🔴 WitchCraft SMP: LIVE | Minecraft Modded SMP

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Foreign hello is anyone there let’s still get listen I’m still getting you to this okay checking on my laptop it looks like I’m live and this time I actually got it set up finally yeah okay oh wait I have my volume on my laptop what am I doing I don’t want to

Hear myself [Laughter] hello everyone hi oh you guys you guys are adorable you’re already like you’re just coming on you’re like yes he says hello hello hello um Phoenix Falls Lindy C Lara I like cheese I know I know you are a popular one on here hello Moonlight hi I

Remember you from last time um hello Stephanie Joanna Fallen Angel American Girl film studios it’s so many so many humans hi okay we got some exciting things that episode 2 is coming out today which is incredibly exciting and because it’s being edited like by my editors right you know Ben

And blunder you’re right wonderful people I haven’t seen it so just so you know that you guys see the episodes at the same time that I see them for the first time like I record them I know what’s happening but how it gets put together

No idea I mean I know I know but you know what I mean like it’s cool because like it’s experience there with you as well but yes I’m very excited we are going to yes oh yeah I have editors we talked about it in my face reveal video

But yeah we have like an hour um and wait what I’m just my Oh my God my brain’s already not working see this is what happens um I did it from a different angle also the camera so you can see me better so you can see my face hello I think I’m getting this down I think I’m getting better okay well we have got

Minecraft got Minecraft up guys this is very exciting also let me know you can hear me all properly um hold on I’m trying to clear this and hold on okay just wanted to see oh thank you everyone um love your haircut thank you I did it myself I’m actually I actually just

Ordered hair extensions because I wanted to and then I told my my roommate um and he’s like you have um she’s like you haven’t really weird I don’t know what I’m saying are you prioritizing money and I’m like I know but we live and we love and we laugh

Anyways guess what I have you are getting exclusive information I have a broom which is very exciting because that means I can finally fly around and explore a bunch of places so your static is lovely thank you thank you so much oh we want to move my mic down okay just

Want to make sure that you can still hear me if I turn it up yeah it’s mainly this pop filter but it needs to be that hello is that better see my face better okay amazing let’s see who’s online oh clean I was online sneaky um you guys are crazy with the buffer

Hit Club also I’ve been loving the fan art you are very wonderful but here I am on my broom it’s so fun I’m gonna I’m I have no plan for this I’m literally just exploring and then after I’m done with the stream you guys can watch me um like

Watch the episode with me as well though because I’m like maybe we should like react to my own stream I don’t know let me know should we react to episode two on a stream or do you want to like watch it yourself because I I think my reactions are pretty funny but

Um anyways I am following nomap I am simply floating I’m simply going um I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid you know I’ve never actually watched Aladdin I mean I think oh hello I see something oh it’s one of these oh no no no no no

Oh oh CMR I’m already making mistakes I’m already making how am I how am I messing up already anyways I want to show you a cool Power I got as well oh no no God I’m still learning how to operate this okay don’t be mean um music time

That’s my favorite Disney movie well I need to actually see it I keep singing Disney songs if I don’t actually know what I need to it’s just okay yeah that that works okay oh I hear mobs that’s not exciting but that is exciting because no no it’s time

To show you oh ignore this this was for something else you did not see that you didn’t see that you’re lying what are you talking about what anyways um let’s see what you guys say do you have a license to broom no I don’t I actually don’t have a license but I’m

Gonna say it’s okay because I’m I’m too cool for a license I’m a rebel guys I’m a rebel totally okay let’s go see what’s in here um hello ‘s been here because they can be some real goodies oh um is there anything in here the answer is no okay let’s get upstairs Liam Yes oh never mind someone’s been here well that was disappointing um I guess let’s fly somewhere else do you have any suggestions do you have any coordinates what is that what is that hello what is this is I made an advancement oh okay new structure okay we’re going on an adventure um

Hold on let’s see what you guys are saying ah turn on um witchcraft AKA bother reply to hating both a tweet you might be in trouble I hope I’m not in trouble I hope not I don’t want to die and if I die I want to die in style

If you guys ever hold a Minecraft funeral for me you better not wear black you better wear rainbows if you don’t wear rainbows that’s kind of like betrayal I’m not gonna lie um hello humans uh what um hello hi little star a lot of stars I didn’t say Lottie star hello butter is

Plotting well I am unaware then because I’m just here listen I’m minding my business giving gifts to Shelby and um swimming the oceans I think that the village is taken but that is very cool oh my God is that Tiff’s place I think so um what’s your favorite sea animal

What is my favorite sea animal on Minecraft or in real life um no no butter is too expensive tell me about it tell me about it literally why We Make Mistakes by making buffer our enemy oh my God I know she’s expensive but is it literally anything else is that it is

That why you hate her because I never said I hated her I just said she was a bit serious because she’s so expensive and it’s like why do you need all those gems you know why am I speaking and extend that reminds me of that Trisha pear this

Clip you probably don’t know that [Laughter] but why am I speaking in long sentences I’m speeding like a valley girl yeah um anyways dolphins in real life Minecraft you know that’s a good choice actually I wanna I don’t actually know many sea animals I mean sea turtles need to be saved this is

Um why does she have so many gems though I don’t know man you tell me I’m out of the loop soon it’s gonna be both of us as prayers oh my God yeah especially with the way that especially with the way that Eloise is flooding with Prez with Prez I was I

With me I didn’t I meant Betha but now I but now I said me okay well now I’m embarrassed thanks and there’s nothing I can do about it because we’re live Wonderful I love my life okay there’s another orange Island there’s no pumpkins on it but that’s okay that’s okay

Um how are you I’m all right I’m all right I’m wearing this that I stole from my mom because it’s blue and looks like waves oh no no no no no no this is a really weird shape oh okay we have we have singing requests um um well now I can’t think wonderful

Gorgeous amazing okay um this is interesting hello did someone live here Piggies there’s okay well time to steal you know I like a little bit of stealing I like free things okay well that’s not that helpful but I will take what I you know I I take what I can get all right You know I’ll just improvise we’re exploring a village today we’re exploring a village let’s see what happens that doesn’t rhyme enhance Crystal I’m taking this oh my God I thought was a player hello I think he’s a fan I think I’ve defended him staring at me be a dubster hello I’m

Sorry I tried to okay maybe I shouldn’t steal well I still will steal but just not that specific thing apologies um how do you what do you mind hay bales with um what if butthur’s mind controlling the tower friends and making them only exceptions if she gets more sales listen

I have no idea do you guys theorize you guys are taking over my job you’re like well what if this and this and this I’m like okay hello oh yeah have a look at this so you know how how wonderful Shelby gave me a spell

Put on this water one and look at this look at me oh if I show you it’s a shield it’s an aqua Shield that protects me from damage so now I can be really snazzy and not get damaged for like 10 seconds at a time but but it’s helpful all right

Um hello let’s see what you guys are saying you have such a pretty advice thank you hello what do you is it a shovel dotted with shovel or I feel like she is make more sense I have no idea someone please tell me just on an Iron Golem no I don’t want to

Get I don’t want to get run out of this place I keep having the song you know the duck song stuck in my head the dog walked wait why is there random water okay the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey

Bump bump bump got a rapes hello hello how you doing hope you’re doing good I’m not stealing because your wheat is not that valuable to me no offense okay let’s explore nothing too exciting what I still confuse oh how do you guys feel about Acacia acacia wood I think it’s weird

But that’s because I think I have a vendetta against Orange oh hello oh we oh oh hello we have a we have a um okay Acacia is gross to be honest orange is weird no orange can look gray on other people but me absolutely not it just looks like I’m sick

Um I don’t think I have anything Orange in my wardrobe um Acacia is the worst with my phone I’m so glad you guys agree I’m so glad because yeah oh hello what no you have bad prices no stop staring at me I okay well there’s a lot of hay bales

Wait it’s cold in here hold on second yeah I need to turn the heating on all right hold on foreign why hello I’m back that I just ran over there but I’m like I actually have my pajama pants on the bottom so I don’t want you to see I’m trying to be professional Well now I I it’s an awkward day it’s an awkward day welcome back we died without you oh well I hope not that wouldn’t be very nice I don’t support death yeah let’s start an anti-death campaign right now hashtag anti-death it shouldn’t be a thing let’s explore some more

There’s more hair Bales don’t mind if I do oh Crystal witch you’re not much of a crystal witch wait I’ve already been here okay well I’m oh my okay there’s really nothing good in here but I like that there’s a bunch of hay bales because that means I can

Make a lot of bread and maybe trade with Bertha because you guys don’t like birth though um hello I’m Prince Marina I was one of your first stops thank you Sandra we love the dedication oh my God loyalty #loyalty yes um hello Julia I just I can’t die death yes

Um the man said no we sell lemonade but it’s cold it’s fresh and it’s all homemade um no it should be rich though who be rich who who who’s she is not me who’s rich and can I have some oh my God um it’s Sunset so my lights don’t look

As impressive but I swear like they can oh there’s just a bunch of Brewing stands can you show me something actually valuable please this is like a bad Island hello Iron Golem can you guide me somewhere because there is nothing here oh there’s so many villages again hello

Oh oh oh sorry I think I’m interrupting you know what this island sucks let’s leave when I found out you the water witch I thought Prisma in the palace is for me oh wait wait oh my God Cleo has a farming set that she can produce infinite wheat no I know she

Showed me that was when I act when I when I stabbed her and she won’t stop talking about it it was an accident I swear please let’s just explore somewhere far away easy come easy go I just got confused with Grenade by Bruno Mars and Bohemian Rhapsody and

Like I glitched out my mind I have to entertain you while I’m well I’m like doing you know I love English it’s my favorite language um while I’m flying easy come easy go that’s just how you live I’ll take take out but you never give I shouldn’t know you was trouble from the first case Had Your Eyes Wide

Open why were they open give you all I had a new tossed it in the trash you tossed it in the trash you did um to give me all your love is all I ever ask cause what you don’t understand is Oh I would go through all this pain this is like he’s so dramatic for like flying over the like Skies straight through my brain yes I went down for you baby but you won’t do the same I’m gonna get told off for singing what are you going to do about it

I’m gonna delete my channel I don’t think so I’m loving that you guys are loving the chaos so you can only see the sunset because somebody’s dying to not see me um I hope little lighting is okay let me know if you need extra lighting um thank you guys you are very nice

Um oh hold on let me refresh this um hello Foreign okay hello sorry oh wait I was here before well I’m just gonna keep flying but there’s nothing to do what I’ll talk to you while I’m flying okay thank you guys you’re you’re so kind if being YouTuber doesn’t work I should be

A pro singer I am a singer I I am I am a singer I don’t know I’m not I’m not a professional singer because I don’t like do it professional I guess that’s what it means but I do make music um uh oh you guys are cute thank you I’m telling

You a music video best idea ever imagine a Minecraft music video oh my god when and where right now um how many languages do you know like two two fluidly polish and English but I know a little bit of French because I studied it in high school but

I’m bad and I don’t know how I got the grid that I did I mean I was the covered yeah so I didn’t do much easier I Believe I Can Fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every now and day spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can sow I Believe I Can Fly what’s this oh what’s this oh no oh my God I keep falling hello see I have cool Powers what what are you gonna do about it you know you know I um Chris covering one um oh my God slay

I’m really good at English guys to be fair it’s not my first language however I have been here since I was two so I should be good um but I get to just use it as an excuse don’t die please that’s bound to happen I’m trying to get better but it’s about

To happen Okay uh I guess it’s another Village oh wow look at me okay hope it’s a better Village than last time why is there a random block okay I can show you the world saplings what am I gonna do with Oak saplings oh my god oh okay well I’m expecting great things

Because you know another rock sapling okay did someone steal everything in here because oh my hair Bales though don’t mind if I do zombies ah I didn’t mean I was gonna beat but that’s close enough hello I’m getting better you see I’m getting better can you say something in Polish

Uh what should I say what should I say um saplings is that all there is in this Village is Oak saplings because it’s not very helpful oh guys the reason there’s nothing here is because I literally went in a circle and I am back at the village that is right at spawn

How do I manage these things how do I manage these things oh my God um I think Scott did loot this Village of course of course he did of course of course it was gone of course who else would it be else stress it out okay let’s try this again

I’m trying listen I’m trying guys I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I believe I can sore see it around Oh I’m glitching well this is gonna take a while swimming would be faster but it requires more effort therefore no what are you saying oh Katie I’ll take my money follow your beautiful singer right now okay if you’re gonna pay me for singing I will not shut up so warning

You are crossing a fine line um um girl flying so dramatically yeah of course I am I am the drama I’m a drama queen of course um thank you thank you um oh yeah I should do magic themed songs hello Walker hello Harry hello you’re all lulling me

Um if you got off in the air would that be a waterfall well right wait wait what I think I’m too late sorry um walk walks absolutely love your channel thank you thank you you’re about to love it even more because more content you guys uh you

Guys are I’m loving all the edits and I’m so surprised because you guys are working with one episode of footage it’s from at least my channel right but you guys really are like you’re scraping that Barrel you’re like I just want content but you are making it you are

Very impressive I’m very proud of you I’m sending you all my hearts all my love all my joy in the world Okay I’m over an empty ocean oh there’s a oh sorry I’m so loud um hello good job getting in one I love reading see I like to keep up on the literature but I also can’t read apparently um falling from the sky yes a ship and I don’t mean a ship

Like those type of ships you guys talk about I’m talking about this is an actual ship oh my God why am I lagging am I good oh the creeper foul um well Oopsy Daisy okay let’s try and land this oh finally oh my god oh my god let’s see okay well

I don’t need this this isn’t helpful this is kind of useless guys this is kinda yes anger management brief this looks like death well I hope not that wouldn’t be very prismarina it’s talking to me at the back is there a pirate on the ship oh that okay I was kidding

I was kidding well I’m gonna steal all the loot thank you uh don’t let Scott get the gunpowder okay okay fine I don’t know why but I’m gonna trust you guys um well Cole Flynn TNT okay gunpowder okay I’m gonna trust you okay TNT okay that’ll leave the spruce okay

This guy is annoying me oh uh there’s multiple of them okay hi guys oh you don’t like me oh oh there’s more oh there’s like five oh oh okay okay okay okay okay yes uh uh uh um um um um um oh my God please die why is it like 10

Hello die guys guys this isn’t it it’s okay um screen hold on I’ll write down the coordinates I vote that she lives in a pirate ship after she kills these you know what I should probably steal it can be like a second base um we aren’t anti-death here I told you

This looked like death no death don’t die blow up the ship no I want to see and steal things first um it’s a skillet oh my God Victory Screech victory I’m sorry did that look like a victory to you I’m very offended okay oh my God time to dramatically write this down

I’ll just write it on my hand oh my God I’m actually so far out one seven five two six three eight eight one what are you guys favorite music artists maybe I’ll sing while trying to get back to this pirate ship okay you already know my lucky wish from last stream

Katie’s Rich over here thank you you are wonderful I am so grateful all the love in the entire world deserves to be in Johannes if that makes any sense at all um question how good of a singer you are you wouldn’t like Rick crawlers right is that a challenge

I’m Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You down we’re never gonna run around and hurt you I’m never gonna I’m never gonna say goodbye I love I love lyrics I it’s my favorite thing really wait what am I doing oh oh yeah you put all my stuff back why am I

Lagging hold on something’s out of order um this is the best thing ever thank you you guys are wonderful um hello I’m so confused every day I die okay let’s put it in my nice organized chest and then let’s get all the way back to that pyro ship well you guys are

Telling oh yeah I also have a Mana Catalyst now um prismarine that’s not my name but Prince Marine is a very um nice block uh let’s do the same thing as last time I’m just gonna put it all in this chest um think about it later you know you know I

I’m you know I’m good um okay okay okay Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay Oh okay well doesn’t clay make you stronger what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone oh that’s not part of the song but okay hello I’m guessing this is from Shelby because I I remember I gave her well you

Guys don’t know this but I gave him a gift I know I know I shouldn’t wear competition but I can’t help it what Soul Sisters listen we complete each other oh my God my favorite song Legends ever die oh I don’t know what that is um

Slay do I make wrap or cereal for lunch cereal cereal is the best there is it’s definitely cereal um question What would I can’t even I’m so sorry I don’t know no competition is complete without an alliance and betrayal that’s true that’s true that’s true I keep guys you’re distracting me

Oh oh Eloise is here oh why hello hello okay I can be cool I’m not fan of Girling what are you talking about guys it’s Eloise yes Stone which one which are very good team we are maina berries Don’t Mind If I Do I’m gonna ask can I pop along

We like saying hi we like slaying This Is The Life okay wait where am I going why do I guys you keep distracting jump the pirate ship to the pirate ship Eloise is good people the whole content yes she’s wonderful Flowers by Miley Cyrus oh sure I can buy myself flowers

Around my name in the sand talk to myself for hours say things you don’t understand I can take myself dancing yeah I can hold my own head Yeah I can love me better than you can can love me better I can love me better baby you love me better I can love me better I forget the lyrics hello um you guys are very kind thank you all love also what time do you guys want me to do streams because right now I’m kind of focusing on evenings but like I want to try different to um sorry so remind um

Oh my God why do I like this I want to try different times because of like time times others and stuff um so I like this time later I’m in America so it’s hard to catch them if they’re too early um yes I shall I shall see I shall see

Hi Chris hello the black and purple the black and purple what that’s very ambiguous okay you know I got out my hand the coordinates so I’m following the coordinates of my hand um what’s your time zone I’m in the UK so I thought that’s GMT um um hello Zoe edits hello um

Hello everyone the video is gonna be up soon which is very exciting okay when you leave there again all right we’re slowly getting there slowly but surely slowly yes sir GMT okay okay there’s that um on the map I can see there’s that um underwater temple that I was they failed at

I tried going there and it really didn’t work I like died so many times and then I accidentally trapped myself so oh that’s lovely can you say hi to Lauren for me I haven’t seen her you know oh wait I need to put my phone in I’m using my

Phone for my video camera right now but one day I will upgrade and get a proper camera um you know yesterday I went out and bought a charger and then my roommate also bought me a charger turns out I just didn’t have it plugged in that’s why it wasn’t working so now I

Have like four charges hello Hello nice to meet you nice to see you I’m ominous okay let’s carry on um okay from Empire’s fun to Minecraft Youtuber you know it around let’s see how I’m very high tech as you can see I’m incredibly high tech I’m just incredibly professional

Oh my God okay no it’s okay I’m because that means it can be relatable you know what I mean I’m back oh wait oh there it is oh I got distracted what’s new um one of my favorites as I should be thank you thank you I’m so honored okay let’s try this again

But this time don’t fail as you guys say don’t die Lulu Oh what was what okay anyways more gunpowder okay is there anything actually helpful in here cobwebs why would I need cobwebs Morgan powder okay okay then okay oh my God do you mind wherever you are do you mind I’m kind of busy stealing from you oh helpful thank you frostwalker what the heck

Oh more gold I’m you know what I don’t need an iron helmet you know I’m I’m progressing you guys are meant to be proud of me that’s the drill if you’re not then oh there you oh there’s a spawner that’s why there’s so many oh gonna stop okay oh no Eloise

All around me are familiar faces wanna places Internal screams not again I’m trying and that’s what matters you’re saying there are villages no I’m calling them Pirates but but laughing at you right now excuse me you guys are gonna be on my side what’s up with that okay let’s try this again

I wish I could skip this for you but I’m gonna be annoying and not do that um it was Bertha’s fault thank you how integral is sleeping to everyone well I need night for three day okay okay will do I’ll take a bed hold on ah oh no oh [Applause]

I’m in the sky don’t talk to me don’t talk to me don’t talk to me oh I’m gonna cry this isn’t fair hope you guys like the blue mascara you probably cannot see it but I can see it therefore it’s valid broom goes oh my God

Can’t get it back I mean I’m gonna have to build up there oh actually no you know what I don’t care what you guys say I’m gonna go in Creative just to get the broom from I’m not building all the way up there and it’s not cheating because it’s mine listen

Let’s sleep though first for Eloise oh my god um I’m sleeping in my camp I’ll take a bed with me this time though at least I landed in water at least okay I’ll take this bed with me you guys aren’t gonna rat on me are you

Yeah no one has to know yeah only everyone watching this stream foreign I can’t actually fly so it took a while it took a while to get the Boom I love finishing my sentences hold on blame Bertha yeah I’m gonna blame Bertha but I didn’t um go to creative build a tower

Why would I can fly I can fly up there it’s okay I will build something which means it’s okay um so it’s not cheating if I build something I I get what you’re saying now okay what are you saying now guys you are really Bertha Bertha I Bertha

What do you have to say for everyone guys she’s pretty silent I don’t really know how to respond to that build one block um we have stone okay you guys are gonna see something amazing I built a block that means that I’m using creative mode to build okay where is this broom

Hello where is the broom guys where is the broom hello guys where is the broom hello I don’t want to make it again please no please don’t do this to me come on come on it has to be somewhere guys I think I messed up guys I think I

Messed up to brooms despawn apparently so I don’t understand where is the broom and God I’m crying and trying to walk on water I bet I can’t remember where I oh my God oh my God how do I manage it has to be somewhere here right guys please

Hold a funeral for the broom could the room have fallen to the ocean let’s see shall we broom is anyone there please hello hello I’m trying to be entertaining but I’m devastated oh my God how do I do this how do I do this it was over the water for shout out from

The base I think I saw it but I’m not sure guys let me know come on do I keep looking do I keep looking because anyway Lord why am I like this I’m suddenly Southern you know it’s bad when I come when I go Southern okay actually I’m really bad at looking for

Things so can you guys tell me where it is he’s not dad keep trying thank you who can say where the road goes where the day flows only time bring boom back with a power of law Ikea creative I’m not a cheetah guys I’m not a cheater it’s okay we’ll just

Lost her broom on the second day listen it’s been rough it’s been rough okay it’s been rough let this be a lesson a lesson about what to not leave your broom in the sky thank you guys noted [Laughter] okay I guess I’m gonna have to I’m I’m

Ignoring the pirate ship I don’t care what you say I’m I’m listen I’m done I’m I’m so done I’m I’m finished with that you know what I’m just gonna swim somewhere because I’m stressed out now and I’m blaming you I’m a really kind person as you can see I’ll throw away this

See and listen I am an ultimate not cheater so do you want to check on again let’s go check on again oh Lord what have I missed you’ve missed a lot you’ve missed me just being devastated over my broom floating in this Skye gosh darn it Bertha why the broom

I’m so glad that I don’t have to take accountability I don’t like take the blame hello again hi oh hi excuse me okay I don’t think I’m I don’t feel very welcome actually I don’t feel very welcome here Katie pat pat they’re there one day you’ll really return to you and I will

Be all right thank you thank you boom really had a brain of its own don’t don’t you guys are banned from talking about the broom because you’re just gonna set me now I realize why flying cars would be a bad thing people be leaving the cars and

Places all the time and not be able to get back to it well the reason is listen I fell I fully fell I don’t know what happened would it be cheating to bring it back should I should have start a poll hold on I’m gonna start a poll oh my God

I love it I love a Paul wait it’s saying I can’t start a poll okay well uh Oh you got the Bertha pool still up okay thank you I’m very new to this okay okay I’m doing a poll okay guys okay I Will Always Love You broom the theater kid jumped out LOL listen don’t get me started because I’m so upset I’m so upset

Bertha got Bertha got you off the broom you praying on my downfall I swear oh my God let me I’m gonna pull a little victim complex but guys I’m a small Creator I’m a small Creator you can’t be bullying me like this oh my God please don’t do this no

What am I doing what am I doing I’m insane I think I’m going cuckoo um you’re amazing thank you I’m so glad you thought I’m you think I’m amazing because I have no idea what I’m doing why are you guys putting no listen I

Want you to be honest I want you to be honest to be fat it might be a bit biased considering if we have a broom then we go faster but to be fair we’re going underwater is pretty fast too um play Piano Man When you mention what

What I will remember you oh my God I’ll always remember I always knew this day would come we’d be standing one by one with the future in our hands too many dreams so many plans I always you after all these years they’ll be laughed they’ll be tears never thought I’d walk away with so much

Joy and so much pain and it’s so hard to say goodbye but he has today’s gone we gotta keep moving on I’m so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know you the times that we are I’ll keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever

I’ll always remember yeah sorry Zoe I’m very emotional about losing my broom foreign I think I lost it I think I lost I think I’ve lost it I think I’ve lost my mind wait didn’t Joey cheat something from the creative mode okay I know only you

Said that and that might not that might be completely untrue however okay well no is winning right now I’m gonna leave it up for now let’s just swim to places another chat oh super Eloise withered away that’s very sad another chapter in the book can’t go

Back but you can look and there we are on every page memories I’ve always saved up ahead on the open doors you who knows why we’re heading towards I wish you love I wish you luck seeing the world just opens up but it’s so hard to say goodbye but yesterday’s gone we gotta

Keep moving on I’m so thankful for the most sing along with me you know this from Hannah Montana so glad I got to know you the times that we had I’ll keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever I’ll always remember you No foreign I’m going insane what do you guys want me to do I’m just exploring to see if there’s any structures but I’m very sad about my broom subscribe for help yeah look you mean held hostage I’m kidding I’m not being held hostage please don’t take that seriously I’m only being held hostage by

My mind he’s lost so emotional we want you to drop the concert tour tickets now oh my God I’m really around become a dragon how exactly am I gonna do that could someone teach me I think I’m hold on I keep going in circles hello blow up Scott’s house for the broom

Okay okay I’m gonna get revenge gonna get revenge on Scott but can you guys give me ideas other than like because like I mean I want to do something like what if I do like a like a chest like a redstone chest that blows up the base

I don’t know I feel like I should do something more sneaky and manipulative you know I feel like doing the blowing up thing or like no wait what like setting his house on fire is kind of just too mediocre I feel like we need to be creative you know

Steal a group was called steal someone else’s broom Scott’s lizard I’m not going to I’m not gonna damage this I’m not gonna do this to this Paul wizard okay wizard I lost my mind lizard rip room um fill his house with animals kidnap his lizard I’m not kidnapping

I think he’s not gonna do that to the that would be mean to the lizard do you know the way to hell okay that’s okay well I’m in a random jungle but it’s not very exciting another chapter in the book you can go back but you can look there we are on

Every page sorry now I just want to sing what has got done you have missed some some things you’ll see what he has done he scared the life out of me and gave me a heart attack on stream and I’m not over it I am not over it keep glitching

Never spam his house with portals Phil is based with colorful of flowers now that is something that would be creative um what if you put tons of cobwebs in his house wait that’s actually a good one now I wish I should have kept those put pumpkin with curse of

Pup what yeah nice thing oh my God I’m a jungle lady now I’m a jungle lady I’m a jungle lady now I’m a jungle lady guys what do you want me to do you know answer my question maybe you are I’m just ignoring you I’m so sorry um but hello oh my God

Oh my God hello crafting Hi hello oh my God hi oh hi I’m good hello hi hi Came out of the Sun on me oh stop why am I glitching you know what yeah I’m gonna do my revenge plan right now um it’s okay I’ll just die here why are you say black cat oh just kill me I’m you know what yeah I’m gonna add color to his house I

Like that but that’s not the one thing I’m gonna do for Revenge for breakfast oh my God I’m gonna like combine a bunch of things don’t hear that I’m looking at the spawn okay I’m so sorry for any of the lag I don’t know why that’s happening I’m just checking everything’s all right

What are you guys saying um what about killing him he’s gonna respawn we can do something really Petty and annoying um skeletons bother him okay in a while I can do I can I can do that yeah okay okay Villa’s house with animals okay we’re gonna see um

Yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna go back to my base and see what I can find there ah and then I will start to plan my revenge hello Bertha can’t believe she just Bertha don’t think that I didn’t see you do a flip on my stream foreign

Let me try and fix this see what’s going on in my settings and stuff um how is the quality for you guys is it okay she just sounds like a sad person right literally okay I’m so sorry I wish I could be more entertaining but I think I’m I think

I’ve lost my mind I think I’ve lost my mind can you kill Bertha no I’m sorry guys I’m sorry sorry to disappoint um don’t kill her well I can’t all right then well God is fine okay all right let’s see if we can get something annoying

Can you wait hold on how do you make cobwebs a message just like a bunch of string yeah no it’s a wait hold on what maina and two strand okay I guess the comment cobwebs um steel Scots kneecaps she went to musical while fighting I don’t know what’s new are you new here

All right all right okay okay I need an adventure I feel like there’s no adventure to be had right now I want to keep you guys understand my I want to kpo and a timed but how do I do that when I have no idea what I’m doing okay

Let’s see what what Revenge we can do ghost find the most colorful mob and put in the house okay let’s get my leads then definitely okay I have a lead I have a lead guys I have a lead okay let’s put this back hi kill Scott’s lit no I would never I

Would never skill what kill Scott’s lizard question what is streaming times I have no idea I’m so sorry but I I’m very spontaneous at the moment don’t mind the squeaky chat I know I need a new one um what else do I bring with me I’ll

Bring a saddle just in case I find someone cute okay oh Eloise went up in flames oh okay let’s see if I have any cool full plans okay I have okay yeah no I have plants I can put down cute cute okay okay cute very cute very cute

Um what if I just spot a bunch of trees around his place it’s got my saplings um okay I can do this kill uh burn buffer he’s Eloise okay she keeps dying I have no idea love I have no idea it’s all trying to beat your death count I don’t think

That’s gonna happen I’m not gonna lie to you okay hmm oh I have some magma blocks I can put those down as well oh am I gonna have way too much fun with this okay foreign I do have TNT I will use it if needed if needed keyword that’s two words I love

Languages bamboo trees float the house if two witches had two watches which watch would which which watch foreign I think my brain just malfunctioned what oh I can get those like really annoying berries that like stab you okay okay amazing how does somebody this bad okay guys you’re giving me wonderful ideas

I’m so glad okay princess can be for the most deaths on the SMP I’m really not I’m just clumsy I’m clumsy okay let’s do this here we are it’s a nice house let’s ruin it oh wow it’s gonna this is fine it’s fine fine it’s gonna spawn Avengers

Princess the chimney of the server oh my Lord yes for his revenge Arc I am going to do Revenge and there’s nothing you can do about it anyways let’s get all of this okay ah what did Scott do what do you mean he attacked me and he’s gonna get it

In a bad way okay hold on it’s ah is this good flowers there’s a bunch of flowers sibling Vibes he is not my sibling I’m sure he’s gonna love this Wonderful okay got some flowers here um how are you I’m all right I’m all right I think I’m just going insane um he’s a vlog the devil voice and then anyways replace the towel’s roof with hot pink maybe I will you know actually uh maybe I will let’s put some more flowers

Oh no I’m not trying to kill me oh that’s not what I meant to do going creative and put the most colorful flowers around his base you know what I will um is he dead is he the Dead witch on the server he’s a necromantic witch um playing planks I love this one

Listening leave the Paul lizard alone I’m leaving the I’m not gonna damage the lizard the lizard has done nothing to me I’m a good person I’m a good person I swear Um lies yeah you love it I hate it we we loved I why can’t I speak today oh my Lord nobody’s touching the lizard yeah no the lizard has done nothing to me why would I do that guys um like in the house with cobwebs too on my own I love this okay

Let’s get some bone meal um why am I not working okay flowers let’s look at the flowers hold on oh my God it’s literally killing me okay oh oh okay let’s do let’s do those like long ones those like tall flowers wait tall yes this is wonderful uh

Get like the really crazy colored blocks Scotland for Serena siblings oh my Lord cute guys quit it I’m a water witch just gotta make sure I can get out of here and he looks I hope not I hope he doesn’t well I mean kind of funny to see his reaction but

Baby yes no do you wanna be evil evil like me you know they Wanna Be Me don’t you wanna be nasty your daily routine And plus he can’t blame me I mean he probably what am I doing [Laughter] nasty good at being bad See this is what I call some Minecraft pettiness but we can always say that it’s um like he just didn’t upkeep his house that’s why that’s cobwebs not because of me can you guys Gaslight him please for me can you guys just like be like oh yeah

Um plus you’ve lost your mind my mind wasn’t my mind has never been Found Love there’s nothing to lose I am I’ve always been here what oh uh maybe all right foreign in hmm now this is what I call Sweet Sweet Revenge it’s got him

Fun now this is fun I feel alive I feel alive okay but how do I get out I can’t find the doll guys I can’t find the doll oh there it is okay oh wait guys how do I open what’s the doll hello guys oh my God Mother Knows Best okay

Oh my God um fighting for a necromancer to be honest see I’m just being nice I’m just being nice it’s gonna love this looks like my basement girl girl are you okay you in Australia or something y’all what yeah Australia yeah okay your basement should not look like this

See and I didn’t destroy anything so I’m not being mean I’m just adding things hello it’s a gift it is a gift it’s a gift is Eloise okay then pain are you okay this is just wonderful use more types of flowers okay let’s go with the other pink ones

See this is what I call Revenge don’t worry my love okay okay I’m good I’m good not me coming out on Twitter last night well I was already out it’s fine but I you know I I wanted to to let you guys know so there’s no weird speculation oh uh

Excuse me the ghost is coming after me oh my God that’s so funny is that is it the ghost is the ghost coming after me because of the because of the my revenge plan because it’s a necromancer um oh it’s lagging um oh wait oh yeah some of you didn’t

See my tweet I guess uh I’m bi um LGBT content creators unite yes yes I’m bi I’m bisexual um fun fact for you um you can pick all these flowers now see I’m just leaving him gifts I don’t see what the problem is um goodbye Queen yes oh my God

I’m representing Evil by witches it’s a very niche I don’t know it’s lagging for me as well I don’t know why I’m so sorry I wish I could change it I don’t know why let me just restart this for a sec just making sure nothing’s like corrupted or anything

It’s fine before why is it glitching I think it’s just because of the the stream stuff I’m so sorry okay it’d be very awkward if Scott joined now don’t don’t don’t even mention it I’m so sorry I wish it wasn’t glitchy maybe the Internet is just having a silly goofy day you know

This is oh I’m just gonna sing descendants right now it’s good to be bad and we’re proof of them it used to be the last hour only enough use the seal stack they were given back remember that if you got right let’s pop way even where sad is that rule the Bob

Um hold on I’m trying to adjust the whole bit red stuff but I don’t understand because my Midway is is high but let’s try let’s try I also don’t know what bitrate is okay let me know if that’s better for you guys um you had descendants I love

Descendants use bright blue flowers oh my all right if you insist a few instance okay tall mystical like blue flower wonderful gotta have some signature priz Arena you know um okay if any of the witches walk past they’ll be very confused listen this is something valid I’m I’m

Being very wonderful thank you I’m just leaving flowers for my friend I’m I don’t see what the big deal is like what’s the big deal I would love if someone spammed flowers on my base am I starting a prank war I might be starting a prank claw you know what

War is on war is on um yeah oh I have been told that the server the actual server is lagging so it’s not my PC okay apologies for that but it’s good to know that my computer isn’t broken Don’t you wanna be nasty I’m having fun this is fun this is fun see I’m a really kind witch um I’m really kind okay now I just want to prank everyone foreign could you imagine that would be so funny maybe I am a little illegal um broken I’m not broken I’m passionate

I’m passionate I’m very committed to my craft I’m very committed to my craft okay I’m not done you thought I was done oh hello Chris Marine how do I oh my God I’m gonna do a heart I’m gonna go hard okay a little oh this is wonderful oh this is great perfect

Oh my God I’m in I’m enjoying myself hold on let’s see oh is that good I think that’s good leaving a second yeah I am for Serena’s love got a fingers crosses oh my God naughty naughty girl listen I do what I can I’ll do what I can

I get anything else should I do anything a moss heart No it should be colorful Prisma prank oh my God hot pink Groove okay fine fine fine let’s do a hot pink group oh my God um okay you guys really want a pink roof let’s do pink concrete I feel like that

Would work um yeah is that good I think that’s good okay so I was gonna come back and make your base black I hope not I really hope not oh my God building stairs no but like I feel like it should be like a Barbie house um

It’s wonderful I I am very wonderful ah stop glitching on me okay okay this is a wonderful I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world life in plastic it’s fantastic you can just be fair imagination life is your creation Come on Barbie let’s go party I’m a Barbie

Girl in a Barbie world life in plastic it’s fantastic imagination life is your creation ah yeah Come on Barbie let’s go party welcome on Barbie let’s go party oh yeah oh yeah I did miss a row silly me I’m this I’m distracted oh my God I am evil

I’m sure he’s gonna love this he’s gonna love this it’s gonna be wonderful see I’m just introducing him to so he’s on the dark side so I’m introducing him to the light side it’s not my fault he came onto my stream and gave me a hard a heart attack um Oh oh and one two three four everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days everybody knows what what I’m talking about everybody gets that way everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days everyone knows what what I’m talking about everybody gets that away sometimes I’m in a jam I gotta make a plan it

Might seem crazy I’d do it anyway I figure out a cure I’m patching up the holes and I’m not doing too well why be so hard on myself nobody’s perfect I gotta work it again and again till I get it right nobody’s perfect you live and you learn it and if I mess it up sometimes and

Nobody’s perfect I gotta work it again oh hold on hold on hold on um Katie you are going off here’s some money for our soda to toast this wonderful prank keep up the Christmas tree thank you I’m very dedicated thank you I’m so glad because it’s absolutely um

Okay let’s see what you guys put rainbow above it all oh yes like a stripe of rainbow oh my God you guys are reading my mind uh oh uh please you’ll get copyrighted oh my God what if I do that would be very awkward it’s okay you can all you can all Spam

YouTube and be like this is wrongful you shouldn’t copyrighters Marina um did somebody record it I wanna make an ad it’s gonna be I love edits thank you um it’s gonna be oh after this like um the live streams are always up for replay after so if

Anyone you know misses it then it’s there okay what do you guys think of this it’s not perfect but it’s good enough um siren for Sabrina had Canon oh my God not you being my creative director now can you be a new y’all gonna be a creative director because he has

Um y’all singing just made my Pokemon involved I’m so glad I’m so happy um yeah um hold on what are you guys saying Stan thank you okay it’ll give him a seizure that’s great that’s great but I hope he doesn’t die that wouldn’t be nice out of cloud insane

Oh my God okay hold on let’s do this um if I put this back here okay okay wait let me put my actual stuff back sorry sorry the server is glitchy it’s not actually not my computer it’s the server itself but okay he’s gonna love it oh that’s great that’s great see

Okay hold on you can bring yourself back to life he’ll be fine yeah exactly see it’s gonna be fine Roy G Biv Roy G Biv Okay this is wonderful oh my God I’m literally I’m literally shouting Pride I love it oh my God you guys are crazy I love it I love that you think like me so nice to have someone around here that thinks like me imagine if you put flowers on the roof

Stop giving me ideas oh my god look carry on now this is so much better this is what I call Premium artwork he’s a lizard he probably likes it better so we’re doing a good thing there’s a creeper in the tree no I noticed yeah maybe make a wave to represent you okay

I don’t know how to build a wave you shut you’re shouting it from the rooftop oh my God no I’ll do like a little water drop let’s go water drop hey hold on who am I telling to hold on am I good no okay Yep this is bad um that works

I think I’ve I’ve done a wonderful creation look at it it looks wonderful I love it I love it um something on the rooftop shouting oh maybe I’m ready to go it looks like Barbie’s house if she planted flowers everywhere she should have planted flowers everywhere um

Uh Scott’s house gonna be more colorful than Bobby treehouse okay I think I’ve done my due diligence okay it looks like a middle finger oh no okay let’s remove it you know what Oh no you made his house 10 times better see I’m being a good friend I’m being a good friend wait what am I doing I need to go back to spawn let’s go back to um I I think I’ve done enough I think I’ve done enough

You know I don’t want him to plan his revenge on me that would be so not cool I’m the baby of this server because Bob Young starts now yes it does okay let’s go back to survival I’m losing my mind he can now get out of his emo phase see

It’s gonna be better for his mental health I’m actually doing him a favor so he can’t complain that’s how it works remember okay okay this is wait hold on I like having my things in order and nobody’s perfect okay okay what’s our next adventure you were never there never where

What are you talking about do you guys know do you guys know what they’re talking about because I no I don’t really talk about prank what are you talking about prank this wasn’t what what see no idea what y’all talking about nothing happened let’s put lip gloss on

Because that is how it works around here when the lip gloss is on the game is on um actually I want to leave the Shelby some things because she gave me some Mana berries which is very nice let’s give Shelby some things okay um so something cute because I’m definitely not completely infatuated

With her and she’s amazing and oh okay well then well then That was so good oh my God I keep doing a Katy Perry impression you don’t really want to stay no you don’t really want to go oh you’re hot and you’re cold you yes I’m wide awake I’m wide awake please please give me validation I don’t

Care if you don’t like it please give me validation oh oh oh it’s like Katy Perry Prince Marina was that a pirate ship facie winning against the pillaging Pirates exactly that’s what happened we had nothing we saw nothing exactly um basically yeah no yeah no you and

Shelby need the clubhouse in the clouds no because why are you a genius oh my you kind of a genius um do you have a video like a plastic bag drifting through the wind one in the start again do you ever feel the super thin like a house of cards one blue from

Caving in do you ever feel already very deep six feet underneath and no one seems to hear a thing or like a lightning bolt your heart will glow and then it’s time you know oh is that Louise okay you just gotta ignite the light and let it shine just on the night

I’m gonna give her some glowing fragments oh maybe find some sea artifacts let’s go fantasy artifacts prank the sandwich because I listen I do not want I do not want ten thousand enemies on my side Lauren has not has has not done anything mean okay so

We I were you in the room where it happened I wasn’t here exactly because I’ve been working on remixes can I make one for you um yes please I would love that oh can you oh hello hello this is not very friendly behavior from I felt this I’m a

I’m a water witch you’re not meant to attack me like this foreign okay well let’s just swim away why are there so many they’re all attacking me the sandwich is a kind soul not to be messed with yeah yeah exactly your voice is like a siren thank you

Okay let’s find some cute artifacts for Shelby cruel hello darkness my old friend should have made crowns not to be able to attack you it’s not hold on I feel like she likes accessories there’s glasses right let’s see how do you make glasses oh that’s very cool well I don’t have that

Red glasses mystical magenta petal and Mana infused strawberry I didn’t mean a pool hmm what should I get what should I get what should I get the Hedge Duo um under the sea Under the Sea darling it’s better down where it’s water take it from me

It is though it is so much better get shall be something frog related I need to find frogs if anything was gonna happen to Lauren what if wait what if I get her a pet what if I get her a pet I have a lead on me okay

Let’s find a pet for her copy we’re having a field day right now oh my God don’t steal my my streams what’s going on here can you guys see if you spot a pet oh oh hello I’m so ready to be the Supreme witch it’s gonna be

Wonderful get an otter and name it auto or something and um get Lauren a pet pelican I don’t think that’s a good idea ah no Lauren is terrified of Falcons no I know I’m not gonna be mean like that okay let’s just oh my God I think I just saw something hello hi

Hello hi hi nice to meet you you’re cute should I get should I take this back for Shelby should I get this what do you guys think what do you guys think Lauren is a sandwich indeed sandwiches Lauren what do you guys think okay I have a saddle here tame it

Well never mind because I have another because this is way cuter I want this one no no come on come with me okay we’re on our way back Yes an otter do without a set out like a half Shelby has one on her bow well now she’s gonna have two she’s gonna have siblings so cute Eloise doing all right no hold on okay come on I’m terrible time trying to find gas hold on can I come help because

I also I need to recreate a broom because I lost mine in the sky okay I’ve been invited okay but be far away oh oh hold on I have a way a way of getting gas tears without gusts hello I need to get the coordinates hold

On let me check the coordinates I forgot what the coordinates are for for Shelby’s base let me have a look let me have a nice look up oh someone’s something’s killing me oh hello just me what do you think you’re doing all right well how did I do that I’m confused

Um L is confused uh yeah no the otter is the cutest thing ever hello Tiff come on I don’t know where I’m going hold on I need to check the coordinates one second one second one second coordinates two three six two three six minus six nine seven okay my arm is doing great

Okay there we go wait two three six how you doing I’m all right I’m all right um gosh my computer crashed because because of how good your singing is you’re very kind thank you okay two three six okay then minus six nine seven okay I’m trying to figure out these coordinates

Okay I’m so sorry I’m so focused foreign this way God getting coordinates I’m so bad at this okay um let’s see what you guys are saying um hypers I’d subscribe and join the chat so what are you working on today hello um I have no idea I’m trying to get this

Order to Shelby and I I can’t I can’t seem to figure out the coordinates so I’m I’m no idea what I’m doing I’m not gonna lie to you okay if I go this way no okay I think I’m doing it because I’m really trying over here

Yeah make sure the other is with me I think I just lost my otters on my lead I’m fine you can kill me I’m room all over again it is it’s okay you know what I’ll get us something else that’s a bit easier to hold and I’m just gonna let

This thing kill me I know I know it’s gonna be somewhere but Hey it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay okay on the right side your hair is still fabulous thank you thank you very much and don’t die again not level I’ve already dying so it’s okay I’ll figure out something else I’ll figure out something else Scott after we mummified his house uh

I want to put honors now left without anyone I’m sure he’ll be fine he was he was on his own anyway I’m sure I’ll be fine I know there is a way to I it’s okay you know what what happened happened I have to accept it it’s okay

You know it’s meant to be meant to be what’s not meant to be it’s not meant to be you know Um oh let’s see if Tiff wants it wants a top wait I keep putting it in the wrong hand oh you should start always place in water his natural enemy well Joey hasn’t provoked me since you know I want you know we’ll see um I’m pretty sure there are autism is

Joey’s house I think I’ve given up on the order I don’t have a lead anymore um oh my Lord lots of others at Shelby’s yeah you can leash one and pretend it was from feather away you know oh my lord it’s okay it’s okay okay um

Oh I just dropped my sword on the floor I’m gonna take a short a short break I’ll be back in a few minutes it’s gonna get a drink and you know bathroom and all that stuff so I’ll just pause the stream for now

But I will be back so you do not have to worry I love you all very very very very very very very very very very very much you are wonderful so wonderful and amazing I’ll be back I’m not leaving you I’m gonna be back I’m gonna be back in only like a few

Minutes I just need to get like a drink so thank you I love you let’s position this because it’s not even being positioned I’m gonna load okay I’ll be back I’ll be back in like literally five minutes just give me a second listen I need to empty my bladder foreign foreign

Hello I’m back I’m back um what is going on what is going on in the chat can someone please explain to me what is happening in the chat down with Bertha guys well that’s great oh no oh my laptop has just lost battery hold on

I’m gonna have to put it on the other side oh no hold on one second I I hope that it wasn’t too devastating okay let me do a little poll because I’m interested in something okay interesting things oh my God what is going on why what

Why do you guys hate brother so much we didn’t know what to do without you frizz thank you and that is very heartwarming I must admit wow this is this is insane okay I’ve got a little uh I’m full of a bowl for you guys so do I react to episode two with

You I’ll let you watch it alone um so you know because I can react to it on stream because it’s gonna be out soon um or would you prefer to me to react on stream with everyone uh so gonna see how that goes let’s go back to Minecraft um

Try to swim in lava is Isel Louise okay it looks like it looks like he’s struggling I can’t even spell part of Louise let’s all feel bad for Eloise isn’t it hashtag I feel better always oh no I’m gonna be starting things oh my Lord

That is honestly an easy way to get gas tears I’m not lying I’m not trying to trick her oh no I’ll ask do you have diamonds because if she has diamonds then she can get gas tears then you can get Gus tears I can show you how like lowering her no lies

No lies I promise how many um ten you need 10 no nine I can’t count why can’t I count um let’s see what you guys are saying um react on stream is currently okay my followers hashtag Warrior gets Bertha oh my Lord she and she killed herself it was on purpose

I was not that nah so I was there well either way oh oh Tiff can meet up okay okay let’s see let’s say hi to Tiff oh what was that what is this kind of how to do emotes you guys hold on let me Rejoice read your comments sir I’ve gotten so distracted

Um I mean some group has to dislike buffer Bertha did everything Bertha called Lauren stupid oh my God that’s so mean I love your fairy lights in the background thank you it took so it was a lot of effort to put them up oh my God emotes okay

I want to do a backflip foreign I did a backflip oh my God wait this is so fun oh my God oh my God oh my God first Marina learns how to play Minecraft the Galaxy Queen Laura Elizabeth Laurel Laurel Lauren is the best sandwich ever she’s the best sandwich ever what are your guys favorite sandwiches because

I’m actually not a big p peanut butter and jelly time actually a big fan of peanut butter and jelly but I also haven’t had like a proper good one can you guys just make me a sandwich please don’t do that I want to use

Imagine like one day I get a PO box and you just send me a sandwich but it’s been in the mailbox for like six months so she goes it just goes moldy I have a phobia of malt I’ll probably cry I’d scream definitely oh my god um is it most available in vanilla

Minecraft I don’t know actually sure if you cool back flipping in front of Bertha laughs then hold on hold on do something you feel like Eloise doesn’t trust me oh because I’ve been on this for 90 minutes okay poor Eloise okay well we’re gonna we’re gonna say hi to Tiff so that’s nice

Are you guys ready to say hi to Tiff to our wonderful Cupquake our nature nature um witch let’s see if I’m everything’s all good hold on okay yes okay let’s go to spawn um one had that she might be blamed for something oh Oh that’s a fair point that’s a bad point hello oh my that’s oh my god oh [Laughter] grandma always scares me I mean right behind you oh my God hello hello oh wait you already gosh I love the Gown you’re all armored up oh yeah yeah

Can you see me yeah I could see it it’s it’s Enchanted and everything oh I can’t see it on my side oh it might be is it a mod or something it might be a model probably probably yeah everyone’s saying Heidi as well hello

Um well I I first of all you’re the dear nature witch aren’t you I I am the nature witch and you are the water witch yes which means I can water your plants yay yay I received your gift too oh yes cute little bunny oh my God you’re welcome

I love I love some bunnies I love a bunny I I also have something to warn you about what’s that well I may or may not have done something that may or may not have you blamed for it not on purpose what none of you do well I may have pranked

Scott and it may look like it comes from you but I made it clear that it comes from me okay but just so you know oh no I met Scott the other day and I I’m kind of scared of him I’m scared okay don’t tell anyone death and zombies and everything

He’s very op by the way everyone’s saying that what does Opie mean I’m really dumb he is overpowered overpowered so much power right so much power for one witch to have I know like it’s not fair no we should all team up like like you know we

Might you know we should do like a little like a trio moment you know me you and trouble together because we’re all related to Nature I’m just like overpower I’m I’m totally here for that no we can’t let him know you know I’ve never

Heard him I went and I went to a to his house and I met him leaving I overheard him saying that he is he’s collecting everyone’s blood what he’s collecting everyone’s blood but I’m clumsy my blood’s everywhere like I fall under control no but I have my blood everywhere this

Isn’t good oh no um yeah so just watch out he’s giving me I don’t know okay well she spoke to me and they were telling me just the tree you speak to the choice I do speak to the tree you like me and they they love you actually you’re really

Good vibes from you thank you see I may have my enemies okay I may have my fashion of enemies but but but I would never betray the trees they know they know next time you see them they want a hug so make sure oh my God

Um okay wait so I need to know what are your powers oh yeah no I should probably explain well you see I’m like really cool not to like Flex but I can trap people in water bubbles ah Brown well they start hurting for a few seconds and they float up oh

Yeah I need to see this in action can we go yeah of course I keep testing out people so that’s a good idea let’s um run freely go to the forest maybe how about you tell me I mean you meant to talk to the trees what are they saying where the mobs

This way okay okay I’m Trust okay right trees don’t don’t make a fool of me in front of my new friend oh oh I got lost hello I’m getting lost no um let’s see here there’s so many flowers out here so beautiful I don’t where are we where’s my tower this way

Oh okay are you changing the way that’s okay trees can be indecisive yeah you know I’m really bad with directions so me too oh I’m I’m literally like I ask anyone you see I you know I lost I made a broom and I lost it in the sky

Broom already yeah but it doesn’t matter because I lost it in this it’s okay wait let’s see are there any maybe there’s is there villages here oh wait what is this anyone home Village oh oh we’re gonna abuse some villagers let’s go I think so let’s go oh wait there’s a Golem

A Golem how about that guy Golem I’m sorry what writing a goal Golem this guy I’m really correcting you what is it Golem listen everyone ‘s telling me to to kill Bertha okay can you kill her no okay okay yeah it’s an action oh well he’s been afloat but he’s kind

Of stuck oh let’s move him that’s so cool thank you I also haven’t even attack you afterwards I have a staff oh no no no it’s okay Help Me Help Me oh I don’t need my help look you’ve got some iron out of that oh my God I

Thought I was gonna die wow guys everyone should be proud of me well that’s because I use my water wand he has Aqua shield on it which means it protects me for like 15 seconds so I can’t get I can’t get any damage 15 seconds that’s awesome I have a wand

But I don’t know any spells yeah no you have to like find them and stuff wait hold on I’m hold on honey is there something in my teeth I have a I have a gift come to my base I have gifts for you oh

My God I have spells that I don’t need I don’t I came unprepared okay wait where’s the spawn I’m lost this way okay I trust you the trees speak to me yes oh and I can heal by the way oh wait I’m getting lost I can do this

That’s adorable Touch of my hand grow flowers that is adorable uh let’s go this way nothing hold on I’m eating bread you have to you have to keep a good diet bread I know I’ve been eating so many carbs just out there maybe that’s why I’m so clumsy Neighbors

It’s not far it’s not far yeah I keep forgetting I’m gonna have to like lead you there yeah oh it’s fun I don’t know which direction okay okay hold on let me look up my coordinates because I keep forgetting them oh people are trying to make us a Duo

Time we trying to think of a name for us Um let’s see water and nature I have no idea oh hold on my okay okay can you remember these can you can you be the guide because I’m really bad at coordinates so am I but we can try it with Two Brains well once again you speak to the

Trees they’ll tell you they’ll tell you I don’t have a guide foreign one two eight okay minus one nine one people are calling us the seaweed Duo seaweed I don’t want to be a weed excuse me seaweeds is beautiful guys think of a better name it’s a disgrace oh sorry I I’m back

82 128 negative 191. yes I need to write this down I I I wrote coordinates on my hand but I’m running out of space I have small hands oh my gosh I’m left-handed as well which means I’m disadvantaged or creative I can be both one I’m looking at my child right now oh

What’s happening chords because I I’m not only am I bad with the directions I’m very forgetful oh my God me too it’s almost like we come from the same essence oh the thing okay people are calling a sea grass how’s seagrass seagrass sea flower sea flower okay I don’t know

Aqua flower I don’t know okay I’m really bad with coordinates too but okay it’s fine I’m just gonna go One Direction first I’m gonna do 82. I’m gonna figure it out that’s what I did to do wait you’re going the opposite way hold on this way never mind I’m dumb

We’re traveling Oh my God I love your hair this direction I’m glad that you think like well you’re gonna get there faster than me okay what about Aqua Flora this is the direction we were going Aqua Flora water lily what about water lily that’s actually cute that’s cute that’s

Very cute oh someone said sea pickle water lily Lily okay I like water lily thank you there’s one okay wait I um oh yeah hold on an idea at night I’m going back look I’m killing them I’m saving you weird take me home Mom oh the game crushed

Yeah the game crashed oh no oh no oh no oh my God yeah no Okay so we’ve got hey h Duo and water lily that’s cute yeah I am getting sibling vibes let’s waiting for Minecraft to load up now loud okay about the about the video we have a video

Coming in 15-ish minutes the episode two uh I’ll react to it on stream as long as you guys also watch it yourself because I want to see your comments and stuff hey I want you to see a support you know get get us to the top get out of the top

Okay now I’m just awkwardly kind of here is it’s a part where I sing randomly oh Lord what are you guys saying hello guys Tiff Shelby and Prince true name is the nature Trio I love a nature Trio Blaine Bertha I will buffer God damn it you did it again

Okay let’s load this back up I’m alone don’t forget to drink water Papa oh my Lord you just wasted your time you’re on top I put you on top that made you so proud hello is anyone here oh my Lord we don’t love uh a crushing server why is it like why is the game so laggy I think it’s a server okay

Okay is that spawn okay let’s go back okay the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man a run in the stand hey gotta Diggle gripes Left me oh no I would die I would never no I crashed the game has been laggy for me oh no let’s see honestly I’ve been struggling we didn’t travel at night though directions fast thank you okay I need some water on the water witch I have infinite water

Good because I don’t have it hold on oh my God I was putting on oh my God I keep dropping myself I was putting on lip gloss and getting prepared wait that sounds weird [Laughter] why are we going to your house okay wait a minute

Come on come on no no isn’t this the direction oh if I’m running away from me no oh the Moon is setting the sun’s gonna rise I think we’ll be oh my God if they got scared I’m sorry I’m playing on lip gloss for the for confidence this is the way though

Oh my God I’m crying now 82 okay I’m so bad okay okay you’re gonna have to help me okay follow me follow me second coordinates and I’ll look at the first no just follow me follow me I’m sure we can do this all right thank you

Um yeah I’ll do it one quadrant at a time oh are you okay I’m okay I’m fine okay good foreign okay well I’m going 82. I think we’re going in the right okay okay now we go to the other one which is this way to the left to the left yeah okay

Oh no a giant cliff oh hello oh that is unfortunate I’m about two I’m I’m just a rebel oh you can swim back can’t you yes I can yes I can okay all right hop in about here oh you don’t want to go in the water huh all right all right

I don’t want to get my hello just go forward okay I follow you let’s go wait I lost my truck hold on here we go wait Dave hello oh no oh no I don’t know if you can see me death hello death death death death right here babe I’m right here honey okay

Tiff Tiff Daddy hello hello can’t see through the water I was I was stuck reality but listen we’re not we’re supposed to be looking for negative 191. it’s okay we need it we need this number to go down we gotta go back this way I okay right I mean your face okay okay

Um you know what direction you went uh here no no I’m lying I’m a liar I’m a big fat liar we’re going this way across the pond like right there yeah can you can you take that I can go that way okay just forward great yeah yeah great here we go okay

We did it oh my God so it’s success I look like it’s so pretty thank you okay now this now we go up the mountain sure there was an easier way do you have any blocks oh man teamwork figure our way up um yeah

Oh okay this is this is I it’s gonna be worth it I swear you’re gonna get to see my face and you’re gonna get to have a nice gift okay okay here we go can I ask you should we go do you have any enemies um

Not that I know of you know Joey set your Forest on fire right yeah I don’t think you did that by a purpose though I don’t know I wouldn’t say he has good intentions he’s mine now I’m gonna collect flowers along the way don’t mind me all good okay we’re going this way This is just going forward and then eventually we’re gonna reach the sea and that’s when we’re gonna know that we’re close you really think Joey’s China stir up some drama yes you know he gives me attitude he insulted my outfit what I know it’s really me drama no no

He came to my base and insulted me like that’s it’s not fair why would he do that oh boy you just teleported for me this is a little light yeah a little laggy yeah okay follow it I’m loving the bouquet I hope that bouquet is too for me

If I find a special flower I’ll give you one oh wait I see something on the back you’re a special flower a water lily yes is that your base over there no no that is Scott’s face it’s just Way Stone no no but you don’t

Have mine remember no I know but I have his oh yeah it’s all right it’s okay it means we get to go on this adventure together and that’s more fun yeah oh wow okay yeah that’s he’s got space we let’s not look at that base um I’m gonna go in the right direction

Still yeah there’s a little house right here oh hello it’s not mine no I have a much prettier house wait what were the coordinates again it’s my house and I literally don’t know where I’m going uh 82 128 negative 191. we’re not going negative girl I’m about to take this waist down

Do you want to come see my house oh okay let’s see your house let’s see your house and a Way Stone quickly and get the gifts and come back oh my God that sounds okay let’s no we’re not good at directions want flowers what are you talking about all of these flowers

Is this what you did what are you talking about this is what you this is what you did to prank him and you said clearly it was you clearly flowers that if you see there’s actually a heart made out of prismarine right above that roof

Well I hope he puts two and two together wait wait oh oh I don’t know where I’m going I don’t know where I’m going oh ah hello oh oh hi I just disappeared on me I thought we were coming back to spawn well I didn’t know I’m very

Hard I don’t take instructions very well I’m sorry I’m sorry to like come to spawn and end on yeah for the drama yes for the drama of course am I the drama am I the drama Maybe okay wait let me take you to my house so you can get my spawn

I am sounds delightful it’s close it’s close by it sounds so delightful so wonderful it sounds great magnificent yes wait haven’t you have you been to my house yet no right no I’m I I I don’t my brain doesn’t you no my brain my brain just stalled

She likes to glitch like that sometimes she’s a bit quirky I’m just really happy that you know where your base is okay you know I did it like this on purpose because I’m bad with directions that’s smart me however down the river yes what are you what’s your favorite tree

These purple ones I don’t know the name of them jakar it starts with j my chat is stuck on Bertha they are all like spamming that they hate Bertha what did you do to them it’s a long story it just had to be there all right through this Forest oh so pretty

I’m so obsessed with your bow it’s pink do you have a favorite tree um well I like Birch but that’s out of like the vanilla stuff but I don’t even remember all them anything that’s pretty I like there’s like a light blue one that’s really beautiful I haven’t seen any light blue ones

Okay so I didn’t actually give myself a waypoint um Villages Waypoint oh that makes sense yeah yeah I don’t know if you have it yet well that’s okay I can hit the Waypoint and then my house is right up there in the hill oh you chose to be by civilization why

Would you do that for trading purposes nice all right up this way okay be careful because this Forest is very dangerous you lots of creepers zombies I just cried hello hello hey oh I just crashed I’m sorry I don’t know what’s happening since everyone’s calling bum what everyone’s saying it’s buffer

Everyone’s saying birth is crashing the server laughs there’s my little house I got a nice little farm going oh there’s some zombies careful oh Forest is dangerous oh one second um hello to everyone that is there um sorry my phone just died which means my face cam is off but it’s okay I’m

Still here I’m still here though so it’s fine apologies for that everyone um I’m just gonna go sleep oh wait I can’t sleep with her I will be back okay pulling here I need to get I need to get better weapons here oh I’m sorry do you need help

You oh sorry I was distracted stay in here sorry guys for For the First Time dying it’s okay I killed it wait what are your powers then I can heal you know that’s nice go to bed I’m sorry I didn’t find you ah hold on one second one second I’m just

Um hold on front second there I’m just plugging my phone in on the actual blood get away from my house oh there we go one second okay I’m literally panicking on all over here running around my room help I guess I’ll go farm while she’s getting situated ah I’m sweating

I’m coming back guys oh my God I’m so sorry okay my phone’s charging apologies I’ll be back soon oh I guess the rest of the stream won’t have face cam but it’s okay forgive me please forgive me you know you had two hours of First come to it’s fine hello hello

Where is she Bertha killed your phone my Lord hello oh oh there you are disappeared on me in my garden hello yeah hi you look wonderful you look divine you like the sunlight glistening yes radiant energy [Laughter] I try okay give me a talk um

Okay uh so this is where I do I’m going to study botania I’ve already started it’s my Greenhouse oh I love a study Queen yeah you know I just wanted to have a nice place to study we got a couple villagers that I’ve hired over here to

Gather some crops for me oh that’s so cute yeah and um I mean you’ve already seen my house nothing crazy just I love this I love the Aesthetics you’ve really nailed it thank you it’s just you know full of flowers and wind chimes and that’s beautiful wow do you know what

You show me where the way stone is again if you come with me I yeah I already forgot um um I want to get my gifts from my base really quickly and then come back here and give you the gifts but I have no idea where the waist is okay this way so

I just wait at the waist Stone please because I will not find you oh I could go back to spawn okay just wait just wait at your waist down and and I’ll be back I’ll be around I’m gonna disarm help these villagers with their crops you know yes

I just have it in my chest it’s just gonna pick a talk okay oh very weird thank you okay I’ll be back in two minutes thank you thank you bye I’ll see you oh oh okay we’re gonna be getting a gift okay let’s get the gift and then we’re gonna

Be watching a wonderful video okay because I have like a few few Queen ones let’s have a look let’s have a look let’s have a look how you guys doing and water lily Duo yes oh my God see I’m not always evil I’m only sometimes evil only sometimes he

We have Crush I think crush and Rumble and have some earth gems okay here we go let’s go back see I like gift giving it’s fun it’s nice it’s wonderful let’s go back see I’m starting to get to know everyone let’s let’s find our dear nature witch Okay I was gathering some melons are you ready for your gift I’m ready we have a spell tome here ah and I think it’s for you it’s Crush Crush yes I don’t know if it’s for me but it’s brown it’s brown well I got brown it’s brown and my bro

Well your brown is like enough well I didn’t know that see I don’t have any what was that haha what anyways what’s that um I I thought it would be fun I have wait hold on I’m not done I have another one you have Crush well now you’re gonna get

Guess what you’re gonna get can you have a guess can you guess something that’s brown yes you’re gonna have a rumble well thank you why are you flipping like that how do you do that it’s a gift it’s a magic trick it’s very special wow

Okay wait I feel like I need to give you something too I I do have some some melons it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay you can trade those for your gem oh okay yeah yes please that’s okay but you don’t but just know you know I I am happy giving gifts and

Getting working hard on my own it’s okay it’s okay take the gift I will be on my way to watch my own episode I need to I need to learn these Rumble and Crush but you’ve been wonderful thank you you too have a melon oh yes of course come here you ready

I’m ready that’s so fun yes thank you and I exit bye okay wonderful had a very fun fun time now if I do check correctly we should um be having um hold on I’m trying to think okay hold on oh my God everyone’s spamming hello hi

Guys are you doing I’ll be doing good well I hope you have been enjoying life I hope you’ve been having a wonderful day that everything’s been wonderful now I’m gonna react to the new video on stream um but you guys have to promise that you’ll also react

Like you’ll watch it in your own time because listen we also need we also need some wonderfulness so yes hello hi cyber bunny hello emergency banana um do you speak Polish yes yes I do speak Polish um we’ll probably still watch it okay okay then okay I’ll Trust you I’ll Trust

You I’ll trust you all right well let’s change my screen to my display capture okay there we go are you ready is everyone ready I’ll tell my I’ll tell myself a little bit down so you don’t hear me too much um well I’m reacting then okay let’s go Oh wait hold on I think my screen is zoomed in isn’t it oh wonderful hold on hold on hold on how’s the screen how’s the screen hold on hold on well how’s everyone doing sorry I got confused but we Stan but I am oh my God um

Anyways I hope you guys can see it is that full screen for you guys is that full screen just let me know because like I don’t know foreign okay let’s all be quiet and watch the movie okay wonderful let’s go Wow what happened what happened to me who saved me wait I hope I lost them for God oh my God I’m oh my God what how did I do that what did I what did I do I need to get out of here I’m scared drama I think it’s time it’s time to do something new and you know my plan for today this is not a game plan which is

Funny because I can lean again I want to build something that’s about the witches you know listen I am a competitive girl let’s be honest I’m very competitive is too much animosity between all the players I feel like I just want everyone to kind of come together and so here’s

My plan I want to find a really cute location and I want to build something that is just adorable like a coven Clubhouse type of deal I want to find somewhere that is quite close to the beach you know because hell yeah by the water in somewhere where it’s kind of

Like really peaceful we can chill out I’m thinking of like um on a mountain so let’s go to creative mode got a bill wait hold on you guys lied to me you guys said hold on I’m dead see well now I’m now now I’m bamboozled okay well this is weird okay

I think I’ve got it guys I’ve got it I think I’ve started it out I think I’m starting now I’m so sorry I’m literally not this I’m not the smartest I’m not the smartest okay that should be okay that should be okay okay I’m so sorry I’m literally so dumb ah

Okay anyways let’s watch this thing I’ll skip back a few seconds so you guys can definitely see okay it’s good now that’s good okay don’t you guys letting me I love you I love you all I love you all very much are you ready this is a great screen cap

But you know what I am mean I am mean and you know what I’m mean and so I’m not gonna react to it because I’m evil also you guys say and this is all because of buffer blame buffer anyways I love you laughs I love you all very much and watch the video

[Laughter] so I love you and have a wonderful day

This video, titled ‘🔴 WitchCraft SMP: LIVE | Minecraft Modded SMP’, was uploaded by prismarina plays on 2023-02-24 00:32:10. It has garnered 5517 views and 441 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:07 or 10387 seconds.

now streaming WitchCraft SMP ❤️

Check out the other Witches! 🧙‍♀️ JOEY youtube.com/JoeyGraceffaGames SHELBY youtube.com/Shubble CLEO youtube.com/ZombieCleo SCOTT youtube.com/Dangthatalongname TIFF youtube.com/ihascupquake ELOISE youtube.com/soupforeloise LAUREN youtube.com/LaurenzSide

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    RingsOfPowerStep into a realm of fantasy in the epic world of Rings Of Power! Prepare yourself for a journey like no other as you dive into a server designed for those who crave adventure, camaraderie, and a touch of magic. Immerse yourself in a vibrant fantasy world where your destiny unfolds in the coliseum. Battle through waves of fierce mobs in thrilling combat encounters that will test your skills and teamwork. With custom classes and a unique party system, you can build your ultimate class, tailored to your playstyle. Harness the power of rings, each granting extraordinary abilities and enhancing… Read More

  • re:bloom SMP 16+ 1.21 Java Whitelist Shopping District Events Vanilla

    re:bloom Minecraft SMP Server Welcome to re:bloom, a small SMP server that opened on July 6th. We are a non-cracked server with plugins to enhance your Minecraft experience. Players must be 16 or older to join and whitelist applications are required. Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/pQjfvGpMVc About Us: This is our 3rd season and our community continues to grow. We have an active and friendly player base, a diamond economy Shopping District, public farms, and more. Join us and become a part of our community! We look forward to meeting you! Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.berrysmp.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.berrysmp.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Send ’em back to the Nether!

    Well, at least we know the meme has a high return rate! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Brain Cells on Vacation #rofl

    Minecraft Logic: Brain Cells on Vacation #rofl “Who needs high IQ when you have the power of unlimited diamonds in Minecraft?” 😂 #lowiqhighdiamonds Read More

  • Master’s Guide: Demon Slayer V2.3 Addon Installation on Minecraft PE 1.21

    Master's Guide: Demon Slayer V2.3 Addon Installation on Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) Overview The Minecraft Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) has recently been updated with four new structures: Tanjiro’s House, Tanjiro’s Neighborhood, The Forest, and The Town. This update brings exciting new elements to the game, allowing players to explore and interact with these new locations. Features of the Addon The Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) introduces several key features: New Structures: Players can now discover and explore Tanjiro’s House, Tanjiro’s Neighborhood, The Forest, and The Town within the game. Update Phases: The update is divided into different segments,… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos

    Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos The World of Minecraft: A Deep Dive into the Game’s Logic Exploring Minecraft Shorts and Memes In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. From hilarious shorts to viral memes, the community thrives on sharing their unique experiences within the game. Whether it’s tackling challenging speedruns or embarking on epic survival quests, Minecraft enthusiasts find endless ways to entertain themselves and others. Unraveling Minecraft Updates and Mods One of the key aspects that keep Minecraft fresh and exciting is its regular updates and mods. These additions introduce new features, mechanics, and… Read More

  • Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!

    Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘egg’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-07-24 19:45:03. It has garnered 452 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. keywords: Minecraft beginner tips, Building a Minecraft house, Redstone tutorials, How to find diamonds in Minecraft, Minecraft survival guide, Best Minecraft mods, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft PvP tips, Minecraft adventure maps, Minecraft server setup, Minecraft command blocks, Minecraft farming techniques, Minecraft mining strategies, Minecraft enchanting guide, Minecraft potion brewing, Minecraft update news, Minecraft combat tips, Minecraft texture packs, Minecraft world tour, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft redstone contraptions, Minecraft mob… Read More

  • Ravaz’s Epic Minecraft Livestream Adventure

    Ravaz's Epic Minecraft Livestream AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft stream(Livin and Minecartin)’, was uploaded by Ravaz on 2024-07-31 15:39:12. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:01 or 6961 seconds. Come and hang out as we play through more of the Minecraft server === Hosted by Ravaz with Guiests auJs “The Open Discord” ==== Socials: https://linktr.ee/Rava_Zed ==== #minecraft #mining #1.21 #gamenight Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MineLogic on 2024-04-19 13:00:49. It has garnered 6243 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraft

    Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is the fastest way to find diamonds? Pt.1 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mad Tui on 2024-05-09 17:00:38. It has garnered 3782 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. What is the fastest way to find diamonds in minecraft? Well look no further this #shorts series is going to look at 9 different diamond gathering methods. From mining, to redstone contraptions! All with the quest to find the most OP method to get a world record number of diamonds! See the FULL video here where I get… Read More

  • I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!

    I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became Unbeatable in Minecraft Lifeboat Survival Mode sm16 with this Enchanted Sword ⚔️ || Part- 1’, was uploaded by kibo Playz on 2024-03-12 10:28:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HLO Everyone !! WELCOME TO ANOTHER MINECRAFT RELATED VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL.. ☺️ Today I will gonaa … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. Linktr.ee/pettfarms for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/q15my Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ https://twitch.tv/alyxwho 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 https://youtube.com/@shutupsprinkles https://www.twitch.tv/shutupsprinkles https://www.twitter.com/shutupsprinkles https://discord.gg/747vedW 💖 Manic Links 💖 https://youtube.com/@manicpxldreamgirl https://www.twitch.tv/manicpxldreamgirl https://twitter.com/manicpxldrmgirl https://discord.gg/qW4sP2B #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server ovrw.mc-complex.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ovrw.mc-complex.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL https://kick.com/vapor-vtuber-gaming TWITCH CHANNEL https://www.twitch.tv/vapor_vtuber_gaming Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weirdest Logic Revealed

    Minecraft's Weirdest Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3’, was uploaded by BhagwanJanee on 2024-06-19 13:46:16. It has garnered 10204 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3 Your Queries :- Minecraft Logic Minecraft Minecraft Memes Minecraft Funny Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft No Logic Minecraft Logic Shorts Cursed Minecraft Wait What Minecraft Minecraft Logic 2 Minecraft But Minecraft Logic Be Like Minecraft Portrayed Minecraft Weired Logic Unusual Minecraft Minecraft Moments on 0 Logic Minecraft Wait What Best Minecraft Memes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Bruh… Read More

🔴 WitchCraft SMP: LIVE | Minecraft Modded SMP