🤯 Camdeeno’s INSANE FAKE Speedruns in Minecraft! 🤣

Video Information

oh my gosh guys it’s the triple-headed amethyst emerald dragon that is so rare these are the funniest fake Minecraft speeduns of all time this first speedrun begins and honestly everything appears to be pretty normal he doesn’t have any strange items in his inventory he’s in survival mode with zero XP and he’s also facing completely straight there’s just one small issue when the runner opens his chat we can see multiple messages about a player leaving and joining the game which means he’s on a world with another player something clearly not allowed during a solo speedrun this will make more sense in a few seconds so the runner starts off by mining some wood crafting some tools and locating a nearby Village but let’s watch closely to what happens when the runner loots this Village chest I’ll play the clip did you catch that even though there were clearly zero netherite ingots in the chest the runner somehow acquired three in his inventory but how is that possible well if we slow down the footage and look extremely closely into the corner of the screen we can actually spot another player and we can actually see that this player threw the netherite ingots at the exact same time the player was looting the chest it’s pretty obvious this player is the one we saw leaving and joining the world earlier in the run so the runner G gathers the netherite ingots from his friend and places down a crafting table now you’re probably expecting him to craft an axe or maybe even a sword but he instead crafts th’s Hammer that thing is crazy so after destroying an entire village with this new item the runner begins his search for a ruined portal and everything appears to go pretty smoothly as the runner finds finds the exact amount of obsidian he needs to finish the portal in the chest there’s just one issue the runner doesn’t have a flint and steel in their inventory or enough iron to craft one so how are they supposed to light the ruined portal well the runner turn to the side and randomly starts mining some sand and when he turns back around he reopens the chest and magically finds the exact flint and steel that he needs but hold on just a few seconds ago we saw the speedrunner complet completely clear out the chest and there were zero items left in it now I would be suspicious of his friend we saw earlier but he’s nowhere to be found well until you look a little closer at these blocks of obsidian where you can actually see his friend wearing an Obsidian Skin and now it’s obvious how the flint and steel ended up in the chest so using the flint and steel from his friend the runner makes his way into the nether so the Run continues with the runner attempting to find a nearby Fortress and he seems to locate it pretty quickly which is bizarre considering he didn’t use the common technique of scanning for entities like a real speedrunner would well let’s take a closer look at this zombie pigman for some reason he’s been walking in the exact direction as the speedrunner the entire time he was looking for the Fortress but that’s not all because at this Frame when he turns around we can actually see that this isn’t a zombie pigment at all but a player wearing a Zombie Pigman skin because look at the sword he’s holding a real zombie pigman holds it up while his is held facing down it’s pretty obvious this is the same friend we’ve seen throughout the Run pretending to be a zombie pigman to lead him straight to the Fortress so the runner locates The Blaze spawner and all appears to be normal he kills a few blazes and gets the normal one rod per Blaze that he kills but notice how the runner magically seems to get a fire resistance effect at this Frame which is bizarre considering he didn’t have a potion in his inventory and we never saw him drink one himself well let’s take a closer look at this specific Blaze where if you look closely you can tell this Blaze is not like the rest and at this part of the footage we can actually see this quote unquote Blaze is the one who threw a potion onto the runner if you haven’t caught on this clear clearly isn’t a blaze but his friend simply wearing a blaze Skin So with a fire resistance potion it’s pretty easy for the runner to collect seven blaze rods where he makes his way to a nearby Bastion and in the beginning everything he’s doing is completely normal he’s throwing gold his trades are 100% normal and he isn’t getting any strange potion effects until the runner turns around and finds a genie and he’s so excited oh my gosh guys it’s the magical Minecraft Genie did I miss an update so the genie types in chat granting the runner three wishes he can use Genie may I please use my first wish on a stack of Ender Pearls and is this actually going to work oh my gosh he actually got them oh my gosh guys he actually gave me the ender pearls it works for the second wish the runner decides to ask for some obsidian most likely to build a nether portal it worked again oh my gosh guys the magical Minecraft Genie and for his third wish the runner to decides to ask for a girlfriend Genie may I please wish for a girlfriend but unfortunately his Third Wish isn’t granted so after getting the pearls he needs he uses the obsidian he got from the genie to craft himself a nether portal and head back to the Overworld and as soon as he spawns in the runner sees the magical Minecraft Genie once again please just give me one more wish well the genie actually gives the speedrunner a book and when the runner opens it it reads the the exact coordinates of the strongholds thank you Genie oh my gosh I love you Genie this Genie is so overpowered so the runner finds the coordinates and digs down straight into the strongholds where he’s easily able to locate the end portal and once again he sees the magical Minecraft Genie who gives the speedrunner a chest with the most overpowered items in all of Minecraft this Genie is so overpowered so the runner enters the portal and spawns into the end and this is where things get weird because it appears as though the Ender Dragon is dead as he doesn’t have a health bar at the top of the screen and when the runner goes to the surface the portal is already filled but he still sees an Ender Dragon well if you watch closely doesn’t he seem to be moving slightly different than normal dude this is literally the goofiest Ender Dragon I’ve ever seen and since when does he drop golden apples well if you couldn’t already tell this Ender Dragon is actually a player’s friend we’ve seen throughout the Run who is actually using a morph modon because at the end of The Run he actually transfers back to his normal form this next speedrunner spawns in and immediately goes to mine some wood he then collects some rocks and then gets into a fight with the spider wait this is the wrong footage this next beatun begins but there’s already something fake about about it no it’s not his game mode as we can clearly see he’s in survival and it’s not even a spawn as he’s facing completely straight but it actually has to do with his hot bar because he’s selecting the fifth slot in his inventory the problem is when a real speedrun begins you’re supposed to be selecting the first slot of your inventory meaning this world generation is completely fake but giving in the benefit of the doubt he starts off by mining some wood crafting some tools and locating a nearby V Village all pretty legit but the loot in this Village chest is a completely different story because the rudder finds bread an iron sword obsidian a bazooka wait [Music] what it’s pretty obvious he faked his world generation to put this bazooka in the chest off camera so the runner gathers some hay kills the Iron Golem and searches for a nearby lava pool now a normal speed Runner would likely use a water bucket to begin crafting the nether portal the problem is this speedrunner doesn’t have a water bucket in his inventory or enough iron to craft one so how is he going to get the obsidian for the nether portal well the runner pulls out the Flint and steal from his inventory and wait what he just created a nether portal with literally no obsidian I honestly have no idea how that’s even possible so the runner enters the float fling nether portal and makes his way into the nether now when the runner spawns in watch how the speed Runner starts to run in a very specific Direction which actually leads him straight to the location of the Fortress but how is it possible he knew the location of the Fortress without using any speedrun techniques to locate it well let’s run the footage to when the runner first spawned into The Nether take a closer look at this Magma Cube seems to be pretty normal right well this is actually where things get extremely fake because this isn’t actually a real Magma Cube but actually a player head because at this Frame when the runner opens his chat we can see the command where he gets the player head from the user kpn1 199 and if we look at this player’s profile the head of his skin is a Magma Cube and now if we go back to the footage notice how the runner has been following these magma heads all the way to The Fortress it’s pretty obvious he placed the heads himself to remind him which direction to travel hoping we would think they were magma cubes and wouldn’t suspect him now giving him the benefit of the doubt the fight with the blazes in the Fortress seems fairly normal and the runner collects seven rods pretty quickly but when the runner travels to the Bastion it’s a completely different story because when he enters the Bastion he searches for a gold Block in hopes of mining it to trade with piglins the problem is the the runner doesn’t have an iron pickaxe meaning he can’t mine this block and can’t collect any gold well he locates a nearby chest and to nobody’s surprise he finds the exact iron pickaxe that he needs the only issue is that it’s impossible for an iron pickaxe to spawn in a Bastion chest and the runner doesn’t even get the achievement when he equips the iron pickaxe this all points to the runner placing the iron pickaxe in the chest himself in creative mode off camera so using the iron pickaxe the runner collects some gold and starts trading with piglins now on the surface this trading looks completely legit but hidden through the handful of normal trades is a single trade that’s actually fake because the speedrunner gets a single piece of cyan wool from the piglin an item that isn’t possible to be traded from a piglin and while that may seem innocent this one block will be crucial later in the speedrun so the runner collects his ender pearls and builds a portal heading back to the overworlds and using the process known as triangulation the runner locates the stronghold completely normally so the runner completes the end portal and spawns into the end and here’s where things get crazy do you remember when the speedrunner got this strange piece of canyan wool from a piglin trade in the nether well he uses this piece of wool to craft a weapon called the Earth’s corpse that thing is incredibly powerful this next speedrun begins and at a first glance it appears fairly normal he’s selecting the first slot of his inventory he’s in survival mode and his hunger bar is completely full but take a closer look at this speed runner’s Crosshair in a real Minecraft speed run your Crosshair will always be parallel to the surrounding blocks but in this speedrun we can actually see that the Crosshair is angled slightly to the left of this tree which means this world generation is completely fake and the runner has already been on this world so the runner starts off by mining some wood crafting some tools and locating a nearby Village and while the village itself is completely normal the speedrunner actually just cheated because let’s rewind the footage to when the runner first started searching for The Village notice how he seems to run in a very specific Direction which is odd considering he had no way of knowing the location of the village well if you look a little closer you can actually spot these strange pieces of dirt on the ground and if we play the entire clip you’ll actually notice the runner has been following these dirt blocks all the way to the Village it’s pretty obvious he placed the dirt blocks himself before recording and now it’s clear why he had to fake the world generation so the runner enters the village and after collecting some beds and Gathering some hay he goes to loot the chest in this village house and on the surface this loot would appear to be pretty normal with the runner finding feathers flint and even an emerald and to further prove his innocence he finds the exact loot that would normally spawn in a Fletcher house the exact house that he’s located in so what could possibly be fake about this part of the speed run well the problem comes from the biome that this Village is located in because a Fletcher house can only spawn with a chest in one specific Village a Tyga Village the problem is if we rewind the footage we can clearly see this isn’t a tyaga village which means the runner actually place this chest himself off camera to gain an advantage so after Gathering his loot the runner makes his way to a nearby ruins portal and at a first glance the loot in the chest seems completely normal at as all the items are ones that can naturally spawn here but the chest is not what’s fake about this part of the speedrun because let’s play this clip back in slow motion and tell me if you noticed what just happened look there’s actually a secret pressure plate on this piece of stone right in front of the chest and if you move your focus to the right of the screen you can actually see this pressure plate moving a piece of obsidian in place to complete the portal clearly the pressure plate was placed by the speedrunner off camera and secondly it’s not even possible for Pistons to move obsidian so I don’t even know how he pulled that off so the runner finishes looting the chest lights the portal and makes his way into The Nether and giving him the benefit of the doubt his spawn seems fairly normal he’s still in survival mode he gets the advancement for entering the Nether and he doesn’t have any strange potion effects but despite all of this the runner still manages to locate The Fortress extremely quickly very bizarre considering he didn’t use any speedrun techniques to locate it like a real speedrunner would well let’s pause the footage at this specific frame where if you look extremely closely into the top of the screen you can make out the shape of an arrow from this glow stone and if you play the footage notice how the speedrunner runs in the exact same direction as this glowstone Arrow points it’s pretty clear he placed this himself off camera to remind him which direction The Fortress was located so the runner enters the Fortress and for the first time in the entire speedrun he does something pretty normally as the runner fights the blazes and starts collecting rods without any suspicious activity until when he kills this specific Blaze he drops the ball Rog that thing is so powerful so after destroying an entire population of blazes and collecting seven rods it’s now time for the runner to locate a Bastion but he locates the Bastion in a way you’re probably not expecting because the runner pulls out his pickaxe randomly starts digging straight down and falls right into the heart of a Bastion the problem is it’s literally impossible for a fortress and Bastion to spawn in the same region so I have literally no idea how this Runner pulled that off so the runner enters the Bastion but there’s just one slight problem the runner doesn’t have a single iron pickaxe in his inventory and without an iron pickaxe there’s no possible way for him to mine gold and he can’t trade with piglets well let’s watch this clip in slow motion because as the speedrunner is casually walking throughout the Bastion an iron pickaxe seemingly drops from the sky but let’s rewind the footage to see what really happened because remember when the speedrunner used a pressure plate earlier in the run to gain an advantage well if you look closely at this piece of Blackstone you can actually spot another pressure plate and if we listen to the speedr runner’s audio we can actually hear the sound of a dropper being activated meaning this pressure plate was placed on purpose for the runner to get an iron pickaxe hoping we wouldn’t notice and to prove this even further at this Frame we can actually see the exact position The Dropper was located so using the iron pickaxe the runner can easily collect golden ingots and he starts making trade with the piglins but throughout the handful of completely normal trades is a single trade that raises suspicion which is when the runner gets this singular piece of redstone and while it may appear innocent it’s impossible for Redstone to be traded from a piglin and this will make more sense later in the run now after collecting 16 ender pearls a normal Minecraft speedrunner would build another portal and head back to the Overworld in hopes of locating the stronghold the problem is the runner doesn’t have enough obsidian to build a portal so how is he going to get to the Overworld well the runner randomly decides to run to this wall and starts digging until after only a few seconds he stumbles across the Overworld in the nether what am I even looking at well the runner walks through and I guess he’s actually in the Overworld I’m so confused on what just happened so once in the Overworld the speedrunner then throws his eyes a vendor using a technique known as triangulation to locate the strongholds but if you pay close attention you’ll actually notice that the runner isn’t following any of the Eyes of Ender he’s throwing and actually traveling in a completely different direction let’s take a listen into his audio to figure out what’s going on yo Brandon what were the coordinates for the stronghold again I forgot bro well he’s literally talking to a friend asking him the exact coordinates for the strongholds how is he going to play this off guys we’re at the stronghold I just use a secret technique I can’t reveal I’m pretty sure we all know his secret technique is called cheating so the runner enters the stronghold and ends up locating the ends portal room there’s just one problem the runner only has four Eyes of Ender left after he wasted too many earlier in the Run meaning he doesn’t have enough to complete the portal and travel to the end until the runner makes this announcement all right guys I’m going to go get some water I’ll be right back in a sec and the runner turns off his speedrun there’s just one problem he didn’t turn off his audio and we can actually hear the sound of Eyes of Ender being placed into a portal guys I’m back let’s continue the run and to nobody’s surprise the portal now has eight Eyes of Ender leaving him with the perfect amount to finish the portal so the runner enters the end and this is where things get crazy do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner got this piece of redstone from a piglin well he uses that very piece as the last item in crafting a shrinking device is that even a real Minecraft item well instead instead of shrinking the player it actually turns him into a giant and he’s literally as tall as the N crystals and being this size the fight with the Ender Dragon is fairly easy the only problem is he’s just slightly too big to enter the portal this next Runner spawns in directly near a shipwreck where he’s in survival mode selected the first lot of his inventory and he’s facing completely straight seems legit but as the runner goes to loot the Shipwreck ch T we can clearly see another player trying to hide behind these wooden planks the problem is this is a solo speedr run and having another player on the same world is clearly not allowed so when the runner finds a god Apple in the Shipwrecked chest it’s pretty obvious his friend is the culprit the runner then returns to Shore and locates a nearby Village and heads straight to one specific village house where the chest inside contains some fairly normal loot bread apples a super battle axe wait [Music] what but hold on a second how did the speedrunner know that this super overpowered item was in this village house well let’s go back to when the speedrunner first entered the village if you look very closely above the house that contains the Super Battle Axe you can actually see the outline of a player wearing a skin he thinks Blends in with the sky most likely this is is the same friend who accidentally revealed himself earlier in the run and he purposely flew Above This village house to alert the player the Super Battle Axe was inside so the runner finds a nearby lava pool and enters into The Nether the speedrunner then decides to use a popular speedrun technique for locating a fortress where they increased their fov and use the number of entities to guide which direction of Fortress may be located but when comparing their method to a real speedrunner it’s obvious that this Runner is simply using this as a distraction because at the exact same time we can actually spot the friend we’ve seen throughout the Run flying in a very specific Direction and 20 seconds later if we listen to the speedruns audio we can actually hear a Discord notification and all of a sudden the speedrunner knows the exact Direction The Fortress is located it’s pretty obvious his friend used a locate command to find the Fortress dm’d him the coordinates on Discord which the speedrunner used to find the Fortress so he enters the Fortress finds the blaze spawner but only collects four rods and later when he goes to locate a Bastion he decides to only collect six ender pearls a normal Minecraft speedrunner would often collect far more of each item to have enough eyes to finish the portal but his small amount of items will make sense very soon so the runner needs to make a portal to head back to the Overworld the problem is he didn’t get enough obsidan obsidian to be able to build another portal until when he’s walking a stack of obsidian magically falls from the sky and if you look closely you can see particles in the air meaning the obsidian was being dropped by his friend using an invisibility potion so using the obsidian the runner is able to make their way to the Overworld and they seem to locate the stronghold very quickly but giving them the benefit of the doubt their process seemed fairly normal now do you remember earlier in the run when the speedrunner did not collect a normal amount of rods and Pearls well he enters the stronghold and he only has six size of Ender far too little to complete the portal well when he enters the end portal room he finds a chest called the item duplicator is this a new update that I missed okay he’s got to be joking why is he actually putting his eyes of vender it’s not going to work okay how is that possible well I guess now it’s clear why he didn’t need to collect a ton of rods or pearls in the nether so with enough eyes ofender the runner makes their way into the end and when they spawn in the end the friend isn’t even hiding that they’re part of the speedrun and they kill the Ender Dragon together this next speedrun responds in directly next to a ruined portal suspicious but considering his spawn seems fairly normal we can say it’s legit however the loot inside this ruined portal chest is a different story because scattered among the obsidian and gold is an item that isn’t possible to spawn in this chest this piece of Blackstone and while it may appear incredibly innocent this one block will be extremely important part of the speedrun very soon now even though the runnner spawned directly next to a portal without enough obsidian he’s forced to look for a nearby Village and while the village looks completely normal on the surface there’s one small detail which reveals there’s something incredibly suspicious going on because look very closely at this Village light post a normal village light post contains four torches one on each side of the block but in this speedrun one of the Torches has been mysteriously missing and once the speedrunner notices this they decide to dig straight down under it leading them to a fully completed nether portal it’s pretty obvious they broke one of the Torches to remember a ruined portal was under this specific lampost so the runner enters the portal and heads into The Nether and without scanning or doing any speedrun Tex technique they somehow managed to locate the Bastion almost immediately but rewind the footage to when they first spawned in take a close look at this lava pool if you look closely you can actually see that it creates the shape of an arrow and this Arrow points to the exact direction of the Bastion the runner clearly messed with it before recording to point thems in the correct direction so after collecting 16 ender pearls a normal speedrunner would then search for a nearby Fortress but this speedrunner oddly decides to start building a nether portal even though he hasn’t been to a fortress and has zero blaze rods well instead of using flint and steel to light the portal they decide to use gold how is that even possible well the speedrunner enters it and they spawn directly into a fortress since when did they add a fortress portal into Minecraft so the runner finds the blaze spawner where they collect nine rods very quickly they then build a normal nether portal and head back into the Overworld and using the process of triangulation they locate the stronghold and enter the end well do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner found this Blackstone Block in the ruined portal chest well he uses that very block as the final piece to crafting the super infinite matter sword which deals over 128,000 damage with one swing and the end Dragon stands no chance against this weapon this next Speed Run begins and on the surface it appears fairly normal he’s in survival mode there’s no items in his inventory and the runner’s facing completely straight however take an extremely close look at this village house in a normal village house the entrance will always include a stair right in front of the door but in this speedrun we can clearly see that instead of a stair there’s a wood plank meaning the speed speed Runner deliberately marked out this village house because the chest inside contains iron apples and a grenade launcher remember this for later the runner then makes his way to a nearby lava pool but if you look closely the speedrunner has an empty bucket of water in his inventory not one with water which means there’s no way for the speedrunner to create a nether portal like a normal speedrun but somehow even though his bucket is literally at empty he’s actually able to place water that is absolutely mindblowing so after summoning water out of literal thin air the speedrunner enters the nether now the issue with this spawn into The Nether is that the speedrunner somehow has a fire resistance effect even though he clearly didn’t have this seconds earlier when he was the Overworld the only possible explanation is that the speedrunner has already traveled to the Nether and he almost would have got gotten away with this until you look closer into the corner of the screen where a singular wooden pickaxe can be located clearly the speedrunner tried to get rid of it off camera but forgot to clean it up the speedrunner then makes his way to a nearby Bastion where he collects gold blocks and starts to trade with piglins until he finds let’s just say a rather strange looking piglin but don’t worry there’s no way this piglin can actually trade loot wait how did he just get ender pearls I’m so confused so the runner then begins to search for a nether fortress but notice how fast the speedrunner is running way faster than the normal Minecraft character speed well take a close look at the top right corner of the screen normally this is the exact area where potion effects are displayed in Minecraft but the speedrunner has conveniently placed a subscribe button in the exact same spot meaning the speedrunner is trying to hide the fact that he’s using a speed potion he likely got off camera so he finally makes his way to the Fortress and after killing blazes gets seven rods now I want you to take a mental image of his inventory at this very moment you’ll see why this is important in a few seconds so the runner leaves the Fortress before randomly deciding to change tabs from Minecraft to fortnite and literally starts to play now while it may appear that he’s being dumb by wasting a ton of time he’s actually using this as a way to try to cheat because when he logs off fortnite and finally returns back to Minecraft take a very close look at his inventory there has been a netherite sword magically added to his hot bar when this exact slot was empty before he started playing fortnite it’s pretty clear he used fortnite as a way to distract us from adding an overpowered item to his inventory off camera the speedrunner then makes his way back to the Overworld now a normal speedrunner would now use the process of triangulation to locate the position of the strongholds but this speedrunner claims to have a brand new method that’s even easier let’s take a listen so all you have to do is go to the nearest tree go 10 blocks to the right and dig straight down all right so no way will this actually work it’s not actually going to lead into the strongholds how did that work now you’re probably thinking that this speedrunner is some sort of Genius but there’s one small detail which reveals this method is completely fake take an extremely close look at the tree he uses to quote unquote locate the strongholds do you notice how the texture of this piece of wood is slightly different from the rest of the tree well this is because the piece of wood is actually horizontal not vertical which isn’t possible to spawn naturally meaning the speedrunner deliberately marked out this tree as a way to remember the stronghold was directly under it so the runner enters the stronghold finds the end portal room and enters the portal now a normal Minecraft speedrunner would then use beds or even a bow to kill the Ender Dragon but do you remember earlier when the speedrunner found a grenade launcher in this Village chest well he equips it and nothing else needs to be said this next speedrun begins but there’s already something fake about it no it’s not his inventory as he’s selecting the first slot with no strange items and it’s not even his game mode as he’s in survival with zero XP but let’s take a closer look at the speedrunners world generation this loading screen is exclusive to one specific Minecraft version Bedrock Edition the problem is when the runner spawns in we can clearly see he’s playing Java Edition this means the footage of him generating the world and spawning in are actually two different clips edited together which will make more sense very soon so the Run begins with a speedrunner mining some wood crafting some tools and locating a nearby Village where the runner gets extremely lucky finding a village with a nearly completed ruins portal and a desert pyramid but as he collect some beds and gather some hay this seed seems slightly familiar and after a little search on the web I actually found this exact same seed from a YouTube video called ruins portal and Temple in a village look The Village contains the exact same houses the ruins portal is the exact same shape and the desert temple is in the exact same location it’s pretty obvious the runner is using this set C to gain an advantage which explains why he had to fake the world generation but it doesn’t stop there because it would appear as though the runner gets extremely lucky finding the exact amount of obsidian he needs to finish the ruins portal but after I loaded this exact seed for myself and check the very same ruins portal chest you’ll actually find that two obsidian spawns here not three which means the runner also placed an extra piece of obsidian in the chest himself before recording so the runner finishes building the portal lights it and spawns into The Nether and on the surface it would appear as though the Runner gets incredibly lucky spawning directly in front of a Bastion however there’s one small detail that Reveals His spawn is completely fake because before the speedrunner spawns in notice how he’s facing completely straight however when he does spawn into The Nether he’s actually facing slightly to the left this isn’t possible as you will always spawn into The Nether facing the same direction you entered the portal and to prove his spawn was fake even further I built the exact same nether portal myself and spawned in a completely different location it’s pretty obvious the runner faked his nether generation in order to gain an advantage so the runner enters the Bastion but this is where things get weird the runner can’t seem to find any gold blocks in the Bastion so the runner instead decides to pull out some leftover iron ingots and starts throwing them at the piglins hoping they will make a trade okay this guy must be new to speed running this clearly doesn’t work oh my gosh I’m going to be honest I have no idea why the piglins are trading with iron ingots and if these piglins weren’t weird enough they don’t drop a single ender pearl for the speedrunner but instead draw blaze rods which is not only impossible to get from a piglin trade but will become incredibly important very soon so after collecting eight blaze rods from a piglin trade the runner starts to search for a nearby Fortress but this is when the speedrunner randomly stops moving even though their timer is still going let’s take a listen to their audio to figure out what’s going on Marcus come downstairs your dinner’s ready and the speedrunner cuts off his footage 5 hours later so finally the speedrunner returns and continues his search for a fortress but hold on you most likely didn’t catch it but he actually just cheated because let’s take a very close look look at his inventory before he left his speedrun to go eat dinner notice how this slot is clearly empty however when the speedrunner returned from his meal this exact same slot suddenly has a fire resistance potion it’s pretty obvious he used eating dinner as an excuse to get a fire resistance potion off camera so with a fire resistance effect applied it’s incredibly easy for the runner to fight the blazes but these blazes are slightly different than than normal because instead of dropping blaze rods they actually drop ender pearls the piglins and blazes in this speedrun are literally switched so after his fight with the blazes the runner collects 12 ender pearls where a normal speedrunner would build another portal and head back to the Overworld the only issue is they don’t have enough obsidian in their inventory to craft a Nether Portal themselves so how are they supposed to get back to the Overworld well the speedrunner pulls out a few items from his inventory and crafts a magic wand is that a real Minecraft item well the speedrunner grabs the wand and after a bright flash he summons a fully lit nether portal and I’m going to be honest I have no idea what just happened so the speedrunner enters the nether portal that he summoned and makes his way into the Overworld we thankfully he uses the common technique of triangulation to locate the exact position of the stronghold or that’s at least what he claims because let’s watch very closely as the speedrunner is digging into the strongholds if you slow down this part of the footage notice how these two items in his inventory swap places which actually reveals there was a cut in his recording my guess is this location the speedrunner claimed to be the strongholds was completely fake and he cut the video to find the real location of the stronghold in spectator mode pretending it was here the the entire time so the runner enters the strongholds but there’s just one problem the runner simply can’t seem to find the location of the ends portal room well the runner opens this stronghold chest where he finds some pretty normal items bread apples an iron pickaxe mining goggles wait what did I miss an update well the runner puts on his mining goggles and he can now see every bit of the strongholds which allows him to easily find the end portal room is this even a real Minecraft item so the runner enters the end portal room but has one slight issue he ends up being just one eye short of completing the end portal well the runner once again pulls out his magic wand and after another flash of light he summons the final Eye of Ender that he needs this magic wand is too overpowered so the runner finishes the portal enters the end and here’s where things get crazy on the surface his spawn seems to be completely normal the Ender Dragon still has full health he spawns on an obsidian platform like in a real speedrun and he doesn’t have any strange items in his inventory but as the runner is casually running on the surface he morphs into an ender dragon and now he’s flying around in the end well as an Ender Dragon he head straight towards the real Ender Dragon but I guess he must be too weak because he actually dies this next speedrun begins and on the surface it appears fairly normal survival mode check first slot of the inventory selected check and he’s facing straight so what could possibly be fake about this speedrun well if you look extremely closely into the top corner of the screen you can spot a parrot and while the parrot itself is completely normal this actually proves that the spawn is completely fake because rewind the footage to the loading screen before the Runner generated his world this is the loading screen for the Minecraft version 1.8.9 the problem is parrots were not introduced into Minecraft until 1.2 this means that the footage of him loading into the game and his spawn are actually two different Minecraft versions and clips edited together and the speedrunner is likely using a set seed so the runner gathers some wood crafts some tools and finds a nearby Village now right off the bat there’s already something wrong because take a very close look at the loot in this Village chest while it may seem fairly innocent on the surface one item is completely fake and that’s this bucket buckets can only spawn in one specific village house a savannah house but if we rewind the footage we can clearly see this isn’t a savannah house meaning the runner placed the bucket in the chest himself off camera but that isn’t all that’s fake with this part of the speedrun because when the speedrunner leaves the village house he’s suddenly greeted with a ruined portal right in front of him the problem is there was clearly no ruins portal anywhere in this Village before he entered the house so how is this possible well if we take a closer look at the speed owner’s audio when he’s in the village house we can actually see that there was a clear cut in the recording listen I’ll play the audio for you where the cut is pretty obvious [Music] most likely the speedrunner cut the footage went to a completely different village that contained a ruins portal and pretended it was there the entire time so the runner goes to the ruins portal but there’s a bit of a problem the runner is left just one block short of completing the ruins portal so how is he going to go to the nether without a completed ruins portal well he decides to pull out his iron pickaxe and starts mining this block of obsidian okay is this guy new to Minecraft everyone knows you need a diamond pickaxe to collect the obsidian oh my gosh it actually worked I honestly have no idea how he did that and I don’t even want to question it so the runner places the final piece of obsidian lights the portal and makes his way into the nether now on the surface nothing suspicious seemed to have happened he’s still in survival mode he doesn’t have any strange potion effects and everything appears to be completely legit but take a very close look look at the speedr runner’s armor bar before the runner entered the nether the bar was only at half a tick but when the speedrunner spawned into The Nether the bar has mysteriously jumped to one and a half ticks and when the speedrunner opens his inventory we can actually see that he has mysteriously acquired a gold helmet even though we clearly didn’t see him have this before he spawn into The Nether well if we rewind the footage we can actually spot the exact moment where the spe Runner cheated because at this Frame we can actually see the loading screen cut it’s pretty obvious the runner cut the video and got the gold helmet off camera as he knew it would make trading with piglins much easier so the runner finds the nearby Bastion and with his gold helmet collecting 16 ender pearls is pretty easy now looting the Bastion was completely normal however the Fortress is a completely different story because let’s take a very close look at the loot drops when the runner fights the blazes he kills the first Blaze and gets one rod completely normal and when he kills the second Blaze he again only gets one rod but the issue arises on his third Blaze because when he kills it he somehow has two blaze rods drop in front of him this is clearly impossible as blazes can only drop a Max of one rod per Blaze well let’s rewind the footage and look a little bit closer if we slow the footage down notice that at this Frame we can actually SP bought another player standing right above him and notice how the blaze rods drop right under where he’s standing it’s pretty obvious this second Blaze Rod was thrown by the player’s friend so after collecting all the rods and Pearls he needs a normal speedrunner would build another portal and head back to the Overworld but this guy seems to have a slightly different plan because he drinks a potion of fire resistance jumps in this huge lava pool and ends up falling directly into the strongholds how is that even possible so the runner enters the strongholds and this is where things get straight embarrassing because it would appear as though the runner gets super lucky and finds the end portal room very quickly but one listen to his audio reveals how bad he is at cheating let’s take a listen yo go up those stairs all right left go left yeah yeah down down okay right go right yeah yeah door right there his friend is literally directing him Straight To The Ends portal room I don’t think this guy realizes his mic was unmuted the entire speedrun so the runner finishes the portal and heads into the end where the speedrunner finds Mr Beast is that the real one or just his friend we saw a couple minutes ago well Mr Beast types in the chat that he’ll give the speedrunner $10,000 if he jumps into the void and he must have taken the offer because the run just ends there this next Speed Run begins and there’s already something fake about it no it’s not his inventory as it’s completely empty with the first slot selected and it’s not even his game mode as he’s in survival with zero XP but look at the speedr runner’s difficulty when he opens his menu it’s set to normal the problem is we clearly saw the speedrunner had his difficulty set to easy when generating his world this means that the footage of him loading into the game and his spawn are actually two different clips edited together and the runner is using a set seed which will make more sense very soon so the Run begins with the runner mining some wood crafting some tools and entering the nearby Village and the loot in this Village chest is completely normal as all are completely legitimate items that can spawn here but hold on did you catch that at this Frame while the runner was looting the chest he gets a Discord notification containing a link to a YouTube video and while that may appear innocent let’s take a closer look if we copy that exact same link down and search it on YouTube We’re led to a video titled the top five speedrunning seeds for Minecraft and let’s take a closer look at the first seed mentioned in the video look the spawn is the exact same with a village and cherry blossom biome and the loot in this Village chest is also completely identical it’s pretty obvious the runner is using this set seed to gain an advantage age which is why he faked his world generation earlier in the run so the runner continues by breaking some beds Gathering some hay and beginning to search for a nearby ruins portal and without using any speedrun techniques he seems to think the ruins portal is under this random block okay there’s no way it’s actually located here oh my gosh it actually worked but how is that possible well let’s rewind the footage to right before the speedr runners started to dig down out in this entire patch of completely normal flowers is one flower that reveals this is completely fake which is this blue Orchard because this specific flower can only spawn in a certain biome a swamp biome but as we can clearly see this is not a swamp biome which means the only way it could be here is if the runner placed it himself off camera likely to remind him the ruins portal was under this patch of grass so the runner digs down to the portal and begins to loot the chest and luckily he finds all the normal items that you’d usually see here which actually allows them to use the obsidian to complete the nether portal the only issue is he didn’t remove the blocks of crying obsidian and with crying obsidian in a portal it’s impossible for it to light well the runner pulls out his flint and steel anyway please don’t tell me this works and actually lights it I don’t even want to know how he pulled that off so the runner lights his portal spawns into The Nether and thankfully everything looks normal he’s still in survival mode with the same items in his inventory and he doesn’t have any strange potion effects well let’s actually see if that’s true because let’s play this part of the footage and tell me if you notice what just happened did you catch that the runner clearly touched this lava but didn’t take any damage at all and he clearly doesn’t have a fire resistance effect as the top right corner of his screen is completely empty so I’m just going to be honest I have no idea how that just happened either way the runner eventually locates The Fortress and starts to fight some blazes but now the runner has suddenly acquired a fire resistance effect but first we clearly never saw him drink one and secondly he never even had one in his inventory well let’s slow down this part of the footage and look a little closer as when the runner is seemingly staring at this wall you can actually notice the slightest cut in his recording and at this exact frame we can see the faintest message of a command giving the player a fire resistance effect it’s pretty obvious he gave himself the fire resistance with a command and tried cutting it out so we wouldn’t notice so with the fire resistance effect it’s pretty easy for the runner to collect seven blaze rods when he then makes his way to a nearby Bastion where thankfully when trading with piglins every one of his trades is completely legitimate but I think the runner got tired of the trades taking too long because he randomly decides to grab a piglin and now it’s in his inventory what did the piglin do to deserve that so after literally stealing a piglin the runner collects his pearls and needs to head back to the Overworld the only problem is he doesn’t have enough obsidian to build a nether portal well the runner pulls out some extra wool from his inventory and starts making the shape of a portal all right this has to be a joke right what am I looking at no way that actually just worked so the runner makes his way back to the Overworld where a normal speedrunner would begin searching for the stronghold using His Eyes of Ender but this speedrunner has a slightly different idea because he instead heads for a nearby Village specifically this village house and on the surface this house would appear to be pretty normal but boy would you be wrong because the speedrunner looks at this completely normal wooden plank and opens it revealing a ladder all the way down to the stronghold I’m not even going to question it anymore so after somehow making their way to the stronghold the runner finds the end portal room and spawns into the end where they find something incredibly strange a pig with a saddle on it well the runner must think this is some sort of magic Pig because cuz he starts talking to it pig pig may you fly may you fly high in the sky okay if that actually works oh my gosh he’s on a flying pig and literally flying all around the end that’s actually so cool well the runner flies straight towards the Ender Dragon but his Pig dies and he falls all the way to his death this next speedrun begins with the runner spawning directly next to a shipwreck where he’s in survival mode with zero XP he’s selecting the first slot of his inventory and he’s facing completely straight but as the speedrunner makes his way to the nearby shipwreck he accidentally reveals he’s cheating because when the runner opens his menu to change his controls notice how this sheep in the background is still moving in a real single player speedrun opening your menu will cause all in-game activity to pause however when play playing on a server mobs and other creatures will still move even when you’ve opened your menu this moving sheep proves the speedrunner is playing on a multiplayer world something clearly not allowed and will make more sense in a few seconds so the runner makes their way to the nearby shipwreck and at a first glance things appear to be pretty legit as the first two chests that he loots contain completely normal items that would spawn here but when the runner goes to loot the third chest there’s one SL light issue in a real shipwreck this chest will always spawn on the left side of this wall but in this speedrun we can see this chest is located on the right and while the loot inside the chest may appear to be normal it’s actually impossible for an iron bucket to spawn here these two issues prove this chest was placed by somebody off camera and when the speedrunner looks to the right you’ve got to be kidding me there is no way he thinks we can’t see him it’s pretty obvious this player trying to blend in with the ocean is the one who placed the chest here and now it’s obvious why the runner is on a multiplayer world so the Run continues with the speedrunner returning to shore crafting a few more tools and locating a nearby Village and at a first glance this Village would appear to be completely normal as the runner starts collecting some beds Gathering some hay and even kills the Iron Golem all completely legit but that’s until you take a look at this specific village house which is clearly a house from a Plains Village not a savannah Village and when the speedrunner goes to loot the chest in this misplaced village house he of course finds some pretty overpowered items now you’re probably wondering how this strange village house even got here as we clearly never saw the speed Runner build it well if you take a closer look at this villager you can actually see it’s not a villager at all but but a player wearing a villager skin this is clearly the same friend we saw earlier in the run and he’s likely the one who built the wrong village house so the runner grabs his items from the chest leaves the village and starts to search for a nearby ruins portal and without using any speedrun techniques the speedrunner seems to think a ruins portal is under this very block okay that’s literally impossible there’s no way it’s actually under here oh my gosh now before you think this speedrunner is some sort of Genius let’s rewind the footage to see what really happened if you take it closer look at this part of the clip you’ll actually notice that these two items in his inventory switch places and if we slow down the footage frame by frame there’s a single frame where we can see the speedrunner changing their game mode to spectator it’s pretty obvious the runner used spectator mode to look underground for a ruins portal and tried cutting his video so we wouldn’t be able to see so the runner digs down locates the ruined portal and begins to loot this ruined portal chest where thankfully all the items that spawn here are completely normal but the runner only gets two obsidian from the chest meaning he’s going to be just one block short of completing the portal but if we play the footage the runner somehow is able to place three blocks of obsidian and complete the portal but hold on that’s literally impossible we clearly saw he only had two in his inventory well when the speedrunner turns around for just a split second you can actually see another player holding a block of obsidian in the corner this is clearly the same player we’ve seen throughout the run and he clearly placed that extra piece of obsidian to help out the runner so after receiving some help from his friend the runner lights the portal and makes his way into the nether where he spawns directly in front of a fortress and while that may appear to be simply luck this spawn on is actually completely fake because look at this lava right next to the Fortress you can clearly see that it’s already flowed all the way down to the surface of the nether the problem is lava can’t start flowing until a runner spawns into The Nether and if we take a closer look at the speedrunner spawn there’s actually a single frame where we can see the runner spawned in a completely different location it’s pretty obvious the runner didn’t spawn in front of the Fortress but cut his video to make it seem like he did to gain an advantage so the runner enters the Fortress but there’s just one slight issue he doesn’t have a fire resistance potion anywhere in his inventory which will make it incredibly hard for him to fight blazes well the runner turns this corner on the Fortress and magically acquires a fire resistance effect but if we rewind the footage to just a few seconds ago we can actually spot his friend holding a fire resistance potion clearly ready to throw it as the speedrunner passes by they’re so bad at hiding their cheating so with a fire resistance effect it’s incredibly easy for the speedrunner to fight blazes but I guess it’s taking just a little too long because out of the blue comes his friend dropping him a [Music] gun well that all happens quite quickly so after destroying an entire family of blazes the runner collects his seven rods and leaves the Fortress now a normal speedrunner would then make their way to a Bastion to collect ender pearls a crucial item in crafting Eyes of Ender but this speedrunner decides to ignore a Bastion and instead go back to his NE portal heading straight back to the Overworld this will make more sense in a few seconds so the runner spawns back into the Overworld and starts to run in a completely random Direction until he stumbles across a back Bastion in the Overworld how is that even possible well the runner enters the Overworld Bastion but there’s literally zero piglins likely due to the fact that piglins can’t survive in the Overworld well I must have misspoken because the runner does find one single piglin but it doesn’t take a genius to realize this isn’t actually a piglin but the same exact friend we’ve seen throughout the Run wearing a piglin skin and if you weren’t already convinced inced this quote unquote piglin drops the speedrunner an entire stack of Ender Pearls so after collecting pearls from the so-called piglin the runner locates the stronghold and begins to search for the end portal room which he seems to locate extremely quickly very bizarre considering he didn’t use any techniques for locating the room like a real speedrunner would well rewind the footage to when the speedrunner first enter the strongholds notice how some doors contain this strange block on top while other doors don’t well this strange block is actually mossy cobblestone a block that can’t spawn naturally in a stronghold and if you watch the footage you’ll notice the runner only goes through doors with this piece of mossy cobblestone on top it’s pretty obvious the runner placed these blocks himself to remind him of the correct path to the end portal room so the runner enters the end portal room lights the portal and spawns into the end and thankfully everything appears to be completely normal at a first glance the dragon is at full health he’s still in survival mode and he doesn’t have any strange items in his inventory but when the runner goes to the surface he finds the dirt Ender Dragon did I miss an update dude this is literally the goofiest Ender Dragon I’ve ever seen well being a dirt Ender Dragon the speedrunner only has to pull out a single wooden pickaxe and he’s easily able to destroy the dirt Dragon this next speedrun begins with the runner spawning directly in front of a village where he’s in survival mode he has no items in his inventory and he’s facing completely straight but take a closer look into the corner of the screen where you can spot a singular piece of wool this reveals he’s already been playing on the world and he forgot to pick up the item after killing a sheep but giving him the benefit of the doubt the Run begins with him Gathering materials for some tools collecting heads and getting some Hay all completely legit until the runner stumbles across the Dreamhouse did I miss an update no way guys oh my gosh we found the super ultra rare dream house so the runner enters the Dreamhouse and inside is that the real dream guys oh my gosh I’m so lucky well right next to dream is a chest with all of the items you would need to enter the nether but I think the speedrunner is more focused on the fact that he found dream in his world OMG dream can I please get an autograph I love you this guy is out of control so after collecting all of the items from the dream housee the runner crows his nether portal and makes his way into the nether now it would appear as though the runner gets extremely lucky and spawn directly in front of a fortress but let’s rewind the footage to see what really happened if we play the clip frame by frame we can actually see that the runner spawned in a completely different location but edited his recording to make it look like he spawned in front of a fortress so the runner enters the Fortress and goes to loot this Fortress chest and inside is all of the normal items you’d expect to spawn here a saddle Nether Warts iron ingots a gold chest plate big Bera wait what this guy is starting to scare me so after destroying an entire family tree of blazes the runner collects seven rods and begins to search for a Bastion but on his way he once again spots dream dream oh my gosh you’re back well dream actually starts to lead the speedrunner to this strange wall dream where are you taking me dude well he pulls out a torch from his inventory and places it on this specific block and when he clicks the torch it reveals a secret passage way all the way to the Bastion what so after summoning a secret the runner makes his way into the Bastion but let’s take a very close look at the loot in this Bastion chest he finds some gold obsidian and even a few arrows but he also finds this potion of slow falling and while it may appear innocent this item can’t spawn in a Bastion chest remember this for later so the runner locates some gold crafts some ingots and starts to trade with the nearby piglins and while all of the items he’s getting from the the trades are completely normal the amount of each item he gets are completely fake because first he gets three blocks of obsidian even though the max per drop is only one he also gets six ender pearls from a single trade even though the maximum is four and he even gets two potions of fire resistance even though there’s a Max of one the runner clearly messed with the loot drops for the piglins to give himself an advantage so after collecting all the pearls he needs the runner builds a portal and heads back to the Overworld now like previous Runners this speedrunner completely ignores throwing his eyes of vender like a real speedrunner would interesting well do you remember when the speedrunner found a potion of slow falling from the Bastion chest he drinks it and just Watch What Happens he just phased through the floor and fell directly into the strongholds this guy is crazy so the runner enters the strongholds and using a common speedrun technique he easily locates the end portal room but there’s just one slight issue after placing all of his eyes in the portal he ends up being just one eye short so how is the runner supposed to light the portal and head into the end dream save me please okay no way this is going to work oh my gosh it’s dream so dream comes out of the floor and looks at at the speedrunner giving him the final Eye of Ender that he needs and then he disappears so after collecting the last Eye of Ender he needs the runner can enter the end now when the runner spawns in there’s already a few problems first he doesn’t get the achievement for entering into the end secondly he spawns directly onto the surface instead of an obsidian platform and lastly he finds a chest with some extremely overpowered it items and with all of this overpowered loot the Ender Dragon doesn’t last long at all this next spe begins with the runner mining some wood crafting a few tools and locating a nearby Village where he’s selecting the first slot of his inventory he’s in survival mode and he’s facing completely straight but let’s take a look at this specific blacksmith on the surface it may appear to be pretty normal but take a closer look at this specific torch in a real blacksmith there is always a torch on this wooden plank but in this speedrun we can actually see that the torch is on this Oak log this was clearly Changed by the speedrunner off camera as a way to Mark out this specific village house because the chest inside contains gold apples a prismatic Reaper wait what those poor villagers so after destroying an entire family of villagers the runner needs to find a nearby lava pool to craft NE portal the problem is the runner doesn’t see a single lava pool anywhere near his spawn so the runner decides to open his menu and navigate to the resource packs tab where he decides to put in a very specific resource pack is that x-ray this guy is literally cheating well the runner applies the X-ray texture pack and all of a sudden he can see every single lava pool in the game this guy isn’t even trying to hide that this run is fake so the runner digs down to the nearby lava pool and using his water bucket begins to craft the nether portal but this guy must be new to speedrunning because he clearly has no idea how to build this nether portal well the runner turns to this wall and appears to be checking his inventory but when the speedrunner turns back around the portal has magically been completed when clearly just a few seconds ago it was nowhere near close to being done well if you play this part of the footage in slow motion you can actually see that these two items in his inventory switch clearly the speedrunner cut the video finished building the portal off camera and pretended like nothing happened so the runner lights the portal spawns into The Nether and luckily things appear to be pretty normal as a spawn is completely legitimate he doesn’t have any potion effects and he starts looking for a nearby Fortress but the runner must have gotten tired from running because he magically starts flying but wait we can see his hot bar he’s clearly in survival mode how is that even possible so the runner flies all the way to the Fortress before locating the blaze spawner but at a first glance doesn’t it appear as though there’s far more blazes than would naturally spawn here well if you take a closer look into this part of the Fortress you’ll actually notice this floating Blaze spawn egg in the air and you can also see these strange particles floating around that very egg and if you move ahead a few seconds to when the runner is leaving the Fortress you can actually see that a player is holding this egg after his invisibility potion ran out it’s pretty obvious he’s the one who spawned this unnatural amount of blazes so with all of these blazes it’s fairly easy for the runner to collect seven blaze rods where he then begins to search for a nearby Bastion and he actually man just to find one pretty normally there’s just one slight issue this Bastion is located on the complete opposite side of this huge lava pool and because the runner does not have any ender pearls how is he supposed to get there well the runner casually just starts walking on the lava is that even a Minecraft feature so the runner enters the Bastion and thankfully his trades with the piglins appear to be pretty normal as all the items he collects are completely legitimate but now is a good time to take a closer look at the timer the speedrunner has had going the entire run while it may appear to be innocent this is yet another way the speedrunner is cheating because let’s compare 5 Seconds of his timer to 5 Seconds of a real [Music] timer look his timer is actually moving way slower he’s literally using a slow down timer to get a faster time for his speedrun so after collecting all the pearls that he needs a normal speedrunner would likely build another portal and head back to the overworlds the problem is the runner doesn’t have enough obsidian to build a nether portal for himself well he starts running in a random Direction until he actually stumbles across a fully built nether portal but hold on if we rewind the footage we can actually see this nether portal being built right before he gets there this was clearly built by the same friend we saw spawning blazes earlier in the run so the runner enters the portal heads back to the Overworld and begins to search for the strongholds and using a popular technique known as triangulation he locates the strongholds and enters the end portal room but this is where things get weird the runner finishes placing his eyes in the end portal but for some reason it looks like a nether portal and when the speedrunner jumps in is he in the nether in the end what am I even looking at here he’s literally in the end but every single block is like the nether that portal must have been very cursed well do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner got the Prismatic Reaper well he pulls it out and the Ender Dragon doesn’t last much longer this next beer spawns in directly next to a ruined portal suspicious but considering his spawn seems fairly normal we can say it’s legit however the loot inside this ruined portal chest is is a different story because scattered among the obsidian and gold is an item that isn’t possible to spawn in this chest this piece of Blackstone and while it may appear incredibly innocent this one block will be extremely important part of the speedrun very soon now even though the runner spawned directly next to a portal without enough obsidian he’s forced to look for a nearby Village and while the village looks completely normal on the surface there’s one small detail which reveals there’s something incred incredibly suspicious going on because look very closely at this Village light post a normal village light post contains four torches one on each side of the block but in this speedrun one of the Torches has been mysteriously missing and once the speedrunner notices this they decide to dig straight down under it leading them to a fully completed nether portal it’s pretty obvious they broke one of the Torches to remember a ruined portal was under this specific lamp post so the runner enters the portal and heads into The Nether and without scanning or doing any speedrun technique they somehow managed to locate the Bastion almost immediately but rewind the footage to when they first spawned in take a close look at this lava pool if you look closely you can actually see that it creates the shape of an arrow and this Arrow points to the exact direction of the Bastion the runner clearly messed with it before recording to point thems in the correct direction ction so after collecting 16 ender pearls a normal speedrunner would then search for a nearby Fortress but this speedrunner oddly decides to start building a nether portal even though he hasn’t been to a fortress and has zero blaze rods well instead of using flint and steel to light the portal they decide to use gold how is that even possible well the speedrunner enters it and they spawn directly into a fortress since when did they add a fortress portal into Minecraft so the runner finds the blaze spawner where they collect nine rods very quickly they then build a normal nether portal and head back into the Overworld and using the process of triangulation they locate the stronghold and enter the end well do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner found this Blackstone Block in the ruined portal chest well he uses that very block as the final piece to crafting the super infinite m sword which deals over 128,000 damage with one swing and the Ender Dragon stands no chance against this weapon this next speedrun begins but there’s already something fake because look to the left of where the speedruners spawned in where you can see a sign displaying the singular number three clearly placed by the speedrunner keep this in mind for later as it’s not the first number we’ll see throughout the run so the runner enters the village where he starts collecting hay and breaking some beds but when the runner goes to kill the Iron Golem notice how it isn’t actually attacking back and if you look closely into the distance you can actually spot a second Iron Golem in the exact same Village he likely spawned in his own iron golem in creative mode to make it easier to kill as Iron Golems built by players can’t fight back so the runner then goes to loot this Village chest and while the items inside seem fairly normal on the surface if you take a closer look look the loaves of bread actually make the shape of the number seven that’s the second number we’ve seen in the speedrun and don’t forget it as there’s more coming up so the runner crafts himself a bucket gathers some wood and begins to search for the ruins portal now pause the footage at this moment where we can clearly see that the ruins portal contains eight pieces of obsidian now the runner turns to the side and kills the rabbit for some food but when he turns back to face the portal there’s magically been a piece of obsidian Oban added as there’s now nine blocks instead of eight and of course the chest contains one obsidian the perfect amount to finish the portal but how did a piece of obsidian get added to the portal well let’s go back to just a few seconds earlier when the speedrunner killed the rabbit if you put the footage in slow motion you can actually see that there was a cut in the video as the player magically teleported slightly to the left which allowed the speed Runner to go off camera plac the extra piece of obsidian and pretend like it never happened so the runner enters the Nether and giving them the benefit of the doubt the spawn seems completely legit there’s only one issue when he’s making his way to a nearby Fortress take a very close look at this wall where the number eight can actually be seen in the wall remember this number along with the three and seven we’ve seen earlier in the run now the runner enters the Fortress finds the blaze spawner and gets seven rods pretty normally he then makes his way to a nearby Bastion where he finds an abnormal amount of piglins way more than can naturally spawn and when the speedrunner accidentally hits a piglin they don’t become hostile and don’t attack him back something that’s impossible as piglins will always become hostile after you hit him meaning the runner changes game mode a peaceful off camera so the runner gathers His Eyes of Ender and leaves the nether now when the runner spawns into the overworlds take a very close look at this tree where for the fourth time we can see a number mysteriously in the speedrun this time the number three all these numbers will make sense very soon so the runner throws his eyes of vender and locates the strongholds and when he enters into the end here’s where things get weird when he spawns in he’s greeted with a very Strang looking chest and when the runner tries to open it he’s given the option to enter a password well throughout the Run we’ve seen the speedrunner come across four distinct numbers first we saw the number three on a random sign then lows of bread made the shape of a seven he then saw the number eight in the wall in the Nether and he saw his final number as leaves in a tree so of course there’s only four possible numbers that could be the password to this chest and when the password’s successful the runner finds an interesting item known as The Hammer of the storm which gives the runner the ability to summon lightning at any moment he wants yeah that item’s way too overpowered this next speedrun begins and there’s already something off no it’s not his spawn as he’s facing completely straight and it’s not even his hot bar as he has zero items in his inventory and he’s in survival mode but look into the left corner of the screen you can spot a bonus chest the problem is we clearly saw the speedrunner had this option disabled when he generated his world this means that the footage of him loading into the The Game and his spawn are actually two different clips edited together this will make more sense very soon so the runner starts off by breaking some wood crafting tools and locating some buried treasure where he collects some golden iron fairly normal loot but he then finds a suspiciously convenient ruins portal directly next to his spawn and while the loot in the chest seems to be fairly normal this seed seems slightly familiar well after a bit of research on the official speedrun.com website look at the second fastest speedrun ever attempted by the runner no fear 1337 and if we take a look at the spawn notice how it’s exactly the same as this speedrun the berry treasure is also in the exact same location and the loot is completely identical meaning the speedrunner took the seed from this world record run and used it to gain an advantage hence why he had to edit together His World Generation to make it seem real so the runner finish es the portal and spawns into The Nether directly next to a Bastion and while that may seem very suspicious that isn’t what’s fake about this part of the speedrun because take a closer look at the zombie pigman to the right of him if you put the footage in slow motion you can see that there was a slight cut in the recording as this zombie pigman jumped completely forward in time but why was there a cut well notice how the speedrunner has suddenly acquired an iron pickaxe in his inventory when just second earlier we can clearly see that this same inventory slot was not an iron pickaxe he clearly cut the video to get an iron pickaxe in creative mode as he knew you couldn’t mind gold blocks in the Bastion without an iron pickaxe and what’s even funnier is he literally had enough iron to craft the pickaxe normally but still decided to cheat so using this pickaxe he enters the Bastion and successfully collects 27 gold ingots but this is where things start to get interesting because it appears as though the piglins are making trades without any gold being in their hands and what’s even weirder is that we can clearly see the runner still has 27 ingots in his hot bar meaning he hasn’t even dropped any for the piglins to trade with so how are they making trades without any gold in their hands honestly I have no idea and I don’t even want to question it so the runner gets lucky with his trades and collects 16 ender pearls out of thin air now a normal speedrunner would then make his way to a fortress to collect blaze rods a crucial item in crafting eyes vendor but this spe decides to ignore Fortress and instead build a portal heading straight back to the Overworld this seems very weird but it will make sense in a few seconds so the runner spawns back into the Overworld but randomly decides to craft a bow and sail in a random Direction until he finds a fortress in the Overworld how is that even possible well now it’s clear why he didn’t bother looking for one in the nether so he enters the Fortress finds the blaze spawner and collects seven rods fairly easily he then crafts Eyes of Ender and starts throwing them in hopes of locating the strongholds and to nobody’s surprise the eyes point to the strongholds being directly under the Fortress so the runner digs down enters the stronghold and starts to search for the end portal room which he seems to find extremely quickly very bizarre considering he didn’t use any techniques for locating the room like a real speedrunner would well rewind the footage to when the speedrunner first entered the strongholds notice how the block on top of some of the doors is slightly thinner than blocks on other doors this thinner block is known as a stone brick wall not a regular stone brick and if you replay the footage notice how the speedrunner only enters doors with this thinner block on top these were clearly placed off camera by the speedrunner as a way to direct him in the path of the end portal room so the runner places His Eyes of Ender and teleports into the end now instead of immediately going for the dragon or even trying to break the crystals the speedrunner claims to have a brand new strategy to kill the dragon and I’ll let him explain okay guys there’s a brand new feature They just added called the secret dragon Vault and we’re going to go loot it right now okay well last time I checked this isn’t a real feature why is he actually breaking the obsidian oh my gosh it’s actually real so the runner enters one of the most overpowered secret vaults I’ve seen in Minecraft full netherite armor a chest filled with God apples and a strongest bow in all of Minecraft and with this loot the Ender Dragon doesn’t last much longer this next run begins and take a very close look at the world generation in a real speedrun the screen must show this box being completely filled in but in this speedrun you can see him cut the footage before the box is completely finished so when he spawns directly in front of a village we know the speedrunner is using a set seed and tried editing the world generation to make it seem real but giving the speedrunner the benefit of the doubt everything looks fairly legit during his spawn he has zero XP he selected the first slot in his hot bar and he doesn’t have any items in his inventory but take a close look at the loot in this Village chest there’s iron there’s some apples and a villager rocket I’m pretty sure this isn’t a real Minecraft item so the Run continues with the speedrunner making his way to a near by ruins portal but notice how he passed several rose bushes on the way which is impossible as rose bushes can’t spawn in plane biomes the biome that the speedrunner is in meaning the speedrunner planted them off camera to lead him straight to the location of the ruins portal so he opens the chest where he finds some iron and obsidian pretty normal loot but he also finds a lever which is impossible as levers can’t spawn in Village chests remember the lever for later so the runner grabs the obsidian from the chest and completes the nether portal now you probably didn’t even notice it but the speedrunner actually just cheated because look just a few seconds ago when the speedrunner opened his inventory we can clearly see that there is not a single flint and steel anywhere in his items but we can clearly see he used flint and steel to light the nether portal so how did he get it well if we slow down this part of the footage we can notice a slight cut happen in the recording likely the speedrunner then went off camera and got a flint and steel in creative mode so he enters the Nether and the first thing you’ll notice is that the lava is already flowing lava cannot start floating until someone spawns into The Nether and because the lava has already flowed all the way down we know the speedrunner had already entered the nether off camera and this is confirmed even further when the speedrunner doesn’t get the achievement for entering into the Fortress the speedrunner then randomly gets a fire resistance effect even though he never had one in his inventory and this is likely to help him out with fighting blazes where he gets a respectable amount of rods now in a normal speedrun Runners would then travel to a Bastion where they would trade with piglins to collect ender pearls but I guess I may have missed an update because first off I don’t remember Gold Blocks spawning in a fortress and secondly I definitely don’t remember there being a piglin spawner instead of a blaze spawner this guy can’t stop cheating so he uses the gold he got from The Fortress And Trades with the piglins to get ender pearls where he slowly makes his way back to the Overworld now this is where normal speedrunners would begin throwing their eyes a vender hoping to locate the stronghold through a process known as triangulation but this guy seems to have a different plan do you remember when the speedrunner got a lever from this Village chest earlier in the Run well wow I guess this is the new method for getting to the strongholds so he finishes the portal but notice how the speedrunner doesn’t spawn onto an obsidian platform like a real speedrun but spawns directly onto the surface and also notice how the Ender Dragon seems to have already lost some of his health before the speedrunner did any damage to it now the only possible explanation for this is that the speedrunner has already been to the end and simply didn’t include it in the recording and he almost would have gotten away with this until you look very closely into the corner of a screen where a single ender pearl can be found on the ground likely from the speedrunner killing an Enderman off camera and forgetting to clean it up now in a normal Minecraft speed the runner would likely kill the dragon with beds maybe even a bow but I think it’s clear this is anything but a normal speedrun do you remember earlier in the run when the speedrunner got the Villager launcher so he equips it and dies while killing the ender dragon how can you be this bad while cheating this next speedrun begins and at a first glance everything appears to be pretty normal he’s in survival mode he selected the first slot of his inventory and he has zero XP but take a very close look at the area surrounding him when he spawns in in a real Minecraft speedrun your character will always spawn parallel to the surrounding blocks but in this speedrun you can clearly see that the speedrunner is actually facing diagonally this all means that the speedrunner has already generated this world and the loading screen was fake so he makes his way to a nearby Village where he gathers some hay and gets some beds he then opens this chest that contains some pretty interesting Loop apples bread and three diamonds now you may not even realize it it but some of this loot is completely fake a diamond is only able to spawn in one specific village house a blacksmith but rewind the footage to just a few seconds earlier where we can clearly see that this house is not a blacksmith meaning the speedrunner placed the diamond himself in creative mode to get an advantage because he uses these very diamonds to craft himself a diamond Destroyer that thing is powerful so the Run continues with the runner looking to locate a ruined portal and he happens to find one pretty quickly which seems awfully suspicious well rewind the footage to just a few seconds earlier where if you zoom in on this specific tree do you see how it makes out the shape of an arrow with its leaves this was clearly created by the speedrunner as a way to remember which Direction the ruin portal was located so he loots the chest at the ruin portal which contains two obsidian fairly normal loot the only problem is that means he’s just one block short to complete the portal so how is he going to travel to the nether well the speedrunner pulls out a dirt block places it in the final slot for the portal and this guy’s dumb this clearly is not going to work how did that work I’m not even going to try to explain how he did that so the runner spawns into The Nether and things seem fairly normal he’s still in survival mode he doesn’t have any potion effects and he starts searching for a fortress but pause the footage at this Frame where the speedrunner opens his inventory where we can spot a singular Fire Resistance potion hidden in the corner but look just a few seconds ago when he spawned into The Nether he clearly didn’t have this potion in his inventory well if you actually place this part of the footage in slow motion you can actually see that there was a clear cut in the video as the lava completely jumps forward in time meaning the speedrunner cut the video and got the fire resistance potion off camera so using this potion it’s extremely easy for the runner to kill blazes and get seven rods now a normal speedrunner would then make his way to a Bastion to collect ender pearls but this speedrunner decides to head straight back to the over World interesting and it will make sense soon so the spawns in but without ender pearls it’s impossible for him to locate the stronghold well he finds a nearby Village and opens a chest with pretty normal loot bread iron and a waist Stone there’s no way this is a real Minecraft item so he gets the waist Stone places it down and when he clicks it teleports straight into the stronghold is that even possible now even though the runner managed to get to the stronghold he still doesn’t have any ender pearls to complete the portal so he opens this chest and while it may appear as though these are completely normal items one item in particular isn’t able to spawn in this chest the lever and it’s clear the speeder place it there himself because he uses this lever for something very specific to turn off the lights is that even possible so the speedrunner Waits until exactly 1 minute has passed before the the lights turn back on and let me know if you can see what’s different about the world well compare the end portal from before and after the lights have been turned off it’s been completely filled in meaning the portal was filled by someone else while the lights were off so the runner jumps in the portal but finds an unsuspecting guess when he spawns into the end is that Herobrine things just got scary so Herobrine types in the chat demanding that the player throws every single one of his items into the void as a sacrifice so probably scared out of his mind the speedrunner complies and gets rid of all of his items and after the sound of the lightning strike the Ender Dragon has been mysteriously killed was it Herobrine I guess we’re never going to know so this next speedrun begins and take a very close look at the world generation in a real speedrun the screen screen must show this number reaching 100% but in this speedrun you can see him cut the footage at 98% so when he spawns right in front of a village we know he’s using a set seed and edited the world generation to make it look real but giving him the benefit of the doubt everything looks legitimate at a first glance he doesn’t have any XP he’s in survival mode and doesn’t start with any weird items in his inventory until you look closer at the roof of this village house which has clearly been marked by the speedrunner with this slightly different colored stair to Mark out the fact that this house has a chest with bread apples wait is that a rocket launcher remember this for later so he leaves the village and begins his search to find a lava pool to build a nether portal where he suddenly stops and digs straight down at this random block magically leading him straight to a lava but how is it possible he knew to dig down at this exact block well if we slow down this footage from just a few seconds earlier you can clearly see the position of the bread and apples in his hot bar switch meaning there was a cut in his recording which allowed the speedrunner to go off camera and find the location of the lava pool in spectator mode so he begins to build his nether portal but ends up running out of lava with just one block short of finishing the portal but somehow he actually manages to light the nether portal and I’m not even going to try to explain how he does that so he enters the Nether and immediately spawns in front of a fortress but instead of heading straight into it the speedrunner oddly just stops moving his character and stands completely still while the timer is still running uh let’s just take a listen to his audio to figure out what’s going on Jimmy get off Minecraft and go do your homework I kid you not he literally changes his tab from Minecraft to Con Academy and starts doing math equations you cannot make this up 5 minutes later anyway he finally returns to the game and heads into the Fortress where he’s able to get seven blaze rods fairly easily he then makes his way over to a nearby Bastion and ends up getting pretty lucky with the piglin trades getting 16 pearls very quickly but but that is not what’s fake about these piglin trades because he also ends up getting a compass something that is impossible to receive from a piglin trade now you’re probably asking why would the speedrunner fake getting a compass because how could that even help him in the speedrun well when he goes back to the Overworld and opens his crafting table he uses this exact Compass to craft something called a stronghold finder and with just one click of it a message of appears saying stronghold located and the compass directs the speedrunner straight to the stronghold and now it’s clear why he made it seem like he got the compass from a piglin so he finds the end portal room and begins to fill the portal but ends up just being one eye short but hold on take a closer look at this block this block is smooth Stone when in a normal stronghold this block is supposed to be a stone brick and when he breaks this smooth Stone he magically finds a chest with the last eye of vendor he needs to finish the portal he clearly tried to Mark out the spot of the chest by using a different block hoping we wouldn’t notice so the speedrunner enters the end and here’s where things get crazy you’re probably expecting him to fight the dragon with maybe some beds perhaps even a bow oh no no no do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner got a rocket launch from this chest well he equips it and I think the footage just spoke for itself this next speedrun begins near a village and honestly everything appears to be pretty normal the world generation looks good doesn’t have any XP in his hot bar and he appears to be in survival mode but as he goes to loot one of the village houses he makes a very obvious mistake he accidentally presses Tab and reveals that he’s playing with one other person something obviously not allowed during a solo speedrun but it doesn’t stop there because after getting some hay and looting a few more houses he forgets to mute his mic and you can clearly hear him talking to his friend the same one on the Minecraft server with him let’s take a listen yo you put the diamond in the chest right and it’s no surprise when he finds this exact diamond in the next village house that he loots it’s pretty obvious he’s using his friend to get op loot but this isn’t the only help he receives in the speedrun because as he makes his way to a nearby lava pool he finds a random water bucket on the ground and this guy has terrible acting okay guys basically there’s a new feature where water buckets randomly spawn so we’re just going to use that really quick but wait rewind the footage and take a closer look at this tree where the same friend we hear him talking to is trying to BL blend in by using a wood skin I think it’s pretty obvious he’s the one who dropped the water bucket there so he uses the water bucket to begin crafting a nether portal and enters the nether now it would appear that he’s traveling in a random Direction but he’s actually following these strange particles in the air and these particles are clearly coming from his friend we saw earlier in the Run using an invisibility potion and this is confirmed when he’s unmuted and we can hear him ask asking his friend to lead him to the Fortress let’s take a listen bro you’re leading me to The Fortress right this guy needs to learn how to mute his mic so he reaches the Fortress kills some blazes and gets seven rods but he doesn’t go to a Bastion to get ender pearls like in a normal speedrun because he actually finds an Enderman spawner something that definitely doesn’t exist in a fortress and I’m pretty sure we all know who placed this spawner here so he heads back to the Overworld world and it’s time for him to locate the stronghold but notice how he doesn’t actually follow this eye of anger that he throws and actually goes in a completely different direction where he somehow magically finds the strongholds but he makes a huge mistake you may have missed because in this Frame you can clearly see him using the slash locate command which reveals exactly how he knew to dig down at this block so he finds the end portal room but make note of the fact that there are zero eyes in the portal which is a problem for the runner because he only has 11 eyes and because you need 12 to finish the portal he can’t travel to the end but after the speedrunner loots this chest and turns back around there’s been an eye mysteriously placed in the portal now I would be suspicious of the friend we’ve seen throughout the run but there’s no particles in the air that would point to him being there but let’s take a closer look remember when the speedrunner tried to blend in with the tree earlier in the Run you’ve got to be kidding me he’s trying to blend in with the wall well I guess we know where that extra Pearl came from so the speedrunner enters the end but notice how he doesn’t have any beds something very commonly used to kill the dragon but not to worry because he finds a building called the bed house what explanation is he going to give this time guys let’s just go use the new bed house feature They just added to Minecraft yeah uh I bet my life savings that this isn’t a real feature so he goes inside the house where there’s a sign saying deposit obsidian and out comes all the beds that he needs to kill the dragon while this speedrun was clearly fake our next speedrunner might be even worse this next run begins with the runner spawning directly next to a Pillager Outpost and everything appears to look normal at first as the runner is in survival mode has no XP and he’s selecting the first slot of his inventory but move your focus to the speedr runner’s hunger bar if you look very precisely you can actually see that a sliver of hunger is actually missing meaning the runner has already played on this worlds before starting recording and this will make sense in a few seconds so the runner travels to the Pillager Outpost and goes to loot the chest and at a first look it would appear that this chest contains completely normal loot I mean there’s no overpowered items like diamond blocks or netherite swords so what’s the issue here well among all of the completely normal items is one item that actually can’t spawn in a Pillager Outpost chest which happens to be this chain which will not only be extremely important for later in the run but now it’s obvious that the runner placed the chain in the chest himself before recording which is what caused him to lose that hunger so the runner leaves The Outpost and locates a nearby Village where giving them the benefit of the doubt they do some pretty normal things like mining some wood getting some hay and killing the Iron Golem but let’s take a closer look at what happens when the speedrunner loots this chest before he enters take a look at the surrounding area got it so he enters the house loots the chest but when he leaves it’s literally night time when just 5 Seconds beforehand it was completely bright and fully daytime and if you look even closer the runner has somehow acquired an iron bucket when he clearly didn’t have that before he entered the village house the only possible explanation is that there was a cut in the recording but where well let’s watch this part of the footage in slow motion notice how when he stares at this Cobblestone wall he actually moves slightly to the left and that’s where he cut the video and it’s pretty obvious he did that to get the iron bucket off camera which must have taken a while because the time of day completely changed so using the iron bucket the runner finds a nearby lava pool and starts crafting the portal but watch this part of the footage very closely did you catch that the runner literally fell in the lava pool for a split second caught on fire but did not take any damage and it’s very clear he doesn’t have a potion effect because the top right corner is completely empty so how exactly did that happen well take a closer look at the speedr runner’s heart and hunger bar if you look closely doesn’t it appear as though the hearts and hunger bar are edited in it almost looks like it’s a screenshot because there’s a border around the heart and hunger bar that is a completely different background from the rest of the screen and to prove this even further I actually managed to find the exact frame where the screenshot was taken what does this all mean when the speedrunner fell in the lava they were actually in creative mode which explains why they took no damage but they put in a screenshot of their hearts and longer bar to make us think they were in survival so the runner finishes building the portal and heads into The Nether now a normal speedrunner would likely make his way to either a Bastion or a fortress to either collect blaze rods or pearls crucial items for completing a speedrun but this speedrunner seems to have a slightly different idea let’s take a listen all right guys there’s basically a new method where you get pearls and blaze rods for completely free okay I’m going to be honest I’m pretty skeptical but I guess let’s hear him out okay just find the nearest wall and count four blocks to the right and three blocks up there’s an invisible chest located at that point has everything you need okay let’s all be honest here there is absolutely no way this actually works this guy has to be joking all right 1 2 3 4 go up three and boom guys there’s a chest with all the stuff that you need I’ve watched hundreds of speedruns and let me be clear I have never seen something so crazy and I don’t even want to know how this guy just pulled that off so after collecting blaze rods and Pearls from an invisible chest the runner makes his way back to the Overworld and this is where the runner decides it’s the perfect time to advertise his YouTube channel where he puts this obnoxiously large subscribe logo in the bottom left corner of the screen and following this decision the runner runs in a very deliberate Direction leading him straight into the strongholds but how is it possible he knew this location without throwing any Eyes of Ender or using any techniques to locate it well while putting in the Subscribe button seems pretty innocent this was done completely on purpose to cheat in the speedrun because he puts this logo in the exact same area where commands and chat are located in Minecraft and if you go to this frame in the speedrun right after the runner removes the Subscribe logo you can actually see the faint message of a/ locate commands being used it’s pretty obvious he put this subscribe logo in that specific position to hide the fact he use a/ locate command for the strongholds so the runner enters the stronghold locates the portal and enters into the Eds but without any bows or beds how is the runner supposed to kill the Ender Dragon well do you remember earlier in the run when the speedrunner got this chain from the Pillager Outpost well he uses that very chain to craft themselves something called the punt gun that thing is literally bigger than the runner himself and with this weapon the dragon doesn’t last very long this next speedrun begins but take a very close look at the world generation before you generate a world in Minecraft you’re given a list of all of your previous generations on this menu and in this player’s case we can clearly see his most recent speedrun occurred at 6:33 p.m. which means any of his next speed runs will occur after this time so when the speedrunner finally spawns into his work world how is it possible that the time shows 307 which is nearly 3 hours before 6:33 unless the speedrun travels back in time this generation is completely fake and the footage of him generating the world and spawning in are actually two different clips simply edited together this will make sense soon so the runner spawns in and giving him the benefit of the doubt things seem fairly normal he mines some wood crafts himself some tools and finds a nearby Village but pause this YouTube video posted by dream over 3 years ago was his official world record speedrun and if we play the footage doesn’t the world and dream speedrun look oddly familiar to the world in this speedrun look here are both of their spawns the exact same location there’s also this exact super tall cactus in the desert and there’s also a pyramid in the same location in both speedruns it’s pretty obvious the speedrunner is using the same seed from dreams world’s record speedrun to try to get an advantage and now it makes sense as to why he faked the generation earlier so he enters the village and begins to get hay and collect some bets but when the speed goes to kill the Iron Golem notice how the Iron Golem isn’t actually attacking him back in a real Minecraft speedrun The Iron Golem will always attack you after you hit it but if you create one and spawn one in on your own it won’t fight back no matter how many times you hit it meaning this player spawned in the Iron Golem himself off camera to make it easier to fight so he collects the iron mines some gravel and begins to search for a lava pool when the speedrunner decides to Open Dreams video during his speedrun and starts copying his exact gameplay as he creates the nether portal if you didn’t think he was was using dream seed earlier this just confirms it so the speedrunner enters the Nether and goes in a very deliberate path to which he locates a nearby Fortress but how is it possible he located The Fortress so quickly well rewind the footage just a few seconds earlier when the speedrunner added this random keyboard Cam and while it may appear innocent he deliberately placed it in the bottom left corner of the screen the exact same area where chat and command are shown in Minecraft and if we put his footage in an editing software and slow it down frame by frame we can actually see the speedrunner used a slash locate command and tried to hide this command by adding in the keyboard cam but did it just one frame late so now it’s obvious how we found the Fortress so quickly so the runner enters the Fortress and begins to kill blazes and collect some rods he then finds a group of nearby Endermen and collects some pearls but notice how he’s only able to craft a total of six Eyes of Ender even though the end portal requires you to have at least 12 meaning he won’t be able to travel to the end but this will make sense in a few seconds so he makes his way back to the Overworld and finds the strongholds and when he enters the end portal room what kind of cursed end portal is that it’s clearly different from what a real end portal looks like and now it’s obvious why the speedrunner only had to collect six Eyes of Ender now I honestly don’t even know if this is going to work wait how did that work so the speedrunner enters the end and for some reason the Ender Dragon is somehow already dead so I guess he just jumps in the portal and completes the run this next speedrun begins with the runner spawning directly in front of a village and while everything appears to be completely normal take a closer look at the bottom left corner of his screen there’s a singular piece of pork on the ground meaning the worlds had already been played on and he forgot to pick up the item after killing a pig but that isn’t all that he did off camera because take a closer look at the door of this village house a normal village house contains two torches one on each side of the door however this village house only contains one on the left meaning the speedrunner broke one one of them before recording and this is likely to Mark out this specific village house because the chest contains bread apples a carrot sniper wait what the heck remember this for later the speedrunner continues the Run by collecting some hay and killing the Iron Golem to get iron and craft a bucket when he immediately goes to this very suspiciously placed dirt block and dig straight down which just so happens to lead him to the lava pool but how how is it possible the speedrunner knew to dig down at this specific block well the only way a grass block turns into a dirt block is if something is placed over it and because we can clearly see the speedrunner never did this the only explanation is that he placed the dirt block in creative mode to easily remember to dig down at this specific block and find the lava pool so the Run continues with the speedrunner creating a nether portal and entering the nether where the speedrunner finds a nearby Bastion so using his gos he begins to trade with the piglins to try to get loot it’s important to note that every single time you throw a gold inlet a piglin has a 2.18% chance of giving you four ender pearls and because the speedrunner only has three gold the absolute max amount of Ender Pearls he would be able to get is 12 however when the speedrunner is done trading he gets a total of 15 ender pearls the only explanation is that the speedrunner changed the Loot drop percentages of Ender Pearls from four pears to five for a single trade it can’t get any more obvious so he collects his pearls and makes his way to a nearby Fortress and is it just me or are there far more blazes than what usually spawn well if we pause the footage at this Frame we can see a blaze spawner egg hidden in his inventory that he forgot to get rid of of meaning the speedrunner simply used the egg to spawn in an insane amount of blazes so he easily collects his rods and then finds an oddly suspicious wall that clearly resembles the shape of a nether portal and of course this position spawns the speed Runner directly into the end portal room it’s pretty obvious he marked out this specific spot as he knew it would lead him to the portal so the speed Runner places the eyes and makes his way into the end in a normal speedrun the speedrunner would likely use beds to kill the Ender Dragon but we can clearly see that the speedrunner doesn’t have a single bed in his inventory well do you remember when early in the run the speed owner found a carrot launcher in this Village chest this is going to be [Music] interesting I guess the Ender Dragon couldn’t handle a simple carrot launcher this next speedrun starts with the runner mining some wood and crafting some tools where he then finds a nearby Village he starts by collecting some hay and killing the Iron Golem but the speedrunner then finds a very strange house in the village called the nether house what explanation is he going to give for this okay we’re going in the brand new village house called the nether house it’s a brand new feature so he enters the house and the chest contains all of the necessary items to enter the nether at least the house was named properly so using his items from the nether house the speedrunner enters the nether where he suddenly starts building straight up digs through the roof and ends up straight into the Fortress he clearly already knew the position of the Fortress before recording so the speed Runner searches for the blaze spawner where he instead finds Notch and the speedrunner is absolutely ecstatic oh my gosh guys we found notch in the speedrun that’s so lucky so Notch gives the speedrunner a full stack of blaze rods since when did not just give players items so the rudder collects his rods from Notch and begins to search for a nearby Bastion but the runner decides to randomly stop moving even though the timer is still going let’s check in on his audio to figure out what’s going on guys I’m I’m really sorry my dad just told me I got to go take out the trash so I’ll be back and the speedrunner cuts off to footage he does realize he’s in a speedrun right 5 hours later sorry guys I’m back just had to take care of that really quick so the speedrunner finally returns to the game but he actually just cheated because if you look closely at his inventory he suddenly has 16 ender pearls even though we clearly saw he never went to a Bastion meaning he used used taking out the trash as an excuse to cut the video and get ender pearls off camera so the runner craft himself a portal and heads back to the Overworld where he decides to start looking for the stronghold but strangely does not use any of his eyes of vender to do so but this will make sense soon so after trying to search for it Without Eyes of vender he suddenly gets the urge to dig down at this specific block I have a feeling the stronghold is under this block trust me it’s going to work and to my amazement this actually leads him straight into the strongholds but how did the speedrunner know to dig down at this exact block if he didn’t even use eyes ofender well take a very close look at the surrounding area before the speedrunner dug down do you notice this flower just a few blocks away from where he digs down well this is a flower known as the lily of the valley the problem is this flower is only able to spawn in a flower forest biome but we can clearly see the speedrunner is in a ples biome this all means that the runner placed it himself in creative mode to remind him that the stronghold was under this location so the runner finds the end portal room and crafts his eyes to finish the portal but when the speeder jumps in he gets sent to the nether is that even possible well he happens to spawn directly next to a room which not only has a chest with all of the items he needs to kill the Ender Dragon but a fully lit end portal for him to use extremely quickly so he gathers the overpowered items and gets teleported to the end and using these items the fight ends very quickly this next run starts off fairly normally with the runner mining some wood and crafting some tools the only possible issue could be the fact that the speedrunner has the fourth slot selected instead of the first but we’ll let it slide so the speedrunner goes to finish breaking this tree uh why is there a ladder there is that dream ore I don’t even know what I’m looking at but I guess I missed the update when they added dream ore into Minecraft now there also happens to be a chest in this strange cave the speedrunner enters and what do you know there’s a ton of overpowered items incl including a block of dream which apparently can be turned into ingots and then a full set of armor since when did dream get all of this stuff in Minecraft so fully equipped with the dream armor the speedrunner makes his way to the nether but right off the bat notice this strange block of TNT right as he spawns in which is impossible as the only place TNT can spawn naturally is under a desert temple meaning the speedrunner plant is this here in creative mode and this makes sense because after he lights off the TNT a chest is revealed hidden in the ground where the speedrunner gets an obnoxious amount of Ender Pearls from the chest now normally the runner would then make his way to a fortress to collect blaze rods so he can craft Eyes of Ender for the portal but in this speedrun the runner completely ignores going to a fortress and this may make sense later so the runner spawns back into the Overworld and take a very close look at these grass blocks as soon as he spawns in they actually appear to form what looks to be an arrow pointing the speedrunner in a very specific Direction so the runner follows the direction of the arrow and hold on wait why exactly is he a grizzly bear more importantly how is he a grizzly bear I’m just not going to ask any more questions so right here the Speer makes a blatant cut in his recording as we can clearly see a changed his game to survive and after jumping in this random pool of lava the speedor falls down a hole straight into you guessed it the end portal and now it’s pretty obvious as to why he set up an arrow cuz it leads him straight to the location of the end portal so the runner spawns into the end and right away why are there random dream NPCs in the end now he also finds what is a wish.com version of a Wither in the end this speedrun is so weird so the runner then opens a chest with two different things first a rainbow Scythe which clearly is not a real weapon in Minecraft and he also gets another wither head and finishes the Wither uh I don’t think that’s a normal wither why is it so scary luckily using the rainbow Scythe the speedrunner got from the chest he somehow kills the Ender Dragon without getting demolished by this insane wither uh maybe because the speedrunner is somehow in creative mode this next speedrunner is so confident he believes he’ll somehow get a world record today’s the day I’m going to get the world record for Minecraft speed running so let’s take a look right off the bat notice how he doesn’t show any world generation and skips straight from the loading screen to the spawn very suspicious but giving him the benefit of the doubt his spawn does seem fairly normal he’s in survival mode he selected the first slot in his inventory and he’s even provided us with a timer to track the speedrun but nothing can quite prepare you for what’s about to happen is that Jesus this must be a new update that I missed out on so Jesus spawns in and breaks a sand block leading to a chest which of course contains some of the most overpowered loot in the game so the speedrunner continues by looking for a spot to build a nether portal using the obsidian he received from Jesus but in this Frame we can clearly see he changes Game Hunter Survival meaning there was a cut in his footage my suspicion is he was looking for the best coordinates to place his nether portal but forgot to hide this message so he enters the Nether and yet again the chat exposes his cheating but instead of looking for a Bastion to get the gold needed to trade with piglins he magically gets all of the gold he needs from you guessed it Jesus so he tries to find a piglin to use this gold and it seems as though he finds one but take a closer look in slow motion you can see that the piglin makes this very fast and unrealistic movement which is very different from the movement mechanics of a real piglin also the shape of the piglin looks slightly different from a real one all this points to the piglin being an actual player most likely one of his friends simply used a piglin skin so he gives this quote unquote piglin his gold and hopes to receive some loot but instead of blaze rods his piglin friend accidentally gives him sticks how can you be this bad while cheating so he eventually gets his blaze rods and heads back to the Overworld and it appears as though he’s actually trying to speedrun for real because he starts throwing His Eyes of Ender to try to find the strongholds but as he’s doing this he finds a rather interesting m or shall I say Sonic how many updates did I miss so Sonic blesses the runner with the speed effect that’s apparently level 1,1 and I guess that’s so fast that he just teleports straight into the end now even though the speedrunner got insanely overpowered loot earlier in the Run you’ll notice that he doesn’t remember to bring any beds with him something used by almost all speed runners in a speedrun but I guess this guy had some feeling that he would magically find dream in the end wait that’s not the real one is it and dream givs the speedrunner a netherite axe with sharpness level 255 and it’s clear that the Ender Dragon stands no chance against this speedrunner so this next speedrun begins with the runner mining some wood crafting some tools and finding a nearby Village where he enters this house and finds a with some pretty normal items some iron some bread is that a dragon egg remember this for later so the speedrunner then goes to kill the Iron Golem but along with dropping iron the Iron Golem also drops flint and steel something that is impossible as flint and steel can’t be dropped from Iron Golems so the speedrunner travels to a nearby ruined portal and uses the flint and steel he got from the iron Golem to enter the nether okay so the speedrunner is in the Nether and take a very good look at the area surrounding him when he spawns because he goes to this wall and when he turns around he’s magically in front of a Bastion but if we compare this to the area he was at just seconds before we can clearly tell there was never a Bastion there meaning he used turning around at the wall as a distraction to make a cut in the speedrun this is further proven when he accidentally opens his chat revealing he used a slash locate command but even with all of this cheating the speedrunner decides to completely ignore the Bastion and never go inside of it even though in a normal speedrun the Bastion is used to trade with piglins and get ender pearls but this decision will make some sense in a second so he then finds a fortress and begins to kill some blazes but these blazes not only drop blaze rods but they also drop ender pearls meaning the speedrunner not only messed with the loot drops of the blazes but now it makes sense as to why he completely ignored the Bastion so he collects all of the rods and Pearls that he needs and wants to head back to the Overworld where he finds a very specific spot marked out to build a nether portal but if we take a closer look at the speed runner’s inventory he has zero obsidian so how is he supposed to craft a Nether Portal okay well I guess he’s deciding to build it with Nether Bricks not really sure how that’s supposed to work wait how did that work so the speedrunner heads back to the Overworld and ends up finding the stronghold and enters it so the speedrunner fills the portal and makes his way into the end and the first thing you’ll notice is that all of the end Crystal are mysteriously gone and the second thing you’ll notice is wait is that a threaded Ender Dragon this world is so cursed now in a normal speedrun beds are usually the preferred way to beat the game but I’m not sure if measly little beds will be able to handle the threaded Dragon well do you remember earlier in the run when the speed runer found a dragon egg well he uses the egg to spawn in his very own fire dragon that he can actually [Music] ride if you enjoyed Please Subscribe bye

This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-22 14:15:02. It has garnered 266060 views and 2677 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:14 or 7814 seconds.

The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I put together some of the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns I have EVER Reviewed. I Hope you enjoyed this video!!! This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…”

This video contains some of the funniest fake Minecraft speed runs on the face of the internet, some coming from obvious trolls who just want to make some people laugh to some children who have no idea what they are doing. This video


Make sure to follow me- My channel is based on Minecraft videos, family-friendly Minecraft content, Minecraft trolling, and Minecraft tips and tricks. If you enjoy funny Minecraft trolls and Minecraft videos, please make sure to subscribe!

Subscribe for more epic videos! Goal by the end of 2023 – 700k subs 🙂


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    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-obsidian-can-cry 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/airstrike-mod 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/back-weapon-slot 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/instant-sleep 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-sharpness 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/autoharvest 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!

    EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft/ WDW – Firework Show’, was uploaded by LegoMaker961 on 2024-06-17 04:12:07. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. From The Minecraft DLC: Magic Kingdom I don’t own any of the rights to anything. The Music in the show is owned by The Walt Disney Company. U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,… Read More

  • MineLett Network

    MineLett NetworkMe complace presentarles MineLett, un servidor que aspira a crecer junto con su comunidad. Nos esforzamos por estar atentos a sus inquietudes, quejas y sugerencias para mejorar constantemente. Actualmente, MineLett ofrece la modalidad de SkyBlock, donde encontrarás una amplia variedad de características. Además, estamos emocionados por las próximas actualizaciones que traerán aún más emocionantes características a la experiencia de juego. ¿Qué estás esperando para unirte a nosotros? Ven y diviértete con la comunidad de MineLett, ¡ayúdanos a crecer juntos! mc.minelett.com Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: Join our Discord server About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. Get more information about us in our server! Join Us: First join our Discord using the link above, then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More

  • Vampirism semi anarchy

    The version is 1.19.2 forge. The list of mods is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/fwvxqhquz7tho5bbnjjx8/AO57NhpPsCqqKjcDSgdr2vw?rlkey=mm7lkhy82yetknju6x09y1cgl&st=fd3v0yd8&dl=0 Sundamage is disabled to allow for more natural combat between players and to allow people to skip the night if there aren’t many people on, also it uses pre 1.9 combat Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Stealing leads like a boss😎

    Looks like someone is really on a leash with those leads 😂 Read More