100 Days Building HUGE Minecraft Civilization (Insane Results!)

Video Information

This video is sponsored by Southern New Hampshire University ah civilization a word used to describe the complex nature of our settlements many games strive to simulate civilization in eras new and bygone but today I’m going to tell you the story of a civilization in Minecraft it is a tale of progression hardship and

A whole lot of learning and it begins plain and simple with a single Adventure their compass and their Axel plushy so sit back and let us begin the story of 100 days of building a civiliz Iz ation in Minecraft starting off day one I spawned in a barley field I was already enjoying

My surroundings but as I broke some barley for the seeds in the process I cleared the view to spot a structure in the distance I immediately ran to it to see if there was a village of some sorts but it was just a house being the play

Person I am I did check for some occupants but it was completely empty whoever lived here before was long gone but left me some decent stuff that wasn’t all though as there was another structure nearby that seemed like some sort of Camp I explored it a bit but

Honestly there wasn’t much after being rudely attacked by a boar on a stool I discovered that this was going to be the location of a colony but whoever tried to settle here was clearly gone I could see why though the land was flat there was a good body of water nearby and

Mountains full of stone resources I decided that I would continue the job and then I would build my civilization here I tried to place the supply ship and uh failed miserably got attacked to buy an eel and I decided to spend the night in the abandoned house and try

Again in the morning when there was light and no monsters and apparently no eels on day two I cleared a large area of land to try placing the supply Camp the primary mod I’m using in this mod pack is M colonies the closest thing I could get to a city building simulator

Within Minecraft except until this video I had never used it I barely read the wiki so you’re going to see a lot of learning including how building placement even works eventually I got the supply Camp placed and went up to explore where resources it had it was

Mostly just basic tools some Stone and some wood but it also had the town hall block and my trusty structure wand to even start my civilization I needed to place the building plans for the town hall I was super nervous because traditionally Town Halls are like the center of a settlement they are

Important in most old and modern civilizations having a public place for local government has become an established practice a great example of this is the Roman Basilica a large public building often established next to an out door form or Marketplace it was used for business and legal matters and in some circumstances recordkeeping

In my colonies this is no different concerning the town hall block is literally a book this book keeps records on the health and happiness of all your citizens along with statistics on labor and projects I spent a long time deciding where to place my town hall but

As the sun set on day two I had officially created my settlement people were already arriving so I ran to my house to sleep before the monster spawned and well you know but before we continue the story I would like to give a quick shout out to this video sponsor

Southern New Hampshire university snhu offers a wide variety of Online Career focused programs but considering this video and this entire channel would not exist without video games it only felt fitting to talk about snhu’s online gain development program snhu’s online gain development program gives you the experience and knowledge to create your

Own games and they help you turn it into an actual career you can learn how to bring your characters and environment to life with education on 2D and 3D modeling texturing and game physics or if you’re more interested in learning programming you can learn three major computer programming languages C++ C and

Java the foundation of many games these courses are all taught by faculty with real work experiences so you’ll have opportunities to connect with people in the industry and on top of all of that snhu is accredited nonprofit and they have radically affordable tuition I am a firm believer in pursuing interest and

Skills at any age and snhu shares this sentiment so whether you’re just barely starting your journey with higher education or you’re looking to change your career path snhu has got you covered for more information about snhu and the programs they offer you can check out the link below or you can use

The QR code on screen and once again thank you so much Southern New Hampshire University for sponsoring today’s video and now back to 100 days of building a civilization in Minecraft when I woke up on day three it was time to get to work see the thing

About M colonies is as the mayor mayor leader I don’t know as the first settler you don’t build your little towns folk do but in order to get that started I had to create a builder’s Hut first thing to do is to place the plans assign

A builder and then they give you a list of resources to fetch my buddy Jensen the lovely Builder wanted a bunch of tools and supplies and I tried my hardest to get as many as I could but on day four I was still collecting everything I needed for the Builder’s

Hut I won’t lie I was feeling a bit antsy I wanted to get a move on with the building but I would learn over the course of this video civilizations do not pop up overnight I went mining for some cobstone and found the scariest silverfish I think I’ve ever seen in my

Life and even by the end of day four I hadn’t completed Jensen’s requests so on day five I continued my resource collecting and completed the supplies needed for the Builder’s Hut now Jensen just needed to actually build it in the meantime I kept mining because I wanted to grow the colony’s overall

Supplies and search for better materials to make tools I found some iron and gold and when I came back up I noticed we already had like four citizens hanging out which I thought was really cool speaking of the number five by the way this video is clearly about building a

Civilization you probably get that now but what exactly is a civilization to measure my progress and Define what a civilization is for me I’m going to be using the five key traits of civilization if you’ve been through like n9th grade social studies you might be rolling your eyes right now and I’m

Sorry the five key traits of civilization are some loose factors normally discuss when studying ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia but basically the traits are advanced cities specialized workers complex institutions recordkeeping and improved technology if you’re sitting here and you’re thinking wow that’s fague correct but as we go through the video I’ll be

Explaining how different progressions I make pertain to these traits and you might already be picking up on a few yourself recordkeeping anyways when I woke up on day six Jensen had kicked the bucket I had no clue how I assume it was a mob so now I was super paranoid about

Not sleeping at night as L as it was morning dear jenssen wouldn’t get our Builder’s Hut completed so I assigned the task to Nora and she completed the Builder’s Hut that day yippee our first structure only about a weekend now of course she could build the town hall and

That’s exactly what I set her out to do on day seven I gathered supplies for the town hall and quickly realized that at least for the first stages of my civilization I was going to be doing a lot of fet Quest you see personally I fit the Builder archetype myself and I

Usually have someone else fetching the materials for me while I construct pretty houses but you know it’s always good to try out new things I continued mining for materials and in the process I came across this very scary dungeon just briming with skull so after disarming the spawner I immediately got

Rid of those screechers and was like okay I’ve had enough mining for the day and I went back upstairs and slept on day eight I completed collecting supplies for the town hall and Nora got started on constructing the centerpiece of our little town except Town wasn’t

Exactly the word for it since we were like three buildings and there was no housing now I don’t know about you but personally I think everyone deserves a roof over their head so I sought to solve that problem in my Colony buildings have different upgrades and levels that add a great sense of

Progression to your town unfortunately though level one of the residence building only houses one person so the ideal residence to build first is actually a Tavern IT Supplies housing for four people but at the cost of otherwise being pretty useless even when upgraded Day N was rather uneventful as

I spent most of the day collecting supplies for the tavern and making myself some food while living in an open area has the benefit of not needing terraforming it doesn’t have much in terms of trees so on day 10 I wandered out to get some oak wood from the

Orchard biome nearby and I found this really cool almost spooky structure it had a lot of crops which was great for me but it also had this really sad looking zombie hor I felt awful I couldn’t cure him right then and there to be honest when I got home though my

Mood was instantly improved as the town hall was completed until the tavern was done the villagers now had a place to spend the night away from the mobs now on day 11 I began the same process of collecting materials for the tavern and I won’t lie I was only on building three

And fetching supplies was becoming my entire life but with only four people and no facilities the town was in no place to start specializing our resour resource collecting so I needed to think of more efficient ways to harvest and craft resources and fast the first thing

I noticed that was in a lot of the higher tier buildings they had this Frame paper block and I thought it would be smart to get a jump start on the sugarcane and paper production I ended up setting up a little sugar cane with some botney pots just outside of my

House looking back I think day 11 stiff every day for this decision and here folks is a prime example of advancing technology The Next Step was going to be setting up food so on day 12 I decided the next building would be a fisherman’s Hut this just made so much sense since

This town was situated next to a large river and order to get the string for the rod I went back to the spooky house in the Orchard and harvested some of the webs by the time I had crafted and placed the plans for the fisherman’s Hut The Tavern was completed which meant the

Villagers now had a solid place to stay to grow my town further though I was going to need to focus on bigger and better housing day 13 I gathered supplies for the fisherman’s Hut and decided to go back down to the mines I was grabbing anything I could find find

Even though I mostly wanted iron but I did find my first diamond so that’s a plus I forgot to mention this before but in order to grow the population of your town you need to have available places to sleep and then you can recruit Travelers that stop by your Tavern Nora

Was still working on the fisherman’s Hut on day 14 so I decided to use the extra time to look for some emeralds since that seemed to be the currency I needed to recruit people I got to say modded Minecraft Caves are just gorgeous absolutely stunning I didn’t find

Emeralds but when I came back I noticed this one guy was willing to be for quarts so perhaps it was time to head to the nether soon I also decided with how slow the building was progressing that maybe we should have multiple builders’s Huts So I placed the plan for another

One near my home on day 15 I gathered supplies for the second Builder’s Hut the fisherman’s Hut was completed and immediately some was hired ASA asked for a fishing rod to do his job and I very happily complied with one Builder’s Hut in the works I decided to upgrade my

First one every time a building is upgraded it normally comes with more perks for the workers and in this case it makes the builders more efficient overall with faster block placing and faster block breaking considering how slow everything was progressing at this point that was all that I wanted on day

16 I decided to explore a little bit and see what trees I could find within the area now this biome more biomes I was in was very pretty and it had all kinds of wood even this very vibrant Cherry however the wood I needed the most Spruce Wood was few and far between

Luckily I saved a few saplings so once I got home from my little Adventure I planted them and went mining for the night I came up later on day 17 and spent the remaining time crafting more supplies for both of the Builder Huts I was super glad that I started farming

Sugar cane because it wasn’t long before I was crafting these framed paper blocks now that the villagers had a place to sleep I started to feel better about working at night as well I cleared some land and space for what I hoped would be the forester’s Hut so that I could get

Some assistance harvesting wood day 18 consisted of fencing in some sheep and harvesting supplies for the upgraded Huts however as I was delivering some supplies I noticed I was going to need acacia wood W and jungle wood which I did not have so it was time to do a bit

More exploring I left that same day and found a village just as the sun was setting also off the coast of this little village I saw some ocean Monument ruins in the distance so I marked it on my map when I woke up on day 19 I kept

Traveling the countryside in search for cascia wood and jungle wood even though I didn’t find what I was looking for I was just in awe at how beautiful the landscape was once again I found a village and decided to hang out there until it was time for bed by day 20 it

Was no secret my search wasn’t going great every day I spent away from the settlement was another day I felt like I was losing progress but I had to find this wood to progress I immediately came across another Village which wasn’t very helpful by now I had secured myself a

Horse and we traveled a really long distance this did not last super long though because as my horse and I traveled through the mountains wild bores came out of nowhere and mauled me so I had to abandoned ship and run like my life depended on it now look I wasn’t

Playing in hardcore but the idea of dying all the way out here and coming back to get my stuff was enough of a headache injured and searching for Refuge I found an ancient ruin to shelter in for the night on day 21 I called off the search at least until I

Got home you see I had nearly 200 mods in this mod list I compiled and realized that most likely I had one that could help me navigate where certain biomes were insert Nature’s Compass a pretty easy craft actually and as quick as I got home was as quick as I left I

Managed to secure acacia wood first on day 22 and I found a really weird structure as well in the biome when I used my compass to search for a new biome that contained jungle wood there was actually one super close by on the way I found lots of goodies including

Bamboo I made sure to grab these of course because I wanted to make scaffolding at some point the jungle wood I found was super high up so I did have to build up pretty far to get to it but man was it worth it because the view

Was great with my newfound wood types I headed home to spend the next day crafting supplies for the upgrades planty trees and not sorting my chest yeah that definitely won’t come to bite me in the butt later I decided my next next project was going to be a warehouse

Since they unlock couriers which help deliver supplies to and from villagers my colonies has a bunch of building packs and I decided to go with the building pack calonia aside from just liking the style calonia is another name for Scotland and hey man Scotland Forever on day 24 I

Died okay wait there’s a little bit more to it than that on day 24 a creeper turned me into pink Mist while I was trying to clear some land it’s fine I just built a quor Hut over my grave no issue honestly I just accepted the fact

That I was going to be dying a lot during this video and probably in very idiotic ways as I tend to however civilization moves forward and so do I although I imagine that every time I die there was like a copy of me that wakes

Up in a tube and then it’s dropped back into the world no maybe that’s too weird I don’t know anyways that evening I went back to the mines uh to try and get some more resources but mostly obsidian I was itching to get some enchantments on my

Pickaxe and with all the exploring I had done I had enough bookshelves down to make an enchanting table I crafted the table went outside to place it and the creeper is trying to get me again dude this is also the moment I realized within the borders of the mine Colony uh

Mop griefing is off which is just chef’s kiss I continued on with setting up the enchanting table and building the frame of another portal by the time I was done the sun had risen and day25 had began I learned it very quickly that apparently you cannot use crying obsidian another

Portal so uh my bad I decided to check in on the villagers at this point too and I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but they speak uh I could help you with that and it’s actually kind of terrif fing I still needed some supplies

For building upgrades so I went to the mountains in mind for some diorite which is a block used by almost every single building in this pack usually diorite is pretty common in Minecraft but something interesting that the terrain generation mod did was isolated to these mountains with all these different kinds of

Layered Rock in the real world diorr does exist and it’s classified as an intrusive ous rock typically found at the base of mountains with its extrusive counterpart and a site I decided to do some research into the use of diorite in construction over the years and interestingly enough it wasn’t used for

Buildings as often as you think it was you see the thing is this is a very Solid Rock a very tough Stone and so it wasn’t the most convenient or the fastest material to cut and usually it was used for paved Cobblestone roads instead but this is Minecraft so I’ll

Use it for whatever I want since the sun was setting I finally decided to go visit the nether I had terrible luck with nether portal spawns in the past but this one was not bad at all and I think it was this modded terrain at some

Point in my adventuring I had found what I deemed silly fire boots and they made this NE experience so much easier because they let me walk on lava I was so enamored with the Nether and so focused on Gathering supplies that I accidentally spent the entirety of Day

26 there but I got loads of levels and netherite scrap so I think it was worth it I did see a Bastion but I was very underere equipped and so I just marked it on my map and did not go in on day 27 I made myself a lovely netherite pick

And used all of my levels to enchant it the best I could reys the Builder had finally completed the upgrade and was working on building the warehouse now things were going pretty slow I won’t lie but I tried to keep my moral up and focused on fulfilling requests for

Materials of course to add insult to injury the next day it rain the entire day and this is when I learned that no one works on rainy days which is fair but on top of how slow everything was going I just felt like there was no

Progress being made so I did what any normal person would do and I jumpstarted the Industrial Revolution you what and here enters the create mod I wish I could say I was very well versed in the create mod but I am not I am however constantly fascinated with the things

People make and I’m willing to give it a go if you haven’t heard of the create mod congratulations I just introduce you to the coolest thing ever it’s basically a steam and motion based Tech mod I built a relatively small and simple tree farm with it completely hydr powerered

Ooh of course while crafting all the supplies I needed for this I realized I was running very low on iron so on day 29 I went mining while I was mining I got jump scared by this really cute Goblin Trader who actually offered me some amazing deals like I don’t know how

This guy stays in business I came up from the mines on day 30 with about half the supplies I was hoping to get but it was enough to get some of the building requests sorted out at this point I was also getting a bit frustrated with my

Chests because they were just not sorted out and I was trying to run a civilization here all right the next day it rained which means no one was going to work I decided to spend my day nether Mining and this was a very bad idea as I

Learned that while I can walk on lava I am not immune to fire so um rip sniff maybe once or twice anyways FTB vein Miner is very fun but it runs at a very high saturation cost so I was just beating up Netherrack with my fist eating a four course meal and repeating

The cycle for the entire day when I came back on day 32 it was already halfway through the day so I spent it fulfilling a request from one of the villagers and deciding my next build was going to be a proper residence as I was crafting the

Materials for it that the next day though a bunch of pillagers just showed up at my house they were so angry and for what dude I took them out with a bow and arrow and carried on my day the warehouse had finally been completed luckily and I threw some supplies into

The general inventory when it got dark I went back to the nether to keep mining which is a routine I continued for a pretty decent amount of time by day 35 our tiny settlement was actually starting to look like a town with enough buildings it felt like it was

Appropriate to start building a road my Colony does have roads you can ask your citizens to construct but for me they were very linear and also I wanted to do some building it also gave me the opportunity to use deep slate since I had so much of it I dug out the ground

And used a combination of deep slate tiles bricks and this one block from maa’s pathing when the night set I decided it was time to head back to the nether to mine except I didn’t want to mine I actually wanted to explore the Bastion now at this point I had a bow

And arrow which I was much more comfortable with than a sword I spent the entirety of Daye 36 clearing out the Bastion and looting every chest I could by the time I came back from the nether it was already night time and I decided to sleep until the next day because the

Builders really only work when the chunks are loaded it was in my best interest to stay nearby during the daytime working on the path for day 37 was the best way to do this the Lev one residence building finished construction and I was starting to get a sense of how

I wanted to lay out the town on day 38 I spent some time constructing a prototype Street lamp for my city I think the design was super cute but it definitely added to my long list of things that were going to require iron once I finally settled on an idea I continued

The Deep slate path trying to bridge a connection between my home the second Builder’s Hut and the rest of the Town meanwhile I kept feeding resources to the builders so that they could upgrade or construct new buildings at the moment the goal was creating a warehouse and

Getting the residents to level two later that night after the villagers went to sleep I did a bit of let’s just call it City Planning I wanted to just Mark out where I was going to construct future buildings so I could continue the path now I’m no city planner in real life but

I’m not a super big fan of the grid system which is just difficult to avoid because this is Minecraft after all I wanted my buildings to look a little bit more organically placed with streets that aren’t just straight lines hence why not every building is perfectly

Aligned the next day I made should place a university and a potential restaurant for the town as I had come to learn M colonies just like real civilization has many factors in its progression and that includes information to access a lot of the buildings and Specialties you need

To research into them in the University as I was hopping around in the rain during my City Planning though Nora Nora died and then immediately after one of the villagers popped out a baby look it was a weird and long day oh and I might have forgot to mention this but I did

Name the settlement sniff Topia I’m not the best at Nam of things okay perhaps I will come up with a better name later Topia in Greek is just the root word for place so now it’s basically just sniffs place last to clear my mind of the absolute horse of the day I went

Mining hey wow it’s day 40 so no one wanted to work today because they were all morning Nora which is you know fair but I didn’t take the day off cuz I didn’t know Nora like that and I just kept building the path instead also I assigned a worker to upgrade the tavern

Because I thought it might create more spaces for residents but as I mentioned before this did nothing but it changed aesthetically I worked well into the night and I was really dedicated to my path building but then Phantoms came out okay so I love Phantoms but like as a

Concept and as an insomniac both in game and real life and not so much it’s kind of rude actually so I was fighting these guys I got rather annoyed and then I got blown up issue sniff clone number six maybe five I don’t know funny thing is

After dying I didn’t even go back to bed I just kept working on the path now if you asked me what I did on day 41 I could not tell you my notes said uh check footage and I did and it was me running around with a baked potato for

Like 10 minutes so um riveting on day 42 I reached my limit and the chest disorganization was getting to me so I did as I always do and I started to work on a basement for storage for the next two days I balanced building this Stone storage area and crafting supplies for

My lovely Builders pretty much all of my mining supplies at this point were going into making diamond and gold chest because they are the most most efficient storage you can get also organizing all of this took a while so here’s my question of the video for you commentar

Are you an organized storage person or a chaotic chess person or are you in between I would say what I am but I think it’s pretty obvious anyways now it was day 45 and I was getting hungry AKA I need to get started on some agricultural Pursuits with M colonies I

Could build farms and have Farmers take care of it but in order to achieve maximum growth I was taking tasks like that into my own hands and letting my villagers do things like I don’t know get college degree the first step to any successful agricultural Endeavor is good

Soil and I am in love with the Farmer’s Delight mod I would marry the Farmer’s Delight mod because it adds compost and rich soil which is a soil that’s costly to make but makes farming so much more effective except I was missing one important ingredient of this and that

Was straw which I had to get from Rice I went to a nearby Village found some in a chest returned by night and had three little rice docks growing since those had to grow a bit I had to put a pause of my agricultural Pursuits and go back

To public works so I spent day 46 literally just crafting and building my Lantern designs all around town I did this for a little while on day 47 as well before I ran out of iron for my lanterns and so I took another trip to the mines the constant need for iron was

Bugging me a bit and I was already contemplating future Solutions on day 48 The Tavern was complete yay and now we could build the restaurant which apparently feeds the villagers wait oh my God how the hell they not died of starvation yet okay so funny story uh 48

Days into this project 4 * 12 6 * 8 yeah that’s solid amount did I discover that I was supposed to be feeding my villagers look I thought the fishermen took care of that and that they I don’t know B that’s not the only thing I discovered because I finally learned

That the highlighted stats you see on the hiring page are the skills that affect the proficiency of that certain job I told you this was going to be a lot of learning and to top off this wonderful day of discoveries I also learned that my boots the ones that let

Me walk on lava Without fire damage yeah they only work temporarily okay so day 49 a new day day a perfect time to start over and I have actually just haded sh new oh my God Reese died so Rees I had assigned Reese to the forester’s job and I guess he

Went to chop down one of the trees near the saw and the saw got him I tried to replace him but that didn’t work so I mourned Reese as I’ve mourned all of my comrades so far with a mining trip where I also met a little Goblin anyways as I

Was saying I came up with a little plan I was going to build an iron farm along with a beacon I figured Hast or speed might be helpful for them doing their various jobs and if I had an iron farm then I figur it would be no issue so

It’s time to get creative yes we’re using the create mod and the true Power of industrialism Now yes I could have made a traditional Minecraft iron farm but I don’t know I just really wanted to play around with this mod and cre has a fairly simple way to make iron out of

Literally nothing you take Cobblestone grind it up in a gravel wash the gravel to reveal flint and iron nuggets gather the iron nuggets craft them together and Wham iron made from thin air now for my little machine I followed this tutorial that I’ll be linking below seriously go

Give this guy a like or something something uh cuz I had no clue what I was doing of course to make this wonderful machine we’re going to need a laundry list of materials days 51 to 52 consisted of me trying to make this rotational control thingy I actually

Kept going into a little super flat world to make sure I was setting this up correctly because I had no clue what I was doing however in my survival world when I did figure it out oh man so basically to make these little rotational controller thingies I had

Just swapped them through these assembly lines about five times I did figure it out and even though it was a small victory I was super excited on day 53 I was feeling pretty confident about the work I was doing with create and I continued to craft ingredients for my

Iron farm farm assembly I don’t know what it classifies as to be honest I also checked in on all the villagers and fulfilled requests where I could and then what if the villagers told me they had influenza actually it wasn’t just one of them it was all of them plague

Had hit copia and we did not have a hospital but it’s okay actually um apparently a potato and a carrot will cure fluences so like don’t worry guys this is not accurate on day 54 I finished crafting the necessary supplies for my iron farm I went to go check on

The villagers to see how they were healing and unfortunately one of the children still carried the illness and was spreading it to the other villagers despite being cured you think there’d be some kind of immunity period but no I ended up giving this kid just a bunch of

Potatoes and carrots and praying that he wasn’t secretly carrying the Bubonic plague or something in the meanwhile building a hospital was going to become a huge priority with that handled for the most part I spent 55 to 56 building my iron farm in a cleared area by my

House it looked super awkward just sitting out there though in the open so I decided I was going to build a little Warehouse of some kind to encapsulate it to start this the night of day 56 I gathered a bunch of clay from the lake

Bed and began making as many bricks as I could while those were cooking I spent day 55 working on the pass and monitoring the villagers building at this point the influenza seemed to be pretty much gone so we were in the clear there but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t

Come back luckily the researchers made some advancements and I on unlocked the ability to build a hospital with my armarm complete the hospital and the works I can now continue with my plan to build a beacon and the next step would be to kill the Wither of course I

Couldn’t get ahead of myself I needed a good sword after all to keep maximum productivity I spent day 58 working on the pathing around my house making sure that I stayed around the village while everyone worked then as the sun set and they went to bed I went to the nether to

Mine quarts to get the remaining levels necessary to enchant my sword with all the levels I needed on the morning of day 59 I Enchanted my sword at this point the residents had completed another level and I was getting to the point where I needed to plan out some

New buildings all the time that I had been playing I had a lot of villagers tell me that they would prefer a guard Tower nearby so that they could feel more safe at work or at home and for the most part I ignored it because I didn’t

Have an abundance of resources to build it and I could defend on my own just fine but now that the town was getting larger it just made sense so I created the plans for a guard Tower and set to upgrading some of the Builder Huts then

As the sun set I once again went to the nether I had marked started off what I thought was another Fortress during my Early Adventures so I wandered there and then walked around the Fortress just killing wither skeletons I’m not sure what mod upgraded this Fortress but the

Layout was so much larger and there were so many chests I barely had enough room to keep all the things I was Finding I continued to wander around on day 60 repeating the same routine of walking around and beating up any bad guys I saw I actually found this really cool create

M door and tore it apart because I mean hey free real estate and this stuff is hard to craft okay a little while after I got my third wither skeleton head and I was off to go fight the Wither I wish I could say this one perfectly with no

Disruptions but it did not either way I killed the guy and he dropped this heart container for me which gave me an extra heart which I think is cool I was becoming quite the beefy lad at this point with my new nether start I constructed the beacon and used what ir

And I had produced so far and then I started on the warehouse since this is industrial I wanted a lot of stone and brick honestly I was just super excited to be building something since I wasn’t super involved in the building of the town I started with Blackstone but then

Quickly switched to tuft because I had more of it and and I like the warmer colors too I pretty much spent all of day 61 to 62 building the foundation then I started to add the bricks I had been cooking I did end up using Blackstone but instead of using it for

The base I used them to create the windows the afternoon of day 63 I went to check in on my Builders again and I noticed that in order to upgrade the residence I was going to need prismarine actually in order to get any building to level four you needed prismarine I

Assumed this was another way of creating progression within mine colonies as it forces the player to seek out an ocean Monument luckily for me I remember seeing one that very evening I set out to the mark location and sure enough those little ruins I saw so many days

Ago were in fact a massive ocean Monument luckily I had the scuba gear from artifacts which made this significantly easier but with the grand size of the ocean Monument came a lot more Guardians I mean like a lot like I would just Hammer at these guys for 5

Minutes and then a whole bunch of them would appear I was kind of getting sick of it so I decided what if I just scooped the prismarine and left and sure enough that’s what I did even with the intense mining fatigue with the prism in hand I could finally upgrade so many of

Of the buildings and I could finally return to working on my warehouse I spent the next 4 days working on the warehouse maybe more I don’t know I mean I do but while I’m building this silly little Warehouse you may be wondering stiff you’re on day 60 something and we

Aren’t even halfway through the video I commend your Keen observations somewhere along at this point while I was building my warehouse it occurred to me that maybe building an entire civilization in 100 days is not as possible as I thought you see the progression of civilization

Isn’t Linear by any means and my lack of knowledge on the mods hindered my initial progress but in a way I wanted that I mean when we think back to how our civilizations were formed there were no ancient Mesopotamian guys pulling out a Wiki as cool as that would be so this

Is where I break the news that this is a bit longer than 100 days I hope that’s okay people always ask me for 200 days anyways on day 69 I continued the warehouse but took some time to check in on my Builders while I baked some Bricks

By now the builder hut had been upgraded to level four and their building proficiency was pretty good the next step was just to do some more research to gain some more perks from my villagers along with that I placed the plans for a sawmill at this point I was

Starting to get an idea of like the districts or defined areas of the settlement I wanted to keep most of our Mining foresting and production in one area and then the residents and restaurants in another after that I went back to the warehouse and started on a

Fancy floor pattern the next day I continued to work on the warehouse I decided that I was going to build a small place for myself within the roof as much as I like the house I was staying at I wanted a more custom space with a lot of natural light I then moved

The steam engine that powered my IR Farm the syndrome was also from a tutorial that I’ll leave linked below I modified it a bit in some places to fit the aesthetic I was going for but it’s great for beginners also going back to the little apartment I was building cre

Recently added elevator so I definitely wanted to try making one in this Warehouse as I was finishing at moving things around on day 71 I realized my floor pattern was messed up and completely forgetting I had vein Miner enchantment on my pck I destroyed it several times and basically had to redo

The entire thing which took a whole day then I spent the entire night moving my iron farm over just a smidge on Day 72 it was elevator time I decided to look up when elevators were invented because my brain just kind of lumped it into the Industrial Revolution by nature but

They’ve been in use for a while actually a century before the Industrial Revolution even started King Louis the 15 had a human powered elevator built in his apartment in Versailles that connected his apartment to the one above which belonged to his mistress which is just a fact that first of all French

People and second of all the things we do to keep people closer to our hearts or other places anyways I’m making a steam powered elevator which was patented in 1861 by Elisha Otis so technologically if anyone’s wondering where siptopia is right now it’s about mid 19th century and then siptopia got

Raided yeah so this is a mechanic that’s a part of M colonies Your settlement occasionally gets red by barbarians I want to take a second to talk about this as somebody who’s really interested in history especially around BC and early ad Europe in the area surrounding the Mediterranean yes I am partially

Referring to the Roman Empire and yes I think about it at least once a week the the word barbarian was first used by the Greeks and it started out by basically meaning anyone that didn’t speak Greek or Latin and in some cases people who spoke it but spoke it poorly which I’m

Just saying if we still use that in today’s terms there would be a lot of Barbarians including me because honestly four years of Latin did nothing unfortunately though this word did evolve into more negative connotations especially as the Roman Empire expanded the word was frequently used to describe

Early Germanic tribes and Kelts for the Romans the meaning extended Beyond Foreigner and was more about being uncivilized or rude the main reason I wanted to bring this up is because these words have so much more meaning history and context and how they’re being presented in the game immediately

Associating foreign with un civilized is not a good thing most of the groups the word barbarian was used against had their own form of civilization culture and beautiful language there were a lot of motives behind the conflicts between these two groups and their characterization things that aren’t

Being told in a group of block men coming to destroy my block town so for the rest of the video I’m just going to call them Raiders and remember that just because somebody is different doesn’t make them bad moving on day 73 I completed setting up my steam powered

Elevator and actually I’ve just decided that it’s now 1860 in copia and I just patented the elevator so I’m sorry Elisha Otis this is now the sniff elevator company also I modified to move a little bit faster because it was bothering me so much now that I had the

Warehouse complete I just need to make myself a home my friend recommended me a very cute mod called the Clutter mod which has a bunch of furniture and decorations I planned it out first in a creative world so that I knew what supplies I needed and then I spent day

74 crafting materials now I could continue my narration but I thought now would be a wonderful time to do some calm satisfying block placing while I quiet thank my patrons of Orders For hello and welcome back it’s now the end of day 77 and I’m moving all my belongings into the warehouse I hope you enjoyed that little calming moment and if you’re interested in supporting me on patreon the link is in the description below feeling a bit more settled I could

Finally get back to work on the town while I have been building my warehouse the town’s folk have been hard at work constructing and upgrading new buildings which meant more paths for me to build build this is also where I felt like I could really let some personality shine

Through with the greenery and the decorations around the buildings of snift toia at the time of filming fall had just barely started so I was really in the mood for some greens paired with some warm colors then to end the day I went nether mining where I failed

Miserably but hey I did find some digging claws in the nether fortress chest which is very helpful by day 79 I was getting to the point where I needed Building Supplies again for snift Topia especially deep slate for those paths so I focused on Overworld mining then that

Evening I started building some main roads and I carried on with all of that through day 80 whenever the villagers had a material requirement I made sure to fulfill it but otherwise I was just creating so many paths I did also go nether mining again at night mostly to

Get levels and netherite for armor with some New Paths I decided to create the space for another guard Tower since the villagers kept complaining that we didn’t have enough guards even though I personally felt like they weren’t doing anything then I went and used up some of

The levels I had to get started on enchanting my armor but now the iron farm had also made quite a bit so I added what I could to the beacon but I still needed levels so on day 82 I went back to the mine also using my digging

Claws was super fun they’re absolutely broken when paired with any type of vein mining I got to say my favorite part about modded Minecraft is just figuring out what mods you can pair together to absolutely break the game some notable things that happened while I was mining

I got attacked by mimic I got some new shoes and I found a dungeon after all this though I luckily had enough levels to enchant my armor on day 83 I completed my netherite set of armor which included a fun little jump boost enchantment that was definitely going to

Get me killed at some point and a magnet now I had tried to go to the ocean Monument once but was very unsuccessful you failed now I needed more prismarine to upgrade my settlements so I had no choice but to go back this time I slipped in through the top of the ocean

Monument and then it was just a Solid 5 minutes of me just beating up these Lads oh my God these are the most annoying things ever I did Kill The Elder Guardian but I swear it felt like there was just new Guardian after new Guardian I eventually questioned if there was a

Spawner or something cuz I could just not get them all eventually I gave up on killing them and settled forgetting what prismarine I could before heading home perhaps the adventure’s life was not for me at least not in this lifetime so back to the Old Reliable farming now that I

Was home and I had the materials for my good friends I wanted to take some time to make something for myself I decided that I was going to build a greenhouse extension in my apartment to grow more food for myself and the villagers I spent all of day 84 working on it even

Into the night but I eventually had this very cute room that just needed a bit of decorating so on day 85 I crafted some Hopper pots and began to set up growing stations in the greenhouse I was nearly complete with the build when some Raiders came and man these guys are not

Easy to track down I mean I get a notification about where they’re spotted but they’re always like so far away anyways back to trying to relax I spent days 86 to 88 landscaping around the past while the builders did their work with the supplies I had

Gathered now I live in a very rural area in real life so I’m not super in touch with how cities are supposed to look but I figured as long as the nature seemed purposeful it would make sense I built these cute little Planters using some of

The materials I saw being used in the architecture of the surrounding buildings and I decide to grow some tall birch trees I feel like when I see nature in an urban area it’s always these super tall skinny trees so that was my goal here then to make it a

Little cute and festive I strung ropes up between each of the trees and decorated them with lanterns I spent day 89 kind of wandering around the village Landscaping here and there while also checking to see if the builders needed any supplies later that night though I

Was getting really fed up with my poor chest display so I decided to move them again and I built these shelves for them and then spent day 90 trying to kind of organize them it was barely organization but it worked I sorted until the night

Of day 91 when I realized how low my stock of wood was and that it was probably time to get the saw back up and running this was once again a temporary placement since I wasn’t sure where I wanted to have my Forestry District speaking of at this point I had not

Hired someone for the Foresters Hut again simply because I didn’t want them to die on the saw and I didn’t want them to cut down my decoration trees so for this one job I was going fully automatic I also set up the tree farm to automatically play saplings it took a

Bit but on day 92 I completed the farm and I even used item cables from cyclic to connect it to the warehouse stock I was feeling rather accomplished the next day so it was really just a matter of Distributing building materials and making sure the colony was running as

Smoothly as possible that was until one of the tavern visitors decided to walk into my tree farm and died to the saw well time to wall it off I spent Day 94 Walling off the tree farm because the tavern visitors were threatening me with bad Yelp reviews and we couldn’t have

That in siptopia now could we speaking of bad reviews though I went to a nearby Village just to trade a few things and a raid started I’ll be so honest with you I can’t even remember how I got bad Omen I did complete the raid even though it

Was very tedious and I brought witches really dude the villagers didn’t even care about trading with me after so that was really Dandy too so I just went home days 95 to 97 involved a lot of path building and city planning now the builders were going pretty fast and the

Development was increasing at an exponential rate it was in my best interest to start planning out projects far ahead so that I could build around them I planned a bakery more housing and I was trying to decide where I wanted to build the massive Library I continued

This building grind until till day 100 which is originally where this video was going to end hi hello I thought I’d do a cute little like 100 day intermission especially now that we’ve established this video is going to be longer so you know pause take a break have some water

Do what you got to do and we’ll get back to it on day 101 I continue to decorate the city everyone walks in copia I think that’s pretty obvious but I wanted to create a wagon behind the very first Builder’s Hut you may have noticed but I accidentally built it backwards and I

Thought that it made the street very awkward looking but by building a wagon it felt like it tied together the look as it could be seen as a supply Cavern in front of the warehouse then on day 102 I deconstructed the saw again people were just getting hurt and now I was

Thinking I should expand that way so I thought it was for the best also in the 12ish days that it was up it supplied us with more wood than we would need for a very long time along with that I wanted to get the library setup it doesn’t have

As much functionality as some of the other buildings in mine colonies but it does unlock a lot of different research for the University now on day 103 it was time to get into some Automation and I don’t mean the create kind by now the working District had establish itself

With a stonemason and a sawmill and I taught the workers recipes for some of the common blocks I noticed in the Builder request this way the village can start to supply its own upgrades with some new recipes learned it was time to sit back and let the workers do their

Thing while I continued the one thing I’m apparently needed for making roads this is just a lot of me making roads isn’t it but it’s okay they’re important on day 105 I taught a few more recipes and started to get a jump on my resource collecting for me that meant getting a

Lot of diorite also that evening a guard died to a mob but luckily I was able to persuade a man named Zayn to take his job for a few sunflowers construction at this point was going well and I finally had the buildings I needed to further my

Research at the University so I gathered the supplies requested and set my researchers to work that evening I also reconstructed the beacon where the tree farm originally was I thought it would make a nice centerpiece while also aiding in the future development of this

Area by now I had enough iron to make it the highest TI beacons so I settled on haste 1 and speed 1 as 5A on day 107 the library was complete and it was time to start thinking about more future developments in this area I wanted to focus on restaurants education and more

Housing and I thought what better way to start that than actually building the bakery to continue this planning I spent days 108 to 111 building paths in the area and simultaneously planning future Builds on day 112 the library completed yet another upgrade but I was still clearing more land while all this was

Being built I couldn’t help but wonder what to do next in order to progress further in M colonies I needed to get level five buildings and in order to get level five buildings I needed perer blocks which only meant one thing I had to go to the end that very night I went

To the nether to trade gold with piglins until I had enough ender pearls the next day I headed out to follow the direction of the under eyes I was pretty lucky cuz I only had a few break however there was a couple times I was like oh no did it

Break and it turned out that my backpack had just picked it up as I was traversing I found this really odd pumpkin Village and I don’t mean it just had a lot of pumpkins I mean that the villagers were literally made of pumpkins which kind of freaked me out

Considering I found so many pumpkin pies like what what does that even mean by dark I hadn’t found the stronghold so I decided to rest on an island for the night on day 114 I found the location of the stronghold and dug down I don’t know what mod changed the generation of this

Stronghold but it was so large and of course I had to loot everything there was so much actually I had to make more backpacks to hold my stuff also because at this point the library and the UN University kept demanding more books I decided I was going to break every

Single book in the stronghold libraries after a day of searching this massive stronghold I finally found the end portal and went to fight the Ender Dragon now I’m definitely going to be honest when I say I might have done a few stupid things I might have even died

But rest assured by the end of the day the dragon was vanquished now all I had to do was find an nend City and get my perp blocks on day 116 I traveled to that section at the end and almost immediately found an end City aside from

Harvesting a bunch of perple blocks I also got to battle some shulkers which are personally one of my favorite mobs in the game they’re just so silly and battling them while floating in the air is super fun then I traveled back through the portal and went home after

All of that adventuring I settled back into my routine on day 117 using my new blocks to upgrade the Builder’s Hut to level 5 also since the residence was completed I was able to recruit another villager on day 118 I started to terraform the Lakeside and Make Way for

My Waterside Port also super funny story I literally had to pause my recording here because 118 days of footage was apparently too much for my computer and as a result I got one of my best Tweets of all time anyways I kept building into the night and I started on my first cute

Little dock which I worked on into day 119 once I was finished though I was super happy with the end result and went to check in on my villagers for the day I delivered some requests taught some recipes and then went back to my doc creation I utilized a chip mod to add

Some extra details to the piece and added an entire boat by placing one of the supply camps that evening I continued to build more docks and added the kind of things I expected to see at a harbor like crates also I decided where I wanted to put the school a

Couple days passed as I spent days 120 to 124 building paths upgrading buildings building new buildings planning for future development also I made a cute little pond at this point I also started on another Builder’s Hut bringing us to a total of four Builder huts on day 25 my backpack was getting a

Little crammed and I decided it was time to upgrade it further to do this I was going to need a lot more materials to create the stacking upgrade which meant I had to go mining in order to avoid using all the durability on my nice pickaxe I made some Emerald ones just

For digging out the Deep slate not sure why I did this considering I had the digging claws but oh well with all the new materials I crafted the upgrades and my backpack could now hold a lot more so then on days 126 to 127 it was back to building collecting resources and you’ll

Never guess this but I constructed more paths on day 128 I was searching through the ji and I happened to discover that I could upgrade my pickaxe further with a crystallized obsidian pickaxe which is a part of of the mod cyclic at this point my tools were pretty much everything to

Me as the faster I could gather resources the quicker I could Supply my Village I went to the nether to gather more materials and then built a solidification and melting chamber in order to make this crystallize obsidian I was going to need wither roses luckily

I had one from the time I got demolished I mean I demolished the Wither and I started to replicate it with a hopper pot sure enough by day 129 I had made a crystallized obsidian pickaxe and now all I need to do was enchant it h this

Is a little I guess you could say an interesting development as I mentioned before body Minecraft is all about combining mods to get the most broken combinations in the game with this pick I ended up getting an excavation enchantment and a vein mining enchantment and let’s just say this is the end

Result I spent the next two days playing around with the pickaxe and collecting as many resources as I could also with so much Cobblestone I decided to mass craft the blue Cobblestone shingles that are used on every single roof in this Village then on days 13 32 to 133 I

Decided it was time to build some walls I knew that I wanted to use stone bricks and diate so that it matched the aesthetic of copia and so I started by playing around with some blocks to get a design once I settled on a design it was

Just a matter of building it I started from one end of the Guard Tower so that I could use it as an entryway I thought that given the geographical location of the civilization it would be pretty logical for them to have walls we humans have been building walls for some time

Now for defense purposes like the Great Wall of China or for marking territory in Land one of my personal favorite walls in quotations in human history is Hadrian’s Wall which was constructed in britania by Roman soldiers the reason I like it so much is because it’s kind of

Stupid it was built to divide the land between Northern Celtic tribes and the Roman province in Britain except because it was mostly built by soldiers and it was so long and the construction plans kept changing it’s just super inconsistent being only a foot tall in some areas in other areas being

Constructed not of stone it’s just all over the place it it’s kind of a mess but I think it really speaks to our human desire to stack Stones it’s also just extra amusing when you add on that layer of hadrien came after a very tyrannical Emperor and was just like hey

Guys what if we used one of the most powerful armies in the world to build a wall instead of doing literally anything else unfortunately though I am not 15,000 Roman soldiers and I had to build this wall by myself I kept up a simple routine for a few days of constructing

The wall upgrading buildings and planning City development by the night of day 135 I had this empty space that was too small to hold the structure so I thought I’d give making a plaza a go my favorite blocks from this mod pack were the smooth Stone and I used chipped

Smooth Stone to create some really interesting patterns I continued working on this into day 136 however something was really starting to bother me my chest after a couple of Adventures lots of convoluted crafting and some other stuff they had gotten really out of sorts I took a break from building on

Day 137 and I started to sort my chess it wasn’t long before I realized this was going to take a while days even and if it was anything like the previous occasion I was nervous I would waste time I should be spending working on the village so I decided to call a friend

Dear Charles I cannot organize my chess please send help frowny face also I think the economy is failing I don’t know XOXOX Sniff and my letter did not go unread sure enough on day 138 Charles P wottle arrived by boat the first step though of course was to get them added

To the Colony and to give them a tour also to celebrate Charles’s arrival there was like four kids born which uh no comment on day 139 I could return to building my Plaza knowing my chest were being sorted I also updated a lot of the

Mods in the mod pack at this point and I added a few like the fairy lights mod which I’ve been a big fan of since its release when I went to Edinburgh Scotland in 2019 I pretty much spent the entire day on the Royal mile which is a

Very long pedestrian street and in between the buildings and the offshoots they have what are called closes which is basically a fancy way of saying alleys something that I thought was very cool was the decoration of some of these closes assumably to make them less intimidating or dark a lot of my

Favorite clothes off the Royal mile had fairy lights or some sort of nature in between and I thought I would take a page from that book and do the same with the buildings in sopia on day 40 I pled some more guard towers and finished

Working on the Plaza it was so cute when I was done and it quickly became one of my favorite spots I think it was well placed next to the university since it gave the Vibes of a campus location on day 141 I decided it was time to

Demolish the old house I lived in when I first came here Not only was it kind of awkward and in the way but I wanted to have space to add more buildings that fit the town’s aesthetic and serve some greater purpose now day 142 so I wrote

Down in my notes that I did in quotations something which knowing my ADHD brain that could literally mean nothing or a whole lot so uh moving on I guess yes on day 143 I completed some research at the University and checked in on my Builders to set them up with

New projects by now the amount of supplies I had to handle for each build was becoming less and less which made this part really easy I also cleared up some more land and made sure the restaurants had food to distribute on day 144 I was clearing some land when

Charles told me that they had completed organizing my chest they had done a very good job but it meant that they had to leave it was a bit sad to see them go but I made sure to give them the best farewell I could Now I was all alone with my various NPCs and I had to carry on so on day 145 I filled in some more dirt and went to get andesite and diorite my plan for the location I cleared out was a museum of some sort since I think the history of s

Topio should be recorded and that fits him with one key of civilization record keeping also with it located just off the docks newcomers can learn about the civilization’s history before entering since I wanted this building to be in classic snift toopan style I needed all

The diid I could get I started on the museum that very night focusing on creating the stone brick Foundation First now I worked on this museum for a while I spent like 3 days working on it before I ended up taking a break unfortunately since this was filmed and

Forged I don’t have a super cool replay time lapse to show you but I can tell you that the entire time I was building this Museum I was listening to the history of the Roman Empire up to the end of the Ottoman Empire because it just felt right while checking in with

The villagers on day 149 I started to get a little annoyed at the constant request for stone bricks so then I had a silly idea why don’t I just go to the stronghold you know the massive Building made out of stone bricks break it down for its resources and never have to

Worry about fetching this block ever again so I did exactly that the only downside to this plan was there was a lot of of monster infected blocks and the silverfish in this mod pack are just absolutely cursed since I was already there I took a quick trip to the end to

Grab some more endstone the great thing about visiting the end is that when you go through the main portal you just spawn at your bed so it was also a pretty quick trip home on day 150 I deposited all the resources I had brought home into the warehouse and

Taught some more recipes to the workers then that night I continued to work on my museum introducing kisite into the palette by using it in the ceiling the next day I thought hey I love natural light why don’t I do a skylight in my museum I crafted some stained glass and

I made a pattern in the roof and the next morning on day 152 as the light shown through it I was just blown away now the only thing that was bothering me was the floor originally I made it these wide Spruce planks but I decided I

Wanted it to be made of stone as well to contrast the light diary I decided to use this dark soap stone which I think was either a part of the cork or create mod I varied these large tiles with these little tiles to get the floor sort

Of guided walkway for when I do eventually add exhibits on day 150 3 I built some planters around the museum and touched up the path a bit I was running a little low on flowers so my arranging wasn’t exactly the best but I think it gave the museum some charm I

Will add at this point I was starting to contemplate building a larger Greenhouse although it was sort of at the back of my to-do list since I was so focused on the village and the museum the next day I tried to make some exhibits but stopped shortly because I decided it

Would be better if I arranged the museum at the end of the video in order to capture all of the history of sopia so instead I started baking the create mod you can grind wheat into flour and then add water to make dough which then can be baked into bread this significantly

Increases just how much bread you can make per stack of Wheat and I figured if I was going to feed an entire civilization it wasn’t a bad idea to get into it of course having no clue how create works I spent the next two days playing around with various setups and

Trying to get it kind of semi-automated it required me to swap around items every now and then but it kind of worked another thing you can also do with the dough is chop it into noodles I did this and made a bunch of vegetable noodles which is awesome considering they give

You a full belly and a lot of saturation on day 157 my attention to the Village was needed a lot of my Builders were close to or had completed their current upgrades so I had to do some City Planning and give them new assignments to accommodate this I realized I was

Starting to reach the point where I didn’t have much more new buildings to construct meaning that my civilization might be fully outfitted soon with a greater understanding of the future layout of my Village I was able to continue my work as a pathbuilder as well I spent day 158 constructing

Regular pass and then on day 159 I focused more on those closes we discussed earlier once again I was very dead set on keeping Flora around in my Village no matter how crammed it got also I wanted to keep it refreshing even in tight spaces on day 160 though as I

Was working on the pth I noticed that in order to upgrade the town hall I was going to need a buttload of gold blocks gold that I didn’t really have considering I traded most of it to get ender pearls so I had no choice but to

Go mining but wait I sort of um built a music Museum on top of my mine uh yeah oops but also ever since the caves and cliffs update traversing all the way down to the50s is just a headache so I figured why don’t I just build an

Elevator luckily I had most of the supplies I needed so I dug down to each point added a redstone contact and assembled my elevator now it was much easier to get up and down with that solved I spent day 161 mining for gold and once again I must mention how insane

This pickaxe is I mean this thing just oh my gosh I knew I had to be careful because I knew one day I was going to accidentally use it where I didn’t want to anyways after I got a decent amount of gold I smelted it and crafted the

Supplies needed for the Town Hall upgrade on day 162 I delivered supplies along with some bread to the restaurants as I was walking around though and preparing to continue my path decoration I realized that I needed more unique fauna and on top of that I was itching

To go on another adventure there was one direction I hadn’t explored yet so I headed off there on day 163 I had ventured into the cherry blossom biome once or twice but what I didn’t see until now was a Pillager Tower there was an laay but I wasn’t so sure how it

Would Faire coming along in my travels so I grabbed it in an iron cage promising to set it free when I got home however the illers had other plans as they kept coming at me every single time I thought I got them all more would appear and strangely enough bad Omen

Wasn’t applying even the next morning they kept spawning and I decided that maybe they were just bugged so I continued on my adventure the next structure I found was a crypt or catacombs there was a bunch of chests and for the most part I wandered around collecting the enchanting books from

Them then as I left it started to get dark I came across a village and found the strangest dog no seriously like what is this dog why is it here what mod is it even from I could not tell you I ched him of course and decided to call him

Just box box and I wandered a little bit out of the village and found an abandoned mind Colony that we explored into day 165 I will be honest seeing the colony like that torn apart and abandoned made me feel really weird I just felt not exactly homesick but like

I should be home making sure this never happens to my civilization so I decided it was time to finally head back I got home just around evening and tamed some of the cats I had been holding on to here’s a really cute picture of them sitting at my kitchen table in the

Apartment it’s a bit funny because my real cats kind of do this too Sasaki who I mentioned in a past video likes to hang out on the stools around the kitchen island day 66 initially started off Lovely by now I had finally built some farms for the village to help take

Care of the burden of providing food I didn’t know how to set up the fields but once I figured it out I went to retrieve carrots for my Farmer then of course it started raining and that meant that no one was going to be working for the rest

Of the day and the most I could do was fulfill requests and TI for tomorrow that evening there was also another raid and there were so many dudes honestly I’m surprised I didn’t die but I did have the chunkiest health bar possible and some good armor so that definitely

Helped I would just like to share that my only notes for day 167 is that I literally ate lasagna in real life okay but what actually happened was I Stood Still while I ate and then went back to the farm to deliver the carrots for planting by then it was already kind

Kind of late and I decided to work on some of the closes between the buildings on day 168 I took some time to teach more recipes to different workplaces I mostly chose my recipes based off of what I was delivering the most to the builders when the rain cleared on day

169 I went to check in on the farm and sure enough it was working great which made me super relieved one patch of carrots though wasn’t going to be enough to feed an entire Village so I did need to keep up with my bread production to

See if I could automate it further I played around with the Grinders and the mixers to see if I could trans for items between them with cyclic item cables but unfortunately they aren’t compatible so I had to continue manually throwing in flow every now and then on day 170 I

Grabbed my rich soil and went back to the farm I replaced one of the patches with it to see if the Villager would accept different soil and she did but now I was going to need a lot more compost if I wanted my farm to be only

Rich soil which meant I needed more straw and probably more rotten flesh so I planted some more rice since it got destroyed during construction and lastly I slept through the night in order to avoid avoid more Phantom spawning days 171 and 172 consisted of path building and plant decorating I was a little

Eager to get my pathing done so that I could continue the wall without accidentally impeding any future construction on day 172 specifically though I took some time to spruce up the area around my warehouse I connected the smel Tre to the rest of the path added some fencing and even made a little

Garden area I did feel ready to continue the walls in some places though so on days 173 and 174 I placed down the layout for the walls on the south side of the village I thought this was the best place to expand first mostly because majority of the raids occurred

In the southwest or southeast of snift toia and in the north we had a mountain for some defense on day 175 I sorted out more build Supply requests and hired someone for the newly constructed apiary I then went nether mining to search for more bone blocks for my compost and

Found this cursed statue which is a part of the paraglider mod now these have a counterpart goddess statues and they offer more health and stamina in the game in exchange for the spirit orbs I’ve been collecting normally the good statues spawn in villages but I hadn’t

Had any luck finding them so far but with over a stack of spirit orbs I thought I should at least try so I decided to go on a trip if you’re wondering why my skin has a pink cloak all the sudden it’s because I changed it

For a charity project I did on Tik Tok and forgot to change it back so um don’t worry about that for the next day I traversed a landscape once again heading in a direction I hadn’t explored much the southeast I’ve really got to give some credit to these mods for the

Terrain generation in this mod pack I created it’s just stunning it’s some of my favorite I’ve encountered in a while just to show you how good it is let me show you some lovely Shots By Nightfall I found two Villages but neither of them contained the goddess statue but I really did need to sleep so I rested in the second one on day 177 I continued down a long winding River in search of the statue and I actually did end up finding it that day just not

Where I expected by complete chance I happened to pwn it at the base of a mountain not even in a village which made me wonder if I was searching for it in the wrong place this entire time either way I grabbed the statue and headed home I got home late on day 178

And I exchanged my stash of spirit orbs for a large sum of Health now I was truly the tankiest of boys and I could continue to defend copia with every heart I had as I’ve done after all of my Adventures I spent day 179 checking in on the village and sorting out requests

I checked in on the farm baked some bread and overall just kind of wandered around I don’t know how to describe it other than coming back to the Village after a weekend of adventuring feels like a Monday on day 180 I began to build a small bridge near the northwest

Corner of snip Topia I’m going to be so real I have no idea why I think it was just because this one corner was cut off by the river and I thought man I love Bridges why don’t I build a bridge at least I built it with the classic

Diorite and stone brick combo I worked on it into the night and the next day I went back to building up the walls I was starting to work on the less flattened areas of snaptop which I will not lie was very tedious and annoying as I did

Before though I started on a general layout before committing to complete walls on day 182 I took a break from the walls to create more compost to sit out and become rich soil this involved a lot of chopping since in order to get straw I had to chop rice stocks I really spent

The entire day focused on creating this compost and rich soil since I knew a lot of my projects after the wall would be agriculturally based I will say I do find it strange that rotten flesh of all things is included in the compost I mean hear me out I’m all about just decaying

And going back into the Earth but given that rotten flesh comes from infected zombies I don’t know personally I wouldn’t be using that to grow my food after that little intermission I returned to building the walls on day 184 to 185 and worked on them until they

Were more or less complete at this point darite was becoming a bit scarce since I had completely exhausted the veins of the mountain luckily there was a way I could craft it with Cobblestone and cords which I had quite a bit of since I did all that nether mining on day 186

Most of my compost had turned to soil and with the wall mostly complete I felt comfortable starting on the next project the greenhouse at this point I had started to establish an agricultural District on the south side of snift toia and I decided to build it over there

Initially I made a small layout for it but then destroyed it and started over and then on day 187 I destroyed it and started over again I thought it would be a cool idea to have it match my warehouse a bit more just to make it so

That my warehouse wasn’t the only brick structure and perhaps make the entire thing a bit more cohesive just like my warehouse I started with a toughed base and in order to have the giant greed house I was envisioning I opted to destroy part of the wall and have it sit

In between while I was building I noticed my netherite pick was getting a bit worse for wear so I decided that night to go nether mining once more in order to collect netherite and the levels needed to repair it and oh my God if you thought Overworld mining was

Chaotic with the Obi pick the nether mining was so much worse I returned to the Overworld on fire and half dead and forgot to repair my pick before I returned to building the next day my only excuse for these atrocities is greenhouse brain rot oh also just as I

Hinted out before I did use my crystallized obsidian pickaxe when I shouldn’t have and it was a mess then I took a break out of frustration and when I returned I forgot to record but it was mostly just me repairing my pickaxe at the end of day 88 on day 1889 I

Continued building the greenhouse finishing up the foundation I worked on the greenhouse for the next 4 days so I’m just going to lump them together as I talk about the greenhouse similar to the warehouse I didn’t really have a plan of what I was doing causing me to

Have a lot of moments of revision I I definitely wish trying to go for a more late industrial Conservatory Vibe which is why the greenhouse is very DY for the glass instead of using MAA windows I used various patterns from chipped in order to create a very intricate look

Because I was making glass as I went along I did have to take breaks and work on other things while I let it cook at this point the village was handling their upgrades very self-sufficiently and I was proud there wasn’t much new construction either and a lot of it was

Focused on upgrading pre-existing buildings I technically finished the greenhouse before day 19 three but I had to spend the day clearing any dirt scaffolding I used and taking lanterns all around the greenhouse to prevent mob spawning in the large area on day 1194 I connected the greenhouse to the rest of

The town with a path and started to work on the interior for me this meant to rebuilding the tree farm that I was Now setting up for the third time but hey at least I knew that this was actually going to be the last time it took me

Pretty much the entire day because I had to troubleshoot here and there trying to remember how I built it in the first place but by morning time day 195 I had completely completely set it up and I can move on to the rest of the greenhouse I added a wooden plank path

And I started to create some growing stations similar to the ones in my apartment interestingly enough my main goal for this greenhouse was not really food but mostly vanilla Mine Craft flowers since they were required for almost every single build and upgrade in this town and I needed them for my own

Personal decorating as well on day 196 I checked in on the villagers ated and starting some more Farm fields and started on a little Vineyard near the greenhouse myself in the 200 days I in this mod pack I barely got to touch every single mod but I wanted to make

Sure I had somewhat of a setup for the mod vinery which is really just about grapes and making wine I figured hey what agricultural district is complete without its Vineyard and I also thought it would be a cute yet functional setup I worked on the vineyard into day 197

And then focused on completing any remaining paths I had to do I also started on some super last minute builds like a guard tower on the south side of the wall on day 198 I chopped up some more rice since I was still in need of

Compost / rich soil and I spent most of the day doing that until another raid appeared and once again I had to defend the town once they were defeated I didn’t want to waste any time sleeping or going to bed and I immediately went back to decorating I also started

Gathering supplies for the vinery mod to brew my grapes on day 199 I made some wine filled the last of the past and checked it on the villagers for the last time and before I knew it it was already day 200 so if you’re feeling how I felt

When we reached today you might be feeling everything is still a bit incomplete and that’s fair I was this close to telling myself oh what if I just spent another 100 days working on this but I knew the truth was I could go on forever just as civilizations could

Go on forever some get lost at time and others separate and evolve into their own paths but they all still kind of continue on day 200 I wandered around sopia picking in my last look because after 200 days of knowing exactly what was needed at all times I had finally

Come to learn the one thing that was was no longer needed in the growth of sopia me it’s true they were basically self-sufficient now and so at the end of the 200th day I sat on the roof of my warehouse apartment with my dog box and watched The Last Sunset knowing my

Journey would continue just not here and I would be gone by the next sunrise but that my friends is not where the story ends after my departure the city continueed to grow on its own naturally stiff Topia finally established a healthy line of communication with the Raider

Ultimately leading to a treaty that grew their military to Aid themselves and their new allies trade was established along the river with the pumpkin folk bringing new Goods information and Technology to both parties with people now feeling more secure about their basic needs the city leaned into a cultural Renaissance of fine and

Performative arts and as the years passed the City established the role of the collector a citizen that acted as a representative for the working citizens of snift toia you see the story never truly ends because the beauty of time and history and this is that the records

We keep and study the stories the art they are all just the beginning and we here and now are their future our present and one day somebody’s Past and that my friends was 100 days and then some more a building a civilization in Minecraft wow okay so if you’re hearing my voice now that means that you’ve reached the end of the video and um first of all thank you holy cow uh second of all

People always ask me for the mods and my shaders I’m going to be leaving it in the description below so there you have it uh sorry this video took so long look I I he these comments all the time people are like oh can can you make more

Content and it’s like girl I’m trying so hopefully there will be another video and it won’t take 4 months okay bye

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days Building a HUGE Civilization in Minecraft (And then 100 More)’, was uploaded by Snifferish on 2023-11-20 17:42:52. It has garnered 37348 views and 3038 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:02 or 4382 seconds.

Check out the sponsor https://snhu.edu/snifferish and see what current average annual salary for a game programmer is and learn how you can get started! ———————- Big Shoutout to…

Skeej_Inc, I’d be lost without this guys create tutorials lol https://youtu.be/O-Zy07ksERk?si=u2y542Dxyd8Qs0HN

The Developers of Minecolonies, for creating such a detailed mod that I could spend forever in. https://wiki.minecolonies.ldtteam.com

And my Patreon Supporters, if you’re interested in joining you can here https://www.patreon.com/Snifferish

You can also find the rest of my Socials here: https://snifferish.info/ ————————————————- About me: Hi! I’m Sniff or Cass, and I’m a Minecraft builder that has been in love with the game since 2011! I like to do gaming content around sandbox and creative games, like Minecraft, The Sims 4, and much more!

Wowie! I finally did it! Sorry it took so long to release this video. 100 Days in Minecraft videos always take forever to film and even longer to edit. Also once again, apologies it’s not in Hardcore. I love Minecraft Hardcore Challenges, but I didn’t want to worry about that while simulating Civilization.

#minecraft #100days #100daysinminecraft

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More

  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

    TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh StartTechCraftSMP 1.20.4-Fresh Start-Survival SMP-Hermitcraft Inspired-Diamond Economy-Shopping District-World Map-Discord Integration-Free Build-Vanilla Experience-16+-Whitelisthttps://discord.gg/m86HH5UT Read More