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[Music] oh [Music] brother oh [Music] brother to the stre welcome how’s doing today how are you all doing today welcome to the stream RMC call are you all do we mama oh brother the things that I had to do last week holy [ __ ] okay at least we’re real at least we’re real once again aren’t we Chad at least we are here once again me check if the body is working always we got to make sure we got to make sure for the love of God okay he thank God okay it works they were chilling God damn God damn anyway we have some Shenanigans to to the yet um I may be I may have been gone for a bit I may or may not have been gone for a that’s all right I I had some stuff to do I had some business to be taking care of uh to 2,000 sub special as well there was there was a lot of things that I had to do the last week badly ram my anniversary will be myally tomorrow hey red what my dude how you doing my guy how you oh hell you what tomorrow but tomorrow is the last day of April holy [ __ ] my guy congratulations to you both I hope you the great day or or night or whatever hopefully they you red still can’t believe Sol be here no no shot actually I thought this was recent I I actually thought this was recent R what do you mean what do you mean huh huh oh and uh I brought a new Banger I also brought a new Banger while I was gone not this one there we go break up right now wow how dare you are MC how [ __ ] dare you tell God damn God damn oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we’re grooving on this [ __ ] oh damn oh damn we’re grooving on this [ __ ] yeah sorry Gamers for being absent for a week I had some uh real life shenanigans that I had to attend to and also I had to like you know record the 1K sub the 2K sub special was a lot of shenanigans to do but at least we’re back and we’re real again we started for training 2023 how in the scallop how in the actual scallop how the [ __ ] still feels like we just met yesterday oh my God time time is a wacky shig again isn’t it time is just silly isn’t it anyway um we’re doing the capitalism run we’re doing the cic capitalism again chat Ram Ado what up my dude how you doing my guy sounds like a you problem what the hell is wrong with you to RZ what happened Rosa how you doing my guy thank you for the lik thank you thank you very much thank you what’s happening Rosa Uncle Ben what happened Uncle oh brother I miss you chat I miss you all I am no longer you strongest Soldier what the [ __ ] do you mean what happened RZA honestly does feel like I met you dday oh hey Unix welcome to the stream how are you doing my guy how are you doing today you know what I’m going to you know what I’m gonna take um I’m gonna take credit for your relationship how that you you two would not have been together if it wasn’t for my stream yep I am totally going to take crit for this I’m taking credit for I’m no longer member oh yeah here actually Chad here let’s recommend you and I as a as an apology for not streaming for like an entire week but let’s uh let’s make a silly little thing how about that let’s do a silly or for not streaming an entire uh an entire week uh yes sir there you go for not for not streaming an entire week because of real life issues and my stomach being an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it’s doing it oh it’s doing it there we go I’m only subed and a member because of their relation there you go thank you Unix thank you Unix I’ll take I’ll take full responsibility for your happiness there it as uh as I sorry for not being able to stream for a week there you go Chad be happy enjoy I used he didn’t give it to me oh no does it no does it know that you’re not my strongest Soldier anymore does it know that you’re not my strongest Soldier anymore draa I I think I think the universe knows it’s so y it it’s so [ __ ] y you had you had a lot of chances there you have literally 10 chances this is so sad this is this is so sad can we get a if in the chat for over here don’t worry that go up that’s not the only ones that I’ve been gifting to I’ll be gifting more in a bit I’ll be gifting more in a bit I go rocking stone with some friends see around un next have fun see you I wished all my luck on getting one girlfriend one could argue now one could argue that that was probably bad I’m R Ram give us 500 points as another gift no you already get like 10,000 points for being a member or some [ __ ] like that you’re you already get like 10,000 points anyway for becoming a member so have fun with that the hell are you doing here bro I’m broke end the stream what the hell ynny I gamble it all away how you doing Johnny what up my dude did the oh my God the B is on vertical streaming iname chat I [ __ ] hate the but I [ __ ] despise the but my my hatred towards the B is actually unreal holy [ __ ] dream we have to best in the business we got we have the best B no [ __ ] off best bot my ass best B my ass this B completely ignores all my commands like God damn this B [ __ ] sucks I love Kum thanks Rosa I also love Kum uh it’s very good on the mornings I think it’s extremely good on the mornings I think anyways are you guys ready are you guys excited for the taco making special my mom makes a dly a dly cameo only her hands she didn’t didn’t want to show herself to the world thank you for subscribing thank you thank you very much thank you so uh only only her hands appear but she does appear B work damn it it’s on vertical stream right now the VOD is on vertical stream this is so [ __ ] sad Gamers this is so [ __ ] sad Ram still thinking about come that’s like telling me to stop brething do you know how um you know how little I can control that K STS are up chat Kum STS what the [ __ ] are you guys drinking from those Mason yogs clearly this is what we should be talking about in the Stream see this is what I miss guys I I I hate being normal I hate being normal in front of lady I just want to talk about [ __ ] and dick and balls sell K coin K coin you know what you know what if crypto if cryptocurrencies if Dogecoin can do it why can’t we if Dogecoin could have a good um a good launch why couldn’t we homecoin is worthless by now you know what we should get into the uh crypto scam era of this channel clearly it’s time for the crypto scam era we we are uh we are popular enough surely surely we’re popular enough for the uh crypto era crypto scammer of this uh of this Channel all right that’s where the channel is going then ramp play judgment from jauza right now is it copyrighted R don’t become logo pole don’t become Logan Polo well first I would have to work on Disney Channel hi my name is ram ram City and you’re watching the Disney Channel there you go okay now we can do it REM is drum shipping era invest in the ram City stock guys it will never plummet I can assure you it will never plumet totally dehm if you invest on the ram City St it will never will never it’s not a scam guy it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not a scam you have to trust me it’s not a scam guys come on than that right B of Japanese forist cartel guys say went to bisit the C man [ __ ] Roblox I agree entire damn Community says I agree you’re thing with them play that [ __ ] right right fellas you’re thing with them play that stuff right Ram n laughing at the the what a dead people in the forest you know what if we if we want to one up Jake Paul if we want to one up Logan Paul we should do something more even worse we should do something extremely worse there’s one good game on there I disagree um uh I don’t I don’t I I don’t know man I no I disagree I’m gonna I’m gonna say no there are many factors that uh allow me to say no laugh at the cartel me in front of the whole Cel no no I mean that’s a that sentence I just want to be Infamous not dead there is a difference I I just want to be Infamous Not Dead if if K ass Nation on is by my on by is my favorite what kation and B is my favorite what the [ __ ] Untitled tag game is a goed game R I don’t think I want to he caros what up my dude how you doing my guy how you doing today please please please what I’m sorry huh what happened Obby what are you guys even saying at this point what the hell are you guys even yapping about okay you don’t know what do you mean J Carlos what that that sounds so menacing that sounds so ominous like hey you don’t know did you see the OM megatronic drama I haven’t uh activing AK overdrive what I dude how you doing what happened to om megatronic there more I said an apology there’s more as an apology for not streaming for one week there you go there you go I’m sorry guys I had to do some stuff play judgment from jakuza please what is it copyright or red I need to know I need to know there you go okay now I can be now I can be away for another week now I can take another we I’m just kidding guys I’m joking I’m I’m surely I’m joking sure surely didn’t miss streams yeah you didn’t miss any streams because I wasn’t streaming I got a stomach flu I was recording a video I had to deal with school Shenanigans I wasn’t streaming don’t worry you didn’t miss any you made fun of R oh oh yeah I remember that thinging on on Twitter someone do were saying was going to stop the Box problem and ding is not okay is it the person that was on Twitter saying that they got the full information like IP address and stuff because I remember people being on their side I don’t know I blame Bal I don’t blame anyone here I just blame B for not taking action whatsoever let me go hey top five what my dude how you doing my guy how are you doing today R are you ready for no that word m I thought that was on December Ram left tonsil stream wi left tonsil stream what does my tonsil have to do with this [ __ ] man noral play on tf3 players said even to do with the Bots that’s simple way true but again um it is wrong but I put the ENT Tire blame on B for not doing absolutely [ __ ] we’ve been we’ve been dealing with cheaters for 5 years and it takes a 64 vid update to take care of them and I don’t think that’s good well it’s copyrighted see I told you red Stanley cannot play it Ram right pinky toe stream wi right pinky toast stream why do you guys want to see my toes what’s wrong with you all the hell is wrong with you all hatch i k what the [ __ ] expected to be honest true um there’s something to be said about [ __ ] around and finding out there’s something to be said about that here Ram cut finger stream when oh my God okay you know what if we get 10 million subscribers today I will I will cut my fingers how about that you get 10 billion subscribers I will cut my fingers on stream there you go there you go that is that is my one request 10 billion 10 billion subscribers and I cut my fingers there’s bound to be extremist that know how to do true m h ring yeah most people expected it and find out a fingernail cut finger okay fingernail streaming you get 1,000 subs today hold that you get to watch me cut my fingernails in ex Cru ating detail the Blade Runner was play memory reboot man why must we live in a society where most stuff is copyrighted why must we live in a society like this including me what does that mean Johnny person we feel bad for him but he’s done so much stuff that we can feel bad for the doing not him you shouldn’t it’s um he did horrible things that’s like feeling B that’s like feeling bad for a bad person that commun a serious and murders and then someone one of the victims murder him like you shouldn’t feel bad you know you really shouldn’t feel bad all right guys I’m going to expose rd’s location not clickbait oh yeah oh yeah you exposed my location explo explo expose your mother how about that buddy how about that buddy yeah that’s what I thought could you give them a roof at least the [ __ ] is happening to you the [ __ ] happened to you my boy now they’re fine they’re not complaining see now if they made an Union I should be able to comply with their obligations but they haven’t made a union so it’s like feeling bad for his vory but not him now well we have no idea what let him to this point now do we 10,000 calories huh hey Noir what am I dude how you doing my guy all right so my mom lives at oh wait thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you I was playing uh Dungeons and Dragons and my partc M Goblin last night a m Goblin a mind Goblin you say we have like 25 emeralds let’s see what we can buy I’ve been getting a lot of like Dungeons and dragon shorts recommended even though I don’t even play Dungeons and Dragons like at all like people just animating their campaign moments thank you for subscribing thank you thank you very much thank [Music] you no than mod one day I believe if of2 keeps staying popular and something normal I don’t I’m not I’m not one to be a downer but I don’t know that kind of seems like kind of improbable kind of I just give the h what am I doing how you doing my guy how you doing today we don’t have a weapon Smith is this a weapon Smith that we have what about a tool Smith do we not have a did we forget the tool Smith Chad are we stupid this is the armor smid this is the weapons smid did we forget the tool Smith ah godamn it 18 can what my dude how you doing my guy we’re chilling here all what up my dude not being nice but no going to far maybe we could get an update I don’t know I don’t know about this one oh no R come British o BR a couple a couple equipment I want this give I disagree what was the toolsmith is rambal a chicken Lord what I’m going dude how you doing my guy I won recommend him have you seen Chuckles the Clown yes that’s that’s what I’ve been uh that’s what I’ve been watching actually yeah I love Chuckles the Clown he’s so [ __ ] silly R become 2001 no here run warot or something no you’ve always been a mod I think I’ve been watching the Chuckles the Clown one it’s so funny especially the space one I propose that we kill Chuckles so [ __ ] funny will I get will I go bald we here what watch is sm4 Draco I’m about to Smite you Chuckles is [ __ ] great people have hope because we have 80% chance of have leaving TF2 but the 20% will come back I like the smg4 when it was like 2010 type of [ __ ] that was funny now that was Peak right now I have no idea what he’s doing I haven’t checked in in a long time Jan was going to like I remember watching the old paries and stuff and even the 07 video game one that was Peak I I love those I have no idea what’s happening right now though the only thing I know that smg4 has been doing is that he’s part of glitch Productions and you know missing Dy and all that [ __ ] delicious water and that’s all I know it’s good if you’re a children not child what does that mean oh no you told me Chuckles retired the I I’ve been watching those shorts they’re funny as [ __ ] what is the what is the table for a tool furnace what is the toolsmith one I I can’t believe I forgot this uh tool Smith Minecraft which one is it what is what is his what is his table is there no toolsmith where is it how do we how do we build this okay I figured it out we need iron we need to go mining calling yourself the hope of Indian animations just seems uh maybe he got a bit over his head potentially perhaps SE make a throne out of emerald blocks do it but I need the money I I need the money though how I always manage to get gifted membership good question speed I miss the good old days I mean I I look forward to the future there’s such amazing things coming out right now no point in watching the past it’s fun to revisit it from time the time but like there’s such an amazing there’s such amazing things going on right now that just deserve to be popular I think was came into the community yes he was called overdrive before that he is the TF2 he came one of the TF2 streams if I remember correctly this this is going to be your mind boys then make it your goal to make a throne out of emeralds the I want I become the emerald Lord I don’t think they call themselves that I’ve just seen a bunch of people were saying that here for a long while yeah overd drive has been here for a long been and one where chuckle sticks over the gobling yes he BEC comes Satan all of the sudden what the hell okay now not this looks bad chat but I kind of I kind of need to do it before onek yes draa has been here since one before 1K in Kord Christmas 2022 was it October maybe 2023 no I think it was 2022 most of you guys came here last year do i l the notable what does that mean what what does that mean do I look Den notable what before 1K gang yes sir yes sir 1K before the summer update too oh yeah a bunch of you guys came from that summer update stream uh a lot of you came from the summer of thef2 streams this is use Ed Maps it was red I love the summer update R did more TF2 streams yeah we’ll do more TF2 streams have we a lot of cheaters again blame BL blame balb if anything blame Bal like the fact that I don’t do a lot of T2 streams anymore is because of B honestly just blaming on BVO we waited for the update and it dropped randomly yeah I was like buying food with my mom and then I see the notification on Discord where you guys pinging me like the update just Dred like oh [ __ ] okay oh God I had to like speed back into my uh to to my home you for the like thank you very much thank you when yeah October stream on harvest remember the first stream you’re old are you Ser I don’t think we like the passage of time here I I don’t think the passage of time is real chat one day I will come back it always does true I I’m still holding like if they do a summer update I will I will stream T that that summer like I’m not out of TF2 yet I’m just waiting for more stuff I’m I’m just waiting for more stuff looking uh TF2 streams to join you I think we’re doing a TF stream a tf2 stream on on Wednesday if I remember correctly but don’t worry thank you for the like thank you than very much thank you for watching salmonella I wish that [ __ ] uploaded more I love his videos I [ __ ] love salmona why doesn’t he upload more like I know research is a [ __ ] and all but surely he could upload a tiny bit more I’m not I’m not asking like once per day or some [ __ ] I just like you know let us know that you’re alive every once in a while you a team Fortress classic stream oh hell no going to get [ __ ] bodied there absolutely bodied hey Salon yes he’s goed uh qu to this is I started watching your stream while my parents were moving to a new a new freaking sofa what the [ __ ] you know that’s a that’s a thought that comes into my mind sometimes like sometimes I watch streams in the most random of places I and and I think hm is someone on my stream also doing that type of stuff like for example I would be like I don’t know buying groceries and stuff and then watch a stream in the meantime like hey does someone else do this I I I get that feeling I I get that uh get that thought that maybe I’m not the only one doing that [ __ ] I’m checking playing T2 server came active here because uh there so fun now oh my God H your team can TR I think while I was in Spain maybe before you did say that you were in Spain yeah it doesn’t upload that much you say that but I upload shorts every day what do you mean I haven’t I it’s been a year thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you I have completed an entire year without missing a single upload short day I’ve been uploading shorts every day for 363 65 days and I it more at this point I what I we not upload that much now me videos on the other hand I like to take my time with those and know watching your your shorts stream God Dam it well you should I also put effort into those in fact I started aing uh I started adding um I started add captions to them do you guys have read readability we’re improving on this they have to down ball of the r City Community and we’re just going to keep on growing it’s not even 60 seconds it’s only like 10 seconds at most I’m like okay Chad here is here’s the secret to make shorts make them between 10 and 15 seconds 30 maximum anything beyond that you have to be an extremely good story tell teller you have to be an extremely good Storyteller or have something extremely [ __ ] interesting happening if you want to hit that 60c Mark if if if if it doesn’t work like that then well you can just do a 10 to 15 second short and it always works is Ram City bro yeah oh man okay okay I think I know how to do this hold on give me a damn minute okay wait this l in fall is it does this not behave life sand am I stupid don’t answer then does this not be behave like sand Ram teach us how to read oh hell no you should be able to do that by now silicon man too I think silicon man is Ram City the guy or I I choose the first one I think the first one can be the emotion better play doesn’t fall [Laughter] idiot shut up damn it SL me thing let me thing damn it Ram you have the Mena no I don’t no I don’t thank you for the like thank you very much thank you a twt guy myself well that’s good I just choose what’s easier for me okay we I need you guys to keep uh in mind that we found gold here how have we found gold but not iron what how have we found gold and not iron I think the M are kind of not low hold on give me a minute give me a second and now we’re peeking all right now now we cook I’m a semicolon guy yeah I agree semicolon is like perfect haven’t done the donating cats for well I think it was a failure I’m just going to gift him like on the next day of do stream there is a roll spin the wheel with you on OBS and I want to try then like the last time we tried it we kind of failed it kind of failed so I’m just going to gift them going to give them [Music] out um there is a there is a spin the wheel Wi on on OBS so I’m going to try that but I think like doing the giveaway like that didn’t work for us like at all optim ler is y14 I thought they changed that no that was the old distribution wasn’t it I thought they changed that uh on when when this update came out Ram last had a giveway just re hats for everyone never the mo well you get more and one lucky winner will get my civic duty MK2 skin one very lucky individual we get the civic duty MK2 skin how on we need more people watching then we’ll I mean I like how we’re growing I like I like our place of growth right now I don’t want to be vome I want I want stable growth I don’t want to be viral I have told you this haven’t High okay now then go to y14 well on the on the right side red we found a lush cave and it has iron so win win don’t win- win honestly I think this was the best outcome anyway where Ram you got Tok F getting 1K that is true let’s see how long it takes for us to get to 3K one iron all that all that for One Singular piece of iron thank you for the like thank thank you very much thank you I’ve been I’ve been trying to like you know I I look at my YouTube Channel like I don’t want to be too try Hardy about it if that makes sense because right now the meta for YouTube is just to maximize [ __ ] and when I mean maximize I literally mean like put 3 minutes ads on my streams uh be extremely obnoxious about subscribing like I don’t know imagine you’re watching the stream and at the top right corner it says subscribe right now subscribe right now or some [ __ ] like that like scrolling and [ __ ] on on red text with a yellow background and every 10 seconds at your stuff to say subscribe please like that’s the meta and I don’t like it I think that makes me look extremely [ __ ] weird oh what have I done chat oh god what have I done oh god what have I done help like if I do that sure I will grow faster but I will not enjoy it I will feel it feels wrong or I could you know hop on the latest meme and do a video about that and get millions of views but people will only watch me for the memes and not for what I offer on a stream have baning act and I think what what we’re doing right now is okay guess a number between one and a th000 you gu writing three of my number you get funny Enchanted demo sword four it’s fine getting more subscribers will help a little like 5K you would for filthy casual incorrect also incorrect room damn can have funny diamond sword thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you play okay I I don’t know if I’m on the minority here maybe I am but like I don’t I don’t know I feel wrong asking you guys to subscribe every 10 minutes or 10 seconds that feels wrong thank you for the like thank you very much thank you some people cannot decide futur I’m going to tell tro so again I don’t want to be too try Hardy about this you know how in TF2 or in any other online game if someone try hards too much they become a little bit of an [ __ ] I don’t want to do that I don’t want to do that like if my goal was really to get thousands of Subs I would have I would have just made a Content Farm but no I care about this [ __ ] man even if our even if our growth is slow at least I’m happy knowing that I’m doing it the right way I wish I could be as school as redond when my school said on the music like [ __ ] Coco I mean you can learn music by yourself uh redond knows how to play some instruments however he mostly does it on FL Studio he mostly does it on FL Studio and look at the bangers that he does you don’t necessarily need to you know have a have a music uh class or something like then if you really want to learn it you can do it yourself thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you look at me I bought a guitar and never learned how to uh how to properly use it it was a really expensive guitar too and it’s collecting does there so I rather you know let you learn it yourself sometimes teachers aren good either the [ __ ] at Raw iron I mean Wonder studio and a keyword start same thing I think most F Studio beginners just do like samples and stuff you can try then or you can map your keyboard to be a keyboard musical Talent is SCH put me in musical as L Now where’s man nerd when you need him now where the hell is B nerd and now my teacher won’t be here for the rest of because his kid was born oh dear God oh dear God there we go now we wait now wait wait being W over EDM to me holy [ __ ] two cakes that’s my take on it yeah that’s my take on that red holy [ __ ] chew cakes I like both I think both are very good I enjoy EDM and I also enjoyed syth wave and I also enjoy Rock and I also enjoy rap and I also enjoy hip-hop and I also enjoy a lot of stuff you know byi is despite why is there a random ass grass block here why is there a random ass grass block there Vari is the spice of life okay uh do I have sticks yes sir bu stone pickaxe it was you were nice until you [Music] w here we go and we can make the the thingy you have God to be [ __ ] me I don’t have any wood D wave is a some genre of EDM oh hey Redmond oh speaking of the devil speaking of the devil how you doing rman you handsome devil what’s up R Adrian what up my dude how you doing my guy hi today I didn’t really like EDM I don’t like pop music either Country 2 Country Road gets a pass to me okay will’ll shoot you for $1,000 how about that I mean it’s okay I used to only listen to like Crush 40 when I was like a teenager because I hated popular music but once I actually heard popular music I like oh not bad maybe maybe it’s a thing when you when you grow yeah yeah this ain’t bad and we just over reacting a bit Finly we cannot play any popular music right here because it’s copyrighted that’s the one drawback that is a One Singular drawback rap is overrated I disagree there are some really great rap artist out there I launched df2 and my computer restarted what kind of wacky ass mods do you have DM what the hell is your computer not 32bit I mean 64 bit are you still rocking the 32bit shenanigan is that it oh hell no no oh hell no damn hey Ultra a silence what am I doing how you doing my guy how you doing today here we go I mean I could say like I don’t know I could say Vana is overrated but that’s because I haven’t heard a lot of v r rocking a Windows XP hell yeah rock on brother God knows we needi were Windows XP users can we go back to Windows XP and S can can we go back please I’m I’m tired of whatever the [ __ ] Windows is doing over here can we go back please I don’t I don’t know what Windows 12 is going to be and honestly I don’t think it’s going to be good and I think my computer also has a memory leak somewhere where a memory leak how Mumble R Noise music I will not much Mumble R [ __ ] sucks well I haven’t heard Mumble rap and the little bits that I’ve heard it are kind of interesting to say the least I should listen more to it to make a an assumption about it for real Mumble rap mid what is Mumble rap like what what even is Mumble rap because I’ve seen some people say what constitutes a Mumble RAM and what doesn’t continue Mumble R what’s the difference the ’90s typee of [ __ ] like I know I I know there’s a controversy there somewhere but I haven’t heard a lot of m r so I don’t know or normal R been going back to MF do recently and stuff I have no clue but currently my memory is at 64% and the only thing I have open is the stream and the CPU is at 10% 20% I have no idea are you sure it’s not Google Chrome being Google Chrome are you sure is nothing of the sort oh you have got to be kidding me okay well we clearly got to fix that there we go there we go classic Rocky PE music classic rock I like pop rock oh I agree speak mble R is basically when say yeah and uhuh the entire song do you know how little that n it down you know how little that n it down and using Google Chrome I do agree that Mumble rep sucks there seems to be a lot of people that don’t like Mumble rep here I’ll have to listen to it I’ll have to listen to it one one thing that I cannot stand is like the obnoxious like trap like where it’s like overly violent and I’m not it’s not even about to lyrics it’s literally like a lot of like bluring noses like it’s barely listenable the goober worm has ENT chat hey goob goofy red worm what up my dude how you doing my guy using opx with both the CPU and RAM limiters to full effect it could be steam it could be any other launcher that you have you can you can check your startup settings you can go to tasmin iner and check what things start up when you turn on your computer that could help thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you woohoo Punk is very Hit or Miss in my opinion the fact that a lot of good good we is ruined by Bad lyrics that’s why I always implore musicians to like release their um release their instrumentals just in case for real Ram repeat after me what am I a baby what am I [ __ ] child no you know what I refuse my grown man and I ref a grown man N I refuse we live in a society them we live in a society here we go nah BF ym nah please don’t remind me of it pains me every time a water delicious water there we go and I don’t know what to tell you maybe I’ve been ly enough hey can you play ball this basic H 2.0 what up I dude how are you doing my guy how you doing today well I cannot play it because I’ve already watched all the videos of it it what when it was popular in like 2017 or some [ __ ] but yeah even if I played it I would I wouldn’t go blind into it all when uh steam 2.0 interesting name where is steam 3 3.0 remember kids do drugs and hate school I don’t condone this message I’m I’mma be completely Hest I’m going to be completely honest gang I I I don’t condone this message I don’t condone this message at all I think power okay now I don’t want you to get out I’m real okay are you sure am I real how can you be sure that I’m not part of your imagination that’s right you’re hallucinating steam wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up turn out a bunch of stter apps restart computer H you Dre and the example is H centers in heat I’m not going to question the name I think that the name is the least of my problems right now hot sauce I’m sure oh but are you certain though are you certain I’m not gonna question that name redond maybe I should actually the [ __ ] is that name there we go you need to get out for a second here we go there we go what the hell happened to the r301 carine oh you want to know what happened to r31 carbine well we’re not playing Apex but he’s right there we’re not playing Apex right now but r301 carine is still chilling there that’s exactly why mostly go to do instrumentals recovers my [ __ ] goofy will ruin any beat I would make oh hell yeah well know it’s always nice to try there’s nothing wrong with trying the worst that could happen is you know you make a horrible leat and that’s okay sometimes failing is okay I cannot stress that enough failing is okay [Music] guys bro Mojang studio in app moang Studio huh what does it mean steam why he not wearing funny hand he decided to take it off for the meantime uh he wanted to take the sun light where it last I come have the Five Nights at Freddy oh five nights at Friday night funking songs are absolutely horrendous and they have [ __ ] insane bangers well I cannot comment on that I’ve never played fnf except for that one time necro send me his mod and um and I’m not good at Rhythm games anyway War are you versus a okay okay draa you son of a [ __ ] you don’t want to run watch the rap battle of history about then Epic Rap Battles of History want to know what they think of the eviction notice what do you think of the eviction notice my [Music] boy what do you think inario somehow got accepted Mr be do you have a 2 mm defeater what now uhhuh a question mark huh huh what are you yapping about how does r Knuckles have such bad damage hey hey you’re trading damage for going fast okay you have to make a decision between going fast or having money I mean or go and going fast or having Health it makes sense checks out like the difference between like the tricky mod and the [ __ ] okay that emoji is kicking my ass and [ __ ] Baldi mode is like unreal I no I I I don’t know about this one I um no why is there a baly mod what what are you yapping about running L thingy speed hey there you go d h yeah members spam the the Emojis right now get those Sil emojis in here or else or else all right what else do I need you play equals one sub yes sir yes sir I need a bed we need to find a a sheep oh wait a minute I have an idea there we go there we go it’s all the way down to 39% that that’s better right surely dream between is my favorite cooking thank you for subscribing thank you thank you very much thank you dream between I like Oreos actually no you know what I don’t know if you guys have this on your on your designated countries but here in Mexico we have something called Chuckies which is like a chocolate chip cookie but it’s so [ __ ] good I don’t know I don’t know you L have the a similar thing where you live but here in Mexico we have a thing called Chuckies and they’re extremely flavorable you you seen alter abilities I did see the leak apparently solos is coming next season for only for six weeks I hate you respawn but I’ll take it a nice Ash is [ __ ] in shambles right now redond ashs oh my God you better you better cry to usually because whoi mama who SOI mama I prefer chips aoy I like chips AO from time to time they’re good they’re good as well it just depends on what kind of mood I’m on because what I noticed from chips aoy that they’re a bit more salty than the ones I usually is [Music] chalkies gas Maria are better I mean gas Maria are good but like they’re like the standard you know they’re the Baseline for cookies in my personal opinion personally like chocolate more I like chocolate more Baldi mod instruments are so bad are literally made a better beat at 9 a.m. on a garage van on my dance phone using dis emles oh my God all these B oh hell no chipso or salty yeah I like salty stuff that’s why I like chips Hoy like if I’m in the mood for something more salty I would choose chip aoy they Peak I live in Canada and I’m from Mexico andley the other day sent me a message saying why are you saying I want to take you for a ride are you horny like no it’s a song you [ __ ] idiot it’s the Marvel versus Capcom 2 song I want to take you for ride I know ride has another meaning but please please get your mind out the [ __ ] gutter cool is overrated I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that and I’m going to give you one more chance at life I mean I mean it more as are those Mexican cookies similar to chips ATO they’re a bit more sweeter but yeah kind of they’re kind of similar they are both chocolate chip but again chips AO is saltier than chis thank you for subscribing am I going to get a B that depends do you want to get banned you not keep your opinions to yourself boy anyway what were we talking about oh yeah there we go there we go by around Ste 2.0 around my dude and go am I [ __ ] stupid am I going insane let’s not question what I just did let’s not question what I just did okay you really like than you very much thank you do anyone play fudgy fudy that sounds familiar but no haven’t heard about it haven’t heard about it okay we need the Villager to get here we’ll do that in the morning yes you are po Ram like salty things yeah if I could choose between salty or sweet I will always choose salty stuff I like chips I like uh pitas anything that salty i’ rather have a salty neack I’d rather have than a b snack like I love chocolate that is the one um that is the one what is it called that’s the one thing that I like like I like to choose between the two I would choose like salty stuff a moon drop and the chaotic idiots what I do doing my guy interesting name who are the chaotic idiots what my dude you know what else is salty okay dco okay you son of a [ __ ] okay so we got an image of the fudy fudy or fudge I think these are called fudge fudy fudio it looks like an Oro but instead of having the white Stu it’s all chocolate oh look at the monkey whoops I forgot to change the monkey sorry monkey me to mouth yes I do I can only eat fancy dark chocolate the normal ones just to [ __ ] sour see I don’t like dark chocolate that much I’d rather have chocolate and milk chocolate dark chocolate is not is just not my thing I rather have a milk chocolate now that one’s Peak dark chocol rated dark Chocolat sucks ass I want to say sucks ass like I can enjoy it from time to time but it’s not like my main chocolate I was playing V and every thought I was a boy what are you then I called you they them she don’t worry Moon drop we accept your who you are white chocolate is speak I agree white chocolate oh brother now that one speak a bender what I dude how you doing my guy God I love capitalism hey epic Gaming what I doing how are you doing how much do you guys want to bet that they’re over there n bro white chocolate sucks you suck Ram yourself is Gen Alpha count gear ring R time oh by my Ohio Banner you’re so Skiby right my wrestler I’m becoming way too good at doing that I I don’t think that’s good for me what happened to the other villagers oh there you are hey would you like a job hey would you like a job I can give you a job for one shle come here come here my boy get over here come on get your job right here come on I don’t have a way buddy the [ __ ] dark chocolate is good if it’s made by good manufacturers no no no no go back God damn it I need you to come back come on okay no stay there stay there stay stay stay no no stand back okay there we go on WE your bed on with your bed okay your trait’s kind of suck ass be completely honest my boy go and now this is your okay I need you I need you to be up there for a second I need you I need you to jump for a bit for the love of God AA sussy start the wor just hey calm down calm the [ __ ] down D why you not bonding with this bed what’s wrong with this bed do you not like this bed that’s good enough $100 for four bars though that’s why I almost never eat dark chocolate $100 what the what the hell like J alha stuff I think we’re becoming Boomers Chad I think we’re doing what our Boomers uh were doing we hate the new generation I I think that’s what happening I’m going to be completely honest $100 for a chocolate bar I don’t know about that one I love chocolate but I want to go that hard now for tacos however Ram they don’t need the bets you know that right yes they do yo R hey again I could just like exactly rymond hey Jen stop Ting the damn I am p them money they’re not being in prison hello are you winning son H blade hello Mr mcling what am I doing how you doing my guy what the [ __ ] the hell did I just hear are you ready for my French skills we meth I love meth uh this is a joke legally this is a joke [Music] but I remember watching that video in the morning yes a we found an a oh [ __ ] a pink a sh Chad we found an a I do remember watching that in the morning and it was a funny one holy [ __ ] ch ch look at this guy protect the aot the lava n no look at him he’s flourishing my boy is flourishing let him cook eat huh eat him what eat eat him eat him why would I want to eat an aote the hell is wrong with you hear me no draa shut up shut the hell up God you guys are freaky tonight I got a freak tonight make a short of that that we found the aote the [ __ ] are those it’s actually a baguette P chocolate $25 body is delicious worth for $100 not one again $100 even $25 expensive like God damn God damn dude I wish I could spend that much money on chocolate oh hell [Music] no Ram your chat is actually going alive for once what do you mean thank you for the like thank you very much thank you I’m going to eat a 2008 Mark Farlane toys 12 in is Master Chief action figure uh are you a child under 3 years if not then you’re fine you should be okay okay we don’t need the iron anymore so I don’t know why even looking here we can now actually start a capital run dream the true dream I agree I agree with that 25 is too much much how much have you spent on apex battle passes okay now we stop the conversation right here bud you know now the conversation doesn’t begin jum okay now I think we can change subject I have spent $10 on one battle pass every subsequent battle pass I bought it back again yeah that’s what I thought I’ve only spent $10 on the battle pass and after that I literally just skip R God damn it William defo God damn it God damn it William defo William the F plays fortnite the Green Goblin in in fortnite huh yeah and what does this mean I only spent $10 on my first battle pass and ever since then I’ve just been grinding both night ever since then I’ve just been grinding oh no not this again again again calm down and calm down and I would like to be your Banker okay but I want uh I want that every time I spend money I get a 100% guaranteed cash back it’s like capitalism mixed with spaghetti I hope we get lots of spaghetti Luigi look that’s all I remember only we could back you only Chad if only you should pay $10 to do absolutely nothing should pay what you should pay me $10 nah oh hell no mlan where have you been where where has my boy been all this time what what what don’t women understand about men cheeseburgers I agree I just want a big fat juicy hamburger cheesburger is that so much to ask have you seen the cocktails thing in the 21st night of September like what no I haven’t American Italian love capitalism wi P Luigi look at what Mario talking about giant Hedgehog kiss up burger oh Jen I finished recording the my 2,000 sub special WEA Taco I will finally be able to destroy that one video that you made that one short are you happy about this I will finally teach you how to make a real Taco are we going to get G mod this week I’m thinking about it I don’t know about you guys but I feel like every time we do g mode Saturdays you feel this special I don’t know if that’s my own sentiment or if it’s just me not like G mod that much but every time you do a g it doesn’t feel as special as before the people of GM construct are going crazy that President Obama was constantly spawning explosive barrels and then on top of that he spawned hunted Choppers and bouncy balls you can’t do it it’s lagging and then from Crash the server true real moment a true real moment Ram what the [ __ ] is a kilometer cocktails is pronounced cocktails and we do different game mod we keep doing the same game modes I’ve been looking for different game mod but but again I don’t know I don’t know if that will fix it every time we do it it just feel it just feels less special than before and I don’t know how to fix that the only way to fix it potentially is to just stop doing it for a bit or at least until midweight remain raand G [Music] you know we can do aenos gaming just keep doing ZM mod for 10 years that is true we could do that we could do that taco that’s a burger you know what that is true yeah have you heard about that we made a b a taco Burger a burger Taco literally the meat of the burger but inside a taco we truly are geniuses Ram you SK toilet Condon G mod you know that’s funny when I was doing research about the G streams uh I was checking what like the live streams that were getting popular I was checking like I was doing research on that right the most view was a SK toilet content farm and I don’t think we want to do that chat he would get us a [ __ ] ton of money but no fake taco no Yin you will see either this week or next week and you’re you’re going to see a real Taco I’ll even pay you money to make a real Taco how about that how about that you’ve been scammed ConEd Bamboozled that’s three words red but I think they get the idea godamn Ram when you hit three cake I I teach you to make Italian food I had no idea how I mean sure why not Ram give toilet equals money you know there’s something to be said about selling your soul to the devil here full of Manos money equals Sonic only fans okay now you have my interest go on but what else is isn’t this [Laughter] brother the hell what the hell y h I think Jen is ring Chad I think I think Jen is rounding I think we should help her Taco minigun okay now now that one sounds cool as [ __ ] oh the pool video sa saen what have you ever had paa yes I’ve had paa before it’s actually really good I love it I love Pa it’s Bak the taco versus the tiwa P there’s no Taco versus in order to make a taco you need a tortilla they need each other see my own custom character Cena the Hedgehog not related to Sonic at all if I ever had a dollar every time I H the arch to punch someone who said skiy toet Ohio RIS I’d be a million by now oh by my Ohio that’s not very ski this over you monkey how you doing my guy how are you doing today do you know how to make a p i don’t my mom does though I haven’t gotten the recipe from her just yet but I will oh one day I will Dam no we declare war that will you mom my new custom character is super melin brother this super melin brothers you know how to make ratatouille I was extremely disappointed when I figured out that Ratatouille wasn’t wasn’t made out of like pizza instrument I mean Pizza Shenanigans it’s all just um it’s all just uh what is it called vegetables that was like my biggest disappointment in my childhood can you craft a lantern and cake I’m going teach you a cake dup glitch why would I want cake 2.5 consuming crunch rep suem well if we had a Taco Bell here I would but we don’t have any want to know why because we know that teoo sucks don’t laugh at me Jen you know it’s true you know it’s through Tacko Bell sucks God damn it again veggies are good man no no no I know veggies are good I like broccoli and stuff but like my disappointment that learning a rat wasn’t actually made out of like pizza pizza ingredients like you know it’s too much to handle I I love vegetables I love when I cook rats what I swear if you’re going to sped out literal gen Alpha programming I’m going to go take therapy all right fine fine I guess you can be my little PG Cham come here at 2.5k Ram Downs a bottle of Pepsi with Lexa we see how long you can go oh [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] off if we get 1 million subscribers in this year sure why not you know what women where women where oh there you are again I love women I want to try Taco Bell and Sho my brains out see that’s the problem no you oh make me blush Grand my pizza ingredi you me pepperoni yes I thought it had pepperoni I thought it had pepperoni that red thing clearly looks like pepperoni they the [ __ ] you mean it’s not pepperoni Taco Bell is good I sum go to their B room stream as L as I can I have my ass door open by a spicy chicken burrito explain to me why you have a rication prison here and it’s a it’s a it’s their work environment they go here to work and I pay them with money I pay them with money I thought I heard crony huh I make things I know it looks like pepperoni Disney full us all it’s again your [ __ ] camp at Fallout 4 when you showed it to me it literally had flamethrowers above their beds you cannot you cannot be lecturing me on this [ __ ] you know what you did literally 1984 no from my parents why would you do that get it back ban I thought it was like pass LIC see I’m not the only one I thought that right Rosa like like I also thought it was that but no it was made out of vegetables canot lecture me your prison here has W and vences no you know what it has it has [ __ ] flamethrowers poined at them and guns they can run if they won but they didn’t they did they did and you kill them every time y he just B volun chary my ass volary my ass you know what you did y you know exactly what you did going to go run out of the do of Byam see you R have fun German cam 1942 colorized my God Chad this is a okay this is no different than an Amazon workplace this is no different than an Amazon working environment I don’t know why you guys are so mad at me give me so long to realize the number of toaster doesn’t mean how strong the heat is at just a Time wait what wait what what do you mean drosa you’re around can is on par with Utopia there a labor camp J no yours is a labor camp this evil Tyrant here I’m an evil Tyrant what does that make you what does that make you Villers are taking our shut up Mark mlan God damn it why did you own poop clicker what the [ __ ] um cter hamter gifted it to me and I haven’t played it it was a gift I’m just a private contractor oh really oh really I don’t remember private contractors putting flamethrowers on of people’s beds I remember that and it’s a sleep deprived Tyrant okay the sleep deprived p is true Tyrant I don’t know are you a tyring genen yes okay I think she confirmed it R why are you bald I am Gordon Ramsey Gordon Ramy is in Bol as we cleaning the beds right mhm yep got a lot of this fell where’s the bottom vertical chat why do you own there’s poop in my soup they also gifted it to me all poop related items on my on my account are literally gifted I’m going go see your Remy whammy St around draa St around my dude have a good day or night why do they got radioactive bug bits clean the bed okay why whenever they disobey your order you shoot them on site and put them on fire considering to my employee unlike you oh really now I totally believe did it [ __ ] damn it check Discord I’m about about a c that sounds like something genen would s me I mean your slave R has no roof mine at least has one okay you know what fine I’ve heard I’ve heard my employees complaints and I will act accordingly I will add a roof do you see my last message where are you where are you banned not banned um R there you are Mia Honda and Crush 40 I’ve heard about another one right fine you know what I’m I’m hearing the complaints and I will have I will add a roof fun fact sugar at a certain melting temperature acts like resin so if you had blue food coloring and melted tray you can break it in a plastic bed and get meth for Halloween I’m about to pull out the biggest scam of History watch this I saw your search history what the [ __ ] is Sonic feet pick watch the video I don’t think I want to okay the Sonic feed pick it was not me it was my e dashly between uh ROM DVD I mean ROM cassette it was my evil dashly twin ROM cassette that did that it was not me Chad don’t worry there’s there’s nothing to be worried about there’s nothing to be worried about it was just my dly evil twin it’s me Gordon Barney from black that [ __ ] jump scared me again oh my God that a [ __ ] jump scared me oh my God oh my God I almost jumped out of my [ __ ] seat yet yeah the me I am all me that one speak I sure it’s me Gordon Barney from black m oh my God it’s Barney from black Mesa R Mario it’s me Gordon oh God oh God fre stop help help God damn it dud that actually [ __ ] jump scared me it’s me Gordon from black Mesa no it’s me Gordon from black Mesa help help no but he would frame me he would frame me for that he’s he’s against me he’s my enemy my evil dly twin you still owe me Dad here check Discord I did see what you said and I’m not playing it this this sounds like alotm Gord fromes oh God help me help it’s me Gordon from Mesa help Chad it’s me Gordon Barney from help it’s me Gordon from [Music] mes the voices the voices are getting louder help me I’m going to get a jellow jumpsuit I already have a bean and the gas man yeah Mr White I got the man yes nice job yes look is the mixing is getting out of control hey Jordan L what up my dude how you doing my guy what up my dude yes sir we’re going insane in membering with this one yen is the type of friend who would send you disturbing videos if you get slipper at least at the 3m. she has done this actually whenever I wake up I see some of the wackiest [ __ ] ever and it’s because of Y help the voices are help help me help the voices the voices are louder help help [Music] me help me a help help help no help help help me the voices the voices the voices the voice is help help help help me help me for the love of God help me no no stop Meg stop M please make it stop oh God it’s Gordon it’s me Gordon help [Music] me remember guys don’t do drugs or this will happen to you if there’s anything to get out of this is don’t do drugs hey no what am I dude how you doing my guy capitalism is is worse than socialis I hate you capitalism is pig guys BR backman waves about that Barney from black Mesa God damn it and he come no and if there is we’re going to get a huge man wave immediately leave me alone oh no oh no oh God oh God it’s the’re witching hour the witching hour Chad quickly get your spells Ram throw it back there you go social what bro I agree thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you are complaining about their cheat providers and their cheat has been detected I love happy endings been watching a match of kickboxer versus a and Why th guy and had to kick rer one cuz he got knocked out by it and sleep like on God It’s a Robbery I don’t you know my brother used to be on kickboxing he C his ass beuten he stopped doing that it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa Gordon Barney oh my God is Anar capitalism I don’t I don’t know any about that [ __ ] dog I’m just here to make money I I’m just here to make money my dude I have no idea what you’re saying you’re saying this in a Family Guy song got a question what is the thing say what what thing no Bard K boxing song it’s me Gordon mes look black Barney what the [ __ ] huh huh J are you having a stroke do you need a doctor what are you do do you need me to call 911 what Brian don’t I will birish the world I will a bir bird bir is the world I will a bird bird bir is the world I will a bird bird bird is the word don’t you know about the bird everybody knows about the bird bird bird talking about politics well I don’t just better cut that [ __ ] out I am half stor I agree I only play three games of CS2 and W once and let’s do we losses sounds like our Apex gameplay redond the kickboxer got rocked with a left hook but the ref counted it as a sleeply where’s the slipping Dan you know they could have been paid actors how how can would you be so sure what if they were paid actors my boy it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa no no please it’s me Barney black no no no not again help help me help me help help and one of the L has a close clet cheater help I keep hearing the voices I keep hearing the voices help it’s me Gord from black m it’s me Gord from it’s stop leave me alone it’s me it’s Gord it’s me it’s me from black m it’s me Gordon what the [ __ ] I’m literally dying right [ __ ] is even cing de Barney a creature known as Yen we PID actors with like old footage oh best resource in Minecraft iron it’s me Sonic from it’s me Sonic from black Mesa a stroke my friend is so thirsty for good Tech Shooters and you play from 4,000 s man hey you’re speaking okay have fun playing against characters who shoot dogs wol randoming Bull rocket launcher out of her ass out of her ass okay now I want to play ballerin out of her ass you say hey wait a minute this is in Lethal company [ __ ] you it’s me Gordon from black Mesa I’m falling on to search help help help mne from black mes it’s me Gordon Bary from black Mesa it’s me Gordon from black mes it’s me Gordon okay I think it stop oh God G re are getting worse chat can I join your world it’s a single player world s Jordan oh it gets well be that smart Peta why don’t you become so poite Peta oh because I’m going hanging out with Call’s dad are you on drugs good question going to leave that sound and itic how it feels to get the gong GG 9,000 I hate you and everything you stand for even the opportunity I would scin your life going to need me some propy for this about that beer I about that be no yes it’s me help help thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you are you sniffing sugars I mean maybe Jen is Jen are just slipping sniffing sugar lethal company you know what maybe on Sunday how about that potentially on Sunday we drank suspicious water from the noise hey don’t tell them my personal life y I told you this in secrecy you have some silly sugar goofy grass goofy grass that’s why he’s been playing content warning for the past literally one of the first things he did was write a stuck of hitters in the game what angry juuse what’s the angry use chat what’s the angry use what Ram did you take myth oh I don’t know what you’re talking about my boy I am so [ __ ] ready funny mushrooms I do like to play Super Mario from time to time yo woohoo w angry use is alcohol oh so that’s why okay that checks out that makes a whole lot of sense don’t question me buying Stone pickaxes the capitalism run is about making hard decisions for red Ram did you eat funny Leaf I love the funny Leaf rage spell basically is the angry use you know what rymond this song is of anger after listening it on L for the past three days I think it’s of anger rymond it’s speak you get the achievement how do we get here IRL oh we’re close to getting that a stck of hitters wasn’t what he wrote he was basically look oh the mustache man okay alien Now where’s the next song I need D next directly injecting into my [ __ ] MF Doom I M if Doom my dad uses every time before beating me with a bell and vomiting every ranked after oh dear God Chad oh dear God oh my good Heavens go r with the terrible mustache that’s Robotnik it’s me it’s me Sonic it’s me Sonic Knuckles from black Mesa I love knuckles I was watching the knuckles show actually uh I I haven’t finished it yet but I’ve seen people being way too overreactive about the Nole show like do they not know that this is not meant to be taken seriously a silly little show so far I’ve been liking episode one I I I’ll have to watch the other ones later guon a you call each other H that’s cute ronck is not answering not he’s much it is Tiny okay well Dr Robotnik the original concept of Dr Eggman is actually based off of uh Theodore revelt he was based off Theodore revelt it’s me Sonic johon Wick from Blanco Mesa oh my God I can’t believe John Wick is shadow that is that is speak that is actually Peak don’t understand what’s going yeah the the original uhal concert for Dr Eggman to his creation from Theodor r that is extremely funny I don’t know how Sega came up with this [ __ ] but they did and and now that I think about it he does look like Theodore he does look like that guy honestly but it was no a Silva is Knuckles isn’t it weird genen how two of the actors that are in cyber Punk they’re also in Sonic thas is if you should play Sonic or something you I’m wet I’m cold there’s 104 days baring from black she you door on my revelt my will kill any man oh my [ __ ] God you have God to be [ __ ] me you have God to be [ __ ] me B nerd what the [ __ ] did you just say pale Shadow knuckle Sonic objective yeah I don’t think Sonic is supposed to have character development or if he does it’s just contained to that one game because Sonic is always uh it’s like she like the win he doesn’t like to just stay still he likes to change and do stuff so even if he changes in one game and the other game is going to be completely different and I think that’s a little aspect that I like about Sonic he knows who he is he knows what he wants to do and that’s cool he rather helps he grows by helping other people that’s that’s literally Sonic’s character he grows by helping other people in Sonic at the blank n he um he helps merlina with the whole uh death concept there’s that so Sonic is not supposed to be someone that is always changing he knows his standards and morals and he helps people change for the better that that’s why we have other characters for character like you said like Tails Shadow Amy Knuckles I don’t think R has any character development aside from not sing The Master Emerald they want to can can Rouge then you Canoga so true Carlos when Napoleon LED B and his Grand Army and Churchill I love Churchill and his stroke moment I know about Sonic CH version of the game in Sonic CD when the timer I’m out of here and then he and then he drops then he dies ta has the best character because the you don’t have to be character you don’t have to be badass to be a her you don’t have to be strong yeah that’s what I love about tail and they they completely remove that in forces that’s why I hate forces I hate Sonic forces I hate Sonic forces I hate Sonic forces everything that made Sonic I mean Tails amazing he literally got [ __ ] obliterated you have got to be [ __ ] me like he beat chaos before why do you mean I hate Sonic forces I hate Sonic forces I hate Sonic forces I hate Sonic forces I hate Sonic forces okay there we go now that’s what we’ve been looking for that’s what I’ve been waiting for that’s what it’s all about I’m thatment this gu a bar soap what Eggman disguises himself as a bar soap what are you talking about that never happened i’ been bored in Lane I just hate it yeah I hate Sonic forces I say as a Sonic forces music is playing huh am I a boring about rou dead makes me want to K to be fair R dead was kind of you know made point for that purpose to to be fair Sonic Team completely admitted to this it’s not like it’s a it’s not intentional or anything they they completely intended this and um we cannot change the course of society now can we your battery capacity than most semi man you know what guys we should play uh we should play a driving simulator so I can kill people in the virtual world cuz if I do it in real life I will have real life recursions Ram watch Napoleon Dynamite who who where’s your M where’s your mic huh oh oh who who is you yapping about you just dieing again and again and again and again and we’ll do it all over again a movie you’ll kill no one but yourself damn it a silver what am I dude how you doing my guy how are you doing today there we go there we go hi silver thank you for the like than thank you very much thank you all right I love the capital remember when this was a lush Forest remember this entire Place being a forest oh brother the things we’re about to commit ramage skate time it’s always skate time with me boy part of another small stre H gang and then made a some made Emy anding get it for four hours oh nice I love it h gang I never heard about this are they cool that’s nice to hear hell yeah hell yeah silver that’s actually kind of cool kind of Epic of it cool ass [ __ ] I see now I need your hand I see me out with your light I have Brea let me sleep we must we must sleep one must sleep one must leap for the betterment of mankind yipp Yi right again here we going in here we going in Shadow’s character development is uh is schol can Le to care about people again so can your pain and son is going with life lessons I remember I mean that still happened in Sonic front can you see all what that still happens in Frontiers you see all of me walking through my destiny question mark question mark uh I mean I’ve seen some people argue that Shadows Arc was already done in adventure it was a little Arc that he completed in adventure but like there’s more Grand that he could accomplish I like his Arc in o6 his so6 character is Peak I me the for then says it’s always game time real experience and you want to pe oh hell yeah that’s cool that’s kind of neat actually I look at the monkey the monkey the monkey oh come on I need you to work them hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey I’m back there Funky Monkey I don’t know why the monkeyy is there chat I don’t know what it did to some of the monkey Remy’s back in the labor cam tending to oh my God this is this is not that Chad we are making them work and they work for money and they can use that money to exchange services guys it’s not that I’m not evil see I’m paying them money I’m giving them items and they pay me money and then they can exchange that money for services coming back into the prison sh no it wasn’t his wor it wasn’t his rake time yet it was not his rake time yet okay it wasn’t his rake time that’s why he needed to go back it wasn’t his rank no I don’t need this I don’t this how about the weapons me we need to level all the the weapons me I I I I deci either now do I has a wife and family let him be with his family he’s with his family see and also would you rather be him where I don’t know about him being with his family you know his wife cheated on him and his children don’t like him I don’t know he wants to go back to that life I I think he’s happy with his new family here are are you willing to take that away from him is that it you want to take away his one little slice of happiness that he has right now bro didn’t get free candy like R promised I I didn’t promis freand I promised labor and work this is why I cheat him with you know no oh hell no I’m not a home wrecker hello Remy whimy oh hey canilla welcome to the stream how you doing Miguel how are you doing today canilla no no V I’m not into villagers God damn it how dare you how dare you makes s prostu uh assumptions about me I should sue you for this uh defamation but I won’t because I am the better man can smell that father is cooking badly I smell burning let let him cook I say let him cook I know I know he looks bad now but I say let him cook it may look really bad but uh just you just have to have faith my boy you just have to have faith that’s all you got to do PE e I’m coming I’m cooking a pie for your stream oh hell yeah oh hell you no no no no no no no no help it’s me [Music] Gordon okay I think we’re [Music] oh God oh God R are you okay I think I am it’s me Barney black Mesa okay that was just that was just that was nothing from black Mesa I think I think we’re fine Chad we’re fine we’re fine we’re we’re totally okay we’re fine we’re fine peace thank you for subscribing good I think we’re fine no no we’re fine we’re what are we talking about we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine Chad we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re so fine Chad we’re chilling we’re fine we’re fine I’m actually doing real good I just want to T One V one for anr bloger oh hell yeah linella did you win oh hell yeah that’s nice to hear now sell it for profit and do it again it’s me Gordy from black Mesa it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa okay okay I think we’re fine it’s mey from black Mesa it’s me Gordon Barney from Black we’re fine Chad we’re fine we’re we’re fine it’s me it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa getsd from Barney from black me so what are you talking about it’s not real right guys prob you say yes that is smart real stupid excuse R me watching someone I know oh [Music] no also I’m not selling it because it names L soer that’s gracious to lose lot soer okay you know what you do you lill that sounds badass actually I agree I agree no no it’s me Gord it’s Gordon it’s Gordon Barney from Black mordney from mordney it’s okay I think we’re fine good Ram after de botom it’s me from it’s it’s me it’s from mes it’s mey from black mes it’s me Gord from D have like two really scar him that bad just IM what portal would do to him I already play portal actually I finish portal one NE never finish portal to never finished Portal 2 because of that one incident J I beg you yeah we’re still legally 2000 kids I don’t want to be with 20 no no no no I think you’re 2 St kids I by 13 days W oh silver oh no I mean you’re legally allowed you’re legally allowed to say skib now at least that’s a plus now there’s that now just say like it’s a bad thing but you really think about it you if you really think about it where’s the tool Smith the weapon weapon [Music] Smith this have not thankfully I’m sorry for you silver later Robo [ __ ] huh ler Robo [ __ ] what I just made a think for when R when your stream broke Ram oh what is it silver then you are not legally allowed to say skib can say skib all the time and she’s not being incapsulated by the law I don’t think she has she says skib all the time every time we talk she says skib then kill again oh dear God make version [ __ ] black ass failure I told do that what I do give it up give it up a Rob maggot I know y’all [ __ ] been waiting mag [ __ ] oh God oh God calm down J we cannot say that we’re in 2024 what are you doing he what the hell calm down give you [ __ ] oh my god oh hell no what is this hey that’s PE he that’s speak I’m pinning this two I’m pinning these two these are these are Peak my God these are these are both be holy [ __ ] there we go calm down I can’t I they need to let me make the new transform I do the best Transformer I want you to give it up for robo [ __ ] oh my God oh my God ducks are too cute to eat I agree thank you for the like thank you thank you very much thank you I agree gen what video are you playing again you’re trying to get me demonetized again don’t need dogs I agree don’t need them I agree wow Jen finally you came to your told to okay know wherein are supposed to be in the trash or they belong what the [ __ ] portal to potato glad us Robo bit oh yeah we did get into that part didn’t we I don’t remember we did get into that part we did get there but the incident happened and I didn’t play it since things haven’t been the same since the incident if you know you know if you’re a true Ramy enjoyer you know what the incident was you you know what the incident was if you’re a true ramsy [Music] enjoyer Chad I’m hungry I don’t know why I got hungry all of a sudden but Chad I’m hungry oh God I need a snack oh no I I don’t know why I got hungry all of a sudden what was the incident I forgot the the you were there in the portal stream even II was in the portal stream you all wor there when the incident happened and old version for you RAR my God stream is broken LOL this is beautiful holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yes oh my God amazing silver thank you and don’t talize me with delicious delous don’t don’t talize godamn it what a [ __ ] incident I only many and you in my drawing why hey what the hell happened here we list another sub one happened I have no idea maybe just YouTube getting rid of the BS maybe they’re doing a bot wave good Jen so my God J oh no oh no oh God Chad what have you done uh well if you guys don’t remember about the portal incident uh let’s just say I reloaded at a very unfortunate time my quick save was saved at a very unfortunate time and that’s all I’m going to say because it was very traumatic that’s why I haven’t played portal ever since it was after a very difficult puzzle too and I haven’t been the same man ever since think she threw up a Jen do some have like one scientist lines father way I f up skill issue got better was it the one when you log yourselves no that’s halflife that’s on half we’re talking about portal on Portal the one that happened portal uh portal too I think I’m going crazy he CH canilla high five girl high five we’re both going insane we’re going a bit silly I’m dementia hey dementia I’m dead oh hey dementia I’m dead oh hey the Mana I’m dead want to draw tiger shark or we dead on his feet and certain bar on his feet what I would feel like he would stop luck in portal to [Music] though you’re reading chat yet I don’t see any messages what which of us is schizophrenic oh because I’m reading vertical and horizontal chat streams horizontal chat streams when appear in vertical chat which is where you are right now L canella we have a vertical we have a horizontal stream where everyone is chatting too it doesn’t appear in the vertical stream but it does appear in horizontal you know who else has dimensia you know who else has Dimension who is Ram City you know who okay and now we going to joke about the M anymore Chad can I have to legs on my perfectly my perfect muscle man you’re a braver man I will run for the surface but I’m afraid if the world finds out what we were doing here Gordon just don’t make me come it does seem there is something to chaos the after all what is this 1 1,000 2 1,000 3 1,000 4 1,000 5 1,000 absolutely absolutely not well it’s about time why did you give her this idea around at your own work so we can get on with this miserable day oh no it’s probably those anomalous materials people again always pushing their too hard dabling in who knows what I’d be surprised full death yes I regret no I regret nothing you have got to be kidding me I regret nothing I love the capitalism run chat it all allows me to chat with you while I also make money this is truly what the capitalism is all about baby capitalism for the wind there’s literally no repercussions to it whatsoever there we go get all the money hl1 stream. MP4 for God Damon for Ram there has been a terrible incident really loose my my voice to sickness damn have we all been sick this week what did we all get sick out of nowhere morning Gordon big day today friend is anyone else getting hungry yes Absol actually I am hungry I’m sorry to hear that Unix I hope you get better soon St [ __ ] is this down the hell what the hell my God what are you doing I just realized that your name probably means REM and R not the sh you figure it out Lum canella yes sir yes ma’am I certainly hope you know what you’re doing it’s a random access memory compact this okay ah as I expected oopsie recording going to yes this wish I could do it is the it is the ring module you I’m inconclusive excuse me Gordon you smell what I smell I have no doubt what is that sting bling sting hands but it’s a heavily one goodness what the hell are you doing R you are a fan boy I’m not I wish I was but I’m not my body physically cannot let me be a fanboy however if any there’s a fan boy out there who’s looking for a Mexican man I’m here just like this song I’m here reaching far across his New Frontiers in my hands I hold the ones I love here we go you haven’t seen mine you can fboy trust me I don’t know another that shut up banard that’s not [Music] true have a better chance of be London me what do you mean you already AO girl L canel you’re you are a girl what are you Ying about you are a girl my body is not fan booy but godamn godamn canilla you are a girl don’t worry about it but what is that gen my looks that I can be a boy okay that’s a fair point why is that gen all let me let me fix the uh the monkey let me let me fix the monkey real quick Chad let me let me let me fix the monkey there we go the monkey has been fixed call call anonymously I can’t you callous you call anous you Call ANM you call gay sex hotline I’m not even going to call anonymously [ __ ] G for a few minutes [ __ ] I don’t know again I mean anything you the answer is what what if on the UI there was my art it would be funny but I don’t know I’d rather get your permission first i’ rather get your permission first you want me to use your that’s you give me permission that would be G oh [ __ ] permission given oh god well I have some stuff to do then is Ram a f booy godamn godamn been Wai W little bit buddy does not matter I am huh we training oh God it’s ghosting me maybe the eightball just hates you Bard maybe maybe the eightball just despises you have you have you given thought to that transition maybe the eightball is just a bit too silly nuh-uh you have ym n yo Ram what is it again what is it again what happened to the old world insert the art with the soldier having a flashback in said hard here uh stupid man if I tell you when you’re not laugh at me I tell you stupid if I tell you when you it me Gordon from no no no no no no no stop stop no no no not again cannot happen again no don’t you dare it’s me no catch me later I’ll buy you a beer hey catch me later I’ll buy you a beer no no no no no no no no no no no no Chad you [ __ ] idiots what have you done Chad you [ __ ] idiots you ninko poops check your discords the hell is this my boy [ __ ] about that beer I owed you God it’s me Gordon Barney from black Meson stand up and sit or sit down and stand or sit down on that chair and stand up right now godamn it stand there and sit [ __ ] God damn it I’m [ __ ] mad pull it out of your ass and sit on it sit down on that [ __ ] chair and stand [ __ ] keep [ __ ] [ __ ] stand and [ __ ] sit okay that’s funny yeah that’s actually kind of hilarious give me recall music be like it’s me Gordon no no no no no no no noit Ram get got I’m going to swear oh no Silver’s going to do it oh no oh God stand back everyone stand back oh no oh no watch what I saying it’s really funny no I refuse Barney again calm down calm down or I will say something that will heavily despise you yeah Barney the dinosaur pixel gun pre is my brother oh hey AR to the stream how you doing your birthday today happy birthday AR hope you have a good one but I I don’t I don’t want to play Pixel Gun God damn it happy birthday though and you better calm down or will say something that you will not like if IDI is pronounced Shamira hey Shamira what are you talking about Chad can you force him to play Pixel Gun if I get $20 right now I will play Pixel Gun how about that venel is great I killing many okay I have one way to disprove you [ __ ] I have one way to disprove you no Jen that’s copyright that’s copyright no no no no no no no no no no calm down calm down cal cal calm down G listen to this listen to this can you bring me my coffee jir oh it is Jamir [ __ ] [ __ ] ignore ignore everything [ __ ] I’ve been proving wrong out there how there you prove me wrong how how how there you prove me wrong I love this R Play Farming Simulator fixing gun is really what I mean $20 no but I’m saying if someone giv me $20 I’ll play it right now why would you need money for a game that is free for funny hey Carlos welcome back my dude you idiot I’m not Idiot I’m not a [ __ ] I’m not a [ __ ] top 10 successful communist countries no because that would be top zero over night Del Liberty when of having Prime in if I can have over night or next thing true get this man true my bad Ram oh my yes R you are Mario the real you like going to make me an idiot J am I stupid I need you to answer this question am I stupid Jen am I stupid and because n are successful it’s funny i, 10 Subs hey Remy you should buy an Australian Frontier Justice I have a strength Barney from black Mesa it’s me Gordon Barney black Mesa help help help help help it’s me Barney from black m no no oh no it’s no no no not again no oh help help help oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no help help help help help help help help no no no no no no no no help help it’s Gordon noord Gordy from mes please please please no no no no no no M it’s me M no no please no please please make it lney [Music] from it’s Gord from mord oh please gordonne from Mesa it’s me Gordon Barney from it’s me Gordon from mes no please make it make it make it St help no please please Mesa please it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa no it’s me H okay okay it’s me boring Garney from no no why Line near the r but not too close blueish dark or this R sing wish advice for scar color you know what how about a red skirt boring oh hey Cat welcome to stream how than my guy that’s your opinion that’s okay art please oh happening over there father Ram who’s barning why is he here I have no idea Arts he is that’s a funny one that’s a i I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it you will get a full uh compensation package I’m sorry I am sorry um going today should I buy a could you buy an Australian 14 Justice I mean are you good with the frontier Justice do you think you feel confident with your front just ring so and if you really like the gun then maybe maybe put potentially could be worth it potentially perhaps his mouth it’s my favorite item it is fun to use I agree if you really want to go for it then sure why not what what’s the Worst That Could Happen what could possibly what could possibly go wrong why did you become a streamer why not go back to being a pharaoh God damn ity rum Mesa God damn it J God [ __ ] damn it for the like thank you very much thank you the worst that could happen would be Bary from black Mesa came back guys guys don’t here for ideas another Rond Banger oh [ __ ] Redman Peak renman Banger Banger alert question m oh hell no this one this one is one of my favorites from Redmond holy [ __ ] my God damn does he cook does he cook Barney the dinosaur from black Mesa oh my God I still need to buy skincare supplies I’m running out a moisturizer and toner what what did you mean you have I am no there we go oh did I not cut that last one Whoopsie Daisy oopsie Daisy take your notific my steam notific well I have nothing in I know what you’re yapping about there’s only this what do you mean huh huh your profile oh no oh no me Gordan Barney from black Mesa abolutely insane I’m going nuts I’m going absolutely insane I’m going absolutely nuts no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait God damn it God [ __ ] damn it no no I refuse no there’s another Banger right Che get out with Calla with a s I lose my gun in my your aim do do do random ass skeleton what what the [ __ ] h I blame this onion I just joined thank you C how are you doing oh [ __ ] thanks red looks like we’re back at the beginning God [ __ ] Dam god well you know the drill chat what do we name this one what what do we name the silly one what what what do we named this silly World we’re in a brand new world Beginnings no way God a [ __ ] them give me silly names it’s me Gordon Barney from BL I’m going to Trill my shell God damn it it’s nice though it’s nice silver name it Deets nuts B booy ASMR I like where this is going I need I need more cier name though I need a ceiling name something that will make me laugh out loud B boy ammr just gets me there has to be something else there you go crafted that’s what I’m looking for that’s exactly what I’m looking for yes sir yes sir there we go no things backies no take back seas and now now it’s speak it’s me Gordon Barney from black Mesa no well redond if you’re still watching congratulations if this is the world where we kill the Ender Dragon oh boy am I going to be so [ __ ] happy interesting World placement Redmond [ __ ] en chambles right now Redmond absolutely cooked d boy bookstore orderer motivates confer and car cool oh I am saying I have eat the Ender Dragon and Rond family Bo ASMR okay now now we look in chat the previous worlds were just test worlds now now we look in we have to win on this world for everything we have to win on this world it is written in the books it’s written in the books we we have to win in this world it’s it’s it’s perfect it has to be on this world if we win on this world oh boy oh boy is it going to be a banger is it going to be of anger hell yeah EP redond I shall draw you o Redmond Redmond get your ass over here I know you’re here Piller wants R draw you and first of all we just need to find a village again we just need to find a village [Music] again and then we Sol smooth sailing from there we need we need to start our capitalism run again we need to start our capitalism run [Music] again oh this has to be the one that we win ch it has to be the one it’s it’s perfect if we don’t win on this one I don’t know what to tell you I’m going to say I’m going to sleep with stay committing taxations around to ring turn run my dude oh substenance [Music] sustenance sustenance suance come here I almost hit the dog that would have been [Music] horrible pounds Blood Hunter F life fighter I love Blood Hunter sorry dogs but this this cow is mine don’t worry REM we’ll make you proud we’ll win on this world don’t worry Redmond we’ll make you proud we’ll we’ll win on this world we are so winning on this world right guys we are so winning on this world it’s written I would love to get sh delicious salilla screen Rond will remember that minus one friendship surely not right Redmond surely not bro bro bro is Chill surely surely surely he finds this as humorous as I do if not then well I’m sorry Rond but the the the motion has been set smiley face okay this looks good enough to be a village where’s the village where’s the damn Village when you need one I haven’t made my OC of my own l where remember for more months and 20 days CED how did you keep getting lucky I was cooking Ram can I have some reos I am extremely hungry right now I am so [ __ ] hungry I’m 420 reincarnate oh my God crafted what have you done I Rose so many kids ankles what what the [ __ ] I thought you were actually cooking what the hell did you do what the hell did you do sorry baby but I have to kill your uncle and your friend sheep go please for the love of God no no don’t go down to the cave okay there we go there we go what do you you mean you broke ankles TF ym come here boy come here boy come here boy go here Yahoo y woohoo it’s me Mario it’s me Sonic the Hedgehog me Shadow the Hedgehog and I’m t s he broke his kneecaps Mama Mia in the Roblox game I told you about is where you got to try it no hell no I am so tempted to blow T another SK cropped up Hoodie you know what you could use that money for food maybe buy food maybe that’s a funny one I was about to make another crap my stupid no we don’t have to worry about the night anymore or weed there’s one time I’ve showed it someone of my friends that they loved it for one second and didn’t implode an impact you know that’s what’s going to happen just that money for hell divers to that money to buy Titanfall holy [ __ ] a shipwreck buch of by Shreck wait Ram did you die no what are you talking about guys the bro things bro things I died get a get a lot ofos over here BR bro things I died as if as if I could ever well look at reos over here saying that I that nah and you’re are my strongest Soldier doubting me and you’re my strongest Soldier doubting me wow wow well that’s armor on R so you know I’m a pro epic gamer I don’t die I just respawn entertainment now I just need to find a village now where would one find a village hold up I am the strongest Soldier yes you are Unix you are my strongest Soldier no I am y I’m in the proper chat now hell you lumill hell yeah yes ma’am we’re all strong soldiers we’re all my strongest soldiers some more than other there’s no Ram ours ours ours chart please you want you want to see you’re you’re going to be Mighty disappointing Chad but fine going to be Mighty disappointed but sure why not Ram help okay I’m not going to read [Music] that want to blow the money from why did I I hate streamlabs so much I I [ __ ] hate streamlabs so much holy [ __ ] what do you mean I’m logged out it’s unreal how much I hate streamlabs OBS like God damn one blow [Music] money long as RAM bust nut damn it cut you want to know who has been the longest my let’s see God damn it let’s see loyalty so much for loyalty Unix has been watching my streams for 8 hours and 42 minutes a close second being Rosa 6 hours and 58 minutes followed my minty then epic Gaming then Banner then Jan Carlos then Holly then MLG creeper then Johnny then risk of Fame R tunnel then Redmond then Sonic then me then Bob then Speedy mu then monkey then silver then nothing really then num canella then Viper then Jordan then saas then denoir then Adrian then comedy then tinan then LS then the chico then huki then orange dexon then Little Nugget then dwarf then orange then B then green is curb then Mustafa then M mlan then aminos then Del gaming one melon ISAC RMC Shadow kamate overdrive and plays games evbm Dre gen engineer minic Sawyer the Villager gaming craft head anley M morce engineer Bounty Hunter cop Cooper J re Kirby games L Princeton Mark JV steam 2.0 Arthur and guess neither my mom Luke Warners David Machado CQ grenade from Apex Legends our Agnes cadens there there’s a lot of pages guys the page seven there chck my unit Rosa where am I on there grafted I don’t think you’re even in the top 10 you don’t you don’t have to worry here we go now as for members let me [Music] check oh uh total time is member my mom and Rosa there you go my mom and Rosa [Music] mother duck AO BR what my dude I’m Banning them what the hell yny what the hell what the hell shout out to Ram’s Mom oh my God my mom has been the oldest member y’all don’t compare to her F give me hard in my life what did Minix do yeah what did Minix do how many Minix talk then wait there’s Lura about Minix who rocks org that was lore Alex Jones mom is financially responsible are your games Ram is carrying me on her back for real for real wait you’re lucky you’re not French what does this mean the [ __ ] does this mean have you revealed your name yet yes I did at the 2K sub uh stream I did it when I reached 2,000 Subs but since you missed that then I wouldn’t be able to tell it anymore R right here I have no idea what you’re talking about t What ramble name he dogs you who is Minix sounds like the worst possible person ever and we just never heard about him this guy sounds like the worst person ever and we never heard about him who is minx R of then oh God but yes I did show I they Tri why Ram CD is named Ram CD Min is kid and lore who is minx [Music] Chad wor yeah who’s Minix like he appears on the charts and everything but I don’t think he has ever interacted on the stream was on yeah he’s been watching but he wouldn’t know who he is Minix is Ram City story plus he was my friend they were being was the go torture or the bamboo torture you big silver what is the goat torture Chad the [ __ ] is the goat torture R you should know to not eat raw beef H what’s the Worst That Could Happen me getting a brain eating amoeba Ah that’s chump change oh [ __ ] how did I not know about this how the [ __ ] did we not know about the what the [ __ ] gold Leck torture what is what are these torture methods guys the [ __ ] are you all yapping about go s at them until there’s no skin and barely any muscle left oh god oh oh dear God that sounds painful as [ __ ] oh dear God oh God what the [ __ ] did you say don’t worry about it Sil beat his feet to the [Music] ghats we keep an eye out can we can we make sure gold Le torture works but I know I mean if it’s a torture method and I mean it’s proven to be right right proven to work surely I mean hey ear if if it’s a it’s recorded the history because that means it worked then bamboo you hold someone over bamboo Sprout and grow through the person and we attempt it on you how about we upended on Johnny Cage everyone in favor of upending the gold leaking torture on Johnny Cage press one in chat and if you’re disagree then you can just leave yep I see nja silver you truly are my strongest Soldier Seven terminal seven cancer Luigi hi all right well the Box popular I spoken uh Johnny Cage get over here get your feet over here my boy it’s time to test the hearing my internet is Oso being what we like to call is [ __ ] oh what is this in the 1.19 world I have no idea but I like it I dig it this generation sucks what do you mean look at this [ __ ] I think that’s what the biome is called Peak mountains Minecraft m p when I’ve been thinking about it and I think I’m going to do it on Bedrock we can have more people join it and then the ceing is Will and to but yeah be thinking about R ra mine simp God since I can host an SMP server rather than you know a Java server a Java server is just too much and with a with a Bedrock Ser just way easier to up one CA more yeah I think a Bedrock server is better and also I can set it up myself because the one for Java I need to do port forwarding and apparently turns sound my Compu my my router doesn’t support for forwarding so I cannot even do that nothing nice will be built I we know already done is before the pun yeah thanks to uh II we did that for a little bit but you guys didn’t want to play more Minecraft so we didn’t continue with that the better SC with Java Zone see the thing about Bedrock is that I can just invite you guys to the server we could do a real technically on Java but it would closed off it would be more closed off Get Wrecked on Dam it crafted Bedrock is kind of M BL I mean yeah easier to set up realm Minecraft realm we could do a realm but it would I don’t know how much a realm cost nowadays I don’t know how much a realm cost dedicated wh how much wh dude I don’t know if they answer the question did they ever answer the question though like did they look at the kid and say oh you this designated a man of Ram or did they just left the kid off that would have been extremely sad actually oh God what if they left the kid off I don’t want to think about that a realm is $4 a month they just huh say us huh oh that is so sad that is extremely sad $ doll a month h r news was shut down what bip was shut down what what is huh get 2,000 heal younglo we did it we did it Young yeah what is sp P what are you all jaing about well I wouldn’t known I wouldn’t know about that whole ordeal thank Lord Almighty what are you guys Jing about say you could on people on money really that’s a that was a thing was a thing all along what the [ __ ] is someone stalking me oh no oh hell no I need a I have enough wood let’s get some wood real quick bro someone is talking you oh yeah sharles sh look at your window oh God the shark articles uh don’t worry don’t worry about it it was [ __ ] for a good week now I’m safe Charle still yeah update on the Charle stuff uh he followed me on Twitter and I’m thinking about blocking him but I don’t want I mean he could be rude but I don’t think I care he follows me on Twitter DM server messages ser ho the M holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] how did had a Discord un noticed earlier I’m getting tired oh Metal Slug song Jos sh up and your H would be him in the F fight yeah he’s a kid a literal kid like 13 or 14 a real one anymore CM down Ram sound’s tired it’s been a it’s been a weey week for sure today’s like the first time I actually get to stream I sound tired I’m sorry Chad and also I played a lot of Apex yesterday with Le and Redmond we were doing three strike Shenanigans and we had a lot of fun right Redmond right [Music] guys Ram’s new renting series Ram ramble number one one you know what R you just gave me an idea I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea this is unforgivable calm down young Carlo calm down I could be Char and not even break his win if we combine our string we can remove charicles from this forever I hate my viewers angry Ram CD what the [ __ ] you all suck what the hell what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this guy what the [ __ ] angry Ramsey huh I see you Apex for like 10 hours on my friends list R so rude to me God damn it never going to stream again L people who the [ __ ] is angry Ram City what the hell what the [ __ ] oh it’s my evil dly counterpart it’s my evil dly counterpart Chad look out it will steal your liver and you’re not careful might be allly I think it’s Johnny this looks like Johnny I’m banning all of you ram City but mad fortnite they were created last year this uh I think this is this yeah this is this is a yeah is yny what would the real Ram CD do this hey what did I do what are you all even show hey a good end to the day no it is God damn it can’t prove that my evil my evil dashly counterpart is kicking my ass my able dashly counterpart is [ __ ] folding me Chad I need my strongest soldiers to protect me [Music] help help get me worse than school you know what true that should be the teline for this channel it’s not worse than school as L it’s not as bad as school this is a real me no you’re an evil you’re my evil twin I agree with air son of a [ __ ] wasn’t it you’re going to say that Redmond’s music sucks is that it just say that I’m Banning your ass you better be you better be careful [ __ ] thank you for the like than thank you very much thank you choose your next words carefully Taco Bell is delicious huh maybe I should skin you maybe I should skin you ban ban this guy why would I leave he’s honestly better than most stream oh thank you you Unix thank you guys being a redond [ __ ] Banger incoming hot sauce Redmond I love Redmond’s music could speak okay so I will not hear anything from my evil [ __ ] twin I will not hear [ __ ] what time did you sleep no reason I asked totally I sleep in the morning hello that what you going to do huh who Okay BR calm down your horse D God [ __ ] damn it come back here you [ __ ] oh well there goes my axe who W okay Rond what have you done Rond you [ __ ] what have you done you’ve altered the SpaceTime continue on I will like it to be known that it didn’t mean anything that I Chad should we ban Johnny Cage say I in chat if we should ban Johnny [Music] Cage I’m wanting Chan he became the hero and now he’s going to become the villain you either die here or live long enough you to see yourself become the villain bro Ram please calm down cat face I’m out a cat face is going to stop me 101 you know what Chad I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to be a boomer you guys are typing this there can you believe that we still use that in Mexico cat ear selfie win cat ear selfie okay all right okay dude I will eat all of your Fanboys bull calm down all then my guy hry today calm down bull oh hell no what’s good he Black Hog Watcher what up my dude how you doing my guy we’re chilling here how are you doing I use this with the p that’s nice to hear Chad are we Boomers spend Halloween as a fan booy well I would if we celebrated Halloween in Mexico tanle we do not tly we do not so I can I do that then give kid Johnny give the kit to [Music] Johnny oh Johnny did you see the uh did you see the homelander preview they didn’t reveal his voice the [ __ ] know amus joh need theuse the bomb Johny now hit the second tower did you see the um thing it was Peak I can assure you that’s funny they don’t reveal his boys this is so [ __ ] [ __ ] here we go there we go look at all this food t to the red wire I did on God why why why did Anthony what the [ __ ] guys an actual generated floating island was the not okay we live work burn the right to work burn the right to work Chad are you guys thinking what I’m thinking we’re playing Sky Block there hey what the hell playing Sky BL over there the I generated R you’re sporing then did we work toight to work one I’m the best Apex player on Nintendo switch oh hell yeah dude there’s not a lot of you over there but hell yeah nice guys how do you even manage to play Apex on V that sounds like torture I think that’s where we build our home guys I I think that’s where we build our home it has to be it’s perfectly aligned to the Village we make a stair a stair to to there I’m a dip have a good night Joel just want to go watch some chill one topers around good around my dude he how many villagers have been working with build the water little ladder I I don’t know how to build those actually yeah you’re right you are correct my good sire two we have two three we need six four five four five I’m not counting the them with six okay yeah that’s good enough this a big Village not going to lie that’s a big Village there’s a lot of villages as well ooh Chad the capitalism run is about to go insane try villagers so they don’t die by the time you come back they wouldn’t die surely hello you’re sorry for stealing your food it’s very important that I do who well get out of my way villager I want to punch you wait my fan boy boys is back oh hell yeah oh hell yeah dude let’s go I was a s player oh I forgot to do that once and it was a zombie apocalypse way back oh I was just player on Xbox what does that mean Johnny what the [ __ ] does it mean the hell uh I’m getting a PC soon so hope we can play and [Music] fornite while AFK nice what are the spe are you going to get my dude oh look at all that red chat I can u w again u w is upon us oh dear God oh good Heavens oh my oh dear God my fu is is tapping but how do you play on on switch it looks like torture guys like I’ve seen the gamep playay on on switch it’s like 30 FPS and less I meant to say Apex I used to play Apex on my switch how the [ __ ] how do you play at such low resolutions and bad frame rain how do you all do this how in the scall do you all do this I play Apex in my head probably the best outcome Dynamic resolution yeah Redmond but have you seen the dynamic resolution on that [ __ ] you can barely see a MTH mag in front of you it’s it’s all pixelated neuralink guys upgrades getting a neuralink to get better at Apex question mark new video idea I installed a neuralink device on my brain so I can be good at Apex Legends I’m still still dog [ __ ] though I’m still dog [ __ ] for real for real better aim and switch than you on PC to be fair you have better aim assist on the switch you have a stronger aim assist over there to be completely fair I know my aim is bad and all but come on cuz we hear our shots shut up shut up Meg shut the hell up me you know what petition to make Johnny K uh change his name to Meg Griffin so we can you say shut up Meg can can we can we make this a thing can we get to can we get y cage to change his name to Meg Griffin you can just say shut up Meg now that would be funny now that would be hilarious I think I I think that would be a 10 out of 10 bit that would be extremely funny okay well how the hell are we supposed to get up there let’s bu a tempor a temporary let’s build a temporary Bridge we get in there and hopefully nothing bad happens in the meantime like oh there’s even a tree over there it is a Sky Block it is a Sky Block Challenge God damn oh Su am I the only person who has a boys that can go incredibly deep and sound like a high pitch F boy I think a lot of us here have that uh have that power and I don’t think that I don’t I don’t know if that’s good or bad and honestly I have no idea if that’s good or bad but a lot of us have that power for some reason maybe we have high vocal rate R we have extremely good vocal range CH we have not of blow welome to our disciplinary process I don’t want to get ejected Ram do it well I’m a man I’m a man I do manly stuff I know Mickey Mouse uhhuh uh-huh oh hey boys how are you doing today there can I get $2 now $2 is $2 chat $2 is $2 CH I love you clip that what the [ __ ] what the hell CED what the [ __ ] huh huh what the [ __ ] oh I’m maybe stupid show me how it vibrates what the [ __ ] are you talking about it could just be easier to say throw it back it’s just easier to say throw it back you know God damn oh SAU what the [ __ ] what the hell what the hell there we go what even is the YULA why why are we talking about this it’s a soft eard shape piece of tissue that H from the roof of your mouth it sounds like something else I don’t know why maybe I’m just silly but it sounds like something else I want to see the fleshy appendage that hands on the back of your mouth what the [ __ ] is that a spider jockey [Music] jockey Yer God damn it how how do we even get this doy that’s how the jocky sounds right [Music] guys there we go that’s a that’s a good enough bridge for me that’s good enough for me baby that’s perfectly fine for me dog there we [Music] go so I went for a bit when we went for ref we liter for this reference shut this thing up my back one of them crazy things you’re going to do a bit of a terraforming yes sir you know it Blackhawk watcher when my dad was applying for a job the manager where he was applying for gave me him a laptop and said sell this laptop to me I’m going to pick up the laptop brought it home and the boss called said give back magma laptop 100 bucks and it’s yours and he got the highest paid promotion in the job okay that’s genius okay that’s actually kind of genius and that’s kind of peak not going to lie okay that’s kind of peak Ellice is that you oh my God Roo being Ry you have a yeah but I like you know I like salmonella on my food it adds a little bit spice to it it adds a little bit more spice well chat would you look at the time it’s time for me to leave Mexican tourist [ __ ] you Johnny thank you so much for coming to this room one thank for the likes thank you for subscribing thank you thank you thank thank you very much thank you um out of here [Music]

This video, titled ‘🔴 THE MINECRAFT CAPITALISM RUN’, was uploaded by RamCD on 2024-04-30 03:16:13. It has garnered 114 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:57 or 10857 seconds.

MUSIC PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmwi_zzqA3trDEUIzyNv5Vj9kGxcWskOv I LOVE MONEY Thanks for tuning in!

Follow me on: Twitter: @RamCD

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Art: Peace & Love BTS Coffee QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘#reels #cute #youtube #minecraft #youtubeshorts #art #peace #bts #quotes #coffee #shortvideo #love’, was uploaded by Balo on 2024-07-11 20:04:36. It has garnered 409 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Roleplay: Clash of Light vs Darkness

    Epic Minecraft Roleplay: Clash of Light vs DarknessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Regatele Eterne: Confruntarea Luminii ศ™i รŽntunericului – Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by SebyRO on 2024-02-23 18:24:27. It has garnered 866 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:12 or 312 seconds. First of all, I would like to thank those who participated in this video and if you want to continue this Roleplay series, you must share and like! ~Roleplay Participants~ Sweety: https://youtube.com/@ionnutrpg9335?si=3EK0d7cMPll0hbM2 Lord Of Games: https://youtube.com/@lordofgames456?si=BkFSVzWWQ3Q1gpDG Morris: https://youtube.com/@morrisro-mcpe?si=1U5Oiq51oHrmevb Bianca:https://youtube.com/@coffeex33?si=q81LMd3GC9uZAfjE Gabizan:https://youtube.com/@GABIZAN7?si=WQQJZkcgxlsChGtx Rare:https://youtube.com/@Denizzz69?si=B_0-1xq0TYk1NIWX #minecraft #roleplay #minecraft120 #minecraftroleplay Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RTX VILLAGE FINALIZATION NIGHT ๐ŸŒ™Video Information This video, titled ‘SERIE MINECRAFT RTX – PARTE 26 – NOCHE DE FINALIZAR DETALLES EN LA VILLA ๐Ÿฅด’, was uploaded by eIAxkyy on 2024-04-15 17:23:07. It has garnered 201 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:14 or 5414 seconds. ๐Ÿ˜ Helloooo! REMEMBER THAT THERE IS NEW CONTENT DAILY! ๐Ÿซก My name is Axkanรก, but everyone calls me Axky (the aski xd), and I welcome you to my channnel ๐Ÿ˜€ It is much appreciated if you subscribe and leave a Like if you like the content! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ The time has come to start a new… Read More

  • “Kendrisite ALMOST had it! Minecraft EPIC fail ๐Ÿ˜ฑ” #clickbait #SMP #fyp

    "Kendrisite ALMOST had it! Minecraft EPIC fail ๐Ÿ˜ฑ" #clickbait #SMP #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘She was SOOOOO CLOSE… #minecraftmemes #Clips #minecraft #shorts #reels #SMP #fyp’, was uploaded by Kendrisite on 2024-07-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 520 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. ———————————————— ๐๐ž๐ž๐ ๐š ๐ฌ๐ž๐ซ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฌ? ๐‚๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐ค ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž! https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=2333 ———————————————— Our server!! {And how to Join it} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNZ1VhGYfko&t ———————————————— ๐€๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐จ๐œ๐ข๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ, ๐Œ๐ž๐ซ๐œ๐ก ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ค๐ฌ, ๐„๐“๐‚: https://allmylinks.com/kendrisite ———————————————— ๐Ÿ“ฌ ๐Œ๐š๐ข๐ฅ๐›๐จ๐ฑ: 7124 Salem Fields BLVD PMB # 130 Fredericksburg VA 22407 ———————————————— Read More

  • Pigs Drop Insane Loot in Minecraft?! | Technogamerz Play

    Pigs Drop Insane Loot in Minecraft?! | Technogamerz PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But PIGS Drops OP Itemsโ€ฆ | #technogamerz #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Gamester Saify on 2024-03-22 12:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WhatsApp Channel ~ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDCLaeLI8YXsVR2311H Discord … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft hacks: viral short video!

    Insane Minecraft hacks: viral short video!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft short video #minecraft #viral #trending #popular #subscribe #shortvideo #shorts 1k like’, was uploaded by Minecraft tricks on 2024-04-17 01:03:10. It has garnered 789 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft short,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft meme,youtube shorts,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft parody,minecraft school,minecraft song,minecraft pe,minecraft mods,minecraft speedrun,minecraft sad shorts,minecraft music,shorts video minecraft,minecraft shorts video,minecraft manhunt,minecraft speedrunner#minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #mcpe #mcpc #minecraftpc #minecraftpe #minecraftstatus #animation #thunder #epic #steve #alex #herobrine #alexbrine #entity303 #werewolf #dreadlord #null #music #instagram #viotoons Games Read More

  • StormBox

    StormBoxStormBox.fun – Lietuviลกkas boxpvp serveris! Daugiau informacijos mลซsลณ discorde. funkcijos – geras anticheat savai kurta internetinฤ— svetaine gera administracija aktyvi bendruomenฤ—! Daugiau informacijos rasite discorde! play.stormbox.fun Read More

  • The Embassy SMP – Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock realm! If you’re interested in joining, please contact us on Discord at litehour. We are being selective with new members to avoid hackers and griefers, and we’re taking our time with progress to keep things interesting. Read More

  • 24YAMS – Almost Vanilla – Soft Opening

    24YAMS - Almost Vanilla - Soft Opening24YAMS – Soft Opening – An almost vanilla Minecraft server with a focus on long term support. We’re a family-friendly community with dedicated staff. Build up your environment with daily rewards, land claims, and more! Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Hotter than a Nether portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up. #minecraftproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ’ฅ Read More

  • Mastering Anvil Enchanting in Minecraft 1.21

    Mastering Anvil Enchanting in Minecraft 1.21 Mastering Enchantments with Anvils in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to delve into the intricate world of enchanting with anvils in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, helping you avoid the dreaded “Too Expensive” message and discover the best ways to combine enchantments. Understanding Anvil Enchanting Enchanting with anvils in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your gear. Whether you’re looking to enchant a sword, pickaxe, bow, mace, or trident, the anvil is your key to unlocking powerful abilities. However, the process can be tricky, especially when faced… Read More

  • Unleash 30 New Mob Spawners in Minecraft!

    Unleash 30 New Mob Spawners in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spawner Room Build | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:57. It has garnered 2311 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:19 or 9379 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand game… Read More

  • Rich vs Poor Tunnel Base Showdown in Minecraft

    Rich vs Poor Tunnel Base Showdown in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey POOR vs JJ RICH TUNNEL Base in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-05-18 11:00:30. It has garnered 13557 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:09 or 3189 seconds. Mikey POOR vs JJ RICH TUNNEL Base in Minecraft (Maizen) Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDMytuc0y4TF5V3rUZVT6GA?sub_confirmation=1 We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Short Sends Viewers Into Madness” #minecraftshorts #crazyclickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Short Sends Viewers Into Madness" #minecraftshorts #crazyclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by More Than A Game on 2024-05-27 12:00:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral Minecraft is a 2011 … Read More

  • Galactic Geeks Discover Insane Minecraft Sand Stacks!

    Galactic Geeks Discover Insane Minecraft Sand Stacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT but we added NEW SAND STACK NAMES?!’, was uploaded by G33ks of th3 Galaxy on 2024-04-30 21:10:40. It has garnered 478 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Son and I having fun in Minecraft! Read More