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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods 9 we are back and last episode we we did it we got ourselves the dragon soul so inside here um if I can spell correctly we have a dragon soul it is one piece of the ATM Star and it is one

Piece closer we’ll open up the quest book here if the game’s going to let me um jump into chapter 2 and as you can see now we have the um creative Essence the dimensional seed and the dragon soul we’re slowly we’re chipping through we’re getting we’re getting the bit of

It done I I’ll be honest these bits like we’ve gotten through these three pieces pretty quick the Patrick star that also should be relatively quick I don’t think anything else will be or at least a few of these are going to be some um off camera painful experiences I think I’ll

Try to limit as much of it as possible uh by obviously well I guess for both our sakes right so we get some content and I’m not just like brainlessly using the sacrificial Dagger from blood magic for example um but I want to do something to this episode

That we kind of don’t need to do but I I still want to do it I guess um and it’s to get a hold of piglet Hearts um to get the piglet Hearts you needed the block of it to make the soul um you have to defeat the pigage now we’re currently

Just doing this with a mob uh grinder but we can’t spawn these guys reliably or at least oh no I guess I probably could with the um mob spawner oh no we tried right we tried and it didn’t work yeah yeah yeah so the loot fabricator

Seems to be the play it it it honestly seems really good the only problem is I need to physically defeat six of them in order to even begin getting the predictions and they have 10,000 Health this thing shows 5,000 they have 10,000 even 5,000 would be a long long time hit

In this game um whack with this sword is not worth it you can put them on some mob matches but even that takes a while so um it’s been brought to my attention by most of the comments in the last episode um that we should make something using apotheosis and specifically

Tourette’s on fire commenter and and longtime uh viewer um suggested that there are things from apotheosis and I’ve got a few of them here that we just have that do Max health related damage which sounds interesting so for example this one here it says when socketed in

Heavy weapons plus 20% current HP damage gets applied now I assume that’s the enemy’s HP that that is added but then there’s also these gems that I found and these ones if you look at the heavy weapons in red it says minus 25% Max health

So I don’t know minus 25% Max Health on me or when I attack the thing is it going to lose 25% of its health because that seems insane so yeah I’m not sure either way we’ve got a few here that we can uh work with this gem seems cool as well plus one

Level to all existing enchantments that’s pretty good and then we also had this one lying around that um breaking iron ore has a 20% chance to drop raw gold instead that just sounded pretty fun um so we’ve got that here here in our inventory as well um yeah cool okay

So how do these work well our old the modium sword is not an apotheosis sword which means I don’t think I can just apply gems to it I’m I’m actually quite out of the loop in regards to apotheosis I don’t I don’t know what we need in

Order to put these gems onto things I guess we’ll press you on them um so there’s gem cutting which I don’t really know what this is going to do I’m trying to see the differences in these two sorry if going back and forth is not changing anything cuz this one’s

Pulsing but like what but why 20% healing 30% healing oh okay so all the numbers go up a bit including the max Health percentage very interesting okay so so I guess that’s a way to get the Gem to be a little bit better um oh yeah cuz we’ve

Got a floor Gem and so we would be turning it into just a normal gem so it wouldn’t be floored anymore nice there’s also salvaging which will turn it all into gem dust and then that’s all that this shows us at least um if we look at

Our tables here there’s all the normal stuff the normal vanilla uh tables then we have some fun ones here simple reforging table uses gem dust and Rarity materials to roll affixes so I think that’s like on the tool when the Tool says that it can for example I

Don’t know turn IR into gold I think you can reroll that um uses gem dust and Rarity materials to reroll is that not the same thing oh oh the max Rarity changes though cool and then the salvaging table breaks them down the gem cutting makes stuff better okay interesting um is that

All the tables there’s some shelves up here there’s the enchant Library there’s still the Library of Alexandria we got to look at that at some point deep shelf of Arcane treasure cool are there any more tables no okay interesting so let’s uh we’re out of prothe USIS we’ve

Got okay um we’ve got Trident with empty slots meaning I could put stuff on them um I’ve specifically it was told to check out axes to get an apotheosis axe but I don’t know what does that mean is that just any axe I guess we do have a

Few axes here that have some cool stuff you get some speed from this one current HP damage 7% interesting I want to give this a shot I want to see what happens if we do in fact go and attack a pig glitch with this 7% of 10,000 is a decent amount a

Lot more than this axe should do in terms of damage um so I reckon that’s pretty yeah it says it’ll do 14 attack damage so let’s go ahead and attack a a pigl and see what actually happens here I don’t know if this will be the focus

For the whole episode but I do want to mess around with it for a little bit um I just need to find a piglet oh was that one there I think it was see if we can make a way over cool oh no it’s a guys

I’m going to struggle for a little bit all right here we go we’ve got a piglet he has uh 9,958 health I’m going to hit him with an axe once oh I don’t know if you saw but that went down by hundreds of of Health points that is genuinely an insane

Amount so already that axe is probably just good enough you know what I mean um but we have a few there that say 25% that’s sounding really good if this one was only 7% of the current HP so the current HP damage does that I am interested by these ones that claim that

They’re going to do Max Health percentage oh God there’s so much to do now okay so um we probably want it to be on a sword the only problem is I don’t really have any diamond apotheosis swords you know what I mean um are we able to upgrade our iron swords is that

A thing that can happen I can make them Eternal I don’t really know if I can like you know pimp them out and turn them into to a a diamond version got a few different mods here I’m seeing if any of them have that ability we could I

Don’t know no it’s it’s not looking too too promising isn’t it silent gear of course oh yeah thermal series we’ve got um thermal expansion and all that in the mod pack now um latest update that um just get sidetracked real quick that adds quite a few pages um of some some

Fun stuff bunch bunch of different machines a whole lot of different options to to go about doing things um yeah some different upgrades down here some Classics that don’t have recipes allegedly um and then some other ones there yeah cool so there’s a lot there’s

A lot to do we had yeah it also means hold on it also means we now have phyto where is it we have phytogenic insulators which is a fun way to grow stuff um and alternative to uh bony pots or Bonsai pots or whatever they happen

To be um so yeah that’s pretty cool um so what are we doing I mean the best we’ve got is this axe do I it’s got two empty sockets do I Chuck some stuff on it maybe um what other axes do we have we do have another diamond axe this one

Doesn’t have any of the cool options here’s what I’m thinking I reckon we put one of these gems that say it does 25% Max health and then we put one on this axe that doesn’t do anything else and then on this axe that does the 27 we put on um a plus 20%

Current HP damage gem how does that sound I I think that’s a good idea now how do I put the gems on I don’t actually do they do I just Chuck them in here um oh you do okay well that solves that problem so yeah the now the problem

Is it’s red minus 20% Max health I really yeah let’s do it why not it’s on there cool and then for this other axe let’s Chuck on the plus 20% Max health or current HP damage oh God I’m struggling with all the terms we’ll jump back into the Piglet and we’ll have a

Look now in the perfect world I would just um encapsulate a bunch of these and do this in the over world I’m just acknowledging that I’m not going to do anything about it I’m just acknowledging that that’s what I should be doing um this is going to take way too long to

Break but I kind of just want to go in there is this where I make a like vibranium sword or something um you know what it’s fine we’ll run back in we’ll find that piglet again U because you need piglet hearts in order to do whatever it was that I was going

To say in order to make those better tools so I guess we may as well um now some of them spawn in these rooms that have big ceilings so you just sort of have to run around a bit and get lucky realistically you should be defeating these guys as you go because there

Probably are some spawn limits in terms of how many mobs can be around you and the less of these mobs there are the higher your chance of good stuff which means I should be picking up these spawners as well but I didn’t bring you know what let’s just do it hold on if

We’re going to do something let’s do it right can I yeah thank you all right let’s go back home sorry guys it’s a little bit messy um inside here we should have this guy here the sturdy repair kit now this guy if we put

IND what was it was it uum this stuff I think it was um the enderium counts as like a high enough level that it can repair all my Cool Tools yeah it has enderium in it so I’m going to try to make some more of that to repair to fill

This repair kit cuz um our weapon here is very high tier um all the words are off screen so I can’t I don’t even know what to tell you hold on is it F3 and G no F3 and H hides the advanced tool tips which means now I

Can show you tier four so this tool is tier four um enderium is tier four and it’s really easy to get it’s Ender pears it’s lead ingots and it’s diamond dust um the only part of this puzzle that we’re missing um can we just make the

Dust oh there we go is uh oh Platinum dust you can use cool so we can make this uh lead dust yeah I’m sure we can make that happen lead boom boom boom make some of that um God what a what a messy inventory let’s grab this lead and smelt that up I

Should probably be turning into dust but at the same time who’s going to stop me all right boom um or Hammer this is a just a very an awfully messy situation all right cool we’ve got some lead dust let’s go back in here um enderium dust

Boom boom we’ll get a bunch of this cuz I have a feeling we’ll need a bunch of it we’ll smelt it I believe cool we’ll grab out all of the I guess we don’t need to grab it all out but we’ll place it into this guy there we go so we’ll

Grab that and we’ll fill this guy up cool now he’ll only take in a few extra bits one extra bit that’s it cool awesome so the way that this guy works this St repair kit is you place your tool in you place your repair kit and it

Repairs it uses a little bit of that uh material but it repairs your tool now this tool it’s not even the one we’re going to use um we want to use our Platinum pickaxe because it has um somewhere hold on there’s one of the buttons it has an amethyst tip which

Gives it silk touch um or at least the trait of silk touch or at least it should I’m pretty sure it does unless something changed in the very last update um but mining stuff like um the spawners uses a lot of durability so I am curious as to whether we can beef it

Up a little bit maybe um what is this it’s Platinum okay what’s the other guy otherwi Crimson iron no it’s Crimson steel which is even better okay right it’s like some sort of Steel but it’s Crimson yeah it’s this stuff we can make some of this stuff we

Can make one we can make a single Crimson steel cuz we need more Crimson iron and we do have some Crimson okay we’re learning we’re getting there hold on bear with me guys we’re relearning a mod that we shouldn’t be re learning cuz we should know exactly what we’re doing

Um do I want to turn this three of this we can turn into 2,000 mil buckets let’s do that we’ve got a system oh it’s going to oh God the system’s not built for three ores it’s built for a lot more than three ores did we hold on did we

Ever set up mining in the end I know we have vibranium mining but did we set up um like an actual Quarry I feel like we intend to maybe that was in a different dimension Al together cuz I’m not I’m not seeing it here cuz if I put

Um yeah a God it’s going to split it up among 64 machines oh you know I I think I can actually fix this yeah hold on hold on let me show you what I’m complaining about and then also solve the problem so what I’m complaining about oh god I’ve

Got another problem Al together how’s this happening how much is in in here nothing there’s allegedly nothing empty empty empty this is empty this pipe’s empty but these all have a little bit of iron slur in them okay cool that’s the thing I’m worried about

All right well let’s have a look here so if we get our Gage dropper gagee is that how we’re pronouncing it no one knows it changes every episode um we’re going to pick this up so now this is the only empty crystallizer okay then we’re going

To Chuck in three raw Crimson iron and we’ll see how much we get out of it so it should go in here and get washed and then it should hopefully go in there maybe I don’t is it is it or is it in here yeah it’s in here okay um

Because I set this guy up to do something oh no I need hold on yeah okay it’s okay I know what I’m doing uh yep Crimson iron yep I didn’t just type rimson iron that would be very embarrassing all right Crimson iron now goes in here okay

Uh-huh okay it’s not there anymore which means it’s here beautiful awesome cool all right everything’s fine um I will genuinely have to go through each of these and collect the iron slurry um and we may have to do another test with this whole system to make sure

That it still works the way it should work because well it’s clearly not is is I guess the point I’m getting at now this up here with uh the chemical crystallizers is quite similar to the mechanism um metallurgic infuser that we set up you know how it needs like um

Enriched Diamond enriched Redstone enriched other stuff and there’s a bunch of different recipes and although it’s possible to make them all share the same machines it’s a lot of effort and you don’t really get much out of it you’re much better off setting up a separate set of machines for each separate um

Item for for example each separate um Atomic alloy or enriched alloy or whatever they’re called right um this is very much the same because if we just had this line was only for iron ore then it’s not a problem cuz iron will get in here eventually and in the long term we

Won’t have that much of a loss the problem is I then have to make enough chemical crystallizers for every single ore that we plan to use right and that becomes a problem and it becomes a slow problem so although we’ve spent a lot of time trying to get this to

Work um and although doing this for example is painful quite painful um I do think it’s worth it in the long run now the system we have currently I’m pretty sure we left it in a working order you can see in each of these

Oh I was going to say in each of these they have the same amount I swear some of the early ones only had 53 but the point being that it should work God the problem is if we do another test and it doesn’t work I have to come

Back here and do this again um but yeah so that’s that’s currently where I’m at now now to be fair what I should do instead of doing this is if I place like a single ore in here then we can see how close it gets to getting to that 200 and

Maybe I can just place in enough ores to sort of reset it you know what I mean and that might be faster than me going through and clicking each of these um and yeah see these ones in there 53 very interesting I’m pretty sure that this splits them that the pipes split them

Evenly but maybe the person in the comments was right maybe it doesn’t all right I’m back um so the flow of this episode’s going to be absolutely ruined I was recording in my laptop like not not like my laptop’s Hardware started beeping almost like as

Loud as a um smoke detector like I I thought it was my smoke detector so I stopped everything and I’m like wait a second that’s my laptop so I I don’t even know why to be honest the day isn’t that hot so I’m not sure what the deal

Is I looked it up some people were saying if the fan stops spinning it’ll just start beeping but I don’t know what the deal is um so yeah the the flaw of this episode is been squashed to Smither uh but I do know we were doing a and

We’ve got a few uh axes here and I think yeah it looks like we just put the gems on them and So the plan is to go and give that an attempt um and oh something we should do before that is clean our inventory but something we should do

Before before before that before that is our armor now we’ve got a few things one is on our Boot and one is on our chest piece and that is sending enemies away now both of these are pretty good good I like them because when I’m doing my own

Thing enemies get sent away right if I’m just like messing around with something over here and a mob comes up to hit me I don’t have to deal with him he’s gone he’s vanished when I’m trying to deal with something and it gets sent away that is very very very very very

Annoying um so yeah that that’s what I’m thinking um we try to get some better armor now we should just be able to get all the modium armor and so that’s what I’ll go for we’ve already got boots that’s a win I think we got those boots

From piglins believe it or not um and then we just need a test chest piece so it’s going to be netherite chest piece and an all the modium Ingot and a smithing template for all the modium upgrade which we appear to not have Okay so this episode might might get a little

Bit more interesting um what else was involved um oh is that what I was doing or was I doing something I was doing the Crimson iron yeah yeah sorry I I collected all of that and I’ve ran it through the system and we ended up with

10 so we’ve got 10 of those things that we can smelt up and that will hopefully allow us to get some more Crimson um steel ingots there we go we got four um but we’ve already put our upgrades on everything so I don’t really know what ended up happening there but I don’t

Know we can make a sword now if we want to it’s fine it’s fine I just wanted to sort of close that chapter um okay so I do want the old the modium chest piece so that’s going to involve upgrading a diamond chest piece to netherite and we

Can do that with two things one of which is a netherite Ingot and the other of which is the upgrade template thingy which we don’t have either so that’s a bit of a problem right I need a yeah I need a smithing upgrade netherite thing oh no sorry it’s it’s called just a

Smithing template interesting do we have one of the other ones then no okay well I’ve got a bunch of these so I’ll just grab one that’s awesome um and we’ll put it in here so um yeah I was going to upgrade this guy so smithing template netherite Ingot Diamond chest piece and

It’s upgraded before we do that do we have just a good Diamond chest plate I could use instead what does this do um netherite Diamond chest um minus gravity armor I kind of I don’t want thetive 30% gravity and I guess I don’t really care

But well I guess hold on hold on our current chest piece what is it it’s just an Enchant you know what it’s fine I’m just going to stick with it we’re going to up up this guy um and we’ll just go from there so we’ve got netherite chest piece cool I then need an all the modium upgrade and I need to find this I believe by

Brushing by brushing this in an ancient city I have heard about this and I’ve I’ve heard mixed things as then I’ve heard good things about this and bad things about this now in ancient city if we get our frames back hopefully the game didn’t crash um I believe

There’s a deep ancient city but I think in the other no actually it might be the ancient city that I guess that makes sense so this is an ancient city oh God there’s oh there’s some really scary spooky sounds is this what it’s talking about this is an ancient city we’ve got

Gray wool I mean is this what I meant to do I’m brushing uh-huh I don’t think that’s what I meant to do it could be um what does it say what’s the icon that it show you know what there might be a quest in regards to it possibly um so

We’ve got ATM Alloys down here the alodi in pyramid um blah blah blah blah blah strongest mob the piglet you’ll need to find a way to defeat them and gather their piglet Hearts to make the best allies in the pack um we can also get a

Gem cool we’ll check that out in the second um then it’s talking about the Alloys but we’re not at the Alloys just yet because what are we trying to do that sounds cool we’re trying to look at just just the stuff so the all the modium tab has that okay cool and here

We go all the modium upgrades this can be found by brushing suspicious clay in the ancient city now this is an ancient city but oh I don’t even have access to I thought I had an infinite range one maybe I didn’t um what was I going to say but I think

There’s an ancient city in the other place as well in the um in the other we’ve got clay there is any of this suspicious is any of this clay sus is that don’t think any of this clay sus what an interesting game we are playing all right I’ll tell you what

Let’s let’s go back into the other I believe this is in oh no this isn’t anywhere interesting okay Soul laa that’s where it was my bad so yeah this I think oh God god with our frames struggling is an ancient city now this place is rough um rough on us oh what

What do we have here okay plus interesting so many new mods so many new things happening okay cool performance no we’re good okay yeah I think I’ll just lower my render distance in this Dimension that didn’t really help um so there should be suspicious clay of some sort in this

Biome I guess um um maybe we’ve got Arthur the shimmering in that direction somewhere that’s a little bit scary but I guess it’s okay Stone zins of course um I’ll tell you what we may end up teleporting back just to grab like a thing to make sure we

Find the ancient city but I feel like we’re just in one you know what I mean we we’ll check we we may as well no point uh running around looking for mystery stuff um so we’ll go nature Compass I believe it’s called this guy we’ll jump back

In um I think the soul lava area is probably pretty close if not at the place um right click this guy search for um City nope search for ancient nothing there interesting okay um you know what maybe it is a structure oh God maybe it is a structure Compass I

Guess that does make more sense the ancient city is a structure less than it is a uh Whatchamacallit the the other word I’m trying to say oh yeah the gem we got what was that that was this uh attack speed Health armor Pierce you know it’s there okay let’s

Try this again so City no so City I’ll try again ancient city that’s in the Minecraft just in Minecraft the ancient city cool that’s the only ancient city we have okay I guess that’s the one I want all right well uh is it just this I feel like it’s just

This which is a little bit concerning let’s try let’s um oh I’ve got to crouch and open this guy up again this cool down on it patience patience everyone all right here City Ancient City Select right click see it’s saying 64 blocks away so this is the ancient

City that we’re in and so I need to find some suspicious looking CL interesting all of this stuff here appears to be gray wall um this stuff is deep site I’m guessing there’s some ash okay the plot thickens does it have me a picture of this suspicious looking

Clay suspicious clay in an ancient city I mean I guess it just looks like clay okay um H interesting maybe I’ll go to where it claims the center of this is or is it saying it’s up vertical okay it’s saying it’s up here even further up I I I’ll tell you

What I’ll just skim around I’ll look and I’ll let you know if I get lucky um we’ll try and figure out where this stuff’s actually meant to be spawning okay so um on Reddit CU that’s where you find all the answers nowadays quad Wheels 1 is coming

In clutch so what we’re looking for allegedly is polished deep slate and there’s a chance for some of this polished deep slate to be suspicious clay or at least that’s that’s the word on the street as we say um so that’s where we’ll look this is the main

Pathway up is it no it might not be but um I guess that’s what we’re meant to be looking for so any anywhere that’s meant to be um polished stuff could be suspicious clay they said the main pathway up so I believe that’s this section here is this the main pathway up

No is this it’s this part maybe don’t oh this looks this looks main path party um may have it is is the the word on the street and so I guess I’ll look around here now once again I have played on a server which means the chance of this to

Be um what do you call it um already taken right like we see some gaps and whatnot of I don’t know well I don’t know whether the gaps are meant to be there but you get what I’m saying I may have to search far and wide to to

Actually find this suspicious clay now we are finding clay am I just am I suspicious of this Clay is that like is that what’s meant to happen here I guess I’ll sus oh oh it is so it’s just clay it’s just clay that may or may not be

Suspicious okay and so that clay no longer suspicious just clay gotcha gotcha okay and so this clay it’s it’s inherently suspicious correct yeah this is this is a very suspicious clay okay all right well that’s very important to know the clay at least according to my little top section

There is suspicious even if it just says it’s Clay as you can see it’s suspicious cool all right well I’ve got two of these guys already so that I mean hey that makes my job a lot easier um so let’s go ahead and teleport back out

We’ll go back here we can at least get old modium that’s nice uh we may want to jump back up to not that far up just it’ll do for us um but we should be able to upgrade this now cool so first things first let’s make more of these if it

Lets us Yeah by doing this so I’m going to craft as much as it will let me hopefully at least like a stack now I need more netherite um oh I need a lot more netherite okay how much how difficult is it if I were to say ask for a stack of

Blocks worth of netherite okay it’s not happy about that okay what if I ask for like okay it’s not happy about that as well I need netherite Ingot to make the netherite Ingot all right I’m get guessing we’ve got ingots being crafted and blocks being crafted can we do dust surely no okay

Okay okay all right fair enough all right uh my job now is to look through here to try to find out where it’s all gone wrong this is using scrap and gold cool that sounds good to me all right I think I have to go on the

Crafting manager and can I look up netherite here we go neate Ingot that’s what we want that’s a good recipe modular is turning an Ingot into dust that’s okay I’m fine with that and then we’re also making so what’s the problem here I person I don’t see the problem

I’ll be honest with you um according to this we’re turning an Ingot into dust to make the Ingot we’re using netherite scrap and gold ingots and the scrap we’re making out of ancient debris uh I don’t see the problem and then the block requires um the ingots do

You guys see a problem with that I I could be missing something I mean chances are I am chance are the um need to remove make sure the pattern is not used in crafting the offending pattern is the netherite ingots okay I I don’t believe you can I

At least make some scrap no offending pattern is netherite scrap we can’t even make the scrap interesting okay plot thickens so I need ancient debris for that and the ancient debris ah we’re making it out of netherite dust okay yeah that that’s a problem that’s a that’s a pretty fair problem fair enough

Okay so in terms of ancient debris we have none what’s going on here we just don’t have netherite okay interesting very interesting we never solved the netherite problem I know we had a bush that was doing it um oh yeah this bush here I mean is this a solving the netherite

Problem is there a better way to solve the netherite problem than what we’re doing I don’t know the better way would be solving netherite scrap I assume but I don’t really know if that’s solvable unless we be it being it might be nicer than just seeding it mob drops that

Yeah okay well whatever all right sure we’ll see how much that gets us boom boom boom um oh wow it does not get you much at all okay well let’s just be happy with our smithing templates that we’ve got let’s continue on here this this might not be as easy as I’m

Thinking it would be so we can now make an old the modium chest pie cool so I’ve got all the modium chest pieces all the modium boots um should we try to push this further we may as well if we’ll we’ll make an episode out right for that

We need vibranium templates now we have none so that’s a problem um to get these guys we need to brush suspicious Soul Sand in a Bastion it looks like I’m guessing um so let’s jump into the lava I guess um where’s this this is around a fortress uh but we’re

Not after a fortress we’re after a Bastion and looking at the map that we’ve got um I don’t even know if we see a Bas these Bastion not too sure um what about if we go over to our vibranium area was this one near oh this is just is this just I think

This is far away do we have any fashion looking things over here let’s check let’s go in here let’s search Bastion I’m already Bastion okay we right click it okay that’s 1,600 blocks good let’s just double check how far away is it here 4,000 if I were to spin this again

Okay even further all right well let’s let’s let’s be happy with the vibranium one we’ll right click this guy come on 1,600 blocks I reckon we can make it happen thankfully we can still fly in this Dimension um all right well I’ll meet you there because I bit of traveling to

Do oh here we go um the Bastion we after is a lot further away than this so this might not actually be a Bastion but I mean it looks basy doesn’t it so what are we after we’re after I think suspicious Soul Sand I is is that this

Soul soul no it wouldn’t be Soul Stone let’s just check the quest book come on what are we doing here um so we want this brushing suspicious Soul Sand in bastions within the Nether um so we’re looking for I I mean I don’t think that’s a b it

Looks awfully basy doesn’t it looks very very bashy okay I mean it says that it’s it’s not that’s Soul Stone not Soul Sand okay okay I we’ll we’ll head to the actual location I’m sure this is just like some uh extra mod that just adds

Some more fun to the to the nether with a look you know just on the off chance that you find what you’re looking for and don’t need to travel another 1,000 blocks but I mean it’s very basiony isn’t it all righty and this is what claims

There’s a Bastion I think the Bastion is a little bit further yeah here we go um okay so we are now looking for Soul Sand suspicious Soul Sand should we say um I don’t have any gold on me I don’t know if any of these have a hint of gold but

Put those back on I guess to keep the mobs busy and so yeah now we’re just looking for anything that looks like Soul Sand sadly that’s not Soul Sand um and then we’re just going to claim that it’s suspicious and we’re going to start brushing it that’s that’s apparently How We Roll here

Um yeah I don’t really know where I’m guessing not further down but I keep going further down because I guess you don’t know until you know right okay well that was that was eventful uh-huh I feel like we’ve all grown a bit by by doing that um I’ll go this way there we

Go see it’s times like this where the rebounding is really nice all right I got a nice aerial view of the place and as you can see we’ve got some over here I’m guessing this is suspicious oh it looks awfully suspicious okay this one looks more suspicious

Though um yeah cool sweet I’m guessing this stuff uses netherite as well so we’ll suspiciously gather this up I should probably have picked up I I guess we plan to use it for oh did we get it yep cool and how do we make more with all the modium oh that’s actually going

To be easier believe it or not we do need some ancient stone to uh finish it off but that is going to be pretty good sweet the last one looks like it’s in the end I’m guessing there suspicious endstone or something but uh we’ll head back and quickly duplicate

Some of these make sure we’ve got a a steady supply of them and then I’ll be happy so we’ll chck this here we don’t actually have ancient stone so um now ancient stone I think you get from this place right cuz yeah there’s ancient grass over here I’m guessing

This stuff’s ancient stone am I able to mine this reliably oh yeah cool we got a little bit of lag here ever so slightly a tiny little amount so we’ll pick this stuff up can we maybe is the server struggling maybe could be by the way

Server is just like a local thing so it’s oh God this Dimension man it’s rough um brace yourself when you go in there it’s an absolute lag Fest all righty let’s try this again um so for this one we’re going to need all the modium I’ve

Realized where a bunch of other stuff is we’ll sort that out in a second I’m going to order a th000 of that yeah that’ll work pretty cool um in our construction tank we have ancient stone oh we have a scary bookshelf as well apparently so boom boom boom bow and

Boom that stuff should work nicely and pow we’ve got three oh and now we’ve got six 12 and a little bit more than 12 cool so I’ll borrow one of course we’ll grab some vibranium out if I can press the right buttons awesome uh two vibranium actually and we’ll actually

Grab another um upgrade we’ll grab another we’ll grab another smithing templates there we go uh two of you two of you and we can upgrade our boots and a chest piece cool um now once again while we’re here let’s check this guy out so this item can be

Found as a loot inside of the libraries in the other dungeons we may already just have this we don’t really what it say in the other dungeons in the other dungeons interesting so we want to head into the other and find some dungeons great okay well we’re in the

Other these aren’t dungeons but oh God yeah we won’t be able to fly okay oh my God just oh this is just like a horrible experience for I think everybody involved including myself I’m just going to go look for some dungeons okay in fact this guy might help me it’s going

To be a laggy experience for me I think my Dimension might be a bit broken dungeon we’re looking for an all the modium dungeon I’m going to click select and I’m going to right click it’s attempting to find one please wait patiently I don’t think you can find one

No it checked 10,000 blocks and it couldn’t find one is that what we think we think it’s a one of those also I don’t know what the problem is about this Dimension I don’t know what makes it how it is I I you know what I I think it’s the

Flying just makes everything like the fact that you can’t fly just makes everything feel that much more rough I also can’t right click this thing I don’t know if I’m standing on paths or what’s happening but I’ve also got like half the frame rate than we normally

Get I don’t even know if it’s fixable what do I need to do to fix this maybe with shaders off we get a few more frames pretty hold on we’re going back there’s another problem we need to solve and we need to just solve it for once once and

For all why can I still Catch Fire and why does it shake my screen and make an annoying noise how have we not fix this it is the most infuriating thing it lasts for so long I’m sure there’s a way that we can solve this um let’s search #

Fire and see what we’ve got Grand fire we just have a ring that’s just going to solve this problem do we let me guess I have nowhere that I can put it we have a spot I can put it awesome let’s give this a test I’m I’m on my final straw with this

Lava I’ve also got no fra I think the lag might just be oh no memory usage isn’t actually too bad I was going to blame the memory usage but it’s not actually too bad now that we’re not in that other dimension okay ignore the purple we’re just going to jump in lava

Oh my God peace peace on Earth oh it’s beautiful isn’t it okay I’m a happy camper so my God why did it take us that long to do that okay I’m going to go look for this dungeon um I’m going to consult this guy again if I search other does that that

Doesn’t help that’s only for biomes so yeah I think I think that’s what we’re after this Al the modium dungeon I’ll do a quick scroll through here to see if there’s some other dungeon that I’m after but I have a I have a feeling that’s all we’re after in fact yeah all

The that doesn’t help yeah I think I guess the mods are in alphabetical aren’t they are they no they’re not really all the modium dungeon so if I right click this there’s not a single one in 10,000 blocks awesome let me I’ll just cheese this and fly

Away oh wow um we’ve got some pretty cool swords that we can find apparently like this one has a bunch of empty sockets has leech and life stealing it’s pretty cool um I mean we’ll take it I was thinking like is this guy’s house is this considered a dungeon is that what we’re

Dealing with here life mending life mending is pretty cool little bit annoying at times we’ve also got a boss down here I don’t maybe this is we can have a quick test with our axes that we we still have to get to for the pig glitches um this ax does 25% of

The max Health let’s have a look all right that’s I mean I think it might be referring to my Max Health then because that did nothing this guy however no he’s not doing anything either I don’t even know if it’s hitting the guy I mean this is a horrible experience

No one’s no one’s having fun in this fight um I could just upgrade some of this stuff what do we have hold on we’ll receive just double sheep takes damage that’s pretty cool spear fishing I’ll just take some of these enchants they look pretty cool Ricochet there’s one um enchant that I’m

Actually looking for and if we find it that’ll be awesome um it’s the mine is fervor we’ll have to keep an eye out for that uh yeah I I need to start doing a lot of this stuff off camera because like it’s quite annoying for me but I’m able to just

Like put up with it for you guys this must just be absolutely infuriating oh prevents a weapon from dealing a lethal blow this thing’s pretty cool you get get your Pokémon down ready to be uh captured you know within one hit um yeah I don’t know there’s pretty good

Loot here which but but I guess it’s not a dungeon so I’ll just keep looking for the dungeon all righty um so I decied had to come back over here cuz I saw a comment saying that there’s that they found them in one of these uh pyramids so I’ve gone

Through and looked um on top of going through and looking I’ve been picking up every single spawner um so we’ve got actually a bundle full of spawners which is awesome cuz that’s obviously going to um what am I trying to say here uh reduce some of these spawns that we’re

Getting there still are a few rooms I think around here that I’m going to have to go through um but I think we’ve gotten most of them I’ll do one last check and then and and then as far as I’m concerned we’ve gotten all of them

And then we’ll go back for the dungeon hunt the dungeon hunt by the way has consisted of wait for the map load I went all the way over here I’m searching with the compass the entire time and not finding anything so I mean it’s rough I I I don’t really

Know what the what the deal is the city that I was in I feel like that’s meant to be one of the dungeons but it looks wrong you know what I mean the city’s constantly looked wrong and it’s very laggy so I’m wondering if my map’s just

A bit broken and I might need to reload the entire Dimension I’m not sure yeah I’m not sure so so I don’t really know what the plan is there I’ve also picked up a few books on the way but um yeah as you can see it’s been quite a messy

Ride oh we’re found a a dungeon apparently at this uh pyramid so okay the pyramid should be empty this guy will pick up a few of the stragglers but um there should hopefully not be as many spawning so that’ll be good that pyramid is primed and in the meantime I’ve got

To go 8 and a half thousand blocks this way um and Running on Empty in terms of memory apparently so this has been a rough episode um in terms of I guess off camera stuff I don’t know what’s on camera I don’t know how long the episode

Will be but we’ll get this realistically we don’t need to but we’ll get it we’re we’re committed to getting this Unum stuff we’ll get one of every smithing thing we’ll come back we’ll mess around with those axes I think um in regards to those uh Pig litches

But yeah I’ll I’ll be back oh oh I’ve just I’ve just realized what’s happening as you can see on the map I was slowly just gliding against the wall here um we’ve hit oh yeah this way that makes sense we’ve hit our world border cuz we we had a border obviously on the

Server um I guess we don’t need that anymore how do I do that game rule no game yeah I think it’s game rule or is it World border world border add and then I just add like that yeah there we go okay why does it feel so buttery smooth

Okay no it’s just a coincidence all right cool well I will continue I’ve realized this what like I mean look at this this is oh God oh God don’t look at it I’ll be back yeah as I was saying um I was just holding down my hover button there and

It was I mean just for traveling long distances that worked I couldn’t fathom traveling 7,000 blocks with a slingshot or I’m not sure what else you meant to use I don’t know if they mentioned somewhere but here we are so this is the dungeon I believe there’s an above

Ground section as we can see here and then there should hopefully be um a below ground section as well and what we’re looking for allegedly are libraries that is the word on the street um so here we are we’re making quite a mess and quite a noise um

I’ll run into each building and see if there’s like a like a way down I think we going to have to mine down there cuz just based on what I’m seeing here so let’s go ahead and let’s switch to a real weapon we’ve got a bit of a creeper problem just a

Tiny bit of a creeper problem okay excuse me good people let’s maybe open the trash can can we just like get rid of some of this stuff I mean your inventory it’s just done at this point like I really should have made a backpack that can send stuff away into

My storage what do we have in here we have a netherite up we have a netherite upgrade we have Warden upgrade we don’t have a un obtaining one here somehow do we all right cool So huh um did I go past the do you guys see a library on the way there’s there’s just endless things to do like look at all these books just ignore everything else that’s happening potato recovery that sounds good what oh my God just hit markers all

Episode I don’t even know if I should still be looking for miners fervor if it’s even possible to find I mean I’ll keep looking there’s a lot of slingshot upgrades in here and I think you can launch yourself with a slingshot so I’m guessing that’s the intention like

There’s longevity there’s like some self sling there you go um bunch of French people it sounds like what is what is happening can we are we good what’s here more books who saw that coming oh oh this is a library I think oh yeah yeah okay sweet I just uh I kept going

Down I realized I was going up and I’m like that doesn’t make sense so I went further down and we’ve come across this area it’s still within the same thing the biome is the other Soul Sand Valley as well just heads up I guess and So within one of these we should hopefully

Get what we want so far not so good um the important thing with these chests to note is that due to their color you can tell that I haven’t open the before enemy drops are directly imagine if I had that on my sword I wouldn’t be picking up all these

Drops how good would that be oh my god do we have a smithing table on us what do we need we need one more iron to do that oh that’s very tempting to just set up a wa Stone and go back and solve that problem right now it’s fine though um so

Yeah in one of these we should have what we want and I’ll I’m still looking for this minus furball Okay so so um I think we just got unlucky by not finding one in here I’ve checked all the corner chests um the only thing left to do in my mind is to keep

Traveling um yeah okay I’m just going to start skipping some chests in terms of um whatam my colums the enchantments all right we’ve got a lava section of the building cool we got some Parkour that we hopefully won’t die on I mean this is a very beefy section right

Surely sure mean surely in one of these chests there’s a template nope what’s this got mob drops teleport to you that’s fun it’s not what we’re after sadly okay oh that’s the bookshelf section we checked I I believe this is a new bookshelf oh yes perfect okay so we we got to get

Lucky um I’ve heard people just finding one in the entire thing we’re obviously onto our second section here and we haven’t found one yet none man okay well so far not good there should be four more below I mean this is just ridiculous as well okay cool we got what

We came for I I will check the rest just so that we get a little bit of a scale we got two how many could we get I think two is pretty good I think if you get one you’re pretty lucky um and now we will attempt to go back home

Ah you know what actually I re can we set a a away Stone here um let’s scroll this guy down to um W Stones Place one down um dungeon other cool cool and oh we can breathe okay we’re back let’s put some stuff away um and claim our rewards so

These templates they use vibranium to upgrade or I guess you know to make more of them so that’s pretty cool and that will allow us to upgrade our armor to antium like so so we’ll grab two of those we’ll put those away awesome oh no sorry wait smithing um I’ll grab two of

Those boom boom boom unobtanium chest pets and unobtanium Boots so now these guys that do their um big attacks and whatnot will’ll also I guess take all these things out as well so they’re good for next time um these things that uh you know throw enemies away um we get to get to

Worry about um Unum boots Unum chest so this should be good that should hopefully I don’t know keep us strong in the meantime and now that we’re not full of stuff that we don’t want let’s actually get rid of a lot more of this stuff that we don’t

Want that can go away the brush can go away that can go away we have the piglet deep learner um we can jump back oh you know what while we’re here hold on can we what do we have in terms of pickaxes do we have

Any I don’t think we we can make all them we haven’t all the modum pickaxe with fortune 3 can we upgrade this guy is that possible we can I’m going to upgrade this guy the whole way um yeah I I mean that’s pretty much it smithing so we’ll grab one of these as

Well we’ll grab an Unum that way we might be able to mine the stuff in that other dimension um boom boom boom cool vibranium and unobtanium beautiful let’s give this a shot so pig glit in the perfect world what we can do now is this oh okay it looks like we can’t shapeless

Mine it but I’m guessing yeah we can just mine it that’s quite rough that that is very rough because that means we’re going to have to do a lot of stuff manual here um we could probably try with the builder see if that is able to

Uh Chow through this stuff um can we chop this stuff nope um I mean like we can break it normally but you just can’t ultim mine it okay cool um well yeah so the only mobs that should be able to spawn here should be Pig glitches we can

Go ahead and increase our um range for entities we maxed out that will show us all the mobs including these here um we’re wear just good armor so this first axe reckons it will do minus 25% Max health I don’t know if that’s on me or what but this guy has 9 sorry

9,999 he lost four health so that is not the one this one here reckons it will do 7% and 20% current HP damage and so that took a full what 2,000 off him um so this axe is pretty good oh no okay hold on yeah yeah it’s still doing pretty

Good now it’s only affecting the current health so as you can see it does a lot less each time but it should get us well within a range where we can actually begin to do like proper damage to him with a normal axe um as you can see yeah

Cool and we even we had a few more gems that we could probably add to this to make it do about like 40% of the max health and that’s obviously pretty good like he’s already down to 144 Health like that’s pretty that that honestly is pretty good what does our sword

Do our sword is still does just a ridiculously pathetic amount yeah okay we are at the point though that like this is probably beneficial to use but hey pretty good for the axe um so that right there is our first actual pi pit kill we get

Eight pigl hearts for it because we got all that looting um and we get one data collected so I need to do that five more times and then we have pig glitches um easily automatable um on the map you can see them they do appear um the only problem is of course finding

Them I guess oh we’ve actually got a party on the roof it looks like sweet you know what I think I’ve realized I think the pigl spawns the witches cuz this room just filled up with witches and I mean that’s the only thing I can think of and the poison

Actually is quite rough even with um you know all the perks we’ve got so that’s pretty cool as you can see a few of them are spawning outside of the building and finding their way in that’s wonderful that’s just really just what you love to

See um I do want to kill enough to get this done but like I mean that’s that’s yeah this episode yeah one of those ones it’s taking its toll I’ll tell you I’m sweating up a storm and i’ actually I’d love for this to be over

But this is the price we pay then I switch to my sword and it doesn’t even it doesn’t even feel worth it in fact why didn’t I upgrade my sword to an un obtaining one man what am I doing all right we’ve actually only got

One more to kill okay so that’s fine we we can kill one more I’m honestly surprised I didn’t think we’d kill that many already but I’m happy about it oh yep oh here’s here’s the party waiting for us yep oh oh yeah cool lots of is wonderful can’t

Wait killed 50 witches so far that’s great that’s wonderful oh here’s another 50 oh yeah yeah yeah oh you’re all here yeah I’ve been looking for you yeah yeah welcome welcome welcome I’m actually going to just lose my mind I think where are you where’s the Pig

Glitch oh here we go there’s two down here I will kill this one okay he does not okay there we go now he’s affected by it look at how many there are this is ridiculous yeah oh all all of these guys are going to be spawning witches that’s

What’s about to happen that’s great that’s good okay and we have it we have a basic tier pigl thingy thingy so let’s go ahead and teleport out you know what let’s do the server a favor and just put away just a few of these witch hats that

We got just a few of them just a few of them yep there you go oh Witch is coming over to say hi well I’m I’m about to go so sorry Mr witch okay you know what first things first let’s upgrade our sword how about we do that that sounds pretty good

Doesn’t it let’s go smithing grab one of you one of you um I can un hold one of course cuz we’re still full of goodies boom boom boom vibranium boom boom boom an itanium thank you pleasure doing business with you awesome we also have pigl data model cool I’m also going to

Get no no we we’ll sort that out uh yeah you know what we’re going to go in here we’re going to search um at hostile we are going to get a simulation chamber cool I’m just going to build in here it’s going to be a rare in the

Building thing we’re going to place in our piglet data model we’re going to grab an endgate SL that guy there grab an exporter oh if we can expor um with a crafting upgrade I don’t even know if it needs one then we’re going to get our prediction

Matrixes and we going to funnel them in here boom boom and boom and it begins this guy will run during all the episodes every single episode and bit by bit it will level up and increase the accuracy and bit by bit so as you can see it failed here that

Should take it to I think 6% I think that’s how this works I guess we’re about to find out so next time it will have a oh no not even at 4% it’ll have a little bit more of a percentage chance to get it so it will keep running this

And keep running this and keep running this um sometimes we’ll get a prediction which we can turn into pigler charts and sometimes we will get nothing and it’ll just keep increasing the accuracy and eventually it will be very very accurate so that’s pretty cool um in order to

Make these prediction matrixes we need a new recipe because the old recipe appears to be broken um cuz I swear we made this before but either way that’s fine um boom that cuz I’m pretty sure we’ve got them in here somewhere at least I thought we did may

Maybe we didn’t I mean all these series they M Mumble up at some point yeah cool now this guy does use um 16,000 RF per tick but that’s okay I think we can I don’t know hopefully we can take care of that okay cool wonderful beautiful awesome do we have any paxel available

We can make an all the modium paxel how do we do that oh we can actually make all the modium alloy blade I didn’t even realize this okay I shouldn’t have upgraded my sword why would it I guess that’s okay and then these we can make Now using this and one billion Forge

Energy all right well put it on the list it’ll happen at some point sweet yeah cool awesome nice thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed the episode hopefully you’re having fun hopefully everyone’s having a good time everything’s wonderful do I I mean how do we even how do we even thumbnail this

One so I just grab smithing template for each of these and maybe I don’t I don’t even know and how do I get the point across that we’ve got them all maybe grab some pedestals yeah yeah yeah we’ll grab some pedestals and we’ll set them up in a

Nice spot where’s a nice pedestal spot here we go yep wonderful and it’s a beautiful thumbnail I don’t know I don’t know what’ll it’ll probably just be that yeah thank you guys for watching thank you of course to our t three channel members thank you To melissy final Phoenix 13 Yulia and Mr brandan Mr Brenan what is it I’m pretty sure it’s Mr Brendan right I I’ll look I’ll check for you all right one second do you re I can check it on the app I don’t actually know if is that is that possible in the

App does the app have one second guys let me just check the app there’s an app app by the way you can check the app um Mr Brendan I was correct um thank you T3 channel members thank you to all our channel members and thank you guys

For watching and hopefully I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Ep93 All The Templates – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2023-12-22 19:00:20. It has garnered 1137 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:35 or 3935 seconds.

This is a series on the ATM 9 Modpack! We’re jumping in quite early the modpack so we can look forward to frequent updates, and all the fun that comes along with those! Traditionally ATM packs have some fun late game goals to work towards, and a wide range of mods at your disposal to tackle whatever it is you want to, by whatever means you want to. By starting early, some things may be different in this playthrough when compared to the version you’re playing in the future, but for the most part it should be similar 🙂 You’ll just have a lot more mods to play with!

Things: Modpack – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 Client Side Mods – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/magnesium-extras https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/physics-mod (The Physics mod pro can be found for free on the authors Patreon. You can also support them financially to assist in making the mod, as with all these other awesome mods and shaders we interact with!) Shaders – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-reimagined Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3gNcPTidgoeQLiD1Oa3fxzrwT7HXOeUZ

Partnership: Code – DEW BisectHosting – https://bisecthosting.com/DEW They have provided us with a free server to host our YouTube Community server on, and the code gives a discount if you plan on hosting your own.

The Dew Crew ATM Server: Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community All The Mods 9 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- https://discord.gg/the-dew-crew-367254861747716098 and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

#ATM #Minecraft #ATM9

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    Crafty Minecraft Logic The World of Minecraft: Exploring Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving the perils of the wilderness, this sandbox game offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Unleash Your Imagination with Minecraft Shorts With the rise of Minecraft shorts, players can enjoy bite-sized adventures that showcase the game’s quirky humor and unexpected challenges. Whether it’s navigating a treacherous obstacle course or facing off against a horde of zombies, these short videos capture the essence of… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm. While watching the YouTube video “Presentando Craft World #1 Minecraft,” we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community and endless possibilities that await you on Minewind server. With a vibrant Discord community and a dedicated team of moderators, Minewind offers a unique and immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to explore the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 In episode 4 of the Minecraft gameplay series by Martin, a passionate Spanish tutor and gamer from Argentina, viewers are taken on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft while learning Spanish. This episode focuses on mining, gathering resources, and opening the Nether portal for thrilling adventures in the dangerous Nether realm. Exploring the World of Minecraft As Martin delves into the game, viewers are treated to a visually stunning world filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to deep caves, Minecraft offers a diverse landscape to explore and conquer. The vibrant… Read More

  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

    Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with GamerFleet! Join fleetbhai as he navigates through various adventures, challenges, and humorous moments in this popular gaming realm. Let’s dive into the exciting highlights of this gaming universe. GamerFleet’s Minecraft Universe GamerFleet, led by fleetbhai, takes players on a rollercoaster ride through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From exploring new terrains to battling formidable foes, the GamerFleet community thrives on excitement and camaraderie. Key Features: fleetbhai’s Adventures: Watch fleetbhai tackle challenges, interact with villagers, and unleash his creativity in building magnificent… Read More

  • Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21! Transforme Seu Minecraft com o Ray Tracing! O Ray Tracing chegou ao Minecraft e está revolucionando a forma como vemos o jogo! Com gráficos impressionantes, reflexos realistas, sombras detalhadas e iluminação global, essa tecnologia leva a experiência de jogo a um novo nível. Neste artigo, vamos explorar como ativar o Ray Tracing em qualquer mundo no seu Minecraft 1.21! Passo a Passo para Ativar o Ray Tracing Ativar o Ray Tracing no seu Minecraft é mais simples do que você imagina. Siga este passo a passo rápido e fácil para transformar seus gráficos: Passo 1: Baixe e instale o… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-05-13 16:30:07. It has garnered 108715 views and 1728 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:29 or 4889 seconds. Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft! 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short Gameplay

    Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch’, was uploaded by Plafi gaming on 2024-03-18 02:28:45. It has garnered 459 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch Most Dangerous Elevator Minecraft’s new OVERPOWERED Weapon… I Survived 100 Days On a DIAMOND RAFT In Deep Ocean i. IFound Minecraft’s RAREST Armor in Hardcore! (Hindi) 50+ New Things Added to Minecraft 1.21 (Update) DUPING CRATE KEYS on a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server Why Scary KRASUE ATTACK HOUSE At Night in Minecraft? How This SWORD Made… Read More

  • Monkey Jungle Madness – Minecraft ROBLOX Animation

    Monkey Jungle Madness - Minecraft ROBLOX AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #roblox #animation #cartoon #shortsviral #twiddlefinger’, was uploaded by Monkey Jungle Top on 2024-08-03 12:04:13. It has garnered 893 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

    The ComBREWter Strikes Again! The ComBREWter Returns!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 Introduction The latest episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 brings exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts – the return of the ComBREWter! Zedaph, a prominent member of the Hermitcraft server, introduces a limited edition Zed Plush and gamified Potion Brewing with the new ComBREWter. Limited Edition Zed Plush Fans of Zedaph can now get their hands on a limited edition Zed Plush by visiting Zedaph’s official website. This adorable plush is a must-have for any Minecraft fan looking to add a touch of Zedaph’s charm to their collection. Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the… Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: I’ve spiced it up

    Looks like this meme got a critical hit with that score of 64! Read More