🔴Moeka Plays Minecraft with Aphmau Crew 01 -【Minecraft】

Video Information

Foreign hello is anybody there streamlined elements is running yay okay so we got our bot hello hi everyone how’s it going hello anybody there yes please start uh it should have I mean it should be live hello she’s back oh gosh that’s really close [Laughter] the high welcome oh wait uh boom

Hey there’s chat oh goodness I’m gonna I’m gonna put you in these cool I’m gonna put you do I put you here do I put you over here I think I’ll put you on the left side I kind of like that there we go

Um hi hi hi hi get a little closer I want to say thank you so much to the person who donated um oops who donated a bunch of money last stream um I thought it was a joke and I was like there’s no way this is gonna get like refunded or whatever

Because I’m used to the way twitch works but no it was a serious donation so thank you so much it was a lot of money uh I’m sorry my Japanese is limited so it’s not the best um I I decided I was gonna stream a little bit earlier

Um because I kind of wanted to lay down the the rules so to speak so if you’re on mobile you should have gotten a thing that said like hey here are the guidelines for this channel the rules are basically very simple hello my name is moika please do not

Call me by the name of characters that I voice act appreciate it um um two please do not give out personal information on my chat also respect my boundaries which are following the rules making sure you’re not spamming things like that be respectful of others if you see somebody

Spamming don’t try to call it out just report their name and leave it at that um but yeah hello welcome me and some of the other aphmau voice actors decided we’d play Minecraft um with with the holidays it we kind of got really busy so so we haven’t played

In a while and I figured what a great way to like kind of start the year by streaming some more Minecraft um one of my other boundaries is that I I do not I do not add my viewers as my friends um in private spaces so for example like

This this server is only for like the aphmau voice actors essentially so I won’t be adding any of you on here um I’m not saying okay I’m not saying it’s impossible but I will most likely not be your friend I am a streamer I am allowing you to

Watch me play some of my favorite games in my free time so I hope that you can respect that and what the oh what what are you doing there hey I kind of like him there though wait that’s kessen’s house oh whoa there’s more there’s multiple of them okay I think I’m just

Kind of hmm they have kind of taken over keston’s house interesting anyways as I to finish off my thought please respect that I’m a streamer I do not like parasocial relationships if you don’t know what that is um the easiest way to describe it is basically people try to pretend like

They’re your friend in order for you to like keep viewing their videos and whatnot no I am never promising that I’m gonna be your friend if you watch my videos and stuff like that no thank you again I’m allowing you to watch me in my free time please respect that

Um yeah I think it’s pretty easy pretty easy do you think custom will be angry that there’s spiders on his house oh that I don’t wait where’d they go oh there’s one where’s the other one I don’t think mind that much but um yeah oh I did add for the Minecraft streams I

Did add an extra rule I’m sorry um the extra rule is please don’t ask can you invite blank person to be here on the stream or whatever um if they’re not here in the calls or in a video it’s most likely because they’re busy so yeah please don’t be like please

Invite for since we were talking about keston please don’t be like please invite keston it’s like if he’s not here it’s because he’s busy if he could he definitely would try to be here so yeah uh which I don’t yeah I don’t know who all is joining us today it might be

It might it might be me Matt shadow Michael and some of the other people might be busy oh wait oops this is Chris’s house I’ll show you anyways I’ll show you before everybody else starts getting in I’ll show you everybody’s houses so this is Chris’s he voices Ian if you’re not familiar

Um I don’t have my wait what’s with the resolution what do you mean huh what’s wrong with the resolution is it not 1920 by 1080 it’s blurry oh blurry resolutions fine for me you may need to you might need to set the the default might be set to a lower

Resolution for you guys so you might need to manually change it oh Nani I saw my beloved plant also somebody said I like your model thank you or my character I changed my manually good okay I was so oh my gosh that scared me if if I work with somebody I most likely

Am not dating them so yeah you like cats in the IRL yes I’ve written about my cat in my community posts man nobody really reads those also if you’re like oh my God you don’t have your YouTuber uh yeah it’s mostly because to be honest the youth like the YouTube

Minecraft people really don’t care my about my YouTuber so I would rather not uh I I would rather keep it a little bit separate I guess and then those interested in my vtuber can go watch my YouTuber content but Shader are using um Zeus s-e-u-s um and if you’re wondering what oh it’s

Night time well I’m the only one on so I could just go to sleep oh Hello Kitty’s nice and warm um if you’re wondering about the death counter I haven’t died at all yet um this is kind of like a newer server that we did so yeah that’s that’s what’s going on on

The right side anyways back to the tour sorry so that one is Chris’s house and then if we go over here Micah how did he become a YouTuber or how did you discover about being a YouTuber um so before vtubers were a thing I already kind of I didn’t like

Being on camera so I just used one of my original characters as my like Persona I guess um and then vtubers started becoming popular and I was just like oh I can I do something similar already to that so that’s kind of why I started kind uh it’s more for advertising

Purposes I use the name vtuber it’s like a keyword um but I don’t know my content’s very different from what most of them do so anyways this is Max house it’s very pretty I like it it’s a lot of cool stuff going on she has like she has like

Little hiding spots that go from one spot to another I’m glad to be here I’m glad you’re here too spiders are pacified during the day yeah I do know that also thank you for the Super Chat appreciate it also this is kasten’s house and the big aphmau Squad fan I’ve been a

Fan for three years oh thank you I appreciate it um this little one is my house I got two cats that have Tamed um this one is performance hello I like I like currents too wait I don’t want to step in that I really like currents too it’s like it’s cool

And then this is kind of like a plaza Square um we do have we do have some houses over here let me see hmm I think these were just random houses that were already like spawned with the world and then this is uh mihai mihai Center for kids who want to learn

How to sleep good it’s a good place his house is really big what the heck let’s see um that one should be Jess’s house if I’m if I’m remembering correctly where did Shadow this house is a day Walker Ranch this part of me highs or now I don’t know huh let me see

Where is everyone if you would read the rules it’s literally the only thing I ask you to do is literally the only thing I ask you to do poopy head number one poopy head number two oh yeah I forgot we I forgot we did this if you fart you get the fart poop

Pringle or Doritos fire time is allowed on the weekend what a weird what a weird little area I completely forgot we built this last time foreign House oh did he he might have built L away from I think he was trying to start like another little Hub area the little farm we got going on keston’s complete cocoa Collective it’s a good spot I like this place oh it smells awesome wow your guys’s Minecraft world is so

Pretty thank you I really like the Shader too oh and when it rains oh it looks so cool too because of the water yeah I like it it’s cool I feel like I’m missing a house I wish I had those shaders I mean it is

Free I said what it was earlier it’s uh the Zeus one s e u s you have a secret base I personally don’t I’m not very good at Minecraft and I don’t feel like a very creative person like I really have to think hard about

What I want to build and usually I kind of give up because I’m like this looks bad but I will show you a little secret spot that other people builds see if I can get to it how does it feel to be a YouTuber I’ll give you I’ll tell you another secret

Being a YouTuber doesn’t change the fact that you are still a normal person at the end of the day yeah we built a little hidden area beneath Jess’s house secret face that is secret it’s not yours it’s ours [Laughter] what a funny what a funny thing ah wait one second

Okay there we go foreign little secret face as I was saying earlier it’s underneath Jess’s house so so far she doesn’t know about it thankfully you kind of want to keep it that way it’s like a little like hot tub I think it’s so cool I think it’s neat

Here oh there’s nothing okay well anyways back outside we go oh what is that wait how do you turn auto jump off guys kind of um can’t throw me off I bet Jess will never find that it’s that secret base it’s like it’s a little tricky like you’d specifically have to

Go down there which there’s nothing there it’s an options accessibility Auto jump ah thank you yay okay there we go Mike I have a question I do have if you look at the description I do have an FAQ listed so and the second thing I I’ll ask of you

Um please check that out before you ask a question because I may have already answered it anyways wait let me see is and is is anyone else on it doesn’t look like it so I’m just gonna join oh hello that’s my reactive do we want a reactive no no okay there we go

I’m Gonna Keep It Off do you know who aphmau is I’m like one second away from having you banned because like are you a troll German Shepherds or golden retrievers uh I don’t really like being asked questions like that because I think everything has I’m gonna explore a

Little bit oh it’s kind of getting darker um I don’t really like being asked questions like that because it’s like I think everything has like its own Merit like I think golden retrievers are are much cuter but there’s something about like like German Shepherds that is like so classy um any voices

Besides after this year um I mean it’s still early on um there’s like certain things under NDA so I really can’t talk about stuff like that um there are other things that I voice act outside of like aphmau stuff specifically but some of it I actually talk about because

It either hasn’t come out or like I said NDA I can’t talk about it I have subscribed thank you I appreciate it uh oh my God about to have this other person bad too you sound just like Casey is it just me clearly not like what like what foreign

Anyways reminder for my mods be kind to these people but some of these people they’re like clearly clearly trolling feel free to just ban them don’t be patient with um the rest of the people you can be patient with it might be their first live stream which understandable if you don’t understand

Like live streaming Community stuff wait I’m lost no no Oh well at least there’s this beautiful sun right there I think okay is that the okay I think that’s the building oh no the thing of the oh this that’s what scares me is wait that’s a treat oh okay I see oh I see the bamboo oh what a good

What a good odd addition by Mac oof I gotta I gotta get out of here how do I switch my items forgot the key for that as well please please I need to get to a house oof okay I’m doing we’re making it we’re making it there okay we made it oof hello

Wait let me don’t have a furnace down here yes I did uh-huh yep yep yep I do let those cook you’re the first Minecraft Youtuber I watched that’s that’s a little nutty Um okay we made it easy anyways okay hmm what’s the name of your Minecraft cats they don’t really I don’t they don’t really have names I think the tentative one is that the light one I don’t know the other one looks kind of similar to my IRL cat so his name is Nori

The white one I still haven’t really I don’t know I haven’t thought about it um two I wanna make out I want to make my house a little deeper but Um difficult because I’m afraid I’m gonna ruin either other people’s stuff or I’m gonna ruin my house in some Manner and fall into like a lava pit oh yeah please talk to me well you’re not really saying anything important like you’re not really using conversation starters

So it’s a little a little difficult to do much chatting with you I love your voice oh thank you oh no my pickaxe is about about done um oh at least from here I’ll build out 14. oh no how’s your day Malika it’s going good I was just exactly when I was scared of oh shoot okay well as you can see that’s exactly what I was scared of um um okay keep the water out of that stuff let me see what is this oh oh

I never knew that was there but people wouldn’t have any reason to like ever open that so oh but things gonna look different now shoot oh oops oh dang it oh well why not just put these back oops okay never mind you’re safe well dang

I would have to take I would have to like dig down really deep I feel ah but I don’t wanna How many Minecraft skins do you have uh not that many I re I did revamp my my current one a little bit so yeah maybe I’ll maybe I’ll just build a different house somewhere else this is like a temporary like vacation house like oh okay um how long have you been voice acting Oh uh a really long time over 10 years it’s kind of hard it’s hard to specify because kind of out here on its own maybe I’ll build something here kind of like that oh yeah yeah yeah okay yeah maybe we’ll build something here maybe maybe the entrance

Um the entrance can be like here ish here ish yeah maybe something like here okay foreign right there maybe oh this is kind of that oh it’s kind of weird though um I’m going to leave goodbye have a good day oh um what is that one two three four oh this much

One two three four five we’ll go down one more oh but it feels kind of claustrophobic doesn’t it I’ll do one more we’ll do one more and we’ll pray that oh but maybe I could build like a fake house on top like a little like yeah well okay I’ll

See I’ll see I’ll see I’ll see we’ll see oh it broke Um um in my channel description or in my about section it says that I speak both English and Spanish oh girl DM hello how are you I love my cat V tubers hi I hope you’re having a lovely day oh wait I have a diamond pickaxe but I

Don’t want to use that for normal yeah I don’t want to use that for normal stuff I want to save it I feel like I’m gonna need a couple of these I’m just I don’t wanna I’m gonna do that sticks can I join the crew no I’m sorry

It’s like I said earlier it’s for the voice actors only we don’t add we don’t like adding viewers to like our private servers and stuff like that like we appreciate you watching and we get that some of you want to be our friends but we just don’t feel

Comfortable with that sort of thing let’s put that down Oh I feel like I have to go deeper well maybe I’ll do a ladder though if I did a ladder instead I would have a ton of room then but wait I don’t have what do I need for a ladder I don’t remember I’m trying to learn Japanese and Spanish

Do you have any tips for learning um just study do your best um if you can only study for five minutes it’s better than nothing and try to stay consistent about it oh I need more sticks oh okay okay it’s about to be dark again is Spanish hard

Um I don’t know I mean it’s learning a lot it’s learning a new language difficult for you I’d say it’s pretty difficult for a majority of people Doesn’t do a lingle yeah there’s a lot of like learning apps that have um have different things that you could learn oh I don’t have I need to go wood hunting too well I do have an ax hello I’m sleeping I destroyed hi welcome I hope you’re doing well have we gotten

Now would be a good time to insert ads uh I will not I’ve kind of well wait where did I did I put that window no I didn’t no I didn’t anyways I’m gonna go tree oh I’m gonna go chop up some of the ones up there I don’t like

Chopping the ones close to the house because it like the scenery is so pretty do you like pandas I’ll be I’ll be the ads no I I think I’ve kind of I’ve kind of decided that I’m not gonna do ads during live streams because I just don’t like it

It’s just it’s I don’t know I get kind of annoyed with it um but I will add ads after the Stream as kind of like uh is kind of like a half in between um I’m kind of trying to decide I think I think I can add banner ads which I think

Is like holy moly that scared me why was it so loud wait oh right oh right right well that scared me so much I forgot mihai added a mod that like one one Taps trees dude I yeah I jumped too don’t worry not just you that was so loud

Holy moly what what sound effect would that be under would it be under environment oh no how do I blocks okay yeah that was I’m gonna add I’m gonna do five percent okay let’s try this again prepare your ears okay oh that is much much better much much better

Okay much much better holy moly um I will replant the trees there we go wait what was the other one hi when will please please I’m begging you the only thing I ask you to read is my rules it’s in the description and it’s literally the little top right

Banner tells you to read the rules please please if you only ever listen to one thing I I say is is that please re read read the rules read the description you’ll most likely find what you need information wise there anyways back to the conversation we were having

Before uh before I got jump scared by a tree in my Minecraft Um yeah I think if I do ads during live streams it will be the oops ow it’ll be the kind that just pop up as a banner and I’ll just kind of leave it like that because I I don’t like interrupting streams like when it happens on Twitch a

Lot I’m just like I can’t handle this this is too much um but the ads do help support my channel so I’ll add them like the normal ones after the Stream So if you ever watch any of them or even like skipping like skipping them even like really helps out my channel

And then I want to eventually get to a spot where I don’t need to run ads because I have enough members will give me a little bit of money you know or if you have YouTube premium that also uh gets rid of ads for you but I get a

Little bit of money from from that even if you like even if you didn’t have to watch an ad technically it’s really cool but until we get to that perfect spot in the world um I do have to run ads to survive so so yeah I love ads for it thank you I need to make another one also Shadow just joined wait oh he might be saying hello to his um his viewers so okay we’ll let him do that and then I’ll join the call whenever whenever he can I’m just gonna put you there for now more sticks I need more sticks

Thankfully I can make a lot now okay and now is it this oh it is oh so smart I’m a genius Minecraft genius okay perfect okay so now I can get rid of these oh it’s so quiet now when I hit the blocks hey I did it yay I did it okay

Now we mine now we mine well I think I’m gonna mine down more we’ll do another set is this live yes yes it is welcome also yeah it’s not somebody said please stop asking about aphmau stuff um oh I reloaded the shaders okay I was like what happened oops I will try not

To press that um what are your favorite colors I have a lot of different colors I tend to like red purples and pinks a lot though okay I feel like this is gonna give us like that high vaulted ceiling that I kind of like so okay oh but now

How am I gonna get back up there to Um have I made a mistake I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I just don’t know anymore what are you making I’m trying to make a new house I’m gonna build out Uh oh sorry I I lost trying a thought for a second there um it’s not that I don’t want to answer aphmau related things but it’s just kind of one of those like I can’t talk about certain things because like I did sign a contract so I

Do have like NDA stuff so like I can’t tell you like when the next video is and stuff like that because I don’t know voice actors like outs like voice actors normally do not get told that kind of information so yeah I I lit it’s not that I don’t

Want to tell you it’s just like I literally don’t know oh this feels a lot better privacy reasons as well yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah it’s just like I also don’t feel comfortable like if you’re like how old is uh like me hi for example it’s just like

Privacy wise I’m like well I wouldn’t I wouldn’t want people talking about like private information of mine behind my back so to speak so I I want to respect other people’s privacy as well unless it’s something I a hundred percent know that they’re okay with me sharing besides um holy You scared me hi I’m just gonna say besides everyone knows that Michael’s 940 years old so yeah yeah yeah so true oh my gosh I’m speaking on YouTube so all right all right [Laughter] good I’m mining I’m trying to build a new house oh a new house yeah yeah well because

The other one I was trying to I was trying to build like a normal part of the house on top and then it goes down underneath to an actual house yeah but the way I built it is just awkward so I was just like yeah I’ll just make a new one

Okay fair enough fair enough that one’s like my home away from home now I think it’s uh God I I’m trying to think the last time I’ve been on the server not not since I think Jess came out and tried to burn everything down I

I think oh I know yeah same for me so I’m trying to like figure out what kind of I I have my main project and I have plenty to do on that but I’m wondering if there’s if I should be trying to like make my life better on

This Server because right now I still live in a hole oh okay but it’s a hole nonetheless yeah I was showing everybody a tour of the houses and I was just like wait did Shadow go to a different area or like no it’s just my little cave hole filled

To the brave with chickens and sheep and what all uh I’ve like I I have myself a nice little balcony overlooking the the Ravine in our in our area and I’m happy about that but it’s uh it’s still just a hole okay oh okay I’m I’m Underground

Oh oops keep reloading my shaders by accident I’ve been playing a lot of Valor in my free time so I’m like reload there’s like no it’s a bad habit keep tapping what does r do oh it reloads yeah it reloads the shaders okay yeah huh I’ve never I’ve never even tried so

I have no idea what the effect of that would be um hmm anyways yeah I was just talking to my chat yeah I was I was telling oh back Joy joined cheese I know Mac I know Mac is gonna join the call I I’m not gonna get spooked

Oh my goodness I got scared I got jump scared earlier too because I didn’t realize that clicking the trees Would One Tap them because I forgot me how I put that yeah yeah I never go I never actually bring an ax with me so I just punch trees all the

Time and the one time that I’ll bring it it’ll it will scare the bejesus out of me every time yeah so I yeah I turned the it’s the blocks uh audio setting so I turn that way down yeah because normally it is very loud yeah for sure

So how’s YouTube streaming uh I haven’t uh courage as of yet it’s a little spooky that was my next topic was going to be that streaming on YouTube makes me so nervous because if it’s Minecraft I know that a lot of people will stop by to check it out

Because I mean we’re heavily associated with Minecraft stuff at this point um which I don’t mind but yeah there’s like I feel like a lot of people how do I I like I don’t want to come off as mean I guess hello but oh hi Mac hello Max hi you

Started your stream I did yeah okay um stream can you hear them at a good level I just want to make sure I have everything good because I know sometimes they’re like we can’t hear Discord and I’m like are you sure because I’m pretty

Sure I don’t know oh yeah yeah uh for My Stream too because I did change my audio settings again um let me know if if we’re like when me I’m talking and then everybody on discord’s also talking let us know if like I need to turn them up

Or if I need to turn them down that sort of thing all right I’m turning them uh how about now is it better now hello we’re doing an audio test I guess this could be like a glimpse into how we start our like voice acting sessions yes

Yeah can I do a sound test uh make sure everybody’s uh ready to go send it off to the editors Yeah somebody said Mac is quiet on my end okay one two three testing one two three talking talking okay I turned her up as well um and just so everyone knows I usually have Discord a little bit quieter than me so like my volume is the highest and

Then they’ll be a little bit Yeah so same for me yeah they’re in the background you’re not supposed to hear them at like the same volume that you would if you were talking to your friend on the phone so if if they sound like a background sound

Perfect then it’s perfect so miss G I trust Misty mama so Mr mama if you say they’re good then I believe that they’re good if you say that they’re loud or quiet then I trust your judgment yeah incapable said seems good now okay yay yay all right

All right and do you guys care if I record this for YouTube oh no I’m streaming on YouTube so heck yeah let’s go yeah that was all right let’s stream this on YouTube but I want to post it on YouTube so I don’t want them ah gotcha yeah gotcha

Yeah yeah that’s my next step is that I think I’m gonna I’m just gonna stream these on YouTube and then I’ll upload like a highlight video I guess yeah cut down yeah yeah yeah make sure um so it’s night time are y’all on the server and what are you doing I’m

Underground because it turned into night time and I didn’t realize that it was already night time okay yeah yeah yeah and it immediately got shot and I was like I was like this isn’t what I signed up for um but do you guys want to go on an

Adventure or something uh sure I’d be down to go explore because like we as a whole haven’t really explored you know um yeah there this is the only town that to my knowledge that we’ve been able to find and I just I I doubt that there’s

No other towns that that can’t be it that that doesn’t seem there’s got to be some out there yeah something there’s gotta be something I do um okay let’s see what do you all have to bring on an adventure I accidentally made about four stacks of

Torches so we’re good okay okay I was like I’m gonna make some Stacks to continue my infinite Farm down into the center of the earth and then I accidentally used all my coal you know sometimes that happens I have a bucket of water in case we need to go uh like

Down places I’m bringing a bed I have a crafting table and I have some Cobblestone to contribute to okay uh yeah I got some dirt uh I think I have a little bit of food oh yeah food we need that yeah I need that let’s see

Let’s see okay I’m gonna bring I got weight I got I got lots of weed so much for us I could yeah if that’s if that’s what we need because I I boy boy howdy if you if you need it I got it wait is your offender Farm only wheat yes oh yup

Checks out I got I got about maybe 500 wheat growing right now so yeah yeah hit me up you’re like hit me up I’ve got it if you need it it’s here all right I have I think I have everything that I would need I have some food I have some blocks

I have a spy glass which will be really neat yeah I have one too they’re really cool they really are uh it’s kind of like oh what’s that one mod uh OptiFine it’s kind of like that oh yeah okay we’re going up uh where is a good

Meeting place we could meet at our uh are what our Our Town Hall when everyone’s ready oh yeah okay I forgot that wait is it your time I’m sorry is it daytime it is daytime it is daytime you are safe to come out of the hidey hole

We had number one Cooper head number hey that’s what Jess maybe or Shadow is that you it was doing what did you add on our town hall for the people who are supposed to contest their stuff poopy head number one and pooper head number two I I did

Not I did no such thing and you can’t prove otherwise wait all of these are changed they are changed okay rule number one if you fart you get the fart yeah no I mean that that tracks that makes sense this has got to be I’m on

Board yeah yes I agree rule number two poop rule number three Pringles or Doritos with Doritos spelled with t-o-e-s that’s not even a rule it’s a question rule number four fire time is allowed on the weekend but we all be on here on the weekends I

Know I knew I didn’t think I knew it was Jess yeah it has to be earlier I was just like I don’t remember these rules being like this but it’s been so long that maybe we did and I just didn’t realize like if pestin Bamboozled us the whole

Time because I don’t think I actually read the rules after keston wrote them so what if he actually wrote this the entire time I can’t imagine writing Doritos or Pringles though yeah that’s about Caster bestie yeah I’m gonna have to cue the tape back for that one All right I’ll sit tight and wait for you guys to be ready um I think I I don’t have a lot of resources so I have four torches Shadows so if you have torches oh okay I’ll take yeah I got I got torches of Plenty don’t

You worry and I’m now working on getting I have two stacks of Wheat and I’m working on getting more so we’ll have food for days that’s that’s a lot of wheat yeah yeah oh you know what the community Farm might have some food and then I’ll just

Replant oh cool yeah all right I’ll just I’ll just stop this then no no no no keep doing what you’re doing I just want to have something yeah there’s stuff too my weight isn’t good enough for you listen I I don’t know the number of Hearts bred heals actually here I can

Test it there’s some bread in the chest I have two and a half hunger okay no I’ve filled it all right Bread’s good I wasn’t sure if it was like you know some things have like cookies don’t really heal you yeah it’s very low oh yeah it’s definitely a big like this the

Bread’s gonna be high volume that’s that’s the big tricky you get to eat a lot of a lot of bread and you don’t have to kill no animals to get it done yeah I do appreciate that I like playing this game as vegetarian but if I have to kill

A cow then it’d be would it be you know the cow gotta go I’m about to go to you hungry we’re making people hungry apparently did you guys eat lunch yet yeah no me yeah I forgot you get yourself some food not too long ago like me coming on to

Stream and saying hey guys was the first time I talked all day oh it doesn’t help that you know we’re we’re both central time moike and I you’re central time are your Eastern yeah and uh Mac is the special Pacific gal yeah yeah 10 40. so still basically it’s a

Little early yeah it’s early in case people are like back you gotta get up earlier it’s like it is morning it’s a Sunday too it’s a Sunday yeah and get ready for this you think this happens just when I wake up [Laughter] that’s not how this is

Uh wait what was the last thing I was talking about before Mac joined so we were we were talking about the fact that you are streaming on YouTube right getting started on it yeah I get like this never happens on Twitch because my because twitch is like

Usually it’s more for like teenagers and adults right so yeah so I’m kind of like yeah whatever if I like slip a curse or whatever oh sure yeah oh yeah yeah but I I get so nervous streaming on YouTube because we’re we’re highly associated with a big Minecraft Youtuber so like

Game wise we’re EX I know crazy what like game wise were expected to only do Minecraft but I don’t like just playing one game I’m a variety streamer so it’s kind of like when we do Minecraft like I know when I stream Minecraft that’s gonna be the game that has the most viewers

Um so I get nervous because then there’s like this expectation sure you’re always gonna be playing Minecraft yeah yeah and it’s just kind of like uh no and then the way YouTube is too it’s like people get so used to parasocial relationships with the people they watch

Uh it’s like that’s not the kind of streamer or content creator that I want to be so I I feel so bad when people are like I want to be your friend and it’s just like in theory that would be cool but it would make me uncomfortable because yeah

There is like a power imbalance there oh 100 you’re like Yeah by you being a Creator you have you you are the one who has that space and I tell I tell the kids who come into my channel because you know uh people who eventually sometimes are brave enough to want it

From YouTube to Twitch uh and they ask the similar things and I I straight up tell them if if like a creator that that is out there making content like follow or like tries to message you or tries to talk to you do not listen to them because like there is that power

Imbalance and you you’re like as a viewer you are on the bad side of that imbalance mm-hmm I um I also see a lot within like our community that people will pretend to be people and I I’ve had people say in Discord like oh my gosh like I’ve had

Full conversations with Jess and Jason and I’m like I probably haven’t yeah you have not and so uh yeah and they’re like I can provide screenshots and I’m like I’m sorry but you’re being catfished like and so yeah that’s like another thing is like if anyone is ever like oh yeah I

Totally talk to them they’re my friend like like none of us talk to people in DMS or anything like that so I promise yeah yeah that’s why when people send me like friend requests uh if if I accept it off stream most likely it is not me

Who is adding you it’s probably some stranger pretending to be me yep yeah as as always friends like we we here right now hanging out right at this moment we’re happy to chat with all of you um just this this is the limit this this

Is as far as close as you get if that makes sense there’s only so much we can provide of ourselves uh while maintaining our own safety and Sanity uh and this is sanity this is what you get yeah and with regards to talking to to

Jess and be like ah I’ve talked to I’ve had full cut yeah we we barely get a chance to talk to Jesse respond to us that’s so true oh my gosh that’s funny and that’s the messages we’re trying to get to her for the sake of business stuff yes

It’s so funny that yep yep love it also it turned into night time and I got scared so I came into your house Mac hello oh my gosh you’re right there dude yeah and I turned around I would have been so I shouldn’t have said anything not

Regret it oh you have a lot of fish yes yeah this is my like uh secret base sort of but it’s not really that secret but I’m planned okay don’t tell shadow shadow close your ears okay I plan to make a secret base over here okay since I get slimies but I haven’t

Been able to find slimies so oh I did see one out in the wild I did but it was only one can I listen yet uh yeah you may yeah yeah okay cool cool cool cool totally didn’t listen to any of that where my secret base is gonna be right let’s see

Secret base what are you talking about um hmm all right I have some potatoes for us as well I’ll sleep so that it is uh no longer scary outside okay and Shadow are you about ready for an adventure uh I can see the light of day at the end

Of the tunnel I’ll be there eventually yeah my God I forgot wait so you didn’t build another way out no because I’ll build a way out of the Infiniti Farm once I’ve complete the Infiniti Farm when is it completely uh yeah when when do you think it’ll be done oh at the current

Rate that I’m constructing it somewhere around 2025. oh goodness oh dear hey there was back on the first server I I would spend I would know life this thing where I would spend hours at night just digging digging the shuttle and nowadays I’ve decided not to do that and

It has harmed my Minecraft time like irreparably but I’ve also gotten more sleep so that’s good sleep is great you know yeah it’s very important and I applaud you Shadow thank you but yeah as a result the infinite Farm will take time no it’s finished once I hit bedrock and then

I’ll build my way uh I’ll build it like a I don’t know maybe a rail system or something like that to get you back to the start oh man that’s a big project especially because it’s gonna it’s gonna be a bit this is fine I’m not you gotta make your own fun all

Right that’s how I’ll be that is true yeah um I wonder if guested any other like wait do you know about the secret base that we built on your dress yes yes I do I wonder if she found it let’s see if it’s rated I don’t think so because everything looked intact

Yeah I haven’t been on in a minute yeah we were talking about that also earlier yeah none of us have yeah we’ve been busy holidays and Nobody’s around here somewhere oh here it is oh okay right I went so far no yeah everything looks pretty

Intact so I don’t I don’t think so I think yeah we fooled her oh hey there’s iron in here oh and I’ll take this oh that’s a lot of coal yeah there’s some more on the first one too I’ll take half that amount I’ll take that half

In case somebody else needs it all of the one on the bottom it’s fine it’s fine Let’s see yeah cause she moved out this was her house and then she was like you can rate it you can take whatever you want and so um yeah aphmau’s Casita which is abandoned she moved yeah so now we maybe we’ll randomly like find it but who knows where she would have put

That house I don’t whoa do we know where like what direction she came from when she attacked the village no unfortunately not we did uh like I did follow her one time out to I think it was something like um it was it was near the original spawn

She she was kind of one lurking through those caves um that’s right I tracked her down once and I found where she died in the caves but I don’t know if she ever returned to the scene of the crime hmm yeah yeah I don’t know if she would

Build her house hidden like to where we couldn’t find it in the cave or if she would like start a new fresh out in the open in the sunlight probably tried hiding the other one a little bit more I think so too um well I am I really want to find a town

Like I I cannot believe how much exploring we’ve done and just unable to find wait a second hold on hold on what I think I see something that I didn’t see before what do you mean in our community oh wait no it’s just sheeps never mind

Oh yeah yeah yeah it’s like a little farm back here I’ve never seen this I was like is this Jess’s oh wow this is I think this is me highs I didn’t realize wait I did it I thought it was still the small little one oh my gosh mihai’s little beehive area I suppose the wall is how we definitely know it’s beehive because yeah it’s orange wow all right cute for a moment I was like wait a second wait here’s a path oh wow wait a second here’s a pass now I do but well no Jess was doing that

I think on the previous server she we I think we were talking about maybe making a path to be panda sanctuary at one point is that where that’s leading no it’s in a cavern in a cavern uh it’s like a watering hole huh man I will oh yeah you’re right so you

Can just get to a shadow yeah I don’t think I’m opied on this Thing hi protecting us from cheese yeah you’re not cheating it was implemented into the game yeah I think of it just like creative mode being to friends yeah yeah this is do you think me I built this what do you mean the watering hole I think so

Or is this potentially a secret entrance to a secret house no I feel like that would have been like way too obvious yeah the idea is to try to draw attention away from your secret place right or would it be so obvious that it’s right in front of our eyes and

We never notice because it Blended in no no I don’t think so um okay oh hey you’re here yeah right this way Shadow I wanna I wanna see the cute B place oh yeah it’s so cute I’m bringing him over okay I’m following this path to see there’s another path

Oh another one okay so here’s the sheeps oh look at all those GBS yeah there’s so many different cows pigs they got one one Merchant llama chickens the day oh I’m holding seed oh God uh they oh yeah extremely cute beeha is full honey yeah mihai did a

Great job oh then this is what you’re talking about with this path leading somewhere yeah it goes to a watering hole let’s see huh oh it’s like it’s like a swimming pool is what it’s like yeah yeah yeah it’s almost like damned off which is interesting so it doesn’t like spill in yeah

Yeah sassy it could you know what it could be is it could be like the start of a build like he’s playing something here maybe it’s gonna be like a fishing hole I don’t know if you guys look but there is a very intricate this might be his

Entrance for the cave system down here okay uh if you come back down this way there’s a uh a drop uh I would say for one uh it’s it’s pretty significant yeah I am not a good Minecraft summer so yeah I’m not gonna I’ll I’ll take your word for it [Applause]

Adventure sir well I told you to come on the adventure here oh God oh God I’m under attack oh God I’m under attack okay oh wait here I have a way for you to get back up I have a bucket of water no I I can swim back up I’m just under attack Yeah hey buddy don’t die hi yeah gosh make sure I don’t get squashed down here but yeah no I think this may be his entrance to like all of this down here yeah that makes sense it’s very pretty down here it really is ambient I like it

All right I’ll just swung back up um no I don’t want to get shot down here halfway to his house or a new app on the server I saw so coming from the other way uh let’s see yeah follow this okay I’m following I’m following and then

Yeah it went uh hold up it went this way okay and then it went hold on I know it went this way head this way and it went over here oh and so now it’s over here is this no it goes Center yeah yeah it is this is how

I know it was a farm because this is welcome day Walker Ranch so me Eye Center for kids who want to learn how to sleep good that seems pretty nice yeah this is like a scenic route to that area that is really good I didn’t know he was

Spending so much time on this I know yeah it looks like he’s big enough the back side of this thing yeah put some work in oh hold on I’ll sleep in Lehigh’s bed okay we’re good we’re good we’re good yeah I think I think the biggest thing that I I

Do agree with Mac that I would love to see a couple more a couple just any villagers in this town I can’t believe we lost all of them all of them I know they just disappeared I really feel in my heart of hearts that Jess killed them that she but why would

She all of them I feel like she’d kill a couple not all of them yeah and then maybe like I don’t know trap some in the Town Square or something like that but she wouldn’t she wouldn’t just extinct this Village yeah um so that that would be my objective is to

Try and find a town with some villagers villagers hijack them and bring them back here but I can know how far that is can’t be leashed right nope but they can be voted that’s so much worse I’ve done it before I’ll do it again I hear the crazy in your voice chat yeah

I don’t know if I like it all you need all you need to do don’t worry about my my deep schemes all you got to do is help me find a village and then I’ll do all the dirty work after that this is my yeah

No you can come in here if you want it’s fine it’s a hole no there’s enough there’s more than enough chickens yeah this this is where I live I know it’s uh But you can’t deny the view the view over here is pretty nice if you get past the clucking chickens and what all yeah oh Oh okay and Blended oh wow yeah it’s it’s something it’s a little bit more sealed off than it used to be because I was afraid that Jess was gonna find it and kill everyone so yeah yeah I did kind of hole up a little bit

More than it was before but hey you know it could be worse it could be worse yeah um oh also uh here I’ll come up here for a second and I’m gonna swim upstream against the chickens sorry chickens there’s a couple that got out yeah here uh in this box over here

There’s uh two sets there’s two stacks of bread if anybody wants some bread oh just grab yourself I’ll grab a stack yeah just grab a stacked I have a I have a potatoes carrots and some Meats so let’s see how it is you don’t like my bread all right

Fun yeah we’ll see how it is So small in there yeah it’s a little bit it’s it’s a bachelor pad all right I’ll I’ll admit it’s there’s not a lot going on for anyone else I feel like I kind of want to go this way okay yeah I have been straight but I haven’t been diagonal okay yeah I was

Thinking a little diagonal uh it takes you to the Badlands um and I explored there a bunch and I didn’t see a town there either okay so do we want to go this direction yeah we can go diagonal um okay because I Shadow and I traveled south

And or whatever this is of this yeah we didn’t find a whole heck of a lot of that way but we haven’t gone this way the direction you were pointing waika so okay oh I didn’t wait can I make one I have a crafting table does anyone have wood on them I brought

Yes I did see what do I need to make a bowl oh there it is okay so oops oops we need three everyone gets a boat you’ll get a ball oh and then I also get a boat perfect all right let me bring this with us perfect now we’re we’re off adventuring

Where do we yeah where do you want to go yeah um oh wait I grabbed your boat on accident oh oh that is whatever yeah this is because diagonal is the only way we haven’t explored it looks like maybe go right over here and then oh grandson yo Yeah join us sure I was like oh where is everything oh sorry it’s okay we just started the adventuring part so we’ll wait for you we in by Adventure we in that we swam across about 15 blocks of water and then yeah like we still see

Our town so wow it’s been a while I am super armed up I don’t know remember the last thing we did we were fending the town off from just burning it down yeah that’s why that’s why you’re all buffed up uh shears I don’t think I need shears

Let me see what I need I’ve got a fishing rod a boat oh should we bring a bed uh oh my God it was just gonna okay I remember last time no one brought a bed yeah okay okay I didn’t think about that till now we Gucci

All these swords I should leave some stuff behind so in case I die so save that save that um but good oh as a reminder again guys um if somebody isn’t on the server then they’re probably busy doing real life stuff so how dare I know

So yeah so don’t don’t beg us to like get them to come like they’re busy they’re doing their own stuff guys oh yeah and let them do that I just got a new cover out which you should go check out right now what’s it called what’s it from uh it’s

Probably from an anime that no one knows about because we’re mostly entertained kids here right these are also anime nerds Yesaru yeah that’s what it is I think yeah that one I believe the green haired girl with the owner horns right yeah so they made a remake of it well it’s reinterpreted preferred a bridge version this alien that comes to Earth wanting to take over and this boy basically charms her so then she doesn’t

Want to take over but she wants to marry the boy that’s the shortening of that oh yeah it’s very cute I like it it’s classic yeah if you like slice like comedy go check that out all right or if you just like anime covers in general go check out oh check

Out my channel yeah yeah yeah check it out anyways all right are they like armor I got my cookies where is everybody all right Corinne go towards Chris’s house oh well she’s gonna need a bow I’ll just I’ll just go over there yeah go towards

I have a boat oh okay yeah go to Chris’s house then yeah go to Chris’s house and then keep walking to the edge until you get to the water I think which one is this house I remember is this the big one off to the

Far like it’s in front of your house but to the left okay I did remember ruining it one time because I was digging here’s the two-story house okay let’s see the story keeping an eye out yeah I’m trying to see if I see her coming in let’s see

No this should be Max house yeah I’m fine it’s up for his house so go across the bridge and his so so the bridge leads to Chris’s house um gotcha everyone sounds different from how they deal on aphmau channel yup welcome to voice actors we’re good at our job thank you we

Appreciate it this is my regular voice and this is my acting voice uh let’s see can you buy the water yes jump and jump which water are you I I’ll tell it I’ll also across it I’ll go I’ll go find her though yeah I think that’ll help help

Yeah I don’t think you went to Chris’s house no I did I read the sign because everybody has a sign oh go to the other side oh yeah yeah maybe it’s the other side yeah yeah um wait I have my eyeglass yeah that’s what I’ve been using I’ve been trying to locate her

You’re in I should have watched her cross the bridge I know I’m just lying I’m just like yeah I’m almost there just stealing stuff from Chris’s house just plundering everything now I’m near Mike’s house okay so it’s actually close I I think the way that we ended up going

Is closer to my place which is the hole and the infinitive front of Crystal oh but that’s it’s on the exact opposite side yeah oh so you went behind Chris’s house directions see what they’re talking about it is close to Chris’s house but it’s this away yeah I was jumping around here I

Was like jump jump but they’re like way over here not that way okay it’s just over here yeah I still don’t see you guys I haven’t I didn’t get lost my yeah what no I’m pretty sure it was this way I will I’m swimming I’m swimming oh no

No they’re right in front of us the right here oh can you know yes now night time no oh yeah I see you you were right in front of you right up here you nerd no I don’t I don’t see you I still don’t see you oh oh there’s a merchant here there’s

Merchanted he got spoked oh my God That Arrow you’ve got alpacas so cute yeah be ashamed if they got lost I know me wait guys guys hold on hold on hold on hold on uh the village is under attack what I don’t know I don’t know why yeah change your skin change your skin there’s Raiders

Oh Corinne yeah I think you do do you have the yeah she does what do I have uh you have Kim skin on right now no no you’re right I didn’t know that that’s okay it was honest mistake so do we want to go I mean we should definitely go exploring

But we should also take care of this raiding party that’s about to otherwise they’re right here do they not shoot arrows when they’re when they’re swimming I guess not we should just seeming to have a trouble here yeah just let’s just get rid of them nope nope they shoot they still

Shoot oh God oh he’s take care of that okay yeah no worries you know what’s interesting um we’re trying to find a town and now I have The Omen huh that probably was not a good idea we’ll just we’ll still work on it we’ll we can we can defend it it’s fine

Can we find yeah um while we’re waiting um I guess it has I guess it has been a while so in case um people somehow just joined and aren’t really familiar with us hello yeah happy New Year when we’re together from the new year yeah yeah

Um but yeah if this is your first time watching outside of the aphmau channel hello my name is moika I voice KC um the person in front of me right now is Matt yeah you get you get off um Corinne yeah yeah Corinne AKA Megami AKA Kim yeah

And then Shadow hi yeah I I usually play Pierce but today I’m a tree some days we like um can we like steal these from this guy and ride them unfortunately yeah you can’t ride them but you can’t kill the man and steal his uh steal his animals if you prefer her yeah

Be a shame if someone took okay okay they’re gonna spit at you they are spider guys they’re defending them oh wow they’re like real Pokemon yeah why okay I got him knocked them out oh no well now you guys are mine ow yeah they’re gonna spin oh they do not like

You Karen it turns out you killed their master and uh they will hit you forever well technically I killed him but okay yeah she started it they’re free now be free be enjoying the life you now have you’re welcome sorry [Laughter] all right I’m gonna build some beacons

As we go along here so we know which one oh yeah yeah that’d be perfect those lavas are still Chasing You by the way Karen is straight up chasing you I lost you guys well let’s see how far they can get they’re coming they’re so they’re still spitting

We’ll run into some Raiders and they’ll just start spitting at them enemy of my enemy I think I’ll be really mad if there was a town over here the sport every corner yeah so our big game right now is to try to find a Dollar Village because yeah another Village to

Take over got it yeah or at least steal all the villagers from and then bring them back to our village ah but we just got to keep him in a safer place this time here adventure with me and my friends so it sounds like you also adhere to the to the theory that

Just killed all of our villagers oh you’re saying and I trust you if anybody’s gonna lie it’s gonna be me oh my gosh all right that’s one way to word it all right uh we all have a boat where did you go oh diagonal wait we

Kind of wait wait where is she oh no okay she’s just she’s just out of us a bit oh okay I was like yeah no we I think I’m still going diagonal yeah dude I was just going to say yeah possible no I suppose they are not

Okay great what a bunch of quitters someone challenges that’s right and then Shadow here’s your boat oh thank you you’re welcome I brought a boat I did not Okay so um I guess another topic uh our live streams are very different from the aphmau videos so if you are if you’re

Expecting aphmau videos this is not the place for you yeah you’re expecting us to like prank each other and blow each other up and all of that yeah fun hangout time the only people we are pranking are Raiders and villagers yes and occasionally afterwards yeah The Battleground is the other server yeah like the way I like to liked it but it is that I when I stream I’m allowing you to watch me enjoy what I like to do in my free time so yeah we oh this place is pretty yeah it’s

Like uh there’s a lot of jungle around here I thought jungle was like one of the more rare biomes so it’s really interesting to see so much of it I’m gonna see if I can create a sort of Arrow here of light just to be like hey

Oh okay this is where we came from so just like I can kind of build just because just because it’s also hard to kind of show which way we came from in terms of boats like I just built some Towers in the water but that would take a while so

Yeah I kind of built this Tower here yeah it works but I mean when we go back right like we have to kind of figure out which way we went from there I wrote the chords down somewhere so someday we’ll figure we’ll find out what’s around one of these places there

Are a lot of animals here I wish we could take them yeah there are you could kill oh don’t worry mihai mihai has usual Farm he’s built the whole thing right he does have plenty of animals okay okay be an alert um is where it’s always mostly dark and

Creepers and zombies are there during the daytime so yeah yeah I get you yeah yeah you lost follow the Torches oh um a little hard to see them sometimes over there yeah I’m a white cow we’re up here oh yeah you’re higher I’m coming where are you at there you are yeah

This do you want Vines oh my God I have a sh I have cheers with me oh yeah yeah I’d love to pick up something well if we’re gonna make make our way back this way like maybe on the way back true yeah okay and we were not who knows what sort

Of things we’ll collect in the meantime yeah coconuts oh yeah more oh there’s more right here over here all the Cocos oh what’s that that’s glittery oh what is that um probably glittery here’s an interesting question where would you find lava uh I don’t know you shouldn’t let me go by myself Karen

We work by yourself 180 do 180. oh over here down here is lava okay oh you see it oh yeah yeah I know I I see I see the Ravine and I see the death that awaits us we should go down there you can go down there

Get to the water we’re exploring yeah we’re going back in the Water by that we’re explore this place no no we’re still trying to find a good town oh that’s right we’re trying to cut across like little pit stops along the way yeah but I’m still good I’m still trying to

Leave you know lights so that we can find our way back here if we so desire yeah get my priorities straight guys [Laughter] diagonal like we gotta look for people ooh lava all right see another land oh yeah up ahead yeah sanctuary behind us the other direction yeah

So we’re not gonna run into it by accident yeah we’re not done we’re not like we’re trying not to double up our our exploration effort see if we can help it yeah this is a town I have a bed I will sleep right here he’s getting pretty dark yeah Hmm Mimi what biome are you guys in because I think I’m lost Try to Mark where we were going and then everybody left me we gotta say hey guys I’m marking stuff just your hey guys Mark and stuff um the opposite way of the Sun yeah where it’s rising okay and you’re not on like a like a beachy

Area no we see a beach but we’re currently on grass away from the Sun okay I think I see where we’re going see if I see you with myself whoa whoa hey what in the heck uh I got I got poisons oh puffer fish just scraped me as I was boating The opposite of the sun I definitely went that way okay I’m gonna borrow this boat from going there foreign Okay I I see lots of sand okay I come towards negative 864 negative 1643. negative 800 and what was the the Z coordinate uh negative 1643 Minecraft the game where you get lost yeah okay I think I think I I spot where you guys are

Oh this looks like a place to explore so it’s you you lied because there’s there’s so much sand near you well yeah but we were on we were on grass ah yeah this guy okay all right all right also Shadow somebody said congrats on the engagement do you want

To update them yeah I’ll push that one up that date a little bit ahead uh engaged and married uh I’m I’m officially married as of October 1st of last year I think so um wait how do I cue there we go there we go oh I do have another boat if you

Want to trade boats no we have I think we all have one okay okay all right staying diagonal staying diagonal wait wait wait the other two are recording all right okay I got I got my arrow that I’m pointing back to where we were Perfect all right hopefully

We should go through town just over this hill just over this hill huh yeah just over this hill there’s gonna be a town I can feel just over this hill there’s cows and uh just over the next Hill I can feel it there’s gonna be a town

Spoiler by the way uh Korean I checked that hole it’s just filled with water oh okay oh is this where you were Shadow no no I just I I just checked the she saw a hole in the in the sand there and it looked cool so I popped my head in and

There’s just water find villagers I I don’t know anymore like I think we can find villagers but in it I I just I don’t know man’s oh hey a horse Um Tradewinds back to our village oh there’s a horse hello so we’re fighting animals we’re fighting no humans though yeah maybe just killed them all at all could you imagine she went to all the towns killed all of them that’d be pretty nuts all right yeah next Island next Island

Let’s go shout outs to Dom for giving 100 bits hey Dom oh nice I Believe in Us Can you do a hardcore world uh I don’t think we’re ready for that I think we’re ready for that I’m especially not ready for it yes that’s like you you die and then you can’t get back in right like is that the idea technically yes but

There’s there’s ways to get back in um I mean I I’ve done it before it’s uh it’s terrifying very terrifying yeah wow we keep wandering our way back into jungle biomes which is crazy because I I could have sworn they were more rare than this guys guys guys guys

Left to left to left I’m going wait is there a village Hey yo hold on it’s small but it’s something we’ll take it are there any survivors there are all right well I guess I gotta set up shop let me start digging my way back I have Omen that’s fine they gotta they got a Golem here we can fight him off

All right this is a choice that y’all made and I’m just gonna say that really quickly all right there’s a raid I just got a thing just stay in your house everybody get inside get inside we’re getting your house in your homes in your homes we got this under control

Don’t worry about it no everybody run in run in hide hide um I’m gonna uh I just stopped recording oh my God now you’ve been no no I’m starting again they’re coming on the other side okay guys the rain is here um let’s see how this works have you done this before yeah

No no no okay this is different so this is like there’s gonna be a bunch of different uh waves and the waves get increasingly harder oh no we’re definitely not ready for that yeah no stop ringing the bell um yeah it brings the mail you have to

Start oh well the villagers keep ringing it stop it yeah they’re ringing it for some reason yeah they’re ringing it to let everyone know to go back in the houses so we should probably block them in so yeah yeah yeah the dudes if somebody could go do that

Yeah yeah okay everyone get the villagers in and block them do I have any thing to block it with okay I got some dirt the Dom’s getting beat up out there the Gold’s helping helping oh I’m about to die I’m about to die oh god oh no oh no someone else

Take that all right yeah I definitely right click that bed if you get a chance got him wow I lost a lot of Health quick all right there we go I’m better all right next round are we ready no no we’re not no did we you got sealed off oh you did

So yeah yeah yeah at least the ones I thought I found so get behind something all right here’s another one where are they are they oh oh oh Yeah and a witch wait I’ve never seen that before It’s so cute and we’ll mess you up yeah do be careful what’s the best way of hurting that thing Oh no hey buddy okay the witch is down very nice very nice very nice get away get away I can’t see the ravenger anymore okay okay while he’s aggro on you I’ll try to hit up that’s my shield okay well this has been fun everybody I’m gonna get right here

Oh wow he is really only chasing you yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God good job good job good job okay next wave okay I’m gonna die do you have bread oh I do have bread yeah yeah okay okay eat some food and then um we have some

Iron need the Golem oh you can you can feed the Golem with iron and fix them so I got iron for days if you needed okay I think I fixed him I’m not sure good I don’t know I I hit him but he did didn’t attack me so maybe that’s a good thing

Good stuff I don’t really know what I did I know you can fix him though I got nine things of iron yeah I threw some out because I was like uh I’ll feed him quick if that’s what I need I don’t see the next raid me either wait behind us behind us

Over here oh oh there’s literally one right in front of us there was literally one in front of us all right yeah they’re all on the on the Cliff face here oh I see there’s a bunches High Ground right Okay got one there’s one oh there’s a couple witches for this one yeah there’s witches oh they’re so fast I don’t know if we’ll even be able to sleep too I was in first we’re under attack I’m out of arrows oh that’s not good oh it’s not good

Hey put that potion down okay there we go yeah ah I’m getting in I’m going for it there we go he’s dead I’m ready to attack who else who else where are they are they on the Mountain Still they gotta be over here in the hole they may have dropped in the hole

Oh I dropped in the hole there are arrows coming out of there I don’t know if they’re no it’s just a regular old skeleton yeah we heard the witch I thought I heard them yeah okay I’m gonna see if I can sleep I’m also gonna try to torch up this

Place a little bit and just get ourselves running for some action light it up I heard a witch did you hurt her yeah where oh my gosh she’s been like spawn inside the house one of the houses did she all right it’s Dave oh yeah you did you get

To get us back today time good job good job yeah yeah I was a little worried we wouldn’t okay let me see if I can see any witches oh that’s a normal villager I don’t know where she would have gone um where did you say you heard her

Um back here I fell in a hole oh that’s a pig it is in this hole but I’m gonna climb up the hill here and see if I can find anyone definitely not in this hole that I’m stuck in hold on gotta climb out oh die Scale witch I see the sun just a few more Stones glitch um oh oh where I’m at underneath me I think you found it no I think underneath me because she I keep hearing her in this location yeah they’re not up on this hill so I’m pretty certain they’re

Underground oh my gosh I almost fell in this review that’s a little deep next episode yeah be careful for her or maybe there’s a chance that maybe she just spawned in like an empty space right like a cave maybe oh my thing is full what what let’s see crazy oh yeah here

Um hello hello oh is that oh is that her which is that her oh she’s trying to go to the town ah okay did you find her I see her yeah I found her yeah here she is I’m being murdered I’m being murdered at least oh there’s one over here too

Okay we got it yeah Here we go all right ready for the next ride come on bring him on I need food I need food oh they got so many oh they got so many oh there’s a ravager there’s oh I need to run I was I was I’m poisoned I’m also poisoned this song

I could ride foreign I’m up on a rooftop oh the Iron Golem’s helping us please hi big guy why is he riding him stop it yeah he’s aggro on someone so I’m like yeah okay perfect while he’s on you um there’s guys shooting here yeah they’re shooting me oh no oh no there’s a Vindicator

No no those those are invokers yeah oh I got them I got him I got him I got them look okay we should do this oh I’m finding out by the way did you know ravagers can destroy bamboo oh no I gotta tell them of undying good job oh yeah that’s great yeah this is how you get a bunch of them okay we need to get this evokers though because I bet you those uh I bet you those friends can uh can kill the poor friends inside the houses

Um all right careful of the ravenger so he doesn’t get aggro oh sorry sorry sorry sorry okay oh okay I think it’s too late system I’m sorry I gotta go find my stuff Um stop chasing me well I’m trying to get it I’m here little vex please oh freaking faxes oh no oh gosh remember to eat if you can’t oh Please please all right well I’m doing something Um help me yes thank you Jesus get away yeah yeah oh my God now I can eat something right little ducks dude the Golem’s got the guys I wish I had arrows I know if anybody can throw me feathers down here I have a crafting bench I’m hiding

In a hole right now as I’m trying to get myself recrafted with the Golem yeah we did it yeah all right you got him you beat him up yeah good job high five gold yeah we need where’s the ravenger oh he you are not looking good pal do you think they’re underground

I found one underground here here let me try to feed him with some iron yeah double two yeah all right there we go I got one villager underground With Me Oh you mean the uh the next Fighters that we are oh they ow ow they’re in the

Same spot as the which underground but that’s actually good for us we can probably yeah it gives us some time to kind of settle back in does anybody need food everybody good uh uh get a little bit more bread okay I’m doing okay buddy I got my stuff back

On I got it sealed too which I’m happy about because I did not have a shield before wow there’s a quite a few there oh yeah um arrows oh if we had lava anybody anybody spot any lava around here oh I did see lava early ah man if only had a bucket

Of lava yeah I have water but it’s not like just protecting them might have some lava just a quick dip are you actually hitting them yeah I am uh but the witches uh okay cursing you well the witch is healing them oh so you’re just but in return they’re splash potions and

So he’s healing me oh I just got healed too nice okay come on let’s go yeah we can kill the witch they’ll stop getting healed right behind you wake up out wait oh an emerald hold on I’m greedy oh dang it I got distracted by them literally my last word I got cars but I killed the witch Emerald’s mind Emerald’s fine ow ow there’s still there’s a skeleton ah we are hero of the village we’re heroes oh that means I I think our trades are really good right now then yeah yeah they’ll give us anything all

Right let’s let them out of their houses and see what we got how many people are still alive first off uh you know hey did I not get enough Maybe oh okay maybe it’s all right as long as we picked it up guys there’s still someone out here oh God oh God we’re still under raid we are I don’t know what to tell you there’s three dudes back here wait we’re running over oh I do see wait

He has a banner and we’re still in this town don’t kill the banner guy but we we like otherwise they’re gonna kill everyone here uh what do we do what do we do I don’t know oh we can just kill him I say we kill him

I think he’s still part of the previous plane I think we’re fine oh okay okay cause I uh did you get cursed no okay I didn’t get cursed either so I think either yay we did it Says your new Lords we now own this land uh hello anybody still alive we’re your saviors or else we have the Chaos Emerald yeah farmer is going to trade 19 potatoes foreign Or an emerald that that house yeah oh yeah no this Ravine was like I I think they just I think maybe they built a bad house oh man had I not thinking I have a ton of potatoes at the house but I baked them all I’ll put a little platform for

Um there we go we have Looms Oh I love this teal bed I don’t know there are lots of folks around here yeah I love the villagers clothing it is really nice yeah yeah oh it’d be dark that means they’re probably gonna die right now worry about it what no we need to worry about it we need to

Learn from our mistakes here we’ve had this problem hey hey that’s our bed uh yeah here here here I put another one down oh okay okay oh look at the little child hello child let me sleep hello always look at me all right got the bed hey we I mean we

Fulfilled our destiny like that was what we were trying to do we did it yeah yeah um well my game now is to try to bring some of these friends back to our village and repopulate uh easy is that you theoretically could I think could stay in the water the whole time

You think I could you think there’s enough of a of a boat run there over over here on were pretty small what I would need uh Mac you said that you might have the coordinates of our original place yes let me uh let me see if I can find that

Because I would I would love to bring not kidding I am genuinely trying to bring some of these folks back to our place um but we need we we need to like have a plan for that and the part of that would be like number one can we make it back

Without crossing the land because I all the markings that I left were land-based markings ah okay see how that’s possible um I this is a lot of water and I do agree with Mac on that it’s just a matter of figuring out whether yeah you just have

To find the route yeah kitty kitty kitty somebody just dropped this cookie here maybe it was me not me I’m the only one with cookies I got cookie now Um uh chords but it I wrote down grave so I didn’t write down the house I wrote down where I last died and I don’t know if I died near the house you know what I still I actually have a compass and I think that Compass will it leads back to

Home it leads back to our spawn or so the original server spawn which will take us should as I say it should it should be close enough in theory also if you stay diagonal you’ll probably just get there yeah also I found the boats uh okay right and I didn’t pick it up

They’re a little bit further yeah we all we all I just started running and everybody started following me well that’s your fault cat I’m gonna grab my boat and I’m going to see if if I if I could get one person to join me in the collection of one villager then we can

Have two we can repopulate this this cursed land mm-hmm okay so how does this work so step one into a boat we gotta get him in a boat and you just kind of keep oh excuse me hey no no no no no no no no no come back

Come back buddy better yeah I’m gonna go on a trip yeah go go I’m getting rid of that go turn cause we can do this on dry land too so I’m actually gonna bring my boat here as long as we go downwind then we should be fine hey stop it

Let me come on turn around turn around we need your help our our land is dying wait so wait so what do we gotta do we’re trying to push him in the boat I guess because if if you can get them if you get them close enough to the boat

They’ll just automatically jump in well I think what we need to do is I’ll just because I keep putting it on the on this bad side I should put it on the fronts or like before the way he’s running away from me Sandbox and he just has no choice but to give him the boat oh I got one I got one I got one I got one nice all right okay now what what do I do get in oh and we just and you just kind of bring him along

Oh and this is how you get oh you did it yay yeah this is how you heard villagers this is how on the previous server I was stealing him from the village that you were uh Manning there Wika and I built an entire Waterway to to field them back

Okay yes luck on your adventures all right and then we just see if we can find our way back yeah so we get our work our way back home oh God no no no no no no poisoned stupid ah what about the puffer fish no it’s like two seconds thankfully but uh

Yeah it’s I got puffer fish twice now oh my gosh you are a puffer fish magnet they love me yeah okay um yeah this will be the big question can we can we get around this enough to to do this I think we current a couple times

Yeah I think I think we’ll be okay let’s see green are you still on the island ERS might be oh wait uh I don’t know we’ll see I’m right behind you um okay let’s see should we try to get them there we go okay now we got vote as

Well we want to take all of the villagers guys I I was just mostly trying to go for two just so we could we we have enough to make a sustainable population I’m not looking to completely destroy that Village Come on oh we’re gonna leave we’re in come on in okay let’s go bye do we need to destroy the blocks yeah we do yep just a little extra space are you guys in the water yeah yeah we’re uh we just just go diagonal we’re uh we’re trying to make our way through

That way all right I have a pretty good directional sense I think I can get us back ah the fishing uh you know what we could we could do this we could we could still do this I’m gonna I’m just gonna make a canal oh are you cutting through the island

Uh to a certain extent kinda I I thought we’d probably I thought we found ourselves a nice little bit of a river uh and then the river kind of ended but there is there is water on both sides of this and we just need not too bad no we we could do worse

Okay and then I just gotta come over here I’m pretty sure there’s water on the other side of this no I think we need to put this way I don’t remember there being this much open water help do you know if your cords uh my present coordinates are

Negative 923 uh negative 1600. negative y coordinate doesn’t really matter that much well negative nine two threes that goes up yeah what are you thinking here okay Clearing out here maybe sure yep now Shadow you know I know Minecraft but for people yeah oh yeah yeah people that don’t know Minecraft please explain yeah what what the with the new villagers like just add more to the town or just like have different things so if you uh if you

Treat these villagers right they’re going to have uh babies and then those babies will have babies and then we’ll be able to repopulate our town again and give them jobs and the advantage yes especially is that um villagers will take occupations and you can Farm stuff

Get stuff or uh trade stuff with them and then get emeralds which is again trade for cooler stuff right because we did have villagers that did trade us stuff until they were involved up all died mysteriously mysteriously yeah we all died so yeah that’s that’s what we’re really

Just trying to do and I again I feel weird that the village just got completely depopulated and I wanted to see if we can fix that gotcha ‘s here the way they would try they they don’t have they’re not smart enough to try to like Homeward Bound on us yeah Um but they I mean they still yeah no the biggest thing is they they want a home they want a house they want a bed and they don’t want to die to constant incursions of raids and all these such things did we make a mistake here yeah

Yeah you’re we’re too far in you’re not too far off though okay jungle area uh no oh I see what happened here yeah yeah okay because I hit the jungle area that we um are like where Corrine was all like oh wow lava are you still in oh because you you two

Are not in boats right I’m sharing a boat with Mac uh we went a slightly different path I think is the best way to put it okay well we’ll meet you back home then yeah yeah no do your best to get home and we’ll we’ll figure it out

From there all right okay here we go stay in the boat because now we got ourselves going here all right I like if you turn around here I think I got ourselves an opening here A pirate’s life for me Oh yay okay and then I got a bucket of water or I have a bucket at least tonight do you have a shovel I do not I only have pickaxes and axes I took an Ax from one of the Raiders yeah there we go what a trophy yeah

Okay that should be enough to get us back on track Here we go ah here we go all right get in okay okay you didn’t lose her we’re going home somebody who’s dug a couple of canals in my time when I think we were on track oh Yeah okay I broke free I broke free we’re back in Open Water oh you see something um I put an arrow yeah okay yay oh yeah so right on the right track okay I’m so glad that worked yeah that ended up being all right we’re on our way yeah is

The Sand Island we’re getting pretty late yeah leap yeah here we’ll worry about the sleepies okay what are you doing bud are we there yet I miss my home well you’ll like your new home it’s great you’re gonna have a good time and sign up for this we saved your town all right

Now we also brought the death upon the town but we also saved it we I’m lost I think a little bit more of this way moica just based on my compass here yeah yeah no no no I I trust your compass because that’s all I’m following right

Now I don’t I don’t really I don’t have a great sense of direction otherwise how we doing Mick I think we’re almost home yay this is awesome hello if you’re just joining us welcome oh yeah yeah I see the Torches okay okay okay cool okay I

See them too okay so now we just gotta see if there’s a Waterway directly back to our to our land where are you guys now what biome we have to worry about them we’re in that jungle jungle from before yeah okay yeah so we just passed that I’m trying to

Keep it with a Waterway nope no this ain’t gonna be it uh so if you go left there’s a swamp that we dug a Waterway out to get to the other side of that Hill okay yeah yeah all right and you’ll see like where where we dug

Oh Turtles Max stop the boat look Look oh I keep running into him too oh I think we’re close I’m bad at Mario Kart too Eternal family we found Turtle Island Turtle I I think I think where she lives we’re on the right path here okay we can wait for them that’s why I’m cool with chilling with the turtles

Because we cut we cut through the swamp and now we’re in Open Water here yeah so we we did the same and then um I saw a bunch of land coming up and so I wasn’t sure uh where that would go and so I I think

Beard left a little bit to try to stay in the swampy water and then that’s when we found the Turtles um I see yeah I found the Torches back where we started so I think I’m still on the right path here okay yeah because I think this is I think I found the

Original Jungle here that we cut across so theoretically I think this way see if there’s porches over here you guys like seeds I don’t know what turtles eat Kelp seaweed Maybe I only got seeds it’s a gorgeous day to be in a boat but I am a little worried that we’re growing it out of water here come this way over here let me pop out for a second and see what we got going here yeah I

Think there’s enough water to keep going this way it’s just whether or not yeah I thought we were supposed to stay put you left oh huh there’s a uh they’re gonna come out broken portal over here oh is that a doll hey what hold on yeah yeah a little bit further along here

I’ll uh we if I I’ll take out a spot we’ll get from there okay uh are you by the first hurdles or the second Turtles the first Turtle okay I’m by the second Turtles yeah I see you yeah there’s a dolphins swimming around here um okay somebody said this way seagrass

Seagrass okay okay we’re moving on thank you yeah hi Turtles I will come back for you all right let’s give this a go sorry to bother you who are you currently playing with Malika I am uh I’m playing with Korean Mac and Shadow yeah yeah hello hello

Um I guess all right we’re gonna get off and go on by foot okay I guess a reminder uh hello ivoice Casey Shadow voices peer smack voice is mac and Korean voices Kim yep oh yeah take a look at this right yeah wait is there anything else I’m sure there might be oh

There’s a Torchy no it looks like we’ve been someone’s been here before I want that dirt back oh yeah that’s a fair point yeah dump it so dumping some excess stuff in here I got so much terracotta that I’m not gonna use oh yeah this is all the island that has all the animals on it yeah yeah so I think

It’ll be just over this other lava be careful I think I I’m a little I think we’re I think this is like it should be relatively close is we’re a little bit off center here this way I think we’ll be right back on track get it I’ll kill you okay I get this

No we are not dragging the villagers to another no they volunteered it’s fine yeah we’re taking them to uh to a home a new life a wonderful place they can stretch and expand don’t we have any hay or something I think we do don’t you I don’t know the villagers yes the villagers

Oh oh you got him boy I got him I got him yeah we lost so now I can we might be a little lost I’m kind of I’m kind of now pedaling around to see if there’s any opportunity to get deeper in here No that seems ominous over there I’m not gonna go in that cave yeah that’s oh yeah this place has a lot of cave areas ah it’s pretty I think but I got Precious Cargo I gotta I make I gotta make sure this person this this poor boy survives baby on board

Yeah follow me that was a fun adventure but it was there’s nothing here coordinates um ours yeah we are currently uh negative 480 uh negative 400. negative 480. hold on I need this to go down negative let’s try going this way I think the cup is actually is pointing this way

I just wanted to see if there’s a cut in somewhere okay so they’re this way negative yeah because they’re lost they’re they’re behind us of anything no no I think they passed us thank you oh it did it again that’s the same I think that’s the same way no I think the

Circles yeah yeah we did the Full Circle so maybe bounce out this way and cut they’ll work right see if we can find another way out that way here’s water this okay again the compass will get us close but I’m worried that it won’t get us all the way there all

The way yeah so we’ll see oh this might be our Savannah right here let’s see oh you’re right okay if this works for you’re able to go with all water that would be awesome I mean there’s a lot of water near where we live so it’s just a reason the thing

That they were at I think I see your village here it is your broken portal okay yeah you’re on the right track perfect yeah I’m gonna open up this uh this little walkway here ah okay we’re gonna go this way then and we’ve got our villagers all right all right

Now we just need to make sure we treat these these two right we got to make sure we get they get nice houses the favorite places that they can sleep and uh they have uh doors these boys love doors yeah I think we should build them like a

Separate house with their own beds yeah I agree yes killed them let’s leave them in the boats a little bit just to keep them as safe and in one spot as possible and then we can build them a house who’s gonna leave mine right here we could actually really just boat them

Right on in this one no we could yeah just made this way hold on we’ll clear some gravel here I need arrows anyway so a little bit of a a little bit of Flint wouldn’t been too bad do you guys know you guys know if horses can go in boats I

I try I want to say very incorrect I’m sure chat will correct us if that’s not the case yeah how do I take them where they need to go uh-oh somebody said I don’t think horses can go in boats yeah I’m getting a big

Old no for my Chad oh so then how do I bring my horse across the water you gotta tame him and then ride them I am riding him oh oh just can’t you just ride them in the water I don’t know I wanted to find out all right can you

Tell me your chords uh one sec let me dig this out there we go yep we could just Park right next to Michael’s place for a second here and then we’ll build a house for him yeah there’s like a little Port yeah a mini one we made one

Can you guys see yay uh yes which way and not tell me which way all right uh coordinates are if you’re ready for him yeah uh wow uh negative two hold on let me starving too we’re almost just straight up on the x coordinate which is pretty wild um

Negative two and negative 457 is where I’m at right now really close Corin well I don’t know where you are okay I’m at 211 . this house is really big it is yeah yeah or 8 20. okay so I don’t know how to read coordinates so hit F3 I hit F3

Okay okay and then look where it says block all right so I’m at 211 so walk until you can um like see it the direction going up or down the question is moika where do we build this new house for these friends um uh I kind of wanna

There’s like this big old empty space over here and it’s by the water yeah which is nice and pretty yeah Or we could just make them neighbors with Chris also possible Chris says hello yeah yeah Area over here by the water there’s oh yeah this place this place is huge yeah we could do anything uh my only thing is I do want to see if we can keep them a little interior a little bit closer just in case they get themselves into trouble

Out there I want to make sure we’re we’re close enough that we could spot danger for him maybe up on this hill here yeah I think this hill then yeah they go back to 11. yeah let’s knock down some trees clean some stuff up and wait tell me yourself build a new home

Uh 2 11 77 negative 957. negative 9 57. okay I’ll come to you okay Okay walk um walk where is my South and you’ll run right I got a crafting bench by the way if you need it up here so turn around oh okay so yeah so perfect and I guess we just need lots of Acacia uh yep there you are okay I almost have

A full stack so cool yeah how big are we thinking here this horse is nice yeah but it is As I’m trying to keep up let’s see well who should have brought a saddle I didn’t know we had settles I didn’t know I don’t know how I got this either I’ll be honest um We want to go this way and we’re gonna hit water dang it how big do we want oh yeah here’s the house what’s that you’re getting this boat Corinne okay how big do we want this house um I mean it doesn’t have to be huge but

I would say you know enough space that they can get you know a couple of beds in there make sure everybody’s nice and comfortable wait our town is ready oh okay where’s Alex yay like this maybe uh home sweet home Oh this thing’s big enough we’ll see why not seems like a good square footage yeah perfect don’t fall in the hole all right perfect and then uh yeah how do we want to play this out um we should just look at people’s houses I I don’t know I don’t know why I’ve put

Myself in a part of the house building process because I should not be trusted given what the house that I live in or lack thereof home welcome I’m gonna go take a nap and anyway they usually use like Acacia logs like on the corners is like the posts

Yes it kind of looks like this yes okay my my like put together um I have assembled the horse I mean like he’s leaded on to he’s like trapped into the into the house um what kind of blocks you guys need I have a tons of like building blocks uh

We’re currently working with Acacia yeah folks want to come over here we’re building up that house yeah yeah I have tons of Acacia where’s my squad stripes in the middle I do have a saddle huh wait you’ve had the saddle in your inventory the whole time I don’t think I

Always had this I must have got it from somewhere maybe it dropped oh well you could have had a horse here I can get it again what’s that should we dig in for the foundation yeah I suppose I suppose yeah yeah clearly it’s not hard to get horses here no no

So we should actually set this into the ground that’s what you’re saying no no I I think that’s fine for the outer wall oh I see yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness so much stuff here take up some dirt yeah did you guys say you were doing this by Chris’s house yes

Oh I see you okay Yeah all right and then let’s see we can do something like this this can be the score and then I guess Windows too I think that’d be nice especially if we can get one behind the house I’m gonna get the view of the water oh I don’t love that stay away from me

Okay okay um do we want some stone for the foundation then or do we just want to keep oops uh yeah we could we could do do you think Cobblestone are you thinking stone stone what are you thinking I don’t uh what would be easier but

Okay it’s up to up to us when we think we want need Cobble I got Cobble okay yeah let’s travel for days always do always do dang it oh yeah yeah I do yeah destroy oh thank you oh I guess I could have done it too no no I’ll go grab a fresh

Set of cobbles okay uh don’t to make glass we just fire up sand right correct yeah okay I’m gonna dig up some sand all right and then what do we want the roof to be out of oh the same or something different no I think something different oh maybe

Um the gray what what is that what kind of tree is that uh that’s the outside of the acacia like the yeah yeah maybe the outside of the acacia that way it’s like a flipped color oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Because for most of our other houses it’s like the exterior of The Acacia and then it’s the like processed Acacia on the top for the ceiling that way it kind of sets them apart and we kind of know like oh this is like the village of your house yeah

And then we’ll give them jobs and uh be able to get the good trades because we still have Hero Of The Village on us so oh perfect do I have I don’t know if cobblestone on me but I did oh that’s what I should make I should make cookies

Oh I think I have a some glass too and then uh do we want to do an acacia door I might have an extra one oh yeah we could do that kind of see what I I just thought I had more diverse Woods maybe I should have

When we were like going through all those biomes like brought back some Birch and all that other stuff I didn’t think about it all right grabbing oh I have a couple of Oak and I have a couple of jungle as well okay but yeah I don’t have any regular Acacia in um

Lehigh is the only one with the twerking Booty Bounce yes yeah twerking power shake them up nope it’s not working how many glass panels what do you think we’d need uh let me count it up one two three four five well you one two three four five

Six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen times two is 36 so we need 36 glass panels 36. if you if you make um if you have the glass QBs and then you turn them into panes you get more pains for the thingies Yeah I’m gonna go to sleep it’s Korean no problem you’re the best we needed someone to sleep oh boy uh okay yeah I’ll I’ll get some glass as well what did we decide on the roof or are we gonna are we doing stairs are we doing what what’s what’s the play there

Mica suggested The Acacia logs Acacia logs okay uh yeah I can go chop down so you wanna they’re the so it’s the gray roof on top yeah Green you want to help me chop down some trees just knock down a couple of these bad boys uh not not this one specifically

But these uh gray gray boys stuff with uh what do you mean um like to make their space cute huh yeah I don’t know what what do you what do you have in mind oh I have a bed um well we should we we should make beds

Regardless in fact I’m gonna go grab uh I’m gonna go share some sheep because we Lord knows we need it yeah yeah I have a bed and then we need I don’t know maybe some bookshelves maybe some pots for flowers um oh man I wish I kept some of the Terracotta

Oh I think no I don’t have any terracotta I got rid of mine too all right actually no I know I have some terracotta here will this make a pot I think you need clay for pots oh yeah I do not know how to get that then um

I might have Clay they’re little clay balls you need to get them with uh uh Fork not a spoon what’s uh a shovel not a fork not a spoon you know the other thing that’s not important oh yeah a tractor got it that’s cool yes totally yep all right I have 32 panes

Oh okay perfect wait how do I make paints uh six of the regular glass uh equal give you six ah okay okay well I have 16. perfect huh and then I I made a door as well perfect I have 48. all right I have uh I’ve taken all all

Of the wool from Michael’s sheep so that’ll be fine you know they’re they’re fun yeah and we can just chilling it’s renewable resources your house too yeah so we can put a bunch of them in here yeah I’m planning on putting a couple of beds in there just in case

Yeah as long as there is a job next to their bed they can have individual jobs and we can just have them all housed in here like an apartment complex we could also build them a couple of houses just gonna put that out there I

Mean we don’t want to be like oh welcome to your new world uh you get to live in one house Oh yeah um pansies here ah okay well I got a little rubber Bandy on my end perfect I’m gonna make some beds maybe I could go like this and then what did I do here oh I see it would need to be there hmm this side to make it even it wasn’t even

Oh yeah I had two more pains yeah plenty yeah there we go it’s window space though it’s so pretty gorgeous place here if I put a one here and what uh hold on sure and then I got uh I’ll put a bed over here and a bed over here

And I’ll give him plenty of space to sleep and work and enjoy we just now need to build a roof yeah we gotta protect you from the elements and uh you’ve got uh yeah I’ve got some acacia here I’m gonna build dirt to get up there yeah I’m gonna fix this

It’s driving me crazy I only have two okay there you go yeah these trees here yeah do you want to do these turn down oh well we’ll see how Chris’s color yeah yeah I’m thinking the opposite oh okay well it’ll just be the gray for the roof

So just like we put just like logs like this or oh come on hold on hold on because the gray will only give us loggies we aren’t able to make stairs or slabbing Yeah we only have long the interior is that yeah but we could build it like a log house out of this like we could if we built some oh boy I keep falling um if we built them like in just like really stacked them we could do it or maybe we could do

Could use Labs of the case Had to just be the uh how so so I I think I think I get what you’re saying so like let’s say this is the slabby so we do like slabbies all the way around and then the middle will have these like sticking out of the top yeah yeah yeah yeah

Exactly yeah so it’s like so um slabby’s all the way around um stairs or slabs slabs slabs okay yeah because then that way you can see the here like if you put a slab down I’ll show you how do you make slabs Again by the way I

Got I got this stuff for days his ton I mean how uh now is he oh how yeah I don’t know oh this is three you need three in the middle yeah show you an example yeah I’ll toss these out there you go so at those fake

I think this is like his vision if I am okay so say this is the roof of the house and then blah blah roof roof roof that’s not supposed to be there but then you have this so that way this would be normal but like the gray is sticking out

You know I see so like slab like here is that to start things off yeah yeah all right and I’ll slide that up that way it looks all in Waco I like that like making the roof different I think that Banks you know hey I’m gonna go put stuff

Put stuff away make room I will assist in getting this uh I’m gonna be around but Shadow gave um and then and then do we want it like one more like this um so that way then this would stick like this that what okay yep yep yep yep yeah so I

Think it would go one more on top Shadow to give like a little bit of a look yeah yeah a little bit of tile in here you love a good lip all right yeah That and then to get these all to sit right we’ll need to make yeah are you thinking upright are you thinking uh like on its side um what do you think um hold on let me go I’m I’m making my way back since we got our we got our cut logs uh

We you know we’ve got the the gray sides and then we’ve got the the orangish tops and bottoms so over over here so this is a bright side yeah over here would be if it was exposed oh I feel like it should be upright okay so to do this we’ll need slabies all the way across on the bottom and do um connected to this one yeah there you go that way I’m out of those but I’m gonna put dirt and that will do the same effect

Too it’ll be easier to get rid of too and I am out of bloggies I got some loggies give me a second okay what’s up grin I can go get nothing what what are you doing nothing that sounds ominous nothing I’m exploring where are you oh Jesus forget that the stinking trees

Do that yeah yeah every time that literally scared the veggies out of me I thought I was gonna die oh my God oh my goodness what’s up yeah maybe take a little sleep oh yeah yeah perfect lettuce um all right the stairs are over here yeah

That tree gave me nine oh well so sad so wow this plate I like this place yeah I think we’ve done pretty well for these people yeah good job everyone a good little villager house yeah officially out again myself so I’ll have to go get some more

You’re like all right is that not gonna scare me yeah I had to turn the block sound down like it it knocked and I was like oh Lord I know mihai planted a bunch over here when we were trying to farm a bunch of wood yeah we should start replanting

Some Acacia while we’re at it because man we uh we’re clear cutting right now yeah yeah and then let me get oh okay yeah yeah I think it works with an ax Which I use that one that you would let me borrow so I’ll make you a new one oh thank you no down the stupid hole oh your horse likes being on top of the pumpkin just demands nope yeah he’s a pumpkin horse blue and pumpkin things all right I don’t have a

A lot of materials to make um gonna be eating good tonight a new pickup or a new ax but I combined a bunch of axes that I had that were like half durability to give you something so um just out of curiosity so how are we

Finishing this up is it just gonna be logs on top or uh yeah the whole way yeah yeah okay and I’ll just get this all loaded up I’m out of logs again I don’t know why I thought that would be enough yep they go quick you’re like go by quick yeah I was

Just thinking it’s like do we do we I guess I’ll keep it keep investing and chopping these boys down yeah I have 13 on me I don’t know if that’s enough I just dropped okay I have 22. that feels like a lot it does until you try I’m gonna try I’m

Gonna try I don’t know man Maybe I I I’ll be sad if it’s like one left I I got six more so I think between the two of us will be doing okay yeah and then Mike is getting some too yeah I’m just replanting real quick yeah same

Because I think I got like 30 Acacia saplings back at my house I just have to get them out here oh yeah we should this should this should be it Corinne what are you up to talk yeah you’re being awfully quiet yeah I’m just kind of exploring

I just heard you’re coming with me reading well tonight and I was like huh Sounds a little on the moon I had two left all right oh I got but yeah we got some we got you we got you I thought for sure that was gonna be it I was like oh this is it this is we’re good we’re good oh my gosh

And then we can get rid of the dirt because like ain’t nobody want a dirt ceiling yeah that’s true yeah it would be kind of cute if some of this was glass on top yeah that’s what I was thinking maybe we could do like a strip yeah

Glass on me do you have any glass on you wake up um not on me I did have three back home I know I I think I have some in my furnace too okay you’re welcome to check it out foreign how many do you think we’ll need um grab

Six total six total okay yeah so I’ll have um I have three so we just need six more okay I’m gonna do you one better I’m gonna bring eight ooh this will add in a lot more light yeah it is it is a little dark in here I got

It but it really is yeah I was kind of surprised based on all the windows I was like how is it so dark all right and then wait what do we do want this too so it’s even oh oh yeah yeah yeah a horse I shall claim you

Is that better Shadow with light no yeah I think it looks really nice this is the theme man one man yeah it’s fine how do you get the saddle on the Porsche uh you have to ride it a bunch and then with without a saddle and then once it

Loves you then you can put the saddle on you have to get it to love you though It’s gotta yeah leave I will force my love on you what color horse to get in it’s brown with spots oh my cute oh that was quick they’d love to be right away alrighty fat friend

To town some of these out perfect I’m sorry horse I don’t think I have a shovel town was just straight right I think it was yeah going the wagon City Hall oh yeah I’ve ever need lava I got like a little Infinite Source of it oh yeah that’s great

Lava comes in handy for tons of things is it time to move the villagers in Oh yay I want I want them to see their new home yeah sir give me one sec uh they’re in the they’re on along the water over here to uh Michael’s house oh I see I see

Oh man that’s gonna be rough how are we gonna get them in there Can you ride a a stream up no you cannot so we I think we just have to kind of pop them out of those and then just be like all right here here you are so well if we if we go if we make sure that

They come out and go to the closest house maybe oh yeah that’s a good default to it because it’s the closest one with beds this way yeah I like that like that thinking this way and yeah all right he’s sparkling so I think that’s a good

Thing all right should I break the boat no we should wait for shadow yeah oh yeah one second here and I’ll be happy to join you yeah no worries Um gotta get across gotta get across gotta get across let’s go we’re sweet all right all right I think I got this okay And then was it bread that makes a mate I think uh I think so yes and then should we lock them in here so they can’t get out well let’s assume we can get them in here in the first place yeah yeah yeah that’s true please go to the first house you see

Please go to the first house you see put more torches around the house oh okay so they’re closer yeah I was like yeah our thought is that maybe they’ll go to the first house they see sure let’s just make sure that they have a clear path up this little Hill here Sure yeah ah okay yeah let’s break these boats make sure you hit the boats and not them all right Buddies welcome welcome they’re coming up they’re coming up they’re coming up the hill one of them is okay to our town up they go They’re glowing they are here

See they like their new homes yes right here right here there you go there you go yeah one in all right now we just gotta get the other one okay okay here let me make a door for this one sir oh he’s enjoying the view it’s

Just a really pretty okay okay so now we got two doors on the other side that’s good that’s good that’s good wait the other door is open oh okay uh did you did you want to give them jobs by the way before you start sealing them in um we could yeah

We could also make like a special drop-in that um we can get in and they can’t yes oh my god it feels uh it feels a little uh uh we we promised them a better life here I’m just saying might they might try This is their new world we’re very excited to meet them which is why you need to give you take this shovel and we’re gonna make sure we bear you yeah where you going you gotta stay here oh God I’m so dark around here So eventually gets grassy I

Will I will go like this and then with whatever okay I’ll sleep You’re blocked in okay they’re awake I have some bread okay let’s see if they make babies we need to repopulate please these repopulate do it yeah they’re eating they just took it yeah I think from what I felt like from the last time I did it I think it just

Takes giving them a lot of bread a lot of bread good thing Shadow has a ton of bread all right well it’s funny yes because I I eat a lot of bread trying to fight off that raid they’re looking at each other longing good

I’m glad I got 13 bread do you do you want that bread I gave them 22 bread more bread is what I’m hearing they should be it they should be the the longing looks are enough now guys you can no all we need in there is we need more doors

We do need more doors in this place you so I don’t know I still do you do you remember Boyka when we when you were building that door Palace and that was the earth villagers reproduced in that way that is true but like one door that’s

True but like I it was like a ridiculous amount of doors that I used it was like 30. yeah because I made like a maze and I don’t actually know if the doors did anything Mac I just threw a bunch oh no you immediately scooped it up so all that bread’s gone

Wow you stupid it’s working you’re kissing they’re kissing them okay I’m Looking Through the Windows you guys are weird watching them it’s a beautiful Faker and love is a beautiful thing Oh right there right there right there They’re looking at each other yeah the empress window oh oh yeah yeah I think he might be able to get out how tall no no no no no I don’t think so get out like a block and a half there we go okay I’m out see what

I can’t believe we did it we got it done yeah this is Success we are repopulating this Village yeah you have to stay in here for now forever for now no no no for now here you can have my stack of wood or not wood bread I mean

Uh what if we um trying to think because we should we should slowly but surely give him the the whole village right but I feel like right now the village is not safe enough for them to be in no yeah so I’m wondering if like I

Got a decent bit of Acacia I might start building some fencing and then just kind of build because eventually like build a large enough fence to encase the whole village so they can have the free reign in the place yeah and that way yeah can’t come in and yeah yeah yeah yeah

And we can also light it up enough in here so Nothing’s Gonna spawn and just like this a peaceful place for villagers to raise families yeah oh yeah I love it we’re gonna make this a great place we’re gonna do it we’re not gonna mess it up again Crazy Horse they’re all crazy

At least we could run away hey there will be a gate people can leave anytime they want uh-huh that’s not crazy the places needs to be safe first I just don’t I just don’t want to lose them we worked really hard again yeah we went on a journey for him we did yep

Yep we caused a lot of trouble there but we also saved them from that trouble so you know we save them I don’t know what trouble you’re talking about where are their saviors hey Shadow can you build me one of those Peg things so I can get my horse here

Uh sure yeah I got some fence uh we’ll bring it up in a sec here little horses you are no don’t wander off I need to go bye-bye so long farewell yay let’s I’m gonna put some stuff away again Um so we’re going to make an another adventure to kidnap more people I mean bring more people here no because we only need a two okay um what should my horse be called hmm chat give my horse a name it’s brown and it’s got white spots hmm and he’s got quite a personality

Oh all right what is that personality he’s a little rowdy ah okay you won’t go inside my house go inside the house is it snowing for me no it is not is it snowing for any of you well I’m in Texas so Oh you mean like right now yeah yeah somebody said there

Was snowing in their area and I was just like what that sounds so crazy uh no not snowing here um I don’t know why I asked the chat when I can’t even I’m not even looking at you guys somebody said name the horse brownie a very common yeah Um are you guys still feeling another adventure or are you guys getting a little like um winded I’m probably ready to set this was my objective like we we accomplished what I set out to do so I’m the same I’m looking to uh yeah as I was just saying

Kind of like build a nice safe place for them to be um yeah I I’m getting a little tired I don’t want to make lunches yeah me too I am getting a picture I just want to make sure my horse is hooked up and then yep I got you fences

I gotta lead but I don’t have the thing to stick it too where are you at Chris no no so all you do is hook it hook the lead onto the horse and you can hook it anywhere you want it wasn’t working though where are you trying to hook well specifically you

Just need a fence post which uh yeah okay I don’t have a fence post I don’t think um yeah I got some right here hold on uh oh yeah you do right there I could have hooked it there there yeah it’s all right yay now you know all right yeah

Good job everyone well done did it yeah I believe we found a town yeah in conclusion we found a Helm or we found a village and then we found villagers and then we brought them to the new home yeah and they they they’re surviving and thriving and already got a kid

Yeah oh it’s so good we’ll have to give them jobs and I double teamed a Raider with a Golem yeah oh there there it is and he has different clothes compared to them oh you might be adapting to the to the new the new bio yeah [Laughter] you’ll be able to leave when it’s safe no this is our life from now get it back in like your home okay [Laughter] oh here we go that was a little scary I was eating cookies you could see him oh goodness like I want that cookie Sarah and Kinley if that if that’s what you want sure sure their names there you go yeah not anymore sorry can’t believe we’ve become colonizers I know sometimes you gotta I guess feel bad oh yeah you had you had names oh well that’s that one too [Laughter] I’m gonna head out

Me too yeah this is a great great little stopping spot yeah yeah and I I definitely want to do more more streams with you guys and we should also be on this server on This Server more often but I also I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been having a hankering

For some like Jack box together fun yeah Jack box yet and it I really want to and I think it would be fun totally yeah that could be fun yeah that sounds awesome yeah and now that it’s not the holidays our travel schedule will be

Crazy yeah it pops out so much yeah we were all really busy from just holidays and hanging with fam and trips and the whole thing yup all right bye bye guys thank you for watching bye

This video, titled ‘🔴Moeka Plays Minecraft with Aphmau Crew 01 -【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by MegaMoeka on 2023-01-15 21:15:45. It has garnered 82840 views and 1802 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:19 or 10759 seconds.

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⭒⭒⭒☆━━━━━━━━【ABOUT】━━━━━━━☆⭒⭒⭒ Moeka Hoshizora is a cozy space VTuber who loves husbandos, voice acting and video games. On this channel I mainly feature gaming content for the most part. Games I enjoy are VALORANT, LoL, Identity V and short story based games! My main speaking languages are English and Spanish.

For Aphmau fans: Yes I’m the official voice actor for KC in Aphmau videos, but please don’t expect that type of content here. I like Minecraft casually but it’s hard to do my own content when you expect me to do the same type as Aph’s.

VTuber is short for Virtual YouTuber! It’s usually a person who uses a virtual avatar to make videos.


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    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

🔴Moeka Plays Minecraft with Aphmau Crew 01 -【Minecraft】