1 YEAR Of The Biggie Diggie! (Biggest Minecraft Project?)

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Holy crap no wait oh wait wait I need to wait let me just do that so uh it’s more no way guys over a year ago we started right here wait let me let me let me get this right let me actually get this right we started the Stream

9.97 so we actually started it oh we actually started it out there a little bit but we started like about here over a year ago and look at where we are now holy crap look at that it’s crazy 100 by a hundred guys we might know 100

By 100 thing in a year and and I know that isn’t that efficient but I mean guys this is kind of crazy and this is more than 100 right here as you can see here this section was added on that’s not even part of the 100 by 100.

I thought you missed last year no of course not I purposely moved it to today because I knew um previously moved it to today because today would actually Mark the one year anniversary of the big Diggy streams uh we technically started the big Diggy a few days ago before that like the 19th

Or something but uh yeah one year and guess what guess who the people are on they’re not the people who are not even in the server itself like like the people that started on the server aren’t even here we have Philip and we have Maddie thank you guys for

Joining uh but we don’t even have anyone we had Bert Ben and maroon and Emmett in the first stream now it’s just me so yeah I mean this is crazy guys that we’re gonna be basically gonna be done with this on by 100 I mean this basically marks the end of

Foley hand done this I’m obviously going to stream every week of me mining this out by hand but it’s mostly now going to be machines that we’re going to set up hello hello one whole year is a Vicky Dicky and you’ve still got 10 years left to do crazy uh We’ve been up to today uh sadness it’s cool sadness that’s cool wait I’m trying to there we go okay yeah y’all one year Well mining all out until negative 58 and then that’s when we can just do the satisfying last little the thing where we fill it with water

Then Emmett wants us to put slabs under we don’t need to do that right now that’s his problem yeah I mean I mean this these weekly streams we’ve been through a lot I mean we’ve been through cheeses okay well then maybe we should if if you have that many we might as

Well just place them down but uh I mean we’ve been through so much I think we’ve yeah it’s so inspirational we’ve been through um oh my gosh I wouldn’t I wouldn’t even want to know how many pickaxes um but I mean we went through a stream being taken down I mean like chaos

Actually which uh we got the I have the stream bod um I’ll upload it soon I just keep on forgetting but it will be uploaded soon you know that I mean if it gets taken down again and then I I’m just gonna say forget it but

Very stupid so that we got that taken down but oh well God these slimes are still still annoying like so annoying negative 58 like why blood what do you want your mic is horrendous I don’t care you are hurting my ears okay nothing should arrive tomorrow really all the next day oh wow

Mind your thing arriving My Views doesn’t arrive I’ll be quite funny that would be quite funny but uh tomorrow we see if we’re in the Reddit video oh God I posted something on the Reddit we did I saw that it’s got like 50 up votes maybe you’re on the Reddit video no

Okay no I posted it like yesterday it’s a chance oh yeah no I mean you might be in Mexico I posted it on Saturday on Saturday Saturday 11 10 p.m I swear he doesn’t on Sundays though I’m not in it then because I didn’t have any outputs the other day

I don’t know how that works honestly I forget um I’m I’m um Yeah I know this isn’t the ideal time to do this but I thought it would be more sentimental to do it obviously on the one year I mean and I don’t really care it’s not like these streams have really like reached a big audience in the first

Place you just do it on first edition at this point they think of them Linus Tech tips I think that’s a bad time to be asking that right now guys my favorite YouTuber is Linus Tech tips I mean at least he’s getting a third party involved that’s all I gotta say

I think that was actually very right of them to do that I think the whole thing about the water block wasn’t that deep it really yeah you know Gamers Nexus was just a little bit angry the accuracy thing I don’t like the testing accuracy I mean I still

Like I still really don’t care about that because the maps is new at the end of the day it’s new it’s not like they’ve had the lapse for 10 years yeah and you know they should be doing better they’ve had it for a walk like yeah I mean you’re fat I mean

But they’re just saying in general like yeah their testing could be better but that yeah but I just really I think the gamer’s Nexus video I think it was just Kim kind of being petty in my opinion I mean obviously I agree with what it said but I still

Wasn’t really I still really could give you craps of what he said um yeah that’s true I kind of watched it but then and then like I guess after I was done watching it I was like okay I don’t really care but then and then the Madison thing

Happens uh yeah and then I saw the Eddie allegations and I went okay well you know what uh I actually like really thought Madison was funny and she was like one of my favorite employees there so I’m actually just gonna go to their side I just I I think I think Paul opponent

Was the um Yvonne was still in the HR which shouldn’t have happened Lions is the boss of the company I mean she’s gonna be biased you know what I mean yeah I wouldn’t say that’s her full necessarily no there’s more line This is fault for putting it in

Full for that she should have been financed and that was it okay third party HR that’s it bush should have always been like that like okay like the thing was the thing is is that like I said this in our private server but uh like I just feel so bad for the employees

That like just don’t do anything wrong and now they’re gonna suffer because of this it’s just that’s why I just think it’s overall pretty bad situation the um subject completely if your parents got like a family tree made uh yeah I think it goes we have ours

Going back to four generations right now I’m currently in the process of doing it by using my parents what they’ve they’ve done I think the first I’ve gone back was six Generations that’s going from me apparently I used to be a related to some reality or something but like I don’t know

I used to be related to one of the former U.S Secretary of States that’s oddly specific I want to say which one but hold on your laptop just gave up your laptop was just like nope to you see you later I’m actually relate is this guy I’m we have a feeling oops Yeah

It’s burning oh I don’t even know who that is Jesus Christ look at who he was Secretary of State four oh I saw his last name yeah oh of course but luckily the Secretary of State four oh I mean I don’t care no I still don’t care I don’t live there

Oh leaked sorry guys now you don’t now you know that it wasn’t for most hands and not bad guys my bad did you see what president he was Secretary of State for it says it I mean it’s like okay that’s cool I guess what if I told you I mean anything I

Show clips Channel which I haven’t animated reviews for my playing too soon I mean if you can find Nathaniel show clips I mean sure I mean I I’m fine as long as you don’t do like xqc with my videos I don’t really care um I mean how about you copyright showing

Every single one of the videos okay that would be kind of funny but only if I have a good reason to like male logic I would do it for his him but like you know but he just turned 17 so I I’m 17. he just turned 13 guys so I can’t be really

Making those jokes anymore it happened today though is this called stone pickaxe I love how we spend so many levels on just naming this stuff useless crap that probably cost what 30 40 levels just to name this pickaxe Stone Pig I’ll be able to cut my family stream up guys

I will add subtitles to the videos oh no oh no not subject bro you’re gonna become you just gotta become one of those like dream s p web channels that just Clips channels from like just oh my God there is one thing on my Heritage thing I can eat my grandmother’s great uncle

And my grandmother’s great aunt got married in Syria Syria um so my second cousin twice removed was born in um Cape Town South Africa um never hopefully not oh we all came from the same ancestor a lot from the USA I have 104 things in the USA is there anything from Wisconsin

I have 72 from Michigan Maybe you’re from you’re near Michigan aren’t you I can name Michigan oh Wisconsin three yeah my name is actually Michigan I’ve got three things in Wisconsin marriage of my what’s not cousins yeah I thought you were about to say the names I was like okay

Of Father’s cousin’s wife’s great uncle okay bud Villas County lactoon Villas father’s cousins wife’s great uncle marriage again where is this is fair that’s fair but the handle is neat I mean sure I mean if you want to upload Eclipse I think I think like some of my streams like I

Think like an island it use iron in Wisconsin Island yeah is it like it’s like in a lake all right like in like Michigan or like in in Wisconsin he’s past um Wisconsin Dells and cream day it’s a further up okay it’s pretty much near it’s near like Ottawa Like try London whatever that means Rhinelander I doubt it but I mean maybe it’s further up the Minneapolis uh apparently also my great uh grandpa had um like 18 children so I mean very possible and then we have a look at this guy and their children had more children so like

My great grandpa like literally just just couldn’t stop I think and then look at the possum and then their children so like so how do you get to this person in my family that did stuff in Wisconsin you didn’t even live in Wisconsin you just happened to go there yeah you have

To go from me to my dad to my grand to my grand sister to her son to his wife to her father to his brother questions for my family tree in my face it’s gonna be like the fat version of my face yeah I basically been trying to figure out where my um

Because she basically we’ve had no informational and um I I use I’m using that profile picture currently and I’m called Natalie’s show anyway go sorry mining away I mean wow we got like we got a really low viewership geez um yes I managed to find out some of her

Relatives just from two last names oh wow because like my Nan’s mum’s parents all we had about them was their two last names I’m about to figure out oh and where they lived like what town I might figure it out from that and now I’ve got like a look at the mission

Because some other family are you are you seeing how and bread you are I’m really not worrying bro well I’m also too well I don’t think I’ve seen anyone that married their cousin yet I mean yeah foreign settings are like all messed up guys safety tree you’re using like a paid software or

What I’m using my heritage I mean I don’t know all right so it’s Republic then save yeah I’m just trying to look like Jessica certificates let me see if I’m trying to find your mum’s family tree I doubt I don’t even know if she used it what that I mean it is public

I mean to be fair that’s a pretty good um a profile picture I like that I don’t see any of these names but I think I found out just find my name if you can’t find my name that’s not right no because it’s quite a lot of my

Private all the children are private that’s how this web how my Heritage works that’s crazy that’s a pretty good looking Channel when you uh come off stream yeah yeah oh I see you now I just saw your thing my thing your message can I see smash messy foreign foreign

Let me just send you the first line of this check your dams that’s actually really funny but what the hell is it about after that it’s about your mom’s maiden name nope not even close I feel like that should be though I feel weird that that wouldn’t be you

Know what I mean I mean unless it was passed down from generation to generation to generation to generation unlike you oh no skull okay never mind I don’t think this is uh yeah I don’t even think I think we use the page thing this is what the image is

I’m gonna die laughing aren’t they I just walked in while you talked about meth I wasn’t talking about math what or are you all you’re talking about that time I was I mean yeah that’s kind of my bad but you know it just happens sometimes guys

Oh I feel like mine oh my God all kind of like buying out these the next few streams but yeah we’ll make sure to get the machines running pretty soon so we can literally what sound yeah dogs get dogs what the hell what the hell holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] docks it’s like oh

Um why is it public ah um okay okay some of this is wrong but yeah that’s no no way he’s cool I mean it is a pretty good profile picture I mean yeah go ahead if you want to make clips of my streams go ahead I don’t

Really care I think it’s kind of funny all right so there’s that thing before I get like the CIA on my ass yeah that’s yeah wow that’s kind of scary um I’ll I’ll look into that later I’ll make sure to remove some by the way most actually

I I made sure to actually remove uh some of that stuff for my parents already but yeah um that’s kind of scary all right Gamers here we go my other life here we go we’re making ground with this guys basically just want to mine out kind of like

Darn okay so what’s my note a little bit more here so we’ll mine out here so then there isn’t water like Drop flowing in places there are we’ll just cover it up because then we’ll just make one more swoop around when we’re done kind of crazy oh lava moment

I can’t believe no one is here just to see this madness guys no one is here no one’s on no one even on the server like truly that’s like it was there from the beginning is even on like what the hell the only one that I got that might be here is swishy

And he’s obviously not so you have been online Emma can’t I know for a fact but yeah man stinks guys I ain’t got nobody my name is and this is my confession guys I’m gonna be honest now I kind of do this weird thing where I just make random noises I was like

When someone says eat something it’s to have it that I have now done for some reason I don’t know why but I mean it’s kind of fun to do oh I want some puppy chow guys so I made some puppy chow over the weekend and

Like I kind of messed it up and put it in the microwave for too long so it wasn’t like that great but um basically you know um yeah so it like all clumped together when we make them but in the end it turned out pretty well I mean I’m gonna

Eat it it’s not like anyone in my house is gonna eat it in the first place I made it for myself because I wanted it like like a month ago and I like finally actually convinced my mom to help me so because me and cooking does not end well

Like if you makes me in cooking it just does not work out well oh of course I heard the bad baby drift so that’s actually claimable I learned that and that was my bad um yeah that’s a pretty fire remix shovel where’d my Shuffle go oh yeah I

Gave it to like Emmett and he’s like I need a shovel I’m like okay and then now he hasn’t even given it back yet guys smells bad guys smells bad it’s bad news I’m gonna be honest I kind of want to play The Sims right now why don’t we

Just not finish a big dig and we play and I just played The Sims no no no I’m just joking I’m just joking with the SIM cross playing The Sims it’s kind of Fire I opened my own Vet Clinic bro and I was gaming I was freaking gaming

I heard the video was actually real food oh actually oh well yeah I mean it’s still they still claim my video when I used it though unless they got rid of the claim but when I first uploaded it it was uh Minecraft war hunt that I’m hacking

That’s they claimed it so I don’t know maybe they unclaimed it now but I used it for like 20 seconds not even they cleaned it so oh well I mean if they didn’t anymore that’d be great it’s such a satisfying noise [ __ ] yells at EXP I still still don’t have a freaking helmet

What the heck Lego The Gamer guys sucks he doesn’t know what he’s doing oh okay foreign patches that’s crazy that like literally a year ago we we haven’t we didn’t even reach here we were like all the way like over there like it’s like actually kind of insane we’re

Like all the way over there like at like y level like 50. now we’re at y level negative 59 over here this is actually crazy like we’ve actually done so much in that one year like it’s kind of crazy and it went by so fast

I feel like it was just last year guys oh my gosh October’s gonna be crazy guys when I have to upload every day oh I miss gracious especially since I don’t like making shorts that much I’m probably gonna only make one or two shorts a week that’s what I show my

Bro I show Speedwell he messed up don’t worry I sent it to switching and I said thoughts and then he uh like shut the hell up and laughed um I mean it’s kind of fun wait guys you oh man I was supposed to be using my

Trident it’s like you need to use your Trident when it’s raining I’m like no oh I didn’t mean to go this way oh God gamers I don’t understand how Trident freaking work how do they I don’t even know how I tried this work I don’t understand

But uh I mean I never like really uh I showed speed was really that funny Bert bended all right show speed he’s so funny and then you show me clubs and I’d be like okay be like okay I’m not really that person to like laugh at people like that but like

And it’s all just obviously a ruse like he’s all just doing it for attention but it’s like I don’t know I mean who’s better than some of the other people out there so y’all see the guy that like was gonna like break a Ferrari and then accidentally

Did it by like lighting it on fire in the cornfield Philip Auckland what are you okay you are okay good never mind Phillip wait no you are just minding it out like that no Phil no one will you gotta no Villa nose stop you can’t be doing it

Like that you gotta you gotta you gotta be like you know you gotta be like mining outwards you know and then we add them in the water later you see how I did like this section you gotta do that yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you okay we should probably sleep though

Because it’s uh these mobs are kind of annoying like that one and I just broke the stairs damn it but then there’s I think a creeper actually just slowly walking up to me that’s about to explode that’s fine oh no that’s the villager zombie villager why is there like 18 zombie villagers here

Out of here you get out of here just blow up bye okay good night that’s how all my nights were blow up good night and guys I I don’t know I don’t know what you guys think of this but I was thinking of bringing back um the 24 hour

I was thinking of bringing back the no the thing there’s no Concord Eclipse just for October you know you know every day have some fun but I don’t know maybe maybe not I don’t know oh my God that’s actually so stupid you actually showed your Dean what would you do

Um I’d be like oh sharp and I’d immediately end stream and wipe all record of the stream even existing oh yeah I would not do that um I mean I wouldn’t I don’t I don’t think I would ever get in that position because I’m I’m smart enough not to get in that position

Um like for example like um like during like the 24 hour streams you know I’ll wear the onesies just to be you know have some fun but I always have clothes under it because a wardrobe of misfunction is very possible in a onesie especially since they’re just buttons you know so

You can see it right there Hello hello Maybe longer just do two more minutes one minute half an hour no I’m streaming for more than ever oh this is a big lava patterns we’re gonna eat this it’s a it’s a naturally spawned upside down tea bro that is crazy bro Minecraft’s zesty bro my God be kind of zesty right

I kind of want to watch back a little bit of the first stream I want to see how it is we got to do that we got to do that we’ll do that a little bit as well because I think that would be fun but yeah our viewership is very loaded

Like three viewers come on Gamers what’s going on you should have 18 million viewers and not me too guys we had I had 27 viewers on my 24 hour live stream at 1am watching Jax’s geography but when I stream at like a normal time Minecraft we have two comparing viewers

What the balls guys but yeah guys aren’t you ready to let the water oh my gosh I don’t want to let the water in but pretty soon we get the we left the water in it’s gonna be it’s gonna look really really cool guys it’s definitely not going to be very anti-climactic

But yeah I think so the plan for the next few streams is the Mino you can’t even tell right now but like obviously there’s more to mine out here out because Emma didn’t do it on chunk borders exactly but after we do those we can perfectly then make the machine

Oh oh I just lost a death oh my God no Philip rip Phillip I’m cleaned 2020 to 2023 lost but never forgotten lost and probably a ghost oh never mind these bad guys never mind this feels I I’m getting like you know like when you guys like play with

Play-Doh and you’d like Hollow up like the you know because I think the only one that like played with Play-Doh and then you like hollow out the end and then the end would it be like really thick like okay you know what I don’t even know why I’m

Trying to say it at this point I give up talking I know I just gained that feeling right now I don’t know why I don’t know oh shoot who’s Minecraft server crash that was weird I mean sometimes your client does crash because there’s a lot of entities so I’m

Not too surprised but yeah that’s kind of weird why is there so many cats in there oh I guess for the creeper [Applause] why is there so much lava we’re at why level negative 59 so much lava yeah I’m I’m gonna work on editing uh the video for Nathaniel plays MC today

Hopefully I’ll hop out soon because yeah we’re kind of getting to the point where I need to upload a video it’s been more than almost two months now and one that hits three months that means I’m depressed so yeah I gotta release a video before other video we just did not

Because I just like actually don’t make videos on this channel anyway anymore and it’s like not even like the lack of idea sometimes like sometimes it obviously is other times it’s just like I don’t know I just feel like I just make a lot more high quality videos so

Like I have to think of a high quality idea that has to equate to a high quality video in general and like just that’s something like okay are we gonna destroys ah no you can leave the staircases for now I mean eventually probably destroy them but right now

But like it’s just I don’t know I just kind of like Let It kind of Chill on there you know I just the videos on like Nathaniel show for example are a lot more like laid back so like I think I I can get away with making not

Such an edited High edited video but like for here the videos kind of have to be like interesting and like and I also don’t want to make like overly fake Minecraft videos or like super highly edited videos or they aren’t funny like because I did Minecraft but I can’t

Laugh and that was a good video but I had on let’s be honest I had it overly edited to be more funny if I edited it like the first Minecraft but I cannot laugh it would have been someone funny I mean and literally after the recording was

Done for that video we literally I was like I can’t use this footage but I mean I saved it but and then still even like before it’s like I don’t know all right Phillip time to let the water in Philip here we go are you ready you really feel

It’s time to let all the water in here we go let the flood gates open I don’t know where he’s going but yeah yeah I just I don’t know I think it’s just a matter of just many factors of just like I don’t know I like

The videos to be high quality here I want them to be interesting and appealing to a lot of people and like just in general I want to be proud of every video I make on here and Nathaniel show I used to not be proud of every video I made but I

Think I’m finally like making videos that I’m proud of like for example like I really enjoy making some of the newest Reddit videos because I try and make them interesting I don’t try to just see okay how fast can I get this out you know I don’t try to do that anymore

I kind of just like lay back a little bit on the I I do I mean uh I try to like do more editing styles are interesting I try to edit it way better and like my cutting and stuff like obviously you can always improve as

An editor but like I don’t know I’m just trying to get better and better obviously and at some point you know it will be better so all right here we go I’m gonna break the last few pieces oh my gosh no way the last piece of the 100 by 100. it’s crazy

That was the last piece of the 100 by 100 perimeter y’all we just did it that’s actually insane it’s actually insane all right let’s make a little you got to fill this all with water let’s sleep first is crap here that is actually crazy though run up the staircase just to show you

Guys how crazy this is we’ll fill it with slabs and then we’ll call it a day but I mean that is just crazy oh my God we’ve been like literally doing that for like a year now and we finally finished it I mean that’s just beautiful

Follow me for tons of slabs okay yeah we’ll grab some slabs after we sleep oh gosh that’s just crazy Honestly though I just wow all I can say is wow oh hold on gaming I think my neighbors are grilling out definitely smell it dude it’s supposed to be so hot here in

Wisconsin I’m dreading it like how hot is it right now okay it’s kind of it’s kind of hot but like apparently next few days we’re supposed to get like the hottest it’s supposed to be this whole year like 90 degrees throughout like all of Wisconsin almost and I’m like bro bro

I’m going to melt away our house all right oh that’s not your house Phillip Auckland this is this is not your house I was like hold on follow me to my house and then just wait a nine to yourself what is this Phillip I’m gonna be honest yesterday

Emmett showed me this and I’m like I’m like who the hell made a massive peepee cause I’m gonna be honest Phil no offense but house kind of looks like a mass BB not to be mean or anything but like kind of does look like it

Oh God there is more slabs in here okay well I’ll just film my whole inventory then except one slot I mean it kind of does guys though look at this let me show you guys this I mean it kind of It kind of does you

Can’t you can’t just not deny it look at that anyway oh my bad my badge laughs okay I don’t think I need this many slabs I probably should have like maybe you left one slot open oh well oh we yeah that was really cool and we gotta fill in this area with

Water as well okay let’s make like a little infinite water thingy somewhere boom boom boom poop you seen you get like 100 buckets I think I have a lot of buckets at my house hold on Gamers let me go to my house welcome to my house oh I know that’s the

Actual song Welcome to my mind we are mining diamonds River she’s on my fireworks so why not gamers oh okay let me go grab like I’m gonna go grab like a hundred buckets and I’m Gonna Fill them all with water so it’s easier quickly quickly gaming Run Run games run 360.

Uh know what oh my God I just teleported back to the perimeter I still need to make it so it doesn’t teleport you back to zero 69 oh my God and I’m broken still gonna make it so I just tell you that teleport you back to six zero six

Nine zero it should teleport you back to the teleporter and I’m not I know like not all of them do that but one of them does that I think the mini game section does it and it’s just just very nice Lego bill of what um anyone else freaking terrified for a second

What the hell uh why did it just not load it in for a second that was kind of terrifying I feel Point your Monterey or anything to show yes Philip is like the ultimate mod bro Phil is like ultimate mods because he’s been around since oh God oh

My God how long has Phil been around since 2020 and I mean he’s helped a lot so I’ve allowed him anyway um so we need buckets buckets Gamers buckets we need buckets should have buckets yeah okay nope there you go oh I only have four buckets and two of them have lava um

Well I can get rid of one of my lavas and get rid of both of them actually okay but then I don’t have space for them gosh darn it okay I don’t need sticks I’ll come back and get more you want to see other any more buckets no okay

I forgot I actually have the texture pack on I swear I have more buckets I just don’t know where they are bro amitos is so goddamn laggy can’t wait to freaking blow it up I mean uh gamers what’s up I wish honestly I wish that was a joke

Sadly I would love to blow up his house no guys it’s for Lauren I swear oh yeah I forgot I can’t really do that um damn it God damn it oh why aren’t you sharting bro oh God damn it freak oh no oh oh just there we go

And then we can go here I made the same mistake whatever I think my brain just isn’t working amps is stupid I thought this was another Channel nah this is well it is it’s it’s plays MC it’s my plays MC Channel it’s my Minecraft Channel I love Minecraft I love Minecraft

Is my favorite game besides or rage Shadow Legends four great show like it’s a sponsor of tickets foreign foreign ers now we just gotta do that like 84 more times this is gonna be awful yeah I’m evening it out look at that guys look at me go oh yeah

I know what I’m doing I wish I had like a hundred buckets instead of like three you know what I’m gonna just actually gonna make more go go Oh there’s a bucket of water in here guys let’s go I just remember guys there’s a slap in there guys you guys gotta remember guys come on guys guys all right so also I’m planning to hopefully start um Friday streaming on the main Channel next week hopefully we’ll see but yeah

Another water bucket score this is epic okay I need food so let me just I can find just like two more bucket I just want to fill this whole row if I can just fill this whole row honestly we’re golden I should need three more buckets

You know I’m not using that on my own Supply take to the no so I need what yeah three more there we go magnificent sleep all I can ever think about is water all I ever is is water all I ever think and do and say is water or I ever water

Water water water water water my name is Walter Hardwell white I love it through away in Oregon Lane Albuquerque New Mexico Jesus Look at all this now we should have plenty of water to water water water water water water water water water um actually okay I think Phillip actually got a lot done so now we just have over here let’s go I mean why the heck just like sometimes

I like just tap it and it’s like actually you didn’t get water and I was like what the heck like what the heck man what the heck you’re scamming me man I gotta make sure it’s all even then for a route and now we have to play slabs

Hey yay I can’t wait guys can you wait oh that we finished do we have to play slabs here we go gamers gotta get rid of my water oh so I can all ever think about it’s labs yep my bad I’m just gonna fix those later very accidentally please do oops

Look at me go guys so here we go what’s so cool why are we doing slabs uh because Emmett said I think okay I think the reason why we’re doing slabs um in the first place though was because uh mop Zone spawned but Emmett is like anything you should do slabs I’m like

He’s like nothing you should we should do slabs okay whatever it’s like whatevs oh okay then maybe don’t do what I’m doing because then it like messes it up right am I right okay maybe now never mind I guess only if it’s isolated fully isolated you should make I don’t know

Maybe not actually let’s come over here do a little bit yay guys isn’t this tedious and very boring process so fun to watch guys hey but after we’re done with this then we just only got like that much to go which will probably only be like three four streams and since we added

More people you know we could have that done in like two weeks hello Dojo hello we can have that done very quickly oh no I hate golf scores this is why we’re freaking putting slabs though just because these glow squids are so annoying slabs will make it so they can’t spawn

Oh my goodness boys here we go there we go get some more slabs these 10 freaking buckets out of here oh my gouache yes Phillip slay Queen slay yeah now that we got uh more slaves I mean uh uh people working for us we probably get this done quicker

Five concurrent videos well hello everyone what the heck why do they all come when we’re guys we mind like the last the last block this whole year whole year we did all this I mean that’s fair but like you know hello everyone a great having you guys here aiming away

I don’t know what the game I’m just game game gaming in game game game game oh we dropped down back to two viewers this is so sad can we can Alexa play despacito please oh we’re in a rhythm now oh yeah oh yeah but oh yeah oh yeah crikey mate oh

Yeah about the winner we’re in a rape Bud oh yeah yeah but look at we have school but we’re freaking gaming blood are we gonna hit the iron any second ready three two now we haven’t failed in a very long time be very good bud no family

You’re too good we’re too good we’re too good we just we’re just in that Rhythm now we just can’t stop we just can’t stop oh oh okay um I should just take that back maybe we can stop oh okay um or slabs oh yeah but we gaming

Uh and I would Place 500 slabs and I really don’t want to place 500 more just get back every single that where my Slavs go I don’t know guys Put water over there just you know because I don’t want to deal with this Beacon we’ll just like go all the way around it like here and then just fill in this section quickly in here other section as well as quickly because you know what we’re efficient here on Nathaniel plays MC Channel

It was so efficient all right that’s why I only upload every two months guys hello big chicken big big Chicken Nugget Boy 64 hello great username go I’m going trying oh shoot oh my goodness gracious I place that one here okay so if we now we gotta just film this whole section yay

I am no noticing a lot less mobs though because now because now mobs aren’t spawning like just normal like action mobs are spawning only like squids and crap are spawning and they don’t attack you so uh this is way better not normal already we’re doing good thank you thank you

You’re gonna have to get more slabs after this oh okay oh shoot hopefully won’t hopefully we’ll be able to finish this up thank you thank you nope not my name play scene away I don’t know what the place but it’s going to be the slabs oh there you go all right let’s hope

That we need to get more gotta hope we got a whole guys we gotta hold oh wait Bud oh wait man I have a feeling we’re gonna run an army wait no maybe not no no I don’t think we will no we will shoot wait there’s a there’s a shulker with a

Shulker I put some in this shulker like I don’t know like 20 minutes ago yeah there’s 54 in here now I now but after this one then we’re gonna have to get some more I made more slap I mean I don’t think you needed to I just I mean yeah yeah but yeah

Let’s go Damon all right let’s try to use this trident I don’t know how to use tridents oh it’s raining anyway I don’t need it because let’s go go I don’t understand tridents at all oh what I just went whatever I don’t understand tridents I never will

Let me actually just get my bucket back I’m gonna actually just put this stuff away I’m gonna go put this away in uh my house well actually only thing I’d put away in my house is um those two level buckets so I can realistically just leave them here for now yeah grab those

Let’s grab some more all right here we go I’m gonna get some more slabs fill up Auckland manure it should be Mansion actually not manual this job just oh no this is cobbled I won’t I’ll make uh I’ll use all let’s try to use polish before we have to use Cobble

Now we’re gonna tried it down there guys and I’m not gonna die definitely oh okay I am actually just definitely gonna actually die hold on okay slay how many slabs are we placing what’s 100 by a hundred it’s in a lot of slabs here oops oops I only have one one one

Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious let’s get back into our Rhythm it’s because we weren’t into Rhythm Guys one Popeye what the heck bye Mexican no not I don’t understand I mean not doing oh Pepsi bro you mean Patsy that’s that’s sad man I don’t I don’t

Really drink soda so I don’t I don’t really know but like sad okay bud yeah but yeah we just we just I mean but yeah yeah but we just gaming oh shoot we just Place him what you just play some no way bud oh shoot but I didn’t mean to do that

How much more is left yeah but way too much still left uh okay it’s my eye no I’m on the grind I can’t stop boy I can’t stop Can’t Stop can’t stop can’t stop okay now I can stop and we got one piece together right that is tragic

That is so tragic I mean you could just use an extra texture pack that’s what I I mean no that’s definitely not how I got this another actually no this netherrite was actually duped 100 times but uh I mean if you’re like starting from the basics you just you know

You know that’s what I there’s a little footage of me doing that right now no one knows oh Sharp I mean I’ve also this server has also been around since 2020. Tommy I mean yeah of course if if this serve’s been around for 2020 like there’s a lot of stuff broken with

It and I mean the server is really been around like the world itself it’s been like it was made in like oh God 2016. I die I lost my time that’s even more tragic bro you got it just right at that point just restart man just gave up just give up

Never give up never give up your dreams guys never give up never let down never run run around dessert with someone and we’re gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you you know Phil what the heck get your booty over here and help me

Oh my Lord oh bye Bye myself ah I’m losing my mind I mean if you have a mending Diamond chess play I mean you’re basically good like that’s the best thing to have probably besides like another right sword I don’t even know what my netherite sword is okay well first of all it’s called drows

Sword backwards but a sharpness five fire I expect two breaking three mending three and ending one and knock back through them and that’s pretty good I think there is a long crap you’re a little rat gaming way I don’t know what’s a game but I’m demon anyway

I just want it would be really satisfying it’s ending like a row exactly like fully obviously not every single one like any in a row exactly on like having none left that’d be like beautiful I don’t think that’s gonna work oh fill up oh this cobbled normal slits ugly

I am time out no you’re not check back if you want to run this earlier it’s a desert temple with cobblestone I mean that’s kind of tragic you gotta you gotta have like a building sesh that’s what I did me and Sarah or Tara girl mean her like

We used to play on our own survival world and we haven’t even beaten the game yet and we played it for like probably like 10 15 hours we like fully um we like fully used I mean we like Foley like just like decided we were gonna make um

Oh my gosh I’m blanking here you’re gonna just fully make like a nice house so we took like a villager house and we like kind of like half day or no we made it like kind of like two times bigger like we combined it with another house

I mean it’s pretty cool looking our basement is like pretty popular it’s in one of my main Channel videos actually I joined the server um there’s a form you can fill out if you want to join um yeah yeah but yeah it’s a Google form and you have to meet the requirements

And if you do Enlighten your D gamer you get a private message from the Lego D gamer oh my God oh my God guys I’m better we know Java here actually I I mean that’s a lie I actually enjoy Java but server itself is that the right one damn Philip on the game

[ __ ] yes open the game yeah if when it says uh below my logic just make sure you know vote you’re below your when it says uh you are you male logic or are you under mailbox or over mail logic you know if you’re under male logic which means

You’re under the age of 13 and you break YouTube to us uh please uh I mean you leave the form because you won’t be accepted but um you know yeah just yeah but yeah oh gosh darn Arena slabs Phillips you’re using the cobbled ones oh it’s still raining I can actually use

My Trident again and then die again because I don’t know how the hell to use a trident I don’t think we oh I did it I did it y’all see that that was sick gaming Among Us emoji y’all see that that was the Epic most epic Gaming Among Us play here

I mean realistically like the difference between cobbled and polish you won’t be able to tell like from looking up and honestly Wait why didn’t I take like a hole why didn’t I fill my whole inventory what the heck guys what the heck guys you’re supposed to say something why do we have six Hungarian viewers geez hello there we go all right you can’t tell right I think so

Let me be can you guess that’s Ratatouille bro yes fire oh man yeah you can tell at all look at how nice that looks guys [Applause] I’ll use the last of the polished here it’s not like randomly mixed in so it’s easier to you know put back in

If we ever change and it’s like you it’s ugly it’s two different deep sleep slabs you know bro not the ball gobbler Emoji that’s so Emoji ain’t no way screaming odd has will not help your problems thank you honest truth moment oh no it’s already mixed in oh God oh

God what have I become Philip no no oh whatever I don’t care oops wow we have a whopping four more no we’re gonna have to start using the Cobble deep sleep oh well the gamers can I have a friend because you’re on mine spacecraft uh

Uh I mean I probably won’t accept it I mean you can try I don’t really accept friend requests like at all in general like unless it’s somebody I know um I mean why form like you can try I mean I don’t recommend send me a friend request because I’m gonna ignore it

At some point I’m probably gonna turn off friend requests I think I might actually already have them off but I mean it’s it’s like it’s not like I’m being rude and like saying that like you know I’m not going on with friend request you you suck like it’s nothing

Like that it’s just like it’s something like that it’s just I don’t know I just it’s like if you add me to a world I probably won’t join like I’m probably doing something else or if I’m playing Minecraft I’m playing for fun or I’m you know making a video or something so

It’s it’s like the mentality of like I’m completely fine with like you know if you wanna like ask me a question or something are you you know I don’t know but like I still want to do a video where I kind of just like invite random people

To like a Minecraft world and we just like mess around we have Seven Subs bro both gaming Bros gaming bro is gaming his Seven Subs that’s like that took me like well I took this channel damn placemc like like 10 minutes but you know like if we’re talking like

You know I think it took took my main Channel like five months I think so I mean be fair he do be bald shoot okay let’s go around the speaker okay we’re making it there we’re making it there so now we gotta fill in all this okay excuse me

So how the hell did this skeleton get how where did you go over there I’m gonna have to block this off or we should really put like a torch here or something ugh oh well not my problem one year yes this has been one year of the big Diggy exactly a year

Crazy right I’ve been doing this for a whole year and we’ve come so far 100 by 100 perimeter made one year I don’t think that’s like amazing amazing progress but you know it’s it’s get in there yes suffocate glow squids no one likes you excuse me what just try to attack me

Excuse me no oops I might as well also finish this because it’s like I’m gonna have to go around it anyway so we can just do that yeah wow we’re almost we’ve almost done crazy over here a little bit oh for the stairs shoot I died real

No not Nathaniel Jew he died for real guys this is so sad yeah we’re gonna have to put torches over there all right next time I have to go up for slabs I’ll bring torches yeah there’s so many mobs here bro let’s make it so they can get out

Haha what you gonna do now huh losers I had full set diamond armor I’ve never seen a despawned what no way no shot there’s no way that’s that’s tragic honestly oops yeah and bedrock hello Gamers no need gamer no no no I’m just gonna keep on saying no no I think I’m better than him no oh I’m sorry balls okay that’s just something called for oh balls for posting posted that in our Channel guys did you know that interns hey guys every every one of you in chat

I want you guys to look up hey guys did you know that on YouTube yes and I want you to watch I want you to watch the first result and and don’t turn it off if it sounds bad it just means something else did you know and if you want to call

Your favorite YouTuber Nathaniel Nathaniel plays MC uh their phone number’s 9-1-1 fun fact that during the creation of zootopia Disney actually made it so that they had to animate in 24 frames per second because it was so good and he actually made it another rule if you want to

Learn more just look up zootopia rule 34. yes shut up oh I didn’t actually see where that one was going it’s just too smart and for faster search results looking up on your school computer nine away skull I made my school background so look up silly hamster and I made the first

Result where the hamster is like eating a cucumber and he goes why did you make your computer background silly hamster cause look it up look up silly hamster and then the result should be like a background it matches the rest of my computer backgrounds oh yeah

I was gonna sneeze and I can’t know good job silly I’m gonna try to not be unhinged on stream if I say something out of pockets you probably won’t fault I’ve been reading I’ve been reading the Bible to the next no [ __ ] let’s talk about this on stream

It’s such it’s the better book it literally says that of the subtitle um gaming really yeah yeah oh by the way guys if you want I I need how many oh geez I’m not even close to spawn I can’t believe this is gonna be the last Nathaniel show stream before he

Gets shot no oh we’ll never see him ever again so The thing this is the last perimeter screen before Nathaniel show dies this isn’t true though I mean it could be true but I doubt it the sign says L on both sides I hate this what the heck you added a few blocks length to the right side of the

Perimeter yeah we got to do that because Emma can put it on chunk borders and we need really trunk borders for some reason for like some machine so yeah I mean we we made like a lot of progress I barely even mined out any of that

Wasn’t the bit wasn’t The Big Dig also supposed to include some TNT that’s well we had a minor 100 by 100 first because of so the machine could like fit or shoot crap I don’t know this thing is even finished oh watering Trader I know it’s finished it’s that’s

Like well we finished the part that we were going to originally got a family so we basically finished it and I never even got another way of pickups this game is so sad I can’t believe the server’s closing down after this it’s not guys true this is a true game guys don’t listen

I thought you were gonna say something else and I was gonna say we’re on the Minecraft Channel not the backwards batteries not the backwards Channel yeah you should hear my wonderful may I just say miraculous marvelous Hotel Mario fandom [ __ ] it saved lives I was gonna kill someone but then I got busy

It’s not a fanfiction it’s a fan dub oh like like the Sonic fandoms those are things but we watch them like we watched we’ve watched everything on the Los Angeles being backwards is backwards you have to watch it backwards shut up oh first stream I dressed up fancy just

For this occasion I’m not even looking at your skin I’m gonna be honest I’m Trident in the way fine I actually just took off my uh armor I just fell mid-air how does that even happen I just fell midair I did I just died mid-air I was just like freaking flying

I just have you seen Phillips house it’s shaped like a like a like a phallic object you could have just said okay did you see the sewers yet yeah you did that yeah I was so confused I was like what the hell is this it’s an easier way to

Get down without dying because I know you suck at Landing in The Big Dig nope I don’t do this you literally died like every time to save your life Oh you even oh my gosh you even built this stone stone brick into the well the floor that’s cool I’m a part of Biggie Diggy history I was here Chad howl what do you mean how well what do you want what do you mean Phillip what huh balls sorry

Fortnite isn’t real guys it’s made by the government just like just like game 50. they’re made of they’re made up for tax benefits that’s right the liberal Phillip look at the front of your house like look at it from an angle where is his house

It’s like right by Big Dig like it’s a big like just like blob no oh I thought we were talking about his real life house do you want us to you want me to like leave them why do you make no sense if I was about to say something okay

Never making that mistake again potato Oak salad the world war crimes emitted in Asia what is this Factory looks horrible oh you’re too bad that’s Phillips house Manor I’m gonna fix that that was just that this is spellinger you should write Phillip alkaline check the sign

No look at it from like an angle like go to like kind of the front of the house and look it from it at an angle this is a bathroom really oh there’s a ew there’s P down in here what the heck oh my gosh can we not talk about this

Style of stuff on stream I’m done through his basement dude why are you in Philip eckland’s basement you nasty you heard it here first guys is double YT is certified Philip Auckland Philip Auckland basement thank you all for watching if you didn’t do this this stream don’t forget to smash

That like button and just like how I smashed your mom last night dude that was really uncomfortable no uh think before you speak balls I mean uh what oh I love trainers hey no that was too far you could only say you can you have to say phallic options no

It’s a phallic object what angle it’s like kind of like the I’ll show you hold on I’m almost done for my village house or oh I’m hold on kind of out I mean I’m almost did these arrows just go at it while I was watching what

What the heck is wrong with this server bro we need to shut this down immediately what what what happened hold on my dad’s calling me so more you’re gonna keep doing this Minecraft stream with that fellow hello hello hello uh the animatronics do get a bit quirky at night just gotta

Get a DM okay um that’s my address oh I’m killing you oh sorry stream that was a bit morbid hey guys I’m back hey Phillip where’s Nathaniel show he he died why does your house look like that they look backland to Miner what the heck dude you can’t be saying that stuff

Like that Philip ugly is not a miner he’s actually over a male logic age Philip uglin actually filled up the form and it said that he was over a male logic Real and True in a height you gotta get over here look at the sign that Philippa Clinton just posted

And go on I’m almost done I’ll give you my wenis sword if you come here shut up God damn it this is the freaking Minecraft Channel you gotta be more family friendly right get the wenis do you not know what our wenis is I don’t want to know it’s your elbow um

Sure Bud sure bud where are you hold on you don’t have time I’m I’m I’m balling I’m Dreaming where are you don’t get on I’m flying I’m flying hold on hold on I almost made it hold on I hope I I saw you almost die

I’m here get over here look at this time in this bro Philip no filming taste it so you can’t see no but look at where I am standing right here no it looks like an Airship come down here come here I want to show you I want

To give you the Full House Tour Uh this is because he’s Swedish we hate him this is the room where he tortures many small children when they misbehave uh this is the chest where I will now steal a stone pickaxe so here you go sorry yeah this is uh in here is the bedroom

Uh we don’t talk about the bedroom why oh this is the basement and in here you can see all the human fecal matter that has been dropped in here during the years of it to do quite leakage this is you are the children now keep him in there keep them in there

Stuck down there yay we got rid of it connection terminated you just I’m sorry Elizabeth [ __ ] I just cooked a lot of meat so remember that oh yeah what meat do you cook hot Phillip huh Ben we Nord dude what I’m busting out of here yeah and not anything else what shut up

What the hell wait come in here he has a whole like Factory machine hold up I just destroyed the floor again sorry okay what jump in oh my God my balls [Laughter] oh what does it do okay it makes his fuel that’s good wait what dozens oh it makes it

Even remember that name darn it I hate that scared here stay out my bad look this way dude you’re gonna kill me all right let’s go upstairs has nothing going on the house wait among us this is where they play Among Us real life dude look it’s a creeper it’s a creeper

It’s a creeper dude stop touching that don’t mean to be dirty get a painting here Phillip oh yeah there you go wait let’s get a painting Hold on Phil I’m just gonna break through yourself I’ll just break through your wall oh your window give me a second oh oh my bad my budgie

Hey homeboy let me out of here I’m stuck in here with Philip Eckland no no no no no I’m just I’m just getting the painting give me a second I’m getting the paint I don’t have any wool in there in me no I’m getting in you

I would hope there isn’t wool in you oh my claw uh-huh you won’t even see it coming wait don’t I have a talk or something how do you comma what’s the top button um never mind it’s not b what’s B oh it is no it is B I also just

Enable text-to-speech double eight zero five is waving okay idiot I hate him how do you oh there we go hey guys welcome back to the Diamond Minecart and today we’ll be doing the girl’s girlfriend mod okay dressing room here we go you Nate stay out dude that’s weird

Oh my God what are you guys doing over there I’m talking to you guys I’m jumping through the window hold on why is it my Sonic my Sonic taunt equipped come on hold on guys come on I’m coming through the window hold on guys it is dude this is the best Minecraft ever

Watch this watch this Nate oh wait ignore that um totally look at this wait check this out check this out no the painting went away wait did someone have the painting nope I just have to break your wall for a second hold on I think it went behind I can be the entertainment

I can be entertained the hell happened to the painting sorry I ate it literally I got hungy hold on me one cringe oh I got another painting you do what’s it off well no that’s the thing Michael don’t leave me here Michael Jackson joined you Michael don’t leave me here Michael so

We just gotta do this show what do you think about this painting look behind you do you not have the server texture pack okay no one here has a server texture pack oh Emoji go on my stream it looks it looks better on my string if you get the server texture pack you

Can get goggy on it hello everybody here welcome what are you doing Five Nights at Freddy’s four no what why the fourth what’s the uh what’s this texture pack why don’t I have it I can send you it I’m gonna I’m enabling the Minecraft texture pack I have 70 mine coins wait

Hold on no I’m sending it I’ll send it to you right now I’m sending it to you anime weapons finally a game I can get behind uh my bad my bad oh my gosh dude you cannot be doing that my bad absolutely disgraceful hold on oh I’m sending them sending it I’m sending it hey this this minor kind of stinks so

I’m gonna be 100 Philip I’ll send it to you as well no don’t tell the Philip he doesn’t deserve he doesn’t deserve the picture of doggy no no no no it’s it’s just just add that to your Minecraft and then you’ll be able to see the paintings and

They’re really good dude can you put your profile picture GIF on screen no okay where do I put this well no it’s a DOT MC add-on so you can just double click on it and then Minecraft should just be downloading it why is it only showing this one right now

And then if you go to one side oh okay once okay one of them should say it should say subscribe on one of them but it’s just not working okay how do I do I just have it on now wait I need to go into settings go to

Global resources go to settings yep my global resources and then my packs and then add the realm it should be called a round pack it loses Java aspects fidelity resource packs no go into global resources thank you why is my PC won’t worry it’s making funny noises

I think we should keep this one important failed to import Rome pack duplicate pack detected yeah because yeah I think you already imported it so look at guys this is what they’re missing out on right now why are you talking about your fastballs bro do you see the images no way

Street Fighter no that’s not what is interesting look at do you see that at least is it the Freddy Fazbear no man he doesn’t know Donkey Kong okay that one I see you wait hold on okay Golda okay go you have the Pack so go to settings then go to global resources

My packs Java aspects fertility no it’s not that one it should be called it should be called realm pack Hey Emmett I mean how the hell do you do this Freddy fastballs pretty Fazbear [Laughter] s is called enemies no but seriously oh wait I think you have to re you have to you have to go out of the server for a second and add it you know you should apprenticeship but

It’s over a picnic game all right whatever Luigi look it’s from Frozen yeah pesky plum okay let’s give Philip a nice picture you can get copyrighted for such a great oh and they’re both upstairs again bro I hate how paintings break in this game like why the hell do they spawn over here

Hey can we please keep it PG here my mom watching her streams how about you freaking get how about you put the pack on so you can actually see the images it better not be the FNAF watches outside I mean there is there is one of those

But kind of but really not but I just showed it on stream I can’t show that I can’t show it I can’t show it guys I don’t worry guys I definitely won’t hit F5 right now you’re getting you’re getting fired for not sitting no no no no no no no Look guys I’m gaming I’m gaming freaking fast balls where’s the texture pack like supposed to be in the storage uh well you imported it right it should just import straight to your Minecraft I mean I might have sent you the wrong one but I’m pretty sure that’s the right one

Don’t ask why I have that one guys that one’s not what you think it is you can’t be showing that stuff I know I can I seriously can why why does it not is it not working well don’t put it in your resource packs but in your global resources

I’m looking at global resources I’m in the main menu and it’s not showing up try importing it again oh my gosh you’re so needy fine I’ll do it but only be pouring it before Nate Thanos show let me see if it works if I do it oh my gosh Freddy Fazbear because maybe

I sent you the wrong one successfully imported round pack well there you go after your stream we should play the Sonic the Hedgehog world doesn’t that come out like two years ago shut up I’m poor I don’t have enough money now you should see it I starve for Sonic the Hedgehog you put

It in your global resources right oh SpongeBob Patrick SpongeBob Patrick Sandy you were kicked from the game I didn’t even kick you what yeah it’s The Blacklist thing or the white list or whatever it kicks you out it kicks me automatically the first time I join what

I didn’t know about that let’s barely wait let’s just kind of glitch or whatever you should listen to the athletic I think it’s because you’re banned yeah it says ban true hold on I got hold on let me let me just make it so you aren’t fans yeah

Can’t go on the Minecraft server but white list is off so no one really cares well right now do you see it yet over resources packs realm app it won’t convert over to active you have to you have to do it in the menu

I’m in the menu no you have to do it like main menu yeah yeah I’m gonna play with my rubber duck now what you’re playing with your what rubber duck isn’t he such a good boy duckies how much was that rubber ducky like a dollar that’s too much money But I can’t wear it until winter so you don’t get to see it bra moment what the heck Philip is just lagging back bro Phil Phillip you good bro hey Phillip are you stuck in a block or something there you go he’s alive now Phil do you

See the peytons aren’t they so hot I saw the paintings um look at that one that one should be your TV that one should be your wallpaper yeah I’m gonna make this my school wallpaper guys that’s a great idea which one no oh that one or this one I don’t know

Guys please spam the ball gobbler emoji and guys please do like please do Lego sheep in the chat guys if you do not say Lego sheep in the next five minutes my aunt okay and then have you seen the one of the paintings with just one

Oh and we need to get yeah I’m pretty sure I have hold up let me just put it in the corner come on let me get this block okay here the heck what is that if you look up Lego gamer that guy comes up thank you guys for saying like a sheep

In chat thank you guys hold up what about what about this one what about hold up what about subscribe hey you guys should subscribe bro you should do that kill your dog this is a direct threat I will but you didn’t see one of them okay ready

You haven’t seen the best one yet please pretty good you picked up the painting foreign there it is goggy oh no come over here and kiss me on my Hotmail oh no thank you thanks for the booze oh no oh oh you got it everywhere oh my goodness inside laughs

What’s one of the two upright Phantoms upright I don’t think there’s any no way no way it’s a man oh my God it’s Skull emoji bad bad you’re bad let’s go goggy Gaga we must contain the beasts Donkey Kong got him no you’ll never find him you know get him get him

Uh you don’t have Rockets oh God um I think this server broke Kylie you idiot you broke it no oh why are you flying in there um I should definitely be dead right now dude why would you do that it’s wrong yeah you broke the server no I’m good oh Come here I’m aware good come over here kick me out of my hot mouth I’m gonna kick you from the game you’re you’re what you’re dude it’s a single piece of snow I know exactly what to do with this come to the god hero and come to the Goku room oh no

Come on I didn’t think it would do that I didn’t know I did that God it was just gonna be the there’s a snowball in his face close enough to goggy don’t guys do not go in the Gogi the goggy room worst mistake of my life

Guys look up dream not found on unfair Affinity of course the Stick Of My Life you not look how big guys do not look up men kissing it’s a bad idea I need more snowballs you need more balls of course you do oh my God wait I think there’s more in the

In here just kidding hey can I just borrow one of your Pistons real quick does she want to borrow them all right guys now that we’ve trapped Philip and Kyle in their own room I want to say thank you guys so much for watching the stream they’re never ever

Gonna be able to come out oh God you’ll never catch me alive no come on I need to do something funny don’t end stream get back here hey Bill no ah why is there so many I’m out I’m out I’m finally out don’t leave here Michael oh I died

He died okay okay what do you want to do with your funny bit don’t end the Stream I gotta though it’s getting to the two hour Mark we’re getting all crazy come here crazy I was crazy once they locked me in the room a rubber room

Do you know what this is a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy you know what this is I don’t have a sign to add a little face so you just have to do a face you guys know it get s nope ball banger

Die where did you spawn I spawned in his basement wait that gives me a really good idea oh no I don’t want to see him smoking weed ow sorry I just have a good idea yeah yeah yeah so quirky I can see your name tag oh no no no no no

Water I wet the bed yeah everyone guys just sleep guys yeah guys sleep everyone sleep no Philip you you rap that’s what I was gonna do don’t Philip you rap oh my bad my bad didn’t mean to do that oh murmur okay so we’re just gonna yeah everyone

Go to sleep yeah go to sleep guys come here do not come down here it’s a nasty sight actually do come down here it’s really funny no I’m good all right guys everyone’s sleep everyone’s sleep yep everyone’s sleep guys everyone’s sleep guys all right guys everyone sleep Kyle go to bed God

I mean a murmur go to bed it’s me are you up past your bedtime story for dropping in I’m sorry yeah can you please go back to bed a murmur excuse me please go back to bed sorry for dropping in I need to do my funny bit get in here no hey

I’m being spawned killed by Phillip right now YouTube you just broke all this torches oh I’m sorry for dropping me Phil that wasn’t me why are you killing me this is all your fault go back in the basement where you belong now why’d you spot here damn it

I went in the bed no wait no now I’m gonna spawn where am I oh I’m on top of the tower oh oh no I’m getting flashbacks guys I’m ending stream there we’re getting too rowdy so I want to say thank you guys so much for watching one more

Funny [ __ ] oh my God fine hurry up well you killed me what did you expect Oh you weren’t on top of the stairs this on where the heck did you go what the heck did that phallic you cannot show that on screen I’m trying to go out there but it’s just not working right now where are you where are you I’m trying to Trident up there but my

Trident is a little uh broke right now I respawned oh I’m sorry for dropping oh you [ __ ] oh no my you broke my home bed you bit it broke it that’s my funny short name it’s a pun okay wait why is the server just broken sometimes we’re dropping in

Like it loaded in like a completely different world what yeah sometimes you do that so like when I teleported it you’re an idiot for example it literally teleported me until like what it would look like hey don’t hurt myself if we didn’t if it like was I love you

Are you coming to give me a hug me and my best friend me look at my best friends and my budgie a murmur that’s it I’m getting a creeper oh that’s sort of terrorist or something what the heck look it’s Lego gamer me and my best friend

I look like a Minecraft dirt block y’all seen look at you always seeing this Philip Eckland house with many men in the basement look at this bbp just trapping me oh wait I’m not wearing armor I just realized that trap him in here no I’ll make this Kyle’s room I mean

Devil’s like [ __ ] sorry for dropping in I’m at new stream guys a thousand men uh where did I spark I spawn on the super Tower I’m Andy’s dream thank you guys for watching streams see you guys in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘1 YEAR Of The Biggie Diggie! (Biggest Minecraft Project?)’, was uploaded by NathanielPlaysMc on 2023-08-21 23:04:24. It has garnered 102 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:08 or 8468 seconds.

In this stream, We will be mining out the biggest perimeter project in Minecraft Bedrock! This is a insane 800 million block perimeter project!

1 YEAR Of The Biggie Diggie! (Biggest Minecraft Project?) #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #preimeter

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Survival EP 01

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Survival EP 01 Welcome to a New Minecraft Adventure! Exploring the 1.21 Update In this exciting Minecraft Survival Series, our protagonist embarks on a new journey in a world filled with the latest 1.21 update. Equipped with determination, they set out to create content that will not only entertain but also strengthen their survival skills. From crafting armor to building a home, every step is crucial to their success in this challenging environment. Episode 1: A Promising Start As the video begins, our host, P J, introduces us to the thrilling world of Minecraft Survival Series. With each episode promising new adventures… Read More

  • Height Control: Minecraft’s Towering Twist

    Height Control: Minecraft's Towering Twist In the world of Minecraft, where heights are controlled, The challenges are fierce, the adventures unfold. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun in store, Minecraft but with a twist, like never before. From AMA to Hardcore, the content is vast, Every video a journey, a blast from the past. Join me on this ride, as we explore and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we rhyme all day. So hit that subscribe button, and join the fun, For more Minecraft madness, when the day is done. Let’s craft and build, in this pixelated land, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

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  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

    Jiren's Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled! In Minecraft world, a Jiren statue to build, With blocks and creativity, our skills to guild. On Lo Do Vo channel, the vlog takes flight, With dedication and passion, we shine bright. Despite the haters, we push through the storm, Creating content that’s unique and warm. So join us on this journey, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to come, On Lo Do Vo channel, where we never succumb. Building, crafting, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are sown. Read More

  • Lilyville War with AnshuBisht

    Lilyville War with AnshuBisht The Lilyville War in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the Lilyville War has captured the attention of gamers worldwide. This epic battle between factions has brought excitement and thrill to the gaming community. The Lilyville SMP Lilyville SMP, a multiplayer server, has become the battleground for this intense war. Players from different factions, including GamerFleet and others, have joined forces to fight for supremacy in Lilyville. Key Events One of the highlights of the Lilyville War is the final showdown between the factions. With new members joining Lilyville and alliances being… Read More

  • Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work!

    Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work! Exploring Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Actually Work! When delving into the world of Minecraft, players often come across intriguing and sometimes eerie rituals that claim to have real effects within the game. From testing scary myths to uncovering hidden secrets, the Minecraft community is always buzzing with excitement. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most spine-chilling rituals that actually work in Minecraft. Testing Scary Minecraft Rituals with Eystreem One popular figure in the Minecraft community known for testing scary rituals is Eystreem. With a dedicated following, Eystreem dives into the depths of Minecraft to explore… Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45

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  • Velyxz’s Wild Minecraft Adventures

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  • Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash

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  • CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update

    CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft Survival! Exploring the New 1.21 Update In the latest episode of the GAMERKSB07 channel’s Minecraft Survival series, Episode 8 takes us on a thrilling journey into the newly released 1.21 update. This update is not just about adding a few new features; it introduces a mysterious curse that adds a whole new level of danger and excitement to the game. Building a Nether Portal One of the main highlights of this episode is the daring mission to build a Nether Portal. Viewers get to witness the resource gathering, crafting process, and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

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  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

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  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

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  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

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  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

    INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate DungeonsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akhirnya VETERAN Minecraft Bermain Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Budi Kurwan on 2024-05-22 16:03:47. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:23 or 8303 seconds. Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Activate Notifications so you don’t Miss the Latest Videos! This content is very suitable for those of you looking for entertainment and to accompany you when you are eating, coming home from school or after other activities. Donate to Budi Kurwan : Saweria : https://saweria.co/BudiKurwan Youtube Membership : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNWLHZbYrHFUuiaoFkM9ew/join Social Media & More : Instagram:… Read More

  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

    Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lp.#ТаинственныеМиры Майнкрафт #shorts #minecraft #таинственныемиры #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Kseouse on 2024-04-22 11:35:37. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Welcome to the beginning of the third season of Minecraft with mods on my channel. This season’s build is exclusive, created by me and my team. If you like the videos, don’t forget to like👍and subscribe to the channel, because this is a huge motivation for creating content and improving quality! Playlist with this Lp. – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrNdIRHEb-I7BQXgnJR0pKBaWsqXdDCPa (Minecraft Modded Season 3). _____________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone,… Read More

  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

    🔥HellFrozen - EPIC Mountain House Build! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mountain House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-03-10 16:59:55. It has garnered 117915 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

1 YEAR Of The Biggie Diggie! (Biggest Minecraft Project?)