🔥Ultimate Roblox Game with Insane Twists – Featuring Quinn🔥

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we need to make I need to make you like a thing for um your like random games streams or whatever yes okay so anyway my morning so they called off school this morning right because of the flooding mhm I get where’s all my animals son [ __ ] okay I get up and I go to the bathroom you know as you do in the mornings uhhuh I get done wash my hands look over get ready to leave the bathroom you know how big my upstairs bathroom is it’s huge uhhuh I look down in the floor there is the giantest and I mean the giantest furest biggest [ __ ] spider between me and the door so I’m up on the counter by this point as soon as I’ve made eye contact with this furry eight-legged little [ __ ] I’m on the counter up on the I mean I’m standing on the counter I can probably touch the ceiling at this point I’m up on the I don’t even know how got on the counter cuz like I don’t remember getting on the counter but I got on the counter and then I decided the counter was not safe cuz that was the direction he was looking so I got down off the counter carefully way back away from him and then I went over and climbed up on the toilet and then up on that divider between the toilet and the bathtub you know that little wall so I’m standing on the little wall and I’m like smack my wall because the bed is on the other side of the wall and I’m like what wake the [ __ ] up wake the [ __ ] up I’m trapped in the bathroom by this gigantic [ __ ] aragog looking beast from Harry Potter it’s in my bathroom nobody hears me nobody hears [ __ ] so I messaged Morgan it’s it’s I know Morgan’s awake he’s up at 5 every morning so he can exercise he says sorry you’re on your own I’m downstairs running in the basement he’s on the treadmill okay fine leave your poor mother to [ __ ] sofa whatever I’m on my own so I messaged Maddie she just laughed at me and went back to sleep [Music] [ __ ] real [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know what I thought she would do she’s as scared of him as I am so is Morgan so I start messaging CJ frantically he doesn’t answer me so I message the girls for moral support because they’re all on their way to work and I know that they will one of them was like just call it Charlotte and walk around it the [ __ ] looked at me I’m not walking around it it’s going to kill me the other one’s like burn your [ __ ] house down I’m going with that one that is the one I want to go with so they’re like throw something at it and I’m like I cleaned last night there’s nothing there’s not even a dirty cloth in here to throw at this stupid thing so I start calling CJ over and over and over I had to call him like 12 times to get him to wake up oh my God and that’s with me hollering and hitting the wall because these [ __ ] thick ass walls he can’t hear [ __ ] he’s like I never heard you at all he opens the door cuz I’m like come in slowly it’s right right in front of the door it’s going to come flying at me if you scar it he opens the door slowly the [ __ ] scurries right at me with the door so it stays under the door so I can’t see where it’s at and then I’m freaking out cuz I see it finally it’s coming it’s Galloping the [ __ ] has stood up and galloped [ __ ] this [ __ ] I hate it here and you know what he did you know what the psychopath I married did he didn’t get a cloth he didn’t get toilet paper he didn’t he stomped it with his bare [ __ ] foot because I was so panicked and screaming that he didn’t know what to do he couldn’t let it get any closer to me a spider so he stomped it and then he stand there looking at me like oh my God what did I just do so I handed him the bleach wipes off the back of the toilet cuz I’m still up on the wall you know standing on the wall [ __ ] just on the wall like the [ __ ] spider no wild I went [ __ ] up I went up cuz them furry ones they stay down on the floor I went up I handed him the like the Lysol wipes I like I got lemon sented ones and I’m like here clean your foot and the floor because that’s [ __ ] nasty and then come get me off the wall he had to LIF me down I would pay to see you on the [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] to see you standing on the [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] bro what’s really really really good is all I was wearing was like a really long sleep shirt and that was it no yep if I had fallen I would have had no protection from that spider bro that was about to be a coochie spider n so I’m traumatized it’s it’s just been a traumatic traumatic day for me and I’m not okay at all where did I get a jungle sapling uh probably CU you’re by the jungle oh maybe I forgot what like world this even is like I know it’s ours want to start another world oh my God no Oh you mean just us yeah that’s fine I was like I don’t want to I don’t want to start another server no I’m not I’m not resetting the server I think the kids will mute me hi Dom sorry I got sidetracked in my story of just absolute how much absolute just [ __ ] ass my day started off as okay well if you want to start are you on here uh I’m creating a new world now okay you go ahead I’m GNA sleep oh I forgot to open up my twitch oh yeah ah Keegan I’m live now you can watch it open up Twitch he has no idea what he’s doing do you see my name anywhere if you click my name it’ll take you to my thingy thingy thing did you create a world yet um I’m working on it oh my God you take too long well I need to set up my stream as well I don’t know let me see yes that’s my stream I’m waiting on Matt to create his world your other parent should be home soon maybe he’ll bring dinner oh I want french fries I need french fries it’s corn hi Keegan Dom says I’m like dead inside right now I woke up three minutes ago shut the [ __ ] up I’m reading my messages thank you very much you shut the [ __ ] up you shut the [ __ ] up you shut the [ __ ] up he says for real just freaking looked up how to say that Dom you should go to Twitch dude you should totally come do that for my stream that was actually pretty good because it was pretty good you’re not live there you are okay I found you I will make a corn head out of you yet a big L knobs oh my God we need to make you a Minecraft skin at some point but uh I’m a I’m a horse horse wow no I’m a cow [ __ ] horse wow a cow wow guys look at the horsey look at the horsey guys I’m a horse moo oink how long do you need me to stand here so you can get a picture I got it okay yeah I knew that’s what you were doing bro this is [ __ ] this is absolute [ __ ] hole what the [ __ ] is it I just need a damn picture for okay there finally [ __ ] well guys well guys hi guys I whistled right there oops don’t whistle on West Virginia they’re gonna come for you I left most of the stuff for you is this a seed world no okay cool I get bored of seed worlds they got too much [ __ ] on them every world has a seed there’re just specific ones yeah but you know what I mean by seed worlds like the ones we look up just specifically for stuff see you buddy he bud hi boys my boys are home did you found what he needed okay good I’m sure dad knows I’m live Mr Chuck yeah don’t forget you need to go on and comment I don’t know who Rose is why what oh I miss rose already she left to go to Michigan oh I’m sorry how did you know Dom was talking about Rose how are you on my YouTube chat oh duh I’m stupid I forgot oh cool he is so hyper about corn tonight kid can’t even name any of their songs oh my God chicken spawn calm down please chicken’s F chicken’s fine you’re a little chicken so you get to live another day hey Morgan go on my twitch and comment because I need commenters I don’t care what you say just leave a comment I don’t care what he comments no I don’t care a I love you too sweetheart at least one of my kids is nice to me where are you Matt I wandered off and got lost oh shoot are you not talking to me oh no I was commenting oh hi oh my God there’s a doggy oh cold chill they brought the cold in hole in the wall hold the [Music] ground Oh Come Back chicken and yeah it’s cold because the water is so deep out there tonight we yeah that too no Keegan no Keegan I’ll be right back what is it oh oh [ __ ] I just [Music] fell all right I’m back um I’m lost uhhuh dmy Wy dmy mommy bro where so you don’t know where you are what are your cords 14 93 35 oh little doggy I think I’m heading in the direction you went oh I thought that cuz I’m at spawn I don’t know where SP I see you I’m killing chickens I see your cool then I must be near you somewhere mhm cuz I ran over oh this is a nice little place to live I can make this work your soccer games at 9:00 a.m. Hi how are you I am doing good Mr Ramirez how are you Matt I’m making us a little temporary house down here oh okay just cuz it’s getting dark is oh there’s some iron up here this is already a nice little cave area mm I’ll check it in just a second buddy okay let’s put this torch here all right we got this a little area right here to live in temporary yipp a new friend new friends are always good bud there and we even have a little door well we don’t have a door yet we will have a door I think I smell burnt popcorn what the hell granny must have wanted some popcorn you know she likes it burnt oh I know she weird she got that depression taste buds you mean the Great Depression taste buds what you got baby bro I found a not a diamond there’s wine on that it’s not soup are you playing Minecraft and building doors yes I am first thing I do anytime I get on a Minecraft world is build a uh place to stay I found us some uh coal I found a bit as well sweet if you’re going to join us you better hurry up it’s going to get dark soon okay okay he figured out how to put my stream down in the bottom of his screen very nice buddy he’s figured out split screen he’s very happy getting some no we’re not on the server just on our own little place there let’s see I’m G to give me a sword yeah Keegan can see chat I gave him twitch today so he could uh watch me when he’s not playing with us no guys she’s just trying to get affiliate she lying she just don’t want to admit it I I’ll totally admit that that’s child labor y’all totally using my child for affiliate Keegan where you at buddy oh a snowy biome head towards the one that’s not moving CU that’s where the house is wowers over here buddy hurry turn right hurry come on hurry over here come on manic gaming you’re here oh aren’t you cute all right so I’m gonna I’m GNA M for you you have a gift for me uhhuh I have one piece of wool I tried to get some wool to make a bed hey Keegan look at the messages Dom messaged you don’t go outside there’s a creeper anyways so this don’t go outside there’s a creeper buddy Dom says he wants to One V one you on the strongest Battlegrounds what did you give me where did you get an emerald I found it I don’t know nice he says to tell you his skills are too complicated why’ you leave the game oh he left the game so he could check chat your combos are cheesy as pizza oh Lord is bro medic yeah I’m assuming because he said medic gaming when he got here I don’t know who that is exactly but Team Fortress character I guess I CJ’s comment for my chat is Diggy Diggy Hole real oh we watching the new Fallout show sweet where did you guys get food at ever had Logan Matt you ever had Logans no Keegan Dom says I don’t care if I’m cooked or not I will fight I think you just want to kill my babe that’s so mean I’m not gonna be rude I’m not gonna be rude I don’t know if you’re aware of this dude but you can chat too he said not right now you could clearly hear what Keegan said I’m trying to be polite Keegan’s rude God he’s rude he raised an [ __ ] wow but I don’t know how cuz I’m so nice I’m so nice I’m even nice to jerk holes in my chat except for that one today so wrong that one today had to leave he went byebye you start making 911 jokes and then Jewish jokes you’re gone it’s like I’m sorry she’s okay guys she’s okay with homophobia I have a Jewish veteran husband when you leave me guys she tolerates homophobia hey that was on the list as well that I listed when I said why I put him out remember no go back and look at the chat it was would y’all quit like I was just in there being like guys don’t get political I know buddy they’re usually so good our normal regular ones are so good every once in a while we pick up somebody new that’s just a turd he’s been there for a while hasn’t he yeah but he hard says anything I didn’t like him from the beginning but like I mean I was pretty about that I was pretty uh open about that though I’m still trying to be political correct what he says you’re safe for now Dom K be good I’m gonna go outside and kill things zomie I killed things I’m so brave oh [ __ ] don’t go out there Keegan there’s things well if you go out there and un alive yourself that’s not my fault nope oh ke what can you bring a door can I bring you a door mhm yes tell him to get out the way K move really big fire I feel like I made a calculated error yes it ain’t gonna matter honey we’re watching the new Fallout show while we stream nice my lord your mother our battle will go down in history says Dom Keegan says I’ll know it won’t what is over there oh a big cave no I’m not going over there that’s scary over there what’s over here bit excessive I think one would have done it is it Daylight oh it’s almost daylight yay I can go outside again CU I ain’t coming down there in them holes I’m not don’t you cheat on my baby keeg and Dom says he has a single cheat code called controller Target lock if you think you’ll win then winners don’t say they’ll win egg oh my lord it’s like the battle he said that because he used to be the egg dog like the battle of the Nerds up here my God Dom’s a b nerd he does not play well maybe he plays flute I don’t know be nice quit belching hey Matt I found the outside into entrance to your cave I think oh I’m not going down there to find out uh my part of the cave right now is fairly safe the one part isn’t though yeah I’m sure it’s safe there’s a [ __ ] creeper sitting right here and it spotted me yeah you’re not on my part of the cave dude yeah no oh I heard that I told you I’m near you uh-huh die you dirty little [ __ ] almost sounded like Cartman for a second SC you guys I’m doing h no kitty that’s my papa oh I see a village oh do you yes I do holy Spanish guacamole mhm I have one something’s spooky around me but I don’t know where oh it’s a baby zombie Keegan come with me we’re going on a treasure hunt I’m opening my map so I know where to go okay look over there’s the village all right well don’t go with me then I’m going without you you don’t have to but you don’t actually have to okay I swim just as fast thought you were swimming fast go the other way go the other way go the other way uh shooty boys underwater shooty boys I can’t think what they’re called [ __ ] drowns I found a monster spawner nice all right Keegan hang on a second which means we can do XP hang on I’ll tell you what n said he says he knows how to play the FL loot but he has he has a solo in the spring concert come here Keegan I know I can see see an iron sword sword sword sword all right it was General this way Direction how about buddy you’re out come on get out of the water uh yeah you hit me I didn’t hit you we’re making a break for the uh the village oh where is it I don’t to the upy Lefty uh I personally think I’m going to go to the snowy tundra or whatever it’s called that’s where we’re headed we’re in the snow now Keegan would you come on okay bring me your tablet so I can see if I can figure out how to help you run there should be like a thing on the right I see that okay uh how do I help you run okay that’s walking is this running okay look hit the button to walk twice and you’ll run and stop whining please you are a whiny child look there’s a ruin behind you go get it I know you like getting them mhm there’s a polar bear come on we got to go I hate being in the snow at least he learned how to run though I hate the snow Run keep running keep running get into a house as quickly as you can you’re being chased by a polar bear hurry hurry Keegan it’s only after you get into a house did you didn’t do anything they just liked you because you got to close with baby hate freaking polar bears I hate snowy areas cuz I know I can’t kill a polar bear stay near an iron golem or something Bud well stay there maybe the it’s trying to get you stay there maybe I can come down and kill it or something no it’s killing you through the wall it’s coming to the front door hang on it’s dead it’s dead yeah but there’s other polar bears around so you got to be careful because there’s a baby polar uh oh there’s polar bear coming get in get in it might be after me this time oh yeah it’s I don’t know did you find a Bed sleep in it so you come back here if you die all right the polar bear came and got the baby and they’re leaving it’s not time to sleep yet but you can still set your coordinates that’s what I’m doing dude we don’t even have to go back to base oh you are still after me I [ __ ] knew you would be are you all not com yeah o and you know what I’m killing this baby [ __ ] too causing me so much trouble Fu you because it caused me so much trouble let me see I don’t see any more polar bears I think we’re okay for right now quit lighting everything on fire stop grab a bed oh okay well we might have to sleep here tonight because it’s getting dark I don’t think we can make it back Keegan come here we can sleep in here Matt you don’t have a bed yet do you no all right well we can uh here come on Keegan we’ll go down here and shelter come on I’m over here look for my name tag yeah there is a couple this is a crappy place to shelter we can’t sleep though because Matt doesn’t have a bed but if we try to make it back we’ll never make it back in time we will die I’m trying to get a bed I have two walls you can always come to us [ __ ] I will die I was just saying not I might not actually I have full iron say you we have no no copper no iron no nothing uhhuh you might want to be ready with the remote talking to you you might want to be ready with the remote yes Keegan right click it guess they’re getting raided so what are you doing Matt uh currently I am uh going to make my way towards you all oh my god there are skeletons in clothes over here oh yeah sters that’s what they are they uh make you slow so don’t go near them it ran right towards me so I ran away into a house okay I forgot what a concert B flat was I never have any chatters I have four people watching me on Twitch and no Chatters except Keegan and CJ saying diggy diggy ho oh [ __ ] you can do it just keep running oh [ __ ] that I’m getting on this ice I rode uh a boat on Ice well that works I confused myself saying road because um I was writing it but also row can be be used I guess confus my brain a little was always over here thinking to myself like did I say that wrong okay we can all sleep we’re already sleeping this is a pretty area but um only bad thing about this biome in my opinion is the stri a other than that I really love these biomes they used to be really common I’m not big on these biomes K don’t forget your bed there’s a freaking one down don’t go down there don’t go down there go around those dudes yes you can light a house on fire why would you do that because he’s destructive all right you lit the house come on let’s go I’m running away I left a marker at so you walk can go over there I’m hoping I can find it with my uh my map well I left a marker at the top of the base just you’re going the wrong way me yeah if you’re wanting to go back towards our base I know you’re not wanting to go back to the base are you no okay Keegan come on where do you want to live I see the marker let’s pick somewhere other than our base but somewhere not in this snowy hell hole I’m going to live in the snowy Hall hole I hate snow I love snow you want to go this way Keegan straight across the ice I see it come on let’s go straight across the ice let’s check these houses real quick might be something worth getting okay I’m going to kill the cow you have nothing okay yes I will take this do you have your bed buddy okay okay stop setting houses on fire come on let’s walk across the water come on bubba no I’m just not not running and jumping because I’m saving my strength come on buddy oh look we found mat a wild Matthew has entered the chat is it all ice this way uh it’s there’s some uh stuff like there’s some non snowy area tell me can get in my boat if he wants Keegan you can get in the boat if you want if you’d rather go with Matt instead of me what is that are you at the iglo mhm what’s cute don’t want to live there but it’s cute this could be nice it’s a field it’s got trees and a big fraking hole think on a boat ride okay not going down there [ __ ] that hole oh in a horsey spawn hi horse I don’t know if I like the same Village or the old one oh I see another Village I’m heading that way that’s probably the one we at is it in the not snowy area no see I’m going to a non snowy Village no not him lighting things on fire Keegan stop lighting things on fire I know everything why he hit me he said sorry he was trying to close the door uh I don’t know if I’d believe [Music] him he said watch I’m looking for the boat I don’t know where the boat is did he break the boat uh Keegan did you break the boat yeah he collected it for you when Keegan called me gay for playing flu I didn’t even feel offended because of the fact that I marched flute for one season I got a lot more attention to to being the tallest he says he didn’t call you gay are you sure ask him if he can give me the bat Matt wants the [Music] boat he says where are you he says I have endless entertainment woo oh my God baby donkey you’re so cute hi Dom you’re probably right he don’t even know what he says half the time his mouth runs fast okay we got a wood cutting place or stone cutting place a bed ban geek not ban nerd there’s a difference I can call him whatever I want most of the time I call him dmy wammy even though Tommy W not a what I’m sure Dy wamy heard me so many villagers in this Village so many little pets to play with all these villagers are like uhuh uhuh so you’re at the non- snowy area yeah in a non snowy village with a bunch of non snowy men and I’m the only cow woman from they’re going to milk you moo this is not actually a terrible place it’s kind of cute H what the hell happened whatever what happened something oh no something something’s happening er something happening I Crossing dude what the [ __ ] I I don’t know if I want to live here or not look you to get out the boat that there’s a polar bear right beside us okay that’s a really tall Tree O oh no it’s dark hey hey what tell Keegan to get out the boat ke get out of the boat sorry there’s a polar bear there’s a polar bear get out of the boat they’ll only hurt you if they have a baby okay properly lit I can sleep upstairs yes and I can cook my H I missed the sun setting that’s my bed you know I’m going to throw you out of there in a minute right so rude man these things take forever to cook you all did find my Village welcome to the Village Kegan says do you need a bed no no he’s got one is everybody sleeping with me yeah sorry I was cooking you know how I am about making sure I have food I hear Critters do you have to stand there over my shoulder while I cook get out go stairs or something what I’m talking to this uh Critter crit yes I have feathers here where are I don’t have any inks I no but I have a feather did seriously none of them make it oh my God just come this is ridiculous son ah there have mercy yes you have feathers you’re welcome In The Water Somewhere okay don’t need that no want that don’t need that what’s a blast furnace do all Cooks well smelts uh iron and ores faster okay it’s very useful okay I’ll keep it done I have a cat now what I was just laughing cuz you and your cats his name is Simon Simon oh yeah sorry oh my God wait okay I have a dog his name is Louis see my yeah he’s been staring at me all day uhhuh I has a cat too I can’t decide where I want to live I know I don’t want to live in a village where’ you all wander off [Music] to no I almost killed my own cat oh hey I don’t know where Keegan’s at hi oh my god wow isn’t my kitty cat cute yes my God okay enjoy your cat Keegan I found some squids okay I wish add other to the game you wish should add what other pets to the game or better colors for the cats what do you mean better colors we have good colors I want more colors I mean yeah that would be cool I want to be able to cat oh my God that’ be adorable imagine a Jeb cat give me a main I’m going this way wait bro a [ __ ] Yan cat that would be adorable did I come this way I think I came that way I’m going this way where are you I’m going this way okay I’ll Follow You Keegan are you coming with us away from the village do you want us to wait for you I was already waiting for him are you sure you don’t want to come with us but you don’t want us to wait okay no I don’t have a lead why why do I need to do that I’m not gonna drag you with me here we’ll just take the boat you don’t want to ride with me well can one of my cats ride with you Keegan can one of my cats ride with you okay there’s a cat Matt has a boat he’s got animals can one of my cats ride with you do you have a lead I do not oh [ __ ] I know I’m usually the one that gets it we just need extra boats get in your boat Keegan just hold still let me push my kitten in there okay my kitten’s in there you take care of Buttercup poor little buttercup well I’m going to go live in the snowy biome okay okay Keegan Matt’s goingon to live in the snowy biome so I guess it’s just you and me but I need you to bring my cat I’ll probably make my way over to you all at some point he said he’s going to come with us at some point no Keegan come on just come with me I’m staying over here so I can get a boat not a boat a lead Keegan he’s staying there long enough to get a lead come on you don’t know how to work the boat at all you just mobile are Harding pretty sure maybe try it and see did it work here we’ll go out through open water so it’s a little easier I won’t leave you I won’t let you get lost we’ll stay close to the shore no I’m watching you try hitting both buttons like forward and yeah there you go come on it won’t leave you I kind of need to watch where I’m going though don’t I are you still with me come on I’m waiting on you I wish I had a lead oh hey look another Village you definitely are driving like you’re a drunk driver where are you there’s a village right down here you can live in the village yes let’s go to this one for what huh come on you’re okay just keep going in a general this way Direction break the boat just leave it there remember in old Minecraft when you get hit and all your animals would come over to you yes I just leave it Keegan I where’s my kitty at it’s okay it’s here find a house buddy it’s fine it’s here come on okay live wherever you want to live I’m trying to get my kitties to come to me other Kitty where are you come on little kitty um yes why do I have to come to you hang on let me set my cats big building here where are you here here come down to the bottom of the stairs dude do you not have any supplies oh my God there’s you some wood there’s you some bread you’re welcome I’m going see if I can make it back to my house all right he’s got to eat and then he’ll go to bed hey buddy eat and then go to bed okay some of the best mashed potatoes I’ve ever had from a takeout [Music] joint it would have been nice if they gave me like a knife no you said you get me a plate no you didn’t silly boy this is not a bad Village this one’s kind of cute uhhuh oh boy what’d you get me sunshine I’m in my house with my kitties don’t hurt my cat oh hey glow squid how’s it going on your side Matt uh uh I mean all right did you finally leave no not yet okay okay okay I’ll be back in a minute I’m just checking stuff out okay oh son’s a bitching [ __ ] berry bushes I hate berry bushes are you are you in like a Tiger Biome yeah yes found a big old village in a Tiger Biome and of course they got sons of bit and berry bushes CU you know TIG biome I do not have an axe you cut you down a tree and make you one no you’re not wonder which house I slept in anybody know wasn’t that one was it near the water I don’t remember where I slept yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes buddy okay I’m on my way oh thank you oh a flower how lovely thank you I put down a sign that F these bushes did it tag it nope what y’all Mak it over here okay buddy happens if I push you into the water I just want to kill you come back it’ll only hurt for a minute I give you bread I give you bread come sleep at my house come on come be my pet you don’t want to be my pet rude you got how far we are you all from uh spawn not spawn I mean I mean the area you’re from we came from I mean or where you all left my brain isn’t working I am not sure what are your cords 1893 6370 Keegan I got you an axe he wants to live in the village well here you want the ax it’s the bottom of your thing okay well your ax is down there so what else down there maybe those won’t suck so bad I need a it’s a dog you don’t know there’s a dog his name is dog yeah okay buddy what you got for me thank you okay I’ll read it in just a second it’s awesome buddy I guess I will be making multiple trips I’m sorry you want me to come back and help you oh man it’s fine I got a corn thing in there I’m fine just saying that’s I would react I got a corn thing in there is that the village you aren’t even far away dude I could have walked over there where are you heading towards a village that I us see girl I see you now I told you we weren’t very far Keegan was having a really hard time uh with the boat so we just stopped for what was supposed to be the night but he decided we live here now yeah it was like he was ow drunk driving okay there’s Simon hi Simon no I just gave Simon some food so he’d be happy don’t sit him up I didn’t I just gave him some food and tell Keegan not to either or he will teleport yeah ke don’t set him up or he’ll teleport you can sit here and keep Simon Company no they’re keeping each other company they can’t breed while they’re sitting down see they’re just sitting there why are there so many drowns here is there something we’re not see is there like a boat down here or something it’s probably because you’re near water and oce yeah but there’s like a crazy amount a lot of them spawn there a boat or something but I love my cat to sit out there with salmon I’m just going to run over with uh okay okay I believe [Music] you are you a believer I am not I’m not a beber anything you hate the Canadians don’t you no I love Brian Adams like I would leave CJ and have a lifelong love affair with Brian Adams and he wouldn’t even be mad at me if I did he’d understand he’d wish me well and ask for alimony and I’d give it to him he’s asleep by the way in case you’re wondering why I’m saying this I thought you were asleep no you didn’t argue with me you know what I bet Brian Adams wouldn’t get up in the middle of the morning to save me from a giant spider I need apologize to the spider after he killed it sorry sorry about that e boot that sorry sorry sorry I’m my G it’s getting dark M good you’re back no I don’t have sugar and an egg but yes I have Simon Louis and valenciaga valenciaga valenciaga that’s a cute name [Music] valaga I’m cooking potatoes tonight for dinner potatoes potatoes potatoes potato potato what yes a potato potato Balenciaga taking forever my God yummy sleep holy [ __ ] why is there so much pepper on this steak [Music] I hate him in the games [Music] [Music] you know what’s great what steak I know you don’t think so cuz you’re all like meat is wrong and everything I literally eat I literally eat fish toe I don’t care I don’t mean meat is wrong like vegetarian wise I mean like meat is wrong like it makes you feel bad like I just think it’s gross but like I don’t care what other people eat what you want I just love steak like I ain’t GNA judge quit breaking my windows kick your ass oh almost Gan little [ __ ] psycho Broke My Window [Music] just learned that we’re getting new Woodwinds I was like okay you just ruined the fun for making the brass feel spoiled brass always gets spoiled anyway [Music] stop it I’m G [ __ ] drown you so how did I get back outside what the hell I don’t know that was weird I know I don’t know we hell I got outside either I have another cat now by the way you make fun of me for breeding them but you just keep adopting them like crazy I collect I collect them of each color at least you’re don’t like madd’s friend Gracie she wants to collect things of color too that’s a little interesting uh she didn’t mean it that way but God it was so funny when she said it she don’t think she’s very very blonde and she’s the sweetest little girl no I’m standing still on my stream cooking a baked potato for a minute I know Mom was getting a BL of steak they got back sooner than I thought they would so dinner got here [Music] Midstream e v e r y brass are totally spoiled child I will kill you what pick it on me be a pain in my [Music] butt okay you’re welcome for the baked potatoes child stone sword Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve seen all right I’m gonna go back here and mine into the mountains I’m going to test something hey my guard what are you doing going to see if they’ll follow you in the water who the animals yeah wonder if they can teleport can they I know they’ll follow you in the water I don’t know how far uh it ain’t teleporting K said you married a man who went to get the milk he’s testing stuff with him brass players always get the new horns okay Mar music is always geared towards brass what’ you say Matt I figured out what I was doing okay yay there’s a big old Snowy Mountain over that way so you can get them in the water and they won’t follow you in the water like if you if you like use a boat they won’t follow you but once you get to land they will teleport to you what’s over there that’s red I’m going to borrow your boat for just a minute even your dog is in it be right back I was Lally just about to use it I’ll be right back I’m just literally going over for one second I just see something I want to know what it is okay I’ll be right back I promise I’m literally just I’m rowing over and coming right back lag fik there’s a little building with glowy lights on it woodwooden flers think of brass players as necessary evils there’s dog honey and that’s that guy he’s always a bager it’s a is it a mushroom it’s a mushroom okay I’m coming back now I could only see one square of it I couldn’t figure out what it was I’m coming back with your boat where are you going I’m going away okay are you leaving us yeah where you going somewhere oh there’s my here well hopefully you don’t go too far is over here like where did my cat go but just oh God Lis Don’t You Dare die I’m back with your bow and your dog there you go I’m sorry Matt’s cat bit you yeah I know I was working on mining it but I changed my mind okay well I’m going to go away uh don’t kill my cats nobody’s gonna kill your Keegan don’t kill his cats and don’t let them loose okay I’m gonna go to a go somewhere and then um once I’m there I’m going to have you all break the boat okay uh there are like two temples right beside each [Music] other so you have to cross between them that’s crazy it spoon you uh I’m not close enough I don’t think Keegan it’s getting dark just so you know I’m in my house [ __ ] I’m not in my house oh thank you sweetheart did you try it I forgot to take a [ __ ] bed with me oh M forgot to take a bed with him you don’t have any like wall I have two wall I just need one more byab Oh I thought you might want to try it the onions are sweet they’re really good I would love to hear the woodwinds but they easily that’s what I’m saying tone the brass down some there’s always Enderman outside here in this biome dude I don’t know so I pretty much just went straight forward and I found a flower biome are you back over here what do you mean your dog is still here yeah it’s because you’re supposed to break the boat once I get here oh I thought you took your dog with you hi William [Music] what’s going good tonight we’re just keeping an eye on the river waiting to see how high it gets before tomorrow morning how’s it going with you [Music] thought I heard a creeper h I found the village awesome Matt found a village so he’ll be sleeping [Music] soon I’m really far away from you all well at least you found a village and a flower biome I’m going to make my house there oh and a sunflower field nice watching some great streamers go to sleep [Music] we finally got there okay um you can uh you can break the boats now okay yes buddy he wants us to break the boats and my dog’s here okay I’m going to get your cats now in a second dude they teleported as soon as I broke the boat your dog hung around for a minute uh where’s my other cat I don’t know they’re both gone from here there was another one okay where is he at might be there was a Calico one it might be inside Keegan’s house though it should have been in that one boat um Keegan is this your cat is this your bed um Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan shut up for a minute shut up for a minute Jesus okay it’s sitting here how do I make it stand up uh you can either use the water bu or you can punch it okay it’s just kind of jumping in circles probably because there’s a bed there no there’s no bed oh I got it okay good okay I was like there’s no bed I don’t know what’s going on yeah watch out for those okay now I got to put the bed back yeah I had to break the bed to get it off the bed it was sitting on the bed okay now what did you need Keegan dude you broke my berry bushes well there’s more over here so be careful oh God oh [Applause] God I don’t even care here no I don’t have sugar make some sugar sugar um the big tall green these things here we need to plant more of these let these grow fully and then chop off the top pieces leave the bottom pieces growing do I have what uh no here I don’t have any bones I’m sorry so where’ you go uh I’m currently at negative 3,481 good Lord and my very right number is 279 you really was like sister I don’t know what not even a cousin Now Matt went way away he don’t love us no more I’m just so unloved I mean you could have followed nah Keegan couldn’t steer the boat cat I have had to come on land we have had to walk that’s math is wrong dude what he tried to MTH the MK the math ain’t working the math ain’t math thing [Music] yeah cat quit Keegan can you please stop her you’re sitting there letting her fall my chair thank you okay that was how he decided to stop the cat what is it Maddie calls him artard that is not a nice word for her to call him but sometimes it fits guess I should just be glad she’s not using the actual word she’s using the South Park verion she’s like I’m allowed to say that I’ve got brain damage I like no that does not give you the excuse to say that word I can say what I want I Cartman kind of does it does not I mean if you’re mentally disabled I’m pretty sure you can say that word she’s not mentally disabled she’s just brain Dage yeah that kind of counts kind of counts I mean okay and Dom says he will be waiting in his confinements watching us until you one V one him don’t be afraid to lose buddy he’s not rushing you he’s just letting you know what he’s doing hi Dy wamy no was a complete sentence right tell him consent goes both ways why is this villager following me oh I’m so sorry oh my gosh I hope there’s no D why D why dmy has two m no me no me qu doesn’t know what consent is am man shut up my victims aren’t supposed to come out about that mess up chat my tablet broke it does not brand new hi sweetie where’s my other cat look on beds or chests it wasn’t my house if someh stood up it could have stood on like a bed or something I don’t know have you seen my cat have you seen where my [ __ ] went I didn’t die I don’t see my cat [Music] anywhere I guess I’m down to one cat but I don’t know what happened did it go into a boat maybe no I don’t know where it went Look Around The Village I found it I found it where was it I was just hanging out here when did they bring in orange collars did that become a thing last update what do you mean my cat has an orange collar is it orange or is it red it’s orange for sure that’s orange and this one’s is [Music] red yeah no it’s definitely orange I mean they’ve had colored color for years now yeah but you had to dye him one spawn this way well it didn’t spawn when I made it my own it did Keegan diet oh it might have a orange color because my cat had an orange color you them I’m bored no no you can’t be bored you just started playing oh my God no no oh my God you just started [Music] playing you for real bro you for real you anytime I leave the game or say that I’m bored it’s cuz you get bored 30 seconds after we start hi dmy wammy I’m in your Club closet call me Nightmare foxy bro oh my oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what happened I got exploded in the bum I’m not that my Roblox player quit working damn really left me without warning like five minutes ago [ __ ] it’s not been five minutes I knew I wait come back on I’m going shine a flashlight in your face bro no Mom’s going to murder mystery for a bit moans whimpers farts oh nobody’s seen the summer outfit yet it ain’t a summer outfit y’all it’s my new outfit S I guess I’ll join you s you don’t have to what else am I going to do it’s not like you were living with me so it doesn’t matter ke’s like I guess I’ll join you K I know you’re in the closet that’s why there’s four big guys in there no somebody just flung me four big guys grab my thighs blow up my guts like the Fourth of July if he keep [ __ ] my butt then I might just cry Keegan I gotta pick a new Rainbow I don’t have any rainbow guns why is Keegan’s name on here Spade I don’t ask anymore oh you’re [ __ ] kidding me this dumb blonde [ __ ] I will join in a little bit I just need to finish this shrimp off Fredo gross so [Music] gross not you talking with your mic on any Noone listening to you I didn’t realize my mic was on I’m looking through my knives trying to find a rainbow knife oh do you want to borrow my rainbow site no you’re so you’re such a pan literally look I got a gun I just need a knife dude it would look so sick with your outfit though fine I want you I got anything you want uh I don’t know thank you oh damn wait hold up I want to use dark actually never mind I’ll just use uh I just got an Xbox notification I don’t care that I got points I don’t care Microsoft Dom says you should be wearing rainbow that’s crazy D is this [Music] yours when did I get this what I don’t remember getting an elderwood revolver oh yeah that’s fine okay I was I saw it when we were trading and I was like you want that back sure yeah okay I’m like where did that even come from yeah I was letting you use it that we can M God [Music] I forgot all about it I’m not even sure I ever used it did you like Keegan’s outfit yep yep okay but like for real yo limited glasses cuteness I like oh my God dmy Wy join hi dmy Wy Keegan stop making weird noises nobody can hear you actually unfortunately everyone can I never [Music] didy I ain’t GNA though I Chang my mind bro I can’t with this the gun’s in the Box room who is it it’s some random girl you got like a realistic looking [Music] body dude I can’t even reach the gunum on top of the thing have to she’s outside was it her no it’s not her no it’s the other [Music] one she coming for you she’s like wall camping I don’t even know where she’s at Keegan’s telling me one thing and you’re telling me something else don’t listen to Keegan they’re in the Box subscriber thank you [Music] subscriber he’s not the Box room anymore she’s outside thank you Juan I think is your name bro why is she so thick where is [Music] she son of a biscuit her reach is crazy for real that reach was super crazy I got a new [Music] subscriber nice I’m pretty happy about it oh Lord what did I just walk into [Music] yo huh what did you just walk I [Music] didn’t all I heard as y’all were running away was I didn’t give you [Music] consent stop [Music] oh it’s a blondie it’s a blond girl camper who is it blonde girl oh an emerald bro not her camping oh her reach is [Music] crazy this dumb ugly [ __ ] don’t Camp nice thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah help me Quinn’s Quinn’s doing things to me I don’t want you ask [Music] for Keegan sit down or stand still stand still new achievement unlocked getting wood Kean scoot forward a little [Laughter] bit I was sitting on Kean because he’s a chair someone on there is talking to you by the way someone on where murder mystery like do you remember me wasn’t paying attention [Music] what oh my God Keegan scared me you remember me no [Music] [Laughter] [Music] your brother’s weird I know you’re is friend oh yeah shoot you asked for this when you signed up to be his friend you knew I was weird I warned all of y’all before you became our friends you watch the stream Keegan said sorry Dom I’m not sure for what I’m not out there oh he accidentally killed [Music] them you can’t walk up to him because he’s on [Music] mobile he’s not even celebrating I think it was legitimately an accident Keegan there’s a guy behind [Music] you I’m running away from your child I don’t either [Music] Keegan come kill me I’m downstairs in the main room kill me turn around turn around kill me kill me kill me thank you I don’t like teaming I’m running away from him you know what I need by now uh what hi bear and you need what I need new Avatar I got my new one today no this boy being a bger for real oh Lord T V2 sir we know your part but you don’t need to bag oh that’s funny anyways there’s people chatting Bud chat okay he doesn’t I swear if he knew I was talking back to him off no it’s a good steak still not as good as Texas Roadhouse we’re going to Texas Roadhouse this weekend I love Texas Roadhouse we have it just about every weekend I know how to make the bread rolls I know how to make the honey cinnamon but iuse too my lag mine’s better Kegan don’t give away stuff for free no no you can’t do this I don’t want to know please on out there they’re walking in place who’s walking in place no no who’s walking in place oh my God that roach they like were walking in place so they got disconnected that’s coji bear oh [Laughter] no what are you giveing people you know who [Music] that where you where this guy go Keegan please stop giving stuff away you know who that sounded like what now see you gave him something he’s G to keep buming say no and just leave him alone what did he give them something he bought they sound like T please they do please you canot me coji bear does kind of sound like Tenon yeah a little bit but I think all kids sound the same for a certain age hey nobody can get no can make my voice I am [Music] special [Music] okay oh dom dom dom dom come here Dom come here do you have this the egg dude really you gave it to Dom really what I don’t have it either [Music] whoopsies I did not know you needed it Keegan what did you give look at me stop giving stuff away or I will ban you I mean it because you keep coming back to me to get stuff of mine when you don’t nothing no more did Keegan have Clockwork or pixel Keegan had Clockwork Keegan you are absolutely a [ __ ] Quin give me a box right now what [Music] uh I don’t know uh Hey everybody see this guy down here we should mass report him for picking on Keegan okay got space the one that’s uh laughing at him this guy right here bro Kean gave yeah he did because he didn’t know it was worth anything he just loged I’ll be right back please Quinn look hold up I was sherff and I got disconnected dude out here scamming little kids but you know what in his defense Keegan was dumb enough not to listen when I told him not to give him one what did I tell you I disconnected I told you not to give him a knife and you did it anyway didn’t you you deserve to get scammed cuz you didn’t listen that’s your own fault for being being [Music] stubborn I don’t even feel bad for him I told him I sat here and said do not give me shoot him what doesn’t mean the little dude had to be rude though no maybe ke going to learn a lesson though gun H what’s this uh oh I ain’t following you down there I got the knife oh okay I just like if I follow him down there he go stab me it was time for Keegan to go to bed anyway he’s got a soccer game at we we have to leave at 7:30 in the morning assuming we can get out if the water doesn’t go any higher tonight it’s already about to touch the bottom of the bridge who’s MD I have no idea I’m staying up here where I’m safe is why shooting each other I said it was me getting eggs what you’re all alone here [Music] boy oh [Music] no what knife I think Clockwork I could be wrong no he gave him [Music] Clockwork he’s like I didn’t know was worth anything I’m like if it don’t look like a normal knife it’s worth something maybe he’ll learn to stop doing Stu [Music] gry keeps pointing the gun at me like I was just trying to get eggs as you should oh my God The Dumpling is back w w yeah yeah yeah oh oh girly with headphones [Music] [Music] I’m trapped in here with s gley oh my God run run run run run run run Oh yay ah I just got flung that was stressful dumy wummy subby wubby no no is your mic working no I don’t hear it Bros the fruit Mafia fruit Mafia what Skittle Mafia rbow Mafia I’m the LGBT element O P QRS TV WX Y and Z Mafia thank you very much how did the word m a f i a get me a dag on warning this game hates me oh no yeah it’s working now y’ ah no no no no no no no no no no no not me whatever daddy wants Daddy gets daddy wants to not die dirty whatever because no okay that’s is nice we both died bro I think this gun might be non-existent I’m sorry [Music] no did you you did it Yay good job not you dying like that I always die why you surprised darling guess who’s back from jail they should have kept you longer wait guys it’s snowing there’s snow on the tree what’s your Channel can you fit in the sink uh I don’t know who was on here the other day eggs eggs eggs whatever daddy wants Daddy gets daddy wants eggs eggs and coins eggs and coins wmy yeah Dy Wan wants eggs and coins [Music] too because I’m not going to see that got to get better aim boy pardon me eggs eggs [Music] [Laughter] eggs what is it [Music] you all doing all I hear is laughter look no context at [Music] all he just looks so [Music] silly that is a cute hat and I like your [Music] T-shirt uh uh uh uh uh [Music] uh what’s a VA tickle my toes tickle my toes no no toe ticklers get eye get [Music] eye get ey get ey [Music] dude I have friends who weren allowed to see the what you remember those remember when you got me killed when I was playing sound effects what you got me killed when I was playing sound effects how I was hiding remember the Christmas maybe I was hiding right behind I was hiding behind you Matt come here Matt come here Matt Matt Matt do you need that I have it dom dom do you need it do see how nice I am to include my brother first I might remember that [Music] EGS eggs eggs eggs they just shooting randos out there dmy Wy dmy wmy was crying ice cream what when he holds the ice cream con it looks like he’s crying ice cream wait his eyes are actually his mou [Music] bro with the ice cream cone he looks like like one of those crusty dogs you know like the small crusty white dogs the ones that get the yellow go on their eyes ice small crusty white dogs man oh yeah Quinn oh no oh no oh no [Music] I thought he was going to kill me me yeah [Music] no till he get [Music] um [Music] actually yeah Dom killed me this little this little [ __ ] this little dookie oh could have let me get my eggs first no love girl if you drag your nasty mouth across my foot again go away dog go go lay down get oh po hi not l u h v jh yo Mandy check your messages check my messages always be something with you uh let me see [Music] [Music] ah I don’t honestly [Music] know it seems like the wrong kind of stuff for that to be that you know what I mean mhm so I’m not sure what’s your username dang that’s what I get for checking my messages while I’m it and I didn’t even notice I was it next time I’m it she’s gonna be the only one I get you’re gonna be the only one I get only Quinn doesn’t trust me after what I did guys with bed I’ll do it again it’s not with a blade have I seen what y’all in appropriate no he locked us in he locked us in uhoh good luck it’s actually me you and a couple of other people oh no you did not do that to [Music] me sounds like he did whoever it was didn’t last very long my God you’re oh I can’t see the never mind look at look at me how slow do I turn hold on how slow do I can I turn no not as slow [Music] as I could just see Dom’s big back character behind me from the corner of my eye big back big back big back big back yeah yeah yeah big gut wait you kind of look like a mushroom wait you look like a Goomba you look like an albino Goomba I am a it’s a me Mario about to jump on you boy not Dom Falling on My Head [Music] [Music] rude yeah yeah yeah dammy [Music] wammy where’d he go that’s where he [Music] went I can see you Dom I am morally terrified right now hi Daddy Daddy [Music] he want me look at chat daddy daddy it like a [Music] lollipop he touching me who is this who is this what is this he keeps chasing me I think it’s one of our people [Music] [Music] W dude I still don’t have a full egg thingy [Music] not the shaky voice it’s a shaky song I can’t help it I’m watching the new Fallout show it’s pretty darn good right so far like it’s it’s pretty what is it on shoot who who are you trying to get me shot what [Music] I don’t know who she’s trying to get him to shoot go go yo qu oh hi hey honey can you turn the show your my closet boy get out of the closet qu who is this person [Music] offer for a harvester not really really you want to know what I am wearing right now what I’m wearing jeans and it’s very uncomfortable also wearing Polo oh bro a oh my nice think it’s the best shot I’ve seen I’m making a while W and then he had to be all weird why you got to be weird what you say to me boy just call me boy call me boy no not you not you damn I really cussed you out oh my God why are you fighting with people already a cosplay of an animal right [Music] no I think that person is calling Mia furry I don’t know who they’re talking to I just chimed in with my two cents pretty sure they’re talking to you man oh I have no [Music] idea do they mean Jester I don’t know but last time I checked a rabbit was an animal and that makes it a furry I’m just saying [Music] man I needed that egg I [Music] [Music] think move this girl is not making a very good argument I owe you a death [Music] anyway go away I’ll let you [Music] live I’m just trying to get coins man [Music] Coco is not a furry because coko is not a human dressed up as an animal or an anthr anthropomorphic animal in like a game or a show [Music] either like it don’t really really matter just dress how you want to dress and enjoy yourself like I didn’t want to kill anybody this whole round I just wanted to get eggs that is not correct furries are not people who believe they are animals that is a totally different thing bro I don’t know oh my God like for real like that is a whole different thing that’s like a whole different thing it’s like other k or something I can’t remember what it was yeah I can’t remember what it’s called either not that I’m judging those people either like they can live their lives too I’m gonna head out okay oh okay by hey pie hi I’m not even technically a furry I just like the dag on outfit [Music] [Music] [Music] you’re not Googling the right stuff if that’s what Google says for [Music] you but hey if that’s your definition of it then I definitely ain’t a furry I do not think I’m a fox bro I seen that same [Music] outfit not [Music] me I’m go in here and get killed [Music] I hear people dying I’m glad I ran inside [Music] now I do not want to go out there that person is dumb though they’re the type of person to argue after being proven wrong sorry took a sneeze and fit oh they can’t help being dumb if they don’t want to be educated that’s their business like Google ain’t always right either especially if you’re not Googling the right stuff and you can’t just Google something and read the very first thing that pops up because Google will publish any [Music] article I know I’m married to a person that works on it so is it theoi like everybody keeps saying dude why the lag Spike geez I don’t know did you get the same awful lag Spike yeah I’m G shake my furry self [Music] dude it’s a giant poo shooting at me and I’m not even the [Music] murderer I think that’s uh not oh whatever their name is well I just died and I didn’t see who the murderer was oh girl in a pink hat just so you know no it’s not not not it’s out here oh yeah they shot someone oh what did you do you kind of look like those uh offbrand Lego mini figs so you’re sure it’s that person the chick with a pink hat yeah I’m changing Avatar into a furry just to piss these people off like I’m not even doing nothing to be nothing to nobody I’m just happy with my little outfit real I just like the colors I think it’s cute and my little limited sunglasses the person left anyway your mic is on by the way that’s okay and no one will be able to hear you just I forgot it was even on you’re going to have to come up and watch the uh fallout show with me have you played any of the games yeah I mean barely the the show seems pretty good it’s got the dude with no nose in it we had to fast forward through a little bit of the first episode somebody gets married and there’s a bit of a uh scene it wasn’t appropriate for your nephew other than that it’s been good little gory but what’s wrong with Gore and I said Gore not VOR VOR dude the sex scenes and movies are so awkward they are even when you’re by yourself they’re awkward it’s like it like I skipped that I skipped that [ __ ] like uh I’m watching a movie for like the story line you know yeah I don’t want to see people [ __ ] same I don’t want to see that nastiness if I want to see that nastiness there are sites for that like know your place Amazon dude it was so bad watching Euphoria Euphoria never seen it Euphoria oh my God in like the first like episode or two it was they were like they were fake but like they dickpics oh you need to watch Boogie Nights it’s amazing like they were fake Maggie but like oh hey honey honey I’ll be right back [Music] [Music] all right I’m [Music] back yay I got my coin back full home where you at oh there you are right furry man oh my God it’s a furry a f [Music] you it is so laggy where are you oh there you are right here I’m the murderer ah cool bro what I do not like that person what person not was like it’s her dog fit they’re not even a her I know like chill out don’t be ring people out when we ain’t killing [Music] you like I tolerate you don’t make me pissed off don’t piss me off no stream sniping it’s rude like we don’t kill for a reason like if we aren’t killing we’re just collecting coins don’t [ __ ] rat us out I didn’t didn’t mean to be Me Bro you’ve been told many times not to like you’re doing that [ __ ] on purpose we can tell usually it’s me that gets people ratting me out not you anytime that person joins they’re always [ __ ] with me like you got got to select few of fans that do that well I know only like it’s okay I got to select few fans that do it to me yeah because he was Dumb and didn’t listen and got in trouble this dude was begging for knives and I told Keegan not to give him any and Keegan didn’t listen and gave him a Clockwork and then realized that it was an expensive knife and was like give it back and the dude laughed at him and logged and ke cried so I made him put his stuff up and go to bed cuz he was told not to give the dude a knife and he didn’t listen so he learned a valuable [Music] lesson yeah it was already 10 o’clock he was going to bed anyway he just thinks it was a punishment I’m behind you hi where you going babe a drink say please I still want to know where you’re going I figur you just going to bed hi Danny oh Danny joined hi been a while since I played with her the flavor of the steaks in this place are amazing but they’re still not good at quality as Texas Roadhouse but they do a better job of getting their steak cooked properly Logan I don’t think so oh God it’s a girl at purple hair or blue hair I can’t what it’s a steakouse is not our normal Steak House how did she get meit got nice Revenge a dish best sered loot warm we’ve been watching the new uh fallout series it’s pretty good they did a good job it’s on Amazon sorry I was telling Maddie thank you thank you I don’t either but I’ve seen enough of the game play to like know that the uh people are the same there’s a dude with no nose that’s all I recognize and dog dog is on there where’s a dog Nam dog Daryl Dixon had a dog named dog Daryl Dixon he like trying to watch Keegan play baseball [Music] really wait till I ran by there a white person I see be careful [Music] that one’s one that’s never going to grow on [Music] me deep water Horizon was good [Music] [Music] [Music] get out [Music] here uh why are you up you have a soccer game in eight [Music] [Music] hours I’m tired of fighting with him he goes out there embarrasses himself tomorrow on soccer field that’s his problem [Music] bro they keep running I know I’m watching them they’re over by the living [Music] [Music] room oh they’re invisible they’re invisible they’re in the bedroom going in the fireplace they’re hiding out they’re back in the bedroom they’re camping up in top of the the uh hallway up by the bedroom I only helped you cuz they went invisible what a little [ __ ] what a little [ __ ] bro they weren’t very good hello no Lily can you hear me who are you I don’t remember are you Bruno’s friend hello who’s Bruno wait do you have voice CH can you hear me go go oh my gosh no they’re super chatty too oh my there like two people talking to them I’m about to leave these people are annoying is this liily where are you take your out of there if you’re murderer where are got the there a girl black it’s it’s a girl no I’m talking about the random [Music] come here go down to the bottom who talking to you who is the who is this how do I know you are you do you know shot Danny Slayer that’s why we joined This Server Lily cuz Jordan’s not in the server it’s because you have a different friend no I joined you bro I joined you did you join me how did I get here God y”s IQ come on now Brun oh my God these people are dumb they joined that one bald person y’all look at your friend request or friend list they must be on one of y’all God they’re [ __ ] annoying trust you we’re going to die yeah probably [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I had no chance we never have a chance when it’s Danny come on Danny let me get my eggs let me get my eggs I just need five more just pretend to miss me okay my egg basket’s full you can kill me now I don’t [Music] care while she goes there and kills that person oh son of a biscuit I got Danny killed because she didn’t kill me I feel like that was my fault um Lily did you see that Cassie did you see that no this game is zesty with lag today wait I have a question when did he add you on Roblox because what if he joins okay so it wasn’t like recently oh what do you mean like in the last like hour what okay want play something [Music] else want to play something uh we can play whatever you want Matt wait bro okay I’m gonna look for something else actually you want to play regret avator sure okay let me just let me finish this round I’m GNA get my eggs cuz I’m the murderer and I’m not going to kill so I’ll get my my eggs and then leave give everybody a free [Music] win I never kill during a event unless I’m sheriff and the murderer is actually killing then I will kill [Music] [Music] egg basket’s full maybe I can get my uh my coins too that would be awesome [Music] man I just need six more coins come [Music] on and be right back I’m going to get a drink all right I’ll leave and get on regret of vadering for a second killing me [Music] [Music] I didn’t even let me type that all right regret avator wait a minute are you already on there yes you are I thought I saw you right is it like her ex it’s weird [Music] why does this knife have holes in it it’s a weird [Music] knife I look over and he’s just staring at me even though he’s not here I see you on the inside brother I’ll pick the worst round I could have possibly picked for go I know I’m going to die I have course [Music] yo what that little [ __ ] butter [ __ ] got up on my desk I wondered why you were staring at me when I got here I tried to play without you I got into a round that I knew I was going to die on I reset oh okay it was like reach the top before it floods and it was like yeah no oh my God this person’s Avatar is so cute that cute come on [Music] I hate that it makes you play in first person it’s not so bad it is for me especially when it’s an Obby is this I don’t think this is oh it’s [Music] the jumping and running is probably the best option [Music] [Music] uh I’m still alive somehow I knew I’d be dead [Music] soon I’m very not good at what you call it I mean it was called Sleep on Minecraft but [Music] play I’m not good at it I don’t know if this actually count as it was like one of the first uh mini games on it was oh yipp if you want it you got take it from my hand I’m not dropping it if I drop it the dogs are going to get it mhm there go hi [Music] brother hi what are we supposed to do uh I think you’re supposed to find something I could be I’m just it wouldn’t let me go through that door click on it I mean it opened it just wouldn’t let me go through [Music] it [Music] I sorry couldn’t get muted in time it wasn’t it wasn’t [Music] loud was loud [Music] here dude there’s got to be a way [Music] to yes not this way other way we just came that way no there’s another way that oh okay this leads back to the thing I’m done maybe this way oh your avatar is so cute I can’t believe I designed it all by myself he’s very cute I’m like really proud of my avatar I’m so I find it so funny that you were like SC kids are so whiny blah blah blah I’m just over here like you really went for a scene outfit that’s crazy okay I might have dressed like a scene kid but I wasn’t whiny like one I don’t think they were necessarily whiny they were like the tumbller kids you know we had scene kids in the 90s they just weren’t called scene kids we’re in Infinity what if you go back [Music] I don’t know but I died wow was serious I’m running back I’m I’m going to jump at the camera can you see me no I’m get the elevator oh I see you now like it took me all the way back to spawn I died oh dead dead I’m back to zero floors look they’re all Infinity now I’m not want to partake in the act of collecting rocks without reason but today I have given it a purpose to win this miname begin [Music] I should show you some videos of old Roblox that precisely see what like time you join you’re disappointing me oh my God it said I’m disappointing it yeah it said that to everyone what Santa ass laugh what the [ __ ] was that I don’t my hardest part is I can’t see the dag on thingy I’m supposed to aim with in the of your screen incredible stuff friends you really piled these stones into a great big pile of stones huz we did good give me a pet rock I had one in the 90s dude I never changed my thing from Minecraft I’ll be right back I’m back yipp fix my stream name and stuff my stomach hurt your stomach hurts my stomy hurt I’m sorry all your fault I’m sorry what this oh yippe oh no I’m going to fall off no no I don’t know I’m trying to remember how to change the name of my stream uh on Twitch I don’t need [Music] that is it this no edit stream info there we go oh oh boy oh my gosh get over here and get a seat get over here and get a seat get over here and get a seat hurry I’m with you okay this is the only chance we have if we get a seat I you immediately when in doubt run to Sister oh I’m dead oh I’m died immediately wow wi and doubt run to sister I can see someone stuck in the other be there I’ll see that as well let me back down there yay you know what’s funny mom that yes but um I searched what is a furry and it did not say what that person thought it was and this is the first thing that pops up it’s like someone who dresses up [Music] or are a little silly power out to number 872 please override power using the top on the Elevator Shaft I can’t see what I’m doing climb look for red oh I see now I don’t oh my God I keep falling down how do you get up past this part uh there’s like a thing you have to jump on yeah I’m not going to make it cuz I’m in first person I got it stopped ring power to the reg gravitator yeah I can’t get up there good on you for making it proud of you I at least survived someone just joined the uh server I don’t know they just did but they joined our oh I’ve been on this one before uhoh yep be careful what is it yeah give me just a second I got to get up top of this gun ball if I could stop getting hit with balls that would be great you don’t go to the very top there’s like a purple off te well I haven’t got it yet I’m at the very [ __ ] top oh you don’t need to go to the very top where is the freaking purple R like at col like inside the pillar you might need to go down a b I’m not the only one up here there’s other people up like none of us know where we’re going okay yes to this did you have any one in your chat named Madison um nobody that was chatting why I was just curious because they joined the probably murder I’m just leaving a quick message for you to help you get settled in on your first night uh most important thing I think of to bring up is that one of our monster robots is on the loose right now and I’m pretty sure they want to attack you so be on the lookout for that anyways I’m going to go to bed toodles what kind that reminded me of tinin tinzin is so silly very much so do you like cranberry juice I love cranberry juice cranberry juice is so good have you ever had cranberry juice with uh coconut milk no that sounds kind of good though it wasn’t bad it sounds like it could be amazing I got to plug my phone in why do they have to take my favorite song and make it scary I died oh it’s in here with me some kind of little creepy Critters in here now bro it looks like a [ __ ] mutated cupcake like a red rocket red rocket Rocky red rocket Rocky good boy Rocky red rocket red rocket oh wait no it wasn’t even Rocky it was Sparky wasn’t it I don’t what it was like Sparky or rocky or something I can’t remember what’s a j maybe a job no [ __ ] clue look in the boxes I think I found one it roared at me I don’t even know what we’re supposed to be looking for hey I don’t even know [Music] either whatever it is somebody found another one oh I found one they jump scare you in the boxes oh yeah I found one earlier I found one oh yipp I found two I’m so proud of myself do my boss will not glow up on your screen no that did not where I thought you were going to go with that question I don’t know what I thought you were going to say that wasn’t it this doesn’t look like anything I made it through 10 floors personal best I have a knuckle sandwich with your name on it there so many people in here two of them are twins so hate field right now oh [Music] [ __ ] I’m not going to be care oh [ __ ] me running I was all the way at the last thing oh okay I up for the room with knives [ __ ] one’s after me you’re [Music] fine oh my God I made it holy holy crap balls I made [Music] it I give up I made it what is this game called regret avator this is Regret aater hi rosmo welcome back [Music] not oh my God how do I turn that [Music] down who is it oh wait ended never mind it was uh scrubs well they’re muted now it’s like regret elevator but it’s just called regret evader Matt wait for me oh my god oh I went right with you we both died that wasn’t nice I got 11 floors though that’s more than I’ve ever done before just regret or Vader how do you spell this Matt hold up there we go r e g r e r g r e t e v a t o r you’re welcome I was struggling with it my dude are you can watch the NPC that kills people how uh scary m is there even anybody in there all right oh I don’t like oh that person’s in VR which one that person with the moving arm don’t touch me I canot imagine playing scary games in VR I you want to play like something uh yeah you can join us to play my name is on the top left of the screen and my joins are on o [Music] [Music] yipp oh my God I made it I got down inside the middle of the cube oh sorry TJ I don’t actually add people down here huh down here forgot which it might be this door no it’s the other one maybe I don’t know I thought it was that one no oh it’s random maybe down here all the way to the end like on the left yeah I did not know that it was random oh oh my goodness they made the cat m [Laughter] that one last one took a pot shot at me this is why we don’t stand right in front I’m glad you made it in oh this fun someone named Gojo is in our server with us now he’s fan I got one of the buttons yep you got to go up I’m so proud of myself oh my God what look at the mountain look at what the mountain it’s the rock oh yes it is do we have to go more up yeah oh [ __ ] oh I did it I was the first one through I’m literally in the sky what happened I don’t know it teleported me I’m going to die oh no the young Rock Roy Johnson are you in the elevator right now I am now I just didn’t take me there I have to reset it’s four corners you already know good [Music] luck no oh what the through me a we got eight oh there’s an overview [Music] cam you can zoom out as well yeah there’s only one person left you can do it yay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you see them get [Applause] flung it did Green a lot did you notice that [Applause] [Music] yeah they are did it they are did it wow they are did it run oh boy oh not this one guess who suck with these I’ll be in moment [Music] and I’m dead immediately wow oh I died again [ __ ] I’m dead I made it further that time than I usually do yeah still for yep I’m going to send you a screenshot it’s not important it’s not like I’m doing anything I’m just sitting you’re dead say I’m really really proud the outfit that I made very cute it’s like the best one I’ve ever done for myself [Music] I suck at this so much though oh it’s the uh lamp point I have never found the lamp I have once like I don’t know what it looks like he just looks like a dude with a lamp on his head like a lamp shade on his head okay well that’s helpful dude do you mind husband really just flip me off for telling you not to belch on my stream yes you did abuse no Matt said it’s abusive he said stop abusing his sister he’s going to come up here and stare at you like Gordon stare at him through the corner of doors he said he’ll stare at you from the corner of the doors the cracked open and he’ll just close him quietly you freaked him out so bad doing that [ __ ] he says he’ll make you order your own food if you do that I love being off puding okay it’s very funny he says he loves being off pudding it’s funny there’s a little fish over here and it just says fish if you look at it I came to your house for 3 months you’re like this is not the person I knew online why is it so dark I don’t [Music] know you should come in here where in here no he should go out there he’s the right shape to go through the hole it’s a different character right he was still the right shape hopefully somebody leaves to you can join oh not this one I never get a car oh my God I got a car oh and I’m off the road someone really just [ __ ] bumped into me little [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] God stop [ __ ] hitting me dumb face mind been me I’m sorry no it wasn’t you there’s a blonde D on here technically a blond D bch but I don’t think need to hit you man I’m doing better than I usually do usually don’t even get a car I’m at checkpoint 5 where are you I have no idea good thing I married a race car driver taught me how to take the turns I’m at I don’t know where I’m at does it say where you’re at oh I’m at six [ __ ] oh my God sorry my car is stuck yeah mine too I’m running running for it oh I got out of my car and it fixed you’re just floating in here on my screen I did it get in get in get in get in this person let me oh that person person was going to take me I was trying to get you can you please stop I’m about to get a divorce what’s coming uh thingy is go fast I can’t I fell off already I’m [Music] dead oh you’re [ __ ] kidding me I didn’t realize you could hide uh yeah there’s things on the sides yeah I didn’t realize you could zoom out on people oh no that person hit it [Music] know what are we supposed to do oh my God smash come here Jor clean up on aisle my pants there’s nothing good to buy here you can go outside from the back there’s a little alien thingy over here I didn’t make it for what is oh my God it’s undertale or oh I can’t see if you go to the door and jump you can kind of see it or go to the back awesome dog party I did finally see it I don’t know why but I really like this game it’s a good game cuz it’s like different it’s not like overly scary but it still has some scary elements and it yeah it it works overly repetitive it’s not overly repetitive cuz there are so many things on here yeah and it works for both of us it’s not overly scary uhoh oh [ __ ] I don’t like this oh I fell off good thing I didn’t like it oh oh oh God I died I’m going I’m going it would be great if I could actually properly jump oh I won I didn’t win but like I did better than I thought I would we will gra oh the server has done 302 uh floors wow that’s a lot I’m going to play for about 10 more minutes and then I’m going to go for the night okay cuz I have to be up and out of here by 7:15 in the morning to get all the way down to uh finally what I’m good at do I eat it what do I use the item that I you don’t you take it back to the elevator oh you do and it gives you money don’t do it when everything’s red though mhm somebody doesn’t understand that concept y’all really going to try and grab my egg got it that’s pretty much everything out there I think that was everything I got the last eggy EG EG EG dude I’m actually pissing myself right now don’t do that that’s gross oh God we used to play a game that had this at the beginning of it yeah there like old game on Roblox yeah you could go there and it would tell you how old your account was and oh yeah yeah that mhm I’m G head this Lobby and like another [Music] one made it two times I don’t think I’ve made it but one three times oh sometimes there’s just no getting around them four times [ __ ] off you chocolate [ __ ] times keep dying now you’re not going to be able to make that again yeah I mean who can through level 17 uh six or seven I can’t remember I was I almost made it that time I was pretty close I di where you were oh we’re on 20 [Music] impossible pretty sure every time someone dies it goes up never mind [ __ ] I got up at a few times I got up like six or seven I can’t remember which number I hate it but we should totally do like a World of Warcraft uh stream or whatever or at least play it off stream and then get some [ __ ] I don’t really know anything about it but like I’ve heard that it’s a good game and you’ve played it before so why can I see a weird face do you see the face where on my screen it’s like my flashlight is a weird face come here where are you look look at the wall oh I can’t see it oh well my flashlight is a weird face is yours you can’t see uh no I don’t have a flashlight I have a thingy I’m not sure why I have a flashlight but if you look at my stream you can see that my flashlights like a weird face with an open mouth it’s weird do you see [Music] it not really showing much you can see it I think your stream’s a bit behind or something no I’m just you could see it I was watching my stream you got to get through the mines it’s impossible well yeah with a billion people trying to do it [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] God I almost made it but that dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] behind me [ __ ] exploded that was so [ __ ] close too don’t go straight through the middle got have the left or the right you’re [ __ ] kidding me I made it what the [ __ ] how did I hit that one nice I’m not going to make it I told you go all the way down to one side or the other I know that’s what I’m doing I didn’t make it I’m cooking cooking with gas I still want to know where I got this flashlight and how come you can’t see it because you can’t see my ball that glow look on my stream you can see it’s just a big open freaking weird mouth you can barely see it I see that oh you can see a little bit better on the ceiling creepy oh God not this one what is oh [Applause] yellow yellow yellow dummies that’s end this a slide you have to get on dude I made it further than never made it before oh my God I made it oh I almost oh my god oh I [ __ ] suck like a ladder on one I don’t know I don’t know which one you’re on oh you’re on the side I don’t know how I got mine perfect but I Som did oh I didn’t make it hey I got an ice cream cream though yellow yipp yipp I mean I had the ice cream at the last one but I got my ice cream boo y dank pardon the intrusion the elevators reach maximum capacity oh bet it’s going to be me your name will be shown on the screen now asking you to apply leave the elevator thank you and goodbye oh oh yeah it wasn’t me people are jumping down crazy I’m not going to do it thank you for your cooperation have a great day my name ain’t viny I ain’t walking out there oh [ __ ] not this one I’m sticking to the like a the edge of the map the right of it I’m just waiting to die I found a place with food like a restaurant with green lights yeah a I I wonder if I’m safe here which way did you go from the elevator left oh I see it hi hi I’m going in here I’m going to the back don’t know what it does but I’m going to I’m going to chill out back here Jesus that scared me oh God someone was in my chat but I I don’t know if I’m too late hi who was it uh I cannot read their name because of the font nope um I think this is W Luigi I’m so sorry if I’m wrong I’m going in there oh God what is that I’m not going in there Yow yellow I am the spying cooking got nothing going on over at uh twitch attention all Personnel inside elevator be advised biological life forms have been detected take any action needed to reactivate any devices you locate oh I wasn’t paying attention activate generators oh [ __ ] I’m stupid okay you got [Music] it was that one down uh yes I believe so oh god oh [ __ ] let me in please ah oh okay oh okay [ __ ] this one’s damn hard yeah me out I just realized people are talking in my chat hello hi everyone uh algorithm s me here not sure why hold on I haven’t watched Minecraft Minecraft earlier H the thumbnail but uh did you get this one already which one the one with the face I think someone else got it oh yeah anyways hi everyone how are you all doing they’re probably still struggling with this one over here with the things which one beside the one with the face attention all personel you have failed to reactivate the devices your presence is now unwelcome W thanks how about you uh I am I’m okay hi [Music] chat I haven’t I haven’t really done much today honestly you rotted all day you’ve done nothing I know sounds like a nice day I mean honestly not not the worst rotting all day is what we do best real arba oh [Music] god oh it’s the infected one oh don’t touch the things that are infected mhm close the valves I haven’t seen a valve yet oh D that takes forever mhm I got one I closed the valve oh [ __ ] oh uhoh I’m on the last valve got it y last valve was mine I don’t know how to get back the dude in front of me just got infected with his pink hand don’t touch me with your pink hand oh yall just nor okay love y’all too oh Luka hi Luka hi Luka now he’s ignoring us [Music] hello my present everyone the best oh thank you totally didn’t even see you and I have a good rest of yeah I was literally dancing in front of your face I appreciate it sugar cookie sorry I’m paying attention oh please look I just fell please I don’t want balls spray them with water and they stopped glowing oh I don’t have no water how you spray them got the water oh my God it’s 200 I don’t have 200 not you leaving me and call again Yoshi why keep on leing call it’s coming it’s coming where the heck is the Tilda uh it’s on the left of your keyboard yeah no oh God I’m on fire not thank you for saving me sorry I got to no I was so close to sa the pretty say racist be right back I I I stop springing me you stunk you needed a bath no no I can’t say anything back it’s not fair if I even dare to say something I’m immediately getting kicked out life nah I won’t kick you off the server or out of my channel hi rasmo byebye what are we supposed to do good night love you Yoshi left me I’m sorry Yosi me to go sleep get used to it it’s something’s going to happen all through your life oh I’m so mean tonight yes you are yes you are this has been a day yeah when you said you were like 80% nice uhuh you were lying to yourself girly pop the 20% that I’m not is you what you a good 40% knife be so serious 80% nice 20% mean to Luca welcome oh boy mat please step on the corresponding color or number when pred we did stand on red there went Matt purple stand on yellow stand on [Music] light stand on Orange yo Dad I see you stand on pink pain stand on green dude that’s not giving me a lot of time at all congratulations now Distributing the coins to the winners yeah got me some coins I had to jump off when I saw CL down ow oh don’t spray the cat let me go why am I dude 17 floors and I died from spraying the cat [ __ ] Nike uh at least I got to keep my water bottle in the middle of the room I’ll do it again can’t move uh I’ll Tab out I’ll Tab out I can’t press any buttons I can’t press any buttons on my life guys I’m no I’m take out my I can’t I take Mya of course bro is stuck Lord at least I can shake now racist trying to wash away my color nah just a smell of beans I’m restart Roo chat I don’t think he heard me we’re mining we what there are we looking for like a specific thing or is it just mining or do you not know no idea over here like am I muted why is she not responding oh God that’s why we got to mine oh there’s water over oh water no no no no no no no no oh oh oh God oh God oh God oh God I died Water started overflowing on my side I see [Music] you that was close why you not talking crazy no one made [Music] it I’m back oh oh oh I don’t know what happened I autopilot autopilot s here coughing like I’m dying CJ slep right through it hello oh wow you’re a million customer for that you get a free drink explode on us oh my God I want sh the fish where there’s a fish Luka stepped on the fish kill the fish I’m smacking this fish blood ain’t no way so racist yeah like that’s any better s i murdered your entire family just joking oh my God it’s me what is Gordon here real oh my God oh my God a Kil hanger about to abort about to abort boy is there anything worth buying this big need be [Music] AED guys stinky no you is guys look hat me nuh well I can’t say nothing without oh my Lord guys oh I hate this one bro I’m on I don’t even know what F me I my name is and I would like to welcome you to my silly Palace of course not to be confused with any other jungle gyms this Emporium of wackiness has been scientifically proven to be the saage place on Earth and I my talks like you oh no [Applause] I bro [Applause] sounds yeah [Music] I’m so bad at this stop cackling making fun of you I got down making fun of you move oh my god oh supposed to go in that oh my I got so far I’m dead I’m dead oh my soul racist even matter and got so far but the end never matter [Music] [Music] sor [Music] let me think this what me think that guy in the corner was you I would just like to point out that Luca hasn’t said anything about my new look no I did it just wasn’t I was muted I didn’t say I made it myself myself you look pretty I all by myself am I lying though am I lying though I want it to look like Mir bro look fruity I’m not lying Luka is the inventor of fruity though boy uhuh bro I was rising up this girl and uh uh Yoshi had to ruin it for me and called me fruity and gay and said I was as straight as a circle when I said I was straight ruined my chances [ __ ] ran away from me can’t believe I got the first guess right ah oh crap fell off no no no I missed no I fell oh I’m dumb [Music] [Music] no oh no so close so close for that though was back big back big back yeah I was making sure no one got lost because I the dam if I died and I got lost I would scream Luka are you a big F big no yeah you are is big B back yhi is big back Yi the biggest ofs you sound like a kid you that you sound like those uh like deranged like 10-year-olds I am a deranged 10y old I made it y I did not make it oh God ah let me up I made it oh I made it third try get me nothing on this CH I beat you Luka oh my God people look so dumb when they’re climbing this what did you [Music] die never mind this guy is catching up I [Music] not me beating Luca Big L For You Luka you were first stoping dude your parents knew exactly what to name you and they named you Luca starting with an L they didn’t even name me Luka that makes it worse chose the L you chose the L yeah come up better right now I gave you the name sugar cookie I love it it fits me I Nam you you did a good job I know the only W you have oh Sho the only W to L’s name is my name wow that’s twice now I’ve missed cut left to right holy crap okay I suck at this we can dude I’m not good at these really really because I said crap it’s left right [ __ ] dude I can’t even get across the first little things that was a short one I lost my voice chat by the way because I said crap bro cookie lost her voice chat oh my God guess the L is on me tonight but I’m still better than Luka uh oh she SAR [Music] leave no people lock knocked me down to the last layer I count with this I died I’m still alive but I don’t know how I’m spectating ly Wookie I see how you are ly Wookie died I’m spectating you now you’re the last person and no pressure though I’m the last person why am I still doing it uh okay I think I lived I’m in the elevator wow Luca’s Luca’s screaming at people why back to be nice I’m so mean oh look it’s rainbow like me it’s lca’s path oh I hit the direct [Music] bull oh I hit the bullseye again dude wait is luuka a leprechaun I don’t freaking know you’re so Irish you’re a rainbow now me oh yeah 66.6% an evil Rainbow I hit that every single time I went down it I got so many luuka has sticky fingers Luka’s a thief Bros got yahi burnt into his monitor that is such a good candy [Music] though please I just I just heard Luka’s always screaming can’t tell which way this thing is spinning hi TJ this thing inside the cube what the hell dude just get in the cube get in the cube I was in the cube and then it was like oh [Music] yippy alive yippe oh I didn’t real how she’d been here my bad I just been going around spraying people dude what killed me I died I did too oh sh bro I died too how dare you how dare you Luka oh my God it’s me out there like the second time it’s been you yeah do you see my sexy legs I saw you get knocked move move oh me that time get out the way yo I made it I made it can’t find the thing it’s like up a bit it look at me y’all I am so cute I’m sexy and my glasses are limited w w go this better look at myself yes I’m adorbs w w power out number 72 please override power using the switch at the top of the Elevator Shaft what do you jump on uh oh you’re kidding me I died oh no I just got the oh I’m almost died oh I fell dang on it how did they hit me that time elaters have been stopped reing power to theator don’t know what to do bye TJ thanks for hanging with us hopefully we see you again uh you know hit the Subscribe button if you want to come back that way you can find us again if you want to guys she guys she hates her viewers oh yeah let me tell you just the ones that are named Luka please not CU my [Music] bud I got two buttons [Music] you’re kidding me I died how something hit me from the sky it was a big rock I bet I’m spectating luuka might as well spectate me I’m already in here it was the rock that was hitting people from the sky [Music] biggie I can just imagine Luka yelling at me he’s saying he said sugar cookie such a hater oh my God Luca where’s Luca where’s my Alpha I need my werewolf alpha I’m to your right I don’t feel safe oh you aren’t you aren’t there’s going to be UFOs I’m pretty sure oh y look up a bit mhm oh that hit me oh that hit me again no leave me alone they got me this is buit oh [ __ ] oh one more hit and I’m deed oh God that barely missed me what I’m watching you the noises is great I’m trying to watch you you’re in the trees anytime you stop too long they get after you that was so scary all right I’m going to play one more round and then I got to go to bed it is 1:00 in the morning and I got to get up at bro 6:30 this is how I imagine luuka looks this is totally Luka right here Lu’s got a bucket on his head [Music] Yeah clean a shirt that hasn’t been taken off for two months it’s en crusted it’s encrusted on him what you killed it no you killed Luca what the [ __ ] I didn’t kill luuka I just killed Spud yeah Spud is Luka bro oh I’m like I didn’t kill Luka but I did Kill Spud whoops how was that racist was like on my name that’s a racist like buddy bro buddy bro boy [ __ ] I heard Luka bitching not everybody cheating it couldn’t be me I’m on two right now Oops I did not I’m te I’m about to get to four I’m at four nice I’m behind you yay now I see you I think for the green ears I’m going I’m going away from that yay I made it get it straight on y’all no why is Eminem up here please apparently luuka saw someone do a back flip you should see if you have your voice chat back I’m going to leave in one minute so Oh’s leaving me we’re only 4 hours and 30 minutes into the stream yeah one of us has to be up and out of the house at 7:15 Luca said get your voice shut back right now Luka can kiss my ass he just wants to be mean to me br he said he will kiss your behind if L on sexual he said what he said he will kiss your behind and L on sexual [ __ ] I [Music] died oh well good time to end my stream and die anyway [ __ ] I’m died over for me oh [ __ ] no okay tell Luca I said [Music] bye yo Luka the sugar cookie said bye he said bye that I said take a shower uh she also said take a shower now she’s laughing I’m cackling cackling at least I didn’t say something horrible and racist please bro I think luuka just got banned oh what did he say he said I’m GNA kiss her behind and then uh yeah the word behind will get you banned good night stream bye bye everyone good night I’m down to

This video, titled ‘Roblox with Quinn’, was uploaded by ꧁༒☬𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻 𝓒𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓲𝓮☬༒꧂ on 2024-04-13 05:15:41. It has garnered 36 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:53 or 17213 seconds.

#minecraft #stardewvalley #roblox #mm2 #evade Will stream labs work today? Who knows join our discord server here https://discord.gg/zxczyJKUhR

  • Ultimate Guide: Downloading Hardcore Mod in Minecraft PE

    Ultimate Guide: Downloading Hardcore Mod in Minecraft PE Minecraft Hardcore Mod: A Challenging Adventure For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to up the ante and test their survival skills, the Hardcore Mod offers a thrilling challenge. This mod introduces a new level of difficulty to the game, pushing players to their limits as they navigate a harsher, more unforgiving world. What is the Hardcore Mod? The Hardcore Mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) is designed to provide a more intense and demanding gameplay experience. In this mode, players face permanent death – once they die, the world is deleted, adding a sense of urgency and tension to every decision… Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Desert-Only Minecraft Adventure!

    Survived 100 Days: Desert-Only Minecraft Adventure! In the desert world, I took my stand, Surviving 100 days, with shovel in hand. Building my shelter, under the hot sun, Mining for diamonds, oh what fun! Facing creepers and zombies, with skill and might, Crafting new tools, in the dead of night. Exploring the desert, for treasures untold, In this harsh world, my story unfolds. So if you enjoyed this epic tale, Leave a comment, like, and set sail. For more adventures in Minecraft land, Stay tuned, for I have more plans! Read More

  • Boy Love Music Video: Minecraft Animation

    Boy Love Music Video: Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation Boy Love: Exploring Part 2 As the Minecraft Animation Boy Love series continues with Part 2, fans are eager to delve deeper into the captivating storyline and immersive world of Minecraft. Let’s take a closer look at the latest developments and exciting features in this installment. Immersive Music Selection The creators of Minecraft Animation Boy Love have curated a selection of engaging music tracks to enhance the viewing experience. From the electronic beats of PLEEG’s “Voyage” to the haunting melodies of updog’s “ordinary / horrifying,” each track sets the mood for the unfolding narrative. Viewers can enjoy… Read More

  • Building Stairway to Sky in Minecraft

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  • Mastering PVP with Jackbhaiya

    Mastering PVP with Jackbhaiya Minecraft PvP Showdown: JackBhaiya vs. BOB JackBhaiya, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, recently engaged in an intense PvP battle against BOB, showcasing their skills and strategies in the popular game. The clash between these two players has garnered attention from fans and gamers alike, highlighting the competitive nature of Minecraft gameplay. JackBhaiya’s PvP Training Known for his exceptional PvP skills, JackBhaiya has been honing his abilities through rigorous training sessions. His dedication to mastering combat techniques and strategies has made him a formidable opponent in the Minecraft PvP arena. Fans eagerly anticipate his battles, eager to witness… Read More

  • Mastering Bedwars in MCPE: No Commentary

    Mastering Bedwars in MCPE: No Commentary The Exciting World of Bedwars in Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) Welcome, fellow gamers! In this video, we delve into the thrilling realm of Bedwars in Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) without commentary. Witness the intense action and clever strategies as players aim to destroy their opponents’ beds while defending their own. Engaging in Epic Battles Watch as players engage in epic battles against each other in the quest for victory. Learn some tricks to secure a win in Bedwars and experience the excitement of the chase throughout the game. Key Highlights: Intense bed destruction gameplay Clever strategies and tactics Exciting… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Iron Farm Survival

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  • Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods

    Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods Minecraft Discoveries: Unpopular Mods Exploration Exploring the world of Minecraft mods can lead to exciting discoveries, even in the realm of lesser-known, unpopular mods. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to delve into mods with only up to 10 downloads to see what hidden gems could be found. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Among the unique finds in these unpopular mods were: New Currency: Introducing a new form of currency to the game, adding a fresh economic element to gameplay. Golden Potatoes: A quirky addition that brings a new twist to farming and cooking in Minecraft. Gamer Gear and… Read More

  • Block Bustin’ 1000 Days: Minecraft Survival Showdown!

    Block Bustin' 1000 Days: Minecraft Survival Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I embark on a challenge, a survival dream. 1000 days in a limited space, With creativity and wisdom, I must embrace. Building shelters, growing food, fighting monsters with might, Discovering hidden treasures, in the day and the night. The challenge is tough, full of surprises galore, But with your support, I’ll conquer and soar. Join me on this journey, witness the thrill, As I navigate through this limited land, with skill. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell with glee, Let’s create miracles together, in Minecraft, you and me. Read More

  • Flat Earth Hardcore: 100 Days, Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Flat Earth Hardcore: 100 Days, Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Surviving 100 days on a flat Earth, it may seem like a dream. Eren Bilgin, the fearless explorer, takes on the challenge hardcore, Crafting, building, and mining, with skills to the core. With each passing day, the stakes grow higher, As dangers lurk, ready to set the world on fire. But Eren persists, with determination and might, Facing every obstacle, shining in the light. From crafting to battling, every moment is a thrill, As Eren’s journey unfolds, with skills that could kill. So join the adventure, in this Minecraft tale,… Read More

  • Magic Horizons SMP – SMP Vanilla Whitelisted HermitCraft Inspired Player Shops 1.21

    Apply by visiting my bio and joining the discord Magic Horizons Magic Horizons is a survival multiplayer smp with a map that will never be reset! Join us on version 1.19 and experience our growing player base in a chill environment. Bedrock players welcome! Custom models are available with the server resource pack. Enjoy custom textured items like food, tools, and decorations. What the server offers Vanilla survival gameplay with building, shops, and fun Server events hosted regularly with rewards Quality of life mods including Voice Chat Mod like hermitcraft Vanilla Tweaks Data Packs for easier crafting Rules Respect others’… Read More

  • kayesMC

    kayesMCkayesMC – A Minecraft ServerJoin us on Discord @ discord.gg/gMtzdYFeq4kayesMC is a Towny Server with a 1:500, 72k by 36k block Earth Map. It aims to provide a peaceful and fun gameplay experience, without the hassle of losing your hard-earned progress.WIth ore hotspots based on real life resource distributions, you can discover locations to mine whatever you want in bulk. Fund your own massive towns by mining in gold hotspots and never worry about losing land as there is no upkeep or overclaim. Join a large nation to boost your claims, or make your own nation and rise to power… Read More

  • Crafty Eats and Board Retreats: Minecraft’s Red Umbrella Treats

    Crafty Eats and Board Retreats: Minecraft's Red Umbrella Treats In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every vibe. Red umbrella, white pole, lie down on the board, After eating, let the fun be restored. Animations that are funny, humorous, and bright, Conveying happiness, bringing pure delight. Pirated videos, unauthorized and wrong, Stick to the original, where happiness belongs. Daily doses of joy, for all to see, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, and join the spree. MC funny, classroom series, songs that adapt, In the world of Minecraft, where happiness is wrapped. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with all… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes for Days!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes for Days! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #minecrafttherapy #creepertherapy Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: Carinderia vs Restaurant

    Minecraft Showdown: Carinderia vs Restaurant Minecraft Showdown: Carinderia vs. Restaurant Exploring Culinary Delights in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the opportunity to create and explore a variety of structures, including culinary establishments like carinderias and restaurants. These virtual eateries offer a unique twist to the gameplay experience, allowing players to showcase their creativity and design skills in a fun and engaging way. Carinderia: A Taste of Local Flavor In Minecraft, a carinderia is a small, locally-owned eatery that serves traditional dishes and street food. These charming establishments are often decorated with colorful banners and outdoor seating areas, creating a cozy… Read More

  • Fixing All 11 Music Discs in Minecraft!

    Fixing All 11 Music Discs in Minecraft! Minecraft Update: Portable Jukeboxes and Fixable Music Discs! Exciting news for Minecraft players! A talented creator has introduced a new datapack that allows players to fix the 11 music discs in the game. Not only that, but they have also added portable jukeboxes in the form of a Walkman, giving players the option to explore the world with in-game background music of their choice! Enhanced Music Experience With over 20 new discs added, all featuring music from the Minecraft Soundtrack, players can now enjoy a more immersive and customizable music experience while playing. This is especially great for players… Read More

  • CRAZIEST MODS in Minecraft Ever! 😱

    CRAZIEST MODS in Minecraft Ever! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘good old minecraft【modded minecraft】’, was uploaded by Benki Argyros on 2024-07-06 15:24:23. It has garnered 32 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:03 or 6063 seconds. Welcome to a degens channel huohuo model : https://bailyovo.booth.pm/items/5288339 sound effects : https://blerp.com/x/benki-argyros come bully me : https://discord.gg/PvTXXjD2HQ music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1ZkP03V18LmOj8zbyP-Dw ———— Friends youtube.com/@Jolluino youtube.com/@NightFolds youtube.com/@RiminYT ———— : Tags : #vtuber #stream #streamer #vtuberen #vtuberstream #variaty #benki This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Real Terrifying Minecraft Rituals Tested!

    Real Terrifying Minecraft Rituals Tested!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Terrifying Minecraft Rituals That Are Actually Real! #shorts’, was uploaded by Itz Venger on 2024-06-16 13:45:00. It has garnered 13135 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Testing Terrifying Minecraft Rituals That Are Actually Real! #shorts Full Video :- Coming Soon! Recent Video:- https://youtu.be/tr_Wy77hY0s ╼╼╼╼╼╼╼─────Other Social’s╽╾╾╾───── Ⓒ Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/itz_venger_07/ Ⓒ Discord – https://discord.gg/HhFE6GCWXf Ⓒ New Channel:-https://www.youtube.com/@ItzVenger2.0 ───────────────────── For Business Enquiry:- [email protected] ────Keywords──── i tried the most terrifying minecraft rituals, scary minecraft rituals that actually work, testing the most terrifying minecraft seeds, i tried the scariest minecraft mod,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Jungle Pyramid Build! [Hindi]

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Jungle Pyramid Build! [Hindi]Video Information This video, titled ‘I made a JUNGLE PYRAMID in Minecraft Hardcore. [Hindi]’, was uploaded by VF Gaming on 2024-02-27 18:44:17. It has garnered 518 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:09 or 429 seconds. – In this video, I made a Custom Giant Jungle pyramid temple in Minecraft Hardcore , where if u die once, the world is deleted in Hindi. ———————————————————————————————— – Insta – vfgaming_24 https://www.instagram.com/vf_gaming24/ ———————————————————————————————— – More Videos that you might like to watch :- I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE, Here is what happened… – https://youtu.be/4YduZacetsc I transformed an… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Reality Tree in Dimension 2 (TTE ep 4)” #minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE Diamond Find in Hardcore Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE Diamond Find in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TO NEJLEPŠÍ z Minecraft Hardcoru 3 Kamarádů…’, was uploaded by Diamond on 2024-05-20 11:00:00. It has garnered 3942 views and 482 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:43 or 643 seconds. 3 Friends: Diamond, Krulaks and AdamTheOne – decided to start a world in Minecraft Hardcore and survive in it for 100 days. Will they succeed? WARNING: This video is a chronological compilation of the best moments from (the first half of 200 Days) the adventure movie 3 Friends in Minecraft Hardcore… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diamondthegenius/ Second YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM0DgagmEgxLOVYn715g-ug Shorts spoon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQRhzgKvsFURQIuOc9sCFMQ Krulaks’s YT channel:… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter: Ghost Yoshi in Modded Minecraft Ep. 2

    Terrifying Encounter: Ghost Yoshi in Modded Minecraft Ep. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles (Modded Minecraft) Ep. 2’, was uploaded by Ghost Yoshi on 2024-04-27 07:31:44. It has garnered 29 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:56 or 7856 seconds. Today Tyler and I will continue our journey into Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles. Hope you guys enjoy the second episode of this streaming series! Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT ADVENTURES WITH Raora Panthera!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Epic adventures today!’, was uploaded by Raora Panthera Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-07-07 14:21:08. It has garnered 108991 views and 11303 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. 『 X formely Twitter 』 https://x.com/raorapanthera 『 Hashtags 』 ╰┈➤ Live #CiaoRaora ╰┈➤ Fanarts #RaorArt ╰┈➤ Clips #RaraWara ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ˗ˏˋ ꒰Merch ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【Debut Celebration Merch】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ JP: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololiveen_justice_debut IN: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_justice_debut 【Acrylic Stands】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ JP: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololiveen_regularoutfit_acrylicstand IN: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_regularoutfit_acrylicstand ▼Geek Jack▼ EN: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hololive-en-justice CH: https://shop.geekjack.net/zh/collections/hololive-en-justice ◆Starting Voice JP: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/startingvoice_raorapanthera IN: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/startingvoice_raorapanthera ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ˗ˏˋ ꒰Underage Viewers ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Request from… Read More

  • INSANE glitch in Minecraft with ChickenZY!

    INSANE glitch in Minecraft with ChickenZY!Video Information This video, titled ‘good bug 😀 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ChickenZY on 2024-07-19 12:15:13. It has garnered 7261 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #pvp Read More

  • Insane Mobile MCPE Parkour! 😱 Watch Now!

    Insane Mobile MCPE Parkour! 😱 Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best Parkour in mobile mcpe 😈 #song #shorts’, was uploaded by perana gaming on 2024-03-18 09:39:37. It has garnered 918 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • Hftg Survival

    Hftg SurvivalAre you bored of classic Minecraft? We present you Hftg Survival a server that brings a little color to the game. a unique configurations and a beautiful interface -TexturePack -Interactive NPCs -Survival Menu -Server Guide -Settings -Server Warps -Kits -Item Shop -Battlepass -The Rift And much more Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information: Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game changing plugins or commands. We have a small community with many people from all around the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla… Read More

  • Feudal RP 1.20.4+

    FeudalRP: A Geopolitical Nations Server          Java ‎‎Edition 1.20.4⚔️ Military & Warfare Ships & Naval Combat Nations & Diplomacy 🔨 World Building Events & Activities 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Community for everyone`__** 📈 Fun Levelling System 💰 Simple but Great EconomyDISCORD: https://discord.gg/uzBFDXnjb6 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Oops, made a Minecraft mixtape…hope they’re cool with it”

    Minecraft Memes - "Oops, made a Minecraft mixtape...hope they're cool with it"Well, with a score of 0, I think it’s safe to say that no one really minds! Just keep on building those political Minecraft memes, maybe you’ll hit a diamond in the rough eventually! Read More

  • Shade Your World: Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft – A How-To Glow

    Shade Your World: Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft - A How-To Glow In the world of Minecraft, shaders can make a big change, Enhancing the visuals, making everything rearrange. To download Sildurs Shaders, follow this guide with ease, Just open your browser, and let’s aim to please. Click on the link to install, it’s as simple as can be, Watch your Minecraft world transform, and let your eyes see. With Sildurs Shaders, your game will shine bright, Bringing new life to your world, like a beacon in the night. So follow this guide, and download with glee, Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft, the key to a new spree. And don’t forget to… Read More

  • Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans 🔥🔥

    Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans 🔥🔥 “Why did the Wither Storm break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😈💔 #minecrafthumor #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Boost Your FPS with These Top 3 Textures!

    Boost Your FPS with These Top 3 Textures! Exploring the Best Textures for FPS Boost in Bed Wars Are you looking to enhance your gaming experience in Bed Wars with improved performance and visuals? Look no further! Here are the top 3 textures that will give you that much-needed FPS boost: Miriz 16x One of the most popular texture packs for boosting FPS in Bed Wars is the Miriz 16x pack. With its sleek design and optimized performance, this texture pack will not only make your game run smoother but also add a touch of style to your gameplay. You can download the Miriz 16x pack here…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fairy Tail Meeting | Ep. 4!

    EPIC Minecraft Fairy Tail Meeting | Ep. 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE MEETING.. – Minecraft Fairy Tail |Ep. 4|’, was uploaded by The Myzero on 2024-07-07 20:30:06. It has garnered 256 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. Welcome to the world of Fairy Tail Eden!! {Arc 1 Episode 4} In this episode, Zendar and Roman discuss the results of the examination and the new members of the guild. Meanwhile, Angel and the leaders of Red Eye discuss what they plan to do next. [#FairyTailEden #MCRP #MinecraftRoleplay] More Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXuKStU1rB8KZLQyh53yO8rRde_zNeADe&si=DHAtxfgGFoO_15ey Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/5VFCzVVxQT Thumbnail: https://kaydennhivs.carrd.co/ Song: https://youtu.be/k3yWeS1ILdE?si=a7aFFV_6DpmlfshE People in… Read More

  • Steph’s First Minecraft Adventure with COOL◆DIA!

    Steph's First Minecraft Adventure with COOL◆DIA!Video Information This video, titled ‘My FIRST EVER Time Playing Minecraft…ft. COOL◆DIA!’, was uploaded by Steph Sings! on 2024-06-22 14:28:07. It has garnered 74 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:36 or 4296 seconds. i am finally taking the plunge in this the year of our lord 2024. thumbnail art by eliot (TW: pweasyy) 😀 Read More

  • Insane: Minecraft Computers Existed in 1833?! 👀

    Insane: Minecraft Computers Existed in 1833?! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘#Minecraft computers were invented in 1833 people in 1832💀☠️’, was uploaded by Incomplete Gaming on 2024-06-02 13:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The clips that I show you in my video that are not mine # Bro’s Real-Life Minecraft Adventure ## Introduction In a world where … Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Wait What?! Lava, Water, Slime

    Minecraft Realistic Wait What?! Lava, Water, SlimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #386’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-05-07 07:08:43. It has garnered 7121 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:11 or 3311 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Unbelievable! Itachi’s secret realm in Minecraft 🔥

    Unbelievable! Itachi's secret realm in Minecraft 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘@Mythpat build in Minecraft 🌚’, was uploaded by Itachizz domain on 2024-03-16 04:53:00. It has garnered 9917 views and 476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Thanks for watching 😍 hope you liked my videos and subscribed to my channel itachizz domain. If you enjoyed please share with your friends so they also can enjoy. Have a nice day ❤ (Secret description 🌚 ↓) Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Quick Builds Minecraft Speed Builds Minecraft Tips Minecraft Tricks Minecraft Tutorials Minecraft Redstone Shorts Minecraft Funny Moments Minecraft Challenges Minecraft Mini Games Minecraft… Read More

  • Mikey Freaks Out: JJ Turns Invisible & Pranks in Minecraft

    Mikey Freaks Out: JJ Turns Invisible & Pranks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Became INVISIBLE And Did Funny Pranks on Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Funny Mikey on 2024-03-27 21:00:31. It has garnered 13841 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:27 or 1827 seconds. JJ Became INVISIBLE And Did Funny Pranks on Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Have a good day! subscribe to the channel and like the video Video Every Day! This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: Kiara’s Baby Alpaca Disaster!

    Shocking Encounter: Kiara's Baby Alpaca Disaster!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kiara’s Terrible IRL Baby Alpaca Experience [Hololive EN]’, was uploaded by Taiyaki Clips on 2024-06-16 03:15:05. It has garnered 1148 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Thank you for watching 🙂 Original Stream : 【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 1, whats our 1st Block!? #MythOneBlock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ar8e6OYdXc Subscribe to : Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia —————————————————————————————— Thumbnail : https://twitter.com/DDOLBANG11 —————————————————————————————— #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #kfp #takanashikiara #moricalliope #gawrgura #ninomaeinanis #ameliawatson #hololivemyth… Read More