🔴Cozy Vibes Minecraft Day – WitchCraft SMP

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So there’s like all these pop-ups so I’m just checking off some stuff um hi oh my gosh it feels like forever for me okay I don’t think I’ve actually streamed uh actually let me let everyone know in the game that I’m actually streaming uh yeah it’s been like

I think the last stream I did was on Twitch and that was when we announced our pregnancy so and Leo’s already eight months so it’s been a really long time it’s been even uh longer since streaming on YouTube but uh here we are oh I think I’m gonna meet up with Chris

Marina I’ve been wanting to meet up with her should we meet up with her if I meet up with her I dang it you know what let me see if she wants to do it in a bit because I have my face cam like on this portion so let me let me

See if um okay we’ll see it we’ll say hi to her later I was so today I was planning on just mining today uh and getting resources Minecraft and I’m live streaming on YouTube what year is it oh my gosh I hope you guys are having a

Great day uh we are just gonna chill today is supposed to be just chill live stream um I don’t really have much planned like as far as like progression for this series as far as story goes but Chris Marina does want to meet up so we’ll see we’ll see where we um

Where we end up with that I kind of don’t want my face cam to be stuck on the screen though when I meet her so I might just I might just have to meet up with her later um but welcome to my world we’re gonna go

So I’m doing a lot of let me go show you if you’re not familiar with the series this is a little sneak peek behind my house okay I did a lot of like Renovations so you’ll get a full house tour in the episode I actually have an episode going up today um

Around two o’clock so I’m actually like a couple episodes ahead so you guys haven’t seen any of this uh but I am working on botania so um if you’re not familiar with the series it’s there’s eight uh eight witches in total and we’re all competing to be the Supreme and there’s

Um different like bosses that we have to fight and stuff every week so it’s really fun um it just started last week and I am so obsessed literally um right now my my mom is watching Leo my baby right now so um today is like a work day for me and I

Was like you know what I’m just gonna stream because I have to mine and gather a bunch of resources so yeah we’re working on botania and I am actually starting a little garden over here I’m gonna start Gathering some resources through right now while I’m chatting about it

Um so this is from the bewitchment mod and um how’s it sound perfect good you do you do have forces to clean oh without my face yeah yeah then maybe we should meet at prism Marina yeah yeah if you want to just meet her up yeah I do want to meet her

Up I don’t want to like not respond to her for like two hours yeah I think we might do that would go to obs okay and it should be the last one right there record this one yeah oh but it has to be full wait am I not it’s always it’s always uh

You would have to hit forward there there you go but it doesn’t work there you go yeah I did it came up yeah do it again just give it a minute okay yeah sweet uh-oh oh great job Amaya so then uh going back is the gameplay with FaceCam

Yeah Earth I’m in the background oh my God Amaya unplug my light yeah oh my God this is Amaya’s first live stream no she is it amazing Amaya you gotta come say hi to the people hold on let me pull chat back up real quick I streamed on YouTube plus four years ago stop are you serious four years ago Jesus You can see her oh my God her face went straight into my boat Amaya she’s a crazy puppy she’s a crazy girl oh my God [Laughter] she uh she’s a lot wilder than Ruby R.I.P Ruby um but yeah we got Amaya in the beginning of last year yeah

Beginning of last year so we haven’t had a puppy in a long time a puppy and a baby at the same time um it sounds it sounds like romantic right like oh they get to grow up together and they’re gonna be best friends which it is you know it’s it’s really

Sweet like they are getting along so well and it’s so cute to see so cute to see them together but um it’s like having a toddler a toddler and a baby it’s a lot of work a lot of training um but but I love it

I’m glad we don’t have more than one dog or more than one baby that would be Madness I froze I don’t know the when you full screen like that oh the gameplay is not showing yeah oh I’ll just leave it like this then can you see the

There you go okay well you can’t see the taskbar underneath anyways okay sorry I have to remember to read chat oh my gosh usually I have it set up differently where chat is on this side well when I was streaming chat was on that side

Um so it’s like a little further for me to look and I’m not used to it but um but yeah we’re trying it out see how it goes I didn’t even send a tweet out like you know what this is just gonna be a chill secret stream unless you follow me because

Honestly it was really nervous about this I don’t know how it’s gonna go so dang it oh if you’re wondering I I don’t think I actually covered this in an episode one of my passive abilities is to make um to make uh plants grow by shift clicking

Shift right clicking so that’s why I’m able to that’s why I’m able to grow plants because I’m the nature witch yeah um all right so gotta do some farming duties I’m gathering these melons to trade in for gems and uh hopefully get some magic going really soon besides the botania

Um there is so many mods there’s so many mods in this and it reminds me of Enchanted Oasis I know a lot of you guys are saying um that it reminds you it gives you those those vibes oh let’s check to see how my farmers are doing guys I made Automatic Farms like

I was so obsessed about this look we got my Beats going and then we have a potato farmer over here so I should be able to collect those gems so fast um so okay before I get into Gathering too much resources now that we kind of did our little intro

First Dream I’m gonna see if um Chris Marina wants to meet up and let’s see if anyone wants can we sleep can we sleep through this night um my Forest is super dangerous um yeah it does remind me of Cloud9 you’re right we had so many mods in that

One too it was really overwhelming but I’m just trying to take it one at a time so thank you hi you Zoo thank you yeah I worked I I worked a lot on it so I’m glad you guys like it um let me put some stuff away

Let’s put some of my food away so I was thinking of just streaming for a couple of hours um I don’t know how long this I don’t think it should take that long while we meet up with Eloy or not Eloise Marina let me whisper her see I can meet in two minutes

We have spun foreign if we go to spawn I think I’m actually going to take some of my melons to turn in actually no I’ll just wait I’ll wait I’ll hold on to those um let me get prepared I don’t know what we’re gonna do I have to intro her um

Like I’m trying to meet all the witches in every single episode so I just haven’t met her actually everyone who’s on right now I haven’t met in game yet so or in real life um okay so I have coal a boat that’s good I’m gonna leave my wand here

Because I don’t know what we’re gonna get into and I just got that I don’t have any spells on it so it doesn’t matter oh my garlic and I’ll take my flower bag so I can call it some flower petals if I want and we’ll take some shears I’ve had so much bread

Okay where did it wear on my shears so how are you guys doing hey what’s up Trunks and Cherry Sammy oh my gosh so good to see you guys let’s see um what am I doing I’m just gonna put this garlic in here I should take some iron

Where are my shears and some wood some sticks half of those and I’ll take a little bit of iron so yeah I really need to get some resources this is all the iron I have and I literally only found one Diamond it’s pretty sad I need to make

Progress as far as it goes as like Mining and resources okay so I’m gonna what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna turn the music off just for now and we’re gonna switch this so it’s gameplay only and then we’re gonna go meet up we’ll pause the music and then we’ll

Return to Chill Vibes afterwards okay let’s go back how’s that look okay so the only thing I don’t like about this is let’s do that huh I turned it off yeah I turned it off thanks baby okay let me let her know I’m heading over now

All right so I have we’re gonna do a little bit of role playing here okay um let me shake out my jitters guys I get so nervous like I feel like my voice changes in Pitch it gets higher I don’t know maybe it’s just a thing I just get really nervous

All right let’s let’s go meet her I’m not gonna take any of my stuff I should probably collect some of these melons this is how I actually got the villagers over to my house it was a whole ordeal so yeah here too oh my God Amaya is just wreaking havoc

Down here she’s running around everyone else has a uh a waist don’t famous films oh my God what’s up Brian famous films in the chat um yeah I’m also really nervous too because I never play I never really play on smps and like record with other

People plus I’ve been just you know like a mom for the past eight months I’m a freaking mom now so I was kind of sheltered okay let’s go we got this we got it these Villages creep me out sometimes I think they’re mobs Hostile Mobs all right let’s go oh my gosh oh

Oh my God hello oh my gosh you’re all armored up you’re just oh yeah you’re ready for battle can you see you see it yeah I could see it it’s it’s Enchanted and everything oh I can’t see it on my side oh it might be is it a mod or some it

Might be a mod I need to install it yeah everyone’s saying Heidi as well hello um well I I first of all your nature witch aren’t you I I am the nature witch and you are the water witch yes which means I can water your plants

Yay I received your gift too thank you for the oh yeah cute little bunny oh my God you’re welcome hello I love some bunnies I love a bunny me too I I also have something to warn you about what’s that well I may or may not have done something

That may or may not have you blamed for it What did you do well I may have pranked Scott and it may look like it comes from you but I made it clear that it comes from me okay but just so you know oh no I met Scott the other day and I’m kind of scared of him I’m scared

He likes death and zombies and everything he’s very op by the way he is over powered too much power too much power for one witch to have I know like it’s not fair no we should all team up like like you know you know we should do like a little

Like a trio moment you know me you and trouble together because we’re all related to Nature I’m just like overpowered I’m I’m totally here for that but we can’t let him know we can’t let him know you know I overheard him I went and I

Went to his house and I met him and when I was leaving I overheard him saying that he is he’s collecting everyone’s blood he’s collecting everyone’s blood everywhere girl get your blood under control good yeah so just watch out he’s giving me I don’t know the trees the

Tree spoke to me and they were telling me just to be weary I do I speak to the trees they love you actually you’re really good vibes from you um thank you I may have my enemies okay I may have my fashion of enemies but but but I would never betray the trees

I love that they know and next time you see them they want a hug so make sure to hug a tree oh my God um okay wait so I need to know what are your powers oh yeah no I should probably explain well you see I’m like really cool I’m not like Flex

But I can trap people in water bubbles will we drown yeah well they start hurting for a few seconds oh oh okay I need to see this in action can we go test it out on someone not me I keep testing out on people so that’s a

Good idea let’s um run freely okay let’s go to the forest maybe there is an innocent you tell me I mean you meant to talk to the trees what are they saying where the mobs this way trust this way right trees so don’t make a fool of me in front of

My new friend oh look they’ve led us to your lost um let’s see so many flowers out here okay wait I don’t where are we where’s my tower this way sorry changing the way the indecisive yeah you know I’m really bad with directions so me too

You know you know I made a broom and I lost it you got a broom already yeah but it doesn’t matter because I lost it laughs okay wait let’s see are there any maybe there’s is there villagers here hello anyone home I think it’s a village oh we’re gonna abuse some villagers I

Think so oh wait there’s a Golem how about that guy Golem I’m sorry what right a Golem this guy um what is it okay that’s what I thought I said everyone’s telling me to to kill Bertha can you kill her no okay let’s see this in action

Oh oh you’re gonna flow but he’s kind of stuff oh that’s so cool and he doesn’t even attack you afterwards wow I have a staff oh now he’s attacking you no no it’s okay Help Me okay I’m just watching you don’t need my help look you got some iron out of that

Oh my God I got it I’m gonna use my water wand he has Aqua shield on it which means it protects me fall like 15 seconds so I can’t get I can’t get any damage that’s awesome I have a wand but I don’t know any spells this is something in my teeth no

I have a I have a gift come to my base I have gifts oh my gosh I have spells that I don’t I don’t I came unprepared where’s the spawn spawn is this way okay okay the trees speak to me this way oh and I can heal by the way

I’m getting lost I can do this with the touch of my hand grow flowers oh wait don’t fall down here this is horrible uh let’s go this way I’m eating you have to keep a good diet bread I know I’ve been eating so many carbs it’s just tough out there clumsy

How far is your base it’s not far I keep forgetting I’m gonna have to like leave you that yeah here’s the spawn I don’t know which direction okay okay hold on let me look at my people are trying to make us a Duo time we trying to think of a name for us

Um let’s see water and nature I have no idea Aqua hold on my okay okay can you remember these can you can you be the guide because I’m really bad at coordinates so am I but we can try with two brains together we can do it for the trees the

SE they’ll tell you I don’t have a guide yeah please don’t fail me trees yeah sure 82 82. 128 okay minus one nine one people are calling us the seaweed Duo seaweed I don’t want to be a weed excuse me excuse me oh sorry I I’m back 82 128 negative 191.

I need to write this down I I I wrote coordinates on my hand but I’m running out of space I have small hands oh my gosh okay wait left-handed as well which means I’m disadvantaged or creative 82. both one I’m looking at my child right now

191 I was just getting the cords because I I’m not only am I bad with the directions I’m very forgetful okay let’s see oh the same okay people are calling a sea grass how’s sea grass sea grass sea flower what about okay I don’t know we’ll figure something Aqua flower I don’t

Know okay I’m really bad with coordinates too but I’m just gonna go One Direction first I’m gonna do 82 and then we’ll figure it out that’s what I like to do wait you’re going the opposite way hold on this way wait what really never mind I’m done

And we’re traveling at night so I’m a little worried all right I think it’s this direction thank you I’m glad okay what about Aqua Flora this is the direction we were going um what about water lily ooh I like water lily that’s very cute water lily it is

Wait which direction is one okay wait I I’m trying to look at 128 oh no this is not a good idea this is not a good idea at night I’m lost I’m going back let’s wait for the day I’m scared this is your base okay wait

I’m scared of the dark oh are you okay all right are you I don’t know what happened there I’m going back to the light she just left me she left me to die the aqua Lily has died just kidding that was so weird she she probably deseed oh the game crashed

Okay all right guys I’m so bad with you I went to go meet Scott wait what are you gonna attractive um she was picking on my end too oh she was yeah I wasn’t sure if it was it’s gonna be her mic oh I thought I thought it was um

So yeah that’s her mic yeah it’s her mic okay well I don’t know when she’s gonna come back on what it’s okay we’ll just leave it so then okay so it’s consistent okay okay well Should we wait there she is okay I want to wait till day do I have a bed let me see you know what there’s actually a bed the villagers near my base over here let’s see how do I get it this is always weird to get up I want to sleep oh cliffs

She crashed okay wait let’s just go meet her let me whisper Wait did she what I let her die I totally did I wasn’t sure what was happening did she die I hope she didn’t die I don’t know which direction to go okay we’re just gonna we’re just gonna chill here there she is all right so I thought you left me

To die I would never no I crashed the game has been laggy for me oh no let’s be honestly it’s probably the best idea we didn’t travel at night though bad with directions fat fat are you okay you need some water okay good because I don’t have any [Laughter]

One oh my God I was putting on oh my God I keep dropping I was putting on lip gloss and getting prepared oh my gosh [Laughter] why are we going to your house okay wait a minute I’m uh wait isn’t this the direction oh up I’m running away from me no oh the

The Moon is setting the sun’s gonna rise I think we’ll be okay oh my God I think that’s scared I’m sorry I’m playing on lip gloss for the for confidence this is the way though okay let me see now 82 okay I’m so bad okay you’re gonna have to help me

You look at the second coordinates and I’ll look at the first one no just follow me okay all right thank you um yeah oh you okay I’m okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m all right wait where’d you go oh sorry it’s I’m lagging okay well I’m going 82 I think we’re going in

The right okay this is 82. to the right okay oh no a giant cliff huh I’m scared of heights oh that is unfortunate I have a boat too so I’m just a rebel oh you can swim fast can’t you yes I can I guess I can all right I’m

Gonna get in my little boat here oh you don’t want to go in the water huh oh wait what don’t want to get my feet wet wait where are you oh she’s up there okay I’ll follow you let’s go wait we lost we’re gonna figure this out

I can’t see her in the water which direction does 62 change does it oh it’s we’re looking for negative 191 right now we gotta go negative this is a disaster I can’t see through the water I’m lost I’m stuck on a boat 62 is the height yeah I realized that oh

There she is I’m going I’m going I can’t see through the water but listen we’re not we’re supposed to be looking for negative 191 because 62 on the boat jeez we need it we need this number to go down we got to go back this way okay right I mean it’s your base

Do you know what direction you went no no I’m lying I’m a liar I’m a big fat liar we’re going this way across the pond and right back okay yeah can you can you take it I can I can go that way okay just follow it straight here we go

I’ve made it we did it oh my God my pink phone thank you okay now this now we go up the mountain okay I’m sure there was an easier way do you have any blocks oh man let’s get my shovel teamwork dig our way up

Okay this is I it’s gonna be worth it get to see my base and you’re gonna get to have a nice gift okay there we go here we go nice um not that I know of you know Joey’s at your Forest on fire right yeah I don’t think he did that by a

Purpose though no I wouldn’t say he has good intentions no that’s so pretty it’s mine now I think I’m gonna collect flowers along the way don’t mind me all good okay Gathering going this way forward okay eventually you really think Joey’s China stir up some drama yes

You know he gives me attitude he insulted my outfit what the drama it came to my base and insulted me like that’s it’s not fair why would he do that this is a little light yeah a little laggy yeah okay followed okay on mood okay I hope that bouquet is too for me

If I find a special flower I’ll give you one oh wait I see something on the map you’re a special flower a water lily is that your base over there no no what is that is Scott’s face we could have just used his waist Stone no no but you don’t have mine remember

No I know but I have his oh yeah it’s all right okay it means we get to go on this adventure together yeah oh wow okay yeah I see Scott’s face here we go we let’s not look at that face um it’s all right am I going the right direction still yes

There’s a little house right here it’s your house not mine wait my house and I literally don’t know where I’m going uh 82 128 negative 191. we’re not going negative girl I’m about to take this waist down do you want to come see my house huh is that my help oh

Okay let’s see your house Way Stone this is negative come back oh my God that sounds okay let’s go home oh my God Look at all these flowers whoa what are you talking about all of these flowers is this what you did what are you talking about this is what you this is what you did to prank him and you said clearly it was you clearly flowers that if you see there’s actually a heart

Made out of prismarine right above that roof wow well I hope he puts two and two together wait wait hope she comes to spawn and doesn’t think I just left her really though flowers oh hello oh hi she did on me I thought we were coming back to spawn very

It’s just what I don’t take instructions very well it just seemed more dramatic you know to like come to spawn and end on yeah for the drama yes am I the drama am I the drama no maybe okay wait let me take you to my house so you can get my spawn

I am this way it’s close it’s close by so it sounds magnificent wait how about you have you been to my house yet no right no I I have you know my brain my brain just stalled am I gonna find she likes to glitch like that sometimes she’s a bit quirky

Okay wait here I’m gonna take a boat I’m really happy that you know you know I did it like this on purpose because I’m bad with directions down the river What’s your favorite tree these purple ones I don’t know the name of them jakar so it starts with j can’t think of the name my chat is stuck on Bertha they are all like spamming that they hate Bertha oh why what did she do to them it’s a long story

All right through this Forest I’ll be right there yeah these these purple ones do you have a favorite tree well I like Birch hmm But I don’t even remember all them anything that’s pretty I like there’s like a light blue one that’s really beautiful hmm I haven’t seen any light blue ones

Okay so I didn’t actually give myself a waypoint um I just use this Village’s Waypoint oh that makes sense yeah but I don’t know if you have it yet so we can hit the Waypoint and then my house is right up there right on the hill

Oh you chose to be by civilization why would you do that for trading purposes all right up this way okay be careful because this Forest is very dangerous lots of creepers zombies oh she left me again this way this way okay here’s my house here we are both is crashing the server

So there’s my little house I got a nice little farm going oh there’s some zombies careful this Forest is dangerous oh yeah one sec um hello to everyone that is there um sorry my photos died which means my face is off oh okay hold on okay I’m still here I’m still here though

For that everyone um I’m just gonna go sleep oh wait I can’t sleep with her I will be back okay struggling here I need to get I need to get better weapons here I’m going to my house oh here sorry guys then I can heal you know that’s nice I’m going to bed

Find you there we go I feel much better one second hold on there I’m just plugging my phone in okay Zombie’s still here okay get away from my house there we go all right okay literally panicking on all over here running out of our room all right

Well I guess I’ll go farm while she’s getting situated I’ll leave her in my house Yeah there’s some resources grow some trees okay I feel like my cup was getting full my cup of water was getting so full just need to take a break you gather some trees we’re all good how are you doing chat see you Sammy

Oh hi thank you I was just uh I was just in my garden here hello yeah you look wonderful you look Divine I’m thank you you like the sunlight glistening yes glowing radiant energy making me blush stop that I try um give me a call

Okay uh so this is where I do I’m I’m going to study botania I’ve already started it’s my Greenhouse I have a little bit of livestock yeah you know I just wanted to have a nice place to study we got a couple villagers that I’ve hired over here to gather some

Crops for me um oh that’s so cute and um I mean you’ve already seen my house nothing crazy just you know I love this I love the Aesthetics you really nailed it thank you it’s just you know full of flowers and wind chimes and um that’s a dispute it’s beautiful wow

Do you know what hmm can you show me where the way stone is again come with me I yeah I already forgot um um I want to get my gifts from my base really quickly and then come back here and give you the gifts but I have no

Idea okay this way so I just wait at the way Stone please because I will not find you oh I could go back to spawn oh no it’s okay just wait just wait at your waist down oh yeah and I’ll be back I’ll be around I’m gonna just Farm

Help these villagers with their crops you know I just have it in my chest okay here it is yeah thank you okay I’ll be back in two minutes thanks all right see you okay I’m gonna gather some wheat let’s do that I don’t want to go too far

See I’m gonna plant replant two I don’t have a wheat farm I did but then my villagers started making bread and I didn’t want the bread so I took away his wheat and made him a potato farmer sorry I sigh a lot It’s just a way for me to release you know stress don’t mind me it’s just you know the thing I do it’s like taking a big breath of fresh air that’s what I can relate it to I want to get these mountains all right I really oh I’m here over here hi hello

I was gathering some melons which kind of things for you it’s Crush Crush yes I don’t know if it’s for me but are you sure you don’t want it it’s brown it’s brown I can’t use it it’s brown and my bro I don’t know it’s like uh oh I didn’t know that

See I don’t have any what was that what that um I thought it would be fun wait hold on I’m not done I have another one you have Crush well now you’re gonna get guess what you’re gonna get can you have a guess something that’s brown yes you’re gonna have a rumble where

Thank you why are you flipping like that how do you do that it’s a gift it’s a magic trick wow okay wait I feel like I need to give you something too I I do have some some melons okay okay you can trade those for your gem

Oh okay yeah yeah yeah take the Mallet but you don’t but just know you know I I am happy giving gifts and getting working hard on my own it’s okay it’s okay take the gift I will be on my way thank you watch my own episode

I need to I need to learn these Rumble and Crush wow oh you’ve been wonderful thank you you too I have a melon thank you can I see a flip one more time oh yes of course come here you ready I’m ready thank you and I exit bye

Oh my gosh that was awesome I love the flipping oh that was really nice of her to give me those gifts I’m gonna have to look actually I have a Tome I just don’t I don’t know I didn’t know that they had colors associated with them I didn’t learn it

I’ll have to I’ll have to give her a visit and get her way Stone and see her house one day let me put these away and then we can go on our Mining Adventure and bring back the FaceCam and music let’s see put this way let me

Let me put it back on hold on Here we go I’ll put the volume up a little too because I think it was a little low okay and get some water after all of that hanging out with the water witch I need to hydrate okay okay that was fun I was so nervous

You know what I think it is I think it’s because I’m used to recording right so I could think of what to say and when you’re with other people it’s like it’s like Improv I’m gonna put these these away upstairs in my studies but that was a nice little Adventure

Just a fun exciting way to start off the stream this is the one that I have it’s gust wait how was it brown how are these Brown you said that they were Brown I see it oh my gosh the tiniest Speck of brown right there this one’s white is that the storm witch

I think it might be for the store much um oh sorry you guys can’t see uh I have to there we go sorry I don’t know why for some reason it doesn’t work full screen um the tiny little brown you see this tiny little brown right here and this one’s white

That’s what it is okay but why do why am I brown I thought it was Green wait that can’t be right because my hat’s green it must be for someone else is there I don’t know what color Cleo is anyways we’ll figure it out how was the music

How was the audio how are you we’re gonna go mine now and I’m gonna take a work bench with me you hear the music the texture pack I think is Mizuno I used it like a long time ago so I was like I’m just gonna stick with what I

Know okay we’re taking some coal a little bit of iron I don’t need the melon seeds or the wheat because I have so much bread I’m taking the shears just in well We’re Not Gonna collect flowers I don’t think we’ll just put that away I’ll take some dirt with me and my workbench

Antelope put my melon away my one melon they’re meant for Lauren oh they might be meant for Lauren yeah I don’t know I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to find out let’s sleep oh you know what hey baby Mario I don’t think he can hear me I want my coffee

I’ll see if he ordered it all right I don’t even know how long I’ve been streaming how long was that I was like I’m gonna come on and just Street for a couple hours and get some resources it doesn’t say on uh on this thing that

I have right here I probably did I start I think I started at 11 30. it’s been almost an hour an hour yeah it is a role play server it is which is something I don’t normally do so I’m like getting into something new having some fun let’s go mine I need so

In order to make progress for my Britannia I need a lot of uh coal lapis iron redstone you know what I want to do I’m gonna check to see if I could trade with one of the villagers see what they want to trade because I might be able to trade some of this

Stuff I want to find emeralds and I need diamonds too I don’t have I don’t think I could trade with this guy carrots for emeralds oh if only I had carrots I don’t have carrots carrots for emptying it I could have him once I find carrots I could have him

Grow carrots for me and then we can trade them the carrots so that I could get some emeralds and then I can trade those emeralds for some other stuff I want to check to see what these villagers read I don’t know if it changes every single day but they trade but

Coal for about 10. that’s a deal does it does it does it change he’s a fisherman okay so it’s good to know what do you trade for leather does it does it change I don’t have that much coal either so I I kind of need it kind of need it to go mining

Okay I just wanted to see Fishers can trade sticks Fletchers can trade sticks the more I trade with them the more options I get okay wait do I have a Fletcher I don’t even know what a Fletcher is there’s so many villagers in this Village it is it is thriving

I bet you they’re all down here too who’s this guy rotten flesh you sicko I’m just kidding yeah um where are all the villagers usually they’re like congregating over here oh if I hear oh that’s good to know so I’m gonna need to get stronger

Because I want to be able to defend them if there’s a raid there’s two butchers in this town goodness I want those discounted prices you know I think everyone’s like working right now what do you trade sir string okay good to know all right let’s go mine mine and chill

Wait when you trade with them once it locks in the trade so you can wait if they don’t have the items you want oh I should trade for the coal then because that’s a good deal I want them to keep that where’d he go was it him so it’ll lock it in

Oh this little bar right here okay what a deal so does it stay all right you’re my new best friend okay I’m gonna go put I just want one because I need the coal I feel like I haven’t really found much coal and you guys will see these caves are crazy like

They’re they’re beautiful but they’re kind of scary to mine in yeah you have two emeralds okay let’s do it let’s go mining I think I’m gonna go caves and cliffs oh geez so many so wait is there a was there like an update there was an

Area back here that I wanted to go was it down here oh wait no this is a spot that I normally go mining it’s this huge cave it’s so scary but it’s so pretty it feels like you’re watching an old video oh my gosh I love it nostalgia where is it

All right guys so I’m probably gonna just stream for about another hour or so um and we’re just gonna we’re just gonna mine and hang out is this the way this is the way all right so this is where I’ve only come to mine I should probably make it look a little

Bit nicer there was an update for bigger and better caves it’s been so long since I’ve played I honestly don’t know the updates okay these are like enormous caves though and they’re so pretty because they have the little glowberries I love them I hear a Skelly no I think it was

I don’t think it was this way why do I keep doing this it’s like Auto jumping no that’s not the right one I’m not used to it there’s a new diamond level I was planning on doing a two-hour stream um wait where this way I was planning on doing the two a two

Hour stream I mean I’m I’ve streamed for about an hour already but I wasn’t expecting to um film with Prez so oh I’m lost in my own mind I’m trying to find here it is all right you’re ready for the big reveal of this beautiful cave

I need to go down to the Deep slate what level’s that I’m at two right now what the heck is deep sleep okay here we go so I’ve gone this way I’ve gone exploring this way I haven’t done much exploring this way but I want to show you guys this cave is beautiful

Isn’t it so pretty with all the glowberries wait okay hold on I don’t know what Diamond looks like with this texture pack oh I can’t mind that is it this nope okay so I need to find some Diamond I need to make a diamond pickaxe

Oh I found out there’s fishes oh my God look at those Enderman hey I kind of want to kill him I need ender pearls and there’s water here could totally kill him get him I don’t have a lot of armor guys I’m literally wearing my oh jelly

Where is he I’m always over here literally wearing my freaking witch thing I have uh iron pants and boots that’s it so the iron is scarce for me oh dude I’ve looked at all of them whoops help me otter okay are you an otter

That is not an otter oh my gosh what the heck is that where the where’d it go where is he he’s gonna come at me or hello axelot acts a lot did I say that right Axel lot oxalo foreign they’re not hostile they’re so cute oh dude are they stuck in here

I literally think there’s three of them I just don’t want to get like I need a bow and arrow are they stuck oh my God they’re stuck teleported this should be cheating where’d he go where’d I go why are there so many in there I have no idea three of

I really need a better sword this is this is not going to cut it can you die already sir please there we go there’s another one can you drop a pearl no pearl I thought that there was three I don’t know where the other one went

Stop being a creeper over there get over here we gotta get we gotta get our weapons upgraded this ain’t cutting it stuck in here we go no ender pearl dang it this is the stuff that I count mine right yeah okay onward I thought there were three um Enderman but

I don’t know where the other one went you just didn’t want any you don’t want this all right so oh I uh found out there were fishes because I was over here and I um I heard them flopping around and I was like what is that let’s go this way

Oh wait a minute I hear an Enderman hear him tell me who’s gonna attack me right now seriously so I actually oh God this is dangerous did he die no he didn’t die there’s like Cliffs and stuff around here I don’t want to get knocked down I really have to kill him

All right let’s just light this area up because I’m going to be mining over here so I want to make it nice and safe oh there’s a whole new area down here and just like that I’m already out of torches let’s go down this way the water I like the shaders but the

Water throws me off a little bit oh wait is that Redstone yay okay if I if I miss Diamond let me know because I don’t know what it looks like pretty just iron all right we found some iron it’s gonna clear this out a little bit

So I know where to come so I don’t get lost oh I need crystals I don’t know if I’m gonna do Hex magic I don’t think I’m gonna um I don’t think I’m gonna explore that amount too much I feel like um we’re trying to stick with the magic that’s

With our fits with our character so I’m focusing more on botania and probably maybe a little bit of which uh bewitch man since I know kind of familiar with that what is that over there what’s this yeah I always think this is diamond so wait how far do I need to go

How far down do I need to go scary dark over here like what um what what level I’m at negative 32 or 33. yeah I’m gonna make this into a video but not um probably not going to show a lot of the mining stuff mining is just

Stuff that I was going to do off camera by myself but then thought it would be fun to just stream it so if you want I keep trying to mine this and I know I can’t get it I’m just gonna not do that is this deep slate is this what it is

Okay I think this is a dead end I don’t want to do strip mining I’ll just leave it lit or should I take my torches tuft Cobble deep plate so this is the level I have to be to find diamond I actually found one diamond in that cave it was just exposed

It was so weird by itself I’m going back up let’s there’s more cape for us to explore over here so I’m just gonna like this oh we got some iron I’ll probably show like a little bit of the mining um not all of it though content um changed you know um

This is gold right I think it is yeah so I can’t show too much of uh too much of mining I want to keep it interesting for for everyone you know but I am doing it and I thought it’d be a fun chill stream

So I don’t have to do it by myself I know and live stream on YouTube like what what even so wild to me that I’m still streaming on YouTube the video also the live stream will not be visible um once the stream is done because when I first streamed on YouTube when

They first rolled out streaming on YouTube that makes me sound so old um it was very buggy and it would hurt the channel if this the stream went live and that’s the reason why I didn’t stream on YouTube for a long time um because I was like

I don’t want it to hurt the algorithm oh wait is that salt it looks like we got salt there is this could this be diamond no it’s not I got it assault too yeah I um streamed on Twitch for a while just try it out

It was a lot of fun but honestly ever since having the baby I’m like there’s no way I could keep this like a schedule so um but yeah and I saw some of you asking about how Leo’s doing he’s doing good I’m gonna go up and have some lunch with

Him in a little bit my mom is over taking care of him she watches him for me and Mario so that we could um we could work and when Joey when I when I was asked to do this series I wasn’t I was like 90 sure that I wasn’t gonna do it

Because I was like my mom was only helping us a couple days out of the week and I was like I don’t know if I’m gonna have time to do it um I don’t want to like agree to something and not dedicate have be able

To dedicate a lot of time to it it sounds awesome I was like you know what I think I could do it and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it like I haven’t played Minecraft like this in a long time um and I’m trying to be like

I don’t know I’m realizing that I’ve become very obsessive okay I have no idea that’s where I went I’m just going in circles we got to go up um I’m learning that I I need to set boundaries a little bit better when it comes to how much time I spend working especially

Now having a baby so yeah New Perspective right a baby a baby a whole human whole little human right it’s so crazy being a parent too nothing could ever prepare you first but it’s amazing my little dude hey thank you for because I appreciate that I don’t know where I’m going we’re just

We’re just exploring getting lost the good thing is is I’m right below my base so if anything goes right oh wait I didn’t even realize the coordinates okay you guys can’t see it but I could see the coordinates without having to press F3 that’s very nice very nice thank you Yuzu

Yeah I just um hold on we’re figuring out what we’re doing for food it’s below the mini map yeah it shows the coordinates so I’m at nine right now and is this steep slate um there was I’m trying to find my way back to where I first came out

I think that’s where I went down oh God this is so confusing here we go this way torches on the left um oh it’s Auto jump that’s what it is I hate it I hate it I never played with it and I should probably turn it off wait wait lapis

I thought it was Diamond but lapis I’m looking for it too so I’ll take it let’s not go down that way let’s go let’s go up oh oh oh oh I thought I heard that I thought it I heard a Russell a little Russell in the bushes because he didn’t kill me

Oh there’s something over there I see something green guys I haven’t found any coal like what the heck what is this I don’t think I could mine that doesn’t look like it I need diamonds okay we’re back up here this is the level that I found the diamonds or the diamond the one

Diamond I’m using Mizuno texture pack okay so I’m a little nervous here because goes down oh we got some oh there’s something there what is that zombie I really need to get some magic that does damage I am weak I I can heal myself and grow plants

Oh my gosh it’s so scary in here okay so let me light up this area before I start mining this iron got some iron here okay this looks like a good spot this looks like a good spot to mine down here oh got some redstone

Just opens up okay I just want to light up minimize the zombies and creepers from spawning I think we’re at a good spot oh I think is that diamond I should have brought a furnace with me I do have some iron so I like that it’s glowing this is a good area

I don’t know what that green stuff is okay I can’t mind that um not diamond I don’t know what it is I can’t get it let’s see what I mean about like Cole being so hard to find okay wait before I go too far let’s find this uh iron that’s up here

We’re probably gonna have to make another pickaxe me so much water I’ll take any piece of iron that I can I am gonna need a lot of it for botanium some iron oh there’s coal the first sign of coal I wonder if it just doesn’t I wonder if it just doesn’t um

Spawn down here like it’s more up there wait how is the music is it too um is it too low can you hear it want me to okay let me put the volume up a little bit more how’s that oops I switched this to my what okay I didn’t want to do that

Better yay okay cool now let’s get this salts and the Redstone okay here we go where was that blue that I saw here these caves are so crazy like what is all that over there it still goes down I can’t mind this Let me make another pickaxe because I know I’m gonna need one right now it’s diamond why can’t I mine it I could I should be able to mine it with iron oh my gosh so cute those are so adorable let’s go over here I’m gonna run out of coal it’s not good

Oh my gosh it goes even deeper crazy creeper skeletons what the heck it goes so deep like I don’t even oh no I don’t even want to go down there it’s too dangerous I don’t even have an I don’t have enough uh torches either what’s a skulk what’s the warden what

Oh my God okay I’m leaving how much iron did I get 37 not that much but wait can I come down here what the heck is the warden it’s dangerous okay it sounds dangerous well I know where to come when I have more armor let’s go back I I really need to get

Some cold maybe I should uh just find another mining spot maybe not a crazy deep cave or something oh look there’s wow there’s more iron down there just go down here for a little bit build our way down dig our way down can I nope hope there’s water let’s go take the water

Oh I didn’t want to go all the way down but here we are sad diamond I’m now I’m nervous about this Warden this Warden person here I’ll put a torch here next to the waterfall so I know that I need to come this way I’m scared no I’m scared

Okay we have some iron here how do you know you’re uh how do you know you’re close to the warden I hear something it’s a bluish cave well I’m definitely not prepared for that um cave is crazy scared I’m Legit scared hold up this is another deep cave There’s a Zombie down there

Kind of hard to tell with uh the shaders okay let’s go down I think I see nope it’s not Diamond dang it I’m gonna go this way there’s two zombies I’m nervous because I don’t have good gear that’s why and it’s very dark down here very freaking dark a lot of zombies

Lots of zombies there might be a spawner here actually so many hello you come for my brains there has to be a spawner is that a spawner over there oh my yeah there’s a spawner for sure we’re gonna have to go find that maybe I can oh Jesus this is dangerous

You can’t get me at least I’m gonna get so much xp doing this my freaking sword might break so many I don’t think I can handle this yeah what is that I just lit up blue oh what the heck is that what did he drop ped what did you got there I’m gonna

Get it before it disappears this Zombie’s stuck I don’t know what that was is that a spider where the heck did they all come from it’s so it’s so dark I don’t like it let’s Light It Up I think it’s the texture pack or maybe I don’t know maybe it’s the shaders

There’s no spawner here really there’s a skeleton Skelly we have some Redstone here there’s creeper let’s get him to kill this Skelly for me oh and I’m out of out of torches out of torches out of time let me just gather some stuff here I’m risky for

Putting my back to this cave but we’re gonna go up and get some um some coal we’ll have to explore this another day what was that thing that I got fear a soul star where does it lead um no idea is this diamond no I’m tricked again okay

Right it’s the one common ore that I need I need to go up more hello um did I wait okay let’s go up we’re gonna go get some Pole we’ll have to go up a little bit maybe not be in this cave oh someone’s at the front door wait how do

I get out of here I’m lost wait it was right here here we go my coffee’s here today is a special day we got we ordered Phil’s Coffee and my heart is so happy delicious okay let’s get out of here and let’s go up I’m gonna go we’ll find a new spot we’ll

Find a new spot maybe go a little bit away from my house because this is literally all underneath my house crazy wait the warden oh God oh I actually have an episode I saw Shelby’s uh I saw her episode yesterday that’s the warden he literally one-shotted her um

I have an episode going up today at two o’clock so maybe after I’m done streaming y’all can head over there to the channel while you’re already here at the channel you can watch that all right so um I’m at level two right now I want to explore that way

Let’s go up a little more this is like the sloppiest mining area but you know what oh it’ll have to do to find some coal dude I don’t even have the cold to smell the the iron what the heck so let’s see we’re going up this way

I like I normally like going mining in caves because it’s just easier and you know I don’t like strip mining but hmm I don’t know if there is oh wait I missed okay here we go I don’t know if there’s a better spot for me mountains have more okay let’s go

Search for some mountains let’s go do that the coffee is here thank you baby you’re the best okay hold on let me get to Safe space um everybody say hi to red hubby Mario is here hey what’s up chat how’s it going how’s it feel to be streaming crazy um yeah

What is life it’s awesome that doing it I mean might as well otherwise you’d just be I’d be doing this alone yeah chilling by yourself what’s up chat hi yeah I was listening to you while I was getting ready I was like why am I doing this oh maybe because it’s the

First time she’s doing it but listening to me yeah why am I listening to her streaming I never watch her live streams I mean no I used to watch your live streams I’m just kidding that was nice um it was good that you turned up the music

Too yeah hello is there any way that I could lower it on my end because it’s kind of loud on my ear so okay you can go go to obs okay and then it stops it’s in between songs right now Okay so yeah yeah but actually you could go down um

See where it says uh go all the way back up you go desktop audio and then you could bump that up for them Warehouse like this just yeah keep going keep going and then I’ll lower it on my end for them and then yeah just lower on your end just a

Little bit there you go okay how’s that sound everyone with the music it was loud on my end I felt like I was starting to scream and I couldn’t really hear Minecraft so yeah red tech support right tech support red guy The Tech Guy it’s too low it’s slow okay so

Um what we could do is you could I could bump it up a little yeah bump it up a little and then you could bump it up on OBS too okay see if they uh and then my Apple Laura a little okay how is that and then you could also lower your audio

Too yeah the mic that’s good sounds good so we nice good yeah I got your mama I hear Mama coffee too she ever had fills I don’t know what’d you get her same thing dude she’s gonna be like this ain’t no McDonald’s coffee Listen there’s nothing wrong with McDonald’s coffee if that’s your thing no but fails is on another level it’s delicious it’s a treat okay sounds good sweet thank you baby yeah you’re welcome I’m gonna order you lunch and then coming out go Bean up Donkey oh you’re gonna meet him up for lunch yeah

Yeah or no the Greek wrap oh yeah I want the Greek yeah yeah okay cool thanks baby tell donkey I said hi um I’m probably gonna stream for like it’s already almost been two hours I’ll probably stream till two okay whatever I could take care of Twitter

Okay I could take care of it all right baby I love you thank you see a chat okay red says bye oh our friends um my friend duncis he used to work at twitch he’s leaving and coming down to La for for work so it’s one of our good friends he’s gonna

Go have lunch with him because guess what guys this week is Mario’s birthday week so he gets to go out and do whatever he wants this whole week I mean not like you can’t not like you can’t but you know out in the yeah it is raining yeah out

In the rain you know it’s nice it’s not like pouring at least I don’t think it is is it still raining I don’t know oh wait I already did that okay let’s do a little bit of farming I need to get some of these I actually need to get all the other

Um saplings from from people I only have this one and I’m just using this I I decided you know what maybe since Cole is well no I want to trade with that guy the Villager I need the goal um I was just gonna use charcoal because

Um the flowers I’m using the Endo Flames from the body or plutonium and um they require like a source of fuel source and so that’s where most of my coal has gone and I was like you know what I can’t go out and mine I just need to have a

Little farm so we’re gonna use charcoal that’s why I started a little farm tree and I thought it’d be cute to do a bewitchman prime treat so that’s why that’s why I have one that’s the story of my farm um let’s check up on our little workers here how they doing

How are they doing here we got some beets getting collected you guys working hard oh look at those potatoes all right um let me go smelts here we go let’s turn this into a cold so if you let me show you guys my Ender flame Endo flames right now

All right so I’ve planks in there and I’m just turning my turning my wood into a coal and then I have a little Hopper right here that I put some cool oh you know what I should take that out because we’re gonna trade that and then when I turn it on boom

They eat up the coal this is these flowers and they turn it into mana and I’m gonna need a bunch of iron to make mono Steel and then I want to make Terrace steel it’s this whole thing we’re not gonna get into to that today but process

It is a process lots of mining the farm right isn’t the farm so cute I saw this I was like I need to work smarter not harder okay like I I can’t play as much as probably everyone else on the stream because I only have like specific times

That I could play only like one of my mom’s here to watch Leo and then also have other work that I gotta finish throughout the day and um I play I could play during his nap time pretty much I’ve been playing every every free time that I have I’ve been playing so much

Um and kind of neglecting my other stuff but I gotta I gotta be smart you know with my time if you have Automatic Farms going so I can keep up with everybody um Okay so iron we can smell this I left all my coal over there

Dang it do I have any charcoal over here no no oh I have more wood though I could turn that into coal let’s just I don’t know if I could actually I have my furnaces down in here I don’t know if I could actually burn this with this

Oh I can but you know what I feel like it would be smarter to use planks because you get more planks right correct me if I’m wrong is this the most efficient way to make charcoal I don’t know efficiency oh my God it is so hard being a gamer mom

Mom in general like nothing prepares you for like the amount of time that you your your time is even more valuable now like free time what I’m just so grateful that my mom is here to she’s close by and she’s been helping Leo and she just loves seeing him and

Playing with them all day I miss him I love that I’m gonna work from home and he’s literally upstairs and I can go okay um he’s good the baby’s doing good he’s eight months now and honestly I feel like we got so lucky he’s such a good baby

He um he’s just so happy and he doesn’t really cry he only cries if he really needs something like if something’s really bothering him if he’s hungry if he’s going through a growth spurt he hasn’t gotten any of his teeth in yet so he’s still my little gummy smile

I love him so much actually we had him down here the other day and he saw me play last night or two nights ago and he was like so mesmerized by it I’m like not yet but not yet little buddy you’re not supposed to watch screens might be enough let’s split this let’s

Grab this over here get this going this music is so relaxing I should probably oh if I could find a zombie spawner collect the rotten flesh I trade with that other villager good to know good to know gonna be a future gamer for sure yeah he is

I can’t wait to play games with him it’s gonna be so fun okay wait so I need to figure out what that does but I’ll probably save that for an episode or something okay we got some more redstone getting my minerals going let’s see should we go out mining again

Should we try to find another mountain or something I need torches I’m not using my coal we’re keeping our coal for trading so I’m only going to use charcoal oh my god I’ve been thinking about that too about um about him watching my content like um maybe I am family friendly

Can I private those other videos actually that’s a big reason why I created a new channel um every time I it’s the Cozy Cafe Channel if you guys haven’t uh subscribe make sure to go subscribe posting a video this weekend totally different type of content but

I was just thinking every time I make that content it’s like stuff that I would tell him it’s stuff that I would tell my younger self so it’s stuff that I want him to be able to watch like when I’m not here and so he can always watch it and you know

Being a mom I’m like way more emotional now too oh we’re not we’re not crying today no we’re gonna foreign I know stop So emotional um okay subject changing don’t don’t want to ruin my makeup um let’s put some stuff away I’m like literally like just so distracted okay let’s put some stuff away um I guess I could start saving this let’s put this tin away we’re gonna go out again I’m gonna do another little

Mine a little mine Adventure saving this the coal I’m putting in important this is my important mineral chest and they’re on flesh too so I’ll put that 10 we won’t do that right now cool let’s get some more ooh yeah take you with me charcoal

Yay I have so much more iron now oh God I really need to find diamonds hooray oops I should actually put the mod pack in the can I change the description hold up Mizuno 16. let’s see if I could change a description because people keep asking putting it in the description

There we go should I link it it’s just Mizuno you just yeah the mod pack is a custom one I believe and that’s not mine to give that’s um I know Joey worked on the mod pack with some um some creators and a team okay shall we go out again

I don’t think I’m gonna need this but let me just toss this right here I don’t want Moss carpet don’t need that I should get some more wood so let’s go to our tree farm one more time get some wood for our travels and then we’re gonna go try to find mountains

I mean I guess well the only reason why I need the charcoal or the coal is to trade at this point because I have my tree farm so yeah I think I just might stick with this if I could find carrots that would be amazing I could trade carrots for emeralds

That’d be great I like this song little birds tweeting ooh zombies have a chance of dropping carrots yeah I haven’t found carrots I needed this though this was um I was in really like I just needed to to mine stuff hang out go on a little Mining Adventure harvest my trees

I wonder if I um I wonder if I should do some what do you guys think should we go out mining or should we do a little bit of botania okay baby give me kisses peace I love you be careful okay tell him I said hi um

And did you get my mom food too or she said she she brought lunch and you ordered lunch for me yeah thank you babe okay my name oh wait can I do a poll more mining I’m down for mining honestly botania might be it might be a

Better idea to do mining just because um patania is a lot of like studying and reading and like learning so maybe that’s not good for stream because I’ll be a little distracted one thing that I do want to do though and actually um let’s see here I actually use saplings as

Um I could use saplings as fuel I want to make more monopools so let’s see that’s not what I wanted my makeup I love that you could just search up stuff like this and never get over it okay so I need living rot to make monopools I think I actually have living Rock

I want to make a monopole to fuel this guy it’s just another amount of pool I could probably make a couple of them I need to make more living Rock we got Stone here dang it I wasted a stone I wonder if I should make more of these white daisies

So I don’t have to probably need to we’re doing a little bit of asanium stuff that I already know the daisy how do I make the white daisy oh I unlocked a bunch of other flowers excuse me the Munch do the slimmest the rose Arcana the rose Arcana was the

One that I wanted to do but these take rooms to make not there yet is the mod it’s a flower Magic which is perfect for my for my nature with oh okay how do I make the daisy can I search up to Daisy can you see pure Daisy there it is

Just the white petals it’s already done by the time I make another pure Daisy we’re gonna have everything we need what I do need is more Stone ah dang it no I wasted another Stone I should put some furniture I have one furnace over here I have a blast furnace

I honestly don’t know what the difference is between a furnace and a blast furnace like why aren’t you not blasting I don’t know why that’s happening hello um okay whites okay I do have white I want to get my shears I want to test something out

I want to test out if I use shears with my flowers will I actually gather more Where’d I put my shoes I think I put them in did I Blast Furnace go crazy on oars oh oh okay well I should probably move that then right it doesn’t really need to be there okay

Here’s a little trick that I learned from botania it’s back over here to get more petals I could actually put down my mystical white flower use my powers to grow it and then use shears is it more oh that did nothing No I messed up what where did it go oh it’s in my flower pouch that’s what it is wait that did absolutely nothing oh wait maybe if I oh so using the shoes does nothing but now I get more petals there we go so pretty much my ability is like using bone Mill

Um it makes things grow faster I could make some more mystical flowers or the pure daisies it’s gonna hold off on that let’s go hold off get out of these melons we’re gonna go mining I could get so lost in this Battalion I love it so much so fun

I’m so glad I agreed to do this series even though I’m like playing every free moment that I have I’m having a lot of fun playing um okay let’s go mine I’ll put my botania stuff away oh before I do let’s go make our little monopole should I make two

I’ll just make one for now so I actually how am I going to design this I like I want I want this greenhouse to be a beautiful and well thought out as far as design goes so I think well obviously this isn’t even let’s Place one here and I’m going to link up

Two of these flowers where’s my wand we’re gonna link up two of these flowers to this one right here so let’s see what why is this one highlighted Endo Flame oh actually no I’m gonna need a I need another spreader dang it I want that one to go there Mana spreader

I need a separate one Golds and a petal and Living Wood hmm well I got petals I think I have folds okay this is the last botania thing I want to do and then we’re going to go out and mine let’s do it I should actually have um

Some minerals stored over here so I don’t have to keep running back to my house I have raw gold let’s take this over and use our blast furnace for this and I’ll take this over there I’ll just leave that there for now yeah I’m gonna sleep okay

Thank you Dara thank you so much we’re doing excellent excellent my second episode of Witchcraft should be going up in 30 minutes and that’s when I’ll probably end the stream send you guys off over there um so let’s do this quickly you’ll hear called and might as well just

Have this going while I’m away because I do need some coal charcoal awesome cool let’s set this living Rock Away get our petals I need it I need to have I need to keep a bucket over here to have a bucket I’m just gonna make a bucket for over here we go

You know what I need to do is I need to have a water source in here because the one that I have is out here and this was from when I first started I gotta make like a little little pondy area in here what would be a good spot

I just had an idea I don’t know how much Mana I’m actually gonna need with the monopools like I don’t know how much I’m gonna collect so I’m wondering if I should create an infinite water source and put monopools all around it to make it kind of look like a little pond

What do you guys think about ah what do we think in a center I know I kind of wanted it to be in the center too and then I also got to move this guy like I feel like that should be in the center right

And I could have two of them we could have two of these guys should I move it oh yeah I could have it surrounded by plants so here is my idea there’s another flower that I want to get I think it is the it’s the pink one

Um but it actually takes experience and use the ZX XP that you get and turns that into Mana so I have a little farm over here I’m planning on making an automated cow Farm sorry you didn’t hear what I said don’t worry I will spare you uh and

Getting the XP from breeding the cows and having that like create the Mana for the flower from the that one particular flower so I need to have flowers on this side I’m gonna have flowers on this side we’re gonna have like a bunch of different flowers generating Mona all over the place

Um oh a bridge actually there’s a mod that we have there’s a mod that has a really cute bridge in it and I’m like where can I put this bridge I want a bridge um in the middle should I do it in the middle like towards

So I’d have to dig down let’s see it could be towards the monopoles I think it is McCall’s Bridge let me look as Bridge yeah we have a bunch of bridges so I honestly don’t know how these work though well so it looks like there’s like a little step

A stair and then it’ll lead oh there’s this green one the Warped Bridge stair I think I might use those we’ll have to do another build I’ll have to do like an update build where I um do upgrades and stuff in here so then we’ll put them we’ll put my water source

Under the bridge my infinite water source can I put fish in it or oxalates that’d be amazing I would love that any of the wire cutter things oh um since we’re in uh on the server there’s a rule that for building we can build in Creative so like the bridge I

Don’t have to gather the materials for it which is amazing because it just saves so much time I’m like that’s why I agreed to doing it because I’m like huh that’s a big that’s a big chunk of time right there so yeah maybe we could see the axle I

Love it okay we’re gonna do that I’m happy I’ll have to do that in um separate we’ll do it later we’re not gonna do it today I know we’re talking about it I got us all excited about it I’ll probably do like a Time Lapse video of me just like re-organizing

And decorating this place uh but for now let’s make another modest spreader put it right here and let’s see um honest bitter oh I think it’s just living wood I don’t even think I need water Living Wood in a petal do I have okay how many petals I have a

Lot of the black so let’s get a black one and I got Living Wood and I already forgot the recipe for it so let’s look it up oh I need the gold we were smelting over here yay Greenhouse Pond and it’s gonna be so pretty

I know I like built out this whole thing and I’m like it’s very empty there’s a lot of space I’ll keep the gold in here because we’re probably gonna need it okay wand and I think I’m gonna put the Mana spread or do I have dirt let me go collect some dirt to build this up real quick this is like it’s funny because every time I play

I’ll get on sometimes when we put Leo down for her for her sleep it’s normally like 8 30 8 o’clock and I’ll be like I’m gonna get on for like 30 minutes and just do this one thing and then it always leads to something else and then I’m just like oh

My God it’s 12 o’clock I need to go to bed um yeah this game what does it do to me what does it do I don’t know if there’s a better way of doing this but let’s put the monaster I’m just going to line it up with this one put it up here

Oh actually that’d be kind of cool we could have the Mana spreaders kind of cascading down oh wait I saw my name in the chat I’m like what what did I do yeah this game is this game is awesome just Sparks so much creativity all right so I’m going to link up these

Last two ones with this one right here and then we’re going to power this guy I’ll probably have to link it up again but wait boy you know I have to think about this hold on how do I do this the this guy needs Source from the mono spreader maybe I can

Shoot I don’t know how to do this and no flame you you to that to this there we go and then is there any way that I can oh wait what is that what does that little arrow do literally I just click things and then I hope it works

I don’t know what that left thing is so that one’s going into the monopole this one is if we’re gonna have to do this some other day let’s go mine it’s so hard so many mods I’ll figure it out I’ll have to watch a video all right let’s leave the buckets

It’s a lot mining time when all else fails let’s go mine Okay I have I need a little more wood so let’s take this guy with me sticks out of that it’s about to sound about to set you know what I might need a quick bathroom break really fast before I go how do I capture uh just in a bucket

I’ll take a bucket with me uh we’re not going back down to the mine though we know where they are I know where they’re hiding um okay I’m gonna go quick bathroom break and then we’re gonna come back and mine for like 20 minutes okay I’ll be back I’m gonna say hi to

Leo too I don’t have an away screen so it’s just gonna be chair for a couple minutes BRB oh I’m back what did I miss chair quick that’s chair quick oh I could have left you guys with something better to look at than a lamp Lantern sorry let’s sleep okay

I should take some iron with me did I take it all with me over there I have a couple my ax is about to break still no diamonds she’s not lucky with the diamonds on this series stuff over here a little bit of dirt a little both seeds don’t really need that okay

I don’t think I need that many sticks well I’ll just hold on to the wood can’t hurt all right let’s see where should we go to a mountain who knows maybe we’ll get lucky and find some diamond I haven’t really done much exploring um let’s go away we’re gonna go south

I think there’s a big Ravine right here probably cover that up oh no not what I want to hear when I’m near a gaping hole in the ground even should we go across ooh pretty bird I have a boat so let’s why did I bring melons dang it I have hiccups now

All right let’s go across this way I don’t actually let’s look for a mountain what is that it was a cloud I think I don’t get lost this looks like a lot of ocean yeah we’re not going this way go back I wonder if I should go explore like I

Could use someone’s um that’s what we’re gonna do I’m gonna use someone’s spawn are there uh wow they’re Waypoint and explore that way because I know the direction I’m heading I think is towards Lauren’s oh no so I’m just gonna use her um Her Way Stone and then we’ll go explore

So let’s go do that I have so much bread there’s my house boom um maybe we’ll find a different area to mine I really want diamonds I need to upgrade okay let’s go to sandwich okay yeah she lives in a very mountainous biome let’s go over here

I just have to remember how to get back to her house so I can use the way Stone but I’m combining in her area like my area is dangerous I’m gonna mine over here so wait should I mine like in the mountain I already see some coal there’s already more coal here than

There is at my place oh look great great wait you saw that wait no diamonds can’t spawn up here it might be another uh it might be another one we have a lot of different crystals and I’ve been tricked a lot too guys this is the most coal that we’ve found all day

Like what the heck I didn’t even have to go underground well I’m gonna mine Cole over here and we’re trading with the Villager emeralds and we’re gonna start trading with him look at all the coal I can’t oh there’s I was it is that iron no that’s not iron wow this is

This is awesome okay I see a lot of cool look should we get it let’s go get it yeah I’m too lazy we’ll find more ow oh I forgot about those I’m gonna go over to this mountain I don’t want to go like right near her houses

Like I came over here to steal your resources thanks for bringing me to see your house now I’m gonna steal your resources whoa sand you gotta be careful gotta be careful the sandwich will sandwich me salt too I need to collect the salt for bewitchment so look at this

Well listen I I don’t have a lot of coal near my house for some reason so I guess I can find an area down here looks like a good spot oh these plants I keep getting stuck in them should I go in a cave where should we go

There’s just so much coal over there over there should I just go mine into the mountain I want this coal this has already been a successful coal mining trip I’m happy now I know where to get it I’m just gonna come and mine over here whenever I need any oh

I think my lunch is here whoa there’s a dude up there I think someone found him there’s a torch right there what do we think should I just mine inside of this mountain should I do a little honestly I don’t know what that is I saw one by my base too they’re friendly

And I think you could actually ride them but strip mine okay should I go down a little bit we’re at 72 right now let’s see I’m gonna go down into the mountain and see if we could find some Diamond let’s just go strip mining into this mountain

See what we can find I’ll go down this way so there’s this um in botania there’s this I think it’s a wand or something um or it’s a pickaxe but you could literally mine uh what is that oh legendary bang what the heck is that find banglam a volatile ore with explosive properties

What I’ve never seen this in my life but I’ll take it um so yeah there’s this it’s like later on in the game it’s a kind of end game for botanium there’s this item that you can literally mine out um like an entire wall of ore I’m like that would be amazing

If you run into lava though I don’t know how that would work out but it would make mining so much faster oh I think we got more girls yeah listen this coal is gonna be great for emeralds I don’t really know why I need emeralds but I didn’t just for trading

I’m already happy with this Mining Adventure we got a few more minutes left though and then I’m gonna have to go eat some lunch the Terra shatterer yeah it’s made out of the Terrace steel which is kind of hard to make I want to get the terrestrial armor it’s green it

Looks so cool I’m like this is perfect for nature witch absolutely perfect um I think I saw someone ask um if I’m going to be streaming again um I want to I think I like uh streaming where I’m just Gathering resources and it’s less like story driven stuff

Because I don’t have to think about like all the mods and um I don’t um there’s no way I could stick to a schedule though so I don’t want to say like a specific time today I just I don’t know I felt like it just lined up perfectly with my

Recording and how the episode is going um yeah I think so too Yuzu I don’t want to overdo it I don’t want to like over commit to something and then it just becomes stressful because it’s really unpredictable with the baby so just you know

I will say yes like I will stream in the future I’m saying yes but I’m not saying when I do like it though oh with this great I found this before Oh silver okay so I’m at 29 right now still not that big oh we got some iron yes

Honestly I feel like strip mining is a way to go the cave was stressing me out there’s just so much Cole already here like it’s just mountains where is where the spot spot to mine the place to be oops whoa pink what is that what is this manganese okay let’s go down

I’m gonna have to come back over here can I collect the light plants from the cave I thought about that the I think I actually do have some of the berries wait what’s that I’m probably gonna need this stuff for something I don’t know what getting in um the glowberries actually have some

But I don’t know if they’re gonna grow into little Vines I’m not sure about it I’ve thought about it okay let me actually check to see what where my baby is on his wake window yeah I might have to head out soon I want to have lunch with Leo before he

Goes down for a nap how much we got so much coal I’m happy I’ll have to come back oh what is this why is there wood here did I find a mine shaft let’s see hold on let me make another ax I hear a skeleton I think I did I think I stumbled

On a mine shaft yep uh there it is welp it looks like I know where I’m gonna be coming next time all right we’ll have to do this another day I do not even want to go down there because once I start I’m not gonna want to stop I gotta go eat lunch

Um let’s head back home let’s go back home we’re gonna come here later oh geez okay this is where the auto jump comes in handy okay other than that I don’t like it yeah the stream will be deleted after or it’s not going to be posted to the main Channel just because

Last time I did that oh it’s night time it kind of messes with the algorithm I mean like my Channel’s already kind of broken as it is right now but um you know I don’t wanna I don’t wanna I don’t want to ruin it even more okay

I’m gonna attempt to get back home no because that way Stone um okay yeah let’s go um I thought about it Yuzu posting to the live stream channel um I just haven’t posted in a long time do you think I should even though I’m not like I guess I can right

It’s just a very chill stream I guess I could oh no okay we’re not we’re not engaging in anything right now I’m just going home I’m just going home yes okay I’m gonna since I haven’t posted to the channel in so long I was like I guess I’m not gonna post anymore but

I’ll post it I’ll do it um Yuzu can you link to the live channel for me actually just recently removed it from my other channels because I was like I’m never gonna post again but I mean if you guys want it it’s already done oh dangerous get get inside villagers

It’s dangerous oh there’s a creeper oh another creeper I’m telling you this Forest is dangerous I’m getting a lot of lag right now too let’s just get inside we can sign off okay well if you guys want to see the full live stream I think I am going to

Be posting it on my live stream channel this kind of love like floating candelabra reminds me of like the Haunted Mansion um but yeah thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I hope you guys enjoyed the stream next time I have to go mining and Gathering resources

I’ll probably be streaming I don’t know when that will be because I’ve collected a lot of materials but I know the mods are very uh heavy resource wise so I’m probably gonna have to go mining again very soon but I hope you guys have a great day

Thank you so much for hanging out it’s been a long time since I haven’t streamed here on YouTube so I’m really excited to be hanging out and streaming and seeing you guys again chatting it just makes the game so much more enjoyable so I hope you guys have a

Great day and oh make sure to go to the channel after this and watch the episode there’s a new episode of Witchcraft episode 2 that just came out it’s not gonna look like this because I literally worked on this like last night um but yeah I think we meet a sandwich

And the storm witch in that episode all right everyone I’ll see you later have a great day bye bye hopefully I know how to end this stream correctly okay bye

This video, titled ‘🔴Cozy Vibes Minecraft Day – WitchCraft SMP’, was uploaded by iHasCupquakeLIVE on 2023-02-25 03:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Starting a New Minecraft SMP called Witch Craft! I am a Nature witch and am learning how to harness to power of nature!

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  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattle

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending’, was uploaded by Prince Arena (137) on 2024-03-24 00:34:45. It has garnered 846 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. (Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending if you guys enjoy the vedio pls leave a like and subscribe the channel domsto. Copyright Disclaimer : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use… Read More

  • Stormcraft

    Stormcraft_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ Storm Craft __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Stormcraft is a community-driven survival minecraft Network, our motto is ‘for the players, by the players’ and we stand by that every minute of the day. Our Network currently has: Sanctuary (SMP) , Islands (Skyblocks) , Creative , Missilewars and Anarchy The community we have built on Stormcraft so far is amazing and we couldn’t be happier but we hope you’ll find a new home here on Storm Craft. Looking forward to having you join us mc.stormcraft.net Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – Anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy IP: hardcoreanarchy.gay New anarchy server with three months of uptime and over 450 deaths/bans. “Hardcore Anarchy” provides a platform for those who enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Are you up for the challenge? Check out our badass leaderboards website here to see who is the biggest degenerate on the server. This server is not pay2win, so prepare for the elements when you spawn because there are no protected areas. Think you have what it takes to survive? Join now and test your skills against the toughest Minecraft players. Can you outlast the competition and become… Read More

  • DuckyBlock

    DuckyBlockWelcome to DuckyBlock! 🐣We are an 18+ Minecraft server for adults, cross-platform for both Java and Bedrock! Join us on any platform you have Minecraft on.In order to join the server, you will need to join our Discord to have your age verified. You can join our Discord server here: discord.gg/wuuxK9nY83Some features!👍 Always updated to latest version🗡️ Survival🏡 Land claims⭐ Slimefun🆙 McMMO⛏️ PyroMining🎣 PyroFishing🧑‍🌾 PyroFarming💖 Inclusive communityWhat are you waiting for? Join us! Hope to see you online soon. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft memez r lit 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft memez r lit 🔥Looks like this meme is definitely mining for laughs with a score of 9! Read More

  • 2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch’s Inside Scoop

    2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch's Inside Scoop In Notch’s temple, secrets unfold, In 2024, a story untold. Minecraft’s past, nostalgia in sight, Exploring the depths, with all our might. Crafting memories, block by block, In Notch’s temple, we unlock. Old Minecraft vibes, a journey through time, In 2024, the past will shine. So join us now, in this epic quest, In Notch’s temple, we’ll do our best. To uncover the truth, in every rhyme, Minecraft’s legacy, for all time. Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

    Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft! Minecraft Server Experience: Building a Beautiful Home Exploring the Angkortoch Server Embark on a journey to the Angkortoch server, a vibrant Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. Join fellow players in crafting, building, and exploring the vast virtual world. Features and Events Discover the plethora of features and events that await you on the Angkortoch server. From gold shovels to home villagers, cleaning tasks to house building challenges, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic Minecraft realm. Gold Shovel Unleash your inner miner with the gold shovel, a tool that promises efficiency and style. Dig, mine, and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

    Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky DuckVideo Information we’ll check the tower for emeralds I’m not here for you creepers all right um oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh oh [ __ ] well cyber I it seems that I found him it seems I found him it seems that I have found him oh [ __ ] dude he is fast he is fast oh no oh no back back up yeah what you going to do oh [ __ ] he’s fast on the water too what This video, titled ‘Why is he so scary!!!! #shorts #minecraft #gaming #scary #minecraftmemes #herobrine #funny #mcyt’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-03-31 15:47:57. It… Read More

  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More


    🔥JOIN HARSHAD'S CRAZY PAPERMC SMP PARTY NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Harshad Is Live playing PAPERMC SMP random games | ANYONE WANT JOIN | MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SERVER |’, was uploaded by HARSHAD GAMING LIVE 009 🇮🇳 on 2024-01-10 22:17:08. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:01 or 8401 seconds. Have a good time ! WhatsApp link :https://chat.whatsapp.com/IpBMTZaq7GsFsmNDz40fPX Welcome to our Live Streaming if you like this then Please 👇 Subscribe | Share | Like #MINECRAFTLIVE #MINECRAFTLIVESTREAM #MINECRAFTWITHSUBSCRIBERS #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #livetaid #MINECRAFTINDIA #minecraftivewithsubs #minecraft #memes #Youtube #dankmemes #fortnite #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #gamer #minecraftbuilds #dank #youtube #lol #funnymemes #memesdaily #edgymemes… Read More


    INSANE!! Buying HIGHEST SCHOOL RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY!’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft3535 on 2024-02-28 11:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY! Read More

  • Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!

    Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!Video Information pai o que que é seru homem da casa o homem da casa é quem manda é quem resolve tudo e é quem tem a última palavra eu quero seu nome da casa igual This video, titled ‘#naoflopa #roblox #lulucagames #games #robloxmemes #memeblox #pkxd #memesroblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by ♡JuhEpicGaming♡ on 2024-02-19 19:07:28. It has garnered 7685 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • “Bimasakti’s Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥” #freefire #gaming

    "Bimasakti's Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥" #freefire #gamingVideo Information SA [音楽] This video, titled ‘Bimasakti New Trick😎😈 #freefire #battleroyale #trending #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-04-05 14:48:30. It has garnered 10180 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)

    SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)Video Information hey wait he didn’t ask them for anything they just specifically blame her so kick them out what is this note see you after school looks like it was left by Hooligans what have you done stupid Hooligans you will definitely feel bad after we leave here Mikey I really like studying this is really cool I hope I get a good grade today sorry for being late we have a very important reason we were really busy so sorry can I sit down Mikey it’s good that we weren’t late I wouldn’t want to be scolded like… Read More

  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

    Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Hey there, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a server that captures the essence of adventure, community, and pure vanilla gameplay? Look no further! Our 18+ SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server is the perfect place for players who enjoy a mature, community-oriented gaming experience. Why Join Us? Pure Vanilla Experience: No mods, no plugins – just Minecraft as it was meant to be played. (Fabric, Ledger) Community-Driven Events: Participate in weekly events, build contests, and community projects. (Ran by Players) Mature & Friendly Community: Join a group… Read More

  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

    Darkness Realms (ATM9)https://discord.gg/v6wjwFwkVxHey Welcome to our brand new Server!We are Darkness Realms!Custom pluginsMinecraft chat to discorddiscord chat to minecraftCratesVoteFriendly StaffGiveAways! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird app

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird appElon Musk might have the power to send rockets to Mars, but banning someone from Twitter might be just out of his reach! Read More

🔴Cozy Vibes Minecraft Day – WitchCraft SMP