ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1ЁЯФе

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quick oh my God stay in no you’re not going to thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I had no we should just call this Sky hurricane Java world [ __ ] [ __ ] well that’s what everybody’s going to hear at the beginning of the stream hey everybody and uh welcome to another crazy session um we’re going to be going into the nether in this one hope yall are having a great evening and oh the nether is uh it’s going to be different so actually I made some different equipment since the last session we got some trying out some obsidian armor I couldn’t get feather fall and four on the boot so I just mended up the iron boots that I had previously I had meded on them and I made obsidian bowl and I got loading on this bow I couldn’t put Unbreaking on it though so it’s going to probably go down pretty fast and [ __ ] rocking obsidian paxel which is basically a combination between a shovel and pickaxe and an Axe and I got my diamond Hammer as well so hey Zach how you doing you’re going to be tuning in for like 30 minutes all right so yeah I think Antonio still working on the villagers yeah I think I don’t need this book on Patricia oh there’s myone so we did get we got like 11 Librarians we have mending Unbreaking we have uh efficiency we still are missing a lot of books though that we need so we still have a lot of work to do and off uh the deals are all expensive as well so we got to I still work oh my God I just bought so many don’t go into The Nether yet Sky I want to join for that I just bought finishing my setup and then I’ll be ready I got my headset I’m my phone CH ready I’m gonna use your power bow oh yeah I put an extra power for bow in there yeah I’m going to we have an Infinity villager too Antonio you should put Infinity on it that way you don’t run out of arrows I have a power done leveling this dude up because I’m so I I have like 40 Stacks work no I thought I could put it here why have I decently armored backpack so I have a decently powered backpack with gold on it so I have three plus armor so I should be okay my backpack only has three slots I don’t know what yeah this one all has three what the posting my link and then I’ll be I’ll be your lap backpack only has three yeah it know has three slots I have what the hell what do you that’s kind of weird that’s weird I have one two three four five one two three four five six seven eight no I mean three rows is what I mean three rows I four I have four rows yeah my other backpack had four rows so what does the snow one have was It upgraded at all no it wasn’t does it have to be upgraded to have four yeah that’s no mine mine I think has four rows and it doesn’t have to be up yeah my snow one has uh has four and the library one has four I don’t know mine I’ve got like seven cuz I’ve got Diamond here oh bro this is like taking a minute to get rid of all these sticks I’m just post my link and I’ll be ready okay I’m doing that too I’m just almost done here yes I know I’m a plug I know I mean I’m a plug too so I have no right the hell are you up here move you big assing Iron Golem Oh I thought your cat was being stupid again why are you up here get off I’m literally going to spawn a warden to kill you what are you doing oh my go all right well I’m going to go ahead and go into The Nether wait wait bro damn Sky wait a second yeah wait just one second I’m almost done here almost done I’m in a cave you’re in a cave I fell in oh let me change Shields I guess Skye if you want me to go faster can you make all this wood into sticks for me please can you do that for I suppose I could I’m trying to what was I even opening this for oh yeah I need a better Shield that’s what I needed cuz this one was about Broken Oh my God there we go the Chug my game just lagged go I hope that’s not a sign of things to come hope so yeah we have the lapis backpack on Antonio and I do and it’s supposed to give you more XP but I don’t know if it does well that’s what it says I could be wrong I mean I’m the one that said that so I read it I read it too sky can you make all the logs I was going to if you I’m just also get everybody’s chats open without a uh here hold oh yeah I got to open video’s chat and sky chat here here there’s a crafting table right there you don’t need a crafting table to make them in the s all right I’m almost done and I’m going to try to get good stuff on my thing all right I’m working now my my stream’s up hey everybody video nut here and we are on Java finally after all this time and we’re playing modded with Sky hurricane and other buddies and what the hell sky is that that is that obsidian armor yeah yeah I had a full set but the boots I couldn’t never get feather falling on it so I already had some iron boots that had feather falling so I just went with that all right well I have I also have a regular backpack I’ve got water tanks filled in it but that’s not going to be handy now open I got to open here can I upgrade it before we go or would it be best to wait to upgrade your backpack yeah N I wouldn’t upgrade your backpack just wait until after yeah well I think he I think CU that ain’t going to help you I mean three I think three rows of slots is enough probably well unless I gather up like Netherrack or something that you want I’ll be a hoarder for you yeah so I know how much you love your testing AIS solo sales thank you for the follow I just switched the screens we all good but I need to I’m still need to open up all your chats here real quick and then maybe good yeah I’m still going to I’m still going to be very Rusty here Sky just leave the rest of that in there I’m going to just I’m not going to turn all this stuff oh sorry about my background being a bit of a mess I’m clean I’m washing my sheets right now am I not going fast enough Antonio no I’m just saying cuz I know you guys want to get to the nether so we don’t have to like finish all this I mean we’re almost done but still yeah all right I’m not as fast as you when it comes to doing this here I’m going try to [Music] inde I’m almost done and then I’m going try to enchant stuff I just need to my armor I don’t want to lose my Emerald axxe all right I’m going to I’m going to bring out the iron oh my God I did I did a I did a stupid I did it though I have though I have been getting very good with the axxe so yeah I like the ax because it does more damage even if I’m pretty good at I’m good at the timing like the sword the thing with the sword I’ve noticed I hesitate to swipe the sword cuz I like I I’m too cautious with the sword and I don’t hit fast enough I just wanted to start I wanted to start this stream with showing my cats because I’m stupid that way okay I’m done I just hate that netherite or Not netherite diamond and emerald are practically equal in attack strength like how is that like how is that fair you know good question I have no idea and let’s see Amethyst oh amethyst sucks oh does it 7.5 damage you mean the sword or with the axe the axe 7.5 with the amethyst axe compared to nine on iron or Emerald axe oh well yeah that kind of 5.5 amethyst sword I’m going to make I take it I take it the the armor is good but it’s just speak speaking of armor I have amethyst so I think what I’m going to do I’m going to make a another set of amethyst so how are you doing uh Zack I’ve got I’ve got a power four flame bow so I’m okay I mean I don’t have the enchantments but I’ve got a return scroll to get back if I have to so no big deal I’m going to leave my fishing rod in here buy like four I’m going to try to buy like four Unbreaking books and pinch I got Unbreaking in on all except my bow I couldn’t put Unbreaking on my bow oh one last thing I got to do is make Unbreaking and un mending on it or just Unbreaking no I couldn’t put Unbreak I couldn’t put Unbreaking or mending on it so it’s going to I’m just going to have to repair it by combining another bow to it and by the way I am playing on keyboard as well like I don’t know why I just feel like feel better when I’m on keyboard hey Grant doing good how about my gosh hey Grant sticky toffee pudding gives seven bars of hunger really see I haven’t even looked at uh any of these where do you see that information I did not realize I had all this with me whoops if you type stick in like the crafting table thing you’ll see it says like it’ll type up it’ll show like a I did not realize I had all this [ __ ] with me you know what I need to do I need I’m going to go ahead and make a crossbow I mean I will most likely just get one you know from the piglins but I’d rather have one that’s just not needing repair Corner ability enabled disabled ability enabled I’m fine with having the ability enabled especially since I’m going into the nether I have the gold backpack on which increases my defense man we have so many emeralds on this there we go now it’s clean now we clean girls man like wait till we get like just all right like one one stick for that all right last thing I got to do is we can’t well even after we cure them because they they changed it to where we can’t do that anymore so after we cure them the lowest it’s going to be is like probably 26 sticks or something that’s bum yeah kind of sucks did you finish making all the sticks did you that that chest just opened on I didn’t do them all those there’s still a couple stacks I thought we were about ready to go yeah I still need to get used to the tapping here uh I probably should bring some blocks sky the Iron’s in here good okay uh will this fix everything you have any books I don’t care if this uses some stuff I had I had a book I think I put it in the library why don’t you just uh use a stack of those emeralds to buy bookshelves this is just to fix my stuff I don’t care I have a book or not the [ __ ] okay ton what are you doing do you have thorns on or something or is it your backpack can we sleep real quick so I can find these villagers and I wake them up sure we can sleep yeah I’m good for that just come upstairs and there’s like four beds three oh yeah that’s true I guess I could just do that one more person and then I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming chill chill coming you patient little [ __ ] I’m kidding good just chilling uh I’m so stupid yeah same here man same here I’m also going to bring some junk Cobble blocks because I am not using uh not using uh the things I’m going to use some uh polish deep slate if I have to bridge or anything that’ll not look too ugly actually that might be a good idea I got a lot of deep slates guy if you want to use it oh I do too I guess I’ll bring some of that with me too just in case Hey where’s wiener all right there we go I had to open up the chat here but then again I won’t be able to see the Discord chat too much so sorry about that hey regular ass skeleton what’s up man how are you doing regular regular ass skeleton what is your ass regularly skeleton hopefully you’re doing all right sorry I just can’t help but laugh at that which one which one is the The Mending villager wait oh that’s right I used all my levels like you know mending all my [ __ ] so now I’m at level 18 now yeah I figured that would happen I mean I know it’s going to cost more stuff to get the stuff like leveled up but I mean I could always disenchant it later if I have to I can put Infinity on the bow right yeah you can hold on I already went into the nether I’m waiting on y’all yeah yeah I’ll be there in just a second I’m just bringing some Cobble beep oh you guys are amazing you guys got a bunch of arrows yep I’m going to take that oh yeah I bought a whole bunch of arrows for her ising I can’t find The Mending villager that’s all I need you know what I don’t even care it’s Wilbert uh Wilbert’s The Mending one Wilbert oh oh oh there’s one thing I [ __ ] I forgot to make a shield I should probably get Shield I’ll keep I’ll do this for now sorry Sky respiration three on my helmet I’m G to keep my copper you’re fine I’m just mining iron and stuff while y getting ready all right I’m coming Sky I’m on my way there now that’s good I just got protection four on my chest plate I just also had to men my stuff I don’t care if it’s going to cost more for enchantments honestly can you stop pushing me godamn oh wa hold on I’ll do oh yeah the the rose quartz great they look the Roose oh my goodness look at this lava crazy where are you uh I don’t see Sky near oh here he is he’s over here yeah I’m just mining oh diamonds no that’s copper yeah well might as well do this why is everybody cornering has to be copper coal just coal kind of lame yeah it is what the hell where did my pist all right all right sky where are we where’s are you in the portal I got out of the portal I’m do you have the shaders on right now no I don’t I don’t I don’t brief and just see the difference it’s like really cool all right let maybe that’s not a lava wall I need a grind [Music] Stone hopefully don’t crash I doubt a crash your game in fact I’m just going to oh the lava looks so cool I actually have a good use for the I have a good use for the backpack right now I’m holding all the Cobblestone I INE we need to bridge how do you turn shaders on what key is that I’m going in all right going inside holy you probably you might have you might have to go into your settings though Antonio and activate the packing I know pretty cool right look at the Amplified of this I don’t oh my God here here’s Sky’s cat it’s really low on health there you go let’s go look at all the pretty there’s like red there’s like red rose quartz over there is that a you know what we got a really lucky spawn too cuz we’re in the nether waste which means less shit’s going to be bothering us Cho oh do you want okay does have Fortune to get those diamonds cuz I won’t yeah I think that’s a fortress there I think so too we’ll have are yall are y’all ready to go into it I I got my yeah I got my Cobble ready let one the way inside yep I’m goingon to I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to turn off my shers I want to get this rose quartz real quick I’ll get a better frame right all right yeah pretty rose quartz someone’s getting attacked somebody made them angry huh y gang back oh my God Sky did I no I don’t remember attacking them but I don’t remember attacking them either if they want to play that way I’ll mess them up I think we might I might have accidentally hit him but why would they go after me though then maybe it wasn’t me I don’t know must have been you it’s always you it’s always me how dare you I was just getting some gross quartz that I saw around here I didn’t even mean to hit any I’m coming someone briding I’m coming up yeah I saw a video not doing that yeah I’m trying to I will off you moral support and maybe some cake you and your cake oh thank you I thought even though I was trying to go on a diet I will take some sugar no diet okay yeah we’re going to be stuck here for a while like I’m getting a better view of this and that let me see look at how pink it is in the distance it’s [ __ ] enormous wow oh that’s what she said sorry Dix enormous ha real oh there’s a there’s a quartz right here blocking the way I don’t even know why I’m mining up like this I’m just trying to find a window I guess I’ll do I guess I’ll keep this for Deco there is any Windows cuz this is not your average nether fortress yeah me and lidios we know [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we’re gonna just gonna I’m gonna just mine in I think everybody’s going to be for Surprises with the these mods I think we not just confirmed that point just now cuz I almost mined and fell what’s up video nut hello Grand what does that say grandar grandar oh that’s Grant he’s in my chair as well oh this is the Fortress Yeah that’s a ly oh [ __ ] I’m in I’m in I’m in oh [ __ ] skeletons okay I’m coming so I can help you guys kill them hey what way just s sorry we I was getting attacked okay well oh hey look Nether wart right here well it’s a tiny room and oh pot where wait where’s the nether let me Fortune this or somebody else for right here did you Fortune it lady oh I don’t like this these are these hallways corridors are tight can I grab this I want to grab this wait that’s a bu no it’s not a bud it’s a block of roseart his if you want to grab this it’s a block of rose quartz okay yeah oh sorry I took eight of the Nether wart I didn’t fortun it sorry you guys I mean we’ll get we’ll get more later though over this way oh my goodness it is so narrow why is it like this this foress oh I think it’s supposed to rep this is harder we need the Soul Sand too I got it I got it there’s like a pigman in a jail cell I got the I got I got some of the Soul Sand holy [ __ ] balls [ __ ] balls I’m actually I’m actually on edge cuz I feel like something like a wither skeleton is going to come out and just try to rape us oh yeah I hope so oh I’ll follow you oh no this is I’m going to follow video nut so that I don’t have where you guys go oh you guys went this way okay oh there’s a brewing stand there’s a brewing stand oh there is I got it holy [ __ ] this is so narrow you were right also oh a pig in a a pigman in a jail cell that is you’re right that is weird well they’re not attacking so wait I have a bunch of sticks in my backpack when I’m at to drop some stick oh there’s another jail cell with a pigment in it emergency cake oh found some more found some more oh wait this is oh we were just I guess I’ll take a look here hold on making my rounds hey behind what are you doing here here oh someone has their glow there moreu this way Antonio there’s more stuff this way too I found a chest has gold in it it’s the generic over here here there’s a be with a skeleton I got Sky be careful [ __ ] uh I can collect some of the Soul Sand here Sky I hear Blaze I hear blazes oh blaze rods I got the blaze rod that’s defit so I take it that is so if we want to skip we got so lucky with this seed man that our portal was right next to the freaking Fortress like it was it wasn’t just right next to it like Pig a piglin in a oh I don’t like this you know this hasn’t happens since member season one remember member I got a wither skeleton G what oh the luck cake for you you better hand over that cake or there will be repercussions well I mean come get it I’m right here where it’s at if you want to come get it hold on I’m lost I’m I’m also trapped I’m going to hoard up all the barrels I find too cuz you might want the job blocks man this is confusing a healing potion oh my God that’s a trap door does anyone know the way back out just ask no I found some horse armor and stuff it’s not hard to see though where it is I mean if we find like a bunch of stone blocks like Cobblestone we should be able to find it is not helping in this situation oh it’s just we’re strictly on our own I hear yeah that is true there is a lot happening like this is like a very confined space so I get where I get where you’re coming from lus I don’t get a skull yet iron Antonio dude I got a Wither skel I got one good cuz I’m going to spawn the wither ASA R quarts I want it no don’t you dare Antonio spawner it’s a blaze spawner silk touch the spawner this is yeah silk touch yeah silk touch that one I don’t have I don’t have silk touch I do where are you where are I do we all I think all of us do besides the video nut actually uh I don’t have silk touch on me either I have a silk touch pick but I didn’t bring it with me Antonio’s Wither Skeleton right over there I do so if I need to I’ll take it this place is we’re at 128 negative 115 that’s where the spawner is oh well Blaze right here hello Mr blaz oh my God Wither Skeleton holy [ __ ] wa I think there’s another Spawner in this oh [ __ ] okay I killed it oh F I’m fine the Wither effect didn’t do that much to me uh I got 11 blaze rods oh I wonder what a should we look for a there’s a there’s a slime hold on I’m going to stay up here for a second cuz I got to empty out some [ __ ] here move some of this here there’s a slime under there we should oh we should try to find a Bastion um that might not be this is more of the for another Brewing St I don’t know where they’ve got oh I got the rib armor trim oh nice that’s the one we always there’s your cake L here’s the half piece of cake three three Saddles wow y I skipped the cake why you wanted a full cake I got a lot more cake and I have 27 blaze rods oh yeah I found a chest here with just the gold can you see my shield oh it’s almost broken I have a fox on my shield I don’t think you can see it oh I do see it yeah howy say how are you doing and a Nick YouTube is 5 seconds behind twitch sky sky I’m grabbing all the Soul Sand and the nether warts that are here okay that’s all right I’m going to W yeah I’ve been grabbing them too I already got four stacks of Nether wart you can’t use the warp you already that fast no warp totems and you can’t use them look watch out watch out you can use a Way Stone interdimensionally not a return scroll I don’t think yeah it’s not letting me oh wow there’s a piglin in a cage right here that’s crazy yeah I saw that earlier how to go back home and I’m going to try to put on breaking and mending on my shield I’ll take the gold why not could use all the cooking guys the spawners over here if you guys want to come this way I see yeah this is this is actually really I I found lattos in Sky man we could live in this thing obviously want to do some changes no guys come here guys come here I’m going to I’m going to lead you guys to the thing you’re at no we Circle back around SK come here just came from here I hate it here I’m right behind you guys I think this is kind of need honestly wait I’m all right lead the way lead the way it’s right over here guys it’s like right across you guys wait must video not move oh yeah we haven’t been here no you got on yeah I left I left got scared yeah I was oh yeah I don’t like it I got another head new it’s different it’s new so I don’t blame you for being a little bit scared wait we don’t know where was the spawner did we lose it no I didn’t lose it I hear I just left way just lost Sky come here where you at IR got right over here past past the little [ __ ] right there these iron doors down the stairs and then to your left I kind of lost you guys where’ you guys go zombie pigman what’s up Angie come back up oh come back up okay and go go um go down go follow video now he’s down there place okay I’m going to try to go back and get some stuff there’s still like three parts we haven’t hey blocks of quartz up here I’ll take them yeah I’d have to build a block up there to get up there [ __ ] uh I’ll just have to use looks like they grow it looks like they grow just like uh come here you know amethyst but there’s nothing stopping them from growing they just grow naturally I’m going lead you to the blaz spawner oh okay but what’s the point of Rose qu I don’t have I don’t know but they’re pretty deoration yeah they’re pretty I like them they look pretty I’m very I’m torn about it it’s what’s up here did y’all already get it there’s nothing up there it reminds to the death I don’t think it’s pretty it it I think it’s creepy it reminds me of blood it’s like a blood like a Blood Stained quartz or something you go you go this way and then you go down here and straight ahead come down yeah this is it’s right down there right over there okay I’ll be back I’m gonna go for mending and Unbreaking on my shield real quick because it’s about dead wait why AR you wearing armor ladios unless you every time I’m a pro gamer nah he has he has the pack enabled and in the settings to where he arm invisible oh he’s running out naked down oh don’t fall down there if you fall down there that’s death like there’s no platform down there I can see that fall down there like an idiot WOWT whoa what is this what is this better not jump might be another SE oh my God what the [ __ ] what am I touching what’s making me go on fire what looks like Cactus or looks like Cactus Sprout you got the gold Bramble uh Sky I’ve got if you want I’ll get the why am I on fire oh I’ll get it I I think it’s this Rose bu here does Bramble make hold on what if I touch the Bramble again oh well I mean I kind of figured it would it was Thorns but something was something something might just be sniping oh it’s that little sperm fairy up there oh that’s what happened I I thought what it was there is a plant that does set you on fire somewhere oh he copper down here I’m going to try to see Can i s touch this called burning something uh oh yeah I can oh it is oh yeah it is I am picking it up all right what if I do without the silk touch these bries I’m not using silk on it and it’s okay yeah it works yeah without silk touch you’re fine I just wanted to test it is all I wonder it justes oh I found five diamonds in a chest what lucky a saddle and gold I wonder if these things grow hold on can I plant these like right here in a Netherrack and just have it grow I kind want wonder if it does that this is like okay yes it does it turns out that it does grow kind of like you know kind of like that coar fruit it kind of like does that just without the fruit yeah and it grows on Netherrack oh yeah I don’t like these things like this is this makes this makes the vanilla one look like [ __ ] [ __ ] I think it’s kind honestly I think it’s kind I think it’s kind of neat honestly it’s really cool I like it yeah I’ll go the other way it is cool but it’s it’s just new like there’s a lot of new changes I think it’s neat honestly I like the rose quart I think it looks cute oh there’s wow I just figured out wither skeletons cannot die to fire or lava they’ve always been they’ve always been immune oh my God I need I might need to fix my La my my camera angle here all right I just killed it laddio do you have like any books by chance I can use nothing down there just buy a bookshelf off a librarian Antonio several of them sell it if you’re down the village how about I beat on you about that sure this is kind of need honestly well what’s down here I’m going to bring a grindstone with me in case you guys want to sharpen your weapon I mean I’m just honestly I’m just trying I got books never mind all this black stone we have extra grindstones in chest Anton if you want to bring one that’s why I just said okay what do you have you have efficiency which I that’s 62 I’m not buy that the H what do you have you have restation so oh here’s a different passageway Nikki you have Infinity more copper that I don’t care about gold that I will pick up with my with my Silk Touch goes to the BL spawner above and you can see the suckers who fall down it I need one do I need one Unbreaking no I need two it’s just video it’s just very new like everything’s like a new experience honestly this is actually pretty cool honestly oh just white just white this is if bass I want to go can we find the Bastion after this after Bas were touched the bastions probably will be the same I think it’s just fortresses unless there’s new variants there’s a new thing here there’s an undergrowth here that’s where the roow Thorns are coming from yeah that’s a biome y it’s a biome it’s called an undergrowth it’s like it’s like a lush cave but it’s like a lush cave but in in the nether literally I think video might be traumatized by that I accidentally punched Wilbur instead of trading him sorry wber a lava uh I may have found the fireflower that you were talking about Latos yeah you see you See It Now video look at this doesn’t it look like the Lush Cave of the of the the the ne this is this is hideous this where the spawner was I’m guessing well I mean the nether is supposed to be hideous I think it’s supposed to be beautiful well I mean the nether is evil though so it’s supposed to be the opposite of the Overworld so kind of makes sense nether is more welcoming than a lot of places so this makes sense this should make a crazy Cool Base though never mind you have a diamond I can use that to cut down trees right uh no I think it only acts as a weapon doesn’t it a diamond guys don’t give me anything [ __ ] Bramble that burning Blossom that’s yep it does set set you on fire it it acts like a Wither Rose you just touch it you’re on fire but then when you go away it’s gone but can you pick it up though I don’t know I got to get rid of this lava cuz this lava is just this lava’s going to [ __ ] me up if I don’t get rid of it I’ve got some more I can see over here I can try to see if I can test it okay you know one thing I do like about this version yeah you can pick yeah you can pick it up Java is already winning in one thing Java has not butt [ __ ] us with gas like on Bedrock oh there’s a gas if you look up you do not want to look up whole time though are you guys still in the Fortress or no I got the flowers and yeah you just punch them and you get them we’re kind of right next to it we found like an undergrowth biome which is like well in my opinion it’s like the Lush Cave of the nether but video nothing think it’s something else okay what are your guys’ coordinates then I’m I’m at 176 x uh – 113 Z but I’m going to go higher up here and see what’s going on uh oh Wither Skeleton again we appear to be lost okay why the hell the way we came in Sky yeah it is it’s our SK I know I know why the piglins attack you because if you mine any type of ore in here they come after you the zombie on did you find an Escape Route maybe that’s the side effect the zombie please get angry apparently another Rose another Rose Tower they get angry when you mine the any or in here that’s kind of stupid but okay they’re wor then that makes them worse than the piglins I think this is kind of neat okay here they go they all just they all just jump down oh my God I’m getting attacked let me guess gas let me guess gas into a gas is [ __ ] pig is it there’s a gas like trying to like kind of be random there is a lot more to explore here but wait I found the bottom you guys are talk about is this it how do we get back to the bridges I don’t know where you guys are at probably go up I bet hey guys if we head east well I mean I’m kind of away from you guys I need to oh Antonio’s like oh Antonio’s not far from me at all oh my God I’m about to fight like 15 Pig Lins really I have not had that issue I fought like I just fought like three wither skeletons just now and I was fine I’m going to make a jump oh there’s a piglin here okay let’s see if I can pull some [ __ ] out of my ass I see where I see where video is down here I’m not the best when it comes to a it’s already bad enough I want to I want to just explore oh my God I know it’s so cool isn’t it I mean don’t get me wrong it’s not the prettiest thing yeah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it I’m gonna go see what I can find where is where is video I where’s sky where guy at I’m in the Fortress still is that bir are those Birch I’m I’m roaming around the Fortress right now oh there you are ant Antonio Blaze just shot at you I guess I’ll follow you right now so Nick how you doing sperm fairies what they used to call you call it Zach they said they’re still in the Fortress oh the design cryst Graphics I’m right behind you Antonio so I just I see you oh see yeah have a safe drive home from work I hope you’re doing all right I’m right behind you I know you want to find all of us so I’ll I’ll try to keep following you I put into the wall so I don’t actually know how I we’re trying to we’re trying to regroup with each other right now lados I see where’s sky at he’s like the main one the entrance oh I’m fine I’m near oh well it’ll be up here then hell bark okay I lost you guys again sorry I got distracted by rose quartz where’ you guys go hell bark trees these hell bark trees are [ __ ] gorgeous I love these like cuz it reminds me of Halloween like they they it’s it’s like birch trees but if they were darker and looked hi there guy now the only one missing is video nut I know what video is he was like outside the thing we should go look for a Bastion no I I left that place like I’m exploring yeah y’all want to explore cuz I think we got everything went at it from here and I have flint and steel if I need to I’ll use obsidian and I’ll make a random portal to escape you guys holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of torch burning flower things you guys already have the spawner so we’re good come on we’re going to no we’re just going to go the way where was it this way oh I was following Latos I can follow one of you guys you want the outside is yeah well follow him follow him I didn’t mind a little entrance to the outside down here near the blaz spawner I’ve been collecting like so many Rose cor they look so pretty is asking how you’re doing Angie I’m doing good Alex how are you doing yeah the outside is over here yes so just hang on Alex looks like your best friend Derek let’s find some horrible biomes okay all right let me open let me let me make my map B you guys said there was a new mob in here right no I didn’t say that I think not did no I didn’t freak this what is this a bramble I’m gonna grab it yeah somebody this dude’s chasing you behind I mined I mined quartz and the piglins the zombie pigman didn’t give a [ __ ] well I Min coal that’s oh [ __ ] I’m maybe no oh no oh no i i m l you guys why did you m down you know I I mined a Lapis and that pisses them off yeah that’s what I well yeah that you mind will piss off video not hey there’s how is that fair there’s somei piglins above us run get out of there y I’m pouring in I’m going to oh my God oh my God oh my God what they’re just all here oh they’re coming after to you okay I didn’t even do any of that I didn’t do that they’re coming at Sky I’m pretty sure even do that yeah I didn’t do any of that it helped massively I want to kill them my fist why they weren coming after me I didn’t even mind anything I’m going to kill until now until now oh he’s attacking hey why’ you be careful they’re dead hey stop fighting over the iron n yeah that’s mine I thought that was quartz not iron let’s go look for a biome that no there’s a bunch of what is that really iron I can never tell the that is iron yeah how do you tell they’re like they’re they look so similar no it looks different how many new biomes are there it is similar but we have this is quartz now can’t this is quartz have the that’s quartz visceral Heap yeah the quartz is more W yeah I realize that now sorry I’m Happ well you know what if if they’re going to be if they’re going to I was going to say something really bad but if they’re going to be anal beads of just me mining ore that’s not even gold no they’re kill on they are kill on they are a kill on site for me that knockback resistance is really helping you oh yeah well I mean my my honestly my backpack armor is helping me like I I got hit and I took like maybe one heart at most this all piglins zombie piglins they’re all kill on site for me what tree is this pins can dick I guess these grow on I guess these grow on I’m getting I’m getting Cactus to death I found emeralds I mean I have an ax but honestly Stone ax so it’s kind of want to come down here but you got to be careful honestly remember does everyone have a does everyone have a scroll cuz if everyone has a scroll we can always return back doesn’t work in a different dimension V please tell me you have a scroll it doesn’t work nope I don’t why don’t you have a return Scroll video or not oh Angie it doesn’t work anyway in the nether work in this place oh it doesn’t you tested it oh never mind way stones you test it then never mind okay never mind V never mind forget what I said I’m down here guys I’m building the stairway well did you did one of you at least create a waypoint to where it is to where the Portal’s at no no don’t didn’t have enough way stones I know there’s a villager starts with the name oh not not Way Stone I meant way point so that way we can get back to it I at way point we can get back to it my bad it’s kind of this [ __ ] it looks yeah they are they are ugly that’s true hey Emerald it didn’t drop any e what the hell is this drop you stole it how dare you steal it oh I’m I’m I’m actually getting grossed out right now like there’s apparently a biome like vcal Heap there’s things called oh God no I want to find bubbles oh this is pretty that is that is just no wait what is pretty I got to see up here hold on I’m getting stuff what is pretty py in the crystalline Chasm biome with shaders on where where I’m coming I’m coming what’s pretty oh that is pretty can I take it I want it oh you’re good Zach you’re you’re good you say you missed the guy me why this this girl Heap like flesh stuff it’s you just see the flesh vines that go from like the top of yeah I see it like got come up here yeah y’all left me makes me think of a vagina behind H bubbles all over the place hey what the [ __ ] is this a AIT oh god with going to spawn with AB is like really dangerous it has wither skeletons purple is that what you’re talking what no this guy this pink thing where are you oh there is Obsidian down here a lot I think it’s pretty I love it rose isett right there this guy where are you looking right here oh that Crystal thing yeah I think it’s pretty I think it’s just uh you can make those blocks with the with a lot of these crystals well this is a winwin for me I’m going to take the obsidian and if I need to escape I’m just going to make a portal and run away let’s go find the new biomes I want to go look cuz all right all right I would say we should stick together because you know they might be well Well Angie good luck at getting so I’m not allowed to mine I guess anything no because you have to look at all the biomes and speedrun this [ __ ] okay I’ve already been breaking your own rule what and what’s that rule being D you know I’m getting mad I’m not sticking together like I I’m out on my own right now I’m about to spawn a wither I don’t care don’t you [ __ ] dare don’t you [ __ ] dare Antonio all right well I won’t mine anymore let let him mine guys there like there’s lots of stuff we can M here let him get him stuff I know there’s a lot to explore but Sky needs to collect stuff too let him no it’s fine we won’t we’ll just no you’re not allowed let me let me craft these nuggets in the gold and I won’t mine anymore you guys are mean I never said nothing you mean all right sorry I’m going so slow all right where are we going now guy they’re just being little [ __ ] you all suck oh I see something down oh there a VIN oh I don’t like this um okay you me make a Stairway up up there I can I think I can get down there by not taking that much damage you mean down here I’ll make a Stairway wait I have a water bucket yeah will that even work in the nether though why did it put my shield okay I took a heart of damage I don’t know how much you guys are going to take I’ll find out I took two and a half it’s fine though I’m okay I took five oh Emerald can’t M it though because this guy’s being a oh my god there a g attacking us oh no got him let him mine guys come on he’s trying to get all kinds of cool stuff here grab I I can mine anytime it’s okay I don’t really care I’ve not been mining anything I’ve seen cuz I’m greedy I want to I’m waiting until I have Fortune I oh this is a good spot to get the magma blocks I will get if I see gold though I will collect it those um oh that’s just a that’s just a regular B what is this I think is this the flesh one let me see let me see let me see it’s like straight oh what yeah that’s something different that’s yeah that’s new that’s a very small visceral heat biome oh the vagina flesh ah yeah those flesh strings flesh strings are you guys making vagina jokes now holy [ __ ] I’m not try to it’s gross oh wait till you swim in the mud and blood bats Sky I got a plan I’m blood blood yeah vagina blood yeah it has blood hold on this aast block this stupid aast screen was just blocking my way freaking so antivirus [ __ ] so Latos you mean period blood can you guys make girl jokes I’m I’m kidding so I guess when I was a noob I kept saying that the nether is like the vagina of Minecraft and now it’s literally the vagina of Minecraft there’s something purple over there what is that with ring the best that’s what that is all about I want to know I want to know I want to know I want to know I want to know I want to know I’m such a child when it comes to purple colorful thingies oh you’re I don’t know how much you’re going to love that well I’ll find out for myself then oh my God Antonio I can’t hit this dudon uh oh Skillet sh 100 bucks you me I can kill you with a stick where is it I don’t see it where is it literally no one cares about PVP what is this what is this oh this is cool oh these purple black stone bulbs do these the mid light uh I don’t know guess so what the [ __ ] oh I tried I tried to mine and it didn’t let me you have to seal this is a I have I have it yeah a withered Abyss this is a withered Abyss there’s there’s like a [ __ ] ton of obsidian here oh there’s end here oh this is so this is creepy this is creepy yeah this is like the dangerous biome yeah this is this is creepy but the bulbs I’ll there’s a little structure right there there’s a little structure I’ll collect the bulbs here where briefly turn on the shaders in this biome here SK looks likee what it’ll take like 10 seconds to it’s like right there it’s like a little a little you mean up where the crying obsidian is right oh my god look look where I’m at no there’s a house right there he’s right there’s a little house right there there’s a spawner inside it oh we might as well get it then we might as well get it then there should be a spawner in there I think it’s a wither skeleton spawner is that a good idea there villagers inside really I can see them nether Villages should we get that should we get Cal the should we get that or not do you guys want to get that or not what are we going to do with it I mean it’s a spawner there should be a spawner inside but there isn’t always I I can Bridge you just I’ll catch up to you guys I was just getting gold and oh my God maybe you I wonder if with the morph mod would these guys still get angry at you for mining uh no I tried that they here they are I was mining as a piglin seem to leave them just fine the only one I know is brutes are always hostile they have spinach SE we need spinach wait there’s no there’s no Spawner in here you said there’s a spawner in here that’s supposed to be whatever you do don’t hit that bed oh hit that bed oh a free Anvil oh I’ll take that Anvil then I wonder if there’s any weird structure around here they this still looks like the withered Abyss except for that all right hang on a second I got to put more stuff more [ __ ] away here see oh dark oak oh video not please don’t freak please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die it’s flesh oh my God if you’re not you’re scaring me I’m like I hate this fleshy fleshing I might have found the spawner one the spawner one where are you I’m going to see if it is first let me see he’s there’s something in it they’re over this way they went over this way sket spner that’s what it is yeah they went over to skeleton spawner oh who I don’t like that I’m running on this where are where they went this way Sky they went over this way they went back on top of the bridge here silk touched it yep Oh my gosh that will be oh my God lidios I found the blood you were talking about it’s so nasty looking yep there they are apparently they were right here guy but it apparently turns lava into obsidian so that’s the only way you can can I can you get can you get a bucket of blood oh there’s nothing in this CH what was in there anyway a bucket to try I wonder and if you touch the blood I’m pretty sure it’s going to hurt you danger will be happy with these change I these chains I’m going to bring here H this is don’t leave me back whole floor is made of obsidian I just got seven emeralds from two blocks oh Skye don’t worry I I’m so touching some of the emerald B blocks that I see you can have them oh my God a I didn’t matter you can have it blobbies oh the blood is like it’s it acts like water you can swim in it it doesn’t hurt but but at least at least I’m happy that it allows you to turn lava into obsidian but oh wait no that no wa no Sky told me not to touch that so I won’t touch this is just touch what I’m just I’m very can the iron I was Ming with you I found a okay I found a Bas Bastion not far from here I found one it’s it looks different oh my God the lag it’s not same should be it could be different oh lava hole lava hole sorry freaked out never mind didn’t mention it being different so it’d be nice surprise uh that’s not the Bas way this that’s not a Bastion that’s one of those dungeon Towers it’s full of pingling brots by guys are you guys are near the map I have I enlarged the map so I can find you guys very easily I want to go up to it has good loot okay I can’t hit him for some reason the server just lagged for some reason yeah it lagged for me too yeah know it was easy to find you guys cuz the map the map was enlarged so I was able to find you guys pretty easily I enlarged the map make it so much easier to find you guys go those zombie pigman Zoom um here I have an idea I don’t know hey Lucas what’s up the square fire how you doing man [Music] yeah okay I built the thing up Sky you have a pigin coming for you good I’m scared that I’m actually scared’s gonna die I built a little thing up here I’m very I’m actually very scared for video I’m afraid he’s going to die I’m very scared die Gast oh oh his dumb ass fell oh my God got be careful there’s holes in like of course you’re going to run away oh my god cockass [ __ ] okay we’re GNA raid a Bastion all right then time for my funeral time for my funeral Sky you got another Pigman fall following you by the way I was trying to get him but he anybody need to grind Stone their weapon anybody I thought I thought you were getting a grindstone Antonio I have it right here oh oh so does anybody need a grind stone or weapon you want to grind some go go ahead and grind some Ang well where’s the grindstone at where is it I guess I’ll just do the copper my copper sword until it runs out it’s about to die anyway so I’ll just use it I already I already did that on the sword though oh God this new music in this mod is I don’t like this music it just makes me think of a horror film is this a bad thing to has a bunch of holes in it yeah um is that it no there has to be more well we’d have to go down I’m climbing uh oh how do you go down no I don’t want gra good here I dropped down SP sound okay but here’s the thing we should probably get some of this GL oh my God the lava that’s lava yeah flowers I was just trying to get the I was trying to get the glistering BL the the you know say break this F I was trying to get the Gilded Blackstone here oh [ __ ] that’s what I’m doing I know how I know what I’m doing with that you need to silk touch your Angie yeah just Dr down hello I know I have a silk touch you [ __ ] jackass an axe makes the Bramble break faster there’s nothing down below nothing nope so it’s just a very useless fastion is that it what is down below us even further it’s just these but it was full of gilded Black Stone wait where’ you guys drop down from I might have W oh okay I’m going to seal it uh oh I see it what’s Antonio doing over there I guess he’s AFK for a second well while he’s at while I’m going to put oh my God holy [ __ ] that scared me uh I was just trying to I was just trying to put some stuff away but you guys are scaring me to death holy [ __ ] what’s going on what’s going on hey there devil scry what’s up this this L I’m hope I don’t play that long Nick but we’ll see wait I have 13 ender pearls I just realiz time there’s more down here oh I know I’m coming I was just trying to empty out my stuff okay I’m coming uh where’s the hole at I just made a I just made a little hole I saw I saw the hole for a second that I lost it cuz I’m an idiot uh I mean there doesn’t appear to be any loot at the lower levels either but I’ll just follow lus maybe he knows what where the hole is at lus where’s the hole at do you know I fed the end is it the one that’s covered up wait we didn’t even have to go up here there was a door entrance right here which one is it is it this one no I didn’t use probably this black stone one I want to kill black gu I think it’s this one right here honestly what what did he just say I’m going to kill oh hey more Sandstone here your business black guy and give me your more oh Rob this black guy I just comment to you calling someone a jackass hey what is this looks weird that’s kind of what I always do I always God an I just made a little hoe where’s the hoe [Laughter] at yep can I break can I break quiet where all the good hoes at with the with we also could go to the end video nut Stop scaring me holy [ __ ] stupid lava thing we could also we can go to the end if you guys want I have a bunch of end pears how about a rush okay I’m not in a rush jackass I said we could but okay know let’s be nice Antonio Rush everything doesn’t he yeah you he want he want to do everything at once I mean we could go to the end today but there’s so much still to do here to explore from a streamer standpoint why would you do that though because then you’d have nothing really left to stream with yeah then we’ll have everything done by session three what is this orange [Music] biome I’m having fun just exploring this I mean I’m not me too I’m not in any rush me this is kind of cool honestly what is this everything where do you want to go Sky I’m like finding no diamond or it’s just I don’t Diamond like I’m just is the oh [ __ ] is Diamond like only at the top of the nether or at the bottom of the nether I don’t know cuz I’m seeing I see diamonds but it’s high up like in the ceiling so I kind of lost you guys honestly did you guys already Escape uh we’re down on the bottom now oh yeah we’re we’re outside now where’d you go Antonio I went to grab ender pearls oh God forgot about the fire well since we got Brewing stands we can make a c cleric now and uh get ender pearls easily and we can also start curing the villagers so that’s probably I’ll probably work on that offc screen though CU that’s pretty boring I would say yeah to watch all right let me find you guys oh you guys are down there purple armor or a medium or or one of the better ones well um the purple that I’m wearing is Obsidian and it is actually pretty good there you guys are I found you guys dir like it I found you guys it’s all good the map actually makes it a lot easier to find you guys I’m not the black stone this black Stone’s so hard to really parkour cuz I can’t see [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don’t have that thing on me this isn’t the same one that we just got out of is it it is it is oh [ __ ] when with oh [ __ ] said we came in from a different biome so it looks darker yeah all right I caught up with you guys it’s all good pigs I wonder do the bastions not spawn in these new biomes cuz I keep getting the new biomes hey another another another block here I’ll take that [ __ ] stupid couldn’t catch the vine from the look of it anywhere around here there is I had to say the nether is I don’t know this has been probably my favorite trip to the nether I’ve ever done like there insane there’s so there’s so much to explore like and all the ores you can mine and stuff yeah I know right Sky it’s great wish I set a way point to the portal yeah they’re just oh damn I should have what we don’t know where it is yeah and we can’t use that thing you made Angie I don’t think it’ll work does anyone have a waste on did anyone try it did you guys test that no I haven’t tried it yet are you scared to but Lio said it wouldn’t work I figure he would know I like stuff let’s try it now uh NE does it work not working okay yeah thanks forting oh my God the gas they’re just as annoying as on Bedrock there’s the will you [ __ ] off you little white [ __ ] face wait a minute Skye wait a second there’s a I haven’t even seen a gas yet but I’ve heard them oh I’ve been getting I’ve been getting butt [ __ ] by gas Sky there’s something I’m learning here there’s an XO coordinate that I have here saying that where we’re at now we’re at 296 x and 2,976 z what if we made a portal to the Overworld and then use the scroll cuz there were Fire charges in that Fortress any yeah but does anyone have a flint and steel yeah I got one I picked up in the Fortress oh okay then yeah I don’t have obsidian on me cuz I don’t have a pickax for it oh I I can get obsidian I can too turns out the made of it yeah hold on there’s some there’s some Emerald blocks I want to get here real quick there we go oh oh it’s just copper uh okay where I lost you guys for a second where’ you guys go oh you guys are this way where is Antonio oh he’s here with us oh hi right in front of me I I’ll catch up to you guys I I see where you guys are at kind of you guys went this way yeah no it’s cuz I saw some Emerald blocks I want to grab you [ __ ] oh gas other gas what happened I was in a freaking one of those Bramble bushes like nothing but Bramble five hoglands two gas spray r at me and I’m running and then piglin just no I no no no video we can get your stuff back okay so we need that flint and steel don’t we um is this a new is this a new biome guys right over here okay that looks like the erupting Inferno no I’m sure they’re gone oh ant got obsidian if the gas hit that chest it’s done go ahead and build the portal I was being blasted by the gas while I died so my stuff might be gone it shouldn’t be gone no it would be cuz if a gas shot the chest and it blew up yeah you I had that I had that happen with the Sher box I had once I lo lost everything yeah but the chest and armor stand generates after you died so I mean a gas NE is the best I would say um but you know the best in the vanilla game before we go in this oh yeah very close Lev drops all around in the nether it’s basically Hill but I tried it’s fine whatever I know you wanted to be ballsy but don’t do that it’s very dangerous I was trying to find a Bastion the natural way and all I kept getting was Bramble wither lands vagina flesh biome like I could vagina flesh biome I couldn’t find a vanilla biome I find it funny that we just ended up right here now we can use the scroll no this tree is burning no that’s probably because of lava pits here Mystic Grove get the magic trees oh is this the Mystic Grove lucky us holy sh [ __ ] oh yes we got to get these lucky I I just realized I lost my Something level that’s great look at this look at this bom you should check out the Wolves here oh you’re already teleporting come come uh well just watch My Stream then video not it’s cuz you took some you really I mean I have no right to talk I can’t really say anything oh we need some of these trees that’s what that’s why I was so worried about you oh yes the blue wood yeah this is what I was talking about that’s why I was worried about you video not I have the right to be worried yeah I think this is about that I want to live in like I want to make a base here it’s kind of though swear if it’s the Bramble [ __ ] with all those spiky dildo looking plants what is wor you and dildo you’re an idiot those those things are the death of me that’s what caused me to get so you want to live in this base guy well you can use that portal if you want we like build but it’s kind of far though that a way point God there’s a there’s a blue Wolfie here yep that’s a new mob I’ve got I think I’ve got bones I think I’ve got bones I think I’ve got bones hang on oh you’re in the Overworld I thought you were oh I got seven bones too I want a blue wolf all right then you I it’s your world you do it but he’s that’s really nice he’s low oh he’s not low on health then why is his tail so low wild fin I’ll to F I’ll typ the corn well then Sky you do it then you get the doggo he’s right here all right let’s say you bones I’ve got them if you need them that’s my that’s where I died quit moving wolf there’s naturally spawned a here oh my god really I’ve just picked up three of them wow oh my goodness they’re like the magic it’s by Redwood as well this is really pretty it is it’s so pretty what do you think about it Antonio I think it’s really pretty well this is why I’m my other set what do you mean come on I’m not I’m not raging I’m just no you’re cool I’m looking through my [ __ ] and you should be happy I didn’t scream the top my lungs upon death true true so let me say uh Mystic Grove I’m going to make you got a fair argument I’m going to make a uh Antonio if I’m going to come with you let me at least grab food and I’m going to is this where you want is this where you want to build the base guy right here yeah this is where I’m eventually going to build a base here eventually well you might want to keep that portal in mind then game it is really pretty isn’t it Lucas this is so cool what a cute biome didn’t expect to see this oh check out the water it’s oh Ang there there are so many more to see oh I know I am aware I think you’ll like the Moonlight Valley Kenji I’m a fish all over the place oh yes the Moonlight Valley oh look it’s raining there’s a really dark one that I like lados what was it called ominous Forest yes I love that one I want to get that one that has I really you know I really do want to scream the top of my lungs cuz that was like 30 levels gone well it happens that’s what happens in this game man I was expecting it to be like the Bedrock one where your levels don’t go away oh man you should have been in that trial chamber oh God yeah yeah you are you better be so glad that you left before oh yeah we died a lot once was bad imagine dying and then being unable to get back to your stuff yeah you get me and Anon died like a lot yeah everybody died like so many times Well I didn’t die but that’s cuz I was a chicken or smart return scroll but the you want but an the scroll doesn’t oh I see the last death thing well if we there is a I did create the spawn point I did actually create a wave point all the way back to our base guy it is 4,763 m m me from the looks of it m away F [ __ ] I went like a th000 blocks what the hell oh he’s gone I should have brought a was Stone cuz I could put it here yeah we have an extra wasone yeah I want toon I want to see if we can like I’m trying to avoid mining you know because I know we might have to mine a lot oh wow around we might be able to find a way theom and look at this blue wood it’s blue hey do we need grape seeds cuz I can get grape seeds right now not sure hold on if I what did I M for the map The W yeah that’s what oh yeah I can see the whole world map oh I actually can see a they’re in the purple biome to the South yeah okay we need to go that way they just spawn here but we got to we’re going to have to be cautious about this oh God all right I I’m bringing grape seeds along the way yep I remember this now like the stone and the a God I Min like a little area over here you got a porn fairy looking at you how dare that porn fairy look at me funny I’m not going through that [ __ ] how dare that porn fairy look at me funny sorry I’m just running out of room even on my backpack so I’m trying to figure out what to put here you don’t have to do that Antonio you can’t a godamn it you got afraid we’re going have to I like that reference we should go up wait I do what and did Anon you just do this is that what Anton just did what did he do You’ve Got a Friend Yep this is Yep this is the holy [ __ ] Sky look there’s a pink lake over here what is this there’s still a lot yeah let’s look at the Pink Lake there’s still like eight it’s colorful what is this where is it oh wow this is wow this is so weird and cool this is really weird how are you tapping them do you have well Sky here’s what I’ll do I I’ll create a waypoint here to make sure that you know as well that it’s here okay where are these blue blue hydrange here hold down control and I’m I’m going to put like yeah I’m right I’m holding right click I’m holding control and I’m right clicking I’ll get my I’m going to name it Sky’s future base yeah the r the ambient a loty there you goes sky creat a way point here for you so that way if I if we get lost or forget I put a way point there I’ll tell you oh yeah yeah it is sharpen long way what does the sharp that that just makes I really do like the the mod I didn’t know you could do that does that stack with [Music] enchantments holy [ __ ] if only I’d known that oh yeah there there’s so much we’re learning if only I knew about the sharpening that would have made this a lot easier yeah you you probably wouldn’t have died Sky we could make it back from here but it is about four it’s 4 got I got two Scrolls does anybody else need one oh no I got I got a scroll but I don’t know will your dog follow you back though that’s the question do they does anybody know yeah let me use the scr if the Las is still here then that’s if you if you if it doesn’t I did put out a way point where this location’s at so if it doesn’t work you can come back here all right uh it looks like did you already use it lados I did but it put me at the spawn region I may have bridged down there oh that’s fine you can just I really don’t I don’t want to go earlier I got taken to ambul sound don’t move don’t move don’t move the server’s lagging the server’s lagging don’t move yeah I don’t do anything yet yeah the the elies are sitting there uh well I’m dead cuz there’s a magma I see a hoglin well no I think oh yeah there we go timed out well I mean we went an hour and a half almost without doing that so I guess that ain’t too bad I think you’ll be fine video were they close to you or far away well after I fell they were they weren’t that far okay so you’ll be all right but that’s wait why am I freaking out I have sharpen that’s a beautiful biome though that mystic forest is beautiful like my God okay I clicked refresh join server you got you got to give it a minute T like yeah if you need to use the bathroom or get some more water or something that would be the time cuz it’ll take a minute I guess I’ll do that in the meantime I guess that’s shot bite for you it hadn’t been too horrible oh yeah it’s just the game it’s just the server crashing it happens sometimes just the server crashing from I guess like a overload or something but we’ll be back in just a moment in the bathroom yeah it crashed I’ll try it now gave it a minute coming but honestly now I’m kind of glad I got lost with you guys cuz we learned about that mystical blue beautiful biome oh [ __ ] oh yeah lados you’re a laser just kind of aimlessly wondering wait what the [ __ ] what happened I just die I teleport I came back I’m back at the portal all of that all of that effort me and Antonio went like it warped us back I think still in the mystic forest again let me see where I’m at hold on I’m joining I’m back I’m back at the portal I think instead of using a well we can always come back and get our stuff couldn’t we on Anton how did you get back here ladios I just spawned here like it didn’t register me using the scroll oh because it was yeah it all we lose progress every time okay it’s all right video I don’t have the scroll either and all of our here here here so maybe that’s why the porn fairies are still here let me sharp should we just try to go back through the nether or should we go back through the Overworld okay well I’m in the Overworld so what do you want to do do you even know the way back in the nether cuz that’s the whole reason we ended up here I mean actually funny enough I it’ll be near zero zero well hold on no no I can figure it out cuz it was what’s the coordinates of our village mining was saved wait Ang G let me explain negative 100 1100 so we don’t have to go very far we oh Village is at 2 I trying to tell you I created a way point to the Village that’s trying to tell you where’s the but we got to have I already have way points you created a way point in the uh in the nether oh no not in the nether unfortunately I wasn’t prepared on that one whoops goes to the spawn region so that’s not really that useful do you need food or you’re good I have like 40 St why don’t one of you go back to the Village get a wayist stone and then come back here we don’t have any extra was Stones though we can craft one we should have enough amethyst Antonio if we all and our shons of billions of seeds Lucas um I forg I said I think you’d be fine but it turn off the shaders what does this look like every like oh this is pretty without the shaders it is I know right we have enough whoever’s at the Village we have enough amethyst shards I have there’s like three stacks saturated wow um I I didn’t want to go in that thorn bush well the dog probably would die on The Journey back I’m sure I hate I really hate under so I think it’ be better if I just sit him here and then we come back some other time um I don’t know which way to go where’s our pool you could land you could land on this it probably won’t do oh there’s a bridge up there there’s a bridge let me see oh our portal wasn’t in theal was in the BL oh yeah I built here I used the Vine I T I hit the ground a little bit I used the I just used the oh [ __ ] would it show would it show I’m fine f on on the map you’re you’re G to take some fall it’s over here mine I see it I already found it did you sharen your sword what’s all these stone bricks this just [ __ ] one tapped him somehow okay I was down to a heart and it was either a eat or a sword but if you could come back to me here we could switch armors no I I’ll stand by your thing and I I’ll give you the okay that’s Happ thank you don’t run now all right good night Z I hope you hope you sleep well man I’ll wait for you I’m by your got a lot of people talking over yeah I I enjoy it though I love having I love having my friends here I do too even if I’m an annoying little piece of [ __ ] sometimes you’re not annoying Angie do you know your coordinates back to where you just died or no yeah it shows up on it shows up on my overlay like latest death and I see the D’s like it tells us when we where we died I’m just going to use the scroll all right let’s see I’ll watch and see yep your dog teleport oh my dog did come with me yeah I just saw your dog teleport with you I guess I’ll head the porn fairy the porn fairy didn’t know and I went back to spawn but that’s fine PLS they probably yeah they’ll probably fly they’re probably going to fly back there maybe y oh wow he has so many any hearts that’s all D wow you’re right oh my god well that’s one that’s one animal you’re definitely going to be I think it’s called a Mystic dog actually if I’m not mistaken pill of H know oh well I’m not going to heal cuz I have no food video note do you need help yeah do you need help Antonio’s helping me okay but are you going to just let the dog run around scy are you going to make him s oh I should make him see it probably where is he yeah ex he’s right here he’s all over the place boy he’s like he’s like the cats being silly chill he’s a pretty dog girl though except his weird eyes yeah well it’s called The Mystic dots it’s going to be weird well so far this is my most hated mod the I hate the freaking Bramble oh the Bramble it’s so stupid Oh my house is full of Golems oh my house is oh great and there hoglins in my way as I’m trying to oh yeah I’m going to die again just run just run just run I’ll check him up there go freaking Bramble it I’m coming I’m coming freaking the freaking knock back it knocks you back I’m coming hold on how are they still no stay on the vine stay on the vine no no no no fine fine fine I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I made I I I dropped down what are your coordinates what are your coordinates I’m I’m at the death spot I I made it to the death spot but I need to heal damn you’re there I didn’t see you I ran I had to run okay here I got oh you oh somebody gave me a white stone yeah I just crafted one how do you craft it you need to make a w Stone and then the W Stone itself how do you make a warp Stone a warp stone warstone is four amethyst an emerald and four ender pearls oh that ain’t too bad and then after that then the W stone is three obsidian that warpstone and then three stone bricks I also I hate these burning blossoms cuz that also assisted my death so I’m going to have to use the nether in order to get back to that location yeah retrace your steps in the nether find that portal go back to the Mystic Grove and then the do he doesn’t I actually wrote I actually built a waypoint right where sky right where sky was at actually you cannot teleport using way points no you have to you have to go to the place and place the way point here here use that oh okay and it’s going to be way faster if I just go in the ne oh for what that all right I just thought I just thought i’ make it easier but all right yeah we’d all have to go back that way just to activate it again [ __ ] wait did you use it or no I wait can you do it with your oh you could do it with your pickaxe too yeah you could do it with like any type of tool hly second trip sound too bad did you get it or no okay I need to fix up my I got I got too much [ __ ] uh you can’t do with armor yeah go ahead I wanted to try it with the armor there there’s there’s a flesh [ __ ] no I’m not de yeah that chest is filled up Grant I can’t believe it as much space as it had fine we’ll fine we’ll just just do it and it’s build up all right which way did you go from here I was I went down to the bottom here and I was just hugging the was I hugging this I was heading to what the what the I’m going to try to trying to figure out how I’m going to organize this a little bit I killed it I killed it I killed it how am I still burning yeah that’s happened to me actually if you eat your food it you should be regening faster and taking damage yeah okay let’s be more careful this time you probably somehow dipped in lava the Soul Sand um get back which way did you go which way did you go this isn’t the same way but if we’re going to run into a one of those wither the Wither uh Forest oh God we got I got the horsemen plus I’m just trying to line up with the death [ __ ] you fell for that trap oh my God you fell for that trap no I didn’t they spawned behind me trying to what the hell is this is this new I I’ve not seen this I the horse you want me to grab some Saddles Stone got a sadd you don’t have to have saddles for the skeleton or what is this oh yeah that is true you’re right I forgot about that all where’ it go is that a pot two Phantom membranes can you craft something with this Brimstone bud I don’t know what it does but whoa Brimstone why is it not working oh it hurts yeah it’s like Ste what do you mean not working I guess you have to silk touch it they’re like little mini volcanoes I think I see the thing you’re talking about I think we’re getting to the the end part yep we might be able to skip that and like avoid that because how he knows all the recipes as much you know all the math formulas I I telling him man he’s a genius 480 blocks away here come we can up these Vines all let’s sleep I cannot see in that Screech we’re at the relative uh we could get a higher ground off of that I’m just I’m just organizing my chest cuz I got so much [ __ ] right now me too man I had two backpacks full I break this block with the leaf break oh oh you guys already got it okay could you block I I have no more blocks so just do that yeah yeah perfect perfect yeah I’m just organizing my chest cuz I got so much [ __ ] right now this is pretty bad okay yeah the double chest is full let’s go this the Double Diamond My Double Diamond chest is actually over there guess take these books out of this hold on I’ll grab but try to like keep going I’ll catch up to you chest all more diamonds so oh so it looks like we’re at y 100 so I think you got to be at like y 100 to get diamonds reg generation working properly now that’s cool oh I can use my copper pickaxe okay I can worry about oh Basalt Delta a I do have a feather falling three book let me forunate let me fortun it I’ll give you all these diamonds I don’t need forgot that I had that I could have put that on my other boots there’s another Diamond you know what I’ll do that actually right there oh there more yeah I’m just trying to like create I’m trying to move all my copper [ __ ] into a better chest because holy [ __ ] so much oh more on to break all this oh and more there there’s so many up here holy [ __ ] yeah I apologize guys I know in the last session I was terrible about reading the chat I don’t know what was up with me oh so was ice guy don’t worry well until the end I just seen more I don’t know where the I just seen more not oh right there all right I cleaned out this 55 diamonds so far I’m just that yeah how do I drive the skeleton hor careful be careful be careful I’m just trying to find a saf way down well for talking oh yeah they’re just really slow ladies I make that delayed controls that’s what they have they’re natur okay that’s good oh Diamond as well it’s kind of weird honestly I got no this one doesn’t work oh I hear an angry bastard I thought it was just delayed controls that’s usually what I get it doesn’t I can’t move it all right I don’t haveing on that do you need a saddle for them why come no you don’t no you don’t maybe you do on Java here I’ll give you a saddle okay we’re almost there there’s a stupid Pig cuz I got plenty from that I got like four or five oh it’s getting it’s okay we got to find gold chest here oh before I go I could I could possibly jump down and build a stair so you do need a s wait wa wait wait wait yes cuz I could not move have a lot of room now yeah wait you can just mine down mine St down mine St down there you go yeah I’m just oh just Redstone go ahead down so now I can the staircase to be safe okay here we can just go down this way I’m going to put the saddle on the next right those that diamond chest those guy has is ridiculous we’re really close and it’s full a sad thing I know that is a very sad thing thing oh I found that is a very sad thing yes I’m okay I made across and I know I’m where I have oh no there’s Bramble I see hell bark sapling grow here here here we’re getting we’re getting close you can try cuz I have to be playing on Netherrack oh well if it’s anything that was grown in the in the nether then yes you need Netherrack I got some Netherrack guy though if you need it that sucks was there only three of these things oh no I can plant it on grass oh you can oh okay then ignore what I said thenm almost there this isn’t the exact but we are oh God Bramble Bramble Bramble be okay ladios let me show you how to get the XP from this you that’s death that is you just flip the liver down is all you do wait come come where the come grab the stuff out of it oh so the lever stops it from yeah the lever stops it from there’s more up here I see there’s more up here Antonio come back there’s on wait and that also Ms up your stuff more diamonds we could I’ll get them we’re less than we’re going to be 100 it is this is the biome like this is it yeah this is definitely it cuz this is the same Crimson Forest that overlapped um um hold on we got we got go we got to go this way because there’s only one way sorry there’s a lot of just me just putting stuff away but do if you have an axxe use your use an axxe to break that [ __ ] that [ __ ] breaks faster with an axe couch couch do this oh diamonds we got diamonds all right here let me all right almost there we do need to get a fisherman as well for uh I guess I should make some copper blocks here hey you can drop down you can drop down on this you can drop down on this I guess I you know what I’m going to place one of my barrels down and I can have a fisherman 50 oh yeah we’re got we’re got to get it we’re going to get it we’re going to get it that’ll also help me to organize this a little bit more cuz God it’s horrible fire oh Yep this is Yep this is it this is in this one yeah look at all that I was just creeping I hear the pig [ __ ] that little [ __ ] face that kill oh it’s up there it’s up I got to climb up [ __ ] face let me kill him yeah cuz I was trying to on I can’t help but laugh y okay wait on go up here so did y’all ever find a Bastion no wait what the [ __ ] there’s two chests yeah if you there is one to where we more stuff than it goes into I thought the I honestly thought the gas was going to blow it up but oh my God the [ __ ] did he die I didn’t no I killed the gas and spot the fireball back you can break that and just grab everything out the chest and I’ll b y That’s I’m just doing that oh and the back wait doesn’t the backpack Desa oh wow this is a good regular bow power three flame punch it’s fixed yeah we fixed it last time well it should I don’t see his but nobody’s di nobody no backpack nope no one’s died yet guys no backpack so quot unquote yet it’s not fixed it’s not working on the server but I died earlier and I still had my bag on server yeah cuz when danger was here and we run hours ago yeah I fell off one of those mountains and my bag was still there it was in the armor stand above the chest well it’s it’s gone your stuff no the backpack is gone it had like lots of cobblestone and [ __ ] I put my [ __ ] blocks in there oh so okay yeah I would recommend nobody put anything super valuable in the backpacks common blocks in there until we figure out what the hell I lost like three stacks of diamonds yesterday yeah Antonio was really screwed yesterday it can confirm and lados was screwed the day before that all right I got a portal wait do you have a wait I give you a return score or no oh Minecraft really does I don’t think you did I don’t know if you did your neighbor’s dog’s name is blue blue is a good name for a dog I have I have your I have it right now in my thing I can grab extra things in here okay well that organizes a littleit please I can’t can’t hold everything M BL in here yeah I can hold the rest of this oh way have arrows string appreciate it you take this yeah I’m trying to fix up my backing stuff here I’ve got like all kinds of [ __ ] organized thank you Antonio for helping video n not not loading okay we are whoa we’re in a cave Antonio I owe you for this like I really owe you where did you go go ahead and use it just go ahead and use it trust me video I’ve told you before Antonio even was like like so upset that he took us into The Nether I mean not the nether uh to the to the oh damn to the trial chamber like he felt so bad he didn’t he wasn’t trying to get the waren to spawn it was an accident he didn’t mean it so okay here I’m going to give you all these diamonds that we got because all right I’m going to try to figure out how to you feel you feel bad I’m going to make a way point in the nether to our home that way if we’re exploring we’ll know which way to go way point or Way Stone those different oh well no Tom I’m talking about in the nether I’m might a way point not the way Stone here here Anton when I place the way Stone it will actually be in the mystic forest oh that’s good it I don’t know if any of this is yours I want to put this wait are you in the nether now nether yeah I just went into nether I’m just putting crap blocks on the bottom I want to activate that stone when you put it down I need yeah yeah I am going to get off for a bit I think should Jo while we’re still here know if you want like easy levels there’s a you can trade this uh yeah Andre do you want to go with us to make sure you get it activated as well that way you don’t have to go on what Antonio there’s sure I don’t see why there’s a uh I I don’t know what job vill I was just trying to organize my chest but I can come back to do this later a Fletching villager the I don’t know we got a Fletcher I’ve already emptied out my backpack so yeah sure just get a bunch of sticks and you can trade him infin it doesn’t like stop where it’s like oh you can’t trade it you can’t do this anymore it’s infinite yeah oh here’s really all right all right I’m coming and um if you want I make I can make you a backpack to where you get more XP oh I I have this too this is yours this not mine here your hell your hell bark logs all right I’m going to the ne see what’s going on well we’ll plant one in the Overworld all right let me make you one of these backpacks real quick before I get off what you gonna go do Antonio probably go to sleep if not go to sleep oh it is like 1020 all right so what I’m going to do here real quick guys I’m M you’re gonna go huhuh while thinking of real world uh completely sidetracked where is our leather we don’t have leather anybody don’t you have I put leather in that gold Barrel I do have we don’t have I have 4 of it all right I cre I created a nether portal and then I created not the nether portal uh a regular backpack you need oh I already made a white point I did too hold on um you got to share it though and I forgot to share mine you don’t need to share oh you can you can share yeah I shared it with everybody so you all should have it nether home okay how do you add it um open the chat and click the word yeah just go go to you and then do this oh okay okay I’m going to put it red then okay that makes sense yeah so if you if you ever find anything important you can also share it and we can add it oh uh let’s see uh then I found the one to your port to it looks happy to see you all right so let me see if I can do this uh it’s like where have you been skot it’s been so long oh well it’s not going to let me hook or no oh it’s not going to let me do it from the over oh well doesn’t matter I’ll I’ll delete those later let me come up here real quick I need a trip wire hook real quick where is it and you need uh here here here and the leather that’s it might as well get some Soul Sand while I’m here uh where’s just grab all the am I missing something oh yeah I am hold on question did you guys have enchantments while we went there yeah I did yes yeah did no wonder why I got raped I had no enchantments well you did say you weren’t ready you did say you weren’t ready so need on I need I need so you know I’m I’m not even going to be mad I’m actually bad about it I’m actually impressed with how how long survive yeah I saw I just thought the stupid gas Fireball hit my chest after I died cuz you know how they shoot they can shoot like as you die like that’s what I was afraid of not the not that I died what am I missing Antonio hold on let me look at the map seriously dude I owe you big time for this it’s all right really need anything H that was the most dope thing like I I I just can’t believe I got the [ __ ] back Honestly though video Antonio is honestly has been like a real Chad recently like no you a a chat you’re a gig you’re the Giga Chad should be at honestly after he got I was going to I was going to actually offer to help I was going to off I’m looking at the I’m looking at the map and I think we went set we’re next to that erupting Inferno on that structure put it on if you if you want to read it if you want to read it obsidian chance to multiply amount of experience which is received by player so oh it is a little bit it is a little bit bigger yeah oh and then if you want to G oh God g just’s go mine trees here I can give you an ax that has share location what is this dude this this this also holds more water or ldi yeah the portal we’re trying to go I wonder if it holds water could couldn’t I oh you already got it okay couldn’t I fill it with blood you know like from the you know the nether blood I’ll just meet you guys over there that’s not that hard to get to yeah you can fill it with any type of thing like not that far mine with milk oh did you share it yeah he did well has milk in it well where where does it show up you got to go to ad yeah click it well add where does it show I need to I need to go to the Nether and I need to gather a lot of blood I would do that once you get good armor yeah when I’m bu when I’m enchanted and I have like diamond I don’t see it I don’t see it you can get blood is blood The Meta look Southeast you can get I don’t say your way point that you shared did you share one yeah you did I’m going there right now I created a bridge to get there hold on I need who has Unbreaking sorry but when I see gold I have to grab it I I don’t how how do you see what’s been shared to you you have to edit add or edit okay I add edit now I don’t see anything though I got to local oh you could turn you could turn your ability off if you want that’s chat box it should open up the new Waypoint screen as if you were setting it yourself MH I have to do it from the chat box oh okay okay here video I’m G give you this ax so you so what are we naming it Mystic Force whatever you want I Nam you I mean I could probably get that him this is what you want to trade just get a bunch of logs and just make a no you might want to switch the location that oh and and the trades don’t empty like on Bedrock yeah you can trade them infinite amount of you could just Spam the ever living well I’m going to go to the I’m going to just DeForest those humongous trees and just milk stick some of those some of those some of you can break end at some point it’ll say like oh tree is too large Max is like 170 so sometimes we have a Bastion here but just do that and yeah I’m going around it instead you can get up you can them oh somebody just died oh it was one of these nether villagers what oh that’s funny you can get up to like probably I the max I got to was like level 51 by that and then like like eight stacks of emerald the emerald away just with sticks you got the what level 50 by trading sticks and like eight stack I got to like 40 I think but I kept going to the enchantment table I’m going to get off though I’ll see you guys later thanks again all right have a good night [ __ ] that was a mistake did you fall into lava I know there no I I broke a block too many and released all the pigling groups oh [ __ ] ow that does a lot of damage I’m not going to lie making the blocks is a little bit weird in here those zombie pigman got me really low cuz they just kept attacking me I’m well I’m not far from there at all so those were the days what in the Bas it’s like a couple of blocks away from the portal I’m about 100 me away God there’s so many you coming in for is pig step and then you can keep the other [ __ ] War Pigs all right I made it to the portal from the looks of it yeah I see the portal actually how’ you oh you guess you did do the map but I made it oh I’m like in this so weird that they get angry at you in this yeah but I made it why I made it to the portal oh great I mean I’m not too bad with rolling through it it’s gold crap we have a netherite smithing template should I grab that oh we need that supp no Pig step though you can have all the other God you’re all on me man I have like 10 of them what so video know you might know the four chest type Bastion in the top is there any more inside it wait which Bastion what is this I’m it’s one like a couple of blocks God you [ __ ] G I’m I’m dead I’m about to die oh my God oh my God man oh no the Pigman man the Pigman are so bad and then a gas shooting at me too oh my God that’s kind of what happened to me Sky like jeez it did not matter how good my armor was they do a lot of damage honestly so in the top what type is that if you don’t and Ang and laddio just left me I thought you I said I would catch up to you guys when I got there s i I already arrived here what I place those I don’t like that the Enderman or that the uh Pink being attack you just for no reason that is actually bull yeah this one’s not attacking me like I have a Zombie Pigman right here and they’re not attacking me like that’s I really hate that yeah I hate that I actually am missing Bedrock right now is that something with the is that something because of the mod I don’t know it’s that basic nether ores that you added I don’t know what that [ __ ] does if it’s the ores then I vote that we don’t include that in members three oh it’s not in there anyway yeah cuz that is [ __ ] Brimstone funeral [ __ ] is that yeah like there’s two zombie pigman here and they’re not coming towards me why are they not attacking me if I toggle that off I should be able to M stuff yeah they’re not attacking me Sky it’s weird why you basic ores now because you’ve already started the world and if you do that you will have corruption blocks yeah it’s already generated but here’s a question though why is why is Sky getting attacked I have two freaking Zombie Pigman on me and not cuz he’s mining yeah but they’re they’re not attacking they’re not attacking y’all they’re just attacking me aren’t no they they were attacking me they weren’t attacking me huh they hate me like I’m like I’m mining in front of them they’re not attacking me is it a thing like for the main user or something let me have a look in the config SE or something I don’t know that that was really annoying I had so many of them on me you’d had to go go back to the stream to see yeah that was like I noticed that Sky kept getting attacked by Zombie Pigman and I they weren’t coming after me fa for a second it’s really set to truth piglins will protect nether ORS enabled Dash true you oh we need to turn that [ __ ] off man please for the love of God pleas turn it off awful please turn it off why they weren’t attack me because I was yeah well I have to what do you mean to restart like we would just have to Ser config to take effect yeah I’ll have to restart the server here’s the thing though they weren’t attacking me and it’s probably because I was using silk touch pretty much most of the time probably yeah that’s probably why bothered me that yeah I the only time I’ve really ever used to break the items were really just the the quartz and that’s it oh great G is already shooting me if I place a lot of the Redwood saplings like can I regrow those humongous trees yeah 2 by two a 2 by two Sky I am so sorry that is so [ __ ] up you really should not have gotten that at all that’s [ __ ] up so we both got [ __ ] by that oh yeah man that they they raped me so hard God I did not think you would say that on stream whoa [ __ ] this place is Pitch Black I can’t blame him I don’t blame him I don’t think saying right I don’t know I know some people are a little snowflakes and they get mad when you say words like that but I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry um if that is you then you got problems there’s only there’s only there’s only one group of there’s only one group of people that I can understand is if they were victims then I can completely understand even then though it’s just a word just make it the personality it’s just a word you know I mean he is right it is just a word is it attacking me no it’s not attacking I there’s some I’m sure there’s people out there who have been victims and they I want I want to test this okay I’m I’m not defending them or anything I’m just I’ve come across I’m fine I got my stuff okay okay so yeah you’re right yeah I just picked up or and they the zomes um did your bag in the armor stand the bottom of it it should be on the bottom of the armor stand yeah like above the chest okay the two I got no I don’t have my lapis one you say it’s above the AR armor stand yeah like it should be in the leg section of the armor stand okay sky you are right I just tested out by just knocking down some iron ore and they started attacking me but apparently when you use silk touch they won’t attack you so and I’ve been using silk touch pretty much mhm I just tested it and if I was using silk touch like we’re going to be turning it off anyway yeah cuz that is some Bol yeah yeah [ __ ] that if if that [ __ ] yeah I agree cuz I just tested I don’t see the AR I don’t see the I don’t see it it should be there cuz it worked for me well yeah it’s not attacking me yet maybe the client needs to have all right I got a Zombie Pigman here I’m going to S touch this gold here nope the gold it’s not coming towards me yep if you silk touch it they won’t I just set it up the way that you told me to last night yeah and it it worked for me but it doesn’t seem to worked for anyone else well that were you so touching everything lidios we’re not talking about that Angie oh oh something else okay never mind the backpacks I don’t mine stuff with silt touch cuz I’m not a loser well I mean I got Brimstone FAL I don’t know what that does we have a Way Stone in the mystic forest yeah I I lost it I lost the lapis backpack damn I don’t remember what I had I don’t remember what I had in it either yeah that needs to be fixed so nobody put important stuff in there yet until it’s fixed I don’t think I had anything super important in it I don’t remember though hey on the plus side the uh that stupid uh zombie pigment thing we’re we’re going to change that oh definitely that is really dumb so I agree with you on that one I’m glad we’re all on the same page on that like that was what that was what was really made making me get so angry in the nether yeah that was ridiculous like that’s why is it defaulted to that is my question because some of these mod devs are really out of touch with what the Greater Community really wants so you find that a lot of these mods you have to edit the configs just to make it sane yeah I I’ll give you an example I have one in big mod called enhanced for some reason I can’t get my shield off and the default settings for that means the mobs can see you through walls from 64 blocks away so if they’re in a cave below you they’re going to pile up the closest point I can’t grab my shield Dum this is just pissing me off man pissing me off just put all the [ __ ] in here I don’t want this copper armor oh you’re going to attack me ain’t you oh no you’re not little [ __ ] I actually would have been fine if a gas also wasn’t shooting me at the same time oh I had a I had a ghast as well I think the gas are worse in this version cuz I feel like they’re sniper accurate well Java I don’t know Java they can be next to you when they won’t shoot for like 5 Seconds that that happened to me it’s weird like I was trying to collect emeralds and they didn’t like come and get me it’s like weird honestly I was very lucky I didn’t really get hit at all like barely at all you going to attack me [ __ ] I mean I even got withered effect like a few times and nothing and really I was fine so I yeah I mean it’s just the word Lucas you know it’s just the word the way I say it some but some people do get pissed or they do get upset it’s not the it’s not the worst they get up you know there’s words that are way worse in the dictionary about every little thing I agree I I mean I don’t care like I said I don’t care I’m just saying I just don’t want you to get in trouble I’ll be honest like I’m not I don’t get offended by any word you know you can say whatever word you want and I’m not going to get offended are you sure about that yeah I I mean I really don’t care so but now let me just there are words I don’t like but I’m not going to get I’m not going going to curl up in a ball and just you know act like I’m dying a ball I’m not going to act like I’m dying because you said a word I don’t like you know should we find out oh are is this the blood veins well I don’t want to get you like ban yeah I could think I could think Sky I could think of a couple words yeah that’s what I meaning like I don’t want you to get banned I could think of a couple well not on stream obviously but yeah I really it seems like the NW has gotten quite strong yeah exactly exactly get mad offended over that especially white American males in particular yeah I I mean that to anyone else it doesn’t they’re like you look an idiot stop it yeah but they get pissed yeah I don’t um it’s I don’t see the point in getting whoa that was I feel ldi thanks a lot I feel called out holy [ __ ] that was really stupid what I just did no it’s not it’s not it may not be the way you think like I’ve said this so many times off stream but see like some people can say that word and there’s no repec caution and if they’re saying it all the damn time then why is it not offensive to them but offensive for other people to say it you know good question I I see a double standard with that word I don’t not that anybody should say it but still yeah like if you say it to a colored person they just look at you yeah the way yeah yeah the you’re right Lucas the way that you say it defitely you know is more important probably calling it to your they don’t mind FL someone could take it out of context but that’s strictly a them issue well but if you type it to someone with the e ending that’s the one that gets the med okay okay so this is Flash is it is again lidios it’s a double standard and I hate double standards I hate double standards that’s why I don’t improve I mean oh my God I hate when I’m not crouching holy [ __ ] there’s when I’m not there’s another double standard that I really hate in life like and I got this from the jackass movies women can paint their boobs and [ __ ] and show them on Instagram so that should mean I should be able to paint my dick and do whatever I want and not get in trouble you can’t do that cuz then you’d be a pedophile what do you mean no you wouldn’t be a pet it would be a sex offender but what I’m trying to say is like if women are painting their boobs and posting them and not getting in trouble like what the [ __ ] that means a guy can’t do it I mean makes a good guy gets sexually assaulted you’re just a [ __ ] woman does it she’ll be on Channel 5 news articles go fund me and everything oh exactly I mean you’re right you dude you get it you get it trans is already ruined because people don’t forget even if he gets it I love that like that’s exactly what I’m like the whole point does he see it more than I should ever see articles like that this is actually kind of gross it gets me mad like what the [ __ ] is that hor that’s a creepy wolf with no pupils what the [ __ ] you talk about my wolf don’t call my Wolf’s scary look how many level Heth that’s a that’s a Mystic wolf no I thought no lidios I think that’s that’s standard mine has mine has 20 as well what is this why am I I’m climbing up a ew there’s so much blood what is this pus bubble ew what is this I you found the period the period B yeah from the period B A this is gross now do you see what I mean it’s got little hair sticking out gross oh Angie just wait Angie just wait until you see the blood like the actual blood and there’s bone blocks here oh that makes it even worse I haven’t seen that biome yet all the all the flesh pile yeah visceral heat it’s actually right next to the portal and there’s blood here do you swim in it or can you like put it in a bucket or something oh wait blood yeah you could swim in blood it acts like water really e yeah you can you could pour the blood and D lava in the nether ew really and it’ll make obsidian yep I showed drink it okay I didn’t try that but the blood honestly with the blood like I see a strategy with our backpacks fill our backpacks with blood cuz then we could just use it anywhere you know and we don’t have to worry about limits of water is gross this is gross I don’t like this okay Angie now do you yes you made your point you made your point video nut oh my God like I wasn’t saying all that [ __ ] to be funny I was like gross out this is gross I don’t like this Bome this is gross like I don’t like like here’s the thing I don’t like the side of blood okay I don’t like either yeah this is gross yeah uh this is really gross okay I’m weird blood if if it’s my own if it’s my own blood I’m not freaked out by it this one has this bush has eyes get it away from me it has eyes it’s staring at me see get it away get it away I’m GNA kill it I don’t like that I don’t like that literally in hell now oh my god do we have do we need to help this thing has eyes I mean no I’m fine I’m not in any danger it’s just exploring oh my God I don’t like the side of this I don’t like the side of this definitely my least favorite biome this is really gross cuz it reminds you of a vagina well no it doesn’t even remind me of a vagina it’s just gross I don’t like to look at the inside of people’s bodies and have puss like bouncing off like that’s [ __ ] disgusting I I haven’t seen it yet Lucas oh it’s right oh if you want to know it’s right next to the portal if you want to know it’s right next to the Mystic I really I really want to hear you your reaction here to oh my God Wither Skeleton oh my God die thank you f here let me make it easier to the point where you’ll be able to find it but yeah definitely my least favorite biome by hands down like by a head by a literal here I’ll make it easier cuz honestly hly it’s actually right it’s actually pretty high up so I’m going to I’m going to give I’m going to do this oh my God Antonio was right just Sky I I am going to say the villagers on this version are I I don’t know if this is because the mods but ah the fact that I could just milk the villagers it is annoying that you can only do a stack at a time that you can’t spam it like oh that’s that’s the B that’s the one that you see if you want to there you go if you want to see it it means we don’t have to have like four Farmers just to trade some [Music] yeah honestly having all the villagers would just be a cosmetic I look I place the freaking block man really shiny it’s actually not far from the entrance to the portal from down there but oh my God this is so gross oh the clerics are going to be useful too cuz you could just Spam when you get the bottles we can spam the XP bottles you know what’s worst about this also this bi the thing is I place the breing stand down a Angie what what the thing is each one of these red veins that climbs up each time it kind of looks like actual veins inside like your hands and stuff like I and tast yeah they actually look like it okay I don’t think veins or blood that that kind of thing is gross I mean that’s a SK I see you inner tables you’re right below me Sky uhuh yeah I’m right above you cuz this is where the biomes at if you want to take a look at it but that’s up to you oh I’m here yeah I’m here you have to climb up cuz I know I know Sky wait until you see all the vagina flesh I mean Sky have you taught have you taught health class before Ang where is this going I mean I’m asking you have you taught health class before well I’ve taught science I’ve taught science so but not like human science I yeah I mean like this is this is like human yeah attack me [ __ ] yeah take man we’ll see why did the Villager why does this villager have a discount I didn’t do anything to deserve a discount like do their prices go down where you trade yeah they do a little bit oh so it’s like a loyalty thing it’s like hey you trade with me a lot oh I missed oh I missed Sky sorry I tried to shoot him I missed Sky oh no I want to kill them let them come at me I don’t have I don’t have a gas shooting at me right now go they’re so they’re so far away that’s it’s kind of delayed little [ __ ] pissing me off mother [ __ ] yeah it’s kind of it’s kind of delayed so I can’t really shoot him for all I can see you but I see what’s going on but I can’t really shoot you or shoot like the guys are you sure you’re going to be okay Sky oh yeah I’m fine I’m great yeah I’m looking at him you’re great don’t worry I’m looking at him right now he’s okay he’s all right right now I got him n I’m just I’m just making [ __ ] in Blocks free up inventory space [ __ ] you mean like flesh wait a minute wait flesh flesh blocks I wonder if you use could you make flesh blocks out of rotten flesh like if you were to combine like e why would you want to do that no I’m curious cuz if you could compact rotten flesh there’s like so many oh my God this is kind of there’s diamonds here too I’m going to have to silk touch it though because there’s I have like a gazillion zombie pigment here so I got to silk touch these I didn’t bring any flesh home oh laddio do you have any flesh I got zombie pigment like all over my face right now so I have to silk touch that what is that I need to know now like I must know Ken will turn flesh blocks into that be really do know where SK at I know where Sky’s at let’s see what we can do he’s right make a flesh block you need full rotten flesh and a blood bucket really can you convert can you convert it back or no uh it doesn’t seem like you can actually make rotten flesh oh well we heck well I guess I guess this gives us another use for rotten flesh I know a solution to the backpack issue just don’t put it on your back sh oh treat it like a Shuler yeah treat it like a Shuler box the two the two backpacks that I didn’t have on my back I didn’t lose you don’t even oh so you can’t wear them mhm you shouldn’t wear them where least until we yeah until we so when you did it you never wore yours oh skot you actually want you’re actually curious about it I I was wearing mine I had my cake bag on and I fell off a cliff Ashley Sky you can probably see it from over here if you go this way oh hi Andy how are you doing uh Sky if you go to the left right over here I don’t care about that I’m mining iron that’s what I care about oh okay I thought you wanted to see what this was about okay but I’ll go around and see the backpack thing is to have the clients load the same config I did the complicated way which is using all that Brimstone and climb it up there yeah but I thought I thought I got your config and it didn’t seem to matter did you put it in your game as well as the server uh yeah yeah cuz I put it in mine first I’ll let you grab the iron unless you want me to grab it I’ll give it to you Sky yeah cuz you watched me do it last night I put it I deleted mine I downloaded yours put it in the folder and then I put it on the server here you go Skye go ahead and grab your iron yeah my life is very weird Skye look behind you there’s your iron right over there I got for you oh thank you you’re welcome damn it I don’t know then the bike should be working afraid Sky will tell students to eat sandwiches all the time say it’s healthy which is cover you must eat your lettuce or it’s permanent detention for you one of my former students actually came to visit me today a little bit was it Aldo again yeah Aldo yeah I hadn’t seen him in years it’s pretty cool I think it’s I think it is really cool is that another Bastion or is that one we raid it there is one very close to the home portal I just just went to the top chest to see if had Pig step had nothing rubbish like ancient debris Heather get over here take my bundle of sticks you go up oh my god oh yeah Heather is everybody’s favorite I think it’s so overpowered like with the axes and with the this is gross looking what the hell oh you see it you see it I told you Sky when you walk on it it puffs up too what and those pimples I know I know it’s so gross see so now like now do you feel bad laughing at me probably not no Sky there’s another there’s another way to get up here and I really don’t want to do it but uh just be careful there’s like there’s like a gazillion zombie here just wait until you see the blood just don’t mine anything Sky there’s a gazillion zombie pigment up there oh good oh [ __ ] I’m getting shot get out of here [ __ ] jackass hey video not you want to go find the Bastion okay after after the H you just went through MRA I need my music [Music] this fles ew sky in the blood biome if you think it’s bad down here when you go up oh it’s that is such a gross looking block that that definitely gets the award for the ugliest block I’ve ever mind it makes it makes gravel and mud look it makes gravel look freaking like it would win a beauty contest and then mud would be the same Ed more eye bushes more eye bushes get rid of them I wait until wait until Angie show him the blood oh God yeah I want to see it there I can’t believe I’m saying it do you have do you have a bucket sorry I got withered I got withered I did have a bucket but I think it was in look at this guy they have eyes I do have my bucket I do have it bring blood like put blood in your pack guys this thing has eyes oh God it does if you could bring blood back get rid of it get rid of it I don’t want my face I don’t I wonder if you could get infinite Blood by putting it in a cauldron drip Stone yeah or the blood or if you do a 2 by two do a 2 by two like water what the hell look at this biome look how it is what what L why the hell would you want a blood farm that is a very good question I want a blood Farm what are these what are these I what the [ __ ] what is this I told you this is so Antonio missed this he missed it no he saw this oh did he oh your oh your reaction he missed the bom I thought no he saw it with me oh look how look how gross is this guy like holy [ __ ] isn’t this where’s the blood though oh oh it streaming down from somewhere yeah it’s streaming down I just saw it Oh I think it was over oh is that it what yeah that’s it that’s it yeah that’s it please bring some blood back so we can make blood a Drifter you could get in it yeah aimful Drifters like are those meets they might be oh in the flashh blocks this is so gross holy [ __ ] uh well it it just it didn’t lead me anywhere but oh there’s another F here hang on there’s something else this is so gross holy [ __ ] this is worse than an acid trip just a blood trip like this is so gross by far the worst biome in my opinion I just don’t like I staring at my face I don’t like being stared at it I just don’t she’s okay with the tentacle maggots and the blood and the all the [ __ ] that looks like but she’s not okay with the ass like you could step on these things and they just ew gross gross gross what’s your coordinates uh we’re close to the portal 140 well yeah we’re like right in front of the portal that leads to the Mystic the [ __ ] I will [ __ ] you up return to Cinder oh I have I got I hit the fireball with the arrow and it just bled it sping oh yeah um the the coordinates that I gave you that led to there they were actually up further up which I’ll probably delete later um good thing I didn’t add them cuz I I already have to P don’t go up there they’re like a [ __ ] ton of zombie pigman so don’t pick anything up dang how high up is this Blood Source I know right I’m trying to it’s way up there man but remember the the nether is twice as tall so of course it’s I think it’s like a 256 block worst biome ever yes gross so [ __ ] gross and I do not like having eye staring at me I just don’t [ __ ] scares me so so if we stare at you like if we’re all next to you in real life and we just stare at you you’re not going to like that well I get this feeling like you’re glaring at me like daging eyes at me I’m getting all these bone blocks cuz that’s a lot of bone meal oh yeah that is true yeah that is true in in flesh the I’m not really it feels like I feel like I’m thinking about Broken Bones now and I in our bodies and I’m [Music] like yes though I think I understand why the mod Creator did this is he wanted to like put many elements of disgusting and Hell in the there has to be some easier blood to get cuz that’s just so far I mean easier blood easier blood to get that sounds sus what you sound like a serial killer okay seriously gas [ __ ] off blood Harvest there was a gas being a g a gas mother being a cumball how does one be a cball I’m at w 180 and I’m still going up to try to get this 180 185 now I’m at 80 holy [ __ ] how high are you going Sky I got in the withering and there’s all veiny stuff what is this eyeball e those eyeballs are creepy as hell guys they’re so gross they’re so gross they’re so gross taking a blood bath with turn you into Vamp paria oh yeah this would be this would be a vampires wet dream yeah oh this is freaking creepy I agree to that this is so gross like worst biome I agree vampire a vampire would love this it’s quite safe All Things Considered for a vampire it’s the safest place all right I went all the way up to y200 to get this Blood Source you see I mean laddio I got I got your bucket of blood though it’s going to be a blood bath literally oh there’s more blood down blood Farm blood Farm blood Farm you guys are nuts we got to try that I see it as I see it as a strategy because if you have infinite blood so you can place this anywhere in the Nether and it won’t evaporate will it no I don’t think it will but but wait a minute will it evaporate in the over World Diamond there’s diamonds over here but I got touch it because I don’t want I don’t want freaking blood bucket oh my God I’m fine though but holy [ __ ] but we have to ask like will it evaporate in the over did you do that did you do that on purpose lados you big [ __ ] I saved you [ __ ] I saved you [ __ ] an opening to what did I fall in it I didn’t even realize it it wasn’t that hard to get out of that but thank you I okay thank you I appreciate you getting me out thank you okay I’m literally [Laughter] offended offended he has every right to be offended he’s literally offended oh my God I keep falling into the goddamn L I never tell I’m actually crouching or not oh that’s so dumb I feel like I’m getting iron more easily in the nether and I get in the Overworld well just be careful don’t don’t the pigin or Pigman or else you’re going to no that ain’t happening that is not happening again until we fixed I I almost escaped last time but the gas kept breaking the Netherrack that I kept placing and I didn’t have enough I didn’t use my stone like I should have yeah I won’t make that mistake again actually it happens this is like kind of B was like the best looking one the blood one all the the stringy veins coming fromo stop giving me a bad image oh my God stop giving me a bad image you’re giving ltio the satisfaction by reaction oh I placed the blood I placed the blood and it evaporated immediately well where in the in the over yeah in the in the nether oh did you put in the lava Maybe out of The Inferno biome I guess you can only place it in the uh in this biome well try it wait you can’t well I lost it I have to go get another one now so swiming oh my God not again yeah evaporated and you’re in the brimstone place I want to keep falling for stupid lava [ __ ] but there’s that makes no sense cuz there’s blood I see flowing in the brimstone biome I guess I guess if it’s flowing it’s fine apparently this biome is called a visceral Heap visceral that’s what it’s called who got the obsidian well it’s mine now I think it’s because it depends if you’re if you uh I did pick up the brimstone feral I think that’s what it’s called yeah little volcano thing somebody get that blood you need silk touch for that oh you want me to get it I don’t have I don’t have Minecraft The Family Edition exactly I guess if it’s not a source block I guess it won’t evaporate but if it’s flowing it probably can flow anywhere as long as I don’t see any eyeballs I’m not going to freak out cuz I really don’t want I don’t want eyeballs staring at my face but where can you place Source blocks like can you place it in the visceral biome yeah you can probably only place it in the the visceral but it but like as soon as I go here it’s the erupting Inferno though and correct it uh it immediately evaporated but what was it at the source block all the way up there was it still a visceral heat yeah it was visceral I wonder if there’s any more did y ever get another one I thought one of you just did another what uh Way Stone no bucket of blood I’ll get it what and what’s the what’s this uh update the way you say we must have it what was the mod called lidios which one the nether one the one that has these biomes yeah give me my blood now either bi like that biome What biomes oh plenty no I can’t place it in this I lost that one too well I guess oh I’m looking I’m looking at a blood in blood is a fluid that naturally generates rarely in the visceral Heap in small pools obtaining can only be obtained in the visceral Heap there is there are no other means of obtaining blood and it does not create infinite it does not create so there’s no point in getting it then usage blood and its corresponding blood buckets have no particular use other than converting itself and other liquids to really converting it to what to flesh block you use the blood bucket and rotten flesh to make more flesh blocks that’s it so it’s a terrible crafting recipe for a block that when blood comes in contact it will stop flowing but will not transform the lava source underneath it oh you can make Brimstone bricks I wonder if these are that is oh you can uh they’re they’re okay they’re not they’re great I’m pissed I thought that you could I mean because when I had like when I found blood it was flowing on lava and it turned into obsidian like I thought that you could like well good cuz this is the worst biome ever holy [ __ ] it just did that earlier that’s dumb no that’s so dumb because if it makes obsidian when it flows but you can’t like you know scoop it but you can’t pour it anywhere else so it’s stupid yeah oh my God what is it with these pits like I really was excited it would make the nether pretty interesting yeah me yeah I thought like you could use it as a counter and help you but Brimstone a couple of those already SK no I guys I would argue blood is more useless in this game than the flesh block so Brimstone breaks that is I’m pissed I wonder how these Brimstone bricks look I guess we’ll find out but God I’m going to go through the wonder if there’s a structure made of them well I mean we could look around the erupting Inferno I don’t mind the erupting Inferno I think it looks kind of cool I could see these going pretty good for some builds they are very Gody though yeah they are like I they’re okay they look okay it looks like cheese oh did I grab one sorry sorry I grabbed one wait what looks like cheese Brimstone bricks here sorry SC I grabbed it for you sorry my bad all I’m looking on the SC that looks nothing like cheese that looks like that looks like bright [ __ ] this makes me think of Venus shaders then cuz it looks like cheese to me this looks like uh the planet Venus like if you’ve ever seen pictures of the surface of it oh no it’s in the sh oh the lady so you’re basically so basically it looks like stuff and [ __ ] from what I call the lady of Hell okay don’t stand on the brimstone ferals it’s it activates like a Venus is Venus is worse than hell I’m going to do it oh it is it activates I wonder if there’s another biome this honestly this is pretty cool I don’t like the [ __ ] visceral heat but the brimstone the brimstone one one is pretty cool it looks a lot better with the shaders on cuz this biome looks like [ __ ] otherwise I have the shaders on now I’m just going I’m going to keep playing and grinding but I’m going to end my end of the stream and just I’m just going to go ahead and raid Angie cuz I I think there’s another Fortress I am thirsty for blood yes I ain’t going to I ain’t going to do anything uh exciting in game so that’s you can ra me you can give yourself a shout out but yeah and plus I still so freaking angry about the just that blood no point being angry the blood that’s yeah like I’m it’s disappointing more than anything yeah just a little disappointing but disappointing disappointing is an understatement for me right now you disappoint I’m going to go through the portal and probably get back all right oh Pig it’s disrespectful is what it feels like it just feels disrespectful where did they go I shot them off the edge oh oh hang the ed tomorrow there’s a lot of diamonds hanging around here they mine just out curiosity how much damage is that my i’ I’ve been silk touching them so that way I don’t get killed no the arrow I just shot you it you shot me I did you walked in front as I shot the pig it didn’t do anything there I noticed I’m still full health kind embarrassing it obsidian armor is ried now where is that portal oh it’s down here okay that was probably kind of dumb but whatever D down again if I can hang on better make sure I don’t touch lava like idiot at y level 250 does it go up to 250 now should spawn anywhere I’m out of here I’m going back home I didn’t I thought the nether roof was below 250 nether roof should be about 256 what actually I could I could fall down there actually cuz that’s where our portal is wait what is that there’s something I’ve just seen right here just now what is that I was going to like stop for a second I these bathroom but I kind see what this is it’s very fruitful oh a lot of them oh there’s like an abandoned house in here there’s an abandoned house here is there any is there anything important it doesn’t look like there’s even anything important in here yeah um not seeing a good I’m not seeing a good way down let’s just say that you have fether fallen ladios nope I have no enchantment I’m going to do it oh oh I fell twice and took double I mean well how is it a beach if there’s no [Music] water God a baby man she’s like three of those babies baby zombie pigman say jump down to that other Island to this one you should be fine and there is a way Stone In the Mystic Portland to teleport back to base easy oh nice I’m going to head back yeah I think I’ve overstay my welcome as well got to wash yet we found a lot like Sky we found a lot in there like holy [ __ ] it’s nice to have a look around all right I’m going to go use the bathroom real quick I’ll be right back yeah I think I’ll just fall down there whoa is that you pig May no Pig fell [Music] down oh you little [ __ ] oh and it’s lagging too great all right I just sorry I just had to pee so bad all right so V gave me yeah video gave me a shout out so let me just close video not’s chat here and let me do do this honestly this has been really cool though I’m really enjoying this oh I didn’t mean to put the Discord stupid nice going Angie where G gee thanks but those eyes man I did not like looking at those eyes [ __ ] creep the eyes are watching you Angie no get them away from me and anyone plants one in my house I’m going to murder you in this game the ass are watching you well I know how to get you to kill me you want me to kill you still touch some of those flesh blocks flood your house with flesh that’d be the worst prank ever yeah I think I found something worse than mud blocks now you have a whole new appreciation for mud blocks where is the white stone lados yeah I kind of do now huh [ __ ] actually where is the Le I have I have one on me no it’s here those those eyes man they are just like so they’re all they’re they’re I know they’re light bulbs but it’s just so weird so [ __ ] creepy Now video NS never going to hear the end of it now though what what they’re not going to troll me about it like uh all the flesh yes just you’re never going to get no I’m not I’m I’m not going to it’s creepy okay okay okay if I ever do that if I ever do it you have the right to blow up my house and all my stuff I mean my defense though it does look creepy okay no I’m serious if I ever go that far and if I do flood your place with flesh blow up my house I’m not going to blow up your house I don’t do that I will I may be a [ __ ] but I’m not that much of a [ __ ] well then hire lattos to blow my place up if I do that I like goons foret I Latos will do it oh I know he will he loves blowing [ __ ] will now expect a repercussion and I’ll be sorely disappointed if I don’t find crate to where my house is what was that I didn’t hear you disappointed what BL my house it’ be funny so I need to make another lapis backpack so I have to make a regular backpack first which takes glass and what iron glass and iron for the tank then more leather all right so I’ve got i’ I only take like one return scroll cuz every time I use it I always come back home and and then I’ll just take it out of my chest more the ne than the now I’m going to go continue organizing my [ __ ] here and you got to have two tanks don’t you yeah time to cook some more here okay I might go to the trial chamber again and farm for a bit of [Music] XP I don’t even see it I have leather and the two tanks what else is that they missing uh the tanks is glass and iron only yeah I already have the two tanks made and I have the 10 pieces of Leather So leather in the four corners tanks on the sides it doesn’t show up in the crafting recipe should after you’ve made it yeah I’ve made one before I know I have so yeah four leather in the corners tanks on the sides gold ingot on top chest in the middle and oh gold ingot that’s why it ain’t working okay God they have to make it complicated got to have a piece of gold too don’t yeah it is kind of complicated you ain’t wrong there fairness compared to the backpack I fored this one does give you more but it does also seem to disappear and I’m still not seeing it all let me just look at the freaking recipe book for some reason golden backpack tanks sleeping bag you have to have a sleeping bag too yeah not know that that’s what I was missing okay okay thought we had an extra sleeping bag but somebody probably used it I have not used it oh you are my Prime Suspect Ang you and the fact that you just said I did not use it makes you even more I swear to God I didn’t I swear to God I didn’t do it God I didn’t do it how dare you accuse me of such a thing who did do it would say yeah exactly exactly how dare you accuse me you would you wouldn’t have said anything if you weren’t guilty you would have just not even paid attention oh my God you guys are H since you so obviously are guilty obv God I’m dead I’m so funny oh uh my Grandma she’s doing all right I have to take her to another appointment tomorrow I thought all you needed was three wool for a sleeping bag and it’s not letting me make that either I need to organize like all this [ __ ] like yeah three wo is a sleeping bag this is pissing me off the freaking crafting recipes B I know they are pretty they are pretty painful though so I don’t I know I know I have I know I have the materials for a freaking gray sleeping bag I have to have a one white wool really how [ __ ] is that rarded and there is no white wool no white wool in here what that is so [ __ ] that is really go man cuz somebody took all the wild wool and doesn’t Shear the white sheep somebody’s been making a lot of sleeping bags and they bothered to leave us one no two white sheep oh I I got five wool Hallelujah I swear it wasn’t me this time it was you every time I do something I usually admit it though we’re playing with you Ang I know I know oh my gosh man who and who die be in VC hold this [ __ ] in my inventory CU it takes 15,000 ingredients to make one thing oh yeah we’re just not we’re just not used to JV it 23 diamonds just carving out small room for the spawner oh are you guys trying to get the blaze spawner going I don’t know I just grabbed one of the spawners and brought it down to the caves so I could fun for a bit XP I brought the hoglin one cuz those things are enjoyable to kill Iron Golem spawner would have been nice n oh my gosh man I have to hold down the shift key yeah I know that’s what I’m doing too it’s Tes practice and I mean a lot of practice okay I take lots of practice I hate having an inventory full it frustrates me yeah I know there’s so the new mods add so much like to the to the point where like how to fit all this [ __ ] you know yeah it a even that much the horses need to go in the in another pin cuz they’re I’m trying to Shear the sheep and I keep riding a horse I just threw them in there so they wouldn’t wander off and despawn just bitching a lot mind me I’m not still not happy about D to some [ __ ] no I don’t blame me on that one I’d probably get pissed off too if that happened to me yeah I died to some [ __ ] dying to [ __ ] is never fun what was it he died the zombie pigman attacking him because he wasn’t really like Silk touching any of the uh ore if that gives you an idea we have plenty of gray wool I’m just going to that thing was really and I lost my lapis backpack so I’m trying to make another one so he died to really dumb [ __ ] not his fault though just it was really dumb okay I know I have the I didn’t even know Antonio was still here I think he just got back why I have why and gray wool and it still doesn’t show up I do I seriously have to put it in the crafting configuration oh no there it is there it is oh I’m about to kill a [ __ ] if you’re going to kill a [ __ ] can I join you yeah okay I made five uh sleeping bag so that’ll be something I’ll don’t have to CRA or somebody else will probably use them for me I’m sure oh I had like 20 on me you’d have to go back and watch the stream Antonio that I had like 20 on me at the same time and a gas shooting me yeah he had the thing is what happened was there’s a bug here where if you don’t silk touch like any of the any of the ores that are lying around near the zombie Pigman and you actually just fortunate or normally you you they’ll start attacking you but if you silk touch it they won’t that’s why they were never attacking me it’s a bug in the mod I don’t see a sleep I don’t I have the sleeping bags I have gold I have the two tanks why do I not see there it is I think this is a sign that I probably should stop streaming I think it’s funny more than anything but whatever you want to do oh man Quality quality I have one person watching One unlucky Soul think it’s funny cuz we all have our rage moments we got it B we all have we all have our R well I guess I’m the Unlucky Soul cuz I have your stream up you’re the all the one watching it am I really I guess so it says one no aimful Drifter might be watching in my stream I only have one person too so it ain’t a big deal I don’t think oh you’re not kidding Sky yeah I am and Angie it might be me too fair enough I complaining I’m not going to complain I don’t even know what I had in that backpack I don’t think I had anything too useful but I already placed a brewing stand in Fr front of that in front of video nut’s house so I’m going to delete this one get out of the way villager why are y’all trying to use why are y’all trying to use your composter from inside my house yall freaking [ __ ] get out of my way oh my God God man you have no bra I usually I say two brain cells but you have none like you have absolutely none you don’t even have one brain cell I should not be laughing I should not be laughing at this gu reactions I really should not be laugh seriously man absolutely garbage [ __ ] baby Garbo I know right giving [ __ ] nothing in here oh y’all make silk worms look intelligent man where guy cheers here we [Music] go I’ll put the lapis up to the mind why are people putting random [ __ ] in the lapis chest like melons and [ __ ] wasn’t me I swear this time and a leaf sea lettuce and a sea wait a minute wait a minute that might have been me actually the sea lettuce might have been me cuz I I was like trying to build a room and when I was trying to like do enchantment so that might have been me okay a sapling is this I’m just bitching so much right now like it’s just [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this a a no we’re not having a giant jungle tree in the village who did that okay that I will say it wasn’t me must y’all I don’t think I don’t think I’m going to do anything exciting the rest of this stream so so I figure after the [ __ ] after the [ __ ] that happened I think that’s a good idea I figure I’ll probably stop it in a second all I’m doing now just organize my inventory that’s what I’m doing there’s ink sack in the crops chest 200 IQ also a cross bow in the crop chest and a shield in the crop chest and dirt and cobblestone all right I organized my chest now so it’s at least a little more a little better God I’m being such an [ __ ] that’s what you’re venting sometimes you got to vent sometimes you got to vent that’s okay it’s okay to vent okay to vent all right no what is the death counter uh well I have enough to well oh I have enough gold to make I have enough gold to make an dang I’m doing so bad I’m in fifth place jez how am I letting all y’all beat me like that they will eat the crown for a little longer well I have enough gold to make an Notch Apple I’m going to play in a jungle tree out past the nether portal I have some cocoa beans in my chest you want to grab those cuz I got the jungle tree before when I died oh so you’re the one who planted them I didn’t plant it mhm [Laughter] mhm Sky’s just honestly venting after this [ __ ] Sky’s just venting after get some of that beetroot looking wood I feel like my brain is a beat rout right now but that being said I’m still smarter than these damn villag I know right dude this Rose core is actually really pretty I don’t know why it’s so pretty maybe because it’s Rose and I like roses and if you guys are look have looked at my room before I have a rose a purple rose bed yeah why don’t you build a house out of bit then be shiny rose quartz and the amethyst oo crystal house I’m trying to think I should have some sapling in here yeah I have a I have a magic sapling so I’ll take these and uh there’s an oak flowering oak sapling I oh and the hell bark sapling I can use these to plant over there near Sky’s place don’t worry I won’t do it in your place I’ll just do it like we can make a Nether wart Farm as well oh yeah I’ve got I’ve got the Soul Sand and Nether wart if you need that oh I got I didn’t lose the Nether wart that I had so I got PL as well I got the all sand if you need that I don’t think I really lost a whole lot of stuff spooky scary skeleton what is that I got the Wither Skeleton spawner down in the caves oh Bone’s cold but I want the SK should we make a blaze spawner too so that way we can get the stuff I’ve got one I picked one up from The Fortress oh right I’m just gonna end the stream y’all because my brain is working even worse than normally so I’ll probably do that too then that was we hey we did the nether stuff so we yeah at least we um can maybe get these villagers to cooperate cheaper now that’s going to be fun to do I cannot wait to work on that canot wait to the benefits work you being sarcastic well I’m going oh I’m obviously serious all right I’ll see y’all later stay awesome have a great night or day whenever you watch this love you all yeah you guys have a good night

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java: Fabulously Fabric Season 1- Session 2’, was uploaded by Skyhurricane on 2024-07-11 18:11:51. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:33 or 11073 seconds.

First time playing/streaming Minecraft Java! Using Fabric with some mods! If you want to join, we have a tutorial on our discord with the modpack linked.

Dopeypoke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2Ct_ETCQvu50oZBwASHWQ/

We have 3 Minecraft Bedrock 24 hour servers! More info below:

*Monday Server– To join you must be ranked Tsunami or above on our discord to be whitelisted for this server *Java Server– Same requirements as Monday Server *Members ServerMinecraft server for YouTube members.

Tentative Schedule: *Mondays: Minecraft Survival for Bedrock *Wednesdays: Members Day (Minecraft Server for Members, CTR, or other collab stuff on Discord) *Fridays: Retro Fridays (multiplayer stuff like Mario Party, 2 player games like Donkey Kong Country, or single player games like Yoshi’s Island). *Saturdays: Community Voted Project *Sundays: Dark Souls

Special thanks to my YouTube Members: IronPika the Pikachu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaw8Uf9L9rpoF39prxk-r9w/ VideoNutGaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVQPPu_kI_M9fiOtOP_tww/ Dopeypoke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2Ct_ETCQvu50oZBwASHWQ/ DangerRoo- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5TRjJ8lEoF39ynff3xvsjg AverageSundayDriver- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXthtWVbGSDayoMKKmYHS1Q/ TheJean590- https://www.youtube.com/user/jeandu590123 TheGreenLightningMRT- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm1k9_UH1BYaVAzpw2J-f3w AngelStar291- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvoESVqRm2c3reaKIt2mq-w Azure Wave- https://www.youtube.com/@spayspay687/featured Multiverse- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6vynsRRiTkhRjw_viipzJw J Roe 49- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjilUUFncLj6OsmlUcTwXqQ Brusselpicker- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOnsRhm_6DDbUhqSOV0xKfg Adam the gamer 1818- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKPI38aJ4Jge-NqaC9PMIDQ Mark- https://www.youtube.com/@UCcQFNVl_MmO7BNraBRNxhbg Latios Eon- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2qBTMPZbcOSA7T_94J2Vlg Original Grant- https://www.youtube.com/@OriginalGrant/featured

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    LOYAL GAMER BOY HITS 2K SUBS! JOIN SMP NOW! ЁЯТе #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЁЯШНNO VOICE STREAM |ROAD TO 2K | JOIN MYЁЯТлSMP IP PORT IN DISCORD || #minecraft’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-05-02 02:06:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:11:01 or 33061 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the ЁЯФФ Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button IP = Loyalarmy2k.aternos.me PORT = 27831 For support UPI = 8302842234 Discord link = https://discord.gg/5Gxbbr6BtZ Instagram link = https://www.instagram.com/satyaa_aayush?igsh=MWR5MXRzNGF1NzI1MQ== For business enquiry ЁЯУз :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor тЮд Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz… Read More

  • ЁЯФеUltimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!ЁЯФе

    ЁЯФеUltimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!ЁЯФеVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build the Best Castle ZOMESMP Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by RonaldPh Vlog & Stream Channel on 2024-04-19 13:12:36. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. Subscriber Goal 3699 / 5000 Welcome to My World If You want join Discord server https://discord.gg/tBwXNEE3 #discord I’d ronaldgamingph423 #minecraft #livestream Visit YouTube Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8jF-z4QMlnoY6UIhn09RNA Visit TikTok Channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@ronaldgamingpyt?_t=8kNLSedZYqF&_r=1 Visit Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085963225078&mibextid=ZbWKwL Visit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rjquillo?igsh=MWducWhjdjB1Mm9udA== Join to my fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/637249333720897/?ref=share Thank You For Watching My Precious Video Spam ЁЯТУЁЯТУЁЯТУ Thank You For Supporting My Channel Don’t… Read More

  • Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!

    Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!Video Information уГЮуВдуВпуГйш▒ЖчЯешнШ2000уГЙуВнуГкуБдуБНцЬАш┐С ш┐╜хКауБХуВМуБЯуВвуВдуГЖуГауБош▒ЖчЯешнШуВТч┤╣ф╗ЛхоЯуБп щвихКЫуГБуГгуГ╝уВ╕уБлуБпуБДуВНуВУуБкф╜┐уБДцЦ╣уБМуБВуВЛуВУ уБауВИуБ╛уБЪщБйх╜УуБлх░БхН░уБЧуБЯуГвуГлуГвуГГуГИуВТшинч╜о уГвуГлуГвуГГуГИуБкуВУуБЭуВМуБВуГЯуВ╣уБгуБЯцЬиуВТ хПЦуВКчЫ┤уБЧуБжуБДуБНуБ╛уБЧуВЗуБЖуБ╛уБЪхЙгуВТчЭАчБлуБЧуБж уБДуБНуБ╛уБЩуБЭуБЧуБЯуВЙщвихКЫуГБуГгуГ╝уВ╕уВТуБСуБСуБл хРСуБЛуБгуБжцЙУуБбуБ╛уБЧуВЗуБЖуБЭуБЖуБЩуВЛуБиуБСуБМхЙНуБл цК╝уБЧхЗ║уБХуВМуБжщгЫуВУуБзуБДуБНуБ╛уБЩуБУуВМуБзхПЛщБФуБо хо╢уВТчИЖча┤уБЧуБжуБ┐уБ╛уБЧуВЗуБЖуБкуБВшЗкхИЖуБМцГиуВБуБа уБиуБпцАЭуВПуВУуБоуБЛуБЭуВМуБзуБпуВДуБгуБжуБДуБН уБ╛уБЧуВЗуБЖхПЛщБФуБлх╗║чпЙуВТуБЧуБжуБиуБДуБжх╗║чпЙуБЧуБж уВВуВЙуБгуБжуБДуБ╛уБЩчзБуБлф╗╗уГнцЬАх╝╖уБкхо╢ф╜ЬуБгуБЯуВЛ уБЛуВЙуБкцЬАх╝╖уБк хо╢ уБИуБИуБВцмбуБоцХЩуБИуВЛхЙНуБлуВВуБЖ2уБашжЛуВМуБкуБДуБЛ уВВуБЧуВМуБкуБДуБЛуВЙщлШшйХф╛буБзф┐ЭхнШуБЧуБжуБВуБиф╗К х┐ГшЗУуБМхЛХуБДуБжуБДуБЯуВЙуГБуГгуГ│уГНуГлчЩ╗щМ▓ уВИуВНуБЧуБПуГИуГйуГГуГЧуГЙуВвуБлщвихКЫуГБуГгуГ╝уВ╕уВТ х╜УуБжуВЛуБих╜УуБЯуБгуБЯхИЖщЦЛуБПуВВуБгуБиф╗ЦуБош▒ЖчЯешнШ уБВуВЛуВИуБгуБжф║║уБпуВ│уГбуГ│уГИуБзцХЩуБИуБжуБЯуБПуБХуВУ уБПуВМуБ░цмбхЫЮф╜┐уБДуБ╛уБЩ This video, titled ‘уГЮуВдуВпуГйш▒ЖчЯешнШя╝БуАМуГЙуГГуВнуГкф╗ШуБНя╝БуАНуААуВ│уГбуГ│уГИцОбчФиуБЩуВЛуБЛуВВуБЧуВМуБкуБДя╝Б #уГЮуВдуВпуГй #shorts #minecraft #уВЖуБгуБПуВКхоЯц│Б #уГЮуВдуГ│уВпуГйуГХуГИ #youtubeshorts #уБ╛уБДуБПуВЙ’, was uploaded by уВоуГЛуГеуГ╝чЫЧцТощЪКх╣┤хЖЕ10ф╕Зф║║чЫоциЩ on 2024-06-16 06:02:16. It has garnered 10951 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Become a member of this channel to access perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgLtpVfC7vYtdT1ljfKtGQ/join Edited by ymm4 Sound source: Override Please subscribe to my channel! You can cut out without permission “But you can add #GinyuPeepingSquad” I appreciate the promotion from my partner “OchiteruOmochi”… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4k

    Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4kVideo Information ╨░ ╨┤╨╛╨╝╨╕╨║ ╨║╨░╨║╨╛╨╣-╤В╨╛ ╨┤╨░╨▓╨░╨╣ ╤В╨░╨╝ ╨┐╨╛╤Б╨╡╨╗╨╕╨╗╤Б╤П ╨п ╨│╨╛╨▓╨╛╤А╤О ╤Г ╨╝╨╡╨╜╤П ╨╜╨╡ ╨╗╨░╨│╨░╨╡╤В ╨│╨╛╨▓╨╛╤А ╨░ ╤Г ╨╝╨╡╨╜╤П ╤З╤Г ╤Б╨╡╨╣╤З╨░╤Б ╨┐╨╛╨┤╨╗╨░╤П ╨║╨╛╨│╨┤╨░ ╨в╨╛╤В╨╛ ╤З╤В╨╛ ╤В╤Л ╤Е╨╛╤Б╤В ╨▒ ╤В╨▓╨╛╤О ╨╝╨░╤В╤М ╤В╤Л ╨╝╨╛╨╢╨╡╤И╤М ╨╗╨╕╤В╤М╤Б╤П ╨Р ╤В╤Л╨╖ ╨╝╨╡╨╜╤П [ __ ] ╨╡╨▒╨░╨╜╨░╤П ╨╛╨╜ ╨┐╨╗╨░╨▓╨░╤В╤М ╨╜╨╡ ╤Г╨╝╨╡╨╡╤В ╨╜╨╛ ╨┐╨╗╨░╨▓╨░╤В╤М ╨╜╨╡ ╤Г╨╝╨╡╨╡╤В This video, titled ‘Twitch/╤В╨╡╨╗╨╡╨│╨░ ╨╜╨╕╨║: Mels4k #╨╝╨░╨╣╨╜╨║╤А╨░╤Д╤В #╤Е╨╛╤А╨╛╤А #Minecraft #horror #╤В╨▓╨╕╤В╤З╨╝╨╛╨╝╨╡╨╜╤В╤Л’, was uploaded by ╨Э╨░╤А╨╡╨╖╨║╨╕ Mels4k on 2024-01-07 12:48:56. It has garnered 2323 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Click follow on twitch and subscribe to the tg channel ЁЯШЙ Stirmy- https://www.twitch.tv/mels4k Telegram- https://t.me/Mels4k The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!

    Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!Video Information this is the easiest base to build because you don’t really need to build a whole lot a dirt frame with a bucket of lava and water will give you this Temple it’s not the nicest looking Temple but it doesn’t take a lot of effort to turn it into something that’s half appealing expanding this base into a mini Fortress isn’t too difficult either just use the same technique to create some temples in the corners surrounding the base you can add some details to these ones too before connecting them with a wall on the inside… Read More

  • The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!

    The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARCE IN MINECRAFT (Minecraft Animation Parody Video)’, was uploaded by Futuristichub Archive on 2024-02-16 15:25:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • GoldenSMP

    GoldenSMPGoldenSMP Semi-Vanilla Survival 1.8 – 1.20.4 [PLUGINS] Featuring in-game **Shop, Auctions, Jobs, Quests, and Clans** adding flavour but without ruining the traditional SMP experience! [COMMUNITY] We have an old community, mostly veterans who’ve made a mark on our past server. Full of lore and epic clan battles ranging for years. We also have a very active staff team participating in the survival aspect themselves! [RULES] Our rules are designed to be fun, not authoritative. We have very tolerable rules lightweight to the point of semi-anarchy standards. Griefing & stealing is allowed (to a degree), and Cheating isn’t allowed. A more… Read More

  • Project:Creators SMP {whitelist} {semi-vanilla} {hermitcraft}

    Welcome to Season 7! 16+ seasonal, vanilla 1.21 Minecraft Java server Join a drama-free community dedicated to providing an authentic survival experience inspired by Hermitcraft. Features include a Shopping District, mini games, and a protected environment against griefing/stealing. Join our discord to get whitelisted TODAY!!! https://discord.gg/cknnjeq6gP Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Am I the Villager in this Scenario?

    Minecraft Memes - Am I the Villager in this Scenario?I guess you could say this meme was a real block-buster with a score of 48! Read More

  • 24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan’s Brotherly Joke

    24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan's Brotherly Joke In the world of Minecraft, a prank was played, Efekan and Ali, in a game they strayed. Jokes and laughter, hair cut to zero, A tale of mischief, in a world so narrow. Ali, the bald one, seeking revenge, Efekan, the joker, on the edge. A wedding dress, a funny sight, In a women’s store, what a delight. The teacher, unamused, in the school they roam, No holiday for them, no time to roam. Bald heads and laughter, in the classroom they sit, A lesson learned, in a prank-filled skit. So ends the tale of Efekan and Ali, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” ЁЯШВ #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #memes #gaming Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

  • Outrageous Pranks in Apartment 167

    Outrageous Pranks in Apartment 167 “Aqui no hay quien viva 167” – Minecraft Bedrock Episode Adventure in the Village In this episode of Minecraft Bedrock, the team faces a kidnapping in the village. Join the thrilling adventures in “Aqui no hay quien viva 167”! The neighborhood is vast, with a large three-story house adorned with leaves and gold. As the team explores, they encounter a new neighbor and express their desire to settle in the area. However, things take a dark turn when one of the team members mysteriously disappears. A Mysterious Disappearance The team’s search for their missing member leads them to the… Read More

  • King of Minecraft Reveals Insane 2024 Plans – LIVE Chat

    King of Minecraft Reveals Insane 2024 Plans - LIVE ChatVideo Information I just forgot that I do not have my volume [Music] up all right we’re going to be doing a Minecraft live stream today so we’re going to be doing it a little different a little different um so I made two sets of the exact same armor so I can go exploring in the nether I’m looking for [Music] bastions um I guess I could put the spare set in here bam let me make this a little organized and I think we might be doing a build project today maybe all right put that there half… Read More

  • Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Seeds with SDKInsaan

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  • 365 Days of Insane UwU Fun – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    365 Days of Insane UwU Fun - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘╤Д╨░╨╜╤В╨░╨╣╨╝ ╤В╨▓╨╛╤А╨╕╤В ╤З╤Г╨┤╨╡╤Б╨░’, was uploaded by 365xXxUwUxXx365 on 2024-06-18 23:37:23. It has garnered 6701 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:15 or 75 seconds. #holyworld #gg #minecraft Recruitment to clan psycho write to ds it’s below! discord ne36ff #holyworld #gg #minecraft holyworld minecraft, whoopsen anarchy, broke bedrock in player base, wipe anarchy, trade after wipe, after wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, carrot farm minecraft, ifrit farm, griefing minecraft, sold my base, how I sold my base to griefers, magma cube farm, auto-potion makers, anarchy brewed a lot of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial

    Unbelievable Nether Portal Design - Minecraft TutorialVideo Information [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] a This video, titled ‘Epic Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by LostInMC on 2024-03-05 10:20:05. It has garnered 909 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:59 or 719 seconds. Cheers everyone! Here is another Minecraft Tutorial. This time it’s an Epic Nether Portal with a Dragon Head Statue on… Read More

  • INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!

    INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!Video Information This video, titled ‘So, I Fought Founder of this Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Furaexion on 2024-03-18 07:00:14. It has garnered 78 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Discord: furaexion_ Subscribe Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Tags Ignore! cpvp,vanilla pvp,minecraft,mcpvp,crystal pvp,sakurafx,sakura,new kb,old kb,minecraft pvp,1.19.2,1.19.4,1.20,1.20.1,1.20.2,ht1,t1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,lt1,ht2,lt2,ht3,lt3,tier list,minecraft tier list,tier fight,drain ficrystal pvp,cpvp,lt3,ht3,drdonut,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft crystal,mc crystal,mc cpvp,marlow,marlowww,ht1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,tier 4,tier 5,mc,mc pvp,minecraft vanilla,vanilla pvp,vanilla tier list,mc tier list,minecraft tier list,vtl,au,australia,best au,crystal montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft edit,minecraft elytra,end crystal,respawn anchor,anchor chain,minecraft elytra swap,1.19,1.19.4,new kbght,crystal montage,cpvp montage,vanilla montage,vanilla crystal pvp,mc… Read More

  • ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1ЁЯФе

    ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1ЁЯФеVideo Information quick oh my God stay in no you’re not going to thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I had no we should just call this Sky hurricane Java world [ __ ] [ __ ] well that’s what everybody’s going to hear at the beginning of the stream hey everybody and uh welcome to another crazy session um we’re going to be going into the nether in this one hope yall are having a great evening and oh the nether is uh it’s going to be different so actually I made some different… Read More


    BROKEN Luxifeeeerr DESTROYS WARZONE ЁЯШ▒Video Information no p roto roto roto la consola est muy cagado estuvo muy cadoo loco [ __ ] mre iba corriendo bien tranquilo y le peg un [ __ ] brano en la espalda pued This video, titled ‘Pero estaba roto eh #gaming #memes #humor #clips #funny #twitch #gamer #warzone’, was uploaded by Luxifeeeerr on 2024-01-14 10:12:19. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mas clips como estos en mi canal de twitch luxifeeeerr suscribanse y denle like pofa luxifeeeerr COD luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr random luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr… Read More

  • EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor ЁЯШ▒ | Minecraft Survival Pt 4

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  • Voxelime SMP

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  • Prime SMP – PVP SMP

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