100 Days Hardcore Minecraft, No Regen

Video Information

I survived 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft but I wanted a little bit more of a challenge so I decided to play these next 100 Days with no totem and if you’re saying that’s not hard enough well guess what I also turned off Health regeneration this was hands down the

Hardest challenge I have ever done so sit back grab a snack or two and enjoy watching the Journey of how I was able to survive 100 days in Minecraft’s hardest possible game mode oh my gosh we’re doing it I I’m so excited this is going to be so stinking

Cool oh my gosh look at this this is awesome look at oh what the heck no so our goal for this video is simple survive as long as I can in these 100 days and do what it takes to do it oo hello Stone boom pole has been dug all

Right we need to get an axe we need a pickaxe we need other things yes I can make a shield oh yeah I’m going to make a child or a shield I’m not going to we’re going to make a shield not a child I love mushrooms without these I

Would literally die because I decided to be an idiot and play with no regen and there’s a special mushroom stew that actually regenerates your health so that’s why I’m collecting up a load of mushrooms right now oh it’s a family of cows that sucks to be you guys right now

On top of mushrooms to be able to heal we also need something called an oxide Daisy okay ah we are going to go look for some flowers what do we got we got dandelion oh it’s dandelion yes okay these are the flowers we’re looking for so those little flowers oxide daisies

When you combine that with mushroom stew it actually creates a sus stew that regenerates your health so our mission our task is to get those flowers get a bunch of mushrooms actually I guess while I’m here here’s game plan right so there’s a couple things I want to do

These first few days I want to get basic healing that includes just things to be able to regenerate my health with like those fancy mushrooms and the flowers that we just saw and then step two I want to build like a little Shack just to kind of do like a little base area

And then I want full diamond that’s literally it chicken holy freak that guy was just like waiting for me I was going to totally mine down and then that would have been it that is embarrassing iron I’m going to take it oh my gosh dude

Wow how did you know I was here and who told you okay I’m just going to hide out in this hole until day cuz I’m not risking going out there again I’m not losing this world to something so stupid holy freak I’m going to die oh my gosh I have three

Hearts that could have been it it’s like they’re programmed to kill you or something that is crazy yeah our first Emerald let’s go I’m an idiot yes oxide daisies yes there’s so many of them this is insane heck yeah we do this we do that boom bing suspicious dude that heals yes

Sweet healing oh we got a flower Forest this is awesome oh yeah oxide Daisy mining montage all right we got how many 46 oh yeah why are there so many chickens I have never seen that many chickens before all right we can make our first armor here we go ready oh

We’re looking spiffy oh yeah and we can make some booties some sweet sauce guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys there’s a Mesa biome oh my gosh that is perfect Mesa Biomes have gold and gold is so much better freaking creep get out of my

Life change of plans we are going to go to the Mesa biome and get a buttload of gold we need to find a cave and that didn’t take long at all sweet oh come on there’s no gold are you serious ooh another big cave dude what is with all

These dripstone caves man like ruining my gold spawns hey we got a little bit of gold ooh pretty decent size vein too we got seven right off the bat oh yes there’s more more gold where in the flab and fber flabber is all the gold at heck yeah whoa I saw you not

Today idiot oh there we go it’s a big one decent sized decent sized vein right there boy oh my gosh look at that that is a cave if I’ve ever seen one all right it’s gold time oh there’s so much gold here yes okay what I’m going to do

Actually I’m just going to speedrun lighting this up okay we see a skeleton there and you’re dead cuz you are stupid oh there’s more gold yes this is the cave we were looking for oh my gosh there’s more it’s everywhere get out of my life oh sheesh

Woo Frick how did you hit me all right there we go what no way get out of here you spawn right in front of my face you idiot you’re going to die like in 12 seconds Frick that did a lot I just want the Gold there’s Gold Everywhere here dude that is awesome all right let’s get all this gold man holy freak whoa Get Wrecked idiot oh my gosh we have two stacks and 50 gold that is nuts that is so freaking cool now I just need as many apples as I

Can good opportunity to do some deforestation you know now the whole reason I’m chopping these trees down is so but I can get apples which are necessary and crucial for golden apples which will help me survive so much longer in this world heck yeah we got 14

Golden apples I want to find like a little area to get started get settled I think spawn was so cool I think we have to go back and like build like a cabin kind of a thing pandas we got pandas this is cool I don’t think I’ve ever

Seen one like this before hey more gold golden apple heck yeah dude there’s a spawner right there no way oh yeah we got name tags some bones dude I have so many bones a saddle oh my gosh I’m claiming this spot as our base okay do you guys want to see something cool

Watch this ready the dirt Shack with the best view in Minecraft history we have our little balcony here where we can uh look and breathe the fresh air and then behind us we got the fresh smell of dirt we have the coolest dirt Shack ever that’s the build anyway

So with the shack built we can now move on to the next next thing that we want to do diamonds full diamond armor oh yeah so I’m thinking for that we can have like a little mine right here that’d be kind of cool hey we got lava right here darn

It oh come on are you kidding me and I’m just going to fall right in the water oh okay we’re good zombies after me ah idiot where are are you diamonds why can’t I find you there is so much crap in my inventory oh wait we went way farther

Than we needed to we need to go to like right here let the diamonds begin yes we got Diamonds oh yes five diamonds let’s go we need like 30 hello cave what are you oh aha we got an advancement get destroyed nerd sweet whoa I could have died there okay this is cool

Uh-oh dang it I didn’t mean to do that sweet let’s go find some diamonds there’s got to be Diamonds In These Walls How can there not be right oh my God go there are no way this is the oh man that is the best way to find diamonds I’m going to oh my

Gosh this is a huge vein no oh my gosh there’s more no freaking way this is op oh my gosh this is awesome I should just be doing this the whole time I can’t believe the first diamond thing we made was a hoe oh frick what is that will it go away

Freck no leave me oh my are you kidding me freck oh my gosh nope that’s a Wen I’m done I am done I’m ah holy crap we found an ancient city that’s super cool okay Frick okay here’s the plan we’re going to go back in our little tunnel just

Wait for it to Des spawn and then we’re going to go back oh my gosh we got pants no way Unbreaking three book no way that is sick I will take that Swift sneak 2 channeling oh heck yeah those are really good books oh diamonds for days let’s go give me those

Oh another free chest here we go what do we got multishot luck of the sea Swift snake one I don’t need any of that uh oh my gosh I didn’t even see that no way we have a got Apple in here oh yeah heck yes dude this is so worth

It yes oh yeah there we go diamonds for days oh my gosh how did I not see this one it’s just unlimited XP and diamond mining at the same time this is like the most exciting way to mine diamonds I think oh yeah diamonds right here they

Blend in so good with the little thingy things whatever they’re called uh-oh freaking heck see you later Warden I’m out oh man for this chest I’m going to look at it then I’m going to run all the way in my hole and then we’re going to come back for

It wait how did that not trigger anything there’s a swift sake three dude no way power four oh my gosh check that out we got full diamond oh yeah all right I’m going to try to get a little bit more Diamond so I can get some diamond tools and then

Boom Oh wait is that diamonds I can’t tell I think that is Diamonds oh it is diamonds no way prop four are you serious oh my gosh that is op no my hoe broke oh diamonds where are you oh yes they’re right there I found

Them they just wanted to be sung to yeah there we go yo heck yeah there we go we got some healing we got a little Shack we got diamonds we got diamond armor we have extra diamonds we found a freaking ancient city and raided the heck out of

It and got some super awesome stuff we have super awesome freaking Diamond gear the next thing we have to do is enchant it and I know exactly how we’re going to do that we are going to be helping villagers dreams come true and by help I

Mean I’m going to exploit the heck out of them for the best stuff in the game first thing we have to do is find a village and then the exploitation can begin we had a savannah over there so we’ll check that out MLG oh I’m too good at the game ye are you

Serious there’s no freaking way that’s like I’m so hacking I was looking for stone right and I’m like oh look a flat part that looks prettyy good and so I start mining for stuff here and then there’s this oh and they’re trying to kill me rip tide that is sick we got

Swing we got the music disc cool I don’t care string again and coal and a saddle that’ll come in handy no I don’t want it to be night time I’m not ready for it to be night time I don’t have sheep you are dead too okay are we good I think we’re

Good let’s make a bed sleep okay we have located the Savannah now we just need to find one of those little villages and hopefully we find it in a timely manner so that the exploitation can begin watch this we’re going to make a diving board okay got our water

Bucket and here we go ye oh my gosh that was a lot closer than I thought does that guy have a trident he has a trident uh-oh should I try to kill this guy if I can get a trident that would be freaking amazing don’t hit me oh no he hit me

Shoot that does so much damage D um I’m going to eat the golden apple come on Trident ah darn it no Trident that sucks okay Village come on it’s been like 15 minutes already where in the freaking heck is The Village at what in the heck is

What that is so cool yeah BFFs we got a village oh yeah is it a good one it’s a decently sized one too relatively flat on the top oh that’s perfect okay I’m going to dig a little hole I’m going to trap a lot of these guys and then we can

Help their dreams come true AKA exploit boom one bed down we got another bed down got three beds down pretty good hey got another bed for somebody whoever wants it you are going to help me make a lot of babies just get in there and then

We’ll talk about it later so first step we need to get rid of these so zombies can’t get in here and then we are going to expand this thing pretty good all right guys be free oh you guys have no idea what’s about to happen there we go the fire’s of blood

Come on now make yourself a baby child welcome enjoy your stay here in shville or that is what this town will be named forever and hence forth you’re going to get a brother or a sister or an it whatever you guys are okay let’s go

Get more hay bales and then we can just totally make more babies Yeet wheat four days we got the Villager breeder done next thing we got to work on is the iron farm off we need to do a 5×9 and then you dig get out a couple

Blocks and you should end up with something like this T that in the corner yeah let’s put the hover down right there and then our chest can go just like that going to break you break you yes perfect okay trapo right here break this boom just like that iron farm should be

Done get in the hole there we go so now I just need to find some lava and this thing is good I’ll just yoink this and then boom sorry buddy this just needs to happen voila we got ourselves an iron farm easiest iron farm ever thank you so

Much enexo 4 you are amazing with the Villager beater done and the iron farm completed the next thing we have to do is build a trading Hall oo actually I had an idea the first villager I’m going to trade with I’m going to do it at

World height I think that’d be cool cuz that way you get the star Trader achievement and I can get what a deal the same time I could very much die doing this oh it’s a masterpiece look at this Thing yeah see you guys love it oh my gosh I didn’t know that turned you on like that anyone who is scared of heights I hope you never have to try to get this advancement this is this is crazy woohoo oh man that is such a long fall man this is a nerve-wracking

Advancement it better be worth it I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this achievement with before wooo yep nailed it I have some extra dirt I need to get a lot of wood so I can make a bunch of composters and then I’m just going to put composters kind of

At these corners and then it’s going to walk up it’s going to take the trade I’m going to break the composter then we’ll go to the next one next one next one all the way up we’re going to name this guy farmer Bob I think I think that would be

Super funny we just Nam this guy Bob and then this is where he will stay wherever who wants the job go take the job I present to you guys Bob Bob the Villager I know you want to be a weak Guy come on okay we got the trade we just got to wait till it’s night time okay stars are out here we go ready yes what a deal and star Trader

Let’s go all right my friend you will be up here for the rest of your days thank you very much for my first Emerald I appreciate that all right so we got that we built our little iron farm now we’re going to do is we’re going to build our

Trading Hall and this is our trading hall right here we don’t need anything special all we need is like protection 4 Fortune Unbreaking 3 mending you know the basic books so a lot of these guys are going to be stick dudes and then we’re just going to use the sticks for

Emeralds lots of tree chopping is going to happen in the next couple minutes so I need a lot of sticks lots and lots of stakes oh my gosh you guys all suck what the heck thank you for your Cooper there we go all right we got our first

Lecturn let’s get our first librarian what do we got oh yeah we’re going to buy two of those so the game plan here is to chop down a bunch of trees trade the sticks for the emeralds get emeralds for the books get good books boom rinse and repeat until I have every

Enchantment that I need aha efficiency 5 what that’s like the third trade I’ve got dude holy freak boom our first freaking op book is efficiency 5 oh I love villagers that is awesome okay well anyway it’s just going to be rinse and repeat till I get all the books that I

Want better falling four oh my gosh that is actually pretty good yeah I’d be dumb not to take that mending for nine emeralds oh my gosh Yes holy freak oh my gosh that creeper came out of nowhere holy cow I thought I was dead oh my gosh that got my heart going anyway back to villager trading oh my gosh fortune 3 for 20 emeralds you know what I got to take that that’s too good to be

True oh my gosh finally Unbreaking three oh that took so long oh my gosh yes protection four I’m done yes that took so so long 546 elect turns that is pretty freaking awesome I’m okay with that cool well the trading Hall is officially done I could say that I’m

Going to call this the naked moat trading hall because they’re like they have their little tunnels and they’re scurrying around like Nick and mo rats and they’re bald yeah oh I’m just happy we got the trades that I wanted there we go just like that we have our villager

Breeder our iron farm our trading Hall and whatever this is supposed to be heck yeah oh there it is next thing on our list is we are going to build the most OP early game gold Farm ever you may ask why it is because I want to last I want to

Conquer I want to thrive and since this is hardcore with no regen I will need all the help I can get so that’s why we’re going to go build the most OP early game gold farm for unlimited gold the nether right the nether is super dangerous my armor isn’t Enchanted or

Anything but guess what now it is Boom so now I just need protection four on my helmet and my chest plate that shouldn’t be too hard since I got a bunch of these guys behind me oh yeah trading time let’s Go okay here’s the new plan we’re going to go back I’m going to upgrade my pickaxe because I need to do a lot of digging for this gold farm and a good pickaxe is going to be worth it oh wait I need silk touch hey editing schwe here

So the reason I say that is because for the gold Farm I need a turtle egg and the only way that you can get a turtle egg leg is with silk touch and silk touch comes from villagers I’ll let you out this once just to make a baby and

Then you’re going back in make a baby what is going on why can’t you guys make a baby oh I think I know why I know why yes there we go finally I just got to wait for this bald guy to grow up all right so we are headed back to go grab

The rest of our diamonds mostly because I really want that good pick and that good pick is all I really want right now look at us dang we look fire oh my God look at this it is so beautiful from here oh yes check this out you guys want to see

A cool transition Boom the obsidian is gone wait did my villager grow up yet that would be awesome if it did then we can get silk touch nope you are still a baby okay while that guy is growing up I need to go find some lapis MLG water

Clutch oh yeah that was actually kind of scary I thought I was going to missed there for a second but I didn’t you know what we are going to make a diamond axe because why not and a diamond sword because why not lapis that’s all I need all right lapis where’s the lapis

At okay lapis come on any day now oh my gosh we found diamonds yes I love fortune dude oh my gosh how are there more diamonds this is crazy oh my gosh this is insane why are there so many of them there’s freaking what the heck this

Is like a skeleton army here this is crazy okay okay they’re fighting I can focus on this one there just got to be a spawner here or something oh my shield broke oh freak and that guy has the enchanted bow ow I don’t have a shield this is

Actually really stupid I don’t know why I’m doing this you know what I’m going to One V one you I’m going to strafe like a mad man I’m too good finally oh man hey again so you guys know how earlier I said I was going to get silk touch and

This whole tangent happened well guess what I’m finally working on getting silk touch so enjoy whatever this is yes silk touch oh my gosh finally our gear is pretty much as good as we’re going to get I got full prop four or I got a decent sword I got silk touch that’s all

I need and then a really good pick and then an enchanted axe but that kind of sucks so the next thing we have to do we need to get all the materials for this gold Farm one of the materials is turtle eggs so we’re going to go find some

Turtles we’re going to make them L some eggs that’s probably the best way to say that oh is that Turtles yes Turtles finally just like this oh I just heard him yeah oh man that’s a lot of WS give them to me oh my gosh it’s a

Zombie horde ah okay with the eggs collected and a lot of obsidian mind at this point it was time for me to enter the Nether and to officially start building this gold Farm that’s the idea anyway all right we’re going to check things out in the nether let’s see what

We got hey we need to go deeper and we are in the worst freaking biome okay so I then went in and recorded the coordinates when I discovered the funniest freaking thing I’ve ever discovered in Minecraft C schwep says 160 minus 80 is that schwep says Get

Wrecked that is awesome hey buddy I got to tell you something you are an idiot what do you have to say about that huh hey you are a bald naked mole rat oh my gosh that is awesome I don’t know why I keep getting so distracted in this world

But right after that clip I actually decided to pack up all my stuff and move everything over to my dirt Shack this is when tragedy struck don’t freeze my horse no my horse no it’s okay we will escape this we will escape this do not freeze

Oh I’m freezing too that’s not good oh my gosh this is way not good of course snow is the one thing that kills us all gosh dang it okay looks like we’re I’m out of it almost stop moving so I can get this snow dude my horse is going to

Die no my horse died to freaking powdered snow are you kidding me this game oh I lost my horse rest in peace horse I’m so sorry for your loss all at the new base I decided to make another portal there and go through it and check

It out and Yeah H are you serious it is currently day 49 and we are finally starting this gold Farm hey we got netherite already Sweet all right let’s take that heck yeah I wasn’t even trying to get that achievement a lot of freaking digging man all right there we go we got

This dug out next thing we have to do we have to get on the nether roof and I totally forgot about that so I need to go find an Enderman I need to kill it for an ender pearl and I need a ladder Enderman oh my gosh no freaking way

Die yeah I got my first ender pearl there’s a Bastion right there all right I’m going to go for it yeah those were the days oh we got our first chest yeah War Pigs let’s go yeah ancient debris well I’m not going to push my luck anymore oh

Frick oh my gosh holy crap Ola woo okay we’re good oh my gosh I need a I need to pause after I kill this guy real quick oh my gosh my heart rate I can’t take this I can’t take it ah holy shoot came out of nowhere I am going to

Get out of there my palms are sweaty I am nervous my heart is racing I feel like I need a shower after that one no leave me alone I’m basically Minecraft professional ah oh my gosh holy freak I love feather falling I yeah wow all right let’s build this gold Farm we

Have all of the materials that we need that’s what I was trying to get at and then the gas got in my way here we go and then hold this yes though the rest of the farm is pretty easy all you do is you pill her up you build a

Platform you build a nether portal in the Nether and then you build a nether portal in the Overworld and then you go back to the Nether and then the farm magically starts working pure Minecraft Elegance again thank you Ian for this Farm I love you we got unlimited XP unlimited gold unlimited golden

Apples yes unlimited Hearts oh this is great so as you can see I am slaughtering thousands and thousands of zombie piglin what I did before this is I went back to the little villager base I got 4 and 1/2 stacks of apples and all I’m doing is I’m just slaughtering these

Guys until I have enough gold to craft that many golden apples it’s going to be flipping legitness guys we did it wa hang on we did it we’ve got all the gold that we need check this out ready we have killed so many of these guys 25,000 zombie piglins that’s crazy check

That out this is all the gold that we got we got enough for four stacks of golden apples baby you guys ready for this boom boom boom need more gold oh that’s not a problem let me just get more gold boom y look at this this is insane oh my

Gosh dude I can’t get over this four stacks of golden apples that’s so okay an idea we have to test it out how Invincible does this really make you oh my gosh oh help guys help me help I’m stuck with a zombie in a corner this is

This does not look right if I just let this guy blow up how many hearts does it do if I like let it get close to me let’s go like right here nothing hang on let me eat this real quick nothing I’m Invincible to creepers I’m just going to eat some golden apples

Next to you if that’s okay that is awesome guess what now it is time to fight the Ender Dragon for the sake of getting an elytra so that I don’t have to walk places anymore and I fell in a hole anyway that’s the plan that’s what we’re doing today we are

Going to bite the End Dragon we’re going to slay the heck out of it we just got like four and a half stacks of golden apples it was freaking awesome so if you didn’t see that oh who oh there’s another wow that one did a lot trying to

Fight the stinking Ender Dragon there’s a couple things that we have to do before we can actually fight the Ender Dragon we need to get eyes of Ender we need to actually find the stronghold my sword currently does not have looting and looting would be really nice for

Getting some Ender balls from some Enderman so with these 210 levels that I have I’m going to try to get the most OP sword Minecraft has ever seen so right now this is my enchanting setup it’s pretty Garbo lucky for me my villagers sell me bookshelves so I went over to

Them traded a buttload of emeralds for some stupid bookshelves that are way too expensive all right here we go I think this is it this is the last bookshelf that we need and the enchanting can begin what do we got oh my gosh that’s literally it wow heck yeah man well I

Might as well put mening on it that was surprisingly easy first try I got looting three that never happens in Minecraft history next thing we’re doing we have to go into the nether find the Fortress kill the blaze get a buttload of Ender Pearls for a bunch of Endermen

And then we can find the stronghold psych I actually went and Enchanted a bow because I didn’t have a bow and you can’t go into The Nether without a bow so I made a bow power four Unbreaking three infinity plus a power five boom

That is a good bow oh man it would suck if I lost this bow yeah I don’t know where nether fortress would be this is going to be a fun little journey this is so nerve-wracking I’m absolutely terrified right now the best bet is just to go in One Direction hopefully we run

Into one ooh we got a Bastion I will not say no to a Bastion especially with a bow now that I have a good bow it’s going to be easy no my bow I Dro no I burned my bow are you kidding me oh I’m such an idiot I wasted a 100

Levels to get that thing I will take my INR out on all your children oh my gosh we have two netherite ingots in here dude that is solid that is a solid Hall ah uh-oh that stupid little thing this is the fastest I think I’ve ever staircased

In Minecraft oh there was no way that I was going to continue the nether without a bow so I went all the way back home to make a new one that right there is a good bow all right take two here we go I’m not going to throw my bow on lava

This time like an idiot oh dokie where is that a fortress I think I just saw a fortress at the corner on my eyeball ah no oh I discovered a fortress let’s go come here you stupid idiot get destroyed get out of my life whoa holy freak you came out of

Nowhere all right 24 that is pretty good I’m going to go explore the rest of this Fortress there could be some goodies in it diamonds should I try a little parkour move check this out I’m going to try it oh I did my first first like thing my first wall jump whatever it’s

Called why the heck do you not want to teleport to me oh he can make it yes you are finally a genius and I got how many I got two pearls from you all right so Enderman hunting has a couple things to it you have to think like an Enderman you have

To feel like an Enderman so if I were an Enderman I would be over here somewhere I obviously have no idea how Enderman spawning works in the nether yeah I totally forgot that Enderman can spawn in a warped Forest so that’s what I went and searched for oh yeah there we go I

Got it ah I got way too many of them on me there he is what you just walked over the boat you ninja 15 16 17 18 that’s 18 pearls I think we’re good we are good we got all the pearls that we need we have 16 Eyes

Of Ender it’s time to go home and find the stronghold we have all of the Eyes of Ender that we need I made an ender chest and in the Ender Chest we have all the materials that we’re going to need we got some extra blocks for the end and

Yeah we just got to go find the stronghold next oh yeah here we go oh dang it all right iender take me somewhere oh we’re going backwards now ready boom where is it where’d it go where is it it must be like right here cuz I I didn’t see where it went so

I just realized the whole the whole point of me going to the end was so that I can kill the ender dragon and get an elytra but you can’t fly an elytra without Rockets I don’t have anything to make rockets so let me just craft up a

Bunch of those and boom there we go all right stronghold I’m coming for you oh we dug right into it sweet okay now we just have to find the Portal room oh my gosh I already hear it oh my gosh it’s right there are you serious that was the

Easiest portal find ever in the history of my life my heart’s beating Palm’s getting sweaty we got this it’s going to be easy yeah all right here we go oh man we made it to the end the Ender Dragon doesn’t stand a chance against this guy I’m too good at the

Game can I get that one oh my gosh I actually got it I am insane oh never mind I’m not uhoh I looked right at that Enderman ah why do they hit so hard oh holy moly oh my gosh that is like infinite damage get destroyed Dragon b b

Bop oh my shots were like so good there for a second come on now Dragon yes dang my shots are so good today dude we’re going to kill this thing before it perches again oh it’s gone this is it one more shot yes yes get wrecked oh

Yeah yeah free the end right get my Pearl and yoink oh my gosh it spawned me on oh this is terrifying what the heck is this this is the worst Island spawn ever I let go of shift I am 100% dead uh-oh I did not mean to look at

You get comboed idiot how in the heck do you make traveling in the end interesting like look at this it’s just the same thing over and over again I mean I guess you can like try to kill Enderman for fun without getting hit nope I got hit

You know the end is a scary place it’s like it’s almost really nerve-wracking oh my gosh I’m dead just kidding I got you guys get Frank oh I don’t know why but my heart rate is actually really going my heart is legitimately beating so hard right now I think it was worth

It it’s cool right you guys got scared SC I get wrecked I don’t know about you guys but finding an n city takes so long yes we got one we have an end City yes yes we got an end ship oh yeah oh my gosh we have another end city right next

To it ow I just shot myself oh my gosh I keep shooting myself with my arrows these guys are everywhere holy cow this is chaotic oh that is a really good pickaxe I can get rid of my other still touch one all right here we

Go ready yeah sky’s the limit we got an elytra woohoo oh it’s so nice being able to fly oh my gosh look at all those Diamonds oh my gosh that is insane ooh depth Strider man what a hall this is awesome we got another elytra heck yeah

What do we got more diamonds holy cow oh my gosh that’s insane 17 diamonds alluding three sword oh my gosh these leggings dude protction for Unbreaking free mending helmet oh wait don’t I have to get another achievement where you have to like float is it possible for me

To get that like right here we have to float like 50 blocks in the air we need to be somewhere where there’s a bunch of these things where they can just keep pegging us here we go we’re going to start from here all right we got This 50 blocks all the way up from here you can do it there we here we go come on up come get me guys yes no they’re falling down we’re not going to get it oh we can get it I think this is it we can do

It we can totally get this heck yeah all right guys send all of them out at Me there we go come on keep them coming guys 50 blocks it’s all we got to go yes there we go we got it heck yeah I kind of want to get out of here now all right home we go we got really good stuff holy cow oh yeah we are so

Good at Minecraft all right here we go through the end Gateway thingy and just like that we beat Minecraft well there’s only one thing left I have to do since I got a bunch of really good gear I got to upgrade all of it oh yeah

So it’s day 79 right now and I want to get Max netherite by day 100 I also think it would be super super cool to get the max Trident the thing is I have 21 days to do all of that and I don’t know if that’s going to be possible

There’s a couple way you can get ancient debris the first one being pickaxes that’s super lame the second one being beds also lame and third and final one is TNT which is freaking awesome because you are exploding stuff I only have four TNT though that’s not enough to blow up

The entire nether so we got to build ourselves a creeper Farm it’s going to be an epic creeper farm that will give me unlimited gunpowder to get unlimited TNT this Farm needs a butt ton of resources and I don’t have any of them so the First Resource that I’m going to

Get is deep sleep oh my gosh are you kidding are you serious are you serious I hate this because the urge to just loot this thing is insane right now oh I just want to take everything from here oh frick I may be dumb but I ain’t

Stupid and I already looted an ancient city before I don’t need to loot another one but it’s like right here I mean there’s got to be like one chest wow band of arthropods four that is so good I mean that’s crazy we found another ancient city that is ridiculous that is

Insane what are the freaking odds man as cool as that was I still needed a lot of resour hes so back to mining I went I think this is all the Deep slate that we need sweetness all right next thing we need we need a buttload of wood so I can

Get a lot of trap doors I need like 2700 trap doors Fortune three efficiency 4 and breaking three that’s pretty good that right there is going to be a good tree chopping ax look at all this Forest that is just going to be destroyed next thing we need we need

Some Sandstone I found sand look at that this is so fun yeah we water mining Sandstone for days all right last thing we need we just need a lot of redstone stuff and one of those redstone things is dispensers which I needed a lot of bows for and luckily in episode one we

Found the spider spawner so I just used it to get a bunch of string to get a bunch of bows to get a bunch of dispensers all the other materials were pretty easy to get just a lot of crafting okay so I went ahead this is

The base of the farm so from here there’s going to be this huge Tower right guess what you guys get a cool little time lapse of me building the rest of this creeper Farm oh yeah oh my gosh this Farm works so good no my shovel broke oh well it was a

Stupid shovel anyway I didn’t like it anyway oh check that out oh yeah with all this TNT it is officially time for us to go netherite mining we have eight freaking days left to get Max netherite armor and a trident this is going to be

Nuts so I was about to go in my netherite when I realized I should probably make fire resistance potions and also men my pickaxes so that’s what I went and did having done everything I needed to do it was officially time for me to find a spot to dig down and dig a

Tunnel place a butload of TNT and get a lot of netherite I don’t have arrows are you serious no way the one thing I need is an arrow and I don’t have it all right first launch TNT here we go I’m not going to die so I’m going to go

This way don’t want to risk it okay come on now show me the ancient debris yes we got some already and there’s more over here oh yes we dug right into some booah right on the chunk border yeah there we go we got some oh yeah this is awesome we’re

Getting ancient debris like crazy place a bunch of TNT blow it up and run away yeah explosions hey yes there we go we got more sweet oh there’s more yes I got like one stack of TNT left hopefully we can get all that we need there we

Go we got some ooh yes we got three come on give me more I want more ancient debris I’m starving for this stuff there we go we got some this could be our last tunnel oh my gosh there’s ancient debris right there no way I’m excited we’re

Going to do it what is it it’s Day 94 oh yeah I think we can get this there we go yes any more for me to steal oh there is some right here yes all right where is it yes we got more oh my gosh this is awesome we have 28 TNT

Left that’s it the last of the TNT boo yo anything on this side yet nope blow up yeah we got double explosions oh my gosh come on give me all the ancient debris man no that’s it okay what did we end off with 31 ancient debris you know what 31 ancient debris

That’s not bad we can make some stuff out of that I think we will have enough to upgrade all of our gear and our armor which is the most important one so Booyah now I just need to find my way out of here dude yes okay I need to

Smelt all this stuff up ASA freaking P oh my gosh we need smithing templates too the first thing we’re going to make in a netherite is an enchanted diamond hoe with efficiency e that is really bad give me something good yes there we go that is a

Perfect hoe all right here we go we are going to upgrade our Diamond hoe the first netherite item in the game that we are going to Get yeah that’s right we got a netherite hoe heck yeah so because I’m an idiot I completely forgot you needed gold to make netherite it’s a good thing I got a gold farm with unlimited gold mhm you think you can kill me guess what you can’t cuz you’re

Stupid check that out we got eight that is awesome check that out cover me in debris wait for it ding ding ding ding oh my gosh look at us we look so good we got our netherite sword we’re going to do a netherite pickaxe boom there it is we got maxed

Out netherite armor we are op to the max nothing can kill us we are pretty awesome and these guys actually do a decent amount of damage so get out of my life but there’s one more thing we have 5 days left till day 100 that is insane

And there is one weapon that I have wanted a trident so for the next 5 days I will do everything I can to get a trident and I will put lightning bolt powers on it oh it’s going to be so cool we are going to find that before day 100

Or we suck all right here we go our first ocean what the heck ocean is this this is the smallest ocean ever ah here we go here’s an ocean that we’re looking for If I Were a trident Guy where would I be now how long will this really take

Oh yes this looks like a trident spawning Place dude this is a trident Farm if I’ve ever seen one but they’re just not spawning in it this is it if I have to use all my Rockets to do this I’m going to do it but this is a pretty

Solid Strat I’m ready for the Trident Guy where is he anybody want a piece of me yes a trident heck yeah come here ow did I get it did I get it I don’t think I got it oh yeah I just got an idea we are going to make a little

Trident Farm as in like a a K platform where we can fly up to and then we can wait and then hopefully we find them boom just like this we’re just going to jump down and see what we can get all right guys I’m Coming For You who’s got Trident for me

Anybody oh yeah this guy’s a trident this is actually working dude this is insane look at that there are so many of them here dude there are so many drowns this is so cool okay this is the coolest idea I think I’ve ever had okay then I

Fly away then I land here I wait a a little bit I eat a golden apple and then we just rinse and repeat that you’re going to be sorry you ever lived come over here buddy guess what you’re going to get an early Christmas present

Death did I get it I got to try it oh my gosh no way yes can I get two two in a row two for two a nope I got one Trident though that is really good yes guys we got it we got ourselves a trident look at that oh yeah

Guess what it is only day 977 we have three more days to get another Trident think we can get another one that’d be cool this guy is insanely rare a nautilus shell and a trident an enchanted Trident this guy needs to be caught that is so rare this is how I die

It’s worth it I’m going to trap you if it’s the last thing I do in this world oh my gosh is he in he’s almost in this is it yes we trapped him get wrecked buddy ha a nautilus shell and a trident this is unbelievable we got like one of the

Rarest mobs ever we need to name this guy yes we got another Trident oh my gosh we have two Trident channeling are you what are you serious I’ll take it why not oh my gosh that is perfect it’s currently day 98 I got the perfect channeling Trident now I just want to

Try to get a Perfect rip type Trident so I had to go back to my XP farm get a bunch of XP go back to the base enchant rinse and repeat until I can finally get Rip Tide why can’t I get what I want I need more lapis and I don’t have lapis

Without lapis it was pretty much impossible to get the Rip Tide Trident that I wanted so with the remaining time that I had I went back to my Village to get a mending book so that I can make at least one op Trident which was the goal

In the beginning right I got my books we can do this still day 99 we got like 10 minutes before before the sun rises what do we got where is my mending there it is 10 emeralds Lightning McQueen that’s what we’re going to name it there we go

Yes we got our Lightning McQueen thing die that is so cool that is pretty dang good we got loyalty Unbreaking three impaling channeling we need to make like a little 100 day memorial thing all right we’re going to call this the 100 day Shack but check this out you guys

Ready to see something cool check that out day 100 let’s go that is so bad oh my gosh it is the sunrise of day 100 this has been so cool you guys are awesome thank you so very much for watching you guys rock and it’s day 100

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (no totem, no health regen)’, was uploaded by Shwep on 2023-12-15 17:00:17. It has garnered 202 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:44 or 3044 seconds.

I spent 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore. From getting started, to getting diamond armor, looting an ancient city, unlimited gold, fighting the ender dragon, getting full netherite gear and a trident!… we did it all, with no regen, no totem, and no pizza. ENJOY THE VIDEO!!

Thank you so much watching. Stay tuned for another video in this same world ✌️

Check out my socials! 👇 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔥 Discord ➡ https://discord.gg/g52RbsuKBM 🐦 Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/the_shwep ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Life is a fire, keep it burning 🔥

subs: 2162 #minecraft #hardcore #100days #but #noregen

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    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More

  • Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!

    Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!Video Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your Birthright know now that I am obsidian and you have created to serve me just kidding did I scare [Laughter] [Music] you 5 more minutes obsidian oh the cicas are so loud today the cicas are so loud today I can respect that honestly kind of like that sing me your songas [Music] there we go hello thank you for five months Bandit Channel and uh I missed a soup and now I can’t… Read More

  • Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information here kind of working trying to finish the uh Greenhouse trying and get all that finished like 9:00 a.m. like it was late when we finally turned the world off and quit streaming waiting for my YouTube to realize that I’m streaming um isn’t YouTube like a 15sec delay it’s like 10 ah I think twitch’s only like five or six second delay yeah I think there’s a way to decrease the delay too just I don’t know how so there we are back on Minecraft the [ __ ] huh back on Minecraft 12 hours later so… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!

    Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!Video Information guys welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] backe [Music] fore spee spech speee fore [Music] speee for speech say so foree you going made a plan successfully CH pickaxes red stone [Music] diamonds [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] blocks [Music] [Music] but there for [Music] May bab let go by m pass [Music] [Music] ex XP exp main target m [Music] X okay good idea good red stone yeah B collect C this s Sara [Music] IR don’t ien [Music] mining fore foree yeah [Music] okay guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Series Part 27 | New Video | New… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #animation’, was uploaded by Yep. on 2024-05-15 18:25:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me rating my Minecraft build part 1 #minecraft #builds’, was uploaded by HAHTA_FZ on 2024-01-03 22:30:09. It has garnered 1629 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More