100 Days in LEGO Fortnite?! (CRAZY Survival Story)

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Lego fortnite just released and I’m big into surviving in new and interesting Adventures so I thought let’s give this a try new game same lagundo challenge surviving 100 days in a brand new adventure seeing what I can discover what mobs there are to fight and how

Much I can upgrade my gear before the end oh we got to run this is a brand new adventure through a brand new game there’s no looking up anything and I won’t be alone the whole time the m condre is the PowerHouse of the cell I

Was going to go with the power of friendship but okay so grab yourself some snacks and buckle up this is 100 days in Lego fortnite okay here we go never thought I’d be here I spawned into the world with absolutely no expectations and immediately was confronted by a giant Pink

Bear oh it’s on Ian what that’s said f who are you who am I my name’s cuddle team leader nice to meet you you’re lagundo we should prepare ourselves just in case prepare ah given my first mission I headed out grabbing a little bit of granite and then started doing

What I know best punch trees I was able to collect the initial supplies for a campfire watching that bear just murder a spider with an axe I should be worried grabbing a few more supplies and fighting mobs myself before finding spot right here at the top of

The hill to place down our campfire and start working on our proper settlement that sounds like what we’d probably want I then made myself some basic tools at the crafting table heading out for more resources and figuring out that you collect things slightly differently in this game I won’t kill you

Oh you give me milk also I’m pretty sure this cow okay chicken once it started raining for the night I figured I probably want shelter as you can see in the top left there’s a temperature gauge there and being in the rain makes me pretty cold so I started

Working on building one of the prefab structures following all of the steps to get a basic idea of how everything works we’ll make custom versions of this later but this is a really good introductory into how everything works with the building and it is very different than

What I’m used to but to end off the first day I put down a Town Square which forly marked this location as my first settlement in the world and threw down a bed but unfortunately you can’t sleep away the night I spoke with a few of my villagers just spent some time checking

Through menus by the time that was over the sun had risen and we’re on to day two and I started the day by chasing a giant glowing butterfly I swear I didn’t eat any of those mushrooms okay but I followed it off to a l and okay I know

Fortnite there’s probably stuff inside the only problem was I was attacked by a wolf and these things are actually somewhat dangerous the first hit cost me half of my health and I’m only rocking an axe which it says I can use for self-defense but oh boy is it not a PVP

Weapon once I was able to finish off the wolf I went to go whack the pinata and well that might have not have been the right call oh my god get back here in chasing that llama I was cornered by another wolf and on top of that my axe

Broke so I had to kill this one with my bare hands that is not something I want to do again though I continued in the direction the Llama had gone passing by a few sheep and running into a desert area that was marked with a bunch of Bandits over there with crossbows aimed

At my face I know when I’m not welcome but absent any weapon and thinking that treasure has probably ran away I collected a few of the Stray resource notes around around the area hopping in the bed to fully restore my health and then talking with the cuddle team leader

Figure out what I had to do next and I thought let’s expand out our structure here a little bit I’m using these very Scrappy looking walls to just increase the size of the area building it out to a 2×1 instead of just the 1X one mockup

That evening I headed out in the night to collect more resources being accosted by a few skeletons and using my axe to chop them to bits which is horribly efficient I just don’t know it yet I’ll get there I’ll get there I promise to end off the night though I did a little

Bit of building making a separate structure away from where I had my bed and crafting table putting down a lumber mill and a little 2x two platform area that I’m going to start building on the following morning though I am out of almost all of my resources I headed out

For some basic food and ran around grabbing some Granite from all of the Rocks around petting chickens to get eggs and then killing chickens to get meat I need to eat okay I placed down a grill right next to the little mini structure here grilling up some meat

Which is useful not just for health recovery but also for Hunger as it’s another thing that you need to manage that wheel around my character in the top left needs to stay full or I just start to you know die I Ed the lumber mill to process a bunch of wood into

Planks use that to build out a chest while I started making a roof SLC floor for this area as you can’t use any of these workstations when they’re exposed to the rain which is a really nice feature but it does somewhat limit you I made some stairs up to that area so it

Could still be workable space making sure that it was properly supported on all corners and then I thought about putting some walls in a few spots but figured no we’ll keep this open air for right now organizing my inventory into the chest and going out to chop more

Wood that I could turn into more planks that I could turn into more storage as well as more structures here because I really need to build this out I also crafted myself up a shortsword so I can actually properly fight now with that three swing combo as well as a few

Torches so that it will not be insanely dark when you’re out at night the only problem is I couldn’t figure out how to mount them anywhere so I just kind of threw them around my base to generally light the area which is probably a fire

Hazard but is the best that I could do so we’re going to roll with it I made myself a spinning wheel and the next morning I’m following another rainbow butterfly trying to see where it’s going to lead me to I’m hoping potentially it’s another jackpot and there was a

Chest with some different seeds some silk and an egg inside that’s probably useful I was also freezing to death in this area I’m not sure why it still seems like the general Central biome but there is cold like in render distance so maybe it bleeds over a little bit I

Collected up a bunch of the snowberries that were in this area which would allow me to make a snowberry Shake which would allow me to fade off the heat so it looks like I’m going to need that if I’m going to the desert then I got to play

Around with physics for a bit oh wait can I just break in the walls oh that’s sick but I headed out of the area grabbing a little bit more Granite along the way taking the silk and starting to convert that into thread on the spinning wheel which I can then

Craft up some health charms which would allow me to increase my Max hearts and take a little bit more damage be a little bit more protected with that done I actually wanted to do some more work on the structures building something a little more custom so I demolished the

Second half of that starter structure that I had built used it to make a few more platforms on the custom structure that I had made I spent the remainder of the night Gathering resources fighting skeletons and then I walked over to a giant rock structure and unpronounced to me teleported inside wait

What so once inside the cave I took some looking around just trying to see what was here on resources but I was about to be visited by a brand new mob which I wasn’t sure how to deal with oh my sword broke oh what are

You oh ow without a sword I had to use my axe to slowly and painfully chop down the rock crab to get my first shell which will be an essential crafting ingredient for something a little bit later there’s just straight up Dungeons and by lat I mean now because the

Morning of day five I realized you can upgrade the crafting bench and that required three shells so I’m going to have to fight more of those mobs to get the drops to be able to make better tools and that’s basically the loop of Lego fortnite you’re constantly heading

Out and grabbing more and better supplies and upgrading your things like I just did to the Village right here which would allow me to recruit villagers to live here in the village who can passively complete jobs and gather resources for me it also unlocked a a whole bunch of new building

Materials including some new candles which I was able to put around replacing the Torches that I had around so I could see I upgraded The Village yet again actually getting a whole bunch more crafting recipes and being able to make more things but a lot of it required

Copper and bright core and I have no idea how to get that so we’ll get there eventually I spent some time looking through the Myriad of things that had been unlocked and this is just level three I’m barely even an hour maybe an hour and a half into gameplay right now

This is barely scratching the surface there’s a lot that I get to play with with this but I spent some time processing both some wood and some vines into cord where I could go and make myself a recurve crossbow now I can do range combat and I’d be able to actually

You know fight I made myself a new sword and started following off another butterfly which led me to a few spiders which are much easier to dispatch with a proper weapon as well as another llama who was uh I wouldn’t say easier but at least I was capable of doing it this

Time turns out you just pet them and Lego fortnite really doesn’t want you to kill the mobs and just interact with them but I’m a Minecrafter that’s not how this works with my pockets packed with a whole bunch of tools that I had collected from a bunch of different mob

Drops I just spent some time digging and and getting dirt like good old-fashioned crafting dirt which I was able to craft into a few different garden plots I popped those down and planted a bunch of the seeds that I had been collecting thinking that it allowed me to have a

Passive generation of resources from all of these things and you know what farming is a thing that transcends games and I’m pretty sure I understand it I had to spend the night fighting skeletons around the base as they continueed to work their way in whenever I was looking at chests or the crafting

Table or the lumber mill which was really annoying but murder solved that problem pretty quickly it did require a replacement short sword the following day where with more supplies in hand I jumped back into the caves to go seek out more of the rock crabs to get more

More shells one was right by the entrance so that is shell number two collected and for the next one I had to head a little bit deeper in the skeletons here were wearing safety vests very clearly doing some sort of illegal mining operation I’m not sure what

They’re up to but I am here to correct the problem and claim this cave for myself I kept fighting until my sword broke using my recurve crossbow as my replacement and just slowly backing up and shooting the mobs aren’t really ready for that apparently but I reverted

Back to using my wooden ax to be able to fight everything taking down all of the mobs and finding another rock crab I’m using my crossbow until I ran out of ammo having to get up kind of close and personal and I’m trying to do this on

Hardcore so when it knocked me down to less than one full heart of Health I believe me I was a little bit panicking right now but thankfully I’m a true gamer and success was inevitable Yes I jumped out of the cave right now dropped off all of the

Pickaxes that that I got from the skeletons in the cave that were dropping off don’t worry we’ll burn that later processed a whole bunch of wood into planks and used all of that to upgrade the crafting bench to tier 2 which allowed me to make uncommon versions of

Both of the tools that I had at my disposal it also unlocked a new stone breaker recipe which would allow me to process Stone into refined slabs which I would need for even higher tier crafting recipes but before that we need to figure out how to get not root and

Marble and I think I had a plan I collected all of the resources from the farming plots throwing down a chest right here that I could contain and try to organize all of the foods from all of the crafting materials heading out in the evening just trying to go get more

Wood that I could process to make myself another sword as well as some upgraded arrows I don’t have any feathers but I think I have an idea where I could go get those and I’m assuming that those materials potentially spawn in the cave so I made myself one of these map

Markers that I could highlight the entrance of the cave and thankfully enough with the upgraded axe I was able to harvest the knot rout from these twisting Roots you know knotted Roots here in the cave now each one gives five so that’s pretty good on the resource

Front I spent quite a bit of time down here in the cave just chopping away at everything until I had a full stack and I’m not going to lie I had way too much fun using the recurve crossbow to just B everything while running around it’s honestly very satisfying finding some

More things including some marble one of the chests here it made me think that oh I’m pretty sure this White Rock here is probably marble but I wasn’t able to harvest it just yet I did however find an exit to the cave and it turns out

Almost all of these caves pop out to the surface at two or even more places and I think that this might be some sort of fast travel that if you map the caves you’re able to quickly go from entrance to entrance but I’m not a 100% sure

We’ll get to testing that a little bit later in the adventure i instead decided to run back in the Overworld breaking my crossbow against a rock crab that was up here on the surface marking another random cave entrance that I had found and returning back to the base to

Process the Knotwood into Knotwood rods which would allow me to craft dynamite oh boy that’s going to be fun as well as a long sword an upgraded weapon that hopefully is going to last longer than the short swords do I also had collected enough shells and marble thanks to that

One lucky chest to be able to make uncommon Health charms giving me double the hearts that each of my common ones were meaning that I can double my health yet again and the new sword is pretty good it kills skeletons in two hits instead of three meaning my combat

Efficiency is just so much better I spent the remainder of the night doing a little bit of farming and organizing with chests going into the following morning where I saw a crack in the sky and something falling off to the surface in the distance so I thought okay let’s

Go get that I went and chopped down a few pumpkins along the way getting some Vines fighting a wolf with my new upgraded sword and and then also kind of getting jumped by a rock crab at the same time I was able to clear that but

It was a little bit tricky from time to time getting to where the Loot drop had landed on top of a tree I chopped that down it didn’t move apparently it forgot about gravity so I grabbed my crossbow and shot the balloon having the items spill out along the floor and that was

Pretty satisfying with everything in my pocket I spent some time crafting up some additional planks as well as another drawring which would allow me to make another crossbow and then looking into to what I can do to build up this structure right here to make it look a

Little bit better I have the second floor but I’m feeling OSHA might come for me at some point in time so I threw down some plank railings along the entire outside and while this is just for Aesthetics it is for me trust me it also allows you to upgrade the village

You need a certain amount of building within the radius that white border that you see in order to upgrade the village to each subsequent level on top of the material requirements so you can’t just speedrun you have to put structures down and actually build something out and in

That vein this is a fort at the top of a hill and we’re playing fortnite so yes I’m going to build a giant Fort wall around the thing I used one of the pre-made builds for the gate that I could just throw down here at the top of

The wall and while there’s no protection to the left or the right we have a whole ton of resources we need to gather to be able to do that it is something and it gave me enough Building Material or building level building points that once I completed the whole thing I was on

Track that once I had the materials I could level up to the next level for my Village and as it rolled over to day nine I figured fashion game is the end game right check me out new skin HUD this I fig I should finally get something but this is the coolest thing

I could find and it also works in every game there’s like a little barcode on my back I’m aging 47 in my new digs or new skin that sentence is weird without context I headed off towards the wooded area fighting off a wolf to be able to

Clear some space so I could spend the day chopping trees because regardless of the game regardless of your progression in that game at every point in time you will need base materials like wood and stone and I spent all of this day just grabbing a bunch of it I had four Stacks

Worth in my inventory actually funny enough when I started this game stack size was 30 and It upgraded along the way so I think they understood the pain that I was feeling in this moment but on top of the wood there was a few other

Things I needed and I kind of knew how to get them hey buddy Squidward free cleaning service census taker good day kind sir would you like to buy some Gill Scout cookies but with everything collected I returned back to the village and I’m trying to expand out the wall I don’t

Normally build walls around my villages in Minecraft because I know how those mechanics work I don’t for this game and I need to build anyway so I might as well make something that looks thematically correct I had well over 100 wood at the time and I spent a good

Portion overwhelming portion of it building out more of this structure I also was talking to a few people who were here at my town they’re like I’d totally love to live here if you had a place for me to stay so I’m like okay that sounds like a good idea and I

Started building out some log cabins following one of the prefab structure builds as I wasn’t 100% confident with how the building worked quite yet working on it into the morning of day 10 where I’m working my way through all nine steps of this thing granted each of

Them is only two or three pieces but it is still a few steps at a time I made a house I threw down a table and bed inside a chair and some light and then spoke to one of the villagers to invite them to stay for a while I can make them move

In oh let’s talk jobs help with the village resource jobs oh oh I can send them out on a mission so yeah it turns out if you have villagers in your town you can set them to just passively gain or refine resources which is a great

Motivator to level up your village to be able to have more and more villagers move in or to make multiple that can be operating in Tandem and we will be doing that don’t worry but I need more wool and more meat so I ran around petting and then slaughtering any sheep I could

Find eventually running into a group of Bandits that were just here with crossbows who I was able to quickly dispatch with a sword never bring a gun to a sword fight but once I crushed the hill I saw a rival settlement a whole bunch of structures here and The

Telltale whsp of smoke from a campfire and I thought maybe it’s a Friendly Village not a Friendly Village okay so this is more of an I am the Pillager now moment then hello we come in peace so I spent the time fighting off all of the mobs that were

Spawning in and around this structure there’s all these Lego fortnite characters each with crossbows or swords they were chasing me relentlessly and I had to use the crossbow while backing up out of range for a lot of them while going in close on the ones that were

Trying to attack me from range to be able to shut them down and eliminate them and I really enjoyed being able to literally mine the structure out from one of them you can demo structures and it turns out that’s all so really efficient for wood Gathering but I went to loot

The chest in the center and the second wave of mobs spawned my sword was really damaged at this point so I’m really relying primarily on the crossbow just running around once that broke using some of the trash weapons that they had dropped running around and fighting and eliminating everything eventually

Getting back to the center of this little fort Town Outpost I’m not sure what to call it looting the chest and finding a whole bunch of rare seeds and supp flies which is definitely nice but it was night at this point so I threw a torch in my hand and then just started

Running back home I found a few toys along the way and my mic was muted or else you would have heard me with my that’s fun it’s a barrel of TN how could that not be fun and I was actually pretty far out I didn’t get back until

The morning of day 11 where I had to drop off everything into the chests making more for all of the fruits and seeds and other things that I collected including the gunpowder that was just chilling here I had a couple more villagers who were around here and I

Spoke to sprocket who had gone out and collected some wool I really hope they killed the Sheep too but I figured I would head out and do some of the same I needed a bunch of granite planks and not route to be able to upgrade my Village thankfully I had everything now hitting

Up to level four and seeing what it got me mainly it was stuff that I would get from the workbench itself so I spent some time making myself a new long sword processing some not root Rod making myself a tier 2 pickaxe and heading back

Into the cave where I was finally a able to mine some marble this would allow me to have a whole bunch of useful supplies and getting to each subsequent tier is really important for progressing in the game but unfortunately durability it edges on the breath of the wild kind of

Level because it breaks pretty fast or at least these low tier ones feel like they break a little too fast I’m going to be honest so I headed back to the village and crafted up more of each of them heading back to the cave to just

Hit more resource notes I picked up a few mushrooms along the way and I swear these won’t make me see butterflies at least I hope not grabbing as much not root and marble as I could carry on my person seeing what that would allow me to build I also realized that it was

Probably in my interest to have some wood on hand to be able to build ramps and inclines to reach resource nodes and chests that were on higher ramps in fact Building inside of these caves is strongly encouraged basically expected of you at some point I found another

Chest that had a marble slab in it and even though I haven’t built the stone prop processor I now unlock the recipe for juicer so I can just make things it constantly Builds on itself as you go I spent some time collecting a few mushrooms a little bit more marble and

Then headed out the caves on the opposite side again finding this ruined tower that I needed to kind of complete to be able to head up to the top to be able to unlock the chests inside oh that’s awesome and I’m having fun with this this is It’s new and it’s

Fresh and it’s Unique I’m enjoying this I made my way back to the Village seeing that I can now craft tier 2 chests it does require Marvel slabs though so I’m not sure I’m ready to make the jump just yet but I did throw down the stone

Breaker so now I can actually make those slabs instead of only finding them in chests and it’s a one toone conversion which is pretty convenient I set some marble to go and decided I should probably double up and have two of these going cuz the process is kind of slow so

I moved the grill making a second and having a whole bunch more marble processing once that was done I headed up to the Upper Floor putting down some supports to be able to start thinking about a ceiling for this area because if it starts raining anything that’s up on

This spot is going to become completely unusable but I went to make myself a new pickaxe and it turns out I was out of not rout so I had to use an axe instead heading down into the caves just harvesting wood and spending another round here instead of collecting the

Stone nodes collecting all of the wood ones fighting my way through all of the mobs until my sword was about to break as well and then it did demoing one of the chests to replace the grill so I can make myself some food while making some

More rods to process which I can make an additional long sword and my tier 2 pickaxe on the second floor of the area I thought okay let’s make one of those medium tier chests which is double the size that definitely feels pretty nice throwing down a juicer which is how I

Can make the juices that I need to be able to go out into the other zones especially the desert with the snow berries that I had picked up some 10 days ago but if I’m going to do that I should probably level up my resource Gathering and the growing of these

Things so that I could get a lot more passively instead of needing to actively go out and forage so I spent some time making a little platform railing it off and then setting up far more garden plots and a nice chest right here for storage having everything neatly

Organized off in the corner of my fort with all of that done the first structure went bye-bye as that was no longer fitting with the theme and I used the materials to set up some posts on the second floor FL of the structure that I had built working on a very

Rudimentary roof for this and here’s where I learned that the roofs as far as how far apart they actually are very particular and if you’re not exactly on a certain number of Pips away it’s never going to line up regardless of what you do and there aren’t just one block roof

Segments it’s all angled and sloped at a specific Cadence and it is a little annoying and you do unlock more pieces later on that can make it better but oh boy okay The Roof Is Not Great this is my very first build with Lego fortnite

We’re going to just roll with it okay I set some more silk and marble to process breaking all of the chests and upgrading everything to medium tier this allow me to store so much more which is going to come in handy I also used all of the

Shells that I collected in my last run down in the cave to build myself a few more Health charms which would allow me to be fully stacked up with uncommon ones and at the max health for my current tier and now that I was able to store everything neatly underneath the

Stairs I took all of the excess supplies running that over to the crafting bench and re-up grading it because I had broken it in the move and that got lost apparently but I made myself a new round of tools and some arrows so I’d be equipped for a fight stuffing my face

With anything that I could find making a few more additions to the wall surrounding the castle and then starting on another one of the builds here except it was a little messed up so it did take a couple tries to kind of align the wall with the wall that I had already been

Building to make sure that everything would look nice and I struggle with that kind of in and through the night where in the morning I was getting a little frustrated with it so I actually decided to go out and do some good oldfashioned murdering I just ran off in a random

Direction finding another cave jumping in and there was a ton of marble nodes here I had exhausted a lot of the ones in the cave that was right next to my house so this was useful I’m also picking up Bones from anything that I kill picking up any not route that I

Could find which allows me to make the gear that I need for the level that I’m at if I want to continue progressing and these caves are pretty interesting it’s all procedurally generated yes but it looks curated in a sense at least this early on I didn’t kind of know the rooms

That would get puzzled together to build the caves so every time I was heading through a tunnel I didn’t know what was next and that was a refreshing thing for me the annoying thing was inventory management because as you can see a lot of the stuff was said as stack level 30

Which meant you really couldn’t carry a lot in the early game and it really was a struggle to prioritize what I wanted to keep and what I had to let go but I made my way through the entire cave collecting everything that I could seeing a butterfly that would Le me

Astray but my sword broke and I’m thinking that’s probably a combat challenge that’s not a good idea so I spent the night just using my recurve crossbow sniping everything I could running back towards the village heading in through the gate instead of running around the wall cuz I’m not an animal

And spending the time banking all of my resources in the chest that I had around the base it is a bit of chaos right now it might not be the best organized but it definitely feels like it makes sense and I’m still figuring and feeling out

How I want this base to look as you can tell because I keep insisting on moving things around the very next morning I kept that going by upgrading the village again I had all the supplies so I figured it was worth it and I went

Through all of the tons of of new stuff that had been unlocked nothing to help with the roof situation though but I did get this new cool cabin that I could build and there was a great spot for it in the corner of my Village so I started

Off on the project but had nowhere near the supplies I needed to actually make really good progress into it so I grabbed my Axe and a backup in my inventory heading off into the woods chopping down trees for a good portion of the day basically all day actually

Until it started raining and I’m figuring it might be a good idea to start getting home as saw rainbow in the distance but didn’t go there to follow it I’ll I’ll regret that later there’s some cool stuff potentially there but I dropped off two and a bit stacks of wood

And then headed off for that rainbow when it disappeared I was a little bit late you need to move a little bit faster on those but going back to the Village I wanted to make sure that I could see so I put down some campfires and then returned back to the build site

To continue building out all of the parts following along with the guideline and I really do have to say this is probably my favorite part of the whole setup is the fact of this tutorial lied building it’s done so well I kept building into the morning of day 17

Where I was fully out of supplies and couldn’t really make much more progress but I did have some planks so I was able to use that to put down two beds inside this house so I’d be able to invite a whole bunch more villagers and it was likely they would join because the

Entire world was going through a massive lightning storm right now including hitting the house that I was actively working on I thought you know what lightning storm let’s go out to the giant wooden Tower and start demolishing that because that’s probably safe that’s a good idea maybe maybe not but it is

Really efficient on wood to be able to break those pre-built structures compared to having to deal with trees which turn into physics objects I spaned out the wall a little bit and then remembered oh yeah that’s right I was trying to finish this structure so I completed the Log Cabin going in and

Doing a bit more decorating throwing a few pieces here and there and then with a whole bunch more wood available to my name I thought let’s build out another Palisade gate which would continue to level up the village overall that did require doing a little bit of finagling

With the walls on the right side getting it to turn and align just so and there is a bit of a limitation on Parts probably because of my overall level so thankfully I was able to get everything lined up and as soon as I had more beds there’s a whole bunch more villagers

Here where I could talk to and invite to join here at the village and that is going to be nice I said them all to go get resource jobs right away the following morning I just did a little bit of crafting for replacement tool setting a few of my supplies to process

In their respective machines and then heading out I crossed along the grasslands finding a few chests on my way following towards a Rainbow Connection Point entering into the desert area of the island now thankfully I wasn’t getting too hot right away so I didn’t need to worry about that like I

Would the mountains but there was a lot of mobs that hit a little bit harder here basically it’s the upgraded sand desert variant of all of the mobs we fought so far and their drops are definitely going to be a lot more useful I made my way all the way to where the

Rainbow head set up setting up a very crazy and precarious set of just interlocking floors getting to this giant dancing Pride section which I didn’t know exactly what it was until I accidentally emoted in front of it and had the whole thing finally connect it dropped a whole bunch of resources but

Now it was starting to get a little bit sweltering probably cuz it was later in the day so now I had to worry about heat damage and exhaustion here I couldn’t break the cacti with my axe which makes me think that that is probably another upgrade away and there’s a few other

Things around that definitely looked useful these jets that you can jump on that throw you up into the air a little bit not much I can do with that right now and thankfully it did start to get later in the day which meant it was turning towards night which meant I had

To deal with cold instead I bought my way through a few of the sand shell crabs as well as a few sand wolves and bandits they’re mainly armed with TNT and crossbows and especially on the border right here there was quite a few my inventory filled up with through all of the

Different new items that I ended up collecting but I still decided to follow along with a butterfly that was here leading me to a piece of rough Amber which is going to be essential and what I need to do going forward I just didn’t

Know it yet the morning of day 19 I ran my way all the way back to the village finding a new villager hay seed and thinking you know what they’re probably a good farmer let’s set them out on that task I dropped off all of the supplies

That I had been collecting in the chests needing to put down a couple more medium chests to be able to store everything actually doing a little bit on the top level and having the top level basically be food and my crafting table and the bottom levels all of the resource

Processing tool benches and it turns out I was on the right track I need a lot of those desert drops in order to craft my crafting bench up to the next level but I’m going to need a lot more not route if I’m going to make any progress and

That’s the thing I can most immediately start to actually make some Headway on heading into the cave right here by the house chopping down any of the nodes I could find and grabbing a little bit of marble here and there along the way having a couple stacks of both I figured

I was in a good spot heading back to the cave and returning out as it was the morning of day 20 and we’re fifth of the way through this adventure so far I didn’t think it would be going this fast I used some of the not rout and granite

Slabs that I had set to process earlier to upgrade my Village to level six which allow me to recruit even more potential villagers and I put some of them to work right away but I took a look of what it would take to craft up additional houses

And resources and we’re kind of short on everything right now not going to lie but I set a bunch of not rout and other things to process at the workbenches downstairs once I had all of the supplies I grabbed all of the bones and other things and use that to craft and

Upgrade my bench to the next level now I can make rare level tools which basically means I can make tools that will actually function over in the desert and now here’s where I wanted to test my cave Theory I jumped into the cave that was right here by my house

Following along the path that I knew thinking that it led off to the west but it actually led to the South so that didn’t really help immediately this is where I started labeling the caves with different color combinations so I can know kind of where the two entrances to

Each individual instance was I did find a little bit of treasure on my way as I was running back towards where I needed to go basically Pleasant park I think from the Battle Royale map but I’m not 100% certain I did make it off to the desert figuring out oh yeah there’s

Swimming stamina too so maybe don’t drown yourself making it across the river and running into the area as it got a little bit rainy which is going to help with the temperature so that’s useful I also have some snowberry shakes on board which mean I can deal with the

Temperature a little bit better as I went out mining out a ton of rough Amber I’m using up my entire pickaxe Worth to be able to get as much as I can so I don’t have to do repeat trips and as I got a little bit later into the night

I’m freezing to death here in the desert so that’s probably a little bit of a problem holding a torch just barely gives me what I need to stay above that damage threshold so I was able to work until later into the night until basically I started running out of food

And ax dur ability once it was broken the following day I’m just trying to get out of Dodge I’m dealing with the Scorpions who explode when you kill them that was a definite new surprise making my way to the grassland and running all the way back to my Village seeing a few

Villagers without their walking animations which is just hilarious I’m almost expecting a small child’s hand sliding the Lego characters around instead of them just walking I’m having fun with that even the glitches can be fun or is that lore who knows you’ll never know but I had some new things

That I could craft the first was this Essence table where with some cut Amber I could upgrade my weapons and tools and this is going to be absolutely invaluable of making sure my resources are going the distance from what I am expecting out of them I also could craft

A loom which I didn’t know the value of just yet and a gem cutter which would allow me to do the cutting of Amber which we just mentioned so I set some Stone to process building a few of the additional tools that I would need and

Then looking into how I could get these cool new things upgraded first thing was the gem cutter where I needed to just kind of unpack a lot of my mob drops running into the night finding some new villagers who were here throwing down another bed and realizing that I

Couldn’t invite a new villager until I upgraded my Village further it’s not just infinite based on beds you actually have to level up and there’s a hard cap of how many villagers you can recruit but I added a Grain Mill to the second floor of my little industrial complex I

Don’t know what to call it just just yet and using that I can make flour and I can also make seeds from all of the fruits that I could find at a little bit of a benefit so there’s some value out of the excess things coming off of my

Farm I spoke with a few of my villagers to pick up all of the free drops that they would be giving me and there was quite a few as I hadn’t really done that at all that is useful a little chaotic messy maybe but very very useful so the

Following morning since I had the need for a lot more seeds the need the need four seeds don’t you know leave that in that’s just a funny thing that they all get to hear now but I packed my pockets and heading what I thought would be on a routine

Trip back to the desert or it turned out to be my first interaction with a brute um what are you oh my God what are you what is that thing it’s a hunter it’s a Halo Hunter it was at this moment that he knew we’re running we’re running it’s

Bad it’s bad we’re running we’re running it’s bad we’re running it’s bad oh god let’s take the TNT too why Not oh no I need to make another crossbow I got to kill this thing oh it heals oh my god oh what oh that was one brute scale which means the desert brute that I saw is that but worse and I got one of those for oh God that’s

Terrifying but with the brute slain I could finally get back onto my objective my inventory was a little bit Fuller now but also empty considering I spent so much team and to do that I made my way to the desert where the Wolves were circling around thankfully I had a

Backup crossbow that I had made before that fight so I was still able to defend myself in the area and my sword was doing pretty good I fought into the morning where I was collecting all of the claws that I needed but now I needed a whole bunch of sand shells but I’m

Fighting until my inventory is basically full and I don’t have what I need I did spot some rock crabs I I like calling them rock crabs I don’t I know if that’s their official name but I think it is fighting to pick up three sand shells getting a fourth from another one a

Little bit later after that and then learning that TNT has a finite fuse time and with that very goofy clip behind me let me show you another clip that really kind of humbled me quick oh we got to run I was chased by another sand rock crab which was

Honestly perfect for me as I needed to kill them for yet another shell and there were two more that were trying to block me off and keep me here in the desert where a quick fight later mainly with a lot of crossbow shots I had seven

Out of what I needed and one more right on the border between the desert and the grasslands with one very successful run under my belt I started making my way back towards my house finding another little house here that was guarded by some villagers who just don’t understand

The concept of a Target Rich environment getting a bit of supplies out of their chest and running all the way back to my structures which took me in until very late in the night when I’m dropping off all of my supplies and being accosted by

Catg girls I needed to do a little bit of reorganizing though so I replaced the lumber Mills and the Looms down here turning them so that I’d be able to stack them up double wide and making space for the gem cutter just as it rolled over to the morning of day 24 but

With that in place I was able to tell it to process some cut Amber waiting for that to go through which took a little bit taking all of that up which I could then use with the not root rods that I had to craft a blue axe which makes me

Think I’ll be able to go and maybe chop those cacti down but the bench upgrade for the next tier was pretty expensive copper bars obsidian slabs and brute scales thankfully I just acquired the third but I had no idea where to even find the first to but I did have some

Supplies to make my trip in the desert which I’m assuming is where it is a little bit easier first was a cool-headed charm which would lower my temperature threshold and make me a little bit safer and then I figured I needed some other things first I went to

The cave that’s right here by my house chopping up a whole bunch of notot root and marble to be set on all of the uncommon crafting materials in case they would come up again for anything else in this current tier of tech I was in which

Allowed me to make a new long sword and I crafted up some arrows while I was at it just to get everything and then I did some digging to make even more Farm plots for hay to be able to tend as it looks like he was able to do everything

With this without actually replanting the plants and just gaining fruit fruits and veggies passively based off of what I had planted around but I also needed food pretty desperately so I went out petting all the cows to get milk and then and don’t worry I was taking care of the sheep

Too arriving back at my house way late at night setting a bunch of eggs and a bunch of meat to cook on the grill so that I’d be able to eat and survive in the desert throwing down a bunch more campfires to light up the area here

Around my house as I really want to see what’s going on the following morning it’s time for an adventure I ran all the way through the grasslands out to the desert making sure to use those water jets whenever I could and fighting a few mobs right as I was crossing over to the

Border they dropped a bunch of juices which helped me refresh on energy I’m going to really learn to depend on that not going to lie but thankfully I was right my axe allows me to chop down these cacti which get me flexwood which is the next tier in wood now for a while

I thought that’s all it was but it turns out flexwood actually unlocks probably the coolest part in the whole game and I’m so excited for when you get to see that I was so excited when I discovered it I’ll give you a hint has something to

Do with this right here but I spent the whole day just chopping flexwood in the very very late day I checked out the cave that was right here on the border between the grasslands and the desert there wasn’t really anything notable inside a lot of resource nodes that I

Can go and harvest later but not a fast travel that I could use to get back towards home so I ran over land setting a lot of the flexwood to process in the lumber Mills down in the bottom and knowing that that can get me an upgraded

Recurve crossbow so I’d be a little bit better in the combat front but still not having any idea what I can do to get any of the tier 3 Epic Level stuff yet but I could upgrade my health charms and being able to survive is probably the first

Step to being able to do anything else in this game so with all of the flexor rods that I had I grabbed these shells Claws and a little bit of wool that I turned into thread allowing me to make a tier three pickaxe which is definitely

Going to come in handy as well as the health charms to fully upgrade my kit Day 26 I crafted up a loom first thing which would allow me to make Fabrics of both silk and wool I don’t know what they are for yet but it’s definitely nice it feels like another crafting

Ingredient I then expanded out the area a little bit further to make sure that that would be underneath a roof so it’s protected from rain making railings on the upper level and then reorganizing all of the the little crafting benches and areas around here so that I can move

Things around I also made an Essence table which then taught me essence of durability and health it’s basically enchanting I can upgrade my gear with these Essences to make it last longer do more damage get more healing items or later have more mob drops and let me

Tell you the concept of not having my stuff break as quickly as it would very enticing so I’m going to go hard on essence of durability for a while but more interesting ly when I went up to the crafting bench now that I had made a loom and could make

Fabrics glider okay wool fabric silk fabric Jo just stop everything stop everything if I can fly in a game you know I’m going to work on that immediately I immediately took all of the silk and all of the wool that I had set that to process into the threads and

Then set those threads to process into the individual Fabrics over at the loom I even doubled up on the spinning wheels so that I could process things a little bit faster having wool going on one and silk going on the other now threads is a one:1 conversion but the Fabrics is 5

To1 so it’s going to take a while and I need to go out and get a whole bunch more wool I spent the night basically running around out in the fields trying to find whatever sheep that I could really only finding skeletons and some combat challenges and not what I was

Looking for we’ll have to go get more later and by by later I mean now because day 27 I ignored everything else and went out looking for sheep about halfway through the day though I did find this cave near the kind of outer ring of what

I would consider around my home base and with my theory that all of these are two-way tunnels maybe this was the outer exit of a cave that had an entrance a little bit closer and I could use it as a fast travel point so instead of worrying about fighting anything I

Basically ran through this cave going from chest to chest I didn’t mine anything I didn’t fight anything I just ran around kind of like an idiot was getting lost a little bit just trying to see if I could find a secondary exit that would lead me somewhere specific

Now my backpack is full my sword is almost broken my crossbow is empty and in jumping out of the cave I ended up at another entrance sure it was the same one though it didn’t really get me any closer it was actually really far north

From where I was so it was kind of a bust not going to lie outside of the cave though was another brute who I did make the mistake of upsetting by just kind of existing in its General vicinity so I did have to quickly run away from

That finding a few more sheep who I pet to get more wool and since they were right here by the house I left them live wondering if maybe there’s a cool down or a respawn timer well they’ll drop more wool soon but I said a whole bunch

Of the meat that you can never prove where I got that to cook as well as all of the wool to turn into wool fabric and thankfully I had just enough that that I was able to craft the glider oh oh oh I can make it I can make

It oh it just goes in the backpack oh that’s that’s straight up the fortnite glider of course it’s the fortnite glider you’re in fortnite lagundo what’s wrong with you to celebrate I upgraded my Village hitting level seven and that unlocked a whole bunch more crafting recipes so I just

Went through and tabed through all of those for a while but all I needed to go to level eight which I already had all the building level for was more marble and more rough Amber and I had all of that so I loaded up my inventory set a

Whole bunch more marble to process into slabs while that ran I went and spoke to all of my villagers to pick up all of the supplies that they’ve been collecting over the last few weeks of me just leaving them unattended since I had done this last and knowing that once I

Hit level eight I would unlock another villager slot I started building out another cabin really quickly just a one Seer one bedroom kind of place that I would be able to then invite another villager to live in but I was out of woods so the following morning I went

Out just running and chopping a few trees with the tier 2 axe trees Cho pretty fast that I was able to get all of the supplies complete the log shed and build out a bed and some basic Furnishings inside that I’d be able to invite a villager to live in here in

Good conscience but I was feeling good we were just about to level up once a few material IAL finished processing things were looking up and I was super excited about what was coming next I used the glider to head over towards the desert because I had an idea how I could

Use that oh that is so cool that’s genuinely so cool unfortunately there was a brute right at the kind of entry point of where I make my way into that biome so I had to wait until they patrolled off on the side for a while using the jet and the glider to

Get a lot of altitude and therefore a lot of distance and that became my favorite new gimmick as I’m just hitting these Jets making my way up to pick up a ton of rough Amber as I was just a few pieces short to be able to properly

Upgrade the village while I was at it and I worked on that throughout the remainder of day 30 late into the night using the Jets to be able to get up high the glider to be able to cover distance once I was there and my upgraded pickaxe

To pop any amber node that I could see once I had more than enough like significantly more than enough I jumped on the Jets and started sailing home the next morning I was out of the desert finding a supply drop along my way being able to break that for a little bit of

Corn arrows you know the usual things you find in a balloon attached to a crate but there was the ruins of a house with four rock crabs here and it was a bit of a chaotic fight I’m not going to lie but not a very intense one they

Can’t do as much damage to me as I’ve upgraded my armor through all of the health charms so I’m doing okay it’s just a matter of actually getting all of the mobs killed I was able to break all of the things here because this is a really good source of wood and it

Doesn’t require nearly as much moving as chopping around trees so breaking down this POI for supplies was definitely very useful but as I got to a pretty large body of water larger than what I know I’d be able to swim across given my stamina I thought okay it’s fortnite

Let’s fortnite this building a bridge of 2x two platforms across the water just barely above supported by absolutely nothing cuz that’s how Legos work clicking it in that I could just run from one side of the lake to the other on the way back I marked out any cave

Entrances that I saw with prospective colors thinking I’ll go ahead and map those at some point in time later making my way into the village with my pockets full and quite a bit to do I set all of the meat to get grilled so that I’d be

Able to get better food I processed some of the Amber that I’d be able to convert that to be able to do more things and make myself an upgraded Forest Axe and built a new pickaxe which I then immediately started looking into enchanting and what that would take I was throwing durability Essences

Basically three times on anything cuz yeah the durability is a little undertuned and actually funny enough when I logged in the next morning the durability got buffed for everything so all of my tools despite having just made them the previous night in game they’re all showing is pretty decently damaged

Because durability got like a solid boost across the board I was playing this right after it launched so you’re going to see a little bit of jankiness like that throughout the rest of it but I ended off the day by upgrading my Village that’s a major accomplishment

The following morning I was talking to Sky my brand newest villager who I invited to join in and sent them off with the same resource collection task as everybody else once I cleared all of the new indicators in my building pet I looked to see what it would take to

Upgrade to level 9 more obsidian was was on the menu and I still didn’t really know how to get that I’m assuming it’s off in the desert given that’s where all of my tools seem to be pointing me and the fact that it also requires flexwood

So I spent a little bit of time processing more materials to be able to make more durability enchants on my tools and weapons so that they’d be able to survive an extended duration out in the desert and an extended expedition going out looking for resources but with everything fully Enchanted I popped down

A new marker here at the cave closest to my house and we’re doing a little bit of a mapping Expedition and the next kind of 2 days are a bit of a mess I’m not going to lie cuz I spent them in caves just running around throwing down these

White pillars which I could do just for a single granite and there was a ton of granite around here marking the shortest distance between both entrances of a cave once I got to the other side I would throw down a marker on that side using the same color indicator as I had

Done at the entrance basically linking the entrance and exit on my map thinking it’s got to be fast travel why else would they have caves that exited two points if it weren’t a shorter distance than going over land now somebody who’s an expert at this game tell me am I

Completely just out of my depth am I just off my rocker right here am I trying to basically make the caves into the Minecraft nether I’m not certain but the mapping expedition was going well I had several different points around where I saw that two caves basically

Hopscotched over each other to get a little bit further away and using these help me actually map out the caves as well as far as resource notes knowing what was respawning what wasn’t and at what frequency if at all these caves would ever reload is something that I

Needed to learn while I was in the process and having Maps off to the far east as well as the South means I can travel a little bit faster hopefully and get to things here quicker plus outside of the caves I would go ahead and find

Random pois like this chest where it was only guarded by a few villagers which were pretty easy to kill but it turns out caves don’t only go one way or they don’t always only go one way and one of my caves actually turned out to be a

Triad of entrances that I could go to depending on which of two really shortest paths I would take forming a bit of a triangle underground and a bit of a triangle in the Overworld go figure but with operation undermining taking 48 in-game hours to complete I looted a

Quick chest that a butterfly told me about and then ran back towards my house processing a lot of the Granite that I had collected and then seeing a giant banana person who I desperately wanted them to join the village but I didn’t have the supplies to upgrade to level 10

And I didn’t have the heart to kick anybody else out of the village in order to make room so unfortunately banana manless I had a lot of the Granite processing into slabs that I could then enchant all of my stuff with essence of durability getting everything fully

Upgraded and looking into what it would take to be able to go into the next level on a few things but at this point I had to a ton of gear and I didn’t want to lose any of it just yet so I threw down some chests to drop off all of the

Stuff that I had replaced with the higher tier version you know just in case I had a friend come and join me at some point in this 100 days hint hint I totally do but it’s definitely a game that’s in beta because I went to upgrade

My crossbow and it said long sword right there so I mean you’re still learning Lego fortnite I believe in you but this has been fun so far but once everything was fully Enchanted I needed to do something about this roof or at least I needed to try like I said is something I

Learned kind of in doing this is that the roof pieces here are all a very specific width they all go exactly how far they’re going to go and there’s nothing you can do about moving them or making them longer or shorter so I had to kind of reust out and break the roof

Building it basically from one side over to the other and then moving the pillars that I hoped to connect everything onto over by a few blocks just so everything worked but in order to finish the ceiling I I needed more granite and I figured why don’t I go into the caves

There’s granite in the caves I also spent some time just double-checking all of my mapping here I was a little confused by the triangle cave at that point and going from one cave entrance to the other and popping out and double-checking where everything is with editing magic don’t you just love that

Transition but I ran around a little bit just collecting wood and granite that I would need back at home ending up close to the desert at one point and deciding going in there and getting into a little bit of a shootout there’s only room in this town for one of us there partner

But over in the desert there’s a ton of Rocky outcroppings and giant Boulders and it turns out if you smash them they give you a lot of stone resources and with the glider perk points and the launch points and the geysers I’m able to travel around a lot faster than I can

In the grasslands so I figure you know what this might be a good place to potentially put down some Roots I fought off a few mobs into late night getting to the point where I had to eat some spicy Burgers to be able to survive the

Cold as I was really only spec out for heat at this point Hitting off a few of the Jets and finding a very nice very flat area protected on three sides by giant stone walls and I have the supplies to burn and I’m going to have

To do a lot of exploring over here in the desert so let’s put down a second village and get this one going I marked the corners of the area by putting down campfires just to kind of light everything up spending some time breaking the nodes that were right here

Inside of the square to get some basic wood resources as well as flexwood which is going to come in handy one is long-term one’s a little bit more immediate I’m really hoping that it’s not going to rain in the desert because most video games don’t have it rain in

The desert so I’m not building a structure kind of just a platform throwing down some foundations making a crafting table lumber mill and some very very early game stuff with this I can kind of set up a forward operating base here in the desert where any resource collection or potentially doing caving

If I can even find a cave in this biome to be able to go out and get the supplies which I’m assuming copper and obsidian are probably hidden within but to be a little bit smarter here and better on storage I made some kind of chest High walls half walls on pillars

Where I was able to stack chests too high vertically being able to double my storage space without spaying everything out across the entire area of what I’m claiming as this second town but maybe putting down roots in this biome was what I needed it was a little bit of

Good luck because leaving on the more Northeastern corner of the settlement I found my first cave here in the desert my first of many actually I’m throwing down markers on top of all of them and as soon as you go inside you are burning hot so I needed to drink a snowberry

Shake to be able to make my way in seeing these Telltale black glass nodes and that is the obsidian I’m looking for and the first cave was honestly kind of nice no mobs no real hazards to worry about just a ton of resource nodes and

Chests that had a ton of nice things to be able to sit here and collect there’s also a blast core which is going to very useful at some point in the future cuz I can use that to make myself warmer which makes me think we’re heading over to

That mountain at some point in the future as well I mind up some rubies down in the trough in the middle of this area also getting some Copper from the nose and a sand brute scale and more blast cores from the chests these are mob drops that I don’t have to fight and

Is really really nice to get actually ended up getting a ton of dynamite drawrings a lot of loot from here mining with my pick until it broke even with the durability Buffs they still break pretty quickly getting just about a stack worth of obsidian before calling

It a day and as I exited the Cave the following morning we reached the coast and the end of the world I mean the world might not be infinite but this is pretty cool ow invisible spider I was having a moment don’t take that from me my poignant moment ruined I

Made my way back towards the desert village banking a lot of the resources here that I wouldn’t need immediately and I could potentially use to upgrade this Village as I’m undoubtedly going to have to do using the Jets and my glider to make my way back towards the grasslands basically following the exact

Path in out to be able to escape back in the shortest distance possible I made my way back over the bridge being H not so subtle when dealing with the brute right here deciding to take it on and tempt fate now this was the desert variant

Which meant it hit harder it had more Health it could tank my damage a lot more effectively so I had to be super careful using up every crossbow shot I had kiting around and stabbing the mob from the back whenever it really started charging and rolling underneath its

Attacks Dark Souls style to be able to get those invincibility frames and you can see from the time passing in the clip this fight took a while and it literally went into the night and it wasn’t even the desert variant it was just the regular one I don’t know why it

Dropped it looked like it was skinned as the desert I got scammed here I’m not going to lie I’m not okay I’d like to file a formal complaint I spent the whole rest of the day running back to the house dropping off a ton of the resources and immediately upgrading my

Village to level nine it felt pretty good until I invited the banana ban to live in my Village and turns out I need level 10 I’m heartbroken I logged back in the next day to find all of my villagers trapped in some sort of eldrich configuration between a few of

My tools and tell me that that’s not freaky looking I broke and replaced one of the lumber Mills freeing them all that they could wander around the village freely speaking with each of them to pick up all of the supplies that they had been collecting for me over the

Past few days after that I crafted up a new sword which I’m now able to imbue with the essence of damage thanks to the blast pores and rubies that I found it basically acts like sharpness so I threw two of those on and one durability so it

Would last a little bit longer I also tried putting damage on the pickaxe thinking maybe that’ll save me a swing so that I could work a little bit faster but we’ll go into testing that later I crafted up two cool headed charms mainly because they provided more Hearts than

My blue regular Health charms but also because it would just protect me from the cold but also because it would just protect me from the Heat and maybe even potentially not even require a shake to go down into the caves in the desert but I spent the night cooking up more food

Making shakes imbu more Essences onto my tools and getting fully ready to head back to the desert soon the next morning I set some obsidian to be processed in the stone breaker picking up the recipe for the totem of immortality once I picked up one of the slabs so that’s

Kind of cool I would like being Immortal it’s a totem of the undying but I don’t know how to refine copper into bars yet none of the tools that I’ve used give any indication that they’re a smeltery and I’m thinking there’s probably some ingredient that I’m missing before I’m going to unlock

The recipe to make that to be able to make bars on my way back to the desert I found another supply drop which I was able to break getting a little bit of eh some decent stuff inside that brute was once again guarding the entrance to the

Desert area I just kind of glided by running across the bridge and using the Jets and the glider to be able to cover a lot more ground I found some more cave entrances here and unfortunately some of them were kind of a bust I found a lot

Of these caves that was just a t of chests and a few resource nodes here and there but it was all obsidian and copper and it made me think that I was missing something this one though did have a secret wall that I was able to break down to find some interesting loot

Oh oh that’s so much more I marked the caves that didn’t really seem to go anywhere with this gray indicator continuing to work my around and now knowing what I’m looking for being a little bit more cognizant of that I’m able to try to find more caves I worked

Through the night didn’t find anything else fought a few Bandits at a structure here and then went and fought a few desert wolves over on the beach right at the edge of the world the following morning a butterfly led me to another cave entrance which I’m hoping is

Promising I marked it as gray for right now but I needed to run back to my desert village in order to drop off a few things because I was very very short on inventory space I spent the time upgrading the desert village to level two so I could eventually recruit a

Villager or two here making some more lumber Mills and then thinking this place probably needs a proper build and a lot more storage if it’s going to be viable in any way but we’ll get to that later I went back out exploring with my inventory now cleared finding a cave

Jumping in and finally finding something a little bit more uh active let’s say oh there’s lava okay oh they’re throwing TNT now okay that’s fine so this is definitely a much more I don’t know involved version of the cave maybe that’s a better way to say it a better generation overall there’s mobs

That are actively attacking me including these volcanic crabs which drop blast cores so that’s how you would get those without having them be in chests the TNT skeletons are a little freaky but it’s easy enough to figure out how to dodge around that but these new nodes right

Down here by the lava was bright core and it turns out that’s what I needed to unlock the metal smelter recipe so it was time to get in and do the work I’m using some different wood floors to go over The Lava cuz I’m not sure if it’s

You know just set on fire a little bit or instant death or a near instant death I’m not certain and lava is always tricky in video games you never know what it would be using the floors to work my way over I’m mining up all of

The bright corn noes that I possibly can find each of them took about seven or eight hits so it was a little bit slow going and it’s chewing away at the durability of my pickaxe but there was also a wall right here that I was able

To break down leading to much more of the cave further further in but I’m having to build a lot more to get to some of the nodes that are embedded into the ceiling of this cave which is proving a little bit tricky and finding out that at least the items aren’t

Destroyed when they touch lava as they just kind of rest on top of it all right so it’s not exactly what I was expecting but that’s okay I’d also been very careful to use Granite floors until this point when thinking maybe the lava would burn up a wood floor but that turns out

To not be the case either I made my way down one of the Interior tunnels seeing this massive lava waterfall which looks sick building up ramps on both sides to mine up more of the bright core finding some rubies as well well which is going to be useful for more Essence IMB after

That I broke my sword doing some fighting and it was time to test the lava in this cave oh my God we have to run we have to run now so with no sword and only four shots in my crossbow not enough to even kill a

Single mob it’s time to leave I wound my way back through all of the tunnels and started to really encounter some problems as I’m trying to build the stairs to get out of here the skeletons are throwing TNT at me which blows up the stairs that I happen to have and

There’s rocks in my way so it’s getting a little tricky it was a little dicey there at a few points but I was able to finally make it out late at night I marked this cave initially gray I’m going to have to go back and change that

Later because it’s the only viable cave I found for a very long time I headed out on the Jets glided my way back into the village and then had to defend myself with an axe in town relying on the nearby villagers here to be able to take out the skeletons and recruiting a

Few to join the town for good but the desert village isn’t well stocked to allow me to rebuild up my kit a lot of the things that I need to make are down in the main village or all of the supplies and machines to refine materials are there as well so I headed

Out into the grasslands area marking a new cave that I passed by at one point and making it to the village where I was able to see what it would take to make a smeltery I had to refine a whole bunch of obsidian thankfully i’ had been very

Good about collecting that while I was around and I needed to make space so I moved the Grain Mill and started making the upper area both food and kind of just general processing of things moving the essence table up there as well to increase my storage capacity down on the

Lower floor I’m going with the same idea that I did in the desert using fences and some floors to make basically a double stacked vertical chest system I’m going with all medium chests because it’s time to invest in the upgrade and I’m getting way too much loot for

Regular ones and I finally got enough obsidian that I was able to head upstairs and put down the metal smelter which showed me how to make copper bars and this takes brightcore a lot of it actually once I refined my first piece though I was able to unlock a whole

Bunch of recipes including the grappler and that looks potentially fun I could also make large and Grand chests the second of which said it needed Frost Pine and iron looks like I’m going to the Frozen region sometime soon but I spent some time organizing the inventories into the new chests moving

Them all out from underneath the stairs speaking with my villagers to collect everything that they had been gathering over the while cooking up some additional food and just organizing Inventory management Montage time okay but I wanted to upgrade my weapons so I could do a lot more damage and that

Involved making a copper long sword which took 12 ingots in order to craft which feels super expensive I’m going to make that worth it though imbuing one damage Essence so it would be a little bit harder to hit but two durabilities so this thing is going to last longer I

Don’t want this breaking anytime soon but I grabbed a ton of raw materials just everything that I think I had remembered needing for all of the upgrades in my Village to try to get that to the point as well as building all of the workstations and headed back

Out into the desert first I know I have my first indication that I need to go to the mountains but I want a much more stable supply of copper and bright core before I start thinking about the next tier above that and then requiring doubling back I saw a few more caves

Along the way as I was taking a slightly different angle into the desert marking those for exploration later and testing my new sword against the enemies here in the desert against the Wolves yeah it’s useful against skeletons you can basically one-hot them so that’s looking a little bit more promising once I got

To the Village though all my raw materials in hand turns out I was short on not route and I had forgotten about that step of the train well we’re going to need to go get some more supplies then I guess the next morning I’m going

To have to go out and get some not rout if I want to get this Village upgraded but I got distracted by a dancing POI it was on top of a cave here and I just staircased my way up to where I could jump down onto the POI and emote to be

Able to unlock the supply hidden within but I’m Downing the slap juice so my energy can be refreshing a lot faster using all of the Jets and my glider to make it back out to the grasslands and heading off in a more northernly Direction trying to find an additional

Cave right around here that I could go explore for not rot and marble I found one over a river and near the top of a mountain which I was able to go in and do a whole bunch of chopping filling my inventory with both of this uncommon

Tier raw materials that’s going to buy me some time time and allow me to craft up a lot of the essential work stations back in the desert as well so I can basically set up a Refinery and a forward operating base there with my main base in the grasslands being where

I build everything up to its Max tier the only problem was it was really far out and I mean I had been really really far north at this point so I’m just it’s going to take a while to get home I had a bridge over the river as well as it

Was too wide to swim across and I didn’t have a way to get myself altitude to be able to use my glider at least not right there by the water I made my way over to the beach at the far western shore of the island using a few of the Jets to be

Able to cover distance to return back to my Village late at night immediately upgrading the village to level two and unlocking a whole bunch of fun cosmetic items that very much fit the whole desert theme I also felt like this place finally needed a proper base or a

Building of some kind it’s really just a few workstations smattered around and I needed to get up some more building to be able to upgrade to level three and Beyond since I already had all of the materials I decided to build up a little bit of a castle going with a very

Granite look to make it visually distinct from my Forest base which was mainly all wood plus I had a whole lot of granite and could get more very easily with all of the stone nodes right here in the desert as I was working on this I set up a stone breaker and set

That to process some marble made a few medium tier chests around here going out in the desert and breaking rocks to collect a whole lot of granite so that I could actually complete the castle build and this is another one of those times where you can kind of see how the roofs

Were designed with very specific builds in mind and anything custom is really going to struggle unless you explicitly make it two pieces wide I finished the manor late into the night throwing down a bunch of beds on the second floor all my villagers can kind of bunk up with

Each other and the following morning seeing a supply drop collecting a few things like some flexwood and raw Amber and wood while on the way back and in building up the castle I was able to level up the village twice getting locked out on level six for some marble

Slabs and rough Amber but thankfully I was in a place where I could make both of those I set the marble slabs to process letting that go building up an additional castle wall the most useless of castle walls let’s be honest you can just walk around the thing wait did I

Make this joke back at the forest space I think I absolutely did but again it is building experience and overall structure for the village which is necessary and essential to upgrade even further I worked on that throughout the night harvesting Granite heading back and now being able to level up to level

Six once the marble had processed continuing to build to try to work my way up to level seven in building reputation so this place could continue growing and thriving but I was going to need some sand shells for that and thankfully I’m in the desert so I ran

Around fighting any sand crabs that I could find killing all of those for shells sometimes fighting a couple at a time which got a little chaotic but was it’s not exactly lethal in any sense fighting through the night and the biggest threat I had to deal with was

Gravity that was almost so bad I made it back late at night defending the settlement from Bandits throwing down an additional gem cutter and an additional Stone breaker which I immediately started all of them on processing refinements I was also able to upgrade the crafting bench to uncommon but was

Short on more not root and marble to be able to upgrade that to rare So I forgot that they were two separate things I needed to worry about but at this point we’ done a 5-day distraction getting this Village up and ready to go and it

Was time to head out and do some mining so I headed back off to the caves going into the first few that weren’t super interesting with a lot of chests there one had a sand brot scale in it which is awesome but there’s a ton of copper and

Obsidian in here which I could mine some blast cores in the chests all of it extremely useful I fought the sand crabs in between cuz there was quite a few caves located right here next to each other all of them unfortunately really just kind of being repeats of what I

Just said some nice mob drop loot in the chests some rubies of cidian and copper sitting all around but no bright core which is the main thing I would bottleneck on if I wanted to refine anything down into bars I headed back to the Village setting some marble and not

Rout to process because I found some in a chest that I had lost because organization was starting to struggle at this point I’m not going to lie the following morning getting the crafting bench actually upgraded as I had collected the sand shells necessary to be able to do that this would allow me

To make the rare tier a pickaxe and ax and sword here in the desert which is going to help immensely for my ability to keep this mining run going we’ve been in the desert for almost a full week at this point I made a spare Essence table even that I could enchant things

Crafting up a pickaxe some additional chests for storage and then running to go get some rough Amber which I could combine with some Granite to be able to make a pickaxe with all enchantments on it right here in the desert and I was able to make a full pickaxe with

Durability enchantments on it and ready to go heading off to the one viable cave I had found so far and continuing to push further in finding a lot of bright corn nodes up against the wall mainly down near the lava which I assume is kind of its spawning logic heading back

Through the cave with a giant lava fall and into a second even bigger chamber than the first it was here that I realized I focused so much on making sure my pick wouldn’t break I kind of forgot the sword to be fair I couldn’t have refined copper even if I wanted to

Because I was short on brightcore which I kept mining even though I only had a range way of defending myself that was until that pickaxe broke I went through an entire brand new pickaxe just to get all of that remarking the cave right here as purple as the only really viable

One on my way back towards the village I saw a spot where I could get another airdrop and I didn’t want to wait so I tried shooting the balloon out from under it nail oh the the items still fall super slow that felt pretty good I’m not

Going to lie that was pretty epic heading back over to the village and having to do a little bit more inventory management as I only had a few small chests around here and a whole lot of supplies that would definitely be essential at the main village so I

Packed my pockets and headed back out to the grasslands this expedition in the desert being extremely profitable but I needed to do a little bit more work here at home before I’d be able to progress any further I upgraded my crafting bench to the next tier unlocking purple tools oh look

Blue oh that looks sick copper not route honestly that’s easy obsidian and frost Pine interesting okay okay so we have a new pickaxe we got to do okay yep it’s time to start going to the water or to the cold so yeah it was time for another

Biome change we’re actually going to be changing up the scenery it makes sense that we had spent all that time in the desert as we were now prepared for our next tier of gear but before I could do that I spent time speaking with all of the villagers collecting a lot of

Resources while some copper had been smelting that I could make myself a new long sword and after a little bit of organizing my inventory a purple tier Forest axe which I’m assuming is how I’m going to be able to get Frost Pine considering the logic of the game so far

I also crafted myself up a regeneration charm that I could passively heal over time and a blue inner fire charm that would give me four hearts and protect me from the cold which is where I was headed with all of that stocked up I also just needed to get some base level

Resources around here getting a whole lot of meat and eggs from wolves and chickens and some Granite from around the house that I’m going to need to refine into slabs to get durability enchantments on all of my new gear that I had just crafted and I’m not going to

Lie day 54 was basically look at progress bars the day it was raining out I didn’t really go out and do much but I was cooking up Burgers copper bars granite slabs and a few other resources making myself a Grappler because I figure if you’re going to climb a mountain that’s probably

Important oh my my God is has 30 uses that’s really powerful okay oh that solves the mobility problem I was just talking about but I set some more obsidian to process because that is one of the last things I need to upgrade my Village to level 10 a bunch of flexwood and a bunch

Of obsidian turns out the ice planes are basically just bonus rounds and they’re not part of the village upgrade path but as I headed out the lightning trying to shock me at every turn of the way I’m looting a few things and with my inner fire charm able to finally start

Tweaking and and poking at the edges of the Frozen area I started chopping down the first Pine looking tree that I could find getting a whole bunch of frost Pine so there we go new tier unlocked looting a few of the chests that I was Finding around finding some pepper seeds and

Other things that would come in handy once I started pushing into the proper snow though even with the charm I was still cold so I had to eat a spicy burger and I was introduced to the much higher level of combat challenge in this area compared to everything Earlier oh my God so the knights are actually pretty dangerous they hit like a truck the Wolves probably would as well if I didn’t have the attack pattern memorized I was able to dodge out of the way whenever they were coming at me but I spent the day just collecting a lot

More Frost Pine and climbing mountains to get some good views I’m literally just on top I mean we have to go there but I’m just on top of a mountain on my way to that Mountaintop I saw a bunch of green resource nodes which I’m assuming required the purple your pickaxe so I

Marked that for later using the grappler to continuously climb up the mountain and Skyrim horsing my way to the chest that was waiting for me of course there’s a chest up here of course there is I got to say this is genuinely very impressive this world

Is massive I know it’s not infinite like Minecraft but it feels big maybe it’s the render distance maybe it’s a few other things but this feels just so big I love it and of course I did the next logical thing went on top of a mountain jumping

Off and paragliding my way down I tried using some TNT to fight some Knights who were nearby because I didn’t want to risk the sword hits to the face but the crossbow actually hit pretty hard as well I had to dive away down out of range to heal back up grappling my way

Back up like Spider-Man and taking out all of the mobs who are around here looting the chest and being moderately rewarded for my effort but I spent the rest of the day just grabbing a ton of frost Pine killing any Arctic wolves that I would find and dodging a few once

My sword was starting to take a little bit too much damage heading back into the grasslands area finding another brute that was chilling over here by the trees and I was feeling really good so let’s do another boss [Applause] fight die yeah remember when we were scared of those

Woo that felt good but riding the high of a boss fight I grappled and glided my way home dropping off several stacks of frost Pine and feeling pretty successful the following morning I refined a lot of the frost Pine into rods which allowed me to craft the tier 4 pickaxe but I

Need some more Amber if I want to fully enchant it and I need some more copper if I’m going to want to build up a new sword so off we pop heading back over towards the desert taking a stop over in a cave to just collect a whole bunch of

Notot roots that I would have that for supplies later and Mining up a lot of raw Amber which I could then use to be able to enchant the pickaxe so it would last longer I grabbed some flexwood some Vines some wood while I was here just genuinely turned this into a supply run

Spending a good portion of the morning of day 58 filling my inventory fully with flexwood later me would really come to appreciate that but I didn’t know how critical that would be to my success of doing some very fun things later but with my inventory overflowing I made my

Way back towards the village setting a lot of things to process in their respective workbenches starving a little bit before I was able to cook myself something up and fully upgrading my Village I’m excited level 10 it took some time to go through all of the menus to Mark everything as seen

Speaking with a lot of my villagers and being given a whole bunch of new recipes that were unlocked but with the supplies that I had gathered during the day as it approached evening I fully Enchanted my pickaxe and set out for a little bit more in supplies because my sword was

Critical and there was no way if I was going to go back into that snow area that I was going to do that in a very low power state with a low tier sword so I need a whole bunch more copper bars which means I need more bright core I’m

Once again kind of gated at being able to smelt Metals I headed out into the desert breaking the sword along the way so I can’t even really fight the desert mobs right now picking up a long sword from the desert village which is the best that I can do and the Damage

Downgrade is significant just look how long it takes me to fight these skeletons and how much extra damage I’m taking because of that but I mind up a lot of copper that I was seeing along the lava here fighting my way through and having to really fight through this

As I’m burning time throughout all of my snowberry shakes and being able to spend less time here in the area but I spent all of day 60 all of day 61 just mining brightcore a full 30 40 minute trip in this cave just trying to head from one

Point to the next to the next getting the resources that I essentially need to be able to actually progress maybe I just rolled really badly on this seed and this is the only cave that I had found to this point but bright cor seem to be a massive lock on being able to

Progress to the higher tiers of things so I want to make sure that I have enough that could theoretically make it through the rest of this 100 days on day 62 I emerged being really kind of burned by the sunlight having to squint and spent the whole day powering through

Heading back home I wish there was a few caves a little bit closer but the only viable one that I found is deep in desert territory and it takes about half the day to make that Journey either direction I set a whole bunch of the copper to smelt so that I would have

Enough so I can make myself a long sword and a few other things which also took a little bit of time for that to all process but I was able to finally make a sword by the end of the night I Enchanted that with durability and

Damage so that it would last a little bit longer spending another round talking to all of my villagers and collecting all of the things that they had gathered setting that back into the chests to be dropped off and sorted I also finally had the supplies to make

Myself an oven and I wanted to invest the copper and obsidian into doing that because I’m thinking this is where you get the best foods oh I can make bread now okay meat Pie plus 20 Hearts Pizza doing a little bit of cooking of that this is basically my full heal items things like steak or berries I can down in the middle of a fight to get myself a little top up and a few Hearts but being able to keep my

Hunger at maximum is definitely going to depend on these full items that are basically a full meal Skyrim eating three wheels of cheese kind of moment oh I’m hungry game I’m hungry am I oh they do take a while to eat Though that’s a full heal that’s amazing so now knowing that can cure hunger with a single item I crafted up a few more pies to end the day so now being fully geared and equipped it’s time to head back to the mountain I had food that I’d

Be able to heal up in between fights if necessary and I had a weapon that was actually doing sizable damage finding a few of the snow rock crabs and getting their shells collecting berries which are an amazing combat heal as they take under a second to just down for a few

Good hearts of healing I headed back to that area that I had marked earlier and it turn turn out the green material was Malachite which I can refine into slabs once I break that all down there’s now a rock crab guarding the chest that I had looted earlier that had refilled itself

With basically junk that wasn’t worth showing but this snow area goes on for a while I just kept pushing deeper and deeper into the space finding more resource notes more logs that I could chop and more materials Another Mountain that I found myself is just required to

Scale and just taking in the BR and depth of this terrain but I saw a cave off in the distance something that I could actually go and explore and based off of my knowledge of this game so far where iron was likely to be waiting for

Me I marked the entrance and headed in it was pretty cold in here so I had to be careful but iron nodes were plentiful right at the top of the structure and very easy to get to with just one or two ramps the thing that scared me though

Was the brand new enemy type in inside the cave itself which was not something that I was expecting Lord have Mercy oh boy okay that’s terrifying that’s even above and beyond the winter dogs that’s just like full on some kind of Undead doy we need a little bit more iron please don’t be right at the door oh doggy but knowing that I need to push forward and I can’t just let some

Scary you know 3/4 of my health take off in one hit kind of mob scare me I went back in this time only AG gring one of the Wolves which was pretty essential you can dodge one enemy’s attacks being able to kite them around roll out of the

Way and get myself my first cursed bone now knowing what I needed to do as far as a combat I was able to take out a second getting a little bit more iron shortly after that and some more supplies in a chest that was stored nearby once I got to another area though

Where I just started freezing despite holding everything having a burger the timer must have run out for a few seconds but right here was three cursed wolves all kind of guarding each other and impossible to kite just one of them at any point in time I had to very

Carefully take out the first and then run out of the cave before having to worry about the second fighting some Knights right here and then just booking it not wanting to be taken out getting to just two hearts I don’t want to die in this challenge I really would love to

Be able to say I survived this entire thing I found another cave on my way marking that in progress but I ran I was starting to take way too much damage I was out of food I was getting to low Hearts far too often and I had

Everything I needed I think where I could go ahead and kind of call it there for right now and start investigating the Epic tier of tools and weapons I made my way back home set a ton of the malachite to process into slabs and then

Saw what that could get me first I had to smelt up the iron bars which required a lot more bright core thankfully I had stockpiled from my last trip out to the desert and I made a lot more slap juice and other things that would be essential

In progressing I set up a recurve crossbow for myself so I’m epic level in ranged combat and then saw that I could craft up a good luck charm where I could find better loot while digging even though I haven’t done done much digging but I like being lucky but I’m actually

Short on granite to be able to reenchant the tools that I had reup on so I had it out earlier into the next morning running around and grabbing basic rocks and breaking these very early nodes with the high tier tools happen so fast honestly it was very refreshing I also

Wanted to complete the fort around here and do the work so I took some of the wood that I had crafted up and used that to build up the walls surrounding the base this time actually putting foundations underneath especially on this side as the ground was very curved

And you can’t embed the walls into the ground which you can with the foundations so that way there aren’t gaps underneath and I was actually off by one there is no one wide piece for these walls so you have to kind of be creative putting some horizontal logs

There and I would never notice that so I’m betting you wouldn’t either if I didn’t call it out but I threw down some campfires around the corners and the fort was finally finally complete check it out we’re finally finished oh maybe not now we’re finally finished it’s actually a fort on the top

Of a hill it needs way more buildings but we’re getting there look at this this is so cool but as I had done all of that the iron had smelted to allow me to craft an epic level long sword so I’m finally starting to get fully kitted out

And now since I had Sapphire I could throw the essence of luck onto that as well meaning that there was a higher chance that mobs would drop additional loot but I smelted up some copper to be able to craft a second Grappler and started crafting up a few

More arrows I just want to be set on basically everything at this point so I headed back out to the snow biome running out around the right side of the mountain marking a cave that I saw here and finding out that this is a pretty good one there’s a few sections further

Back in with doggos in there that I was throwing TNT at and killing from up on an elevated position they thankfully don’t know how to navigate chest High walls so it allowed me to just snipe them down run down and eliminate one at a time carefully working my way through

To only attack and aggro one of them at a time so I wouldn’t get overwhelmed once there was three at the same time however I very bravely ran up the stairs and back out of the cave I’m not risking a death this late in the game I actually

Had to log out there and I found out that your temperature resets on relog so don’t log out in a place that requires food just Pro tip from me to you having done this at this point I went out and took care of a few animals and then took

Care of a few animals to be able to have the supplies to craft up some additional food organizing my inventory setting a bunch of granite to refine and then figuring out that I had been blessed with an inventory update oh oh wait oh that’s so good wait so do these

Go to 50 also no they don’t okay so not everything bones yes my chests are twice as good at storing things and that’s going to be very useful because I have some plans for something I want to do I started crafting up some additional Fabrics both silk and cloth making myself an

Additional glider and you only ever need one glider so this might be a bit of foreshadowing as I spent some time crafting up some obsidian making another set of Epic tier Loot and getting everything ready to go I placed down a foundation for a building pattern for a

Tower and then very quickly worked my way through a log shed build in the back corner there I did a little bit of decorating with a sink a bed a couch and a chest right here where I filled with the kit of everything that I had been

Gathering thus far I crafted up a little bit of food put that into the chest as well and this potentially looks like another player kit that’s because I was about to finally not be alone in one of these videos done hey there you are so that is Sierra say

Hi Sierra Sierra edits a lot of these videos and considering that this game was marketed as easy drop in Dropout multiplayer I figured let’s bring him into the game blind and give him a few quests and Adventures to go through and kind of make him my to be able to carry

A lot more inventory when we go and loot a cave this is a bit of a change up for my 100 days this is just something fun that I wanted to do so enjoy a little bit of our fun banter welcome to Fort gundo Fort gundo fortnite yeah Fortnight gundo Fort parentheses night

Gundo gotcha can I hit you no hi hello why am I being swung at there’s no friendly fire no I had plans okay the fact that your first instinct was hey I’m going to kill Sierra you’d get better surpris you get better why am I not surprised anyway

Hi welcome to the Fort I have a series of quests that I prepared that you will assist with in order to allow me to finish more stuff of that I want to do so this will be fun also hold on can [Applause] I yes I can emote on you there are no

Colts in the gundo tavern yes I can emote on you hello there’s no you don’t know how to get out you don’t know how to get oh wait no he knows how to get out oh no I get over here I made you a kit I made you stuff

Okay okay I’ve made you stuff this is your Hut this is my place okay go Ahad check it out I what I’m scared that it was trapped with TNT or something something that would have been really cool for the record chat everything I know about this experience I saw in a Fallout plays

Video that I watched half of that’s it I love how this is a video and you still reference chat anyway open this yes you’re right okay this is all yours take all of this okay you have a building task over here like there’s a tower that you’re going to build I’ve already

Started it for you okay and you’ll see how that works you need resources we’re going to go yes we’re going to go get materials okay don’t drink this yet but take these and just have them in your inventory for later all right ready we’re going this way in a random

Direction first objective cut down a tree punch trees well you did give me an axe so I don’t need to punch it but I feel like I should punch it for the bit no punch tree use axxe it’ll be way faster if you just use the a okay but the point is a

Bits oh it doesn’t let you no you would have to pick up wood on the ground like this right here oh okay oh here you can this thing’s fun ready watch this woohoo hello hello down there I have The High Ground oh no oh no we already

Starting with down this tree any tree specifically oric oh the tree you’re on all right so I have wood you’re going to need a lot you need like a 100 Wood to complete the tower that you have to build oh boy I don’t like the rain oh here we go

Problems I got the spider I want you to fight this thing wow okay that was surprisingly effective the spider just decide to say hi hold on hold on can you hit me with that I want to I’m trying Hey sheep pet it first so stay still pet sheep I love them you monster

Just start a chopping we’re going to need a whole bunch of wood I’m just going to say now 5 minutes later you fight the big boy no you’re you should fight the wolf I want you to fight the wolf I I press control out of hm I’m

Guessing this is probably a roll yeah no I’ll say it because it’s stupid and I’m going to regret it but I was expecting you to give me a challenge to fight oh yeah yeah we’re getting there this is just your level one quests home okay there’s my first damage

Instance who let skeletons inside your house they just kind of Spawn don’t worry they villagers do attack them eventually watch this I love having friends all right you have a task your second mission are you ready probably not is to complete this Tower this is one of the pre-built

Things so you just kind of have to follow along right yeah and then you’ll complete each step stage one complete yep and then you press q and then the next bit of the build is ready for you now you put those pieces in place as well that’s pretty

Helpful yeah this is a structure that I built entirely by myself and you can probably tell um I I actually had no idea there was a difference I’m going to be real the fact like that’s so guided is honestly very appreciated it’s like a hey here’s how you start yeah see I just

Needed to put like one little piece of floor right there and it was just enough that you can walk over the lip now oh not enough resources I need planks now oh okay I’ll start some planks processing for you over here while Sierra worked on his Tower I added a much smaller version

Over on the other side of the village little look at that would allow us to jump over the wall on that side then I continued to harass Sierra while he was building getting everything set up oh so nicely well I tried to be a menace it

Will not work from down there oh my God that how do you how do you build okay okay it does work from down there broke my ankles don’t worry about it build complete hey you un you for me to be pedantic sure I’m jumping with the same

Legs every time and I wish they swapped here you know what you’ve earned this here’s your quest reward hang on I’m I’m seeing if I will die with with zero s on okay go for it remember me I didn’t even take that Dage that time nope you’re f are you kidding me

I’m disappointed woohoo isn’t that fun it’s it’s fly I fly with both of us fully geared I cooked up a little bit of extra food and just grab some supplies because it was time to take advantage of those extra 30 inventory slots and bring Sierra over to

The desert so we could go mine up some bright core okay you got everything yep okay put a torch in your off hand do be night it do be night time and we’re going to go and this is where you might experience your first bit of combat challenge ready

Okay cool we both messed that up didn’t we door all right let’s go go we’re going this way can just down it as fast as possible oh butterfly let’s follow it come back friend they’re so pretty and sparkly mhm usually lead you to something interesting hi

Friends woo you got all the from that one very cool welcome to the desert we have feel going be problems yeah we we have to go all the way back to that purple cave okay cuz that’s the one that has resources in it so if you hit these Jets you

Fly and then you put the glider on so fly I just watching in the shelter yeah being safe I’ve been doing this I get to like contract out now this is wonderful for me it’s not often in a 100 days video where I basically get to say hey go do stuff for

Me can I platform maybe are you both bad at [Laughter] platforming I made it hello there Bandits oh whoops did they go Kaboom yeah one of them throws TNT and I just happened to be standing in front of them dang I do keep forgetting we have those

As well yeah it’s so nice the only thing is they’re made with copper so they’re expensive so don’t don’t waste it yeah we’re heading we were heading the wrong way legs I’m trying to find I’m also trying to find a thing getting some eggs make sure to get some meat and some

Feathers while you’re at it I mean do we okay fair you asked I’ve drained you well I didn’t want to I guess actually technically I’ve never explored this one up here let’s see what this one is oh is your map you have more a map than I do I have

No I have to put them I have to put those markers in place Boop and then look you actually build the map marker physically in the world oh love that all right let’s let’s go in let’s see what’s in here you are hot now you’re going to

Want to drink the purple thing I gave you oh no I’ve been here I’ve been here I mean there the chests are probably restocked with you also being here yeah but we’re here for this the purple or the red yes all of it yes okay we don’t need as much of the

Rubies but the other two are useful that sounds like normal fortnite sounds copper okay you know how Minecraft coppers super common and totally useless yep the exact inverse here fortnite said nah all right let’s let’s leave this go though I want to get

You to the I want to get you to the fun to the really fun cave that gives me concern purple cave is the good cave I feel like good is relative all right all right lava totally not intimidating what at all yeah this is fine how much damage do your weapons do

Out of curiosity oh so I’m you just brought me to an underleveled area uh I mean yes you technically have some of the winter area gear here I just we needed some bright core which is what we’re here for my green sword is about to break uh-oh skill issue you gave it to

Me I’m just going to stay back for a bit you’re fine come on oh can you give me this weapon that’s a sword that’s actually usable instead of about to break yeah just let it break it’s fine well can I have one that I can then use

After it breaks I don’t have a spare there see literally broks right then you’re just going to run around swordless for a little while th okay this game’s pretty picked clean on brightcore which is a bit of a problem whoops don’t mind me did you maybe you almost fall in lava no I

Didn’t fall in lava you just bounce you bounce it’s actually really funny oh no buddy okay careful this one blows up right here oh so it’s a creeper yes a little bit kind of has loot ever fallen in lava or can it fall in lava it can fall in lava does it get

Destroyed if it does no it just sits there which is nice there I didn’t ow ow ow you like I said you can kind of steer it kind of is an overstatement it’s it’s manageable caves are just danger and loot and loot it’s it’s one of the main

Places you can get stuff by the way our drinks are probably about to run out oh you’re actually exactly correct yes I I gave you two so you need to gave me four oh perfect I only gave myself two also I don’t know if tnt blows up stuff I’ve never tried it

Before let’s try it well in the Gameplay trailer it destroys a building yeah it does not do very good on ores cost two and and two TNT and all did to save me a couple swings oh there’s a bunch of skellies over here oh boy okay here drop down or use the

Platform lava jumps yeah uh okay uh we’re going to need here you know what why don’t we do this you missed you so missed Dynamite that’s more Dynamite everything goes Kaboom ow including you and honestly we just had a lot of fun here I’m not sure if you can tell

You could probably tell through the commentary but just running around in the caves grabbing all of these resources while talking with my buddy is a lot of fun and something that I enjoy and I don’t normally get to do when I’m in these 100 days challenges is so

Having it also be a game that my friend knew nothing about we were kind of able to just get up to some stuff and I’m here for that oh okay I will chase okay so real quick we’re going to go to no don’t don’t don’t don’t chase come on chasing no

Come with me shiny butterfly but desert V shiny butterfly I’m going to beat you to shiny butterfly well you got your peppers back you have all of these things in your inventory so just go ahead and pick that up there’s a lot of caves in here that despite being in the desert and

Being like this is the only way you can get copper and and bright corn and everything else that one cave that we’ve been in is the only one that’s really yielded any bright core for me like I have not rolled hot well on the seed for

This world for caving it’s been a lot of commuting commuting yeah which is why like you see I I set up an entirely separate secondary Village we spent some time at the Village banking off resources just making sure that we are set up processing and getting new

Supplies ready to go and siero had the giggles look at the name of the bed cuddle team leader yeah I love that have you condensed everything down you have all the valuable stuff with you ready no I’m I’ve been too busy bouncing condense your stuff down if

There’s if there’s St that feels like moderately useful drop it here and then we’ll go and then grab some meat oh no Sierra look where I’m standing this feels unsafe I don’t have anything to turn it on with dang it spicy pepp oh wait hold on we can maybe upgrade the The Village

While we’re here how many cut Amber do you see or do you even see any cut Amber I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just doing what I was told Yellow Rock you’re full up on arrows and I I I have a ton of bright

Core so yeah cuz you need you need an iron sword to be able to go to the metal to be able to go to the next space up or else you’re going to die there is you’re not you will not be putting out enough damage oh we’re fighting I guess yeah

They have sand shells sand shells are useful oh I left one of the base oh well ow what get got no they killed the chicken they killed the chicken that’s unacceptable make them pay here they’re right here make them pay nice my kill perish perish uh here take this your your lease

Um on this dimensional plane is expired I’m sorry your lease on this existence has ended we’d like to contact you about your afterlife extended warranty oh what’s that guy oh okay your next mission get him I saw this guy in the trailer oh what the okay

Okay that is a health bar in a half that is dynamite high are you trying to get me killed I’m is does that damage you actually no apparently oh this is perfect then keep him right there it’s St loocking I’m just throwing TNT at him ow that was half of my

Health get God Big Boy hang I have to get it with a sword aha you didn’t let me kill it sorry but you helped that was awesome okay dang it the fact that it doesn’t Dam okay okay this game is too too um anti-roll how dare they it’s fun all right let’s

Go we’re going to go to the mountain next you see that mountain mhm you can go there that’s going to be a journey and a half it’s actually not that bad with the grapple gun oh another brute cross get him this crossbow is about to break and me cry oh he’s

Busy if I don’t get to kill this one I’m going to be mad okay come on boy can’t even hit me get sword broke Point Blake range combat ow one more hey you did it get owned big boy Bo all right nice good job but with our

Adventure in the desert complete and a ton of bright core amongst both of our pockets I started smelting up a lot of iron that we could set up a second long sword and get extra tools for Sierra that were in the upper tier instead of at The Uncommon tier which he was using

Over in the desert getting that smelted and ready for enchanting took a while it’s actually into the next day by the time I had another sword that was enchanted exactly the same as mine so that way we’d be able to get all of the drops that we’d want from all of the

Different fights we also logged in and out to abuse a bug that was existing with the Grapplers right now to reset them back to 30 charges look I don’t often do that kind of thing in these games but copper is expensive right here and we’re pretty short on supplies so I

Wanted to make sure that we could get around and do some fun over in the Hills oh you you look different now oh I do yeah at the moment you look different ah you’re a different default skin always a default skin jokes can be made at the moment but I won’t okay

Mountain insert um The Hobbit [Laughter] music hey I’m blow my nose over here yeah and you’re being attacked by spiders ooh let’s run to the rainbow does the end of the rainbow actually exist yes dang it wouldn’t it wouldn’t hurt to have a little bit of of wood supplies it

Wouldn’t hurt oh my God the dad cannot be mad at the friend for making the dad jokes yes I can you haven’t earned the right you small knives anything but knives okay emote I love this press B emote I love this yeah and then they disappear

We love our pride rep woo out let me drink that what was oh the rainbow disappeared the rainbow disappears after you emote on it as do like most people so that’s fine okay now now you’re in the level of your gear just so you know so now you’re going to start taking

Realistic damage okay I keep getting cold even though I took I ate the thing wait really yeah are you not do you not have a do you not have a cool headed charm on and you have the cold resistance timer currently counting down yes cool headed charm not a heat resist

Not a cool resistance charm there is a difference oh sorry the inner fire charm I not have that but okay um you didn’t give me one no that’s on me to eat oh it’s cuz it’s night time it’s cuz it’s night time you’ll be okay the snowberries won’t stack with it but it’s

Because it’s night time I don’t know if going into this cave is going to be a good idea but we’ll see content play are you freezing I’m shivering you’re going to start taking appropriate level level appropriate damage now just so you know buddy this is where it starts getting a

Little scary uh we’re also going to fight the undead dogies okay they’re only in the caves they hit like a truck so get ready for this okay okay uh I don’t think I’m taking cold damage but I am cold yeah I Minecraft all over again I

Have an inner fire charm so I think that’s just barely keeping me okay I see the the bone doggos bone doggies are scary and they do fight in packs so oh that’s three okay yeah okay uh that’s four uh back up buddy I’m backing up skellies

Ow yeah I was warning you they hit like a truck deleted are you dead yeah oh oh oh no okay I can’t be revived can I I just got deleted too no no I got oh no look okay Sierra’s my friend but if he gets me killed that’s it that that’s

Straight to jail no I’m I’m kidding we we just had some recovery to do I just don’t get to put survived in the title anymore or I still will and it’s clickbait nothing you can do about it you’re you’re an hour and a half into this video this no I’m kidding I

Appreciate you I appreciate you a lot let me go give my friend some grief dude it’s been 76 days and I’ve been fine I invite you to this world and you get me killed with it look you’re the one who brought me to a place for a fight that I wasn’t ready

For and you’re like oh yeah we’re going to fight these things I warned you yeah and I went from Full to dead in the span of 5 Seconds I said only attack okay okay let’s oh no all right let’s see if we can make you an inner fire

Charm uh no it’s blast cores which is annoying okay so yeah it’s just you’re going to be cold in that area cuz we don’t have the blast we don’t have the blast cores to do it wellp oh my God God I cannot believe that that just happened I’m blaming you

Still I no I blame you I blame you you brought me there I’m just taking some cheese and hoping for the best let’s do this we can do it yeah so if your hunger is full the hunger that it would heal gives you extra Hearts so like things

Heal you better when you are full on Hunger okay yeah oh buddy okay I am now cold I am now cold too cuz I don’t have my spicy Burger per no I have my charms but I don’t have my spicy Burger perk the wolves are on me so you’re

Fine well don’t say that cuz now they’re going to be on me I mean they they are actively attempting to eat me spicy peppers spicy peppers would like let you eat and yes potentially but that does Let It Go just run what did you just say

Yeah I know what did you just say I know all right grab stuff and run yeah this is where it’s going to be tricky because we have to get into the space now we’re going to be taking a bit more damage yep so you’re going to kind of have to

Tank it and out heal it for a second it’s over here I think this feels like a dead end no left okay oh yeah this feels like the cave that we died in yep there’s my backpack I think that’s mine I think yeah it’s yours mine’s not here open my backpack

Running all right um off hand Burger okay I think we’re okay no longer freezing let’s not do that again don’t do what again die I feel like that’s self-explanatory usually but somehow it was necessary I think I know of a way to deal with Dougies do you know that’s one

Way I think you just pissed them off yeah let’s not be eaten by them again just tight just roll when they bite oh God got one okay okay woo two okay it’s the problem is when we get attacked by more than one at a time all right yes so we spent a

Bit more time in the caves here fighting more of the cursed doggos running through and pushing to be able to unlock a lot more sapphires as well and things were going well hi ho hi ho it’s off to work we go hi hi ho hi ho hi ho strength of a thousand

Men ah everything breaks a lot faster including the stairs underneath your feet when your friend accidentally swings their pickaxe and smashes them out from under you we’re having a blast they’re just enjoying it we’re kiting trading aggro on the mobs to be able to attack while the other is being attacked

And keep each other alive don’t mind me I’m just suffering you’ll be fine the laws of thermo can’t stand up the mere Laws of Power of friendship I was going to go with the power of friendship but okay the mitochondri is the PowerHouse of the cell oh

No and just like that every uh every student everyone that’s ever been to school in their life is crying those of you who don’t get that joke yet just think of that as a spoiler sunlock sunlock hacks bully bully bully bully okay we got this see here’s the thing it

Makes me feel that there’s something more oh God that’s a face that’s creepy that’s very creepy uh to stack in your inventory and then give me the iron um all my iron yeah I can just stack it into my inventory perfect oh my God I said I have iron yeah I think we’re

Doing okay all right let’s let that go but come here tell me that this doesn’t look like a face stand here look up oh it is oh boy that’s freaky don’t like that yep let’s go don’t anger the gods I’m leaving the cave I’m cold hold on there’s a chest there that I

Want and it had a frost brute scale in it that was the right call going the cap with literally zero 3 2 1 Z wait I mean understandable yo the fact that this goes to here uh home is that way this is wild I was over

Here before I was very close to that cave entrance I almost I was almost in there like a long time ago oh big boy big boy let’s get him after everything we went through this is nothing this is a tier one Brute get bodied oh my God light work no

Reaction let me tell you be completely honest the first time I fought one of those it cost everything I had resource-wise to be able to kill it the fact that the two of us just basically nibbled at its ankles for about 30 seconds for until it died is hilarious to me valid

Okay come on let go Lego get it canceled what that’s where gets me cancel oh God okay pun puns are cancelable now I’m dead it’s been fun gundo is over party we’re just going to default dance on you I see it fort gundo in the distance we there Look up I you had the cooler entrance I’ll give you that style points matter Sierra I can’t I think my work here is done hold on no you need to drop everything off and put it away yeah no I think you’ve thank you for your assistance you’ve greatly helped improve not morale but

The I am sorry for resulting in the end of one of your mortal existences that’s fine like I said I got better your gear and everything did you put it in the other chests or they’re in assorted chests you’ll find my Legacy everywhere wait did you just like dump

It every no not actually everywhere you did not they are localized to three chests have fun figuring out which ones no you did not just do that to me uh-huh yep um all right uh so let’s see where’s the button bye no you did not just do that to me

No that’s that’s not okay all right well let’s figure out what to do with all of this and with one final goodbye and troll from my friend because of course I would expect nothing less from him I spent a little bit of time that evening just reorganizing and putting my world

Back into an acceptable State we have 20 days left in this adventure and I’m going to be doing the rest solo the next morning and the next day IRL I was still reeling from Sierra’s visit and the chaos left in all of my chests spending time to organize everything and looking

At what I could craft with all of the supplies that we had gathered in our previous run first up was a charm of resilience gave me the most Hearts I’ve ever acquired yet and some bonus defense whenever I take damage basically increasing that invulnerability period there’s a lot more that I could

Potentially make but I’m short on blast cores which is going to send me back to the desert if I’m going to want to make that so uh unfortunately we have some work to do I cooked up some additional meat pies and food took some Sapphires

And cut them to be able to make a regeneration charm so I could also heal passively over time as well and I’m feeling pretty good I have officially more than one row of Hearts I’m at 35 armor and a lot of things are doing significantly less damage to me than

They were previously I crafted up both some burgers and some snowberry shakes with the thought of let’s be ready for whatever climate that the adventure is about to take me on I crafted up a brand new pickaxe and fully Enchanted it with durabilities sending myself out off

Towards the desert in a trip that I made several times at this point but I figured let’s go in a different direction we’d almost fully looted the cave that I had seen previously from all of its bright core which meant that we potentially needed to find a new place

To be able to go I was checking different caves that I saw most of them just being the small ones with just chests and loot and just continuing heading south in the desert exploring new areas and fighting a couple brute along the way I was able to kill one of

Each so that feels pretty good taking them out with relative ease and a little less Panic on my face but as we kept heading south we got to the coast of the ocean where I just made my way out of the desert and back to where it looped

Around to Grasslands from here I actually took a dive in the ocean itself swimming just barely across and blocking out one in away from the Finish Line the game was a little forgiving there fighting the wolves that was waiting me at the finish line and looting the

Chests at the end of the marathon I don’t know why there were people guarding it or something like that but I just headed south wanting to explore another part of the map another region and area and see if there was something waiting for me down here I was deep in

The grasslands biome at this point finding a few of the dancing pois a couple mobs that would attack here and there a few brutes that I spent the time to just fight and a few pois that were guarded by a lot of other mini fig characters that were a fun combat

Challenge but other than that not what I was looking for I mainly searching for more caves that I could go ahead and get resources that would allow me to continue specifically ones in the desert variety and that little corner of a desert turns out to be all I have on

This island or all I can get to in a reasonable amount of time I spent the entire day just heading south until I started to hit the southernmost coast of my Island and I’m not going to lie it took an entire day to run back which is

Boring as heck so we’re just going to skip it okay okay day 84 I’m back at the Village I have a completely full inventory and it’s time to process all of those materials I’m turning all of the silk into thread as well as all of

The wool smelting up a lot of the metals that I had collected and re-upping on all of the food and I figured I was so excited to see this earlier let’s go ahead and play with some of the toy blocks that I hadn’t seen at all previously the extremely extended trip

That I had just taken made me think that maybe there’s Vehicles that’s it’s expecting you to build TI the kingdom style that would make that commute shorter instead of hoofing it for a full 20 minutes in one direction to see basically nothing so I made myself the

Most basic of cars a platform and four wheels pushing it along and doing a little bit of riding on top the only problem was it was very hard to control so I strapped a few Rockets to the back of it and then we really got moving all right let’s see what this does

Okay well it’s off center so it’s only a big circle okay so this is promising I grabbed a few more Rockets adjusted the engines tried to put ones where I could go left and right thinking each switch would potentially activate the item closest to it in some way but instead

Any switch on a platform activates every rocket on the platform platform so there’s no steering there’s just going so with the Rockets experimented with let’s see what the balloons do and one on a platform lifts you high up into the stratosphere actually all the way up to

Build height where it just kind of stops that’s all well and good but you need to get down if anything’s going to be a viable vehicle so I threw a bunch of rockets on and turned them on and headed down to the ground at a rapid Pace also known as crashing oh [Laughter]

No oh no oh it’s Back oh it’s gone well okay that’s a bunch of silk gone vehicles that phased through the planet aside I thought let’s give that another shot so I put down a whole bunch of wheels on another thing and thought okay what if I take two platforms and put

Them together put the rocket on one platform and just sort of Let It steer the front one actually ended up kind of breaking from the damage that it took from colliding with so many things but even without only two wheels this one went well it kind of only goes in the

Contour of the land it’s impossible to steer you basically just aim this thing but it got me to the desert relatively quickly if at a loss of resources considering all the flexwood isn’t returned after you break a platform but it potentially works and if I can set

One of these up to go each Direction maybe but maybe not it kind of exploded so I thought okay let’s try this a different way have a platform with a balloon on it that will just fly up and away and use the glider to be able to

Cover a lot more distance pretty quickly and that kind of worked and it’s just there forever now oh I’m not going to lie I did a lot of Sky littering the next morning I actually I broke one of my own rules okay I never look up tutorials on how to

Do the challenges that I’ve made at least in Minecraft with all the mods I never watched that this is brand new game and I figured it might make sense to do a tiniest bit of research so there’s a link in the description for an Airship design that I wanted to try to

Build basically you have two different platforms one that controls your rotation and one that controls your acceleration and in doing that you’re able to then have two switches that you can operate independently I tried building this following the tutorial and doing it and I’m not sure I got it right

At least I’m pretty sure that I didn’t cuz once I picked that crate up it kind of it Rose exactly how you would expect but one switch still activated everything and I think that’s probably cuz I moved it and maybe now it was like connected in some way or I did something

In the wrong order so it would Spin and move in a very weird curly q pattern which was going to be nausea inducing so I broke the exterior Rockets once I was kind of pointed in a vaguely correct direction and use the other Rockets standing directly behind them with no

Ill side effects to make my way over to the desert in just a few seconds after that I tried putting a crate on the thing to sink it and that didn’t go well and I was able to then break both of the balloons parking and marking my parking

Spot for this Airship that I could hopefully repair if I make myself a loom over here on the desert side from there I jumped into the only viable cave in the desert heading out for more brightcore because I’m short on a lot of things copper and iron but also obsidian

I need a lot of this to be able to potentially craft up a new loom here on the desert and it’s going to be essential to have that on both sides if I’m constantly going to have to basically spend and break materials for my Airship to actually work since I

Can’t seem to build a functional one I was in there for a while until my sword broke my Grappler was almost broke I had pillars trying to navigate the full cave but I was not making it out of that easily getting out into the Overworld the following morning I had to Glide my

Way back over towards the village because I had some building I needed to do I actually had to log out and log back in here which is going to be important in just a second I crafted up a few things that I knew would be useful

Bang some items in my pocket and then headed over towards my Waypoint i h up a dancing Waypoint on the way but once I arrived where the Airship was supposed to be it was gone and I’m assuming maybe because it had crashed that meant that it was no longer registered or despawned

In some way I had other airships that stayed in the air for forever so I don’t know why this one disappeared but I thought okay let’s go ahead and just build a new one trying to set things up this time being careful about putting the items down in the correct spot but I

Didn’t have enough wood rods for multiple balloons so we had to go lowf fire with this one one that wouldn’t exactly land and was a little bit kind of slow with just two small rockets on the side I thought you know what Overkill is underrated let’s try

Throwing a big rocket in the middle and well it’s worth doing it’s worth overdoing oh okay I deserve that one that one’s on me I can’t even blame Sierra for that he wasn’t online or can I blame Sierra but I grabbed the spare Grappler from Sierra’s kit actually using that to make

My way back out to the desert not caring about the fact that it was cold relying on just natural regeneration from some food that I scarfed way back at the Fort be able to grab my backpack and have just one too many things to be able to actually bring home but the following

Morning I i’ never learned my lesson so I tried building another Airship I’m going to solve every problem with airships from this point to the end of the video okay the only problem was I didn’t have the balloon to be able to do it so I had 3/4 of an Airship minus the

Air part I worked my way back home the good oldfashioned way just hoofing it using all of the iron bars that I had been smelting while going to cover my own body to go ahead and make myself a new long sword getting that enchanted with one durability and two luck I don’t

Need this thing to kill fast but I need it to be really efficient at getting me drops because I need a ton of blast cores to be able to get some of the last final upgrades that I want but like I said I’m going to solve every problem

With airships and despite my best effort of wanting to solve a problem with an Airship I was still short on silk fabric which meant I couldn’t do that and I had to do this boots on the ground well boots on the ground and a Grappler in my pocket which allowed me to just

Skyrocket my way up the mountain which is kind of nice I saw a brute a wolf and three Lego Minifigs all fighting that’s the start of a joke somewhere clean up the entire battle and getting a decent bit of drops the only problem was I was

Freezing I had forgotten that I had the wrong charms on and I had banked all of the food that I had prepared for my multi biome Journey a little bit earlier and well well whoops I ran back home grabbed the inner fire charm and then spent some time just chopping down

Bushes immediately outside of the fort to get vines that I could use to refine into cord and torches so that I could go ahead and make myself airships the answer is always airships but before I could do that I headed back over towards the mountain in the middle of a

Lightning storm no less grabbling up a lot of the cliffs on the side and continuing deep into the area and then the snow brute attacked [Applause] [Applause] with the brute eliminated I actually ended up looping back to where I had marked the malachite a few days prior weeks at this point having to log out there for a little bit and returning back as we had more Adventures to do I continued up and over the mountain

Harvesting a lot more Malik that I had seen on this side looting any chests that I had found I’m heading out trying to find another cave where I could find more cursed bones I’m also trying to focus on killing any snow rock crabs to be able to get more snow shells that I

Could make the cool headed charm the purple one so I’d be at Max tier everywhere did find a cave and while it was rich in resource nodes and chests to loot there was no combat challenge rooms so there was no mobs spawning in here and I’m not going to complain just

Filling my pocket with iron getting a bunch of blast powder drawstrings and cheese for free like I said I’m not going to look a gift loot in the mouth but I am very much looking for Mob drops at this point which means I need to find

A fight but I dropped out of that cave and then decided to kind of just exit out of the Frozen area entirely returning back to the grasslands and back to home base where the inventory being full is honestly just frustrating I’m kind of annoyed at it at this point

But I do think I can make this a little bit easier you see I have a ton of iron a a ton of it and a ton of frost Pine as well so and we’re just going to skip the tier three chest and go straight to the

Tier 4 and doing so is a 50% increase on what we had meaning chests can now actually contain everything that they’re supposed to of a specific category all of the raw metal into one chest all of the bones into another and getting them all lined up and placed just so

Perfectly meant I could store everything from the entire base by category in each chest all that’s missing right now is a way to label them externally so you can actually know what’s inside and the following morning it might have been raining but I was elated having an organized base is wonderful and heading

Out I was chopping down some trees to get a few more Vines so I can make more cord so I could work my way up to a few more airships because the answer is always airships breaking down our few ruin structures around here which is really really efficient for getting wood

And I could I could see something up in the sky [Laughter] there it [Laughter] is I can’t believe it’s still up there so yeah like I said I’m basically leaving litter in the sky I don’t know what you would call that crime but I am certainly guilty as long as there’s no

Punishments for it I’m guilty if there is a punishment I’m totally innocent and I’m being framed but I went out collecting a lot more wood and granite and vines that low tier resources but the things that I’d been kind of slacking on as I’ve been heading out

Into all of the more diverse biomes recently that I didn’t have the base materials to be able to do a lot more building cuz I want to build before the end of this I want to build a big Grand castle of my own design before I call

This 100 days done and this game conquered you need to truly make it your own before you can say that’s true but I headed up over the wall Scouting Around for a potential location finding this flat patch of ground that’s actually pretty close to the Village I’m a little

Bummed that this won’t count as part of the village level increasing but then again the village is level 10 so it shouldn’t matter anyway but I’m going with a very castle theme for this trying to have an interior castle wall and placing things is a little tricky

Actually realize a little bit later on that the walls over there on the right are off by one which I will fix but that’s why this Central sort of walkway space wasn’t really matching up 100% and I had to do this kind of piece meal moving everything together to get this

Kind of textured look of where it filters out towards the grass instead of being perfectly flat but I’m using the castle walls because if I’m going to make a place for myself you bet it’s going to be a castle and lining everything up was tricky it wasn’t

Helped by the fact that one of the walls was off by one which I did discover after about two or three attempts of getting everything to line up and throwing some one by tws in place just to make it all centered I then figured out what the problem was but then it was

Two Interiors I thre the crafting bench down a tub sink and toilet some interior walls with nicer brick finishings that I can have an actual enclosed bathroom and then heading up to a second floor throwing down some candles on all of the walls so that the interior would be lit

Up and potentially mob safe I had to make my way back over towards the fort to grab food and essential resources that I was kind of lacking I was very much starving IRL and ingame as I just kind of tunnel visioned on this project but after a quick snack and logging back

In I was back at it getting all the walls in place and completing a floor for the second floor setting up railing so Lego OSHA wouldn’t come after me and then a proper bedroom with a bed some different seating a grand cabinet on one

Side and a door to close it off and then set up some half walls that I could set up a little kind of work Nook desk study area and then tried to work on the roof and oh my God the roof the roof is where everything kind of falls apart you have

To to like I said keep that in mind from the beginning and I didn’t my building was three double walls wide Rubes don’t do that they are only operate into two double walls so I had to actually level off the ceiling with a flat set of

Planks it’s maybe not as formal as I would want as Regal as I was looking for it but it is an enclosed roof on both sides with a lot of decorations and small pieces everywhere candles and some flow pots and some clutter on the cabinets in the kitchen a proper place

For the workbench a lumber mill outside so that it’s functional but it also kind of just matches what I’m looking for I also used some walls to block up the exterior tops around the attic area as best as I could there was no half wall

Window that would 100% do that and I had to reline up the roof a couple times to get everything just sew and placed correctly with that some nice little wood railings to give myself a pseudo window on the top and as I stepped away it’s looking good and for making

Something completely of my own not bad so by interesting I’m giving myself one last challenge I want to get the last purple Health trinket that would allow me to be good in all biomes and it Max health and hearts and to do that we need

A ton of blast cores so I smelted up a lot more Frost Pine and iron getting them all set up making myself a new pickaxe and long sword and I specifically Enchanted the pickaxe for durability and the sword for luck going triple on that with the hope that it’s

Going to increase mob drops enough that I’m going to get what I’m looking for I made myself a whole bunch of burgers a whole bunch of juice and we’re sailing off back towards the desert I made a very rudimentary Airship very basic one way this thing’s going to break before

We land and use that to fly off towards the desert as quickly as I could I had to change up the structure a little bit to make it more stable but at one point it did just kind of glitch out flying having barely made it very very far it

Was just slightly off center so it did a very big circle just hovering in the sky in between the fort and my base so I thought let’s try to go recover it I went and I put another platform down I put a bunch of small balloons on this

One which wasn’t as efficient as far as silk but would allow me to control my Ascent a little bit more safer and I was able to put a single rocket on this thing moving just close enough where I was able to Grapple onto the big rocket it and Miss

No no now there’s two up there like I said Sky littering so I rebuilt this one from scratch putting down some very simple rockets and a railing and flying my way over to the desert breaking it to park over here in this biome so here’s the challenge 10 blast cores are needed

And we have only 3 days to do it in I have to fight all of the volcanic mobs in here which would each drop a blast core potentially or multiple if luck procs especially if it procs multiple time I’ve navigated this cave pretty well I know everywhere I need to go and

I’m just trying to fight from Mob spawn location to mob spawn location but I actually made it all the way through this cave for the first time ever marking it on the other side because I had never done that before I was actually on the coast on the very

Northern side of the village and I add a few blast scores to my name at this point but a few mobs that I was fighting heading to another cave location and thank goodness this one was also another viable one I never headed this far north unfortunately so I’d never seen it until

Just now the very last minute but I finally had a chance to harvest a whole ton more bright core that I could use to be able to smelt up more iron bars to replace my gear once this inevitably breaks but I was also lucky enough to

Fight and kill for 11 blast cores total which is everything I needed to craft the final charm and complete this challenge I had set for myself I actually ended up breaking one of my Grapplers to get out of here quicker so that I could start heading towards home

I headed over to the desert village first dropping off a few things building a spinning wheel and a loom which would allow me to craft another silk fabric which would allow me to make one of my very basic airships which I had unfortunately pointed in the wrong

Direction and was aimed a little too far directly south whereas my home was off to the east so to complete this full circle I hoofed it on foot using the Jets and my glider to cover distance getting to the point where I could see the balloon platforms up in the sky and

Thinking what if I shoot one down I can it’s working again but with one final trick shot behind me I banked all of the resources that I had and crafted up the purple inner fire charm and then there we go with this in my inventory I at Max

Hearts Max armor I’ve done almost everything there is to offer in the base version of the game I made myself a new Grappler and saw a rainbow off in the distance thinking what a perfect way to end this adventure no I missed it that would have been such a poetic

Moment are you kidding me being robbed of dancing off into the sunset I made my way back to the Village did a little bit more crafting to have another long sword ready to go if we ever revisit this world it’s fully Enchanted it’s all set

Up I returned off to my tower to watch the sunrise and with that our adventure comes to a close the moon also just sat over there so that’s weird the moon sets and then the sun rises from the same place but this has been an amazing adventure I love this

Fort I love the castle over there I love our multiple airships that we’ve abandoned throughout the challenge it’s been a ton of fun I’ve Loved really do something different with you all I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Lego Fortnite’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-01-09 19:00:13. It has garnered 27793 views and 1087 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:28 or 9628 seconds.

Lego Fortnite just released, and I’m good at surviving things so why not take my Minecraft skills into a new adventure? 100 Days attempting to survive in Lego Fortnite… and I won’t be alone!

I’m going to try defeating the Brute in every region, take on the different biomes, upgrade my gear, build an awesome base, and create something awesome!

🌟Become a Patron to help me make awesome content! https://patreon.com/Legundo

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hNLyX7ZIj59YZET9blxpw/join

— #Legundo #LegoFortnite #100days

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

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  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎ

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

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  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

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  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! ๐Ÿš€ #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! ๐Ÿš€ #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZยดs on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘ฤร‚Y Lร€ Mแป˜T STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SรNG Vร€ TรCH CแปฐC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronusใ€Vietuberใ€‘ on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More