100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore The Aether / Heaven’s World!

Video Information

Hai di video Kali ini Gua akan mencoba bertahan hidup selama 100 hari tapi di dunia yang tidak biasanya yaitu di surga atau biasanya dikenal sebagai either so tujuan gua kali ini adalah mengalahkan keempat bos yang ada di dunia surga sebelum hari ke-100 sebelum masuk ke videonya yuk dukung gua dengan cara Klik

Tombol subscribe like dan di-share juga video ini supaya gua semakin bersemangat untuk upload video terbaru kalau sudah terima kasih enjoy the video house Oke kita sudah berada di hari pertama ya Huh ilangi suasananya berbeda ya daripada sebelumnya woi keren juga Eh bentar-bentar gua lihat sesuatu ternyata itu shafiqah Uh sama Disamping itu apa

Ya untuk burung Onta itu ya sebelum pergi gua awali dengan memukul pohon terlebih dahulu setelah itu gue langsung bikin Crafting table dan lanjut bikin sky lebih X kemudian gua mainin holystone nah buat kalian enggak tahu holystone = Stone biasa yang ada di Minecraft pada umumnya setelah cukup gua langsung upgrade semua basic menjadi

Holy Stone tools lalu di sini gua mainnya am resume or yang bakal berguna banget untuk kedepannya seperti membuat thor’s dan bahan pembakaran lainnya diperjalanan gosong beberapa hewan untuk persiapan makanan dan sebelum pergi lebih jauh lagi gue sempatkan waktu ndak bang kayu sebanyak satu stek untuk persedian bahan terus gak lama berselang

Gua nemu tempat yang sangat cocok dijadikan base tanpa membuang waktu lagi gua taruh semua peralatan yang ada dan lanjut bakar daging yang gua dapatkan sebelumnya Wedi ini beruang kutub kah wuih keren ya Bisa lompat-lompat gitu ya kayak kelinci aja ini ya setelah itu gue lanjut mening lagi dan di sini gua nomor

Satu struktur Karena penasaran gua pun coba masuk dan ternyata ini kayak Temple yang sekelilingnya disertai inches dan juga beberapa mop yang pastinya bakal menyerang gua wajah itu apaan ya sebentar sebentar ya Coba kita masuk sebentar Wow itu apanya penguin kah hebat daftar kita sulit ngopi wae mak

Mak mak Kaget gua Astaga nyerang dong what what Eh kenapa nih gua lah lah lah ngapain ih ini gua kagak in Loh kok bisa jalan sendiri ya Astaga tutup botolnya tugas with much kenapa aduh wow bentar-bentar kita harus ganti dulu gua mau makan dulu deh Gua takut ada apa-apa

Karena kita semakin Lupus gokil oke oke akhirnya astagah sebentar kita coba masuk malah Dialog itu dong pinguinnya satu Mama belum mampu meninggalkan budaya ama gua gerak long doa-doa cepat-cepat Masuk Masuk Masuk nggak bisa masuk Wakwaw file Woi lompat-lompat dong aduh nggak bisa Yuk kita berlindung di

Sini ajalah ha ya kayak dulu oke sip lama tadi lama kan lu sip Nah kita tunggu lo Ayo dong ayo dong Oh kau kena racun ini Dia gerak sendiri ya oke sip sudah selesai tadi kita keluar dulu hojas pertama dapat guswit help boleh kita ambil aja sama ini juga dan

Tindakannya Enchanted sudah kita ambil aja terus terakhir ini sip sebentar kudatang ya Mam lu produk kamu lucu mamamu meninggalkan sudah ya oke sebentar-sebentar Waduh susah banget mau jalan nih gerak sendiri Aduh dulu bentar bentar kita mau mati sebentar Raid Waduh mungkin Innova tuh what what ini apa nih Mam terus aduh di belakang

Dong meledak with astaga astaga Hwa bisa nih Oke kita ajarin jeruk the mamluk cepat Maduma meledak Woi lama Oke oke Sudah sudah Amankah sebentar-sebentar ya Nis esnya apa nih Golden tour apa itu Ya udah kita ambil aja ya ini touch juga boleh deh nah ada chest lagi it Apa itu

Kok bisa berubah jadi Hotel mau bentar ya bentar mana dia sini kau Mama belum mam dulu mam meninggal meninggal strategi Ahmad kau sudah Oh bisa jadi hostel Maaf ya BTW guys ini keren banget ya sweetchat nya tuh kalo gua pakai is rasanya keren juga ya kayak ada jubah di belakang gua di

Hari keempat gua mulai pelajari item item yang gue nggak tahu fungsinya dikarenakan gua baru pertama kali main di map satu ini well lumayan bikin otak gue pusing tujuh keliling oleh sebab itu gua habiskan waktu seharian hanya untuk pelajari beberapa item yang ada lalu di hari ke-5 sampai ke-10 go lanjutin untuk

Berpetualang di perjalanan gue nomor satu item yang bernama quixel Rich sel Sule twill heel sailah Gak tahulah yang pasti Smash lagi telah dan badai gua juga nggak tahu ini fungsinya buat apa terus di sini gua juga nama benteng bersayap widih keren juga ya Ini udah kayak surga Beneran ya

Setelah itu gue lanjutin mining dan sembari menunggu Yuk kita masuk ke pembahasan tentang item yang bakal gua cari ada tiga alis yang bakal gua bahas secara singkat yaitu holystone Janet gemstone dan juga Gravity or dari holystone kita bisa buat peralatan dasar dan di-upgrade menggunakan Janet gemstone dari Janet OST kita bisa ambil

Yang namanya Gravity or dan dari graffiti bisa dibakar menjadi Enchanted graffiti tentu saja berguna untuk pembuatan armor dan juga peralatan yang lebih kuat lagi oke sekian dari pembahasan singkat Mari kita lanjut ke video pada intinya di sini gua habiskan waktu sekitar lima hari hanya untuk mencari orang yang telah gua bahas tadi

Hari 11-13 karena udah cukup gua pun bikin Armor dari jenis gemstone setelah itu gua bikin altar nah buat kalian enggak tahu altar bisa kita gunakan untuk membakar Gravity or menjadi Enchanted graffiti karena sudah punya Armor gua pun beranikan diri masuk ke dalam tempel kemarin tuh hajar mop-mop

Yang ada di situ pas gua lagi sibuk beresin mop yang bisa meledak tiba-tiba gua ketemu Bos pertama seperti yang kalian lihat bosnya tidak ada reaksi apapun tapi jangan sekali-kali kalian gunakan PX dengan sekejap bosnya akan terbangun well karena belum cukup kuat gua pun memutuskan keluar dari tempat tersebut lalu gua mulai bahwa tapi

Bersabda lebih sapi bersabda kok jadi gitu Eh maksud gua sapi bersayap Astaga kok bisa berubah dong ya peta gua kenapa mikirnya sapi berasap I perjalanan kali ini gua butuh waktu sekitar dua hari hingga sampai ke best terus Sesampai di best gua bikin tempat sementara untuk masukin sapi bersayap ke

Dalam dan sekalian gue juga kasih makan kemudian gue balik lagi ke tempat maining dan kali ini kita akan melakukan sesi panjang lagi let’s go go [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] Hai [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] hari 20 gue simpan semua hasil mainin ke dalam chest setelah itu wa lanjut bikin

Fullset graffiti armor dan BTW gue juga bikin grafiti glove Coba kita Pasa Nice udah kepasang Nah apa yang bedanya uh uh Widi Widi Oh gitu ya gua baru tahu dong bisa lompat tinggi gitu ya Oh kau kita pakai Enchanted gloves nya bisa bikin kita lompat tinggi loh tapi harus lulusan ya

Widih keren juga ya kemudian gua ambil beberapa Barry dan langsung saja gua upgrade menjadi Enchanted Barry Lalu setelah itu gua Kembali ke tempat Bos kemarin dan pertarungan pun dimulai white sudah bangun ya Oke bentar ini cara Serang gimana sih terserah lu Nuh caranya Mama belum sabar Mam lu Oh gitu

Ya Cuma muter-muter ya oke [Musik] mama belum mukena mampu warung Mama oke sip lagi nah mama-mama blue-white oke hajar nah sisa sedikit Aduh enggak kedok nah Sip gua dunia kau merah dia sebaik-baik apa nih Uh kok semakin cepat Aduh benar demi gua sebentar-sebentar aduk-aduk bisa juga bisa ditenteng

Aguado panik panik panik panik boy boy boy pusat aktivitas makan dulu wek wek kitas makan bahaya nih aduh aduh aduh kena dml lagi do Astaga kau semakin cepat ya waduh belum Ntar kita harus pelan-pelan hadirnya [Musik] ada Sebentar lagi ke Imam blue akhirnyaaaa itu dia kunci Oke berhasil

Kalahkan dan gua bakal ambil kuncinya nah nice uh isi charge-nya uh adalah ini kenaf sama Golden Yoda kita ambil aja sama lain ngetesnya juga ini default nih oh ini Wow Screen ya semuanya paling gelap staf kita ambil sama Gigi terakhir apa nih fakir lens Yaudah kita ambil aja

Setelah Widi keren juga ya ada bantuan gitu nah kalian atuh dia bisa nyerang gitu Wih keren juga ya di hari 23-39 saatnya kita buat rumah let’s go go [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] Hai [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] [Musik] Akhirnya selesai juga enggak guys dan kali melihat 123 nah ini dia gimana

Menurut kalian guys Apakah sudah bagus penampilan Dil di depannya sih udah cocok Makan yang terkoyak teksturnya udah pas banget sih hajat begitulah kira-kira untuk penampilan luarnya kalau di samping Ya seperti inilah gabahnya tekstur yang bapasang setidaknya ada beberapa tekstur yang cocok sih di belakang Ya seperti inilah tuh called

Wuih keren juga ya Cocok gitu loh mantap sih keren-keren disisi lainnya ya sama yang kayak tadi ya tambah beberapa tekstur aja gitu mantap oke saatnya kita masuk ke Store asrum gua nah kayak beginilah guys kira-kira Ya lumayan bagus sih Kalau menurut gue sih udah cocok ya dijadikan Stories drum di

Atasnya jadi tempat tidur Nah sekarang baru deh kita masuk ya kira-kira beginilah untuk penampakan di dalamnya di bagian sini gua taruh tiga altar gitu tunggal Hai sama di bagian sini ada tiga Friends 3 altar dan juga Crafting table ya seperti inilah Oh ya di bagian sini

Hanya tempat duduk aja ya dan bdw gas di bagian sini masih terlihat kosong ya karena di Minecraft kali ini bahannya itu kurang lengkap Jadi mungkin seperti ini dulu ya Nah seperti biasa Coba beri penilaian dari 1 sampai ke-10 untuk rumah pertama gue ya nanti pasti kau baca komen kalian Oke Guys setelah itu

Gua kembali tuk berpetualang lagi di tengah-tengah perjalanan gua nemu domba jadi gua pun sembelit beberapa domba ini untuk mendapatkan wallnya kemudian gua pun lanjutin jelajahi dunia lagi kode atas ada itu dan teknik tepat apa ini oh oh mungkin tempat pas pertama ya Coba kita masuk ke dalam ya di sini ada chest

Urai adab jadi PX mulai tampil sama ini Golden God sama ini deh sip hanya kita melawan Boss wedding Bangun hehe engkau mamloe sekali lagi nah dia sudah mau semua di dekat kita harus menghindar aduk rata MX sebentar kita bunuh heh heh heh Oke sip Uh mantap utamakan dulu dan

Kita ambil kuncinya Ayo barang bagus dongou adalah ingin kenek boleh kita ambil aja lah ini tv-nya sama ini Ya bolehlah kita ambil kata buat apa ya sama ini Uh Hammer wedding ini kayak Palu ya Oke kita ambil gue penasaran banget Coba kita tes dulu uh terbang dia dong hooray sebentar kita lihat dp-nya

Oh kamu itu sakit ya kita pak apa ya Sebentar kita lihat bu dibawa gue ada terowongan nafasnya kita hajar dulu biar bisa ngerti si item ini isi charge-nya Coba kita lihat Uh ada sentrifus hmm sama dasil of Revolution Dan ini juga Flying Swords Flying Swords booke Oke kita bakal ambil yang ini dulu

Sama ini kita ambil terus untuk ambil ini juga deh seal-revolution sip Raisa nya kita pulang let’s go [Musik] sampai juga di rumah ya Uh lumayan jauh juga ya Sesampai di best gua simpan semua barang bawaan ke dalam chest kemudian gua mulai mempersiapkan makanan Karena setelah itu gua bakal melawan

Boss kedua gua yaitu Fakhri Queen penjaga langit Sesampainya di dalam gua langsung disambut 1vak irit tapi kalau kita nyerang duluan dia bakalan tangan Tengah jakok dan pastinya kalian taulah ya tujuan gua yaitu mengalahkan setiap mop yang ada Jadi langsung saja gua ngajak gelut hasilnya gue yang menang Oh

Ya guys untuk melawan bahwa crack Win kita 10 factory medall yang bisa kita dapatkan dari membunuh setiap faktor yang ada di sini dan Sekarang saatnya kita melawan Boss Fakhri Queen sebentar kayaknya kita harus pilih yang kedua terus kita sudah memiliki ini Medal tahun sekarang baru deh kita melawan

Boss Fakhri semua kita hajar geluk Nah ayulouhan dah mulai menyerang Dea mamluk mulu oke oke sebentar Jangan kasih dia mendekat aduh aduh ini apaan sebentar-sebentar Oh yaudah kita biarin aja kita hajar bosnya aja Aduh trademark Gedong itu apaan tadi usah nyerang buah website kita hajar luasnya lebih baru uh meledak ya Astaga whitelight

[Musik] jika Bos sebentar lagi mati Bos Euis akhirnya berhasil juga wa kalahkan Boss kedua goyah uh itu dia kuncinya kita ambil ah Ice kunci sudah ada langsung saja kita buka Anda Valkyrie crepe boleh kita ambil aja yang ini sama get regeneration Stone mulai tampil sama Neptune ingat adik neptuno Armor ya Ada

Blog juga ya udah kita ambil aja semuanya sebelum pergi gua ambil glosen yang ada di sini untuk dekorasi nantinya sementara Coba kita ganti dhruva kiri chatnya ke sini oke Ini apa bedanya Ya sebentar coret-coret Uh oke terbang buaya oh oh Coba kita sekali lagi nah Widi keren guys bisa terbang gua uh my

God ini udah bisa dibilang kayak parasut ya oke Nice hari 52-54 gua masuk ke kawasan fakir lagi untuk mengajak glue Valkyrie Kwin demi mendapatkan kuncinya supaya bisa ngerti sih khas dan kali ini gua dapat lumayan bagus adalah Ning sword pakai glows dan juga Fakhri Boots jadi gua pun ambil

Semuanya setelah itu gua pun memutuskan untuk balik ke best hari 55 gua simpan semua barang bawaan ke dalam tes karena lagi Gabut gua pun lompat-lompat gak jelas seperti yang kalian lihat default sini di hari 56-62 luangkan waktu selama empat hari hanya melakukan mining plus sekalian ngumpulin bahan untuk Project masa depan

Setelah cukup gua pembalik ke best hmm white Pasti kalian merasa ada kejanggalan di video kali ini dan tentu saja kalian akan bertanya di kolom komentar Bang kenapa gue nonton video ini kok nggak ada malam harinya ya oke Guys ini penjelasan gua dikarenakan dunia ini telah dikutuk oleh Boss

Terakhir yang bakal gua lawan nantinya so untuk penjelasan lebih detail tonton video ini sampai habis ya Agar kalian tahu alasannya kenapa dunia ini pagi terus disini gue perluas kandang hewan dikarenakan gua mau netesin telur yang gua dapatkan di hari sebelumnya Lalu setelah itu gue pasang blog menuju Bos

Ketiga yang bakal gua lawan kali ini Sesampai didalam gua ambil awan emas yang bisa kita pakai tuh bikin parasut kemudian gua pun bergegas naik ke atas menemui Bos tersebut dan kini pertarungan sengit pun dimulai Uraikan corena saatnya kita melawan pos sebentar kudet untuk Waduh dapat dong astagah bentar bentar bentar Sebentar kita lihat

Dulu dia bakal kemana website cuaca kurang mendukung ya guys Oke siap-siap Aduh kita ajar abisan nggak bisa kena angin nya susah [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] Hai Sebentar lagi sebentar lagi hai aduh rezeki tajam Mama belum nih keren juga listrik ya guys wek banget Aduh sebentar-sebentar kita semakin dulu hapsah aduh Mamah terbang

Gua Uus Abbas sabar kita usir dulu yang kena jangan kena Oke sip kita makan dulu ah Ice sekali lagi Eh kirnya kita berhasil mengalahkan boss ganti gaya uh sering juga ya Boh nice merasa kita coba kita padamkan dulu terus ambil kunci e kuncinya kemana What disini nggak ada loh

Kemana ya ah waduh eh kuncinya kemana ya astagah karena pertarungan kemarin hampir membuat gua mati jadi gua pun memutuskan bunuh fakir miskin lagi untuk mencari fullset pake Armor tapi ini gua malah dapat fakir softball dan X Ya lumayanlah gua pun ambil kira-kira seperti foto sini yang bisa gua kasih

Liat mungkin bisa dikatakan cukup rutin Gue bunuh Valkyrie Queen sampai akhirnya gua berhasil mendapatkan apa yang gue butuhkan yaitu fullset Valkyrie Armor tanpa berlama-lama langsung saja gue comot semuanya setelah perjalanan yang panjang gua pun memutuskan untuk pulang ke best Sesampai di rumah gua simpan semua barang bawaan ke dalam chest Lalu

Gue langsung pakai fakir riset dan jadinya seperti ini Widi keren banget ya ada sayapnya dong bada Westlife ini bukan hanya hiasan semata melainkan kita bisa terbang guys Keren ya karena Armor sudah GG gua pun kembali berniat melawan Boss ketiga yang waktu itu sempat gua kalahkan tapi nggak ngasih apa-apa di

Sini gua berasal nama markasnya tanpa berlama-lama gua pun naik ke atas dan langsung saja gua ngajak gelut all soalnya gue yang menang dan gue juga dapat apa yang gue inginkan yaitu kunci sebagai kita lihat ada cord love ada apa-apa ya kita belanja sama ini port lovenya sama ini terus ini dua tampil

Oke mungkin bagian ini bakal gue skip aja ya karena kegiatan gua hanya melawan Boss satu ini secara berulang-ulang ya Menurut gua enggak begitu penting jadi kita ke hari berikutnya hari 80-84 gua sampai di rumah terus gua beresin barang bawaan ke dalam chest setelah itu gua pun kembali bergegas dengan tujuan melawan Boss terakhir

Yaitu sunspirit cukup jauh ku melangkah akhirnya nemu markas Bos tersebut dan kira-kira seperti inilah penampakan Boss terakhir yang bakal Kita Lawan karena sudah bangun dari tidurnya di yang sampai kena apinya Bahaya kalau kena uh meninggal nanti kita ya jati yang sampaikan apinya buat What buke aduh nah demeg dong Astaga langsung kita

Serang Wah nice Kena Waduh dan keluar dong aduh aduh trademark gua astagah pada whitelight Masih dong meninggal kau Oke ntar kita makan dulu nih bahaya nih Jelas Sakit banget yah megah sebentar-sebentar kita harus cari posisi yang bagus ya [Musik] Nah karena kena uh nice kena Oray ada yang keluar lagi mabruk mabruk mamamama

Mamamama mamamama uh Aduh enggak kena dong [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] Hai [Musik] Tesco sebentar lagi ayo keluar aja kena kena ahirnya berhasil kita laut itu tak mampu lupa meninggal meninggal meninggal ya akhirnya ya Oke sekarang kita dapat kunci sama Sun altar Nah ini dia guys yang bisa hilangin butuhkan ya Ntar kita

Ambil charge dulu deh aku mau ganti buncit terus kita ambil Chase sebentar dek buka apa nih tua David Slayer lagi tampil aja ini atau berapa ya mungkin pedang kah kita ambil aja ya ini UFO ini semuanya kita ambil sama ini Uh Soalnya kita pulang uh ahir nya yah Nah ini dia

Penjelasan yang sempat gue bilang dunia ini kena kutukan Boss terakhir jadi dengan Sun altar kita bisa menyetel waktu seperti semula sebagai contohnya gua akan menyetel salam tuh kalian lihat dengan seketika matahari pun menjadi malam hari para Intinya kalau kita menyetel ke pagi hari lagi maka dunia ini akan kembali menjadi Dunia Minecraft

Pada umumnya kalau diperhatikan mataharinya pun enggak stuck di tempat melainkan berjalan sesuai dengan waktu karena sudah kembali normal 2 pelangsung bikin bad kemudian di malam hari gua pun tidur pertama kali di Word ini Oke Guys sisa waktu yang ada Mari kita masuk ke tahap tim Lights Joe enjoy the Town Live [Musik] Hai

Sahabat [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] inilah ceritaku bertahan hidup selama 100 hari di Minecraft hardcore di dunia surga walau banyak pengalaman baru yang telah gua pelajari disini meskipun sedikit membuat gua pusing setidaknya gue Melati proses yang menyenangkan seumpama bulgu ada yang kurang mohon

Dimaklumi ya guys karena diversi kali ini furniturnya kurang lengkap jadi gua Bull dengan bahan seadanya so kalau kalian suka dengan konten ini yuk dukung gua dengan cara ke tombol subscribe like dan di-share juga video ini supaya gue semakin bersemangat untuk upload video terbaru kalau sudah terima kasih salam

Dari gua Jovi Sampai ketemu di konten berikutnya column [Musik]

This video, titled ‘100 Hari di Minecraft Hardcore The Aether / Dunia Surga!’, was uploaded by Zoffy on 2022-06-15 08:13:27. It has garnered 359165 views and 14259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds.

100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore The Aether / Heaven’s World! hello guys, this time I’m going to try to survive for 100 days in hardcore minecraft but in a paradise world! well can I survive up to 100 days? so watch this video until it’s finished! enjoyyy Subscribe! : https://bit.ly/SUBREKKCUY Follow Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/zoffy68/ Email for business: [email protected] Watch Other Videos Here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfWPv6t7NkTXH5QdT1vpK6n8QA7vI1Ci_ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfWPv6t7NkTXWcMrZ5zn6dzVxs48nIkGo

Shader Gameplay & Replay Mod : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders

Hope you like it 😀 Other tags: Minecraft 100 Hari Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft mod showcase indonesia Minecraft Java Minecraft pocket edition Minecraft snapshot Newest Minecraft Minecraft Addon 100 days in minecraft 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse 100 days in minecraft hardcore 100 100 days on minecraft one block hardcore but only one block 100 days on minecraft hardcore lush cave 100 days on minecraft paradise world hardcore 100 days on minecraft hardcore but paradise 100 days on minecraft hardcore the aether! tagline : being considered weak and talentless makes me excited to practice 5 new elements minecraft minecraft hide and seek but I disguise myself as a transformers robot to cheat and win!

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  • Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work!

    Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work! Exploring Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Actually Work! When delving into the world of Minecraft, players often come across intriguing and sometimes eerie rituals that claim to have real effects within the game. From testing scary myths to uncovering hidden secrets, the Minecraft community is always buzzing with excitement. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most spine-chilling rituals that actually work in Minecraft. Testing Scary Minecraft Rituals with Eystreem One popular figure in the Minecraft community known for testing scary rituals is Eystreem. With a dedicated following, Eystreem dives into the depths of Minecraft to explore… Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45

    Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45 Minecraft Animation: Creating Unique Content Creating Minecraft animations is a creative endeavor that requires dedication and skill. The creator of the Minecraft animation series “boy love// he come for revenge” has spent two years honing their craft to bring original content to their audience. While aiming to differentiate themselves from other channels, they acknowledge that there may be imperfections in their work and welcome feedback from viewers. Exploring the Process The creator mentions using programs like Prisma 3D for their animations, highlighting their commitment to learning and adapting to new tools despite lacking prior PC experience. This dedication to… Read More

  • Velyxz’s Wild Minecraft Adventures

    Velyxz's Wild Minecraft Adventures Minecraft Hardcore Survival: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an adrenaline-pumping journey through the world of Minecraft Hardcore Survival with Velyxz in episode 1 of the 100-day challenge. Join the excitement as Velyxz navigates through challenges, unexpected encounters, and stunning landscapes in this epic gameplay. Exploring the World From the initial introduction to the heart-pounding gameplay, Velyxz takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride through the Minecraft universe. Witness the highs and lows as the adventure unfolds, showcasing the true essence of survival in a hardcore setting. Discoveries and Challenges As the gameplay progresses, Velyxz encounters various obstacles, including a game… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash

    Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash The Thrilling Adventure of Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Plane Crash in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a heart-pounding journey in Minecraft Hardcore as two friends find themselves stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse city after a harrowing plane crash. Their mission? Survive for 100 days on an airfield base while attempting to repair their damaged aircraft. The stakes are high as they navigate through the infected city, following clues left by other survivors, discovering player bases, and unraveling military hints to locate patient zero and potentially cure the infected. Exploring the Infected City As our intrepid… Read More

  • CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update

    CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft Survival! Exploring the New 1.21 Update In the latest episode of the GAMERKSB07 channel’s Minecraft Survival series, Episode 8 takes us on a thrilling journey into the newly released 1.21 update. This update is not just about adding a few new features; it introduces a mysterious curse that adds a whole new level of danger and excitement to the game. Building a Nether Portal One of the main highlights of this episode is the daring mission to build a Nether Portal. Viewers get to witness the resource gathering, crafting process, and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0qaXi9THA Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. classic.batyamine.ru Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/8W3wkJSjat Server IP: constructia.ddns.net (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

    EPIC Police Station Build Challenge - Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by Noob Builder – Minecraft on 2024-06-11 11:00:07. It has garnered 5818 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:37 or 2497 seconds. In This Video: POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE Welcome to my channel – Noob Builder – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker challenge – Build Battle and Building Tutorials! Subscribe and leave a like for more video animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #build #tutorial… Read More

  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

    INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate DungeonsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akhirnya VETERAN Minecraft Bermain Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Budi Kurwan on 2024-05-22 16:03:47. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:23 or 8303 seconds. Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Activate Notifications so you don’t Miss the Latest Videos! This content is very suitable for those of you looking for entertainment and to accompany you when you are eating, coming home from school or after other activities. Donate to Budi Kurwan : Saweria : https://saweria.co/BudiKurwan Youtube Membership : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNWLHZbYrHFUuiaoFkM9ew/join Social Media & More : Instagram:… Read More

  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

    Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lp.#ТаинственныеМиры Майнкрафт #shorts #minecraft #таинственныемиры #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Kseouse on 2024-04-22 11:35:37. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Welcome to the beginning of the third season of Minecraft with mods on my channel. This season’s build is exclusive, created by me and my team. If you like the videos, don’t forget to like👍and subscribe to the channel, because this is a huge motivation for creating content and improving quality! Playlist with this Lp. – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrNdIRHEb-I7BQXgnJR0pKBaWsqXdDCPa (Minecraft Modded Season 3). _____________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone,… Read More

  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

    🔥HellFrozen - EPIC Mountain House Build! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mountain House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-03-10 16:59:55. It has garnered 117915 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore The Aether / Heaven’s World!