1/2/2023 Live Minecraft Crystal PvP

Video Information

2023 let’s go first sermon 2023 I don’t know how this is gonna go um hopefully it goes well guys welcome to the stream I just started welcome welcome welcome who’s gonna be first one in the Stream it’s gonna be aha I just hit my knee it’s okay guys don’t worry

I’m okay I don’t know why I said it so uh zesty like that but hello can you guys hear me is everything good I think we’re good I think everything should be fine I haven’t that didn’t test any audio or anything before the stream today uh so I’m not 100 sure it’s not

Like a guaranteed everything’s good but here let’s just you know I’m already on the donuts let’s just get started bro let’s get started yo what’s up nerdy what’s up darcus what’s up um pyro what’s up uh Kevin peeps um Dom Owen party guys today we are not warming up

Today we’re I’m just gonna go straight into the um you know straight into donut s p because you know that’s what you guys I think that’s what you guys want um what’s up Danny what’s up Alfred what’s up Nami what’s up um Oblivion what’s up it’s meme everybody holy guys

Why do I feel like there’s so many people in the Stream already bro you guys oh my gosh you guys came in here quick but yeah let’s just get started let’s get started rape bases yeah yeah I’ll do everything I’ll do everything let me go let me get my home

Um oh yeah we added more homes by the way to even it out so like lower ranks and have more and everyone will have more pretty much I’m playing on your server let’s go Harry what’s good what’s good what’s good everybody audio Works everything’s working fine let’s go so I

Don’t even remember what happened yesterday so when did I where is all this loot coming from so this is maxed out gear let’s get all that get all this but yeah oh yesterday I wasn’t even live what am I saying but what’s up guys welcome welcome welcome welcome to the

Stream um bro it’s 17 lives what what is up yo yo thank you so much for the donation um thank you bro thank you let’s go um why do I have 17 lives though what I’m not supposed to have this am I I don’t I didn’t cheat any live guys I

Swear I did not cheat any in did I buy no I didn’t buy any I don’t even know how I got this chat don’t question it okay I swear I did not do you probably opened some crates oh yeah I did I did I

Did I had oh yeah I opened up all my um oh my whatever grades that I got for free because it’s so easy to get free crates so um yeah okay that’s how I got them nice I forgot about that I opened up all the

Um my epic crates that I had or no what are they Ultra crates yeah I open up those I’m TV to me okay okay I’m not even geared up bro I’m gearing up right now wait do I have a good sword I don’t even know if I have a good

Circle oh my gosh bro Marcus what the heck you just can’t even remember let’s go let’s go how many I don’t even know how many members we have I need to set like a membership like amount number that I have you know all the speakers wait what two people just became a

Member yo stovesky oh my yo thank you so much bro actually thank you oh yeah I got all this stuff oh this is all the stuff that I got from the um the ultra crate I had like so many of them I had so many keys um but dude thank you so

Much holy guys welcome back we’re back 2023. um today I I didn’t have or I didn’t drink any caffeine today and I don’t plan to so I think today is gonna be a more like controlled like you know more personable stream so I’m not gonna be like all crazy doing everything for the

Content today today this is gonna be a fun stream uh um good question I don’t know it depends when you once 21 does he even want a one bro he’s so trash so today’s gonna be a great stream I hope so I hope so um then what’s your favorite dinner flavor

Glazed glazed donuts are the best 100 guys what’s your favorite um flavor um 388 viewers and 18 likes bruh we have 388 viewers hello assistant we have 33 likes now bruh okay I think we lost viewers and we lost likes this is we have 318 okay whatever it’s fine whatever guys

Whatever it’s okay you know I’d like to have you know only a few likes in a lot of years you know you know that means that you guys hate me which is great um no I’m just kidding what did Frosty say oh super chatted Macedonian dinners what

How do you wait how do you know you upgraded the Platinum oh I see that right there dude oh my gosh bro okay yeah you’re one of the only three Platinum members so there’s um um um um who are the three Platinum members oh my gosh I’m drawing a blank

I’m having a brain fart bro who were like oh let me check let me check um oh yeah stealthy real okay so we have stealthy Rio master of java oh wait oh wait master of java is he banned from the Discord I think Master Java got banned from the

Discord basketball oh what’s up bro that Ivy TP get oh why did I get banned for Discord I don’t know bro yeah I just looked right yo why are you bending the Discord bro what yeah something about massive Java and we have um and now we

Have you bro thank you so much let’s go let’s go crypto yo thank you bro thank you thank you guys over the subs and everything you guys are crazy thank you for dropping a like on the stream hold on hold on I’m about to gear up I’m

Better gear up and do all this stuff I’m just gonna open this up um let’s go bro that’s crazy um and can I unban you uh I don’t really unmann people just because you sub I I feel like that’s like unfair to people I I’m not just it’s like paying for unbans

Chat is it bad to like have unbans on the server store because like I feel like it’s kind of bad you know like because people always ask me like can I play can I pay you for an unmann like bro no that’s got me if I

Do that so like should I is that is that good if I do that or not um I love your streams oh thanks thanks cool Lucas um that is bad it is bad oh it’s not no it’s not bad bro I don’t know bro a lot

Of people a lot of servers like so many servers have that we’re like the only server that doesn’t have it of all Hypixel like really big servers don’t have it even though Chad you guys realize how many players we have um someone offered me a hundred dollars but

I heard about that bro I heard about that that’s crazy yeah we are literally the biggest like guys you are a part of History right now this is the biggest rival server that has ever existed there’s I don’t think there’s ever been a singular survival world server that has had this many

Players we had a thousand eight hundred players today chat ever since the new update of how do you hide chat okay just go to options chat settings and then chat size see this right here I’m just gonna turn it down or up um but yeah it was crazy a thousand 800

Players is our Max almost here you’re in history right now if you were online today you made history today wink wink winking face thanks thank you overthink bro yo that’s really nice of you to say um yeah that’s crazy guys it’s definitely crazy 72k we have 72k on

YouTube too this is crazy all right who what are we gonna do chest should we just rate some bases I’m already warmed up TPA who can teleport to um whip go crazy oh my gosh bro what go crazy I swear you always ask me to

Teleport to you do you know I feel like you kill me like it’s multiple times um bring back the green screen please Chad should I bring back the green screen like it looked kind of fire you’re not you can’t lie bro it looked kind of good

Should I bring it back I don’t know I mean my room does look kind of good um it’s a false band all right damn me on Twitter then and talk no don’t bring it back I don’t know um no don’t bring it back no okay all of

You guys are saying no L green screen okay bro what’s so bad about the green screen it’s not that bad come on bro all right TPA You’re not even online bro um TPA IG underscore 64. all right ig64 all right I just teleported you let’s rate your base because I’m gonna I’m gonna write your base one out of ten okay um master driver bro I heard you bro it’s a false band what do you want me to do

Um me and me and master job had a gift oh yeah yeah let me teleport to you TPA um master of java all right master of java all right Master Java I just sent you teleport request let’s go let’s go bro let’s go um bring it back but your

Room is fire yeah I like I want to bring it back because this is like you know I don’t have to clean my room ever in my room always be 30. yes of course remember you yes remember me I am build cat myself oh hold on hold on I’m teleporting

Master of java okay um yo hi hi fake Marla yo I’m feeling like I’m gonna get pushed in the void right here that’s the void hey guys oh yo what’s up bro subscribe to Dr donut yo that’s kind of fire thank you thank you guys that is that wait do I

Get to keep the shulker Box bro wait do I get to keep this or like or what’s going on I’m hot you always have to eat what’s up bro um drippy crazy oh you’re giving it to Glory bro you got the wrong guy bro all right all right L name L name who

You talking about bro wait what what’s L name fake base is this really a fake base am I about to get trapped here um I mean they’ve got some loot in the chest I don’t know how uh it doesn’t look that fake you know they got a lot

Of spawners there uh we got some chests over here it looks like maybe just a new base it looks like the story of everything in our inner chest except for this random stuff um yeah it doesn’t look that fake okay this is cool nice oh subscribe to Dr

Bennett L name bro how is that an L name bro that is ha bro okay whatever you know you can call it a fake name I’ll name whatever you want we just made you just made this base okay nice nice nice nice all right I like it bro oh you’re

Giving me some of those too all right I rate this bass you know it’s kind of in the air it looks a little you know it’s pretty cool uh I rate this um um what out of ten what out of ten what out of ten what out of ten probably uh

Stats milk okay fine stats build Ken all right five days play time in five hours yep that’s that’s longer than me money less money than me you know broke um oh my gosh way more kills than me less depth than me bro why do I have so

Many deaths guys yo guys could you Shard pay me by the way can you guys give me all your shards is that okay um you know I’d love I’d love to just you know have some shards you know just like just like giving all of me go give

Him give him I only have 284. just give them all to me go give them what the heck how’d you just do that oh my gosh I don’t think anyone’s gonna you had me on Discord the shards are so good now guys wait Shard shop

Oh wait no no no no no no no no no no no Shard shop oh yeah bro there’s so the shards are kind of op now oh you guys oh you gave me some oh and the dogs what the heck bro did Ox thank you bro guys why do the memberships immediately pop

Up like they they show up immediately but the super chats take so long oh wait sir you gave me those bro what um when’s the spam club uh when I get the I I guess I can pay on now actually I I just wanted to get everybody to get

The tickets made and that what last guy made it I think this morning so yeah the dogs bro the doc thank you bro let’s go welcome to the to the sub Club let’s go all right so yeah bro they’re actually the things are actually good now what should I buy

I have 600 shards 699 shards I can buy a deathband booster so bad bro shards are kind of like rare right now nobody is nobody’s really afking that much ever since yesterday people started AFK and that’s how we hit a thousand and under 800 players bro it’s so good

Um how many players we have AFK now dude that’s why we’re the biggest survival server right now it’s kind of op bro it’s kind of op you’re so annoying are me David W’s what did I do how am I annoying bro what did I do bro I’m sorry

If I’m annoying I’ll try to fix myself all right Reigns all right Reigns I just sent you a Teleport stealthy real yo what’s up bro what yo what’s up sucks welcome welcome welcome um yo what’s up I’ve been thinking about like bringing you to the staff Team bro

What do you think hey super chatting yeah man Discord bro no no bro I’m sorry no no no no right now um but yeah Reigns Reigns team accept I sent you a Teleport request oh you’re talking to frosting with me yeah let’s go thank you so the real

That’s your bro that’s fire thank you thank you thank you all right yo I’m trying to teleport to you guys like you got oh somebody just pay me shards where I have 700 shards now nice um the server is sick dude it’s so nice now that nobody’s I don’t think we’ve ever

Seen boosters on other servers I bet there’s probably been some boosters on other servers but this is like fully original idea um Shard shock and it’s pretty genius because now everyone has to AFK a bunch so you know the player Count’s gonna be up there and it doesn’t even like lag

The server chat we had a thousand 800 players on and we only had 20 mspt we weren’t even close to lagging we can probably hold like 3 000 players I’m not even kidding so if Mr Beast made a video on the server okay Mr Beast made a video on the server

We might be in trouble but 3 000 players bro that’s crazy like there’s no other stuff that can have this many players um all right let’s just teleport somebody else then um drippy classy all right drippy trippy classy okay droopy claps Destiny teleport request I got you

I got you um who checks the staff applications AirDroid yeah erdog checks him out he reads them all David W keys um guys this Gatorade um have caffeine be like Mr Beast you know what you’re right wait you know what I’ll be just like Mr Beast Iron Golem spotter

Worth two two million dollars There You Go Master Java there’s an iron golem spawner okay we’re teleporting to drippy crazy two dollars okay no worries Dr Donuts okay okay oh wow oh wow you just accepted that wow let’s go bro yo zark who are you talking to bro what wait you got bro

Mods whatever guys never mind I don’t even know that I broke my arm wait what wait where did that message go I just read that don’t I bring my arm and I looked away and I lost the message no oh wait what did I just read a random

Message didn’t even exist bro type that again bro whoever said they broke their arm typed that again I’ll read it okay um okay so what do you guys write this base out of ten it’s kind of someone said elzark okay oh dang bro elzark oh

My gosh holy cow it was like did you raid me today bro I saw you were alive before I went live um that’s crazy bro if you did that’s crazy bro right right like Autumn bro or I don’t know why I’ve ran with that write some smaller streamer okay

Um I broke my arm dang I broke my arm and feet dang yeah I believe you’ve done it I broke my arm in a car crash um but won’t stop me from detapping kids yo that’s kind of okay bro yo that’s okay okay I write this base honestly a

I mean I can’t even open these top chests bro i i rate this base a four out of ten no three out of ten bro three at three three out of ten cougar new teleport you know wisp chat I need to get more content without like

Okay nah bro da doc super chatted yo thank you for the Euro bro let’s go that’s fine yeah 3.3 out of ten yeah I think it’s three out of ten all right yo let’s get some good bait guys stop getting me in combat I’m gonna grief your entire base in one second if

You punch me one more time I’m not kidding okay bro whose base is this hi you’ve got some spawners here um hi hi um very cool base I rate this a three out of ten get out run thank you for the golden apples um I

Rate this base a uh three and a half out of ten why run bro y’all bacon I love your new purple yeah actually making your new profile picture was kind of like you know the red one is a little it’s a little hard to see bro make it

Make the background white bacon I’m telling you it’s gonna be a w profile picture if you make it white bro but that waffle though that bacon waffle is so good check yo oh Planet bro your profile picture sucks Planet you gotta get a better one you just looked up

Planet on Google or something bro super chatted look you look so fine today winking face thanks cat yo chat should I fight planet um white is too bright no no bro brighter is better think about it bro think about it whenever you see somebody in the streets like I mean whenever you

See profile pictures like in the streets like you look at the profile picture think about buildings they’re white for a reason think about signs think about everything it’s a white background bro it makes the thing pop out more but yeah Planet you want to fight bro yeah Planet you are

Planet learned is actually online Easy kill bro think about it people guys think about it paper is white for a reason it stands out okay bro planet’s dead there we go all right we just killed Planet easy dubs and may pick something like that also there we go they’re both dead bro

Get out of here bro you guys are terrible oh my gosh you guys are so bad what was that you guys are so trash what was that you guys have zero chance at all how are they this bad I don’t know bro I don’t know they are so bad that

Was even a close at all I have never seen a worse TP trap than that in my entire life that was awful dude my monitor was off yeah that’s how you place the obsidian trying to block yourself off bro shut up you are so trash bro

Fight me so let’s fight me 2V1 easy kills bro that was so easy I feel kind of feel bad that I blow the loot but I just like I had to kill him quick you know for the content yo chat clip that posted on Tick Tock free 10 billion

Views bro like they’re from Life still like Doctor Donut Doctor Donut look you know how may pick guys you know how like May pick is like the best PPP in life still now and now that clown Pierce is like he fell off so like May pics is better

I just absolutely demolished him in like two seconds bro 2V1 like what does that make me that makes me kind of like insane you know what no no we’re dropping off TP to rate my new basement all right TPA Nixie Nixie I don’t even know your next name what’s your Nixie what’s your

Username um another pot then bro another pot is not Minecraft PVP bro that’s not PVP anymore bro this is not this is not netherpot has never been VP that’s just like another pot is for like if you’re bad at the game and you want a 50 50 somebody like that’s called

Another pot right there that’s like that’s like you somebody beats you in chess and you’re like okay bro you can beat me in chess then let’s play checkers like bro shut up what are you talking about like bro this is not a Checkers fight this is a Minecraft like

Bro just shut up bro shut up bro we’re not playing checkers bro we’re playing chess we’re playing chess buddy TPA um but yeah um Nixie next guys did Nixie say what his name was um TPA to Frederick into rate okay PBA um Frederick love Vic okay Frederick yo

Frederick I just sent you TP bro I sent you TP bro I want to rate your base one of a ten yo what’s good bro yeah Astros are you sure bro why am I using right hand then you’re using your right hand no I’m not these bass chords got leaked please help

Me get the stuff really okay I will help you get the stuff what is this bro kept me in combat now combo super chatted through that chat okay bro I’m so slow Nixie super chatted 1.99 bro Astros this is a trap bro I knew it bro I knew it I can smell him

From a mile away bro oh bro I’m not warmed up today Chad I haven’t warmed up yet this is bad bro no yeah I’m dead I got it I just gotta Escape bro that’s all I can do ah armor oh why are you saying armor yeah I

Have armor bro like like what are you saying armor armor armor like it’s it’s low yeah sure like bro no it’s not bro it’s not even low all right how do I get out of here like I gotta go like this way no bro I don’t have pearls bro when did

How did I drain so fast that’s my question no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I actually don’t even know how I drained this fast bro no no please

Yo yo yo guys give me a chance give me a chance go give me a chance content’s two you killed me too fast it’s not long enough in the video give me a chance to escape oh my bro at least give me a chance bro come on

Look how bad life some people are these are two European no names like the fact that these guys are better than lifestyle people and are better than me and I’m like 10 000 times better than my skills okay okay okay okay okay we can leave oh hey blue

How’s it going welcome to the stream should I say it in English say what in English what do you think I’m talking about bro I don’t even know what you’re talking about I gotta leave I I’m too I can’t read the chat guys stop typing just kidding all right yo okay which I

Can’t teleport people here in combat I’m such an idiot bro get out of here man I should not have trusted Astros oh my bro I’m get out yeah what do you think I’m trying to do bro yeah you think I’m just sitting here oh yes oh we escaped bro yeah see you

Later guys I’ll see you later yo it’s Terrell hi Bluey says it’s Tara Bluey bro if you say Bluey bro stop trying to be like ever fine bro and this just shows like bro I’m just like the best player bro the fact that I can just like run from every fight like

That means I’m a good player right all right what it makes the type your name is Jaffa okay Jay okay okay I’ll teleport you I’ll teleport to you I got you I got you all right yo let’s teleport some people who are not gonna trap me okay I’ll rate your tip base out

Of 10. you’re bad ASF bro I literally just demolished the entire lifestyle SMP in one Crystal bro like dude what are you talking about bro I’m trash bro shut up bro no I’m not maybe I am okay I’m kind of bad right I’m not warmed up that’s my problem I

Actually would have like killed them yeah I’m gonna be honest if I was wondering I could demolish Mr Cinna super chatted five dollars can you rate my base my user as autism yeah yeah I got you bro sure sure yeah yeah I got you but yeah if I was

Warmed up I would have definitely demolished him bro I’m just not armed up I wanted to start the stream like I looked at my guys I looked at my YouTube analytics you know I’m a live streamer so my analytics are different from other YouTubers um so I looked at my analytics and I’ve

Watched my most popular stream where nothing happened I didn’t want to be on clown pierce it wasn’t a 12 hour stream it wasn’t a four hour stream my second most popular stream is a random one and a half hour stream so I was like bro why did that video do

So well and or that stream do so well post post streaming and I figured out the reason was because that was the only stream where I started playing done SMP immediately and I it was a stream where I did not waste any time uh Um um playing East you know so that’s what I’m gonna do from now on and I’m gonna warm up for like two minutes before the stream then I’m just gonna go live unwarmed up I’ll warm up as the stream goes on just for you guys content um yeah autism

I’ll teleport to your base after I teleport to Nixie whose base is Jay all right j2fa all right I’ll rate your base just don’t kill me guys seriously um yeah East is so boring yeah yeah I think I think I’ve realized that after I looked at the analytics

Um all right there we go okay so we got our crystals we got everything I kind of want a better sword but I don’t think that’s gonna happen um or I swear I had a better sword Nixie accept the CP Nixie Nixie Nixie

Um yo bro react to your new to to my new vid you’re in it a YouTube video Tick Tock or YouTube video hold on gender um I love you but I’m not gay by the way oh okay good I mean I mean I mean that’s okay that’s good no matter what you are

Oh my God bro I’m Gonna Cancel uh I’m Gonna Cancel hi doctor I am grinding for media and I am grinding to be the best buttock player thank you thank you for the bee farm idea it’s going good oh yeah no problem man you’re gonna grab you’re gonna be the best better player

Nice bro if you could give me money um or spawners if not it’s okay I still love you keep grinding you keep going with content okay okay guys don’t clip that what I said though actually I’m being serious right like bro why do you beat with me why do I oh

The video’s on Tick Tock ugh fine Jitter fine I will watch your stupid video fine this is a cool base though guys should I give him some money how much money should I give him give him two million dollars you know I’m Mr Beast so slash pay J pay J to May

No two bro how much is two two zero zero zero zero zero zero two million dollars let’s go bro all right you’re gonna you’re gonna like it I paid an animator a lot all right fine dude it better not be one of your girls versus boys Tick Tock bro

It was one of those nah bro I’m Gonna Cancel my watching that bro all right all right all right all right I’ll watch your new tick tock all right chat what’s your new tick tock I’m in it all right this or this all right whatever let’s just watch it it’s

On my public Minecrafter server I went to France on my public Minecrafter server and I saw this dude spending time with an e-girl I could tell that this hold up what first off why am I lowercase second off why is Marlo oh yeah what all right whatever crush on

Her so when I saw him type in chat asking for help I knew this is not me bro no no guys it’s not me it’s not me I swear Marla if you’re watching this this is not me admin I need your help what I’m talking in the

Chat asking for help I knew that I had to help him out he told me that he needed help building the Eiffel a towel yeah I’m kidding I’m getting yeah nah I’m Dreaming right now I’m Dreaming bro yo yo oh my gosh bro nah I’m like bro

Nah I be watching this bro I can’t be watching this um I saw you on that server that’s literally you oh my gosh bro all right let’s keep watching of course that he can ask out his e-girl so of course I helped him out I gave this dude an admin

Hat which lets him control the will of villagers and this dude perfect to work what is this video remember the villagers and the Eiffel Tower was done in no time then I just wanted to bring a z-girl over and he asked her out but she said no and this dude literally died

From embarrassment today I went to France okay what the heck was that video bro that’s crazy that yo that’s crazy bro okay that’s funny I’m not gonna lie that yo good video good video what is that bro that’s crazy okay that’s funny that’s funny all right Banger not it’s

Not gonna get views I don’t think um um just cause like come on baby but I’m not that popular maybe people’s like I should speed or something yeah okay I don’t know that was good I like that that was a banger bro Banger Banger Banger Banger

Um we make this for real bro I would love to bring me like this for real but I don’t think that’s gonna I don’t think that’s possibly you P.S you’re a doctor Beast thanks man you’re welcome for your two million dollars here you go I’m gonna give you an iron golem spawner too

There you go you can have the iron gun spawner look right there there you go ah GG bro hopefully you become your best better player good luck on your journey now let’s continue on you should watch Mighty new tick tock it’s really good bro it’s not gonna be as good as that Dr

Beast if you Doctor Beast if you like if you agree yeah guys why did why didn’t you guys like drop a like on my streams um we were trolling to be honest rematch should I rematch my pick bro dude I’m down to rematch let me bro oh let me think

You got the gobber you’re not involved in this are you you want to rematch dude guys I’m down to rematch just seriously though don’t TV trap me you’re not ready bro all right let me let me think let me think do I rematch the life still people yes

Or no tell me how to download CW oh it’s easy bro you got you just gotta ask um ask people in the community there’s no public download you have to ask people that you trust in the community um yeah or no let’s do a fair 1v1 though it’s a trap

Um all right all right let’s I’m gonna go against the lifestyle people again don’t trap me we’re not this time okay good good good good all right all right I’m not really warmed up I Loki want to wear up against this guy so let me just kill him really quick now TPA

Let’s go against planet again because like bro [Laughter] such an easy kill bro oh my gosh ah he’s teleport we’re teleporting right now bro let’s go oh hey guys there you go we got one down so that was pretty easy now let’s go for the second

And we got both well GG guys um unfortunately you guys died if you would like to teleport back and get the loot go ahead send me a TP um it’s too easy you guys will never kill me ever staged ASF guys they are so trash you guys don’t understand it’s not staged

They’re just that bad I’m being serious you guys think people on lifestyle SMP are good at Crystal PVP you think they’re good at Minecraft not at all they are so embarrassingly bad it is crazy it is crazy how bad they are bro all right you

Know what let me I just gotta get the shulkers um let’s get the gear bro here crazy house bad they are bro you guys could even kill me in a TV trap what made you think you’re gonna kill me outside like in a meta yo you guys are

Awful that’s all I gotta say all right let’s get the loot really quick whoops I just what bro all right there we go just grab the loot thanks for the free armor you know what I’m gonna take all the loot usually I leave the loot but I’m Gonna Take It All

Thank you guys that’s crazy Chad that’s crazy bro I’m down the rematch whenever you guys are you know TV trap me I don’t really care you’re not good enough to TP trap me so let’s do it yeah yeah I’m actually down to rematch whenever you guys are just TP trap me I

Don’t even care you’re gonna you’re not even good enough TV show at me okay I gotta stop repeating lines for it in case yeah I know never mind bro all right all right guys I accidentally set up with the music on so I had to like say it

Again so like okay you know what you know what let’s just pretend like that never happened all right all right grab the loot bro there we go is that all of it that’s all of it there all right so what’s good should we should we just take the loot let’s see

What type of armor they had did they even have a chance in the first place so they had a maxed out pickaxe they had um a pretty good pickaxe crystals of course Roots I mean I was my course fruit Thorns guys you have thorns in your boots that’s not guys

No but you guys both had thorns on your boots and you had horrible you didn’t have protection for helmets you’re not you don’t you especially if you don’t okay never mind whatever you know what life steal SMP actually I don’t really want to Brand you guys lifestyle some P you know that

Might you know you know I feel bad like I shouldn’t have said that like you know next time I’ll call you guys like um YouTubers okay got guys YouTubers are just don’t have a chance against me bro there’s not a single YouTuber that can beat me in

Anything bro I’m being dead serious all right let’s go home all right all right all right all right all right all right you guys want to rematch again a planet lord said um I quit lifestyle for done SMP bro you’re not ready for our takeover bro shut up bro you not funny

I can beat you high carbs awaken SMP high carbs from awaken SMP nah YouTubers It’s Gonna Take You months to get as good as me and you’re still not even gonna have a chance bro and here’s another thing practice PVP is different than then then

Uh you know like you can practice for a year in PvP Legacy PVP Legacy there’s no one in PP Legacy that’s better than me I’ll be honest bro there’s no other people like to inspired with me if you want to practice you gotta practice on east.uspp.org now if you practice there

You might have a small little chance but even then it’s gonna take you months to get to my skill and then you have to bring your skills from practice and bring it to survival which will take you another two months so you have zero chance of beating me ever ever

You can’t even kill me in a TP trap nothing you have zero chance of beating me ever okay like seriously Marlo Marlo doesn’t play Legacy bro shut up bro Marla plays Legacy okay bro what what’s a good practice server east east us or west any of those servers right here

Here are the IPS screenshot hurry screenshot you have three seconds I’m gonna quit three two one here are the three practice servers that are good for Crystal baby if you play a PVP Legacy you’re just gonna fall off like bro PVP Legacy is less popular than the donut s

P and the fact that you guys are still playing that server is just what what like okay what do I think bro I’m just like like I feel like I say all this stuff I you know obviously I’m joking but like I’m just being like toxic for no reason

Um yo planet do you want media Rank by the way just let me know um thanks you’re gonna regret once we destroy you okay okay bro all right bro I’d like to say I’d like to see you try um PP Legacy is good what do you mean

About PVP legacies for all the people who think they’re good at the game like yes please oh my gosh fine those are stupid media bro you’re welcome you owe me um all right that’s crazy bro I can screen share Bill Captain really you’re not gonna strap me

Still can last time I teleported to you you avoided me bro you actually boarded me last time I I teleported to you here here it is all right all right fine TPA then I’m gonna teleport to autism autism he donated last time I remember he I’m doing a 70 million dollar wager

Broke out the Opera bro chill bro I’m not trying to wager like that bro I I gotta gonna give out my money to the poor I don’t want to make the rich get richer you know oh my gosh the space is fire bro 10 million dollar wager

That’s even worse bro I’ll do a 200 million if you want but autism I like the space very much your carbs I didn’t drink caffeine today it’s my first time in a long time do I seem way more down to earth than human now I I went back and watched my streams

Guys I I want to be honest with you guys um a tick tock recently went viral of me absolutely demolishing waffle man and Frost’s dupe stash it wasn’t a dupe stash they just had like thousands of loot bro they have so much loot and I’ve read the comments on that and

It kind of It kind of made me like you know it kind of just like shot me in the heart like I had a whole I think completely differently about my content so you seem normal that’s good so yeah I thought about that and I’m like dang bro

I need to change how I act so I did [Applause] okay yeah okay that’s it that’s all I don’t know yo is this for me autism right you’re just giving me full armor oh my gosh bro what okay thank you very much bro thank you I gotta get out a shulker box

Bro bro thank you so much let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Andrew tape right here guys we got I’m the new entertain yeah Dave W uses your Tick Tock bro yeah um all right show the comments uh fine I’ll show you the comments

And I was getting made fun of in real life for it too no I was getting made fun of but you know people mentioned it in real life [Applause] all right bro I really like this base lock because I’m gonna leave him and show the comments I can show the

Comments on mine okay okay not number bro okay this is Firebase what does this say um I love this drinks with a good work also can I get a screenshot yeah yeah bro let’s get a screenshot let’s get a screenshot and then I’ll share the comments oh my gosh autism has Austin

What bro they’re not a spell bro changed man everything I am I am a changed man today or maybe it’s just because actually I don’t know because every single stream for the last like week I’ve been drinking that like energy drink you know so like you know I’ve been getting a lot

Of Clips but it’s not it’s not really been like genuine like it makes me look like such a bad person bro and okay yes I’m blaming it on the caffeine and I probably shouldn’t be right I don’t know all right um also can you off flashlight oh I

Didn’t know I had hide on oh sorry sorry about that yeah I got you oh I just ruined their content I didn’t know oh I’m not seeing the comments okay I’m about to show the comments he wants to get a screenshot okay you got the screenshot nice bro what do you guys

Rate That Base by the way what do you write that bass out of ten okay I’ll show you guys the comments um all right um oh shoot I don’t want to leak my taskbar let me uh stretch that down a little okay there we go all right um 30

Million dollar range about 30 mil bro that’s too little all right all right um Dr donut clips let’s check it out talked on a clipper where’s the one million view video bro it is deleted do you guys see a million view video anywhere oh here it is look this was

Posted two days ago watch this Tick Tock and then look at the comments bro I’ll show you in a second all right oh hey copyright’s so bad bro but here’s the video it’s kind of a banger 100 kid I was saying like that’s what you get bro like you know what I

Mean like I was like bruh you guys deserved it like it the reason I was so mad here is because they TP trapped me with waxy bro like 2V1 it was like bro why’d you do that and then all the comments were saying to be honest he’d be crying in tp2t

Like what who are you first off second off look at your profile picture yeah I like bro don’t be talking to me like that who are you but like this that’s what people genuinely think about me like donut wouldn’t last a second in TV DT like oh you think I’m gonna do something

Like bro that’s our like bro I’ve already been docs like who cares but everyone has like bro Crystal BP Community is way harsh with TBT is like like bro tvt is nothing bro probably cries at the Emoji Movie okay and now that comment though that one’s where

It’s true like bro click on the profile picture this is the person who said I’ll cry in TBT like ah all right bro ma’am all right ma’am all right ma’am like bro what else don’t it’s such a baby okay that one too bro this guy knows me my name bro donut what

It last second is such a baby bro if bro acted like this in TV cries the Emoji Movie bro wouldn’t survived like that’s not even bro bro bro bro bro it’s not even funny bro it’s not even funny like why do you say bro 100 times that you

Think it’s funny if you say bro like bro are you stressed right now um the comments on my video are nice like I don’t know I don’t know bro I guess come on come on man all right build gun all right fine build Ken I just sent you a Teleport Quest let’s go

Bro wouldn’t last a second into BTT bro wouldn’t last a second interview TT oh my God he would have lost a second intimidating oh my yo what is this base oh my gosh hey Dr Beast since you are the Minecraft version of Mer Beast can you give me

Three million please yes I can slash pay Wilkin three million dollars there you go my friend so you didn’t voice chat me bro that’s fire no thanks bro that’s Doctor guys I’m the new I’m the new Mur Beast I’m the new Mur Beast I’m I’m officially

The new Mur Beast donut you are so good you are super chatted five dollars cat yo what are you good oh my gosh don’t let the comments get to you okay thanks man all right well too late I already let them already let the comments get to

Me you know people man bro those comments bro those comments stasis Chambers are broken by the way don’t it bro okay can you can you get me the no no no no keep keep the stasis bro I mean night night keep the iron girl spawner I don’t need it I don’t need it

You keep it real all right TPA for Osteo Frost can I put a new NFL stasis chamber in the end please please please please please please please I’m not gonna can I uh play in server or watch the stream or do I play in the server or watch the

Stream you can only do one um I’ll say watch a stream and then and then play this ever after because I only stream for like Towers a day you can play this everywhere like whenever you want or do your homework is that what you guys want to hear that’s the non-toxic answer

Bro how’s this place not been found yet here we go thank you very much Frost so next time I get trapped in the end 80 million dollar wager slash Bell Godly gobber our golly gobble bro I’ll do a wager for all of my money okay

All right no I don’t know bro I don’t want to do a wager yo uh should I go no bro I’m not warmed up I’m not warmed up I can’t wonder I’m not warmed up okay I can’t I can’t I can’t let’s teleport to somebody who’s actually

I don’t know bro who do I teleport to should I teleport somebody who no uh not wait what stealthy nah what did I do bro TPA um CPT okay Captain fluta caps Pluto all right let’s go all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

Let’s go let’s go let’s go can you stop flicking the door do it you are warmed up no I’m not bro I’m not I’m not There’s a lot of people here uh why keeping me in combat no no no no no no no bro no no no no no that’s the Trap it’s trap it’s trapped bro I have all this I can’t wanna be six but it’s a 1v6 versus bunch of no names hmm oh and

Someone teleported away okay okay okay um this looks like a legit bass I don’t think they’re trying to kill me yeah they’ve got a lot of spawners here all right guys I believe you just don’t hit me okay okay okay okay I believe you guys now okay okay okay all right

Wait XXX tentacion oh steak okay I’m okay I don’t need any steak um water boats um this looks like a legit face I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s anything bad no no stream it’s seven of you not they don’t know it’s stream seven of you

Not responding please rate my base bro I have 955 viewers bro I can’t be rating bases all the time I’m sorry but I really do like the space though this is kind of I like it a lot actually you know the slabs on top like that’s

Pretty cool you got a lot of spawners of all different types like it’s this is a pretty good base they’ve even got the netherwork Farms like bro it’s kind of fire it is kind of fire we are gaming super chatted two euros and 49 cents

Pee and rate my base my username as Mr Spaghettini Mr smile why are you punching me I don’t want your steak I do not want your steak you’re making me scared run I see waxy no you don’t bro no you don’t okay I like this base yo what do you write this

Down 6.5 out of ten that’s what was oxidates it hmm I’m thinking either 6.5 or a seven in the roof no bro he’s not in the roof bro yeah I don’t want your meat bro please do not give me your meat okay I rate this base a 7 out of ten

Yep most definitely a 7 out of 10 bass very very very very good I very rarely give out higher than a five out of ten um so a 7 out of 10 is many many stages above and you’re punching me again bro punching me again really

I don’t want your meat stop giving me your meat I don’t want meat please thank you all right bro I better grief this whole entire base bro I’m not even kidding I’m about to Grape this whole base punch me one more time before I try to leave and

I’m grieving the whole base I’m being dead serious don’t do it bro don’t punch me do not punch me one more time seven out of ten there we go that’s what I thought bro oh my heart oh my gosh oh my gosh okay all right let’s teleport to somebody Tyrone GPA

Tyrone now we all know a little something about Tyrone don’t we because I don’t I don’t know who Tyrone is um but let’s teleport Tyran though let’s go I was doing my essay and I’m not warmed up bro do it no bro Tyrone yo what’s good Tyrone was good bro nice base

O-n-l-y-e-a-g-l-e super chatted 99 Canadian cents Bro went to Midol as far as I know I saw that wait bro only eagle with a 99 Cents yo thank you bro thank you Tyrone um can I please have an extra life I’m at one here at one life oh that’s so tempting bro it’s so

Tempting whoops I said place down swap City and that’s my bad ask Chad if you should do it all right yo no way you’re giving me your meat too bro no way have some stuff I made for you um I made for you and us because I know you

Love me also add me on this back on Discord please also I love being in the streams Oreo’s world love the streams thanks UTP to underscore light gamer tag now um sure bro teleported golly Gover or golly Gober where’s the media rank bro oh my gosh bro teleported golly gobber

You know what that was his last life you know what nah if bro’s gonna teleport golly Gober I’m ending his last life I don’t care oh my no brother Pearl the wrong way did you kill him already I killed him all right good bro yeah that’s what he gets bro nah Tyrone

You deserve to die for many reasons many reasons then at one one going on East um no bro actually I kind of do need to warm up because you kept punching me bro you kept throwing me your meat and you teleport golly Gover and that’s the final straw bro all right all right

Lightning light gamer what’s Up Everybody by the way I’ve been fighting your Stream So Fast bro I’ve seen you’ve been on the grind though 11 streams that’s nice that is nice edify I have a Phi okay let’s do the way since I didn’t kill you

Can he do it another day when I’m warmed up like maybe I’ll probably be more warm up tomorrow I had to do something today trust me I’ll do it bro I’ll do it oh my gosh what is this don’t kill me then our just got raided can I can you

Please donate some money by the way I love these dreams can we have some spotters oh my gosh bro what is this um fine bro here’s some spawners 40 zombie spawners 40. I’m I’m the new murbies bro I’m the new Mur Beast bro it’s it’s 1 3 23 bro no it is not

It you are in the wrong time zone my friend pay him one million dollars oh my gosh pay bro that was like 50 million dollars worth of Libra super chatted five dollars donation donut can you rate my base to take katw yes all right cat I sent you teleport

Request thank you very much for the nation and Daniel too yo welcome back in the Fanboy okay next okay okay how’s your how’s your 2021 going I mean doctor 2023 got one guy 1181.79 I really hope so moving will be our main job I really hope so that’s my life dream Dr feast

Bro are you serious right now bro okay yo cat except except the TP cat cat except the TP um 49 cents fine I’ll teleport to you zero dollar wager oh my gosh bro all right golly Gober can we please do tomorrow bro should I one Godly Auburn now or tomorrow

Um bro get away four million dollars but didn’t want to slide me 200k I just heard someone put on some armor nah nah nah hog rider bro if bro is a hog rider like I’m about to leave uh let’s get out of here ah bro okay let’s just yo cat are you

Gonna accept cat cat cat cat except cat please cat cat cat cat cat cat all right did you leave bro cat please cat accept except I’m gonna die that Arky super chatted one pound and 79 Pence I have maybe the best base on donut smpu Archie oh deeper Trooper

Wants to beat you with me stoyevsky super chatted 100 Macedonian dinners bro gave away four meters but didn’t want to slide me 200k four meters sorry bro hello I’m streaming hello hello hey deeper Trooper how’s it going my man oh my gosh I bought your six dollar

Channel membership to get you to call me and it didn’t even work I still had to wait 20 minutes what more Super chatted two dollars oh you don’t have public subscribe yeah it didn’t show up bro you got to turn on your stuff public I’m spamming in chat now

I don’t even see you in chat why are you banned am I did somebody ban me bro you must did you say anything bad bro nah you must have all right so anyways deeper Trooper what regarding the thing that’s happening in a couple days you wanna uh you wanna

Invite any one of that you know anybody who you think would be down hmm so nobody else is down uh so pretty much I am assuming that salsi won and Mr Epic are going to join us hi the salad is working right now and then Mr Epic is Australian so he’s gonna be

Waking up in a bit and reading the message he almost always joins okay but if you have anyone that’s down let me know we can do Pro Gamer also when do I get stream mod that’d be smart bro no bro mod I can be trusted with perms oh I’m I’m

Very stressed for the individual but no you’re not bro okay fine yes you are yay anyways yeah I’ll on Danny I’ll check my bands you know Bobby did you wait did you comment anything weird in my videos or anything Daniel and this is YouTube are you bad on YouTube or something

Oh no oh I’m still in the partner program okay I super chatted two dollars send it again PLS sorry yeah I have a recommendation and I like what we’re doing to the Thousand viewers right now leak our secret plan that we’re doing yeah not the server but the plan okay

Yeah leak the stupid I mean whoops I meant to say secret plan the secret it’s uh it’s very secret so I hope these thousand people don’t tell anyone okay Dr donut and duper Trooper are doing professional collaboration on a pay to win server which is really funny because Dr donut owns a page

Means bro it means Pay to Win not pay to get a dirt block bro shut up bro what are you saying prop 5 armor anyways I’m a big server it’s bigger than donut SMP no there’s no server bigger than done s p my bad it’s this you realize we

Average like like like 15 000 players now I mean 1 500.00 www.plsss hopefully that doesn’t just do leak what the server was right there probably not because I also kind of overestimate their player count uh oh well that just leaked even more bro I only watched my videos they don’t all

Right all right all right I understand yeah it’ll be very professional but I I can’t give you the dupe we’re gonna give you a bunch of money it’ll be super super cool bro just give me the dupe bro how am I gonna leak

It do you need any alts by the way I can send you some alts because I got sponsored by an old shop yeah yeah I don’t have any alts okay once we’re like filming I can hook you up with some they gave me like 50 for free it’s really

Cool guys it’s not mine rival they are a dead saver bro they are bigger than Dennis no why would we deep on mine rival that’s cringe bro yeah God hate mind rival I hate mind Rivals so much that I don’t want to give them the pleasure of getting Dave done

That’s not a pleasure bro it is not a pleasure trust me I have experience it’s not good again wait does the dude still work on yours sir bro it’s still they all work can I try it yeah try it Bros it’s not gonna work if you hack yeah

Okay I won’t be hacking I just need it for the macro give me a second okay but it doesn’t work bro I don’t there’s no way it works if it works this is gonna be really funny and I’m gonna pay it all to your moderator Frost it’s a frost why

Would you pay the frogs wow Dr Beast can utp’s irrelevant okay deeper Trooper what account are you on duper Trooper I’ve been on wait wait a second your name is just you’re not even online bro is it the duper trooper I know because I’m logging into my hat client it’s the

Duper Trooper right I own both wait so Goblin gobbler did actually kill you on the dead SMP no so let me tell you is that the tick tock video yeah yeah I saw that on Tick Tock here’s the funniest thing so I hop on door s p to cyber bully Frost right

And this kid is spamming in jail why do you think I’m really Frost what did Frost do because we’re friends and it’s fun you’re friends with frost yeah and the baby anyways so this kid right he spams TP to me for 1v1 and I’m like this will be fun and so

No gear nothing I TP to this kid and I immediately fall on the void it’s just a void trap and then he gets his friend to put on a duper trooper’s skin and makes a fake trap and then scripts The Tick Tock video and just includes the

Screenshot of me dying in the hood uh it’s actually big braining because he got like so many views off of that well yeah how many views did he get how do you like like 15 000 I think that’s bro that’s like no views bro shut up bro

That’s a lot that’s a lot sure sure um wait what golly gober’s saying it’s some random clip I don’t even know what that means bro all right wait is it are you online bro oh you are okay ah or did he picks up doctor okay yeah I’m

Just I’m just at spawn what no bro why you have to spawn oh my God I’ll go to RTP give me a sec bro do the dude bro it’s not gonna work everyone’s waiting they want to get a dupe too testing it did you just say a

What’d you just say what I said I’m testing it Oh I thought you just like spoken different language right there I can speak German you want you want to hear it how to compliment people in German no okay oh it works I just paid a bunch of money I don’t know

Right I think it works yeah I don’t think it works I think you’re set thanks man yup anyways wait does the dupe on that on that big Server doesn’t work on that SMP no that’s the Jeep I just tried stop paying me money I don’t play This Server ever okay

Um all right sometimes well I’m excited for the content bro yeah Dawn s p is the best Minecraft server ever I know most popular is there any other survival server that’s as big as an s p yeah but what nah what is it bro Hypixel Skyblock that’s that’s Survival

No bro that does not count like that’s one survival world bro one survival world I don’t know exactly lover fella dude he has like 200 players how many how many does he have oh he fell off hard yeah right shoot I forgot okay yeah um I don’t know that yeah I think you’re

On top right now I think you’re on top of the world anyways I’d like to pass on one message okay promote David W keys on your server you know you stream mod you should give them like Mod on your actual server I’ll think about it why my reasoning is

Good I have good reasoning basically he’s a bro you know yeah yeah you should also promote Frost to add oh oh he’s a bro like he’s in your like subscriber thing like memberships is he a member I don’t actually isn’t that what the pro is is that your community what is that

No it’s just a brother David isn’t even in my Discord server oh all right well thanks I’m excited for the video I mean for the content the certain streams I’m also extremely excited I will let you know on South C1 and everything all right thanks before I leave everyone

In the chat subscribe to the duper Trooper on YouTube immediately everyone on youtube.com hello Dr donut can UTPA to me now all right all right yeah it’s fine okay sorry I missed a bunch of the Nations bro Dipper Trooper all right all right all right all right

All right you know he distracted me thank God bro he’s so boring bro okay no he’s that’s just what happens when he didn’t call anybody that’s why getting in calls is boring always bro it’s always boring always bro no matter who it is even if it’s someone famous

Bro the only way it’s not boring is if everyone in the Stream has a very good reason as to why we’re calling your viewers went down I know bro I know I know we’re at a thousand now we’re only at 800. it’s fine guys it’s okay calm down that’s what happens okay

Dang it bro dang you lost 100 viewers after going in the car I know why are you spamming bro why is spamming that’s what happens temperature for Nissan you know up his pout a little bit what’s the opposite when it’s the opposes his once he opposite once he UPS his clout then

He’ll be up there bro the viewer ships will not leave all right he’s got up this Cloud a little bit more bro yo duper cheaper I don’t know if you’re still watching bro you need to get better at YouTube I’m being dead serious bro like but look at your

Statistics look at your analytics bro you need like come on you guys gotta you gotta you guys like bro come on bro ask the Mr Epic for help bro it’ll make your videos ten times more views I’m telling you meth super chatted two years Dr donut PLS rate my base IGN ccxx

Underscore okay okay TPA who are gonna teleport to cat Okay cat all right cat cat cat cat cat you’re the first one all right cat I sent you teleport okay um please one more life I apologize please I’m new Bro Tyrone you try you teleported bro no Marlo’s in chat is

That the real Marlo guys this is not the real Marlo oh hey Cat no no you hey donut Beast can you give me three million dollars and I can also have a screenshot bro yes I don’t know why I said yes all right fine sure your pay cat three

Holy bro guys I’m giving away millions of dollars and you guys are just paying me back my money that I paid super chatting like two dollars how hey doctor today or tomorrow for the wager w-w-i-t-h-s-p-e-c-x wait five mil bro okay I paid you three mil okay is that

Good enough Tyrone underscore oh well super chatted two pounds PM no I don’t want your meat ill apologize winking face plz sad face what why is that I saw you on the I saw you at spawn oh yeah I was at spawn bro but I left all right TPA um

Next CC okay CCI X all right I sent you teleport request let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go chat let’s keep going let’s keep going don’t try me here bro I do not want your meat thank you for thank you for the consideration but no I don’t want it um

Canadian dollars can UTP to plssy MC 3D 3D glasses hello doctor hello Mr hello Mr Beast I’m poor and homeless my dog ate my friend and my whole family can you hand me a favor over a few spawners yeah I got you bro I’m so sorry

That happened to you here’s a stack of zombie spawners um you might need some money too okay slash pay Cece I’m so sorry that your dog ate your whole family um let’s go with um 10 million dollars there you go I just gave you half my half my money

Yeah I’m so sorry to hear about that oh you want a screenshot all right jptr gaming super chatted two euros and 49 cents can I have three mil and TP to me I donated three times oh my gosh okay fine yes I’ll teleport to you let’s go crazy fine

STX geeb cxmp super cat 1.90 oh my gosh bro donut give me three million dollars whip go crazy there yeah yeah yeah I just did it guys can you can we get some um hearts in chat like you know the heart type of tight here guys can you

Guys have some hearts and chat for um CCX IX because um he’s poor and he’s homeless and his dog ate his friend and his whole family can get some hearts in chat for him seriously yep hearts and chat zero birth one NK super chatted two euros and 49 cents hey Doctor Donut can

You pay me three mil exclusive Maybe yeah I’m sorry to hear about this man hopefully you get better hopefully your family regrows um you know hopefully your friend responds you know whatever whatever may happen I hope that happens to you hearts and chat for this guy hopefully

And I yeah hopefully you’re not poor anymore too it would go crazy You’re Gonna Keep accept bro I’ve sent you multiple teleport quests to be accept um teleport to bugger poggy woggy bottle pogi wagy bottle that’s actually a thing bro why are there so many pogger bottle fans bro what the heck

Ever since I made that Tick Tock and you keep short about him yo bro are you gonna go crazy you’re gonna accept bro I’ve been waiting for you to accept bro like come on bro come on let’s go bro let’s go no no can you play me three million dollars

Whatever crazy I’m not home are you serious right now bro I was gonna oh my gosh bro no I’m not gonna pay you bro I’m sorry but I I thought you were home all right next let’s double board to um lazy all right where’s the MC I got you bro

Let’s go let’s go let’s go all right yo guys guys stop guys stop doing anything for me to teleport to you okay um have you done it okay guys stopped help stop paying me money for me to teleport to you okay I’m not gonna do that anymore

I’m trying to get through these once I did already and that’s it I’m not gonna I’m not gonna kill him bro okay okay we’re California right now we’re teleporting rate my base oh yeah Archie oh yeah okay yeah the RT next um STX geeb cxmp super chatted 1.99

Donut can you pay me three mil whip go crazy I’m not home foreign no sorry that one guy 1181 super chatted one pound and 79 Pence can you TPA to underscore that one guy 1181 um pretty cool base I’m not gonna lie actually no I am lying bro I’m sorry

This is this is a very basic base I rate this a two out of ten TPA you Archie um that one guy yeah I already answered you um I’ll say maybe oh my gosh bro what the heck thank you bro thank you all right yo Archie picks up Bros

TPA High tier one X member all right bro oh my nah bro I gotta get out of combat as fast as possible I don’t care what it takes All right we’re teleporting the Archie bro I’m gonna get banned bro what is this on the wall what no problem man now I feel bad bro he purposely punched me for me you gotta come back I don’t care if he’s Chad the whole point of the sticker is to kill and steal

Okay okay he’s covering it up I’m not gonna get banned okay you kind of blocked Archie in this corner bro like yo is that the Archie yes it is Aaron all right nice base pretty cool um here you go zark and oh shoot I just dropped something I

Don’t even know what I just dropped okay and Archie here yeah you can have this through the wall thank you guys for now trapping me very cool base very glow Stoney Um very cool bro very very cool zero birth one NK super very very cool heroes and 49 cents oh IDK what to do with my money so I just gone donate what okay thanks man thanks everyone hi hey everybody guys erdo is back let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

Let’s go let’s go that is very hype TPA who we’re gonna teleport can I please please keep it to me I’ve not tried to kill you for a long time all right ply Bowl I’ll teleport to you let’s go let’s go bro I’ll teleport but don’t kill me don’t do anything plaid

While I trust you right now is this your only chance for me to trust you ever okay last chance oh my gosh what is this cactus Swedish Imperium super chatted 27 Swedish Kroner can UTP underscore best off Sweden my dog ate my homework bro guys I’m not guys I told you I’m not

Doing any donations for teleport anymore yes not right the second then all right the second okay um hey guys how’s 2023 going you know my strings may be a little more boring but at least I’m more down to earth and more human Okay so that’s good is it good I

Don’t even know what this is bro cactus farm like no this is not good bro this is horrible you’re not you’re gonna make like five dollars this is a huge waste of time like bro okay actually it might be pretty good how much money to make up this Fly ball

How much the cat to sell for let’s check it out characters seven nanogram super chatted two Euros could you TPA to me PLS underscore tarek seven Nano grades 800 oh my gosh ten dollars sticker what the oh my gosh guys did you see that in chat

That was oh my gosh bro thank you so much very very much that is crazy okay no no this is actually pretty cool but I don’t think it’s gonna make I mean it’s making a decent amount of money but it seems like kind of a waste like bro make

You’re richer than this plaid bolt slash Val plaid bowl like bro you have 27 21 million dollars this little cactus farm is not gonna make you anything let’s make it huge I mean it’s cool but I feel like it’s a waste nice not not that bad though TPA

Bro thank you for the oh there we go ten dollars that is crazy Linda cervone super chatted ten dollars all right it’s 56 I sent you teleport okay I got you I got you that that one guy oh my gosh thank you bro that’s crazy

I got you all right I’ll teleport to you Swifty um it’s stream of seven stream seven of you not responding bro oh my gosh guys you know the more you spam the more I’m not gonna not want to teleport to you actually that’s not really true because

I don’t really know who spams that much because you guys are all spamming way too much all right all right we’re teleporting to Swifty right now Swifty and you’re trying to keep me in combat bro what is that what is that okay maybe not bro you’re that’s a

Little sus what does that say on your skin I’m poor now my pet rat blew up my house I live in a box TPA to underscore that one guy 1181 super chatted 79 Pence nice name bro well you got you got around the system um last donation Or Nah zero birth one

NK super chatted two years his rat blew up his house um chat yo thank you so much overthinking that guy one thank you guys but what do we give him his rat blew up his house and now he lives in a box what do we give him champ

One million dollars and ten spawners oh my gosh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten slash pay SwiftKey six ten million dollars all right there you go the original the original original color and six cents a crystal okay here we go Crystal

Two dollars I need you to TP to my Base ASAP also Archie hey Archie Arrow do it bro air also Archie right what are you talking bro you’re not even on the server bro what are you saying bro what the heck you guys are standing for me to

Teleport way too much bro this is this is crossing the line of you guys telling me to teleport bro this is not a Teleport stream you know what I think I might go to zero zero that’s right you heard me right you heard me right I’m going to zero zero let’s go

I’m excited let’s go let’s go to zero zero let’s go and I’m here wow let’s go Swedish Imperium super chatted 27 Swedish Kroner donut plez TP to underscore best of Sweden I spent a lot of dollar note guys I’m not doing any more how many

Times you always have a way to say that Reynolds super chatted 1.99 my loot got glitched out of the game I have a clip the other Hub is so bad yeah bro Pedro made it is it really that bad do Wagers he’s gonna die what TF is

Swedish Kroner bro dude you think I know what that is bro no I don’t know I don’t even know how much that’s the word ah clearly it’s not a lot all right let’s kill someone how quickly can I kill someone no way this problem inside this box right here that’s crazy

Melinda cervone super chatted two dollars TPA to underscore Rogue Scott game oh my God he chatted one pound and 7910 hola erode Archie what the heck you guys are just donating the talk to me bro some kid is super chatted PA directions before this too bro I’m gonna kill myself

Okay waffle man bro no away waffle man’s gonna kill me bro okay no I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead this is too hard fifty dollars oh it’s 50 is five oh my gosh bro brownie super chatted 50 Swedish Kroner five dollars laughing face Chad this is too hard

I can’t go to spawn why there’s so many people here bro there’s way too many people here bro even Dr muffin’s trying to kill me bro like what are you serious right now what is that up there okay bro I’m purling the wrong way over and

Over oh my gosh the stupid glitch bro I told guys I told Pedro about the glitch where it like faces the wrong way when you Purl I told him about it so it should be fixed very soon um Revenge bro Revenge I’m getting revenge on you bro shut up about revenge

Oh my gosh bro Aspen’s here oh sometimes I was watching man bro you guys are about the media I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my I’m actually dead chat mend please okay I am Um okay all right I better not die here if I die I’m gonna cry and if I cry I’m gonna die I’m gonna release a sign foreign oh my gosh bro Please don’t die me bro We’re fine Foreign No way you guys are serious okay I gotta leave the music okay fine I’ll turn off the music okay the music didn’t doesn’t really fit you’re right bro oh brownie bro thank you brownie wait slash hide no no bro why am I typing I didn’t even press type

Is my Pro gonna land or what are you serious bro subscribe to document let’s go bro yes yes but can you guys uh instead of subscribing can you guys help me and survive um because I’m gonna die no I’m back in the nether Hub oh no okay

I escaped the slash hide worked if you’re consecrated chatted 27 Swedish plztpa for base I already sent 20 bucks what bro no I already told you 10 times I’m not gonna teleport for it okay super chatted two euros and 49 cents my dad says I need to save money

So this is my last oh bro what the heck dude thank you but bro all right guys don’t donate to me if you need to save money foreign I gotta go almost the durability mod called it’s called durability Plus just kidding no it’s gone I don’t know

Why I randomly lied it’s called um something else bro I don’t even know bro which way do I go oh my gosh this way bro my Pro didn’t even throw okay good all right yeah it’s called um it’s called barodinsky’s armor Hood bro guys don’t go to zero zero in here

Bro it’s too hard oh my gosh Bears yeah bernardinsky Bears armor Hood Didn’t even know that was me bro Ariel I thought we were friends now we even called bro what what nah I had four tunnels in my hand at the same time how do I die from that bro what the heck what the heck what the heck what is the music called it’s

Called Ariana Grande just kick it that’s the name of the song bro I’m failing school to watch your streams foreign NK super chatted two euros and 49 cents got ya plus it’s ER toteming Jack what the heck bro this is why is the server so hard

Can I like can I can I please be like uh can you can you guys like be on my rival Community where you guys are just like all absolutely horrible and I’m like 10 times better than every single player that’s ever existed that’s even if you’ve heard a minor level you’re

Terrible at the game just confirm the fact right there like why is the done SMP yeah I’m super chatted yeah please pay me for me what bro yeah thanks um could you please pay me for Mio Tara King bro you guys think I’m just like infinite money guy huh

Well I’m not and I’m not gonna pay you I’m sorry bro helmet and I just need some boots inski Bears armor bear what are the what’s where’s the end gate you mean the end portal I don’t know bro in the depths of bro I don’t oh

I am so poor I don’t even have armor anymore foreign thank you so much yo Gavin Crow Thank You Gavin Crow that’s very nice for you to say wow that’s actually fire thank you very much thanks bro that’s nice wow um bye from Summer yo summer are you bro does somebody even

Watch my streams I’ve never I think Summer’s like a little a little quiet little a quiet person you know I don’t know who summer is really I need a is summer a guy or a girl or neither let me know um bro can I have media I got 60k

Reviews with the IP bro create a ticket then yes stealthy Rio super chatted five dollars here is so money to cure your depression uh thank you very much yes I I am very much depression give me all your money I shouldn’t be saying this that’s the stuff that’ll get me canceled guys I

Don’t have depression and I don’t want your money okay well okay I do want your money but I don’t have a depression so yeah Okay we’re stacked up again we’re good we’re good bro we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good all right let’s go bro let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go armor in in your gift bro your armor is like one legging bro

But Marlo ISO what do you mean Marlo what are you talking about Marla Marlo’s okay let’s just go with this yes summer TPS summer Summer’s not even online bro why not gay is underscore summer summer oh my gosh about summer except except except bro summer I really want to walks

He wants to VC yeah where is waxy bro he hasn’t been getting his attention this stream is that why he wants to VC you really want a VC bro no you just made that up bro yeah you made that up last time bro you just made that up bro shut up Captain

Camera bro he doesn’t have one of VC uh mod me please bro Thomas I barely even know you that well Thomas I don’t even know who you are at all actually not even not that well I don’t know you out I don’t even know who you are at all

All right Marla bro the fake Marla bro bro whatever summer is not going to be accept Okay I set one more TP request maybe maybe he’ll accept um all right let’s just I don’t guys going to zero zero is a bad idea let’s just wonder when somebody good I think if I

Want to go on somebody good oh Marlo accepted no oh wait oh no that was my RTP oh wait did guys did Summer accept the summer accept guys or or what these skills done can you please CPA me bro these kills wait did Summers accept or did I just type RTP

I think I typed RTP right no but rtb is quiet bro no I was about to teleport to Summer the rich summer as a girl really yes some are accepted wait summer I said another TP oh my gosh oh my gosh spoke from lifesteals online

No it’s not bro what is Folk’s name it’s not it’s just spoke right it can’t be spoke that’s like a that’s a crazy name to have spoke was here yeah he’s not online bro slash messenger I’m not gonna I’m not gonna see the response all right

Spoke is here yeah it is I’m not gonna see a response so what is wrong with auction I don’t know what’s wrong with it bro what’s wrong with it I don’t see anything some kid it’s super chatted two dollars TPA to rad Builder 100 I sent 10 before this too

Bro I’m not teleporting to you guys I’m not giving you guys free stuff thank you so much I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re not you’re not the real Marlo XP luzo let me see if you’re the real Marlo go to channel bro I went to Christopher Abe’s Channel no bro able all right

That’s not the real Mario ask me that anyway Maybe all right summer didn’t I don’t even know what summer said um all right let’s just uh who wants to wanna be on anybody yeah the gobber wants someone going I know that for sure hey by the way guys you know you can RCP

Every uh five minutes now I’m every one minute it says five minutes but it’s after actually every month in it there’s nothing you guys know I just read a very mean comment bro what the heck not me not cool bro it’s because here at TPA spoke bro the one named Spock is

Even here bro let alone spoke is here fight me Astros yo Astros I’m down I’m down we gotta think of a reason to fight though how about this I’m you’re getting hmm here fine fine I’m down to fight you all right let me let me I got 25 seconds a second RTP

Um I keep teleporting in the water bro auction is broken slash ah oh shoot it is broken why they just click enter for me bro what I think when you click enter we’re testing an issue oh doctor won’t let you buy anything okay well Astros um the reason I’m fighting you because

Oh wait that TP trap bro oh yeah wait you killed me in that TV trap right I don’t even remember what happened there oh I escaped I escaped um and I’m mad at you so I want to do a fair 1v1 all right let’s do it bro I’m

Gonna rtb to a good spot let’s do it um just check Discord if you want to know why no it’s fine bro I don’t really care that much all I know is that it doesn’t work and all right Astros let’s go bro Astros I want to get revenge on you bro

Astros I want to get revenge so let’s 1v1 to see who’s actually better at the game like bro if you’re better then I’ll pay you all my money if I’m better you pay me all your money deal let’s do it bro you down Astros let’s go slash Bell

Astra’s 12 million dollars No Deal what are you dumb you’re actually an idiot bro no no way you’re actually that much that stupid bro no way you’re that stupid no way 200 million dollars fine I’ll just want to go in anyway no money no money in the in the thing but that’s for

The Tick Tock okay um just do it yeah you don’t even have that much money yeah exactly bro let’s do it Astros come on I said that for the tick tock bro come on just do it the real look okay chat hold on I’m trying to go on Astros

Let’s go bro let’s do it Astros why am I in the water still I don’t want to be in the water anymore please get me out of here uh I might have snowballs teleport anymore because bro that was a glitch they’re not meant to teleport you

Um no no your store is a scam bro what are you even saying bro no what are you even talking about what store the done SB store what mods you guys gotta like look at the chat bro just time we’re fan people who are just like constantly

Saying the same thing over and over and just like things that I’m obviously I’m reading but not saying out loud I’m gonna unban me right now bro I don’t know who you are bro guys stop asking for stuff you’re gonna get banned from the chat never never type again oh

Okay I can already be another 20 seconds and then this one okay let’s go let’s do it now let’s just 1v1 are you down Astros Astros are you down to do it yes or no sorry it’s okay thanks for Batman and frost thanks guys all right let’s go two one

All right let’s go yes bro all right um yes fight me oh my okay okay looks like we’re gonna teleported somewhere bad bro uh we got a good spot let’s go all right Oscars you down in the fight here bro all right all right all right all right

All right all right how do you get AFK shards to someone else it’s slash Shard pay slash Shard pay it’s one word um all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right Astros you ready to everyone the TPA here asterisk all right let’s go let’s go let’s do it

Let’s see who’s actually better this better be such an easy win for me guys ready for this easy win yeah he’s terrible about a win in three two one foreign guys oh my gosh I’m about to win so easily let’s go that’s my first totem popped popped this whole inventory before I can

Even pop once bro no I’m losing now no no no no no no oh no foreign what are you talking about bro shut up oh bro Karma what are you talking about Karma pay the money he said no deal bro I already said we’re doing it without the deal

It’s not pay up you guys are an idiot he already said no he already said he’s not gonna do it I said do it without he said sure so obviously you guys are idiots and you were not listening to the Stream God bro pay the money obviously now you

Guys are gonna say pay the money if I would have won you guys wouldn’t have been saying pay the money if I would have won you would just be like oh DJ oh yo like bro shut up bro all right ask this rematch bro Astros is dumb I know

Bro can we read match Astros please bro how did I even lose bro ah I’m such an idiot I wasn’t even trying bro I would have tried harder if I would have known that was gonna die there oh my gosh bro this Leaf is horrible bro so annoying I don’t have any boots guys you’re so how am I so dumb what did I do wrong how am I dumb oh my bro no one has good loot why does no one have good loot you’re a noob about my new bro explain could you please explain how I’m a noob

I would very much appreciate it um thank you very much yeah I don’t have any boots well foreign I guess bro you guys have to protect your legs bro you are such an idiot bro yeah I can’t do anything bro fix your shop what are you even talking

About bro what are you even talking about I don’t even know what you’re talking about what’s wrong with it there’s nothing wrong with it bro what are you talking about it works perfectly fine like I’ll buy something with it right now I don’t know how can I give a card oh my

Gosh bro what are you are you actually an idiot Bryce brace in the end you want me to answer your question for the third time if you want to pay AFK shirt to somebody else command you need to type to pay somebody else is slash Shard pay

God bro listen did you hear that you want me to say it again you need to say it another time the fifth time to be a summary I’ll give armor oh my gosh really all right deal ah it’s chard pay by the way [Applause] foreign I’m sorry it’s okay bro Are you having a stuffy nose bro I’m about it in the Stream oh my God [Applause] so annoying I can’t even stream so annoying bro what is this base hahaha this is crazy sorry I had to make those faces for this for the thumbnail that’s gonna be a thumbnail of uh maybe

Tomorrow’s stream maybe today yeah I’ll do today’s stream oh no Gage is here uh oh no yo Gage I’m about to do something bad bro I’m gonna kill you all right no I’m not I’m not gonna kill you never mind never mind let’s just go back to the game um

Oh my gosh this base is crazy I found this base and it’s nice I don’t even it’s like floating on in space bro it’s just pitch black raid the base bro should I the armor the the hunger mod is called apple skin why are the villagers in cubicles what

The heck they’re literally in cubicles bro oh my gosh [Applause] this is crazy nah he wants the coordinates chat your type your name and chat I got you the coordinates yo what bro do a pull to rate it no no no I’m not gonna read the bass I’m just kidding I’m

Not gonna give anyone the coordinates this is this is way too nice of a base you know so so yeah wait summer can I have this by the way or no because he left it out here I don’t really know no yes no yes no yes hello

No way yes oh no no I can’t wait you just took it though you just took it so how am I supposed to know if I can have it or not like like bro you guys know summer is like one of the most active players in the server [Applause] look summer [Applause]

Number two play time I don’t know how this guy got 40 days I think I might have been in glitch or something that’s crazy 40 days 20. you guys know who 20 is what’s the Y level I don’t know I have no idea oh yes he gave it to me oh thank you

Wow yo W summer in the chat for that bro that is wow that’s yo that’s crazy this base is crazy I don’t even know what the heck yeah bro this base is a little crazy um okay how can you give someone a life without dying I don’t think you can

Yeah bro yeah fire bro fire fire fire I don’t I don’t know what energest is so I’m gonna leave um summer thank you very much for showing this base now let’s bump you on somebody um TV2 me and asterisk bro no bro no you

Want me to do a 10 hour long fight yo Astros you wanna be one right here right here right now let’s do it right here right now inside of this cave what rematch job okay fight me all right all right let’s fight bro let’s fight let’s fight let’s fight

There’s Astros let’s go all right let’s see who’s actually better at the game okay let’s see who’s actually better three two one about to get a kill in three two one it did not work okay never mind all right try hard this time all right actually well I actually will Thank you should I actually try this time or what Chad why is everybody telling me totem bro did admin take a totem out of my inventory this can’t be a legit fight no bro the stupid squirrels why are they still not what those should be removed Pedro you messed up bro

Yes we got him yay oh my gosh wow oh let’s get an Ender Chest there we go got one and easy dubs wowie that was crazy let’s go let’s go let’s go bro shouldn’t those endermites be removed though like bro Pedro I swear you said you’re gonna move him

Wait let me get my titles back okay all right all right that was good Chad that was good that was good um all right all right I chatted two dollars come to my base PLS wow fine see Chad I knew I could win let’s go um there used to be Enderman Farms

They’re used for entering Farms bro not in the Overworld bro they’re already removed in the Overworld I think why is bro carrying two sets wait who Astros I don’t know was he wait where did the shulker go Did I just destroy the shulker oh no here it is this is it right all right well GG all right who should I want to go next yo TV it’s Walter White oh my gosh but you’ve been begging me to teleport the Zen or zen zen then Zen should I teleport the denzen

Um um sure all right then said I sent you teleport okay um bro answer me what ropes bro there’s too much chat I can’t read every single chat message anymore I’m sorry guys I’m actually sorry um don’t ask me hangout hit 1K dang bro nice yeah speaking of dead SMB hangout

Have you guys heard about the uh the tick tock’s vampire thing Discord you know do a quick little promotion here really quick guys this is this is not even a promotion oh wait hold on nevermind we’re teleporting hold on for why they’re 100 no name no names

Why are there 50 no names here they even fighting each other these guys are so trash they got the worst Crystal be appears I could find and tried to teleport chat me bro okay I popped what should I just leave Josh should I try to get some kills I’m down to do

Whatever Chad I’m down to do whatever this is this is kind of bad this is kind of bad um it also kind of like three kills at the same time kills kills kills all right all right I’ll try to get some kills

Okay no no no no no no no no no no no let’s get it let’s get slightly let’s get to a place where I can like 1V 1v1 people I don’t want a 1v10 that’s kind of difficult foreign kills just please don’t die all right I’ll try not to but I probably will

Okay this is kind of bad run like bro who even okay there’s Chippy chippy’s the only one that knows how to cook between Pete but he’s so still so bad I don’t know my stack of pearls give me my pearls no he just took my pearls that’s crazy oh my gosh

Like see this is who is this guy bro all right let’s go on the blob oh they’re scared why are you guys running bro why why could I 1v10 right now bro this is crazy um Chad I think I’m gonna die here I can’t I can’t want to be 10 all of them

Bro slightly difficult we see Chad it’s kind of run I think I have to run Chad do I just unbox yourself in no bro that’s how you die so fast that’s such an idiot move why are they popping themselves bro they are so terrible all right all right

Let’s just let’s run I guess all right we’re good we’re good should I keep going up oh yeah no people are coming probably should have kept going up from the start Dude run I am bro I am I am I am 1v10 you got the one bro you got the most mid players on the donut s p the 1v10 me bro what was that bro that was that’s kind of sad I’m not gonna lie like if you’re gonna 1v10y bro at least

To get some good players like nobody could even they were popping themselves more than they were popping me and it was 1v10 that’s crazy bro that is crazy that is crazy ah those are players if you were there right there if if you were there at that

Area you were just mid I don’t care who you are or who you think you are you are just the most mid person I’ve ever seen all right well clear lava mod is called No fog all right TPA crystals bro I teleport to your base every single time if you still have not

Progressed your base any stuff like it’s such a basic default base I’m gonna kill you right in the spot okay Crystal listen to teleport Quest accept it I want to see the bass I want to see the Bass Pro is so mid I’m mid bro oh my

Gosh some kid it’s super cute it’s two dollars bro oh my gosh I’m not guys just for donations guys I’m sorry oh my gosh I’m sorry guys all right TPA fine rad Builder fine I sent you a Teleport Quest fine write my base one through ten

Hold on bro I can’t bro I can’t be out of Reigns right my base one through ten well are you yo rabbit do you guys you guys just don’t want to accept me you cancel TP no I didn’t here that’s to be accepted sure I send it back she picks up again

Send it back please okay let’s go check hashtag Post in the spam but they do okay I’ll check in a second then oh you’ve actually this is very good very good job guys all right so you’ve got your face in the end hi doctor your streams makes me want to

Play the server more really that’s good um hey guys wrl bass wrl base I think it’s pretty good I think this is W bass what do you guys think I like it all right this base a six and a half out of ten six and a half out of ten definitely I

Like it nah bro Ariel I don’t want to do TV too bro I don’t want to do TV too Ariel I’m literally gonna die so fast if I do it with you kind of mid it’s pretty good yeah I say six and a half out of ten

Blow it up no no no no I’m not gonna blow it up you know what I said that I’m gonna give them some spawners all right there you go there’s like 10 spawns nine spawners there you go all right TPA no meds oh my gosh yeah yeah I’m actually

Down yeah classic let’s run the one let’s run the ones bro let’s let’s run the ones you know yeah guys I think I’m becoming a crystal PVP here you know I know all the crystal PVP terms now let’s run the ones like guys do people say

That like in basketball or is that like only Crystal PVP like run the ones like what type of a how do you say that bro all right TK here no meds no meds let’s let’s love me one bro ah you guys about to see me

Bro this guy if you don’t hear this is he’s pretty fire he’s like he’s pretty really good at the game I don’t think I’ve ever killed anybody this good before except for cray one time but it doesn’t really count because it was like kind of Lucky kill so yeah

Yeah I’m about to fight him TPX up bro let’s only one oh okay he’s here oh my gosh okay all right three two one go hmm okay now gosh guys I told you I’m gonna win I told you I’m gonna win where did he go

Did I kill him I oh no no he’s right there he’s right there are you serious foreign okay he’s good he’s good bro I messed up bro foreign yes oh my gosh clip that put it on Tick Tock oh my yo gray you can see that bro I just killed him bro oh my gosh bro what oh there’s no way I just beat him bro he’s insane at the game remember I wagered

Him that one time he was clipped a tier two no way bro I just clipped I hard clipped a tier 2 right there oh my gosh dude what the heck no he’s not tier two anymore but that’s classic if you don’t hear classicus who was that classic like if you don’t know who

Classic is bro he’s insane he’s one of the best Crystal be appears he’s oh he kind of he’s kind of retired a little bit you know a little retired apparently but bro he was here too like just a few months ago dude that’s crazy

Don’t say that then the clip I put it on Tick Tock did it say at the end of the clock clip put it on tick tock what is that bro put it on Tick Tock like bro what do you want me to say all right yo that’s crazy that I just

Won that right there yo Nomads what do you wanna what do you have to say bro That’s crazy dude whoops what I knew I was playing well today chat bro don’t drink caffeine it makes me worse at the game I’m telling you some kid is super

Chatted five dollars oh my gosh okay to rad Builder 1019 before this too all right fine bro fine DBA Brad Builder all right rad Builder 100 except quick that’s good did you expect me to win there there’s no way you guys expected me to win that’s yo that’s height bro

That’s hype all right if you did five dollars yo thank you all right all right who needs to warm-up exactly bro I don’t need to warm up oh my gosh bro I accidentally sent five with no message so I sent another five that was like ten dollars so um okay

Um so would you pay 10 million dollars and 10 spawners my dog your dog what bro that’s okay that’s a little your dog what bro okay well um I’ll pay you 10 million dollars but I’m not gonna eat well you know what fine 10 million dollars and 10 spawners pay red 10.

10 million dollars and 10 spawners uh I don’t have 10 spawners so I’ll pay you an extra an extra 1 million okay there you go that’s it bro that’s it that’s it that’s it all right you know what let’s RCP chat who do we want to go on next bro

That’s crazy that we just won that we got lucky I think I honestly got lucky there it was kind of an even fight but I almost got double tapped hard like I was playing kind of risky there like that was that’s crazy chat I don’t think I’ve ever like

Like ah that yo that got me happy because thanks for the one bro thanks thanks man yo who wants someone about me next bro I want to go on anybody wanna be on Archie bro Archie All right let’s wanna be on our Chase TV except there’s no way you’re gonna beat me bro you’re just so much worse than me Archie oh he accepted all right let’s 1v1 you really want a 1v1 for real or what do you what do you want to do bro you really want to 1v1 are you serious ah how do you place obsidian so fast fast place no I just Spam look this is what I do

I have no crystals let’s go okay okay let’s go reximix 33 super chatted 20 Danish kroner I made some changes can you come see my base again oh my gosh bro guys stop donating for me to tell about your trigger bass bro please I don’t want to do that anymore

Bro Archie are you running bro you don’t have any crystals what is that I’m doing Archie bro you don’t have any oh my gosh I’m about to get some free armor right here okay bro you’re eating raw mutton Archie what are you doing bro should I let him free or should I take

His armor and stuff he doesn’t have thorns so I think this is honestly like good Crystal PVP armor I think zark gave it to him he left sorry guys it was too late he left bro I literally I was looking at Discord I swung my sword right oh my gosh bro

Elbows though no way you’re telling me elbows are right now bro okay whatever whatever you know what you know what whatever bro you know clearly you don’t know how to play Minecraft very well we can you can decide for yourself whose elbows are okay

And it’s not me all right um TP to radar bass oh I got you yo TPA planet all right yo chat we’re about to rate Planet Lord’s base let’s go chat we’re about to write May fix bass let’s go all right let’s go let’s check it out bro let’s check it out

Yo this is a bro there’s nothing in here you got some spawner oh we got a lot of spawners oh dang you actually have a real base yo that’s fire okay nah there’s no way you just punched me like that right now there is no way you just punch me like that bro

All right well Flaherty super chatted two dollars 1v1 me on fortnite since I am banned from donut I’m trying to think right now do I wanna do I want to do some content and remember my reputation and make me the really bad guy or or do I uh

What do I do chat all right bro no way you just punch like that now punch me one more time and your whole base is gone I don’t care if anyone punches me in one more time your whole base is gone in one second bro I don’t care no no

Give me your respawners yep yeah what are you gonna do yeah you all ran you guys all I killed all of them they’re all dead do you even had armor yeah nah your whole place is creeps bro no get that out of here bro if you guys take

Spartans in front of my face obviously you’re gonna get griefed you know what I don’t even want any of this I don’t even want any of this loot blow it all up bro it’s literally all blown up in two anchors gone yo what’s up dico boy what’s up bro I think about I’ve

Never seen your content before I don’t look at your Channel wait I just heard a footstep oh you’re a short throw nice bro I’m a shorts guy too bro why are you so mean because you punched me and then you started rap getting all your spawners away bro I literally don’t need

Any of that loot all gone bro you’re evil shut up planet bro bro you guys are the ones that try to teleport to me the first time that’s my revenge okay that’s actually my revenge now it’s even now we’re even okay agree um I know I mean I see you on Tick Tock

So many times okay what do you say I think like you see my tick tocks that I post or do you see other people posting me okay so yeah let me know what you see bro um unsubscribe to Donut he’s evil bro guys they’re evil they’re the ones that

Did that first bro fine we’re even all right all right at least he even agreed we’re even on that okay Matt not me and zark means like maybe better not punch me one more time bro you better not bro um wait what did you say did you answer

Me your tick tocks dang it bro ah whatever well thanks for seeing my tick tocks that’s pretty cool all right um by the way by the way I just want to say your base was a one out of ten um it’s terrible it’s so bad yeah

Um sorry all right guys by the way I did that for for whatever yeah get out of here bro that’s what I thought bro okay okay that’s the meanest thing I’ve done all stream guys you guys guys I have to this this is what you’re supposed to do in life okay you’re

Supposed to get be as mean as possible and then and then you make up for it by being as nice as possible actually I don’t I think that’s kind of a bad philosophy guys I think you know what what if what if I just ah man you’re ruthless

I know bro but that’s the point of the server that I mean that’s hardcore server that’s it’s like 2b2t bro it’s like imagine you’re playing TP and you kill someone and everyone’s chat like l l you just kill someone at 2dtl like that’s the same exact thing bro it’s the

Same thing then I got w rizz Yeah I get wrestling but no that’s the sigma face that’s not wrath’s face this double w wrist face this wrestface the SW is bro all right yo who wants to run me on this somebody good though somebody want somebody good don’t want to go on somebody like

Godly somebody that’s Godly maybe even a maybe you may even say a gobber um someone named Godly gather bro you want this one uh what did I just watch bro nothing bro what did I do wrong is Gaga even in here bro you know should I clipped this and

Send it to Cali gobber yo gotta Goblin bro I’m ready to run everyone let’s go come on plus 1v1 this is your last chance if you’re not here we’re not gonna be able to 1v1 we’ll be on Pedro bro Pedro does is so bad bro Pedro this page actually

Bro Pedro doesn’t even have a name he’s not even online bro um check hashtag post and span oh my gosh fine bro you want me to watch this High tier three bro no way you just call this guy High tier three that’s sad bro that clip is sad he’s

Called high tier three bro you need to call it tier two one one golly gobber is Godly copper here bro tell the copper you’re here bro I’m down to 1v1 let’s go he’s not here bro okay Slayer Jesse 111 watch mine only on gobber check valve top wild is there

Wild what do you mean wild is there what do you mean yes he is got the Opera he’s not where is he bro he’s not even online bro he’s literally not online TP him here let me leave and join back It’s not online you’re just trolling bro TPA here Gober is here he is not he’s glitched bro why are you guys troll I’m broken leave and join back bro leave and join back go to your uh to go to a different home or something bro no I swear I’m glitched

Bro what I’m in a VC with him what do you mean bro you’re exactly that’s why VC I’ll show you bro if you can’t teleport then I saw CPA here golly I literally can’t do anything if you don’t have I can’t TP it doesn’t work if it

Doesn’t work then it doesn’t work what do you want me to do it’s like that for my ALT too and tell Pedro bro why are you showing me he’s not gonna do anything you think just because you’re gonna show me and I believe you think it’s gonna

Work that I can teleport you here now no you think a magical no but I am Majestic no I don’t even know what that means bro I was trying to think of a different word for Magical but Majestic that’s a little less wager okay who wants to want to go in there

What’s good chat no no that’s 1v1 okay it’s not plushie hop on bro are you even online which I think the wholesaver’s broken I’m forced forced to be to me I’m rtp’d bro it doesn’t even work bro what the heck are you saying Who wants one one chat anybody you ignore me all the time Cape Fe pen bro you think I can’t read every chat message down a coin flip for five mil no bro no no no no no no no there’s nobody good one anybody good one two one view

On me you made planet and made it quit that’s what they deserve bro and uh they deserve to quit bro nah if they’re gonna TV trap me like that you know they deserve to quit they better quit forever bro you never respond to me bro I’m done bro Rogues

What are you saying bro I’m literally reading all your messages of you saying you don’t respond to me respond to me but respond to me fight me okay TPA here I mean I have no one else to want someone here oh 23 WR TPA here 23 WR all

Right yo TV picks up 23 WR let’s go all right bro let’s go um so what happens when you die it’s a 24-hour deathband if you have no lives yeah yeah that’s what happens bro I have 24 lives right now um yeah bro I’ma cry why are you gonna cry bro

S I’m reading all of your messages bro Oh you said come on then TV to me if you read all of them bro I don’t even know your name though also are you gonna 23 WR to be accepted on it bro TV except let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go tell brother what’s good chat oh my gosh oh

Hey man you ready to 1v1 let’s go three two one go uh what is going on I’m just telling this guy bro foreign Bro there’s no running from fights bro foreign Bro let’s get this fight done bro we are done how does he have more totems I popped them 20 times what Chad where is he um you were goaded wait you were a two-goded he had to go um he actually did the wrong version of two okay bro what oh shoot I’m wasting

My XP what how did he actually die like where did he go is he coming back Chad you guys think he’s gonna come back or not I think he is I hope he does we just gotta gear up a little bit he’s not he’s not I mean I don’t know bro he’s okay

Where is he um bruh fine two two t-o-o yes sir I swear 23 WR is high tier too you’re right bro your Hunter’s not right um my mouse broke no wait who just bro what they’re gonna destroys a high tier 4. wow oh yeah he’s right here I saw my song exposed

Bro’s helmet broke what whoa did you see that Pearl what is happening with the pearls what bro is he actually running or not like I don’t have my reload chunk thing on anymore Theme anywhere bro I thought something was weird was happening with the pearls per second 23 WR is EU oh then why do you want to fight me bro it’s fine it’s fine if he’s EU I’m just trying to fight him bro where is he fly ax

Okay bro Rogues bro I can’t teleport you brother I can’t I’m just trying to Yo 23 WR bro where is he fight someone else this guy’s dead yeah 23 WR if you don’t show up like soon bro I think we gotta like you know end the fight bro I don’t know like bro

We should have fought underground I should have netted him I should have meted him bro bro why not please there’s so many people I can’t just teleport to everybody trying to force people to me I did it didn’t work I can try again you gotta give me time to gear up though foreign

Bro are you even here oh God are you near where I am right now bro I was at that biome though what then where are you it doesn’t work bro what what is happening all right well I think that’s it I’m starting to think you hate

Me bro bro no bro you’re just spamming for me to teleport to you but I can’t I’m trying to be on some people right now I’m not trying to write some bases all right all right all right chat who wants one about me tibia here Godly bro

Yeah bro it’s broken go to Splash spawn in GTP fine bro fine turn on your ftps turning the TVs I’ll send you a TP and we’ll see okay hold on Come back bro hold on let me get up bro let me give me time to gear up give me time to Gear Up ah the fight of the century me versus galagaver let’s go I’m very nervous right now I don’t think it’s gonna be an easy win at all I really think I

Actually might lose but that’s okay um not really though uh dang Frost yo guys isn’t Frost such a genius for that um okay I’m so scared right now what’s the date of the server I can’t say the scene no one no there’s no seed it’s

Like a it’s a custom seed it’s kind of there’s really an isn’t a seed all right got the gobber let’s not fight on the ice bro I do not want to fight on the ice let’s fight somewhere else actually chat should I fight on the ice or not

What’s the seat of the server bro why do you keep asking that champ do I remember you champ no I don’t remember you I’m sorry bro okay Kelly Gober just got shot um um um bro this is a horrible spot I got the guy bro why were you here why’d you not

Teleport somewhere else what is wrong with you bro ice all right all right I guess we can just fight right here all right let’s start the fight now that signal to start the fight you know Crystal okay I’m back Oh that was bad bro that was bad that’s bad Foreign oh my gosh bro why is the music playing up so annoying Foreign this is bad you just fell off the face of the Earth for five seconds yeah I did golly gover’s running he’s running he’s running you know what that means that means we’re doing good we should Rush him then right see you’re winning he’s running so much look at him bro

That’s crazy how much he’s running right now what are these pearls bro no he’s just throwing a lot of them foreign and gearing up faster than I am we gotta win I guess almost died there shut this is bad why is that eating golden apples what’s here are you um tier two no just kidding Let’s Hear five snowy accent s cheesy donut what’s up what’s up what’s up bro oh my yo I’m losing against got the gobber bro

I don’t even know how we had time to to buy totems bro oh my yo he’s nasty chat he’s nasty holy how are you low tier five I don’t know bro check with your list okay chat chat I think we might lose here I’m gonna be honest this is a very tight fight

I don’t have a lot of time to gear and this is one of the hardest guys to kill on the entire server one of the hardest that’s actually active in my streams so it’s gonna be tough okay I’m just gonna tell you that right now it’s very unlikely that I win all right

Now he’s here oh shoot I forgot to repair my armor all right all right okay I’m not gonna be lazy I’m not gonna be lazy I’m gonna you got this come on bro yeah yeah yeah I actually think I have a pretty good chance right the flower oh

My gosh the flower I’m surprised you guys still remember that if you know what the flower is Holy you are so active bro snowy xn super chatted two dollars hashtag give snowy moderator bro but you’re not that active though you gotta be more active put the intense music on I don’t

Remember I was gonna ruin the clip and I don’t have any it’s copyright what ah what what bro that’s not fair lag bro lag glitch not fair foreign JK oh chat do you guys think I’m gonna win against bro this is this is the one time I actually think I have a chance

No I messed up foreign that’s crazy how I just messed that up five dollars and super chatted five dollars oh thank you JK oh it’s like easy d-tap okay if I kill him oh my gosh bro this guy’s way better than than uh classic bro I did not even realize that

His helmet he took it off Beverly thinks he’s gonna win without his helmet bro that’s crazy bro oh all right all right all right gaps bro okay are you gonna buy some gaps I gotta buy everything chat this is crazy chat this fight I’m gonna I’m never against remote golly Gober is

One of the hardest people to kill on the server um and the fact that I’m doing this well is kind of crazy what is that show about me if you’re looking at this fight right here that means I’m just as good as Godly gobber wow that’s crazy bro no no we’ll see

We’ll see whoever wins we’ll see if I might just as good as him or not if I if I win then I am just as good as him all right let’s go let’s fight him he’s right there bro he’s right there he’s right there come on he’s just right

Out of my reach bro oh my okay Are you serious he went away all right What okay bro S health indicators bro gaffles oh yeah I forgot to buy golden apples Foreign Foreign back on bro he put his helmet back on okay that’s a good sign Okay okay okay foreign he’s sitting there do you see him right there at the top of the screen Rose standing there menacingly bro how am I so close to winning no bro stop running so much he’s good at that bro he’s really good at that um fix QR super chatted five dollars donut

I really hope you had a good Xmas New Year’s and I was wondering if we could 1v1 after you finish fighting Godly gobber ill be on East uspv maybe bro yeah yeah let’s do that like another stream bro look at him right here bro explode yes yes

No bro this is so long bro almost killing golly Gober is crazy I almost died right there foreign that’s gonna be his excuse holy bro right you’re so good oh I didn’t buy the glowstone oh shoot bro thanks bro thanks for calling me good okay because you’re trash okay what

Do you mean I’m trash bro I’m trying as hard as I can chat um gear gear gear gear and then let’s go bro stop running so much foreign what the heck is happening bro you are super chatty two dollars okay donut my IGN is fixed qrfr when using 1v1

Am I left-handed yes in Minecraft yes not in real life come on bro come on chat I know this is boring but like this is raw Crystal you’re watching here you’ll never see me play this good in my life ever again this I haven’t bro it’s getting barred What I’m typing foreign no are you serious right now bro Well guys I just lost the entire fight because of that Look at my armor look at my helmet in Boots chat somebody sell helmet and Boots bro please I have an idea I have a genius idea We’re back in it chat we’re back in we’re back we’re back oh my gosh no way in the water foreign Foreign laughs oh my gosh I’m about to win I better win a better win I’m better when I’m about to win I’m about to win I’m about to win I’m about to win chat I’m actually about to win that’s crazy chat I’m sorry this fight’s taking

So long I know it’s boring but I’m about to win though so it’s about to be over so don’t worry guys it’s about to be over Um or I might lose ah I popped 74 of his totems foreign don’t worry guys I don’t need gapples yes I do bro really just take off this chest plate foreign no I put that over my head thank you ah come on bro this fight’s literally about to end bro this is crazy bro thank you

Welp I’m the worst Crystal PVP here in the world bro

This video, titled ‘1/2/2023 Live Minecraft Crystal PvP’, was uploaded by DrDonut on 2023-01-03 00:48:40. It has garnered 19383 views and 635 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:31 or 9271 seconds.

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—————————————————————- Hardcore Minecraft Server: donutsmp.net

Crystal PVP Minecraft Servers: east.uspvp.org uspvp.org west.uspvp.org —————————————————————-

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    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

1/2/2023 Live Minecraft Crystal PvP