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Um Thank you I want my love Good night Thank you Hey what time is it uh Actually it’s 12 30. now a cow pretending to be a man are you a cow what no yeah me neither Alan are you a cow what no yeah I mean neither Alan are you a cow yeah I mean neither you guys wanted to go skateboards skateboards hey what time is it

Actually it’s 12 30. Man You’re leaving me me Hi babe yes I am real man you want to go skateboards It’s muffin time uh actually it’s 12 30. actually it’s 12 30. now a cow pretending to be a man are you a cow what no yeah I mean neither Alan are you a cow what no yeah I mean neither Allen are you a cow what no ten nine

Seven six five four three two one nice one free games in a row 10 kills you cannot get this content anywhere else perfect Quest tell me I’m not there tell me you are not entertained what’s going on guys steady muffin here and welcome to a brand new Street Just making sure I was unmuted yeah I am hello everyone what’s going on and welcome to Wednesday evening stream how are you guys doing it is Wednesday it is the best day it’s the middle of the week and uh yeah it’s it’s going pretty well going pretty well week has been okay so

Far how has your week been um have you done much apart from work really and do little bits and pieces but we’re all good and we are here today of course to play some Minecraft it is a continuation of muffin town today I do promise you the next two weeks there

Will be no muffin town I’ve decided next week or the week after next week or the week after will be Eva the continuation of Survivor world or Java one of those two will be next week the other one will be the week after I promise you this and

I promise you that we’ll see if it actually happens so how are you guys doing in the chat today I hope you’re having a great week so far I know for a fact that rubber ducks was first into the stream ggs to you my man uh let me

Unpin that if anyone wants to do me another pinnable message that’d be great make sure to have your vote as well as what’s the best biome to spawn into when you first start I’ve given you four options have your have your guests uh Joshy boy

Was in earlier as well he’s a member of the channel only Gog is on holiday and was third in GG’s man Mr fun cake gaming official V ducky Hayden duckster welcome in dude hope you both are doing well claire240 member of the channel what a legend she is how are you doing hope

You’re well how you doing Pokey as well welcome in to the stream as well rayex is here welcome in dude Big King welcome in it is indeed Java today but like I say next week or the week after we’ll it’s not Java today’s Bedrock what am I

About it’s Bedrock today it’s Java in the next two weeks uh has rubber ducks asked how I thought the name steady muffin if you go back on my channel through my videos there’s actually two q a videos where I answer that question not doing it again um Hayden Damo member moderator And a legend as well how are you doing Damo 240 big moist is here as well welcome in big moist boy welcome in to I see Fanboy do I see man boy there how you doing man boy long time no see dude welcome into the stream hope you’re doing well

Um yes Java Java Java Java Java we love a bit of java it won’t be hardcore either I do want to do a hardcore um hardcore game but it won’t it won’t be next time how are you fat boy I keep calling you Fanboy not

Man boy I don’t know why I borrow City on this account looking because I’m on the phone right now no worries not a problem Big King AKA LOL I know I remember these things yo Hannah how you doing welcome into the stream Hannah I’m not used to you just

Saying hey I want to see the the wave as well and I need to see the wave are you trying to get um you trying to get uh stream maps to say hi to you which it hasn’t which a bit rude that’s not very nice at all bad streamlabs bad

Streamlabs I know Bedrock is the best Maybe I don’t really know like which one I prefer I should do that as a poll actually what do you prefer Bedrock or Java shall I should I do that as a poll hang on let me end this poll that’s a much better poll

Much better idea for a pole what is better what is better what is yeah what is better in your opinion what is better because in my opinion I think bedrock you can do more on um on Java right I’m pretty sure you can right there we go you have your say guys in

The in the in the uh in the chat right now there is a poll what is better Minecraft Bedrock or Minecraft Java let’s uh find out what you guys think uh oh yeah it does say hi is it if you say hi hey or anything like that it says hi

Back to you it also reminds you the lightest stream as well so if you haven’t already please make sure you have like the stream I believe I am up to date it doesn’t tell yeah down here down the bottom wait it says 1.20.12 you say 1.20.15 I checked

Before and there was no update I could see from Minecraft in the App Store so I I don’t know it’s the honest answer I’m I’m 90 sure my library says it’s up to date let me just uh let me just have a quick ganders wait a second I might be wrong here

Let me just say get updates anything for Minecraft please don’t be any updates this is my my first Microsoft microwave here when I can join oh well welcoming Game of Thrones how you doing how you doing Joshua boy member of the channel yes ducky you are still there

Yeah so there isn’t oh God they’re updating oh God I’m gonna start lagging my my pz doesn’t like updates whilst I’m playing no there’s no update for Minecraft there’s no update I’m already dropping frames brilliant there’s no update for um for Minecraft on my PC oh it’s just

Just shut down my Minecraft brilliant maybe there was an update and I didn’t know about it okay now let me load it back up great uh my fan is so loud oh would you play on you play on PS4 man boy still probably why probably why uh we are just gonna yeah

It was lag it’ll probably lagged a little bit because I was doing updates but it just kicked me out of the game so I’m hoping maybe this is it maybe this is this is the update I’ve got the latest release on there so quick question when’s what’s this free Nitro for three

Month thing it was on Xbox if you go if you’re on Xbox and you’ve got the Xbox pass there was like some I took you go into like the rewards and there was like three months worth of uh Nitro which just sitting there so it’s pretty good yeah you did a pin

Did I miss it Damon can you see his pin I can’t see I can’t see a pin I’ve got it on top chat that’s why dammit Damo can I see it now I can there we go moderators should be able to to pin messages welcome to stream folks today

We’re doing muffin world it’s actually called muffin town we’ll let that slide shall we though my Minecraft so yours is probably already done okay so we’re now I’m still on V1 20.12 oh for God’s sake did you really clear I’m so sorry I missed it okay well I’m gonna go in and

See if you guys can join somebody who’s who’s definitely updated the game needs to try and join first things first though let’s make a copy of the world and then an hour’s time can someone remind me to do another copy of the world bleed uh

I know I’m rude I’m sorry test it test I will test it oh really Damon we know what you got to do for that if you want that why can you join on Playstation yes you can yes you can Hey Randall how you doing man welcome into the stream sorry I must have missed your hello I did sorry welcome in Randall welcome welcome welcome to the Stream yo Fox is here as well welcome in Computer World study it’s been an hour it better not have been Jesus wet

Uh Game of Thrones all you gotta do is add me as a friend or let me know what your PlayStation um gamer tag is and I can add you we should go away 15 hours for this to load up now I’m doing all right Randall I’m doing I’m doing pretty well thanks

Man doing pretty well hey there you go you said hey it says it to that what doesn’t show up man boy It won’t connect oh don’t tell me don’t tell me uh fun cake you’re having network problems right I’ve been in the App Store I’ve been in the App Store and it’s there’s no update there so all I can think is that it’s done all right that’s all I can think is done you’re

Downloading Minecraft now no worries why are you only just down it uh you’re on 1.20.15 um okay let me try and invite you hold on where you at bro where you at let’s see if it’s if it’s possible Also let’s see if I can actually find

You where the hell are you there you are I’m never confused when I check chat the ducky if I know two people are talking to each other I might not pay too much attention to it my friends with my craft it says zero well I’m on now right Joshy

Boy is in he is in he’s he’s there so therefore we know it works this is muffin town for those of you that with a controller for those either I’ve never been to muffin town before we have been there yeah see I think you all lied

There’s no update or if there was an update uh it’s it’s finished what the hell where’s my that’s better there we go so this is muffin Town guys for some reason my A and B have twitched around I’ve got on the wrong setting this way

Okay who wants an invite let me know who wants an invite in the chat right now man boy I see you there I know you want an invite dude rubber ducks is coming in too uh set max players thank you before I do any here Claire you’re like you’re

Like you’re like a legend do you like baymo or maybe it’s Damo telling you to do it I love it I absolutely love it oh full screen too thank you I’m on fire boys I’m on fire today yeah baby I’m so good I’m so good at this game yo dtb how you

Doing welcome and welcome AC to the show thank you very much uh everyone how you doing rager Rob member and moderator of the channel this is muffin town I just realized that nobody can see it if uh Mr fun cake I want this gun today I want

This gun why is my controller not working there we go anyway um let’s invite some more players in uh man boy this is your first time in muffin town if it is your first time in muffin town all you need to know is you don’t grief anyone else’s stuff you

Stick to a plot whatever plot you want um to build on build on it and then um you know this is uh this is a creative game so you can build what you want as long as it doesn’t interfere in anyone else’s stuff don’t be that guy um

Well you hope to finish your cheese house I bet you are still there in the corner it’s still there okay you told her to no you didn’t yeah let’s get those likes on the stream guys if you haven’t already please do smash my thumbs up button my thumbs up

Button the I don’t know whose this was but if no one claims it today it’s going to go down Randall don’t do that don’t go outside no worries uh Fox you should have the invite already so there’s plenty of spaces because Claire the absolute Legend extended to town last week uh so

We do have more spaces here there’s something quite long ones muffin time and there’s a lot round the edges how you doing man boy welcome into the town bro I wanted to say incredible today I want someone to build something that I’m like wow that is just so good

That is so good don’t go exactly don’t go outside it’s outside is overrated man outside is just overrated man boy anywhere you see space my friend anywhere you see space anywhere you think oh that looks like a big space I’m gonna build there I want

To get rid of this outside wall you know inside double wall thing it’s not love it’s too hot if anything out there today Randy I went outside for a vape and uh I was like whoo I’m going back inside man there’s somebody oh crap whose house is that oh no rubber ducks

Quick yeah thank you maybe we should do this on the other side do it from the other side so that doesn’t happen again you need another invite you’re getting crash it’s brilliant that is how we roll on uh this game if you do need an invite please let me know

In the chat and I will invite you in this is an invite only world uh mainly because well just just because because I control who comes in this world not you know hopefully you say that to mine today Teddy I’m gonna cook a buffet of my oh I like it

I know it’s gonna get hotter Rob I’m already uncomfortable like yesterday’s stream for those of you that weren’t around I just did stream on the uh the second Channel yesterday and uh it was so hot man oh yeah I forgot I’m not doing a side armor

To the other side because this this way why is there a dying Golem here don’t make me beat you up with my hoe I’ve got a hoe and I know how to use it man yeah you like that don’t you oh he likes that how you doing clip bananas welcome into

The stream member of the channel I did do uh an Edward Cannon yet I burst into I shined like a diamond I shined like a diamond in the Sun I’ll use my hoe to break this all down it’s probably why is glare said he he would be streaming outside with my view

Young oh really are you on holiday to mount Randall is that what you’re is that where you’re at is that where you couldn’t you couldn’t join yesterday’s stream fox is in the house Fox is going to recreate his awesome house which I’m fortunate to get destroyed

Invite me now please reyex come on now let’s have some manners bro you’re the only person that has ever made an Iron Guard what do you mean that was family friendly oh thank you clip I appreciate it yeah be careful with the with the sides of people’s houses oh all the ground

All I’m doing is knocking down a wall with my hoe all right nothing is bad about that excellent I would indeed Mr fun cake gaming you can indeed have an invite anyone else needs an invite just let me know in the live chat there is one condition you have to if he

Liked the stream first uh I don’t think I’ll be able to do it tomorrow you’d have to ask Elena if she’s here Elena are you here I don’t think she’s here how do I check frames per second on Bedrock I have no idea I mean frames but

This is wall is huge by the way why did I start doing this this wall is massive I guess it has to be though for the size of the builds I’m a big boy um Elena come to [ __ ] now Elena come to chat now people want to speak to Alina

You just yeah you just wave us Hannah it’s fine I don’t mind wave at me read last please Daddy can you oh right right what was your what was your Epic God not your epic it’s not an epic is it I call it epic it’s a Microsoft

You’re gonna have to remind me because you’ve only been in for one week do I build in the wall space yeah so anyway you see like a square you’ve been on holiday for two weeks and Counting Jesus that’s a long ass holiday man that is a long ass holiday oh it’s

Madder isn’t it yeah I remember it’s come back to me don’t worry Rex I’ve got you bro Pokey are you coming in I don’t know if I sent you an invite or not bring Lucy with you I don’t know where I don’t know where Alina is she’s not coming in she would

Normally if I summon her she should arrive Elena is that all of the wall done now Lucy was asleep oh there’s more this side there’s more this side oh yeah yeah right Ducks you start one end I’ll start the other re-invite I will drama interview people to be

Polite when you’re asking me I will all confidential information I like it loading in now my Minecraft needs an update oh see you should get it on PC because apparently it just does it automatically or something like that all these cows around man uh no worries fun cake dude in the

Middle of nowhere Alina ah she’s arrived late Angie from the cat do you want to show the people the cat I don’t know if they can see you hold on ah there she is he cat are you baby girl you live princess you little princess uh the people want to know if I’m

Finishing my FIFA stream tomorrow yeah we can talk about that oh oh that’s a no that’s enough I’ve ever heard it had to know if it’s not like this week it will hopefully be next week if I’m allowed there’s nothing on the calendar apparently okay can you please invite again it kicked me

Out no worries a bad boy bad boy mad boy’s a fanboy there you go play as well happy right now oh you do get automatic updates on PC as well on Xbox that is true as long as you’ve you’ve activated it of course she’s adorable she’s adorable little booty cat

Rob’s as a leader is a legend uh okay this is a big space this is a very big space funky oh fun cake haven’t you got something to do before you start building on that space I’m pretty sure at least you buy Lucy did you go back

And uh pause it on the stream and take some pictures fun cake um haven’t you got something you should be doing fun cake um right more walls apparently where’s more walls I don’t see any more walls bad boy is back in where’s more walls there can’t be more

Walls I’ve got rid of all of it there’s no more double wall now it’s all singular singular where’s donkey as well I want donkey to move his stuff into the uh into the town man I want his golf course in the town like I need his golf course in the town donkey

Where are you oh my God the lag sorry fun boy sorry man boy I just literally uh teleported away from you as soon as you came to me apologies oh wait and why am I doing it with bro block when I I should have also who’s going to be doing the uh the

Muffin Town sign today who’s who wants that honor and privilege fun cake has got fun cake has got to remove that plane going to the side of my house it’s really starting to bug me I wanna I need to get on with my house today as well uh although it’s because I

Don’t know why I’m saying to doing Upstream I do not know if I get time to watch oh rob you can’t do that to me man I need a day that you’re definitely guaranteed to be there you’re my assistant manager I cannot get promoted to the Premier League

Without my assistant manager on on hand to help it don’t you be kidnapping parrots although you can never make carrots parrots as you wish can I claim another spot for when I finish yep because you can you can have as many spots as you want within reason

Your spot has to be your your builds have to be amazing though it’s all I’m saying your bills have to be amazing I don’t know how fast bills man yo elab how you doing man welcome into the stream long time no see bro you know elab I’m very surprised hey there

Matt oh you’re super Sonic you are supersonic I love you come here let me cuddle wait how do I cuddle I wanna cuddle I clap instead I’m clap instead he’s supersonic my favorite oh there you go then Rob all you gotta do is put him on this plane map

And uh and that’s it you’re fine right that is it I’m done with Bill Walden Walden wolves I’m going to my house I’m building something yo long lead 280 hater in the red pill the blue pill I would always take that blue pill man I think there’s no guarantees in life but it

Should be guaranteed that you will play FIFA with me oh of course ain’t no worries man boy you do what you can I started my downstairs I got a TV and I’ve got a fireplace oh I remember it all now I remember it all it’s all come back to me

Not the kidnap parrots what messages are you on about what do you want about City can you see Game of Thrones message about adding him no I cannot no I said last thing I saw him saying was oh dear that was it if someone can spell out or if you can

Spell out your gamer tag and I’ll I’ll add you from there I need something else downstairs that more things need to go downstairs in a minute man in a minute I’m I need to I need some more stuff downstairs oh wait I don’t want to put it there

I’m gonna have like an ensuite kitchen I reckon wait what have I got in my help bar here is that what I think it’s that’d be snow that’d be snow just just don’t be snow what am I doing here I want that that’s what I want there we go

I did allow them through though I I can’t see it my my chat doesn’t let me see anything at all uh longle you just need to get me added dude all right add me let me know what your Minecraft is you’ve been abroad for about a month where are you where are you

Coming what are you doing abroad gonna actually I don’t want that one there maybe I don’t want it in the corner there we’re gonna have ourselves like a little ensuite kitchen going on over here like that yeah brilliant I like it I like it a lot again my imagery just gets instantly

Full for no reason whatsoever tell him I’ll message him on Discord I saw that yeah it did a message to me on Discord to take you take the Roku saying Wonderland I’ll show you how deep oh such a great line Randall did everyone watch the full Matrix and what did

People think about it ensuite kitchen that’s an open plant kitchen yeah maybe not an unstick ensuite kitchen I guess if you have a kitchen in your bedroom that’s technically all unsweet I know all right we are gonna put um we are gonna put on a smoker as well an ensuite kitchen [Laughter]

We’re gonna have a blast furnace no worries man no worries dude Many what have I done here how have I managed to do that ensuite kitchen um I came back to you today we went a long holiday to Ethiopia wow nice did you have fun you watched all three yeah I meant the fourth one the fourth one I don’t know

If you the fourth one oh you enjoy the hot tub bro you enjoy it what other kitchen related stuff things do we have um it’s a one thinking I’ve already got campfire I don’t need more uh in a bit man in a bit I’m just I’m in

The middle of stuff dude I’m in the middle of thinking I want a smoker somewhere you never saw the full see the fourth one for me people didn’t like it because I don’t think they understood it but I thought the fourth one was really good um I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite I

Actually think my my favorite is the second one but it’s pretty good it’s pretty good man there we go no there’s no plus one in it dumbass yeah I know there’s not going to be found ah are you sure have I spelled it right are you sure can’t even take no found

Take the blue pill and the story ends no I don’t want to end the story My Story never ends am I am I spelling this right or is something wrong wait let don’t I already have you at it I’m pretty sure I already have you on Xbox uh

I’m sure you’re on Xbox aren’t you gamer fluent are you on Xbox because if you are I will always I think I’ve already got you added somewhere I must do right higgy higgy is Pikmin here Pikmin oh you’re here oh yeah I love a bit of Minecraft it’s well relaxing y’all

Are you on PlayStation I’m sure you I’ve seen you on Xbox sure I have let me add you on here let me add you on here was it 2011. it’s not coming up is it it’s Leon Pro 2011 no it’s not coming up are you sure it might it might not be

It might be something different then I don’t know what but it’s definitely not coming up my dude yeah playing Minecraft is so relaxing man I love a bit of Minecraft I’m sort of regretting that corn a bit now hmm I don’t know I’m regretting it a little bit like it doesn’t look cool

Doesn’t look as cool as I thought it would also where can I put a smoker I feel like I do need a smoker if I put this uh this underneath foreign how do you put a smoker and then have it have it smoke under on top or is it no possible

Ah there we go it had to be one block there we go the smoker has been smoked perfection Perfection so now we have an unsweet kitchen whatever that is yeah try on a computer yeah the the first floor has finally got some Furnishing I’m quite happy with it pretty pretty happy

Oh do it your old house was so good and we’re so careful of who we invite in now oh I forgot that down upstairs at an aquarium and my axolotes killed everything inside literally I put loads of fish in here before the Axolotl is just murdered them all

They just murdered everybody my indoor my indoor uh my indoor Aquarium was it was a great idea until axolot he’s I put axolotls in it I got one remaining I got one little fish remaining don’t go over there no don’t do it you’re going to die that’s it you run away

Let me come and have a look let me come and have a look dude let me come and have a look I’ll come and look yeah you can get rid of that wall that’s fine yeah make yourself a mahusive plot but yeah you go for it bro one fish survived

I swear to God right bundt cake where are you and why is this still here the Bruins ecstatic ecstatic it’s it ruins the ruins it but what do I do with the modern house I’m working keep the modern house just choose another plot choose another big

Plot if you need to make a big one do what uh Josh boy is doing Josh me boy is doing and just make two smaller blocks plots into one a bigger plot where’s shrimpy as well we need to have another game today muffin FC versus shrimpchester United

That’s all right man fan but mad boy I keep calling you Fanboy man boys many times as you need an invite you will get one sir you did a tournament with mitesh bloody elf that is impressive what’s up that’s really good I’m not gonna lie I need uh something on

These worktops I have got more fish for [ __ ] which I can put in um what can I put what goes in the kitchen oh there’s even oh I can put puffer fish in there tropical fish tadpoles oh there’s so much I can put in there lava stuff goes in a in a kitchen

Aesthetically pleasing Jesus that’s a lot of tokens man well played though can I play suspicious stew down can I play some suspicious stew down please I can’t I can only eat it damn it oh that’s rubbish must be something else you could put in a kitchen what sort of stuff is on there

You say to go and he go I I I would have Hazard a guess that that was what would have happened you’re doing foxy instead who’s foxy I don’t know who eclipse is either I’m I’m going to assume no it’s something to do with Five Nights at Freddy just gonna

I’m just gonna throw that one out there um they need leather they don’t need that don’t need that let’s get rid of some of this crap in my inventory as usual uh buckets of keep them don’t need flowers don’t need them excellent we have room in fact I don’t need them either

Not for the minute anyway I knew it it better be pixel art Pokey or I tear it down instantly it’s great when you’re on the same team yeah it doesn’t happen often enough in my liking doesn’t happen often enough so we’ve got a fire a smoker a kitchen um

What do you mean my next upload we do need some tables I need a table I’m going to finish this floor before I go back up to the aquarium put some more fishes in my fish pond uh what am I looking for I’m looking for fencing fencing right there

Let’s put some dark wood in never brick fence dark there we go gonna make ourselves and then put I think I stole this idea off of somebody but to do carpet and we’ll put some nice gray carpet on top yeah that’s that’s the ticket right there that’s the ticket yes yes yes

Since I’ve done it picks it up I don’t know it better be full builds uh when you get a second let me know what you think of the modern one uh I can’t decide if I want to open this on the top floor okay give me a second let me

Finish my tables my tablets and what sort of chairs do we put on these tables you can’t have like maybe just maybe maybe it’s just a table maybe it’s just a table nothing else I’ve got some chairs there I don’t know how to make chairs without just using

Stairs well how do you make a chair without making a stare without using a stair like I want a chair maybe I’ll go and steal someone’s idea someone but someone’s gotta have an idea right see that he’s just used stairs I need a better idea I’m gonna find Forever foxes and steal

These ideas how you doing uh pushy nuts welcome into stream if you want to add me on Minecraft or let me know what your Minecraft is and I uh we’ll get you invited into the game is this your first time into the muffin town all I ask no griefing none of that crap

You can build whatever you want just uh just be respectful wait is this your house Fox I don’t know if this is your house I’ve just wandered in and I don’t think this is your house this is interesting idea I see he’s just gone for stairs as well

But actually yeah stairs under the bed in fact I love the cop is what are they are they lightning rods they are stealing that idea for sure he’s a better interior designer next year the first three tails of the seems have been the only one acid on me but you’re

Getting a good teammates gamer fluent would you mean how does it work on Bedrock uh if what were you on what platform are you on yeah I’m not sure about the rug I don’t think this is the right house I thought it wasn’t it’s not it’s close to yours so you must be

Nearby I’m gonna look around I think you [ __ ] I remember you put it right next to the other modern house this modern house is is Lush I’m not gonna lie this looks really nice this is a very open plan oh I like the staircase is this the right house

Yeah if you’re on Bedrock no I meant like Platformers in Playstation Xbox Etc whatever your Gamertag is let me know what it is I can add you and then you can come on in as you can see you just pick yourself a spare plot and start building my friend

Uh what was you gonna ask no worries game of fluent good luck man what was the question Fox um I have no interior on the modern one you guys are gonna know what you think of the bottom one I can’t decide for when the openness on the top floor

Uh I would put something upstairs I don’t think having it oh what do you mean like another room um yeah I think you need another room upstairs don’t have it open you can only come in if your users are not as complicated as mine exactly I don’t know why I can’t add you

Look at what um see look what he’s done here in here’s one ah they’re too loungy too loungy I need I need something more more doable he went with too too big too big but are you just staring at your staring at your apartment I love it I’m gonna

Get back to this one again what was his idea of chairs foreign oh yeah he did stairs but they don’t look that bad then maybe I’ll just use that okay give me a minute pulley I’ll get you in The wrong way the wrong way what am I doing there we go totally not stolen someone else’s idea I now have a chair and tables in fact thinking about it it should probably go the other end maybe I’d build another one here because the kitchen stroke what the kitchen

I’m gonna make it symmetrical as well just because I can this way go lovely javely and then these go this side here perfect symmetricalness we love it yes yes indeed guys make sure if you haven’t do please smash that thumbs up button for me if you haven’t already I know most of

You may have done some may not have done okay what I was going to do is I’m going to put some more fishies in my fishing tank God I’m already boiling hot like I am hot hot hot I’m gonna try and put some tadpoles some puffer fish surely puffer fish cannot be like

Bullied by axolotes right puffer fish tadpoles and I get some frogs in there that’d be pretty cool welcome into the stream man how you doing I don’t recognize the name have you changed your name yes tadpoles be free be free tadpoles Here Comes Here Comes the big will you kill what mate

That’s rude there’s nothing wrong with the tadpoles the B to death with a bucket of them oh no whoa water down water down the side of the building hopefully the Axolotl is just like Escape oh crap oh man okay what about tropical fish that is literally actively like seeking out my fish

Is seeking out my fish man axolotls man they are bullies bullies how is that a puffer fish by the way what the hell is that that is not a puffer fish is that baby one it won’t mess up the floor height when I do the other that’s good I like to hear

It clearly look what is going on here you guys beefing I’m a fish this is my tank dude no it’s my tank no good friendly look at this I could beat you up no hey look have a teammate yes is this baby is this bucket of puffer fish but he’s like little

Oh wait it is yeah baby they’re they’re little baby puffer fish they’re gonna grow up to be big strong boys put some more tadpoles in there as well we’ve got to try and out out muscle the uh out muscle the oxalates and see how long it takes

Welcome back ray x no worries dude where is mad mad um uh you you what that ducky that doesn’t make sense that that sentence can you try again no what the hell are these guys doing what are you doing they’ve escaped the acts alive he’s running wild

The acts of Lights have run wild well at least they can’t hurt my fish anymore the axolotes have had enough they’re Rebellion they’re leaving hibiki’s just hiding in the water elevator as if I can’t see you there but the the fish oh the puffer fish is growing up there we go they’re

Protecting themselves I’ve got axolotes on the Run they’re on the Run man they’re on the Run what’s going on here who’s this guy um if you hit the puffer fish they get bigger and Spike okay get it now yeah they clearly don’t want to be in my

Uh in my tank they’re doing the off skis I’m sorry boys but I can’t have you just running riot see what happens actually lays when you make me mad yeah we’ll do man just putting some more fish in my my aquarium what how the hell am I what why am I poisoned

Where are all the fish gone I put loads of fish in there before what they’re all dying again I’m so confused what’s killing them now I thought the racks are oh maybe it’s this guy okay let’s go see mad this okay I need to rethink this do do

Idiot he’s gone thank you very much rager Rob Craig welcome in do I support lgbtq yeah where you got a shout at me bro let’s come see the mansion oh yeah it’s a good point actually I don’t want to get too laggy thank you I have to replace I may have

To to holy crap what the hell happened here dude why is there so many Pirates in here this is a lot of parrots my man is this a lot of Paris have you kidnapped every parrot well rob you are on mod Dewey today you have tortured parrots man I like it

You still need more furniture in here come on now I’ve had great idea yes yeah yeah in a minute dude in a minute um foreign cake this is still here fun cake what are you doing to me I’ve had a great idea um no

What am I doing in life I didn’t mean to do that this is gonna be a tadpole a tadpole oh no no I feel like I’m bullying the fish somehow yeah my bucket get in my bucket oh no there’s no water in my bucket he’s a goner right

No you dare go in my bubble elevator you can’t press that button you’re a fish oh no oh no oh it’s a puffer fish it wasn’t a tadpole never mind rip it’s not really it’s not really cruel it’s what happens man what do you mean black and white wall well that didn’t

Take me upstairs there we go that was that there’s no there was no cruelty here what’s cruel is that these guys are murdering each other okay the tropical fish are not doing so well for themselves tadpoles are doing okay though do they grow up to actually be fish

I’m coming back in where do you normally take the picture at the end of the stream uh what’s his face uh rubber ducks is gonna take care of the picture yeah rubber ducks is going to what are you talking about mad Jesus yeah some fish really don’t get along

Right and this I’ve I’ve worked out what I want to do in this layer and what it involves is more cruelty that doesn’t really a little bit I need glass blocks that’s what I need um which I made in colored they’re just normal glass blocks to do

Yeah I need I need a trip to the bin first to get rid of all these fish out of my inventory oh where am I going this way what sorry door was creaking Uh yeah uh rubber ducks is making the sign for the um for the end of the stream rubber ducks will be making it I don’t know where it is he needs to pick a good view of the town it’s what Minecraft is all about um there we go look all the fishes are

Now dead oh I just killed Jerry I didn’t mean to kill Jerry all the fishies are gone I’ll keep the flower pocket so I might want some flowers bet oh I got rid of bed I got rid of Jerry I know I’ve only got Ben um

Oh yeah what was your push what was your um Microsoft again dude sorry I forgot put it in the chat for me and then I can add you now I forgot I murdered Jerry the fish and I’m in a good stream so far also we are

Coming up to eight o’clock so in 10 minutes time I’m going to be uh making a copy of the world quiz question it’s yeah they’re just moderators dude just moderators up up and away if you’re in the game right now and you’re in the chat remember in 10

Minutes time we are going to be creating a copy of the world wait did I just hear a fish I swear I should hold a fish I might get rid of this I’m not sure if I like this or not I guess it would probably help if I had some actual boats there

Probably would help let’s go what’s squirrel why I’m not cruel right what we’re gonna have oh yeah well it’s gonna be I don’t know if I actually can can I um What I need is a snifferic what’s a sniffer egg sniffer egg oh I can have Turtles oh man this this opens up so much more possibility uh what I’m looking for though what am I looking for what a Zombie egg Zombie horse spawn zombie there we go your building’s looking sick I look

Forward to seeing it my man uh you shall forever being cased yes it’s not cruel technically I’m just gonna encase a lot of zombies and stuff um perhaps I’ll be villager yeah let’s have one of those hmm yes yes he made a frog house nice right what I’m

Gonna do guys is I’m going to if you’re in the game I’m going to restart now to just uh copy the world let me just tell y’all in chat if you’re doing something right now you will be kicked And that was your warning there we go that we’re going to have every single mob that we can every single mob we can in this in this floor this is going to be uh I’ve just gone straight back into it what am I doing I haven’t phew To the bottom copy World there we go excellent you found your plot just as I kicked you out oh Deary me no I’m not turning on joyable man boy do I want to lose my world absolutely not that’s why it’s not going enjoyable I don’t know if I’ll get a world record

I’ll give it a good try oh man mother pass bucket how have I been no I am signed in there we go Jeez well done Minecraft well done I’m going to do it right now push sorry I’m doing it by apologies why can’t I why am I signed out that’s just stupid uh you you you think that was everybody oh Josh you play as well there we go send them and then we will

Oh uh I need to put it on set max players I can invite go gold a python let me add you now dude why does it say your account was disconnected is it because I’ve not signed it what is going on why am I hitting zombies

Is it not working yeah is it not working because the games oh there we go it’s gone now let me try again big guy on hey where is big eye on anyway let me invite him anyway you pick your first Mr fungi emotional damage mad where’s Joshy boy there we go right try

That now and then let me add gold pie Farm wait is it 381 or 3814 I think it’s three eight one four yes yeah oh my God still didn’t get it what was you’re seeing me do this right I’m not going mad I might have to restart Minecraft

I think I’ve got some sort of issue I can’t yeah I got a minute guys I’m gonna have to restart the game sorry I was just about uh just about to invite everybody and all right calm yourselves down calm yourself down this will just

Be a quick a quick reset of the game and we’ll be back up and running don’t tell me you got it just Minecraft be Minecraft Rob just Minecraft being Minecraft well good for you if you got it it just came through unbelievable Jeff and the games on invite only

I don’t have it on joining because I’m pretty sure I’ve had some some not so nice people join before hence yeah Pusheen as well sorry I didn’t see the uh the subscription thank you very much right let’s see if I’m now online yeah you can a hundred percent

100 Fanboy man boy man boy I keep calling you Fanboy I think you gotta get rid of the family right let’s see if I can invite now let’s see if it works oh look everybody that I invited though is at the top most in in part um fights where’s Joshy boy

I missed it I get Joshy boy already I was mad uh I’m just seeing you did I already invite you I did there we go okay did I miss anybody let me try add gold hi Fawn is it phy this doesn’t look white to me is it p-y-h is p-y-h isn’t it

Three eight one four there we go gamertag not found brilliant after all that p y h oh there’s no hate why have I put an extra H therefore there we go gotcha right did the invites get put out and did you all receive them and is there anyone I missed These are my thing gonna get out I’m busy I’m waiting for you to appear on my uh on my screen what the hell man I can’t oh I’m oh God’s sake said max players uh Pusheen what’s your Microsoft man you will rest in peace you will rest him there we are

There he is Minecraft and fox to anybody I missed let me know I think I got everybody give me a second have I not have I got you at it already what’s the next creature to be added into my into my world um we want a creeper don’t we It’s gotta

Be a creeper right yes free for egg got to be a creeper egg right somebody doesn’t go off on me hey man boy welcome back yes I guess it won’t go off will it what is going on why is there somebody eating consistently yo how you doing man welcome into the

Stream you want me to show you where you can build okay go go and check out upstairs I guess you also message me on Xbox uh I didn’t send it to you I did yeah this is where’s your head gone you are headless that is freaky ass

Uh gold python you can build whatever you want on any free space dude so wherever you see some free area there’s a lot around the edges because we um we did uh expand the town so if you want to take one of those if you want to make

It a bit bigger you can break down the wall in between one uh go for it man I I don’t know what your username is I don’t know if I’ve seen that name on here before these are the people that I’ve got online at the moment on my

Friends list that’s not that one uh I don’t know it might be I didn’t see it yeah empty plot man empty plot you can be invisible or a zombie okay get me added or add me or add you if you let me know what your uh Microsoft is

Make sure you have smash that Thumbs Up Button as well for me it can be compared into a zombie look nice away we go oh you have added me oh okay give me a second I’ll check the Xbox out I will check the old app is there any anything else I can build

They’re not build what other eggs is there must be like more eggs right sea turtle dragon egg that’s going to do anything whatever um yo Bill bow how you doing welcome in to the street how are you donkey DD’s here as well whatever um what other mobs is there a

Spiders can I have a spider yes I could have a spider I don’t think there’s enough mobs to have one of everything ah spider on the loose where’s my home get with him ho okay can I not put a spider in one do spiders not fit in them

If I put it right down there no Spider-Man no spider on those okay just fired up maybe not them search spawn that’s a good idea so far I’ve got zombie a zombie and a thingamajiggy hey no worries no worries oh hello I can support arcade oh these were rubbish things

So we’ve got Zombie horse mule donkey I can spawn donkey yeah spiders can climb I forgot about that uh see I can say hello everyone speak to me yeah if you say I love it when I talk to you how are you donkeylicious anyway

I could do a slime but I think a slime might be too big oh I’ve got an idea actually I’ve got a wonderful idea let me before I do that let me add uh Pusheen Pusheen I seem to have lost all sound I don’t know when my headsets just died

Well thank you push I appreciate it um uh where was it there we go so you’ve got a lost all uh all sound in my head sir and I don’t know why is it dead no it’s just literally turned itself off fair enough useful get a case to worry about tomorrow get

Any grades oh man nice you’ll be fine I’ve got I’ve got faith in you I found out the fitness to play football for free are straight no brakes wow Bilbo animal absolute animal you double your build is a w I’ll come and check out people’s

Builds in a minute I just had an idea so on this one in the middle so this is basically middle right yeah we’ll put one there is this middle this is basically middle right which I think has to be a free I think no that’s like that

If I put spider at the back and then fit it up you will not outsport are you were not out think me spider just made you a little bit bigger Um oh what you can say hey and it doesn’t say welcome back to you that’s a bit rude it should definitely say hey back to you uh let me just get Pusheen in push are you showing online I can’t see you on the list Anna and Yoda

Are you sure you’re showing online push can’t stop talking to you do me the voice quick as I could from one note to the other in the back oh thank you no thank you what I need to do those I need to build the same the other side now so here

And which color is it on wait one two three needs to be symmetrical fellas needs to be symmetrical I can build around it but then I can put something bigger in here I have another look in a second might take a second off up date

What have I got now what can I add now what the hell’s a sniffer oh an iron golem yeah we’ll put one of you in here for sure yes and I’m Golem he probably needs quite a lot of room yeah there we go I’ve got it an invite only so probably not

Oh there you go gotcha I do miss playing football like I do enjoy playing football but I don’t have the fitness anymore I’m not gonna I’m not gonna lie to you the fitness has gone actually we’ve put two blocks next to it here and then in

One two three one two three and then we need another mob in there there’s a lot of glass but you know to get the bigger mods I have a camera to announcements there’s a break come on we gotta go fair enough man well whatever whatever spawners we got

Straight oh a wither skeleton yes oh skeleton of course I could probably just put a skeleton in uh I think there’s something cool I will come out and look at people’s things in a minute I’m just yes I think I stole this idea from uh G Bicky actually you will rest in

Peace oh fair man Fair uh where’s the stairs down oh no my ex a lot you got out he’s trying to make a run for it oh no he made a run for it ah oh no oh well great view oh what is this I don’t want music in here please

Uh my house is out of bounds guys no no none of this crap please Okay I got a little greedy the groundwork is going good excellent I’m just gonna put some stuff in the bin and then I’m gonna come around and see what people have got to offer in way of stuff and things oh nearly got rid of Ben then oh got rid of these music discs

Can’t get rid of Ben I wanna slime next is up is going to be a slime okay I’ve cleared the inventory once again I’ll try not to give it a Ben don’t come to yours yet it’s not done okay I did see that idea in your world yes I did

Wait is this the groundwork wow you’re going all out dude you’re gonna go all out it’s a massive massive pit plot you’ve picked let’s go and have a ganders around then is mad still here is he still in his Mansion of parrots no his parrots are still here though

Look also he called him mad with names not mad Um is a rubber duck still here I need to see what a sign is come over and guess what you’re building okay I’ll try not to come to you pokey I’ll teleport around to people that want me who am I going to Family Man boy oh hello

Oh gee I wonder what this is actually what is this uh I don’t uh it looks like Superman’s pants and Thor’s hammer a little bit I don’t know it does looks like I’ve just sent you the invite dude you should have the invite man uh yeah there we go

It looks like Superman’s pants I’m not gonna lie oh I wanted this done today but maybe boy is not here I can’t remember who built it I think it was ion I think it was ion Mr phone cake I believe you’ve got some demolition work to do do you not wait wait

You’ve got some demolition work to do yes demolition work demolition work yo Jamie how you doing man have you heard that Liverpool trying to steal amberbat is that because you didn’t get cow say though because he went to Chelsea instead uh whoever’s doing this can you stop

Please like I’m not interested in this crap like it’s not funny it’s just uh just stop it Claire you need to come on and look after my house like this isn’t funny uh and just stop it if I find out who it is you will just get kicked

And banned I take no crap oh it’s a logo Arsenal are you kidding me ah who’s done this yo geogee how you doing man welcome in yo Craig how you doing man welcome to the Stream I hear more uh axelot he’s just chillaxing in in somewhere are you working on on a house

We’re meant to be doing the sign we’ll go about let’s see if I can say what are you doing out here how did you get all the way here like no no oh wow wow somebody’s griefing my house and uh if I find out who it is they are

Literally gonna get kicked and banned on you’ll never be invited back again like why why is somebody grieving my house it is coming home it is coming home indeed like you’re not funny it’s really it’s really pathetic I need someone to come and look at my house

That’s the wrong color that damn it um It’s just not funny it’s not funny at all these guys will die eventually anyway like it’s really it’s really just a bit pathetic pick block button yeah maybe I need I need someone to uh to watch my house like it’s really it’s really just stupid bruh another invite watch along

Uh I I wish I could it’s on is it it’s a Saturday morning or Sunday morning the uh the game Endo be good and that would be very good yeah Just keep an eye out I’m fed up with uh this isn’t like foreign it’s just annoying is what it is yeah it’s on Sunday so I don’t think I will be able to do a watch along I don’t think oh this is there are the only fishies left now they’re mostly just dead

I’ve got quite a lot of tadpoles left in fact it looks like tadpoles on a master race are the other ones that survived everything else has died no worries man oh I can’t spell what’s wrong if you want to be on watch you can be on watch your thoughts on being united being

Linked with I don’t know who that is to be fair we’re always linked with a lot of people like it’s something about Manchester United and just being linked with every Tom Dick and Harry anywhere where there’s space where there’s a spare a spare um oh you can’t hear me can he

Anywhere there’s an empty plot mm-hmm oh yeah see I told you it would be uh absolutely linked with anybody and everybody because I’m not really worried about amrabat uh we need to get um oil and fit and we need that Striker up top who didn’t deserve to win huh

Right we need another we need another uh enemy another another mob oh Winnie the Slime didn’t I I don’t know where I’m gonna fit a slime in dolphin salmon puffer fish pod creeper oh Enderman hang on I can’t put an Enderman in there because they’ll just teleport away right I guess I’ve

Got a normal skeleton normal skeleton and I need to make a slime enclosure as well Yeah well where’d you come from how the hell did you get there fun cake there we go I’ve got a I’ve got a wild fun cake now excellent [Laughter] put an Enderman in the boat then he can’t teleport oh man yeah I did did he oh no there’s still people they’re still

Killing each other yeah if you’ve seen empty plot man go for it that that’s your that’s your cue man empty plot a mounted keyboard nice I’m flying through the air what is this I see something about kicked out of it what is this you found grief activity

If it’s a it’s a house on fire it’s not you’re on board and Patrol yeah you guys are on patrol hey a win’s a win man especially on mouse and keyboard We have a little look around town see how it’s going your Patrol you’re on patrol Duty keep your eyes peeled fellas what is this cow man ACU you never fail to amaze me with your creativity uh Patrol the borders what is this well there’s a lot of there’s a lot of wolves here

Made by Rubber Ducks oh lovely hahaha cow Club where where are you hang on let me see where you are where are you dude yeah you can build here this is fine yeah yeah you can build here that is cool all good well if if rubber ducks is on my house

Then you can Patrol the bit around my house the perimeter of the house I think they may have got the message though because ever since the first bunch of stuff nothing else has happened I think we’re okay hey Claire I thought you’d be on Claire where you at

I needed somebody to patrol my house and you’re not here to do it oh it’s very disacch appointed what is that is that a slime Mr funky can turn into a slime hey I’ll take that I’ll take that I feel like this middle one is taking up

So much room like I could put another one in there I could put another one in here couldn’t I what else have I got I drowned there we go that’s what I haven’t got yet wait will he need hey man boy that is a weird head you got

There whoa your skin is outstandingly weird oh just finishing dinner I don’t know what you mean Claire Nothing Hurt Me who made Temple uh that was the one and only in fact I’m surprised the one and only isn’t here you’re right what’s up what are you doing your skin is so weird

Man boy you’re not gonna lie your build’s done I will come and look at it and then you need to take down your airplane oh whoa what is this wait what where am I it’s another Forest don’t tell me oh here we go oh it’s a zoo oh you’re making a zoo

One iron recommended path Moo cows don’t show them to AC or want them chickens pigs my favorite horse fun fact most animals here will be eaten oh sheep clean sheep wait is that dirty sheep lovely you’ve even got another bit oh I could ever never you just reminded me of all these mobs

When you die there is nothing it’s a void nothing nothing at all nothing whatsoever coming soon oh this is so cool uh I’m on fire you killed you’re on your own like the parrot I do love a bit of Pitch Perfect not gonna lie this is so cool man it looks

Really good I love it it’s so good because you can actually thrust oh dear there’s nothing worse than unde frosted chicken baby sheep would you have been flooded what do you mean flooded it’s a bubble elevator they’re not flooded oh there’s still dead fish everywhere it’s become a little bit of a

Just a do you mean this yes this is yes this is my uh staircase I was meant to have a boat at the end so people to ride up it but it hasn’t really worked I need to change it but yeah no this is this is fine

Yes it’s fine don’t worry about it man boy it’s all good uh uh what’s that oh still breaking that finally I love the zoo you need to expand on it though uh I want I want that bigger I like it but I think you could definitely make it even bigger

No no that’s fine it’s cool foreign it’s good to go down but to come back up it is a bit annoying not gonna lie all right anyway back to reality I can’t believe fungi turned into a fun cake turned into yes can I help you rubber duckies I need uh

Knock all these guys as well where’s the nether ones uh piglet there we go dude get out right everyone at my house now please can we go and do stuff go and do stuff I’ve got I’ve got stuff to make now I’ve got a plan instead he’s been watching I’ve not been

Watching Pitch Perfect I love a bit of Pitch Perfect it’s one of my favorite films all right not gonna lie spider caves spider oh witch there’s a good one little witch in there that will add to the noise no what are you doing get back in your hole

Which on the loose oh no she’s eating something she’s taking the witchiness she’s a big punched in slow motion she’s still drinking how is she still alive by the way I’m gonna smack you up with my hoe I think it’s being punched in slow motion

All right let me put another block on so she can’t get out oh damn it I’m gonna spawn the witch now get out yo shrimpy how you doing I’m not Bella I’m a troublemaker A guardian which cave spider Strider hoglin I’ve got hogling no no I’ve got piggling didn’t I pigment brute let’s put one of those in oh yeah these the guy’s angry man look at him he’s so angry why are you so angry bro you have never seen it you need to go

And see it my God in heaven how have you never seen it I feel like I could make that one maybe for something else um I’m not too sure what else we got here what else is in uh I need to put an Enderman in here and see if it will stay

Or if it would indeed just get out and it’s gone that was quick and easy a quick and easy answer top spur I think it’s hilarious I know he’s there it’s I mean it is what it is like I guess he wanted the the he wanted the the the trophy more than

He wanted then he wanted to stay experts hey good man welcome in the server’s so laggy I think it might be because we’ve got too many animals we may have to uh we may have to get rid of some of the animals guys because it’s lagging the server a bit

Yeah Pitch Perfect is definitely the one if you like uh if you like um if you like music and stuff it’s definitely the one there’s so many random animals just around why is there this guy in here I’ll let my home take care of it he turns it gives fish

Where’s your house over here I’ll come go python has just helped pour lava over your build are you sure go python can I have an explanation please uh mad you might need to get rid of some of your pigeon your your parrots man all right let’s uh let’s kick in yeah

Go python ma’am you uh you had your chance and you’re gone you’re gone up oh up oh it’s a cow no oh God and I need to go let me come to you I don’t know what you’re thinking like as if he’s not gonna get seen doing it uh who said that

Rubber ducks this is why I’m very oh yeah this is probably what I yeah get rid of all this man just get rid of this I’m just gonna make sure AC is okay uh we need uh see this is why we don’t invite people in man

This is why we don’t invite people in get little knob cheeses like this they think they’re funny uh Craig you were never in the game anyway dude what a Noba what a nor bar one nil Seville who are they playing oh wait they’re playing Man City aren’t

They it’s Man City I just remember I heard it on the radio earlier Man City versus uh Seville in the super cup is that right uh no not right now uh I’m no more adding new people unfortunately because some people just like to try and ruin things

They they ruin it for everybody sorry not having this happen to muffin town absolutely not so it’s one nil to Seville to be fair I don’t think Man City really cared too much about the super cup like it’s not really a big deal to them okay cool

A bit more there see look look what happens you try and be nice to people and this is what happens yeah yeah oh no not on somebody’s build See this is what happens when you try it this is why unfortunately well the funny thing is about 10 minutes before you came in dude I uh I made a copy of the world so it doesn’t really matter like I’m gonna lose about 10 minutes worth of work so

Joke’s really on you dude okay now one of my mods do the honors please and we’ll never see that douchebag again as long as it lives yeah go can you go back and see if his other account is still in the chat if not I do it after streaming I’ll ban

That one too really doesn’t matter yeah I’m gonna have to um I’m gonna have to load up the the copy I’m gonna have to load up the copy because he he’s yeah he was a knob what a knob yes shrimpy yeah but we found him it’s fine he’s never coming back again

To be fair I didn’t do anything to this end of it it’s fine down here uh I don’t think the stadium is okay if we can get rid of yeah but look he’s done all here he’s done some on the stadium it’s just a bit like oh no the football players the players

And the commentators are gonna die no oh wow this guy’s literally so sad you know what look at this watch this um that’s delicious oh yeah delicious go and get a life man nobody cares about you or your stupidity bye Felicia yeah but this is this is always gonna

Happen unfortunately it just means that nobody else is oh nobody knew is going to be invited in for a while again uh we’ll go back to just what we got no problem doesn’t matter I don’t know how to do that donkey can you come and do it please

If this house over here is ruined though I’m gonna have to uh I think most of it’s gone you have to redo my bubble elevator actually oh not on not on Rolex again man not on Rollie eggs again why is it always Mr eggs it gets hit your lava probably looked alright actually

You’re gonna have to redo my maybe do my bubble elevator donkey the little douchebag destroyed it I know he said he destroyed my house the rest of it’s like standing no I ain’t destroyed I know it burns wood I think as you know it doesn’t does it

Oh he’s right he’s only a griefer he’s not even a proper hacker like that’s disappointing if in my view it’s disaccha pointing yeah unfortunately he’s ruined it for um for anybody else new wanting to come in like unfortunately that’s game over I’m pretty sure his mum doesn’t even like him

At least he didn’t break my uh my glass phew oh Dragon kill how you doing man welcome into the stream dude how the devil are you oh oh no he’s put obsidian in my uh he’s for obsidian in it it’s impossible now oh my goodness pretty sure I can fix this right

The football stadium is on fire you took a fire spread so it won’t destroy ah we’re good uh that’s probably why I got a bit annoyed then his fire wasn’t spreading uh it’s donkey on yet it’s donkeylicious on yet oh God this is so sad get alive literally get a life

Okay I’ve ate more it’s fine it’s my life I’d do what I want I do what I want when I want like if anything all he’s doing is um is making my making like my interactions better he’s actually helping the stream a hell of a lot maybe we could just have

Him keep coming back that would be really good excellent thank you ducks oh no that’s not right no that’s not right either you’re right madder you’re going mad there we go is it fixed it’s not fixed it’s no longer a bubble elevator it’s just an elevator

When you donkey the fish yeah repair the water and it doesn’t bubble anymore we need donkey to fix it that’s okay he can keep coming back because every time he does he’s helping my chat right and he’s helping my interactions which is fine it’s good for my stream man uh no definitely not

But we’re all good let’s Carry On Let’s just pretend like he wasn’t even here oh you might have you finished your build Dragon kill did you actually get to finish it he is he’s getting uh he’s getting hidden every time he makes a new one it’s just gonna keep getting hidden like

I don’t really uh Fox is so I’ve come to see fox in a minute then just want to check something quick I recognize that name mm-hmm maybe I don’t yo Pikmin five how you doing man hey no worries Dragon kill man how have you been yeah we ain’t falling for that that’s it

As if Good good I’m glad you’re all right pick my man I’m glad you’re all good dude um oh is this the Arsenal badge did you say yeah you did I’m gonna tear that down [Laughter] uh the this is uh oh my God we’ve got crazy crazy cat man rubber ducks crazy cat man

Uh it’s about my consistent viewers and me is this like gonna stay forever is there a block there we go got it yeah I’m good you’ve been in France for two weeks oh man you’ve been in for everyone’s been on holiday man it’s so cool uh you don’t Mr Beast unfortunately

Thank you very much Damo France man elab’s been somewhere did he say Ethiopia Ethiopa oofi ope I can’t say it Ethiopia look at Bilbo’s build it’s so magnificent yes sorry Fox I’m coming where are you I’ll come to you you’re right next to the sign I saw the

Sign and then opened up my eyes and I am happy now I’m living without you oh god there you go yep I am a fan sue me wait what what sign I thought you were here but you’re not here are you down here um this isn’t yours we got kfp

I’m just going to transport you uh is my pizza place still there yeah yeah yeah your pizza place is still there I wouldn’t get rid of that dude it’s over here somewhere oh the sub sign yeah here’s your oh it is here oh I may have just got rid of

A block oh I’m so sorry I just got rid of a block ah someone put this red block black Roblox Kenny wants to show you something we’ve got what the hell where’d he go up up and away yeah so it’s just one little kid it’s fun the cows can go any wildlife uh

Feel free to get rid of that you see walking around the uh the building where have you gone get down here oh no wow that is really good 3D I love it see this is what you’re doing creative Minecraft oh you can go in me as well well it’s a bit dark

I love it what’s this up here though this is my hair hey no worries man thank you so much dude I love it it’s a great addition to the town where are you let me give you a high five can I give you a high five uh I can clap

Oh that’s that’s not right I wanted to I wanted to do clapping a wave here we go thank you dude catch you layers hold on I’ll go to Fox first because Fox asked first and when the Fox talks I listen I have arrived foxy

Oh yes I can see it I can feel I can see the resemblance it’s definitely bigger Jesus is going to be huge folks how are you gonna feel the inside of this man yeah that’s not very loses I think normal I’m pretty sure okay have you fixed my lava my lava I

Got lava on the brain uh no there was no lavender we had a little incident but it’s okay lava doesn’t spread so it’s fine Looking good man looking good I’ll come over to you now uh Pokey emotional damage what is this oh this is your I recognize it actually yeah I think I recognize it from Roadie streams nice I mean I don’t know if it’s I’m gonna say it looks good it looks freaky

As but I don’t really know what it is yeah I bet it’s gonna be a lot work Fox what have you already forgot it’s Foxy from yeah see I don’t know him but I think I recognize the outline I recognize the outline of it it’s like a helipad nice

All right let’s have a look around see if there’s any more lava that needs to be taken care of I think we’re okay because he didn’t really get very far have you finished have you have you fixed my bubble elevator donkey we might need a shrimp here you might

Need a few more players on the football pitch a few of them perished uh wow what is that who built this wow that looks amazing Josh also how can this lava still be here wait did you want this lava here oh is this lava meant to be here

Josh that looks incredible I mean it looks so cool what he’s got a big it’s a fra it’s a frog are frozen never mind ‘s on it this guy is doing my editing what is his problem if you want to bring me fine and pain in fact I’ve never seen it oh you can go in the Frog I don’t know if this sounds a bit weird if I’m going a frog

Shrimpy the frog is the frog is here Bob the Frog ah I like this is a good idea I might have to steal that sorry I’ll keep the lava there okay sorry I kept getting rid of the lava okay we have to be careful with the lava the kingdom of cows

And boy busy at work I like it Yeah it’s it’s just gonna try and come up with worse and worse names but he’s it’s it’s it’s literally just funny like it doesn’t he didn’t couldn’t destroy the world like he wasn’t even a proper hacker he was just griefing and he couldn’t grief properly so yeah

In the end he’s got nothing on us watch it now yeah watch it right now go and watch what are we talking about Pitch Perfect yes go and watch it right now Pitch Perfect is the best what we’re making a short elf your second build there was a second build uh

Uh I only thought you had this build uh dragon kill I don’t remember a second build what was the second build if it was that big that was half finished and didn’t have a name on it I probably got rid of it and I’m sorry oh the griefer nah it’s a bit near

Maybe I have to have a look at the footage and see what it’s like donkey fixed my elevator he did donkey’s a legend and he’s an absolute Legend thank you donkey what’s surviving just the uh the the tadpoles are all that’s left audio even the acts a lot he’s dead now

Not a big fan of Glee no no not for me yeah Glee for me not the one not not for me all right I’m going back to putting my mobs in Um uh oh I couldn’t I Pokey I could never do that I have ones I I like them all I’m not gonna lie I couldn’t make a top five that would be unfair man I don’t want to insult anybody I must be something that I’ve not put in yet

A phantom oh I could put a phantom in I could put a phantom in can I fit a phantom in here oh where’d it go Phantom let’s see if I can spawn a phantom it might it might just fly out You’re stuck now forever Phantom yeah I’m sorry Claire it’s just not glees just not the one for me you started to build a house next to it with some mountains and naming it yeah that might have been me you can make you can remake it but yeah that’s my that’s probably my fault

Why am I hearing a lot of cows Why am I hearing a lot of cows being murdered the cows are literally being absolutely slaughtered somewhere so um Oh I might do the bosses on like the next level but I don’t think I have enough room in here yeah I don’t I don’t know where that noise was coming from disaccha pointed disaq appointed oh the Phantom’s just flying through the air yeah uh how do I do the corners

I think I just did it like that I think I think I can actually have one in the corner can I no don’t that’s fine is that the same I don’t think it is there we go yo eks Hayden welcome into the stream I never see you at a Minecraft stream

Thank you for coming over dude I appreciate it how are you doing you absolute Legend of a rocket League player hour and 52 minutes is that how long Pitch Perfect is or is that how long my stream’s been because that’s weird put a Wither in your house

Uh I will try there must be a way of uh of keeping a Wither calm cool Carmen collected hey I’m doing good man I’m doing pretty good they’re pretty yeah not too bad what the hell you see my house then it went like see-through foreign

Like a boss room would be a good idea as like the next floor this floor is literally gonna be just I don’t know why I went out I wanted to go outside because I wanted to go to the bin and I didn’t actually go hey Rob thanks for being here man I

Appreciate it enjoy the rest of your evenings hopefully you sleep well and hopefully a little it’ll raise your ass sleeps well too I’m going to the bin going to the town bin keep the weather in a Bedrock box with glass to see it uh so it needs Bedrock

Around it okay I’ll make a note of that make sure it actually goes in the bin thank you Pikmin for the bin just get rid of oh I need to get rid of Ben don’t want to get rid of Ben let’s get rid of all this rubbish can’t spawn Enderman

Sad oh sad let’s go with that don’t need that for a minute don’t need that and the plus side I think maybe boys got bored at last I don’t need that don’t need that let’s put that back in there excuse me excellent we have space in our inventory once again open

Emma in the cinema two weeks ago that’s three hours I think the worst film other than like the obvious which is Titanic was um the Irishman we were going to watch the Irishman on Netflix until we saw how big how long it was like the Irishman is like ridiculously long

You finished the map in the middle of town nice dude Up Up and Away my tadpo my Army of tadpoles all right back to spawners I’m not sure if I’m gonna keep this guy because he didn’t what the hell what was in there what was in there and I just

Oh man something despawned I don’t know what it was damn it Lord of the Rings now that I can see it for you if it’s a good film I can sit through it if it’s not a good film I can’t no I didn’t say Titanic was rubbish I just said it’s very long

I can watch Titanic nothing wrong with that whatsoever oh my God I’m so sorry I just Vaped oh I think it was my vet was it my vet it was oh he spawned how did he spawn yo don’t worry it’s Dragon kill man thanks for being here dude I’m glad you

Had a good holiday as well Trader llama cast one in Trader okay let’s try our Vindicator again nope nope you stay in there sir and in here we’ll put in Oh what’s up oh a Pillager ravenger let’s have a ravenger oh dear that was a bad move I didn’t know what a ravager was it was I’m gonna go leave my sword in your hands now I’ll be still there next time we play dude it looks epic though I really love it

That’s what I mean about this game man you can just think of things like that who would afford to make a sword like that that’s awesome man I appreciate you being here Josh always cry I’m going for a bit and I’m not joining the game again

But I will watch see you in 10. no worries dude huh yeah Phil’s a good man you should yeah you should watch some films good Josh I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it and we will also be playing rocket League again on Sunday just so you know it’s ogling what’s the

Zogling that’s a baby Zog isn’t it I don’t want babies pigs I got piglings and if I have effects will he spawn vexes oh wait a Vex is invoker if I have an invoker will he spawn vexes there’s only one way to find out oh he hasn’t so far foolish

Uh yeah no ocean Pete well we are down on people now we are down on people your ways towards the bottom I believe unless I’ve gone partial already might have done let’s go a little slower oh Shrimpy shrimpy shrimpy okay give me a second shrimp see if you appear as if by Magic by the way are we matching on a normal map yes you are yes Josh if everybody’s here who was in that match then they’ll be yeah we’ll redo it running out of bad guys

Slime got spider got creeper Khan of an Enderman I can’t have an Enderman trying out no worries also please may you take a look at the map yep I’ll come and look at it in a second oh there you are um let’s go up it’s probably quicker I think we’re okay now um

Pokey because nobody knew’s coming in now I was only copying the world so much earlier because of those new people coming in and I’m always wary of new people so I don’t need to worry about it now oh wow look at muffin Town it looks so cute I like the fat look

You’ve got some amazing looking builds right and then you’ve got mine just a big white slab in the middle I might have to do something to them if I change the roof will that change the map or is this map set I can’t remember if Maps update you have

To go and like redo it oh it looks so good though look how cool it looks uh we’re missing some wool what is this why are you missing a large part of wool where’s this wall missing let me try again for you shrimpilicious which would be I give you permission to enter

Okay maybe I don’t pay shrimpay have you gone offline again I might have to do something with uh With my um thingamajiggy with my roof because it looks so plain now to see if I can find you on the app shrimps because I need to see if I’ve got that guy I sit on my friends list so I can get rid of him what was his name

The Xbox app sucks ass cheeks I’m not gonna lie it’s so bad I’m looking for him I’m looking for shrimp I’m looking for shrimpay it looks like you might need to reset shrimp you might need a reset it was gold wasn’t it gold python that was his name thank you

Thank you I I can’t find it on my app because my apps just stopped working but I will and I will find him and I will remove him looking for shrimpy still looking for shrimpy looking for shrimp he’s still looking for shrimp where are you shrimp B we do we love you

Shrimpy we do we would love your shrimpy if you can get them oh shrimp you would love to get them right I love that map though the map’s so good but I definitely need to do something to my roof I think it’s about time this went as well

Gone restarted now good good good and I am so hot like it’s so hot sitting here not gonna lie I’m sweating my pajamas off I’m getting nothing there let’s try the app well trying the app doesn’t work either shrimpy shrimpy shrimpy there you are let me see if I can invite you now

Yeah I sent the invite dude let me know if you receive it I’m just gonna check my list and see if he’s still on my friend’s list and if he is I can block him and remove him and never worry about him again Oh no he’s gone he must have uh he must have unfriended me maybe don’t know why did it work yeah you’re in there we go a shrimpy a shrimpy and shrimp what are you wearing there’s a weird looking thing oh games to Dad MNC how you doing man welcome into the Stream

It’s been a while well I didn’t go up up up and away we go I’m gonna have to do something with this maybe this side I can make bigger ones maybe I can give it a spider one that’s an idea actually maybe I’ll get rid of spider one I just

Have bigger ones here I don’t know uh yeah I think it is man I think it is on Netflix do you think I can fit a Wither in here I know it has to be in Bedrock doesn’t it um not too sure not too sure right is there

Anything here that I have not got yet sheep parrot bat mushroom cat ocelot polar bear polar bear could technically be in a mob right I mean if when you hit it it gets pretty pretty awesome I can’t have an Enderman with a skeleton I’ve got drowned I’ve got husk I don’t want

Zombie got spider I got slime I’ve got glow squid no case fight I don’t want which guardian and the guardian and the my mag I got a Magma Cube I’ve got slime pretty much the same right um hey it’s been good man it’s been good I’m gonna add some towns people using

Armor stands is that a decent idea yeah that’s fine yeah that’s a good idea no worries Claire uh Hannah’s asking if Pitch Perfect is on Netflix I’m pretty sure it is right zoglin piglin oh clever Strider I guess frog tadpole Trader I think I’ve run out of things to put here

I’ve got a skulker actually oh I’ve got Blaze either can I put a blaze in oh yeah Blaze would be Wicked what I’m going to do though is I think I’m going to move despite oh God it’s falling down my stairs I’m gonna move spider

You are out of here my friend you have been evicted Speedo is gone what you been up to Neil though Minecraft’s going all right we had a little bit of griefing from some nub cheese but he got dealt with they go very sorry about it as well

But uh other than that it’s going well uh not in poker what do I want what did I just put in Blaze can I have a blaze yes Ablaze I now have a blaze you’re always free don’t watch the third one the third one’s rubbish don’t tell Elena I said that like she

Loves the third one but I think the third one is really bad um yeah it’s not for me uh zombie fired pickling that’s one of those in here It’s a zombified one because it’s going on I’ve already got one oh I’ve already got one no I didn’t mean to do that mean to do that must be something I’ve not got yet can I put a Magma Cube in there will that fit I don’t know if it will fit

Oh no definitely won’t fit oh one hit oh no I forgot they come ah no more magma cubes okay the Magma Cube needs a little one hi Luke unfortunately not today man if you’ve been busy we’re also was away everybody’s been away man everybody’s been away it’s annoying I want to go away

What’s an endermite that’s forming a lemon there oh it’s like a little Jiggy oh it’s so cute it’s so cute you can ducky indeed you can yeah unfortunately because we’ve had some griefing today Luke uh Eleni P people that have been in before new people it’s been ruined for the moment

And I’m glad you understand no worries we’ve got about another half an hour or so uh rubber ducks have you made me a sign yet foreign said he was going to make me a sign for the thumbnail so we can get the picture at the end where’s ah there it is

It’s gonna annoy me if I don’t replace this there we go no what are you escaping for how did you just Escape how did you just Escape I’ve never even seen one of these things yo papa how you doing uh you’re I’m your papa I’m not Papa exactly definitely Claire why are you

Not Claire why are you not on I’m so sad why are you not on Claire reminder back in here though and you’re never gonna get out again the end of my okay so it’s coming along well the uh there’s one thinking is that I’m gonna try and put the bigger ones over here

You can stay there I suppose then we’ll put a bigger one in here you have to be slightly bigger free yeah if I do it like that that will work was fine work is workers work I don’t mind work I don’t mind going into the office

Like I actually find it quite nice going into the office but it’s just a ball Lake and it means I can’t be in dangerous stream all the time are you a fan of it yeah is it like voice chat or no I’m not doing voice chat I don’t do voice chat on Minecraft

You know feeling too good oh oh no I hope you feel better soon Claire yeah she did say that was free earlier just watch it Hannah just watch it I’ll call you can overtaking points two’s points my points he’s already overtaking me all right I’m gonna go for it I’m gonna

Go and try and put a bigger mob in here and see how it handles it uh so what can I put in I got that I’ve got blades I could have a skulker I’m not a Wonder cast I want to put a ghast in see how this goes [Applause]

I’m in a cast uh guys might need a pimple room that was horrific sounding Jesus that cast needs a little bit more room um yeah wow that was that was horrific sounding down sounds like diamonds yeah it does uh ducky I’m looking for ducky ducky

What’s your uh what’s your do I have you added on Xbox I’m pretty sure I do right what’s your Xbox game attack because you’re not here mate when I went to the cinema to watch it it changed my life like just do it Hannah just do it

Uh what am I doing here I’ll be there don’t I okay so I can’t fit a I need a bigger one for that which means I’m definitely not going to fit the Wither in one oh this is so disappointing I could probably maybe fit a proper slime in there

Maybe I can fit a proper slime in it like a daddy slime there we go that’s better now we kept the slime ing around yo rolly egg how you doing man what’s your you didn’t answer my question what is your actual actual Xbox or name you can emote in the four guys lobbies

Yay oh yeah I’ve I’ve every time you say hi it streamlabs will say hi to you Pepsi Liam let me see if it’s on the app you can emo in the I don’t know hmm I mean that’s pretty cool I suppose but all right here we go I found you can I

Can I just invite you from here that Xbox app is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life I think I have done a um a cool down on it so maybe it won’t do it all the time a f g h i l still not coming up

Are you online Liam because I can’t see you like I’ve seen your message but I can’t find you on my list let me go to your profile I did look under tea I’m not silly hahaha okay I can invite you to a pie I can’t invite

You to a game from your profile picture see on the Xbox app it just says lame it doesn’t say Tipsy Liam uh yeah I hate it too rolly it’s nothing more fun than sitting looking at a oh there you are I found you woohoo there we go invite sent dude yes

I need to make a bigger bigger cages up here I think I might get rid of this uh how big is a ghost like is that big enough for a ghost I don’t think it is it the gas are pretty big maybe make it one bigger Oh crap Lima’s in uh I’m not sure what happened to the cast the ghost okay I might actually give up on the idea of trying to put a ghost in because it’s not gonna work that damn it I just wanted a ghost in you okay no ghosts for me

Oh really it seems like forever you see like this house is I need to get rid of this room this room isn’t the one anymore guys welcome to the hall of things pool of animals and such just do it you don’t need motivation just do it

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes and I am happy now living without you I left you all alone I’m gonna go see the sword again Josh you said he added some more stuff to the sword foreign film you will enjoy it oh hello he has

Added some stuff to it nice every town needs a cool sword like this and especially when it’s got nether portal in it as well here is oh it’s my rubber ducks made has has made himself on top of his house that’s so cool he’s even got some uh some beacons as well

You would like a lot you are lagalusia picky is on the building uh again he’s building what I can only assume is a chessboard or something the Arsenal badge has finished I think I still don’t know what this is and he’s also got a pool fair enough

Yeah really ex uh mouth is mouth Rolex mouth is well funny really exact same as well funny um who else is still building I need to see uh where is Foxy’s build Foxy’s build this is this is that one what have you noticed with Roadie eggs Roadie eggs uh where’s Fox

What did the fox say where’s shrimpy as well what’s shrimpy doing he’s not in the football field the football there’s no football game going on at the moment I don’t know what this is this might have to go soon because this looks unfinished to me

I think it might be bright uh blades but I’m not too sure who’s this guy oh it’s people oh that’s I get it now and there is the town from the sky looking good well rarely we all know how that feels don’t we oh Rolo yogurts you can get split ones

With mini Rolos and toffee yoga oh no make sure you enter club Cal I’ve added you’ve added things okay I’ll go and check it out that’s mine you can destroy it which one really or the blue thing this thing yeah I can get rid of this

Yeah I’ll buy you a new bike wait hang on your papa you should buy me bought me a bike consider a gun rolly consider it gone me and my trusty hoe we’ll we’ll take care of this we won’t forget you wait if you haven’t if you haven’t watched it and you’re in

Demo stream tomorrow I’m timing you out so you can’t talk and I’m Gonna Keep tidying you out until you you uh until you watch it okay I can afford to buy myself stuff I just don’t I’m saving up at the moment September is still my uh aim to get my PC

A new pc I’m saving all my money towards that to be fair because it’s everything that’s been going on like the last couple of weeks I haven’t really thought about anything if you approve of this message excellent yeah timeout fret you will you’ll forget and you’ll be

There and I’ll see that little waving I’ll be like Hannah what did you think of Pitch Perfect and you’re gonna say oh I didn’t watch it yeah timeout yeah I said September because we should be getting a bonus at work and also pay rise at work and I’ve dedicated my money

To buying a new pc I actually want to build it myself or someone else to build it and I record it that would be the thing that’s not mean it’s what I call blackmail oh crap oh my God oh my God you just hit the freaking out of dirt to replace now my

Favorite thing in the world is to replace dirt I love it uh I agree I said you must agree to buy English muffin puffer a new pc well I never I never said that but yeah sure I mean no you’re not sure I didn’t say that my word is not my bond unfortunately

And the only reason I’m getting a new pc is because I wanted a bigger processor a bigger processor a faster processor more cores to handle more stuff at once so I feel like my pc bottlenecks at the uh CPU would like recording streaming playing at the same time so I was

Looking at it and I was like if I get a new CPU it means if we’ll get a new motherboard I get a new motherboard I gotta get a new power supply as well I might as well just get a new pc and be done with it so that’s my Reckoning

That’s my uh that’s my feet my thinking behind it and I might as well get a new uh knee GPU as well you know here’s what it is uh I like them I do like them bigger bigger and better to be fair I don’t actually want it to

Be massive I’m not looking for like a oh I’m still looking for like a half rather than a full like I don’t want a actual would I call it ATX or whatever it’s called oh Butterfly Effect is a good film I like Butterfly Effect have you seen the second one not as good

But the first one was really good what’s 13 is that 13 if I say it was for 13 about I think I might have seen it welcome back man boy you’re done on your statue excellent I will come and have a look in a minute she’s got Hannah’s gotta watch Pitch

Perfect before she watches anything else done some work today man I’m like a pimp Rolly’s statue is no more no more no more no more statue for rolly it does leave a big space out for someone to build on there excellent excellent you can’t sit through two films wait what what’s 13 about

I’m sure 13 I’ve seen 13. is it about ghosts um this is an empty an empty sign all right where am I going whoever got AC what do you mean not getting angry well wait wait what why am I playing what am I getting angry about

And I can’t remember who I was going to see what why when fun cake your half your plane is still here get rid of all of it and where’s the sign at is it this one again is this this is the same sign this is the same place we had

The last one at he’s still watching I thought we’re having a new one I’m so confused rubber ducks are we having a new sign or the same sign because we’ve already done one at that side oh Club cow that’s where I’ve gotta go thank you very much Club cow baby

There’s been some I can’t wait to see this wait it’s the same as it was before with lots and lots of cows everywhere oh wait no there is more cows never mind Jesus Chief pick he’s got some unhealthy obsession with cows which one was yours oh I saw yours fun

Kate uh fun boy man boy I did see it yeah uh interesting move what are you building over here G Vicky I’m interested to see what you’re building over here uh yeah I mean I can see is this not finished or is this finished and then this uh I’m not sure what this

Is um I think it might be a hammer or something what do you mean you didn’t have much room you had loads of room cow Enterprises brilliant Hannah which what film is 13 because I think I might have seen it no I don’t think I have is it about ghosts oh okay that’s why build a new sign quick now because we’re gonna do the signs that we’re gonna do the uh the picture for the thumbnail pretty

Sharpish although we’ve only got how many people we got in oh we got a few that’d be good oh okay so it’s not the 13 I’m thinking it is 10. 13 Ghosts that’s the one I’m thinking of j.rg Vicky thank you that’s the one I’m thinking of 13 Ghosts was a quality film

I liked it Butterfly Effect you definitely should watch Butterfly Effect okay cool well like I said the next two weeks uh we’re gonna do our survival world and a Java game of something don’t know yet but um we will Java is coming but I am you know what rubber ducks

Don’t worry about it man we’re uh maybe we’ll just take a picture from like the side and I’ll put muffin town in in writing as usual we’ll find ourselves a nice place to look at the whole town together um Oh dear Claire you were using someone else’s login rip oh this is a good spot here I’ll go back a bit further yeah but the last two thumbnails have all been from that spot rubber ducks we need a better spot how about from here let’s go back a little bit more

Maybe we should do it for the other end actually eight gigabytes of RAM for fortnite I don’t know how Ram hungry fortnite is but I mean 16 would probably be better to from the top of Sloane Tower mate you’ve launched smoking Tower you love Stone Tower see where rubber ducks is

Ah I’m inside rubber ducks oh yeah this is a good one uh yeah this will do Oh wrong button uh I’m gonna turn myself around you’ve done it here because you want you want your um you’re assigned to be in it your uh your statue yeah I thought so

Um I don’t know I hate I hate that third person uh oh yeah that’d be much better fat boy if I’m mad boy okay can we have everybody in the game over here we’re gonna go and take the picture of ourselves so if you are in the game right now Fox

I’ve got to try and turn myself around and get the best picture on everybody don’t get much of the town in don’t get much of the Downing you might need to move either side uh who we missing G Bicky I see that cow up here yours is close up yeah who are we

Missing uh where’s foxy Fox and Liam and Liam and shrimpy you come in for the picture boys boys yeah well it’s fine I’ve got nothing against Arsenal there’s Fox oh there’s shrimp uh Liam right let me get rid of all that let me get rid of me one second

Let me get rid of I’m absolutely sweating now can you see this the sweat on my brow not anymore you can’t foreign and I’ve had Lucy in this week’s one so I can’t have Lucy again uh looking great too there we go all right are we all in where is everybody

I need to go more this way gee Becky can you come further this actually that’s fine I feel like I’m too close there’s a space that’s it yes it squeezed in there there we go do I do I just see a cow go falling there we go perfect right everyone say cheese

Say cheese I think that’s it I think we’re good I think we’re good right there that’ll be more than enough thank you guys thank you very much all right I’m gonna give you guys five minutes and then we’re gonna be ending uh let me just put a thing back on let’s

Put Lucy back let’s put my overlay back on but I’ll take it back off on Sunday anyway and you might as well have my mug back on here there I am excellent the cow lives the cow lives indeed no no that one didn’t I say cheese

Why do I not stream fortnite anymore I just I don’t enjoy fortnite at the moment I’m just not enjoying it I do need to do a stream on fortnite um because I saw the cape I did see the cape rubber ducks um because I want to finish I want to

Finish the battle pass because I paid for it so I want to finish it so if I do do a a fortnight stream I’m strongly considering doing it on my second channel so if you do want to go and subscribe to my second Channel kid plug

Go and subscribe it the link will be in the chat very shortly it’s called more muffin we were on it yesterday playing some FIFA Ultimate and Ultima team uh manage of career mode which are very close to be finishing on uh I did say do do I made a point at saying do

It sounds the same doesn’t it you was indeed he was indeed the first Claus II doo doo doo doo doo it is poopy that they’ve done that to Netflix it’s so annoying uh we are going to be ending yes you’ve got five minutes guys we’re less than

Five minutes now to finish up what you’re doing muffin town is looking so good like it’s looking amazing the builds are looking so good but we will be giving muffin town a rest for two weeks so next week and the week after we’ll be doing something different

Next week Eva will be doing the survival world or we’re gonna have a go at Java and then a week after we do the other one well thank you very much man boy I appreciate that dude you always come in at the end Randall how’s your holiday going Randy

You have a very special place to watch any hmm I’m not going to be in the next Stream So I’ve got my fingers crossed it’s not Java why are you not going to be in here Nick oh you’re on holiday aren’t you yeah I’ve already sorted that out with donkey

You have to have a like a server um not a server IP code or something it’s okay because I use a VPN anyway it doesn’t remember yeah it does it did sound weird didn’t it it’s good excellent excellent work right guys I’m gonna be ending the Minecraft world right here you’ve got a

One second warning before I end the world I’ve just realized I have not put the I didn’t it did the elevator as well get rid of all this I think ion was I on making this I can’t remember who was making this elevator but it was really good let’s go wait for

The uh how do we miss this lava by the way boys how on Earth do we miss this lava he’s a unit my mind is always going to go I can’t take it out oh yes he does okay no worries fair enough yo Keenan hater and unfortunately dude

We are just about to finish for the day and we have completed today’s work this is muffin town it’s looking pretty Lush some of the builds are insane I love this new sword I love uh rubber ducks’s statue I love Dave C’s cow Obsession the houses the football stadium oh oh he’s

Put a roof on it oh I wonder what shrimpy was up to I don’t know where Liam is what’s Liam doing that secret military base what is he doing I need to see it it better not be outside the that’s not it’s right here no it’s literally Ducks he spawned some ducks [Laughter]

Fair enough man fair enough all right guys that is gonna be the end oh let me see your sign you obviously want me to sign no quacks allowed on site secret duck it’s already secret when you signpost it Liam you know that right I mean this gives away the secret

Just saying survival training at a survival training I like it nice work dude nice work right that is going to be the end thank you for playing guys I Saw the Sign every time I say it now it’s gonna be that song isn’t it every single time

But apart from the grief the grief your side we’ve had a great little stream I’ve enjoyed it I do enjoy muffin time muffin Town’s so good man it’s come along so well and it’s brilliant you think it’s illegal what’s illegal I have an app to crush films to people

Don’t know any edit oh that does sound illegal very illegal and then you have mine a man boy yours is fine yours is fine see you later Randall guys that is going to be the end of this stream did a great one I’ve enjoyed it next time I’m making the

Parade deck and break nice remember for the next two weeks on Wednesday we’re going to be playing the survival world and a Java stream as well so if you want to get involved in that make sure you’re here uh join the Discord link is in the description make sure you like this

Stream go and subscribe to the second Channel use code daymo 240 in the item shop for fortnite Rocket league and yeah um that’ll be the end thank you guys for being here I really do appreciate it I hope you had a great time and I’ll see you all in the next one bye-bye

Really hot geez look at me I’m sweating peace thanks for that cheers oh yeah it’s not cold sorry diamo it’s not code day mode 24 is code Alpha apologies I think most people didn’t know that code Alpha thanks foreign

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE MINECRAFT WITH VIEWERS – CREATIVE SUPER FLAT WORLD!! MUFFIN TOWN GETS BIGGER!!’, was uploaded by Steadymuffin on 2023-08-16 21:04:49. It has garnered 168 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:57 or 10017 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftcreative

Today we continue to expand Muffin Town, this time in a super flat creative world! We have started with creating the outline and making plots for people to build on! At first only trusted people will be allowed to join.

**Griefers or hackers are not welcome and will be kicked and banned**

Join the Muffin Discord – https://discord.gg/7h5fS7FPpt

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#liveminecraft , Minecraft, Minecraft xbox, minecraft crossplay, minecraft bedrock, xbox pass, minecraft xbox pass pc,

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/monument-music/stop-war License code: PRAPRKRNBNFIMLNK

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  • Minecraft server org.blockhero.net

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  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

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  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

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  • Valena Towny

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  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

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  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

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  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

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  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

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  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

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  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

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  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

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  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

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  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More