect a little bit favorite IRL Castle Conway what is Conway my favorite’s the White Castle um that’s a cool castle I don’t know if I have a favorite magic Academy based on something it is based on R luceria from Elden ring White Castle great sliders true I mean not really they’re not really that great but they are sliders that is true uh that’s a cool one too I do really like is it a castle though um is this a castle technically this is really cool cool also this this is a very famous one this one’s really cool I just based off of it you literally ripped off the name true love your build style any tips um forgot goic that’s a monastery really interesting for Gothic lots and lots of arches and Peak throughs other than that I would just study like real Gothic architecture that’s how I came out with a lot of this a lot of this stuff always always have a hard time with like ruined stuff like I think I don’t ever go far enough also kind of thinking like some floating bits kind of also had the idea to have like make it look like there’s like something going on here magical there’s magic a foot I don’t know that’s something is it good I don’t know I think we need more oh true true true iron trap doors like plane uh I did not know that Jonathan good thing I didn’t use that as my answer though because that was that was my first thought know about those arches you should look up Gothic arches then maybe you’ll learn something I’m just Kidd I I don’t I don’t know I’m not loving them either to be honest at least up close I think from a from the distance they definitely look good I think once it’s all textured and stuff it’ll look it’ll look fine I do like those Flo okay those that floating stuff is pretty sick maybe we have like some chunks missing over here what was that oh weird um yeah for now it’s just going to Trail off eventually I think I would love to build another Mountain over here but we got a mountain there to finish first or I mean really even start um so for now it’s just going to Trail off until we figure out exactly what we want to do over there okay that looks decent I mean really we can we can figure it out better in the future I don’t know not love that shape there okay so the idea is to have a big statue here probably like partially in ruin that’s looking pretty sick only thing I’m worried about is the design of how are we going to detail this Tower it’s big round part yeah I would love to see more Leaf colors red leaves orange leaves yellow leaves give me them all imagine there’s just a big this hill is smooth out a little bit big Valley here with a big field in the middle I’ve got like a million screenshots when I was trying to figure out the thumbnail for the last video it’s not a great thumbnail or a great screenshot there it’s better wheat all the way down in the middle gradi gradient grading into cacia saplings into Tall [Music] Grass think it’ll be pretty cool uh now that is is but this is just going to be a mountain this is just I just wanted to get the height figured out cuz I uh wanted to make sure it wasn’t peeking over from this side which is not not even close this is all going to be smoothed out to look like this this type of terrain here eventually I think we need to I think we need to shrink down this cylinder let’s build a couple or let’s do a couple things here uh we can just do this boom so actually undo oops move it down we had a statue in the middle boom boom like that withth I want to have like a platform probably then a statue on top of that we still have a decent amount of room to get around this um but not a ton and that’s pretty small big Target that’s going to be cool on the map I don’t know that’s a circumference of 19 or diameter 19 what is this one over here surely think might would be smaller like there I think that’s the exact same yeah night oh it is smaller yeah it is smaller so I guess that shouldn’t be too difficult to detail then we could even really just copy a lot of these details onto that all to that d new going to talk tonight thanks MOG ignore this part that’ll be it’ll look like this eventually uh right now we’re working on a bridge leading to nothing right now but eventually I would like to do another Mountain there how you doing MOG type of statue would you make uh the person that suggested it what do they say I don’t even remember now um where is it right around here somewhere to make a big Shrine or big statue of the person who founded the school so long ago right okay yeah so it’ll be like the it’ll be something like that like the founder yeah big wizard something along those lines good man late late night grinding same grind our away on some builds man I mean once we detail that it’ll look fine but right now it’s very ugly the this but if we have the orange around the outside here is supposed to Mark the uh railing that’s why I did that we got railing all yeah there yeah that’s plenty of room to walk around wizard dudes smoking a pipe would go crazy that would go crazy it would be very difficult to do though I’m not very good at uh very good at statues these ones here work because they’re a little like I mean they’re small you already have to use your imagination because it’s so small so it’s like yeah it’s a person it’s kind of a person same with this one but these ones I did over here you’re okay but there’s something this one’s not great something off about him can’t quite put my finger on also it’s easier to do it on an angle I found because then you don’t got to do like a nose and mouth this is going to be interesting we’ll figure it out though uh br’s building the Divine Tower of Ted now yeah we thought about it for a second what do I do for the railing over here let’s just copy this well we can’t really but we’ll do this along the edge do I still like that yeah I think so that that we’ll probably have some raised up bits like this probably the cloak that makes it uh or probably the cloak looking a bit like hair that makes it feel off true true I what to do I think that’s how that was didn’t think about that that’s okay thing’s freaking huge be so this is going to take so long long to detail wish you could flip the trapo with no Redstone uh connection without world edit yeah it would be nice this is cool I like this is there a musroom down there [Music] um yeah I would like to see something like the de de the Deb sck in uh in survival but it would be really hard to bounce B I feel like cuz like where do you obviously you can’t have all the functionality of the debug stick in Survival cuz then you just like create water out of thin air so like where do you where would you where where do you stop with that I don’t know your voice crack killing me yeah just like the old days I don’t know why my voice is so messed up tonight uh let’s go like that wrench could work just to rotate blocks yeah yeah I don’t know turn torches off like that one April fools update that’d be cool would be cool to have the ability to have like just like you can with a lit candle just like right click on it to put it out even if they never go out on their own just the ability to put it out that be that’d be neat Neato o o okay I just had an idea how do I do this wait wait wait wait okay I think I need to build up an Elden ring hang on oh but where is this oh I think I know where it is I’m moving up bu ring we got to find something really quick because I got an idea but I can’t exactly picture what it looks like uh if you weather the bottom of the Arches you won’t have to worry about dealing with the limited selection of Lights colored walls yeah yeah we talked about that earlier can you hear the game no you can’t going be very loud for a second so it’s good and I don’t know why my voice is so so screwed up today okay here I’ll show you guys [Music] um they can add po up when you read it earlier ah okay we should also look at that place because of the bridge this this right here what do you call this does anybody know what you call this thing right here oo okay elen ring stream I’ve thought about doing Elder ring streams I had you like my fit it look totally ridiculous Shrine I’m sure there’s more of a actual name for what this is there’s like a name for everything and goic architecture turret maybe got I got so much crap open hang on let me not let me not show my give me a second let’s do this game capture this specific window l oh okay there we go don’t really want to show everything turret let’s see um architecture maybe it could be it goes hard thank you got the double do I see oh equipment the double Gucci Katana dripped out yeah I don’t know what that’s called but that would be cool I also want to oh don’t die that’s fine if I die I want to get down is that where’s that at G looks fire with a castle and everything yeah this game is beautiful uh let’s go here oh wed specifically a shrine but Gothic people like to put statues and recesses all the time yeah look at that we definitely got to add some more buildings to our hard place you can totally see the inspiration though can’t you okay but I want to look at this bridge over here what’s this have I been here wait surely I’ve been here why did I do that okay I guess we’re doing Elder ring stream been here stupid stupid stupid stupid well we’re just on the other side now ever played this game it is very difficult but it’s amazing I love it yeah I think we got pretty I think I mean the bridge definitely fits the vibe that we made oh there’s a thing here oh what the heck how have I never been here if you like um yeah if you like like Skyrim or I’ve heard breath of the wild is a good uh I mean like kind of similar five if feel like that but extremely difficult You’ like this game prefer breath of the wild gameplay wise I’m just kidding okay so if we did like take a screenshot of this screenshot there we go also want to see what this is I know how I’ve never explored this area before we Minecraft let’s play this game maybe I should do some streams of this where’ the music go oops this is a totally new I just made this uh this thing super quick so add this this this this no hang on sorry hang on should be doing this in studio mode but too late now browser there we go that’s that’s it also could add there we go so that’s kind of the vibe I was going for with the original uh giant tree that I made but it works in this game but I don’t think it translates super well to Minecraft because it’s like in Minecraft it’s it’s just going to be too boring because it’s so massive uh but I get some other ideas for how how we could do a giant world tree in the future yeah I think I can bu all that I mean I’m not now but I think um he geted stuff like this is going to be good wish I knew I’m sure I’m sure there’s like a really weird specific name for this thing but I don’t know can I get to there from there no uh oh the that’s a good idea it will let’s let’s try to get it on an angle so it sees the Arches there yeah see if this comes up with anything aside from oh great yeah AI generate images that’s what I want thank you thank you for that very helpful Google okay yeah a turret yeah I guess you’re right minor in art architecture history all right that’s uh I guess that’s enough I guess that’s enough credibility okay cool good to know sweet who are you are you something are you somebody important I don’t think so they the same oh that looks ugly see that balcony there guess I didn’t finish that finding stuff like that this game’s so massive there’s bound to be plenty of unfinished stuff very reminiscent of the niches at Oxford oh that’s not it’s not right okay I have 73 hours on this play through crazy okay back to Minecraft wait did I take screenshots yeah I did where’ did they go though screenshots three statues at can Canberry ah yeah yeah yeah yeah I could totally see that um where oh there there okay wait did I really not take a screenshot of it up close idiot okay oh we can figure it out uh zelden ring basically just hard Skyrim I never played ELD ring but I’ve I’ve played a ton of Skyrim so I was thinking of downloading it kind of um kind of I like it way more than I ever like Skyrim uh it plays plays kind of similarly it’s basically what I wanted from Skyrim I feel like Gothic Pinnacle oh yeah yeah yeah I’ve seen a bunch of these but didn’t know what they were called let’s see if I can replicate this I did get a picture of It from the ground if we go like let’s make a line actually h i wonder um you’re a bed no we’ll just do this b or with lines will this work or will this be too weird do that for now that okay yeah that’s Axiom it’s a mod Minecraft mod something like that maybe this h [Music] you know what let’s let’s go crazy with this let’s grab walls uh fence gate glass two three three two one two one two okay too [Music] [Music] high okay [Music] yeah you’re right this is not wide enough um I might have to add I think that might want enough I’m thinking it would be a 3X3 like we probably don’t have enough room to have like a statue but like that basically that shape but I don’t really like the shape of this so mainly just this [Music] here you’d have to do this statue I think got to get creative with trap doors maybe we’ll [Music] try let’s let me think just for now just to get this shape right grab some red Sandstone stuff just cuz that’s Orange um it’s very weird shape it’s pretty close what is it missing though [Music] I’m not texturing I’m not texturing with orange I’m just getting the [Music] shape I kind of hate when I get like that like white behind something it’s supposed to be like a stink shape think we need slat or walls [Music] here and that’s connecting to this that’ll probably be a better spot anyways for these taller sections if you use the debug stick and use like matica no it won’t work there’s like some certain blocks that it’ll work with like I think right now there’s a bug where Corner stairs will auto place with light MAA but it would have to be like a single one like you can’t update it after you place it because then it’ll just update to what it’s supposed to be every uh every like major game version there seems to be a one of those bugs with light matica where you can do some illegal placements but obviously gets fixed in the next one love this and I think it’s because I’m doing it out of Orange let’s not do it out of Orange I don’t think we’re going to texture it very differently than the rest of the place let’s do that let’s do stone stone brick stone for that man I wish we had like a a stair version of this or stuff like that be nice think you could have build a mountain without Li Attica I could have but I would probably still be working on it I mean I am still working on it and I have like matica [Music] okay love man a set here that’s better that’s better lightness [Music] anyways okay you know what we’re not going to do this here I think we need like some separation right under this maybe not right there maybe here yeah think so let’s copy and paste it a couple times just really get the the feel of it [Music] [Music] [Music] the random missing blocks is so weird considering my inecraft is one of the most the world’s most popular games ever seen by Microsoft like an intern could patch that up in less than a week but no it’s not even about that though it’s just they they’re weird rules for what blocks should and shouldn’t have STS of slabs and whatever is that good [Music] what do you guys think structural integrity well you think it sticks out too far that what you mean oh oh oh for the stairs SL stuff yeah okay yeah no I get it for I get it for some stuff like dirt we don’t really need I would like to have like dirt slabs but I get it but yeah stuff like quartz walls I mean we have tons of quartz blocks but only two of them have stairs of slabs fix the way slabs and stairs interact with the light what do you mean they did didn’t they I remember back in the day everybody would complain about light not passing through like when you would do a wall like this like a window light wouldn’t pass through that but they finally fixed it like probably 113 Red nether brick true through yeah and then there was another big one I realized the other day what was [Music] it funny every time you send a message mug someone in chat hey hey how’s it going [Music] yeah there’s so many I mean of course the diorite granite and a site not having like we have polished oops polished polished Blackstone bricks tough bricks deep slate bricks but not andesite uh Granite diorite and these don’t even have Wall versions the DI Rite granite and aite [Music] yeah I don’t know regular Stone not having a wall yeah yeah that is a bummer like I feel like excluding wood everything that has a stair should also have a wall and the same thing for slabs everything that has a slab should have a wall and a stair like that is really weird that there’s no stone wall I don’t know don’t get [Music] that like I remember 114 was amazing because they added so many like all those missing slabs and stairs we didn’t have for years like we didn’t have diorite slabs and stairs for I don’t know probably like four years maybe five years after they added [Music] diorite but like they added so much stuff but they didn’t go like they didn’t go all the way there’s so much more they could have added still I was so excited when I saw how the archaeology brush originally shaved away layers yeah but they didn’t I mean right off they said like immediately that that wasn’t you weren’t going to be able to keep those those layers I would love to see sand layers but I think I would agree with that uh xfo dude I want sand layers before dirt layer or dirt slabs marble blocks would be nice do we need another white block though I mean how different is marble than like if you’re talking about like white marble which I think is what most people think of when you see marble how different is that really than like diorite or calite like smooth or polished polished diorite or calite I mean that’s that’s pretty close calite deserves andesite Granite diorite treatment I agree they did it with tough so hopefully hopefully that means I mean I’m sure it doesn’t mean but it at least opens the potential for getting stairs and slabs stuff for those that would be so nice for this place um yeah 114 still was one of the best updates for Builders like back in the day they did not they did not really um to builders much at all I think a lot of people probably forget that like for years we would ask like a builders for like a builder update or you know stuff that would just add stairs and slabs and that type of stuff now we get like a million blocks in every update kind of [Music] crazy like how many new cop like just copper alone how many new copper variants did we get in this update one two I mean I guess oh three four I guess if you wanted to count the trap door door which I would five 5 Time 4 so 20 crazy legit no green stair slab in the game yeah they need to watch mojing do need to watch what’s that guy’s name this guy they need to watch this guy’s videos missing colors of Minecraft this guy has a lot of really cool videos highly recom highly recommend it if you uh if you don’t watch him um wait what education Edition is dumb I didn’t see that video it’s funny have to watch that okay feel like they made a prototype they got okay and immediately implemented without remembering to do the walls SL stair etc for what calite wasn’t when they first added it wasn’t it something else besides calite like in the snapshots there was something different about geod I don’t remember what it was though oh wait what is a geog generator okay that’s what it was it was they used to generate with tough instead of smooth Basalt which this is another weird one Bas salt why do we have three variants that are nearly identical like I guess this one’s a little different but like it’s such a weird set of blocks and then they’re nearly identical to deep slay guess they’re more blue but that’s another weird set of blocks can you show what features your world gen data pack has uh not really no uh it has has a bunch of on the curis forge page or modin page there’s a bunch of andan it shows in this the gallery a lot of the features I’m with having csite slabs stairs because the bright white building block is covered by Quartz that’s that’s fair I guess but it’s still not really I mean it’s not the same brightness or even the same Hue is there some like the pinkish orangish tints in here a little bit [Music] okay like a gray scale BLS I mean there’s no easy way to really do that but yeah there are a lot there are a lot something I realized you day you guys remember this was a long time ago so I don’t know how many people were even paying attention to Minecraft back then but the uh 113 Minecon uh ocean update reveal there were slabs for Coral blocks you imagine having those now be incredible it was when they didn’t have uh they didn’t have unique textures for the dead coral yet but still what was that update called update aquatic um where did I see it look I just theal uh here it is yeah slabs that’s dead coral even the live Coral had slabs this looks so bad I’m glad they changed the textures this yikes look straight out of like a 2011 Coral mod yeah man that would have been incredible but it would have been another thing to complain about because I’m sure it wouldn’t have had stairs yeah it’s like old Netherrack yeah it kind of does I can see that I don’t think they were ever in a snapshot or like bck beta we’re the dead versions dead cor wait this a texture oh they were not where does this come from it’s just a recreation yeah would have been nice was that a texture we used for something else that looks familiar corl is ALS also a living creature are they plants I’m not sure yeah I’m not sure exactly what Coral is um corals is something like a fungus ah okay interesting like could really improve by this s creators like them I think they are getting I think that Mojang is getting better at listening to the community and I mean stuff like that at the end of the day it is a pretty minor thing but still would be nice to have that stuff for okay um to it is a minor thing but it’s a minor thing for so many things I’m just saying if Mo approaches you and ask for a black idea I think the benefits would be crazy from that yeah yeah I don’t know I mean that’d be cool but [Music] [Music] [Music] the germy block yeah it’s just a block with my face on it that’d be sick this makes reminds me of like a uh like a parachute landing spot moing Cycles to a ton of different ideas and prototypes until they land on when they like don’t understand how though yeah I uh where was it if you guys don’t listen to the spawn chunks podcast you really should um they just had it’s pixel and Joel Dugen that host it they just had ol on last week or the week before maybe and he talked about a little bit about prototyping uh and they do these things called prototype Fridays apparently where the the Mojang does basically have just like all Friday or I guess some Friday some of the day Friday I don’t know exactly uh but but where they have the ability to just like prototype whatever whatever idea they have in their mind um apparently that’s how the mace came to be which is pretty cool yeah who knows who knows what what they uh what the working on little don’t love that shape it’d be so interesting to see all the uh I mean this would never ever happen I’m sure but the ability to see like all the stuff that’s been prototyped over the years be really cool to see but you know it would make so many people mad because they would see stuff that they want I mean just look at how mad people got about the April fools update but it would be really cool to see confident that we’ll see all colors of wood get filled in and hopefully while doing so they cover some new Leaf colors yeah I think so too I think that’s the direction they’ve been moving for a while CU we got I mean all the new wood types we’ve gotten since I mean since they added new wood types again the nether Woods covered magenta cyan we got yellow kind of kind of counts I think it does some people say it doesn’t but I do pink red we need a green we need like a like a like a true blue light blue would be cool a light gray would be really cool and like a actual white yeah I think it does every time I say that though in stream for some reason people argue that it’s not yeah I wish I wish so bad they would have just added like a do like an all-sided version of the green I mean just basically like this is and then give us slabs and stairs for all that we were so close we could have we could have had it all no but we could have had would have been so easy give us green come on they should just add those uh potato those potato planks Moss is green are there planks of moss so this news to me uh okay up two of these two chain boom boom no one CLE what did I use up there like gr okay um we’re missing blue light blue purple green green lime and gray skill ones yeah and a black a black plank would be sick I don’t know what I would use it for oh I I do know what I’d use it for actually burnt like burnt wood black and dark gray that’d be so sick I really hope the next update is an end update only only for the reason that we would get some new we’ probably get some new like foliage like we do just like we did with the nether update get some new like foliage type stuff that could potentially add planks this kind of works it’s a little feels a little lazy though oops h how can we improve this um dark oak and Birch might count for white and black like they’re not going to add terra cotta to the game that’s the actual color sure but the difference with terra cotta is that it’s supposed to look like a stained version of the regular terra cotta like they didn’t add they didn’t really add these to fill the colors of like I mean they had wool at the time for the actual colors um I don’t know I don’t think I don’t think adding black or white planks is totally off the table black Logs with green planks be interesting whoa that’s kind of trippy I would love red Lees I feel like that shape that was along the bottom of that roof very similar to this I want to use I’ve been trying to use these for a while because these give like a really good Arch look to them [Music] wish I didn’t exit out of that or I would would have taken a screenshot of that thing okay here we go here’s a picture tree with colors like the wood from Minecraft dungeon swagy soggy swamp would be great I don’t remember how those looked we do something like maybe even oops let’s just use that maybe even like full blocks for this to give the more rounded feel we did like I don’t think this is going to work yeah not that that is tough walls don’t connect to these right sure they don’t no that’s a shame uh I just be mosio blinks yeah I’m not sure would you ever do a series with the conquest reforge mod um let me show you something 7 years ago that is crazy I was one of the first people to make videos on Conquest reforge I was on the very first like server for Conquest reforged what is that skin Pride hey there’s duon talk about him earlier and sausage uh oh God sausage used to beat even more even crazier than he is now is that R Baston no there’s way before he even R Bast him Minecraft is that even oh yeah they do St page here I guess I was a few months behind September 8th was made March 22nd but this was one of the first servers I remember that but that being said no I uh I’m not I don’t I know I have a hard time getting into Conquest just because it’s like so overwhelming just too many options for me like You’ think as a builder that’d be great like what was that what did that say 20 or 18,000 blocks um there is such a thing is too much too many options for me [Music] anyways you know this is almost something I feel like ruined it I think the premise of the hammer is basically Conquest with historically inspired building style shaders uh yeah I love that series I wish he’d do it do it more but yeah Conquest used to be my favorite mod but yeah the options became a little over overwhelming but still one of the best Billy mods in my opinion I mean yeah I would say it is one of the best billing mods for sure but it’s just not my cup of [Music] tea anvils Maybe I don’t think this idea work no that’s actually hey get this out of here it’s throw me off is this something [Music] it feels expensive you know what it actually is for me I am literally completely out of iron in my world I just spent a bunch of iron on uh well anvils because I installed that Shuler box um tool tip mod or Sher Shuler plus that’s what it is where you can take Sher put in an item it doesn’t work on the server but it uh it’ll show that item on the top of the sherp oh man but it you have to do it in an anvil so it takes a lot lot of anvils especially when you have like over a 100 Sher boxes in one area which is what this screenshot is from it’s [Music] funny um when are you going to be doing a new world download I’m not sure maybe next episode it is episode 25 no iron farm I do have an iron farm it just doesn’t work anymore for some reason so I think I’m going to make a new one in the dungeon down there I’ve got an interesting idea for [Music] that we’ll see if I can pull off yeah basically no iron fire [Music] [Music] is this I don’t think this is good I feel like it’s almost it’s almost something but I can’t get it can’t get it quite there for some reason quite to where it needs to be uh thanks Fri appreciate it I mean this just looks like nonsense I feel like you know what better option than anvils would probably be is this because you don’t have gaps in the back yeah I was trying to like mic some sort of support there but I don’t know doesn’t fit the theme because of the colors how can I force that oh good good yeah yeah yeah good idea oh but then it dang it do that this is the aesthetic yeah okay gotcha if we can make all this if we had copper wait I okay I got another thing we need from one of the old APR fools updates Coober what you called cauldrons we had cober cauldrons perfect I do wonder how would it look dup copper um wall we have copper walls ping get on it well H indeed um candle you know I’m not hating this now I’m not hating this place that with like deep slit yeah yeah trapdoor C trap door on The Cauldron could try it but I don’t know I think that’s going to start removing the effect I don’t hate the texture so much I don’t think it really adds anything though think it only removes I mean I want that shape there try and put candles on the stone brick wall too yeah maybe 123 the germy update that’s what this game needs at the germy block copper cauldrons copper walls pepper candles o copper chains ooh all right see you later Sebastian thanks for stopping by dang we’ve been three hours already I’m feeling it a little bit I is it 230 okay I think what do you guys think of the shape if you had if you don’t know if you weren’t here earlier trying to replicate this shape here these like um crap what did M call them [Music] uh turret turret that’s what it was niched turrets that’s right I think we did pretty good here I don’t think that’s too bad at all the bottom section could maybe use some more work I think it’s very similar to this what you built okay cool and does it look good that’s the main question does it actually look good be honest I don’t think it looks bad necessarily but does it look good that is that is the key question think the glass messes with it a bit well then it really messes up the shape wait why did that oh I guess that wouldn’t update yeah N I got to have the glass there feels a lot bigger than the body that is true um this way yeah that is true you right go up let’s go up two then we can lower it back down if we need to that’s way too tall why not columns come up from the railing that have a roof on that not sure what you mean I don’t think clear clear glass would work as well now that looks weird maybe we add these blocks back I really wish we could just pull out that section without having used to pains maybe I bars actually glass you know what regular glass might work in this case no iron bars though that’s it right I think that’s it yeah I think that’s it even put that in there nice we did it ladies and gentlemen we got him um Let’s do let’s do uh I think I want to make this a different texture nope don’t want to do that no I don’t because this all needs to be recreated in survival and we can’t do that stuff in survival so even if we gave ourselves like access to the debug stick at survival can actually use it in survival like if we had a recipe or something I want to see if there’s anything better I do think I like that more you know something I would like to see from Axiom is Conquest reforged has this you can press a button I don’t remember what button it is but you can press a button and it opens up this window see I I pull it up yeah here it opens up this and you can select all the different versions whoa okay this is not what I was talking about actually or maybe it is this feels like it’s a fork of that feature but this is basically what it is maybe I should suggest that was a vgo man how long ago was this 2019 wow something like that for axtion would be really cool uh all right see you later uh lie have a good one have a good night I don’t get how easy place works or fast place because it works when I don’t want it to and doesn’t when I want it to I mean it you just got to toggle it okay once we texture this this will look even better like the base texture it with uh andesite and sandstone let’s copy and paste this a bunch uh yes that’s good man very happy with this still got a ton of work to do here but whoops that but this is a really good first step uh what are control keybinds I don’t know what you mean uh you know like what the Hermits did do you also play Mony key binds um the only thing that I’ve changed I think I Chang Sprint to a button on my mouse like right I have two extra buttons on my mouse uh to go like it’s like page back and forth and uh like it’s meant for like a browser but I use one of them for sprinting other than that though I don’t really have any weird key bindes I don’t think I could think of oh no I used to I used to have Shi like a long long time ago I used to have shift as X cuz uh I broke my pinky as a child and my pinky was very weak for a long time but uh I know I just use shift now at the edge you can make them look like they’re falling apart like the bridge yeah we’ll we’ll vary them up so some of them will probably be broken some of them might even be completely missing I’m going to be honest I think this version needs to be wider now going to be honest if shift on Sprint and control on Crouch interesting move the oh we’re going to have to reshape the circle though okay we’ll do this separately grab there think maybe even [Music] two maybe not I mean I don’t know if I add two to this that’s going to make it five nine wide the walkway nine wide guess we could always undo it let’s try it s always reminds me of fix six is old vast and streams back in the day [Music] this [Music] H this feels good from here what about from the ground o we made a mess I’m going to have to get rid of this tree aren’t I I think either way I should get rid of this tree got a weather mod installed no what you use wait what mod on options for more lightning in the game I don’t use any mod for more lightning let’s you mean lighting I don’t know um but even lighting I I don’t really know what you mean only mod that I have that’s kind of related to lighting is gamma gamma utils but I mean really it’s not even better options in the game I mean I got sodium installed that adds that I have mod menu for this uh and also cloth where is it because it doesn’t show up here cloth config so you can actually edit stuff in here if you’re talking about this this is Essentials other than that I’m not sure what you could be meaning I have made a mess [Music] [Music] God I’ve really made a mess uh okay okay you know what let’s go all the way down here and all the way down here all that at once then bring this out this out okay same thing over here and then from here all the way down to there okay good [Music] uh going to extend it to the other side as well like that way you mean Oh you mean this yeah yeah I will uh I mainly just started with this because I wanted to see how it looked and then I just kept going um we’re definitely going have to change this we’re probably going to have to change this side anyways because I need to change the circle now well I guess not necessarily I could just move the circle and then move all all this along with it okay [Music] and let’s go ahead and do this really quick too GNA have to redo that the detailing but that’s okay [Music] okay okay the same on both sides yeah it [Music] is all right and then oops extend this out no no no we don’t want to do that yet we got to move all of this okay uh yo uh nfler the great welcome to the Stream and select everything operations trigger updates trigger updates trigger updates trigger updates trigger updates you see I’m looking right here see how many blocks are updated got to do it until it says zero why is it still saying nine every time what is happening okay if it does it two more times then I’m done okay don’t know what it’s updating but that works all right yeah I’m I think I’m digging that this cylinder I’m still not sold on entirely but we can work on it that AR shape I think is pretty good those Towers I like um we don’t re I don’t know how we’re going to fit some sort of statue in there what could we do here I mean we go like super super simple on the circle we’re going to have a big statue on the like right there you go just like that that’ll probably be good enough but is there any way we can make it better armor stand I kind of hate armor stands if that’s all we can do I might but I don’t know the armor stand and the Banners are the two things in the game that I feel do not fit the art style at all and I’m not a fan of two grindstones with player head I thought about that but I I don’t think so this Anvil inste of deep SL like that or like that I mean from that angle it kind of works yeah h no not that if that just like continue down in this shape [Music] hopp uh I don’t know [Music] his ears broke it’s weird I don’t know I think we’ll leave it like that for now now let’s do this boom boom I’ll uh I’ll play around with that more later on okay cool um do I want to copy that to here I guess not yet I’m going to be terraforming all this out and I might I might uh I might not do that same thing right here we’ll see it’s going to view from like over here don’t see it yet here wow you don’t see it until like here it’s pretty crazy dragon egg I see no problems with using them as bilon blocks in the survival world yeah oh I need to update the sign I put this sign here before we even started this place Ka kaad that’s our Japanese Kingdom way up here that’s kind of funny cuz it also doesn’t seem like like that long ago yeah you start to see it there that’s cool and you’ll see the statue once we have that built uh see you later nler how you get that big arrow on the sign do it not just oh how did I do that it’s like Windows period yeah if you do on your keyboard hold W the Windows key and press period it’ll pop up with a uh like an emoji window and the arrow I believe is one of them go down arrow that’s not right a different era H I don’t know how I did that era can find somewhere online that I’ll tell you oo that is going to be cool though that’s going to be pretty sick that we needed that we definitely needed that yeah that’s sick now imagine massive Mountain over here that that’s leading into you know I may even keep that broken whenever we build whatever over here and just have like like the Elden ring bridge that we were looking at have like chunks of it falling completely broken down rather than just like repairing that and continuing it over I think that would look a lot cooler having some of it broken down there you go nice does that show up no it doesn’t S H why did you search to find that weird oh they even got whoa I didn’t know they had support for these emojis in the game that’s kind of crazy what are some weird ones we can do a woman man those are funny old man oh king queen oh that’s Cen cop oh that’s a funny symbol for a cop on the sign that’s funny I didn’t search I just scroll through the symbols ah okay Arrow tab within the symbols tab oh okay I see oh wow they even have like these like happy pasta ones that’s interesting huh yo oo how’s it going yo dvdm uh is there something on this new Mountain that you built uh what are you asking this is a new Mountain that’s what you’re asking very work in progress though this will not look anything like this once it’s done this is I just did this so I can get the tallest point and we’re going to smooth it all from there yo Jake Taylor wow everybody coming in now unfortunately I think I’m going to end it there cuz we’ve been going for for almost 4 hours crazy um so yeah man my voice is jacked up tonight but we might um might use it for building AUM ax i m axum yeah yeah sorry sorry about that but I got to sleep but at least you got three and a half hours of odd to watch now where am I from United States we did some really cool stuff today we even played Elden ring for a little bit I’m very happy with this though I’m very happy with this we definitely need to make the end look a little more broken up though like bigger chunks but okay yeah that’s going to do it thank you guys for watching hopefully you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one hopefully pretty soon byebye my dogs understand what I’m saying at the end of the stream now they know to jump up as soon as I say like whatever it was I just said so funny all right see you guys

This video, titled ‘Creative Academy Planning | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE !join’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-04-13 08:16:34. It has garnered 2844 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:43 or 13123 seconds.

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Resource Pack Downloads: ————————————————————————– Jermsy’s Vanilla Edits (8-6-21): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… ————————————————————————–

Music: ————————————————————————– All music is from Epidemic Sounds ————————————————————————–

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    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : https://discord.gg/Bb5dQ3C8qm ►Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Gaming4LiFeUtube ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiro_gaming/ ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgH8Mrs52LJG0CfYtQ5mJ2g/join »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop :https://amzn.to/3z36RQE »»Keyboard :https://amzn.to/3giCHCj »»Mouse https://amzn.to/3EYhjwC »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 https://streamlabs.com/yuqwilson #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) moonbat.ddns.net Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More