Video Information

There we are it is now pretending that we are live here we go let’s see if it’s actually saying that we’re live on YouTube because that’s an important part of this oh not that okay does not say that I am live on my YouTube channel but it says I am live in

The studio this is weird you have a delay on uh do I have a delay on be a hell of a delay I mean you used to stream with like a three minute delay I did but it wasn’t never it was never that bad surely not right it says I have a

Concurrent viewer oh now that went away no it says normal latency stream latency normal latency I think I don’t think that’s a YouTube thing I think you can only set your latency in like twitch I it’s a twitch thing well this will be interesting regardless then are streaming on

Discord what you mean streaming on Discord just joone to a random server and start streaming yeah that would go well um too bad you can’t go to the Amal unrestricted section yeah that’s what I need to do just go be on ilal you said you said you stream there

Before when did I say that there’s hell lot I don’t think I’ve ever streamed I don’t think I don’t I doubt I’ve ever streamed on omigle if I have I don’t know why I would do that [ __ ] career suicide stream on Omegle no see okay look it says it says

That I was live for three minutes four minutes ago what does that button say YouTube visibility unlisted unlisted oh what the butt why would it wait captions title recording date uh wait what playlist noes pay promotion no pay promotion tags language recording where’s the thumbnail gaming visibility public did that fix

It are we good are we live does it say I’m live you are oh boys finally okay there was a little bit of a hiccup you probably can go back and actually see that now but uh yeah I had the visibility set to unlisted instead of

Public and yeah that would do it that would make it so you uh cannot see the Stream So Welcome to our annual um allnighter Minecraft stream we started a little bit later than we normally start because um I I’ll say lack of communication um nah that was all you

Yeah it was all me says the one who has taking family photos at midnight and then also showering also at midnight I got that hispan blood got that What Hispanic blood that is crazy you are the whitest person I know I said that live on stream

Too crazy you’re get you’re going to get demonetized now I am going to get demonetized now so um if you guys have been keeping up with the channel in the last few Minecraft lives we have been um working on the Nether um you know blowing it to

Hell in back and uh looks pretty good right now looks okay we still have a lot of work to do and I intend to do it um and you might be wondering why I’m playing on a private world that’s because my Realms subscription recently expired and I don’t want to pay for it

Again so I’m just going to use it as a regular world right now um and even though I have this little Crown here you can see if I open chat um I do not have uh commands and it says that cheats are not enabled in this world if I try

To type something and I will be streaming this whole time so you guys know the Integrity of this world is still just that there are no cheats um my gosh say that is I have three hearts it’s so laggy it’s laggy yeah yeah where everywhere like where are

You I mean I’m at the Snowman that we made last year I would bet that place would be laggy like just spawn more like around like our house and stuff yeah it’s probably cuz it’s not a realm anymore it’s probably because it’s running on my computer it was like even it was laggy

On the realm too so oh okay well then stop crying stop crying and run over here run over here to the nether so we can help so today guys our goal is going to be I think I think we should work on the nether I think maybe we should do a

Christmas themed uh build or something like that maybe we should maybe we could take a break and play some mini games sometime soon uh we’ll see we’ll see we got a lot to do all I know is nether the main spawn h no don’t break that oh you son of a

[ __ ] ow ow ow just know this place is actually hell like it sucks here okay cool oh I missed one why the hell is my YouTube like so much cooler mytop cooler yeah why are there so many cool videos what is the definition of cooler just videos like I want to

Watch why are you focusing on that we’re in the middle of a live stream I was getting you another view so you can Oh thanks thank you bud and for all you very active viewers out there I do have chat open so if you want to leave a little message I can see

Them I have had people in the P did you just leave a heart can you see all that yeah how many I don’t know they all just kind of like flash by like an emoji looked like 30 or something you just hear you just clicking yeah here they

Come yeah yeah I can see them yi yi so anyway yeah I’ve I’ve had complaints before about people being like like people would type in chat and they’d be like I wouldn’t respond and because I I’m not used to people talking in the chat um now look at that a little carrot

Guy holding guy holding a carrot instant oh my God I know I’m on top of it tonight baby this is called low latency my pickax needs to be freshened up this place is chaos oh than SpongeBob than than than than than so I’m basically going to pop a to

Okay yeah I’m about to die live on stream baby half a heart that’ be hilarious that was really stressful I hope no one was watching that I wasn’t my Rockets got switched for some [ __ ] pork chop in my inventory and it almost killed me whoa this is a fa Channel no it is

Not read the description of this channel I said that I stay familyfriendly in videos but quote make no promises during live streams I I I put that in the description of this channel so go ahead say something silly damn man’s got like PR train or some [ __ ] drop a tactical balls or

Something I don’t know I shouldn’t use my rocket good job Ash I was like Xbox trying to use it where are you in water that’s like really loud for some reason come to the nether this is not you don’t need to be in the water I’m run to fit my pickaxe

So such a up yeah I’m sucking it up you better not broken this since when I fixed it well the guardian Farm yeah the collection system still doesn’t work this it looks a little funky I probably had to fix it because you probably didn’t fix it right I’ve always fixed it right I

Always fixed it right says the person who’s broken it like four times by throwing the Trident back wrong I always pick up enough have you opened it since like the last time I just you’re on so it won’t matter in theory yeah don’t you dare [ __ ] shoot

One dude okay the most annoying thing out here is the Ghasts because they will shoot at me when I’m working on the wall and it will break holes in the wall that I have that separates the lava from the rest of this like from flooding the middle of it so I really need

To I guess just not work where the gas are just focus over here instead because there’s a lot that needs to go over here too so my motto so far has just been Place TNT everywhere and see what happens um and it’s it’s been working pretty well I would say ow oh [Laughter]

Oh go look go look at this stream and Rewind like 10 seconds hasn’t caught up Yet you oh I saw that oh oh oh oh you almost died I did did you catch the part where I said it’s working pretty well and then instantly blew up an entire wall of lava behind me and myself yeah that’s that’s the thing I

Just saw I just I don’t have all good good comedic timing there good Lord I didn’t think it would travel that far Jesus that was scary so I know we’re mining all this out but as far as a plan goes for what it’s going to look like I didn’t really

H I didn’t really have one definitive one so what I was thinking was maybe we do like a space thing a space yeah we like we do the walls and outside in Black concrete and then we do uh the inside is like a void and then like space like we do like

Planets and stuff I see do you have any better ideas I mean this a big a your mom whoa all right buddy listen I mean it’s a big it’s a huge project so we should probably think about it at least a little bit but yeah I mean I like that idea would be

Cool have some Stars yeah we could do like a some planets like a little Saturn Little Star little solar system that’d be fun to fly around in and then oh we could put the portals in the planets that’s true fancy getting Fancy schmancy with it put

The sun in the middle you know what I’m talking about but for now I just have to kill piglins wooo where having a good time though we’re having a good time so current time uh 12:32 um my parents have decided that presentence will commence at uh 8:00 tomorrow

Morning so I would say yeah that uh if we make it till maybe like what like 7 yeah I mean I don’t know how much time I’ll need between presents and you know cuz I was also supposed to to make breakfast so I would say that if we make

It till 6:00 a.m. or 6 6:30 to 7: anywhere in there I would consider tonight a success because obviously if we make it that far I’m not going back to sleep and you know yeah so uh do you so what you guys didn’t know is um it wasn’t yesterday but was it

Yesterday or the day before yesterday the day before yesterday oh yeah I guess technically cuz it’s midnight but uh we we’ll we’ll just say yesterday for the sake of less confusing yesterday um we went to Quick Trip and uh my my little pal here has uh

Never had a fullsize energy drink and I and I have bought bought him two well I mean you paid for it I have bought shown you the way of two of what I what I would consider some of my favorites um and what you think sounded

Good so we’re going to see how that goes for you tonight that’s 400 Mig that’s the uh Max in a day FDA recommended Mount so I would say we’re going to be swimming now I got pumpkin seeds you have pumpkin seeds yeah noted you’re yummy you’re

Yummy Mak me feel like a little like [ __ ] or something coatu m nice I have been trying to collect quartz while I’m doing this mining cuz I don’t know what we’ll need it for but I do know that it is mildly annoying to get Quartz and mass so I

Like to get it and just you know just get it now yeah I will say though now that the lava is drained it’s actually not as like much of an annoying task as I figured it would be I’m just going to drain it back a little further so this

Way don’t run into any huge problems here Ow like me directly falling into lava amazing dang I forgot about this fancy house over here I forgot about this fancy whose fancy house Richardson what Richardson Richardson yeah the spruce one yeah oh okay using Code words are we not

Really I can get some pumpkin seas in Minecraft as opposed to in real life IRL yeah so one of my main things is I don’t know how we’re going to get mobs to to stop spawning I’m going to do the floor with a glass void trick that I

Know where I just do concrete underneath it and then do glass like a layer of glass just to stop the oh hey look I saw your Gamertag there welcome to Hill that’s a ton of ancient debris oh my god oh yeah I decided to leave all the ancient debris

Floating so that we could see where like like the dispersity there’s a lot too bad it’s useless now yeah kind of true but we stocked up on netherite Armor beforehand so we’re good we we we prepared I stocked up on nether armor before true thank you very

Much um okaying living it down and an AR State listen I also did all of this work too so don’t want to hear it d sh anyway um so yeah two main goals uh one don’t let the gas blow up everything and two clear out all of the blocks in

The perimeter so if you want to just start flying around and picking up the ancient debris that’s fine if you want to actually if you want me to give you some TNT and you want to work on the thing or mining it or whatever then go

Right ahead just pick a task and let’s get to it we can do quite a lot me some should give me some TNT okay there you go just use it use it wisely because I it t takes forever to get more and that’s like all I have that’s like the last of

It I mean I have some for me but that’s like after that I don’t have any more build a tower do not build a tower where’s the perimeter at it’s uh it’s like it’s a hexagon you you you can tell if you get to like the regular y level you can tell

By the very clear-cut border with the lava you can see the the the hexagon path it’s pretty obvious oh my God I thought I landed like an hour ago oh what a shot I hate the sound of nail clippers you hate the sound of nail clippers yeah are you currently using nail

Clippers no my dad is though you can hear nail clippers yeah yeah in the bathroom is your dad in your room you can hear dud you have Su Sonic hearing what do you mean how can you hear that from that far away just not that far away okay buddy we get it you’re

Special anyway I got to figure out where this wall was supposed to be I think it’s supposed to be like all the way like not even that far back yeah I don’t think it’s supposed to be that far crazy far back yeah I think I went a

Little bit overboard on this wall I’m not going to lie I think I blew a little bit if iuck can pass where I was supposed to be yeah damn kind of overblue this a little bit I’m not going to lie that’s okay though I know everyone hates gasss but like I hate them

More just like make friends with them you know they don’t want to be friends they know no love you don’t understand oh I bet they know love slip him a $20 bill slip him a $20 bill just cuz it works at the curb side of Quick Trip doesn’t mean it works in Minecraft

Bud sure Minecraft is supposed to be a realistic game right then that’s why we can’t have fireflies cuz cause because they’re unrealistic they’re poisonous to frogs or whatever the [ __ ] excuse they gave I think they would just I think they just knew it would be laggy and they didn’t want to deal with

It that’s my where is this Hon brother look with your eyes now I’m on fire my nose that’s not a very effective means of spectacle in something in it mate you’re literally standing on the hexagon you’re on the perimeter of it right now the sand then what happens over here it goes

In a straight line over there you see how it follows the Netherrack it’s not not dug down on the perimeters it’s only dug down in the center cuz every time I try to go around the perimeter I see gas and then they shoot fireballs and then they break the

Netherrack wall that touches the lava and then the lava flows into the middle and then it’s annoying and then I want to cry you even saw what happened what I don’t think you even noticed what happened what happened I’m just trying to fortify this wall a little bit so that they stop

Breaking through it instantly I don’t I hear a gas but I don’t see it it’s scaring me me while under people’s beds what don’t worry I got it for you we’re going to ignore the fact that you said me while under people’s beds God [ __ ] damn it you [ __ ]

Stupid ass [ __ ] God damn it gast this is the [ __ ] I’m talking about somebody needs a [ __ ] bow your Trident not don’t carry it in my [ __ ] inventory well I feel like well I do I don’t carry the one I it’s I don’t carry the one that

Flies I I love hearing you like complain about something and just being able to look over and like watch it after like 10 seconds yeah you have a permanent instant replay on I do there we go okay adding these extra layers should give us a little bit more

Leeway with how fast the gas can just punch through this wall if I built it with something other than Netherrack that might also help but you know bro is battling up some Skelly bones down there I can hear him no there there you are you son of a

[ __ ] God damn it God damn it do you have a bow don’t worry yeah just pits up one fromon I I hear him like circling like creeping stalking making sure they’re going to haunt my dreams I mean to be fair the Netherrack wall I’m building

Right now seems to give me a little bit of time before they huff and puff and bl this dude oh did it go I saw it oh it’s down over to my left the bow oh no the gas oh someone dude drops I an enchant a bow holy [ __ ] what was that noise

Why are the gas sounds so [ __ ] aggressive I’m not even fighting them are there’s so many that’s what I’m say why do you think I hate it here they aren’t being very slay are they literally are not right now I just killed three in one little driveby I mean one little Drive

Through turn around yep there’s another one it literally I hit it back and it this is kind of funny no watch get him H him them John okay well you’ve left me with no other choice Mr I’m Mr Rage I’m Mr Rage I’m Mr Rage I’m sure you said Mis I did

Okay all right ready for the NFL games tomorrow they do football on Christmas yeah I didn’t know that and Thanksgiving I knew Thanksgiving I didn’t know Christmas oh my God someone finally Pi up the which I haven’t used in like 14 years so I’m ass my popcorn’s ready holy [ __ ] like the

Sweet that was a Sweet Sound of scary right there bud hear my dog feeling what if I just turn my render distance all the way down would that make them spawn in less occasionally I feel like that would help there we go I seem to be hearing

Them less now at least that’s good they get out of my [ __ ] head get out of my head spawn in and then despawn exactly baby advantage of a short render distance mine I think you can go up to like eight like chunks yeah it’s a little

Depressing I know the new one though at the new spots I can go like all the way up my computer can go to 76 or no not 76 that’s like the middle 76 is the middle I think it’s like pretty it’s like pretty close to the top cuz they hate themselves and their

Computers I guess I don’t know not a real reason to what the I’m running out of food I’m running out of the will live we are not the same me like thison Cracker will what yep you say yep like I heard what you said I said me when they discontinu cracker

Jabs all I heard was blam blam blam I’m a cracker that might be a little the ruged for towards me myself and I it’s still racist towards me no colonizer that was the dumbest thing what colonization a little bit that but like people calling other people

Calling the last time I took over a foreign territory was in fortnite did you download fortnite no why not because I don’t have it downloaded you can play Lego fortnite party hard hard you laugh was actually pretty good I don’t that full like regular fortnite it’s literally like completely different than regular

Fortnite fortnite battle pass I just [ __ ] out my ass booted on my PC like a survival game to get that fornite battle pass whatever you say buddy it’s like me c well that actually was a pretty good explosion I’m not going to lie don’t you would say that about

Me okay buddy you are disqualified from this familyfriendly channel it doesn’t matter on streams that’s true should I name drop who you’re talking about right now you don’t know who I am starts with a t or an L T who’ be L what do you mean low rider low rider yeah

Yeah was like close yeah yeah I wish once upon a star Once Upon a Time who knows what did you say who knows who knows you know I I’m I’m in pretty much in that friend group I hate with all of them all right Bud Cooks him some [ __ ] buttered

Popcorn he thinks he’s in the clan actually it was what py piped a peka whoo chili chili popcorn see I haven’t even made it that far in the game I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about quitter I’m a what quitter yep quitters don’t get the ladies guys take

Notes they get the what what did you think I said instead of quitter I don’t know what you said because I was I couldn’t hear racist just casually says racist oh I killed a child it’s okay I did that yesterday in Minecraft kind of easy to do

I mean what are they going to do like run away shorts I found pork chops I found pork chops wow good job I threw pork traps out of my inventory like 47 seconds ago I just killed for him so told you I needed food blood in the water you did

Not tell me you needed food yes s dude I don’t know what happened to our villagers but I went back and checked and they’re like all dead actually they’re just gone most of them are gone did you move them to some no no I didn’t I walked down there and I was

Like ready to get some more [ __ ] food and then like they’re just all just gone I’m like what the [ __ ] happened to the food villagers like they’re all gone and like half of the choreographers are gone some of them like some of the food villagers are standing in the same

Stalls with ones with the other ones that are in like the other room you know what I’m saying it makes no sense sense probably stuff yeah it must have I don’t yeah I cuz I I don’t know some this is some weird [ __ ] me when I come at the end of that

Sentence I was trying to finish my joke bro it just didn’t work out you said me when I referring to God knows what I was G to make a joke about like when I see like presents oh that’s what the joke was going to

Be like when I come out from my room and see prison person Ah that’s what he was going to say it was wholesome the whole time guys don’t worry is there a Bastion or some [ __ ] around there is an unnecessary amount no that’s just normal normal spawn

Rates can you imagine putting up with this [ __ ] the whole time you’re trying to drain out an entire Lava Lake that’s what I had to do the whole time you’re wondering why this project went so slow it’s cuz I’m CU a constant uphill battle sounds like you need to DR Boss it a

Little more sounds like you need to get some [ __ ] that’s all I’m saying are you being a Bo you know what maybe about being xenop I don’t even know what that one means you sure yeah I don’t know what that means what means like not liking people from other trans reason

Oh well I barely like people from the country that I’m from so that’s just called being a Democrat or more like a Democrat am sips on kids tears oh my gosh why are there so many of these people or there’s another big boy oh there’s like four of them uh oh a big

Boy me when I do something that jiny calls falling out I full on hit you and it didn’t even register it didn’t ow you can check this stream I was just dancing in front of you and you tried to hit me it didn’t work did you hear that

Noise yeah I thought I broke a piece of your armor or something that happen every time I hit you did you hear that happens every time I hit you oh AR breaking something H that one probably Hur a bit my bad cuz you wear a raw diamond helmet you’re raw dogging out

Here whoa buddy hold on cernus what the [ __ ] hey don’t touch my me uhoh an adversary oh never mind whoa that’s crazy what for free for free [ __ ] almost just died again I play this [ __ ] way too risky I’m going to be honest I’m r two hearts I like playing with the big

Doggies that’s why you always carry totems in your hand when you do this kind of [ __ ] I too I’ve broken like 10 on this project I swear to God now I’m going to hit from behind oh my lord it’s like a dream come true oh maybe for you

Oh my lordy Lord there’s so many of these Gest so Lag lag yes imagine not having a [ __ ] like 3090 to play Minecraft on couldn’t be me uhoh sickness somebody somebody call the infirmary e a rumble I just want to M these two blocks can you craw sure oh my God stop anyway you should just like maybe like

Put us on Peaceful Mo for a second yeah I’m not doing that would get rid of the inter inter inter Integrity interrogation if that’ be a fun watch wonder if we could just watch that what even hear what I said you fat [ __ ] that’s my sand there’s an Enderman walking around

Carrying like two stacks of my sand I need that two stacks you’re just walking away with it like it was like it was his or something it’s mine what his he can feed him this dir you’re suggesting that if M dick like the Spy dick that’s like a thing English people

Eat that’s unfortunate an elementary not a fan but when I found that it out found out found what when I found that word in Harry Potter you know yeah my gifted teacher just looked at me look like a face of disappointment it’s like rock on dude

You’re just like I’m the one who found the dick I’m Mr Rage didn’t even give me a chance to hit what who’s not giving you a chance to hit me when I go to watch a movie what you go to watch a movie bro trying to get with an actress

Oopsies did you hear that one what did you hear my potem my totem pop oh whoopsy Daisy I don’t have an ISS well hell Bells I know where one’s at in my in chest why’ you say it like that like what don’t like what meat like what you were like in my Ender

Chest like you said it weird back Me Up chat chat is this guy real whoa chat I think we stumbled upon a homie seexual now you tripping what can I throw in the water here uh oh here we go oh man I might have to call it for the

Night the [ __ ] does that mean imine yeah midnight actually it’s 1:00 it is 1 o’cl that means in like 30 minutes you should probably drink your first drink oh we’ve already started you already drank one oh an energy drink no yeah yeah an energy drink what do you think I was talking

About oh I’m oh my energy drink no I didn’t drink that I’m like two vodka in but like energy drink no it’s to energy drink no the sound of a capri I know a Kool-Aid Jammer when I hear one God damn it that was the BBB BBB

Yeah is that stand for the big black bottle okay buddy what what’s in the big black bottle water oh you think was going to be it assorted milks oh not going to lie do you want to try it one day crazy crazy what even know what I’m talking about try what oh assorted

Milks yeah like actual okay I promise it’s not what you what you’re going to Hype it up to be how you know what how you know cuz I like watched okay never mind no we’re going into this what you mean we’re talking about not ordinarily consumed mammal milk correct

Um if we’re talking about the same Mill which it’s pretty pretty normally consumed okay but I’ll only have a certain demographic yeah okay right yeah I’ve watched YouTube videos of people like drinking it and they’re always like it tastes like ass like it tastes like actual [ __ ] it’s bad

What YouTube are you watching red and Link oh are they still like alive alive and like bigger Channel than they’ve ever been actually I mean maybe not like the crazy amount of views they used to get but like they’re still doing good people like you thank you want [ __ ] PBS Kids

Yeah had to resort to the cheaper cheaper you know no I don’t know fire on Dance Flor whoa what are you just got dmca true a [ __ ] ton of TNT up here saying someone’s like about saying somebody’s edging what go get it there’s a ton of TNT that

Means they haven’t like exploded yet so yeah okay goodbye going back over here now I guess you don’t have Tik Tok to see all those comments recently you’re right I am not on Tik Tok we top one in your chat I mean it’s your scholarships to

Lose going I have to calling a mod on you come on yes a mod what it’s like under every single video why I don’t even know it’s like little kids too it’s like that’s crazy who [ __ ] started that clean up on I my pants is crazy how do I delete messages n

Screenshot time stamps participants why can you see all of that as a that’s interesting oops scholarships for me I can still see where it says it just says message retracted retracted yeah for you it said me it said like message deleted first second and it just disappeared yep I can still

Get rid of your scholarship my God like hat St you’re going to tell the College Board of Education yeah I’m actually F over here about to pop a totem the Mansion I’m actually like at half a heart I should use some real armor would well that have to do with me now

You’re mining like way too far back into this wall right now you realize that right like the [ __ ] Pentagon ended a year ago yes you are should have told me dog you are a year behind the barrier this is why somebody should have dug all the way down I will dig all the

Way down right now right here yeah from right there I wasn’t even digging over here it ends right here brother what to do close this ho off me when I work as a bartend what too bad you’re stream what did you just say I said me when I work as a

Bartender gotta close this hoe off what yeah like you know when you like cut someone off yeah got a bar I didn’t know there was a certain never mind like wor streaming we got to do what like Middle School girls do where they come up with

Code names for every guy we got to do that for all the people that we talk about all right we got LeBron Curry OB right yeah I know I got it what what they they’re they’re speed hacking what the piglins were speed hacking I think it’s just called lag probably oh we can’t even play mine that’s annoying you’re telling me buddy and what you got to say as a as a mod on that

Server or a helper uh rest in peace mlex um you weren you weren’t really you weren’t really good with the upkeep uh you kind of didn’t talk to anybody um four out of 10 not experience child labor child labor was Peak child labor was PE there’s volunteer work almost was pretty

Much I mean I guess that’s technically like all tell you’re like higher up isn’t it dudee I don’t think anybody was getting paid really no it really makes me wonder if like someone just like kind of like the money and RAM you know it wouldn’t be the most impossible sit scenario I’ve

Heard is those Minecraft servers make [ __ ] I mean depending on what server yeah I can fax shizel did you ever see like the video like one of the sideon videos and they’re asking a dude like how much has like Minecraft server made in like six months or something MH was like 800,000 lordy

Lord I’m going to go make a run for food because we’re I think we’re both out I’m not I have a stack of pork chop that you killed in Cold Blood For actually was very warm blood set the story straight cuz fire aspect dude yeah dude this is horrible I’m like clicking on stuff in my inventory and it’s not even clicking imagine I hear the noise too must be like a new update or some [ __ ] cuz like every single time I get

Hit I hear like the armor brid noise I know it’s only you too I don’t hear it when I get hit shiny never seen someone so shiny like a sunken pirate wreck scrub the deck and make it look shiny all right pop off okay buddy that was a good one wasn’t it

Wasn’t it wasn’t it I’m G to Kill My Oh all like 988 I’m going to call the Kansas text a friend app actually even is that some [ __ ] they advertised School my God I just dropped through your hole um my hole is actually on reserve is it now it is it’s on

Reserves are you able to like say the reserve or do we just have to like bid up to it until we off I said Reserve not priced that’s what it’s a reserve it’s unreserved till marriage actually do one good the what say that again buddy Goodwill the Bible Goodwill the what

Bibles the Goodwill Bibles goodwi the Bibles okay buddy did did everybody do it or was it just you do what oh Goodwill the Bibles I don’t know it’s a good question let me go ask you sister yeah she might not respond to me anymore cuz she’s locked

In right cuz that’s why she was responding to you before I hope not that’ be like a CME not a big the crime is uh what it in the best way possible all right buddy not as not as bad as uh [ __ ] I dog over there I dog of a name

What I said hell of a name I mean what would you rather me say like lizard or something I mean I know you’re talking about what I don’t know if I I don’t know if I would have got lizard same first oh actually lizard is not doesn’t start with an eye does

It like a Guana yeah Guana disting bow wait what is table instant I guess that works I guess that’ll work I’m just making more sugar cane now sure trying to get food I’m over here putting hours oh you like that gold I’m doing that to make more TNT for

Us who is like deserving this gold right here like that there’s like gold like or or whatever do is just picking them up gold ore I am crafting the hell out of this TNT right now can’t even cap so now you are attacking [ __ ] the I wonder if this would work if

I put this how’s my farm doing hold up I got to check out this no it does work it does I re automated the sugarcane farm oh kind of re automated it it doesn’t pick up all the items every time but uhoh po animals are going to start what ory daughter

Today I’m going to be some ow that’s not very nice Mr gas are working here I don’t think gas care about your feelings they should it’s 2023 my opinion is the most important oh my God I’m actually getting double teamed is getting schmeckel for his deons all right then they just

Despawn why did I spend the last 30 minutes automating a sugar cane farm when the ree did you not think to tell me did you think that TNT you US Paper yeah I just spent I just spent the last like 20 minutes trying to make TNT with

Paper I mean yay now we have more more gunpowder for or more stuff for Rockets but like I feel silly have thought about that mother foury yeah you need sand for that turns out crazy how that works crazy crazy whoa that was fast N I think I know was pling

What said thank God I was playing playing with these nuts I would have forgot to buy my packages you what yeah and packages you have a package would have forgot to buy my packages wow crazy don’t worry I got them 30 minutes to spare only doubted you the whole time hey

I want anything else from here I save my money do I need to save my money oh no do you do do I should have there’s alls in there say my dollar dollar D yeah I enjoy my doll to the window to the wall no right

Idea jell sweat drop down my balls oh ski SK [ __ ] we should find these rub balls give them a try give who a try rum balls what are we talking about right now Ru M balls all right buddy I think you’re a little bit on the underdeveloped side to

Be having rum in your balls whereever you say ch I feel like I’m moving really fast in this water right now I’m back back from what rumtown yeah what do you mean yet yeah what’ you do I got them out of my fridge I got one out of your

Fridge the rum balls what is a rum ball it’s like fudge made with rum hey you’re not 21 what you got to like eat like a [ __ ] ton of drunk off it I mean yeah probably but so like the thing I read up on it actually to make sure I was safe

You know mhm so because it’s like fudge type stuff like alcohol doesn’t get burned off in the cooking okay technically it’s still there but like two of them so I don’t think much is going to happen with two never thought the first people in my chat would be the

FBI we only have one person watching now is that two should we go for the taste test all right buddy instantly starts coughing and dying that that was just me I didn’t have it even put on my mouth yet yeah well know we’re g to the middle that’s where all the fun is

Apparently yeah yeah I think the middles is like where the r is some ASMR oh hell no I do not need that in my life yeah is it bad I mean it’s like good but bad good but bad he says almost like there’s alcohol in it look like there’s some alcohol

In crazy how that works br % volume oh yeah it’d be like that 30% what I said 3% where the hell did my hoodie go oh it’s on the floor me after they circumcise me where the my go it’s over here on the floor why did that come to your mind so fast

Because built because POV real real story true crime top 10 why is there amongus in our spawn it’s been there for like a year I should blow it up I don’t think you should do that I’m going to break spawn well I’m tired you’re tired yeah and to bust open the energy

Drink now I’m going to rest my eyes for a bit and then I’ll open energy drink uhhuh what that’s what they all say I’m staying live I’m right here sitting in my chair I don’t know how some people drink some types of alcohol I don’t know I know either man I

Don’t drink any alcohol I think it all tastes nasty you probably just got to find your right choice got to find your cup of tea you know more like cup of Hennessy oo personal favorite of mine just kiding just like you’re some kind of [ __ ] collector dude that’s actually like a

Huge flag like you know like having a wall of whiskey or something in your house a wall of whiskey yeah I have a wall of cans probably a little bit different nah it’s a wall whiskey can’t be that different what do you say champ is the rum hitting

Yet no how how would the real be hidden whatsoever CU you said it was in a rum ball and rum in the middle of the ball and I was wondering if you got to the middle of the ball I well it’s like all over I guess I

Don’t know it’s like not on the very edges but everywhere else so I taste it it was it was all right are you high yet could be maybe I am he says all right well while we’re entering this slow point in the Stream why don’t we rip off some hot

Shes some hot takes yeah um you can go first just for H tapes line them up and burn them down baby go for it but was better than x like the name the website itself yeah probably I don’t think the changes were very good but see that’s not a hot take

Because I agreed with it instantly okay fine I’ll go um hot take popey’s isn’t that good overy what was that I just like glitched through the water dude I was I’ve been like full sprinting through water this whole time I swear to God I go 90 miles an

Hour there’s like a weird glitch like if you elytra into it and like keep on holding like I guess it would be space bar for you you like like a weird Sprint across it that’s weird all right your turn come on soccer should probably easily beat out Major League Baseball in

America oh I doubt that I think so if they like just like if it became much a little bit more mainstream but soccer’s not like a super American thing but it should become very American we have like the MLS MLS is like I mean we have Messi in America

Right I mean I guess I could see it I guess baseball is a little tired they need to make changes to baseball to make it better I mean like I like the pitch clock like the introduction of it like it’s nice but at the same time there’s

Like so many like ins and outs of it it’s it’s hard yeah they need to make it faster of a game in general and I think this past year was pretty good I don’t know how much baseball you watched I mean watching a whole game I haven’t

Done that in a while I watched like Clips but from what I’ve heard some people think it needs to be faster still oh brother what was that a good hot no I think it was a good one I think I think that’s a little bit controversial um okay my turn oh [ __ ] what’s

One that I have uh hot take hot take oh this this one might ruffle some feathers okay people who post videos online unon ically pretending to like hunt furries are more cringe than furries themselves by a lot yeah yeah because I would always see that like like Tik Tok had that whole

Phase I don’t know it’s like it’s been like a year at least I think where it was like furries versus like furry Hunter and every time I see a video from the hunters I’d be like oh my God you’re like 8 years old a year ago you realize that was

Like super early 2020 like 2019 no that was late 2020 sure no what come on now I know it was an older thing but anyway that was my hot take some people some people don’t like that take I’m going to assume just cuz they don’t like FES but whatever all right

You’re ruffle my feathers um I don’t know how she like baseball is probably like the sport you’re most interested in because I got another sport one I don’t know go rip it hockey like ice hockey could be hella mainstream it’s just that like nobody cares to watch

It okay what’s your suggestion to make it more mainstream it’s just like I guess one it’s like barely advertised like you always see like ads for like NBA games and NFL games nothing about hockey true then there’s really like no like media attention on it either yeah guess that’s also like of

Where we live like maybe if we were like up north a bit more it might be like a lot more but I don’t know you might be right I think they need to try harder low key I mean because like most of the games are really interesting it’s a fun thing to watch

I’ve seen I’ve seen some hockey games in person before and they’re fun to watch and like all out like fist fights are allowed it’s like written into the rules yeah just go [ __ ] punch somebody watch if both players agree I just go at it no why the hell not huh what do

We Okay I that’s an okay one uh let see here um um okay I’m trying to think I have a few I’m trying to think of a really good one um let me think here okay here we go um NBA fans and like basketball fans in general are

Either super fun people or the most annoying [ __ ] in the entire world and there is no middle ground I thought these were supposed to be hot tapes oh you agree yeah oh okay okay I was lean towards the annoying side on that I mean at the same time Baseball fans can be [ __ ]

Atrocious that’s true like die hard fans for their team annoying and [ __ ] yeah I guess every sport has their downs for that yeah college football can get messy too only with like middle-aged dads yeah yeah kind of anyways Oklahoma plays on Thursday yippy do we got dream supporting us

Really yeah he’s an Oklahoma fan kind of random I don’t know how why dreams bringing it in for OU huh Yi they sent me a Christmas card dream no oh you oh okay did it have like 50 bucks in it no I wish it had scholar Shee wish I had a scholarship

Okay let’s do a hot take here I got one um I think I one um I’m trying to think of something that relates to school H you think a one that relates to school relates to school give me a school hot take not not necessarily people that we know but just like a school hot take the only reason math sucks is when you don’t understand it oh oh hold on somebody’s in the chat yo what’s up

Up username I lost the password for my main account how you doing I am and I’m in the tired phase of the stream where I’m just kind of sitting just staring at this creeper Farm um Gathering gunpowder for for TNT we’re we’re just listing off some hot takes right

Now um anyway say what keep keep keep going let’s keep going here keep the hot taks rolling thank you for thank you for putting a message in the chat man continue I said mine the only reason math class sucks is cu what is like when you don’t understand

It that’s true usually the teacher isn’t even really the problem that much it’s just kind of like like cuz I kind of like math I’m not going to lie if I know what’s going on yeah I’m not I’m not I’m not that mad at math all right I’ll take the next one uh

Let’s see here let’s see here um we could just switch and we could just do grievances we could do things that Annoy Us because I got a lot um number one most annoying thing um seniors that think they [ __ ] run the whole building that is one of my most annoying

Like thing one of the things that annoys me the most yeah unless you CH with them I that’s that’s that’s the thing I have met I I know like every senior rather directly or indirectly at at uh the unnamed high school that I go to and

Like all of like three of them are like decently chill people the rest of them are annoying or like entitled in a way there’s like there’s maybe there’s Maybe like a handful of good ones the rest of them are annoying or just like like too good for their Brites you know what I’m

Saying yeah all right what’s what’s what’s your annoying thing um I’m going to position this camera better so it’s got a better view of this Farm here we go I’m just going to sit here for a little bit uh we’re here all night man we’re here all night getting nice and

Tired I even know I bet I know something that probably annoys you English true true I was going to say uh um when people um hide things from you and then yell at you for not knowing enough yeah that one’s probably a little real me nah what are we talking

About I’ve never been y that for you’ve got St talking toos that’s for sure oh my God not because I don’t know Stuff okay Buddy I’m on like the last third of this ball it’s like horrible but God damn it you’re going to drink the whole thing aren’t you there’s no liquid or eat the whole thing all right I cracked the First Energy drink made it till 2 a.m. before an energy

Drink came out it’s kind of impressive all right let’s see here what are we doing what are we working with that’s a fair amount of gunpowder okay let’s craft us up some TNT here wow that made like one stack of TNT lovely that was worth

It I sat I sat there I sat there for like 30 minutes that was not worth it at all woo Yahoo I kind of want to transform the industrial district a little bit know would that be a good idea yeah what’s going to be our Christmas build here that’s a good question we’re

Already at two in the morning we haven’t even started on a Christmas build oh what if we made the the tree finished no Um what if we made the industrial district like what’s something that could float because the industrial district is floating um a turtle no we’re not trying to bring back the turtle right now yipp um what’s winner themed do we could do rum balls rum balls oh I shouldn’t have ate the other

One my my tummy is upsetting now oh what about a snow globe what if we bring back the snow globe and you were complaining about sand I was but what if we made a snow globe wouldn’t that be cool yeah that’d be a lot I mean yeah but wouldn’t it be wouldn’t

It be cool would we be able to finish it tonight it’d be able to get pretty far yeah yeah just have to put our heads down and do it whose home is this I would not know what you’re talking about the cat house the cat house yeah the pink

One oh uh friend a friend from Camp okay that’s right I mean I didn’t remember no fair enough okay so um how are we going to do this I don’t know this will be a big this would be a big Globe yeah a bit where’s my entrance for this [ __ ]

Okay first step I guess would be finding the middle of this place if we take down the I’m going at funing the middle of other places all right Buddy how can we do this how could we do this what was I even G to put down here I don’t even remember also did you see the thumbnail of the video of the stream today yeah was it good think I thought that so yeah I made it did you say hey look

Ma literally that was me for real okay so I’m going to start by tearing down everything on the industrial dist that we don’t need like IE the broken sugarcan farm that doesn’t work I mean don’t work it doesn’t work I mean it works just because I would manually spam bone meal but the

Part like the part that generates the the seaweed to make automatic bone meal doesn’t work the bone meal Farm oh there’s a hot take for you zero zero te Farms should work in Bedrock yeah I agree like how they how they used to yeah they shouldn’t have taken those away or changed

Them I mean like it was kind of op but like if you’re at the point where you’re making zero take Farms I think you’ve kind of already done everything in the game yeah you kind of earned it like you know you’re at that point at that point you have to question

Like if villagers are too op you know what I’m saying like same difference I mean they did and they said that they were so they’re like completely redoing V yippe then they’re going to be like oh or then they were like the elytra op got to fix that like it’s an endgame item

It’s supposed to be good I wouldn’t be surprised like once they come out with the end update they like redo the elytra it’s going to like suck you know that that would be something they would do like that probably would be something like that no reason

Where does the crew sleep in this ship here what where does the crew sleep in this [ __ ] what are we talking about dog a big old pirate ship What pirate oh um um J mom’s house I don’t know they be sleeping in your mom’s Barracks you know what I’m

Saying if anything I got a headache from the bones as alcohol would do I know who to who to Tex to to get all the ins and outs Hardy heart heart I will smack smack the balls off of you who who are you thinking te out W I was thinking your your

Mommy she she knows how to help people I mean if you mean because she’s a therapist yet I’m like swimming through the water at like mock 8 right now I can’t sleep there’s no bed here up to the top we go okay so here we

Are I got rid of that farm that’s good now we need to determine the middle of this place um if I just call that the middle then that’s going to be a pretty damn tall order it’s one two three four four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 it’s 31 that’s a weird number three four five six seven eight n 10 11 12 13 14 15 one two three four five six seven eight n 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 yeah I

Guess it has like a two middle thing going on here get out of here okay so this is the middle this is the middle and now we count here four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 three four five six seven eight n 10

11 12 14 15 16 17 17 it’s a rectangle why is it a rectangle shouldn’t be a rectangle should be a Square okay whatever we’re calling this the middle yipp yippe okay can you start getting like sand or glass or something glass okay cool then get it I have to yes you do be a functioning member of this team you’re a what 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 213 25 26 2

29 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 52 52 so I two one two three four five six seven 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 245 267 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 what I said which drink should I start with um read me the two that you oh um I would start with the Sunny D the sunny yep see if you like that one oh that it was a

Burp I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to swallow it what does that mean like my my my tummy is not rocking with it right now rocking with what wait what’s 52+ 52 104 yeah yeah is it keep on making that noise it’s so weird Okay so this should be the circle

That we need what just sign the circle life you know sure [ __ ] is stuff spawning up here oh it is that’s not good okay um and they spawn on glass one two three four five seven8 N9 10 11 12 13 14 what no they can’t spawn mobs can’t spawn on

Glass okay so might actually work no that’s why that’s why I was thinking snow globe because it’s glass four five six seven one two three four five six seven seven in one two three four five six six one two three four five I’m out of Netherrack already that’s a great sign oh

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay cool two three four five six okay then it goes over then it goes five then four then three so two three four five one two three four then one two three then 1 three two three 3 three 4 three one three 2 three 3 three 4 three then

Two then after the two it goes three two three two so three two three two and then we spiral into a bunch of twos we go go one two three four five six six twos one two three four five five six twos then another there then then we then I’m

Going to switch to the other side ises that look like a circle so far kind of looks like a circle so far numbers Mason what do they mean the numbers the numbers what do they mean three four five six seven one two three four five six then one two three

Four five then one two three four then I’m out of blocks again just use dirt then four then then four threes oh [ __ ] four threes two three four then a two then a three then a two three is that right did I nail that first try it looks right that’d be actually really

Surprising one two three four five six seven then one two three four five six one two three four five one two three four so it goes two three four five so six five four then four threes so one three two threes three threes four threes then two three two three

Two three two two three okay groovy now I’ll go from right here so one two three four five six seven eight N9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 oh wait 62 I went way too far I just kept [ __ ] counting okay one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 okay so none of these need to be here if you want to hear what it sounds

Like when somebody slowly loses their mind while counting in Minecraft this is what it sounds like okay one two three four five six okay one two three four five six one two three four five one two three four one two one two one two three one two one two

Three then after that it’s just one two one two two two two two one two boom I think I nailed it TW dude I’m getting kind of scary with it out here uh oh I just like perfectly nailed a semicircle the first try with a radius

Or with a diameter of 104 blocks that’s like not an easy Circle to pull off I just did it first try are you looking at a grass actually for the for the first quarter yeah but for the second quarter no I was just kind of going off my own I was just

Like guessing I was just like remembering the pattern intuition God for real however comma I don’t think it’s at the right height I think it needs to be a lot lower than this uh yeah it need well it needs to I knew it needed to be a lot lower than this

But I was just trying to play the circle from up here um what uh what is the maximum Building height nowadays I don’t want to even know something well we can find out Minecraft Max build height 319 okay that’s not that much higher if we’re really thinking about it here not that much

Higher we get much higher so high um okay yeah so we need to drop it drop it drop it low drop it drop it drop drop low that’s not your little bird from the Rio movies so if it was a perfect circle it would be just at or a perfect sphere

It would be just as tall as it is wide in diameter so it would also be four blocks tall BLS tall so if this were yeah we have a lot to go if we just assume we want the top like let’s just call it what like 270 at like this y coordinate right

Here is that good I would say that’s probably fine if it has to be 104 blocks tall which means at that rate the if we want the top to be at 270 then that means if we go 52 down from 270 270 minus 52 that should or sorry 2

270 minus 52 is 218 so the middle of our sphere should be at y 218 and that will put us where we want to be does that make sense is that math mathing you just go down by the radius and then that puts you at what y you want to be

At it’s for the bottom yeah no that puts it that’s where the middle of the circle goes the d d diameter would be the middle the perfect middle no the radius would be the middle the diameter would be okay listen a perfect sphere should be just as tall as it is wide

Correct yeah right so the sphere in total width all the way across otherwise known as the diameter is 104 blocks right which means the radius which is the distance from The Middle to the outer side is 52 so that means if I want the top of

The circle the very top of the sphere to be at y 270 to find out where the middle should go I need to take 270 and subtract the radius otherwise known as 52 which gives me 218 which means if I want the top of

The circle to be a y 270 I have to put the middle of the circle it y 2118 does that make sense yeah yeah Okay cool so I don’t know what you said the first time that’s that’s what I said the first time I might have just said it

Weird you definitely did say weird yeah so anyway I am now putting the circle at y 218 um slash world edit I I only built like a semicircle okay so this needs to be 6 650 okay what is this coordinate out here this okay this is 650 654 uh minus 11 one

5 how’s that sand coming huh it’s just kind of Sandy over here how much you got ni Sandy Cheeks crazy just s man I’m just can anywhere What You released like a whole album of just K stuff you know that crazy that like a k Christmas on like wild even

Know should listen to it I haven’t yet but maybe the stream would want to I I I doubt that okay when what Y is this at so this is it minus 157 right but it’s a 246 246 let’s go what you do have another viewer right now hello other viewer hope you’re

Having a good time we are building a circle so that we can encase our industrial district in a snow globe because it’s Christmas I hope you’re having a banging Christmas dude oh I just fell off my circle to you lone viewer if you’re watching this and you hear this yes I’m

Talking to you cuz it would appear you are the only one here which for 2:33 a.m. on literally Christmas morning is impressive that there’s anyone here so thank you for being here thank you for spending your lovely valuable time with us we appreciate it this is 619 619 619 619 18 19 six

Okay so that’s that’s right there then that’s right there and then needs to be here too there we go Okay Okay cool so now we can rebuild the circle at this y level and it will be correct okay one two three four five six seven one two three four five six one

Two three four five one three four one two three one two three one two three one two three one two one two three one two one two [ __ ] your language poop doooo and other forms of rumpus rumpus Rgy okay so we went we went we went four we went two three two three what comes after that so it goes two three two three and then it just spiral into the twos that connect it together okay but how many twos is

It 2 3 two three so one two 3 4 five 6 seven two that Harper not just seven so we go one two three four five six seven and that one two three four five six seven puts us one two three four five six seven puts this right here so if we

Went if we did one more two that two would turn into that three so one more two three then we could go two three another two then four three one two three four then a four two four does this look right this kind of looks right

Two three four then a five one two three five six one two three four five six four five six seven boom how’ we do oh I think that’s perfect really what is this hold on 270 270 1106 270 oh I nailed it I nailed it okay so one two three four five six

Seven okay so one two three four oh ow B for okay one two three four five six seven one three four five six seven one two three four five six one two three four five when did you capitalize your name three what when did you capitalize your name what does that

Mean two three four five seven in what capitalize my name in what Um your YouTube channel but I don’t think you did like vast SQ yeah it was it was that way when I changed it the first time three four five six seven I haven’t changed it since I changed it the very first time so two three then one two then one two three

Are you really getting over a 100 views a day two I think you are what so you’re getting over 100 views a day across all videos probably yeah yeah you’re getting like one subscriber a week that’s pretty good I’m not going to lie I’m happy about

That I’m I’m dancing when I hear that number come up let’s see me what happens when I jump in there what I’m just looking at Social blade what you’re looking at Social blade right you’re supposed to be getting sand well right now it’s smelting so I can’t really do [ __ ] oh

Okay two three four one two three two three four five six one four five six seven one two three four five six seven three four five six one two three four five three four one two three one two three two three one two three four yep okay

Then one two one two oh [ __ ] fell off the [ __ ] thing again God damn it okay so one two three four okay one two then one two three one two one two three then one two four five six seven two one two one two two two one two three one two three

Three four okay oh [ __ ] my bad damn that’s crazy keep falling what it’s telling me that it’s predicting that it’ll take two months for me to get another subscriber one two it’s crazy and then a year and four months to get another subscriber after that wild accusations right there

Four five six seven am I I’m pretty sure one this has him five years I’m on track to only get 15 more yippe anyways let’s go look at yours again here your future projections probably not not great but you know four five six yours are really good actually what does it

Say in two months you’ll get 17 more subscribers May in five years you’ll be up to 4,700 in how many years five oh yay when I’m [ __ ] 21 yeah well that’s obviously not true because if you actually like that videos two three four two three yeah right it would be different one two

Three four five six seven then one okay three one two three three four five six one two three four five six seven dude dude there is a 0% chance what that’s absolutely crazy I freehanded the entire circle based on memory like with no no not even

With like the cross in the middle to tell me where the outside was I just freehanded the entire circle all the way around that that’s impressive by just counting just based on memories it goes 7654 then three fours then 32 32 then 7 tws then repeats yeah and I just did that like

Eight times and it worked that’s crazy all right well we have that now we’re going to cut close I might have to move the iron farm in a little bit I’m probably going to end up moving a lot of them or at least redoing them because I don’t like how they’re made

Out Netherrack but like you know anyway how’s the sand going it be smelting still looking pretty Sandy yeah cheeks yeah I do love me some rather Sandy Cheeks your past two videos did pretty good dude can you get off my social blade what micro analyzing my whole career

Right now when I’m trying to get him to get sand hey the Grim Shake goes crazy yeah you think I didn’t notice that’s stupid that it’s up to 11 okay yeah wish I could have done Instagram the thing is you just got to wait till Halloween that’s just GNA like

Resubmit it they like reput into the algorithm and become like your most viewed video again as if I could even outdo it by the time we get to Halloween next year I’ll try but like dude it’s going to be close you aren’t even talking to the chat you’re such a bad streamer

There’s oh it’s not oh I had to refresh it ah hello what’s that you need another sub I would love another sub that would be awesome thank you loyal viewer guys no pressure to sub but if you genuinely enjoy the content then subscribe and if you don’t enjoy the content

Also subscribe because that will motivate me to make better content in the future logic thank you for your comment logically speaking yeah sorry I wasn’t looking at the chat for a minute because I was looking at the diagram of the circle that I was building and it was

Covering chat I have a very small I I don’t have a second monitor so I’m it’s like the same like minimized little window I’m looking at but now I’m looking at chat again I would love another sub that would be amazing I will I think there I think

They already gave it to you I will personally send you a thank you the I actually I’m not going to make that promise I will thank you thank you right now I don’t know how to pronounce their name if f p yeah ablo okay we’re going to guess ablo

Thank you for the sub even if you didn’t give me a sub thank you for leaving a little comment in the chat any engagement is helpful to small streamers thank you for surfing with me here Christmas Eve 2: in the morning I don’t know what time it is for you but it’s

Almost 3: in the morning for us and uh yeah we’re going to get this uh snow globe underway for you guys so how’s the how’s that sand going Mr social blade I’m slow slow yeah sounds about right um I I should go find P ablo okay that’s how you pronounce

Ito P ablo okay thank you P Diablo I’ll rock with that username it’s a good username I mean says you benario okay you can at least say it right you guys wouldn’t probably wouldn’t know but there’s there’s an ongoing joke that the first time I ever

Met this clown even though the name is bananas are I keep saying I read it as benero and now I just now I’m just benero I mean like like read it I mean if you were like me and didn’t know how to spell the word banana it actually kind of looks

Like banario I’m not going to lie admit it not a lot of people know how to spell banana it is little funky you know bananas r o yeah like bananas R okay yeah if that’s what we want to go off couldn’t put spaces yeah fair enough I mean most most they changed how

Usernames work you can’t some of them you can’t even add like dashes or underscores anymore you know like you used to be able to do that some now you can’t do that sometimes it’s annoying yeah I know I originally made that username like oh probably 10 years ago at this point

Yeah it’s been a minute I mean I’ve been like well because I I I had to find a username for Roblox when I still played that back back in the old Roblox yeah I mean you still play Roblox not like a ton Roblox you know right what’s your like bananas are Ro

Like bananas are Roblox crazy right oh crazy where are you smelting the glass at our very sad smelter at our very sad smelter didn’t I make a bigger Auto smelter somewhere you know what I think that you did oh it was at the the ocean Monument but then I took it

Down you’re completely right I’m about to take you guys on a little tour um oh I’m going to turn my render distance up actually because um I was in the nether earlier and I turned it down I’m going turn it back up to 20 or so there we go

This is our Winter Wonderland uh we built this Snowman on stream last Christmas actually um and yeah this is our totally customed out land this survival world has been around for a minute and yeah we’re here now um so our totally sad like this this world has

Been around for so long over over where what are we at 2 years is this 2 years now three three no two I think like cuz it cuz it was November cuz it was the it was the caves and cliffs update part one though which was like

I’m watching on switch so one be talking about oh yeah no worries talk as much or as little as you want to watching on switch that is that is some dedication though I will say D I need to play my switch more I have not I have not played on a switch

In a minute I’ll be honest I need to play on a switch more CU I got one like I mean I use it are you getting are you getting more like fuel or something where’d you go yeah oh how are you in the nether or something no I’m right here I was

Picking up the glass okay you got a phantom I got a phantom yeah I think we both have Phantoms um yeah this is our this is our survival world and yeah so we’re over here um this is where I’ve been in the little sky and I’m working on the snow

Globe I originally built the circle too high so I had to move it down but yeah now we have the circle but very soon there will be things that spawn on this circle so I’m going to try to start and get this swapped out with glass cuz eventually it will just be a

Giant globe in the sky that’s the oh that’s the end goal and I have had somebody ask before if I like even though I play on PC if I like Bedrock more than Java and I say that I like Bedrock more just because like the multiplayer is so much better and like

You can play with your friends on like any device that might be a hot take honestly that Bedrock Minecraft is better than Java but yeah but bedro is definitely a lot more inclusive yeah it’s a lot more inclusive would be the word versatile is a better word

Yeah you don’t have to drop like 4,000 on a PC setup just to play Minecraft when you play badrock you can just have like a console which consoles are they have it on switch console yeah and you can play it on mobile too I I think they’re launching on like Chromebooks or

Something I did they they they did launch it on Chromebooks that’s crazy I could play it on school I could play it at school we got education Edition but it it does not work good oh yeah I forgot about education Edition remember that like the very

First were you were you around when when no I don’t remember if one of the seasons of the real had education Edition but we used to make like balloons and stuff and put them everywhere like cuz you could like make different color balloons and like candles and stuff yeah

Dude cuz there were candles an education Edition before there were ever candles in the regular game and they were like different colored and stuff because you could have all the different elements you could color stuff but that makes sense I don’t know the balloons are really fun and you

Could like I think you could like name stuff things and it would like change like it was like a glorified like bone meal thing they used to have in the education Edition I don’t remember there was a lot which witch Farms are so easy to make on Bedrock you

Know that’s a good point witch Farms are actually pretty easy to make and we haven’t made one yet have we even seen a witch hut that’s true we haven’t we haven’t I mean we’ve explored a lot but we haven’t I don’t I don’t know if we’ve even seen a witch

Hut but you don’t even need a witch hut to make a witch Farm you can do it there’s a different way to do it I think oh maybe that’s only Java I just popped a totem talk about it we have made raid Farms though raid Farms are really easy

To make in Bedrock compared to Java they used to be horrible they oh yeah they used to be really bad but then they changed how the spawning works and now it’s actually a lot better on Java it’s still a nightmare to make one cuz you

Have to do like a weird like thing with like hitting armor stands and stuff to like actually kill the mobs but like on Bedrock like uh that actually right there the thing I’m staring at is our uh raid is our entire raid farm right there and it gives us

All of the cuz I’m like holding totems and stuff it gives us like all the totems and all the emeralds to buy the golden apples and stuff that we eat every day like it’s such an easy Farm to make it’s really nice I would recommend it I got mine from a YouTube

Tutorial I think the first raid Farm whoa lots of chat messages my RAID Farm broke uh we’ve had we’ve had this raid Farm break quite a few times it mostly had to do with the Trident that we used for the Trident Kill Chamber kept uh like GL glitching through the

Blocks or just we would accidentally pick it up and then it would stop working or we couldn’t get the raid captains to spawn in that was uh that was a big deal Um that’s a really long username the person who said that Elder ring 52 I’m I’m just going to shorten to that um how can I play um this is a private world right now because I have not um paid the realm fee in a big minute um because I

Didn’t want to uh but when I do eventually if you see me stream or something and you come and ask I would definitely consider inviting people for fun just to come and mess around or just to play on stream not on this world but uh yeah right now it’s just a

Private world so I can’t actually like invite people like to play on it when I’m not online but in the future in the future how’s that sand coming or are you still like skimming social blade yeah I yeah that’s the thing though is with the server I wish

It was a server um I literally don’t know how to make a server for free on Bedrock that will stay up reliably I’ve tried so many times if you guys have like a YouTube video or something or like a way to do it let me know CU I

Have tried to make this a server instead of a realm for the longest time but I could never get something reliable also S servers make it kind of wacky for like everybody but youc you got to remember that part because I’m over here on Xbox oh that’s true too yeah because

You’re on Xbox we’ll try well it’s something to look at anyway how’s the sound coming we need we need more glass for this over here it’ be better if we had like an auto smelter maybe you know okay well I’m not the only one with eyeballs in a YouTube video you could

Make an auto smelter too do you know how to do it I could do it if I really wanted to yeah should actually we should probably put it in the industrial district wouldn’t that make the most sense kind of far it’s literally where I’m working that would be really convenient would be

To have it here I’m not going to lie I don’t know about that do you I want to go over there over there I can practically see you from here over there my butt it’s like two steps away also thank you guys for the hearts I see some hearts flying in the chat

Thank you guys um thank you for being here on Christmas Eve Christmas day really um hope yall having a happy holidays because there ain’t nothing happier than Minecraft for me it’s a peace game for sure uh yep just like I thought skeletons and stuff spawning on this platform that’s

Why I need to swch Swit switch it out for glass we’re making oh for you guys who just tuned in um we are making a giant snow globe so this whole thing is going to be encased in glass it’s going to be a huge snow globe yes happy Christmas

Indeed thank you Pablo happy Christmas can you okay can you if you don’t want to build the auto smelter can you bring it to me like bring me the stuff and I’ll do it I should probably make one okay can you do it here then I guess so I’m not asking you to

Like buy me chocolates I just want an auto smelter that’d be easy dude those $1 chocolates at school you get chocolates for a dollar at school yeah like the little fundraisers they do those that often hit the wrong button yeah like gosh we don’t have nothing like that

We don’t have anything like that wait say that again eight furnaces 25 Hoppers two Redstone torches one lever one Redstone L four chest two M chests four pad rails 18 rails and two glass I mean uh the iron for all that stuff is here in the industrial district

So just bring the wood just bring everything else that you need and then you can get the iron from here and I have I have I have my Redstone box in my Ender Chest I can just give it to you and you can use it more or less finding all the random

Stuff enough Cobblestone I my torch or furnaces whatever whatever you want to call them that is an unexpected problem that I noticed that we have a lot is that when you get like to the end game of Minecraft and you start playing with like all your Enchanted tools

Like you when you need to build something as simple as a furnace like getting Cobblestone is like a task cuz like you don’t have a pickaxe that like doesn’t have silk touch and you don’t have any like Cobblestone laying around because all of the stone you’ve mined is Stone not

Cobblestone like it’s such an obscure problem we have more than enough we have more than enough Cobblestone I know but I’m just like before we did the whole back rooms thing like it was a whole mess should I show the stream the back rooms you could yeah okay stream we’re

Going to take a little break we’re going to go to the back rooms if you think I’m like making a joke right now I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m not even making a joke we are literally going to the back rooms in Minecraft this world is 100% survival and we built the back rooms

Baby so excuse the nether Hub it’s going to be if I join in the future let me work on a witch Farm oh for sure if you if we get the real back up and you get in I would be more than happy to have somebody

Build a witch farm for us because that would be awesome we definitely want the red stone because Redstone is very valuable so um this is spawn and uh yeah if we just hop down here as you can see the back rooms um this is literally just a

Maze of the back like this took so long you can I I get lost in here I built this place and I get so lost in here um there’s a little part of it that’s not done and I can show you guys how big this room is um this is where we get

Most of our Stone from cuz like we mined out this area so big in here let me see if I can find the border of it because this is a huge room down here wait did I get lost oh crap wait this isn’t the border that I thought it was is

It oh wait this is not what I thought it was oh God I’m lost oh here we go okay this is how big this room is as you can see like absolutely massive room here whoa okay jeez like oh I hate Bedrock flying in here you can get stuck really easily

Yeah yeah here we go there now you can see how big of a room this is it is a huge room in here the only way I can keep myself like semi knowing where I am is because of the coordinates because I’ve been like everywhere down in here and I know that

The um what device are you playing on I am playing on uh Windows 10 so a uh just like a standard PC setup I have like uh a GeForce like 20 2090 or something like that’s like my like graphics card stuff I just 30 silly I don’t have a

3060 you do I didn’t think I paid enough for my computer to have a 3060 honestly I think you’re right maybe I do have a 360 I don’t know anyway you don’t need that good of a graphics card to play on Windows Minecraft you don’t like you barely need a graphics card like

Integrated graphics with a laptop would be enough because like it’s a really simple game I just mostly have that so I can stream at a at a decent like frame rate and stuff um yeah I play on PC Windows 10 but yeah this version of Minecraft is compatible with Xbox switch mobile

Chrome like Chromebooks like literally everything that’s why I like Bedrock Edition so much oh my God why did you put TNT I hate you this is why I can’t trust you yes you where there was a stack of three TNT placed right here what are you talking

About oh my bad oh my bad like you didn’t do it on purpose I know I don’t play on Xbox one which it’s more than capable of doing it it’s just a little bit laggy but like only like when I’m using my elytra because it’s just loading so much yeah that’s true

I’m on Xbox switch and PC all achievements on you’ve got all the achievements on Xbox that’s actually pretty impressive I have not gotten that many achievements I’ll be honest all achievements is cool that’s really cool especially on Xbox like all achievements on I feel like all achievements on PC isn’t as impressive

As all achievements on Xbox just because of it’s more difficult to do you must have you must have a lot of play time then if you have all achievements or like one really dedicated world or something like that it’s impressive though I don’t have a lot of the really

Obscure achievements like uh like bring a Shuler to the like Overworld and like random stuff like that like I’m missing a lot of those ones go I have a decent I would say Okay um so I’ve rep I finished the Outer Circle turning that into glass and I

Still have a few Stacks left over so that’s nice um have you got the materials yet for the farm working on it working on it okay um and if I did my math correctly the top of this circle will be right here at y level oh 270 um so that means

It’s it’s a it’s got a radius of 52 so if we take 52 and divide it by two we get 26 so if I go 26 up from the middle I will have the middle of the middle which means all the measure all the measurements at that point should be half what they

Were I think that’s how that works M I’m kind of shaping it this is our automatic creeper Farm I’m kind of shaping it around that there’s creeper Farm here iron farm there and there will be a sugarcan farm and auto smelter down there and this is like AFK pool and then

There’s a squid Farm all the way down there this is like our industrial district and yeah so this is like the whole thing over here I bet if we waited like 10 seconds we could watch a creeper spawn in here I bet there will be one creeper unless my farm just doesn’t work

I mean this Farm has been here forever but I watched it work like a minute ago doesn’t work that well during the daytime but that’s what that big platform up there is for come on creeper don’t let us down oh on top three all my friends leader boards except kill

Third I mean if I had all the achievements I might be top three I might be I might be top two but that’s a tall order right there so is Minecraft like your like main game or do you like like what’s what’s if you had to like rank

Which games you’re playing them I mean I know you’re talking on a switch but like you know it’s to take your time I’m I’m just curious because I’ve been playing Minecraft forever I wouldn’t say it’s my main game but it’s the game I have the

Most time on and I don’t even have all the achievements it 300 levels when the warden came out ouch that hurts yeah I fought the warden once in this world and I didn’t really fight it I just kind of ran away GTA GTA okay I’m so upset they’re taking it off

Game Pass oh they’re taking GTA off Game Pass yeah it’s like the third time they’ve done it o how much is it oh it goes on sale like all the time now so like I can buy it that’s rough though taking it off Game

Pass okay so if the top is at y270 then – 26 so 270 – 26 is 244 which is two blocks lower than this so it’s right where I don’t want it to be so like right here I think I might have everything to make this far smelter

Thingy all right go for it bu I’m going to need iron and whatever you got in your boxy box that’s here yeah that’s over here yeah 300 levels is a lot I have 711 on this world and that’s because I think I’ve died like twice maybe three times in like the

Entire like 2year play span of this world or something just because like I got totems really early on and like really like really good armor and like I just haven’t uh like died we did get totems really early yeah which is kind of the saving Grace and

Now I’m just going to be kind of collecting levels used to play COD but got bored of it I couldn’t ever get into Cod that much I used to play GTA with my uh with my like step siblings and stuff but I could never really get behind Cod it was just too

Um I don’t want to say like aggressive of a game at the time CU I play Valor right now and I play like other games like that now but like yeah but it’s a good game though you want me to build it Um here come down here oh yeah see look now there’s creepers in the creeper Farm now it’s working um here come down here um okay just keep it in the circle how about that okay um just try not to put it too close to the iron farm cuz it’ll mess with the

Spawn ground of it I’m going to have have to do a lot more spawn proofing too oh I’ll just build out that way oh yeah just don’t go too like like keep it close keep it close to like this area right here like you know you could

Do it literally like on top of this platform and that would be fine um yeah I think that’s a good place nice silence armor trim hardest one to get yes yeah yeah yeah yeah the sil armor trim um I remember as soon as that update dropped like I went on the hunt

Like I was flying like I I think I had to fly like I like it was like 20,000 blocks or something away from away from our spawn location like our like main base to get to like new chunks and then I spent like forever digging trying to find it and

Like Googling like all the places you could find it and then as soon as I got it I like ran home I put it in my Ender Chest flew all the way back here and then like duplicated it instantly um tell them tell them what you did in preparation for the

Update but the update because like they like now have like the templates for for all the like just make netherite armor how many sets of netherite did I make it was like eight sets of netherite yeah it was like I think it was like six or something but like yeah we we spent

Like as soon as we heard that they were going to make netherite armor so much more expensive to make we just like spent so we have like a entire bunker underground dedicated to like our netherite armor grind that we went on to get as much as we could before the

Update because we wanted to like have extra armor because it was going to be so hard to get and the templates are so expensive you need like a bunch of diamonds you need like you know really obscure things yeah let’s see I spent a really long time get all that

Stuff you did spend a really and that was the thing too is I was going to help but like that entire time I was like on vacation right I I like wasn’t even in state right yeah that’s what it was yeah I wasn’t even here I would have helped but I wasn’t even

Home um okay so I need to get uh to tor es would be nice I don’t know there a lot of mobs up here it’s the main problem okay anyway I need to go halfway out from this okay so this is one two

Three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 okay that right there should be about half halfway then right here and then down one I think you need to go down one somehow that’s not going to be

Easy do I have water I don’t have water do you have water water yeah I have a I could have water oh I have oh yeah can I have that for just a second it’s not like there’s a whole ocean underneath us okay well I didn’t have a bucket

Either anyway I just need to be able to get down right here so I can place a couple of blocks like that there we go hopefully that doesn’t flood something there’s an achievement for armor trim that achievement with armor trim took forever to get oh isn’t it like get all of them or

Something whoa hello zombies because that that’s definitely one of the ones that I don’t have if that’s an if that’s an achievement I didn’t even know that was an achievement I figured they added something but I didn’t know what it was D apply these smithing templates at

Least ones Spire snout rib Ward silence vit Titan W that’s crazy that’s a lot of templates those are like all the rare ones too quite a bit yeah so you had to get all of those and then apply all of them yeah it’s a tall order right there that’s for sure and that’s

Impressive not something you could do every Sunday night that’s for sure um I need to wait for it to be day this is going to all this iron that’s to be in the it’s in the storage chests underneath the farm you don’t come over here often do

You no this is why this area needs a revise because come look at how dumb this system is come here Silly Billy there just a water fountain yeah you just kind of hobble over here and then you just drop yourself in and they in the chest in the bottom that’s a lot of

Iron I am aware this Farm runs non-stop all every day all the time just got it just got last month oh yeah cuz the the armor trims have been out for a while so yeah I mean that’s that’s still decently fast though I would say let’s see

All right buddy get a move on with this furnace be putting stuff in there what do you mean I didn’t put anything in there I just opened it jeez you’re like a I don’t even know you’re fussy okay so with my math being right if I

Shrink I’m trying to figure out how to get this uh Circle right if I shrink the diameter by two is that going to do it like like if I wanted to do the next layer up in the circle in the globe would I shrink it by

Two or would I should I just do a globe generator I’ll just do generator yeah cuz I bet there’s I bet there’s a Minecraft Globe generator Minecraft sphere generator yeah here we go Minecraft sphere generator okay nice um Okay cool so sphere generator um and I need it to be

Um 32 I need it to be 150 what is it it’s 100 it’s 104 52 plus 52 yeah it’s 104 okay cool um yikes I need to go all the way to the Middle where I supposedly started where’s the middle exactly it’d be it’d be that was ones right there one

Two still hav opened energy six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 that’s actually kind of impressive I won’t lie you haven’t opened an energy drink no how are you alive I mean I did get a little kick you know you got a little what hit start what does that

Mean what do you think oh I just saw your message lost my original survival world cousin broke my cousin broke laptop by accident ooh accident years 5 years old planning on recovering the hard drive yeah I would try I would definitely try to do that a 5-year-old

World is a lot to lose cuz this world isn’t even 5 years old and I would be upset spaghetti if I lost this world I would be I would be unhappy planning on recovering the hard drive yeah I would yeah hopefully it works it’s always the cousins too I’m

Never like oh my sister broke like it’s always like the cousins you know what I’m saying I’ve got some I’ve got some cousins some younger cousins and no offense to them but like oh my God they breaking my stuff all the time aren’t they actually like on this

Two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 what uh yes technically or they they were on the r at three four five yeah they were wait I don’t get it the sphere generator and the circle generator are like not agreeing like they’re giving me like different numbers for

Stuff well which one are you going to believe oh I bet they’re just giving me different cuz if I put it here is that what it’s giving me no it’s not giving me that it should be giving me the dead middle but it’s not giving me the dead

Middle well no I think they’re both giving me the same they’re giving me the same circle with the same diameter but they’re giving me different ways to build it I I mean I guess I have to side with the with the sphere generator which is unfortunate because that’s what I need I

Need the Sphere not the circle so I guess I might have to redo it but I still have my Survival Island is that like a Sky Block thing like survival island is that like a Sky Block because we’ve had a Sky Block we’ve done a lot on a Sky Block

Before sorry I’m not like paying paying total total attention to chat I am trying to work on this uh Stupid Circle six yeah yeah see six six three three like this is these numbers are really random okay 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 it’s only 12 but if I go here it’s 14 like it was supposed to be okay I guess I’m just going to redo the circle and make it line up with this it’s not like I don’t have until it’s not like I don’t have three more hours

To work on this thing are you building that with melons over there y yep y yep okay um well here we go I guess time to redo this circle oh wait one two three four wait I get it is that what’s happening oh it makes

Sense wait one two 3 4 five and then I look at this one and if I one one two three four five and then 1 2 3 4 and then oh okay so basically it’s the same Circle I was wrong it’s just throwing me off because it’s not including these the overlapping

Blocks in the middle you know what I’m saying yeah okay so I do have it built right okay okay all right um excuse me this might be you should have an e chest on you um I’m going to be looking at this circle for a little bit

Um okay let’s see here so this circle is if I go okay that’s layer 56 okay if I go to layer 50 or no that’s that’s that that’s that’s the middle layer yes that was the middle layer because it’s four so that means technically two of the layers are exactly the

Same okay two of the layers are exactly the same it looks like to me or wait are they are three of them the same I think those those four in the middle are exactly the same one two three four two three four yeah okay I think

Those are the exact same so we’re going to do that probably and just build up okay four layers okay so we’ll do that um I am looking at the chat now again sorry for that brief thing when I wasn’t looking at the chat completely uh two

Trying to figure out how to use a circle so my OBS isn’t working like my last laptop I’ve had a few issues with OBS recently Especial Especially like the game capture thing and it’s working now but like I’m assuming you use OBS if you’re saying like like you know

Fairly regularly like the the the the the capture thing that allows you to you know not record your entire Monitor and just record a game I’ve had issues with that recently like being able to crop in correctly on games like valerant it really doesn’t like doing it for valerant um Minecraft

It seems to work okay on but like you know if it doesn’t work obviously that’s a problem because then everybody can see like everything I’m Googling and like the stream looks messy it’s not just like focused on the game and you can ask this goober I’m on

Call with right now me and OBS and streamlabs have not been friends for many years we have been fighting isn’t that right silly yeah yeah we have had some problems remember remember the remember the literal watermelon I used to stream on yeah yeah that was an experience um

Little tip for all you aspiring streamers just like me don’t buy a $500 quote unquote gaming computer from Costco and then accidentally install viruses on it and then expect it to be able to stream things well because it won’t work it won’t go well it wasn’t actually that bad of a computer it’s

Just the fact that I uh like literally had M like I was actually like probably mining Bitcoin for somebody for like a good year on that thing I was not smart back then I did not know how to be smart on the internet I’m going to run out of rockets

Soon o $1,200 laptop that is a pretty price to pay for that that is the exact same price I paid for my uh my desktop setup that I have right now same price it’s kind of a coincidence that is cool though I can imagine that’s actually a really good laptop then

Hey goofy take this want see something funny what if I just like through it oh that would have been so funny you’re so hysterical did you need my Redstone box or something I mean unnecessarily well I’d like to get this thing up and cooking because I’m running out of glass

Actively all I hear you do is chugging along I should have got a desktop I know what say what you were going to say oh it’s chugging along oh yeah I should have got a desktop yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s kind of up in the

Air I I feel in my nonprofessional opinion that you can get more computing power for less money if you buy a desktop because laptops are just more expensive in general but also you know if you need the portability like honestly I could have probably got a

Laptop because I have to you know I got the double Christmas Grant from the genie so I have to switch houses a lot which means a laptop would actually be a lot more convenient cuz I I just kind of have to just leave my computer here um like at one

House so you know having a laptop can be nice but yeah I feel like you get more bang for your buck with the desktop setup but you know depends on the the individual what the what you need most is it almost working over here almost um the can’t help but notice that

The mine carts are just going to fly off this end of the track hold up I’m Cushing no you’re not cooking that is the problem here this machine is unoperational me it’s temporary by the way way what’s temporary those blocks being there cuz if I didn’t have

Them the thingy wouldn’t work the rails would just connect to each other right there oh yeah no I know the I have I I I hate rails in this game so much I’ve I’ve had to mess with them so oh I don’t have I don’t have any more fireworks now

I’m just going to float to the bottom of the ocean um yeah it’s a process I need more rockets and then I’m going to go and see if there’s more glass that got smelted by the other smelter probably not cuz it’s definitely not in your distance um I don’t know about that one

Chief I can pretty much see it from here let’s go see I can go see actually I’m going to collect the XP from this first for my pickaxe okay I can go see I I I think it’s in my render distance it’s really close one plus side is that if anyone

Griefs me when I’m out I can hot spot it then fix it Realms of course um you know what that’s true that’s true you have a desktop you got to leave that home yeah I don’t think it’s in my render distance um yeah we used to have our fair share

Problems with Griefers which is why we’re U more hesitant to add people just cuz you know there’s problems and that’s why I I wouldn’t put somebody on a single player world of mine like if I didn’t know them like personally because they don’t because you know Realms have

Backups but like single player ones obviously don’t um ow Phantoms get out of here but yeah I know what you mean all right um all right it’s it’s up and running now it is yep okay I’m just going to bring all the sand from the other one to you

Then or are we able to use what whatever they’re called here what fa descriptive aren’t I yeah you’re very descriptive lava lava buckets hello jelly k how are you doing tonight happy holidays hope you’re having a very wonderful Christmas morning technically 3:00 a.m. are we able to use lava buckets in

It yeah I don’t know do you think we would be able to to uh it depends if the mine cart can carry it far enough why don’t you look up like an autof fuel Farm it would just be like KP or something I mean I guess I don’t know

Just just find something for now that’ll be good that’ll work oh no the the sand goes on the chest I I I know I don’t know maybe if you like didn’t decid to do a little silly you know Merry Christmas Merry Christmas thank you’all for checking in

Once again and being here in the chat um I have many I have I have my main friends checking my realm they just message me if anything happens yeah yeah I mean that would work this is kind of a smaller server for sure we don’t have that many people um looking for more

People some more fun people that would add stuff um yeah I will I will definitely as soon as I get this thing actually back streaming and running as a realm of course I will let you I’ll let you know then we’ll see if we can’t get you added

Here um fuel source fuel source fuel source I I got a fuel Sur Source you want see it what no no no no no no no no no that is a that is a Spicy Bite no no don’t you dare don’t you oh my oh my God oh my God

You just put you just strapped a nuke to a scooter don’t do that those things are so scary dude oh oh my God how how do they even blow up like when you when you like touch when they when they run into a block I’m pretty sure if you like jump

On one they blow up like when you pushed it off there that made me so like this whole platform would have been goodby like in good night um welcome to the stream jelly uh we’re here and we are converting our industrial district in our survival

World to a uh giant snow globe so as you you can see there’s the first few layers here um and it will eventually be a giant globe that encompasses this whole area um as a fun little Christmas stream and yeah that’s uh and you can see that kind of big like really big

Snowman over there that’s what we did last Christmas stream which that one was actually pretty fun too but we did not make it the full we copped out of that one cuz we couldn’t stay up we were too tired but this one um we we stopped dropped last stream

At 3:00 last year because we were too tired but we’ve already made it to 3:40 this morning almost so and we’re still chugging quite a pretty smoothly so I would say we’re going to make it I reached the subscriber cap for YouTube that you can subscribe

To I did not know there was a subscriber cap that’s I would be interested to know what that cap is because that sounds like a lot it has to be a lot let’s see here let’s see let’s see okay what what’s the fuel what’s the fuel going to

Be um what could it be it could be Lava it could be Iron wait iron what am I talking about it could be Lava it could be coal it could be kelp I feel like kelp is the the best no you can subscribe to a Max of 2,000 I

Never knew that really there is a Max there is a Max that’s kind of I did not know that a Max of 2000 channels oh there’s squid falling into my iron farm well hey if it works it works I guess anyway um it said it also grows with the

Amount of subscribers you have though so ah ah interesting interesting I don’t think I would have ever reached that limit I mean I like 2,000 Channel I mean that’s a fair amount of channels but like did not know there was a limit I have what S8 n 10 one two three

I only subscribed to 173 so can we can we get some fuel cooking in these furnaces because this is what you want in there anything all of it maybe I wonder if lava would work I really do Wonder but it would that’s the problem is it’s not going to get to all

The furnaces because the mine cart can only carry so much of it at a time you know what I’m saying it won’t reach like it won’t refill itself but you just oh oops but you just put in a whole another batch but it’s going to take so much lava

Because it’s going to like that but the LA no I mean like like we need a kelp Farm because if we don’t have a kelp Farm we’ll have to get the lava manually so so how’s our coal looking at the moment there is none dude we have not farmed coal in

Forever the bathrooms definitely could have had some could have had some but that’s only a little bit let me check hey chat if you guys can think of a good like what do you what do you think is the best way to fuel this automatic smel de we got going forun all

Of this coal that we have I mean I guess go ahead for now but eventually I think a kelp Farm automatic kelp Farm attached to the aut smelter is the way to go but chat let me know what you guys think I value your input can’t just like you guys seem like

Gamers just use a anymore too bad that doesn’t exist anymore huh um oh I guess there’s probably still loot is there loot in here because this is a room in here because this is where we used to AFK fish farm there is stuff in here some books yeah some good stuff in

Here um nothing else though oh there’s a chest down here oh there’s a bunch of sugarcane I didn’t even know there’s a bunch of sugar in here I’m might put that I’m put that with the rest of the sugar cane automatic nose picker you know what I didn’t think about that until just

Now what for the fish farm no it’s a good idea automatic I mean that’s the industrial reevolution right there kelp yeah kelp yeah I was thinking kelp too um it seems the general consensus in chat is kelp so I should we roll with kelp okay here’s the thing I don’t know

If you were here earlier but what I did right before we started building the circle was I immediately took down the there was a kelp farm right here a kelp Farm attached to sugarcan farm cuz the old kelp Farm design that we had was just like just did not work at all so

Okay how about this you finish fortuning’s going to go into the lava no no oh ouch anyway um finish finish smelting the or finish foring the coal bring it over put it in start the smelter so we have some glass and then um then then you work on

The kelp Farm I’ll work on the circle and getting that done I think that’ll be good what should we make the base of the what should we make the base of the snow globe like you know how every snow globe has like the part that’s not glass that you hold it

By yeah probably like red something like red terot red terra cotta or something something reddish you know I was thinking white but red would work you did say that you met the subscriber cap jelly oh yeah it won’t allow me to subscribe to you I mean hey if you’re at

The subscriber limit that’s fine man if you have there’s no pressure to subscribe um I would appreciate it if you did but you know no pressure man let’s see I’m I’m glad you’re enthusiastically trying but you know if you’ve hit the limit I guess you’ve hit the limit let’s see here do

We should I go and get red terra cotta then when does red terra cotta even look like you find it in M I just say saying something maybe like red red concrete uh red red terracotta let’s take a look at Red terra cotta red terra cotta isn’t actually that red All Things

Considered that’s what I said you’d have to look at it I think concrete might look better chat what do we think for the base of the snow globe we want to do something like Christmas colors so should we do red terracotta or red concrete cuz there’s there’s red and

Green terracotta and there’s also red and green concrete I think the Terra Cotta might be slightly easier to get a lot of but I feel like the concrete’s colors might look better so what what do we think guys I’m looking for some for some input

Here cuz for to get the con rete we need yeah we need gravel and sand which we already need sand for the glass glazed black terracotta glaze oh you don’t make glazed terracotta you just smelt it let me remind myself as to what that looks like glazed black terra cotta It’s red and black okay oh that could be interesting I see what you’re going for with that light what if we did hard to not make but you know like well the the P pattern would be hard to get right because you have to place it in a way

That the pattern looks good and it’s not going to be an even surface but I like the idea of using black what if we did um but we should make stripes we should do like black and red stripes what if we did uh like red in the middle with like

Black glazed terra cotta outline you know what I’m saying like perimeter like the very base of it and then the very top right as it touches the snow globe is black glaz T cot and then the middle is red concrete concrete ah I feel like that would

Work okay so regardless it looks like we’ll need a little bit of both of the concrete and the Terracotta so I’m going to go you finish the smelter get the glasses smelting and I’m going to head out and get some concrete for us okay or some some terracotta and some concrete all

Right okay so to get black glazed terracotta we need to First have regular terra cotta because you can’t make black glaze terra cotta out of you can’t redy terra cotta once it’s so like I know this box has terracotta in it but we can’t redy it once it’s a color you

Can’t change that color so we need to get normal terra cotta and I know just the place to go get some so let’s first I’m going to get some Shuler boxes so we actually have something to take it home with or home in um so let

Me introduce you guys to our very secret awesome storage room so we go ahead and open the floor here drop on down and here we go there’s a nice little map of the land down here too I love this place uh we’re right there and we’re working

On the ocean thing it’s kind of up over there um this is what it looks like snow biome volcano biome looks very good so let’s go ahead and grab some empty Shuler boxes I’ll get we’ll do three for now I think that might work and then let’s put some of

This random stuff something is not going right here somebody forgot how to make an auto smelter sounds like no is it not working it’s putting the it’s putting the coal where like the glass or stuff is supposed to go it’s putting the what did you did you run the did you run

The Hoppers into the back of it yeah ink sacks are expensive um that’s true but we do have this farm right here actually this is a squid farm and I think the squid Farm might be able to pull through cuz ink sacks are expensive but if the squid Farm is actually still

Working yeah there’s a stack in there now oh is the mine cart missing oh the mine cart’s missing oh that’s weird okay well I’ll get a new mine cart but we do have a squid Farm um let me take a look at this Farm real fast did you run into the

Back I think you messed us up here by throwing all the sand in here oh wait that’s the chest for that Hopper oh then where’s the chest for the other one there isn’t one you just throw straight into the m a you goober yes you lie

Kind of screwed us way over here Camp um wait so where is it putting it then yeah just going to point at it yeah stop moving it any sand so where does the sand need to go in just straight into the other one oh so you put the coal into the wrong one

Too well because I assumed but you messed it up this is all you so so so coal goes into the chest oh gosh stop it stop it stop it stop it halt halt my my hand is in the way okay all right there we go so now now the sand is

In we got to clear The Hoppers too we do oh my God this is a mess okay get out get out get out get out okay we they clear yeah okay don’t touch anything don’t touch anything I’m touching it I’m touching the whole thing I’m going to pull every switch oh there we

Go we did it yay we did it we did it we did it yeah okay um right hey can I do you have an extra Minecart with hopper I think I need yeah you have a mine cart with hopper no I you have a minecart and do

You have iron can I have iron I know where Iron’s at yeah yeah okay pointing over there yeah I get it um okay here we go make a chest go and grab me some iron that yeah you guys can desperately see how much this system needs to rework it’s

So just like kind of messy in general and like using like a water elevator to climb up on awkwardly stacked St like we need a storeage system over here we need a lot of improvements over here and it starts by making a giant snow globe around it I guess I don’t

Know I don’t really I don’t really know my thought process but you know we’re here for it I’m G use a bathroom and then back okay all right now I need to fix this okay here we go now to fix the ink sack problem that we will inevitably have go little

Buddy so that should go and should collect yep ink sacks okay perfect so this this Farm should run while I’m gone and pick up plenty of ink sacks so that I can die all of the Terra Cotta black when I get back so now it’s time to go grab us some terra Cotta it’s funny he mentioned you had to go to the bathroom I kind of also have to go to the bathroom um so if I remember correctly I should be able to now I did blow up a lot of the nether Hub so it’s going to be a little bit tricky to

Navigate because I don’t exactly know where I’m going I can guess though I think it’s just the straight line over I think it’s cuz all these tunnels yeah this is like the horrible mess that we made in here I think it’s just this way though it should just to be this way or

Wait no no no no no sorry I got that wrong yep see I already get turned around in here I know where it is okay it’s actually not that way oh gas it’s up this way yeah this is why we desperately need a new nether Hub too is that’s like

Another project that we were working on something we were working on at the start of this stream it’s because it’s actually this way here do I have a boat in here I do not have a boat in here okay I’m gonna have to fly this oh okay here we go fly this very

Carefully my video was buffering so had to reload oh no problem I hope that wasn’t the stream I hope that was not something that will happen again okay so we’re flying down here and yes this is quite literally the nearest Mesa biome we’ve ever found in this

World it is insanely far away and I’m actually kind of surprised that I flew that tunnel that well because usually I hit my head about a thousand times um okay that looks good sorry I was checking my OBS um okay here we are this is the Mesa biome

Uh we have our little uh little tont town over here um just some tiny little silly little like Tavern buildings but um the place we mine and extract from are the mountains over here is where we tend to take stuff from or these Hills over here because they’re they’re far enough

Away I think I’ve actually raided that desert temple I don’t know though okay so which one of you is normal terra cotta I think it’s this one yeah okay ow okay so let’s place down our ochre box organize our inventory a little bit so we can hold the most easiest and

We’ll get to mining stop stop Okay now granted if I had a beacon this would be a lot faster but we do not currently have the funds for one of those things I’m hoping he’ll come back from his bathroom break soon so we can entertain y’all so I can go to the

Bathroom because I have to go to the bathroom really bad it’s all taken and no just use your mind my phone got my phone not that good motor roll uh yeah motor roll is not like bad bad phones are kind of confusing because like everyone’s like oh Apple’s really

Good but then you like actually look at the stats and it’s like Samsung’s better but then like I don’t know I don’t know what to think about it I’ve been debating switching from iPhone to Samsung for a while because they look better and they look like more

Affordable but like I don’t know I don’t know what I should do oh I guess I don’t need to be using a silk touch pickaxe for this so we will also need to get some sand while we’re here because of the desert is right here oh hello buddy thank

You um yeah because there’s the desert right my God there’s so many mobs because the desert’s right over there so we can get some some good sand while we’re here because we need a lot of lot a lot of glass oh my goodness sorry y’all I had to pop my

Back NEC was giving me some troubles there had two iPhones before but they got stolen oh no that’s not good so tired of buying expensive phones fair enough what so sorry to hear that though hm back from the bathroom finally yeah I also had to go find a drink in to oh

Yeah you know that bad you’re finally going to drink one of the energy drinks maybe okay chat I have to go to the bathroom I will let my silly Confidant entertain you for a little bit I’ll be right back me yes you goober um what’s up chat um I guess we’re going

To have some end up comedy here so uh what’s brown and sticky a stick I think that’s a pretty good one uh you I I wonder if I know any Christmas ones um I’m not looking through my brain I’m actually just looking online but you know you know

Uh how much did Santa pay for his sleigh nothing because it was on the house you know like his slay lands on top of the house or um how does Christmas Day end I’m back now with the letter Y I I heard all of those jokes they were all equally as

Bad I also heard like a like I left my headset on I heard like an onire zombie like attacking me while I was going to the bathroom that was kind of cool love that for myself you didn’t die I heard that on Tik Tok wow you stealing your

Jokes wait which one on Tik Tok all of them BR and sticky one yeah I think that’s probably probably that one dude this is so loud what is the can the can is loud yeah it’s like a huge clicking noise brother it’s a can usually aren’t this loud I mean I

Also don’t drink pop a lot yeah it’s a can I just ripping off a Band-Aid what if it sprayed everywhere yeah if it sprayed everywhere be kind of funny I think you wouldn’t know how to open a can if that happened see now it’s being

Quiet I got to set my chair up so I can actually like sit up and like play this game right now because my neck is starting to hurt I’ve been like I’ve been like laying backwards awkwardly in my chair because I’ve been tired oh inventory is full it does smell like

Sunny D I will give it that I was so oh my gosh it’s very carbonated yeah you can’t handle the spicy water no I can’t it’s itly I mean if it means that much to you just let it flat out but it’ll flat out bubbles in it for those who are here and

Unaware this is his first time having like an actual energy drink and I have a feeling that he’s going to be bouncing off the walls and coming in a few hours at least uh you won’t have to be here you’ll take the whole stream by your by

Yourself no it we’ll just be done streaming by then oh yeah it’s already 405 hey dude what did I tell you like I I told you about oh I got a message here it’s getting late I’ll hit the Bell so I can see when you stream

Hey thanks man thank you for coming in here thank you for uh having some fun chatting with us really enjoyed it um yeah thanks for hitting that Bell and uh we will be streaming probably sometime again pretty soon um yeah have a happy holidays and uh get some good sleep man

Don’t do what we’re doing don’t stay up all night yep Merry Christmas to you too yeah I a real one for Real uh yeah anyway so for those yeah for those who are unaware um last year we were we were unsuccessful in completing our all nighter and we we were unsuccessful in

All of the years past I think this is our fourth or fifth year trying to do this in a row it’s four I think it’s four I think yeah I think this is our fourth year so I think fourth times the charm with this are we on 1 Point are we

What so are we on 1.20 I I I honestly have no idea because this Farm on YouTube looks like a zero take Farm is it working but it uses bone meal though so I don’t think it is as a your take oh is it on auto bone meal Farm

Well if it’s on a auto bone meal Farm it has to be an Autos skeleton Farm which is not the same yeah because under like the in the description it says like skeleton bone meal Farm but what about charcoal charcoal might be crazy that would require an automatic Tree Farm

Maybe how would it do it though an automatic Tree Farm no automatic charcoal yeah with an automatic tree farm and then it smelts itself but this has like water how is it getting lared oh hi jelly Kent good to know that you’re still here hope you’ve been enjoying um I

Am very close to switching from getting terracotta to getting sand and then I will head back to the big big old Circle where I will continue building it um I hope you have some good plans for Christmas morning coming up in about like a few hours from

Now I know I will be tired but um be having a good time you are really into that video right now aren’t you what you mean the tutorial I’m just tring to trying to find a a w what we could do is make like an infinite lava Farm

Oh but those take really long though if you have like a really big one okay then do it I don’t know if this this thing uses is able to use the whatever though lava yeah I mean it will be able to depending on how you set it up but

Right oh this thing works good oh my gosh you got qu quite a bit of s run that past me one more time what say what you said again I said something like it’s working really good oh Okay can I join I’m not a griefer uh I believe you but the thing is this is like a private world right now because it’s like cuz I stopped paying for the real subscription and it’s not a server and I’m I will let people join as soon as I

Get it set up as a server um so there will be a uh live stream I know you said you can’t sub because you’ve hit the limit or something but um there will be a stream where I get this eventually sorted as a server and I will then be

More than happy to invite you if you want to just like drop your username like in the chat or like if you if you’re if you’re okay to do that I can just like write it down and then like I can add you as soon as I make it a

Public server it’s back to a realm or something because I would love to have a lot of people here to you know widen the community I’m sure you have a many AG great builds to add to our server no I might just go go jump in a cave you

Know I’ll unsubscribe from one of my other subs okay thank you I would I hate to make you do that but yeah if you’ve reached the limit I guess what’ you say I think I’m just going to jump in a cave to go get coal cuz like everything else is really really like

Inefficient or it’s just like stupid you’re just going to go for coal yeah okay I’m going to assume yeah the second one is the username okay I’m just going to uh take a little green grab of that save it okay there we go I will add that

Username as soon as I get this realm sorted uh I imagine it’ll be done by the new year should be done pretty fast um once I actually figure out how to do it probably be a realm instead of a server but if it is a server might be a server

I don’t know what device you’re playing on but uh as long as it’s Bedrock Edition you should be able to join just fine uh okay there we go there’s a full box of that stuff and now I’m gonna pick that up pop okay now I need some sand so

Let’s get some sand oh a desert temple I’m going to see if this is looted or not I bet it probably is because it’s really close to the oh yeah it is okay I figured it was but now it’s time to get us some sand

So I need sand for concrete and then I also need sand for um glass so I’m just going to get two boxes of sand and I can also get sand a lot faster than I can the other stuff so this won’t take that long I can just kind of mow through it just

You good over there mining down in the cave yeah some big caves I we did play this world on the caves and cliffs update that is true I can join your Ro nice thank you thank you for the invite I humbly appreciate appreciate your invite I will check it out

Sometime uh my username is I’ll just throw it in the chat because it’s hard to read There You Go gosh there’s a lot of creepers though add me if you feel and you can invite me thank you picking up sand wrong box nothing down here and a

Phantom I always love to complain about Phantoms but then I never sleep so you know it’s like I know what to do about it but I don’t like to do it I can hear my drink bubbling uh yeah there is a friend thing um you can just send like a friend

Request on Xbox and it should let you do that after you’ve sent the request a lot of mobs out tonight I still don’t know how I feel about the caves and CLI update well it’s been out for a minute so you might as well form an opinion soon

Maybe yep I got your uh friend invite thingy so it should let you do it now I just accidentally hit that Phantom I didn’t even mean to there’s like no coal down here you starred for coal nothing remember when we ran into this problem the first time CU they made coal

And iron like Super G like Giga hard to find for no reason yeah thing is I I can’t even find Copper so that’s a bad sign if you can’t find Copper you know things are running dry it should also be that this Cav has been like fully explored yeah that that that

Too clearing out this desert right now I should go back and run and pick up all the sand none of it goes to waste husks are very annoying animals I won’t even lie animals Critters creatures creepy crawlies of the dark I don’t know not that stop hitting me and making me hungry famine

Monsters over here making me starved rather parched in it did it drone in it what’s hitting me it’s a baby zombie out here filsa no filsa no I take revenge whoa creeper you’re a scary little rascal still nothing on the coal side of things so dry down there he lost his voice

Oh I’m just mining up upwards Now ladies and gentlemen welcome to 4:20 a.m. I repeat 420 a.m. that’s only funny if you’re me only if you’re you that’s weird uh yeah sure give me one one second I will look at that usually when I add people it

Doesn’t actually ask me to like or ask them to accept accept it it just says that you have to try it but um friends um BV H H 93 93 or wait nine sorry n98 8 43 there we are okay I accepted the friend

Request uh let me know if you can see it or let me know if it works and then let me know if it doesn’t any news from coand over there found some diamonds well diamonds are just super concentrated coal so exactly yeah you know the caves and cliffs

Updates a little messed up when you’re finding diamonds before coal yeah it’s all right there where am I I’m off the ch of somewhere oh I’m behind guala the one dude tech oh you’re that far away yeah not that far away there is a surprising amount of coal though like on the ocean

Floor yeah that’s true there is a lot of coal down there I don’t know why though I mean I have Aqua fin so like yipp doesn’t matter you know where that would have come in handy when when we were moving that Guardian yeah that was horrible if I need to take

You back to that time let’s not say we did for like some random do of someone to break the person out yep I do support the effort though that must have taken forever to do it to do what do you mean to break somebody out from the prison

Oh yeah I support I support the grind for that because that must have taken forever you guys uh stream to give you guys a little bit of context in in an earlier season of The Realm I uh like in by season I mean a earlier world so not

This world but a different world with different people um there we made a prison and we locked somebody in it because they were breaking a bunch of server rules and I said that if somebody managed to break that person out of prison then I would let them go because

It would be impressive enough that they were able to be broken out so the prison was a solid obsidian box with layers of lava and there were like and then there was an Elder Guardian in an obsidian box underneath the prison so even with like a really good diamond pickaxe it would

Take you like 10 minutes to get through one piece of obsidian and the people who were trying to break out the other person didn’t have any tools so I was just like you know what if you manage to break him out kudos to you you can you can stay out and they did

Um and it must have taken a lot of work so congrats to that person but moving that Elder Guardian underneath the prison was the most unfund task ever it took us like four hours or like three hours or something right yeah we set up till like 3:00 a.m.

Yeah it was rough that one night but it was fun like I mean it was it was a bonding experience we were like hysterically giggling by the end of it like we were like losing our minds yeah and yep okay it worked yeah I saw the uh little like Realm invite thing

Pop up so yeah I think it worked thank you for the invite I shall come and play sometime let’s see more sand more sand so much Sand double Tall Grass rare I don’t know that that’s a good question I know it’s not rare from like bone meal like if you make it artificially it’s not rare but I think to find it naturally is rarer I think it’s rare I think it’s a little bit rarer

I know you can make it pretty fast with bone meal but I think if you like just get it like see it naturally it’s rare or like finding it or like having the actual item oh having the item I don’t even know if you could have the

Item I I think you can only get it from villagers maybe yeah if you have the item that’s really rare if you just have the grass that’s less rare but the item would be really rare I think I love looking for coal I love refrigerators you found two of them in

Items inside of a chest that’s rare right oh I think so like in a village yeah congratulations you just stumbled upon the rarest grass you’ll ever see I guess all right well now I have all the sand that I will need for a little bit I’ll need more

Eventually I’m going to call it there and head home found emeralds finding emeralds before coal sad day I know Emerald or see I I used to be sad when I found Emerald War now it’s like un toine I used to be sad oh because like you didn’t his

Emeralds used to be useless in Minecraft oh this was before your time this this was back in my day when the Earth was flat and the Sheep were bald home word bound we go go oh I don’t have that many Rockets do I yeah I should stop and get more there we

Are I know these are meant for ice boats but I don’t have any boats at the moment so we just have to where where did all the ice boats even go I don’t that’s a good like literally I have no idea oh not to mention the paths have been

Like picked apart by gas and stuff but you know whatever that’s let me hobble up here okay there we go like I said we desperately need a better nether Hub desperately desperately oh 4:30 man only have an hour and a half left before 6: a.m. huh yeah I’m be like collecting coal the

Whole time literally little you’re you’re you’re GNA come out with like six pieces the children the children yearing for the mines exactly curious to see how much smelted while I was gone oh that’s actually quite a lot quite a lot quite a bit your mother okay this one is for

Smelting yeah I can still hear this thing like bubbling over here what thing the drink you were like hyper sensitive to All Things carbonated what do you mean it’s just funny because like normally I wouldn’t even like notice like I’d be like like like I like stuff carbonate

I’d be like oh this is flat like when something’s like not carbonated and you’re just like oh bubbles bubbles are weird man down with the bubbles down with the bubbles D my dentist they were bad too so well k your dentist So if I remember correctly the four layers of this circle on the very inside were the exact same if I remember correctly I might have to switch to my headphones why the Apple the Apple earbuds are getting kind of uncom I mean you can switch to your headphones just keep the normal

Mic well yeah obviously Oh I thought you were saying you’re going to have to switch mics too I was like dear God no the stream was going so good don’t don’t don’t push other people away with your mic I’ll just be K off the stream at that

Point I I I I gave you that microphone for a reason I I didn’t even sell it to you I gave it to you yeah it was an investment for me oh not there one two one two one two one two one two Okay cool so that’s three layers

Done let’s I’m going to take a look back at our Circle again see yeah because from some really cool islands around us you know that so one two three four wait a minute are they different no they’re just the same they’re the exact same one two four yeah all those are the

Same so I have to go one more then what we have some like really cool islands around this yeah there are a lot of really cool Islands oh oh oops I fell oh no don’t breing with that no I dropped one I’m still waiting to find like a mega being a coin

Yeah it said those things existed I still haven’t seen one just saying I’m just saying I ain’t never heard of one I ain’t never seen one I ain’t never known anybody’s Grandma all right listen you know honestly scaffolding might not be the worst idea right about now that could actually prove to be

Helpful in this project okay some just I think somebody just fell and died oh they’re just raining from above that’s funny okay so now it’s four blocks thick and now that means the design it’s raining that means the design officially now changes to be one in you said it’s

Raining yeah it’s actually raining for me too that’s oh yeah if you guys don’t know there’s like a weird thing on Realms where like half of the time the weather for me I guess we aren I guess we aren’t on Realms though oh that’s true this is

A single player world oh I get it now that makes more sense okay I won’t be looking at chat for just a second because I have to look at this circle design um excuse me for just a second okay uh so it goes in on the so there two two which is actually

The three okay so everything is normal until six so six five four three three three three everything is normal for all of the threes up until the threes outside of that one okay that makes sense okay so then we go there we go one two three three okay

We’ll come over here and we’ll do these ones oh ow there’s Phantoms there’s many Phantoms there will only ever be more Phantoms actually because I don’t sleep I don’t actually make a lot of spheres so this is very new Turf for me in terms of like building things I make

Circles a lot but not spheres okay whoa where did you come from that gu came out of nowhere there we go there we go chaa chaa oh oh I broke it pick it oh oh I’m not wearing an o forgot I wasn’t wearing a MRA walked off the building trying to to get

Himself okay that’s good there then we come over to here we can do all of this there is a lot of pattern just going over when you’re doing circles it’s just all about remembering patterns two three four okay then we come over here to these ones right here

We do one two three okay four three like normal okay now we’ve done all of those so now this glass is incredibly hard to see because of the texture pack I’m wearing and it’s raining um so now after the one two 3 4 it goes it follows normal it goes one

Two one two one one two one two one one two okay one two one sounds like you’re learning dance tips over here one two is that right one two let me look at it on the website again okay CU one one two one one two and that goes back by

One okay then we do the same thing over here one two one one two and then that creates one two three four five in the middle one two three four five in the middle one two three four five yep I did that right okay cool two three four five

Okay now I know the pattern and now I can do that on the rest of these to complete this circle because I know the pattern now one two oh that’s a water bucket one two one one two then one two three four five then we come over here we go one

Two one one two okay got that one done easy one two one one two one two three four five one two one one two easy easy peasy lme and squeezy my neck hurts that’s the only thing that’s bugging me right now is way my B kind of hurts not

Really I wonder if it’s the lack of sleep and or the fact that I’ve been sitting in this chair in a weird angle for the last I don’t know eight hours one two one one two one two three four five one two one one two kids if you’re watching which I

Haven’t been looking at chat I’m sorry let me look back at chat no nothing nothing new um we do have another viewer don’t know who well welcome new viewer um thank you for tuning in and uh jelly can if you’re still here thank you for still being here sticking with

Us glad you’re having a good time I think we just finished with that layer too so now we’re on to the next layer of the sphere um we are working on a giant snow globe that’s going to Encompass our industrial district you know cuz it’s Christmas and why not make a giant snow

Globe right yeah so that’s what we’re doing there’s a witch in here is it a Wicked Witch of the East it’s the Wich of the the Dead Oh on okay so the next layer after that is similar but not the same it goes in on a few different blocks

Box so it goes in on both of those making them equal and then that’s it and then the rest of it it follows a normal pattern okay this is going to be interesting so this all stays the same here for the first two then on this one it’s only

Three then on the next one still only three so it cuts in one again then the next one is also three so it cuts in does a double cut and then it stays the same for the rest of it okay oh shoot there’s a m shaft down

Here the children they yearn for the mines I for the M all right buddy calm down there buddy you’re the one who made it what this is like a horrible M sha not lie I guess it goes down way for so it does that same double cut right there so

Three three and three CU it turns all of them into three and then two two two and two and then two two two someone’s been down here two two and one actually okay that makes sense somebody’s cooked I don’t know who I really wonder who somebody’s been cooking it up down

There is there’s Cobblestone two one two I wonder who oh jell still here you me are still here I’m here hello Jelly thank you for sticking around um okay let’s see here now we go one two three one two three one two three and then we finish out this you

Know actually building this sphere could have been it’s not that bad so far it could be a lot worse it’s going to be a lot more difficult when I get to having to do the bottom half of it and I am going to run out of glass very

Shortly but you know yeah and until then it’s yeah almost like I need my Miner to come back up to the top and give me some coal it’s that Builder Miner relationship come on you got to hold up your half of this someone just left a golden apple down

Here too bad it’s not an enchanted golden apple I’ve yet to find one of those you know have you ever found one jelly I mean golden apples are pretty rare I mean but like the the golden like the enchanted golden apples though or enchanted golden apples are pretty rare

That’s what I meant to say I mean he found the the grass you know so maybe jell just got really good Lu Maybe yes you have okay okay guys I think jell is a Pro Gamer guys Jelly’s found double Tall Grass golden Enchanted apples the whole nine

Yards let’s go up a layer what changes there okay everything stays the same on this next layer except that goes in again by one so this goes in by one and then everything else should stay the exact same on this layer the big layers the changes are

Relatively minute at first but then a lot changes really fast as you approach the top of the circle or sphere I should say just goes one in and then one in oh not there I’ve got to get this right Can I help you with your work yeah so um when we do the server and have that all set up as a realm I’ll add you and then you can join and then you can get everything done the thing is I don’t want to add anybody to the world version

Because I might be changing around some stuff and there might be like a like a roll back or two and it’s like I don’t want to like put everybody on the world version and then have it like have to reset progress when I put it to a server and stuff like that

So short answer no long answer yes you can help with the work and with this kind of stuff when we get the server set up which should be probably sometime before this year is over so probably sometime in the next week or so but I will keep keep you posted just uh

Keep up with the streams and I will make the announcement in the Stream when we are ready to go or I’ll make like a community post or something like that but uh yeah thank you for wanting to help but yes in the future you can help

Okay next layer up what do we doing here oh a lot gets changed in this layer oh good God okay okay those two layers get cut in one that layer that layer that layer that layer oh my God this is like a whole new pattern okay this one has a lot of cuts

Yeah this layer gets a lot smaller which is good but I want to stop using glass or as much glass layer okay these cave systems are crazy down here okay so this one goes one in then this one also goes one in I’ve been doing this cave stuff for like the past

Hour I’m aware and I still don’t have any coal to show for it then three then that one goes in one equal wages equal something I don’t know I don’t get paid enough for this you’re not getting paid at all for this why am I here because you’re a good friend

Wow you just sitting here like empathy doesn’t pay my bills just to samarit I found an amethyst or a geode or whatever they’re called a geode I think oh that’d be cool to make the base out of amethyst it look really cool oh God that would take so long

Though oh that would be really cool though I kind of want to do it now all right just get all that amethyst and bring it back and we’ll see if it looks good yeah I’m like full of coal you got to pay your taxes now oh

Shoot I kind of got to do it I don’t know what that means well I guess now I am bringing back amethyst because there’s another GE like right beside it okay so I need to go in one on this one can I throw it out my inventory oh I’m

Out of glass don’t need that I need that only the amethyst or like the outside like crust to um get the white Stu I might well just get the I might as well just get the outside Crest too yeah why not I mean because you can only get it from the the amethyst

Right uh yeah pretty much that’s the only place you can get that kind of stuff okay back to just pick it up okay so then I need to go in on this one one and then this one’s normal and then it goes four three two three then just down to one then

Two and then two oh I did that last time too and then two and then one and then two again and then what’s after the two one one one two one one one how is that possible okay so you’ve got you’ve got this here which is you’ve got okay one 2 two

1 right and then after that you have two one one 2 one so two so after this you have two one one one and then two this would that be right one one two and then one and then one which I guess that’s the middle and then two more and

Then this would be one one one and then two and then one two two okay yeah I got that right okay that’s kind of confusing I’m not going to lie but I think I’ve got it yeah no you’re confusing I am very aware that I am confusing oh my

Goodness oh okay it’s a lot of twos and ones and ones and twos and three four 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 you already know it all right um wrong button um okay moving on to this side of things okay so again we need

A four here then 32 three so 3 two three then one two two one so then one two two one then 2 one one one boom then two then one then two facing this way then one one one then two wait a minute I do that right I don’t

Know if I did that right I’m GNA do it from this side too no okay so that goes all the way in this goes all the way in then we have a four a three a 231 two 3 1 then two two one that’s the one two two

One yeah I was right that is is that right and then that’s the oh well fell off the edge of that thing my bad and then like this see that other this is the middle question mark yeah this is that little middle part okay that makes

Sense all right time to do that well like three more times and then we’ll have this layer done like that I think I’m on level like seven or something one two three four five six seven I’m on level eight of like 140 or something I don’t

Know there’s a lot of level to this sphere this is a big circle this like a really big sphere we’re going need we’re going to need a lot amethyst it would look so cool though not it would look pretty dark cool I don’t care if we’re finishing it next

Christmas stream like it would look cool two three might be the one after that probably is what we found like maybe like five geod on this whole thing two two one 2 one one one yeah and two one and two and one one one then two then then one

Two two one then we start from this side and we go all the way from over here like this need a four then a three then a 3 two then a three two oh wait a 32 three what did I what did I [ __ ] up there okay four three three two then

Three how could that possibly be three got a ball out sometimes you know that doesn’t make any sense okay four three okay four three two three one two 2 one and two one one one oh wait shouldn’t It Go like or no wait because that’s not

That ah to the people who are just tuning in now guess that is right four viewers right now we’re making a snow globe it’s part of our Christmas stream probably aren going to finish it because of how big this thing is but you know making a snow globe around our industrial

District and this is taking forever um My Little Confidant is off Gathering coal and I am the one building the Globe because we need coal to smelt the sand for the glass and yeah this is going to take forever right now let an amethyst right oh for sure oh okay four

Then then three then two then three then one two two one then one two two one and then two one two three two one so one two three then two and is it just one and then it goes back out again to two is that right I guess that is right and

Then yeah CU then one one one all right that’s that’s two geod done oh don’t start saying ones and twos I’m G to piss my pants two then one then the one two2 one happens yeah one two two one then 32 three 4 then three two

Three four and then this one I got it right let’s go got it right I think I only have to do it one more time or maybe was that all of it oh that might have been all of it oh my God that layer’s done okay thank

God okay most stressful layer of my life okay what all change yeah oh that changes a lot damn Oh I know actually only changes in two separate locations okay that layer is not that layer is not that bad but I am going to run out of glass again probably so that’s lovely let actually only four I might found my myit here you found your way out of the depths

Maybe I’ve been in this P for L over half an hour okay and then it goes three and then it goes three and then four and then the rest of it follows like normal okay and every time I pause the game guys I’m sorry it’s CU

I’m briefly tabbing out to look at this uh circle diagram this like sphere diagram that I’m building this sphere based on it’s very it’s a lot more difficult to build this thing than you guys might might think no wait not that one okay I’m like trying to do

It based on memory as much as possible but it is proving to be quite difficult and I don’t have two monitors so I can’t just like pull it up next to me unfortunately and that’s the only thing that changes oh no it changes again later oh [ __ ]

Okay so it goes in one there how many times does it change just two changes there there and there and that’s it okay so that’s after so the three then it goes four two then it should go two again so was four four two and it should go two and two

Again so it’s actually like that okay noted then come over here and it goes four two and two again there we go okay cool and we keep moving we push on be inside like a huge mountain aren’t I oh well are you digging straight up

Then yeah you’re going to be inside of a huge mountain because that’s how Minecraft works so four then two actually I’m get Diagon then two but I’m like at 80 80 right now which is just not terbly high you know but could be worse I mean 80 is still pretty far up there

Though I would say you’re probably in a mountain that’s a lot taller than that there’s a lot of coal somehow one two three four five it goes five twos immediately following that one two three four five yeah boom okay perfect that works okay this layer is e

I like this layer this layer is nicer to me this layer was not so off of the wall confusing to me dirt I found dirt good job false hope I’m out of glass again where where’s that light coming from oh yeah just my Lu I’m like literally digging up a huge

Amount I mean that’s I I I literally told you that would happen I’m like 30 blocks above the water wait a minute I did that wrong something’s wrong okay so so all the way over to there something’s wrong three then four then two which should not cut in one oh

Crap there’s something wrong with it [ __ ] then one two three four five six seven eight nine then nine okay so nine let’s count one two three four five six seven eight nine okay got that then three boom then four one two three four and this four should be on the

Edge that goes four down okay that’s right and that three should go three down that’s right okay that two should go two down that’s right okay then you get over to this two should go two down not one down should be three over and one down uh oh that’s wrong on so many

Levels just what happened there good Lord so it goes It goes down break up then down maybe this is the only problem maybe it’s just this one that’s misplaced and then everything else is fine oh well not very fine as I fall off the whole [ __ ] thing um

Okay maybe that was all that was wrong and maybe that’s better I think that might have been it is that the whole problem that was probably the whole problem okay well because then we go one two two three four five right and the leaves should all be the same

Practically oh my God that was stressful I knew I hadn’t messed up yet but then I finally found the place where I did I knew I would eventually yet then one two three four five okay there we go that should be good I mean it’s a big ass glass sphere

And this is the first time I’ve ever tried to build one of these of course I’m going to mess up somewhere then three four then one two three four five then you run over here and you go in from this side too and then you go all

The way over and then you go three and then you go four and then you go one two three four five boom okay I think that’s that layer done okay another layer done easy money okay next layer layer number 60 okay so at that point this is just all one large

Line that just starts from one point in of the whole thing so this just starts here and it goes all the way across like so nice so very long very long line there and then it goes 433 so four three the second three should be lighting up well okay got that done then

It should go 2 two two one go two two two one then then 212 one 212 two one two two three four five six seven eight ones directly top each one that doesn’t work I I can already tell that’s not going to work okay what did I [ __ ] up over here next fun

Question you get rid of your Minecraft moon and will tou your packs I think you did H there there is no moon I see it you do yeah oh I know it’s it’s dead center sky right now really faded it’s like a semic crescent moon oh I didn’t see

It three then one two three broken by a one then put back by a two then broken again by a one then put back by another two and then seven ones that’s not how that pattern looks down there is it no it’s not even close what let’s check the

Circle see if the circle has it right okay it goes it’s four then two then one then one then two down then one that’s it yeah that’s right so then what over here is so damn devilishly wrong wait 2 two oh are you saying that it goes not like that oh [ __ ]

Fell not like that but like this because then it goes one two three four five six seven that leaves one extra actually this is weird yes it’s so weird one two three four five six seven eight it’s actually eight eight so that is right then did I get that wrong on every

Corner okay four three three then three twos two three broken by a one put back by a two broken by a one put back by a two then one two three I did do it here too four five six 78 huh weird I messed the last layer up

Without the slightest like idea that I did Broken by one together by two broken by one together by two that is weird you still there yeah oh I can’t have you falling asleep on me now stagram you’re looking at Instagram oh my goodness well ladies and

Gentlemen we are two minutes in to our fifth consecutive hour streaming minut oh my Lord four five six seven eight okay then again we can start from here we go all the way over to over here boom then four then three then three then one two three broken by one

By two broken by one perect by two finished that side one more side to go on this layer oh my God okay two three four then three three then three then one two three then broken by one back together by two broken by one back together by two then one two

Three four five six seven eight then we run all the way over here then one one two three four one two three one two three one two one two one two oh put that one there wrong broken by one back together by two broken by one back together by two and

That layer is done son surprised layer 61 still have glass what surprised you still have glass I know right isn’t it weird it is weird there’s a [ __ ] ton of glass but think about how much more we need a lot I’m on like layer 10 out of like 140 or 104

What whose fa is that well it had to be a decently big circle decently yeah yeah you call them a circle small how did you originally make the other one like by doing the same thing make what Circle in the very first season oh no I I think I just

Guessed the first season yeah the sphere it was really unsymmetrical I think I just guessed like I literally just used like patterns and just made a circle I think the original like I I think what I did was I used a circle generator to make the original circle

Like the middle ring and then I just guessed from there to make my own Circle uh which to be fair at the time was actually pretty good but I also did it in like creative mode right I didn’t use creative at all hey I admit to it now this season though we’re

Clean this season nothing bad happens this season okay so that’s going in until it comes to the kennedies the what the kennedies nothing bad ever happened to the Kennedy right then four then four more one bringing us two three four then two two then three then two so two then three then

Two then two one two two one two we’re just following that edge I guess how do we just follow that for the rest of the time no then 2 one two then 112 then one one two so we broke it what’s your world like Jayy is it

Like creative or survival four five six six I don’t know if board’s the right word I am I am tired in general but honestly I find this circle pretty fascinating the way that it’s growing so far I do like the circle I’m making a pillar out of

Coal good job you can probably see it if if you looked over here it’s a survival nice where is it right behind our house oh I don’t know if I can see that far maybe I can uh I can’t see quite that far if I jump off the ledge I can let me

Look clouds are kind of in the way oh got dip D good Lord that’s a lot of coal that l [Laughter] oh my God God we were close we were close we were close we did we did it the right time just the wrong emote exactly I was just gonna point at

You but then you did the handshake oh this is going to be so much cool no reason no for a good reason for glass well okay for a good reason for a good reason my bad reason of by reason of glass the GL honestly I think I might be able to

Get the top of the circle pretty close to being done the only constraint would be if I run out of glass which I think I definitely will but if I don’t run out of glass I can get pretty close I think because these layers although they’re getting more complicated they’re getting uh

Smaller and smaller that hurts gosh what there bruise I got on my L ouch you know the vies oh yeah man you know the vibes three then two then two then one then two two two then one then one then two then one two three four five six then one wait

A wait wait a minute wait I hope my Fortune’s good feather picking minute okay four okay four four two three 2 2 one two 2 two one two okay great then one one2 six one one two one two three four five okay guess okay that one’s right that one’s right okay good

Good my brain could not afford for that one to be wrong because I would not know what I would be doing wait we got the scroll Emoji dang this is this is just like I just like numbers like I’m I’m just like I’m just I’m counting in oh go you’re going

Crazy just listing off like random strings and numers 2 two one two two two one two oh my my alarm just went off to get up do you want to see what I’m looking at right now sure this is what’s off screen to my right hey you’re join to another stream

All right jelly it was nice meeting you dude oh see you jelly have a good rest of your night man thank you for talking to us you had a good time and I will let you know when the realm is up have a rest of your night Merry

Christmas do you see that you see that picture I just sent you yeah that’s little bonkers that is why I’ve been staring at literally 2 one two three four like that’s that’s me right now I’m losing my mind losing my freaking mind my ever loving goshon mind are you the viewer right

Now yeah cuz there’s one I mean yeah I think jelly just headed out yeah I think but but you are watching it so you’re you’re technically one right yeah okay because it say I have just one okay dude I’m I’m not going to lie I’m looking at like that was

Good you know what like you know what I mean like what like I’ll be honest like remember remember remember 2: a.m. when I was like when were doing like hot takes yeah I was sitting back in my chair eyes closed with a blanket on like I was probably going to tap

Out I hadn’t opened an energy I hadn’t opened an energy drink yet but then people really tired I sounded tired then yeah yeah because I am I mean I’m tired now but like yeah I was probably going to tap out cuz I was just like dying I hadn’t even own my energy drinks

But I was like oh is it even worth it but like now like dude when people when when when you said like when I was sitting by the generator and you were like you’re not answering chat and I was like oh [ __ ] there’s a chat I was like there’s a

Person like that like motivated me that you know your statistics are going to go crazy with this one right dude what was it you’re going to have like 20 watch hours dude there’s 40 this this stream got 40 views 40 you know how many views my streams normally have when I’m done with

Like a two hour stream how many like two or three maybe six if it was Minecraft Minecraft always does better than valerant but like maybe six 40 is crazy I saw I got up to like five watching now like five VI or oh yeah

Yeah yeah I have I have the graph I have the graph the highest was like four at one time four or five it’s it’s drawn up there a few times that’s what I’m saying dude it was working I was have like like the chat was rolling people were having a good time talking

Like that’s what I’m saying dude that was good right there I mean it’s not over yet but like that I I feel like that was the peak feel like we peaked probably but like I’m happy with that dude that was a great that that’s the best live stream I’ve ever had by far

People talked not only not only talked talked a lot and also I can’t help but think that that has to do with you know the fact that we’re probably one of the only people doing this right now and like the title was good the thumbnail was

Good yeah I think that had to do with it I think the thumbnail was actually pretty good this time around I like the thumbnail did you like the thumbnail I liked it yeah yeah okay uh oh I get it do it out with curly pop here no shot she’s messaging you at 5:34

In the morning that’s when she gets up does she message you every morning like that no oh okay I mean like only when I send something to her after she went to bed oh now my lights are on too do they turn on automatically or something yeah and my alarm went off at

5:30 too D we got so much coal we got a lot done this is a good stream yeah calling it here oh no no no no I’m good to keep going present starting doesn’t happen until 8 for me so I don’t really care when we end yeah I don’t know when it happens

For me you think it’s like earlier than that it’s it’s earlier on now that three two two one two two two one two okay two two one two and then one one two then one one two and then the six okay that’s right that’s done

Properly I guess if I ever need to stay up for like an all nighter I should just take like breaks every once in a while to come make circles in Minecraft cuz apparently that keeps my brain very awake C literally you ready for me to come fill up the the hoal I

Am I’m surprised that like jelly and other guys stayed with us for so long they were here for a really long time it was fun though yeah two one two dude I I don’t even need to look at the diagram anymore I am just a genius what I’m mind for stuff to load

In four four two three two two one two one one two one two two three four five six and go over here where we at 2 two one two then what happens after 22 one2 goes in the top box right then one one two one one two yes I think Co

Yeah coal goes in the top box sand goes directly into the hopper I know I gu I’ll let it load up you want to look up there oh good gravy that’s cool for days it didn’t even it didn’t even stop because it ran out of coal it stop because it ran out of

Sand yeah which I do have a second box like stretch or something dude I my neck is in bad shape dog let’s get this next box of smelting look at the Circle though so far can’t you like see it coming together yeah it will definitely look interesting oh it look really

Cool oh yeah definitely if you could get a borderless glass it’s already middle less it’s border only if I got borderless it’d be see-through like completely transparent yeah yeah for me I at like just like full clear I don’t know any would work but okay I think it’s I think it’s stocked

Up I think we could turn it on anyway good progress today though good [ __ ] yeah okay give me that next layer baby what’s the next layer looking like okay oh a lot changes on this layer yikes okay here we go okay um one in on the main

One I’m GNA be an expert at Minecraft circles by the end of this then three three how many twos is that one two three four twos okay so three three wait that doesn’t do that no no no no take that back take that back that’s wrong something about that’s

Wrong okay so the big one oh then five then five then five okay then three got two subscribers today too one two two three four hold on one two three four then one then another two then two ones yeah that that’s another thing too is like two subscribers and like and that’s the

Thing they’re not just some random people that stumbled in off the shorts page they’re like like those those are like real subscribers like no offense to people who subscribe to me from the short like go right ahead but you know what I’m saying like those are like though that’s a community right

There those are people who want to come back there’s a difference you know what I mean right yeah three three you know I probably don’t have to worry about them unsubscribing because I send out too many notifications yeah they kind of crazy how man hit the limit that is kind of crazy and

Then two one one two and then one and then one two three four and then four one two three four I have never seen somebody hit the limit for that before very impressive impressive I feel like even if I was trying to get to that limit it would be

A challenge much less to do it like unironically oh it also said you can only subscribe to 75 channels a day too right this guy is like he’s got it down to a science that’s my one two one two three four okay then one two one one two one two one one

Two and then the four and then one two three four and then we switch sides I this is an art I think at this point h on like one two one one two yeah dude I’m like making a song and dance out of it too okay so then three

Three and then the four twos one two three four wait were they all wait a minute wait a minute three three oh they are they all are like that one two three four okay then one two one one two one two one one two and that connects there easy good

Job and now I have to do that like three more times and I think I’m done with this layer so so three jelly k does make one two three four one two one one two what run that past me turbo Jil tin makes videos oh cool how

Old are they I’m curious like voicewise do they sound like they didn’t I I don’t think they had any voice in their videos but ah okay the quality the quality isn’t we’re live it’s true okay I mean I figured average average Minecraft enjoyer then was the we are still live though we are

Yeah two three four man’s just cook what did bro do two three four what you got 1K views on a stream huh P Pablo oh that guy got 1K views on a stream yeah Kudos I know how hard that is what was it a stream of Minecraft yeah hey I’m getting well respected

Members in the community okay that’s that layer finished next layer 63 layer number 63 give it up for 63 except it’s not actually layer number 63 because I started from the middle but whatever all right damn tell me how you feel about it 5 32 three 2 two two three

Two three two two two three two three two two two and then then one then one two one one one one one one so awesome be then one two wait no all those are supposed to be lined up properly okay five oh it’s 54 okay five four

54 two oh I like really jumped the gun on this one good Lord 54 two then three then two two two then one then two then one two three four four then two and two and that should be like the middle and that is the middle okay cool I did that right hello

Hello you sound like Dazed dazed yeah I I did just spend like an hour and in a cave to call so very true very true two three look at all that glass I’m aware I placed all of it you should have been running the creeper farm this whole time one two it

Should have been well nothing’s moving right now so oh well if I fly if we both fly at a render distance then it turns off just flip it on and then off there we go there we go why aren they dying you picked up the TRU Trident I did pick up the Trident

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] do I do now get it back in the hole oh actually hold on there’s a way to do this it’s going to break if I get too close all right I got it back that’ be hard what what did you just

Say I got to delete all those delete all whates pictures of what yeah know get the what five okay five then four four 1 2 3 four then two then three then one and then two two and two and then one two one two three four and then two and then two and

Then oh not there and there one two three four and then we run over here we put this here and we one two three four five two three four three two two okay I’m almost done with this layer too are you like are you like are you

Like really tired like on a scale like one to 10 oh I mean I’m not really tired I’m just like I’m done undone done like just just trying to hanging out you know fair enough I mean I’m I’m ready for it to be over like for the stream to

Be over but like I want I mean I want to the thing is I know if I end the stream I’m probably just going to sit here until 8 o’ and just do this or whatever yeah but what what what time did we start H so how many minutes we got till 6

Hours two three four I can look uh we 5 hours 36 minutes right now so in 24 minutes we should end it yeah okay we can wait till hit six hours that’s fine for me I’m good with that that works I mean honestly for six hours of work we

Got a lot of the nether cleared out we got a lot of sand a lot of coal we cleaned up the the industrial district and now we have all of this glass in this entire like semisphere worked on I got coal you got a [ __ ] ton of coal

You got you you you probably got enough coal today to smelt the rest of the glass for this whole place it’s close it’s going to be close I doubt it okay at least like three4 of it you got a [ __ ] ton of coal we won’t be we won’t be scaming for

Coal anytime soon you have a lot why do you what is that this Hopper has so much coal in it and like the is it the first one yeah yeah that happens it’s the way mine carts distribute right after they leave a chest it’s like they create like

A direct flow thing that [ __ ] with the um like a percentage amount and it makes it Go Giga speed for like half a second it’s the same thing that would happen on La La Loopsy land see two that connects easy easy same problem day for day oh I fell

Off usually you can tell when I’m really tired because I’ll get a lot worse at the game like I’ll start like going really slow and like misplacing and Mis like doing all this kind of stuff but like honestly I’m not slowing down that much yeah well how are you going to do

The bottom of this here that’s what I said that’s why I said I might need scaff building or you should go down to the lowest you’re going to go and then start there and then work your way up getting bigger and what be off by one by the time I get to the

Top BBE yeah that would take an incredible amount of math just to figure out where I’m exactly supposed to be and that could all still be wrong because I’m stupid I don’t think that’s a gamble I want to take really one two three three then a

One then a two then a one two three four then a one I mean it’s not going to be fun but I’m going to do it and it’ll just make for more stream content just to go live throw it on chill and [ __ ] around and have fun maybe next Christmas I don’t

Know see how long I can delay this project for huh I might honestly Push pause on this and go back and work on the nether Hub more because that desperately needs to be worked on more okay next layer layer 64 there we go into two this time actually that’s good

News and that’s one two three four five six six two three four five six and then four two three four then three and then two three and the two and the two and the two and the two and then two how many twos is that in a row one two three

Four five twos in a row jez four five twos and then a one and then another two and then one two three four five six seven eight nine and then nine ones good Lord two then one two three four ow what a [ __ ] Phantom you son of a [ __ ]

It’s not even [ __ ] nighttime bastard okay one two three four getting jump five six seven eight nine that’s a [ __ ] done in a row invite two over here one two three four one two three four three two two three four five then one then another two question mark okay six

4 three and then one two three four four five twos one two three four five twos a one then another two then one two three four five six seven eight yep I got it I’m getting good at this pattern this one’s pretty easy okay one one two three four six four three

Two one two two three four five then one then one more then one two three four five six seven eight nine then we go over here and we start again are you still awake yeah okay just been are you I think you go could tell by my manic counting that I’m still

Awake I’ve been I’ve been literally counting out loud numbers for the last like three hours straight that’s not even a joke what is that one spot on the water there’s like two spots on the water what is this though they’re probably Shadows no it’s like two pieces of

Concrete uh oh remember when I was transporting the villagers up to the farm yeah so there was like a water ramp that I used and I accidentally boat is this and I accidentally placed concrete powder on the side of it and then it fell off like

It fell down and then it like landed in the ocean and instantly became concrete on the top layer of the ocean when I accidentally dropped it off the side of it I see I just happen to have it in my inventory I remember that because that was funny

To me that it stuck like right in this front of the ocean one two three six hey my mom just posted a YouTube video one two three four hey is it your YouTube video that she only post my YouTube videos because I’m the one that puts them to automatically post job security

Exactly one two three four five 6789 okay and now for the last time I will oh no not for the last time for the second to last time three four got some random Builds on the server three one two you don’t think I know that BR is saying that like I didn’t

Build half of them like weird houses I guess yeah there is a lot of [ __ ] I think a lot of it’s from Carson’s friends friends yep which I mean I guess it’s all right because they’re they’re nice houses I know they’re nice houses they they popul that area you know there wasn’t much

There before all right I’m done with that layer next layer I’m flying through these right now dog 65 okay one in oh wait no it’s not one in it’s all the way in oh that makes this a lot easier our half finished Christmas tree

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 18 19 20 is it supposed to be 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 sure enough or what half finished Christmas tree oh yeah well that’s okay we can

Always do that the next time we do a Christmas stream or something didn’t didn’t really fit this stream’s Vibe you know it was too christmy too christmy yep in my opinion two two more ones wait how many ones is that then a two then one two three four five

Ones okay now let’s go do that again on the other side don’t you love how symmetric a circle is isn’t it great I mean I guess that’s like the circle’s entire job is to be symmetric in in its entirety but you know it’s so lovely four three three two two two one two

Two and then how many and then one two and then and then one one two one one two okay I see how that goes together okay that makes sense is that this chicken name like blade or something yeah which one in the jungle oh yeah three three two three then one then one

Two one one two one two then one two three four five then five one two three four five okay now go do that from this side oh I walked right off of it good job me you know what’s funny I’m not even like actually that tired if anything the only part of me

That’s tired is my eyes from looking at the screen yeah I don’t know after this I’m going to lay in my bed I know that much just because I want to lay down yeah my back wants me to my back and my neck desperately want me to lay

Down I got to finish this layer though because otherwise I’m going to lose where I was what what time did you say it was going to be the just let me finish this L and then we’ll call it good okay four I promised I’m going as fast as I can three three then

Two two start on another one you know one two then okay what there we go okay that’s good okay why don’t you if you could get me a sign please that’d be amazing a sign yeah I don’t know I asked for a sign not terminal cancer

Oh got to figure out how to land it oh good gravy will be here for 14 [ __ ] years for landing oh yeah why do we have hanging llamas cuz the wandering Trader that they belong to decided to sacrifice them through the floor word uh what is it one two and then

One and then like that this is my domain up here dude I ran out of glass that rarely ever happens you want me to Dr the sign I wanted you to give it to me I’ll be up there in a second listen listen Linda I don’t even know how I thought on the

Replay what me and how I just fell somehow okay so I need to go I need to go oh I need to do that thing again where I go one and then two like that break this and then go one two three four five and then go

Over here I’m almost done look I’m almost done with layers number 65 1 two three four one two three one two three one two one two one two one one two one one one two break this done and that brings the final stream time to wait what 5 hours and 54 minutes and

35 seconds [ __ ] we still have six minutes left shout out to the the new viewer who just popped in there’s a new viewer yeah well hello new viewer if you’re still here thank you for joining we were building this snow globe and we have been live for almost 6 hours tonight and

We are tired this morning and we are tired and the Sun is going to start rising and the world is pain and my eyes hurt thank you for watching I love you and I’ll be here for six more minutes humming in the darkness and the abyss I

Didn’t even drink my second energy drink is that can you believe that I didn’t even drink the second one I got like three sips out of my mind because you don’t like carbon anything is it flat now no okay whenever it’s flat just see if you like the

Flavor it like coated my whole mouth with what flavor weird no like weird grossness I don’t know what but it’s a good flavor I enjoy the flavor different energy drinks do different things for different people pointing over there look at it Go Yi it’s like the [ __ ] traveling circus like just Minecart

Just much more useful infinitely more useful than what was there before because what was there before was some [ __ ] a useless it was literally no there was a f are you stupid the whole sugarcane farm that I took down five minutes before I told you to make an Autos smelter there’s a whole

Platform there oh my bad I took the whole thing down because it was useless and then you built a new one now it’s there and eventually I do want to swap this out for not Netherrack anymore I want to make it like look industrial make it like out of like iron blocks or

Something make it look good make it look nice so we have four Farms here right or five Farms here right now creeper or five things creeper Squid Iron fish and auto smelter one two three four five five things my Lord what is going on Heyday like three notifications in the

Last five minutes going crazy one hey day one that day hey hey gay wait what what what what that’s crazy anyway so we need two more we need more things we need more Farms over here and then we also need a central uh storage unit like somewhere to store all of our

Drops that will automatically sort them and stuff because that’ be nice like sort the Iron Out roses and sort the what automatic or like just use like item like just use Hopper filters and just like run the items through a water stream not that hard

Yeah done it before did it on the last season I’ll do it again on this one it was a very nice system to just have it automatically sort like that did did you send a heart was that you I didn’t know did you see one pop up real fast

Oh shout out to the other viewer shout out to whoever just put a heart in the chat thank you guys I love the heart the hearts are life I didn’t I’m sorry I didn’t see it I was looking at the analytics well we have like what what

What what fraction of a sphere would you say this is like an eigh I would say maybe like an an eighth are you going by layer or by like block by like by like if you were to slice a sphere into equally like tall pieces as to that one you know what I’m

Saying I don’t know maybe an eight and think it’s like e like a 9156 like you just did the math yeah he’s a genius don’t let don’t anybody slow him down oh wait actually I mean you could do like you could just say one two three four five [ __ ] what happened what happened

Hey man put that thing away one two four five six 7even 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 it’s like 16 layers and it’s 104 divided by 16 he start streaming 6 hours ago it’s 6.5 it’s it’s one 16th actually of the whole thing yeah I think that’s how math

Works yeah it’s one yeah it’s one yeah it’s one six of the whole thing it looks a lot bigger once you’re like up beside it anyways we hit six hours we did hit six hours y’all I want to thank you guys so much for tuning in the Stream if you

Tune in the Stream uh special shout out uh jelly net and um what was the other one what is it I forgot how to pronounce it UMO what was it UMO pedo Petty ablo shout out shout out Petty ablo and uh Jette you guys were great enjoyed talking to you everyone

Else who’s here throughout the stream thank you so much I had a wonderful time with you guys and I hope to see you guys in the next stream where we’re probably going to finish we’re going to work on this circle definitely and we’re have a

Lot more to do um so thank you guys so much for watching and have a very very very Mer Merry Christmas thank you all for watching oh wait gamer lover game lover hi game lover we are kind of a kind of a kind of an awkward time to pick up the stream

Game lover uh we are just leaving um thank you guys so much for being here um hope you guys enjoyed the stream and we will see y’all in the next one peace out Merry Christmas y’all ho ho ho she

This video, titled ‘🎄CHRISTMAS EVE ALL NIGHTER 🎄 / Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by Vast-sq on 2023-12-25 13:10:09. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:58 or 21718 seconds.

Come watch tonight as we attempt our 4th ever-run at an all-night-long Christmas livestream! Feel free to chat and let us know what you think

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    I broke my computer playing Minecraft at 165 fps!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played 2k 165 fps in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #fireballfight #bedwars #hypixel #foryou’, was uploaded by ImLights on 2024-01-10 18:14:12. It has garnered 11471 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. I played 2k 165 fps in minecraft Read More

  • Shadow Despot’s Twisted Revenge! 😱 #glavstroy #sigma

    Shadow Despot's Twisted Revenge! 😱 #glavstroy #sigmaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stop It… 😈 #glavstroy #sigma #minecraft #karma’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-04 16:30:09. It has garnered 15651 views and 400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players have… Read More

  • Epic 30 Day Minecraft Mod Challenge! #shorts

    Epic 30 Day Minecraft Mod Challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making A MINECRAFT Mod in 30 DAYS #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Eyuuan on 2024-01-14 10:20:00. It has garnered 3053 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Making A MINECRAFT Mod in 30 DAYS #shorts #minecraft I’m making a Minecraft mod in 30 days and I need your help on naming it and stuff I should add. Like and subscribe because I’m trying to get 1k subscribers Music Made By Laudividni Read More

  • Unbelievable Country Guessing Challenge! Subscribe Now!

    Unbelievable Country Guessing Challenge! Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘ЕСЛИ Я УГАДАЮ ТВОЮ СТРАНУ ПОДПИШИСЬ!!!’, was uploaded by henkall on 2024-03-22 09:36:57. It has garnered 8648 views and 1345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft movie, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft ambience, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau and aaron, minecraft armadillo, minecraft animation movie, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft horror story,… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Aphmau’s OLD vs NEW Minecraft Skin

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Aphmau's OLD vs NEW Minecraft SkinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aphmau old vs new Minecraft skin’, was uploaded by ZZ WORLD on 2024-03-26 20:27:05. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • 💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!

    💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!Video Information This video, titled ‘@aTerroRR Texture Pack 😎’, was uploaded by MRYTwasTaken on 2024-04-22 11:36:42. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Main channel @MRYTxD tags credit rajeshwallahego- hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars challenge, hypixel bedwars 100 stars, hypixel bedwars block clutch montage, 700 stars in hypixel bedwars, block clutch montage bedwars, hypixel bedwars gain stars fast tutorial,… Read More

  • Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCrafts

    Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCraftsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: you miss the bus in MINECRAFT😅 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-10 13:46:37. It has garnered 18335 views and 647 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Pov: you miss the bus in MINECRAFT😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a minecraft movie,… Read More

  • Anarchy For Life

    Anarchy For LifeGo to start.falix.cc and enter game2.falix.cc:54189 then join the server! IP: game2.falix.cc:54189 This is also lifesteal! You can join on any version! game2.falix.cc:54189 Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: https://discord.gg/u2HcJxG4pS Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game-changing plugins or commands. We have a small community with players from all over the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience, we welcome you… Read More

  • Cobble Valley

    Cobble ValleyA community server where you can build anywhere you’d like, griefing is not allowed. This server is an attempt to have a world where everyone’s creativity can shine. While there is no world protection outside of spawn, your chests and furnaces will be locked protecting your loot and all griefing will be rolledback and result in a ban. Come leave your mark on Cobble Valley! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Modern art vs Minecraft graphics”

    “Why did the creeper become an artist? Because he had a blast creating his masterpieces!” Read More

  • I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue

    I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue When you’re more concerned about saving your virtual dog in Minecraft than your real-life responsibilities. Priorities, am I right? #MinecraftProblems #DogLover #GamerLife Read More

  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

    Tommy's Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Mods Imagine a world where the familiar landscapes of Minecraft are twisted into a realm of horror and fear. This is the reality that players face when they delve into the dark depths of Minecraft horror mods. These mods introduce new elements that turn the game into a heart-pounding experience, filled with jump scares and spine-chilling encounters. Herobrine’s Haunting Presence One of the most iconic figures in Minecraft lore, Herobrine, takes on a sinister role in these horror mods. Players must navigate through the game while being stalked by this mysterious and malevolent… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic LEGO Minecraft stop motion video titled “Foxes and Zombies” created by Bozbet Productions. The story follows a man building a house for himself and his foxes, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of zombies. It’s a thrilling tale brought to life through the magic of LEGO animation. While watching this captivating video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine building your own… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 10 On day 10 of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, the player decided to try crafting an axe to save time. This simple tool can be a game-changer when it comes to gathering resources efficiently. Let’s delve into the details of this day’s adventure! Crafting Efficiency with an Axe By crafting an axe, the player aimed to streamline the process of collecting wood. Axes are essential tools in Minecraft for chopping down trees quickly and effectively. This strategic move showcases the player’s foresight in optimizing their gameplay. Setting Rules Along the Way Throughout the… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3

    EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Dramatic Showdown // Fairy Tail Rebirth Episode 3 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Secret Roleplays on 2024-04-19 19:00:08. It has garnered 495 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:29 or 3809 seconds. Hey! Thanks for checking out this video! If you enjoyed it, please leave a like and or subscribe to keep up to date with future uploads! ^^ ——————————————————————————————————— = THUMBNAIL ARTIST = Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw = EDITOR = Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw = SKIN ARTIST = Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw = CAST = (Kiruh) Secret: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3svF-nwd_GZ9uAB45I8Dw (Kai-o) See: https://www.youtube.com/@kieproductions (?) Sander: https://www.youtube.com/@charsander (Amaris) Ace:… Read More

  • Jiri Mokaro’s Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!

    Jiri Mokaro's Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】adventure to find axolotl startoo !!!!’, was uploaded by Jiri Mokaro || ENVTUBER on 2024-03-25 03:48:33. It has garnered 278 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:26 or 9506 seconds. I can I can SOCIALS ✿ twt : https://twitter.com/jirimokaro fan discord : https://discord.gg/qyAvfgKuqF RULES be kind and respectful to everyone no harmful words to anyone if anyone says anything bad report them or ignore it do not talk about other vtubers or guests from past streams respect the mods no backseating!! only make decisions when I ask chat about… Read More