🦀 Crafting the Ultimate Library in Minecraft LIVE ❤️

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good morning YouTube hello welcome good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning how are you welcome I miss you guys welcome good morning I’m still kind of waking up but good morning hellooo it’s a uh beautiful morning we we lost some what we lost an hour I think right now it’s 11:15 supposed to be like 10:15 uh so we lost like an hour chaos good morning good morning my good friend how are you good morning yeah we lost we lost a little bit of uh we lost an hour which is I is that yeah we lost an hour sleep but technically if you think about it we leave work earlier right no or do we leave work later cuz Technically when it’s 4:00 no we leave earlier when it’s 4:00 it’s supposed to be 3 so when you leave at five it’s supposed to be four technically time is just your imagination what’s going on good morning everybody good morning hello I feel good today feel good feel Grand oh that’s what I forgot to do I feel good I feel gr I’m send me some more lighting I think I’m going to get another um light for this side I have light here light here light here good morning good morning good morning since as we get into this realm that’d be [Music] great that be grand there we go oh look at that beautiful spot oh I probably should click in all right good morning let’s let’s get into this I’m excited and I’m happy um to be playing some there you go be playing some lovely Minecraft today let’s uh where do we leave off I don’t remember where we left off at um oh today we got to build a library yes that’s what today is cuz we finished this up uh finish this up and then we got to do the library and finish up some of this roof okay that’s what we were doing you got work soon I’m sorry man I work on Sundays are just no fun whatsoever not one bit dude not one bit is it fun working on Sundays but you know what somebody has to do it right somebody has to do it and I believe you’re the man that can do it that I do believe how does the stream look hopefully look [Music] good I think it looks I think it looks decent I forgot I was doing um hold on let me make sure that can we get to 14 14p no we’re not even at 14 14p let’s see hopefully that quality will go up well I guess it’s mostly on you guys side for the 1440 um let me see oops I mean it looks good Pikachu is bright all right it’s decent I’ll take it I take it all right um I I’m just going to start just building building and and and talking really um that’s what I’m going to do because this wall is definitely smaller than this wall That’s okay though I’m all right with it I’m okay with it I switched some things around so now how’s the camera view have the camera view more face towards me like my angle instead of it like being to the side hopefully that’s like a better view I don’t know if it’s the same it’s not right in front I can’t put it like right in front if I put it right in front I’m going to to switch a few things around and I I’m not doing that right now I do want to switch up my setup just to tab it but yeah all right let’s now now I want to like put random not really random but some torches around these parts to kind [Music] of and this glass is going to go here okay I think the next thing I need to do actually let’s grab some [Music] more look good it’s not like your so it’s not just like your ear so much better okay okay okay okay okay perfect perfect perfect thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what time you got hit in today 12:00 wait is your time difference different what if your time is different um what am I looking for I have no more dark o planks much better all right so we have that we have that I was thinking about this the other night one two three four five six oh that sucks well this is that’s five that’s five it’s 10 here I started getting just at 1045 oh it’s 10 oh have you talked to um David like I’ve been trying to once in a while I will like before I hop on I would try to add him to the Ser I just don’t know his ingame name and I swear like he’s in here already so I’m not really sure you know like why he can’t join or what the issue is but that is not the same height this needs to be up by one a fence rare wait I need fence R oh I don’t have chat up there no more I gotta switch it um what was I doing oh all right you need fence Railing at the top of the stairs I do but I was like trying to figure out should I just do should I just do this oops that’s not right I definitely need but I don’t like how the color is I mean I don’t hate it I was think it like a different color though you know I was think like a different color [Music] h the day I haven’t had much time to slow down but I think he’s on I think it’s on his end oh okay yeah I’m not sure I feel bad because I really want to um to have him play but all right we’ll mess with this um let’s start digging this out I think what I want to do use black stone blocks oh hold on Let’s see we organiz this today um so we got polished I don’t know what that looks like then we have the wall and then we have this one [Music] um every want put a gate for color you are amazing [Music] so I kind of like this one here what was that one polish but then again I do like this one well I could also do this oh wait you said oh a gate that’s not going to connect so let’s try a gate oh I’m kind of feeling that um let me try it with this one oops I guess when it comes to the black one like you really can’t tell that’s the same one too much of a difference okay okay hold on on to something uh let’s make which one did I say polished no polish Blackstone wall let’s do that okay and then let’s [Music] um just make a few of those real quick I just want to check something out I can hear myself [Music] all right so we’ll do is let’s start might want to fix these steps to be honest with you um let’s start with this and hopes that when we wrap this around okay so that’s not going to work hold on so let’s start I don’t I don’t mind that triple wall for Corners have this stuff I see Triple wall oh okay so do this so we do this instead okay I can rock with that I can even change those fence okay we’re going to work on that I could rock with that okay yes I can definitely rock with that all right let’s move on to the big big big big big issue this should be the last room for this build cuz you know here we are last room for this build un unless we I did this hallway could go further back if I wanted to which it may for future builds if something else comes along in Minecraft but I think we kind of have the kind of gist of everything we need um we got this will be the storage room will be over here we have our armor upstairs enchanting library is going to be next down here we have the Farms we’ll clean this up a little bit not too much I want to keep the aesthetic of the cave as much as possible this area I don’t know what I’m going to do with it um we’ll figure that out at a later date and then this is like the little bedroom so I figured you know what down this Hall let’s do the library and there’s Gates so you can go fast and you can skip the stairs and jump down oh yeah true true that that’s right you can you okay all right so is this is is do I want to make the library here that’s the question should I make the library here I for some reason I want to make a big Library even though I don’t need to make a big library but I want to you know for some reason I just want to make a big Library you know I do have this space here too that I can finish and use but I might fill that part in or use that for like extra storage or something but I think I think I want to make the library here oh God once I start there’s no going back all right let’s do it let’s do it since you’re digging into the mountain you can always add rooms and Farms later yes yes yes yes this will be the last room we do and then once this room is done um then I will start decorating so probably next couple streams we’ll start decorating oh look at that okay that’s okay though we we can fix that we’ll start decorating and [Music] then then we start moving everything and then once we start moving everything hopefully by that time the new Minecraft stuff will come out server will update I could do like shaders or something and then there we go um actually this might work imagine you come in and then this this this big air hold on we might be on to something let’s go let’s keep going back here um I might need to move hold on wait you see the new dogs wait there’s new dogs wait there’s new dogs there’s dog variant there no way oh my goodness they have a they have a all uh wait all white pup they look like look look they uh they look like little Huskies different colors like cats why are we just now getting this no way okay so it looks like you have okay this one you get into tiger Grove oh oh oh everybody’s going to go after this one oh chat well you guys see this but look at that this one right here I feel like everybody’s going to go after this dog and the all black one snowy tiger one is cool too Forest sprous jungle Savannah wood oh the wood oh wood wooden balance one they all look nice and then which one’s the regular dog this one here the tiger they should have updated that one that’s dope that’s really good wait there’s an Amber police department has that occur in near can oh who is it that’s cool oh I going to keep that up I’m going to look at them um that’s actually that’s good you know you you know what update they wait um you know what update they need to do actually what am I doing I don’t need to break this oh crap you know what update they really need to do is just a a overall update on this like just a overall update on Minecraft upset uh update check shures add just add a few blocks you know what I’m saying just add a few blocks give us different variants of different things that’s what they need to do this update is going to be huge I can’t wait this update is going to be nice I cannot I cannot wait that just got me super excited that just got me super super excited that’s cool I have no room for anything um wait I do need I think I have enough that’s got me super excited chat that that’s cool I like them all I’m going to collect them all of course every single one and yeah the are the cats I’m trying to think of the cats the cats have not these variants but close to this CU you get like the orange cat you could get the black cat and can you get like their eyes different too which is cool wow what what else is there is anything else sobody put U this person agent Mindstorm says all the new Minecraft wolf breeds from the Snapchat which is new wolfdogs uh for from will be your new best friend in 20.5 excellent work with this addition Mojang that was good that is a excellent addition and see and it’s stuff like this that would just make the game that much better you know what I’m saying like they have like they don’t have a limit you know like they don’t they really don’t like they don’t have a limit and they act like they do and that’s what frustrates me wait to get haste too do I have to have this thing fully engulfed like they don’t have a limit to what they could do and they still act like they do I don’t say you don’t want to give the people everything all at once like I get that I get that but like Minecraft players have been Minecraft players for so [Music] long that we deserve it we deserve it 110% that we like we deserve it oh wait oh crap I just thought about that hold on um they are slowly doing that even adding yeah they they are they got both we stronger and more Health oh nice nice um I just realized something I don’t know how far up this mountain goes but I really need this so what we’re going to do is in chat here we’re going to Doga 86 80 -125 that’s what we’re going to do then we’re going to go run around this way yeah like they they are definitely slowly adding things in which is great but I bet you if you think about it right now right oh crap that’s all right I could build back up um if you think about it right now you could probably think of 80 25 80s over here you probably could think of multiple different things you could add to Minecraft and they still like this still this is so much 80 what was it oh we’re not even that high up and then 25 oh wait oh I need the thing number two don’t I hold on let me go back let me go back this there’s a couple things I can you know what’s so crazy I didn’t even I didn’t even think about oh yeah dog variants yeah just dig up yeah I could just dig up don’t want stuff falling on me it wasn’t that far up anyway um yeah so I could think of a few things that the wrong button I can think of a few things like honestly dog variants wasn’t one of them I didn’t didn’t think about that you know I did not think about that well if you going to give us dog variants well dog variant should have been a thing a while ago okay CU if you think about it we got we got [Music] um horses cats for variant almost there you know we trying think as well as they could do I think they should do overall on every single positive mod I mean by positive I mean non hostile mob you know they should give us different cows cuz there’s there is different cows you know give us different cows give us different chickens even if you do like you know all black cows all white cows spotted or whatever and then you get like the brown chickens you know you know so on so forth that would just make the game so cool having those like different color animals like in your farm wow I can’t believe did that with dogs that’s amazing that that definitely was a w that definitely w I’ve got the game memorized so bring on the new stuff yeah bring on like new redstone things that you could do or new contrations or I don’t know just a few few different things and a new Swamp Skelly with poison arrow drops that’ be cool that’ be cool that’d be super cool wait did I do this wrong wait no I want it dang it hold on oh it’s coming what I want and I said this before and if if moing ever come across my YouTube videos If I ever become big enough and they still haven’t done this what I would like I said this in multiple different parts of my stream and I’m going to continue saying it I will like Dungeons actual legit dungeons is this right secondary power that’s what I want okay that is what I want legit [Applause] dungeons um it’s coming that’s the TR chain where they’re adding they need to add dungeons each biome should have a chance a decent chance because people travel on Minecraft a lot and then with the new updates you know you don’t want to have a dungeon where like you never get the last dungeon you Trav thousands and trillions of blocks away and then the update come out and then you got Trav another thousand trillion blocks but if it could be one or two things the dungeons I I I say the dungeons should be able if they if you make them spawn in each biome or have a high chance you know same 5% or whatever just like how you do you know your little um what’s it call it the little pyramids in the desert uh with a bunch of spawners mobs they’re adding it drops a wind ball I seen that I think I’ve seen that mob thing but like they should drop items that you can you cannot get from villagers craft any of that stuff that’s how that’s how I see it or want it you know that’s what it should be like you go you have these little you know these dungeons they’re harder it could be you know a zombie with extra health and maybe you know it has iron and gold armor and there there spawners they spawn zombies those spawners are like special spawners maybe instead of like a regular black spawner they’re red you know so that means the spawners have a little bit more Health on them so you can’t just go up and just you know one shot one shot them they have a little bit more health and then they spawn you know and then you have to beat the boss at the same time only reason why I say you do it like that is because depending on what the difficulty you put the your world on will depend on how hard it is but if you have a nice big server and you have like 10 people it’s going to be easier to defeat them so just you know couple spawners like in the wall they spawn every so often or more often than normal and there you go uh that’s the first judging you need to watch watles I I used to watch watles quite a bit actually I’m going to do that I’m going do that I learn some rest I Le some Redstone stuff from him but yeah that’s that’s what we need we need those those little dungeons so people could actually venture out like the end City stuff was really cool even though there’s like they didn’t finish it you know there’s a portal that you can activate yeah so we want coming yes but I I I want it to be more of like a how do I want to do this like I want to be more of like a a biome thing it’s not like going to be like a biome thing right it’s not like a biome thing let me see so my vision is archway H I might have to I might have to fix this I want to do Archway and down right but first of many I guess Beggars can’t be choosers I guess I guess I’ll take it I guess I’ll take it um actually know we’re going to do this goes out to here right so let’s yeah get dressed well I hope you have an amazing day at work hopefully it go past quick just think about the money man just think about the money we’re going to do the same thing I think I went a little too crazy here cuz I want to make this into the Hall let’s think about the buddy yeah give us more give us the more of the dungeons give us some extra mobs I don’t want too many mobs I don’t want like all these crazy like you know there like 50 different mobs as you can run into just add a keep the ones we have amp them up a bit I’m a little too crazy but yeah so hopefully that dungeon thing is good and I want to be able to get like custom enchantments not custom but like just cool enchantments that you can’t get anywhere else you know maybe a bow that shoots three arrows instead of one ooh right you get a custom mod that shoots three arrows instead of one um How far am I going and then there be another enchantment that you can use but you can’t use it with infinity I mean yeah you can’t use it with infinity you can’t use it with like mending and it’s called single shot but it takes up it is a triple shot but it only takes one bow from your inventory but it gives you it shoots [Music] three I got that from Power speaking power I need to play that I just need to finish it the game is kind of done right now it’s like there’s no new updates people have put hours and hours into it I just need to finish it get to level 50 okay I had to put that back because we’re going to actually have this the hallway and then this is where we start breaking so I was ahead of myself chat homework watch all kinds of stuff yes I used I he used to pop up all my um stuff all the time I think I learn like a couple Farms from him actually all right so let’s get rid of this all right so the vision let’s look at the vision guys um hallway you walk in and bam Library it should be a big Library no but here we are um so I’m thinking a pre a pretty decent Square Room High ceilings or do I go low because I could cut this cuz this is the wall I could cut this down this goes down quite a bit and then I could do high ceilings how far back do I want to go is a question that is the question um or do I want to keep it this height and just go down I watching for updates he’s always on the leaks to right of them um do I want to trying to think I’m trying to think of a I can’t believe they’re doing the dog variant that that’s just super exciting right there that’s just super exciting all together honestly I’m not GNA lie say if that’s the only update they did was was just that I think I would be happy if they just say yeah we’re announcing new variant dogs I’ll be like yes yes I’d be like yes count count me in how about Count Me In um so I was looking up some some ideas uh and I don’t have any um star hello [Music] hello it’s me I might have to wing it guys I might have to wing it it’s exciting I’m I’m I’m excited yes I’m excited for new puppies I’m excited for autocrafting as well and like I wonder if there going to be some some crazy way where you could AutoCraft and then it gets picked up it be you know come up with something somebody’s going to come up with something um I’m trying to figure out how I want to do this so you come here do I just keep it like I feel like that’s too long that way I’m trying to look up some ideas I like this one right here which is like there’s like a nice little table in the middle and it wraps around but I don’t have H cuz well unless I do hallway here and you turn library I I feel like that’s not I kind of want it off of this so let’s do this we’re going to go this way so we’re not going to use all this I feel like going all the way down there is way too much so let’s go this way we got one two three four five let’s go about 10 right I 10 this way it’s coming along now fill that in for a second um I’m going to my farm iron farm is going to be start new iron blocks of since the shoulder Okay just grab it sounds good sounds good sounds good to me we got one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 let’s go 11 let’s go up um then let’s go this way quite a bit so I think I’m going to go down so then let’s go I’m just going to put a temporary floor one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 I think that’s a decent size to start off with so then we have to go back halfa back yes I don’t sure I’m not sure 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 N9 I don’t know what I just did there 1 two three four five six seven eight this is 11 so let’s just go this way remember I am going to be going down so that would give me this that’ be a very long room uh one of the uh reasons I sto so I can just add new F features building rebuilding them in the future yeah that makes sense hi start thank you thank you for pop it in I’ll be here be here to 2 o’clock 2 o’clock on the dot um so let’s do this get rid of this so we can actually see I think I’m going to keep the top and we’re just going to go down from the top make it drop yeah give us I feel like the weapons are pretty good in Minecraft like you know you get your you know you get your sword your your mining items you know Shield Bow crossbow it’s not really much of anything else like what you going to do add a grapple hook like I feel like that’s too glitchy for this game I mean they probably could do it but definitely be some bugs to that um I say only thing is like maybe get a little bit better armor like I mean I feel like you should be able to melt armor into any type of let’s go another 11 right one two two three four about right here 19 let’s go back 19 um yeah they should um oh crap you know what I’m setting myself up a failure here because I need to break the top of this you know what screw it because I can’t reach see it’s like a pain in the butt it’s pain in the butt yeah so you should be able to make those different armors I think that’d be kind of cool copper AR armor um Emerald I think that’d be super dope I don’t know how far I have to go but let’s just keep going this way way I’ll even it all out I’m making more work for myself but just away my brain oh I got to go to 1.4 where I can have all the armor achievements on each I know I wish I could I wish I could back the server up for like a split second and go back to her like AFK Farms were like overpowered all right here we go found it like uh the fish AK Farm was like overpowered and you had all these Enchantment books I wish I could do it on the realm and then I would just sit there for like days that might be too massive to be honest no I don’t know anymore let’s see so let’s I’m just going to do this let’s just do this break as much as we possibly could screw it let me get this room hollowed out and then [Music] we’ll buing cuz I’m going to get overwhelmed and I want I don’t want that to happen just go back when when when when Farms were overpowered and great times you can sit there AFK oh crap let me go heal this that’d be dope I tell you tell get on the server quick okay on the server quick everybody start fishing all right um where should I got to go this way this way all right let’s get this room hollowed out cuz I would like to at least if I could finish it within the next 2ish hours that would be f fantastic cuz then next stream I could just start decorating and moving stuff I have my bucket I do have a bucket that’d be amazing oh I didn’t get oh no we should be fine oh dang it all right we just need to get some XP real quick there some XP really quick here they come now I hope so with the new update they break something where that you can just we I we need more AFK Farms that’s we need we more um more AFK Farms honestly oh my goodness do one more wave of this well actually all my other armor and stuff is healed up so I just need a little bit more just a little bit more here’s the wave all right there we go good enough good enough oh no does this start a raid okay good I didn’t mean to okay I didn’t mean to she disappear right um just put my bucket inside the another bucket where the cows go think I started a raid oh goodness this time difference kind of here you go oh wait hold on where my RAID thing go oh already started I’m not going to break anything right did I break something where was it all right we we’ll we’ll touch that later hopefully I didn’t no that didn’t work um okay I think I started a raid so I apologize um I don’t know what to do from here so I’m just I’m just going to go back this way I apologize choking all right we’re back in business we’re back in business all right so what we’re going to do now let’s start breaking this back out [Music] I get rid of this get rid of this get rid of this get rid of this one shot everything all right oh what’s today oh no I think I missed it right hold on um details sorry of a Pokemon thing Pokemon go blast 37 star we’re going to do some of those letting when is this when is lon coming oh March 16th so next next Saturday hopefully I can remember that probably not I’ve been missing them lately I got to get back on my Pokemon shiny hunting stuff and streams too I still want to try to get one of every shiny Pokemon all right here we go all right I’m going to do the roof of this first because I don’t want it to be a pain in the butt cuz like I said I’m going to be digging down so yeah we’re going to be digging down for sure here we go all right sweet okay do I have I do I’m going toss some stuff excuse me excuse me excuse me me excuse me toss this we don’t need this right now okay and then let’s go about here and then we’ll go in each Direction and then we’ll start am I keeping the roof the same though chat am I I think I am this would be easier to do this now because if I dig down it’s going to be so much harder so just go through oh we might have to okay we got to fix that okay that’s that’s that’s not a problem that there is not a [Music] problem all right let’s go this way do this then I’m just going to go this way okay looks good to me all right and then perfect give [Music] that all right so now if I do I guess I can I could do the same roof I could do the same roof why not if just go throughout the whole place I like the way the roof looks why not do the same roof let’s do it let’s do it chat we’re going to do the same roof let me clean up this here A bit here we [Music] go wait do have one more I do I think yes I do one more perfect and just a little bit right here s I’m like super Focus right now and we’re going to go here bam I’ll take it I’ll take it this will be a decent size so I want it to come down though before I do that I need to put the roof on he put the roof on we’ll do this one wall we’ll have to do the wall up to here so I keep that in mind so we can get actually get rid of this [Music] that okay looks good looks good looks good that looks good might actually be able to finish this today what we might actually be able to finish this going to be super dope okay let’s um sweet that was bothering me all right um I’m going to get rid of some of these all right and now do I have I do okay so give me that we’re just going to go brick all the way out on the top wait cracked sure let’s do cracked I don’t I don’t care we could do cracked brick too dang I have no more oh I just have to go get some that’s not going to be nearly enough I think I have some over here as [Music] well all right I now I have that’s fine going be using quite a bit of cracked brick uh what else I was looking for oh I need some paper I got do a gunpowder I know I just had it perfect okay so this is not going to be nearly enough should I just go and grab some like should I just go grab some yeah let’s just do it cuz I got the crack but wait also hold on so this is David’s Place David name on here should be flying wheel fly or my I see you and I swear something things have changed in here yeah right no hm no I could be completely wrong completely wrong I tell you all right let’s go in here let’s just drop down take a few minutes we’re just going to grab actually probably not going to go all the way down torches right oops I need to switch let’s go right here know let’s go down screw it let’s go down I’m must just do it properly might as well do it properly chat oops guys if you guys didn’t check out the uh Pokemon video I put up on Wednesday please do please do please do okay here we go look at this these do was actually pretty fun to do might be doing another one I kind of I don’t know what the weather’s like what what see what’s the weather 40 42 light rain I’m going out trying to find some Pokemon cars it was fantastic that video cost quite a bit but it’s okay I is more of the fact of just having fun with friends and and chilling and trying to find some Pokemon cards we try to find evolving Skies to get that Moon Bon try to get that Moon Brion which is like a $600 card just want to put that out there want all of you to know but the it’s super expensive to get well to try to find in my area is super expensive uh we did find some you guys got to watch the video just watch the video it is a little bit of a longer videoos about 20ish minutes but find it it’s pretty cool check it out I appreciate you and then we’re going to be doing I think we’ll be doing more of those like kind of vlogging videos but I won’t make him as long I try to keep it around 12 to 15 minutes that one was a little bit longer because we like we were searching and I was with your boy Ace who also is on YouTube and I was with um tell me who’s also on YouTube tell me actually did have another um I should probably message him he had another uh idea was cool like vlogging out outside all right let’s grab a few more guys thank you so much for the likes if you hit the like button I appreciate you all right um let’s get rid of paper how much is that that’s probably not enough but if I could at least get majority of it started for that room I’d be super happy super super happy okay let’s grab this little section um let’s get rid of give it you we don’t need you right now all right let’s go these are my diamonds I’m going to come pick up at a later date H it’s raining in here like it’s rain in real [Music] life all right so what I got to make I got to make regular start with that uh let’s take a quick nap and then I don’t know if I want to keep the floor the same if I should change up the floor you think about a floor throughout a whole house that’s pretty much the same I would like no should I keep it the wood I think the wood will look really good in here because we have this kind of different with a little hint of the dark wood which kind of feels good this one is a little bit different but it’s okay though this this Spruce looks really good so I think I’m going to keep this the same I’m going to keep this the same so this [Music] wall it’s going to come around like this pretty much reason why I’m doing it like this because we’re going to throw [Music] some some brick in here some cracked brick give it a little bit of [Music] texture so let’s start with this part first um put a little bit of this in there kind of make it make it pop and then we’ll fill it in with this oops kind of want to keep that like that kind of give a some death right chat a little bit death you know what I’m saying here we go all right so now this is kind of the arch so I’m thinking two more things two more things hold on don’t think I have any more though let me just double check let me double check some dark oak wood I do not just don’t mind me just going to take this I don’t need much all right I’m that mini like that should be a decent amount for all right so I’m thinking here on the edge or should I go here giv it some death okay I am hungry not feeling that one okay um I just realized I have to put that up there right there H so if we do that that’ll make that kind of look like a hallway and then I want to do a arch here though hold on we got time to play around with this um I do have some stairs okay let’s check this [Music] out so now how do I make this look I bring this out by one I kind of want this to be this part to be arched I mean it doesn’t look bad whatsoever all right let’s just continue we could work with that a little bit later uh should I do one more up let’s go one more up oops and let’s try to fill in this room as much as we possibly could make my life that much easier for okay to do that all right the fun part about Minecraft is Place some blocks let’s make some more I’m definitely not going to have enough you know what I also could do start tearing this stuff down and start using those blocks as well that is a possibility all right let’s do this Stone what this cracked cracked put that up there let do another set all right let me sleep real quick yeah I forgot I could start doing that I’m taking um uh I’m taking out those walls over there so I actually should probably start taking the resources from there and reusing them I just was thinking about that probably should start doing that all let’s SP another day because if I do that then I won’t have to travel down and I’m using the same materials so it should be okay uh Ryan damn you have crazy builds oh thank you I’m just chilling and building man just chilling and building chilling building I’m hoping my builds get crazier as I finish up this like Cave Mountain and then with the new update those dogs man I can’t can’t can’t wait okay so we got this this is looking good um all right I want to now try to do this section as much as I possibly could before I run out of blocks let’s try to do this section as much as we possibly [Music] could yeah I’m hoping my builds get a little bit better I feel like from how I used to build in Minecraft compared to now I I don’t think I have any footage of it but I think it’s a lot better A lot better that’s [Music] okay think it definitely have come a long am I keeping yeah we do this didn’t think about this wall yeah we’ll keep that yeah that’s fine there we go okay all right maybe I now I could do that um let’s uh yeah but thank you so much for the kind words I appreciate you so I am going to be tearing these walls down so what’s a better time than to do it now why yeah let’s see we’re using this block anyway this area is just going to have um this area is just going to be the tree everything else is going to go so I might just take these blocks because I probably be using them and actually I can use this wood we are going to recycle like crazy [Music] oh there’s also this gray in here too that I probably could use for something as well see do this there we go all right let’s grab how much we got not bad another two stacks and this I don’t know I’m going to use this land for I’m probably just going to have it just I’m going to have just a tree there’s going to be just a tree here and then and it’s really just going to be unclaimed but yeah we just do just a tree all the stuff is going to go even my house is going to go and may bring back some Wildlife all right let’s get under here let’s go up almost made it I feel so good in here I feel so cozy I like it a lot all right let’s now continue my main concern is the roof here so I want to try to bring cuz it’s going to be tough to do I’m not worried about the floor because we’re going to be dropping the floor so we got to remember that we’re going to be dropping the floor just go back one more there we go whoops all right we’re almost there we’re almost there we got to fill in this a little bit all right just come along it’s coming along there we go bam all right and then wait do I have enough it’s not going to cover 27 all right let’s go back and grab some more gra some more real quick thank you guys so much for stopping by hitting the like button we’re going to go and let grab some more oh no oh goodness thought would need that okay let’s grab this come Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam let’s sleep let’s get back up in here all right let’s do one two all right sweet all right that’s done look at that all right I’m going to I want to okay so I’m going to have to bring out this so this has to go like this we definitely have to do this for sure at least want to get try to get this section done as much as possible some torches for some light okay oh this is going to look well um actually question is do I want to make the walls like that or do I want to make the walls pop a little bit more this is like throughout the whole build you know we have the hallway is pretty much made out of it I made this room out of it this main part is made out of it this is made out of it I feel like having the wall with the roof being the same type just not it Just Not it so we could keep the roof how it is of course with the wall let’s see I mean I could do I could do concrete we could do black concrete just make it a black wall I mean that doesn’t seem too bad all right let’s continue um let’s continue this way real quick maybe we do black concrete on the black concrete like I’m not against it do gray wall make the rest of this we could do we could do the gray War as well might as well or I mean black cuz what we have gray at I think we have [Music] gray here right just a little bit and that doesn’t look bad together okay so let’s now um let’s go let’s do this there we go go that way can’t see it’s hard to see that’s what I didn’t want to do there we go let’s fly this way way oh yeah we got to do wall right here so we just got to go up to no we have to go to here so technically there’s going to be a wall here oh no we got to do this double crap okay hold on cuz the wall actually has to come up to here all right I mess with that part in a bit actually let me take this whole thing down because I have to I have to mess with that wall cuz I need to block that so that means this now has to come out to here which is still not bad it still gives me a decent amount of room so I’m not too too worried about that all right so let’s go right here just block this in is oh wait yeah right here is where we stop okay so we might be good we might actually be good here we go get rid of this actually no I’m not going to get rid of that I’m not sure how big I might take this wall out back by one we’ll see all right so that’s pretty much done let me grab some concrete and see what color I want to do do I have I do right here no I probably have more I should probably just go check right all right let’s see what we get um concrete I mean we do got the Terra cotas too I mean we can make things a little bit more colorful in there for sure oh we got the red terracotta oh maybe we should do we should do like black with red kind of make it pop a bit or maybe like a red wood too will work I have no more black just a concrete um so grab this S I have more black where did I use black concrete at for sure I have more black maybe yeah turn of gray I really don’t it’s gray no let me I feel like black will look a it depends on what I’m going to put in front the wall gray is good but I feel like I should just go with the black concrete because then I could black goes with like anything so I could like mix up the colors if need be the heck how you not die come here just a bunch of squid around here I gave me five oh I see you what’s that noise there’s like something pulsating that was weird that was weird ohuh you just oh there they go come here oh look at this area there’s few more over here let me grab these and then we’ll call it quit I think I’m going to go with the black because then I could I can out I can put almost any color I want to doesn’t matter what color wood it is I can even use birch wood if I really wanted to if I really really wanted to 16 should be good just mix them together let me just grab this then we’ll do this decent amount I’ll take it I will take it for sure all right so we got to start the wall here CU we got to cover up that so um actually now the question is I think I might get rid of this wall because I’m losing space now I’m losing two actually maybe not this might be fine this might be fine and one block let me see I come in [Music] here no I want to get rid of it okay so now do I have any got rid of all those blocks all the blocks I could be using to fill in stuff I got rid of let me just go down here real quick we should have a ton here we go let just grab these and we can fill in so no mobs will spawn and we’re going to be cutting holes in these anyway like the walls because we are going to be putting bookshelves so it really doesn’t matter too much so we’re going to go up yeah and we’re just going to do this here we go and I think we’ll do the same thing on this wall too do the same thing on this wall perfect [Music] um I mean I kind of like it the way that is to be honest but it doesn’t stay up so the um once I dig around it it’s not gonna let’s see can’t see if I missed anything so I gota put still can’t see if I missed anything holy crap all right that’s good so now get rid of this so now we got to fix this up a bit and then we got to get rid of this so I got really all right or should put a torch here and then we put yes sir think that’s what we do I mean I could even put the put the two oh that’s not right oops where’s this one at oh this is in by one hey how’s that right that’s not right am I doing wrong here all right I I don’t know what I’m doing WR here one 2 three four five six okay so what is this connected to oh okay I okay well we’ll we’ll let it be for right now so now just filling this here and then only need a ton all right let’s start I feel like with a little bit of color be fantastic it’ be great it’ be perfect all right all right so let’s now what would I do with the floor should I take the floor to a different level should I continue this floor well the floor is going to have to continue is this uh let half slab okay the floor is going to have to continue anyway at least up to here so let’s do that now [Music] and then this oh this is not even this needs to be moved right here so floor Skip One floor Skip and then right here technically that should be good all right um I just have to get more black concrete I can finish this how much time we have left we have half an hour a little more than half an hour I didn’t start till about 11:5 so definitely have some time so let’s get some more concrete going all right chat let’s get some more concrete so make sure I don’t have any laying around here somewhere do not um okay I have a bunch of glass I need sand this there we go and then let’s grab two of these probably going to need more 32 19 pieces um nobody has crazy amount of I was only that okay all right let’s s some squids have black concrete so I know I definitely use black concrete plenty of times all right here we go if I could at least get the Aesthetics of the room done today I’ll be so happy I’ll be super happy that’s how many we got there 43 I doing hello not going to be enough to finish this but at least it be put a big dent into it all right and then oops wrong spot uh [Music] gravel it’s a decent amount all right it’s PR hard to see oh my go it’s going to be so dark in here it’s crazy how dark it is going to be in here um yeah I’m just going to knock this wall knock it back by one what we got other those we’ll make sure the other side is even we’ll make sure it’s even too before I uh I am do I want to go down I kind of do I kind of want to go down just a a little bit not going to lie I kind of want it to go down just a little bit even though this is not like a bad height like this is like perfect but okay so we got one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 so on the 12th wall skip this one so one two 12th wall okay so we’re still good on that part okay that’s good that’s good love every moment of it so we got the roof done so I can actually go down no let’s not go down yet I want to at least get this top part of the wall done because I’m not I’m not going down too far I don’t think think so yeah I think I’m only going down to here for the most part anyway all right let’s drop more of the concrete um I’m just going to place this here for now really doesn’t matter but we’re going to do it [Music] anyway do this and [Music] let’s go to to Here There we go all right let’s do this let’s go let’s go looking good looking fantastic is coming along I might not even drop it I I’m prob I am it just this looks decent even at that height let me grab Well’s sleep real quick um let me grab some slab got one here here that should be enough okay so let me paint you guys a picture really quick so I’m definitely going to need more dang it I’m thinking okay we have this and then we’ll have bookshelves of course and then I want to do in the middle so hold on hold on hold on U we got 1 two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 so we will stop here for the floor cuz right in the middle I’m put the enchantment table so I can’t knock out this wall this wall has to well this wall is going to have to be I have to knock this well this is where the the black the black concrete is going to go um oh I might be able to finish this okay so we were super close so we have 31 all way across we need it [Music] odd there we go come on down so now no I have to put it here too but we need to knock out this [Music] wall okay and then bam bam bam bam that’s what we’re doing okay well we don’t have enough do we no just use up what we have oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay so um yo looking look at what I text you and why is there more Pikachu in the background now they’re taking over Dude they’re taking over they’re taking over they’re taking over a ton and then the whole sh they’re taking over son they’re taking over all right bam okay looks good looks good looks good looks good looks good when we need probably another two to two stacks two and a half stacks to complete um to complete this part of the wall but remember it is going down so I figure let me we have time so let’s finish let’s do this do this want to buy a first edition first edition set wait first this pack like just one single pack for 65 I will pass as much as that sounds great and all I rather just take that money and either buy the cards or buy some other sets I don’t I don’t be trusting people oh yeah he is opening up live is he is he live now I don’t think he’s live now right I know he is he was announcing that it was counting down [Music] um when is the schedule oh 5:00 oops 5:00 he opening it I seen that I seen that but did people already buy the packs though like people already bought the packs he must to go viral on this 110% he’s about to go viral he’s going to be trending on YouTube and if he if he had other socials he’ll be trending on that too I mean we could do a watch party I’ll do a watch party I I can’t do 65 even half of that hey why am I breaking this there’s 13 left yeah I don’t have no I can’t as much as I would love to I can’t but be my guess if you get that Charizard I be like damn I should have went in on it but yeah I can’t I I already spent way too much money this year oh wait I should probably not block this thing in so let’s just go out to here as much as I would love to uh do something like that and actually if you think about it 65 is not bad I think they you normally go for about 10 right people were trying to sell them for about 10 $110,000 so that’s actually not a bad price but you know how many Pokemon cards I could buy with six five even with 3K I could buy stuff for collection I could buy new a little bit older vintage like first edition is great not going to lie to you I get well I already got base set complete but you know I could start my jungle I think I’d rather just buy the cards to be honest I think I rather buy the cards I’m not buying it because I get a bug catcher no seriously like that’s what it is like it’s a big gamble we could do a watch party though anyways let me get that jimy F no get out of here um yeah I don’t mind doing like a little watch party I do not don’t mind doing that we should be able to do a little watch party I don’t know how to do it on YouTube I could Google it cuz technically we’re stealing content but I think people do it all the time um what am I doing the wall has to be here so we definitely have to fill this in oh that’s all I got dang it yeah I could definitely do a watch party but if you think about it okay we split that right see if we split it just saying 3K a piece there 11 cards right you know then we have to play Rock Pap shoot for the last card but if there is a Charizard in there what do you do like do do we keep it do we sell it most likely get it graded 110% like no ifs a bust about it like definitely get it graded but I feel like even so if you want to get the cards from that set with 35 that’s like a good start on starting to collect the cards and then depending if you’re trying to be a perfectionist if you want like mint you know near to uh near mint cards you can still kind of kind of at least get the commons and uncom out the way and you can start working on Hollows but just to P $65 to possibly get a bug catcher okay say this 13 packs left right now we just bought one remember pack number 13 that would whoever gets pack number 13 if they get a Charizard then we should have did it but we’ll know what we would have got grade and sell yeah but like would you though like would you really want to sell a first edition Charizard cuz even messed up beat up ones are going for like a good chunk you get a PSA freaking 4 it’s still going for a couple ,000 slabbed and as time goes on the card value is going to go up so like I will get it graded but I don’t think I will I don’t think I will um sell it ow I just almost killed myself there I don’t think I would sell it uh skeleton leave me alone leave me alone okay good I don’t have my bow oh crap oh I’m about to die um we’ll go have if I bought it I can’t I I can’t stand just grade it yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t sell it I wouldn’t sell it but I couldn’t at the same time I couldn’t go half I couldn’t take that that gamble oh do I have any more I do I just couldn’t take that gamble as tempting as it is with 13 packs left I’m going to say we’re going to say pack uh 13 and 12 we’ll see what we what were in those packs this music is going ham um do I have any more any sand oh you know who probably has a whole bunch of sand actually don’t even really like this song to be honest with you just too risky just to get freaking last well actually you know what you should do hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on you know what you should do check and see how much the cards will go any card a the last oops the last Trainer Card see how much it will go for PSA 10 because if you think about it say worst case scenario PSA 10 and PSA 9 let’s see uh what’s let’s see first edition what’s the worst um okay so for they saying first edition Charizard in the PSA 10 could go for for $288,000 that’s what it says PSA 10 $288,000 to be exact it says $288,800 this is off of the price chart okay first edition Machamp G PS 10 is 840 okay now mind you you’re working about $35,000 so you could definitely buy that easily all right if you get a blasto it says you’re looking about I don’t know how accurate this is $1,400 for PSA 10 oh that’s not first edition I lied first edition blastoids is going for $22,000 uh Charizard for a PSA 9 first edition going for 15 ungraded it says $1,000 blastoids ungraded uh 586 Pikachu edition that doesn’t tell me if it’s red cheeks or not um ungraded 78 bucks 9 24 10 12 I’m going keep this up because this is pretty useful uh if you get a Venusaur you’re looking at 13 out of 10 136 uh n is about $2,900 ungraded it says 500 that’s for our first edition so now the reason why going for now it says a first edition pack in the PSA 10 is going for $642 that’s what it says not sure how this is pricecharting.com and then ungraded is going for $2,000 um last PSA 10 first edition for 15 so that’s what I’m trying to get at if you think oh here goes red cheeks red cheeks Pikachu is going for 9, $200 if it is a um PSA 10 so my thing is and then uh uh booster box first edition is going for $23,000 so he his his pricing is probably very accurate on it and [Music] then and then Charmeleon your boy Charmeleon is going for 9912 uh $912 for a 10173 for a 9 and then 56 ungraded you I’m choking over here you know what we should probably do and actually I just still a video idea searching or trying to get those first editions searching try and get those first editions I think will will be like ideal honestly for this first editions because think about it if you could get an ungraded one for 56 bucks I’ll pay 56 bucks for ungraded first edition Pokemon card for the potential of it it getting being a nine or eight that’s still aund and something dollar $173 for a a um Charmeleon I think that’s like worth it uh hold on let me see can I do that I should be able to do this hold up if you guys can even see that but that’s pretty good so might be a little stretched out but there you go um so this is like the pricing that I’m kind of going off here hopefully you guys can’t see that um Pikachu 10600 something this is for base set and you get the first edition so if if the last is is only going for $1,500 at a 10 not only do you have to get the 10 you also have to pull the card well pull the card and they also get 10 so is that the cheapest [Music] PSA cuz you know there’s a chance but like are you willing to take that chance you pull the C you pull the last for 15 let’s see how much last goals raw ungraded if it shows hold on Bill oh no that’s okay that scared me that’s that’s uh elate impostor is not giving just for tradition I wish it would I like why do I hear a dog I don’t have a dog hold on let me go okay so it says 15 so ungrad this card is 59 bucks which is crazy so then say you pull this card now you got to hope that you get a good grade that’s the next thing last ungrad is $60 so then you got to hope you get a good grade right so now you’re looking at even if you’re trying to get a nine they say about 139 9.5 which PSA doesn’t great on points five or FS but you know is it is it worth it that’s it like is it that’s the question is it worth it now really quick what’s another card [Music] um Professor Oak Professor Oak is even worse oh wait oh wait Professor Oak is not uh a rare hold on hold on hold on um what was the other [Music] rare oh um oops I think Pokemon breed is a rare card right if I’m not mistaken Pokemon breed is a rare card um I know it’s not Pokemon computer or it’s computer SE search I think yep computer search yeah computer search and if I’m mistaken that’s a rare car too right that you could get like is it like is it worth it then you also have to get you also have to get a a 10 on it I and it looks like all these cars graded like like about 50 something dollars um last is there another one okay let’s say let’s say um it’s not a trainer card it’s a it’s a Pokemon who’s a rare Pokemon uh oops [Music] Dragon I think dragon air first edition is a rare PSA 10 if you could get that 10 you’re looking at 17 you know what I’m saying is like is it really I mean I’m down for up to a certain point but like that’s tough It’s a gamble that’s that’s the gamble that you play honestly but that’s a Gam that I’m not going I’m not going to play that gamble I’m sorry if if if I had the extra money most likely I just don’t have the extra money right now unfortunately why did I come here Can you steal his stuff borrow borrowing for a long term borrowing for a long ter um oh I do need Rockets see if he has any Rockets around here that’ be that’ be fantastic no I need need some Rockets so I could get back just need some Rockets um we got about 15 minutes let me just try to get this done in the 15 and then if you guys want to join me for the watch party try to set a watch party around 5:00 for some poker rev that’d be kind of cool tell me could join us um in this and just see what people we’re we’re obviously we’re probably not buying any packs but if we would it would been out of pack probably pack um 12 or 13 I would say so we’ll see what pack 12 or 13 is and then we’ll go from there honestly honestly you’re going streaming yeah yeah yeah we do a watch party we’re streaming yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’ll be joining us yes yes yes yes yes see if YouTube takes us down and like I would love to do stuff like that but like we we started our Pokemon I want to say we started our Pokemon Journey a little later than than others you know cuz it was oh you know how YouTube be working you know what I’m saying I know it’s not copyright um we started our journey a little bit later than others now this is a a cool fun fact and me and Italian have been friends for Italian been the friends me and Italian have been friends for years we used to go to Walmart all the time like all the time we will go Walmart cuz Walmart like turned into like 24 hours so we used to go to Walmart all the time and that one time now I was always a Pokemon fan he wasn’t like you know really dabbling into Pokemon like that but I just played the games when the new Pokemon games will go out I didn’t drop D um neither I will take the bus get to it we start driving and we just actually can I I need uh keep that open for right now we used to go oneart all the time and Pokemon CS are probably stacked and actually I remember going to the Pokemon section and saying oh snap Pokemon cards I haven’t collected these in forever I need to I need to get some something all right don’t shoot me don’t look this way perfect um I need to get some and if I would have just grabbed some packs I think around that time we were X and Y error maybe just the ending of maybe just an ending of um black and white we would be sitting on on cards right now and also back in 2017 I think it was 2017 a first edition uh first edition um Pokemon base set oops was going for I think about 700 bucks on eBay 700 bucks and I remember knowing that and I was oh was it 20 maybe 2015 maybe it between 2015 2016 because I was working at I started working at the job that I work at now and um I was like oh snap you know I really want to buy that I was just Googling you Pokemon cards I really want to buy that and I and I seen it on eBay people had had a whole bunch of them they were just selling it with $ 700 something doll whatever and then pandemic hit and then everything went up so it’s really tough if I would give any advice on collecting Pokemon cards and somebody who’s been collecting started back up collecting like 2019 I want to say it was um is that the the hobby everybody’s doing it now okay everybody’s doing it now a lot of people aren’t still aren’t fortunate to go out and buy cards as as much as they probably want to but since everybody’s doing it now everybody’s looking for those cards uh newer set stuff okay they’re looking for real cards they’re looking for the newer set stuff and Pokemon is so popular it was as popular as it was in in in pandemic time no I I believe it wasn’t because nobody was working people were just using their money to buy the cards whatever anyway the little bit advice I will give is that if you actually want to be a Pokemon collector first figure out why you want to collect are you collecting because you just want to have the cards or you collect it because you want to make a profit figure that part out first okay because it could be very expensive and whatnot and if you’re somebody who wants to collect because you just like how the cards are do I have any more I need some more a little bit more gravel just to finish up this a little bit of wall um then you got to if you’re looking for a profit then the best the best way honestly I feel like is probably buying the newer stuff right now and then just trying to sell it at a decent price you know you try to find out a discount and you try to sell it for a little bit more of a markup you probably won’t get much of a markup I mean much money off of it but people always looking for a deal you got to think that a booster pack is going anywhere between $4.99 so five bucks to you know whatever just go on TCG player and see what it’s going for and but you can get packs for a lot cheaper um at some places than what is going on for in on the market uh place or in stores but if you’re somebody who’s like me who wants to collect and potentially open in the future then I would say start collecting the older set stuff that’s what I would do start collecting the older set stuff put that little bit of money aside instead of spend 50 bucks on the new set being like pan Fates instead of spending 50 bucks on that take that $50 and spend it on um spend it on uh something else you know just spend it on something else spend it on what cost 50 bucks I think uh plasma storm one booster pack cost 50 bucks spin it on something like that instead because those packs are just going to gain value and then over time you’ll be like oh yeah I got this pack I could open it see is it going to be worth opening that’s going to be up to you but yeah just I will invest into or at least invest into just get in the cards what the heck I know this stuff moves you you know if you want to complete a set one one set that I’m looking to try to go for guys is going to be I’ll show you because it’s not bad in the set I like it because it looks good it looks good and King GOI if you guys are part of my channel I play video games with him he actually got one and it was what’s up this one oh I could do oh no that one’s a little expensive I would like to do that set though is one of the plasma sets that he’s doing or that he got I think it Plasma Blast Plasma Blast um is said set Plasma Blast um because if you look at it this is how much a booster box goes for $3,000 on the marketplace this is TCG player this is just average I it could go be more it could be less um the ultra rare iris is going for $123 full art not bad so if you take that 100 and say your limit is 150 you could come down down here start with some of the commons and uncommons like this is n bucks eight and start getting those out the way first you know I would start if I had 150 I would start with the Gerra ex get a full art one hopefully get a decent one cuz listen the listing is 1335 that means there’s one that’s super beat and then I work my way down the Pack’s going for about 52 bucks a pack so he got one of these and then I will go from here and I would just work my way down and then I will start picking these other ones up as well that’s what I would do and then at least at that point you um you could start collecting those sets guys thank you so much for the likes as well on the stream we’re going to be ending it off here in a minute either way but it’ be kind of you know cuz some people likes just have like just having the packs you know and be like oh yeah I have this pack and then maybe one day it might be worth something or they saving it for a rainy day or you know something might happen where you got to sell it and just make some money and so on so forth but yeah it’s all is at the end of the day is all just a big gamble for sure okay well I’m going to end it off here um this is is the room thus far oh my goodness it’s looking good it’s coming along nicely is definitely looking fantastic see if we get a thumbnail um which is oh was that there we go um it’s coming along nicely it’s looking fantastic um rip that pack um I don’t think I have a pack to rip new video is coming up um I have I’m doing some I’m going to start yeah new video coming up um our last video guys is doing amazing um if you guys haven’t checked it out please do uh when out looking for evolving Skies with the boys uh the video is doing amazing I want to thank you guys for the the love and support on that video check that out um I think I’m going to be doing more Vlogs like that videos try to at least do once one a week or one every other week I think that would be amazing rip that pack okay tell you um oh wait I do have one hold on I have one RIP just one okay so it’s uh it is doing amazing um and I do have a little announcement too that’s going to be on my shorts I’m going to be uh doing it in a couple videos too so um also got these little containers that I’m going to be start filling them up with booster packs but we do have I have two only two left of of the p and Fates only two left lose packs anyway because I’m running out of room for packs so I need to I need to start uh start consolidating some stuff here okay hopefully this is good I did move my cameras and stuff and hopefully this looks great uh let’s then do this let make sure this is good music’s jumping hopefully it looks decent not really and you guys could also go to uh 144 1440p as well so hopefully that looks better I have new lights coming in so we going to have a lot more lights as well because this webcam needs decent amount of light to uh to look good so we got new lights coming in that’s going to be a couple months though but new lights we’re going to open up this pack and it’s a little blur because I’m not focused in on it but here we are there we go Gastly give it a second it will focus in Charmeleon woat Psy cyard H sedge nothing on that pack that sucks that sucks yeah it focuses it’s focusing more on my face than it is um on the cards unfortunately but all right I’m going to head out I want to thank you guys so much for stopping by thank you guys so much for watching being here check out that last videoo please do it’s amazing check it out check out the last video um it’s uh yeah we people are enjoying it so I’m super excited about it check it out and then we’ll be back again here on Tuesday with some more gameplay enjoy the rest of your day have a good night by

This video, titled ‘❤️ Live – Today We Build A Library- Minecraft’, was uploaded by CraftiestCrab on 2024-03-10 18:34:59. It has garnered 47 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:14 or 10994 seconds.

Helloo Everyone,

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🔴Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/@CRAFTIESTCRAB/shorts 🔵My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CraftiestCrabGaming ⚫️My TIktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@craftiestcrab81 🟣Discord: https://discord.gg/rGmdnUWV

Music Credit🎶: Glitchxcity: https://www.youtube.com/@GlitchxCity NoCopyrightSounds: https://www.youtube.com/@NoCopyrightSounds



  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

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  • Potion Commotion: Crafting an Infested Notion!

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  • Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot!

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  • Jack’s Important Moment

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  • Conquering the Toughest Minecraft Bingo Challenge!

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  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

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  • Shocking: Digimon Beats Pokemon in Minecraft SMP

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  • Insane Greenhouse Build | Minecraft LIVE 🔥

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  • INSANE Minecraft Movie Teaser: Faaalke Revealed!

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  • Barnava Gaming: Encounter with Demon Rengoku | Minecraft Animation

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  • Team based Life steal SMP – semi-vanilla smp

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  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date Night

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  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

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  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

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  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

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  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – sanemc.mc-game.xyz Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord – https://discord.gg/insane-94995089200… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More