Video Information

Foreign Thank you Foreign Hello hi oh that’s a scary song I’m not doing that today nothing but fun music on this live stream zero lore just Minecraft hi what’s up oh no spooky coming in with a one month buenos dias Mis Amigos we are going to check out 120 there’s a

Bunch of cool stuff in there I can’t wait it’s gonna be so cool I I was a little late to the stream approximately one minute because I was speed running a build I I built something in 30 minutes exactly and I will show you what it is

In a few seconds I don’t know how I did it my fingers heard from clicking the button so many times trying to get these blocks down hi no zero Lord this one is for sure the last one I was lying because you know why but it’s gonna be

Fun we’re gonna play some one a 20 in my craft okay it’s gonna be so good who’s here let me say hello to everybody sylveon’s here pip is here spooky easy of course spooky just subscribe you can’t remember lemon hola Kitty is here Caleb is here BTS Army the whole Army’s

Here oh Cactus son hello Anastasia okay all right hi I saw you drawing it with your finger I don’t know how you do it bless your heart uh Morgan uh it’s e e just woke up everybody uh say hello good morning or afternoon evening uh Ecto hello you’re not working today

Fantastic oh who was that Dalia is oh look at that Chloe’s here Randomness zany I think I said that incorrectly uh hello uh oh Aaliyah’s here Carlos is here oh yeah buenos uh ad is here oh hello oh look everybody I can’t even I lost it I can’t say hi anymore I can’t

It’s going way too fast bones you see I saw bones I saw dumb skellius dumb Skelly in here hi I’m only gonna slander like three people today but we’ll do that later in the Stream uh the Red’s gonna be completely wholesome Jawad hi hello my friends listen I’m gonna do

This most seamless transition you have ever seen you ready for this one two three oh that was cool look I’m in my sexy Rancher Arc still uh the shirt it’s a little ripped it’s got even more ripped than last time eventually it’s just gonna disintegrate and I’m just gonna

Have a nice little uh a nice little vest a little leather vest oh it’s gonna be great but thank you so much lemon you’re gonna get slandered so hard later you watch um but not yet maybe later no it’s too early for slander listen it’s too it’s

Way too early only three Slanders today but listen look look who we’re at we’re at this place I love this place this is uh it’s my this is like my second home now uh in 120 once it’s official okay I don’t have an opt to find Zoom key

Um I don’t have anything to zoom into my face so let’s do this very very old school hi this is me zooming in I can’t zoom any other way Prince mousey thank you for being a member on the channel that is fantastic you’re the best I love you but listen

Once 120 comes out I’m gonna do a whole village transformation in this style I’m just telling you right now don’t tell nobody else it’s a surprise but I am literally gonna do a whole Japanese inspired Village like this in a huge with a huge wall surround don’t tell nobody but I

Love this style this is my favorite I love it I miss it I did a whole series in survival in this style and I love it and I miss it I might do it again so it’s gonna happen buenos dias it took you long enough okay you were banned before you were banished

But not anymore now you’re here for good um unless you do something else okay that’s fine Lord my friend Laura’s there hello oh listen a whole village in this style picture it and I spent 30 minutes building that one it took 30 minutes I speed ran that one down there because I

Have all the pots that 120 has and I I I’m extra like all of you know I can’t just have pots in a little stand just standing there on its own with nothing to surround it so I was like you know what maybe I could do it can I build

Something in 30 minutes let’s see if I could in this style easy and I build this whole thing over there in 30 minutes I just couldn’t just have pots on the floor just pots to have pots um so yeah we we’re gonna we’re gonna go down there

And check that out we’ll check it out in like two seconds but look look we have a lot of stuff we need to get through today okay we might even do a little build I can’t opt to find Zoom we might even do some bit extra building

We might even do some extra build up to I need is there a zoom for snapshot I wish it was a zoom for snapshot but I build that whole thing but I built this before you’ve probably seen this I said pictures on Twitter on this thing oh

They did a little YouTube short on this thing to show it off uh and this is our little pottery place look how pretty we sell pots here that’s all they that’s all they sell here there’s nothing else and I did a big beautiful custom tree over there but listen

We could do stuff that we can’t we were able to do last time you see this sign I can sign this sign like this I can update it as we go like this this is the 121 to 100 1.241 update see if I mess up I don’t

Have to do it anymore I can totally mess up and come back to it it’s so good look that’s the update this is in the future but if we mess up we could just go like that isn’t that the coolest thing in the world isn’t that amazing and then we can

Also write in the back that’s the back this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life and if I want to take that back I took it back and erases I love life this took ages how long has Minecraft been around with signs how long years

And years but finally now we could do it and that that makes me feel good that makes me feel so good but you know what else makes you feel good that we can actually do this watch this ready you ready for this ready for this ready

Ready for this you see this it’s awesome okay hold on let me show you something else can I hold on I need I don’t want that one I want the hold on the regular sign the regular sign we could do it with the regular sign too look at this hello hi

But you know what if somebody wants to grief me and they want to take the high away from me and take my my joy in my life away all I have to do is this hold on oh I love this song so much this makes me want to cry I can do this

And then nobody could come here right click it and and grief me what they didn’t put into account is that whatever Griefer could just do that but you know it doesn’t matter at the end at the end I’ll still have my sign um hello oh my friend is here oh hi Billy

This is Billy oh sniffing me yeah I smell good I took a shower like 20 minutes ago oh hi this is my friend this is Billy everybody say hi to Billy hi hi I’m gonna make him have babies in a few seconds and I’m gonna show you the

Coolest thing Billy’s gonna have um but he’s gonna have a friend please Billy’s gonna have a friend now nothing bad happened you guys can go free I’m so sorry uh that’s Freedom um everything’s fine I didn’t hurt them at all you guys just you didn’t see anything I need a name for this sweetie right here okay uh

That was that was scary oh they got dig away dig away give me a name we’re fine we say we save the new friend okay let’s get a new name hold on oh they’re digging up stuff for me oh there it is yes yes right on time right on cue name this

Sweetie right here we need a new name right now Billy needs a friend who’s gonna have a baby uh with uh right now I’ll heal them don’t you worry give me a name no trauma we’re not doing any TR there’s no Trump and say no trauma stream okay

Oh oh Stella I like that name I like that name Stella I like that one that was a cute name there we go okay Stella and Billy what a lovely name come back but look what we got yes hold on uh let me get the the flowers they could do

Babies with is it this one no a seed it’s seed it’s this one come come wait don’t take it don’t think don’t they like come to this oh not that song that’s it um Stella can you come are they supposed to come to me with this

If uh apparently I don’t know how to what anything in this update is so we’re just gonna do this what brings them oh Did he eat the egg ahead here it was an egg there uh-oh this is a there’s a Empire season one song so no no don’t nobody get traumatized oh okay listen I’m gonna make a baby right now let’s see this is the new thing we got two new things

Right in front of our eyes we got the pitcher pod that I’m gonna plant down right now and any moment now they’re gonna pop out but not a sniff flip that was last time they’re gonna be popping out an egg um can you guys move you guys are thick

Um are you sitting on the egg uh uh no trauma no don’t get traumatized by season one’s uh Empires or something because this is part of the song Hey okay you were under the whole time Billy you’re so silly okay now we’re gonna drop this egg right here there was an

Egg here somebody ate this egg okay this is like nothing ever happened we’re gonna plant that egg right there oh wait I think if we planted on this oh I think okay don’t look this is non-cannon we’re gonna just break that if we plant it on on on this thing on

Moss it grows quicker it goes in 10 days instead of 20. it’s very it takes a long time so we just have to hang around here the only thing I don’t know and I haven’t seen it on any videos If zombies come after this egg like they

Come after the turtle eggs and stuff I don’t know does anybody know are you does is anybody aware is this egg safe if I leave it out here in the middle of the night is anything going to come over here and try to attack it that’s what I

Need to know that is like very important knowledge are you sniffing me who’s this Stella sniffing me it’s another who just met okay oh look at this they found another one they found another one he killed who killed it this is Yoshi oh this is definitely gonna be Yoshi Hunter

Knows this this egg is a Yoshi egg for sure listen remind me but the first egg that I ever find will be called Yoshi telling you right now no it’s safe oh thank you okay you guys know more than me I’m just exploring for the very first time

Literally I haven’t touched the snapshot since I built this thing in like the first experimental thing so I have no idea okay but we still just to be safe I should protect the egg because what if a creeper comes by and I’m walking around I’m hanging out here people blows me up

Kills the egg so at the same time we will protect when we get our first egg so don’t you worry everything’s fine but listen this is the coolest thing look at these look at these there’s only one thing that makes me sad we can’t stop the

Growth stages I wish if I had this plant right here watch if I had oh we could close the water I didn’t close the water hold on I have the tick rate very very fast because I want to see stuff grow quickly but I wish we could stop the

Stages that’s the only thing I wish I could literally stop the stages of growth and then take it out before it gets to the next that was the wrong one give me that that okay listen that’s with nothing I wish I could take it out with nothing

Also that’s stage one I wish I could stop it right there and take it out I wish you could stop right there and just control it and put this and plant this somewhere I want that bones thank you for being an apprentice sausage you are my favorite no that’s a scary song

That’s that okay that song’s gonna make people cry I’m Gonna Leave it but I would love for this please don’t cry okay I’m just gonna leave this on because it is an emotional experience it’s a journey this song is a journey and we’re taking this journey together by looking at this plan

See that stage two I wish I could stop it right there whatever you throw honey on it or something I don’t know I would love for it to stop I would love for that to stop right there so I can keep that one and then see that stage three I

Wish I could stop that too and keep it and plant that somewhere else so we can have like variations of the same plant because the next stage it says this one there it’s gone it’s just gone yeah but I would love to keep all of these in different there has

To be a way Mojang please if you’re listening right now all my developer friends please make it so I can stop the growth stages and I can take it out on that growth stage and it stays in that growth stage when I pluck it out okay if

I play at the back as long as it’s not in Farmland okay as long as it’s not informant it stays that stage please let’s uh blessed Thai slime if you’re out there listening to me please my friend let’s do hashtag we love slicedlime in the comments in the chat and then let’s

Pray and see if that’s a way to stop growth stages take it out plan it somewhere else keep it that stage when you take it out of the Pod right you’re taking all the parts you’re playing and it stays that stage and we can have different crop fields and flower fields

And different elevations hashtag we love sliced lime and listen to me please I love you Jeb if you’re out there Jeb please bless you I want to keep this different stages thank you so much oh uh but I would love it that would be so

Cool and then and then if we can plant it if you could plant it uh in one of the in one of the new Pots if you play the big flowers in the big pot that’s also a thing that I love ain’t that right Stella and Billy please oh man

This song is gonna make me cry okay but that would be really cool but now I have to get into survival right hold on game mode survival if I smack this or do I right click it I haven’t even tested this out can I right click you or smack it I must

Smack oh you smack it and then the part goes away though and then the pot goes away I wish we could keep the Pod forever but no pod closed away forever and then we need to find another one of these things uh oh no string will never work string does

Not work oh I never tested this out the little pot goes away when you when you pluck it out oh I want to keep this thing down there so it’s not renewable it’s not renewable picture pot not renewable somebody confirmed for me picture is this because um I wasn’t creative before is picture

Pot renewable there’s a go away forever no string whatever that’s impossible I need to know if picture pack goes wait so it’s not there’s nothing renewable about about this the egg hey crack oh oh we’re almost there okay wait so picture five isn’t the only way to get

The picture pot again is if these guys dig up another one pop gone right I thought when I hit this the Pod will stay down and it just keeps growing and growing and growing oh no rip okay let me Let’s test some stuff then so this is the only way to get it

Not renewable so they these guys literally need to be we need to make a sniffer Sweatshop right so they’re non-stop digging for all eternity with new pots oh no see that’s messed up I wish I can keep that little pot too so we need to make a sniffer Sweatshop okay remind me

Let’s put a list of things we need to do when 120 starts we need to make a sweatshop for sniffers to work around the clock so I can get a bunch of these pots okay okay remind me that the sniffers will work forever and ever for

Me and I I’ll feel bad about it okay okay uh the egg is hatching not yet it’s only cracked one time I think it needs to go to what I did I increase the tick rate so that’s does that increase also this thing because I’m gonna stick

Around until this thing cracks because I want to see it pop up oh I feel bad now oh okay let me go back on Queen the eggs is almost did you guys hear it Craig I didn’t even hear it crack oh please give me another one of those pods

What did you give me oh not upset okay make another baby give me one more egg all right we’re gonna be around here don’t worry yeah it’s only sniff labor you know I’m gonna wait to their old uh like you know like them for them to to get you know make the shop

My flowers grow really fast because I have the uh the tick rate increased so I I can’t wait I don’t want to wait until this thing grows you know forever uh okay so we know that can you please crack already look at this sweet little nesting oh

Okay now I heard that one crack that is cute all right that is amazing okay so we know this okay now another thing I have so many I want to show you down there in a minute I’ll show you uh the new pots in a second but I I want to

Wait till this thing cracks it’s almost there oh and more of these okay we just have to make them free range I have a you know what I’m gonna make a giant sniffer Sanctuary it’s not gonna be a sweatshop it’s going to be a very nice place relaxing place that they can work

Whenever they want to work is there sniffers up there wait it’s a baby oh you were the other one okay so the other one grew up oh the other one grow up that it didn’t break it and die just grew up real fast I didn’t even notice did you guys see it

Girl this is another one oh hi welcome cute okay Yoshi is gonna stay here forever hold on let’s make a name tag already because once Yoshi grows up that’s gonna be Yoshi’s name yo I literally I’m typing Yoshi what’s wrong and Vil okay perfect name tag we’re getting Yoshi ready can

You name the egg and then when it grows out it’s it’s just called Yoshi that would be kind of cool let’s see maybe if I had it in my in oh I think it could have I think it could have now it’s too late but if I do this

I could do okay give me another one give me another name we got Yo Yoshi we need something else um what’s another little baby dinosaur or something uh oh hold on Yoshi Junior Yoshi’s gonna have a junior after okay and then if you place this down let’s get another another secondary Nest Yoshi

Jr does that count I don’t think so no I don’t I don’t think that would work I think we have to wait till it comes out the money attack go away no it’s right there okay original Yoshi I don’t think that works but we’ll let that one go hi cute it’s almost cracked

Kirby Kirby’s in a dinosaur Bowser that would have okay Bowser that’s gonna be Bowser that’s it that’s going to be Bowser it matches excuse me wait you want to eat this too can you eat this too you can’t eat this too why is that oh so this brings

This brings them down oh that’s cool okay okay that’s nice Alexis you pop it back oh my love for Minecraft thank you all you’re welcome anytime when I when I get to spread the love of Minecraft that makes me feel good that’s so cool thank you thank you for being a

Member on the channel you are the best oh my God this song is too emotional but I’m Gonna Leave it I’m gonna lower it though okay Yoshi’s almost home Yoshi’s almost home give me another egg wait you guys are not ready for more baby nope okay uh Billy’s waiting for waiting for his

Child Yoshi to come out okay oh would you like some wax here you go okay we’re almost there okay look Yoshi was born here here oh come on here perfect now we wait Yoshi was born here we’re always gonna remember this moment come on Yoshi any day now

Where’s bubbles oh she won’t bubbles ain’t in this universe plus the texture pack won’t work um so it’ll be like uh my sky island bubbles will be like oh yes Yoshi welcome I looked away for one second but that’s fine Yoshi welcome everybody say hi to Yoshi yo she’s here

Everybody the Yoshi’s alive doing great oh Yoshi was born here oh lovely that was pretty fast I think because of the tick rate being so high that’s why Yoshi was born really quick oh Yoshi stopped getting milk from Stella that’s not how you do it I don’t know if sniffers can

Milk things I’m not sure but that’s cute Yoshi’s here uh first I’ve seen you live lovely video oh thank you Mosey zero two thank you so much for the little donation you’re the best that’s cute oh a big happy family and that’s your cousin over there I know where they

Went oh that’s so cute we got children oh that’s awesome okay I’m definitely building a nesting ground somewhere else we can do that later we can do a little build ideas of what would a sniffer like nesting ground well look this is totally bootlegging they’re not even that good

Okay this song is too intense for what’s happening right now not that one that was a not that one oh this one hi okay this is awesome okay now another thing come with me I build this thing it in 30 minutes I speed ran this build look how pretty

I speed ran this build it’s a little chunky but it’s fine I needed it specifically for the amount of space uh of uh what’s inside but I speed ran that one it matches pretty though it matches pretty that guy over there all right come inside let me show you did I say it

Right oh I always say it wrong even on purpose but you know I’m glad I got it but look I speed ran this look how pretty just so I could display all the pots um so yes there you go um I built this just for that in 30

Minutes have you I did it exactly 30 minutes but I had it like this um with no cover and I was like you know what am I gonna do that you know let’s build a structure on top of it and about this cute little thing look at that I

Even did a little texturing on the side but it looks pretty uh but these are all the pots remember last time there wasn’t that many pots how many pots were that it was it wasn’t this amount of pots okay but we got the original one I think

The ones I remember from last time was I think these right these three I remember that I remember maybe that one and this one right but the hard one is the coolest one this is like a broken heart or something this is awesome I love these I love these there’s a warden one

There’s a little creeper dancing it’s a fire one it’s a potion one it’s a sword one this is a this this is me jumping up and down being all excited for 120. that’s it little bow and arrow little fishing thing this one is that a map I

Think that’s a map right this one I have no idea what this one is what do you is this like an iron golem or a villager head I think it’s like a villager face right it has the nose we got the heart okay get the doggy bubbles has her own

Pot and that makes me feel good there’s a pickaxe uh diamond right this one what is it like a is this like a campfire and there’s like a flame I’m not sure what this one is tree um skeleton skull sniffer and the chest open up now okay now this one I’m not

Sure what is this what do you think this is what do you think there’s a piston you think this is a piston I don’t know what this could be a villain for me it’s like a villager or an iron golem this would have no idea what this is what is this one

If I had to guess it’s one of two things it’s a campfire block on the bottom and the top is the flame and stuff going up or it’s a pile of poop with with with with a smelly um The Smelly animations going up on top of the poop

Um either that or a weird fish and a rock on the floor I’m not sure what this is um it could be a flower it could be the torch flower it could be the torch flower right things of torch flock it ain’t poop oh yeah I think that yeah I

Think that’s a villager this one is this one could be up to interpretation really to be honest but it could be a flower yeah it’s a yeah I’m thinking yeah new flower it kind of looks like this one a little bit right kind of no it’s kind of

Thick on the top though maybe a berry bush it’s not poop you think it’s not poop it could be poop it could maybe like 10 poop if I had to guess I’d say maybe 15 pool Maybe I don’t know either way this was an enigma to me but the rest are pretty

Like you could tell what they are and then the regular basic one oh I love it this is so cool um I have no idea where to find any of them so we’re gonna do some exploring and see if we can find them uh there’s probably a Wiki out there or some video

I can watch that tells me exactly where to find them but um the hard part is to match it on every single side and find four of of one to have the whole thing be a thing right I know you can mix and match it so each

Side will be a different one too well either way uh fine uh a volcano that could be a volcano the only thing hopefully they fix this or maybe oh I don’t know uh you can’t right click any of these it literally took me forever to make

Them I had to go into like the inventory and the crafting menu and put the shards in the the little plus sign or whatever um if I do this it just gives me the old pot I wish I could just like creative inventory snatch all these up

Um but yeah some of them are rare yeah some of the shards are rare you got to find them in specific locationis um and it’s gonna be hard it’s like the uh the template ones what are these things yeah it’s like these are gonna be

This is gonna be so hard I’m gonna I’m gonna cry so much when I try to get the hard ones the ones that are like the ancient city ones there’s some of these are so rare to find and then we’re gonna have to get these things uh to upgrade

To netherrite from now on which I’m I’m gonna Stack Up on another right stuff like right at the start because this is gonna be so it’s gonna be so hard but yeah some of these armor trims are pretty uh um we can go through these later but I want to do some exploring

First and then we can pick our favorite orange shrimp but I want to find these new archeology sites okay so um Yoshi where are you oh thank you got me another one of these where’s Yoshi Yoshi does somebody’s Yoshi’s did I get Yoshi snatched Yoshi Yoshi hi why are you leaving

Oh you’re welcome you’re cute now let’s let’s see if we can find some sites okay hold on now can I just oh I’m not gonna pick any of that up okay let’s remember these coordinates because I never want to get lost from here negative 11 uh 102

65. okay I took a picture just in case uh Sparkles thank you for the the squigglyline 44.00 I don’t know what that is but that’s fantastic and you’re so nice thank you okay let’s find let’s go find archaeological sites I just don’t know and suspicious gravel and

Sand let’s see how hard it is to find these things come with me let’s get on spectator mode let’s find stuff this stuff is so cute now we need to find is it a oh I’m not going in that thing is it a warm ocean hold on locate can I just locate

Structure is it is it on here hold on structure is it on here hold on cat’s spawning what is this new stuff I never noticed this thing this is structures right what is this some weird stuff Village Asian City do they have the things please is it there already hold on the ruin

Hold on is it there ruin Port no shipwreck no swamp Hut no I don’t want to swamp Trail ruins let’s go to that one first let’s go to that one first I want to find this oh it’s not that far away okay this is the first

Time I’m seeing this this is the first time I’m seeing this we’ll look for the oh in the snow oh okay how are you ever gonna find that though how are you ever gonna hold on how are you ever gonna find this in snow there is no way if you’re like walking around

Yeah that you can see that though okay that part you can see but if you’re like flying with a light truck you’re not gonna see that top down oh that’s cool okay I’m curious I want to see there’s something in there I want to see if there’s something in here is it

Do you have a thing no oh come on okay this is fine it’s next to an igloo which is kind of cool that’s that’s some lore in this right there’s some lore in this there’s an igloo here with a ruin right next to it there’s lore here and these are fake

Bubbles that’s not the real bubble is that suspicious grab already or is this real gravel hold on hi doggies you’re not bubbles don’t don’t don’t don’t pretend to be no that’s right is this regular that’s regular gravel right can you get suspicious gravel okay yeah

There it is let me see the difference I don’t want to break it when I it’s not really it’s a little hard to tell that’s okay I can tell that okay oh and it makes the break sound oh let’s dig this up let’s dig this up let’s see

What’s in here oh I’m not supposed to break those that’s that’s part of archeology or I’m not this is gonna be hard I’m gonna I’m gonna end up breaking something I’m not supposed to let’s get the suspicious gravel out I want to make sure I know what he looks like

I don’t want to break it okay that’s suspicious gravel we’re gonna dig this archeology side up we’re gonna dig this up would you take up sand here is that okay if you’re like an archaeologist it just leave all the terracottas right oh my little snake I made a mistake

Um let’s get in survival so I don’t do that again um let me let me get an efficient hold on let me get really good uh stuff here um I made a mistake um uh yes don’t do what I do don’t if you’re if you’re an arc if you’re going

To be an archaeologist in Minecraft don’t don’t do what I just did okay don’t do what I just did uh let’s get one of them oh no uh I I promise I won’t do it anymore okay let’s just make sure we got good stuff I shouldn’t even put efficiency on that

Oh God this I should just make it normal why did I make get the fat I made a mistake again see don’t okay another thing don’t don’t get efficiency five stuff this is just me living my op Survival Life shovel this is not that’s not put any enchantments on this let’s not put

Anything and let’s get a torch don’t um don’t hold on okay we’re going in survival okay let’s go underneath we’re going down underground now we’re not we’re gonna make sure we don’t break anything oh and I need a brush hold on you’re right ah brush okay now we’re archaeologists

And just in case you know what let’s get armor on let’s get all the best armor on too I’m gonna be protected down here in case anything comes by and you know what food ah look at that advancements that’s it I survived 100 days in Minecraft with all this armor

Um let’s do uh food I am a vegetarian so let’s do golden carrots right we’re vegetarians always in all realities okay now I don’t think you can actually pick this up right I’m just gonna drop this can I can I brush this okay now we’re professional archaeologists okay so let’s do this

Oh I have the invisible thing on okay watch there’s nothing here because I placed that down right I hate it okay these are that’s real okay what is it what is that a brown candle really that’s all I’m getting okay everybody I am the greatest archaeologist you’ll

You’ll ever see in your life let’s do this let’s dig everything out that’s not one of these blocks that is beautiful terracotta in the middle of a snowy biome which it shouldn’t even be here this shouldn’t be here let’s take everything out like a professional archaeologist picks taught me correctly

Okay I have learned from the best archaeologists in all of Minecraft uh uh Lord Pixar riffs of the ancient capital and Alexandria because I know this history um don’t tell anybody we’re gonna go all the way around I’m gonna oh let’s let’s dig up everything let’s dig up

Everything that’s not lore that’s not candy that’s just me being silly there’s no lore in this stream we’re fine all right we’re checking this out I’m gonna dig as deep as I can go I’m gonna go deep deep down this hole and nobody’s gonna stop me uh and I’m

Gonna see you know what I can make a little makeshift archeology site on the outside looking surround it in a bunch of cool stuff uh like like little cranes and like a tent and a workstation and stuff it’s gonna be great there’s no law in this stream we’re playing Minecraft

I’m just digging up an ancient archaeological uh site I don’t know how old this is this has been around for a very long time I said that last time yes but that was just me me lying I’m not lying this time how deep does this go I think this might oh

I got Stone Age after I got uh they’re right uh folded the right gear and tools it’s fine there’s always slower no there is always is are any of these suspicious enough to you guys let’s put um let’s put this up are any of these suspicious remember when you can just like dig

Around in the old old old first release of the uh of what archeology used to used to look like and these things just go down in different layers and then that got everybody so excited that we can make layers of uh of dirt and gravel and sand and everyone got really excited

And then moje is like ah you guys are stupid for nothing and then they took it away so there’s absolutely no speculation then I that made me cry and I also um it was very sad about that that would have been very cool if we can just make

Layers of stuff but no it’s fine maybe one day maybe not I doubt it I don’t think we’re ever gonna get is this is this suspicious enough is this no no okay that’s not suspicious is it suspicious no it didn’t look suspicious I’m the worst archaeologist ever I just messed that up

I’m so sorry it didn’t look suspicious to me I can’t even tell is this a special okay okay I’m gonna be more careful I forgot to stand in the gravel uh live in harmony together okay we’re doing this now now we’re really gonna oh now we’re really gonna Focus okay we’re really

Gonna we’re gonna take our time and we’re gonna look at every block that’s not suspicious that’s not that is okay now I know listen I’m a I’m an amateur archaeologist I I didn’t say I was the best I just said that I I just started if you just start in something you’re

Not gonna be good at it okay you’re gonna you know you’re gonna hone your craft you gotta really practice in the archeology stuff so give me a second I will find that’s not suspicious okay is it okay no that’s is that suspicion okay we’re gonna dig this up let’s see

Please don’t be another stupid candle what is that seriously okay let’s just pretend the one that I broke a little while ago was Flint let’s pretend it was that it was some stupid thing we didn’t need anyway so how about that how about that okay keep it we’re learning we’re learning

This is our first time it’s our first time in a big site okay I’m doing this so you guys when you go into that world for the first time in 120 in the trails and tales okay then the Sonic and Knuckles update you you can check and

See is this suspicious dirt no right uh you could you could do this um better than what I’m doing so I’m just doing this for you guys because you know and I’ve also doing it for me because when it’s my turn to do it for

Real if I did this for real and I broke a suspicious stand and what if the most rarest item in the game is in there you know uh what if I don’t want to lose it you know imagine if you break it and it was a sniffer egg later on you found out

It was a sniffing and you literally killed the whole lineage of sniffers so I’m here so you guys don’t mess up in your go-around so don’t worry about me we’re gonna dig this up how deep does this go actually oh my God I just okay I know I said no lore

Um so please forgive me this is just like simple Lord simple this is a simple Lord this is just like it might be a mind-blowing lore experience if I really get into it but I don’t want to because you know we’re we’re we don’t we’re not going to do that this stream but

For those that watch Empires s p season two in the Kingdom of sanctuary um and you guys know the color palette I’m putting some lower music sorry I had to do this there was not going to be any lore here but isn’t it funny that what I’m digging up right now

In this area right here has I know Laura but give me a second isn’t it funny maybe Mojang is a fan of sanctuary uh but isn’t it funny that the color palettes of this has pack mud and colored terracotta their structures look very similar to

One that I know that I live through that I’m currently in everything is connected yes that they saw this song is scary why this hold on this one is it looks like Sanctuary okay I’ll talk uh with with with the with the developers and find out were they

Watching Sanctuary when they decided I’m gonna put some underground ruin make a little essential okay I’ll say it no more Lord but yeah this isn’t it funny it looks it kind of it’s very similar to the color palette that I’ve been working on for over six months now it’s almost

Set almost how long has it been it’s almost eight months now I think eight months it’s like eight months how long is uh Empire’s been on but there you go oh I was supposed to break that no it’s part of the structure wait where’d it go wait where’d it go

Wasn’t that a brown terracotta oh it’s right there oh my God I’m freaking out I’m freaking out the Lord the Lord got to me so yeah this that’s lore there you go that’s it that’s all I’m gonna do no more Lord today but technically this is

Kind of you know it requires a little just it’s an acknowledgment that it looks like like what sanctuary’s colors are on Empires okay that’s it no more that’s fine just throwing it out there just a little it’s a little little lower tidbits of what it could be we could put Lord or

Anything really but it does it is very okay remind me if you see a sand or gravel I must not destroy it must preserve it rebuild Sanctuary I mean rebuild I’m not gonna rebuild this thing it’s underground yeah must have been a Mudslide or something okay this looks so good though how big

Is this what hopefully none of that was suspicious um if it fails not suspicious wait if I put suspicious is that if there was like say suspicious gravel here and I broke this thing as suspicious gravel Falls it’ll just shatter right so we got to be careful that way too it’s crazy

Be careful let’s see how deep this thing goes is that suspicious any of these I can’t it’s hard to tell sometimes that’s a weird lighting bug are these suspicious no these are good is that oh this cobblestone wait is there Cabo in this or is this a mine is it wait

Wait is this part of the structure Cobble oh wait or is this is this part of the show okay this is cool I thought it was going to be like a a zombie spawner or something or okay they have Cobble too okay that part wasn’t sanctuary that’s not Sanctuary but we don’t have

No Cobble or maybe some roads do oh that’s weird I didn’t know there was gonna be Cobble and stones and stuff that’s cool how far does this go does it stretch out this way I don’t think so I think it stops oh no no wait why is it keep going this way

White cracked and everything wait are we in the end is this like a stronghold or something because this is not that’s weird okay this is this is weird it really goes deep this deep with those stones okay Oh What a Beautiful song oh no we’re supposed to break down archeology you

Have to preserve for preservation preservation look at all the stuff I got so far okay what a lovely song I love this song okay okay there’s Cobble at the bottom there it’s confirmed okay okay I’m freaking out for nothing like why is there Cobble there I thought we were at a at a

Stronghold or something okay so far there’s no more suspiciousness unless I’m I missed this goes around all the way here okay I can break that it’s fine oh thank you Ninja you are the best thank you for coming back oh that’s scary song scary song okay that’s a this is a magic song

That’s fine we we’re unveiling magical ruins this is perfect it’s like we’re in in um in the mummy or something I am Brandon Frazier okay how far does this go I think it’s it I think this should be going back in oh God I don’t want to break it

There’s no more suspicious stuff though okay so technically okay this is this is like a tower then the tattoo I’ve been a tower stuff okay let’s check combo the bottom branches different paths okay okay okay so this could have been like a whole underground civilization that connects to another underground civilization that

Goes around around in the circle okay this is no susiness here right just make sure no there’s a thing we could do just if we’re not sure just brush off a little bit all right let’s take this third away take that away is this sassy stuff

Yes no okay these are these are good to take out oh you no any is that no hold on are you are you one these are not it right okay we’re good no you okay I’m paranoid now I broke two of them I got one okay I found one nobody panic

Let me see here no that’s definitely one okay is that no I don’t know okay let’s see please please something good give me something rare oh a shot yes yes yes Pottery sorry part of each other all right let’s see which one it is oh what is it

Oh is that the that’s the Villager one oh okay the friend one oh that’s cool okay okay so far we’re good we only broke two okay but we were able to find a candle oh Shard and nothing nothing else everything else were pretty bad um okay we continue we continue

I will unveil everything here this whole thing will be on earth everybody will remember this day and everyone will know I’m the greatest in the history of all archeology it’s gonna happen watch this oh I love this song okay uh none of this is Sassy we are going to get rid of it

All of this is gone gone yes found one I found all of this all of this all of this all of this three of them three of them three of them oh my God it’s so many okay okay this is fun this is so good let’s get rid of that one okay we’re

Unearthing this place now can I do it sideways yes I can what do we get is that beetroot seriously okay something good another Shard is this beetroot again you know what we who said an idea if we find this for future or for future

Uh series is is this okay if we find one of these things we could technically booby trap them very easily and nobody is gonna actually even think um that anything is crazy happening right here right you can literally booby trap put a little Observer behind it with a bunch

Of TNT oh my God enhanced zoom boom remind me when it’s time to do this because that would be the most amazing thing because you just go down unearth the thing a little bit find one of the Saucy Sands or something put an observer behind it put a whole put like 10

Minecart uh TNTs and boom it’s over okay remind me okay don’t give anybody else that idea though I’m gonna do it shhh what is this blue thing light blue diamond really okay these are uncalled for I can appreciate the brown candle but die and beat root come on now

Hold on I’m gonna I’m gonna send a nasty Tweet now to to the no I’m playing it’s it’s why why would I why would I want to find that is it sassy said no no this is sassy sassy oh why didn’t anybody tell me about this one I almost hit it okay

Let’s get rid of this I just gotta dig a little bit more torch lovely um is this no right is this no oh my God this is fun okay all right all right let’s let’s get rid of all this let’s try this one now oh please please please

Emerald okay I’ll take an emerald I’ll take an emerald that’s that’s technically treasure that’s fine we got treasure okay we’re treasure hunting now this is so good okay not let’s get rid of all these okay this is really fun this is really fun it’s like finding a new thing every

Time it’s amazing it’s okay you know uh keep the the junk in here I’m okay with it because that’ll make when finding the cool stuff it’ll make it it’ll feel even better get all this out get out out out hello oh almost that’s a nice beat to it okay oh don’t fall

Okay okay nothing here nothing [Applause] I’m going too fast I gotta stop broke you I almost broke that okay place your bets what is this please set a candle is that die again wow amazing I’m so happy all right I’m gonna take up this whole thing underneath let’s do it slowly

Oh I see it there is actually a lot I was expecting not that much when we first checked out the um the desert temple I think I saw like two yeah it was like it was the worst this thing we found a lot so far oh God I hate it when it falls

Um okay this is definitely sassy oh red glaze very nice shh I almost hit it okay let’s go please red candle is that a red candle is it what is that oh my God that was like a ruby I was like oh my God we just

Got a new a new gemstone okay that’s fine what is this Pottery Shard give me more shards what is this is that a flower pot junk now um I’m just I was gonna throw I’m gonna throw some stuff over here I’m gonna throw some stuff over here go go

Oh this song is Beautiful oh it’s amazing okay we’re doing good uh so far oh here we go oh what is that yellow candy glass how how would glass survive that how would glass even survive under that okay I guess I don’t know about the glass being down there

I have a feeling I’m gonna hit something really hard by mistake and we’re gonna lose something we’re important oh they almost hit you that was fine see um I’m on top of it don’t worry about it okay please another Pottery shark yes I’m not even another thing that I’m not

Even unearthing that oh my God a very gross comment of what that could have looked like or what it reminds me of but I’m not gonna do it it goes back in hold on it goes back in uh-huh you guys can leave you guys can interpret it how you want but it’s like

It’s almost out it’s almost out of there and it goes right back in foreign don’t head in hands don’t you head and ask me this is a family-friendly stream but that looks okay I can’t stop doing it why does it go back in I’m just gonna break that because I don’t want it

Stupid thing I don’t want that thing it’s nasty boy it stinks um is this suspicious no don’t you head in hands it stop it sorry sometimes the Mind goes where it goes uh uh what else is down here this is it I think this might be it

Stop head in handy stop it stop it assistant oh God I can’t get up oh that’s a pretty cup is that that’s oh no okay now we know now we know and it’s just like regular sand it’ll break uh with the gravity I did it so you know I did it actually

On purpose so you guys can see what would happen see that’s what we’re doing we’re beta testing stuff now this is a beautiful color at it this is definitely Sanctuary this is a ruin of sexual this is a ruin of sanctuary look at this I’m glad it stops you a little bit

Though you hit it and it stops a little bit serious I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want no glass pain if you want a glass paint I’ll make some glass panes I want treasure okay oh yeah I almost hit that I was close

I guess it’s important if you dig from the top down so the the gravity blocks won’t get affected what is it what is it is this beat again don’t want it I think that’s what I’m gonna do from now on if it’s stuff that’s just junk

I’m just gonna break it and then we don’t even have to have to clogging up our inventory there’s so much stuff over here look how deep this goes what is it you mean Shard please what is it are you serious right now why would they put a wooden pickaxe hmm

Forgive me for a bit of lore oh Lord break forgive me for a bit of lore but this could be the remnants of sanctuary from a possible future and the future may have happened or may not have yeah exactly that’s what I’m thinking because Sanctuary will never go into ruin it

Will never be destroyed this is from an alternate reality Dimension where Sanctuary fell uh and it will never happen with us why is for Real a wooden pickaxe no gracias um okay but seriously this thing goes deep look how deep this thing goes okay is there more

I guess I wonder what the radius is from the Terracotta block to the extent for how deep does this go this is like a full-on like a stroke like a huge structure this would have been a tower and there’s a little extension to the tower this was like a whole house this

Is probably like a whole house oops I wasn’t paying I was looking at chat sorry it’s all your fault chat you made me look at you and pay attention to you and that happens so you know what I’m not gonna pay attention no more um I could have had the greatest

Treasure in the history of treasures on that and I missed out shard or a pot it’s a shard is it what was that was this what was that useless probably okay get rid of this so far this is our loot um we do get a lot of sand and dirt and

Grab on Stones okay um this is our thing so far just this this bottom row of the treasures we found down here it was a it was the brick it was that brick really oh God okay I’m getting rid of everything but what we get as treasure

And that’s how we can analyze if it’s worth it uh even if it’s not you know you’re gonna do it at least one time okay let’s just keep that just in case okay this is the treasures we’ve found so far oh Shard please yes okay which one is it

Oh the best one I’m sorry to tell you but of all of them that are out there this is the best one I just got the greatest treasure right there that’s amazing I just need to find two more and I can make my own my own pot what is this hello

This is not a server okay I don’t know what that would have been and why I got scared it’s just a bit Oh I thought it was a potato that’s another die okay oh more sassy stuff oh for real glass the glass panes are unacceptable I don’t want them

I wouldn’t even how I can’t even imagine a glass pane surviving uh the fall of a civilization on the ground and a glass pane is inside I think that thing would have shattered into a thousand pieces yeah scary stuff oh almost hit that I see look in the chat again I’m not gonna

Pay attention no more please another Shard yes yes yes yes okay that’s not a Shard that’s a brick they look like A Shard this thing you know what this reminds me of whenever you see Lichen in in in in in a cave deep deep down and then if you think

It’s a diamond when you get close that’s what this reminds me of this is just a big old tease from Mojang thank you so much definitely a tease so I see yes so is he saying I’m gonna break it right now please please shard please what is that what was that

Was that coal or Flint or probably call eh yeah okay I guess I’m waiting for sexy dirt okay please just one more oh Brown the glaze broccoli terracotta this is definitely a sanctuary build oh sorry I got distracted by the Beautiful Brown terracotta and the implication of very deep lore in Minecraft itself

Connected to to me as a as a person a deep deep connections me and Mojang just made sorry F in the chat is this clay why is why is it clay block inside us inside the same okay it’s fine that’s a weird one a full-on clay Block it’s

Inside a block that’s like block section there’s too many blocks okay I think we’ve Unearthed the majority of this by now I’m bad in archeology shut your mouth mating I will slander you this moment if you keep it keep this up you are the worst actually I’m pretty bad I’m just

Learning though be gentle okay I’m just learning to be an archaeologist this is my first time archeologyizing things okay give me a chance let me prove myself oh seriously if I’m just standing like right here in this corner at this ankle you think I’m in sanctuary you think I’m

In uh right there there’s definitely there’s definitely connection I know it oh would this place have been though hmm I can’t get out now I am trapped pix is watching please freaking I’m if you’re watching pics please I’m doing the best that I can I’m doing the best I can it’s my

First time being an archaeologist okay you need to teach me the ropes uh please forgive me please forgive me I’m doing my very very best trying to uncover ancient Rune and remains and stuff you know you got to take me under your wing I kind of look like an

Archaeologist with this outfit like a sexy archaeologist but at the same time I’m doing my best please forgive me I did break at least 16 sexy Sands uh but is it hard to see sometimes I do have torches on me oh I picked everything up but picks listen

This is Laura right here Mojang and Empires are connected this is definitely a ruin of sanctuary they’ve been watching our videos oh there’s a ladder that went somewhere I shouldn’t break this ladder that went to Copper they were doing copper did I put this I put this down all right

Okay that’s me yeah it’s a copper mine it’s a copper mine maybe this was left by the Copper king who knows no we’re not doing Laura this stream we’re not doing Laura this stream we’re not doing Laura string but I’ve covered a lot of good stuff I’m doing my best I guess

But so far the loot table is is scaring me ah I was looking at pictures there’s copper down there that’s the Empire Lord you see it’s copper deep down I made a mistake I just broke another one this is another thing if you’re doing archeology um you don’t want to read stuff

While you break stuff now that’s just the thing see there’s another one right there see I’m saving it you don’t want to read things wow you’re breaking so yeah no lore today no lore today but it’s definitely Laura uh whenever we’re around there’s no Lord today I almost broke a bad thing

Okay so far so oh so far so good though we’ve got a great amount of stuff sassy stuff sorry I’m PR okay I’m not reading and breaking see I’m not breaking I’m reading on the right I’m reading on the right people just had enhancing me for messing up again but

Now I looked I looked to the to the straight ahead and I’m breaking stuff is this a die again uh we’re never gonna get another Shard I’ve only gotten two shards from this but at least two is better than none we came in here with nothing foreign no scary songs

That is a very it’s like an adventure song we’re not going on an adventure where doing archeology which is an adventure but it’s a different kind it’s a more chill Adventure I feel like I broke something I was supposed to but I did that’s fine okay I think we’ve uncovered the majority of

This let’s just go back a little more here and see yeah I think this is this is the end of this part there’s more deep down though let’s go a little deeper in this hole oh in this in this cave in this Cavern in this ruin oh no don’t

There’s a word for that face and I don’t is is it it’s the meh is that considered the me phase Oh no I got Memphis I think we’re doing great though I’m doing good this is better than I thought that I was gonna do I was just gonna

Come in here and teach TNT the background you know that’s another thing I could I could be demolishing stuff I could be TNT pieces of the side of this thing and then it and and to see what happens but I am actually doing my best

To just take it piece by piece corner by corner and just taking just certain spots out and being very very very specific in my block breaking unless a reading chat and then it goes away um it’s fine oh XP I don’t need it okay I we’re gonna go do a little ring

Around and I think we might have uncovered everything this structure is weird though it feels like it was like a like like a house like a like a tower house kind of thing I wish I could okay you know I might remake this thing you know what how about this for other

People’s uh uh on my lore friends how about I remake what this would have been but put it in sanctuary and then it’s official okay motion can’t tell me nothing it’s official if I remake it of what it would have been and be like oh wow that’s weird that looks exactly

Like the thing high on Earth in my Minecraft world oh now everybody has a piece of sanctuary oh stop no lore we’re not looking lower today we’re not doing lore today but that would be cool though okay I think we’re good I think this is it I think we did it

Oh this is the song the song this is my song this is my uh origin story okay I think this is it I think we got everything this is Sassy no it’s not I think we got everything we Unearthed the whole thing This is real this is this is Minecraft cannon love from India is Indian currency oh thank you for the 80 squiggly line Sparkle oh it’s so nice you are sweet I will never forget this day thank you so much okay I think we got it all yeah we

Definitely got it all this is it professional archaeologist mythical Jay sausage Unearthed an old Sanctuary ruin in real life I think we got everything there’s nothing left definitely got everything yep we win we want we won on this day do you apparently incorporating cherry blossom trees here but shush your mouth

Marshall shut up no spoilers come here get closer very soon actually there will be cherry blossoms in sanctuary so shush don’t tell nobody there will be a more multicolored trees coming up the yellow one was just the beginning I’m gonna have a red one I’m gonna have a cherry blossom I’m gonna

Have uh some really cool you’ll see but yeah we got we did it this is great this is great and look where we found it there’s right next to an igloo that is the coolest thing there’s no way to really spot this if you’re flying with an elytra this thing was literally

Covered in snow the whole top bar will cover the snow blocks it’s gonna be me you’ll see now let’s go back so technically in this session we Unearthed one two Pottery shards and actually the best one all right we got the best one we got a brown candle we got two bricks

We got some coal we got some flints well the Flames came because we broke gravel so that didn’t count we got a clay block we got a glass we got dyes we got beetroot we got a red Candle One emerald and one flower pot also orange dye and a

Whole lot of memories so that’s pretty much one session of unearthing this thing that is amazing okay now I want to find we did that one now what is the other one locate I want to see if I can get lucky if let’s say we go find a sniffer egg for

The first time let’s see if we can actually get it on the first go locate structure yes you see that it is priceless loot it’s it’s actually it’s it’s it’s gonna take so long to get a an actual completed pot um like if I wanted a four-sided pot of

Just the heart that’s gonna take ages but you know it’s it’s the journey yeah it’s the journey not the destination we’re going to enjoy just the the fun along the way it’s gonna take 50 hours okay uh what what is where do we is it is it here

Is it warm right ocean ruin warm I think it’s that one right let’s go I think it’s that one where the sniff rag is right come with me on a journey we’re going to find our first sniffer egg let’s see if we get lucky on the first go oh chunks load

Okay assistant oh oh you’re on the on the top top okay now we got to look for sassy stuff it’s warm all warm ones okay good now right off the top do we see any sassy stuff let’s get on Survival game all right let’s let’s let’s RP this uh

There’s nothing sassy here right no good what junk okay would it only be in the water though or could it be out here in these little things I don’t even know I’m gonna check everything now there’s nothing here is this no um hmm nothing here no sauciness on the top bit

Okay nothing up here let’s go in the water was that me we split Splash here um any sassiness I don’t see it I’m in survival I’m gonna die you know what foreign what is dying hello no get out of that dummy um I don’t see any Saucy sand

That’s weird Okay anything over here I’m gonna cry if I go to a place if this was our regular World we’re in or something and I go to one of these things for the first time I look for a sniper Egg and I don’t see one sausage and I’m gonna be so sad

Don’t see any am I missing one is this no right no don’t see anything sounds like a Disney movie um oh nothing not one the eggs are in chess aren’t aren’t they wait are they in chess I thought you had to like brush them away from The Sassy

Sand for the eggs okay somebody confirm um let me just get night vision night vision is green now I forgot about that night vision me is it chests I thought it was as he said they’re they’re in the sand nothing says oh okay see but I trust my favorite

Archaeologist picture was right here okay so it’s not in chess you guys are wrong take the L right now oh that’s a nice I might just take that it’s in the sand um don’t see any sushi stuff though it’s a little Ravine let’s look let’s break a few more here

Yeah no chat the only thing you find in chess is just the regular loot right they haven’t added anything to the chest I don’t see any sauciness here hmm oh I got a scuffed uh ruin that’s what happened oh what’s in here oh very treasurement um actually I would like to see what’s

In there uh okay there’s nothing oh it’s so sad let me go farther away no I don’t see anything rip oh this is another one did I check this one yet all right this is a weird one nothing happened here it’s a bunch of chest though nothing okay let’s go farther that’s weird

Wait do they have sexy gravel too here wait wait is there sassy gravel too oh I was only looking at his hand hold on let’s just look really quick to grab on it um I do sussy gravel too that’s true that’s true they’re both here but I don’t see

Anything no I don’t see anything huh unless you guys see it and I don’t see it I don’t see anything nah let’s go somewhere else nothing there the cold one okay okay so stand on this one and then gravel in the oh and the cold boys okay

What do they be in the cold one too the the slipper boys locate structure ruin let’s see um it’s too cold only a warm though oh okay the sniffer is only a warm so at this in this one we just get the other stuff right the uh

The Shard possibility wait where’d it go sit down here wait where’d you go what’d it take me there’s nothing here shipwreck oh it’s like me there’s nothing here this game broken today all right let’s go a little farther away oh where are we now 17 okay let me just go

A little bit farther let’s go fast let’s zoom out of here let’s just go to warm let’s see if we can find another warm locate structure ruin cold warm there it is let’s see is this the same one this might be in wait how it’s pretty close it’s like one spot

It’s weird okay this is it for one this is a different one okay let’s check I need to see this chest first another one of those okay whatever okay saucy keep your eyes peeled if you see it I must find a sniffer egg in the wild hmm

I dig up a little bit oh my God if I break one by mistake I’m gonna cry oh God I got scared I don’t see anything what’s broken is this the only one it’s the only one all right let’s dig a Little Deeper oh it’s gonna be so hard to find a sniff

Right no nothing I was running out no oops a special face I don’t see anything oh yeah I did this was uh I updated the experimental one so I’m probably too close to like spawn let me just go far yeah that’s what it was that’s what it was um

Let me go let me go far let’s go far let’s go really far yeah that’s what it is you’re right because I had this the old world where I had the uh I did that um little Asian uh inspired uh starter house and I updated it so I’m probably too

Close to like the center let’s go far uh teleport me two let’s go to let’s go let’s go 10K uh uh 80. let’s go let’s do 10 10. that’s way too far oh my God all right that should do it we’re going real far

Oh come on in the snow out of all places okay now oh not this song this is when a bad guy shows up okay locate structure uh ruin yay we’re doing it now now for sure yeah that was way too close to spawn oh that’s definitely gonna be fresh let’s go

We did it okay please sniffer sniff right we’re finding one right now does this count why is it it’s deep underground uh uh all right let’s see oh all right let’s look things sand anywhere hmm don’t see it still this is way far away let’s take some stuff up

It kind of looks like it but it’s not hmm sniffers are you here hmm maybe because the whole world is generated previously I have to start a completely fresh one maybe oh that’s a sneaky one that’s a sneaky one I’m scared hold on I’m scared hold up I’m I’m scared we’re

Doing this uh with water breathing on water re breathing potion they’re all I forgot they’re all different colors now this is like a mint okay I’m going to survival because I’m not gonna mess this up we found it there it is Saucy sand oh my God help I’m stuck

Sniffer egg right off the bat please no I’m gonna be so sad if I got a stupid wooden pickaxe the first time oh oh even worse a wooden hoe for real seriously out of all things this game just gave me a wooden hoe I throw F’s in the chat this instant

Because that’s just messed up out of all the searching I’ve been doing I get a wooden hoe sheesh my God okay we’re fine it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we’ll find another one we’ll find another one wow that’s so sad all right we’ll find another one imagine

If you travel like 10 000 blocks in an opposite direction of your spawn you find a look look a warm Ocean or something your first ruin and you get a wooden hoe that’s the Minecraft glasses the smacking you’re right in the face okay um that’s and that’s the only one isn’t it okay

[Laughter] oh no that’s so sad short pillar where this one oh this one short pillar oh you’re a genius got it I have astigmatism I can’t see nothing okay here it comes please okay all right fingers crossed that this contains the sniffer egg please one two three

Pottery short yeah I’ll take it though which one is it which one is it which oh of course is that one little fishing rod one oh thank you picks you are the greatest archaeologist there’s no question I can’t see nothing I’m gonna hire your services once 120 comes

Because I can’t find nothing oh no we’re gonna get blinded now we’re fine now um okay if you see another one please get out of here stupid um okay no more sniffer eggs that was it no um I dig more we dig more oh that light on the ground

Good Shard though very good Shard if I get one more Shard I can literally make one pot my first pot it’ll be great official poppies I made all of them already but like the first official part will get made which is gonna be great um okay I’m gonna go back and create

I’m gonna keep bringing well it’s fine well we’ll be very careful I just want to break a little faster no help I felt like I had Dolphins grease for a second hmm don’t oh oops I don’t see any if you see one you scream at me oh God help

Oh I think that’s it unless it goes really deep sassy no here no I think that’s it um maybe more this way underground here nope I think that’s it ow let me try to find another one there’s Scott they are Scott they’re how they all underground like that um oh Village

It’s a nice spot that’s a pretty spot actually didn’t even notice it all right let’s move more this way we’ll try one more time let’s do those little Zoomies this way it’s a pretty nice area if you guys want to see it I haven’t even put the seat up

But there it is pause if you want it it’s a pretty good spot I found some really cool um generation in this thing look at this is nice I haven’t seen this part yet a scary song no that’s a non-scary song well it’s a really nice area right here huh that’s pretty whoa

Oh this is okay hold on get the timeout I want to see this is nice it’s really cool oh lava coming down it’s a pretty cool spot all right let’s go find let’s go a little more this way oh we found this one naturally okay so this

Is the one that sussy sand is going to be at right I mean it says gravel let’s see what do we get nothing gravel gravel here we go oh we can make our first pot official official which was this one what where did it go they said this one

The Plenty one oh and someone with a chest oh that’s cool oh we can make our first pot when we get home all right let’s put that over here let’s get rid of all the other stuff because we might it might disappear that’s cool ggs we can make our first official pot

Take all that all right one more let’s see see that was a lot faster anymore no no look at this one this has tons look at these oh that’s not fair it’s not a gold nugget is that a gold nugget where’d it go oh there it is go nugget

Now this is not fair this one you can this is so many tons of sussy gravel okay anymore I want to go look for another warm come on generate thing hello this broken oh that took forever okay look how many are here though okay after beta testing this a little bit you

Get tons more in the uh in the cold section then we did the warm oh another one wait there was another one here no where’d it go this one I saw another one this one wait is that it doesn’t sound like more no that’s it yeah ow

Okay wait another one look at this there we go wait I miss one over here where oh yeah it did why why is there so many though I would say I wasn’t even expecting this much another pottery all right this is cool okay okay now we know go to the cold when we

Get a lot more let’s see if we can find one more of the other one so just a really beta test this thing out okay but so far it’s been so much gravel that there is the sand one anymore so we got look at these we got so many now

Oh that’s cool okay wait for if you get one more you get two we can make two pots all right I think that’s it right oh no another one oh come on not one of these again stupid wooden hoe I’m leaving you right there I think is that that’s not one no okay

I think that’s it got so many to the left where Tupac Shakur stop it that is my rap name and there’s more Underground for the short officially two okay that’s that’s cool okay it’s ready in here I didn’t even look in here yet oh chest at the camera

Even though I don’t need it I’m not doing any villager trades in here um okay nice wait no all right let’s see if we can find another one all right uh locate biome uh warm ocean that’s farther away okay and then from here maybe we just see it

If not I’ll put the structure again this is the smallest one ever seriously seriously it’s the tiniest thing oh oh wait we’re in a desert right let’s see if we see um we could do more exploration stuff where is the uh Village let’s go say hi to our

First game but we haven’t seen a camel in this world yet camels I’m gonna I’m gonna build so many little camo uh Sanctuary stable things there yes hello cute no what happened I didn’t do nothing you guys saw that I didn’t do nothing hi were you trapped in there you were the

Generation got you trapped oh cute oh this is my friend uh our beautiful camel it is a well this is a well this is kind of the world that’s not the well well that’s just the village well it’s not the other well where the stuff shows

Up right it’s like look at this cutie oh my God this is Wiggles I haven’t seen him in so long oh he’s sitting down with me sitting together oh my God we can make camel uh Furniture this is how we sit down oh my God if this camel ever moves technically

He’s gonna be a love lovely little it could be a love seat if somebody could sit with me in the camera we’ll do it but definitely be a a love seat this is the first Furniture in Minecraft this is it this is a live Furniture

It’s so cute oh I love him I love him so much so cute wait is it Cactus we can feed him with cactus right uh I think it was Cactus if I remember hold on Cactus oh you cute here come with me oh my God it’s so cute oh my God

Oh it’s so precious oh he said that again what was that are you just stretching he just stretched oh oh precious you’re precious I love uh you know a bunch of people forgot about the camels nobody mentioned camels anymore the sniffer showed up look how cute come with me oh my God

It’s so good okay hold on let me get a saddle do we need to we don’t need to tame them right we should just like yep this is the best it matches my outfit too let’s go on a little ride we’re going a little ride with the camel and the dash

That’s a deep cool down though oh oh this song is perfect for for me and the camera hanging out I love it look at the little wiggle oh I can’t wait to take people on a ride with me with a camel it’s gonna be so fun they do take a long time though

All right let’s do a big leap one two three oh it’s only half a heart you’re fine you got plenty of Hearts this guy was like a tank look at all the hearts he has we oh this is cute all right camel see you later you’re beautiful oh that was amazing

Precious camel two people can ride it yep you saw that oops don’t tell don’t tell any about that I didn’t I didn’t do it um yeah two people can ride it it’s the coolest thing it’s the first besides a boat I guess it’s the first two player

Rideable thing we should have two people on horses right two people should be able to get on a horse because I’ve seen two people wearing a horse before but I guess cat camels were the first two player writable alive thing oh no not this song that’s scary

Oh I see it is that a well or am I blind I think that’s a well yep as well officially all right let’s go I didn’t do the dead brother that wasn’t me you guys saw me in a video evidence okay there’s definitely a chance of something here as well

Um where’s my brush let’s get my brush out let’s see um maybe we have to dig out a little bit this song is perfect for what I’m doing um no nothing so far don’t tell any do nothing Scorpio don’t you dare I will slander you this instant no when I’m playing um

I don’t see anything oh come on not a thing how deep do I have to go oops um hmm nothing this thing goes deep okay it’s there’s nothing here nope nothing do I have to go on the inside hold on oh it’s on the inside okay found it we did it

Let’s make sure there’s nothing around that’s funny oh there’s only there’s only two that’s good okay I think that’s it okay here we go short it’s inside the world apparently you guys knew before me we found it two shards oh so good okay it’s in the world wait

We got oh we got two more okay we’re good we’re good oh this song is a nice one okay we did good that’s fine that’s fine let’s locate one more we’re gonna try to get a slipper for real this time structure uh ruin and we’re going to go to the

Cold not warm let’s see what’s the next warm one there’s a ruin here okay wish me luck going deep in uh I can’t see nothing that was the wrong one night vision who’s fapping stop stop can’t believe they flap it in front of everybody like that I missed

Perfect okay keep your eyes peeled we’re getting a sniffer today ah we’re getting a sniffer today okay listen if we get a sniffer I want everybody to scream in the chat like if you literally found your first sniff for yourself because that’s what I’m gonna do in survival

Once I do this for real and I find a sniffer for the first time I’m gonna scream so loud my neighbors are gonna complain it’s gonna be horrible okay are you ready get ready here it comes oh come on Emerald with a green tip I thought it was a sniper egg okay

Get out oh my God okay this is our I think this might be our last chance at least might be our last chance okay get ready to start screaming I’m gonna put I’m gonna put music up This is Our Moment the first time we find a real sniffer it

Will come from this saying get out of here puffer fish get out turn around go the other way thank you I’m about to do a monologue today will be the first time that we find this different in the wild but it won’t be the last we will find

Many stiffers along the way but this will be the first one officially Everybody please put your hands together and pray hands for the first time on Friday please Minecraft Gods I command you bring us a sniffer for real I hate you Okay we didn’t get it this time it’s fine well keep going okay this is not the end rewind This is not the end this right here is the sand of our dreams put your prayer hands back on put your prayer hands back on and spam it in the chat right now pray hands non-stop until until we unveil it oh we ‘ve oh we’re not looking for sniffer eggs

We’ve gone to many ruins we failed more times than we were successful but this is where our luck changes We will use this brush right here and we will uncover this differ for the very first time and I’m not gonna take no for an answer this is it let’s get rid of all the blocks around us we need space for the sniffer to come out this will be the moment

Prayer hands not stop thank you so much and in five four three two One It’s on peaceful mode because it’s not over it is not over there is one more and I broke it by mistake It’s all right oh it’s okay we’ll find another one [Laughter] I love it that was the best most anticlimactic thing that’s ever happened and I love it and it’s no more that could have been it it could have been it but you know what this specific site

We had too much we had too many people watching us I don’t want people to watch us you know we’re leaving we’re gonna go to another one let’s go um stupid gravity blocks let’s leave nobody saw anything we’re going to another place far away don’t worry about it I’ll find another location there’s

Plenty more where that came from but we will find one for real this time we’ll find one in the wild without even putting the Search Command we’ll find it watch watch that I think maybe that’s what it is we need to find it legitly swimming in in the ocean look at this

There must be another one this is a huge uh warm ocean a shipwreck I’m not gonna look in there oh that’s a cool oh that’s nice hit me we’re fine all right we’re gonna find it we’re fine let’s look up real fast oh this song playing yeah how appropriate um Let’s go this way wait what happened to night vision there we go uh why am I stuck let me up thing all right we’ll find it don’t worry we’ll look good keep your eyes peeled um another Shipwrecked I think we’re going around We’re looping around the circle I think

It’s fine we will find a real one I swear it just not in this area it’s a weird little spot right there all right we’re going down this way everything is fine this is spoopy music but in a way it’s also like I’m lost and Afraid music as well that’s oh

A lovely little thingy okay let’s keep going no this is not I don’t need it let’s just locate then Ruin don’t give me the same one don’t give me this I think that’s the same one don’t give me the same one hello this is a different one this is it this is it this is it we’re finding it let’s get rid of this thing above us this time I’m not gonna

Make any mistakes I am a professional archaeologist after this day is done for right now I’m just a very skilled amateur anything what’s in here nothing good no no please don’t do this to me don’t don’t don’t give me one please get out it’s literally giving me nothing now is this a test

It’s literally giving me nothing now I hate this place I hate it and there was a single solitary one I hate it they’re mocking me the Minecraft Gods are blocking me I’m leaving I’m leaving let’s go let’s go deeper this way what is that is that a thing

Why is that thing standing up what is that I’m looking over there this game is making fun of me oh no no that’s not a thing um locate again structure warm let’s just copy paste this for next time I think that’s the same one it’s not the same one okay please anything

Don’t make me hit something incorrectly game okay we’re here why is it still this music is too intense oh whatever um oh my God anything you guys see anything anything please yeah the micro cards they’re very upset with me that I’ve broken many things that I wasn’t supposed to break there’s

Oh not again there’s nothing please prayer hands anything no there’s nothing here I hate this I hate why is this why is there nothing why is there nothing why is it so hard to find a sniffer I could have found it but I bet it’s like

Baby okay you know what I didn’t because you know what it would have been in there a piece of coal okay or wooden hoe that’s what I saved us from there’s nothing in here and it’s only one uh okay one more look one more I’m just gonna fly through here

I will find another one on my own please I just want to stay for baby a real one not one that I’ve generated just to look at it imagine this is this is gonna okay listen this is what your lives are gonna be when 120 Comes This is Your Life I’m

Reenacting your lives because you’re gonna go through the same thing but you know but you’re gonna do it in survival and you can’t fly so you have to swim and then get on boats and then get doors on the water and then get water breathing potions and you gotta break

One on your own so you’re gonna suffer more than me but also I’m gonna start because then I have to do it too but this is gonna it’s gonna get worse before it gets better so you you know laugh all you want now but you’re gonna see what happens when it’s

Your turn and you’re gonna suffer you’re gonna be crying for help and there’s no one’s gonna be there to help you because you’re gonna go through the same thing okay this is the worst oh my God torture tomorrow’s always in Creative so this matter okay fine if you’re crap say if

You’re a survival doing it that’s the one I broke earlier oh no no go ahead I’m going insane I can’t find anything okay we’re gonna we’re gonna locate it one more time and I thought it was a floating tree it’s not okay I’m gonna okay I’m gonna try one more if

We don’t find it I’m literally gonna TP back I see something I’m gonna TP back and see my Yoshi that’s waiting for me back in my little Asian Village uh that’s not a thing it looked like a thing why is it shaped like that um okay okay one more time

This is a different one for sure this is a different one for sure okay a fresh one ah please something we have okay hold on I’m not messing this up this time I’m not messing this up I want my song Back where is it there it is

You know what this song is called is actually very appropriate for what we’re doing right now This song is called Neptune by Bonnie Grace Neptune he said Neptune the god of the sea or something either way mini biscuit 20 months Jesus oh my God it’s so long bless you I love you love

You much 20 months okay the song is called Neptune this is perfect for what we’re doing everybody pray hands in the chat we’re doing it we’re finding our first sniffer right now officially in the wild and it’s gonna be this Susie said I’m not gonna even look anywhere else this is

The moment we’ve been waiting for there’s a back up there too but you know what we’re not gonna need that backup because it’s right here in front of us our first sniffer in the wild and it’s going to show up right now manifest Let Me Wait for the beat to drop

Let’s make it louder oh this is it this is the moment our first day forever in the wild it’s coming home with us right now Please prayer hands sniffer eggs or real they’re not imaginary we didn’t dream it up it’s gonna show up this instant once we suss away the sand this is not aesthetically pleasing I want to get rid of that thank you oh here we go one two everybody say hello to our first sniffer

Stupid idiots I hate I hate you so much get out get out leave it’s fine this was just a Minecraft joke this is the one there’s no others this is it pray to Santa Perla SI por favor bienvenido mi amigo sniffer here it comes oh my God I swear to God if we get another home I swear to God okay it’s fine we’re not gonna get another one this is this is fine um It’s fine it’s okay we’ll it’s okay there’s definitely another Saucy sand around here somewhere there’s definitely a saucy saying around here so I’m not gonna go I will find we’ll find don’t worry about it I’m not going crazy you are you’re going crazy I’m not going crazy we will it’s fine

It’s fine oh God creative again I’m fine okay listen he’s always around when I need him oh it’s fine it’s fine oh is that something wait okay stop there’s no law in this stream hold on here it comes again we’re back okay we’re back this is fine we don’t have to worry

About it again we’re not gonna get scared we’re we’re just gonna we’re just gonna break these two little Saucy things and I’m telling you right now this is the end of our journey we’re going to go home with a sniffer egg right now follow me into this journey

This is gonna happen right now this is it flash myself in the water going in survival here it is five four three two one prayer hands this instant in the chat we’re not going back we’re not going back to the days that we weren’t able to find this different

We’re gonna find it right now this is gonna be the moment get out hold on get out and get out this is it one of these contain our baby and we’re gonna take our baby home no more hoes yes no more wooden hoes this is it reveal yourself no no [Applause]

It’s fine we we have plenty of pottery shards now okay rewind okay this is it manifesting this is the last one I swear I’m gonna rage quit this right now and we’re not gonna build anything today if I don’t get a sniffer egg in this last Saucy scent I swear okay

I’m not gonna bring the bad guy out anymore because he needs to go to bed he’s been very cranky ever since he took over a whole empire listen here it comes the sniffer will be revealed in five four if this is the I swear to God this is a

Hole I am going to spawn a warden and let it eat me five four three two one a sniffer is coming home right here foreign It was just a threat the Minecraft Gods again they’re cruel they’re cool they hate me no more Not this song is torturous not that one that’s from afterlife fine okay I’m not gonna cry I’m just gonna move on and get out of here oh look Mushroom Island oh look actually this is pretty cool actually this is pretty cool Little tiny mushroom baby Island huh I remember this here I could do something cool with that okay okay that’s fine it’s a very sad song now um you know I’m not giving up I’m doing one more I’m doing one more please don’t be the same one this is a different one

Okay hold on okay this is tortures but I will do it one more time I will do it one more time okay are you guys ready here it comes this is the last one this is the last one game this is the last one this is it

One more the end this is the one and there is one 2-3 possibilities minimum I’m putting that song back on here it comes okay oh there’s another one okay listen to me if we don’t get it this time then there’s a curse and I can’t lift this curse until 120s official

Trails and tales is real oh God I’m gonna die it’s real once it becomes real I think that’s the only time it can get lifted that’s what I’m thinking I’m making my own lore I know today was not a lore thing we’re just exploring 120 and the snapshot but I’m telling you

Right now if I don’t get it out of the one two three maybe possibly four sussy Sans that are behind me then there is a curse and it will not be lifted until the official 120 comes out and I have to explore my own in in the game for real

Okay that’s the curse but I don’t think the curse is real I think we’re gonna get it right now I think I think you know what I know what to do I know what to do I’m gonna lift this curse no no no no no no no stop I know what to do

I think we’re ready now come with me on this journey oh Santa Bella please listen to my prayers I’m doing it I’m doing it okay she’s here she’s here in spirit listening to us manifest put your hands in the chat this incident right now don’t stop unlimited prayer hands now

I bet you it’s gonna be this corner one unlimited prayer hands let’s go sniffer if you’re in there please show yourself oh my God It’s fine it’s fine keep the prayers going don’t worry it’s one of these Zephyr come home I hate you hit you this is it the last one sticker come home Okay it’s fine it’s this one it’s this one it’s this one it’s this one we’re saving the best for last five four rewind music rewind music okay we’re coming we’re coming to the end of our journey with this sassy sand this is it after 16 ruins this is the one

Clear the clear the grounds the slippers coming please five four three How many times When you pray no more hoes sniffer is home I swear Jesus Wait wait wait There’s one more wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s one the last one the last one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Song go back Ah okay okay I lost hope I was gonna give up I lost hope shut up sounds I lost hope but I shouldn’t have there’s one left there’s one left there’s just one more this has to be it this has to be this is different please for the first time 84 years

Here it comes please that’s one this is gonna be a hoe isn’t it it’s gonna be oh okay this is it okay thank you is there anything else I can do any kind of ritual no okay I say it’s fine we’re doing it five four three two one sniffer review yourself Foreign I can’t do it no more I can’t I give up this stupid tunic okay Okay my grab you win you win you win stupid song is making fun of me okay all right all right that’s fine we’re leaving it’s a good exploration oh um wait a minute two pound two Euro maybe the sand is trying to say something with these these

Think about thank you thank you so much um hold on hold on there is a lot over here actually hold on hold on this is not the end I thought this was a single solitary one but we might okay listen to me if we don’t get one now then there’s something really wrong

There is a lot of possibilities here song Return To Me okay we’re back okay okay this is this okay let’s see it’s a sign This is a sign this is not the end you know why because this right here in this little corner the stiff rig has been waiting for us for centuries for Generations it’s been waiting for this one moment ah there’s another one over there that we will break them out And make them a brand new home to live in hatched from this Saucy sand into the real world welcome my sniffer baby yes Right when are right when it ran out right when our night vision went out oh look at it oh right when the right when the night vision right when the night vision and the water breathing ran out it’s real it’s real now we’re stuck at sea oh there’s a

Mushroom Island oh come swim with me oh bless Santa Bella and all the Minecraft Gods out there it took so long Hunter thank you for 20 gifting you crazy oh I love you oh we’re not gonna die now I’m heading for this island Hunter thank

You so much we did it we did it oh bless you bless you all for this journey we took to get here it was a long hard journey I’m going past the island oh but we did it oh I’m gonna take my sniffer baby home this

Is gonna be the sniffer’s home now we’re gonna live in this island together and we’re never gonna leave oh thank you thank you spooky Hunter thank you for trying to get this out of your Legend again oh oh what a great moment should we live this we live this life

We’re here in the most peaceful Island there is oh Yoshi junior junior that’s their name now spider got it we did it this is Yoshi Island everybody I don’t know what that’s other yes this is Yoshi Island welcome now we can get into creative for a second Oh What a Beautiful Island oh we did it I’m gonna build a nest right here

Um oh we did it no not this stupid song anymore you can’t make fun of me again game oh this song right here is perfect oh we did it thank you so much oh we did it oh my God hold on oh God Yoshi Island welcome

Let’s get so let’s make some hay bales and then some some Moss oh a little bit of Mars oh that’s so good let’s get some of that oh I love this song okay we’re gonna make a little nest for Yoshi Yoshi junior junior is gonna spawn here it’s gonna be their spot

Little nist and this is forever gonna be known as yoshiyan if you did it oh a little nest for Yoshi Yoshi so happy oh I’m so happy oh it’s so good oh little nest it’s a peaceful Island so it’s fine we can mess around Oh this is it Oh precious oh we’ve been through so much Yoshi go ahead oh hold on let me make it official Yoshi Junior welcome to this world oh all the trouble we went through for this back to Credible oh beautiful oh let’s do a little bit a little bit of that oh yes

Oh precious beautiful I had a nervous breakdown but it’s fine everything is fine I feel great about myself now I feel great oh a little little missed oh let’s do some dead dead coral a little Decor oh God oh did it we will protect Yoshi don’t worry oh beautiful songs from mifflin’s time

Oh this is great a little more of a nest there let’s make it look very Nest like oh perfect oh we did it save the chords yes boom took a screenshot that’s perfect oh and again the seed if you want it there’s the seed there is the hold on there’s the

Coordinates if you want to build on Yoshi Island for yourself enjoy oh man I almost puked a little bit um this mix and match some of these a little bit like this hold on yes oh Yoshi Yoshi Jr third of their name and this two little stare the Yoshi can come walking down

Right there oh perfect let’s get a little bone meal too oh this is beautiful a little bone meal here oh yes oh perfect Yoshi Island this base camp Oh that’s beautiful look at that there we go oh precious save those chords save the location let’s make a little bit more vibrant for

More a little bit more Moss oh perfect there it is you know what I’m gonna build your little Yoshi tree here hold on let’s do a little cherry tree let’s do a little cherry blossom tree just for Yoshi little cherry blossom let’s make it look like a little little baby bonsai

Oh this is perfect what a great day little baby bonsai a big bonsai tree there’s a little one oh perfect oh you can’t breathe I’m almost dead inside I’m fine oh beautiful songs there’s two little little tree like this it’s not a bonsai it’s just a it’s just

A little Wiggly waggly well baby oh there just a little there you go oh we went to such a that was such a journey I hate this tree let’s fix it a little bit I hate this tree let me start again I hate it start from scratch I need a little bit more wobbliness to it there we go oh there it is oh beautiful peaceful song a little a little peaceful song right there oh perfect

There it is Oh perfect oh I hear you cracking my little friend beautiful I’ll have this tree up in no time Let’s do some oh Crimson looks so good with this by the way oh it feels like a magical moment right now with this this song very magical there it is a little random tree here we go I’m totally winging this I have no idea what I’m doing here we go little Wiggly wobbly tree little poop everywhere plopping everywhere oh there it is let’s make a little cherry blossom for our our boy Yoshi Jr Jr forever in our hearts in our minds we went through a

Huge journey I lost my mind I completely lost all recognition in reality I didn’t know what was happening but it felt great in the song oh Yoshi’s coming yo Yosh I’m gonna call them Yo shows for short uh Any moment now I have the tick speed a little high up so it should go quickly oh this is a very eventful um just look at the 120 snapshot like I didn’t I’m so sorry like I didn’t mean to take it this far I was just literally

Just exploring the the 120 snapshot and what the beautiful uh developers at Mojang gave us to play with I didn’t expect a roller coaster of emotions to look for uh an official stiffer for the first time I didn’t I didn’t think that that it was going to go there I didn’t I

Really didn’t think like always like I don’t plan any of these streams it was a quick like I’m gonna go online today and check out for the first time uh the 120 snapshot that was it that was it I’m gonna go on today online with my friends

To check out the 120 snapshot I wasn’t expecting a nervous breakdown and uh a wild ride to look for a sniffer egg in the wild for the first time you know I could have just spawned it in and I did spawn it in I did spawn it and I saw it

But that wasn’t enough I really wanted to get out there into the wild Into the Wilderness and find it for myself but I didn’t know deep down inside I had no idea that it was going to take us on this wild ride so please forgive me if you were

Expecting a more relaxed snapshot showcase or something but you know I guess that’s not what we do around here we just we take it to another level so The Sassy sand me out and destroyed my soul today but it’s okay oh look at this pretty tree Yoshi hopefully when you come out Yoshi

Yoshi Junior um you will enjoy this tree it’s a nice little Willow like tree as well with the particles floating down oh that’s a pretty one that’s not bad for winging it we’re just gonna drag it down a little bit more oh after this I’m gonna need to just lay down

Put a warm blanket on maybe drink a nice chai tea latte or something and just relax relaxing think of all the great times we had today turn this into an ASMR moment maybe four blossom oh nice and relaxing Spore blossom give us twice the particles give us pink

And green particles because Yoshi will also have some green in them oh they’re almost here a little you’re gonna have a jasmine tea what is everybody’s tea of choice I will pass around T right now I will give you a little bit of tea as well it’ll pass

Around a little bit of tea I’m gonna do a nice little chai tea a little bit let’s put a little bit of flour action for Yoshi very nice Yoshi’s going to be born in this world it’s going to be the first official one technically because the other ones were

Genetically engineered to come out this was the real one this is the real Yoshi this is Yoshi Prime actually that’s their real name the original the the alpha Yoshi oh there it is that’s it we’re just gonna sit here let’s get it I’m gonna hold on I want to

See them pop out a little Stone button action some little little bit of rocks and now we wait oh little blueberry mix black though is so nice Yoshi Prime Yep this is it The Chosen One The Chosen Yoshi this song no yes it’s a mystical song like a very

This is very atmospheric oh look at that the green and the pink particles this is where history will be made after all the craziness we went through today this will be where our boy Yoshi Prime junior junior is born into this world I really want to add some lighting maybe

Some hanging lights from that tree but I don’t want to miss the moment where Yoshi’s gonna burst out of that egg oh Yoshi junior junior junior junior Prime Yoshi Omega the Omega Yoshi Omega Prime Yoshi the first this is like it’s like a prequel to all the other

Yoshis this is the original they’ve been waiting in that sand longer than the other ones because the other ones that genetically I genetically engineered them to come out this one was waiting in the sand for me to pluck them out and save them bring them back to reality ah what a journey

Oh here here here they come any second now I’m just gonna wait this out hmm what a moment this is it come on Yoshi I hear you in there cute cute come on out come on out please say hi to everybody everybody’s been waiting for you you’ve been gone for way too long

Are you okay yes I’m great I’m having a of having a moment having a moment of relaxation from the the pain we went through looking for this beautiful sniffer stuck on the crown and it says he said we finally found them two and a half hours in

And this is it they’re gonna come out we’re gonna say hi here on Yoshi Island right here this beautiful place I’m gonna transform it one day not today though so I need to I need to leave soon I can’t handle any more of this stress say like oh you want some slander let’s

Get some peaceful slander while we waiting there goes the slander forget the slander Yoshi I had to go through so much to get you here you made it beautiful beautiful Yoshi get out of that thing get out of that thing oh welcome say hi to Yoshi Yoshi junior junior everybody

Can you get out of that there you go yes hi I’m gonna name tag you right now I’m gonna name tag you cute little thing right now hold on I’m gonna name Jackie right now yes welcome I love you I love you Yoshi you know what just Yoshi capitals

Yo yo she Capital that’s it dear the most powerful Yoshi bomb welcome look at the cute little feet oh that’s a baby oh cute oh look at me precious hold on Yoshi let me add some lanterns let me hang some lanterns yo look I got plans for you

Look I got the brand new plant uh-huh brand new plant that’s Adam I know you love him yeah brand new plant right there uh-huh and then hold on just hang some lights just hang some lights for Yoshi so they could see at night it’s a very peaceful

Island nothing bad’s gonna happen to me here though perfect another one over here yeah there it is cute oh yes hold on I’m gonna add some more lighting to our Island where you going oh y’all going off to explore there it is Yoshi Island everybody beautiful baby let’s take him for a walk

Oh a little drip Leaf in there I forgot about the drip Leaf Don’t Go Over There we haven’t developed that side of the island yet come on down here right over here this is your little nesting area yeah hold on let’s put some stuff here wait why is this not going down

There you go I know look I’m gonna put some of this you like the drip leaf oh so cute now what is the what what does Yoshi eat again the torch the torch flower seeds I’ll put some torch flowers here too you go cute heard him Chomp

Little Chomp Chomp Chomp oh there it is yup one more over done we did it we did it Now kill Yoshi he’s banished now he just got banished automatic banishment we’re not killing our baby we are not evil people here the other guy he’s not around no more he just

Briefly showed up because he was upset but you know what oh I forgot the most important thing hold on yeah the most important thing sunflowers yep oh that’s tasty on the way I hate that oh hold on this is part of lore sneak one in here perfect oh cutie

He got banished yep never before banished but now banished at least for a good a good five days minimum for for for trying to even coming to murder this beautiful Yoshi the hard work we went through to get oh this is my friend you eat flowers too

You want to smell them yeah it smells great this is the national flower of you don’t know about Sanctuary here but you will you will um I clear that for you oh perfect and you know what that’s it that’s where we’re gonna end off the stream today thank you so much for

Joining me on this journey to check out one twenty’s latest snapshot you guys are beautiful thank you for passing by I think the next stream we’re gonna do is probably another Empire is one but this was amazing I’m gonna see if I can build a bunch of stuff on this island and

Maybe release a little video or something a little transformation of this island for 1 uh 20. I’m inspired now on the Yoshi Island will grow and I will show you what it looks like next time you guys are pretty thank you so much for passing through

And I will see you next time and before you go wait one you want lemon one’s a slander lemon you a dried up old lemon you smell so bad you you better just you better you better get out of here with your stinky stinky oh oh like ruin lemon rotten

Lemon you’re right no lemon enjoy goodbye everybody see buddy you made it we did it we did it oh Yoshi he’s so beautiful oh I’m so excited we did it we won Minecraft 120. oh we won Minecraft 120 Let’s see we won we won We did it we did All right Whoa

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – EXPLORING THE LATEST MINECRAFT 1.20 – TRAILS AND TALES UPDATE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2023-03-24 18:49:27. It has garnered 35913 views and 1577 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:46 or 8866 seconds.

In today’s stream, we will explore the first official Minecraft 1.20 – Trails and Tales update snapshot 23W12A. This snapshot includes Sniffer Eggs, a new Pitcher Plant, new armor trims, suspicious gravel and sand, new archaeology sites, and much more!!!

==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW:

►My Merch Store ➜ https://teespring.com/stores/the-mythical-marketplace ►Youtube Sponsor ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage ►Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/MJNuBzF ►Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage ►Twitch ➜ http://twitch.tv/MythicalSausage ►Instagram ➜ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


Music Provided by Epidemic Sound


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    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More