๐Ÿคฏ Mind-Blowing VR Games You MUST Try!! ๐ŸŽฎ

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e [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] friends welcome May 27 2024 virtual strangers 213 is up on there I am your host West with me as always is my good friend Roots Roots it’s Memorial Day man I know I’m just enjoying the Chicago Memorial Day Parade behind me it’s amazing and uh you know going back to my old routs of uh Chicago SE town you know everybody loves of uh chit toown right d although you know who loves um you know who loves to go to seat town and loves D she does she loves she loves everybody he’s not going to exclude anybody from the party if you know what I mean you know I think it’s it’s funny because um Memorial Day is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in our our country you know every we we have our holidays our seven eight n whatever it is every year um it seems like most of the holidays the kind of traditional celebration is wearing off uh over time but days like Memorial Day and Labor Day which literally nobody who actually gives a [ __ ] about the true meaning of it uh but everyone takes that Monday off you know what I mean just a barbecue day you know what I mean for me it’s a day off because nobody wants to have me spraying poison in their house it’s kind of weird I I just want to like kill some bugs and you won’t let me do it on holidays you I have this dream of one day this is oh go this is the day where we take a moment to remember all of our fallen bugs yes yeah I I I just like have a dream of one day just walking by a family that’s barbecuing right and just be like oh oh don’t mind me I’m just spraying for bugs you know and I just spray poison and like the wind Mists it back all over their no maybe that wouldn’t be nice well that’s where the flavor that’s where the best flavor comes from bro yeah that’s what they say I don’t know that’s where um my my frustration when the wind starts whipping and I’m like oh good cuz I wanted to wear this today but yeah no uh Memorial day is amazing and uh I think any day to stop and and recognize the sacrifice the military makes I know this isn’t the same as like Veterans Day but um I the way I mean it’s it’s it’s very similar to Veterans Day it’s like it’s like Veterans Day for those of who aren’t here with us anymore right exactly and so um either way I I think there’s a lot of sacrifices military uh families make that people don’t think about right uh their their parent is gone or parents are gone for months on end and people don’t get to see their kids grow up or be see their dad or their mom and there’s a lot of things vers besides just the life that I uh so yeah I do appreciate everything that anybody in any military around the world you know it’s the same everywhere everybody’s making the same sacrifice for their their family and their country so yeah and it’s an interesting thing too and it’s going to be interesting uh over time to to just kind of see how attitudes towards these type of days uh continue to change over time because you know the populist very much is uh changing their views about the government and about war and um everyone especially anyone that has any type of patriotism for their country and I’m not just talking about Americans but all around the world everyone has the utmost respect for service servicemen uh and I’m no different like I have the utmost respect for anybody that that serves uh not only in Armed Forces but as a public servant as a police officer or firefighters you know anyone who devotes their Liv in service of others has my respect um but at the same time people are kind of waking up to the war machine right and the business a lot of money lot of money to be business behind Wars so I’m in this situation that I think a lot of us find ourselves in where like U we have the utmost respect for military personnel but I can’t think of a war in my lifetime that I felt like was entirely Justified so how people kind of come to grips with that and and deal with that and look at this sort of thing um is just interesting to me right uh how we continue to hold these these Heroes on a pedestal at the same time kind of um having this underlying loathing for the uh for for the uh the powers that kind of put these people into motion yeah it’s it’s being able to separate the two and I would use this example I don’t like the the Communist Chinese government but I love the people you know what I mean like I just don’t like the government that are oppressing the people and so like uh like I I love the military people I just don’t love a lot of what militaries around the world stand for and a lot of the weapons you know like you said there’s a lot of money to be made I say uh let’s all get along and play some virtual reality hell everybody would be uh better off for it I think yeah I think I think the the VR area is awesome because we’re all we’re all we’re all in training now right so when like the other shoe drops and everything goes to [ __ ] all that’s going to be left is former mil former military and VR Gamers yeah that’s true yeah because we’re all Shooters and and uh zombie apocalypse right who would have known the zombies were going to be the fenel users is crazy crazy no no but but for for real though um all jokes aside um you know uh I have many members of my family that uh H have served in the military and have since passed I’m sure the same as uh the true for many of the people in our um uh our audience here so I definitely honor their sacrifice don’t misunderstand um what I mean when when what we talk about the governments of the world I I just think that the information age has enlightened the population to the fact that um most governments in the world don’t truly serve the uh their people and and their populations but rather uh serve uh business in corporations and they they never have they never have throughout history it’s just a facade that people come in and out of Enlightenment I think we’re in a Enlightenment stage and um it’ll be interesting you know that’s that’s when uh we saw France you know the the famous beheadings and like at some point people I’m not saying people are going to behead people but at some point people get pissed off enough they hold their the people that have been pulling all this weird [ __ ] on them accountable it’s a good day people definitely will not be beheading people but uh the AI thei robots might do it oh that’s true they don’t have any feeling they won’t say no yeah that’s good police force um I know I think they’re the best police force um I love the AI personally myself it makes my life so much better and I think it’s going to make our games way better and you know who agrees with me Andrew iky of alchemy Labs apparently um thinks that people should be bullish about Ai and all jokes aside I agree with this uh this is something that we were even talking about this after our show on um on Friday after we finished up um playing Dying Light which was awesome in VR by the way if you didn’t catch that if you didn’t catch the episode be sure to go back and and give it a look it was uh it was a lot of fun roots and I played Dying Light n V are together uh but we started talking about the the sequel and some of the ways that it’s kind of uh different and more advanced and one of those ways I hear I haven’t played the game but I hear it’s kind of the first of its kind in where it’s using a different type of intelligence to make the world kind of morph around your decisions as you’re playing the game and I think that this type of utilization in AI can be revolutionary and could just be just the thing that finally breaks us out of this never ending cycle where the Next Generation all that really brings us is Beta Graphics and I think the AI can really bring some depth not and I don’t mean depth the way that you typically talk about depth with with like progression trees and this sort of thing but I mean like depth in the storytelling depth in the characters that that you meet in a game conversations yeah personalities you know you know the biggest the biggest thing I think that would for me that would impress me is a game that I go into and like say wander you go into wander and you’re talking to the clock and you’re having the the the watch and you’re having a conversation with him that’s outside of the normal stuff and you might even be actually you know talking verbally and then you go and you come back 3 days later and that AI remembers that conversation and builds upon it like that will actually develop real or like relationships and it’ll make you feel like it the immersion level will will be next level and I think we’re not that far away I I think probably somebody are working people are working on it yeah I recently went into um a free uh free-to-play VR social platform on Steam it’s called called Rift XR it’s in development it’s early access but this thing’s being built up in Unreal Engine 5 um so it’s already pretty uh impressive um but what really impressed there’s a lot to be impressed with in it but what really impressed me the most about it is the way that they’re integrating AI into it um because they they have ai art generators everywhere like um literally you there are posters hanging up and you can just walk up and talk to the poster and say hey um you know uh give me a picture of uh Kendrick Lamar having sex with a donkey and uh it’ll it’ll do it um that’s what I want that’s what I want from AI none of this pansy [ __ ] of like oh I’m not allowed to do it no I mean granted if it start you’re asking for illegal stuff you know then yeah it needs to not but like if you want to see that like that that that’s not illegal to have that picture now I wouldn’t circulate it you might something bad might happen well here’s the cool thing that their implementation of aii in it while it is based upon uh I think the the chat GPT um it’s a private instance of it so it’s unlocked it doesn’t it doesn’t try to uh you know enforce copyright on you and dmca and all of that stuff it’s it’s it’s truly unlocked and it isn’t just art which the art is cool they have rooms in there called Dream Day where you walk in and you speak to the room and it changes around you whatever you tell it to the Hol deck right from St except for without being able to touch um that’s I I think that’s amazing you know that has pretty cool yeah that like would change prawn this would be Anthony this is the time to come in bro you can do it now come on right there are NPCs walking around in the game uh some of them just walk freely they’re they’re called constables uh but they’re like bartenders in there and all of these are um you know running on AI chat gbt based AI so like riff XR in and of itself is a very gamified um social platform it isn’t just a social platform there are games in there to play there’s like a zombie shooter in there to play there’s uh there’s a an arena where you you fight people that’s like Melee um there’s like a a shooting uh game that you can play in there um there’s a dungeon and uh Dungeons and Dragons Hall that you can go to with a gigantic like 50 foot tall uh dungeon master that you literally talk to and it runs the game for you um it’s crazy do you by chance know what blockchain it’s made on like is it like um because a lot of these a lot these games or most of these games these days will be made on ethereum or xrp or or um harar couldn’t tell you there’s a lot of different um I’m just curious because I it sounds like they’re doing some things that I would want to be in on you know what I mean as far as like as an invester type of thing it’s cool yeah yeah well it’s pretty awesome man um and that they’ve updated it recently not only can you um pour your avatars in like if you’ve already made avatars in Ready Player me that that you take to the other social platforms you can bring them in here too not only that but they have a a World building SDK so if someone’s already built a world out for like VR chat or resite or something they can literally Port their [ __ ] world into into riff XR as well um and here’s the cool thing you know so there there’s probably um 15 or 20 different like worlds that they’ve built the developers that are games themselves they have dozens and dozens of Worlds that uh people have built uh into it as well you have all this um the stuff that’s built into the Overworld that’s not games there’s like a a dance club and a movie theater and all the different art there’s art museums in there there’s you can go to a van go Museum uh with all of Van Go’s art on the wall and then Van Gogh himself walk around talking to you telling you whatever you want to know about any of that stuff um so not only do they have all of this content in here and all of this capability but underneath it all on the very base level it’s a an MMO uh RPG so like everything that you do in this thing you level you you level your character you you unlock new weapons that you can carry on you um so like literally you interact with it like you would a VR chat type world or what have you um but anything you do like you were saying In Dying Light the other day how everything you do means something it’s the same thing in RI XR everything that you do means something and it allows you to uh level up your stamina you can jump higher you can unlock new weapons um just for you know interacting with it like you would any other VR social platform wow sounds amazing yeah I have to get in there have I have to get in there when it’s not the middle of my work day when I when I had the offer last time I was like [ __ ] man it’s like right smack in the middle I had no chance to get out any time just let me know the the only the only kind of criticism I have of it is most of these AI things that you’re voice prompting um It Takes a Minute it isn’t like it isn’t instant you have to give it some time um but you can absolutely see where it’s going right now and in a few more years this thing is just going to be incredible everything’s changing I just was reading something that literally that they they’re reaching I think we’re about to have uh uh um unlimited power as crazy as that sounds in the next year or two you know but it’s going to go along with AI unlimited power what was that was that Back to the Future No that wasn’t AC the future but there was unlimited power in there uh the gws but no that was Star Wars I I believe the emperor right shocking I was thinking about the um what was the hoverboard from the future the um you know the big fat hoverboard yeah everybody hooked in was yeah they hooked in I was thinking that was unlimited power I’m wrong it definitely has a lot of uh unlimited power for sure but I think the um the AI is is like there’s there’s Fusion breakthroughs that are coming through and people think that with oil and and everything and oh the they would never allow that to happen but they want to get you know Carbon uh free right like they they want to get rid of fossil fuels and with AI and robots we don’t have that long before most of our jobs are really are gone and and they’re talking about a universal income and and so that all fits in with free Power right so and now this breakthrough so I I I think that I I was telling you off the air I believe that um within 5 years we we may not recognize this world in a lot of ways because things are moving so fast and AI the problems that are getting solved and we’re they’re just saying hey this is our problem the AI is fixing it and then they’re they’re finding another problem to fix and and it’s just uh things are picking up pace already it’s crazy so um who is it in the chat [Music] um Shape Shifter the Amorphis gamecat says keep AI out of music and artwork and I’m fine with it and that that was the attitude that I used to take uh with it but my mind is changing on this the more I think about it um because I I don’t think AI is ever going to replace um humans with regard to creativity right but I I I think that AI in the hands of a creative person can unlock um abilities that the person otherwise didn’t have right now human creativity is limited by the amount of of time that the that people have to dedicate to becoming skilled at whatever art or music or whatever ever in in a in order to compose music or create beautiful art uh it takes years and years and years of developing the the skills to be able to convey that art to someone else now the creativity was in this person from day one they had the vision in their mind of the art they had the sound of the music in their ear but they had it took years for these people to develop the ability to convey that and put it on a recordable medium now through AI these creative people don’t have to spend that time anymore they can and of course this isn’t going to hold true for everyone but people who are particularly tech-savvy and and learn how to use the AI to create uh I I don’t think it’s all black and white is basically what I’m trying to say most people look at it is either AI created or human created but I think there’s a very beautiful Middle Ground symbiosis yeah yeah where people are going to be able to uh do things that they weren’t otherwise able to do um prior to AI well the the reality is you got to tell the robot what to or the robot the AI what to to draw or what the premise is to start with that you that’s the creative part of um somebody was saying um Adam I guess Adam ai ai is a gimmick at the moment until robots are work walking around their with around like humans I just told you there I see articles almost every day where huge breakthroughs are being made with a AI problems that we have we’ve never been able to solve as humans at least in modern humans right and so it’s it’s more than just the robots but they’re coming and they are you know just about ready to walk out I think you could buy one the group robot I just I just did a paper on this um privately it wasn’t anything I did for XR update it was something I did for a client um examining the uh the the relationship uh between Ai and robots uh going forward and people don’t really realize just how close they are to having um fully fun functional uh AI driven robots right now and and the way that they’ve got this thing going is you know most people know of large language models which is the most of the AIS that that people talk about right now um chat GPT um you know all of the other popular ones like Claude the these are all large language models that basically scrape the internet and and written texts to uh to teach itself um you know knowledge and the answers to questions and things like that uh these robots certain ones of them not all of them are now building out what’s called um large Behavior models and the way that these Behavior models are being trained it isn’t through Reading text and data but rather um by having people pilot the robots so um people uh basically through telecommunication uh will be attached to a robot and it’ll be doing some sort of task you know whatever it is typically something very dangerous so that uh people don’t have to put themselves In Harm’s Way they’ll send um they’ll send robots in to do it for them but what most people don’t realize is that now they have ai models that are observing how people drive these robots and how they uh how they react act when you know something’s dangerously hot or or or when even something as simple as as picking something up and grabbing it and it turning out to be heavy there there are ways that people react just naturally um just through what we’ve learned in our life um and now robots are training themselves um to be able to kind of react like people would in all of these various situations um and and you know this stuff is all being done now behind closed doors in the private sector but in the next few years they’re going to start rolling out these robots that know how to just do everything uh and it’s going to happen overnight right it may even just have robots that you know or cameras that they’re observing and watching what people do and I guess to some extent maybe even doing it now you know and and doesn’t matter what it is like I was talking to D about her job especially as a chat person that’d be one of the first ones to go verbal or or um typing I’m not safe as Pest Control like they could do it better than me as long as a robot could walk in there with a canister and and spray they could say look there’s no danger you know people leave the house and robot can’t won’t steal from you and blah blah blah BL all the things weird about having humans in your house right um and so like and then you could have x-ray uh eyes that could see through walls to see where the nests of bed bugs were hiding or whatever you know so it’s it’s just a matter of time and um and we’re closer than we think but um who knows who knows how it’s going to take a triggering event um of some nature and it probably be a financial collapse worldwide and then we’ll do whatever we’re told and everything will just kind of fall into place I believe so yeah I don’t I don’t know about that um I think that this is just kind of the nature of technology and I think that it’s already happening and uh there’s no stopping it at this point um but I think that uh you know as has always been the case through any technological Revolution uh people will adapt and we will find new roles we’ll find new jobs to do I mean a hundred years ago people you know the work people were doing are completely different than the work that people are doing right now because of technology has has completely changed that and I think that um we’ll just see that happen again uh you know a lot of the manual labor that we’re doing right now um will be replaced but there will be other things that pop up in the new world that we we can’t even think about right now um but uh there there will always be a place for people in the world pH it’s out of our control either way right so that’s right anyways uh you know we were talking the other day and I can’t remember if it was on the air or off the air but we were talking about naughty dog and um how they’re getting ready they’re working on a new IP now and it’s being talked about as this revolutionary thing that it’s going to completely change how people think about storytelling in uh in games which is exciting to me because I love story-driven games I I I I really like Naughty Dogs games um and we see this article here from um talking about um the next title from Naughty Dog and um and what uh Neil drugman thinks about uh the role of AI um in uh in the next generation of games and Neil uh thinks it’s going to push the boundaries of Storytelling much like um what we were just talking about at the top of the uh of the episode um the the the entire landscape of story-driven games is about to change and it’s going to um it’s going to basically I mean we we’re already starting to see um where video games are starting to overtake um screen media television and movies uh with regard to the um the the best way to consume stories right and we’re C TV and movies trying to catch up basically by uh adapting video games into uh into series into movies and we see how popular that these games or these these programs are are becoming um but we’re almost to the point now that the technology is going to be so different um that movies and television just aren’t going to be able to keep up with it anymore like having having living um having living characters that basically just react to you and how you uh behave as the the lead character in the story um that’s just something that can’t be done through recorded media it can only be done in real time and therefore can only be done um in video games uh and I think that that is very exciting yeah I agree and I think that part of and not all video games but they’re a little bit lagging a little bit behind with a lot of the weirdness in the storytelling of movies and and TV shows you know when a movie comes out like Dune and it just is a good movie and it’s just the story and there’s not a bunch of weird [ __ ] in there it [ __ ] people Top Gun same thing people love it you know that’s why movies were good back in the day they just told the story you know and they actually really wanted to get a good cast and you know and so yeah I I think the AI I think that for this the the B I mean it’s Limitless of what can happen and you know like you and I could play a different game completely different game if they use the AI and and maybe it just it kind of can read how you’re you know what you’re into what you’re enjoying you know it can scan your eyes it’s kind of creepy oh like oh he really likes this so it kind of changes morphs the game into to whatever and then the conversations and um it’s just a lot more open than uh than a lot of the the traditional gaming that we have so I think the storytelling is going to be next level for that reason right yeah so yeah and it’s almost to the point like when they fully roll out the metaverse like the way that we consume like classic media you know movies and television shows could very much just be the part of something larger that we’re experiencing in the metaverse right yeah um you know we could be playing our you know our gt8 or whatever chilling out in our apartment uh in GTA Online in the future in our headsets which are probably glasses at that point um but we could be hanging out in our apartment watching a old school style television show while we’re doing like five other things in the metaverse at the same time uh you know working playing a game doing it all um at the same time um as the sun scorches the Earth outside of our real life Windows you know yeah well it may be scorched for other reasons you know that I’ll tell you what just having um uh that escape I think it’ll be amazing so you know it’s definitely uh it’ll be cool it makes me wonder though will people stop to sit on the porch and and drink a sip of an iced tea The Rocker anymore but they don’t wave I see them I’m sorry um damn that was a long conversation I could keep going on it and I know that you could keep going on this we could talk about this [ __ ] literally all day long um but that would be rude people came here to hear us talk about VR and why don’t we do a little roll call of those people and get to it can you greet Grandma first she’s not here but she did give a super chat a long time ago for $10 and yeah yeah I did notice that let me see if I I will say this though I I think she’s being more regular in ways that she didn’t intend to originally be regular roots oh yeah she says um or Crap didn’t even make it to to Second laugh out loud love you guys whoop whoop so yeah love you CLE Grandma thank you for uh for being here if even for just a moment and thank you for the $10 donation um it’s very much appreciated anyway who’s here that’s the question uh who’s here now uh people like Shades of Gray matter people like bad Robo Steve I Shape Shifter the Amorphis gamecat old Darth gabriel4 gamecat Photon Nutter uh m vegan uh is here old Darth atom says Neil dman is a genius he is he is something Steve Steve Iris I I just noticed I think it was Steve Iris said right after that not too long said that he’s a hack so I thought it was cool to have you have two completely different opposing you know yeah dran is definitely one of those lightning rod type individuals this guy I mean he obviously uh created one of the um the best story driven video games that I’ve ever played in The Last of Us uh at the same time this guy so wants to be part of Hollywood he would give anything he would sacrifice his firstborn child uh just to be accepted in uh into the LA culture so um or cult the LA cult CH does he understand that the LA cult CH is going down down in 2024 like I it’s like I don’t it’s full p man you don’t want to be part of that [ __ ] all them big dick devian is going down in 2024 yep PD PD’s leaving the charge a PD like PD’s part no PD’s here no PD’s not PD’s uh still making amazing content about VR uh mad vegan is here old Darth is here um jpeg Q here as well gabriel4 Decepticon Joshua Taylor Mark Pringles Leaf um Shelby VR spry guy here as well um Brandon VR Salvador here uh among us at the moment as well um who else got a lot of names on here Ro but a lot of repeat that’s what happens when you start talking about the government and Ai and [ __ ] you’re right we could have a like you bring ska and um and Anthony in here we’d have a whole episode of um I always forget what the name of that show we did yeah I remember that one uh the carum kid is here Daniel Cass is here eir wuar is here um Vince Virtua War Mark is here time to play VR is here El Diego VR fluke rogi M Jive here as well not sure Brando Samson 143 VR Mark Smith all with us as well Roy Schwarz is here um head bite’s here distract Ted is here uh Looper the underground gamecat Eevee Man versus gas Matt and Cuda hello Daniel Cass prophecy 777 Destiny 11 Chinatown D Grandpa barbecuer game cat is here as well Carl Parker is here the game cat Andrew aronri is here parasite 82 green JD Manning midlife kid James is here Ryan B is here that dank cheese is here as well um 12 the backlog game cat in the house Thomas MC nostril is here um Tipsy Sonic says I’m hiding in the bushes thanks for having me uh as a slippy thanks for being here yeah thanks for being here Black Market Honey’s here Evan yabu is here uh four willing is here Q Creator is here headb is here and of course as you mentioned before classy Grandma leading off at the top I think I saw another uh tip come in uh not sure brondo said uh for the US $5 donation thank you very much says AI will spawn new religions I think we have old I think we have old religions that say that this will happen don’t we I think so too uh 100% And I agree I think there’s actually already AI religions that have started to some extent I I saw and you can find him on Twitch AI Jesus and uh I thought you could ask you could ask a AI Jesus questions and it’s been a while since I’ve looked but whenever I’ve seen there was like 100 people you know like there’s a lot of people that go in there and uh I mean I’m not going to I want the real Jesus you can the AI Jesus can shove it up his ass but you know know like some people they they think it’s cool so yeah indeed a lot of people worshiping at that altar um who’s slipping in today uh gamertag VR here what’s up GT Shades of Gray matter uh slipping in space Dennison slipping in as well Paradise Decay what’s up speak of the devil what’s up PD uh Roots was just talking about how you’re part of the Hollywood cult PD I don’t I can’t believe that man he’s always everywhere in in EU man there’s a good chance you’re going to run into PD how does he do that that’s true PD EU GT all these initials everywhere uh Tipsy Sonic slipping in as well mischievous Marcio the underground game cat Robbie y slipping in it’s free VR real estate Magnum gaming um e uh War markk I think I already said hello to um anyway that that’s everyone that I saw if I missed you I apologize thank you for hanging out with this this cool Monday morning afternoon evening whatever it is where you’re at night uh we very much appreciate you Roots take it away brother [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a new astrobot game will be revealed in weeks it’s claimed a new entry in the platforming series is reportedly planned for PS5 this from video games Chronicle a new astrobot game for PlayStation 5 could be announced within weeks it’s claimed that’s according to prolific game leaker Bill Bill billon who writes on Deal Labs that they’ve heard the title could simply be called astrobot and is announced within the next 15 days other information we have obtained it seems that part of the game will be playable in an environment located in the heart of a desert they said one of the new characters in this game could be AI fox in the form of a robot sharing some similarities with Astro according to bill bkon the game will be released for PlayStation 5 as opposed to PlayStation VR like the previous full entry the last entry in the Astro series was 2020s Astros playroom a 3D platformer which comes pre-loaded on every PS5 console while it’s a highly regarded game in its own right the follow-up to 2018s PlayStation VR game astrobot Rescue Mission also served as a free Tech demo for ps5s dual sense controller Astro developer team esobi was spun off into its own Standalone studio in 2021 after parent company Sony interactive entertainment dissolved Japan Studio the historic PlayStation group it was previously a part of job listing that same year suggested the to Tokyo based Studio was working on a new 3D action game and in 2022 the company said its next title would be its quote biggest to date and end article abruptly um people freaking out roots uh people are freaking out because the initial tweet that um that this bill billon put out uh concluded by him saying that this is a game that is quote for PlayStation 5 and not for psvr2 end quote um but I think it’s a lot to do about nothing Roots because if you read that tweet and some of the other things that this person wrote it becomes quickly obvious that English is not this person’s first language and I I think that what he when he said this is a game that’s for PS5 and not psvr2 I think he’s simply saying that this isn’t just going to be a VR game like the first one is but uh I think the nuances of of the English language are maybe a little bit lost on this guy so it came across to other people who are reading this and taking it literally and it says that it’s not a VR game uh I don’t think that that’s necessarily what they meant now I’m not saying that it is or it isn’t a VR game um what I’m saying is is we’ve known for a long time that this is going to be a flat game like it’s been obvious since 2022 uh or even earlier that the the game that uh team mobe is working on is going to be a big title and it’s going to be a flat game um but I think it would be absolutely foolish of them if they’re going to invest in PlayStation VR at all uh to release an astrobot title which is a a franchise that was born in VR uh for them to release a followup to that game and have zero VR functionality in it would just be um stupid and I find it to be highly unlikely um and I people yeah they’ve been doing some weird [ __ ] the last few years you know but I agree that’s true um I think it’s funny though because because they have been doing some weird [ __ ] but I I think that it makes no sense because for everything you just laid out like how hard would it be to um to just put it in VR right have a VR mode I personally I I want to play it in VR but if it came flat I’m playing it flat I love um you know I love Platformers and so I think it would probably do really well if it was flat only as well but why would you exclude the the existing player base that already loves it um I don’t see them doing that especially when you can when you consider the fact that they came out leading into the uh the psvr2 launch they they met with developers and they said that the focus uh for game development for PlayStation VR2 is going to be launching hybrid games games that can be played flat or VR and for for them to kind of spur on such an an initiative and then exclude a title like astrobot which would be literally the top example of a game if there ever was a game to make into a hybrid game it’s that one um controll game anyway to well yeah it’s a a controller game anyway so why would you not and um and if they were to do that so this is the thing if they do which I think there’s probably like a 5% chance of it happening but it is possible anybody says it’s not possible is is longy it’s not probable but it is possible but if they do did do that that sends a completely different signal like you said like that sends a a a signal that I would never expect to have ever seen and I don’t know what the future would mean um they may at that point really are giving up on VR as a company because it just wouldn’t make sense when you say you want to do this future of hybrid games and you have a a a game that needs a a game pad right the only difference is the the flat version you wouldn’t be able to have an integration of of being able to use your head or something so people in VR would have to get over that but um it would clearly be the best way to play the game and um and I I think it’ll be amazing so yeah I do too uh and I’m not and I’m like you I’m not saying that it’s completely impossible that that this turns out just to be a flat game uh I’m just saying that the the the original statement that people read and are all freaking out about I don’t think that that’s what that guy intended to say I think he was just saying that hey this time around it’s not just going to be a VR game this is a game that’s being developed for for uh traditional PlayStation console Gamers meant to say with that it’s all about traffic too you know I’m sure Andy Robinson like wants people looking at his articles so phrasing it in such a way makes it seem um you know like a lot of people have eyes on this now so good and bad people that love PlayStation and don’t so um Magnum gaming says that would be a kick in our nuts uh L Diego VR says a real kick in the teeth yeah I I agree with that man like um you know I think a lot of uh what people say about place station VR these days is overblown um you know people say um that that there’s no games and all all of this talk you know anybody that actually looks at the games that are there and Compares it to what’s come out for any other platform um quickly realizes that that that’s all [ __ ] um now obviously criticism of of Sony’s first party support of it is absolutely valid um they gave us some awesome stuff at launch but here we are 15 months later still waiting on the followup and and no idea uh what that followup is going to be even still that’s valid criticism right um but I think people have overblown a lot of it and people who are saying that there’s no game no no games for PlayStation VR are just I don’t are either mistaken or they’re being willfully ignorant to it um I don’t know uh Paradise deay says uh if the new astrobot is not psvr2 what does that tell you about Sony’s plans well it tells me that there is no plans right like if if this game isn’t going to have any kind of VR support whatsoever then I think it just tells me that Sony is um basically changing direction BR well not really I I don’t I just think that they’re kind of stringing uh VR along so that they can be ready to pick it up when you I I still think that Sony believes in the long-term future of VR and I think any tech company that’s really following it knows that VR is going to end up being a big deal you know someday whether that’s five years 10 or 20 whatever um but I think Sony had a um a pretty solid foundation in VR psvr one and I don’t think I think at the very least they didn’t want to let all that go to waste so they went ahead and you know they went ahead and did an nextg VR platform uh even if it is being minimum end up being minimally supported um I I don’t think it necessarily even means that they’re done with VR like but if they if they if they take a VR game that started in VR a VR franchise and bring it to flat and then have the opportunity to put it into VR which is not hard they could do it easy but don’t I think that does signal that they’re changing direction from VR because that that that is not just the slap in the face that it it there’s no reason to do that you know what I mean you’re it’s like you’re taking money and you’re just throwing it out the [ __ ] window if anything even put a shitty Port out for the VR people it just would be very I think it’s just a very bad sign to me if it’s not in VR not saying people should go I’ll agree with that I I’ll I’ll agree with that like I was telling you off the air like that would be the straw to break the camels back man like people are already struggling um with their faith you know and I think something like that um I mean it’s bad enough that we don’t have the the the um original astrobot on the current platform like that that is mind goling enough right uh but to to do a new version that they literally could just do the exact same game and put it in the headset um is it would just uh I I can’t see that happening like I know it’s possible I know logically it’s it’s a it’s a potential outcome um I honestly I I can’t see them doing that like blow my mind if they were going to do that then they wouldn’t just released Resident Evil 4 and like there’s other indications of things they’ve done that is why I say it’s like more probable 95% that it is going to be because their whole thing has been hybrid for the the good games and they’ve been doing that with all the Resident Evils and stuff so um well it would it take maybe 5% of the budget of horizon call of the mountain for them to bring this astrobot game uh a VR mode to it um say say that again sorry I was just reading somebody’s Co I I said what would it take like maybe 5% of the budget that they put in the horizon call of the mountain for them to give us a VR mode in the new astrobot game yeah and almost no time and that’s their their plan and and this could be it too cuz we’re seeing it kind of on the other direction with Resident Evil um 8 and Resident Evil Village and so forth but maybe this is their way of bringing some uh VR version to the flatties right um or at least VR franchises so Robo says hybrid games are not easy to make on psvr2 they’re not mods where you have a 490 and don’t worry about testing comfort and other things that’s true but at the same time we’re not exactly talking about a a Cutting Edge Photo real firsters you know um we’re not talking about bringing hellblade to over here right we’re we’re talking about a cartoony platformer um which has been proven time and time again that literally you can just put these things in the headset with a a 3D um visuals and they work pretty well you know there there are great ones on Quest even right so um and I have no this one should be you know relatively low lift for them and I’ll flip it on the other the the opposite direction we’re talking about Sony versus modders and we’re talking about one console optimized versus PCS that they’ve got to worry about AMD and Nvidia and everything under the sun um that could conflict that’s true it’s apples and oranges that’s true you’re talking about teamobi here which is a studio that already has extensive um uh experience uh developing this very platform or this very uh this very IP NVR um on Sony’s hardware and and obviously they have the resources to uh to do it um Justice better than anyone else so not not only is it not like amateur modders but it’s not even like third party Studio we’re talking about here we’re talking about the source the guys right that originally did it and they’ve got the source codes which a lot of these modders don’t I guess with uvr they do kind of cuz it’s built in there right um but there is truth to that you know like it is a different platform but um they’ve clearly at least if they go with their Vision what they said before and they do want to do hybrid games which I think is like the smartest thing for everybody um this is where they would do it but good newsour said okay Redale tour says I sold my PlayStation V too that’s good um I wish more people instead of bitching would just do that right at this point like um if you’re really that that upset about your purchase just sell it I’ve been talking about selling a lot of my [ __ ] off Roots um stuff that I like you can make your money back most of it you know well I need to get ready for 50 580 right you know what I mean like I need I need an upgrade so I can play the the hell blade of the world without [ __ ] having to uh to make major compromises um I I this is my thing if if something’s sitting and I’m never going to use it again I’m I’m just not somebody for Nostalgia anymore you know what I mean I I I I don’t need to have 50 headsets behind me I I just need like literally he was telling d i I was thinking about big screen Beyond because of you know how it is and then I thought you know what I don’t I’m not going to get a big screen you know why cuz I don’t need it and I don’t want to spend any more money on VR I’ve got to have thing my my thing is how many how many different things do I need two of right you know what I mean that’s true there are things that I have two of that I don’t need two of I need my quests because um I play with my family you know on on those um but I don’t need two PlayStations you know what I mean right um so yeah there’s a number of other things around here too that uh I have duplicates of that I could I could stand to let go of and I could probably cover um half of the a new graphics card pretty easily and then the other half uh I could probably cover a significant portion of that just selling the the graphics card that I have right um so yeah this is where my mind’s been at lately is uh preparing there there’s right there’s not only is there new graphics cards coming but there’s a new headsets coming and uh we’re we’re on that line now where I found myself at a few years ago uh where I don’t know if you remember but I quite literally sold all of my [ __ ] like everything I had uh I sold uh so that I could upgrade everything that I have well just just don’t buy into what everybody’s been most people have been buy buying into because I don’t believe it’s going to happen but people are thinking there’s going to be a launch this year and there will be probably but if they do it’s a paper launch no you’re not going to get it there’s not going to be that many out there it’s going to be a scalpers [ __ ] nightmare it’s um it’s just not even going to be yeah I remember I bought my head my my graphics card my my last new graphics card I bought during a paper launch I remember exactly how it was right well this one’s even sleep for a month this one’s supposed to be even more of a paper launch it’s it’s just about pretty much getting saying that we’ve done it with most of the the actual cards coming next year and that’s even speculative for this year so a lot of people are are thinking it’s going to definitely come this year uh it might but it probably will be early next year but we’ll see because it’s really early like it’s not normal you know it’s it’s there’s other forces driving it Nvidia trying to get ahead of AMD and and um and it’s just a weird it’s a weird time uh quill the last but not least cat says more importantly are we getting a here they live psvr2 version with uh I don’t think so uh but we’re going to continue to beat the drum for that um I’m more concerned with honestly I’m more concerned these days with h getting whatever the new project from that team is to be uh to support VR um that’s my main focus and any further communication that I have um with those guys is going to be focused on that um so uh fingers crossed hopefully one day we do see uh here they lie uh properly immortalized with uh with modern technology but uh right now I just kind of want to see what eyes out’s going to uh be giving us and hoping that that’s going to be um in VR and if they need some help getting it in VR I know a guy so right absolutely so what are your thoughts um on the uh the cost of of the headset being for the psvr2 being a big deciding factor St irus says that it shows that that’s a big it I guess somebody had made a comment about it um you know I mean it’s true true it is true but it’s it’s not an unfair price though it’s kind of I see both sides of it like um for what’s in that headset it it’s actually fairly priced um with that said um meta has artificially skewed the value proposition by taking a loss on on uh on Quest 2 and and uh even Quest three to some extent um with that said I do think that there’s meat on the bone here I think that so I don’t think Sony’s selling these at Cost I think they are making money on them right um so I I think that there’s some room for them to drop it they need to but I don’t I I I agree I think they need to uh six months ago um I don’t know that they will prior to um releasing PC support because I think that they know if they deliver a proper um PC um headset here that PC VR gamers are going to pay for it right what it cost because you know a headset with similar specs on PC is $1,000 or more um so I think people were going to be buying these things up unless we get uh a new valve headset which would completely muy wrench the whole thing um is there a possibility valve goes away from display port is that would this D was like yeah that I think there’s a real possibility of that my thing is is I mean I guess if they do some kind of technology that gives me the same Fidelity I don’t care but meta is not and it’s not cutting it and that’s you know even though I just said yesterday I think it was or two days ago that psvr2 I looked for reasons to not use it just cuz it’s not there’s a lot of reasons I don’t like it I think the biggest reason is that it just when it it got delayed two years and it just isn’t the the the lenses is the biggest thing but if I could get like a display port quality out of it and maybe it becomes my favorite headset I don’t know like I I could never say that’s not the case that’s one of reasons why I’m glad I kept it um you know cuz I did sell my PlayStation 5 cuz I didn’t need it I didn’t want to use it I wanted to invest it and something that’s actually going to make me money in the near future so I did uh but um so I don’t know but um no I I think um I wish they would um drop it and I they they don’t need to wait and react to meta uh you know because meta’s bringing the heat uh this fall when with that Quest 3s they’re they’re basic it’s basically going to be a quest 3 with fernell lenses for $300 um and I know the price is a big thing but man like Quest three the lenses to me that’s the best part of the headset and literally it’s the best part of the quest 3 you know Quest Pro I could say controllers too there’s several good things but Quest 3 that’s the very best thing about it and good then then people should should buy a quest 3 they they should I don’t think they should buy that the the the light I think the light is is a Miss yeah but uh I think all these people that are buying in The Quest 2 and people are still buying in The Quest 2 are much better served buying in the quest 3 because they’re going to get a couple years of software support they’re going to get games that are uh that quest to just isn’t capable of and they’re going to get mixed reality um again all for $300 and then here’s Sony are they seriously going to continue to try to sell people um you know $550 headsets that you need a $500 console to play on like um it’s not a winning formula for them if they if they’re trying to win over VR Gamers um that they they need to not wait they need to drop the price now or at least like within uh two months um they need to drop the price on this thing and uh they need to accompany that with a a big uh title like astrobot astrobot likely would it likely would be astrobot um how cool would that be astrobot drops they do a bundle and the bundle with astrobot is like 450 yeah $4.99 or something yeah something like that would be huge and that would and that would get everybody because Astro bot the first one is amazing so yep yeah astrobot bundle $4.49 uh and then like within two or 3 months of that launching uh like Metro uh the Metro game comes out um in Behemoth and there you go we have we have hype around the platform again we have a new price uh we have PC support um and there you’ve got a a recipe for revitalizing the platform yeah yeah I am looking forward to to seeing the PC support and what it means I think there’s very good potential like I said I it’s not my favorite headset now but I could see it becoming my favorite headset because of the specs and um and what a a proper video card could really push through there so uh Shades of Gray matter says yeah I want eyes out’s next title to be in VR preferably on psvr2 uh okay out for real all right man take it easy thanks for stopping by man um well you know some people are feel feel very um strongly and I agree with Ray delator says if it wasn’t for Capcom psvr2 would have died long been dead long time ago maybe not dead but it definitely would be a lot well I I would say I’ll say this if it wasn’t for Sony money then Capcom wouldn’t have done [ __ ] true well it goes both ways you know it’s kind of the same thing that I was saying about meta and their exclusives with um with the uh the the new Batman game and stuff and the aliens you know clearly to go on Quest 3 only they they were paid to do it and that’s makes sense that’s what companies do it’s like hey we want to we want to do this and we’re going to take the risk out of your hands and we’re going to keep them in in in our hands you know so gamertag VR roots’s beard oil subscription won’t pay for itself that’s true I’ll tell you what I need to get beard oil cuz right now I just use like a coconut uh organic um shampoo and conditioner like separate things they really good keeps a nice and fluffy West uh anyway uh to kind of put a bow on this thing here uh I think it’s too early to panic over astrobot uh the good news is is I don’t think we’re going to have to wait very long to find out if this uh if this this Insider is correct uh then we’ll probably know within the next 7 to 10 days what the story is here so stay tuned subscribe ring the bell um and and we’ll get back around to this one I’m sure in short order but Roots did you know um this isn’t the only psvr2 Centric topic that we have on today’s um run of show in Another Place Another sense of time Creation in my eyes slipers tethers fade tune of frequency and glide Beyond this Mortal far [Music] are single States left drifting in the Wake still a Unity of stepping back to view a frame extending on all sides Creation in my eyes we are too young too innocent to see what is right before our eyes nothing before nothing will end we never truly die like a spark of energy cries for life and ignites one day we’ll realize that all worlds must Collide VR puzzle Adventure firmament targets fall release on psvr2 this from Henry upload VR Mist developer cion World confirmed puzzle Adventure firmament will likely reach psvr2 this year initially launched last year for PC ferment takes place in an abandoned steampunk world that involves exploring three Realms joined by A Clockwork companion and mysterious Apparition in a new Kickstarter update the studio revealed firmaments targeting a fall 2024 launch on psvr2 advising that switching from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 was quote a required move for us to ship on PlayStation for the unfamiliar firmament is the latest Adventure game from cyan whose other VR efforts include 2020s missed remake abduction and the upcoming Riven remake following its 2018 reveal and subsequent Kickstarter campaign cyan eventually delayed firmament to expand its scope before launching last May on both flat screen PC and pcvr you can read the story description below you wake in a glacial Cavern crowded with metal pipes and adorned with curious Clockwork gears in the middle of a dark chamber you discover an ancient table a teacup on one end and a frozen body slumped over the other The Corpse’s hands hold an exclusive Clockwork device held out like an offering you reach for it and it comes to life it HS above you watching before a mysterious Apparition appears with a message you find yourself with an immense and unexpected adventure lying ahead we had mixed opinions in our firmament review although we believe long-term SCI fans will find it enjoyable we consider the game a missed opportunity and uh Roots we very much had a similar opinion of it um I think firmament is a very good game um I think where the disappointment kind of lied with it was we were expecting some kind of advancement in terms of the VR implementation in a cyen game you know Cen is a studio at this point that has done numerous uh games that have VR support uh it’s all always been very basic um you know game pad yeah pointand click Gamepad style gameplay um we were expecting a little bit more from firer as it uh was the first game that was developed from the ground up with VR in mind right um but instead what we got was basically more of the same from cion which was a very good puzzle game um that just had VR kind of tacked on to it um but it’s interesting Roots because I I had considered this game or this version of firmament to be very likely dead right um they never really mentioned anything else about it uh after it launched on PC and uh when they recently announced the Riven remake uh coming not only to steam VR but coming to uh Quest 2 and Quest 3 um I thought that was it you know they’re giving up on on Playstation VR2 um but as it turns out um this is a good studio and they hold to their word and when they said that they were going to bring it to PlayStation VR2 uh apparently they me it Roots because uh apparently it it’s going to take them pouring the thing onto a whole new game engine uh in order to bring it to PlayStation but uh that’s what they’re going to do yeah well I agree with uh Looper the the game cat underground game cat he said uh it has to have um ey tracking to be able to to run this thing right so it’ll definitely be fiated rendering which is good that’s one of the the benefits of having the uh the hardware right so it it makes me wonder um because even playing this thing on Steam VR with my 3080 I mean it was very demanding uh and certainly there was room for improvement with it uh so it makes me wonder um will the PC Gamers be getting that uh upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 like the console gamers are getting that’s a good question probably not that’d be nice though right so yeah it’ be great um because it is a a San game with its very um you know cryptic and interesting story that that you’re unfolding it’s a mystery as is always the case um the puzzles were a bit different in this one than your typical cyan puzzles uh again more physical logic based puzzles the type of stuff that you like right um not as cryptic as some of their earlier entries right yeah know I I like physical b or physics based puzzles but or common sense like you said I like common sense in general W especially the more the world gets so weird I I’m like grabbing on to it and holding on like I’m hanging off a 500 foot cliff I’m not letting go to the day I die common sense is sticking around I don’t care what everybody else does [ __ ] Tony saino says that my my mic is cracking and this is something that I noticed uh during the last episode as well I was hoping that uh you know I changed to a different USB port and unplug some other things I was hoping that that would take care of it but apparently uh that is not the case so if you’ll bear with me just a moment I’m I think I’m going to switch over for now uh to my uh my PlayStation Pulse Elite headset yeah see if that helps and um see if that helps with the cracking yeah how do it give just a second yeah give me just a second I’ll grab it okay now Michelle B says it ran great for her on a with a 3060 uh really so I don’t know so here’s the thing too um what headset because a lot of people have different resolutions right um they’re running them at different frame rates as well and then the settings you know what what settings did you set it to some people will go in there and they’ll crank everything up now granted I will too on my PC CU I I start at the top and then I scale back because the video card I have is so good um but a lot of people go in there and they’ll crank or they they’ll crank everything to the top but they don’t have a card to run it and then they’ll say this game runs like [ __ ] and it’s like no dude you just need to tweak it you need to change the the settings and that’s one of the reasons why I opted to to go with the video card I did because I think somebody was saying in either last stream or in the Discord that um that’s why they don’t I think it was last stream they don’t do PC uh VR Gaming for this reason they don’t want to have to do all the tweaking and um sometimes you can you can get a good enough rig that you that’s not a case for most of what you’re doing like I don’t tweak anything mostly so all right so uh you all uh who have been noticing this uh static in the uh in my mic audio let me know if it continues to happen it could be a larger problem with the with um the power delivery or the audio card on my motherboard see anything I can tell you right now it’s It Whatever the that the cracking or the it was like intermittent pausing or whatever it is is not happening already I can tell you it’s not happening um it does sound a little bit different um as far as you know the the mic goes but uh you know maybe what we need is um we need to uh we work on getting you an upgrade on your mic you know sell these [ __ ] headphones and get me a new microphone yeah you could do that too um you know but just getting it’s it at least I’m not hearing I might have maybe I heard it there but I’m not sure I don’t so far I’m not hearing the the crackling but you guys listen yeah corpor zombie says it sounds okay now yeah so cool check one two check one two syphilis syphilis looks like the levels are good The Big C um awesome uh but no man uh I’m hoping that um I’m hoping that the PC version of firmament does get this moved to up to Unreal five because uh I think that they left some potential on the table here and I think that it’s a good sign uh for not only PlayStation VR2 that that uh like some other developers um cion has not abandoned the platform um but also I think it’s a good sign for Riven um the Riven remake that’s coming up later this year that we could potentially um see that um you know next gen version of it right off the top top uh instead of waiting a year for the upgrade yeah I agree the good news for everybody is um or good news and bad news is uh I’m starting to hear the crackling and the good news in that is uh people think the other mic sounded better ironically um so um it I don’t know I think there is something more of an issue going on here cuz it’s not maybe it’s not as much it doesn’t happen as often but it’s it’s happening it might be when you’re it might be the C I’ve had that happen before where when I’ve bumped my cable it kind of makes a static so cuz I I couldn’t tell if maybe you moved at one point when it made the noise so that could be the case too so maybe Darth Darth says that there’re still crackling well there is it’s it it’s it’s not like it was but it’s like I said I’ve heard it a like three or four times since we switched so um sounds like EMF is what Steve IR sounds said so um so I just heard it there so all right uh so I need to probably switch back then huh yeah I would switch back because it’s it does not sound I mean if there was no crackling at all I’d say yeah it’s worth cuz it kind of sounds like you’re in a remember when mash sounded like he was in a well doesn’t sound like you’re in a well it sounds like you’re maybe standing next to a well and then the echo okay the echo all right fair enough yeah um all right I I’ve got to get this figured out though I it’s unacceptable at this point in the game for me to have [ __ ] amateur audio going on here um so yeah even that means that I have to pick up a uh an external sound card or not external but a uh a pcie sound card that’s not integrated onto my uh motherboard maybe that’s what I do um we’ll figure some new mic I think you might I think in the long run a new mic would but if it’s still going to happen you know it wouldn’t help but definitely work towards getting uh you know upgrading it’s always good upgrade all right well um you know what I might could do because I I do have a uh well no they people are saying that they’re hearing it on this too right what yeah what about the mod mic yeah I could put it on the mod mic I don’t have a uh I don’t have the uh the anchor on these headphones strap it to right now I got that’s something I would have to work on later um I’ll switch back to my original setup give me just a minute okay yeah and I think it does kind of sound like maybe the EMF or maybe when like I said I’ve had chords where I’ve bumped and every time I bump it I hear a little bit of static and uh yeah so we’ll we’ll work on it we’ll get get West um I’d like to get him some kind of a uh um maybe not if it’s a goxlr or some kind of a a thing like that with an a sure microphone like I got that would be amazing but yeah jillo um I was going to I guess I’ll read it since Wes isn’t even here but yeah jillo says as someone has finished the firmament I strongly advise against getting this game the tedious and ludicrous puzzle design made me absolute hate the experience if I’m being honest Dillo and it doesn’t matter which cyan game I enjoyed abduction a little bit the most um because of the story and what was going on but I’ve never really liked their puzzles missed I couldn’t stand them abduction had some good but they were a little bit uh they were hard dude you know um so yeah I didn’t spend too much time in firmament I don’t even remember spending much at all to be honest it’s not my type of game so you ran fine on your system what system what are you running drillo that’s the biggest thing is like like I said a lot of people will run in there and they’ll they’ll crank everything up and they’re like oh it runs like [ __ ] that’s like no now you just need to tune it down a little bit you know and’ll run it fine you should give your cable a little wiggle while you’re talking see if it’s a cable issue West is what Mark Pringles Le said if you can still hear me if you’re talking I can’t hear you hey Mash would be so happy right he loves audio issues Mash this one’s for you bro we’re doing this just for you he actually hates it didn’t he flip off the audio was he flipping the audience off oh my God Mash why would you do that oh wait it wasn’t the audience your Su with Tom Brady go 1080 TI was one of the best cards dude it’s about time for an upgrade are you going to get a f a 5,000 series I’ll let you know when I have audio I don’t have anything from you do you know who else likes to give a little wiggle D little she’ll give a big Wiggle all the time but yeah that’s the beauty of optimization in a lot of these video card or video games that they you know the doesn’t take as much but the newer games obviously take a lot Sushi Ben is out anyone played it already no actually you know what head bite I have not played it just telling d i I don’t know much about it I don’t like sushi I do have a friend named Ben so I mean that’s kind of a a weird dichotomy I still can’t hear you what the hell can you hear me yeah okay Wonder we should play sh I’m just kidding gu that’s not a good W does too much talking on the show not be able to talk why is everyone down on the psvr2 I’ll tell you what I just think that the moves they’re making haven’t been good for the platform and I think people confidence is rightly people are questioning their you know Direction and so it doesn’t mean that there’s you know going to be problems I still believe they’re going to do good but I I don’t feel as strongly about that as I would have two years ago sure hopefully we’ll get West back into uh into this um conversation you flipped Madison VR last night oh my God 12 hours Magnum gaming wow you feel like you lost a little bit of your sanity I don’t want to be crazy that’s my thing soon as I start to realize as the main character oh God I’m the one with the issues I was like I don’t know if I want to be in this guy anymore I want to be in the I want to be in the outside looking in saying yeah that guy’s [ __ ] up I don’t want to be the [ __ ] up guy yeah that’s I don’t let me see M are you uh okay I was just making sure W you didn’t weren’t saying like check the Discord or something you’re like typing something to me uh see if there’s a replay oh for D oh yeah D’s I think de’s got a replay on there yeah they do have good Optics they have their controllers as well it would be awesome as if you could somehow hook their controllers up to the valve headset I don’t see that happening though Blue Yeti I used to have a Blue Yeti actually blue yeti was good I got away from USB mics though um just had a condenser mic and then the the sure mic um just because I just wanted to invest little invest actually you guys helped pay for half of this sure um Mike so I appreciate apprciate that hey suastica what’s up we’re just waiting on we’re trying to get Wes’s mic audio working hear his his velvety voice I want to hear nor McDonald again my only way to hear your his voice is through West you guys have sound again from Wes are we not in the Discord are you just not maybe you’re just not coming through the Discord and you’re coming through no yeah yeah that’s that’s what it was like um okay I don’t know if you remember but once upon a time when I was trying to use my mod mic on the regular through Discord for for whatever reason Discord had a problem with it and it would work everywhere but Discord and I think that’s what we had going on here um where people can hear me through ninja but you couldn’t hear me through um through Discord that was weird I didn’t even know that I’ll switch back I I’ll switch back to my uh to my Yeti well the good news the good news is you’re back and the crackling is back a little bit but but but does sound better than before I just think the answer you do two podcasts you deserve a really good mic and I think we just need to start focus on making that happen one way or the other at some point yeah I mean if it’s something that I need then it’s a responsibility right yeah yeah well just think about how velvety smooth your voice is going to be with they uh like I said I I was telling them the audience I think you should get one like this the the sure sm7 DB or whatever the one that has the actual uh amplifier built into it and then that mixed with doesn’t have to be a go XLR but something of that nature that’s an actual you know um a board of some sort that’s I I just say you know spending that type of money on a microphone you know yeah but it’s it’s 50% of what you do you know like as far as like I agree with that but it’s not like while it’s better than like a a $200 microphone it’s not that much better than a $200 micop right well like like I I think I think the sound of my Yeti is perfectly perfectly fine it sounds good except for the [ __ ] crackling and [ __ ] that that uh that’s the problem um I need to find out what that problem is because there’s no guarantee that even if I got a new more expensive microphone phone that it’s not just going to crackle too I’m pretty sure a USB mic that’s the the thing is a USB mic is a USB mic it’s going through USB technology and so it has issues that mics that go through um actual cables like this don’t have and so you’re you’re mixing that out how does your your go XLR uh interface with your computer it’s got a um uh what they may have a USB that leads in there but it’s not the same as this um I don’t know what this cable is I know it’s a condenser cable but uh it’s different you know what I mean and if you think about a a say a USB mic it’s got everything in one it’s got for a couple $100 you’ve got you know your your all like there’s three or four different parts that work together right whereas a microphone is just a microphone where and then you’re connecting to just the the um the amplifier and then you know what I mean like it it’s different I but I mean I I do think your mic does sound good but I think um we need to make it sound better yours is better there’s no doubt about it I mean there’s a reason why uh that sure uh SMB 700 or whatever is the uh or smb7 is the uh it’s standard right it’s it’s the one that everyone uses um yeah Dillo says fart is c yeah XLR cable yes thank you subasa fart in his face Kitty Drilla says um I understand that that the XLR is the cable that comes off the microphone I I was just curious whether or not the interface which in your case is a go XLR and for other people it might be some other type of module it either it either interfaces with your computer through a pcie uh card or it goes straight into USB no it’s got a USB that connects it as far as that goes yeah so that’s what I wanted to know uh anyway um I think we should probably move on permanent I I I think that uh that it’s encouraging that uh cion has not given up on the platform I think that it’s extremely encouraging that um PlayStation gamers have the Unreal Engine 5 version of this game to look forward to uh and it may even turn out to be even better than the PC version uh is currently um so that’s pretty exciting as well yeah absolutely [Music] he [Music] throw the object into the [Music] [Music] V it’s crazy over here I have no idea how you weren’t kicked [Music] [Music] [Music] pcvr exclusive bone works is now entirely playable on Quest thanks to this free Bone lab mod this from Scott Hayden at roadr bone Works 2019 the physics driven pcvr shooter from stress level zero isn’t a quest native game but thanks to a thirdparty mod for bone lab 2022 called LAB Works you can play the entire campaign on Quest no PC required developed by Moder vog 64 LAB Works now includes the entire campaign of bone Works which can be played in bone lab on a quest 2 three or Pro in addition to being available on Quest bone lab is also on pcvr headsets via Steam and metap PC which means you can play the entire bone Works Campaign there too reporting the full bone bone Works Campaign has taken nearly two years vul 64 says which includes all 12 levels from the game as well as a number of non-campaign SL sandbox levels notably when we reviewed bone Works back in 2019 it took us around 9 hours to complete the campaign nearly double the size of the campaign in bone lab making for a sizable amount of gameplay for bone lab players on Quest who are looking for a new challenge if you need help installing webworks on either Quest or PC there’s a handy video guide from vog 64 in addition to the required downloads there are also full instructions available on its mod.io page where you can NAB the admittedly very large mod and in case you’ve never heard of either here’s the one pager in bone Works players step into the shoes of Arthur Ford a renegade cyber security director who delves into an incomplete simulated Universe they navigate surreal architectural and environments they navigate surreal architecture and environments which includes a range of experimental physics-based weapons to fight their way through considered a sequel of sorts in bone lab the player controls an outcast who escapes death and explores experimental worlds in a research lab in myth OS more physics space Madness and sandbox fun uh end of article abruptly um pretty cool Roots uh when you consider what they say here and the fact that the the bone Labs game in and of itself it’s a $40 game um many of us were expecting a a similar campaign Style game uh when we got into bone lab not for what it’s not at all is it it’s it’s mainly uh a group of modding tools I spent an hour trying to figure out where to like where I don’t know where to go and I was like trying to find the way through the menu and I was actually already through it I it was a very weird mind [ __ ] but yeah know that that what’s crazy is like there actually is a lot of game there but like you said there’s so much utility and so many modding tools that are there that when it first came out we theorized that it could be really be used for a lot and um how cool is it that the most important thing it could have been used for is to bring something like bone Works to Bone Labs I wonder how do they how do they feel about it the developers like because there’s people like L Diego VR was thinking you know which one to get now he could get both you think this hurts their sales at all um no not really I think I think most people who have the ability to play this on pcvr already own it um this is uh and it’s not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination it is uh to some extent a tech demo which we’ve spoken about at length before uh but it is it isn’t just a tech demo it is a fullblown story camp campaign um and it’s a one-of a kind uh you know the in spite of its faults I consider uh bone Works to be a must own title um I can’t really say the same for bone lab although the the campaign short as it may be is of a similar quality level to Bone Works um it’s just rather short and uh a bit confusing but um I think that this adds a value proposition to Bone lab that wasn’t there prior uh especially for those who aren’t PC Gamers like people who have PCS aren’t going to give two shits about this but people who are are playing on quest uh I mean here is what I just described as a must own pcvr game that’s now fully playable on your Standalone device and that’s not even to mention the fact that there has been for some time time um some you know speculation around whether or not bone lab ends up making its way onto PlayStation VR2 uh if that turns out to be the case now uh those players won’t only be getting um bone lab but they’ll be getting the entire bone Works game as well which again is a pretty awesome value proposition yeah absolutely I definitely agree and hopefully it does come to PlayStation VR2 I think it’s it’s worth it I think both games are worth picking up especially like I was telling to L Diego VR um if you buy you know the the quest version and you were thinking about picking them up you get both versions although somebody did have a good point uh depending on what is important to you um the VR the PC version looks so good and this one does look ques toied obviously because it’s on a quest they had to they had to lower the graphics to make it not uh play or make it playable so uh yeah I would definitely if you have the ability to play it on PC you should definitely play it there because when I think about the attributes of a game like bone works and it has many most people would tell you that the strength of the game is in its physic system which is kind of the a first of its kind uh realistic simulation of uh real world physics uh that was not what made bone work so appealing to me um what made bone Works appealing to me was just the level of immersion right uh in it and certainly the physics was a part of that uh but the graphics were were also a very big part of that as well um so yeah I I often you know when when I talk about bone Works people uh people still ask about it to this day um I sell it to someone as the most realistic game that I’ve ever been in like it and it isn’t just because of like Photo real Graphics the graphics are not photo real but it’s the most realistic feeling game that I’ve ever been in like it you you have a genuine sense of presence in this world that they’ve built and it has a very unique um sci-fi Vibe which is also quite appealing in my opinion yeah that’s cool I I think it’s definitely worth playing 40 bucks for both games $20 each um and to be fair with bone lab we didn’t make it very far as far as like into the at least I didn’t the mine cart levels and you were I think it’s kind of ironic you were just mentioning this I think yesterday or couple days ago or something that maybe we go back to this game and check it out and play it so maybe we do yeah literally uh just a couple days ago after the last episode I brought it up as something that uh um that I wouldn’t I wouldn’t mind getting back to yeah uh and then here we are uh two days later covering it on the show because uh because some modder finished bringing bone bone works over you know I never finished bone works I played very very deep into it um I think it was in the last level or the next to last level uh but I never quite polished it off um I wouldn’t mind getting back into that as well although if we do that I’m playing it on PC I might check it out Labs just to see the the quality of the port right but if I’m going to put any kind of time into play play it on my 3080 TI um because I still have never done that what what you do is you play it extensively on that and then right before the show you know an hour a couple hours or a day before going to the the quest version so you’ll have a very good reference of the differences right it’ll still be fresh yeah you know we could just do an episode on the two titles true together and polish off bone works and uh play play some of the bone Labs campaign and check out the mod while we’re at it or just the mods in general not even just the bone Works mod but there’s a good deal of uh bone lab’s original content um that’s available in there as well yeah that’s super cool so yeah if you’re watching this and you’re you’re super like familiar with B labs and the user created content in there leave a comment down below if you have like a favorite um a favorite mod or campaign or or whatever for uh for bone lab let us know like we’re familiar somewhat with the halflife Alex ones they’re all over the uh the Steam Workshop page but bone lab I I think for a lot of us uh we just played it when it came out and then we moved away from it well before anybody had modded it and uh never looked back so I I think that there’s um at least the potential here for a lot of good content to be kind of hiding from the general public in there uh so if this is something that you’re aware of let us know let us know what we need to be checking out yeah absolutely um Shape Shifter the Amorphis gamecat bone lab still sits on my two bio list um it might even be on sale there’s huge sales going on right now yes not only on Quest but there’s there’s sales on Playstation I was going to tell you you and mash I don’t know if you picked it up or not but you can pick up in everybody because I want to do this soon this one of the games we’d cover for U VR mod um I think you may have already picked it up but the um Hot Wheels unleashed the first one is on sale for like 599 and and don’t slum it with the 599 version there’s the 1199 version that comes with all the DLC which is some of the coolest part the Batmobile is the sequel on sale because I looked at the sequel back when I picked up the original and the sequel was like 50 bucks or something crazy I almost bet it is and um the only thing about the sequel and and this is the thing um it’s anti-che and so you’d have to do it you couldn’t do it online but this is I the only reason I haven’t played the sequel yet is I want to play the full game I’ve Loved this game so much that I I recommend um the first one for sure and the sequels I’m assuming from what I hear in reviews is just more of the same right um but uh I’m looking at Pin it’s like the pinball FX or something the seq is just more pinball yeah know it’s definitely more tracks more you know they’ve but it’s definitely really good um Hot Wheels unleash to is $50 it’s not on sale what the you son of a [ __ ] oh good point Reaper with the tip tip of the day uh the sequel is on PC game pass oh well there you go and I oh wait a minute I read I read the second half of a statement now this says and I wasn’t able to get it work to work with uvr bummer well I’ll tell you what the first one definitely pick it up if you don’t have it um I’d love to have a community night where not only Yi and mash and d and anybody that wants to play race those it’s just so much fun so done so well uh it’s amazing I will I will I I’ll tell you what I’ll make a deal with you I will submit to that and we we can play a community night of Hot Wheels Unleashed VR uh but in return I want a community night where we play Gran tereso 7 oh dude that’s like [ __ ] man that’s like somebody like a kid you’re like uh you can have ice cream if you can want will allow me to give you this candy too and they’re like yeah yeah let’s do it you want to race Let’s Race homie and then uh and then we can uh bring Mash in and uh do Galaxy cards to wrap it all up yep yeah for sure boom uh anyways uh where were we um oh yeah um so yeah uh I would I would definitely watch for this title to be on sale it is a um it’s a crossby title so if you if you do happen to have a Oculus headset uh you can pick it up on Quest and play it on Rift you can pick it up on Rift play it on Quest and uh but if you have a PC uh you likely already have bone Works anyway and you’ve already checked it out so you know what they need to make in bone Labs Roots they need to make duck season oh that would be cool yeah duck season you remember that game that was cool yeah my kids still love that game like they still asked me to play it all the time like Dad can we set up duck season like uh because they’re they’re all like retro Gamers right they love like Nintendo games like my son was literally he brought a uh a CRT TV home um just a few days ago so that he could hook up his retro consoles to it and he was in there playing duck hunt just today let me ask you this does he know who John rigs is I know it’s a dumb question but he’s he does he do well if you’re if you’re into that he’s the the best channel for it right so in my opinion that is true yes uh anyway we’ve talked and talked and talked about old VR games Roots why don’t we talk about a new VR game for a change [Music] [Music] you know how to use them [Music] right load it up yeah no time to lose [Music] [Music] we are I don’t think we going to get [Music] [Music] through Ronica is a Sci-Fi shooter on a flying motorcycle coming to Quest this year this from mixed news.com the VR game Ronica combines a flying motorcycle shooter elements and a cell shaded look closed Alpha will start soon Ronica combines immersive racing with shooter elements in a casual firstperson perspective players navigate a flying bike that can move forward horizontally and vertically in a dynamic Ally generated tiled environment players must maneuver through this space avoiding collisions while engaging with enemy drones using two weapons mounted on the bike players progress through a series of missions each with specific objectives such as reading reaching checkpoints defeating a number of enemies or surviving under challenging conditions completing missions unlock subsequent levels and new in-game cont content including bike upgrades new weapons and customizations the game features nine unique weapons each with distinct characteristics players can equip two weapons simultaneously allowing for strategic combinations suited to varying combat scenarios Retron is currently scheduled for a release in August 2024 on meta Quest um I have mixed feelings about this one Roots um first of all uh as we were speaking about during the break uh I think this thing looks pretty cool I think the art style uh really kind of uh fits the vibe the Retro Vibe it’s going for I like the way it looks I know a lot of people see it and they’re like cell shade Quest Graphics like sometimes things just look good cell shaded like some cartoons some some Comics whatever like yeah there’s a lot of them but I’d say maybe a handful look good this looks really good I like the premise I you know I was thinking um as we were watching it that I I feel like I I would love to be in the DeLorean going through traffic like that like I I see that um but I I also see your mixed feelings it it kind of looks a little wave shootery or uh just looks very like the gameplay could be generic you know right and and that’s where this Alpha Testing stage I feel like is going to be crucial for them I hope it’s not public Alpha Testing I hope it’s private Alpha Testing closed it says closed Al oh yeah well that’s good I’d love to have um the opportunity for like it would be great if if if they were a client at impact reality uh so that we could kind of help them make this game a success right because I do think there’s potential here but there’s also potential to make something that’s not in particularly uh original um and when you’re talking about these type of arcade style Shooters you have to be very careful um not to just put out a generic game come on Kitty come on it’s your it’s your show oh wait no it’s not the dog’s like H she’s trying she’s trying to not knock my camera over come on baby it’s good well everybody was rooting for the the the cat to fart in your face earlier well not everybody a couple people you know who you are um I think it does have one good thing going for it uh roots and that is there is at least no sign at this time at this point in time that this is a Rog light people are starting to get kind of tired of the Rog likee Shooters um this seems like it very much could just be um you know a regular old school kind of rail shooter which I’m fine with uh if if it’s original and it’s good and only time will tell on that Rog likes need to be like so unique that people are like [ __ ] man that’s badass like that the way that you’re doing this is like never been done just because it’s been done so much especially in VR lately um I I would submit we need more going back to the first uh topic more Platformers in VR more really good Platformers you know so uh anyway I wanted to put some shine on it because I do think that there is some potential here I think that this is the precisely the type of game that can kind of transcend the shortcomings of of Standalone VR and uh and make the quest platform um you know worth participating in for uh for for gamers so um this is one that we’ll be watching close ly I don’t know that I would want to um you know of my free time be an Al tester for this but uh I might give a look if you’re the developer and you’re watching this and uh and you want to let us take a look at it I I wouldn’t mind it looks like it could be fun um we certainly uh would like to give you some uh feedback some tips uh some feedback as to how to make this thing success uccessful because I think it can be I think that there is a certain lack of um combat Racers uh in VR right now and uh that lack of combat Racers gets even smaller when you’re talking about uh motorcycle um style combat Racers there’s only um well [ __ ] man that’s hard for me to even think of one right now off the top of my head there’s a runner but um that’s about the only one that that comes to me easily so um definitely room for these I’m sorry I was say somebody in the chat said look like Runner kind of there you go so there’s definitely room for more of these style of games uh it’s a a a favorite um genre of like uh kind of PS2 and PS3 era Gamers uh so I think that there’s definitely a um some potential here for for these types of games in VR going yeah absolutely Looper the underground gamecat says it’s best when Rog like is just like uh is a mode in a full game like asgard’s wrath too it it just depends because like the best rogue like that I’ve ever played which granted it’s flat is Hades but it’s because it’s wrapped around a story and like you know what I mean there has to be more than just gamepl or else like it’s not these kind of games is not enough it’s like you have part of the equation you have like 50 maybe 70% of what you need you still need every more to tie it together so right and I think that’s what kept um that’s what kept um synaps from being game of the year last year like if if that game had more um then it would it would have been a a shoe in right for for game of the year because the game play the minute to- minute gameplay was revolutionary in that game we’ve never seen anything like it before or since um but the fact that it had you kind of repeating the the same campaign three times to to finish the game and then even at that there’s no boss fight or conclusion to the story at the end it’s just um It Feels Like An Unfinished game you know right I think that developers should take this premise just from a start of a game and look at the game before they even even consider releasing it and saying if this was a flat game release how would it do and if you can’t say it would blow people away then the gameplay needs to be tweaked because like VR should be what flat gaming is times a thousand CU now you’re in it I think I I I think that that’s true to some extent I don’t I don’t think um that that’s Universal obviously there will be exceptions to that because the at at the same time that I understand what you’re saying um I do think that there are unique um types of gaml that are specific only to VR and if you Tred to make those type of games into flat games they don’t really work but I’m not saying I’m not saying take it has to be a game that could be played flat first what I’m saying is if the game play itself is not something that you could play flat not the same way playing it you know what I mean like the gameplay Loop if a gameplay Loop was introduced in a flat game that was similar in VR and it was just dog [ __ ] people were like dude what is this VR is not magic it’s not going to it needs to be engaging it needs to be it should be something that makes flat games look like dog [ __ ] you’re in it but the game still needs to be the game play still needs to be there right and like you said then you take it to the next Lev level and you incorporate stuff like synapse did that you have things you could never do flat and then it takes it to another level where it’s like okay that you could never do this um you couldn’t say the same thing for Resident Evil Village yes it’s a um it’s a better experience in VR but you can play that game from beginning to end flat and have just as good of an experience you just would be a different perspective right so uh but yeah I agree good night El Diego VR uh Diego is checking out and uh with that um that wraps up our headlines uh and we move into the week’s reminders and we’re going to start this one off as we typically do with what’s out this week and as it just so happens RSE there’s quite a lot out this week questcraft has been a project that over the years has shown me that Community is everything everything we do from programming to designing to even our user support is done with the focus and main goal of building a better product to deliver to our amazing Community because without them we wouldn’t be where we are today that’s why with questcraft 5.0 we have gone above and beyond to deliver our most substantial update ever further closing the guest between the PC and Standalone five craft experience in this newest update we have made many incredible strikes with performance boosting Quest crafts total FPS from 45 all the way up to 120 or nice 169% when using the quest 3 this update also brings many improvements to mod compatibility and resource utilization meaning more mods and bigger worlds for you to explore along with the performance upgrades we dedicated ourselves to redesigning The Quest Craft launcher entirely our primary goal was easy accessibility while also making it look as appealing as possible we’ve also added many new quality of life features such as custom instances mod pack support and improved tools for our support staff to better help you among many other new features of course all of this wouldn’t be possible without our teams dedicating themselves daily to making questcraft as amazing as possible that’s why we’re excited to announce the official release of questcraft on all meta Quest headsets including the quest 1 and three releasing on side quest May 23rd 2024 with picoc craft a port of questcraft to the Pico headset coming later this year [Music] [Music] I I agree Quest questcraft 5.0 brings Minecraft VR to Quest 3 unofficially with 120 frames per second performance uh roots in my household there is not a game it’s not even close there there isn’t another game that I’ve spent more money on than Minecraft and I’m not talking about buying uh mod packs and skins I haven’t bought any of that crap but I’ve got three kids and each one of my kids owns uh probably four or five different copies of Minecraft across all platforms oh man um they love it um they were into playing it in VR for a little while first on Playstation then on PC um but for the last one to two years um they’ve pretty much played exclusively the Java Edition on PC and I’m not a enough of a Minecraft expert to know exactly why that is but I know that there are features fees in the Java Edition that you cannot access through any other Edition I think it’s more malleable more modable um you can do more custom things with it it’s less controlled by Microsoft and I think that that’s why them not only them but their friends as well all play Java Edition that’s why I found it so interesting today when I found out that this questcraft which I have heard of before I knew it was an unofficial Minecraft for Quest um what I didn’t know about it is that this is the Java Edition um and you have to own the Java Edition on PC to to be able to put this on your quest um and with this new release uh not only uh are my children now able to go into their Quest headsets and play their Java Edition uh but it’s running amazingly well at 120 frames per second on Quest three um that’s pretty cool that is cool but I wonder what the uh the compression looks like and like I said I was watching that one uh big YouTuber that does racing and Sims and stuff and him talking about the compression at 120 um for a set of Corso versus you know 90 frames made me think like at least on the quest Are We There Yet to where we should be trying to push 120 frames I mean you’re you’re taking games and saying you know this isn’t good enough anymore but then you’re pushing 120 frames and you’re degrading the the visuals anyway well here’s the thing in most cases uh not most in all cases uh it’s optional like you can you can bring this back to 90 20 is something that you have to like you have to go into your settings to just even enable it um I just just more if it looks like crap then it’s like it’s it’s cool but like how about give me a display port meta you know like how hard is it I just uh I know I’m a broken record but it just it there’s so many sacrifices and to get 120 you know I I have to now degrade the way it looks I I just don’t that’s not a selling point to me no no this is a standalone this is a standalone it’s not it’s not a like a a piece P game you got to have it on your PC to get the base files but this is playing Standalone on the quest and it’s up to you what how you want to configure it if if you want if you prefer um Fidelity over performance then you you run it at 72 or 90 to get the High Fidelity if you prefer performance and Frames over over Fidelity then you run it at 120 it’s up to you how you want to run it right yeah I just yeah I it’s all for me it’s all tied into so many other things than just just this topic but yeah and in a in this thing I think it’s cool Minecraft was the first game that I played in VR and like you said it’s a version that um your kids are going to be able to play the stuff that they want to play I Remember playing with my son flat um we went to the moon you know we built a spaceship and we flew it to the moon and Minecraft and it was cool you know so yeah and this is uh being an extension of the original vivecraft um this isn’t like the uh the Minecraft that you and I played together in VR uh this is full motion controller support um it it’s what a lot of people wanted from the official version of Minecraft um again available um here for uh you know you want to save for free it’s not really free do have to buy the uh the Bedrock edition of uh of Minecraft from Microsoft it’s like 30 bucks um but the VR version own that on it’s your VR mods for free or the you know right the mods free there you go so yeah pretty cool uh pretty cool thing that’s out this week for those of you out there who are in the Minecraft I’m going to be very interested to see um how receptive my children are to this uh again this is the version that that they like to play the Java Edition and all of their friends that they play with they all have quests and uh and and they all enjoy it um so it’ll be interesting to see if they decide to move over now and play way it’ll be a good case experiment right because a lot of people would say yeah it’s no brander the only thing that’s holding them out is the fact that they can’t like you said they can’t play the the version they want to play they might get in there and it might be that which I think um that’s why I I kind of think the big screen Beyond is a little bit more exciting than a lot of these other set headsets like the frame the the size of these headsets the bulkiness even though kids are growing up and they love the tech it’s just not comfortable to wear long term and if I can wear something to where I almost can forget that I’m wearing it that changes everything and so they might find that it’s a lot more fun to just play and look at the TV and it’ll blow your mind but that might be the truth you know who knows yeah well my my experience has been with them is that um that the the younger people are are much more receptive to uh to VR than the older like old school Gamers that have been playing on TVs for 30 years they’re receptive to it it doesn’t mean that a lighter headset isn’t going to be accepted even better course because these these headsets are atrocious the the weight and the Heat and everything it’s just not it it’s doable you know in the technology we have to have something on our face at this point but that that big screen Beyond looks like a pair of sunglasses and it gives you a very comparable uh fov I think it’s like 102 degrees you know so like if we can get to the form factor like that even in in Standalone with a puck type of thing where they can just take the whole [ __ ] thing to power it and have all the the technology that needs to run it and out external with a cable oh my God you got to put it in your pocket um then it makes it super light and uh and then it you don’t even know that something’s on that’s to me will be immersion you know to where you forget that something’s on your face yes yes I kind of think that’s what we all want and that’s uh the direction that we’re moving for the most part unless you’re pimax of course who just continues in the same form factor generation after generation yeah it’s funny man with PX like they originally had that form factor so that they could have their 200 degree field of view but now like the newer headsets that field of view shrinking but the headset staying the same size it makes no sense I don’t know man the the headsets the SI the size is a problem um Eric says uh Happy Memorial Day everyone what’s up VR people what’s up Eric hopefully you’re having a a good day uh in Florida but yeah no it’s it’s bizarre to me I mean it’s bizarre to me that anybody really still is invested in that ecosphere to me it’s that that company is like warning warning warning but each their own yeah so the problem is is the quality level of it has gotten better um significantly better the the quality level of their headsets um the the problem is what we just said like the the form factor is not changing when it should be right anyways uh Minecraft on Quest 3 Java Edition 120 frames per second performance pretty awesome for those of you out there who like Minecraft but that’s not all that Quest Gamers have to look forward to this [Music] week going you down I a playing around man better run going to hunt you down I’m going to hunt you down yeah I ain’t playing around I’m take you Crown R going to hunt you down [Music] [Music] is it time to panic yet Roots if your population won is it time to panic yet you know joh the Johnny come lately flavor of the week contractor Showdown has stolen all of the Thunder um so what do you do if your population one well what you do to start with is bring out an all new map and you bring exclusive new mechanics to the game uh including automatic redeploys in pop one now how about that a that crazy um Supply crates buy stations loot vaults uh this is all sounding very familiar um one thing though that isn’t sounding so familiar Roots is that this is all 100% free to play yeah you already have access to this you don’t have to go out and buy contractor Showdown you can go check it out and play it for free most people probably already own it um this is probably one of the games I played the most in VR ironically and it’s a good game MASH and I played the [ __ ] out of this game for like a year or a year and a half um even to the point where just when Wes was like okay we were starting to get Wes in there and then we just stopped playing right right I don’t know if it was when it went free to play or what the deal was but um I don’t know I think it’s a good game I think it’s definitely good that they’re adding more to it there’s nothing wrong with more game and uh yeah it’s cool I agree very high quality title especially free-to-play I don’t know if there’s a better free-to-play title out there than population one um officially launches not this week but next week on June 6 but uh they are doing a free uh preview event this weekend starting on May 31st uh at 10:59 a.m. Pacific time which is uh 1 1 p.m. Eastern uh all the way through um June 3 which is uh the the following Monday um this is going to be playable um then they’ll take a few days off to to polish it up and tweak it and then it’ll just be a permanent uh or at least not a permanent but it semi-permanent uh update to the game uh I guess they’re they’re probably trying to see if they can reclaim some of their player base roots and um that’s good they should they they’re the ones that have the unlimited resources right this is a meta owned company right and uh if if they want to own this space then they probably will it’s up to MAA yeah MAA could make this game like a thousand times better you know it’s just really up to them how much they want to invest I don’t know how much money they’ve spent I don’t know I haven’t played it for so long I don’t know what they’ve been doing it’s been a while I know they’ve had several different cool uh things they had that highrise they had the Western thing they had the the castle and um this is my advice at some point maybe they’ve already got to this point maybe not like if you could expand the the map bigger and add V vles you know like that’s one of the coolest things about fortnite is all the different vehicles and um it just feels like that part is kind of missing so I think they need to have marshmallow come and do a concert in it that would be awesome dude I you gonna say uh the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters that would also be cool like the way you think sir uh anyway no this is a cool game uh I I don’t know I think it may be a little too soon uh I think they may be uh a little trigger happy here unless they’ve got more stuff up their sleeve uh this may just be the first of a a number of updates and new maps that they roll out over the course of the summertime uh but if this is a a standalone like update if this is what they’ve got uh I think they might have been a little bit more well served wait to mid to late summer uh let people get their feel of um of the uh compe competition before they make their move time will tell absolutely uh Shape Shifter the Amorphis gamecat says I’m new to this game and I’m have a bit of fun for sure as long as I M mute everybody that is yeah this is the thing and this is the problem with um free to play for the most part really is it it already had a bunch of kids anyway but now it’s full of kids that are annoying and I can deal with annoying kids in the lobby I just go to somewhere else I’ll run off and I’ll climb a building or just get away but if they’re my partner I I kind of need to communicate with them you know what I mean and so the best way to play this game is with your friends just go in there with two of your friends and then mute everybody else and just play together and then it doesn’t matter if everybody’s annoying you know un let or don’t mute them in the lobby so you have a name to look for to kill when you’re they annoy you so there you go I like that vindictiveness yes yeah although they’re if they’re like 10 they’re probably going to kill us they’re probably way better that’s just the way kids are true that’s that’s been that’s been a fact of life since Halo brother yeah Xbox Live became a thing and then we realize that the youth is better than we are yeah they have all the time to to get good I don’t know how they do it man you ever tried to play after the fall with Isabelle they’re crazy good right doubling and tripling up anyone’s numbers with like head shots and it’s just like how are you doing that like wow yeah that’s crazy well you know I mean I actually it’s not crazy you know you do inherit stuff from your parents and I’ve watch crack [ __ ] crackshot West uh go through and crank kill [ __ ] you know I can’t touch her numbers though like I’m accurate but like I have to stop name she just [ __ ] runs through like a on flux just [ __ ] blowing heads up left and right without thinking about it yeah um anyway uh we’ve been talking mad [ __ ] on Rog lights for for quite some time uh but there’s always an exception right we talked about this that you know it sucks to be a Rog light in VR today unless you’re a good Rog light in VR today and uh Apparently one of the very first good Rog like VR Shooters is uh still being supported on meta Quest and that’s pretty cool a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this week sees Rog likee shooter sweet surrender getting a visual overhaul on quest uh it says Quest 3 but it’s actually all Quest platforms this thing’s getting a a visual update Bloom and HDR hundreds of new uh effects uh weapon recoil the the final boss has been re revamp no more instant death uh they have an unstuck button now uh new bug reporting tools dozens of bug fixes and performance improvements uh Roots this is um this is a game that uh is very much under the radar Hidden Gem for those many of those that have joined during the uh latter parts of the Quest 2 Generation Um but for those of us who’ have been around for a while uh we recognize and remember that this is one of the initial games that kind of kicked off the uh the wave of Rog likee arcade style shooters that that people are starting to now kind of grow tired of but this is one of the OG ones um it was a it was a solid game even on launch but what kind of has set this one apart from the legions of others is that this is a game that has gotten consistent support from the day it hit the store even till today and this is just the the latest evidence of uh of a great uh Studio that supporting this game right that’s like I say all the time you know like you can if you’re paying attention to to the world you can see track records right this means a lot to me because the game was already good uh before when it came out and they’ve added and fixed so much it’s going to be that much better and uh I think it’s super cool yeah this is a very fun game um again a game I I I wish more people knew knew about um because you don’t hear it talked about a lot but it it’s a really good high quality game and uh I mean we said it recently when we were covering that big shots or whatever you know everything good that that game had going for it um is in this game but this game has so much more going on for it than that game ever did right and um I said it then like if I’m going if I’m going to spend my time in a game like big shots I’m not going to play Big Shots I’m going to go play Sweet surrender um which is a a game that you know not only gives you similar uh upgrade um uh progression systems but it gives you full-blown levels to play through instead of putting you in Arena and uh gives you branching paths a ton of of uh different weapons and items to make use of and um game that’s just generally fun to play minute to minute yeah Looper says it’s on PC too and Tipsy Sonic says it’s a lot of fun still hasn’t beaten it as well or and Artful says it I guess it came out 2021 so yeah it’s a three-year-old game they’re continually working on it and um I don’t know it’s all about integrity making a game is one thing but delivering a product promised and then also as a studio like like what do you want to be remembered as or for right do you want to be remembered for games that you dropped and walked away from and are broken like [ __ ] Gambit or something like cuz that’s all I can think of when I think of that studio now which is a shame because there’s other games they make I want would want to be remembered as one of the games that said you know what we we put out a good game it was well received we made our money we could have walked away but we’re making it even better because we it’s our it’s art it’s a it’s a work of art you know like every project like this is so I i’ want to be remembered for being the first great VR porn game yes oh dude the best I want you know do the best holac you want the holck that’s what it is I’m not thinking gaming I think it’s prawn it’s coming yeah mixed reality in your room with you in room yeah crazy anyways uh that’s um those were the updates or the significant Updates this week uh we are getting uh a couple of new titles on the PlayStation VR2 this week though as well [Music] what do you believe detective after all the pain of SE all the cases that keep you up at [Music] night you think Humanity deserves to thrive in its own rotting Decay that I should not indulge in Humanity’s Madness [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so even though that trailer there ended off by saying that this game was coming to Playstation VR um don’t be fooled ladies and gentlemen it is in fact coming to Playstation VR2 um tomorrow uh This Is The Exorcist Legion VR deluxe edition uh with significant uh Visual and quality of life upgrades um new haptics uh you know taking advantage of the uh the PlayStation VR2 specific features and and um typically I’m skeptical of these types of U re-releases routs um especially from from Fun Train but the to be honest um this is following a pattern that we’ve seen across other platforms before uh initially we saw the deluxe edition come to steam VR as an exclusive um which made a lot of people upset because they they wanted upgrades on their um platforms as well and it took some time but eventually these upgrades came to every uh platform we saw um you know we saw the PC version go up to 4K resolution uh but not only that we saw significant upgrades then come to the Standalone Quest version and even the original PlayStation VR psvr 1 version got significant Pro patches and updates to it um now this game’s coming to PlayStation VR2 for the very first time and uh I guess the goal here is to uh make full advantage of the new resources and features that are available I have not yet played this so I can’t vouch for the quality of it uh but I do have to say that this is one of the scarier horror games that I’ve ever played in VR uh so I am looking forward to giving it a look yeah absolutely could make it uh even better um it is8 8-year-old game hopefully you know just all the extra graphics and and everything that they’re changing um and of course the the different platform it uh will even make it better right and it is a a new game for everybody on the the PlayStation platform right they didn’t get the first one did they on the or on the PS VR1 didn’t get it yeah yeah did it yeah yeah they they got it and it got upgraded like they they got a visual upgrade on the psv1 okay well my question would be you know I guess it just depends on how much you like the game or horror would it be worth going back into for for everybody that already owns it and you’ve already been into it um you know if you already know the ending and all that I don’t remember [ __ ] about it as far as uh the game so I remember this had some moments in it man um one of my one of my favorite horror games on uh on gen one VR The Exorcist um how does it hold up next like Blair Witch or um Madison or I mean granted it’s a years difference but it doesn’t both both of those games are are head level yeah it’s apples it’s not fair to put it up against it but I was just curious yeah yeah I’d say Blair Witch is a little bit closer with uh Madison though is kind of in a league of its own so it’s not even close to that um I would put it along the lines of something like Paranormal Activity if you remember Paranormal Activity VR um I kind of lumped this into a group with that it’s not a great horror game uh it is a very good horror game right yeah cool so there you go Magnum gaming wants to know how long it is it’s not very long you can play through it in like two to three hours if I remember correctly you know who else want to how long it is my mom yeah she does um it’s not very long this is a game that was initially um sold as uh episodic uh they were selling I think $6 um levels to it uh chapters and um they were like 30 to 45 minutes each and uh there were five of them and um after the game was after the fifth chapter was finally released then they started just bundling them together and it’s gotten to the point now where people forgot that originally this was a collection and not just a single title like it is now that’s true yeah you guys getting The Best of Both Worlds just kind of like the Star Wars and like there you they’re not having to wait for each individual episodic thing and those Studios learned a lesson you know people don’t really want episodic [ __ ] we really don’t I don’t anyway um just give me a full but you you know at least uh back then when people tried [ __ ] like this they priced it appropriately right now it seems like people want to [ __ ] charge $5 to $20 for every [ __ ] episode of this [ __ ] and uh it’s just not fair it’s not worth it that’s not worth it uh anyway as we wrap up uh what’s out this week um we do have an actual new title coming to Playstation VR2 as well rate t for team [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] chidee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] rated T for Te prep Sushi Ben uh VR mango Adventure Sushi Ben arrives this week on psvr2 uh Roots this is a game that was announced for ever ago um I don’t know if it’s still the case but at one time in dreams was a publisher of this game on other platforms I think it did eventually come to uh to other platforms and it’s just now kind of rounding the bin and finally making its way over to the PlayStation platform it’s on I don’t know what to think about this man it’s on Quest now and viveport it’s coming to steam later this year uh there you go so in a non VR mode oh it also inv it also includes a non-vr mode okay yeah that’s right cool that’s right yeah uh it’s uh it’s one of those rare instances where we have an anime game that doesn’t cost $50 and $60 uh this one seems to be a bit more lighthearted and less serious than some of the other ones that we’ve seen on VR platforms before uh cartoony uh maybe some um some uh some lighthearted fun going on here uh activities like fishing bug catching dog walking go ghost hunting oh uh Pro and on psvr2 uh they are promising enhanced visuals and haptic feedback you don’t even need phasmophobia on psvr2 anymore you got ghost hunting and Sushi men and fishing agreed agreed um so I don’t know could be good uh they’ve certainly been working on it long enough um I’ll tell you what I remember no I was going to say Looper said uh he played it on viport at surprise surprisingly decent yeah I was about to say our good friend Jimmy uh who used to work in M dreams um he was excited about this one coming on the PlayStation VR he he kept uh alluding to how cool it was going to be and how he couldn’t wait for us to try it so oh cool maybe it’s good yeah ARL says it’s a known name and has a good length story so yeah I mean that this is the thing I mean as long as it’s good I I’m not big into anime but that doesn’t matter I’m I’m one person in a in a sea of a lot of VR players maybe it’s not made for Me Maybe it’s cool and and funny enough and quirky enough that I think this is really cool you know uh so yeah that looks cool well we’ll see uh I don’t think that we’re going to do a specific episode on it um but you know what uh what’s coming up next week Roots is game of the month oh and uh this is in our library oh nice well there you go another re look for that another reason to actually get into the psvr2 headset that’s what I use it for for the show it’s like I’ll check out sushi Ben and um Apprentice summer scale it says eight out of 10 without Parole Review incoming there you go do you agree with that uh I wouldn’t be shocked um you know um Brian sometimes likes these sorts of game so we’ll see it looks like it could be pretty pretty cool pretty funny so Looper says uh game of the month in a week from now I’d say that’s likely uh Roots I think that we’ve kind of gotten used to doing uh game of the month in place of numbered episodes am I right about that right yeah yeah absolutely I think we should do it and then that way it’s uh it’s on a Monday afternoon and we have more time to check out the games and you know right right why we decided to to switch to doing them on uh on Mondays is so that we could have an extra day to prepare for them because they do take a little extra time uh to to check out the uh the lineup so yeah I would say that that’s a 95% likely scenario Looper that we’re going to be doing game of the week next next Monday or game of the month rather um anyways uh we move along to some viewer comments as uh Roots rejoins us here uh moving along to some viewer comments um starting with let me I got to make this big it’s too small for me to read uh with the VR resistance the VR resistance says I agree with Wes well OB resistance knows what he’s talking about he does I don’t even know what the topic is and he knows I agree your resistance says no matter what game you throw at him uh most flatties will want to be stuck in the past I mean psvr2 launched with gt7 arly the best arguably the best car game ever has two Resident Evils and people still say it isn’t worth it also I am one of those whose first VR headset is psvr2 but all all three of those games are very Niche games like there’s so many people that don’t race and there’s a lot of people that don’t like horror what I’m saying what I would think would be amazing is if they would have focused on Platformers you know or or like even that Crash Bandicoot 4 that I’ve been playing something that everybody knows a main like legit game and and uh I don’t know if Crash Bandicoot would do it but like even that’s NE Niche right like they kind of need something that’s Universal that everybody plays so anyway I think that VR resistance here is kind of conflating a few different things that I said and maybe misrepresenting it a little bit um I agree with the general sentiment though I I think what the the main gist of what he’s trying to agree with me with is is what I said last time we were on the there and and I think we kind of alluded to it a little bit earlier today as well uh where I I don’t think that winning over um seasoned flat Gamers is necessarily going to be the the thing that gets VR into the mainstream right I think that it’s going to take longer than that I think it’s going to take the the youth growing up to become U you know active members of the workforce and having their own spending money um because I do think there are a a steadfast group of traditional Gamers out there that just don’t want VR and it doesn’t matter if we bring their favorite game over or not um do you know why though they’re yeah because they’re comfortable they don’t they don’t they like their thing already they they like their thing already there’s one reason but because everybody in the VR field needs to change the game they need to they need to make touch controls and and they they need to everything’s got to be VR ified instead of treating this which it kind of is as a monitor and putting you in the game like World of Warcraft with my keyboard mouse or whatever everybody is forcing something else on people they just want to play the game they’ve always played the way they’ve always played it and yes there are a good chunk of people that don’t want to be in a headset but if you could put them in Call of Duty and you could let them play like Todd is [ __ ] phenomenal with at Call of Duty flat now he probably good good VR but he’s really good flat those level of Gamers if they could go in and they could be immersed in the game and still own and still play the game like they’ve always done they would do it they’ you have a better chance of pulling them in but people won’t let them because it’s got to be vfi it’s got to be built from the ground up it’s got to be touched it’s got to be first person it’s got to be this just leave the game alone and just let them play it the way they’ve always played it we’d have a better chance of pulling them in and I’ll say this I agree with everything you’re saying too at the same time West I’m not disagreeing so yeah yeah and I I agree with what you’re saying we would definitely get more people in uh if we U made the transition a little easier for them um my point is is that there there is a significant amount of people that if you brought the game in exactly they still would put it in the headset they just don’t want to they don’t want to play it on the headset that they they like it already they love it already they don’t want it to be different all all they want is they they want the next generation of Graphics to make it look more realistic on their their panel that they’re sitting in front of right and they want like um anything that’s going to give them a competitive Advantage I think that that especially that is poent that is a big deal I yeah I I think that there that we do have a potential to eventually win over some um competitive FPS players if we let them keep their control structure but put it in a headset because as as the headsets get better uh and the screen technology gets better um it’s going to we’re going to eventually hit a point where it’s easier to detect and see the enemy uh in a headset versus on a screen right um you’re going to have you’re going to have better distance Vision when we get to like verif focal and OLED uh inside the headset foret it son um then it’s right right it’s going to give a competitive advantage to people who are playing in VR and that will be a game changer for PVP and I’ll tell you what a lot of people disagree with this but I would think I would own most people that aim down the SES if you give me head controlled aim because I’m everywhere everywhere I’m looking I’ve got a reticle you know what I mean like that to me that is the most satisfying way like red dead or whatever it just feels so good now don’t get me wrong it’s not a replacement for aiming down the sights but versus traditional flat gaming shooting in VR the head game aiming is is so good so yeah now now uh now take that that site based aiming and um and pair that up with ey tracking oh God think about that for a minute you just be melting people’s skulls before they even know you’re around yeah I agree and I think bringing people in and letting them and maybe they have different a bracket that lets them play together or who knows how you do it if it’s a competitive game but I just want to see these I I just want the my thing is I just want the big money and I want the the the depth of the games um and both both of those come together uh I think with like Sony Sony’s got Vision like I think they’re a lot of other companies aren’t thinking like they are I think hybrid is the the bridge that gets us to where we all want to be where you know you’re legit mad and throwing the football and you know so yeah I agree with that as well um I think it’s going to be a a convergence of many different factors though and it’s not going to happen tomorrow no it’s going to take some more refin not only to the hardware yeah it’s going to take some more refinement to the hardware and the games it’s going to take some uh maturing of the player base and some just general evolution of technology in the uh in the mainstream before people are ready to uh to let go of the last generation yeah I agree um Mark Smith 1535 says Dying Light is so down fun did you get the DLC I believe that’s when you can drive vehicles uh I think we did get the DLC didn’t We R yeah yeah I told you to pick up the DLC cuz it’s only a few bucks worth it’s worth it um yeah the DLC is cool it’s got uh and I can’t what the name of the the DLC was but it has the the Doom buggies and and other stuff um extra weapons and the game in general is has been around for what eight years or six years I think it’s eight years yeah so it’s pretty cheap you can get cheap and it’s amazing n even yeah oh yeah that’s crazy so it’s definitely worth playing through I think and um if you got a computer that can do it and you’ve got a uh some VR legs because it will test them at first right so yeah well I mean you just have to get used to U kind of closing your eyes for the the cines that’s really what get you the game play is fine it’s uh it’s when the the HUD locks to your uh to your vision when things start feeling weird that’s why we need maybe the AL alien isolation mod person or somebody that that knows what they’re doing just a a Dying Light mod just take what they’ve got existing and and fine-tune it it could be like the best game ever so yeah it’s already so good like I was thinking about playing it all day yesterday and I was literally about to u to tag you guys up and invite you into U another session yesterday when my power went out my power was out like all [ __ ] day yesterday uh so I didn’t get a chance to get back in it but I was all all down for it man to spend a significant portion of Sunday uh bashing zombie skulls I’m down to go in you know uh like I said it’s one of the games that I’ve got hundreds of hours I love it yeah it’s really good I highly recommend it for you pcvr Gamers out there Big Daddy Dan says hi guys great video I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a mod that fixes the UI HUD in oh God thought he was reading our M uh Dr Greg VR has a link to the mod in his tutorial video here on YouTube I hope everyone has a great day so there you go Roots so so the HUD the HUD actually um it fits perfectly if you don’t uh change any of the graphic settings um from the um from the main menu um after you get in the game you can switch off the vsync and your H will stay perfectly fine and the game looks good too um it was only when I started switching things in the like the main menu that the uh the HUD grew to some ungodly size where the uh the sides got cut off by my field of view I’m going to Dr Greg’s video I want to I want to crank my VI my graphics and I want to see the HUD there you go I think that’s the uh the solution we should give it a try yeah I think so too I think we definitely need to get back in there and um it’s just such a good game definitely the story is really good too Mark Smith once again uh gives a time stamp here and says I really enjoyed Watch Dogs um I only played the first game though but I did play it through to the end oh it was a good size world and I had fun setting up the hacks it’s been a long time since I played so I’d be interested to see what it’s like today um I put this in here Roots because I feel like you know I haven’t played watch dogs but I get a similar vibe from it that I got from Dying Light like it’s that um you know that 10-year-old sized open World um with like similar progression systems and and and quests to play through even though it isn’t post-apocalyptic zombie um it is like a it’s more of a modern like techn dystopia type game um it still has a lot of the the core gameplay elements I think that we enjoyed about Dying Light so yeah might worth giving it giving it a look yeah I can’t remember too much about it I know like they said in there there’s something about hacks and setting up different traps or I don’t know something like that I know my son played it’s like a big yeah it’s like a big brother game like a Tech no spy type game um that came out back before the public found out that all this stuff was actually real and yeah the governments came out and said you can’t talk about this anymore it’s getting too real uh Carl Parker uh says [ __ ] the zeroc caliber devs [ __ ] zeroc caliber 2 they completely screwed a lot of people over on Gambit and they continue to spit in our face by ignoring us honestly I don’t know why you guys would even give them any publicity so look Carl um we didn’t exactly sing the Praises of them when we were talking about that game I I mention it every time they come up I it pisses me off I just today just the 20 minutes ago I was brought up Gambit out of nowhere because I I just feel like it it here’s the thing man like and I learned from an early lesson you know when you’re younger or you’re growing up and you you lend somebody money a family member or a friend and they don’t pay you back I don’t hand them down I just learned something about them that’s something I never could have learned any other way and I’m just observing I just observe and so those devs taught me something and hopefully enough people paid attention and I think their games sales will will suffer for it and hopefully this is my hope I want them to change direction of what they’re doing and start supporting the games that they do cuz some of the games they’ve put out I’ve liked you know um I just want them to support what they’re doing so that’s all right and this specific um segment uh from the video that this comment was left on um the the the whole thrust of that segment was uh pcvr because in spite of how Gambit went there’s a significant portion of pcvr Gamers that are excited for zeroc caliber 2 true um but I took notice to the fact that in their little uh Discord announcement about zeroc caliber 2 the wording in that made it seem like the PC version of it is not a done deal it’s not a given that this game’s coming to steam even though it was initially announced with a steam page not a quest page um the way they’re making it sound now is like they’re polling the uh the community to see if if there’s enough interest Ste yeah is there enough interest to bring this to steam um like what the [ __ ] man yeah I know right yeah [ __ ] those guys I completely agree with you [ __ ] those guys and uh I mean if they make a good game obviously I’ll play it but my my faith level in them is is not very high at the moment um and I think it’s wrong how they did people yeah and in my personal anger and I say this every time is because I I felt like it made me a liar and I don’t like that I don’t like to to feel like I I screwed somebody just by cuz we’re kind of in a weird place as people you know listen and they want to run out and buy something they’re like root saids good oh [ __ ] what is this this isn’t good um so yeah but yeah Johnny C says they done a joy way with Gambit it’s really strange as they updated zero caliber many times and PC even got this big update eventually uh not Gambit though no because this is the thing it just shows they’re they’re going where the money is and I can’t blame them to some extent but just support what you put out you know like there’s people that paid for that game they should be able to log in today me and Wes should be able to go in there and play and maybe you can to be fair I haven’t tried it since that one time um but probably not and and that’s a problem you know in a day where people spend hard-earned money and we’re trying to to be frugal with everything and you get get this game you think it’s going to be good and not only is it not the best cuz they don’t finish it it doesn’t even work like that’s a problem and so it’s a problem for me anyway Dillo uh pcing out uh thanks for stopping by Dillo good to see you live for a change um have a good night man radio R said he purchas three copies for his his friends so they could have a four person Squad oh you do is waste your money radio run like you never buy anything that’s worth purchasing I feel bad for you oh man he’s had a lot of fun in gt7 so we need to do that again soon we do we do and I think we need to do multiplayer racing I’ve never done it I agree there’s been there’s been like significant big [ __ ] upgrades to that game since we played it yeah um main fan uh says Quest games Optimizer works on every quest one two three and pro and it makes a huge difference high resolution and no visible fiated rendering the only drawback is that it’s more battery usage let plug it in and the F and to fall yeah exactly or or use a bobo or Bobo Black Market honey to follow that up says great show chaps I have been using Quest games Optimizer since I got my Quest 2 and now on Quest 3 it has come a long way since earlier versions the only friction involved is the first install which which you have to Sid load but after all of that updates happen inside the headset it has its own launcher which looks like and replaces your app library with hundreds of tried and tested profiles just one click to launch and or you can do your own tweaks Until It Breaks uh it has optional heads up rendering which really bugs me for that was enough uh but for me that was enough to justify the price I’ve gone back and replayed games because they look so much better it’s like listening to an old favorite song on new headphones well I and I I I must say I can’t argue with either mfan or black market honey very logical uh arguments there it definitely sounds like if you from these two people cuz a lot of people were were curious last time and I’ve never used it you never used well I don’t know I don’t think You’ used it yeah so we didn’t really know if it was worth it or not but it sounds like from what both of them are saying it absolutely is worth it so yep sounds like a $10 investment maybe a 10 or 15 minute setup uh and then this this thing like literally like he said replaces your your app menu inside the headset and it just autol loads profiles for you and here’s the thing too virtual desktop was an investment as well and it was one of the best investments uh you know what I mean like sometimes there’s just things that are worth paying 10 bucks for not everything could be free not everything should be free you know in a day where so many things are free you get what you pay for I’d rather take pay 10 bucks and have something that works than something that’s free that kind of works so yeah and we’ve got that uh that update coming for asgard’s rat 2 soon I’m definitely going to be checking jumping back in to check that out uh and who knows maybe I’ll I’ll use that Quest games Optimizer to uh to customize it to my taste and really give that game the attention it deserves I read an article today Roots some people have U spent 250 hours in that game wow it’s that’s pretty incredible that is pretty incredible I don’t know if I could spend that much time in in in a game like that with that but you know I it’s I mean it’s not un I mean I guess it is understandable um I’ve spent that kind of time in other games like Elden ring or other I mean if a game captures you yeah you can lose hundreds of hours easy you know there’s a have you tried the elen ring VR mod since uh you got your new graphics card I went into it a little bit and it was a little bit weirder than other luk Ross mods have been and I don’t know if there was something I needed to tweak week but it just didn’t look like I remembered it being like really good and I can’t remember what was I went into something else recently before that that made me want to go into Elden ring and I thought because I think it was void or somebody had asked hey have you been into Elden ring I go and check it out I think uh Dying Light looked better sharpness wise and and everything um not that it looked bad but it just uh um but yeah know that game is is one of the best exploration action games and I’m not I hate melee and I actually that’s what I like the best about it was their melee so it can be a fit put that one I might need to put that one on the 80 list as well I’ve been kind of curious about it lately and it’s about to get a um a significant story DLC about to drop for it I think you would you would if it it was something that you had dialed in and was running really well you could lose yourself in it just because it’s your type of game in a lot of ways you know and it’s hard it’s you know those typ of games are not hard I like I like that that aspect of it like the challenge of it and the uh exploration and the size of the world all of that sounds great to me I’m a little bit um afraid of the like the the level of detail in it I think like it might be a little too much for me um like all of these items that have a [ __ ] five page of details written about them and it’s just endless there’s a lot [ __ ] greeting there’s a lot of lore and stuff but this is the reality and this goes for a lot of people and maybe not everybody that plays this way but I you know it’s different when it was came out there’s a lot of videos and they’re still out there a lot of builds you know like a lot of like I did a bleed build that was really cool that you know things like multiplied and stacked but somebody went through and figured out all these different things and then they tell you okay this is the gear you want and they’ll walk you through where to get it and all sorts of stuff and you can be as vague or as much as you want you know you could just find out okay this is kind of where it is and try to go find it um or you can find out exactly how to get to it and build the build that you want to build most people play it that way they’re they’re going to build off of somebody else’s time and build um and then that lessons and some people say hey that’s cheating whatever I I’m like you I don’t want to like I spent 250 hours in the game yeah how much more do you want me to spend to where you know what I mean am I supposed to [ __ ] you know what I mean I I I can justify um going and getting those videos because it’s not like once you had the gear it just makes you now you have this cool build and I don’t know that’s just cool I don’t I don’t think I would play it that way not not because it’s cheating or whatever but I feel like um having that kind of pre knowledge of the game going in would take some of the uh the the it wouldn’t feel as special to find things anymore right because I already know what the thing is that I’m need um right so it takes that Randomness out of it um the discovery aspect would kind of go away yeah true anyways uh rickon 7593 I hate to say this about the Tesla but 20 people got killed in crashes where the car started on fire and the people and killed the people in the car since 2022 uh I will say that that was out of over two million drivers so so chances are low uh I personally avoid tesl when I use Uber occasionally um I don’t avoid I think Teslas are awesome a few of them at this point I heard they’re like some of the coolest cars to drive too and they’re they’re really cool oh they’re amazing they silent and man the [ __ ] acceleration is ungodly it’s like [ __ ] ludicrous speed and through 2.5 seconds my my biggest problem with Tesla isn’t even the safety of of the auto drive ironically you know I just was reading an article that was saying that there’s eight or nine states now this summer and are in threat throughout the summer of of rolling brown outs you know because we’re becoming a third world country and we can’t you know keep our power on so why are we like forcing electric cars onto the grid that we can’t even like it it logically when you step back it doesn’t make sense and then there’s so many other reasons but my my point was the automatic driving is not it’s not it’s not there yet it you know what I mean like it’s cool I just don’t think it’s safe to to use it um the way most people do but that’s just my opinion my whole thing yeah whole thing was to just to give Jasmine a hard time because she literally a after after it [ __ ] up one time and and you know Eric wanted to blame it on California and it very well could have been that it was in California that that wasn’t my point my point was is no matter why it [ __ ] up that’ be it when it [ __ ] up that’s it right because I’m not we were going [ __ ] 85 milph on a [ __ ] freeway you know U it doesn’t take much to kill you at that point right but really I was just I was just doing it in case Jasmine ever saw it I wanted to give her a hard time about it um and I agree with what you’re saying about uh about the uh the power supply uh but I don’t really look at that as a problem with the EV industry so much as a problem of us not [ __ ] modernizing our power grid like this should have been done 20 years ago well absolutely but this is the thing this is the problem with everything that’s happening is is we’re we’re jumping around and we’re jumping steps like I thought the hybrid cars were amazing you know you have a you have a car that that uses less gas charges itself doesn’t need a charging station isn’t charging on the grid like there’s no maintenance to it there none of that weirdness right and so you get to a point where you build that infrastructure and when it’s time you move everything over you don’t move it when you’re talking about rolling ground outs that’s not the time to start forcing regulation making people get rid of cars like it it makes no sense you know what I mean even if you believe that the planet’s in danger of of climate change or whatever it let’s do the let’s [ __ ] do the right approach let’s fix it right this isn’t going to it just it’s I can’t stand illogical things that aren’t going I can see where it’s not leading to a good place but we’re just still barreling along um it’s crazy to me it it seems like certain things when when you get money and and uh you know corporate interest involved it just they they ride it until it literally becomes unsustainable and when I say unsustainable I mean until it [ __ ] breaks and the wheels come off right um then it’s knee-jerk let’s fix it yeah our power grid needs to be [ __ ] updated and protected against um if nothing else uh potential acts of God and and natural uh phenomena and our our power I mean we’ve got the ability now in the technology to to move to clean sources of energy uh you know we can do hybrids like you said we can continue to increase ethanol uh in the fuel we can move to hydrogen cell technology I mean there’s so much that we could do um but you know the oil money kind of has control of that whole uh process right now and and and as long as we allow that um you know nothing’s going to change well that’s that’s the problem is I agree it is the oil to some extent but like the the oil is getting squeezed out when there’s no solution there’s no viable solution and so like that’s my problem with it I I I’m all for getting rid of the oil and pollution and everything if we have a you know let’s find a solution that’s that’s going to transfer over everything um but yeah it’s just crazy I just feel like we’re in in Cuckoo Land yep hopsy turby World 100% that’s right and uh to round out viewer comments we have Jonathan uh who says I love the San Diego trip story Wes in the world would be an amazing podcast Series yeah just him cutting about doing things and seeing people and places I’m all for it um Ro Roots why don’t we um let’s set up a go fund me you can travel the world the only caveat is he needs to be able to take his wife because she’s going to want to travel with and uh yeah I think that’s a good idea um I was going to say you and me bro you and me um spicy food all the spicy places we let the people we let the people pay for it and choose where we go yeah that’d be cool the only cavat is it has to be in the United States continental and and it’s got to be United no just kidding um no I think you’re done with the United are you done with the united we do one episode a year um I don’t know I I still need to contact them and and explain to him them just how absurd they’re [ __ ] of me was and see if they take care of it if they don’t probably am done with them yeah I think they could you know you could if you reach the right person you could get that comp because it really was their fault to some extent it’s the airport well I mean it’s right there it’s right there on the email that we put on the screen on Friday it it didn’t say due to weather on the email that they sent me now did it it said due to construction and the airport didn’t even close that I mean they were still taking inbound flights they just chose not to let us have one so it’s almost like you have a litigious case H oh yeah for sure there you go they may they may back down quicker than you think absolutely anyway I say we do an episode per year we let the people pay send us somewhere and we come in here and we do an episode doesn’t even have anything to do with VR necessarily that would be cool I’m all for that or maybe maybe we maybe we let them send us to like location base VR like there’s a ton of location Bas VR that I’d love to go try out maybe that’s the we kind of take a trip to where one of these things is at and then we do whatever else is there too well we could also poll people that are interested in uh in that area and it could even be a meet and greet to some extent there you go that’d be cool I’m down yeah yeah so if this is something that you’re interested in um I’m not I mean I am joking but I’m only half joking um I like traveling most of the time and I certainly would look forward to uh hanging out and spending some more time with my friend Roots you know where I’d love to go Roots I’d love to go to me meow wolf in Denver that would be Co be awesome man that was like imagine if you’d said hey dude for whatever reason my flight’s cancelled it’s 1 p.m. and we were like hey we got all day to Denver let’s go to meow wolf cuz I couldn’t even we couldn’t even get we couldn’t even get Alex and ska to go to it and mash um because Alex had never been to it with his wife and like that’s something they they do together the first time right and so I was like yeah we we can’t do this but you wouldn’t believe how amazing that [ __ ] place was in in Vegas like the meow Omega Mart in Vegas was like the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen with my my eyes in my life it was W so cool uh unbelievable I could not believe what my eyes were were showing me it was that cool well let me ask you this say if you were back in Denver and you did get a good night’s sleep and we were going to meow wolf would you be like hey I know I’m going to be a little quiet but I want to check this out you know yeah yeah we i’ I’d probably do two or even three yeah because that’s the thing man CU then you’re that’s when you want to be in your head right when you’re checking all that [ __ ] out absolutely I did Edibles at the one in Vegas oh god well that’s even crazier cuz that’s a Trippy for people that get affected by edals it’s more of a psych IC experience more body high right yeah it’s pretty cool uh anyway that is viewer comments for the week we move along to this week’s wish list segment you know um this is the part of the show where we ask everyone to just take a moment to support the developers out there by wishlisting a game something that you’re looking forward to typically we pick something that uh that’s from our lineup and we normally have a few different choices but uh not this week man most of the stuff that we talked about this week were old titles that were looking for schols or updates too um so I picked uh The Exorcist Legion VR Deluxe Edition that’s coming to to PlayStation tomorrow um initially I picked Retron but there is no store page for Ronica so yeah it’s kind of why would you want a store page that’s kind of kind of hokey these days right might sell some games pre pre-sale but a launch so I mean I have sweet surrender I have pop one uh questcraft doesn’t have a page Ronica doesn’t have a page I have bone Labs I have works I have firmament I have astrobot um so yeah it was Sushi Ben or The Exorcist and I chose the Exorcist there you go you see where Wes’s head is I would have probably picked Sushi Ben um not knowing anything about it uh but um yeah Wes is a horror horror game person so yeah the power of Christ compelled me to wish list well I’ll tell you what I’ll yeah I’ll yeah keep that demonic crap away from me um and that brings us to our final reminder this week and every week and that is how you can support us our Channel our community um of course if you haven’t already why haven’t you subscribed yet all you do is click that button actually two buttons click that button then you ring the bell and the bell is the one that informs you when we’re about to go live be it on a Saturday or on a Monday or who knows maybe even one day I’ll end up streaming some gameplay on a different day um but you’re going to want to be reminded and the only way you can do that is if you subscribe and then in turn we get uh to appease the the god of the algorithm for one more week and uh and get to hang around here without YouTube cutting us off like they did to our homie Escape portal recently really got his channel deleted on YouTube for some [ __ ] um he’s he’s currently in the appeals process oh man so my heart goes out to him because he worked hard to uh to get that thing uh to the 1K Subs um in just a few months time and now uh it appears that they’re they’re telling him basically that um they’re banning his IP so even if he starts a new channel they’re just going to [ __ ] delete it too um I’ll tell to CRA like if I if I were starting today I would probably start on Twitter you dude yeah X is the is the new platform of the future everything’s going to be on X every they’re going to have the it’s going to be like the the Chinese app that pay you know whatever it’s called that uh you pay for everything and like it’s literally what what Elon wants it to be and it’s going to be where everybody is for videos and everything so now would be the time thought about taking yeah I thought about taking Strangers in the Night to X um more than one time um so if you don’t want me to do that subscribe to YouTube because that’s pretty much the only reason I have’t you mean like oh we’re we’re going to take the other half we’re only doing it there I think if we can find some way to stream it to YouTube first and then have a restream ReRe somewhere else and I don’t know if there’s even if it’s paid because that’s the thing with restream is like I don’t want a a restream that everything is this generic stream and um because it you will get like right now we have really good picture and and speed and everything and I don’t know how that would affect it either so who knows yeah well my problem with restream is is that we depend too much on killing the stream in on the computer but having YouTube keep it open for us and restream does not allow that restream if you lose your signal restream ends your [ __ ] stream and um no bu we we design up yeah we designed our realtime reviews around being able to exploit that so um it would it would be pretty disastrous for what we try to do around here Looper thank you Looper he’s trying to help us along he says okay well what do I do if I’m already subscribed so we can like move along the well if you’re if you’re already subscribed you can support us on patreon $ per month that’s all we ask just $3 per month you get access to our weekly show notes uh you get access to uh Insider updates you get exclusive content all for less than a dollar per week and uh you get your name in the ticker at the end of the show you get our Eternal gratitude and you get to sleep at night uh soundly knowing that you did everything that you could to make us famous YouTubers right and um we appreciate all of you for that yeah uh but if you if you’re broke like uh like most of us then um you ain’t got to worry about patreon what you do need to do though is join us on Discord uh 100% free this is where we hang out like our patrons do get special access to US during certain periods of the Year namely when we’re doing our in Awards um but everyone has access to us all the time uh on our Discord server uh if you have a question about a VR game or personal question question about pretty much anything do you want to know where babies come from TAG us up on the Discord there’s a invitation in the description below 100% free to join we’re experts right yeah if you want to know that for sure this is where to go Discord Discord virtual strangers Discord uh it’s a family and will Beed at the door that is the best part of it we’ve said it before that is the the community is the best part the discord’s the best part I think um and uh yeah everybody does have good conversations and it’s cool the community is why I still do this honestly this I do it for you people like I love spending time with you and talking about this stuff with all of you so like if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be here doing this quite literally yeah I agree yeah for me it was it’s the community in West you know as I’ve I’ve tried thought about quitting a couple of times and and uh um that’s what’s kept me not so well we love you too bro we we all uh we we love one another most of us absolutely yeah most of us except for the one thumbs down person whoever that is most of you are awesome yeah except for you almost all of you are great and you can tell the ones that have social anxiety are out there like is it me I know talking about me I know he’s talking about me I had somebody tell me that I was talking to them passively like and I’m like no I’m just talking to people in general you talking to me bro you talking to me like [ __ ] you in the Drive-Thru uh anyway um I think it’s our show ladies and gents I want to thank everyone who showed up and hung out and uh endured all of our [ __ ] today and hopefully we found something in there that’s uh that that was rewarding to you and um if you did so leave a comment down below maybe we’ll read it off next week um but with that said friends we’ll see you on Saturday for roots I’m Wes have a good Memorial Day byebye take it easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘VS 213: Astro Bot, Boneworks, Firmament, Minecraft, Retronika, Pop 1, Sweet Surrender, Sushi Ben’, was uploaded by Virtual Strangers on 2024-05-28 14:18:58. It has garnered 1557 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:40 or 12700 seconds.

Wes & Ruuts talk about VR games and other stuff…

Time Stamps by VR SpryGuy:

00:00:00 Opening Theme 00:02:08 Intro 00:09:42 Owlchemy Labs CEO Andrew Eiche thinks devs should be bullish about AI 00:28:25 Neil Druckmann says AI will ‘push the boundaries of storytelling’ 00:33:38 Hello Chat Headlines 00:41:18 A new Astro Bot game will be revealed ‘in weeks’, it’s claimed 01:10:40 VR Puzzle Adventure ‘Firmament’ Targets Fall Release On PSVR 2 01:37:37 PC VR Exclusive ‘Boneworks’ is Now Entirely Playable on Quest Thanks to This Free ‘Bonelab’ Mod 01:55:39 Retronika is a sci-fi shooter on a flying motorcycle coming to Quest this year Reminders Out This Week 02:07:23 QuestCraft 5.0 Brings Minecraft VR To Quest 3 Unofficially With 120FPS Performance 02:19:51 Meta’s free-to-play VR battle royale is set to receive its biggest update yet 02:27:29 Roguelike shooter Sweet Surrender gets a visual overhaul on Quest 02:33:54 The Exorcist: Legion VR Deluxe Edition is coming to PSVR 2 this month 02:40:42 VR Manga Adventure ‘Sushi Ben’ Arrives Next Week On PSVR 2 02:46:14 Viewer Comments 03:20:22 Wishlist 03:22:03 Thank You For Supporting Our Channel! 03:28:09 Outro

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Virtual Strangers P.O. Box 114 Waco, KY 40385

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    Jackbhaiya's Secret Crush Revealed! Minecraft Adventures with Jackbhaiya Love’s Olly ๐Ÿ’ Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players like Jackbhaiya and Olly embark on thrilling adventures in the virtual realm. Join us as we delve into the realm of #minecraft, #fleetsmp, and #gamerfleet to uncover the magic that unfolds in this popular game. Exploring Lilyville and Gamerfleet In the enchanting world of Lilyville, gamers like Jackbhaiya and Olly immerse themselves in a land filled with endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on epic quests, the adventures in Lilyville are truly captivating. With the support of the Gamerfleet community, players… Read More

  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

    Captainchu's MC Takeover Welcome to Conquerors MC [S1 EP1] Embark on a Nuclear Adventure In this exciting episode of Conquerors MC, players are introduced to a world filled with possibilities. Imagine using nuclear weapons to create chaos in an Earth SMP setting – the thrill is unmatched. Meet the Players Join @frosty_studios, @JakeyIsaac, @ZayFeeR, and @gm_tabby_cat as they dive into a world of Minecraft like never before. Together, they explore a vast world map, establish countries, recruit villagers, build colonies, and even delve into the realm of civilization. What’s Next? With so much already accomplished in this episode, one can only wonder… Read More

  • Klee’s Mini Minecraft Display: A Model Mayhem!

    Klee's Mini Minecraft Display: A Model Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, a new model display, Klee mini model, ready to play. For Java Edition, a character so fine, Just load with Yes Steve Model, it’s time to shine. For just a few dollars, you can have it all, Support the creator, stand tall. Get your hands on this model, don’t delay, In the world of Minecraft, let Klee lead the way. Read More

  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun!

    Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you a flag design that truly jives. A caterpillar flag, easy to make, With colors and patterns that will surely take. Start with a green flag, a canvas so bright, Add a white creeper pattern, a true delight. Green diagonal divisions, left and right, Creating a design that’s out of sight. A green diamond, a light gray border too, Each step carefully crafted just for you. For insect shops and banners, this design is key, Bringing a touch of Minecraft artistry. If you enjoyed this tutorial, give it a… Read More

  • Sneaky DIY: Godly Sharingan Mod, Teleported! v0.2.6

    Sneaky DIY: Godly Sharingan Mod, Teleported! v0.2.6 Minecraft Mod Update: Narutoto Ninja World The latest update for the Minecraft mod Narutoto Ninja World brings exciting changes and additions to the game. Players can now experience a whole new level of gameplay with these enhancements. Let’s dive into the details of what this update has to offer! Eye Transformations and Quick Commands One of the significant changes in this update is the transformation of the eyes’ appearance, no longer appearing as helmets. Additionally, players can now utilize quick commands when selecting ninja scrolls, adding a new level of convenience to the game. Sharingan Adjustments and New Abilities… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Farming: Grow Every Crop!

    Master Minecraft Farming: Grow Every Crop! Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide 1.21 Are you ready to take your farming skills in Minecraft to the next level? Look no further! This ultimate Minecraft farming guide 1.21 will show you how to grow every crop imaginable, from potatoes and carrots to pumpkins, melons, sugarcane, and more. Get ready to learn how to use the hoe effectively, how to farm with water, and how light affects your crops. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide has everything you need to become a master farmer in Minecraft. How to Use The Hoe Starting with the basics,… Read More

  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

    Minecraft Wither Meltdown When you accidentally summon the Wither in Minecraft and suddenly realize you’re not as prepared as you thought. It’s like trying to take on a boss with a wooden sword and a piece of bread for armor. Good luck, buddy! Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! ๐Ÿคญ #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸŽฎFREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐ŸŽฎFREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘ะšะพะปัะฝ +ะ”ะ ะžะะ˜ะž ะธะทัƒั‡ะฐะตะผ ะะฝะณะปะธะนัะบะธะน ั Minecraft ะ—ะฐะฟะธัˆะธั‚ะตััŒ ะฝะฐ ะฑะตัะฟะปะฐั‚ะฝั‹ะน ัƒั€ะพะบ Minecraft ั ั€ะพะดะธั‚ะตะปัะผะธ’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series https://clck.ru/38eG69 “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/38eG69 Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ https://clck.ru/38eG69 Our social network https://dronio24.com โžœ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM ๐Ÿ‘‡ https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK ๐Ÿ‘‡ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X ๐Ÿ‘‡ https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP ๐Ÿ‘‡ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what nowโ€ฆ. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what nowโ€ฆ. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! ๐Ÿ”ฅ POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! ๐Ÿฐ

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! ๐ŸฐVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Live๐Ÿ”ด) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! ๐Ÿ‘€ #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! ๐Ÿ‘€ #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • ๐ŸŒ™ Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    ๐ŸŒ™ Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘๐ŸŽก Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-โ˜พ Blakeursugar โ€ข Escape The Night โ˜ฝ-= โ€ข Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the โ€œLunar Land theme park!โ€ These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is โ€œHollow Eveโ€. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    ๐Ÿšจ 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT ๐Ÿ‘€ - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING ๐Ÿ˜Š Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More