Video Information

Live hello welcome welcome we’re back we are back obviously back on to loyalty anyway hello Gog hello hello welcome how are you all today let me just share my stream and then we’ll get started okay good thumbnail is working this time around oh God thank God for that all right

Uh hopefully all right bar hello hello good sir hello hello hope you’re doing well today welcome to the stream welcome everyone welcome welcome thank you all so much for joining I appreciate it but yes we are live on loyalty today um probably time I until tomorrow uh see what we’re doing

Tomorrow when I get back from work might do a live stream who knows who knows anyway yeah I hope you’re all doing well we’re chilling chilling at the moment just going to be doing a little bit of the mining and whatnot you guys are got to remind me all right make sure you

Join the Discord um yeah all right okay let me just get this thing uh who’s on ah bu beans right uh okay indeed indeed I just hear footsteps around no no no not not yet I’m I’m waiting for the right time to do it uh which isn’t

Now sorry that’s just a quick pinned message when I um there you go fantastic okay but yeah I I I will soon I will soon don’t worry do not worry I’ll make sure I do that soon that’s fine don’t worry the Discord isn’t going anyway so once

You do eventually get it you can join then damn making progress on this wall very nice oh God what are you bu doing hello everyone thank you thank you all so much for joining I appreciate it um but yeah we’ll be doing loyalty today hi tomorrow

So yeah make sure you stick around for that should be fun um all right right I’m going to try and um continue the tree build I’m not sure how I’m going to approach this or what I’m going to do but we will figure it

Out oh I know right ah damn you know it is a shame you know shame got to get you in here Zach of course come on like buy have have you applied yet have you applied you you know going get you in here come on have you applied I’ll vouch for you don’t

Worry get you in all right yeah how how are you today how are you today good sir all right let me S out my inventory cuz it’s an absolute mess and I would not want to be caught live with this all I need to do is

Say h oh okay okay yeah no no no no that’s per perfectly reasonable of course of course of course that’s all you need to do makes sense Mak makes makes sense I couldn’t agree more right oh my God he’s in he’s in oh my God

Zach if if you’re in the uh oh wait is this your are you still on the stream sorry I’m not sure if you are but if you want if you want any help let me know I’ll uh pay you a visit God this is like a really wrap

Around buy thing isn’t it hello Ultra how are you how are you hope you’re doing well how’s your oh you’re in BO okay okay very well oh that’s a s that’s a that’s a brilliant profile picture oh you know I think we’re going to get along very well oh that’s an

That’s an amazing profile picture holy Christ wow I I think our um future relations are going to uh go a long go a long way yeah I’m chilling I’m chilling Ultra I’m chilling just going to be sting some chests out and whatnot um hell hello felis welcome welcome how

Are you today how are you but yeah I think our future relations are going to go a long way yes it is indeed Gog Gog has returned the prophecy was correct he will return and such he as fantastic the return of the Gog unbelievable all right I probably need an armor

Chest uh then a weapons chest and then I’ll have potions chest indeed indeed it’s Gog the Gog that that oh no no oh my God bengus yeah no no no I don’t know I don’t know who this guy streaming is I’m just watching them too you know just watching them cuz

Why not why not I’ve been waiting for you to stream for a week ah come on felis come on gotta be streaming here anybody doing oh my God it’s banger bers buy the game’s over now you can stop what you were doing and go to bed come

On all right got a question about loyalty what V entry requirements uh application entry requirements you honestly there isn’t a really big thing for that um essentially you subs don’t matter even though you’ve got it um just basically showcase bit of editing skills bit of your personality talk a little

Bit about experience if you have any um what else uh don’t talk about PVP um yeah no it’s basic stuff basic stuff not too complicated um ah hello hello fox fox how are you how are you so welcome to the stream thank you so much for joining I appreciate it favorite food ooh

Tough question but it’s got to be Pastor Bolognese best thing ever best thing ever honestly it really is I couldn’t go day without my pastor I’ll tell you that much Christ I last buy I survive off pasta I survive off it all right but yeah well welcome everyone welcome thank

You all so much for joining appreciate it how are you all doing today how are you all how are you all yeah those are the basic requirements bingus um if you want to know just join the Discord and have a look but yeah welcome to the stream Fox hope you

Having a fantastic day um like I said yeah favorite food Bolognese 100% either that or power only Pizza it’s a mixup between the two so it’s a tough one it’s a tough one depending on the food uh like it’s more or less depending on the

Pizza uh if if it was meat Feast uh not too much but pepperoni goes a long way but then again some some uh pizza places like to do their Pizza different so it varies anyway let me just put all this stuff in there make this like my Redstone chest make this

My armor chest lovely okay and then I’ll have a horse and saddle chest right there fantastic lovely wow making progress yeah thank you all so much for joining I hope you’re all doing well today how how have all your days been anything interesting to uh talk about anything interesting to say let me

Know you know the good thing about living in the jungle you could just swing on the V like BL TOS on not like that but you get the point all right uh let’s head over to our um little cave and then just Bing stuff out of

There sack if you still here if you need if you need a buy escort let me know but yeah oh Gog Gog the return of Gog it’s insane yeah hope you’re doing well F us as well we’re just chilling uh would you guys like some um background music I’ll uh be happy to

Get that on do you want to um do you want me to meet you um Z or you just looking to explore on your own cuz I’m just going to be chilling um so handling stuff at my base if you want to meet up somewhere

I can try and give you a little rundown and guide a guide of who to avoid and who to be cautious off um all right oh we can meet oh damn okay let me just s me inventory out real quick I have to try and Bob and weave

These budy mobs man it’s an outrage he uh let’s get of that pick up this bamboo right hello Sunny hello welcome welcome how are you today all right oh God it’s night time that is not buy good at all uh Zach are you good a building

By any chance I’m um looking for a couple of workers to take on some jobs uh you’ll be compensated of course you know I’ll give you a free resident place to sleep um if you’re interested I can I can hire you as my worker I’ve got a little H bit of money to

Spend right yeah no I’m chilling I’m chilling um I guess okay okay I’ll have to I have to give you a quick interview make sure you’re up for the task but yeah no I’m chilling I’m chilling Sunny just there sting out my chests um hello cake hello welcome

Welcome hope you’re having a fantastic day welcome to the stream uh right yeah my inventory is an absolute State forgive me God oh Jesus uh right put all this crap in there uh okay okay yeah I’ll uh I’ll meet you and then um do do you want to come back to

My base or do want to I can give you a little tour gu if you want from what I know of give you a little uh layer the land show you some things um but yeah hello cake how are you you how are you uh

Wait uh I can make a little paper chest here right wouldn’t mind at all very well very well good sir very well I’ll CR you a few emeralds of course me being a villager and all I’m I’m messing I don’t charge uh charge anyone that’s just joined and don’t worry even though

You’re like the first person to join after me so yeah don’t worry don’t don’t worry I won’t charge you um let me just bring along some food just in case you can never be too prepared for these sorts of things Ah that’s great he that is fantastic glad to you doing well

Definitely a good thing um yeah no I’m chilling I’m chilling just um like I said just sorting out my chests and stuff you know doing stuff and things getting along with sack um my friend came around ear against sto his hoodie and we could watching TV a well that’s nice to hear

That’s nice that’s nice well as long as you’re happy that’s what matters in the end you know what I mean glad to hear it you know glad to hear it en enjoy it cake enjoy it soak it up soak it up uh okay Zach uh where would

You where did you know where where’s where where are you right now um because like there’s quite a few locations that could be uh just looking to find out where you are so I can save you yeah that’s great to hear cake that’s great to hear Mushroom Island oh

God think don’t think I buy had a mushroom Island before um where where you do you know where spawn is are you able to gets the spawn or neutral zone all right all right let’s uh let’s head down down this way if you guys haven’t already make sure you drop a

Like on the stream it’ll help spread our viewership around to new people so it would be very much appreciated oh my cords okay uh I’ll try and hunt you down oh sorry no I’ll try and find you then um I’ll be the last person Haun you down trust me Christ no

Me hello welcome back Ultra welcome back okay um when you say Mushroom Island like what around you can you can you like describe surroundings I’ve never heard of a mushroom Island but I know there is a mushroom Island but mushrooms okay than thanks for the uh description I appreciate it I I’ll find

You don’t worry so like did you did you go through a never pool at all when you were were at spawn by any chance did you head through a NE portal I kind of want to join an S SMP but I need one where I actually know

People didn’t you join that thing with um magic and subie and all that hello Von welcome welcome I went to Clash’s base and did you go through a NE portal since how are you Von how are you how are you welcome to the stream okay

Um I like to join civil but you need a team to win a PVP oh okay okay so well it’s like just a waiting game then to see whether you can get in all right very well oh it’s the Masquerade oh damn I’m have to BU masquerade buy

Place oh God I don’t think I want to be here Christ buy don’t know honestly ah okay I mean that’s fine you know there there’s still plenty of other smps out there you know what I mean don’t give up on the search all right okay um I have visited Clash’s base before

But last I check don’t know what that is um okay right I’ll I’ll find you don’t worry I I I’ll try and rescue you um you can not you can have neite tools um but you can’t have neite um armor Esther’s portal okay well that’s Esther’s portal

Uh Zach uh I’m not sure this is uh looking too good antihero um Zach oh no oh no Jesus Christ it’s like I’m getting a bit sidetracked forgive me sorry I I’ll be with in a couple of seconds don’t worry don’t worry I’ll be with you give me a minute don’t worry all

Right I’m going to try and somehow find this base I think this may just be a strip mine I’m not sure like okay did you go I assume this is where you went so you went through the portal and then went backwards my guess is oh God it’s like one in a

Million oh God ah yeah now I see a Paul okay I apply that Discord um it works in a way like so essentially essentially how you want to do it is um you want to look at the FAQ or information that should give you some um

Idea on how you want to um apply talk a little bit about yourself give a bit of your personality out there you know um ah here we go yeah talk a little bit about um S&P experience if you have any don’t talk about PVP um and showcase a little bit of editing

Skills all right like to cont will be super fun time okay yeah yeah thanks for the offer I guess but um I am I am in a s SMP at the moment two s smps in fact so does it just appear on my account what you

Mean um Zach yeah yeah seems you move a little bit far away from the uh portal how uh how far exactly did you move all s okay uh probably don’t promote that here please you know it’s a common decency you know I would you wouldn’t want me promoting my stuff in there

Would you anyway the Dolphins ATT taged you what what the oh oh damn Jesus oh God damn oh Jesus Christ oh Jesus Christ I wasn’t expecting that H bear with bear with me God I just got buy jumps Christ my God it’s not something you get every day is it he doesn’t have

An end chest does he no I need an end chest damn man all right em yeah indeed it is indeed it is wait okay I can I can I can do this all right give me a minute okay uh okay bear with me bear with me I’m

Going to I’m going to try or something this guy man all right me get down here ah hey sorry Zach I Jesus Christ okay it send something on the Discord to me chilling with a mushroom cow don’t what oh god I don’t think uh I’m the one for this job Jesus

Christ beat him up yeah all right okay I’ll keep that in mind then oh God Jesus Christ oh let me off let me off okay okay thank you thank you Zach I appreciate it I’ll I’ll try and H get to you when I get a chance sorry it’s um as

You can see I kind kind of preoccupied trying to uh trying to keep these mob [Applause] going man how the hell where the hell is he all right don’t don’t worry I’m bu I’m bu findy I’ll get you don’t worry I’ll I’ll I’ll get you trust the process all right trust

The process it’s cool where’s that one got a fishing rod what the hell okay Jesus Christ we got it we got it uh okay just leave him on there just leave him on there he’s he’s cool for now he’s cool hey don’t walk back in the water Jesus sorry forgive me damn buy

Horse okay Jesus still alive um give me a Minute put a claim on this buddy horse there we go lovely fantastic all right Zach I’m on me way don’t worry Soldier I’ll find you wait how where wait 16 that isn’t far from Spawn Jesus I might I’ll go back through the portal at that point okay I

I’ll go back through the portal and try and find you hello fresh welcome welcome how are you how are you I’ll uh I’ll go back through the F Paul thought I almost I almost thought I got banned really Jesus um in most inst instances uh yes Barrett it is it

Is the hell’s that noise but yeah um when you when you join the thing Barrett what you need to do is obviously have the gate mention where you got the invite from and then um yeah look at the stuff okay okay okay I’ll stay I’ll go to spawn you’ll be closer

To spawn and then clash as base so yeah I’ll just I mean I’ll meet you there I’ll meet you there I’m getting chased oh no oh no come on Jesus Christ I’m being pursued Zach uh okay I I’ll bring I oh Jesus Christ these are not a bunch of friendly

People I’ll tell you that much my comment just randomly deleted really oh you got scared then you thought you got banned I can I can see why don’t worry you’re fine you’re fine no don’t worry don’t worry fresh you’re cool you’re cool um all right so you’re

At my God my navigation my navigation skills are whack oh my God all right so you’re off in this direction got it I’ll be on my way don’t worry yeah don’t worry don’t worry um fresher you’re cool you’re cool don’t don’t panic Don’t Panic you’re still here with

Us you said fresh and I thought fresh for pig oh no no no no no fresh fresh fresh station fresh fresh s all right so we got two fresh yeah yeah I know insane insane uh I’ve been on this Mushroom Island for 10 years straight save me man

Don’t worry I’m on me way I’m on me way don’t worry Soldier I’m on me way all right don’t worry I’ll I’ll be getting there quite quickly I don’t have a trident but I have a boat a boat and a dream zck so don’t worry don’t worry good sir I am on me

Way all right yeah I’ll be there in no time sack don’t worry just trying trying not to die from Hunger starvation yeah real fortunate isn’t it fresh Christ I mean besides you and that other person I don’t think there’s another person I I haven’t seen another person called Fresh on my channel you

Know so you you know you might be the only one as far as I’m concerned um so yeah don’t don’t worry do not worry yeah right as far as I’m aware you’re the only fresh year I’ve been on yeah I was so relaxed on yeah they can’t be pretty relaxing

They can be pretty relaxing if you like Dr Eggman yeah yeah stuck with all the mushrooms indeed indeed that’s funny that’s funny don’t worry that’s fine that’s fine magic I’ll see you soon oh my god look look who there he is oh my God come on let me wait hello good

Sir do you need assistance here you go there’s some there’s some steak all right hello good sir hello hello good sir oh look at this guy okay come on we got we got to Rob this place before we leave ah you can’t even buddy okay never mind come on let’s

Go get on the ship okay follow me come on this way let’s move jeez you had a boat this whole timebody he sat here wow okay yeah don’t worry about it magic okay let’s sail off in this direction this guy’s can have the cow nice all right we can make a mushroom

Cow Farm it’ll be glorious yeah just this way just this way we’re not we’re not too far away from it we should be fine yeah just don’t want to lose you in the middle of the ocean you and your C friend okay um your carow will despawn if you

Take a leave it in the boat so maybe dig a little hole for it or something like that to go in or if you have a lead put it on there wait I think I have a lead no I don’t all right oh God it’s Buy glorious all right this way let’s

Move my God man I think someone who’s that it’s Dan look at him look at him look there he is look at him saving this guy right here come on look at him be careful anybody playing her andin killing me all right come on let’s got let’s got to let’s get to the

Ship the uh Mainland and I’ll give you a home tour so um yeah obviously visited Clash’s base um so we got ryen and xaven Bas yeah giv that premium um premium tour don’t worry I got you man I got you so yeah we’ll um had to R’s base Clash’s B I

Mean blades base is just here pretty obvious all right let’s H get the car out that buddy boat he’ll despawn let’s try and get this car out this boat okay we we want oh yeah no no just go on another boat right thebody don’t yeah all right there we go we got them

Okay try and trying to stick him a hole sck him a hole push him in this hole oh he’s doing a runner get him this bu escape artist push him in the goddamn oh oh Jesus look at him he’s insane he’s push him in the hole get him in

There okay come on back them up back them up push them in push them in yeah we got him all right okay don’t worry she use a boat again in the hole Yeah okay just cover it up cover it up don’t worry cover cover it cover it

Up okay there you go use that right A Sign there remember don’t worry your car the car will be remembered we we will be back for the C okay magic don’t worry that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine a cow is into here ah yeah yeah that isn’t very

Conspicuous very good sack very good um oh he isn’t live w wow I think I have to worry about losing food I have mushrooms that that is a good idea that is a good idea all right trust me I’m not worried about that it’s just fair enough fair

Enough fresh all right if you want to put anything in there feel free there’s um oh oh mushroom soup oh oh watch out I got you man hello gamer hello rayan how are you too how are you too welcome to the stream all right

Let me let me let me uh let me fix you up and get get you a little uh set down all right there you go good sir take this as a complimentary gift you should get you started all right I like I like to help out the fellow players

That’s why you should have team with me as you can see no no no problem no problem no problem all right playing Terraria ah nice nice terrar Terraria is so cool ran what what are you playing it on I’m am fine Ah that’s good to you gamer that’s good to

You wait wait wait wait wait come on come on come no I forgot there’s that that base over there PS5 oh okay sack you might want to come back through I’ll wait for you okay don’t worry okay first off lum’s house Lumi just joined as well as I so

Yeah but yeah that’s cool I I I love Terraria right hand so let me know how you get on keep me updated I love that game Alo guys leave company is coming toor about yeah know I’ve heard I’ve heard gamer insane Jesus all right it is insane

Yeah over here we have lum’s house Fab KN oh nice nice here we have lum’s house right here as you can see peer sheep of course uh little bit of the Interior pretty cool uh pretty cool uh home as you can see so yeah pretty chill um okay next up I would assume

It poor dog I can’t kill a sheep really oh you have shaders on that’s cool that’s cool all right come on let’s get through there let me likes it when we shut the door oh that’s nice hello Josh hello God killer sheep now we have a cow Farm here all

Right hello welcome welcome I can’t k kill I’m not killing anything bu gamer come on Jesus Christ I want last a day making enemy with everyone all right okay so that was uh lum’s house right there we’ll head to Blade’s house how’ you join this s SMP click the link that’s being

Pinned ghost it and then you shall be information on it in there but what I can tell you now is um what you need to do is show off a little bit of editing skills just showcase a little bit of that and then another thing is you need

To obviously talk a lot well you don’t need to but talk a little bit about experience um showcase a little bit of editing just talk a little bit about yourself you know just some basic stuff and yeah don’t talk about PVP very important um because it’ll just get

Ignored but yeah B basic stuff you’ll see more info on there but that’s the basic of it yeah okay well this is Blade’s house onto the Marauders house I’ll keep the stream on thank you thank you ran I appreciate that if I buy a membership I want more emojis I mean

You will get more emojis if you do that um Uzi the um it ranges from 99 P to um 899 all right over here right um I like Mak people I’m sure you do game I’m sure you do all right over this way come on PVP is not important and you can

Choose if you want to be a part of it yeah thank thank you R you’re not even in the SMP and nobody giv better info than me oh that’s funny wow thank you thank you rayan I I really appreciate that thank you yeah that’s basically it so

There is no PVP I mean you can fight don’t get get me wrong you can’t fight that’s not like a thing but um don’t mention it in your app cuz it’s it’s not important to be on the S SMP with all right but yeah take a look around take a

Look around this is the Mar’s house um got a few visitors as you can see uh there’s PVP well it’s not solely based PVP but yeah um I Bas the p o God Jesus that’s it rough yeah there’s a mansion there is a mansion trying to find the main entrance like

Well pretty sure they have that blocked off for now but come with me I’ll try and take you around the back come on I show I’ll show you around the back oh Jesus yeah just not on the app basically I dug a square hole oh yeah no no no no don’t worry

It’s it’s a work of it’s a work of progress trust me B just square hole community garden best P Watch for the win like yeah know he is a very good person to explain that sort of thing so yeah very useful all right down here uh we have we can’t we have to

Mention the um World War II shamman tank L accur is risen’s priz possession um I don’t know what they would do if they lost it but yeah there it is um we have over here remember to um okay yeah no uh just go in here and see ex saen he’s a he’s a

Part of the um tour yeah no oh there he is look at him there he is there he is look at him yeah is giving to giving to uh and here is just a little room back back room area area right but yeah we have

Um oh God Jesus um yeah thank you R I appreciate that I might think of joining ESP there you know really cool you know go ahead give it a go yeah no yeah okay come on next stop let’s um move on then who else have we got on the

List yeah I know I know it’s insane you mess with my brain with the doors honestly is is a bit confusing don’t worry I got us a boat I got us a boat I think he’s trying to scare us off you got mobs on your house look

You got Creepers on your roof that explod I want to be happy all right are you allowed to have never um you are allowed to but just not arm all right see has no mobs you’re acting like I’m watching stream yeah know I’m trying to oh they’re not there all right next

Stop great minds think Al like it seems Jesus all right come on let’s get going oh yeah by the way the economy application into glob names for screen oh really I think I’ve hated that I need to chain oh honestly good luck Jesus s sounds really good Christ

Good good luck I I know you like your your football and everything so I’d say you have pretty good odds all right come on um next stop is Tom’s house I believe uh so yeah let’s say head off today but yeah we are allowed neite tools just not neite

Armor uh right yeah okay this way come on oh God I lost him there he is okay come on let’s go uh I do know of some other little areas but I doubt they’re are I out for like properly major places I’m I’m just highlighting the people that I know of

Like like those sorts of people all right come on this way oh wait uh neutral zone as well uh I’ll take I’ll take you to neutral zone real quick so you know what that’s like um feel like that that’ll be important neutral Z is essentially in the name you

Can’t really kill there of course as it as it describes how big is the whale B I don’t think there is a whale B ghosty pretty sure it’s just however far you want to go uh yeah you can have neite tools yes indeed I need to train as well so even though my

Application is crap I’ll still uh still train Yeah it’ll be tough you know like wait what you mean I need to train as well so even for my applic like you you have to like write a written application or something or like online application to get in so like you and then you train it so essentially now

You’re training like if you were to get in but yeah this is it look very nice Tom pig Ace Jay and Clash sa Ren an atomic or pet H and then ascots a new one um not sure what’s going on with that all right okay come on uh so we got

A little bit of scener I got a power there his little pet then hello Ultra like a training app um so wait so so even though you the training the app so what your training is not going well uh Tom for the win uh ghosty so I need

To show dribbling shoot oh and you’re saying you’re basically saying even though you’re probably not you’re basically saying you robber sh is what you’re trying to say uh over here bring you over here so wait what I don’t know what you’re trying to say so you said you

Said you need to train even though your application is crap but you’re saying your application is training oh yeah here we are look pod there’s there’s pod P not else P yes okay come on I have to show on pod of course course so I’m try I’m trying to

Understand like what you’re saying so you’re saying your application involves um training what I use it it’s t737 63 okay I don’t worry go that’s fine don’t worry about it don’t worry yeah you’re all right you can always apply to another day when you want would you like to see the

Masquerade event uh Zach I I know that’s just happened uh but yeah I can probably show you that if you want yeah don’t worry um don’t worry [ __ ] that’s cool trying to explain what you’re trying to do right hand sobody understand cuz you’re saying you’re saying training’s application uh your

Application is crap but you’re saying your application is your training and when I asked if your training’s crap you say no all right I think I think it’s down here oh God wait a minute Jesus sorry I’m already Le nobody like ibody had this chicken all

Right uh oh yeah Esther’s base as well we got Esther’s base all right here it is there it is here are um so listen better way to explain is that even though my application is involved with training so like even though I try to explain myself oh what’s

I do and all that I still train and try and make it into the team oh okay oh CH yeah here we are masquerade events probably seen on a stream or something yeah here we are free cake feel free to I guess feel free to have some that guest

List stupid Enderman Tom crab enri Pig oh God I’m exactly exactly good thing yeah I’m not buy I couldn’t even tell you I wasn’t in the S&P at the time but sure they are streams on it see it is okay we should probably just get out of

Here all right come on let’s let’s go let’s go so if I don’t explain myself well they won’t care I think I get what you’re saying I think I understand just about all right come on Xbox to club and it looks really Ah that’s cool Jesus buddy got to get me a

Bit there like oh Jesus Christ trying to BU kill us okay we’ll go down that way in a minute bring you all the way down this end show you Esther’s base Esther’s base is not too far away from the actual never pole so yeah squid base is not too far from there

Either all right uh just through here I believe it’s very little cool like never hope um I care about for trains more than explaining like me trying to explain Christ Vision to Red Green okay I’ll jump Maybe One Day by the way I need to show dribbling passing and

Shooting Vision right okay I’ll try and keep that in mind oh God doesn’t help that we can’t really see but yeah all right come on quick let’s go yeah just up this hill over Zach come on so wait ah Jesus Christ I I why can’t I

Read I can’t understand I don’t get what you’re trying to say just put it in simpler terms so listen better way to explain is that even though my application is involved with training so like even though I try to wa what what even though I trying to explain myself

Okay that’s fine don’t worry I’ll wait for you explain myself of what I do and all that wait just say what okay say what you need to do all right just say what you need to do cuz like um you just I don’t get what you’re saying say what your application is all

Right say what your application is that’s it all right that’s all I need to BU here and you know and you’re training what what you training okay hello magic okay up this way so your application is you just what what what what’s your application tell me what your application

Is okay this is a Esther’s house um place going on here yeah as you can see all Goods down here got um this guy got a uh got stuff little enchanting area pretty cool and then obviously upstairs you have the parrot and the cats Mikel okay m is my buy audio just went

Off okay this way uh I think it’s a bit too dark to uh try and risk visit on Squid’s house right and yeah Sable w he oh sorry I don’t want to get off of that that’ll be terrible okay back to the ne poort come

On I’ll take you to Tom’s house now that isn’t too far away and then I’ll take you to my little uh humble Bo please uh please uh rate my um tour guide on Services what oh run Jesus Christ buddy over buddy zombies over here a buddy graveyard godamn quick get in the

Pcel quick God damn it get in get in wait Clash budy buddy oh what the hell ah are you okay Zach Zach I’m coming back out Zach don’t worry I got you Zach Zach you okay I got you man all right yeah okay quick get through the poll quick quick move move

Move all right so listen in so in the application you need to explain things about yourself to the boss but if I like run my application by messing off trying to explain myself oh oh Jesus are you okay are you okay yeah I have somebody mushroom

Soup don’t worry I came back for you I was going to leave you behind don’t worry I’ll uh ruin my um reputation as a body talk guard joh want that happen on my first T guy would I a training V I’ll make the team oh so even though you’re

You know you’re speaking application might be not as good you’re training you you know you’ll still train you know to if if you do somehow get accepted all right that makes sense um okay I believe it’s up this way uh neutral zone what the hell where am I going

Jesus oh I’m blind sorry sorry Zach please don’t deduct points from my um service all right trust me I still getting use to it don’t worry no no no no no it’s cool it’s cool I I still don’t know where I am half of the time but

Christ I mean listen I gave you complimentary iron armor right I’m pretty sure that’s going to give me brownie points come on give me a break I’m trying my best all right this way come on it’s this way don’t worry they’re working on uh doing it okay

And then I have to R what position you play s the boss needs to know more about you all right okay this way uh just saying I want to join cuz by not like not like a video application yeah not applying to an S SMP all right up this

Way good sir oh this way come on all right yeah just save that to guy face yeah for Boss definitely some guy who strong confidence yeah yeah all right okay here we have arrived he drinks for to trust Char to guide yes okay uh oh oh sack you zck sck come on come

Here come here sack come here come here come here he’s he’s Bas he’s basically asking for a um entry free that’s what he does um if you want to give them some of your mushroom soup I’m sure he’ll let you through give him some of your mushroom soup oh

Wait wait pick it pick it up okay looks like he’s agreed right okay yeah five five star yeah five star that’s what my dad said now 10 Stars you mean yeah oh nice okay um well to House La accurate um just have a look in here why know but

I like I like the open floor plan um through here we have our little trade and villager in there you you got a little room very cool it’s a little storage area over here there’s a little task board as you can see some tasks that need completed little uh cauldron there

We there up here is a stairwell I’ll take you up here to give you the nice views of course me being a good tour guide um right up here we have some bees just chilling and then we have some balloons we have we have a pig hot air

Balloon and then we have a Enderman hot air balloon which is pretty cool give yeah take take some screenshots enjoy it enjoy the tour guy took it up right I’ve seen the devil down sunset in every place every what are you on about know it is really cool all

Right Believe It or Not sack I I did squat here at one point um but yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll show I’ll show you where I um lived that’s oh yeah this is AC’s house doesn’t really say sign but yeah AC’s house right here all right um oh God watch out up be

Careful all right okay yeah believe it or not I did live here at one point when I was lost and confused like Jesus Christ when I when I was lost and confus confused like a poor villager um I suck Council in the sanctuary and yeah

This is this is where I lived for some time um and then I obviously moved out and uh headed back to my original place I lived here believe it all right come on let’s take here to uh I don’t know where asgard’s trading Hall is I’m not exactly sure on the location but

Yeah all right come on uh s SMP has a battle on Friday and we got to choose a time and swear to God half of the people vote what the hell am okay vote for the only time I’m not oh oh is this like um

The S&P where you vote on who you want to join all right okay come for come on come on good sir come on I I hope you’re enjoying your experience all right the weekend of course yeah who else oh oh no oh Jesus are you okay Zach speak to me are you

Okay zck speak to me speak to me you okay oh Jesus buddy what’s going on here why you budy placing obsidian behind it safety hazard pry disgusting I’m sorry about that sir I’m sorry M I think you deserve some compensation you you’ll be well compensated trust

Me all right come on get making a Insurance claim su su su Tom for Su Tom and pig for building this portal it’s disgusting um right down here banned for Ty yeah we got to choose someone I think all right okay okay this way come on down here that’s cool that’s cool

Okay and we are down let s vote Yes be very careful I do not like this place whatsoever the guy has all habit of dying while he builds his house okay okay xav I don’t know where about I died three times all right be very careful

Here right Zach I want you I want you to be very careful this place gives me so much anxiety I hate it be in the battle I mean you I’m sure you’ll still get a say on a I give you team wins all right be very careful here Zach right very

Careful yeah trust me i’ I’ve complain about this um save the hazard as well so yeah you you’ll get used to it trust me but just uh be very careful oh oh sorry sorry sir sorry sorry there you go take as much as she needs don’t want my um to T people

Starving you’re welcome you’re welcome all right okay see you soon rham see you soon see you soon oh damn quick get up here quick got in the portal five even what what you want about five even all right yeah if you guys want to join the

S SMP or have a look at the app uh click the link and look at the details below all right so I have only visited this place once so forgive me oh oh it’s here it’s here it’s here look down in here I think oh yeah down here down here come on

There we are oh right no this isn’t it go back up go back up go back up oh Jesus Christ go back off go back off go go go go go go get out of here Jesus Christ oh no oh no damn who’s building that there that’s a bu

Trap holy Christ who’s building that there bloody get out there get out there man that’s a bu trap buy block that thing off Jesus Christ there bu safety hazard that’s a safety hazard uh I probably will go I probably will be yes um probably all right see you soon magic

See you soon see you soon that is a safety Hazard right there need to BU bring this up of the owners Christ but yeah most likely Gog um all right I again I have only visited this place once so I can’t really give you that much info on it but

Yeah I mean you’re still alive aren’t you you know I’m not going to let you die on my watch Christ I have to save you I have to save you twice three times even um like oh that’s cool Ultra that’s cool very nice very nice lucky yeah is

Very lucky to get a day off Jesus right I got like 3 hours of school tomorrow but I’m ah okay makes sense makes sense um where’s trading Hall he has it in like he has it underground like it’s secretive yeah don’t worry magic you’re cool you’re

Cool he he has it like covered under water somewhere I’m not sure where exactly it is we’ll find it don’t worry where the hell is this thing like he he he he placed it in the desert to be all secretive and I still got found out again I only been here twice once

Even is it over here uh oh God Jesus I don’t think it is if you it’s like by a patch of water that is placed on the ground um see you soon magic huh wait oh wait no actually asgard’s gave me the cords sorry bear with bear with me Zach be

With me I I’ll be right with you all right yeah okay okay right where are we where are we uh right well coordinates this way uh it’s this way over here over here why is it this far away Jesus asard where’s your bu trading Hall

At yeah may maybe one day maybe one day oh wait I think it yeah I think it’s over here uh wait is this guy’s trading h a full on Spectrum all right yeah but it’s over here uh I think I’m heading in the right Lo location don’t worry we won’t get lost trust

Me I may get confused but I don’t get lost we’re all good uh wait a minute wait a minute what the hell bear away from me me but yeah I’ll probably do that one day Ultra who knows who knows K this guy but he tore his life

Right here fantastic see it’s it’s a f tour isn’t it you know you’ve almost died everybody on the bu edge of your seat probably trying to survive it’s fantastic but 10 out of 10 toour guys if you ask me giving you the frill ah here it is here it is

Yeah you got enough food Zach there some M keep you fueled up all right there it is right here there we go I found some [ __ ] rabbit wow okay any yeah be careful uh I don’t want anybody dying on me all right now here come on show you show you this little

Place all right there we are uh I don’t know if you meant to drop this I’m right okay you okay up there sck you alive you good I was going scared in case you J that I was about to say don’t jown on me Christ R my reputation all

Right uh yeah know this is the trading Hall uh got all your villagers here um don’t quite agree with the methods of um how they treat them like but yeah no it’s uh very cool got got the all the others over here um as you can see Quick Charge just

Very useful very useful stuff uh no not yet it’ll probably be a while until that happens ghosty but maybe one day every one day yeah I know I’m I I’m being H meaning to bring it up with them it’s a disgusting treatment if you ask me it’s terrible it’s terrible and they’re

Promoting slanderous posters up here as well sland of my kind but yeah as you can see you got all your uh needs if you it’s free to use to the public so if you want to trade some villagers feel free to come down and yeah it’s always

Welcome that would be like a sa what yeah essentially essentially oh God it’s going to take a while I swear he had Soul St the hell I I I swear he had Soul Stone up here or something I mean Soul Sand all right off we go on me way right yeah essentially something

Like that um Jesus Christ this is not a great buy Transportation buy method is it all right and last stop is my base which is uh I 100% built it all myself so yeah don’t have to worry about that for right now no one is able to enter

The end ENT yeah basically basically all right it is night so be careful when you exit the um thing ah step ready camper man all right come on save to leave let to Let’s head back this way I’ll take you to my base but yeah no it’s going to be cool

So yeah you might want to stick around for that all right come on quick let’s move uh bring you to a safe space so um if you’re still willing to um take up the offer of um a paying job half of the people who um give jobs around here like poor Atomic for

Instance he doesn’t get paid for his work yeah we’re trying to um start um thing all right for a atomic to be free and but yeah isn’t really going to plan um but yeah I I do pay for your work so that’s always um there for you all right just this

Way there’s a bow with B any half if you want it all right almost there it’s quite it’s quite a far run forgive me but you go so fast you okay really oh nice you should have some arrows so you pick some up nice Bud getting loads of arrows aren’t you all right

Lovely watch this guy on us all right over this way come on up and over the hills up and over the hills we’ll be there eventually don’t worry be there eventually all right it seems s on his life all right come on yeah so I’ll build like a little job

Center I was thinking of building like a little job center for um people to uh look for jobs that suit them um what would you say is your expertise so you like are you good with building do you like to farm do you like to fish you know

Like what’s your go-to when you you know you and start a world I’ll hire you with a decent wage like watch watch your um what’s your job would you say when you uh first enter a world you know what tell me when we get to the base actually

This probably be a good idea all right yeah all right F at come on that isn’t a very safe wall probably need to fix that but yeah um this is my base it’s to work of progress thank Lumi for this it’s a it’s a very safe location torches are all around so

Don’t expect to see any Mobs with it in this wall all right you’ll be completely safe so don’t worry Jesus what’s what’s wrong with this one’s lips oh my God Jesus I don’t know what’s going on there all right yeah um set if you want to set set you

Spawn feel free um I’ll find I’ll find you a nice decent little uh plot of land to um build your uh house on uh be careful be careful watch out okay never mind sh this is um this is as got don’t that about 20 iron golems in there look at them all there

You go Iron Golem there you go all right lock it up lovely uh yeah there’s your end chest if you want it um some Fair fairness with some bit of stuff in here and there so yeah if you want to cook some stuff feel free um all right let me

Just put that there put that there okay so yeah over there as well uh in the hill it’s I’m still moving stuff over but oh very nice very nice but yeah I’m still moving stuff over um yeah but that’s that concludes it um yeah no this is

It I hope you enjoyed your tour um so yeah what um what’s your goto like job when you enter a world or SMP like do you uh mine do fish do you do build like what what what do you do building h right okay okay okay very well

Um building is probably one of the highest paying jobs so you’re in luck right okay I’ll show you what need to do on uh okay essentially uh I want to connect this to that and then obviously connect that to that it’s it’s basically it’s going to be a full circle of tree houses

Connecting to one another that’s the idea um but yeah all materials will be provided um as you can see got plenty of what you need to build in this chest right here plenty of it oh yeah no no that’s that’s just a little bit of it but you got look at

Thank you thank you um don’t worry but yeah you got plenty of what you need in here um for building materials um but yeah working for me Zach does include a free bed and Bre breakfast you do get a um free home free plot of land

Uh to live on of course ramp three uh as long as you know you keep up your end and help me build um this will be your home if you so wish um yeah so obviously connect this to that and then connect that to that um you should be cool yeah diamond

Armor don’t know what you’re on about Li me sorry don’t know what you’re on about it’s false information I’ll dare falsify my bu workplace all right but yeah um I I’ll cut you off a plot of land build the uh your plot of land so let me know you can

Feel free to uh go back and do what you want um you you’ve had the detour um just let me know how what you think and how you want to Wi do business do you do you want to know where the um NE portal is or something

Or do you want me to give you a quick run back okay very good that’s probably for the best um no I don’t know about it’s false information all right come on this way so yeah how would you uh rate your tour well like one out of 10 you know

How how would you race it come on I know I know you know we had a few bumps along the roads but you know I’m sure I’m sure you know I I kept you alive you know I gave you a free set of armor Shield some tools because of the mobs yeah that

Can’t be helped on traps yeah so that can’t be helped that can’t be helped um yeah no I kept you alive I fed you I armored you I’ve gave you weapons um so I I guess that help helps uh yeah this this like my little

Um hole right here I’m in the middle of transfering stuff what you want about gamer buddy yeah it’s some pandas I’ve taken don’t worry about it yeah we we got oldi we got siki and we got Panda anyway and we got and we got cats don’t worry about them they’re cool

They they they like to live here anyway let’s move take you take you back to the nepool do you know where you going once you went to the ne portal or where do you want me to take you do you want me to take you to

Spawn or do you want me to um well what do you want me to do take you back to spawn is that what you want to do okay take you back to spawn don’t forget about your cow now Christ that be a disaster yeah don’t know about game then

Else um but time you out in a minute it’s disgusting FSE claims row and my brand all right disgusting takeing to BU CAU all right this way but yeah you you start to you know get the hang of it why you be around the block a few times Zach Zach where are you

Zach you okay oh Jesus BL fall in the hole what happened come on be careful there are a few holes around here n that isn’t a bu Cool brand trust me I lose customers you actually survive longer than a day if youbody choose to live with me all right

Okay well if you want to cross the bridge and uh be on your way I’m I’ll I’ll take you directly back to spawn and oh damn watch out God damn take cover Jesus Christ bloody okay quick come on oh that’s not good be careful there okay let’s go let’s go let’s go

Run idiots watch out make sure they don’t snipe you there very dangerous all right I’ll take you directly back to spawn don’t worry and then I’ll let you be on your way and kidnap one those buy CS oh that’s soup very nice this way neutal Zone all right see he already

Knows his way he’s a professional look at him go look at him go what the hell is this all right yeah food it this way where where’s it going see like suckers oh yeah this blad house buddy oh yeah no I I thought this would um yeah

Forgive me I thought this would bring me back to his current house that’s in spawn but yeah now I assume this is bloody blades house obviously by the look of it um the local Frenchman uh yeah know there his house pretty chill as you can see very good architecture got

Uh huh got a few sheep um just a few um oh yeah oh thank you thank you I appreciate you thank you all right yeah no there’s the there’s sheep some sheep over here oh Jesus looks like someone has a beacon Christ Yep looks like he has a bit of a beacon

Going on over here and I’m not sure what this is uh okay we are out very nice all right come on let’s go my fortnite is literally on 99 oh god let’s go back through the portal and I’ll take you home a all right very nice ah very cool gamer very cool very

Cool all right come on let’s get you in there get your save and sound home sweet home and we are back all right so you know feel free to head off in whatever Direction you want and hope for the best good luck if you need any help let me

Know and uh remember our deal all right okay oh yeah it’s a little p by Lu very interesting oh look At ah oh they’re going to drown Jesus get on the bloody land you idiots I anybody doing push him on the land he’s going to drown quick all right there we go they’re safe okay come on oh Jesus that was a close one Christ you have to save two lost body

Puppies all right this way yeah I haven’t been down here as much I think it’s just a little landom p yeah there you go got what you came for yeah choose as the way you want to live Jo Choice um yeah you okay down there you’re

Right I think he’s all right oh damn everybody bridging player over here all right well there you go there it is there it is got what you came for so yeah feel free to explore as to wherever you want to be good luck Soldier farewell so emotional look at him go oh me

Axe goodbye farewell remember our deal um maybe Gog maybe maybe probably in a minute uh I’m just going to head back to base do what I actually came on here to do I know it’s insane all right all right guys I’ll be right back I just

Got to go and get some uh something to eat forgive me I’ll be right back don’t worry I won’t take long it’s that guy mysterious all right one second all right I’m back what’s going on man a photo of the week two copying oh wow you want to copy me

Damn it’s cool you kind of be want not my idea I started doing it cuz I wanted to look at these buy weirdos man right I went to that direction I’m and I’m back Jesus Christ what I I so you what you want to live on the Mushroom Island

Or something or is that the plan I had to save you and now you’re back over there oh my God that’s outrageous now you’re back all the way over there again after I save you it just you just somehow end up there wow that’s funny Jesus all right oh it’s home sweet

Home just got to get through this pole and then it’s a home stretch need maintenance on this bridge as well already destroyed all right let’s get through here all right as long as you’re all good that’s what matters you’re still alive I I done my duty and I just hope

You remember that kindness I gave you okay I’ll mute my microphone a minute while I eat very good very good very nice cool cool that’s cool Ultra so you at the plan um I’m going to oh thank you I appreciate it thank you thank you so I’m going to bring the

Rest of this over to my base and then after that I’m going to um what’s it called maybe play a hive G but yeah I’m just going to chill for a minute for huh thank you I exactly having a remember having a night but enabled but thank you anyway I appreciate it

My God man that was Bloody fantastic Jesus all right so just empty the chests and then if I’m lucky play a hive game all right let’s grab whatever crap is left in there and then just head over put it in then repeat the process all right Uh wait what the hell yeah yeah thank you thank you night B I appreciate it all right all right how do I change all right that’s funny though didn’t know I had a nightbot though Christ very useful right sort the ch first wait is this this isn’t a plant that’s counted as

Food isn’t it uh food mob drops weapons uh armor put that in there i e e what e what you mean I do not understand what you are saying to me uh I’m putting bu putting the food in not bu yeah 100% yeah car I don’t think

Anyone still on my username I think that’s just a glitch there’s no way like I think that could just happen uh I I mean even if to did would would have be a buy first time I’ll tell you that much Christ so buy have an impostor remember all

Right I’m going to build a job center um after I’ve obviously finished construction of everything else of course don’t want to overload my buddy brain yeah I I I love this space it’s very good oh my God oh my God look at her look look see this about a great place to

Live tell you that much Christ the only thing I need right now to put in here is BU bamboo don’t bu any of it thank you all right SP all this about um welcome back good sir how are you today all right there we go just wait for that to go Uh look that guy man look at him hey stream sniper all right yeah good say yes it’s a it’s a word and it’s a name at the same time unless you would like me to call you anything else just a saying oh you mind let me getting me home

Idiots all right there we go fantastic uh let’s bring this coal over with us don’t forget the bu call disaster jeez okay I’m going to be here all day I can feel it oh God bu don’t don’t don’t lbody let it go to your air it’s just saying don’t make it weird

Christ all right but yeah if you want to I probably will man all right let’s H throw this stuff in the chest and then move on to our next task oh who’s that who’s that o o oh who’s there what you think you’re doing in my house o

O what you think you doing yeah buy you coming back to do some of your work you com you’re coming back for more work is that the case what what are you doing here you know you can just get yourself in the tough spot there all right are are you looking for more

Work it can’t can’t pick it upbody playing it what the what the hell buddy got an acrobat over here Jesus my God flying bu Lumi a sight to behold all right uh you know if you if you are looking to help out you know um feel free to BU let me know no

Buy what are why you trying to be sneaky all right wait seriously that’s very yeah cool all right oh no no I just just had it down there for a laugh all right what you budy spider monkey over here why you bu don’t hanging out in the

Trees if you look on I found a new island oh my God this guy claim Islands over here are you are you killing my inhabitants what are you doing okay but yeah you’re looking for work but let me know chump excuse mebody what is that all about all

Right nice let me just say myself a uh thing shall I uh right uh me just do that do that do that all right do that and let me just do this do this well are you what’s your name there we go lovely uh give it a sec not even going to bother

Entertaining this man s all right anyway that’s something we should be worried about man uh so yeah uh if you want work just let me know anyway Jo okay thank you that’s cool that’s cool money why where you getting these parrots from all right stealing these parts okay anyway um

All right see you soon Josh all right do you want work or something come on shoot you know you know what you know what the plan is come on come here all right so basically build another like circle around there do what do you like connect the

Trees that’s the plan so like build a circle around this bit and then obviously connect this tree to that tree and um basically the overall idea is to make a big circle of treeh houses that’s the idea like so it all connect um all right where where are we Jesus

How big of a circle I mean just one that connects it you know what I mean like just just like a like a um just a circle a circle one not one not of a decent size just on that goes around believe par play oh that would have been close

Imagine but yeah just a circle that goes around the tree like a big enough Circle essentially and like keep the spruce platform on the outside of course if if you want to destroy anything or take anything away feel free but yeah you you want to get rid of it would that

Help see you can tell you can tell that’s the funny thing I built this path okay all right that’s how you know it’s pry oh that’s hilarious that’s how you know it’s not bloody good it’s not it’s not wonky enough wait so it needs to be wonky is what you’re saying

Jesus oh watch your Pirate Jesus Christ there’s your pus r r rip Pat you will be missed oh oh he he he what are you playing at going to get me killed God damn you bu L your Paris how’s that sound all right I’ll finish stting out me chests um you know the stuffs there that you

Need if you do need this so just take what you want uh like scaffolding and stuff’s all still there and all that so yeah ah hello sorse welcome welcome welcome how are you how are you hope you’re doing well what’s going over here falling all over the place splattered it’s disgusting all right

Uh Jesus Christ yeah how are you sorse how are you plants up in here food and uh I I got people die on me do I get fed uh yeah I mean yeah you got some food yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely you get some food sure all right uh just water

Chest okay I’m going to just throw this in but all chest at the time being cu no place for there you go just took out some garbage now just make o okay okay well you got any uh you’re allowed to tell us what you’re um planning on making what are your plans

All right let’s got in there oh my God there we go give me a sec guys basically just got some cinematic photos and meme oh really Ah that’s cool very nice very nice that’s cool I’m looking forward to seeing it for all right uh I’ve got some um that’s growing underneath the Treehouse

Um sorry yeah I got some that’s going underneath the Treehouse if you just want to grab some burn meal or something and just um you know take some of that feel free all right yeah if you want want to take some of that you can um oh nice pretty sure I’ve just taking

Everything from these chests now so so all is good very nice I still got the first piece of armor and tools that I’ve ever earned so yeah keep these with me all right for damn Jesus hey look at him look at you go Christ make quick work don’t

You Jesus Christ bu Speedy buddy gonzal over here not by the luxury I don’t think you can clutch with um yeah scaffolding H Jesus where would this go point of dripstone where the hell would that go I’m I’m cool I’m not going to try that Christ down a bodyy first buy

Thing okay see you soon Gog don’t worry though I will be playing Hive all right on another day all right so I’ll see you soon all right don’t worry I will be playing hive youbody die I don’t know what you’re TR show me but um it doesn’t seem to work uh

Food there you go there’s some food I start I’ll start making a uh Farm soon enough don’t worry it’s a work of progress anybody have to forgive my um timing right uh Jesus Christ Lumi but he procrastinating on the job lovely the duct pay for

This it worked oh did it work now hey did it work I’m do it again damn ah I did fish there you go take that ah come here than you bu scaffolding that bu on me fantastic there we go all right chests are sorted so what we like to play see all right

Fantastic oh my God Jesus Christ how you going to make this work then how you going to do this make it look even oh God disaster is that bu baby on down there mind I think sack wants to sleep sorry sack oh damn man this is part get out of here all

Right uh right okay so I guess I want to start building a farm I think that’ll be a somewhat useful uh let me I think we may need to sleep oh come on lumy get some sleep come on get grab some wool out the chest

Lumi and uh go to sleep make make a quick air bed just place that down and go to sleep all right nice all right good good good all right back to work um why is the wall you’re asking me I didn’t make this buy R could tell you if I wanted

To text your pack Oh damn got that texture pack I know for me it’s cool I don’t mind it uh let me just grab that uh fantastic two whole pickaxes ready to go all right Li me I’m going to be gone for a little while I’ll be back right I’ll be back

Uh I’m just going to grab some uh Black Stone or dark stone or whatever it’s called Cobble deep slate yeah that’s it you’re trusting me with your life what you mean yeah but you can get rid of this tree if you want if um oh no no no but

Yeah you can get rid of this tree and then if you if you R wish would you would you um would you say like place a um Tree in between this one and this one or just connect them both straight away like what would what would you do

Here put a one in between them or just connect them both as is connect straight okay very well you know what I reckon a bit of food would be nice but don’t worry I’ve already planned for this I’ve got food in the mine ready to go for me so

Perfect I’ll be gone for about 20 minutes or something like that if you want to if you need to go you you have to go that’s fine don’t worry um just put whatever materials you have in the chests where the go and then you can continue it another day do Hunting come

Here and that free rabbit XP lovely bit good a rabbit good bit of rabbit fantastic stuff damn all right Jesus yeah just go on Dam competition why don’t you all right this guy right here man uh I haven’t really thought about it um like I like May okay yeah actually yeah make

Make a mini house not as big as the one that we’ve already built cuz that’s going to be the main one yeah yeah yeah like don’t make like a uh big open like don’t make a big house like the first one that one’s good as the main one maybe just build like a

Don’t build walls just build like a mini roof or something like that just like a little roof not not like a triangle shaped roof maybe open platform uh then next tree be a house oh yeah no that could work yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that could work so like a

House then a open platform and then a house again that that works yeah go on sure thank you uh all right just I I this is a really odd and out of the blue question but can you you know cuz obviously I want a mushroom cow and I

Don’t want to make you know what four trips just to get two back to my base can I use a normal one to um make more baby cars as they say do you reckon like more mushroom cows or do I need two mushroom cows to do

That don’t think so ah God damn it all right yeah I’m going to make sure I replant this these air seeds so you know whatever traveler comes down here next can obviously have their pick all right good lovely uh put some seed in the chest uh take five of this back with

Me all right I’ll be down here for a while so yeah good luck with what you’re doing up there let me know how you get on all right fantastic got a light snack so oh I forgot to BU D up the iron down here Jesus all right yeah let’s just continue

What we are doing mining this body stuff for this over here all right huh oh lucky me Jesus very nice oh my God Jesus that’s nice isn’t it oh buddy pleasant surprise oh you know what I’ll just get this D now else I’m here pointless me just leaving it lying around like this

Um yeah no no it’s cool don’t worry that’s fine I’m uh I’m going to start a farm when I get back anyway so you won’t have to do that again when you in obviously visit you know what it’s going to annoy me if I don’t patch this up I swear man I’m

Just that I’m just God it kills me honestly it just does all right okay let’s get started Jesus going to be here for a while till these pickaxes break again so yeah oh get comfortable my God some more over there as well probably best get that as well in a minute uh all

Right the hell was that nice there we go lovely all bu C deep slate we need fantastic it last me a while hopefully get good uh say five Stacks more even out of this if I’m lucky then again I could just go up and smell some iron and make another pickaxe

So yeah and always do that all right approaching our F stack now lovely all right okay just going to keep on mining as long as we can all right so yeah I’d say about five Stacks also six even cuz I i’ would say I get about three with one pickaxe and then

Four or like four three something like that uh all right let’s destroy some of this wall here get R this iron while what lovely it’s the good stuff any what about you doing kill the pirate population by the second God damn oh lovely Mor fantastic oh my god wow it was being a

Creeper and great Ani fantastic but that was a very appropriate response couldn’t agree more so you see the pirate and you kill out anyway okay w all right sh get as much as we can here all this bloody Cobble deep sleep all of it all of it much as we can carry nice

How many stacks do we have now that’s our four stack all right lovely so yeah I reckon about six making good progress Jesus Christ body C deep State m i me buy a million years all right oh Jesus Christ bit more in there and all nice all

Right let’s get rid of this whole wall here I’ll try to anyway I’ll take a big minute more iron fantastic we got plenty of iron down here I think I I think I might just try and dig straight down and see where that leads me cuz if I’m just getting a bit

Of diamond and iron off this little M yeah Christ makes you think what else is down there lovely all right I thought that was another damond then I’m seeing things Jesus Christ I need to get out of this cave in a minute I losing the plot all right God

Damn all right uh I guess we could dig away at this section here make it like two separate sections uh yeah just dig away at this nice where about was we saw that diamond that was like on this wall wasn’t it about minus what are we on minus8 nine all right

Uh how many are we at now let’s have a look see how many more we can get here next one no next one next one one oh oh Jesus this is it no this is it Jesus Christ finally I about to say what kind of pickaxe is this all right

So we got one two three four five six seven almost eight oh wow Jesus M Bing this all right I’m going to put some of this iron in the fairness I know we’re going to Le lot more than but not even eight Stacks so yeah I’ll PL this in

There take a little B quick snack break before we uh go back up get started for okay oh Jesus that’s cool all right throw that there for now make about okay I’ll make two more pickaxes how the hell did I put that of one then no it’s just never talk all right two

More I just want to try and get as much as possible my God man I’ve literally created a bu thing down here mob spawner me on God damn it all right kill these guys got out the way hopefully all right let’s get buddy back to mining then lovely get all this good stuff

About 10 Stacks another 10 maybe 15 will be good for me uh okay let’s get rid of all this now fantastic my inventory full oh damn I even notice get my a creeper my body spawn on me in a second want be surprised if it did give my body

Luck Li are you still here s curiosity if you are I keep with the plan make like a little open platform one and then for the next one make it a house but don’t make it as big as the first one uh just yeah cuz I I want that

First one to stand out than the rest cuz that’s like the main one um keep keep the idea of having the um um the house the platform than the house sort of idea just make it so the second house isn’t as big as the air first one all right

Cuz I want that one to stand out all right f lovea I was about to say Jesus what bu d fall I got in my pocket really ah damn Jesus that’s insane enri wow didn’t know you were loaded man and uh God damn my move what what do you

Mean my move what move am I supposed to make you’re the millionaire what am I supposed to do Enrique tell me oh I move okay um how else you spend your $237 on a on a McDonald’s beger how’s that sound for a move that’s what You’ do with that 2.37 damn okay damn

Jesus Christ I want what they’re plotting about any guesses enri as to what Tom and as SCS are talking about all right man what the hell do I get rid of there we go all right get that fantastic the good stuff that’s the good stuff all right

Uh put some of this in the chest I swear I have mountain seeds at the base uh beetroot seeds there we go just sort some of that out all right that should be all right let’s head back down then finish off these last pickaxes going be all

Good man why bu picking this rubbish back up again Jesus thr into that corner over there don’t need it all right let’s keep on mining got all this bloody deep slate fantastic goodbye Sunny farewell have a good night have a good night see you soon goodbye goodbye for for

All right what’s what’s what’s going on what you bu doing side tracked what what you mean come on what’s what’s going on okay someone lighting me I’ll head back Sor area at my base oh so so you haven’t even returned dude you hav even return back to the buy

Place after you went to go and get food Jesus oh my God that was so long ago it’s cool you’re not forced so it’s up to you I get food my God come on buddy shocking Behavior it’s terrible though nobody paying you for your job and you’re slacking off it’s

Disgusting really just get back to it when you can then you probably got to go soon I assume so don’t worry about it just continue it another day uh indeed indeed we do indeed we do have another platform thank you oh my God I’m in work tomorrow Jesus my God we’re doomed for

For for you for okay now we’ve solved the um wall problem um now I assume it’s probably best to make a farm all right let me just P these block locks away real quick L me Jesus what you planer messing up me chests God damn all right M drops in there

Here I see the treeh house H well this is it from the outside all okay welcome welcome to my house this is the top as you can see great views out into the Wilderness and into the ocean very great views so very um very sightseeing inside we have our

Storage area as you can see you got a vus and a crafting table on every corner up here is more of a open floor plant up here just getting out more higher and greater views and then down along here we are now connected to a another

Platform so plenty of stuff you can do with this plenty of areas to move around in so it’s great it’s great stuff as you can see lot a lot of things to see and do in here it’s a it’s a work of progress so expect more that’s all I can say expect

More don’t worry there’ll be plenty of more to see but yes enri you looking for work are you looking for a job just hire people now all right God man Jesus shut up super bully parrot anyway uh I’ll keep that iron on me for now U and then

Obviously I’ll work it out from there you built your whole house quicker than me built a single window on us I didn’t build this that’s the funny thing wait what so what Ren Ren’s only Built a single window this whole time it’s been months wait what what okay I’ll make sure I keep

That in mind when I’m um wait so what they’ve built more oh wait so you’re saying we built our house quicker then Ren could build a single window wow that’s funny oh yeah this week we’ve built a window oh yeah so I’ve somehow managed to build something quicker in a week wow that’s

Funny that’s funny wow Jesus H you know maybe if you pay your workers you’ll be uh they’ll be more motivated I everybody paying L me Christ magic tell that much do you pay your workers Oh my Jesus Christ man don’t repay a with our love ah

Okay I assume that’s why uh plenty is being done as you can as I you you can assume that’s why plenty is being built me just grab that fantastic God Atomic is our Builder who who wait who who do you don’t you have like a builder or something

Didn’t you pay anyone to build he’s the guy we sent to the mines just the mines oh god wow that’s fantastic poor Atomic oh God poor guy hope he’s uh hope he’s alive Jesus still uh Still Still surviving all right well don’t tell me I have skeletons anybody else this

Guy right God man despicable poor atomic Jesus start a free Atomic movement it’s funny every Atomic actually stuck to his character his a law character I don’t think he would actually have lasted like stayed around that long my God Jesus he’s meant to be a guy that bu blows stuff up Jesus

Christ part Sonic seems to always be like some sort of situation like that P All oh is he now all right okay okay so oh okay to explain what all that um stuff was the other day the other night and you um we given Atomic said love was that you given but oh god well like okay yeah no that’s that’s

A that’s a tough question I can’t even answer that one myself what time such a good one Jesus what time all right well is is is this the treatment he’s always getting on a constant basis oh God oh Jesus Christ all right let’s let’s get rid of this tree and then

Um yeah we’ll start working on that farm probably going to need another shovel like a stack of dir some other materials nice all right got the water fantastic pretty sure blade and as guards joined in at one point and by given Atomic infection all right uh that’s all right

Nice I don’t think Lumi has to worry about materials that’s so so much like Jesus Christ got about almost three stacks of spruce one two three four stacks of Oak and then one two three four five okay no I sorry I meant four Spruce Jesus Christ man so much

Stuff yeah probably going to work on that um thing now make another shovel uh I swear I have more dirt than this so who’s been stealing me death right there iron gols are still stuck in there all right Phantoms are gone forever huh all all right uh so how do we want this want to completely like reshape the land so I’m thinking I have like a little river running through um have like a river running through the base like half into two uh have like a little pathway near

Into some of the houses okay um I have to think about it it’s quite a lot to think for get rid of these bushes on the ground get rid of them easier to see what I’m doing that way right it’s a panda look at them look I swear I

Had a few pandas in here where they bloody gone they escaped Jesus escape artists and bu some manag to do that oh my God man the hell man going here and all you know I could have the river going along this part here like this

Like down in here along there it make it more natural just going along here and then obviously make a little pool there yeah that that could work yeah I like the idea with that um i’ obviously have to wait wait actually you know what uh okay I might just have it up until

That point here and then just build grass on this part right uh okay let’s get rid of all this uh leaf when I why I’m destroying this is just because it’ll make it you know easier to walk around help me think um right so yeah I’m thinking we have a river running

Along um that part there just build this in with grass here up until like about here going down into there and then uh if I flatten this part a little bit raise this up um I could make like a farm area like like a spiral form going up against that wall of

Wheat um so I’ll have to destroy some of these trees uh yeah no it’s I I can see what I want to do um it’s just a matter of doing it which will take a good minute one thing at a time of course so like first job is just basically clearing up these

Bushes um all right I’m pretty sure that’s most of them all of them even at this one there yeah nice all right that’s good um you know what I’ll do that now actually and get some water buckets so I can just get that out the way you like a little aesthetic River

With a little bridge going over uh going to need a few more body buckets than there all right nice okay SW only take about minute just fill this in some more of those buckets there we go lovely all right so that all works out River going in there

Going to need some blocks this is going to be a bit of a tough one uh let me just get some Cobble or something some D even all right uh it’s easy to break but quick to place date how I only have one block of date someone’s mebody stealing my date man

Swear all right yeah hey what are you doing you know mysterious buddy what is this all buy about this is mysterious man I swear I get this all the time from these people wa strange all right the hell it’s not the first time I received a f it like that ever

Uh Jesus Christ who’s throwing lightning bolts at me buy house man is bu doing there hello Sunny welcome back welcome back look this guy got him can’t shame I can’t bu put locks on my doors man I swear um buy mysterious buy person over here player don’t even know what they’re

Doing watching them up to no Goods all right like dips in the water like look like right here how does that make sense oh you know what actually I’m going to sa myself the trouble Uh okay let quick build quick 4×4 here two I don’t even know I’m not good to math I probably just got that wrong all right buy what you do okay this doesn’t make sense I hear the noise you know not bu not stupid hey why you watching me man stabing the piece player

For God damn come here all right let’s fill up this hole bu want slide over here Jesus Christ for my God man what is this I believe vortex for okay I think the creeper is gone somebody stalker over here yeah no gotta be okay we’re cool all these dos are being opened

So unless they ah what you what you what are you doing hey where’d you go I didn’t even that’s so weird I didn’t even hear him but he leaves that’s terrible I being haunted by the ghost stalker over here the hell is he just one cooked mutton over here think

I’m you can really get down from there I just saw you Landing look at yourself i l you can’t be sneaky when I can he you munching about mile away yeah what you doing why you found me you cooked meat man God look at him look you can see him literally in the

Water there you can see him literally sort of in the middle off my right side I’m swimming about in there look them go little fish the hell man Jesus Christ why you putting a bed in me bloody chest that goes in the blood where does that even go that goes in the

Um Furniture chest yeah putting it in the wrong chest I need the stalk is messy man oh my God crazy Beav hello hello welcome I’m currently being harassed don’t don’t mind don’t mind him look at him look how are you how are you welcome to the stream I’m currently

Trying to build a man-made River at the moment so yeah all’s going well at the moments just got to put it Downstream oh it’s oh daytime lovely yeah no I’m chilling I’m chilling thank you I’m just um sting things out in my base at the moment it’s going pretty well to be fair

So not complain um but yeah it’s going cool thank you that’s good to you doing all right it’s good to hear H you can’t run away now you haven’t got the rain on your side yeah he not he nowhere to be seen now he hasn’t got the

Rain good but yeah no I’m all right I’m all right just uh just being chilling at me base I have to give a to G I have to give a tour guy to the um person who just joined that to say that went well um yeah would uh be

Interesting but yeah no it’s been chilling been chilling it’s good to hear it from you uh let’s got some of these torches yeah like I said I’m just currently trying to build this uh manmade River at the moment it’s going all right I just say I’m not going to oh

Jesus yeah what have you been up to today anyway Crazy Beaver what have you been doing for me I haven’t really been doing much I’m just being sat inside all day out to work tomorrow so yeah I’m out to work tomorrow um yeah from 1: p.m. to 5:00 p.m. so stream

Will probably be about 7 all right yeah been chilling not much going on my God man I hate when this happens always bu Happens all right no Miss and all right I keep finding buy piece of CED lamb out of nowhere it’s mysterious a strange fell on the pr being watched all right so I’m going to need some uh dirts give me a sec get some of this from you found some holes not

Llama the hell do I have a llama doing here all right for okay we are almost done lovely all right let me just grab this piece of dirt here fill that in there take away that the hell the hell is this wa where this coming from man hell okay that’s sorted isn’t

It there’s no like okay there is okay wait we are going to have problems you but sort yourself out okay you know what that’s good that’s good all right so we add a little nice River it’s great um yeah nice I like it very good goes down into this cave over here

Um I don’t know something something feels off there we go probably prob problem solved see get rid of the sand fantastic H man Jesus Christ do all right see I add a little um Bridge here maybe or something to climb over it make this a little bit more

Manmade uh yeah know all all was going well Jesus going according to the plan well buy domination all right nice sorted Jesus Christ these bully bamboo do gr half High don’t they you poke on the bottom of me oh that’s fantastic isn’t it I haven’t seen any lamb in a while so

It should be safe um me show much chests sorted so how you know they’ve been around if your chests are messed up so the Marauders may think they’re bu cool but they’re very unclean and when they sort their chests so that’s how you know the body being at your house for for for

For you destroy me house stop it’s griefing I don’t even build this Li did body destroy me house Christ want it if I come inbody bombed you or else would you wait sound don’t you make fireworks man I guess I’ll just use this for excavation excavation Man I can literally see you look at yourself look look at yourself you’re really mole rat look at him like little mole look trying to be sneaky he’s trying he’s trying to get away now look can’t even get away from there the stormy bu El makes it look funny and Jesus Comey for

Oh I see what they’re trying to do they’re trying to get the BL chck them oh bam come on then help yourselves I not like what you see on get in there I’m rob a yeah that’s one thing they don’t like run away from you is when they’re looking at a

Chicken it’s pretty awesome lot trap Spa in as many as you want then what what are you doing don’t like an autograph sh them by tree everywhere you why you trying to you just ran out for a reason why you trying to get back in who’s this guy who are

You what are you doing here can you get give buy wondering Traders name tags colum Deb look at yourself what you doing that’s what I really thought idiot what is this guy doing man why you trying to fight so I can see you fighting him in the water look

Him there he is look him there he goes look at him go off into the distance Man right so I’m thinking I section parts off like under here actually I could have this part the farm and just flatten this out a little bit then we’ll be all good the moral really aren’t as sneaky as they seem Christ God knows how thebody pulled off a heist without being caught Jesus

So much buy bamboo holy God damn oh raining bamboo over here Christ I ain’t G to complain uh all got my thist let me just level this out a little bit all right yeah now got a decent platform here obviously I’ll have to try and build it around thebody uh what’s it

Called G but it’s going good it’s going good definitely a step in the right direction all right yeah now I’m liking this all some of these leaves here all right fantastic okay so this will be the farm area uh let me just destroy this one lanky tree right here uh

Right I know I’ve destroyed some torches so I’m going to have to remember where about I placed some just make it a little bit safer bring those pandas over and um yeah make all panda body Village okay I’m safe I’m safe oh hell no man hold on a second Right I need to perform a quick inspection what about is that buddy thing okay this bu shocking Behavior it’s terrible this distraught what is that wrong okay how the hell are you placing that upside down ah there we go problem solved easy just a quick repair put stacks of bamboo I plant some

Of this around make it more jungly uh and get rid of this tree as well I’ll replant most of them so should be all right get of this crap when this bu lamb drop a man how do he disappear this bu telescopes crap doesn’t even see past 100 blocks it’s

Outrageous ripped off I want me money back body scammed you know what I can call this but have some bamboo going along the side of the river and Bud bamboo River over here nice ibody plenty of bamboo my God put some on this side too cuz why not

Dead the downside of having those body spruce trees around when he’s spawn in De like this man how I got tormented by the meat man on this Minecraft SMP go oh you terrible hello Rocko hello hello welcome hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well well tormented by the lamb dropper I meat

Man my God this is buy diabolical start a little side quest but he hit the target but he hit the lamb Christ hit the lamb hit the lamb over here but he fell on lamb at people yeah how are you Rocko how are you how are you how are you being as well

I got scared when it turned into night9 the lamb droppers on the prow waiting to strike his next victim all right there we go lovely star to like the look at this nice I think he’s gone for good now they don’t normally stuck around for this long

All right so I have the farm on here all right seems like a somewhat decent plan um maybe I have like a little Bridge crossing over from this one get rid of these nice yeah just like a little Bridge material I can literally make that jump that’s ridiculous Uh I swear I just okay I about to say really losing the plot here my God uh Oak fence or do I mean Spruce fence you know mix boost why not four one two three four there we go nice little bridge look at that very professional some more fences nice like

It a little bam don’t add too much onto it but oh look so good nice there there’s like little aesthetic things that you learn to appreciate yeah so I have you know what I could extend this actually I could extend it that way so I have more room to um build on Little

Richard you know what I’m I’m going to make a um thing give me a sec there we go Anvil been needing one of them uh I think I should make a I can’t make a enchanting table can I or can I swear I can yeah no I can I just take this D

Head up here grab some Lea one that may be in all right lovely uh then we need paper just enough to make a book there we go and make an enchan table fantastic all right lovely I should probably make a NE P it’ll be more convenient um to make

One get that out of there put that in there there right this is um from all all the way from soup land Mushroom Island it’s fantastic soup recommend 9 out of 10 10 out 10 even bloody lovely suant Ping Man see look look how peaceful this is no like this all like no

Like this guy is living in my floors man okay you know what I’m going to extend that farm actually bring it out a little bit more uh so I’m going to need more there and probably in the sh in a second perfect I on what you want Meat Man that’s why off Jesus

Christ what problem me on my bridge okay I’m probably going to go out off H like to get the DAT off this Island just because I don’t want to ruin the actual natural side of this place too much uh this spot right here look at

Him you know one thing I did on off way back when AR survival evolved I essentially um what I what I did was basically name every dinosaur I teamed starting with the letter B I came up with the most random names it so funny the good old times Jesus uh shovel just because

It’s everywhere man for that bul building on my trees what you destroying me base look at yourself stop destroying me base and tolerate this get out of here stop destroying me base move out here wait yourself move buddy look hitting me you destroy me armor go away bu annoying

We stop encouraging him and he probably in a VC buy snigglers they we have this server right they they like to sit we like to chill in there re re and xav just happen to be in there um as well so it’s safe to assume what did they wi but don’t entertain

It that’s what they’re doing half of the time just sitting in that VC if you’re ever wondering what we’re doing we’re sitting there and this is what they’re probably doing now move wa jump over the fence wa come on you don’t me bully base well get out of here for

And you should go to sleep right now why you playing now no being silly go to sleep you probably out school tomorrow anybody doing for for making me destroy my base go away before I blow up yours but will have a whole problem about griefing trust me you don’t want me to do

That you you a chance to leave yeah you know I I I do get serious when I’m annoyed trust me I will go through with it and blow up your hard work but take you another year to BU build it H is here we go oh no nothing there bu building a me

House what you mean what are what are you budy don’t us should be a asleep oh you don’t do you ah okay get out of here where you I don’t know BL details on it like I know it involves like um not eating in a certain

Way you don’t eat a certain amount or something like that you dealing with this P looking this guy okay you know what fine fine fine L to find some no eating yeah know I I heard about that like cuz I haven’t obviously learned about in ages you

Know but yeah something like on the line today there is M though like like what like when do you like have the chance to eat I I swear it’s like early in the morning or something along the line that for what I’ve learned and then what

You don’t eat for the rest of the day what are you on about like being a menace spawns this way isn’t it it’s neutral Zone spawn yeah there this thing you can’t miss this thing trust me I have to look for some flint and steel from their base and out some in the basement somewhere stashed away I have to get it kill this goat and take me a while to find some Flint Jesus what Square boots

Is oh yeah here we go fantastic I don’t even pretend that’s not you buddy enrick can’t even bu you hide that bloody thing that they got going on here one second not much to blow up actually now that you say haven’t really built much as in terms of interior Christ for

Stop SP right on but go to sleep I lower the goat population bu on this island for than okay let going to all right let’s go back want to save something for something else anyway wait a minute forgot something let make a new Shield one

He say hello to your Bo dead goats for me mate well not that there’s many to say hello to but still worth a go I guess uh This Way neutral Z get this guy out too man Jesus Christ so Al just streaming D I have to go catch up on there

Who’s this guy down here play ask what he doing oh God probably get off soon Jesus need some sleep Christ lags like crazy when yourbody do that what stuff in the chests how got to BU stack of this now I think about am I going to get in Jesus Christ looking at me

Man for well welcome back welcome back I’m all right just doing some Building in Me house right baby pig over here look Jesus one man couldn’t care less than RI honestly there’s a point you know there’s a point where um how do I see this it’s it’s funny at first

And then it just gets childish and immature like honestly there’s a point you know I don’t like to get upset and Shout on stream so I’m surprised I haven’t yet but still you know it’s just childish and annoying after getting a nice message of someone and then you know replying

Saying how nice they are and whatnot you you would think that they would you know be nice but not really just annoying and repetitive honestly childish need to grow up man I I go I so on me what is it oh is it Rocky go on enlighten me

I’m not bloody Atomic or Lumi either so I’m not just going to sit there and laugh it off like you’re going to know where I’m dead serious and when I’m not trust me I will cause a lot of stuff I’m not trying to act all sick or what

Not but when I you know mean it sh you you’ll know God why it’s just I’m just like why no it’s a it’s a good joke it’s a good joke don’t worry Rocky it is a good one don’t worry it is a good one you got another one for

Me hopefully bright me mood a little bit like yeah we got one this Panda doing welome sorry it’s just late at night hours well so I’ve got kind of try and be quiet Rocko sorry look at this guy look at him you know what I’m going to get some

Bamboo bring some of these other guys over this crap all right um bamboo yeah always believe forgot then Christ uh okay well I’m going to need to build like a bridge for them as well from the mainland uh let’s take a stack of each that’ll be plenty um

All right yeah that’ll be good that’ll be good a these bu wandering Traders doing around here man where is this guy off on him I need more dirt Jesus Christ I’ll do that another day s that out in a bit what is that idiot doing I just so many want like

Bu trid man kill me off all right so I’m reckon we have a bridge from this I don’t want to have to make it like a at an angle you know what I mean it should be awward to build uh I just look up some Bridge toids go off that I guess

God what is he doing why is he proper parkouring all over the place don’t know I can make shears with just no crafting table uh look look at him what’s this guy doing man like climbing all over the place somebody jungle JY hate the way you can’t like you know what’s it

Called get panders on lead pretty stupid be really useful like but yeah no it’s ridiculous right bu water yeah I think I’m going to have to do this at angle oh God all right um so we want an oak pathway and then Spruce barriers right take a stack of there and then

Two pathway should be big enough all right uh not good at building these things but no one else is on to do it for me and I’m asked I mean Lumi is good Lumi is helpful what is this guy playing at man look at yourself idiot God how’ you do this man all right uh so I’m going to go from point A to point B which is here all just open this up real quick so we know where we’re actually trying to aim for look at this idiot manbody playing [Applause] Okay good it’s almost buy did time H bloody lah okay build that across there have to deal with these buy menaces I think they’re looking in my direction good my God can’t escape them can you there only anybody million in one of these guys swear bring them into the wall andbody blow them

Up bu idiots anybody wanding all over the place Um give it a go see how this turns out if it’s ter I just destroy it and restart there’s plenty of materials to do so with make sure I’m on point here don’t end up going off should be about enough what is this stupid power down M you’re bad not B

Fishy come on man wake up okay idiot too building a bridge this is what I’m doing uh right just so you know when you’re like you know what’s it called whatever Tom said like the um head or whatever from like what the 20 was it

Fourth to so and so time I don’t want to make it difficult for you but I feel like that’s what it might end up being just saying I got patience is ding I’ll tell you that much anybody can tell them that too well you’re in the VC with them thank you is so

A there we go Jesus don’t turn out as half bad as everybody would have thought now I just need somebody build the bu side to me all right uh making making what is it called Spruce woods they expensive hate having to do it but Christ his fingers apology go right

Okay bring them back up right there we go Jesus bloody cling now aren’t we need some more actually oh Jesus Christ we got about plenty sorted no actually I might need more Oak we go all right fantastic don’t know why I took the body wall all right oh little Timmy’s drowning look at

Him idiot why is he Jesus this prob making me question things look him he literally ply going himself under the bridge my God man just go be through can go to your reasing mate Jesus Christ look at but you trying to drown itself fine I pul that’s all the way from their base

To this mad and sit there there we go ah fantastic all right lovely I just need to uh the fence posts up on the side kind of really care less because I’m not going to get Jack Sparrow coming into my streams am I or somebody cat Gale really wasn’t really thinking that

Creatively were you could have made it a little less obvious I know Atomic by figur that isn’t surprising since he’s obsessed with both kind of makes sense whatever it doesn’t matter anyway not really that bothers for there we go that’s not bu off bad nice Jesus not disappointed with that at

All it’s probably best thing I’ve built out while being buddy on This Server Christ I can’t bu this guy man he really Just there there there M you put trid in my floors this guy plan I here I’ve learned that the only despawn when they’re in Boots I learn that the hard way when I found a brown panda they’re not in Boots they’re fine besides it isn’t daytime yet so still got time

My these skeletons really do like but test your patience thank God for h there them PE Queen Elizabeth right anyway there we go got the name tags name tag on don’t despawn what is this not doing leave m i going and kill all the other animals ah you know what you’re right fair

Enough but get like a million of them every day Jesus not that it matters I’ll get them again you f in the hole all right this guy man Weir all right let get some more fences real quick for oh this guy man idiot think you know how to do is BL blow things

Up look at yourself this idiot man in there for just doing some last minute things want to help out Li as much as possible so they don’t have to do this all on their own like make it look good I actually contribute I have to have someone holding me hand

Um who’s putting the wheat in this chest have that bu go out there as a bu guard goat my guard defense make sure he doesn’t try and drown himself Jesus put him in the psych W make sure he does make sure it doesn’t but drown himself sure he’s

Okay this is I need this call B going up there again I’m just another one of you there we go fantastic problem Solved I’ll bring those pandas over here and I’ll bounce get off can’t bother playing anymore oh that’s funny H that’s actually funny uh oh yeah bamboo BR there pandas over here bu too fat I have to destroy the fence it’s a sck case of buy that being too bodyy fcked fit through the

Door get rid of this for the time being then bu block them back in soon as have there you go okay come on Prison Break getting you out let’s move it come on this way come on move may you can move around the body fence stop being stupid you know what

Actually be easier to get them out this way to increases pandal lot population tfold I swear Sicky was the first one I no wait no it was the old one I got first and there’s a mix up between that okay come on let’s move oh my God you can’t even fit

Through a double opening come on this way stick in the formation what is this AEL play come on then je OT my move what is this OT doing go the other way you literally run to water to me like you think you’re funny come on you can jump up swear I will kill

You not even joking and I will kill you nobody stay in that hole idiot all right come on let’s move and after another please all right fantastic come on let’s go oh my God it’s going to take about a million years Jesus look at them this will be the main attraction at my

Bu part oh God got to be careful this goat doesn’t hit him imagine kill it these pandas will do anything for a little bite of bamboo but addicts disgusting come on then buddy hurry up Jesus Christ it’s like trying to watch buddy pink dry SAR

Come on in we go get in M can’t you fit through the door come on he’s like oh what’s that get in there idiots all right fantastic you now belong here never leing all right uh going to make sure like there’s no possible chance for them to try and do a

Runner however that’s what pandas do they’re like Escape artists keep your eye on them for like 0.2 seconds where is that of one got off to oh there he is look at him see be like this guyy come on get up here get some come on don’t you want to B get it

Come on Aldi move those body legs come on there you go you want a bit come on there we go get it get it get it get it get it get it come on ah come on man up here I got that one for there where’s this guy here is what’s he

Bud doing taking a bath come over here bu po go meet your new body prison mates be staying with each other for a long time oh damn a damn what did he have to be the same like type I think so by the looks of it Christ I enjoy holy

Christ even to look at them watching all the body bamboo my God Panda gang over there like more munch on the bamboo you know what I can name these guys uh question is why are we bu naming so we got Dave let’s should call him Dave uh go Dave we got Tom we

Got blue we got where we got nice all right come on uh who’s got the blue eyes look at me Jesus okay you know what you going be blue you can be Tom you can be Dave you look like a Dave and then you can be nice very nice all

Right now I just got to hope the hereby buddy M let them Wonder land lovely I’m actually somewhat happy I was happy after L buil this house now it’s definitely looking up Panda definitely are the vibe they that much anyway I’ll be ending off here guys so thank you all for watching and

Yeah I will see you all later goodbye everyone fwell good night goodbye

This video, titled ‘LIVE / MINECRAFT / LOYALTY SMP / SUB GOAL 1.1K-1.5K’, was uploaded by CHALLY07 on 2024-02-08 01:03:28. It has garnered 129 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 05:33:04 or 19984 seconds.

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  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

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  • eventyretmc

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  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

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  • The Bluemoon SMP

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  • Minecraft Cave Horror Project Explodes!

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  • INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100days

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  • INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft SMP 24/7 Server – Join Now! #smp

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  • Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shorts

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