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[Music] mhm okay now YouTube should be on and now twitch should be on all right fantastic that that just took me about like 5 minutes yeah that a’t that probably ain’t bad okay anyways we’ve been through Wars I think uh let’s check so everything is actually working it usually is but you know still want to check it to make make sure it’s going to say ah yeah there we go there we go I can see the live stream meaning it’s actually still alive it’s it’s fantastic okay uh it’s not really is it Captain game it is you know everything works what what disable that why would I want that dis enabled okay H everything weird everything is weird anyways some stuff are weird I don’t know why first YouTube studos troubles and then straight after back to back also uh thiso has troubles I don’t know what’s going on let’s just play the game all right anyways that’s Al we might as well start up the party right now right we might as well create it right there okay and now we just s and play until people join so I have some entertainment anyways yep that’s how bad my attention span is I need to play a video game or potentially have some I don’t know watch one I guess I don’t know my attention span is not the greatest right I’ll blame my generation for this or Tik Tok I don’t know oh I do want my sword in my hot bar last time I did not have that I died brutally so I’d rather have it down there it’s a fous map let’s hry up let’s hurry up um it’s fine it’s not rushing yet uh we can take some time here I say yes it’s rushing okay well that change quickly it didn’t rush I’m just I’m just being schizophrenic I thought I saw name tag moving moving closer and closer I was incorrect I’m just schizo or something see you later green dude and this is going to be my bed going to put it up in the Ika collection and let’s just wait for him to likey go go and buy something dude go and buy come on go and buy something works every time I don’t know that and not some people think it’s glass for some reason or like Berry blocks I don’t know I rarely see people walk through those windows which is a very good strategy to do honestly because most people don’t suspect it right just suspect to like walk up behind him no I just jump through the window like it would be some sort of criminal to is murder and stole that guy’s bed so you know maybe I am is this red guy lot this red guy is alive let’s go and kill him where is where is he though he’s not over there what does this mean he’s said he’s probably at Mid right okay he’s SP fire over there okay got it that guy is at Midsummer we need to find him before he breaks our bed there would be an unfortunate turn event I also make this fireable thing eh close enough I would say could have yeah he’s breaking my bed okay well goodbye bad saw that bridge I was over okay well let’s grab some emeralds while over here I think we might get five or six I don’t know depending on how long he spent here but it seems like yeah we’re going to five maximum five on might add we don’t actually know maybe like less probably or none since this white dude is off to kill me let’s not stick around see Chase I’m hold on this there’s not a bridge over here hold on this there’s not a bridge uh uh gray base yeah B problems that’s one of them it’s fine right it’s fine it’s fine okay that could have gone better but at the same time was again it could have gone worse so let’s pretend did I did he die he died but the okay you know I shouldn’t be the one to complain here I’m so L this this there a b there a b mine all right well that’s uh that’s pretty nice okay well free bed and free kill I don’t know how that worked out but hey it did that for some reason I feel like that ender pearl is very much worth it from our nowhere um that’s nice uh let’s see now we still it say the pink guy left it’s yes the pink guy I haven’t even seen that guy there’s an airplane flying above my house no a watch me get watch me get this completely blown to bits in a few seconds really want to make a yoke but no I’m not going to make that yoke because it’s a horrendous joke not going to make that yoke anyways uh did this guy go in he did absolutely go in this okay okay well time to run for a bit while until his in runs we off what did I tell you no okay you know we led up though so that’s pretty neat but uh we did not win Which is less neat I guess I don’t know could have gone better could have got worse in my opinion that went decent for being the first game of the day I guess sure I could have won but then there’s no if you win the first time you those do something there’s no room for improvement you know you know I don’t know anyways I’m trying to make excuses here for for losing but I’m pretty much sure I just lost anyways okay let’s just huh okay at least that’s not my neighbor okay well mhm yeah okay well that’s um you know I feel like like Pink’s reaction is pretty understandable in this in this uh in this situation well oh wait yeah pink is attack’s neighbor pink is dead guys I don’t think pink is going to live for much longer um well that is a shame let’s just make sure we can live for a bit longer I guess uh with that I mean get diamonds so we can actually like get upgrades so we can actually live Mak sense I hope and doesn’t then uh yeah that also checks out um let’s those in the chest and let’s go Kil Aqua before before we get absolutely destroyed by a gray dude okay let’s do that let’s do that before or right fall into the void that’s also that’s also pretty nice um rage quit and we’re dead surprisingly I’ve seen people with more bed destroy than them and more fireing kills wow okay all right well I am not sure how to handle that guy and hopefully he’s not going for me hopefully he’s going the other direction right hopefully I say with very low confident because there’s a big Chance is going to rush continue that rush anyways okay well this guy has made a nice looking B defense saying I’m going to steer through it with my pools that I bought for this GRE El and goodbye welcome actual glish I’m saying that correctly is that correct anyways welcome to the twitch stream how you doing today and yeah hope you’re in your stay on the stream no matter how long or short it may be I’m going to rushed yet I’m not okay that that star level 1K guys not rushing yet no he’s going Rush that’s why okay all right well that’s great let’s just pretend there’s not a big threat on our doorstep right I’m good what about you I doing good as well thanks for asking and that is a nice thing to hear uh it is a one layer W defense got though that is uh prob why is there an ad on my YouTube at moment why is there an ad hold on really really okay well we’re going to have to going to have to uh we’re going to have to rethink some stuff here right anyways anyways [Music] um is that a guy on a alt account now he’s nicked okay well got a nicked guy and a level onek guy fantastic you know they can they can fire up I will leave them be I will I will leave them be right I do not I will not leave them be I see a base over here is not protected I am going to destroy it or not because that guy is he going to respawn okay is it even worth it it even worth it store these all right we’re fine oh he’s lagging okay goodbye yeah goodbye all right it’s fine it’s fine well that’s a fireball that’s not my golden apple it’s in the wrong sloth for some reason and let’s get a new golden apple we’re probably going to get Rush F grer maybe maybe I’m not sure though maybe not I am not a mind reader yep anyways oops all right yeah there goes my bad okay uh yep there go there it goes down the drain um you know I’d rather just get rich and stacked before fight that gray dude sure we beat up green but it was like more conven for us hello there you know I would not mind why did I go why did I go into F5 mode that specific moment that was probably the worst choice I could have made okay that could have gone better couldn’t it it could have gone better it didn’t though so that’s a shame I guess but yeah that’s better for us sometimes it goes bad especially when there’s Fireballs in all fire are so good and also so annoying at the same time but hey used them way too much as well so I can’t complain about them can I ah it’s nice with overp over can’t speak English hello it’s English bedw Wars is so fun exactly lowkey fun again yeah exactly I mean bedwar is a fun game I Ain to denying that no way I’m denying that if it wasn’t fun I wouldn’t be playing it that would be torture for me and I’m not an emo so I don’t like that anyways basically it is fun but I feel like they maybe you know you know these special items I have every week now let you know these items for examp that’s a purchase limitor to and that’s a one anyways it’s joking by the way you’re joking all right fair enough I think it’s fun though I do think beus is funny but it’s just okay I don’t sit and play this a lot I sit and play it like once or twice every day and that’s like it if I play more than that it’s going to get boring though it’s to not overplay a game because then that’s what it gets boring ouch okay well that goes my bad instantly yeah okay yeah there go there goes that life okay well yes to retry going to play like Firs a day of this 5 hours a day oh well I used to do that like back in 2022 probably not five hours but maybe three I don’t know 2022 was a year that I spent apparently you know this if you play on Luna CL get like this Luna CL r or whatever and they show what time you spent on Luna CL apparently I spent 78 days in 2022 on just uh on just Luna CL 78 days that that is a four like fourth or fifth of my year I spent on Minecraft 2022 so that’s productive year yeah anyways welcome Mr mustach how you doing today man welcome back do you want to the Duos I mean I would be upward yeah I would be upward it don’t jum don’t nope I’m actually not sure what I was trying to do okay is that guy lagging where am I no I’m not lagging I am living in the Nile okay let me come on just rush down dude or or build like that anyways good how about you I am good as well thanks for asking Mr mustach he has 12 hp that’s like three hits I think and he’s dead two if it’s crits but that’s probably not going to happen can’t stand he’s just going to knock me off are you German by the way I’m not no I am not what why do you why do you have if you say I sound German you you would be the wait what happened to my sword hold on what what is blue skin I don’t know okay I saw eh actually I think that’s the first time people say a sound German I heard Russian I heard British I heard a lot of stuff honestly American even first time her German for some reason that that should have gone should have I feel like German should have been like uper on that list I mean I feel like I saw more German having more German accent and I have a Russian one but I don’t know ex that’s what I’m saying right I don’t know what people get Russian from okay what is this guy he’s a penguin all right got it now I know right I don’t sound Russian American or I know but people thinking from those countries right and I’m not I’m not especially not America where actually from then I’m from Sweden so it’s understandable I might sound a bit German it is understandable since I it’s not I don’t know not sure okay I’m going to be honest not sure how close the Swedish and German accents are to each other but yeah I feel like it’s closer than at least Russian I feel like America all right Mr mustache that is nice to know how many guns do you f me own I’m kidding I’m kidding that’s probably the information that I do not need get over here I maybe use that justest I’m gone I’m actually gone because I’m dead okay all right then I’m Asian are you from okay I’m going to make an guess here M mainly because that’s some YouTube statistic show stuff uh for some reason my channels my Channel at least no not twitch okay never mind I have no guess them uh usually my on the streams on YouTube it’s usually people from India because uh I don’t know it’s just how YouTube has it I don’t know most of my viewers are that is from Asia in on YouTube streams uh is so I was going to guess you’re from India but I’m I don’t think that transer over to Twitch streams so I have no idea where you’re from actually and okay thank finals I am going to go completely destroyed her I own Four Guns of course uh boarding country is your country bard in India Share Board of India there is not helping much uh is it h is okay I’m just going to make the normal guesses real quick is it it’s not are you from China Nepal Bangladesh or Pakistan that’s like all the neighboring countries right I think I don’t know that might not okay this guy is going to make B no matter what I do so let’s head back look back welcome puno pal pains welcome puno welcome back to the welcome back to the YouTube stream how you doing man nice see here we’re going to rock around the clock tonight that’s a great thing I’m going to steal that uh you could guess uh I’m going to guess it’s not okay statistically it would makes more sense to guess for sh I know that that’s like has a high population right but at the same time I’m just going to guess Nepal all right I’m going to guess Nepal probably correct but hey you got to make some incorrect you got to say incorrect stuff to say for someone to say correct stuff right so I’m saying incorrect stuff neala is the only one with a l po exactly that’s why I’m saying it I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know see theal it seems like he have some facts about it at least I don’t know back all right checks out that that would have been my second guess I don’t think I would have guessed for Bangladesh anytime soon okay this guy is very good at that I I don’t want to mention this fun not po I do remember that f know I do remember I messed up your name once I messed up your name once puno you don’t have to remind me of it all right dud I I feel like I want to travel to Pakistan at some point I have a classmate this from Pakistan I’m like H they talk like all this great stuff about I’m H who knows it’s vacation when I have time or money who knows who knows anyways PE stop spamming emotes says nightbot Mr mustache go emotes all right many people are in the party now I think three people right yep all right let’s do three then hope everyone’s fine with that I inferior shat you know why in the twitch and YouTube chat that doesn’t make sense dude I mean fair enough it helps out so thank you very much part of sh thanks for following actual glish I appreciate much okay hello Peter Griffin that is a that is a smirk if I ever seen one I’m number one player all right I believe that we’ll beat him up it’s know who know YouTube chat switch here to annoy again I don’t know dude you kind of what is it you’re kind of helping out the [ __ ] that you say he’s in fear though and also that typing that CH makes you in fear because typing there dude you logic is bit flawed that I said that much but I did not bring a pick I should have brought pickax shouldn’t I answer is yes I should very much have brought pickax keep don’t to beat him up no I went so well oh yeah ripip I I think we can do it again though I think we can do it again I don’t think it’s going to be too much of a problem I’m going to buy wood and put it on the bed though cuz I realize we don’t have a bed offense yet um do this is way better for stream I mean yeah but I I kind of trying to stream on YouTube as much as I can as well that’s why I multi stream YouTube is good for yeah but the thing is when I do videos I usually do 10 minutes videos and I don’t get much View new hours on them because I get like 200 or 300 views on them sure that’s a quite a lot but not enough to get like uh the thing what’s it’s called I don’t know what it’s called even I’m Dum whatever five five kills yep but is harder yeah so was I don’t even know what it’s called on YouTube God damn it iot I lost my train of thought whatever we we will think about that on I’m also cow fair enough stop spamming emotes I’m guessing no 20 20 messages okay I feel like I should stop having nightbot why did they just muted Mr mustache for six SS okay how someone know how to turn off nightbot because holy damn not okay okay I’ll I’ll fix that after I kill this guyone help me kill this guy okay it said slash unmute I am very much a not playing at the moment because I’m trying to solve this damn issue that nightbot created for me okay well I’ll fix it soon so I kill this guy okay H okay I’m dead now anyways okay now Mr M should not be muted anymore why did okay is there a way to take B away is that a way way to take away perms from nightbot because that seems mess up dude that might just be me I don’t know ah goddamn nightbot oh my God okay I feel like I should demote nightbot somehow H I’ll figure that out soon um I got one of them got one of them attack no okay well second try I guess all right now everything should work and I’m sorry for being FK guys I had to solve a goddamn bot issue okay sorry I’ll take the blame on this one okay kill this guy you be gone okay well this could still work out fine okay well nightbot is no longer mod because apparently that is set up wrong and not sure what that is but whatever nightbot under what do you mean what’s P out what is it I do not okay I do not want to be on the bridge for says under no I’m moving away and running away running away all right okay let one mhm okay well keep all right they’re fine okay now I can read the sh uh they for for emotes and having CS this is why I banned them from my shat yeah that seems correct yep I do not know I feel like you I think you can turn off that from nightbot but I haven’t done is I haven’t done it yet if that’s the case I’ll have to check into it welcome flame over on YouTube how you doing today man hello I’m running off crappy hot spot because I’m traveling Oh yeah right but traveling is nice though usually that’s to unless it’s to Mount Everest and I heard it can be a bit a bit of a pain or hassle at least but were you traveling flame I I don’t think you told me for I I don’t know at least I do not remember okay well that’s a shame yep yep yep it’s better than twitch for me why is there like a war going on between twitch and YouTube chats okay more it’s a one-sided War but still YouTube chat is just not Time fact this two chats delete all my message if if it gets me cake I cursey nightbot yep yep that seem yep nightbot is weird you shouldn’t be for timeout though they shouldn’t take away Mage if it was a ban yes they should but if it was a I might know H I don’t know which H rates dude do we all we just got carried there is no way rip you did car though so well played well played yeah I agree okay this time hopefully there’s not going be any issues that I can actually play to my bu extent instead which far superior in streaming and then they say l listen saying L is a really weird in my opinion people say when they win people say when they lose never sure what they’re doing but yeah we’re having yeah my sister is blasting Audi book why okay who is why would someone blast an Audi book why neighborhood of headphones I’m kidding ttch chat as well yeah yeah that’s so fun when players the L yeah especially when they lose I don’t not sure I don’t see what their point is in that case it’s kind of annoying I ignore him it’s a Lea right not really the biggest deals most of the time at least most of the time is planning through the car okay why do you need car speakers for Audi book you know put me on the a speakers I’m kidding no don’t do that don’t don’t do that that’s a bad idea that’s a bad idea idea that’s bad don’t don’t put me on the car speakers that I will say I say bad stuff I will say bad stuff you’re weirdos welcome Mr mustache to the YouTube stream welcome over here this is a weird place as well uh let’s put those in there I’m dying my food sour is G has does that even count as a food source though does that even count as a food source I’m pretty sure gummy berries is not a I don’t think it counts I think I think you at least need something good out of food source but I don’t know sounds delicious I mean that that got to be someone’s dream right someone’s dream got to be a life supply of gummy beares to live out of right I think so at least oh you expecting to ladder clutch n that ain’t happening I did it let’s just go with that I did it I did not do it by the way to me it does prob enough mine let let’s get armor real quick I feel like that’s a good investment and also let’s put a goddamn B defense on this bed because it’s currently wide open and it’s pink for some reason I’m not I’m not sure why red team Oho so bad yeah that’s a it usually is a I I can’t relate anymore but I could relate in the past so I know the pain at least my life wish is a life supply of Mike and ie what is Mike and I I don’t even know what that is why can I not Place BLX here well I guess that’s a bit lower ah God damn it gummy worms gummy bears there’s a gummy of swort of okay well I guess I learned something new today this I learn I can’t even Block in yeah same but that was more my side was more of a skill issue than actual lag so so yeah and let’s place the golden okay well it’s a bit Troublesome today I guess but we have to go do it I guess justess hold them off I guess go for Mid instead this might be a better idea the stream is playing at oh no yeah that is not a good thing 480p is not a good thing to to watch that it’s usually more pixelated than I don’t know pixel art most times oops you get off the edge I was going to say thank you but you had just had to cross trop trouble for us both okay or for me technically since I was the only victim there but whatever thank you all right let’s just get TNT I cannot get TNT because it’s expensive ah God damn it it’s a crappy Hot Spot yeah that’s about that’s about how it goes isn’t it I used to live okay what I was about to say I used to live on hot spot that is an incorrect sement I used to use hot spot for my PC because my Wi-Fi did not reach into my room so if I wanted Wi-Fi I had to simply just H turn on the hot spots break it break it break it break that’s that might have been my fault I’m going to be honest that is w 100% my fault okay welcome PL to YouTube stream how you doing man nice to see you back here it’s been a while maybe like a few days oh God leg indeed H yeah we’re GNA ban that dude no thank you I do not and I’m getting killed currently and I think that’s the correct one whatever don’t click on those links it’s a bad idea I’m I’m alive I’m alive all right fantastic I’m alive and doing fantastic these guys are alive as well I was about to change that but no that did not go well welcome cloudy as well to the stream how you doing today man we do have a Discord link set up now on Twitch at least not sure if it’s set up on on send link what link which link where I don’t have the twitch link I’m going to be honest I do not have the twitch link on me I do not know to get it either is my friend and he wanted to join I mean I think that was in the right yeah I’m not I’m not sure what’s going on it took 20 second from my load on screen yeah that’s that’s a bad internet can be back later absolutely like back five times all right that yeah that understand you can be back later hope hope it solds itself and hope you hope to see you later on hope to see you later on okay I thought I thought it was the same Cloud as there was in the twitch stream but I guess it’s not okay oh well uh that’s okay well hello there okay hello there and goodbye there I guess oh well I’m s same cloudy oh you changed username okay oh well all right then I see uh I’m currently watching this live from m you’re watching okay you’re watching a live stream of Minecraft or Minecraft M FL yeah this is truly the future okay it is some VR stuff I guess I don’t know that’s not VR what am I saying even though no I’m not sure what I’m saying he well telebridge quick I don’t I ain’t no I’m not going to Tele brid because you know why because I would fail and die all right I ain’t tting I am actually just falling through the void that’s um that’s what I’m doing actually okay all the faith I think this guy’s actually not even playing anymore I double dare to try tele bridge I have my volume so high why do you have your volume high is it because your sibling is blasting audiobooks it’s just me that has never listened to an Audi book in my entire life by the way to be fair I have only read like three books no wait I’ve read five books yeah I read five books in my entire life I am not very much of a reader if you couldn’t tell I have read some weird books I got forced to in school and then I have read okay I read another book as well to be fair I think about it actually I might have read more books than I thought i’ have okay whatever I cannot count how many books I read I don’t think about it’s whatever do the SMP uh maybe [Music] maybe maybe anyways yes I’m watching a Minecraft stream on Minecraft fantastic FL that seems awesome that seems awesome this gu is running for his life at the moment he’s running and my stream delay at 30 seconds my bad can you set stream delay on yourself that doesn’t seem anyways if it helps don’t kill your pets I’m so unsure what your name is in the Discord I will all right fastic oh well I cannot make that jump got it got it orange all right yep that checks out that shcks out of course Al a flame is oh well oh well anyways uh rip rip I know yeah rip rip all right we’re four people yeah I remember we’re four people now so let’s just do this instead all right anyways I do not have anything fun to talk about honestly I should probably find like a topic that I can talk for like at some point in every stream and I get like r L of stuff to talk about when I get bored only I don’t know I maybe I should do something like that just for like so I’m not I don’t say they’re quiet but I don’t know I don’t know give me topics guys what should I talk about except killing pets I am proficient that already so I do nothing to talk about it okay we’re going to look the other way uh okay well you play on this SMP you learn to throw away Ming gu um I mean fair enough I guess maybe I don’t know I’m going to be honest I have not play okay that’s a lie I have played a lot B Shi from piece and I killed a bunch of pets as well not sure why that’s such a popular thing to do for some reason but yeah well that guy is gone okay well I’m almost gone H it’s all right well that that was my mess up okay oh my God still that name is very weird to me welcome okay I’m going to mispronounce your name I am sorry for it but I am not good at pronouncing names so so in advance uh har har anyways welcome to the stream how you doing today and I hope you to stay here no matter long or short it may be anyways don’t think about what that guy named flame is saying at the moment don’t think about it hary hary yeah I’m not sure how to pronounce names anyways is this guy still a bed that’s good it’s yeah har has has oh there’s three people in now I’m walking backwards a bit okay all right well that’s great to hear I did not Mis pronoun completely run list that would been bad all right [Music] no not to correct yeah out correct is the probably the biggest up on except if it’s in the map atts it’s pretty not map I’m saying spell exams that’s pretty nice ni works oh oh well oh well okay sorry take those sorry sorry sorry is someone dying oh yes oh red is sping someone got someone’s yes someone was indeed dying that’s a shame plus one gu trip that did did happen it did happen yeah oh this guy’s had a trap setup okay well well that’s a shame that’s a shame I’m alive okay stop lagging back though that that’s not really I’m still alive no I play Minecraft bedwar I play a a lot of Roblox bedwars but I will watch the stream that is very nice still very nice I actually try I think I tried out I think I tried I like I played maybe Roblox bedw Wars twice or something like that and I was I think I was horrendous at it I never understood it but yeah it’s very nice for you still to watch I appreciate View use a lot team he’s team jumping he’s no where where did he he died he he’s dead okay I’m leaving I need entertaining can BR entertaining wow what am I upet is kind of like bedrock with building I I I saw okay I’m dead I don’t know I I saw like people I don’t know how they I don’t know I learned after I play there’s like special things you could do I don’t know I don’t know how it works you can build you can build you can just build oh oh yeah that’s a that’s a that’s a good thing to know that’s a very good thing to know all right lesson learned okay uh job for you you have a job for nightmare Al say welcome nightmare you doing today I assume you’re not saying since say hi and bu ouch that hurt a lot fire firewalls are not very nice except if I’m the user of course we bully that guy anyways oh hello there’s six diamonds well that’s more net worth than I okay they had another trap they had a second trap that’s a shame why is there so many traps it nice job okay kill them now kill them all all right sorry take some stuff take some stuff all right anyways uh car right now well the only reason I’m not playing Minecrafts is I play on laptop and I account run M Minecraft and then I don’t like like on Console yeah that is fair enough honestly I I used to I started off with Minecraft right and then I played eventually I started playing on my friend’s Xbox because we got an Xbox class like 2017 2016 or whatever I don’t know what year it was but we got that so I was like yeah I can play on this instead of my mom’s computer so that’s what I did for a while and then I eventually my own computer so now I’m playing on here instead it’s play a lot of Roblox though other games than uh Bed Wars though I don’t even know how if Roblox uh beds is a thing a few years ago not sure all this oh that’s a shame who’s still alive it’s me okay am I doing I’m winning all right that’s what I’m doing anyways team on Discord what you can get mouse and keyboard and connect it to counil yeah but I think they mean maybe Bedrock though right maybe I don’t know what do you mean this SC nightmare got check this score what above Stone below what do you mean oh well all right right I think shark attack that is fair enough we’re also not going to play Force since we’re only three people he attack you H if problem I I know I can do that but I don’t have the money for keyboard yeah that is a that is a TR that’s a problem isn’t it I send you some I mean just send it to him on Discord aren’t you both in the Discord I think you I think you’re both in the Discord in the same Discord so you know I think you’re both in my Discord so yeah Roo bed entertaining enough to not get bored I mean yeah right it it is bedw war is in thing but so is most games as long as you like are what’s it called if you like intrigued or like a game it usually is end up being entertaining so yeah unless you play it extremely much then you can get a bit boring isn’t it I it’s like I play on a sixy old MacBook yeah I don’t know as long as you enjoy yourself I feel like it doesn’t matter if you good or not right I’m not the best at this game been proven multiple times but I still enjoy it so that’s well that’s why I play it right if I didn’t enjoy the game I wouldn’t play it sure I might not be the some sort of uh Prodigy at this game but I Le I’m good enough to not be mad at it all the time at least but yeah got leg she oh right Discord check why why do I need to check Discord what are you guys sending over there I don’t I’m scared I’m not I’m not opening Discord nope no it still runs good but it’s kind of just lagging sometimes like I can’t run that not a problem yeah I mean to be fair though uh what’s it called Electronics get all worse and worse the more you use them so I mean it kind of makes sense on six six-year-old macb book is not at its prime yeah but you’re both flame and Nightmare you’re both in the same distance you send it to each other you’re both you’re both in the Discord I’m not sure why I got to why I got to have it yeah I know I know nightmare but you’re both in the same Discord you’re both in my Discord aren’t you so so you can send it to other oh blame is not in Discord I am a bit of a I’m bit stupid here okay okay I’ll do it soon welcome I’m going to mispronounce your name I’m sorry advance but welcome AB Abrahim Sultan welcome to the stream how you doing today and hope you will enjoy your stay here no how long or short it may be anyways let’s move on I will check Discord okay take it easy guys all right anyways let’s buy this and let’s get these for no reason then I guess want the eggs okay listen I feel like the this item is pretty how how can you say it uh how can say it it’s pretty underrated I guess I mean yeah that’s how it God damn diam I sh flame to be fair you changed your name multiple times it’s kind of difficult to know who who you are dude if we’re going to be honest about dementia you’re not helping out the Dementia by changing your username over and over again no going to sa movement that egg did not help much okay I told you I know all right I’ll do it soon I’m not a big YouTube guy I barely upload I mean yeah same at the moment I used to upload like almost every single day and then I was like hm you know streaming seems cool I think I took the entire gen Sor right so I just do streaming at the moment I will start uploading some videos again but it’s not going to be like the same used to so yep I told you who I I know who you are now of I know I know I know trust me is my teammate that that’s not my team it is it no stop blocking my I’m I’m mad okay whatever all right then all right then that could have gone better do I not I don’t even have a why am I rush I don’t even have a pickaxe why am I rushing okay why am I rushing okay well give him my gold since I the Pi like all the bed six times oh yeah you got to love High pixel lag sometimes don’t you no I don’t know I do not really when it laggy it is very laggy that’s a bad thing about Hypixel if it lags it lags okay that’s a bit of a sad part but yeah leave me alone they did not in fact not leave me alone by the way they absolutely stabbed me in that corner okay you’ve been in that car for four and a half oh hold on what what is my spotting on attacker it is I I completely turn around anyways what should replay all right I will no no no don’t break that don’t think about your actions it’s fine where are you guys driving 4 and a half hour if I drove for that long I think I would be out of the counter at this point let s down I don’t think we live in the same count so you know 8 Hour oh my get sleep dude just just just’s take a minute look out the window and sleep okay it’s it’s the best option okay that’s my go-to option when I’m in a car sure it’s going to be horrendous when I get my driver’s license I’m like okay I’m I need to drive for like 10 hours I just take a quick sleep sleep break you know that’s not going to end up well I’m probably going to end up in a ditch or something so yeah that’s going to be perfect we won all right have to drive 56 hours tomorrow it’s going to what are you guys driving I know you said you’re on vacation flame but 8 hours I missed someone’s friend request I’m sorry watch replay all right we we can do quick we can just quickly you know it’s 12 minute okay do you know what time is at least all right we’re going to check this out have a short for my lap so can play all the way there that is that seems nice you is laging players there y that’s a shame that’s high pixel lag for you that’s that’s the wrong thing my screen pleas yeah that’s the thing right it’s on your screen and Hypixel it’s not rendering it for some reason anyways H high pie is weird I look uh I’m going to be honest my mom is driving because one it’s 8 hour drive and two it’s a family trip nice I found Roblox account mine all right I have one of those I have multiple Roblox accounts I have my old one and I have my same username it’s me now that’s how I’m typing hey that’s how you typing I can see that I can indeed see that you found one of them yeah you’re not can find the second one you’re not going to find the second one because I was one of those weird guys that I I put my real name as my username so good luck finding my other accounts that ain’t going to happen trust me on it this remember yeah I will easy yeah good luck with that good luck with it we will see no we will not we shall not anyways I’m going to St hey why is this bed two colors it’s pulling a Michel Michael ackon anyways why are my jokes so bad okay yeah moving on from that I I’m ashamed with my Yoles here okay anyways am I going to rush somewhere no the hell is wrong with my humor something anyways I’m just going to ignore that let ignore my humor right and M thing already die you know what you get death there we go I I desperate need the golden apples let’s go trap shck this I will take it easy I’m mid game how game play you can’t even download that right now anyways right rip like about it we don’t talk about it it’s fine I don’t even know what you’re I don’t even know what you’re referencing you know oh this guy’s beating me up no okay that’s a shame compar we we’re kind of winning so we are kind of winning is that a guess that a username I think that’s one of my friends though on like one of the accounts I don’t know I think that might be one of my friends on the account but it’s not my name do you think that’s my real name it’s not it is not if there is a GU either you’re guessing or you slammed your fist at keyboard it’s very difficult to know like I will check this all right I I I think the teammates got wait hold on we can sh one Fireball right there it’s going to help out someone okay I’m checking Discord after like multiple requests now welcome Cloud sun to the Discord all right then I’m putting it in the description so you know so it’s now in the description of the stream forever hope that works anyway bye goodbye nightmare have a good one thanks for joining the stream dude thanks for joining the stream fireb I’m alive yay anyways I don’t help oh oh oh hold on there’s a bunch of them um nah I want a golden apple I want a golden apple Alex sander no no I am not I’m my name is not Alexander no nope my is this this Rand is that a random guest now or what where do you get Alexander from you got that one I don’t feel like stealing that kill maybe okay I will ah we’re alive give me a clue I why would I give you a clue that doesn’t even make sense no I’m not giving you a clue to my name through the one that was yeah sorry sorry that might have been my bad I saw someone I want to kill him okay sorry my bad want the clue that n doesn’t really seem like a convincing argument a sh a shield nope ain’t happening ain’t happening not I don’t see why I would a clue that could get me doged okay there a lot of people on the internet that is very mad at me for undisclosed reason reasons but what let’s let’s not get into that but but is that a name I’m saying is that a name Lucas no I I know a guy named Lucas though he’s from America and he’s a it’s a bit of a weirdo he is living in the Nile though he say not from America but but he is and no who do you think I am some Andrew Tate stand no I’m not called Andrew no increase my why would you increase your sensitivity oh okay that makes sense let’s get a pickax going around here we can actually break things and let’s go to Red because they’re rushing let’s hurry up okay to be fair it did stop at Diamond again but you you never know you never know this guy is going upwards I do not like his intentions they look demonic so let’s just throw him up the edge he lives and he’s dead to wa wait that that was not a final you’re going have broken that bit sooner dude get him get him get him get him or not maybe maybe not get him I’m just going to hide him all right let’s go that was well that went I have to go by all right goodbye thanks for joining the stream I appreciate hope to see you in the near future and have a good one got five block get five blocks yell sweaty yeah we could we could have good I think we could have guessed that yeah we could have guessed that um let’s pre gap for once I guess okay that this not going to work out is it yeah no not working out the way it’s intended yellow is weird yeah a bit weird but we’re all B players so we’re all kind of like aren’t we in that way let’s get a let’s get a better pickaxe and I don’t know is weirder yeah I’m not I’m not going to say anything against this I do not all right so let’s give this one more shot I’m not that you know one more shot I’m not American I will only give it one more shot that’s a lie but I would I would try this until I win what are you doing H you’re dead Okay you’re not doing much you’re actually lying and sleeping got it okay all right he died oh how tragic how tragic how did this happen my sword that’s how it happened void n why are we getting attacked should I also void why would we void why why do we need to void I don’t I don’t get it oh this might have been white skill thank you very much he went back to GRE yeah okay fair enough fair enough really anyway I’m kidding let’s buy a trap just in case why not and let’s get ourselves some bries I have i i i s is in is inv this oh no that might yeah might he died okay we win anyways what no what yeah exactly what I I don’t even want to know do not even want to know y the pack work how do you test the pack if you if you’re on if you if you’re in a car how do how do you do that flame how do you test the pack in a car well you better say thank you to nightmare next time you see him or typ with him I don’t know anyways I’m fish what does that matter oh well we can make a bridge someone bring someone bring tools cuz we probably need it but do you have a computer with you do do you have like a laptop with you n or what no not looking all better he you’re welcome r welcome back it’s been a while welcome back I don’t remember how I said your name I think I said Ralia or something welcome back that’s probably correct but welcome back it’s been a while nice to see you it’s been a while welcome back I told you this I’m I oh right yeah my bad you’re an iPad now I remember I guess I’ll put down a bit of instant do that someone put a ladder I’m going to use it how how are you doing Ralia it’s been a while it’s been a while nice to see you back this is they killed this these guys okay good job guys I did absolutely nothing but I’m going to clim some iron for some reason hopefully I also got the generator uh didn’t I am sorry lag right now is crazy yeah that’s how I feel for it what what is the time yeah it’s like half seven for me at least probably not for everyone of course but yeah happy so for some reason likes to be laggy sometimes on the day not sure why but it’s just how it is okay so red and blue is still F I went to my cousins well that is nice that must was it okay was it nice that’s a good good thing to ask I don’t I don’t know because I don’t have cousins what oh right we’re not blue we’re not blue now I remember okay good thing to remember if you’re trying to kill another team is that fact you’re not on their team good thing to remember sometimes uh let’s throw this stuff in Mr Mr Fish was kicked for AFK oh well I’m sick well damn a lot of people seem to be sick these days I’m also slightly sick but it’s not like not like I’m dying you know but I’m slightly sick which is horrendous because it’s summer feel so bad to be sick in the summer for some reason but it is what it is can’t really do much about put up they put down water I can’t rejoin you can’t do you get did you back it’s not really Smo I think you might be back now not sure though there we go I think we killed the entire red team that’s pretty nice no you’re alive goodbye was frozen after oh wow ah why High pixel okay well we will just have to do this real quick then I need to go to lagy can even move okay fine up thanks for the games hope you have a good one and yeah hope to see you at some point in the near future I’m going to try to K kill these guys hold on don’t need my bed left what am I doing guys goodbye cloudy good one this guy’s blow up himself no he’s a boow and he said oh that’s a shame ouch okay you all right I got to go all right thanks for games glish I appreciate you being here and watching the stream as well hope you have a good one and hope to see you at some point in the near future uh yeah have a good one and you luck with your internet dude uh welcome core welcome to the twitch stream how you doing today uh hope you’re stay are you the same core that was in the private games yesterday is that you no what was his name yeah okay yeah it was you all right that’s what I thought okay welcome welcome I wait we have five wins to that’s nice that’s pretty neat all right let’s lose it in Solo game what is my where’s my fire ah it’s not even four anymore I am bad at this okay yeah welcome are you doing today cor welcome back to the doing privates uh not at the moment currently I’m just playing normal since we don’t have enough people private so yeah currently it’s just normal games we just finished up some uh threes but unfortunately both the guys lagged a lot so have to leave sadly SL R oh hold on my quests where do I find Dawn expresso can I slide in as the four where I’m a solo right now so you can just join as the second play he’s going to find Don espresso somewhere he’s going to sell me coffee or something I don’t know where could what could Don espresso be hold on Wall-E all right Quest complete did I earn it from that no no all right well that sucked I got leveled all right I earned something from that sick all right where is this I don’t think he’s got anything to say to me okay I don’t gamble your DN your had F really fell off anyways fatigued fell off I I feel you man I feel you all right well seems like this is a it’s boring server got one Quest finish it instantly yep shakes out block of Mega wall obsidian what is that that like a wind effect or something you will check this out could have snow golem as the as the shopkeep for some reason uh if I want that for some reason as I said who who the heck is bow and we and egg okay I know but that is no idea what I’m doing here yeah but how do I take the Spar okay do I not have like a okay how could I take the spark plug out of this thing that’s where about where I gave up all right anyways I’m not finding out where to do that anytime soon I feel like Desert Door enactor Door space door garage door maybe or maybe not okay well that’s a shame now well anyways uh joing core or should could I play a game between while waiting you know what let’s play some Sky Wars while waiting okay let’s get absolutely destroyed by hackers right game all right I’m just going play some sky in the meantime can’t wait to get jumped by like 10 haers can’t wait anyways why have the default kit on okay well that’s a shame that’s a shame isn’t it snowball that was not meant to be PR not mean to throw that snowball did I off the edge before you the kill thing okay get over here I’m on 2 Hp you can’t live on that you can but still no no why am I standing nextra Edge why am why what am I doing oh well that’s typical isn’t it that’s typ difficult that wasn’t even a hacker was just a good decent person with some some mind B his B I don’t know ouch let’s look at a hacker I guess anyways okay I still not select a better kit than the default one fantastic why would I need the better kit maybe because it’s it’s not good anyways we got like enough stuff to do something this at is do we not get out I don’t think we got I don’t think we got a fishing R and I’m dead okay got it got it did I see a dream stand in my eyes I not not sure I saw [Music] anyways H level eight guy that’s wor some all right wait k how this okay screw this no that’s even the wrong slot slightly better I don’t know Diamond SW just looks better right it’s not okay now this one is better that one is inde better okay there’s nothing I can say against it nothing I can say that is against that okay well oh thank you very much I’m alive that gu run while Shing his bone that is worsome I would say we’re fine okay we’re not we’re not okay ouch stop shooting at me I’m Str to live here it is a dream stand wow I thought these guys were extinct the last of is C he that not okay I’m fine give me your boots and helmet or kill me that also works out okay I change my name to my profile picture all right well that’s brilliant I’m still guessing your flame though hold on who is that I got to Boop them back hold on anyways got got to ask you know no idea what that is that up someone on my friend list hold on it’s not I was your Sky Wars okay and I’m bored fair enough fair enough anyways you doing normal or private and normal I’m just doing normal sky at the moment but I’m going to switch up going to switch up to bedwars is doing this while waiting for you core some flame I know I know still not change my kit for some reason I I am smart guys I promise let’s just go to the mid and let’s go and get some stuff is those chest oh those chests are open let’s not go there oh well okay well I let’s let’s the Bed Wars is the party full no it’s not we’re currently only we’re zero people at the moment we’re going to be two soon so we currently just doing normal games but yeah also welcome to the stream XB 2008 YT that’s an interesting name sounds like something El musk would name his kids but welcome that’s a bad joke I shouldn’t joke probably anyways welcome to the stream how you doing today and hope you really stay here no matter how long or short it may be we’re currently just doing normal games though since we’re not uh we’re not like eight people or five so yeah we’re currently nor normal games I know that’s something the title says but yeah that’s how we how we do it around here at least I’m just waiting for someone to finish it again game I’m just going to do let’s do du while we wait let’s do du while we wait feel like that’s a decent idea probably isn’t but yeah that’s a Miss isn’t it come on get over here D Petty bear join the polar beers and Beak Sy please I say it’s a shoing man okay it’s my us I know I was making a yoke that you know must names is kids Weir sorry if there wasn’t a clear yoke but yeah welcome anyhow what should I call you then if I shouldn’t call you that so I’m not sure what to call people ever I usually mispronounce names so it’s very difficult to me how to like know how to arrest people so yeah I just end up asking people what to call them or how to say their names even because as I said I mispronounce names most of the time ouch okay all right what how how’s your game going dude all right why do I recognize this guy one team left all right I played against this guy before I might have I actually might have I might have done that anyways thanks for following I appreciate it very much I appreciate it still not sure to call you so I’m just going to say thank you very much for following XB if that’s fine yeah thank you very much for following I appreciate it I’m not okay I think not see if it actually Che popped up on the screen should have popped up on the screen but sh the boss works but yeah thank you very much oh no it’s he’s a he’s no it’s not he doesn’t I thought I as Pro his name I was going to make fun of it go damn it and it’s going to beat me up he’s going to beat me up got it he’s going to beat me up okay he’s going to beat me up no welcome canis welcome to the stream how you doing today welcome back we lost the win streak whatever let’s do it again let’s do it again welcome back I’m good that is great to hear that’s great to hear hope it continues that way for you man you can invite all right hold on let me speed up this guy first or like I beat up by him as well sometimes it’s fun to play to 360s sure those more like an 180 but still go uh wait cool was it no what was it usern name now again I don’t think I have even a friend list do I I do not what’s your username cor with a s right there we go and Ken is also join welcome to the party let’s go and kill people because that’s normal stuff that’s normal stuff nowadays if so if like two people hanging out in the past right and they said let’s go and kill people for fun that would be very weird but nowadays we have games and for some reason both a lot of killing damn our generation is so messed up anyways let’s move on from that and let’s think about killing people instead um I don’t know what’s up today I’m making weird jokes that probably only I understand but yeah probably for the best let’s see now all right dream grow fantastic love this map not at all by the way this map is so typical getting rushed by from can’t talk record oh well that’s that’s sad okay uh are we three people even oh yeah we are welcome to the party the monian welcome welcome uh we’re currently getting beat up though so anyways welcome to the party how you doing today haven’t seen you type unless you’re like not not sure who you who you’d be anyways welcome anyhow um okay these guys continue rushing man I continue dying okay I’m following my grandfather’s footsteps anyways H the sad part is he would be proud of that joke he would find it funny anyways um he attack still probably probably it’s dream go after all let’s go up here all right so technically I can’t even do anything because I I have my bare fist to break blocks with but you know at least I can like stall them for a while maybe say maybe okay well yellow what is Tri plus two what how would they know how would they know I wish I was my math questions math math questions you know that would been nice but I I know it was like equa whatever at that final test man screwed me up for the rest of my life not at all for rest of like that day I was insult long for that damn F test if I’m going to be honest like a 5 minute disappointment honestly that was smart that was nicely done on him all right well at least we kill that guy sure Health left of that b but you know at least he’s dead at least he’s dead all right I see it positively probably should not see a man’s death positively but hey it’s bads after all and let’s walk up here then didn’t kill him ah them roots on the side save them I wasn’t rooting for that that with this humor I only need a kid to have like that humor but what yeah whatever and blue is also attacking us that’s pretty nice okay well that’s a shame um what was I saying about double rushing earlier yep that’s what happening that’s what’s going on how did he take no well my pure they has four HP left right it’s like one quit hit at Max yeah I miss disappointed myself at this point okay H yeah that might have been my fault might have most likly was kind of the same thing isn’t it um not sure I can play that horrendously but whatever it’s fine it’s a block game of own so who can we not die by is probably a better question and then who can we kill uh let’s no idea what to do here um yeah not go go go go go go it’s not it’s just a go no K yeah right he doesn’t take KB what am I saying what have I been saying this entire time he doesn’t take KB that guy no idea how it’s doing it it’s witchcraft 1% witchcraft um I’m just going rush in here what’s the worst can happen dying probably that’s probably on less as well okay well head back H I should probably predicted that not that could have gone better couldn’t it um why have people sent stuff no why why would why would Snapchat send me stuff no I don’t want that stuff you buy snapch chat I should probably delete that app my KS died all right rip what’s how does say have Obby I’m kidding that was a bad joke as well blue yeah I know h no it’s fine let’s not steal the Gen this time and like split it maybe there we go uh yeah the kid took no knockback I know that’s what I was saying the entire time I was fighting not the entire time but most of the time it felt like it did not take enough KB sure took slightly but not enough my KB stick you know what that could be a good idea oh thank you we this got this guy about he doesn’t seem to care he doesn’t seem to care all right do have a KB stick now not sure if that’s going to help or not but you know we’ll figure it out ouch anyways that guy is [Music] killing um maybe not that’s not that’s not RIS that every first now when I like scratched my face damn I’m getting a beard what am I doing with my life I’m getting a beard guys I’m getting old hit him off maybe oh no no kill him beat him up beat him up those blue guys is not really mine they’re not mine in like really still alive they don’t even care shark yeah that’s a good idea there a yellow guy though on the way somehow from this position yeah that that is blue Bas what are they doing there well did he get the diamonds in that case they’re going to be my I got four emeralds nope no no diamonds four emeralds though I guess is that something do this what happened to my emeralds didn’t no he’s probably got the me [Music] uhhuh maybe a sleeve or not it’s just going to we’re fine we’re fine it’s all fine wait that wasn’t is he’s still over there okay I got worded for a second all right another [Music] Fireball SK me yeah I don’t think blue my and this uh never mind they skipped as well okay well I don’t they don’t even seem to mind us or see us a threat or something I they keep skipping us which is pretty nice to be honest for us thank you thank you he does take less KB I feel like not not sure if this me or not but yeah I hear someone else now I’m being paranoid if you get in this uh three pick yellow can you get the bed yeah we got our diamond pickaxe though so it should [Music] be a blue loster bed okay oh hello there mhm yeah that’s sad that’s sad okay oh that’s sad isn’t it okay well a rip we all died God damn it want to play when I play welcome uh can I join you can absolutely join of course how how many people are now currently five people yeah you can Jo I’m going to do private games though so just so you know it’s uh onon live is the party going to own do you know how to what do I have to tell y yeah welcome to the stream how you doing today and yeah hope you’re to stay no matter how long or short it may be what’s your name uh onon live it’s the same as on Twitch exactly the same I think you can’t even copy paste the name honestly maybe I guess that’s you we do three three we can do the this one and then it’s three people in each team that would work that’s little bit slump though or not I don’t know I don’t know honestly you could choose teams okay well I’m going to select that team then three in each team guys yeah it’s probably Fair most likely Fair hopefully the team realize we want to have yeah there we go all right there we go welcome spyer how you doing dude welcome back it’s been a while it’s been a while welcome to YouTube YouTube stream I mean welcome back how you doing man I can I not shop I can’t shop now fantastic for a few seconds I could not use the shop but whatever whatever yep how you doing welcome back great to have you you were the one that the all the like shpd stores I think right if I remember correctly missed the a well played a good fight I mean miss those that’s a shame he has shears okay well this man has shears mean you can like destroy the batt in like a few seconds if given this a chance uh maybe someone should put on more on that that bad honestly um if I’m going to be honest here uh I’m doing good that’s great to hear spyer that’s great to hear yeah we have endstone all right that’s going to be a pain to break through uh we do it though okay that was not going to work in a million years but you know what wor shot thank you for sharing the J all right um not thank for building on the bed as well thank you much there we go I have slightly all right you know that that would be the bense that might be better than the W you know you know anyway okay yeah here they come here they come H oh in this I see I saw that in this player they’re probably going to break the battle unfortunately but yeah timing yeah the timing is a it’s a pain sometimes buy you sword dude or not ouch okay uhhuh okay where is okay core I know cor is that I’m not where hits missed on what do you mean I’m just I’m just using slightly Vape Cline it’s fine any I am not for that matter I am not I’m just GL not sure okay where is I have no idea where shirtles is where are they are they also over there I am so unsure where they’re at okay well time to get a tracker tracker never fail unless when you do then you cannot fail oh oh well crap oh well crap uh all right that could have gone worse honestly that confirms all right well played though well played I did not see them pass by but yeah well why did I buy golden F I want the armor come on what am I thinking about here I need armor God damn it okay now we can get armor let’s P all that stuff we don’t need that not sure when I would have used for like a like one hello there core all right then core you better get back here core yeah yeah get back here no running good game all right welcome at not sh to say that but t t MC welcome to the stream how you doing today and hope you your stay no matter long or short the B how you how are you I am doing good and maybe you’re talking to spyer not sure but anyways welcome spyer welcome to Twitch stream as well nice good nice today actually nice nice nice hold on how many people reported we’re fine let’s do some solo games both all right all right nice nice nice nice all right I did it oh yeah you’re are new here all right I’m still like not used to seeing like the new chat message or whatever from twitch since YouTube doesn’t have it it’s pretty it’s pretty nifty though since now can you know when people are new or not so by the way I follow you on Twitch thank you much by wait when did you get it’s kind of sick though we got like I don’t know how long we stream okay I’m going actually check that now how long we done twitch now we started off doing twitch like one month ago all right about one month ago okay 21 days but still pretty nice pretty nice thanks for following T I appreciate very much I appreciate very much not sure if I’m saying your name correct you can feel free to correct me if I am saying it incorrectly uh thank you much I appreciate it it helps out a lot you’re welcome thank you all right uh who is that who’s a great team all right may call me Mia that’s easier all right Mia all right all right then Mia am I saying that correctly I have a tendance to mispronounce names all right it’s not it’s not my strong suit okay saying names not the best I’m not the best at that say hello there ouch okay good fight though good fight yes all right I did not buy an axe ouch I’m not trying to spectate for 10 minutes did you did you die instantly ah rip rip G is Rip that’s a shame that’s the bit of a sad part with private games that they continue in a while even though like some people die instantly oh well speak of dying instantly here I go of course it was core yeah that checks out okay that was a close one that was a close one uh did not mean to buy that one that was a misclick on my part okay well that’s a shame that’s a shame all right my dinner’s ready be right back all right see you soon have a good dinner Goodner well I have a sword now not sure not sure if I’m going to to use it but yeah we’ll figure it out soon enough uh let’s maybe get at least some trash armor I don’t know [Music] time zones you know uh can there a lot of diom out there you know for me for example it’s only it’s only seven so I mean pretty much different there isn’t it oh okay almost jumped off the edge most kill what do you mean you will most lik kill what what do you mean by that Gore whoa whoa whoa calm down what do you mean by that can I get like three more gold maybe would be very much appreciated I would say like before he arrives he’s already here I’ve been screwed over by the generator okay okay okay God damn it all right core Maran and yep see I’m saying a huge lagay in twitch makes me want to go back to YouTube chat I mean spyer I appreciate more on YouTube honestly if you don’t mind show every on you right so since uh YouTube is the one I meain or whatever I don’t know twitch is basically just someone said you should try M stream I was like huh might as well click on that and yeah I did and you know I would say multi works pretty fine pretty nice pretty damn nice let’s check out this fight okay they both have bed slps oh I don’t think cor is going to have his bed left much longer wa is it what okay interesting I put my Max F at 120 because the motion blur on 12 FPS is nice really do FPS I have I don’t think I have motion blur on okay I think there is motion BL though H whatever I feel lag pixel exactly it’s a lag pixel I don’t mean High pixel this is lag pixel it’s just how it goes it’s just how it goes holy we’re five Subs Away by the way on YouTube we’re five Subs away from uh 1K and 200 that’s pretty nice let’s check that up going SP to the party brain what you see a sound or something what do mean brain whatever exactly I was spamming what not sure if that’s how it works but whatever I don’t I don’t think core teams honestly I do not think core is the biggest teamer okay not think that his I don’t think that’s what it’s going for here sadly not youby canis thanks for playing guess you got four of waiting oh that that isn’t core that is someone oh you could consider me teaming but if it’s teaming with everyone does it count I mean depending on would you help one person in the fight when there’s two of them fighting in that game you Bing side you’re teaming I don’t know the a teaming in our private games is completely fine in my opinion I do not mind that at all not me against I I don’t think you get I don’t think you can get punished for that because a lot of people have teed in this these priv games and no one got banned for it except the hacking now some people did get banned for that sadly yeah it is what it is I guess anyways hle off anyways so we still got core left with our bed and we got see WI a bed yeah there we go I cannot say that name for $5 not no idea to say that name but yeah it is what it is um what B is that all right right better they put on extra okay now I see now I see why does Bro think I’m cheating in I don’t think I don’t think you’re cheating I miss I said cheating because uh what is it called we had hackers in the private games in the past and they did get banned for it I was talking about the fact that I don’t think you get banned for teaming H in Pate games but I think you get bad for hacking because people get banned for hacking in the past that’s what I saying I don’t think you’re cheating I think you’re just good at game honestly that checks out oh the cor guy thinks are cheating really oh when it said toggle off I think he might have meant the fact you might have sneak toggle or something no idea yeah y cor might think you’re cheating okay maybe he does hello sper are you m than Hypixel or something by the way says you tped it there not in in the game you’re perhaps muted or something isn’t oh that’s a score base okay wait hold on where’s a gray base yes I muted all right fair enough a lot of people are muted High pixel for some reason I wonder why wait core has a bed left oh wait I got this completely wrong core still has a bed but greatest not uh Spider you can get banned in priv games for hacking yes it has happen hackers before sadly they were very shell people though so it’s kind of sad they got banned but yeah anti- sheet exists still and caught up and stuff so yeah you can absolutely still get banned in private Gibs in in case of cheating however I’m doubt you can actually get banned for like basically anything else uh what I know of at least we could try it out damn the CPS can you see people CPS or no oh Fireball epic oh KB stick from the pock out okay KB stick yep and no you see SPID you can’t get banned for uh reports but IP has an anti- sheet that picks up on it you can you can get banned in private games or hacking it is it is the truth trust me we had a we had a guy called Adam and a guy called uh his name aurel and they both had like three accounts each where they hacked on and they just used their accounts only in the private games and still got banned for it so you can absolutely get banned for hacking even in private games that is the Hypixel anti sheet at work you could say now how many people are we we five all right let’s continue SW them it might not look like Hypixel uh hpix is working on the hacking problem but it actually is pretty efficient apparently just not efficient enough apparently but whatever I will team with you guys trust I don’t trust that for five cent okay why do have a bunch of pacifist in these games I’m kidding [Music] anyways anyways do I have a neighbor yes I do all right well that’s a shame it’s the guy that decided won’t attack on will we trust it do we trust it or not H ridiculous the men stress issues coming out now he’s probably he’s probably sh you know I don’t know I don’t know it’s a block game not the be the that kills me all right anyways nice idea I guess who’s here didn’t fall it very much looks like you did fall just saying that cor it kind of did look like you did unfortunately um not to be uh not to be want to say it you know but I kind of looked like you did and that’s for killing me earlier I’m kidding good fight sorry for breaking the bed instantly but you good game uh let’s drop these off I don’t think he’s hacking again I think he’s good at the game though want to kill me now sh don’t think about it Thor don’t think about it dude I don’t either what what okay the second fight all right great mhm oh well of course missed the block clutch oh well oh well St my resources God damn it what’s your ping that is a great question uh let me see if I can answer a question for you why is it there we go 100 that that be some what your name is it no he’s chilling the thing is 100 I don’t know not sure how accurate that is but yeah it’s 100 apparently download speed on 250 Ms and upload speed like 180 I’m not Dutch good guess though good guess though I think my dad’s side of family is Dutch originally yeah oh well this is going horrendous oh well oh well that was horrendous okay it’s a good guess though to sweaty days I yeah anyway you watch Euros I do not I have have gotten ask that question so many times now that actually know what it is also welcome 29 planets welcome to the stream we doing today and yeah hope you going to stay here just going yeah we’ll let him be we’ll let him um I feel like I probably do need some prop though or something but yeah kind of difficult when someone’s taking all my diamonds at the base but yeah but I do not watch the Euros I am not neither do I watch the euro vision I don’t watch like anything so nope nothing at all I’m not a big TV watch or whatever not very much internet I watch YouTube because hey yeah yeah anyways okay well he just ate a gapple and that g undid every damage I did to him okay well that didn’t go well oh well did not go well destroyed mhm I know I did actually get destroyed so that’s that’s accurate can’t really say nothing towards that no I can I um you get back here no don’t eat that stop off the edge there we go all works out in the end it’s fine it all worked out do I have an extra I do I do all right so now we have sharpness and fro should help us to at least not a lot but at least a bit I had to say a lot there because it runs it kind of looks kind of and not the biggest deals anyways let’s try once more I guess Fireball me okay he voided inste was that intentional that’s my question now I ain’t letting you get a sword man that ain’t happening today and you’re still going to beat me up okay got it anyway not even say that while being under half HP after that fight I’m kidding I’m kidding good fight though good fight good fight a Sandstone this pickax is slow anyways I really desperately need more uh what’s it called what is it called it’s called diamonds yeah we need desperately more diamonds like for pro and stuff I don’t know how that explain Diamond need here okay I just need it I just need it there we go all right so well now he’s going to find for as well that might not be as easy as we might think but yeah we’ll have to try our best um yeah where could he be hiding he’s not hiding that’s what he’s doing well I’m I’m miss them more I die okay well this couldn’t got any worse I feel like turn on the I said don’t oh okay how long been we’ve been live for two hours and 10 I think we’re going to end the stream after this though un lucky y I think this is going to be the last game I got to do some other stuff before I go to sleep today including I promise to play with a friend as well so I got to do that that’s on my list of things to do today promise to play a game with a friend dude I fun fact yesterday right yesterday I was in my room for such a long time I slept for half today and then I was up did some studying for my driv test and then I played games I I was in my room for such a long time my mother actually typed to me are you alive my mother asked if I was still alive over text do you know how you know how long I was been in my room for it to do that and then my friend did the same thing later on the night which was also pretty funny good game guys good game what time is it in your account it’s only like 7 o’clock but I got to do some stuff I’m also going to see if I can they a quick check on my car but guys if you want to be in the screenshot for the Discord server just go over here to the info sign if you want to be in the screenshot if I’m going to upload it to the Discord let’s come over here look core someone the Sheep all right wait is someone else going to be in there um I’m going to assume that okay okay someone is behind there okay not Lobby I think you’re in the you think you’re in the lobby uh spy you’re in the lobby he’s fast what lob you’re in the lobby you’re supposed to be in the lobby this spider you’re you’re in front of me dude come on spy or tell me it’s it’s lot slow realization all right don’t stand in the middle we have a guy there’s a guy behind there there’s a guy in in the middle behind there oh well there we go there we go that one going to be uploaded all right thank you guys all right okay once more one more there we go there’s always someone standing back here that it’s always someone all right yeah guys thanks for playing thanks for joining and hope you all have a good day ahead of you and or night whatever it may be see you all hope you have a good one and hope to see you next stream beyond that that’s all for me thanks for showing up and hope to see next stream goodbye have

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars/Skywars Private Games’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-07-08 17:31:47. It has garnered 101 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:07 or 7987 seconds.

#bedwars #minecraft #skywars #hypixel #livestream

am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again?

also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps https://discord.gg/GQx66SfVNg

Pc Specs if anyone is intrested CPU: 12th Gen Intel Core i5-12600K RAM: Vengeance LPX 32 GB Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. PRIME Z690-P D4 (LGA1700) Graphics card: 4091MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti (ASUStek Computer Inc) Storage: 1863GB Seagate ST2000DM008-2FR102 238GB SK hynix BC501 HFM256GDJTNG-8310A Monitors: SA240Y (1920×1080@75Hz) VG270 (1920×1080@75Hz) Case: Cooler master Pc case (idk spesific name)


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  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 DiscordSRV Bluemap Coreprotect Voice Plugin Age 16+ Crossplay

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    ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Read More

  • Breadcraft – 1.20.6 Survival Server

    Breadcraft - 1.20.6 Survival ServerWelcome to Breadcraft! You’re home to classic, vanilla Minecraft survival without Pay-2-Win bloat.On our 1 world survival server, experience the thrill of simple survival with very few- yet helpful plugins to fulfill your experience.Other servers are focused on making money and manipulating their players into purchasing items and ranks to make progress. Breadcraft is the polar opposite. We focus on providing a classic, vanilla experience to our players, WITHOUT the P2W!On Breadcraft, you will encounter a lively, helpful, and friendly group of people who are online to have fun and relax. Our active and helpful staff is willing to provide… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Future of Minecraft: 2050”

    In 2050, the Minecraft community will probably have figured out how to build actual functioning portals to the Nether…and they’ll still be arguing over whether to use “stone” or “brick” for the floors. Read More

  • Mastering Wild Loot and Dragon Eggs on MineWind

    Mastering Wild Loot and Dragon Eggs on MineWindVideo Information This video, titled ‘grinding wildloot and dragon eggs on ( minewind )’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 13:42:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is minewind server ip: play.minewind.net Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Rules are Respected #minecraftserver

    Join Minewind: Where Rules are Respected #minecraftserver Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an interesting YouTube video where a new player on a Minecraft server was caught breaking someone’s chest without taking anything. While this behavior is definitely not acceptable on most servers, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a server where players can enjoy a fair and fun gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a strong emphasis on community and fair play, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience that is both challenging and rewarding. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast

    Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast Unbelievable Places On Earth! Explore the most extraordinary and mind-boggling locations on our planet that will leave you in awe. From underwater cities to gravity-defying waterfalls, these places are truly unbelievable. No Gravity Zone Imagine a place where gravity seems to have taken a vacation. This mysterious location challenges our understanding of physics and leaves visitors in a state of wonder. Underwater City Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover a hidden city beneath the waves. Explore the ruins of a forgotten civilization and unravel the secrets of the deep. Tree Inhabited by Goats Witness a tree… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!Video Information I need that just doing a little something did you take the turkey out what did you take the turkey out no I didn’t take the turkey out what mhm you can go they can’t see you you want what you want to give me two chocolate balls for a crep I don’t have any more chocolate BS so unfortunate I only have one wow one chocolate BS not enough for that crepe that’s like three chocolate balls do crepe just chocolate on chocolate yeah I’m going to Robin Robin hello Jo what what happened what happened julan… Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AI

    Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Turned Minecraft Cursed Images Into AI Videos’, was uploaded by VoxSynth on 2024-07-04 19:42:46. It has garnered 370 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:18 or 78 seconds. Read More

  • Uncovering Gumball and Darwin’s Secret Base in Minecraft!

    Uncovering Gumball and Darwin's Secret Base in Minecraft!Video Information as I greeted everyone tuning into my new video I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement I was fully decked out in my chainmail armor ready to explore the vibrant world around me with a wide grin I shared how thrilled I was to embark on today’s adventure turning around I started my journey through the Lush pixelated landscape that makes Minecraft so special while wandering near a clump of trees I noticed a cow in the distance without hesitation I pulled out my bow and carefully aimed the arrows flew one after another towards the… Read More

  • NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀

    NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀Video Information ‏and one us for the [موسيقى] champions the [موسيقى] ro This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Which Christmas House looked the best? 🤔’, was uploaded by NukeVsCity on 2023-12-25 11:50:54. It has garnered 2891 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Any of you remember these type of shorts? “which house looked the best?!?” with the INDUSTRY BABY song by Lil Nas. I made this video and haven’t posted it yet. Best for Christmas really. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Nuke. NukeVsCity creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft… Read More

  • FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #live

    FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Navdeeep_playz on 2024-01-07 07:01:04. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Hello GYS MY NAME IS NAVDEEP IM Making CONTENT FROM INDIA OF UP UTTAR PRADESH SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE ————————————————————————- discord _ https://discord.com/invite/44Za7N3s whatsup – https://chat.whatsapp.com/IVtyKMPF9t2JV9umjd9PUG Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/navdeep_playz_offical?igsh=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA== ——————————————————————————— #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Thanks for the Support thanks for watching and love… Read More

  • 🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!

    🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!Video Information and what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream let’s have a good day let’s have a good day welcome everybody shall we uh get into it give me a second shot still got to set just a little bit of things up huh d d all right should be good to go see if anybody wants to hop on oh I still to do that well we are in egg Wars so yeah oh my goodness hold on guys Where is the man welcome everybody to the stream hold on we’re gonna get going a second… Read More

  • “Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft” #shizoclickbait

    "Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft" #shizoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘GTA 6 MİNECRAFT’I GEÇTİ #gta6 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZenMaster on 2024-01-18 12:22:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gta 6, gta 6 trailer, gta 6 trailer reaction, gta 6 leak, gta 6 leaked gameplay, gta 6 trailer official, gta 6 trailer rockstar, gta 6 … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMC

    EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMCVideo Information ये क्या हो गया चालू हु रा स्टार्ट हो गया अबे रुक जा देख चैनल का लिंक भेज मुझे मैं देखता हूं रुक जा मेरा फेस आ रहा है क्या रुक जा अबे तेरा गेम प्ले ऑन है ना हा तेरा गेम प्ले आ रहा है बढ़िया है पर दिख रहा है गेम प्ले रख अभी बंद मत करयो भाई मेरा वेबकम इसमें क्यों रिकॉर्ड हो रहा है कौन सा चैनल है मैं भी देखूंगा हां देख दिख रहा है अभी आवाज आवाज आ रहा है कहां आ य लिंक भज डिस्को प सेंड कर सच में चालू… Read More

  • TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies – must see!

    TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies - must see!Video Information just like my previous video on Mama Max I went into the making of this video with a desire a desire to know more about the serious allegations being made towards those who once surrounded or were a part of the Dream Team see too many times have we seen allegations being made with no evidence to suggest the claims were to be true and yet the public believed every word of the accusers with 8% of Americans report rep ing that they had been accused of false allegations of domestic abuse child abuse and or sexual assault… Read More