🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟

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and I should be live Gamers how you guys doing hopeful you guys are having a great day very cool we’re playing Minecraft again however most likely Friday will be either Roblox or fortnite very cool W going to start am I not started uh hello hello hello hello can you guys hear me H hi how you guys doing hey Zula hopefully you’re doing well Mr glaze very cool what the SLO that’s kind of sussy sloth wait is that the real sloth or is that big sloth oh he is a Rolla okay um I was kind of certain that that was a fake SLO yo Durer holy that’s crazy W Durer insane W it’s crazy Durer is insane Durer is a insane person holy legitimately insane certified insane well Gamers I’ll see you all tomorrow make sure stay epic make sure to like sub and join the Discord if you can I’ll see you all tomorrow have a good night anyways survival games hey Derpy how you doing hope you’re having a good day should I switch back to just doing Among Us I’m tempted to cuz it’s still get like among gets good views right I can have like 20 25 viewers in a single Among Us stream meanwhile Minecraft average is like 10 and fortnite average is five not counting weekends it’s kind of tragic you’re not joining that stream wow we about Among Us VR just yell at little kids it’s genius W those D are insane ther is a psychopath my store was hey look very cool invite you oh shoot Zula uh I’ll invite you next round started slightly too soon but it very cool oh come on no weapons I mean bow and arrow I guess hopefully I don’t die yes let’s go after that dude he was scared off if you donated $100 you’d just be insane also ders I’m kind of curious how like what do you use to donate do you use PayPal or something else cuz I’m kind of curious Apple pain like why does Apple just swipe all of it it’s kind of annoying apple just sucks Apple does absolutely nothing just takes all the money no access to Vault I mean no cuz like I don’t want people spending money to access to Vault the entire reason like the Vault exists supposed to get me diamonds like if you want to enter the Vault you’re supposed to pay diamonds I feel bad tragic I’ll take the chicken now very cool like no I don’t I want I don’t want to take your money honestly like Durer Durer is a psychopath and I’ve told him not like donate so like so if he donates now that’s kind of his own fault very cool Bboy island is now real on the realm that’s crazy Jose wild you like the big blue map I gave you Jose see I have an entire area above the ocean I’m going to use for map art I claim the whole map area so it can be fully used for map art I’m not sure what to do on it like what should I make it’s solid blue right now because of uh the ocean but still yeah I’ll invite you after it’s finished very cool W fun fact Jose is a f booy Ro doesn’t want to die for some reason imagine not wanting to die kind of cringe like everyone should want to die right made a boring Island and just named it fboy Island after fboy island in Indonesia well good for you Jose you’re finally admitting it to yourself good for you Jose very cool fun fact Jose loves men it’s a fact he just loves men so much like look at Jose and tell me he doesn’t love men so I’ve decided I’m going to start publishing not publishing because like I can’t really publish certain packs by making like custom resource packs and I’m just like releasing them to the public now for free or just to members who knows resource packs and what else the behavior packs I’ve made I don’t know if there’ll be like just for members cuz like I don’t know depends on how much effort I put into the pack we’ll decide if it’s a pay walled like if it’s a really shitty pack or something yeah I’m not going to like charge any money for it it’s pride month AKA p2w month you mean Jose month we all know it’s Jose Jose loves men it’s a fact but anyways like I really want to start playing ever games ever games that like people watch L like what are people searching for should I make my own like skibby toilet game and just stream that is that a genius idea what oh this dude oh I know okay he broke the I was about to say I he was sussy hacking oh he just I thought he just grabbed all the shell the chest but no okay cool that was kind of sus for a second there you almost got banned for being just don’t be homophobic it’s that simple why would you want to be homophobic like it takes so much effort to be homophobic I feel like you’d rather kill yourself than no n don’t kill yourself you want a skippity to stream you guys wouldn’t want to play a skippity toilet game with me I’d make a whole mobile game and release it for free holy that was a bit anticlimactic uh damn all what do you mean brain rot Derpy I could make a like a really shitty mobile game that’s just like skib toilet uh like PVP like 2D ad Venture type game it would be awful but like I could do it I’m tempted to now it’d be such a bad game though wow Jose would you watch a stream of me making the skibby toilet game it’s genius I don’t know what else should like I want to make more Minecraft packs to release uh actual good M um like mod packs actually or at least some that add good features I feel like what if I add a mod pack see inside each of the mod packs though I’m going to embed it so that uh the milking mod is embedded into them so like nah that’s a a bad idea cuz that CH I could make it so it doesn’t change the player script I could hide the milking pack and default it to give certain people the milk tag I could and then like make some pop like a pack that becomes extremely popular and then make it auto default sloth to milk and then any like future realm or server that he joins with the pack on it he’s automatically milk is this genius idea I’m going to die of course very tragic I die to a squid well hey teammate you mind if I just back out double Crouch if you think I should just back out oh he’s killing the other viewer wow yo W thanks for subbing very Epic oh he’s about to die anyways okay cool uh let’s do bedwars oh you crouched oh well it doesn’t really matter you died anyways wait what games like I want to make more like packs though like what I want to make your I’m going to make one giant pack that has all your guys’ ideas in it like what would you guys want to see added to the game or removed from the game what do you guys want to see in the game line claim cough yeah p2w but honestly I don’t want to make a l claim mod uh like there’s no reason to there’s already a l a l claim mod that exists why would I make another one not line claim wait what what are you talking about derer didn’t even say anything in $20 donation you’re the only Vault dweller well that’s not true Jose’s down in the basement now but he doesn’t live there sadly and what about bleach derer oh you die because of my land claim oh that’s not my issue that’s your own fault just don’t go inside my land claim easy wait oh Durer can you go destroy the uh portal in our basement or Jose some okay can somebody destroy the portal in the basement cuz I’m just now realizing that’s going to let people just go into the Vault immediately that was a horrible idea that’s like a huge security flaw that’s like the biggest security flaw possible we I didn’t even think about that yeah we need to destroy that portal and either put it into like an external room or just have outside I think having outside’s better though if bleach didn’t destroy the decorated one it could have been way better I don’t know why she destroyed the decorated one [Music] though watch this watch this oh oh bro’s going crazy bro’s going crazy wish I bought a sword before I came over here I didn’t know he was brid I’m going to go for diamonds now or I could go the other way and just to rush someone holy I’m alive somehow these dumb asses don’t know what’s up oh I’m sorry sir your bed seems to be already broke I should have paid more attention very cool very cool you got ambushed on Door Nine o tragic Armstrong very sad I want to play Roblox again but nobody seems to want to play Roblox even though Roblox does good the issue is the OG like viewers don’t want to play Roblox but then every like all the new viewers only new viewers show up on Roblox streams which is like the main demographic like I’m trying to Target more viewers but like I don’t know kind of sucks oh can you join party yep I’ll invite you right after this very cool I up like honestly I might start playing Roblox again uh become a whole ass Roblox YouTuber uh start posting Roblox videos genius also according to my uh YouTube subscriber calculator I should have uh how much was it 10,000 Subs by the year 2025 no wait it was 2055 so I’m almost there Gamers just a few years away yeah I could do SL party and invite you but oh no one’s in the party everyone left tragic all right let’s go get emeralds we’re going to fortnite all night DM Jose I’ll check DMS in a minute how the are you w you very cool jinny mod win wow Jose all right jinny mod release is at 4,500 subscribers you regen wait rejoin you want my skin through most likely your Skin’s still just loading so she’s like wait pretty cool that’s normally what happens is your Skin’s just loading or you have a custom fruity skin it’s not L like you use it because this is the hive and they can’t like let custom skins like modeled skins join BR whose name is chat gbt wild very cool prity skin I see I mean can’t you just go to dressing room and change it I feel like that’s the easiest part see the good thing about having an official 3D skin is that it doesn’t get blocked which is very cool W whatever games could I play though on stream like what’s a good game that’s very popular but doesn’t have very much uh like what’s one that’s being searched for a lot that people want to watch live streams of see that’s like the main like issue like one that doesn’t have anyone streaming it though so demand is high but the uh Supply is very low okay Howard that’s a very like the opposite fortnite streams there’s so many of them but like no one actually wants to watch them [Music] Plants versus Zombies has to be a good game I don’t think anyone even wants to watch a Plants versus Zombies stream though who’s on like one and a half hearts you do yeah but I don’t care what you want to watch I care what the largest possible demographic wants to watch God I I will kill myself rather than play Call of Duty I hate Call of Duty did you all die y’all went offline okay cool tragic B and door 14 all right cool see but like I don’t know I want to start streaming stuff I need to make more long for Content that’s for sure um like I have to have some value on my channel you need a reason to subscribe of course I’m going to start making skibby toilet content it’s genius nothing can go wrong I driver kill myself your skin got through very cool W Roblox soon uh so Friday’s poll remember I don’t stream on Thursday but Friday’s poll is going to be just fortnite and uh Roblox so you guys have to vote between fortnite and Roblox so no Minecraft on the poll this time Gamers why are we all free over here was a dinosaur very cool see if fornite had more viewers I would definitely stream fortnite see the issue is though like 90% of my subscribers came for Among Us so many of my subscribers at least a third of them came for Among Us so like Among Us is definitely like what performs best on my channel I’m tempted to play like Among Us VR cuz not many people stream that I don’t think not on YouTube at least another issue is people don’t really watch that many live streams on YouTube do they I mean they kind of do if it’s like a big stream like big YouTuber still God damn it you you had one job techol blade a the cat killed me like I was trying to be a bit passive there uh but I was going to run past them and destroy their bed after uh yeah they were right they not trust me hi James it’s up to oh wait James is on a separate team wait no he’s not okay cool it’s up to you guys I probably shouldn’t have let myself die that’s tragic yeah Minecraft is a bit boring now like I don’t know you play Minecraft for two weeks and then it becomes stale I’m hoping the new update revitalizes it a bit and brings in some more viewership possibly I don’t know I just feel like streaming in general is also a bit still just like nothing to do there’s like no good games to play or anything it’s just kind of boring at this point all James I’m going to pull you out you ain’t winning this apologies you messed up the piston door probably I need to make a tutorial on how to make the Epic piston door what if I just record the Epic tutorial now like right now it’s genius do it on stream definitely greatest idea ever [Music] true Mr glaze there isn’t much like fortnite is fine but like it’s been nerfed so much the season isn’t as much fun like I don’t know I Boogie bombs need to be gone they’re just overpowered there’s no counter to Boogie bombs and people are now like the people that were first like saying to a like like I don’t know it’s kind of annoying how sweats and all them complain and get what they want the huge Nerfs that happen I don’t know it’s kind of annoying it sometimes works uh interesting K yeah fortnite updates a lot it gets a lot of content but like I don’t know it’s just kind of boring when it comes to uh the player base the player base is just awful they always whine and complain about the smallest little things even though like it’s perfectly balanced the cars were not overpowered they just didn’t know how to adapt like I saw videos people like how am I supposed to counter this and then like it’s like how am I supposed to counter [Music] this and then it’s like a single like dude driving in a car towards them at like like he’s 50 meters away and then he just lets him hit him it’s kind of stupid not going to [Music] lie the a God damn it I’m trying like I don’t actually want to team like I do just want to bait them but that’s kind of the point is I want to bait them into thinking like they’re in a safe place and I run up and destroy their bed like it’s the entire point of the plan and I’m going to make it work I’m just going to chill right here no well it didn’t go that well damn tragic okay you know I had high hopes for that plan probably way too high hopes but you know it’s fine it’s fine hey SLO welcome back how you doing hope you having a good day but like I don’t know it’s kind of just depressing seeing a view count less than 10 viewers like when I could be getting 20 just by playing Roblox like sure I don’t have much fun playing Roblox but at least I get viewership but that’s also what kind of drove me insane is I didn’t have fun playing among us and then I like went insane any sweats don’t like it whenever exactly like they only like it when stuff benefits them and people are complaining that the NCR like the sweats are complaining oh the NCR rifle is useless not the NCR rifle the new laser triy beam laser rifle like it’s really good I SW oh wait this bed’s already broken I am extremely intelligent I’m super intelligent I am the smartest man alive I’m not going to lie the tribeam is a bit underpowered if anything that the sweats are still complaining about it like oh it’s hit scan it’s over powered now compared to the every gun why carry any like I don’t know it’s kind of stupid like I’ve seen some people say they’re going to just carry five tribeam laser rifles which is just so stupid no you aren’t you’re going to play the game like a normal person you aren’t going to carry five of the same gun just so you can get the charge quicker true it’s good for up close shots it it’s like basically the exact same thing for but it’s not as good as people are saying it is like people are saying it should be nerfed it should not be nerfed there no oh my earb just died I charged it last night quick no but like it should not be nerfed it is not overpowered it’s a pretty balanced weapon am I streaming tomorrow not tomorrow Canadian dude sadly tomorrow is a Thursday which means I do not stream very cool hey what how you doing Canadian dude oh it’s mainly the double piston extender for the middle so the double piston extender in the middle is like the main like antithesis of the uh entire door that’s like the like main thing that matters make sure that you have the uh repeater that goes into the Piston like over top of the Observer make sure that it’s set to the maximum amount of ticks allowed um but if you need me like come check it out later I will completely wh that which means finally get the plan stuff very cool Jose very cool interesting Jose it’s kind of suspicious um but I don’t know I should try to start making more videos cuz like surprisingly the Piston Door video still gets a lot of views even though it’s not working it’s no longer functional they gets a ton of views that’s for sure so I need to get the new piston door finished cuz like I feel like most people don’t really work on Free by free doors they’re just one wide but one wide doors are the best cuz they’re also the easiest to like diagnose like oh shoot this one piston broke oh look this one repeater was off the one right next to it like you can see exactly what the issues are it’s like an x-ray machine you can look and see exactly what’s wrong with it without any issue I don’t know I just feel like it’s I don’t know I need to start making videos and start doing Redstone tutorials cuz like all things considered that’s probably the best thing I’m uh able to do in red I mean in Minecraft is redstone so very cool I’ve never played Plants versus Zombies I just don’t see the appeal of it it’s a tower defense time to fix this mess good luck see but the other thing is when it’s one wide uh it’s super easy to build in a compact space you don’t have to dig out a ton of land you just have to dig out an 11 by 12 area like legitimately it’s one of the easiest things that you could ever build and it uses so few resources I got it down from like 15 no 17 block by 13 block area all the way down to 11 by 12 legitimately saving hundreds of blocks guys can I get a little help idiots okay this is fine uh A90 can attack on door 50 interesting I don’t know I I’ve never played Plants versus Zombies I don’t really want to I’ve never reason to it just seems like a pretty bad game it’s just like a mobile shitty mobile game I need four emeralds and then I can chill I’m pretty confident that I can win most fights Minecraft though oh one Gaming’s here what the that’s weird Ro acting like Kayla uh James head back to base head back James James James James you’re hey fexo how you doing who’s Kayla honestly I don’t remember probably Jose I don’t know God damn it James you still died I Ked that dude to save you and you still died tragic very tragic very cool hey triggered how you doing hopefully you’re having a great day very cool once again hi hi finex for an R bro well GG’s tragic also let me see if this new button Works what the One gaming you are a minor go to prison um G skroll possibly hey triggered hi again how you doing invite you to party all right very cool I will what did Derpy delete Raptor he means games wait what Jose what what do you mean Jose curious ah you denied the invite wow SLO wow look at look at this wise guy over here denying the invite that’s crazy yeah I can see that you denied it sloth you think you’re better than us how many people we got we got six okay let’s go and start one what the was that big ass flying machine can’t invite you for like a minute and a half or something I think it might be five minutes or you could probably just rejoin server sloth I’m not really sure how it works but very cool triggered more like an i interesting oh I see Jose all right good to know to know North India wow is that the actual abbreviation for North India all right we got Howard in here there’s no way we’re losing Howard we’re going to get the fortnite dub we’re going to win Howard what the is up with your big forehead okay nugget interesting Derpy very [Music] interesting very cool man I love fortnite don’t you guys love fortnite Ro hitting the gritty he’s hitting the gritty where was heading the gritty ski any very cool here I’m going to I’m going to make a really bad poll that no one’s going to [Music] like are we being attacked there we go epic poll genius poll hey Pro welcome back how you doing hope you’re having a good day very cool hey shanky how you doing hopefully you’re having a great day too fortnite battle pass I just pull it out my ass what that is not the song it’s fortnite battle pass I just out my ass thank you don’t uh disgrace the greatest song of all time by false buing lyrics for it as a masterpiece and you’re just denying it’s right tragic can somebody assassinate One gaming that’d be very epic what did you do to the door Kayla you massacred my door what about fortnite’s kind of dying absolutely nothing fortnite is as alive as it like it still people will okay here’s the issue people will look at the concurrent player count instead of the average player count so they’ll look at like how many players there are at one time that’s the incorrect way to do it you want to look how much on average daily or monthly you don’t want to look at the concurrent cuz that’s how much there are at the exact moment that you’re looking that’s like the worst method of determining if a game is dead you want to look at the average and compare it to like the previous few months so like uh fortnite sure it’s like down from where it was when the OG Season released but it’s up from like the Primal season and all that like it’s averaging I think 1.5 million right now so it’s not dead it’s just like sure it’s not its peak anymore it peaked uh during chapter 2 for one day Travy Patty event guys I need help you smack the do off God damn it God you guys are awful teammates legitimately the worst teammates Howard how could you let this happen I expect more from you Howard Howard why Howard tragic he means the song Wait what oh the song fortnite’s kind of dying ah oh is that the one made by the Chug jug dude kid the one chug jug kid like no because he made that back in like what when was that made I what song is that that was made back in like what um two like 2018 or something 2019 it was made like a while ago like way before fortnite even started to die that me in chapter one wasn’t it by mccamy ah I’m thinking of a different one then I remember one that was made by the same dude as chug jug kid one but like legit like the song was made in like 2018 2019 chapter 1 when fortnite was peing I don’t know well even chapter 2 chapter 2 like I don’t think you could say fortnite was even close to dying is wean back from war he’s going to be in war until August sadly he will be back August 4th apparently he is allowed to have his phone so he’s been messaging me occasionally and sending me really weird Minecraft Tik toks [Music] yeah Canadian dude that’s the song that I’m thinking about I think it was just a cover probably by the uh one kid like legitimately I don’t know fortnite’s not even close to dying compared to a lot of other games like it has a very high monthly active player count like sure you can also look at the average concurrent players but like you have to remember there’s still millions of people that play even if they just log in for 5 minutes and then leave they still technically play but like assume like if you take in the two like average player that takes in like two games a day leil company isn’t dead I just think like it peaked but it doesn’t really matter for the developer they made a shitload of money so they don’t care developer made so much money they don’t have to worry about anything anymore like I’m pretty sure they’re probably if did they say they were making a new game I’m not sure if they did like they could probably retire at that point I don’t think they have any reason like make more games like legitimately they made like Millions which is crazy one of your friends are on their own very cool gilar W how you doing uh you know what I want to I want to make a server but I’m still like trying to figure out this pack that I’m working it’s an actual like modification to the realm like a fullon like I want to pay for a two-player realm but make it so that instead of like you being on the realm it’ll automatically transfer you to a private server but there’s so much like effort put into actually making it a thing aru needs to come back no no he does not you’re oh is Bentley living in the hotel now very cool guys we’re being rushed guys make protection on the bed make protection make protection guys guys make make protection we’re being rushed we’re being rushed guys our bed is not protected we are being rushed we must protect our bed give me the sword guys we are being rushed okay hurry up and start protecting the bed use wood don’t use wool if you use wool I’m okay I swear to God bro we have gold now we can use wood you have a house very cool yeah I have a vault I like having a vault in the realm though cuz it means I can just build all my giant projects underground and no one has to see them however I am working on new Mega project which is just a giant map art on the real absolutely massive the low tapered fade meme is still massive very cool why’ you do that Cale I mean skroll Ben Ben X Bentley crazy anyways isn’t it Kai uh no there’s another streamer that calls him Ben so I just I’m not going to start calling him Ben I’m still like I don’t know I have it stuck in my head that he is Kayla he doesn’t want to be called Kayla anymore and honestly I don’t want to continue on a joke that Kay I mean that Kate started but like it’s kind of hard to differ at it now so say l snow o is that a good thing or a bad game thing oh yeah I’ll invite you to the party I don’t want to start making like Minecraft content though actual fullon videos and [Music] I’ll invite you already after this Kayla’s a better name yeah but like I want to call him Kayla but he doesn’t want to be called Kayla dogs are cursed I mean they do sit goofy but like I think they’re fine I like the animations pack I might modify it in the future but for now it looks pretty good cop’s animation pack not bad I might make my own pack eventually but for now it’s fine now I’m just going to spam down a ton of wood if you distract the enemy they won’t have any if you don’t know what’s going on with your base neither will the enemy it’s the most abundant plan most genius plan if they don’t know where the mine crew that’s the best thing remember DanTDM using that pack I don’t think he does cop’s animation pack is like for Bedrock specifically uh like it was yeah very cool it was only made like a year ago unless like somebody just stole the name from the Java version and that might be it who knows very cool very cool burtney sounds like fun they want to weight it on the back so they try going for the front but then they realize they have to mine for all the uh blocks on the front the heavy blocks on the front very cool all right we skib rizing for Phantom taxing see like I say all these really bad like jokes but like oh oh we won that was very anticlimactic it’s so boring when we just win so quickly like I built all that defense and it was for nothing that was very disappointing like where’s the fun where’s the heart in the victory 50 ancient debris in so a Okay so wait 50 ancient Deb or five no it’s not ancient debur ingots it’s neite ingots which is NE nine ancient debris equals one never right Ingot so good luck honestly I think diamonds are easier cuz you can actually like use fortune on it so it’s not nearly as difficult yeah SLO I suggest that you try to rejoin the uh Hive you probably should just rejoin the server yeah so you would need 450 ancient debris which would be hell like at least you can use fortune on a pickaxe exactly Howard exactly can I invite you uh did I not invite you shoot all right I’ll invite you manually after this match actually no I have 14 seconds I can do this speed running inviting Ben very cool exactly Howard um I should probably cut the prices then for never right because I’d rather receive never right so you know what half the prices of never right so 25 ingots will get you access to the Vault very cool yeah true how true true true Howard very cool oh what do you mean gar what well if you have a wool farm and a uh bamboo Farm you’re set for beds like I have more beds than I’ll ever need bro I misclicked I messed up the rithm crack my Knuckles make it a bit easier pretty cool I love crack and I also love your mother I make really shitty jokes I move slightly I turn ever so slightly God damn it One gaming left you left us in the dust now we’re going to lose because of him let’s blame our loss on him now it’s genius the ultimate plan where can he stay uh I don’t know why do I vote Among Us why did you vote Among Us Jose are you trying to like Nostalgia or something that seems like the only reason anyone would vote for what is bro skin guys guys we’re being rushed we’re being rushed okay good job Howard I was going to try to jump off the side and hit him but he killed me before probably could do that you’re sad o that’s not good why did you vote Among Us why see like I put Among Us on there mostly as a joke but also as like if you guys want among us all do among us if I’m just saying come on don’t you guys want to play Among Us like the good old days you guys love love the good old days don’t you back when you were all uh 2 years younger than your current age and you uh went down to the Bobby and put another shrimp on it or something I don’t know I don’t know what you guys did like I wouldn’t mind doing among us again like I went insane for a bit but I feel like I’d be fine doing it now guys we’re being rushed again oh does he have a dot no he’s a wood sword okay bro F he could bro could not very cool I do love like Minecraft is definitely the best out of them like it has the best gameplay I think out of Roblox and stuff I’m still harboring like subscribers from among us though via the second Channel plus the second channel is almost to 2K Subs isn’t it it’s that like 1.5k I mean it’s not like 1 and a half isn’t it what’s it at right now I haven’t checked in a while it’s at like, 1500 Subs isn’t it kind of wild but it’s never going to get monetized cuz it is only one continuous stream which is sad I might contact YouTube about that to see but we’ll see do I want a mining book I could use a Ming book yeah I’ll trade you the mining book in trade for uh fixing your door oh hi glitch Arc I’m never going to stream Arc I don’t like Ark W thanks for subing very epic skd rler Phantom tax oh this was even worse how did you guys let our bed die you guys have one job you guys have one single job James Howard you God damn very cool can somebody stay with your friend for now I mean why don’t you guys work together to build a house instead of just you building a house to invite you SLO all right slof oh it’s part oh SLO it’s full uh SLO just go to your friends list and Vin like join via your friends list it’s probably the easiest method but the part’s full so legitimately Howard I was off getting emeralds the level like get more stuff and you I assume like James just stays here why can’t James just like defend the bed I I even placed all that wood I thought I was chilling he just joined like today o dying sucks dying is boring you just came back from Arc after 10 seconds aha Howard interesting no but I just don’t like Ark i’ I’ve never like liked the idea Neal world I like how about your friend stops jerking off and he does something that’s crazy SLO how do you kill yourself in Minecraft wait for my new uh Minecraft suicide pack that’s releasing very soon uh as soon as I get working on it it’s going to have a noose uh it’s going to add rope to Minecraft a noose it’s going to add uh what else can I add to a handgun uh but you can’t shoot other people uh what else could I add to it oh know should I even make it probably not how about this instead of actually using the items you just uh eat it so yeah Jose I’ll add a noose you’ll just eat the uh noose and it’ll kill you instantly genius or it could have a 50% chance of killing you like you uh mess up the suicide and then some bad effect happens because you messed it up like you lose half of all your health or something permanently genius so you’re permanently disabled genius add cocaine you spell cocaine wrong should I add meth just add crystal meth like make the whole process of cooking crystal meth and just add it to the game like actually fully like you have to make them like you have to harvest all the stuff uh then you actually have to cook it and all that it’s genius spectate you all right honestly don’t remember which person you are very cool oh wait no you’re tall tool right you’re call tool hi didn’t really matter all yeah that he’s not disappointment I’m just disappointed in him you don’t know how to spell cocaine there’s an i in it good sir um but what else could I like I want to add a ton of stuff I want to add your guys’ ideas into one huge pack and just make YouTube shorts about it it’s genius I added skibby toilet to Minecraft also why did 30% of people vote yes skib that’s crazy where’s a genie mod giveaway 4500 subs for the jinny mod giveaway I will just make all of your guys’ ideas in Minecraft it’s genius nothing can go wrong I added uh I don’t know like what’s a good idea has to be safe for work though so no like nudity or sexual stuff it can be like methamphetamines and it just can’t be like uh sexual no sexual content no Howard I mean like goofy ass stuff not act features that people would want to see I added fboys to Minecraft oh wait Jose’s already here never mind video cuts out genius ragd doll bro just make it so your character can rag doll that would be insane but I’m not adding that I’m not adding in complex like things super complex features uh Jose don’t you mean yourself and sloth SLO is also a th booy now I need to oh he already has to confir uh confirm fin boy roll so it’s chilling very cool can can you guys like hurry up and all die who’s left uh it’s glitches so blue team needs to die quickly you know I think we have enough room to do custom server you guys want to do a custom server and just play against each other do two V2s V2s V2s are you fboy uh sloth you have F eyes and or warmers which is kind of suspicious your skin wears pink F eyes sometimes yeah let’s do a custom server after this very cool hurry up and die guys add a gray cone to Minecraft including a knife that you can wait so you want me wait wait what so you want me to add a cone to Minecraft and then give it a knife or do you want me to just add a knife on the side remember this is all going to be one pack so you can’t turn off any of the features so it’s all going to be in the single pack [Music] back from real very cool derby welcome back how you doing hopefully you’re having a great day SK all right okay access and permissions invite player invite friend invite all go back change access mode open to all change access mode code only all right there’s the code gamer /cs NAX q9 PR capital Q capital M there we go very do I know sass I do not not a murderer cone I see okay make a chicken one shot you if you too close and it breaks everything you have on Ah that’s interesting stuff like I’m going to like add all your guys’ Genius ideas your totally good ideas can somebody type in the code in chat so I don’t have to leave it on screen by any chance I’ll just do it myself self I guess very cool there’s the code very cool oh it’s also on screen very cool am amazing anyways but like I feel like um fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite among us sussy imposters we only have seven players in here but we had an eight person party is anyone else going to join cuz if not I kind of want to go back to normal one so we can actually have a lot of players I thought we had more players than that cuz if it’s we don’t even have eight players also make the one wait you want the knife the one shot fine but it wouldn’t be stackable and it have one durability if it one shots it can only have one durability and it’s not stackable 18 people Watcher eight people I mean yeah but most of them are just chatting so all should I go and start cuz if we’re going to play it like this I’m just going to make it uh cheaper shop and stuff or you know what generator settings 2x multiplier and then keep inventory let’s have that on Health on kill 20 and then Max Health let’s do 40 holy Durer bro insane yeah we need to find a blue fish Durer yes we must do it we must find the Bluefish also Durer you’re insane you know you can always just chat and I’ll see your chat right you don’t have to donate right very cool like I don’t know what else could I add to the amazing pack yo w BR W very Epic Knife should be made up of never no it can’t be too expensive it’ll be decently expensive but it won’t be too expensive oh shoot it’s a for I guess uh I said it the Duos why does it always do this tragic hey Nicole how you doing hope you’re having a great day a gun that bullets do mace Dam it wait what what that how about a mace gun so you like put the mace into a like a RPG launcher and it just launches the mace into someone’s else like someone’s face you have no teammates well this is balanc this is perfectly balanced make a pack that makes lava flow faster that’s actually kind of smart that’s an actual feature uh triggered don’t spam do not spam it’s only two of us what are you talking about Howard okay so it’s Duos but I have a squad for some reason okay this is fair this is totally fair I said it the do guys I want to just remind you I did not do this uh the game decided to do it I did not do this also did I make this half as fast I thought I doubled the speed of this wait no I said it from 1 second oh God damn it I top God damn it oh I thought I made it fast I am a genius I’m the most intelligent man alive um should we restart should should we restart I might want to restart this is awful this is awful I don’t like this should we back out and restart Nicole that’s impossible possible I’m sorry Meelo I thought it was like 2x the speed of the generator not 2 seconds for the generator to work I was mistaken and I oh God this is going to be so slow to get emeralds too I should have just half the price of the shop this was my fault my bad Gamers PA should we start cuz this is going to take forever yeah but I said it the Duos though glitch I should we just restart this custom match cuz like this is going to take forever like legitimately forever to play look how long it takes for the this is awful two people equals two generator oh yeah I could do that all right you guys want to restart or no oh how the do you have wait what How’s he have okay he bought those I guess somehow this is awful I don’t like this I don’t like this place why’ I buy a pickaxe wait no but like okay we’re going to restart once I die cuz this is awful legitimately it’s so slow it’s going to take 10 hours to actually finish this round all things considered this pickaxe is not a bad weapon oh no well okay let’s go back to HUB cuz that was awful I regret not reading the instructions on how to make a custom server very cool very cool crate server bedwars Duos du Infinity does not have an e uh what about infinity infinity yeah got you there buddy buddy old boy old [Music] pal all right cool it’s open so you should just be able to add me and join me very cool uh and then game settings okay so shop settings price of price modifier 10x okay so shop is half off and then generator settings is going to be okay there we go sloth’s just staring at my face Durer holy when can we up on the real uh in a bit we will get on later in a bit very cool Durer that’s insane very cool Durer is legitimately insane though Durer is a psychopath code uh hold on Julian I mean you can always just add me and it’ be quicker than using a code but un momento very cool all [Music] right there’s the code very epic I’ll leave it up for a minute Steve head interesting kind of sus Steve ANS sloff head Glo head a stalo head ah what Mr glaz what’s going on Mr glaz Caz boy do I like your donut skin uh possibly oh thanks One gaming very cool all and last game setting is I’m going to manually set teams so that’s it’s actually balance and so that we actually get put on separate teams set rolls okay actually it’s not okay so I’m going to put me and sloth on a team James is going to need help so I’m going to put James with Howard that’s red and then the rest of you I’m just matching up sweater boy gets yellow s does glitch nope you got green oops uh yellow green mellow gets orange and you also get orange all seems balanced this is so skiy Gamers soft Po in the correct skin or we’re not starting soft Po in the correct skin or else we we’re not starting sof put on the skin sof put skin on now SLO boy sloy slof Sofer M sloft [Music] soft there we go imagine it still puts us all on the same team I very nice skin soft W all right we’re going to fortnite all over the place we’re going to get so many fortnite dos we’re going to get the victory Royale we’re going to like win the game there’s nothing that can oh wait this is free the first upgrade is free that’s epic so I’m going to focus on upgrading all right now we need to go get diamonds slow generator how’s this slow what are you talking come out this is fast plus shop is half price why did just slof change his skin cuz he has the good skin on now unless he changed it again what the BR looks a little bit weird now all right we’re going to get the fortnite skib slicers win right what do I need [Music] skin won’t load interesting soft very interesting sure it won’t totally totally SLO that’s totally not just a custom skin that you have wait SLO what do you you play on mobile don’t you so you can just use custom skins very cool all right this is so fortnite Gamers we’re skiing rizing where’s the diamonds at are they the oh we’re being rushed by rusher I hate rushers who the is sweater boy bro’s rushing like crazy bro got the rush time don’t kill my SLO there’s one thing I won’t let you do it’s kill my sloth this is my sloth I own him I purchased him on Airbnb did you know you can buy sloths on there I love fortnite indeed I love fortnite that as a fact invite to party D sir I I will AR this match w Wait no I don’t know I think the party might be full but if not I will invite you to it very cool very fortnite uh but if not you can I mean if it is full you can always just join via the friends list very cool ww Alexa play despacito Alexa play raar xfer nuzzles hoping uh sof think whats that very cool uh can you join yes you can uh just add me on hive and then I’ll invite you to the party or you can always just join through the friends list that’s also easy veryy cool I mean there’s not really any reason not to use wood to build like the bridge right despacito interesting bro soft that’s crazy I highly doubt like Alexa would even do that s you should anyways keep inventory is on so I don’t really care which is do you really want to do this cuz I keep inventory is on so you get nothing out of killing me glitch uh Alexa play the Drake video that’s crazy ah you can’t join hi says the server is down uh what server do you play on cuz I don’t think uh the north s what are you doing my good sir this is a bad idea on your part track andc Compass furry is it actually furry that’s kind of overpowered hey Slinky hey tup welcome back how you doing hopefully you’re having a good day very cool hey SLO you want some uh emeralds so you can buy full diamond there you go diamond on me them combos oh yeah just Spam click just got to click as much as possible how am I doing I’m doing good very cool I it’s not really combos it’s just Spam click to win it’s genius Can’t Fail it’s got to click a lot but combos don’t like I don’t think you can actually say combos exist it’s just click repeatedly and hit the correct spots like it’s not like you’re actually doing combos like in a fighting game ah that time he got away oh no he didn’t is there a different server well they have like their uh North American one Asian one and European one I think I think those all the ones they have um yeah they’re technically different servers get him SLO oh he died oh shoot his bed was broken I feel bad now TR oh are we being rushed to get how many times are we going to get rushed sweater are you you trying to kill me stream sniper come on get him SLO get him SLO why don’t you have diamond armor and stuff yet SLO put on diamond armor right now you helping oh I’m sorry Mr glaze I uh I hadn’t exactly realiz oh is that why our bed oh that’s why our bed protection is orange okay you second I guess myself when that said 20 Hearts oh I see I mean yeah I’m missing them that’s why I said like hit them in the correct spot as long as you hit them like I don’t know the like combos don’t really exist I think it’s just click a lot Jose I didn’t even read the deal yet uh pretty cool that’s said 20 Hearts yeah I uh we’re on a private server right now cuz I wanted to very cool wait a second am I am I stupid hold up I need to check something yeah this is a custom only one oh it’s not even worth it though never mind I just wasted that I’m realizing 50% off is not as good as I thought it was oh he very cool God damn it got to love getting rushed it’s crazy oh save myself hey don’t kill my SLO slof watch out oh wait SL oh you’re attacking him SL W SLO epic SLO moment I don’t think I balanced the teams correctly well I’m dead hurry Farmers Market wait what glaze what happened H I didn’t switch to the pearls I I was planning on switching to the pearls but I didn’t uh SL just run away SLO run away SLO go get out of there come on SLO yeah I definitely killed myself that was a really bad idea on my part but like I haven’t used the Fireballs ever I never use them so I thought they did more damage than they did but very cool W SL why are you going back over there oh did they die leave or okay cool bad idea was killing you I see look how much riches he has BR was rich they do a lot if you hit at them I see okay cool very epic what is he building are these like good defenses or they seem a bit goofy no one’s chatting uh well most of the people that were chatting are now in the game except for Jose and you very cool plus like six people left so very epic they’re making a church true true very epic good for them there’s a lot of turrets guys mine out right down here just mine out this area it’s genius forite skills just mine the ground so they can’t so if they’re just running in they’ll end up dying it’s genius they’ll be like running in dip dip and then they’ll fall to their deaths bird doesn’t have a pickax okay where’s everyone at is Howard still alive okay Howard’s alive how you should just uh start rushing people come on you can do it use my item shop code W very epic very epic indeed fortnite come on Howard go kill all them you can do it Howard I Believe In You Howard come on go kill all of them mass murder you can do it so the issue is when everyone has Diamond it doesn’t really matter at the point yeah I mean do it more now Howard actually finish them destroy them take them down put a little dirt under your pillow for the dirt man you think player hitbox is cheating like it’s showing honestly yes like having the exact like box showing you where the hit box is it’s kind of sus hey gar welcome back for to ask you oh this is bedrock Edition yum yam oh yeah on the hive uh I Java shut down I’m pretty sure so it’s Bedrock only is indeed better Rock Edition where’s everyone at y’all all just uh being way too passive really I’ve Java been shut down for 3 years honestly I completely forgot I stopped playing on the hive for like two years so makes sense very cool I never played it on Java so I wouldn’t really know Howard how did you die I believed in you Howard I think yellow’s going to win in all honesty but Green’s also chilling let’s go check out green team yeah they’re just chilling over here but their bed’s not very well protected they have all the money in the world and their bed is protected by wool and wood it’s genius I you feel like if here was a Hypixel Bedrock there’d be more people on that well yeah because like Bedrock has so okay well am I alive that was sudden lost all my viewers very tragic oh was so very sad dropped from 14 all the way down to fur and now I’m here Gamers still getting stuff all fixed up and dandy all right stay epic Derpy have a good night can you guys hear me by the way not sure if you guys can hear me I can’t hear me why can I not hear myself okay is going on let’s give vo Mater open uh right um Hive this is awful tragic I’m depressed now time jump off cliff H can my friend live with you probably not red one wow pretty cool is this very sad Gamers we lost we lost all our viewers tragic very tragic my power just had to go out ah perfect timings got to love perfect timings don’t you when it’s perfectly timed with the peak of the stream everything just dies dramatically and tragically very sad anyways what was I talking about is there like a big storm where I’m at uh not really a big storm I wouldn’t call it big the power just went out for absolutely no reason so very cool like the power dimmed for a second so all the lights just dimmed uh and then it flickered off for like 5 seconds and that was enough to kill the stream so very tragic now I’m a woman even more tragic okay so I think is everything back up on the music very Epic music invite you yes I indeed I saw someone raid the stream but I don’t think any Raiders game I think he was streaming alone sadly very tragic where was he I have no clue very sad e in chat worst possible moment for a raid absolute worst timing possible join the party guys I invited all of you already let’s just finish the stream very depressing it was actually going well we were actually having a good stream and now it’s awful and tragic depressing moment very sad hopefully it pops back up but we’ll see dur are still a psychopath you didn’t get one ah strange all right hold on because I uh can’t send another one to yet so momento Poore can’t join you uh it’s your end really all right let me rejoin the hi highve real quick that sucks for you Jose tragic Dr prepper is best soda that’s true that’s 100% true I will defend that statement to the ends of the Earth Dr Pepper is the best all right stepic have a good night have a good night gilmar St epic the stream was doing so well and now it’s awful tragic realm up we might hop on the realm we only have seven viewers very sad very sad indeed we may up onto the room this sucks I was actually having fun on a stream for once not for once but like in recent history very cool having fun talking and then die just instant death very very tragic ah you didn’t get it well that time it’s on your end to so very cool invite invite Howard that sloth party is full wait part is full party is not full it just lies very cool so how you guys doing hopeful you guys are having a great day very cool very cool SL left tragic very tragic what the hmer Simpson what are you doing here huh very strange that’s what slf’s hand looks like that looks very goofy Homer it’s Homer not the IRS you’re still fine Howard you’re chilling where’s my hot bar at um what the where’s my hot bar okay cool strange no it wasn’t that because my hand was still showing I pressed F1 my hand was still there and so was the uh little dude up in the corner it wasn’t F1 my hot bar was just missing that’s why I was confused you still need an invite I invited you like five times Howard I don’t know the hives invite system is buggy compared to the other servers but like at least this invite system isn’t like I’ll press 20 buttons find your friend y like all the other servers are just Jank this one is buggy but at least it’s not Jank all right I’ll add you as a friend in a second yes I got the sword let’s go I have a weapon and Away the track people I got Diamond Yeezys and a weapon okay you know what the very next thing that I’m going to make is changing diamond boot to Yeezys that’s the main change I’m going to make not even Yeezys no not Yeezys uh I don’t know just change them to be some kind of like holy I took so much fall damage from that uh D I didn’t forget to invite you you what the bro why did I take so much fall damage from this I thought this Stu fall damage that’s man all right let’s add this new friend very cool man the twitch chat uh well the one person in twitch chat probably thought something oh they probably just f i ended the stream very [Music] tragic right’s hacking who’s hacking I mean you can say I’m hacking but I don’t actually hack like I’ll turn Fullbright off but it doesn’t really matter cuz the map’s lit up anyways and no render I have to have off because it limits the amount of particles on my screen so it makes my life so much easier Aimbot possibly cringe imagine hacking though like I have this I okay I’m going to make my own client eventually it’s going to take forever I’m probably not actually going to do it I’ll work on it for a bit and then just give up Derpy has another account very interesting um but like I could what featur should I Implement I don’t want any combat features none of that um unless I don’t know could I make it so you just can’t attack players maybe I don’t know the visual W’s like no ESP or any of that no render uh full bright would be good I mean or I could just end up cracking uh what’s it called the other version the other thing yeah but the issue is Onyx has a paid version and I hate that that’s why I use orian is because it uh has has all the features that Onyx has but it’s completely fur legitimately all the features in Onyx plus more because it does have cheats that I do use in some single player worlds for stuff but like I don’t know I’d rather just not pay for Onyx Onyx it’s kind of cringe it’s the best uh flare Le um I’d have to check it out but like onx I don’t know I just cannot support Onyx when they’re locking basic features behind pay walls like 3D skins is blocked pay wall and all that yeah I need to find a good one a good client for when I’m streaming so it doesn’t look like I’m actually trying to cheat so I will never use any of the actual cheats CU those are cringe only ones I really use are visual and GUI W very epic who just subbed can’t see the name but it looks like I don’t know I’ll just wait for it to pop up in chat eventually very cool W oh fexi the idiot is oh they fall fi go back to uh YouTube please please fexi very cool luci’s sleep is a tryhard I’m assuming you’re saying interesting very cool wait what Derpy what are you talking about you been changing texture pack in game like Java wait does onyx have that feature cuz if so that’s cool but like isn’t that really easy to do you don’t even have to have a client for that you can just do it via the file system you just uh drag the active like folders very cool they added that recently oh I need to check that out then I’m pretty sure though you can do that just by dragging it out of the active folders the uh that’s still cool though I mean I don’t really need it cuz I don’t really use that many texture packs except for this one everyone’s shiny that’s a amazing RTX bug everyone’s Chrome it’s all Chrome it’s always been Chrome everything is Chrome the world is Chrome it’s basically Onyx premium for free uh interesting the future f oh look we can finally see soft skin in uh RTX very cool I’m going to try to play this round in RTX oh everything’s shiny it’s not supposed to be shiny this RTX bug is so annoying I have to restart the uh I if I want to fix it I’m just going to turn it off because everything’s so shiny I don’t like how everything’s shiny like RTX is really cool but it bugs out so much Durer I did invite you like five times I’ll invite you again after this very cool oh wait bananas I’m not going to kill you you’re a viewer I’d never kill viewers on spot like I’ll kill you late game I’m not going to kill you on spot I don’t like killing viewers immediately it’s kind of lame but then again they can always kill me immediately which happens quite a bit not going to lie sometimes I don’t realize that’s a viewer though and I end up killing them tragically how do you turn RTX on uh semicolon button uh you do have to be on a PC that supports RTX so it has to not just supports RTX oh wait no yeah no it just has to support RTX very cool I forgot you don’t have to have bro what the is that dude doing holy bro just came in and just me damn yeah I heard saying very cool let me try turning RTX back on and see if it’s okay it’s not shiny like look at the grass it looks like so saturated like the lighting of all this over here is okay so what block is this oh is this like one of their custom blocks or something what block is that oh it’s just CL okay that’s uh interesting okay so it’s a bit buggy and you need to have like good packs that are supported by the server but it’s fine RTX is really cool down milk in bottles I might do that that’s a good feature I will features that Minecraft w’t the good features like jinny I’m going to release a safe for work jinny mod it’s genius uh Banners are already a thing on Shields you can already put banners on Shields what’s wrong with a milk in a bottle oh how about this I let you put milk in jars and then like you can walk up to a player and also put them into the jar it’s genius yes right sitting in stair blocks I will not add that just use a mine cart put it inside the stair block easy day you guys all dead yet I think you’re all dead right okay cool bed Works me and your mother have wor in bed because I have sexual relations with your mother bro add/ scammers targeting Xbox now they send messages the websites wait what are you talking about Howard what are you talking about what’s going on who’s that Pokemon it’s glaze donut who’s on my team we got banana man and glitch all and of course sloth put the correct skin sloth that’s not the right skin put on your skin s s put on the correct skin or I’m kicking you uh when we going to hop on the real uh shoot I’m a bit off time because I don’t see the timer on OBS anymore uh so I’m not sure yet oh he has Teemu scam oh yeah teu scams are the worst cuz like they aren’t really scammy that much they aren’t very scammy they’re basically just like a pyramid scheme where you invite people and then they invite people to invite people and when those people invite people to invite people uh to spend money etc etc and it just keeps going down and down uh forever like it’s legitimately just a pyramid scheme and only the people at the very top make any kind of money and everyone at the bottom just spends a lot of money and it’s a waste there’s no benefit to it I don’t know it just kind of sucks like it’s legitimately a pyramid scheme and I don’t know how it’s legal why do I Bridge like like that uh because it’s the safest way to Bridge and I way too worried about dying I could Bridge faster but I’m not used to bridging on keyboard and mouse especially with this new mouse I’m way too used to bridging on controller I don’t want to play on controller anymore because it’s so much harder to kill people so it’s easier to bridge on controller it’s just so much harder to actually kill people don’t kill me oh what you talking about F oh Xbox versus PlayStation PlayStation is significantly better but get a PC don’t go for PlayStation station costs way too much guys we’re about to die well I died very cool W thanks for subbing America subbed no they’re not getting my oil it’s my oil God damn I had so many emeralds you have a 360 oh very cool I mean if you have last gen consoles it’s really just pick one whichever one you like with the games that you like very cool America wants my oil they aren’t getting my oil daily and monthly donations have two money signs oh oops uh oopsy daisies I’ll fix that later from an un person being wait be getting too smart ahuh interesting do we not have diamonds yet did you guys not get diamonds why weren’t you guys getting diamonds thought I was being smart me getting emeralds while you guys were going to get diamonds I wish Howard was on my team sorry for bad English oh no problem I oh Pro Minecraft player guys I’m a pro Minecraft player player I’m pro at Miner very cool okay SL it’s up to you you can do this okay it’s up to you banana man wait where’s banana oh it’s up to you Howard you can win this oh he’s not even on our team tragic love how I got targeted because of my race obviously uh very cool for Real by you did the raid help out uh well I mean Prime I wasn’t really here during the raid because I was just on my phone uh but very cool kind of tragic that my power went out and then I got raided kind of sad major oof moment 1 hour on hive 1 hour on realm mod that’s only two hours got rushed by Blue yeah tragic Hey Howard I’m going to pull you out because you’re the only gamer left all right pretty cool I thought that no one could raid oh what do you mean for real oh no he raided the stream with his viewers H can we hop on the realm uh not yet we will in a bit very cool Howard you need to kill everyone win the game quickly you have five minutes you 5 Seconds you 5 milliseconds it’s Howard versus yellow can Howard kill the yellows Rose cranking 90s what’s my coordinates uh my coordinates are seven actually my current coordinates are 47 uh 39 -2 very cool there’s a t490 support RTX no the only cards that support RTX are modern uh AMD cards and RTX cards so I think it’s only uh AMD radon 5700 and up maybe 5,500 I’m not sure I think the 5,000 cards work but like very cool most laptops won’t support it and I would not suggest running RTX on a laptop any budget laptop will not be able to actually run it so tragic I mean you should just get like a 30/50 laptop it would work just fine I feel like Realm win uh we’ll hop on the realm in abouts how much longer we have 10 minutes very cool 10 minutes till the r it needs to be a laptop okay so look up Lenovo uh it’s Lenovo what idea pad gaming Fury okay the Lenova pad uh idea pad gaming fur that’s the laptop that I got it comes with 8 gigs of RAM but you can upgrade it for like 15 bucks to 32 I mean to 16 gigs you almost got the bed all right Howard well I’m just going to pull you out since you’re taking so long let’s do Sky kits sorry Howard I’m sorry Howard I want to play video game Sorry Howard apologies Howard oopsie Daisy’s Howard my bad oh you just got the bed oh shoot Well if I knew you got the bed then I would have uh not done that but you kind of took to long hour uh oops apologies my bad is Real L got to kill my teammate now what’s the easiest way to kill your teammate I mean probably breaking his Bridge underneath them right where’s the music that’s too loud [Music] [Music] uh can we do one more SkyWars uh sure we’ll do another SkyWars round before we hop on the realm W and we’re fortnigh hey can someone hey glitch can you come over here and kill this dude can you kill my teammate by any chance glitch just like I’ll build the bridge and then you just walk over and kill them please uh we’re going to hop on the realm in about 7 minutes now uh glitch can you uh glitch glitch glitch glitch come kill bro I’m just trying to get you to kill my teammate kill kill my teammate kill him kill my [Music] teammate where’s not killing my teammate yeah we need to find a slorp fish [Music] I’m going to die this is fine running away oh okay my bad I’m a pro fortnite player you cannot tell me otherwise he’s still why didn’t you kill my teammate I’m requesting someone to kill my teammate anyone come to just come kill my teammate please it’s a personal request thank you um but I do have to attack you so it’s not teaming sir I’m sorry I do have to attack you I’m sorry it it’ be teaming if it wasn’t I apologies I’m sorry glitch I do I do have to buight you back oh I’m sorry very cool uh what’s going on Howard what happened you did an oopsie that’s not good don’t do an oopsie oopsies are bad now if you doing Oopsy Daisy that’s perfectly all right all I’m just going to go kill everyone now I don’t have pants but that’s fine this is fortnite I love fortnite ah you’re liveing among us is broken all right I’ll fix it right after this match I’ll fix it right after this he has Enchanted I just got to get five extra hits on him got to get five hits on oh but oh yeah my power went out I probably I forgot to fix a lot yeah yeah yeah I’ll do that right after this okay let’s go and fix that real quick uh yeah my power went out shoot my entire power went oh no I apologize uh I will fix it right now my bad okay my uh second PC has to turn on very cool that’s bad tragic hey King how you doing hopefully having a good day indeed my power went out in uh this stream cut half BR you just subbed W very epic thanks for subing very cool yeah I will have to uh completely oh shoot that means all my oh no all my stuff that I had unsaved on there shoot okay so that means the message Discord message log all that shoot I need to reboot all of it tragic okay I need to buy like a power supply an uninterrupted power supply it’s like 70 bucks though that keeps the like devices powered when the power goes out so like I could plug my router and my stuff into there to ensure internet [Music] [Music] am I grinding for YouTuber ank on hive uh not really not uh would I like to get it yeah but I’m never going to get it because Hive does not consider YouTube streamers real streamers so I’d end up having to actually post videos about the hive and all that so but I don’t want to do that so that’d be too much work very cool mostly just trying to hit 5,000 Subs by the end of the year which I should hit all honesty oh wow now my second computer has Updates this is tragic people are playing with uh were confused yeah can you let them know by any chance just tell them my power went out and that uh I’m trying to restart my computer honestly I completely forgot that that like would mess up that stream oops and now that computer is updating and all that that’s even worse I hate when Windows has to update I wish I could just permanently is there a way to permanently disable it what is that trans flag sign in front of my place it is uh bleach’s house aka the gay house very cool [Music] L bleach okay you want to get maner homophobia is cringe as you crash savan all right o f in chat uh I’m still waiting for my uh computer to reboot underneath my desk it’s taking quite a minute hopefully it finishes soon Windows is just updating on it it’s [Music] tragic actually nope okay we couldn’t complete the changes could not complete update undoing changes don’t turn after I hate Windows Windows is awful I need to like completely disable updates on it hey glitch sorry for killing bad all right Mining and crafting and what the this popup I hate window so much if I could I would use Linux but Linux is just as bad any Linux D that you download it’s just going be at least Windows has like been around for long enough meanwhile all the Linux dros so many of them die so quickly God damn it what about the skeleton horse uh it’s chilling oh if you touch my skeleton horse you’re going to be banned I don’t have any loot so let’s go murder some people hopefully not die murder is fun murder is fun I like killing people cuz it’s fun murder is fun murder is fun try not to die cuz murder is fun I’m going to die damn it h is this a boy only stream uh no why would it be I’m just trying to uh okay got to love when your computer just constantly updates Windows gay um I think I mean skroll you’re kind of just bad at Minecraft yeah we have a lot of women in this uh Community including Jose Jose is a proud woman wa know he’s a f boy never mind aha interesting Z also uh so I checked and uh Claims can be as like as long as they don’t overlap you can have claims like right next to each other as long as they do not overlap you’re bad at Redstone L imagine imagine being bad at Redstone kind of bad just get good it’s easy oh what the is this unspecified error God I hate windows so much Windows is garbage legitimate garbage okay let’s try to get everything back up and running now open OBS on my second computer [Music] hey start streaming uh do I call you Raptor yeah you can just call me Raptor very cool or you can call me epic Pro Minecraft Pro fortnite Gamer number 42 very cool okay so is start okay so boot loop and then runme do [Music] macro this is amazing holy my second channel is at 1,000 726 Subs I didn’t even not Ah that’s funny as hell I love how I just didn’t notice that it’s almost at 2K that’s insane okay well second stream should be back up and running uh very cool hey monkey a place how you doing hopefully having a good day can I invite you I I will uh did you add me or wait did you do you have me added King Cow oh just realized I didn’t have a fre cool I’m going to extend the uh time on hive because 15 viewers very epic and there’s a lot of new people joining so very cool also new people join Discord very epic Discord don’t listen to anyone is a good Discord anyone that’s saying it’s a bad Discord is just bad at fortnite sping which what’s the Discord link you built a another Canal very nice love you [Music] honestly like I think I’ve cleaned the Discord enough I don’t think it’s chaotic anymore I don’t think you can say it’s too chaotic I think it’s good now you’re monkey oh I see okay very cool just give me a moment continue continue allow got to I’m giving access to my account to a thir party very safe totally safe 100% safe [Music] seems like the most most people uh say no skibby it’s interesting none of you like skib very sad the Discord is not as bad as people say it is like honestly I think the discord’s pretty decent at this point it’s been cleaned up quite a bit Howard come on Rush him or else I’m backing you out he’s right there just kill him where Howard Howard just okay Howard’s posting very cool uh what’s going on Durer Durer I’m not switching to the realm yet I’m delaying a realm uh yeah we went I mean hey this stream is not going too bad we may have uh dropped in viewership quite a bit but we popped back up quite nice very cool see I really wish every single Minecraft stream would be like this have 18 viewers it’d be pretty chill uh don’t let them in uh you know what let them into let open the first door so open the main door and then press a certain button I’m not going to say which button but press one of the buttons you know which one I’m talking about let them into the first door but don’t let them into the second one that’s what I’m saying 19 in total yeah but the twitch one doesn’t really count uh he was being homophobic so yeah don’t let him into the Vault you’re in my game very epic W Dr [Music] prepper I’m stupid Hey amazing H can you join next one yes oh shoot you can’t join monkey all right hold up let me invite everyone to the party only four people in the party tragic I think most people are on the realm or something so very cool on the other hand I need to finishing this okay steam’s all started I log into steam again because steam when’s the Steam summer sale happen does anyone know oh what’s up Savannah what’s going on wait Among Us has an update holy Among Us has an update Susy update [Music] your BF watches me very cool that probably also means that uh I have to update [Music] the mod client how can you join uh add me on the hive and then I’ll invite you to the party very cool I have to update Among Us on the second PC it’s not even a good update it’s just a uh bug patch I don’t get why they have to update it uh I hate Mal bites I should just uninstall my bites I don’t even use it uh Jose what’s the problem what’s the problem we have Jose uh Durer just leave the don’t unclick the button just leave the lava flowing just leave the lava flowing as long as the door shut it doesn’t really matter uh can I invite you again yes very cool anyone sending friend requests what days do I stream every day but Thursday I will not be streaming tomorrow because tomorrow is a Thurday day very sad I just uh don’t like first dayss [Music] all right the Among Us stream is back up see the only issue with uh Among Us updating is sometimes my script will break you’re in W all fortnite time also what’s up with the music uh what’s wrong with the music is something wrong with the music or is something wrong with the music hi holy level 37 bro is a sweat bro a sweaty Minecraft player what level am I right check my level I have a cloud hoverboard I never look at see that’s why I’m so good at saving money is I don’t care about most Cosmetics the only Cosmetics I care about not even in fortnite all I wear is the one skin uh sometimes I’ll change I like the t60 armor but like I know oh the XP oh I’m level six okay cool I should let you join all dery uh just add me and I’ll add you back and then you can join very cool well this music is AI generated Savannah very cool interesting sloth the rizzler left very sad Howard we’re going to win this Howard even though you’re a chicken bro a chicken hope my mouse is glitches out sometimes sometimes if I hold my mouse down it’ll uh just start spam clicking instead of uh actually holding down uh I don’t know why it happens it doesn’t happen consistently though it’s only when I’m in uh certain games it happens in Minecraft uh Uno and one other game what was the other game don’t remember I have a good night Mr G staic uh would I know your boyfriend if you said his username possibly I’m not sure I might know very cool Jose loves men this is a fact if he denies it he is lying and you should report him to the capital of her authorities very cool you fell doing ice o tragic chunky hippo interesting uh fexi I’ll go in there after we win a match very cool so I don’t want to hop on yet because like I have 14 viewers right now which is pretty decent for a Minecraft stream so I don’t want to like leave if I switch to the hive that’d be TR I mean switch to the realm that’d be tragic you love women Jose that’s false Howard watch out there’s a guy trying to kill you I saved you Howard all right very cool derf all right I’ll accept your friend request after the around derf cuz then don’t want someone just running up on me and killing me actually no I’m going to do it right now because I’m a fortnite pro I’m a pro fortniter I’m probably going to unfriend everyone eventually on hive uh just so I can refriend everyone because like I’m running out friend space I have friend Bas uh apparently dery that’s what I’m saying like I have basically none left I’m probably just going to un add everyone eventually and then just read everyone that matters because a lot of people don’t play anymore so pretty cool you don’t play Hive anymore really Jose tragic why not Jose no longer loves The Hive you’re maxed out now isn’t the max 150 unless you have a YouTuber rank it’s 150 if you have hi plus I think you turned off the lava watch him join back immediately once they join back all right oh go goino very cool sander chest I’m taking the sander chest I’m taking the center chest oh what the is that Howard you doing Howard you tripping me out there was invisible I hate people that use the invisibility perk cuz it’s so annoying ignore that I mean you don’t have to ignore it you can just go back and check and see there’s no hacks activated cuz I would never cheat on the hive don’t cheat on the hive if you cheat on the hive you’re a loser you get no if you cheat anyways very cool he he doesn’t love women he loves men Jose loves men that’s a fact also didn’t you say you were going to ask someone out Jose how’d it go did it go well 40 more subs until the giveaway ends very cool did you ask him out that was such an anticlimactic win such anticlimactic win no it’s not good game Howard it was so boring nothing like happened that was such like that that was such a boring match you hate suffering n Jose you definitely enjoy suffering oh what should we play let’s do a death run hey schink welcome back very cool stuttering J oh you stutter l imagine stuttering just build I’m not playing Just build Publix anymore after that one game where every other team built a dick when I was just trying to play the game normally like I don’t want to play Just build anymore like legit can’t have nice things in Minecraft anymore ah you’re trying to join Discord but it says the link really how many times is okay I need to make a custom link so that it doesn’t expire anymore all right I’ll I’ll I’ll post a new Link in a second my bad I think okay I need to stop hitting generate New Link that’s definitely the issue is I keep generating new links each time so I probably should just like have one link to rule them all no more extra bonus links very cool no but doing exclamation Discord uh won’t help because uh wait is that one up to date can somebody check if that link is up to date or is he using a different link is that link up to date cuz I just got that link how’s it not up to date is someone else generating links I need make it so you guys can’t generate links amazing perfect timing I love getting killed I’m getting last place for sure F I love Minecraft so much he’s in your kitchen pretty cool when are we doing realm up here soon we will do it very soon very cool yeah I’m definitely not getting like top five actually no I’m getting top five huh damn it I got third Howard why do you have to do that to me Howard GG is very cool w tomorrow’s your last day is school W very epic let me check and see if the Discord link is expired I think the one in description is definitely expired no that one’s working what are you talking about the one that’s uh in the command is working I think the one in description is expired so if you use the uh one in the command it should work there I just updated the description one so it’ll also be updated in the future very cool I need to make it so I just need to have like a redirect link that’ll constantly have it updated do I recognize your boyfriend goino well how do we know he’s actually your boyfriend that’s kind of sus fortnite cuz he’s never mentioned you how we know you’re not just an impostor like Among Us sussy imp impostor yeah you’re scared for English Al Jose how are you scared for English do you not speak English Jose speak English this is America let’s do a block party and then we’ll go back to uh some of the other game modes very [Music] cool if that is go it’s go go BL an ALT account that’d be funny also kind of sad but funny funny kind of sad uh we did do a custom ser but we only had seven people in it so it was kind of boring I prefer just doing like uh Publix and just hopefully getting the good matches we’ll do a custom server later though if anyone wants to play but like if we don’t have enough people it’s kind of boring doing a custom server cuz then it’s just a few people just punching each other back and forth I didn’t jump in time tragic she gave you a 50 well Jose just uh punch her just assault her it’s easy very cool Jose get a gut do not get a gun and do not go to your school and do not shoot your teacher do not do this derf how can you join uh add me on Hive and then you’ll be able to join very cool rematch all will’ll play another round of this since I died so quickly you’re not mentally unstable like Kayla oh wait Kate yeah that makes sense how do you add me on the hive uh you go you do slf and then you uh come down here you’ll have less friends probably and then you hit add a friend and then you type in raptor games and then you hit submit oh I can’t add myself as a friend it’s very sad who is this Kayla person it’s you okay SK I’m going to keep calling you Kayla on stream until it like until I stop calling you okay it’s embedded in my head you can’t stop me from saying Kayla deleting my channel did I actually delete my channel I mean I deleted a channel not my Chanel not this channel but I deleted a channel and know that’s just a badly edited video I didn’t even delete a channel I just grabbed that from a video called how to delete your channel on YouTube uh that’s why the name’s blurred out just call Ben yeah but I know you as Kayla not Ben guys I’m deleting my channel in 2 days make sure that you subscribe but no that was just a badly edited video it was really stupid I sa King Cal have a good night stay epic it’s dude right here is not skd how many people have voted in the pole 47 and 70% say no skibby all right very cool good to know no skibby Gamers skibby is not allowed derf how’s derf Diamond what is a derf I should sleep I mean it’s only uh 10:30 over here not even 10:30 all right what should we play now you know I want to rematch I died way too quickly in that block party I’m kind of peeved about that I died way too quickly that thing means press free treasure Wars wait what dery what’s the diamond main 10:23 yes it is indeed 10:23 p a.m. very cool and I don’t normally go to sleep till like 2 a.m. so very cool oh my friends list maxed shoot I need to un add people I’m just going to write a script to un add all my friends it’s genius I’ll just unad every single one of my friends oh you made it level 300 of God 300 in Treasure Wars very cool very cool very very epic and you get un added uh lesser and then you get un added and then you get un added and then you get un added there we go that’s a that gives us enough time for the rest of the stream we’ll play this and then another your controller disconnected yeah I was reading chat and I didn’t realize I was walking off the edge tragic very tragic yeah it’s crazy no I don’t think Kayla has the most basic ass skin they’re they have a super th booy skin type thing they’re definitely a bottom though it’s definitely a bottom skin 100% [Music] I mean not the skin I sent you Jose my skin I made for you is significantly better the skin that I made for you is not basic at all it’s super not basic in fact is the least basic skin yeah I died first turn because I was trying to read chat steb trting cat lover um can you add me it’s just easier if you add me very cool please friend my friend uh I’ll tell him to resend the friend request because I had too many friends so he has to resend it now wow Kayla just admitted to it that’s crazy wild w I make a skin for you well do you play on mobile or PC because you have to play on one of those to even use a custom skin so very cool you play on mobile I I will make you a custom skin just give like send me an idea I’ll make you one very [Music] cool actually I’m curious if I open up block bench and I go look at what is like the highest definition skin I can make 128x is the [Music] maximum oh I know can’t even use that 64 32 oh you can only use 16 by 16 for Minecraft for the Skins that’s tragic you want again rematch match all right last round of block party and then we’ll switch to something else and then after that something else will up on around for about 15 minutes very cool is your switch skin any good I don’t know I haven’t seen it Kayla forite skibby RZ 100 Phantom tax I have no clue what I’m talking about okay I’m not going to lose this time third person mode skibby Riz time bend over just died okay got teleporter I’m chilling so that means I can make one mistake [Music] all right I can make two mistakes now oh you died Howard wow Howard you’re just bad you’re really bad at this Howard Howard you need to get good you’re really bad [Music] Howard I can make threee mistakes now oh yeah no I can hear the thunder now oh it’s definitely a lot louder now it’s definitely storming yeah that’s probably not good if my power goes out again I’m just going to end stream but it’s probably not going to go out so let’s hope not I died well how both those times was the was due to outside mistakes not really me messing up it was uh me reading chat and then walking off the edge on accident it really wasn’t my fault like if I wasn’t if it was really just your guys’s fault of chatting very cool oh yeah a you back after this round very cool [Music] [Music] there’s no way I can lose now right absolutely no way I can lose like I don’t think there is if I lose I will eat Obama so there’s no way I lose [Music] how’s no one dying how much did Durer donate way too much cuz he’s insane Durer is insane but Apple takes half of it so I’m only going to get like 16 bucks which is tragic not going to lie Apple okay I had had to use a Teleport for one that one kind of shameful mistake again how to use teleporter okay I can only make one more mistake okay I can’t make mistakes [Music] anymore okay I made a mistake oh my bad hey gooo how you doing hopefully you’re having a good day who won okay what should we play now before we hop onto the realm indeed I know there’s double dollar signs it’s my bad apologies all right what should we play anything but just build so block drop and then we’ll hop onto the realm we will block drop and then hop on the realm very [Music] cool oh is that it’s a very distinguished duck a gentleman a very distinguished Hey look it’s say a very cool yeah that’s why I’m saying miles tragic I think he’s paying using his app like iTunes money or something his Apple Store money that’s the most likely reason but who knows I don’t know nobody cares what you think wow Claire that’s crazy you know I think I think you’re quite rude very cool I think you’re not a very nice person I think you’re bad at fortnite P up lot of us interesting interesting veryy cool how how what Jose what happened also thank you for stopping CLA W very cool H you’re not surprised what Jose wait what happened Jose wild bro are are the sex bots of 2021 going to come back the sex chat Bots that join and then start trying to sexually harass viewers that’s wild I banned like at least 30 of them in the past uh yeah we’re going to hop onch the r after this XI I don’t think yeah I feel like it’s a bot in all honesty is it a bot probably a distinguished gentleman no huh so you’re just a weirdo okay you do realize this entire chat’s full of children you’re being very strange good sir it’s definitely p2w or someone like that 100% I misclicked it was a Miss part A Miss God damn it come on distinguish duck you can do this win the game I believe in you yes yes yes yes oh come on distinguish duck you have one layer on him you can do this there’s an easy way to see if they’re a bot go to channel oh it’s their name is Ballin Sugar Mama Ballin girlfriend uh it’s probably not a bot but it’s some weirdo who pretends they have a girlfriend 100% wait do you have a wait come on come on beat him come on you can do this come on distinguished duck you can do this a distinguished gentleman no no no the duck died this is tragic very tragic very sad [Music] um M [Music] us bedw Wars very cool aha interesting go goino uh very cool I’ll show you joined so Jose I want your help to do something insane okay I want you uh do I need more shears I’m not sure if I need more shears um Jose I need you to get a full chest of redstone blocks a full double chest of redstone no that’s too much work what can I make what could you do that’d be helpful what could you be helpful for this Among Us dude is looking very sus no Jose I don’t really need Redstone right now I have a lot but what could you get that would be helpful I think I don’t know Jose yeah but Jose the issue is I don’t know what I actually need I don’t want you to just waste time collecting redstone yes is get me full never right gear spend 12 hours mining it’s genius all right Gamers it’s giy time I’m ring 100 Phantom taxing I’m going to Cliff myself mess up don’t mess up easy I’m so surprised I actually perform those actions properly ring phom Jack fornite skill SK goodness RZ 100 y i just Phantom text R I have no clue I’m talking about I’m about to jump off cliff easy dubs uh what should you do about the email uh contact Google and also set up two Factor uh two Factor authentification on all your accounts guys have you not got why haven’t you guys gotten Diamond yet yet guys get diamond brinar eyes taken over only slightly only [Music] partially guys guys why haven’t you gotten diamonds guys we need diamonds guys guys diamonds right over there we just need one for now Diamond diamonds I don’t want to go over there cuz I feel like I’m going to fall but I’m doing it since you guys are too lazy to get diamonds yourself you guys can’t Phantom taxs like me you guys can’t Riz I’m going to crazy all step it goblino have a good night stop I’m see I want to stop but see I’m going insane I’m going to be driven the madness 100% I should just start making really bad uh gen Alpha content it’s genius legalize nuclear bombs interesting say interesting take in these political matters me me we’re being rushed [Music] Lucid are you really rushing you’re a viewer you can’t be rushing that’s cringe El kingle stream [Music] sniper stream sniping God guys we need one Emerald go get emeralds go get emeralds guys [Music] what was that God damn it guys you guys have one job you know that you guys have one job and that’s the protect the bed okay you guys are so bad at protecting beds are you guys in bed see I may sound like a mad but honestly I could not care less very cool fine I’m going to do the realm and then I’m doing your mother okay Gamers let’s hop onto the realm the amazing realm everybody loves the realm I love the realm hop onto the realm I love the realm we’ll play for the real for a bit and then very cool fix your door no I’m not going to fix your door for you I’m going to show you what you did wrong and yell at you very cool miles died yeah yeah yep very sad tragic [Music] miles I got to write fre essays for my class what the has happened here where am I okay check out this map I made you guys like it I think it’s a pretty cool map right it’s nice looking map I did some map art yeah I bet you can tell very good at map art I need to repair my pickaxe but I’m trying to go until it’s at one durability so I’m chilling hey darer the sound of the elevator is really cool though as loud as it is it’s still very cool sound it it sounds like heavy machinery chicken locator when eventually should I go through the door uh which door I mean you can go wait the main door yeah you can just go through the door Slinky you have firms so you’re able to just go through if you want this elevator is very slow we need a secondary elevator we need a water elevator at some point just to go up and then we can leave the elevator down there and just I smacked it once with a bucking sword in it bro I hate this flying machine I hate this game I hate Minecraft I hate my fortnite you smack it once with a sword and it breaks that’s what she said smack your mother with my sword [Music] doing red stone doing red stone dying around doing red stone ly around doing your [Music] mother wait what wait that’s all supposed to be there am I stupid what’s uh Inn in uh don’t worry about it no not November is not for the fan of heart [Music] I can get stone eventually so we can fix this cuz looks bad right now anyways very cool we paid you whole one ancient debris that’s crazy hello there what was that check out durer’s house it’s pretty cool I think I don’t know it’s kind of bad anyways I think my house is better look all the room I have my doors are amazing you have a bunch of stone good for you who the why who broke this who made the conscience decision like conscious decision just to break it what do you do if ancient B you make never right anyways the vault’s logo will go right here on this map now the only issue is I have to make the vault’s logo it took long enough just to do this it’s going to take much longer to make the Vault logo so what the ah my knees I messed up while building it now I have to rebuild two of them wait no maybe just just one and repair oh that’s why I messed up okay wow this flying machine is the world’s worst invention who designed this thing so what did I mess up I messed up on that so that should have gone one more up okay wait oh I completely this up why is it slow Jose uh because it’s a flying machine what do you expect Five Star Travel I don’t care that slow I care the fact it breaks 24/7 you guys just figure out new ways to break it well I just figured out a new way to break it you can just punch it with a sword and it breaks amazing amazing door honestly like who knew that doors should just break like this is an Innovative door that breaks as soon as you touch it with a sword like I didn’t even know I need need a that feature but apparently I do honestly favorite feature of all [Music] time okay now I just do that and that and then cool uh Durer no I’ll call it down you cannot last 5.5 hours that’s completely false we all know it’s false okay cool he I will show you what’s wrong with it I don’t want payment I just want to show you how you’re stupid let Wadd away WD waddle clbo how the hell did you get him here what the derer why’ you break oh wait I broke that never mind okay cool blaming derer for all my mistakes since 2017 you know what scw at this point let’s make the whole thing gobl stone for now very cool so I need to go to the ne real quick wait no let’s go help out Kayla sltp outof Kayla oh yeah you do have a basic ass skin cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool okay let’s see how you messed up my door he has fixed [Music] it so where’s the door at Bud oh my God yeah I can already see the issue I see several issues I see so many issues what is wrong with this Durer you did I mean not derer Kayla you messed it up so bad this is not my design why does it do that why you have the double what is this is not even my design I sent you what do you have all do you use somebody else’s designed didn’t you and that’s why it’s wrong that’s why it’s garbage Use Somebody else’s design instead of mine you cheated on [Music] me this is what you just get for uh not following my epic tutorial that’s going to release soon you know I I’m going to make the tutorial and release it on Friday okay I’m making the video and it’ll be out on Friday and I want you all to watch it it’s going to be a free by free tutorial that’s one wide and super cool but this design looks garbage like you got so many moving Pistons why is there a that thing like legitimately this this is awful Kayla you don’t even have the pieces here for me to be able to build the amazing door no but Kayla you don’t even understand you don’t have the components there to actually be able to build the door let me show you Kayla I’m going to TP you me here is the door okay check out the door look at how it works no it’s not just the copper bulbs you don’t have any of these you don’t have any of uh what else yeah you don’t have any uh comparators there like and you need the copper bulbs those are like the primary component of this hey D sir like it’s such a basic design yet like you fold around with another red ster you let another redstoner put stuff in your head see here’s the door design the original free by fre vault door for this way Kayla uh Kayla can I have my concrete back he stole some my concrete can I have it back Jose don’t pull that lever it’ll destroy do not press the panic button if you do it will destroy all the Redstone Jose no you idiot no no no no you you’re an actual idiot you’re actually an idiot it’s not even flowing Kayla can I can we get the uh concrete and place it back here place the concrete Kayla Durer please place the concrete back in the right spot place it in the right spot over [Music] here concrete Kayla concrete Kayla concrete Kayla concrete holy the game is lagging God damn it Kayla guys stop stop around and give me my concrete back you monkey guys can you like stop and just give me my conquer back just give me the concrete just give me it you idiot drop it and don’t walk towards it thank you for love of God okay no no kay get back in here close door seal door seal door God damn it open it up seal the door Jose start sealing it start sealing it God damn it Jose you’re really slow Jose start sealing it yes panic button time to die time to die time to die time to die it’s time to time to die let’s watch him burn in free cam mode it’s time to burn oh death oh look at him try to scour to like the edge to survive when in reality there is no survival it’s just lava the lava flows everywhere it doesn’t miss an inch no matter where you go that’s the end Caleb did you turn it off or okay well Gamers thanks for watching I hope you had fun I’ll see you all tomorrow make sure you like subscribe join Discord if you can I’ll see you all tomorrow Gamers have a good night who turned that on okay Gamers stay epic I’ll see you tomorrow make sure you like subscribe join Discord if you can and remember Jose loves [Music] men oh [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live🔴 – Hive – Playing with Viewers – Survival Realm – Bedwars – Skywars – Custom Servers’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-06-06 03:12:41. It has garnered 223 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:17 or 10277 seconds.

Minecraft Hive with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers.

Bedwars – Skywars – Treasure Wars – Survival Games – Custom Servers

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I do use Horion, I use it for utility purposes, I have not and will never condone hacking or cheating in multiplayer games*

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🔴Minecraft Hive Live🔴 – Hive – Bedwars – Skywars – Custom Servers – Playing with Viewers – Realms

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  • MLG Minecraft Waterbucket Madness!

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

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  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

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  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

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  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

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  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

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  • PlayGarden

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  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

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  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

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  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

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  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

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  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

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  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

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  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

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  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More