100 Days on NIGHTMARE ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore… Here’s What Happened.

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Foreign [Applause] All right and we’re back so here’s the deal i received a message from an anonymous sender indicating that they captured timothy and if i wanted them back i had to come get them myself or else the location stated in the message refers to an island not too far away

From where i’m at but here’s the problem i guess when timothy went through the teleporter the exit portal that he passed through was just left open allowing all types of nightmares to take over the island including the one that captured timothy so it’s up to me to

Find him so this island is fairly big with different kinds of locations so i hope it won’t be too difficult to find them so i heard that if you like share and subscribe then it will actually increase the probability of finding timothy plus it would make me happy and

Make the little guy happy too so please don’t let him down if i fail to save timothy or if you just want to try to save them on your own this map will be free for download on my patreon also if you want to keep up to date with

Anything i have going on or even take part in some community content please feel free to join my discord server or even follow me on twitter all links are in the description below Alright so i found the island’s location as specified on the note hopefully i can find timothy quickly because i’m sure he’s scared and confused because so am i well you know what this this doesn’t look so bad the island is you know has a nice beach and some nice views so it

Can’t be that scary right but remember folks never judge a book by its cover because although it looks nice and pleasant at first i couldn’t have been more wrong so once i got ashore i i beat down my boat and you know moved along and you guessed it i knocked down this

Tree you know got some wood and crafted myself a crafting table there i remembered at this time no brain farts for me so one thing i really wanted was some cold because when night comes i’m gonna want some torches so i tried my luck with some quick strip

Mining unfortunately i didn’t find any and i didn’t want to spend too much time strip mining as shelter was a priority remember there are no caves on this island so resources are gonna be a pain to find well hopefully not but with my luck probably so instead i switched

Gears and decided to continue to gather wood so you know i could build a house of some sort and and and i got some sand too for windows or something i don’t know i always like to have sand on me for some reason but of course i got

Distracted by these little fellas i’m not really sure why because i don’t think they drop food or anything really important but i hunted them nonetheless great use of time shadow great use of time as i was running around collecting seeds minding my own business i spotted a group of chickens perfect food oh

Is that is that a shack or something perfect the sun’s getting real low and i should probably bunker up there for the night or something so when i got closer to the shack it it looked like it was abandoned but i had some food and coal

In the chest so that was good as i was looking for coal earlier they had a few holes you know on the walls and basically all over the place but you know what i fixed it up before the sunset because i really didn’t want anything creeping in and you know poking

Me and stuff you know scaring me right i thought so after everything was patched up i you know filled my pockets and cooked some food that’s all i could really do at the time as the sun was setting i started to feel this tingling

On the back of my neck i’m not sure what it was but it was just this overall eerie feeling you ever get that yeah it’s not a good feeling whoa what what’s that is that a hog uh kind of looks like a mean hog i i probably should you know

Keep my distance like what are they why do they have shovels oh wait is that i think those are the grape diggers i think there’s so many of them and what are those things okay this this isn’t too bad maybe i can just you know keep trucking along yeah i

Should be should be safe no one’s coming after me oh hey pig hog whatever you are are you not going to attack me are you nice i don’t know if i should okay like maybe he’s not hostile all right i think i’m good what’s that what

Is that whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey oh geez i can’t move what the heck all right maybe maybe it’s not safe oh my gosh i’m gonna die seriously come on it’s like a fancy or something pretty sure that’s the banshee you sound like it and you’re not fun okay so these

Banters are gonna be a pro because they can fly and i i can’t even see them unless they’re like right at me great great all right so anyone not familiar with this mod these things are called banties and they suck they can sneak up on you

At any time because they fly and they come down quick not to mention they have this ability that can freeze you in place so that’s great just wonderful oh great there’s another one and what’s that glowing thing i i really i really need to you know

Research the mods before i play them but then again what’s the fun in that so while i was waiting for the sun to rise i was looking through the recipes for the mod to kind of see what i could craft i found out that i could craft

Some hog armor and you know since i had no other resources it seemed fitting to you know craft the hog armor yeah so i guess i was feeling a little stronger now with my boots and i decided to go out again i guess okay i can do

This i can do this i don’t want to be stuck in this house and and i want to i want to move along i got i got to save timothy oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh seriously these banshees but i still had to be careful because

These banshees could still get me through the walls i think they had like a three block radius or something i don’t know oh gosh am i going is this is this something i’m going to have to deal with the whole play through like okay you’re a little bit more easier to deal

With is swinging your shovel around yeah oh wait what you can summon things come on oh look at you that sucks got stuck in a wall not oh my gosh come on oh no what they get what oh come on seriously this okay this is not gonna be fun at

All so banshees i can’t go outside you know because they just sneak up on you and then if i stay inside i got these buggers that like to summon things in front of me or behind me or all i don’t know what i’m trying to say they just

Summon things inside my house great so yeah day one awesome now the mobs for this mod are technically supposed to burn up under the sun but what’s the fun in that so yes little el shadow had to go out and clear the area because i couldn’t stay

Here and i was running out of food and i didn’t want to stick around too long because it would be nighttime again and well i’d have to do it all over again yeah so once the coast was clear i started to head out and you know me grabbing any resource along the way

Because it just made sense what the what is this thing what where’d it go oh wait there’s another one hey hey come here come here come here what are you what do you do oh oh i can’t hit it well i can hit it but it doesn’t do anything oh nice a house

So what do you do when you find a structure you go and explore that bugger and hopefully find some good loot hopefully i’m not really sure what this place was supposed to be but it looked like an underground lab of some sort or like a witch’s room i don’t know but i

Found a shield and some arrows and this neat little feather following enchant book so that was cool i figured it would be a good idea to take some of these bookshelves because i was planning on doing some enchanting early game those banshees really had me shook and if i

Was planning on getting anything done during the night i had to have better protection and i grabbed these iron bars too because uh why not okay there’s there’s got to be a main level around here i just have to find a way in unfortunately once i made it into the

Main level of the building there there really wasn’t anything inside but i decided to take the carpet just because i guess i like the color i don’t know i don’t remember but i took it so after i looted everything in the building i decided to head out only to become

Distracted by one of these crystal crab things again so it was on the hunt well not really i just kind of chased it a little bit but it got stuck in a tree the thing is i couldn’t hurt the darn thing i’m not sure if i was using the wrong weapon

Probably need a diamond or something but it doesn’t really matter because the thing’s not aggressive and just runs away so for now i’ll just you know leave them alone i wanted to move on but i didn’t like the fact that it was raining and i figured it was probably going to

Be night soon anyway so i decided to head back down to the lab witch room thingy and decide to dig down you know to look for coal as i didn’t like the fact that i only had 20 torches unfortunately i didn’t find any coal but

I found a ton of gravel which was you know something i was gonna need eventually to make arrows but i did find some iron and some gold so yeah there was that so the next day i seen this skeleton looking thing on the beach and uh for

Some reason i thought it was a good idea to go poke it yeah all right let’s go oh whoa whoa he dig down okay oh ouch oh okay you can poison me that’s not good not good all right all right i’m fine he doesn’t get that so it’s not too bad oh

My gosh it keeps oh wow wow okay nope nope nope let’s go nope nope nope not gonna die to that thing look i should be taking things on like this this okay maybe not i’m having a hard time killing the chicken great cool let’s go okay so

I decided to stop wasting time or embarrassing myself whatever way you wanted to look at it and i packed up my stuff and headed out i ended up coming across the snowy type of biome and i figured i would continue this way there was no real reason or anything i just

You know i was curious and figured i’d go play in the snow i guess i don’t know maybe i shouldn’t have went in the snowy biome because there doesn’t really seem to be anything here oh wait what is that is that like a castle or something

Looks like it was like built in the mountain or something that’s kind of cool so the buddy of mine that you know made this map for me he told me he put some dungeons on it and uh it was more or less just to give me some incentive

To stay above ground and explore more and it would be worth my while to try to clear some of these dungeons as it you know there might be some good loot sitting there as i started making my way towards that castle thing i end up noticing that there was a little cabin

At the base of the mountain so i figured it would be a good spot to kind of set up a temporary base you know or just stay the night at least there wasn’t really much in the cabin you know there was some iron some food some redstone

But hey it was better than nothing and i figured since you know night was on the horizon i could start crafting myself some weapons and cook all my raw meat just kind of made sense but i was trying to be responsible because i didn’t want

To use my coal to cook and stuff because i didn’t have very much so i popped my head out and you know gathered a little bit of wood just around the cabin just just so i could you know use that to cook instead i crafted myself an iron

Halberd an iron helmet chest plate and some pants and of course the mobs were out in full force so that was awesome i see you up there whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh get inside get inside wow where are you at what are you doing you just chilling where’d you go

Trying to keep my distance here oh and what are you you’re a zombie whoa no no no no no whoa whoa go get inside see see what i mean that they sneak up on you like you can’t do anything they’re literally right there all the time

And it’s like they can come down at you at any minute because they spawn around you right i like fighting things more like these guys these are these guys are you know familiar because what i’m trying to think of oh my gosh i’m gonna die i am so screwed i can’t

Even get in get in get in oh so what what was that that was that was three banshees in the run of what a minute and a half okay i can’t stay here too long because i don’t got a whole lot food i got some all right that was enough excitement for

One night so i decided to dig down and go look for a few resources until morning and guess what i did find some coals so that was sweet so the next morning it became very apparent that bunkering up in a small house just isn’t ideal all right i hear you banshee oh

And who are you oh mr gravedigger what are you doing over here give me a second i’m just eating hold on oh hello what are you trying to sell me oh what hey whoa hey hey i don’t want that i don’t want that whoa come on now that’s not fair

So this is a problem these guys like to you know spawn things into my house so my next house oh my god see see see my next house it’s gotta be a little bigger because uh yeah this this isn’t gonna work out no thank you so i wanted to

Head out and check the castle looking thingy but of course the banshees they just weren’t allowing it all right let’s let’s go check out that castle thing but first of all i gotta deal with this banshee they’ll chase me all the way up hey you come on come on in i mean come

On over yeah you come here look at me all right let’s go i need to i need to take whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa trying to pull a fast one on me are you all right all i gotta do is just take this banshee down then you know run for

It i guess maybe maybe i don’t know oh come on really these banshees i i swear they are the worst thing in this mod the worst all right do i got clearance now can i go now maybe while i was out and i was kind of checking my surroundings i

Spotted this little church there really wasn’t much to explore and the chest i did find didn’t really have much in it so yeah so then i decided just to continue my way and explore the castle dungeon thingy it was about time i just i needed to see

What it was anything good up here oh whoa what are those things they don’t look too difficult oh what what okay they’re not difficult to kill but what are they resisting okay come on let’s go there’s only a few of you oh wait is there a spawner over there i

Thought i’d seen one spawn come on gee okay come on let’s break this i gotta break this come on oh yo i gotta break it let me break it nope let me break it ah let me break it oh my gosh oh my gosh okay this isn’t this isn’t okay no no not

Worth it not worth it right now not worth it oh my gosh stop chasing me go away what do you want go away all right we’re just gonna it’s gonna come back i guess i’m gonna wait until i’m like you know equipped for that yeah so yeah i uh i

Definitely was not ready for that tower that’s for sure because here’s the thing when i was running up there there were a few spawners laying around and those things were resisting my attacks fairly well and uh it seemed like it took me longer to kill them before they could

Spawn again so it just made sense i wasn’t risking it i’ll have to come back later and unfortunately my ego was a bit hurt to say the least i felt so weak and you know defeated so i decided to focus on finding some diamond you know i felt

Like it was about time that i started doing that so i went strip mining for the rest of the day initially it wasn’t a bad idea but with the island not having any caves it was really hard to find anything really even like coal was difficult at times i literally wasted a

Day because i really only found a little bit of coal and two oars of iron and a little bit of lapis each great this play-through is gonna be fantastic okay so about midday i decided to just move along because i was starting to get a little frustrated maybe it was just

The snowy biome i don’t know doesn’t matter i was just going somewhere else i couldn’t find anything here so i finally made it out of the snowy biome and i i moved into a warmer area as i was moving along i started to notice something off

In the distance whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait what’s that is that is that a tower wow that’s a that’s a big tower right there you know what i bet timothy’s up there 100 guaranteed he’s up there it’s like right dab in the middle of the

Island oh look at that a farm maybe i am gonna play farming simulator yeah nah probably not but this is cool i’m gonna check it out all right let’s check out this windmill anything in here no not really whoa what what is that what did that what was that it looked

Like a spider or something ugh really i had no idea what that thing was and i wanted to keep my distance it reminded me of a spider and i wanted nothing to do with it so what did i do i just ignored it for now and continue to check

Out the rest of the farm so the thing that was really appealing about this farmhouse was like these built-in pens because i could basically just you know get my livestock now and you know stow them here and the house it was good for a base it was big enough and you know

Cozy enough i guess however cozy you can get in minecraft i suppose also i found a bed but you know me no sleeping not my playthroughs no way heart spurts are at night so yeah just kind of makes sense i don’t sleep just gotta check out the

Burn now see what’s in there anything good maybe well i like how there’s crops here oh come on i don’t like how it’s moving around like it is it’s kind of freaky go away go away oh no i might have to deal with this thing why does it gotta crawl

Around like that it’s so creepy and crawly come on shadow you gotta be brave buddy you gotta be brave it’s just a icky oh my gosh there’s so many of them why is there so many of them oh my gosh i ca i can’t do this i can’t do this i

Can’t do this and it’s night time so yeah no no yeah so uh i guess i’m staying in for the night there were mobs everywhere and a lot of them there were bugs banshees these scarecrow looking thingies and those white spiders of course maybe i could sneak over no no no no no

Oh get get out of here you get out of here you are not allowed in here i gotta cover this oh my god there’s two of them oh there’s two of them i gotta cover this up thanks shadow what what can i do here what am i gonna do here i don’t

Like these things i’m not so creepy no no no no no no no not going up here uh yeah no not not worth it not worth it just gonna you know cover the rest of this up this is you know this good idea shadow this is safe this is very safe

Yes good there we go perfect all right so uh things are getting a little serious and and i need to set this house up as you know as a proper base because if i don’t i’m not going to make it and i won’t be able to save my friend

Timothy and you know what i have to i just have to so once the base was all secure well as secure as i could get it i decided to do some strip mining for the rest of the night i really needed to find diamond i really did so the next morning after

Literally finding nothing while strip mining i decided to come back to the surface to finally check out the barn okay let’s let’s check this out gotta be something good in it let’s make sure there’s no spiders oh there’s one of course i spoke too soon and a bug get out of here

Okay okay oh whoa whoa whoa okay looks like they’re up in the barn not cool i’m not cool not cool i’m gonna go i’m gonna try to go this way see if i can okay no no no no so instead of fighting these little buggers i decided to do the next logical thing

Yeah i set the entire barn on fire it was just not worth going in to try to clear them out it really wasn’t not for me anyway but you know what was a good thing the spiders are gone and now i could focus on my livestock so it was a

It was a win-win plus the barn it had a nice glow to it at night you know so triple win i think so that night i crafted some trap doors so i could get rid of the stained windows like i just couldn’t see through them really and it was just annoying all right

Okay oh hello and uh who might you be huh you’re you’re not very nice looking so uh yeah go away please thank you thank you whoa whoa okay listen i i know i can be a pretty cool dude but why why does everybody want in here like come on now

You don’t need in here just just just move along okay appreciate it so considering i was stuck inside for the night i i really didn’t do anything else really aside from you know crafted a bow which which was gonna help don’t get me wrong but as i was kind of sitting there

I noticed that this wasn’t gonna be easy because everywhere i looked i was surrounded by mobs and not just mobs that could whack me upside the head moms that could stop me dead in my tracks that was dangerous and i needed to prepare myself for it because i could

Handle the hits but if i got stuck in place and got surrounded i don’t think i’d be able to survive that so for the rest of the night i i really tried to focus on finding diamonds i really did but having no caves really really made this difficult So the next day i decided to go back and grab all my stuff that i left behind in the cabin over in the snowy biome but before that i had a little fun with this guy hey dude not so tough now that you can’t move eh

That’s what i thought so i went pretty smoothly on my way over and uh you know when i got there i filled my pockets and i headed on back so that night i decided to start fortifying my stable area as flying mobs were able to get through and

These little ravens they were annoying because they would always try to steal my stuff i’ll get it so the next day i thought it would be a good time to go out and harvest those crops that i you know i seen earlier they were growing just outside my house

But guess what not anymore i guess those little bug things they like to eat them or dig them up or do something because most of the crops if not all of them are dug up and to make matters worse the ravens they come down and they take them

And they take them away so yeah they’re like a duo or something with crops i don’t i don’t i don’t know it was super annoying so i just ran out grabbed what i could and you know took it inside i was gonna have to do something about that i’m

Gonna have to make a greenhouse or something i don’t know anyway you know what bugs you’re gonna pay for this that’s right you’re gonna hey whoa whoa oh my gosh oh they see fancy out of nowhere heart attack right there for most of the day i went out to

Collect more wood and basically taking out any ravens or bugs that i came across like i despised them at this point i mean look at the area around my base it’s bare there’s like nothing here no plants no grass no nothing it just it looks ugly because those guys just you

Know they dig it up and the ravens take it away oh and i i found a grave that’s that’s cool i guess hopefully it’s not foreshadowing anything hopefully then i remembered that the barn had trapped doors on it so instead of wasting my wood on crafting well trapped doors i

Could just reuse them genius so the clouds and the fog were starting to clear and the sun was starting to shine down and while i was breaking down the trap doors i could see the tower in the distance it was a constant reminder of my mission don’t worry timothy i’m

Coming i just have to make sure i’m prepared first i’ll see you soon buddy i’ll see you soon So here’s the thing it’s day nine and banshees i i just can’t with banshees anymore i’m not even 10 days in and i they’re just they’re driving me nuts they’re annoying with their high-pitched screams they can drive anyone bonkers all right i i i i had enough of

This i’m this is done you know what i got my bow i got some arrows i’m gonna take you out driving me nuts i’m just i’m just trying to work in peace okay all right where are you at oh there get oh what that’s not a banshee that’s a

Hive i think that’s what they’re called come on oh my god i just i just i just wanna i just wanna work in peace can i just work in peace please just just go go just go go away why is this taking so much effort to kill one of

These things oh my gosh go away okay okay okay okay okay okay i can okay there okay let’s let’s just get out there hit him a couple times and go come on there come on no get come on go away yes oh finally okay i apologize

That was not a banshee but you know it was just as annoying there raven get out of here making me angry well after all that drama was over i decided to go back and grab some cows i spotted earlier it was nice because the animals in this

Play-through were so close to my house then you know and it kind of made sense because you know it’s a farm yeah at this point it was becoming pretty routine to strip mine at night like i mentioned before resources seemed to be scarce so strip mining seemed more

Important plus it was too dangerous to be out at night anyway so it kind of just made sense by the end of the night i finally finally found diamond well it’s about time please be more than one please be more than one guess what it was only one

Awesome so the next day i decided to go back to that witch basement thing in the woods because i felt like i left things in in the chest and uh i was just curious and felt like i should probably go get it just in case okay

I think i’m in the right area yeah definitely in the right area i remember it being rocky so or hilly or whatever this is whatever you want to call this oh what are you guys doing out what are you guys doing here where’s the grape digger or the undertaker or whatever

That thing is well i guess it’s a gravedigger he’s got a shovel let’s keep you guys stuck in a tree i really couldn’t remember if there was anything good or not but it didn’t matter because i literally took everything in that room that i thought might be useful i had to

Make the journey feel worth it yeah i’ll go with that as i was running back to my base i noticed the sun was getting low and fast i really need to pick up my pace oh my gosh shadow why why why do you gotta do this to yourself i

Should have just waited i’m gonna be running in the dark here at any second oh yeah all right just just focus and just go who cares just yeah just go okay nothing is spawning just yet and i think i’m almost there okay just zombies that’s that’s fine i can get around them

Pretty easy for the hive back there but that’s fine my real worry is the banshees the banshees suck okay come on i got this i got this come on almost there i see it see in the distance there we go scarecrows are kind of scary at night oh oh

Wow what’s hitting me oh come on come on i’m almost there i’m almost there i can do this my hands are starting to sweat nothing really is happening all right i got i got this i got this get on my way out gotta get through whoa someone’s shooting arrows at me now okay

Okay whoa well let’s uh let’s try not to do that again all right so that run back wasn’t too bad but i was still pretty shook up over it so i decided to work through the night by organizing my inventory you know keep my mind distracted plus i kind of needed to sort

My inventory anyway right like who doesn’t like a nice sorted inventory am i right yeah i thought so nothing really special on day 11. i i just basically worked on my inventory management and uh i worked on getting my chicken feather farm together yeah so on day 12 i worked on fortifying my

Farmhouse or my base gathering livestock and i did the occasional hunting yeah we’ll call it hunting that night i continue to strip mine for diamond i made it my mission to find diamonds now you might be thinking yeah of course everyone looks for diamonds right you

Want to build your armor and stuff but no not me so i need diamond because i need to go to the nether so this mod has its own armor it’s basically called molten armor or something i don’t know it’s something like that but anyway it’s like wearing diamond armor but you get a

Few perks with it too so i figured since i was running the mod i might as well try to you know wear the stuff that’s in it so yeah i was so determined to find diamond at this point that i spent the next two days strip mining having no

Caves in your world is no joke because even finding normal common resources is is kind of tough because in caves the resources are kind of peeking out at you here you have to like literally search for them on day 15 i started to notice something odd my sheep i’m pretty sure

There were four of you earlier like are you getting killed by the mobs so i was a little concerned that the mobs outside were killing my sheep so i decided to remove the trap doors and just make it a solid wall i don’t know if they can like

Swing through those trapdoors or not but they were killing my animals and i just i wasn’t having any of that so the next day i decided that it would probably be a good idea to start building that indoor crop area or i don’t know a greenhouse i suppose because if you can

Remember a few days ago i had crops growing outside and those bugs destroyed it it only made sense to you know build something inside yeah so considering it was still sunny outside i figured i’d take the opportunity and gather some wood for my new building project oh what

Is over there what is this oh senna that’s a house oh whoa whoa what is a dreadful pete mummy what is that is that a boss or something i just want to explore this house dude um hello oh oh my god oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i’m stuck

I’m stuck i’m stuck oh my gosh go go go go go go go go go go go go go no no no no oh my gosh what what was that thing oh my gosh you’re still coming go go oh my gosh is this it okay oh that’s gone

Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on now seriously get get back just keep running don’t even look back just keep running oh my gosh oh my gosh all right so dreadful beat mommy uh yeah not for me all right so whatever that was um i decided to uh

Switch to more safer adventures as i was nowhere near ready to fight that thing no way so uh you know what i just i just continued to work on the greenhouse and mined it in my own business yeah finally on day 17 i found another diamond vein or i guess you could say

Another diamond ore because there was only one well this is getting a bit depressing huh i was so determined to find the last third diamond well technically i need five in total cause the pickaxe and the enchanting table but anyway i was so focused on finding these diamonds and

I’m going to be completely honest with you i can be extremely stubborn at times and trust me at this point in this playthrough i was being very stubborn although i’m very stubborn i can also be very impatient as well and being impatient can lead to frustration so i

Decided to take a break and tend to the animals and you know finish my feather farm thing yeah once i completed that i crafted quite a few stone pickaxe to get ready for another strip mining excursion why am i making stone pickaxe you may ask well as i mentioned before even

Finding iron can be difficult at times and i didn’t want to burn through the only iron that i had left i know stone is slower but i just didn’t want to waste the resources on it for the next few days i spent my days working on the greenhouse and tending to the animals

While at night i continued my search underground you know what i did feel a little silly focusing so much on searching for diamonds but i had to take this seriously it was dangerous on this island and i had to save timothy i mean

It was my fault i sent him away i know i thought it would be safer to send him away rather than stay with me in the zombies but i really should have calibrated the teleporter but really all that doesn’t matter now all that matters is making sure i’m well equipped before

Entering that tower that means i have to start looking for stronger equipment early because i only have 100 days to do this i only have a hundred days to save timothy and i have to try i at least owe timothy that oh what the uh of course of course of

Course they got to get in here come on now all right we’re yet let’s go i’m trying to build something here and you guys are just being super annoying come on ow oh my gosh this is coming of nowhere i mean at least at least they’re not difficult i suppose that’s that’s a

Plus but they’re still annoying i like when they do that that’s cool you know the whole reason why i’m doing this is because of you guys buggers get you up there all perched up yeah that’s what i thought ouch come on i’m gonna spend like the whole day just freaking killing

Everything okay now can i get back to work thank you all right i’m gonna need uh i’m gonna need a lot more wood for this thing so uh let’s go get some trees here we go let’s get this there we go hey hey get it oh my gosh get out of

Here this is my wood my wood oh my gosh go oh my gosh get out of here seriously come on go away oh my gosh they don’t stop coming okay are you guys done no i guess you’re not get finally now i can gather wooden piece

This is crazy so for the rest of the day and night i continued working on the greenhouse and dealing with the occasional mob of course you ever have those visitors that just have no manners at all well today i did these guys just helped themselves in and they didn’t

Even bother knocking well now that you think about it that’s not really fair because they did knock but they knocked so hard that they knocked my door down yeah what is that sound why does it sound like someone’s trying to break in oh my god they did break in okay get out

Of here oh my gosh well that’s my fault for not using a steel door that kind of freaked me out i didn’t i didn’t realize that that happened okay cool give me a great digger come here yeah oh my gosh go away trying to get stuff done here i

Gotta save my friend i can’t deal with you guys come on so yeah i guess it’s time to uh upgrade those doors to you know something a little stronger yeah after all that drama was over and done with i decided to finish the greenhouse for my crops i made myself an unlimited

Water source and finished adding the water to the to the rose i guess if you whatever you want to call these things now i know this isn’t the most efficient way to do crops but you know what i just i just like the way it looks i don’t know it

Just looks normal i guess i don’t know what i’m trying to say doesn’t matter the next day i decided to go back down strip mining because the greenhouse was completed and the animals were tended to so just kind of made sense oh it’s one of you fellers again get over here

Oh nice got one of these heart things again neat and finally i found a third diamond did i run up that night and craft my diamond pickaxe no i went up and i tended to my crops i i guess i figured they were more important but one thing i did realize while

Tending my crops is i really need to fortify my base better because i keep getting visitors i understand that it’s probably because they’re being summoned in and i just need to make the walls thicker or something mape so the next morning i decided to go out

And collect some more sand i got a little curious about the house i spotted a few days back but the fear got the better i mean i just ran back home when i got back home i could hear undead mob somewhere in my house and i figured the

Only place they could be is upstairs all right i hear you guys okay you guys what are you doing up here you’re you’re not allowed okay ouch get all right did i clear them out i think so there that’s dealt with on day 26 i

Had this idea to go and hunt the undead hog thingy i wanted to go to the nether so i could build that molten armor i wanted to make sure that i was well equipped before i even went to the nether because i had no idea what to

Expect like i had no idea where these mobs were located that dropped the crafting materials or even what frequency they spawned at i could be in the nether for days so i wanted to make sure i felt comfortable going it you know just makes sense plus this undead

Hog armor allows me to eat really fast and remove any negative effects after eating so it might come in handy once i was prepared i traveled to the last known place that the undead swine spawned fortified myself in and and i waited now i’m gonna be honest with you

It felt like i dealt with everything but those hogs and i was certain they spawned here but considering how the night went i i guess not but then i remembered when i first came to the island the hogs were there so i decided to make a break for the beach they had

To be there right all right hogs where are you at oh my gosh manche i didn’t even get out the door for like literally a second come on these things are so annoying where’d you go now come on don’t be shy where’d you go it’s around here somewhere i just

Can’t see him there you go where are you come on all right i’ll just shoot you then that’s no problem thank you i’m finding like everything but the hogs like zombies everywhere come on now oh oh no then banshees of course oh my gosh come on oh okay no let’s just yeah

Let’s get back this is it’s not worth it i’ll i’ll just look for them somewhere else no no no no no two hearts come on come on come on come on oh my gosh okay never mind staying here for the night not dealing with those banshees man they’re a nightmare

So the next morning i i made it to the hut now at this point i really had nothing to do because the swine wasn’t gonna you know spawn until the night so i decided for the day i i should probably make my hut banshee proof yeah

So basically i could hunt on dead swine in peace well sort of this way i wouldn’t you know be drove inside every time i pop my head out so i don’t know it seemed like a good idea at the time overall hunting went pretty good aside from the fact that everything but the

Undead swine moved towards me every time i killed one i had to go out and collect the materials which in return you know put me at risk these things were kind of annoying to hunt i’m not i’m not gonna lie just need a couple more just a couple more that’s all i need

No no no banshee oh no oh no no no no no no oh my gosh three hearts really by the next day i only had enough to craft one chess piece so considering they don’t spawn during the day i decided to gather resources underground until night i really had nothing else to

Do which is weird to think about it that way finally by the next morning i had what i needed and i began my trek back to my base okay so i’m pretty sure there are more of you you guys are definitely getting killed so that night i decided

To double up on my outside walls you know to keep my livestock safe i’m a good guy like that okay so i was basically ready to go to the nether but i needed an enchanting table so i spent the next two days strip mining looking for the diamonds i needed okay okay i

Don’t get it am i doing something wrong i just can’t find diamonds and the only diamonds i found were like literally just one ore like okay finally oh my gosh finally a diamond well guess what it’s probably just one yep just one just my luck

Awesome all right so i got my diamonds i can craft my enchanting table i can get myself ready to go to the nether but in order to go to the nether i need obsidian so it was time to start looking for some lava normally this would be a

Fairly easy task but again there are no caves so that means i have to get lucky and find a lava source while strip mining but here’s the kicker i found lava sources while i was strip mining but for some reason i’d filled them in with blocks because i didn’t want to die

At the time i wasn’t really thinking about obsidian so yeah i guess this one’s kind of self-inflicted okay so it was the next day and at this point i was getting pretty frustrated because it seemed like every time i needed something i couldn’t find it and then it

Hit me i remembered that in the early days i seen a glow coming from a small island off the the beach or the coast of where i was at at the time and considering i was down here for so long i figured why not i might as well go

Check it out there could be a lava pool and it would make getting obsidian a lot easier as i was on my way up to go and investigate that smile island i decided to tend to my crops and animals first and surprise surprise the bugs were getting in and they were destroying my

Crops ah i built this so they wouldn’t it’s so annoying okay so if i remember correctly the um island would be over here i believe there’s not too many little islands off this island so it should be pretty clear to see all right i’m pretty sure it’s that one pretty

Sure pretty positive can’t guarantee but i’m pretty positive that was the island all right let’s get my boat out and let’s go on over pretty sure i’ve seen lava over here or a glow with something it might have been like maybe it was a light i i don’t know

I’m i’m just hoping it was lava because it’s because if it’s not i i don’t know where to look there there there there there there it is good good all right i got three buckets i’ll take these nice perfect finally something’s going my way once i filled my buckets i uh i headed

Back now i know what you’re thinking because i didn’t think about this until later but i could have just you know took a bucket of water and you know made obsidian right there and then mined it but you all know me i got to make things

Difficult for myself i don’t know what i was thinking for some reason i took the lava back and dumped it in a hole to mine it there yeah that makes sense so much sense i’m assuming it’s because i was really only thinking about building the enchanting table and not the portal

Itself yeah i’ll uh i’ll go with that unfortunately i had to burn through quite a few enchants just so i can get the enchant i wanted on my diamond pickaxe for those bugs in my crops again seriously okay no no i’m not having any of this get out of my greenhouse

Seriously i can’t even grow wheat oh i think i know the problem you guys are spawning them in here aren’t you yeah well guess what i’m gonna fix that right now there now you guys shouldn’t be able to get back in hopefully they probably will but well i tried so this

Construction continued into the next day these critters are extremely annoying so i took some frustration out of them which which is okay because i needed the experience anyway as i couldn’t enchant my diamond pickaxe yet i needed level 30. after that i went down to strip mine

Again just to get some experience from the oars but guess what i actually found diamond after 10 minutes of course when i wasn’t looking for it i would find it and of course there was only one but i was being smart and i didn’t want to

Mine it just yet because i wanted to put fortune on my pickaxe first so i decided to go and kill some more mobs instead to get to level 30 again oh perfect these guys are perfect for xp yeah yeah you guys are just ow they’re easy to kill they’re kind of

Dumb yeah okay this door thing is kind of annoying though i’m not gonna lie come on oh ow ow ow oh oh oh oh whoa whoa dude okay i take that back maybe they aren’t that dumb darn they almost killed me yeah buggers all right let’s stop messing around here let’s just finish

This ouch oh no okay um now i got a problem finally after i got level 30 i enchanted my pickaxe with fortune and went down to you know mine that ore the next day i don’t know what i was thinking that house i seen the other day i i just

Couldn’t get it off my mind i really wanted to go check it out but that pete mummy thingy yeah that was uh that was a problem so i had an idea i’m gonna go sneak into this place you know get all roguelike and you know use the shadows

Stuff like that yeah so after sneaking my way in there really wasn’t anything in this house that was worth anything especially with the risk of that pete mummy outside and i was in trouble i was surrounded i couldn’t get back i didn’t want to take that risk so what did i do

I did something even more dumber i took off for the farmhouse at night because uh why not i’m actually gonna go this way though the way i came in so i don’t run into the pete mummy hopefully hopefully oh my gosh there’s so many out at night

Oh come on don’t get stuck come on oh there’s a witch yikes run run run run ow ow ow oh no oh no this is a flyer this guy goes fast get away from me oh come on this is a bad idea okay i see it almost there i’m almost there come on

Shadow go oh there’s an enderman hi enderman run run run run oh good good good ah there’s skeletons they’re shooting at me you’re on my way huh look get in get in get in okay okay see there’s nothing nothing no skin off my back okay so i gotta go back

To that island because i need a sitting for the uh for the nether portal i don’t know why i didn’t mind the obsidian there maybe i was worried that that was the only lava pool around i don’t know anyway i gotta go back and of course it

Has to be foggy out why not oh whoa what the what are those things get in the boat and just go get out of here see you later darn what are those things they’re like smurfs or something i don’t know okay so this isn’t good so basically

It’s like being out at night now it’s raining and it’s foggy what are these things they are glowing okay so we got zombies that’s not the greatest oh of course there’s banshees of course there’s banshees oh go away come on okay that wasn’t too bad it was fine another

One really another one hey where are you it’s gonna sneak up on me isn’t it you watch come on banshee where are you oh there you are oh take that oh whoa whoa okay oh okay where’s the lava it was over here i’m pretty sure oh come on seriously is

That two now there’s two of them there’s two of them of all things i had to get two banshees oh what are you guys gonna be so difficult where are you okay i’m just gonna run over here duck under okay there you are it’s kind of good these

Trees are here because i would be screwed okay oh the lightning just hit that tree it must have uh i thought the lava was over here where is it oh come on i don’t have time to mess around out here okay come on where’s this lava like seriously oh great diggers great

Okay okay i’m lost this island isn’t very big and i’m lost remember how i said i can’t find things when i’m looking for them well yeah i can’t find it oh there’s the lava right here oh no no no no no oh come on i just found it i’m gonna die

I’m gonna die look i got zombies all around me they’re fancy out there somewhere you know what i got an idea here come up here here take that burn i have a feeling that’s not really gonna work okay i got three hearts here i got a banshee flying around i’m in trouble

You can go too yeah okay zombies not they’re not too bad i can take these guys on fairly straightforward come on you what am i doing now where’s that banshee um i should probably go get that lava because uh probably end up yep this is what i

Thought it was going to do i end up burning down the freaking forest good one shadow thank you oh don’t okay good let’s open i didn’t get rid of all the lava that would have been good who knows i might need more all right i’m gonna

Dig myself in so i can hopefully mine this in peace okay oh i gotta get rid of something here nope nope nope don’t throw your pickaxe what the come on oh my gosh shadow i almost threw that out all right let’s mine a bunch of this i

Don’t have to come back once i got the obsidian i needed i headed back to the base built my portal and uh headed in so initially i was worried that finding the mobs that dropped the material i needed for the molten armor would be hard to

Find yeah i was uh i was completely wrong they literally spawn everywhere and if you aggro one of them you aggro a bunch of them which was a problem for me all right here we go think these are the guys they look like it oh wow okay they

Just yeah they spawn everywhere like literally everywhere okay what’s this thing it’s like a fire dog hot dog there we go come here hot dog oh wow one shot okay cool let’s go fight this little guy this guy should be pretty easy right oh okay okay that’s that’s fine burn me

A little bit not not a problem oh wow oh oh my gosh he’s that hot dog he’s pretty he’s pretty smart sneaking up mommy like that all right shadow i gotta pay attention i gotta kill these salamanders okay i’m gonna take this guy come on okay they take a lot of hits

Right on come on jeez how many hits did it take where you oh getting off too close to the edge let’s just go up here for now okay all right let’s just go back i want to build build something real quick ow can’t even get through the portal okay

Ouch come on these guys keep sneaking up on me oh i gotta be careful i don’t fall down all right i’m gonna build a i don’t know wall here or something maybe ow jeez just i just want to get out i want to go back

Please oh my gosh maybe it wasn’t a good idea to come here okay there i got a little wall i should be fine ah thank you so if you think that getting these materials were easy you’d be wrong and every time i went through that portal i

Kept getting greeted like this let me tell you my day was fun and it consisted of this shooting and getting burned yeah i had to spend the next couple of days just sneaking around because you had to make sure that when you were attacking these salamanders that you

Weren’t attacking the ones close to each other because if you attacked one of them everyone in that vicinity would come and hurl fireballs at you and at the end of the day of day 41 i finally had enough materials to craft the full set of molten armor

So the next day i was feeling a bit more confident confident enough to go and try to tackle that dungeon that i’ve seen in the snowy biome area so i tended to what needed to be tended to before taking the trip because i could be gone for you

Know a few days at least all right you guys i’m uh i’m ready for you this time well i hope i mean at least they don’t hit hard i just gotta break oh wow okay ow okay okay okay so the pickaxe is really good at breaking these things

Which which kind of makes sense it’s diamond so i’m too quick for you oh my gosh there’s so many of you i hate how they resist me though like come on all right oh my gosh there’s still more spawners like how many spawners are there all right come on let’s go okay

This is a this is a bit ridiculous there’s a there’s a lot of them here come on leave me alone oh my gosh seriously come on okay am am i doing something wrong like why am i not hurting these guys it’s like one damage every single time

Oh my gosh i’m gonna die i’m stuck never mind i’m not gonna die i know what i’m doing oh my gosh these guys chase me so far all right the arrows don’t seem to be hurting them any more than the uh the halbert can’t get me now yeah i know i

Know i’m kind of cheesing it right now but that’s okay i gotta save timothy right that’s the most important part can’t be too careful all right come on you gotta be the last one finally am i to expect this inside the structure because if i am

This is gonna suck well i know one way around it i’m just gonna have to run up there real quick and break those spawners as quick as i can and that’s exactly what i did i even had to slow down the footage just for you to see it yeah that’s what i did

Alright so it was time to enter this mysterious dungeon tower castle thingy yeah so i’m gonna give you a pro tip for this island it’s very important so make sure you grab your notepad and you know a writing utensil and write this down are you ready okay when you see a

Spawner you run to it and you break it as quick as you can because these spawners they ain’t messing around they spawn lots of mobs and fairly quickly and some will spawn mobs quicker than you can kill them so be ready for that all right it’s really dark in here let’s

Uh let’s liven this thing up some more spawners there’s a bouncing head thingy oh chess ow whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s this like a crab and a chest kind of thing yeah it looks like a crab okay oh golden apples that’s cool and a diamond sword nice sweet okay so this uh

This dungeon’s you know proving worth so far so cool oh there’s more spawners down here though i gotta get rid of them before more spawn come on break break break nice yeah don’t don’t go down here if you don’t have a diamond pickaxe um yeah it’s kind of important all right is

This a fake chest nope more apples nice some pants i’ll never wear that’s that’s that’s okay that’s fine whoa what is that holy what is that thing oh my gosh it has a resistance too oh wow it like rolled at me okay you

Can you can go away now oh my gosh oh my gosh well that’s awesome so here’s the thing the mobs that i’m running into inside this dungeon are mobs you don’t want to run into in tight spaces you got these bolder guys that like to roll and ram into you and considering the

Hallways they’re only like three blocks wide the chances of you getting hit are fairly high and to make matters worse there are these jello block skull fellows and they leave these slime trails behind them and it completely slows you down which makes you wide open for those bolder guys basically all i’m

Trying to say is don’t fight these two guys together in these tight hallways because if you do you’re gonna have a bad time also these jello fellas are extremely annoying if they hit hard which i’m lucky they don’t let me tell you i wouldn’t have survived heck if i

Came in here when i did the first time this play through would have been over i fought and i messed around with these mobs so much it literally took me the entire day just to get past the first floor how deep does this tower go like really because i only got a hundred

Days to save timothy so the time i’m wasting here it better be worth it so the next morning i decided to go back and empty my pockets the dungeon seemed to be proving that it was sort of worth it to explore and considering it was

Only the first level i i figured i could load off my items at the base and return fairly quickly i made it back to the dungeon as the sun was setting when i got down to the next level what did i do you bet i ran and i tried to break as

Many spawners as i could all right i gotta oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa spider no i don’t i don’t even know these are spiders but they just i don’t like i don’t like how they crawl around like that it’s creepy super creepy i hope there’s not a spawner around here

That i didn’t get all right zombie i i got more pressing issues to deal with here so uh just go away for now okay oh there’s another one he’s stuck in the floor oh there’s two of them ugh this is scary oh chest oh apples and arrows and

A blaze rod cool or a glowing rod whatever it is i don’t know oh my gosh you guys are i don’t like you oh ouch ouch no no no no well this sucks i absolutely hate these things well there’s only one thing left to do unfortunately that’s not really an option because

Everything’s made out of stone yeah but if i could i would trust me on this after finally battling through the level i finally found the stairway down but these mobs they were they were just giving me trouble i know there’s spawners down there but they just

Weren’t giving me the chance to go down and maybe i was a little scared to go down yeah i went back and forth with these mobs which felt like forever there were even points where they would push me back up the tower basically starting the process all over all i wanted to do

At this point was to run in and break the spawners below but here’s the problem i have no idea how many are down there or where they are and these mobs can take you out in just a few hits and considering i know there are quite a few

Of them down there right now i couldn’t take the risk i just had to keep working and hopefully find an opportunity to get down there okay so the water doesn’t really work they still get up oh there’s a spawner good good good oh whoa whoa oh okay he hit me through

The stairs okay uh yeah that’s not that’s not good look at them they’re just like fidgeting down there it’s gross all right just take it one step at a time ah are they stuck are you guys stuck let me know here have some water maybe that will

Keep you down there this ain’t gonna fix anything because i gotta go down there oh wait can i drown them are they drowning oh that’d be so cool there there’s a spawner right there look at the mall oh i don’t feel confident going down here i really don’t

Break it no yes yes yes now get up go go go go go go get up there okay this is zombie not a big deal i can handle this guy pretty easy i gotta make my step back though another type of zombie you got you guys

Are fine you guys are cute i can handle you guys those i don’t even know if they’re called i think they’re called lurkers or something i don’t like them one step at a time shadow one step at a time oh come on oh i see a spawner there

Yeah no no not going down there right now nope not gonna do it oh i just he and his head poke out you’re so ugly oh my gosh there’s so many you know what um yeah i think i’m gonna need lava i think i think that’s my best option so yeah

I’m gonna go get lava screw this so at this point you could probably tell i was getting fairly frustrated these lurker mobs have quite a bit of resistance and they just take too long to kill because a spawner basically spums them quicker than i can put them down so i had an

Idea lava i could kill multiple at once with lava and considering the tower dungeon is made of stone it would be well safe to use plus i needed to empty my inventory anyway so i started to make my way back to the base um starting to

Feel like this might not have been a good time to run back because it’s a night time but i i should be okay it’s really banshees that i’m mostly worried about i’m gonna be fine yeah i believe i’m gonna be fine okay i got this just

Some zombies that’s fine oh no did i hear a banshee oh there he is oh no no no no no run run run run oh oh no no no no i’m almost there oh gosh oh my gosh i got a flying thing on me too no no no

Oh and of course skeleton shooting arrows on me that’s great cool awesome oh my gosh am i gonna make it please i got all right let’s just get in the door let’s just get in the door oh why do i do this to myself why do i do this to myself

Gee shadow while i was back at the base i i noticed my armor was really worn down but it kind of makes sense that dungeon i took a lot of hits so basically this is how it went i poured it into the nether immediately got set

On fire set on fire some more hit a few mobs got the materials got set on fire again and finally made it out this time i decided to enchant my armor and then i repaired it the next morning i was able to release some frustration by taking it

Out on these guys plus i figured i’d you know get some experience in the process so win-win after all that i headed out and made it back to the dungeon i don’t know what my problem is but i swear i spent at least half a day trying to find

My way down i literally ran around in circles on this level i was lost seriously oh my gosh adam finally why couldn’t i find this before like it’s not that hard ah so once i finally made it down and i fought my way through the level i ended up coming

Across this library type area it was full of spider webs and i seen those lurker mobs crawling around uh yep not right now no way so i ignored it and uh just worked my way farther into the dungeon for now anyway overall the lava was working fairly well it kept the mobs distracted

And basically got them stuck so i was able to move around them and break the spawners and then it was time it was time for me to go to that library so i built up some courage and uh well i went there’s spawners on the second level oh

There’s a banshee up there too oh my gosh this room this room sucks yeah burn i don’t even want to go eat like you’re gonna drop on my head you know what yeah never mind okay so this was getting a bit ridiculous so i’m not gonna say i

Went and i doubled back to break into the room at the second level so i could get in there and you know take out the spawn but you know what it would have been a good idea okay maybe i did and maybe i set the library on fire too

Seems like i’m always setting things on fire huh well the library seemed worth it because i was finding you know quite a bit of loot i was finding these enchanting books which was nice oh my gosh are you kidding me what the heck was that

Oh my god go oh go away go away oh i can’t get out get up oh my gosh oh my gosh i’m gonna die three two and a half foot two and a half hours get in the door get in the door oh my gosh you know what i’m kind of curious on

What these things do oh wow oh cool that’s awesome i should be collecting these neat i feel like i’ve been down in this dungeon for days but oh well just gotta keep moving on oh my gosh die already it’s ridiculous oh nice i got another one of those snakes great great digger

You guys aren’t that bad considering you guys don’t resist me that bad which is nice whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh where am i oh oh i fell down no no no no no no there is a hole here man one of those boulder guys must have broke the block

Or something darn that was close don’t worry i eventually ended up clearing the current level that i was on finally yep not fighting you guys together here have some lava it’s good for you oh wow um so i’m not good with parkour sort of stuff so

Do i dare yeah i might as well give it or give it a shot oh my gosh i i didn’t even take a step out yet seriously manche really okay i don’t see any more banshees or at least i don’t hear any i should be okay i can do this part this

Is this isn’t too bad this is pretty straightforward all right just uh take her easy little steps oh you’re not real let’s uh take you out oh okay that was easy one shot cool oh wow i got a diamond crossbow and diamond bolts nice okay and more bolts

That’s okay that that makes this worth it yeah cool all right so dungeon completed oh yeah of course it’s gotta be nighttime of course i’ll be fine although i don’t know why i keep saying that because i almost died the other times but what you gonna do maybe i’ll uh

Go more towards the beach maybe that will be a better plan oh look at that there are so many of them right there wow okay maybe this was a horrible plan i don’t know why i keep doing this to myself really don’t oh my gosh banshee ugh

Oh my oh my gosh i got one heart one heart oh my gosh go go go go go please don’t die oh no no no no no i can’t even stop to eat i don’t want to stop to eat i don’t want to get hit by when i’m doing that oh Wow whoa whoa see okay i got lucky there i got super lucky there oh my gosh get away from me oh my gosh i’m over there i’m almost down why shadow why do i keep doing this to myself are you not entertained oh hopefully you’re entertained that was

Scary nothing too exciting on day 53 i went to the nether to get some more salamander material to repair my armor and i uh enchanted my crossbow and crafted that cool boomerang thing yeah infinity what’s infinity okay wait what so as long as i have a regular bolt in

My inventory i basically have unlimited ammunition really cool so i had this idea i figured i was ready to go fight that pete mummy thing over at the other house because i have unlimited bolts basically and i could just shoot him all day if i wanted to

And that’s basically what i did i built the platform high enough where he couldn’t use his i don’t know beat grabby thing on me and i i just shot him all day till he died yeah and i know this is not the way you’re technically supposed to fight him

I definitely cheesed it but do you blame me this thing is tough like super tough i got a bunch of experience and a bunch of weird stuff too that i’ve never seen before i have no idea what it’s used for but whatever except for this thing this

Thing gave me powers oh wow that’s so cool i basically have the pete mummy’s powers neat but i’m not gonna lie if you notice that i don’t really use it for the rest of the video because i kind of forgot about it to be honest just wasn’t

Something i was used to but i used it a few times don’t worry the next day i decided to go and you know check that house out again just to make sure i didn’t miss anything because i was a little bit into panic last time and

Guess what nothing so i moved on then i noticed that there was this big forest behind the house it wasn’t your regular forest either the trees were big oh my gosh what is that did your mother ever tell you that it’s not nice to sneak up on people come on now all right

So it’s not that fast i can i can kite him a little bit here man that’s good i got this crossbow man this is gonna be awesome now since i had my crossbow i did try to fight my way through this mysterious force but it just wasn’t

Gonna happen the large trees had you know large tops and it didn’t allow for any sunshine to basically shine through which in return allowed the mobs to spawn during the day and a lot of them so i did what any sane person would do if they can’t fight them you run so i

Ran probably not the best idea but i didn’t i had to move on while i was running through this forest and merely having heart attacks all over the place i seem to have run myself right into this little town so i hid inside the first sign of shelter it seemed as if i

Was in some sort of schoolhouse you know there were classrooms with blackboards and a cafeteria there really wasn’t any loot to be found but i figured i’d wait the night out as the streets were littered with mobs okay so it seems safe out here maybe oh my gosh banshee oh

I don’t even get outside for like a second i always get attacked by these guys oh my gosh let’s do them ah no no no no no oh my gosh okay i’m okay i’m done i’m basically done i’m done yeah all right fancy one down where’s the other one

All right hive you uh you’re not being oh wow okay okay there nice well hello scarecrow are you guys stuck that sucks this is so funny that they get stuck like this it looks like uh a library maybe hey bat you know what here i’ll get you buddy

I don’t want you being stuck in there come on there you go come on out there you go where did you come from this is a librarian he’s not happy listen i i didn’t mean to talk i was uh i was uh i was just talking out loud okay nobody else in here

Oh there you are i thought i was hearing you around somewhere it’s kind of funny when you’re stuck in the uh inside buildings you can’t really move that much can you sucks for you wacky with the cooler all right let’s let’s see what else is

Around this town oh is that cake it’s a bakery oh cookies cool oh my gosh that’s not a real chest that one got sometimes you can tell but that one really got even those are some good cookies this is a really cool little town not gonna lie it’s kind of nice

Okay this is a mill let’s go in the middle it sounds like there’s a lot of mobs okay well where are y’all are you down here oh there’s a basement i’m gonna flood you with lava actually you know what this is probably not a good idea kind of burning this place down

No it looks like it’s okay or not oh no oh no whoops okay i gotta get down here put the fire out good good oh no it’s really on fire oh shoot What am i gonna do you gotta clear out the fire get i got to stop setting things on fire oh my gosh bugs get out of my way where’s that hive guy come here done with you shadow gotta put out the fire come on i can’t burn down this mill oh my gosh

Okay uh yeah awesome i don’t even i don’t even know what to do oh wow maybe oh this is so much okay maybe not working as well as i thought all right so it’s uh basically night time and i’m in shelter that’s on fire so fun

So i gotta choose do i wanna risk getting killed by mobs or do i wanna risk it and kill by fire and i think fire can be pretty manageable i just gotta i just gotta get a pie yeah i can do this fireman’s shadow on the job let’s do this come on

Okay i’m probably probably not being smart being out here i just wanna oh don’t fall oh wow get get get no no no don’t knock me out don’t you knock me out it’s not working as well as i thought it would ouch jeez all right okay knock back too cool gold

Not a bad chest oh a diamond i’ll take that well i did my best did my best well i didn’t burn the entire thing down you know it’s it’s still habitable i think it just doesn’t have a rule yeah it’s still good it’s fine you know just

Put a little duct tape on that and then it’ll be fine oh what are those things there’s a lot of different mobs in this but i got my trusty crossbow if i could just you know shoot it right there we go gotcha oh okay so there’s a spawner there let’s just

They seem like they’re dying on one hit anyway come here you i got you whoa oh my gosh it just licked me up okay now they’re just passing me around okay put me down put me down oh geez okay maybe i should break that spawner because these guys are resisting too

What is that thing you guys are hey stop doing that all right well that was interesting oh there’s a diamond ore neat i’ll just take these what is this place anyway oh it must be like a blacksmith or something okay cool well the sun’s going

Down so uh i’m just gonna bunker up in this house for the night i suppose so that night i just decided to you know practice my shooting i i really didn’t have anything else to do i didn’t want to go exploring at night so i just you know shot some stuff yeah

The next day i continued looking throughout the village not finding the best luke but after that dungeon everything else kind of seemed mediocre anyway and since my pockets were basically full it was it was time to run back home and unload okay shadow just run

Oh no this wasn’t a good idea not a good idea not a good idea oh my gosh oh no all right time to head back why am i doing this again oh my gosh i’m gonna die ah get away from me oh no once i got back to the town i just

Continued exploring oh a fireplace this could be a nice and cozy spot to just relax oh no no no no no shadow stop setting things on fire jeez come on all right i can i can handle this i’m gonna i’m gonna farm some xp tonight i got my

Crossbow i think i’m good i got some trees to hide from banshee don’t do that it comes in too quick i don’t like that see i can handle this this is not a problem nobody can take me out what was that what was that oh it’s one of those

Things i don’t like those things where you stop hiding stop you’re hiding there come on oh you got me it’s okay just poison just poison come on oh oh oh no no no no no no no okay this just turned really bad okay come on now

Let’s get in the house why don’t i learn my lesson like i never learned my lesson well hello down there you can’t get me oh oh my gosh oh my gosh are you serious okay okay okay i know i say this a lot but banshees i

Hate them all right so at this point in time i figured it was you know time to go check out that church okay so you’re just kind of up here overlooking everything so you kind of seem important okay so far so good not too bad i don’t hear anything

What is that oh wait where’d it go oh my gosh they teleport no no yeah oh my gosh oh they don’t get whoa what the heck he literally threw me take that my gosh let the second one go you hiding who are you oh no no no no no no

Okay okay i am not ready for this i am not ready for this they can like throw me that is crazy oh there’s two of them again get oh there must be a spawner in there or something and if that’s the case i gotta i gotta rethink this

Yeah so it was pretty plain to see i wasn’t ready for that yet but i’ll be back so instead i decided to venture off to the dead looking wooden area in the distance well while the sun was up anyway oh wait a tower i gotta check

This out first of course nothing so the dead forest was a little creepy especially since i kept hearing a mob moving around me somewhere but i couldn’t see them hey are you in this tree or something you are in this tree well this is cool i could you know i

Could make a house tree or something or a treehouse i mean yeah i finally figured out what these little crystal crab things were for they dropped diamonds diamonds but you need like a diamond tool or weapon to take it out i guess good thing i had this boomerang because these things are fast

And they dig down when you get too close i ended up coming across this ugly little shack so i did what any normal player would do i checked it out hmm rotten flesh my favorite yeah right i didn’t do anything too exciting that night you know just risking my life for experience

That’s it so the next morning i really wanted to take out that church so i headed back to the town all right shadow you can do this just gotta get in there it’s gonna break that spawner and then get out i mean i shouldn’t really be worried because if i’m inside the church

They can’t really throw me too far so all right coast is clear oh i don’t see anybody maybe there isn’t a spawner oh gosh where’d you come from nope not worth it not worth it so for some reason i thought this was a better idea i know i was hunting for experience but

Come on shadow i’m sure there are safer things i could be doing no no no no no no no stay back stay awake and stop no no no no no no ah come on leave me alone so the next morning while i was tending to my crops and animals i

Was starting to think that i should probably get myself ready for further and longer ventures just so i don’t have to run back and forth as much it makes sense so i stocked my inventory with lots of food items i needed for repairing and just materials i needed in

General but in order to repair i needed experience i’d like to be at least over level 30 as repairing my armor and weapons were costly so for the next couple days i got my things in order and well i i farmed for experience so farming for experience wasn’t as easy as

I thought it was gonna be because the banshees they they just suck so on day 63 i decided to head back over to the snowy biome to farm some mobs over there because the last time i was there i really only fought like frigid zombies and normal zombies from what i can

Remember anyway okay maybe i just have a bad memory but yeah there are banshees there too but overall the night was fairly uneventful there was no real fear of dying or anything so it was going good so i didn’t want to waste any time during the day because mobs didn’t

Really spawn when the sun was up ultimately this stalled my hunting for experience so i headed over to a more heavily wooded area because the mobs would spawn in the shadows casted by the trees but as i was moving around looking for mobs i ended up finding something else

Oh my gosh what is that that thing is huge do i dare oh yeah let’s do this did i not hurt it did i miss whoa what is that thing what are you shooting at me shooting like snowballs at me whoa whoa that can’t get me you’re too slow bro

Are my arrows not even hurting him i don’t think they’re hurting him um i don’t want to get close to him maybe the boomerang will hurt him oh he froze me i’m frozen oh it does hurt him okay he’s a little too close to me now out out he freezes

Me ouch oh my gosh this is this isn’t good okay so the boomerang you know seems to work i guess i’ll just keep using that i suppose i don’t know wait you know what let’s just go up he can’t move he’s stuck in the trees stop freezing me okay okay this is annoying

Take that oh ouch why can’t i hit him am i not close enough all right you know what i got an idea i’m going to throw these at him or completely miss oh my gosh oh i got him i got him oh wow that that

Did quite a bit on his health okay come on yes okay i got like what eight of these left okay shadow you gotta make them count everybody’s watching you i gotta say timothy what are you ouch and whack me in the face okay back to the real enemy here where are you oh

My gosh he’s in the tree come on get i hit him a little bit but i’m not getting the damage i got before oh my gosh okay good good nice okay this is going to be easier than i thought maybe ow oh my gosh stop freezing me oh he’s

Running at me nice four more i got this i got this i got this i can do this oh i completely missed that one Oh my gosh shadow i don’t i don’t have enough of these to keep missing i got two left yeah just just completely missed that’s that’s cool too not a problem just keep freezing me okay i gotta get i gotta get away from them it’s gonna whack me send

Me flying all right frost ma let’s go here take some snowballs it’s actually kind of funny it’s hurting them not not by much but still it’s kind of funny all right i’m just i’m just going in for it take that oh yeah you like that how

Do you like that oh now he’s getting angry ouch stop no oh no don’t don’t hit me no no oh geez good thing i got these uh golden apples this might have been a little bit more difficult if i didn’t all right so the sun’s going down which

Is not good i don’t want to be fighting frostball at night there we go be on the back oh yeah ouch Okay so it’s night time this is very dangerous but i don’t want to leave him because i think he’ll just rejuvenate come on he’s almost dead i can do this quick nice ouch cheesy hits quick yeah oh don’t get impatient don’t get impatient it’s gonna suck but banshee comes down

Then i’m screwed oh whoa whoa hey one more hit i got him i got him oh no i gotta get that one more hand come on stop pushing me die nice finally all right let’s get this stuff and get out of here those banshees get me i’m screwed so he ended up

Dropping this frost beam thing and i tried it don’t get me wrong it was a powerful weapon but it seemed to take a while to kill mobs with it as i guess it was just mostly for freezing anyway but i don’t know it just kind of kept me

Open for attacks so i decided not to really use it it seemed more of a risk than a help so the next morning i figured i’d head back to the cabin to continue farming experience over there i don’t really want to find any more frost moths out here they’re they’re not fun

To fight so the next morning i decided to head back as i felt like i had enough experience for now alright so i made it back to the town and this time i felt ready ready to take on whatever was in that church it was the last building i

Needed to clear and i couldn’t move on until i did that okay all right oh my gosh stop scaring me at least they’re not resistant to my hits but they actually take quite a bit the kill come on there oh bash them cool all right all

Right all right heal up here heal up okay there there must be a there’s got to be a spawner in here ah come on oh my gosh no no no no no no no i really shouldn’t be running outside because this is where they throw me oh it’s

Getting dark why can’t i kill them or why can’t i clear that shirt it’s ridiculous stop chasing me so embarrassed i can’t even clear a church how am i gonna clear a tower there not so tough now okay do i go back yeah screw it let’s go back i can do

This i can do this i’m just gonna run run run run run oh there isn’t spawner it’s right there get out of the way done done so sweet all right now i just gotta take these guys nice headshot you know you’re not so tough when i’m in like a very confined

Space you can’t throw me there are they gone i think they’re gone i think i’m good finally church cleared so after taking a look at the state of my armor i decided to venture back into the nether and hopefully this would be for the very last time because i wanted to make sure

That i had enough material so i could repair my armor later because i didn’t want to risk you know breaking my armor to where i would have to basically recraft it and re-enchant it again i just i didn’t want to do it all right here we go

Oh oh my gosh seriously i i literally just poured it through oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa oh really i almost died that was a that was a pretty big drop so i uh fell down this hole basically and i was super lucky that there was this floating

Island thing here because if there wasn’t well i’d be in that lava pool right now but here’s the thing i wasn’t out of trouble yet because i had to make my way back to the portal could i just build up sure what if i did i’d be

Taking the risk of you know being shot off and uh i just couldn’t take that risk plus i needed to hunt salamanders anyway so i figured i might as well get them while i was working my way up just made sense so i took my time and got

Myself off this little island as safe as i could as i was making my way up i got chased by these phantom thingies and uh risked it all running past some of these salamanders because like i said before you aggro one they’re all going to shoot

At you and enderman they they were there too uh annoyingly but they were there so let me tell you getting back to that portal was no easy task it was actually really annoying because i had to do a lot of sneaking just because of the amount of salamanders that spawn there’s

Just so many of them every time i killed one two more would spawn it was almost never ending now i know i came here for the crafting material which makes sense kill them but i had to be smart about it and after much sneaking running and

Burning i finally made it back to the island finally what what’s a soul bead can i eat it okay i guess i ate it so uh yeah don’t eat soul beads unless you want to be cursed and basically a mob magnet alright alright i get it i shouldn’t have eaten that soul beat

Leave me alone since i was stuck in the nether for a few days it became very apparent that i needed to go back to my base and restock my supplies and while i was back i decided to make a few of these exclusive weapons that were basically from the mod first was this

Aoe type of hammer and the second was like a banshee bomb thing so the next day it it only made sense to try out the new weapons i mean come on alright birds watch out shadow’s gonna drop the hammer oh nice i like this all right shadow

Quit fooling around i gotta keep moving so that night i just camped out at the tower near that town because i didn’t want to venture out to any unknown areas or territories when the mobs were kinda you know at the worst so the next morning i was super excited because i

Was so ready to go explore more of the island i ended up arriving at this swamp like area which is you know kind of cool in its own way but i seen something what is that it’s like a big tree or something is it like another dungeon maybe oh i have to

Like i have to go check this out like now yeah but no the mobs had other plans for me yeah they pretty much forced me underground as there was no shelter around me i did try to fight my way out and you know clear the area but it it

Just wasn’t worth the risk in the end yep stuck in a hole story of my life the next morning i made my way over to the swamp only to get greeted by uh these things i have no idea what they are but i did know one thing they resisted my

Attacks great i figured it would be a good idea to build myself a small shelter as i don’t really want to get caught out here at night oh it’s one of those uh smurf things again well i shouldn’t be calling them smurfs they’re not blue but whatever they are there you

Guys are creepy and what the heck are those things they look like alien astronauts weird the next day i had some fun with that molten hammer thing oh my gosh this is awesome good thing i made this because the area of effect that this thing you know deals

It’s good for these kind of mobs because these guys like to resist my normal attacks and especially when there’s like tons of them like this so here’s the thing i shouldn’t have been messing around because i didn’t realize that this swamp was like a maze now you may

Be saying what shadow you can just swim through it yeah sure you could but i didn’t why because there were these mobs that were in the water they’re like crocodiles or something plus there’s these flying mob guys again and i just didn’t want to get stuck out in the

Water i just couldn’t take that risk so i figured that it would be smarter to work my way through the swamp and you know break any of the spawners along the way i’m gonna be honest with you this swamp was a nightmare there were spawners everywhere and to make matters

Worse i ran into this fella what in the world is that just like a really big one this can’t be like a boss or anything is it oh my gosh it’s coming at me oh no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck you throwing at me whoa whoa whoa

What he can pick me up let me down let me down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh one heart what the geez okay um i’m just gonna hide i’m just gonna hide okay so that that guy’s not like the other one at all

Just i gotta make sure he doesn’t pick me up here take that did i just hit myself whoa whoa whoa put me down holy cripes what what i can’t believe i just killed that i literally can’t believe i just killed that i frantically threw these bombs at

Them oh wow i guess that was this like survival instinct or something yeah we’ll go with that here’s another pro tip if you’re gonna go through this swamp be ready to backtrack a lot i felt like i was going back and forth back and forth back and forth unfortunately i had

To because i wasn’t gonna get caught out here at night but i had to look at it this way i was clearing the areas as i was moving along every day and that’s all that mattered on day 79 i finally cleared a path to this big tree finally

Well i thought i did alright finally there perfect what the heck is that thing what is that thing stay away get what is it it’s slow which is good ow oh ouch okay get away from me you’re ugly you’re like a swamp thing oh my gosh

Dude that hit me hard what was that all right shadow let’s just get inside here wherever the door is if there’s a door i don’t even know if i can get in here ouch bugger get away oh oh i hate those things they’re freaky little trolls i’ll

Call them trolls yeah little troll so is this the entrance what’s this oh wow that’s cool it’s a cool door oh crap break this thing jeez got lucky there whoa jeez okay oh my gosh there’s a spawner up there too i bet you there’s spawners all through this thing look at

Them all how am i supposed to do this is it even worth going in here i don’t even know well it looks like i’m picking them off here ouch bugger okay i just got to get up there and break the spot that’s all i gotta do shoot me that hard all

Right get out my way get him away break it no get out of my way jeez just hit the spawner oh no no no no no no hit it oh my gosh i’m hitting everything but hit it yes okay get down get down no no no no

This isn’t worth it take that you like the hammer yeah that’s what i thought here get down get down okay that was close that was too close all right oh oh wow okay yes good good good no don’t get stuck get out of here take the hammer that’s

Right oh why is it all there oh you guys are here that’s roy take that oh my gosh what there’s so many of them look at them all go away oh my god oh whoa whoa whoa what happened this is ridiculous all right shadow you just gotta go just go

Run break the spawners whoa whoa whoa okay come on come on yes okay good oh my i can’t see get on my way oh my gosh there’s so many of you oh no did i make a really big mistake did i make a really big mistake yeah okay good no good good

Break that break it yes one more oh my gosh go away there finally let’s just clear this up and i’m good oh no this like goes outside that’s not good be very careful very careful what what whoa no no no no oh i can’t hey oh my gosh i’m still alive

Oh no no no there’s too many wow there’s so many what am i i can’t even i can’t even talk straight i’m just going to hold my shield here oh my gosh go away oh my gosh i’m dead timothy i’m dead i’m sorry Don’t stare at me like that go away please all right as soon as he disappears i’m i’m taking off there go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh am i gonna make it don’t don’t pick me up don’t throw me run run run shadow run no good get away get away

Come on i can’t even oh my gosh i can’t even think straight i can’t even talk straight yes oh i can’t believe i survived that if i didn’t have feather falling on my boots i wouldn’t have and if i didn’t have a shield it would have been over at this

Point i was uh i was feeling pretty defeated can i can i even do this can i actually save timothy i have to shadow you can do this don’t give up i gotta keep pushing forward because even if i fail at least i know i gave it my all

And that’s all that matters timothy i’m coming Oh whoa whoa what ouch get i’m so done with you guys is this it is this the final room let me in here easy took that spawner out like it was nothing was this dungeon worth it all right some diamonds and potions and stuff and a oh a great sword okay i’ll

I’ll take that that’s good but you know what just to stay with the theme of the video and how much i hate this tree yeah i’m gonna set it on fire okay maybe that wasn’t a good idea because now i’m in a little bit of a predicament i couldn’t

Get away from the tree there were mobs everywhere and i had a raging fire above my head it was just a matter of time before the fire made it down to me after the sun came up and all the mobs stopped spawning i i was able to make it away

From the tree what are you wait are you a frog dude you’re a weird-looking frog i ended up staying at the shack for the night as i was planning on making my way back to the base to prepare for the final trip out it was time it was time to go get my

Friend nothing exciting on day 83 just spent the day making my way back to the base okay so i like that hammer thing so i’m definitely gonna need another one of those oh and also wait i forgot i want to make my diamond bolts right yeah okay oh wait shadow not arrows bolts

Seriously i just i just wasted all those diamonds great for the next couple of days i just basically made my way back around the island finally on day 87 i was able to make it to the next unexplored part of the island it was another forest type area not as bad as

The large tree forest but still had a few mobs around during the day and this time i decided to build like a little tree hut for a nice safe area at night although i’m not sure why because i didn’t really stay in it i don’t know if

I got bored or just wasn’t thinking probably i just wasn’t thinking but i just decided to go out and fight mobs so yeah on day 88 i ended up coming across this ruined temple thing so i decided to check it out why not everything looked fine until these guys popped out man i

Hate these things so while they’re running around and climbing trees i just i ran in real quick and i broke the spotter after finally taking care of them i hopped back in and i checked out that chest oh slime okay um sure and this this was finally it this was the

Final road everything i did up to this point was to make sure that i made it to the top of this tower here goes nothing all right timothy i’m coming buddy i’m coming this is not a good spot to be at all benches everywhere oh my gosh this tower

Looks like it’s being pulled apart i mean that’s kind of cool i guess but all right let’s go inside oh okay um looks kind of nice actually no monsters oh my gosh where the heck did you come from oh i hate these guys oh it’s like a jump scare right there

Go away oh my gosh there’s two of you now come on well good thing i’m inside because you can’t throw me okay you know what you know what i’m gonna go build myself another little tree hut just out here just in case i need a place to run

Back because things in there got a little serious um and i i just don’t wanna i just don’t want to take the risk of not having a place to go there i feel a little bit more safer now okay oh my gosh what what the heck is

That thing okay just keep just keep running oh my gosh that thing is creepy what is it okay well uh yeah stay stuck what are you oh ouch no oh my gosh like how am i supposed to do this i’m gonna die timothy i don’t think i’m gonna be

Able to make it buddy what am i gonna do i can’t even get past the first level i guess i’m just gonna hide in a tree i gotta rethink how i’m gonna do this this this is crazy oh get out of here banshee stop screwing up my plants go away

I’m gonna you know be lined my way up this is probably a horrible plan but i don’t know what else to do my little bedrooms half bed okay all right that wasn’t too bad all right good perfect what is this it’s like a jail okay so it’s just zombies in here this

Is this is fine i can do this i can handle this all right so this is kind of getting tiring i keep having to run up and run back down because there’s some mobs that i’m just having a little bit of an issue with not very much just i don’t really

Have the time to mess around oh my gosh there’s so many of you oh i like this sword though takes out a bunch of it once oh my gosh i’m going to be doing this all day literally all day where are the spawners at get away from me okay

Okay there’s one right there i just gotta get out of my way break it break it they break it they break it i don’t know fine take the hammer take this oh my gosh okay so they don’t hit like really hard but they’re really annoying okay i think

All the spawners are gone what what was that what is that thing it’s like a fart cloud or something green kind of gross looking okay okay okay i’m going i’m going down what is it it’s just it’s it’s literally like a cloud a smoke okay i gotta get out of here i

Don’t even know how to fight it okay this guy’s just hanging upside down i guess okay okay buddy you do you oh there’s that cloud thing again these are the guys that keep making me go back down oh what and there’s these glowy guys i think those are like infected

Zombies which is kind of weird to think of zombies are already infected oh oh no no no no another one of these things these okay these things are the worst they keep taking me down oh there’s two of them i think oh my gosh just leave me alone

Okay this thing’s creepy oh my gosh this thing is creepy that’s two of them i don’t want to deal with two of you thank you all right where’d the other one go uh yeah just stand there like a creep okay i am i am so done with these clouds like so done

So there was a very common theme with this tower and that was you run up as far as you can you fight you get hit you almost die and then you run back down and you would do this over and over and over because there were spawners

Everywhere in this tower and ah it just yeah it was a nightmare it it felt like it took forever i mean all i know is my calves are gonna be the size of cows when i’m done with this so finally when i thought i was making some good

Progress yeah i ran into this room and uh these zombies are they’re normally pretty easy on their own but when they’re in a big group like yeah they’re dangerous and it didn’t help that these things kept spawning somewhere the problem was i couldn’t get to their spawner because of zombies they

I just couldn’t do it okay so i’m running out of time here and uh you know what zombies i’m just done with you that’s it i don’t even care at this point i’m not gonna be able to save timothy anyway if i’m stuck down here ow okay now they’re coming behind me

Let’s screw it run oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no oh oh oh no no come on okay whoa hey oh my gosh leave me alone this ghost thing is just he like spawns every few minutes and i can’t get up quick enough and then they got these

Weird things that come out after you kill it and they set you on fire okay i’m i’m so done at this i am so done i gotta be quick watch i’ll be quick ouch boy come on i just gotta get through the door get through the door please for the

Love of god through the door throwing all my aoes on them okay okay okay no no no no oh my gosh yes okay okay oh my gosh i got four hearts four hearts no no i gotta get to the spotter get out of the way

Oh my gosh two hearts oh yes yes yes go oh my gosh one heart oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just keep running keep running keep running watch out for the lava don’t get yourself killed

Okay now i can just clear them out oh my gosh but i did it i did it awesome okay keep on moving up just gotta oh wait is there more there’s more spawners okay oh there is more spawners get out of my way this is ridiculous like where i i don’t even

Where where’s my boomerang did i drop it oh my gosh i dropped it over here okay so that’s the thing that sucks about the boomerang if you throw it and your inventory is full sometimes it’ll drop your boomerang and give you whatever you shot at it okay oh my gosh oh my gosh

Stop i am oh my gosh i’m gonna die like get why am i having this issue okay i shouldn’t be laughing i’m gonna die if i don’t get that oh my okay okay okay okay okay okay let’s just let’s just reset let’s just reset okay okay you’re gonna

Hurry up and get this stuff pick it up yes good okay now oh my gosh yes i got it finally oh okay i’m just gonna run i’m just gonna run away though oh my gosh look at them all coming down holy crap yeah okay these these bugs

Yeah i’m just yeah i’m just done let’s yeah just get in my way i just gotta let’s listen i just gotta okay okay okay yeah okay oh my gosh can i just yeah i can’t even yeah falling down stairs that’s great yeah just yeah okay keep keep pushing me down that’s awesome

Right on okay i’m just done i’m just done i gotta i gotta i gotta reset for a second here this is getting ridiculous i went back and forth with these bug things forever but i finally made it up to their spawner and took it out so i ended up going up this

Like spiral staircase to what i believe was the center of the tower because there’s like this big thing of glowing stone kind of just sitting there almost like it was levitating the rest of the tower up and like pulling it apart which was i mean it was kind of cool and of

Course they got these guys so they can throw me out right yeah well you know what i’m gonna break these real quick and then you can’t you can’t well you can still until i kill you okay i’m just gonna i’m just gonna play it safe let them teleport down here

There you can’t take me so after i dealt with those dark druid things i was able to you know move on the problem was i’m not very good at parkour like at all i don’t know why i i just suck at it and what made matters worse is that there

Was like a spawner somewhere with that green gas fart thing that kept knocking me off and it it almost killed me quite a few times actually so this is how it went i would jump up mind my own business get hit off or you know almost

Die from it and then have to run back down and kill it on the next level finally i killed the thing or i guess i broke at spawner so it wasn’t gonna spawn anymore i could feel it i was getting close to timothy oh thank god

So it’s just a spiral staircase up from here good well not really good cause i could fall off and uh it’s quite a draw but i had no time to worry about that i was so close so i just ignored my fears and kept on trucking don’t worry timothy

I’m coming just as soon as i get through this door it’s thundering outside whoa whoa well hello what are you it must be like the final boss or something here take this not working didn’t do anything to him how about this take that ow okay so i can’t shoot him with arrows

Either cool uh hey don’t hit me with that what are you doing up here well i’m uh here to save my friend timothy oh so you’re the one that i’m supposed to stop well no you don’t have to i mean i could just take timothy and go no no absolutely not

You can’t take timothy unless you beat me first okay um alright well prepare to die you little runt you won’t be able to take me well i gotta try i gotta try timothy’s my friend and you’re just a big bully all right come on you know you’re really slow

It’s a big swing a big swing and a miss whoa whoa oh whoa whoa that was uh okay so i just gotta hit your back there you go you know you’re gonna actually be a lot easier than i thought because uh you’re like half that already come on there you go big sling

Oh what come on now that’s not fair Whoa double swing i didn’t know whoa whoa whoa i didn’t know you could do that good thing i got a shield good come on what why can’t i hurt you oh there you go whoa whoa oh my gosh he almost kicked me off the tower all right shadow i gotta be safer

Than that just discard until he does yeah that’s what i want come on no what what that’s that’s supposed to work ah come on give me one more big swing not those things the the other one come on there you go that’s right there you go take that nice see

I told you i could beat you no problem oh what’s this helmet uh max cool all right wait i gotta get timothy timothy buddy where are you i’m coming timothy buddy whoa what happened to your face huh rick who’s rick it doesn’t matter we’re gonna get you

Out of here i’m sorry buddy i’ll never do that again no more teleporters for you okay let’s go from now on you’re with me okay did you open that no all right well here we go timothy on to our next adventure

This video, titled ‘100 Days on NIGHTMARE ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore… Here’s What Happened.’, was uploaded by ShadowMech on 2021-07-19 06:57:44. It has garnered 3462122 views and 77618 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:18 or 6318 seconds.

I Tried to Survive 100 Days on Nightmare Island in Minecraft Hardcore… Here’s What Happened. #NightmareIsland #Ep1 #100Days​ #Minecraft​ #HardcoreMinecraft​ #Fishsundeadrising #inbetweenlands

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Map can be downloaded on my Patreons. 💥Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/ShadowMech

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Find the Modpack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/nightmare-island-modpack-by-shadowmech-100-days

#Minecraft​ #HardcoreMinecraft​ #100Days

Video Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1 Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft VR Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Duck 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse Hardcore Minecraft Parasite Apocalypse

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100 Days on NIGHTMARE ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore… Here’s What Happened.