10 YRS of Minecraft: Epic Evolution!

Video Information

May 17 2009 that’s 10 years ago tomorrow a lot has happened in those 10 years but today we focus our attention on one very special thing that happened a decade back the birth of minecraft join us for today’s video more of today’s experience really as we jump back 10 years to

Explore the humble beginnings of one of the most impactful games of all time the progress bar at the top of the screen today will guide us through each year so we can experience the birth of our favorite blocky sandbox game together and make sure you stick around

To the end of the video to join us for a look at what’s in store for the next 10 years of minecraft Ten years ago before we had creepers before we had crafting before it was famous minecraft was a much simpler game in fact here is a look at it right here the original footage found on youtube of cave game tech test this was back when the only things you could do in

Minecraft were break green blocks break cobblestone blocks place them and fall around a whole lot not much to do and so glad there’s been changes since in fact this is before you could even play minecraft with multiplayer mode but rest assured multiplayer did come quite soon and not only that but skins were

Eventually added to minecraft as well how’s it going guys henzoid and ethan today’s world builders thank you so much to them both but outside of building and waving at each other there really wasn’t too much to do in minecraft just yet that is until survival elements were finally introduced aka a health system

Yes you could finally take damage these are what the original trees looked like when they were eventually added into minecraft thank goodness they had someone that eventually learned how to build a little bit better no offense dodge 2009 was also the first appearance of creepers and fun fact creepers were

Originally meant to be pigs and they were modeled incorrectly and turned into the creeper we know and love your hate today and it’s obvious people were digging the game because we moved into 2010 and the amount of registered users hit 100 000 yes 9 years ago already at

100 000 registered users very impressive and not only that but jeb joins the team this is the now head developer of minecraft but he was once one of the main developers originally assisting notch in production and not only that but 2010 saw the appearance of herobrine sightings for the first time we’ve got

Our eye on you herobrine don’t try anything funny now 2010 was also the first ever minecon although it was called minecraft con at the time and it took place in a park kind of unplanned when notch went to washington to make some minecraft meeting arrangements happen as you can

See here the creeper managed to make to the party as well watch out notch i heard they explode now believe it or not minecraft made it almost a full year without crafting at all but eventually it was added and not only was it added in 2010 but so were some other elements

Such as the nether redstone chicken mobs and slime mobs alongside numerous other updates but finally the crafting in minecraft made sense we now had ghasts pigmen and a whole lot of lava to watch out for any time we used the nether for its fast travel abilities and then 2011 struck

And with 2011 came numerous new features including the ender dragon villagers enderman strongholds enchanting brewing and a whole bunch more hey quiet down i’m trying to make a video that’s right two years into development minecraft finally had an actual end to the game but thankfully that’s not where

Minecraft story ends in fact it was just beginning because 2011 was the year that pocket edition finally hit the app store that’s right the game version that most people actually play minecraft on was pocket edition and remains one of the key factors of minecraft i’m sure many

Of you out there watching started with this version of the game now also in 2011 jeb becomes the lead developer of minecraft as notch gives up the crown for development ah thank you jeb based jeb for those that didn’t know one of jeb’s earliest contributions to minecraft was adding wolves in game and

So we can thank you for one of our best friends in minecraft but not only that in 2011 there were 1 million sales of the game and get this 10 million registered users nice work guys and through numerous changes to terrain and numerous new blocks and items eventually added into the game we

Finally find ourselves at 2012 and if you’re wondering what just happened on screen well you can thank dinnerbone for that yet well more specifically dinnerbone and grum which were two new developers that joined the minecraft team in 2012. the inside joke here by the way is that dinnerbone loves

Things upside down in game but more importantly loves them on twitter too where his twitter avatar is upside down too but if we could go back to normal that would be great because also in 2012 minecraft expanded a bit to other platforms namely the xbox 360 edition

Finally came out and not only that but minecraft had its first lego set released as well so you could now build minecraft in real life too but not just the 360 minecraft came to the raspberry pi edition of the platform as well and and honestly look you can code on a

Minecraft raspberry pi it’s good stuff though the game is no longer updated it’s so sad in 2012 minecraft 1.3 was released and alongside the release was the inventory system which received a major update changing how we access our blocks and items in almost every way imaginable this is what it used to look

Like just kind of unorganized kind of a giant pile of everything and this is what it eventually switched to a searchable feature with numerous tabs and everything a little bit more categorized nicely and not only that this was the version that finally released the ability to trade emeralds

To villagers and get special loot but 2012 also brought us minecraft update 1.4 the pretty scary update which introduced mob skulls alongside numerous different types of decoration including potted plants and item frames but more importantly my friends it also added in one of the hardest bosses to date the wither

Oh and it added in anvils anvils are pretty fun you can use anvils to rename items and combine enchantments but uh yeah probably probably go with the wither on the difficulty scale here most importantly though specifically for my channel command blocks came out in this version of the game forever changing

Minecraft as we know it forever i said forever twice with a new year comes a new update and so we enter 2013 where we see the introduction of another key feature of commands the scoreboarding feature which was added to minecraft 1.5 the redstone update not only were scoreboards added but a whole

Bunch of new functional blocks were added in this version of the game as well including daylight and nighttime sensors hoppers droppers comparators redstone blocks you name it minecraft update 1.6 added in horses hi he’s my new best friend right you love me don’t you see he’s not going to kick

Me off ah the update also added in hey blocks colored carpet types as well as coal blocks and charcoal blocks to boot it also marked the change from the texture pack system over the resource pack system which allowed you to change a whole lot more about minecraft including sounds in 2013 minecraft

Continues to expand to even more systems and more people you can see here the playstation 3 edition of the game was finally released and not only that but it was the first year for the original minecraft realms to see its debut the multiplayer experience that most of you

Guys use when it comes to connecting with your friends the final 2013 update to minecraft was 1.7 the update that changed the world and seriously it really did on top of a whole load of new biome types including the red sand mesas and the ice spike biomes we also got

Colorful new glass and changes to the fishing system were made you could now fish up more than just fish including enchanted books saddles and other rarities but it’s time for us to step into 2014 with the introduction of the xbox one edition of minecraft and more than just

The xbox one edition we also had the playstation 4 edition and even the playstation vita edition adding to the furthered platforms that minecraft is available to play on 2014 may also be one of the most controversial years for minecraft because it is the year that notch sold minecraft to microsoft for 2.5

Billion dollars look at all the money rain baby good work not susie nice payoff upon which notch and a few other members of team mojang actually ended up leaving the team we wish them well 2014 was also the first original appearance of alex how’s it going lady before then

All we had was steve now we got both hey yay representation this is also the first year in which minecraft development updates started to come out a whole lot less frequently aka the only update that came out in 2014 for minecraft was 1.8 aka the bountiful

Update but it did add some exciting new things including guardian mobs little bunnies hey come back i want to talk to you not only that but we saw drastic changes to the caving system namely brand new blocks that you could find all throughout on top of ocean monuments another reason to explore minecraft’s

Typically empty waters we also saw armor stands finally added into game which were not only useful for survival players to showcase their armors and weapons but are also used hugely for command block and data pack makers for the game this is also the year that minecraft pocket edition finally got

Infinite world so all of you mobile players out there could live the same experience as us on java but we move into a new year 2015 which saw the release of minecraft wii u edition yes consoles you can now play minecraft across all major consoles 2015’s also the year they allowed for username

Swapping so you could now change what you’re called in game what’s good baby we got velvaxelraptor here and henzoid and they are overly eager to say hello but as you can see they are more than capable of changing their usernames now in 2015 minecraft story mode was also

Released one of the first choose your own adventure experiences that you could have with minecraft on other forms of the game poor little piggy 2015 also marks minecraft’s first official nickelodeon kids choice awards wins finally the game played by tens of millions gets its recognition on a major

Television station yo shout out to nick i used to watch that when i was younger all the time now in 2016 minecraft education edition was released which finally gave teachers legitimate reason to let their kids play minecraft at school with its own special block types and structures a full-blown chemistry

Set experience and an artificial intelligence assistant to help you along the way education edition released a ton of new features that you still can’t find in other versions of minecraft today minecraft 1.9 also came out this year and changed combat as we know it not only that but added a couple new

Friends 2016 was the contender for the other most controversial update to the game because it completely revamped combat in its current fashion yes shut up to this day some people still refuse to update to newer versions of the game because they prefer 1.8 or even 1.7 combat but that’s not all the update

Brought as you can see from our struggle friends here the end was also updated to ad and cities as well as tons of new block types and items 2016 also saw the release of minecraft 1.10 the frost burn update which introduced husks strays and polar bear mobs to the game alongside

Some special new block types magma blocks bone blocks fossil structures found throughout the world you got it we even got minecraft 1.11 this year the exploration update which added in even more creatures vexes vindicators evokers and everyone’s favorite mob the llama hey are you are you guys are you guys okay what

What are you you know you’re not supposed to stand on the block right it’s gonna cost oh gosh at least you have some sense the update also added in woodland mansions curses a special totem known as the totem of undying and tons of other technical features the totem dying

Though was quite unique in that it allowed you to survive certain death in minecraft thanks buddy oh and these weird looking guys got added in game two we move into 2017 which finally has minecraft receiving its nintendo switch version of the game any fans of the legend of zelda

Breath of the wild will be pleased to know that the game developers for that game took huge inspiration from minecraft’s exploratory nature now in arguably one of the most important updates for minecraft the better together update finally came out which would link mobile players with console players with pc players so that you

Could all play together on the same minecraft worlds this was amazing and honestly was one of the first shifts in developer console thought to allowing players to play and experience everyone’s favorite game together and not only that but the minecraft marketplace came out as well a place for

Players to download and purchase their favorite maps from their favorite creators like me which is what you’ve been seeing on screen right now i have a game called big buckeye go by and while it’s not too known over here in the united states this year also saw the

Release of the chinese beta edition of minecraft which includes some things that we wish we still had on java today including a friends list an in-game forum and a patch system similar to the minecraft marketplace including an api resource packs skins and mods made by community creators that’s right

Minecraft’s gone global baby and things are crazy over there let us know if you want to see us do a video on the chinese version of the game well if we can get access to it it’s kind of hard however in content related news minecraft 1.12 the world of color update was released

In 2017 as well and it brought us some special new additions including glazed terracotta parrots and the still unused illusioner mob the mob was supposed to be added in game apparently in 1.12 but never was and if you want to find some more things that were supposed to be

Added in game you can click the i in the corner to check out another video we have we’re almost done ladies and gentlemen it’s now 2018 and get this java and bedrock reach a combined total of 100 million purchases of minecraft in sanity and great job microsoft mojang now

Lanterns were also revealed to be coming out this year they were obviously added in alongside numerous other blocks but we’ll get to that in a little bit 2018 also saw a shift in how java edition and windows 10 edition were distributed across the game namely this is the year

You could grab minecraft windows 10 for free if you would ever purchase the java version of the game microsoft wanted people to switch over the windows 10 version of the game because it’s a little bit more easy to code and update however if you never got your free code

Back in 2018 you can no longer get it but in addition 2018 saw one of the most major releases to minecraft in a very long time 1.13 the update aquatic adding in fish dolphins sea turtles new block types new item types drowned mobs and a total revamp on how swimming works in game

Namely you can actually swim now it’s pretty sweet this update finally saw the addition of a new weapon in-game as well the trident got him now dry off my friends because it’s time we hit 2019 aka the current year where minecraft java edition alone reached 30 million sales contributing to

That overall total of 144 million we also learned a little bit more about the minecraft movie which was announced a few years back with peter salette as the director the plot goes as follows the minecraft movie will tell the story of a teenage girl and her unlikely group of

Adventurers who after the malevolent ender dragon sets out on a path of destruction must save their beautiful locky overworld and if anyone from mojang is watching hai vu please put me in the movie fast forwarding more recently another massive update was released the 1.14 village and pillage update adding in pillagers

Ravagers pandas foxes and a host of whole new functional blocks and items looms barrels stone cutters grindstones cartography maps blast furnaces campfires bells hopefully you’ve hit that bell and subscribe by the way as well as a brand new villager trading system which actually makes villagers pretty good to trade with and just like

That we celebrate minecraft’s 10 year anniversary 10 years of mining crafting building exploring and surviving so what does the future hold for minecraft well we know that the fletching and smithing table still have no actual uses in game yet we know that the illusioner and the giant are currently not being

Used in game at all either we still have desert and savannah updates to look forward to alongside ostriches termites and meerkats and there are even talks of the combat system getting an overhaul in the near future possibly as soon as minecraft 1.15 but arguably one of the most best kept secrets that microsoft

Still has yet to explain about minecraft was the one that they made on the 17th the minecraft ar update what exactly is it well make sure you subscribe to the channel today where you can catch a future video explaining everything there is you need to know about minecraft ar

As well as every single other update you could ever want to get involved in in minecraft’s history it’s been an awesome 10 years and we look forward to the next 10 years here on the log.zip channel thank you so much for joining us today and we will see you for the next video

This video, titled ‘Ten YEARS of Minecraft: An Evolution’, was uploaded by Logdotzip on 2019-05-16 21:35:38. It has garnered 3668539 views and 52295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:47 or 1127 seconds.

From the 2009 Alpha to 2019 Minecraft 1.14 Village and Pillage release, this is the 10 years of Minecraft Celebration!

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The oldest minecraft version has a lot of updates that changed as new minecraft features were added. From the oldest version of minecraft back in 2009 to the epic release of minecraft 1.14 this year, the game has changed A LOT!

This video will showcase Minecraft’s 10 years of the development process of the game and how it evolved through new updates to be the minecraft version we all know and love. Take a nostalgic trip through these minecraft updates!

#minecraft #10years #anniversary


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Hang out with Logdotzip!

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Credits ✅ World Builders ✅ VelVoxel Raptor – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEH6ORtkeUxwMBQiOrTstdA ✅ Henzoid – https://twitter.com/Henzoid ✅ Edited by Erin Fuhrman https://www.instagram.com/erinsnaps/

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator.

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    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More