🔴LIVE Triple Minecraft, Unite, Fortnite Stream! Shizo twist 🔥

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hi everyone it’s me it’s me you guys I’m trying to find a song Hold on um relaxing Pokemon music let’s see let’s see let’s see what we want to listen to I’m not late I’m streaming I’m literally on time be quiet anyways uh I’m launching Minecraft right now it’ll be up in a second I need to grab my phone stand so I can open chat and read it real quick okay we got it place it down open chat Minecraft is opening guys don’t even worry see there’s Minecraft so as you can see we now have a chat overlay on the stream and we’re g to play this all right guys overwhelming Shadow PR presents Andre hura yes we do have a Discord hold on let me get you the link real quick let’s see generate and copy and uh oops here we go yeah you guys see the chat overlay it’s really badly placed I’m fighting the music there’s not even music here yeah no problem H Hamburg Aisa oh I totally am aren’t I I can’t even hear the music coming through wait what you guys can hear me yes oh it’s your Minecraft music salt you’re funny you’re funny pal you’re funny you’re a funny guy I’m GNA be real I can’t even hear the music is there oh it’s cuz my headphones were down oops okay well Minecraft guys uh I just doxed the server oopsies uh okay let me turn it on let me turn on the server but anyways let’s say hi to everyone Trinity what’s up what’s up salt what’s up nebby what’s up Andre what’s up cool verse hope you’re all doing incredible today what’s up salt if I didn’t say already uh thank you all for being here what’s up Elite ninja if you’re still here chy I don’t know if it’s growing too fast also Andre not yet homie I mean I trust you in all but it’s like more of like a h homey thing I feel all right now while we wait for the server to um load up how is everyone doing today how are you all let me know have you had a nice day all right there should be the music let me know how it is is it too loud let me CH uh let me let you change your name real quick huisa all right all right change your name homie server should be going up momentarily I’m using like this free server hosting thing it’s kind of cringe but it’s kind of cool you’re excited cheni you’ll be even more excited once you get your own PC or get your PC back whatever your situation is you’re doing good what you want really wanted to play Andre you know what I know you’re a homie and all I might let you join I might let you join yeah zika we’re playing some Minecraft today we’re taking a uh a break from unite for the day cuz we had a lot of people who wanted me to stream this on on the server so I said you know what let’s make that a Saturday thing you have another interview Monday uh uh chinii where’s that from Salt maybe maybe who knows we’re only 240 away from monetization subscriber wise which is pretty cool you’re scrimming right now on unite I assume you mean that’s very cool zika wish you best of luck with those oh also guys this is kind of like an annoying mod pack to download and I’m not sure if the mod pack that I uploaded the Technic even works another Duncan Genie no no man that’s ridiculous okay well will the server start now okay it didn’t start up that’s cringe team in versus Wilbur’s team who’s Wilbur nebby VC probably not today probably not I’d rather Focus my energy on talking to chat sorry this is taking so long this service kind of kind of eh you know it limits your render distance to like 10 chunks which is super annoying but we kind of have to deal with it we kind of have to deal with it but I mean how are you all you’re currently making the decision to buy Java even though you already have Bedrock CSE Java is so much better unless you have to play with friends yeah a turn on surrender distance is garbage it totally is it’s so bad it’s so bad actually so bad but anyways guys while the server is loading up um I suppose I could tell you about um how exactly we will be building so each of my friends who’s on the server already we got nebby Skelly uh holy banana bread or John Silver Phoenix in the chat um yeah the nether is awesome isn’t it nevi yeah cool vers I was going to say that uh Trinity yeah it’s you know but they might have it on uh on console on Console you know what I mean I shouldn’t have music on okay yeah music is off um but yeah come on server any day now it’s almost up it’s almost ready it’s almost there you need frog lights why frog lights aren’t those no those are in 120 that where you find Ocean Monument I like the Frog lights a whole lot more and I think with like Magma Cube spawners it’d be pretty easy to make um you know the Frog Light Farms oh Coe yeah that’s unfortunate Frog Light is 119 yep we’re in 120.1 as you can see down here in this bottom left corner all right we’ve got about I don’t know 10 seconds hopefully this taking a really long time guys I’m sorry I’m very sorry guys very sorry Hi Lumi what’s up ninja frog lights are really dope yeah I love them you wanted the purple frog lights for your build palette yeah they’re awesome put some trap doors over them sometimes make him look extra good how’s the elite team coming up I have some plans Ching but I’m I have plans that I am not sharing I have plans that I will not be sharing anyways guys did you hear that little jingle there the server is up the server is up guys guys let’s go ahead and join it I will give you guys a quick rundown of what we’ve got going on for mod wise and as we spawn in we should be at the site of our base what is the elite team Andre last night in the Discord we were planning we were doing a bit of plotting and planning salt keiji’s here guys it’s salt salt it’s salt guys okay guys I’m moo Minecraft um we might have a couple of funny mods installed I’m not going to lie but I’m out of food pretty much nebb is here that’s mix Fiel nebby is mix Fiel I forget where everything is okay this way is our bed running 20 FPS not moving oh that usually happens when the server starts up it gets pretty laggy oh my goodness the server crashed guys it crashed it crashed guys cuz we haven’t been on it today it kind of just Goofs up sometimes and it’s really really annoying cuz I would really have liked to get started and I should have started this but I was watching YouTube videos the server crashed how fun it’s okay now we just have to wait another two minutes why now of all times nebby this happens it happens it’s typically right when I get home from rehearsal too first time this happened nebby for for us me and Skelly we have to deal with this I think it’s when multiple people join right as it starts up cuz I’m pretty sure you join alone but yeah this I I just need to get a paid service honestly I need to look into that have you ever talked about your platinum Nuzlocke Coe you sure have oh yeah explaining the league what’s up Zorb excuse me I’m still battling that cough but anyways the league it’s going to be a Discord thing shock bite is good okay I’ll look into that I’ll look into that salt thank you anyways the league it’s going to be a Discord thing I think then just kill the cops right now but it’s going to be a Discord thing anyone can enter anyone at all you just have to submit your application you will um salt stuck at spawn yeah it’s okay though anyways submit like an application saying that you want to join and we will set you up in a bracket we will set you up in a bracket guys you make your team 66 doubles the server is back up you will be put it against many other community members and we will decide who the Elite 4 and champion of us are who all of us make up the champion and the Elite 4 kind of like the blueberry Academy just like a Fight Club right that’s essentially the plan with that but anyways um it’ll be really fun we’ll set that up in the coming weeks and I hope you all will enjoy it but yes as you guys can see I’ll give you a quick rundown of the mods here I forget what this bio mod is called but it’s really cool for unite salt no just just for Pokémon like Pokémon VGC um there’s a lot of mobs here but this is where I’m going to be building my base uh don’t say anything unhinged please nebby not that you would you could dress as your character’s type sorb that’s an awesome idea I’m not going to lie it’ll be in you’re kidding me dude this is not fun oh my goodness guys we might have to Pivot we might have to Pivot chat this is so annoying server can’t handle like two minutes of crap Andre you trying to join yeah no it’s it’s VGC I want to do solos we might do like a solo um a singles version but nebby is a huge advocate for that maybe one at a time all right I should join first then so I can actually like give you guys the rundown here oh yeah uh cool verse um you thought Cynthia would win but gutina came in clutch with dragonclaw against Garchomp and he won that’s awesome we on bedw warss no I’m not playing bedw warss with you salt no this is really annoying I think I know why though I think I might know why honestly however we might start getting ads on our playlist so how do you join Andre it’ll be in the Discord you’re in the Discord yes we will make a um a channel for that where with a Google form it be anything in the channel except where you can sign up right so what essentially it does is we’ll make a tournament bracket pretty much and you guys will fight it out in the Discord it won’t be a stream thing because I think battles are insanely boring to watch so yeah it’s going to be a Discord kind of community event thing and we’re we’re going to see how it goes we’re going to give titles to the Elite 4 members and such and the champion of course yeah we know you guys want doubles what do you mean you changed you changed for chy give you water um when’s it going to be Andre probably this week um Monday through Friday we will probably figure it out you know we’ll figure it out this week and we’ll probably plan to do the battles on Saturday what’s up nebby what’s your question homie I want to pick a time that works for everyone though who suggested the idea of doing this uh this death it was I think it was cheny I think it was cheny and nebby who were first bouncing the idea around and then I’m like hey this is a pretty cool idea do we all need to pick different types that is an excellent question you guys you can’t just pick whatever you want your teams have to be structured around like a central type however you are allowed to use different types but you have to have like at least three corresponding to the main type type and then you can have some supporting types so for instance you can have a fire type Sun team and have like a chlorophyll freaking um whimsicott right you can have fire have like a toal and then you can have a whimsicott to support your fire types with like prankster taunt you know like Tailwind whatever if if whimsicott didn’t get nerfed but you know what I mean you know what I mean so you’re going to be like Gym Leaders essentially yes it’s going to be like blueberry Academy sty style teams VGC could you have syon on a rain team you sure could it could just be Tera water you guys need to have a terot type a designated terot type of your type of your team also really sorry about this server taking so long guys You’ll Be a Ghost type all right I think we will allow duplicate types because a lot of people have a lot of different types that they want to play some will be more popular than others like I doubt there will be a single rock type trainer so in like we’ll have multiple fire type trainers right yeah no Stellar type is allowed no Stellar type otherwise you would have like one Stellar type and one Stellar Tera and that wouldn’t meet the requirements multiple ghosts yeah nebby we know there’s going to be some multiple ghosts except you wanted to go fairy if I’m not mistaken the heck is sell type salt I don’t even know they were talking about in the Discord I haven’t finished the DLC so every mon on your team has to give your gym type is Tera it could but you can only Terra if that is your team’s type so essentially if you have like um a water type team right you have a superior I don’t know like a gargan akle and a Blissey if your Superior is grass Tera you cannot Tera it if your Blissey is water Terra you can Terra it essentially you can only terize if that terot type corresponds to your team if not then it’s a disqualification you wanted to go fairy if there were new dupes allowed okay guys the server is up please know and join if you’re here if you’re listening and you’re trying to join we want to see if this works if not then I’m going to Pivot I think for a little bit until it works you could probably do psychic but you like water sorbet that’s pretty cool all right it looks like the server is finally working finally we only lost a little bit of time no one join please no one join um but yeah here’s the area um it’s still a little bit laggy it looks like I wouldn’t be surprised if we crashed again if I’m being honest I don’t trust this guy I don’t trust him um but yeah I’ll give you a quick rundown of the mods that we have we have some kind of biome mod we have Zero’s mini map as you can see in the top left and by these little markers around we have the create mod we have um let me sleep quick just in case let me sleep quick you might just build both types and then choose whatever you prefer I’d like for you to decide before that though we have create mod um and valkyri R Skies which allows for like airships uh boats you know stuff like that so create and valkyri and skies and that so will these battles be every week probably not salt I don’t want to hear it man it wasn’t my idea it totally was my idea guys I’m just kidding I just thought it was funny but yeah look at all these blocks that custom or create and the biome mod um add to the game it’s a whole lot so that’s why we only have like the create mod and then a few other simple mods but we will be adding more mods as time goes on right um and then this is all just the vanilla stuff but the create mod is really all you need it has so much added to the game but anyways uh so what if they had a mod on their team that was not part of the type they signed up with will they decide to tear some something else let me reread your question cuz I don’t understand what you’re saying those two are really cool to Trinity I’m still trying to figure out what you mean chy can you elaborate a little bit more because we established that you are allowed to um bring whatever the heck you want as long as you have like three correspondents of your main type and a tera of that type the other two can be supporting types that do well in that type for example like I think uh cedil has like storm drain you could have like a cedil on a water type team they just have to have some sort of synergy you know what I mean that has to deal with your type but yeah I hope that makes somewhat sense but yeah guys here is I’m going to give a quick tour of the server real quick here’s where ne’s little tent thing is uh we got a little farm but you see I was kind of trying to mess around with the create mod to make some kind of windmill in a harvesting system with some Harvesters but I totally don’t have slime to make glue if you guys know anything about the create mod it’s really annoying it’s really annoying sometimes but yeah we need the glue show them your tent yeah this is ne’s tent here um okay yeah ne’s tent I just kind of lived outside the tent this is the chest that I’ve been living out of O food Don’t Mind If I Do here’s my little sheep pen uh we got a bamboo Farm all kinds of cool custom trees uh ne’s little tree farm I I have no clue what’s going on here kind of wild actually some cherry trees and we have what ne’s been working on I grief the sign no I didn’t what version is this anyway Trinity this is 1.20.1 one and yes I did pronounce the dot two separate ways but yeah this will look really good when it’s done I have a feeling nebie knows what they’re doing when it comes to building um you’re bummed you can’t stay chy oh no well I hope you have a good time at church though homie hope you have a real nice time and over here we have skelly’s house um he’s been working he’s out with his friends right now having like real life social contact or whatever cringe yeah his giant sheep hole here that I steal wool from every now and again uh his stuff you know it looks pretty good it looks very good actually someone just fell down the stairs that’s kind of cool um we’re we’re going to ignore that and continue streaming and not check if they’re all right but yeah guys this is kind of the setup kind of the setup hope you guys like but yes we’re going to start building our own Base today you guys could probably try joining now if you wanted but yeah as time goes on we’ll probably probably add more and more people more and more mods and we’ll see what we can grow hopefully we can make a nice little Community here are you Hy enough to join Andre uh nebby you’re too late Sal already joined but I’m assuming you guys could probably B just join okay it’s too late anyways Andre I would let you almost honestly Andre I know you’re homie should we make a Hunger should we make hunger a problem instead hunger is already a problem yes yes guys I see you there it is still totally lagging though that’s not fun what’s up Mark how you doing today what did I say now you join zika zika I know you’re trustworthy I know you’re trustworthy let me get you guys set up with the mod pack let me uh find that do you guys have Technic Launcher installed first things first do you guys have the Technic Launcher cuz you will need that unless I will have to send you each the mods requireed ired to join pams Harvest CRA actually adds new food items and crops but the thing is it readjusts the vanilla food yeah doesn’t it add like a saturation bar is that the mod that does that cuz I’ve played with that before on some random Technic Pack oh the women have a special service today I see chy um curse Forge clears curse Forge I tried to use it but some of the mods weren’t compatible which really ended up annoying me so I just went with Technic Launcher cuz that’s what I know how to use right so if you guys aren’t aware with my base plans um let me grab a reference here uh I think it’s this one yes let me save that and show you guys real quick this is Colony tow from Xenoblade 3 essentially there’s going to be these it’s going to be a colony right oh that’s Apple Core Trinity yo what’s up ex space nice to see you today so essentially in Xenoblade 3 there’s a lot of colonies right I want to build my own colony in essence they have this yo what’s up dark I’m doing pretty good today hope you’re doing good as well also I hope you’re doing well as well exospace bro is not building all that probably not Mark but with the create mod my vision is to be able to make a working fanus that can at least somewhat move can at least do somewhat of something and that’s what really sparked the idea of just making a colony I must be a crack Builder I’m all right essentially like the idea is you have a bunch of tents in like temporary mobile moving homes right who’s hit me Cynthia gulp gulp chat what is this yo Palm saplings guys this is nebby you’re doing great and what are we building today um we are going to be building a colony from Xeno Blade 3 that’s my base plans thank you for the Palm saplings by the way homie much obliged I wonder what the pal wood looks like we’ll go ahead and plant one as a sign of gratitude and keep the other one in there but yeah guys um if you can’t tell it’s very gray I left it on the overlay didn’t I I oops oops oops oops that didn’t happen guys it didn’t happen my fault no don’t delete that get it back and delete this okay there we go guys I know how OBS works so are you going to remove the reference uh I got it now I got it now I forgot but yeah guys the first things that we need to do is get started with a storage system and the way they do storage in the game is they have like these little um like they kind of look almost like um like storage buildings in real life like you see this giant like Mass Community storage things with like the metal great doors well not metal great but like metal mesh we’re going to try and attempt to replicate one of those in Colony style uh I should probably make a shovel huh but yeah as you can see I made like a little Bridge someone you’re a criminal whoever did that you’re wrong for that but yeah anyways um let’s grab a shovel real quick yeah it’s totally lagging I I don’t know why I guess the server is just running slow today which is really annoying cuz I was hoping to stream and have fun so when can you join Andre do you have Technic Launcher I oh you don’t um okay I’ll send you I’ll invite you to the little Minecraft server Channel and then I want you to check the pins excuse me let me get you added to this channel uh let’s see Andre on how do I how do I add people members here we go okay um I don’t know how to add people to this I’m not even going to lie guys um nebby do you know how to add people guys do you know how to add people you’re drawing the late Guardians I love the the late Guardians you’re trying to install it zika okay what do you need to play in the server uh Andre you need to either install Technic Launcher or um in install all the mods that I send you if you can’t get the Technic Launcher version to work but yeah um try and get that working I suppose wow this lag is just fun this is awesome I don’t think it’s cuz I’m streaming I think the server is genuinely just running slow although it could be the case that it’s CU I’m streaming who knows this is ridiculous nebby are you lagging like this cuz it’s Skelly Farm oh can you kill a couple of them then we might need to kill a lot of them actually because I do need some food I suppose we can go do that it’s going to be na oh true salt that could be the case as well but we’ve had like four people on before we’ve had four people on with no issue like at all this is three and there shouldn’t be anything that the server can’t handle already should also probably grab this cuz we are trying to make an enchant setup it’s not even working okay I’ll just send you the mods then do you know how to install Minecraft mods zika Andre I might have to do that uh with you as well because I don’t know why the Technic thing doesn’t work it’s kind of cringe not going to lie yeah okay I’ll send you the mods real quick let me find zika Moy zika um okay let me see I know it’s in my mods folder or I could just invite you to the channel it’s also not working for you Andre okay I’ll get you guys invited to this channel uh how do I invite people zika and Andre what’s your Discord user Andre send you the mods too all right what’s what’s your Discord I know you’re in the and okay I got it I got it never mind oh you’re not added on my friends list that’s why okay accept my friend request then Andre and then zika you should have had the little invitation there do the little invitation there and then you should be able to join the um okay and then and we accept Anie invite you okay so in your DMs click those invite links and hit that little um that should and get get you in there you’re already in the Discord I figured that link would put you in the channel but I guess not okay um oh here we go okay I figured it out never mind I I figured it out so go ahead and check your in the Discord and then check the pins guys yeah that’s my fault I don’t know how to do that sorry about the wait guys but we want to get these guys in so they can have some fun with us go ahead and check the pins install all of those mods it’s it’s a little bit there’s like 10 okay ne’s on the sheep here doing God’s work truly there’s so many sheep in here we have to trim the herd hey I’m not complaining whole bunch of food they’ll be back tomorrow though Trust Three Stacks jeez there is so much mutton hold on imagine building you a salt that’s got to your build that’s got to be it I tried building that one time in a um a world with my step brother it it turned out pretty nice it did actually turn out pretty nice but we never got to finish it because my switch broke that the world was hosted on which was kind of cringe I’m not going to lie oh yeah salt do you uh know your way here do you have the coordinates are you I’m I trust that you’re self your stuff you don’t trust these files it’s fine no they’ve worked they worked for others if you’d rather me just send um send them in DMs I can do it zika if you don’t want to download them then I guess you’re out of luck me you don’t have to I don’t think you have to it’s just it’s just funny I might I might get rid of it because it’s kind of dumb it’s it’s actually kind of dumb you don’t have to Andre but yeah the most important part of the installation process is running that Forge installer as I explained in the pin messages there um who isn’t oh salt can’t even sleep so I don’t think it’s worth it let’s light the area up just so we didn’t get jumped you know what I mean real quick yeah that definitely helped with the lag though like on the real no so I don’t know what you’re talking about this is not a 16 plus stream here okay dogs feel you’re crazy what do you mean the he heing chy when you played for 1600s you literally got uh freaking 1599 when you went for jungle guardy jungle guard is pretty good I did see you were posting about that in the unite section which is very good good job I got the 1600 um like two seasons ago and then I kind of took a step back to um play some more Minecraft once I got my PC you should go Pokemon d and d uh starting soon anyway zika that’s okay do what you got to do homie I’ll see you next time maybe you come back all right if you do thanks for coming back but yeah Andre let me know if you need any more help I will be more than happy to assist you cuz it is kind of a stupid process if I’m not going to lie if I’m allowed to be honest just this once uh you wonder what’s going to be Pokémon day yeah me too it could be so many things so many fun speculative theories in the community right now okay killing the Sheep definitely helped there was way too many of them but anyways let’s start up a nice little a l remakes that’s not going to be till next like rotation I don’t think gen 10 might have a l remakes no I mean no gen 11 I think I did the math and I’d be like 24 worlds in Hawai would actually go hard so I’m not sure how much to No it should definitely be taller in the game it’s like kind of like a frame and then it fills in the walls with the white wool so we’re going to do a a bit of experimenting with this as we figure it out you’re going to compete there SPI that’s cool you only have a bit of time but when you get back it’ll be uh you’ll be here till you go to bed all right Andre PMD Edition I would love a new PMD game like honestly I would love PMD let’s figure out a way to make in create mod is there a way to make like sliding doors cuz I think that could be really cool honestly but anyways these got to be kind of big right and we get another mirrored frame here we got two of those you can do that without a create mod well yeah that’s sticky pistons and stuff that’s boring either way I do need slime I know we need to find a swamp so bad nebby we really do I thought I had shears I don’t have shears guys this isn’t good you found skelly’s Place yo nice salt welcome to the area yeah also you will want to pick out an area so we know where you’re going to be building oh I also forgot um to point out um silver Phoenix’s place it’s more over towards that direction I know you guys can’t see it but it’s in a cool forest and he’s burning the entire place down and it it’s going to be cool apparently something Industrial Revolution themed from what I’ve seen isn’t it in the forest area F yes I was going to help him with that but he hasn’t been on in a couple days days uh just Minecraft Brandon yo what’s up Brandon you finally made it into the chat room yeah we’re doing just Minecraft today unless we want to play some unite later going to tear down the forest and build a Walmart Super Center you could SP yeah you can totally do that nothing wrong with that are legendaries allow SW allow sorb let’s make it ou or I mean like regulation d e whatever regulation e if if they’re up to that so like one legendary per team or whatever no restricted or something like that I don’t know we’ll figure it out I’ll have nebby help with balancing so you could use one chenow probably you do need quartz for the pagota tower did you find the nether portal Fel I can show you it if you need it but Brandon I it’s nice to see you here in chat kind of like the bell tower in jodo that’s a cool idea you found it all right good I’m glad to hear I got a bunch of quartz for um rose quartz things for the electron tubes or whatever the heck Trickum oie and and momento in doubles though that wouldn’t be too great that’s more of a single strategy isn’t it a bit more of a single strategy but yeah these are just going to be simple tents you’re happy to be here you just had a basketball game pasket Ball’s fun I really suck at it though legendaries can be allowed nebby I’m going to have you decide that for me cuz you know you know VGC way better than I do but anyways I think I was going to build like a little staircase and have a bunch of chests along the walls cuz that would be much more storage efficient yeah no nebby all right I’ll help you and you’ll help me figure out the roles um Pokemon like LUN would be overpowered yeah lunala is really good though honestly it’s so good I love me some lunala we can run like I don’t know why I place those there we don’t really need them that should be good on the list oh my goodness you’re going to bring lunala to Worlds that sounds like fun lunala is so such a good Pokémon such an interesting design some late guardians or heat rain might be all right um um I don’t know that’s ne’s call honestly you’re about to have a panic attack Genie why can you be a normal leader with tagos no no that doesn’t sound very fair I don’t think okay so that looks fine we build up the back wall here and we will fill up the rest of the room with chests no sub legendaries what about pseudos pseudos are fine pseudos got to be fine cuz those are interesting and fun when done right and no Paradox wait why not paradox paradox are fine aren’t they pitas are epic or pitas are fine pitas are fine yeah what are we trying to build uh let me get the reference image for you homie and not forget how to delete it so this is a colony essentially flutter man we can just ban flutter man we can just ban flutter man no big deal so are you familiar with uh Xenoblade 3 at all Brandon if not I’ll explain in the games essentially there’s these places called colonies they’re all over pretty much the main point of the story war and colonies stuff like that um they have these big robot things called fuses I’m getting attacked hang on guys okay so FIS is and we have the create mod on here right so I want to try and make a working fanus and essentially the look of the builds is going to be like tense and like tarps and they’re all going to be like looking like they’re meant to be moved in event of emergency so essentially that’s that’s the plan we haven’t been plotting your list yet you you hold your cards very close to your chest nebby uh paradoxes aren’t exactly Fair okay fine well I think that’s just you complaining cuz you play off meta we don’t need to sleep never mind but yeah Brandon I hope that was a good enough explanation you downloaded everything on ex uh on Express zip file now what do you do what you want to do is I can give you a quick tutorial in Microsoft Paint real quick um let me give you a new window capture here hope it’s the right window all right it should be so you guys should be able to see this now right so there’s going to be this little program called run if you’re on Windows and it’s going to look like um you can’t see it hold on okay never mind paint’s just not going to show up never mind we’re not doing that so essentially is you type in your windows search bar um run run n just like that and what you want to do with that is Type in percentage sign here I’ll type it in chat for you percentage sign uh a daa sorry for buffering by the way and percentage sign you’re going to want to type that in uh we are lagging okay we don’t seem to be lagging anymore but anyways that’s what you want to type into that run thing uh if we’re not lagging hello hello hello are we here are we here or are we not um I don’t know if we’re lagging or not but yeah essentially you use the run you type in yeah you search run open run and then type that yes I’m dropping so many frames you naughty boy this guy’s Sal okay I’m sorry guys oh my goodness this is really annoying I don’t know why I’m lagging am I really lagging or is it fake because I don’t know but yeah Brandon once you do that you want to open do Minecraft where do you type run again do you have Windows Andre are you a Windows user I assume you you are but once you do that it’s going to be in the little Windows search bar like in the bottom left of your screen and I’m sorry that I can’t really explain coherently because of this assumed lag that I’m going through right now I don’t know if I’m actually lagging or not and it’s really annoying that I don’t know that see you chy see you homie welcome back Brandon guys can you tell me how much we’re lagging is it a lot or a little or none at all and I’m just delusional because of my OBS yelling at me in my stream on my phone buffering cuz it’s making me paranoid you search run where just [Music] Google guys I don’t know if I’m lagging or not and I don’t know if my words are even coming through right now and it’s annoying it’s annoying truly oh wait I don’t think we’re lagging anymore no we’re totally lagging we’re totally still lagging I love OBS sometimes guys I love it so much I love it guys do you love OBS do you love internet connection so do I we’re going to make this one block bigger also guys I’ve not really planned this build out whatsoever so it’s probably going to be bad um Andre there should be like a more detailed tutorial in the um Discord channel for this I just don’t really have the capacity to explain fully right now I hope you understand CU I’m being like gas lit by my internet that spawn nebby I don’t if you can hear me all right it is it doesn’t look like we’re lagging anymore right 30 seconds gang what’s up stream ABS you mean 30 second delay because that’s what it’s feeling like that’s what it’s feeling like because I love my internet what is this ho 45 second delay wicked wicked sorry guys I don’t know why we’re lagging so much tbh and it’s really annoying when there’s assault be quiet this guy this guy you guys guys I don’t this guy okay so since my stream seems to be behaving finally um Andre you want to it’s like oh at stream in 30 seconds I see Mark salt is tripping salt is definitely tripping does this line up okay it’s fine also we don’t even need a staircase on this side what are we doing Salt’s always tripping this should be tough though Andre are you still here because I don’t know if I have the capacity to keep explaining there’s some good tutorials on YouTube is all I’ll say I guess is this the outside it is I think we do this just for fun did my stream seriously end bro what oh no it didn’t guys are we even here are we even here cuz stream literally ended on my phone it and it nebie you’re still here you’re I don’t know what’s happening it just started again I ain’t got no clue what’s happening guys I a got no clue guys I I think I’m schizophrenic I think I’m schizophrenic you guys uh we want to have a door here does create mod have anything for that I wonder tell me something new nebby I’m not a furry that’s new to you yeah guys refresh refresh if stream ended refresh if stream ended that’s an interesting sentence also we’re probably going to have to Ping the Discord ly to the kind mod you are not the kind mod Skelly no Mimi Mimi is this the kind mod you have to go okay so I’m so sorry Andre I don’t know what’s happening anymore I will definitely send you a good tutorial I’ll make one myself if I have to I have no clue what’s happening anymore I’m not going to anthro oh I only just learned what that was you think if I was a furry I would know what that was in Cleveland I’m not in the Cleveland area or the Ohio area for that matter this guy the server died oh my goodness guys I might just pivot I’m gonna pivot this is so lame Mark what is anth Ohio I don’t even know I’m gonna this is annoying we’re playing unite we’re playing unite guys we’re go we’re we’re playing unite we’re we’re I’m actually just going to play unite now nebby you told me about that we’re playing unite you guys you guys I did I I had to get rid of something on my page so I played like every game I owned to get it off of my profile we’re playing unite I’m going to up up I’m going to update the title and everything I’m sorry that I couldn’t play Minecraft for you guys I really wanted to it was going to be so much fun we’re playing unite I’m going to uh ping the Discord and change the stream title did the server end for you guys too because I’m I’ll put it back up for you if you guys still want to play it no it totally died you know what that game is nebby no way no way guys um yeah we’re pivoting that’s so annoying it did end yeah we’re going to have to Ping again then uh let me go to my stream here edit title pivot to unite Minecraft broke now we here RZ rilan Arc a a new era of Riz Riz piece okay anyways that’s the new stream title Mark you might go play some Splatoon why is that we should play Geometry Dash no all right guys um we’re going to change the thumbnail back to Pokémon unite as well I think let’s go back to the old thumbnail then we save that splatfest this weekend yeah very nice or clone hero what if we played fortnite Festival although freaking fortnite probably won’t work either am I doing rank Brandon we can I’m going to play one solo no we’ve already warmed up for the stream people are already here we got assault we got to let’s just make it a triple feature stream we’ll play a bit of unite a bit of Minecraft we’ll do an hour of each we’ll play an hour of fortnite but I’m not sure if I can play fortnite Festival I’m not sure if I can without getting copyrighted honestly honestly guys I don’t know it’s under fair use you’re telling me Gangam Style is under fair use not that I you’re telling me I by Kendrick Lamar is fair use what’s up Nico what’s up Nico we literally just pivoted from silu to unite let’s get sorb let’s get Brandon let’s run it up since it’s in a video game but no they fortnite literally has something that’s like mute copyrighted audio all right the servers back up if you guys wanted to keep playing I’m really sorry about that your name is literally l favorite I’m going to keep calling you sorb since sorb is my favorite you feel me or do you feel me keep dreaming keep dreaming that you’re my favorite keep dreaming what’s up Brandon what’s the what what’s there to wait for what’s up thought Herman was my favorite no sorbet is my favorite you are my favorite supporter Brandon unironically you are you actually are what do we play we play some Del some Bel deline is this what’s going on is this the wave I think it might be the wave never mind we have a guardi we have a guardy we have a guardi always ruining everything Nei hold on do we do we double Defender this honestly honestly give me guardy I like this hold up you just stomped a twitch streamer in a match and he went back to check stream they were reporting their team for sucking that’s hilarious streamlabs that’s actually hilarious how does that even happen how do you ever get that big of an ego you see three attackers so you hope we go for bulk yeah yeah it would be a good idea it would be I think Umbreon Sylveon is ridiculous if the um I don’t know what Brandon plays but either way should you go hyper or mystical I think if um nebby are you going for mean look I think if it’s ne’s mean look you should go hyper voice and if it’s um the other one I think it’s snarl right then I would go for IC Le fire but yeah whatever you want jungle guardy interesting I didn’t mean to take my fault my fault I didn’t see if they were stacking I’m not going to lie I was going to let you have that but okay I could have had it if I wanted I’m just I’m bullying him I’m being a bad Lane partner is what’s happening G vort is top tier but balanced yeah I feel that that makes sense I see what you mean let us Farm then let us Farm let us do it got him Gore is super fun thank you I want the Haunter to attack me so we can do this oh my get out of here got that come on one more just one is all I need for salvation got it we’re fine we’re fine guys we’re just fine uh what’s a Gore you only know them running up you only know running up in people’s faces and killing them you don’t even know what auml is that’s crazy all right see you see you mark hope you have fun with Splatoon or whatever you going to decide on playing hope you have [Music] fun hope you have some fun oops yeah they’re here yo what’s up yon or uh uh I’d have to translate it again but I know it’s you I’ll just call you you how about that you didn’t know what you didn’t know what that is I think you got it confused with murder maybe I might honestly just going to score 25 real quick here if you don’t mind slow bro thank you what happened sorb I don’t know what happened oh um what happened was um the the server crashed like four times and our stream was lagging a lot it was lagging a whole lot seven this is the build guys trust me it’s the wave I know it is and here’s why that’s why you you love arson me too but only in controlled amounts and on people you don’t like he’s a snipe shotter guys he’s a snipe shotter it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone you guys let’s go top yeah that was unfortunate with the Minecraft and you know it’s blast over it’s blast winning it’s blast it’s blast maxing guys blasto is l little waddle is adorable it’s all right I mean overrated as heck [Music] but I’m kind of in the zone cuz I want to hit this combo right we’re gone no we’re not we’re fine gotcha that’s why I like spin uh spin pump so you can just go into people like that two times hit him with a big old pump of damage you know what I mean question marks you know what I mean someone clip that what’s there to clip sentence wording what about it I see nothing wrong with this sentence TBH you’re getting pumped pal pumping him [Music] go oh come on it was over it was over you guys hit him with it hit him with it what a perfect time to level up I can’t fight this I have to go back I think my sentence wording was just fine there honestly honestly that’s what I think might just be a me thing I almost got it yeah was close I just didn’t have my hydropump ready whoa almost pushed it in there that would have been bad whoopsy Doodles am I right we should go bottom but I kind of need this for my ALT for my ALT secure you know what I mean all right let’s do it let’s go do it guys let’s do it do it do it do [Music] it all right not too long for our alt here get away from my gavor you jerk you’re a surf Hydro stand surf Hydro is ridiculous infiltrating the back lines here so we can die if fin only I had my ALT right guys if only only I had it anyways let’s keep trying we’ll get there we will get there even if your team sucks when you try to play it it’s still pretty good cuz you just are annoying the entire time and that’s really all you need to do is be annoying in this game and then you just win someone trying to snipe us you still prefer to shred them with uh a smiley face yeah you’re staying with me pal a I got cocky that’s what I did I didn’t think the Gengar would show up honestly and that’s why you go with water spout what would water spout have done there a man I should have done more all right I’m getting sick of this sleepy time music I’m going to change it here in a second as soon as I can rante Arc you know it I was running out of things to type so I just started throwing in anime references with RZ any junglers anyone curious okay we’ll just keep doing that then that’s fine no but seriously any junglers come on guardi wasn’t our gavor the jungler initially if not then it should go to our Mimi he’s here somewhere there it is where did my health just go why do I what where did go what the heck still no Masters I was going to say something but it’s not family friendly to say he’s going to be me SB quit saying that it’s it’s weird it’s it’s weird um I definitely need like a tankier build for this guy I think because I think I just have my cool down special attack on [Music] him what guys my mom walked in and I was kind of just trying to play to play I wasn’t really focusing but yeah I’m not a good Blastoise I guess I mean I did fine I could have done better though with my engagements over anything so let me change the music here because this is getting sleepy let’s go for some hype Pokemon music and maybe I’ll stop talking like I haven’t slept in 30 hours let’s go with this one no wait no not that one this one walked in on the list it was like 8 at night it was like 8 at night can you join you sure can you whoever let uh slowo score sold wait how much did we lose by cuz I wasn’t paying attention I think it was my fault yeah I mean we definitely lost cuz of me streamlabs you don’t know about the list you weren’t there for the Valentine stream you weren’t there for it oh oops hold on yeah that that’s what it was let’s get uon in here there they are Brandon I’mma let you play again because you’re really good and I don’t really care and I don’t think anyone else wants to join anyways but yeah I don’t play with Defenders enough honestly yeah Brandon you’re a homie of the top [Music] degree is that the rolante Gan it might be you guys you know what’s funny I’m going to have to make an entirely new like thumbnail you love playing with me Brandon I’m glad you I’m glad you said that that’s nice of you to say honestly bot match oh let’s go let’s go bot game guys let’s Farm meow skara points and get our gold ribbon it’s not a bot game what are you talking about it’s not a bot match Azu cuz that abso just switched well no it it is it might be you’re right it might be I didn’t think they could switch but they might I don’t know who knows who knows if it’s not then I shouldn’t be playing meow I should be playing Goodra honestly but I think it is I’m not sure no it’s a bot game okay we’re fine we’re fine but yeah Gan we’re playing unite now we were supposed to be playing um Minecraft but our server crashed like three four times and our stream died for like like 5 minutes it died for so long that it ended and I was like what okay we’re just going to play something else absol’s going for it guys all right then you have fun with that pal you have fun with that jungle that I called Mr absil over here well guys might as well start farming early we got that bab boy said he want to get his Jung Lang schnit lap of pepp nicely done okay that’s four four Stacks thank you that’s five and we’re almost level six so we’re in good shape very good shape he got all that wow wow wow thank you thank you base for being there to provide a shield in my dying need um I’m not really sure how to commentate this so you know get me out of here no no no no no please please please oh my goodness they’re everywhere no no no no stay away help me help me no dude oh he just had to be there I was going to get life steal off of that and then hopefully someone help me but I was all alone um okay well let’s just keep farming I guess I hate Bot games they’re not fun at all could take care of some other things salt all right see you later homie see you later homie thanks for being awesome dang what a snipe just kidding H you fell for it little plant thing ping me when fortnite all right I got you didn’t you have other plans though oh come back come back here you don’t know that I’m playing meow SC it and I can literally just jump to you from across the map pal or what is that what was happening there cuz honestly I think it might have been that might have been the case there he’ll stop everything for fortnite with me dang then ask to play with me some more then ask to play with me more how about that oh my you’re damy holy I forgot that eligos could actually deal damage nicely done I don’t want to fight this guy alone with on like no HP thank you you’re really good with your map yeah you main Festival I know you do I’m pretty good at it I just you know I don’t think it’s too fun to watch really I mean I feel like we should do fortnite when Chen’s around though and I don’t know how long he’ll be at church I mean I’m down to go for a while I’ll just have to take a break in between to get like a drink and stuff cuz I don’t have one with me which isn’t good especially when you’re talking for as long as I am could get a ddlc stream part two kind of scenario with me losing my already cough stricken voice you know what I mean um oh yeah we forgot to Ping the Discord didn’t we we forgot to Ping them and let them know that we’re back live with it and that stream didn’t end and we’re playing unite after all but our usual crowd is around 6 so I don’t know we’ll probably go to like 7 today no that’s too long probably to like 5 6 no to six let’s go to six today how’s that sound guys would iron bundle be around maybe I got you don’t worry nicely done good teamwork oh my give me my passive it wasn’t back it has a water Tera well nebby said no Paradox so nebie word is kind of like gospel you know what I mean so I’m not sure I’m not sure what neb is planning really yo what’s up coers we’re playing unite because the Minecraft died the server died and then the stream died and I’m like you know what let’s play something else even though I wanted to play Minecraft even though I wanted to Brandon you need some help all right just a minute there’s my pass oh it wasn’t enough though it just wasn’t enough I don’t like zerah Ora I mean it’s a cool Pokemon in theory but it’s kind of like it’s too humanoid it’s kind of weird nicely done there Absol team skull all right well then well then uh you could have played something else uh didn’t you want to break from unite I did want to break from unite but we’re back I just wanted to play Minecraft to do something else with you guys they’re stunning you every time Brandon uh let’s try fighting together then maybe we’ll make some Headway there’s my passive oh my goodness every time yeah I see what you mean by the stuns though like the Snorlax just heavy slams you then the Zera hits you with the the discharge or whatever go steal platoon and play the Splat Fest no but I did see the trailer for that side order thing with agent 8 you were talking about and I thought that that looked kind of cool honestly I’m not even going to lie but only because of is not Splatoon and not the Splatoon community and you can just play solo player single player which I think is pretty cool it looks so good yeah it’s pretty cool yo what’s up crafty how you doing today we were supposed to be playing Minecraft but had to have a change of plans because Minecraft kind of died as in the server that we were playing on it died it crashed and then the stream died and crashed it’s basically Doom mix with ultra kill man you are good glad to hear that homie glad to hear you’re good I can’t fight the Zera and anything else combined but I can fight Zera alone and anything else combined alone except maybe Snorlax my goodness crra you just don’t quit do you let me score thank you I used u-turn on Minecraft unite yeah you kind of have to do that sometimes come on just get in my zone just get in my zone dude it’s not that hard I would have killed them both if they stayed in my zone guys and I would have been full HP after too cuz my passive proced I think I need shed doll for my meow imagine dying during meow all I know it’s almost like I need Shena doll or something it’s almost like that’s the case yeah you chami is popping off I think that’s how you say it cuz I I think that’s how it’s yeah it’s something I’d have to translate it again and I can’t really do that right now to figure out how it’s pronounced you love your split two and three OLED I don’t because it’s not mine can you join crafty yeah who else was going to join I know someone else might have wanted to join with us sticking out your Gat for the rler you’re so skiy that’s what I’m saying could you join soon cool verse uh you can join with um crafty unless Gan wants to join you’re so Phantom tax you’re so brain rot dang Kar yeah you you Chan went crazy with that intellion snipe shot 91k ain’t bad you guys are YouTube shorts Watchers I can tell don’t worry so am I did you guys see that Meme with like the blue talking head and that swirling color universe and it’s like 168 5901 it’s really it’s so stupid cool verse me too all right Brandon I’m sorry homie but we just need to get some others in oh wait AI wants to join A’s been here for a minute Azu gets priority because A’s cool and I think wait who else wanted to crafty was it you who wanted to join oh your switch is dead anyway all right let’s get stream uh streamlabs in it said you could join it’s cuz you’re a master’s player it’s cuz you’re a master’s player C verse I’m sorry but we’re going to let Mew and Azu play because we want to hit as many people in as we possibly can excuse me um agent 8 is one of the coolest characters ever she beat one of the hardest bosses ever and save the world in heels search up inner agent 3 if you have time I don’t want to because that sounds like something that would like you know Customs maybe crafty once your switch charges or we might just play ranked because I was thinking of doing fortnite later I might play some fortnite you know what I mean Customs we’ll play some customs but yeah unironically because we spent about an hour doing Minecraft I might do an hour of fortnite it was fun to shoot Bots without feeling guilty yeah that’s that’s fair you dead serious you doing fortnite I might be crafty are you interested in that or no you’ll join in fortnite crafty all right I got you we’ll do fortnite around uh 5:00 P p.m EST sound good fair warning you suck at Blastoise all right I will play something to help you out with that then being me when do you want the Discord league tournament to happen next Saturday and we’ll plan it this week that’s a bit forward crafty I think I think it’s a bit forward well I mean if these guys want to play attacker so bad maybe we should just go like Serena or Blaze again no let’s go Blaze again I think that pair is better with Blastoise honestly just a little bit bro three attackers yeah streamlabs I’m trying not to we’ll let them lose their Top Lane together no that wasn’t like a bad message I thought it was funny I’m just saying that’s like whoa whoa we w v oneing the 5-year-old what are you talking about five attackers kind of crazy huh kind of crazy first time you suffered for days just to be rewarded with a gold toothpick um what does that even mean all right I’m going to go stack early get me out of here get me out of here when you beat inner agent 3 you get a gold toothpick to wear in your hair that’s kind of crazy kind of insane crafty I’ve been uh practicing editing on keyboard cuz I’ve been a um a controller Mouse player I mean a controller player all my life until just recently I switched the keyboard mouse get me out of here that’s what I’m saying get me out of here no Michael G out me out of here G me up Scotty am I right or no is that not right what do you think let me know there’s three of them there’s not five of them there’s three of them you got fortnite on Christmas when you got your Xbox when was this crafty you seem like an Xbox player I’m not going to lie trust me I can edit like a freak on Nintendo switch first you got your brother what are you saying like actually then what are you okay stop talking crafty stop talking give me that yeah okay bud whatever whatever you say homie Leafeon of course is still here prohibiting us from stacking or getting Center cuz these guys are here no I missed my mean look moment you got your Xbox on Christmas oh so you mean like this Christmas this Christmas interesting mean look equals no skill yeah but it’s good so why not play it right why not guys why not play something that’s easy to play yeah yes yes this Christmas all right I got you mean look me I dare you I think every EV Luan who pairs with each other is kind of cringe in some way or another and of course he’s here cuz why wouldn’t he be imagine losing Gan stop talking stop talking then you got DBZ kakarat and started playing that you seem like a DBZ kakarat player we need to start taking control of this match by the horns we need to stop fooling around cuz once we get Blazin it’s all over we always suck as Tor it through kusin ivys so are kind of mad oh come on dude of course he’s here why wouldn’t he be he’s just always here wait voice chat my fault what were they saying were they saying anything bad let’s start taking control guys let’s start doing what we need to wait what were they saying guys I can’t hear the game I play with audio I think they were oh my oh you’re dead let me add him no drag oh my goodness yo what’s up vanilla ice cream nice to meet you I don’t think I’ve ever met you before nice to see you homie you can’t listen to it but she said something bad I’m that’s I’m sorry if you guys heard something that they shouldn’t have said let me add him nuh-uh come here you’re gone bye let’s take control the match by the horns you’re gone darn it oh my God that was that was going to be a pop off moment with the cool music and everything I can sound bad too you know it can you please join vanilla ice cream we will get you in the next game all right sound good we only really run Trio’s around here so we have to be smart with how we cue people into our games get him he’s so weak dude oh my goodness he moved he moved you love cream and Ice crafty that’s kind of wild that’s a wild statement how do you I I stunned him with the wall how did he just walk out out of that alive you just started playing though oh well we’re playing ranked I’m not sure if you’ll be able to join if you’re not a high enough rank I’m sorry to say but that might be the case your rank starter rank oh well then unfortunately I don’t think he will be able to join after all I was eating ice cream on Valentine’s Day what about it okay all right all right then okay well that’s probably gone since dragapults down there are we doing Customs we might after this uh after a couple games from now we’ll play two Customs today probably then we’ll switch over to fortnite if we’re serious about playing it get him oh my goodness there’s just always four of them drafter Customs I don’t know what do you want to play we can do either yo what’s up dazy nice to see you today ain’t no way he said fortnite g we’ve been planning to play it for a while it’s just I don’t want to play it with Chen’s not here cuz Chi’s been the main advocate for it I wanted to play Minecraft crafty but you know but you know some things don’t always work out uhuh get back here oh my goodness what an annoying player all of them the whole lot of them cuz they just have you know solar blade Leafeon drol and meanlook Umbreon with an eligos just chilling not to mention the Thunder Thunderbolt Pikachu just to top it all off it’s like the no skill comp guys just play Minecraft on switch so you can join no we have to play the modded smpp homie I mean you didn’t have to mean look me there you really didn’t have to you just did it CU you could right dude come on you think that draft is more fun but it depends that’s true Lucario got the Glock you you recommend taking your commands um okay whatever that means how you doing to uh how you doing today though dazy hope you had an amazing day but yeah we can try drafts since we haven’t done that in a while we’ll play two drafts or something like that Pika get over here spin out it feels like every time I play Blazin one the mods comes out from Bal Channel like I think that’s actually been like a theme we’re getting the dragapult he’s the only one I care about getting he oh my I full healed and it still works there’s like doing great thanks day’s been good I’m glad to hear it’s been good homie glad it’s been a good day for you I mean I know I haven’t been playing good but honestly they need like a life or something actual cringe comp like actual total full cringe comp this sh he just goes invisible and then he pops out a nowhere and just spams a million freaking babies on your face wait did I say that or did I think that no I said it guys I said it I know I said it well there isn’t really much of a way for us to come back here that’s what they are they’re Dy right totally said it I know I did you’re gone bye pal you’re gone that’s what I’ve been trying to do all game all game slow them you’re you’re done you missed the mean look it’s over now for your Leafeon pal here no shot dude your username is vanilla is good all right I’ll add you up then I’ll add you up for sure Gan what are you talking about L if I lose this match we play fortnite for the rest of the day that was the plan anyways after Customs I mean after Customs fortnite games are kind of like weirdly paced though so I’m not sure how many of those we would have to play Gan you’re you’re right then join my lobby huh join my Lobby and play with me how about that how’s that sound wait what the Venusaur was the one getting mad right hang on wait let’s take a look at the Venusaur okay they have a reason to be mad they have a reason to be mad they have a reason all right then Gan hop in here or else hop in here or else anyone else want to join Brandon are you still here let’s add up ice cream is good here uh here we are can you join with Customs uh you sure can let’s search for you report wait what did they say did they actually like curse or something but good job reporting them thank you for that streamlabs you would mind to do a q I’m just saying G I wouldn’t either vanilla is good that’s right can you uh you’re pretty good but me and Gan might do here depending two also vanilla is good to two L’s just like that is that is that correct well it’ll show up if it is if it is correct okay that’s not correct uh I type something wrong yes yeah they really just hovered that Venusaur when there was already three attackers vanilla is Gus any way I can’t find it homie can you try adding me instead with my friend code or my username here he didn’t rotate a single time yeah no capital V oh okay let me try that let me try that let me try that real quick for you yeah I’m just saying it’s really not but it’s okay I don’t mind and honestly it would be kind of easier wait J Slayer Gan J Slayer is really good can we let Jay join cuz Jay hasn’t joined in like forever even though they keep sending me invites I’m gonna let J Slayer join Jay Slayer is incredible G trust me Trust me on this one homie it’s my stream okay fair enough J Slayer is like really good really good okay am I missing anything here um I’m not missing anything we’re fine if we lose you’ll blame J Slayer all right I got you I’ll deal 16k with a uh Doo then sound good does that sound good to you gain emote or what let me know if that sounds good to you when’s Customs uh next game will be Customs I would like I’m praying right now guys for a good meow Scara comp or uh comp comp I said comp okay yep next game guys was I supposed to play something this game I can’t remember I don’t care I’m playing Meara I might take you up on that well Shandy should take it never mind Shandy let Shandy oh yeah that’s what I needed to do I needed to get shed doll let’s get the shed doll there we go we’re ready to play J slayer’s the blue tar yeah 16k with comfy what do you mean points 16k what you you chamy ah oh no me yo hobby bugs you’re going to the Chocolate Factory today sounds delicious isn’t that in like Pennsylvania or am I mistaken okay me versus me we always win that clefable if this is gravity I’m ending it all the stream I mean Charizard that’s gonna be really annoying sylveon’s gonna be really annoying and then slow bro me it’s whatever okay I got mine my stacks needed portella can get the rest you are Valley oh you don’t live in America I got you different Chocolate Factory okay I understand let’s just Stack Up silently real quiet like oh yeah you’re the um are you Australian if I’m not mistaken hobby bugs I can’t remember I could be totally totally wrong but I think I’m thinking of someone else yep Aussie oh okay I got you you’re gone and you have shed doll so you’re not gone yet but you will be in about a quarter of a second I forgot I didn’t have a jack button guys you’re oh you I’m good at this I’m all right I’m all right got him no no no no no no please please I hate Charmander so much dude it’s so good against Meara because it can keep up with you as it attacks you and I just hate that I hate that it can do that when you don’t have enough like HP to run away we have four Stacks Flor is sitting in this grass just scaring us it was an intimidation tactic pathetic pathetic guys am I right was that pathetic or [Music] not it’s either this one or this one that spawns next and I think it’s this one about 3 seconds from now they’re already man how can I compete like this this is how I can compete with my homies that’s how How We Do It Let’s Go Center cuz we really need it oh my goodness of course he’s here why wouldn’t he be taking all of the farm from us except for this little piece here and he went bottom it’s over for them I’m sorry guys but I need Farm I can’t do anything till I get my six and seven he seriously level nine that’s fun that’s real fun all right dude all right dude whatever you say whatever you say level 9ine Charizard well guys um I’m not sure what we do here to come back except go top path and get top I guess the nefarious top the nefarious Top Lane players are a different breed o I’ll take this thank you and that’s five J Slayer is already on the rip as he should be incredible and that’s that all right that’s momentum we can carry this carry this momentum not the game Charizard uh Charizard holding unite move is terrible yeah it’s scary certainly scary is this cleff playing gravity they’ve got to be right oh what was that freaking jump that was pathetic pathetic Auto targeting moment um not worth not worth let’s just go keep farming Farm like a farmer Farming Simulator 2023 and things like that I don’t know darn I was on the edge wait Gan since when do you play Umbreon since when do you play mean look Umbreon you meta slave yeah any junglers honestly you just got chocolate and Starburst this chocolate is so good I hope to I hope to yaa you are not eating them together Starburst and chocolate combined third game with Umbreon not going to lie oh I see okay so you’re somewhat respectable cuz I have like three games on me to X oh my goodness no I swear I jumped at the meow I jumped at her not anything but her gotcha oh no I didn’t man Dragonite hyperbeam and extreme speed is very good in your quick match oh it’s in the quick match you’re playing or you’re using it you should not ever play that you’re not eating them together crafty okay that’s good that’s good so you’re playing Eed hyperbeam Dragonite is what I’m hearing I know you’re you’re new to the game right you never want to play that like ever that is the worst build you could ever play for Dragonite pretty much the worst build in unite to ever live you’ll definitely want to go for a Dragon Dance unless you play outrage with that um Eed what do we do here I said we hang back for a minute and regroup while this Charizard Al goes off I shed doed you’re not even level 9 yet oh so do you not have much unlocked you go outrage Dragon Dance that’s me crafty I do that too it’s so much fun I don’t know I don’t know vanilla I don’t know what I’m saying I don’t know what anyone one staying but Dragon Dance is pretty much the Supreme move I have one more unite that I can use and I think here’s the place that we use it and you’re gone too yep GG meow scar AO moment guys wait we let that in who was not Shandy come on Shandy you’re better than that perfect unite move yeah the shed doll really helps I mean I used to play shed doll with meow but I just switched to eject button so I could try that repositioning Tech and I never really changed it back oh you’re only using rental Dragonite I got you okay that makes sense this white chocolate’s good crafty I used to love white chocolate but now I kind of hate it honestly honestly I was too early oops my fault my fault it’s fine though we still get this watch we’re just fine I don’t want the Char to Al me that’s what I’m scared of although if you’re going to mean look him I wouldn’t mind just going off and getting a Penta that’s what I wouldn’t mind chat let me have this please gin OTE ginotti who plays outrage extreme speed every uh everyone that’s kind of the move isn’t it that’s what you’re supposed to play that’s like the intended build it’s the way outrage is technically meant to be played I got greedy guys my fault Dragon Dance outrage is very good though oh my goodness J Slayer we’re going to have to move quick are we doing Customs after this game after this game well that’s fun you’re going nowhere Kitty cuz I am the better Kitty you can’t wait for me r on me neither crafty I can’t wait for it to ruin the game another time crafty says he uses outrage Dragon Dance yeah you can play that the one build you can’t play is outrage um or I mean hyperbeam extreme speed that’s bad never play that it’s awful there is no Synergy between it and it just sucks like being a million perc with you it’s it’s not good at all get him get him get him chat this is my pop off mimic guys and it’s not even worth it get back here why does my I’m turning off the auto targeting after this game cuz it has screwed me up with trailblaze more times than I can count Dragonite your second most played that’s kind of wild well G we tried we tried to do it we tried to save it excuse me I am tired of these awful players that we’re getting paired with we didn’t try man greed took me over it did but look at how it paid off for me that’s a good meow game look guys I did good anyways um Customs or you know someone wanted to play uh draft so let’s try that let’s let’s try some draft remind you to play Never uh to never play Defender again Gan if you’re a carry player you should play carries you should play carries you should never play Defender you should let others do the dirty work for you you want to ioi all right awesome everyone hop in everyone hop in oh we haven’t seen Cairo in a while or dark king or not dark king um no it is dark King you’ll join next game ninja all right I got you I got you homie you expect a a blue ribbon tar to be decent dang Gan you’re just too used to playing with 901 I guess kind of hurtful vanilla you hopping in I can get you in you swear your team got so full of themselves and went right into the enemy spawn intellion Bann crafty no it’s not banned who is this oh it’s vanilla we got to get vanilla in right I don’t know who gu is all right vanilla you can hop in in gu spot since I don’t know who they are all right I’m not sure that we will play fortnite since G um that was me Gan I did that that was me that was me why oh you changed your name aoji I didn’t realize it was you I’m sorry homie I didn’t realize um well I guess it’s too late now since kver hasn’t been in for a while let’s just go with this and see how this works because I don’t I didn’t pay attention to balancing cuz I don’t really care right now I’m sorry homie uh they just started streamlabs um this is the ban phase right guys trust me on this one trust me on on this one if you want to you can ban whatever can you play meww Y no it’s banned no sabali ey no drol and no Umbreon or no X ex licenses that’s that’s the rules oh I got first pick Let’s Go All right I would love to pick A9 just so Gan can’t play it these teams might be unbalanced they might be they probably are in fact but we have Azu and crusty and that’s all we really need you guys are forgetting that you have Mew on your team so is it balanced or is it not who knows um how’s the draft looking okay so Snorlax scissor okay well the other team just wins yeah they just win you’re have the better Fox danging I see how it is Reggie verse put on Razer claw and Resident guard over leftovers and score shield no way oh I thought you said they did that okay wait why am I playing full heel hold up G focusing is actually cringe I will actually ban you if you do that it’s not fun for anyone like at all I’m not even joking don’t do that I will not be happy with you like full series here it’s not funny but these are just for fun but yeah regi verse seems to be working on the build which is good you just do not need leftovers for scissor you have funny items uh Azu yeah I see that drain Crown come bot Lane no you’ll be fine trust me you’ll be fine gain don’t even call me that yeah Customs never AFF win rate let’s just enjoy it I couldn’t have said it better myself you chami didn’t wait what did we ban guys what was our ban didn’t we want to ban tar didn’t we want to ban tar guys isn’t that what we wanted both have clef oh oh both ban cleff okay I mean it’s not like it’s it’s not like anyone wants to play a supporter in customs right right guys no one would sweat that hard surely what was my build I didn’t pay attention I just picked whatever had the most special attack I don’t know if I’m stacking or what like honest let’s see if we are we’re not okay Top Lane goofed what happened here a jungle debate going on potentially whatever makes no difference to me nicely done Azu are you stacking Azu it doesn’t look like it oh jungle invade that’s what maybe on top of a jungle dispute who knows J slayer’s here uhoh get back here 71 881 get him off of me gotcha this thing’s really nice to play it it feels good to be back with an A9 in my hands this was the first mod I maned when this game came out I my name was Ninetales and everything I literally named myself Ninetales but I spelled it wrong because I was just so certain that I would be at A9 main for the rest of time but I wasn’t I ended up being a meow Scara Main and a hoopa man and an everything m my goodness that was a good Jack button you play on phone vanilla very nice nothing wrong with that oh my come get me why don’t you hindrance resistance gulp good front lining guys keep it up wait blizzard hits walls I forgot about that oopsies okay now we be quiet and we back and we go bottom and we want to get our alt but we’re so far away of course Gan and jlay would be level eight because they know what they’re doing there he is and intellion bro no is what are you talking about oh he got me he got me guys vanilla keeps going AFK well that’s vanilla’s fault it’s Customs it doesn’t matter nice snipe well guys um oh that would have been mean um could we uh get some help bottom everyone I just need my ALT really crusty what are you doing on one HP homie oh my goodness you’re just there like that okay you’re just there like that I guess perfect timing I mean you know how did that not kill you like actually though ridiculous dude oh the snipe okay I was going to say Reggie versus helping you vanilla oh that makes sense that checks out I understand what’s going on here now didn’t mean to do that with the Avalanche oopsies come on dude I’m so close to level 10 it’ll be so wonderful it’ll be great it’ll be awesome anyone heading top path though oh J slay Ray good to know so is Gan it’s almost like they’re good players I mean Azu is here as they should be M’s here crusty um I might need some help with his Azu here if you didn’t notice just an observation here Azu got me covered never mind a you tried though a you tried is this the last one or uh if not can you join Kai this is not the last one you can join in don’t worry Homie don’t even worry [Music] homie bye guys how’d you live that though like actually honestly how catch me on my delog skin catch me on that bro huh I got sniped and thunder caged okay all right also what’s going on here dang G I did get sniped I did we’re essentially 3v fing right now though like honestly we’re not doing too bad for that for that matter we are not doing that bad let’s hit him with the CC stunner crusty you know what I mean I know what you mean he still got it with the sand dude you’re kidding santic secure is crazy santic secure is insane nine tables is fun to play it sure is it sure is with good teammates too it’s only good with good teammates I think that must be why I’m doing so badly I’m just kidding guys I have some good teammates there’s two who are just not in the game at all also this is customs by the way Mark if you didn’t realize all right now we’re able to make some Headway now that we have a front line or not okay um I mean I mean you know were you alted or shell smashed there crusty you best keep running homie yeah that’s ridiculous guys why was why were you guys just not playing that’s kind of cringe a little weird we had to win we didn’t win yeah we lost the thing is that ninet Tales is pretty squishy it sure is streamlabs I I think I think vanilla and kerse are like friends and they are both kind of new to the game we can’t really fault them Reggie verse was just trying to be nice and teaching Vanella how to play that’s what was happening there you know but Customs aren’t the place to do that kind of thing guys that’s not the kind of thing you want to do in customs I’m sorry guys you guys just can’t you can’t you you you can’t do that you guys need out of here if you’re going to be trying to teach each other how to play cuz like some people we’re we’re trying to play games right and I want you guys to have fun and all but you guys for now you you just can’t do that who do we have who wants to join we got Brandon we got Kai we told Kai he would join but yeah guys don’t take it don’t take it personally like I know you guys were just trying to learn together trying to teach each other uh it looks like ninja wants in anyone else want to step out if not we will just go with this yeah you guys can’t be afking and stuff like that or just standing in bushes like that you can do that in like quick matches or something you haven’t played a custom yet today nebby you’re right you haven’t let’s get uh who can hop out let’s get 71 881 and Mew out I think sorry guys nothing personal we’re just getting in some new players yeah streamlabs that that honestly went kind of hard it kind of carried can you go TTR what’s TTR mean Kai Elite ninja it’s not that they aren’t good it’s just like they were trying to get better in here instead of actually playing uh Tyranitar what uh yeah you can go tar okay balancing time let’s B let’s let’s let’s balance here I want um Yami to come top instead of crusty dang streamlabs I want you two to swap uh you chami and crusty thank you um and I want Brandon and nebby to to switch these two want to play a tar so we’ll let them do that uh on opposite teams and I want Gan to switch with uh Ninja Gan and ninja switch all right that’s balanced you’re about to get hopped on what you talking about crafty hold up hold up all right guys ban list Umbreon dragapult and Sabai are automatically banned don’t waste your ban on them as long as I got you Gan don’t worry wait no Kai was going to play a tar and I’ll secure it for Kai because I don’t want jce leer to get it I guess we go cleff right B cleff where is cleff I can’t find it I don’t know where it’s at there it is bro Kai can play saite no that’s banned Kean that’s banned homie rip cleff I guess I mean it’s the easiest ban to take right no it’s band G don’t don’t even don’t even hover Sab like that man yeah no ex licenses what’s up venilla how you doing hi I’m sorry to do this Jay Slayer but you know kai kai wanted it we got to do our uh Kai can you pick Del Fox for me your name changed uh it looks fine to me Kai can you go Del Fox something like Del Fox something that I would play Kai homie I have dragon uh I have this guy for you thank you thank you thank you oh you’re cerse what are you talking about that’s weird and then we can switch Kai bro is trolling um that’s kind of weird you guys shouldn’t do that you should like chill and not do that nice pick oh my nice pick crossy oh my goodness we’re so done we’re so done you guys we’re so done all right Kai I’m going to offer to switch my tar with you and then we will uh you know my little brother that I’d like seven bro one on my phone am switch what’s that mean I don’t know I’m not going to entertain that thank you all right awesome let’s Del Fox let’s Del Fox him up he went AFK to switch devices oh um okay whoa we have so many attackers what happened guys why did we draft all attackers bro oh heck no yeah we’re is to chill on the Caps man yeah don’t I wouldn’t go for too many caps use curse bangle I can try yeah I know it’s way better I mean I have like a thousand games on this character I’m just kidding not a thousand but you know well it’s too late it’s too late I don’t care I prefer shell Bell well I don’t prefer it I never once said that I prefer it I just thought it wouldd be funny so I could call it my bell Del Fox build and I mean the cool down kind of helps right it kind of helps even though it’s bad it kind of helps nothing wrong with having fun that’s true vanilla ice cream but I would rather you guys not be role playing in the chat room okay I would like not be trolling okay just be on your normal accounts keep everything normal so we know who the heck is who cuz I don’t want to have to keep track of with all of you guys’ Antics all right I’m going to be real just use your normal accounts your normal names no Tom foery and such wait I didn’t get that oopsie man he got that Bel Del Fox you get it you get it Skelly ripping it up of course whatever that means that is such a good secure the basic on Snorlax feel like I had cursed cursed cursed incense not an sense actual Southerner speak here love the Eed interesting watch him play Eed hyperbeam that would be so swag and still win okay yeah pop off hit him with it dragon air is here no no no no no this is not good chat what do we do we do that that’s what we do we hit him with it we hit him with it you beat your platinum as loock nice job kerse kerse can you please change your name back like actually it’s it’s hard to keep track of all right let’s go for fire spin to change it up a little bit what happened Kai an Invader or you just died what happened it was a nice try Azu oh my goodness oh my goodness get away from me Flame Charge fire spin let’s do it extra space it’ll be fun it might be fun it might be yo what’s going on in Jungle winning that’s what’s happening do we actually Let’s Do It For Fun For Fun why not it’ll be fun guys trust I am using shell after all we can afford to lose our cool down capabilities with mystical fire it is a lot of damage I got to say rather a lot a rather good bit I see you my goodness get them away from me Jay slaying them up I’m way too far away from my screen I was kicked all the way back then go back to Jungle I’m not a jungle oh you’re talking about Kai yeah honestly rotate and you’ll be fine hom let’s get gain his Al and his blue buff nebby gasp what are you doing here I could have fire spin that or I mean uh flame charged that oh my oh my Su we oh my jeez get him off of me let’s get it we can get this is this Customs it is we’ll do uh this was supposed to be the last one but we might do another I’m not sure got him hit the all hit hit it hit it hit it come on come on come on dude yeah this will probably be the last one since I think we got carried away we were supposed to play fortnite but excuse me salt and Chie can’t be here who were the two people who wanted us to play that so I don’t know I might just end after this no please please please the stunfest guys the stunfest FunFest nicely done you chami a he’s got this unlock let’s go help Kai yeah extra space I’m sorry homie probably do fortnite tomorrow though Skelly go back and stream about like like to the first half hour to like the half hour mark and you’ll find out why we couldn’t even move it was ridiculous the server crashed three times because of them like no joke we had to there was too many play go back to your roots father no I don’t like having to change the song every 10 minutes don’t like don’t blame us it’s a free server we had to it was so laggy it was not fun yeah Kai you you’re playing like a lane player gan’s right you need to play like a jungler not a lane player play floating in the blue then it’s like Planet wisp um I’ll pass uh did we at least put your mutton away see that’s an interesting question I put it away in my chat so I guess you can have it back you can have it back that’s for sure I have no problems with that gotcha poor thing where do you think you’re going comfy how do you lose to a Leafeon you can keep the wo you don’t need it all right you you can have have the mutton go go ahead and take it then you can have [Music] it he’s there with comfy that’s not good get your Snipes ready you chami nicely done got ninja we can run top we can we can hit Top come on I hate how when you look left and try and back to your base it just moves you left I hate that honestly I really do they’re hitting I can steal it no I can’t unfortunate we have time to defend though do we all right we get the point the mutton’s gone it should be in my chests unless it’s in my inventory I think nebby had some as well um chat is this Riz have you guys ever heard of something called uh map awareness I suest you guys should practice it whoever’s on my team who wasn’t playing at their Optimal Performance such as Yami and gin and Brandon Brandon did all right you chingan and Brandon are all okay if not then map awareness that’s all I got to say map awareness are you aware chat oh my goodness it’s Snorlax why is there so many Snorlax players today oh wait it’s just Azu I just realized it was Azu that’s kind of funny asu’s actually carrying with it though kind of love it kind of awesome not going to lie I woke up at 9:00 in the morning today guys I’m very tired I’ve just realized but yeah this was going to be our last game so we could play um a little like you know we’ll play one game of fortnite just for fun to see how it’ll go and then I’m going to end how’s that sound guys how does that sound sorb what are you doing on Violet hunting poly toad is that what you’re doing let me know W ending I guess I don’t think I’ve gotten to Al more than one time this game because every other time it’s gotten canceled by Death so that’s fun Flame Charge fire blast honestly not even that bad not even that bad crafty you say that like it mattered you say like it you say it like that 100 points mattered anyways good go uh good game all around Flame Charge fire blast is fun yeah it’s pretty fun comfy Snorlax is op it’s pretty op you guys did great that sheep farm lag so much yeah it totally did you can see firsthand Skelly if you go back and stream if you didn’t already we just Instagram because we got uh we saw you guys on reg Aly yeah did you guys like see us on Reggie in stream or does the Reggie show I I think it shows never mind I don’t know what I’m saying anyways guys anyways guys um I have a bunch of weird games on my home screen um I don’t play fortnite on switch anymore I play it on [Music] PC guys my mom walked in um I don’t know where my joycon went wait what oh I put it on my switch never mind um let’s see here we’ll play one game of fortnite if you guys want to stay around for that let’s see um we can probably do this add a game capture and make it open up some fortnite here doy DOI lover gain you’re right I had this forever ago though I played this like back when it came out for switch for like $10 I thought it was hilarious so I downloaded it you guys Skelly was hanging out with his friends earlier today and he dissed on my favorite game with them uh I I didn’t appreciate it needless to say anyways um I’m trying to figure out how to do this real quick fortnite can you guys see the fortnite forttnite fortnite do you guys like fortnite I like fortnite let me know if you guys can see the fortnite okay you guys can see the fortnite why are you guys burning down my tent nebby that’s not very nice that’s not very nice okay uh let’s turn off the music here real quick because it’s too much with fortnite and we need to turn on the game audio kind of figuring this out as we go here guys this might be too loud let’s do there let’s do that adding me right now crafty all right add me up let’s get a good skin on I mean that’s my main skin from forever ago but this is my favorite right now hit him with that you know hit him with a little okay anyways uh what do we want to do team Rumble let’s play a battle royale steady St crafty is that you is that you crafty steady stor in a way all right add me up ninja add me up homie let’s play one battle royale all right got my chat up on the side here wait you can see me what do you mean you can see me are you on my friends list already you had to do random username oh it’s cuz you’re an Xbox player that makes sense I understand homie I understand if only chy was here someone’s going to need to clip this entire section just for chy uh my controls are really weird don’t judge them I have really weird controls on every game I play one of those weirdos that picture kind of sucks it kind of is Gan I’m not going to lie it kind of is for my branding I have a crafty I’m not playing with viewers I mean we can play this one and then maybe if I die early I’ll play with you guys but I’ll have to mute you guys I hope you realize this will become a more normal thing don’t worry as the time goes on SMGs kind of suck guys I’m actually the sniper king of fortnite though what’s my rank ninja I don’t play ranked but I think I’m like I don’t know gold three or something yeah guys I have some crazy Snipes I’m not going to lie all right let’s warm up the finger cracks and stuff all right we ready for this what we dropping huh Reckless Railways that’s what I’m hearing why no ranked rank’s boring ranked is literally just people who camp for like half an hour and that’s no fun viewers thought they were going to play again yeah it’s almost like we don’t play a mandatory soloq game every day you know what I mean I’m no fun ninja I don’t like healing in like a Zone with 30 people in it that’s like almost completely closed and that has to move across the entire map like 50 times it’s kind of lame not going to lie let’s turn it on here and here and then go boom like this okay perfect uh whoa low Drop I was focused on something else there’s a drift board who is attacking me already man I got no builds kzo thing okay uh viewer games viewer games who wants to play with me who wants to play with me guys anyone want to play with me all CU I got a bad drop guys who wants to play with me anyone want to play let me know let me invite you real quick uh crafty is this you that’s you I’m gonna have to mute you though um you don’t G Fair you’ll do it Skelly I don’t know about that I don’t know about that whoa wait wait wait don’t do that don’t do that hold on wait I have to turn on that setting where it like mutes copyright audio um where is it um where’s the setting guys so apparently you can use a move during Snorlax all and can and it’ll cancel it um what are you talking about what are you talking about um where is it I don’t know where the setting is is it in audio settings voice chat licensed audio there it is mute all apply and we are fine all right we’re good now you’re kidding me this is copyrighted that too that one’s good that one’s good that one’s good that one’s good okay I can’t do the Bell porch one can we ban crafty for that what did crafty say wait what did crafty actually say oh the copyright okay never mind is this master key anyone else want to join um ninja did you want to join did Ninja want to join if not we’ll just run it up with crafty I’m going to nickname you by the way uh let’s get crafty on there you’re good okay fine let’s run it up crafty I hope you like build mode I hope you like build mode homie guess we’ll hit the slick on him all right this depending on how this goes this might be our only match of the day you love building crafty all right sounds good to me let’s do some typ n resets never mind my DS is dead my DS is dead look guys it’s the Mele loading screen uh that streak on my screen scared me tree time what you mean tree time crafty what you talking about also guys um don’t be like caught off guard if I like scream out in pleasure once I hit like a like an insane snipe in a match cuz I kind of do that a lot it’s like an uncontrollable urge that I have um and if it happens I’m sorry all right what’s this guy doing I don’t know how to commentate fortnite really it seems kind of boring to commentate not going to lie like I scream out of pleasure Lumi 2024 you know it you know it homie okay where do you want to go homie where do you want to go crafty I mean I’m down for lavish Reckless Railways anywhere but fencing Fields really Reckless Railways all right I got you H I got you um let’s actually focus on Landing somewhere decent this time instead of oh hey llama I don’t have a ping button set up I just have it so it does the red ping for some reason I need to Chang my controls I never actually properly set them up one time anyways let’s get Swifty with them let’s get a little Swifty missed the big bot oops um I’m pretty new to keyboard and mouse so uh don’t judge me if I’m too too bad but I think a lot of my skill did transfer from switch switch cuz I used to be a switch player there’s a dude over here okay well that’s not what I wanted to do necessarily he finessed me Crash Pad dude oh hey a shoty need me one of those where did he go he actually just vanished on us there’s no way excuse me oh he’s over here somewhere actually though where did he go I have no clue he’s over here oh he’s on the roof duh let me on dude come on I hate jump fatigue that’s like my worst enemy in this game here he is that’s a different guy where’d you go Solid Snake wait that’s a different dude entirely okay all right then where the heck did the guy go that we were tracking and tracing all right anyways we could probably get Valia now crafty homie which do you want The Medallion or the Mythic the hyper SMG no way you’re a real one for that you’re a real one for that homie thank you let’s go get her let’s go get Valeria I missed okay guys I’m not good with this scope I’m only good with like the 4X scope honestly cuz then it’s like a true sniper rather than like a DMR okay there’s the guards I like to take them out first but I know some people who are like like to do otherwise um you know all right which one do you want I’ll let you take your pick oh hey it’s him it’s him oh my goodness welcome back homie nice to see you here here’s another poor guy poor guy well we won we won Reckless Railway Reckless Railways I suppose that’s good at least that’s good at least all right which one do you want homie I’ll let you pick you had no ammo yeah I could tell from the way you were pickaxing okay this is a bad sniper uh here let me split these uh Z to split here’s some Band-Aids I think you need one more though there you go full on those actually here you go all right do you want the hyper SMG or The Medallion I think I’ll take the Medallion just to heal but if you want the um SMG okay you want it okay let’s go to the Vault now I wanted that ammo so bad chat on the server Works finally very nice I’m glad it worked out for you I don’t like that it’s down this staircase homie if you want to oh you found a way in all right let’s take a look what do we got running pump I’ve been getting better with this even though I still hate it with like everything I have in me chat is this good I still don’t know which AR is good because I never use them uh go ahead and get that one and then get a good scope here for my sniper drum mag as always angled for grip and suppressor is already on it this is good this is this one probably that’s good and that’s fine okay perfect okay that’s good all right we’re ready we’re ready to go we got a pretty good load out I might as well take that right pretty good load out I that guy had a grapple blade but I’m not sure where it went if crafty took it or what Anvil I don’t like the Anvil rocket launcher things all right anyways um let’s figure out our next move what do you think we do crafty what do you think we do I think I should look for heals oh yeah that llama’s still there forgot about that go ahead and grab this up um I’ll split mats and everything with you crafty uh if you don’t need any I mean excuse me that gave no heals that’s awesome but yeah there’s some mats laying around oh thank you thank you you’re a real one for that even though we both needed it just as much all right um anyways we could probably go Medallion hunting right whatever ones aren’t taken sounds good to me sounds good to me but if we see anyone along the way I will be sniping at them no matter what cuz you guys got to see my Snipes you got to see it shots let me see them here’s some flow berries let me see him wait where oh so close little higher oh come on it’s actually just criminal that I didn’t hit any of those come on okay dude he crouched that one unfair this is unfair guys okay that one I didn’t even try okay that I have no excuse I have no excuse guys I I it’s because I’m streaming okay actually what the heck I’ve never missed this many Snipes before see I’m a good sniper I promise guys I’m so bad I thought that was a guy guys I I’m embarrassed by that honestly it’s cuz they’re so far away I can’t see where he went there’s a guy over here somewhere oh come on AI are so much harder to snipe than actual players though like if you know what I mean you know what I mean let’s show what I’ve learned huh okay never mind it wouldn’t work it wouldn’t work I still have to figure out why the heck that happens the way it does there’s more shots we need them we need to go fight um you know cuz it’s fun excuse me let’s actually hit a snipe this time like let me turn on my light maybe then I’ll see better oh come on like Skelly can probably attest to this I do not miss Snipes like this too often see now we’re starting to hit some something hitting a few is this guy real no way right I’m still trying to learn ramp edits if you can’t tell cuz I’m doing them a whole lot burn lie you’ve never seen no yes you have you know I have I shot you out of the air that one time the other day out of the air head shot snipe on a hoverboard or no that one wasn’t on a hoverboard was it no I did that too I did both of those quit capping I have the clip to back it up I have the clip to back it up homie don’t even lie all right the actual real players will probably be at loot Island right okay I’m not a good driver I’m not even going to lie I suck at driving the fortnite cars Photoshop for a video I’m using that new Sora AI video maker lying to shat I’m not lying to chat no I thought we could drive off that I’m not even going to lie ignore that that didn’t happen oh there’s some dudes uh okay I just hit myself with my own car how do I even manage that like honest I suck with this thing so bad he’s dead though okay well that was pretty easy um hold on let me see if I can find that clip though that was clean John thank you thank you homie are you guys back from homie day let me see if I can see my captures real quick and I’ll show you guys this clip I think it’s this one actually no it’s in a different folder I’ll find it in a minute I’ll find it in a minute just joined at that that was a clean shot thank you John if only it were a snipe speaking of snipe I really want to hit this guy over here with a snipe we need to claim this there isn’t a whole lot of real players in this Lobby I’ve noticed all right we finally got it we finally got it guys we got it going on ambush Thunder burst SMG flowerry RZ let’s take the flowerry RZ where are these guys fighting at cuz I want me a piece game crashed oh Minecraft I assume you mean uh there’s a med kit here a crashy in this loot pile bro but for real where the heck are these guys come on can’t be that far flber rizzler yeah that’s me guys I’m the flowerry rizzler that didn’t happen guys that wasn’t real where’d the other guy go excuse me come on actually there we go Now where’s the last guys yeah guys flowerry RZ uh they were definitely over here somewhere I thought that was a guy I’m not even going to lie that little boat carrier thing I thought that was a guy I thought it was well come on actually where are they they were just over here they can’t be like back here can they can they what do you guys think well if they’re not in here already we will just wait for them I guess o I’m editing practice guys and the last guy is right here oh my goodness AI man kind of wild kind of wacky and zany oh my no not again I can’t deal with those no dude oh my goodness it’s an actual real guy too that’s hilarious I love how the metalmouth did all the damage to to me crafty my man I didn’t take it serious bro his name is chicken nuggies that’s hilarious okay metal mouth and his freaking cluster clingers is wild anyways guys that’s enough fortnite for now I thought I was going to end should have just sniped him yeah I should have instead of trying to do edit practice but yeah guys um thank you all so much for coming out we’re going to go on a raid I think or are we I don’t know I don’t like raiding people because it I it just seems greedy I’m gonna be real it seems greedy to raid people because most of them are all so nice and they drop your link and it feels like I’m just robbing them and it feels like I’m only raing them for status and I don’t want to do that and honestly I’m not sure that you guys would be active in another chat cuz there’s like two of you chatting right now so anyways we’re probably just going to end stream it’s been 3 hours I had a lot of fun hanging out with you guys despite that Minecraft junk happening earlier and I’ll see you all next time anding

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE Minecraft | Unite | Fortnite | Triple Stream because of shifting plans and capabilities!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by McLumy on 2024-02-17 23:00:16. It has garnered 154 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:56 or 10136 seconds.

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first livestream of our communities modded Minecraft SMP! It is a simple modpack, although it will be fun! Only trusted community members are allowed to join, so please do not ask to join unless I recognize you as a real homie. And trust me, you will know when I do. Regardless, thank you all so much for watching, and I hope you all have an incredible day!

EDIT: Minecraft died so we just pivoted to Unite, then Fortnite.

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  • Ultimate Epic Battle: Defeating Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

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  • Dragonia Gaming

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  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

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  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

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  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis ➜ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/rcgamesss Discord – https://www.discord.gg/3TaHuKN TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@rcgamesss Become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6TG2eCuSPxEbDqNFMEGjDw Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More