100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

Greetings citizens this is how I survived 100 days in a one chunk world in Minecraft a single chunk consists of a 16x 16 block area and in this world it’s all we have to work with all the way down to bedrock we’ll be depending on whatever we can find as we move down

Through the various biomes in an attempt to reach the Ender Dragon the legion recently reached 50,000 subscribers so if you enjoy the video be sure to subscribe as we work our way to 100K I’m ready to get started let’s get into it uh come on what did I do to deserve this

And no mobs no mobs ah good pumpkins pumpkins are not mobs in this edition of biology with Legion B and look at that I’ve nearly doubled your living space you’re welcome I’m such a benevolent ruler also who would do this trade one Diamond one Emerald get real Miriam

During a thunderstorm too I’m a bit uneased don’t blow Legion V smarter than water that’s my claim to Fame oh there you are citizen I was wondering when you get here and yeah it looks like we’ve got ourselves in a brand new conundrum I am used to a bit more land than this ooh egg thank you anyway what you’ll notice is we’re limited to a smaller space than usual

And that is a single Chunk in this world and if you’re not familiar that’s essentially a 16×16 block space in a Minecraft world honestly nothing looks too intimidating just yet but some things to consider with this world number one we’re going to be limited on resources simply

Because of the fact that there’s not that many resources in this world what you see is what you get and we’re going to have to make do with what’s available here number two the Cinematic that you’re seeing now I’m not doing those until I’m done recording so I have no

Idea what’s beneath me digging down is going to be dangerous and unexpected and yeah we’re just going to have to deal with it as we go but number three I’m not going to be able to build out from this area you can kind of see it here

But there’s barriers on the edge of the chunk so I’m actually stuck here the entire 100 days I won’t be able to like gather wood and build my way out also that’s a good oh and it just got really cloudy and it’s only the first day well

We’re not going to let that phase us we may as well get started and as usual that’s going to be collecting up the wood that’s here I actually like that it’s giving us two different kinds of trees we’ve got Oak and uh Birch here so we’ll start getting what we can just so

We can get started and by the way you’re going to give me yeah okay plenty of saplings oh that is a thunderstorm fantastic I have never had a thunderstorm start on day one of a video I guess it makes sense to get rid of this then because I don’t want anything

Burning down I don’t think anything else is flammable but please please please don’t uh lightning strike break my chickens because I think they’re going to be very important actually while we’re at it let’s clear out all of this too because I think having a few there

We go a few wheat seeds wouldn’t be too bad oh that is so spooky please don’t strike me with lightning I’m too young to die and handsome we can’t forget handsome all right that’s not a bad haul actually that’s a very good start so let’s get this started off with a few of

The essentials and I think it at least makes sense to get a pickaxe and I don’t think I need to make anything else out of wood we may as well just grab some Cobblestone and make the rest out of stone tools am I right please stop

Thundering I do not need that all right let’s see what’s underneath here I would actually be happy to find some coal because I have a feeling we’re going to want to light the area up oh that doesn’t look good at all seriously the first uh thing he run into is like

Oh wait wait a minute okay never mind I thought that was like nether area already but I think it’s an abandoned nether portal which will come in handy hello okay so we’ll definitely come back to that let’s uh yeah let’s let’s go ahead and use this to make some stone

Tools as well as a sword just in case and then I’ll use what I can of the durability of the wooden pickaxe just so I don’t have to waste the stone tools this early I do have a feeling that eventually I’m going to be um really

Just like leaving the top layer of this and then mining out everything that’s beneath it just because we’re going to be so sparse on resources but for now I need to be a little bit careful okay I think we’ve got enough for the essentials let’s head back up and get a

Couple things started up here that should make our lives easier going forward for instance we are going to need a furnace no idea why I haven’t replanted these saplings yet really should have done that here we go go and then let’s also make ourselves a chest

Just so we can keep the spares over here now right away I want to start working on these chickens because I think given the the area that we have here it’s going to probably be difficult to farm and have any you know great size of a

Farm so while we wait to the for the uh thunderstorm to clear up I’m going to see if I can yeah you heard me huh uh I’m still annoyed by that anyway I’m going to see if I can find a space for our chickens and maybe that can be our

Main food source we’ll find out in fact I need wood for that anyway I want to make it out of wood I’m going to yeah I’m going to use the uh method we used from the expanding border video and just kind of wait it out for a day or so that

Way the saplings have time to grow the thunderstorm has a chance to clear up and I get a chance to take a little nap which I always appreciate to be honest so down we go and into my hidey-hole until things clear up outside good night citizen I’ll see you in the morning

Morning all right I haven’t heard any thunder in a minute let’s go out here and check ooh looking good nothing like the Rising Sun on a new day and eggs for breakfast and you hello so since the trees are growing I’m going to grab a little bit more and I think with these

Birch logs we are going to go ahead and start turning that into some charal and I don’t really want you anymore so we’re going to throw you in there too wow I did you see that I planted that right after I chopped these two down and it

Grew almost immediately very nice I will take more of that please okay that wasn’t a very effective that just made me two so let’s go ahead and make a little bit more and just throw those in there I know I’m not using logs I’m not

Trying to burn logs for fuel I caught so much flak for that before see planks not logs just so we’re clear ooh that’s a big in nice gimme gimme all right so we got a decent amount of wood from the trees uh this is nearly done and I think

With 12 we should be good for the time being we can make ourselves some torches I’m going to feel a lot safer and we can finally make a little spot for our chickens I’m going to get rid of that what we’re going to do is go up a little

Bit and just make them a nice little area right here really honestly this is going to like be a luxury apartment to them they’re going to love it I think what we need to do let’s see I want to get two of them in here so if you both

Could follow me right up these steps there we go and then I just put this here oh no I still got it I still got it where you going look yeah there we go I think I know what the problem is we need to put that in the offand no I I’ve

Still got it back up chickens are so fickle there we go nice okay so beautiful spot for the chickens ow and now you can see them in there they love it they think it’s just the best place they’ve ever lived but what I should be able to do now is every

Once in a while just stop by jump around here I think I’ll collect any eggs that happen to be in there and I seem to be I’ve got seven of them and then we’ll make ourselves a little walkway up there and anytime we get eggs I’m just going

To grab them throw them in here and if we happen to get a baby chicken like there we can start filling it up so we’ll keep up the pro process gather all the eggs fill this up with chickens and when I’ve got a decent amount we’ll

Start to uh call The Herd if you know what I mean and get ourselves some nice chicken to snack on no no not not you that’s just a a uh a metaphor I don’t know it’s not don’t don’t worry about it it was a pun it wasn’t a pun anywh who

We can start to light things up around here there we go and with that I think we can start to head back down here and see what we can collect right away I’m seeing that and I want it immediately so let’s head back over in this direction

And start another stairway down and I learned my lesson we need to be very careful to light all of this up so we don’t get a Skeletron storm attacking us hello hold on a second what do we got here cuz there’s the nether portal ooh uh that that’s a village there’s a

Village down there there better be villagers I don’t see anything just yet but that’s ah hello sorry that was uh a bit intense but I did not think we would get villagers so fast that’s actually incredible okay so let’s grab this iron then let’s go down there and make sure

That they are safe we do not want to lose the villagers finding it difficult to get down there though there’s not like a clear path but there is iron that I will happily take all of you oh yeah give me more of that very nice seven

Iron just for us and I mean seeing as we’re here what Secrets do you hold ooh I mean I don’t need gold just yet but I’m not going to say no little obsidian too okay so we’ve got obsidian there and obviously the start of a nether portal I

Think there might be enough here to do it and if not there’s lava so I think when we need to we’ve got a way into the nether here so that’s pretty awesome I’ll take you too why not and yes I see you up there don’t worry I will be back

For that okay now as far as getting down there uh yeah not really a great way down anywhere so I think we’re just going to do one of these yeah there we go and now that we’re here greetings citizens the tax collector has arrived and I mean yeah of course I’ll

Take one of your beds as uh your quarterly tax payment and considering it’s night time now we oh hello I’ll be back for you but first out of my bed please yes my bed good night all right beautiful this is fantastic this is great we this is like the first level

Down and we’ve already got a a little tiny Farm two villagers that we can expand on another another tree that I will happily accept and I don’t know why I didn’t put these on yet we may as well once again proving that I’m a fancy pant

And I want all of that stuff but first we need a reliable way up and down and this is very temporary cuz eventually I want like a a official staircase kind of descending through the center of this down all of the different areas that we’ll discover but we don’t have to do

It right away and the uh excuse me I don’t think you should be up here it’s probably not safe for you you don’t have the biggest brains which I don’t know what’s up there I mean you got enough space for it it’s just not a lot there

But in any event we’ve got our way back up let’s head up real quick and you know what that actually makes me nervous if they climb up here and fall off uh I could lose one if not both of them so we’re going to block that off for now

Head all the way back up to the top check in our chickens which we do have some eggs and you can pick up the pace if you want to too cuz I’d really like some uh some food pretty soon in fact I can help with that let’s give you two

Little seeds there we go so we’ll do a little bit of that whenever we get the chance and speaking of we should make sure that these seeds are renewable so I’ll start a little area right here there we go a City Place beautiful and then while we’re here as well we can

Throw the iron into the furnace I think that’ll come in handy and actually now that I’m thinking about uh Gardens and planting things I think everything down here was fully grown so while we’re waiting yeah let’s uh Harvest all of this we’ll keep it planted uh but keep

The spare can you not walk like directly where I’m punching carrots yeah that’s right it’s it’s not good for your health he’s he’s ignoring me he’s ignoring me oh you you have got to be kidding me get out of the way I just there we go I mean

It’s like day two and this is already happening these these guys are driving me nuts okay so got that uh let’s head back up with our spoils and up here we can grab the iron throw some of the potatoes in there going to keep the poisonous potatoes I

Always throw those away I started seeing some comments about like I can’t believe you threw away the poisonous potato they kind of seem useless to me I know you I’m pretty sure you can make him to like suspicious stew but it’s not number one on my list so if anybody wants to expand

On that is there some hidden purpose to the poisonous potatoes I don’t know but no plans on using them really let’s throw some of this stuff in here and then actually we can double up and with the iron you know what I’m actually probably going to start with a bucket me

Thinks that will come in handy so let’s just go ahead and grab some water while we’re at it especially as we keep going further down to more layers I think rather than building something down or just leaping down it’s going to be worth taking a water bucket ride down down one

More egg big money big money big money hey it worked nice oh no I forgot to block the Villager thing up again and I just heard one better not be following me up here you are following me up here get back down there there’s lava here there’s places you can fall where are

You going it’s like children it’s like children I didn’t invite you up here you have your own village one level down it was safer down there unbelievable are you you know what your bed is down there hopefully you safely go down there at night cuz I I don’t want to deal with

This it is way too early to try to be hurting villagers worse than cats by the way unbelievable ran out of fuel had a little bit more there no you can’t come up you stay down there this is not your area in fact we’re blocking you off

Hopefully you can find your way back down to your bed I somehow I doubt it and are we yep we are done over here I can finally get some food and I’m feeling pretty good about that I thought it would be a lot more difficult to get reliable is food but we

Kind of already do I have a feeling the challenge of a w chunk world is going to be different finding food is not necessarily it but I don’t think we’re off the hook still going to be some difficulties ahead I’m sure okay the sun is starting to go down the stars are

Coming out I still hear this guy here yeah so I was right you you can’t figure out how to get back to your bed or can you okay please don’t fall off I’m going to need you lo as I am to say it uh okay so they’re sleeping while they’re in

There I’m just going to try to make it a bit more impossible for them to get up by me so fence gate um I guess we could just replace this door the fence gate should do the trick but I kind of want to keep going in here to use their beds

So hopefully I can just steal one of your beds and then be quick enough in the morning to trap you in here let’s find out okay beautiful night’s sleep yes good morning to you too that was a fun sleepover goodbye aha gotcha you are stuck no more shenanigans you two stay

In here you’re grounded I told you no leaving the house we are going to have to figure out what to do with them because I’m going to be heading down there’s going to be mobs I’m sure and I don’t really have a plan yet my first plan actually involves clearing out all

Of this stone or a lot of it anyway I want to have that on hand I think it’ll it’ll be useful so what we’re going to do we’re going to call this layer right here the absolute uh top or ceiling from everything below by which I mean if that

That’s this layer then we’re going to pick the block beneath it and mine out everything that is below that except for the outer layer I want to keep that intact so when we get to the edge like this we’ll just go ahead and cover that

Back up do the same thing in the other directions cover it up and just mine out everything from here down to the village and then we can make a maybe a more official stairway in some areas it’s going to be a little bit difficult because we’re going to run into things

Like this where there’s no floor yeah I’ll just go in the other direction and see what happens okay back over here again um I think temporary dirt is probably the way to go here so if we just do one of these and keep moving along then we can just remove the dirt

When we’re done thank you nether portal this is quite helpful and there we go now we’ve got one sort of two block ring all the way around the uh the one chunk and all we have to do is clear out the middle I also need to remember to light

This area up when we’re done because I am essentially just making a room for mobs to spawn in I don’t think they’ll start spawning soon because I do need to be I think it’s 24 blocks away before they can spawn so for now I’m feeling pretty safe but as soon as we start

Moving lower down in the uh the one chunk that’s when it’ll become a problem all right there we go now before we do anything else as I just said I do not want to forget to do this and now we just have to keep working our way down

Clear it all out then we can make an official stairway but we should probably start doing that cuz what do I even want to do what do I want to do for a Stairway and hello yes I will take that actually thinking ahead uh I got a decent amount of cobblestone why don’t

We see how much of a stack we can turn back into stone that way we can make a bit of a fancier stairway leading down right from the start and while that is SM ing it looks like it’s about to turn night again so we can head down to our

Best friends in the whole wide world just to see if one they were good today and didn’t leave the house like I said but two if they would like to give up their bed for me hey there fellas you asleep yet oh good that I can have this

Thank you thank you appreciate it yep same thing today house arrest and come to think of it it might be easier to dig our way up from here rather than down and I do want to keep this nether portal area so maybe we say from here make a

Digging platform that we can then remove and we’ll do this all the way around is it seriously going to start raining again it just got dark I cannot win oh man I put all that dirt in the chest I should have brought it with me changed

My mind I need you dirt okay now we should be able to finish up down here and our head is getting in the way here so we are going to have to dig a bit out as we go ooh this is also where the lava

Is so we need to kind of be careful as we’re doing this nearly made our way back around and there we go now we just fill it in then we can dig our way up it seems like a waste there’s probably an easier way to do this but this is just

The first thing that came to mind and I have the dirt to do it no harm no foul there we are now let me just take one more look at the nether area up here because I want to make sure we kind of leave all of this unaffected so maybe we

Say from here down we take out all of that that and on the other side oh well I mean I’m going to have to take the iron could actually probably just leave the Netherrack it’ll just be our floating abandoned nether portal yeah and so you see what I mean since we put

That dirt platform down there now anything that we mine is going to land on that and then we can just jump our way down and pick it all up same thing goes for down here we can do this and not have to worry about things falling

Okay so we’ll leave all of that area as is I’m going to resist the temptation to take that coal because I want to leave the outside looking as it is and then we’ll remove all the rest of the stuff which is going to be very fun with a

Stone tck uh stone pickaxe certainly be helpful if I could speak and speaking of stone pickaxes that’s the last of that one so we got to head back up and make sure I can actually get up there and let’s make a few of these just to be

Safe there we are ran out of fuel here uh I’ll probably make some more charcoal once uh this wraps up but we should be able to get pretty close with what we’ve got and by the way I don’t know if I mention this in uh many of my videos but

I always try to put any uh any mods or shaders that I’m using in the description of the video I get that in comments sometimes like what’s that mod or what shaders are you using so if you’re ever curious try to take a look in the description of the video I try to

Have them there if they’re missing uh do let me know and I’ll just get that updated all right back to the Grind I’m liking the amount of iron that we’re finding while doing this as well as coal that’s always very nice think I have to

Leave that until I get an iron pickaxe I don’t actually remember but I believe that lapis lazuli requires iron rather than Stone if you want to be able to pick up the spoils there’s actually more between each level or layer or whatever you want to call it between these chunks

Than I had first imagined like for whatever reason running down those stairs didn’t seem like a long way but there’s quite a bit here I think it’s worth it though because first of all just aesthetically I think this will turn out better in the end but it’s also

Really not going to hurt to have all of this Stone it’s going to come in handy ooh okay I’m standing here at night hold on do you hear that I don’t know if that’s going to come across but I hear a lot of mobs making me think that I mean

It was nice of them to put the Villager one here first but definitely going to be a lot of mobs in the next level which makes me a bit scared but we’ll deal with it eventually I also don’t really think there’s going to be a way for

Sunlight to get to the mobs did I cover up my way back up here certainly did uh yeah there’s not going to be a way for sunlight to get down there so we kind of just have to ooh rainbow have to light it up as we go so that should be an

Interesting experience and by the way how we doing up here hey there we go all done with our Stone we’re going to keep that for for later it’s going to come in handy and we’ll go ahead and yeah we’ll make a little bit more charcoal using a piece of coal I am

Going to hang around in case uh that burns all the way down and there’s still some left I can then put the iron in and while we’re here got to be industrious so may as well take care of the chores ooh actually I think you are done yes

You are so if we ever get animals the wheat will come in handy that’s right I’m not counting you as animals you are snacks but we’ll keep this going nonetheless okay there was a little bit left in that so we will do the iron I’m going to probably well I don’t know

We’ll see what happens I I kind of want to just keep making charcoal non-stop with the uh birch trees until we’ve got 64 here just kind of call it done at that point hopefully anyway plenty of work to be doing here well we’re definitely making progress but it is a

Uh we’ll just call it time consuming and yes I could absolutely just like use the part of my brain that just zones out and really enjoys this cuz it’s cathartic but once that starts it’s going to be difficult to turn it off and before I

Know it like 3 hours will pass and I will have forgotten to check in with you guys so I’m trying to to keep my brain active if that makes any sense whatsoever I’m also trying to just bounce back up here every once in a while to check on this and any trees

That grow since I do have a full stack of logs at this point I’m comfortable just replanting that coming over here throwing any extra in here and then we’ll just continue accumulating charcoal that way probably a more efficient method to do that I acknowledge that you don’t have to abuse

Me in the comments for being not the most efficient it’s it’s just funny a lot of people are really into that making sure it’s the most efficient way possible doesn’t really bother me it’s kind of just the way I like doing it um this is not overly inefficient so that’s

Why I’m doing it that way just want to fill it up with charcoal and actually one good thing about doing this because it is kind of mindless so I have time to think and I’m thinking ahead if we make one of those villagers into a Fletcher if that’s how we’re thinking about

Getting emeralds then it means we’re going to need a lot of trees and because there’s not Infinite Space to make a tree farm up there what if I were to build up over the starting area and make a dirt platform that’s just all trees and then I could repeat that I could

Just keep making dirt platforms as much as I need I’m doing my best to think creatively for things that’ll help us get ahead in this world and that’s one thought that I did have so maybe when I wrap up with this which we’re actually starting to get kind of close then we’ll

Give that a try I probably should have counted how many Stone pickaxes I’m going through doing this because it’s over 10 at this point I just don’t know exactly how many you got to get in there little fella yep there we go trying to keep up with that as well hey you know

What fine grow up out here you can be our first sacrifice to ours I know exciting right are we about to finish oh we got that section over there we are so close is that it is it finally over oh man that was so much and don’t worry

That that stairway is definitely going to change but we finally cleared everything out at least we’ll just need to clean up this dirt and grab that and then think about what the actual stairway is going to look like but first nighty night time looks like these are

Still going along nicely so we’ll keep that up and it’s looking pretty good in there it might almost be chicken time but now that we’ve got a decent amount of that I think we should start another stack of cobblestone in here because I want to use that as a part of the

Element in the stairway and there will probably also be wood as a part of it h let’s start thinking about what this is going to look like I think it’s better to start it early and we can just continue to add on to it as we move further down

So assuming everything I was thinking about doing which is potentially a house up here eventually and a tree farm up there for now that might go away later also the fact that we’ll need access to that nether portal why don’t we grab some materials and start right here cuz

That’s the point that I know I want it to connect to and then have it start winding up uh to this level and I was thinking do I want this to be a staircase that’s the same uh I don’t really know how to say it like the the

Same width centered throughout the chunk like maybe a 4×4 area or do I want it to be kind of like a windy crooked stairway that just kind of connects wherever I need it to initially I thought the former but now I’m thinking the latter because if we keep running into things

That we want to connect up to the stairway like this it might not work out to do it central I can make it work but honestly might look cooler if it’s just kind of a more organic kind of windy stairway so who knows I say we just get started and freeform

It a bit also since we’re doing that I think it probably makes sense to make a stone cutter which I always forget how to make uh there it is okay very easy and I’ll show you why I think this is going to be a good idea uh to have one

Of these so for instance if I am planning on using uh some stairs that are made from well actually not Stone so hold on so you can see if I put Stone in the stone cut and use stone brick stairs it’s a one for one so one piece of stone

Turns into one stone brick stair if I were instead to make stone bricks and use those for stairs you’ll see that it takes six blocks to make four stairs so what is that like 50% more stairs if you use the stone cutter instead so I’m just

Going to go that route cuz I think it’s going to yield more for what we have and the stone is kind of difficult to come by considering we have to cook it all in the oven before we can eat it or use it it I mean obviously I’m not I’m not

Planning on eating the stairs of course not might nibble on them a little bit but I wouldn’t eat them so anyway that being said let’s start with 32 of the stone brick stairs we’re also going to make some wooden stairs those unfortunately I do have to make in this

Way and then we will also where is it there you go let’s grab what’s cooked in here so far we will also do some let’s see what do I want to do let’s start with stone brick 32 of those and for now let’s say uh 16 stone brick walls so now

That we’ve got all of that I think what I’m going to do for now is just build the area that leads from the portal up to here and then we’ll work on the tree farm because I do want to get that started growing before we start working on villagers so first up little

Temporary area leading over there a small entryway using the stone brick and then I think what we’re going to do what if we did like an alternating thing just so we could save on the stone brick stairs something like that hold on Nap break ah much better actually looking at this I

Really hope that’s going to reach the top before the edge I think it will I think we’ll be fine we are going to have to get rid of the temporary one so that we have room and we just rinse and repeat all the way up I really wish this

Was dark oak but you know you got to work with what you’ve got ooh it’s going to be close that is just right right on the edge of the chunk works out perfectly okay so the first bit of official stairs are good now we just

Have to make it look nice or nicer so I think what we’re going to do is start by putting stone brick off to the side side and then we’re going to have to make a decision here because part of it is going to be do I just want it to look

Nice or is it going to be functional in the sense that it will be impossible for me to accidentally fling myself off of here as I’m walking down it cuz as much as I hate to admit it why are you on fire was that in fire a second ago I

Don’t think it was that makes me worry for my stone or my uh my wooden stairs and rightly so cuz I just realized one of them burned wonderful I did not even think about this uh do I get another bucket I yeah let’s get another bucket

Using all my iron for buckets going to take you just in case let just put this here temporarily hopefully this can’t reach the stairs cuz that would be kind of a bummer anyway though that really sidetracked me uh what I was saying is I could leave it like this however it is

Obviously possible to walk off the side of it as it is I do have the walls and I want that to be a part of the design but do I go all the way down in such a way that I can’t uh fall off or do I just do

Like every 1 two three put a wall there with a torch as more of a design maybe we just try it like this first and see if we can trust ourselves not to fall and if not we can always come back later and correct our mistake and with that

Done I could obviously keep it going we still need to it’s going to have to go all the way down to uh get to the Village but I think instead what we’re going to do is just remove a lot of this dirt layer now that we’re done uh

Collecting things here and once we’ve done that I want to keep moving down I do want to make it to the very bottom of uh this entire map by the end of the video so I got to pick up the pace I can’t stop to just keep building

Constantly I mean not constantly that’s kind of the first thing I built but you get the idea this is going to be fun break the dirt jump down collect the dirt go back up keep breaking the dirt that’s the circle of life though o we’re not going to make it with this shovel

So close come on no I’m too lazy to run back oh there actually really wasn’t that much left at all nice okay now collect up the dirt before it despawns cuz in this world dirt is a precious resource I hear sheep so there’s definitely sheep beneath this as well

You’d think I’d just stop making guesses and actually head down there but that is the next step so don’t worry by the way look at that looking good we cleared out all of that that stuff nice okay so we head back we drop everything off up in

The chest I think it’s time to grab some chickens for food probably also makes sense to make ourselves a shield it’s sounding like there’s a lot of you in there so I think we’re just about at Food time but first let’s make ourselves a shield I think that is entirely

Prudent there we go and then do I have enough iron uh uh I am short by one to make a chest plate and a helmet so we’re going to go with the chest plate I think it makes a lot of sense to just put that on before we go anywhere and with the

Shield and the chest plate I’m feeling better I mean you know me I’ve got no fear but I don’t know why my knees are shaking and I’m sweating nothing to do with being afraid of finding out why I was hearing so many mob noises beneath this level yeah I honestly think we’re

Going to be all right let’s just clear an area over here and get ready to descend there we are you mind if I dig under your house okay thanks I knew you wouldn’t mind by the way what’s your guess citizen what’s the next layer going to be and no cheating no skipping

Ahead to try to find out you got to leave a oh oh I’m not going to look you got to leave a comment got to leave a comment before we look what’s down there and 3 2 1 whoa hey oh whoever put B wins uh now that

Worries me that it just immediately ran away from uh I’m assuming it’s its nest down there but it don’t think it can go anywhere because we’re totally blocked off from the edges on the side I don’t know let’s keep going let’s find out so is it only then at night that mobs spawn

Down here which is strange because one would think being covered by multiple layers above it it should be dark but it’s not and actually that’s a pretty good find getting bees down here and cows wonderful ooh okay yeah I’ve got some ideas on what I want to do with

This level let’s jump on down and we could always build our way back up yep we got our bees beautiful or beautiful I suppose I should say we’re going to clear this area out cuz I just want to see what’s around here I will leave the

Bee Tree and then we’re just going to kind of clear all this stuff out except for the flowers that are right by the Bee those we will keep because the bee is wonderful and it deserves flowers in fact before we do a lot more why don’t we see if we can get

That other bee uh to come back I’d prefer to have both of them down here and that way if we need to we can uh we can breed the bees excuse me big fella okay that bee just like took off I think I saw it go all the way up where’d you

Go ble bee you left your buddy down there all alone oh you’ve got to be kidding me seriously okay I mean it might just going further so let’s see what we can do about this actually real quick Shield switch with flower hey can you see me can you see me from here

Holding the flower the things I do for bees oh you did see me okay where’d you go there you are okay so follow me down we are going to head all the way back down to where you’re supposed to be yep let’s keep going right this way please

At least he’s sticking with me pretty nicely yep all the way down ooh uh okay so things did start spawning did you see that creeper or was that just me okay yeah head back down I think the bees went back down um The Creeper still

There I really do not want it to uh kill my sheep and the cow I don’t even know where it is can you no hey hey hey come on come on can you please just stay down there I’m trying to deal with a creeper

Right now no no no no no no no no no no oo okay did come to say hi we are going to just do our very to not have it blow up the entire area Okay woo now did you see that all that time wasted be you went right back

Up come on what did I do to deserve this and I forgot to put torches down there there’s just going to be a like 30 mobs when I go back I am not very smart in fact what am I doing there well I’ve got torches there there shouldn’t be mobs spawning

There I was just thinking hey I’m heading far enough away for mobs to spawn right there you are not making this easy on me there’s no way I’m not close enough you’ve got to be able to see this I will say though this is kind of uh beautiful be beautiful I’ll stop

Come on take the flower oh yep yep come on look look look look look look okay one more time we’re going to head back down and we need to be careful there could be mobs around now is kind of the downside of opening it up so much now anything could just

Fly up there anything meaning you so I wonder just for now can we keep you somewhere safe cuz down there is most certainly not safe right now no idea if that’s going to hold it but I made the mistake of opening this up and not

Lighting it up down there so as you can see hey zombie villager it’s a little bit busy down there now oh hey buddy uh I mean probably makes sense to hey probably makes sense to trap you is what I was going to say yep all right right

Up here right up here can you just a little little over that way y Yep this way no where where you going right over right over this way right over this way come on guy you got to work with me on this just I just I need you to head in

That direction right over there there we go that’s what I’m talking about okay so uh let’s cover this up cuz I’m feeling more and more nervous about that don’t know why we got a zombie villager don’t necessarily need one but it is going to despawn unless would you pick up an item

Like if I drop that in there would you pick up like a piece of dirt or something uh I don’t think so all right we might have to go the boat route now what would happen if I were to let’s see how do I want to do this you’ll still be

Stuck if I do that right yeah if I just did something like this put you right there and got rid of that sorry sorry oh you were holding a piece of dirt should have been fine well doubly sure now let’s get you some cover and hope that

Ooh actually you know what what if Dingus number one and number two spawn iron golems cuz he’s here so we better give him some extra space just in case that that should stop any iron golems from getting through there I think just going to be extra careful I I I don’t

Really need to guard this guy super well I don’t need a zombie villager but it might be kind of nice if we can cure him cuz then his trades are going to be cheaper that’s kind of like a side quest that’s a secondary thing for us anyway

Uh tomorrow after we sleep need to go back down there make sure there’s no mobs and figure out a way to keep the bees down there they just zoomed up here every time oh yeah that makes sense monsters nearby you know what I’m taking one of these beds you can share one

Right you’ll be fine there we go okay let’s drop some stuff off at the chest and hope that it makes everything despawn that’s down there I don’t know if that’ll be far enough away while we’re here let’s grab some fences and then head back down and hope that all of

The mobs have cleared out by now and once we confirm that we’ll try to bring the bee back down uh they definitely have not all cleared out ow why don’t you come up here and say that to my face skeleton oh there you are ooh forgot

About the other bee hey trying to make sure bees don’t escape over here I just looked at the Enderman too not having a great time right now okay so things could be going better but I think we’re in good shape now okay so when I said I

Was in good shape maybe okay woo not a huge fan and I’m really wishing that I lit it up down there are we safe is it over okay so just in case I don’t know where the other bee is but I don’t want it getting out let’s light this

Area up I’m really dumb for not doing that the first time okay now we should be in better shape which means now when it goes toight we shouldn’t get spawns down here and we should be able to bring the bee back down cuz I think they go

Back into their uh their hive or they’re they nest at night oh there’s already two down here I didn’t have to freak out about the one leaving well whatever it is what it is anyway since we’re here we’ll make some pens and I did not bring any Wheat so

We’ll come back for that why aren’t you two going into the nest I don’t know but let’s see if we can get that other one down here anyway okay flower in the offand you can come out now and follow me come on down here where it should finally be safe

And if you’re down there and I cover it up back up here you should want to go into your hive right there we go come on come on come on yep head on in head on in you know what doesn’t matter cuz all I’m going to do is cover this up so in

The morning the bees should stay inside of here there we go now it’s in I’m not a monster we’re going to leave him with a couple well yeah two flowers there we go and now they should stay in there in the morning I don’t think they can go

Through leaves I hope not but with that let’s quickly go grab some wheat and put all of those in the fence and then we should have restored order pretty well up here or down there and now we’ve got nine wheat pretty good it actually might

Not be a bad idea to do water elevators eventually because this takes forever running up and down from these different levels all right everybody over here it’s going to be probably a bit of a tight fit but you’ll manage what about you yeah come on and haha another

Victory for Rome woo okay that was uh interesting let’s go to bed and yes I did think of a couple things to do before bed but as soon as I clean up everything I think we’ll be in good shape definitely producing more eggs here clear out all of these in the

Morning and with that we are pretty quickly going to head back down and move on to the next level but first I do want to start that tree farm and because it might be temporary I don’t think we’re going to worry about like getting the

Stairs uh set up to go up here just going to make some ladders maybe do like a corner over here that should be plenty high and then we can just climb up here anytime we want to uh get some trees and we can stop having to grow them uh down

On this level so we’ll grab follow you head back up and get to work nothing like a good dirt platform it actually doesn’t need to all be dirt but it also doesn’t not need to be all dirt guess that’s my way of saying I’m not too

Worried about it what happened to all my dirt I know I built a platform this size before maybe just from building my stairways down did I run out well yeah I mean there’s a big chunk of it right there all right going to have to borrow your dirt villagers it’s

Not like they were using it anyway all right over a stack should be good with that and there we go okay so I think maybe at Each corner we do something like that here we go and then I think what we’ll do we’re going to be a little

Uh quirky and relatable here we are going to go for monster tree in the middle see if we can just grow something that’s a little bit nuts but also gives us plenty of sticks and what the heck we’ll just keep going around the Corners as well or edges I guess I should say

There we go so oh wait one more and now there we go so let’s come back in a little bit we’ll come up here see what happened uh you think I you think I need more torches maybe on the outside as well just in case when these grow they

Start covering things up there we go okay so we’ll be back in a bit see what it looks like I’m also going to put a few more down here because we just effectively blocked out the Sun and we don’t want mobs spawning here also while I’m thinking about it let’s grabb the

Wheat and wheat seeds make ourselves a spare chest head on down to the I don’t know what we call it the animal level we’ll put you right there start uh let’s see yeah we only have two sheep so let’s start with you did I get the two right

There we go look at that hey little buddy and we’ll do some cows too there we go and then clear out some of this and we’ll just make another little Wheat Farm here just so we can uh have a more renewable source of wheat so we can keep breeding

The animals and use them for food and other resources anything we might need that should be a decent spot right there cuz we got 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 three 4 and 1 2 3 4 so pretty good size make sure we remember to put some torches in

The middle and then we should be in business there we go so every time we come through here we’ll replant this type of thing uh breed the animals and then I think this should be a pretty helpful layer we do have the bees and I have to say that’s a gorgeous build that

I made right there that is just beautiful to be habitat but whenever we need to we can upgrade that start getting some honey and use that for whatever we need I am curious I want to check that these are actually growing and it looks like they are nice kind of a weird uh

I I don’t know what’s going on there a mass of trees but let’s clear out what we’ve got because I think what the plan is going to be we really haven’t made too much progress as far as exploring the lower levels so I think we’re going

To make a Mad Dash down just light everything up and that’s mainly because I like access to whatever resources are down there and at the same time it also probably makes sense to work on the villagers I don’t know exactly what I want to do with that but I do think it’s

Probably going to be our best bet to grab uh Diamond gear I don’t know if that’s going to work out or not but we should at least you know work on it a little bit and see what kind of damage we can do nice nice actually the mega

Tree worked out pretty well that was what four five six trees in one may as well just throw more down the mega tree anywh who let’s see on the way down we will need to at least make a Fletcher fortunately for us I see two gravel

Right here so I think if I just keep placing this down and digging it back up we should be able to get flint am I wrong on that this doesn’t seem to be working very well I mean it’s only two actually there’s more down here let’s

Grab as much as we can there we go there’s the one now we just need one more any day now there we go okay so two flint should mean we can get ourselves a Fletching table certainly can and I don’t have the ability to make a ton of

Sticks yet but we can at least get started and actually we’ve got our zombified villager it would be nice I don’t know we’d either have to go to the nether kind of a pain or potentially if we find a witch we could cure you but I

Also need more gold I think it’s going to be trouble either way um but in the meantime we’ll make one of you a Fletcher maybe if we’re able to cure the zombie out there that could be a second Fletcher also what do we call you both

Let’s see what kind of Vibes are we getting here all right uh you are going to be Miriam and as for you you look like a uh a Katarina so Miriam or Katarina Who Wants To Be A Fletcher ah it’s Katarina all right so we can turn

All of this into sticks not going to do a ton but we can at least start getting emeralds and that’s enough for 10 so it’s a start let’s also make a chest we can keep the emeralds in there and I think it makes sense to keep up with

This cuz eventually we’re going to want something to feed them that way we’ll be able to get additional villagers there we go okay so decent start there we’ll do that every time we pass through as I mentioned I want to make a bit of a rush down through several of the layers but

First I think it makes sense to get prepared for that grab some more torches keep going with the eggs and I think it is time to grab some chicken rather than baked potatoes which I don’t really know the best way to do this I think with an axe we can

Avoid damaging ones that we don’t want to hard to tell how many are actually in there they’re kind of overlapping a little bit uh looks like this corner has quite a few and no I I don’t really feel that bad I think I’ve said it in other videos chickens are convicts they have

This coming there we go look at that and there we go now we can come back and repeat the process later cook up the raw chicken we’ll do another pass up here while that’s cooking nice nice there it is that was the big one very nice hey this is actually

Working a lot better than I thought it was going to there we go come on come on there we go beautiful all right and as soon as this wraps up it’s adventure time bingo now we’ve got a better food source well I actually thought it would

Be a bigger Improvement it is it is better but whatever we’re good onward for the glory of the Empire I mean Republic it’s not an Empire how silly of me and on the way I got some more goodies for you yeah this should do some damage actually and giveme giveme givee

Givee givee give me give me give me as soon as you can refresh we should be good to go drop these off yep I don’t mean to rush you Katarina but I I do have plans today so if you could uh you know okay do you

Need some space I’ll give you some space while we’re waiting you might have noticed it uh took me a little bit longer to get this video out than usual and I don’t want to give you excuses but the reason behind that is just about everybody I know right now uh has a cold

Like the same cold and even though my Roman Constitution is better than most I did succumb to the cold so I basically spent like 2 2 and 1/2 almost 3 weeks where I could barely talk I was coughing constantly so if you were curious that’s why this one took a little bit longer

I’m like 99% at this point and fortunately through the power of editing I can cut out all of the coughing fits I’m still having so hopefully we’ll be good to go from here and we can pick up the pace starting uh beginning of next year so get ready for that lots of fun

Stuff planned actually hey that’s what did it all I had to do was talk about my cold thank you very much you’ve been very helpful so far I’m loving what we’re able to accumulate so far 41 emeralds not bad at all I don’t know what we’re going to do with the other

Villager with Miriam over there farmer doesn’t make sense so I’m going to leave it for now we’ll we’ll see what I end up uh needing kind of thinking tool Smith would be a good idea so I don’t have to keep using uh stone tools also this is

Driving me nuts we need to make this more direct there we go and yeah I’ve kind of put a pause on the official staircase because I just want to move a little bit faster uh going down these levels cuz I didn’t take the time to uh count how many levels there are or

Research that in any way and I’m worried about not being able to get to the Bottom by the end of this video so we’re picking up the p there we go that should do nicely okay so now we’re good with the animal level or whatever you want to call this we can

Keep moving down and we’ll start right over here next to our existing staircase any guesses citizen what are we going to find next is going to be something friendly I’m waiting for like the mob layer you know there’s got to be something that’s just got like spawners or something unpleasant well that looks

Friendly enough ooh look at those got ourselves some mushrooms and I’m taking a risk here I don’t think there’s any mobs down there and the risk paid off we’re good now surprisingly uh the thing I’m most excited about is not the mushrooms it’s these right here because

That could you know what if I could get my hands on a brewing stand no I’d still need the blaze powder never mind I was going to say we have what we need to cure that villager because we have a brown mushrooms we can turn honey into

Sugar and I just need to get a spider eye however I wouldn’t be able to make the the potion because I can’t make a brewing stand yet or I don’t have blaze powder so we’d still need to go to the end we’ll see what happens but this is

Pretty cool and because this is I mean I was thinking about getting a pen set up for the mushroom but where are they going to go I mean they’re kind of stuck just as we are so maybe that’s not necessary so let’s build our stairway down here very fancy I know these dirt

Stairways they’re expensive they cost a lot but I really don’t think there’s a reason that we need to hang around at this level we can just keep moving ow although we will probably sleep since it’s almost night and I would prefer to just avoid mobs at the next level if we

Could actually just thought of a reason why it might make sense to lock these guys in somewhere are they going to try to go up there or would they try to go down wherever I dig another hole eh let’s just do it I didn’t bring any

Wheat though which makes this this a bit more difficult fortunately we’ve got some right here so that’s easy enough I also noticed this when we were clearing that out beautiful okay would you care to follow me over here yep yep yep there we go now we should be able to do one of

Those and I’m feeling better about that we shouldn’t lose those two now and we can actually just keep moving keep those guesses coming what’s going to be the next level tune in next video to find out I’m just kidding we got plenty of time ooh snowy biome ooh actually

Something I didn’t think about uh maybe we’ll I mean obviously I see trees down there but if we could get like spruce trees that would really up our our stick trading game so that let’s let’s hope for that I don’t see or hear any mobs so

I think I’m good to jump down there and no mobs no mobs ah good pumpkins pumpkins are not mobs in this edition of biology with Legion V okay now we’ve got our way down here wee and look what we see here oh yes please I’m going to be replacing that

Entire tree farm with these what do you think citizen what’s your favorite tree type and that could be you know what you like to build with or just for things like I’m using just acquiring as much as possible Spruce has got to be mine overall I do really like uh dark oak

Just a bit more difficult to grow and chop down and all that and and you you may come in handy as well w’t actually need that honey now also I’m not sure why this is here there’s not really anything else around but it’s probably helping cuz it means mobs won’t spawn

Or’ll have a harder time of it with that there there we go uh looking at my inventory I think one more level we’ll go one more down and then we’ll we’ll head back up start growing these and uh drop off what we have there we go onward

Uh uh what is that is it jungle oh yeah I think I see bamboo that looks like a jungle biome speaking of stick trades that bamboo could be quite useful down we go there’s parrots there’s pandas we’re going to make new friends first we need a reliable way back up also before I

Forget some light oh I know I’m I’m getting to you don’t worry every world has a lunch boox the panda also can’t forget the iron that we keep running into too which I’m loving by the way hopefully all that water didn’t destroy anything I think we’re good but it is

Kind of cramped down here so let’s try to clear some of this out and by some I mean uh all jungle trees and this just kind of General environment it is difficult cuz I kind of have no idea where all of the logs are there we go

That was part of it but we are making progress I’m sorry I’ve got to I’ve got to get rid of this I just want to you know do some inventory see what’s going on over here why are these leaves staying H don’t know but I will leave a

Few you can keep yours I’m not going to take your leaves don’t worry I think any of the ones that are on the ground it doesn’t seem to clear the leaves for whatever reason okay it’s already starting to look a little bit better or you know not better but easier to manage

And I need to go to sleep throw down some torches and then I will do that all right Betty by time think it also Mak sense to grab a little bit of this and we can put that in some of the open areas in the tree farm up top okay

Beautiful so jungle saplings bamboo watermelon awesome all of course secondary to you I don’t know why that sounded aggressive I love you at this point we got to be talking about like lunchbox the thread and the fourth or something like that every panda is lunchbox by decree of the emperator okay

So we build our way down then we head all the way back up so we can drop off a very full inventory up we go so in that short time we found a jungle biome a snow biome which has spruce trees which I love of course we

Found our mushroom buddies over here and that brings us to where we were which was the animal biome you could call it plains biome I’m just it was mainly animals that’s why I’m thinking of it that way past the villagers past our nether portal and all the way back up to

The top all righty oh wait when did I get dark oak saplings I remember that very helpful because we have three and I need four to be able to do anything so we’ll keep a lookout but not great just kind of throw some of this stuff in here for

Now uh we can cook up the iron that is one full chest I think we’re going to have to double up there we are and I just slept so I don’t think it’s night time it just kind of looks like it which bums me out a man tree grew and blocked

My path up here excuse me all right I have no idea where I am going to have to chop our way through KY I need an axe I can’t see anything my plan was too effective I can’t even break the massive middle tree this is madness let’s keep

Going around the edge I’m definitely lost and need an adult I think every single sapling grew except for that one that’s in the middle oh boy this is going to take a while you can see why I want to Tool Smith I would really like some iron axes and you know efficiency

Wouldn’t hurt or Unbreaking something I’ve accidentally created a new super organism the mighty Mega Oak somebody called David atenor O there we go we did it whoa all at once nice that’s a lot of loot Katarina is going to be very happy about this and last potato on to Chicken

In fact I think I’m just let’s be done with Oaks saplings because I don’t really want to have to deal with that again we’ll start one of these and we may as well just throw you right over there once that grows we’re going to just keep uh expanding on the spruce

Trees oh I forgot about the bamboo and let’s just do it along the edge and there we go the makings of a future stick farm upgraded stick farm also the sugar cane I thought we could just throw that right over here and then we should be good to go start some Trad

Actually though I want to get rid of the uh wheat seeds I’ve been holding on to so first head down here and we go B fill all that in that bugs me there we go why don’t we do another sheep Bingo and oh boy do I have stuff for you guys

Well I guess it’s technically just for Katarina hello hope you’re having a lovely day give me givee givee givee givme thank you so much and just like that 57 emeralds almost up to a stack why do I always forget what it is that uh makes a tool Smith cuz the three I’m

Thinking of are grindstone um blast furnace and smithing table smithing table is a weapon Smith I want to say BL that is thunder okay for whatever reason I’m having excellent luck uh summoning thunderstorms from Jupiter so thank you I guess maybe that’s a good omen for us Jupiter favors

Me but don’t want anything burning down so let’s go there we are and now I don’t remember what I was talking about oh yeah job blocks um I think it’s a grindstone which I believe is stone slabs this is what I need you for citizen you’re supposed to remind me

About this stuff watch me turn out to be wrong and you’re just going to be sitting there laughing at me okay well so far I’m right about that get ourselves a grindstone actually let’s organize this real quick top one can be Cobblestone and other kinds of stone

Stuff and that’ll give us some space in the bottom one for miscellaneous items there we go little bit better all the way back down ouch let’s keep this going Katarina beautiful and now you sell an Unbreaking one bow which is nice I just I think I only have like two arrows up there

Somewhere in any event uh we’re going to throw this down there for you Miriam and I think I was wrong was I wrong you look a lot like a weaponsmith to me for whatever reason in this map the villagers are named with a period for some reason like you could see right

There so it doesn’t show what they are but I’m like 99% sure this is a weapon Smith considering Miriam is trying to sell me a sword why didn’t you correct me citizen you saw me making that grindstone you could have said hey Legion that’s wrong you’re not going to

Need that unbelievable to be honest with you it’s going to take time to regain that trust all right fine I forgive you so don’t need that uh what we do need I think is three smooth Stone yeah I know it gives you a lot of confidence

Right that inflection in my voice I’m in the control of the situation but I I have no idea what I’m doing we’re going to figure this out for like the sixth time in a row okay so now I think I can get a Blast Furnace uh man five iron I don’t want to

Use my iron actually though shouldn’t matter cuz most of the things I’d need iron for I should be able to buy from a toolsmith so let’s hope I got it right this time wait a minute are you kidding me I I just realized blast furnace is

Not this is for an armor I didn’t need this either well third times the charm there’s what five iron wasted and another two iron hey oh boy oh man not my day I’m blaming recovering from a cold on it’s just I’ve got brain fog I don’t know what’s going on losing

My mind citizens okay third times the charm yes that’s correct and I do have trade cycling which is nice I think what I’d like is if you could give me stone pickaxe and stone axxe there we go just like that okay so we’re going to need I

Mean hopefully we don’t have to use stone for that much longer but let’s start trying to level you up to be honest it hopefully those J blocks aren’t wasted because I would like an armorer eventually if we have the time because I mean I’ve got some but this

Isn’t the greatest protection and let’s keep things moving got a little over a stack I think we could do even better yeah keep getting more of these keep making more sticks I think you probably know the drill by now and O it’s going to be difficult to level you up further

Isn’t it look at how much experience you gain from the first level that uh I’m either going to need to buy bells or sell iron and I have no iron speaking of why aren’t you two spawning in iron golems that would help me do I need to

Give you line of sight to your buddy over here maybe if I do that can you see them now through there or is that not enough space don’t think they can get through and he’s blocked off from Iron Golems hopefully they can spawn and yes that’s my pile of stone axes don’t think

I need those do I need to move this bed is that what’s doing it here cuz I mean I can see him he’s there they definitely seem spooked so you going to give me an iron golem we’ll leave that for a bit and see if it works if it does anything

And while we’re leaving that let’s go on the hunt for some additional iron in fact I may as well just buy some of those pickaxes if we’re going to be doing some mining see watch The Experience bar if we were going to try to do the whole thing by getting

Pickaxes look at that little tiny incremental gain and I just I’m not I’m not up for that okay so there is iron in all these levels as you can see we just have to do what we did before and uh dig around a lot of this so off we go on the

Great iron hunt as always for the glory of Rome I think we have to get across here to get the stuff that I saw yeah there you are I was kind of hoping by clearing some of this stuff to get over this way I would have found more iron

But it’s not in the cards this time oh hey look a friend did you follow me all the way up here I know it must be my extreme personal magnetism well you can you’re free to hang out there I got to go pick up that iron I just mind and there’s one

Trade uh let’s see I think I saw more over here yeah there you go gimme gimme so that’s seven more let’s take a look at the next level nothing really showing but I think it’s worth taking a quick peek uh throughout all of this there’s got to be some iron right well there’s

At least coal in here starting to get slightly discouraged that there’s any iron hey look what I found I told you I I never gave up hope it’s looking like an extra five just for the legion love it yeah I think that might be it though

Oh I was wondering what was making that noise I think the parrot is making like zombie villager noises at me I thought I could hear the zombie villager from here but it was a bit off seriously though I am popular this thing is following me everywhere okay yeah I think that’s it

Here I don’t need copper let’s uh start that smelting in that well no let’s just head down to the next level take a look so where are you hiding the iron around here just remember the whole point of this is so I don’t have to suffer through these stone tools anymore and if

I just keep telling myself that it won’t be as painful part of me thinks that each Stone layer uh between each one of these has probably one iron IR deposit one coal deposit like I just found here and maybe one copper then maybe as you get deeper down we start finding diamond

So far each one has had iron I’m just not sure if we’re going to find it here need to corroborate my theory and yes I don’t know if I used corroborate correctly things are not looking too great for our prospects of actually finding iron that was my last pickaxe I

Thought I had one more all right I guess we’re going to go get some more uh clear that last bit out and really cross our fingers that there’s some iron in there also no Iron Golems I don’t know if it’s just like they’re turned off in this map

Or something or maybe there’s not enough room I I don’t know or maybe cuz I took their beds could I was give them one back okay so smelt those up uh am I going to be able to fit a bed in there yeah I can put it there then you I

Guess we will just continue getting more Stone pickaxes hopefully whatever I find is enough to uh get the next level available cuz I think that’s at least iron tools and at this point that’s a huge upgrade for us okay time to finish this up yeah so it looks like that was a

Huge waste of time but you never know if you don’t look on to the next layer ooh okay this one’s looking a lot better and no need to get too fancy about this just do it all from right here and onto to you beautiful that’s another nine okay

So let’s uh let’s smelt all of that and then do the trades see how close we are I also kind of forgot about the spruce trees we should keep that going as well up the dirt stairs up the dirt stairs okay so we’ll put that in there

Um we will check on the spruce trees oh look at that beautiful boy that is what I’m talking about uh I’m going to use the new axe I don’t want to have to go all the way up to break extra ones that didn’t work with a half broken axe look

At all of those saplings wo 21 from a single tree and then we can just combine these there we go all righty so how do we want to do this maybe a monster tree on each Corner hopefully it’s not too close to the bamboo like I don’t know if

That interferes with it I kind of think that should be enough space I don’t see why it wouldn’t be and I’ve only got two left so we’ll do those in the middle all right let’s give that a shot see if it works and that’s

Going to be a lot of spruce wood so much in fact I don’t feel like chopping down any of that bamboo cuz I’m not going to get too many sticks from that but speaking of we may as well continue to do the stick trades while we’re working

Through oh wait stick trades and iron trades there we go back down and that’ll be the thing we do first thing tomorrow nighty night you two have fun fun running like crazy throughout the night oh one of them is trying to sleep I saw one of them lie down yeah there we go

And then there’s a zombie oh don’t be afraid of the boogie man he can’t get to you all right let’s prepare with what we’ve got and trade up all of this you still have the discount that’s what I wanted I mean look at the difference between that little itty bit there or

Boom Big experience boost is that going to get us all the way though I don’t know that’s pry Prett close so let’s keep eight iron buy a few more of these actually is that it did that work yes I think it did and now we got a fortune

One shovel weird wa Unbreaking three efficiency 3 pickaxe yes please I mean 16 that’s kind of expensive but worth it in my book and it only took me a insane amount of time to get isn’t it iron pick hardy har har and let’s just buy one of

These two cuz why not and I am going to go back to exploring more levels uh but we’ll keep at this every time we crossed through can you refresh please oh did you hear me you did thank you and now you are all the way up Katarina is

Officially a Master Trader okay we’ll leave it at that for now got some leftover emeralds so we can come back to it if we do find more iron we maybe trade that here and I just realized I’ve never I never made a helmet that’s probably a good idea there we go at

Least we’ve got something on every piece and with that let’s start exploring some more levels hopefully we find the iron biome which yes it’s a real thing in my mind down we go oh I didn’t see you last time hello there just hang out on your

Melons that’s you know do you you do you and I will do me oh that’s so much better and I can already tell looks like we got ourselves a desert biome with hopefully zero mobs ooh look at that that was that was clean ooh uh I wonder

If this has some loot in it that would be awesome slide up the area then take a look and actually let’s uh make sure that we’ve got a way back up if we need it and since I’m here starting to think the staircase all the way down here the

The official one is a bit of a stretch there’s a lot of different levels would take forever to do that I don’t know we’ll see how we do with time in any event I’m excited at the prospect of treasure around here but I also am wary that there’s like a 99% chance that

There’s a bunch of TNT beneath here and I don’t like the idea of setting that off so maybe we just kind of gingerly uh I don’t know try to dig in from the side just to be safe ooh uh okay that was actually much closer than

I was expecting now let’s see if I was right hey I was right but it was only one that’s not that terrifying I will take that though thank you cross your fingers for these chests this could be great for us what do you got for me ooh

Woo all right I’m uh I’m okay with this let’s keep it going protection three Golden Apple nice now we can cure our villager if we get the other stuff a second into protection three okay beautiful and finally a second feather falling so we can yeah we can get

Feather falling four also a second Golden Apple I’ll take it as well as Diamond this was a good find I am pleased with that thank you desert temple that’s actually a very kind one unfortunately that just meant we need to go all the way back up because that’s a

Lot of Loot and I got to drop it all off oh you scared me and a belly right in the way don’t know why I thought that was a mob I’m not going to actually try to figure this out but it would be interesting to know how much time I

Spend in this video running up and down these dirt stairs cuz I’ll tell you what it feels like a lot citizen okay organized stuff then go to sleep let’s put some of the more valuable stuff in this chest just so we have it separated off cook you up and I think that ought

To do it oh by the way at some point I said I didn’t think we’d have enough gold for ow making golden apples I kind of did forget about you two beauties so we definitely would but don’t need them now or got them another way I should say

There we are actually just thought of something oh okay I wanted to check what this was maybe if it was an arrow of uh weakness maybe we could have used that instead for our zombie villager but no such luck you failed me Katarina I need you to know that pretty soon I’ll

Probably start uh breeding the villagers because with the Sheep here we can make more beds and I’m sure I’ve got enough uh food by now as well I keep hearing those zombie noises and I thought it was the uh why can’t I plant here that’s weird anyway what I realized is I don’t

Think I put any torches in here with the bees so that’s probably what I’m hearing might be worth taking a little look see after we do this all right stay on your guard citizen bees could come out of here or mobs uh what do we got got here

Can I fit a torch in there real quick yeah nothing there anything over here okay so I guess it is just coming from the parrots or somewhere else no mobs in there anywh who that was a good find with the desert temple maybe the following layer will be just as kind and

Actually we already started digging we may as well just keep going in this direction and I really hope that uh there’s no additional TNT I don’t see why there would be but we’ll be on the lookout just in case uh ooo o i see a

Froggy so what do we got here looks like the schwamp and iron trying to build our way down it’s proving a bit difficult maybe I can reach from over here kind of doubt it ooh look at that okay I think in order to do any more we’re probably

Going to have to get rid of these trees hey Froggies and I believe these are actually the saplings yeah Mangrove propagule honestly don’t deal with these that often where’s the wood is that you right there okay whoa so oh there were 10 okay I thought I only got the one

Also Roots Mangrove Roots weird you can probably tell I don’t deal with this biome that often let’s try to get rid of this one woo that was a lot okay much cleaner looking now and a lots of goodies man this was a a large well you

Know it’s taller I think most of these have less distance between up there and down here maybe that’s my imagination but it certainly seems like there’s more area we are going to have to build our way up a bit to keep this going actually just looking at it now I think it’s cuz

The Sun is setting this is a pretty beautiful biome not what you would think of a swamp but quite lovely anyway good night Froggies it’s time for my Betty buy and there we go I think we finally got our way back up and going down another layer might be difficult I think

No matter which way you slice it you’re going to run into the water so why don’t we just do something like this now is that going to be enough no idea kind of hoping the frogs stay here but I could see them hopping down to this next level um I’m

Going to trust you okay just make the right decision I think I hear pigs at the next level don’t know why it seems like they would have been at an earlier level well one way to find out bonsai hello pigs or Pig singular and a la interesting you are staying there cuz

You’re confusing and I don’t understand you I mean I kind of do I just don’t really need you to fetch items for me besides you look comfortable in your little house there it’s not a cage it’s a house and there we go that’s the dark oak saplings that we were missing

Beautiful oh there’s the other Pig over there kind of a nice little area but not a whole lot for me to do so I think we just build our way back up and then uh we’re probably good for a drop off and plus we should go and do some chores up

There got to check if those Spruce saplings still grew and work on the villagers a little bit more all righty there we go almost forgot to light the area up I’m actually surprised in some of these areas when we get down here that there aren’t mobs even during the

Daytime because these trees are here I mean there’s dark spots where they could be spawning bit strange not complaining mind you come to think of it do you think if we went to the nether uh it would be one Chunk in the nether as well or would it just be a normal normal

Nether world might be testing cuz if it’s one chunk that would make it probably easy to get blaze rods cuz you would think the the map designer would just put it in a nether fortress or something I don’t know I guess we could find out if we get the toolsmith up to

Selling a diamond pickaxe and speaking of we’ll drop this stuff off and then we can work on that a little bit okay new stuff in in there all right let’s go take a look up here see what oh it’s already looking good uh yeah few of them

Grew looks like we got two of the smaller ones in the center yep yep and two of the big ones three of the big ones beautiful oh it’s such an improvement already over a stack and a half and with the last one we’re looking at over four stacks of logs that is

Beautiful and we are going to do the same again this time though we can fill in more there we go whole place is filled up now just you wait till Katarina sees this she’s going to be psyched oh plebs I have something that will interest you do

Some quick conversions first there we go wo wo wo wo wo there we go oh is it night time well before that yes I mean if they haven’t spawned an iron golem yet it’s not going to happen so we may as well just cover this back up and stop

Freaking them out there you go is that better one thing I’m thinking too to get ready for more villagers let’s think about expanding the area of this house and it is not going to be pretty but it should get the job done cuz I think all

We need is just a floor we block off this area they can’t go past the edge of the chunk and then we can just take all of this down and look at that I’ve nearly doubled your living space you you’re welcome I’m such a benevolent

Ruler and then we can pick up these put them both in the corner along with the bed do a bit more trades and yes I think you’re both ready to be parents well you know nobody’s actually truly ever ready but you you get what I mean first up I

Need some shears oh sheep who wants to be n you all do goodness kind of libertine Society are we living in but that should be enough for three more beds there we go just like that which means we can come in here put these down all around the area and we should be

Able to double up on our villagers they just need a little carrot incentive you know what that actually might not be enough well let’s make it rain and see what happens oh I know you’ve never seen so much in your entire life this is the Bounty of Rome my friends all right so

What I’m going to do I’m just just going to give you a little privacy but I am going to need to to expand uh the Roman population cuz I think we’ve got a conscription period coming up pretty soon while they’re working on that we can go and pick up that what was the

Other one that I made um I think it was a blast furnace so we’ll use that to try to get ourselves some upgraded armor and nothing yet it might not be enough food uh that I put down but I will uh let’s just leave it right there

And I’m also just remembering I think I picked up a ton of bones in those chests which we can use to get some more food uh where did I there you are so we can use the bones get 33 bone meal and let’s see how many carrots we can get from

That uh about 49 so not an insane amount but maybe it’s what they need to uh get things moving if you know what I mean I don’t think it matters if you sort of mix the types of food you’re giving them cuz I’ve got potatoes as well and what

The heck will hey look at that you didn’t even need potatoes look at you all right so I’ll keep these on standby we might need them but welcome to the legion you are going to give me armor because currently I’m a bit vulnerable could be better could be worse it would

Be kind of painful but I could keep buying these iron shovels for N9 it’s a pretty good discount let’s see I mean yeah just buy a few and get one more level up ooh okay actually can’t buy a lot of those before I get cut off

Oh is it 9 night time all right well I see you got an extra bed so sleepover it’s not really the most fun sleepover if they’re just kind of lying there already but whatever oh right that’s not going to work anyway I’ll just go sleep outside then kind of running the show

Around here but whatever all right bright shiny new day I’m in a better mood can’t let let the plebs keep me down right okay this should be pretty I think that is yeah is that it are you going to level up yes okay um diamond

Axe which is good cuz we don’t have an axe yet or you know a decent axe but it doesn’t help us with our obsidian conundrum also who would do this trade one Diamond one Emerald get real Miriam anyway yes I will take the axe and thank you very much hopefully one more upgrade

And we’ll get the uh diamond pickaxe but personally I want to take this axe for a test run which to be perfectly honest is not the smartest thing in the world because I have the falling tree mod it’s not going to speed things up a whole lot

In fact what it’s going to do is just rip through this axxe but who says we always have to be smart and here we go boom boom boom boom it is much faster cannot complain about that let’s keep it rolling jeez this one there we go look

At all that what are your guesses how many stacks of logs are we going to get out of this holy moly look at that little over nine Stacks you weren’t even close citizen there we go good for another run and honestly I thought it

Would do a lot more to my axe I thought we’d be down to like you know 10% left or something but good news is we’re going to be set on uh stick trades for quite a while now actually looking at the experience you get from buying an

Axe versus a shovel it’s not that much different but the amount of emeralds is so let’s keep just buying shovels anytime we’re here and eventually that’ll get us there o I’m sorry I didn’t mean to walk in on that uh look in the corner I can’t help but look I

Can’t look away and just like that we’ve got a full happy family now we just need the little buggers to grow up you know what I could probably get there if I sold all of the iron I have do I need iron for anything let’s do one iron buy one more

Pickaxe yeah that’s so little let’s just do let’s do it let’s buy another pickaxe all right what do you got for me Miriam hey there it is I mean yes the enchantments could obviously better uh be better but diamond pickaxe is a diamond pickaxe thank you Miriam I

Appreciate it that was just about all of our emeralds but obviously we can make it back so with that we can at least prep the nether portal I don’t know if I’m going to go to the nether just yet but we can get it all ready for use so

First up we got to get rid of this icky stuff yep we do not need you or you and no I don’t know who’s cutting onions and finally this one there we go and then I think we could rearrange a lot of these so for example this one doesn’t need to

Be here and you we could just move over right there there if I open this up I’m guessing yep there’s one down there that doesn’t need to be there you can go right there you my friend are not needed but we can put you right there and

Finally this one just needs to move down and there we go so we’re just missing two oh hello oh it’d be terrible if I accidentally spilled water right here oh no I didn’t mean to do that well I guess we may as well pick it up such a butter

Fingers all all righty so we go Boop and Boop that is looking an awful lot like a complete nether portal to me so it’s all set for use whenever I decide that I’m brave enough which honestly probably is going to have to be soon I want to

Answer the question of is it just a one chunk nether or is it a full Nether and I’m also curious if we can cure that other villager and just make things a little bit easier for us maybe we’ll find out right after nappy nap time and

Yes I totally forgot that I had that one OB obsidian in here but no harm no foul I just had an idea and yeah I know dangerous right but I want to go to the nether before we do it didn’t we I could have swore we found a flint and steel

Earlier did we not I probably have it somewhere and I’m just forgetting anyway though let’s uh let’s light this and then I I do have an idea I just I want to go into the portal to see what the nether is like in this map I’m curious

If it’s a little bit uh well if it’s actually created for the map or if it’s just normal and then don’t let me forget after that I do have something I want to try and there’s our flint and there’s our steel there we go and then we just

Go Boop looking good there I wouldn’t mind a bit of extra food just in in case we end up staying there a little bit longer than intended so good news you’ve been selected as sacrifices yes of course of course for the glory of Rome there’s actually fewer

In there than I thought so we might only have like two left in there not my fault I miscounted yeah definitely only two left okay probably should have been using the the wheat seeds to just breed chickens in there instead of relying on the eggs in any event these are going to

Cook Let’s uh do this real quick while we’re waiting boom boom this is so much faster with this axe that must be a big one and then presumably there’s a tree in here somewhere there you are I see you whoops boom all right gather up all this replant it grab our chickens and

Head over to the Nether and boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop same as last time there we go looking good all righty so all of that stored six extra chicken I think we’re looking all right I mean the only thing I’d prefer is if I

Didn’t have a stone sword but we do have the diamond axe I think we’ll be fine and this is just quick anyway I just want to see what it looks like in here we’re not going to stay long right right okay you better be right citizen o don’t

Hurt me I’m just a boy yep it’s a it’s a custom custom map we are in one chunk of the nether come on come on come on come on we got to be fast we got to be fast and actually if you would be so kind as to so not great we’re already

Pretty low on Hearts oh don’t kill me I mean I’ve got two I can actually head back let’s look around we’ve got two I think we’re good uh there’s not a lot going on here we could probably dig our way up I think I’ve got the lay of

Land let’s get out of here we got what we need I know what’s going on here now I think we’re good well that was the shortest nether trip ever but it was a successful trip we got two blaze rods in that very short time and guess what two

Blaze rods is exactly what we needed to cure that villager down there I’m feeling pretty good about that that is a that’s a success for Rome so we will get to that I’m going to probably just put him down in the chest right here yeah

We’ll put him right here uh come back to that in the meantime my idea was around the fact that I mentioned it just takes so long to run up these stairs run down the stairs I’m just spending so much time doing that so what if instead of at

Least I I don’t have a solution for going back up but what if when we were going down uh to additional level we did not have to use the stairs the entire time I don’t know why I’m running down them right now I think this would

Be a lot easier if we started at the top so I’m nearly back up there let’s start from the top layer and then we’ll we’ll do what I mentioned right after nappy time okay so first we make a ton of spruce fences and yeah let’s also make the

Gates okay with that I think that’s a decent start and then what I’m thinking not that I don’t trust this but I think this should be 16 by 16 so 1 2 3 yep that’s 16 other way yeah 16 okay so if I were to count eight from the corner and

Then eight out that’s right there which means if I did something like this that should be the exact center of this chunk so I should be able to put a fence around that doesn’t really matter where we can throw down a gate and then if we

Do this on every single layer and yes I see that our stairway is in the way not great but I think we can I mean honestly we’re probably just going to chop right through it we’re going to do this on every single layer all the way down

We’re going to cut down uh through the center of the chunk and then as long as there’s bottom at the or as long as there’s water at the bottom is what I meant to say then we should be fine we’re just going to land on that water

So unfortunately we do have to cut a bit of this out all right how can I make this right I think we’re just going to have to do one of these which means it kind of just illogically moves inwards and then back outwards oh boy that looks

Terrible but it is functional and that’s what we’re looking for yep I hate that I also just realized we’re probably going to have to cut through the Villager house aren’t we and yes don’t get me wrong I could have chosen a different spot for the ho but I’d much rather just

Dig through things that already exist here than choose something other than the very center of the chunk because that would bother me more anyway though uh let me work on reconfiguring a couple things here and digging the holes that’ll be necessary and then I will check back in with you once I’ve got

This figured out oh where did you come from I apparently didn’t light things up well enough but I’ve got to say I usually have so much trouble with you you guys and you being in the water yeah this this brings me a lot of Joy you’re

You’re you can’t do a thing can you you are no threat to me and I love that now more importantly where did you come from it definitely lit up this area probably not well enough over here though okay now we’re safe and actually I was just about to check in anyway because it’s

Coming along but you’ll notice I do run into water here but I want to keep going down so I think we need to build a bit of a barrier so what are we thinking like a something like that as the whole and then yeah let’s just do something

Like this nice and easy yep yep yep now we can keep going while we’re working on this I was recently reading about the early Kings of Rome and you may notice a lot of uh the references you hear about Rome is the fact that it’s a republic or

In the later days an Empire oh yeah those frogs definitely got up here anyway though uh there it’s typically thought that there were seven uh Kings of early Rome like right at the founding and this is all based on memory I’m not looking at my notes right now so correct

Me if I’m wrong I think it was the fact that the last king of Rome was just so terrible that Romans decided yeah we’re we’re just not going to have Kings anymore and unfortunately a lot of the information that we have about those early days of Rome was the historically

Accurate stuff anyway was kind of lost because of the sack of Rome so a lot of this may be correct but essentially you know everybody knows the beginning where ramulus was the founder of Rome numerous Kings succeeded ramulus there was Numa pompus tulus hostilius several others

Until it came to the tarns and I guess you could call it a dynasty there were three I guess you could say tarquins even though one of them is adopted son but not super important to the point the point is the last of these tarquins was Lucius tarquinius Superbus and this guy

Was a tyrant nobody liked this tarwin really did a poor job as Monarch needless to say things did not end well for him and so after Tarin was removed let’s say the Roman Republic that we all know and love today was founded the thought behind all of that is the last

King Tarin was so terrible that it just proved to Romans that they should never have a king and it really didn’t last long the the Kings the early Kings of Rome there were only seven of them or or so they say but it was just that severe mismanagement and the tyranny of that

Final king of Rome that forced them into a republic because I mean you’re really just looking at an entire generation there that remembered how terrible it was to have a king and decided yeah you know what this really isn’t for us we are going to go the route of a republic

Kind of interesting though if uh you want to learn more about that you can look up the seven Kings of Rome and you should get some some interesting results about that I’m making some pretty good prog press and we’re trying to follow some water down that I used because

Several layers here had no Safe Way of Landing but I think we’re getting pretty close to where we were and yeah a shame we had to cut through the the desert temple to continue through but I do think this time-saving measure is going to be worth it cuz at this point we are

Down to what is this the swamp and I think we just got to one or two levels below this so I I think we’re nearly there any day now water okay there we go now fortunately this level that we just landed on uh is already in water I think

I just saw a frog jump across our hole but that’s neither here nor there something else up there I don’t know I’m not going to ask questions there’s already water here so I think what we do I I I know that one layer of water is

Fine but just to be safe I’m going to cut out one extra so we we’ve got two layers deep of water there and I mean we’ve got to test it right it’s not finished yet but I’m I’m just itching to test this thing so we could drop off all

Of this junk and then we’ll well I was going to say jump in the proverbial hole but it’s not proverbial that is a real hole so up we go and in fact after we test this it might make sense to try to find some spiders because I need one of

Their eyeballs then we can cure our villager friend and yes it is a pain I’m going all the way to the top right now I’m about to have to do this again just like almost right away but I think we’re going to have fun so I’m not too worried about it

All right back to the top drop off our stuff and with that we got to give this a shot okay so diving for Rome is Legion V with a triple Pike reverse free tuck something that sounds fancy and I really hope this works because I don’t want to

Lose the world this way woo okay uh yeah I guess just uh wish me luck citizen all right and here we go oh please work please work that was incredible okay so it absolutely works it’s a lot faster to get down the layers now at

Least oo I I was very scared doing that and and that’s okay we live to tell the tale and we can head back up and now we can work on curing that villager and in fact since we’re heading back up through all of the layers anyway I’m thinking we

Can use something like this one of the areas that we dug out and we’ll just make this into a dark room essentially a mob spawner and let’s see we’ll we’ll do our best to make this semi safe take out any of the lighting cover up the majority of this and there’s definitely

A way to be smarter about this I mean we can worry about that later let’s let’s see if we can actually get anything to spawn in in this area because all I really need is spiders I just need a spider eye so this is between the pumpkin ice sand whatever

We’re going to call that biome I think it was the snow biome and our mushroom boys so we need to move 24 blocks away which is maybe one two layers we’ll give it a minute or two and then we’re going to head back down there and see what’s

Uh what’s spawning in I actually should have been counting that whole time so one two three yeah that’s already been like 30 blocks so we definitely were far enough now do I have to wait for night or did I cover things up enough in here

No I did I think I see a Skeletron over there hey buddy I can’t help but notice that you’re not a spider yeah you see that quick block ow those are painful can you not hit me from there is this is this a bit unfair not really okay so it works we

Proved it out it’s not the fastest thing in the world so we might have to do this a couple times I’m going to count this time we’ll go 24 blocks away take another look we just need spiders okay once we get up to here this is like 30 blocks another thunderstorm are you

Kidding me do thunderstorms affect spawns in any way cuz that could be providential is that going to cause some uh some more things to spawn in or I don’t know what’s the deal with that either way we’re far enough away I’m going to give it a minute then we’re

Going to head back down I’ve been sitting here waiting and I just noticed something do you notice it too I’ll give you a second take a look around yeah it has to do with the boat with the uh zombie villager in it see what happened over here you made a friend don’t know

Why but the parrot seems to enjoy the company of the zombie villager honestly I’m okay with it you deserve it and you too really I don’t know why they seem attra raed to the zombie villager good for you buddy you deserve it putting at all that hard work I don’t know what

Hard work but I’m sure he’s doing something okay what do we got down here creeper Skeletron creeper creeping is there any way you could uh no no no no no no no no no no no no during a thunderstorm too I’m a bit uneased don’t blow up this is not the

Easiest angle to do this no no no no no no no come on oh so this is going great zero spiders so far I think these are doing more harm than good oh boy okay one more try might change tact after this all right let’s go again Jupiter Mars Neptune Pluto manura whoever

Somebody give me a spider anything uh yes thing ooh there’s a spider down there are you going to threaten to blow up you are what if I’m down here I don’t know if it dropped an eye here we go this is actually working pretty well you

Can’t get to me but I can take cheap shots to get to you all right we got some string uh that was at least a success just no spider eyes so we know it’s possible it’s just a waiting game yeah all right I’ll I’ll check in with you once I find another

Spider well hopefully get an eye I’m doing this all for you buddy I hope you appreciate this and we’re not we’re not getting any iron golems we can open this up a little bit you better give me some good trades because this is not fun I think there’s another spider down there

There is yeah there is and you guys can gladly just fight each other while I check in with Mr spider and see if you’ve got an eye for me you do not ow they’re happy to give up their oh wait yes I spoke too soon we got the eye

So now I’m just really hoping I didn’t forget anything and we actually have the things that we need so on that note first up we need one piece of sugar cane uh we need a brown mushroom I could have sworn we picked one of those up

Somewhere uh so why am I not seeing it in my chest because I did not pick one up somewhere wonderful I was literally just down on that level okay so one Brown mushroom and of course once we get to our crafting table and turn the sugar

Cane into sugar we can use sugar spider eye brown mushroom to make a fermented spider eye wonderful now I can’t find my blaze rods and I’m hoping it’s because I just put them in a chest down by the villagers it certainly is okay so blaze

Rods we can use to turn into a brewing stand we’ll also need a little little bit of the sand that we picked up earlier we got to smelt that into glass while that’s smelting I need one of the golden apples as well as one Gunpowder the glass we can use in our crafting

Table to make three glass bottles and then once we fill those up with water we can grab our brewing stand let’s go ahead and just put you right there put in the glass bottles filled with water the other Blaze Rod we are going to turn into blaze powder we’re going to throw

One of those into the brewing stand along with the fermented spider eye that of course is going to give us three potions of weakness which we can supplement with a little gunpowder you know just give a little spice to it little kick and with that added zest we

Of course get our splash potions of weakness so I have what I need all we need to do I’m just going to throw this extra blaze powder in here along with two of the splash potions I’m going to take one of the potions as well as the

Golden apple come down here to visit our best friend in the entire world hey buddy now I don’t want to hit you with a potion but you kind of made your own bed on this one so all we should have to do is just Chuck that in your direction I

Hit myself as well wonderful give you a golden apple and then we watch as all of this fairy dust turns you back into a villager you got the shakes there buddy huh don’t worry that’s a temporary side effect you’ll be fine and while he’s curing I’ve got a decision to make

Because I could either make him a Fletcher or I could just make him our armorer honestly at the end of the day I think it’s about the same because I can either get the armor for cheaper or it can be just a little bit easier to get

More emeralds so you see what I mean it basically just they they zero each other out in the end I’m leaning towards Fletcher because while that’s going to make it easier for emeralds the other one is specific to armor so if I can get more emeralds easier I can use that for

Any future V villagers as well so I think we’ll just do another Fletcher isn’t that right my green friend I guess while we’re waiting we may as well get this ready uh I don’t necessarily want to put him in the house it’s already getting a little bit crowded in there so

Why don’t we just block this off there we go that way we can just keep them out here save a little bit of space in the house not have to worry about it and ooh uh we are going to need more Flint but I’ll worry about that in a second I

Don’t want to leave you I want to make sure you cure hey there we go you are looking as right as rain which means we don’t need any of this anymore it also means you are going to need a name and a Frog just fell out of the sky in here so welcome

Really hope I don’t hit the parrot when I do this but just hit one right there we’re good to go anyway your name I do W hey don’t turn around I’m trying to W there we go I W Jean Paulo welcome to the world Jean Paulo tomorrow when I can

Find more Flint you will be my discount Fletcher I cannot believe he keeps turning you you don’t turn your back on me I turn my back on you get with the program yeah see there we go can’t believe this guy bring him back from the

Dead whoa yeah I know I wouldn’t want to be in there with him either unbelievable all right citizens it’s time to enact the plan first additional gravel find two flint okay three Flint new Fletching table turn our cured pleb into a Fletcher trade for tons of emeralds and

Yeah that includes you buddy and finally determine who is our new armor Smith that’s you and we’re going to level you up for maxed gear I know intense isn’t it and actually thinking about this I’m really going to be tempted to just throw all of these boots away but there is

Such a limited uh capacity to find find iron in this world this might be our best chance to get iron is just melting all of these down getting the uh what do you call thems the nuggets and then turning that back into iron it’s such a

A process I don’t want to have to do that but might be our best shot yeah this is already excruciating and as it turns out chain mail leggings burn just as good as iron boots and actually this is going pretty quick leveling up the armor not too bad at all all right what

Do you got for me breaking blast protection and protection two not bad I’m happy with that this would be a lot easier if we had a hopper and a chest on top of this thing but guess what I am low on iron it’s that Old Chestnut all

Over again well we may as well get our boots which once again yes thank you cover me with diamonds I could get multiple of these and get a better protection but I don’t have an anvil and do you know why you guessed it low on iron however I am like this one step

Away from uh hey where my oh there you are one step away from getting the full set uh I think tomorrow though we’re going to need more emeralds woo I didn’t mean to do that but we’re getting a bit lower on the logs so oh I guess it’s Betty by time anyway

Yeah tomorrow let’s stock back up on the logs then I think we could finish that process right Mr Frog that’s right because thinking ahead I think once we’re able to get full diamond armor and even if the tools break I don’t think I’m going to go for mending we have

Those guys to trade it if they break we just go back make some more emeralds buy another tool easy enough speaking of I’m probably going to need to buy a new axe in a second and then I’ll feel a lot more comfortable uh great there it goes

A lot more comfortable going to the bottom of this world figuring out what’s there and at least exploring the rest of the map I can’t tell you how much I love these spruce trees you make my life easy and for that I thank you okay back to the grind down here hey

Buddy yeah I know I missed you too there we go also while we’re here yeah it’s you I am going to need another axe thank you very much I think we just need you to refresh either way though we can do a bit more well hold on clear up some

Space in here yeah a few more of these that should get you pretty close to leveling up and in fact that’s going to do it which gives us protection on breaking aqua Affinity Helmut very cool as well as an Unbreaking one chest plate okay so could be better could be worse

That’s typically the case question is can I afford any I can afford one today and I could probably get you tomorrow so let’s do that can throw the old helmet back in there actually I could wrap up with you how much did that cost hey I

Can actually get it today nice that did not take long at all and look at me citizens full diamond with a yes a stone sword which kind of makes me think we just get rid of that and instead we go with the diamond axe Romans are Adept at

Both I can use a a Gladius and I love it but I can use an axe that’s fine right also with what we did here what’s that going to give me 39 is oh wonderful four more iron all of my labor just gave me four iron I was hoping that would be a

Way to get enough to make an anvil that would be nice so we could combine things together but that takes for ever so maybe on our way down when we’re opening up more of the the layers we can uh we can just find more iron ore down there

Probably going to be a better bet I’m also getting low on food so we should keep up with the chickens up here I could go back to bake potatoes but I crave meat that’s right I totally forgot there was only two chickens in here I’m

Going to need you to pick up the pace and yeah I’m blaming you it’s not my fault that I haven’t been doing anything about it yeah like I said I don’t think I need a sword at all so let’s just give that to the fish maybe they’ll get use

Out of it if there are any fish speaking of fish hadn’t really thought about that but maybe I don’t have anything in mind but how do you even make a a fishing rod like that yes it is I don’t know I I don’t know what I’m looking for here but

Maybe we can get something out of just a little bit of fishing and no I don’t want to catch my sword that I just threw in there well this is exhilarating you know what though this isn’t our ooh wait there we go okay we all God uh I’ll take

It but what I was thinking that’s not necessarily our largest body of water maybe we run down to one of the other areas that has like a I don’t know it’s like a pond or a lake I also hear that our mob grinder still appears to be

Working well mob grinder is kind of a loose term but may as well just keep at it while we’re here hello that’s right I’m smarter than you oh so sorry I did notice one of the Fletchers sells arrows so so that’s another thought after we do

Some fishing maybe we head back up and get a bow and some arrows as well certainly not going to hurt ow this is the one I was thinking about and it was the last one wasn’t it I could have just jumped down the hole but no matter onto

A fishy Adventure All right a salmon I’m trying to Rack my brain right now what can you actually catch like I think you can get an enchanted book uh glass bottles you can catch other fishing rods if I’m not mistaken like an enchanted one are you pushing me leave me alone

That frog is pushing me and I don’t appreciate it so maybe maybe actually probably the best thing would be an enchanted fishing rod if we can get that CU so far it’s just fish I think this next one is going to be it whatever

We’re able to catch o here we go what do we got what do we got and more fish wonderful yep that exhausted my attention span now that I thought of it I do want a bow so let’s go take care of that hey what are you doing down here

Did you walk all the way I didn’t think you could fit down down the one uh block staircase I mean if you want to explore the desert be my guest I just thought you’d be more comfortable I think yeah right up here in your natural habitat

With your friend I do have to say though living this whole time in a single chunk ooh uh hello it’s going to say it makes me miss Rome there’s another fun fact for you if you didn’t know Rome is larger than 16 blocks by 16 blocks it’s

Like at least 20 blocks hello please don’t blow up yeah again I’m smarter than you while we’re up here we may as well cook the fish it’s something it’s not what I you know it’s not my chicken but I’m not going to turn down food so

Once we’ve got this I think we’ve got enough food Let’s uh breed the chickens while we’re here then we can go take care of the bow there we go boys and I think once we’ve got a bow I will feel confident with the full gear here a bow

Some arrows and we can start moving our way down through the chunk again oh wow okay so this is this is how you treat me after I cured you huh price gouging that is just that is deplorable uh I don’t remember oh yeah never mind

Was going to say I don’t remember why I came up here so you’ve got Unbreaking one uh excuse me excuse me you have power two I don’t think I need Unbreaking because I could just come back and buy more for pretty cheap so let’s get a power two bow as well as

A goodly amount of arrows look at all that and now I think we’re in good shape thank you sir oh you leveled up Arrow of fire resistance and a piercing crossbow H interesting but I don’t think I need any of that all righty I think we’re all

Set let’s keep heading down oh I wanted to give the bow a try nothing spawned in oh something tells me we’ll run into something down here why am I not using that hole that I dug is it secret is it safe I mean is it safe yeah I think it’s

Safe there we go and actually that just goes right into more water so we could just dig our way through this one there we go and to be honest it might be easiest if we just do it again like we could just have a stream of water leading straight to the bottom no

Technicalities stopping us from doing that and I think we haven’t gone lower than this so we can see what’s down here and just hope that it’s not going to destroy anything hey it’s horsey horsey and Acacia kind of neat we’re getting basically every type of wood or all the

Saplings we might need and I’m also noticing that the ceiling in here is quite beautiful so we’re going to head back up and grab ourselves some of that now am I going to be able to do it from here uh that’s kind of a pain it’s manageable but it’s a pain excuse me

Hores thank you and actually these uh trees are kind of strategically placed for my benefit uh-oh that was not my intention can we go ahead and just cover that back up please didn’t want to do that one bit of water falling from the ceiling is good

Enough for me thank you oh great it’s messing with the water physics now all right I I think I can figure this out did I do it almost there we go aha we did it Legion V smarter than water that’s my claim to fame well last little bit right there

And if we find more like that I missed one then we might be able to uh get an anvil let’s just keep a look out and then I think eventually we’ll be good no I did it again okay I think we’re good and with that I think it’s off to the

Next biome area layer whatever you want to say and yes this is much easier than building like dirt or wood stairs up every time I I don’t know why I haven’t been doing this the whole time what do we have here uh whoa ah we have mobs

Apparently yep got a little cocky there I thought we were okay but as you can see there are a few friends waiting for us down there I’d go down but the skeleton is kind of blocking me let’s see how do we want to handle this if I could get rid of that

Creeper that could have gone better huh so you can play at that game buddy and this is not going how I planned it however I think yeah Rome prevails I wasn’t worried now why did it I mean it hasn’t been spawning mobs on any of the

Levels until we got to this one and it could be I I think there’s some game mechanics where when you get closer to uh the lowest part of the world the mob spawns increase so that could be part of it or it could be because we’re moving

Down more quickly than usual uh so we had that 24 block uh buffer to allow I don’t know something is allowing mobs to to spawn now and we just need to be careful and once again kind of a neat setup on this layer but nothing in

Particular that needs to keep us here so I think we could probably just keep moving keep moving on down and this time I’ll be ready well you know relatively ooh this one’s actually got a deep layer between the two what’s going on here there’s nothing I’m not running into

Anything except for drowning yeah take a look at this all the other ones you almost immediately got to whatever the next thing was this one’s going down quite a bit which makes me wonder if this is like an ore layer maybe this would be a good one to dig out some more

And see if we could find diamonds or whatever ooh okay we just hit the next one and we are in a dripstone cave hello which also means we can start to duplicate our lava if uh think we would just need enough for a cauldron which shouldn’t be too bad I’m loving this

Though it’s all over the place not to mention this is a pretty cool little setup it’s got little nooks and crannies down here you know what I just realized I haven’t been lighting up the layers as we’ve been moving through them and that’s most likely going to prove to be

A problem oh no way are we about to hit a geode aha nice there’s a geode in here oh cool it’s all on the outside of the the chunk and I don’t have silk touch these would be cool for decoration I guess I could just grab a couple of them

And we know it’s here now of course I could just stay in here and walk around on this because I like the noise that it makes but busy AR that I am I don’t have time for that it’s also getting dark we should be wary of that and realizing

That I didn’t light up anything above me I am hearing zombies let’s just clear out the iron then we can worry about whatever the next steps are it sounds like the zombies are right above me which makes me think we probably missed a cave in this larger area that we had

To dig through so after we get this we will sleep through the night and then I think what I’ll do is head back up and kind of Branch off and dig out the center of this just so we can see what’s going on up there okay nappy nap time

And unfortunately my inventory is kind of Pack full so maybe we head all the way back up drop off all the loot we found and start that iron smelting and I just fell that was graceful yeah I’m still I’m here right they’re like right here all right I I don’t have time to

That’s where I hear them so if we come back and they’re not there we’ll know oh I didn’t like this are up okay Okay this is terrible that I am down to one heart did they kill each other save me help me citizen I’m on one heart I got an arrow in my back that could not have gone any worse I totally forgot we did not light these areas up I was just

Talking about it I walked right into it oh I am I’m so dumb you you knew this was going to happen citizen you could have warned me could have said hey Legion don’t be stupid know what you’re walking into up there oh I imagine if we

Had come down here and did this without first getting the uh diamond armor this would have been a very different experience ooh uh couple painful looking arrows there also luckily we had the fish that was able to heal us up a bit okay so let’s take a quick look uh maybe

The arrow one Skeletron left seriously did you see that don’t mess with Rome oh what a what a terrifying experience I didn’t like it I did not like that let’s light it up why do I still hear so many zombies now the question is how many layers did I go

Through and not light up cuz that’s probably going to become important uh fairly soon and I’ve only got two fish left in any event this layer is lit up now oh I’m still feeling the pain hangs of my stupidity be a little bit more careful with this one take a quick peek

I hear yeah I hear mobs yeah you you want to come a little bit closer or doesn’t help that I keep drowning when I try to do that but at least I learned my lesson nobody can say that I don’t learn my lesson so how are we going to get

Through that next area I mean we could just leg it and go straight through without stopping but it’s not very roam is it oh we can get on top of a tree let’s do that except the skeleton keep shooting me oo okay that’s what it’s all

About anyway we don’t need to be the strongest we just need to be the smartest and have the best strategic Advantage I’m very glad I’m not down there with that baby zombie all right so we’ll start doing this from up on high feeling a lot better about that why

Can’t I see any of them there’s one gotcha and there’s the baby uh can you slow down a little bit Yeah stand right there thank you and I’m feeling better about it now let’s head down anybody left just horses horses and torches okay what we should have done from the start

Lighting everything up and we’re down to my last cooked salmon so I hopefully this was the last one I I don’t remember if we did one more right up here hello okay this one’s lit up we’re good oh boy that that could have been worse it 100% could have been better ow I’m

Half ashamed of how I handled that but we survived and that is the most important thing now through all that hubub yes I forgot what we were planning on doing I I know we were going to drop off the inventory oh yeah then we were going to go down and figure out what

Cave we uh somehow missed I do think in between that I probably need to do some breathing exercises or I don’t even know I need a massage or something see even just that I I knew this was here still freaked me out still made my heart jump

And it’s not necessarily a bad thing I think it’s good to be cautious don’t want to just run into danger don’t think we’ll need gunpowder for anything but we’re certainly going to have it and one left yeah I think one left there we go all righty eating up

The last salmon and I just thought of something too since we’re about to pass it I should be keeping up with this because that’s going to help us get not only more beds but this could be a fantastic food source in fact we could probably expand on it uh is that

Entirely blocked off now I think it is so I take the fence move it over here and yeah I know I’m sorry I didn’t say move it over here now we’ve got a lot more room to expand this out you’ll notice I’m very easily uh distracted can

You stop trying to leave okay so yeah remind me citizen every time we come by here we need to breed the animals cuz I’d like to use this as a food source I think that’s going to be a lot easier honestly when I was first starting off I

Thought that chicken plan was like like Flawless like yeah we’re going to be eating cooked chicken the whole time I think I’ve probably eaten about 12 this entire video partially my fault I have not been keeping up with uh expanding that but now that we’ve got what we have

Down there probably just makes sense to switch to that I need more chests again okay starting to feel better about that feeling really good about this and now I think we just need to uh worry about refilling on food and then once we’ve done that we can get back to adventuring

Further down I just made some signs here cuz I think it makes sense to label this there we go to the underworld Pluto’s Place love it and I’ve got these two extra I got to do something with those um and I’m realizing yes I never picked

Up that lapis don’t really need it so it doesn’t bother me can always throw a sign over here and I think we’ll say plebs Ville for this one and we can put the last one over by the the uh the animals here and this one we’ll call

The Snack Shack beautiful did I wait long enough to yeah looks like I could do this again soon enough we will have enough over there to start restocking our food and looking at all of this I could probably make bread as well I just I mean I actually do really like bread

But I don’t know I’m in the mood for uh a steak I’m thinking okay now before I forget and actually I’m about to forget again because I want to clear it out in here wow okay woo sorry about that that actually legitimately spooked me that’s uh more mobs than I’ve seen uh

Spawn in there before is what I was going to say yeah jeez look at that I’m also realizing I don’t have anything to eat so we might want to be careful about this he says as he gets pelted with arrows ooh I might have just yeah I just

Got a music disc that skeleton took out the uh the whoy what’s it C418 13 nice lots of spiders lots of creepers lots of skeletons lots of everything hello can you stay back thank you and you did not Escape my notice don’t worry definitely going to need some food so one of those

Skeletons dropped another Power two bow what are the odds of that I guess for now we’ll throw it in here I mean I could always buy more full durability from the villagers so would have been a cool find if I couldn’t buy the exact same thing uh what were we doing well

Sleeping I guess oh this isn’t night it looks like night must just be cloudy oh yeah so I had the iron one thing I was going to see how do you make a smoker logs in a furnace easy enough and boop boop boop boop boop and there we go

Let’s grab a few more logs because I would like to make charcoal to bring with me to put in my new smoker and the extra can always go over by the villagers cuz we can use it for sticks collect collect collect collect hey our parrot made it all the way up here I

Didn’t count so I don’t know oh you stayed together too I don’t know how many layers they traveled but it uh was not a short distance to get all the way up here feel free to hang out amongst the trees it’s kind of a probably a nice

Area for you too okay let’s just uh yeah let’s make 64 charcoal and yes I’m realizing now that I didn’t need to do that I had plenty up here let’s also double up cuz I think this will end up taking forever and what we can probably

Do is just throw throw a ton of these in here maybe call it 32 there I don’t know see how much we can actually fit in this one not a ton but I will replace my shovel cuz that’s getting a little bit low there we go yeah it must have been a

Rainy day I just slept and look at that rainbow beautiful now that I’m thinking about it these iron shovels have Fortune one on them I’m this is kind of a cob but I’m wondering if I could beat down the cows with an iron shovel and I’d get

More more meat out of them yeah that’s incredibly that’s just wrong not to mention I don’t know if I need looting since they’re mobs let’s let’s not worry about it it’s bad enough as it is let’s take the charcoal that we can for now and head down there and yes we’ve got a

Cow a cow a frog on the way up and then we can set up our grill right next to the Snack Shack and let’s see if we can go through with the wheat one more time I think I put it in here yeah excuse me excuse me

Who’s hungry cuz I am okay that should give us a decent amount also we should move this closer so easier to get to out here and in fact if I could borrow oh come on borrow some of this we can make our lives Easier by making some carpets

And making ourselves an easier way in and out if I could place any of these anywhere there we go didn’t mean to put it there but whatever and now we can jump over the fence but the sheep and the cows cannot but in any event you got

To hey guys sh do you all hear that that’s right it’s the dinner bell Bonsai I smell hamburgers I smell lamb chops how did you get up there okay miscalculation the babies can apparently get out all right we did a bit of uh culling the herd we added a frog to the

Herd so for some reason don’t need the leather or wool just as now but I’m loving the mutton and beef I am feeling more secure already or at least you know my stomach is do this mean standing here and cooking it right in front of you and

Then eating it right in front of you don’t take it personally uh you’re serving a purpose here I don’t know if they understand okay that’s good for now I do want to I need to remember every time we come through here to breed them because I want this thing just

Overflowing so every time we come back we can refill so remind me citizens whoa sorry that’s too close yeah remind me every time we come back we need need to make more animals so I’ve got a steady supply of food with that it was forever

Ago when I said we were going to head down here and we need to find the cave where I was hearing zombies so one quick Bonsai later oo this is getting pretty far down wee who remembers where I heard that because I don’t really though I

Think it was right after this yeah cuz I started digging it out there we go I also never finished digging through here okay so what I think we’re going to do is just dig out the middle layer of this uh I don’t know extra deep bit of stone

That separated the two biomes cuz there has to be a cave or something I was hearing so many mobs and there weren’t any on the platform above or the dripstone cave beneath I also wouldn’t mind finding like some iron or you know diamonds in here if you’re listening

Jupiter yes that was an official request from your favorite legionary hey there’s the iron appreciate it Jupiter that’s why he’s the big guy in charge I just heard the zombies again which way are they coming from I think it’s over this way actually I actually think it might be above me still how

Much area did we still have oh yeah well okay there is actually quite a bit of area left above us trying to triangulate it by listening and I think it’s like right here I think it’s right above us so maybe we start over here digging our

Way up and if we do that I’m hoping we run into something cuz there are a lot of noises happening right now I don’t think I put these Cobblestone here that is a sign oh wait what is this ooh okay yeah so we found something hey fellas

Heard you were fans of arrows to the face and are you seeing what I’m seeing citizen there’s a chest in there multiple chests if I’m not mistaken all right that is how you work smart and not hard hey fella I like your shirt oh and your pants very cool all righty that could

Have been worse and hello I am loving that all right everybody cross your fingers big money big money big money um I think that’s the music disc I already have uh I’ll take the armor cuz why not turtle egg okay honestly out of all of this beatroot seeds I guess that’s

Something we don’t have but the lead is kind of cool that’s that could be useful what a about the other one more turtle eggs why does it want to give me turtle eggs I guess to hatch Turtles I got a saddle now and another lead I’m confused

About if this is intended to be incredibly useful or just neat because it’s things we don’t have yet I’ll take it I mean it’s cool just got to think of a use for it ooh oh okay I didn’t light up my stairs you guys want to just take

Each other out for me saves me bit of durability on my axe or my bow why thank you very much farewell ah a worthy opponent also the panda I think is continuing to move down wasn’t he up there before all right let’s put a couple torches on the way up here we’re

Discovering flaws in what we’ve set up so far but that’s what these tests are for we got a spider with some kind of potion effect on it didn’t seem to do it much good H what’s that citizen oh yeah that’s right we should see if we can

Breed the animals again good call thanks for reminding me should actually probably leave a few of these things down here closer or we might need them like the horse armor and saddle everything else we can Stow up top okay now how how did you get up there Francis

You know that’s dangerous what happens if you were to fall You Could Break Your Little hoppy legs wouldn’t be able to do any more hopping Honestly though that’s Francis what a daredevil and put away most of this stuff ooh nice we’re able to get a ton of charcoal so that’s

Fantastic we can cook up the iron until it’s nice and tender and Ju juicy you know what we’ve actually got quite a bit of iron at this point so maybe we do try to duplicate the lava I can’t think of a reason why we’ need more unless we just

Want to use it for smelting uh in an easy way but we have the technology we may as well do it and in case you haven’t done this before it’s just an easy way to get infinite lava as long as you have pointed dripstone dripstone block and a cauldron and of course a

Let’s call it the seed lava so let’s see what we want to do is we’ll have a cauldron right down here and then I think it’s going to go uh that’ll be dripstone this will be the drip stone block the next will be where the lava

Goes so we want to enclose this one and then we can get rid of that replace you with a dripstone block I’ll leave a torch up here cuz why not we can go ahead and throw our lava in here and then because we love safety we’re going

To cover it up then we can come down here get rid of that grab our pointed drip Stone put it right there and then if we look carefully at the end of this we should start to see lava dripping and I think I just did yep there you go

Right there you should see the little drip of lava so after we have that going for a long enough time this will fill up but we never run out of lava up there so when we come back we can collect it and then we’ll have infinite lava which

Again not sure what I’m going to use it for but we’ll see I could also make an anvil now and do need to so I could get a higher efficiency pickaxe I could get higher protection on my armor or Unbreaking and I kind of forgot we also

Did pick up at one point feather falling as well as protection three the only thing that worries me about that is that I’m not going to have mending um I don’t think we need to do anything yet let’s see if we I don’t know maybe by the end

Of this we’re trying to fight the uh the Ender Dragon at that point we can always slap protection on some new armor or something while we’re here let’s make sure we’re not going to run out of emeralds hey best friend all right there’s our 32 emeralds from you and now

For you which finally you are back down to a reasonable price I appreciate it and there you go boom that’s how you get a stack of emeralds in like 30 seconds couple Fletchers and a ton of spruce trees okay so I think it is now at this

Point that we want to head back down and maybe start to check out additional levels down there man it really hits when you look down that how many sort of levels of this we’ve been through all righty here we go again we nice and then just to mark it out

Let’s go ahead and start digging where we’re going to need to continue that drop kind of makes me nervous having dripstone this close to where we’re going to be plummeting it 90 mph so maybe we should just move some of this a little bit fur further away yeah like

Over here would be fine okay now we can start trying to check out what’s down at the next level did I just hear a dolphin I’m hearing Dolphins yeah 100% I’m hearing Dolphins right now is this going to be like an ocean biome next oh man it

Is nice what is that ooh uh no no thank you I don’t want to deal with that at all uh-oh that wasn’t fast enough don’t hit me can that go through Shields I think I can go through Shields leave me alone oh no no no no no no ooh okay I’m

Glad we broke that spawner cuz that is an enormous pain but how are we going to get rid of that thing we have to save our dolphin friends yeah two dolphins uh where did it go oh there it is can I hit it without hitting the Dolphins wow that

Is fast fish get out of my way you see that the arrows aren’t doing a thing they’re just falling into the water ooh I think I got it dolphins please don’t get in the way I do not want to hit you what if I just go fat there’s two of

Them H are there more than one spawner just trying to hit him with the arrows oh no it’s aiming at me again I’m really kind of wishing I had a trident or something at this point cuz this is super annoying the other thing is I know

There’s two of them but I can only see one I don’t know what happened to the other one unless I just saw a reflection things are kind of doubling up down here come on come on come on get him get him get him okay he got me ow ow ow ow okay

All right I think it’s legionary time we’re just heading in and doing this come on come come on come get some he’s not getting some where are they okay I’m not doing anything legionary time did not work give me strength Soul Invictus this is more annoying than anything else it’s

Definitely doing more damage with the arrows if I angle it just right I can make the arrows kind of land on them hey that worked I got one of them now where’s the other one think I see it this is one of those cases when the shaders I always love the shaders but

They’re not doing us any favors right now all the refle flections are making this very difficult no idea if I’m even aiming at it pretty sure I’m hitting fish almost Non-Stop and every once in a while I get a hit in on that thing o

There you go there you go no dolphin get out of the way come on I really wish they just wouldn’t move so much yes gotcha come on come on come on gotcha gotcha watch out Dolphins I do not want to hit them you know how they say

Shooting fish in a barrel and it’s like that means it’s easy it’s a lot of evidence to the contrary right here I am wasting so many arrows there we go I just went right in for it it worked now please tell me that’s it can finally

Take a look around uh you’ll notice I had maybe one or two misses by all of the arrows you’re seeing all over the ground but that’s surely the extent of it it was like one or two misses and that’s it not over one stack of arrows missed that’s certainly not it still

Though pretty cool I hadn’t had a chance to admire it given those things were spawning in we got some sponges in here it looks like might be a chest inside here I know that’s where I’d put a chest and no no chest unless uh nope not looking like it oh

Well how did I get in here and how do I get out I’m running out of air help me help me help me help me there we go okay so yeah very cool uh I think what we need to do is just regroup and then we’ll probably do the same thing we’ll

Start digging can I get that sea lantern without silk touch we might we might have to break that to find out some cool stuff though all right now we want to keep this going we are going to have to go through this so can I pick you up uh

No but I may be able to craft a new one I’m wishing this helmet came with respiration instead of Aqua Affinity because this is just taking forever in fact what I should do is come up here make a crafting table make some doors aha that’s using the old Noggin

And now when we head back down throw one here boom air pocket okay now this should be easier dolphin I I know you like to play but you’re getting right in where my pickaxe is a swinging and I don’t want to hit you I also I didn’t

Think about this they’re going to just head down to the next level aren’t they and potentially suffocate Salam salamanders axotal I’ll just I’ll keep the water just anywhere that I can I’ll keep water cuz I’m afraid those dolphins are going to come down and then they’re going to

To suffocate so I’ll leave water all over the place but very cool we found ourselves a lush cave with brand new axotal friends oh you know what they’re yeah look at that we’re going to feed them all the fish are going to fall down from the level above you’re welcome for

Dinner you deserve it thank you for the iron I’ll accept that as payment for dinner love the glowberries love all this stuff what is that noise oh that’s you would you don’t stop falling it’s like trying to get up here or something and then it keeps falling very cool okay

Uh it should actually be lit up enough in here because of the glowberries but I’ll drop a couple torches just because I don’t want to repeat of last time there we go I think we grabbed what we need from here which means I think we’re we’re making pretty good progress and I

Kind of just want to keep at it I do feel a bit bad about the Dolphins and the Axel atle having the ability to move out of their natural habitat but even thinking through it I don’t know there’s much I can do about it cuz I’d have to

Block off that water I’d have to build up a wall around this thing I can try to make it a little bit more difficult for them to do that but I don’t think this is going to be foolproof yeah I see what I mean it could probably still get up

Here but at least this is something okay now let’s actually put ourselves a door down here as well and see what the next level is looking like this is another one where there’s actually a decent amount of space between levels ooh we just ran into something and I think I

Can tell what it is hello M shaft hello extra lava and gold hello emerald and red stone okay so looks like we got ourselves some new goodies down here this also explains why it was a bit of a thicker layer so I could have space for

All of this stuff Hello I will certainly take you with me and this is a conundrum I will head down there but first let’s see what we got here golden Apple beautiful I will take the glowberries and iron can’t forget to drop a couple torches here and there I dropped a

Diamond and that might be the extent of it except for over there let’s go ahead and drop something there that’s kind of starting to annoy me all the water coming down now unfortunately I don’t have a sword with me that would make this easier but I might be able to do

One of these yeah that works so it does look like we’ got a spider spawner over there you know what let’s just make make ourselves a stone sword we can clear all of this out or at least a lot of it and that way we can keep torches here so we

Don’t have to deal with cave spiders there we go beautiful and with that I think we explored all of this cave system which unsurprisingly it’s not huge and then I’ll just Mark out where we want to continue digging and then I think it probably makes sense to head

Back up cuz I am very full on the inventory and I have to imagine that there’s more goodies waiting for us once we go down to the next level so up we go in the world’s least efficient water elevator and beautiful this time no surprises waiting for us in this biome

Love to see that every time I’m heading up I can see Panda belly waiting for us oh hello I wasn’t talking about yours no I was talking about uh let’s say bufor up there you can be lunchbox the third or fourth I can’t remember that’s bufor right up there and remember I shouldn’t

Be surprised if things are spawned in where we made the little mini mob grinder area uh actually not that much I do see a couple babies that’s awful ooh they’re all just getting into a fight amongst themselves no I’m the prettiest no I’m the prettiest that’s what they’re

Saying you’re all you’re all lovely you don’t have to fight ow I guess they’re not really big on equality all right we gave piece a chance but honestly it was never an option eh you’ve got a lot of Health don’t you little fella all right cleaned out I will take the arrows and

Not because I spent like 70 missing Guardians and yes I will do this once again now that we’re here nice yeah that’s starting to fill up very nicely free food oh that’s sad I just noticed this he doesn’t have a bed so he just kind of looks in the window at the other

One sleeping could just sleep on the floor nothing stopping him from doing that we’ve all been there and hey look at that the lava is finished so we can take that it’s going to keep going fill up again for us all right so let’s put

Put all of our ocean stuff up here cook up some of this got some more valuables to throw in here and I think that’s looking better do I have extra arrows somewhere I thought I did yeah there you are oh I’m torn citizens part of me

Wants to head back down to Pluto’s place and keep exploring further down part of me just realized it’s been this long and I never made any structure at all like a house and to be fair there’s not much room to do it in right Mr Frog but it

Could be done and another part of me is thinking I never did much in there basically popped in grabbed some blaze rods and popped right back out of there so we could go see if there’s anything else going on over there but at least in anticipation of potentially building a

House I wouldn’t mind growing a few more of these I really like the way Mangrove logs look especially when they’re stripped I think they’re it’s just like a red log which I think is really cool so since we have tons of this and it would be easy to get more why don’t we

Replace our tree farm with at least I think that’s how you do it the mangrove propagule I’ve never planted any we’re going to find out and that should do it certainly does pick up all the spoils The Spoils of War oh sorry were you guys hanging out in the trees I didn’t mean

I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that going to get you some new ones don’t you worry so can I do the same can I just put you there like that just plop put it right down it has all those like Mangrove roots or whatever it had all the roots

Around it I’m hoping I don’t need to use any of those for like they have to be planted on that or no idea so in fact literally never used these let’s just go store all of this come on stone sword it lasted look at that and it has about ne0

Durability left so a let’s just put it right over there for all you math boffins don’t come at me for the negative Z comment I know it doesn’t work put these in here there we go and actually do I have any leftover bone meal not in here but I did see bones so

I wonder if we could just take that and use this to test our whole Mangrove Theory as it were are you going to grow if I wow that was incredibly fast that was one so weird it doesn’t like there’s not a log uh structure coming out of the

Ground it’s just like up in here very weird I I mean not in a bad way it’s kind of cool different kind of tree o you get moss carpet from this that’s a bit odd also in a good way but I like it can I just Spam these can I put them all

Over the place okay something tells me it’s going to be a bit of a mess uh when we get back up here given how many I’m planting but I’m not too worried about it I think we should get a decent amount of wood out of all of that if they grow

Who can say but if that does happen to grow I think what we do we’ll come back and use some of that to just make a I hesitate to call it a house we’ll make something up here and in the meantime I think what we should do is get ourselves

A backup axe is it worth trying to get a weapon Smith diamond sword do I have a villager in here without a job okay I do I’d hate for to go to waste as it were and I made that grindstone didn’t I yeah let’s see if we can get a sword I’m not

Alone in this right a lot of you wait 70 days till you get a decent sword right I’m 100% alone in that okay so I’m going to put this over here and that’s yours Hank yeah your Hank I’m sorry it’s not a propane tank but it’s going to have to

Do you going to take that job or just kind of dance on the beds there we go okay I mean right away we get a Shar sharpness to iron sword that’s not terrible and I do have two stacks of emeralds or nearly so you’ve convinced me citizen we’re going to do it we’re

Going to lock him in get ourselves one of these swords even though that might be temporary and then we’re going to see if we can level you up a little bit actually too we could use the uh iron axes for the tree farm so we don’t always just Blitz through the durability

Of the diamond axe that’s not a bad idea uh okay you’ve got the same iron trade oh I hate that that little sliver of experience versus this and I need to keep my iron for an anvil all right hold on I know I’m going to need an anvil so

Let’s make one and then see how much iron is left over so if we do that make an envil we got 25 left I will sell you some of this definitely not all cuz that is all it should take okay I got a bit left over not terrible but you got to

Work with me me here man the next one you offer me is 23 for an emerald oh okay that’s not going to be easy oh boy okay maybe well maybe just maybe if we went to the nether we could find gravel for Flint and do that is it worth

It though I don’t know don’t let me forget I’m putting the Anvil and the axes in here ax is we’re going to use for up there Anvil whenever we need it don’t let me forget also that Shield’s not looking very good I should get a backup now before I forget okay so

Backup Shield I think we might sleep through the night and then it’s worth going back to the nether right we really didn’t spend a lot of time there I I think we should do that let’s get a second diamond axe just cuz that one’s going to break anytime we’ll do some

Trading with the stick boys just in case uh who is it you it is you give me one of those oh quite the discount 31 to 30 thanks so much and then you going to restock me on emeralds and so are you there we go I think that’s all we’re

Going to get today but admirable and then the only other option is just buy a lot of bells and that’s going to be so much money or sell Flint or potentially the same amount as bells through about a billion iron axes so we got to give the uh the Flint route

A try let’s see I’ve got food extra shield extra axe I just want to get some more Stone building blocks cuz I’m thinking about blocking off the blaze Spawner in there or at least making it a little bit safer all right wish me luck

In we go oh there’s a frog in here what are you doing in here get back out go go through the portal please go through it’s not safe oh come on come on okay uh we’ll worry about that in a minute we got bigger problems ow ow all right

While I’m burning ow I blocked that off a little bit don’t hit me don’t hit me I’m trying to eat okay you are trying to not play fair but guess what I got a I got a bow this time you see any gravel cuz I don’t and yeah you see I’m smarter

Than you blocked you off over there now you stay in here unless I want additional blade rods blade rods blaze rods I’m smarter okay but second question uh are there more levels is this it can I go up can I go down nobody knows but we need to find out so we are

Going to build up for starters and see what’s behind all of this and it’s almost certainly nothing dangerous oh okay that was a joke but this isn’t dangerous it’s just a dead end unfortunately we can’t dig through bedrock so what are our options our options are try to find a way to get

Down down here and then see if there’s a way to get further down oh come on I like just can’t reach it oh boy this is probably a bad idea we’re going to jump down here continue building whatever we’re calling this and that actually wasn’t so bad okay now I grant you all

The lava isn’t great it’s not like a a good El but still hoping if we Dig Down we’ll find something How likely is it that this is just another that is one little area and nothing else at all no that’s a real question I don’t know the

Answer so I was hoping you would who Okay bad move yep that was stupid should have seen it coming fortunately steak solves everything so ooh okay Soul Sand if we did want to make a water elevator we now have that opportunity yeah I was ready for you this time ooh it does it

Goes down more layers this is just like the Overworld okay oh exciting new possibilities but somehow I’m not overly excited about it are you Skeletron no didn’t think so and how am I going to get down without being able to use water no seriously I have no ideas I mean

Other than just jumping and taking the fall damage I guess that looks like it’s built up we can crawl over to there uh let’s see if my calculations are correct we should be kind of above it right about here ooh I was close I was real close so as

You can see there’s definitely more going on down there I don’t really need you two here though I have no no use for you that was close closer than I would like it to be and now we just have to very cleverly build our way down there

Which to me I’m thinking it should be pretty easy we just keep placing a block one lower and spiral our way around this pillar these how ever continue to spawn in and I’m not a huge fan of that I am a fan of say it with me safety cuz safety

Is cool this is actually going really well look at that we made our way all the way down and that is a very pretty way back up that is a beautiful build now strictly for Science and not necessarily because I think we are going to go down another level we need to dig

And just see if this continues on for a goodly amount or not well that’s a I guess we could call it a sign that it almost certainly does do I hear my favorite things in the whole wide world down there wow why are there so many I

Hate that I I hate it a lot you can’t seriously think we’re going down there because if you’re seeing what I’m seeing that that looks like instant death but I do see what appears to be a Bastion it’s over there so if I were to head off to

Wait hold on safety we got a legion proof it if I were to dig over on this side and it’s just curiosity sake we’re still not heading down there how did I still miss it okay there it is so there is a way down safeer if not safe ooh I I

Could make that jump and I could I could just Bridge back up oh okay okay please don’t make me regret this we’re just going to very quickly go down and back up I didn’t regret it okay and fortunately we can use the patented spiraling system to make our way back

Down and therefore back up when we need to ooh I hate the noises that are coming from down here yeah I mean just have a look at this this is madness oh hey yeah you might have noticed I’m not wearing any gold please don’t tell your parents because they might not like it

Now a quick little peek never hurt anybody right o I see goodies down there ooh hello in case we need it that’s there there man it’s just nonstop we can almost build ourselves way down check that we can build ourselves away down I mean I’ll take this just cuz we’re here

But we’re not going any further citizens you can’t make me we can clear out the riff raff from here though and there is quite a bit of Riff Raff to be fair I wish I knew it was making all the noise over here because it sounds like there’s

Things just right on top of me but I don’t see anything and stop trying to convince me citizens we’re not going any further down we’re too far down as it is I have no interest in what’s in those chests doesn’t matter if we block off the area so they can’t get in something

Bad is going to happen and that’s for sure yeah I know it looks relatively safe but trust me it’s probably not all right I mean we’re here may as well take a peek Oho yeah thank you thank you I will take all of that oh no what do I

Get rid of what do I get rid of leather we don’t need leather load Stone nice okay let’s uh yeah let’s take a look in the other one Oho boy Banner pattern snout Pig step okay we’re going to call we’re just going to go ahead and say it

We’re going to call this a successful trip okay wow now are you as shocked as me that we got through all of that without getting damaged cuz we did it and at this point I am 100% heading back so we can drop off all of the goods and

Yes that’s of course when my head is still attached to my body Oho boy yeah that was that was a good trip I mean we found some good stuff and I don’t know why I didn’t think that the first time we were here it’s obvious like why

Wouldn’t it still be a one chunk of nether where you can keep going down like the Overworld I should have seen that coming and that’s stupid we need to put that why won’t you place there we go cover that up cuz that’s an accident waited to happen head on back up here

And I mean you can stay but I really wish you’d be safe or why don’t you go down a couple levels and eat those those uh magma cubes you can give me some frog lights anyway let’s get out of here o man so look what I got we’re one

Netherite scrap short of being able to upgrade a piece of armor so that’s kind of a bummer load stone is a cool find a snout Banner pattern which is I don’t know can we can we like put that on our Shield or something I don’t know Pig

Step of course beautiful bunch of other goodies that I’m very proud of so we Pro probably are going to have to head back there at some point to keep exploring but during the meanwhile maybe we take a look to see if some of our trees grew oh

Yeah and we can’t forget that we want to use the iron axes for that wow they certainly did grow this is just one big mass of Mangrove now oh yeah this isn’t going to work shoot this is all connected so it’s kind of counting as one tree which yeah I I didn’t consider

And I’m wishing I had because that’s going to going to make our job pretty difficult ooh that one worked actually some of these aren’t grown so it can’t be the whole thing we’ll just clear out what we can and then see if it works when I come back to some logs ooh okay

That one worked I just hit one there we’re definitely spreading things out a bit when I replant there we go that was a big one I like how the vines can grow on nothing because of the chunk borders did that do it no but nearly and how

About you up there sir are you going to break more than just this log uh some ooh that might have done it oh so close wait a minute you’re you’re growing outside of the chunk border I didn’t know that was a possibility look at this I can’t get through here and there’s

Something growing out there we can’t get to it and it’s not going to Decay cuz there’s a log there all right you just became the Eternal tree congratulations and that one went okay so very amusing but I don’t really want to do that again so that really wasn’t

Even that much wood what a pain to try to collect all of that let’s instead go maybe one on each of the sides I don’t know if those will be close enough to combine but hello Pierre the parrot I don’t know if we named you yet I can’t I

Can’t remember any of the names that we’ve done so far but that’s fine you you know you you do you and I will do me that sounded wrong don’t don’t take that out of context we got a good amount of those logs we might be able to make

Something out of that in fact while I’m here why don’t we try to get a little creative we’ll lay out what I’m thinking for a a place to call quote unquote home man where am I going to build this thing there’s not a lot of space in case you haven’t noticed that yet

But uh I never got much use out of this I think we could probably take the little chicken house down it’s not that you weren’t what I was just trying to take out the I was just trying to hit the planks and he just literally jumped into my axe oh

Chickens are not smart I was going to say it’s not it’s not any of your fault I just didn’t keep up with it but yeah I think we’ll we’ll use this corner UMO little comedians okay good night now as I was saying I think we can use this corner

And as the foundation for a house and I’m thinking maybe one4 of a chunk which would be 8 by 8 that’s eight right there going to have to clear some of this out ooh it’s going to intersect with our hole I forgot about that we’ll work around it no

Worries and that is eight right there and then this corner of the hole is the other eight so I think instead what we do oh hey buddy is we put one there and one here here and that will be the foundation of our lovely home also means

We should probably change this around a little bit because that’s going to get right in the way do one of those boop boop there we go and then we replace all of you with the spruce logs which actually could have been much harder and it wasn’t so I appreciate that why do I

Have an extra ladder that oh there we go okay so foundation and then this will be the front door so few more logs nope changed my mind I was going to strip those but I think we can stick with the theme I have in mind by switching those with

Mangrove stripping those beautiful love the red color Spruce here strip those Mangrove across the top strip those couple leftover Spruce stores put them there okay good and then for the sides we well let’s see you’re a problem cuz the ladder’s going up I need that space

Let’s just close it off like this and then it’s decision time because I think it’s either going to be oh come on it’s either going to be I did it twice in a row come on boom boom boom there we go it’s either going to be going across

Like this with stripped logs and I think I’d be okay with that or we would do something like this where we go one two strip those alternate with the spruce those would of course be stripped and then kind of just keep alternating and doing a design that way which to me

Kind of seems like it should work let’s take a look um it looked different in my head that’s for sure hold on it might just be these all Spruce change direction go sideways get are you kidding me I have no qualms with doing this anyway that looks a bit better

Trying really hard to pretend like I know what I’m doing is it coming across or not really no and then if we do the same thing over uh over on this side there we go strip it all down I had a nickle for every time I heard that and one more

Time over here except the back wall is a different size so this might be a little bit different and boop boop Boop or wait a minute uh might work cuz this the back wall if it’s not matching all the other ones it kind of feels like a waste of

Wood using all of these logs for this rather than uh planks but we kind of have an inexhaustible source so it doesn’t worry me too much there we go and up until this point I’ve just kind of been uh winging it so correct I have

No plans on what this is going to look like as a finished product maybe at this point we start thinking about planks but is Betty by time so that’s our first order of business can I kind of just Bonsai into bed oo I can cool remind me

What do Mangrove planks look like cuz that could be a solution I think I like that let’s do the same thing with Spruce logs up at the top I’m going to leave that one blank cuz I want to use something that’s not wood this has all

Been wood so far how did you get up here are you kidding me frog I love them but they get in the way I’m going to leave the doors open all of you can feel free to leave you don’t need to be here with me certainly don’t remember giving out

Invites okay so that is the interior I’ve got the Blackstone and the Nether Bricks that might be something little bit of amethyst that could help us give a pop a color so maybe a little bit of Black Stone throw the Nether Bricks in here and there ooh uh okay I was going

To say we need to replace the floor and yes I just lost a door down there that’s an easy fix don’t worry citizens thank you and while we’re thinking of the floor I suppose maybe just a couple different things made out of stone chiseled stone brick for the entryway oh this is going

To be a pain I didn’t know it was only one layer and then I think we’re going to go every corner chiseled St St polished with salt around the edges there we go just like that and I think I want a few jungle logs well not the logs

I actually want uh planks there we go then we’re going to go like that fill in the rest with the planks I kind of hate that but it’s technically symmetrical if you look at it this way so I’m okay with it and then finally a couple finishing

Touches and yes I’m using my precious iron cuz I’d like to have a couple lanterns on hand so out front we could do something like this some walls some fences Lantern on top and then maybe thinking about it maybe we replace these two with our quartz or not quartz

Amethyst all right so I mean it’s it’s definitely something it’s 100% something I don’t know what it is it’s a mish mash of a lot of different things but it’s a home it’s my home and I’m okay with it I hope you are too this this thing doesn’t look very

Good that’s a chicken that’s just stuck in the ceiling or something oh no I mean we got a structure at least we got something I what do you want from me I got very little space to work with here okay I’m okay I guess let’s put our bed

Down in here and we can have our first night’s sleep quote unquote inside yeah so I think we’re definitely going to be coming back here and just I don’t know not a full redesign I just want to add a little bit more to this and make it look more like a house right

Now it’s just more of a I don’t even know random Tower with a dirt roof I I don’t know what’s going on so yeah if there’s time we’ll come back to it but we do still need to get to the bottom of this chunk cuz I still haven’t gotten

There and rather than diving down right away you’ll notice this is looking very nice so why don’t we fill up on food from The Snack Shack and then we can start heading back down there I’m sorry forgive me animals I require sustenance and that probably should do the trick

Actually so let’s cook up all of this stuff and actually while uh the beef is cooking after this is done I think we should go back and buy another pickaxe if we’re going to keep digging down I just don’t want this one to Break while we’re down there and then be stuck or

Have to come all the way back up for that there we go so let’s head back up real quick think I have spare shovels so we could always grab one of those if they yeah I’ve got tons of these and I know it’s kind of a waste but a che

Let’s just leave that there grab our emeralds who are you uh nope don’t need you don’t need you excuse me excuse me you I think yeah grab an extra yeah an extra one of these and now I’m feeling better uh yeah we never leveled you up

More I I don’t I don’t I don’t feel like it to be perfectly honest with you I think we’re just going to leave you with the uh the iron sword okay so now we can head back down and how far along are we here nearly there nice and bingo there we go and

Once again we can take our leap of faith and hope that you can’t run into a panda in midair cuz that would be kind of a silly way to lose the world but I I think we’re all right I don’t think that can happen I hope that can’t happen out

Of the way woo I ran into a chicken get out of my water you little deviant okay uh what are we doing we are seeing how much is left of the chunk the chunk definitely could be a more efficient way of getting down here but I don’t know

What it is so we’re just going to keep doing what we’re doing all the way down and yes I think a lot of these tropical fish are just falling down through here but not my fault I think this is it right this is as far as we got yeah so

Can I just kind of keep mining like this and just keep following the water down ooh an emerald quite a rare find unfortunately I don’t really need them anymore I’ve got my own source I am hearing lava so that’s something to just keep an eye out for let me know if you

See anything okay there’s the next spot and I’m hating the noises that I’m hearing cuz I know exactly what that is now the important question is can the w spawn in the space available here cuz that’s a bit worrisome but on the other hand there’s kind of only one way to

Find out okay okay that’s I hate that noise let’s try to get rid of these that’s not working very well it didn’t bring a hoe with me now I’m noticing that I’m setting these off but I’m not well it kind of did just get dark didn’t

It usually doesn’t it like go dark and that’s what summons it and oh I hate this I hate this I hate this watch my back citizen I’m just hoping we can get away with this I’m starting to feel a little bit better though because if nothing has happened by now I mean it

Would have right we would have been attacked already that’s got to be like the sixth time I’ve set that thing off I think we’re safe aha yeah that’s right you never scared me that’s right the warden is just shrinking in fear of Rome as it should that being said what

Goodies do we have here um I’m not well Swift sneak that’s kind of cool as for the rest not sure what I’d use any of this stuff for but I can’t just not loot a chest oh that’s why it got dark it’s raining I was scared for no reason and hello you I

Will take that anyway though I’m happy to report and I’ll I’ll send this with The Courier back to Rome that there are apparently no wardens in the deep dark here and nope I’m not in the least bit upset about that what I am thinking is

We’ve got to get or we’ve got to be getting close to the the end right and I guess I mean the end of the chunk but also potentially the actual end you know what I mean cuz we’ve been through a Min shaft this is the deep dark I think

We’ve hit pretty much anything that would make sense as an underground area and one has to think especially since I’m seeing that that the map Creator would finish this off by giving us an end portal and hopefully a lovely chest right next to it that is just full of

Eyes of Ender why am I why am I hearing fish flopping around oh hello um once again do what you got to do I think it’s strange but you’re into that more power to you hello look at Legion V being right uh how am I getting down here

What’s that you say just jump okay get rid of that yes please now it’s going to be Eerie if I’m 100% right because I do see that we’ve got the end portal and a chest and we do need 10 more eyes uh to complete this thing so any chance this

Chest wants to give me 10 Eyes of Ender or you know none that also works with kind of something helpful and okay apparently that was the first ender pearl that I received I thought I got one earlier maybe not well uh that’s a problem because I need a lot more of

Those so what are we supposed to do we confirmed earlier that Enderman do spawn uh we got in that scuffle with one at one point but that seems like an enormous pain uh to me trying to just spawn in Enderman and get enough pearls and I know what you’re thinking I’m

Thinking it too and I just don’t like it and that is the fact that we probably could go to the Nether and keep moving down in that chunk because there would almost certainly be a warped Forest full of Endermen but I don’t want a Citizens oh okay you’ve convinced me we have to

Go back to the nether let’s go drop all this stuff off and gear up up we go excuse me fish it’s kind of hard to swim double time up this thing cuz it Doesn’t Really allow you to go straight up so you have to keep going in circles to try

To keep it you know what I mean whatever we can go slower a nice leisurely swim upwards until we get to the panda spot you know you’re close when you see Panda belly I think that’s an old proverb by the way old Roman proverb close to home

When you see Panda belly or uh Panda booty I guess in this case excuse me big fella is this our Yep this is our mob grinder area what we got a singular zombie exciting hello sir we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty believe it or not I

Actually got one of those the other day in the mail it wasn’t a call it’s a letter trying to look all important and official and it was just a uh hey just so you know your car’s extended warranty is about to run out you should definitely give us money to keep that

Going cuz you’ve been getting so much use out of it I haven’t anywh who we’re near nearly there so I think first drop off all the stuff then we take inventory and see what I think we’re going to need to get down further in the Nether and am

I just like full on everything for anybody who likes a clean inventory I’m sorry you have to see this it looks a lot like my one block world and yeah I’m I’m too lazy to do anything about it in fact I think we’re just going to do one

Of these pop this down right there and in you go this stuff we can put over here cuz I was kind of fooling my valuables in one spot and we are going to need nine more ender pearls as well as we should pick up some more blaze

Rods cuz we’re going to need that as well and honestly we’re not doing too bad we’ve got Shield backup Shield decent armor and I think enough arrows I think that should be all right but I think uh well first of all this isn’t breaking very quickly and I know we do

Have the uh books here the enchanted books so I think at the the very least we probably should use these feather falling books on the old boots cuz we can’t use the same water trick that we’ve been using in the end as we go or

In the end in the nether as we go down different levels so if we happen to fall and it happens in there water is not going to save us so I think getting a little bit of uh well call it extra insurance on our boots is going to do us

Good now stop me if I’m crazy I thought I had an anvil didn’t wasn’t that the point of uh collecting all that iron before what did I do with my Anvil oh there you are okay aha I’m not crazy just yet nearly sane so if we take off

The old boots uh combine you two get a little bit extra with a feather falling four only five to put them on the boots so that’s very nice and we’ve got to rename it good old Apollo’s sandals and for six levels that’s really not too bad

So we’ll get that and I will feel a little bit better now that we’ve got those on now why am I getting the feeling that I’m forgetting something cuz looking at at all this I’m pretty sure that I’m not well I guess one thing we can just Swap this out now cuz I

Don’t really want it to break uh mid battle or something and yeah I think we’re good so we’ll take a little nappy poo before we head in there and yeah hope for the best I suppose you know what I’m kind of getting cold feet and having second thoughts here about those

Enchantments we had up here because what am I waiting for we’re nearing the end of the video so why wouldn’t I use these protection books and it’s basically going to be do I put protection three on both my chest plate and helmet do I combine them for a pro four on my chest

Plate I’m not sure which would do more cuz I already have Protection One here nothing there oh the choices citizen I don’t know what to do why don’t we just slap one of these puppies on each one Diamond chest plate Diamond Helmet one for each I’ve made my decision and of

Course we will head back to the Vulcan plate very good we should feel a little bit better with that and then of course makes more sense cuz this one has aqua affinity to call it Neptune’s Helm and yeah we should be in better shape with those we can probably also upgrade the

Bow and the sword let’s just let’s go all out we’re doing this let’s just keep using the Anvil as much as we can also do you like my lamp post decoration I put up there I think it’s very nice okay now you we could probably go up to sharpness 4

Kind of expensive though let’s start with that and see what we need for the bow you are Unbreaking which means you have power two okay so I never even upgraded that may as well get one of the Unbreaking as well if I put all these together that should be some kind of bow

And then why not we’ll buy a couple extra of these and see what I can do with all of that and really hope that the Anvil doesn’t break because I don’t think I have enough iron to make another yeah so it’s already breaking a little

Bit let’s see what we can get away with so power three get some Unbreaking on the bow sharpness three and still looking okay I think so see if we can get the bow up one Higher yep we can power four Unbreaking one not too bad

And I forgot to name it oh well can we do the same for the sword well we could except I ran out of levels so that’s going to have to do for now maybe when we get back we’ll have enough levels and also as a reminder The Hope here is that

We can go to the nether find some Endermen and that’s the reason I’m making a boat because we’ll want to be able to trap them in a boat and hopefully they’ll give us enough ender pearls so that we can activate the end portal and fight the End Dragon and yes

Of course it’s for the glory of Rome what else last thing I’m just going to get a couple extra arrows but while I’m doing that if you notice that I sound a little bit nasy right now it’s because surprise surprise I’m sick yet again if you’ve been following why this uh video

Is taking a little bit longer to come out it’s because I had like a 3 week long cold I was feeling better for maybe four or 5 days and that’s what allowed me to record up till where we are now 8 day 80 something and then I wasn’t

Feeling well again I thought nothing of it I’m just going to keep trying to record until I kept getting worse so I went into the doctor to get it checked out and they bestowed upon me an early Christmas present they said yep you’ve got Co so here’s some medicine here’s

What you’re going to want to do and all that being said the the meds are doing their work I’m just trying to finish this as quickly as I can cuz I really don’t want folks to have to wait uh much longer and also huge shout out to everybody in the medical profession

Especially this time of year when I went to the doctor I mean you got a bunch of people in there that are basically just doing their job but exposing themselves to potentially getting infected right around the holidays not fun but huge amount of respect thanks to everybody

Out there in the medical profession and just you know helping us try to feel well out here and speaking of hopefully we can go in and out of the nether portal without having to emerge a uh you know mangled Legion body that’s needs some help from the medical profession as

I just said that looks kind of cool I just noticed that anyway in we go ah yes I forgot about our nether frog now we are going to need additional blaze rods so I wonder if we can grab those while we’re here hello do you have anything

For me in there ooh one of them escaped seems like they’re spawning outside of the area where they should should be able to gotcha you know what we could do this anytime it’s right by the uh right by the entrance here so why don’t we start by heading down and searching for

Our Enderman I’m also hoping that the brain fog I’m experiencing due to the medication isn’t going to you know lessen my reflex time and just make it uh oh boy well enough reflex to dodge that at least but hoping it doesn’t affect me to the point that I can’t

Dodge incoming missiles now how did all of you get here at least I’m one-shotting them that’s pretty cool ooh boy there’s a lot of them ooh we got each other now remind me if I light this area up is it going to stop anything from spawning or does it not really

Matter because we’re in the nether what do you think little piggy yeah worth a shot I guess oh boy we’ve got a visitor I don’t like how many uh pig noises I’m hearing down here are you not going to attack me you not uh I mean I’m not

Wearing any gold oh oh boy there’s a lot of them okay you are going to attack me I got you now you can just back up please oh boy yeah I don’t like the looks of this it didn’t look like this last time we were in here right this

Many ooh I didn’t think they’d be able to get up here but they certainly can they certainly can and they are legion no I’m Legion get out of here ooh I almost shot you bro you got to you got to not do that to me I don’t like the

Close Quarters with both of these guys cuz I’m going to accidentally hit a zombified piglin then we’re going to be in trouble okay keep moving keep moving now I remember this trying to safely build our way down safely obviously being a relative term and then this is

Where we stopped last time why don’t we also cover this up a little bit just for again for safety and then we have to start heading down to see if there’s anything else we’ve got down here okay how are we going to do this because yeah we’re basically immediately going to run

Into lava all also I don’t like the noises you’re making can you just step off please there we go oh I am so stressed right now now we are it seems making progress to the next area and it is not a warped Forest it’s a Crimson Forest uh no bueno let’s see

Oh my goodness gracious I don’t want to be down there there is an Enderman though I see an Enderman oh boy I don’t like this okay so what if I think I’ll be safe if I just jump down here please tell me I’m going to be safe and then

Can we build our way back up there I’m definitely going to be lowering the game audio at this point because it is madness I’d hate for any of you to have to hear it but it’s freaking me out okay confirmed we have a way back up if we

Need it now is there a way to avoid this mess but continue moving downward these are the big questions oh my goodness there are so many of them I mean am I going to have to stand here for an hour with my bow just clearing this area area

Out that’s kind of what it seems like to me oh my goodness I really hope there’s no zombified ones down there ooh or ones with crossbows oh they almost knocked me down oh man okay let me just get the goosepumps under of control real quick I think I’m

Still clearing them out I it’s really hard to tell there are fewer of the terrifying noises at least trouble is I don’t know how quickly they respawn in because I know there were a lot but I’m just not seeing an end in sight right now I’m

Just trying to block off the area I intend to use is a way down oh jeez they’re Relentless I also hear a ghast and I’m not a enormous fan of that if I’m being perfectly honest would you please just back up I don’t know if you

Can tell but I don’t like the nether not a fan there we go I think I’ve successfully excuse me buddy blocked off the area o no I haven’t there we go and I am going to have to open this back up in order to keep moving down very touch

And go but good news I see what we want for the next level bad news I don’t know how we’re going to be getting down there safely and I guess that tree is our best bet okay we did it we made it where we

Want it to be and now I just need to collect myself because I’m still terrified the big question is can I climb this cuz that would just be awesome I think the answer is yes but yes I can okay okay I didn’t look at you

I didn’t look at you but you know get in the boat if you want to don’t even know how you’re on fire get in the boat get in the boat there we go see this is what we need all of you just to come up here

And offer up your ender pearls to me okay so I confirmed I can go up and down this fine I guess we just go down there put down the boat and get to business all right if you say so citizen oo there’s an end Pearl down here so we’ve

Got one and I kind of forgot to count or remember how many we need I think it’s nine okay I really don’t want to hit the wrong one how are they getting hurt I hear them getting damage oh they’re sitting on the magma blocks not the smartest creatures Enderman we go up to

Two who wants to give me three not you apparently I’m still kind of shocked we got down here through that entire mess of pigs and uh survived that is shocking to me oh doubling up huh nice there’s four we’re making progress they’re like crowding the boat area and it’s making

Me think they’re trying to get me to hit something that’s not in the boat they’re working together they’re getting smarter and I don’t like it all right we are at 7 we are getting close hey look I don’t have to do anything you’re just getting destroyed by The Leaf all right I’ll

Help you out if you insist hey that’s nine we got what we need seeing as we’re here though I am going to get a couple extra I really hope I don’t regret that I just I don’t want to get all the way back up and find out I needed a couple

More all right that’s up to 11 I think we’re we’re probably good with that now we just need to successfully make our way out of here I think this is our Vine of Freedom At least I hope it is yeah that looks about right and I hear the

Pigs again great we get to test our Escape Route and see if I was uh correct that blocking everything off would work we’re already running into problems I never said it was foolproof citizen uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh there appears to be an opening somewhere so we at least

Got them blocked off in there but I’m not sure what’s happening I hear a lot of noises and really the only plan I have is heal up and then maybe knock out the floor under them have them all fall down hold on is there only one block there I think

There is I just want to go home all right so if I do this and that and maybe one more why aren’t I seeing it okay so is it safe okay now there’s nobody there so where did they all go oh yeah now they’re coming there you go goodbye I’m

Going to keep doing this cuz I’m afraid they’re going to try to bum rush me again hello Okay so this might have been the problem here I thought that was blocked off I guess I was wrong and yes I think that was the problem I think

We’re safe let’s just get out of here quickly as we can get to the top oh no we’re finding ourselves in a similar situation citizen however I am hearing some falling into lava and I love that yep everybody fall into lava please do I have a clear path okay buddy you just

Stay right there I’m going to try to get out of here ow backstabber you trying to pull a Brutus on me are we safe now I hear Skeletron we’re going to have to get through them okay woo just need a second all right where are you I know you’re up there I’m

Not going to just Barrel in yep see we can play who’s got the better bow all day long yeah see I knew you were there that’s right they never hit me you’ve got no proof that that’s not true let’s get out of here now we do still need the

Blaze rods but I’d really like to to just get out of here and drop off our inventory and take a breather for a second then we can come back for those ooh uh okay hello thousands of magma cubes this is like challenge at every corner we come to over here oh this is

Going to take forever all right let’s get to it you’re no match for my mighty bow the might of Rome versus slime basically just like a shooting gallery all right I think we might be just about good take some of these though please just don’t knock me into lava that would

Be really bad way to end this okay let’s get out of here Oho we did it citizens I don’t know about you but I’m shocked that worked out I fully expected to just completely end the run in there and I know that’s pessimistic but it was very dangerous

And I’m glad we made it through and now we have 12 ender pearls one blaze powder so we just need to head back in let’s say in the morning and get the rest of the blaze rods that we need and there’s no point putting it off we may as well

Just get back back in there all right once more into the breach unto the breach nobody knows hey big fella going I need I don’t really need any of you so we’re going to ask you to just back up yeah thank you very much yeah see they’re spawning outside of the area

Where I could get to them which isn’t helpful maybe if we cleared a little bit of this out just open it up a bit and maybe don’t spawn over there but spawn somewhere I can get to the blaze rods yep you dropped one and it’s right there

Right in the the middle of all those magma cubes wonderful that’s a better spot and you’re not going to drop one are you hey you did now how many do I need uh four four or five I think and we’ll just keep trying to clear out the

Mob cap while we wait jeez you snuck up on me I didn’t hear you spawn and no blaze rods wonderful that’s not helpful when you spawn out there not helpful at all all right I think we just got a couple and yes we set ourselves on fire

But no matter uh three yep so maybe one or one or two more should do the trick ooh look at that landed right on our dirt block perfect let’s get one more to be safe I heard you have something I need or no you don’t okay any day now

There we go oh come on we just need one more all right there yeah yeah unintelligible noises that’s right five we should be good let’s get out of here never to come back hopefully okay so with our 12 ender pearls five blaze rods one blaze powder I think we will be good

All That Remains is to get ourselves prepped for the ender dragon fight and then head down to the very bottom layer of this chunk complete the end portal and go for it now I just need a minute to think about what does prepping for that fight even look like stay tuned to

Find out I think before any of that it probably makes sense to just get the blaze powder and make the Eyes of Ender that we’re going to need I think it was 10 so we should be good with that and and then we may as well bring the golden

Apples cuz why not we’ll need some building blocks just in case we’ll clear some space with these old tools just kind of a couple things that I’m thinking actually can I combine these two to oh yeah I can there we go nice new shield and then looking at it we’ve

Got one blaze powder left I’m wondering if we can make ourselves a little bit more glass then we can grab that to craft ourselves some new bottles fill those up throw them in the Brewing stand and then I think if we wait a minute actually yeah I think we need Nether

Wart first so if we were to throw some Nether wart in there there we go awkward potion then the blaze powder then that should give us yeah potions of strength so that’s something it’s going to make me feel a little bit more prepared I also think we should be able to put

These two together now we definitely can and we’ll go with Mars exulte sharpness four and then as far as things to bring I think we’re fine um plenty of food got the eyes water bucket we’re going to need that potions golden apples building blocks oh yeah uh we need to go buy more

Arrows that’s the other thing going to need lots of arrows and why not we’ll do one more bit of trading cuz I am kind of low on emeralds you hear that wake up low on emeralds it’s an emergency you I can depend on because you never sleep and I appreciate that

And you’re also the one to sell arrows so we’ll just max out on those and then once you refresh we’ll do it one more time not that I I miss at all and I’m going to use all of these it’s just you know I I may as well spend the emeralds

We’re almost at 100 days here I never miss I’m hiding so that you’ll refresh come on it’s it’s right over there yep head right over I got to hear the sound though we need to do some more trades buddy go ahead refresh there it is I

Think I just heard it hey there we go we’ll take one one more of these thank you and if that many arrows isn’t enough to beat the Ender Dragon I don’t deserve to win am I right that’s right okay with all of that said and done I believe we

Are ready and the Hope here is that we can uh defeat the Ender Dragon make it back in time to do a bit of work on the house I just want to do a couple more things that Panda loves that spot in there the last I don’t know couple tens

Of days is I haven’t done a third person yet let’s see what this looks like Bonsai wo wo wo wo wo nice so now all the way down to the bottom it would be easier if I got rid of most of this water but then I’d have to build Myself

Away back up uh that’s kind of easy and that sounds an awful lot like work to me so not interested okay now was I right I need a 10 1 2 3 4 5 boop boop and the last three I was correct boom okay so we’ll get this ready don’t

Think I’m going to need a shovel but I might need a water bu uh water bucket I was about to say bottle Armor’s looking okay we’ve got the shield Mars exul is ready to go the bow that we forgot to name I think we’re ready citizens are

You ready I’m ready let’s get some blocks in hand and let’s do this oh uh uh why didn’t I see this coming are you kidding me do you see what’s going on right now oh no I don’t know if I brought enough blocks for this ooh okay we yeah

We just got to get moving oh that is that is diabolical that thing’s going to knock us off when we try to do this I cannot believe I didn’t see this coming and it’s going to be doing that the whole time I barely got moving and look at the

Amount of Enderman oh oh I didn’t see this coming so how long does it take for this to go away okay uh not off to a great start to be perfectly honest with you I think we just got to kind of leg it a little bit and definitely not look

At any Endermen this time if we hear a shot coming at us we just keep moving okay we at least made it to one of these let’s go up and hopefully we can do most of what we need to do from up here it actually didn’t take as many blocks as I

Thought it was going to take oh oh okay I was very slow with the water bucket luckily I wow that was very lucky I landed on that I did not think I would I don’t even know what happened the dragon knocked us down this isn’t this isn’t going great come on get back

Up there okay leave us alone I just want to get up to the top and I’m out of wood over to dirt okay water bucket and uh just hit that okay we got to take out the rest as fast as we can before it notices up us up here I think

It noticed us just trying to shoot your end crystals can’t you leave me in peace yep so definitely could be going better that’s what I’ve decided it’s a lack of forethought here so I’m not sure if this is going to do anything but I’m hoping this offers some kind of protection but

What are we going to do about those uh great whoa he just plowed into all those Endermen don’t know why I put these up right when I was going to have to leave this tower all right there’s there’s nothing else we can do we got to make a

Run for it we’ll head over to the one right over there and then we’ll try to make our way to the other end crystal that’s covered cuz there’s no way to hit it from here oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no

No no no no no oh that was so dumb that was so dumb well hello again citizen that’s right it’s me ghost Legion so we kind of nearly made it to 100 days only to be foiled right at the end by the Ender Dragon and my poor

Forethought I for whatever reason I did I didn’t think the end would be one chunk even though this was one chunk and the nether was one chunk for whatever reason I I thought we would get away with not running into that at the end we’re also left to Bear the shame of not

Being able to finish this house man it is really difficult I have to have like a weird background to be able to see the legion face right here but yeah unfortunately I think we’re going to have to call it there nearly made it to 100 days but this time the Ender Dragon

Got the better of us don’t worry next time I’m going to come more prepared and Rome shall have its revenge I know villagers you’re probably upset I don’t know if any of you can see me right now but I know you’re upset that you’re lovable imperator will never return from

The end in this world but perhaps we’ll run into each other in another world speaking of I’m going to have to go and get started on the next World right away I want to make sure that as the new year starts we’ve got a lot of fresh

Adventure that are going to be coming out fairly soon but until then here’s one last look at the panda belly and yes the panda booty as always thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one Citizens and

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2023-12-23 17:00:26. It has garnered 64156 views and 1158 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:13 or 12493 seconds.

#minecraft #100days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #onechunk #minecraftasmr

I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legion_Vee

Complementary Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Mods: Trade Cycling: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/trade-cycling Apple Skin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree

Vanilla One Chunk Map: *removed map link as someone mentioned the site may have malicious software*

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:09 Day 1 26:26 Day 11 47:49 Day 21 1:13:03 Day 31 1:30:54 Day 41 1:51:15 Day 51 2:10:22 Day 61 2:32:02 Day 71 2:55:42 Day 81 3:20:30 Day 91 3:26:10 Day 100

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    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

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    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.13)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.13) In Minecraft’s world, terror reigns supreme, With horror mods and Dwellers that make you scream. One Block Skyblock, a challenge so grand, Facing nightmares in every land. The Man from the Fog, lurking in the mist, The Mimic Dweller, a shape-shifting twist. Goatman and Midnight Lurker, beware their sight, Rain Jacky and Clown, filling the night. Eyes in the Darkness, watching your every move, Yeti and Mickey Mouse, ready to prove. Cartoon Dweller and Herobrine’s end, In this terror-filled world, where fear transcends. But fear not, brave player, for you hold the key, To conquer the horrors and set… Read More

  • Crafting a Tea House in Minecraft! | Part 78

    Crafting a Tea House in Minecraft! | Part 78 Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Tea House at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures in survival mode. In this episode, the focus is on recreating the western side of Matsumoto Castle’s second bailey. The goal is to construct a tea house, boat shed for floating boats in the moat, and multiple tea rooms in the western garden area. Building the Tea House The tea house is meticulously recreated, drawing inspiration from existing tea rooms. The process involves attention to detail and precision to capture the essence of traditional Japanese architecture…. Read More

  • Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party!

    Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft at Guill Rumble 2 At the recent Guill Rumble 2 event, Minecraft enthusiasts were treated to a thrilling display of skills and creativity. The competition, which took place alongside Trackmania and Microworks, showcased the best players in the Minecraft community. Let’s dive into the highlights of the Minecraft segment of the event! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Participants at Guill Rumble 2 engaged in intense battles and challenges within the Minecraft universe. From building intricate structures to surviving in the harsh environment of Hunger Games, players demonstrated their mastery of the game’s mechanics and… Read More

  • Boss Battle Bonanza: Minecraft’s Wither War

    Boss Battle Bonanza: Minecraft's Wither War In this Minecraft tale, we face the Wither Boss, Crafting our gear, no room for loss. Strategizing our moves, ready to fight, With every swing and arrow, we aim for the light. Building the Wither, the tension grows, Our hearts beating fast, as the battle shows. Fighting with all we’ve got, no time to rest, Dodging its attacks, putting our skills to the test. But oh, a hole in the ground, a surprise indeed, The Wither’s power, making us plead. With lagging issues, the fight gets tough, But we push through, showing we’re rough. Finally, the Wither falls, our… Read More

  • Deku Shenanigans: Minecraft DementiaCraft Ep 20

    Deku Shenanigans: Minecraft DementiaCraft Ep 20 The Great Deku Tree Dungeon in Minecraft Have you ever wanted to experience The Legend of Zelda in Minecraft? Well, today, a player is creating a Great Deku Style Dungeon on DementiaCraft SMP! Get ready to see the players on the server run the dungeon in the next episode! Building Inspiration The player reminisces about their love for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and the iconic Great Deku Tree dungeon. They aim to recreate the magic by building a massive tree dungeon with puzzles, parkour areas, enemies, and more. Wood Stripping Efficiency Gathering resources for the dungeon… Read More

  • Wojtrix Snipes Pedro

    Wojtrix Snipes Pedro The Exciting World of Minecraft Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is an adventure like no other. From building magnificent structures to surviving against dangerous creatures, there is never a dull moment in this popular game. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is your creativity! Surviving the Night When the sun sets in Minecraft, the world becomes a dangerous place. Hostile mobs like zombies and skeletons emerge, ready to attack unsuspecting players. To survive,… Read More

  • Outrageous Minecraft Mods!

    Outrageous Minecraft Mods! Minecraft’s Most Unique Mods! Are you looking to spice up your Minecraft experience? Look no further! Dive into the world of unique mods that will take your gameplay to the next level. From enhancing the end and nether dimensions to adding new features like dragon mounts and shared health, these mods offer a fresh twist to the classic Minecraft experience. Infinity Cave Explore the depths of the Infinity Cave, a mod that introduces a never-ending cave system filled with treasures and challenges. Get ready to embark on an endless adventure underground! BetterEnd Enhance your end dimension with the BetterEnd… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Unleashing Epic Power in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Unleashing Epic Power in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I bring you news of powerful crafts and gains. With every update, a new adventure begins, In the land of blocks, where the story spins. From rich to poor, from legends to tales, I bring you the news in rhymes that never fails. So join me in the world of Minecraft delight, Where every creation shines so bright. Stay tuned for more updates, more stories to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Keep crafting, keep building, keep the adventure alive, In the world of blocks, where our… Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Twisted Steve was a player, living his dream. A master of survival, crafting with ease, Exploring the depths, unlocking mysteries. But one fateful day, a darkness did loom, A sinister presence, shrouded in gloom. Twisted Steve felt a chill down his spine, As he ventured deeper, in the mines. Monsters lurked in the shadows, ready to strike, But Twisted Steve was fearless, his skills alight. With sword in hand, he battled through, Defeating each foe, his courage true. But as he delved deeper, the truth did unfold, A secret so… Read More

  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

    Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol The frog boss in Minecraft must be feeling pretty hoppy to take on all those golems! I guess you could say he’s really ribbiting off more than he can chew. #minecraftbossbattle #ribbitingfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock! Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to explore, gather materials, build a starter house, and make new friends along the way. Gathering Materials and Survival Challenges Our hero starts by gathering essential materials to survive in the vast and challenging world of Minecraft. From mining ores to chopping down trees, every resource collected is crucial for crafting tools, weapons, and shelter. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Venturing into dark caves, our protagonist faces dangerous mobs and treacherous… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL99he9m2vBqPYJxqtNJmQScpfxVka6bR7 ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → nc.akumamc.net Bedrock IP And Port → bedrock.akumamc.net | 19132 Website And Store → https://akumamc.net Discord Server → https://discord.gg/akumamc minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ https://bit.ly/2W9nxmz ► Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/SeeKaaaahh ► Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/seekaaaahh/ ► Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/SeeKaaaahh ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – https://discord.gg/HDSnR8P ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More