100 Days as a Banished Mage in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

I’ve been itching to another 100 days video for quite some time and I finally found just the right mod pack to do it we’re going to be playing Feed the Beast Inferno mod pack and I’m gonna have that link in the description down below I’m going to be lightly role playing this as

Edwin our Master Mage and if you haven’t kept up with the story up till now I’m Gonna Catch You Up in today’s video don’t even worry about this is a great starting place to get into the fixiverse I’m going to be doing 50 in-game days in the nether since you can’t sleep that

Would equate to about 100 Days with aggressive sleeping which I do when I’m recording these 100 Days videos I think that works right no more time to chit chat the nether is a dangerous place let’s get started Foreign Alive I think what happened I was I can’t remember I’m alive I was banished by the council no no wait that was long ago I I was what this is so confusing where am I am so so tired Whoa now I’m in a different place this is weird and much less peaceful yikes I can’t remember where I got here at all I’m so groggy the only thing I have is I have this book I don’t even know who wrote it but well let’s see what it says

It only took me a few seconds of reading to Rose that this book was written to someone who is not me someone did a ritual to get here maybe create this place I I don’t know but I don’t think that that was me I don’t remember it at least but by opening the

Tome I was given a totem of undying which is absolutely huge this place seemed very dangerous and I cannot express how happy I am to have that I got some golden apples and decided to heat them up by the campfire unfortunately instead of the warm golden apples they turned into something called

A shroom of Illumination okay not what I expected but that’s a good thing it’s going to give me something to light up the area around me upon waking up my first impressions were Bleak aside from this peculiar structure I’m surrounded by nothing but impenetrable bedrock with deposits of Blackstone and Flint though the

Blackstone is too tough for my bare hands I can shatter the Flint deposits easily it may seem as if my friend doesn’t hold a grudge at least and has allowed me some parting gifts these will certainly be some use so I took a stroll around the Bedrock

Here and I found some Flint which I can actually just beat down which gives me Flint I wonder if I can possibly make some tools with this it seems logical and it actually seems like the only alternative I have yes indeed with just combining a few flints I can actually

Make a flint pickaxe which is absolutely tremendous using this I can break some black Zone and possibly use that to make even other tools another Quest I need to be careful the nether is not a safe place at the best of times being here naked and unarmed as I am would be

Dangerous even in vanilla what the Bedrock roof is the closest thing I have to safety I must be extremely careful surgical even when digging down below the surface by using my Blackstone that I just got and I Flint I can actually make flint and steel which should allow

Me to light fires I’m not really sure what I need to fire for at this time but it seems like that’s going to be a helpful thing for down the road yeah I I lit a fire and as expected it’s is it’s just a fire I started throwing items in

To see if anything happened but it just burnt them to a crisp huh it’s not a great start Did I fall asleep or maybe perhaps I’m sleeping now this place is so confusing I was in a dark terrible place but what does that make this is this place peaceful I did what I always do on each planet I visit start living there creating a life

But do I have to do it yet again I’m so tired the council was real I do remember that they banished me for what expanding my power then then I was with who I can’t remember still foreign Drifted off while waiting for an apple to cook on the campfire I remember the council now they banished me it’s my memories are coming back slowly but I feel in time I’ll remember everything it seems I can set Demon’s dream fruit on the ground and then light it on fire to

Imbue the flame with occultic tet energies I wonder what would happen if I threw something else in so if I just followed the guidebook a little bit more everything works fine I was trying to throw it in the fire instead of put the fire on the fruit okay cool the next

Thing I need is Soul Sand and I had to Tunnel down quite low in the nether to get any luckily I have the Flint pickaxe and some repair kits but it took a while with that Soul Sand and three of the mushrooms I found in the starting

Structure area I was able to make mycelium I’m not sure why I want it but the book told me to make it and I’m following that for now combining Soul Sand with mushrooms has resulted in my ceiling yes it seems like mushrooms can grow on Massillon even during the day or

What passes for it here okay so maybe renewable mushrooms mushrooms may be my only source of food here I don’t know what else passes for it up on the nether roof but yeah okay I need to make sure I conserve what I have I also learned that

By using mushrooms I may actually be able to convert them into a warped variety of mushroom which means I can actually maybe make Netherwood I just need something to plant it on after harvesting some of these strange blue netherwarp trees I was actually able to get enough wood that I could make a

Chest to start storing my enemies my inventory is a mess and I have a lot more items that are probably incoming Bob my friend his name was Bob at first we couldn’t understand each other at all but in time he became my student and quite powerful in the magic I taught him then what happened I feel like it’s right on the edge of my memory but not

Oh he betrayed me he signed with the council that imprisoned me I was stuck in that cell for many years Council they knew they couldn’t kill me so they tucked me into a pocket Dimension where time crept by days versus second in the outside world Madness

No no I didn’t give in to Madness it was something else entirely rage I opened my eyes remembering how angry I was being stuck in that prison feeling betrayed if I wanted to get my revenge I knew that I needed to survive in this place until I can figure out a way out first I need to compost all the organic things I

Have to make dirt so that I can eat by using some wooden Hoppers I was able to automate my production bone meal which then just allows me to actually make more warped wood and continue that cycle and with Blackstone I could make a furnace and with a furnace I could

Actually start to make charcoal and get power this is going to begin making a sustainable Life For Me In This Place by utilizing this Spirit fire and cooking bone meal I can throw this dust in and actually make sand with sand then I can actually make glass which allows me to

Make more machines and even maybe possibly a place to live I’ve been waiting for some time to get more mushrooms to grow I thought they would just sort of naturally double and that didn’t happen I accidentally clicked the mycelium with bone meal though and yeah tons of mushrooms so that actually is

Going to work I can have as many mushrooms now as I need infinite mushroom stew I’m not going to starve now for sure but I learned a new thing I can do with mushrooms by using this cutting board I made I can chop them with a knife and actually get something

Back called straw this can actually be used to make a lot of things that are going to be very helpful in my Endeavor to make a life for me here I turned that straw into string and made a fishing pole because the book told me something

I did not believe until I saw it the book said I can fish in the Nether and sure enough off it’s very slow and it’s very painful but I can actually fish in the nether right in lava okay okay this is this is weird but it works

I was fishing for a very very long time until a portal opened and skeleton spawned everywhere something noticed I was here and did not like it yeah I have no armor I have no weapons I am out of here another real concern of mine might be piglin if piglets see me not wearing

Gold I am in big big big trouble luckily the book is provided for that if you made a golden chest plate the book would gift you a helmet and boots and legs so I’m fully outfitted in golden armor there is a warning however saying it is extremely fragile so I don’t think it’s

Going to have much durability but for at least right now I should be okay I decided to take the long journey down my staircase and find a piglet to do some trading with hopefully I can get some materials that I am not able to get any other way The rage was so extreme it was all-consuming for decades my power grew and grew until wait what was it what happened I was pulled out of there somehow no not somehow it was someone who saved me yes remember now when I was teleported out of the prison I was brought to a garden

A tranquil place that was made for me by my former student Bob he left me a book it took me years to read it the rage I fell for him burned so high then one morning I finally did sit and read his journal it began my healing he did betray me yes

But he was tricked by the council as I was they promised to save all of our students of the Arcane if he would trap me for them they tricked both of us really I could hardly blame him more than I could blame myself It was shocking this time after my vision from the void Vision nightmare dream memory I don’t know I can’t explain where I keep going but my memories are coming back and this one left me feeling more peaceful than I have in quite some time I traded with the penguin for as much

Gold as I had and I got a lot of things that are going to be useful for my time here by far the best thing I got from the pigland though were these iron round plates and with them I can use them to make shears which is absolutely

Tremendous I was down doing some more fishing and this guy crept up on me and he hits like a truck almost knocked me in the lava thank goodness they didn’t so I just pillowed it up very quickly and was able to take them out very

Slowly with my stone ax it took a while but I got him after I killed him no more than a minute later this guy attacked me this foxhound and he was terrifying I am quite sure that he would have killed me if I weren’t able to pillar up fast and

Get Out Of Reach I need something to attack these at least a sword trying to make a sword I decided to go tinker’s construct I made some of those when I was living in the cave underground and none of the patterns that I knew seemed to work here maybe things in this

Dimension are different or I don’t know going back to the book I read this world taxes of the living to the point of breaking there is no rest to be had here and wounds refused to heal natural healing is much slower but the living can find respite in the warmth of a

Campfire huh it seems fishing in lava Works somewhat similarly to fishing and Water cast The Hook wait for the bite and reel in I have been fishing quite a bit and I’ve gotten some things but nothing incredibly great however the book did show me many many Treasures that are possible to come from

Fishing and lava so I decided to spend several days doing that it was a little bit dangerous I fell in love more than once but I managed to live through it while fishing out of nowhere I baby hogland attacked me I got lucky if this were an adult husband I would be dead

And my time here would be over luckily I was able to kill this one as it couldn’t actually do any damage to me seriously I need a better way to attack another thing the book mentioned is that I can get different treasure and different food and things from different lava in

Different biomes so I made some tunnels and found another place that is associated Valley division it went pretty well until this yeah see that thing I got very lucky again that it couldn’t attack me but I got the heck out of there I want nothing to do with whatever that flying creature is I stayed in that floating Garden for centuries almost balancing out the time I spent in the council’s tiny prison my rage slowly drained away I found tending Bob’s flowers to be refreshing and I think one day I actually caught myself smiling I would have stayed in that place forever

Except I had a visitor a man named what was it it’s so foggy still I’m bouncing back and forth between dreaming and waking though I’ll admit I’m not sure which reality is which what was his name James his name was James and he came because he needed me [Applause] the next thing the book told me was to get some Crimson fungus so I made a little path around there and I need to be very cautious because hogland could be around any corner but while I was searching for Crimson fungus I found the exact thing I needed these things these

Propel plants they are very scary if you get close they will blow up but I need to harvest them and I can do that with my new shears I returned up to the top to get my shears and noticed that my hall guns were gone that’s a real

Problem I was planning on breeding them up and using them as my leather Source now I got nothing however while I was digging around through my chest looking for shears I found this thing this was from a quest reward and I don’t know what it is it says it will create

Something if you just throw it on the ground so well I threw it on the ground and it created something I don’t know what or why but I have that thing now had I been paying a little bit better attention to the book I would have known

To do this sooner I can make something called a summoning altar by using my new glass in my sand and those crystals that spawn now I can make this altering with this Ultra I connect actually bring animals up to me I actually needed to find a zombie pigland like the regular

Kind so that I can kill a bunch of them and get rotten flesh rotten flesh can turn into leather and now that my hoglands are gone I have no other means however on the way there I found this guy and I started making some gold trades guess what he traded me leather

That’s right but it actually gets even better than that not only did I get leather but I got two hoglin eggs which means I can Resort my hogland farm up top hooray for that I am starting to get nervous about food though I’m getting very very hungry so I headed up top that

I don’t think I have anything to eat it may be nothing but mushroom stew for a little while another Quest reward I got was name tags and they’re already named thankfully so I put in a couple hoglands and then I name tag them now they hopefully won’t go away and I should be

Able to breed them as long as I don’t kill these two I should have a never-ending hogland Farm by finishing off so many of these quests I’m getting some very cool rewards one of them is a fire warning yeah I’m in the nether there’s fire everywhere the next thing I

Need I think it might be pretty dangerous I need magma slime so I found a Basalt Delta and I just need to bridge across lava to get there I’m very very much hoping mobs don’t spawn and knock me in the lava I carved out a little

Platform in a Basalt Delta and I waited for a very long time I mean I’m talking a very long time for a magma spawn and and nothing I got nothing at all so I gotta figure out a different way Foreign who needed my help turned on me and cost me half a thousand years but yet James was so sincere he was from a ship he described it as a spaceship though at that time I could hardly imagine a ship flying from one planet to another

He needed my help to save his crew they were in the crosshairs of what what was it an armada of some sort sent to destroy them all and explaining the planet he came from what did he call it tovalin yes tovlin he mentioned a council who sent him

Though much of my rage had passed the mention of them and finding their home planet the dark part of me that still resulted in my soul saw an opening I remember my plan now oh it was ingenious I was just standing there breathing my husband smiling like a

Butcher’s dog as I remember getting my sweet sweet revenge again had I read the book a little bit more closely I would have realized that I could Shear off these Propel plans get them and then use them in my spirit fire to actually make magma creams that would have been a lot

Easier than spending days standing by the edge of the lava uh waiting for magma creams to spawn either way it worked I learned how to make seared brick though by using Soul Sand and Gravel and my new magma creams I’m able to make something called nether grout

This is going to be able to get me a smeltery just like I had back in the cave now we’re getting into some familiar stuff that I know actually how to do this Nursery was the first step to civilization the scorched bricks are my first step to that I can convert the

Magma creams from Propel pearls there is plenty of Soul Sand around and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen quite a lot of gravel near the edges of the lava links thank goodness I actually read a quest for once I’m gonna need two batches of seared brick one just to get started and

Then one more to get a whole ton of it so this is how you make it first I use that grout I smelled it and then I throw it all in the spirit fire and I get the actual bricks which is going to let me make the actual smeltery the way it

Starts is just with these two simple blocks if I put them in the right order meaning I put the actual melter up on top of the lava tank everything is going to work and I can actually start to melt three items at a time from going from nothing to three that’s pretty good

The next thing is I need to cast I need an actual Ingot Cassie and to do that I have to smell it up gold unfortunately my smeltery is full so I’m not sure what to do now so I went over and I made a seared Basin and I can put that in and

Actually empty out a whole block at a time finally then I could put down my basin and I could actually make a full block of iron this is a big big moment I went from having stone tools for a long time to actually having the ability to make iron tools however maybe even

Better than iron tools is a bucket with a bucket I can actually move love around and put it where I need it this is actually huge now I don’t always want to be making full blocks of everything so with that gold I could actually make an

Ingot cast and now from now on I could just make single ingots of whatever metal I need however the book told me something else with my iron ingots I can actually make a better kind of composter and this kind of composter instead of taking organic stuff to make bone this

One will actually take organic stuff and make dirt fortunately I am in a terrific place to get organic stuff with these warped trees each one of these makes a ton of warped uh warp blocks so I have a ton of stuff that I can now compost into

Either bone meal or now dirt I haven’t had dirt yet and I am very excited to actually start a farm I went ahead and put down four of these new composters and these are gonna make a ton of dirt at a time that is actually huge that’s

So big food is not going to be an issue anymore I promised James that I would help him Bob had learned to spell something amazing to save me from the council’s prison and I thought perhaps I could use that to save James’s crew it was an exchange spell quite powerful indeed I agreed to take James with me into the

Void in this place in the void I had my full power I opened a portal to the council to hear their request they thought I might destroy the alien Armada before it attacked them on tovlin but I had no intention of doing that I watched what satisfaction as they my former captors

Realized I was going to Simply float there and watch them die however I am not without heart Bob showed me that in the end foreign Harvesting more trees getting more wood because I need something called wood shavings and I think I get that from stripping the wood but as of yet I’ve not gotten any I was not paying attention it works on The Cutting Board again I need to read better it was right

There I just put on The Cutting Board and then used my ax on it and finally my composting finish and now I have dirt oh what a moment this was wait that’s not dirt okay it turns out that I can combine those four little things into a

Single dirt so I got a couple not as many as what I had hoped for the next step is I need to expand my smeltery and to do that I gotta melt down a little bit of copper I got the Copper from Trading with the Piglet and after making

A smeltery controller I was able to make a full one level smell tree now I am in great shape the disorganized vein like appearance of the wood here is the opposite of appealing I can scrape tree bark off with an ax as the added benefit

That can be made into paper I can also use a cutting board instead I’ve made rudimentary Contraption to do the work for me and stored it in this capsule on another capsule well that’s cool I threw the capsule down and made this machine I’m just gonna flick the lever and see

What happens oh oh that’s cool that’s super cool wow that’s amazing but now they have a working smarter I can actually make my first alloy and that’s going to be rose gold I just used four copper ingots and four gold ingots and I’m able to make eight rose gold ingots

Which is just what I need as a reward for doing that look at what the book gave me a freaking rose bush that is absolutely amazing so cool I put down this new combo to dirt that I got and uh yeah I still can’t plan it I can’t hoe

It and can’t plant anything on it so I don’t I don’t know what you do with this I’ve done it I’ve created a gem that absorbs the darkness of this place this will be the basis for great many Magics here I imagine I can enhance these further but that will require

Experimentation huh well now that’s interesting Bob had lovingly prepared me a place to recover from my Exile and that act eventually healed my heart I couldn’t stand by and watch this Captain’s entire crew die in my Act of Revenge I agreed to help him I cast Bob’s exchange spell but multiplied it hundreds of times in power

To send each crew member of the ship off to a habitable World somewhere in the universe the spell work but as a byproduct it sent the three of us James myself and another man named Fred far out into the void I was completely drained and unable to stop us I was able to make a new crafting machine called a mixing cauldron with that many many many new crafting recipes opened up I just don’t exactly know how to power it yet okay it requires lava and luckily I got a tank from a quest

Reward so I put the lava next to it and I used my bucket and I just kind of poured the bucket into it and with that I was able to actually make a crafting recipe you see it all geling together and with that I get a dark evil gem

That’s the thing that the book said is going to open up a whole bunch of more recipes that that’s cool these infernal lands are plagued by lost spirits that roam endlessly if they were given any direction perhaps they could find meaning in this existence and prove valuable allies place the supply Camp

And this will create a chest containing everything you need to get started the camp chest will materialize into the world replacing any blocks that are already there this includes bedrock oh oh now that is very interesting I threw that red thing down on the ground and look at what happened some sort of

Structure came here now it said remove the Deep site and put down this other thing here I have no idea what I’m doing here this is absolutely brand new to me I literally have no idea what I’m doing it must have worked however because only a few moments later this person

Maximilian just showed up I have no idea what I’m supposed to do next I built the supply Camp thing and now I don’t yeah now I don’t know now I don’t know though the town hall is the most obvious centerpiece I actually find the warehouse is best located at the center

Of my Colony the town hall is where I can manage my minions putting them to task the clipboard allows me constant oversight of their meanderings this allows me to keep them focused and provide that materials as needed what are we even doing here seriously what

Are we even doing I have to tell you I have no idea what I’m doing here this is absolutely brand new to me I put down this machine and on Maximilian walks over here and says hey I need a pickaxe so I guess I’m gonna have to go build

Them a pickaxe to make this special kind of pickaxe I need to use a smithing table and use a wooden pickaxe with then a warped fungus next to it and that will give it a very slow but incredibly high durability I guess however it wasn’t all bad news and frustration because I’ve

Discovered on my way back that some of this fertilized dirt had actually turned into plantable dirt which is amazing so now by using my torque I can actually make the scenes grow very quickly and I can finally eat some actual food and I don’t have to constantly be worried

About starving this is a game changer for me totally I gave Maximilian what he needed and I don’t know what really I’m supposed to do next I I just put it in their inventory and I hope that’s right I hope I guess I don’t know but the

Coolest thing I discovered by far is that I now have the ability to move Bedrock to actually mine bedrock by using my Builders tool I can just click it and it goes away and gives me cobbled Blackstone instead okay look this is this is huge this is huge the ability to

Move bedrock and make sort of people and be able to live here in some sort of reasonable Town Colony situation that that’s really big that’s a really big Difference Maker for me Thank you we landed or Fred described it as crash landed on a planet with wild weather fluctuations how far we traveled in the void was impossible to tell even as we landed the speeds we moved millions of years had passed in the universe while we traveled through the void

I had a tiny fraction in my former power in that place it was humbling I watched as James and Fred took setting up amazing machines to carve out a place for us to live in the snow and ice and yet I could do next to nothing for a Time

I found a book a very ancient Tome detailing much history of our new snowbound planet it was once a paradise until the AI Armada came and laid waste the AI named cow created this Arctic Wasteland we currently lived in I conjured the smallest of wormholes in space-time to create a message to find

Someone named in the book his name was Steve tepic I decided it’s finally time now that I can get rid of this Bedrock to get rid of all the magma blocks in my sort of main structure I am very tired of burning my feet it was only a few

Moments later that a Hogan came out of nowhere I ran for my life and pillared up three blocks high enough just high enough that he couldn’t get to me this was incredibly close I had no armor on at all he could have owned me there is a

Charm in the book that if I Slaughter the hogland if I get eight hoglin Meats then I will get this charm that will allow hoglands do not notice me I think it’s time so I took my sword in and I went to town very carefully and very

Scared but uh I did I slaughtered all the Hogwarts however though my lack of reading did me in again I killed them with the sword in the book very clearly said kill them with a knife if you want the right kind of meat I didn’t and so I

Didn’t get the charm so I have to re-breed my two named goglins and start over while I was looking at my new colonists I guess my new Village the houses I discovered this there apparently are biomes on the nether roof which might end up being really really

Cool so I brought this plant back and tried to get a sapling thought hey maybe I can grow this tree as well that’d be kind of nice have a different kind of wood upon happening back to my Village though I notice I have a couple more

Houses that I set up and they seem to be maybe being built but also maybe just they’re just destroying it like I don’t know what I’m doing here I spent so much time watching these guys and messing with them I cannot even explain to you like hours and hours and hours of trying

To mess around with this to get them to do the thing that I wanted them to do out of nowhere another pigland showed up a lot I ran away really really fast as far as I could made armor so I could talk to him and I did a whole bunch of

Trading this is really good but I think I want to keep this guy so I’m having name tag sitting around I’m gonna go name tag them my gold armor won’t last very long this stuff is very brittle so I name tagged them and put them in a

Little box so he won’t shoot me every time I walk by I am not really a fan of what we’re doing here but I got a couple more eggs from Trading so I’m going to go ahead and dump them in here very very carefully this work mushroom it kind of

Keeps away but also kind of not like they don’t seem as scared as I wish they were with an oak sapling that I got from a quest reward I’m able to actually start harvesting oak wood which is actually a lot faster and easier because the leaves will naturally despawn versus

The oh warped tree variant but speaking of quest rewards I actually got this awesome mode timer which can automate my smeltery so I can just dump in all of the new Iron that I’m getting from the Piglet and Let It Go Foreign back through time was inaccurate it went much further back in time than expected and much of my power was so fading we didn’t learn until much later that the message was received by a telepath named Ivan dragoth he eventually founded the group called The Fist of the Dragon they stayed

Vigilant searching for Steve teppick for hundreds perhaps thousands of years until he finally appeared this man was actually one of James’s crew and perhaps a key to saving the future [Applause] oh my goodness I’m such an idiot I had completely forgotten about vein Miner oh I can’t even express how much time I have spent doing these individually whenever I could have been oh oh that’s painful it’s painful to realize now this late in the game that I

That I forgot oh my I want her to check on my guys at Maximilian my my quote unquote helper has actually torn down the entire trading Hall area that I made I made this thing Warehouse thing whatever it is he tore it down he just

Took it down uh I don’t know I made a house module and I got a new house and now I’m supposed to put these in but if I use the build tool then I put it there and then I gotta like request build options and I I request build building

And then some Builder will cut this this is so confusing it’s making my head spin just describing what happened let alone when I actually did it for the first time oh wow what a pain a lot of time passed and I built more houses now and my next one is going to

Be a Tavern because the book tells me that my people need a place to just hang out and I guess there’s more beds so I can house more villagers and attract more helpers I guess I’m starting to very slowly get the hang of this but boy

The learning curve is just so so so steep so after I make the house then I go to build options and I say build the building and then that should bring a builder over as long as I have a free Builder who’s not currently building something else and they need Builder

Huts to actually get more Builders so I actually have to improve my Builder’s Huts next maybe I I don’t oh I don’t know now they complain they’re too afraid to work will these demands ever cease yeah seriously I better put some guard towers and assign a few of them to protect the area

There’s also expand my borders placed near them you will need many guard towers as your Colony grows guards live in their Tower free of house for New residents man I mean now I need guard towers okay as I’m harvesting more hemp some more time has passed and I built

The guard towers however now that I have a finally guard in there they’re saying hey we need Travelers gear to protect ourselves Travelers gear requires cows and to make cows I have to use my uh summoning altar here with a bunch of stuff now luckily now I actually have

Wheat which was sort of my hang up before so okay so I’m gonna try to figure this out and then hopefully I’ll get some cows I had to reread the recipe not once not twice but three times to finally get it right and I got a couple cows this is

Great now I can fence them in and breed them and I should be good to start harvesting leather finally I used my knife on all of my surplus of hoglets and I got the hoglin chart that I so so desired this makes me invisible to hogmans and should extend my life

Expectancy here in the nether this traveler stuff is so so so expensive for first I have to make the leather gear which itself is not bad but this stuff that I have to add to it to to make it officially traveler’s gear is super super costly and cause Hoggle and stuff

And I don’t even have enough I have to reread my hoglands so while I’m waiting for More Cows to breed and more hoglands to breed I’m actually going to go in and check out my huts and I need to make sure I’m constantly on top of my workers

Giving them what they need they are constantly asking for more Netherrack or shears or a shovel or whatever and I’m over it so a new person appeared and I want to be able to recruit them so I got my hay and it says that there is no room

For them so I need more houses I guess I think is that what I need Steve tepig’s people and perhaps the universe’s only chance at Salvation from the Armada was in hiding they had retreated to a place deep underground in ancient city this city they found a portal and attempted to bring me through to their time I felt even at my massively reduced power I could deal

Easily enough with the zombie threat that they faced however as I began phasing through something unexpected happened the power I should have known was just too great in the void as powerful as I was there was something here or something there something I was tapping into it took over my body

Briefly but my body Being Human couldn’t contain it split off and it banished me it caught itself the oracle I am trying to get a carrot so I can have something else to eat and I swear I thought this would work oh yeah it does work it’s just my offhand totem that was getting in the way but either way I got a carrot now so now I have wheat and a

Carrot that’s awesome now the reason why I needed a carrot was to make this block and that’s a hospital block because apparently my people here that I’m officially in charge of I guess can get sick finally a few days later I was able to get enough leather and hogland drops

To actually outfit my other guard because I have two I have one on either side of the village the problem is unfortunately my guard Tower still isn’t built so I have to wait for my Builders to do that and in the meantime I decided to craft a university apparently the

Book says the university is the way to upgrade your entire Village up to like a tier 2 Village but unfortunately that’s going to involve summoning mobs and fighting them and I’m not sure I’m quite in the place to do that yet as I said before the learning curve on this is

Just crushing it is so difficult to learn this but now that I kind of have somewhat I would be more likely to maybe do this again depending on where life takes me in the future so maybe we’ll see they eat so much my hands tired from constantly feeding these gluttons

Instead I’ll create a staff a restaurant these poor fools are not chefs they have to be taught recipes they’re just have for crafting recipes another for furnished recipes oh boy a restaurant now oh man good thing I got carrots I guess yet again I got sidetracked by

Trying to fulfill all these requests but I learned that my clipboard is actually pretty handy I can fulfill it right from there if I have the stuff that they need on me I did build the restaurant but I gotta say I think I’m about done with

This chapter of the book If I were going to be here for a long long long time then maybe but I think I might have figured out a way out of here my storage has hit an all-time worst I need a storage room just to put my stuff

Away I don’t even care if automated or anything I just need a bunch of chests so I can put stuff in them even though I said I’m done adding my Colony I made one more Hut and that was a fishing hunt and look what it spawned

Water water in the nether is unheard of we are in Uncharted water right now right this is hard to believe but I can actually fish in water and get fish along with other junk and actually enchanted books and everything this is really really opening up some doors for

Me now if I scoop out a bucket of water that’s not going to work it won’t work in the nether but I could use bottles and if you use bottles and put them in my smeltery I think that I should be able to get a bucket out of it that way

And just like that it totally worked I now have a bucket of water a few more houses have been completed over the last couple days and we are getting close to well the End by taking one bucket of my lava and putting it near the fishing Hut

Pond I’m actually able to make a cobblestone generator before leaving this place and yeah I think I figure out how to leave this place when my last memory came back with me about the oracle I think that’s my exit card if I can summon the Oracle the

Next time I go into that void Realm I think I can get out of here but the thing is before I go I’m not sure if this is real or if the void is real or if either of them are real but if they are I need to put these people in a

Place where they can continue to flourish after I go I was able to make some andesite and some Granite which is the last things I need to be able to upgrade my town hall to a level two which I believe my villagers can use to upgrade their own houses in time with

That I took one last look around I was starting to feel exhaustion come over my body and that would lead me to the void and this would be the last time I knew I could talk to the Oracle and I knew I could make him send me where I need to

Go I took one last look around and I closed my eyes foreign Or not I’m in a different place no two places so confusing here I need to get out no wait not get out I need to wake up the Oracle he banished me here in my own mind Oracle Oracle I know you can see everything show yourself you remember now I do it was difficult You have to release me I need to go help Dr tepec’s people are they saved then I’m not sure when we were joined I could see everything every World why can you not see these people specifically So we have no idea if they’re saved you need to wake me up and Release Me from this place what happened I understand do it again Yeah what’s what’s it is it it’s wind am I am I falling oh no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Applause] before Oh oh wow that really hurt a lot hey uh mister are you okay foreign yes I seem to be surprisingly I need to see Steve tepic where is he yeah I think you better come with me Thank you

This video, titled ‘100 Days as a Banished Mage in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fixxitt 412 on 2022-10-07 14:00:08. It has garnered 23889 views and 1301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:28 or 2668 seconds.

This story continues here: Minecraft Survival Ep. 1 – Building an Ancient Mayan Kingdom https://youtu.be/7B2A-GknYHY

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as a Mage, but this time as a Banished Mage! Our hero, Edwin, in attempting to come through an Ancient City portal, encountered the Oracle, from Dominion SMP, who, in a moment of confusion, having recently gained physical form, sent him away. To where? Let’s find out in 100 Days as a Banished Mage in Hardcore Minecraft – another entry in to the expansive Fixxiverse!

FTB Inferno Modpack: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/99-ftb-inferno

The COMPLETE FIXXIVERSE PLAYLIST (in ideal watch order): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1yPAXOC3LaF2m0slgF5f_kECX2kFsdaD

The lore of the Fixxiverse continues and gets deeper and deeper following the events of I Survived 100 Days as a Dark Mage in Hardcore Minecraft and I Survived 100 Days in a Fallout Bunker in Hardcore Minecraft. Let’s go!

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBxP6BnecRWGBMrnzj4OTA/join

#Hardcore #100Days #Mage

2nd Channel for Variety Games! Fixxitt412 Off the Record https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuivXdFFr7bMDIjW1dcQoyQ

Fixxitt’s Discord: https://discord.gg/2pWYRt3

Fix’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fixxitt412

All music provided by epidemicsound.com

***Need a server?*** http://bisecthosting.com/fixxitt412


Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:47 Part 1 – Awake 3:55 Part 2 – Falling 6:25 Part 3 – Details 9:43 Part 4 – Rage 13:26 Part 5 – Peace 16:47 Part 6 – A New Path 20:33 Part 7 – An Exchange 23:30 Part 8 – Savior 27:29 Part 9 – Landing 31:09 Part 10 – Steve Tepic 35:18 Part 11 – The Oracle 39:59 Epilogue

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  • “Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure: New Realms Exploration!” #100days #survival1 #pokemon

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  • Arcana SMP

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  • MCSugars SMP 1.20.2+ No Whitelist Diamond Economy Land Claims Player Warps Chest Shops Java Bedrock

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  • 😈 Join Public Minecraft Smp Now! Shadow Gaming 🎮

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  • FIZAL traps Chushpan inside own mine in Minecraft 🔒

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  • Who is whispern1ght? Must watch for funny memes and humor!

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  • JJ Maizen & Mikey’s Island Adventure: TV Woman Trap?

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Princess Bingo’s Secure House vs Evil Bluey

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  • SECRET Minecraft Builds Revealed! 1.20

    SECRET Minecraft Builds Revealed! 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Lookaround – My current builds in the Online Multiplayer World (No Commentary) 1.20’, was uploaded by steffisplayingminecraft on 2024-03-20 10:52:22. It has garnered 36 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:13 or 853 seconds. A mini lookaround with no commentary of my current builds in the wonderful v8c.net Minecraft Multiplayer Online world. This is my first experience on an online multiplayer server and it has been amazing. The community on this server is amazing and friendly. I claimed some first land and received some amazing gifts from friends online…. Read More

  • WizardMC

    WizardMCWizardMC Features 3 Gamemode’s – SMP / Anarchy / Skyblock’s – Join Now! We are a community server, meaning that we take our members’ feedback to help improve the Server. We have Java & Bedrock Support, so our members can join on practically any platform. play.wizardmc.org Read More

  • Merchant Villages PVE Unlimited Land Land claim No Griefing Dynmap 1.20.4

    Merchant Villages Minecraft Server Address: mc.merchantvillages.com Merchant Villages is a friendly non-pvp server welcoming mature and well-behaved players. Established in January 2013, it offers a unique economy based on NPC villager trades created by Mojang. Features: Unlimited land with 100×100 plots Protected environment with no griefing Four home sets and more as you rank up Various in-game perks including fall damage off and minigames Family-friendly atmosphere with strict but fair rules Come join us for a full, friendly gaming experience at Merchant Villages! Connect with us: Join our Discord server Read More

  • Extremeshots

    hiökjhnjshdrfb 76v5t8 r67wertfge rvt657v5c347b rukyhysdfgyysudft ys hdhsdgf bfsdfsuhsdfb ydsg fhnds Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Checkmate, Steve!

    Looks like this meme just leveled up to meme grandmaster status! Read More

  • Alex vs. Minecraft 1.21: Battle Royale!

    Alex vs. Minecraft 1.21: Battle Royale! In Minecraft’s world, Alex takes the stage, Facing all weapons, in a fierce rage. With Numb playing in the background, setting the tone, Editing skills on point, making the video known. Capcut and Alight Motion, the tools of the trade, Creating content that won’t fade. With fonts like Komika Axis and Bangers in play, Crafting visuals that will sway. Social media links, for followers to find, Instagram and Twitter, keeping them in mind. Apologies given, for any mistakes made, But the effort put in, cannot be swayed. Hashtags galore, to reach a wider crowd, Engaging with viewers, making them… Read More

  • “Blazing Nether Portals in Minecraft: The Ultimate Chaos!” #shorts #meme #memes

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  • Defeating the Final Boss in Twilight Forest!

    Defeating the Final Boss in Twilight Forest! Minecraft: Defeating the Final Boss of Twilight Forest In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and adventures that test their skills and creativity. One such challenge is defeating the final boss of the Twilight Forest, a mysterious and dangerous realm filled with unique creatures and obstacles. A Thrilling Adventure As players venture into the Twilight Forest, they are greeted with a dark and enchanting landscape unlike any other in the game. The eerie atmosphere sets the stage for an epic battle against the final boss, a formidable foe that will put their abilities to the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Players of All Ages Thrive!

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Players of All Ages Thrive! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. But first, let’s take a look at this hilarious video titled “Minecraft: Little Kids Don’t Have Waists! [Block Pavilion]”. In this video, we see the fun and entertaining world of Minecraft through the eyes of Block Pavilion. With their unique animations and humorous content, they bring joy and laughter to all who watch. Just like Block Pavilion, Minewind Minecraft Server is dedicated to providing a fun and safe environment for… Read More

  • The Secret Side of Jeb Green | Minecraft Uncovered

    The Secret Side of Jeb Green | Minecraft Uncovered The Untold Secrets of Jeb’s Green Book | Minecraft Discoveries Have you ever heard of Jeb’s Green Book? Originally written exclusively for developers, this mysterious book is now available to the public, revealing hidden secrets and insights about Minecraft. In the latest video of Minecraft Discoveries, viewers are taken on a journey to uncover the enigmatic contents of Jeb’s Green Book. Unveiling Jeb’s Green Book At the heart of this exploration is Jeb’s Green Book, a treasure trove of information that was once shrouded in secrecy. Now, players can download the book for themselves and delve into its pages… Read More

  • Insane! GlitchKid Takes Over Village in Hardcore Minecraft Live Ending

    Insane! GlitchKid Takes Over Village in Hardcore Minecraft Live EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘[SHORTS LIVE ENDED] HARDCORE MINECRAFT N’ MUSIC | CONQUERING A VILLAGE | SHORTS’, was uploaded by GlitchKid on 2024-05-05 17:44:42. It has garnered 813 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:40 or 8680 seconds. Come watch me try and find a village worthy of being taken over! ————————————————————————————————– JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7DHrHZhe6h ————————————————————————————————– HELP SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: DONATE: https://streamlabs.com/glitch_kid/tip MERCH: https://streamlabs.com/glitch_kid/merch ————————————————————————————————– #gaming #minecraft #live #shorts ————————————————————————————————– Read More

  • Master Minecrafters: Easy Bridge-Making Tutorial!

    Master Minecrafters: Easy Bridge-Making Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘COMO FAZER PONTE NO MINECRAFT FÁCIL! (ponte ninja)’, was uploaded by Greakuyu on 2024-03-25 23:20:45. It has garnered 36 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. join my discord server┊https://discord.gg/B3HeSn2gDJ fov┊78 / dynamic off dpi┊400 sens┊110 ip: nenhum #pvp #minecraft #shorts #combos ignore tags;Jerseys, Kevstah, staytoasty, Staind, Tinuy 360’s combotage, aim assist, sm00th aim, d0wze, best aim, lunar client, lunar client bypass, lunar client auto clicker gapplee, How2, tye3315, GANGMEMBERHOW2, Zuiy, Br0, Yungmetre, rmbr, Intel_i7, IntelEdits, jooonah, Quartar, luzis, LeoMaster60MC, iHackLite, RubenMX, zKevsh, Fanaticial, ignFanaticial, ᴀᴋᴜ, ɴᴄʟ, Zefew,… Read More

  • Insane PvP Montage with Crazy Combos -__C0mp__HT5__

    Insane PvP Montage with Crazy Combos -__C0mp__HT5__Video Information This video, titled ‘HT5 cpvp’, was uploaded by _C0mp on 2024-03-09 12:14:35. It has garnered 106 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. crystal pvp, minecraft, marlow, drdonut, crystal pvp montage, minecraft crystal pvp, cpvp, minecraft pvp, pvp, smp, clownpierce, rasplin, itzrealme, crystal pvp guide, marlowww, donutsmp, cpvp montage, lurrn, vanilla pvp, tier 1, golfeh, marlow crystal pvp, crystal pvp texture pack, minecraft smp, lifesteal smp, end crystal, crystal, crystal pvp tutorial, donut smp, rasplin crystal pvp, marlow pvp, respawn anchor, 1.19.4, how to crystal pvp, pigsruss, vanilla crystal pvp, hardcore,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft New Year Build Cheat 😱 #viral

    INSANE Minecraft New Year Build Cheat 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Year Build Hack in Minecraft survival #shorts #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alex Gaming 77 on 2024-01-02 09:21:46. It has garnered 177 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #MinecraftNewYear, #SurvivalBuilds, #GamingHacks, #RedstoneCreations, #FestiveArchitecture, #CountdownClocks, #FireworkDisplays, #MinecraftInspiration, #CreativeGaming, #GamerCommunity, #MinecraftBuilders, #NewYearInMinecraft, #GamingCreativity, #MinecraftTips, #HappyNewYear, #NewYear2024, #YouTubeGaming, #MinecraftTutorial, #GamerLife, #GamingCommunity, #BuildingTips, #MinecraftCreators, #VirtualCelebration, #ImmersiveGaming, #MinecraftTutorial, #CreativeGamer, #GamingTips#MinecraftNewYear #SurvivalBuilds #GamingHacks #RedstoneCreations #FestiveArchitecture #CountdownClocks #FireworkDisplays #MinecraftInspiration #CreativeGaming #GamerCommunity #MinecraftBuilders #NewYearInMinecraft #GamingCreativity #MinecraftTips #HappyNewYear #NewYear2024 #YouTubeGaming #MinecraftTutorial #GamerLife #GamingCommunity #BuildingTips #MinecraftCreators #VirtualCelebration #ImmersiveGaming #MinecraftTutorial #CreativeGamer #GamingTips””Welcome to an incredible New… Read More

100 Days as a Banished Mage in Hardcore Minecraft