🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!

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and what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream let’s have a good day let’s have a good day welcome everybody shall we uh get into it give me a second shot still got to set just a little bit of things up huh d d all right should be good to go see if anybody wants to hop on oh I still to do that well we are in egg Wars so yeah oh my goodness hold on guys Where is the man welcome everybody to the stream hold on we’re gonna get going a second I’m just trying to finish something on quick do that do that and do that and then one more where is interesting all right let’s lock in boys all right um oh all right now I could actually lock in this doesn’t mess up oh shoot still good all right guess we can hop into like I don’t know solos something just to warm up no what’s up on Andrus hope I said that right not very sure welcome to the stream though can you guys hear the background music or no I’ll turn it up can you guys hear it now I don’t know it’s weird it’s very weird I’ll take that welcome everybody to the Stream what do I need let me lock in here let me lock in here let me lock in here and they’re already going at each other oh my gosh I choke that bro did I not I thought wow well that’s a way to start um yeah a little bit embarrassing yeah let me get the gold tell me know I kind of want to get ancient debris but I’m not that big of a bot yet so yeah kind of locked in I’m kind of not need to warm up play a little bit all right we’re good we’re good I’m actually locked in now am I just going to fall off the cliff all right they already got that so uh what’s the play bro can I not just can I not do this no more I’m not trying to get hit off right now but come on and you’re cooked byebye uh okay great I guess I might as well just get more gaps how much gold I got 15 let me get one more let me get one more come on all right good looks well it’s going to come down to something I don’t know I think I’m probably going to get better armor where’s dark green is that right here wait is there like a thing oh they right there y one more let me go one more okay all good loing let locking let loing no do I play safe I think I have to play safe yeah bud go to your egg well somebody has to get it what no he’s got to be uh what’s it called when you drag clicking he’s got to be oh my God I forgot to build yeah he’s becoming ja like demon screw it what happened to Bro oh he went back I’m g go push him all right but I got to go all right thank you for tuning in have a good one see you let’s go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on and don’t block trap me thank you did bro just not see me the whole time oh I almost fell in there myself what’s up meme Lord hey Wolfie um do you want to VC it or what I think we should whoa okay me against Green I don’t know where he’s at damn mocked him you playing by yourself yeah right now yeah dang man I’m sneezing like crazy welcome everybody to the stream we’re g to I’m just waiting for people to join up so we can do Mega or whatever yall want to do and we’ll probably hit the hive later I don’t trust this dude bro he’s a Dr C God like wait can you build like that am I tripping or is he just that good y’all see that I tripping maybe that’s just is why it’s scaring me so he plays it like fortnite swear why would he run I would just turned around here we go would play but I don’t have any more oh oh that’s weird yeah what I thought I just let him know no wow H I should I’m so dumb for that all right well guess I’ll just play another random one oh your D button barely works damn I think that D was going to turn around but dud y’all see how he was like building I love this map that’s crazy he like built up wait is he in this game is there how can I check nah I wish want to get my get back you know all right uh should we yeah just going to push people those are kind of fun though enjoy solos all right let’s go let’s go where is the people that want to play Mega at uh yeah I’m not really liking the the the loot well this is a free egg to our left up Curtis Carter sorry hop on Hope on what do you mean I push this dude oh my God bro I don’t know if it’s my fov or what makes me like do all that I don’t know if you could see what I mean I’m me get more welcome to the stream though Curtis are you guys going to join up on the next game or wtm what’s the move I put some on my egg or not what’s the play chat I say like why not right I mean hey is the stream quality good okay decent what we thinking um there we go just need a oh I did not want to do that well that was an accident and what is blood doing I just want to go for someone already got his EG I guess so I just go for like another right sword oh I’m okay I’m going get did I get my iron sword boom boom buy food and hella blocks welcome everybody to the stream oh my god I didn’t even see bro wow dude why am I playing so bad today like he knows he has to wait is he following me this is annoying what’s annoying please follow me oh he thinks I’m like dumb or something what’s the point what do you have for me hold on I take advantage of him I take ADV is he on the Stream hold on are you on stream I don’t have I could just gift it to you hold on you know I don’t team but hold on maybe just let me get better let me get better so I could lock in here where can we just kill him chat what’s the play What’s the play What’s the play What’s the play What’s the play cuz I’m not okay okay good looks good look I think he just figured there’s nothing he could really do I don’t know that was weird got know ccraft really do be banning people though got to take him serious bro I was building a whole sky base let lead him into the bridge and knock him off all right all right I got you all right now he’s going to want to fight though grab some gaps where are the UPS at UPS at there we go sorry bro I’m trying to fight you you know what you know pop that pop that pop it we’re going to have a we’re going to have a a fair fight right here there we go there we go okay sorry bro good looks though good looks though um yeah screw this space let’s go get people out give me that wait oh I thought he like put like I’m still getting used to this texture pack which is in the description by the way I’m just trying to um like get used to what the blocks are that makes sense I me whoa what’s up Bros ski have a good day whoa okay I’m just going to push everybody Welcome everybody to the stream just waiting for somebody some people so we could uh get the games going I’ll grab these diamonds real quick why not right wow great idea great idea dud like I wish I could get matched up against PC players like I just I like the I just think I just think Bedrock runs smoother that’s why I play you know I mean you still play the endzone game heck no I forgot that even exist till you just mentioned it you know I was going to I actually have a video ready to be released about it I just needed a thumbnail I basically like went and found own base and stuffff and like yeah I could unlist it so you can watch it if you want I was going to post it but I’m just kind of doing shly Cube now who am I even looking for how much o I’m going get some more I’m going to get a bow beb chat all right can you hear me now chat I’m back now but yeah I do still our base is still there I already in the video I’m surprised I didn’t die in the video I checked um yeah our base was still there should I get these slowness arrows gra the SL arrows all right I see one there’s green do they have anything on their base no but he’s definitely trying to stack up I could just tell oh my God what the how did wait why does the pickax actually got W knockback come on let me get it back let me get it back well this was a free game now can you guys hear my dog if y’all can even worth going for these I don’t even know ify the last guy oh maybe the last guy is I don’t know I wonder what ever happened to that dude Chris I don’t know where is bro at why aren’t they going for my egg like I’m not even there just one little bit more hopefully this dude isn’t trash like you know all this is CRA really dead or am I just not really picking up viewers weird feel like nobody really I don’t know it’s dead nice bro yeah yeah back back up bud all right this guy seems decent please go into that base please go does he know I have a is he buying a bone out too or am I tripping oh my God he went to buy netherite and then he just decided to fall that’s crazy wait till y’all see my new video man I’m putting a lot of time into it hopefully it comes out okay they not I think I did right yeah yeah my new video is going to be pretty sick cuz I got a Macbook now so I could really really edit on it should I go all out again like get all the armor and stuff or like nah what the play feel like I should go get the AR armor just just look isn’t that your skin that you had yep I got my skin on now I found I had to go to my old computer and like transport it over yeah I found it yeah hey how’s the stream delay is it not that bad or is it bad or like what are we thinking not getting pushed yet yes no I might as well buy armor for now oh my God my dog bro I think it has autism not even lying oh this guy’s building netherite and I’m not trying to deal with that oh no no no why am I building so slow I’m such an idiot what’s the new VD about just testing on my 390 and there goes your to oh my God I’m fucked why did oh my gosh weot to block up screwed oh no I dropped my pickaxe too um yeah okay no not here oh my gosh and we sit for 3 minutes how’s the stream quality is it okay is it bad right oh finally someone got mine all right oh my God that was a pain to deal with did he go and get mine or something oh he did see that’s like a semi smart play Cub’s raid oh shoot I’m getting raided shout out to y’all shout out to cube what’s up Alejandra welcome to the stream what up cubes thank you so much wow I don’t know why you guys would raid me I think there’s other guys that would need it more but uh thank you what up thumpy Ryme what’s up Inc welcome everybody to the stream and I got a lock in for yall oh my God blood’s lagging so yeah I guess I’m not really that good at this game no more but thank you like everybody for showing up really just got raided bro fall hold I’m trying to read the chat hold up hold up cubes ra yo cubes what’s up Sophia M dreaming biggie G cats what’s up everybody thank you so much for the raid like much is appreciated all right let’s go ahead and end this game real quick we’re locked in we’re locked in sup cubes thank you so much man shout out to you and another bot all right what’s up only Gomez’s up Johnny jacobes welcome to the stream thank you thank you for the raid all right who else we got yellow uh I got blocks like that no I need to go buy some more all right let’s go get yellow real quick we’re locked in we’re locked in we’re locked in well this one was free um okay thank you I got enough for gaps nopes thank you everybody so much for the raid wow 13 viewers that’s that’s pretty good I’ve not seen that in a while man I’m trying to stream again trying to upload some decent content thank you so much for the subs yeah not much more can be said I mean definitely helps all right let’s lock let’s lock in let’s Lo yeah yeah we’re going to do egg Wars Mega I just needed people to like come play with cuz like there’s no one in on right now uh um yep you can definitely play Gomez Alejandra I swear to God I never had the time to join streams like yours it’s all good finally hit 1K after a year yeah no more than a year bro I’ve had this YouTube account for like so 3ish years no since 20 since quarantine I think since like yeah 2020 yeah yeah yeah yeah everybody can join let me just try to end this real quick oh my God bro forgot to hit the egg well I’m many people are here this is a solo game not a Duo game my God I’m getting raped pause all right let me lock in here let me lock in here you first or no I’m going to let you guys fight I’m I’m going Let Them Fight thank you so much for the sub Johnny all right now I can lock in my God God bro I’m so Rusty well that sucks whoa whoa whoa is that my Tripp just reach yeah you could stay there oh he has a totem too oh my gosh remember the One V one yep oh my God bro why is he doing so much damage I’m going heal up bro I don’t understand how he could hit that far this is so like annoying to do oh my gosh like bro just oh my go what are you doing this situation chat like what do you really do wait I’m here one two okay now we can lock in have my totem too though I’m not tripping I need to hit him off the edge though all right locked in all right I’m here I’m here no don’t go to the corner you’re boring oh my God finally got some Hits come on come on off this bro I’m not trying to deal with you no more you’re so annoying finally holy oh that was the last guy we locked in we locked in we locked in all right boys let’s run it we are in na3 let’s go ahead and let’s get some Mega going or something yes everybody can join I’m just going to invite you guys I’m going to be right over here finally got my skin on too you know we locked in we locked in we locked in but uh yeah where I’m just going to be over here what’s up what’s up what’s up oh let me hit the invite let me hit the invite cubes thank you so much for the ra man like much is appreciated make sure you guys are subscribed do any if anybody else is going to join let me know in the chat let me see I’m just play mobile all right let’s go wolfy anybody else in chat that’s trying to join I’ll join which Lobby na3 this guy trying to join oh I think you’re in the Stream now I think you were we’re right over here yo black Taco is in the Stream let’s like bro I’m joining for sure we are in na3 we’re probably going to play Mega I don’t know how big the party is right now okay we got four yeah we’re probably going to get into Mega just let me know if y’all going to play in the chat just so I have I have to wait for anybody oh in the party okay okay we got five bro what Theon what do you need yeah you join a bit all that’s good all right sorry guys I got to spam it it’s wait all right all right I’m an A3 just chilling where actually have you I have you add it right what is your name again forgot just got to get on I don’t think you do I think I just invited you I’m not wrong what’s what’s your name on here I’m about to play trash but it doesn’t matter no it doesn’t is this your name what’s your name Theon just go to na3 no yeah I don’t got you at it there’s inks I seen this dud in the chat yo right here bro right here bro right here bro where is in I think unless he wanted to snipe I am stream storry what Wolfie what’s your name so I don’t got to wait too long all right boys we’re about join you can play got a fix all right wait we got five or we got we got five all right uh wolf you think you want to just get in the next one cuz I don’t even know you I already invited you did you join we’re not we’re going to go ahead and hop in which map chat which map which map H these are all uh let’s just do Atlantis I think we should just roll with Atlantis we’re going to do Atlantis map everybody vote op we got to vote op though once again man shout out to what’s what is it cubes you’re real one great way to start the stream let’s Rush all right green [Music] dud what what’s everybody’s plans for the weekend man there’s there not a lot to do right now where I live and is the stream quality okay what’s up C why did they remove the eeve oh I don’t even know can this game start damn oh shoot and I’m sore welcome everybody to the stream we are in Atlanta you guys can still snipe actually I think we’re in what na3 so if y’all still want to snipe y’all could but I can’t connect to the server try restarting your game or restarting your internet or y’all messing with the skin is it kind of boring is it kind of boring no snipe today well w w I guess hey I got a pretty good video coming out like I actually put a lot of time into the editing just just wait just wait I’m going try to release it tomorrow the least laggiest map got removed oh well nothing much you could do there huh I’m the taco when I change my name oh okay okay that’s you okay let’s lock in boys let’s Lo in let’s Lo in let’s get this du wow nine viewers man I haven’t had that in a while yeah understand how much I just been streaming or trying to get back to it cuz I feel like I could I learned a lot from my break my like unannounced break I think I’ve learned a lot let’s go let’s go what’s this okay okay it’s such a classic can you guys hear the background music or no let’s upgrade the Gold gens cuz I hate when people camp them especially cuz we need the gold a lot someone could upgrade the other gold gen that’ be great and if we could get somebody on the egg that’ be even better what do you mean nope for what or I just got to be a good teammate man just got to be a good teammate man oh you can’t hear it huh it’s so like annoying did I have it set up too huh I’m okay I’mma fix that for uh next stream cuz oh you can hear it okay that’s good yeah I don’t know what I have to do cuz I have it like fully blasted it’s kind of weird like I know it like definitely would help with the stream gosh all right I got to like I can also okay that’s good that’s good that’s good I need a couple more all right do I even got armor oh my God but I need to remove these dang carrots bro it’s so bad I’m locked in I remember to join your streams thank you you know there’s a lot of other good creators too okay let’s lock in boys green yellow blue or we’re blue let’s go for I like the color green so we’ll save for last go ahead and hit yellow yellow K yellow k so I need some updates on the Q Community like is it dead or like what’s like shoot what’s like going on I need to know I got to do my uh my little it actually like kind of works sometimes though you trying to see who would join all right this is green you say screw it just go for green because you feel like it I don’t see that many people there sorry got to go all good man thank you for tuning in like a lot remember do oh my God this is such a slow pick oh I got it all right we locked in oh I got to sneeze dang I wonder if my mic filters my sneezes course you want to fight me get all the no skins oh my gosh like back off for like a second let me just kill your buddy thank God I killed that dude all right you’re trash just admit it I get it I get it oh my God I get like two hits and it just doesn’t let me whoa oh no Gap spammer come on off the edge off the edge off the edge thank gosh that was a little bit of a fight right there all right we need better gear there’s nobody behind me right okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we are okay know how many diamonds I got all right perfect perfect perfect we’re locked in we’re locked in um armor oh it’s cheap now perfect in case you guys don’t don’t know my favorite word’s lock in as of right now it’s like word of the week so I’m probably going to spam it yeah we’re here we’re here with it all right now we’re good to go we’re good to go welcome everybody new to the stream by the way we most active in chat I will be definitely giving I like to give away ranks and bundles so yeah be looking forward to that now we just got to kill people you’re off I just go middle is that the play CU I see you guys in the middle or is that just the those things always get me all right we’re going to take this jumping thing and we’re going to go catch him right now oh yeah come here bud just can’t play that s oh I feel it uh oh bad fall all right how am I going to be able to get to this dude he just keeps ducking smoke come on bro let’s go let’s go cuz another yellow out in the this oh screw it come here bud I want all the smoke a that what in the okay you know what I might as well just what a way to die holy Mobile’s so laggy try to lower your uh render distance and all that oh this guy is definitely new okay two green two red and one yellow oh crap here’s another green right here locking oh no it’s a jump pad I’m a little bit slow today boys died in the void oh they finally got our egg hopefully it’s someone decent at least I like when you have to kind of chase them you know what I mean wait wait wait wait is he there I just don’t see anybody unless they killed him oh is he on that bridge someone buy a player tracker I got diamonds actually I’m going go to another base let’s go to like red or something red or green I don’t know uh where is the Ops at this is actually a pretty good map I don’t know what you guys think in chat but yeah should I go for oh my God I don’t know what I should go for right now you guys hear the music a little bit better now or still no all right let’s go I just I’m probably hopping off I can’t play like this I feel I feel just maybe connect your controller or is that just like a PS4 thing okay there’s a dude here perfect got to head out like stream thank you so much Cub for tuning in much is appreciated you really definitely made the day a lot better come on come on come on come on and knock off the edge and KN not knocked off the edge and here comes the double team thank you very much I got to get like two more playy keyboard and mouse you could do that Bluetooth I guess you have to right this guy’s probably going to like buy like a bow or something watch let’s you have a bow I literally called it I literally called it I literally called it get off the bridge and wow that’s when you oh my gosh I should have locked in more so bad oh my gosh can you guys just go push him who’s even left on our team I’m so bad for that holy crap where they at yes RIP where are they at come on boys let’s let’s lock in who we got left okay is that a bot okay wolfy with netherite Z he sounds like a good player who’s actually in the Stream is anybody on the stream that’s still alive hold on who’s actually alive though me what’s your username okay I know you’re live Wolfie okay she’s alive or he’s alive dude cannot find nobody okay you’re crazy n okay all right let’s go y oh man this D got all the confidence now I got another R of stuff you have a bow zck I’m in mid uhoh hit him off hit him off oh my God this Levi smash is so annoying you’re going to fall you’re going to fall be careful come on bro lock in uhoh uhoh can y’all come help bro he or somebody buy a bow actually oh my gosh he almost fell oh my gosh whoa this is like Sniper got all netherite you can’t really knock them off oh get him get him get him get him get him get him NADA no like that I got green oh it’s good okay 4v2 y’all lock lock in cannot be losing to no bums man rip come on bro let’s lock it let’s lock it damn you really did die you just can’t fight these dudes oh my gosh polar puppy whoever you are where’s everybody else y’all need to go help them bro I died I seen how’ I die got bed off I thought I was going to make it like last second and then yeah got sniped by this dude he just be spamming bro y’all just go push them now they don’t have arrows right now everybody go push they’re all at Red yo I should you I should join your party so I can clap everybody yeah you should oh my gosh on let to check on the fight oh now they want to have a bow it’s going to be hard for them to fight bro y’all need to help y’all got to go push with him oh he’s kind of come on Z let’s clutch I don’t even know Z is in the YouTube everybody go to Red where’s everybody at there we go wolfy on his mobile phone how long will the stream be I’ll probably stream till 6:30ish long as it doesn’t get too boring should be okay okay we need one more person to push where’s the last dude at who’s still alive hey nobody here it’s eight for you well I’m Pacific yeah yeah we can do SkyWars after actually I like that let’s do SkyWars wow so this is what the fourth guy is doing by the way camping the diamond gen wow meanwhile our team is buring a guy in full netherite no wow poor wolfy man well the other team bro we are just trash we can do Block Wars Another Time come on Wolfie clutch oh he’s dead just die man CU I’m very good at block I see no I think this is the end boys that was wow can’t believe we just lost to a bow and uh BR we’re all dead my gosh wow that was um that was kind of uh hard to watch man do SkyWars how many people we got in our thing w four well lock it yes I know bro we did die to bots we are in n89 by the way if anybody wants to join but dude that’s like it’s one of those things you can’t do nothing about like I can’t just on V2 and one dude that’s full netherite and I’m in like iron you know I mean may we going be doing some SkyWars Theon you going to join or what I needed J there we go does anybody here door Dash like that or is it just me all right nothing has been said I think we’re just gonna go ahead and just lock in all right which map we think of boys oh there’s only one map available okay I’ll join in the bit all right for sure okay did I not go overpowered or am I just not getting good stuff trash after trash after trash Oho where is there no armor oh it is overpowered I was just getting that bad of loot holy crap I guess I’ll take the protection all right oh need this I’m locked in like on the for real SK oh my God I can already hear that bro there we go it’s a little better uh there’s like nothing even here worth taking let’s go fight come on let’s lock in I do this like the the bot way and just yeah we I’m doing this right now I’m such a bot for that all right bro you got to go whoa he is lagging like yeah you’re scared I already know you are are you Eastern n I’m Pacific time so it’s really only like fiveish from me and dead let me get that please have some okay okay let me get that okay let me get that okay let me get that oh my God that’s not what I’m trying to do oh my God all right there we go sapm over here I bet I think I’m like the only like I swear nobody is Pacific Time anymore it’s weird like everybody’s East all right Rob man we went from 13 viewers to three I’ll show you how great I am my gosh is there no oh it’s in there all right let’s just do that on PS2 yeah I think you you live near me I think I think you talk oh knock back sword and it it’s time to finesse let and steel n I’m going do my own thing bro where are the Ops at today they are ducking the smoke did you just kill somebody all right I didn’t hit bro there are they lagging or is my stream lagging or am I lagging I thought I was going to go over the bridge great man great idea well I didn’t know it was going to destroy that much what the heck anything I’ll take the fire knockback sword is there blocks oh there’s nothing cooked I’m really cooked like bro who does all that we might die to that let’s hit him with the hit him with the fire first my gosh no why I didn’t cut him off he’s lagging right or am I lagging oh my gosh Dead all right good last one last one this dude’s actually like so annoying oh oh my gosh no bro I swear I went to 23 I’m such a bot oh my gosh oh my God are you serious right now that’s really how I die I got sniped see me personally with the bow yeah that dude’s annoying bro we lose again to one dude n he got this Johnny got this John what’ I tell you what I I tell you all right all right we’re locking in we got some new viewers welcome everybody to the stream you’re an na9 can’t believe we almost lost that Johnny got us Johnny got us Johnny got anyways we in na9 type in chat if you guys are going to join by the way can you get icy or double bridge what do you mean can I get oh oh can I N I don’t even remember what that is which is kind of weird I used to know all that stuff I just be regular bridion I like I lost all my skill cuz you know no back back in my day not an old head not yet not yet all right we’re going to go ahead and hop into one because nobody has said anything let’s do teams of four again which map we this one’s okay it’s okay if we locked in Ain no switching up I’m man I can show you in when I is it cut off for me I can show you if I join yeah that’d be perfect oh everybody V overpowered time of the day Sunset I guess key col all right let’s lock him boys how’s the stream quality like I need honest opinions honest opinions all right okay I like the helmet okay I’ll take it take it n we only we only eat gaps around here I’m done with st we only need gaps around here stream’s great thank you what should I add like if there’s something you want to see added what could I do I need leggings guess there’s no legging oh wait oh no P oh there kind of was but what I was trying to do but okay D Bo place it please thank you all right I don’t know okay good but the quality overall like it’s not laggy or blurry or none of that right I’m a little scared now cuz I have no leggings like at all wow no okay good good good good good can you hear the background music or n finally some leggings okay now we’re talking let me find a fire sword please we’re not never mind I kind of don’t like being here cuz you can get sniped off at any point like there and fall oh all right blood you want the smoke too why am I getting gang bang pop a gap hey the fire looks hella dope with the texture pack that is heck a sick please cross the bridge thought it was enchant I got you I got you I got you don’t fall off please let’s go Swift sneak I don’t know what that does to be honest I got fire I please someone watch me bro because if I fall now I’m actually be kind of mad boy yeah yeah back off yeah how did I not hit him in the void dude the fire looks so cool am I tripping or no like it actually looks that good right oh there’s one dude left finally I mean it should be an easy win right let me get that kill whoa how did I do oh should be easy right all right let’s play some fortnite right let’s play some fortnite right you want to play some fortnite yeah let’s play some for oh my God I almost just walked into the void he kind of stayed me there I’m playing this safe oh my God y’all really need me that bad I didn’t think I was that much needed if he kills both of us I’m ending the Stream let’s go boy PC players are lucky fast tur smoth yep 100% 100% that’s why I wish we had like PC servers cuz as fun as it is just kind of yamming on like mobile players it’s like you don’t really get better or like it’s kind of more phon is competitive you know what I mean cuz it just makes you better is anybody in chat going to join or not cuz I can just uh yeah GG boy I’m just going to hop into another one I’m going to go ahead and hop in but at the same time oh yeah we can do Block Wars oh I know um what was I going to say but you know it’s not like you can’t go and get a PC I mean I I worked out I worked a lot to save up for my computer get everything that I wanted so and I did that on my own so got to figure it out okay which map is good let me know Gomez which is a good map which is a good map pyramid is oh wait what oh do I not have Edward’s rank or hold on chat I’m going go grab this real quick BRB like you guys can still hear me but let me just grab this rank real quick and I will still be doing the giveaway so don’t even worry cuz this thing going to load okay but yeah um I’m going get out right this I’m going see if I can get Xbox Live so I can play the righty if you need me to or if you need like money for it just DM me your PayPal and how much you need I got you I’m always here to you know help help people out that’s what I like doing I’m trying to do a lot more too but yeah finally all right now I got rank all right now you guys can see me let’s go ahead and do and you said um what was it pyramid there we go yeah make sure you guys just stay tuned till the end because at the end of the stream that’s when I’m going to do it I play on my Nintendo switch how is that is it laggy or you like it like I don’t I still don’t understand why people get switches I feel like just spend that amount on Xbox and yeah you got to pay for Xbox Live and controllers a headset I feel like it’s just more like I don’t know I don’t get the experience out of a Nintendo switch you know what I mean you can speed Bridge yeah can you guys see my uh proper stance right here am I um am I looking good make a bridge on this map got you it’s going to take a while for people to join up though keep it a book in the middle so yeah I mean hey guys the more y’all chat the better it is for like the stream and stuff and we just hit the hour mark so people should start tuning in their secret chest oh well kind of I guess I think I already knew that but yeah boys the new video coming out it’s going to be super dope and um you guys are going to see the full power of my PC for Minecraft and you know the power of it is on here where wait maybe if I went like this the power of it oh is right here this this MacBook man it’s hold is a very good video promise you promise you I put a lot of time into it I’m going try to release it tomorrow is okay so we’re building a bridge how do you want to do it don’t you want to kind of like don’t you want to kind of do this part first I’m just like a good teammate but I feel like I should be like the one that always pushes people cuz it’s more like entertaining you know what I mean but kind of being defense is fun if they actually like push you you know what I mean defense is boring or what you guys think it’s fun or no I feel like you like defense wins championships man all right where are the Ops like they just are they scared like do they just see this and like all right we’re all going to push screw it I lucky should have used the wood kind of done for that all right bud but it feels like is it more delayed on here like when you play block wars or am I tripping I got it I got it I got oh my God where are you going little bro wrong spot and dead oh and dead all right let’s lock in let’s lock in this the only bridge and I know I used to be like Bridge like this some reason like I just can’t do it no more oh my God I’m actually like losing a fight no I hate like just sucking like just being trash PA like I just suck sometimes I’m liking that Strat I’m liking the Strat I’m liking the Strat let’s add to the Strat yep defense wants Championship boys boys let’s lock in let’s lock in okay yeah there we won bro die to a na I know I really died to like a nobody I’m locked in though now it doesn’t even matter here whoa that didn’t shoot like that should shoot right but uh pack yeah it’s in the description it’s actually pretty cool it’s like four of them though yeah it’s actually pretty dope oh they got hell of stuff on theirs too bro can I like not PVP today like damn oh yeah we’re locked in oh as soon as I say that I just get hell kills I’m locked in I want to heal real quick I want to heal I want to heal bro oh my gosh you know it’s just a sign it’s just a sign man it’s just a sign man what your CPS um uh it used to be like 14 when I actually played but now I don’t even know probably like eight or like six I don’t know CPS is Max is definitely 45 with tape yeah but I don’t even drag click or none of that I just regular click all that you know I just I just click fast oh my gosh whoa who what in the luck um for me your CPS looks like seven or eight yeah I would say that especially like right now I don’t know why these fights are even close am I seeing something or is that like slow fall in give me a second to read the chat cuz I like I love reading the chat for me your CPS looks 7 or8 or maybe 12 I mean man mean my CPS 45 Max with tape drag clicking that’s I still oh I still oh wow I want to like try drag clicking but like is no like banable oh they haven’t even scored once like that’d be a good video now but I just don’t want to like love your hand can thank you I actually like put a decent amount of thought into it I still don’t know like the camp itself is like 100 bucks but it looks cheaper if that make like I don’t know it just so what’s up bro I’m just going over here to like fight I’m not even trying to score um let’s lock in whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey I’m still alive wow I can teach you how to jaag thank you why you only have one Subs you deserve a million thanks uh well I think if I stay consistent when I was actually like popping a little bit better um it’d be uh might be like two 3,000 it’s just cubecraft is hard but like I like I like the content you know what I mean like it’s I enjoy making it kind of cuz I actually enjoy the game like I started during quarantine and yeah please fall oh so he has slow falling huh I like Block Wars I think it’s a really good uh concept I’m back got to go byebye I’m all right I’m grading SkyWars leader boards what do you mean by that exactly like I don’t really do I my bow accuracy is so thanks bro thanks man you got in the way of the clip what we going to play what do you guys want to do SkyWars Block Wars cubecraft I’m here for the how many kills yall think I got 20th meanwhile wish your max CPS with drag Egor we kind of just played a lot of that I’m I’m I’m really enjoying this whoa I’m really enjoying this block wars so I’m not going to lie but whatever chat wants I need like Dion you want know what do you want to do I need like two people to say the same thing because there’s only five viewers like three people whatever works they just Instinct just pushed me huh oh wow hey whatever my friend wants to play you going to invite yeah yeah yeah well you guys can just uh find me in the um I kind of like the lobby is area and then I’ll just invite you guys from there this is so weird this slow fall do you lose damage when you fall oh you Tak that’s kind of cool yeah man na or EU I’m I’m na I mean really it’s weird cuz the servers are NA East so I’m getting like 70 ping and I live in the Pacific so like if they have like na West servers I’d be getting like zero ping basically at least in fortnite but I don’t even play that game my Max drag is 60 what the heck push me push me to the edge okay I’m going just leave you wow with tape cuz if not you definitely Auto that tape is cra crazy I I still don’t so how does the tape work like I’ve never been able to even drag click like hold on how does it work how do you do this I don’t know and don’t you have to have like a drag clickable mouse or something someone someone send the link on my Discord server for the tape I’m just going to buy it I want to try that out oh my God bro wait how is he hitting me from was that really five blocks oh any Mouse okay cuz the mouse I have um I forgot the name of it it’s in the description though I really like it’s pretty lightweight I think it’s 6ish SCS Oh I thought it was all good all good all we kind of got to lock in I got to start actually trying to score cuz they’re catching know wow wow can be a $3 Mouse any Mouse interesting let me send a beer be for sure it’s annoying how you take fall damage from that bro we need to score oh and this pickaxe is so slow great can we score uh oh they scored all right wow they’re winning they are making a comeback bro [Music] I what happened guys what actually happened to us man we fell off man started from the bottom now we’re here this is why I don’t push cuz there bad things happen man like I got to be the dude to do it I feel like they changed some of the movement in this game what yep and this is why I’m so like dog all right CH I’m going to be RB real quick I’m going grab my drink all right Chad I’m back wow we really lost man we really lost 17 kills I just didn’t lock in all right let’s run some egg Wars why not GG I guess I mean we choked all right we are in na8 no don’t my bad my bad trying to just go to this corner Dam yeah we are in na14 now all the way over here you know man Jamba just slaps who am I waiting for again how many people are even in our thing right now okay we got three me the Johnny dude waiting on nightmare I could hold 13 people I’m here where I’m here it’s losing what do you mean it’s losing I’m an na14 by the way oh it’s loow okay okay there sent it thank you I will check it out a I did not mean to do that wow it’s good Wolfie man I did not mean to do that all right guys everybody’s gonna have to join again my bad we’re in na oh I’m still in na14 so I could just reinvite you guys actually all right where’s okay let me invite you I don’t know if this guy’s actually joining I can join all yeah yeah everybody can join all right no I’m missing the Johnny dude whatever you want do sorry Budd umac call it accidentally logged off I know is still trying to join people we got on the party right is anybody in the chat still trying to join so I could like wait for you cuz there’s Johnny I know my bad bro L my Cube viewers low huh who are good players in the party Johnny was pretty good and then uh looks like these new guys are join joining seem decent so yeah am I waiting on anybody W all right we got four though are we waiting for Trump free or whatever or is he sniping wait I’m not trying to join anybody’s party right he’s live Cub’s right my friend joining away okay how many Subs this cubes have I join all right am I missing anybody like type in chat or waiting for its nightmares friend or whatever how many Subs is he got 850 that’s pretty good thing is he has 850 Cube subscribers I have like a thousand of like a whole bunch like just make sure stuff you know what I mean all right think we’re going to go wait nightmare are we good like I probably got like 200 cubecraft subscribers that makes sense all right yeah start wait let me wait for nightmare are we waiting for anybody nightmare you got to you got to put the exclamation mark give her a sec okay okay I’ll wait I’ll wait yeah we got to wait real quick do you guys drink jbes or no yeah healthy boys he healthy boys can you invite yes where are they at got you this player dude is they must be sniping they’re probably sniping all right yeah he’s good am i m okay we’re still waiting for nightmare’s friend nightmare what’s your us your name let’s probably just go right here still waiting what you ask for oh I just get a we’re good wait wait yes or no nightm are we good she’s in okay good good good but I thing is there only four people in here waiting on this person this like I’m just waiting for okay joined you guys going to join yeah you got to use then type join my party wait did that work they going to S okay okay okay okay good look good look all right boys we are going oh we’re going to be doing um which one oh I kind of like tea party y want do tea party or no this start okay going do uh all right boys we’re locked in let get to do probably gonna have to wait a little bit for people to join order a perfect pece that’s what I get and it’s good Peach it’s like a type of fruit you know what I mean it’s a type of fruit cuz I met Dana lock in all right let’s go watch I’m going get superpowers watch I’m going get super powers from that M mine mine mine mine mine mine mine I always say had like a diamond generator just like started you know what I mean okay okay gotta go by all right Gomez thank you so much for tuning in you have a great day probably G to end the stream by great stream thank you thank you thank you know if you stay till the end maybe I’ll give you rank or whatever because that’s usually what I’ve been doing okay where okay there it is byebye have a good one oh and they left the party that was all my huh so yall know someone should probably put something over the egg because can we not Camp these please yes someone’s going to push eventually especially because we got snipers thank you Johnny what makes it a great stream though like like what makes it a great stream you know because I need to improve on the greatness and find out the problems cuz I’m just trying to trying to build the Loyalty you know I mean cuz I wanted to be like I post a video and like a bunch of people comment right when it drops you know what I mean I think I just started playing with you since like 100 yeah no wolf your did h no no no definitely no cuz I didn’t start doing cubecraft till I had like 400ish I know I at least got to like no no no no not even probably more cuz I used to play this game called NBA Live and then that was like my thing for a little bit I’m going bring diamonds back we are green I think we need to get some on our egg to be honest if anybody on stream finds me I’ll give you guys diamonds to get the generator going for now I might just chill here oh I got you I got you just don’t take any of my diamonds thank you well we just control middle then we’re kind of green right and I really like this map this is the first like EG map I think I watched from a beijan Canadian that was the dude back then I don’t know nothing about that no no no we don’t team blood we don’t team you know what I’m pushing even if I fall I might be okay there both I feel like I should drop that Endzone video just cuz like the LA my last like real videos actually they have like 500 views and they’re all on End Zone it’s kind of weird anybody behind me wow my diamond is watch out for blue don’t take my diamonds my diamonds do I be selfish is the video done it’s done it just needs a thumbnail and all that other extra stuff I’d be damn if I die damn I knock back getting good oh you still up right you just stole my kill bro this dude yeah I could unlist and send it to you just I need a thumbnail tidal and all that good stuff wait that’s my teammate right or green right yeah I keep the diamond you think there’s already a diamond gen wait it’s just about me finding the old base and like starting from like scratch oh my gosh almost just a way to die oh these are scaring me I don’t want to die I don’t want to I’m get a bow and a bow then I’ll think about the rest we’ll see we’ll see oh let’s get a bow let’s get a punch bow let’s get slowness arrows then let’s grab a netherite sword okay and let’s grab just an eh pickaxe and then we’re going to grab a whole bunch of gaps and then how much diamonds I got do I got enough for like an chest plate yes all righty let’s CAD snipers let because they badle bet anyone want to see me Jitter a garbage you know I’d be down oh was fully upgraded all right I think we’re really good I don’t really need to they’re probably going to kill me anyways before I even get there keep it a buck divided by [Music] 50 it’s good why you buy a bow boys all right I’m coming to Middle we all right let’s see it let’s see it let’s see it let’s see it let’s see it those are actually some trash snipers I can’t lie all right let’s see let’s see let’s see okay okay okay cook oh oh he’s cooking oh he’s cooking oh he’s cooking I actually want to learn how to do that okay don’t fall now oh there’s one guy left okay let him cook now let him cook okay where’s they should do it just like SkyWars they automatically give you a Tracker when there’s one guy left that’ be a oh he’s down there I just saw him Crouch all right oh there’s a ladder to there hello friend hey hold on on nobody kill him nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill nobody kill everybody let’s just slap him up beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him up beat him [Music] up you guys you guys like that that KD right there nobody nobody got a KD like that right I mean I just one is there anybody else in chat that was trying to join cuz we’re in na4 you want Theon I mean there’s only four of us now so yeah if you want for me Block Wars I kind want to do Block Wars the but then you could be like a real dickhead though that’s the thing if we do Block Wars all right we’re going to block wars we’re doing Block Wars all right we are in na5 of Block Wars just going to the type in chat if everything’s good bro you don’t want to do Block Wars then what it’s cold in my house give me a second what you say yes invite you okay okay we need our um oh I’m just block where is lit I know look he is you just me me an na5 I don’t have you at it so hold on got to um Theon where you at I’mma show you how great I am man [Music] Theon where you at I swear I used to have like something like following me and put these on my crops I swear I used to have like a pet like following me you messed with the drip y’all mess with the drip there’s Theon got you hurry up and join which map y’all want oh capture the flag is fun too y’all want to do Capture the Flag by way if y’all do want my keyboard the link to it is in the description what we thinking what we thinking wait what’s ttf wait yeah wait I don’t know these short terms D should be a pick of the base yeah but the base is underground remember oh which one looks which one which one which which which map I see what you my Microsoft account logged out so I can’t oh um that sucks anyone all right where’s that one I like this Garden one looked cool all right it’s all right kill effect let’s do that there’s a boy you know what I’m surprised I did not give you um the moderator thing make sure you guys like up the stream too but I made the video a while ago so like the quality is not going to be as good as the video that I’m about to drop that’s the thing I don’t know how to explain it like cuz there video about to drop it’s about to be like maybe my best quality video good idea to show the CHS of the base no yeah I blocked them off I have to go out to this all good Johnny Jacobs thank you so much for tuning in yes I will watch your godbridge yes welcome to the stream damn nobody’s joining well if you want a VC cuz it’s like kind of boring like dude how are we starting with five I’m G Bas myself on stream by Fall failing oh so we’re starting with five people what um interesting okay show my 7-Eleven gas station at the thumbnail Ah that’s right they have one guy what show you how great I am oh can you break through now they literally got one dude they literally have one guy oh they got two guys stay back stay back they oh they got three guys oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they’re just all just spawning in where did they come from yeah we’re not teaming now but oh that just glitched I was live on cubecraft cubecraft better this is cubecraft Princess Annie welcome to the stream though thank you for tuning in but this is cubecraft we really got nothing around can we build right here nobody’s even GNA come here hello yep we’re kind of just chilling right now you know this really like I can’t even go right there I’m locked in I’m locked in hi hi can you keep spamming the chat please so YouTube will uh think I have an active chat all right all right all right hey man why spamming is okay y’all hate it I get it’s annoying but like it’s actually good for the YouTube algorithm and and also um Dion how many Subs you got cuz and like how how did the stream go overall does he not know he’s not going to get it I got 802 Subs that’s pretty good what type of content do you make cuz I’m I need somebody who uh can help with my thumbnails oh let’s go Johnny right here Johnny Johnny Johnny you you’re focus on the wrong dude King purple got no he died or he fell off hey man no man what do you mean wait I be forgetting the questions that I ask I’m locked in I’m locked in we’re locked in we’re locked in wait are we supposed to get slower help help help help help help help help help help help help help oh my God my fov is so no no let’s go no help where is the help at where is the help at where is the I missed my 82 oh still pretty good you’re starting you know can’t really hate on the start your first 100s your hardest or is the hardest and I remember I got the 200 really easy cuz I was consistent at the time I got the 200 really easy 300 really easy 400 was kind of there 500 was a little took a while though I mean obviously right it’s supposed to but wow and you know 1K took a long time I Believe I Can Fly nice can I just oh I wanted that I was lock it it’s lock it I got to create a clear path right here oh my God it’s my nose I’m just going to work on this clear path right here like a bot oh my God why do I always see this person I’m dead okay we got the path set up all right now I got knocked back Perfect Dude I need somebody to just go in with me oh that is knock back somebody no don’t hit him to me please oh my gosh I actually got real life knock back they can be in there like that oh shoot I guess I’ll just rack up some kills are you going to stream and upload more now um well as long as based off time yes yes go this way please okay where’s bro at we got to help him out did he get it is he still capturing it or no what about reach I have reach I’m a little bit confused thank people really misunderstand angles and how far you could actually like hit them from let’s go Johnny I’m here with you I’m not here with you oh my God bro I’ve killed you like 30 times huh they hit you oh I know it’s but I think it’s a cube crab glitch glitch cuz it’s like they like when you combo them they like really let you combo them it’s I don’t know if you know what I mean it’s kind of weird well I don’t know if this te’s going to realize or not but they can’t play defense the whole time cuz they haven’t scored once and I’m going to be the one to take it I’m dead no I Dro My Sword yeah it’s a little sus can I just build here I don’t know oh blue score am I tripping I swear I just said that someone on stream confirm wait what is that am I like I think I’m a little bit slow guys yall should like this new video I did a one V4 and hi see damn my craziest game that I wish I got on film I did a 1 V12 so basically my team died in egg Wars those teams of four and I went and took out every team of four and it was like real like it was some crazy clutch stuff I took every egg and every player out for all three of the other teams like I know people have done that before but like it was just I don’t know how to explain it it’s like it felt like and then this one this is when I wasn’t even like like as okay Johnny no Johnny’s dead Johnny Johnny Johnny bro get out oh my gosh um thanks man for killing me and it was down to three so are they going to score or try to score or what exactly is their plan what if we created like a bridge look look look we just create a bridge is this like a dumb idea okay and then boom we’re here right then hold on I’m cooking let me cook let me cook don’t hit yet can everybody go comment on my res video or n would that be too hard to ask well let me cook now let me cook now yeah I did it 1 v30 twice and Sky damn yeah I figured somebody did something better than me okay okay oh no hold I’m cooking though I’m cooking though watch I’m I’m going to to cook right now I’m cooking slowly slowly oh we might score I got to go help I was trying to make like a a bridge why would you let’s [Music] go we’re locked in good job Johnny hear him that’s why I like to hear Moonlight or wait who said that yep good looks Moonlight good looks 18 kills three death so bad yeah we can subscribe to own all right I’m going head out good L Johnny that’s a way to kind of end it the only cute crap I will y should definitely go call my new video yeah you have a good night too bro Survival Games nah that’s do SkyWars like let’s do SkyWars like if we locked in no switching up SkyWars we we cool that at kills is so bad though it’s decent I mean I don’t know how much I have I didn’t even check we all cool with SkyWars wait let me check the party size hey we only got three am I waiting on on anybody in chat anybody wants to join just let me know in the chat you want to play so bad I feel it anybody else in chat though just want to yeah yall can subscribe to his channel man all right we’re just going to go ahead and just play some for and since nobody has said anything oh I hate this map oh I hate this map too H which one’s I’ll go toxic I guess w w I locked in oh did I not vote my bad why don’t you FFA some of your viewers yeah we could do that it’s just I might get clapped up but I mean I did that last stream yeah I just might get clapped up that’s the only problem okay buddy we get it we get it bro I’m I feel like a bot right now this is actually weird like right guess we’ll just walk it like that some Bas all right we can get netherite I guess are he is Enchanted no okay all righty all right let’s go let’s go don’t oh no no no no no no no no no no we’re not going to get boot off today that’s not how I feel like going out at the moment I’m going to fall 100% gosh all right I just I’m going to be a good teammate like always all teammates is save the cross but it’s not safe to play on BR want all the smoke like oh my god oh M us M us M us yeah boy yeah boy dead oh screw your dog oh dud these Skins are so like random to me all right can someone like watch I just want to check what he had all oh we got one more oh and we won all right boys should we just I’m back what’s good me Lord what should we do let’s run it back again come on can we um yeah can we uh not with the normal like can we like vote for overpowered please can’t wait to have a more active stream like this one was pretty active I can’t lie next egg Wars till when we die all right all right we’ll do eggars right after this match until we die I just don’t know how much I got left in me gu TI just sitting here and just yapping but you know y need a skill it’s a hard earned skill all right bro go right there I just wish I had people in the uh VC like Wolfie we should VC I was trying to say but you’re ducking are usually under 10 yeah no no they’re usually under five especially recently 100% usually under five I used to be I was like averaging 12 in my best and I have like 15 like I’ve never averaged over 15 that would be crazy streams would be so lit like streams would actually be so lit there’s this guy who was in my comment section saying he would edit for me and stuff and he just never got back to me I’m waiting for his response I feel like I’m going to fall oh well okay what armor do I even need I’m basically good oh oh my God someone shoot this bro I don’t think I can VC my dog is been okay someone like knock bro off thank you and he’s dead yeah he’s dead to the fire no way he was that close to dying good idea man great idea bro I barely see any CC stream ismore I only know four in a way that’s good for me right I mean it’s kind of bad to say but don’t worry I’mma I’mma Be the cube tuber that everybody’s been eating I’mma show you how great I am great I am who’s actually like the main who actually like cuz I know I already knew like during summer everybody’s going to be back and they’re all going to be gone that’s just how it goes every single time but like I just feel I just want to know who stay consistent and screw your little dogs and where’s oh the take care of business it’s hard to find CC streamers yeah screw your dog what makes it hard like they’re just not alive no more like I would think I would get more viewers than if there was less competition right or what we thinking no not not really not not really for what like which question are you answering I see people all the time huh are they like pretty decent too Cube crap I think that’s how I found you because you came up first that’s good I always try to be first to pop up like I’m more of a I just want to get on people’s recommended like not search you know what I mean hey how you doing Christian 2801 764 I just takes over nowadays Swift live and SOC plays fortnite that’s crazy should I switch to Hive like is that the play how’s the hive Community my God okay two dudes left I post cubecraft live that’s good that’s good I do too obviously right like ccraft but bigger oh I know a hive is but like is it really like that big I know that one dude evident whatever he raided me once actually I had like 100 people watching at once it was crazy yep back back back back move I got youall so I’m cooking I’m cooking oh I don’t got that many blocks though yeah it was a very that was my you it’s still you can still see the stream if you go to just my live streams sort by popular yeah it was like I gain like a 100 subs from it I forgot I even I forgot that even happened bro I got a bow too oh wait let me make sure I don’t fall off uh just let the streamers and I can’t cuts off for me oh the streamers and YouTubers even though they have less player yeah huh wow W does that not hit in a regular like game okay y’all I need blocks oh I could just ender pearl I’m so dumb oh my god oh oh they refilled perfect uh what we doing boys uhoh uhoh bro I get it yeah now who has a better sword now who has a better sword though yeah yeah yeah good one no way where’s the other teammate at oh my God I’m almost dead I got to pop this let’s go oh there was no other oh wait who was other teammate anybody know man D oh did you guys want to try something else the just fill your hot bar with charge crossbows and spam all right let’s do it let me find some though no oh and there was one there actually I got you taking the advice I’ll keep a sword here just in case and some blocks in the corner but shoot the rest I could do what what armor do I need now okay now it’s finding the crossbows that are going to be kind of hard oh oh we need arrows too forgot about that that’s what do you mean where are now I can’t find them all right let’s go middle green let let me get this though where are the charged bows no where oh man I think it’s time to end the stream man what’s up one one one yeah why not I’m trying to do this idea that he has kind of funny yeah buddy don’t ever push me again you too oh my God I’m getting gang banged oh I bro I just never look at my health I think that’s like a bad habit who’s still alive the B right oh I’m going Rel log I’m just going to relog man all righty end of third quarter all righty yeah I told that one person to just find me in battle arena I just want to make it to the 2our Mark that’s my only goal I’m an na10 if that person wants to come find me you have friend real quick what do you mean by the way Alejandro I’ll probably gift you whatever you want just stay till the 2hour Mark I got you dude can anybody find that person’s name oh are they right here Eric you want to One V one oh no they won one one challenge du overpowered Warrior accept it come on I know you want the smoke oh two more minutes till 12h hour mark yep I’m not hit that in a while it was good the sorry we left that one we’re just doing one V ones yeah I mean you were AFK but everybody that’s here till the end I’ll probably just give give you whatever you want let me check my frames um okay yall want should we do like a a snippet of my new video or no no bro you’re not popping a gap I’m not letting you get away with this no way no I’m not letting you get away with this at all all you want to see like the first minute so yeah oh did they Deon okay trash all right Dion where you at Dion you want the smoke I don’t know if you’re still in chat everybody that’s staying I’ll probably get yall some oh going to run it back which call it oh just uh Theon just um do you want to run the ones again best out of or first the three I’m about to just fight them again did they accept it or no okay should probably have like my FPS right up there but it’ll probably kick me out if I pull it up I play this I play this new Strat new Strat new Strat oh shoot all right all right I’m might lose this one not going to lie why didn’t I keep hitting them I’m dead I lost all right we got a like oh dead I’m so dead oh yep okay okay okay in the game yall left me in oh clutch up all right now I got to use this Advantage you’re right I should do that actually I forgot we could do that oh this is close oh stop running just hurry up and turn around and do your little hit thank you I already knew that was coming you’re too easy to read I’ve done this too much I’m going show you let’s go hit the except except except except except except yep okay best out of best first of three I got two oh I might I might let him win this one and we’ve officially hit the 2hour mark a minute and 48 seconds ago go thank you let’s go W [Music] clutch all right Dion do you want the smoke or should we just get straight to the gifts and then the leak video combo Runners are too annoying what do you mean Alejandro wait Theon are we going to One V one or no like custom games with viewers and do just build so I can build yeah we could do that D are we going to run the ones or n just let me know real quick so I can move on to this next part of the stream yes okay I am in na what is it 8 yeah it says hold on I’ll be a second let me just see if I can do this first try oh I can’t even see all right let’s go Theon you decide to tap something and run away oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right Theon I’m right here challenge The Duel where’s my favorite one there we go I mean it’s a decent strategy can’t lie now I might lose here unless I’m feeling a little bit better it’s been a bad day coming off a arm day like a little sore it’s all right I’m locked in I’m locked in all right so far we’re kind of even think I got two more hits on him he missed a couple don’t pop the Gap and wow he got close yep yep yep okay okay okay okay I’ll pop the Gap I might die though wow that’s the like he did the same thing last time I get so close to popping the Gap oh my gosh see it’s just that’s just dumb IQ by me this says bad IQ I’m locking in I’m locking in when he starts popping the Gap I’mma pop the Gap oh my gosh that literally last time he won all three games cuz of that all right and he gets like this random power all right now I’m just going to pop it all right we’re good we’re good we’re good Deon might have reach it’s that combo glitch I’m talking about that they just randomly just get okay okay I have one more heart than him mathematically I’m okay I died I just hit I’m locked in I’m going show you how great I am great I am he knows he has to combo me or else he loses oh I think it’s a win I think it might be a win Theon why are you running why are you running away and you couldn’t even hit me GG G G and I’m down to one viewer I am down to one viewer just like that okay oh did they W your HP bar reverse I know where’s theion at did he deine I think he ducked he’s ducking the smoke what’s good Darkness man welcome to the stream we’re a little we’re actually about to end so but it’s all good we can watch her do I deserve a what yeah you probably deserve a sub do I deserve a Sub sub though I don’t know go watch proba going to get to this giveaway in a second oh am I glitch ohy I don’t get no internet bugs last second again like bro how can he hit that many yeah dead yep time to run let me get the three hearts let me just get the three hearts let me just get the three hearts yeah it’s a little too late to keep it AB bucked all right all right now we’re okay yeah pop yours so I can read the chat sneak peek of the vid what do you mean yeah like type in the chat how do you give out rank you’ll see there you go like the sub thank you you actually go comment on my newest video that would be better how about that comment how my this video to get but yeah come to the next stream and just be there the whole time and yeah I think I lost this one yeah it’s done I at least get him to four Hearts oh I accidentally declined except except except and this Moonlight oh what’s up techno blade AK yeah Moonlight I got you yeah I got you Alejandro I got you um Moonlight and then Wolfie if you want when I got you too yeah I just cooked I’m cooked I’m cooked I’m cooked I can’t even pop a gap oh wow that is crazy let me just pop my Gap bud let me run around sorry Darkness man you just W here for two hours like the other guys you know what run run run away run away run away oh he’s actually trying to kill me now I mean can I do this till like if I can get the three hearts oh yeah I’m cooked why I hit him with the B decide which rank I want you can get rank or bundle I don’t care this is a new Strat guys this is a new Strat trust trust trust trust weave weave we oh I’m dead official boys oh that might have just saved me let me get the two and a half let me the two and a half oh yeah now we’re good now we’re good we’re back in this we’re back in this pop your Gap yeah yeah good boy good boy good boy next stream yep I got you Darkness next stream so everybody comment on my recent please comment and watch like 2 minutes at least for the sense of watch time please please turn around yes oh oh oh oh my God clutch clutch clutch clutch no way no way no way no way I can’t die here run run run run run run run run run run run can you get a bundle on hive nah I’m not going to go all the way to there for that oh turn around no no no no how do you get momentum like that did the base still look the same yeah nobody even touched it at all yeah I’m gooded at least I put up a fight damn all right GG’s uh GG’s GG’s GG’s GG’s all right all right let’s do this to the lobby all right techno which one did you want let me pull it up the options I no buy gifts okay which one did you want here or any of you guys Alejandra you want the eggwards rank all right and then uh call Alejandra which one did you want you could do rank or [Music] bundle you just want like the regular eggwards rank right air fever 18 I don’t see that one just do it so both you both you guys want every’s rank okay I’m sorry Darkness I’m gonna have to pass on you you were not here for two hours uh Wolfie did you want one and Whatchamacallit I don’t know if you want one either the own just let me know which one you want I know know it’s all good which one let me see so okay techno and Alejandro make sure you guys send your exact username I with the egg Wars where you can overpower vote overpower yeah that’s just I think the regular egg Wars one tomorrow stream I should stream tomorrow you want battle righten now okay yeah yeah I probably will stream tomorrow so everybody comment on my recent video that’d be perfect everybody comment on my recent video and watch for like two minutes that’d be perfect and then um whatam call it is what’s his name here Theo what was his name again no problem hold on make sure you guys send your exact username so I can actually give to you guys it and then the on you are here let me know all right hold on let me text him make sure you got it okay hold on I’mma uh mute my I’mma hide my screen so I can actually purchase them okay we got I got you I just want loyalty in return you know okay we got two egg Wars ranks and a block and a battle arena rank I think right we’re going to buy this all right Theon which uh here I I can show the thing again Block Wars rank okay it’s good so block wars and battle arena okay okay and then make sure you guys send your exact username in chat exact username in chat all right that’s one one more to go for that yep I got you just send the exact you guys’ exact usernames can you send yours again techno and then Wolfie send yours and Alejandra send yours okay we got two egg Wars so I already bought the egg Wars got two egg Wars and then a block wars and a battle Ren sure okay now we got to get Block Wars right me see yeah you wanted the Block Wars okay my name doesn’t go through what do you mean I’ll send in Discord oh okay all right grabbing the black Wars right now no what wait not block wars who wanton a block wars somebody did oh no no no send it in chat send it in chat and then hold I need to get the where was it battle arena all right last one is being bought as we speak you want block Block Wars I think I got you the Block Wars right let me make sure and you wanted egg Wars and Al HRA wanted egg yeah it’s in my um it’s in the description yeah just it’s easier for me to just copy and paste it from the chat though that’s the thing all right you guys should be able to see my screen now all [Music] right all right um I got experience okay redeem gifts oh no gift inventory okay okay okay so you wanted the egg Wars techno let me copy your name okay does this look oh let me delete that does this look good though make sure it is just I just need a yes in the chat and then I got you okay all good and then Theon you want Block Wars uh let me see Block Wars rank right Block Wars Block Wars okay then Dion is that Dion is this good yes right I need a yes just give me a yeah okay and we are successfully good does anybody know about Alandra what happened to bro I need his username and I need Wolfie’s username hold on let me check Wolfie’s DMS Oh shoot no problem oh yeah yeah right right right okay gift inventory and then um just watch my recent video till the end and comment okay Alejandra you wanted the eggars rank correct just type yes in chat if this is correct Al just type yes if this correct okay and I think I sent you the wrong one huh uh wait did I I sent you the wrong one just decline it wait a minute but which one did you get oh you can’t even log in oh well Block Wars oh that was too batt oh no no no wait what did I send you then so confused okay egg Wars was you okay and then battle thing magig was Wolfie I got to reset rest my game all right man good looks okay black okay Wolfie does this look good I think we successfully did it boom I don’t know if I did oh yeah that’s right right right and I think we’re good right no I just got a I just got a couple side businesses so I make decent money so I’m I’m okay with it so I think we’re all good chat yes for real but uh yeah I think we’re looking okay chat no we’re all we’re all good I think we’re all locked in um if you guys want to give say your welcome just go to my recent video and watch it till the end and comment that’s all I ask without further Ado think we should uh go ahead and say goodbye and I’m going to go lock into this new video dropping maybe tomorrow maybe Monday I’m going try it tomorrow though for hope you all have a good day and tune in to the next live

This video, titled ‘Live🔴| Cubecraft and Hive w/ Viewers – Come Snipe!’, was uploaded by SoapMC on 2024-02-25 02:52:32. It has garnered 120 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:32 or 8312 seconds.

Join me as I dominate CubeCraft EggWars and some Hive gameplay with viewers in this epic Minecraft Bedrock live stream! Don’t miss out on the fun and come play with us! I will also be doing a giveaway for any Cubecraft rank or bundle!

#Minecraft #CubeCraft #EggWars #Bedrock #Gameplay #Gaming #Gamer #LiveStream #Streaming #Multiplayer #Community #Adventure #Survival #Building #OnlineGaming #YoutubeGaming #VirtualReality #VideoGames #LetsPlay #GamersUnite

🔴Subscribe and Like For More Cubecraft and Hive Content: https://youtube.com/channel/UC320zjl6Icl92u8QJ6Q7DHMgw

Join The Discord Server Today!⬇️ https://discord.gg/FGkgWjV3hm

My Texture Pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3ky5hlyb8l320ea/Koros16x_Pink.mcpack/file

Cloud pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/s5xjgxytssdu7zi/Koros+Sky+Overlay.mcpack/file

Textbox pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8xrhnqyhw05k778/Java+Chat+UI.mcpack/file

Minecraft Settings:

FOV: 110 SENSITIVITY: 8% DPI: 600 CPS: 8 – 12

My Equipment:

Keyboard: Highground SKYSTONE Base 65 Keyboard: https://higround.co/products/skystone-keyboard?_pos=1&_psq=skystone&_ss=e&_v=1.0

Mouse: ASUS ROG Harpe Gaming Wireless Mouse: https://a.co/d/h7870RN

Monitor: Asus ROG Strix 27 1440P: https://a.co/d/gg48zmU

PC: LYTE Phantom Z (Prebuilt PC): https://lytetechnology.com/product/lyte-phantom-z/

PC Specs: Intel i9 12900k | RTX 4080 | 32GB DDR5 | Z690-A | 2TB NVME

Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition: Explore infinite worlds and build everything from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off dangerous mobs. Create, explore and survive alone or with friends on mobile devices or Windows 10. EXPAND YOUR GAME: Marketplace. Create, explore and survive alone or with friends on mobile devices or Windows 10. Get unique maps, skins, and texture packs from your favorite creators. Slash commands – Tweak how the game plays: you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and more. Add-Ons – Customize your experience even further with free Add-Ons! If you’re more tech-inclined, you can modify data-driven behaviors in the game to create new resource packs. Servers – Join free massive multiplayer servers and play with thousands of others! skywars,cubecraft,privqted,skywars cubecraft,minecraft skywars,cubecraft skywars,ranked skywars,cubecraft skywars gameplay,240fps,skywars montage,skywars mouse and keyboard sounds,skywars asmr,,minecraft hypixel skywars,cubecraft server,minecraft skywars jartex network,cubecraft asmr,cubecraft games,pvp skywars,cubecraft montage,cubecraft bedrock,skywars ranked,cubecraft competitive,4k skywars skywars,hive skywars,skywars hive,jartex skywars tips,skywars chill, tommyinnit, dream, technoblade, Qzeex, Vanhouten, funny moments, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds,minecraft skywars duels keyboard and mouse asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,skywars,keyboard and mouse,keyboard and mouse asmr,mouse and keyboard,ranked skywars,skywars asmr keyboard,minecraft skywars,cubecraft,keyboard asmr,keyboard,danomc minecraft skywars reto,skywars minecraft,craftrise skywars,skywars in minecraft,mega skywars,reto de los fps en skywars minecraft,ranked skywars combos,ranked skywars handcam, 700fps,minecraft,minecraft,minecraft,craftee,craft,crafter,crafty,crafting,crafting recipe,crafting in minecraft,minecraft update,survival,how to survive,caves and cliffs,caves and cliffs update,new minecraft channel,diamonds,ender dragon,fastest diamonds,custom,diamond,emeralds,huggy wuggy,poppy playtime,beats the game for me,beat the game,custom mob,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,custom dimension,custom mobs,custom item, minecraft bedrock,bedrock,bedrock edition,minecraft bedrock edition,java vs live,cubecraft mcpe,cubecraft duels,cubecraft,cubecraft pvp,pvp,cubecraft pvp ffa,minecraft pvp,cubecraft duels,mcpe cubecraft pvp,pvp op cubecraft,cubecraft pvp duels,cubecraft 1.16 pvp,cubecraft java pvp,mcpe new cubecraft pvp,cubecraft ffa,minecraft cubecraft pvp,cubecraft pvp free for all,cubecraft bedrock pvp ffa,cubecraft bedrock,cubecraft skywars,minecraft cubecraft,cubecraft leaderboards,op cubecraft pvp’en,1.9 cubecraft,cubecraft edit,cubecraft live,hive custom,hive customs,hive,live,hive costumes,hive minigames,hive custom live,hive cs,hivemc,hive tournaments,how to become good at the hive,the hive,hive but,hive pro,hive god,hive custom servers,hive minigames live,hive survival games,hive live,hive plus,

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    "Minecraft PVP Champion DOMINATES in Bedwars!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEAUTIFUL WIN IN THE BEDFIGHT #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #bild’, was uploaded by meepero on 2024-03-25 19:08:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixel, #minecraft, #minemenclub, #hypixelbedwars, #bedwars, #minecraftpvp, #hypixelbridge, #minecraftbedwars, #cubecraft, … Read More

  • neak – 🔥MINECRAFT Live Battles + Events! 👿 Unbelievable FREE Boss Fight now!

    neak - 🔥MINECRAFT Live Battles + Events! 👿 Unbelievable FREE Boss Fight now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴Giga bitki + eventy!🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 20:46:48. It has garnered 94 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:03 or 7803 seconds. 🔔Subscribe🔔 ► My minecraft server! 👾 IP: lajnie.gameshare.pl 👾 version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 📞here I talk: https://discord.gg/PB5cRAj7 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Equipment Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Skiller Mech SGKS3 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔔Dej suba🔔 tags: #NneakK #lajnie #minecraft #gry #farcry #roblox #brawlstars #polska #live #csgo #cs2 #counterstrike2 #cs2 #gtasa #gta #projectrpg #project #4life #samp #mta #funny #rage #ez #gtasanandreas #irl #gtav #prrpg#anarchia #dranhis #smp- txt – tabmc -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!

    Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wrestling Alliance: RISE Episode #30 [Jun. 12, 2024]’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wrestling Network on 2024-06-21 10:24:07. It has garnered 136 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:21 or 3561 seconds. Join Us! Server IP: minecraftwrestling.com Discord: https://discord.gg/kryJTZ3kZF Twitter: https://twitter.com/MWAminecraft TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minecraftwrestlin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minecraftwrestling ———————————— Timestamps: Nuck Visits a Friend (0:00) Opening Segment (2:25) Milky Promo (3:43) Kholoki’s Open Challenge (8:29) Post-Match Segment (19:35) Jasper Promo (26:53) DDD Party Segment (35:53) Milky vs Equinox (39:08) ———————————— Recorded By – Steve/Kholoki Read More

  • 1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!

    1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built A MUSEUM For Every STRUCTURE In Minecraft PART 2/2’, was uploaded by Beppo on 2024-03-23 15:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Built Minecraft’s Greatest Museum In Hardcore PART 2/2 Part 1: https://youtu.be/m8iKzgE5ANM The goal of this series is to … Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘old killer noob vs pro vs hacker #minecraft #ytshorts #shortsfeed #trandingshorts’, was uploaded by AWEJ GAMING’S on 2024-03-23 06:18:27. It has garnered 3996 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1 #minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever… Read More

  • SkyVN Survival

    SkyVN SurvivalBest survival experiences you will ever see on this server. What to except on the server? – An all-new, datapack driven worlds to explore – Over 20+ items to grind play.skyvn.top Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 DiscordSRV Bluemap Coreprotect Voice Plugin Age 16+ Crossplay

    Join Our Minecraft Community! Our community is built around a shared interest in Minecraft, and we also enjoy playing a variety of games together on our Discord server. Minecraft is at the heart of what we do, so come check out our Discord and Minecraft SMP! We welcome new members who are dedicated players with similar interests. We always have major build projects in progress, and our community is friendly and mature. While we don’t have many rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed, just be respectful to others! All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌

    ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Read More

  • Breadcraft – 1.20.6 Survival Server

    Breadcraft - 1.20.6 Survival ServerWelcome to Breadcraft! You’re home to classic, vanilla Minecraft survival without Pay-2-Win bloat.On our 1 world survival server, experience the thrill of simple survival with very few- yet helpful plugins to fulfill your experience.Other servers are focused on making money and manipulating their players into purchasing items and ranks to make progress. Breadcraft is the polar opposite. We focus on providing a classic, vanilla experience to our players, WITHOUT the P2W!On Breadcraft, you will encounter a lively, helpful, and friendly group of people who are online to have fun and relax. Our active and helpful staff is willing to provide… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Future of Minecraft: 2050”

    In 2050, the Minecraft community will probably have figured out how to build actual functioning portals to the Nether…and they’ll still be arguing over whether to use “stone” or “brick” for the floors. Read More

  • Mastering Wild Loot and Dragon Eggs on MineWind

    Mastering Wild Loot and Dragon Eggs on MineWindVideo Information This video, titled ‘grinding wildloot and dragon eggs on ( minewind )’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 13:42:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is minewind server ip: play.minewind.net Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast

    Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast Unbelievable Places On Earth! Explore the most extraordinary and mind-boggling locations on our planet that will leave you in awe. From underwater cities to gravity-defying waterfalls, these places are truly unbelievable. No Gravity Zone Imagine a place where gravity seems to have taken a vacation. This mysterious location challenges our understanding of physics and leaves visitors in a state of wonder. Underwater City Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover a hidden city beneath the waves. Explore the ruins of a forgotten civilization and unravel the secrets of the deep. Tree Inhabited by Goats Witness a tree… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!Video Information I need that just doing a little something did you take the turkey out what did you take the turkey out no I didn’t take the turkey out what mhm you can go they can’t see you you want what you want to give me two chocolate balls for a crep I don’t have any more chocolate BS so unfortunate I only have one wow one chocolate BS not enough for that crepe that’s like three chocolate balls do crepe just chocolate on chocolate yeah I’m going to Robin Robin hello Jo what what happened what happened julan… Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AI

    Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Turned Minecraft Cursed Images Into AI Videos’, was uploaded by VoxSynth on 2024-07-04 19:42:46. It has garnered 370 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:18 or 78 seconds. Read More

  • Uncovering Gumball and Darwin’s Secret Base in Minecraft!

    Uncovering Gumball and Darwin's Secret Base in Minecraft!Video Information as I greeted everyone tuning into my new video I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement I was fully decked out in my chainmail armor ready to explore the vibrant world around me with a wide grin I shared how thrilled I was to embark on today’s adventure turning around I started my journey through the Lush pixelated landscape that makes Minecraft so special while wandering near a clump of trees I noticed a cow in the distance without hesitation I pulled out my bow and carefully aimed the arrows flew one after another towards the… Read More

  • NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀

    NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀Video Information ‏and one us for the [موسيقى] champions the [موسيقى] ro This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Which Christmas House looked the best? 🤔’, was uploaded by NukeVsCity on 2023-12-25 11:50:54. It has garnered 2891 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Any of you remember these type of shorts? “which house looked the best?!?” with the INDUSTRY BABY song by Lil Nas. I made this video and haven’t posted it yet. Best for Christmas really. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@Nuke. NukeVsCity creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft… Read More

  • FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #live

    FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Navdeeep_playz on 2024-01-07 07:01:04. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Hello GYS MY NAME IS NAVDEEP IM Making CONTENT FROM INDIA OF UP UTTAR PRADESH SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE ————————————————————————- discord _ https://discord.com/invite/44Za7N3s whatsup – https://chat.whatsapp.com/IVtyKMPF9t2JV9umjd9PUG Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/navdeep_playz_offical?igsh=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA== ——————————————————————————— #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Thanks for the Support thanks for watching and love… Read More

  • 🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!

    🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!Video Information and what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream let’s have a good day let’s have a good day welcome everybody shall we uh get into it give me a second shot still got to set just a little bit of things up huh d d all right should be good to go see if anybody wants to hop on oh I still to do that well we are in egg Wars so yeah oh my goodness hold on guys Where is the man welcome everybody to the stream hold on we’re gonna get going a second… Read More

  • “Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft” #shizoclickbait

    "Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft" #shizoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘GTA 6 MİNECRAFT’I GEÇTİ #gta6 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZenMaster on 2024-01-18 12:22:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gta 6, gta 6 trailer, gta 6 trailer reaction, gta 6 leak, gta 6 leaked gameplay, gta 6 trailer official, gta 6 trailer rockstar, gta 6 … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMC

    EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMCVideo Information ये क्या हो गया चालू हु रा स्टार्ट हो गया अबे रुक जा देख चैनल का लिंक भेज मुझे मैं देखता हूं रुक जा मेरा फेस आ रहा है क्या रुक जा अबे तेरा गेम प्ले ऑन है ना हा तेरा गेम प्ले आ रहा है बढ़िया है पर दिख रहा है गेम प्ले रख अभी बंद मत करयो भाई मेरा वेबकम इसमें क्यों रिकॉर्ड हो रहा है कौन सा चैनल है मैं भी देखूंगा हां देख दिख रहा है अभी आवाज आवाज आ रहा है कहां आ य लिंक भज डिस्को प सेंड कर सच में चालू… Read More

  • TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies – must see!

    TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies - must see!Video Information just like my previous video on Mama Max I went into the making of this video with a desire a desire to know more about the serious allegations being made towards those who once surrounded or were a part of the Dream Team see too many times have we seen allegations being made with no evidence to suggest the claims were to be true and yet the public believed every word of the accusers with 8% of Americans report rep ing that they had been accused of false allegations of domestic abuse child abuse and or sexual assault… Read More